8 Key Lessons for Living a Simple Life

By leo babauta.

For the last dozen years, I’ve been living a (relatively) simple life. At times, the complexity of my life grows, and I renew my commitment to living simply.

Living a simple life is about paring back, so that you have space to breathe. It’s about doing with less, because you realize that having more and doing more doesn’t lead to happiness. It’s about finding joys in the simple things, and being content with solitude, quiet, contemplation and savoring the moment.

I’ve learned some key lessons for living a simple life, and I thought I’d share a few with you.

  • We create our own struggles . All the stress, all the frustrations and disappointments, all the busyness and rushing … we create these with attachments in our heads. By letting go, we can relax and live more simply.
  • Become mindful of attachments that lead to clutter and complexity . For example, if you are attached to sentimental items, you won’t be able to let go of clutter. If you are attached to living a certain way, you will not be able to let go of a lot of stuff. If you are attached to doing a lot of activities and messaging everyone, your life will be complex.
  • Distraction, busyness and constant switching are mental habits . We don’t need any of these habits, but they build up over the years because they comfort us. We can live more simply by letting go of these mental habits. What would life be like without constant switching, distraction and busyness?
  • Single-task by putting your life in full-screen mode . Imagine that everything you do – a work task, answering an email or message, washing a dish, reading an article – goes into full-screen mode, so that you don’t do or look at anything else. You just inhabit that task fully, and are fully present as you do it. What would your life be like? In my experience, it’s much less stressful when you work and live this way. Things get your full attention, and you do them much better. And you can even savor them.
  • Create space between things . Add padding to everything. Do half of what you imagine you can do. We tend to cram as much as possible into our days. And this becomes stressful, because we always underestimate how long things will take, and we forget about maintenance tasks like putting on clothes and brushing teeth and preparing meals. We never feel like we have enough time because we try to do too much. But what would it be like if we did less? What would it be like if we padded how long things took, so that we have the space to actually do them well, with full attention? What would it be like if we took a few minutes’ pause between tasks, to savor the accomplishment of the last task, to savor the space between things, to savor being alive?
  • Find joy in a few simple things . For me, those include writing, reading/learning, walking and doing other active things, eating simple food, meditating, spending quality time with people I care about. Most of that doesn’t cost anything or require any possessions (especially if you use the library for books!). I’m not saying I have zero possessions, nor that I only do these few things. But to the extent that I remember the simple things I love doing, my life suddenly becomes simpler. When I remember, I can let go of everything else my mind has fixated on, and just find the simple joy of doing simple activities.
  • Get clear about what you want, and say no to more things . We are rarely very clear on what we want. When we see someone post a photo of something cool, we might all of a sudden get fixed on doing that too, and suddenly the course of our lives veer off in a new direction. Same thing if we read about something cool, or watch a video of a new destination or hobby. When someone invites us to something cool, we instantly want to say yes, because our minds love saying yes to everything, to all the shiny new toys. What if we became crystal clear on what we wanted in life? If we knew what we wanted to create, how we wanted to live … we could say yes to these things, and no to everything else. Saying no to more things would simplify our lives.
  • Practice doing nothing, exquisitely . How often do we actually do nothing? OK, technically we’re always “doing something,” but you know what I mean – just sit there and do nothing. No need to plan, no need to read, no need to watch something, no need to do a chore or eat while you do nothing. Just don’t do anything. Don’t accomplish anything, don’t take care of anything. What happens is you will start to notice your brain’s habit of wanting to get something done – it will almost itch to do something. This exposes our mental habits, which is a good thing. However, keep doing nothing. Just sit for awhile, resisting the urge to do something. After some practice, you can get good at doing nothing. And this leads to the mental habit of contentment, gratitude without complaining.

Of course, these are not the only lessons you’ll need for living a simple life. But the best ones are the ones you discover yourself. Try these and see what happens – I think you’ll find out something beautiful about yourself, and about life.

The best kind of simplicity is that which exposes the raw beauty, joy and heartbreak of life as it is.

Posted: 08.02.2018

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Why the simple life is not just beautiful, it’s necessary

<p>Detail from <em>Interior with Two Girls</em> by Peter Ilsted, 1904. <em>Photo courtesy Flickr</em></p>

Detail from Interior with Two Girls by Peter Ilsted, 1904. Photo courtesy Flickr

by Emrys Westacott   + BIO

living simple essay

The good life is the simple life. Among philosophical ideas about how we should live, this one is a hardy perennial; from Socrates to Thoreau, from the Buddha to Wendell Berry, thinkers have been peddling it for more than two millennia. And it still has plenty of adherents. Magazines such as Real Simple call out to us from the supermarket checkout; Oprah Winfrey regularly interviews fans of simple living such as Jack Kornfield, a teacher of Buddhist mindfulness; the Slow Movement, which advocates a return to pre-industrial basics, attracts followers across continents.

Through much of human history, frugal simplicity was not a choice but a necessity – and since necessary, it was also deemed a moral virtue. But with the advent of industrial capitalism and a consumer society, a system arose that was committed to relentless growth, and with it grew a population (aka ‘the market’) that was enabled and encouraged to buy lots of stuff that, by traditional standards, was surplus to requirements. As a result, there’s a disconnect between the traditional values we have inherited and the consumerist imperatives instilled in us by contemporary culture.

In pre-modern times, the discrepancy between what the philosophers advised and how people lived was not so great. Wealth provided security, but even for the rich wealth was flimsy protection against misfortunes such as war, famine, disease, injustice and the disfavour of tyrants. The Stoic philosopher Seneca, one of the richest men in Rome, still ended up being sentenced to death by Nero. As for the vast majority – slaves, serfs, peasants and labourers – there was virtually no prospect of accumulating even modest wealth.

Before the advent of machine-based agriculture, representative democracy, civil rights, antibiotics and aspirin, just making it through a long life without too much suffering counted as doing pretty well. Today, though, at least in prosperous societies, people want and expect (and can usually have) a good deal more. Living simply now strikes many people as simply boring.

Yet there seems to be growing interest, especially among millennials, in rediscovering the benefits of simple living. Some of this might reflect a kind of nostalgia for the pre-industrial or pre-consumerist world, and also sympathy for the moral argument that says that living in a simple manner makes you a better person, by building desirable traits such as frugality, resilience and independence – or a happier person, by promoting peace of mind and good health, and keeping you close to nature.

These are plausible arguments. Yet in spite of the official respect their teachings command, the sages have proved remarkably unpersuasive. Millions of us continue to rush around getting and spending, buying lottery tickets, working long hours, racking up debt, and striving 24/7 to climb the greasy pole. Why is this?

One obvious answer is good old-fashioned hypocrisy. We applaud the frugal philosophy while ignoring its precepts in our day-to-day lives. We praise the simple lifestyle of, say, Pope Francis, seeing it as a sign of his moral integrity, while also hoping for and cheering on economic growth driven, in large part, by a demand for bigger houses, fancier cars and other luxury goods.

But the problem isn’t just that our practice conflicts with our professed beliefs. Our thinking about simplicity and luxury, frugality and extravagance, is fundamentally inconsistent. We condemn extravagance that is wasteful or tasteless and yet we tout monuments of past extravagance, such as the Forbidden City in Beijing or the palace at Versailles, as highly admirable. The truth is that much of what we call ‘culture’ is fuelled by forms of extravagance.

Somewhat paradoxically, then, the case for living simply was most persuasive when most people had little choice but to live that way. The traditional arguments for simple living in effect rationalise a necessity. But the same arguments have less purchase when the life of frugal simplicity is a choice, one way of living among many. Then the philosophy of frugality becomes a hard sell.

That might be about to change, under the influence of two factors: economics and environmentalism. When recession strikes, as it has done recently (revealing inherent instabilities in an economic system committed to unending growth) millions of people suddenly find themselves in circumstances where frugality once again becomes a necessity, and the value of its associated virtues is rediscovered.

In societies such as the United States, we are currently witnessing a tendency for capitalism to stretch the distance between the ‘have lots’ and the ‘have nots’. These growing inequalities invite a fresh critique of extravagance and waste. When so many people live below the poverty line, there is something unseemly about in-your-face displays of opulence and luxury. Moreover, the lopsided distribution of wealth also represents a lost opportunity. According to Epicurus and the other sages of simplicity, one can live perfectly well, provided certain basic needs are satisfied – a view endorsed in modern times by the psychologist Abraham Maslow’s ‘ hierarchy of needs ’. If correct, it’s an argument for using surplus wealth to ensure that everyone has basics such as food, housing, healthcare, education, utilities and public transport – at low cost, rather than allowing it to be funnelled into a few private pockets.

However wise the sages, it would not have occurred to Socrates or Epicurus to argue for the simple life in terms of environmentalism. Two centuries of industrialisation, population growth and frenzied economic activity has bequeathed us smog; polluted lakes, rivers and oceans; toxic waste; soil erosion; deforestation; extinction of plant and animal species, and global warming. The philosophy of frugal simplicity expresses values and advocates a lifestyle that might be our best hope for reversing these trends and preserving our planet’s fragile ecosystems.

Many people are still unconvinced by this. But if our current methods of making, getting, spending and discarding prove unsustainable, then there could come a time – and it might come quite soon – when we are forced towards simplicity. In which case, a venerable tradition will turn out to contain the philosophy of the future.

The Wisdom of Frugality (2016) by Emrys Westacott is published via Princeton University Press.

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10 Benefits of Living a Simple Life

10 Benefits of Living a Simple Life

There are so many benefits of living a simple life. And in today’s post, I’m sharing some of my favourites.

Reading about the benefits of living a simple life is a great way to get and stay motivated to simplify your own life. Reminding you why it matters and what you stand to gain .

What is simple living?

Clearing the clutter from your home is one part of living a simpler life . But fully embracing a simple life goes beyond just simplifying the stuff in your home. It’s about making intentional choices to simplify your life as a whole.

Simplifying your home and your space. But also simplifying your schedule and how you spend your time. Simplifying your routines and how you approach the work and tasks you need to do each day. And finally, it’s about slowing down and embracing a slower, simpler, less busy life in general.

A life where you clear the clutter, distractions and busyness so you have more time, space and attention to enjoy and do the things that matter most to you.

10 Benefits of Living a Simple Life

Benefits of living a simple life

When you take this holistic approach to simplify your life, there are a variety of benefits you can start to experience. And that’s what today’s post is all about!

