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71+ Research Paper Topics & Ideas for Marketing Students  

marketing research topics pdf for students

As a marketing student, you probably have access to a plethora of resources such as your college library and of course, the internet, to come up with great research paper topics.

However, the thought of writing your research paper can be daunting, especially if you’re still brainstorming and don’t know what to write about.

Just like any other piece of writing, start by keeping your audience in mind. Then, make a list of research paper topics that are more relevant to your interests, or a new under-developed field (for example; augmented reality, or people sentiments towards Artificial Intelligence), or a unique research topic that intrigues your audience.

But if you’re still struggling to pin down one out of the many research paper topics for your program, we’ll suggest a number of them for you to either choose from; or for you to take inspiration from and come up with your own.

Table of Contents

How to Choose the Best Research Paper Topics

Before we dive into the details, you’ll have to familiarize yourself with the basics. For starters, pick up a pen and paper and brainstorm different topics that you’d like to write about.

While personal interest is definitely important, we also suggest you opt for a topic that will intrigue your readers.  Here are a couple of factors you ought to keep in mind while selecting a topic:

Keeping your personal interest in mind

You probably won’t be able to write a stellar research paper if you’re not interested in the topic. Sit down with your peers and advisors to discuss possible ideas. It will be easier for you to discuss different themes once you’ve written down all your ideas in one place. If you’ve decided on a specific keyword for instance “consumer behaviour”, you can look for similar research papers on the internet.

A research paper isn’t a descriptive essay which you can drag aimlessly. Your research paper needs to be based on factual data and that’s only possible if you’ve conducted thorough research. While jotting down points for your first draft, ensure your statements are supported with references or examples citing credible academicals and research work.

Don’t leave it till the last day

A lot of students tend to undermine the writing process and leave for the last few days. Bear in mind that you can’t possibly write your entire research paper overnight. In order to succeed, you’ll have to devote sufficient amount of time to research.

Also, be prepared to schedule meetings with your advisor on a regular basis as you’re bound to require help along the way. At this point, make sure you only rely on credible sources that will support your dissertation.

Examples & List of Research Paper Topics

If you’re still unable to decide a topic of your interest, here is a list of 70 unique marketing research topics that you can use as marketing project topics for your MBA, or any other marketing course:

  • How do organizations use CSR ( corporate social responsibility ) to reinforce brand equity?
  • What manipulation tactics do brands use to get more customers?
  • How can brand image be communicated via social media marketing?
  • How can social media impact the buying choices of shoppers?
  • Are consumers equipped to shield themselves from direct marketing strategies?
  • Determine and analyze consumer buying behavior for [product name]
  • How does advertising impact consumer behaviour?
  • How does family orientation impact marketing communications?
  • What characteristics do buyers look for when purchasing a product online?
  • How does global marketing incorporate standardization?
  • What attributes do consumers look for when comparing products online?
  • How do financial institutions differentiate their goods and services on the basis of social class?
  • Is direct marketing really the most effective form of marketing?
  • What internet marketing trends can be expected for the future?
  • How to marketing strategies differ across different cultures?
  • Can brand advertising impact political campaigns?
  • How do brands exploit impulsive buying?
  • How does loyalty cards encourage sales and boost customer loyalty?
  • Can well-marketed brands get away with selling substandard quality products?
  • How is globalization having on impact on consumer behaviour?
  • Impact of brand image on customer loyalty
  • Brand attributes that lead to an increase in customer loyalty
  • Successful marketing approaches that helped break through strong market monopoly
  • Impact of cause marketing on brand affinity with young mothers
  • Effect of consumer promotions and discount offerings on brand equity
  • The outcomes of advertising in a recession
  • Influence on Social Media advertising on consumer behaviour
  • Effect of TV advertising on top of mind awareness
  • Understanding customer perceptions around event sponsorships
  • Does corporate social responsibility translate into sales?
  • Canadians perspective on being targeted with mobile ads based on their browser history
  • Is direct marketing welcomed by people?
  • Are customers able to differentiate between various mortgage offering by competing banks?
  • Does social media influence buying behaviour
  • Do people like being click baited into sponsored posts?
  • Understanding the impact of celebrity endorsements on ROI for CPG brands
  • Women’s sentiments around comparison advertising
  • How effective is comparison advertising to build brand equity?
  • Do consumers prefer purchasing routine grocery products online?
  • Is earned media perceived to be as important as it appears to be?
  • What makes people want to share content to their friends?
  • Understanding why content goes viral
  • Marketing challenges around the evolving family structures
  • Are we losing the emotional value and significance of money being in a cashless society?
  • Is centralized global marketing a good idea for brand health in local markets?
  • How is augmented reality going to enhance marketing experiences?
  • How will artificial intelligence support in making better marketing decisions?
  • Is immersion marketing through virtual reality technology going to be accepted?
  • What does the luxury auto buyer look for in a car?
  • How to instill a desire to purchase for customers in the luxury category
  • Harmful effects of advertising to kids
  • Impact of in-store branding on brand salience
  • Effect marketing strategies for restaurant businesses
  • Habit formation and ways to integrate new products in consumer lifestyles
  • Is display advertising going to die?
  • Can Snapchat help small business grow?
  • How do customers perceive the brand who advertise on Instagram?
  • The impact of humour in advertising
  • Do customers pay attention to nutrition labels?
  • What triggers impulse buying behaviour
  • Essentials to sky rocket a new brand to heights of awareness
  • The factors that lead to customer satisfaction in young adults
  • Elements that help build an emotional connection with your audience
  • How do males and females differ in their buying behaviour of mobile phones
  • Does language targeting help in ethnic advertising?
  • Customer Perceptions: Are well known brands good in quality?
  • Is radio still an effective method of advertising?
  • Rural vs Urban marketing challenges to be mindful of
  • Impact of internal branding on employee retention and turnover
  • An in-depth analysis of political marketing in Canada

More Categories of Research Topics

Still in need of some inspiration? Here are a few research paper areas that you can explore:

  • Distribution
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Relationship Marketing
  • Brand Management
  • Nonprofit Marketing
  • Market Segmentation & Targeting
  • Internet Marketing
  • Marketing Planning & Forecasting
  • Product Design & Positioning
  • Direct Marketing
  • Advertising
  • Purchasing & Materials Management

Hopefully, these marketing thesis topics will help you come up with a few topics of your own. If you’re still confused about which area, you’d like to work with, we suggest you consult your advisor for some additional help. Good luck!

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370+ Best Marketing Research Topics & Ideas for Students to Consider

Marketing Research Topics

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Ever had that brain-freezing moment where you're staring at a blank page, desperately hunting for that perfect marketing research topic? We've all been there. Welcome to your new cheat-sheet – a collection of unique, compelling, and downright cool marketing research paper topics. 

This isn't your standard list. We've gone beyond the beaten track, exploring the wild frontier of marketing, from neuromarketing mysteries to influencer insights. We've broken it down into digestible sections, so you can dive straight into your area of interest or academic level. Go ahead, check out these marketing research topics for papers and dissertations to make your next project shine!

What Are Marketing Research Topics?

In its simplest form, marketing is all about telling a compelling story to your audience. It's how businesses communicate the value of their products or services to customers, intending to promote and sell them. Yet, it's not just about selling. Marketing also involves understanding customer needs, crafting solutions to meet these needs, and building relationships that result in customer loyalty.

Now, when it comes to marketing research topics, you'll find an expansive universe of possibilities, each as diverse as the next. You might explore how to position your product to maximize impact or delve into the powerful online strategies that can make your brand viral. Or, you could examine the psychology behind consumer behavior, understanding what drives people to buy one product over another. 

These are just a handful of the abundant marketing topics you can encounter. Now let’s see what branches they are divided into.

Branches of Marketing Topics

Before you choose any marketing research topic idea, let’s figure out the main branches of this field. Here are the buckets they fall into:

  • Strategic marketing: This is the art of planning with a long-term view. Topics here could cover competitive positioning, market segmentation, or establishing a unique selling proposition.
  • Digital marketing: This direction is all about reaching customers online. You might explore search engine optimization, email marketing campaigns, or the effectiveness of different digital advertising strategies.
  • Social media marketing: This branch leverages social platforms to engage customers. Marketing topics here could revolve around the role of influencers, the power of user-generated content, or the impact of social media on brand perception.
  • Content marketing: This revolves around creating valuable content for customers. Here, you could delve into the importance of storytelling, how to create compelling blog posts, or the effectiveness of video marketing.
  • Consumer behavior: This branch focuses on understanding what drives consumers. You might examine factors influencing buying decisions, the psychology of consumer choice, or trends in consumer behavior.

How to Choose a Marketing Research Topic?

Choosing the right marketing research paper topic is crucial for a couple of reasons. Firstly, a good topic can keep you motivated throughout your study. It can be the difference between seeing your research as a chore or an adventure. Secondly, a well-chosen topic can contribute to the field, spark discussions, or even influence marketing strategies.

So, what makes a marketing research topic good? Most importantly, it should be an area of interest that excites you and piques your curiosity. Researching something you don't care about won't bring out your best work. Also, make sure the topic is relevant – check if it fits into the current research landscape or challenges existing knowledge. Last but not least, ask yourself if the topic is manageable within the scope of your assignment and resources. 

With these criteria in mind, let's see how to select the right marketing research topic. Below are some valuable suggestions from our thesis writing service :

  • Begin research Get familiar with the field by reading up on the latest publications and material. Note down all ideas for later reference.
  • Identify your interest area Start by asking yourself what aspect of marketing excites you most. Is it the psychology of consumer behavior, the analytics of digital marketing, or the creative aspects of content marketing?
  • Examine current trends Stay updated with the latest developments in the marketing field. Read industry reports, blogs, or news to identify hot topics or emerging trends.
  • Find a gap Look for questions that haven't been sufficiently answered or areas that need more exploration. This could be a unique perspective on an existing topic or an entirely new question.
  • Consider practicality Make sure your topic is feasible to research. Do you have access to the necessary resources, data, or tools?

Remember, choosing the right topic is a journey, one that requires time, exploration, and sometimes, a bit of trial and error. Don't rush it, savor the process, and you'll end up with a great topic. But in case you are stuck, we developed a list of potential research topics in marketing – all worth attention.

List of Marketing Research Topics & Ideas 

We've collated a captivating list of marketing research paper topics, perfect for igniting your curiosity and sure to impress your professors. Remember to align your chosen topic with your course requirements to ensure it's the perfect fit. Let's dive in!

  • Engaging Gen Z through social media marketing.
  • Challenges and opportunities in influencer marketing.
  • Ethical boundaries in digital advertising.
  • Rise of voice search: Impact on SEO.
  • Sustainable marketing: Beyond a trend?
  • Navigating cultural differences in international marketing.
  • AI and personalization in digital marketing.
  • Consumer behavior in online vs. offline shopping.
  • Impact of viral marketing on brand awareness.
  • Neuromarketing: Exploring the consumer's mind.
  • The role of AR and VR in enhancing consumer experience.
  • Branding in the age of social movements.
  • Efficacy of content marketing in B2B sectors.
  • Emotional marketing: Manipulation or genuine connection?
  • Privacy concerns in data-driven marketing.

Good Marketing Research Topics

Eager to dive deeper into the world of marketing? Here are more fresh and exciting marketing project topics. Each is poised to offer intriguing insights and comes with plenty of data to fuel your arguments. Get ready to explore!

  • Measuring the impact of customer reviews on sales.
  • Gamification as a marketing strategy: Pros and cons.
  • How color psychology influences branding?
  • Experiential marketing: A new customer engagement strategy.
  • How does social responsibility improve brand image?
  • Celebrity endorsements: Effective or outdated?
  • Ethical implications of neuromarketing.
  • Green marketing: Just a trend or a sustainable strategy?
  • Impact of humorous advertising on brand recall.
  • Local SEO strategies for small businesses.
  • How storytelling boosts content marketing success?
  • Role of AI in predicting consumer behavior.
  • Effects of scarcity tactics in e-commerce.
  • Mobile marketing trends shaping the future.
  • Impact of data privacy regulations on digital marketing.

Interesting Marketing Research Topics

Looking for a theme to add a dash of intrigue to your research? Explore this list of market research topics guaranteed to spark curiosity and foster insightful discussions.

  • Using virtual reality for product demonstrations.
  • Impact of emotional appeals in advertising.
  • How does nostalgia influence consumer choices?
  • Role of chatbots in improving customer service.
  • Leveraging user-generated content for brand promotion.
  • Social media's role in crisis management.
  • Role of big data in personalized advertising.
  • Is there a backlash against intrusive online ads?
  • Psychology behind successful loyalty programs.
  • Impact of culture on global advertising strategies.
  • Influencers vs. celebrity endorsements: Which is more effective?
  • Ethical implications of predictive analytics in targeting consumers.
  • Effectiveness of cause marketing in boosting sales.
  • Role of augmented reality in enhancing shopping experiences.
  • Strategies for improving online customer engagement.

Best Marketing Research Topics

What sets outstanding marketing research projects apart? They should be relevant, intriguing, and offer new insights. With that in mind, we've compiled the best research topics in marketing that tick all these boxes. Ready to make your research truly outstanding? Dive in!

  • Influence of virtual reality on consumer experiences.
  • Power of storytelling in brand building.
  • How does sustainability shape consumer choices?
  • Impact of memes on online brand promotion.
  • Role of blockchain in ensuring ad transparency.
  • Emotional intelligence in customer service: Is it crucial?
  • Does user-generated content boost trust in brands?
  • Social media's impact on body image: A concern for advertisers?
  • Role of data analytics in shaping promotional strategies.
  • Ethics in advertising: How far can shock tactics go?
  • Evolving consumer expectations in the era of personalization .
  • What drives the success of viral ads?
  • How does color influence brand recognition ?
  • Impact of artificial intelligence on consumer data collection.
  • Strategies to counter negative publicity on social media.

New Research Topics in Marketing

As an ever-evolving field, marketing constantly introduces new areas to investigate. It's vital to keep abreast of the latest trends to discover untapped research topics. To help you stay ahead of the curve, here are brand new marketing research topic ideas, each one reflecting innovations in the field.

  • Role of voice assistants in shaping buyer behavior.
  • Exploring the ethics of using AI in advertising.
  • Omnichannel retailing: A shift in consumer shopping experience?
  • Role of podcasts in influencing consumer behavior.
  • How does virtual reality reshape shopping experiences?
  • Personalization vs. privacy: A growing concern in digital advertising?
  • Use of drone technology for product delivery.
  • Impact of artificial intelligence on customer segmentation.
  • Role of WhatsApp chatbots in e-commerce: Do they enhance customer satisfaction?
  • How does mobile payment influence consumer buying behavior?
  • Influencer marketing in the age of fake followers.
  • The rise of shoppable posts in social media.
  • Exploring the potential of augmented reality in product visualization.
  • How do data breaches affect brand trust?
  • Impact of social media algorithms on content visibility.

Controversial Topics in Marketing

Struggling to come up with an interesting research topic on marketing? Consider exploring controversial marketing ideas. These themes can help you to spark heated debates and draw attention from your tutor. Below are a few fantastic controversial marketing topics to write about. 

And don't forget, you can pick a topic and entrust it to a professional essay writer online . Our experts can conduct thorough research and deliver top-quality work, no matter how complex the subject. Take your pick and let our professionals do the heavy lifting for you!

  • Has the rise of ad-blockers signified failure in digital advertising?
  • Deceptive marketing tactics: Where is the line drawn?
  • Does native advertising compromise journalistic integrity?
  • Ethical dilemmas of data mining in personalized marketing.
  • Use of sexual imagery in advertising: Effective or exploitative?
  • Neuromarketing: Intriguing science or manipulative strategy?
  • Are shock tactics in advertising crossing the line?
  • Role of consumerism in environmental degradation.
  • Negative impacts of beauty standards perpetuated by ads.
  • Is manipulation an inherent part of marketing?
  • Stereotypes in advertising : Harmless categorizing or dangerous bias?
  • Social media marketing to children: Ethical or exploitative?
  • Are privacy concerns leading to a decline in personalized advertising?
  • Does influencer marketing promote unrealistic lifestyle expectations?
  • Is greenwashing a consequence of sustainability trends in marketing?

Marketing Topics & Ideas for Students

Are you searching for marketing topic ideas tailored to your academic level? You're in the right place! In the following sections, you'll discover multiple marketing essay topics and research ideas organized according to various levels of study. Scroll down, find your academic level, and start exploring!

Marketing Research Topics for College Students

College is a time for exploration and growth, and what better way to study this niche than with some thought-provoking marketing research ideas for college students? Take a look at these titles suitable for a college-level understanding, yet engaging enough to fuel your curiosity.

  • Subliminal advertising : Myth or reality?
  • Impact of music in retail environments on consumer behavior.
  • The role of humor in successful ad campaigns.
  • Exploring the 'Fear of Missing Out' (FOMO) effect in event marketing.
  • Push vs. pull marketing strategies : Which works better?
  • Marketing campaigns that changed public opinion.
  • Celebrity scandals: A death knell for brand image?
  • Influence of packaging design on purchase decisions.
  • The role of color psychology in food marketing.
  • Impact of customer relationship management (CRM) on customer loyalty.
  • Are loyalty programs effective in retaining customers?
  • The role of social proof in online sales.
  • How cultural factors influence buying decisions.
  • Word-of-mouth marketing in the digital age.
  • The effect of customer service quality on brand loyalty.

Marketing Research Topics for University Students

As a university student, you're expected to tackle more complex tasks. So, we've curated a list of advanced marketing research ideas, perfect for a university level understanding.

  • How globalization shapes brand strategies.
  • Is corporate social responsibility just a trend or a necessity?
  • The influence of economic downturns on consumer behavior.
  • Emotional connections: Are they key in fostering customer loyalty?
  • Understanding the ' Halo Effect ' in brand perceptions.
  • Lessons learned from cross-cultural promotional blunders.
  • Exploring the psychology behind pricing strategies.
  • The role of neurolinguistic programming in persuasive messaging.
  • How sensory experiences enhance customer interactions.
  • Nudging consumer behavior: Is it ethical?
  • The impact of data analytics on strategic decision-making.
  • Unraveling the gender stereotypes present in commercials.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of ambush promotional strategies.
  • How does ethical branding improve a company's image?
  • Tracing the evolution and impact of guerrilla promotional strategies.

Marketing Research Topics by Category

As promised, we've meticulously organized an array of marketing topics for a research paper into specific categories for your convenience. Whether you're interested in digital marketing, consumer behavior, or any other subfield, just scroll down. Below, you'll find our comprehensive collection, each with a selection of field-specific marketing research paper ideas.

Digital Marketing Research Topics

Digital marketing revolves around promoting and selling products or services using digital platforms. As this domain continues to grow, it opens up a multitude of unique research avenues. Let's uncover some digital marketing topics to discuss:

  • Role of artificial intelligence in customer segmentation.
  • Does video content really boost online engagement?
  • Potential of augmented reality for product visualization .
  • Understanding consumer trust in online reviews.
  • Effectiveness of mobile apps in customer retention.
  • Future of email promotion in social media era.
  • Role of SEO in driving organic traffic.
  • Impact of page loading speed on bounce rates.
  • Online sales: Does free shipping enhance conversion rates?
  • Influencer collaboration vs paid advertising : What offers better ROI?
  • Impact of personalization on e-commerce conversion rates.
  • Importance of responsive design in user experience.
  • Is social proof essential for online sales conversion?
  • Podcasts as a promotional tool: How effective are they?
  • Evolution of privacy laws and its impact on online data collection.

Strategic Marketing Research Problems Topics

Global brand strategies with setting goals, deciding on actions to achieve these goals, and mobilizing resources to execute the actions. It requires a thorough understanding of market trends, competitive landscapes, and consumer behavior. Take a glance at these topics in marketing that explore various problems and challenges in this subfield:

  • Impact of poor internal communication on marketing strategy.
  • Aligning brand identity with customer perceptions.
  • Challenges in establishing a global brand strategy .
  • Role of competitive intelligence in shaping business strategy.
  • Impact of poor customer service on brand loyalty.
  • Mergers and acquisitions.
  • Role of organizational culture in strategy implementation.
  • Navigating the risks of product diversification.
  • Coping with increased price competition in saturated markets .
  • Impact of supply chain disruptions on product availability.
  • Overcoming barriers in implementing green business practices.
  • Strategies for maintaining brand relevance in fast-paced markets.
  • How does a changing regulatory environment impact strategy formulation?
  • Importance of innovation in maintaining a competitive edge.
  • Balancing profit margins and customer satisfaction in pricing strategy.

Social Media Marketing Research Paper Topics

It’s hard to imagine our life without social media. It has revolutionized the way we communicate and interact with one another. In this regard, there are a bunch of research topics on marketing for students who need to write a social media essay or paper.

  • The rise of TikTok: Understanding its business appeal.
  • How does Instagram's 'Shop Now' feature affect consumer behavior?
  • The role of LinkedIn in B2B lead generation.
  • Assessing the influence of Twitter's character limit on message effectiveness.
  • Exploring Facebook's 'Reactions' and their impact on brand engagement.
  • Potential of Pinterest for visual brand storytelling.
  • Snapchat's 'Story' feature: A boon for experiential branding?
  • The impact of YouTube influencers on purchase decisions.
  • Understanding the role of social listening in reputation management.
  • Virality on social platforms: A calculated strategy or pure luck?
  • Live streams as a tool for real-time audience engagement.
  • The ethics of social media data mining.
  • User-generated content: An untapped branding tool?
  • Role of social platforms in crisis communication.
  • Analyzing the popularity of unboxing videos on social media.

>> More ideas: Social Media Research Paper Topics

Content Marketing Research Topic Ideas

Content marketing is all about creating, publishing, and distributing content for a targeted audience. It's about storytelling, providing valuable information, and building relationships with customers. Here are some fascinating content marketing topics for research:

  • Evaluating the impact of blog posts on SEO.
  • Long-form vs short-form content: What's more engaging?
  • Infographics: A tool for simplifying complex information.
  • Podcasts: A rising star in information dissemination?
  • Understanding the role of eBooks in lead generation.
  • Is interactive content the future of customer engagement?
  • Webinars: Are they still relevant in the age of short videos?
  • White papers: Their influence on decision-making in B2B.
  • How does user-generated content shape brand perception?
  • The rise and role of meme culture in content strategy.
  • Storytelling in branding: Fad or fundamental?
  • Exploring the trend of episodic content in audience retention.
  • Role of content curation in demonstrating industry thought leadership.
  • Using case studies as social proof in conversion strategy.
  • The impact of voice search on content creation.

Marketing Research Topics in Consumer Behavior

Consumer behavior explores how individuals, groups, and organizations select, use, and dispose of goods, services, or ideas. It seeks to understand the decision-making processes and what influences them. Consider these topics of marketing and consumer behavior:

  • Environmental concerns and their role in purchase decisions.
  • Family influence on children's brand preferences.
  • Celebrity endorsements and their impact on consumer trust.
  • Psychological triggers and implications of impulse buying.
  • Loyalty programs and their influence on repeat purchases .
  • Brand image and its effect on product evaluation.
  • Role nostalgia plays in purchase decisions.
  • Psychology behind buying 'limited edition' items.
  • Color and its impact on consumer perceptions and behaviors.
  • Music's influence on shopper mood and behavior in stores.
  • 'Made locally' label's effect on consumer choice.
  • Fear of missing out (FOMO) in online buying.
  • Customer reviews and their impact on online shopping behavior.
  • Social media's influence on body image and related product choices.
  • Paradox of choice: More selection leading to less satisfaction?

