Make a positive first impression and set the tone for your leadership team by mastering your introduction.

Moving into a new role is one of the biggest challenges you can face as a manager. In fact, nearly half of all new managers fail at their assigned objectives. The good news is that being strategic about how you start your new role can have a big impact on your effectiveness as a leader.

The first step to a successful transition is to think about how you want to introduce yourself to your new team. According to Michael Watkins, your introduction is an opportunity to hit the ground running and set your team up for success.

“Step back and ask yourself questions like, what new relationships do I need to build to be effective? What things do I need to learn about that I don’t understand today but are necessary? How am I going to get early wins in this situation?” — Michael Watkins, author of The First 90 Days, on the Supermanagers podcast

Much more than just a “hello,” your introduction is a key time to build trust and credibility, set expectations, and build a foundation for your team’s collaboration. Read on for a step-by-step guide on how to manage your introduction with helpful tools and examples to get started.

How to introduce yourself to a new team

How fellow can help you introduce yourself to a new team, examples of how to introduce yourself to a new team, first team meeting agenda template.

  • Send a positive message or email introducing yourself
  • Schedule a team meeting
  • Start with an icebreaker or by sharing a fun fact
  • Talk about your professional background and experience
  • Open the floor for questions from the team
  • Write an “about me” or “read me” page
  • Schedule one-on-one meetings to connect with each individual
  • Set expectations about team meetings and communication cadence

1 Send a positive message or email introducing yourself

As soon as you start, send a brief email or message to introduce yourself and express your enthusiasm for working with your new team. Use a friendly subject line like “A Quick Hello” and share a brief description of yourself and your experience. Make sure to learn about the company culture before sending your introduction. For example, if the culture is more relaxed, you can include a few fun facts about yourself; if it’s more formal, stick to a summary of your professional background. Let people know you’ll be scheduling a team meeting followed by one-on-ones and encourage them to reach out with any questions in the meantime.

2 Schedule a team meeting

You can make a good impression by running a well-organized introductory meeting with your new team. The objective of this meeting is to establish rapport, learn about your team, and set the tone as a new leader. Creating an agenda and sharing it ahead of time will help you stay on track—we’ve even included a template below! Make sure to read up on your team members before the meeting so you know their names, roles, and some details about their professional skills and accomplishments to begin fostering positive working relationships.

With Fellow , you can easily schedule meetings, automatically share agendas with attendees, and add actions in real time to run a successful first meeting.

new leader introduction presentation

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Level up your meeting habits to boost engagement and productivity with a collaborative meeting agenda. Try a tool like Fellow!

new leader introduction presentation

3 Start with an icebreaker or by sharing a fun fact

Kick off your meeting with an icebreaker to get to know your new team and help people relax. You can ask a question like, “What’s a bucket list item you want to complete this year?” or “What movie or TV show character do you relate to the most, and why?” or even ask team members to pitch their favorite vacation spot to the group in 30 seconds. Sharing some fun personal facts will help you bond with your new team and allow people to express their personalities. For more ideas, check out our list of the best icebreaker questions .

4 Talk about your professional background and experience 

Research shows that when forming a first impression, people evaluate two main factors: competence and trustworthiness. Sharing your professional highlights is a good way to demonstrate the former; you can mention companies you’ve worked for, notable projects, and areas of expertise. Be mindful of your tone and body language so you come across as relaxed and confident instead of boastful. If you have previous experience as a manager, you’ve also developed an important set of skills. You can share your managerial experience with your team and briefly describe your management philosophy to demonstrate credibility.

5 Open the floor for questions from the team

An effective way to build trust with your team is to invite them to ask questions and to answer openly and honestly. By including a section for questions in the meeting agenda and sharing it ahead of time, you’ll give everyone the chance to come up with any questions. People may have some anxiety or uncertainty about having a new manager , so it’s important to show empathy and support your team members during the transition. Be an active listener when they share questions and concerns, and remember that it’s okay not to have all the answers. In fact, sometimes it’s even preferable; you’ll gain more respect by listening and learning than by coming up with answers immediately.

6 Write an “about me” or “read me” page

A best practice in management is to create a ‘user guide’ to help your team members get to know you and explain how you like to work. For example, PatientPing CEO Jay Desai credits his personal user guide as an important part of improving his team’s collaboration. When writing your user guide, include information about your values, expectations, communication styles, and personality traits. You can also add a few interests and hobbies to help people connect with you on a personal level.

If there’s a company wiki, you can add your user guide there; otherwise, share it as a document with your team. User guides aren’t just for managers, either! Encourage your team members to create their own user guides for a fun way to learn more about them.

7 Schedule one-on-one meetings to connect with each individual

Schedule a one-on-one with each of your new team members to meet them and address any questions or concerns they may have. Ask them about their communication style, their preferred method for receiving feedback, and how they perceive their strengths and weaknesses. It’s also a good time to find out about their professional goals and how you can support them. These one-on-ones are an important opportunity to build trust on an individual level and lay the foundation for effective collaboration. Sharing an agenda ahead of time will allow people to reflect on their answers before the meeting for a thoughtful discussion.

8 Set expectations about team meetings and communication cadence

Establish clear expectations around communication from the start to prevent misunderstandings that could erode trust with your new team. As a group, discuss details like communication channels and frequency, meeting cadence , and response times. Specifically relating to meetings, you can cover how agendas will work, who will take notes, your method for assigning action items , and how you’ll collect feedback to optimize meeting effectiveness.

When setting communication guidelines, make sure to honor company culture and uphold values like trust, open communication, and accountability. To foster mutual respect, don’t forget to ask your team members what communication they need from you to do their best work.

Make a good impression with your introduction using Fellow ! In your first team meeting, there’s a lot to cover—use our ready-to-go templates to make sure you’ve got all the essentials on your agenda. The agenda will be automatically sent ahead of time to help everyone feel prepared and alleviate any first-meeting nerves for you and your team. You can also use Fellow to manage your one-on-ones and record action items, feedback, and notes. Following your initial meetings, Fellow can help you manage effective meetings on an ongoing basis and ensure your team follows best practices before, during, and after every meeting.

Plus, Fellow’s AI-generated agendas help you generate headings and talking points for your meeting based off of the title of the meeting and the calendar description.

new leader introduction presentation

Here are some example templates you can use for your introductions.

Sending an introductory email

In-person or via video call.

Use this template to send an email introduction on your first day.

Subject: A Quick Hello

It’s my first day here at [company name]. I’m joining the team as the new [job title].

I’ve worked as a [what you do] for [X] years. I recently worked at [company name], where I was the [job title]. You can learn more about me and my experience on my LinkedIn profile. [LinkedIn link]. Outside of work, I enjoy [a few short things you like to do].

I’m really looking forward to working with all of you. I’ll be scheduling a team meeting and one-on-ones to get to know everyone.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions before then. I’m happy to share more about what I’ll be doing here, and I’m excited to find out how I can best support you.

[Your name]

Use this template to introduce yourself at your first team meeting in person or on a video call.

Hello everyone! Thank you for being here today. My name is [your name], and I’ll be your new manager going forward. Before we get started, I’d like to briefly share a little bit about myself.

[Two quick personal facts that are relatable for your team]. [Your relevant experience–namely, how many years of experience you have and what you’ve done in the past]. Together I’m confident we can all [a few quick goals]. I’m looking forward to working with all of you.