The benefits of living a simple life and how they can impact your life in a positive way.

Keep reading for some great inspiration, motivation and encouragement to embrace a slower, simpler life!

1. More time for what matters most

When you reduce the distractions, the clutter and the busyness in your life, you give yourself more time, space and energy for what matters most to you.

Whether that’s your work, a hobby or activity you love, the relationships that mean the most to you, etc. Whatever it is, simplifying your life gives you more time to focus on what you love and what matters most to you.

2. Less stress

Less to manage, take care of and keep up with all helps to reduce stress in your life. Reducing your workload and mental load.

It’s letting go of what’s less important and keeping what’s most important. And when you do that, you can eliminate a lot of unnecessary stress from your life too.

Choosing to embrace a simpler life means focusing less on the “should dos” and getting clear about what matters most instead. Then choosing to reduce, remove or eliminate the “shoulds” so you have more space in your life to focus on what matters.

In addition, embracing a simpler life often leads to buying less “stuff” and buying more intentionally. Simply because you want to keep your home simplified because of the benefits it brings .

Buying less and being more intentional with your purchases can also lead to less financial stress, another great way to reduce stress levels overall.

3. Less mental clutter

Having less to manage, take care of, keep up with, keep track of, etc. also means you reduce your mental load and reduce mental clutter .

Life can feel less overwhelming and chaotic when you reduce the number of things, commitments, obligations, tasks, etc. that you are required to take care of and keep up with.

And instead, you create a life with fewer things to manage and take care of. Giving yourself more time and space to hear and process your thoughts and feelings. As well as remember, keep track of and keep up with the important things that truly matter in your life.

You’ll like be less distracted as well with less to manage, keep up with and remember. Helping to improve your focus and concentration as well!

4. More clarity about what matters most

One of the greatest benefits of living a simple life is the clarity it gives you .

The more you simplify, the more you clear away the clutter and the distractions (both literal and figurative). And the more you identify and clear the clutter and distractions, the more opportunity you have to clarify what truly matters most to you.

You put less pressure on yourself to do it all, have it all, keep up with it all, etc. And instead, start pinpointing and clarifying for yourself what matters most. Gaining more awareness of who you are, what your values, goals and priorities are and what kind of life you want to live.

And the more awareness you gain of who you are as a person, the more confidence you gain in who you are. As well as confidence in the choices you’re making and the way you’re choosing to live.

You know who you are and what matters most to you. And may find you compare your life less to other people’s simply because you recognize you have different goals, values and priorities.

5. Benefits to your physical health

Simplifying your life also positively impacts your physical health.

Taking steps to reduce the stress you feel in your life is a great way to better support your physical health. As studies show that prolonged exposure to elevated stress levels can impact your health. Including your heart function, your mental health, digestion, memory and more.

But simplifying your life can also impact your health in other ways. For example, a clutter-free bedroom can help you sleep better.

It also gives you more time in your days to focus on things that support your health, like giving you more time to exercise, focus on eating better and do activities to calm your body and mind.

6. Improved relationships

One of the biggest benefits of a simple life is the way it frees up your time for what matters most. And having more time for what matters to you can impact so many areas of your life.

The positive impact simplifying can have on your relationships is another example.

The more time you have for the people you love, the deeper and more meaningful your relationships can become.

7. More gratitude

When you’re less bogged down by clutter, busyness and distractions, you have more time and capacity for gratitude . To appreciate the good already filling your life. Giving you more time and space to notice and appreciate it.

Simplifying is about removing the clutter and distractions, leaving the things that matter most to you. And when you are highlighting what matters most in your life, you often feel more gratitude for the life you’re creating. Simply because you’re creating a life filled with what matters most to you.

8. More focus & creativity

Living a simpler life often focuses on having less to do, rather than getting more done.

Instead of looking for the next productivity hack to let you squeeze it all in, you start looking for what you can remove to make life easier to keep up with. The more you remove, the more time you gain. And the more time you gain, the less rushed and busy you need to be.

You might be able to do less multi-tasking trying to get it all done. And instead, do more focused, single-tasking. Not only making your tasks feel less frantic and stressful but also allowing you to focus more and be more intentional with what you’re doing.

Having more time in your days also gives you more opportunities for creativity, creative problem solving and creative thinking. It’s hard to be creative when you’re too busy or stressed to slow down and pay attention to your creative ideas!

9. Reduces your environmental impact

Living a simpler life can also help reduce your environmental footprint.

As I said earlier, embracing a simpler life often focuses on owning less and buying less to maintain a simpler home and lifestyle. When you own less and buy less, you’re consuming less and producing less waste. Maybe even focusing on maintaining and repairing what you already own, rather than always discarding and buying new.

A great example of this is in your wardrobe. When embracing a simpler life, you might focus less on buying new, trendy clothes and instead focus on wearing what you already own. Reducing your consumption, waste and environmental impact.

10. More happiness

And finally, one of my favourite benefits of living a simple life is the happiness it adds to life.

When living a simpler life there is less rushing, less stress, less busyness and instead more time for what you love and what matters most to you.

There’s time for the people you love. Time for the activities and hobbies you enjoy. Less pressure to keep up with everything and instead choosing to only keep up with the things that matter to you.

It’s a life where you focus on creating a life you love. A life that feels fulfilling and purposeful to you. Not one where you try to keep up with everyone else or live by someone else’s rules. And a life that aligns with what matters most to you and your values, goals and priorities is a life that feels good. A life with more space to be happy!

I hope today’s post will inspire you to create a simpler life that focuses on what matters most to you!

I’d love to know, which of these benefits are your favourite or are the things you’re most looking forward to experiencing as you continue to simplify your life. Leave a comment below and let me know!

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Living a simple life: 6 science-backed benefits


Considering escaping the consumer-driven world and living a simpler life? Calvin Holbrook is and he's not alone. Read about the 'voluntary simplicity' movement and discover six benefits of a simplistic lifestyle, including discovering your purpose, better health and increased focus.

Since hitting my 40s, the thought of voluntary choosing to live a simpler life appeals more and more. Living in large and exciting cities has provided great opportunities and entertainment, but what I once found exciting I now find challenging. My brain feels increasingly overwhelmed with noise, excess stimulation, distractions, and ever-increasing crowds, all helping to pump up my anxiety levels.

As a result, I find myself thinking about a quieter, more simplistic way of life, being closer to nature and in a more peaceful setting. However, living the simple life doesn’t have to mean shacking up alone in a log cabin in the middle of nowhere (although, actually, that sounds quite appealing). In fact, there are many practical and not-so-drastic ways to create a more simplistic lifestyle for yourself, and the benefits are proven by science.


More recently, the modern simplicity movement arose from the counterculture movement in the 1960s and 1970s. Then, in 1981, this movement gained a new moniker with the release of Duane Elgin’s book Voluntary Simplicity . In it, he explained the virtues of “a way of life that is outwardly simple, inwardly rich.” During the 90s, the concept of  minimalism , which includes elements of simple living, also became popular.

What does living a simple life involve?

While minimalism is mainly focused on reducing or giving up possessions, living a simple life often includes more elements. Choosing simplification creates a life filled with meaning, a life lived on your own terms. It helps create the time and space to pursue your true interests and passions.  

Simple living flies in the face of the common values of the Western world most of us have grown up with. Living a simple life means stripping away the nonessential stuff to focus your time and energy on the things that matter the most to you.  

How can I simplify my life?

As I mentioned at the start, moving away for a simple, quieter life in the countryside or coast is a dream for me and many others. However, the reality is, many cannot just jump and do that because of work or family commitments. But, in the meantime – and regardless of where you're living – there are many practical steps you can take to simplify your life and feel the benefits.

“Living a simple life doesn’t just mean giving up your possessions. Choosing simplification creates a life filled with meaning, a life lived on your own terms.”

Examples include reducing your possessions, being mindful of new purchases, limiting your time on social media and smartphones, stopping attending social occasions you’re indifferent about and eliminating multitasking.  Doing some or all of these things can bring you great benefits and happiness – so, l et’s take a more detailed look at these six key benefits of simplifying your life, backed up by science.  

1. Simplify your life to learn more about yourself

When you’re not distracting yourself with social media, binging on Netflix series, shopping for another gadget, or filling your diary with must-do events, you’re giving yourself the time and mental space to be grateful for what you already have, plus providing the opportunity to reflect and learn more about yourself.  

In fact, living simply can help us find meaning and grow spiritually, as it shifts the focus away from material possessions and helps us to look inwardly. It helps to create more silence – and even solitude – prime factors for spiritual reflection .

Of course, sometimes reflecting on our lives and who we are can be as uncomfortable as it is rewarding, but ultimately it helps to focus on who we are, what gives our life purpose and meaning, and what we want to do with the rest of our lives. In turn, living with purpose and a meaningful life has been to shown to increase happiness levels.  

2. A simpler lifestyle can improve relationships


Additionally, developing a more simple way of life may mean editing your friendship group. Perhaps you have lots of different friends that you spend time doing different actives with, for example, the 'party' friend, the 'shopping' friend, the 'gym buddy'. By simplifying your life and doing less, it could mean shifting your focus to having fewer, more quality friendships and closer relationships. The interaction between you may also be more sincere, as you will be free of the need to impress.

In turn, there are health benefits attached to simplifying your friendships. Various studies have found that developing strong, solid friendships can reduce your illness risk – from being less likely to get a common cold to having a lower risk of developing obesity or heart disease. A Harvard study also found that keeping close friends could promote brain health as we grow older.

3. Simple living boosts your bank balance

In many developed countries, the disparity between what we buy and what we need leads to huge overconsumption that drains the Earth’s resources and accelerates climate change. Voluntary simplicity is a lifestyle that minimizes consumption and the pursuit of wealth and material goods.

Simplifying your life by reducing consumption means you will spend (and owe) less, and the benefits of financial independence can include less stress and worry, and consequently better sleep . That could benefit a lot of people: according to a UK study from 2018 which questioned 2,000 people, money worries affect 40 per cent of the population.

“Living a simple life means stripping away the non-essential stuff to focus your time and energy on the things that matter the most to you.”

