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Image Generator

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Here are two suggestions for how to use these images:

1. Use an image as a free-writing exercise. Write about whatever it makes you think of. Does it bring up a memory? Is there a story here? Just make notes, if you like. Setting yourself a time limit might be helpful.

2. Use the image as an exercise in observation and writing description. Look closely at the picture. Describe colours, texture, shapes, sounds and smells.

Notes: Tap the left or right of the image to show a new image. Images are suitable for all age groups.

Young girl on a swing by the water's edge.

Many thanks to Unsplash and Pixabay for the images used here.

Create any image you can dream up with Microsoft's AI image generator

Describe your ideas and then watch them transform from text to images. Whether you want to create ai generated art for your next presentation or poster, or generate the perfect photo , Image Creator in Microsoft Designer can effortlessly handle any style or format.

Create custom images for free

Try out a few prompts

Why use microsoft designer's free ai image generator.

Designer makes creating your own images easy. Just write a description of the image you'd like and watch the text to image transformation happen in seconds. You'll get vivid, high-resolution images with stunning detail.

Lightbulb illustration

It's free

Gears illustration

It's fast

Layered image illustration

It's precise

Collection of images illustration

It's versatile

Go from text to image in seconds with generative ai.

Open Image Creator and sign in with your Microsoft account if prompted.

Describe the visual you'd like to create and select Generate .

3 tips for getting the best AI images

Cursor hovering over a prompt and generated AI image

Tip #1: Detail your vision

Cursor hovering over a prompt and generated AI image

Tip #2: Consider composition

Cursor hovering over a prompt and generated AI image

Tip #3: Refine and experiment

Frequently asked questions, can i generate ai images for free, what projects are best for ai-generated images.

AI-generated images can be used for a wide range of projects, including social media graphics, personalized marketing materials , and stunning website visuals. They're also fantastic for conceptual art, storyboarding for films or animations, and even interior design mockups. Designers, marketers, and art directors may find that AI-generated images are a game-changer when it comes to communicating early-stage ideas without wasting time and resources on polished early-stage designs.

What model does Microsoft Designer use to create images?

How can i ensure my ai-generated images are on brand.

First, clearly define your brand's identity—colors, fonts, image style, key motifs, and overall mood and aesthetic—and incorporate those elements into your prompts. Consider creating a set of brand guidelines to consistently guide the AI's output. When you generate an image that fits your brand, note the prompt you used. Likewise, observe which prompts don't work and refine them accordingly. A spreadsheet can be a handy way to log successful prompts so you can recycle them in the future.

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Prompt Generators

Image prompt generator.

Generate unique AI image prompts and ideas instantly with our free online prompt generator tool. Create prompts optimized for DALL-E, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, and more.

Example of Image Prompt

Inspiration Image Prompt: Share an intriguing or visually captivating image.

Example: Share an image of a mysterious, fog-covered forest.

Character Image Prompt: Display a picture of a person, real or fictional.

Example: Show a photograph of an elderly woman with a twinkle in her eye.

Setting Image Prompt: Present an evocative location or scene.

Example: Display a seaside town bathed in the warm glow of a setting sun.

Mood or Atmosphere Image Prompt: Share an image that conveys a specific mood or atmosphere.

Example: Show a dimly lit, rainy street with neon signs reflecting off wet pavement.

Abstract or Surreal Image Prompt: Share a visually abstract or surreal image.

Example: Display an abstract painting of melting clocks.

Historical or Cultural Image Prompt: Present an image related to a historical event or cultural symbol.

Example: Share a photograph of the Berlin Wall being torn down.

Science Fiction/Fantasy Image Prompt: Display an image from the realm of science fiction or fantasy.

Example: Show an otherworldly landscape with floating islands and strange creatures.

Conflict or Action Image Prompt: Present a dynamic or intense action scene.

Example: Share an image of a medieval knight battling a fire-breathing dragon.

Humorous or Whimsical Image Prompt: Share a funny or whimsical image.

Example: Display a cartoon of a clumsy penguin attempting to dance.

Prompts with Text: Include an image with relevant text elements.

Example: Share a picture of an old love letter with handwritten romantic notes.

Collage or Montage Image Prompt: Present an image composed of multiple elements.

Example: Show a digital collage of various colorful fruits and vegetables.

Photograph Image Prompt: Share a striking photograph.

Example: Display a black-and-white photograph of a vintage car on a deserted highway.

Artistic Masterpiece Image Prompt: Present a famous artwork by a renowned artist.

Example: Share Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa."

Random or Abstract Shapes Image Prompt: Share an image with abstract shapes or patterns.

Example: Show a digital art piece with vibrant geometric shapes.

User-Generated Image Prompt: Share images created by individuals or communities.

Example: Share a collection of user-submitted drawings of futuristic cities.

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AI Image Generator

Type in a detailed description and get a selection of AI-generated images to choose from.

AI Image Generator  Screenshot

Experiment with AI-generated images to find the right vision

Speed up your creative brainstorms and generate AI images that represent your ideas accurately. Explore 100+ video and photo editing tools to start leveling up your creative process.

Break through creative blocks with text to image AI

With a detailed description, Kapwing’s AI Image Generator creates a wide variety of images for you to find the right idea. Generate AI images specially created for you with text to image AI.

Easily create AI images powered by OpenAI's Dall-E

Describe the image you want to create—the more detailed you are, the better your AI-generated images will be.

Experiment with AI-generated images to find the right vision Screenshot

How to make AI-generated images

Start a new project in Kapwing, and click on the lightbulb in the upper left-hand corner to open Kapwing AI. Select "Create image."

Enter a prompt for the type of image you would like to generate. The more specific you are with your prompt, the better the results will be. Try any of the examples, if needed.

Choose from the selection of AI images and use the full creative suite in Kapwing to make any additional edits. Click “Export project” when you’re done, and download a file.

Your journey of finding the right AI Image Generator ends here

Full of creative editing tools, Kapwing offers everything from an image generator to a photo editor. Kapwing leverages Open AI's DALL·E 2 to power our image generator, embedded in the Image Search side-bar. Creators can type in a text prompt to generate four images and choose their favorite to add to the canvas and export. Tweak the prompt to create images that are closer to your vision.

When you're creating social media graphics and videos, AI generated pictures can be the ideal overlay, background, or subject. If you can't find the perfect picture online or take the perfect photograph, why not generate it from scratch?

Add original art to your designs

Because AI-generated images are original, a creator has full commercial license over its use. It's an ideal tool for making gradient backgrounds, visualizing abstract ideas, bringing to life a fantastical scene, crafting a unique profile picture, designing a collage, and getting tattoo design ideas . When generating images, be mindful of our Terms of Service and respect copyright of other artists when emulating a particular artistic style or aesthetic.

Try Magic Fill to resize photos without stretching

Never worry about distorting photos when you need to resize them. Use Magic Fill, Kapwing's Generative Fill that extends images with relevant generated art using artificial intelligence. Magic Fill uses generative fill AI to extend the background of your images to fit a specific aspect ratio while keeping its context.

Fine tune AI art with AI Photo Enhancer

Streamline your editing process and use artificial intelligence (AI) to automatically improve image quality—this AI tool is a one-click wonder for photos. You can also enhance videos with the inline adjustment tools.

creative writing image generator

Frequently Asked Questions

Bob, our kitten, thinking

Are AI-generated images copyrighted?

Yes and no. According to the U.S. Copyright Office, people can copyright the image result they generated using AI, but they cannot copyright the images used by the computer to create the final image. In other words, you can only copyright artwork that is solely made by a human being, not a computer generator — AI-generated images and the final products of AI tools, although uses existing content and artworks made by other artists, are not protected by copyright.

What are AI-generated images?

In short, AI generated images are images crafted, or put together, by a computer. There are different types of AI approaches like generative AI and machine learning AI, so the way AI tools generate content can be different across the board. Typically, AI generates images by taking the prompt you give it, finding patterns and similarities between past-collected prompts and existing content, then combines multiple pieces of content to produce a unified piece of art.

What is the best AI image generator?

It all depends on how detailed your text description is and the image generator’s specialty. For example, Kapwing’s AI image generator is the best for easily entering a topic and getting generated images back in mere seconds. Whereas, Midjourney does the best with realistic images and Dall-E2 does best with cartoon and illustrated text prompts.

What are the best prompts for image generation?

Try these example prompts to get the most accurate images:

  • "A realistic portrait of a family under soft, natural lighting."
  • "Concept art for a tiny magical forest city."
  • "An oil painting of Whitney Houston."

After a couple of examples, try this image generator with your own words and explore the creative possibilities.

What's the easiest text to image website to use?

Among the top AI image generators, we recommend Kapwing's website for text to image AI. From their homepage, dive straight into the Kapwing AI suite and get access to a text to image generator, video generator, image enhancer, and much more. Never wait for downloads and software installations again—Kapwing is consistently improving each tool.

Visit Kapwing's YouTube Channel for weekly tutorials, product launches, and feature showcases.

What's different about Kapwing?


Kapwing is free to use for teams of any size. We also offer paid plans with additional features, storage, and support.

Kapwing Logo

Story Writing Academy

70 Picture Prompts for Creative Writing (with Free Slides)

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Visual writing prompts help young writers generate new ideas and overcome writer’s block. We’ve put together 70 picture prompts for creative writing that you can use in your writing centers or lesson plans to get your students’ creative juices flowing.


Picture Writing Prompts for All Ages

Writers of all ages and experience levels can get stuck thinking about what to write. Writer’s block is not just a challenge for reluctant writers. Even professional writers have days when they feel less than inspired.

Visual prompts can result in a vast array of story ideas. A single image viewed by ten writers will result in ten completely different stories. Even if you use verbal cues to get students thinking about the picture, each student will still write a unique response to the image.

Visual creative writing prompts are fantastic for elementary school because younger students often relate more to a pictorial prompt than a written one, but don’t shy away from using these with high school and middle school students as well. Pictures make a fun alternative to your typical writing prompts and story starters and can help shake up your regular routine.

How to Use Picture Prompts for Creative Writing

There’s no limit to the ways you can use writing prompts. Here are some of our favorite ways to incorporate image prompts into your weekly lesson plans .

  • Writing Center. Print cards or writing pages with these images on them and put them in a writing center for your students to discover at their own pace.
  • Specific Skills. Use story picture prompts to help kids work on specific writing skills. For example, you could work on descriptive writing by having them describe the setting of the picture in detail. Or you could work on character development by having them make up a history for a person in a picture.
  • Warm-up Activity: You could pop the pictures into Google slides and project an image on a screen or whiteboard for the first fifteen minutes of class and have students work on a short story as soon as they enter the class.

No matter how you decide to use them—whether at home or in the classroom—photographic writing prompts are a great way to cultivate a daily writing habit and encourage kids to explore new topics.

70 Pictures for Writing Prompts

We’ve selected 70 of the most interesting pictures we could find for this exercise. When choosing photos for writing prompts, we look for high-quality photos with intriguing subject matter, but we try to go beyond that. We want to share images that suggest a story, that make the viewer ask questions and wonder why things are the way they are.

We want to feel propelled to explore questions like, What happened before the photo that led to this moment? What are we witnessing in this photo? What’s about to happen?

A photo doesn’t make much of a story starter if it doesn’t suggest that there might be a bigger picture lurking beneath the surface.

We hope you and your students love these picture prompts for creative writing as much as we do. If you love them, go ahead and scroll to the bottom to grab your own copy.

We’ve included a couple of questions with each picture that you could use to spark pre-writing conversations in your classroom, which can be helpful when working with younger students who might need a little more direction.

creative writing image generator

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Whose cat is this? What is he looking at? Where is he?

a cat sits alone against a blue wall

What is the owl thinking about? Is he alone? What does he hope to eat for dinner?

an owl sits outside

Who are these frogs? What is their relationship with each other? Why are they taking photos?

two toy frogs stand in a field. One takes pictures of the other.