Use this template for your first meeting to establish rapport and set the tone for your team’s success.


Parting advice

Your actions in the first few weeks and months can have a big impact on whether your team ultimately delivers results. While a change in leadership always requires team members to adjust, being intentional about your introduction will help make the transition as smooth as possible. However, there’s a lot to remember when getting started—following these steps will make sure you don’t miss any key practices. While trust is built over time and through mutual respect, you’ll be able to start building rapport and good communication from the start. Check out the Fellow blog for more tips and advice for managers to help you lead your new team to success.

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Introducing Yourself to a New Team: 9 Inspiring Examples

By Editorial Team on February 7, 2024 — 5 minutes to read

When you’re introducing yourself to a new team, you want to convey who you are and what you bring to the table quickly and effectively.

1. Reflect on Your Professional Background

Start by thinking through your professional journey so far—where have you worked, what roles have you held, and what key skills have you developed? For example, if you’ve worked in a variety of customer service roles before moving into a team management position, share how those experiences have shaped your understanding of team dynamics and customer satisfaction.

2. Highlight Your Role

State your current role and what your primary responsibilities will be within the new team. Example: Are you joining as a project manager? Let them know you’ll be overseeing project timelines and deliverables. For instance, “As the new project manager, I’ll be ensuring that our project milestones are met and that everything is moving forward according to plan.”

3. Identify Common Interests

Finding common ground can help you connect with your new colleagues from the get-go. You can mention any interests or hobbies that might resonate with the team, especially if they’re related to your industry or role. For example, if you’re in tech and love coding in your spare time, that’s a shared interest likely to catch your colleagues’ attention.

Sample of a Self-Introduction That Can Be Used During a Team Meeting

“Hello everyone, I’m [Your Name], the new [Your Job Title]. With a background in [Your Industry/Field], I’m looking forward to contributing to our projects and getting to know all of you. Outside of work, I enjoy [Personal Interest]. I’m eager to collaborate and learn from this talented team!”

Simple Self-Introductions: Examples

  • “Hi everyone, I’m Alex. I bring a splash of color to everything I design, and I’m looking forward to collaborating with you all on our vibrant projects!”
  • “Hey, I’m Jordan. I have a knack for solving tricky coding problems and I’m excited to contribute to our team’s success.”
  • “Hello, I’m Sam. Leading with empathy and a strategic outlook has always been my approach, and I’m eager to drive our collective growth.”
  • “I’m Taylor, the newcomer to the industry with a fresh perspective and a strong dedication to learn and contribute.”
  • “Hi there, I’m Riley. Bringing insights from customer service, I’m ready to dive into marketing with you all.”
  • “Hey team, I’m Robin. Juggling multiple hats in project management and analysis is my forte, and I can’t wait to support our projects.”
  • “Hi, I’m Casey. Thriving in fast-paced environments and wearing many hats is what I do best. Let’s innovate together!”
  • “Good day, I’m Jordan. With over a decade in finance, my goal is to contribute to our success with wisdom and innovative strategies.”
  • “Hello! I’m Avery. My superpowers are active listening and clear communication. I’m here to ensure we all stay on the same page and succeed together.”

Follow-Up After Introduction

After you introduce yourself, ensure you create opportunities for dialogue and collaboration.

Opening Up for Questions

Once you’ve shared about yourself, invite your new colleagues to ask questions. This gesture demonstrates openness and helps to break the ice. You could say, “I’d love to answer any questions you might have about my background, role, or interests.”

Offering Help and Collaboration

You can let your team know that you are eager to contribute by saying something like, “Please feel free to reach out if you need assistance with any projects.” You can offer specific examples of your skills or recent work to illustrate how you can support the team. For example, “If anyone needs help with data analysis or report writing, I have a lot of experience in those areas and would be happy to collaborate.” This shows your willingness to be a team player and makes it clear how you can add value.

Writing an Introduction Email

An introduction email is your first chance to make a lasting impression. Consider including:

  • Your Name and Position : Clearly state who you are and your new title.
  • Your Background : Share a sentence or two about your professional background.
  • One Personal Detail : Mention something personal, like a hobby or interest, to add a human touch.
  • Your Enthusiasm : Express excitement about collaborating with the team.

Example Email:

Subject: Greetings from the New Marketing Coordinator – Jane Smith

I hope this message finds you well! I’m Jane Smith, stepping in as your new Marketing Coordinator. With over five years in the branding industry, I am thrilled to bring my experience to the table. When I’m not crafting campaigns, I’m usually hiking or trying new baking recipes. Looking forward to our journey together and meeting all of you soon.

Best, Jane Smith

Frequently Asked Questions

What are key elements to include when introducing myself to new colleagues in-person.

Share your name, position, and a brief overview of your experience and skills. Add a personal touch by mentioning a hobby or interest to create common ground. It’s important to show you’re approachable by smiling and being open to conversation.

How can I effectively introduce myself to a team when working remotely or virtually?

For remote introductions, use video conferencing tools to add a personal touch where possible. Be punctual and present at the meeting, dress professionally, and ensure good lighting and a tidy background. Introduce yourself with clarity, briefly describing your role and what you’re looking forward to achieving with the team.

In what ways can a team leader make a memorable introduction to their new team members?

As a team leader, you can share your vision and how each team member’s role contributes towards it. Offer insights into your management style and core values. To be memorable, share a short story demonstrating a learning moment in your career or an anecdote that reveals your leadership approach.

What are some engaging opening lines I can use to start an introduction about myself?

You can engage your audience with opening lines like, “Did you know I once…” or “One of my life’s passions is…,” followed by a brief story or fact. This can pique interest and make you more relatable. Another approach is to start with what excites you about your new role to show passion and genuine interest in your work.

  • 50 Example Phrases: How to Introduce Yourself in a Job Interview
  • How to Describe Yourself: 20 Smart Examples for Job Interviews
  • 40 Examples of Leadership Self-Evaluation Comments
  • 50 Inspiring Examples for 7 Communication Skills for a Resume
  • Team Building Questions: 150 Purposeful Examples to Boost Group Dynamics
  • 50 Inspiring Examples of Career Goal Statements

NOBL Academy

Introducing Yourself as a New Leader

The interviews are done, the offer letter signed—you can’t wait to start your first day as the new leader of a team. But before you charge in with your undoubtedly brilliant plan, have you reflected on how to best introduce yourself to the team?

Like our mothers always said, you never get a second chance to make a first impression—and this one in particular feels very high stakes. Your team will be used to working with their old leader, so their emotions may range from resentment to relief. And since old habits die hard, they’ll probably expect to treat you like they treated the old leader, regardless of how you want to be treated. Meanwhile, you’ll naturally want to prove to the team—and your bosses—that you can make an impact right away.

As a new leader, your official introduction must accomplish five goals:

Tell a story

Set expectations

Build relationships

Establish a positive tone, and

Explain how you’ll execute the work together.

new leader introduction presentation

Story.  Humanize and credentialize yourself to the team. Share the CliffsNotes version of your life: how you started your career, why you chose to pursue new opportunities, and what work you’re most proud of. What would you consider your most formative experiences? Don’t be afraid to get a little personal—being vulnerable and open can build the psychological safety that the team needs to succeed.

new leader introduction presentation

Empowering Leaders

NOBL has helped ambitious leaders in world-famous organizations to quickly form effective bonds with their new teams. Reach out to see how we might be able to help your organization .

