17 Positive Review Examples and Response Templates

17 Positive Review Examples and Response Templates

In an increasingly connected world where everyone’s opinions are shared with a click, reviews are more powerful than ever. Statistics show that 95% of consumers now read online reviews, and as many as 88% trust them as much as personal recommendations.

Yet, acquiring these gold nuggets of advocacy can often feel as daunting as striking gold. So how do you motivate your customers to share their fantastic experiences and pen them into persuasive, positive reviews?

In this article, we’ll show you real-life examples of positive customer reviews. These review examples not only laud excellent customer experiences but are powerful tools that boost your online reputation and catalyze business success.

Let’s dive in and start crafting some five-star reputations.

Free Google Review Link Generator

Why Positive Reviews Matter?

Helping your customers craft the perfect positive review, 17 positive review examples by industry, 10 best practices for encouraging customers to leave positive reviews, how to respond to positive reviews and engage with customers, positive review response templates and examples, how demandhub can be your business growth partner.

The power of positive reviews is undeniable. A staggering 93% of consumers say online reviews impact their purchasing decisions. Businesses with excellent reviews have up to a 31% greater conversion rate than those with no or negative reviews.

Moreover, 72% of customers won’t act until they read reviews. Hence, the importance of positive customer feedback cannot be overstated.

Positive reviews are a clear endorsement of your product or service. They are a trust-building tool that increases the likelihood of driving prospective customers toward a purchase.

Let’s delve deeper into why positive reviews are the lifeblood of your business’s online presence and success.

Boosting Your Online Reputation

Your business reputation can make or break your business. Positive reviews can help build a robust online reputation and increase your visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs).

For 73% of consumers, the content of a review holds more weight than the star rating alone. This fact highlights positive reviews’ significant impact on shaping your business’s online image and cultivating trust among potential customers.

Additionally, Google uses reviews as a pivotal ranking factor, underlining their influence on search engine optimization (SEO). Fresh user-generated content, like reviews, accounts for 9.8% of total ranking factors, making them an indispensable element of SEO strategy.

Your online visibility grows with each positive review you get. You will rank higher on search engines if your business has more positive reviews. This leads to increased brand visibility and ultimately brings in more business.

Positive reviews can also help counteract negative reviews. Responding to it positively and professionally can show potential customers that you care about their experience and are willing to make things right. This can help mitigate the impact of negative reviews and maintain a positive online reputation.

Attracting New Customers

Positive reviews can be a powerful marketing tool. When potential customers see positive reviews from others who have used your product or service, they are more likely to choose your business.

5-star customer reviews give your business a competitive edge, swaying potential customers in your favor over your rivals.

Furthermore, 57% of consumers only use businesses with 4 stars or more, signifying the influence of positive reviews. So, positive reviews aren’t just feedback - they’re strategic assets for attracting new customers.

Encouraging Repeat Business

Positive reviews can also encourage repeat business. People with good experience with your business will return and recommend your product or service to others. This results in increased customer loyalty and a stronger customer base.

Also, positive customer reviews serve as a compass for improvement. By engaging with reviews, you gain insights into what customers appreciate and areas needing refinement. These insights help you improve customer experience and spark a cycle of ever-growing positive reviews.

In conclusion, positive reviews are essential for the success of any business. They can help boost your online reputation and SEO, attract new customers , and encourage repeat business.

Though five-star ratings are a beacon of success, they alone cannot narrate the full story of your stellar services. A rating, irrespective of how high, needs the support of a well-crafted, positive review to set your business apart.

Generic, plain reviews often fail to provide the comprehensive picture potential customers seek. Enhancing the quality of your reviews is crucial to attracting a larger customer base.

Before diving into positive review examples, let’s define what is a “good positive review?” While many might think a ‘good positive review’ is solely determined by a five-star rating, the reality is much more nuanced.

A truly valuable review has elements that go beyond just the star rating. Here are some phrases that commonly appear in positive reviews:

  • “I highly recommend this business.”
  • “Their customer service is second to none.”
  • “The product quality is consistently outstanding, exceeding my expectations every time.”
  • “I was completely impressed with their professionalism and customer service.”
  • “The ambiance here is always inviting and comfortable.”
  • “This is my go-to place for ‘X…’ - the best in town.”
  • “Their staff is not only friendly but also highly skilled.”
  • “Pricing is fair and transparent - definitely value for money.”
  • “Efficiency and punctuality are hallmarks of their service.”

Here are some tips for your customers on how to craft the perfect positive review:

Be Genuine and Specific

The goal is to go beyond the star rating. Instead of getting generic ‘great service’ praise, encourage your customers to share precise details about their positive experiences. This offers potential customers a more vivid picture of what they can expect from your business.

See how the following review is authentic, delves into specifics, and goes beyond the star rating:

Write a  Genuine and Specific Review

Receiving such detailed positive feedback highlights your business’s attention to detail and the authenticity of the customer’s experience. It goes a long way in fostering trust with potential customers.

When a customer invests time to craft a comprehensive review, it brings credibility to their five-star rating. Prospective customers might see a perfect rating with skepticism. However, a detailed, personalized review can instill trust and validate the high rating given to your business.

Highlight Key Features and Benefits

Aim to get positive reviews that not only compliment but also highlight the unique features and benefits of your business. These specifics help potential customers understand what sets your business apart from others.

For instance, consider this review for an auto shop: “The comprehensive services offered by this auto shop were impressive. I appreciate their extended working hours, which are highly convenient for busy individuals. They also provide a free vehicle health checkup with every service, emphasizing their commitment to the customer’s safety.”

Here’s a real-life example of a positive review highlighting key benefits:

Highlight Key Features and Benefits in the review

Receiving reviews that spotlight your business’s unique selling propositions (USPs) will attract prospects and help you know where your business is performing well.

Address Potential Concerns

Encourage positive reviews that not only highlight your business’s strengths but also address any potential customer concerns. This demonstrates that your business values discerning consumers who provide honest assessments.

For example, consider this review for a dentist’s office: “Although the wait time at this dentist’s office was longer than anticipated, the exceptional quality of care more than compensated for it. The staff exhibited friendliness, expertise, and ensured my comfort throughout the entire visit.”

Here’s another example of a positive review addressing potential concerns:

Address Potential Concerns

Your customers showcase fairness and honesty as a reviewer by addressing potential concerns in their reviews. This constructive feedback helps your businesses improve and deliver even better service in the future.

Contain User-Generated Content: Photos and Videos

Photos and videos add credibility and authenticity to the review, providing tangible evidence of the customer’s interaction with the product or service.

Visual content shows various aspects, such as a clinic’s ambiance, product quality, or the before-and-after results of a service. It adds authenticity, builds trust, and creates a more immersive storytelling experience.

Contain User-Generated Content: Photos and Videos

Businesses can benefit greatly by encouraging customers to share photos and videos. These visual aids provide valuable user-generated content that can attract more attention, engagement, and potential customers.

Contain User-Generated Content: Photos and Videos

Additionally, visual content can be shared on social media platforms, expanding the reach and visibility of the positive review beyond the review site.

Mentions Long-Term Customer Relationships

A positive review gains significant value when a customer mentions their long-standing relationship with your business, indicating a sustained and positive customer experience.

Consider the following example where the value of the review is greatly amplified by this added detail:

Mention Long-Term Customer Relationships

By showcasing the enduring customer relationship, this review becomes a compelling testament to the consistent excellence of the business. It offers potential customers valuable insights into the long-term satisfaction and trust that can be fostered over an extended period.

Features a Team Member’s Name

Review sites often challenge businesses to showcase their personality and humanize their brand. However, when a review goes the extra mile and mentions a team member by name, it creates a genuine connection with potential customers. This personal touch greatly improves the likelihood of customers choosing your business over competitors.

This aspect holds even greater significance in agent-based organizations like salons or real estate companies, where personalized recommendations reassure customers that they will receive individualized care.

See the positive review example below that mentions team members. You can witness this approach’s remarkable impact on building customer trust and fostering satisfaction.

Features a Team Member's Name

Now that you have a solid understanding of the value of generating positive reviews and their key components. However, reviews can vary in format and content based on the industry and platform.

Let’s explore 17 industry-specific positive review examples to provide a clearer picture and see how businesses can leverage them.

Reviews play a vital role in the healthcare industry, where trust and patient satisfaction are paramount. Potential patients heavily rely on reviews to make informed decisions about their healthcare providers.

In fact, 77% of patients read online reviews as their 1st step in finding a new doctor. And 84% wouldn’t consider a referred doctor if they have a rating of four stars or less. So, the more detailed the positive reviews, the better. Encourage patients to highlight specific aspects of your practice’s customer service and other notable features.

Patient reviews are a valuable marketing asset for your practice. They showcase the excellence of your services. You can prominently display them on your practice’s website and share them across social media channels to attract more patients to your door.

To help healthcare practices encourage their customers to share their experiences, here’s a template for a positive review:

You can even create these templates by copy and pasting them in your review request text messages .

In the fiercely competitive automotive industry, and social media channels.

By doing so, you can leverage the influence of positive reviews to gain a competitive edge. To help your customers in writing positive reviews for your business, here are some templates they can use as a starting point:

If you run a hair salon, you understand the importance of showcasing your professionalism, serviceability, and skill level to attract more clients. As an industry that thrives on customer satisfaction, it’s vital to stay informed about current trends and best practices.

Explore these positive review examples, which provide valuable insights into what customers appreciate and seek in hair salon experiences. Get positive reviews across top online review sites to boost your salon’s visibility.

Salons Review

Share these positive review templates with your customers to help them craft appreciation for your service:

Trust and reliability are essential in the mover’s industry. Positive reviews are crucial in this process, serving as testimonials highlighting your professionalism, efficiency, and excellent customer service.

Encourage happy customers to share their experiences on popular review platforms like Google, Yelp, and Facebook. Doing so can amplify your reputation and make you stand out in your industry.

Movers Review

Share these positive review templates with your customers to help them write testimonials for your business:

Retail Stores

When it comes to retail stores, several key factors contribute to their success in outshining the competition. These factors include the prime location, exceptional customer service, high-quality products, and customer service.

Retail Stores Review

While a higher star rating certainly helps, it is equally important for positive reviews to provide specific details, as demonstrated in the examples below. By highlighting these aspects, retail stores can effectively capture the attention of prospects and differentiate themselves in a crowded market.

A detailed Retail Stores Review

Your customers can use the following positive review templates to write a good review for your retail business:

Dental Clinics

Online reviews play a significant role in the dental industry. They give potential patients a good indication of what to expect from your dental practice . They also provide dentists with valuable feedback to help them improve and become the best practice.

Dental Clinics Review

You need a constant stream of new patients to grow your dental practice . And to get new patients, you need positive reviews. Dental reviews not only provide social proof of your business, but they also help increase patient trust.

Dental Clinics Review

In addition, dental clinic reviews can help dentists identify areas needing improvement. By reading honest patient feedback, dentists can find what works well and needs to be changed to offer the best possible care.

Identify areas of improvement from patient feedback

Most dentists have a tough time getting patients to leave reviews . Great news! You can share the following positive review templates with your patients to make leaving reviews a breeze:

Chiropractors and Physiotherapy Clinics

Many physicians hesitate to ask patients for online feedback as patient satisfaction is difficult to measure and can be inconsistent. But 7 out of 10 patients will provide an online review if asked .

Moreover, Google will rank your clinic higher on search results if you have more positive reviews. In fact, positive reviews can attract out-of-network patients to healthcare review websites .

A positive online review history could persuade patients to visit your clinic , even if you’re not in their insurance network. About 43% of potential patients are willing to go out of their insurance provider network for a provider with positive reviews.

Chiropractors and Physiotherapy Clinics Review

Some chiropractor or physiotherapy clinic positive review templates for your customers’ reference are:

Positive reviews are an invaluable asset for any business. You can establish a strong online reputation and attract new customers by providing excellent service and encouraging feedback. Use these examples and tips to craft a positive review and watch your business thrive.

Encouraging customers to leave positive reviews is a powerful way to enhance your online reputation and attract new customers. Here are some best practices to consider:

Offer Exceptional Service or Product

This is the most important point. Quality products or services will naturally encourage positive reviews. Ensure your customer service is top-notch and your product or service meets or exceeds expectations.

Ask for a Review

People are often willing to give reviews if asked. You can do this in person, over SMS, on receipts, or through social media. Ensure your request is polite, not pushy, and express your appreciation for their feedback.

Make it Easy

Your customers are busy. The less time and effort it takes, the more likely they will do it. Make the process of leaving a review as easy and intuitive as possible. If you’re asking for reviews via email, text , or website, provide a direct link to the review form.

Timing is Key

Timing can significantly influence the likelihood of receiving a review. Asking for a review immediately after purchase might not be the best strategy, as the customer hasn’t yet had time to experience your product or service.

Similarly, waiting too long could make the experience not fresh in their mind. Find a middle ground, such as a few days or weeks after the purchase or service completion.

On the other hand, for service-based businesses, it is important to ask for a review immediately after the treatment or services are provided while the experience is still fresh.

Respond to Reviews

Responding to positive and negative reviews shows that you value customer feedback. It also builds trust and rapport with your customers, which can encourage more reviews.

Incentivize Reviews

Offering small incentives can motivate customers to leave a review. This could be a discount on their next purchase, a small gift, or entry into a contest. Make sure any incentives adhere to the review policies of the platform you’re using.

Share Positive Reviews

Displaying positive reviews on your website, in-store, or on social media channels can serve as social proof. It also encourages others to leave positive reviews and attract new customers.

Address Negative Reviews

Don’t ignore or delete negative reviews . Instead, respond professionally and offer solutions to the issues raised. This shows that you care about customer feedback and are committed to improving. It may even turn a negative review into a positive one.

Train Your Staff

Ensure all your employees understand the importance of reviews and are trained to encourage customers to leave feedback. They should also know how to handle negative reviews or complaints in person.

Thank Customers for Their Reviews

Show appreciation to customers who take the time to leave a review. Simple thank yous can go a long way and encourage them to leave reviews in the future.

Remember, staying ethical and fair in your pursuit of reviews is important. Don’t fall into the trap of buying reviews or creating fake ones, as this can harm your reputation in the long run.

When responding to positive reviews, express your gratitude and acknowledge the specifics of their praise. Personalize your response to show that you value the time and effort they took to write the review.

For example, “Thank you, [Customer’s Name], for your kind words. We’re thrilled to hear that you enjoyed [specific product/service/aspect they praised] and look forward to serving you again.”

How to Respond to Positive Reviews and Engage with Customers?

Engaging with customers goes beyond just responding to reviews. Regularly interact with them on social media platforms, emails, or review sites. Use these interactions to acknowledge their positive experiences and learn more about their needs and expectations.

How to Respond to Positive Reviews and Engage with Customers?

Always maintain a professional, courteous, and friendly tone. Encourage conversations, ask for their opinions, or offer valuable content. Remember, every interaction is an opportunity to build a strong relationship and foster customer loyalty.

How to Respond to Positive Reviews and Engage with Customers?

At times, the most daunting part of review management is finding the right words to use in your responses. Here are a few positive review response templates you could use as a starting point when responding to reviews.

  • Happy Customer: “We’re over the moon to hear that you enjoyed our service. Your kind words truly mean a lot to us. We’re looking forward to serving you again soon! Thank you.”
  • Compliment on Product Quality: “Dear [Customer’s Name], we’re thrilled that you’re enjoying our [product]. We take pride in the quality of our products and your feedback validates our efforts. We appreciate your support and can’t wait to continue providing you with the best in the future. Thank you!”
  • Praise for Customer Service: “Hello [Customer’s Name], we’re so pleased to hear that our customer service team met your expectations. We strive to provide excellent service to each and every customer. Your feedback helps us continue our efforts. Looking forward to serving you again, thank you!”
  • Compliment on Quick Delivery: “Hi [Customer’s Name], we’re glad to hear that your order reached you promptly! We understand the importance of quick and efficient delivery, and we’re happy we could meet your expectations. Your kind words are much appreciated. Thank you for choosing us.”
  • Appreciation of Business Ethics/Values: “Dear [Customer’s Name], your appreciation for our business values means the world to us. It is customers like you who encourage us to stay true to our principles. Thank you for your kind words, we look forward to serving you in the future.”

Remember, while these are templates, it’s always better to personalize your responses based on the specifics of each review to show customers that you truly value their feedback.

Managing customer reviews effectively is an essential part of successful business operations. Positive reviews do more than boost your online reputation. These prove the high quality of your products or services, solidifying trust with your existing customers and attracting potential ones.

The templates provided in the article offer you a launching pad to construct meaningful and engaging positive reviews and responses, fostering a deeper bond with your clientele.

Remember, each positive review represents a golden opportunity for engagement, growth, and learning. DemandHub can make this process smoother by offering features like a unified inbox, enabling you to manage all customer conversations in one place.

DemandHub’s web chat helps convert website visitors into potential customers through real-time interactions. Text messaging allows you to request payments and reviews, book appointments , and promptly communicate important information to your customers.

By automating review requests and efficiently managing feedback, DemandHub facilitates getting more positive reviews and responding to them effectively.

Implementing Demandhub in your review management strategy can help you stay on top of your business’s online reputation and engage more effectively with your customers.

Grow your business to new heights and gain a competitive edge with DemandHub. Get your Free Demo today .

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How to Respond to Google Reviews

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How To Write a Facebook Review

How To Write a Facebook Review

In modern digital era, your voice matters more than ever, especially when it comes to sharing experiences with businesses on social media. Writing a Facebook review is a powerful way to express your opinion and influence others. Whether it’s raving about your favorite café or detailing a less-than-stellar experience at a local shop, your reviews contribute significantly to the online reputation of businesses.

Understanding the impact of your words, you might want to ensure your Facebook circle is wide enough to make your opinions heard.

Enhancing your presence by deciding to buy Facebook reviews can significantly enhance the impact of your evaluations, ensuring that your endorsements or cautions are heard by a wider audience. This strategy not only expands your social network but also elevates the trustworthiness and visibility of your evaluations, turning them into a valuable asset for others.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the binary “Yes” or “No” recommendation system on Facebook and ensure your review accurately reflects your experience, setting a guiding tone for readers.
  • Emphasize the importance of including specific details and personal experiences in your review to provide clarity and engage readers with authentic feedback.
  • Remember the significance of choosing a constructive tone and the impact of timing when sharing your experiences, to foster positive dialogue and provide useful feedback.
  • Highlight the value of attaching authentic photos to your reviews, enhancing credibility and offering a more immersive insight into your experience.
  • Acknowledge the public nature of Facebook reviews, emphasizing the need for thoughtful, balanced feedback that can guide future customers and inform business improvements.
  • Utilize the flexibility to edit or delete your Facebook reviews, allowing your feedback to remain accurate and reflective of your latest experiences.

Steps To Write Reviews on Facebook

How To Write a Facebook Review

Writing a Facebook review can significantly impact a business, influencing potential customers and shaping the company’s online reputation. To ensure your review offers value and clarity, follow the guidelines below.

Choose the Right Rating

Your review starts with selecting a rating. Given that Facebook has transitioned to recommendations rather than the traditional star ratings, your choice is binary: yes or no. This doesn’t mean your review lacks nuance. Your recommendation — or lack thereof — sets the tone for your feedback. It’s essential to accurately reflect your experience.

Did the business meet your expectations? Would you suggest it to friends or family? Your initial recommendation acts as an anchor for your written review, guiding readers on your overall sentiment.

Provide Specific Details

The most helpful reviews go beyond general statements. When drafting your review, include specific details about what made your experience memorable. Were there standout products or services? How did the business go above and beyond?

Alternatively, if your experience was less than stellar, detail what aspects fell short. This information not only aids potential customers in their decision-making but also offers businesses valuable insight into areas of success or improvement. Remember, clarity is key. Break down your experience so readers can easily understand what to expect.

Include Personal Experience

Your personal experience is what makes your review unique. Share your story — whether it’s about the exceptional service you received or how a product exceeded your expectations. Don’t hesitate to mention employees by name if they contributed to your positive experience. Including personal anecdotes adds authenticity and relatability to your review, making it more engaging for readers. It’s these personal touches that transform a standard review into a powerful recommendation.

writing facebook reviews

Other Things To Consider When Writing a Facebook Reviews

When crafting a Facebook review, it’s not just about what you say but how you say it. Language and tone play crucial roles in how your feedback is perceived. Opting for a constructive tone, even when critiquing, fosters a positive dialogue and encourages the business to engage with your feedback.

If you find it difficult to follow a certain tone or style, then an AI paragraph generator can help you with the first draft. It will craft compelling paragraphs according to your entered topic and selected tone/style.

Timing is another aspect often overlooked. Sharing your experience soon after it happens ensures your memories are fresh, making your review more detailed and helpful for others. But, if you’ve had a negative experience, taking a moment to cool off before typing can prevent overly-emotional responses that might not accurately reflect the situation.

The relevance of your review is paramount. The team from this essay writing platform called EssayPro advises focusing on specifics that future customers will find useful. Mentioning the quality of service, the atmosphere, or the product’s performance gives a well-rounded view that aids in decision-making. It’s also beneficial to highlight any changes in your second visit, as this shows the business’s capacity for growth or consistency.

You can also use authentic photos accompanying your review can greatly enhance its credibility. Visuals can capture aspects that words might miss, such as the ambiance of a place or the quality of a product, offering a more immersive insight into your experience.

Remember, a well-written review has the power to significantly influence both potential customers and the business itself. By choosing your words carefully, focusing on relevance, and attaching authentic visuals, your feedback can contribute meaningfully to the community, helping others make informed decisions and assisting businesses in their quest for improvement.

How Do I Leave a Review on Facebook?

Leaving a review on Facebook is simpler than you might think, and it’s a fantastic way for you to share your experiences with others while also helping businesses understand how they’re doing. Facebook reviews are influential, with 92.4% of customers reading online reviews and considering them as much as personal recommendations.

First, navigate to the business’s Facebook page. You’ll find the “Reviews” or “Recommendations” section usually located on the left-hand side menu of the page. If you’re on a mobile device, you might need to tap on the ‘More’ tab. Once you’re there, Facebook will prompt you with the question, “Do you recommend [Business Name]?” Here, you can select either “Yes” or “No”, based on your experience.

After choosing your recommendation option, a text box will appear where you can write your review. Here’s where your contribution really matters.

Be specific about what you liked or didn’t like. Mention details about the service, product quality, or your overall experience. This not only helps potential customers but also gives the business valuable feedback on what they’re doing right or what they could improve on.

Also, adding authentic photos can significantly enhance the credibility of your review. Photos offer visual evidence of your experience, making your review more relatable and trustworthy for those reading it.

Remember, your review should be honest and fair. Keep in mind that constructive criticism is more helpful than vague or overly negative comments. Businesses often use feedback from Facebook reviews to improve their products or services, so your insights can lead to real change.