B2B Marketing Project Topics

Business-to-business (B2B) marketing focuses on selling products or services to other organizations. This subfield offers a range of topics related to marketing research. Take a look at some of our suggestions:

  • Impact of digital transformation on business sales.
  • LinkedIn's role in lead generation for businesses.
  • Efficacy of email marketing in business transactions.
  • Chatbots: Enhancing customer service in business marketing?
  • Necessity of personalization in business marketing.
  • Influence of webinars in generating leads for businesses.
  • Understanding influencer marketing in a business context.
  • Ethical issues in data collection for business marketing.
  • A deep-dive into account-based marketing strategies .
  • Role of predictive analytics in business marketing.
  • Marketing strategies designed for small businesses.
  • Overcoming challenges in business branding.
  • Efficacy of content marketing in a business context.
  • Implications of GDPR on business marketing.
  • Emerging trends in business marketing.

>> View more: Business Topics to Write About

International Marketing Research Topics

International marketing focuses on understanding and responding to global opportunities. It requires a more extensive research approach with an eye towards cultural, political, and economic developments outside the home country. Explore these international market research ideas for papers:

  • Cultural nuances and their impact on advertising strategies.
  • Cross-border e-commerce: Growth and challenges.
  • Exploring the role of localization in global branding.
  • Understanding tariff wars and their impact on marketing strategies.
  • Influence of political climate on international marketing decisions.
  • International public relations: A comparative study.
  • Social media and its role in global product launches.
  • A study of emerging markets and their attractiveness for marketers.
  • International consumer behavior: Similarities and differences.
  • Localization vs. standardization in global marketing.
  • Case study: Successful global rebranding campaigns.
  • Impact of Brexit on European marketing strategies.
  • Green marketing practices across the globe.
  • International market segmentation and targeting strategies.
  • International marketing ethics: A cross-cultural analysis.

Real Estate Marketing Research Topics

Real estate marketing involves understanding and responding to the needs of potential buyers, sellers, and investors in the property market. Go through these project topics in marketing related to real estate research:

  • Marketing luxury apartments: Challenges and solutions.
  • Selling residential properties in a buyer's market.
  • How social media influences property buying decisions.
  • Effectively marketing rental properties in competitive markets.
  • Marketing strategies for eco-friendly homes.
  • Role staging plays in promoting properties.
  • Drones: The new trend in real estate showcasing.
  • Advertising strategies in rapidly urbanizing areas.
  • Promoting properties through influencer partnerships.
  • Customer reviews' impact on online property listings.
  • Neighborhood branding's influence on real estate sales.
  • Online vs offline property promotion: A comparative study.
  • Comparing marketing strategies: Luxury versus budget properties.
  • Marketing properties during economic downturns.
  • Digital marketing best practices for property agents.

Marketing Research Paper Topics in Distribution

The world of distribution is multi-layered and complex, intertwined with other key areas like logistics, supply chain management, and marketing. It's about ensuring products get into the hands of customers efficiently. Investigate this exciting area with these research topics in marketing field.

  • Impact on sales: Direct vs indirect distribution methods.
  • Influencing factors in selecting distribution channels.
  • E-commerce's revolutionizing role in product distribution.
  • Case study: Successful distribution strategies in retail.
  • Drones and future delivery systems: A feasibility study.
  • Role big data plays in optimizing distribution channels.
  • How sustainable practices influence distribution strategies.
  • Importance customer convenience plays in distribution planning.
  • Overcoming distribution challenges in rural areas.
  • Examining the relationship: Distribution strategies and market share.
  • AI's role in streamlining distribution processes.
  • Omnichannel distribution: A necessity or a luxury?
  • Importance distribution planning plays in new product launches.
  • Distribution's role in creating a competitive advantage.
  • Changes in distribution strategies due to the pandemic.

Neuromarketing Research Topics

Neuromarketing focuses on how psychological, cognitive, and emotional processes affect consumer behavior. It combines neuroscience with traditional marketing research for a deeper understanding of decision-making processes. Here are some interesting neuromarketing topics:

  • Influence of colors on consumer decision making.
  • How product placement impacts buying behavior.
  • Emotional triggers in advertising: An analysis.
  • Consumer responses to sensory branding .
  • Impacting purchase decisions with visual illusions.
  • Role of auditory cues in product preference.
  • Influence of olfactory cues on consumer behavior.
  • Celebrity endorsements and neural responses.
  • Comparing digital vs. physical shopping experiences: A neuromarketing perspective.
  • Effects of negative emotion on impulse buying .
  • Role neurolinguistics plays in shaping consumer opinions.
  • Neuromarketing strategies for personalized advertising.
  • Video vs. image ads: A comparative neuromarketing study.
  • Assessing effectiveness of humor in ads: A neuroscientific approach.
  • How storytelling in marketing sways the consumer's brain.

>> View more: Psychology Paper Topics

Influencer Marketing Topics for Research

Influencer marketing blends social media and advertising. It's an evolving field, ripe for research. We invite you to check these compelling research paper topics about marketing and influencers:

  • Measuring return on investment in influencer marketing.
  • How micro-influencers impact small business growth.
  • Authenticity versus promotion: Striking a balance.
  • Ethics in influencer marketing: A critical review.
  • Power social media influencers hold over consumer behavior.
  • Video blogging and brand visibility.
  • Effect of influencer-led contests on audience engagement.
  • Does influencer reputation affect brand perception?
  • Celebrity versus non-celebrity influencers: Who wins?
  • Impact of influencer gender on audience engagement.
  • Fashion influencers and their role in brand awareness.
  • Fitness influencers: Inspiring or creating pressure?
  • Role influencers play in promoting sustainable products.
  • Influencers and crisis management: A case study approach.
  • Influencer partnerships: Temporary boost or long-term gain?

Ethical Marketing Research Paper Topics

Ethical marketing revolves around the principles of honesty, fairness, and responsibility in advertising practices. With an increasing emphasis on business ethics, research in this area can yield insightful findings. Consider these awesome research paper topics related to marketing and ethics:

  • Honesty in advertising: A lost art?
  • Exploring fairness in competitive marketing practices.
  • Corporate social responsibility: Marketing strategy or ethical obligation?
  • Greenwashing: Misleading environmental claims in advertising.
  • Privacy and data collection: An ethical debate.
  • Ethical implications in children's advertising.
  • Body positivity and marketing: Strides and stumbles.
  • Cultural sensitivity in international marketing campaigns .
  • Animal rights and marketing: Exploring ethical considerations.
  • Influence of ethical claims on consumer perception.
  • False advertising: Consequences and solutions.
  • Ethical dimensions in influencer partnerships.
  • Human rights issues in marketing.
  • Health claims in food advertising: Fact or fiction?
  • Role of ethics in pharmaceutical marketing.

Integrated Marketing Communication Research Topics

Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) blends different promotional tools to deliver clear, consistent, and compelling messages. IMC is crucial for brands to create unified customer experiences. Here are original, attention-grabbing integrated marketing communication topics for research :

  • Role of social media in IMC strategy.
  • IMC impact on customer loyalty.
  • Public relations in an IMC context.
  • Online-offline IMC strategies: A comparative study.
  • Influencer endorsements in IMC: Effectiveness assessment.
  • IMC in non-profit organizations: An exploratory study.
  • Impact of IMC on brand equity.
  • Event sponsorship in IMC plans.
  • IMC strategy for launching new products.
  • Role of IMC in crisis management.
  • Digital transformation and its influence on IMC.
  • IMC in enhancing customer relationships.
  • AI and IMC: A synergy exploration.
  • IMC for sustainable product marketing.
  • Evaluating IMC success: Metrics and measurement methods.

Marketing Analytics Research Topics

Marketing analytics employs data and metrics to measure the success of marketing initiatives, enabling informed business decisions. Here are groundbreaking topics that offer intriguing insights into marketing analytics:

  • Social media data: A gold mine for marketers?
  • Predictive analytics in customer retention strategies.
  • Quantifying influencer marketing: Metrics that matter.
  • Role of big data in personalized branding.
  • Real-time analytics in optimizing marketing campaigns.
  • Analytics in content marketing: Determining success.
  • AI-powered marketing analytics: Boon or bane?
  • Sentiment analysis in brand perception.
  • Location-based analytics in mobile branding.
  • Web analytics: Decoding customer online behavior.
  • Customer segmentation through data analytics.
  • ROI calculation in digital marketing.
  • Analyzing customer journey with cross-channel analytics.
  • Leveraging analytics for email marketing.
  • Voice search analytics: Future brand promotion tool?

Sport Marketing Topics to Write About

Sport marketing involves promoting teams, games, and related products to fans and broader audiences. It's an exciting field, mixing passion, business, and competition. Explore these sports marketing related topics if you are interested in this field:

  • Social media's role in popularizing sport events.
  • Fan engagement in a digital age.
  • Impact of athlete endorsements on brand perception.
  • Sustainability initiatives in the sports world.
  • Leveraging virtual reality for improved fan experiences.
  • Esports' influence on traditional sports promotion.
  • Strategy shifts for supporting women's sports leagues.
  • Analyzing the dynamics of sports sponsorship deals.
  • Successful merchandising tactics for sports teams.
  • Team performance and its influence on merchandise sales.
  • Sports events as a tool for promoting tourism.
  • Accessibility in sports venues: Implications for fan inclusion.
  • Personal branding strategies for athletes.
  • Controversy's role in athlete endorsements.
  • Mobile trends shaping the sports industry.

Extra Marketing Research Paper Topics

Couldn't find a fitting topic in marketing? Don’t worry! We added some more ideas to choose from. Below are some additional topics you might like. Let’s continue your research on marketing topics together.

Marketing Presentation Topics

Presentations on marketing concepts can illuminate the strategies behind successful advertising campaigns, brand positioning, and customer engagement. These unique and original topics will provide an interesting spin on conventional marketing subjects:

  • Humanizing artificial intelligence in customer relations.
  • Role of silent films in modern advertising.
  • Using quantum computing to optimize marketing efforts.
  • Neural networks in predicting consumer behavior.
  • Astral marketing: Leveraging astrology in branding.
  • Biophilic elements in retail space design.
  • Gamification in non-gaming brand experiences.
  • Marketing possibilities in metaverse.
  • Cybersecurity's influence on digital consumer trust.
  • Marketing potential of brain-computer interfaces.
  • Implementing circular economy principles in product promotion.
  • Micro-moments: Capitalizing on instant decision making.
  • Haptic technology's potential in experiential marketing.
  • Role of digital twins in customer profiling.
  • Impact of space tourism on brand partnerships.

Marketing Thesis Topics

Are you about to write a thesis or dissertation? Consider these pro-level marketing topics for thesis and dissertations:

  • Emotional algorithms: Predicting consumer behavior through AI.
  • Phygital retail : Blending physical and digital shopping experiences.
  • Impact of blockchain technology on consumer trust in digital marketing.
  • Sensory branding in virtual reality environments.
  • Leveraging neuromorphic engineering for personalized marketing.
  • Ethical implications of using deepfake technology in advertising.
  • Quantum computing's potential impact on big data analytics.
  • The role of immersive technology in shaping luxury brand experiences.
  • Micro-personalization: Exploring marketing's hyper-customized future.
  • Bio-adaptive marketing: The next frontier in personalization?
  • Implications of facial recognition technology on privacy and marketing ethics.
  • Exploring the marketing potential of Internet of Behaviors (IoB) .
  • Edge computing's influence on real-time marketing strategies.
  • Use of augmented intelligence in predicting consumer life cycle.
  • Leveraging satellite technology for geolocation-based marketing.

Bottom Line on Marketing Topics for Research Papers

The marketing research paper topics and ideas attached above provide a great starting point for your project. But don't be afraid to address other angles related to the subject. Whatever you choose to study, make sure you draw clear connections between your sources and your argument. And if you need any help with writing or research, remember to contact our professional academic assistants.


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Joe Eckel is an expert on Dissertations writing. He makes sure that each student gets precious insights on composing A-grade academic writing.

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233 Marketing Research Topics To Come Up With An Impressive Paper

Marketing Research Topics

Marketing is everywhere nowadays – from TV adverts to the pop-up ads that appear on our web browsers. No matter how much you may try to ignore it, marketing knocks still knocks at your door.

Despite all these, however, many students still struggle to develop top-notch marketing research paper topics. You might say, how is that even possible? Well, my friend, let me bring it to your attention that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of post-graduate students struggling to find such writing ideas.

But this where we draw the battle lines.

Marketing Topics For Research Paper: What You Need To Know

To be certain of a top grade in any field of study, you have to go the extra mile. Marketing is one of those flooded fields with stiff competition. Therefore, you have to come up with something fresh and original to convince your reader.

  • Create interest in the reader’s mind of a particular offering
  • Be precise and to the point
  • Not repeat what is already out there
  • Not offer the reader what is not there

Unlike any other topic, these are unique because they intend to sell a product or service to potential buyers. Thus, it would help if you handled it with a lot of care.

What To Avoid When Writing Marketing Paper Topics

Below are crucial points to consider for your marketing research topic:

  • Do not be too wordy
  • Avoid using words that are uncommon among the famous market
  • Beware of being sensational

When writing your research paper’s marketing topics, the end goal should be to sell the product and build a reputable brand for yourself.

Explore these writing ideas for your inspiration:

Marketing Research Topics For College Students

  • Marketing strategies for integrating new products into segmented markets
  • The impact of coronavirus on marketing communication strategies
  • How can companies best advertise their products overseas?
  • Pitfalls to avoid when crafting marketing messages for children and other minors in the society
  • Factors that determine client satisfaction in new markets
  • Discuss the effectiveness of using discounts and loyalty cards in the marketing of products
  • The impact of using black Friday offers in the wake of the Black lives matter movement
  • Is it practical to contact clients via email subscriptions and newsletters?
  • The role of conducting marketing research before attempting to bring a new product on board
  • Define market segmentation and the essential pointers that segment various markets
  • Compare and contrast marketing strategies in developing countries versus developed countries
  • How do multinational companies carry out marketing as compared to local enterprises?
  • The role of technology in marketing: A case study of simulations and virtual reality
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of consumer education and awareness in marketing
  • How does the marketing of food items vary from other products in the market?
  • Discuss the effectiveness of various marketing channels and strategies
  • Emerging opportunities and challenges in the field of marketing
  • Modern tactics and paradigms used in business and consumer marketing
  • Why it is essential to understand the culture of a market before venturing into it
  • The role of academic papers of marketing in the business world

Professional List of Marketing Research Topics

  • How CSRs help companies to make inroads into communities
  • The impact of brand manipulation on the company’s reputation
  • The role of social media in marketing: A case study of Twitter marketing
  • How the fashion industry markets its product to potential clients
  • The impact of gender and stereotypes in creating marketing and promotional messages
  • How global marketing varies from local and national marketing strategies
  • The role of political campaigns in impacting marketing and sale of products
  • Techniques used by the gaming industry to attract teenagers and youths
  • Analyzing successful business enterprises: A case study of Apple industry
  • Adverse impacts of advertising alcoholic related products to children
  • What makes a brand stay in the market for years without losing its meaning?
  • Has technology replaced traditional marketing tools and strategies?
  • The role of smartphone advertising in reaching the digital natives and tech-savvies
  • The impact of radio and TV marketing on getting middle and working-class
  • Compare and contrast new market entry strategies versus traditional ones
  • How companies take advantage of impulsive or exorbitant buyers
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of in-store branding
  • Discuss the advertising strategies used by hotels and restaurants in attracting potential clients
  • The impact of social class on preparing marketing and promotional messages
  • How centralized marketing affects global brands and products

Sport Marketing Research Topics

  • The role of sports hubs in the management of sports organizations
  • Facilities and services that help save costs on sports
  • Sourcing of funding for sporting activities in developing countries
  • The part of the World Cup and Olympic games on marketing strategies and promotional messages
  • Marketing strategies that work best for football fans
  • The effect of sports celebrities on marketing and promotions
  • How effective is branding on sportswear as a marketing strategy?
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of Adidas advertising in the Olympic Games 2008 in China
  • The role of marketing and modern challenges in advertising decisions in the sports industry nowadays
  • Consumer buying behavior with brand loyalty and types of sports buying behavior.
  • Factors that cause people to buy certain sports products: A case of Nike
  • Explore the historical overview of the exciting development of Nike in providing athletes with equipment for their sports.
  • Analyze the interior structure of a sports company and how this affects its marketing strategies
  • Specific characteristics of companies that have excelled through sports branding and marketing
  • The impact of the orientation of sports heritage, performance, and style in marketing
  • Critically analyze the impact of using Chelsea as a brand name in product advertising
  • The production and replacement of goods and services: A case of sportswear
  • How sports brands operate effectively and competitively in international markets
  • Creating the relevant skills for sports advertising and branding
  • The impact of practical knowledge about innovative techniques of production in sports marketing

Best-Rated Research Papers Topics in Marketing

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of online shops as compared to the physical ones
  • How multinational companies compete in the markets by creating an international marketing orientation
  • Discuss how certain companies gain a competitive advantage in comparison to other companies
  • Analyze the importance of concentrating on the needs of consumers when composing marketing messages
  • The essence of feedback from clients in a marketing strategy
  • How have giant companies remained and strengthened their leading position in the European sports industry?
  • Discuss the underlying aspects of modern advertising
  • The effectiveness of poster advertising on bus stations before the launch of a product
  • Slogans’ role in marketing: A case study of Adidas’ saying: ‘Impossible is nothing.’
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of commercials with sports personalities: A case of David Beckham
  • How companies adapt cultural incidents and attention to individualistic attractions in marketing messages
  • Ways of determining the budget for a marketing campaign
  • Assess the workability of creating an innovative and creative marketing message
  • Discuss how companies strike a balance between making profits and effective marketing strategies
  • Should modern marketing messages be informative or persuasive?
  • The impact of comparative marketing messages on the behavior of a product in the market
  • Why an evaluation of the company’s strength and weaknesses is essential in developing its marketing plan
  • The role of integrated marketing information of an organization on its marketing plans
  • How to discover management trends in market segments
  • Why companies need to build units for marketing information that are concerned with trends and developments within the marketplace

Research Topics in Real Estate Marketing

  • Why finance is a critical consideration in real estate marketing
  • Reasons for the fluctuating financial system in real estate
  • The impact of coronavirus and recession on the real estate industry
  • Is the curriculum on real estate marketing effective in producing talented minds?
  • The effects of property finance marketing on the modern society
  • The role of business investors in helping people own homes
  • Owning a Home and the Effect of Credit Unions
  • Challenges and benefits of mortgages and loans on the real estate industry
  • Explain how real estate companies can cope with business financial loans
  • Give a detailed analysis of potential customers in real estate marketing messages
  • Discuss the various property financing versions in the USA
  • Evaluate the importance of studying Geography and finance in real estate marketing
  • Discuss the slow rate of growth of real estate industries in developing countries
  • Why have real estate marketing messages been greeted with a cold shoulder?
  • Discuss the unexploited possibilities and opportunities in rural areas
  • How to maintain equity and still control debt funding in real estate industries
  • The role of investors together with institutional traders in managing the real-estate companies
  • Technologies advances in real estate that are transforming the industry
  • How the fiscal sector is affecting property market developments
  • Assess how real estate companies are coping with the changing market demands

Sample Marketing Research Project Ideas

  • Distinguish between brand loyalty as a behavior and as an attitude in marketing
  • The importance of rankings concerning the popularity of brands
  • Discuss marketing strategies that create a higher self-confidence in buying decisions
  • Analyze the higher level of risk in purchasing decisions
  • Why some customers are more store loyal than others
  • The role of global brands in creating a marketing ecosystem
  • Discuss the history of world commerce and how marketing strategies have evolved over time
  • How has the internationalization of finance and business affected marketing?
  • The importance of geographical extension among marketers
  • Why do customers pay keen attention to the price of products
  • The role of mass production in determining the marketing strategies
  • How to balance between demand and supply when creating marketing messages
  • How to create a suitable image for a brand, product, or service
  • The impact of global brands communicating in worldwide sports events
  • A primary investigation of what motivates people to buy certain products over others
  • How virtual communities help marketers communicate their messages
  • An exploration of using cinematic media to promote food products
  • The impact of personal styles and preferences on marketing messages
  • What effect do personal statements from celebrities have on marketing strategies?
  • An analysis of sponsorship based on marketing

High-Quality Marketing Thesis Topics

  • The implications of social media marketing on cost and speed of delivery
  • An investigation of the relationship between marketing messages and customer emotions
  • Examine the relationship sources of income and buying behaviors
  • Research into the causes of the decline of newspaper advertising
  • Are marketing messages overrated?
  • The impact of brand ambassadors on user-generated branding programs
  • Explore the effects of integrating relationship marketing strategies
  • Effects of increased commercialization
  • How often should a promotional notice be posted in a day?
  • Do global warming and its consequences have anything to do with marketing?
  • How to create an emotional appeal in marketing messages
  • Analysis of strategic success factors in the internalization of marketing messages
  • The impact of repetitive advertising upon consumers
  • International business management strategies that work well for start-ups
  • The effect of marketing messages on the physically disabled
  • Evaluate how marketing messages have been used to spread sexual messages
  • Discuss the legal and ethical implications of marketing
  • How to craft compelling marketing messages that do not discriminate against race
  • What causes the relevant authorities to ban particular marketing messages?
  • The impact of creating controversial sports messages

Motivating Marketing Research Questions

  • Opportunities and threats to marketing products and services overseas
  • How long have you been a customer, and what has kept you going back?
  • How can companies attract their target audience more often?
  • Factors that necessitate one company to stand out from another
  • How to improve your product and service delivery
  • Practical ways of better serving your clients
  • Discuss how big is your potential market
  • Will this market segment grow or shrink in the future?
  • What other products and services out there are similar to the ones we are offering?
  • Who are our top competitors, and what are they doing differently from us?
  • What portion of the market share do our competitors own?
  • What part is available for you to own or take?
  • What is the educational level of the people you are writing the promotional message to?
  • What is the household income of your potential market?
  • What is the impact of the household size on the kind of marketing strategy to compose?
  • What are the hobbies and interests of your potential clientele?
  • What are the most significant challenges you are likely to encounter when marketing?
  • What is your preference when it comes to making purchases?
  • What determines the shop or boutique where you buy your products?
  • How will the product fit the needs of the potential clients?

Must-Have Marketing Research Topics For College Students

  • Latest marketing strategies in the light of the changing mobile customer experience
  • How country relations impact the marketing communication messages used at the cross-border level
  • The new way to boost sales through conversational strategies
  • The impact of marketing conferences and conventions on the practice
  • Why most companies slash marketing budgets at the expense of profits
  • The role of marketing automation in reaching out to more clients
  • The importance of social networking in developing contacts for marketing
  • Discuss the effectiveness of content marketing for the entertainment industry
  • The essence of tag lines in creating memorable marketing messages
  • Why should a company have customer evangelists?
  • How to incorporate value prepositions in marketing messages
  • The impact of marketing messages on millennial and Generation X
  • How companies are using blogs and YouTube to market their products
  • Discuss the effectiveness of online marketing among the youth
  • Should nonprofit organizations prepare marketing messages?
  • The importance of web analytics in determining the performance of a marketing message
  • Do companies follow procedure when it comes to permission email marketing?
  • Explore the various challenges of email campaigns
  • Discuss the effectiveness of word-of-mouth marketing strategy
  • Why the voice of the consumer is necessary for a marketing campaign

Hot Topics in Marketing

  • Analyze the developments made in B2B marketing
  • Discuss the qualities of a top-notch advertisement copy
  • What is the importance of benchmarking in business marketing?
  • The role of brand management in keeping it afloat
  • Discuss the effectiveness of corporate blogging
  • Evaluate marketing strategies that consider customer engagement
  • How to retain customer through marketing campaigns
  • How to market products amid economic crisis
  • The impact of 5G on high-tech marketing
  • How does hiring outside resources affect marketing?
  • The essence of keywords in online marketing
  • The rise of personal branding on Instagram and YouTube
  • How to collaborate marketing operations in different localities
  • Analyzing the consumer buying behavior of apple laptops
  • The impact of family orientation on the consumer behavior
  • Features that clients look for when purchasing online products
  • Why companies should understand customer perceptions of their products
  • Discuss the relationship between corporate social responsibility and sales
  • Evaluate the acceptance of direct marketing from people
  • The impact of click baits on marketing strategies: Are they ethical?