Expectations . Lay out what you hope to achieve together. What do you see as the team’s role within the organization, and what makes people good at that role? Call out work they’ve done that’s impressed you so far, and identify the opportunities that you believe you can shepherd the team towards. Be careful to avoid Mighty Mouse Syndrome—don’t create the expectation that you’re there to “fix” things unless it’s absolutely necessary.

Relationships.  Now that you’ve established what you want to do, explain how you want work to be done. What are your biases as a leader? How should people interact with you, and what do you expect from the managers below you? This is also a good time to share your plan for how you intend to get to know the organization, and the individual members of team, better.

Vibes.  Set yourself up to convey the right tone. Think about when you felt most “on” as a leader—how did you behave? What emotions did you want to portray? Or, try modeling your behavior on a leader you admire—what would they do in this situation? Evaluate where these interactions should take place. If you want to make it feel like work is changing, for instance, hold informal meetings in coffee shops or take the team out for a fancy breakfast.

Execution.  Help the team understand what you want from them. Not only is it ok to ask for help, you  should  ask the team what they can help you better understand about the situation. Find out what’s made them successful and what you should take pains to avoid, and clarify what will change and what will stay the same. Lastly, determine what you want the team to do when they leave your presentation.

If you’re a leader in a remote environment, we’ve developed additional best practices .

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Stepping into a Leadership Role? Be Ready to Tell Your Story.

  • David Sluss

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Hit the ground running with a thoughtful personal pitch.

Stepping into a role as a leader — whether as a seasoned executive or a neophyte supervisor — is both challenging and exciting. How you handle this transition can have a huge impact on your career. You need to hit the ground running not only with your bosses and key stakeholders but also with your direct reports. Research shows that having a 90-day plan with 30-day and 60-day milestones along the way increases your chances of success. But while these plans are great tools, direct reports will evaluate who you are and what you bring to the table long before you hit those milestones. Indeed, they’ll make “sticky” evaluations of you from the very first conversation. That’s why I think you should have a “Day 1” plan, or what I like to call a “new-leader pitch.”

new leader introduction presentation

  • David Sluss is an associate professor of organizational behavior at Georgia Tech’s Scheller College of Business. Through his research and teaching, he strives to help leaders create personalized and productive relationships at work. Follow him on LinkedIn .

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Home Blog Presentation Ideas About Me Slides: How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation

About Me Slides: How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation

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From conference talks to client demos, it’s always essential to include an About Me slide in any presentation you are giving. Introducing yourself early into the presentation helps build a better rapport with the audience.

You can start with several fun facts about me slide to break the ice or go for a more formal professional bio to explain your background and what makes you qualified to talk about the topic at hand. At any rate, your goal is to get the audience on your side by revealing some of your personality. 

How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation: 4 Approaches 

It’s a good practice to include self-introduction slides at the beginning of your presentation. If you are looking to answer how to introduce yourself professionally, typically somewhere after the title, opening slide , and the main agenda. However, the presentation structure will be somewhat different depending on whether you are presenting to a new audience or a group of people familiar with (e.g., your team, clients, or business partners). 

Here are four about me slide ideas you can try out, plus an About me template you can use to present yourself in a presentation. 

new leader introduction presentation

1. Mention Your Name and Affiliations

Start with the introduction basics. State your name, company, title/position, and several quick facts about who you are and what you do. Even if you present to a familiar audience, a brief recap is always welcome. 

To keep things a bit more engaging, consider adding some lesser-known facts about yourself. For example:

  • Your interests 
  • Recent accomplishments
  • Testimonial/quote from a team member 
  • Fun nicknames you got 

The above can be nice ice breakers for less formal team presentations, project updates, or catch-ups with clients. 

Here are several unique About Me examples you can try out:

For a client case study presentation : 

“Hi, I’m Lynda, Chief Customer Success Specialist with Acme Corp. (Also, someone you thought was a chatbot for the first few encounters)

47 NPS | 15% Churn Rate | 40% repeat purchase rate”

For a team after-action review presentation :

Mike, Project Manager at Cool Project

(aka Maximizer)

Personal Project stats:

387 Slack messages answered

56 cups of coffee consumed

Project profit gross margin: $1.2 million 

2. Work On Your Elevator Pitch 

One of the best ways to introduce yourself in a presentation is to share a punchy elevator pitch. This works extra well if you are presenting to a new audience. 

An elevator pitch is a concise statement (1-2 sentences) that summarizes your unique strengths, skills, and abilities and explains how these can benefit your listener. 

It’s nice to have one ready for your presentations and networking in general since it helps you immediately connect with new people and communicate your value. 

Writing a solid elevator pitch may require several attempts and iterations. But the sooner you start — the faster you’ll arrive at the best formula! 

To get your creative juices flowing, here are several elevator pitch ideas you can incorporate in an introduction slide about yourself. 

For professionals: 

“Certified Salesforce Administrator, data visualization specialist, and analytics for top SaaS brands. I help businesses make more sense of their data to drive better outcomes”.

For a mentor :

“Adjunct professor of creative writing at Columbia University, published author, former lifestyle editor at Esquire, the New York Times. I can teach you how to find, shape, pitch, and publish stories for web & print.”

For a student: 

“Third-year Marine Biology student at Denver State Uni. Volunteer at Lake Life Protection NGO, climate change activist, looking to expand my research about water conservation”.

3. Answer Popular Questions or Assumptions 

If you are a frequent presenter , chances are you get asked a lot of the same “About Me questions” after your speeches and during the networking bits. So why not address a roaster of these in your About Me slide? Select 4-5 most common questions and list them as quick FAQs on your slide deck. 

4. Focus on Telling a Story 

Strong introductions are personable. They are meant to offer a sneak-peak into your personality and the passion behind your work. That’s why for less formal presentations, you can (and should!) start with a short personal story. 

Remember: reliability is important to “click” with your audience. 

For instance, neuroscience research of political ads recently found that ads featuring real people performed better than those with genetic stock footage. Among viewers, emotional engagement and memory encoding (recall) increased dramatically when political ads showed relatable people. 

The same holds true for commerce. In 2015, GE launched a viral “What’s the Matter With Owen?” video ad series to attract more young talent to the company. The clips featured a relatable protagonist, struggling to explain what his work at GE entails e.g. that the company isn’t building railroads, but actually does some very innovative pilots. Many engineers related to the promo and work applications to GE shoot up by 800% ! 

As the above examples show, a good relatable story can go a long way. So think about how you can make a PowerPoint presentation about yourself more representative of who you really are as a person. 

How to Give a Presentation About Yourself: 4 Fool-Proof Tips

On other occasions, you may be asked to give a full-length “about me” presentation. Typically, this is the case during a second interview, onboarding , or if you are in attending a training program or workshop where everyone needs to present themselves and their work. 

Obviously, you’ll need more than one good about me slide in this case. So here’s how to prepare a superb presentation about me. 

What to Put in a Presentation About Yourself?

The audience will expect to learn a mix of personal and professional facts about you. Thus, it’s a good idea to include the following information: 

  • Your name, contact info, website , social media handles, digital portfolio .
  • Short bio or some interesting snippets. 
  • Career timeline (if applicable).
  • Main achievements (preferably quantifiable).
  • Education, special training.
  • Digital badging awards , accolades, and other types of recognition.
  • Something more personal — an interest, hobby, aspiration. 