How did the dog get a phone? Why is he taking selfies? What is he doing with the pictures he takes?

a dog lays on a field and takes selfies

This cat doesn’t look too happy. What’s bugging him? Did he get too many phone calls or is he waiting on an important call that’s taking too long to come?

a black and white cat sits beside a phone

What do these chicks think of the dog? What does the dog think of the chicks? Do you think they can communicate with each other? If so, what would they say?

a dog lies beside two chicks

Where do these lemurs live? What are they looking at? What is something unusual that might happen to them?

a lemur lies on a branch while another hides in the background

What is this fox doing? Is he yawning and stretching or is he trying to scare someone away? What kind of mischief does he like to get up to?

a fox stretches and opens its mouth

Is this wolf alone? If not, who is with him? What is he planning to do? Does he have a family to feed or protect?

a lone wolf stands in a misty clearing

What is this child doing on the laptop? Can he actually read and type or is he just playing? If he can read and type, how did he learn that at such a young age? What other cool things can he do?

a toddler wearing a toque and glasses types on a laptop

Where is this woman? Is she lost? How did she get to this street? What interesting things might she discover as she explores this new city?

a woman stands in an empty street holding a map

Why is the dog wearing glasses? Can he see through them? What are he and the girl doing? How does he feel about it?

a woman holds a dog. Both wear glasses.

Who are these two little boys? What is their relationship with each other? What is the teddy bear’s story?

two boys sit in a bath holding a teddy bear

Who are these children? Why are they running? Is it a race or are they playing a game? Who’s going to win?

a group of children run across a field

Whose horse is this? Does the little boy own it or does he just visit it? Can the horse talk? How does the boy feel when he’s with the horse?

a boy sits on a fence and feeds a horse

What is this boy reading? Does the book have magical powers? Does the boy? Do the stories in the book become real or does something else special happen?

a boy reads a book that has some magical elements in it

Where is this man? How did he get there? What is he looking for?

a man dressed like a pirate looks through a telescope

Who is walking over the bridge? What’s on the other side? Is it worth the risk?

a top-down view of a person crossing a bridge

What are these people doing on the elephant? Where are they? Are they tourists or is the elephant their pet? What would life with an elephant be like?

two people ride an elephant through a field

Who made this map? It looks old. Has it been hidden away for a long time? Who discovered it and how? What does it lead to?

an old map

Whose typewriter is this? What important or secretive thing might they be working on? What could happen if the wrong person finds their work?

an old typewriter

Who are these three stuffed animals? Are they living? What is their story?

the backs of three stuffed animals

Whose ukulele is this? Why did they leave it here? Who might find it?

a green ukulele sticks out of the sand

Where is the owner of the bike? Where does this path lead? What if the bike’s not there when the owner returns?

a bike leans against a wooden railing

Whose shoes are these? Why did they leave them here? Why are they so dirty?

a pair of dirty shoes in the mud

Who was reading the newspaper? What was the most interesting thing they read? Where have they disappeared to?

a stack of newspapers, a white cup, and a pair of glasses

Who put this sign on the old truck? What do you think of it? How did the truck end up in its current condition and location?

a deserted old truck

Who set the table? Who are they expecting? What special occasion are they celebrating? What could go wrong?

a fancy table setting

Whose birthday cake is this? Are they having a party? Who is there? Who did they want to have there that didn’t show up?

a birthday cake

Who lives here? How do they access their home? What is their life like?

a home surrounded by water

Who built the igloo? Where is it? How does it feel to spend the night inside it?

an igloo

What is the history of this castle? Who lives in it now? Does it have any special or magical features?

a castle

Is this barn abandoned or do people live on the property? What kind of animals might live here? How do they keep themselves entertained?

a big red barn

What is it like living on a houseboat? What kind of community do you think forms among the neighbors? Imagine you live on one of these boats and think about how your daily life might change. What interesting things could you do if you lived here? What would you miss the most?

a row of houseboats

Where is this hut? Who lives here? What mystery might unfold if a stranger came knocking at their door?

a round hut

What is this lighthouse called? Who runs it? How often do they leave? What is the most memorable experience they’ve had as a lighthouse operator?

a lighthouse

How did this house get here? Does anyone live in it? What would life be like here?

a house on a rock surrounded by water

Where is this festive street? Are the people there celebrating something? Where is everybody?

a colorful European town

Who lives here? How did they build this house? Are they hiding from something? What does it look like inside?

a hobbit house with a yellow door

Whose notebook is this? Why did they leave it here? What’s written in it and how might it change the life of the person who finds it?

a notebook lying on a beach

What are these women doing? What are they supposed to be doing? Will they be in trouble if they get caught?

two women playing on a piece of wood

Who might be represented in this statue? Why is she being pulled by lions? What amazing things might she have done to deserve a statue in this prominent place?

a statue of a woman being pulled in a carriage by two lions

Where is this? Who is riding in the hot air balloons? Where are they going and why?

hot air balloons fly over a town

How old is this tree? Where is it? What are some of the most fascinating stories it could tell?

an old oak tree

Where is this carousel? Who is riding it? Can you think of a special or strange story about how it came to exist in this particular place?

a woman rides a carousel

What are these people thinking about? What’s at stake for them? What happens if one of them sneezes?

tightrope walkers walk on tightropes

Where are these penguins? What are they talking about? Which one of them is the leader?

4 penguins stand in a huddle

What is this place? Was it designed to be open like this or was it once part of someone’s home or a public building? How have people’s opinions of this place changed over time?

a room with statues in it

Who are these kids? Is this what they’re supposed to be doing? What happens when their teacher sees them?

kids play around in a dance studio

Who is supposed to ride in this boat? Where are they going? Will they make it there?

a small boat with a fancy seat

Is this plane special to someone? What did they have to do to get it/build it? Where will they fly to in it?

a yellow plane

Who decorated this train car? Which passengers will fill it up? What will they talk about?

an upscale train car with fancy seats

Whose skis are these? Why are they sticking out of the snow? How did their owner get down the mountain without them?

two skis and two poles stick out of a snowbank

Where does this gondola go? Who rides it? How does it feel to ride it?

a gondola

Who’s driving the monster truck? Why is it at the beach? What is it going to crush? Who is watching?

a monster truck does tricks on a beach

Where is the boat going? Who is on it? What is their mission?

a ship sails away from shore

What city is the helicopter flying over? Why? Is the driver looking for something specific or do they have a special delivery?

a helicopter flies over a city

What’s the little boy doing in the boat? Is he alone or is someone with him? Where is he trying to go?

a little boy holds an oar in a boat

Who is in the sub? What’s it like inside? What are they doing?

a submarine

Whose book is this? What’s it about? What’s happening to it?

a book that has water flowing out of it

How did that piece of land with the house on it break off from the rest of the world? Why? Where is it going? Is anyone in the house?

a fantasy graphic with a piece of land separating from the earth and floating away

Who is this girl? Where is she? Who is she shooting at?

a woman in the woods shoots a bow and arrow

Where does this scene take place? Is the lizard/dragon good or bad? What is its relationship with the girl?

a girl standing on the tip of a cliff pats the nose of a giant lizard

What do these books represent? What kind of world is this? What (or who) is inside the books?

a row of books designed to look like houses

What are these dinosaurs discussing? Where are they? What do they do for fun?

two dinosaurs

Whose cottage is this? Do they still live there? If not, where have they gone? If so, what do they do there?

a fairy tale cottage in the woods

What is the moth thinking about? Is it alone? What’s the biggest challenge it faces in this moment?

a moth on a flower

Who is the owl looking at? Has it read these books? What is its greatest talent?

an owl wearing beside a stack of books

Where are these trees? Why are they pink? Do they have any special powers or features?

trees in a wood covered with something pink

What do you think? Which kind of pictures do you like best for creative writing prompts ? Let us know in the comments.

Tuesday 5th of March 2024

I LOVE these! My daughter has always struggled with written story prompts and an internet search this week convinced me of the value of picture prompts for reluctant readers/writers (https://youcanjournal.com/journal-picture-prompts/ if you're interested!). I'll definitely be using these to help improve her writing skills. Thanks so much!

Tuesday 26th of December 2023

I think the idea of using picture prompts is a great idea. It initiates oral language thus building vocabulary. It allows lends itself to students working in small groups to stimulate new ideas. The prompts engage the students and gives the teacher the opportunity to focus on specific writing skills.

luke elford

Wednesday 13th of December 2023

cloey mckay

Tuesday 17th of October 2023

I tried this with myself and my 6th-grade students, and they love it. it gives room for so much creativity.

Nayyar Abbas

Tuesday 30th of May 2023

This is very good idea and it really works, viewing these one try to think one's own way that what these pictures are telling or asking? I also recommend that this idea should also be given to the students for building their creative instinct.

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  • Image Prompts

85+ Picture Writing Prompts For Kids (+ Free Printable)

A picture is worth a thousand words. So how many words can you write for these 85 picture writing prompts for kids and grow-ups alike! Pictures, whether something as simple as an apple or as complex as an action scene can spark the imagination in more ways than one.

Of course, when looking at pictures you can take the literal route, and describe whatever you see in front of you. Or you can explore your imagination, and think about the ‘What Ifs..’ of a picture. What if that person is actually upset? What if this picture is of a broken family? What if the world looked like this years ago? A picture can have so many hidden meanings and can hide so many secrets. The slightest detail could mean everything. Just imagine you’re a detective solving a crime from one picture alone. Examine every detail, write it down and think why? Only then can you fully understand a picture.

For more inspiration take part in our daily picture writing prompt challenge . Each day you will be given a new picture prompt to write about.

Picture Prompt Generator

In this post, we have included a mix of simple pictures, story picture prompts, photographs, fantasy images and even some action-packed images.

You can find the complete list of our picture writing prompts below. We’ve also created a smaller PDF version that includes 30 random picture prompts. Download the printable PDF here .

You might also be interested in the following posts:

  • 30 Christmas Pictures To Get You Writing ‘Tis Jolly Season
  • 25+ Halloween Image Prompts For Mastering Horror Stories
  • How to Use Image prompts To Inspire You

150 Picture Prompts To Inspire

Over 85 picture prompts for creative writing, story-telling and descriptive writing assignments:

picture writing prompt 1

How to Use these Prompts

Picture prompts are the perfect writing stimulus especially when you hit writer’s block . Here are a number of ways you can use these picture writing prompts to spark your imagination:

  • Descriptive Writing: Directly describe everything you see in extreme detail. You could even go beyond the physical appearance of things, and explore your other senses, such as smell, hear, feel and taste.
  • Story-Telling: Pick just one image, and tell a whole story based on this one image.
  • Story Starter: Similarly you can pick one image, and use it as the starting place of your story.
  • Collaborative Story-Telling: In a group of 5 – 7 students, each student can have a random picture. The first student uses their picture as the story starter, and then the next student continues the story based on their own image. Keep going until the final student ends the story.
  • Idea Generation: Pick one image and try to think of at least 3 story ideas related to that one image. 
  • Daily Writing Challenge: Give your students 7 images, and tell them to write a description for each image every day. 

These are just some ways to use images as writing prompts. You can also check our post on 8 fun story-telling games using image prompts for more ideas.  Did you find our picture writing prompts useful? Let us know in the comments below!

picture writing prompts

Marty the wizard is the master of Imagine Forest. When he's not reading a ton of books or writing some of his own tales, he loves to be surrounded by the magical creatures that live in Imagine Forest. While living in his tree house he has devoted his time to helping children around the world with their writing skills and creativity.

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creative writing image generator

50 Creative text prompts for AI images

Sofía López

Picture this: your cursor blinks mockingly on a stark, white screen—yep, it’s the dreaded designer’s block . Whether you’re the Michelangelo of pixels or just starting to sketch your digital Sistine Chapel, we’ve got your lifeline to creativity. Ready for a sprinkle of inspiration that makes a fresh Pantone deck look bland? Fasten your seatbelts, and prepare for a journey into the heart of imagination powered by 50 creative text prompts with our sidekick AI. 

So, snatch up your digital quills and parchment—today, we’re not just stepping into the world of creative prompts; we’re leaping in with both feet!

What are prompts? 

Let’s roll out the red carpet and sound the trumpets, for we’re about to embark on a grand procession through the kingdom of creativity! Before we unfurl the banners, let’s illuminate the cornerstone of our festive fete: what, pray tell, are prompts?  

Think of them as imaginative individuals with the power to turn an empty canvas into a vivid tapestry of stories and visions. They are like creative wizards and enchanters, making magic with their touch. These resourceful guides invite you to explore new ideas and uncharted territories with a glint of excitement in their eyes.