Marketing Class Project Ideas

  • The impact of sentiments from brand ambassadors on the performance of products
  • Consider the behavior of consumer purchases online and offline
  • What makes a person refer his/her to a particular product?
  • Why products go viral
  • The emotional value of marketing messages
  • Significance of a cashless society
  • Augmented reality and marketing
  • Understanding car buyers
  • How humor affects advertising
  • Triggers to impulsive buying behavior
  • Customer satisfaction among young adults
  • Male and female marketing techniques
  • Impact of customer perceptions
  • Political marketing in the USA
  • Brand management
  • Market targeting
  • Market forecasting
  • Purchasing management
  • Product positioning
  • Nonprofit marketing

Digital Marketing Research Topics

  • Social media marketing
  • Telemarketing
  • Smartphones and relationship marketing
  • Pitfalls of e-marketing
  • Marketing timing across social media platforms
  • Digital market segments
  • Customer privacy
  • Confidentiality
  • Black Fridays
  • Snapchat marketing
  • Virtual reality technology

We hope that the over 200 marketing topics were able to meet your needs. If not, we offer affordable thesis help online for college students.

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130+ Marketing Research Topics for Marketing Students


Team Desklib

Published: 2022-08-29


Before, listing the 130+ marketing research topics, you should first know about marketing, marketing research, how to write a research paper on marketing, and w hat are some of the most important considerations in choosing a research topic. And, if you are already known to or aware of all these things, then you can jump to the topics lists in order to choose the best marketing research topics. Let's go step by step:

What is Marketing?

Marketing involves all those activities that have been undertaken by the company to promote and endorse the products they have made to sell and to extend the reach of their products to a great number of people or consumers. Marketing is done by business professionals in order to attain the attention of potential consumers of their products.

Marketing can be done both physically and digitally, which means you can advertise and endorse your product easily, in both offline and online modes. Physical marketing refers to traditional marketing in which you connect to potential consumers and tell them about your products through, radio, mail, television, etc.

Whereas, digital marketing is the pro method of marketing that involves connecting with the consumers without putting so much effort, the process of digital marketing involves some effortless tools which allow you to engage with the consumers easier and more effectively, those such tools are, e-mail, social media, affiliate marketing, and content marketing like SEO and SMO.

What is Market Research?

Market research is the process of calculating and understanding the feasibility of a new service or product through research conducted directly with potential customers. Market research allows a firm to explore and find out the target market and get opinions and feedback from consumers about their interest in the products or services. Analysis of Market research is basically a process of searching the market to get the conducive area or place, potential consumers, and the adaptability of their product in the market. The role of market research is to find out the target audience.

How to Write a Research Paper on Marketing?

A research paper is a document in which you explain what you have learned after exploring a particular topic so far. A research paper is written after deep and prolonged research on a topic.

While  writing a research paper you mention at each end everything you have found till now. You mention the sources that have been used and propose all the pieces of evidence collected by you but interpret all the collected information in your own words and then write down a research paper. 

Writing a research paper on marketing is not an easy task, because the steps that have to be followed, becomes more difficult to follow while writing a research paper, particularly about marketing. Marketing is a vast field to wind up in a single document, and there is a plethora of information available about the market, which is hard to be compiled in a single document.

So, to avoid this hectic situation one has to be very particular about choosing a topic. Choosing a good topic will lead you to write a good research paper on marketing.

What Are Some of the Most Important Considerations in Choosing a Research Topic? 

The selection of the research topic is one of the most important considerations of every research. A research topic forms the basis for all the efforts a researcher puts into the research. When you are selecting a research topic there are several considerations that will help you slick down your thoughts and formulate a manageable and interesting research document.

There are a few points that have to be considered while writing a research paper:

  • Specify and narrow down your research topic:

Doesn't matter how easy your marketing research topic is, it has to be specified. To make your specified topic manageable, narrow it down, which means breaking down the topic into various sub-topics and highlighting the important keywords to grab the focus of the reader on those words that will ignite a reader to read further.

  • Always consider a significant topic to write about:

A marketing research topic chosen by you should be significant and worth researching. Because the significant topic will provide you a chance to collect good and significant information and real-time data that will be readable for a number of people of different age groups and classes.

  • Choose a contemporary topic:

Avoid choosing an old-school marketing research topic that is outed and has already been chosen by so many people. Remember you are writing a research paper which means you first have to research and then write. But topics that have already been taken up can not provide you with a scope of research . So in order to grab the attention of the readers bring a new topic that is bizarre and interesting for the readers.

  • Choose a topic that provokes curiosity in you: 

The topic should be significant as well as interesting at the same time because you can perform research on the topic only if it is interesting and can generate curiosity in you. An interesting topic always allows you to do hard work and research more. Remember an interesting topic written in an interesting way can be regarded as a Magna Carta. So, the marketing research topics should be chosen wisely.

List of 60 Unique Marketing Research Topics for Marketing Students:

What is Digital Marketing?

  • What Are the Components of Digital Marketing?
  • How to Promote and Sell Services More Effectively to the Consumers?
  • What is Traditional Marketing?
  • What Are the Activities Involved in the Traditional Marketing
  • Techniques Involved in Marketing.
  • What is the Difference Between Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing?
  • How to Identify the Ideal Customers?
  • How to Recognize the Potential Customer/consumer?
  • What Are the Four Ps of Marketing?
  • What Are the Marketing Strategies?
  • What Are the Types of Marketing Strategies?
  • Direct and Indirect Marketing
  • What Do You Mean by Guerilla Marketing?
  • Write Your Views on Electronic Marketing.
  • What Are the Effects of Event Marketing?
  • Print Marketing is Still Valuable.
  • Outdoor Marketing and Its Significance.
  • Search Engine Marketing is the Contemporary Marketing Technique.
  • Email Marketing Skills.
  • Social Media Marketing and Its Output.
  • Affiliate Marketing and Third-party Marketing.
  • Content Marketing and Copywriting Are the Pro-marketing Techniques.
  • Benefits of Strategic Marketing: Audience Generation, Inward Education, Outward Education, Brand Creation, Long-lasting, Financial Performance.
  • What Are the Various Limitations of Marketing?
  • What is the Basic Purpose of Marketing?
  • Analyze the Results of the Marketing and Strategic Marketing.
  • Why is Marketing So Important?
  • Risks Involved in Marketing?
  • Cons of Marketing: Oversaturation, Devaluation, No Guaranteed Success, Customer Bias, Cost, Economy Dependent.
  • How Does Marketing Research Find Information?
  • What is Paid Market Research?
  • Are Brand Awareness and Repeat Purchases Relatable?
  • Suggest Some Components That Help in Improving Brand Performance and Awareness.
  • Best Social Media Marketing Strategies to Engage Consumers.
  • Can a Startup Survive Without Online Marketing?
  • How Online Marketing Helped Brands Survive in a Pandemic.
  • What Is Ppc Marketing?
  • Google or Amazon Ppc Marketing. What to Choose?
  • Social Media Helps in Making the Image of the Brand.
  • Competition Amongst the Brands on Social Media.
  • The Role of Social Media in Making and Destroying a Brand’s Reputation.
  • Social Media Marketing is Influenced by the Sales of a Product.
  • What Could Be the Psychology of Sports Marketing?
  • Engaging Fans by Making Sports Groups on Social Media.
  • Sports Personalities Promote Brands and Uplift the Image of That Very Brand. Comment.
  • Famous Sports Person's Image is Dependent Upon Social Media.
  • Athlete Brand Collaboration.
  • Sports Person Connects a Global Audience With the Brand They Are Endorsing.
  • Online Games Give a Pedestal to Marketing.
  • Sporting Events Are a Great Place to Endorse the Brand.
  • Video Versus Image Marketing.
  • Real Estate Rivals Can Be Outrun With the Help of Social Media Marketing.
  • Animated Videos for Marketing.
  • Digital Storytelling is an Interesting Way of Marketing.
  • What Are the Professional Instruments for Digital Marketing?
  • Seo and Digital Marketing an Effective Collaboration.
  • Use an Influencer for Paid Promotions.
  • Marketing Should Establish a Soothing Customer Relationship.
  • Social Media Allows You to Recognize Customer Behavior.

Top 50+ Hot Marketing Research Topics for Marketing Students

Factors That Can Drive Convergence and Divergence.

  • Components of Competitive Marketing Strategy.
  • Does Product Packaging Engage More Customers?
  • How to Price and Position Products/services for Effective Marketing.
  • Product Designing and Its Impact on Marketing.
  • What Are B2b and B2c Marketing?
  • The Main Differences and Similarities Between B2c and B2b Marketing.
  • Best Practices in B2b and B2c Marketing.
  • What Are the Various Social Media Platforms to You Use B2b and B2c Sales Tactics?
  • Guest Blogging, a New Concept in the Field of Marketing.
  • What Are the Campaigns That Should Run on Social Media for a Particular Brand or Product?
  • A Good Marketing Strategy Could Repair the Bad Reputation of a Brand. Explain.
  • Examining the Effects of Product Descriptions, Reviews, and Ratings Before Launching a Similar but Updated Version of the Product.
  • Good Campaigning Can Buy Good Equity.
  • Identifying the Most Important Factors That Contribute to Customers Switching to Another Brand for the Same Product.
  • Discuss Language as a Barrier to Efficient Online Marketing Campaigns for Branded as Well as Local Products.
  • Culture Can Influence Marketing?
  • Branding is a Vital Instrument for the Growth of the Company.
  • In Marketing, Customer Retention Rate Depends Upon Customer Satisfaction.
  • What is the Best Marketing Strategy for Startups?
  • Analyzing the Roi of Most Commonly Used Digital Marketing Strategies.
  • What is the Best Digital Marketing Strategy for a New Product Launch?
  • The Role of Email Marketing in Generating Leads.
  • How Content is Used for Marketing.
  • What Are the Few Tools to Promote Content?
  • What is the Role of Micro-content in Content Marketing Campaigns?
  • What Are the Inconsistencies in Communication of Products or Services Values?
  • What Are the Various Factors That May Affect Your Marketing Research Plan?
  • Tracking the Marketing History of a Potential Customer May Bring More Opportunities in New Marketing.
  • Marketing and Sales Departments Should Be Inter-connected Give Reasons With Suitable Examples.
  • Marketing Research Can Boost the Marketing of a Company and Can Bring Potential Customers to the Company. Explain.
  • The Defined Segment of the Market Help in Getting More Targeted Consumers.
  • How Digital Marketing is Cheaper Than Traditional Marketing?
  • Digital Marketing is Smart to Work; While Traditional Marketing is Hard Work.
  • What is Social Media Marketing and Key Elements of Smm?
  • What is the Difference Between Community Management and Social Media Marketing?
  • Data That Exists on Social Media Can Be Used as a Good Marketing Tool.
  • What Are the Data-driven Social Media Marketing Tactics?
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of SMM.
  • By Analyzing the Choice of Modern Consumers You Can Actually Improvise Your Product to Increase Its Demand and Sales in the Future.
  • Trendy Shopping Keyword Should Be Used While Endorsing the Product. Why?
  • Obscurity of Various Similar Products in Different Brands.
  • How to Calculate the Purchase Intention?
  • What Are the Components of Social Media Marketing?
  • What is the Pattern of Purchase Decisions of Generation Z and Y: Draw a Comparison.
  • How to Improve Marketing to Drive Innovation.
  • What Are the Characteristics of a Good Brand?
  • What Creates the Loyalty of Customers Towards a Particular Brand?
  • How Strategic Marketing Can Bring Potential Customers?
  • Examining the Effects of Product Descriptions, Reviews, and Ratings on Purchase Decision and How They All Can Bring Leads for the Marketing.
  • Sales Performance Can Affect the Consumer.

Top 20 Mix Marketing Research Topics for Marketing Students

How the Customer Gets Influenced and Moved to Buy a Product of a Particular Brand. What Are the Things Required to Influence a Customer?

  • How Can Guest Blogs Bring New Customers to the Website?
  • What Are the Rules for Writing a Guest Post?
  • Guest Post is the Form of Indirect Marketing.
  • The Most Important Technologies Used to Improve the Customer Online Decision-Making Process.
  • Online Shopping is a Boon for Both Sellers and Buyers.
  • Online Business and Marketing.
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality in E-commerce?
  • Who is Responsible to Make Good Marketing Strategies for a Corporate?
  • Is Running Advertisements on Television or Radio Still Effective?
  • Is the Newspaper Readable by the Majority of People in a Country?
  • Are the Newspaper Advertisements Effective or Not?
  • Experience With the Brand of a Particular Person Can Affect the Incoming of New Customers?
  • How to Price and Position Products or Services for Good and Effective Marketing?
  • The Symbols of the Brand Also Affect the Sales of the Brand.
  • How to Identify the Most Important Factors That Contribute to Customers Switching to Another Brand.
  • Class Wise Detailing of Product and Its Cost.
  • Email Marketing is the Cheapest Mode of Marketing.
  • How to Face Rivals on Social Media Platforms.
  • Is Social Media Marketing Giving Space to Fake Companies and Brands?

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Principles of Marketing

(26 reviews)

marketing research topics pdf for students

Copyright Year: 2015

ISBN 13: 9781946135193

Publisher: University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing

Language: English

Formats Available

Conditions of use.


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marketing research topics pdf for students

Reviewed by Monisha Gupta, Assistant Professor, Marshall University on 1/2/23

The author of the book has shared that this is an adaptation of a work produced and distributed under a Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-SA). The book has 16 clearly defined chapters, each chapter raises a specific aspect of marketing and... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

The author of the book has shared that this is an adaptation of a work produced and distributed under a Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-SA). The book has 16 clearly defined chapters, each chapter raises a specific aspect of marketing and concludes by raising discussion questions and activities. The textbook covers most of the marketing topics that should be included in an introductory course. However, given that the book is dated it is missing some emerging and emergent topics in marketing such as global marketing, data analytics, digital marketing, and the use of social media tools, to name a few. The author has at the outset clarified that the book does not follow the tenets of the 4 Ps of marketing. However, substituting terms such as products or services with terms like “offerings “requires a much deeper understanding of consumer needs, wants, or behavior. This might require a higher level of understanding which might not be in line with the student profile who opts for this course. The author has restructured the traditional 4Ps of the marketing mix and introduces that marketing is composed of four activities centered on customer value: creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging value. Also, the suggested activities created for each chapter are outside the scope of the chapter’s content. For instance, page 24, after Chapter 1 suggests activities such as “ Explain how the marketing goals, strategies, and markets for the nonprofit differ from a for-profit organization” or “Evaluate personal value equation”. These concepts have not been discussed in chapter 1 and are tackled later in the book by the author. These activities might not need more discussion and clarification before students can actively contribute to the solutions. Overall, the book covers most foundation-level content, but the choice of the author’s distinctive terminology might be a concern for students. Moreso, when they progress from this course to advanced levels of marketing and have trouble aligning the core concepts and keywords.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

Not an issue, the content is accurate and provides reference sources.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

The OTL textbook is well documented and breaks up the content into smaller and comprehensive blocks of information. If relevance is measured based on the traditional acceptance and present outlook it might fall a little short. The book lacks this by disregarding some key changes in the marketplace such as the pandemic and its impact on consumption cycles, and the emergence of a large service industry. This has reshaped the consumer’s and marketers’ choices of development processes, channel partners, pricing strategies, promotional methodologies, use of social media tools, etc. These aspects need to be addressed in more detail with recent examples for students to appreciate the relevance.

Clarity rating: 5

The author has outlined the content in great detail, making it easy to read and understand the textbook. Easy conversational language and links, for example, appeal to students who can find a great deal on the electronic medium.

Consistency rating: 5

The chapters in the textbook are organized in the same consistent manner in the entire book. This is helpful for the readers and instructors to follow a format.

Modularity rating: 4

The text is easily and readily divided into smaller reading sections that can be assigned. This lends itself to assigning modules by chapters and units within the chapters.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 4

I have been teaching this course for the past 4 years and have found that explaining what a marketing plan is and then studying the various stages helps the students appreciate the various phases in this process. This textbook has taken a completely different approach by explaining the marketing plan at the end. While the topics are the same the structure impacts the flow and, in my opinion, the ability to hold the student’s interest. I suggest moving Chapter 16 to Chapter 3 followed by Chapter 5.

Interface rating: 3

The textbook was last updated in 2010, making all images, figures, tables, and video clips mildly outdated. The power of audio-visual aids is very powerful, and the quality is becoming better and better. To keep the students engaged the author might like to consider using technology for simulations, video assignments, etc., these can be useful for the students.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

I found no grammatical errors, the content is well-written and easily understandable. The language used is conversational and something the students should find easy to navigate.

Cultural Relevance rating: 4

Global and international marketing are the mainstays for today, these aspects have not been addressed in the textbook. It warrants at least a chapter on world cultures, the emergence of MNCs, and geo-demographics relevance. It is important to acknowledge that demographic profiling needs to incorporate cultural diversity. The textbook has all US-based industry examples and consumer responses, ignoring the diverse consumer profile even within the US.

Overall, it is a great attempt to provide such detailed material for the students. Given that it was uploaded in 2010 the book needs to be updated to include more current and global marketing aspects. The textbook was created for an entry-level course in marketing. I enjoy the way the author shares the various career options available for marketing majors. However, the student profile who takes this course includes students who major in finance, and journalism. PR, management, etc. It would be relevant for them to see how these skills are transferable and useful in other work fields. The suggested activities need to be more application based and limited to the content of the preceding chapter. More global and culturally applicable examples need to be included.

Reviewed by Rich Metzger, Adjunct Professor, Massachusetts Bay Community College on 11/24/22

The OTL textbook covers the basic principles necessary to form a marketing foundation. The content should be updated to reflex the Pandemic and Post-Pandemic marketing environment. I felt some topics needed more discussion, and explanation, such... read more

The OTL textbook covers the basic principles necessary to form a marketing foundation. The content should be updated to reflex the Pandemic and Post-Pandemic marketing environment. I felt some topics needed more discussion, and explanation, such as a breakdown by age and characteristics of the population.

Content Accuracy rating: 4

The OTL textbook is relevant and is a good guide to basic marketing principles but could be better. I prefer the OTL textbook to include recent marketing techniques and strategies used in today’s difficult business environment. This ranges from the advent of the non-store or virtual retailing, broken supply chains, damaged distribution channels, inflation, digital marketing, content streaming, and social media, just to mention a few new topics.

I found the OTL textbook easy to read and understand. Good comprehension level and in the use of examples, figures, and images to illustrate or compliment the text.

The OTL textbook’s material is laid out in a logical sequence, culminating with the last chapter dedicated to the Marketing Plan.

Modularity rating: 5

Chapters progress in a logical manner, allowing the reader to digest the material and prepare for the next chapter.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 3

The organization, structure, and flow of the material are fine, but my concern is the lack of an index and a single depository for key terms and chapter highlights.

Interface rating: 4

The images, figures, tables, and video clips need to be revisited for relevancy. The use of these visual aids helps the reader better understand the topics being discussed.

The content is well written, very limited if any grammatical issues. To make the textbook more relevant, consider using socially accepted pronouns, which in turn would elevate the textbook to today’s sociality expectations.

Cultural Relevance rating: 3

A chapter on world cultures and the different business nuances and practices (ethics) would be beneficial to a student learning about marketing.

As this is my first experience dealing with OER, I wanted to be fair and open to the possibilities presented by this new resource. For comparison purposes, I used my adopted textbook vs the OTL textbook. My goal is to decide if I could adopt the OTL textbook. Similarly, the adopted textbook and the OTL textbook are for a 100-level course. Both textbooks offer entry-level content, relevant material, easy to read and comprehend, more than enough chapters to fill a semester, Contents, Chapter titles, Learning Objectives, topics, images, figures, examples, video clips, Discussion/Review Questions, Activities, and both textbooks offer a test bank. The OTL textbook has Key Takeaways for each topic presented in a chapter, and the adopted textbook has a section in the back of the textbook titled Chapter Review, which contains Learning Objectives and Key Terms. Differences, the adopted textbook has a price point, an OTL textbook lacks an Index, and the adopted textbook offers PowerPoint Slides, Instructor’s manual, Rubrics, and Case Studies. I was unable to find an Instructor’s Resources section for the OTL textbook, but the OTL textbook provides students with financial relief. I believe I could adopt this textbook with a minimal number of self-adjustments.

Reviewed by Victoria Shaw, Assistant Professor of Marketing, Anderson University on 3/11/22

The book does a good job of highlighting basic marketing principles. However, I do find it lacks the basics of e-commerce (just basic industry terms like SEO), global marketing principles (especially B2C), and using tools like PEST analysis for... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 3 see less

The book does a good job of highlighting basic marketing principles. However, I do find it lacks the basics of e-commerce (just basic industry terms like SEO), global marketing principles (especially B2C), and using tools like PEST analysis for external assessment. I think the chapters on B2B behavior and Sales while good, may not be the most value-add for the students in class.

No glaring errors at first glance.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 3

Imagery is very dated. The chapters use the four basic P's, though the latest books tend to introduce up to eight.

Overall, seemed clear and comprehensive. I think the book would have benefitted from multiple, additional visuals to clarify complex topics.

Consistency rating: 4

Seemed consistent across chapters

I liked the way the topics were broken into micro concepts - makes it easy to assign the portions I find most relevant and supplement when needed.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

Structure was logical and sequential.

A bit text heavy at times but errors.

No grammatical errors on first read.

I think the author missed the opportunity to bring marketing to a more global context.

This is a great principles textbook overall. My only complaint is because of some omitted or abbreviated topics, an instructor may have to supplement a bit more in order to ensure the curriculum is up to industry standards. But in a larger class where schedules only allow for selected topics to be covered, this would be a very good start.

Reviewed by Amy Strunk, Lecturer, James Madison University on 11/29/21

Basic marketing concepts are covered with sufficient depth, but newer concepts are missing (like digital marketing). read more

Basic marketing concepts are covered with sufficient depth, but newer concepts are missing (like digital marketing).

Some of the information is dated: for example, most would agree that we are not in the relationship era of marketing, but the textbook states that we are in an undefined era (which would have been true 10 years ago).

The book uses “creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging value” as elements of the marketing mix/strategy rather than the 4 P’s, and actively argues against the 4 P terminology, which is controversial.

The book also uses "offerings" instead of "product". The authors argue for it effectively, but I don't know anyone in the marketing world who uses that term in the real world.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 2

References are dated: - Foursquare (college-age students in 2021 will have no idea what this is) - Some images are out of date (retrieved in 2008) - Mission statements on p. 27 are outdated and reference links are broken. - References to iPod in the time of iPhones

These references will continue to grow stale.

