Ace the Presentation

types of speech styles

The 5 Different Types of Speech Styles

Human beings have different ways of communicating . No two people speak the same (and nor should they). In fact, if you’ve paid any attention to people’s speeches around you, you might have already noticed that they vary from speaker to speaker, according to the context. Those variations aren’t merely coincidental. 

The 5 Different Types of Speech Styles (Table)

Martin Joos, a famous german linguist and professor, was the first one to organize the speeches according to their variations, having come up with five speech styles, depending on their degree of formality: 

1. Frozen Style (or Fixed speech)

A speech style is characterized by the use of certain grammar and vocabulary particular to a certain field, one in which the speaker is inserted. The language in this speech style is very formal and static, making it one of the highest forms of speech styles. It’s usually done in a format where the speaker talks and the audience listens without actually being given the space to respond. 

Application: It’s generally reserved for formal settings such as important ceremonies (for instance, a ceremony at the royal palace or one in which a country’s president is present), weddings, funerals, etc. 

Examples: a presidential speech, an anthem, and a school creed.

2. Formal Style

This style, just like the previous one, is also characterized by a formal (agreed upon and even documented) vocabulary and choice of words, yet it’s more universal as it doesn’t necessarily require expertise in any field and it’s not as rigid as the frozen style. 

The language in this speech is respectful and rejects the use of slang, contractions, ellipses and qualifying modal adverbials. Oftentimes the speaker must plan the sentences before delivering them. 

Application: Although it’s often used in writing, it also applies to speaking, especially to medium to large-sized groups. It’s also the type of speech that should be used when communicating with strangers and others such as older people, elders, professionals, and figures of authority. 

Examples: meetings (corporate or other formal meetings), court, class, interview, speech, or presentation. 

types of speech styles

3. Consultative Style 

The third level of communication it’s a style characterized by a semi-formal vocabulary, often unplanned and reliant on the listener ’s responses and overall participation. 

Application: any type of two-way communication, dialogue, whether between two people or more, where there’s no intimacy or any acquaintanceship. 

Examples: group discussions, teacher-student communication, expert-apprentice, communication between work colleagues or even between employer-employee, and talking to a stranger. 

4. Casual Style (or Informal Style) 

As the name says, this style is characterized by its casualty, with a flexible and informal vocabulary that may include slang. It’s usually unplanned, pretty relaxed, and reliant on the fluid back and forth between those involved, without any particular order. 

Application: used between people with a sense of familiarity and a relatively close relationship, whether in a group or in a one-on-one scenario.

Examples: chats with friends and family, casual phone calls, or text messages. 

5. Intimate Style

This is the speech style that’s reserved for people who have a really close connection. It’s casual and relaxed and goes beyond words, as it incorporates nonverbal communication and even personal language codes, such as terms of endearment and expressions whose meaning are only understood by the participants, besides slang. 

Application: used between people who share an intimate bond. 

Examples: chats between best friends, boyfriend and girlfriend, siblings and other family members, whether in messages, phone calls, or personally.  

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4 factors that influence speech styles.

Although knowing the definition and some examples of situations in which each speech style might apply is helpful, there are four important factors that are key in speech styles. These factors help the speakers understand when it is appropriate to use one style instead of the other. They are: 

1. The Setting 

The setting is essentially the context in which the speech shall take place. It’s probably the most important factor to be considered when choosing which speech style to use as nothing could be more harmful than applying the wrong speech style to the wrong setting. 

Although it’s a factor that’s exhausted and diverse,  to make things simple for you, I’ve divided them in three main categories: 

  • Formal Settings:  
  • Casual Settings: 

In these settings, people are more relaxed and less uptight than in formal settings. Since there’s a degree of familiarity between those speaking, even though people are not necessarily intimate, the speaker can apply either consultative or casual speech styles. Some examples of these settings include weddings, company or team meetings, and school classes. 

  • Informal Settings: 

These settings are more open than casual ones as there are almost no rules to how people should interact. Everyone in it either has a deep degree of familiarity or intimacy. The styles of speeches that are used in these settings are Casual and Intimate. A few examples of these settings are family and friends gatherings, private conversations, etc. 

Misreading the setting can be really embarrassing and have devastating consequences. If, for instance, you make inappropriate jokes in a work meeting or use slang words, you could be perceived as unprofessional and disrespectful, and that could cost you your job. 

2. The Participants  

Your audience, the people to whom your speech is directed, or the people you interact with are decisive factors when choosing your speech style. 

To put it simply: 

  • Reserve Frozen and Formal styles for people whom you respect and are not intimate or even familiar with ,  either because of their position in society or because of their position in relation to you. These can be authority figures or even superiors in your workplace and strangers.
  • Use Consultative and Casual speech styles with people who, even though they are familiar to you (either because you both know each other or interact often), still owe them a certain level of respect . These can be people in your workplace such as your colleagues and business partners, people in school, elders and older family members, neighbors, acquaintances and even strangers . 
  • Feel free to use Intimate speech styles with anyone who you share an intimate bond with . These can be your friends and your immediate and extended family members .

3. The Topic 

Speech styles can give appropriate weight to serious topics, just as they can help alleviate the heaviness of certain topics. There’s no specific rule of which style to use with each topic, actually, when it comes to topics, the choice should be more intuitive and keep in mind the other factors. 

For example, sometimes, when making a presentation about a serious topic at a conference, you might want to mix formal speech with a more consultative or casual speech by sliding in a joke or two in between your presentation, as this helps lighten up the mood. 

4. The Purpose of The Discourse or Conversation 

The purpose of your discourse is your main motivation for speaking.  Just like with the topic, when it comes to choosing the speech style taking into account the purpose, the choice is mostly intuitive and keeps in mind the other factors. 

You should remember never to mix a business-centered discussion, where the purpose is mostly professional and formal, with a mainly informal speech of speaking. 

styles of speech

Speaker Styles

  • Content-rich speaker:  

A content-rich speaker is one whose aim is to use the speech to inform. He is factual and very objective and focused on providing all the information the audience or receptor of the message needs.

A man speaking in a presentation could be an example of this, or even a lawyer defending a case in court. 

  • Funny or humorous speakers:

As the name already suggests, this type of speaker uses humor as a tool to help them deliver their message. Even when delivering facts, they make jokes to lighten things up and break the tension. 

Stand-up comedians are a great example of this type of speaker. 

  • Storyteller: 

This type of speaker usually relies on the story format to deliver his message; whether it’s factual or not is not relevant as long as the main message behind the story is relevant to the receptor. 

Usually, the type of speaker is not fixed in each speech style; one person can be many types of speakers depending on the speech style that they are using and keeping in mind the factors that influence the choice of the speech style. 

Make sure you weigh all factors equally before choosing a speech style. You don’t want to be THAT person bringing up an intimate subject to a friend in front of a group of strangers during a business meeting where the subject has nothing to do with whatever you’re talking about.

Types of Speech styles

What’s The Importance of Speech Styles In Communication 

Using and knowing speech styles is the key to effective communication. Choosing the right way to communicate in different settings and with different people is what separates a good communicator from a bad communicator. 

Knowing the speech styles and the rules that apply to each of them saves you from embarrassment and positions you as someone of principles and respectful, especially in formal and conservative settings. 

Besides that, people tend to gravitate more towards and get influenced by good communicators; therefore, learning something new in that area and improving the quality of your speech and presentations will only benefit you. 

Further Readings

Speech Styles- ELCOMBLUS

Types of Speech Styles | PDF | Sentence (Linguistics) | Cognitive Science- SCRIBD

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The 4 Main Types of Speaking Styles (& How to Master Them All)


Have you ever compared your speaking style with famous presenters like Steve Jobs or Jill Bolte? These people know how to adopt the right speaking style for every occasion.

Speaking style is a collection of characteristics that can relate speech to a particular communication setting. Every word we speak is a form of communication, whether directly or otherwise.

When people speak, their speech goes with a style. Hence, the way one person speaks differs from that of another person.

However, always speaking in a particular style is not required. In fact, that relies on the context, the subject, and the listener.

One time in a workshop, a presenter spoke in a way he felt was effective, but he didn't know it wouldn't work for the students in the class . Before the end of the class, half of the seats were empty, while the rest mumbled.

He learned the right speaking style the hard way, but you don't have to. Thus, gather more experience before accepting an invitation as a speaker or venturing fully into your public speaking career .

The 4 Main Types of Speaking Styles

There is an unlimited speaking style for every occasion. For example, the way you speak at a wedding is different from the way you will speak in the church.

Although you can use different styles on one occasion, it is still advisable to use various speaking styles.

One of the most exciting parts of public speaking is watching other people. As you watch others speak, you will understand that you can effectively communicate a message in various ways.

As previously stated, to discover your unique style of speaking, you must first determine which style speaks to you.

We've broken down the most basic types of speaking styles below to enable you to read through and decide which style is ideal for you.

1. The Motivational Style

A motivational speaker exhibits a variety of characteristics. It all swings to the following three things: tone, speed, and energy . A speaker who has perfected these elements is more likely to be a successful motivational speaker.

Any competent motivating speaker can energize the crowd. The goal is to inspire and captivate the listeners.

Motivational speaking Style

These three elements are explained below.

Tone: A motivational speech cannot be delivered in a flat tone. You must add a sense of mystery and drama through voice diversity.

Nothing is more annoying than a boring motivational speaker. Always remember to put your stamp on whatever you say and represent.

Pace: Your tempo influences how enthusiastic your audience will be. Speaking quickly frequently increases the enthusiasm of the audience.

However, you must be cautious not to overuse this technique . It may become tiresome if you continuously talk fast, and the listener will not keep up.

Energy: Another of the most important aspects of motivational speaking is energy. You wish to be upbeat and optimistic in your speech.

If you deliver an energy-filled performance or speech, your audience will remember you and become more eager to hear more of what you have to say.

2. The Command Style: Speak Firmly and Respectfully

You may occasionally need to convey your message with seriousness; thus, how you do so must be appropriate.

You should be able to persuade your listeners of the importance of what you have to say. People respect you more when you can control a room effectively.

Command speaking Style

You might also like: How to Speak with Conviction

Speaking about important matters is more suitable with the command style. This can include speaking in the presence of significant individuals or on touchy subjects. Exercising vocal control should be done correctly.

A powerful speech may be delivered effectively by speaking more slowly and with a lower tone. Making deliberate, smooth movements also enhances the whole experience.

Keep in mind that you must not stick to one style throughout your presentation.

While it is necessary to make this the dominating emotion of your speech, you can switch to motivating or some other style of speaking to make the style and pace different enough to engage your audience .

3. The Facilitating Style: Shake It Up

The motivational speaking and the facilitating speaking style are quite similar. What is the major distinction? Getting the crowd into action.

This style of speaking engages the audience completely. It might be difficult, though, because you must be quite knowledgeable about your subject matter. You never know what someone could ask when you open the floor.

The facilitator spends more time listening than speaking. They spend time crafting their messages and occasionally forget that communication requires reciprocity.


People have the chance to work with you on the collaborative exchange of ideas in the facilitator style. It involves speaking softly, using softer moves, and expressing warmth with your facial expressions and voice.

The most crucial thing to remember is that your daily speech patterns are just habits. Your options are not fully open. You have a lot to give people, so be sure to broaden your horizons, find your style, and be open to changing your speaking style to best suit your audience, including your message.

4. The Entertaining Style

An entertaining speaker wins over the audience—the ideal decision is to break up the usual melancholy and repetitive delivery.

entertaining speaking style

A more energetic personality is best suited for this style. You must relax and take control of your surroundings. Similar to how this kind of speaker moves, they usually have a more approachable tone.

They exude a sense of comfort, which will, in turn, enables the listeners to feel at ease. The presentation exudes a lighthearted air that makes everyone more relaxed.

The assumption is that all you need to do to be successful is to be funny . This frequently results in speakers cramming jokes in their speeches, which takes attention away from their primary point and may come out as forced. You can watch these positive body gestures to improve your speech.

Conclusion: Mastering the Speaking Styles

You should be able to see that there's something distinctive to contribute to the audience after looking through these many speaking styles.

Many renowned speakers dominate the market, yet none of these people has the qualities that you do.

Therefore, find the mix or style that suits you the best. Farther than that, practice is the key to fluency. The first approach to honing your skill is to become aware of your speaking style.

Best wishes to you.

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  • Types of speeches

The 4 types of speeches

Informative, demonstrative, persuasive and special occasion.

By:  Susan Dugdale  | Last modified: 01-31-2024

There are four main types of speeches or types of public speaking.

  • Demonstrative
  • Special occasion or Entertaining

To harness their power a speaker needs to be proficient in all of them: to understand which speech type to use when, and how to use it for maximum effectiveness.

What's on this page:

An overview of each speech type, how it's used, writing guidelines and speech examples:

  • informative
  • demonstrative
  • special occasion/entertaining
  • how, and why, speech types overlap

Graphic: 4 types of speeches: informative, demonstrative, persuasive, special occasion

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Informative speeches

An informative speech does as its name suggests: informs. It provides information about a topic. The topic could be a place, a person, an animal, a plant, an object, an event, or a process.

The informative speech is primarily explanatory and educational.

Its purpose is not to persuade or influence opinion one way or the other. It is to provide sufficient relevant material, (with references to verifiable facts, accounts, studies and/or statistics), for the audience to have learned something. 

What they think, feel, or do about the information after they've learned it, is up to them.

This type of speech is frequently used for giving reports, lectures and, sometimes for training purposes. 

Examples of informative speech topics:

  • the number, price and type of dwellings that have sold in a particular suburb over the last 3 months
  • the history of the tooth brush
  • how trees improves air quality in urban areas
  • a brief biography of Bob Dylan
  • the main characteristics of Maine Coon cats
  • the 1945 US bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • the number of, and the work of local philanthropic institutions
  • the weather over the summer months
  • the history of companion planting 
  • how to set up a new password
  • how to work a washing machine

Image: companion planting - cabbage planted alongside orange flowering calendula. Text: The history of companion planting - informative speech topic possibilities

Click this link if you'd like more informative topic suggestions .  You'll find hundreds of them.

And this link to find out more about the 4 types of informative speeches : definition, description, demonstration and explanation. (Each with an example outline and topic suggestions.)  

Image - label - 4 Informative speech example outlines: definition, description, explanation, demonstration

Demonstration, demonstrative or 'how to' speeches

A demonstration speech is an extension of an informative process speech. It's a 'how to' speech, combining informing with demonstrating.

The topic process, (what the speech is about), could either be demonstrated live or shown using visual aids.

The goal of a demonstrative speech is to teach a complete process step by step.

It's found everywhere, all over the world: in corporate and vocational training rooms, school classrooms, university lecture theatres, homes, cafes... anywhere where people are either refreshing or updating their skills. Or learning new ones.

Knowing to how give a good demonstration or 'how to' speech is a very valuable skill to have, one appreciated by everybody.

Examples of 'how to' speech topics are:

  • how to braid long hair
  • how to change a car tire
  • how to fold table napkins
  • how to use the Heimlich maneuver
  • how to apply for a Federal grant
  • how to fill out a voting form
  • how to deal with customer complaints
  • how to close a sale
  • how to give medicine to your cat without being scratched to bits! 

Image: drawing of a very cute cat. Text: 10 minute demonstration speech topics - How to give a cat medicine without being scratched to bits.

Resources for demonstration speeches

1 . How to write a demonstration speech   Guidelines and suggestions covering:

  • choosing the best topic : one aligning with your own interests, the audience's, the setting for the speech and the time available to you
  • how to plan, prepare and deliver your speech - step by step guidelines for sequencing and organizing your material plus a printable blank demonstration speech outline for you to download and complete  
  • suggestions to help with delivery and rehearsal . Demonstration speeches can so easily lurch sideways into embarrassment. For example: forgetting a step while demonstrating a cake recipe which means it won't turn out as you want it to. Or not checking you've got everything you need to deliver your speech at the venue and finding out too late, the very public and hard way, that the lead on your laptop will not reach the only available wall socket. Result. You cannot show your images.

Image: label saying 'Demonstration speech sample outline. Plus video. How to leave a good voice mail message.

2.  Demonstration speech sample outline   This is a fully completed outline of a demonstration speech. The topic is 'how to leave an effective voice mail message' and  the sample covers the entire step by step sequence needed to do that.

