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44 Critical Thinking Skills

Learning objectives.

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Describe the role that logic plays in critical thinking
  • Explain how critical thinking skills can be used to problem-solve
  • Describe how critical thinking skills can be used to evaluate information
  • Identify strategies for developing yourself as a critical thinker

Thinking comes naturally. You don’t have to make it happen—it just does. But you can make it happen in different ways. For example, you can think positively or negatively. You can think with “heart” and you can think with rational judgment. You can also think strategically and analytically, and mathematically and scientifically. These are a few of the multiple ways in which the mind can process thought.

What are some forms of thinking you use? When do you use them, and why?

As a college student, you are tasked with engaging and expanding your thinking skills. One of the most important of these skills is critical thinking. Critical thinking is important because it relates to nearly all tasks, situations, topics, careers, environments, challenges, and opportunities. It’s a “domain-general” thinking skill—not a thinking skill that’s reserved for a one subject alone or restricted to a particular subject area.

Great leaders have highly attuned critical thinking skills, and you can, too. In fact, you probably have a lot of these skills already. Of all your thinking skills, critical thinking may have the greatest value.

What Is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking  is clear, reasonable, reflective thinking focused on deciding what to believe or do. It means asking probing questions like, “How do we know?” or “Is this true in every case or just in this instance?” It involves being skeptical and challenging assumptions, rather than simply memorizing facts or blindly accepting what you hear or read.

Imagine, for example, that you’re reading a history textbook. You wonder who wrote it and why, because you detect certain biases in the writing. You find that the author has a limited scope of research focused only on a particular group within a population. In this case, your critical thinking reveals that there are “other sides to the story.”

Who are critical thinkers, and what characteristics do they have in common?

  • Critical thinkers are usually curious and reflective people. They like to explore and probe new areas and seek knowledge, clarification, and new solutions. They ask pertinent questions, evaluate statements and arguments, and distinguish between facts and opinion. They are also willing to examine their own beliefs, possessing a manner of humility that allows them to admit a lack of knowledge or understanding when needed. They are open to changing their mind. Perhaps most of all, they actively enjoy learning, and seeking new knowledge is a lifelong pursuit.

This may well be you!

No matter where you are on the road to being a critical thinker, you can always more fully develop and finely tune your skills. Doing so will help you develop more balanced arguments, express yourself clearly, read critically, and glean important information efficiently. Critical thinking skills will help you in any profession or any circumstance of life, from science to art to business to teaching. With critical thinking, you become a clearer thinker and problem solver.

Critical Thinking and Logic

Critical thinking is fundamentally a process of questioning information and data. You may question the information you read in a textbook, or you may question what a politician or a professor or a classmate says. You can also question a commonly-held belief or a new idea. With critical thinking, anything and everything is subject to question and examination for the purpose of logically constructing reasoned perspectives.

What Is Logic, and Why Is It Important in Critical Thinking?

The word  logic  comes from the Ancient Greek  logike , referring to the science or art of reasoning. Using logic, a person evaluates arguments and reasoning and strives to distinguish between good and bad reasoning, or between truth and falsehood. Using logic, you can evaluate ideas or claims people make, make good decisions, and form sound beliefs about the world. [1]

Questions of Logic in Critical Thinking

Let’s use a simple example of applying logic to a critical-thinking situation. In this hypothetical scenario, a man has a PhD in political science, and he works as a professor at a local college. His wife works at the college, too. They have three young children in the local school system, and their family is well known in the community. The man is now running for political office. Are his credentials and experience sufficient for entering public office? Will he be effective in the political office? Some voters might believe that his personal life and current job, on the surface, suggest he will do well in the position, and they will vote for him. In truth, the characteristics described don’t guarantee that the man will do a good job. The information is somewhat irrelevant. What else might you want to know? How about whether the man had already held a political office and done a good job? In this case, we want to ask, How much information is adequate in order to make a decision based on logic instead of assumptions?

The following questions, presented in Figure 1, below, are ones you may apply to formulating a logical, reasoned perspective in the above scenario or any other situation:

  • What’s happening?  Gather the basic information and begin to think of questions.
  • Why is it important?  Ask yourself why it’s significant and whether or not you agree.
  • What don’t I see?  Is there anything important missing?
  • How do I know?  Ask yourself where the information came from and how it was constructed.
  • Who is saying it?  What’s the position of the speaker and what is influencing them?

Infographic titled "Questions a Critical Thinker Asks." From the top, text reads: What's Happening? Gather the basic information and begin to think of questions (image of two stick figures talking to each other). Why is it Important? Ask yourself why it's significant and whether or not you agree. (Image of bearded stick figure sitting on a rock.) What Don't I See? Is there anything important missing? (Image of stick figure wearing a blindfold, whistling, walking away from a sign labeled Answers.) How Do I Know? Ask yourself where the information came from and how it was constructed. (Image of stick figure in a lab coat, glasses, holding a beaker.) Who is Saying It? What's the position of the speaker and what is influencing them? (Image of stick figure reading a newspaper.) What Else? What If? What other ideas exist and are there other possibilities? (Stick figure version of Albert Einstein with a thought bubble saying "If only time were relative...".


For most people, a typical day is filled with critical thinking and problem-solving challenges. In fact, critical thinking and problem-solving go hand-in-hand. They both refer to using knowledge, facts, and data to solve problems effectively. But with problem-solving, you are specifically identifying, selecting, and defending your solution. Below are some examples of using critical thinking to problem-solve:

  • Your roommate was upset and said some unkind words to you, which put a crimp in the relationship. You try to see through the angry behaviors to determine how you might best support the roommate and help bring the relationship back to a comfortable spot.
  • Your campus club has been languishing on account of a lack of participation and funds. The new club president, though, is a marketing major and has identified some strategies to interest students in joining and supporting the club. Implementation is forthcoming.
  • Your final art class project challenges you to conceptualize form in new ways. On the last day of class when students present their projects, you describe the techniques you used to fulfill the assignment. You explain why and how you selected that approach.
  • Your math teacher sees that the class is not quite grasping a concept. She uses clever questioning to dispel anxiety and guide you to new understanding of the concept.
  • You have a job interview for a position that you feel you are only partially qualified for, although you really want the job and you are excited about the prospects. You analyze how you will explain your skills and experiences in a way to show that you are a good match for the prospective employer.
  • You are doing well in college, and most of your college and living expenses are covered. But there are some gaps between what you want and what you feel you can afford. You analyze your income, savings, and budget to better calculate what you will need to stay in college and maintain your desired level of spending.

Evaluating Information

Evaluating information can be one of the most complex tasks you will be faced with in college. But if you utilize the following four strategies, you will be well on your way to success:

  • Read for understanding by using text coding
  • Examine arguments
  • Clarify thinking
  • Cultivate “habits of mind”

Examine Arguments

When you examine arguments or claims that an author, speaker, or other source is making, your goal is to identify and examine the hard facts. You can use the  spectrum of authority strategy for this purpose. The spectrum of authority strategy assists you in identifying the “hot” end of an argument—feelings, beliefs, cultural influences, and societal influences—and the “cold” end of an argument—scientific influences.

Clarify Thinking

When you use critical thinking to evaluate information, you need to clarify your thinking to yourself and likely to others. Doing this well is mainly a process of asking and answering probing questions, such as the logic questions discussed earlier. Design your questions to fit your needs, but be sure to cover adequate ground. What is the purpose? What question are we trying to answer? What point of view is being expressed? What assumptions are we or others making? What are the facts and data we know, and how do we know them? What are the concepts we’re working with? What are the conclusions, and do they make sense? What are the implications?

Cultivate “Habits of Mind”

“Habits of mind” are the personal commitments, values, and standards you have about the principle of good thinking. Consider your intellectual commitments, values, and standards. Do you approach problems with an open mind, a respect for truth, and an inquiring attitude? Some good habits to have when thinking critically are being receptive to having your opinions changed, having respect for others, being independent and not accepting something is true until you’ve had the time to examine the available evidence, being fair-minded, having respect for a reason, having an inquiring mind, not making assumptions, and always, especially, questioning your own conclusions—in other words, developing an intellectual work ethic. Try to work these qualities into your daily life.

Developing Yourself as a Critical Thinker

Photo of a group of students standing around a poster on the wall, where they're adding post-it notes with handwriting on them

Critical thinking is a desire to seek, patience to doubt, fondness to meditate, slowness to assert, readiness to consider, carefulness to dispose and set in order; and hatred for every kind of imposture. —Francis Bacon, philosopher

Critical thinking is a fundamental skill for college students, but it should also be a lifelong pursuit. Below are additional strategies to develop yourself as a critical thinker in college and in everyday life:

  • Reflect and practice : Always reflect on what you’ve learned. Is it true all the time? How did you arrive at your conclusions?
  • Use wasted time : It’s certainly important to make time for relaxing, but if you find you are indulging in too much of a good thing, think about using your time more constructively. Determine when you do your best thinking and try to learn something new during that part of the day.
  • Redefine the way you see things : It can be very uninteresting to always think the same way. Challenge yourself to see familiar things in new ways. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes and consider things from a different angle or perspective.  If you’re trying to solve a problem, list all your concerns: what you need in order to solve it, who can help, what some possible barriers might be, etc. It’s often possible to reframe a problem as an opportunity. Try to find a solution where there seems to be none.
  • Analyze the influences on your thinking and in your life : Why do you think or feel the way you do? Analyze your influences. Think about who in your life influences you. Do you feel or react a certain way because of social convention, or because you believe it is what is expected of you? Try to break out of any molds that may be constricting you.
  • Express yourself : Critical thinking also involves being able to express yourself clearly. Most important in expressing yourself clearly is stating one point at a time. You might be inclined to argue every thought, but you might have greater impact if you focus just on your main arguments. This will help others to follow your thinking clearly. For more abstract ideas, assume that your audience may not understand. Provide examples, analogies, or metaphors where you can.
  • Enhance your wellness : It’s easier to think critically when you take care of your mental and physical health.  Try taking 10-minute activity breaks to reach 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity each day . Try taking a break between classes and walk to the coffee shop that’s farthest away. Scheduling physical activity into your day can help lower stress and increase mental alertness. Also,  do your most difficult work when you have the most energy . Think about the time of day you are most effective and have the most energy. Plan to do your most difficult work during these times. And be sure to  reach out for help . If you feel you need assistance with your mental or physical health, talk to a counselor or visit a doctor.

Key Takeaways

Critical thinking is a skill that will help speakers further develop their arguments and position their speech in a strong manner.

  • Critical thinking utilizes thought, plan, and action. Be sure to consider the research at-hand and develop an argument that is logical and connects to the audience.
  • It is important to conduct an audience analysis to understand the ways in which your research and argument will resonate with the group you are delivering your information to; you can strengthen your argument by accurately positioning your argument and yourself in within a diverse audience.
  • “Student Success-Thinking Critically In Class and Online.” Critical Thinking Gateway. St Petersburg College, n.d. Web. 16 Feb 2016.  ↵

Public Speaking Copyright © by Dr. Layne Goodman; Amber Green, M.A.; and Various is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Critical Thinking and Reasoning

Logic and the role of arguments.

Critical thinkers tend to exhibit certain traits that are common to them. These traits are summarized in Table 6.1: [1]

Martha Stewart

“ Martha Stewart ” by nrkbeta.  CC-BY-SA .

Next, we will examine each of these skills and their role in critical thinking in greater detail. As you read through the explanation of and examples for each skill, think about how it works in conjunction with the others. It’s important to note that while our discussion of the skills is presented in a linear manner, in practice our use of each skill is not so straightforward. We may exercise different skills simultaneously or jump forward and backward.

Without an open-minded mind, you can never be a great success. – Martha Stewart

In order to understand listening, we must first understand the difference between listening and hearing . At its most basic, hearing refers to the physiological process of receiving sounds, while listening refers to the  psychological process of interpreting or making sense of those sounds.

Every minute of every day we are surrounded by hundreds of different noises and sounds. If we were to try to make sense of each different sound we would probably spend our day just doing this. While we may hear all of the noises, we filter out many of them. They pass through our lives without further notice. Certain noises, however, jump to the forefront of our consciousness. As we listen to them, we make sense of these sounds. We do this every day without necessarily thinking about the process. Like many other bodily functions, it happens without our willing it to happen.

Critical thinking requires that we consciously listen to messages. We must focus on what is being said – and not said. We must strive not to be distracted by other outside noises or the internal noise of our own preconceived ideas. For the moment we only need to take in the message.

Listening becomes especially difficult when the message contains highly charged information. Think about what happens when you try to discuss a controversial issue such as abortion. As the other person speaks, you may have every good intention of listening to the entire argument.

However, when the person says something you feel strongly about you start formulating a counter-argument in your head. The end result is that both sides end up talking past each other without ever really listening to what the other says.

Once we have listened to a message, we can begin to analyze it. In practice we often begin analyzing messages while still listening to them. When we analyze something, we consider it in greater detail, separating out the main components of the message. In a sense, we are acting like a surgeon on the message, carving out all of the different elements and laying them out for further consideration and possible action.

Let’s return to Shonda’s persuasive speech to see analysis in action. As part of the needs section of her speech, Shonda makes the following remarks:

Americans today are some of the unhealthiest people on Earth. It seems like not a week goes by without some news story relating how we are the fattest country in the world. In addition to being overweight, we suffer from a number of other health problems. When I was conducting research for my speech, I read somewhere that heart attacks are the number one killer of men and the number two killer of women. Think about that. My uncle had a heart attack and had to be rushed to the hospital. They hooked him up to a bunch of different machines to keep him alive. We all thought he was going to die. He’s ok now, but he has to take a bunch of pills every day and eat a special diet. Plus he had to pay thousands of dollars in medical bills. Wouldn’t you like to know how to prevent this from happening to you?

If we were to analyze this part of Shonda’s speech (see Table 6.2), we could begin by looking at the claims she makes. We could then look at the evidence she presents in support of these claims. Having parsed out the various elements, we are then ready to evaluate them and by extension the message as a whole.

When we evaluate something we continue the process of analysis by assessing the various claims and arguments for validity. One way we evaluate a message is to ask questions about what is being said and who is saying it. The following is a list of typical questions we may ask, along with an evaluation of the ideas in Shonda’s speech.

Is the speaker credible?

Yes. While Shonda may not be an expert per se on the issue of health benefits related to wine, she has made herself a mini-expert through conducting research.

Does the statement ring true or false based on common sense?

It sounds kind of fishy. Four or more glasses of wine in one sitting doesn’t seem right. In fact, it seems like it might be bordering on binge drinking.

Does the logic employed hold up to scrutiny?

Based on the little bit of Shonda’s speech we see here, her logic does seem to be sound. As we will see later on, she actually commits a few fallacies.

What questions or objections are raised by the message?

In addition to the possibility of Shonda’s proposal being binge drinking, it also raises the possibility of creating alcoholism or causing other long term health problems.

How will further information affect the message?

More information will probably contradict her claims. In fact, most medical research in this area contradicts the claim that drinking 4 or more glasses of wine a day is a good thing.

Will further information strengthen or weaken the claims?

Most likely Shonda’s claims will be weakened.

What questions or objections are raised by the claims?

In addition to the objections we’ve already discussed, there is also the problem of the credibility of Shonda’s expert “doctor.”

A wise man proportions his belief to the evidence. – David Hume

Inference and Interpretation or Explanation

“imply” or “infer”.

For two relatively small words, imply and infer seem to generate an inordinately large amount of confusion. Understanding the difference between the two and knowing when to use the right one is not only a useful skill, but it also makes you sound a lot smarter!

Let’s begin with imply. Imply means to suggest or convey an idea. A speaker or a piece of writing implies things. For example, in Shonda’s speech, she implies it is better to drink more red wine. In other words, she never directly says that we need to drink more red wine, but she clearly hints at it when she suggests that drinking four or more glasses a day will provide us with health benefits.

Now let’s consider infer. Infer means that something in a speaker’s words or a piece of writing helps us to draw a conclusion outside of his/her words. We infer a conclusion. Returning to Shonda’s speech, we can infer she would want us to drink more red wine rather than less. She never comes right out and says this. However, by considering her overall message, we can draw this conclusion.

Another way to think of the difference between imply and infer is: A speaker (or writer for that matter) implies. The audience infers.

Therefore, it would be incorrect to say that Shonda infers we should drink more rather than less wine. She implies this. To help you differentiate between the two, remember that an inference is something that comes from outside the spoken or written text.

The next step in critically examining a message is to interpret or explain the conclusions that we draw from it. At this phase we consider the evidence and the claims together. In effect we are reassembling the components that we parsed out during analysis. We are continuing our evaluation by looking at the evidence, alternatives, and possible conclusions.

Before we draw any inferences or attempt any explanations, we should look at the evidence provided. When we consider evidence we must first determine what, if any, kind of support is provided. Of the evidence we then ask:

  • Is the evidence sound?
  • Does the evidence say what thespeaker says it does?
  • Does contradictory evidenceexist?
  • Is the evidence from a validcredible source?


Seatbelt by M.Minderhoud, CC-BY-SA .

Even though these are set up as yes or no questions, you’ll probably find in practice that your answers are a bit more complex. For example, let’s say you’re writing a speech on why we should wear our seatbelts at all times while driving. You’ve researched the topic and found solid, credible information setting forth the numerous reasons why wearing a seatbelt can help save your life and decrease the number of injuries experienced during a motor vehicle accident. Certainly, there exists contradictory evidence arguing seat belts can cause more injuries. For example, if you’re in an accident where your car is partially submerged in water, wearing a seatbelt may impede your ability to quickly exit the vehicle. Does the fact that this evidence exists negate your claims? Probably not, but you need to be thorough in evaluating and considering how you use your evidence.

A man who does not think for himself does not think at all. – Oscar Wilde


The final step in critically examining a message is actually a skill we should exercise throughout the entire process. With self-regulation, we consider our pre-existing thoughts on the subject and any biases we may have. We examine how what we think on an issue may have influenced the way we understand (or think we understand) the message and any conclusions we have drawn. Just as contradictory evidence doesn’t automatically negate our claims or invalidate our arguments, our biases don’t necessarily make our conclusions wrong. The goal of practicing self-regulation is not to disavow or deny our opinions. The goal is to create distance between our opinions and the messages we evaluate.