Understanding how to leave a review on Facebook enables you to be part of a larger community, contributing valuable information that benefits both businesses and fellow customers alike. Your voice matters, and with these simple steps, you can make sure it’s heard.

Where Do I Find Facebook Reviews?

If you’re looking to leave a Facebook review, knowing where to find the review section is your first step. It’s simpler than you might think.

Facebook has integrated its review feature into what’s now known as Recommendations. This is where customers can share their experiences and thoughts about a business, service, or product with their network.

Start by navigating to the Facebook Page of the business you want to review. You’ll find the Recommendations or Reviews tab on the left sidebar of the page. This tab is your gateway to reading what others have said and leaving your own feedback. Whether you’re on a desktop or using the Facebook app, the process is essentially the same.

Occasionally, businesses might have this tab hidden due to their settings preferences. If that’s the case and you can’t seem to find where to leave a review, don’t worry. Contacting the business directly through their Facebook page via message can be a good alternative. They can provide you with a direct link or instruct you on how they prefer to gather customer feedback.

Remember, when you decide to leave a review, you’re not just sharing your thoughts with the business. Your review is visible to anyone who visits the business’s Facebook page. This visibility is exactly why your honest and detailed feedback is invaluable. It helps potential customers make informed decisions and can significantly impact the business’s reputation.

Can I Delete or Edit My Facebook Reviews?

Navigating the complexities of social media feedback might feel like a maze, especially when you’re looking to retract or modify your words. On Facebook, your voice matters , and so does your ability to update your insights as your experiences evolve.

If you’ve posted a review and later changed your mind, either because your opinion has shifted or you’ve had a change of heart, you’ll be relieved to know that editing and deleting your Facebook reviews is possible . This flexibility ensures your feedback remains accurate and reflective of your latest interactions.

To edit your Facebook review, simply navigate to the Recommendations section of the business page where you initially left your feedback. Find your review and click on the three dots in the top right corner. From there, you’ll see an option to ‘Edit Recommendation’. This is your chance to adjust your rating or elaborate on your experience further. Remember, your edited review will replace the original and will be date-stamped with the latest update.

In scenarios where you feel a review no longer represents your stance or if it was posted in error, deleting it is just as straightforward. Follow the same steps to locate your review under the business’s Recommendations. Instead of opting to edit, select ‘Remove Recommendation’. Upon confirmation, your review will permanently disappear, leaving no trace of the original comment.

This ability to edit or delete ensures that your digital footprint on Facebook is as current and genuine as your real-world experiences. It underscores the platform’s commitment to providing dynamic, user-driven content that accurately reflects consumer opinions and experiences. Whether you’re praising an unforgettable service or retracting a critique based on a resolved issue, your control over your online reviews is uncompromised.

Remember, each review contributes to the community’s perception of a business. Exercising your power to edit or delete ensures that your influence remains both positive and precise.

Related Post: How to Build More Credibility on Facebook

Crafting a Facebook review is more than just sharing your experience; it’s about contributing to a business’s growth and guiding future customers.

Remember, your words have the power to influence and shape perceptions. By treating your reviews as advice for friends and maintaining a balanced and fair perspective, you’re not just offering feedback but also playing a crucial role in the business-customer relationship.

Businesses that actively respond to reviews demonstrate their dedication to customer satisfaction, further emphasizing the importance of your input. So next time you’re about to write a review, consider the impact of your words and the responsibility that comes with them. Your thoughtful and honest feedback can make a significant difference.

FAQs About Writing Facebook Reviews

Here are some frequently asked questions about Facebook Reviews.

Where is the review tab on Facebook?

The review tab on Facebook can be found on the business’s Facebook Page. It’s located on the left side of the page under the business’s profile picture and name. By clicking on this tab, users can view and leave reviews for the business.

Why can’t I leave a review on Facebook?

You might not be able to leave a review on Facebook if the business has not enabled the review feature on their Page. Page owners have the option to turn on or off this feature. If it’s not available, you might want to contact the business directly to share your feedback.

When you get a friend suggestion on Facebook, does the other person get it too?

It’s not guaranteed. Facebook suggests friends based on mutual connections, interests, or activities, but it doesn’t mean the same suggestion appears for both parties. Each user’s suggestions are tailored to their own profile and interactions.

Where can I leave a review for a company?

You can leave a review for a company on various platforms including Google Business Profile, Yelp, Facebook, Angie’s List, and the Better Business Bureau (BBB). These platforms cater to different types of businesses and audiences, so choose the one that best fits the business you want to review.

Can my friends see my reviews on Facebook?

Yes, friends can see your reviews on Facebook depending on your privacy settings. When leaving a review, you have the option to adjust who can see it—everyone, just friends, or a custom list. Encouraging customers to set their reviews to public can increase visibility for businesses.

This is used as a reference for customers when looking for products and services. For businesses, this is a promotion tool so that their posts and page are more visible in user’s feeds.

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  • Formula for Posting on Facebook
  • How to Build More Credibility on Facebook
  • How To Unhide a Post on Facebook
  • How to Fix “100 Unsupported Request Method Type Post” on Facebook

Picture of Rajat Garg

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Widewail's Complete Guide to Facebook Review Response

Over the last few years, Facebook has joined the ranks of Yelp and Google as one of the most important resources for local businesses .

In fact, an increasing number of potential customers look at Facebook recommendations prior to considering reviews from Yelp, TripAdvisor, and other traditional review websites. Facebook was second only to Google in some of the most recent surveys of customer online recommendation engagement .

For this reason, it has become increasingly essential that local businesses take their Facebook presence seriously.

In 2019, Facebook changed its rating system from a star-based system (similar to Google) to a recommendation system . In this system, people can either recommend a business or not, similar to Facebook’s famous “like” system.

Because of this, you should consider “reviews” and “recommendations” synonymous on Facebook.

In this guide, we will show you how to create a Facebook business page, how to turn on Facebook recommendations, and how to monitor and respond to these recommendations in a way that will improve your online reputation and ensure that you are using Facebook in the most effective and beneficial way possible.

Creating a Facebook Business Page

The first step to boosting your business’s online presence through Facebook is, of course, creating a Facebook page. In order to create a Facebook business page, you must have a personal Facebook account through which the business page can be managed. Assuming that you already have a personal Facebook account, creating your business page is simple enough.

There are two ways to go about it.

Option 1 : Creating your Business Page from the Facebook landing page .

If you’ve ever looked closely at the Facebook home page, you’ll notice that there is a small link at the bottom of the page that says, “Create a page for a celebrity, band, or business.”

Click on that link to get started.


After clicking that link, you’ll be taken to a page where you can choose which type of page to create. Click on the “Get Started” button under the “Business or Brand” category.


At this point, Facebook will prompt you to log in to your personal account.

After you enter your email address and password you can get started building your business page. 

The first information you need to provide is the name of your Business Page and its category. Facebook has a wide variety of categories available, including some as specific as “Smoothie Bar” or “Raw Food Restaurant.”

Create Page

Once you select the proper category, your page will be created and you can move onto customization.

Option 2: Creating your page from the dashboard of your personal Facebook account .

If you’re already logged into your personal Facebook account, you can also access the page creation menu from the regular Facebook dashboard.

There should be a button that says “Create” in the top menu bar to the right of your profile picture.

Click on that button and a dropdown menu will appear. 

The first option in that dropdown menu is “Page.”

Click on that button and it will take you directly to the Page creation screen. Once you are there, click on the “Business or Brand” option and give your page a name and category.

Your new Business Page will be created and ready to customize!


Customizing your Business Page and Allowing Recommendations

Once your page is created, the first thing you should do is upload a profile picture and cover photo for your business. Facebook recommends a profile picture of 170x170 px and a cover photo of 820x312 px.

Many businesses choose to display their logo here, but the choice is ultimately up to you. 

After your profile picture and cover photo are selected, you should write a short description for your business and perhaps an introductory post.

Customizing your Business Page and Allowing Recommendations

Facebook is engineered to walk you through these steps with an easy-to-follow tutorial throughout the page creation process. 

Once all the details are in place, it is important to ensure that your page is accepting Facebook recommendations. This should be the default option for most pages, but it is always good to check and ensure that your customers can give you feedback and boost your online reputation. To enable Facebook recommendations, click on the “Settings” tab in your page dashboard.


Once you are in Settings, click on the “Templates and Tabs” section on the left-hand side of the page.


The “Templates and Tabs” section allows you to add and remove the different sections on the left-hand menu that your guests see when they visit your Facebook page, such as “Events”, “Photos”, and “Offers”.

Make sure that “Reviews” is listed as an available tab. It appears that Facebook still uses the term “Reviews” for the recommendations tab on your page. When setting up your account if you are presented with the option to show a “Recommendations” tab, select that. The effect will be the same.

If it’s not, switching your Template to “Business” should automatically add “Reviews” as an option. You can also add “Reviews” yourself using the “Add a Tab” button at the bottom of the screen.


The three horizontal bars at the edge of each tab allow you to sort the menu.

If you’d like, you can move “Reviews” up to either the top or near the top so that your customers always see it when they go to your Facebook page. 

Facebook Recommendations

With recommendations enabled and your Facebook business page personalized and ready to go, you should be ready to receive customer feedback and recommendations.

In this next section, we will talk about what those reviews look like as they come in and how to maximize your Facebook recommendations to improve your online reputation, attract new customers, get more reviews and keep your existing customers coming back.

Facebook Recommendations

Your Facebook Star Rating

As we mentioned in the introduction, in 2019 Facebook changed their rating system from a “reviews” style system to a “recommendations” system.

Facebook also added other features to the recommendation system, including the ability to tag recommendations and add photos to recommendations to give them more context.


Despite the fact that customers are not actually assigning individual star ratings anymore, Facebook will still calculate an overall star rating for your business based on the average number of people who recommend your business.

This rating will appear directly above the number of “likes” that you have, on the right-side of the page.

You must receive a certain number of recommendations before Facebook will calculate an overall star rating, although the exact number of recommendations that you need has never been explicitly revealed by Facebook.

Facebook Recommendations

Individual recommendations will come directly into your notifications as they are received, but they are also accessible by clicking on the box that includes your overall star rating.

Once you are on the review screen, you can sort your various recommendations either by “most helpful” or “most recent” to see what your customers are saying about your business.

Facebook reviews

The “most helpful” determination is based on the amount of feedback other customers gave to the review, most notably based on how many “likes” each review received.

Your customers can access the page that lists all your public recommendations in the same manner, by clicking on the overall rating on the right-hand side of your page. When they do so, Facebook will automatically display recommendations from their Facebook friends and colleagues first, if any exist.

Certain reviews may not be visible to everyone, as Facebook’s privacy settings allow customers to choose who is able to see their posts. For example, they can allow the Public to see their review, or only their Facebook friends.

We will touch on this again later on.

The home depot

When recommendations come in, they will say either that a customer “recommends” or “does not recommend” your business.

Do you recommend

If it is a positive recommendation, a red star will be displayed close to the name of the person leaving the recommendation.

If it is a negative review, or a “does not recommend,” the star will be gray.

Can I Delete a Facebook Recommendation

Can I Delete a Facebook Recommendation?

Currently, Facebook does not allow you to delete a recommendation or review on your page.

However, you can report the recommendation, and Facebook may remove it if it violates one of their policies . 

To report a recommendation, click on the three dots on the right-hand side of the recommendation. A dropdown menu will appear; select the option “Find Support or Report Recommendation.”


Facebook will determine whether or not to remove the content.

Usually, Facebook will only remove it if it contains spam or abusive content. They will not remove a recommendation simply because it is a negative or unfavorable to the business.

Can Other People Comment on Facebook Recommendations?

Yes, people aside from the business and the original recommender are able to comment on Facebook recommendations.

When this happens, it is usually friends or associates of the original recommender, although sometimes it is other customers or random bystanders.

This is important to remember when you craft your responses.

Hidden Facebook Recommendations Exist, But They Do Not Affect Your Star Rating.

Customers can potentially leave you a recommendation that you are unable to see or interact with.

Because of Facebook’s privacy settings, your customers are able to decide whether or not to make the recommendation public, or only available to their chosen friends and colleagues.

Facebook will not use these private recommendations in calculating your star rating. It may be a good idea to remind satisfied customers to make their recommendation public so that it will count toward your Facebook star rating and improve your overall online reputation.

Facebook Recommendation Response

Now that your business is collecting recommendations, how do you answer them?

What is the best way to interact with customers online?

The most important thing to remember is that you should reply to every recommendation, whether positive or negative, and ensure that every customer feels heard and accommodated. There are a few different guidelines to answering recommendations which we will discuss now.  

Answering Positive Recommendations

When customers leave a positive recommendation, they are sharing their appreciation for the work you are doing.

The best response is to share your appreciation for them in return.

Thank the customer for taking the time to leave you a recommendation and let them know that you are grateful for their business. A good response would include the name of the customer, a short note of appreciation, and perhaps an invitation to work with them again in the future.

The customer will be notified as soon as you respond, through their Facebook notifications.

Facebook reviews

In the response example above, the customer is addressed by name and the salesperson who assisted the customer is also named and congratulated.

This is a great example of personalization, which is essential to a good positive recommendation response.

Writing a personal response ensures that the customer knows that you read their recommendation, and that you appreciate it. 

Keeping with the theme of personalization, it is important to avoid robotic or canned responses. There is a temptation to rely on response templates, particularly when a recommender is satisfied and not looking for confrontation, but it is relatively easy for customers to see through this.

Instead, it is best practice for businesses to personally respond to every recommendation and ensure that each customer feels heard.

Answering Negative Recommendations

When a customer does not recommend your business on Facebook, it can be tempting to jump straight to the defense.

Remember that your customer is likely looking for an outlet to express frustration and a defensive response may prompt further negative reactions.

This can quickly spiral out of control.

On Facebook in particular, it is very important to keep unseemly fighting or negativity out of the public eye. Regardless of how unreasonable the negative commentary, the most essential aspect of a negative recommendation response is moving the conversation out of public view. 

Facebook reviews

A great response will express genuine concern for the customer’s feelings and offer another outlet for the customer to have their concerns addressed.

Providing a phone number is usually the best practice, but an email address can do as well.

Showing compassion and giving contact information ensures that the customer feels heard and takes the first step towards moving the conversation outside the view of the broader public. What the public does see is a responsive and accommodating business who doesn’t ignore negative feedback but instead addresses the concerns of their customers directly. 

It is nearly impossible to prevent all negative recommendations and there is some indication that you wouldn’t want to even if you could .

However, every business can change how they respond to negative feedback. Doing so will help ensure that your loyal customers stay loyal, and that potential customers see your business in the best light. 

Over To You

We really hope you enjoyed our guide to Facebook Recommendations. If you liked learning about review response and want even more great tips, we highly recommend checking out our guide to Google Reviews .

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Start actively managing your online reputation today. Our review generation software Invite will help your business get more Facebook reviews, and with Engage you can be sure that every person who posts a review gets a response. Delivering great customer service has never been easier.

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How to Write a Review on Facebook in 2024, 9 Easy Ways


Is it important to know how to write a review on Facebook?

Your local coffee house makes you a custom drink you love. Your handmade dress from Etsy arrived in perfect condition. And you can’t stop raving about the progress you’ve seen since working with a life coach. 

How can you show these businesses you care beyond continuing to make purchases?

What about leaving them a Facebook review?

If you have ever wondered, “How do I leave a review on Facebook,” this article is for you.

There are advantages of using Facebook to leave reviews.

With Facebook’s updates for Business Pages, it’s never been easier for people to interact with local businesses they love on social media . 

One of the main updates? 

Further developing the Recommendations feature, an enhanced version of the Facebook reviews system. 

Facebook understands people trust their online communities ’ input on where to shop, eat, or travel. With this feature, Facebook users can create an “ask for a recommendation” post and their friends can respond with live links to the Facebook business pages they recommend. 

In other words, when you leave a review on Facebook, that business becomes eligible to be “recommended” by others, too — a beautiful way to help your favorite local businesses move the needle faster toward sustainable growth. 

By reading this guide, you discover seven ways to leave a review on desktop and two additional guidelines.

If you’re ready to give businesses some love on Facebook, but you’re not sure how, stick around to learn everything you need to know about how to write a review on Facebook. 

How to know which businesses you can review (and other important guidelines) 

Let’s get straight into it. 

If a business has turned on its “Reviews” setting, you can recommend them. 

Take a look at FusionAuth, a SaaS solution for developers interested in SAML vs OAuth systems: 

how to write a review on facebook

( Image Source )

On its Facebook business page, you can see it lists a “Reviews” tab in the red rectangle above. This indicates that FusionAuth is eligible for Facebook recommendations. 

One important note: If a business has turned off its “Reviews” setting, you can’t recommend them. 

Take a look at Leathercult, an apparel brand that specializes in selling leather pants : 

A screenshot showing a missing Reviews tab on Facebook.

If you look inside of the red rectangle, you’ll notice it’s missing a “Reviews” tab. This means Leathercult has turned off its reviews. 

If you’d like to recommend a business page that has reviews turned off, consider asking them to turn the feature on in their privacy settings so you can show your appreciation. 

Why would a business choose to turn off Facebook reviews?

Some businesses may choose to omit this setting from their Facebook page in an effort to prevent spammy messages, inappropriate comments from irate customers, and poor reviews. In this case, consider asking the business if there’s another review site you can use to leave a positive recommendation, such as Google or Yelp. 

How to Write a Review on Facebook

Here are a couple of other housekeeping duties you should keep in mind before attempting to write a review on Facebook.

Review Facebook character limits 

Your Facebook review will need to be at least 25 characters long. That’s about four to six words depending on letter count and spacing.

While there’s no max character limit listed that we could find, we decided to conduct our own test — but we stopped after 44,616 characters. 😂 So, it’s safe to say you have plenty of room to work with. 

Follow Facebook’s community guidelines 

As part of its community standards, Facebook asks that all reviewers follow its guidelines to prevent potential post removal.

While Facebook doesn’t verify user purchases, it does ask that you:

  • Focus on the product or service the business offers
  • Don’t manage the Page for the business you’re reviewing
  • Base your review on personal experience 

Related reading about the violation of community guidelines: Facebook Jail Release

Responding to a review request 

If you view an ad on Facebook via the iPhone app or the Android app , you may be asked to review your purchasing experience with that business — whether you made a purchase or not.  

If you didn’t buy anything, you can let Facebook know by following these two simple steps:

  • Access the review request in your Feed.
  • Tap “Didn’t make a purchase.”

If you did buy something and would like to leave a review, follow these four steps:

  • Choose the star rating you’d like to give the business. 
  • Click “Tell others what you liked or didn’t like” and write your review.
  • Tap “Finish”. 

Pro-Tip: Want to review a brand you love but don’t know what to say? Beat writer’s block and get inspired with brainstorming prompts from an AI text generator . Simply enter a few words about your experience and watch as the generator spits out some ideas for you. While this tool isn’t perfect, it’s a great resource to use when you’re feeling stuck on where to start.

What to include in your Facebook review 

Piggybacking on the guidelines from above, let’s draw up some mock review examples to help you brainstorm your upcoming Facebook review.

Here are three ideas you can use to help you focus your Facebook review:

Place a hyper-focus on the product or service 

If you can’t get enough of a particular product or service, let that be the star of your review. 


When you were planning your wedding, your groomsmen were worried their attire would be expensive, uncomfortable, and lack the proper fit.  

Luckily, you found a brand called StudioSuits that offers men’s suits at a generous discount and offers custom options. Score! 

Not only were your groomsmen pleased with their final cost, but they also loved their suits so much, that they’ve been wearing them to other weddings and formal events since then. 

With this in mind, here’s how you might place the spotlight on the products you ordered: 

“My groomsmen are still raving about the custom suits they purchased from StudioSuits for our Spring wedding last year. Not only were they happy with the fit and price, but they also can’t stop talking about how soft the fabric is. They even joke about starting a “tuxedo” or “suit” night just for an excuse to wear these beauties. Can’t say enough about StudioSuits!”

Highlight your epic customer experience 

Your entire experience was a dream. From initial contact to software consideration to purchase to onboarding . So, why not take potential customers on a ride to let them know what their experience could look like, too?

You’ve been on the hunt for an application tracking system (ATS) that can help you simplify and speed up your recruiting processes. For now, you’ve been relying on outdated HR software solutions and an overwhelming spreadsheet.  

After some digging and research, you found Matchr, a SaaS solution that offers ATS software in line with your specific goals. After signing up for a welcome call, choosing a solution, and completing the onboarding process, you’re over the moon impressed. 

Not only did the rep take their time to answer every question on your long list, but they also continued to follow up with you until your needs were met. A showstopping experience, to say the least.

With this in mind, here’s how you can highlight your customer experience in your review:

“Lisa and the team from Matchr were an absolute dream to work with. After signing up for a welcome call, Lisa and the team went the extra mile by answering all of my questions, without hesitation or a tinge of annoyance. They held my hand throughout the entire onboarding process and are still available anytime I get stuck or have additional questions. If you’re looking for an HR solution that’s not only effective but that also comes with a supportive onboarding team, look no further than Matchr.”

Beam about the tremendous value you’ve received 

When a product or solution is changing your business or life, you have to tell the world about it. 

You never knew you needed a portable filtered water bottle until you had to live without one on of your recent travels where tap water wasn’t safe to drink. 

But after finding ClearlyFiltered? Now your travels look different. Not only can you safely drink water from any spring, water fountain, or faucet, but you’re also looking into ways you can help these communities get access to safe water bottles, too. Now your body and your altruistic heart can thank you.

With this in mind, here’s how you can highlight the value you received in your review:

“As a frequent traveler, I can’t say enough about the filtered water bottles ClearlyFiltered offers. After getting sick on one of my recent travels after drinking spring water, I knew I had to find a convenient way to help me get access to clean water, anywhere in the world. Since my purchase, I’ve been to three countries that didn’t offer potable drinking water and I was able to safely consume the water out of my filtered bottle. Not only has this water bottle changed my traveling experience and my health, but it’s also inspired me to donate filtered water bottles to communities in need.”

How to write a review on Facebook from start to finish (using a desktop computer) 

Now that we’ve covered our our bases, let’s leave a review!

Here’s how to use your computer to write and post a Facebook review:

Step one: Search for the brand you’d like to review 

Search for the brand you’d like to review using Facebook’s search bar at the top.

how to write a review on Facebook

(Image provided by Ioana)

Step two: Click “Reviews”

Choose the “Reviews” tab.

A screenshot showing the Facebook Reviews tab.

Step three: Answer “yes” to the recommendation prompt

Click “Yes” in the recommendation pop-up prompt.

A screenshot showing the Facebook recommendation pop-up.

Step four: Write your review 

Use the insights we shared previously to write your review. 

Writing a Facebook review screenshot.

Step five: Click “Post” 

Choose “Post”.

Choosing Post on a Facebook review.

Step six: Double-check your published review 

Make sure your review posted.

Facebook review screenshot.