The content is pretty straight forward. Definitions are clear.

The book is consistent in its own frameworks/terminology (stubbornly so).

Modularity rating: 3

Some of the longer sections could benefit from headings and subheadings.

I would recommend that market research come before the "Creating Offerings" section since that process is so integral to product (or "offering") development.

Interface is sufficient.

Some small issues, for example, using the term “Droid” smartphones on page 6—should be Android.

I did not notice any concerted effort to include diverse backgrounds in this text.

Marketing is changing rapidly thanks to technology, and this book is too outdated to address issues like data privacy and hyper-targeting.

Reviewed by Matthew Lunde, Assistant Professor, Pittsburg State University on 6/4/21

the textbooks is very thorough in covering all the topis needed in a principles of marketing class. It even adds a chapter that is not in many other textbooks: "The Marketing Plan." However, my only criticism is that it does not touch on a huge... read more

the textbooks is very thorough in covering all the topis needed in a principles of marketing class. It even adds a chapter that is not in many other textbooks: "The Marketing Plan." However, my only criticism is that it does not touch on a huge topic area nowadays in marketing: sustainability (sustainable marketing and sustainable competitive advantage).

The content is objective, thorough, and accurate. It uses statistics and example businesses and situations effectively to help teach younger college students the fundamentals of marketing.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

The content is up-to-date as best as it can be. Whenever any textbook uses statistics, years, numbers, and other figures, it can date the textbook; however, the content is written in a way that it will last for multiple years to come.

Clarity rating: 4

There is some jargon, but the jargon used is needed to help teach the fundamentals of marketing to new students.

It is great how all the terms in the chapters are easy to find and to read because each term is bold.

Yes, the book is broken down into manageable sections for a younger college student to read and interpret effectively and efficiently.

Yes. This textbook is laid out very well. However, one thing I would add in the chapter titles would be "retailing."

Good! Nothing to add here!

Grammatical Errors rating: 4

The book is written well, free of grammatical errors. However, I see "he or she" is used. Nowadays, for inclusivity, the right pronoun to use would be "they."

However, I see "he or she" is used. Nowadays, for inclusivity, the right pronoun to use would be "they."

Reviewed by Felix Flores, Assistant Professor of Marketing, Metropolitan State University of Denver on 4/17/21, updated 5/26/21

The textbook sufficiently covers areas and ideas of subjects and is easy to navigate. I would find it useful to include and discussed an example of an actual marketing plan. read more

The textbook sufficiently covers areas and ideas of subjects and is easy to navigate. I would find it useful to include and discussed an example of an actual marketing plan.

The textbook's content is mostly accurate, error-free, and unbiased.

Some of the links and examples may be dated but contribute to the chapter's main ideas. There are, however, some links that do not work or could be replaced with newer examples. I would recommend reviewing all of the provided links.

The textbook is written in a clear manner.

The textbook is mostly consistent in terms of terminology and framework.

The textbook is easily divisible into smaller reading sections that can be assigned at different points within the course.

The topics are presented in a logical, clear fashion.

Interface rating: 5

The text is free of interface issues or navigation problems.

There may be a small room for improvement in terms of grammar.

I believe the textbook is mostly culturally relevant.

I believe that you can effectively teach a Principles of Marketing class with this textbook, on its own, and especially in combination with other OER textbooks/resources. It will require, however, checking all of the links and updating some examples.

Reviewed by Diane Edmondson, Adjunct Professor, Trine University on 4/16/21

Overall, this textbook covers a majority of the marketing topics that should be covered in a Principles of Marketing class. Since the book is somewhat dated, there is limited coverage on both digital marketing and social media as well as marketing... read more

Overall, this textbook covers a majority of the marketing topics that should be covered in a Principles of Marketing class. Since the book is somewhat dated, there is limited coverage on both digital marketing and social media as well as marketing analytics. These two topic areas have revolutionized the marketing field. However, this marketing textbook contains all of the other key marketing concepts such as the 4 P's of marketing, strategic marketing, target market strategies, consumer and business buying behavior, and how to craft a marketing plan.

Overall, this textbook is accurate and error-free. It does not appear to be biased in any way.

Overall, this textbook is still highly relevant. It is missing some more detailed information related to digital marketing, social media, and marketing analytics as these have drastically changed the marketing field over the past decade; however, the content covered is still relevant to both business-to-business and business-to-consumer markets.

One of the best things about this book is that it is easy to read. The text is written in a way that students should not have a difficult time understanding the concepts being covered. There are multiple examples given for each major topic to help students better understand the material. Terminology is defined to aid understanding.

Overall, a consistent framework is used throughout this textbook. The flow and chapter ordering of the textbook makes natural sense with how it would be taught in the classroom.

The text is made up of 16 chapters; however, each of the chapters is then broken up into multiple subsections. This allows the text to be easily and readily divided into smaller reading sections, based on the desire of the instructor and/or reader.

The chapter layout of this textbook is similar to many other Principles of Marketing textbooks. Topics are presented in a logical and clear manner, which aids readability and understanding.

Overall, the images, charts, tables, and figures were clearly displayed without any distortion. There are a few navigation links that no longer function; however, these are minimal in number.

The Principles of Marketing textbook appears to be free of grammatical errors.

There are a variety of diverse examples throughout the text. None of these should be viewed as culturally insensitive or offensive in any way.

Overall, this textbook is well written and covers most of the major marketing topics. The few topics not covered are primarily because these became dominant marketing elements after this textbook was published originally.

Reviewed by Ricardo McCoy, Adjunct Professor, Trine University on 3/3/21

I have been facilitating marketing, analytics, sales, and consumer behavior classes since 2009 and this textbook does a good job of covering all of the marketing mix. Most important, the content is updated and relevant. The layout is... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

I have been facilitating marketing, analytics, sales, and consumer behavior classes since 2009 and this textbook does a good job of covering all of the marketing mix. Most important, the content is updated and relevant. The layout is user-friendly and easy to read.

Based on similar marketing text books I have read, this textbook is accurate and contains content that someone who is unfamiliar with marketing concepts will easily understand. The use of examples throughout the textbook is a good way to help a beginner to marketing understand the subject matter.

I like how this book understands how marketing has changed and explains variables in the environment that is effecting this change. This can be seen in Chapter 1 concerning some of these changes:

Ethic and Social Responsibility Sustainability Service-dominant logic Metrics A Global Environment

It is good to see that the textbook is up-to-date and recognizes that marketing must adapt to these changes. Some of the marketing textbooks I read in the past do not recognize these changes.

Overall, the information throughout the chapters was easy to understand. I like how examples were used throughout each chapter. My only recommendation is to add more illustrations consistently throughout the textbook. Based on my experience, most students like to see illustrations (visualize). I think this helps him or her to understand the subject matter.

Overall, the content throughout the textbook is consistent. However, I notice that some of the chapters have more illustrations than other chapters. I think that using more illustrations (and examples) would make the chapters more user-friendly.

P.S. Links to additional resources would also be a good addition.

The sequence throughout the textbook “flows” from section to section. I like the synergy from chapter to chapter. This helps the student to understand how various factors of marketing work together.

I like how Chapter 1 gives a brief description of marketing while summarizing what will be discussed in the preceding chapters. I also like the “key takeaways” at the end of each chapter. The "review questions" are brief, yet add to what was discussed throughout the chapter. This is good to see.

The overall functionality of the textbook is good. The font size and white space makes the content easy to read. I like the use of color throughout the textbook. For example, the use of green for the “Key Takeaway” and blue for the “Review Questions”.

Although it is difficult to check all the content, I did not see any typos or “wordy” sentences. I like how the content “talks to” rather than “talks at” the student.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

This is a difficult question to answer because I did not see anything that was insensitive or offensive. Ideally, the content would continue to embrace diversity and inclusion. This is important because we live in a global economy.

I think that Chapter 5 (“Marketing Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning”) should be followed by Chapter 10 (“Gathering and Using Information: Market Research and Market Intelligence”). Both of these chapters are closely related. To properly perform segmentation and targeting, you must understand analytics / gathering information. I was also looking to see slightly more insights on digital analytics in Chapter 10.

Reviewed by Markus Biegel, Adjunct Faculty, California State University, Dominguez Hills on 8/12/20

I compared it to the McGraw Hill book that I have been using for the past 4 years and the topics (Chapters Topics and Sub-Topics) are pretty identical just in a slightly different order. When looking into how in-depth the book goes, it is not... read more

I compared it to the McGraw Hill book that I have been using for the past 4 years and the topics (Chapters Topics and Sub-Topics) are pretty identical just in a slightly different order. When looking into how in-depth the book goes, it is not quite as comprehensive as the McGraw Hill book. However, it is easy to read.

Marketing always is a bit subjective. I think the book does a great job covering all the important topics as unbiased as possible.

This is a basic marketing course focused on teaching students the fundamentals, the book does a good job at that. Given the current COVID situation, a lot of things have changed in business but not the fundamental theories and practices of the profession. Because of that the relevance of the book is current in my opinion.

The text has a logical flow. There is certainly room for improvement from a formatting standpoint. I think it makes it easier for students to learn key terms and key concepts when they are highlighted on the sidebar (similar as in many mainstream textbooks).

Certainly consistent and comprehensive in all the key terms that this book should cover for Principles of Marketing.

The text is very easy to read. There is good spacing in between the paragraphs and graphics/images help further give the mind a reading break. I also think it is great that links are included to videos, this helps students get a "reading break" which is essential when cramming in a few chapters to study for an exam.

Very well organized text. I just wish the key terms and key concepts were featured separately in an almost duplicate fashion on the side of the main text. I think students are used to using these highlighted areas to study for exams.

Didn't notice any problems with the interface. Could have perhaps used better images here and there but overall does the job.

I am not an English professor and this is my second language but I did not notice any grammatical errors. I am sure there are some, including mistyped words but every book I have used had a few of those.

One of the key concepts in Principles of Marketing is target marketing which certainly can be interpreted as offensive to some people. However, I think the book does a great job at explaining the concept. Again, marketing leans into being somewhat controversial based on the subject matter and business practice.

Can't beat a free book. Seems like a great resource to use for students.

Reviewed by Kirti Celly, Professor, California State University, Dominguez Hills on 8/10/20

Principles begins with a question to spark curiosity for the novice student of marketing. Organized into 16 chapters, it takes a traditional strategic planning, consumer and buyer behavior, research and 4Ps approach that addresses all major areas... read more

Principles begins with a question to spark curiosity for the novice student of marketing. Organized into 16 chapters, it takes a traditional strategic planning, consumer and buyer behavior, research and 4Ps approach that addresses all major areas and ideas in a core marketing class. Given the importance of ethical decision making, it needs to add/bolster content on ethics in marketing and add an index/glossary.

Accurate content with image sources and references. I have not tested all these links.

Since the focus is core content, it is written in a nuts and bolts manner and will stay perennial. Consistent with the conditions of use, the text’s simplicity allows for it to be modified easily.

Written professionally and in simple sentences, this makes for accessible, adequate and easy to understand content. Marketing concepts are defined simply and succinctly throughout.

The key take-aways and review questions after each section of a chapter are supplemented by end of chapter discussion questions and activities throughout. This fits nicely with Bloom’s learning taxonomy.

This is a key feature of this book and one most appreciated by my students.

Another key feature of this book, and one appreciated by my students.

Other than a few formatting and pagination issues, nothing to note. Any links I used worked. For the manner in which I use this book as basic material for my classes, not having an excess of photos and images in the body actually works well. Having URLs for case examples also facilitates easy revision and adaptation for various local and regional teaching and learning contexts.

Simple, easy to read, accessible. I did not notice any grammatical errors.

This is less about this book than about the way in which most business textbooks are written. It is in no way offensive; in fact, its style and variety of examples promotes inclusion and it is adaptable to alternate cultural contexts through a shift in frame to include broader contexts.

Our students appreciate having an accessible zero cost course materials course with adds ons from me, the press, and other OER, and low cost or no cost AV materials and marketing math. Thank you.

Reviewed by Sheryl Spann, Marketing Instructor, Oregon State University on 7/28/20

The textbook begins with the question “What is Marketing?” to assist students new to the field of marketing to understand the real definition of marketing versus their perceived ideas of marketing. This is a great place to start as many students... read more

The textbook begins with the question “What is Marketing?” to assist students new to the field of marketing to understand the real definition of marketing versus their perceived ideas of marketing. This is a great place to start as many students either believe that marketing is strictly sales or do not have a full concept of the many aspects of what encompasses marketing. The text covers most of the key areas of marketing such as consumer behavior, market segmentation and target marketing and the principals relating to product, pricing, placement and promotion. Marketing research, new product development and marketing communications is also covered at a basic level. However, based on my experience in the classroom, a few suggestions are in order. I would add three additional chapters on international marketing, market expansion strategies and ethics and social responsibility. The chapter on professional selling could be removed or covered within chapter one as a portion of the explanation on the aspects of marketing. Lastly, I would add more current marketing articles, one-page cases and small group discussion questions to each chapter. For marketing majors, I would add an appendix at the back of the book discussing the various career opportunities in marketing.

The book content is accurate with terminology and marketing concepts accessible for a university level student. The textbook also cites sources for most of the provided information.

In addition to the textbook content for teaching marketing principals, there are many real-world examples offered to improve student understanding. Although most offer longevity, there is a need to augment current examples with more recent examples including company or product examples representing cultural diversity.

The text is easy to read with a combination of informal and professional language for appropriate student learning and understanding.

The text is internally consistent and provides actual examples of the principals covered as well as review questions to ensure student comprehension. This approach is inline with other “Principals of Marketing” textbooks.

The course material is listed in modular fashion to easily transfer to canvas. However, since “Principals of Marketing” is usually the first marketing course for majors and the only course for this topic for non-majors, I would place the chapter on “Strategic Planning” right before the last chapter on “The Marketing Plan”. As indicated in the “comprehensiveness” section of my comments, I also believe that a few topical chapters such as “International Marketing” should be added to the book to improve its overview of the topic.

In general, the topics are presented and organized in an effective format. The text starts with overarching definitions and concepts and then moves toward providing more details on each topic. I believe that the “Strategic Planning” chapter should be moved to the end of the book before “The Marketing Plan” to ensure that students have the foundation needed to better understand this topic plus use its strategic perspective in the development of a marketing plan.

There did not appear to be any interface issues for this book. All video and web page links also worked well.

The text did not have any grammatical errors.

Although cultural examples were included and relevant, additional cultural diversity elements would improve the book. Also, it is important to include examples that are more current to provide better student discussions of this important marketing topic.

Overall, this textbook is a suitable option for an entry level college course on “Marketing Principals”. Adding chapters on “International Marketing”, “Market Expansion Strategies” and “Ethics & Social Responsibility” as well as updating some of the chapter business examples, case studies and discussion questions would be very helpful plus keep this book “current”. Lastly, including a greater overview of the marketing aspects of cultural diversity plus marketing career options would cause this book to stand out among textbook options for this topic.

Reviewed by Zahra Tohidinia, Assistant Professor, Framingham State University on 6/12/20

The text offers a very good review of key marketing principles and provides a comprehensive introduction to the main concept. I would suggest combining the textbook with relevant current marketing articles and cases. read more

The text offers a very good review of key marketing principles and provides a comprehensive introduction to the main concept. I would suggest combining the textbook with relevant current marketing articles and cases.

The content is accurate and the textbook cites sources for most of the provided information.

The content is relevant to marketing. There are a solid number of examples throughout the book. The content related to digital marketing/social media could be expanded, but overall the content is relevant and robust.

The text is easy to read and provides a good balance of informal and professional language.

The structure of the text is consistent and the book gives example-based explanations of the main concepts. There are review questions at the end of each section as well as discussions and activities at the end of each chapter.

The text is easy to navigate. The book is divided into smaller segments. A hyperlinked (clickable) table of contents makes it really easy to move between different chapters and their corresponding sub-segments.

The topics are presented and organized in an effective format. The text starts with overarching definitions and concepts and then moves toward providing more details on each topic.

The links to the videos that I clicked on worked and each opened a new tab. As mentioned before, the hyperlinks make it very easy to navigate between different sections. In some cases, the image headings were separated from the actual image because of page breaks which can be revised in later editions.

The consumer behavior chapter does a good job with embedding cultural variables into the discussion. This could have been integrated more effectively in the other chapters; especially the chapters involving marketing research and intelligence, as well as market segmentation and positioning

This book covers the main concepts of marketing very effectively. This textbook combined with current articles and relevant cases could serve as a comprehensive set of materials for introductory marketing courses at the undergraduate level.

Reviewed by Christian Gilde, Business Faculty, University of Montana - Western on 1/31/20

The textbook has enough depth and addresses all the major parts of the marketing discourse, such as the environment, marketing strategy, consumer behavior and segmentation, and marketing research, as well as the product, place, price, and... read more

The textbook has enough depth and addresses all the major parts of the marketing discourse, such as the environment, marketing strategy, consumer behavior and segmentation, and marketing research, as well as the product, place, price, and promotion variables.

The explanations, terminology, and concepts in the text are accessible and accurate.

The textbook contains applicable examples of marketing that will help the audience learn and appreciate the marketing realm. Most pieces and examples in the book have longevity. A few applications might need to be updated to make the text more timely.

The text is accessible and will help guide the students through the different dimensions of marketing.

The given text follows a certain presentation canon in terms of marketing terminology, concepts, and applications that can be found in textbooks of similar nature.

Many textbooks in marketing follow a certain modular pattern. This same pattern can be found in this text, with each chapter being split into sections for which particular assignments and experiential learning activities are designed.

As far as the organization and structure of this work are concerned, the marketing text is in line with a good number of other principles texts. The structure, flow, and positioning of the different marketing topics within the individual chapters is logical, with the objectives in the beginning and a re-visitation of the key points and review questions at the end.

The functionality of the text seemed to be working. Web links, images, and figures allow for easy direction-finding.

A few minor grammatical and structural errors can be found in the text.

The cultural illustrations are relevant, to a certain extent. However, it might be useful to update some of these items.

The material in this text is suitable for a basic marketing course. Overall, I would recommend using this text for entry level marketing students.

Reviewed by Kelly Atkins, Associate Professor, East Tennessee State University on 10/21/19

The text contains the expected chapter topics related to Principles of Marketing. In my opinion, there is too much information about Professional Selling (Chapter 13) for the topic of the text. In my opinion, Chapter 11 should include a... read more

The text contains the expected chapter topics related to Principles of Marketing. In my opinion, there is too much information about Professional Selling (Chapter 13) for the topic of the text. In my opinion, Chapter 11 should include a discussion of the basic Communications Model as well as some more modern communications models.

The text content appears to be accurate, error-free and unbiased. In my thorough review, I found nothing to the contrary.

The text contains many relevant, current examples of marketing concepts as well as some images of marketing examples and nice video clips of marketing examples. Some examples in Chapter 2 are from 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009. These 10+ year old examples are too old to be relevant to students who are only 20 years old. I like the application of marketing concepts to the world of business and to personal branding.

The “voice” of the text is conversational yet professional. The terms used throughout the text seem to be in alignment with other Principles of Marketing textbooks I have used previously.

The text seems to be internally consistent. I saw nothing to indicate otherwise.

The text is organized effectively in most ways, but I have a recommendation. Chapter 3 should be divided into more sections. There are too many learning objectives and key takeaways for section 3.1.

There are significant organization problems in Chapters 4,8 & 13. Each of these chapters is out of order. For example, Chapter 4 is presented in the following sections: 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, then 4.1, 4.2, 4.3. The same is true of Chapters 8 & 13.

The way the pages are presented with extra lines on many pages, with figure titles on different pages than the actual figure, or with figure numbers on a different page than the figure itself. See Figures 1.3 and 1.4 in Chapter 1 as examples.

I did not notice any grammar problems in the text (and I typically find lots of grammar problems when I am editing).

In my opinion, he text is culturally sensitive.

• I really like the “key takeaways” and “review questions” at the end of the sections instead of a summary at the end of the chapter. • I would add key terms at the end of each section because the terms and definitions seem to get lost within the chapters. • The “activities” at the end of the chapter are unique and creative. I would use these ideas for my classes.

Reviewed by Donald Chang, Professor, Metropolitan State University of Denver on 4/29/19

The textbook provides basic coverage of main concepts found in most principles of marketing. Overall, the discussion throughout the book tends to be less comprehensive. In some areas, the author glossed over without providing sufficient details.... read more

The textbook provides basic coverage of main concepts found in most principles of marketing. Overall, the discussion throughout the book tends to be less comprehensive. In some areas, the author glossed over without providing sufficient details. To introduce basic concepts, it might be sufficient. For deeper understanding and analysis, it will require additional reading and research by readers. For example, in the very beginning, the author claimed "... about 1950 to 1990, businesses operated in the marketing era" without providing supporting materials to bolster the claim. The discussion also skipped a commonly known period when emphasis on selling was prevalent, skipping from product concept to marketing concepts, while ignoring the discussion on social responsibility in the 80s.

Accuracy is not a major issue for this book. Most contents are explained adequately for concept delivery.

Most basic concepts in marketing, e.g., product life cycle, buying process, pricing strategies, are mostly time free, thus, stay relevant regardless of changes in the marketplace. Examples used are apparently out of date, e.g., iPad. Many of the examples are prior to 2010 so that examples need to be updated to be relevant to today's students. Most basic content is consistent with other textbooks, just on a shallow side.

For marketing, the key strategic decisions are in segmentation, targeting, positioning, and differentiation. It would be probably more appropriate to place strategic planning close to the chapter on segmentation, targeting, and positioning. With so much content in marketing to cover, a standing-alone chapter on professional selling is uncalled for. After all, personal selling is only one of the element of promotion and most companies prefer to train their own sales force, thus very company/product specific, not something could be covered effectively in a principles of marketing textbook. It also incorrectly over-inflates the role of sales in marketing curriculum. Most students, business and non-business, do not see professional selling as their career aspiration either, if they have the choice.

There is an obvious omission in international marketing. The author's claim that global coverage is built in throughout the textbook cannot be observed. Without having a devoted chapter in international marketing, some basic concepts in international management are not presented. The same is for sustainability, ethics, and social responsibility. The author seemed to understand their importance, but not important enough to have their own sections. On the other hand, the author had no issue in having a chapter in professional selling without clear justification for its inclusion. These are obviously the author's own selection bias and personal preferences, not necessarily what students ought to learn from the course.

The writing is good for average college students. It is mostly easy to follow.

The book used "offerings" when referring to products and services consistently throughout the book. Each chapter is presented with discussion questions, activities, key takeaway, review questions with consistent structure and writing style.

The book is organized in a module-like manner, with most materials being free-standing, allowing a section to be borrowed for another marketing course as needed. As the writing is on the succinct side, there is rarely a long writing blocks without division.

While the book is structured well overall, the placement of strategic planning in the very beginning (Chapter 2) is probably off. Students need to know about the subject more before jumping into strategic planning. Other than chapter placement, the overall organization is adequate.

There are no known serious interface issues that are present. Graphs, charts, pictures are clear and easy to see and follow. A few enhancements to market the headings and sub-headings could be added to better break up sections. As examples, "Video Clip" on page 272, 273 could be better presented. The headings are easily overlooked as presented. At times, the reader might not be aware that the topic has shifted to a new one.

The book is grammatical correct overall.

There are no obvious concerns of being culturally insensitive or offensive.