The Value of Critical Thinking

In public speaking, the value of being a critical thinker cannot be overstressed. Critical thinking helps us to determine the truth or validity of arguments. However, it also helps us to formulate strong arguments for our speeches. Exercising critical thinking at all steps of the speech writing and delivering process can help us avoid situations like Shonda found herself in. Critical thinking is not a magical panacea that will make us super speakers. However, it is another tool that we can add to our speech toolbox.

When the mind is thinking, it is talking to itself. – Plato

As we will learn in the following pages, we construct arguments based on logic. Understanding the ways logic can be used and possibly misused is a vital skill. To help stress the importance of it, the Foundation for Critical Thinking has set forth universal standards of reasoning. These standards can be found in Table 6.3.

Billboard that says Sharia Law threatens America.

“Sharia Law Billboard” by Matt57. Public domain.

We use logic every day. Even if we have never formally studied logical reasoning and fallacies, we can often tell when a person’s statement doesn’t sound right. Think about the claims we see in many advertisements today—Buy product X, and you will be beautiful/thin/happy or have the carefree life depicted in the advertisement. With very little critical thought, we know intuitively that simply buying a product will not magically change our lives. Even if we can’t identify the specific fallacy at work in the argument (non causa in this case), we know there is some flaw in the argument.

By studying logic and fallacies we can learn to formulate stronger and more cohesive arguments, avoiding problems like that mentioned above. The study of logic has a long history. We can trace the roots of modern logical study back to Aristotle in ancient Greece. Aristotle’s simple definition of logic as the means by which we come to know anything still provides a concise understanding of logic. [3] Of the classical pillars of a core liberal arts education of logic, grammar, and rhetoric, logic has developed as a fairly independent branch of philosophical studies. We use logic everyday when we construct statements, argue our point of view, and in myriad other ways. Understanding how logic is used will help us communicate more efficiently and effectively.

Defining Arguments

When we think and speak logically, we pull together statements that combine reasoning with evidence to support an assertion, arguments. A logical argument should not be confused with the type of argument you have with your sister or brother or any other person. When you argue with your sibling, you participate in a conflict in which you disagree about something. You may, however, use a logical argument in the midst of the argument with your sibling. Consider this example:

Man and woman arguing

“Man and Woman Arguing” by mzacha. morgueFile .

Brother and sister, Sydney and Harrison are arguing about whose turn it is to clean their bathroom. Harrison tells Sydney she should do it because she is a girl and girls are better at cleaning. Sydney responds that being a girl has nothing to do with whose turn it is. She reminds Harrison that according to their work chart, they are responsible for cleaning the bathroom on alternate weeks. She tells him she cleaned the bathroom last week; therefore, it is his turn this week. Harrison, still unconvinced, refuses to take responsibility for the chore. Sydney then points to the work chart and shows him where it specifically says it is his turn this week. Defeated, Harrison digs out the cleaning supplies.

Throughout their bathroom argument, both Harrison and Sydney use logical arguments to advance their point. You may ask why Sydney is successful and Harrison is not. This is a good question. Let’s critically think about each of their arguments to see why one fails and one succeeds.

Let’s start with Harrison’s argument. We can summarize it into three points:

  • Girls are better at cleaning bathrooms than boys.
  • Sydney is a girl.
  • Therefore, Sydney should clean the bathroom.

Harrison’s argument here is a form of deductive reasoning, specifically a syllogism. We will consider syllogisms in a few minutes. For our purposes here, let’s just focus on why Harrison’s argument fails to persuade Sydney. Assuming for the moment that we agree with Harrison’s first two premises, then it would seem that his argument makes sense. We know that Sydney is a girl, so the second premise is true. This leaves the first premise that girls are better at cleaning bathrooms than boys. This is the exact point where Harrison’s argument goes astray. The only way his entire argument will work is if we agree with the assumption girls are better at cleaning bathrooms than boys.

Let’s now look at Sydney’s argument and why it works. Her argument can be summarized as follows:

  • The bathroom responsibilities alternate weekly according to the work chart.
  • Sydney cleaned the bathroom last week.
  • The chart indicates it is Harrison’s turn to clean the bathroom this week.
  • Therefore, Harrison should clean the bathroom.

Toilet seat

“Decorative toilet seat” by Bartux~commonswikiv. Public domain.

Sydney’s argument here is a form of inductive reasoning. We will look at inductive reasoning in depth below. For now, let’s look at why Sydney’s argument succeeds where Harrison’s fails. Unlike Harrison’s argument, which rests on assumption for its truth claims, Sydney’s argument rests on evidence. We can define evidence as anything used to support the validity of an assertion. Evidence includes: testimony, scientific findings, statistics, physical objects, and many others. Sydney uses two primary pieces of evidence: the work chart and her statement that she cleaned the bathroom last week. Because Harrison has no contradictory evidence, he can’t logically refute Sydney’s assertion and is therefore stuck with scrubbing the toilet.

Defining Deduction

Deductive reasoning refers to an argument in which the truth of its premises guarantees the truth of its conclusions. Think back to Harrison’s argument for Sydney cleaning the bathroom. In order for his final claim to be valid, we must accept the truth of his claims that girls are better at cleaning bathrooms than boys. The key focus in deductive arguments is that it must be impossible for the premises to be true and the conclusion to be false. The classic example is:

All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefore, Socrates is mortal.

We can look at each of these statements individually and see each is true in its own right. It is virtually impossible for the first two propositions to be true and the conclusion to be false. Any argument which fails to meet this standard commits a logical error or fallacy. Even if we might accept the arguments as good and the conclusion as possible, the argument fails as a form of deductive reasoning.

A few observations and much reasoning lead to error; many observations and a little reasoning to truth. – Alexis Carrel

Another way to think of deductive reasoning is to think of it as moving from a general premise to a specific premise. The basic line of reasoning looks like this:

Major premise to minor premise to conclusion.

“Deductive Reasoning” CC-BY-NC-ND .

This form of deductive reasoning is called a syllogism. A syllogism need not have only three components to its argument, but it must have at least three. We have Aristotle to thank for identifying the syllogism and making the study of logic much easier. The focus on syllogisms dominated the field of philosophy for thousands of years. In fact, it wasn’t until the early nineteenth century that we began to see the discussion of other types of logic and other forms of logical reasoning.

Logic: the art of thinking and reasoning in strict accordance with the limitations and incapacities of the human misunderstanding. – Ambrose Bierce

It is easy to fall prey to missteps in reasoning when we focus on syllogisms and deductive reasoning. Let’s return to Harrison’s argument and see what happens.

Girls are better at cleaning bathrooms. Sydney is a girl. Therefore, Sydney should clean the bathroom.

“Applied Deductive Reasoning” CC-BY-NC-ND .

Considered in this manner, it should be clear how the strength of the conclusion depends upon us accepting as true the first two statements. This need for truth sets up deductive reasoning as a very rigid form of reasoning. If either one of the first two premises isn’t true, then the entire argument fails.

Let’s turn to recent world events for another example.

The United States should invade any countries holding weapons of mass destruction. According to our experts, Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. Therefore, we should invade Iraq.

“US Invasion Deductive Reasoning Example” CC-BY-NC-ND .

In the debates over whether the United States should take military action in Iraq, this was the basic line of reasoning used to justify an invasion. This logic was sufficient for the United States to invade Iraq; however, as we have since learned, this line of reasoning also shows how quickly logic can go bad. We subsequently learned that the “experts” weren’t quite so confident, and their “evidence” wasn’t quite as concrete as originally represented.

Defining Induction

Inductive reasoning is often though of as the opposite of deductive reasoning; however, this approach is not wholly accurate. Inductive reasoning does move from the specific to the general. However, this fact alone does not make it the opposite of deductive reasoning. An argument which fails in its deductive reasoning may still stand inductively.

Unlike deductive reasoning, there is no standard format inductive arguments must take, making them more flexible. We can define an inductive argument as one in which the truth of its propositions lends support to the conclusion. The difference here in deduction is the truth of the propositions establishes with absolute certainty the truth of the conclusion. When we analyze an inductive argument, we do not focus on the truth of its premises. Instead we analyze inductive arguments for their strength or soundness.

Case one, Case two, and Case three in a funnel. They come out to form a conclusion.

“Inductive Reasoning Model” CC-BY-NC-ND .

Another significant difference between deduction and induction is inductive arguments do not have a standard format. Let’s return to Sydney’s argument to see how induction develops in action:

  • Bathroom cleaning responsibilities alternate weekly according to the work chart.

What Sydney does here is build to her conclusion that Harrison should clean the bathroom. She begins by stating the general house rule of alternate weeks for cleaning. She then adds in evidence before concluding her argument. While her argument is strong, we don’t know if it is true. There could be other factors Sydney has left out. Sydney may have agreed to take Harrison’s week of bathroom cleaning in exchange for him doing another one of her chores. Or there may be some extenuating circumstances preventing Harrison from bathroom cleaning this week.

You should carefully study the Art of Reasoning, as it is what most people are very deficient in, and I know few things more disagreeable than to argue, or even converse with a man who has no idea of inductive and deductive philosophy. – William John Wills

Let’s return to the world stage for another example. After the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, we heard variations of the following arguments:

  • The terrorists were Muslim (or Arab or Middle Eastern)
  • The terrorists hated America.
  • Therefore, all Muslims (or Arabs or Middle Easterners) hate America.

Rubble of the World Trade Center.

“1993 Word Trade Center bombing” by Bureau of ATF 1993 Explosives Incident Report. Public domain.

Clearly, we can see the problem in this line of reasoning. Beyond being a scary example of hyperbolic rhetoric, we can all probably think of at least one counter example to disprove the conclusion. However, individual passions and biases caused many otherwise rational people to say these things in the weeks following the attacks. This example also clearly illustrates how easy it is to get tripped up in your use of logic and the importance of practicing self-regulation.

  • Adapted from Facione, P. A. (1990). Critical Thinking: A Statement of Expert Consensus for Purposes of Educational Assessment and Instruction, The Delphi Report (Executive Summary) . Millbrae, CA: California Academic Press. ↵
  • Adapted from Facione, P. A. (1990). ↵
  • Aristotle. (1989). Prior Analytics (Trans. Robin Smith). Cambridge, MA: Hackett Publishing. ↵
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4.5 Listening Critically

Learning objectives.

  • Define and explain critical listening and its importance in the public speaking context.
  • Understand six distinct ways to improve your ability to critically listen to speeches.
  • Evaluate what it means to be an ethical listener.

A woman listening intently to a story being told by a very elderly woman

Kizzzbeth – Good Listener – CC BY-SA 2.0.

As a student, you are exposed to many kinds of messages. You receive messages conveying academic information, institutional rules, instructions, and warnings; you also receive messages through political discourse, advertisements, gossip, jokes, song lyrics, text messages, invitations, web links, and all other manner of communication. You know it’s not all the same, but it isn’t always clear how to separate the truth from the messages that are misleading or even blatantly false. Nor is it always clear which messages are intended to help the listener and which ones are merely self-serving for the speaker. Part of being a good listener is to learn when to use caution in evaluating the messages we hear.

Critical listening in this context means using careful, systematic thinking and reasoning to see whether a message makes sense in light of factual evidence. Critical listening can be learned with practice but is not necessarily easy to do. Some people never learn this skill; instead, they take every message at face value even when those messages are in conflict with their knowledge. Problems occur when messages are repeated to others who have not yet developed the skills to discern the difference between a valid message and a mistaken one. Critical listening can be particularly difficult when the message is complex. Unfortunately, some speakers may make their messages intentionally complex to avoid critical scrutiny. For example, a city treasurer giving a budget presentation might use very large words and technical jargon, which make it difficult for listeners to understand the proposed budget and ask probing questions.

Six Ways to Improve Your Critical Listening

Critical listening is first and foremost a skill that can be learned and improved. In this section, we are going to explore six different techniques you can use to become a more critical listener.

Recognizing the Difference between Facts and Opinions

Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan is credited with saying, “Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts” (Wikiquote). Part of critical listening is learning to separate opinions from facts, and this works two ways: critical listeners are aware of whether a speaker is delivering a factual message or a message based on opinion, and they are also aware of the interplay between their own opinions and facts as they listen to messages.

In American politics, the issue of health care reform is heavily laden with both opinions and facts, and it is extremely difficult to sort some of them out. A clash of fact versus opinion happened on September 9, 2010, during President Obama’s nationally televised speech to a joint session of Congress outlining his health care reform plan. In this speech, President Obama responded to several rumors about the plan, including the claim “that our reform effort will insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false—the reforms I’m proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally.” At this point, one congressman yelled out, “You lie!” Clearly, this congressman did not have a very high opinion of either the health care reform plan or the president. However, when the nonpartisan watch group Factcheck.org examined the language of the proposed bill, they found that it had a section titled “No Federal Payment for Undocumented Aliens” (Factcheck.org, 2009).

Often when people have a negative opinion about a topic, they are unwilling to accept facts. Instead, they question all aspects of the speech and have a negative predisposition toward both the speech and the speaker.

This is not to say that speakers should not express their opinions. Many of the greatest speeches in history include personal opinions. Consider, for example, Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech, in which he expressed his personal wish for the future of American society. Critical listeners may agree or disagree with a speaker’s opinions, but the point is that they know when a message they are hearing is based on opinion and when it is factual.

Uncovering Assumptions

If something is factual, supporting evidence exists. However, we still need to be careful about what evidence does and does not mean. Assumptions are gaps in a logical sequence that listeners passively fill with their own ideas and opinions and may or may not be accurate. When listening to a public speech, you may find yourself being asked to assume something is a fact when in reality many people question that fact. For example, suppose you’re listening to a speech on weight loss. The speaker talks about how people who are overweight are simply not motivated or lack the self-discipline to lose weight. The speaker has built the speech on the assumption that motivation and self-discipline are the only reasons why people can’t lose weight. You may think to yourself, what about genetics? By listening critically, you will be more likely to notice unwarranted assumptions in a speech, which may prompt you to question the speaker if questions are taken or to do further research to examine the validity of the speaker’s assumptions. If, however, you sit passively by and let the speaker’s assumptions go unchallenged, you may find yourself persuaded by information that is not factual.

When you listen critically to a speech, you might hear information that appears unsupported by evidence. You shouldn’t accept that information unconditionally. You would accept it under the condition that the speaker offers credible evidence that directly supports it.

Table 4.1 Facts vs. Assumptions

Be Open to New Ideas

Sometimes people are so fully invested in their perceptions of the world that they are unable to listen receptively to messages that make sense and would be of great benefit to them. Human progress has been possible, sometimes against great odds, because of the mental curiosity and discernment of a few people. In the late 1700s when the technique of vaccination to prevent smallpox was introduced, it was opposed by both medical professionals and everyday citizens who staged public protests (Edward Jenner Museum). More than two centuries later, vaccinations against smallpox, diphtheria, polio, and other infectious diseases have saved countless lives, yet popular opposition continues.

In the world of public speaking, we must be open to new ideas. Let’s face it, people have a tendency to filter out information they disagree with and to filter in information that supports what they already believe. Nicolaus Copernicus was a sixteenth-century astronomer who dared to publish a treatise explaining that the earth revolves around the sun, which was a violation of Catholic doctrine. Copernicus’s astronomical findings were labeled heretical and his treatise banned because a group of people at the time were not open to new ideas. In May of 2010, almost five hundred years after his death, the Roman Catholic Church admitted its error and reburied his remains with the full rites of Catholic burial (Owen, 2010).

While the Copernicus case is a fairly dramatic reversal, listeners should always be open to new ideas. We are not suggesting that you have to agree with every idea that you are faced with in life; rather, we are suggesting that you at least listen to the message and then evaluate the message.

Rely on Reason and Common Sense

If you are listening to a speech and your common sense tells you that the message is illogical, you very well might be right. You should be thinking about whether the speech seems credible and coherent. In this way, your use of common sense can act as a warning system for you.

One of our coauthors once heard a speech on the environmental hazards of fireworks. The speaker argued that fireworks (the public kind, not the personal kind people buy and set off in their backyards) were environmentally hazardous because of litter. Although there is certainly some paper that makes it to the ground before burning up, the amount of litter created by fireworks displays is relatively small compared to other sources of litter, including trash left behind by all the spectators watching fireworks at public parks and other venues. It just does not make sense to identify a few bits of charred paper as a major environmental hazard.

If the message is inconsistent with things you already know, if the argument is illogical, or if the language is exaggerated, you should investigate the issues before accepting or rejecting the message. Often, you will not be able to take this step during the presentation of the message; it may take longer to collect enough knowledge to make that decision for yourself.

However, when you are the speaker, you should not substitute common sense for evidence. That’s why during a speech it’s necessary to cite the authority of scholars whose research is irrefutable, or at least highly credible. It is all too easy to make a mistake in reasoning, sometimes called fallacy, in stating your case. We will discuss these fallacies in more detail in Chapter 8 “Supporting Ideas and Building Arguments” . One of the most common fallacies is post hoc, ergo propter hoc , a “common sense” form of logic that translates roughly as “after the fact, therefore because of the fact.” The argument says that if A happened first, followed by B, then A caused B. We know the outcome cannot occur earlier than the cause, but we also know that the two events might be related indirectly or that causality works in a different direction. For instance, imagine a speaker arguing that because the sun rises after a rooster’s crow, the rooster caused the sun to rise. This argument is clearly illogical because roosters crow many times each day, and the sun’s rising and setting do not change according to crowing or lack thereof. But the two events are related in a different way. Roosters tend to wake up and begin crowing at first light, about forty-five minutes before sunrise. Thus it is the impending sunrise that causes the predawn crowing.

In Chapter 2 “Ethics Matters: Understanding the Ethics of Public Speaking” , we pointed out that what is “common sense” for people of one generation or culture may be quite the opposite for people of a different generation or culture. Thus it is important not to assume that your audience shares the beliefs that are, for you, common sense. Likewise, if the message of your speech is complex or controversial, you should consider the needs of your audience and do your best to explain its complexities factually and logically, not intuitively.