Step seven: Edit your review if you catch any mistakes 

See any mistakes you didn’t notice prior to posting? 

You can easily edit them by clicking on the three dots at the top right of your review and choosing “Edit post”, like so:

How to edit a Facebook review screenshot.

You can also delete your review here if needed. Just click “Delete post” instead of “Edit post”.

PS: Want to leave a review using the Android app, iPhone app, or iPad app, instead? Here’s a quick Facebook review tutorial to help walk you through it.

How to Write a Review on Facebook: Frequently Asked Questions

How do i leave a review.

You can use Facebook to leave a business review. Make sure you follow the character limit and the Community Guidelines. Make sure the brand allows reviews. If so, click the Reviews tab on the brand’s Facebook Business Page.

Where is the review button on Facebook?

The Review button is not a button. To leave a review for a business, click the Review tab on the company’s Facebook Business Page.

Wrap Up: How to Write a Review on Facebook

And that’s it! You’ve officially written a review on Facebook. 

Now you know the answer to the question, “How do I leave a review on Facebook?”

Doesn’t it feel good to support the businesses you care so much about?

Don’t forget to save this post in case you’d like to review other businesses on Facebook!

Thanks so much for reading, and happy posting!

Readers, please share so happy customers discover how to write a review on Facebook.

Author Bio:

Ioana Wilkinson

Ioana is a Business, Digital Marketing, and SaaS content writer for B2B brands. Born in Transylvania and raised in Texas, Ioana has been living the digital nomad life since 2016. From Barcelona to Puerto Vallarta to her new abode in windy, Oklahoma City, you’ll never know where Ioana will head off to next.


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facebook review example

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How to Respond to Facebook Reviews & Win Customers Over


L earn how to respond to Facebook reviews in a way that builds or repairs customer relationships and delights customers into returning again and again.

For many businesses in today’s market, Facebook is about building and managing a positive reputation. But, since you aren’t a giant ice cream sundae, you won’t be able to make everyone happy all the time. There will be negative Facebook reviews.

We’re going to teach you how to respond to Facebook reviews and recommendations – both negative and positive – so you have the tools to effectively reach out and win your customers over in the long-haul. Before you ask: yes, negative reviews can work in your favor.

Here are all the topics we’re going to cover in this guide on how to respond to Facebook reviews:

Managing Facebook Review Responses

How to respond to facebook reviews as your business, how to privately respond to a facebook reviewer, responding to negative facebook reviews and recommendations, is it okay to ignore negative facebook reviews or recommendations.

  • How to respond to negative Facebook reviews or recommendations and win your customers back
  • How to respond to a fake Facebook review or recommendation (+ example)

Can a business sue for a bad Facebook review?

Responding to Positive Facebook Reviews and Recommendations

Why respond to a positive Facebook review or recommendation

How to respond to a positive facebook review or recommendation (+ examples), removing facebook reviews or recommendations.

  • Can you remove a bad Facebook review?

How to remove Facebook reviews or recommendations in 2019

Getting more facebook reviews and recommendations, why a high facebook rating matters, how to encourage more positive facebook reviews.

Let’s dive into all the technical aspects of how to respond to Facebook reviews:

Anyone with a business page on Facebook also has a personal account, so sometimes when you go to respond to review, the response shows up as being from your personal account and not your business’ page.

This frustrating kink is fairly simple to fix. Here’s how to respond to Facebook reviews as your business:

1. Go to your business’ page. 2. Click “Reviews” or “Recommendations” on the left-hand sidebar:

facebook review example

3. Locate the review you want to respond to. 4. Hover over the dropdown icon directly beneath it to see who you are commenting as:

facebook review example

5. To change who you’re commenting as, click the dropdown and select your business’ page.

Facebook allows you to continue conversations with your customers by responding via private message. This an excellent way to learn more about your customer’s experience and win them back over with your attention to service.

Here’s how to privately respond to a Facebook reviewer:

1. Head to your business’ Facebook page. 2. Click “Reviews” or “Recommendations” from the left-hand sidebar:

3. Locate the review you want to respond to privately. 4. Click on “Message” beneath it:

facebook review example

The best part of this feature is that Facebook notifies others that you are handling the review with a notice that says, “Page responded privately to this review.” This notice appears directly under the review and shows other customers that you haven’t just ignored the review.

Jump to our section on how to respond to negative Facebook reviews for insights on what to say when you send a private message.

You likely have more anxiety when it comes to responding to negative Facebook reviews than you do about the positive ones, and rightfully so. There’s a way you can impress customers – and a way you can make the situation worse – when responding to negative reviews. We’re going to teach you how to appropriately respond and even win customers over after they’ve had a negative experience.

You may think that by avoiding negative Facebook reviews or recommendations, you avoid adding fuel to a fire – but you’re only making things worse.

Negative reviews that are left unresponded to raise red flags for consumers. To them, it seems like you don’t care about a poor customer experience, and that the quality of service you offer is low. Because so many consumers use Facebook to make purchasing decisions, you need to show up for them. It can be tough to admit your business was wrong, but if you do, you’ll earn respect for your honesty and more customers in the future.

How to respond to negative Facebook reviews or recommendations and win customers back

The first time you read a negative Facebook review or recommendation, you may feel defensive. After reading it a second time, you may see a little bit of truth in their critique. The third time you read it, you are likely in a better mindset to craft an authentic response focused on your brand values rather than fueled by emotion. This is the mindset you need to be in to win customers back over.

When you sit down to respond to a negative Facebook review or recommendation, remember that it is an opportunity. How your business handles negative reviews can either concern or impress future customers – use it wisely.

Here’s how to respond to negative Facebook reviews or recommendations:

  • Thank the customer for their honest feedback. Remember, they’ve handed you an opportunity to better your business.
  • Apologize to the customer . Most of the time, when a customer complains online, they just want to be heard. You can almost always diffuse a tough situation with a sincere apology.
  • Make an offer. Is there something you can do to repair the relationship between you and your customer? Try to make things right by offering something for their trouble. Take it a step further and make an even better impression by delivering more than what’s expected of you.
  • Take it offline. We cannot stress how important this is with Facebook reviews. Unlike Google or Yelp, Facebook reviews behave like posts, so you could end up arguing with a dissatisfied customer in the comments. Avoid this by including a phone number or email address they can contact to claim the offer you made, or by asking them to privately message you.

The key to delighting customers who have had negative experiences and winning them back is by doing more for them than expected. Own a restaurant? Refund the meal, and the valet parking cost. Take that extra step to not only make things right, but really serve your customer in a phenomenal way.

How to report a fake Facebook review

When you receive a string of negative reviews, either from competitors, former employees, or people referencing things other than an experience at your business, these are known as fake reviews.

Fake reviews aren’t pretty. They’ve been known to hurt businesses and cause some serious damage. If you suspect or recognize a fake Facebook review, it’s pretty simple to get it removed by Facebook.

Here’s how to report a fake Facebook review:

1. Head to your business’ Facebook page. 2. Click on the “Reviews” or “Recommendations” tab on the left-hand sidebar:

3. Locate the fake Facebook review you want to report. 4. Click on the exclamation point icon to the right of the review:

facebook review example

5. Select “Recommendation Not Relevant” if the posted review has nothing to do with an experience at your business, or “Unfair Recommendation” if you suspect it is from a competitor or former employee:

facebook review example

6. Click “Send.”

Facebook will review your report and decide whether to remove the review.

How to respond to a fake Facebook review (+ example)

Though you’ve already reported it, Facebook’s reviewing process can take several weeks. Even then, there’s no guarantee that Facebook will remove the bad review. In order to properly handle a fake review, we recommend you respond to let others browsing your reviews that you’re taking care of it.

Here’s how to respond to Facebook reviews you suspect, or know, are fake:

  • Be polite. Nothing will hurt your business more than making accusations in your Facebook review response, especially since it can turn into a commenting war.
  • Raise questions regarding their false comments. Politely question the credibility of their review: 

“Hi [CUSTOMER NAME], we think there might be some confusion here! You mention that we did not honor your reservation, but we don’t take those unless they’re for a private room. Could it be that you have the wrong business? Please privately message us or give us a call at [INSERT PHONE NUMBER] so we can better understand the situation!”

  • Don’t engage in a commenting war. If they continue to publicly comment back, refer them to an email address, phone number, or ask them to privately message you to further discuss their experience.

Technically, you can sue for a bad Facebook review – but make sure you have a case first.

Businesses have sued reviewers claiming slander or defamation if the review content had false claims that hurt their business. Before making the decision to sue, we recommend you hire a legal professional to discuss the option, as we are not lawyers and do not provide legal advice.

Responding to Positive Facebook Reviews or Recommendations

Positive Facebook reviews and recommendations aren’t as difficult to deal with properly, but there are a few best practices you should follow just the same.

Positive reviews are from your biggest fans, so you should absolutely respond to them. Make your happiest customers even happier by commenting a short, sweet, personalized note, thanking them for their business. That makes them feel noticed and appreciated, and they’ll be more likely to come back.

Responding to a positive Facebook review or recommendation is as easy (and fun) as it sounds. Here are a few tips for doing it well:

  • Say thanks. Your customers keep you in business – thank them for their positive feedback!
  • Point out something they mentioned in the review. Make your response a little more personal by saying, “we’re so glad you loved our ______,” or, “we’ll be sure to let Greg know you loved having him as your waiter!”
  • Invite them back. Let them know you’re excited to see them again with a simple, “we look forward to having you dine with us again,” or, “we hope to see you again soon!”

If you’ve been hit by a string of fake Facebook reviews or recommendations, or you simply don’t have time to monitor all the reviews that are coming in, it may be time to remove them.

Can you remove a bad or fake Facebook review?

As the business page administrator, you don’t have the power to remove a bad or fake review yourself. You have to report it to Facebook and they will decide whether to remove the review.

For a Facebook review to be removed, it must fall under at least one of the following categories:

  • Recommendation or Review Not Relevant , for any reviews that don’t specifically refer to an experience with your business.
  • Unfair Recommendation. This isn’t just for reviews you think are unfair. It’s for those you suspect were paid for or written by former employees or competitors.
  • Harassment , for any reviews written by people who have been constantly attacking your business.
  • Spam , which can be used for any computer-generated or salesy content.
  • Violence, Nudity, Hate Speech, Drugs, Suicide or Self-Injury, all of which Facebook considers “objectionable content” and has strict policies against. These should be reported immediately.

Facebook’s setup is constantly changing, so information that was written three years ago may no longer be valid.

Here’s how to remove Facebook reviews or recommendations in 2019:

1. Login to your Facebook’s business page. 2. On your page, select the “Reviews” or “Recommendations” tab on the left-hand side:

3. Locate the fake Facebook review you want to remove. 4. Click on the exclamation point icon to the right of the review:

5. Select the reason you want it to be removed:

After you respond to Facebook reviews left on your business’ page, you can continue effectively build a stronger reputation by getting more Facebook reviews and recommendations. Let us teach you how to get Facebook reviews with useful tips and advice you can put into practice today.

A large number of positive Facebook reviews does more than build a good reputation of your business. It also discredits the negative Facebook reviews you’ve received.

Facebook highly values relationships, and so if a user’s friend has recommended your business, that recommendation will show at the top for them. The Facebook user will see that their friend had a positive experience at your business, and that personal recommendation is incredibly valuable to the user’s decision-making process.

The more positive Facebook reviews and recommendations you can get, the better your online reputation, and the more like friends of reviewers are to choose you over competitors.

If you want to boost your Facebook rating, getting lots of positive Facebook reviews or recommendations is easier than you might think.

Here are some best practices to help you get more positive Facebook reviews or recommendations:

  • Pre-screen your customers. Ask your customers how satisfied they were with their experience before sending them online to review you publicly. That way, only your happiest customers are sent to Facebook.
  • Follow-up with customers. When you send reminders to customers who did not take action, you can double the number of Facebook reviews you receive.
  • Frequently send review requests. Sending as many as possible as often as possible is important to get more Facebook reviews since the conversion rate is low compared to those sent to Google or Yelp. The review page on Facebook is busy and cluttered, sometimes distracting customers from what they came to do.
  • Automate the process to effectively receive more Facebook reviews without spending lots of time.
  • Include instructions on how to leave a review on Facebook because it can often be confusing, like this: – Head to the reviews section of our business page: [INSERT REVIEW PAGE LINK] – Locate the “Do you recommend [BUSINESS NAME]?” section – Select your response and provide feedback on your experience
  • Check out our Facebook review management tool   which makes the process of getting more Facebook reviews easy.

Want to learn more? Check out our complete guide on how to get Facebook reviews .

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How To Get Facebook Reviews: 10 Strategies For Your Biz Page

Today more than ever, online reviews are a critical aspect of consumers’ purchasing decisions. And with the rise of social media, they have become an essential part of how people evaluate products and services. Facebook reviews are no different for businesses to have.

Since Facebook is the most popular social media platform, it has also become a hub for users to share their first-hand experiences and opinions on business pages.

So, are you wondering how to get more reviews on Facebook?

Here are ten practical tips to help you get started.

Table of Contents

What Are The Benefits of Online Reviews?

Before discussing the strategies, let’s first understand why online reviews are so important.

  • Build Trust. Positive reviews from satisfied users can build trust with potential customers . It shows that your business has a good reputation and provides excellent products or services.
  • Increase Visibility. Reviews on platforms like Facebook can boost your business’s visibility as they often appear in search engine results.
  • Improve SEO. Reviews can also improve your search engine rankings as they are considered a form of user-generated content, which is highly valued by search engines.
  • Customer Feedback. Online reviews provide valuable feedback from customers, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and make necessary changes.

What Are the Official Guidelines for Facebook Reviews?

facebook review example

When it comes to managing reviews on your business’s Facebook page, there are some official guidelines that you should be aware of:

  • Moderation. You can moderate the reviews on your page by hiding or deleting them if they violate Facebook’s Community Standards.
  • Reporting Fake Reviews. If you believe a review is fake or spam, you can report it to Facebook for review.
  • Responding to Reviews. You can respond publicly or privately to reviews on your page, depending on the nature of the feedback.
  • Asking Customers for Reviews. While you can’t incentivize customers to leave positive reviews, you are allowed to ask them for honest feedback.

Remember that recommendations that don’t follow Facebook’s community standards may be removed, so make sure to familiarize yourself with them before managing your reviews.

The key points are:

  • Authenticity

Facebook page guidelines

Treat all users, including those leaving negative reviews, with respect and dignity. Avoid attacking or belittling them in your responses and focus on resolving any issues they may have.

10 Effective Strategies to Get More Facebook Reviews on Your Facebook Business Page

Now that you understand the importance of online reviews and the guidelines for managing them on Facebook, let’s dive into ten practical strategies to get more Facebook reviews on your business page .

Turn On Reviews For Your Facebook Page

First thing first.

Before you can get reviews, you need to make sure that they are enabled on your page.

To do this, go to your profile and choose the page you want to check.

Select the correct fan page and then click “ Settings & Privacy “:

turn on Facebook reviews

On the next page, click “Privacy” in the left menu:

be sure to click privacy

The last step is to click on “ Page and Tagging “, to finally see the option called “ Allow others to view and leave reviews on your Page? “.

Make sure the tagging is On:

make tagging on for your fb page

Encourage Customers to Leave Facebook Reviews

Sometimes, all you need to do is ask.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to your customers and politely request them to leave a review on your Facebook page. You can do this through email marketing , social media posts, or even in-store signage.

When reaching out, make writing a review as simple as possible by providing a direct link to your page or instructions on how to navigate there.

A good template you can use to request reviews is:

>Hello [Customer Name],

>We hope you had a great experience with our product/service.

>We would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on our Facebook page.

>It will only take a few minutes, and your review will help us improve our services for future customers.

>Thank you for your support!

Of course, make sure to thank customers who have already left reviews and let them know their feedback is valuable to your business.

Respond To Reviews

Not only should you encourage customers to leave reviews, but also respond to them.

Acknowledge both positive and negative reviews and thank the reviewers for taking the time to share their experiences.

This shows that you care about your customers’ opinions and are willing to address any concerns they may have. It also gives potential customers a positive image of your brand, knowing that you value and engage with feedback.

For example,  you can respond to a positive review by saying:

>Thank you [Reviewer’s Name] for your kind words and support. We are happy to hear that you had a great experience with us.

For negative reviews, try to address the issue and offer solutions or an apology if necessary.

For example,  you can respond to a negative review by saying:

>We apologize for any inconvenience caused, [Reviewer’s Name]. Please send us a direct message so we can further assist you with this issue.

Remember to keep your tone professional, and respectful, and maintain Facebook’s community standards.

Share Positive Reviews On Other Social Media

Sharing positive reviews on your social media platforms is an effective way to promote your brand and encourage others to leave reviews.

If you don’t have any, you can consider purchasing real Facebook reviews as a way to boost your page’s credibility and encourage more reviews from others.

You can also take screenshots of positive reviews and share them on platforms like Instagram or Twitter, along with a link to your Facebook page for people to leave their reviews.

This also shows appreciation for customers who took the time to share their positive experiences.

They may feel more inclined to leave a review again in the future or share your brand with their network, leading to more reviews.

example of FB review

Implement A Review Generation System

Another effective strategy is to implement a review generation system.

This can be as simple as sending an automated email after a customer has made a purchase, asking them to leave a review on your Facebook page.

You can try a pop-up form on your website, offering a discount or freebie in exchange for leaving a review. 

Alternatively, you can implement a review generation system for engaged customers who complete a specific action on your website, like the case of SlideModel reviews , where engaged users are invited to leave a review after downloading a presentation template.

Make sure to check Facebook’s policies and guidelines when it comes to incentives for reviews.

Offer Great Customer Service

Customer service is a key factor in getting positive reviews.

Make sure to provide top-notch customer service to every customer, whether it’s through fast shipping, easy returns, or excellent communication.

If customers have a great experience with your business, they are more likely to leave a positive review and recommend your brand to others.

Engage With Your Audience Regularly

Engaging with your audience regularly not only helps build a relationship with them but also reminds them to leave a review.

You can do this by responding to comments and messages, posting interesting content, and running promotions or giveaways.

When customers see your brand actively engaging with its audience, they may feel more inclined to leave a review as they know their feedback will be valued and acknowledged .

For example,  you can post a poll or ask for suggestions on your Facebook page and include a call-to-action to leave a review.

engage with your Facebook reviews

Utilize Facebook Ads

Facebook ads can be a powerful tool in promoting your page and getting more reviews.

You can create an ad specifically targeting people who have recently engaged with your brand or visited your website, encouraging them to leave a review.

By reaching out to those who are already familiar with your brand, they may be more likely to take the time to leave a review.

To create a targeted ad, go to the Ads Manager and select the objective “Get More Page Likes” or “Engagement”.

Facebook ads manager

From there, you can specify your target audience and budget.

Encourage Facebook Check-ins

Another way to increase reviews is by encouraging customers to check in on your business on Facebook.

This not only promotes your page but also makes it easier for customers to leave a review directly from the check-in.

You can offer incentives like discounts or freebies for customers who check in and leave a review, further motivating them to do so.

facebook check ins

Add The Facebook Reviews Tab to Your Business Website

If you have a business website, make sure to add the reviews tab to your Facebook page .

This way, potential customers can easily see your overall review rating and read individual reviews without having to leave your website.

It also makes it more convenient for them to leave a review if they are already browsing your site.

How To Leave A Facebook Review

Not only should you try to generate Facebook reviews for your page but leave reviews for other businesses you have purchased from or did business with.

Here’s how to leave a Facebook review:

First, log into your Facebook account and visit the business page you want to review. Scroll down until you see the Reviews section.

Click on the stars to select your rating. A box will pop up asking you to describe your experience.

Write a detailed review being as specific as possible about what you liked or didn’t like. You can also upload photos to support your review.

Once you’re done, click “Post” to publish your review publicly on that page.

FAQs: Generating Facebook Reviews

There could be several reasons why you are not getting reviews on Facebook. It could be due to a lack of customer engagement, negative experiences with your business, or difficulty in leaving a review. But first, make sure you have enabled reviews on your page and have actively encouraged customers to leave reviews.

Facebook does not allow businesses to delete or hide negative reviews. However, you can report a review if it violates Facebook’s policies and guidelines . Otherwise, it is best to respond to the review professionally and try to address any concerns the customer may have.

Yes, you can offer incentives for customers to leave reviews, but make sure to follow Facebook’s guidelines and policies when it comes to offering rewards for reviews.

Final Words

Getting reviews on Facebook is an essential aspect of building a strong online presence and establishing trust with your audience.

By implementing these strategies, you can encourage more reviews and improve your overall review rating on Facebook.

Remember to always respond to reviews, whether positive or negative, professionally and respectfully. This shows that you value and appreciate customer feedback, leading to better customer relationships and more positive reviews in the future.

Remember, a great user experience leads to great reviews , so make sure to prioritize providing excellent customer service at all times. 

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All good tips Lisa. Engaging your Facebook Fans – and followers in general – regularly influences them to organically publish glowing reviews because they luv ya and wish to express it. Genuinely, it is kinda easy to score these types of reviews since you mainly need to care about the well-being of your tribe, listen to them and show up to respond. Smart post my friend.

' src=

Thanks Ryan. Of course it’s best to engage with folks on the social networks unless they are spamming you 🙂 Appreciate your coming by and taking the time to comment Ryan. Have a great day!

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9 customer review examples + template for getting more reviews

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When it comes to making decisions, we humans aren’t always independent thinkers. From buying our morning coffee to big-ticket items like a new car, we depend on our network’s opinions, advice, or perspectives for making the right decision. 

With the internet, those networks get way, way bigger. We’re no longer confined to just friends, family, and coworkers—we can see what people all around the world think with just a quick Google search. 

And these customer reviews hold serious weight with shoppers. Online reviews—either positive or negative—can impact over 93% of consumers’ decisions . 1  

While reviews can accumulate on their own, they shouldn’t exist in a vacuum. Knowing how to ask for reviews, leverage them to get more business, and respond to less-than-favorable customer testimonials can improve your business image and land you more long-lasting customers. 

Keep reading to learn about:

  • Why customer reviews are so important 
  • 9 types of reviews and how to get more of them  
  • How to respond to positive and negative customer reviews

🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 Want to get more customer reviews for your business? Use these outreach templates (and DIY customer review builder!) to help your customers give you the best review possible.

Get free review templates

Why are customer reviews so important?

Customer reviews build something known as social proof, a phenomenon that states people are influenced by those around them. This might include friends and family, industry experts and influencers, or even internet strangers. 

Social proof can push customers who are on the fence about buying a product to make a purchase (or consider other alternatives). While there are many different forms of social proof (like influencer campaigns and company partnerships), customer reviews have a special place in shoppers’ hearts. 

Think about the last time you tried a new restaurant. Or bought a vacuum. You probably looked for reviews online first, right? When considering a purchase, people want first-hand perspectives from other people just like them. While a famous influencer might catch their attention, experiences from peers are also important if you want to convince them to buy . 