There's a blank printable version of the outline template to download if you wish and a YouTube link to a recording of the speech.

3.  Demonstration speech topics   4 pages of 'how to' speech topic suggestions, all of them suitable for middle school and up.

Images x 3: cats, antique buttons, mannequins in a pond. Text: How to choose a pet, How to make jewelry from antique buttons, How to interpret modern art.

Persuasive speeches

The goal of a persuasive speech is to convince an audience to accept, or at the very least listen to and consider, the speaker's point of view.

To be successful the speaker must skillfully blend information about the topic, their opinion, reasons to support it and their desired course of action, with an understanding of how best to reach their audience.

Everyday examples of persuasive speeches

Common usages of persuasive speeches are:

  • what we say when being interviewed for a job
  • presenting a sales pitch to a customer
  • political speeches - politicians lobbying for votes,
  • values or issue driven speeches e.g., a call to boycott a product on particular grounds, a call to support varying human rights issues: the right to have an abortion, the right to vote, the right to breathe clean air, the right to have access to affordable housing and, so on.

Models of the persuasive process

The most frequently cited model we have for effective persuasion is thousands of years old.  Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, 384–322 BC , explained it as being supported by three pillars: ethos, pathos and logos. 

Image: Fresco from School of Aristotle by Gustav Spangenberg. Text: 3 pillars of persuasion - ethos, logos, pathos

Briefly, ethos is the reliability and credibility of the speaker. How qualified or experienced are they talk on the topic? Are they trustworthy? Should we believe them? Why?

Pathos is the passion, emotion or feeling you, the speaker, bring to the topic. It's the choice of language you use to trigger an emotional connection linking yourself, your topic and the audience together, in a way that supports your speech purpose.

(We see the echo of Pathos in words like empathy: the ability to understand and share the feels of another, or pathetic: to arouse feelings of pity through being vulnerable and sad.)

Logos is related to logic. Is the information we are being presented logical and rational? Is it verifiable? How is it supported? By studies, by articles, by endorsement from suitably qualified and recognized people?

To successfully persuade all three are needed. For more please see this excellent article:  Ethos, Pathos, Logos: 3 Pillars of Public Speaking and Persuasion 

Monroe's Motivated Sequence of persuasion

Another much more recent model is Monroe's Motivated Sequence based on the psychology of persuasion.

Image: a flow chart of the 5 steps of Monroes Motivated Sequence of persuasion.

It consists of five consecutive steps: attention, need, satisfaction, visualization and action and was developed in the 1930s by American Alan H Monroe, a lecturer in communications at Purdue University. The pattern is used extensively in advertising, social welfare and health campaigns.

Resources for persuasive speeches

1.   How to write a persuasive speech Step by step guidelines covering:

  • speech topic selection
  • setting speech goals
  • audience analysis
  • empathy and evidence
  • balance and obstacles
  • 4 structural patterns to choose from

2. A persuasive speech sample outline using Monroe's Motivated Sequence

3. An example persuasive speech written using Monroe's Motivated Sequence  

4.  Persuasive speech topics : 1032+ topic suggestions which includes 105 fun persuasive ideas , like the one below.☺ 

Image: a plate with the remains of a piece of chocolate cake. Text: Having your cake and eating it too is fair.

Special occasion or entertaining speeches

The range of these speeches is vast: from a call 'to say a few words' to delivering a lengthy formal address.

This is the territory where speeches to mark farewells, thanksgiving, awards, birthdays, Christmas, weddings, engagements and anniversaries dwell, along with welcome, introduction and thank you speeches, tributes, eulogies and commencement addresses. 

In short, any speech, either impromptu or painstakingly crafted, given to acknowledge a person, an achievement, or an event belongs here.

You'll find preparation guidelines, as well as examples of many special occasion speeches on my site.

Resources for special occasion speeches

How to prepare:

  • an acceptance speech , with an example acceptance speech 
  • a birthday speech , with ongoing links to example 18th, 40th and 50th birthday speeches
  • an office party Christmas speech , a template with an example speech
  • an engagement party toast , with 5 examples
  • a eulogy or funeral speech , with a printable eulogy planner and access to 70+ eulogy examples
  • a farewell speech , with an example (a farewell speech to colleagues)
  • a golden (50th) wedding anniversary speech , with an example speech from a husband to his wife
  • an impromptu speech , techniques and templates for impromptu speaking, examples of one minute impromptu speeches with a printable outline planner, plus impromptu speech topics for practice
  • an introduction speech for a guest speaker , with an example
  • an introduction speech for yourself , with an example
  • a maid of honor speech for your sister , a template, with an example
  • a retirement speech , with an example from a teacher leaving to her students and colleagues
  • a student council speech , a template, with an example student council president, secretary and treasurer speech
  • a Thanksgiving speech , a template, with an example toast
  • a thank you speech , a template, with an example speech expressing thanks for an award, also a business thank you speech template
  • a tribute (commemorative) speech , with a template and an example speech
  • a welcome speech for an event , a template, an example welcome speech for a conference, plus a printable welcome speech planner
  • a welcome speech for new comers to a church , a template with an example speech
  • a welcome speech for a new member to the family , a template with an example

Speech types often overlap

Because speakers and their speeches are unique, (different content, purposes, and audiences...), the four types often overlap. While a speech is generally based on one principal type it might also have a few of the features belonging to any of the others. 

For example, a speech may be mainly informative but to add interest, the speaker has used elements like a demonstration of some sort, persuasive language and the brand of familiar humor common in a special occasion speech where everybody knows each other well.

The result is an informative 'plus' type of speech. A hybrid! It's a speech that could easily be given by a long serving in-house company trainer to introduce and explain a new work process to employees.  

Related pages:

  • how to write a good speech . This is a thorough step by step walk through, with examples, of the general speech writing process. It's a great place to start if you're new to writing speeches. You'll get an excellent foundation to build on.
  • how to plan a speech - an overview of ALL the things that need to be considered before preparing an outline, with examples
  • how to outline a speech - an overview, with examples, showing how to structure a speech, with a free printable blank speech outline template to download
  • how to make and use cue cards  - note cards for extemporaneous speeches 
  • how to use props (visual aids)    

And for those who would like their speeches written for them:

  • commission me to write for you

Image: woman sitting at a writing desk circa 19th century. Text: Speech writer - a ghost writer who writes someone one's speech for them

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  • Student council speeches
  • Free sample eulogies

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Chapter 5: Presenting Your Speech Module

Four Types of Speeches

Speeches can be categorized into four broad areas depending on the amount of preparation that is undertaken and depending upon the nature of the occasion.  The four types of speeches are manuscript, memorized, extemporaneous, and impromptu.  Our aim is to acquaint you with these four different modes of delivery, to provide suggestions for when you are asked to make impromptu remarks, and then to focus most your time on the preparation, practice, and presentation of extemporaneous speeches.

Manuscript Speech

When you listen to the President deliver a State of the Union message, you listen to a well-crafted speech being read from a teleprompter. The speech has been polished by a staff of speechwriters and has been practiced many times. The President will know how to anticipate the reaction of the audience and will know when to pause for applause and when to expect laughter. This form of speaking is used when the exact words matter and when much time and energy is expended on getting everything just right. There are times when people who are not leaders of countries deliver manuscript speeches as well. They are used when people testify before Congress, when people read important statements in a public setting, or when people deliver reports at professional meetings. All call for exact words in the correct order.

While the President has access to a staff of speech writers and a teleprompter, most of us do not. If you were given this type of assignment, you would have to read your manuscript speech from printed notes. In that case, you would want to ensure that you had prepared your manuscript carefully, using large fonts so you could read it easily without burying your nose in the pages. Reading the speech does not allow you to skimp on the preparation. Practice the speech many times. This allows you to make changes, if needed, and to select the best words to communicate your exact meaning. Remember to speak clearly and naturally -strive for a conversational tone. It shouldn’t sound read -even if you are reading. Also, remember to speak slowly; there is a natural tendency to speed up when we speak in public. Delivering a speech is not a race; you do not receive bonus points for finishing early.

Unless you are specifically told by your instructor to prepare and deliver a manuscript speech, you should never write out the entire speech. Spend your time developing your outline, organizing your ideas, and determining where you can best insert your supports. Then practice using the outline while speaking.

Memorized Speech

When you were in elementary school, did you ever have to memorize a poem or a part of a speech? If you are like most students, the answer is “Yes. ” There is nothing wrong with memorization. But if you try to memorize a speech, you risk forgetting what you planned to say and coming across as completely unprepared. Memorizing your speech is even worse than reading it. All the objections that apply to the read speech also apply to the memorized speech. Spontaneity is gone. The speech can sound stilted. Often, delivery is too rapid. Concentration is on the words, not the ideas. Sometimes the speech sounds too formal, like a written essay. There is minimal feedback or other contact with the audience. And what happens if your mind goes completely blank or if an audience member interrupts? The entire presentation will likely fall apart. Memorizing a speech puts entirely too much pressure on the speaker.

That said, there are a couple of parts of the speech that you may want to have memorized -or practiced so well that you can deliver them almost as if memorized. These include:

Your introduction:  It sets the stage for the entire speech. The words should be well chosen and rehearsed. You may find that as you repeat this portion of the speech during your rehearsals you do come to memorize it word for word. If so, this is fine. After all, once you have determined the best way of saying something, why not use it? Just make sure the presentation does not sound memorized. Your conclusion:  The summary and call to action are the final words that your audience will hear. As with the introduction, if you practice this repeatedly you will develop the best way to say what you want and you will probably have perfected this portion of the speech.

Impromptu Speech

There will come a time for all of us when we are asked to “say a few words ” without much preparation.  You haven’t prepared any notes, you haven’t practiced what you’ll say, and you’re being asked to “wing it. ” While this may seem incredibly scary, impromptu presentations are the most common type of public speaking. You’re in class and suddenly the professor wants to hear how group projects are going. You, as the leader of your group, are asked to stand and briefly discuss what the group is doing and how much you’ve completed so far. That’s an impromptu speech. You didn’t know when you headed to class that day that you’d be speaking in public, but you did it. No sweat! Or maybe you’re in a meeting at work and the boss announces that he wants you to brief everyone in the meeting on the new equipment being installed that afternoon. Again, no prior planning, no notes, you just do it. That’s impromptu speaking.

Extemporaneous Speech

The focus of most college courses in public speaking is the extemporaneous speech.  This is because this is the type of speech used most in business, education, preaching, and political affairs. Few of us will ever have a professional staff of speechwriters or ever deliver a speech with the aid of a teleprompter. But when you do have a speech or presentation to deliver, you’ll want to sound prepared, authoritative, and clear.

Simply stated, an extemporaneous speech is one where you will have time for preparation and practice but will not be expected to read from a manuscript or to have the speech memorized.  The question most students ask is, “How much time should be spent in preparation and practice? ” Perhaps Mark Twain said it best. When speaking about preparing for an impromptu speech, he noted, “It usually takes more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech ” (King). While celebrated as a humorist, there is much truth in his words. To appear to be speaking off the cuff, and to do it well, you must prepare thoroughly and practice to perfection. When you speak extemporaneously, it means you’ve had ample time to prepare and research and that you have rehearsed your speech (many times) using an outline or notes to remind you of the progression of ideas you wish to present. You will follow all the normal steps outlined in the earlier chapters. Choose a topic, narrow appropriately, analyze your audience, choose your supports, and create an outline. You will know your speech so well and will amaze your audience!

Fundamentals of Public Speaking Copyright © by Lumen Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Social Sci LibreTexts

10.1: What are the Different Types of Speeches?

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  • Page ID 106477

  • Lisa Coleman, Thomas King, & William Turner
  • Southwest Tennessee Community College

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Learning Objectives

  • Discuss the three main types of speeches.
  • Discuss the importance of differentiating between the three.

Speeches have traditionally been seen to have one of three broad purposes: to inform, to persuade, and— Well, to be honest, different words are used for the third kind of speech purpose: to inspire, to amuse, to please, to delight, or to entertain. We will just use “to inspire” as the overall term here.

Your instructor will most likely assign you an informative and persuasive speech, and then perhaps one more. The third one might be a special occasion speech, such as a tribute (commemorative), an after-dinner speech, a toast, or a eulogy. These four types of speeches fit into the category of “to inspire” or “to entertain.”  It should be understood that these three purposes are not necessarily exclusive of the others. A speech designed to be persuasive can also be informative and entertaining, even if neither of those is the main purpose.  To further demonstrate this, look at the examples below in Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\).

Some of the topics listed above could fall into another category depending on how the speaker approached the topic, or they could contain elements of both. For example, you may have to inform your audience about your topic in one main point before you can persuade them, or you may include some entertaining elements in an informative or persuasive speech to help make the content more engaging for the audience. There should not be elements of persuasion included in an informative speech, since persuading is contrary to the objective approach that defines an informative speech. In any case, while there may be some overlap between topics, most speeches can be placed into one of the categories based on the overall content of the speech.

Tucker, Barbara; Barton, Kristin; Burger, Amy; Drye, Jerry; Hunsicker, Cathy; Mendes, Amy; and LeHew, Matthew, "Exploring Public Speaking: 4th Edition" (2019). Communication Open Textbooks . 1. https://oer.galileo.usg.edu/communication-textbooks/1  - CC BY-NC 2.0

Learn The Types

Learn About Different Types of Things and Unleash Your Curiosity

Types of Speeches: A Guide to Different Styles and Formats

Speeches are a powerful way to communicate ideas, inspire people, and create change. There are many different types of speeches, each with its own unique characteristics and formats. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most common types of speeches and how to prepare and deliver them effectively.

1. Informative Speech

An informative speech is designed to educate the audience on a particular topic. The goal is to provide the audience with new information or insights and increase their understanding of the topic. The speech should be well-researched, organized, and delivered in a clear and engaging manner.

2. Persuasive Speech

A persuasive speech is designed to convince the audience to adopt a particular viewpoint or take action. The goal is to persuade the audience to agree with the speaker’s perspective and take action based on that belief. The speech should be well-researched, organized, and delivered in a passionate and compelling manner.

3. Entertaining Speech

An entertaining speech is designed to entertain the audience and create a memorable experience. The goal is to engage the audience and make them laugh, cry, or think deeply about a particular topic. The speech can be humorous, inspirational, or emotional and should be delivered in a lively and engaging manner.

4. Special Occasion Speech

A special occasion speech is designed for a specific event or occasion, such as a wedding, graduation, or retirement party. The goal is to celebrate the occasion and honor the people involved. The speech should be personal, heartfelt, and delivered in a sincere and respectful manner.

5. Impromptu Speech

An impromptu speech is delivered without any preparation or planning. The goal is to respond quickly and effectively to a particular situation or question. The speech should be delivered in a clear and concise manner and address the topic at hand.

In conclusion, speeches are an important way to communicate ideas, inspire people, and create change. By understanding the different types of speeches and their unique characteristics and formats, individuals can prepare and deliver successful speeches that are engaging, informative, and memorable.

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9 Different Types of Speeches (Plus Tips and Examples for Each)

Posted on Published: August 6, 2018  - Last updated: March 5, 2021

9 Different Types of Speeches (Plus Tips and Examples for Each)

One of the most famous speeches is Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream.” It was delivered 55 years ago in Washington D.C. to an estimated 250,000 people who showed up in support of civil rights.

People might have never heard of the speech had the sound system not been fixed promptly. It was discovered that someone had sabotaged the sound system just before the event started.

As shown by Dr. King, speeches are powerful and can be used to move mountains. That’s why it’s important to know the different types of speeches and how you can harness them to your advantage.

Basic Types of Speeches

Demonstrative speech.

Demonstrative speech

The purpose of a demonstrative speech is to educate the audience on something . It can include visual aids that add to the demonstration and describe in practical terms how to do something. Demonstrative speeches are similar to informative speeches but informative speeches normally do not include actual demonstrations.

If you give a talk on how to start a blog, how to write a cover letter, or even how to make money on the Internet, these can be considered demonstrative speeches. Asking yourself “how” and “why” questions is a great way to get this type of speech started and, of course, visual aids are a necessity for any type of demonstrative speech or presentation.