Relate New Ideas to Old Ones

As both a speaker and a listener, one of the most important things you can do to understand a message is to relate new ideas to previously held ideas. Imagine you’re giving a speech about biological systems and you need to use the term “homeostasis,” which refers to the ability of an organism to maintain stability by making constant adjustments. To help your audience understand homeostasis, you could show how homeostasis is similar to adjustments made by the thermostats that keep our homes at a more or less even temperature. If you set your thermostat for seventy degrees and it gets hotter, the central cooling will kick in and cool your house down. If your house gets below seventy degrees, your heater will kick in and heat your house up. Notice that in both cases your thermostat is making constant adjustments to stay at seventy degrees. Explaining that the body’s homeostasis works in a similar way will make it more relevant to your listeners and will likely help them both understand and remember the idea because it links to something they have already experienced.

If you can make effective comparisons while you are listening, it can deepen your understanding of the message. If you can provide those comparisons for your listeners, you make it easier for them to give consideration to your ideas.

Note-taking is a skill that improves with practice. You already know that it’s nearly impossible to write down everything a speaker says. In fact, in your attempt to record everything, you might fall behind and wish you had divided your attention differently between writing and listening.

Careful, selective note-taking is important because we want an accurate record that reflects the meanings of the message. However much you might concentrate on the notes, you could inadvertently leave out an important word, such as not , and undermine the reliability of your otherwise carefully written notes. Instead, if you give the same care and attention to listening, you are less likely to make that kind of a mistake.

It’s important to find a balance between listening well and taking good notes. Many people struggle with this balance for a long time. For example, if you try to write down only key phrases instead of full sentences, you might find that you can’t remember how two ideas were related. In that case, too few notes were taken. At the opposite end, extensive note-taking can result in a loss of emphasis on the most important ideas.

To increase your critical listening skills, continue developing your ability to identify the central issues in messages so that you can take accurate notes that represent the meanings intended by the speaker.

Listening Ethically

A man using a string telephone

Ben Smith – String telephone – CC BY-SA 2.0.

Ethical listening rests heavily on honest intentions. We should extend to speakers the same respect we want to receive when it’s our turn to speak. We should be facing the speaker with our eyes open. We should not be checking our cell phones. We should avoid any behavior that belittles the speaker or the message.

Scholars Stephanie Coopman and James Lull emphasize the creation of a climate of caring and mutual understanding, observing that “respecting others’ perspectives is one hallmark of the effective listener” (Coopman & Lull, 2008). Respect, or unconditional positive regard for others, means that you treat others with consideration and decency whether you agree with them or not. Professors Sprague, Stuart, and Bodary (Sprague, et al., 2010). also urge us to treat the speaker with respect even when we disagree, don’t understand the message, or find the speech boring.

Doug Lippman (1998) (Lippman, 1998), a storytelling coach, wrote powerfully and sensitively about listening in his book:

Like so many of us, I used to take listening for granted, glossing over this step as I rushed into the more active, visible ways of being helpful. Now, I am convinced that listening is the single most important element of any helping relationship. Listening has great power. It draws thoughts and feelings out of people as nothing else can. When someone listens to you well, you become aware of feelings you may not have realized that you felt. You have ideas you may have never thought before. You become more eloquent, more insightful.… As a helpful listener, I do not interrupt you. I do not give advice. I do not do something else while listening to you. I do not convey distraction through nervous mannerisms. I do not finish your sentences for you. In spite of all my attempts to understand you, I do not assume I know what you mean. I do not convey disapproval, impatience, or condescension. If I am confused, I show a desire for clarification, not dislike for your obtuseness. I do not act vindicated when you misspeak or correct yourself. I do not sit impassively, withholding participation. Instead, I project affection, approval, interest, and enthusiasm. I am your partner in communication. I am eager for your imminent success, fascinated by your struggles, forgiving of your mistakes, always expecting the best. I am your delighted listener (Lippman, 1998).

This excerpt expresses the decency with which people should treat each other. It doesn’t mean we must accept everything we hear, but ethically, we should refrain from trivializing each other’s concerns. We have all had the painful experience of being ignored or misunderstood. This is how we know that one of the greatest gifts one human can give to another is listening.

Key Takeaways

  • Critical listening is the process a listener goes through using careful, systematic thinking and reasoning to see whether a speaker’s message makes sense in light of factual evidence. When listeners are not critical of the messages they are attending to, they are more likely to be persuaded by illogical arguments based on opinions and not facts.
  • Critical listening can be improved by employing one or more strategies to help the listener analyze the message: recognize the difference between facts and opinions, uncover assumptions given by the speaker, be open to new ideas, use both reason and common sense when analyzing messages, relate new ideas to old ones, and take useful notes.
  • Being an ethical listener means giving respectful attention to the ideas of a speaker, even though you may not agree with or accept those ideas.
  • Think of a time when you were too tired or distracted to give your full attention to the ideas in a speech. What did you do? What should you have done?
  • Give an example of a mistake in reasoning that involved the speaker mistaking an assumption for fact.

Coopman, S. J., & Lull, J. (2008). Public speaking: The evolving art . Cengage Learning, p. 60.

Edward Jenner Museum. (n.d.). Vaccination. Retrieved from http://www.jennermuseum.com/Jenner/vaccination.html

Factcheck.org, a Project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania. (2009, September 10). Obama’s health care speech. Retrieved from http://www.factcheck.org/2009/09/obamas-health-care-speech

Lippman, D. (1998). The storytelling coach: How to listen, praise, and bring out people’s best . Little Rock, AR: August House.

Owen, R. (2010, May 23). Catholic church reburies “heretic” Nicolaus Copernicus with honour. Times Online . Retrieved from http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article7134341.ece

Sprague, J., Stuart, D., & Bodary, D. (2010). The speaker’s handbook (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage.

Wikiquote. (n.d.). Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Retrieved from http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Daniel_Patrick_Moynihan

Stand up, Speak out Copyright © 2016 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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10 Tips to Improve Public Speaking Skills

Professionals within all industries often need to present ideas and information. Improved public speaking skills can help employees reduce anxiety, improve productivity, and become more valued members of any team.

[Featured Image]: Man wearing a dark suit, red tie, and white shirt leading a panel. The panel includes three men and one woman.

Regardless of the industry, public speaking is one of the most critical professional skills. Speaking comfortably and effectively to a crowd can facilitate formal board presentations and complex explanations to financial backers. It can also help you present ideas to colleagues and teammates.

Everyone can learn the skills needed to feel comfortable when sharing concepts with co-workers or crowds. This is true even if speaking in front of others intimidates you or you’ve never done it before.

By implementing public speaking tips used by the best presenters, you can position yourself to convey important information with confidence. With good public speaking skills and focused effort, you can improve your productivity and become an influential team member. 

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1. Know your audience before preparing your speech. 

Employees are more likely to feel comfortable presenting to an audience they know. Knowing the people you are talking to will help you better understand how to craft a message that resonates with them. 

Start by identifying their level of understanding of the topic you plan to discuss. This will help you know the amount of background you must cover before going more in-depth. It can also help you choose the right kind of words. If you use industry jargon and acronyms for the general public, you’ll risk confusing them.

Then, as you’re presenting, stay aware of the reactions from your listeners. Adjust accordingly so you can connect with them through your message. 

2. Practice, practice, practice. 

Even the most seasoned public speaker needs to practice to be effective. Giving a mock presentation of your speech in advance will make it easier to determine if you’ve organized the information cohesively and clearly. 

It can help to talk out loud to an imaginary audience or in front of a mirror, but it’s even more effective to practice with the help of a supportive co-worker, friend, or family member as an audience. 

3. Use constructive criticism to your advantage.

Whether you’re practicing or giving a presentation, ask for constructive criticism. This feedback includes specific examples and is offered in a good-natured way. If you know someone with your best interests in mind, you’ll likely be more open to their suggestions to enhance your communication. 

Constructive criticism can be challenging to accept. Take time before responding to avoid being defensive or taking the feedback personally. Integrate the ideas in a way that will help you improve your presentation next time. Always thank the person for providing their thoughts.

4. Make it your own. 

Connecting with an audience can happen more easily when you're being yourself. Let your personality shine through as you convey your message. Be authentic and appropriate—include humour when it can facilitate your work rather than detract from it.

If you're using a PowerPoint presentation, ensure the text and the pictures highlight your character and expertise. Include short and focused personal stories to illustrate your points. Add your contact information at the end of the presentation so people can follow up with you afterward. 

5. Connect with your audience with a personal story.

Including personal stories or anecdotes in your professional presentations can effectively communicate your message to your audience. This is demonstrated successfully on the TED Talk stage. 

When TED Speakers take the stage, they often begin with a short, personal tale. This structure helps them connect with the audience, share their passion for what they're about to discuss or explain their expertise. 

To add this kind of personal touch to your presentation, make sure what you share directly connects with the topic at hand. If you think someone will not easily understand the point of the personal story, omit it.

6. Make eye contact and avoid reading from a script.

Practice does more than ensure your presentation is structured and can provide the required messages. It also helps you feel comfortable enough with your material to relax on stage physically. Also, you’re more likely to connect with those around you when you make eye contact. 

Presenters can use other methods to stay on track. If you have paper notes, only use an outline with a few words to remind you about what you wish to cover. Never rely on verbatim notes. If you're using an audio-visual aid like a PowerPoint presentation, use your slides as the cues instead. 

When you look at the people in the crowd, you’ll also be able to determine whether they understand your main points or if you’ll need to clarify them further.

7. Use the stage to your advantage.

Before the presentation, gather information about where you’ll be physically speaking. Check that your PowerPoint presentation can work with the provided equipment. Make sure you know the room's setup. Ask about time constraints, whether people will eat during your talk, and what kind of microphone you’ll use.

Then, when you’re on stage, own the space. Walk to different areas to make eye contact with other audience members. 

Be aware of your body language. Let your arms hang loosely. Stand with excellent posture, with your back straightened, and smile. Gain control over any nervous gestures—such as thrusting your hands in your pockets or scratching your head—so they don’t distract from your message.

8. Have coping skills in place for when nerves hit.

Despite your preparation, it’s normal to be still overcome with nerves at some point in your presentation. When this happens, take a deep breath. No one expects you to be perfect.

Work on gaining perspective before any problems that may arise, and strive for connection with your audience, not perfectionism. Humour can help ease tense moments and remind those listening that you are a human just like them. 

9. Record and evaluate yourself speaking. 

Co-workers and friends can help provide feedback, but you can help yourself. When you make a presentation, position your phone to video record yourself so you can watch it later. You may be surprised by your nervous habits or awkward phrasing and could even find new ways to improve the readability of your PowerPoint slides.

You can record yourself directly through the software if you're giving the presentation online through a video platform like Zoom. Use this technology to improve your skills to be even more effective next time and avoid ruminating on mistakes. Stay positive.

10. Make a lasting impression with a strong conclusion. 

Just as experts encourage speakers to grab their audience’s attention within the first 30 seconds of their presentations, it’s also wise to create a solid ending to any presentation. This closing can include things like these: 

A call to action (CTA) that encourages listeners to take the next step

A memorable quote that inspires or illustrates a point from your presentation

A personal story that demonstrates why this issue is so important to you

A summary of the most important takeaways 

Once you conclude your presentation, remember to thank the audience for their time. If you have time, you can invite questions and answer them from the stage. If organizers have limited your time, offer to answer questions afterward. 

The importance of developing your public speaking skills

Public speaking skills are helpful for growth in various facets of life. Beyond setting a foundation for advancement in your career, the ability to speak comfortably and effectively in public can help you:

Strengthen team-building and collaboration. 

Share your ideas and offer solutions to work-related problems.

Earn esteem with employers and co-workers alike.

Create connections that can lead to new professional opportunities.

Become a better listener to provide the same respect you wish for yourself during presentations.

The benefits of these skills transfer easily to other areas of life. Improve your relationships along with your professional success through clear and effective communication. 

Improving public speaking skills can take time. The key to confidence is a willingness to practice tips from experts, such as those who follow and embrace the temporary discomfort that accompanies developing any new skill.

Next steps for success 

Apply these public speaking tips to improve your ability to execute a presentation confidently. Refine your skills further by practicing and learning from those who can demonstrate their success in public speaking. 

Join a public speaking support group.

Toastmasters International , a nonprofit organization with chapters worldwide, aims to teach people public speaking and leadership skills. Members practice giving speeches and overcoming shyness and anxiety with regular online and in-person meetings.

Attend public speaking events.

If your town or city offers events with speakers on various topics, consider these opportunities to learn. When watching others give presentations, use a critical eye to learn what works and what doesn’t. Ask yourself why you enjoyed or didn’t enjoy the lecture beyond the topic at hand. 

Watch videos of effective public speaking.

Finally, you can enjoy the same learning experience of in-person lectures by watching videos of influential public speakers. TED Talks are an online collection of presentations on various topics, including science, entertainment, and business. Watch as many as you can and use the best speakers as mentors to improve your confidence and success in public speaking.

Take the next steps

Online public speaking courses provide opportunities to improve communication skills from the comfort of your home or office. Take the Introduction to Public Speaking Course or Dynamic Public Speaking Specialization offered by the University of Washington on Coursera to gain confidence as you learn presentation and public speaking skills.

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The Importance of Public Speaking & How to Do it Well

How does one form connections, encourage change, impact decisions, and inspire people?

Through the power of public speaking and communication.

Public speaking skills are useful in every area of life, from personal to professional. From being able to discuss your ideas with your friends, to addressing important information at a company-wide meeting, effective communication proves to be a crucial skill in our lives.

Public speaking is a vital skill to have and hone. We utilize these skills when we speak to coworkers, bosses, employees, clients, and maybe even big audiences. Having the ability to deliver your message confidently and effectively can have an enormous impact on your career path and your success in your industry.

The Importance of Public Speaking

Why is public speaking important? What are the benefits of public speaking ? 

Public speaking is useful in every area of life, personal and professional. Being an effective public speaker can escalate your career, grow your business, and overall improve the quality of your life. The benefits of public speaking are obvious; you can spread your message to audiences and create a lasting impact in their lives.

From business pitches in work meetings to TedTalks, having confident and passionate public speaking skills and oral communication skills, in general, can get you far. Regardless of the size of your audience, your communication skills need to be top-notch in order to effectively inspire people.

Communication Skills

Before learning how to improve in the world of public speaking, you must learn to listen. Being an active and attentive listener allows you to develop your communication skills, as well as your critical thinking skills. Your ability to listen will help you adapt to and understand what it is the audience is looking for, even if they don’t tell you.

Being an open-minded listener will teach you how to communicate effectively. Understanding what is being said, the meaning behind it, and what hopes to be gained from it will strengthen your ability to communicate your own message.

Being an effective communicator helps in everyday life as well. Being able to attentively listen to what someone is saying and processing what they said before formulating a response will allow for less miscommunication and better overall understanding. If you can be a good listener, the people you interact with will feel heard and understood.

Your communication skills are also effective in helping you achieve your goals and get what you want. If you can effectively communicate your needs in a way that the other person – or audience – relates to, it is much more likely that your message will be heard.

Leadership Skills

Being a great public speaker goes hand in hand with developing leadership skills. Public speakers are often seen as leaders in their field. Their knowledge and expertise allow them to be thought leaders .

Being a powerful leader and having a strong public speaking ability can also help you rise in the ranks of your organization or even scale your own business exponentially.

Being a powerful leader and speaker will also improve your networking skills. Being able to communicate your message confidently and passionately will make others keener to listen and engage. Being confident in your approach can open doors for you that may have never been possible before.

Becoming a great leader and establishing better skills takes time. Learn and watch other great leaders; consider their routines and the steps they took to get where they are. You can even learn how to be a great leader by listening to those who have been led by great leaders. What did they appreciate about that leader? What did that leader do to inspire them?

Learning how to improve your public speaking skills will also help in developing leadership skills you will learn how to inspire people and help them expand their scope. 

Critical Thinking Skills

To be a great leader and public speaker, you must also have impressive critical thinking skills. According to the University of Louisiana’s studies of definitions of critical thinking, it was determined that “critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.”

Being a critical thinker means that the information you intake can be analyzed and utilized in even the most stressful situations, like public speaking engagements. Being able to reframe the delivery of your message based on the audience’s reaction can prove to be incredibly helpful.

In order to develop critical thinking skills on your own, you should always be open-minded and willing to listen. Process the information you hear and consider your own opinion of it, rather than falling back on the opinions of others. Stay up to date on current events, and always challenge your own dated and limited beliefs. Keep your mind sharp, while also being open to learning more.

Personal Development & Everyday Life Skills

With heightened communication, leadership, and critical thinking skills, you will be able to level up in your personal and professional life. You will notice how the benefits of public speaking and the skills you develop prove to be instrumental in your everyday life.

These skills will help you achieve an increased sense of confidence. They will help you connect with the people around you more effectively. They may even motivate you to reach for goals you previously thought were out of your reach.

How to Improve Public Speaking

So now, we can begin discussing how you can improve the essential skill of public speaking. Whether you’re interested in learning how to master persuasive speaking, informative speaking or entertaining speaking, I have many tips and tricks that I’ve discovered in my own speaking journey. Here are the important few .

Pick A Topic You’re Passionate About and An Expert In

What is your message? What are you hoping to inspire people with?

When you are public speaking, always speak about the topic you have expert knowledge on, have studied, have a strong interest in, and have personal experience with. You should be an expert in your field, a thought leader.

You will notice that the audience will always be engaged if you speak with passion and knowledge.

Speaking about something you are confident in and knowledgeable about will also help prevent public speaking anxiety, as you know you’re already the expert in the room when it comes to what you’re talking about!

Know Your Audience And What They Want To Achieve

Even if you know the topic like the back of your hand, you also want to make sure you’re tailoring your speech to resonate with your audience. The more you understand your audience and what they are hoping to achieve from your speech, the more you can cater the speech to resonate with them. The more they benefit from what you say, the more you can inspire them.