To limit your consumption, firstly, take time to look at your outgoings and consider what you need to spend your money on. Those daily takeaway coffees? Upgrades to the latest iPhone or Samsung? Netflix and apps subscriptions? That gym membership you hardly ever use? There are so many chances to minimize our spending, so cancel what you don’t need and change your habits. Additionally, you may be being charged for subscriptions for things you’ve totally forgotten about, so go through your bank statement and check.  

Secondly, aim to eliminate any existing debt you have and only live within your means. Stop using credit cards and, instead, develop a monthly budget.   Thirdly, if you’ve decided to simplify your belongings, make yourself some extra money by selling unwanted stuff on eBay (or donate it to charity, of course).

Likewise, if you decide to simplify your social life to focus on things such as connecting with nature , walking, meditation , this will also benefit your bank balance – most of these things are free or have little expenditure involved!

4. Living a simple life is great for your health

Living a simplistic lifestyle can also be beneficial to your physical and mental health. A 2014 study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found a link between materialism (valuing possessions and money) – and poor physical health. The team, from Knox College, Illinois, also found an even stronger link between materialism and engagement in risky behaviors that could damage physical health, including drinking alcohol, smoking and drug use. So, it makes sense that the reverse – having a non-materialistic attitude – could be positive for health.


The reasons for this could be due to the fact that developing a more simplistic lifestyle often means less stress and increased rest. This benefits could come from spending more time with friends/family, getting more physical activity, and changing jobs to find something more fulfilling and less money-orientated.  

Additionally, voluntary simplifiers often make a move away from big urban hubs to the countryside or seaside, which also has potential health benefits. A 2012 study from the University of Exeter showed that coastal populations in the UK are healthier than those inland, believed to be party due to the stress relief of living by the sea and greater opportunities for physical activity. The coast also offers cleaner, healthier air which helps to promote better sleep (which we know is essential for good mental health ).

5. Simplistic living means increased focus

Reducing possessions and commitments correlates to a reduction in distractions and therefore less physical – and mental – clutter. As you simplify your life and remove distractions, you create space to breathe and focus more carefully on what remains.

RELATED: The Top 5 benefits of gratitude practice

In fact, the physical reduction of clutter in your home has been proven to boost concentration. Researchers at the Princeton University Neuroscience Institute studied the effects of clutter and published the results in the Journal of Neuroscience. They concluded that clearing clutter from your home and work environments increased the ability to focus and process information effectively. Their research also showed that an uncluttered space led to people feeling less irritable, more productive and distracted less often.

“Living simply can help us find meaning and grow spiritually, as it shifts the focus away from material possessions and helps us to look inwardly.”

Simplifying your life by focusing on one job at a time, rather than multitasking, can also boost concentration. Multitasking used to be championed as effective, but Psychology Today reports that in reality it can decrease productivity levels by up to 40 per cent.  

Many of us are constantly switched on to multiple technologies: on average, we check our mobile phones every 12 minutes , causing further distractions and interruptions which affect our ability to concentrate. Choose to simplify life by limiting these interruptions: remove or reduce social media usage and switch off annoying pop-up notifications.

6. Living a simple life helps the environment

While the benefits of voluntary simplicity described here are clear for the individual, simple living also works for the wider environment. It’s been previously suggested that if everyone on Earth consumed as much as the average US citizen, four Earths would be needed to sustain them. Consuming less and having fewer possessions decreases the amount of waste a person produces.


Humans consume 400 per cent more clothes than they did just two decades ago. About 80 billion pieces of clothing are consumed annually, and the U.S.A alone produces 11 million tons of textile waste each year. So, instead of buying cheap fashions, seek out more durable outfits that will last, and if they no longer fit, place unwanted clothes in a material recycling bin; never just throw them away.  

There are many other ways cutting consumption and waste helps to protect the environment. For example, instead of buying bottled water, buy a reusable flask. Instead of updating to the latest technology, enjoy what you currently have.  

As consumers we rarely consider the context and impact when buying products, for example, considering the workers and factories that made a product, the journey to the store a product made, how the packaging was produced, etc.   Living a simple life means becoming more mindful of what you consume and thinking more about a product’s journey and environmental impact, therefore making more considered purchases.

Conclusions on simple living

According to the Chinese philosopher Confucius, “Life is really simple but we insist on making it complicated.” I would have to agree. For me, it's clear these science-backed benefits of living a simpler life are enormous and can only add to increased happiness too.

Simple living and sustainable living go hand-in-hand, and having a healthier environment will also lead to better health for generations to come. Rather than buying more and more possessions, consider spending more of your time and money on experiences: they leave only memories and nothing in the trash can! ●

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Written by Calvin Holbrook



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Posted August 11, 2021

The article strikes a chord in me and gives me even more ideas on the subject of "simplify my life". For me, this is a process of self-cleansing so that I can focus more on the really important things in life.  A new thought now is that it's not just about owning and buying lots of unnecessary things, but also limiting all these distractions through social media and the ever-so-touted multitasking. Whereby multitasking probably means nothing more than the ability to do several things at the same time not one hundred percent... I think that a return to a reduced life can also counteract burnouts and depression, if only because without distractions and without a consumption hangover, there is more space for one's own self. Thank you for the article and the inspiration!

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Posted February 25, 2021

I found this article looking for minimalistic living and minimalism in general. Such a long time I couldn't throw things away, but now I started a 31 challenge to throw away something every day of it (3 items per day). It gets harder every day, but the simple life feels amazing, too! I have no need for all these things and believe that I will do that for more than 31 days ;) 

Posted December 30, 2020

Great tips. Used to live in a big city and filled my time with as much activity as possible: friends, cinema, shopping, theatre etc., never had a quiet moment to myself. Gave it up a few years ago to move to the south coast here in the UK and now love living a simpler way of life. Enjoy walks, the coast, beach, and feel way calmer. Stopped buying food and expensive coffees out (every now and again is OK) and have more money. This simple living works for me and has also shown me who I am - before I was always busy doing stuff to think about self-fulfilment. 

I think part of living a simplistic lifestyle is also about giving up ego and attainment. :) Take care and all the best for 2021 everyone. 

Posted November 21, 2020

The simple used to survive

on this planet,

hunting or gathering food

or cultivating land.

They needed not read or write

to be terrorized by institutions,

nor wear wrist watches

to be terrorized by time.

They ate no processed food

to clog their arteries

nor had access to couches

to   be 'couch potatoes'.

They had nothing to control

at any distance;

Nature controlled them

from all directions,

and selected the fit

to better their race.

And for that, they respected Nature

and were content with their lot.


Posted September 16, 2020

Funny I stumble across this article at such a pivotal time! We're transitioning to living a more simple life by moving from our 140m² apartment to a 10m² 4x4 expedition truck! I must say it feels AMAZING to get rid of so much stuff  we accumulated throughout the years and thought we needed! So far we've given away most of our books and old clothes and shoes and we're happy there are so many people looking for pre-owned things instead of buying new. What's also good is that we can't buy anything for as long as we're living in our truck as we simply don't have the space! I'm very happy to know that by living a simple life, I'm not only increasing my health and well-being, but I'm also helping the environment.


Posted August 10, 2020

I wholeheartedly agree with this article on living a simple life.

One good example is my wardrobe: I haven't bought anything in years (except good hiking shoes and a high-quality winter jacket). My style is a bit rough but personal and authentic. If a piece has a hole or needs altering it goes on a pile which I work through every couple of months fixing the holes with patches or some embroidery. No of this is very professional, and yet I feel great, and I enjoy the evenings of resourceful creativity.

It's similar with items for the house. We pledged to buy no new things so whenever we "need" something "new" we either build, recycle, reuse, upcycle what we already have, or we look for it on garage sales, flea markets, second-hand websites. It's fun, cheap, sustainable and you aren't even tempted to follow and fashion trends but only your taste.


Posted July 14, 2020

Hey everybody


Calvin77 1,341

Posted March 26, 2020

On 11/27/2019 at 7:35 PM, Guest Ted_R said: Calvin, this is a wonderful article, well written and well researched. Thank You :)

Thank you so much, Ted. I hope it was inspiring for you :)

Posted November 27, 2019

Calvin, this is a wonderful article, well written and well researched. Thank You :)

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Published: Mar 20, 2024

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Physical well-being, mental well-being, meaningful relationships, personal growth.

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Essays About Life: Top 5 Examples Plus 7 Prompts

Life envelops various meanings; if you are writing essays about life, discover our comprehensive guide with examples and prompts to help you with your essay.

What is life? You can ask anyone; I assure you, no two people will have the same answer. How we define life relies on our beliefs and priorities. One can say that life is the capacity for growth or the time between birth and death. Others can share that life is the constant pursuit of purpose and fulfillment. Life is a broad topic that inspires scholars, poets, and many others. It stimulates discussions that encourage diverse perspectives and interpretations. 

5 Essay Examples

1. essay on life by anonymous on toppr.com, 2. the theme of life, existence and consciousness by anonymous on gradesfixer.com, 3. compassion can save life by anonymous on papersowl.com, 4. a life of consumption vs. a life of self-realization by anonymous on ivypanda.com, 5. you only live once: a motto for life by anonymous on gradesfixer.com, 1. what is the true meaning of life, 2. my life purpose, 3. what makes life special, 4. how to appreciate life, 5. books about life, 6. how to live a healthy life, 7. my idea of a perfect life.

“…quality of Life carries huge importance. Above all, the ultimate purpose should be to live a meaningful life. A meaningful life is one which allows us to connect with our deeper self.”

The author defines life as something that differentiates man from inorganic matter. It’s an aspect that processes and examines a person’s actions that develop through growth. For some, life is a pain because of failures and struggles, but it’s temporary. For the writer, life’s challenges help us move forward, be strong, and live to the fullest. You can also check out these essays about utopia .

“… Kafka defines the dangers of depending on art for life. The hunger artist expresses his dissatisfaction with the world by using himself and not an external canvas to create his artwork, forcing a lack of separation between the artist and his art. Therefore, instead of the art depending on the audience, the artist depends on the audience, meaning when the audience’s appreciation for work dwindles, their appreciation for the artist diminishes as well, leading to the hunger artist’s death.”

The essay talks about “ A Hunger Artist ” by Franz Kafka, who describes his views on life through art. The author analyzes Kafka’s fictional main character and his anxieties and frustrations about life and the world. This perception shows how much he suffered as an artist and how unhappy he was. Through the essay, the writer effectively explains Kafka’s conclusion that artists’ survival should not depend on their art.