Entertaining Speech

Entertaining speech

If you’ve ever been to a wedding reception or banquet — and who hasn’t? — you are already familiar with an entertaining type of speech. The main purpose of a best man’s speech or an after-dinner speaker is to entertain the crowd and most speakers do that through illustrations, funny stories, and basic humor. Entertaining speeches are informal and usually very short; they are speeches that provide a lot of enjoyment and pleasure for the audience.

Informative Speech

Informative speech

People who give informative speeches are there to present the audience with new information on a particular subject. They present statistics and facts about topics such as social and economic changes in the community but they do not use visual aids in the speech.

Instead, they rely on educational information, facts, and various data so that the audience actually learns something. If you’ve ever been to a museum and had a tour guide, you’ve enjoyed the benefits of an informative speech. Any time that a talk is given to give the audience details and information on a certain topic, this is an example of an informative speech.

Persuasive Speech

Persuasive speech

Persuasive speeches are there to persuade the audience that an opinion expressed by the speaker is the right one. Whether you’re discussing what to eat for supper or which political point makes the most sense, these are examples of persuasive speeches. Most people, in an attempt to persuade the audience that their point of view is the right one, use solid facts to back up their argument. This is one of the best ways to make sure that your persuasive speech does the trick, which means that using research and statistics to develop your argument is always more likely to make people come to your side.

Other Types of Speeches

Oratorical speech.

Oratorical speech

Oratorical speeches are delivered in the style used by an orator. Its name is a little redundant because “orator” and “oratorical” both relate to the giving of speeches. These types of speeches are usually given at a special celebration such as an inauguration or ribbon-cutting ceremony. They can be long and formal, such as speeches used at a graduation, funeral, or inauguration, or short and informal, such as speeches delivered as toasts at special events.

Oratorical speeches can also be given at events such as birthday parties, going-away parties, retirement parties, and many others. Political speeches are usually considered oratorical speeches and they are better when they do not try and settle a complex argument but instead when they appeal to common virtues and basic truths. In oratorical speeches, the speaker is not trying to persuade someone to do something or believe a certain way but even though they are fairly general in purpose, the speaker can still address certain issues while giving the speech. Inauguration speeches are perhaps the most well-known oratorical speeches that exist today.

Special Occasion Speech

Special occasion speech

Speeches that don’t fall into any other category are usually classified as special occasion speeches and these can include speaker introduction speeches, designed to be short but interesting and to introduce an upcoming speaker; tribute speeches, which are designed to pay tribute to someone either dead or alive; and award acceptance speeches, which are meant to thank someone for an award and describe what the award means to you.

Special occasion speeches are designed to be short, usually ten minutes or less; succinct and to the point; and mood-setting. In other words, there are distinct purposes for special occasion speeches and whether the event they’re offered at includes something that is happy or somber, for someone still living or a posthumous occasion, or something large or small, they are often some of the easiest speeches to write. Most often, speeches for special occasions are fun and upbeat and if you research them online, it is easy to find out how to get started for your own special occasion speech.

Motivational Speech

Motivational speech

A motivational speech is a unique type of speech and has the goal of self-improvement for the audience members. With a motivational speech, you can turn a negative situation into a positive one. These types of speeches are especially popular in business meetings with executives, to complete a certain task, or to encourage employees to sell more of your product or service. Motivational speeches can be found in elementary school to high school in order to motivate the students to do better on a test or in a sporting event. The speeches are great for inspiring people, lifting a person’s self-esteem, or even motivating an entire crowd of people.

Motivational speeches often use techniques to make the speeches more effective. These include:

  • Starting with an activity –g., a breathing exercise — to demonstrate what the speaker’s goals are and which results are expected in the end
  • Asking a question in order to pique the audience’s curiosity and interest
  • Quoting a scientific study so that your motivational speech has some authority and trust
  • Telling a story to get the audience more interested and involved; this can include a historical story, a personal story, or even a professional story, although a story from your own life is likely to work best
  • Making sure that you address the audience’s problem so that you can then give them detailed suggestions on what can solve that problem, which will naturally increase their motivation

Debate Speech

Debate speech

In a formal debate, much verbal sparring is experienced and the debates come in various forms as well. These forms include Parliamentary, classical, extemporaneous, Lincoln-Douglas, impromptu, public forum, and mock trials, to name a few. As a general rule, in a debate, both sides get equal time to discuss the issue and explain why their view of the issue is the right one. Debates are somewhat different than persuasive speeches because you aren’t necessarily there to get the other side to switch to your side; instead you are there, in essence, to justify why you believe a certain thing.

Debates are arguments that have rules and regardless of which style you choose, each side receives the topic then has a certain amount of time to prepare to present it. Debate teams develop very valuable skills, including research skills, public speaking skills, leadership skills, initiative skills, developing grace under pressure, critical thinking skills, and developing arguments that are both logical and sound. Debaters also learn to think on their feet, which is why many people who join debate teams during high school and college go on to become professional mediators or lawyers.

There are many advantages to belonging to a debate team and some of those can be found here .

Forensic Speech

Forensic speech

The term “forensic speech” merely refers to the practice and study of debate and public speaking. This is according to the American Forensic Association and this activity is practiced by millions of high school and college students each and every year. The reason why it is called forensics is that this practice is patterned after the competitions at public forums during the period of ancient Greece.

The speeches can take place inside a classroom, a national or international tournament, or even a regional event. During the activity, students learn to research and speech skills in order to learn all different types of speeches. Forensic speeches allow students to perfect their craft under the supervision of experienced public speakers and it can even be considered a type of “on-the-job training” because the students involved in this activity are continuously honing their craft while practicing it at the same time.

Examples of Speeches: Possible Speech Topics

If you’re looking for ideas when writing a demonstrative speech, check out websites such as this .

Examples of great ideas for entertaining speeches can be found here .

Some interesting topics to use for informative speeches are listed here .

Get more ideas on what to write about in a good persuasive speech by visiting websites such as this.

Tips to Make Speeches More Effective

  • Choose an easy topic. This is the best way to make sure that your speech is both effective and interesting. Choosing a topic that is too complex or technical is a great way to lose the audience’s interest quickly because most people don’t enjoy topics that take too much concentration. In addition, many audiences are made up of people from many different walks of life so choosing an easy topic ensures that the audience will understand what you’re talking about without losing interest at some point.
  • Know your audience . This is easier to do than it seems, especially because the people who hire you for the speech often help you familiarize yourself with your audience so that you can have this valuable information before you start writing the speech. One thing to look for is the mental level of the audience so if they are going to be within a certain age range, gender, or area of interest, you can easily cater your speech to this feature. Using innovative techniques to keep the speech uplifting and positive also helps so doing your due diligence on your audience is always a great first step when creating the perfect demonstrative speech.
  • Keep your visual aids interesting. Visual aids are a very important part of a demonstrative speech and if you use a variety of visual aids, the speech is guaranteed to keep the audience’s attention. It’s best if you use visual aids such as drawings, photographs, 3-D items, and even flashcards for more emphasis. If you go back and forth between color and black-and-white pictures and visual aids of many different sizes and types, that will keep the audience’s interest throughout the speech. Furthermore, making your visual aids stand out is also important because during many speeches, the audience members pay more attention to the visual aids than they do to the speech itself.
  • Add entertainment of some type. This can include a video, a sound clip, or even a funny cartoon. If you insert one of these items periodically throughout your speech, it not only keeps things more interesting and entertaining but it also enables it to be funnier, which means that it is going to be a speech that people will remember for a very long time.
  • Tell jokes periodically. Many effective entertaining speeches have jokes inserted into them every now and then. If you’re delivering your speech, simply stop occasionally and say, “that reminds me of a joke…” Even entertaining speeches can have slow spots and a good joke can break up the monotony and keep the entertaining speech, well, entertaining.
  • Tell funny stories. Funny stories go great with entertaining speeches because much as the speeches themselves, these stories are designed to help people relax and laugh a bit. Everyone enjoys a funny story and if you tell three to four of them in your speech, it can make the speech much more entertaining and something that is guaranteed to be enjoyed by everyone.
  • Tell a scary story . As long as it isn’t too scary, this technique works every time. Everybody loves a good old-fashioned scary story and since both these stories and your speech will entertain people, they are the perfect two items to include together. Scary stories aren’t appropriate for every type of entertaining speech but for most of them, they will work just fine.
  • Dramatize an anecdote. Anecdotes are perfect for entertaining speeches because they are amusing stories about real-life people. They make an already entertaining speech even more entertaining and they can easily relate to the topic you’ve chosen for your speech. Anecdotes also make the speech a little more light-hearted and since there are literally millions of subjects to choose from, it is easy to incorporate an anecdote into entertaining speeches of all types and subject matters.
  • Include a theme. A theme that repeats itself throughout your speech is a good way to make it more memorable and also a lot funnier and more entertaining. A humorous theme works best because it fits perfectly within a speech meant to be entertaining. If you’ve researched your speech’s topic thoroughly enough, it will be easy to determine which theme to choose in the end.
  • Include enough pieces of information throughout your speech. As a general rule, if you include one piece of information for every minute of the speech , it goes a long way in delivering the right amount of information. If you can, view a stand-up comic’s routine. Most of them go for a laugh every minute so in an average 30-minute routine, they aim to get at least 30 laughs.
  • Organize, organize, organize. Your speech needs to be organized from start to finish, which means keeping in mind what you want to teach the audience and listing points that describe each of these things. Remember, this is a speech that is supposed to teach something to the audience so writing out your speech in bullet form is a great way to keep it organized. This organization takes a lot of pre-planning so keep all of this in mind while you’re writing your speech.
  • Don’t recite your speech word for Instead, write it out with 30 to 60 points that you wish to get across to the audience members. Reciting it word for word makes it sound boring and as if you aren’t interested in the topic yourself but giving the speech in your own words makes it more interesting and does a better job of getting your points across to the audience. To make it more effective, write down your speech in outline form and bring that outline with you to the event.
  • Make sure that your speech is long enough. Since most people tend to talk fast when they’re nervous, such as when they are giving a speech, it is a good idea to prepare 35 minutes worth of content for a 30-minute speech. Also, practicing the speech more than once helps you determine whether the content you’ve written will suffice. The more practice, the better, and always remember to include more content as related to the length of time that you hope to be speaking.
  • Don’t stay stuck behind the podium. Informative speeches can easily be boring speeches so come out from behind the podium occasionally and make direct eye contact with audience members. This serves several purposes. First, it engages the audience more and makes them feel as though you are truly interested in them; second, it lets you know if what you’re conveying is actually getting across because you can more clearly see the expressions on their faces as you speak.
  • Make your ending memorable. At the end of your speech, there are a few things that you can do to make it truly effective. These include thanking the audience, giving them your contact information in case they want to get in touch with you later on, encouraging them to ask questions, and, when questions are asked, making sure that you rephrase them so that everyone in the room will understand your answers.
  • Choose something controversial. This may sound odd but the truth is that topics that everyone agrees on or is favorable to don’t need much persuasion. A controversial topic such as the death penalty or gun control usually has people on both sides pretty firm in their beliefs and if you can convince one of those people to change his or her mind or understand the other side’s beliefs, this says a lot about your speech-writing abilities. Of course, if you have passion when it comes to your topic, you are likely to be more effective; however, starting with a controversial topic is a great way to get started with your persuasive speech.
  • Consider people’s perceptions of the topic. With controversial subjects, it is common for people on both sides to have certain inaccurate perceptions regarding the topic. If you specifically address some of these perceptions, it goes a long way in teaching the other side some facts that they may not have known about your side of the issue. The more they learn about your side, the more likely they are to agree with you in the end. Remember, for most people, perception is reality so addressing people’s perceptions is a great tactic for use in persuasive speeches.
  • Use facts instead of emotions. Controversial topics are usually very emotional ones but trying to use emotions to bring people to your side is rarely effective. If you use straight facts and you are able to inform them which sources you used to get those facts, it will at least plant some fact-based ideas in the minds of the other side. This may not convince them to be on your side right now but it is much more likely to do so sometime in the future.
  • Consider the other side’s sense of opposition. Regardless of what side you’re on regarding a controversial subject, you are liable to feel a certain amount of opposition from the other side. When you’re giving a persuasive speech, finding a way to eliminate this opposition or the perception of it can help your speech become more effective. Learn the obstacles the other side feels are associated with your view of the issue and find ways to convince them that they will not be ostracized or opposed in any way if they come over to your side. This is easy because once you determine what types of opposition they feel or sense, you can easily address the opposition specifically during your speech.

styles of speech

Public Speaking Resources

Speech Structure: The Complete OBC Guide

What makes a great speech? The content, of course, but also the structure. All great speakers overlay their content on a well-known structure. 

Your speech structure is the glue that binds your points together. Without it, you cannot really have the impact you desire to have on the audience.

The beauty of this is that a good structure is so subtle it is almost invisible. Its effectiveness is only evident in its impact.

Speech writing can be intimidating for some, however, we have incorporated plenty of speech examples to get a complete understanding. We aim to explain a proper structure that can be applied to any of your speeches.

There are four things you need to keep in mind about this:

Speech Structure

Table of Contents

What is the purpose of your speech?

Can too much content be harmful, who is the audience, informative speech, persuasive speech, argumentative speech, demonstration speech, humorous speech, strong statement, visual prop or demonstration, personal anecdote, problem or strong statement, summary on writing your introduction:, credibility, cause and effect:, problems and solutions:, lucky number three, summary on writing your body:, call to action, inspirational, key takeaway, summary of writing your conclusion:, meta description:, picking the right topic.

The content of a speech can largely determine how the audience receives it. For this, you will need to accurately assess who is going to be listening to your speech. There are some questions you need to ask before sitting down to write this speech.

Do you intend to introduce a concept or argue on a controversial topic? Is your purpose of imparting knowledge or guiding the audience through a demonstration? It is essential to have your intentions cleared; otherwise, you can risk creating a speech with no direction.

We understand that as daunting as speaking can be, it is, at the same time, fascinating. When you pick a topic that you are passionate about, it is easy to find yourself packing the speech with all kinds of information. However, in doing so, you can overwhelm your audience.

There is such a thing as too much information. You need to make sure that whatever information you do include is impactful and influential. Aim for something short but memorable. Pick one takeaway message and gear your speech towards that objective.

While it is vital to pick a topic that interests you, it is equally important to make sure that it can grab the audience’s attention. What is the target demographic for your speech? What is the setting for this speech? Is it a particularly controversial topic?

This is important because as humans, most people are likely to be more interested in your presentation if it benefits them somehow. At the same time, you have to consider the setting.

For instance: an office setting would not be the right setting for a controversial social speech. If your speech includes demonstration and requires volunteers, you need to ensure that this is an audience willing to participate.  

Do you understand the various types of speeches?

Before you pen down your presentation, stop to wonder whether you understand the different types of speeches. Understanding what kind of speech you are going for can help you better structure it for maximum efficiency:

An informative speech intends to explain complex topics to your audience by providing engaging information. This can include objects, events, procedures, and more. It is better if you pick a topic that you are interested in so that your enthusiasm shines through.

When you give an informative speech, you are merely trying to educate your audiences about a particular topic. You refrain from becoming too argumentative as it might come across too strong for your listeners. If this is the type of speech you intend to give, you can check out 100 Informative Speech Topics and Ideas to make your job easier. 

A persuasive speech intends to convince the audiences of your viewpoint. It uses compelling points to sway the listener’s opinions. The primary purpose of this type of speech is to affect the audiences’ thought process and persuade them to think about changing how they feel about a topic.

Some examples of a persuasive speech can be a politician’s speech, an animal activist’s speech, and so on. As you can see, the goal here is to persuade and obtain something ultimately. A politician might want to sway your vote in their favor, whereas ani activist has a cause that they’d like to advocate for.

If this is the type of speech you intend to give, you can check out 237 Easy Persuasive Speech Topics and Guide to better plan your speech.

An argumentative speech is more or less a persuasive speech. However, a persuasive speech does not always have to be argumentative. The purpose of an argumentative is to alter how the audience views a subject. 

Changing the audience’s opinion is not an easy job. This is why you need to not only pick a persuasive topic but also believe in it. You need a strong claim along with irrefutable points to support it. 