Remember, they are there for a particular reason — so make sure you speak directly to them and use your words to relate to them. Let’s say you’re speaking about digital marketing at a sales convention. A great speaker will ensure that the speech they deliver refers to digital marketing strategies most beneficial to online sales. The salespeople should come out of your speech with new information and tools they can use to generate more sales online.

Be Confident

As every great public speaker will tell you, confidence is key. Your level of confidence can determine how impactful your speech will be. Don’t overthink and get too in your head — think positively and stand up straight. Be confident in your knowledge, abilities, and speaking skills. When you do talk, talk with confidence … however, your confidence can get you very far.

Take Public Speaking Courses

Taking a public speaking course may sound like a beginner’s move, but I am here to tell you that even the most accomplished public speakers take courses and have public speaking coaches, regardless of their skills. Remember – you should never stop learning.

You may believe that some people are just born with the ability to be an incredible public speaker. But, those people will tell you that public speaking is a skill that can be learned and improved. Finding a great teacher can be a pivotal moment in your public speaking career.

In public speaking, there is always something new to learn. Just like in most areas of life, public speaking has trends. One type of speech delivery may be more effective in one time period than it was in the previous. That’s why it’s so important to stay up to date with the trends and refer to people that can help.

Taking a public speaking course can give you all the necessary tools to help you develop your speaking skills. It will also give you a structure to follow when learning how to use these tools.

Here’s a cliché that we have all heard many times in our lives – practice makes perfect. This cliché rings true in all areas – especially public speaking. All great public speakers will tell you how important it is to practice your speech. This is not the time to “wing it”.

Practicing allows you not only to perfect your delivery but also to prepare for any scenario that may arise. For example, your microphone goes out and the audience can no longer hear you. It’s a minute before someone can fix the sound. Although a nerve-wracking moment, it’s something you have practiced for. You take a deep breath, have a sip of water, and once the sound is fixed, you crack a joke – that you practiced in case a moment like that arose – and you continue with your speech.

A great speaker never stops practicing. There is always something to work on, and perfect.

While it’s incredibly useful to practice the meat of your speech, it’s also very necessary to perfect the start and end of your speech. When starting a speech, you have the audience’s full attention. If you can create a good impression right off the bat, you will keep your audience engaged and focused throughout. Practicing effective ways to start your speech will help you start off strong and remain confident throughout.

The same rule applies to the end of the speech. It’s important to practice how you plan to end your speech with a bang . The end of your speech should strongly tie the points you may throughout the speech together, so they leave a lasting impression in your audience’s minds. The closing statement should be powerful and stirring, as those are the words your audience leaves with. Practicing those words, their tone, and their delivery, can make a huge impact on the effectiveness of your speech.   

Network with Other Speakers

Public speaking can feel like a lonely endeavor sometimes. You are on the stage by yourself, with a spotlight overhead. It can be very isolating.

But one must remember that there are many opportunities in public speaking to connect with other speakers. There will be times in your speaking engagements that you are not the only public speaker there. This is the perfect opportunity to network.

Networking allows you to connect and make connections with like-minded individuals. This is especially useful if they work in your field and can become an ally in your career. Those connections can turn into friends, colleagues, and even mentors. They may help you find other speaking engagements, introduce you to new people, and teach you something new throughout your public speaking journey.

Even if they are an expert in a different field, their knowledge and experience can be the ultimate learning opportunity. If you are just starting out in your public speaking career, they may have some useful tools and tricks for overcoming your public speaking fears and boosting your confidence. Your openness to learn and connect with those around you can help you achieve your goals of being an effective and well-known public speaker.

Read More And Improve Your Vocabulary

As I’ve mentioned before, learning never stops. Boost your confidence and effectiveness by always learning new information by reading and improving your vocabulary. Language is a powerful tool, and the better you are at wielding it, the more effective your speeches can be.

If you want to engage your audience’s interests, you need to develop exceptional communication skills. A big part of improving your speaking skills is by learning how to improve your vocabulary and public speaking abilities.

The more you read, the more your vocabulary will grow. With an extensive vocabulary, you will always be able to find a way to construct your message with the most effective words. The words you use could turn your speech from good to extraordinary .

Being a public speaker has been one of the greatest achievements in my life. The benefits of polishing public speaking skills have tremendously helped me grow my career and get to where I am today. Now, I hope to pass along my skills and expertise to help you. If you’re looking to take your public speaking up a notch, check out my free 5-Minute Speech Formula   to turn almost any idea into a compelling speech.

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About Brian Tracy — Brian is recognized as the top sales training and personal success authority in the world today. He has authored more than 60 books and has produced more than 500 audio and video learning programs on sales, management, business success and personal development, including worldwide bestseller The Psychology of Achievement. Brian's goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. You can follow him on Twitter , Facebook , Pinterest , Linkedin and Youtube .

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15 Critical Listening

Learning objectives.

  • Understand the differences between listening and hearing.
  • Explain the benefits of listening.
  • Understand the types of noise that can affect a listener’s ability to attend to a message.
  • Define and explain critical listening and its importance in the public speaking context.
  • Understand ways to improve your ability to critically listen to speeches.

A group of men listening during a meeting

Zach Graves – The Importance of Listening – CC BY-SA 2.0.

“Are you listening to me?” Often this question is asked because the speaker thinks the listener is nodding off or daydreaming. We sometimes think that listening means we only have to sit back, stay barely awake, and let a speaker’s words wash over us. While many Americans look upon being active as something to admire, to engage in, and to excel at, listening is thought of as a “passive” activity. More recently, O, the Oprah Magazine featured a cover article with the title, “How to Talk So People Really Listen: Four Ways to Make Yourself Heard.” This title leads us to expect a list of ways to leave the listening to others and insist that they do so, but the article contains a surprise ending. The final piece of advice is this: “You can’t go wrong by showing interest in what other people say and making them feel important. In other words, the better you listen, the more you’ll be listened to” (Jarvis, 2009).

You may have heard the adage, “We have two ears but only one mouth.” This saying reminds us that listening can be twice as important as talking. As a student, you most likely spend many hours in a classroom doing a significant amount of focused listening. Sometimes it is difficult to apply those efforts to communication in other areas of your life. As a result, your listening skills may not be all they could be. In this chapter, we will examine listening versus hearing, listening styles, listening difficulties, listening stages, and listening critically.

Listening vs. Hearing

A crowd applauding a man using a cone to amplify his voice

Kimba Howard – megaphone – CC BY 2.0.

Listening or Hearing

Hearing is an accidental and automatic brain response to sound that requires no effort. We are surrounded by sounds most of the time. For example, we are accustomed to the sounds of airplanes, lawn mowers, furnace blowers, the rattling of pots and pans, and so on. We hear those incidental sounds and, unless we have a reason to do otherwise, we train ourselves to ignore them. We learn to filter out sounds that mean little to us, just as we choose to hear our ringing cell phones and other sounds that are more important to us.

Listening, on the other hand, is purposeful and focused rather than accidental. As a result, it requires motivation and effort. Listening , at its best, is active, focused, and concentrated attention for the purpose of understanding the meanings expressed by a speaker. We are not always the best listeners. Later in this chapter, we will examine some of the reasons why and some strategies for becoming more active critical listeners.

Hearing is an accidental and automatic brain response to sound that requires no effort.

Listening is active, focused, and concentrated attention for the purpose of understanding the meanings expressed by a speaker.

Benefits of Listening

Try not to take listening for granted. Before the invention of writing, people conveyed virtually all knowledge through some combination of showing and telling. Elders recited tribal histories to attentive audiences. Listeners received religious teachings enthusiastically. Myths, legends, folktales, and stories for entertainment only survived because audiences were eager to listen. Nowadays, however, you can gain information and entertainment through reading and electronic recordings rather than through real-time listening. If you become distracted and let your attention wander, you can go back and replay a recording. Despite that fact, you can still gain at least four compelling benefits by becoming more active and competent at real-time listening.

You Become a Better Student

When you focus on the material presented in a classroom, you will be able to identify the words used in a lecture and the way they were emphasized. Listening instead of hearing will help you understand the more complex meanings of the words said in a lecture. You will take better notes, and you will more accurately remember the instructor’s claims, information, and conclusions. Many times, instructors give verbal cues about what information is important, specific expectations about assignments, and even what material is likely to be on an exam, so careful listening can be beneficial.

You Become a Better Friend

When you give your best attention to people expressing thoughts and experiences that are important to them, those individuals are likely to see you as someone who cares about their well-being. This fact is especially true when you give your attention only and refrain from interjecting opinions, judgments, and advice.

People Will Perceive You as Intelligent and Perceptive

When you listen well to others, you reveal yourself as being curious and interested in people and events. Also, your ability to understand the meanings of what you hear will make you a more knowledgeable and thoughtful person.

Good Listening Can Help Your Public Speaking

When you listen well to others, you start to pick up more on the stylistic components related to how people form arguments and present information. As a result, you can analyze what you think works and doesn’t work in others’ speeches, which can help you transform your speeches in the process. For example, paying attention to how others cite sources orally during their speeches may give you ideas about how to more effectively cite sources in your presentation.

Listening Styles

A woman taking notes during a lecture

John Benson – Listening Styles – CC BY 2.0.

If listening were easy, and if all people went about it in the same way, the task for a public speaker would be much easier. Even Aristotle, as long ago as 325 BC, recognized that listeners in his audience were varied in listening style . He differentiated them as follows:

Rhetoric falls into three divisions, determined by the three classes of listeners to speeches. For of the three elements in speech-making—speaker, subject, and person addressed—it is the last one, the hearer, that determines the speech’s end and object. The hearer must be either a judge, with a decision to make about things past or future, or an observer. A member of the assembly decides about future events, a juryman about past events: while those who merely decide on the orator’s skill are observers (Aristotle, c. 350 BCE).

Thus, Aristotle classified listeners into those who would be using the speech to make decisions about past events, those who would make decisions affecting the future, and those who would evaluate the speaker’s skills. This is all the more remarkable when we consider that Aristotle’s audiences were composed exclusively of male citizens of one city-state, all prosperous property owners.

Our audiences today are likely to be much more heterogeneous. Think about the classroom audience that will listen to your speeches in this course. Your classmates come from many religious and ethnic backgrounds. Some of them may speak English as a second language. Some might be survivors of war-torn parts of the world such as Bosnia, Darfur, or northwest China. Being mindful of such differences will help you prepare a speech in which you minimize the potential for misunderstanding.

Listening style is the way an audience member listens to the speech.

Part of the potential for misunderstanding is the difference in listening styles. In an article in the International Journal of Listening , Watson, Barker, and Weaver (Watson, et al., 1995) identified four listening styles: people, action, content, and time.

The people-oriented listener is interested in the speaker. People-oriented listeners listen to the message in order to learn how the speaker thinks and how they feel about their message. For instance, when people-oriented listeners listen to an interview with a famous rap artist, they are likely to be more curious about the artist as an individual than about music, even though the people-oriented listener might also appreciate the artist’s work. If you are a people-oriented listener, you might have certain questions you hope will be answered, such as: Does the artist feel successful? What’s it like to be famous? What kind of educational background does he or she have? In the same way, if we’re listening to a doctor who responded to the earthquake crisis in Haiti, we might be more interested in the doctor as a person than in the state of affairs for Haitians. Why did he or she go to Haiti? How did he or she get away from his or her normal practice and patients? How many lives did he or she save? We might be less interested in the equally important and urgent needs for food, shelter, and sanitation following the earthquake.

The people-oriented listener is likely to be more attentive to the speaker than to the message. If you tend to be such a listener, understand that the message is about what is important to the speaker.

Action-oriented listeners are primarily interested in finding out what the speaker wants. Does the speaker want votes, donations, volunteers, or something else? It’s sometimes difficult for an action-oriented speaker to listen through the descriptions, evidence, and explanations with which a speaker builds his or her case.

Action-oriented listening is sometimes called task-oriented listening. In it, the listener seeks a clear message about what needs to be done and might have less patience for listening to the reasons behind the task. This can be especially true if the reasons are complicated. For example, when you’re a passenger on an airplane waiting to push back from the gate, a flight attendant delivers a brief speech called the preflight safety briefing. The flight attendant does not read the findings of a safety study or the regulations about seat belts. The flight attendant doesn’t explain that the content of his or her speech is actually mandated by the Federal Aviation Administration. Instead, the attendant says only to buckle up so we can leave. An action-oriented listener finds “buckling up” a more compelling message than a message about the underlying reasons.

Content-oriented listeners are interested in the message itself, whether it makes sense, what it means, and whether it’s accurate. When you give a speech, many members of your classroom audience will be content-oriented listeners who will be interested in learning from you. You, therefore, have an obligation to represent the truth in the fullest way you can. You can emphasize an idea, but if you exaggerate, you could lose credibility in the minds of your content-oriented audience. You can advocate ideas that are important to you, but if you omit important limitations, you are withholding part of the truth and could leave your audience with an inaccurate view.

Imagine you’re delivering a speech on the plight of orphans in Africa. If you just talk about the fact that there are over forty-five million orphans in Africa but don’t explain why you’ll sound like an infomercial. In such an instance, your audience’s response is likely to be less enthusiastic than you might want. Instead, content-oriented listeners want to listen to well-developed information with solid explanations.

People who are  time-oriented listeners   prefer a message that gets to the point quickly. Time-oriented listeners can become impatient with slow delivery or lengthy explanations. This kind of listener may be receptive for only a brief amount of time and may become rude or even hostile if the speaker expects a longer focus of attention. Time-oriented listeners convey their impatience through eye rolling, shifting about in their seats, checking their cell phones, and other inappropriate behaviors. If you’ve been asked to speak to a group of middle-school students, you need to realize that their attention spans are simply not as long as those of college students. This is an important reason speeches to young audiences must be shorter or broken up by more variety than speeches to adults.

In your professional future, some of your audience members will have real-time constraints, not merely perceived ones. Imagine that you’ve been asked to deliver a speech on a new project to the board of directors of a local corporation. Chances are the people on the board of directors are all pressed for time. If your speech is long and filled with overly detailed information, time-oriented listeners will simply start to tune you out as you’re speaking. Obviously, if time-oriented listeners start tuning you out, they will not be listening to your message. This is not the same thing as being a time-oriented listener who might be less interested in the message content than in its length.

Types of Listeners

The people-oriented listener is interested in the speaker.

The action-oriented listener is primarily interested in finding out what the speaker wants.

The content-oriented listener  is interested in the message itself, whether it makes sense, what it means, and whether it’s accurate.

The time-oriented listener prefers a message that gets to the point quickly.

Why Listening Is Difficult

A child listening to an iPhone's speaker

Ian T. McFarland – Listen – CC BY-SA 2.0.

At times, everyone has difficulty staying completely focused during a lengthy presentation. We can sometimes have difficulty listening to even relatively brief messages. Some of the factors that interfere with good listening might exist beyond our control, but others are manageable. It’s helpful to be aware of these factors so that they interfere as little as possible with understanding the message.

Noise is one of the biggest factors to interfere with listening. Noise can be defined as anything that interferes with your ability to attend to and understand a message. There are many kinds of noise, but we will focus on only the four you are most likely to encounter in public speaking situations: physical noise, psychological noise, physiological noise, and semantic noise.

Physical Noise

Physical noise   consists of various sounds in an environment that interfere with a source’s ability to hear. Construction noises right outside a window, planes flying directly overhead, or loud music in the next room can make it difficult to hear the message being presented by a speaker even if a microphone is being used. It is sometimes possible to manage the context to reduce the noise. Closing a window might be helpful. Asking the people in the next room to turn their music down might be possible. Changing to a new location is more difficult, as it involves finding a new location and having everyone get there.

Psychological Noise

Psychological noise consists of distractions to a speaker’s message caused by a receiver’s internal thoughts. For example, if you are preoccupied with personal problems, it is difficult to give your full attention to understanding the meanings of a message. The presence of another person to whom you feel attracted, or perhaps a person you dislike intensely, can also be psychosocial noise that draws your attention away from the message.

Physiological Noise

Physiological noise consists of distractions to a speaker’s message caused by a listener’s own body. Maybe you’re listening to a speech in class around noon and you haven’t eaten anything. Your stomach may be growling and your desk is starting to look tasty. Maybe the room is cold and you’re thinking more about how to keep warm than about what the speaker is saying. In either case, your body can distract you from attending to the information being presented.

Semantic Noise

Semantic noise occurs when a receiver experiences confusion over the meaning of a source’s word choice. While you are attempting to understand a particular word or phrase, the speaker continues to present the message. While you are struggling with a word interpretation, you are distracted from listening to the rest of the message. One of the authors was listening to a speaker who mentioned using a sweeper to clean carpeting. The author was confused, as she did not see how a broom would be effective in cleaning carpeting. Later, the author found out that the speaker was using the word “sweeper” to refer to a vacuum cleaner; however, in the meantime, her listening was hurt by her inability to understand what the speaker meant. Another example of semantic noise is the euphemism. Euphemism is diplomatic language used for delivering unpleasant information. For instance, if someone is said to be “flexible with the truth,” it might take us a moment to understand that the speaker means this person sometimes lies.

  Noise can be defined as anything that interferes with your ability to attend to and understand a message.

Physical noise consists of various sounds in an environment that interfere with a source’s ability to hear.

Psychological noise consists of distractions to a speaker’s message caused by a receiver’s internal thoughts.

Physiological noise consists of distractions to a speaker’s message caused by a listener’s own body.

Semantic noise occurs when a receiver experiences confusion over the meaning of a source’s word choice.

Examples of Noise

Types of Noise: Physical (Construction activity, barking dogs, loud music, air conditioners, airplanes, noisy conflict nearby), Psychological (Worries about money, crushing deadlines, the presence of specific other people in the room, tight daily schedule, biases related to the speaker or the content), Physiological (Feeling ill, having a headache, growling stomach, room is too cold or too hot), and Semantic (Special jargon, unique word usage, mispronunciation, euphemism, phrases from foreign languages)

Many distractions are not the fault of the listener or the speaker. However, when you are the speaker, being aware of these sources of noise , or distractions that keep a person from listening, can help you reduce some of the noise that interferes with your audience’s ability to understand you.