“Compassion is that feeling that we’ve all experienced at some point in our lives. When we know that there is someone that really cares for us. Compassion comes from that moment when we can see the world through another person’s eyes.”

The author is a nurse who believes that to be professional, they need to be compassionate and treat their patients with respect, empathy, and dignity. One can show compassion through small actions such as talking and listening to patients’ grievances. In conclusion, compassion can save a person’s life by accepting everyone regardless of race, gender, etc.

“… A life of self-realization is more preferable and beneficial in comparison with a life on consumption. At the same time, this statement may be objected as person’s consumption leads to his or her happiness.”

The author examines Jon Elster’s theory to find out what makes a person happy and what people should think and feel about their material belongings. The essay mentions a list of common activities that make us feel happy and satisfied, such as buying new things. The writer explains that Elster’s statement about the prevalence of self-realization in consumption will always trigger intense debate.

“Appreciate the moment you’ve been given and appreciate the people you’ve been given to spend it with, because no matter how beautiful or tragic a moment is, it always ends. So hold on a little tighter, smile a little bigger, cry a little harder, laugh a little louder, forgive a little quicker, and love a whole lot deeper because these are the moments you will remember when you’re old and wishing you could rewind time.”

This essay explains that some things and events only happen once in a person’s life. The author encourages teenagers to enjoy the little things in their life and do what they love as much as they can. When they turn into adults, they will no longer have the luxury to do whatever they want.

The author suggests doing something meaningful as a stress reliever, trusting people, refusing to give up on the things that make you happy, and dying with beautiful memories. For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers .

7 Prompts for Essays About Life

Essays About Life: What is the true meaning of life?

Life encompasses many values and depends on one’s perception. For most, life is about reaching achievements to make themselves feel alive. Use this prompt to compile different meanings of life and provide a background on why a person defines life as they do.

Take Joseph Campbell’s, “Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning, and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer,” for example. This quote pertains to his belief that an individual is responsible for giving life meaning. 

For this prompt, share with your readers your current purpose in life. It can be as simple as helping your siblings graduate or something grand, such as changing a national law to make a better world. You can ask others about their life purpose to include in your essay and give your opinion on why your answers are different or similar.

Life is a fascinating subject, as each person has a unique concept. How someone lives depends on many factors, such as opportunities, upbringing, and philosophies. All of these elements affect what we consider “special.”

Share what you think makes life special. For instance, talk about your relationships, such as your close-knit family or best friends. Write about the times when you thought life was worth living. You might also be interested in these essays about yourself .

Life in itself is a gift. However, most of us follow a routine of “wake up, work (or study), sleep, repeat.” Our constant need to survive makes us take things for granted. When we endlessly repeat a routine, life becomes mundane. For this prompt, offer tips on how to avoid a monotonous life, such as keeping a gratitude journal or traveling.

Many literary pieces use life as their subject. If you have a favorite book about life, recommend it to your readers by summarizing the content and sharing how the book influenced your outlook on life. You can suggest more than one book and explain why everyone should read them.

For example, Paulo Coelho’s “The Alchemist” reminds its readers to live in the moment and never fear failure.

Essays About Life: How to live a healthy life?

To be healthy doesn’t only pertain to our physical condition. It also refers to our mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being. To live a happy and full life, individuals must strive to be healthy in all areas. For this prompt, list ways to achieve a healthy life. Section your essay and present activities to improve health, such as eating healthy foods, talking with friends, etc.

No one has a perfect life, but describe what it’ll be like if you do. Start with the material things, such as your house, clothes, etc. Then, move to how you connect with others. In your conclusion, answer whether you’re willing to exchange your current life for the “perfect life” you described and why.  See our essay writing tips to learn more!

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Maria Caballero is a freelance writer who has been writing since high school. She believes that to be a writer doesn't only refer to excellent syntax and semantics but also knowing how to weave words together to communicate to any reader effectively.

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Essay on Life for Students and Children

500+ words essay on life.

First of all, Life refers to an aspect of existence. This aspect processes acts, evaluates, and evolves through growth. Life is what distinguishes humans from inorganic matter. Some individuals certainly enjoy free will in Life. Others like slaves and prisoners don’t have that privilege. However, Life isn’t just about living independently in society. It is certainly much more than that. Hence, quality of Life carries huge importance. Above all, the ultimate purpose should be to live a meaningful life. A meaningful life is one which allows us to connect with our deeper self.

essay on life

Why is Life Important?

One important aspect of Life is that it keeps going forward. This means nothing is permanent. Hence, there should be a reason to stay in dejection. A happy occasion will come to pass, just like a sad one. Above all, one must be optimistic no matter how bad things get. This is because nothing will stay forever. Every situation, occasion, and event shall pass. This is certainly a beauty of Life.

Many people become very sad because of failures . However, these people certainly fail to see the bright side. The bright side is that there is a reason for every failure. Therefore, every failure teaches us a valuable lesson. This means every failure builds experience. This experience is what improves the skills and efficiency of humans.

Probably a huge number of individuals complain that Life is a pain. Many people believe that the word pain is a synonym for Life. However, it is pain that makes us stronger. Pain is certainly an excellent way of increasing mental resilience. Above all, pain enriches the mind.

The uncertainty of death is what makes life so precious. No one knows the hour of one’s death. This probably is the most important reason to live life to the fullest. Staying in depression or being a workaholic is an utter wastage of Life. One must certainly enjoy the beautiful blessings of Life before death overtakes.

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How to Improve Quality of Life?

Most noteworthy, optimism is the ultimate way of enriching life. Optimism increases job performance, self-confidence, creativity, and skills. An optimistic person certainly can overcome huge hurdles.

Meditation is another useful way of improving Life quality. Meditation probably allows a person to dwell upon his past. This way one can avoid past mistakes. It also gives peace of mind to an individual. Furthermore, meditation reduces stress and tension.

Pursuing a hobby is a perfect way to bring meaning to life. Without a passion or interest, an individual’s life would probably be dull. Following a hobby certainly brings new energy to life. It provides new hope to live and experience Life.

In conclusion, Life is not something that one should take for granted. It’s certainly a shame to see individuals waste away their lives. We should be very thankful for experiencing our lives. Above all, everyone should try to make their life more meaningful.

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  • Essay on ‘Life’ for Students in English


About the Topic

Life is a single word with many different connotations and meanings. Above all, life is about more than just being; it's also about how one defines that existence. As a result, it's vital to think about life from several angles. Philosophers, academics, poets, and authors have written extensively about what it means to live and, more significantly, what are the essential elements that characterize one's existence. This exercise has, of course, been done in a variety of ways. While philosophers sought to understand the meaning and purpose of people's lives, poets and authors recorded the diversity of life at various times. As a result, life is likely to be more than exciting.

Life- Essay- Introduction

The adventure of living in the path of life. We are born, live our lives, and eventually pass away with time. We are attempting to shape our lives in this way. Everyone's life is different. Some people have a lot of problems in life, while others do not. Those who have never faced adversity in their lives have one perspective on life. Those that struggle in life have a different perspective. Life is frequently described as priceless. The various ways in which people seek to save lives reveal this even more clearly.

Every day, doctors and scientists try to discover innovative treatments that will help people live longer lives. Life is full of both joys and disasters. The ups and downs of life are what they're called. Without them, life is just a never-ending war that can be won at any time. To overcome one's grief, it is necessary to find happiness in one's life. Only then does life appear to be lovely? 

Students in Classes 1-6 can utilize this essay for their respective exams.0


FAQs on Essay on ‘Life’ for Students in English

1. What are tips to write a good essay on Life in English for students?

What is the best way to compose an essay? This is quite a difficult and important question asked by many students. For a variety of reasons, many different types of writing are considered "excellent." There is no such thing as a writing formula or programme. For students and expository writing, the traits listed above are very crucial.

Another attribute that isn't on this list yet is extremely significant is inventiveness. The best writing carries part of the author's personality and uniqueness. Follow the rules below, but always strive to make your writing your own.

An essay’s center should concentrate on a single obvious primary theme. Each paragraph should have a different core theme or topic sentence.

The main point of the work should be supported or expanded upon in each paragraph. The essential point of each paragraph should be identified and proven using examples, facts, and descriptions.

Each paragraph in an essay should be related to the main theme. A single point should be the focus of each paragraph.

An essay or paper that is properly organized should flow smoothly and "stick" together. To put it another way, the reader should be able to understand the text.

A paper should be written in whole sentences with few errors in grammatically correct standard English.

2. What is the importance of writing essays on life?

Writing essays helps students develop important abilities and functions in their education, making them more useful. One, writing essays allows students to practise and improve abilities that they can apply throughout their academic careers and into their careers. For example,

One can improve their reading and writing skills, as well as their capacity to think, organize thoughts, and communicate effectively.

Two, it enables students to develop a formal and orderly writing style that reliably conveys information. 

Three, it aids in the organization of your thoughts on what you're learning, the development of vocabulary, and the development of a distinct writing style.

Improving writing skills also aids in the development of the writing skills required to complete additional writing projects.

Writing about life will help students to understand the importance of life and it will lead them to do self retrospection and they can bring positive change in their life.

3. What lesson do students get about the quality of life by writing life essays?

Above all, optimism is the most effective strategy to improve one's quality of life. Job performance, self-confidence, creativity, and abilities all improve when people are optimistic. A positive individual may undoubtedly overcome significant obstacles.

Meditation is another effective approach to improve the quality of one's life. Meditation almost certainly allows a person to reflect on his or her past experiences. This way, one can avoid making the same mistakes as before. It also provides an individual with peace of mind.

Having a hobby is a great way to add meaning to your life. A person's life would be dull if they did not have a passion or interest. A fresh lease on life can be obtained by engaging in a hobby. It gives people fresh reasons to live and experience life.

4. What is the importance of living according to the essay?

One of the most significant aspects of Life is that it continues to move forward. This signifies that nothing is everlasting. As a result, there should be some justification for remaining gloomy. A joyous occasion will pass, just as a sad one will. Above all, no matter how bad things go, one must remain positive. This is so because we all are aware of the fact that nothing lasts forever. Every circumstance, occasion, and event will come to an end. This is unquestionably one of Life's wonders.

