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LaTeX templates for writing a thesis

Aside from CTAN, what are good resources/repositories for Latex templates? In particular, I'm looking for some pretty Thesis templates (I'm familiar with classicthesis)

  • repositories
  • Should this be for thesis templates, or for templates in general? So far, your answers have all been thesis templates. I'm looking for other templates. Please either edit the question to read "Resources/Sites for thesis templates", or clarify that you want general templates. (Or, simply delete your parenthetical note.) –  Kevin Vermeer Commented Jul 29, 2010 at 19:51
  • I think 'templates in general' might be too broad. As it is, 'thesis templates' is quite a wide topic. –  Joseph Wright ♦ Commented Jul 30, 2010 at 5:43

17 Answers 17

In my case, I actually found it easiest to roll my own using the memoir package as a base. It's very well documented, and setting the appropriate margins, double/one-half line spacing, etc. was very easy. And it makes it easy to play around a bit within the thesis guidelines, for instance making fancy chapter headings.

  • 1 Although it uses the book class, Siarhei Khirevich's tips might be inspiring to customize headers, chose a font, parametrize microtype, hacking bibtex, etc. –  Clément Commented Jun 12, 2014 at 16:33

Robert Poser has created a site dedicated to thesis templates:

The link is currently dead, but that web site can still be read using (the Internet wayback machine) choosing a snapshot date such as February 8, 2014 . The thesis template site mostly just links to available external sites with templates.

It provides links to ready-to-go thesis templates of various universities worldwide. There's even a google map for viewing the templates origins on the world map.

Besides LaTeX templates there are also LyX thesis templates.

UK-TUG have a list of thesis templates from various UK institutions at . There is also a good generic template at , but I'm note sure any of these are 'pretty'. At least in the UK the requirements tend to be vary much geared around a traditional manuscript style (double spaced and so on).

Joseph Wright's user avatar

  • Note (Jan 2014): many of the links from the above age are dead now. –  Chris H Commented Jan 6, 2014 at 11:44
  • @ChrisH I will see what I can do about that: we don't unfortunately get much direct information on this so have to rely on what we find! –  Joseph Wright ♦ Commented Jan 6, 2014 at 12:08
  • The link to "Using LaTeX to Write a PhD Thesis" is now ( was changed to many years ago, if anyone finds any old links to it, although I've moved most of my LaTeX resources from to –  Nicola Talbot Commented Jun 12, 2014 at 16:31

I'm currently writing a (bachelor) thesis myself and just using the LaTeX's own "report" class, I find it meets all of my universities requirements when I only use a custom title page.

  • 3 I used scrreprt and I didn't even have to modify the title page. –  marczellm Commented Jan 6, 2015 at 15:28

For the spanish speaking community, I maintain a thesis format which can be easily adapted to the requirements of different universities. The format itself can be used to write thesis documents in any language, but it has a spanish option which takes care of loading a suitable set of packages and options to get the entire format consistently translated into spanish.

Juan A. Navarro's user avatar

There is an unofficial class sapthesis for the Laurea, Laurea Specialistica and Dottorato degrees at the La Sapienza university of Rome.

Chances are, your institution will have pretty strict specifications for your thesis format. If you're lucky your institution may have a class file or some grad students may maintain a unofficial template.

Purdue University (a state school in Indiana, USA) has a document class that may be a good starting point.

An additional complication at Purdue is that each department has additional constraints on the formatting so the document class takes an option to specify the department.

  • 5 “ Chances are, your institution will have pretty strict specifications” – is this actually common? My University has absolutely zero specs. I’m the author, I decide the format. –  Konrad Rudolph Commented Aug 5, 2010 at 9:34
  • 8 In U.S. institutions it's the absolute norm, not the exception. And the formatting guidelines are usually awful as well. –  Alan Munn Commented Jan 10, 2011 at 1:09
  • 6 @Konrad: When Alan says "awful," he really means awful . They're atrocious. –  TH. Commented Jan 10, 2011 at 1:57
  • 1 In German institutions it's the absolute exception, not the norm. Only things like the exact words to be used for the declaration about having written the thesis oneself, marked quotations, named all sources and so on as well as some rules about the title page, inclusion of CV and such things are regulated. –  Stephen Commented Sep 26, 2011 at 7:11

There seems to be a nice compilation of thesis templates on this site:

These templates include many already mentioned here.