The best argumentative speeches utilize issues relating to current events. You can see this in the media in the form of mostly social, ethical, political, or religious arguments. Your arguments should make use of logic and realistic examples. Some examples of this type of speech can be: Dress codes shouldn’t be mandatory, Space exploration is a waste of money, etc.

If you’d like to see more topic ideas for an argumentative speech, you can browse the 200 Argumentative Speech Topics and ideas: A Complete Guide . 

A demonstration speech, true to its name, demonstrates to the audience how something works. This type of presentation is more common for high school or college students. It makes use of props and useful body language to properly guide the audience through an activity.

This type of speech can fall under informative speech as you are informing the listeners on a task. While this type of speech is considered a basic speech, it is an excellent way to practice your expository speaking.

If this is the type of speech you’d like to give, here’s a list of 279 Demonstration Speech Topics and Ideas: A Complete Guide , so that you can better perfect your speech.

A humorous speech is the perfect light-hearted solution for adding a fun twist to your speech. This type of presentation aims to entertain the audience. A humorous speech can incorporate any of the above examples. It is, thus, very versatile. And what’s more? You get to have just as much fun delivering it!  

The thing to keep in mind with this kind of speech is that you need to pick a proper topic. You intend to garner a joyful response to its best not to pick a sensitive topic. To help you out, you can browse the 300 Funny Speech Topics to Tickle Some Funny Bones! to structure your humorous speech.

Writing the Introduction (Opening)

The introduction of your speech is vital to the success of your speech. It is what sets the tone of your entire speech. It determines whether or not you grab the attention of the listeners. You will get only one chance to charm your audience and make sure they follow the rest of your speech.

So, how can you make this happen? There are a few different ways you can approach this:

Asking a question is an excellent way to grab your audience’s attention. It piques their curiosity and ensures that they will listen to get an answer to said question. The question can be either rhetorical or literal. For instance, “Have you ever wondered what it’d be like to live in a world without technology?” or “Have you ever felt broken-hearted?”.

Either the audience resonates with your question, or it generates curiosity. This is also a great way to get some audience participation. If you say, “With a show of hands, how many of us here have tried to change our habits and failed?” you can not only garner interest but also physically get the audience invested in your speech.

A question is a great way to get your listeners thinking about your topic while introducing your topic, all in a matter of seconds!

A strong statement is also an excellent way to create a compelling introduction. You must know Martin Luther King’s iconic, “I have a dream.” The intensity that radiates from that sentence immediately captures an audiences’ attention and creates a commanding presence.

Similarly, an excellent example of this type of opening is from Larry Smith’s speech. “I want to discuss with you this afternoon why you’re going to fail to have a great career.” This immediately generates intrigue and curiosity. That’s what you’re going for.

This statement does not have to just be cold facts. It can be a part of a personal story as well. For instance, the statement “Last week, I found out that my childhood friend got in a car accident” is bound to create a powerful silence. If your speech has such a strong emotive statement, you can use it in your introduction to engage your audience better.

Another helpful tip that goes with a strong statement in silence. Give your listener’s a chance to absorb the statement that you have put in front of them with a couple of seconds of silence before diving in further.

A prop can be a fantastic addition to your speech. Not only does it help emphasize your point, but it also helps the audience stay focused on your speech. Props are especially good for a demonstrative speech. Or you can simply incorporate demonstrations as part of your speech.

Body language speaks much louder than words can for us humans. This is why using colorful bags, a deck of cards, colored papers, etc. can be so effective as an opener for your speech. Once, I attended a speech where the speaker brought a heavy bag and simply set it on the table, talking about the bag. The audience was hooked, waiting eagerly till the end to find out what was in the bag.

A quotation can be the perfect way to capture your audience’s attention. It also helps set a tone for the speech that is to come. The quote you pick can be a well-known saying such as “They say all that glitters is not gold, well I beg to differ.” Doing so, you can ignite curiosity.

Similarly, you can also quote a person or a publication and tie it to your speech. For instance, for a motivational speech, you can take the example of someone like Bill Gates- “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” When you use a quote from a big name, you will definitely get people wanting to hear and learn more.

Humor is always a great tool to have in your arsenal. A good icebreaker can warm the listeners up to you and make them more receptive to the rest of your speech. Humor is a very endearing trait for a skilled speaker. Some ideas for your opening can be:

“It’s the funniest thing. As I was coming up to the stage, I began thinking we actually have quite a lot in common. None of us have a clue about what I’m going to say!”

“I know we are all busy, and I want to honor your time. So I will make sure to be accurate and brief, no matter long it takes me.”

The great thing about using humor is that it works on your audience subconsciously. You seem at ease with yourself and radiate confidence. You have to remember that for humor to be effective; it has to be effortless. If you seem unsure about your lines, the audience is sure to pick up on it.

A strong statistic will always add validity to your speeches. Presenting the audience with irrefutable facts backed up by a strong source is a surefire way to gain credibility. It can also add gravity to the scale of the issue that you want to draw attention to. 

However, it is easy to overdo things when it comes to numbers. It can be tempting to add strong statistics to the rest of your speech as well. But remember, the strongest points are ones that linger in an audience’s mind. If you give them too many numbers, none of them will stick out in their heads, and they are bound to feel lost.

Some examples can be: “Look to your right. Now, look to your left. One in three women and one in four women are known to have suffered physical violence. A statement like this not only ignites awareness but also physically makes your listener feel involved in your speech.

An anecdote is a short story taken from your life itself. The story usually adds to the theme of your story. Short and light-hearted anecdotes can add a lot of enthusiasm and charm to your speech. However, you don’t have to make them humorous. Even more, touching stories can be equally, if not more engaging.

When used correctly, a personal anecdote makes for the perfect introduction that draws your listeners towards your central message. Not only does it create empathy, but it also sparks interest. If you don’t have a personal anecdote itself, you can go for a third-person anecdote that speaks to you as well.

Opening with a problem can make for a strong opening. This method generates interest and keeps the audience listening with the promise of an upcoming solution. Try to aim for a problem that caters to a wider demographic for a higher relatability.

Problems that relate to current events can have a better draw. For instance: “Why should remote working be implemented even after quarantine?”

In a similar vein, a powerful statement can be an excellent way to capture your audience’s attention. A statement, when paired with silence, can make for an effective tool. Example: “The top 20% of our society makes 80% of all the money. Would you like to be part of this 20%? If so, I’m going to give you some pointers on how you can align yourself in that direction. Does that sound like something you might be interested in?”

  • Your opening plays a big role in whether or not you can grab your listener’s attention straight off the bat.
  • Give your audience a reason to pay attention by clearly stating the purpose of your speech.
  • If you are giving a speech regarding a field you have some experience with, remember to establish credibility early on.
  • Give a short highlight reel of your main points.
  • Quotations or powerful statements are a great way to catch the audience’s attention.
  • Including current events or statistics will make your speech seem more relevant to a wider range of listeners.
  • Asking a question will get your audience more involved and add intrigue to the rest of your presentation.

Structuring your content (Body)

The body of your speech will hold all of your main points. Since this is the longest section of your speech, you need to ensure that it is interesting enough to keep everyone’s attention. Depending on the objective of your speech, you will need to add examples, opinions, and facts to back up your points. What helps during this time is proper organization.

Here are some things you want to keep in mind while drafting the body of your speech:

No matter how much you believe in your point, you still need to give your audience a credible reason to take your word for it. This can be done by adding examples, detailed descriptions, statistics, and so on. Always remember to credit the source when using a statistic. You can also add a strong testimonial to add a touch of personalized support if that applies to your objective.


When you have a lot of content packed into your speech, transitions become vital to the effectiveness of your speech. You can consider these as points of a refresh in your speech. Here, the audience can reengage and follow along more attentively. 

The best transitions are always invisible. They can seamlessly add flow to your speech without giving any indication of such to your audience. There are many ways to incorporate this into your speech. 

Some examples can be:

A connective transition is where you reiterate a previous point and introduce a connecting point. The way this method works is that it rehashes an important aspect while relating it to what’s next.

The most effective way to use this is in a problem/solution module. This is where you begin by stating a problem and transition towards a solution.

Example: Now that we’ve understood the various negative effects of junk food, let me tell you how we can plan a better diet to combat obesity.

When you do this, you are providing a summary of the problem and swiftly leading them towards a solution. If you jump straight to the next section, it can feel rushed. Besides, pauses are another important element of speech delivery.

Keywords, as the name suggests, have a certain draw to them. These are words that are central to the theme of your speech. Repetition is a very effective tool in conveying your message. 

For instance: If your speech is about the scarcity of running water in rural communities, you can draw attention by repeating the factors that cause this issue. Doing so will also let you explain in better detail these factors while keeping your audience hooked to the main theme.

Content Approach

Depending on your speech, there are various ways to approach how you frame your content. We all know that content is king; however, without the right approach, it’s easy for your message to get lost along the way. This is why it’s so important to keep your subject matter relevant and interesting. Make sure the content is as compact and concise as you can make it. Some of the methods by which you can ensure this is as follows:

Cause and effect is a great way to present your ideas. This method works best for explaining events and consequences or results. Make sure to include all the appropriate details to add emphasis. The element of ‘what’s next’ is what keeps the audience hooked to your speech. As you unfold a cause and follow it with the effects, it will feel both interesting as well as rewarding to your audience.  

Problem and solution is a speech method as old as time. But it is so because of its reliability. This approach works best for a motivational speech. This type of speech intends to address a problem and offer a systematic solution that benefits the listeners. It is also a common approach for pushing an audience to buy into a service or product. You pose a problem and then offer a solution, including a whole package. Make sure the solution you offer is versatile so that it applies to a wider range of people, thereby increasing appeal.

A narrative approach is excellent for anybody who wants to sharpen their storytelling skills. The important ingredients for a narrative speech are chronology and a simple organization pattern. Typically, any story will have a beginning, middle, and end. Going in order, with smooth transitions will make your story easy to follow. 

This type of speech is most effective for presenting events, life lessons, experiences, rituals, and personal beliefs. Try to stick to the core of the story without too many unnecessary details. Just because a narrative includes storytelling does not mean it can’t have an end goal. For instance: a personal experience of failure might be a great story of caution for the listeners.

The most important thing for a successful narrative speech is build-up. You want your audience to be invested, to care about what comes next, to raise the stakes so that when you provide the conclusion, it is that much more effective. You must always ask yourself, “What do I want the audience to remember after this speech?”.

The best way to write this would be to outline a sketch of events that are relevant to your narrative. After that, you can think about the best way to escalate the stakes. Remember that eye contact is an important visual medium in a narrative speech. It will help your audience connect better to your story.

The number three is impactful. Even the general structure of a speech is divided into three parts: Opening, Body, and Conclusion. When you want to make a point that people remember, you should consider splitting it into three, where the first two act as a build-up while your final point brings the unexpected impact.

The best thing about this method is that you can apply it to just about any kind of speech. This, in fact, adds more structure to your speech and makes it more easily digestible. The key ingredient here becomes balance and transition. Make sure you focus on all three elements of your story equally, so it does not feel rushed. Add in a seamless transition to make your story structure seem effortless.  

  • Make sure you have designed your content to suit your audience.
  • Divide your body into easily digestible sections so that your main points come across clearly.
  • Stress on keywords and clever repetitions to drive your point home.
  • Work on your transitions to establish clear sections but a seamless switch to keep your listeners hooked.
  • When using facts or statistics, always back it up with a credible source.

Closing your speech (Conclusion)

The conclusion is vital to the success of your speech. This is the parting thought that you will be leaving your audience with, so you have to make sure that it’s a good one. The conclusion is where you reiterate your key point. This is why there is so much importance put on a conclusion to be powerful enough to stay in your memory.

Here are some possible ways you can approach your conclusion:

A call-to-action refers to a statement or material that intends to encourage the listener or viewer to take the initiative. It can also be considered as instruction as it usually directs the audience towards something. 

The most effective way to approach this is to manage both your energy as well as your tempo. While it is essential to maintain a clear and well-enunciated speech throughout, when you reach a conclusion, you are going to want to speed up just a little bit. 

What this does is add a sense of urgency to the message that you are giving. Similarly, higher energy makes the audience resonate and respond equally. They will associate this high energy with your message and remember your speech for longer.

Some examples of this can be: “As we can see, the effects of depression can be life-threatening. So I encourage each and every one of you to go home today and reach out to your friends, talk to them and open up a platform where they know they can come to talk to you for anything. Because you’d rather hear their problems than hear about their death.”

For speeches that are over 5-6 minutes long, the audience can sometimes lose track of the earlier points. This is why it is necessary to summarize your main points before you leave the stage. You don’t have to take them through the entire story, but make sure you include the keywords that trigger in them the memory of that portion. 

You can do this by saying something along the lines of “Let me briefly run you through what we discussed” or “So, we talked about three main things today.” This not only does a great job of reiterating and reconfirming your main points but also signals to the audience that you are drawing towards the end of your presentation.

Repetition. Repetition. Repetition.

Even though you might be well familiarized with your speech, it is safe to assume that most of the audience is hearing it for the first time. For this reason, you need to drive your point home by essentially drilling it into their minds. Now, you can’t simply repeat the central theme over and over as that isn’t an effective strategy. But there can be an art to repetition as well.

You should aim to rephrase and reinforce your central idea as you conclude your speech. Don’t go for a word-for-word repetition, but aim to reframe your key themes and arguments. Paraphrasing, in this way, makes sure that you capture the essence of your speech without running the risk of boring your listeners with identical sentences.

We don’t even need to look too far for examples of this method. In Martin Luther King’s famous “I have a dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial, he used this method of repetition paired with a rising momentum to create impact. Repetition works best when it is subtle and works on the listeners subconsciously.

Ending your speech on a light note is a great way to brighten moods and make sure the audience remembers your message. Your joke can also be a good way to repeat your central message. If you do decide to end with a humorous story, remember to carve out more time for it. Make sure your conclusion doesn’t distract from your main message.

Some people tend to get too excited and give away the upcoming punchline. Remember that the most effective humor approach is one you don’t see coming. How you can add the subtlety to your conclusion is by following this formula:

Set up – pause – Build up – pause – Punchline

Motivational conclusions are always an upbeat way to close your speech. You will be leaving the stage on high energy that is sure to be contagious. This also ensures that your audience will be taking a piece of your conclusion with them, making sure that it is not only memorable but also useful.

There are many ways to approach an inspirational closing. You can go with an anecdote, a quote, a poem, and so on. The purpose is to give a push, to add strength, to ignite a can-do attitude. 

The trick to a powerful inspirational speech is emotion. Humans are excellent at empathizing. If you can adequately emote throughout your story, adding drama into your storytelling, then it is bound to have a more substantial effect. Vocal variety can also be an excellent element for this. Alter your tempo to weave excitement into your story. You can also use smart pauses to add more intrigue. 

Your facial expressions play a significant role in how the audience receives your speech. Whether it is a sad or happy story, make sure that your face conveys it. It can be addictive to have the audience’s attention like this, but don’t get too greedy. Remember to end on your highest note, leaving a lasting impression. 

There are many types of speeches out there. For instance: you might think that a humorous speech is just that: humorous. But think again. All the best speeches have at least one key takeaway.

A takeaway message is quite similar to an inspirational conclusion. The question you have to ask yourself is this: What is the purpose of my speech? Even if you’ve got a fantastic anecdotal story to share, you have to remember that the audience will always wonder what they are getting from the speech. That will be your takeaway.

For an effective conclusion, you have to step back and overview your speech. From your introduction to the body, what is the message you are trying to convey? Make sure your conclusion reflects it. For example: if your speech is about a drowning story, you can probably try to include what you could’ve done and how the audience can avoid being in a similar situation.

A call-back is a fun twist to add to your conclusion. There is a reason why a circle is one of the most pleasing shapes; it gives you a sense of completion. Even if you aren’t aware of it, it works on your mind subliminally. An effective way to conduct this method is to find a way to tie your ending to your introduction.

You can understand a call-back as a reference. It doesn’t have to be limited to just the introduction; you can reference the body of your speech as well. This not only makes for a great repetition tool but also adds a feeling of completion into your presentation.

However, you should pick something that the audience can connect to. This helps create a special and unique bond as if it were an inside joke just between you two. 