Probably a large percentage of people grumble that life is difficult. Many individuals mistakenly feel that pain is a synonym for life. Pain, on the other hand, makes us stronger. Pain is unquestionably a wonderful way to boost mental toughness. Pain, above all, enriches the mind.

5. Why should students consider essays on Life available on Vedantu?

Our English subject specialists wrote the life essay on the Vedantu website. It is grammatically correct, with simple and correct language usage. Because the format of the essay is designed in such a way that students do not find it complex, students will find it extremely easy to recall. Vedantu tries to provide all available assistance to students for them to do well in exams as well as study and understand. The essays on Vedantu are prepared with the goal of piquing students' interest in writing and encouraging them to write more and improve their skills.

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✍️Essay on Village Life: Samples in 150, 250 Words

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  • Nov 7, 2023

Essay On Village Life

Essay on village life: In an era of technological advancement, village life offers you a much better lifestyle than any other place. People living in the countryside lead a simple life because they are more involved in activities like farming , pasture grazing, etc. The chirping of birds, mud houses, huts, fields, fresh air, etc is the reflection of village life. The simplicity in the environment of the village provides a welcoming environment .

living simple essay

People living in the village live in peace and harmony with each other. The real beauty or the origin of a city can be briefed through the environment of the village. Apart from all these, village life is much more economical as compared to urban life . This blog will provide sample essay on village life for students and children, you can refer to these essays for exams or essay writing competitions!

Table of Contents

  • 1 Short Essay on Village Life
  • 2 Essay on Village Life in 150 Words
  • 3 Life in a Village 250 Words

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Short Essay on Village Life

Village life is a reflection of interdependency between the different communities. You can witness pure love and brotherhood among people. People living in rural areas are simple and lead a life following the traditional method of living without any modern amenities. The other side to its beauty is its difficulty. 

Villages are devoid of the comfort and facilities that are available in urban society. There is no source of entertainment and people need to arrange things on their own. Facilities like proper sewage areas, toilets, electricity, etc are also not available in villages. In spite of all such difficulties, people adjust to live a peaceful life in villages.

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Essay on Village Life in 150 Words

With an increasing number of people in the world, pollution is also increasing. But you can lead a pollution-free life in the village. India is known for its rural life because the majority of the people are dependent on agriculture for their livelihood.

People lead a very simple life in villages. The roles of men and women are well-defined there. Women are the homemakers and look after the household activities, whereas men in the village go out and do harvesting, sowing, and other agricultural activities to earn for the family.

Though their life is simple there are various difficulties like lack of amenities, electricity, water supply, nursing house, etc.

Authentic Indian culture can be witnessed through the lifestyle led by the villagers. One thing which is a major concern for village life is the lack of education.

Education is a basic human right and every individual in the country must get an education . The Government of India must take some steps and draft some policies to impart high-quality education to the people living in villages for the further development of the rural sector. 

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Life in a Village 250 Words

Village life is the most beautiful representation of hard work. It is considered as the backbone of the Nation. Villagers, especially farmers give their sweat and blood for the agricultural produce to satisfy the domestic as well as international consumers. Despite all this, the villagers had to face many challenges as they were deprived of the technological advancements as well as the facilities available in the urban area.

If we compare village life vs. city life, the lack of amenities, technological advancements, and industrial inference in the villages tend to create a fresh and pollution-free environment. On the other hand city life is very polluted owing to industrialization , urbanization, and heavy population.

People in the village lead a healthy, peaceful, and happy life. If the government introduced some policies and raised funds for the development of the rural sector and provided them with some basic amenities like hospitals, nursing homes, proper sanitation systems, sewage systems, schools, electricity, etc. then the village life would be much more comfortable. 

Talking about safety, the crime rates are lower in villages as compared to cities. Most of the people living in cities take some days off to spend their holidays in villages so that they can live in peace away from the chaos of city life. The honking of cars, pollution, traffic, work stress, etc is very stressful to deal with whereas in village life things are more simple and sorted because there is no chaos and people share a bond of brotherhood. 

The major section in India is dependent on agriculture for livelihood so they live in villages. Agriculture is a tough job and living in villages is also quite a challenge but people in villages lead a peaceful and simple life.

Village life is simple and economical. Owing to less industrial pollution in villages, the village environment is full of fresh air to breathe. Children can play freely and people share the feeling of brotherhood neglecting the religious boundaries.

Away from the chaos of city lights and traffic, village life is just the opposite. It is calm and free of noise and pollution. People in the village lead a simple life and are mainly involved in the agriculture sector.

A village is a type of settlement for people in a rural area. Villages are smaller than cities. People in villages generally perform agricultural tasks and take care of the livestock. A maximum of 2500 inhabitants live in a village. People belonging to different religions, caste, or creed live here peacefully.

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Hi, I am Kajal, a pharmacy graduate, currently pursuing management and is an experienced content writer. I have 2-years of writing experience in Ed-tech (digital marketing) company. I am passionate towards writing blogs and am on the path of discovering true potential professionally in the field of content marketing. I am engaged in writing creative content for students which is simple yet creative and engaging and leaves an impact on the reader's mind.

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Essay on Simple Life

living simple essay

All our prophets us to lead a simple life as it give more pleasure than the life of rich people. “simple life” saysthe prophet Mohammed, “Set my heart on high thoughts.”

It is a good thing that so many people in Europe, America and elsewhere have, during the recent years, come to see how much more pleasant and sensible is the simple life than one, which is given over to much spending, much show and much vanity. Men and women who have money enough to buy expensive thing will forbear from wasting their riches in this way. They enjoy simple dress and adorn their houses with necessary furniture. People who work hard are the best servants of the humanity live in a quiet frugal manner which keeps them in better health and enable them to take more active part in the world’s work.

I consider it a sin to waste money on personal pleasures. Whoever, spends too much on luxury is wasting stores which might be used for the feeding, clothing and maintaining of his poorer neighbours. We should make our function simple and on all important occasions we should remember the suffering humanity, and allot some part of our treasure to charity. Great people have taught the value of austerity by living a simple life. it would be rather nice to develop courage to lead a simple life and determine to do good work.

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Essay on Simple Living High Thinking

Simple Living High Thinking implies that we must lead a simple life but at the same time our thinking must not be limited. This is to say that we must not restrict our thinking only to the nitty-gritty’s of everyday day tasks. We should think big to bring about positive changes in our lives as well as that of those around us.

The proverb lays emphasis on the importance of living a simple life devoid of any kind of show off. We must keep a check on our wants and desires. However, when it comes to thinking, it must be big. We must not think only about ourselves but also about those around.

Long and Short Essay on Simple Living High Thinking in English

Here are essays of varying lengths on Simple Living High Thinking to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any Simple Living High Thinking essay according to your choice:

Simple Living High Thinking Essay 1 (200 words)

Simple living and high thinking go hand in hand. Only those who believe in living a simple life can think high and do great deeds in life. Those who prefer living lavishly only think about fulfilling their own desires one after the other and there is no end to it. Such people are so engrossed in gratifying their desires and impressing others by showing off their materialistic possessions that their thinking becomes limited to it. They cannot think high or develop a broad mindset.

On the other hand, people who understand that they must only focus on their needs and not go after every materialistic thing their heart longs for lead a simple life. They only buy things of need and focus on becoming better human beings by way of their deeds and not by showing off their belongings. They try to help those around them, involve themselves in charity work, indulge in activities to improve the environment and more importantly spend quality time with their loved ones.

Now, this does not mean it is wrong to be ambitious and earn money to lead a comfortable life. There is a difference between living comfortably and having a lavish lifestyle. There are many rich people around the world who lead a simple life and possess high thinking. They indulge in charity rather than spending lavishly on themselves.

Simple Living High Thinking Essay 2 (300 words)


This proverb advises human beings to limit their wants and desires as there is no end to them. If we run in pursuit of every desire of ours we shall never be satisfied as these keep growing on and on.

Live Simple – Stop Impressing Others

We all agree that most of the things we want are not really for ourselves. We want them to impress our neighbours, friends and relatives. This kind of life can never be fulfilling or pleasurable. This is because we are not born to please or impress others and we can never even do so. Whatever we do people only look for opportunities to find flaws in us and this leaves us all the more dissatisfied. We try to earn more and more, reach at a high position in the company, increase our social circle and shop for expensive clothes and household items – what for? All this is done to establish a good social standing.

Now, this is not to say that there is something wrong with being ambitious and making a good living. All this might as well bring us satisfaction at some level but it also takes away a lot from us. However, in the quest of making it big professionally and earning more and more to quench the undying desires people spend a lot of time at work and neglect their parents, spouse and kids. This distances them from the family and disturbs their personal relationships and all this only leads to stress.

If we lower our materialistic wants and stick to our needs, we shall be able to create a balance between our personal and professional life. This way we shall be able to spend more time with our family where the true joy lies. We shall also have enough time for ourselves, to look within and find out our true purpose of life.

Simple Living High Thinking Essay 3 (400 words)

Many learned people in the past have followed the preaching from this proverb and have made a mark in the history. Some such people include Sant Kabirdas, Mahatma Gandhi, Pope Francis and Abraham Lincoln. All these people have led an extremely simple life and inspired several people around them to do so.

Why must one lead a Simple Life?

Very few people lead a simple life today others are busy running after their desires and trying to impress others by their latest possessions. Here is why one must lead a simple life:

  • Get Closer to Family

When you stop living an artificial life trying to impress others and turn towards a simple life you grow close to your roots. You get closer to your family members and the love showered by them brings immense joy.

  • Recognize Your True self

When you stop looking for more and more things to gratify yourself and spend time with yourself you finally begin to recognize who you truly are.

  • Sense of Control

When you lead a simple life, you require bare minimal to stay content. When you do not have numerous loans running for different things, you feel more confident. You no longer need to immerse yourself in work to earn more and more to pay off your loans and bills. You have a greater sense of control over your life.

  • Lower Stress Level

You are no longer under constant pressure to earn more than your siblings, friends and neighbours. You no longer want a bigger house, bigger car or greater bank balance to feel good about yourself. The stress caused due to this constant pressure will all be gone when you chose to lead a simple life.

  • Balanced Life

You will no longer toil too hard in your office to get to the top. This is because your wants would be limited and your needs can be met even if you are earning fairly well and not too much. You will thus be able to get home on time and spend time with your family. This will help create work life balance.