The book is a possible alternative for average high school and college students if the goal is to learn the very fundamental concepts in marketing. For students who look for deeper understanding, this is not the right book for them as much discussion is on the shallow side. The author's own opinions can be found throughout the book without adequate supporting materials. Therefore, it is subject to the author's self selection bias. For marketing major students, I would expect students to learn more than what are presented in this book.

Reviewed by Nicole Lytle, Faculty Lecturer, LaGuardia Community College on 4/24/19

This resources covers all the relevant topics traditionally covered and necessary for an introduction-level course. The material is presented in comprehensive way. read more

This resources covers all the relevant topics traditionally covered and necessary for an introduction-level course. The material is presented in comprehensive way.

I found the text to be accurate, and in line with current marketing practices and pedagogical materials.

The resource is current, but some examples are a bit dated. The instructor using this resource should check all links and examples before assigning.

The resource is clear and easy to understand.

The terminology and framework are consistent with current concepts and expectations of an introductory level course.

The text is well organized; it also lends itself to skipping around and changing the order of the material as the instructor sees fit.

Topics presented are in a logical manner - learning objectives, terms, examples/diagrams, key takeaways, and review questions.

The interface is clear and easy to navigate - clicking images isolates them, which is a good tool for some visual learners.

No grammatical errors were found.

The resources is not culturally offensive, but it also misses the mark for cultural inclusion.

Reviewed by Duane Bernard, Lecturer, Gettysburg College on 3/12/19

The text book covers all of the typical topics for this level of marketing. If there is any criticism it is that some topics are covered very sparsely. For example, the topic of subliminal messaging is given a few sentences. While it is not... read more

The text book covers all of the typical topics for this level of marketing. If there is any criticism it is that some topics are covered very sparsely. For example, the topic of subliminal messaging is given a few sentences. While it is not necessary to cover this in detail, the explanation provided may not be enough for students to understand what it is. I even had a student that commented on the lack of substance in some areas.

I did not come across any areas that were not accurate. It is written well.

The examples are somewhat dated. While it is perfectly fine to present historical examples, the "new" examples need to be updated. In addition, some of the links are broken.

I have not seen any issues with the understandability of the text. I have also not had any negative comments from students.

The text is consistent with its terminology.

The text is easily separated into subunits. I do not use it as a standalone assignment for reading, as I also have many cases and simulations. I have only directly assigned certain sections for homework. This works well.

The book follows the usual formatting and organization of most of these textbooks.

The only issue I have encountered is some broken links that refer to videos. I have not encountered any other issues.

Grammatical errors have not been found.

I have not detect any offensive content. I have not seen a lot that would be inclusive of other backgrounds.

This book is great as a supplement to other course materials such as cases and lecture. I believe its limitation is that it could go into more depth in many sections.

Reviewed by Lori Rumreich, Assistant Professor of Marketing, Marian University on 3/5/19

This book provides comprehensive coverage of marketing principles equivalent to other textbooks. There is very nice coverage of supply chain and logistics beyond many other principles books. The marketing plan section at the end is very useful.... read more

This book provides comprehensive coverage of marketing principles equivalent to other textbooks. There is very nice coverage of supply chain and logistics beyond many other principles books. The marketing plan section at the end is very useful. Overall there is a lot of content to choose from in this text that makes it easy to select what is needed. A searchable pdf in the downloaded format makes it easy to find content.

The content is accurate and unbiased. Some content may be out of date but with the rapid change happening in much of marketing, especially digital/social, that is to be expected.

The rapid pace of change in marketing, especially digital marketing/social media and media in general make it difficult for textbooks to stay up to date. Updates to these sections should be easy to make. The majority of the text is up-to-date and relevant. The use of review questions and key takeaways for sections are very helpful and reinforce learning of each concept.

This text provides practical and real world examples that are interesting and relevant. Writing style is clear and accessible. The use of pictures and the use of color for highlighting tables, charts, special sections, etc. add to the clarity and readability.

There is a consistent style throughout the text. Clear objectives are at the start of each section, key takeaways and review questions are at the end of each section. This creates a very consistent style that is easy to follow and should help with learning.

It would be nice to provide sub units or groups of chapters within a theme or section of marketing but this is not a requirement. Chapters can be easily divided where needed.

I would prefer that market research to be closer to the front of book. Market research is a first step in understanding customer needs, product features, markets, segments, promotion and ad concepts, etc. It seems out of place near the end of the text. Otherwise, the organization is logical and clear.

The searchable pdf version is very easy to navigate and use. The links to videos and other external content are accessible. All content appears clear and free from distortion. Having multiple formats, pdf, kindle, etc., available is a plus for this text.

The text contains no grammatical errors.

The text appears to be culturally relevant. There is good diversity in the photos shown in the text.

Reviewed by Rosemary Prince, Teaching Faculty III, Florida State University on 12/6/18

The concepts covered in Principles of Marketing - 2015 are appropriate for an introductory level course. The discussion of the 4 Ps as creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging provides an interesting perspective. An index and glossary... read more

The concepts covered in Principles of Marketing - 2015 are appropriate for an introductory level course. The discussion of the 4 Ps as creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging provides an interesting perspective. An index and glossary are not included which would be beneficial.

The concepts, definitions and strategies are accurate and unbiased.

The general principles addressed are relevant. Examples should be updated and some links are no longer available. As noted in the learning objectives Social Media keeps changing and the text needs to be updated. Additionally, e-marketing should be expanded given the changes since 2010. The reference information provided with websites resources and examples and framework of the textbook allows for updating with more recent clips, research, templates, etc.

The text is very clear and terminology is easy to understand.

The framework is consistent with the concepts presented in an introductory level marketing text.

The text is presented in units within each chapter that can be separated and or combined with other units for specific learning assignments or extracted to supplement learning.

The topics in the text are presented in logical order for an introductory marketing text. The layout of the textbook including learning objectives, sequencing, terminology, key takeaways, questions and activities is well organized.

Downloading the text as a PDF, the images and charts were clearly visible. The navigation was straightforward and easy. The links to videos were accessible; however, some were no longer available.

Minor grammar errors were noted.

Updating the video examples would provide a more inclusive text.

Reviewed by Melodi Guilbault, Senior University Lecturer, NJIT on 5/21/18

The book covers all content generally covered in a Principles of or Introduction to Marketing course. The issue is that the content is old. The content is based on a text written in 2010. For example, there are only a few short paragraphs on... read more

The book covers all content generally covered in a Principles of or Introduction to Marketing course. The issue is that the content is old. The content is based on a text written in 2010. For example, there are only a few short paragraphs on social media. There is a clear Table of Contents but I did not see an index or glossary.

The content appears to be accurate. I did not note any errors or any bias. But the content is dated.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 1

The content is dated. The content is adapted from a text written in 2010. There have been significant changes since 2010. Although there are a few more recent links most of the links are from before 2010.

The text is easy to read. Students should find the writing easy to follow. Terminology has been clearly explained.

The way the chapters are organized is consistent throughout the text.

The text is easily and readily divisible into smaller reading sections that can be assigned. This is generally done by chapters and units within the chapters.

The topics are presented in the same order as many Principles of or Introduction to Marketing texts.

I could not get any of the videos to open. Other than that I was able to easily navigate through the chapters. The hyperlinks took me to the appropriate text but it would be helpful to have a return button.

The text did not appear to contain any grammatical errors.

Cultural Relevance rating: 2

I did not note any direct effort to be inclusive in the examples provided.

I like the use of the alternative to the 4Ps. I find the 4Ps to be a dated paradigm and it was refreshing to see a different approach.

Reviewed by David C Taylor, Assistant Pofessor, University of Houston on 3/27/18

A very good comprehensive introduction for marketing. Also would serve as a great refresher text for upper-level marketing courses. read more

A very good comprehensive introduction for marketing. Also would serve as a great refresher text for upper-level marketing courses.

The text is very general, but provides accurate descriptions and overviews of concepts and marketing theory.

We could see more on e-marketing or the evolution of social media over traditional advertising. That said, as a primer on the subject of marketing, this is a great tool in lieu of students having to make a purchase.

Clear, easy to read and understand.

Consistency is strong and consistent across chapters.

I don't think molecularity is practical with an general overview text, unless you wanted to utilize some of the chapters as refreshers in broader topic on marketing.

organized consistently and flow is as with other marketing texts

I did not experience any difficulties

No major grammar issues were identified.

Again, a good primer, or refresh for an upper-level marketing course.

Reviewed by Mary Tripp, Business Faculty, St. Paul College on 2/1/18

The textbook covers the material found in the majority of introductory marketing textbooks. The topics covered are appropriate and the scope meets the basic needs of a principles of marketing course. A searchable index would add to the... read more

The textbook covers the material found in the majority of introductory marketing textbooks. The topics covered are appropriate and the scope meets the basic needs of a principles of marketing course. A searchable index would add to the usefulness of this textbook. A table of content exists but unfortunately no subject index or glossary is provided.

Content Accuracy rating: 3

Overall the accuracy of information, based on the publication date, is acceptable. The textbook is listed as published in 2015 on the Open Textbook Library site. However, the internal publication date is 2010. The internal date seems accurate based on the examples and citations used throughout the textbook. The books examples are all about 10 years old. In the world of marketing, that is a problem. The textbook has some grammatical and spelling errors but nothing that would prevent usage.

The textbook is listed as published in 2015 on the Open Textbook Library site. However, the internal publication date is 2010. The internal date seems accurate based on the examples and citations used throughout the textbook. The books examples are all about 10 years old. In the world of marketing, that is a problem. The subjects of pricing, product, and distribution would be easy to update in the text and/or provide supplements in the classroom. However, the promotion related chapters are very out of date in today's tech driven e-marketing and social media marketing world. If this book had been available in 2009 as an open resource, I would have used it. In 2018, it is unlikely that I would use this resource.

The clarity of the book is great. It is written in a straight forward manner that students would easily understand. The minor grammatical and spelling issues do not hinder the reader.

The consistency of the book meets expectations in regards to terminology and framework.

Each chapter has between 3-8 subsections that allows the material to be easily read by students.

The flow of the chapters is a positive element of the textbook. The organization of the book follows the same structure as many of the principles of marketing textbooks. The table of contents could be restructured to group chapters into subunits for greater student comprehension but it is a small detail.

The interface of the book demonstrated no problems other than the links to videos did not work.

The book contained minor grammatical errors but at a level that the average student would not notice.

Cultural Relevance rating: 1

The cultural relevance of the textbook needs attention. There are not many examples/photos that demonstrate a variety of races, ethnicity, or backgrounds.

1. The cover page and the initial first pages are dull and uninspiring. 2. Overall the textbook is visually dull and students would find the lack of visual interest to be a negative. 3. The examples and references are all at least 10 years old. 4. The text contains only three pages on social media. Not nearly sufficient in today's social media driven environment. 5. The textbook lacks examples of nonprofit organization.

Reviewed by Kristin Hagan, Associate Professor, Northern Virginia Community College on 6/20/17

This text includes all of the major learning objectives covered in an introduction to marketing class. The main topics include the definition of marketing, strategic planning, consumer behavior, the 4 Ps, offerings, marketing channels, selling,... read more

This text includes all of the major learning objectives covered in an introduction to marketing class. The main topics include the definition of marketing, strategic planning, consumer behavior, the 4 Ps, offerings, marketing channels, selling, and overview of a marketing plan. The Table of Contents is easy to access; it serves as a helpful search function. The text is missing a glossary of terms; adding one could be beneficial to readers.

Definitions, principles, and concepts presented in the text are correct. In accordance with marketing principles, the facts presented in the text are true to point. The material was presented in an unbiased way and was primarily free of any grammatical errors.

The examples used in the text are up-to-date and relevant. The large number of real world examples given help the reader understand the learning objectives being presented. Revising these examples and other pertinent information in the text would not be an impossible task.

The layout and formatting of the material is clear and concise. The content of the book uses a lot of extended sentences that could be shortened to help the reader better understand the material. The terms and jargon used is relevant and up-to-date.

The text is extremely consistent in its terminology and framework. Its layout is consistent which makes each new chapter and section easily recognizable. Each chapter has review questions and key summery section which reiterates key points and acts as checkpoint for student.

The layout of the text is very modular. Each chapter is broken down into a minimum of three sections which makes the information very learner-friendly. Each section has a defined learning objective and review material at the end of the section.

The text is organized in a logical way where concepts taught at the beginning of the book are built upon later. The information presented flows well throughout the text. The Table of Contents is extremely beneficial and makes key topics easy to locate in the text.

I did not notice that the text featured any interface issues such as navigational problems, unclear images, or other distortions that would confuse the reader. The images and figures presented in the text are clearly visible to the reader. All images and figures can be enlarged if the viewer clicks on the displayed image.

There were few grammatical errors in the text.

This text presents real life examples relevant to mainstream culture and business in America. Depending on the audience, more culturally diverse examples may be more suiting. The text does a fairly good job of using conational business examples however, some of the images of people could be diversified.

The audio clips located throughout the online text are a nice edition that students reading a traditional textbook can not experience.

Reviewed by Oksana Grybovych, Associate professor, University of Northern Iowa on 12/5/16

The text would greatly benefit from a table of contents, glossary, and an index. Otherwise, most content areas are discussed rather thoroughly - even though, as the previous reviewer mentioned, the text is lacking in its application towards... read more

The text would greatly benefit from a table of contents, glossary, and an index. Otherwise, most content areas are discussed rather thoroughly - even though, as the previous reviewer mentioned, the text is lacking in its application towards services and experiences marketing. Speaking of the latter, there is no discussion of marketing experiences as offerings even though this approach is very common these days.

This text seems to target the North American audience, and readers from elsewhere might not readily relate to the examples provided. The authors could also incorporate more examples from a nonprofit sector.

Most chapters are very relevant to the current marketing practices. However, the authors could consider including or expanding more on the subjects of sustainability (e.g. social corporate sustainability) as well as experience marketing.

Key concepts are well defined, but the structure and formatting of the text are somewhat confusing.

The text is structured around the framework that is outlined by the authors in chapter 1.

There are 16 chapters in the text, each of them is broken up into sections. Such structure makes it very manageable for the instructor to use the text in a typical North American semester.

Some of the chapters could be moved around to allow for a better flow of the contents.

The authors could consider moving all references to the end, as well as including a table of contents that the students could navigate (click on the headings), glossary, and an index.

Very few spelling/grammar errors.

It appears that this text is mainly designed for North American white audience, hence is lacking in its cultural relevance.

Overall this is a very good introductory text, I was happy to see the authors incorporate many important topics that are frequently omitted in other texts. At the same time, a few more important topics could be added, the formatting/ structure of the text revised, and more culturally relevant content added.

Reviewed by Chris Blocker, Assistant Professor, Colorado State University on 1/7/16

Principles of Marketing by Tanner & Raymond is a very comprehensive text, which addresses the full gamut of topics that an instructor might want to cover. It also offers nice integration of some topics that might normally be neglected, e.g.,... read more

Principles of Marketing by Tanner & Raymond is a very comprehensive text, which addresses the full gamut of topics that an instructor might want to cover. It also offers nice integration of some topics that might normally be neglected, e.g., satisfaction metrics, account planning, and other topics.

Principles of Marketing by Tanner & Raymond articulates the core principles of marketing with accuracy and precision. There is a tight linkage (typically through use of web links) to established definitions (e.g., AMA) and conceptual frameworks (e.g., Product and Market Entry strategies) that have come to reflect the established body of marketing knowledge.

Principles of Marketing by Tanner & Raymond contains relevant and up-to-date themes based upon emerging paradigms (e.g., Service Dominant Logic) that are synthesized across the chapters.

One of the strengths of Principles of Marketing by Tanner & Raymond, which relates to its comprehensiveness, is the clarity offered for all the concepts presented. Key concepts are well-defined and presented in a plain language that is readily accessible to a wide audience.

Although, no unifying framework is offered to connect the chapters, there is an underlying common conceptual core offered within the Principles of Marketing by Tanner & Raymond

Another key strength of Principles of Marketing by Tanner & Raymond is the modularity. Chapters are broken up numerically and into "bite-size" chunks such that instructors would have an easy time assigning aspects of a chapter to modules.

Principles of Marketing by Tanner & Raymond follows the common flow of the vast majority of Principles texts by beginning with the organization and high-level strategies, then digging into consumer/buyer behavior, and finally, unpacking the marketing mix.

Navigation is easy for Principles of Marketing by Tanner & Raymond; however, some issues with fonts and size of text within images rendered some distractions

Principles of Marketing by Tanner & Raymond is well written and in an accessible style.

Principles of Marketing by Tanner & Raymond is not offensive in any way and does offer quite a few diverse examples. However, there is a heavy reliance on North American company examples, such that individuals in other cultures might have difficulty with some.

Principles of Marketing by Tanner & Raymond does a really nice job of offering a comprehensive and relevant marketing text that can easily be modularized by instructors. The authors have effectively integrated up-to-date examples that students will find interesting as well as integrated media (e.g., audio clips) and real life profiles (profiling an analytics manager at BNSF) to produce an engaging text.

Reviewed by Marina Jaffey, Instructor & Program Leader Marketing, Camosun College on 10/9/13

This American Principles of Marketing text covers all the key areas & ideas normally included in a first year College/University Introduction to Marketing course. There are 16 chapters in the text and most key topic areas are discussed... read more

This American Principles of Marketing text covers all the key areas & ideas normally included in a first year College/University Introduction to Marketing course. There are 16 chapters in the text and most key topic areas are discussed relatively thoroughly, with the following exceptions: 1. Pricing 2. Retailing and Distribution as it relates to services Rather than structuring the text around the 4Ps or traditional Marketing Mix, the authors follow the premise that marketing is composed of four activities centered on customer value: creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging value. The text does not include a Table of Contents, Contents in Brief, or Glossary and/or Index.

Marketing concepts are defined/explained/discussed accurately. All the examples are American, so not as relevant for Canadian students. Similarly, the Environmental Scan and ethical/legal segments are all based on American trends and laws/business practices. In general, the examples tend to focus on large corporations. More examples from medium/small businesses, as well as not-for-profits, would help to provide a broader perspective for students. Based on the scale below: content is accurate, but has a very American bias.

The content is up-to-date, with the exception of: 1. The three chapters on marketing communications. Marketing communications has been and is continuing to change rapidly, and as a result, it is difficult for text books to remain current. Having said this, I believe that it would be relatively easy to make regular updates to the marketing communications chapters. 2. Although the Distribution chapter is up-to-date, it is lacking in its coverage of distribution as it relates to services, as well as retailing. 3. Perhaps most importantly for Canadian students, is the fact that all the examples and all sections that relate to legislation/business practices in the current text are American. It would be more time consuming to up date the text to reflect the Canadian marketing environment.

Clarity rating: 3

Concepts are explained clearly in the body of the text. Ideas to increase retention are: 1. Include more visuals. The current charts/graphs are small and difficult to read. Many of the figures lack sufficient detail. Visuals serve to summarize concepts at-a-glance and help students to understand/recall a concept. 2. Provide a variety of examples to illustrate concepts. 3. Make better use of formatting to ensure students can see quickly key concepts and definitions on a page, for instance, make better use of headings & subheadings and include key concept definitions in the margins of the page. 4. In addition to the summaries at the end of each section within a chapter, include a final end of chapter summary.

Yes, the text is internally consistent in terms of terminology and framework. The text presents the marketing mix in terms of four activities or components of marketing: creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging value.

There are 16 chapters in the text which corresponds nicely with a typically 14 week semester. The order of the chapters in the text is as follows: Ch. 1 - What is Marketing? Ch. 2 - Strategic Planning Ch. 3 - Consumer Behaviour Ch. 4 - Business Buying Behaviour Ch. 5 - Market Segmenting, Targeting, & Positioning Ch. 6 - Creating Offerings Ch. 7 - Developing & Managing Offerings Ch. 8 - Using Marketing Channels to Create Value for Customers Ch. 9 - Using Supply Chains to Create Value for Customers Ch. 10 - Gathering and Using Information: Marketing Research & Market Intelligence Ch. 11 - Advertising, IMC, and the Changing Media Landscape Ch. 12 - Public Relations & Sales Promotions Ch. 13 - Professional Selling Ch. 14 - Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, and Empowerment Ch. 15 - Price Ch. 16 - The Marketing Plan It would be easy and straight forward for an instructor to change the order that these topics are covered in a semester, should he/she wish to do that.

Two changes I recommend are: 1. Put ch. 15 - Price right after ch. 7 - Developing & Managing Offerings. Pricing is a very important marketing concept, and it makes most sense to discuss how to price products/services/offerings right after they are covered in the text. 2. Move ch. 10 - Marketing Research to right after ch. 2 - Strategic Planning. Ch. 2 covers environmental scanning, so it is important for students to learn how to research trends and find information required for planning. Otherwise, the order of the chapters is fine.

Interface rating: 2

I have been working with a print version of the text. A suggestion to make navigation through the print version easier would be to include a Table of Contents, Contents in Brief, and Index/Glossary at the end. Images/charts are small and difficult to read in the print version. Many subheadings sit alone at the bottom of a page. Need to format so that a subheading appears with some or all of the body copy. Also, some chapters begin on the same page that the previous chapter ends. It would be better to start a new chapter on a new page. In several instances, whole pages were simply lists of sources. It is important to cite sources, however it would be better to include these lists of sources at the end of a chapter, rather than in the middle of a chapter.

There are relatively few grammatical or spelling errors. Please see complete list of errors in attached document.

Although the text is not culturally offensive in any way, I believe there could be more examples that reflect a variety of races, ethnicities, and backgrounds. The text mentions that there is a profile of a marketing professional at the beginning of each chapter - this is not the case (no profiles are included). Including profiles of marketing professionals from a variety of races, ethnicities, and backgrounds would be one way of addressing this weaknesses. It would also be appropriate to profile different types of organizations to illustrate marketing concepts/business practices amongst different cultural groups. As mentioned earlier, this is an American text so all examples are American.

Overall this text covers all the key topic areas relevant to a first year college/university overview marketing course. Most topics are covered in an appropriate amount of depth, with a few exceptions including pricing and services marketing. Learning Objectives are included at the start of each segment within a chapter, but not at the start of a chapter. Learning Objectives are all at the lowest two levels of Bloom's Taxonomy - Knowledge (i.e. Describe...) and Comprehension (i.e. Understand...) http://www.coun.uvic.ca/learning/exams/blooms-taxonomy.html The Review Questions and Key Takeaways which appear at the end of each segment within a chapter and the Discussion Questions and Activities at the end of each chapter are generally good and provide students with ways to test understanding and apply relevant concepts. This is an American text, so an instructor would need to provide his/her students with a variety of Canadian examples, as well as Canadian content related to environmental scanning and business practices. All Introduction to Marketing texts offered by publishers provide extensive support materials for instructors and students. I'm not aware of any support materials that come with this text. There are formatting issues which have been mentioned earlier in this review, that would need to be addressed. This review originated in the BC Open Textbook Collection and is licensed under CC BY-ND.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: What is Marketing?
  • Chapter 2: Strategic Planning
  • Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior: How People Make Buying Decisions
  • Chapter 4: Business Buying Behavior
  • Chapter 5: Market Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning
  • Chapter 6: Creating Offerings
  • Chapter 7: Developing and Managing Offerings
  • Chapter 8: Using Marketing Channels to Create Value for Customers
  • Chapter 9: Using Supply Chains to Create Value for Customers
  • Chapter 10: Gathering and Using Information: Marketing Research and Market Intelligence
  • Chapter 11: Integrated Marketing Communications and the Changing Media Landscape
  • Chapter 12: Public Relations, Social Media, and Sponsorships
  • Chapter 13: Professional Selling
  • Chapter 14: Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, and Empowerment
  • Chapter 15: Price, the Only Revenue Generator
  • Chapter 16: The Marketing Plan

Ancillary Material

About the book.