The above mix of items will change a bit, depending on whether you are giving an interview presentation about yourself or introduce yourself post-hiring. For example, in some cases a dedicated bio slide may be useful, but other times focusing on main achievements and goals can be better.

That being said, let’s take a closer look at how to organize the above information in a memorable presentation. 

P.S. Grab an about me slide template to make the design process easier! 

new leader introduction presentation

1. Create a List of “Facts About Me”

The easiest way to answer the “tell me about yourself” question is by having an array of facts you can easily fetch from your brain. 

When it comes to a full-length about me presentation , it’s best to have a longer list ready. To keep your brainstorming process productive, organize all your ideas in the following buckets: 

  • Key skills (soft and hard)
  • Educational accolades, training
  • Accomplishments and other “bragging rights”
  • Personal tidbits (a.k.a. fun facts ) 

Once you have a list, it gets easier to build a series of slides around it. 

2. Think Like Your Audience 

Most likely you’d be asked to make a presentation about yourself by a recruiter. There’s a good reason why many ask this — they want to determine if you are a good “cultural fit” for their organization. 

After all, 33% of people quit within the first 3 months of accepting a new job. Among these:

  • 43% of employees quit because their day-to-day role was different than what they were told it would be during the hiring process.
  • 32% cite company culture as a factor for leaving within the first three months. 

About me presentations often serve as an extra “filter” helping both parties ensure that they are on the same page expectations- and work style-wise. Thus, when you prepare your slide deck, do some background company research. Then try to align the presentation with it by matching the company tone, communication style, and cultural values. 

3. Include Testimonials and Recommendations

Use the voice of others to back up the claims you are making in your presentation. After all, trumping your own horn is what you are expected to do in such a presentation. But the voices of others can strengthen the claims you are personally making. 

Depending on your role and industry, try to sprinkle some of the following testimonials: 

  • LinkedIn recommendations
  • Quotes from personal or professional references
  • Social media comments 
  • Data metrics of your performance
  • Funny assessments from your colleagues/friends 

The above not just strengthen your narrative, but also help the audience learn some extras about you and your background. Testimonial slides can be of help for this purpose.

4. Include a Case Study 

One of the best ways to illustrate who you are is to show what you are best in. Remember, an about me presentation often needs to “soft sell” your qualifications, experience, and personality. 

One of the best ways to do that is to showcase how you can feel in a specific need and solve issues the business is facing. 

So if you have the timeframe, use some of the ending slides to deliver a quick case study. You can present: 

  • Short retrospective of a past successful project
  • Before-after transformations you’ve achieved 
  • Spotlight of the main accomplishments within the previous role 
  • Main customer results obtained
  • Specific solution delivered by you (or the team you’ve worked with) 

Ending your presentation on such a high note will leave the audience positively impressed and wondering what results you could achieve for them.

To Conclude 

It’s easy to feel stumped when you are asked to talk about yourself. Because there are so many things you could mention (but not necessarily should). At the same time, you don’t want to make your introduction sound like a bragging context. So always think from the position of your audience. Do the facts you choose to share benefit them in any way? If yes, place them confidently on your About Me slides! 

1. Personal Self Introduction PowerPoint Template

new leader introduction presentation

Use This Template

2. Self Introduction PowerPoint Template

new leader introduction presentation

3. Meet the Team PowerPoint Template Slides

new leader introduction presentation

4. Introduce Company Profile PowerPoint Template

new leader introduction presentation

5. Modern 1-Page Resume Template for PowerPoint

new leader introduction presentation

6. Modern Resume Presentation Template

new leader introduction presentation

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Introduce Yourself, Introduction, Presentation Ideas Filed under Presentation Ideas

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20+ Self Introduction PowerPoint Templates: Download for free!

Vania Escobar

Think about the image you want to portray during your presentation pitch. Creativity? Soberness? Reliability? A professional PowerPoint design can help you deliver a powerful introduction to your stakeholders . 

Here, you'll find some creative Self-Introduction PowerPoint Templates that are going to elevate your slides to the next level. Our expert team has designed different layouts that you will surely love and save you a lot of time. 

And if you want to present your company and highlight your team's experience, you'll also find some fantastic Team Presentation Templates . Keep reading to get them all for free!

PowerPoint Presentation Service - 24Slides

Introducing Yourself PowerPoint Templates

Introducing yourself is vital to generate a connection with your audience . In fact, it showcases your background and abilities, making sure you are the person they seek. 

That being said, let's have a look at the Self-Introduction PowerPoint Templates that we prepared for you and will optimize your creative process:

1. About Me PowerPoint Template

These self-introduction PowerPoint templates are perfect for anyone trying to convey sobriety and professionalism. 

The pack offers different layouts, which you can use to engage your audience and showcase your work experience. 

About Me PowerPoint Template

2. Personal Resume PowerPoint Template

This template is another great option for introducing yourself through a PowerPoint presentation. 

You'll find different types of diagrams and graphs that will display all your skills and work experience in a more eye-catching way. 

Personal Resume PowerPoint Template

3. Colorful Resume PowerPoint Template

With this colorful template, you'll be able to create more impactful slides and add your desired background. 

It also includes a map that will help you showcase your experience abroad! 

Colorful Resume PowerPoint Template

4. Creative Resume PowerPoint Template

If you are not sure of the color palette of your presentation, try this blue template. It's the perfect color to convey professionalism!

This self-introduction PowerPoint template will definitely catch your audience's attention from the beginning. 

Creative Resume PowerPoint Template

5. Personal Branding PowerPoint Template

This template is focused on Personal Branding, but you can use the graphics to organize your "About me" presentation in PowerPoint.

As always, we invite you to customize each element however you like!

Personal Introduction slides

6. Women Leadership Powerpoint Template

Want to be concise in your pitch? This template will inspire you!

As you can see in the image, you'll find a minimalist design of pink and purple tones.

Minimalist PowerPoint slides

7. Timeline Infographic PowerPoint Template

This template package has timelines and graphics that will be useful for organizing your personal information.

If you were looking for a modern and creative self-introduction template, this design may be for you!

Personal Resume slides in PowerPoint

8. User Persona PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template was initially designed to present Buyer Personas but can be adapted for an "About Me" section.

User Persona PowerPoint Template

9. Photography Portfolio PowerPoint Template

Want to improve your portfolio? We've designed portfolio templates in PowerPoint, too!

This resource was created for photographers, but you can adjust it to your needs.

Photography Portfolio PowerPoint Template

10. Career Portfolio PowerPoint Template

Here is another portfolio design in PowerPoint! 

When you download this template, you'll find a sober self-introduction design with blue tones.

Career Portfolio PowerPoint Template

We're not done yet!

In the following section, you'll discover more PowerPoint templates for introducing your work team to an audience.

Custom presentations in PowerPoint - 24Slides

Team Introduction PowerPoint Templates

Introducing your team becomes crucial when you want to attract new clients or investors to your business. It will spotlight your team's capabilities, convincing your audience that you can solve their problems. 

As always, all the slides in our templates are easily editable , so you can add any image you like and customize the aesthetics according to your color scheme .

Let's check the Team Introduction PowerPoint Templates we have for you: 

1. Team Slides PowerPoint Template

This team introduction PowerPoint template offers 8 different designs that will impress your audience. 

Pick the layout you like the most and add it to your presentation deck! 