Attention Span

A person can only maintain focused attention for a finite length of time. In his 1985 book Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business , New York University’s Steinhardt School of Education professor Neil Postman argued that modern audiences have lost the ability to sustain attention to a message (Postman, 1985). More recently, researchers have engaged in an ongoing debate over whether Internet use is detrimental to attention span (Carr, 2010). Whether or not these concerns are well founded, you have probably noticed that even when your attention is “glued” to something in which you are deeply interested, every now and then you pause to do something else, such as getting a drink of water, stretching, or looking out the window.

The limits of the human attention span can interfere with listening, but listeners and speakers can use strategies to prevent this interference. As many classroom instructors know, listeners will readily renew their attention when the presentation includes frequent breaks in pacing (Middendorf & Kalish, 1996). For example, a fifty- to seventy-five-minute class session might include some lecture material alternated with questions for class discussion, video clips, handouts, and demonstrations. Instructors who are adept at holding listeners’ attention also move about the front of the room, writing on the board, drawing diagrams, and intermittently using slide transparencies or PowerPoint slides.

If you have instructors who do a good job of keeping your attention, they are positive role models showing strategies you can use to accommodate the limitations of your audience’s attention span.

Receiver Biases

Good listening involves keeping an open mind and withholding judgment until the speaker has completed the message. Conversely, biased listening is characterized by jumping to conclusions; the biased listener believes, “I don’t need to listen because I already know what I think.” Reciever bias can refer to two things: biases with reference to the speaker and preconceived ideas and opinions about the topic or message. Both can be considered noise. Everyone has biases, but good listeners have learned to hold them in check while listening.

The first type of bias listeners can have is related to the speaker. Often a speaker stands up and an audience member simply doesn’t like the speaker, so the audience member may not listen to the speaker’s message. Maybe you have a classmate who just gets under your skin for some reason, or maybe you question a classmate’s competence on a given topic. When we have preconceived notions about a speaker, those biases can interfere with our ability to listen accurately and competently to the speaker’s message.

The second type of bias listeners can have is related to the topic or content of the speech. Maybe the speech topic is one you’ve heard a thousand times, so you just tune out the speech. Or maybe the speaker is presenting a topic or position you fundamentally disagree with. When listeners have strong preexisting opinions about a topic, such as the death penalty, religious issues, affirmative action, abortion, or global warming, their biases may make it difficult for them to even consider new information about the topic, especially if the new information is inconsistent with what they already believe to be true. As listeners, we have difficulty identifying our biases, especially when they seem to make sense. However, it is worth recognizing that our lives would be very difficult if no one ever considered new points of view or new information. We live in a world where everyone can benefit from clear thinking and open-minded listening.

Listening or Receiver Apprehension

Listening or receiver apprehension is the fear that you might be unable to understand the message or process the information correctly or be able to adapt your thinking to include the new information coherently (Wheeless, 1975). In some situations, you might worry that the information presented will be “over your head”—too complex, technical, or advanced for you to understand adequately.

Many students will actually avoid registering for courses in which they feel certain they will do poorly. In other cases, students will choose to take a challenging course only if it’s a requirement. This avoidance might be understandable but is not a good strategy for success. To become educated people, students should take a few courses that can shed light on areas where their knowledge is limited.

As a speaker, you can reduce listener apprehension by defining terms clearly and using simple visual aids to hold the audience’s attention. You don’t want to underestimate or overestimate your audience’s knowledge on a subject, so good audience analysis is always important. If you know your audience doesn’t have special knowledge on a given topic, you should start by defining important terms. Research has shown us that when listeners do not feel they understand a speaker’s message, their apprehension about receiving the message escalates. Imagine that you are listening to a speech about chemistry and the speaker begins talking about “colligative properties.” You may start questioning whether you’re even in the right place. When this happens, apprehension clearly interferes with a listener’s ability to accurately and competently understand a speaker’s message. As a speaker, you can lessen the listener’s apprehension by explaining that colligative properties focus on how much is dissolved in a solution, not on what is dissolved in a solution. You could also give an example that they might readily understand, such as saying that it doesn’t matter what kind of salt you use in the winter to melt ice on your driveway, what is important is how much salt you use.

Sources of noise , or distractions that keep a person from listening, include attention span, receiver bias, and listening or receiver apprehension.

Stages of Listening

Figure 3: Stages of Feedback

Stages of feedback: Receiving, Understanding, Remembering, Evaluating, and Feedback

As you read earlier, there are many factors that can interfere with listening, so you need to be able to manage a number of mental tasks at the same time in order to be a successful listener. Author Joseph DeVito has divided the listening process into five stages: receiving, understanding, remembering, evaluating, and responding (DeVito, 2000).

Receiving is the intentional focus on hearing a speaker’s message, which happens when we filter out other sources so that we can isolate the message and avoid the confusing mixture of incoming stimuli. At this stage, we are still only hearing the message. Notice in Figure 3: Stages of Feedback that this stage is represented by the ear because it is the primary tool involved with this stage of the listening process.

One of the authors of this book recalls attending a political rally for a presidential candidate at which about five thousand people were crowded into an outdoor amphitheater. When the candidate finally started speaking, the cheering and yelling was so loud that the candidate couldn’t be heard easily despite using a speaker system. In this example, our coauthor had difficulty receiving the message because of the external noise. This is only one example of the ways that hearing alone can require sincere effort, but you must hear the message before you can continue the process of listening.


In the understanding stage, we attempt to learn the meaning of the message, which is not always easy. For one thing, if a speaker does not enunciate clearly, it may be difficult to tell what the message was—did your friend say, “I think she’ll be late for class,” or “my teacher delayed the class”? Notice in Figure 3:  Stages of Feedback that stages two, three, and four are represented by the brain because it is the primary tool involved with these stages of the listening process.

Even when we have understood the words in a message, because of the differences in our backgrounds and experience, we sometimes make the mistake of attaching our own meanings to the words of others. For example, say you have made plans with your friends to meet at a certain movie theater, but you arrive and nobody else shows up. Eventually, you find out that your friends are at a different theater all the way across town where the same movie is playing. Everyone else understood that the meeting place was the “west side” location, but you wrongly understood it as the “east side” location and therefore missed out on part of the fun.

The consequences of ineffective listening in a classroom can be much worse. When your professor advises students to get an “early start” on your speech, he or she probably hopes that you will begin your research right away and move on to developing a thesis statement and outlining the speech as soon as possible. However, students in your class might misunderstand the instructor’s meaning in several ways. One student might interpret the advice to mean that as long as she gets started, the rest of the assignment will have time to develop itself. Another student might instead think that to start early is to start on the Friday before the Monday due date instead of Sunday night.

So much of the way we understand others is influenced by our own perceptions and experiences. Therefore, at the understanding stage of listening, we should be on the lookout for places where our perceptions might differ from those of the speaker.


Remembering begins with listening; if you can’t remember something that was said, you might not have been listening effectively. Wolvin and Coakley note that the most common reason for not remembering a message after the fact is because it wasn’t really learned in the first place (Wolvin & Coakley, 1996). However, even when you are listening attentively, some messages are more difficult than others to understand and remember. Highly complex messages that are filled with detail call for highly developed listening skills. Moreover, if something distracts your attention even for a moment, you could miss out on information that explains other new concepts you hear when you begin to listen fully again.

It’s also important to know that you can improve your memory of a message by processing it meaningfully—that is, by applying it in ways that are meaningful to you (Gluck, et al., 2008). Instead of simply repeating a new acquaintance’s name over and over, for example, you might remember it by associating it with something in your own life. “Emily,” you might say, “reminds me of the Emily I knew in middle school,” or “Mr. Impiari’s name reminds me of the Impala my father drives.”

Finally, if understanding has been inaccurate, recollection of the message will be inaccurate too.

The fourth stage in the listening process is evaluating or judging the value of the message. We might be thinking, “This makes sense” or, conversely, “This is very odd.” Because everyone embodies biases and perspectives learned from widely diverse sets of life experiences, evaluations of the same message can vary widely from one listener to another. Even the most open-minded listeners will have opinions of a speaker, and those opinions will influence how the message is evaluated. People are more likely to evaluate a message positively if the speaker speaks clearly, presents ideas logically, and gives reasons to support the points made.

Unfortunately, personal opinions sometimes result in prejudiced evaluations. Imagine you’re listening to a speech given by someone from another country and this person has an accent that is hard to understand. You may have a hard time simply making out the speaker’s message. Some people find a foreign accent to be interesting or even exotic, while others find it annoying or even take it as a sign of ignorance. If a listener has a strong bias against foreign accents, the listener may not even attempt to attend to the message. If you mistrust a speaker because of an accent, you could be rejecting important or personally enriching information. Good listeners have learned to refrain from making these judgments and instead to focus on the speaker’s meanings.

Responding ,  sometimes referred to as feedback, is the fifth and final stage of the listening process. It’s the stage at which you indicate your involvement. Almost anything you do at this stage can be interpreted as feedback. For example, you are giving positive feedback to your instructor if at the end of class you stay behind to finish a sentence in your notes or approach the instructor to ask for clarification. The opposite kind of feedback is given by students who gather their belongings and rush out the door as soon as class is over. Notice in Figure 3: Stages of Feedback that this stage is represented by the lips because we often give feedback in the form of verbal feedback; however, you can just as easily respond nonverbally.  

Stages of Feedback

Receiving is the stage where you intentionally focus on hearing a speaker’s message. This focus happens when you filter out other sources so that you can isolate the message and avoid the confusing mixture of incoming stimuli.

Understanding is the stage where we attempt to learn the meaning of the message.

Remembering is the stage that begins with listening. If you can’t remember something that was said, you might not have been listening effectively.

Evaluating is the stage where we judge the value of the message.

Responding is the stage where you give the speaker feedback.

Formative Feedback

Not all response occurs at the end of the message. Formative feedback is a natural part of the ongoing transaction between a speaker and a listener. As the speaker delivers the message, a listener signals their involvement with focused attention, note-taking, nodding, and other behaviors that indicate understanding or failure to understand the message. These signals are important to the speaker, who is interested in whether the message is clear and accepted or whether the content of the message is meeting the resistance of preconceived ideas. Speakers can use this feedback to decide whether additional examples, support materials, or explanation is needed.

Summative Feedback

Summative feedback is given at the end of the communication. When you attend a political rally, a presentation given by a speaker you admire, or even a class, there are verbal and nonverbal ways of indicating your appreciation for or your disagreement with the messages or the speakers at the end of the message. Maybe you’ll stand up and applaud a speaker you agreed with or just sit staring in silence after listening to a speaker you didn’t like. In other cases, a speaker may be attempting to persuade you to donate to a charity, so if the speaker passes a bucket and you make a donation, you are providing feedback on the speaker’s effectiveness. At the same time, we do not always listen most carefully to the messages of speakers we admire. Sometimes we simply enjoy being in their presence, and our summative feedback is not about the message but about our attitudes about the speaker. If your feedback is limited to something like, “I just love your voice,” you might be indicating that you did not listen carefully to the content of the message.

There is little doubt that by now, you are beginning to understand the complexity of listening and the great potential for errors. By becoming aware of what is involved with active listening and where difficulties might lie, you can prepare yourself both as a listener and as a speaker to minimize listening errors with your own public speeches.

Formative feedback is a natural part of the ongoing transaction between a speaker and a listener during the speech (note taking, nodding, smiling, etc.).

Summative feedback is given at the end of the communication (asking questions, peer reviewing, etc).

Listening Critically

A woman listening intently to a story being told by a very elderly woman

Kizzzbeth – Good Listener – CC BY-SA 2.0.

As a student, you are exposed to many kinds of messages. You receive messages conveying academic information, institutional rules, instructions, and warnings; you also receive messages through political discourse, advertisements, gossip, jokes, song lyrics, text messages, invitations, web links, and all other manners of communication. You know it’s not all the same, but it isn’t always clear how to separate the truth from the messages that are misleading or even blatantly false. Nor is it always clear which messages are intended to help the listener and which ones are merely self-serving for the speaker. Part of being a good listener is to learn when to use caution in evaluating the messages we hear.

Critical listening , in a public speaking context, means using careful, systematic thinking and reasoning to see whether a message makes sense in light of factual evidence. Critical listening can be learned with practice but is not necessarily easy to do. Some people never learn this skill; instead, they take every message at face value even when those messages are in conflict with their knowledge. Problems occur when messages are repeated to others who have not yet developed the skills to discern the difference between a valid message and a mistaken one. Critical listening can be particularly difficult when the message is complex. Unfortunately, some speakers may make their messages intentionally complex to avoid critical scrutiny. For example, a city treasurer giving a budget presentation might use very large words and technical jargon, which make it difficult for listeners to understand the proposed budget and ask probing questions.

Critical listening, in a public speaking context, means using careful, systematic thinking and reasoning to see whether a message makes sense in light of factual evidence.

Six Ways to Improve Your Critical Listening

Critical listening is first and foremost a skill that can be learned and improved. In this section, we are going to explore six different techniques you can use to become a more critical listener.

Recognizing the Difference between Facts and Opinions

Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan is credited with saying, “Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts” (Wikiquote). Part of critical listening is learning to separate opinions from facts, and this works two ways: critical listeners are aware of whether a speaker is delivering a factual message or a message based on opinion, and they are also aware of the interplay between their own opinions and facts as they listen to messages.

In American politics, the issue of health care reform is heavily laden with both opinions and facts, and it is extremely difficult to sort some of them out. A clash of fact versus opinion happened on September 9, 2010, during President Obama’s nationally televised speech to a joint session of Congress outlining his health care reform plan. In this speech, President Obama responded to several rumors about the plan, including the claim “that our reform effort will insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false—the reforms I’m proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally.” At this point, one congressman yelled out, “You lie!” Clearly, this congressman did not have a very high opinion of either the health care reform plan or the president. However, when the nonpartisan watch group Factcheck.org examined the language of the proposed bill, they found that it had a section titled “No Federal Payment for Undocumented Aliens” (Factcheck.org, 2009).

Often when people have a negative opinion about a topic, they are unwilling to accept facts. Instead, they question all aspects of the speech and have a negative predisposition toward both the speech and the speaker.

This is not to say that speakers should not express their opinions. Many of the greatest speeches in history include personal opinions. Consider, for example, Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech, in which he expressed his personal wish for the future of American society. Critical listeners may agree or disagree with a speaker’s opinions, but the point is that they know when a message they are hearing is based on opinion and when it is factual.

Uncovering Assumptions

If something is factual , supporting evidence exists. However, we still need to be careful about what evidence does and does not mean. Assumptions are gaps in a logical sequence that listeners passively fill with their own ideas and opinions and may or may not be accurate. When listening to a public speech, you may find yourself being asked to assume something is a fact when in reality many people question that fact. For example, suppose you’re listening to a speech on weight loss. The speaker talks about how people who are overweight are simply not motivated or lack the self-discipline to lose weight. The speaker has built the speech on the assumption that motivation and self-discipline are the only reasons why people can’t lose weight. You may think to yourself, what about genetics? By listening critically, you will be more likely to notice unwarranted assumptions in a speech, which may prompt you to question the speaker if questions are taken or to do further research to examine the validity of the speaker’s assumptions. If, however, you sit passively by and let the speaker’s assumptions go unchallenged, you may find yourself persuaded by information that is not factual.

Factual means supporting evidence exists.

Assumptions are gaps in a logical sequence that listeners passively fill with their own ideas and opinions and may or may not be accurate.

When you listen critically to a speech, you might hear information that appears unsupported by evidence. You shouldn’t accept that information unconditionally. You would accept it under the condition that the speaker offers credible evidence that directly supports it.

Facts vs. Assumptions

Be Open to New Ideas

Sometimes people are so fully invested in their perceptions of the world that they are unable to listen receptively to messages that make sense and would be of great benefit to them. Human progress has been possible, sometimes against great odds, because of the mental curiosity and discernment of a few people. In the late 1700s when the technique of vaccination to prevent smallpox was introduced, it was opposed by both medical professionals and everyday citizens who staged public protests (Edward Jenner Museum). More than two centuries later, vaccinations against smallpox, diphtheria, polio, and other infectious diseases have saved countless lives, yet popular opposition continues.

In the world of public speaking, we must be open to new ideas. Let’s face it, people have a tendency to filter out information they disagree with and to filter in information that supports what they already believe. Nicolaus Copernicus was a sixteenth-century astronomer who dared to publish a treatise explaining that the earth revolves around the sun, which was a violation of Catholic doctrine. Copernicus’s astronomical findings were labeled heretical and his treatise banned because a group of people at the time were not open to new ideas. In May of 2010, almost five hundred years after his death, the Roman Catholic Church admitted its error and reburied his remains with the full rites of Catholic burial (Owen, 2010).

While the Copernicus case is a fairly dramatic reversal, listeners should always be open to new ideas. We are not suggesting that you have to agree with every idea that you are faced with in life; rather, we are suggesting that you at least listen to the message and then evaluate the message.

Relate New Ideas to Old Ones

As both a speaker and a listener, one of the most important things you can do to understand a message is to relate new ideas to previously held ideas. Imagine you’re giving a speech about biological systems and you need to use the term “homeostasis,” which refers to the ability of an organism to maintain stability by making constant adjustments. To help your audience understand homeostasis, you could show how homeostasis is similar to adjustments made by the thermostats that keep our homes at a more or less even temperature. If you set your thermostat for seventy degrees and it gets hotter, the central cooling will kick in and cool your house down. If your house gets below seventy degrees, your heater will kick in and heat your house up. Notice that in both cases your thermostat is making constant adjustments to stay at seventy degrees. Explaining that the body’s homeostasis works in a similar way will make it more relevant to your listeners and will likely help them both understand and remember the idea because it links to something they have already experienced.

If you can make effective comparisons while you are listening, it can deepen your understanding of the message. If you can provide those comparisons for your listeners, you make it easier for them to give consideration to your ideas.