  • Signal your audience when you’re drawing to your conclusion.
  • Add trigger transitions like “In conclusion,” “In summary,” “That brings us towards the end,” and so on.
  • Try to end on a high note with something memorable.
  • Write your conclusion last so that it complements your introduction.
  • Try to paraphrase your words without repeating the same words over and over.
  • Your audience is more likely to remember your speech if you end with something useful to them or with a call to action.
  • Leave on an attention-grabbing note. 

Wrapping Up:

A speech typically has one of four purposes: to inform, to entertain, to instruct, or to persuade. To deliver an effective speech, you need to first make sure you understand what your objective is. Then, you can follow our guidelines to construct a solid structure and deliver a well-rounded and impactful presentation. Now that you know how to create an effective speech structure, you are ready to dominate the stage!  

The best speech structures are invisible and effective. Learn the tips and tricks to deliver the perfect opening, body, and conclusion and wow the stage.

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14.1 Four Methods of Delivery

Learning objectives.

  • Differentiate among the four methods of speech delivery.
  • Understand when to use each of the four methods of speech delivery.

Lt. Governor Anthony Brown bring greetings to the 13th Annual House of Ruth Spring Luncheon. by Brian K. Slack at Baltimore, MD

Maryland GovPics – House of Ruth Luncheon – CC BY 2.0.

The easiest approach to speech delivery is not always the best. Substantial work goes into the careful preparation of an interesting and ethical message, so it is understandable that students may have the impulse to avoid “messing it up” by simply reading it word for word. But students who do this miss out on one of the major reasons for studying public speaking: to learn ways to “connect” with one’s audience and to increase one’s confidence in doing so. You already know how to read, and you already know how to talk. But public speaking is neither reading nor talking.

Speaking in public has more formality than talking. During a speech, you should present yourself professionally. This doesn’t mean you must wear a suit or “dress up” (unless your instructor asks you to), but it does mean making yourself presentable by being well groomed and wearing clean, appropriate clothes. It also means being prepared to use language correctly and appropriately for the audience and the topic, to make eye contact with your audience, and to look like you know your topic very well.

While speaking has more formality than talking, it has less formality than reading. Speaking allows for meaningful pauses, eye contact, small changes in word order, and vocal emphasis. Reading is a more or less exact replication of words on paper without the use of any nonverbal interpretation. Speaking, as you will realize if you think about excellent speakers you have seen and heard, provides a more animated message.

The next sections introduce four methods of delivery that can help you balance between too much and too little formality when giving a public speech.

Impromptu Speaking

Impromptu speaking is the presentation of a short message without advance preparation. Impromptu speeches often occur when someone is asked to “say a few words” or give a toast on a special occasion. You have probably done impromptu speaking many times in informal, conversational settings. Self-introductions in group settings are examples of impromptu speaking: “Hi, my name is Steve, and I’m a volunteer with the Homes for the Brave program.” Another example of impromptu speaking occurs when you answer a question such as, “What did you think of the documentary?”

The advantage of this kind of speaking is that it’s spontaneous and responsive in an animated group context. The disadvantage is that the speaker is given little or no time to contemplate the central theme of his or her message. As a result, the message may be disorganized and difficult for listeners to follow.

Here is a step-by-step guide that may be useful if you are called upon to give an impromptu speech in public.

  • Take a moment to collect your thoughts and plan the main point you want to make.
  • Thank the person for inviting you to speak.
  • Deliver your message, making your main point as briefly as you can while still covering it adequately and at a pace your listeners can follow.
  • Thank the person again for the opportunity to speak.
  • Stop talking.

As you can see, impromptu speeches are generally most successful when they are brief and focus on a single point.

Extemporaneous Speaking

Extemporaneous speaking is the presentation of a carefully planned and rehearsed speech, spoken in a conversational manner using brief notes. By using notes rather than a full manuscript, the extemporaneous speaker can establish and maintain eye contact with the audience and assess how well they are understanding the speech as it progresses. The opportunity to assess is also an opportunity to restate more clearly any idea or concept that the audience seems to have trouble grasping.

For instance, suppose you are speaking about workplace safety and you use the term “sleep deprivation.” If you notice your audience’s eyes glazing over, this might not be a result of their own sleep deprivation, but rather an indication of their uncertainty about what you mean. If this happens, you can add a short explanation; for example, “sleep deprivation is sleep loss serious enough to threaten one’s cognition, hand-to-eye coordination, judgment, and emotional health.” You might also (or instead) provide a concrete example to illustrate the idea. Then you can resume your message, having clarified an important concept.

Speaking extemporaneously has some advantages. It promotes the likelihood that you, the speaker, will be perceived as knowledgeable and credible. In addition, your audience is likely to pay better attention to the message because it is engaging both verbally and nonverbally. The disadvantage of extemporaneous speaking is that it requires a great deal of preparation for both the verbal and the nonverbal components of the speech. Adequate preparation cannot be achieved the day before you’re scheduled to speak.

Because extemporaneous speaking is the style used in the great majority of public speaking situations, most of the information in this chapter is targeted to this kind of speaking.

Speaking from a Manuscript

Manuscript speaking is the word-for-word iteration of a written message. In a manuscript speech, the speaker maintains his or her attention on the printed page except when using visual aids.

The advantage to reading from a manuscript is the exact repetition of original words. As we mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, in some circumstances this can be extremely important. For example, reading a statement about your organization’s legal responsibilities to customers may require that the original words be exact. In reading one word at a time, in order, the only errors would typically be mispronunciation of a word or stumbling over complex sentence structure.

However, there are costs involved in manuscript speaking. First, it’s typically an uninteresting way to present. Unless the speaker has rehearsed the reading as a complete performance animated with vocal expression and gestures (as poets do in a poetry slam and actors do in a reader’s theater), the presentation tends to be dull. Keeping one’s eyes glued to the script precludes eye contact with the audience. For this kind of “straight” manuscript speech to hold audience attention, the audience must be already interested in the message before the delivery begins.

It is worth noting that professional speakers, actors, news reporters, and politicians often read from an autocue device, such as a TelePrompTer, especially when appearing on television, where eye contact with the camera is crucial. With practice, a speaker can achieve a conversational tone and give the impression of speaking extemporaneously while using an autocue device. However, success in this medium depends on two factors: (1) the speaker is already an accomplished public speaker who has learned to use a conversational tone while delivering a prepared script, and (2) the speech is written in a style that sounds conversational.

Speaking from Memory

Memorized speaking is the rote recitation of a written message that the speaker has committed to memory. Actors, of course, recite from memory whenever they perform from a script in a stage play, television program, or movie scene. When it comes to speeches, memorization can be useful when the message needs to be exact and the speaker doesn’t want to be confined by notes.

The advantage to memorization is that it enables the speaker to maintain eye contact with the audience throughout the speech. Being free of notes means that you can move freely around the stage and use your hands to make gestures. If your speech uses visual aids, this freedom is even more of an advantage. However, there are some real and potential costs. First, unless you also plan and memorize every vocal cue (the subtle but meaningful variations in speech delivery, which can include the use of pitch, tone, volume, and pace), gesture, and facial expression, your presentation will be flat and uninteresting, and even the most fascinating topic will suffer. You might end up speaking in a monotone or a sing-song repetitive delivery pattern. You might also present your speech in a rapid “machine-gun” style that fails to emphasize the most important points. Second, if you lose your place and start trying to ad lib, the contrast in your style of delivery will alert your audience that something is wrong. More frighteningly, if you go completely blank during the presentation, it will be extremely difficult to find your place and keep going.

Key Takeaways

  • There are four main kinds of speech delivery: impromptu, extemporaneous, manuscript, and memorized.
  • Impromptu speaking involves delivering a message on the spur of the moment, as when someone is asked to “say a few words.”
  • Extemporaneous speaking consists of delivering a speech in a conversational fashion using notes. This is the style most speeches call for.
  • Manuscript speaking consists of reading a fully scripted speech. It is useful when a message needs to be delivered in precise words.
  • Memorized speaking consists of reciting a scripted speech from memory. Memorization allows the speaker to be free of notes.
  • Find a short newspaper story. Read it out loud to a classroom partner. Then, using only one notecard, tell the classroom partner in your own words what the story said. Listen to your partner’s observations about the differences in your delivery.
  • In a group of four or five students, ask each student to give a one-minute impromptu speech answering the question, “What is the most important personal quality for academic success?”
  • Watch the evening news. Observe the differences between news anchors using a TelePrompTer and interviewees who are using no notes of any kind. What differences do you observe?

Stand up, Speak out Copyright © 2016 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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4 Types of Public Speaking (A Complete Guide)

Hrideep barot.

  • Presentation , Public Speaking , Toastmasters

Types of Public Speaking

The four main types of public speaking are informative, persuasive, demonstrative, and ceremonial. Understanding these will help specialize how you speak to the intention of your speech. The article goes over all the basic information, examples, and key things to note when delivering these types of speeches.

Public speaking is multifaceted. It can be done in various ways, depending on the speaker’s intention. Knowledge of these types will help you establish specific ways you can perform public speaking well. It is not typically taught in schools, but so are many other important things. Public speaking can help you in many ways in the future , so let’s get right to it!

Informative Speaking

The speaker simply intends to convey information in this. It is the most straightforward type of public speaking, which is why this category might make you wonder whether public speaking can get easier than this .

Examples of this type:

  • A lecturer delivering content at a university
  • A student explaining his dissertation to the class
  • A public official explaining changes due to new policy
  • An office worker providing information on the quarterly sales
  • A person explaining how a game is done to his friends

Few key points to note here:

Research the topic for imformative speaking

  • Heavily research your topic: The key here is to have a large amount of knowledge about the concerned topic so you can supplement the required information with examples, statistics, etc. This will help provide you with credibility.
  • Do not look at a paper or your presentation for all your information- they should only be used for cues. Otherwise, it seems like you do not know about the topic, and your only role is to convert that written text into spoken, which can appear quite awkward. 
  • Try to keep it simple. Many believe that using complicated words will make you look smarter. To an uninformed speaker, it might. However, you might not achieve the purpose (which is to convey the information), and others might dislike you if they can sense you’re using superfluous language.
  • Keep it concise. A lot of unnecessary information and beating around the bush will take away the audience’s attention span, and you may fail to achieve your purpose again. If there is extra information that may help a select few, you may make it so that others are not affected by it by either having them reach out later if needed or providing a disclaimer so only those interested may listen to that part.

Persuasive Speaking

Persuasive Speaking

The speaker intends to persuade or convince the audience of something. This is tricky because it requires understanding the nuances of the audience’s desires and somehow relating them to your viewpoint. 

Examples include:

  • A politician explaining why he’s the better candidate and appealing to vote for him
  • A marketing team explaining why their product is better than competitors
  • A lawyer explaining to the jury why the defendant is innocent
  • A group member explaining to his peers why the project should be done his way
  • A person explaining to their friends why their view on a topic makes sense

One mistake people make here is putting people down for particular opinions, which tends to make them defensive and then less likely to be receptive to any change. This makes sense because these opinions may have been there for a long time or in any other way strongly associated with their identity, and by putting them down for it, you’re attacking them. Even if their opinion is wrong according to you, it’s better suited to show understanding of their current beliefs and provide a convincing narrative of your topic of persuasion.

Few communication techniques are especially helpful here, although they should be used in other types of public speaking as well. 

AIDA principle is also something you might want to look into. It essentially attempts to grab consumer Attention, develop Interest, stimulate Desire to purchase, and spurs them to Action step-by-step. So what you do is contingent on these stages. For instance, to grab their attention, you might talk about an interesting story then relate it to them to develop interest then talk about how the product solves the issue, which creates a desire to purchase, and lastly, let them know easy of ordering the product and a limited time offer that spurs them to action.

Demonstrative Speaking

The intention is to teach the audience to perform a certain action. The speaker actually performs the action that is being taught while explaining it. Hence, it allows the audience to see exactly how it is done and model that behaviour later. 

The speaker must be clear and descriptive enough when explaining the process while also making sure the audience is engaged enough to take that information with them.

  • An employee might market a laptop by talking about its features while using them simultaneously.
  • A swimming instructor might explain how to swim while doing it.
  • A professor might explain how to experiment while doing it.
  • A bartender might explain how to make a cocktail while doing it.
  • A person might explain how to perform a trick while doing it.

So as you can see, it’s just informational speech with more nonverbal communication mixed in for better understanding.

Ceremonial Speaking

Ceremonial Speaking

The intention is to get an emotional response from the audience. They are done on special occasions and tend to mark major milestones in people’s lives, such as birthdays, graduation, parties, wedding, anniversary, and funerals. 

  • Graduation ceremony
  • Wedding speech addressed to groom/bride.
  • Birthday speech to a friend
  • Party speech addressed to the host.
  • Funeral speech for the person who passed away.

While we may appear very confident and natural when we give our speech at a party, we’re also well aware of how much time and effort it takes to get around writing the perfect speech. But it’s really not that complicated. You just need to know your audience and provide a concise, personalized speech. 

For example, if your audience includes friends and family and you’re giving this speech at a wedding ceremony, your content could include some experience involving the groom/bride, which highlights one of their positive qualities and possibly an amusing component to it. 

However, in these kinds of speeches, it’s also necessary to be careful not to forget to read the room when the audience is not receptive to certain comments. If you’re talking about a very embarrassing experience that the person would not have liked you to share, it might tense up your relationship with him. Alternatively, if you’re trying to force a positive emotional reaction by saying things you do not mean or exaggerating some experience that did not mean much for the person involved, it will be poorly received, and things might become awkward. Hence, it’s important to be genuine, even if it means starting off on a seemingly negative scenario: “We haven’t hung out as much as I wish we had. Regardless, the times we spent together have been meaningful and….” Genuinity is most commonly well-received.

Examples of all these types of public speaking

Aren’t there just three main types of public speaking or are there five different types of public speaking.

We have mentioned the ones that are most relevant. When people say three, they usually mean informative, persuasive and entertaining, and when people say five, they usually mean informative, persuasive, entertaining, demonstrating, and actuating. What we haven’t mentioned in the article so far are entertaining and actuating.

Entertaining includes ceremonial, along with other forms of public speaking, such as storytelling and humorous content. Essentially, this form is informal, while most others tend to be formal. The only difference is that you may add a personal touch and be more relaxed on these occasions. Feel free to check out how to make public speaking fun .

Actuating is simply a form of persuasive speaking which focuses on the action component, like getting the consumer to purchase the product. We frequently get things done through other people, so it’s quite a useful form of public speaking.

Here is a video that can help you improve your public speaking skills in all these areas:

Additionally, you can check out 20 unique ways to get better at public speaking . It’s never too late to opt for public speaking coaching !

Hrideep Barot

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styles of speech

  • 9 Different Types Of Speeches (Plus Tips And Examples)

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Martin Luther King’s I have a dream . Winston Churchill’s we shall fight on the beaches speech. J. F. Kennedy’s The decision to go to the moon speech. Nelson Mandela’s I am the first accused speech. Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg address . Barrack Obama’s yes we can speech.

One thing all these have in common is that they were some of the most powerful speeches of their times. They brought people together and got them united towards the achievement of a single cause.

Speeches are a great way to sell an idea to people, deliver a message, impart knowledge, and persuade people to support a cause or idea. What many do not know, however, is that there are several types of speeches.

Knowing the different types of speeches can make you more effective at making speeches and move you from the 75% of the population who have a fear of public speaking , because you will have a good idea of which type of speech to use on which occasion and to which audience.

styles of speech

Below, let’s take a look at 9 different types of speeches.


Have you ever been to a workshop or seminar where a speaker was showing people how to do something, such as how to exercise at home, how to use certain software, or how to use a certain product? If you have, it means that you have witnessed a demonstrative speech in action.

A demonstrative speech is a speech that is given with the aim of educating the audience about something. The key differentiating thing about demonstrative speeches, however, is that they are always accompanied by a demonstration.

The speaker doesn’t simply tell you how to do something or how something works. Instead, they demonstrate how to do it, or how the thing works, with visual aids to make it easier for the audience to understand what the speaker is talking about. The video below shows an example of a demonstrative speech.

Since the demonstrative speech seeks to impart knowledge, it can easily be confused for an informative speech, which also has similar objectives.