But let’s cut to the chase – a prompt is a text input where you describe, in clear and detailed language, the image you’d like the AI to generate for you. It serves as your request, guiding the AI to create an image that aligns with your vision. The more descriptive and clear your prompt is, the better the AI will understand and fulfill your request.

And in this modern era where AI has joined the artist’s atelier, these prompts have metamorphosed into potent incantations, empowering your AI image generator to conjure visuals so breathtaking, they could leave the muses themselves in awe.

Writing prompts

Writing prompt images

In the not-so-distant past, the phrase “use your words” might’ve conjured images of pen on paper, furrowed brows, and crumpled pages strewn about a writer’s desk. Fast forward to today, and those very words have taken on a power previously reserved for wands and wizardry. Enter the age of AI imagery, where your creatively crafted sentences can bloom into stunning visuals , blossoming right before your eyes— no pencils, no paint, no problem!

With just a sprinkle of your imagination and the technicolor magic of Freepik’s AI image generator , your journey from text to visual spectacle begins. Here, every word you write is a brushstroke on a digital canvas, every sentence a shade richer in possibility. So, let’s embark on this alchemical adventure together and turn your narrative nuggets into a gallery of pixel-perfect art. Strap in, fellow creator— your keyboard is about to become the palette with which you’ll paint a thousand pictures

Writing prompt illustrations 

Dive into the colorful spectrum of AI-assisted artistry, where your word choices paint a canvas far beyond the confines of mere photography.  Crafting visuals with your vocabulary? It’s all about embracing terms that dance with illustrations , flirt with styles, and waltz with techniques. When you channel writing prompt illustrations, you’re not just generating images; you’re infusing them with a soul that only a human touch can conjure. It’s worth noting that using specific and evocative vocabulary in your prompts plays a crucial role in achieving illustration-style images, as it helps convey your desired visual elements and style to the AI with precision.

Consider these prompts as your key to unlocking a wonderland where each brushstroke, shadow, and contour breathes life into your distinct creative vision. Let these prompts serve as the gentle nudge that encourages your imagination to burst forth onto the canvas in a rich tapestry of artistic styles.

Writing prompt illustrations 

50 Creative writing prompts for graphic designers

Crafting prompts for image generation is all about striking a balance between specificity and creativity to push the boundaries of visual possibilities. Drumroll, here are our 50 detailed and imaginative prompts meant to inspire other-worldly AI-generated visuals:

  • A highly realistic 8K vintage photo of a clock tower entwined with luminous ivy, its leaves flickering with bioluminescent light at dusk.
  • An intricate steampunk cityscape at sunrise , with brass gears and steam rising from cobblestone streets, all rendered in stunning 8K clarity.
  • A hyper-realistic image of a crystal-clear lake mirroring a sky full of auroras in a pristine 8K forest setting at midnight.
  • An 8K, highly detailed illustration of a grand library with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves , ornate ladders, and ancient books with ethereal glowing titles.
  • A realistic 8K mural of a futuristic metropolis, with hovering cars and holographic signage, reflected in the glossy surfaces of the city’s architecture.
  • An 8K hyper-realistic image of an intricate mechanical dragon with scales made of polished copper and sapphire, coiled around a medieval tower.
  • A highly realistic 8K depiction of an astronaut lounging on a crescent moon , fishing stars from the cosmos with a shimmering celestial line.
  • An intricate 8K b otanical garden dome on Mars , with a variety of alien plants that glow softly in the Martian twilight.

Venetian carnival AI image

  • An 8K digital painting of an ancient tree with a doorway glowing in its trunk , leading to a luminous, enchanted realm.
  • A realistic 8K Victorian-era study , meticulously detailed, with a roaring fireplace and a desk covered in curious gadgets and faded maps.
  • A hyper-realistic 8K underwater coral city, with bioluminescent coral towers and sea creatures swimming through vibrant tunnels.
  • An 8K, highly realistic image of a vintage train chugging through a snowy landscape, its lights casting a warm glow on the intricate snowflakes.
  • A realistic 8K scene of a grand ballroom with an intricate glass ceiling, under a clear night sky, with dancers in ornate period attire.
  • An 8K intricate, otherworldly bazaar , filled with vendors selling glowing fruits, levitating fabrics, and bottled whispers.
  • 16 . A hyper-realistic 8K image of an elegant, antique carousel with mythological creatures instead of horses, set in a mist-filled forest clearing.
  • An 8K highly realistic and intricate scene of a desert oasis at twilight, with crystal-clear waters reflecting the palette of the setting sun.
  • A detailed 8K vision of an ice hotel, with transparent walls revealing the aurora borealis, and furniture carved from blocks of ice, glowing with soft blue light.
  • An 8K, intricately designed treehouse village, with bridges connecting homes carved into living wood, surrounded by fireflies.
  • A hyper-realistic 8K scene of a moss-covered stone path winding through a fairy-tale forest with trees arching overhead, creating a natural cathedral.

Snow globe AI Image

  • An 8K image of a cyberpunk street market, with neon signs, futuristic street food vendors, and a diverse crowd of androids and humans.
  • A realistic 8K art deco ballroom, with a glossy checkered floor, flappers dancing to a brass band, and the glitter of a crystal chandelier.
  • An intricate 8K rendering of a floating island in the sky, with waterfalls cascading over the edges into the clouds below.
  • A highly realistic 8K sunrise over a lavender field, with delicate morning dew reflecting the sun’s warm hues on spider webs.
  • An 8K, highly detailed ancient throne room, with an opulent golden throne and walls adorned with epic, carved frescoes.
  • A realistic 8K portrait of a regal phoenix in mid-rebirth, flames morphing into feathers against a backdrop of stars.
  • An 8K, intricately detailed abandoned amusement park at night, with carousel horses and Ferris wheel cabins sprouting wildflowers.
  • A highly realistic 8K full moon illuminating a serene cove , with pirates’ shadows lurking near beached ships and hidden treasure.
  • An intricate 8K Gothic cathedral interior, with soaring arches, stained glass casting multicolored patterns on the stone floor.
  • A realistic 8K image of a secret garden door, overgrown with ivy, and a keyhole emitting a mysterious golden light.
  • An 8K digital painting of a roaring twenties speakeasy, buzzing with flappers and jazz musicians, all the glitz captured in stunning detail.

Mountaintop monastery AI image

  • An intricate 8K tapestry scene depicting an epic battle between knights and dragons, with each scale and chainmail link rendered in precise detail.
  • A highly realistic 8K cityscape at golden hour, with intricate reflections of the skyscrapers on the glassy surface of a river.
  • An 8K image of a grand masquerade ball in a castle courtyard, under the stars with intricate masks and flowing gowns.
  • A hyper-realistic 8K depiction of a vintage coastal tram, trundling along a seafront promenade, detailed down to the rust and rivets.
  • An 8K highly detailed street corner in Paris, with a quaint café, pastries displayed in the window, and a street musician with an old accordion.

Alchemist’s lab AI image

  • A realistic 8K fantasy marketplace, where merchants sell enchanted artifacts and potions amidst the backdrop of floating shops.
  • An intricate 8K enchanted forest clearing, with a circle of ancient stones that glow with runes under the full moon.
  • A hyper-realistic 8K rendering of a dystopian city’s skyline , with holographic billboards casting a neon glow on the streets below.
  • An 8K, intricately detailed vintage detective’s office, with a half-smoked cigar, a typewriter, and a frosted glass door.

Deep-sea AI image

  • An 8K panoramic view of a bustling medieval market square , with vibrant stalls, jugglers, and the aroma of freshly baked bread in the air.
  • A hyper-realistic 8K scene of an art nouveau greenhouse, with intricate ironwork and a variety of exotic, flourishing plants.
  • An 8K image of a cliffside monastery at dawn , with monks chanting as the first rays of light pierce through the mist.
  • A realistic 8K bustling port city during the Age of Sail, with intricate rigging on tall ships and sailors shouting in various languages.
  • An intricate 8K digital collage of a surreal dreamscape, where fish swim through the air and people float gently upward.
  • A highly realistic 8K rendering of a cozy mountain retreat, with smoke curling from the chimney and a blanket of fresh snow on the pines.

Text prompts for AI images

Forget about playing it safe; it’s time to disrupt the digital canvas with designs that challenge the ordinary. Every prompt is a conversation starter, every result a step closer to your masterpiece. This is where your imagination teams up with AI to revolutionize what you thought was impossible.

Why wait for inspiration to strike when you have the power to summon it at your fingertips? Your artistic journey begins now – with prompts in hand and Freepik’s AI image generator as your canvas, the art of possibility is yours to command. Start today in this new era of creation where your only boundary is the horizon of your imagination so, let it loose and watch it soar to incredible, 8k heights!

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Picture Prompts

125 Picture Prompts for Creative and Narrative Writing

What story can these images tell?

Paper sits in a typewriter. The words “It was a dark story night” have already been typed.

By The Learning Network

For eight years, we at The Learning Network have been publishing short, accessible, image-driven prompts that invite students to do a variety of kinds of writing via our Picture Prompts column.

Each week, at least one of those prompts asks students: Use your imagination to write the opening of a short story or poem inspired by this image — or, tell us about a memory from your own life that it makes you think of.

Now we’re rounding up years of these storytelling prompts all in one place. Below you’ll find 125 photos, illustrations and GIFs from across The New York Times that you can use for both creative and personal writing. We have organized them by genre, but many overlap and intersect, so know that you can use them in any way you like.

Choose an image, write a story, and then follow the link in the caption to the original prompt to post your response or read what other students had to say. Many are still open for comment for teenagers 13 and up. And each links to a free Times article too.

We can’t wait to read the tales you spin! Don’t forget that you can respond to all of our Picture Prompts, as they publish, here .

Images by Category

Everyday life, mystery & suspense, relationships, science fiction, travel & adventure, unusual & unexpected, cat in a chair, happy puppy, resourceful raccoon, cows and cellos, people and penguins, opossum among shoes, on the subway, sunset by the water, endless conversation, falling into a hole, lounging around, sneaker collection, the concert, meadow in starlight.

creative writing image generator

Related Picture Prompt | Related Article

Public Selfies

Night circus, tarot cards, castle on a hill, security line, batman on a couch, reaching through the wall, beware of zombies, haunted house, familial frights, witches on the water, blindfolded, phone booth in the wilderness, shadow in the sky, a letter in the mail, hidden doorway.

creative writing image generator

Point of No Return

Darkened library, under the table, playing dominoes, looking back, a wave goodbye, out at dusk, conversation, walking away, alone and together, a new friend, heated conversation, up in a tree, hole in the ceiling, under the desk, at their computers, marching band, band practice, in the hallway, in the lunchroom, the red planet, tech gadgets, trapped inside, astronaut and spider, computer screen, special key, tethered in space, on the court, in the waves, city skateboarding.

creative writing image generator

Fishing in a Stream

Over the falls.

creative writing image generator

Under the Sea

Sledding in the mountains, cracked mirror, wilderness wayfaring, car and cactus, walking through town, tropical confinement, travel travails, roller coasters, atop the hill, climbing a ladder, under the ice, other selves.

Students 13 and older in the United States and Britain, and 16 and older elsewhere, are invited to comment. All comments are moderated by the Learning Network staff, but please keep in mind that once your comment is accepted, it will be made public and may appear in print.

Find more Picture Prompts here.

Generated Image

Cool text generator, cool text generator for modern age.

Sometimes we just need a decent stylish text in 10 minutes, Maybe a the next project's logo. We don't have Photoshop, we don't have good design in mind. What if there is a web service for us to browse-and-pick a nice effect, then we just customize → download → use it? And yes, maketext.io is born for this purpose.

Maketext.io is the modern cool text generator that empowers SVG filters and 800+ open-font-licensed web fonts. While there are already numerous similar websites around, we handcrafted maketext.io with following guideline in mind:

  • Make It Quick, Make It Simple
  • On the Web, on the Fly
  • Easily Customizable
  • Vector Based with Raster Support

Technical Consideration

For every fancy text effect, we provide both SVG and PNG format for you to download. Since SVG is well-prepared for everyone to use in HTML5 era, you will still want to know about its limitation so you can choose which one to use between SVG and PNG more wisely.