Depending on the industry your business is in, customer reviews might be especially important because they help offset a generally negative view of certain industries. For example, if you work in advertising, you’ve got a bit of an uphill battle— only 23% of respondents surveyed in the Customer Communications Review said that ad agencies provided “very good” or “pretty good” service, and ad agencies rank dead last in comparison to other major industries:

industry rankings customer service

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9 customer review examples (and how to get more reviews)

Customer reviews come in many different forms. Including a few good ones on your website can improve your chances of winning more customers—who doesn’t want that?

And anything you can do to make it as easy for your happy customers to write those reviews for you will help. For example, here’s a handy Mad-Libs-style customer review builder that you can attach to your message or email to the customer when you’re asking if they can write a review or testimonial for you:

DIY customer review builder

You can download this customer review template, along with examples of outreach communications, to help you save a ton of time as you’re gathering customer reviews 👇

Let’s walk through the different kinds of customer reviews, starting with the easiest ones to collect. ​

Testimonials or quotes from your customers are one of the most common forms of customer reviews. You’re most likely to find them on a company website, typically on the homepage, or in their marketing materials. 

Here’s an example of a quote testimonial from WordPress : 

Quote testimonial from WordPress

These short (typically only one to two sentence) overviews of how your product or service impacted a company helps give your brand credibility. With quote testimonials, those impressive claims you’re making actually sound believable because they’re backed up by someone who’s, well, not you. 

We list customer quotes as the easiest type of review to get because they involve very little effort for you and your customer. Because you’re in control of adding them to your website, all you need to do is ask your customers to share their experience in an email, in person, or over the phone. 

Quotes also allow you to choose the great customer service stories , perspectives, or opinions that you think are most valuable. You can highlight your high-profile clients—and who says you have to use the less-than-favorable reviews?

How to get a quote review:

Ask for it. Call up your long-term customers and ask if they’d be willing to share a testimonial or a bit about their experience working with you to display on your website.

Or look for positive words of encouragement in email and social media responses or everyday conversations. If a customer gives you a great quote, ask if you can showcase it on your website.

You might be on multiple social media platforms, so how can you keep track of all these messages? If you’re providing omnichannel customer service , you might already be using a tool that can consolidate all your customer conversations and communication channels into one handy dashboard. Like this:

To get awesome customer reviews, you need to provide awesome customer service, whether that’s by focusing on proactive or agile customer service.

2. Peer review sites

Peer review sites are probably what you think of when you think of customer reviews. These include Google reviews, Facebook reviews, Yelp, Amazon, or G2 Crowd (if you’re a software company). 

You’ve probably encountered these kinds of reviews while you were deciding whether or not to try a local business for the first time: 

Review about Kalaya Thai Kitchen

Reviews on peer-to-peer sites can happen organically, often removing the company from the review process entirely. (This can be a nightmare if you’re managing a small business , since one bad review can have a huge impact, but this also makes the reviews seem more authentic.) Customers don’t need to worry about if companies have edited them to be more favorable (or deleted reviews they didn’t agree with). 

However, this also means you’re not as in control of these kinds of reviews. 

But that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything at all. These peer-to-peer review sites are often one of the first places a potential customer looks when considering a purchase, so ensuring you have some positive reviews on each is important. 

How to get a review on a peer review site:

Again, the best way to do this is to ask. Send an email, ask in person, or add links to your website that make it easy for customers to leave their opinion.  

3. Social media

Social media is becoming just as much a resource for businesses that want to build brand awareness as it is for people who are interested in connecting with brands. But don’t just your social media campaigns to get prospects. Not only are customers turning to social media to ask brands questions or learn about their services, they’re also using their accounts to share opinions and reviews. 

Here’s an example from American Eagle’s spin-off clothing line Aerie: 

Customer asking a question through social media

Like peer-to-peer review sites, the company usually isn’t involved in the review process—making them feel more transparent and honest. But one of the biggest benefits of having reviews on social networks is that prospective customers can get a feel for who the customer is in ways they can’t with testimonials or peer-to-peer review sites. 

How to get social media reviews:

Encourage customer reviews on social media by creating communities where customers are empowered to share their experiences or purchases. For example, Aerie uses the hashtag #AerieReal to make it easy to see how customers are styling their items in real life: 

Customer reviews of Aerie using the hashtag #AerieReal

Create a unique hashtag to compile your customer reviews in one place.

4. Case studies 

Case studies dive deep into customer results and are particularly useful for businesses selling to businesses (aka the B2B space). 

Here’s an example of a case study from RingCentral and our client Box : 

RingCentral case study about Box

Case studies—unlike traditional customer reviews—are written from the perspective of the company doing the work or providing the product. Rather than the customer explaining how they helped, the company walks through what they did to help their customer reach their goals. 

This perspective gives potential customers an idea of how your team works. It gives you a chance to show off your problem-solving skills and attention to detail, and it allows your potential customer to envision how you might help them. 

How to get case study reviews:

Write your own! Be sure to mix in quotes, results, and info from your customer to back up your claims. Each case study should read like a partnership—not just a one-sided perspective. 

5. Customer stories and interviews 

We all love a good story—and that’s probably clear in the review types that we’ve listed so far. Customers want to see themselves in the people your company has already helped; they want to know what your customer experience is like. One way to do this is through customer stories and interviews. 

Squarespace is one company that does this well:

Squarespace Stories and Interviews

Through stories and interviews, Squarespace shares who their customers are, what the vision or mission of their website is, and how Squarespace provides them with the platform to reach those goals. 

For Squarespace, they get an opportunity to showcase how diverse their client pool is. But it gives customers an opportunity to connect with each other too. Similar to case studies, stories and interviews paint a larger picture of what the customer is hoping to accomplish—only you have to be less self-centered here and make sure your customer is the star of the story. 

How to get customer story-style reviews:

Stories and interviews give a more personal perspective. Instead of hearing from your company, they’re hearing stories straight from the customer. So, to get those stories, send customers a questionnaire or old in-person interviews.

Give your customers an opportunity to share their stories, then focus on filling in the rest of the narrative with images, videos, and other content. 

💡 Get more positive customer reviews with these free outreach templates (and DIY customer review builder).

Get free templates

6. Blog posts 

Blog post reviews give your potential customer an opportunity to really dig in deep into your product or service, and even your brand and culture as a company. Rather than just a sentence or two like a customer might find on your website or a few hundred words displayed on a peer-to-peer review page, blog posts can be thousands of words, complete with step-by-step instructions with images that thoroughly explain a process or perspective. 

This is a great example of a blog post review on Warby Parker : 

Blog post review on Warby Parker

These kinds of reviews can typically answer more complicated questions that require more space and time—something that isn’t really possible with traditional reviews. 

But one of the biggest benefits of blog post reviews is the SEO value, meaning you can get these pages to show up on Google when people are searching for reviews of your business. If you’ve ever searched for “[product] review,” you’ve probably encountered a post like this before. Because these posts tend to be descriptive, long-form, and useful, they can rank pretty highly. 

How to get blog post reviews:

Getting reviews like this one can be a little difficult. After all, not everyone has a blog to write on. You can increase your chances by offering a free sample or trial of your products or other goodies to industry influencers and experts who run popular blogs. 

Consumers like videos. This isn’t anything new. In fact, 85% of internet users in the United States say they watch video content—making it a strong contender as an outlet for your customer reviews 2 . 

Shopify is one example of a company using video testimonials: 

Shopify video testimonials

Video reviews can give potential buyers something most written reviews can’t: emotion. 

Viewers can see the difference your products or services have made. They can build a stronger connection with your customers, making it easier to put themselves in their shoes. These deeper connections can spark more sales . 

Creating videos doesn’t need to be complicated. Customers sharing selfie-style videos talking about what your product has done, or just stationed in front of a camera, can get the same message across. 

While you want the image and audio to be clear in the videos you share, the quality of the message is more important. If you have a customer willing to discuss on camera how you’ve helped them, this can go a long way. 

Here’s another video review of Shopify, this time from YouTube : 

This one doesn’t involve a lot of money or production—just a user sitting in front of his computer camera giving his opinion of the tool. And it still has over 15,000 views.

How to get more video reviews: 

If you have the budget for larger production projects you want to feature on your website (like our first example), reach out to the customers you think have the best story or video presence. If you’re spending the money, you’re in control of the story. 

However, to get more reviews like the second, treat it the same as blog post reviews. Reach out to industry experts who have large YouTube followings and offer free trials or discounted products in exchange for an honest review. 

8. User-generated content 

User-generated content includes social media posts, videos, images, audio, or other kinds of content created by—you guessed it—a user of your products or services. Some of the review types we’ve already covered would fall into this category (like social media posts or customer videos). 

But user-generated content isn’t just an online review or a customer sharing an image with your hashtag. That’s just the start. You then need to take that content and use it in a bigger, coordinated way. 

Here’s an example of how direct-to-consumer mattress brand Casper does it:

Casper User-generated Content

Like the Aerie example, Casper encourages users to share pictures using their products (in this case, sleeping on their mattresses) on social media. When someone tags Casper in their post, the image is added to a reel on their website. 

They also share customer posts on their own Instagram feed:

Casper's Instagram Feed

Dogs and babies do well on Instagram, haven’t you heard?

User-generated content puts your customers’ experiences front and center. Although they’re not exactly traditional reviews, prospective customers can see how happy others are with your products. It helps build authenticity— something millennials love . 

How to get more user-generated content: 

This one follows the same tips as social media reviews. Encourage your audience to share their experiences by creating a unique hashtag or tell them to tag you in their posts. 

Then start commenting, sharing, and engaging with your own audience. When your audience sees you showcasing other users’ experiences or getting into conversations, they’ll jump to get involved. 

9. Brand ambassadors 

Think of brand ambassadors as an external sales team. They’re loyal customers who love your brand or product so much they’re willing to recommend your products or services to their own networks. The bonus with having brand ambassadors is that they’re usually seriously obsessed fans—and are probably more familiar with your product than even your own team.

Brand ambassadors don’t need to have large followings. In fact, anyone can be a brand ambassador. You probably have brand ambassadors without even knowing it. 

One of the best examples of brand ambassadors online is for the budgeting software, You Need a Budget (YNAB). Users are active on platforms like Reddit , sharing advice on how the platform has changed their life for the better:

You Need a Budget (YNAB) online brand ambassadors

How to get more brand ambassadors:

While you could pay for brand ambassadors, you’re better off creating them organically. In YNAB’s case, they did so by providing a unique spin to traditional budgeting software. By helping customers who otherwise would have slipped through the cracks, they’ve created a loyal fan base. 

It takes more time to build brand ambassadors naturally, but this is a high-reward review since their advocacy will be much, much stronger, directed, and in-depth than your average Yelp review. 

👀  How can you get more customer reviews? Start with these free outreach templates (and DIY customer review builder).

How to respond to customer reviews 

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again—your customer reviews shouldn’t exist in a vacuum. 

If you’re just allowing customers to leave reviews on peer-to-peer pages, social media, or their own blogs without acknowledging them or responding to them, you’re not making use of powerful content that has been known to convert leads.

But your response process should look different depending on if the review is positive or not. 

How to respond to a positive review  

Congrats! A customer left you a positive review. Time to pop the champagne—and write a response. 

Responding to a positive review is a lot less stressful than responding to something negative but just as important. Letting your happy customers know you’ve seen their kind words and you appreciate their feedback can encourage them to continue singing your praises. 

Here’s how to respond to positive reviews: 

  • Make your message personalized. Customers will quickly realize if you’re just copying and pasting messages to all your reviews. Instead of giving a generic “Thanks!” take the time to write a thought-out, personalized message.
  • Respond in a day or two. Fast responses show you’re paying attention. While you’re not expected to drop everything to respond to reviews, a quick response—especially on social media—can keep customers engaged with your brand. Reduce your response time by integrating your social media apps with your cloud-based communications system. RingCentral connects with top social platforms, like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, so you can easily respond without needing to switch platforms.
  • Show your personality. This is your chance to engage directly with a happy customer, so make the most of it. Respond with some personality—humor, kindness, wit, you get the idea—to really connect with your customer. Regardless of your brand’s personality, be authentic. Your audience will be able to tell if you’re not.
  • Give a recommendation. Now is a great time to point your customer in the direction of another product, a piece of content, or something related to their review. (This is a great way to personalize your response!) For example, if they say they enjoyed a product, recommend they look into a supplementary project, or suggest they check out a blog post that tells them how to make the most of their purchase. Your main goal is to keep them engaged! 
  • Ask if you can showcase their review. If someone leaves you a particularly stellar or unique testimonial, ask for permission to share it! Display it on your website, show it off on social media, or create user-generated content out of it. Showing off the kind words of your happy customers is more powerful than just telling people how awesome you are.

How to respond to a negative review

Negative reviews are much less exciting than positive reviews. They can be stressful, and responding can feel like a lost cause. But even the most unhappy customer can change their opinion with the right encouragement. 

Responding to a negative review is a little less “just be yourself” and a little more strategic: 

  • Respond promptly. Again, you may not need to drop everything you’re doing to respond, but it’s more important to get to negative reviews quickly than positive reviews. If a negative review is posted for too long without a response, not only is it frustrating for the unhappy customer, but it can also leave a bad taste in prospective customers’ mouths. Do your best to get to negative responses in just a few hours.
  • Put the customer first. You may not agree with what the customer is saying, but that doesn’t mean you should be on the defensive. Instead, listen and see where the customer is coming from—you have to identify where their frustration lies. Think about the response you would want in their shoes and try and find a solution.
  • Respond publicly, but push the conversation to a private channel. You don’t want to get into a debate with an unhappy customer on Yelp, but you also don’t want it to seem like you’re not acknowledging negative reviews. Reply to unhappy customers on the platform they’ve left the review on, but encourage them to continue the conversation through a private message on social media, email, or phone call. 

If you have a phone or communications tool, it can make this part easier. For example, RingCentral integrates with other popular social media apps to let you switch between platforms while keeping the integrity of your conversations:

answering customer questions through RingCentral Engage Digital

(When frustrated customers don’t have to repeat their issues over and over, it might help soothe them a bit and give you a better shot at turning the interaction around.)

  • Follow through. Don’t just apologize and call it settled. In order to change your customer’s opinion, you need to find a solution to their problem and follow through on it. Work with the customer to discover what will change their opinion—and follow up after to see if you’ve been successful.
  • Don’t get it taken down. It can be tempting to get a negative review removed, but it can hurt the trust you’ve built with other customers—especially if that unhappy customer realizes they’ve been silenced. If you respond the right way, leaving the review up also proves to prospective customers that you care about your customers’ opinions. Sometimes, an unhappy customer will even write a positive follow-up review to show people that you actually turned things around for them:

Positive follow-up review from a customer

Replying to reviews (both positive and negative) appropriately means having open communication with your customers. Bringing reviews in as part of your customer feedback cycle can help you identify communication gaps or other areas where you’re not meeting expectations. 

What can you learn from these customer review examples?

Asking your audience to buy from you without any reinforcement from other customers is an uphill battle. Without any reviews or social proof, you’re expecting them to invest solely on blind trust—and it doesn’t work well. 

Rather than making your job more difficult, make the most of the happy experiences your customers choose to share. From peer-to-peer pages to your own website and social media accounts, showcasing positive reviews—and responding to negative reviews the right way—can help you land more customers.

1 thedrum.com/news/2017/03/27/online-reviews-impact-purchasing-decisions-over-93-consumers-report-suggests

2 statista.com/statistics/272835/share-of-internet-users-who-watch-online-videos

Originally published Feb 19, 2020, updated Jan 29, 2023

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facebook review example


How To Write A Facebook Review

by Loren Bartley | Jun 12, 2014 | Facebook , Social Media Platforms | 2 comments

How to write a Facebook Review

How To Write A Facebook Review For Business Pages

Follow the steps below to write a Facebook review (if the page has this feature available).

1. Visit Page

How to write a review on Facebook Page - Visit Page

2. Click On The Stars

How to write a review on Facebook Page Star Rating

3. Select the “Write A Review” Button

How to write a review on Facebook Page - Write A Review Button

3. Write A Review

How to write a review on Facebook Page - Write A Review

4. Press Submit

How to write a review on Facebook Page Star Rating - Positive Review

Try It Yourself – Write A Review

If you found these instructions or any of the other services I have provided for you over time to be of value, then I would really appreciate it if you could write a review on the Impactiv8 Facebook Page .

Share These Instructions

If you would like to get more reviews for your Facebook Page, then the best thing you can do is ask your customers or clients to rate your Facebook Page! This is particularly important if you don’t have many reviews and those reviews don’t accurately reflect what you believe the overall rating of your business should be. You don’t have to ask everyone either. Targeting your happiest clients is a great way to ensure you get your star rating up to the kind of rating it deserves! 🙂 Feel free to share the link to these instructions as part of your request also. This will overcome the obstacle of them potentially not knowing how to do so.

Alicia Daniels

The more I read, the more the better your material is. I’ve covered a lot of the other resources; nevertheless, only here, I have found valid information with this kind of necessary facts to keep in mind. I suggest you’ll print articles with many topics to update our understanding, mine in particular. The language is just another thing-just brilliant! I believe I’ve found my perfect supply of the very up-to-date information, thanks to you!

Everett Wilson Jr

Been trying for 75days to get back onto Facebook after reporting that I had been hacked. So far I been notified that someone has tried to get into my account four times, and the Security Team sends me a message that I need to Secure my account. Funny how fast they can send me that message, and take their time in allowing me to secure my account.


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How to Generate Good Customer Reviews: 7 Customer Feedback Examples and What They Can Teach Us

Using examples of seven good customer reviews, we equip you with the know-how to set the tone of future customer feedback.

Drew Wilkinson

Have you ever searched for step-by-step instructions on how to delete a Google review?

If you read a negative review of your business and feel your stomach churn, you are not alone.

On the flip side, when a customer gushes over your company publicly, are you liable to do your happy dance?

The highs and lows of customer feedback are all too real. The problem is that most businesses focus on the former. 

We are here to tell you that you can do more than prevent bad reviews: You can generate positive ones too.

In this article, we provide you with examples of good reviews and what they can teach us.  We also equip you with the know-how to set the tone of future reviews.

Good Customer Reviews Impact Your Bottom-Line

We wrote recently about how Google reviews help your Google rankings , and how to automate the ask. All you really need to know is that a staggering 9 out of 10 customers read reviews before deciding to purchase from you. 

There is a ton of research that goes a step further and attempts to quantify reviews actual dollar value. One such study by the Harvard Business Review found , “a one-star increase in Yelp rating leads to a 5-9% increase in revenue.” On the other hand, only 2.5 percent of consumers trust businesses with overall ratings of 2.0 stars or less. If 97% of potential customers skip over your business, it’ll be hard to keep the lights on.

Customer Feedback Examples 

If you want to generate more positive reviews, it helps to know what an excellent review really looks like. You might be thinking, “Duh, I know this already, people say nice things about my business.”

There is more to it than a five-star rating. While the exact characteristics of good reviews vary by industry, there are certain fundamental elements that great reviews have in common. It’s worth taking note of them. You need to know what the end goal looks like if you want to achieve it.

1. Detailed, Specific, and Honest

A useful review includes enough detail to give others a feel for what happened. Potential customers want to know more than that someone else was happy. They want to know what exactly they liked so that they can gauge whether it aligns with their own preferences. Just compare this review of a Dominos…

facebook review example

To this review…

An example of a good customer review that is very detailed

Which review is likely to influence someone with an intense pizza craving? A five-star rating and “good pizza” is not bad, but it doesn’t have the same impact. A review doesn’t have to be the length of War and Peace, but an honest, detailed, and specific recollection goes a long way to building credibility.

2 . Calls-Out Stellar Customer Service

70% of U.S. consumers say they’ve spent more money to do business with a company that delivers excellent service. It’s not surprising then that a good review will shed a positive light on your customer experience.

An added bonus is if a review makes particular note of your staff or even calls out an employee by name:

facebook review example

3. Provides Constructive Criticism

One less-heralded benefit of reviews is the feedback they provide you with. Ideally, a review also outlines areas of possible improvement. This constructive criticism is not only helpful to you. It also gives customers a sense of their “worst-case” scenario.

They want to know what can go wrong to understand just how much it will matter to them. Take this review:

An example of a customer review that provides good constructive feedback

If a customer doesn’t care about the restaurant’s food presentation, then it won’t bother them. If they do, and they decide to come anyway, then at least it won’t come as a surprise. Not only will they be less likely to complain, but they will also be more likely to focus on the positives they expected.

4. Features Images

Marketers use a fancy word for images in reviews: User-generated content. If you are not a fan of marketing jargon, it basically means that your customers include pictures of your product in action or your business’s premise. These “real-life” images provide an in-depth and authentic feel to any review. 

An example of a great customer review that includes images

How to Generate Good Customer Reviews & Feedback

Now that you have a solid understanding of both the importance of good reviews and actual examples of real reviews, it’s time to focus on generating more of them.

There are a lot of different ways that you can help control the narrative in your reviews, but here are three critical areas you can’t ignore.

1. Provide Exceptional Customer Service

If you’ve paid attention thus far, you know that we already called out the importance of customer service. It might go without saying, but the number one way you can generate overwhelmingly positive customer reviews is by focusing on customer service. 

Empower your staff to go above traditional standards—and beyond canned responses—to deliver personal customer support. A genuinely warm and human experience prompts loyalty like nothing else. 

facebook review example

2. Harness Your Social Channels

It’s incredibly rare that anyone would pick up the phone and call you up with feedback. Instead, your customers take to social media to talk about you. That’s why it’s essential to harness your most public-facing customer service touchpoint and join in on the conversation. 

With the right approach, you can turn it into a goldmine of positivity. Encourage customer feedback and positive interactions with fun hashtags and quick responses, and most importantly, have fun.

facebook review example

This does not apply solely to customers post-purchase, but at every single point on the customer journey. Your tone and voice in this interaction will help guide your customers, so expect it to be reflected back in their reviews.

3. Reply to Positive Customer Reviews

Certain people believe that the higher-purpose of customer service is to turn an angry customer into a happy one. In this light, there lies an opportunity in every negative review.

While there is value in this, it can risk a mindset that ignores the power of good reviews too, and the need to respond to them. Positive reinforcement is the core concept here.

Happy customers need to be heard just as much as unsatisfied ones. This shows anyone thinking of leaving a review that they will be heard and that their feedback matters to you. 

facebook review example

Good Cutomer Feedback is Essential for Your Business

Whether you want to get reviews on Amazon or Facebook, repeat after me, “customer reviews are under my control.” Reviews are just another element of your company.

When you focus on excellent customer service , you create the reviews you want. You can also determine the tone and voice of the customer by reflecting it in your engagement with them, primarily in-person and through your social channels.

There is, unfortunately, no exact science. But when you see consistently excellent reviews roll in, you know you have the right formula.