A really great place for LaTeX templates is:

This website is beautifully laid out and the templates are sorted into categories that make it easy to find the template that is best suited to your purposes. All of the templates have PDF examples and full template code.

I am not affiliated with this website in any way but have used it many times.

I use tex live utility on the mac to maintain my tex distribution. Specifically I use the ctan repository. On searching for thesis templates, I got style (cls) files for the following thesis formats. More information can be found on their respective ctan pages.

afthesis, classicthesis, ebsthesis, gatech-thesis, hepthesis, muthesis, psu-thesis, ryethesis, seuthesis, thuthesis, ucdavisthesis, ucthesis, uiucthesis, umich-thesis, umthesis, ut-thesis, uwthesis, york-thesis

My suggestion would be to see which one of these is closest to your university's requirements and then build on that. To search for each of the above theses files, use the following link format: and replace the name appropriately and on the page visit the readme page for more details.

Unofficial (but linked from the Graduate School webpages) thesis template for Tennessee Tech University .

At the moment, the development snapshot is more advanced (automatic generation of front matter pages, ToC and related list page headers), and is nearly ready to be merged back to the stable version. Only 13 commands required for generating a basic thesis (plus any \include commands for your chapters and appendices).

Based off memoir, with hyperref, hypcap, ifthen, indentfirst, listings, memhfixc, nomencl, refcount, rotating, and ted packages required.

I just redid the uclathesis class, and in the process collected (iirc without checking) about a dozen thesis classes from various schools in the US and Europe to look at how others did this or that. In the end I used memoir, and it was pretty simple and straightforward, all in all. The part that took the longest (a day?) was the construction of the frontmatter pages (titlepage, signature page, copyright, vita, dedication, acknowledgements, abstract) which all had to have a special format.

I could email you any or all of these, and, even tho I'm probably not in the same class as many of the latex coders here, I'd be happy to advise you if you need it, since this is an exercise that I just finished.

Illinois Institute of Technology has their thesis class at available from the Graduate College website . A lot of the commands are somewhat nonstandard (for example capitalized \Section commands), so I've been redoing the class file as I work on my thesis. I'll post the result somewhere when the thesis examiner likes it.

The Université de Lorraine (in France), and more specifically the LORIA lab, developped a template that can be easily adapted.

You may find it at , but this page as well as the documentation is in French.

8< = = = = = = = = = = =

Another template was developped by the "association des doctorants de l'IRISA et de l'École doctorale Matisse en informatique, traitement du signal et électronique", a french team.

You may find it at

Russian PhD thesis (Candidate of Sciences dissertation) template compatible with national standard (GOST).

NOVAthesis is an active and full featured LaTeX thesis template, designed to be easily accessible to LaTeX beginners. It will do all you need except writing the thesis for you!

The template is multilingual and easily costumizable. It has considerable large user communities at Facebook (use PT or EN) and GitHub (use EN only). There is also a new blog (in PT) about LaTeX and with tips on how to use and configure the novathesis template.

Give it a try… you won't regret! :)

  • The NOVAthesis template is now an official template at Overleaf , making it trivial to experiment with it. –  João Lourenço Commented Feb 27, 2019 at 3:01

I really like and highly recommend the LaTeX Thesis Template from Matthias Pospiech. It's so huge, it's actually more like a framework, comes with it's own 272 page documentation and is constantly being revised with it's current version from 2018-09-20, compilable with the current TeXlive 2018.

target users This template was developed with all sorts of structured documents in mind that require a good citation and reference framework with a customizable layout. It has so far been used for bachelor, master and phd-thesis as well as the thesis of teachers in their practical year. These theses had all a natural science background, which means that also this template is optimized for the needs of people in natural sciences. Nevertheless it should be easily adaptable to topics in humanities, linguistics or even arts. This template has been used under the supervision of the maintainer by very early beginners and also advanced LaTeX users. The experience was that beginners as well as advanced users are more productive with it because ‘it just works’, while the more advanced users additionally know that they can find all options for later modifications because of the documentation in the code.

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latex dissertation vorlage


Writing your dissertation with LaTeX

Target group.

Doctoral candidates who want to learn how to use LaTeX for writing academic texts, including but not limited to their dissertation.