Browser Compatibility

Just like there are some CSS attributes that are not well-supported by all modern browsers, there might be difference between implementations of browsers to the SVG filter we use, specially of the old browsers like Internet Explorer.

Generally speaking modern browsers like latest versions Chrome, Firefox and Safari should be able to render them correctly, but you should check if you need to support browsers like IE9. For a detail list of browser support for SVG filter, check Can I Use "SVG filter" for more information.

Rendering Performance

Rendering SVG can be more CPU-intensive than rendering raster images like PNG or JPG. This is especially true when using complicated SVG filters, and almost all filters here are complicated. Consider using CSS property " will-change " to prevent redundant re-rendering when you use those downloaded SVG files, just like we've done in our stylish text gallery.

Image Quality

While SVG is scalable-vector-based and should be responsive-ready, sometimes there are still unwanted aliasing/jagged edges or not-aligned shapes, due to number rounding / precision issues when rendering. If you use those SVG files with dynamic sizing, remember to check it's visual appearence in different resolution before shipping your works.

Embedded Font

To make custom web font works in SVG files, we actually convert every letter from text into SVG path instead of embedding the whole font file inside it. This can make the file smaller ( if the text is short ), but then it won't be able to change the text after generation of the SVG file, and the SVG file can't be indexed by search engine through its content. You can still use the alt attribute in img tag for SEO though.

Copyable Cool Text

While cool text in images are great, sometimes we need to use them in text posts or even messengers. Check out our Fancy Text Generator , which is dedicated for this purpose: generate stylish text that are copyable!

While making stylish text with maketext.io, you may also want to build your own cool text filter. This article " The Art Of SVG Filters And Why It Is Awesome " provides a comprehensive guide with a lot of example for anyone who want to build a cool text SVG filter from scratch, a definitely must-read.

Additionally, these filters can actually be used in any shapes, not only for text. For an inspiring example of SVG beyong merely shapes, this talk and slide about " SVGs beyond mere shapes " is the thing you will never want to miss.

The fact that these cool text effects are built with SVG filters makes it possible to couple with other css or javascript libraries. For example, you can use loading.css or transition.css to animate your stylish text. Check loading.io animated text generator for inspiration of how loading.css can be used in text animation.

We want to build this service to its best, but there are always bugs or glitches. Feel free to contact us via [email protected] by mail, or leave your words in the disqus widget below. We always appreciate your feedback and support, by which we could make this service better together.

Get on the list

we are constantly building better tools for the web, often with open-sourced libraries for anyone to use. Our portfolio includes data visualization service " PlotDB ", animation service " loading.io ", and real-time collaborative web design service " makeweb.io ". Want to get noticed when we release our next service? Just subscribe our newsletter! :)

Maketext.io © 2018

Super fast, vector-based cool text generator powered by modern web technologies.

Partner Sites

creative writing image generator

  • Font Generator
  • Word Counter
  • Add Text to Photo
  • Go to the text page
  • Generate text
  • Open AI writer
  • Go to the AI writer page
  • Profile Picture Maker
  • Sharpen Image
  • Compress Image
  • Rotate Image
  • Resize Image
  • HEIC to JPG
  • Color Palette from Image
  • Image Mirror
  • Go to the Image page
  • Calendar Maker
  • Color Palette
  • Go to the design page
  • Letter cases
  • Symbol Text
  • Smileys & People
  • Animals & Nature
  • Food & Drink
  • Travel & Places
  • Mathematical
  • Roman Numerals
  • Translations
  • Grammar checker


  • Blog titles
  • Meta description
  • Social media bio
  • Story ideas
  • Video titles
  • Business names
  • Email writer
  • Side hustle ideas
  • Landing page titles
  • Product description
  • WebM to MP4
  • Go to the video page
  • Color Picker
  • Color Wheel
  • Color Codes
  • Go to the color page
  • PDF to Word
  • Excel to PDF
  • Word to PDF
  • Go to the convert page
  • Compress PDF
  • Go to the PDF page
  • Photo editor
  • AI image enhancer
  • AI image generator
  • Background changer
  • Collage maker
  • Background remover
  • Go to Picsart all-in-one editor
  • Prompt Generator

Free Prompt Generator

Fuel your creativity with unique, AI-crafted ideas with our 100% free prompt generator tool.

  • Unique results ✨
  • Limitless inspiration
  • 100% free ❤️

What is a Prompt generator?

Use this prompt generator for..., articles, stories, blog posts.

Our prompt generator can help bloggers, authors, and content creators overcome writer's block and spark fresh ideas for their next pieces.

Research papers, essays

Students and academics can find this valuable asset for brainstorming topics and developing unique angles for their academic work.

Ideas for new products

Entrepreneurs and product developers can harness the power of a prompt generator to generate innovative product ideas , pushing the boundaries of creativity.

Marketing strategies

Marketers can leverage fresh, eye-catching strategies that captivate their audience.

Literally any project

From art projects to business plans, this prompt generator can serve as a wellspring of inspiration for any endeavor you undertake.

Your Creative Prompt Generator for Any Purpose

How to use this ai prompt generator, select media type.

Choose "All," "Text," "Image," "Video," or "Code."

Describe your goal

Specify what you want to create.

Include details

Provide context, keywords, constraints.

Choose length

Select prompt length.

Generate & refine

Click to get AI-generated prompts.

Use your prompts with...

Idea generator, other ai writer tools.

  • Keyword Generator
  • Title Generator
  • Article Writer

🎉 Our next novel writing master class starts in – ! Claim your spot →


Join (probably?) the world's largest writing contest. Flex those creative muscles with weekly writing prompts.

Showing 2129 prompts

From the top, write a story titled 'persuasion'..

LIVE – Funny

Write a story titled 'The Wind in the Willows'.

LIVE – Spring

Write a story titled 'Desperate Remedies'.

LIVE – Dark

Write a story titled 'Paradise Lost'.

LIVE – Angst

Write a story titled 'A Tale of Two Cities'.

LIVE – Adventure

creative writing image generator

Introducing Prompted , a new magazine written by you!

🏆 Featuring 12 prize-winning stories from our community. Download it now for FREE .

Write a narrative about a group of scientists exploring the deepest parts of the ocean.

Imagine a world where exploration is forbidden, and write a story about a character who defies this rule to satisfy their innate curiosity., center your story around a character’s personal exploration, whether it's trying a new hobby, visiting an unfamiliar place, or learning something completely new., set your story on a spaceship exploring the far reaches of space when something goes wrong., write a story in the form of diary entries, written by an explorer as they make their way through what they thought was an untouched location., subscribe to our prompts newsletter.

Never miss a prompt! Get curated writing inspiration delivered to your inbox each week.

Write about a character who treats everything like a game and struggles to be serious when they most need to, or vice versa.

Write a story about someone who takes a joke way too far., write a story about someone participating in a seemingly innocent game that suddenly takes a turn., set your story in a playground: two characters are having a serious conversation while on the seesaw/in the jungle gym/on the swings., write a story that includes the phrase “it’s all fun and games…”, set your story in a world where astrology and the movements of celestial bodies deeply impact the lives of inhabitants., people have gathered to witness a once-in-a-lifetime natural phenomenon, but what happens next is not what they expected., imagine an origin myth that somebody might use to explain an eclipse, or some other celestial event., write a story in which a character navigates using the stars., set your story during a total eclipse — either natural, or man-made., win $250 in our short story competition 🏆.

We'll send you 5 prompts each week. Respond with your short story and you could win $250!

Contest #248 LIVE

Enter our weekly contest.

This week's theme: From the Top

Prize money

Contest entries, closes at 23:59 - may 03, 2024 est, recent contests ✍️.

#247 – The Great Unknown

#246 – All Fun and Games

#245 – Heavenly Bodies

#244 – Oh Snap!

Recent winners 🏆

Sarah Coury – read

Olivier Breuleux – read

Kerriann Murray – read

Thomas Iannucci – read

Leaderboard 🥇

#1 Zilla Babbitt

32366 points

#2 Deidra Whitt Lovegren

28713 points

#3 Abigail Airuedomwinya

22420 points

#4 Graham Kinross

14496 points

#5 Scout Tahoe

13196 points

#6 Chris Campbell

11207 points

#7 Thom With An H

10610 points

#8 Rayhan Hidayat

10212 points

#9 Michał Przywara

9887 points

#10 Deborah Mercer

9610 points

RBE | Short Stories | 2023-02

Bring your short stories to life

Fuse character, story, and conflict with tools in the Reedsy Book Editor. 100% free.

Creative Writing Prompts

When the idea to start a weekly newsletter with writing inspiration first came to us, we decided that we wanted to do more than provide people with topics to write about. We wanted to try and help authors form a regular writing habit and also give them a place to proudly display their work. So we started the weekly Creative Writing Prompts newsletter. Since then, Prompts has grown to a community of more than 450,000 authors, complete with its own literary magazine, Prompted .  

Here's how our contest works: every Friday, we send out a newsletter containing five creative writing prompts. Each week, the story ideas center around a different theme. Authors then have one week — until the following Friday — to submit a short story based on one of our prompts. A winner is picked each week to win $250 and is highlighted on our Reedsy Prompts page.

Interested in participating in our short story contest? Sign up here for more information! Or you can check out our full Terms of Use and our FAQ page .

Why we love creative writing prompts

If you've ever sat in front of a computer or notebook and felt the urge to start creating worlds, characters, and storylines — all the while finding yourself unable to do so — then you've met the author's age-old foe: writer's block. There's nothing more frustrating than finding the time but not the words to be creative. Enter our directory! If you're ready to kick writer's block to the curb and finally get started on your short story or novel, these unique story ideas might just be your ticket.

This list of 1800+ creative writing prompts has been created by the Reedsy team to help you develop a rock-solid writing routine. As all aspiring authors know, this is the #1 challenge — and solution! — for reaching your literary goals. Feel free to filter through different genres, which include...

Dramatic — If you want to make people laugh and cry within the same story, this might be your genre.

Funny — Whether satire or slapstick, this is an opportunity to write with your funny bone.

Romance — One of the most popular commercial genres out there. Check out these story ideas out if you love writing about love.

Fantasy — The beauty of this genre is that the possibilities are as endless as your imagination.

Dystopian – Explore the shadowy side of human nature and contemporary technology in dark speculative fiction.

Mystery — From whodunnits to cozy mysteries, it's time to bring out your inner detective.

Thriller and Suspense — There's nothing like a page-turner that elicits a gasp of surprise at the end.

High School — Encourage teens to let their imaginations run free.

Want to submit your own story ideas to help inspire fellow writers? Send them to us here.

After you find the perfect story idea

Finding inspiration is just one piece of the puzzle. Next, you need to refine your craft skills — and then display them to the world. We've worked hard to create resources that help you do just that! Check them out:

  • How to Write a Short Story That Gets Published — a free, ten-day course by Laura Mae Isaacman, a full-time editor who runs a book editing company in Brooklyn.
  • Best Literary Magazines of 2023 — a directory of 100+ reputable magazines that accept unsolicited submissions.
  • Writing Contests in 2023 — the finest contests of 2021 for fiction and non-fiction authors of short stories, poetry, essays, and more.

Beyond creative writing prompts: how to build a writing routine

While writing prompts are a great tactic to spark your creative sessions, a writer generally needs a couple more tools in their toolbelt when it comes to developing a rock-solid writing routine . To that end, here are a few more additional tips for incorporating your craft into your everyday life.

  • NNWT. Or, as book coach Kevin Johns calls it , “Non-Negotiable Writing Time.” This time should be scheduled into your routine, whether that’s once a day or once a week. Treat it as a serious commitment, and don’t schedule anything else during your NNWT unless it’s absolutely necessary.
  • Set word count goals. And make them realistic! Don’t start out with lofty goals you’re unlikely to achieve. Give some thought to how many words you think you can write a week, and start there. If you find you’re hitting your weekly or daily goals easily, keep upping the stakes as your craft time becomes more ingrained in your routine.
  • Talk to friends and family about the project you’re working on. Doing so means that those close to you are likely to check in about the status of your piece — which in turn keeps you more accountable.