Team Slides PowerPoint Template

2 . Roles and Responsibilities PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template is all about the roles and responsibilities of each team member.  

If you’re working on a new project, this team intro PowerPoint template will be perfect! 

Team Roles PowerPoint Template

3. Meet The Team PowerPoint Template

If you're seeking to introduce your company to a potential investor or client, check out these team introduction slides! 

This template pack will help you to present a complete overview of your business and the people involved in it.

Meet The Team PowerPoint Template

4. Project Management PowerPoint Template

Do you have a project running and need to design the final presentation? This template is made for you!

As in the previous designs, you will find a project team slide template and more graphics that will make your presentation dazzle.

Project team slide template in PPT

5. Strategic Action Plan PowerPoint Template

Here is another of our corporate templates to introduce your work team to an audience.

If you want designs with green and blue tones, this resource is for you!

Strategic Action Plan PowerPoint Template

6. Finance Team PowerPoint Template

This presentation contains animated slides with a fresh design.

When you download this PowerPoint template, you'll find a "mission and vision" section, a description of services, a customer profile, and more!

Team Introduction PowerPoint Template

7. Light Corporate PowerPoint Template

Want to present a creative self-introduction but need more time to think about the design? If so, this template will be perfect for you.

You'll find a "meet the team" section, 3D graphics, infographics, and more. Download it for free now!

Corporate PowerPoint Template

8. Creative Business PowerPoint Template

If you prefer a one-page self-introduction, take a look at this template.

It contains icons, timelines, statistical graphs, and more resources. Like the previous designs, the download is completely free!

Creative Business PowerPoint Template

9. Creative Pitchbook PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template and its unique designs will immediately catch your audience's attention.

If you want to convey professionalism and detail-oriented, this template pack is for you.

Creative pitch slides in PPT

10. Film Pitch PowerPoint Template

These designs were created for film teams but can be adapted to any field!

We are confident its aesthetics will inspire you.

Film team introduction in PPT

11. Storyboard Artist PowerPoint Template

Looking for more creative self-introduction slides? You'll love this one! 

Initially, this template is black and white, but you can edit the colors freely.

Meet the team slides in PowerPoint

12. Team Introduction PowerPoint Template

This team introduction PowerPoint template has a unique format.

You'll be able to highlight your team's skills visually. And the best thing is that it's easy to understand at first glance!

Team Introduction PowerPoint Template

13. Science Organization PowerPoint Template

A team introduction is always a great idea, but it's even better when you can showcase the relationship between different members and roles! 

With this template pack, you can make that possible.

Team presentation template

Looking for Custom PowerPoint Presentations? We got you! 

If you liked our free template designs, you'll love 24Slides custom presentations ! 

A PowerPoint presentation is a great place to start making an excellent first impression. It will show your audience how committed you are to a project and how much effort you will put into it. 

But making a good PowerPoint presentation takes a lot of time and effort. Why not call upon professionals to handle it efficiently?

24Slides offers a pro-level design service that will elevate all your presentation decks. Our Designers have worked with some of the biggest companies worldwide, so we can offer the expertise you need. 

Still not sure? While working alongside us, you will: 

  • Own high-impact presentations aligned with your brand – We help you communicate the message you want to convey!
  • Choose between different services: Regular Service , Dedicated Design Teams , and Credit Packages – We adapt to your needs!
  • Manage fast turnarounds – Go rest and get your presentation the following morning!
  • Enjoy the process since we guarantee the confidentiality of your data – Your information is in good hands!
  • Have the option to create a platform for connecting your Internal Team with our Designers – The integration will be seamless!

The best part is that you can try our expertise and style for just $1 . Our Designers will be happy to show you the true potential of your slides!

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How To Introduce Yourself As The New Manager

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Komal Sharma

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Integrating a new position within a company, as a manager, is not always easy. Indeed, taking up a position can be tricky, because you will not only have to introduce yourself to your team but also do your best to make a good impression. It is then strategic to determine in advance how to introduce yourself to your new team. In this article, we’ll give you some tips that will come in handy when meeting your team for the first time, then we’ll tell you why the first impression is important and what you can do to make it a positive one.

What Type Of Boss Do You Aim To Become

A group of business professionals smiling and posing for a photo, showcasing teamwork and professionalism.

If you have been promoted at work and it is the first time that you are a boss, in addition to having defined what is expected of you in this position, one of the most important questions is to think about what type of boss you would like to be. There are many types of leaders and each of them has certain characteristics like The best leaders are able to inspire, encourage, and guide a team of workers and a business toward success. While some leaders might only care about their personal success, whether some others are enthusiastic and motivated to see their team members and business succeed or some arrogant boss who claims credit for your hard work or some meticulous perfectionist that demands that you redo everything you just finished twice. Focus on exercising your leadership in a clear, firm, professional, and fair manner.

Mastering The Art Of Team Introductions: Tips For New Managers

Meeting the team is one of the tasks that can make you the most nervous. To avoid this, we recommend that you rehearse a friendly and approachable presentation, introducing yourself as a manager, colleague, and person with whom you can work as a team. In your presentation as a leader, do not forget to show respect, humility, and active listening.

Is this your first time as a manager? Your new role as a leader must have several lines of action marked, but one of them, if not the most important, is that each member of your team sees you as an ally.

Managers must show their teams a professional image which includes the way of dressing, expressing and communicating and there must be congruence between physical appearance, what is said and how one acts. If it looks hard at first, all you need to know is how to do it. You will find the following advice useful.

Choice Of Speech For The First Day Of Work As A Manager 

The first step to calmly approaching your first day as a boss is to introduce yourself. The first step in introducing yourself as a new boss is to make a good impression. This means behaving professionally and showing enthusiasm for your work. Establishing a relationship of respect and trust with employees is key to success in the position. 

You must have your first speech as a team leader prepared, mention the objectives, and how you plan to work, and address topics that motivate the workers.

Don’t forget to give your turn to speak and let them ask you questions to get to know you better. Being a manager or team leader is not easy and therefore, the more you prepare, the better.

Be punctual, plan and organise all your ideas. This way you can make a list of tasks, see what has to be done in the long term and short term, and set priorities together with your team, as well as objectives and goals.

Give Prominence To Team Members

Two women sitting at a table, engrossed in a notebook, discussing and brainstorming ideas.

On the first day as a manager or boss, you will have a meeting to present your new professional role, your nerves will be on edge, but try to take advantage of the opportunity and be natural, and approachable.

Focus on getting to know team members, and show interest. You must be aware that now you are not only responsible for yourself, but for perhaps between 6 and 12 people who make up a work team and for the results you produce.

Lay The Foundations In Communication

If you doubt how to be a good group leader, remember to prioritise communication , and feedback and show as a manager that you are happy with your workers. This way you will work on motivation and your team will know the perspective you have of each of them and what you expect.

Working on manager-employee communication can be enhanced through a variety of strategies, including weekly meetings, frequent one-on-one meetings , information sharing, getting to know your manager, using communication tools, and soliciting and providing feedback. This is another easy tip to help you survive your first day as a manager and the ones that follow. Also consider a number of techniques to improve patience, communicate clearly, define goals, and fulfil what was promised and spoken at meetings.

Delegate Work Efficiently

It is true that sometimes it is difficult to be aware of all the work at hand, and that this can take its toll on your team. To avoid this, make lists, use a task organiser to capture all the work and projects that are started, and learn to divide the workload among team members equally.