Drew Wilkinson

Drew Wilkinson

Drew Wilkinson is the Head of Marketing at SimpleTexting. Drew has more than a decade of experience managing successful integrated marketing programs to build brands, raise awareness, and generate demand.

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Learn about the art of writing the perfect review request as well as how you can use texting to boost the efficacy of your ask.

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facebook review example

facebook review example

Kate Bojkov

35 good & positive reviews reviews examples to copy.

Positive reviews examples: copy and paste ideas that businesses can use to collect positive reviews and improve customer satisfaction.

positive reviews examples copy and paste ideas

Do you take activities that motivate your customers to leave reviews for your product or service?

If the answer is No, you need to become aware of the importance of positive reviews. This post about positive reviews examples copy and paste ideas is here to help you, so your customer reviews will become one of your most important marketing tools.

Not only do reviews provide critical information about your company’s performance, but they also show future clients what their experience will look like.


Generate free Google reviews badge

The simplest and fastest way to embed reviews badge.

In this article, you will learn the importance of positive reviews and the most popular platforms for leaving reviews.

What is a Review? And What Makes a Positive Review?

Reviews represent evaluations of a company, product, or service, that customers write.

They’ve usually had some experience with this company, including a purchase, use, or a conversation with their customer service team.

In their review, customers usually describe their experience, how the company treated them, talk about the quality of the product, and say whether they’d recommend this company or not.

Companies regularly collect feedback from customers and post reviews on their websites . Customers can also leave reviews on some websites specialized for review collection.

But what makes a positive review?

A positive review expresses overall satisfaction with a product, service, or experience, highlighting specific aspects the reviewer enjoyed or found beneficial. It often includes personal experiences, constructive feedback, and recommendations for others. Written in a genuine tone and well-structured format, a positive review helps guide potential customers and provides valuable insights to businesses for improvement.

What is an example of a positive review?

An example of a positive review is one that highlights the strengths and positive aspects of a product, service, or experience. It typically includes specific details about what the reviewer enjoyed or appreciated and often provides a recommendation for others to try it out.

For instance:

“I recently dined at [RestaurantName] and was thoroughly impressed by both the exquisite cuisine and the impeccable service. The menu showcased a variety of innovative dishes, blending bold flavors and beautiful presentation. The attentive and knowledgeable staff ensured that our meal was a memorable one, providing excellent recommendations and ensuring our satisfaction. I can’t recommend [RestaurantName] enough for a fantastic dining experience.”

FYI : You can automatically embed Google reviews widget on your website and show authentic user-generated reviews, increasing trust for more sales. Try it now.


Embed Google Reviews in seconds.

Automatically generate and embed Google reviews and use AI reviews management tools to help you unlock your website’s sales potential.

Positive Review Examples by Industries

Getting customers to write positive reviews about your company is very beneficial but can also be challenging.

That’s why you should take some action to encourage your customers to write reviews. One of the ways to motivate them is to show them positive examples for your industry.

In this article, we’ve included positive review examples for 11 different businesses.

Software Company

Plastic surgeon, flower shop, real estate, fertility clinic, hairdresser or hair salon.

  • Car dealership

Finding positive review response examples shouldn’t be difficult if you own a hotel. You can go to Booking and see the reviews of the highest-rated hotels.

Check out these reviews for L’oscar Hotel in London:

positive feedback for a hotel

So, you can see here that positive hotel reviews contain information about the staff, reception, parking, rooms, and services.

Here are positive review examples you can send your customers:

“The staff was great. The receptionists were very helpful and answered all our questions. The room was clean and bright, and the room service was always on time. Will be coming back! Thank you so much.” Example
“I recently had the pleasure of staying at [HotelName], and it was an unforgettable experience. From the moment I arrived, the staff went above and beyond to ensure my comfort and satisfaction. The luxurious accommodations, coupled with exceptional service, made my stay truly memorable. The hotel’s prime location made exploring the city a breeze, and I can’t wait to return to [HotelName] on my next visit. Highly recommended!” Example
“My stay at [HotelName] was nothing short of spectacular. The hotel’s elegant design, combined with its top-notch amenities, made for a truly relaxing and enjoyable experience. The attentive and courteous staff catered to my every need, ensuring that my stay was as comfortable as possible. With its convenient location and outstanding service, [HotelName] has quickly become my go-to choice for accommodations whenever I travel to the area. 5 star!” Example

TripAdvisor is a great place to find positive restaurant reviews.

Let’s see some 5 star review examples of La Maison d’a Cote, a restaurant in Montlivault, France.

online review for a restaurant

Normally, a positive restaurant review contains comments about the food, the chef, the service, and the atmosphere.

Here are good reviews examples to copy and send:

“My husband and I went for dinner in restaurant X and really enjoyed the atmosphere. The food was fresh and delicious, and the best part was that the chef sent us a dessert they had created that day. We were delighted.” Example
“My dining experience at [RestaurantName] was truly exceptional. From the moment we entered, the welcoming atmosphere and attentive staff made us feel right at home. The menu offered a delightful array of dishes, each expertly crafted with fresh, high-quality ingredients. Every bite was a culinary delight, and I can’t wait to return to [RestaurantName] to explore more of their delicious creations. Highly recommended!” Example
“If you’re looking for a phenomenal dining experience, look no further than [RestaurantName]. Their menu is a culinary masterpiece, offering an incredible selection of dishes that cater to diverse tastes and preferences. The atmosphere is warm and inviting, and the staff is friendly and attentive, making every visit a true pleasure. I’ve dined at [RestaurantName] several times and have never been disappointed – it’s truly a must-visit destination for any food lover.” Example

Many eCommerce websites are out there, so we decided to look for positive shoe store reviews.

Here are customer reviews examples about Couture USA:

good customer feedback for an ecommerce website

So, if you own a shoe store, here are more positive reviews examples for online shopping

“I got a pair of boots from store X and I’m very satisfied. They are high-quality and worth the money. The store also offered free shipping at that price so that’s a plus!” Example
“I recently purchased a [product] from [Store Name], and I couldn’t be happier with my online shopping experience. Their website was user-friendly, making it easy to find the perfect item. The checkout process was smooth, and I received my order promptly. The [product] arrived in excellent condition, exactly as described on their website. I’m thrilled with the quality and will definitely shop at [Store Name] again in the future. Highly recommended!” Example
“I ordered a [product] from [Store Name] last week, and I was amazed at how quickly it arrived. The packaging was secure, ensuring the item was undamaged. The customer service was exceptional, as they kept me updated throughout the entire process. I had a question about the product, and their support team responded promptly and professionally. Overall, my experience with [Store Name] was outstanding, and I can’t wait for my next purchase.” Example
I recently discovered [Store Name] while searching for a specific [product]. Not only did they have the item I was looking for, but their selection was vast, and the prices were competitive. The website was easy to navigate, and the product descriptions were informative and accurate. I was pleasantly surprised by the fast shipping and the care they took in packaging my order. I’m thrilled with my purchase and will continue to shop at [Store Name] for all my [product category] needs. Example

Capterra and Trustpilot are the go-to sites for reviews if you’re a software company.

Let’s see some Capterra reviews about the Salesforce Marketing Cloud:

positive reviews examples copy and paste detailed review for a software company

From these reviews, you can see that what’s important with software tools is that they reduce complexity, make things easier for users, and contain features that meet their needs.

So, a positive software review example could look like this:

“The tool X has really automated some of our company’s processes. We now spend less time doing manual work. It’s making [problem] very easy for us. Thanks to its scheduling feature, we don’t need staff to work outside of business hours.” Example
“Working with [SoftwareCompany] has been an absolute pleasure. Their team of skilled professionals is not only knowledgeable in their field but also dedicated to providing top-notch service and support. They took the time to understand our unique needs and developed a tailored solution that exceeded our expectations. I cannot recommend [SoftwareCompany] highly enough for any business seeking innovative software solutions and exceptional customer care.” Example
“If you’re in search of a reliable, innovative software company, look no further than [SoftwareCompany]. Their team of seasoned professionals consistently exceeds expectations, offering cutting-edge solutions and exceptional customer service. They took the time to understand our specific needs and provided a tailor-made solution that greatly improved our operations. We are thrilled with the results and highly recommend [SoftwareCompany] for any software development needs.” Example

Mobile apps are the first thing most people open in the morning (after their eyes).

So, mobile apps need to be user-friendly and consistent with current design standards and contain features that meet their needs.

Here are some Trustpilot reviews for Fundamenta Mobile App Wallet:

positive reviews examples copy and paste more positive reviews for a mobile app

This is ready to copy and paste positive review example if you have a mobile app:

“This app allows me to do [problem] from my smartphone where I want and when I want to. The interface is easy to navigate and I find everything I need quickly. I can’t wait for [feature]!” Example
“I recently started using [AppName] and I couldn’t be more impressed with its functionality and user-friendly interface. The app has made a significant impact on my daily routine, streamlining tasks and providing valuable insights. The developers have clearly put a great deal of thought and effort into creating a top-notch app that caters to its users’ needs. I highly recommend [AppName] for anyone looking to simplify their life and increase productivity.” Example
“[AppName] has quickly become one of my favorite apps, thanks to its sleek design and powerful features. The app’s versatility allows me to stay organized, informed, and connected, all from the convenience of my mobile device. I appreciate the attention to detail and dedication to user satisfaction that the developers have put into [AppName]. It’s truly a game-changer and a must-have app for anyone looking to improve their overall digital experience.” Example

This is a very sensitive topic so people who are looking for a plastic surgeon are always looking for reviews first.

They want to make sure they’re going to the right person and other people’s experiences are very valuable to them.

So, if you’re a plastic surgeon, you definitely need to spend time gathering positive reviews.

Here are some 5 star review examples about Orlando Plastic Surgery Associates on Trustpilot:

amazing feedback from customers

How doctors behave and if the staff makes them feel comfortable is very important for plastic surgeon patients.

So, here’s a copy-and-paste positive review example for plastic surgeons:

“Dr. X is an excellent professional. All staff was kind and made me feel very comfortable. I’m also very satisfied with the final result!.” Example
“I recently had a procedure with Dr. [SurgeonName] at [PlasticSurgeryCenter], and I couldn’t be more thrilled with the results. From the initial consultation to post-operative care, Dr. [SurgeonName] and their team provided exceptional support and guidance. Their professionalism, attention to detail, and commitment to patient satisfaction put me at ease throughout the entire process. I highly recommend Dr. [SurgeonName] for anyone considering plastic surgery.” Example
“I had an incredible experience with Dr. [SurgeonName] at [PlasticSurgeryCenter]. Their expertise and skill in plastic surgery are evident from the first consultation to the final results. Dr. [SurgeonName] took the time to understand my concerns and desired outcomes, creating a customized plan that perfectly addressed my needs. The entire team provided outstanding care and support, making my journey a positive and empowering experience. I highly recommend Dr. [SurgeonName] for anyone seeking top-notch plastic surgery care.” Example

People want to make sure they can really relax in a spa center and that it covers all facilities they want to have.

So, they usually read reviews before visiting the spa center themselves.

Here are some positive review examples we found for The Bath House London on Tripadvisor:

read written reviews from happy customers

Here’s our copy and paste positive review example for a spa center:

“The experience was great. The massage was very relaxing and spending a day there was a great idea. All facilities are clean. The choice of saunas/pools is very remarkable.” Example
“My experience at [SpaCenter] was nothing short of amazing. From the moment I arrived, I was warmly welcomed by the attentive staff and enveloped in a serene, calming atmosphere. Each treatment I received was expertly performed, leaving me feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. The attention to detail and commitment to providing a luxurious, personalized experience make [SpaCenter] my go-to destination for pampering and self-care.” Example
“If you’re searching for the ultimate spa experience, look no further than [SpaCenter]. Their team of skilled therapists and estheticians provides top-notch treatments tailored to your individual needs, all within a tranquil and inviting environment. I’ve tried several of their services, from massages to facials, and each has left me feeling pampered and renewed. I can’t recommend [SpaCenter] highly enough!” Example

When it comes to flower shops, users care that the flowers are fresh and that the shop has a variety of choices. If the store has delivery, that’s also one more point to add.

Here are some positive flower shop review examples we found on Trustpilot about Maison La Fleur, a flower shop in Miami.

respond to positive reviews

Considering these characteristics here’s a copy-and-paste positive review example if you have a flower shop:

“Flowers were fresh and beautiful. They offered free delivery for orders over $99 which is great. Prices are reasonable for the quality you get.” Example
“I can’t say enough good things about [FlowerShop] and their incredible team. From the moment I stepped into their charming store, I was greeted with warmth and enthusiasm. The staff was attentive, offering expert advice on flower selection and care, and they crafted a gorgeous arrangement that exceeded my expectations. The quality and presentation of their work are truly outstanding, and I will continue to trust [FlowerShop] with all my floral needs.” Example
“I recently ordered a custom flower arrangement from [FlowerShop] for a friend’s birthday, and I was absolutely thrilled with the outcome. The florists took the time to understand my vision and brought it to life with their creativity and expertise. My friend was overjoyed with the stunning bouquet, which brightened her day and made her feel extra special. Thank you, [FlowerShop], for your exceptional service and beautiful creations!” Example

Looking for the perfect property can take ages. That’s why people are looking for trustworthy real estate agents who are patient and careful.

Here are some Trustpilot review examples about Crexi, a Los Angeles-based real estate agency:

positive reviews examples copy and paste positive feedback for real estate

As people are mostly talking about specific agents in these reviews, here’s a positive review example to inspire your customers:

“[Name of agent] was very professional. She was patient and showed us 20+ properties until we found the perfect one. She carefully listened to our needs and helped us find exactly what we were looking for.” Example 1
“I recently had the pleasure of working with [AgentName] from [RealEstateAgency], and I couldn’t be happier with the experience. [AgentName] was extremely knowledgeable, professional, and patient as we navigated the home buying process. They took the time to understand our needs and preferences, and found us the perfect home in a great neighborhood. I highly recommend [AgentName] and [RealEstateAgency] for anyone looking to buy or sell a property!” Example 2
“Working with [AgentName] from [RealEstateAgency] was a game changer in our home buying journey. Their dedication to finding the perfect property for us was truly unmatched, and their deep knowledge of the market put us at ease throughout the entire process. [AgentName] was always available to answer our questions, provide guidance, and negotiate on our behalf. We are beyond grateful for [AgentName]’s expertise and support, and we can’t recommend them highly enough!” Example 3

A fertility clinic needs to have the most caring and patient staff, offering the best experience for future parents.

This is an example of a positive review for Conception, a fertility clinic in the US.

positive reviews examples copy and paste good reviews for fertility clinic

This review is expected to be emotional, so here’s an idea:

“I had three different appointments at Conceptions, and each time the staff was well informed, friendly, and kind. You could see they really care about their customers. There are no words to thank them enough.” Example
“Our experience with [FertilityClinic] was truly life-changing. The staff was compassionate, professional, and always available to answer our questions or address any concerns. Dr. [DoctorName] guided us through every step of the process, providing us with personalized treatment options and a sense of hope. We are beyond grateful for the care we received at [FertilityClinic] and for the precious gift of our new baby.” Example
“We cannot praise [FertilityClinic] enough for the exceptional care we received throughout our fertility journey. Dr. [DoctorName] and the entire team were attentive, understanding, and always available to address our concerns. Their state-of-the-art facility and cutting-edge treatment options gave us confidence in their ability to help us conceive. Thanks to [FertilityClinic], we are now proud parents of a healthy baby and couldn’t be happier.” Example

When searching for a hairdresser, it can often be difficult to determine which one would be the best choice for you. Reviews from real customers can provide valuable insight into how satisfied people are with the services they receive. A hairdresser’s Google reviews can help indicate what customers think about a particular business and whether or not they have had a positive experience.

By reading through reviews, potential customers can gain information about the quality of services a hairdresser provides and how friendly and accommodating their staff is.

Furthermore, reviews can help inform people about the prices charged, allowing them to decide when to select a hair salon. Here are a few Google review examples:

hairdresser google review example

Below, you can find a list of positive review templates for a hair salon:

“I had an incredible experience at [HairSaloon] today! The atmosphere was warm and inviting, and the staff was incredibly friendly and attentive. My stylist, [StylistName], took the time to really listen to what I wanted and gave me the perfect haircut. I’ve never felt so pampered and confident leaving a salon before! I’ll definitely be recommending [HairSaloon] to all my friends and family.” Example 1
“The team at [HairSaloon] never ceases to amaze me with their talent and professionalism. From the moment I walked in, I was greeted with a smile and offered a refreshing beverage. My stylist, [StylistName], went above and beyond to make sure my hair looked fabulous. The head massage during my shampoo session was pure bliss. I can’t wait for my next appointment at [HairSaloon]!” Example 2
“If you’re looking for a top-notch hair salon experience, look no further than [HairSaloon]! From the moment I stepped through the door, I was treated like a VIP. The staff was attentive, the salon was impeccably clean, and the services offered were second to none. My stylist, [StylistName], did a phenomenal job transforming my hair and gave me valuable tips on how to maintain my new look. I can’t recommend [HairSaloon] highly enough!” Example 3

Car dealership review examples

Car dealerships usually have a very good presence on Google, as their local SEO is very important, especially in areas with lots of competition.

Buying a car is definitely a process, so customers usually value service, quality of the cars, guarantee options, financing options, and similar.

Here are a few examples of reviews that customers can write on a car dealership on Google:

“The process was quick and efficient, I gave my sales person [Name of Salesperson}, a list of qualities I was looking for in my next vehicle, and he quickly found 4 good candidates, I test drove one of them, and was able to get the paperwork and financing taken care of. The entire process took an hour and fifteen minutes! I was even able to leave my rental vehicle at the lot!” Example 1
“Thank you, [Salesperson name], for helping my son get his 1st car. I know it wasn’t easy, but you made it happen. I will definitely be coming back to you when it’s time for my daughter to get her 1st vehicle.” Example 2
“Fantastic experience at [Car dealership name]. I needed a replacement for a car totaled in an accident. I asked them to pick the car they would sell to their grandmother. They came through with the perfect car. Thanks to [Salesperson name] I got my new car.” Example 3
“10/10 recommend! [Salesperson name] assisted us and was able to show us cars within our budget. We were able to leave with a beautiful [Car model] thanks to [Salesperson name] outstanding hard work and determination! We will 100% be going back when ready to purchase a vehicle.” Example 4
“Great dealer to make your first car purchase! Everything went smooth and fast, [Salesperson name] did a great job informing me about the vehicle I wanted and made everything easy for me to understand. Thanks everyone at [Dealership name]!” Example 5

How To Respond To Positive Reviews?

Once you receive all these positive reviews, we compiled a simple review response template you can use to reply to the reviews.

When responding to a positive review, expressing gratitude, acknowledging specific compliments, and emphasizing your commitment to excellent service is essential.

Here is an email template you can use to respond to positive reviews:

“Dear [Customer Name], Thank you so much for your kind words and for sharing your experience with [Company Name]. We are thrilled to hear that our team provided excellent service during your recent visit, leaving a strong impression. Your constructive feedback is invaluable in helping us improve and continue providing excellent customer service. We truly appreciate your support, and we are grateful when our valued customers like you take the time to leave positive reviews, as this helps us to attract more customers and increases our reputation. We hope to see you again soon! Best regards, [Your Name] [Company Name]” Positive review response template

When responding to positive reviews, it’s important to show gratitude, acknowledge the specific aspects mentioned in the review, and invite the customer to return or recommend your business to others.

Furthermore, knowing how to respond to positive reviews not just via email but moreover on public review sites can make a big difference for your business.

Here are a few positive review responses examples to reply to Facebook or Google reviews:

Review: “The food at [Restaurant Name] was absolutely delicious! The staff was friendly, and the atmosphere was cozy and inviting. I can’t wait to come back!” Response: “Thank you so much for your wonderful review! We’re thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the food and our friendly staff made your experience even better. Our team works hard to create a warm and inviting atmosphere for our guests, and your kind words are truly appreciated. We look forward to welcoming you back to [Restaurant Name] soon!” Example 1
Review: “I recently purchased a [product] from [Online Store Name], and the entire process was seamless. The product arrived quickly and was exactly as described. I will definitely shop here again!” Response: “We appreciate your fantastic review and are delighted to hear that you had a seamless shopping experience with us! Our team works diligently to ensure that our products meet your expectations and are delivered promptly. Thank you for choosing [Online Store Name], and we can’t wait to serve you again in the future!” Example 2
Review: “[Service Provider Name] did an amazing job with my [specific service]. The team was professional, efficient, and exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend them!” Response: “Thank you for your glowing review and recommendation! We’re thrilled to hear that our team exceeded your expectations in providing [specific service]. At [Service Provider Name], we strive to deliver professional and efficient service to all our clients. We truly appreciate your kind words and look forward to working with you again in the future!” Example 3

More positive review responses >

In comparison, here is a template on how to respond to negative reviews:

Subject: [Business Name] Response to Your Review Dear [Reviewer’s Name], First and foremost, we would like to thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on your experience with [Business Name]. We genuinely value every review, as it helps us identify areas for improvement and continually strive to provide exceptional service. We are sorry to hear that your experience with us did not meet your expectations. We understand that [mention specific issue(s) raised in the review] can be frustrating, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. At [Business Name], we take all customer concerns seriously, and we are committed to addressing and resolving any issues that arise. To help us better understand and address your concerns, we kindly ask that you contact us directly at [Phone Number] or [Email Address] so we can discuss the matter further. Once again, we apologize for the negative experience and appreciate your feedback. We hope to have the opportunity to serve you better in the future. Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Position] [Business Name] Negative review response template

5 Most Popular Platforms for Online Reviews

What’s the first place you go to when trying to find a product/service? That’s easy, it’s Google. So, it’s also natural that Google is the best site for online reviews. Google is especially significant if you’re a local business, so make sure you spend time setting up your Google Business profile and making your business discoverable.

2. Facebook

Now that Facebook has such a large user base, it’s also becoming one of the most popular review sites. It’s also simple for users to leave reviews on Facebook—most of them already have an account. This means that, unlike other sites, they don’t need to create an account or log in each time they visit again.

3. TripAdvisor

This is the place where most people go when organizing a trip. So, if you’re a hotel, a restaurant, or own any other business that welcomes tourists, you should pay attention to TripAdvisor. Travelers submit reviews, comments, and upload images, so the advice is pretty reliable and influential.

4. Trustpilot

Trustpilot is a community-driven customer review platform that has become one of the most popular SaaS review sites. Also, businesses worldwide may use Trustpilot to collect consumer reviews, usually in advance after posting them to the company profile. Customers submit product and seller reviews to verified profiles of the company they interacted with.

5. Capterra

Capterra is a rating site that assesses software offered by B2C and B2B firms if you’re a SaaS company. Users can look for software by industry, business, or type. Capterra is one of the most trustworthy review sites for software businesses, so being active on this site can be one of the most important marketing activities for this kind of company.