Arm yourself against writer’s block. Writer’s block will inevitably come, no matter how much story ideas initially inspire you. So it’s best to be prepared with tips and tricks you can use to keep yourself on track before the block hits. You can find 20 solid tips here — including how to establish a relationship with your inner critic and apps that can help you defeat procrastination or lack of motivation.


How to Write a Novel

Join Tom Bromley for a writing master class and finish your first draft in 3 months . Learn more →

Explore more writing prompt ideas:

Adults Writing Prompts ⭢

Adventure Writing Prompts ⭢

Angst Writing Prompts ⭢

Character Writing Prompts ⭢

Christmas Writing Prompts ⭢

Dark Writing Prompts ⭢

Dialogue Writing Prompts ⭢

Dramatic Writing Prompts ⭢

Dystopian Writing Prompts ⭢

Fall Writing Prompts ⭢

Fantasy Writing Prompts ⭢

Fiction Writing Prompts ⭢

Fluff Writing Prompts ⭢

Funny Writing Prompts ⭢

Halloween Writing Prompts ⭢

High School Writing Prompts ⭢

Historical Fiction Writing Prompts ⭢

Holiday Writing Prompts ⭢

Horror Writing Prompts ⭢

Kids Writing Prompts ⭢

Middle School Writing Prompts ⭢

Mystery Writing Prompts ⭢

Narrative Writing Prompts ⭢

Nonfiction Writing Prompts ⭢

Novel Writing Prompts ⭢

Poetry Writing Prompts ⭢

Romance Writing Prompts ⭢

Sad Writing Prompts ⭢

Science Fiction Writing Prompts ⭢

Short Story Writing Prompts ⭢

Spring Writing Prompts ⭢

Summer Writing Prompts ⭢

Teens Writing Prompts ⭢

Thanksgiving Writing Prompts ⭢

Thriller and Suspense Writing Prompts ⭢

Valentine's Day Writing Prompts ⭢

Vampire Writing Prompts ⭢

Winter Writing Prompts ⭢

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ai photo editing tools

Free Online Photo Editor AI Image Generator and AI Design tools

The suite for all your creative photo and design editing needs directly in your web browser, on your smartphone, or on your desktop, all free. The only limit is your imagination!

Pixlr Editor

Pixlr express, pixlr designer, batch editor, jump right in.

Here we collected the most used Generative AI and Photo Editing features people are looking for!

Generative AI Tools

Explore Pixlr’s new AI Powered Generative Tools unleashing limitless creative possibilities. Perfect for both beginners and seasoned professionals, these tools redefine artistic expression with intuitive AI technology, revolutionizing your creative process.

AI Image Generator magic!

Elevate your creations with the revolutionary Text to Image AI image generator, revolutionizing the way you convert simple text into visually captivating artwork. Unleash your imagination and craft breathtaking, AI-generated masterpieces that are bound to captivate and inspire your audience.

AI Image Generator Example One

Amazing AI Generative Fill!

From concepting creative ideas to making complex edits and refinements, Generative Fill can help you quickly realize your vision while giving you complete control over every creation.

AI Generative Fill Before

See more with AI Generative Expand!

Explore beyond the borders of your canvas with Generative Expand, make your image fit in any aspect without cropping the best parts. Just expand in any direction and the new content will blend seamlessly with the image.

AI Generative Expand Example After

Other EPIC AI Generative Tools!

AI Remove Object

AI Remove Object

Remove any unwanted object from your image by just drawing a line arround it.

AI Remove Background

AI Remove Background

One-click background remover, let the AI do the boring work.

AI Face Swapper

AI Face Swap

With the AI face swapper you become anyone you desire: a superhero, a heartthrob, a law enforcer, or an intellectual. Or just switch faces with a friend, there are no limits.

AI super scale

AI Super Scale

Use AI to upscale images and keep a superb quality.

AI Image Sharper

AI Super Sharp

Enhance image clarity and details, bring a new level of precision to your digital photographs.

AI Generative Transform

AI Generative Transform

Separate out object from the image and move, resize or rotate them freely. Just like magic!

AI Noise reducation

AI Remove Noise

Effectively reduce or eliminate unwanted noise from images, ensuring a smoother and cleaner result.

Photo Editing and Design

Over the last 15 years, Pixlr has maintained its position as the top photo editing service on the web. Our commitment to pioneering innovation in online capabilities remains unwavering, ensuring the delivery of excellent retouching, drawing, filter, and effect tools!

Photo Grid Maker

It remains a timeless design choice, continuing to be among the favored layouts for presenting photos on social media, advertisements, or in print. Our auto grid feature effortlessly offers a range of layouts to suit your diverse photo presentation needs, providing convenient options for your creative endeavors.

Photo Grid Maker Example One

Product Shot Creator!

Studio looking product images in a few seconds, no more tedious repetitive work to create awe looking product images, just let our AI generate the perfect shot!

Product image shot maker one

Filters And Effects

The Photo effects and filters from Pixlr offer a creative spectrum, enhancing images with various styles, moods, and visual enhancements to elevate and transform the overall aesthetic. Popular filters like Dispersion, Bokeh and Focus, Glitch, Mirror and a large selection of Effects give you ample ways to step up your Photo editing game.

Photo editor filter and effects Example One

More awesome photo editing and design tools!

HDR Photo filter

Spice up any image with Mimic HDR and make your photo pop, bring up the dark areas and keep the lights intact.

Bokeh Photo filter

Fokus / Bokeh

Create depth in your photos with background blur, bokeh blur and bokeh lights.

Reflect Mirror Photo filter

Draw over an area in you image and watch it explode and disperse into small pieces.

Reflect Mirror Photo filter

Create mesmerizing mirror effects with an array of captivating variations that warp reality and mesmerize the eye.

Glitch Photo filter

ransform your photos into playful, distorted masterpieces with the quirky and captivating glitch photo effect.

Glitch Photo filter

Single, duo, or tri-tone color effect for that classic looking images.

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Writing Prompt Generator

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Illustration: Justin Jay Wang

DALL·E: Creating images from text

We’ve trained a neural network called DALL·E that creates images from text captions for a wide range of concepts expressible in natural language.

DALL·E is a 12-billion parameter version of  GPT-3  trained to generate images from text descriptions, using a dataset of text–image pairs. We’ve found that it has a diverse set of capabilities, including creating anthropomorphized versions of animals and objects, combining unrelated concepts in plausible ways, rendering text, and applying transformations to existing images.

See also:  DALL·E 2 , which generates more realistic and accurate images with 4x greater resolution.

creative writing image generator

GPT-3 showed that language can be used to instruct a large neural network to perform a variety of text generation tasks.  Image GPT  showed that the same type of neural network can also be used to generate images with high fidelity. We extend these findings to show that manipulating visual concepts through language is now within reach.

Like GPT-3, DALL·E is a transformer language model. It receives both the text and the image as a single stream of data containing up to 1280 tokens, and is trained using maximum likelihood to generate all of the tokens, one after another. [^footnote-1]

This training procedure allows DALL·E to not only generate an image from scratch, but also to regenerate any rectangular region of an existing image that extends to the bottom-right corner, in a way that is consistent with the text prompt.

We recognize that work involving generative models has the potential for significant, broad societal impacts. In the future, we plan to analyze how models like DALL·E relate to societal issues like economic impact on certain work processes and professions, the potential for bias in the model outputs, and the longer term ethical challenges implied by this technology.


We find that DALL·E is able to create plausible images for a great variety of sentences that explore the compositional structure of language. We illustrate this using a series of interactive visuals in the next section. The samples shown for each caption in the visuals are obtained by taking the top 32 of 512 after reranking with  CLIP , but we do not use any manual cherry-picking, aside from the thumbnails and standalone images that appear outside. [^footnote-2]

Controlling attributes

We test DALL·E’s ability to modify several of an object’s attributes, as well as the number of times that it appears.

Click to edit text prompt or view more AI-generated images

a pentagonal green click. a green clock in the shape of a pentagon.

creative writing image generator

We find that DALL·E can render familiar objects in polygonal shapes that are sometimes unlikely to occur in the real world. For some objects, such as “picture frame” and “plate,” DALL·E can reliably draw the object in any of the polygonal shapes except heptagon. For other objects, such as “manhole cover” and “stop sign,” DALL·E’s success rate for more unusual shapes, such as “pentagon,” is considerably lower. For several of the visuals in this post, we find that repeating the caption, sometimes with alternative phrasings, improves the consistency of the results.

a cube made of porcupine. a cube with the texture of a porcupine.

creative writing image generator

We find that DALL·E can map the textures of various plants, animals, and other objects onto three dimensional solids. As in the preceding visual, we find that repeating the caption with alternative phrasing improves the consistency of the results.

a collection of glasses is sitting on a table

creative writing image generator

We find that DALL·E is able to draw multiple copies of an object when prompted to do so, but is unable to reliably count past three. When prompted to draw nouns for which there are multiple meanings, such as “glasses,” “chips,” and “cups” it sometimes draws both interpretations, depending on the plural form that is used.

Drawing multiple objects

Simultaneously controlling multiple objects, their attributes, and their spatial relationships presents a new challenge. For example, consider the phrase “a hedgehog wearing a red hat, yellow gloves, blue shirt, and green pants.” To correctly interpret this sentence, DALL·E must not only correctly compose each piece of apparel with the animal, but also form the associations (hat, red), (gloves, yellow), (shirt, blue), and (pants, green) without mixing them up [^footnote-3]

 We test DALL·E’s ability to do this for relative positioning, stacking objects, and controlling multiple attributes.

a small red block sitting on a large green block

creative writing image generator

We find that DALL·E correctly responds to some types of relative positions, but not others. The choices “sitting on” and “standing in front of” sometimes appear to work, “sitting below,” “standing behind,” “standing left of,” and “standing right of” do not. DALL·E also has a lower success rate when asked to draw a large object sitting on top of a smaller one, when compared to the other way around.

a stack of 3 cubes. a red cube is on the top, sitting on a green cube. the green cube is in the middle, sitting on a blue cube. the blue cube is on the bottom.

creative writing image generator

We find that DALL·E typically generates an image with one or two of the objects having the correct colors. However, only a few samples for each setting tend to have exactly three objects colored precisely as specified.

an emoji of a baby penguin wearing a blue hat, red gloves, green shirt, and yellow pants

creative writing image generator

We find that DALL·E typically generates an image with two or three articles of clothing having the correct colors. However, only a few of the samples for each setting tend to have all four articles of clothing with the specified colors.

While DALL·E does offer some level of controllability over the attributes and positions of a small number of objects, the success rate can depend on how the caption is phrased. As more objects are introduced, DALL·E is prone to confusing the associations between the objects and their colors, and the success rate decreases sharply. We also note that DALL·E is brittle with respect to rephrasing of the caption in these scenarios: alternative, semantically equivalent captions often yield no correct interpretations.

Visualizing perspective and three-dimensionality

We find that DALL·E also allows for control over the viewpoint of a scene and the 3D style in which a scene is rendered.

an extreme close-up view of a capybara sitting in a field

creative writing image generator

We find that DALL·E can draw each of the animals in a variety of different views. Some of these views, such as “aerial view” and “rear view,” require knowledge of the animal’s appearance from unusual angles. Others, such as “extreme close-up view,” require knowledge of the fine-grained details of the animal’s skin or fur.

a capybara made of voxels sitting in a field

creative writing image generator

We find that DALL·E is often able to modify the surface of each of the animals according to the chosen 3D style, such as “claymation” and “made of voxels,” and render the scene with plausible shading depending on the location of the sun. The “x-ray” style does not always work reliably, but it shows that DALL·E can sometimes orient the bones within the animal in plausible (though not anatomically correct) configurations.

To push this further, we test DALL·E’s ability to repeatedly draw the head of a well-known figure at each angle from a sequence of equally spaced angles, and find that we can recover a smooth animation of the rotating head.

a photograph of a bust of homer

creative writing image generator

We prompt DALL·E with both a caption describing a well-known figure and the top region of an image showing a hat drawn at a particular angle. Then, we ask DALL·E to complete the remaining part of the image given this contextual information. We do this repeatedly, each time rotating the hat a few more degrees, and find that we are able to recover smooth animations of several well-known figures, with each frame respecting the precise specification of angle and ambient lighting.