Note-taking is a skill that improves with practice. You already know that it’s nearly impossible to write down everything a speaker says. In fact, in your attempt to record everything, you might fall behind and wish you had divided your attention differently between writing and listening.

Careful, selective note-taking is important because we want an accurate record that reflects the meanings of the message. However much you might concentrate on the notes, you could inadvertently leave out an important word, such as not , and undermine the reliability of your otherwise carefully written notes. Instead, if you give the same care and attention to listening, you are less likely to make that kind of a mistake.

It’s important to find a balance between listening well and taking good notes. Many people struggle with this balance for a long time. For example, if you try to write down only key phrases instead of full sentences, you might find that you can’t remember how two ideas were related. In that case, too few notes were taken. At the opposite end, extensive note-taking can result in a loss of emphasis on the most important ideas.

To increase your critical listening skills, continue developing your ability to identify the central issues in messages so that you can take accurate notes that represent the meanings intended by the speaker.

Listening Ethically

A man using a string telephone

Ben Smith – String telephone – CC BY-SA 2.0.

Ethical listening rests heavily on honest intentions. We should extend to other speakers the same respect we want to receive when it’s our turn to speak. We should be facing the speaker with our eyes open. We should not be checking our cell phones. We should avoid any behavior that belittles the speaker or the message.

Scholars Stephanie Coopman and James Lull emphasize the creation of a climate of caring and mutual understanding, observing that “respecting others’ perspectives is one hallmark of the effective listener” (Coopman & Lull, 2008). Respect, or unconditional positive regard for others, means that you treat others with consideration and decency whether you agree with them or not. Professors Sprague, Stuart, and Bodary (Sprague, et al., 2010). also urge us to treat the speaker with respect even when we disagree, don’t understand the message, or find the speech boring.

Doug Lippman (1998) (Lippman, 1998), a storytelling coach, wrote powerfully and sensitively about listening in his book:

Like so many of us, I used to take listening for granted, glossing over this step as I rushed into the more active, visible ways of being helpful. Now, I am convinced that listening is the single most important element of any helping relationship. Listening has great power. It draws thoughts and feelings out of people as nothing else can. When someone listens to you well, you become aware of feelings you may not have realized that you felt. You have ideas you may have never thought before. You become more eloquent, more insightful.… As a helpful listener, I do not interrupt you. I do not give advice. I do not do something else while listening to you. I do not convey distraction through nervous mannerisms. I do not finish your sentences for you. In spite of all my attempts to understand you, I do not assume I know what you mean. I do not convey disapproval, impatience, or condescension. If I am confused, I show a desire for clarification, not dislike for your obtuseness. I do not act vindicated when you misspeak or correct yourself. I do not sit impassively, withholding participation. Instead, I project affection, approval, interest, and enthusiasm. I am your partner in communication. I am eager for your imminent success, fascinated by your struggles, forgiving of your mistakes, always expecting the best. I am your delighted listener (Lippman, 1998).

This excerpt expresses the decency with which people should treat each other. It doesn’t mean we must accept everything we hear, but ethically, we should refrain from trivializing each other’s concerns. We have all had the painful experience of being ignored or misunderstood. This is how we know that one of the greatest gifts one human can give to another is listening.

Ethical listening is a concept that rests heavily on honest intentions. It is when we extend to other speakers the same respect we want to receive when it’s our turn to speak.

Aristotle. (c. 350 BCE). Rhetoric (W. Rhys Roberts, Trans.). Book I, Part 3, para. 1. Retrieved from http://classics.mit.edu/Aristotle/rhetoric.1.i.html .

Carr, N. (2010, May 24). The Web shatters focus, rewires brains.  Wired Magazine . Retrieved from  http://www.wired.com/magazine/2010/05/ff_nicholas_carr/all/1 .

Coopman, S. J., & Lull, J. (2008).  Public speaking: The evolving art . Cengage Learning, p. 60.

DeVito, J. A. (2000).  The elements of public speaking  (7th ed.). New York, NY: Longman.

Edward Jenner Museum. (n.d.). Vaccination. Retrieved from  http://www.jennermuseum.com/Jenner/vaccination.html

Factcheck.org, a Project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania. (2009, September 10). Obama’s health care speech. Retrieved from  http://www.factcheck.org/2009/09/obamas-health-care-speech

Gluck, M. A., Mercado, E., & Myers, C. E. (2008).  Learning and memory: From brain to behavior . New York: Worth Publishers, pp. 172–173.

Jarvis, T. (2009, November). How to talk so people really listen: Four ways to make yourself heard. O, the Oprah Magazine . Retrieved from http://www.oprah.com/relationships/Communication-Skills-How-to-Make-Yourself-Heard

Lippman, D. (1998).  The storytelling coach: How to listen, praise, and bring out people’s best . Little Rock, AR: August House.

Middendorf, J., & Kalish, A. (1996). The “change-up” in lectures.  The National Teaching and Learning Forum ,  5 (2).

Owen, R. (2010, May 23). Catholic church reburies “heretic” Nicolaus Copernicus with honour.  Times Online . Retrieved from  http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article7134341.ece

Postman, N. (1985).  Amusing ourselves to death: Public discourse in the age of show business . New York: Viking Press.

Sprague, J., Stuart, D., & Bodary, D. (2010).  The speaker’s handbook  (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage.

Watson, K. W., Barker, L. L., & Weaver, J. B., III. (1995). The listening styles profile (LSP-16): Development and validation of an instrument to assess four listening styles.  International Journal of Listening ,  9 , 1–13.

Wheeless, L. R. (1975). An investigation of receiver apprehension and social context dimensions of communication apprehension. Speech Teacher , 24 , 261–268.

Wikiquote. (n.d.). Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Retrieved from  http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Daniel_Patrick_Moynihan

Wolvin, A., & Coakley, C. G. (1996). Listening (5th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.

Stand up, Speak out Copyright © 2017 by Josh Miller; Marnie Lawler-Mcdonough; Megan Orcholski; Kristin Woodward; Lisa Roth; and Emily Mueller is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Importance of Public Speaking in Education


In today’s interconnected and fast-paced world, effective communication is more crucial than ever before. One vital aspect of communication that plays a critical role in educational success is public speaking.

This blog post will explore the importance of public speaking in education, revealing how it enhances  verbal and nonverbal communication skills , develops  leadership abilities , and fosters social connections among students.

Moreover, we’ll delve into how incorporating public speaking early on can prepare students for future opportunities both academically and professionally.

Key Takeaways

  • Public speaking enhances verbal and nonverbal communication skills, develops leadership abilities, boosts confidence and self-esteem , enhances critical thinking and problem-solving capabilities, and fosters social connections among students.
  • Incorporating public speaking early on in education provides a platform for students to express themselves creatively, prepares them for future careers and higher education while encouraging civic engagement and advocacy. It also boosts academic performance and engagement by improving critical thinking skills .
  • Developing exceptional public speaking abilities will enable students to excel academically while opening doors for career success. Through diverse experiences like classroom presentations or debates; they learn to express themselves creatively while forming social connections with peers. The ability to speak effectively is an essential skill that will serve one well throughout life.

Why Public Speaking Is Important For Students

Enhances verbal and nonverbal communication skills.

Mastering the art of public speaking can significantly enhance a student’s verbal and nonverbal communication skills. Verbal communication involves the use of words and language to convey messages, ideas, or emotions effectively.

When students practice public speaking regularly, they learn to develop excellent vocabulary, tone, pitch, and clarity in their speech.

Nonverbal communication refers to gestures, facial expressions , body language, eye contact, posture – all aspects that can amplify or contradict spoken content. By participating in public speaking activities such as debates or presentations, students become more aware of their body language and how it impacts their message delivery.

For example, maintaining steady eye contact with the audience signifies confidence while slouching projects low self-esteem.

Develops Leadership Abilities

Public speaking is a vital tool for developing leadership abilities among students. When individuals are given the opportunity to speak in front of groups, they naturally develop skills that can be applied to leadership roles.

For example, public speakers learn how to present new ideas effectively and inspire their peers with insightful oratory skills.

Leadership development through public speaking is especially critical for children because it helps them become more confident at an early age. As kids progress through school, they acquire the kind of interpersonal communication skills that are necessary for success later on in life.

Public speaking teaches children how to engage with others constructively and cultivate lasting connections over time—skills that will serve them well in all facets of society.

Boosts Confidence And Self-esteem

Public speaking can significantly enhance confidence and self-esteem, both of which are crucial for success in various areas of life. By practicing public speaking, individuals learn to present their ideas confidently and persuasively to an audience.

Moreover, receiving positive feedback from the audience after a speech or presentation can help build one’s self-esteem. The recognition received by a good speaker is often affirming; thereby making them feel appreciated and valued.

Enhances Critical Thinking And Problem-solving Capabilities

Public speaking is an excellent way to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students. As they prepare for their speeches, they must research and plan relevant information to deliver their ideas effectively.

Likewise, during the presentation itself, speakers might encounter questions or objections that require immediate responses.

Beyond the classroom experience of speeches, public speaking competitions like debate tournaments require participants to formulate sound arguments from multiple perspectives while assessing the strengths and weaknesses of opposing arguments.

Overall, public speaking provides a platform for students to sharpen vital analytical skills that help them succeed academically and professionally later in life.

Fosters Social Connections And Networking Opportunities

One of the major benefits of public speaking in education is that it fosters social connections and networking opportunities for students. Through various speech and debate competitions, model UN simulations, and mock trials, students get to interact with their peers from different schools, regions, or even countries.

Moreover, public speaking also enables students to network with professionals in their field of interest during conferences or workshops. As they interact with experts who share similar interests, they can learn more about career options available to them while gaining the knowledge required for success in those fields.

The Benefits Of Incorporating Public Speaking In Education

Incorporating public speaking in education provides a platform for students to express themselves creatively, enhances academic performance and engagement, prepares them for future careers and higher education, as well as encourages civic engagement and advocacy.

Develops Communication Skills Early On

Public speaking is an excellent way to develop communication skills early on in a student’s life. By participating in activities such as classroom presentations and debates, students learn how to effectively convey ideas and opinions to others.

They also improve their listening skills by actively engaging with their peers during discussion.

Furthermore, integrating public speaking into education provides a platform for self-expression and creativity. Students are encouraged to share their unique perspectives and ideas with their peers, fostering an environment of open-mindedness and innovation.

Provides A Platform For Self-expression And Creativity

Public speaking provides a valuable platform for students to express their thoughts and ideas in a confident and creative way. Students who engage in public speaking have the opportunity to share their perspectives, showcase their talents, and present innovative ideas.

Moreover, public speaking encourages critical thinking skills by requiring them to analyze information from diverse sources and communicate it clearly to an audience. It also enables students to connect with people of different backgrounds through shared interests or goals.

For example, a student who wants to advocate for animal rights can participate in local debates or events where they get the chance to articulate their viewpoints on relevant topics such as ethical treatment of animals or environmental protection.

Boosts Academic Performance And Engagement

Incorporating public speaking in education has many benefits for students, including boosting academic performance and engagement. When students participate in classroom presentations or debates, they are given the opportunity to research and analyze information on a particular topic.

This helps to develop critical thinking skills and improves their ability to apply what they have learned in class. Additionally, when students prepare speeches or presentations, they must organize their thoughts logically and clearly articulate their ideas.

When students feel engaged with the material they are studying, it leads to increased participation in class discussions. It also fosters a greater sense of curiosity about the world around them, leading to deeper learning experiences.

Public speaking provides an outlet for self-expression that helps keep students motivated throughout their academic careers.

Prepares Students For Future Careers And Higher Education

Public speaking is a crucial skill that prepares students for success in their future careers and higher education. In the workplace, employers seek employees who can communicate effectively with clients, colleagues, and superiors.

Public speaking skills enhance communication skills like learning how to deliver messages clearly and concisely.

In higher education, public speaking is an essential part of college life as students are required to give class presentations or participate in debates regularly. These activities help improve critical thinking and problem-solving abilities by learning how to present ideas coherently while considering opposing views respectfully.

Encourages Civic Engagement And Advocacy

Public speaking is a powerful tool for encouraging civic engagement and advocacy among students. When students practice public speaking, they learn to articulate their beliefs and advocate for what they believe in.

This can take the form of participating in school clubs or engaging with local government issues.

Furthermore, public speaking provides opportunities for networking within communities of peers who share similar interests and goals. Students can use these connections to collaborate on community service projects or other initiatives that promote social justice causes.

Overall, incorporating public speaking into education has numerous benefits beyond just improving presentation skills – it prepares students to be informed advocates on social justice issues that affect us all.

Practical Applications Of Public Speaking In Education

Classroom presentations and debates.

Classroom presentations and debates are practical applications of public speaking in education that provide students with opportunities to refine their presentation skills while engaging with their peers.

Classroom presentations offer a platform for students to demonstrate subject matter knowledge, build confidence, and improve communication skills.

Debates help students develop critical thinking, reasoning abilities, and decision-making skills. Through regular debate practice, students can improve their ability to think quickly on their feet and articulate strong arguments even under pressure.

Debating also encourages active listening skills as participants must consider opposing viewpoints before presenting counterarguments.

Student-led Conferences And Meetings

Student-led conferences and meetings are excellent opportunities for students to showcase their public speaking skills. These conferences and meetings provide a platform for students to take on leadership roles, develop their communication skills, and enhance critical thinking abilities.

Through student-led conferences and meetings, students can gain valuable experience in planning events while also building confidence by speaking publicly. This approach empowers them to take ownership of their education while improving social connections with others.

Such activities help young people prepare for future careers where effective communication is imperative.

Speech And Debate Competitions

Speech and debate competitions are an excellent way for students to put their public speaking skills to the test. Whether it’s a prepared speech or an impromptu debate, these events challenge students to think critically, articulate their ideas clearly and persuasively, and effectively communicate with their audience.

Through participating in speech and debate competitions, students not only develop practical communication skills but also build confidence in themselves as presenters and leaders.

These competencies can be especially useful in future careers where strong public speaking skills are highly valued.

Model UN Simulations And Mock Trials

Model UN simulations  and mock trials are great opportunities for students to hone their public speaking skills. These simulation exercises give students a chance to engage in role-playing activities that reflect real-world scenarios.

Students can participate in debates, negotiations, or present a particular point of view on behalf of an organization or country. Not only do these activities help improve verbal communication skills, but they also develop research abilities and critical thinking capabilities as they delve into the issues at hand.

Moreover, participating in Model UN simulations and mock trials boosts confidence among children by providing them with a platform where their voices can be heard without fear of judgment or ridicule.

Such experiences help foster leadership abilities and provide opportunities for networking, which is crucial both during education and later years’ careers.

Community Service And Advocacy Projects

Community service and advocacy projects provide an excellent opportunity for students to apply their public speaking skills in meaningful ways. By engaging with local communities, volunteering at events, or advocating for change on a social issue , students can refine their abilities to persuade and lead others effectively.

For example, a student may deliver a speech at a community fundraiser explaining the importance of the cause they are supporting or present an argument to school administrators about why certain policies need amendment.

Moreover, participating in  community service and advocacy projects  provides valuable real-world experience that can be applied in various fields later in life. Many successful leaders attribute their success to early exposure to public speaking through extracurricular activities such as debate clubs or Model United Nations sessions.

Effective Strategies For Improving Public Speaking Skills In Education

Regular practice and feedback, exposure to diverse perspectives and experiences, utilization of technology and resources, participation in public speaking events and workshops, and incorporation of public speaking in all subject areas are the effective strategies for improving public speaking skills in education.

Regular Practice And Feedback

One of the most effective strategies for improving public speaking skills in education is through regular practice and feedback. By consistently practicing their oral communication skills, students can build confidence and become more comfortable with presenting to an audience.

Teachers can provide constructive feedback by evaluating a student’s delivery, content, and overall effectiveness of their presentation.

In addition to classroom practice, participating in public speaking events and workshops can offer valuable opportunities for students to receive feedback from outside sources.

For example, joining a debate team or attending a speech camp can expose students to different styles of speaking and help them refine their own approach. Regular practice also helps develop critical thinking skills by encouraging students to analyze information from multiple perspectives in order to craft compelling arguments that resonate with audiences.

Exposure To Diverse Perspectives And Experiences

One important strategy for improving public speaking skills in education is exposing students to diverse perspectives and experiences. This can be achieved by encouraging them to research and present on topics they may not be familiar with, or by inviting guest speakers from different backgrounds to share their insights.

Exposing students to diverse perspectives helps them develop empathy, understanding, and appreciation for different cultures and worldviews.

Moreover, exposure to diverse experiences can help students overcome public speaking anxiety as it provides an opportunity for them to practice in a safe and supportive environment.

For instance, participating in multicultural events or engaging with classmates from different backgrounds can boost their confidence levels when delivering speeches or presentations.

Utilization Of Technology And Resources

In today’s digital age, utilizing technology and resources is crucial for improving public speaking skills in education. Online resources such as TED Talks, YouTube tutorials, and speech analysis tools can provide valuable insights into different techniques and styles of public speaking.

Another effective method for incorporating technology is through virtual presentations and conferences. With the rise of remote work and learning, being able to present effectively online has become a necessary skill.

Moreover, social media can be a useful tool for networking with other speakers and sharing speeches or ideas with a wider audience.

By embracing these technological advancements and resources, educators can enhance the learning experience and empower students to become confident communicators both inside the classroom and beyond.

Participation In Public Speaking Events And Workshops

Participation in public speaking events and workshops is an excellent way to improve your skills as a speaker. These events offer opportunities for you to practice speaking in front of an audience and receive feedback from professionals.

Attending these events also allows you to network with other speakers, giving you a chance to learn from their experiences and exchange insights on what works best in different situations.

With good public speaking skills, it is possible for individuals to succeed in numerous fields such as education, politics, business, social work among others.

Incorporation Of Public Speaking In All Subject Areas

Public speaking should be incorporated in all subject areas as it provides practical skills that are valuable beyond the classroom. English, history, science, and even math lessons can include activities that help students develop their public speaking abilities.