Online Reputation Management Widgets for Your Positive Reviews

Once you start collecting reviews at scale, you need an online reputation management widget to manage them effectively.

Here are some suggestions:


EmbedSocial provides everything you need to manage your reviews. Collect reviews from sources like Google and Facebook automatically, integrate with an email to ask for more reviews, and showcase them in an interactive way.

Thanks to the simple SEO snippets, you drive more traffic to your website and increase sales.

Pick your reviews widget today >

google reviews slider

Yotpo is a review management platform that makes it easy for customers to leave feedback. You can customize widgets and collect data to optimize results.


The Trustpilot widget allows you to collect and publish social feeds, user-generated content , campaigns, and reviews on sites, newsletters, and other customer interfaces.

trustpilot widget

Why Are Positive Reviews Important?

Customers browse customer reviews to learn how others use and enjoy your products.

They are also interested in the experiences of others with your customer service team or other employees who might have been helpful.

There are many benefits of showcasing positive reviews about your company or products. Here are some of them:

  • Increase revenues. 95% of customers consult online reviews to find out more about a product they are considering buying. You might write a good product description, but another happy customer is what will persuade them to make the purchase. Having positive reviews will help you increase your sales and revenues by showing customers that others are enjoying your product.
  • Improve company reputation. When you have positive reviews, this proves that you’re a well-established company that is honest and listens to its customers. Having user ratings on a website helps buyers build legitimacy, therefore improving your company’s reputation.
  • Benefit your search engine rankings. Google and other search engines use off-site indicators to determine your business’s relevance, credibility, and reliability. Businesses may leverage reviews as one of the most consistent methods for improving these indicators.

Almost two-thirds of customers believe internet reviews are critical in purchasing decisions.

They’re more inclined to consult Google or Trustpilot for recommendations than ask their friends and family.

According to Bright Local Consumer Survey 2022:

  • 89% of consumers are ‘highly’ or ‘fairly’ likely to use a business that responds to all of its online reviews.
  • More consumers use Google reviews to evaluate local businesses than ever before. In 2021, 81% did, but in the year before that, just 63% did.
  • The percentage of people ‘never’ reading reviews when browsing local businesses has fallen from 13% in 2020 to just 2% in 2021.

latest reviews statistics

All these reviews statistics confirm the importance of online reviews in making purchasing decisions.

Let’s see the most common platforms where customers leave their reviews.

FAQ about Positive Reviews

What are the benefits of generating reviews.

Generating reviews can be beneficial for many segments of your business. Here are some of them:

  • Boost your sales by allowing potential customers to read positive experiences from people who have already bought from you.
  • Improve brand image by highlighting reviews with positive experiences.
  • Increase your SEO ranking by showing Google you’re a relevant brand.

How to get more reviews?

There are many ways to get more reviews, including:

  • Rewarding people who leave reviews.
  • Motivating people with positive reviews examples.
  • Follow up with customers to ask about their experience.
  • Try to improve the experience of people who leave negative reviews.

What makes a good review?

A good review has the following characteristics:

  • It contains enough details
  • It’s consistent and doesn’t contain contradictory statements
  • It’s honest and shows genuine emotions
  • It clearly communicates the customer experience

What should I write in a positive review?

In a positive review, consider including the following elements:

  • Mention your recent visit or interaction with the business.
  • Highlight specific product or service aspects that impressed you, such as excellent service, a personal touch, or a strong impression.
  • Provide any relevant context or personal experiences to help other potential customers understand the value of the product or service.
  • Offer a recommendation based on your positive experience, which can contribute to the business’s SEO ranking and increase sales for new business opportunities.
  • Remember always to write unique, genuine, and personal reviews that accurately reflect your own experience.

Should you respond to negative reviews?

Yes, responding to negative reviews is crucial for maintaining a positive online reputation and demonstrating your commitment to customer satisfaction. By addressing the concerns raised in the review and offering solutions, you can show potential customers that you value their feedback and are dedicated to improving your products or services. Additionally, responding to negative reviews gives you an opportunity to resolve any issues and potentially turn a dissatisfied customer into a loyal one.

What are 5-star positive review examples?

5-star positive reviews typically highlight exceptional experiences with a product or service. These reviews often praise aspects such as outstanding customer service, high-quality products, or a pleasant overall experience. Here are three examples of 5-star reviews for a hotel: “Unforgettable 5-Star Experience at [Hotel Name]: From the warm, welcoming staff to the luxurious amenities, my stay at [Hotel Name] exceeded all expectations.” “A True Home Away from Home – [Hotel Name]: The staff went above and beyond to make my stay comfortable and enjoyable, and the facilities were top-notch.” “Exceptional Service and Luxury at [Hotel Name]: The attention to detail and commitment to customer satisfaction made my stay at [Hotel Name] truly memorable.”

How do you comment on a 5-star review example?

When commenting on a 5-star review, expressing gratitude for the positive feedback and acknowledging the specific praises mentioned in the review is essential. Here’s an example of how to comment on a 5-star hotel review: “Thank you for your kind words and wonderful 5-star review! We are thrilled to hear that you enjoyed your stay at [Hotel Name] and had a memorable experience. Our team works hard to provide exceptional service and amenities, and receiving such positive feedback is always rewarding. We truly appreciate your recommendation and look forward to welcoming you back for another unforgettable stay in the future.”

Key Takeaways

In summary, here is what you should do in order to get positive reviews from your customers:

  • Create a clear process to send and receive reviews
  • Make sure you are addressing all of the issues that come up in reviews
  • Use positive reviews as social proof on your website and marketing materials
  • Regularly check in with customers to see if they’re happy with your product or service
  • Respond quickly to negative reviews and take corrective action if necessary
  • Never stop trying to improve the customer experience.

You can not control what customers say about you, but if you have done everything you can to make sure they’re happy, then you’re more likely to get positive reviews.

When customers take the time to leave you a positive review, it is important to show your appreciation.

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Co-Founder of EmbedSocial and Head of Growth. A previous owner of a Facebook Partner Company and a digital marketing agency. Marketing API geek and a Call of Duty fan.

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facebook review example

How to Ask for a Review: Best Practices and Templates

Learning how to ask for a review is an essential skill that’s critical for long-term business success. Businesses looking to attract new customers through influential platforms such as Google, Facebook, and Yelp need to practice the art of asking for reviews.

We’re here to help with tips on how to ask for customer reviews. Plus, using our review request email templates to follow up with happy customers can help you secure compelling testimonials. 

Catch the eye of potential customers and boost your conversion rates across relevant social media channels and review sites.

Dive in — Table of contents:

  • How reviews drive business
  • How to ask for online reviews
  • How to ask for reviews over email
  • Review request templates for Google, Facebook and Yelp
  • How to get more reviews

Automatically request reviews to amplify your online reputation

How reviews drive business.

Generating buzz about your products and services via online review platforms is an important part of any effective marketing strategy, even for local small businesses. After all, nearly all customers ( 87% ) say they check out reviews.

Here are ways positive reviews empower businesses and marketers to drive growth:

  • You can identify promoters: These are super fans who conduct word-of-mouth outreach on behalf of a given company, helping to increase overall Net Promoter Scores (NPS), which​​ ask how likely the customer is to recommend your business to friends or family on a scale from one to 10.
  • You can attract new customers: By offering the social proof today’s information-hungry customers seek before committing to a new product or service for the first time.
  • Build your online reputation: Positive ratings serve to build credibility for first-time customers.

How to Ask for Online Reviews: Tips for Success

With as many as 47% percent of customers saying they post reviews as frequently as once a month, you want to snag those important reviews for your company as a small business owner. 

When is the best time to ask for a review?

Looking to get more positive reviews and wondering when to ask a happy customer to leave a review? The ideal time to ask is soon after a customer has made a purchase and has had a positive customer experience with the product or service.

  • For companies offering products: Ask within one to two weeks of when a customer has had a chance to use the product.
  • For service businesses: Ask right after performing the service.

How do you politely ask for customer feedback?

There is a certain finesse to asking for reviews that can increase your chances of receiving more reviews and future happy customers. Follow these suggestions to ensure successful review requests.

  • Ask for feedback first, so you can help if they have had a poor customer experience. 

Asking for customer feedback instead of a review can be much less intimidating for the customer. It shows you care about their experience. If they are unhappy about their customer experience, you have the chance to resolve any issues first before they post a poor review. 

  • Explain the benefits of customer reviews to your small business and potential customers.

When satisfied customers take the time to verbally thank you for a great service or product, follow up and explain that by sharing their customer experience via Google review, Yelp review or on Facebook, they can help potential customers find the right product or service — and help you grow your small business.

How to Ask for Reviews in Person

Asking for feedback in person can feel intimidating, and it takes a bit of nuance to get it right. It’s all about genuinely connecting with your customers and making the act of leaving feedback as natural a process as possible. Here are some practical tips to help you get started asking for reviews in person.

Choose the Right Moment

Pick a moment when your customer is genuinely happy with your product or service. It could be right after a successful transaction or when they express their satisfaction in passing as they stop by on another occasion.

Be Friendly and Polite

Approach them with a smile and a warm thank-you for choosing your business. Politely ask if they’d be willing to share their feedback.

Offer Clear Instructions

If they agree to leave a review, make it as easy as possible for them to do so. Provide clear, simple instructions on how to do it. Consider giving them a card with review platform links they can follow, or have on hand a QR code that directly sends them to your preferred review platform.

Consider Incentives (Optional)

Some businesses offer little incentives like discounts or freebies to customers who leave reviews in person. Just make sure you’re following ethical guidelines and reviewing platform policies.

Follow Up with Gratitude

After they’ve left a review, send a thank-you message. This not only shows your appreciation but also strengthens your connection with them.

Remove Yourself Entirely from the Process

Sometimes the best strategy is to let customers do it themselves. Sometimes patrons don’t have the time to talk or respond poorly to being approached about leaving feedback. One way you can circumvent this is by strategically placing review request posters, stickers, or other signage around your establishment. That way, customers can scan the QR code on your sign and leave a review without having to talk to a human while browsing clothes in your boutique, eating a meal in a restaurant, or waiting for their hair to dry at the salon.

Remember, the key is to keep the process natural, hassle-free, and respectful of your customers’ time.

Related Topics:

  • How to Automate Google Reviews Acquisition | Broadly
  • How to Add Google Reviews to a Website | Broadly

How to Ask for Reviews on Social Media

Leveraging social media for reviews can be a game-changer for your business. Here’s how to request reviews effectively on the platforms you already utilize:

Choose the Right Platforms

Are you noticing your loyal customers engaging with your brand more often on Facebook than on TikTok? Identify where your target audience hangs out most on social media and concentrate on collecting review requests on those platforms. That way, you can prevent yourself from being stretched too thin.

Craft Engaging Posts

Create visually appealing posts with persuasive language that encourages users to leave reviews. Follow those up with eye-catching visuals, such as short, well-edited videos. 

Hashtags Matter

Incorporate relevant hashtags to increase the visibility of your review requests. Research popular hashtags in your industry for even better reach.

Here are some example hashtags you can try in your social media posts:

  • #ReviewUs: A straightforward hashtag that encourages users to leave reviews for your business.
  • #FeedbackFriday: A great option for Fridays when you want to encourage customers to provide feedback.
  • #CustomerFeedback: Use this hashtag to signal that you’re interested in hearing from your customers.
  • #LeaveAReview: A clear call to action for your followers to leave reviews.
  • #TestimonialTuesday: A catchy hashtag for Tuesdays when you want to highlight customer testimonials.
  • #RateUs: Encourage users to rate your products or services with this hashtag.
  • #ShareYourExperience: A warm and inviting hashtag to prompt customers to share their experiences with your services or products.
  • #TellUsWhatYouThink: Make it personal and encourage customers to share their thoughts and reviews.
  • #ReviewRequest: Use this to let your followers know that you’re actively seeking reviews.
  • #CustomerLove: Show your appreciation for your customers and encourage them to reciprocate with reviews.
  • #HappyCustomers: Highlight the positive experiences of your customers who have left reviews.
  • #YourFeedbackMatters: Emphasize how important customer feedback is to you and how you want your customers’ voices to be heard.
  • #ThankfulThursday: Express gratitude for your customers and encourage them to leave reviews on Thursdays.
  • #ReviewChallenge: Turn leaving reviews into a fun challenge for your followers.
  • #ReviewRewards: Promote any rewards or incentives you offer for leaving reviews.

Share Positive Reviews

Showcase the positive reviews you’ve received on your social media accounts. It not only highlights customer satisfaction and shows your gratitude for their business, but also inspires others to leave reviews of their own.

Engage with Responders

Respond promptly and appreciatively to customers who leave reviews on social media. It shows you value their input and encourages more participation.

Consider Contests (Optional)

Contests or giveaways tied to review submissions can be effective options for quickly collecting a large number of reviews. Just make sure they comply with the platform rules.

How to Ask for Reviews via Text

Text messaging is a direct and convenient way to ask your customers for reviews. Here’s how to do it naturally:

First, Ask Permission

Always make sure you have your customer’s consent before you contact them via text for review requests. Each text you send should also mention how the customer can opt out of text messages at any time.

Keep It Simple

Craft a friendly and concise text that expresses your gratitude for their business and kindly asks for a review.

Include Review Links

Provide direct links to review platforms like Google or Facebook to make it effortless for customers to leave a review.

Personalize Messages

Whenever possible, add a personal touch by using the customer’s name. It makes the message feel more human. You can set up templates with autofill sections to take some of the gruntwork out of this task.

Show Gratitude

After they agree to leave a review, follow up with a thank-you message once the review is posted. It shows your appreciation and maintains a positive connection.

  • How to write and send SMS review requests + templates | Broadly
  • How to Increase Your Google Reviews | Broadly

What to Avoid When Asking for Reviews

While gathering reviews is important , it’s essential to do it ethically and organically. Here’s what to steer clear of:

No Incentives for Fake Reviews

Avoid offering incentives for fake or dishonest reviews. Platforms like Google and Yelp strictly prohibit this.

Avoid Pressure and Spam

Don’t pressure or spam customers with multiple review requests. Respect their choices and privacy.

Keep It Positive

Refrain from using negative language or being confrontational when requesting reviews. Keep the tone positive and appreciative.

Never Buy Reviews

Stay away from buying reviews or engaging in unethical practices to boost your review count. Rather than helping, it can damage your reputation instead. Platforms and users alike employ review scanners to detect the legitimacy of feedback left on review sites.

No Fake Reviews

Never post fake reviews about your own business or leave damaging reviews on your competition’s listings. Partaking in these types of activities can lead to temporary or permanent account suspension, and your business reputation could be caught in the crossfire.

By following these guidelines and avoiding these pitfalls, you can collect reviews that genuinely reflect your business’s quality and reputation while maintaining a natural and respectful approach.

How to Ask for Reviews Over Email: Best Practices

While some customers may take the initiative to write reviews about your company on their own, you can help inspire potential submissions by emailing review requests to your customers directly. 

Before messaging your customers, it’s important to keep these best practices for crafting an email that requests a review in mind:

  • Personalize the email: Address your customer by first name, and sign off by including the first name of the customer support team member who is reaching out.
  • Make it easy for the customer: Include a link to the page you’re requesting a review for, such as Google or Facebook.
  • Keep the email short: You don’t want to overwhelm your customer with a lengthy request.

Review Request Email Templates for Google, Facebook, and Yelp

Below are simple review-request email templates that you can use to send to your customers. 

These templates should help you avoid negative reviews altogether by generating positive buzz about your business right from the start. Be sure to tweak these templates as needed to better reflect your business.

How to ask for Google reviews

Did you know that 59% of customers go to Google to read reviews and view it as a trusted authority? That’s where you want to start to build a stellar online reputation.

If you have a Google My Business Page (and you should), you should be seeking out Google reviews. Google reviews increase your visibility when people search for your services or products via Google and can also help improve your local SEO.

Here’s an example of a review request email template you can use as a guide and send to a customer via email or text message:

Subject line: Share your customer feedback Dear [CUSTOMER’S NAME] We want to thank you for your business and are committed to delivering the highest quality to our customers. In today’s digital world, online reviews are very important to companies like ours.  Will you take a moment of your time to jot down some feedback on our Google Business Page <insert direct URL>? It’s a quick and easy way for you to make a difference. Please feel free to give us a call should you have immediate feedback or concerns about your [product or service purchased]. We want to hear from you and are happy to answer your questions. Thank you for your time and business! [YOUR FIRST NAME] [BUSINESS NAME] [PHONE NUMBER]

Don’t forget to check out this resource to create a Google review link !

How to Ask for a Facebook Review

Facebook is a powerful avenue for small businesses to gather online reviews because 1.84 billion people already log in to the site every single day. Most customers have a personal Facebook account, and this makes the task of getting reviewed easier. Roughly two out of three Facebook users check out a local business page at least once a week.

If your company wants to generate more Facebook reviews , use this review request template to grow your social media reputation.

Subject line: Will you write us a Facebook business review? Hi [CUSTOMER’S NAME], Thank you for choosing [business name]. Would you be willing to write us a Facebook review? It should only take a couple of minutes and would make an immense difference to our company. If you are willing, you can follow [this link] to submit your Facebook review. Please let me know if you are not pleased with [product or service], and we can speak about it personally so your customer feedback is heard. Thank you again for your business and your time! Best regards, [YOUR NAME] [BUSINESS NAME] [PHONE NUMBER]

How to Ask for a Yelp Review

Ninety-two percent of customers visiting Yelp are already loyal; they are looking for a business they can return to. That means if you get your fair share of positive reviews on Yelp, your business is set up for success.

Regardless of whether you work for an eCommerce website or restaurant or are a lawyer, consultant, or contractor, your company can greatly benefit from generating positive Yelp reviews. 

However, Yelp’s review policy clearly states, “Don’t ask customers, mailing list subscribers, friends, family, or anyone else to review your business.” 

While you can’t ask for reviews directly, you can provide a link to your Yelp profile page in an email as a follow-up after a recent purchase and nudge the customer in the right direction. (And if you’re wondering why Yelp filters some reviews , check out this post, which explains what you can do about it.)

Hi [CUSTOMER’S NAME], I see you’ve recently visited our establishment, [business name]. I wanted to follow up with you to check in on your experience. Did you enjoy everything? We are committed to providing our customers with a fantastic experience, and your feedback helps us make that possible. LINK TO YELP PROFILE Thank you for your time, [YOUR FIRST NAME] [BUSINESS NAME] [PHONE NUMBER]

When using these review request templates, be sure to adapt them and use your company’s voice. Good luck with your outreach and with getting new online reviews !

How Broadly Can Help You Get More Reviews?

We work with small local businesses to help you get more reviews through automation. Our products can also help you better communicate with your team and your customers or revamp your website—so you can focus on running your business.

Watch your online reputation transform with Broadly

Related Reading:

  • Review response examples and templates
  • Here’s why you should never buy reviews
  • Customer service email response templates
  • 5 easy ways to market your customer reviews

This article was updated on September 25th, 2023. 

Get more out of Broadly.

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60+ Powerful Positive Review Response Templates

As a business owner, you know that online reviews can make or break your business.

While negative reviews can be discouraging, positive reviews are a great way to build your brand and reputation. But did you know that responding to positive reviews can also help you build a loyal customer base and attract new customers to your business?

In fact, according to Power Reviews , 99% of consumers say they read reviews when shopping online .

Online reviews have become an integral part of the modern consumer's decision-making process. Positive reviews can attract new customers to your business, while negative reviews can drive them away.

But responding to reviews, especially positive ones, is more than just good manners. It's a powerful way to build customer loyalty, enhance your brand's reputation, and differentiate your business from competitors

In this article, we'll explore why responding to positive reviews is important, how it can benefit your business, and how to use positive review responses to build your brand.

What are Positive Reviews?

At their core, positive reviews are favorable evaluations or feedback given by customers or users about a product, service, or experience.

These reviews are often shared on various platforms like company websites, social media, or dedicated review sites. Think of them as a virtual thumbs-up from someone who's tried what you're considering.

What Do Positive Reviews Do?

They Build Trust : When potential customers see positive reviews, they're more likely to trust your product or service. It's like getting a recommendation from a friend; we're inclined to believe it.

They Improve Visibility : Many online platforms use algorithms that favor products with higher ratings. More positive reviews can mean better visibility in search results.

They Create a Feedback Loop : They offer valuable feedback for businesses. Positive reviews highlight what you're doing right and can guide future improvements.

They Influence Decisions : They play a big role in decision-making. People often check reviews before making a purchase, and glowing recommendations can tip the scales in your favor.

In essence, positive reviews are not just digital pat-on-the-backs; they're powerful tools that can shape the reputation and success of businesses in the online world.

Positive Review Examples

General positive review:

Detailed positive review:

Why Respond to Positive Reviews?

When you take the time to respond to positive reviews, you're doing more than just saying "thank you." You're also building a relationship with your customers.

Responding to reviews shows that you care about your customers and value their opinions. It also shows that you're committed to providing excellent customer service.

One of the reasons why positive review responses are so important is that they give you an opportunity to showcase your brand's personality. Your responses should reflect your brand's tone and values, and should feel personal and authentic.

By doing so, you're building trust with your customers and making them feel like they're part of your brand's community.

The Power of Feedback Responses

Positive review responses are important because they help you build a strong relationship with your customers. When you respond to a positive review, you're showing the customer that you appreciate their feedback and value their business, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and repeat business.

In addition, positive reviews and responses can also help attract new customers to your business. Potential customers are more likely to trust a business that has a track record of positive reviews and responses.

Responding to positive reviews can also help you address any concerns or questions that customers may have. If a customer leaves a positive review but has a question or concern, responding to their review can help you address their issue and provide excellent customer service.

How to Respond to Positive Reviews

Understanding how to appropriately respond to a positive review can greatly foster goodwill and encourage more positive reviews in the future.

Here are the most important elements to include in a response to a positive customer review:

Include a "Thank You" Note : First up, the most obvious thing to include is the "thank you" itself. Always start by thanking the customer for taking the time to leave a review.

Add a Personalized Message : Use the customer’s name if available, and mention specifics from their review to show that you read and valued their feedback.

Show Your Enthusiasm : Showcase your enthusiasm and happiness in your response. It helps in building a positive atmosphere.

Be Encouraging : Encourage them to visit again or to use your services in the future.

Be Brief : Don't write an essay. Positive reviews often don’t require long responses; just a few sentences will do.

Things to Keep In Mind For Feedback Responses

Customize the following review response examples to your needs and spread positivity around. While you should always write with your own authentic voice, here are some simple guidelines to follow:

  • Expressing gratitude is key
  • Personalize your positive review response to show your appreciation to the reviewer
  • Address specific points of feedback within your response
  • Offer value to everyone reading the review
  • Add keywords, but don’t overdo it
  • Be selective; you don’t have to respond to every comment

60+ Feedback Response Templates

Copy templates to use them anywhere:

30 Positive Review Response Templates (No Comments)

Even if your customers don’t leave written feedback, it’s still important to respond appropriately and show people that you value their business.