However, they have their differences. First, we have already seen that unlike the informative speech, the demonstrative speech has to be accompanied by visual aids to demonstrate what is being taught.

The other key difference between the two kinds of speeches is that whereas the informative speech focuses mostly on theoretical concepts, the demonstrative speech is more focused on the practical aspect of things. In other words, the demonstrative speech focuses more on the how, unlike the informative speech, which focuses mainly on the what.

You can give a demonstrative speech on just about anything that teaches people how to do something – how to earn a passive income , how to prepare for a job interview , how to maintain a car, you name it. However, for it to qualify as a demonstrative speech, you have to actually demonstrate how to do whatever it is you are talking about.


The informative speech, as you might have deduced, is a close ally of the demonstrative speech. The main objective of the informative speech is to convey information that the audience wasn’t aware of previously.

Remember your days back in college, when you used to doodle on your notebook while your professor droned on and on about some concept in physics that you couldn’t seem to wrap your head around? You might not have known it at the time, but your professor was actually giving an informative speech.

Similarly, if you have had a guided tour of a zoo or a game reserve, what you experienced was an informative speech.

Informative speeches can convey information about events, concepts, objects, processes, and so on.

To make the speech effective, the speaker tries to break down the topic they are talking about into simple, easy-to-digest ideas that can be understood by a layman. Informative speeches are usually accompanied by statistics, facts, and other data. Unlike demonstrative speeches, however, informative speeches are not accompanied by visual aids.


Have you been to an event where the MC enthralled the audience with funny story after funny story, leaving the crowd dying with laughter? If you have, what you witnessed was an example of an entertaining speech.

The main objective of the entertaining speech is to amuse the audience and provide them with pleasure and enjoyment.

To achieve this objective, entertaining speeches are accompanied by funny stories and illustrations, jokes, and other forms of humor. In most cases, entertaining speeches are quite short, lasting just a few minutes.


A politician giving a campaign speech with the aim of convincing the electorate to elect him or her to public office. A lawyer trying to convince the jury about the innocence of their client.

A teenager trying to convince their parents to allow them to go out with friends. Someone trying to convince a group of friends to try out a certain restaurant. An entrepreneur giving a sales pitch to convince investors to invest in his startup. All these are examples of persuasive speeches.

A persuasive speech refers to any speech given with the objective of persuading the audience that the speaker’s opinion is the right one, and by extension, convincing them that they should embrace the same opinion or provide their support to the speaker.

Obviously, persuading people to not only view your opinion as the right one, but to also embrace the same opinion and give you their support is not an easy thing to do.

Therefore, persuasive speeches employ a variety techniques to convince the audience. For instance, the speaker might use facts and statistics to make what they are saying more believable and more sensible. This means that the speaker needs to have performed a thorough research of the topic and gathered as much material as possible to back up their argument.

Alternatively, the speaker can appeal to the feelings and emotions of the audience to persuade them to adopt the speaker’s point of view and give their support.

This tactic is especially useful when trying to rally up support for a cause, such as raising funds to help the elderly, the poor, oppressed women, orphaned children, and so on.

For instance, Martin Luther King’s I have a dream speech is an example of a persuasive speech that appealed on the emotions of people to persuade them to take a stand against racism and inequality.


This term refers to speeches that are delivered in an orator’s style. I know this might sound a little bit confusing since in the basic sense of the word, anyone giving a speech is an orator.

In most cases, oratorical speeches are given at events that call for a special celebration, such as ribbon cutting ceremonies, graduation parties, inauguration ceremonies, going-away parties, birthday parties, retirement parties, wedding receptions, and so on.

In some cases, some political speeches can also be considered to be oratorical in nature. For this to happen, however, the speaker should not be trying to persuade people to do something (such as vote for them) or to settle complex arguments. Instead, they should be general speeches that appeal to basic truths and common virtues.

Depending on the nature of the event, oratorical speeches can either be short and informal (such as in birthday parties and retirement parties), or long and formal (such as in presidential inauguration ceremonies). A good example of a great oratorical speech is J. F. Kennedy’s inaugural speech.


In my final year in high school, I was captain of the basketball team, and there’s this one game I will never forget. It was the final game of the high school basketball tournament, and if we won, we would be crowned state champions.

Problem is, we were trailing by 15 points at the break of half time. During the half time break, our coach gave us one of the most moving speeches I have ever heard.

He reminded us how much we had trained for this moment, reminded us that we were the best team he had ever coached, and told us that we had it in us to overturn the game and clinch the trophy.

We went back onto that court with so much determination and desire, and by the time the ref blew the final whistle, we were leading by 12 points and were crowned state champions. I attribute our success on the court that day to that half-time speech by our coach.

The speech he gave us is an example of a motivational speech.

A motivational speech is a type of speech that is given with the aim of encouraging or inspiring the audience and getting them to do better or improve themselves.

Motivational speeches are common in business meetings to encourage employees to improve their performance, in schools to inspire students to do their best in tests, and in sporting events to inspire athletes to give their all.

Motivational speeches are also good for lifting a person’s self-esteem or turning negative situations into positive ones. A good example of a great motivation speech is Steve Job’s Stanford commencement speech .


An introductory speech refers to a kind of speech that is used to get the audience ready for the main focus on a meeting, gathering or event.

For instance, before the keynote speaker at an event gets on stage to give their speech, someone else will get on stage to introduce the keynote speaker to the audience.

Basically, the introductory speech introduces to the audience whoever or whatever they came to see or listen to. This could be a musician, a music band, an award winner, a motivational speaker, or even a staged production.

Introductory speeches are also common in social gatherings, such as graduations, promotion parties, wedding receptions, and so on. They are used to introduce the person(s) in whose honor an event or gathering has been held.

Ideally, an introductory speech should be short, and its main focus should be the person the speech is introducing. The introductory speech will usually provide a few biographical details about the person being introduced, mention this person’s qualifications or credentials, and probably share a quick anecdote about the person.

For an introductory speech to be effective, it should be positive, including a few complementary words about the person being introduced, and if possible, it should also be entertaining.

The aim is to get the audience excited about listening to the person being introduced.


This is a type of speech that is made by person who is the recipient of a certain honor or award. In most cases, the acceptance speech comes immediately after an introductory speech introducing the recipient of the award.

In most cases, the acceptance speech is usually short. The aim of the acceptance speech is for the speaker to express their gratitude for the award or honor they have received, to thank the people behind the competition or event, and to appreciate those who helped them achieve whatever it is that led to them being honored.

In most cases, acceptance speeches are accompanied by a lot of emotion, which can make them quite difficult, especially for someone who is giving such a speech for the first time.

Perhaps the best thing to do when giving an acceptance speech is to follow the advice of former US President Franklin D. Roosevelt: Be sincere. Be brief. Be seated.

A toast refers to a speech that is made with the main objective of honoring another person or a group of people. Toasts typically end in a phrase like “let’s raise our glasses to…” followed by a drink.

Toasts are usually given at celebratory events and gatherings, such as retirement parties, graduations, birthday parties, wedding receptions, award dinners, and so on. Most toasts are usually informal and relatively short. Still, they can be difficult to make, and in most cases, they need some prior rehearsal.

In many cases, there are rules and guidelines to specify who is supposed to give a toast. For instance, in a wedding reception, the toast is usually made by the best man or the bride’s father.

Depending on the tone of the occasion, a toast can be humorous, inspirational, sentimental, and in some cases, solemn. In most cases, the person making the toast has to be closely associated with the reason behind the toast.


Before giving a speech, you need to be well prepared in order to give a successful speech that will effectively achieve its objective. Remember, no speech is made just for the sake of it.

In addition, considering that most speeches are made in public settings, being prepared and giving a good speech can help cement your reputation as an orator. Below, let’s take a look at some tips that will help you give better and more effective speeches.

Know Your Audience

Having a good understanding of your audience is a very crucial aspect when it comes to making better and more effective speeches. A good speech is one that resonates well with the audience.

However, it is impossible for a speech to resonate with your audience if you do not have a good idea of the people who will be listening to the speech.

For instance, if you were asked to give a motivational speech to a group of entrepreneurs and to a group of students, you would not address them the same way, even if your objective would be the same for both speeches – encouraging and inspiring your audience. Knowing your audience allows you to tailor your speech to them.

Use Interesting Visual Aids For Demonstrative Speeches

We already saw that visual aids are a critical element of demonstrative speeches. It is impossible to make a demonstrative speech without visual aids.

To make your speech effective, you should make sure that your visual aids are both interesting (this allows you to capture and hold the audience’s attention) and simple (this makes it easier for your audience to understand what you are demonstrating).

There is no shortage of items that you can use as visual aids. You can use photographs, drawings, flashcards, 3-D items, or even actual products, if the situation allows that. Keep in mind that your audience might even be more attentive to your visual aids than to what you are saying, which is why you need to make sure you are using the right visual aids.

Choose An Easy Topic

When giving informative and demonstrative speeches, it is always a great idea to choose an easy topic, both for you and for the audience. An easy topic for you means that you won’t have to struggle much to make your audience understand what you are talking about. An easy topic for your audience will make it easier for you to hold the audience’s attention.

If you choose a topic that is excessively complex or technical, most of your audience might get bored along the way and lose their concentration.

Spice Up Your Entertaining Speeches

When giving an entertaining speech, try to find ways to spice up the speech to keep your audience engaged and to ensure they enjoy the speech.

You can do this by inserting jokes and funny stories into the speech every so often. Without doing this, what was supposed to be an entertaining speech can quickly become monotonous, causing your audience to start drifting away.

Have A Goal In Mind When Giving A Persuasive Speech

Before you start giving a persuasive speech, it should be very clear to you what you want to achieve from the speech. What action do you want your audience to take once you are done giving the speech?

This is what will inform how you are going to deliver your speech. For instance, instead of complaining about something and leaving it at that, you should persuade your audience that that thing is bad and then convince them to take some action against it.

In addition, it is always better to talk about the positivity of what you are trying to achieve or what you want your audience to do, rather than focusing on the negativity of what you are against.

Finally, you should give sufficient information about your stand or opinion to maximize your chances of achieving your goal.

Prepare Adequately

Regardless of the kind of speech you are going to be giving, it is very important to make sure that you are adequately prepared. Research the topic as much as you can, make sure you have the correct facts and statistics, and so on.

There is nothing worse than giving a speech about something, only for someone in the audience to dispute something you confidently said and be right about it.

It makes you look like you don’t know what you are talking about. Once you have all the facts you need, sit down, write your speech, prepare your speech cards , and go through your speech to make sure that everything looks okay.

From there, rehearse how you are going to deliver the speech a couple of times. You can do this in front of a mirror, or in front of a close friend or relative. You want to get to a point where you have your speech flowing from your fingertips.

Practice. Practice. Practice

Unless you are one of the few people who are born with a talent for oration and public speaking, becoming an eloquent orator is not something you are going to do within a single day. You need to practice and practice and practice.

This means that whenever you get a chance to give a speech, you should not let it pass you buy.

Offer to give speeches in various events, and following the events, analyze your speeches and see what you can do to improve. If possible, you can even have someone record you every time you give a speech.

You can then go through these speeches and identify various ways through which you can improve your oratory skills.


Speeches are a great way to bring people together and deliver a message or build support for an idea or cause. For you speech to be effective, however, you have to know which kind of speech to give where.

After reading this article, I hope that you now have a good understanding of the different kinds of speeches and where they should be used. I have also shared a couple of tips which I hope you will start implementing to make your speeches better and more effective.

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Module 4: Organizing and Outlining

Organizational styles.

After deciding which main points and sub-points you must include, you can get to work writing up the speech. Before you do so, however, it is helpful to consider how you will organize the ideas. From presenting historical information in chronological order as part of an informative speech to drawing a comparison between two ideas in a persuasive speech to offering up problems and solutions, there are many ways in which speakers can craft effective speeches. These are referred to as organizational styles, or templates for organizing the main points of a speech.


Vintage clock

“Vintage alarm clock” by peter-rabbit. CC-BY-NC .

When you speak about events that are linked together by time, it is sensible to engage the chronological organization style. In a chronological speech , main points are delivered according to when they happened and could be traced on a calendar or clock. Arranging main points in chronological order can be helpful when describing historical events to an audience as well as when the order of events is necessary to understand what you wish to convey. Informative speeches about a series of events most commonly engage the chronological style, as do many demonstrative speeches (e.g., how to bake a cake or build an airplane). Another time when the chronological style makes sense is when you tell the story of someone’s life or career. For instance, a speech about Oprah Winfrey might be arranged chronologically (see textbox). In this case, the main points are arranged by following Winfrey’s life from birth to the present time. Life events (e.g., birth, her early career, her life after ending the Oprah Winfrey Show) are connected together according to when they happened and highlight the progression of Winfrey’s career. Organizing the speech in this way illustrates the interconnectedness of life events.

Oprah Winfrey (Chronological Arrangement)

Thesis : Oprah’s career can be understood by four key, interconnected life stages.

I. Oprah’s childhood was spent in rural Mississippi, where she endured sexual abuse from family members.

II. Oprah’s early career was characterized by stints on local radio and television networks in Nashville and Chicago.

III. Oprah’s tenure as host of the Oprah Winfrey Show began in 1986 and lasted until 2011, a period of time marked by much success.

IV. Oprah’s most recent media venture is OWN: The Oprah Winfrey Network, which plays host to a variety of television shows including Oprah’s Next Chapter .

Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment. – Oprah Winfrey

When the main points of your speech center on ideas that are more distinct from one another, a topical organization style may be engaged. In a topical speech , main points are developed separately and are generally connected together within the introduction and conclusion. In other words, the topical style is crafted around main points and sub-points that are mutually exclusive but related to one another by virtue of the thesis. It makes sense to use the topical style when elements are connected to one another because of their relationship to the whole. A topical speech about the composition of a newspaper company can be seen in the following textbox. The main points are linked together by the fact that they are all a part of the same business. Although they are related in that way, the topical style illustrates the ways in which the four different departments function apart from one another. In this example, the topical style is a good fit because the four departments are equally important to the function of the newspaper company.

Composition of a Newspaper Company (Topical Arrangement)

Thesis : The newspaper has four primary departments.

I. The advertising department sells display advertisements to local and national businesses.

II. The editorial department produces the written content of the newspaper, including feature stories.

III. The production department lays out the pages and manages pre- press work such as distilling the pages and processing colors.

IV. The business department processes payments from advertisers, employee paperwork, and the bi-weekly payroll.

Another way to organize the points of a speech is through a spatial speech , which arranges main points according to their physical and geographic relationships. The spatial style is an especially useful organization style when the main point’s importance is derived from its location or directional focus. In other words, when the scene or the composition is a central aspect of the main points, the spatial style is an appropriate way to deliver key ideas. Things can be described from top to bottom, inside to outside, left to right, north to south, and so on. Importantly, speakers using a spatial style should offer commentary about the placement of the main points as they move through the speech, alerting audience members to the location changes. For instance, a speech about The University of Georgia might be arranged spatially; in this example, the spatial organization frames the discussion in terms of the campus layout. The spatial style is fitting since the differences in architecture and uses of space are related to particular geographic areas, making location a central organizing factor. As such, the spatial style highlights these location differences.

University of Georgia (Spatial Arrangement)

Thesis : The University of Georgia is arranged into four distinct sections, which are characterized by architectural and disciplinary differences.

I. In North Campus, one will find the University’s oldest building, a sprawling tree- lined quad, and the famous Arches, all of which are nestled against Athens’ downtown district.

II. In West Campus, dozens of dormitories provide housing for the University’s large undergraduate population and students can regularly be found lounging outside or at one of the dining halls.

III. In East Campus, students delight in newly constructed, modern buildings and enjoy the benefits of the University’s health center, recreational facilities, and science research buildings.

IV. In South Campus, pharmacy, veterinary, and biomedical science students traverse newly constructed parts of campus featuring well-kept landscaping and modern architecture.


Oranges and apples

“Let’s compare apples to oranges” by frankieleon. CC-BY .

When you need to discuss the similarities and differences between two or more things, a comparative organizational pattern can be employed. In comparative speeches , speakers may choose to compare things a couple different ways. First, you could compare two or more things as whole (e.g., discuss all traits of an apple and then all traits of an orange). Second, you could compare these things element by element (e.g., color of each, smell of each, AND taste of each). Some topics that are routinely spoken about comparatively include different cultures, different types of transportation, and even different types of coffee. A comparative speech outline about eastern and western cultures could look like this.