DALL·E appears to be able to apply some types of optical distortions to scenes, as we see with the options “fisheye lens view” and “a spherical panorama.” This motivated us to explore its ability to generate reflections.

a plain white cube looking at its own reflection in a mirror. a plain white cube gazing at itself in a mirror.

creative writing image generator

Visualizing internal and external structure

The samples from the “extreme close-up view” and “x-ray” style led us to further explore DALL·E’s ability to render internal structure with cross-sectional views, and external structure with macro photographs.

a cross-section view of a walnut

creative writing image generator

We find that DALL·E is able to draw the interiors of several different kinds of objects.

a macro photograph of brain coral

creative writing image generator

We find that DALL·E is able to draw the fine-grained external details of several different kinds of objects. These details are only apparent when the object is viewed up close.

Inferring contextual details

The task of translating text to images is underspecified: a single caption generally corresponds to an infinitude of plausible images, so the image is not uniquely determined. For instance, consider the caption “a painting of a capybara sitting on a field at sunrise.” Depending on the orientation of the capybara, it may be necessary to draw a shadow, though this detail is never mentioned explicitly. We explore DALL·E’s ability to resolve underspecification in three cases: changing style, setting, and time; drawing the same object in a variety of different situations; and generating an image of an object with specific text written on it.

a painting of a capybara sitting in a field at sunrise

creative writing image generator

We find that DALL·E is able to render the same scene in a variety of different styles, and can adapt the lighting, shadows, and environment based on the time of day or season.

a stained glass window with an image of a blue strawberry

creative writing image generator

We find that DALL·E is able to flexibly adapt the representation of the object based on the medium on which it is being drawn. For “a mural,” “a soda can,” and “a teacup,” DALL·E must change how it draws the object based on the angle and curvature of the drawing surface. For “a stained glass window” and “a neon sign,” it must alter the appearance of the object from how it usually appears.

a store front that has the word ‘openai’ written on it. a store front that has the word ‘openai’ written on it. a store front that has the word ‘openai’ written on it. ‘openai’ store front.

creative writing image generator

With varying degrees of reliability, DALL·E provides access to a subset of the capabilities of a 3D rendering engine via natural language. It can independently control the attributes of a small number of objects, and to a limited extent, how many there are, and how they are arranged with respect to one another. It can also control the location and angle from which a scene is rendered, and can generate known objects in compliance with precise specifications of angle and lighting conditions.

Unlike a 3D rendering engine, whose inputs must be specified unambiguously and in complete detail, DALL·E is often able to “fill in the blanks” when the caption implies that the image must contain a certain detail that is not explicitly stated.

Applications of preceding capabilities

Next, we explore the use of the preceding capabilities for fashion and interior design.

a male mannequin dressed in an orange and black flannel shirt

creative writing image generator

We explore DALL·E’s ability to render male mannequins in a variety of different outfits. When prompted with two colors, e.g., “an orange and white bomber jacket” and “an orange and black turtleneck sweater,” DALL·E often exhibits a range of possibilities for how both colors can be used for the same article of clothing. DALL·E also seems to occasionally confuse less common colors with other neighboring shades. For example, when prompted to draw clothes in “navy,” DALL·E sometimes uses lighter shades of blue, or shades very close to black. Similarly, DALL·E sometimes confuses “olive” with shades of brown or brighter shades of green.

a female mannequin dressed in a black leather jacket and gold pleated skirt

creative writing image generator

We explore DALL·E’s ability to render female mannequins in a variety of different outfits. We find that DALL·E is able to portray unique textures such as the sheen of a “black leather jacket” and “gold” skirts and leggings. As before, we see that DALL·E occasionally confuses less common colors, such as “navy” and “olive,” with other neighboring shades.

a living room with two white armchairs and a painting of the colosseum. the painting is mounted above a modern fireplace.

creative writing image generator

We explore DALL·E’s ability to generate images of rooms with several details specified. We find that it can generate paintings of a wide range of different subjects, including real-world locations such as “the colosseum” and fictional characters like “yoda.” For each subject, DALL·E exhibits a variety of interpretations. While the painting is almost always present in the scene, DALL·E sometimes fails to draw the fireplace or the correct number of armchairs.

a loft bedroom with a white bed next to a nightstand. there is a fish tank beside the bed.

creative writing image generator

We explore DALL·E’s ability to generate bedrooms with several details specified. Despite the fact that we do not tell DALL·E what should go on top of the nightstand or shelf beside the bed, we find that it sometimes decides to place the other specified object on top. As before, we see that it often fails to draw one or more of the specified objects.

Combining unrelated concepts

The compositional nature of language allows us to put together concepts to describe both real and imaginary things. We find that DALL·E also has the ability to combine disparate ideas to synthesize objects, some of which are unlikely to exist in the real world. We explore this ability in two instances: transferring qualities from various concepts to animals, and designing products by taking inspiration from unrelated concepts.

a snail made of harp. a snail with the texture of a harp.

creative writing image generator

We find that DALL·E can generate animals synthesized from a variety of concepts, including musical instruments, foods, and household items. While not always successful, we find that DALL·E sometimes takes the forms of the two objects into consideration when determining how to combine them. For example, when prompted to draw “a snail made of harp,” it sometimes relates the pillar of the harp to the spiral of the snail’s shell. In a previous section, we saw that as more objects are introduced into the scene, DALL·E is liable to confuse the associations between the objects and their specified attributes. Here, we see a different sort of failure mode: sometimes, rather than binding some attribute of the specified concept (say, “a faucet”) to the animal (say, “a snail”), DALL·E just draws the two as separate items.

an armchair in the shape of an avocado. an armchair imitating an avocado.

creative writing image generator

In the preceding visual, we explored DALL·E’s ability to generate fantastical objects by combining two unrelated ideas. Here, we explore its ability to take inspiration from an unrelated idea while respecting the form of the thing being designed, ideally producing an object that appears to be practically functional. We found that prompting DALL·E with the phrases “in the shape of,” “in the form of,” and “in the style of” gives it the ability to do this. When generating some of these objects, such as “an armchair in the shape of an avocado”, DALL·E appears to relate the shape of a half avocado to the back of the chair, and the pit of the avocado to the cushion. We find that DALL·E is susceptible to the same kinds of mistakes mentioned in the previous visual.

Animal illustrations

In the previous section, we explored DALL·E’s ability to combine unrelated concepts when generating images of real-world objects. Here, we explore this ability in the context of art, for three kinds of illustrations: anthropomorphized versions of animals and objects, animal chimeras, and emojis.

an illustration of a baby daikon radish in a tutu walking a dog

creative writing image generator

We find that DALL·E is sometimes able to transfer some human activities and articles of clothing to animals and inanimate objects, such as food items. We include “pikachu” and “wielding a blue lightsaber” to explore DALL·E’s ability to incorporate popular media. We find it interesting how DALL·E adapts human body parts onto animals. For example, when asked to draw a daikon radish blowing its nose, sipping a latte, or riding a unicycle, DALL·E often draws the kerchief, hands, and feet in plausible locations.

a professional high quality illustration of a giraffe turtle chimera. a giraffe imitating a turtle. a giraffe made of turtle.

creative writing image generator

We find that DALL·E is sometimes able to combine distinct animals in plausible ways. We include “pikachu” to explore DALL·E’s ability to incorporate knowledge of popular media, and “robot” to explore its ability to generate animal cyborgs. Generally, the features of the second animal mentioned in the caption tend to be dominant. We also find that inserting the phrase “professional high quality” before “illustration” and “emoji” sometimes improves the quality and consistency of the results.

a professional high quality emoji of a lovestruck cup of boba

creative writing image generator

Zero-shot visual reasoning

GPT-3 can be instructed to perform many kinds of tasks solely from a description and a cue to generate the answer supplied in its prompt, without any additional training. For example, when prompted with the phrase “here is the sentence ‘a person walking his dog in the park’ translated into French:”, GPT-3 answers “un homme qui promène son chien dans le parc.” This capability is called  zero-shot reasoning.  We find that DALL·E extends this capability to the visual domain, and is able to perform several kinds of image-to-image translation tasks when prompted in the right way.

the exact same cat on the top as a sketch on the bottom

creative writing image generator

We find that DALL·E is able to apply several kinds of image transformations to photos of animals, with varying degrees of reliability. The most straightforward ones, such as “photo colored pink” and “photo reflected upside-down,” also tend to be the most reliable, although the photo is often not copied or reflected exactly. The transformation “animal in extreme close-up view” requires DALL·E to recognize the breed of the animal in the photo, and render it up close with the appropriate details. This works less reliably, and for several of the photos, DALL·E only generates plausible completions in one or two instances. Other transformations, such as “animal with sunglasses” and “animal wearing a bow tie,” require placing the accessory on the correct part of the animal’s body. Those that only change the color of the animal, such as “animal colored pink,” are less reliable, but show that DALL·E is sometimes capable of segmenting the animal from the background. Finally, the transformations “a sketch of the animal” and “a cell phone case with the animal” explore the use of this capability for illustrations and product design.

the exact same teapot on the top with ’gpt’ written on it on the bottom

creative writing image generator

We find that DALL·E is able to apply several different kinds of image transformations to photos of teapots, with varying degrees of reliability. Aside from being able to modify the color of the teapot (e.g., “colored blue”) or its pattern (e.g., “with stripes”), DALL·E can also render text (e.g., “with ‘gpt’ written on it”) and map the letters onto the curved surface of the teapot in a plausible way. With much less reliability, it can also draw the teapot in a smaller size (for the “tiny” option) and in a broken state (for the “broken” option).

We did not anticipate that this capability would emerge, and made no modifications to the neural network or training procedure to encourage it. Motivated by these results, we measure DALL·E’s aptitude for analogical reasoning problems by testing it on Raven’s progressive matrices, a visual IQ test that saw widespread use in the 20th century.

a sequence of geometric shapes.

creative writing image generator

Rather than treating the IQ test a multiple-choice problem as originally intended, we ask DALL·E to complete the bottom-right corner of each image using argmax sampling, and consider its completion to be correct if it is a close visual match to the original. DALL·E is often able to solve matrices that involve continuing simple patterns or basic geometric reasoning, such as those in sets B and C. It is sometimes able to solve matrices that involve recognizing permutations and applying boolean operations, such as those in set D. The instances in set E tend to be the most difficult, and DALL·E gets almost none of them correct. For each of the sets, we measure DALL·E’s performance on both the original images, and the images with the colors inverted. The inversion of colors should pose no additional difficulty for a human, yet does generally impair DALL·E’s performance, suggesting its capabilities may be brittle in unexpected ways.

Geographic knowledge

We find that DALL·E has learned about geographic facts, landmarks, and neighborhoods. Its knowledge of these concepts is surprisingly precise in some ways and flawed in others.

a photo of the food of china

creative writing image generator

We test DALL·E’s understanding of simple geographical facts, such as country flags, cuisines, and local wildlife. While DALL·E successfully answers many of these queries, such as those involving national flags, it often reflects superficial stereotypes for choices like “food” and “wildlife,” as opposed to representing the full diversity encountered in the real world.

a photo of alamo square, san francisco, from a street at night

creative writing image generator

We find that DALL·E is sometimes capable of rendering semblances of certain locations in San Francisco. For locations familiar to the authors, such as San Francisco, they evoke a sense of déjà vu—eerie simulacra of streets, sidewalks and cafes that remind us of very specific locations that do not exist.

a photo of san francisco’s golden gate bridge

creative writing image generator

We can also prompt DALL·E to draw famous landmarks. In fact, we can even dictate when the photo was taken by specifying the first few rows of the sky. When the sky is dark, for example, DALL·E recognizes it is night, and turns on the lights in the buildings.

Temporal knowledge

In addition to exploring DALL·E’s knowledge of concepts that vary over space, we also explore its knowledge of concepts that vary over time.

a photo of a phone from the 20s

creative writing image generator

We find that DALL·E has learned about basic stereotypical trends in design and technology over the decades. Technological artifacts appear to go through periods of explosion of change, dramatically shifting for a decade or two, then changing more incrementally, becoming refined and streamlined.