Course Description

We‘ve all been are working late into the night trying to finish a paper, but the figures won‘t go where you want them to and the references for your bibliography are getting mixed up....and the footnotes...don‘t even get me started! Thanks, Microsoft Word!

But what if there was another way? Maybe there is: LaTeX .

So what is LaTeX and why should you use it to write your dissertation?

LaTeX is document preparation typesetting system that uses plain text input in order to create an attractive end product. This software has been in use in academia for decades and improvements are continuously made. It is especially useful for formatting large documents such as books, scientific articles or an academic thesis. LaTeX makes it easy to include references, figures with captions, nice looking tables and equations, and can save you some stress when writing your dissertation in addition to making your thesis stand out for its fabulous formatting!

By the end of the workshop, you will:

  • Have a clearer sense of how to use LaTeX and for what purposes
  • Get comfortable with the LaTeX programming environment
  • Learn how to include figures, references, equations, cross-references, table of contents, title pages, etc.
  • Have a clearer sense of the advantages and disadvantages of LaTeX
  • Create a plan of action to organize your written dissertation with LaTeX

In this course, we will be using Overleaf, a free web-based LaTeX editor to demonstrate the functionality of LaTeX and in the end we will create a personalized template that you can use for your thesis! The course wil be taught in English, but if you are writing in German, this is not a problem. The same principles apply and questions can be asked in German or English.



Carl Skarbek


7 h


Wed, 15.11.2023, 9:00–17:00 h


Please register via the campus management portal .


Seminar Room of Freiburg Research Services (FRS), Friedrichstr. 41-43, 2nd floor

Number of Participants

12 Doctoral candidates


Dr. Tina Lampe Friedrichstraße 41-43 Tel.: +49 (0)761 203-6817 Fax: +49 (0)761 203-9665 [email protected]

i10 Latex Templates

Please report any problems you might encounter while using the template to oliver nowak ., bachelor/master/phd thesis latex template.

  • Click here to open the template in Overleaf .
  • In Overleaf, click on the Menu button in the top left corner.
  • Then either download the source or copy the project into your own Overleaf.
  • Make sure to fill in your data in the lines 38–43 in the main.tex file to update the cover page.
  • If you write a PhD thesis, uncomment line 6 in the main.tex file.
  • The template also works with the local TexpadTeX typesetter in Texifier . However, for the index to be rendered correctly, you need to change the typeset configuration to use gloassaries instead of imakeidx for the index runs. You need to temporarily disable Auto-Sense to change this setting.
  • If your thesis does not contain a table, comment line 58 in the main.tex file.

Seminar LaTeX Template


i10 Master/Diploma/Bachelor/PhD Thesis LaTeX Template

  • Eine TeX / LaTeX Vorlage für wissenschaftliche Bachelorarbeiten, Masterarbeiten, Diplomarbeiten, Seminararbeiten und Dissertationen könnt ihr unter dem untenstehenden Link herunterladen.
  • You can download the i10 TeX / LaTeX Template for master's / bachelor's theses, dissertations, and seminar papers below.
  • Please read the README file in the template folder.

Note: The cover page in the template is provided as an editable PDF - please use a third party tool (e.g., Inkscape, Illustrator) to edit that page.

blue cover, PDFenglish
cover as required by FB 1.1 english

Please report any problems you might encounter while using the template to Oliver Nowak . Internal Info Also available are:

  • A bundle for TextMate containing the most important commands from the template (this will also work with Sublime Text 2: copy and rename the Snippets folder to the Sublime Packages folder)
  • A color palette for the Mac ColorPicker
  • A template for a nice hardcover if your thesis is printed by Comouth

Info: The font used in the template should be Zapf's final digital version of his Palatino Typeface which is sold by Linotype. Depending on your operating system and TeX distro you might end up using either URW's Palladio font or the Book Antigua typeface which ships with MS Office. These fonts look similar enough so you should not need to worry about that (from an ethic point of view you may want to read up on the history of Palatino, though). If you want to include text in external media such as graphics or imported tables and your OS can only handle TrueType fonts, you can find the free Palladio typeface files in the source bundle of Ghostscript .