In the center of a word cloud lies the term "delegate,"

A good presentation from a manager should go hand in hand with a roadmap, as well as knowing the functions and strengths of each employee, as well as identifying those goals that can be improved.

Having the ability to manage a team with these tips and planning becomes a much simpler and more bearable challenge. 

Learn About The Company

Investigate the company further as soon as you accept the job offer. Knowing precisely what role you and the team you are leading need to play will be made possible by this. Nonetheless, refrain from searching for details about the team members. This could have an impact on future collaboration as you run the risk of entering the office with preconceived notions about some members.

Asking questions about your role and the goals, difficulties, and responsibilities of the company is a good place to start. Go to the company’s website to conduct an online search as well. By doing all of this, you can avoid coming across as ignorant to your team.

Dress Professionally

As you research the company, be sure to ask about its dress code. If you want to make a good impression , you must dress according to the prevailing style of dress in society. For example, it would be a shame if you dressed formally when the style adopted by the company is super casual. You risk appearing pretentious.

Gather The Team And Introduce Yourself

When you join a new company, your team members are the first people you should meet. So ask the team to come together so that you can introduce yourself properly by giving details about your qualifications, abilities, and work history. Employees will be able to see you as a trustworthy leader and learn more about you as a result.

It is important to make your presentation according to the company environment. Your approach should match the company culture and values. For a new manager in a team, the ideal is to introduce themselves by giving a certain amount of information about their experience and expectations.

For instance: “Hey everyone! I’m X, and I’m delighted to meet you. I’m your new manager. I used to work for Y for five years, during which time I was also manager. Despite having a great deal of experience in my field, I am unable to achieve excellent results on my own. For this reason, I need your complete cooperation as well as your professionalism. We can accomplish outstanding results if we understand the importance of working together as a team.”

Adopt The Right Attitude

The best way to create a strong, positive first impression is to greet your new team members with enthusiasm by Initiating a casual conversation, expressing excitement about working together, or by Offering assistance with onboarding tasks, showcasing a helpful and supportive attitude. Don’t be angry or unhappy. Instead, show your best smile and show your colleagues that you are happy to meet them. Even if team members are distant from you, be understanding and show that you want to connect.

Avoid Speaking Ill Of Your Predecessor

Your predecessor may have committed certain mistakes that are known to all. If this is the case, avoid commenting on them or reminding the team of them. Indeed, you were not hired for this purpose, but rather to help the company achieve its objectives. Additionally, if you speak badly about your predecessor, team members will resent it and may perceive it as completely gratuitous aggression. Under no circumstances will you be able to win their sympathy by discrediting your predecessor.

Don’t Criticise The Company

Don’t present yourself as the saviour who will solve all the company’s problems. Indeed, what was done before your arrival is in no way null and was done within the framework of well-defined objectives or strategies. So avoid criticising everything that was done before your arrival. You should also avoid criticising the company’s equipment. For example, don’t make comments like: “The furniture is really old here. 

Ask Questions

After your oral presentation, you can keep the conversation going by asking your colleagues questions. This may allow you to create a certain relationship. Above all, be sure to ask work-related questions. You will learn a little more about your new workplace and the challenges that await you there.

Listen To Others

Three women sitting on a couch, engrossed in their laptop, engaged in a discussion or work-related activity.

Don’t just burst in and start changing things without asking your colleagues for advice. You need to listen to others before speaking. Ask questions, if necessary, to get the opinions of others. By using this approach, you will be able to attract your employees. Indeed, they will appreciate the fact that you ask them for their opinion before making decisions.

Assume That You Are Starting A New Cycle

Certainly, your past participated in the construction of the person you are today, but that is not a reason to constantly bring it up. From your first meeting with your team, avoid talking too much about your old company or referring to it all the time. This could slow down your integration into the team. Also, avoid making comparisons between your old company and your new one. There may be things that went less well at your previous company. Either way, don’t complain and accept things as they are.

Throughout Your Presentation, Stay Authentic: 

Be yourself. Don’t try to pass yourself off as someone you’re not. On the contrary, you risk ruining everything. After this first meeting, try to obtain the company’s organisation chart to remember the name and position of each of your employees.

The Power Of First Impressions: Why They Matter In Every Interaction

When you meet someone for the first time, they get their first impression of you just by looking at you: it’s the first impression. To form this impression, people generally consider your clothing, your posture, your voice, and the words you use. 

For example, if you use chatty language, your interviewer will immediately think that you have no education And if you were applying for a job, it could very well work against you. In addition, people appreciate certain qualities such as honesty, kindness, empathy, and even respect.

If your appearance leaves something to be desired, your interviewer will give you little respect. And as popular belief goes, the first impression is often the last. If you make a bad impression from the start, you will have little chance of recovering; the members of your team will give you a label that may affect your future relationships and the respect that others will have for you. They might not even recognise your authority as a manager. The first impression is everything: it can define the course of your relationships with your colleagues.

Shaping First Impressions: Easy Ways To Make A Positive Impact

When someone first meets you, they pay attention to your appearance, your face, your posture, the tone of your voice, and the words you use. You can therefore influence a first impression by playing on these elements. If you want people to have a good impression of you from the start, follow these simple tips.

A woman wearing glasses holds a laptop, focusing on the screen with a determined expression.

Take Care Of Your Appearance

To make a good impression, take care of your appearance. You not only need to take care of your body, but also your wardrobe. Take up sport and maintain your body. This will show that you care about your health. Take care of your clothing by remaining simple, but elegant.

Take Care Of Your Face

It is also important to take care of your face. Go to the hairdresser, always have clean and styled hair. If you are a woman, avoid wearing too much makeup. Never have a closed face; instead, be happy and enthusiastic.

Adopt The Right Posture, Speak Clearly, And Choose Your Words

By adopting a good posture, you will show that you are confident in yourself. Avoid shaking or gesticulating for no reason. Always stand up straight. When you speak, don’t speak too loudly or too quietly. Your voice should be clear, crisp, and audible. It must not wobble under any circumstances. Choose your words carefully: avoid vulgarity and speak using a fluent, even sustained register.

Unveiling Your New Managerial Journey With Mentoria 

The first meeting with your new work team will undoubtedly strengthen or destroy your image in the eyes of your people.

Your success as a manager will largely depend on the quality of these first impressions in your first meeting with your people. Don’t miss the opportunity to prepare and develop it well.

Discover your strengths and areas for growth with Mentoria’s career guidance . Whether you’re looking to excel in your current role, explore a new one in your industry, or switch to a completely different field, our counsellors will create a personalised action plan for you. With 3 streams, 850+ courses, and 12,000+ careers, we help you find your perfect fit. Call us to speak with career mentors and kick-start your journey toward a happy and successful future.


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How to Introduce Yourself to a New Team (Without Bringing Sweets)

Team management isn’t a piece of cake. In fact, bringing one to the workplace when introducing yourself to a new team as a manager won’t have a major impact on whether your team ultimately delivers results. While a cake may not be a bad idea to start on a friendly note, it does not suffice. What you do in the first few weeks and months in a leadership position, will eventually have an impact on the team’s ability to achieve goals. At some point, you’ll start to wonder what steps should have been taken to steer your team for success from the very first day of your shared journey. Let’s start with the basics and move to more sophisticated circumstances.