While many people continue to thrive for a lavish life many have turned towards leading a simple life after seeing the dreadful consequences of the former. It is time we must recognize that we should live for ourselves and not for impressing others. We must understand that happiness can only be found within and not in the outside things. Inner peace and happiness can only be found if we lead a simple life and have a high thinking that inspires us to do good for others.

Simple Living High Thinking Essay 4 (500 words)

Simple living and high thinking must be the motto of life of each one of us. However, people these days prefer leading a luxurious life with their thinking restricted only to things that can fetch them worldly pleasures.

People who Adopted the Golden Principle of Simple Living and High Thinking

  • Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi is one of the best persons to exemplify this proverb. He led a simple life and dreamed big. His lifestyle was extremely simple but his thinking was high. He did not only work towards driving the British out of the country but inspired several others around him to support the cause.e He was the He His life    hhhh He made use of a simple weapon that is non-violence to drive the British out of the country.

Buddha was a king who had numerous servants available at his beck and call. He had a loving family and all the luxuries of life. But he left all these to lead a simple life in the jungles. He could concentrate, look within and think high only when he began to lead a simple life. Had he stayed in the palace and led the life of luxury, he would never have attained enlightenment.

  • Abraham Lincoln

American President, Abraham Lincoln who could afford all the luxuries of life and live lavishly chose to adopt a simple lifestyle. He did not employ any servant to take care of any of his tasks. He did all his personal tasks on his own.

Ways to Lead a Simple Life

  • Identify Difference between Your Needs and Wants

The first and foremost thing to do is to distinguish between your needs and wants. Remember your needs are limited but wants unlimited. In order to lead a simple life you must only keep the things of necessity and not run after acquiring and attaining every materialistic desire.

  • Focus on Inner Peace

We all look for happiness outside. We try to socialise, go to malls, try different cuisines, do unnecessary shopping and indulge in several such activities. While all these things can give temporary happiness you wouldn’t find yourself truly happy if you are not at peace within. To live a simple and fulfilling life you must focus within.

  • Don’t Do Things to Impress Others

You are not born to impress others. Your life will not get any better if you continue to look for ways to impress other people. Your life will be fulfilling when you focus on yourself and not others.

  • Help Others

Instead of spending lavishly to show off you should indulge in charity. This does not mean you have to donate a huge sum each month. Do whatever little you can to help the poor and needy.

Just relax, meditate and let go of all the negative thoughts in your mind. Your mind must focus on the positives in life.

Living simple is not difficult. It is rather simple; you just need to limit your desires and let go of the need to impress others. When you lead a simple life only then you can think high else you will only be busy gratifying yourself.

Simple Living High Thinking Essay 5 (600 words)

Simple living high thinking is a common proverb used to emphasise the significance of leading a simple life and having high thinking. If each one of us leads such a life, the world would become a much better place.

Mahatma Gandhi’s Life Exemplifies Simple Living High Thinking

Mahatma Gandhi is undoubtedly the first name that comes to mind when we hear the proverb – Simple Living High Thinking. Popularly known as Bapu, this great man led an extremely simple life. He was highly educated and could have easily got a high paying job. He could have lived in a lavish bungalow and driven expensive cars. However, he chose to live in a hut. He wore the simplest of attires, a dhoti and ate simple food. While his materialistic needs were limited his vision was broad. He was a man of high thinking. He dedicated his life to the nation.

India’s independence had become his mission and he followed the path of non-violence to attain the same. His aura was so strong that thousands of Indians got inspired by him and joined him in his struggle for freedom. He initiated various movements and several Indians actively took part in the same. He also addressed masses from time to time to share his words of wisdom and inspired them to dedicate their lives to the freedom struggle. His simple yet effective ways to deal with the tyranny of the British officials were highly appreciated by people. Mahatma Gandhi was one of the main forces to drive the British out of the country.

Why are People unable to Practice Simple Living High Thinking?

The world has literally become a place to show off. Leading a simple life and thinking high is a concept that you can rarely see in anyone anymore. People are extremely busy showcasing how happy, wealthy and full of life they are. While earlier they used to throw parties, invite people over and buy new things to impress those around with the advent of social media the quest to impress others has reached a whole new level. People visit exotic locations, go out for lavish dinners, party with friends, buy new stuff and all this is uploaded on the social media within no time. Rather than enjoying the moment, people have now become more interested in showing others as to how cool their life is. And the definition of cool is far from simple.

Those who indulge in such activities regularly are known to have a happening life and everyone wants to befriend them and go out with them. On the other hand, those who do not stay active are considered rather dull and boring. No one likes being around such people. So showing off and talking highly of oneself has actually become the need of the hour. No one wants to live a simple life. Simple is actually considered as boring. Thinking high is beyond question as people are so engrossed in impressing others that they don’t understand that real happiness lies in finding our real selves and helping those around find the same.

Someone who tries to defy these new formed norms of the society is considered anti-social or just plain dull and boring. Those who do not keep abreast with this new lifestyle are often left alone. Even if someone cannot afford lavish dinners and doesn’t have a cool gang of friends and leads a simple life, he also tries to impress people by uploading fake pictures and posts on the social media.

Simple living high thinking is the mantra to lead a happy life. We must try to stop being a part of the rat race and look within. This way we shall understand that the things that can give us happiness and help us live a wholesome life are simple.

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Penguins, widow’s work and solo exercising: The week in Well+Being

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You are reading our weekly Well+Being newsletter. Sign up here to get it delivered to your inbox every Thursday.

Happy World Penguin Day! We’re celebrating with lovely art from illustrator Abbey Lossing and an all-penguin “joy snack” later in this newsletter. This week we’re also writing about “widow’s work” and solo exercising. But before that …

This week’s must-reads:

  • An arthritis drug helps old dogs, but some owners worry about side effects
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  • Do women who live together get their periods together, or is it a myth?
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The daunting task of ‘widow’s work’

This week I was moved by an essay by a 92-year-old writer, Barbara Morris, who shared the emotional and logistical challenges of widowhood. She lost her husband, Ward, after 56 years of marriage.

Both the readers and I were struck by her description of “widow’s work” — the financial, insurance, medical and legal paperwork that those left behind must sift through after someone dies.

To help people prepare for these events — and hopefully minimize the strain of widow’s work — AARP has a number of useful guides. Here are four simple steps to take now so that life will be easier for you or your loved ones should one of you die.

  • Prepare an end-of-life notebook: This AARP worksheet will get you started on compiling all the documents — medical, legal, financial and end-of-life — you need. It will take some time, but the worksheet is a great way to keep track of what you have left to do.
  • Write your advance directive: Go to the AARP website to find the right forms for your state. This step is the one that most benefits you directly and will help your family make medical decisions on your behalf. The website Five Wishes is also a popular resource, with easy-to-follow instructions for creating an advanced directive.
  • Make a will: Gallup reports that fewer than half of Americans have a will. Without a will, the laws of the state will decide how your assets are distributed. Services such as Nolo or LegalZoom can help for a fee.
  • Create a digital estate plan: This guide from AARP will help you manage utility accounts, credit cards and social media passwords.

Solo exercise and how to stay safe

There’s lots of good advice about staying safe while hiking or running outdoors when you’re alone. The tips really could apply to anyone venturing out on a trail or long hike. The weather, falls and injuries are the biggest threats, according to our story.

It included a number of useful resources, including HikeSafe.com , which offers regional advice and a quiz to test your safety knowledge. The Emily M. Sotelo Safety and Persistence Charitable Foundation is named after a young woman who died hiking in the White Mountains of New Hampshire in November 2022. The foundation offers six pillars of hiking preparedness and a hiking essentials packing list. The American Hiking Society has a list of 10 essential items to bring on every hike. The Fowler-O’Sullivan Foundation , created to honor missing Pacific Crest Trail hikers Kris Fowler and David O’Sullivan, gives free Garmin inReach devices to PCT hikers every year as part of its mission to keep hikers safe.

Read the full story for more great advice.

Why people without diabetes use glucose monitors

Why are healthy people who don’t have diabetes using continuous glucose monitors? Should I get one?

Continuous glucose monitoring has become a major health fad among those who don’t have diabetes but want to use the data to inform their lifestyle choices. Everyday factors such as diet, exercise and stress affect your blood sugar levels.

The monitors, which are usually worn on the upper arm or stomach, contain a specialized enzyme that reacts with glucose molecules in your body, generating a tiny electric current. Its voltage is proportional to your blood glucose concentration, which the device calculates several times per hour.

People are often fascinated by the results because everyone reacts somewhat differently to eating. In one study that tracked more than 45,000 meals from 800 people, researchers found a high variability in glucose levels even after eating the same foods, such as bread with butter.

I don’t normally recommend continuous glucose monitors to my healthy patients. But I do appreciate that some people — especially those who feel they’ve already tried hard to get a better handle on their blood sugar — will find seeing that data play out in real-time informative and motivational.

To learn more, read the full column from Harvard physician Trisha S. Pasricha.

Find your joy snack!

World Penguin Day is celebrated each year on April 25 to raise awareness about these delightful birds. For your joy snack this week, I thought it would be fun to share our best penguin content from the archives.

  • These penguins found a camera in Antarctica and captured a surprisingly good ‘selfie’
  • A king penguin and a wedding anniversary inspired a couple to see all 18 species
  • Meet the adorable penguins this photographer discovered on a trip to Antarctica
  • Male penguin pair doing ‘great job’ raising baby chick
  • A penguin love story : She’s 43. He’s 13.

Want to know more about “joy” snacks? Our Brain Matters columnist Richard Sima explains. Y ou can also read this story as a comic .

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An NPR editor who wrote a critical essay on the company has resigned after being suspended

FILE - The headquarters for National Public Radio (NPR) stands on North Capitol Street on April 15, 2013, in Washington. A National Public Radio editor who wrote an essay criticizing his employer for promoting liberal reviews resigned on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, a day after it was revealed that he had been suspended. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File)

FILE - The headquarters for National Public Radio (NPR) stands on North Capitol Street on April 15, 2013, in Washington. A National Public Radio editor who wrote an essay criticizing his employer for promoting liberal reviews resigned on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, a day after it was revealed that he had been suspended. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File)

Dave Bauder stands for a portrait at the New York headquarters of The Associated Press on Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2022. (AP Photo/Patrick Sison)

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NEW YORK (AP) — A National Public Radio editor who wrote an essay criticizing his employer for promoting liberal views resigned on Wednesday, attacking NPR’s new CEO on the way out.