Editor Recommendation

by Jonathan Diehl The following combination of software will allow you to navigate from your LaTeX source to the PDF and back:

  • Install MacTeX
  • Install Sublime Text 2
  • Install Sublime Text 2 command line tool: ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text" ~/bin/subl If this does not work try: ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text" ~/.rvm/bin/subl
  • Install Sublime Package Control
  • Install LaTeX Packages from Sublime Text: CMD-SHIFT-P, "Package Control: Install Package" -> LaTeXTools )
  • Install Skim
  • Link Skim to Sublime Text 2: Skim Preferences, Sync, PDF-TeX support, Command: subl, Arguments: "%file":%line
  • From Sublime Text 2 preferences, select "Settings - Default", and set "spell_check": true,

When building TeX from Sublime Text 2 (CMD-B), Skim will jump to and show your cursor position in the TeX document. When CMD-SHIFT-clicking a character in the PDF in Skim, Sublime Text 2 will jump to that position. If the autocompletion in Sublime Text 2 does not work (for the references and citations), save all thesis files again using UTF-8 encoding.

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Template for a simple thesis or dissertation (Ph.D. or master's degree) or technical report, in XeLaTeX

Template for a simple thesis or dissertation (Ph.D. or master's degree) or technical report, in XeLaTeX. Simple template that can be further customized or extended, with numerous examples. Consistent style for figures, tables, mathematical theorems, definitions, lemmas, etc.

  • Browse files
  • Back to package list

Starte deine Projekte mit hochwertigen LaTeX-Vorlagen für Zeitschriften, Lebensläufe, Zusammenfassungen, Papers, Präsentationen, Aufgaben, Briefe, Projektberichte und mehr. Suchen oder unten durchblättern.

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A quick guide to LaTeX

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Title Pages

A title page is the first page of a document and its purpose is to show important information about the work, such as the author(s), title, subtitle, course, supervisor, publisher and date. The title page's job is to clearly display this information at a glance and pull the reader into the document.

latex dissertation vorlage

Formal Book Title Page

This title page template is best suited to books and formal applications, such as in the fields of science or engineering. It features a formal layout with a clear title highlighted by two horizontal rules. A subtitle is available to further describe the work and multiple authors/editors are catered for towards the centre of the page.

  • View Template Information

Vertical Line Title Page

This title page template features a central vertical line which frames the rest of the text on the page. The title is clearly visible in a large bold font and the design also includes a subtitle, author name and publisher information. The title page would be well suited to a book but it can be used for other applications too.

Classic Lined Title Page

This title page template features a classic lined look most suited to a book or other larger work. The title is highlighted with large red all-caps text and a thin rule underneath separates it from the author name and publisher further down the page.

Stylish Title Page

This title page template features a large title and subtitle surrounded by two curly brackets to bring focus to the title and add to the stylish design of the template. The author name is centered below the title and publisher information is seen at the bottom. This makes the template best suited to a book or other large work, but it can be easily adapted to any other usage.

Minimalist Book Title Page

This title page template is best suited for a book. The minimalistic design immediately highlights the title and the use of red further focuses the eye on the core of what the work is about. The subtitle is neatly tucked away under the title to expand on it and the author/publisher information frames the title.

Multi-Purpose Large Font Title Page

This title page template can be used for almost any document type. The title is displayed in a very large font size in a wide grey box to accentuate the subject matter while your details are shown at the bottom in a small section. The box colour can be changed from grey and the template includes a secondary serif font option.

Academic Title Page

This title page is useful for academic works such as assignments, reports, theses or books. The headings can be used to neatly display the institute, course or subject matter of the work. It design is clean with the major feature being two horizontal lines highlighting the title. The template contains code for an alternate layout without a supervisor name and for an institution logo at the bottom of the page.

latex dissertation vorlage

LaTeX Templates Information

General enquiries [email protected]

Most templates licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

LaTeX Templates is developed in New Zealand

© Creodocs Limited. All Rights Reserved.

Start your projects with quality LaTeX templates for journals, CVs, resumes, papers, presentations, assignments, letters, project reports, and more. Search or browse below.

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📔 A LaTeX template for TUM Bachelor/Master theses.


Folders and files.

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This template is no longer maintained. Use TUM-Dev/tum-thesis-latex instead.

LaTeX template for TUM theses

This is a LaTeX template created according to the guidelines for TUM informatics theses in SS 2013. Always check the current formatting guidelines before you hand in. See build/main.pdf for an example PDF created with this template.

Note: Because of copyright considerations, TUM logos are not included in this template. Unfortunately, the logos are also not available on the MyTUM website anymore.

Comments & contributions welcome!