Eastern vs. Western Culture (Comparison Arrangement)

Thesis : There are a variety of differences between Eastern and Western cultures.

I. Eastern cultures tend to be more collectivistic.

II. Western cultures tend to be more individualistic.

III. Eastern cultures tend to treat health issues 

IV. Western cultures tend to 
treat health issues more acutely.

In this type of speech, the list of comparisons, which should be substantiated with further evidence, could go on for any number of main points. The speech could also compare how two or more things are more alike than one might think. For instance, a speaker could discuss how singers Madonna and Lady Gaga share many similarities both in aesthetic style and in their music.


Flooded cars and houses

“ FEMA” by Dave Gatley. Public domain.

Sometimes it is necessary to share a problem and a solution with an audience. In cases like these, the problem-solution speech is an appropriate way to arrange the main points of a speech. One familiar example of speeches organized in this way is the political speeches that presidential hopefuls give in the United States. Often, candidates will begin their speech by describing a problem created by or, at the very least, left unresolved by the incumbent. Once they have established their view of the problem, they then go on to flesh out their proposed solution. The problem- solution style is especially useful when the speaker wants to convince the audience that they should take action in solving some problem. A political candidate seeking office might frame a speech using the problem-solution style (see textbox).

Presidential Candidate’s Speech (Problem-Solution Arrangement)

Thesis : The US energy crisis can be solved by electing me as president since I will devote resources to the production of renewable forms of energy.

I. The United States is facing an energy crisis because we cannot produce enough energy ourselves to sustain the levels of activity needed to run the country. (problem)

II. The current administration has failed to invest enough resources in renewable energy practices. (problem)

III. We can help create a more stable situation if we work to produce renewable forms of energy within the United States. (solution)

IV. If you vote for me, I will ensure that renewable energy creation is a priority. (solution)

The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world’s problems. – Mahatma Gandhi

This example illustrates the way in which a problem-solution oriented speech can be used to identify both a general problem (energy crisis) and a specific problem (incumbent’s lack of action). Moreover, this example highlights two kinds of solutions: a general solution and a solution that is dependent on the speaker’s involvement. The problem-solution speech is especially appropriate when the speaker desires to promote a particular solution as this offers audience members a way to become involved. Whether you are able to offer a specific solution or not, key to the problem-solution speech is a clear description of both the problem and the solution with clear links drawn between the two. In other words, the speech should make specific connections between the problem and how the solution can be engaged to solve it.


“Domino” by Bro. Jeffrey Pioquinto, SJ. CC-BY .

Similar to a problem-solution speech, a causal speech informs audience members about causes and effects that have already happened. In other words, a causal organization style first addresses some cause and then shares what effects resulted. A causal speech can be particularly effective when the speaker wants to share the relationship between two things, like the creation of a vaccine to help deter disease. An example of how a causal speech about a shingles vaccine might be designed follows:

As the example illustrates, the basic components of the causal speech are the cause and the effect. Such an organizational style is useful when a speaker needs to share the results of a new program, discuss how one act led to another, or discuss the positive/negative outcomes of taking some action.

Shingles Speech (Cause-Effect Arrangement)

Thesis : The prevalence of the disease shingles led to the invention of a vaccine.

  • Shingles is a disease that causes painful, blistering rashes in up to one million Americans every year. (cause)
  • In 2006, a vaccine for shingles was licensed in the United States and has been shown to reduce the likelihood that people over 60 years old will get shingles. (effect)
Every choice you make has an end result. – Zig Ziglar

Choosing an organizational style is an important step in the speechwriting process. As you formulate the purpose of your speech and generate the main points that you will need to include, selecting an appropriate organizational style will likely become easier. The topical, spatial, causal, comparative and chronological methods of arrangement may be better suited to informative speeches, whereas the refutation pattern may work well for a persuasive speech. Additionally, Chapter 16 offers additional organization styles suited for persuasive speeches, such as the refutation speech and Monroe’s Motivated Sequence. [1] Next, we will look at statements that help tie all of your points together and the formal mode of organizing a speech by using outlines.

  • Monroe, A. H. (1949). Principles and types of speech. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman and Company. ↵
  • Chapter 8 Organizational Styles. Authored by : Joshua Trey Barnett. Provided by : University of Indiana, Bloomington, IN. Located at : http://publicspeakingproject.org/psvirtualtext.html . Project : The Public Speaking Project. License : CC BY-NC-ND: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives
  • vintage alarm clock. Authored by : peter-rabbit. Located at : https://flic.kr/p/drEszC . License : CC BY-NC: Attribution-NonCommercial
  • let's compare apples to oranges. Authored by : frankieleon. Located at : https://flic.kr/p/bscqLn . License : CC BY: Attribution
  • Domino. Authored by : Bro. Jeffrey Pioquinto, SJ. Located at : https://flic.kr/p/pA9ftS . License : CC BY: Attribution
  • FEMA - 1337 - Photograph by Dave Gatley taken on 03-01-1998 in California. Authored by : Dave Gatley. Provided by : Federal Emergency Management Agency. Located at : http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:FEMA_-_1337_-_Photograph_by_Dave_Gatley_taken_on_03-01-1998_in_California.jpg . License : Public Domain: No Known Copyright

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  • English Grammar
  • Parts of Speech

Parts of Speech - Definition, 8 Types and Examples

In the English language , every word is called a part of speech. The role a word plays in a sentence denotes what part of speech it belongs to. Explore the definition of parts of speech, the different parts of speech and examples in this article.

Table of Contents

Parts of speech definition, different parts of speech with examples.

  • Sentences Examples for the 8 Parts of Speech

A Small Exercise to Check Your Understanding of Parts of Speech

Frequently asked questions on parts of speech, what is a part of speech.

Parts of speech are among the first grammar topics we learn when we are in school or when we start our English language learning process. Parts of speech can be defined as words that perform different roles in a sentence. Some parts of speech can perform the functions of other parts of speech too.

  • The Oxford Learner’s Dictionary defines parts of speech as “one of the classes into which words are divided according to their grammar, such as noun, verb, adjective, etc.”
  • The Cambridge Dictionary also gives a similar definition – “One of the grammatical groups into which words are divided, such as noun, verb, and adjective”.

Parts of speech include nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections.

8 Parts of Speech Definitions and Examples:

1. Nouns are words that are used to name people, places, animals, ideas and things. Nouns can be classified into two main categories: Common nouns and Proper nouns . Common nouns are generic like ball, car, stick, etc., and proper nouns are more specific like Charles, The White House, The Sun, etc.

Examples of nouns used in sentences:

  • She bought a pair of shoes . (thing)
  • I have a pet. (animal)
  • Is this your book ? (object)
  • Many people have a fear of darkness . (ideas/abstract nouns)
  • He is my brother . (person)
  • This is my school . (place)

Also, explore Singular Nouns and Plural Nouns .

2. Pronouns are words that are used to substitute a noun in a sentence. There are different types of pronouns. Some of them are reflexive pronouns, possessive pronouns , relative pronouns and indefinite pronouns . I, he, she, it, them, his, yours, anyone, nobody, who, etc., are some of the pronouns.

Examples of pronouns used in sentences:

  • I reached home at six in the evening. (1st person singular pronoun)
  • Did someone see a red bag on the counter? (Indefinite pronoun)
  • Is this the boy who won the first prize? (Relative pronoun)
  • That is my mom. (Possessive pronoun)
  • I hurt myself yesterday when we were playing cricket. (Reflexive pronoun)

3. Verbs are words that denote an action that is being performed by the noun or the subject in a sentence. They are also called action words. Some examples of verbs are read, sit, run, pick, garnish, come, pitch, etc.

Examples of verbs used in sentences:

  • She plays cricket every day.
  • Darshana and Arul are going to the movies.
  • My friends visited me last week.
  • Did you have your breakfast?
  • My name is Meenakshi Kishore.

4. Adverbs are words that are used to provide more information about verbs, adjectives and other adverbs used in a sentence. There are five main types of adverbs namely, adverbs of manner , adverbs of degree , adverbs of frequency , adverbs of time and adverbs of place . Some examples of adverbs are today, quickly, randomly, early, 10 a.m. etc.

Examples of adverbs used in sentences:

  • Did you come here to buy an umbrella? (Adverb of place)
  • I did not go to school yesterday as I was sick. (Adverb of time)
  • Savio reads the newspaper everyday . (Adverb of frequency)
  • Can you please come quickly ? (Adverb of manner)
  • Tony was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes open during the meeting. (Adverb of degree)

5. Adjectives are words that are used to describe or provide more information about the noun or the subject in a sentence. Some examples of adjectives include good, ugly, quick, beautiful, late, etc.

Examples of adjectives used in sentences:

  • The place we visited yesterday was serene .
  • Did you see how big that dog was?
  • The weather is pleasant today.
  • The red dress you wore on your birthday was lovely.
  • My brother had only one chapati for breakfast.

6. Prepositions are words that are used to link one part of the sentence to another. Prepositions show the position of the object or subject in a sentence. Some examples of prepositions are in, out, besides, in front of, below, opposite, etc.

Examples of prepositions used in sentences:

  • The teacher asked the students to draw lines on the paper so that they could write in straight lines.
  • The child hid his birthday presents under his bed.
  • Mom asked me to go to the store near my school.
  • The thieves jumped over the wall and escaped before we could reach home.

7. Conjunctions are a part of speech that is used to connect two different parts of a sentence, phrases and clauses . Some examples of conjunctions are and, or, for, yet, although, because, not only, etc.

Examples of conjunctions used in sentences:

  • Meera and Jasmine had come to my birthday party.
  • Jane did not go to work as she was sick.
  • Unless you work hard, you cannot score good marks.
  • I have not finished my project,  yet I went out with my friends.

8. Interjections are words that are used to convey strong emotions or feelings. Some examples of interjections are oh, wow, alas, yippee, etc. It is always followed by an exclamation mark.

Examples of interjections used in sentences:

  • Wow ! What a wonderful work of art.
  • Alas ! That is really sad.
  • Yippee ! We won the match.

Sentence Examples for the 8 Parts of Speech

  • Noun – Tom lives in New York .
  • Pronoun – Did she find the book she was looking for?
  • Verb – I reached home.
  • Adverb – The tea is too hot.
  • Adjective – The movie was amazing .
  • Preposition – The candle was kept under the table.
  • Conjunction – I was at home all day, but I am feeling very tired.
  • Interjection – Oh ! I forgot to turn off the stove.

Let us find out if you have understood the different parts of speech and their functions. Try identifying which part of speech the highlighted words belong to.

  • My brother came home  late .
  • I am a good girl.
  • This is the book I  was looking for.
  • Whoa ! This is amazing .
  • The climate  in  Kodaikanal is very pleasant.
  • Can you please pick up Dan and me on  your way home?

Now, let us see if you got it right. Check your answers.

  • My – Pronoun, Home – Noun, Late – Adverb
  • Am – Verb, Good – Adjective
  • I – Pronoun, Was looking – Verb
  • Whoa – Interjection, Amazing – Adjective
  • Climate – Noun, In – Preposition, Kodaikanal – Noun, Very – Adverb
  • And – Conjunction, On – Preposition, Your – Pronoun

What are parts of speech?

The term ‘parts of speech’ refers to words that perform different functions in a sentence  in order to give the sentence a proper meaning and structure.

How many parts of speech are there?

There are 8 parts of speech in total.

What are the 8 parts of speech?

Nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections are the 8 parts of speech.

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N.F.L. Player Draws Rebukes (and Trolling) for Graduation Speech

Kansas City’s Harrison Butker quoted Taylor Swift lyrics while telling men to be “unapologetic in your masculinity” and women to focus on being homemakers.

A man with brown hair and a beard speaks into a small microphone.

By Scott Cacciola and Benjamin Hoffman

Harrison Butker of the Kansas City Chiefs is one of the best place-kickers in the N.F.L. That is enough to make him somewhat famous in the football world, but players of his position aren’t typically known by more casual observers — unless they do something especially great or terrible on the field.

Last weekend, with the N.F.L. solidly in its off-season, Mr. Butker found himself at the center of a great deal of vitriol on social media, and it had nothing to do with his job.

On Saturday, Mr. Butker delivered a 20-minute commencement address to the graduates of Benedictine College, a conservative Catholic school in Atchison, Kan., about 50 miles northwest of Kansas City. He packed his speech full of conservative political discourse, railing against “degenerative cultural values and media.” He rebuked President Biden for his stance as a Catholic who supports abortion rights, and urged women to forgo careers so that they could support their husbands.

“I can tell you that my beautiful wife, Isabelle, would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother,” Mr. Butker said. “I’m on this stage today and able to be the man I am because I have a wife who leans into her vocation.”

He added: “It cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife and embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker.”

Mr. Butker, who appeared to be choking up, was greeted by a round of applause that lasted for nearly 20 seconds before he was able to continue. At the end of his speech, the crowd gave him a standing ovation.

The reaction online, however, was not nearly as receptive, with his comments being picked apart by posters on TikTok, Instagram and X.

Team officials did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but the views Mr. Butker expressed prompted the N.F.L. to issue a statement saying the speech did not match the league’s values, and resulted in a rival team, the Los Angeles Chargers, trolling Mr. Butker on social media. More than 125,000 people, as of Thursday afternoon, had signed a petition on Change.org calling for Kansas City to cut ties with its star kicker.

Mr. Butker, 28, who describes himself as a devout Catholic, has won three Super Bowls with Kansas City since joining the team as a rookie in 2017. He converted all 11 of his field-goal attempts in the team’s most recent playoff run, and set a record for the longest field goal in Super Bowl history (57 yards) in the team’s championship-clinching victory over the San Francisco 49ers in February.

But on a team full of stars — Patrick Mahomes is widely considered the best quarterback in the N.F.L., and the team’s tight end, Travis Kelce, is among the best to ever play his position and is dating Taylor Swift — Mr. Butker had never really stood out. His speech on Saturday may have changed all that.

In the speech, Mr. Butker encouraged men to be “unapologetic in your masculinity,” referenced “the deadly sins” of homosexuality, and criticized Catholic priests for deriving “their happiness from the adulation they receive from their parishioners.” In attempting to drive home his point, Mr. Butker invoked lyrics from Ms. Swift’s song “ Bejeweled ” without mentioning her or Mr. Kelce by name.

“This undue familiarity will prove to be problematic every time,” Mr. Butker said, “because as my teammate’s girlfriend says, ‘familiarity breeds contempt.’”

Quoting Ms. Swift’s lyrics in such a speech was unusual, considering her status as an entertainment mogul who speaks frequently of empowering women and is believed to have a net worth of more than $1 billion .

Mr. Butker had also weighed in on Ms. Swift earlier this year, in an interview with the Eternal Word Television Network, describing her as “so humble and so gracious.” He added, in a nod to the values he discussed in Saturday’s speech, that he hoped that she and Mr. Kelce would “get married and start a family.”

The views expressed during Mr. Butker’s commencement speech at Benedictine drew swift condemnation. Justice Horn, a former Kansas City commissioner, wrote : “Harrison Butker doesn’t represent Kansas City nor has he ever. Kansas City has always been a place that welcomes, affirms and embraces our LGBTQ+ community members.”

Jessica Valenti, a feminist author, addressed the speech in her “Abortion, Every Day” newsletter , saying “So let’s be very clear about this commencement speech: Butker’s remarks weren’t ‘fringe’ or radical — they’re the law. He was simply saying out loud what Republicans have already codified: that women’s role in this country is to bear children and support men, who are the actual stars of the show.” She said bans on abortion, like the ones Mr. Butker is advocating, are “the embodiment of the smallest men’s biggest wishes.”

The N.F.L.’s response was to issue a statement from Jonathan Beane, the league’s chief diversity and inclusion officer, in which he said that Mr. Butker’s “views are not those of the N.F.L. as an organization. The N.F.L. is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger.”

The Chargers, a rival team of the Chiefs, went a step beyond that, poking fun at Mr. Butker during a video announcing the team’s 2024 schedule. In the video, a Sims character with a striking resemblance to Mr. Butker was shown working in the kitchen.