Principles of Marketing teaches the experience and process of actually doing marketing – not just the vocabulary. It carries five dominant themes throughout in order to expose students to marketing in today's environment:

Service dominant logic — This textbook employs the term "offering" instead of the more traditional First "P" — product. That is because consumers don't sacrifice value when alternating between a product and a service. They are evaluating the entire experience, whether they interact with a product, a service, or a combination. So the fundamental focus is providing value throughout the value chain, whether that value chain encompasses a product, service, or both.

Sustainability — Increasingly, companies are interested in the impact they are having on their local community as well as the overall environment. This is often referred to as the "triple bottom line" of financial, social, and environment performance.

Ethics and social responsibility — Following on the sustainability notion is the broader importance of ethics and social responsibility in creating successful organizations. The authors make consistent references to ethical situations throughout chapter coverage, and end of chapter material in most chapters will encompass ethical situations.

Global coverage — the authors deliberately entitled Chapter 1 "What is Marketing?" Whether it is today's price of gasoline, the current U.S. presidential race, or Midwestern U.S. farming, almost every industry and company needs strong global awareness. And today's marketing professionals must understand the world in which they and their companies operate.

Metrics — Firms today have the potential to gather more information than ever before about their current and potential customers. That information gathering can be costly, but it can also be very revealing. With the potential to capture so much more detail about micro transactions, firms should now be more able to answer "well, what this marketing strategy really worth it?" And "what is the marketing ROI?" And finally, "what is this customer or set of customers worth to us over their lifetime?"

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Marketing Research

By: Fareena Sultan

Summarizes and synthesizes materials in the following notes: Marketing Situation Assessment, Marketing Research: An Overview of Research Methods, and Research Methods in Marketing: Survey Research.

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Aug 29, 1991


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marketing research topics pdf for students

Grad Coach

Research Topics & Ideas: Education

170+ Research Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

Topic Kickstarter: Research topics in education

If you’re just starting out exploring education-related topics for your dissertation, thesis or research project, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll help kickstart your research topic ideation process by providing a hearty list of research topics and ideas , including examples from actual dissertations and theses..

PS – This is just the start…

We know it’s exciting to run through a list of research topics, but please keep in mind that this list is just a starting point . To develop a suitable education-related research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , and a viable plan of action to fill that gap.

If this sounds foreign to you, check out our free research topic webinar that explores how to find and refine a high-quality research topic, from scratch. Alternatively, if you’d like hands-on help, consider our 1-on-1 coaching service .

Overview: Education Research Topics

  • How to find a research topic (video)
  • List of 50+ education-related research topics/ideas
  • List of 120+ level-specific research topics 
  • Examples of actual dissertation topics in education
  • Tips to fast-track your topic ideation (video)
  • Free Webinar : Topic Ideation 101
  • Where to get extra help

Education-Related Research Topics & Ideas

Below you’ll find a list of education-related research topics and idea kickstarters. These are fairly broad and flexible to various contexts, so keep in mind that you will need to refine them a little. Nevertheless, they should inspire some ideas for your project.

  • The impact of school funding on student achievement
  • The effects of social and emotional learning on student well-being
  • The effects of parental involvement on student behaviour
  • The impact of teacher training on student learning
  • The impact of classroom design on student learning
  • The impact of poverty on education
  • The use of student data to inform instruction
  • The role of parental involvement in education
  • The effects of mindfulness practices in the classroom
  • The use of technology in the classroom
  • The role of critical thinking in education
  • The use of formative and summative assessments in the classroom
  • The use of differentiated instruction in the classroom
  • The use of gamification in education
  • The effects of teacher burnout on student learning
  • The impact of school leadership on student achievement
  • The effects of teacher diversity on student outcomes
  • The role of teacher collaboration in improving student outcomes
  • The implementation of blended and online learning
  • The effects of teacher accountability on student achievement
  • The effects of standardized testing on student learning
  • The effects of classroom management on student behaviour
  • The effects of school culture on student achievement
  • The use of student-centred learning in the classroom
  • The impact of teacher-student relationships on student outcomes
  • The achievement gap in minority and low-income students
  • The use of culturally responsive teaching in the classroom
  • The impact of teacher professional development on student learning
  • The use of project-based learning in the classroom
  • The effects of teacher expectations on student achievement
  • The use of adaptive learning technology in the classroom
  • The impact of teacher turnover on student learning
  • The effects of teacher recruitment and retention on student learning
  • The impact of early childhood education on later academic success
  • The impact of parental involvement on student engagement
  • The use of positive reinforcement in education
  • The impact of school climate on student engagement
  • The role of STEM education in preparing students for the workforce
  • The effects of school choice on student achievement
  • The use of technology in the form of online tutoring

Level-Specific Research Topics

Looking for research topics for a specific level of education? We’ve got you covered. Below you can find research topic ideas for primary, secondary and tertiary-level education contexts. Click the relevant level to view the respective list.

Research Topics: Pick An Education Level

Primary education.

  • Investigating the effects of peer tutoring on academic achievement in primary school
  • Exploring the benefits of mindfulness practices in primary school classrooms
  • Examining the effects of different teaching strategies on primary school students’ problem-solving skills
  • The use of storytelling as a teaching strategy in primary school literacy instruction
  • The role of cultural diversity in promoting tolerance and understanding in primary schools
  • The impact of character education programs on moral development in primary school students
  • Investigating the use of technology in enhancing primary school mathematics education
  • The impact of inclusive curriculum on promoting equity and diversity in primary schools
  • The impact of outdoor education programs on environmental awareness in primary school students
  • The influence of school climate on student motivation and engagement in primary schools
  • Investigating the effects of early literacy interventions on reading comprehension in primary school students
  • The impact of parental involvement in school decision-making processes on student achievement in primary schools
  • Exploring the benefits of inclusive education for students with special needs in primary schools
  • Investigating the effects of teacher-student feedback on academic motivation in primary schools
  • The role of technology in developing digital literacy skills in primary school students
  • Effective strategies for fostering a growth mindset in primary school students
  • Investigating the role of parental support in reducing academic stress in primary school children
  • The role of arts education in fostering creativity and self-expression in primary school students
  • Examining the effects of early childhood education programs on primary school readiness
  • Examining the effects of homework on primary school students’ academic performance
  • The role of formative assessment in improving learning outcomes in primary school classrooms
  • The impact of teacher-student relationships on academic outcomes in primary school
  • Investigating the effects of classroom environment on student behavior and learning outcomes in primary schools
  • Investigating the role of creativity and imagination in primary school curriculum
  • The impact of nutrition and healthy eating programs on academic performance in primary schools
  • The impact of social-emotional learning programs on primary school students’ well-being and academic performance
  • The role of parental involvement in academic achievement of primary school children
  • Examining the effects of classroom management strategies on student behavior in primary school
  • The role of school leadership in creating a positive school climate Exploring the benefits of bilingual education in primary schools
  • The effectiveness of project-based learning in developing critical thinking skills in primary school students
  • The role of inquiry-based learning in fostering curiosity and critical thinking in primary school students
  • The effects of class size on student engagement and achievement in primary schools
  • Investigating the effects of recess and physical activity breaks on attention and learning in primary school
  • Exploring the benefits of outdoor play in developing gross motor skills in primary school children
  • The effects of educational field trips on knowledge retention in primary school students
  • Examining the effects of inclusive classroom practices on students’ attitudes towards diversity in primary schools
  • The impact of parental involvement in homework on primary school students’ academic achievement
  • Investigating the effectiveness of different assessment methods in primary school classrooms
  • The influence of physical activity and exercise on cognitive development in primary school children
  • Exploring the benefits of cooperative learning in promoting social skills in primary school students

Secondary Education

  • Investigating the effects of school discipline policies on student behavior and academic success in secondary education
  • The role of social media in enhancing communication and collaboration among secondary school students
  • The impact of school leadership on teacher effectiveness and student outcomes in secondary schools
  • Investigating the effects of technology integration on teaching and learning in secondary education
  • Exploring the benefits of interdisciplinary instruction in promoting critical thinking skills in secondary schools
  • The impact of arts education on creativity and self-expression in secondary school students
  • The effectiveness of flipped classrooms in promoting student learning in secondary education
  • The role of career guidance programs in preparing secondary school students for future employment
  • Investigating the effects of student-centered learning approaches on student autonomy and academic success in secondary schools
  • The impact of socio-economic factors on educational attainment in secondary education
  • Investigating the impact of project-based learning on student engagement and academic achievement in secondary schools
  • Investigating the effects of multicultural education on cultural understanding and tolerance in secondary schools
  • The influence of standardized testing on teaching practices and student learning in secondary education
  • Investigating the effects of classroom management strategies on student behavior and academic engagement in secondary education
  • The influence of teacher professional development on instructional practices and student outcomes in secondary schools
  • The role of extracurricular activities in promoting holistic development and well-roundedness in secondary school students
  • Investigating the effects of blended learning models on student engagement and achievement in secondary education
  • The role of physical education in promoting physical health and well-being among secondary school students
  • Investigating the effects of gender on academic achievement and career aspirations in secondary education
  • Exploring the benefits of multicultural literature in promoting cultural awareness and empathy among secondary school students
  • The impact of school counseling services on student mental health and well-being in secondary schools
  • Exploring the benefits of vocational education and training in preparing secondary school students for the workforce
  • The role of digital literacy in preparing secondary school students for the digital age
  • The influence of parental involvement on academic success and well-being of secondary school students
  • The impact of social-emotional learning programs on secondary school students’ well-being and academic success
  • The role of character education in fostering ethical and responsible behavior in secondary school students
  • Examining the effects of digital citizenship education on responsible and ethical technology use among secondary school students
  • The impact of parental involvement in school decision-making processes on student outcomes in secondary schools
  • The role of educational technology in promoting personalized learning experiences in secondary schools
  • The impact of inclusive education on the social and academic outcomes of students with disabilities in secondary schools
  • The influence of parental support on academic motivation and achievement in secondary education
  • The role of school climate in promoting positive behavior and well-being among secondary school students
  • Examining the effects of peer mentoring programs on academic achievement and social-emotional development in secondary schools
  • Examining the effects of teacher-student relationships on student motivation and achievement in secondary schools
  • Exploring the benefits of service-learning programs in promoting civic engagement among secondary school students
  • The impact of educational policies on educational equity and access in secondary education
  • Examining the effects of homework on academic achievement and student well-being in secondary education
  • Investigating the effects of different assessment methods on student performance in secondary schools
  • Examining the effects of single-sex education on academic performance and gender stereotypes in secondary schools
  • The role of mentoring programs in supporting the transition from secondary to post-secondary education

Tertiary Education

  • The role of student support services in promoting academic success and well-being in higher education
  • The impact of internationalization initiatives on students’ intercultural competence and global perspectives in tertiary education
  • Investigating the effects of active learning classrooms and learning spaces on student engagement and learning outcomes in tertiary education
  • Exploring the benefits of service-learning experiences in fostering civic engagement and social responsibility in higher education
  • The influence of learning communities and collaborative learning environments on student academic and social integration in higher education
  • Exploring the benefits of undergraduate research experiences in fostering critical thinking and scientific inquiry skills
  • Investigating the effects of academic advising and mentoring on student retention and degree completion in higher education
  • The role of student engagement and involvement in co-curricular activities on holistic student development in higher education
  • The impact of multicultural education on fostering cultural competence and diversity appreciation in higher education
  • The role of internships and work-integrated learning experiences in enhancing students’ employability and career outcomes
  • Examining the effects of assessment and feedback practices on student learning and academic achievement in tertiary education
  • The influence of faculty professional development on instructional practices and student outcomes in tertiary education
  • The influence of faculty-student relationships on student success and well-being in tertiary education
  • The impact of college transition programs on students’ academic and social adjustment to higher education
  • The impact of online learning platforms on student learning outcomes in higher education
  • The impact of financial aid and scholarships on access and persistence in higher education
  • The influence of student leadership and involvement in extracurricular activities on personal development and campus engagement
  • Exploring the benefits of competency-based education in developing job-specific skills in tertiary students
  • Examining the effects of flipped classroom models on student learning and retention in higher education
  • Exploring the benefits of online collaboration and virtual team projects in developing teamwork skills in tertiary students
  • Investigating the effects of diversity and inclusion initiatives on campus climate and student experiences in tertiary education
  • The influence of study abroad programs on intercultural competence and global perspectives of college students
  • Investigating the effects of peer mentoring and tutoring programs on student retention and academic performance in tertiary education
  • Investigating the effectiveness of active learning strategies in promoting student engagement and achievement in tertiary education
  • Investigating the effects of blended learning models and hybrid courses on student learning and satisfaction in higher education
  • The role of digital literacy and information literacy skills in supporting student success in the digital age
  • Investigating the effects of experiential learning opportunities on career readiness and employability of college students
  • The impact of e-portfolios on student reflection, self-assessment, and showcasing of learning in higher education
  • The role of technology in enhancing collaborative learning experiences in tertiary classrooms
  • The impact of research opportunities on undergraduate student engagement and pursuit of advanced degrees
  • Examining the effects of competency-based assessment on measuring student learning and achievement in tertiary education
  • Examining the effects of interdisciplinary programs and courses on critical thinking and problem-solving skills in college students
  • The role of inclusive education and accessibility in promoting equitable learning experiences for diverse student populations
  • The role of career counseling and guidance in supporting students’ career decision-making in tertiary education
  • The influence of faculty diversity and representation on student success and inclusive learning environments in higher education

Research topic idea mega list

Education-Related Dissertations & Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a research topic in education, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses in the education space to see how this all comes together in practice.

Below, we’ve included a selection of education-related research projects to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • From Rural to Urban: Education Conditions of Migrant Children in China (Wang, 2019)
  • Energy Renovation While Learning English: A Guidebook for Elementary ESL Teachers (Yang, 2019)
  • A Reanalyses of Intercorrelational Matrices of Visual and Verbal Learners’ Abilities, Cognitive Styles, and Learning Preferences (Fox, 2020)
  • A study of the elementary math program utilized by a mid-Missouri school district (Barabas, 2020)
  • Instructor formative assessment practices in virtual learning environments : a posthumanist sociomaterial perspective (Burcks, 2019)
  • Higher education students services: a qualitative study of two mid-size universities’ direct exchange programs (Kinde, 2020)
  • Exploring editorial leadership : a qualitative study of scholastic journalism advisers teaching leadership in Missouri secondary schools (Lewis, 2020)
  • Selling the virtual university: a multimodal discourse analysis of marketing for online learning (Ludwig, 2020)
  • Advocacy and accountability in school counselling: assessing the use of data as related to professional self-efficacy (Matthews, 2020)
  • The use of an application screening assessment as a predictor of teaching retention at a midwestern, K-12, public school district (Scarbrough, 2020)
  • Core values driving sustained elite performance cultures (Beiner, 2020)
  • Educative features of upper elementary Eureka math curriculum (Dwiggins, 2020)
  • How female principals nurture adult learning opportunities in successful high schools with challenging student demographics (Woodward, 2020)
  • The disproportionality of Black Males in Special Education: A Case Study Analysis of Educator Perceptions in a Southeastern Urban High School (McCrae, 2021)

As you can see, these research topics are a lot more focused than the generic topic ideas we presented earlier. So, in order for you to develop a high-quality research topic, you’ll need to get specific and laser-focused on a specific context with specific variables of interest.  In the video below, we explore some other important things you’ll need to consider when crafting your research topic.

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If you’re still unsure about how to find a quality research topic within education, check out our Research Topic Kickstarter service, which is the perfect starting point for developing a unique, well-justified research topic.

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?

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Ngirumuvugizi Jaccques

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Write on action research topic, using guidance and counseling to address unwanted teenage pregnancy in school

Samson ochuodho

Thanks a lot


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Karen Joy Andrade

How about School management and supervision pls.?


Hi i am an Deputy Principal in a primary school. My wish is to srudy foe Master’s degree in Education.Please advice me on which topic can be relevant for me. Thanks.

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Kelvin Kells Grant

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Sulemana Alhassan

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Research Defense for students in senior high

Kupoluyi Regina

Kindly help me with a research topic in educational psychology. Ph.D level. Thank you.

Project-based learning is a teaching/learning type,if well applied in a classroom setting will yield serious positive impact. What can a teacher do to implement this in a disadvantaged zone like “North West Region of Cameroon ( hinterland) where war has brought about prolonged and untold sufferings on the indegins?

Damaris Nzoka

I wish to get help on topics of research on educational administration

I wish to get help on topics of research on educational administration PhD level


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Afriyie Saviour

I am a student of undergraduate, doing research on how to use guidance and counseling to address unwanted teenage pregnancy in school


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Aza Hans

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Hi, I am an Early childhood trainer as well as a researcher, I need more support on this topic: The impact of early childhood education on later academic success.


I’m a student in upper level secondary school and I need your support in this research topics: “Impact of incorporating project -based learning in teaching English language skills in secondary schools”.

Fitsum Ayele

Although research activities and topics should stem from reflection on one’s practice, I found this site valuable as it effectively addressed many issues we have been experiencing as practitioners.

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Marketing Project Topics and Materials PDF Free Download (2024)

Marketing Project Topics and Materials PDF Free Download [2020]

Marketing project topics and research materials PDF and DOC free download file for final year students from 2022 to 2023 school session, who are acquiring a degree in any level of education in Nigeria.

All project topics in marketing, listed on this page are easy and recent works from 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. They are complete ready-made project material PDF available for instant download from chapters 1-5 with references and questionnaires. Final year students can download research publications here for free while few marketing project materials are paid versions.

Eduprojecttopics is an online academic research repository platform assisting students on this page to get free marketing project topics with good case study research materials.

Free Marketing Project Topics and Materials PDF for Final Year Students

In our web archive, we have free marketing project topics and premium research papers in international marketing, b2b marketing, cement industry, social media and also, related research seminar works and journals for final year students in the marketing department.

Masters and PhD students can also get their thesis and dissertation topics on this page. All you need to do is to select your topics below and submit to your project supervisor for approval. Then after approval, you can come back for your complete material.


Contents of Marketing Project Material PDF Document on this Website

If you wish to download a copy of our marketing project topics and materials from chapters 1-5, we would like to let you know that our marketing project material documents of any topic comes with proposal samples, title page with case study, table of contents , abstract, background of the study, statement of the problem, research questions, objectives of the study, research hypothesis, signification of the study, scope of the study, definition of terms , organization of the study, literature review (theoretical framework or conceptual framework), research methodology, sources of data collection, population of the study, sampling and sampling distribution, validation of research instrument, method of data analysis, data analysis, introduction, summary, conclusion, recommendation, references/bibliography and questionnaire.


Marketing final year students taking this course in Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, Kenya, Zambia, India and other countries, can use these free project topic ideas with case study listed on this website for their academic research works.

Do you need a copy of any complete project material? you can contact us: at (+234) 08060082010, 08107932631 or via email address: [email protected]

Below is the list of best marketing project topics and materials PDF documents for students acquiring a degree in the college of education (NCE), National Diploma (ND), Higher National Diploma (HND), Bachelor of Science (BSC), Masters of Science (MSC Thesis) and Doctor of Philosophy (Phd Dissertation ).