Summary of approach and prior work

DALL·E is a simple decoder-only transformer that receives both the text and the image as a single stream of 1280 tokens—256 for the text and 1024 for the image—and models all of them autoregressively. The attention mask at each of its 64 self-attention layers allows each image token to attend to all text tokens. DALL·E uses the standard causal mask for the text tokens, and sparse attention for the image tokens with either a row, column, or convolutional attention pattern, depending on the layer. We provide more details about the architecture and training procedure in our  paper .

Text-to-image synthesis has been an active area of research since the pioneering work of Reed et. al, [^reference-1]  whose approach uses a GAN conditioned on text embeddings. The embeddings are produced by an encoder pretrained using a contrastive loss, not unlike CLIP. StackGAN [^reference-3]  and StackGAN++ [^reference-4]  use multi-scale GANs to scale up the image resolution and improve visual fidelity. AttnGAN [^reference-5]  incorporates attention between the text and image features, and proposes a contrastive text-image feature matching loss as an auxiliary objective. This is interesting to compare to our reranking with CLIP, which is done offline. Other work [^reference-2] [^reference-6] [^reference-7] incorporates additional sources of supervision during training to improve image quality. Finally, work by Nguyen et. al [^reference-8]  and Cho et. al [^reference-9]  explores sampling-based strategies for image generation that leverage pretrained multimodal discriminative models.

Similar to the rejection sampling used in  VQVAE-2 , we use  CLIP  to rerank the top 32 of 512 samples for each caption in all of the interactive visuals. This procedure can also be seen as a kind of language-guided search [^reference-16] , and can have a dramatic impact on sample quality.

an illustration of a baby daikon radish in a tutu walking a dog [caption 1, best 8 of 2048]

creative writing image generator

Reranking the samples from DALL·E using CLIP can dramatically improve consistency and quality of the samples.

Primary Authors

  • Aditya Ramesh
  • Mikhail Pavlov
  • Gabriel Goh

Supporting Authors

  • Rewon Child
  • Vedant Misra
  • Pamela Mishkin
  • Gretchen Krueger
  • Sandhini Agarwal
  • Ilya Sutskever

5 of the best free AI image generators

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James Jones is a highly experienced journalist, podcaster and digital publishing specialist, who has been creating content in a variety of forms for online publications…

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Sam Shedden is an experienced journalist and editor with over a decade of experience in online news. A seasoned technology writer and content strategist, he…

AI Image Generators

  • Ideogram: Social AI image generator, limited daily prompts, impressive quality.
  • NightCafe: Creative options, custom model training, limited free daily credits.
  • Runway AI: Advanced suite for creative professionals, complex interface, limited free credits.
  • DeepAI: Basic interface, unlimited images, HD option requires account, affordable paid plan.
  • Microsoft Designer: Simple interface, guided prompts, completely free to use.

The use of AI image generators is becoming more and more prevalent as workers and creatives alike seek for more inspiration and a streamlined way of generating high-quality content for a multitude of purposes.

From website images to social media feeds, AI-generated images are becoming a mainstream fixture, and as more generators enter the market, it’s also becoming a very cost-effective way for people to assist with their creative tasks, compliment their social media presence and help them boost their businesses’ marketing efforts.

As a result, we’ve taken a look at the five best free AI image generators on the market right now. All of them have different purposes and quirks, but all have free plans that make them accessible to everyone looking to use AI image generation as part of their daily workflow.

To showcase their capability, quality and accuracy, we have created images using the following prompt on all platforms…

A black cat with white paws sitting next to Buckingham Palace in London on a sunny summer’s day. There are people walking by in the background. There is red London double-decker bus and traditional black taxi driving by.


Ideogram is free to use for up to 25 prompts a day, but with that you are limited to the “slow queue” and every image you generate is viewable by all other Ideogram members. It is essentially a social media network for AI image generation, with the homepage acting as a feed of other images generated by the public, which you can ‘love’, similar to Instagram.

A single prompt will generate four different image iterations, and it will also provide a ‘magic’ prompt, which is essentially a more detailed prompt example it gives you for one of its images, that might give you inspiration for the wording of future prompts.

In terms of quality, it’s hugely impressive, although it can often struggle with human faces, especially if there isn’t much detailed information given about looks, etc. But it can accurately generate all types of images, including real-life, 3D, cartoon and CGI.

There are paid features , which essentially give you access to more daily prompts, quicker generation and the ability to make your images private, but if you don’t see yourself needing more than 25 prompts a day, the free version works perfectly fine.

creative writing image generator

NightCafe has an array of free-to-use features that allow users to be as creative and artistic as possible. The free plan uses the SDXL 1.0 model and you also get five free prompts for Dall-E 3 and Stable Video Diffusion.

One of the standout features on NightCafe is the option to train a model to generate your own face, a specific object, or a particular art style, but it’s limited to two free fine tunes before you need to purchase credits to keep training.

Before inputting your prompt, you’re given a vast list of style presets to choose from, depending on your image needs. We picked ‘Striking’ for our prompt, but there are the likes of Anime, Color Painting, CGI, Dark Fantasy, Hyperreal, Epic Origami, Modern Comic, Photo, Oil Painting and many more to choose from.

Users get five free credits a day, with one credit equalling one image generation, as opposed to one prompt. When generating images you can choose how many images it creates, so there is the need to be quite economical with your credits, but the results are accurate, detailed and realistic.

Users can, of course, purchase more credits , with 100 credits costing $5.99 monthly.

Runway AI

Runway AI isn’t just a text-to-image generator, but an all-round AI machine that allows users to use its AI creative suite for a multitude of purposes, including text-to-video, video-to-video and generative audio.

The text-to-image tool is perfect for users looking for more control and creativity over their images. You can remix the style and composition of your images, while all images generated are returned in high-resolution.

However, the user interface is quite complex and in some areas requires specific creation methods and coding, which makes it more suited to more advanced or skilled users. It’s the ideal generative AI tool for the likes of designers, illustrators and artists.

It is free to use, but the free version is only limited to 510 credits, which gets a little over 100 image generations (each generation costs five credits). You do get the option to edit style, resolution and image ratio with every generation, though.

Beyond that, you have to upgrade , with the cheapest plan coming in at $15 monthly for 625 credits and the use of additional and more advanced features.


DeepAI is a free-to-use AI image generator that allows users to create unlimited images with a wide variety of styles to choose from.

It has a very basic interface and only generates one image per prompt, but it is a great platform for those looking to experiment with AI, such as enthusiasts or creative freelancers looking for a cost-effective way to generate images.

It isn’t the fastest generator on the market and as it only generates one image at a time, it might take several prompts before you get the image you’re looking for, but the overall quality, accuracy, and capabilities are impressive, especially if you choose to generate your image in HD. That requires you to create an account, whereas the standard image generation doesn’t, but the difference in quality between the two is, well, HD.

From there, you can play around with different style presets and image enhancements to help you get the best possible results.

If you’re looking for a bit more from DeepAI, their only paid plan is $4.99 a month, or you can pay-as-you-go for $5-per-additional use of a premium feature.

Microsoft Designer

Microsoft Designer

Powered by Dall-E, Microsoft’s image generator is completely free to use and can be accessed via Copilot, formerly known as Bing Chat, or directly on the tool’s website.

As image generators go, Microsoft Designer is as simple as they come from a user interface and feature point of view (there are no editing options, for example), but it does give you guidance on how to construct the perfect prompt by suggesting you use adjectives, nouns, verbs and styles. The style is particularly important as it will determine the style of your end result.

Overall it’s a great free-to-use image generator for creatives, designers, artists, social media professionals, and anyone looking to have a play around with the AI and test its capabilities.

There are no paid plans either, it’s completely free to use. All you have to do is login using your Microsoft account.

The bottom line

When it comes to picking a favorite, it’s difficult to look past Microsoft Designer for accuracy and quality. It took my prompt and delivered an image that had all the details I requested.

The others also delivered high-quality images, but most of them omitted key details outlined in the prompt, such as the cat’s white paws, the black taxi or the red double-decker bus. Their accuracy wasn’t quite up to scratch for what it was being asked to do.

Ideogram was the closest to matching Microsoft designer in terms of accuracy but its quality was ever so slightly down and also has daily limitations, which Microsoft’s image generator doesn’t.

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James Jones is a highly experienced journalist, podcaster and digital publishing specialist, who has been creating content in a variety of forms for online publications in the sports and tech industry for over 10 years. He has worked at some of the leading online publishers in the country, most recently as the Content Lead for Snack Media's expansive of portfolio of websites, including Football Fancast.com, FootballLeagueWorld.co.uk and GiveMeSport.com. James has also appeared on several national and global media outlets, including BBC News, talkSPORT, LBC Radio, 5 Live Radio, TNT Sports, GB News and BBC’s Match of the Day 2. James…

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The 5 Best Open-Source AI Image Generators

Don't pay for an AI image generator.

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  • Stable Diffusion 1.5
  • DreamShaper
  • Openjourney

AI-based text-to-image generation models are everywhere and becoming easier to access daily. While it's easy just to visit a website and generate the image you're looking for, open-source text-to-image generators are your best bet if you want more control over the generation process.

There are dozens of free and open-source AI text-to-image generators available on the internet that specialize in specific kinds of images. So, we've sifted through the pile and found the best open-source AI text-to-image generators you can try right now.

Craiyon is one of the most easily accessible open-source AI image generators. It's based on DALL-E Mini, and while you can clone the Github repository and install the model locally on your computer, Craiyon seems to have dropped this approach in favor of its website.

The official Github repository hasn't been updated since June 2022, but the latest model is still available for free on the official Craiyon site . There are no Android or iOS apps either.

In terms of functionality, you'll see all the usual options that you expect from an AI image generator. Once you enter your prompt and get an image, you can use the upscale feature to get a higher-resolution copy. There are three styles to choose from: Art, Photo, and Drawing. You can also select the "None" option if you want the model to decide.

Additionally, "Expert Mode" lets you include negative words, which tells the model to avoid specific items. There's also a prompt prediction feature, which uses ChatGPT to help users write the best, most detailed prompts possible. Lastly, the AI-powered remove background features can help you save time and effort cropping backgrounds out of images.

And that's about everything Craiyon does. It's not the most sophisticated AI image generation model, but it does well as a basic model if you don't want something detailed or realistic.

The model is free to use, but free users are limited to nine free images at a time within a minute. You can subscribe to their Supporter or Professional tiers (priced at $5 and $20 a month, respectively, and billed annually) to get no ads or watermarks, faster generation, and the option to keep your generated images private. A Custom subscription tier also allows custom models, integration, dedicated support, and private servers.

2 Stable Diffusion 1.5

Stable Diffusion is perhaps one of the most popular open-source text-to-image generation models. It also powers other models, including the three image generators mentioned below. It was released in 2022 and has had many implementations since.

I'll spare you the overly technical details of how the model works (for which you can check out their official Github repository ), but the model is easy to install even for complete beginners and works well as long as you have a dedicated GPU with at least 4GB of memory. You can also access Stable Diffusion online, and we've got you covered if you want to run Stable Diffusion on a Mac .

There are several checkpoints (consider them versions) available to use for Stable Diffusion. While we tested out version 1.5, version 2.1 is also in active development and is more precise.

Running the model is also rather easy. We tested it with the AUTOMATIC1111 Stable Diffusion web user interface , and all controls and parameters work well. It's also quite NSFW-proof courtesy of the LAION-5B database that the model trained on (although it's not perfect, mind you). While generation time itself will vary based on your hardware, you can expect your images to be detailed and realistic even with basic prompts.

3 DreamShaper

DreamShaper is an image generation model based on Stable Diffusion. It was intended as an open-source alternative to MidJourney and focuses on photorealism in the generated images, although it can handle anime and painting styles just as well with a few tweaks.

The model is more capable than Stable Diffusion, allowing users more freedom over the final output, ranging from lightning improvements to looser NSFW restrictions. Running the model is also easy, with a downloadable, pre-trained version available online for local access and a host of websites, including Sinkin.ai , RandomSeed , and Mage.space (requires a basic subscription) that let you run the model with GPU acceleration.

As you can probably guess by now, images generated by DreamShaper tend to look more realistic compared to Stable Diffusion. Even if you run the same prompt on both models, the DreamShaper model will likely be more realistic, detailed, and better-lit.

This is especially true for portraits or characters, something I found Stable Diffusion lacking compared to the same prompt. If your images become too realistic, here are four ways to identify an AI-generated image .