It’s ok to be brief. Just be sure to express your gratitude in a natural tone. Personalize your response whenever you can, and make sure to vary your template usage.

Positive Review Response Templates For Generic 5 Stars Review

Positive review response templates for generic 4 stars review, positive review response templates for reviews with no comments, 30 positive review response templates (with comments).

Use these 30 positive review responses to connect with customers and show your appreciation for their review.

How to Automate Feedback Responses

To automate your positive review responses, use Text Blaze . Text Blaze is a powerful tool that helps you create text templates and insert them anywhere online using keyboard shortcuts.

Whether you are automating review responses, common phrases, or even full emails, Text Blaze can help you do it super fast !

All you have to do is set up your shortcut, write the response you want to be inserted, type your shortcut, and watch the magic happen as you quickly respond to customers and improve your customer relationships!

Connect With Customers By Responding to Positive Reviews!

Responding to positive reviews can be a great way to interact and thank your customers for their business and kindness. However, writing these responses isn’t quite as fun.

Text Blaze can help you make this process much more productive and efficient, using keyboard shortcuts and templates that allow you to automate your review responses.

Here's a video that shows you how to get started with Text Blaze today.

Hi there! You made it all the way down to the bottom of this article. Take a few seconds to share it.

Want to turbo charge your work with templates and snippets? Text Blaze is the fastest way to do that.

16 ‘Thank You For Your Feedback’ Email Templates in 2024

Best evernote shortcuts for windows and mac in 2023, 5 amazon feedback request templates to get more reviews.

facebook review example

Facebook Reviews Examples

Review request.

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53 performance review examples to boost growth


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The importance of performance reviews

53 performance review examples, 3 tips for delivering a performance review to an underperformer, a performance review is an opportunity to foster growth.

Even the most well-intentioned criticism can be hard to hear. 

If you need to give feedback to a peer or employee, you might feel nervous. After all, you can probably empathize — most of us have been in their position. You want the person to know where they excel and how to improve, but you don’t want to come off as harsh or lose your authority. It’s a delicate balance.

When sharing professional feedback, you need to achieve that perfect equilibrium to motivate your team to continue doing their best work. Perfect your delivery by studying these 53 performance review examples.

A performance review -– also known as a performance appraisal — evaluates how well an employee is tracking toward goals and upholding the company vision and values . This formal assessment documents strengths and weaknesses , expectations for improvement , and other relevant employee feedback , like kudos for a standout performance. 

Performance reviews are essential because they provide managers (or employees assessing their peers) with a set time and structure for delivering in-depth, example-driven feedback. It’s also an opportunity for the reviewer to set metrics-based expectations so the reviewee knows how to improve for next time. 

Plus, performance reviews are an excellent opportunity to open lines of communication between peers or a manager and their direct reports. Both sides can clarify questions or concerns about performance, and the reviewer may use this time to motivate the reviewee. These types of workplace conversations build more trusting, engaged, and caring professional relationships. 

Unfortunately, typical performance reviews only inspire 14% of employees . In other words, reviewers need to step up their own performance if they want to make an impression during these meetings.

Effective performance reviews are level-headed and honest. They aren’t excuses to scold an employee for a mistake or poor performance . They make time to offer constructive criticism, praise what the team member is doing well, and provide suggested areas for improvement. 

To keep the conversation as productive as possible, study our list of performance evaluation examples that provide focused feedback and maintain an upbeat, inspiring tone that doesn’t undermine the seriousness of the commentary. 

Here are 53 employee evaluation examples for various scenarios. 


Good workplace communication helps teams clearly express ideas and work through problems effectively. Respectful communication also fosters healthy social relationships between peers, which are essential for a positive work culture. 

When you assess a colleague on this interpersonal skill , focus on the politeness of their interactions, the coherence of how they present information, and their ability to listen to others actively .

Use performance evaluation comments like the following when a colleague has done an exceptional job of clearly and respectfully communicating:

1. “I’ve noticed how clearly you communicate complex concepts to clients. I really admire this ability.” 

2. “You’re excellent at solving conflicts . Thank you for taking on this responsibility.” 

3. “Several of your teammates have told me how pleasant it is to work with you. Thank you for being such a respectful communicator.”

4. “I’ve been observing your standout negotiation skills and will continue to look for opportunities for you to use them.”

5. “I’d like to congratulate you on your clear and easy-to-follow presentations. Would you consider giving a workshop for your teammates?”

Improvement suggestions 

Poor communication leads to confusion and fraught interactions. Plus, muddled instructions or explanations can cause project errors, and negative delivery can harm team and stakeholder relationships . It’s important for each team member to have this skill.

Here’s how to cite communication that needs improving: 

6. “I’ve noticed that you sometimes miss part of an explanation. I have helpful materials on active listening I recommend taking a look at.” 

7. “Clients have noted that your explanations are difficult to understand. You have a strong grasp of complex concepts, but let’s work together on ways to break them down for an unfamiliar audience.”

8. “I’d appreciate it if you could communicate when there’s an issue on a project or you have a question. I’ve seen delays and errors due to a lack of updates.”

9. “Some of your emails to clients have had spelling and grammar errors. Could you make an extra effort to check your work so that we keep our company communication as polished as possible?” 

10. “Your teammates have cited rude interactions with you. We must keep communication respectful. Is something going on that’s causing you frustration or prompting these interactions?”

Innovation and creativity 

Innovative solutions and creativity allow organizations to generate new products and services, build a more resonant brand image, and connect successfully with their target audience. When giving a performance review, provide positive feedback on how the person contributes to the team or company’s growth. 

Teammates who offer fresh ideas for projects or ways to improve company processes to boost efficiency deserve a proverbial pat on the back. Here are five performance appraisal examples that show how to give it:

11. “Last quarter, you saved our team 50 hours of administrative work with your solution for streamlining databases. Thank you for this invaluable idea.”

12. “The marketing campaign you created to target younger audiences has been one of our most successful. Everyone on our team has something to learn from you.” 

13. “You’ve been integral to launching one of the most innovative apps on the market. You should be proud of yourself. You’re helping a lot of end users.” 

14. “I admire the way you creatively approach complex problems . You resolved a tricky supply chain issue that kept our deliveries on track.”

15. “You deeply understand the brand image and voice. All of your marketing copy and designs represent us well.”


Improvement suggestions

Team members in creativity- and innovation-driven roles may stagnate. Your organization might have a performance review template you can follow to zero on in how to improve in these areas. You can also use the following feedback pieces to push them in the right direction:

16. "You’re one of our most valued graphic designers. However, I’ve noticed that your recent designs have been similar. Let’s talk about ways to innovate.”

17. “Since you’re in a leadership role, I would like it if you took more initiative to offer creative solutions to problems . I have some reading to guide you.” 

18. “I’ve noticed that your copy lacks that fresh voice we admire. Have you also tracked this change, and what solutions do you have to liven up the writing?”

19. “You’ve offered some of the most innovative development ideas our company’s seen. But you’ve been quiet in brainstorming sessions lately. Let’s talk about what may be going on.”

20. “Your latest product innovation had flaws resulting from rushed work and a lack of attention to detail. Does that resonate?”

Everyone can be a leader — regardless of their rank at an organization. Team members set examples for their peers, and managers guide reports toward success. Whether you’re giving a performance review for a veteran or an entry-level employee, address their leadership skills where you can. 

When an employee exceeds expectations by mentoring others, taking charge of problems, and upholding organizational values , recognize their outstanding work with phrases like the following:

21. “Your positive attitude , willingness to take on more responsibility, and ability to explain concepts to your peers makes you an example to all.”

22. “I appreciate your advances in developing better leadership skills, like clear communication and excellent negotiation tactics. Kudos.” 

23. “I know you started here recently, but many people already look up to you. You take initiative, aren’t afraid to share ideas, and treat your peers respectfully.” 

24. “Since you’ve become a project manager, the development team consistently delivers quality outputs on time. You’re doing a great job guiding the group.” 

25. “When there was a conflict with a client last month, you stepped in to manage it. You have the makings of a great leader.”

If an employee like a project manager or team lead isn’t mentoring others as well as they could, a performance review is the perfect moment to tackle the issue. And if you have a stellar employee who isn’t showing the leadership and initiative required to earn them a promotion, they might need some encouragement to strengthen these skills. Use the following examples as a guide for wording your feedback:

26. “You’ve consistently been an excellent leader, but teammates have reported a lack of mentorship on recent projects, leading to confusion and poor results. What can we do to improve the clarity of your communication and guidance?”

27. “I’ve noticed that you’re stepping back from public speaking opportunities. You’re a strong leader already, but giving talks is an inevitable part of your role. Here’s information on a speaking course I took that could help.”

28. “Some of your teammates have said you’re difficult to approach with a problem. Let’s work to improve your communication skills to make others comfortable asking you for help.” 

29. “Your communication and mentorship skills are unmatched, but you still have to improve your time management skills. Several projects have run late, impacting client deliveries.” 

30. “You form excellent social relationships with your team, but you may be getting too close. I’m concerned you could lose your authority if you continue to act more like a peer than a mentor.” 

Collaboration and teamwork

Teams must work well together — it’s synergy that allows them to accomplish more than they’d be able to alone. Collaboration drives better organizational results and fosters a communicative, innovative work environment. Here’s how to tackle this topic in a performance appraisal.

Certain team members go above and beyond to help peers, manage conflicts, and share their knowledge. Reward them with statements like the following: 

31. “You’re an excellent resource for new team members. Thank you for being willing to share what you know.” 

32. “Your ability to adapt when obstacles arise and encourage your teammates to do the same has saved us from late deliveries several times. Congratulations, and thank you.”

33. “You didn’t have to navigate that conflict between your peers last week, but you stepped up. I think everyone in your group learned something from you that day.” 

34. “I know you’d like to be doing more on projects, but I appreciate that you’re splitting the work with newer teammates so they can learn. Exciting opportunities are coming your way soon.” 

35. “Your team traditionally had trouble working together. Thank you for identifying their strengths and guiding them as a leader to use them in harmony.” 

Employees resisting participation in a team or creating conflicts must change behaviors to help their peers thrive. Here are a few ways to suggest improvements: 

36. “I’ve noticed that you’ve been canceling team meetings and avoiding social events. Let’s talk about what’s going on.” 

37. “It’s great to challenge your peers' ideas, but I’ve repeatedly observed you push contrary thoughts when the rest of the team has reached a consensus. This can hold up projects, so I’d like to ask you to be more flexible.” 

38. “I know you’ve been very busy, but could you take more time to share your skills with others? There are new team members who could learn from you.” 

39. “You’re sometimes quick to nix others’ ideas. Try listening to their suggestions with a more open mind to be a better team player.” 

40. “You’re an involved leader, and that’s an excellent trait. But sometimes, you get too close to a project, and your guidance borders on micromanaging . I’d encourage you to try taking a step back when the team is working well together.”

Work ethic and organization

Punctuality, time management , and planning keep work flowing. In performance reviews, ensure all team members understand how their work ethics contribute to overall success.  

Show your appreciation to those employees who keep administrative tasks running smoothly. Here are some examples:

41. “Thank you for changing our customer relationship management system. Now everyone can access data more easily, and it’s improved our workflow.” 

42. “Your persistence in implementing the Agile project management framework has paid off. We’re delivering better, more timely products to clients.”

43. “You’re never late and sometimes even early. I appreciate your dedication to punctuality. It helps meetings run on time, and the day gets off to a strong start.”

44. “You always answer clients’ emails promptly. Thank you for your dedication to excellent customer service.” 

45. “As a project manager, you do a great job resolving teammate’s blockers efficiently. This allows them to perform tasks confidently and keeps projects on track.” 

Improvement suggestion

Employees who consistently arrive late or have trouble organizing tasks and following company processes negatively impact others’ ability to work well — not to mention their own. Here are constructive employee review examples for those cases: 

46. “You’re often tardy to meetings, which causes your teammates and clients to wait. This can be frustrating for stakeholders. I’d like to share some tips for time management.” 

47. “I’ve noticed you consistently turn in work late. I’m concerned you may have too much on your plate. Let’s assess your workload.”

48. “Client emails are falling through the cracks, making us look like we don’t care. Here’s a system I use to ensure I respond to every email quickly.”  

49. “I understand the new customer relationship management system is tricky, but we need everyone to get on board. Would it be helpful if I set up an additional training session to walk you through the software?”

50. “You didn’t meet your goals this quarter, so I’m modifying them for the upcoming one. Please let me know if you need tools, skills, or support to make achieving these goals possible.”

Performance review summary examples

Wrap up your review by revisiting what the employee has done well and highlighting the improvements they should make. Here are three examples you can model your performance review summary on:

51. “You’ve improved your communication and public speaking skills this quarter, making you a stronger leader. But you can still work on your task and time management skills by implementing better organizational practices.” 

52. “Your first few months at the company have been a success. You’ve learned to use our tools and processes, and your teammates enjoy working with you. Next quarter, I’d like you to take more initiative in brainstorming sessions.” 

53. “You’re a long-time valued employee, and you have a unique talent as a graphic designer. Your social media campaign last quarter was top-notch, but others have been stagnant. I know you can tap into your talents and do more innovative work.”


You’re a compassionate leader and never want to hurt anyone’s feelings. But in a performance review , you may have to deliver tricky constructive criticism . You’re giving this feedback with the best intentions, but doing so might make the other person defensive. Keep the conversation productive and focus on framing improvement as a positive with these three tips:

  • Start and end on a high note: Open the conversation with what the employee has done well and circle back to this point after giving criticism. This will remind the employee of their value. 
  • Use metrics: Don’t run a performance review on “gut feelings.” Quantifiable metrics and clear feedback allow you to identify areas of improvement. You must demonstrate specific examples and measurable figures to back up your claims. Otherwise, your criticism can seem unfounded. 
  • Offer suggestions: An employee may not know how to interpret feedback and translate it into action items. And they might have some concluding performance review questions about how to improve. Offer help and a professional development plan so the person feels inspired, capable, and supported in making the changes you suggest.

Many fear receiving and giving sub-optimal feedback. However, in performance reviews, colleagues inevitably highlight negative aspects of a person’s work.

But if you establish a healthy balance between recognizing an employee’s strengths and offering constructive feedback for improvement (like in our performance review examples), these sessions turn into growth opportunities. Your colleagues take on new challenges, acquire better skills, and become more understanding teammates thanks to criticism.

And guess what? The next performance review will be less nerve-wracking for everyone involved.

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Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

What is financial coaching, and why do you need it?

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  • How we review life insurance companies

Best Life Insurance of May 2024

Affiliate links for the products on this page are from partners that compensate us (see our advertiser disclosure with our list of partners for more details). However, our opinions are our own. See how we rate insurance products to write unbiased product reviews.

Life insurance is as complicated as the policyholders and beneficiaries who use it. That means there's no single "best" life insurance company. Instead, you can find the best option based on what you want or what you prioritize.

Best life insurance companies of 2024

While there is no such thing as the objective best life insurance policy, you will be able to find the best insurance policy for your specific needs. Here are our picks for the best life insurance companies, whether you want to use your life insurance policy to build wealth through cash value or you're just looking for a term life insurance policy .

Best life insurance for customer satisfaction

State farm life insurance.

State Farm Life Insurance gets the best life insurance ranking in J.D Power's Individual Life Insurance Study, with a score of 843/1,000. The company is also ranked A++ with AM Best for its financial stability with term, universal, and whole life insurance options. 

All State Farm policies have to be purchased through a State Farm agent. Your agent can help you bundle and save or buy one policy. State Farm is also among the companies offering "survivorship universal life insurance ," which means the policy covers two people, and it kicks in after the second person dies. Couples looking to maximize their death benefit for beneficiaries with one premium payment each month may enjoy lower overall costs.

State Farm agents can run quotes and compare options to find the right plans for each applicant. The range of options, discounts, and familiar name all contribute to the popularity of State Farm's life insurance.

Read our State Farm Life Insurance review here.

Best life insurance for older adults

Prudential vul protector life insurance.

Prudential Life Insurance is available in all states except New York. New York residents can buy the Pruco Life of New Jersey VUL Protector plan. This plan allows buyers to pull money out of their plan to pay for nursing home expenses. Cash value policy premiums are fixed, so you won't have to worry about extra costs later on. Internal costs are low, which minimizes risk. Due to age, many older adults want a safe investment option for their money. Prudential VUL Protector invests to avoid loss. That also means you're not as likely to see big increases in your available funds outside of what you deposit.

Read our Prudential Life Insurance review here.

Best life insurance for long-term care

Columbus life insurance.

Columbus Life offers a wide range of riders to customize your policy with affordable premiums. The company also allows you to convert term policies to whole life insurance policies until the end of your term (generally around age 70). For this and many other reasons, customer satisfaction is high.

When using living health benefits (otherwise known as accelerated death benefits), buyers are allowed to pull money from policies early to pay for medical bills, living costs, etc. under certain circumstances. Most companies use a discounted death benefit, which reduces your final payout using two models. Columbus uses the lien method, which makes it easier to calculate the financial impact of pulling money out early.

Best life insurance for high returns on income

Allianz life insurance.

Allianz Life plans are geared towards high-income adults looking for more tax-free income. Allianz offers a 40% multiplier bonus with a 1% annual assets charge. In short, the professionals managing your investments take 10%. Overall, your investments would pull in an extra 14%-1% asset charge. This means you end up with 3% more than what you deposit every year your life policy is active. This plan offers strong returns when using a life policy to supplement your retirement savings. Allianz also offers specialized plans to grow your income by as much as 20% according to some estimates.

Of note: Allianz also offers plans for foreign nationals, including those with H-1B visas.

Best life insurance for agents

New york life insurance.

New York Life Insurance agents go through extensive training before they ever hit the sales floor. What does this get you? Policies vary widely, and New York Life offers both large and small payouts. Some policies have significant penalties for early withdrawal, but taking a loan offers more options. Whatever your questions, New York Life agents are trained to offer comprehensive support giving you accurate information about its policies every time. The company comes in at position eight in J.D. Power's latest life insurance customer satisfaction study.

Read our New York Life Insurance review here.

Best life insurance for term life

North american life insurance.

North American Company offers term policies alongside accelerated death benefits for critical, chronic, and terminal illnesses and more. The company allows one conversion on a 20-year policy at 15 years or 70 years old (whichever is earlier). The conversion cannot happen later than the five-year marker regardless of which policy you choose or the length. North American Company also offers a term policy with a lower premium renewable up to the age of 95 for qualifying insureds.

Summary of the best life insurance companies

  • Best for customer satisfaction:   State Farm Life Insurance
  • Best for older adults:   Prudential Life Insurance
  • Best for agent support:   New York Life Insurance
  • Best for long-term care:   Columbus Life
  • Best for high returns:   Allianz Life
  • Best for term life:   North American Company

How to pick the best life insurance policy for you

Finding the right fit in life insurance starts with finding a trusted insurance agent. Because there are so many state regulations, shopping for homeowners or auto insurance can be easily done online. Life insurance is not required. So it's a voluntary purchase. Many buyers don't know what they need or when they need it. Before making your selection, consider a few things:

Some companies will sell you a policy for your child as soon as they're born. While this may seem morbid, early sign-up means lower rates for a policy your child could enjoy in the future. Regardless, early sign-up equates to more policy for lower premiums and a higher likelihood of acceptance. At 20, you may be healthier and be able to pay into the policy for a longer period compared to when you're 50 with more age-related conditions.

As a general rule, never agree to more than you can afford. For the average life insurance agent, their job is to sell you a large policy with a large commission. Consider not only how much you make now, but how likely your current income is to continue. If you work on a project basis and your project is scheduled to end in 12 months, you may want to reconsider a policy premium outside your monthly savings.

How much are you prepared to buy? Some people only want a small policy to cover funerals and other end-of-life expenses. Others build a life policy into their retirement plan. Whatever direction you're going, involving a financial planner could help you make the right decisions. Depending on the carrier, customers can also compare set limits with index universal life policies, which set no limit. These policies never expire, and the value builds over the entirety of your life.

Living Benefits

Life happens unexpectedly. You could be healthy one day and in the hospital the next. Many life policies offer living benefits. These allow you to draw a limited amount out of your policy to cover medical and other bills you cannot pay while sick.

Much like a 401(k), many life insurance policies have penalties for early withdrawal. No matter what policy you want, this question is critical to an informed decision. It's a question of how early you can withdraw and how much you'll lose from the total to have the money in 10 years instead of 30 or after death.

Some policies require insured parties to pay premiums for at least one year before any significant payout would be available. Suicide exclusions are common. Even with no medical exam policies, the company may still do a check for known conditions. An insurance company has to mitigate its risk.


Once you've been denied a life insurance policy, a mark goes on your record. No matter the reasons, other insurance companies may deny you coverage based on the first denial. So consider your whole situation and choose your policy carefully before you submit any applications. Some policies have greater flexibility if you lose your job or otherwise can't make payments. Others will lapse if you miss even one payment.

Payment Type

Even within whole life or term life insurance policies, customers have the option to choose guaranteed fixed or variable rates. Some have guaranteed payouts, but you'll need to ask your agent for details.

What is your intended use? Why are you shopping for a life insurance policy in the first place, and what are your goals? Many successful financial planners also have a background in life insurance. So while they may not be able to find you a specific life insurance policy, financial planners can help you set out a blueprint for your purchase.

Methodology: How we review life insurance companies

In life insurance, it's easy to get "sold a bill of goods." Many life insurance agents pass a state test to be thrown into the deep end. Agents sell the company product, but not all know the products. In this vein, we look at the products each company offers. We also look at agent training.

A good life insurance agent may not volunteer all facts upfront. But a company's agents should answer questions about its products accurately and in a way the average consumer can digest. Agents should be able to inform you about the long-term benefits and limitations. This will help customers find the right policy for their long-term plan.

We consider affordability, policy sizes available, and performance for a comprehensive assessment in our insurance rating methodology . If you can, we recommend also working with a financial advisor to make a plan for your future with life insurance.

Our Expert Panel for The Best Life Insurance Companies

To inform our choices for the best life insurance companies, we spoke with the following experts:

  • Paul LaPiana , head of product at MassMutual
  • Barbara Pietrangelo , CFP, CLU, and chair of the nonprofit Life Happens
  • Wykeeta Peel , Corporate Vice President and Market Manager, African American Market Unit at New York Life

The Experts' Advice on Choosing The Best Life Insurance for You

How much life insurance coverage do you believe the average buyer should have.

Paul LaPiana, Head of Product at MassMutual

"There are different approaches to determining how much life insurance you need. One is the 'human life' approach, which estimates the current value of your future earning potential. Another is securing specific coverage to pay off debts such as a mortgage or provide for the education of children. A comprehensive protection plan should provide the right amount of coverage over the course of your working life and into retirement."

Barbara A. Pietrangelo, Chair of Life Happens

"There is no one-size-fits-all life insurance policy because everyone is different. One way to get a rough estimate is to multiply your income by 10 to 15; another is adding $100,00 to that amount, should you have a child and anticipate college education expenses.