Getting started

First things first, introduce yourself. (You are a human being, not a robot, so stop worrying and just be yourself.)

Greet your new teammates with enthusiasm—they want to know what you’re all about! Be sure to include:

  • What you’ll be doing at the company
  • Brief background on who you are and where you’ve come from
  • Something interesting about yourself or your interests (especially if it’s relevant to the company)
  • What you’re excited about for this job/working with them
  • What you hope to learn from them

When the initial introduction is out of the way, there are a few recommendations to follow.

You can build your network on a new team by listening, asking questions, and offering to help where you can.

Building your network on a new team can be intimidating, but there are a few things you can do to make it easier.

  • First, listen to the people around you. Just because you have a lot to say doesn’t mean others feel the same way. In fact, listening is one of the best ways to build rapport with others and demonstrate that you respect their opinions and knowledge. Not only will this help every member of your team feel more comfortable sharing their ideas with you, it’ll also keep you informed as they share points of view and information that may not have been included in any training materials or orientation meetings.
  • Ask questions and offer to help where you can; this shows that you’re interested in contributing to the group’s goals (and not just your own). If someone asks for help with a project or task, volunteer! This is a great way for them—and anyone else who catches wind of what happened—to get an impression of how reliable and hardworking you are. If no one has asked for help yet, don’t be shy about putting yourself out there: “Hi Garrett! Do you need any help with anything today?” is always better than waiting for something meaningful to do.
  • Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through! Introducing yourself on a new team is all about making connections (professional ones at first), so don’t be afraid to share details about your interests outside work. You never know which coworker will become one of the most important mentors in your career—building those relationships starts by revealing pieces of yourself that make everyone more comfortable around each other.
  • Don’t worry if it feels like it’s taking forever to get settled in at first. Your goal here should be simple: get used to being part of the team without letting anyone feel excluded or uncomfortable (including yourself). Once that happens, everything else tends to fall into place pretty quickly.

Now that we know the general do’s and don’ts of introducing yourself to a new team, let’s see what experts have to say.

Four Contexts for Introducing Yourself as a Manager

Andrew Soswa , holding a Ph.D. in Business Administration Field from Abraham Lincoln University, believes that if you are looking for the big bang impression at the first meeting, you might be surprised. It is both simple (if repeated many times) and difficult to achieve for an inexperienced person. An effective first-day presentation has to be polished over a long time and each time with a new team, states the expert.

Your introduction will depend on the type of the team as well as the type of the industry. It will also depend on the political hierarchy of the organization. The point is to apply Situational Leadership principles and polish them to perfection. – Andrew Soswa 

Even though you can’t gain trust at the introduction meeting, the first impression you give is important. Drawing from his experience as a Doctorate Researcher at Toulouse Business School, Taoufik Samaka highlights four contexts when the introduction will likely happen and gives some advice as to what should be done in each:

I. A new project and the assigned team are just forming, and you have the advantage of being one of the first to join and create the legacy.

Usually, the tactic is then very classical – team-building with more time spent on getting to know each other, create common memories, engage in funny moments, and play together, but you could use the opportunity to get the team brainstorm on ground rules and team values.

II. An existing project that is in good shape with the team performing well. 

From the very first meeting, you need to give confidence to the team and recall that you are proud of what has been achieved and that you are happy to be the part of the journey, looking forward to good collaboration. Of course, there is always a room for improvement and the team should be open-minded.

III. Joining a troubled project in a very challenging momentum (e.g. missing milestones, bad KPIs, tense work atmosphere).

The project manager should remind the team of the context in which he is joining and the mission that he was entrusted. In this case, the speech should be realistic, objective, honest, and direct. It’s best to share openly the present project situation, and that you’re on the same boat. 

Because the situation might be very critical, you can get the project back on track only by working together hard. In the next days, deep-dive and try to figure out the roots of this failure, identify the team strengths to capitalize on & weaknesses to work on, do lessons learned, exercise and work on setting the next targets. Develop a realistic plan to get the project back on track together with a team.   – Taoufik Samaka

Samaka admits that project managers starting in difficult situations should share background and experience in managing troubled projects. This knowledge should be based on use cases and lessons learned to give confidence to the team. From the first day, the team has to believe that the target is achievable. An optimistic and positive attitude, in addition to staying humble, strict, very focused, and rigorous are essential to jump to the new project plan realization.

new leader introduction presentation

IV. Joining a project at a late stage.

Joining a project at the end of the implementation phase or during its closure, you apply the approach from the second case. 

In general, says Samaka, when introducing yourself to a new team, you could gain the trust by

  • Showing a positive attitude regardless of the circumstances and avoiding panicking in difficult moments.
  • Showing respect, your human qualities, caring and daring to the team as well as staying humble.
  • Proving (by practice) that you can be trusted and that you know what you do.
  • Being a good leader that trusts people, empowers them as well as being fair, showing direction, being consistent, and staying available and accessible when needed.
  • Celebrating the team success and daring to acknowledge and learn from failures.
  • Being accountable and giving examples.
  • Working on developing your and the team’s skills.
  • Promoting an open communication atmosphere and staying open to new ideas coming from the team.
  • Being generous. 

If somebody introduces you as the newly assigned PM to the team, in your first introduction you will be requested to briefly talk about yourself and background. When it happens, Samaka advises to segment the audience:

This will be the case moving forward in your communication strategy. In case of large organizations, there will be your first circle of direct reports (management team) and the extended management team (including the management team and team members responsible for critical deliverables). The third circle covers the overall project team. You’ll need to adapt your communication based on your audience. – Taoufik Samaka

Read more: How to Win Teams to Your Way of Thinking

Five Expert Tips to Introduce Yourself as a Manager

But what are the best workable and universal ways to introduce yourself to a new team in any context? I’ve tried to figure it out, speaking to a group of researchers and domain experts . Here are some other tips that surfaced.

pm expert

1. Do Your Homework Before the Introduction

Douglas Rabjohns, PMO Director Learn as much as you can about the team. You need to know who you are joining and how you can support them. It’s all about the team and how you can help them be successful. I like to provide a brief professional profile noting my career path and areas of knowledge. Not a list of accomplishments. Set expectations based on your goals and position requirements and then schedule one-on-ones to add a personal touch to the introduction.

pm professional

2. Don’t Focus on Your Experience

Melanie Call, Business System Analyst

Don’t talk about how much experience you have as a PM right away. At any new place, watch, learn, and listen for a bit. Observe how much they currently know and identify ways to help. Your team’s power is silent at times, so it’s better to discover what really works for them. Then express how you are going to work together with all the incoming work with enthusiasm, positivity, and relay the plan going forward.

new leader introduction presentation

3. Be True to Yourself and the Team

Norman Musengimana, Founder at BizSkills Academy

There is no better way than to be you and to let the team around you be them.

If you are looking for a short term win, you might want to impress the team with a few polished techniques. While on the other side, if you’re going to manage the team into a winning team in the long run, you might want to be true to yourself and the team.

What does being true look like? For example, share a bit of other work you have done that is relevant to the role and give the team equal opportunity to share about themselves and their experiences. Give them enough time to share about how things work in the organization from an open and candid perspective, as someone who genuinely wants to learn.