For example, in math, students can present solutions to problems or explain complex concepts to their classmates using persuasive techniques. In history, they can deliver speeches as historical figures or debate various issues from different perspectives.

Having public speaking exercises in all subjects helps students see how essential it is for communicating ideas effectively and preparing them for real-life situations outside of school where those skills are crucial.

Incorporation of these exercises across subjects also ensures that every student has access to a platform for self-expression regardless of their interests or strengths in academic areas.

Overall, integrating public speaking into all subject areas enables both educators and students alike to recognize its importance while empowering individuals with necessary life skills such as critical thinking ability and communication proficiency-both verbal and nonverbal-for achieving success not only education but also in work-life later on.

Conclusion: The Long-Term Benefits Of Public Speaking In Education And Beyond

In conclusion, incorporating public speaking in education has a significant impact on students’ personal and professional development. With improved communication skills, leadership abilities, critical thinking, and self-esteem, students can excel in academic settings and prepare for future careers.

As they engage in diverse experiences through classroom presentations, debates or mock trials; students learn to express themselves creatively while forming social connections with peers.

The ability to speak effectively is an essential skill that will serve one well throughout life.

1. What are the benefits of public speaking in education?

Public speaking helps students develop confidence, communication skills, critical thinking abilities, and leadership qualities which are essential for success in academic and professional careers. Additionally, it fosters self-expression and boosts creativity.

2. How can public speaking help improve student’s grades?

Public speaking improves students’ research skills as well as their understanding of topics they present on, leading to a better grasp of classroom materials. Furthermore, it enhances communication skills that are crucial for effective group projects or class discussions.

3. Is public speaking only useful for certain majors or fields?

No! Public speaking is essential in all career fields since communicating with others is vital to achieving personal and professional goals across industries.

4. Can individuals learn how to become effective public speakers?

Yes! With practice and guidance from experienced coaches or mentors who specialize in enhancing public speaking skills – anyone can become more confident through delivering speeches more effectively while also gaining lifelong advantages toward professional & social interactions due to improved interpersonal communication skillset development this provides over time!

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Why is critical thinking important?

What do lawyers, accountants, teachers, and doctors all have in common?

Students in the School of Literatures, Languages, Cultures, and Linguistics give a presentation in a classroom in front of a screen

What is critical thinking?

The Oxford English Dictionary defines critical thinking as “The objective, systematic, and rational analysis and evaluation of factual evidence in order to form a judgment on a subject, issue, etc.” Critical thinking involves the use of logic and reasoning to evaluate available facts and/or evidence to come to a conclusion about a certain subject or topic. We use critical thinking every day, from decision-making to problem-solving, in addition to thinking critically in an academic context!

Why is critical thinking important for academic success?

You may be asking “why is critical thinking important for students?” Critical thinking appears in a diverse set of disciplines and impacts students’ learning every day, regardless of major.

Critical thinking skills are often associated with the value of studying the humanities. In majors such as English, students will be presented with a certain text—whether it’s a novel, short story, essay, or even film—and will have to use textual evidence to make an argument and then defend their argument about what they’ve read. However, the importance of critical thinking does not only apply to the humanities. In the social sciences, an economics major , for example, will use what they’ve learned to figure out solutions to issues as varied as land and other natural resource use, to how much people should work, to how to develop human capital through education. Problem-solving and critical thinking go hand in hand. Biology is a popular major within LAS, and graduates of the biology program often pursue careers in the medical sciences. Doctors use critical thinking every day, tapping into the knowledge they acquired from studying the biological sciences to diagnose and treat different diseases and ailments.

Students in the College of LAS take many courses that require critical thinking before they graduate. You may be asked in an Economics class to use statistical data analysis to evaluate the impact on home improvement spending when the Fed increases interest rates (read more about real-world experience with Datathon ). If you’ve ever been asked “How often do you think about the Roman Empire?”, you may find yourself thinking about the Roman Empire more than you thought—maybe in an English course, where you’ll use text from Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra to make an argument about Roman imperial desire.  No matter what the context is, critical thinking will be involved in your academic life and can take form in many different ways.

The benefits of critical thinking in everyday life

Building better communication.

One of the most important life skills that students learn as early as elementary school is how to give a presentation. Many classes require students to give presentations, because being well-spoken is a key skill in effective communication. This is where critical thinking benefits come into play: using the skills you’ve learned, you’ll be able to gather the information needed for your presentation, narrow down what information is most relevant, and communicate it in an engaging way. 

Typically, the first step in creating a presentation is choosing a topic. For example, your professor might assign a presentation on the Gilded Age and provide a list of figures from the 1870s—1890s to choose from. You’ll use your critical thinking skills to narrow down your choices. You may ask yourself:

  • What figure am I most familiar with?
  • Who am I most interested in? 
  • Will I have to do additional research? 

After choosing your topic, your professor will usually ask a guiding question to help you form a thesis: an argument that is backed up with evidence. Critical thinking benefits this process by allowing you to focus on the information that is most relevant in support of your argument. By focusing on the strongest evidence, you will communicate your thesis clearly.

Finally, once you’ve finished gathering information, you will begin putting your presentation together. Creating a presentation requires a balance of text and visuals. Graphs and tables are popular visuals in STEM-based projects, but digital images and graphics are effective as well. Critical thinking benefits this process because the right images and visuals create a more dynamic experience for the audience, giving them the opportunity to engage with the material.

Presentation skills go beyond the classroom. Students at the University of Illinois will often participate in summer internships to get professional experience before graduation. Many summer interns are required to present about their experience and what they learned at the end of the internship. Jobs frequently also require employees to create presentations of some kind—whether it’s an advertising pitch to win an account from a potential client, or quarterly reporting, giving a presentation is a life skill that directly relates to critical thinking. 

Fostering independence and confidence

An important life skill many people start learning as college students and then finessing once they enter the “adult world” is how to budget. There will be many different expenses to keep track of, including rent, bills, car payments, and groceries, just to name a few! After developing your critical thinking skills, you’ll put them to use to consider your salary and budget your expenses accordingly. Here’s an example:

  • You earn a salary of $75,000 a year. Assume all amounts are before taxes.
  • 1,800 x 12 = 21,600
  • 75,000 – 21,600 = 53,400
  • This leaves you with $53,400
  • 320 x 12 = 3,840 a year
  • 53,400-3,840= 49,560
  • 726 x 12 = 8,712
  • 49,560 – 8,712= 40,848
  • You’re left with $40,848 for miscellaneous expenses. You use your critical thinking skills to decide what to do with your $40,848. You think ahead towards your retirement and decide to put $500 a month into a Roth IRA, leaving $34,848. Since you love coffee, you try to figure out if you can afford a daily coffee run. On average, a cup of coffee will cost you $7. 7 x 365 = $2,555 a year for coffee. 34,848 – 2,555 = 32,293
  • You have $32,293 left. You will use your critical thinking skills to figure out how much you would want to put into savings, how much you want to save to treat yourself from time to time, and how much you want to put aside for emergency funds. With the benefits of critical thinking, you will be well-equipped to budget your lifestyle once you enter the working world.

Enhancing decision-making skills

Choosing the right university for you.

One of the biggest decisions you’ll make in your life is what college or university to go to. There are many factors to consider when making this decision, and critical thinking importance will come into play when determining these factors.

Many high school seniors apply to colleges with the hope of being accepted into a certain program, whether it’s biology, psychology, political science, English, or something else entirely. Some students apply with certain schools in mind due to overall rankings. Students also consider the campus a school is set in. While some universities such as the University of Illinois are nestled within college towns, New York University is right in Manhattan, in a big city setting. Some students dream of going to large universities, and other students prefer smaller schools. The diversity of a university’s student body is also a key consideration. For many 17- and 18-year-olds, college is a time to meet peers from diverse racial and socio-economic backgrounds and learn about life experiences different than one’s own.

With all these factors in mind, you’ll use critical thinking to decide which are most important to you—and which school is the right fit for you.

Develop your critical thinking skills at the University of Illinois

At the University of Illinois, not only will you learn how to think critically, but you will put critical thinking into practice. In the College of LAS, you can choose from 70+ majors where you will learn the importance and benefits of critical thinking skills. The College of Liberal Arts & Sciences at U of I offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs in life, physical, and mathematical sciences; humanities; and social and behavioral sciences. No matter which program you choose, you will develop critical thinking skills as you go through your courses in the major of your choice. And in those courses, the first question your professors may ask you is, “What is the goal of critical thinking?” You will be able to respond with confidence that the goal of critical thinking is to help shape people into more informed, more thoughtful members of society.

With such a vast representation of disciplines, an education in the College of LAS will prepare you for a career where you will apply critical thinking skills to real life, both in and outside of the classroom, from your undergraduate experience to your professional career. If you’re interested in becoming a part of a diverse set of students and developing skills for lifelong success, apply to LAS today!

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Why Is Public Speaking Important? Because It’s Useful

Updated: December 29, 2023

Published: February 9, 2020


Why is public speaking important? The reason is that everyone encounters a situation where public speaking skills are necessary. It could be at work, school, or in your personal life. Whether you are looking for tips on conquering stage fright, looking to improve your public speaking skills, or trying to motivate others on the importance of public speaking, we have all the info you need here. Find out all the benefits of public speaking below.

Public Speaking Definition

According to Merriam-Webster , public speaking is “the act or process of making speeches in public,” or “the art of effective oral communication with others.”

Everyday Public Speaking

Public speaking for the everyday person is still extremely important. Public speaking has many benefits in everyday life and can be grouped into the following categories:

1. Informative Speaking:

This type of speaking is the most common and happens to most people daily. It involves speaking in order to inform others, or get information out. This can be academic or professional knowledge, but can also be to report your progress on a project, or tell someone how to use something.

2. Persuasive Speaking:

Public speaking will often be in order to persuade others. This can be in a debate or formal speech, but can also be minor persuasions such as going to a place you choose for lunch. Persuasive public speaking is a very valuable skill to have.

3. Entertaining Speaking:

Public speaking for entertainment is used for award ceremonies, wedding speeches, comedy sketches, poetry reading, and much more. The purpose of this type of public speaking is to entertain the audience, instead of merely informing.

Why is Public Speaking Important?

Photo from  pexels, 1. win over your crowd.

No matter the crowd in front of you — whether at a social gathering, business meeting or large audience at a conference — being able to speak publicly is a very important asset. With public speaking skills and experience, speakers are able to captivate the interest of their listeners and keep them interested in order to deliver the message.

2. Motivate Others

Public speakers motivate their listeners to make a change. It could be to stop or start something, try something new, or reach their goals. Public speaking is important because the speaker can motivate others to go in the direction they wish, and the speaker can motivate others to be their best selves.

3. Inform People

When you have information to share, you don’t want it to be portrayed in a boring way. You want people to listen! This is done with public speaking skills. Inform people about something that matters by using great public skills and they will be sure to listen and be more likely to understand the information.

Benefits of Public Speaking In Your Life

Photo by  christina morillo  from  pexels, career benefits.

If you’re currently working in sales, the benefits of public speaking are many. You can reach for higher sales goals, get more customers and make more sales with public speaking skills.

2. Career advancement:

When you are a good public speaker, you will be more comfortable in interviews , be better able to sway others in your favor, and convince your boss to give you a promotion.

3. Stand out in the workforce:

Most will avoid speaking up and putting themselves in the spotlight at work, but with public speaking skills you have the confidence to do so!

4. Bring people together:

Within your company or on your team, public speaking is a way to bring workers together. When many people feel confident in public speaking, workers will speak their mind and collaborate better together.

5. Become a thought leader:

A thought leader is someone that people go to for ideas, consult on problems, and more. Being a good public speaker makes you that person and will get you ahead in your job when people know they can come to you.

Make New Social Connections

1. Find supporters:

When you practice public speaking, you are championing for others or a cause, and you will find a tribe of supporters to surround yourself with. These will be people who are like-minded or who share your values.

2. Get comfortable in social settings:

Public speaking allows you to relax in a group situation or when the spotlight is on you. This will make you more comfortable around people and easier to make connections.

3. Increase your professional network :

As you speak in more public settings such as work events and conferences, you will undoubtedly meet other speakers in your field, as well as audience members who are interested in what you have to say.

Developing Leadership Skills

If you want to do well and get ahead in school or your career, leadership is part of the equation. As a leader, you will have many public speaking opportunities.

1. Good speaker = good leader:

Most of the great leaders in human history were also great public speakers.

2. Good leader = opportunities:

As a good leader, you will be given more opportunities in social settings, your career, and other aspects of life.

Personal Benefits of Public Speaking

Photo by  startup stock photos  from  pexels, 1. boost confidence.

Public speaking repeatedly is a great boost of self confidence. Every time you speak, you gain a bit more confidence as you see your ideas and yourself were well-received by your audience.

2. Personal Satisfaction

Being able to speak in front of a crowd is a huge accomplishment. The first time can be very nerve-wracking, but coming out on the other end of the speech is a huge win! After the first time, you will keep getting better and better at public speaking and will get great personal satisfaction from this skill.

3. Critical Thinking

When preparing and conducting a speech, you also increase your critical thinking skills by working through problems, imagining positive and negative consequences, and finding solutions.

4. Improve Communication Skills

When you practice public speaking, you are practicing both verbal and nonverbal skills — and both will improve. The more you speak out, the better you get at communication. Public speakers are better overall communicators in all facets of life.

5. Learn to Argue

Presenting an argument in a formal setting will help you in informal settings as well. Public speaking helps you form better arguments, and you can increase your arguing skills even more through public speaking by engaging in Q&A with your audience.

6. Be a Better Listener

Attending conferences as a speaker means you will also listen to other speakers. As you listen to other speakers, you will have a greater appreciation and understanding of their material and craft, as a speaker yourself.

Public Speaking Helps You Drive Change

Photo by  denniz futalan  from  pexels.

Public speaking is one of the most effective ways to get your message across. With public speaking, you can influence the world around you. If you see something that needs to change, use public speaking to change it!

  • Make the difference:

Every public speaking opportunity you come across is a time to spread you influence for the greater good.

  • Reach people fast:

Instead of waiting for your message to spread by word of mouth, social media , or print media, put it in front of a huge audience and you’ll instantly inspire many.

  • Your message comes to life:

Written information is useful in some cases, but when you really want to make a difference in the world, you need to campaign for your cause and the best way to do so is to get it to come to life with public speaking.

How to Get Better at Public Speaking

Writing the speech.

1. Be prepared:

When you are comfortable, you are confident. Write a good speech that makes sense to you and that you are prepared to deliver.

2. Research the topic:

When you have thoroughly researched the topic, you will feel more confident when writing and delivering the speech.

3. Outline or write it out?

When you write out an entire speech, it will be easier to memorize as it can be stored word for word in your memory. The downside is that it could sound robotic and you risk reading it straight from the page. When you write an outline for a speech, it may sound more natural and you can glance at your outline as you. However, it is more difficult to rehearse and some people feel less confident with only an outline in front of them. It all depends on what you prefer.

Overcoming Your Stage Fright

Photo by  mentatdgt  from  pexels.

Fear of public speaking is a common one, but it can be overcome. Use these tips to help you overcome the fear:

1. Read your speech out loud:

Even if it’s just to yourself, reading it aloud will help you work out any hiccups and have you feeling confident with your voice.

2. Practice in front of a group:

Don’t just practice in the mirror or with a friend. To get over a fear of speaking in front of a crowd, try to practice in front of a small group first.

3. Should you picture the crowd in underwear?

The answer is, probably not. Even though this is common advice to get you to relax, it can be distracting. The best thing to do is to make eye contact, but if that starts to make you nervous, pretend the crowd is not there and just look straight ahead.

4. Pump yourself up:

Whatever gets you going before a test or a game, the same applies here. Listen to your favorite music on the way, or go for a run in the morning.

5. Use the power of knowledge:

When you know both your speech and your topic inside and out, completely by heart, you will have the confidence to focus on delivery and staying relaxed in front of others.

Things To Remember As You’re Giving The Speech

1. eye contact:.

Know your speech well so that you can maintain eye contact with the audience. This is important to engage them and make yourself more personable.

2. Move your view:

Make sure to move your eye contact around the room. Slightly shift your body or head at times towards a new direction if the crowd is large.

3. Talk, don’t read:

Try to talk to your audience as if you are inviting them into your thoughts. Do not read your speech word for word off the paper.

4. Your voice is a tool:

And people need to hear it! Make sure you are speaking loud enough so that you are heard.

5. Body language:

This is another important tool for public speakers. Try recording yourself so you are aware of your body language and fix any fidgets you find on the recording.

When you are good at it and practice often, the benefits of public speaking are many. Being an excellent public speaker is important for your career, social life, personal development , and for making a change in the world.

Each time you speak, you get better and better. So get out there and make your voice heard!

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Why is Public Speaking Important?

Public speaking is a vital skill that empowers individuals to communicate effectively and confidently in various situations. This blog explores 'Why is Public Speaking Important,' focusing on how it boosts career prospects, enhances personal growth, and fosters strong connections. Learn the key reasons behind this essential skill and its transformative impact on your life.


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Table of Contents  

1) Major reasons Why is Public Speaking Important 

      a) Enhances communication skills 

      b) Boosts self-confidence 

      c) Fosters leadership abilities 

      d) Improves persuasion and influencing skills 

     e) Enhances career prospects 

     f) Overcomes fear and anxiety 

     g) Develops critical thinking 

     h) Promotes effective presentation skills 

     i) Enables effective advocacy 

     j) Facilitates knowledge sharing 

     k) Enhances personal and professional relationships 

     l) Cultivates empathy and understanding 

     m) Helps inspire and motivate others 

2) Conclusion 

Major reasons Why is Public Speaking Important  

Before we dive deeper into the major reasons why Public Speaking is important, we will first understand What is Public Speaking. Public Speaking is the art of delivering a speech or presentation to an audience. It is a form of communication that involves expressing ideas, sharing information, and conveying messages to a group of people. Public Speaking can take various forms, including formal speeches, presentations, debates, lectures, and even informal discussions. 