As the week has unfolded, the discussion of Mr. Butker has expanded to looking into other aspects of his life. Among the details discussed by many on social media: Despite his stance on women in the workplace, his mother, Elizabeth Keller Butker, has a distinguished career. She is a medical physicist in the department of radiation oncology at the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta.

Scott Cacciola writes features and profiles of people in the worlds of sports and entertainment for the Styles section of The Times. More about Scott Cacciola

Benjamin Hoffman is a senior editor who writes, assigns and edits stories primarily on the intersection between sports, lifestyle and culture. More about Benjamin Hoffman

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Jerry Seinfeld Commencement Speech Spurs Walkout at Duke University

By Eve Batey

Jerry Seinfeld

Jerry Seinfeld has steered clear of controversy for decades, saving his strongest opinions for the arguably mundane. But it appears his recent comments on what’s acceptable fodder for comedy, as well as his ongoing support of Israel, have prompted a new wave of frustration with the comedian. That aggravation boiled over today, in the form of a student walkout at Duke University’s graduation, just as the Seinfeld star took the stage to deliver the school’s commencement speech.

According to a video posted to social media , Seinfeld’s introduction by school president Vincent Price was “drowned out” by chants of “free free Palestine.” The rallying cries appeared to come from both the soon-to-be-graduates seated on Brooks Field as well as folks in the surrounding rows at Wallace Wade Stadium.

Another video shows be-gowned students standing, unfurling Palestinian flags, and leaving the stadium as Seinfeld prepared to speak. According to The Daily Beast , the livestream of the graduation ceremony cut away from the protest as it occurred.

Seinfeld, who also received an honorary doctorate from the school, didn’t allude to the protest in his speech, which focused on general life advice for the graduates. WRAL reports that the still-working standup announced three keys to life: Work hard, pay attention, and fall in love. (All activities, one should note, that seemed to eternally elude his namesake character .)

“Whatever you’re doing, I don’t care if it’s your job, your hobby, a relationship, getting a reservation at M Sushi, make an effort,” he reportedly said from the stage. “Just pure, stupid, no-real-idea-what-I’m-doing-here effort. Effort always yields a positive value, even if the outcome of the effort is absolute failure of the desired result. This is a rule of life. Just swing the bat and pray is not a bad approach to a lot of things.”

As Seinfeld spoke, the departed graduates chanted, “Disclose, divest, we will not stop, we will not rest” from the parking lot, the Times reports .

Jerry Seinfeld’s latest bat swing is Unfrosted , a Netflix film that offers a satirical look at the creation of the Pop-Tart. The Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee creator has been borderline ubiquitous as he works to promote the film, including an appearance on last week’s episode of Saturday Night Live in which he depicted “ A Man Who Did Too Much Press .”

Some might argue, however, that the issue hasn’t been the quantity, but the quality: In an interview with The New Yorker , the 70-year-old confoundingly claimed that “the extreme left and P.C. crap” has killed televised comedy, despite a multitude of comedic properties available for viewing every day of the week. The remarks were praised by many on the far right , while others said the remarks were out of touch , but perhaps unsurprising given some of the views expressed on his popular sitcom.

The comic, who is the parent of two Duke students and whom the New York Times describes as an “active booster” of the school, has been a vocal supporter of Israel since the October 7 attack on the country by Hamas; his wife also made headlines for actively funding an ultimately violent pro-Israel counterprotest at UCLA last week.

The Times reports that when Seinfeld was announced as this year’s speaker, students such as PhD program grad the Rev. Dr. Stefan Weathers Sr. wrote to Price to oppose Seinfeld’s planned appearance, characterizing the ongoing war in Gaza as “genocide.” Speaking with the NYT , Weathers warned that “There won’t be a business-as-usual commencement taking place,” as students were poised to “lift up our voices any way we can.”

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Jimmy Kimmel's Hilarious Take on Trump's Speech at Barron's Graduation

F ormer President Donald Trump did not deliver a speech at his 18-year-old son Barron Trump's high school graduation ceremony last week. However, on Monday, late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel offered a humorous imagining of what Donald Trump might have said if he had taken to the stage.

Jimmy Kimmel's segment was a playful take on the kind of speech the presumptive GOP nominee could have delivered. This came after Donald Trump was granted permission by Judge Juan Merchan to attend the event. Judge Merchan is overseeing Trump's hush money trial in New York.

Prior to this, Trump had publicly expressed frustration, claiming he was being banned from attending the ceremony, even though Merchan had not yet made a final decision. In a comedic segment, Jimmy Kimmel's team compiled and edited some of Trump's most memorable and "inspirational" moments into a fictional speech.

The result was a wild and exaggerated address that culminated in a chilling declaration from Donald Trump: "The American Dream is dead."

Jimmy Kimmel's Imagined Speech

The imagined speech played on Donald Trump's well-known speaking style, marked by its bombast and self-aggrandizement.

By editing together various statements from Trump, Kimmel's team crafted a narrative that was both entertaining and reflective of the former president's unique approach to public speaking. The segment was part of Kimmel's ongoing commentary on political events and personalities, which has become a staple of his late-night show.

It provided a satirical look at what might have been a memorable moment if Donald Trump had indeed delivered a speech at his son's graduation. For those interested in watching the segment, Kimmel's team suggests tuning in from the 3:50 mark of the episode, where the imagined speech begins.

This creative exercise not only showcased Jimmy Kimmel's comedic talents but also offered viewers a lighthearted take on the ongoing saga surrounding Donald Trump and his family's public appearances.

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Jimmy Kimmel's Hilarious Take on Trump's Speech at Barron's Graduation

L.A. Chargers mock Harrison Butker in Sims-style video

Harrison Butker.

The animated Los Angeles Chargers kicked Kansas City Chiefs star Harrison Butker into the kitchen Wednesday night, creatively mocking his belief that women should ditch careers for home life.

Moments after the NFL released its 2024 schedule, the Chargers dropped a 3 ½ -minute Sims-style video that spared no one and cast their opponents as everything from clowns to criminals.

At the 2:55 mark, the Chargers' post shows a Chiefs player wearing No. 7 ( Butker’s number ) toiling away in an old-fashioned kitchen — baking, cleaning and struggling with a flower arrangement.

ESPN’s Mina Kimes, one of the most respected football analysts on TV, used emojis of laughing tears to sum up the Chargers’ Butker content.

Butker was recently accused of putting his powerful field-goal-kicking foot in his mouth with a commencement speech advocating for women to give up careers and concentrate on spousal and motherhood duties.

The speech  at Benedictine College, a Catholic liberal arts school in Atchison, Kansas, was widely decried as sexist and misogynistic. He told female grads that their career aspirations are "diabolical lies” and that their only real happiness will come in service of their husbands and their offspring.

“How many of you are sitting here now, about to cross this stage, and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world,” said Butker, the NFL's fourth - leading scorer last season. “But I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.”

The Chargers’ social media team is widely viewed as one of the league's most creative and cutting, not afraid to poke fun at opponents.

Podcaster Mike Golic Jr. said he was impressed with the Chargers' fast work to take on the controversy.

“The Chargers have been the gold standard for this for a while now because their team allows them to take shots at their opponent," Golic said .

"And being able to quickly turn around putting Harrison Butker in the kitchen after all of his comments was A-plus trolling inside of the division and the kind of thing that years ago I don't know if NFL teams would have necessarily gone along with," he said.

Butker wasn't the only person or team the Chargers targeted for mockery.

  • The Chargers recalled Travis Kelce's amazement that squirrels can eat bread and how he's now at the beck and call of jet-setting Taylor Swift .
  • The Chargers, with first-year coach Jim Harbaugh, play host to the Baltimore Ravens and their longtime coach John Harbaugh on Nov. 25 . The brothers are depicted as children jumping on their childhood beds.
  • Chiefs superfan Xaviar Michael Bubuda, once known for wearing a wolf costume in his role as “ChiefsAholic,” pleaded guilty this year to a string of bank robberies. The Chargers gleefully took note of this transgression.
  • Although the New York Jets aren't on the Chargers schedule, that didn't stop them from reminding fans of Gang Green QB Aaron Rodgers' fondness for conspiracy theories .

The NFL's regular season kicks off Sept. 5 with the Ravens visiting the defending champion Chiefs in a Thursday night game televised by NBC.

The season ends on Feb. 9 with the Super Bowl in New Orleans.

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David K. Li is a senior breaking news reporter for NBC News Digital.


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    Learn about the five types of speech styles according to their formality and vocabulary, from frozen to intimate. Find out how to use them in different settings and situations with examples and tips.

  2. 13 Main Types of Speeches (With Examples and Tips)

    Learn about 13 main types of speeches, such as informative, persuasive, entertaining and more. Find out how to choose the right type of speech for your audience and purpose, and get tips to improve your speech skills.

  3. The 4 Main Types of Speaking Styles (& How to Master Them All)

    Learn how to adapt your speaking style to different occasions and audiences. Discover the characteristics of motivational, command, facilitating, and entertaining styles, and how to use them effectively.

  4. The 4 types of speeches: overviews, writing guidelines, examples

    Learn how to choose and deliver informative, demonstrative, persuasive and special occasion speeches. Find topic suggestions, outlines, tips and resources for each speech type.

  5. 7.2: Four Types of Speeches

    Manuscript Speech. Memorized Speech. Impromptu Speech. Extemporaneous Speech. Speeches can be categorized into four broad areas depending on the amount of preparation that is undertaken and depending upon the nature of the occasion. The four types of speeches are manuscript, memorized, extemporaneous, and impromptu.

  6. Speech Style Definition, Purpose & Importance

    Learn about speech style and why it matters. Identify types, levels, and purposes of speaking styles, and examine factors to consider when choosing a speech style.

  7. Four Types of Speeches

    The four types of speeches are manuscript, memorized, extemporaneous, and impromptu. Our aim is to acquaint you with these four different modes of delivery, to provide suggestions for when you are asked to make impromptu remarks, and then to focus most your time on the preparation, practice, and presentation of extemporaneous speeches.

  8. 1.5: Types of Speeches and Speaking Occasions

    In a persuasive speech, the presenter will attempt to reinforce or change their audiences' beliefs, attitudes, feelings, or values. Several occasions where persuasion is used include a sales pitch to potential customers, a politician's campaign speech, or a debate during a public forum. The last general purpose is to commemorate or entertain.

  9. 10.1: What are the Different Types of Speeches?

    Your instructor will most likely assign you an informative and persuasive speech, and then perhaps one more. The third one might be a special occasion speech, such as a tribute (commemorative), an after-dinner speech, a toast, or a eulogy. These four types of speeches fit into the category of "to inspire" or "to entertain.".

  10. Teaching speaking #2

    Different speech styles reflect perceptions of the social roles of the participants in a speech event. If the speaker and hearer are judged to be of more or less equal status, a casual speech style that stresses affiliation and solidarity is appropriate. If the participants are perceived as being of uneven power or status, a more formal speech ...

  11. Types of Speeches: A Guide to Different Styles and Formats

    1. Informative Speech. An informative speech is designed to educate the audience on a particular topic. The goal is to provide the audience with new information or insights and increase their understanding of the topic. The speech should be well-researched, organized, and delivered in a clear and engaging manner. 2.

  12. 9 Different Types of Speeches (Plus Tips and Examples for Each)

    Oratorical Speech. Oratorical speeches are delivered in the style used by an orator. Its name is a little redundant because "orator" and "oratorical" both relate to the giving of speeches. These types of speeches are usually given at a special celebration such as an inauguration or ribbon-cutting ceremony. They can be long and formal ...

  13. Speech Structure: The Complete OBC Guide

    The content, of course, but also the structure. All great speakers overlay their content on a well-known structure. Your speech structure is the glue that binds your points together. Without it, you cannot really have the impact you desire to have on the audience. The beauty of this is that a good structure is so subtle it is almost invisible.

  14. 14.1 Four Methods of Delivery

    Extemporaneous speaking consists of delivering a speech in a conversational fashion using notes. This is the style most speeches call for. Manuscript speaking consists of reading a fully scripted speech. It is useful when a message needs to be delivered in precise words. Memorized speaking consists of reciting a scripted speech from memory.

  15. 4 Types of Public Speaking (A Complete Guide)

    The four main types of public speaking are informative, persuasive, demonstrative, and ceremonial. Understanding these will help specialize how you speak to the intention of your speech. The article goes over all the basic information, examples, and key things to note when delivering these types of speeches. Public speaking is multifaceted.

  16. 9 Different Types Of Speeches (Plus Tips And Examples)

    Magazine. 9 Different Types Of Speeches (Plus Tips And Examples) Martin Luther King's I have a dream. Winston Churchill's we shall fight on the beaches speech. J. F. Kennedy's The decision to go to the moon speech. Nelson Mandela's I am the first accused speech. Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg address.

  17. Methods of Speech Delivery

    Identify the four types of speech delivery methods and when to use them. There are four basic methods of speech delivery: manuscript, memorized, impromptu, and extemporaneous. ... For example, if a speech is being given on a pet peeve of chewed gum being left under desks in classrooms, it might be organized like this. Introduction: Speaker ...

  18. Need Help With A Speech? Here Are 10 Types of Speeches To Explore

    Learn about the different types of speeches and how to write and deliver them effectively. Explore the basic types (entertaining, informative, demonstrative and persuasive) and the more specific types (motivational, impromptu, oratorical and debate).

  19. Organizational Styles

    Spatial. Another way to organize the points of a speech is through a spatial speech, which arranges main points according to their physical and geographic relationships. The spatial style is an especially useful organization style when the main point's importance is derived from its location or directional focus.

  20. The 8 Parts of Speech

    A part of speech (also called a word class) is a category that describes the role a word plays in a sentence.Understanding the different parts of speech can help you analyze how words function in a sentence and improve your writing. The parts of speech are classified differently in different grammars, but most traditional grammars list eight parts of speech in English: nouns, pronouns, verbs ...

  21. Parts of Speech

    8 Parts of Speech Definitions and Examples: 1. Nouns are words that are used to name people, places, animals, ideas and things. Nouns can be classified into two main categories: Common nouns and Proper nouns. Common nouns are generic like ball, car, stick, etc., and proper nouns are more specific like Charles, The White House, The Sun, etc.

  22. NFL Player Harrison Butker Draws Rebukes for Commencement Speech

    N.F.L. Player Draws Rebukes (and Trolling) for Graduation Speech. Kansas City's Harrison Butker quoted Taylor Swift lyrics while telling men to be "unapologetic in your masculinity" and ...

  23. Age-related differences in processing of emotions in speech disappear

    Types of noise. Speech stimuli were presented on the background of either a fluctuating wideband speech-spectrum noise, or an eight-female-talker babble noise (both taken from Mama et al., Citation 2018). Both noise types used in this study were fluctuating and had comparable audiological characteristics ...

  24. Jerry Seinfeld Commencement Speech Spurs Walkout at Duke University

    That aggravation boiled over today, in the form of a student walkout at Duke University's graduation, just as the Seinfeld star took the stage to deliver the school's commencement speech ...

  25. Eddie Vedder Rips Harrison Butker Speech: 'People Of Quality ...

    With Masterful Swaken, Bab L' Bluz Defy Limits of Style and Space-Time. "There's nothing more masculine than a strong man supporting a strong woman. People of quality do not fear equality ...

  26. Donald Tusk says Europe must build its own Israel-style Iron Dome

    Europe must create its own Israel-style Iron Dome to protect against missile and drone attack, the prime minister of Poland has said.. Donald Tusk said he and other leaders would propose plans for ...

  27. Jimmy Kimmel's Hilarious Take on Trump's Speech at Barron's ...

    The imagined speech played on Donald Trump's well-known speaking style, marked by its bombast and self-aggrandizement.

  28. L.A. Chargers mock Harrison Butker in Sims-style video

    Butker was accused of putting his powerful field-goal-kicking foot in his mouth with a commencement speech advocating for women to give up careers and concentrate on spousal and motherhood duties ...

  29. Harry Styles and Taylor Russell break up after 1 year of dating

    Watermelon sugar, bye! Harry Styles and his girlfriend Taylor Russell reportedly have broken up. A source told The Sun that the former couple went through a rough patch after a recent trip to Japan…