You don't need a behemoth PC to run the model, either. My GTX 1650Ti with 4GB VRAM ran the model perfectly. Generation time was a bit longer, but it didn't seem to affect the actual output. That said, you might require GPUs with more VRAM to run DreamShaper XL, which is based on the Stable Diffusion XL model.

Invoke AI is another AI-based image generation model based on Stable Diffusion, with an XL version based on Stable Diffusion XL. It also has its own web and command line user interface, meaning you won't have to jump hoops with things like the Stable Diffusion web UI.

The model focuses on letting users create visuals based on their intellectual property with customized workflows. InvokeAI is one of the best open-source AI image generation models for training custom models and working with intellectual property.

Its official Github repository lists two installation methods: installing via InvokeAI's installer or using PyPI if you're comfortable with a terminal and Python and need more control over the packages installed with the model.

However, the extra control does bring a few limitations, most notably stricter hardware requirements. InvokeAI recommends a dedicated GPU with at least 4GB of memory, with six to eight GB recommended for running the XL variant. The VRAM requirements apply to both AMD and Nvidia GPUs. You'll also need at least 12GB of RAM and 12GB of free disk space for the model, its dependencies, and Python.

While the documentation doesn't recommend Nvidia's GTX 10 Series and 16 Series GPUs for their lack of video memory, the provided installer did run just fine. While your mileage may vary, if you're on a lower-end GPU, expect to wait longer to see your prompts being turned into images. Finally, if you're on Windows, you can only use an Nvidia GPU, as there's no support for AMD GPUs currently.

For the image generation part, the model tends to lean more toward artistic styles than photorealism. Of course, you can train the model on your dataset and have it generate images closer to what you want, even if that involves photorealistic images, especially if you're working in product design, architecture, or retail spaces. However, one important thing to keep in mind is that InvokeAI is primarily an image generation engine, meaning you'll likely have to use your own models for the best results (easily found via the model manager provided in the web interface) as the default model is quite similar to Stable Diffusion itself.

5 Openjourney

Openjourney is a free, open-source AI image generation model based yet again on Stable Diffusion. If you're wondering why the model is called Openjourney, it's because it was trained on Midjourney images and can mimic its style in the images it generates.

PromptHero , the company behind Openjourney, lets you test the model alongside other models, including Stable Diffusion (versions 1.5 and 2), DreamShaper, and Realistic Vision. When signing up, you get 25 free credits (one credit for each image generated), after which you have to subscribe to their Pro subscription tier, which costs $9 a month and gives you access to 300 credits each month with other exclusive features.

However, if you want to run it locally and for free, you can download the model file from HuggingFace and run it using the Stable Diffusion web UI. Openjourney is also the second most downloaded AI image generation model on HuggingFace, right behind Stable Diffusion.

Openjourney doesn't list any specific hardware requirements for running the model locally on its website, but you can expect similar hardware requirements to Stable Diffusion. This means a dedicated GPU with 4GB VRAM, 16GB RAM, and around 12 to 15GB of free space on your computer to save the model and its dependencies.

Images generated by Openjourney tend to be balanced between photorealism and art unless otherwise specified. If you're looking for an all-around model and prefer the Midjourney look and feel without paying for the subscription, Openjourney is one of the best options.

  • Generate an image from text using generative AI

Adobe Express

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  • Generate text effects using generative AI
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Make extraordinary images from just a description using Text to image  feature in Adobe Express.

Bring your vision to life using  Text to image  feature in Adobe Express. Describe your image and let generative AI do the magic for you. Use  Text to image in the  Quick Actions  menu for fast and fun results, or use the feature within the editor as part of another design in Adobe Express.

creative writing image generator

Try it in the app Create images using a text description in a few simple steps.

Generate extraordinary images for your designs using Text to image

Use Text to image to instantly generate fun, professional-quality images in trendy styles, such as product photos, digital art, cyberpunk, and more. Check out how to generate images for a Facebook post using Text to image AI feature in Adobe Express.

On the Adobe Express homepage, under Get Started , hover over  Facebook post and select Create from scratch .

Once the editor opens, within the Media      panel, select Text to image and choose the Image size for your post. 

Describe what you want to create in detail and select Content type .

Choose one or more  Style options and select  Generate  to view your extraordinary image and similar  Results .

Customize your design using Adobe Stock photos, text, design assets, and more.

Download  the design on your device or select  Share to publish to social media channels.

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PixImagine: AI Image Generator 17+

Ai painting, drawing with text, fatih erdogan, designed for ipad.

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Unlock boundless creativity with AI Imagine, AI Powered Imagine, and AI Art Studio. Elevate your artistic journey with powerful AI innovations. Transform your ideas into visual masterpieces with our AI Art studio app. Effortlessly convert text to captivating images, enhance pictures with AI-driven elements, elevate resolution for stunning detail, and precisely place images with creative control. Unleash your creativity for a seamless blend of AI and artistic expression. Pix Imagine - AI Art Generator App Features: AI Powered Artistry, AI Image Synthesizer, Visual Converter AI Powered Artistry Immerse yourself in the world of AI creativity. Witness the fusion of technology and art as our powerful AI algorithms transform your concepts into visually stunning masterpieces. Explore a new realm of expression where artificial intelligence becomes your artistic collaborator, turning imagination into reality with every stroke and pixel. Text to Visual Converter Experience the magic of instant visualization with our text to visual converter. Effortlessly bring words to life as our innovative technology translates text into captivating images. Unlock a seamless creative process where your ideas seamlessly transition from written expression to visually compelling art. Elevate your storytelling with the power of our text to visual Converter where imagination meets imagery at your fingertips. Paint & Generate Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds. Paint your imagination onto the digital canvas, and watch as our intelligent algorithms transform your strokes into mesmerizing creations. With the power to generate unique artwork, every brushstroke becomes a gateway to endless possibilities. Let your creativity flourish with paint & generate where inspiration meets innovation. Super Resolution Elevate your visuals to unparalleled clarity and detail. Our cutting-edge technology employs advanced algorithms to supercharge image resolution, transforming ordinary pictures into high-definition masterpieces. Embrace the power of super-resolution and experience the magic of crystal-clear imagery. Manipulate Pixel Refine your visual precision with our Pixel Manipulator. Dive into the details and take control of every pixel with our intuitive tools. Whether you're enhancing clarity, adjusting colors, or creating intricate designs, our Pixel Manipulator empowers you to manipulate and perfect each element. Elevate your visual creations to a new level of precision and experience the art of pixel manipulation. AI Image Synthesizer Unlock the potential of artistic synthesis with our AI Image Synthesizer. Immerse yourself in a world where artificial intelligence collaborates with your creativity, synthesizing stunning visuals from any input. Harness the power of advanced algorithms that seamlessly blend and enhance images, transforming ordinary pictures into extraordinary works of art. Embrace the future of image synthesis and let our AI redefine the boundaries of visual creation. Visual Content Empower your creative journey with our visual content app. Seamlessly craft captivating visuals that tell your story. Whether you're designing graphics, enhancing images, or creating eye-catching presentations, our tool is your gateway to unparalleled visual content creation. Elevate your brand, captivate your audience, and embark on a visual storytelling adventure with our visual content. Privacy Policy: https://fatiherdogan01.github.io/PixImagine/PrivacyPolicy.html Terms & Conditions: https://fatiherdogan01.github.io/PixImagine/TermsAndConditions.html

Version 1.8.0

Discover screen improved. UI/UX improved. Minor bug fixed.

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The developer, Fatih Erdogan , indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy .

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Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age. Learn More


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    Maketext.io is the modern cool text generator that empowers SVG filters and 800+ open-font-licensed web fonts. While there are already numerous similar websites around, we handcrafted maketext.io with following guideline in mind: Make It Quick, Make It Simple. On the Web, on the Fly. Easily Customizable.

  15. Free AI Image Generator

    Generate images instantly with Picsart's Free AI Image Generator. Add a text prompt, select the style, and witness the magic of text-to-image AI now! ... When you're looking to expand your creative skills, text to image AI can take your art to the next level. No matter what your artistic vision or business needs look like, you can generate AI ...

  16. Free AI Prompt Generator

    Our powerful prompt generator can create text, images, videos, code, and more prompts. With a simple click, you can access an expansive range of prompt categories catering to your interests and preferences. The intuitive interface and user-friendly design ensure effortless navigation, making your prompt-generating experience a breeze.

  17. Craiyon

    Open Craiyon AI Art Generator. Type your idea (crazy concepts encouraged) Hit "DRAW" to generate your AI art! Edit your AI image text prompt. With millions of art styles and photorealistic designs you can add, there are endless changes. Save or download your AI art masterpiece to share with the world!

  18. Writing Prompt Generator

    This plot generator is a one-stop shop to get the creative juices flowing. Our writing prompt generator provides you with a random prompt that includes a genre, the length of your short story, characters (also try out our character name generator ), quotes, props and a bonus assignment.

  19. 1800+ Creative Writing Prompts To Inspire You Right Now

    Here's how our contest works: every Friday, we send out a newsletter containing five creative writing prompts. Each week, the story ideas center around a different theme. Authors then have one week — until the following Friday — to submit a short story based on one of our prompts. A winner is picked each week to win $250 and is highlighted ...

  20. Free Online AI Photo Editor, Image Generator & Design tool

    Get creative with Pixlr's online photo editing & design tools. Including AI image generator, batch editor, animation design, enhancer & more. Try now for FREE! ... Elevate your creations with the revolutionary Text to Image AI image generator, revolutionizing the way you convert simple text into visually captivating artwork. Unleash your ...

  21. ServiceScape Writing Prompt Generator

    Need fiction writing inspiration? The ServiceScape Writing Prompt Generator has hundreds of creative writing ideas. From Fantasy to Science Fiction to Horror to Romance, our free and easy-to-use writing prompt generator can get your gears turning for whatever fiction story you want to write.

  22. DALL·E: Creating images from text

    DALL·E is a 12-billion parameter version of GPT-3 trained to generate images from text descriptions, using a dataset of text-image pairs. We've found that it has a diverse set of capabilities, including creating anthropomorphized versions of animals and objects, combining unrelated concepts in plausible ways, rendering text, and applying transformations to existing images.

  23. Free AI Paragraph Generator

    Academic writing. Students and researchers can benefit from Ahrefs' Paragraph Generator when working on papers, essays, or research articles. By providing the necessary instructions, the tool can generate well-structured paragraphs that present key arguments, evidence, and analysis, aiding in the writing process. Personal writing and ...

  24. 5 of the best free AI image generators

    Runway AI isn't just a text-to-image generator, but an all-round AI machine that allows users to use its AI creative suite for a multitude of purposes, including text-to-video, video-to-video ...

  25. Image Creator from Microsoft Designer

    Image Creator from Designer helps you generate images based on your words with AI. Learn more. You will receive emails about Microsoft Rewards, which include offers about Microsoft and partner products. You will also receive notifications about Image Creator from Designer. By continuing, you agree to the Rewards Terms and Image Creator Terms below.

  26. The 5 Best Open-Source AI Image Generators

    Craiyon is one of the most easily accessible open-source AI image generators. It's based on DALL-E Mini, and while you can clone the Github repository and install the model locally on your computer, Craiyon seems to have dropped this approach in favor of its website.. The official Github repository hasn't been updated since June 2022, but the latest model is still available for free on the ...

  27. Generate an image from text using generative AI

    Bring your vision to life using Text to image feature in Adobe Express. Describe your image and let generative AI do the magic for you. Use Text to image in the Quick Actions menu for fast and fun results, or use the feature within the editor as part of another design in Adobe Express.

  28. PixImagine: AI Image Generator 17+

    Download PixImagine: AI Image Generator and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. ‎Transform your ideas into visual masterpieces with our AI Art studio app. Effortlessly convert text to captivating images, enhance pictures with AI-driven elements, elevate resolution for stunning detail, and precisely place images with creative control.

  29. Gen-2: Text to Video

    Create videos in any style you can imagine with Text to Video and Image to Video generation. If you can think it, you can generate it. ... Runway Studios empowers filmmakers everywhere to achieve their creative vision with AI. Initiatives. AIFF 2024 Creative Partners Program GEN:48. ... Train your own image generator for customized styles ...