At its core, Public Speaking is about effectively communicating thoughts, opinions, or information in a way that engages and influences the audience. It requires careful planning, organising, and delivering to ensure that the intended message is conveyed clearly and persuasively. 

Public Speaking is not limited to professional or formal settings. It is a skill that can be applied in various aspects of life, such as academic presentations, business meetings, social gatherings, community events, and even personal conversations.  

Reasons Why Public Speaking is Important

Enhances communication skills  

Public Speaking provides a platform to develop and enhance your communication skills. It allows you to articulate your thoughts, ideas, and opinions clearly and concisely. By practising Public Speaking, you learn to structure your thoughts and express them in a coherent manner, enabling effective communication in various settings. 

Good communication skills are essential in personal and professional relationships. Whether it's conveying your ideas in a team meeting, negotiating with clients, or engaging in discussion with friends, the ability to communicate effectively plays a vital role in establishing connections, building trust, and resolving conflicts. Public Speaking gives you the opportunity to hone these skills and become a better communicator. 

Boosts self-confidence  

Engaging in Public Speaking builds self-confidence. When you deliver a speech or presentation before an audience, you overcome the fear of judgment and rejection. As you prepare and deliver speeches, you gain a sense of mastery over your subject matter and your ability to convey it effectively. 

Public Speaking also allows you to receive feedback from your audience, which can be a valuable confidence booster. Positive feedback and recognition for your speaking skills can enhance your self-assurance and belief in your abilities. With increased self-confidence, you'll find yourself more willing to take on challenges, express your opinions, and pursue new opportunities. 

Fosters leadership abilities  

Public Speaking is closely tied to leadership skills. Leaders often need to address groups, inspire others, and convey their vision effectively. By honing your Public Speaking abilities, you cultivate essential leadership qualities such as clarity, persuasion, and charisma. 

Effective leaders are able to articulate their ideas, motivate their teams, and inspire others to take action. Through Public Speaking, you can develop these skills and become a more influential and impactful leader in your personal and professional life. Whether you're leading a team, advocating for a cause, or presenting a business proposal, the ability to deliver a compelling speech can greatly influence your success as a leader. 

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Improves persuasion and influencing skills  

Effective Public Speaking allows you to become more persuasive and influential. Whether you're pitching an idea, advocating for a cause, or trying to convince others of your viewpoint, the ability to deliver a compelling speech can greatly impact your success. 

Public Speaking equips you with techniques to engage your audience, structure persuasive arguments, and leave a lasting impression. By mastering the art of Public Speaking, you can capture the attention of your listeners, evoke emotions, and effectively convey your message. This skill can be invaluable in various situations, such as job interviews, sales presentations, and public debates. 

Enhances career prospects  

Another way how Public Speaking is important is that it opens doors to numerous career opportunities. Many professions require the ability to communicate effectively with clients, colleagues, and stakeholders. Whether you're in sales, management, teaching, or any other field, being a confident and articulate speaker gives you a competitive edge. 

Public Speaking helps you convey your expertise, inspire trust, and connect with your audience. It enables you to deliver impactful presentations, engage with stakeholders, and effectively communicate your ideas and strategies. These skills not only enhance your professional reputation but also increase your chances of career advancement and success. 

Overcomes fear and anxiety  

One of the significant benefits of Public Speaking is conquering fear and anxiety. Fear of Public Speaking is a common phobia, but by regularly facing and overcoming this fear, you build resilience and develop coping mechanisms. 

As you gain experience and witness your progress, your fear diminishes, empowering you to tackle other challenges with greater confidence. Overcoming the fear of Public Speaking can have a positive ripple effect on other areas of your life, enabling you to approach new experiences and opportunities with a more fearless mindset. 

Develops critical thinking  

Public Speaking encourages critical thinking skills. To deliver a compelling speech, you need to research, analyse information, and present your ideas in a logical and coherent manner. 

This process enhances your ability to think critically, evaluate different perspectives, and support your arguments with evidence. Critical thinking is a valuable skill in various aspects of life, including problem-solving, decision-making, and evaluating information in an increasingly complex world. By engaging in Public Speaking, you sharpen your critical thinking skills and become a more analytical and informed communicator. 

Promotes effective presentation skills  

Public Speaking enhances your overall presentation skills. You learn how to create engaging and informative presentations, effectively use visual aids, and engage with your audience. 

Mastering effective presentation techniques allows you to deliver impactful messages that resonate with your audience. Whether you're presenting to a small group or a large audience, the ability to captivate and hold their attention is crucial. Public Speaking equips you with the tools and techniques to create memorable presentations that leave a lasting impression on your listeners. 

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Enables effective advocacy  

Public Speaking empowers you to be an effective advocate for causes and ideas that matter to you. Whether you're addressing social issues, promoting environmental awareness, or championing a charity, Public Speaking provides a platform to voice your opinions and inspire change. 

By delivering persuasive speeches, you can influence public opinion, mobilise support, and make a meaningful impact in your community. Public Speaking gives you the power to raise awareness, generate empathy, and rally others around a common cause. It allows you to be a catalyst for positive change and contribute to creating a better world. 

Facilitates knowledge sharing  

Public Speaking facilitates the sharing of knowledge and expertise. When you present information or give a speech, you have the opportunity to educate and inform others about a specific topic. 

By sharing your insights, experiences, and expertise, you contribute to the collective learning and growth of your audience. Public Speaking creates a space for intellectual exchange, where ideas are shared, discussed, and expanded upon. It fosters a culture of continual learning and allows you to be a conduit of knowledge and inspiration. 

Enhances personal and professional relationships  

Effective communication is the groundwork for healthy relationships, both personally and professionally. Public Speaking helps you develop strong interpersonal skills, allowing you to connect with others on a deeper level. 

Whether it's delivering a heartfelt speech at a family gathering, effectively communicating with colleagues, or engaging in a networking event, Public Speaking cultivates empathy, understanding, and effective communication. It allows you to convey your thoughts and emotions authentically, fostering meaningful connections and fostering positive relationships. 

Cultivates empathy and understanding  

Public Speaking encourages empathy and understanding. When you deliver a speech, you have the opportunity to share your experiences, perspectives, and emotions with others. 

By openly expressing yourself and listening to the responses and perspectives of your audience, you develop a deeper sense of empathy. Public Speaking allows you to see different viewpoints, appreciate diverse experiences, and foster understanding and tolerance. It creates a platform for dialogue and encourages open-mindedness, promoting a more inclusive and compassionate society. 

Helps inspire and motivate others  

Public Speaking has the power to inspire and motivate others. A well-delivered speech can evoke emotions, ignite passion, and encourage action. One of the most powerful ways to inspire others through Public Speaking is by sharing personal stories and experiences. When you open up and share your journey, challenges, and triumphs, you create a connection with your audience on a deeper level. 

When you deliver a speech with genuine enthusiasm and conviction, it has the power to ignite the same passion in your audience. Your energy and excitement about a particular topic or cause can inspire others to adopt a similar mindset and take appropriate action.  

Public Speaking Training


All in all, Public Speaking is a vital skill with numerous benefits in various aspects of life. It enhances communication skills, boosts self-confidence, fosters leadership abilities, improves persuasion and influence, and opens doors to exciting career opportunities. Additionally, it helps individuals overcome fear and anxiety, develop critical thinking, and promote effective presentation skills. Hope this blog answered your question of “Why is Public Speaking Important!” 

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Chapter 4: The Importance of Listening

Learning Objectives

  • Describe the differences between listening and hearing.
  • Explain the benefits of listening.
  • Discern between the different listening styles.
  • Identify the types of noise that can affect a listener’s ability to attend to a message.
  • Describe how a listener’s attention span can limit the listener’s ability to attend to a speaker’s message.
  • Analyze how a listener’s personal biases can influence her or his ability to attend to a message.
  • Define receiver apprehension and the impact it can have on a listener’s ability to attend to a message.
  • List and explain the different stages of listening.
  • Understand the two types of feedback listeners give to speakers.
  • Define and explain critical listening and its importance in the public speaking context.
  • Understand six distinct ways to improve your ability to critically listen to speeches.
  • Evaluate what it means to be an ethical listener.
  • Action-Oriented Listeners
  • Assumptions
  • Content-Oriented Listeners
  • Critical Listening
  • Ethical Listening
  • Listening or Receiver Apprehension
  • People-Oriented Listeners
  • Physical Noise
  • Physiological Noise
  • Psychological Noise
  • Receiver Biases
  • Remembering
  • Semantic Noise
  • Time-Oriented Listeners
  • Understanding

primarily interested in finding out what the speaker wants

are gaps in a logical sequence that listeners passively fill with their own ideas and opinions and may or may not be accurate

are interested in the message itself, whether it makes sense, what it means, and whether it’s accurate

using careful, systematic thinking and reasoning to see whether a message makes sense in light of factual evidence

rests heavily on honest intentions; we should extend to speakers the same respect we want to receive when it’s our turn to speak

fourth stage of the listening process; judging the value of the message

an accidental and automatic brain response to sound that requires no effort

at its best, is active, focused, concentrated attention for the purpose of understanding the meanings expressed by a speaker

the fear that you might be unable to understand the message or process the information correctly or be able to adapt your thinking to include the new information coherently

a wide range of distractions that can inhibit an audience member from accurately attending to a speaker’s speech

interested in the speaker; listens to the message in order to learn how the speaker thinks and how they feel about their message

consists of various sounds in an environment that interfere with a source’s ability to hear

consists of distractions to a speaker’s message caused by a listener’s own body

consists of distractions to a speaker’s message caused by a receiver’s internal thoughts

can refer to two things: biases with reference to the speaker and preconceived ideas and opinions about the topic or message

first stage of the listening process; the intentional focus on hearing a speaker’s message, which happens when we filter out other sources so that we can isolate the message and avoid the confusing mixture of incoming stimuli

third stage of the listening process; begins with listening; if you can’t remember something that was said, you might not have been listening effectively

fifth and final stage of the listening process; also referred to as “feedback”; the stage at which you indicate your involvement; almost anything you do at this stage can be interpreted as feedback

occurs when a receiver experiences confusion over the meaning of a source’s word choice

prefer a message that gets to the point quickly

second stage of the listening process; we attempt to learn the meaning of the message, which is not always easy

It’s About Them: Public Speaking in the 21st Century Copyright © 2022 by LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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why is critical thinking important in public speaking


  1. The benefits of critical thinking for students and how to develop it

    why is critical thinking important in public speaking

  2. Importance of Critical Thinking

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  3. How You Can Improve Your Critical Thinking Skills

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  4. Why is Critical Thinking Important

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  5. Importance of critical thinking: 13 compelling reasons

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  6. The importance of critical thinking in public speaking by KAMAL AL on Prezi

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  1. Getting critical questions in a speech/presentation? Respond this

  2. Critical Reading and Critical thinking?|Definition| Meaning|Process|Goals

  3. Foundations of Critical Thinking

  4. 🗣️ Mastering Public Speaking: Why It's Essential for Success

  5. High Up Academy For English and Leadership: Mind Talk : The importance of critical thinking

  6. 5 Tips To Improve Critical Thinking What is How To Develop Critical Thinking #EnergeticRavi


  1. How Public Speaking Improves Critical Thinking Skills

    Public speaking can greatly improve communication skills, which is an important aspect of critical thinking. When giving a speech, one must consider their audience and tailor their message accordingly. This involves being able to articulate thoughts clearly and concisely while also being engaging and persuasive.

  2. Critical Thinking

    The philosopher John Dewey, often considered the father of modern day critical thinking, defines critical thinking as: "Active, persistent, careful consideration of a belief or supposed form of knowledge in light of the grounds that support it and the further conclusions to which it tends."[1] The first key component of Dewey's definition ...

  3. Critical Thinking Skills

    Key Takeaways. Critical thinking is a skill that will help speakers further develop their arguments and position their speech in a strong manner. Critical thinking utilizes thought, plan, and action. Be sure to consider the research at-hand and develop an argument that is logical and connects to the audience.

  4. 6.2: Critical Thinking Traits and Skills

    Table 6.2.1 6.2. 1 Traits of Critical Thinkers. Open-Mindedness. Critical thinkers are open and receptive to all ideas and arguments, even those with which they may disagree. Critical thinkers reserve judgment on a message until they have examined the claims, logic, reasoning, and evidence used.

  5. 1.1 Why Is Public Speaking Important?

    In addition to learning the process of creating and delivering an effective speech, students of public speaking leave the class with a number of other benefits as well. Some of these benefits include. developing critical thinking skills, fine-tuning verbal and nonverbal skills, overcoming fear of public speaking.

  6. What Are Critical Thinking Skills and Why Are They Important?

    According to the University of the People in California, having critical thinking skills is important because they are [ 1 ]: Universal. Crucial for the economy. Essential for improving language and presentation skills. Very helpful in promoting creativity. Important for self-reflection.

  7. 10 Principles of Effective Public Speaking

    We focus on the "public" at the expense of the "speaking.". To become effective at public speaking, you must do just the opposite: focus on the speaking and let go of the "public.". Think of it as a conversation between you and the audience. If you can carry on a relaxed conversation with one or two people, you can give a great speech.

  8. Logic and the Role of Arguments

    The Value of Critical Thinking. In public speaking, the value of being a critical thinker cannot be overstressed. Critical thinking helps us to determine the truth or validity of arguments. ... To help stress the importance of it, the Foundation for Critical Thinking has set forth universal standards of reasoning. These standards can be found ...

  9. Why Is Public Speaking Important? (With Tips to Improve)

    Related: Why Critical Thinking is Important in the Workplace Develops leadership qualities Public speaking is important for developing leadership abilities because it helps you convey your ideas effectively to others. The ability to persuade others and help them change their minds is essential for becoming an effective leader.

  10. 6: Critical Thinking and Reasoning

    This page titled 6: Critical Thinking and Reasoning is shared under a CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Terri Russ@Saint Mary's College (Public Speaking Project) via source content that was edited to the style and standards of the LibreTexts platform; a detailed edit history is available upon request.

  11. 4.5 Listening Critically

    When you listen critically to a speech, you might hear information that appears unsupported by evidence. You shouldn't accept that information unconditionally. You would accept it under the condition that the speaker offers credible evidence that directly supports it. Table 4.1 Facts vs. Assumptions. Facts.

  12. PDF Public Speaking and Critical Thinking

    Public Speaking & Critical Thinking is designed to help student develop their contribution to public discourse through public speaking In this course, students will learn how to develop, research, organize, write, and ... timely and complex topic, you will have to explain why the idea, concept, policy or process is important and ensure your ...

  13. 10 Tips to Improve Public Speaking Skills

    Humour can help ease tense moments and remind those listening that you are a human just like them. 9. Record and evaluate yourself speaking. Co-workers and friends can help provide feedback, but you can help yourself. When you make a presentation, position your phone to video record yourself so you can watch it later.

  14. The Importance of Public Speaking

    Public speaking is useful in every area of life, personal and professional. Being an effective public speaker can escalate your career, grow your business, and overall improve the quality of your life. The benefits of public speaking are obvious; you can spread your message to audiences and create a lasting impact in their lives.

  15. 16 Benefits of Perfecting Your Public Speaking Skills

    Here's a list of 16 benefits of perfecting your public speaking skills: 1. Improve your research skills. Preparing a speech requires finding ideas, statistics and evidence to support your claims or arguments, which can allow you to develop strong research skills. In addition to verifying your claims, learning to research properly can help you ...

  16. Critical Listening

    Critical listening, in a public speaking context, means using careful, systematic thinking and reasoning to see whether a message makes sense in light of factual evidence. Critical listening can be learned with practice but is not necessarily easy to do.

  17. 1.3: Why Is Public Speaking Important?

    Benefits of Public Speaking Courses. Speech is power: speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel - Ralph Waldo Emerson. In addition to learning the process of creating and delivering an effective speech, students of public speaking leave the class with a number of other benefits as well. Some of these benefits include.

  18. Importance of Public Speaking in Education

    Public speaking enhances verbal and nonverbal communication skills, develops leadership abilities, boosts confidence and self-esteem, enhances critical thinking and problem-solving capabilities, and fosters social connections among students. Incorporating public speaking early on in education provides a platform for students to express ...

  19. Why is critical thinking important?

    The importance of critical thinking can be found across a wide set of disciplines. They are not only used in the humanities but are also important to professionals in the social and behavioral sciences, physical sciences, and STEM—and the list does not end there. At the University of Illinois College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, you'll be ...

  20. Why Is Public Speaking Important? It's Useful

    Motivate Others. Public speakers motivate their listeners to make a change. It could be to stop or start something, try something new, or reach their goals. Public speaking is important because the speaker can motivate others to go in the direction they wish, and the speaker can motivate others to be their best selves. 3.

  21. Why is Public Speaking Important?

    1) Major reasons Why is Public Speaking Important. a) Enhances communication skills. b) Boosts self-confidence. c) Fosters leadership abilities. d) Improves persuasion and influencing skills. e) Enhances career prospects. f) Overcomes fear and anxiety. g) Develops critical thinking. h) Promotes effective presentation skills.

  22. 1.2: Why Is Public Speaking Important?

    In addition to learning the process of creating and delivering an effective speech, students of public speaking leave the class with a number of other benefits as well. Some of these benefits include. developing critical thinking skills, fine-tuning verbal and nonverbal skills, overcoming fear of public speaking.

  23. 16.2: Critical Thinking

    Understanding the ways logic can be used and possibly misused is a vital skill. To help stress the importance of it, the Foundation for Critical Thinking has set forth universal standards of reasoning. These standards can be found in Table 16.2.3 16.2. 3. When the mind is thinking, it is talking to itself. ~ Plato.

  24. Chapter 4: The Importance of Listening

    Chapter 4: The Importance of Listening. Learning Objectives. Describe the differences between listening and hearing. Explain the benefits of listening. Discern between the different listening styles. Identify the types of noise that can affect a listener's ability to attend to a message. Describe how a listener's attention span can limit ...

  25. importance of critical thinking in listening to public speech

    Public SpeekingThe importance of Critical thinking in listening to public speecheswhat is Critical Thinking?Critical ThinkingCritical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a ...