Uri Berliner, a senior editor on NPR’s business desk, posted his resignation letter on X, formerly Twitter, a day after it was revealed that he had been suspended for five days for violating company rules about outside work done without permission.

“I cannot work in a newsroom where I am disparaged by a new CEO whose divisive views confirm the very problems” written about in his essay, Berliner said in his resignation letter.

Katherine Maher, a former tech executive appointed in January as NPR’s chief executive, has been criticized by conservative activists for social media messages that disparaged former President Donald Trump. The messages predated her hiring at NPR.

NPR’s public relations chief said the organization does not comment on individual personnel matters.

The suspension and subsequent resignation highlight the delicate balance that many U.S. news organizations and their editorial employees face. On one hand, as journalists striving to produce unbiased news, they’re not supposed to comment on contentious public issues; on the other, many journalists consider it their duty to critique their own organizations’ approaches to journalism when needed.

FILE - A sign for The New York Times hangs above the entrance to its building, May 6, 2021, in New York. In spring 2024, NBC News, The New York Times and National Public Radio have each dealt with turmoil for essentially the same reason: journalists taking the critical gaze they deploy to cover the world and turning it inward at their own employers. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan, File)

In his essay , written for the online Free Press site, Berliner said NPR is dominated by liberals and no longer has an open-minded spirit. He traced the change to coverage of Trump’s presidency.

“There’s an unspoken consensus about the stories we should pursue and how they should be framed,” he wrote. “It’s frictionless — one story after another about instances of supposed racism, transphobia, signs of the climate apocalypse, Israel doing something bad and the dire threat of Republican policies. It’s almost like an assembly line.”

He said he’d brought up his concerns internally and no changes had been made, making him “a visible wrong-thinker at a place I love.”

In the essay’s wake, NPR top editorial executive, Edith Chapin, said leadership strongly disagreed with Berliner’s assessment of the outlet’s journalism and the way it went about its work.

It’s not clear what Berliner was referring to when he talked about disparagement by Maher. In a lengthy memo to staff members last week, she wrote: “Asking a question about whether we’re living up to our mission should always be fair game: after all, journalism is nothing if not hard questions. Questioning whether our people are serving their mission with integrity, based on little more than the recognition of their identity, is profoundly disrespectful, hurtful and demeaning.”

Conservative activist Christopher Rufo revealed some of Maher’s past tweets after the essay was published. In one tweet, dated January 2018, Maher wrote that “Donald Trump is a racist.” A post just before the 2020 election pictured her in a Biden campaign hat.

In response, an NPR spokeswoman said Maher, years before she joined the radio network, was exercising her right to express herself. She is not involved in editorial decisions at NPR, the network said.

The issue is an example of what can happen when business executives, instead of journalists, are appointed to roles overseeing news organizations: they find themselves scrutinized for signs of bias in ways they hadn’t been before. Recently, NBC Universal News Group Chairman Cesar Conde has been criticized for service on paid corporate boards.

Maher is the former head of the Wikimedia Foundation. NPR’s own story about the 40-year-old executive’s appointment in January noted that she “has never worked directly in journalism or at a news organization.”

In his resignation letter, Berliner said that he did not support any efforts to strip NPR of public funding. “I respect the integrity of my colleagues and wish for NPR to thrive and do important journalism,” he wrote.

David Bauder writes about media for The Associated Press. Follow him at http://twitter.com/dbauder



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Paris Hilton recreates iconic ‘Simple Life’ look in lace-up denim dress

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That’s still hot.

Paris Hilton proved that early 2000s style never dies when she rocked an updated version of one of her most iconic looks from “The Simple Life” on Instagram Sunday.

The reality star, 43, shared an ad for The Future Airbrush 360 Self-Tan Mist ($49), her new self-tanner product with Tan Luxe, and, in the clip, she calls on both a past and future “AI Paris” to help her come up with a tagline for the new bronzing spray.

Paris Hilton

Hilton — who wears a baby blue lace dress and a “Paris” nameplate necklace in the video — invites an AI version of herself to come out of her wardrobe in the clip, and past-life Paris is dressed in a very familiar lace-up denim minidress.

The look was a clever recreation of the denim corset and miniskirt Hilton wore in an “American Gothic”-themed promo shot for her early aughts reality show “The Simple Life,” although the 2024 version is a dress versus a two-piece style.

AI Paris even wears a red rosette choker like she did in the photo, but instead of clutching one of her dogs, she clipped a pink Razr phone to her waistband for some extra Y2K flair.

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Along with “Simple Life”-era Paris, a pink minidress-clad future version of the socialite appears in the ad, and the trio of Hiltons chat about the future of tanning.

Fans went crazy over the throwback look, like one who wrote, “This is iconic!!!! Love the Simple Life throwback!!! 😍🔥 “work?” Hahaha 😂💖.”

“i love how the simple life version has her blue eyes popping insanely i’m obsessed” another fan commented, while mom Kathy Hilton commented “👏👏👏👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.”

Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton

Along with her new tanning collab, Paris finally revealed her 5-month-old daughter , London, on Instagram last week, sharing some sweet family photos of herself posing with husband Carter Reum, 43, and their 1-year-old son, Phoenix .

She also posted a Reel promoting her new song with Sia, “Fame Won’t Love You,” on Monday, and in the clip, she held London, who is sporting an adorable baby version of Hill House’s white lace Nap Dress ($150).

Perhaps they can twin in double denim looks one day.

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Essay on Simple Living High Thinking for Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on Simple Living High Thinking: Simple Living High Thinking implies that we must lead a simple life but at the same time our thinking must not be limited. This is to say that we must not restrict our thinking only to the nitty-gritty’s of everyday day tasks. We should think big to bring about positive changes in our lives as well as that of those around us.

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Target Exam ---

The proverb lays emphasis on the importance of living a simple life devoid of any kind of show off. We must keep a check on our wants and desires. However, when it comes to thinking, it must be big. We must not think only about ourselves but also about those around.

Long and Short Essay on Simple Living High Thinking in English

Here are essays of varying lengths on Simple Living High Thinking to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any Simple Living High Thinking essay according to your choice:

Simple Living High Thinking Essay 1 (200 words)

Simple living and high thinking go hand in hand. Only those who believe in living a simple life can think high and do great deeds in life. Those who prefer living lavishly only think about fulfilling their own desires one after the other and there is no end to it. Such people are so engrossed in gratifying their desires and impressing others by showing off their materialistic possessions that their thinking becomes limited to it. They cannot think high or develop a broad mindset.

On the other hand, people who understand that they must only focus on their needs and not go after every materialistic thing their heart longs for lead a simple life. They only buy things of need and focus on becoming better human beings by way of their deeds and not by showing off their belongings. They try to help those around them, involve themselves in charity work, indulge in activities to improve the environment and more importantly spend quality time with their loved ones.

Now, this does not mean it is wrong to be ambitious and earn money to lead a comfortable life. There is a difference between living comfortably and having a lavish lifestyle. There are many rich people around the world who lead a simple life and possess high thinking. They indulge in charity rather than spending lavishly on themselves.

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Simple Living High Thinking Essay 2 (300 words)


This proverb advises human beings to limit their wants and desires as there is no end to them. If we run in pursuit of every desire of ours we shall never be satisfied as these keep growing on and on.

Live Simple – Stop Impressing Others

We all agree that most of the things we want are not really for ourselves. We want them to impress our neighbours, friends and relatives. This kind of life can never be fulfilling or pleasurable. This is because we are not born to please or impress others and we can never even do so. Whatever we do people only look for opportunities to find flaws in us and this leaves us all the more dissatisfied. We try to earn more and more, reach at a high position in the company, increase our social circle and shop for expensive clothes and household items – what for? All this is done to establish a good social standing.

Now, this is not to say that there is something wrong with being ambitious and making a good living. All this might as well bring us satisfaction at some level but it also takes away a lot from us. However, in the quest of making it big professionally and earning more and more to quench the undying desires people spend a lot of time at work and neglect their parents, spouse and kids. This distances them from the family and disturbs their personal relationships and all this only leads to stress.

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If we lower our materialistic wants and stick to our needs, we shall be able to create a balance between our personal and professional life. This way we shall be able to spend more time with our family where the true joy lies. We shall also have enough time for ourselves, to look within and find out our true purpose of life.

Simple Living High Thinking Essay 3 (400 words)

Many learned people in the past have followed the preaching from this proverb and have made a mark in the history. Some such people include Sant Kabirdas, Mahatma Gandhi, Pope Francis and Abraham Lincoln. All these people have led an extremely simple life and inspired several people around them to do so.

Why must one lead a Simple Life?

Very few people lead a simple life today others are busy running after their desires and trying to impress others by their latest possessions. Here is why one must lead a simple life:

Get Closer to Family

When you stop living an artificial life trying to impress others and turn towards a simple life you grow close to your roots. You get closer to your family members and the love showered by them brings immense joy.

Recognize Your True self

When you stop looking for more and more things to gratify yourself and spend time with yourself you finally begin to recognize who you truly are.

Sense of Control

When you lead a simple life, you require bare minimal to stay content. When you do not have numerous loans running for different things, you feel more confident. You no longer need to immerse yourself in work to earn more and more to pay off your loans and bills. You have a greater sense of control over your life.

Lower Stress Level

You are no longer under constant pressure to earn more than your siblings, friends and neighbours. You no longer want a bigger house, bigger car or greater bank balance to feel good about yourself. The stress caused due to this constant pressure will all be gone when you chose to lead a simple life.

Balanced Life

You will no longer toil too hard in your office to get to the top. This is because your wants would be limited and your needs can be met even if you are earning fairly well and not too much. You will thus be able to get home on time and spend time with your family. This will help create work life balance.

While many people continue to thrive for a lavish life many have turned towards leading a simple life after seeing the dreadful consequences of the former. It is time we must recognize that we should live for ourselves and not for impressing others. We must understand that happiness can only be found within and not in the outside things. Inner peace and happiness can only be found if we lead a simple life and have a high thinking that inspires us to do good for others.

Simple Living High Thinking Essay 4 (500 words)

Simple living and high thinking must be the motto of life of each one of us. However, people these days prefer leading a luxurious life with their thinking restricted only to things that can fetch them worldly pleasures.