  • Download and extract the template, or upload it to an online editor such as Overleaf or ShareLaTeX . If you prefer to use Git, just clone/fork the repository.
  • If your editor provides support for compiling LaTeX, set it up to use pdflatex and biber . Set the master document to main.tex . Alternatively, you can use the provided Makefile to generate a PDF in the build directory (requires latexmk ).
  • Look for TODO comments in the provided files. Start at main.tex .

If you are new to LaTeX, the ShareLaTeX knowledge base or the LaTeX Wikibook might help.

For additional hints, have a look at the wiki . If you still have problems with the template, feel free to create an issue . For general LaTeX questions, use TeX StackExchange .

Creative Commons License

This template is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , meaning that:

  • You can share (copy, redistribute) and adapt (remix, transform, build upon) this template for any purpose, even commercially.
  • If you share the template or a modified (derived) version of it, you must attribute the template to the original authors ( Florian Walch and contributors ) by providing a link to the original template and indicate if changes were made.
  • Any derived template has to use the same or a compatible license .

The license applies only to the template ; there are no restrictions on the resulting PDF file or the contents of your thesis.

Contributors 8


  • Makefile 3.7%
  • Batchfile 1.0%


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  1. Basic thesis template

    This LaTeX template includes a title page, a declaration, an abstract, acknowledgements, table of contents, list of figures/tables, a dedication, and example chapters and sections. This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in November 2019. This Thesis LaTeX template is an ideal starting point for ...

  2. Template for a Masters or Doctoral Thesis

    This LaTeX template is used by many universities as the basis for thesis and dissertation submissions, and is a great way to get started if you haven't been provided with a specific version from your department. This version of the template is provided by Vel at, and is already loaded in Overleaf so you can start writing ...

  3. Dissertation Template

    An online LaTeX editor that's easy to use. No installation, real-time collaboration, version control, hundreds of LaTeX templates, and more. ... {Firstname M. Lastname}, % Enter your name here. pdftitle={The Dissertation Title}, % Enter your title here. pdfsubject={Research Area}, % Enter your research area here. pdfkeywords={up, to, six ...

  4. LaTeX Templates

    This template uses the memoir document class to beautifully typeset a thesis. It is suitable for any high-level degree thesis such as for a PhD, Masters or Honors. The layout of the content is in a thin format to promote easy reading and the template features advanced specification of margins and trimming. The thesis boasts a professional look ...

  5. LaTeX templates for writing a thesis

    The thesis template site mostly just links to available external sites with templates. It provides links to ready-to-go thesis templates of various universities worldwide. There's even a google map for viewing the templates origins on the world map. Besides LaTeX templates there are also LyX thesis templates.

  6. suchow/Dissertate: Beautiful LaTeX dissertation templates.

    Enter Dissertate. Dissertate is a set of beautiful LaTeX templates for a thesis or dissertation. To date, the software provides everything needed to support the production and typesetting of a PhD dissertation at Harvard, Princeton, NYU, and UC Berkeley, though it will be adapted to meet the requirements of other schools — eventually all of them.

  7. LaTeX Templates

    Masters/Doctoral Thesis. This template provides a full framework for writing a graduate level thesis. It is carefully structured and separated into multiple parts for easy editing. Included are the following pages/sections: a cover page, declaration of authorship, quotation, abstract, acknowledgements, contents page (s), list of figures, list ...

  8. Writing your dissertation with LaTeX

    LaTeX is document preparation typesetting system that uses plain text input in order to create an attractive end product. This software has been in use in academia for decades and improvements are continuously made. It is especially useful for formatting large documents such as books, scientific articles or an academic thesis.

  9. Latex Templates

    Make sure to fill in your data in the lines 38-43 in the main.tex file to update the cover page. If you write a PhD thesis, uncomment line 6 in the main.tex file. The template also works with the local TexpadTeX typesetter in Texifier. However, for the index to be rendered correctly, you need to change the typeset configuration to use ...

  10. GitHub

    This template is a general template for scientific theses. Currently, it is the unofficial LaTeX template for Master, Bachelor, Diploma, and Student Theses.

  11. simple-thesis-dissertation

    Size on disk: 6.03 MB. Template for a simple thesis or dissertation (Ph.D. or master's degree) or technical report, in XeLaTeX. Simple template that can be further customized or extended, with numerous examples. Consistent style for figures, tables, mathematical theorems, definitions, lemmas, etc. Browse files.