Your best bet is to talk to a financial professional or use the Life Insurance Needs Calculator on LifeHappens.org to analyze what's right for you."

Wykeeta Peel, Corporate Vice President & Market Manager African American Market Unit at New York Life

"As you consider what policy best meets your needs, it can help to answer four key questions: First, how much death benefit do you need? Second, how long will you need that coverage? Third, what is your budget (or how much monthly premium can you afford to pay?), and finally, what is your investment risk tolerance?

To determine how much death benefit makes sense, it's helpful to think beyond using life insurance to cover funeral expenses and consider whether anyone is relying on the policy owner's income to maintain a lifestyle, pay rent or a mortgage, or fund a child's education and for how long.

There are various rules of thumb regarding the right amount of Life insurance coverage. Some tips can be found online, but they only provide an estimate and don't necessarily factor in an individual's specific needs. In my opinion, human guidance, powered by technology, is required. Basically, it comes down to how much money your loved ones would need to remain on firm financial ground if your earnings were no longer in the picture and that is different for everyone."

What is the biggest opportunity you see for improvement in the life insurance industry?

"Increased accessibility through digital and other channels as well as through underwriting enhancements. Increased tailoring of products and features. And an increased emphasis on health and wellness programs."

"Having enough qualified insurance professionals to walk potential buyers through the multiple benefits of life insurance will be pivotal to the growth of the industry. Education is a key factor here, as professional agents also need to be able to explain life insurance and its benefits in an easy, digestible way, especially when there are so many misconceptions about life insurance."

"The need for life insurance is greater than ever. In fact, a recent New York Life Wealth Watch survey found that 37% of adults have been thinking about life insurance more often these days – and half of adults report that financial products that provide protection (50%) and reliability (50%) are more important now compared to last year. This may be especially true for middle-market and Cultural Market families.

Our organizational structure of having Cultural Market agents embedded in the communities where we live and work allows us to understand the needs of diverse communities and develop solutions that resonate with them."

What advice would you give to buyers who are debating whether or not to buy life insurance?

"It is difficult to say with any certainty how healthy you will be years from now. That's why securing life insurance, and insuring your insurability, today, when you are the youngest you'll ever be again, and perhaps your healthiest is a wise decision."

"Do you love someone? If the answer is yes, then life insurance is certainly something you should consider. Many buy gifts and experiences to express their love, but haven't considered that life insurance is just another way to say I love you. Nothing says support like ensuring your family's financial security and peace of mind."

"If you have someone depending on your income, you should consider purchasing life insurance. A death benefit from a life insurance policy can replace income from the loss of a breadwinner, ensure a family can stay in their home, fund educational or retirement expenses, address debt and so much more.

A life insurance policy can also help you grow your family's wealth over time. Once the risk of an unexpected loss has been managed, you can begin to think more broadly about your family's financial future. Life insurance can enable your mindset to shift from death to growth."

What's the most important thing buyers should look for when choosing a life insurance agent/company to buy from?

"With life insurance, you are securing a future commitment that may be decades away. Research the company behind the policy to ensure it has high financial strength ratings, longevity, and an excellent track record of paying claims."

"When looking for an insurance agent or company, be sure to do your research. When comparing companies, be sure to remember that the policy features that fit you and your loved ones best is the most important factor. Don't automatically assume you should buy from the higher-rated company.

If the policy from the other company has more of what you're looking for, it might be the better choice. If you're unsure where to start, try the Life Happens Agent Locator to find an insurance professional in your area."

  • "The insurers' track record: At its core, life insurance is protection - a hedge against the unexpected - and you are paying premiums in exchange for the promise that the insurer will be there when you need them, so the financial strength and track record of the company backing your policy is critical.
  • Customer service: Are service professionals available by phone and digital channels? Is there is an online dashboard where you can manage your policy? Beyond ensuring assistance is available after you purchase a policy, it's also critical to ensure you have access to trusted advice and guidance before you buy.
  • Flexibility in conversion: How easy is it to change? Life can be unpredictable and while term insurance can cover your loved ones through a critical period of time, you may decide that access to cash value is an important piece of your strategy.
  • Accelerated online applications : Online applications are convenient but don't replace human guidance. Keep in mind that accelerated online applications may have a maximum coverage amount, meaning that you may not be able to get all the coverage you may need exclusively through an online process.
  • A range of payment options: It's important to understand how often you're required to make premium payments and whether and how often you can change the frequency of payments."

Best life insurance FAQs

According to JD Power's 2023 life insurance study, State Farm is the highest-rated life insurance company when it comes to overall customer satisfaction. However, you still may want to shop around for quotes from various insurers if you're looking to purchase a new policy.

There isn't one best life insurance company, because the best option for you will depend on the type of policy you're looking for. It's best to work with a qualified insurance agent to help you find the best coverage. If you're deciding between multiple similar options, it's also worth consulting J.D. Power's life insurance customer satisfaction study . The latest study ranks State Farm as the top pick for individual life insurance, outpacing Nationwide by three points.

The best type of life insurance policy for you will differ from someone else's, as your policy should be tailored to your needs. The best policy for you will be affordable and will offer the benefits best suited to your situation. For example, some policies are only meant to cover end-of-life expenses such as burial and funeral arrangements, whereas others include living benefits like a cash value insurance plan , which you can borrow against during your lifetime.

Some life insurance policies are advertised as "no medical exam." This doesn't mean the insurer won't ask you about known conditions or look at medical records. Policies with no medical exam also tend to offer lower benefits with higher premiums. Most companies have a network of medical examiners, some of whom can come to your home. You can find our guide on the best no exam life insurance here.

Each situation is different and requires a knowledgeable life insurance agent to assess your best options. Bring all your questions and the coverage you're looking for to an insurance agent near you to explore your options.

Editorial Note: Any opinions, analyses, reviews, or recommendations expressed in this article are the author’s alone, and have not been reviewed, approved, or otherwise endorsed by any card issuer. Read our editorial standards .

Please note: While the offers mentioned above are accurate at the time of publication, they're subject to change at any time and may have changed, or may no longer be available.

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Fujifilm GFX 100S II Review (so far)

  • Introduction
  • Ease of Use
  • Image Quality
  • Sample Images
  • Product Images
  • Rating & Conclusion
  • Main Rivals
  • Specifications

Latest Reviews

The GFX 100S II is the seventh medium-format mirrorless camera that Fujifilm have released since 2019, and as the name suggests, the fourth to have a massive 100 megapixels.

It uses a completely new 102 megapixel high-speed image sensor called the "GFX 102MP CMOS II" and the very latest X-Processor 5.

This is not a high-speed sensor like the one used in the GFX 100 II, but Fujfilm claim that it does offer very similar image quality.

The sensor inside the GFX 100S II physically measures 43.8x32.9mm, which is much larger than the 36x24mm sensor found in a 35mm full-frame camera - approximately 1.7x larger in fact.

As well as more resolution for bigger prints and aggressive cropping, the large sensor format promises to deliver better image quality and greater depth of field without compromising too much on the size and weight of the camera when compared to a typical 35mm model.

It has exactly the same body as the original GFX 100S, except for the new Bishamon-tex textured covering which enhances the grip strength at various angles when holding the camera.

The weight has still been reduced from the previous version, with the GFX 100S II weighing in at just 883g, making it the lightest model in the GFX series.

It features five-axis in-body image stabilization (IBIS) which provides a compensation rating of up to 8 stops when certain specified lenses are used.

There's also an improved eletrconiv viewfinder (EVF) with a magnification of 0.84x and 5.76 million dots, special 400 megapixel Pixel Shift Multi-Shot mode, AI-based subject-detection AF developed with Deep Learning technology, twenty film simulation modes, up to 7fps continuous shooting speeds, 4K/30p recording and dual UHS-II SD memory card slots.

The Fujifilm GFX 100S II is priced at £4999 / €5499 / $4999 body-only in the UK, Europe and USA respectively. It is designed and made in Japan.

The new MHG-GFX S metal hand grip optional accessory enhances the grip and stability when shooting with larger telephoto lenses and also improves convenience when using a tripod.

This is a selection of sample images from the Fujifilm GFX 100S II camera, which were all taken using the 102 megapixel Superfine JPEG setting. The thumbnails below link to the full-sized versions, which have not been altered in any way.

1/400s · f/5.6 · ISO 640 396mm Download Original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 640 396mm Download Original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 5000 396mm Download Original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 800 396mm Download Original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 1250 396mm Download Original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 3200 396mm Download Original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 1600 396mm Download Original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 2500 396mm Download Original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 4000 396mm Download Original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 10000 396mm Download Original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 12800 396mm Download Original

1/400s · f/5.6 · ISO 5000 396mm Download Original

1/400s · f/5.6 · ISO 500 396mm Download Original

1/400s · f/5.6 · ISO 400 396mm Download Original

1/400s · f/5.6 · ISO 320 396mm Download Original

1/400s · f/5.6 · ISO 250 396mm Download Original

1/400s · f/5.6 · ISO 100 396mm Download Original

1/400s · f/5.6 · ISO 1250 396mm Download Original

1/400s · f/5.6 · ISO 1000 396mm Download Original

1/400s · f/5.6 · ISO 1600 396mm Download Original

1/400s · f/5.6 · ISO 800 396mm Download Original

1/400s · f/5.6 · ISO 2500 396mm Download Original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 400 396mm Download Original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 500 396mm Download Original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 2000 396mm Download Original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 6400 396mm Download Original

1/200s · f/5.6 · ISO 1250 396mm Download Original

1/200s · f/5.6 · ISO 800 396mm Download Original

1/200s · f/5.6 · ISO 2500 396mm Download Original

1/200s · f/5.6 · ISO 12800 396mm Download Original

Sample RAW Images

The Fujifilm GFX 100S II enables users to capture RAW and JPEG format files. We've provided some Fujifilm RAW (RAF) samples for you to download (thumbnail images shown below are not 100% representative).

1/400s · f/5.6 · ISO 640 396mm Download original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 640 396mm Download original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 5000 396mm Download original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 800 396mm Download original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 1250 396mm Download original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 3200 396mm Download original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 1600 396mm Download original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 2500 396mm Download original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 4000 396mm Download original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 10000 396mm Download original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 12800 396mm Download original

1/400s · f/5.6 · ISO 5000 396mm Download original

1/400s · f/5.6 · ISO 500 396mm Download original

1/400s · f/5.6 · ISO 400 396mm Download original

1/400s · f/5.6 · ISO 320 396mm Download original

1/400s · f/5.6 · ISO 250 396mm Download original

1/400s · f/5.6 · ISO 100 396mm Download original

1/400s · f/5.6 · ISO 1250 396mm Download original

1/400s · f/5.6 · ISO 1000 396mm Download original

1/400s · f/5.6 · ISO 1600 396mm Download original

1/400s · f/5.6 · ISO 800 396mm Download original

1/400s · f/5.6 · ISO 2500 396mm Download original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 400 396mm Download original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 500 396mm Download original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 2000 396mm Download original

1/800s · f/5.6 · ISO 6400 396mm Download original

1/200s · f/5.6 · ISO 1250 396mm Download original

1/200s · f/5.6 · ISO 800 396mm Download original

1/200s · f/5.6 · ISO 2500 396mm Download original

1/200s · f/5.6 · ISO 12800 396mm Download original

Sample Movies & Video

This is a sample 4K movie at the quality setting of 3840x2160 pixels at 60 frames per second.

This is a sample 5x slow-motion 1080p movie at the quality setting of 1920x1080 pixels at 24 frames per second.

Listed below are some of the rivals of the Fujifilm GFX 100S II .

Fujifilm GFX 100 II

The Fujifilm GFX 100 II is a 100-megapixel, 8K video, 8-stop IBIS, 8fps continuous shooting, medium-format monster that is light enough to use all day, indoors and out. Find out just how good it is by reading our in-depth Fujifilm GFX 100 II review, complete with a gallery of full-size sample JPEG / Raw images and videos...

Fujifilm GFX 100

It's not every day that a 100 megapixel camera hits the market, and certainly not every day that we get to review one. So without further ado, here's our in-depth review of the brand new Fujifilm GFX 100 medium format mirrorless camera, complete with full-size sample images and videos...

Fujifilm GFX 100S

The new 100-megapixel medium-format Fuji GFX 100S is smaller, lighter and more versatile than the flagship GFX 100, and crucially, significantly cheaper too. So much so that it steps on the toes of high-end 35mm full-frame cameras like the Sony Alpha 1, Canon EOS R5 and Nikon Z7 II. Does the GFX 100S really prove that medium-format is "More than full-frame", and is it really better than the GFX 100? Find out now by reading our in-depth review, complete with a huge gallery of full-size sample images and videos...

Fujifilm GFX 50R

The Fujifilm GFX 50R is a rangefinder-style medium-format mirrorless camera with a 50 megapixel sensor, 3.2-inch tilting touchscreen LCD, electronic viewfinder, ISO range of 50-102400, dual memory card slots and 3fps continuous shooting. Oh, and it only costs £3999 / $4499, making it the cheapest medium format camera on the market. Read our detailed Fujifilm GFX 50R review now...

Fujifilm GFX 50S II

The new Fuji GFX 50S II is the most affordable medium-format ever released - it's so cheap that it competes with high-end 35mm full-frame cameras like the Sony Alpha 7R IV, Canon EOS R5 and Nikon Z7 II. But surely there's a catch - is it just too affordable for its own good? Find out now by reading our in-depth Fujifilm GFX 50S II review, complete with full-size sample photos and videos...

Fujifilm GFX 50S

The Fujifilm GFX 50S is a new medium-format mirrorless camera, offering a 50 megapixel sensor, a 3.2-inch tilting touchscreen LCD and a removable electronic viewfinder in a body that's no bigger than a 35mm full-frame DSLR. Read our in-depth Fujifilm GFX 50S review now...

The Leica SL3 is a brand new digital camera with a 60 megapixel sensor, 8K/30p video recording and a hybrid AF system. Does this premium take on a 35mm full-frame interchangeable lens camera deliver premium results? Find out now by reading our in-depth Leica SL3 review, complete with full-size sample photos and videos...

The Sony Alpha 1 camera, or Sony A1 for short, is the best camera that Sony have ever released, and currently the best all-round camera on the market. It's also one of the most expensive, so read our in-depth Sony A1 review complete with full-size sample JPEG and Raw photos and movies to find out if it's truly the One for you...

The Sony A7R V full-frame camera is a hybrid powerhouse that in some ways outperforms even the flagship Alpha 1 model. Can this exciting camera really meet the needs of all kinds of photographers? Read our in-depth Sony A7R V review to find out...

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Five ways criminals are using AI

Generative AI has made phishing, scamming, and doxxing easier than ever.

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the head of a glowing crocodile with stacks of coins in its open mouth

Artificial intelligence has brought a big boost in productivity—to the criminal underworld. 

Generative AI provides a new, powerful tool kit that allows malicious actors to work far more efficiently and internationally than ever before, says Vincenzo Ciancaglini, a senior threat researcher at the security company Trend Micro. 

Most criminals are “not living in some dark lair and plotting things,” says Ciancaglini. “Most of them are regular folks that carry on regular activities that require productivity as well.”

Last year saw the rise and fall of WormGPT , an AI language model built on top of an open-source model and trained on malware-related data, which was created to assist hackers and had no ethical rules or restrictions. But last summer, its creators announced they were shutting the model down after it started attracting media attention. Since then, cybercriminals have mostly stopped developing their own AI models. Instead, they are opting for tricks with existing tools that work reliably. 

That’s because criminals want an easy life and quick gains, Ciancaglini explains. For any new technology to be worth the unknown risks associated with adopting it—for example, a higher risk of getting caught—it has to be better and bring higher rewards than what they’re currently using. 

Here are five ways criminals are using AI now. 

The  biggest use case for generative AI among criminals right now is phishing, which involves trying to trick people into revealing sensitive information that can be used for malicious purposes, says Mislav Balunović, an AI security researcher at ETH Zurich. Researchers have found that the rise of ChatGPT has been accompanied by a huge spike in the number of phishing emails . 

Spam-generating services, such as GoMail Pro, have ChatGPT integrated into them, which allows criminal users to translate or improve the messages sent to victims, says Ciancaglini. OpenAI’s policies restrict people from using their products for illegal activities, but that is difficult to police in practice, because many innocent-sounding prompts could be used for malicious purposes too, says Ciancaglini. 

OpenAI says it uses a mix of human reviewers and automated systems to identify and enforce against misuse of its models, and issues warnings, temporary suspensions and bans if users violate the company’s policies. 

“We take the safety of our products seriously and are continually improving our safety measures based on how people use our products,” a spokesperson for OpenAI told us. “We are constantly working to make our models safer and more robust against abuse and jailbreaks, while also maintaining the models’ usefulness and task performance,” they added. 

In a report from February, OpenAI said it had closed five accounts associated with state-affiliated malicous actors. 

Before, so-called Nigerian prince scams, in which someone promises the victim a large sum of money in exchange for a small up-front payment, were relatively easy to spot because the English in the messages was clumsy and riddled with grammatical errors, Ciancaglini. says. Language models allow scammers to generate messages that sound like something a native speaker would have written. 

“English speakers used to be relatively safe from non-English-speaking [criminals] because you could spot their messages,” Ciancaglini says. That’s not the case anymore. 

Thanks to better AI translation, different criminal groups around the world can also communicate better with each other. The risk is that they could coordinate large-scale operations that span beyond their nations and target victims in other countries, says Ciancaglini.

Deepfake audio scams

Generative AI has allowed deepfake development to take a big leap forward, with synthetic images, videos, and audio looking and sounding more realistic than ever . This has not gone unnoticed by the criminal underworld.

Earlier this year, an employee in Hong Kong was reportedly scammed out of $25 million after cybercriminals used a deepfake of the company’s chief financial officer to convince the employee to transfer the money to the scammer’s account. “We’ve seen deepfakes finally being marketed in the underground,” says Ciancaglini. His team found people on platforms such as Telegram showing off their “portfolio” of deepfakes and selling their services for as little as $10 per image or $500 per minute of video. One of the most popular people for criminals to deepfake is Elon Musk, says Ciancaglini. 

And while deepfake videos remain complicated to make and easier for humans to spot, that is not the case for audio deepfakes. They are cheap to make and require only a couple of seconds of someone’s voice—taken, for example, from social media—to generate something scarily convincing.

In the US, there have been high-profile cases where people have received distressing calls from loved ones saying they’ve been kidnapped and asking for money to be freed, only for the caller to turn out to be a scammer using a deepfake voice recording. 

“People need to be aware that now these things are possible, and people need to be aware that now the Nigerian king doesn’t speak in broken English anymore,” says Ciancaglini. “People can call you with another voice, and they can put you in a very stressful situation,” he adds. 

There are some for people to protect themselves, he says. Ciancaglini recommends agreeing on a regularly changing secret safe word between loved ones that could help confirm the identity of the person on the other end of the line. 

“I password-protected my grandma,” he says.  

Bypassing identity checks

Another way criminals are using deepfakes is to bypass “know your customer” verification systems. Banks and cryptocurrency exchanges use these systems to verify that their customers are real people. They require new users to take a photo of themselves holding a physical identification document in front of a camera. But criminals have started selling apps on platforms such as Telegram that allow people to get around the requirement. 

They work by offering a fake or stolen ID and imposing a deepfake image on top of a real person’s face to trick the verification system on an Android phone’s camera. Ciancaglini has found examples where people are offering these services for cryptocurrency website Binance for as little as $70. 

“They are still fairly basic,” Ciancaglini says. The techniques they use are similar to Instagram filters, where someone else’s face is swapped for your own. 

“What we can expect in the future is that [criminals] will use actual deepfakes … so that you can do more complex authentication,” he says. 

facebook review example


If you ask most AI systems how to make a bomb, you won’t get a useful response.

That’s because AI companies have put in place various safeguards to prevent their models from spewing harmful or dangerous information. Instead of building their own AI models without these safeguards, which is expensive, time-consuming, and difficult, cybercriminals have begun to embrace a new trend: jailbreak-as-a-service. 

Most models come with rules around how they can be used. Jailbreaking allows users to manipulate the AI system to generate outputs that violate those policies—for example, to write code for ransomware or generate text that could be used in scam emails. 

Services such as EscapeGPT and BlackhatGPT offer anonymized access to language-model APIs and jailbreaking prompts that update frequently. To fight back against this growing cottage industry, AI companies such as OpenAI and Google frequently have to plug security holes that could allow their models to be abused. 

Jailbreaking services use different tricks to break through safety mechanisms, such as posing hypothetical questions or asking questions in foreign languages. There is a constant cat-and-mouse game between AI companies trying to prevent their models from misbehaving and malicious actors coming up with ever more creative jailbreaking prompts. 

These services are hitting the sweet spot for criminals, says Ciancaglini. 

“Keeping up with jailbreaks is a tedious activity. You come up with a new one, then you need to test it, then it’s going to work for a couple of weeks, and then Open AI updates their model,” he adds. “Jailbreaking is a super-interesting service for criminals.”

Doxxing and surveillance

AI language models are a perfect tool for not only phishing but for doxxing (revealing private, identifying information about someone online), says Balunović. This is because AI language models are trained on vast amounts of internet data, including personal data, and can deduce where, for example, someone might be located.

As an example of how this works, you could ask a chatbot to pretend to be a private investigator with experience in profiling. Then you could ask it to analyze text the victim has written, and infer personal information from small clues in that text—for example, their age based on when they went to high school, or where they live based on landmarks they mention on their commute. The more information there is about them on the internet, the more vulnerable they are to being identified. 

Balunović was part of a team of researchers that found late last year that large language models, such as GPT-4, Llama 2, and Claude, are able to infer sensitive information such as people’s ethnicity, location, and occupation purely from mundane conversations with a chatbot. In theory, anyone with access to these models could use them this way. 

Since their paper came out, new services that exploit this feature of language models have emerged. 

While the existence of these services doesn’t indicate criminal activity, it points out the new capabilities malicious actors could get their hands on. And if regular people can build surveillance tools like this, state actors probably have far better systems, Balunović says. 

“The only way for us to prevent these things is to work on defenses,” he says.

Companies should invest in data protection and security, he adds. 

Artificial intelligence

Sam altman says helpful agents are poised to become ai’s killer function.

Open AI’s CEO says we won’t need new hardware or lots more training data to get there.

  • James O'Donnell archive page

An AI startup made a hyperrealistic deepfake of me that’s so good it’s scary

Synthesia's new technology is impressive but raises big questions about a world where we increasingly can’t tell what’s real.

Taking AI to the next level in manufacturing

Reducing data, talent, and organizational barriers to achieve scale.

  • MIT Technology Review Insights archive page

Is robotics about to have its own ChatGPT moment?

Researchers are using generative AI and other techniques to teach robots new skills—including tasks they could perform in homes.

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