List of Free Marketing Project Topics and Research Materials PDF

  • The Impact Of Infectious Epidemic On International Market A Case Study Of Coronavirus Disease
  • An Analysis Of Packaging As A Promo Tool In The Marketing Of Product.
  • The Impact Of Social Media On Purchase Of Hand Sanitizer Brands In Lagos
  • An Examination Of Twitter Ban On Digital Marketing
  • Determining The Effect Of Advertising Strategy Adapted In The Sales Of Consumer Goods
  • Impact Of Celebrity Endorsement On The Sales Volume Of Company Of Glo Telecommunication
  • Assessment Of Twitter Ban On Brand Awareness In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Rite Food Limited, Lagos State )
  • The Relationship Marketing On Customers Patronage Of Money Deposit Banks In Port Harcourt
  • Impact of Physical Distribution on Customer Service a Study of Pardee Foods Nigeria Ltd Ogun State
  • The Effectiveness of Digital Advertising in Creating Brand Loyalty Among Residents of Jos Metropolis
  • Investment On Human Capital And Its Impact On Nigerian Economic Growth
  • Marketing Research on New Project
  • The Impact Of Banks Credit In The Nigeria Economy
  • The Impact Of Marketing Communication On Sale Of Consumer Goods.
  • The Impact Of Promotional Activities On The Marketing Of Golden Morn Product In Enugu State (A Case Study Of Nestle Niger Plc Enugu State)
  • The Role Of Marketing In The Development Of Tourism Industry In Nigeria
  • Consumer attitude towards made in Nigerian products (a study of Aba made leather works)
  • Impact of advertising on the marketing of Forte petroleum product in Port-Harcourt: Study of Forte petroleum Port-Harcourt, River state
  • The contribution of small scale industries in the economic development of Nigeria (a study of hardis and dromedas Emene Enugu state)  
  • The relevance of marketing planning in achieving the business growth of dealers of electronics in Imo state (a study of selected dealers of electronic in Owerri metropolis)
  • The effect of marketing research in product planning process
  • The impact of sales promotion on organizational performance (a case study of Nigeria bottling company PLC)
  • Product differentiation as a competitive tool in the marketing of soft drink (a case study of Limca bottling company PLC)
  • Sales promotion as a tool for increasing profitability in an organization (a case study of Nigeria bottling company PLC) 
  • The influence of sales promotion on consumer brand loyalty
  • The influence of advertising and personal selling on marketing of new products of commercial banks in Aba (a case study of UBA Nigeria PLC, Aba)
  • The impact of advertising on the growth of small scale business in general (a study of standard insurance company, Aba)
  • Marketing Segmentation and Targeting Strategies for a Firm Competitive Growth
  • An Examination Of Potential Benefits & Constraints Associated With Small Business’ Use Of E-Commerce
  • Effect Of Promotional Tools In Product Marketing
  • Impact Of Branding And Packaging On Sales Turnover Of Nestle Food Nigeria Plc
  • The Effect Of Forecasting Techniques On Sales Performance
  • The Effect Of Packaging On Sales Of Goods
  • The Effect Of Quality Service Delivery On Customers Patronage In First Bank Plc
  • The Impact Of Market Segmentation And Product Positioning In A Service Industry
  • The Relevance Of Sales Promotion To Business Organizations
  • An Assessment Of The Impact Of Marketing Segmentation On Production Planning In An Organization
  • Effects Of Marketing Segmentation On Sales Performance In Beverages Industry
  • Marketing Research And Its Importance In The Nigerian Banking Industry
  • The Relevance Of Packaging And Branding On Marketing Productivity Of Locally Made Products
  • The Impact Of Effective Personal Selling Strategies On The Marketing Of Industrial Products
  • The Effects Of Organizational Culture On Employee Performance And Productivity
  • The Effects Of Consumerism In Marketing Of Fake/Counterfeit Drugs In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Onitsha Drug Market)
  • Marketing Concept And It’s Application In Customer Services, (A Case Study For UBA)
  • Impact Of Customer Retention On Business Performance (A Study Of Favourites Fast Food Industry)
  • The impact of sales promotion on customers’ loyalty in the Nigerian telecommunication industry. (a study of mtn asaba)
  • The Impact Of Marketing Strategy On Productivity Of Organizations (A Study Of First Bank And Ecobank)
  • The Impact Of Job Satisfaction On Sales Team Productivity (A Study Of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc)
  • The Effect Of Marketing Promotion On The Efficiency Of Banks (A Study Of Zenith Bank And First Bank)
  • Effect Of Marketing Concept On The Performance Of Manufacturing Company
  • Effective Marketing Strategies for Improved Performance of Manufacturing Companies
  • The Problems Facing The Marketing Of Poultry Product
  • An Evaluation Of Pipeline Transportation In The Marketing Of Petrol In Nigeria
  • The Impact Of Marketing In The Development Of Tourism In Enugu State
  • An Appraisal Of Effective Advertising In Increasing Sales Of Cosmetics
  • Attitude Of Consumers Towards Public Utilities (A Case Study Of Nepa, Enugu Metropolis
  • Impact Of Personal Selling In The Marketing Of Beverages In Enugu State
  • A Study On The Role Of Advertising In Tourism Development
  • Advertising As A Power Tool For Business Growth
  • Impact Of Effective Public Relations In Marketing Expansion Of Banking Services In Enugu Metropolis
  • Advertising As A Strategic Instrument In The Marketing Of Mtn’S Communication Services
  • The Efficacy Of Sales Promotion In The Marketing Of Consumer Product
  • An Evaluation Of Product Positioning Strategies In The Consumer Products Industry In Nigeria
  • An Evaluation Of Distribution Strategies In Marketing Of Petroleum Products
  • Role Of Public Relations In The Marketing Of Hospital Services
  • The Problems Facing The Establishment Of Banks In Rural Areas
  • An Indepth Study Of On The Brand Switching Behavior Of Malt Drink Consumer In Enugu State From 2005 -2010
  • An Analysis Of The Problems And Prospects Of Classified Advertising In Enugu Metropolis
  • An Investigation Into Marketing Implication Of Street Trading In Urban Centers
  • The Impact Of Promotion On Consumer Patronage Of Pharmaceutical Companies
  • Attitude Of Consumers Towards Made In Nigerian Goods
  • Brand Switching Behaviour Of Consumers In The Hair Care Service
  • The Impact Of Self Service On The Performance Of Supermarkets
  • The Effect Of Pricing Strategies On The Marketing Of Agricultural Products In Enugu State
  • Consumer Protection Laws In Nigeria And Its Implications On Nigerian Consumers
  • Appraisal Of Asset Valuation As A Tool For Marketing Business
  • Place Of Marketing In The Service Industries
  • A Critical Appraisal Of The Nigerian Export Promotion Council Strategies In The Export Of Nigeria Goods
  • An Evaluation Of Product Positioning Strategies For Marketing Indomie Breakfast Noodles
  • Role Of Marketing Communication In Effective Of Malt Drinks In Aba Metropolis
  • Factors That Influence Consumers Preference Of Detergent
  • The Role Of Public Relations In Improving Nigeria International Trade
  • Trade Fair As An Instrument Of Promotion Locally Manufactured Goods
  • Effective Marketing Strategies For Airlines Operating In Enugu Metropolis
  • The Importance Of Branding In The Marketing Of Unilever Products
  • Marketing Courier Service In Enugu State (A Case Study Of TNT/LA Of Nigeria)
  • The Impact Of Marketing Mix In The Accomplishment Of Organizational Objectives
  • The Impact Of Information Technology (It) In Marketing Of Banking Services
  • Effective Promotional Strategies For The Cosmetics Industry
  • Marketing Of Family Planning Services In Enugu Urban
  • Impact Of Information Technology In Banking Industry (A Case Study Of Skye Bank )
  • The Effect Of Personnel Selling On The Sales Of Isol Germicide In Enugu Urban
  • The Effect Of Advertising On Consumer Reference Patterns For Malt Drinks In Enugu Metropolis
  • Impact Of Television Advertising On Consumer Product Purchasing In Nigeria
  • An Appraisal Of Promotional Strategies Of Barbing Salons In Enugu Metropolis
  • Impact Of Transportation Cost On Consumers Retail Goods Prices
  • Effect Of Sales Promotion On Brand Loyalty For Coca-Cola Soft Drink
  • Effective Marketing Strategies For Colour Photo Processing Services
  • Effect Of Market Segmentation And Positioning Of Company Performance
  • The Problem Of Logistics In Marketing Fast Food In Enugu State
  • Product Innovation As An Effective Tool In A Competitive Market
  • Role Of Road Transportation Mode In The Marketing Of Agricultural Products
  • The Effect Of After Sales Services On Consumer Patronage
  • Marketing Of Catering Services In Enugu State
  • Evaluation Of Customer Service And Relationship Marketing In The Banking Industry
  • The Effects Of Television Advertising On The Sales Of Ariel Detergent In Enugu And Abia
  • Marketing Of Local Made Product A Case Study Of Local Made Hand Bass
  • Problem And Prospects Of Retail Marketing In IMT
  • Impact Of Sales Promotional Activities On The Consumption Of Soft Drink In Port Harcourt
  • Effective Marketing Strategies For Improved Performance Of Non – Durable Consumer Products
  • The Impact Of Marketing Mixin The Accomplishment Of Organisational Objectives
  • The Role Of Advertising In Marketing Of Hotel Services In Enugu Metropolis
  • Marketing Research As A Tool For Increased Profitability
  • The Determination Impact Of Advertising In Marketing Of Blue Omo Detergents In Enugu
  • Marketing Concept, Its Application By Financial Service Industries
  • Employee Relations Practice In The Aviation Industries In Nigeria
  • The Effect Of Globalization On Service Industry In Nigeria
  • Impact Of Marketing Mix In The Accomplishment Of Organization Objective
  • Impact Of Promotion On Marketing Of Detergent Product
  • Effectiveness Of Pricing Policy And Profit Planning In Nigerian Organizations
  • Effect Of Prepaid Meter In A Service Industry
  • Marketing Of Church Services (A Case Study Of Catholic Church In Enugu Metropolis)
  • Consumer Protection Policy In Nigeria
  • Analysis Of Consumer Product Acceptances On Brand Loyalty
  • The Impact Of NAFDAC On Marketing Of Drugs In Enugu State
  • Marketing Of Diary Product In Enugu Metropolis ( A Case Study Of Fan Milk Nigeria Plc)
  • An Appraisal Of Physical Distribution Policy (A Case Study Of Yoyo Pure Water Enugu State)
  • The Effectiveness Of Public Relations Practices In The Oil Sector A Case Study Of African Petroleum’S Plc
  • Product Planning Distribution And Management
  • Problems And Prospects Of Quality Control In Manufacturing Firms
  • Promotion As A Strategic Instrument In The Sales Of Malt Drinks
  • Pipeline Transportation And Its Significance To The Marketing Of Petroleum Products In Nigeria
  • Effective Promotional Strategies For Operations If Hair Dressing Saloon In Enugu Metropolis
  • The Effects Of Marketing Communication Mix On The Sales Volume In The Detergent Industry
  • Marketing Of Hotel Service In Warri Metropolis
  • Advertising: An Effective Promotional Tool For Marketing New Products
  • Impact Of Social Media On Consumer Buying Behavior
  • The Impact Of Personal Selling On Sale Volume Of Mobile Phones In Calabar Municipality
  • Constraints To Marketing Fish And Fish Product By Farmers
  • The Impact Of Innovative Marketing Strategy On Small Firms Performance In Niger State
  • The Impact Of Branding On Consumer’S Behaviour
  • The Role Of Advertising On The Marketing Of Suitcase In Enugu Metropolis
  • Marketing Technical Sales People For Higher Productivity
  • Consumer Protection And Drug Marketing In Nigeria
  • Consumer Brand Preference In The Purchase Of Beverage
  • Application Of Marketing Concept In Marketing Of Hair Dressing Services
  • An Appraisal Of Sales Promotion On The Choice Of Mobile Phone Operators
  • Promotional Strategy Of Mr Biggs Kaduna Branch And Its Impact On Sales Turnover
  • The Effect Of Marketing Strategies On Product Life Cycle
  • Impact Of Marketing Information System On Sales Performance
  • Effect Of Advertisement On Consumer Brand Preference
  • Marketing Research As A Tool For Increased Profitability In Service Industry
  • Role Of Marketing Ethics In Business Organization
  • Impact Of Marketing Planning And Strategy On Sales In An Organization
  • Influence Of Product Packaging On Consumer Buying Preference
  • Advertisers Preferences Of Media Channel Problems, Choice, And Reasons
  • An Overview Of Importance Of Enrichment In Food Processing
  • A Study On The Problems And Prospects Of Marketing Industrial Products In Enugu State
  • Assessment Of New Product Development And Management In Nigeria: A Study Of Unliever Nigeria Plc
  • Effective Marketing Strategies For Improved Performance Of Manufacturing Company In Aba Metropolis
  • Factors That Influence Consumer Purchase And Consumption Of Eggs In Enugu State
  • Effect Of Advertising On Sales Volume Of An Organization
  • The Influence Of Broadcast Media On The Sales Of Fast Moving Consumer Goods In Port Harcourt
  • Impact Of Branding And Packaging On Sales Turn Over Of Nestle Food Nigeria
  • Impact Of Mammy Market On The Livelihood Of Military Personnel In The Barracks With Reference To Sobi Cantonment Ilorin
  • An Appraisal Of Advertising As A Tool For Promoting Sales Of Soft Drinks
  • An Evaluation Of The Cost Of Packaging And Its Implication On The Profitability Of An Organization
  • Analysis Of Promotion Mix As Tools Of Marketing Communication
  • Application Of Marketing Concepts In Manufacturing Industry
  • Development And Functions Of Package In The Marketing Of Consumers Products
  • Enhancing The Sales Of Consumers Goods Using Marketing Segmentation
  • Study Of Effective Distribution Channel, Its Evaluation And Importance On Manufacturing Goods
  • Achieving Customer Satisfaction In A Multinational Company
  • Advertising As Complimentary Tool In Marketing Of Aluminum Kitchen Ware
  • An Appraisal Of The Promotional Strategies Of Soft Drinks Industry In Nigeria
  • Brand Differentiation And Positioning For Maximum Competitive Advantage
  • Brand Strategy As An Effective Tool For Corporate Identity
  • Assessing The Effect Of Relationship Marketing On Corporate Performance In Small Business Enterprises
  • Critical Analysis On Salesmanship Performance In Marketing Of A Company’S Product
  • Customer Satisfaction And Loyalty Inlogistics Services
  • Effect Of Communication On Organizational Development
  • Effect Of Corporate Social Responsibility On Organizational Performance
  • Effect Of Customer Relationship Management On Organizational Performance
  • Effect Of Forward Integration on Manufacturing Industry Performance
  • Effect Of Internet Advertising On Consumers’ Purchase Decision
  • Effect Of Total Quality Management On Manufacturing Sector’S Performance In Nigeria
  • Effect Of The Practice Of Social Responsibility On The Performance Of Small Medium Enterprises
  • Effect Of Retailing Strategy On Organizational Performance
  • Effect Of Physical Distribution On Organisational Performance
  • Effect Of Packaging On Consumer Behaviour
  • Effect Of Market Segmentation On performance Of Brewery Industry
  • Effective Channels Of Distribution In Product Market Share Development In Enhancing Organisational Performance
  • Effective Communication As A Tools For Determining Employee’S Job Performance
  • Effective Promotional Strategies On Profitability Of Aviation Industry
  • Effectiveness Of Trade Exhibition as A Marketing Tool In Small & Medium Scale Entrepreneurship
  • Effectiveness Of Strategic Marketing And Management On The Sustenance Of Growth In Nigerian Tertiary Institution
  • Effects Of Backward Integration Strategy On Organizational Performance
  • Effects Of Branding On Product Image
  • Effects Of Corporate Social Responsibility On Profitability And Corporate Image Of A Private Organization
  • Effects Of Environmental Factors On Business Location
  • Effects Of Physical Distribution On The Sale Of Consumable Products
  • Effects Of Product Packaging On Sales Volume In The Dairy Industry
  • Effects Of Product Quality On Brand Loyalty
  • Effects Of Strategic Planning On Organizational Goal Attainment
  • Evaluating Customer Service As An Aspect Of Quality Management
  • Factor Influencing Behavior And Performance Of Indigenous Entrepreneurs In Lagos State
  • Impact Of Advertisement On Consumable Goods
  • Impact Of Advertisement On Consumer Behaviour In Nigeria
  • Impact Of Corporate Social Responsibility On Organizational Performance
  • Impact Of Entrepreneurship Passion On Creative Capabilities Of Stock Operations
  • Impact Of Information And Communication Technology On Organization Performance
  • Impact Of Logistics Management In Marketing Of Agricultural Products
  • Impact Of Sales Promotion On Buying Decision
  • Training And Development As A Tool For Enhancing Employees Performance
  • Trade Unionism And Organisational Effectiveness
  • Third Party E-Commerce Platforms: Benefits And Barriers For Retail Businesses In Nigeria
  • The Strategic Optimization And Exportation Of Locally Manufactured Products In Nigeria
  • Roles Of Small Scale Enterprises In Employment Generation And Financial Growth In Nigeria
  • The Significance Of Strategic Marketing Practices To The Effective And Efficient Performance Of Small And Medium Scale Enterprise
  • Role Of Small Scale Industries In Selected Small Businesses In Lagos, Nigeria
  • Role Of Small Scale Business On The Economic Development In Nigeria
  • Role Of Small Scale Business In Industrial Technological Development Of Nigeria
  • Role Of Manpower Training And Development In The Achievement Of Organisational Objectives In Nigeria Banking
  • Role Of Manager In Small Scale Business Organisation
  • Role Of Capital Market In The Development Of Small Scale Businesses In Nigeria
  • Effect Of Relationship Marketing On Organizational Performance
  • Effectiveness Of Channel Of Distribution In The Soft Drink Industries
  • Effects Of Ethical Behaviour On Marketing Managers
  • Effect Of Product Quality Control On Customer’S Satisfaction
  • On Organisation Effectiveness The Impact Of Conflict Management
  • Impact Of Advertising On Sales Performance In The Soft Drink Industry
  • Evaluation Of Distribution Channel Of Petroleum Products
  • Impact Of Intensive Distribution Strategy On Marketing Of Consumer Goods
  • Impact Of Marketing Communication On Customer’S Loyalty To Consumers Product
  • Impact Of Market Orientation Practices On Organisational Performance In Nigerian Banking Industry
  • Impact Of Marketing Orientation On Small Scale Industry In Nigeria
  • Impact Of Marketing Strategies On The Performance Of Small Scale Enterprises
  • The Impact Of Marketing Strategy On Profitability Of Confectionary Product In Nigeria
  • Impact Of Promotional Mix On Sales Performance
  • Impact Of Product Diversification Strategy On Organizational Growth
  • Impact Of Sales Promotion In A Business Organisation
  • Consumer Goods (A Case Study Of Chi Retail Farms)
  • Impact Of Social Responsibility On Organisational Image
  • Impact Of Sales Promotion On Product Competitiveness Of Fast Moving Consumer Goods
  • Problems And Prospects Of Distributing Paints In Nigeria
  • Influence Of Sale Promotion On Employees Performance In An Organization
  • Effect Of Product Planning And Development In The Growth Of Organisation
  • Effect Of Media Advertisement On Sales Of Consumer Goods In Some Selected Marketing Firms In Lagos
  • Effect Of Materials Management On The Profitability Of The Manufacturing Company
  • Effect Of Marketing Communication On Consumer Buying Behaviour
  • Contribution Of Marketing Research For New Product Development
  • Survival strategies In Small Business (A Case Study Of Some Selected Small Scale Industries In Lagos State)
  • Strategic Planning As A Tool For Corporate Survival
  • Spatial Distribution Of Local Market And Variations In Prices Of Vegetable In Lagos State
  • Role Of Marketing Research In Gaining Market Share
  • Market Orientation And Company Performance
  • Packaging As A Tool Of Achieving Higher Profitability In A Manufacturing Company
  • Promotional Strategies As Tool For Improving Marketing Management In Nigeria
  • Relationship Selling: Its Effects On Salesman Performance In Service Industry
  • Role Of Celebrity Advertising In Consumer Brand Loyalty
  • Customer Relationship Marketing Practice And Performance
  • The Significance Of Price In Consumer Purchase Decision In Edo State
  • Role Of Retailer In The Distribution Of Consumer Goods
  • Impact Of Marketing Planning And Control In Manufacturing Company
  • The Importance Of Marketing In Service Organization (A Case Study Of Uba Bank)
  • Importance Of Distribution Channel To The Marketing Of A Product In An Organization
  • Impact Of Promotional Strategies In The Management Of Supermarket
  • Impact Of Advertising On Consumer Purchase Decision
  • Code Mixing And Code Switching Among Market Women In Nigeria
  • Significance Of Product Quality On The Demand For Industrial Products
  • A Study On The Importance Of Branding And Packaging On Marketing Productivity Of Locally Made Products
  • Effective And Efficient Marketing Of Poultry Products
  • Consumer Preparation Of Insurance Services In Nigeria
  • Consumer Preference For Malta – Guiness, Maltina And Vita Malt Brands Of Malt Drinks
  • Assessment Of The Practice Of Marketing Concept In Banking Industries In Nigeria
  • An Appraisal Of Promotional Strategies Of Barbing Salons In Enugu Metropolis (A Case Study Of Top Class Barbing Salon Awkunanaw Enugu
  • Effective Marketing Of Television Service In Enugu Metropolis
  • Advertising And Sales Of Beverages In Enugu Urban (A Case Study Of Bournvita Product Made By Cadbury Nig. Plc)
  • Problem And Prospects Of Marketing Auto maintenance Service
  • Impact Of Modern Packaging On Product Sales In Cosmetics Industry
  • The Bases For Market Segmentation In A Service Organization In Enugu Metropolis
  • Trade Fair As An Instrument Of Increasing Marketing Performance
  • Role Of Public Relations In Improving The Image Of Tertiary Institutions In Enugu Metropolis
  • Role Of Public Relation As A Tool For Customer Service Industry
  • Role Of Product Advertising On Sales Volume Of Companies
  • The Marketing Problem Prospects Of The Five Star Hotels In Enugu Metropolis
  • Impacts Of Advertising On The Marketing Of Hotel Services In Enugu Metropolis
  • Impact Of Tv Advertising On The Marketing Of GSM Service In Enugu Metropolis
  • Impact Of Promotional Activities On The Marketing Of Goldenmorn Products In Enugu Metropolis
  • Impact Of Personal Selling In The Marketing Of Beverages
  • Impact Of Marketing Logistics On Corporate Profitability In The Brewery Industry
  • Impact Of Advertising On Sales Of Mobile Phone
  • Effectiveness Of Promotional Strategies Employed By Agro- Allied Industries In Nigeria
  • The Effectiveness Of Physical Distribution Of Charis Satchet Water
  • The Effectiveness Of Physical Distribution In Nigerian Bottling Company
  • The Effectiveness Of Personal Selling Strategies In Marketing Of Cosmetics
  • The Effectiveness Of Personal Selling In The Marketing Of Capital Goods
  • Effectiveness Of Marketing Communication Mix In Creating Awareness Of A Brand
  • The Effectiveness Of Consumer Service Delivery In The Fast Food Industry
  • Effect Of Sales Promotion On The Marketing Of Coca-Cola Brand Of Soft Drinks
  • Effect Of Sales Force Motivation On Productivity
  • The Economic Effect Of Unemployment On The Nigeria Economy
  • The Concept Of Opinion Leadership And Its Influence In The Marketing Of Fashion Products
  • Attitude Of Nigerians Towards Made In Nigerian Products
  • Application Of Marketing Concepts In Banking Industry And Its Effect On Customer Satisfaction
  • Internal Marketing Practices And Employees Productivity In Public Institutions In Nigeria
  • Effect Of Marketing Research On Product Development
  • Effects Of Pricing On Consumption Of Champion Lager Beer
  • Effects Of Motivation On Salesforce Performance In Guinness Nigeria Plc And Mobile Telecommunication Network
  • Effect Of Market Segmentation On Sales Performance Of Beverage Industries
  • Service Delivery As An Instrument Of Accessing Competitive Advantage In Marketing
  • Problems And Prospects Of Marketing In Small-Scale Business In Nigeria
  • The Effect Of Branding On Product Marketing
  • Effectiveness Of Social Media In News Production
  • Comparison Of Social Media And Radio Stations On The Assessment Of News Information
  • Perception Of Students Towards Social Media As A Marketing Tools
  • Using Information Technology And Social Media To Enhancxe Information Sharing And Public Participation In Governance Freedom Of Information Act In Nigeria
  • Use Of Social Media As A Channel Of Information And Communication
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  • Need For The Application Of Marketing Concept In Government Establishment
  • The Influence Of Packaging As A Promotional Tool In The Detergent Industry
  • Impact Of Sales Person In Motivating Consumers Brand Performance For Beer Product
  • The Impact Of Product Of Branding On The Sales Of Consumer Product
  • The Impact Of Product Innovation On The Growth Of A Firm
  • The Impact Of Application Of Marketing Concept In The Nigeria Public Sector Industry
  • The Impact Of Advertising On The Company Marketing Growth
  • The Impact Marketing Research On The Marketing Performance Of Soft Drink In Nigeria
  • Effectiveness Of Marketing Promotions In The Sale Of Textile Products
  • The Effect Of Sales Promotion As A Tool For Achieving Customers Brand Loyalty In The Table Water Industry
  • The Effect Of Promotional Mix Marketing Of Airline Service In Nigeria
  • The Effect Of Promotion Strategies On The Marketing Performance In Educational Services
  • The Effect Of Product Re-Packaging On The Sales Revenue Of Companies
  • The Effect Of Product Life Cycle On Organization Sales
  • The Effect Of Personal Selling On Marketing Performance Of Industrial Product
  • The Application Of Marketing Concept In The Nigeria Public Sector Company
  • Strategic Marketing Planning As A Means Of Achieving Increase In Market Share In The Competitive Market
  • Sales Promotion In Increasing The Levels Of Network Patronage In The Telecoms Industry In Nigeria
  • Sales Promotion: A Tool For Achieving Customers Brand Loyalty In The Table Water Industry
  • Sales Management In The Brewery Industry
  • Relevance Of Marketing Information System In The Achievement Of Organizational Objective
  • Strategies For Introducing A New Product In The Market
  • Marketing Strategy For Airlines
  • Marketing Research As A Instrument For Increased Profitability In Service Company
  • Marketing Planning As A Means Of Achieving Increase In Market Share In Nigeria
  • Market Segmentation As An Efficient Tool Of Achieving Increased Market Share
  • Effective Sales Force Motivation As A Means Of Achieving Increased Market Share In A Competitive Industry
  • Impact Strategic Marketing In Nigerian Banks
  • Guerrilla Marketing For Improving Performance Of Marketing Of Hotel Services In Nigeria
  • The Effect Of Test Marketing On Product Innovation
  • Effects Of Television Adverting In Consumer Behaviour
  • Effectiveness Of Strategic Marketing In Nigerian Banks
  • Effective Branding Decision And Customers Choice Of Beverage
  • Effects Of Job Satisfaction On Employee Performance
  • Automatic In Business Organization
  • An Evaluation Of Sales Promotion In Increasing The Levels Of Network Patronage In The Telecommunication Industry
  • An Appraisal Of The Distribution Strategies Of Ice Cream Firm
  • An Analysis Of The Impact Of Marketing Information System In New Planning Development And Planning
  • A Critical Study Of The Impact Of Advertising On Consumers Patronage
  • A Study Of The Product Distribution System In The Brewery Industry
  • An Appraisal Of Marketing Mix Application In Retail Businesses
  • The Effect Of Advertising On A Company’S Product
  • Effect Of Marketing Planning On The Performance Of Service Organization
  • The Effects Of Packaging On Sales Of Consumer Product
  • Going Beyond Just Advertising And Its Impact To Sales Turnover Of A Company
  • Impact Of Advertising On The Purchase Of Etisalat Recharge Cards
  • Impact Of Sales Promotion On The Marketing Of Soft Drinks
  • Importance Of Product Life Cycle In Marketing Organization
  • Influence Of Advertisement In Consumer’S Buying Behaviour
  • Influence Of Pricing Strategy On The Sales Of New Product
  • Marketing Of Petroleum Products
  • Marketing Strategies As A Technique For Profit Maximization In Manufacturing Enterprise
  • New Product Development Test Marketing Prospect And Challenges
  • Packaging As A Promotional Tools In The Marketing Of Consumer Goods
  • Political Marketing In Nigeria ( Case Study of APC and PDP )
  • Role Of Advertising In The Sales Of Nigeria Made Goods
  • Role Of Marketing In Nigeria Banking Sector
  • Service Delivery And Customer Satisfaction In Transport Business
  • Significance Of Personal Selling In The Marketing Of Detergent
  • Significance Of Price In Introduction Of New Product
  • Significance Of Price On The Sales Of New Product
  • Strategies For Marketing A New Product In A Saturated Market
  • The Effect Of Advertising On The Sales Of Toothpaste
  • The Effect Of Culture On Consumers Buying Behaviour
  • The Effect Of Packaging On Consumer Buying Decision
  • The Effect Of Packaging On The Sales Of A Company’S Product
  • The Effect Of Promotional Activities On The Consumption Of A Company Product
  • The Effect Of Purchasing And Supply Activities In Construction Industry
  • Effect Of Television Advertisement On Buying Behaviour With Regards To Household Necessity
  • The Effectiveness Of Advertising On The Marketing Of Consumes’ Product
  • The Effects Of Sales Promotion On Consumer Buying Decision
  • The Impact Of Advertising On The Buying Habit Of Rural Dwellers
  • The Impact Of Advertising On The Consumption Of Noodle Foods
  • The Impact Of Marketing Information System On Managerial Decision Making
  • The Impact Of Product Quality On Consumer Brand Loyalty
  • The Impact Of Promotional Activities On The Purchase Of A Company’S Product
  • The Importance Of Branding And Packaging As A Means Of Sales Promotion In An Organization In Nigeria
  • The Importance Of Packaging As A Promotional Tool In The Marketing Of Consumer Drinks And Food
  • The Importance Of Packaging As A Tool For Implementing A Company Marketing Programmes
  • Importance Of Promotion As A Component In The Marketing Mix Element On Profitability
  • The Role Of Sales Promotion On The Profitability Of A Firm’S Product In A Depressed Economy
  • The Significance Of Advertising In The Management Of Business Organization
  • The Significance Of Product Quality In The Marketing Of Soft Drink
  • The Significance Of Price In Consumer Purchase Decision
  • The Significance Of Marketing Planning In A Business Organization
  • The Significance Of Distribution In The Marketing Of Consumer Goods
  • The Significance Of Brand Positioning In Marketing Activities
  • Securing Customers Patronage Through Product Innovation In New Beverages Nigeria Limited
  • The Impacts Of Pricing In Marketing Of Coke Drinks
  • Impact Of Online Marketing On Small And Medium Enterprises
  • Social Media: Effects On Market Share Improvement In The Service Industry
  • The Impact Of Online Marketing On The Performance Of Small And Medium Scale Enterprises (SMES) In Nigeria
  • The Influence Of Customer Relationship Management On The Sales Of KFC Products
  • The Role Of Marketing Research In The Planning And Development Of A New Product
  • Outsourcing As A Strategy For Reducing Overhead Costs
  • Product Differentiation As A Survival Strategy In A Competitive Marketing Environment
  • Product Failure: The Causes And Effects On The Nigerian Economy
  • Public Services Marketing
  • Application Of Marketing Concept In The Nigeria Public Sector Industry
  • Effectiveness Of Trade Exhibition As A Marketing Tool In Small & Medium Scale Entrepreneurs
  • Impact Of E-Payment On Online Shopping Behaviour
  • Product Quality As A Basis For Consumer’S Patronage
  • Marketing Strategies And Their Effects In Sales Expansion In Organisation
  • The Marketing Strategy And Consumer Purchase Behavior
  • Marketing Strategy In The Hotel Industry
  • The Relevance Of Advertising As A Determinant Of Customer Patronage In The Fast Food Industry
  • Relationship Marketing: A Necessary Tool For Organisational Performance
  • Effect Of Celebrity Endorsement On Increased Sales Volume Of Guinness Malt Market (Distributor)