  12. Vorlagen

    Template for the submission of conference papers to VDI Conferences, such as Automation. Compile with LuaLaTeX. Langersehnte LaTeX-Vorlage für VDI Konferenzen, wie die Automation. Komplieren mit LuaLaTeX aufgrund der Schriftart. Bei der Automation 2024 wurden Beiträge mit dieser Vorlage eingereicht und akzeptiert. Rückfragen gerne an mich.

  13. TUM dissertation/PhD thesis LaTeX template

    To use GitHub Actions, you can simply paste the below code into a new .yml or .yaml file in .github/workflows/. The automatic tests then work after the next push event. # This is a workflow file to auto-build the latex code. name: CI # Controls when the action will run. Triggers the workflow on push or pull request # events but only for the ...

  14. PhD Thesis and Dissertation LaTeX Templates for Harvard ...

    Dissertate provides a beautiful LaTeX template for a thesis or dissertation. This template has been uploaded into Overleaf so you can get started simply by clicking the button above. It currently provides everything needed to support the production and typesetting of a PhD dissertation at Harvard, Princeton, and NYU.

  15. PhD Dissertation and Doktorarbeit LaTeX Template for FAU ...

    This is a template for a PhD Dissertation or Doktorarbeit at FAU (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg). This template is an adaptation of the Dissertate template originally developed for Harvard, Princeton, and NYU by Jordan Suchow.. The format and styling are based closely on the requirements by FAU's Dean's Office.

  16. pjb7687/uni-heidelberg-phd-thesis-latex-template

    A PhD thesis LaTeX template, according to the rules of the Combined Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Heidelberg University, Germany.. Disclaimer: This is NOT an official template. Use at your own risk. Check out the compiled result: phdthesis.pdf If you use Overleaf, then please set the compiler to XeLaTeX!. The class definition file is hdphdthesis.cls, and the example thesis ...

  17. LaTeX Templates

    This title page template features a large title and subtitle surrounded by two curly brackets to bring focus to the title and add to the stylish design of the template. The author name is centered below the title and publisher information is seen at the bottom. This makes the template best suited to a book or other large work, but it can be ...

  18. Dissertation Vorlage Latex

    Dissertation Vorlage Latex - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses the challenges of writing a dissertation and offers assistance from a dissertation writing service. It states that writing a dissertation is difficult and requires extensive research, analysis, and clear articulation of ideas.

  19. Templates

    Template for description of assignment for master thesis topics at KU Leuven Ghent. Unofficial LaTeX template for Thesis Advisory Committee Meeting Assessment Report of the CEITEC PhD School. Version 2023. Produce beautiful documents starting from our gallery of LaTeX templates for journals, conferences, theses, reports, CVs and much more.

  20. latextemplates/uni-stuttgart-dissertation-template

    Unofficial LaTeX template for a PhD thesis at University of Stuttgart, Germany Topics. latex-template phd-thesis-template Resources. Readme License. MIT license Activity. Custom properties. Stars. 33 stars Watchers. 8 watching Forks. 20 forks Report repository Releases No releases published.

  21. Latex Vorlage Dissertation A5

    The document discusses a LaTeX template called Latex Vorlage Dissertation A5 that helps simplify the dissertation writing process. It offers precise formatting and structuring to adhere to academic guidelines without requiring deep LaTeX knowledge. The template streamlines dissertation preparation so students can focus on research instead of technical details. It provides benefits like ...

  22. Templates

    Langersehnte LaTeX-Vorlage für VDI Konferenzen, wie die Automation. Komplieren mit LuaLaTeX aufgrund der Schriftart. Bei der Automation 2024 wurden Beiträge mit dieser Vorlage eingereicht und akzeptiert. Rückfragen gerne an mich. ... A modern dissertation (or thesis) LaTeX template. Originally used during my D.Phil. at the University of Oxford.

  23. A LaTeX template for TUM Bachelor/Master theses.

    Download and extract the template, or upload it to an online editor such as Overleaf or ShareLaTeX.If you prefer to use Git, just clone/fork the repository. If your editor provides support for compiling LaTeX, set it up to use pdflatex and biber.Set the master document to main.tex.Alternatively, you can use the provided Makefile to generate a PDF in the build directory (requires latexmk).