People who Adopted the Golden Principle of Simple Living and High Thinking

Mahatma gandhi.

Mahatma Gandhi is one of the best persons to exemplify this proverb. He led a simple life and dreamed big. His lifestyle was extremely simple but his thinking was high. He did not only work towards driving the British out of the country but inspired several others around him to support the cause.e He was the He His life hhhh He made use of a simple weapon that is non-violence to drive the British out of the country.

Buddha was a king who had numerous servants available at his beck and call. He had a loving family and all the luxuries of life. But he left all these to lead a simple life in the jungles. He could concentrate, look within and think high only when he began to lead a simple life. Had he stayed in the palace and led the life of luxury, he would never have attained enlightenment.

Abraham Lincoln

American President, Abraham Lincoln who could afford all the luxuries of life and live lavishly chose to adopt a simple lifestyle. He did not employ any servant to take care of any of his tasks. He did all his personal tasks on his own.

Ways to Lead a Simple Life

Identify difference between your needs and wants.

The first and foremost thing to do is to distinguish between your needs and wants. Remember your needs are limited but wants unlimited. In order to lead a simple life you must only keep the things of necessity and not run after acquiring and attaining every materialistic desire.

Focus on Inner Peace

We all look for happiness outside. We try to socialise, go to malls, try different cuisines, do unnecessary shopping and indulge in several such activities. While all these things can give temporary happiness you wouldn’t find yourself truly happy if you are not at peace within. To live a simple and fulfilling life you must focus within.

Don’t Do Things to Impress Others

You are not born to impress others. Your life will not get any better if you continue to look for ways to impress other people. Your life will be fulfilling when you focus on yourself and not others.

Help Others

Instead of spending lavishly to show off you should indulge in charity. This does not mean you have to donate a huge sum each month. Do whatever little you can to help the poor and needy.

Just relax, meditate and let go of all the negative thoughts in your mind. Your mind must focus on the positives in life.

Living simple is not difficult. It is rather simple; you just need to limit your desires and let go of the need to impress others. When you lead a simple life only then you can think high else you will only be busy gratifying yourself.

Simple Living High Thinking Essay 5 (600 words)

Simple living high thinking a common proverb used to emphasise the significance of leading a simple life and having high thinking. If each one of us leads such a life, the world would become a much better place.

Mahatma Gandhi’s Life Exemplifies Simple Living High Thinking

Mahatma Gandhi is undoubtedly the first name that comes to mind when we hear the proverb – Simple Living High Thinking. Popularly known as Bapu, this great man led an extremely simple life. He was highly educated and could have easily got a high paying job. He could have lived in a lavish bungalow and driven expensive cars. However, he chose to live in a hut. He wore the simplest of attires, a dhoti and ate simple food. While his materialistic needs were limited his vision broad. He was a man of high thinking. He dedicated his life to the nation.

India’s independence had become his mission and he followed the path of non-violence to attain the same. His aura was so strong that thousands of Indians got inspired by him and joined him in his struggle for freedom. He initiated various movements and several Indians actively took part in the same. He also addressed masses from time to time to share his words of wisdom and inspired them to dedicate their lives to the freedom struggle. His simple yet effective ways to deal with the tyranny of the British officials were highly appreciated by people. Mahatma Gandhi was one of the main forces to drive the British out of the country.

Why are People unable to Practice Simple Living High Thinking?

The world has literally become a place to show off. Leading a simple life and thinking high is a concept that you can rarely see in anyone anymore. People are extremely busy showcasing how happy, wealthy and full of life they are. While earlier they used to throw parties, invite people over and buy new things to impress those around with the advent of social media the quest to impress others has reached a whole new level. People visit exotic locations, go out for lavish dinners, party with friends, buy new stuff and all this uploaded on the social media within no time. Rather than enjoying the moment, people have now become more interested in showing others as to how cool their life is. And the definition of cool is far from simple.

Those who indulge in such activities regularly are known to have a happening life and everyone wants to befriend them and go out with them. On the other hand, those who do not stay active considered rather dull and boring. No one likes being around such people. So showing off and talking highly of oneself has actually become the need of the hour. No one wants to live a simple life. Simple actually considered as boring. Thinking high beyond question as people so engrossed in impressing others that they don’t understand that real happiness lies in finding our real selves and helping those around find the same.

Someone who tries to defy these new formed norms of the society considered anti-social or just plain dull and boring. Those who do not keep abreast with this new lifestyle are often left alone. Even if someone cannot afford lavish dinners and doesn’t have a cool gang of friends and leads a simple life, he also tries to impress people by uploading fake pictures and posts on the social media.

Simple living high thinking is the mantra to lead a happy life. We must try to stop being a part of the rat race and look within. This way we shall understand that the things that can give us happiness and help us live a wholesome life are simple.

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Guest Essay

The Constitution Won’t Save Us From Trump

An illustration of a green striped caterpillar eating holes in the first page of the Constitution, its body winding through the holes, on an orange and red background.

By Aziz Rana

Mr. Rana is a professor of law at Boston College and the author, most recently, of “The Constitutional Bind: How Americans Came to Idolize a Document That Fails Them.”

On Thursday, the Supreme Court gathered to consider whether Donald Trump, as president, enjoyed immunity from prosecution for attempting to overturn the 2020 election. Even if the justices eventually rule against him, liberals should not celebrate the Constitution as our best bulwark against Mr. Trump. In fact, the document — for reasons that go beyond Mr. Trump, that long preceded him and could well extend past him — has made our democracy almost unworkable.

For years, whenever Mr. Trump threatened democratic principles, liberals turned to the Constitution for help, searching the text for tools that would either end his political career or at least contain his corruption. He was sued under the Constitution’s emoluments clauses. He was impeached twice. There was a congressional vote urging Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to proclaim Mr. Trump unfit for office. More recently, lawyers argued that the states could use the 14th Amendment to remove Mr. Trump from the ballot because of his role in the Jan. 6 attack.

Each of these efforts has been motivated by a worthy desire to hold Mr. Trump accountable for his actions. Each of them has failed. As we head into the heat of an election season, we need to confront a simple truth: The Constitution isn’t going to save us from Donald Trump. If anything, turning the page on the man — and on the politics he has fostered — will require fundamentally changing it.

It is not just that Mr. Trump would never have been president without the Electoral College. Think about why those previous efforts to use the Constitution to hold Mr. Trump accountable failed. Impeachment processes collapsed in the Senate because it lopsidedly grants power to rural, conservative states. The Supreme Court was able not only to keep Mr. Trump on the ballot in Colorado, but also to narrow the circumstances in which disqualification could ever be used, because Republicans have been able to appoint a majority of the justices on the court, despite losing the popular vote in seven of the past eight presidential elections.

For years, liberals were squeamish about acknowledging these facts, perhaps out of habit. While most countries view their documents as rules for governing — rules that may become outdated and can be reworked if necessary — our own politicians routinely tell a story of American exceptionalism rooted in our Constitution. It is a sacred document that, as Barack Obama once put it , “launched America’s improbable experiment in democracy,” grounded on shared principles of equality, self-government and personal liberty.

In these Trump years, as polls have shown some Americans drifting away from those shared ideals, liberals are clinging even more tightly to the document as a symbol under threat.

A year and a half ago, for instance, when Mr. Trump called for the “termination” of existing election rules, liberals were understandably outraged. Representative Don Beyer of Virginia labeled him an “enemy of the Constitution.” Andrew Bates, a spokesman for the White House, proclaimed that “attacking” the “sacrosanct” document was “anathema to the soul of our nation.” The problem is that these pledges of constitutional fealty can’t substitute for actually convincing the public of the importance of inclusive democracy.

Rallying around the Constitution means embracing the very text that causes these pathologies. Its rules strengthen the hand of those indifferent or even opposed to the principle of one person, one vote. After all, those rules smooth the path for a Trumpian right to gain power without winning over a majority. And they throw up numerous roadblocks to accountability — even when presidents attempt to subvert elections.

The shock to the constitutional system that Mr. Trump represents didn’t start, and won’t end, with him. The best — and perhaps only — way to contain the politics around him is to reform government, so that it is far more representative of Americans. The goal is to keep authoritarians from ever again gaining power without winning a majority and stacking powerful institutions with judges and officials wildly out of step with the public. But this requires extensive changes to our legal and political systems, including to the Constitution itself.

We need new campaign finance laws and expanded voting rights. We need to end the Senate filibuster, eliminate the Electoral College, combat gerrymandering and partisan election interference, adopt multi-member House districts and add new states like Washington, D.C. We need to reduce the power of the Senate, perhaps even moving toward a more ceremonial “ council of revision ,” as Jamelle Bouie has proposed.

Such reform requires pushing back against the extreme power of the Supreme Court through measures like judicial term limits and expansion of the size of the court. And an easier amendment process would give Americans the power to update their institutions and incorporate new rights into the document, rather than having to rely only on what judges decide.

No doubt these changes can seem politically unfeasible. But it would behoove Americans concerned about the dangers posed by Mr. Trump to take seriously such a comprehensive agenda, if for no other reason than because many on the right are already working on constitutional reforms of their own.

Groups like the Convention of States (which counts Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida as a vocal supporter) have succeeded in getting 19 of the 34 states required under Article V of the Constitution to agree to convene a new constitutional convention. The Convention of States package of potential changes includes giving “a simple majority of the states” the ability “to rescind actions by Congress, the President, or administrative agencies,” empowering Republican officials to nullify any policies they oppose, regardless of whether those policies enjoy vast national support. As David Pozen of Columbia Law School has written , the right has even figured out how to run this second convention in a way that would ensure that state officials, again disproportionately Republicans, control what gets proposed and how voting proceeds.

These efforts will persist even if Mr. Trump is no longer on the political stage. And so long as liberals refuse to confront what needs to be done to fix the Constitution, his supporters and groups like the Convention of States will control that debate.

It now falls to Americans to avoid learning the wrong lessons from this moment. Mr. Trump may lose at the ballot box or be convicted in one of the four criminal cases he faces, including the one that started this month in Manhattan. If he is held accountable, it will not be because the Constitution saved us, given all its pathologies.

Aziz Rana is a professor of law at Boston College and the author, most recently, of “The Constitutional Bind: How Americans Came to Idolize a Document That Fails Them.”

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