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Image credit: Claire Scully

New advances in technology are upending education, from the recent debut of new artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots like ChatGPT to the growing accessibility of virtual-reality tools that expand the boundaries of the classroom. For educators, at the heart of it all is the hope that every learner gets an equal chance to develop the skills they need to succeed. But that promise is not without its pitfalls.

“Technology is a game-changer for education – it offers the prospect of universal access to high-quality learning experiences, and it creates fundamentally new ways of teaching,” said Dan Schwartz, dean of Stanford Graduate School of Education (GSE), who is also a professor of educational technology at the GSE and faculty director of the Stanford Accelerator for Learning . “But there are a lot of ways we teach that aren’t great, and a big fear with AI in particular is that we just get more efficient at teaching badly. This is a moment to pay attention, to do things differently.”

For K-12 schools, this year also marks the end of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding program, which has provided pandemic recovery funds that many districts used to invest in educational software and systems. With these funds running out in September 2024, schools are trying to determine their best use of technology as they face the prospect of diminishing resources.

Here, Schwartz and other Stanford education scholars weigh in on some of the technology trends taking center stage in the classroom this year.

AI in the classroom

In 2023, the big story in technology and education was generative AI, following the introduction of ChatGPT and other chatbots that produce text seemingly written by a human in response to a question or prompt. Educators immediately worried that students would use the chatbot to cheat by trying to pass its writing off as their own. As schools move to adopt policies around students’ use of the tool, many are also beginning to explore potential opportunities – for example, to generate reading assignments or coach students during the writing process.

AI can also help automate tasks like grading and lesson planning, freeing teachers to do the human work that drew them into the profession in the first place, said Victor Lee, an associate professor at the GSE and faculty lead for the AI + Education initiative at the Stanford Accelerator for Learning. “I’m heartened to see some movement toward creating AI tools that make teachers’ lives better – not to replace them, but to give them the time to do the work that only teachers are able to do,” he said. “I hope to see more on that front.”

He also emphasized the need to teach students now to begin questioning and critiquing the development and use of AI. “AI is not going away,” said Lee, who is also director of CRAFT (Classroom-Ready Resources about AI for Teaching), which provides free resources to help teach AI literacy to high school students across subject areas. “We need to teach students how to understand and think critically about this technology.”

Immersive environments

The use of immersive technologies like augmented reality, virtual reality, and mixed reality is also expected to surge in the classroom, especially as new high-profile devices integrating these realities hit the marketplace in 2024.

The educational possibilities now go beyond putting on a headset and experiencing life in a distant location. With new technologies, students can create their own local interactive 360-degree scenarios, using just a cell phone or inexpensive camera and simple online tools.

“This is an area that’s really going to explode over the next couple of years,” said Kristen Pilner Blair, director of research for the Digital Learning initiative at the Stanford Accelerator for Learning, which runs a program exploring the use of virtual field trips to promote learning. “Students can learn about the effects of climate change, say, by virtually experiencing the impact on a particular environment. But they can also become creators, documenting and sharing immersive media that shows the effects where they live.”

Integrating AI into virtual simulations could also soon take the experience to another level, Schwartz said. “If your VR experience brings me to a redwood tree, you could have a window pop up that allows me to ask questions about the tree, and AI can deliver the answers.”


Another trend expected to intensify this year is the gamification of learning activities, often featuring dynamic videos with interactive elements to engage and hold students’ attention.

“Gamification is a good motivator, because one key aspect is reward, which is very powerful,” said Schwartz. The downside? Rewards are specific to the activity at hand, which may not extend to learning more generally. “If I get rewarded for doing math in a space-age video game, it doesn’t mean I’m going to be motivated to do math anywhere else.”

Gamification sometimes tries to make “chocolate-covered broccoli,” Schwartz said, by adding art and rewards to make speeded response tasks involving single-answer, factual questions more fun. He hopes to see more creative play patterns that give students points for rethinking an approach or adapting their strategy, rather than only rewarding them for quickly producing a correct response.

Data-gathering and analysis

The growing use of technology in schools is producing massive amounts of data on students’ activities in the classroom and online. “We’re now able to capture moment-to-moment data, every keystroke a kid makes,” said Schwartz – data that can reveal areas of struggle and different learning opportunities, from solving a math problem to approaching a writing assignment.

But outside of research settings, he said, that type of granular data – now owned by tech companies – is more likely used to refine the design of the software than to provide teachers with actionable information.

The promise of personalized learning is being able to generate content aligned with students’ interests and skill levels, and making lessons more accessible for multilingual learners and students with disabilities. Realizing that promise requires that educators can make sense of the data that’s being collected, said Schwartz – and while advances in AI are making it easier to identify patterns and findings, the data also needs to be in a system and form educators can access and analyze for decision-making. Developing a usable infrastructure for that data, Schwartz said, is an important next step.

With the accumulation of student data comes privacy concerns: How is the data being collected? Are there regulations or guidelines around its use in decision-making? What steps are being taken to prevent unauthorized access? In 2023 K-12 schools experienced a rise in cyberattacks, underscoring the need to implement strong systems to safeguard student data.

Technology is “requiring people to check their assumptions about education,” said Schwartz, noting that AI in particular is very efficient at replicating biases and automating the way things have been done in the past, including poor models of instruction. “But it’s also opening up new possibilities for students producing material, and for being able to identify children who are not average so we can customize toward them. It’s an opportunity to think of entirely new ways of teaching – this is the path I hope to see.”

50 Best Finance Dissertation Topics For Research Students

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50 Best Finance Dissertation Topics For Research Students

Finance Dissertation Made Easier!

Embarking on your dissertation adventure? Look no further! Choosing the right finance dissertation topics is like laying the foundation for your research journey in Finance, and we're here to light up your path. In this blog, we're diving deep into why dissertation topics in finance matter so much. We've got some golden writing tips to share with you! We're also unveiling the secret recipe for structuring a stellar finance dissertation and exploring intriguing topics across various finance sub-fields. Whether you're captivated by cryptocurrency, risk management strategies, or exploring the wonders of Internet banking, microfinance, retail and commercial banking - our buffet of Finance dissertation topics will surely set your research spirit on fire!

What is a Finance Dissertation?

Finance dissertations are academic papers that delve into specific finance topics chosen by students, covering areas such as stock markets, banking, risk management, and healthcare finance. These dissertations require extensive research to create a compelling report and contribute to the student's confidence and satisfaction in the field of Finance. Now, let's understand why these dissertations are so important and why choosing the right Finance dissertation topics is crucial!

Why Are Finance Dissertation Topics Important?

Choosing the dissertation topics for Finance students is essential as it will influence the course of your research. It determines the direction and scope of your study. You must make sure that the Finance dissertation topics you choose are relevant to your field of interest, or you may end up finding it more challenging to write. Here are a few reasons why finance thesis topics are important:

1. Relevance

Opting for relevant finance thesis topics ensures that your research contributes to the existing body of knowledge and addresses contemporary issues in the field of Finance. Choosing a dissertation topic in Finance that is relevant to the industry can make a meaningful impact and advance understanding in your chosen area.

2. Personal Interest

Selecting Finance dissertation topics that align with your interests and career goals is vital. When genuinely passionate about your research area, you are more likely to stay motivated during the dissertation process. Your interest will drive you to explore the subject thoroughly and produce high-quality work.

3. Future Opportunities

Well-chosen Finance dissertation topics can open doors to various future opportunities. It can enhance your employability by showcasing your expertise in a specific finance area. It may lead to potential research collaborations and invitations to conferences in your field of interest.

4. Academic Supervision

Your choice of topics for dissertation in Finance also influences the availability of academic supervisors with expertise in your chosen area. Selecting a well-defined research area increases the likelihood of finding a supervisor to guide you effectively throughout the dissertation. Their knowledge and guidance will greatly contribute to the success of your research.

Writing Tips for Finance Dissertation

A lot of planning, formatting, and structuring goes into writing a dissertation. It starts with deciding on topics for a dissertation in Finance and conducting tons of research, deciding on methods, and so on. However, you can navigate the process more effectively with proper planning and organisation. Below are some tips to assist you along the way, and here is a blog on the 10 tips on writing a dissertation that can give you more information, should you need it!

1. Select a Manageable Topic

Choosing Finance research topics within the given timeframe and resources is important. Select a research area that interests you and aligns with your career goals. It will help you stay inspired throughout the dissertation process.

2. Conduct a Thorough Literature Review

A comprehensive literature review forms the backbone of your research. After choosing the Finance dissertation topics, dive deep into academic papers, books, and industry reports, gaining a solid understanding of your chosen area to identify research gaps and establish the significance of your study.

3. Define Clear Research Objectives

Clearly define your dissertation's research questions and objectives. It will provide a clear direction for your research and guide your data collection, analysis, and overall structure. Ensure your objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

4. Collect and Analyse Data

Depending on your research methodology and your Finance dissertation topics, collect and analyze relevant data to support your findings. It may involve conducting surveys, interviews, experiments, and analyzing existing datasets. Choose appropriate statistical techniques and qualitative methods to derive meaningful insights from your data.

5. Structure and Organization

Pay attention to the structure and organization of your dissertation. Follow a logical progression of chapters and sections, ensuring that each chapter contributes to the overall coherence of your study. Use headings, subheadings, and clear signposts to guide the reader through your work.

6. Proofread and Edit

Once you have completed the writing process, take the time to proofread and edit your dissertation carefully. Check for clarity, coherence, and proper grammar. Ensure that your arguments are well-supported, and eliminate any inconsistencies or repetitions. Pay attention to formatting, citation styles, and consistency in referencing throughout your dissertation.

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Finance Dissertation Topics

Now that you know what a finance dissertation is and why they are important, it's time to have a look at some of the best Finance dissertation topics. For your convenience, we have segregated these topics into categories, including cryptocurrency, risk management, internet banking, and so many more. So, let's dive right in and explore the best Finance dissertation topics:

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Cryptocurrency

1. The Impact of Regulatory Frameworks on the Volatility and Liquidity of Cryptocurrencies.

2. Exploring the Factors Influencing Cryptocurrency Adoption: A Comparative Study.

3. Assessing the Efficiency and Market Integration of Cryptocurrency Exchanges.

4. An Analysis of the Relationship between Cryptocurrency Prices and Macroeconomic Factors.

5. The Role of Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) in Financing Startups: Opportunities and Challenges.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Risk Management

1. The Effectiveness of Different Risk Management Strategies in Mitigating Financial Risks in Banking Institutions.

2. The Role of Derivatives in Hedging Financial Risks: A Comparative Study.

3. Analyzing the Impact of Risk Management Practices on Firm Performance: A Case Study of a Specific Industry.

4. The Use of Stress Testing in Evaluating Systemic Risk: Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis.

5. Assessing the Relationship between Corporate Governance and Risk Management in Financial Institutions.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Internet Banking

1. Customer Adoption of Internet Banking: An Empirical Study on Factors Influencing Usage.

Enhancing Security in Internet Banking: Exploring Biometric Authentication Technologies.

2. The Impact of Mobile Banking Applications on Customer Engagement and Satisfaction.

3. Evaluating the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Internet Banking Services in Emerging Markets.

4. The Role of Social Media in Shaping Customer Perception and Adoption of Internet Banking.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Microfinance

1. The Impact of Microfinance on Poverty Alleviation: A Comparative Study of Different Models.

2. Exploring the Role of Microfinance in Empowering Women Entrepreneurs.

3. Assessing the Financial Sustainability of Microfinance Institutions in Developing Countries.

4. The Effectiveness of Microfinance in Promoting Rural Development: Evidence from a Specific Region.

5. Analyzing the Relationship between Microfinance and Entrepreneurial Success: A Longitudinal Study.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Retail and Commercial Banking

1. The Impact of Digital Transformation on Retail and Commercial Banking: A Case Study of a Specific Bank.

2. Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Retail Banking: An Analysis of Service Quality Dimensions.

3. Analyzing the Relationship between Bank Branch Expansion and Financial Performance.

4. The Role of Fintech Startups in Disrupting Retail and Commercial Banking: Opportunities and Challenges.

5. Assessing the Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on the Performance of Retail and Commercial Banks.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Alternative Investment

1. The Performance and Risk Characteristics of Hedge Funds: A Comparative Analysis.

2. Exploring the Role of Private Equity in Financing and Growing Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.

3. Analyzing the Relationship between Real Estate Investments and Portfolio Diversification.

4. The Potential of Impact Investing: Evaluating the Social and Financial Returns.

5. Assessing the Risk-Return Tradeoff in Cryptocurrency Investments: A Comparative Study.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to International Affairs

1. The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on International Trade: A Case Study of a Specific Industry.

2. Analyzing the Effectiveness of Capital Controls in Managing Financial Crises: Comparative Study of Different Countries.

3. The Role of International Financial Institutions in Promoting Economic Development in Developing Countries.

4. Evaluating the Implications of Trade Wars on Global Financial Markets.

5. Assessing the Role of Central Banks in Managing Financial Stability in a Globalized Economy.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Sustainable Finance

1. The impact of sustainable investing on financial performance.

2. The role of green bonds in financing climate change mitigation and adaptation.

3. The development of carbon markets.

4. The use of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in investment decision-making.

5. The challenges and opportunities of sustainable Finance in emerging markets.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Investment Banking

1. The valuation of distressed assets.

2. The pricing of derivatives.

3. The risk management of financial institutions.

4. The regulation of investment banks.

5. The impact of technology on the investment banking industry.

Dissertation topics in Finance related to Actuarial Science

1. The development of new actuarial models for pricing insurance products.

2. The use of big data in actuarial analysis.

3. The impact of climate change on insurance risk.

4. The design of pension plans that are sustainable in the long term.

5. The use of actuarial science to manage risk in other industries, such as healthcare and Finance.

Tips To Find Good Finance Dissertation Topics 

Embarking on a financial dissertation journey requires careful consideration of various factors. Your choice of topic in finance research topics is pivotal, as it sets the stage for the entire research process. Finding a good financial dissertation topic is essential to blend your interests with the current trends in the financial landscape. We suggest the following tips that can help you pick the perfect dissertation topic:

1. Identify your interests and strengths 

2. Check for current relevance

3. Feedback from your superiors

4. Finalise the research methods

5. Gather the data

6. Work on the outline of your dissertation

7. Make a draft and proofread it

In this blog, we have discussed the importance of finance thesis topics and provided valuable writing tips and tips for finding the right topic, too. We have also presented a list of topics within various subfields of Finance. With this, we hope you have great ideas for finance dissertations. Good luck with your finance research journey!

Frequently Asked Questions

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    PDF. Essays on multiple identities and motivated consumption: Exploring the role of identity centrality on self-brand connections, Tracy R. Harmon. PDF. The impact of organizational climate variables of perceived organizational support, workplace isolation, and ethical climate on salesperson psychological and behavioral work outcomes, Robert J ...

  13. PDF Marketing Research Lesson 1

    The teacher leads a class discussion about marketing research. You could ask students what they understand by marketing research, and why it could be important for marketing. You could then synthesize the various elements in the following points: Information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems.

  14. Principles of Marketing

    I would prefer that market research to be closer to the front of book. Market research is a first step in understanding customer needs, product features, markets, segments, promotion and ad concepts, etc. It seems out of place near the end of the text. Otherwise, the organization is logical and clear. Interface rating: 5

  15. PDF Marketing Research Lesson 2

    students develop a scientific attitude towards all academic disciplines. What Worked and What I Would Do Differently: If students can be allowed to participate in actual marketing research experiments, such experiences could be valuable, and easily integrated into this lesson. For example, students could be asked to attend experiments at the

  16. Marketing Research

    By: Fareena Sultan. Summarizes and synthesizes materials in the following notes: Marketing Situation Assessment, Marketing Research: An Overview of Research Methods, and Research Methods in Marketing: Survey Research. Length: 13 page (s) Publication Date: Aug 29, 1991. Discipline: Marketing. Product #: 592013-PDF-ENG.

  17. 100 Marketing Project Topics For MBA Projects

    This document lists 100 potential marketing project topics for MBA students and interns. The topics cover a wide range of marketing areas including social media marketing, consumer behavior analysis, branding, public relations, and business development. They provide opportunities to research marketing strategies for different industries and conduct analysis of companies' marketing activities.

  18. (PDF) Case Studies In Marketing Research

    The use of case studies for Marketing Research has been examined. Starting with a topic selection, students collected the background information from various sources. A focus group was conducted ...

  19. PDF BBA-206 Marketing Research

    Cluster analysis is a class of statistical techniques that can be applied to data that exhibit "natural" groupings. Cluster analysis sorts through the raw data and groups them into clusters. A cluster is a group of relatively homogeneous cases or observations. Objects in a cluster are similar to each other.

  20. 170+ Research Topics In Education (+ Free Webinar)

    The impact of poverty on education. The use of student data to inform instruction. The role of parental involvement in education. The effects of mindfulness practices in the classroom. The use of technology in the classroom. The role of critical thinking in education.

  21. (PDF) Marketing Projects

    11 Guimond and Dambrun (2002). 10 Marketing Projects. In one way or another, the main cause s of failure in org aniz ations relate to peo-. ple. Some of the top causes attr ibuted by managers a re ...

  22. List of Marketing Project Topics and Materials PDF Download

    List of Marketing Project Topics and Research Thesis Materials PDF and DOC File Download for Final Year Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students in the University and Polytechnic. Approved Read-Made Marketing Research Topics with Seminar Works for the Degree of National Diploma (ND), Higher National Diploma (HND), (BSC) Bachelor of Sciences ...

  23. Marketing Project Topics and Materials PDF Free Download (2024)

    All project topics in marketing, listed on this page are easy and recent works from 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. They are complete ready-made project material PDF available for instant download from chapters 1-5 with references and questionnaires. Final year students can download research publications here for free while few marketing project ...

  24. How technology is reinventing K-12 education

    With new technologies, students can create their own local interactive 360-degree scenarios, using just a cell phone or inexpensive camera and simple online tools.

  25. 50 Best Finance Dissertation Topics For Research Students

    1. Select a Manageable Topic. Choosing Finance research topics within the given timeframe and resources is important. Select a research area that interests you and aligns with your career goals. It will help you stay inspired throughout the dissertation process. 2. Conduct a Thorough Literature Review

  26. 180+ Presentation Topic Ideas [Plus Templates]

    List of Presentation Topic Ideas for Students. We know how difficult it is to come up with an interesting presentation topic idea on the fly. That's why we put together a list of more than 200 ideas to help you out. We've organized these presentation topics for students by subject so you can easily browse through and find what you're looking for.