Provide opportunities to share what works and what doesn’t work in the project, and the kind of solutions they have tried or those solutions they wish they should have tried but didn’t and why that was the case. Finally, ask them about their expectations for the new journey and how they see themselves shape success based on their own responsibility. Show that you really want to learn and use this information to work with them in a direction they envision and want to contribute to. 

new leader introduction presentation

4. Discover Everyone’s Strengths

Lisa-Ann Barnes, Consultant

Focus on your team, always. Ask each team member to talk about their experience with this or similar projects, instead of talking about your own experience. Ask them what their questions are and explain why you’re here. Have a one-on-one conversation with each team member as soon as possible. Get to understand their strengths and how they see themselves contributing to the project. Ask them what they need from you as a project manager. For remote teams, do the same things. Also, encourage people to share pictures of themselves so there is a face to the voice and email. Trust is built over time and through mutual respect. As project managers, you have to demonstrate why you should be trusted by first trusting and respecting the team members. 

new leader introduction presentation

5. Ask About the Roadblocks

Carlos Cody , Operations Manager

Find out some areas that are impeding their work, things they have not been able to overcome, and where they want to take their career. Then go to work helping them remove barriers through what you learn. This is what builds trust. If they feel it’s all about you, you will only have positional trust and not trust based on relationships.

new leader introduction presentation

Bonus: Be Prepared to Listen & Answer Many Questions

Bill Hoberecht, Senior Director

Joining a team as a leader can be stressful for everyone.  Team members always have questions they would like answered – questions signaling fear or uncertainty: ‘What is your mandate?’ ‘Are you here to make changes that impact me?’ ‘Will you respect what we have been doing and have accomplished?’ ‘Are you fair?’ ‘Can we trust you?’ 

They may also have things that they want you to know (‘Here’s some great work we have done.’ ‘We have a plan in place that we want to follow.’  ‘We need you to give us support in resolving this important problem – here’s what we need you to do.’)

Introducing yourself as a new manager is more than a one-time event.  It is a journey that includes team meetings and 1:1 meetings. These exchanges can benefit by transparently sharing information with the team (about you, your mandate/interest in the team, excitement in joining the team, your respect for the team, listening to the team, getting to know each team member.  All are important, but listening is paramount.

One attitude to avoid: don’t arrive with ‘the answer.’  You’ll best assimilate into the team by first learning and understanding. (Of course, in a crisis situation, act with appropriate haste.)

To wrap up, the way you introduce yourself to a new team as a project manager is extremely important and will work for you and your goals only if you are prepared. What do you do in such situations? Illustration: Copyright © Oksana Drachkovska 

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Editor-in-Chief and Founder of PM Column. Iryna doesn't imagine her life without eating tomatoes and writing project management articles. She has raised two project management blogs from scratch and written for Epicflow, TechRadar, and Project Manager Today.

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Establishing a relationship with your new group or team is simple, common sense, and straight forward. In many organizations, it’s a missing piece in the puzzle called working together.

The facilitator's guide for this meeting agenda template walks you through:

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  • Leading a group meeting to design your relationship with the group.

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Top 10 Self-Introduction Templates with Samples and Examples

Top 10 Self-Introduction Templates with Samples and Examples

Neha Parmar


Andy completed his studies and searched for a job after that. He applied for jobs but did not get a response from anywhere, but still, he did not give up. He kept on applying for jobs. Finally, one company called him for an interview. He went and met the owner and gave a great interview and told them that he was capable of working well in the company. The owner was influenced by his way of presenting himself using self-introduction slides, and he got the job. 

Andy connects with the owner and presents himself impressively. A self introduction templates helps you make connections with the right person. It is one of the best ways to introduce yourself.

Self Introduction Slide Templates for the First Impression

“ You only have one first chance to make one first impression that lasts a lifetime.”

                   - Nas

Top 10 Self-Introduction Templates

Template 1: 10 minutes powerpoint presentation about myself.

With the help of a PowerPoint Presentation, you can introduce yourself well. You create your presentation, and include your qualifications, weaknesses, hobbies, and work experience in it. In no  time, you will be introducing yourself with confidence. If you want to show yourself in the best light, download the self introduction ppt  theme now.

10 Minutes Presentation About Myself

Download Now!

Template 2: Self Introduction For Job Interview By PowerPoint Presentation

With the help of PowerPoint Presentation Slides, we introduce ourselves. Multi-color visuals are used in these slides. A proper self-introduction is vital for making a great first impression on your audience. It includes content-ready slides such as the path to a career, SWOT analysis, personal qualifications, skills, and more. In addition, you bring tables, charts, and graphs, so the audience is impressed and sees you are perfect for the job. Grab this slide.

Self Introduction In Interview For Job

Template 3: Self-introduction In Interview For Experienced Candidate PowerPoint Presentation Slide

Use this Personal introduction PPT Slide to impress our audience. This complete deck contains slides like SWOT Analysis, personal qualifications, achievements, training, experience, case study, language skills, and hobbies.

Self Introduction In Interview For Experienced Candidates

Template 4: Self Introduction Model PowerPoint Presentation Slide

With the help of a PowerPoint Presentation, you create a profile for yourself in which you  state your qualifications, work experience, skills, education, hobbies, and much more. If you want to show your aptitude for the job, download this PPT Theme now.

Self Introduction Model

Template 5: Professional Self Introduction PowerPoint Presentation Slide

Professional Self Introduction PowerPoint presentation slides with suitable graphics and subject-driven content are here. All templates are completely editable for your convenience. This theme includes high-grade icons; Use this slide for short and long-term goals in the context of your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and treats. Get this slide now.

Professional Self Introduction

Template 6: Personal Professional Self Introduction With Icon 

The PowerPoint Templates are designed to help job-seekers  to understand the challenges they will face. These templates are fully editable and easy to use. Download this template to impress the interviewer.

Personal Professional Self Introduction with Icons

Template 7: About Me Slide For Self Introduction In PowerPoint Presentation

Including self-introduction slides at the beginning of your presentation is a good practice. You can use the PPT Design to describe your profile, educational background, work experience, awards, achievements, and more. This PPT slide allows you to create a presentation that will help you tell your story clearly and concisely.

About Me Slide For Self Introduction

Template 8: Self Introduction Slide About Me PowerPoint Guide

Your introduction slide will help capture the audience’s attention. This PPT Template is used to illustrate skills, hobbies, work experience, and career choices in a clear and organized manner. Your audience will connect with you throughout the speech or presentation. A presentation like this includes your professional and personal information. Making the presentation takes time and effort. Download this self-introduction slide to create a presentation faster.


Template 9: Self Introduction of Digital Marketing Professional 

Presenting our well-structured icons slide for digital marketing. Employ strategic thinking by using this complete deck and present  yourself  with a self-introduction format for digital marketing. Persuade your audience using this icon illustrating digital marketing PPT Theme. This slide has stages that include interest, education, and experience. It is entirely editable and is available for immediate download.

Self Introduction of Digital Marketing Professional

Template 10: Self Introduction CV For Job Search

A creative resume is a great way to stand out from other applicants. Catch the attention of potential employers. You can use these PowerPoint Slides to present your CV or resume to a potential employer. Each template utilizes creative slide designs and innovative visual elements to ensure that it is unique and engages the audience. Mention your skills to crack every interview by downloading ready-to-use samples.

Pitbull Bieber cv resume template

You should always feel like a million dollars when introducing yourself. Your personal or self introduction is the first way to get any opportunity. No one is perfect but by doing it again and again the perfection will come to your interviews.

FAQs on Self Introduction Templates

How can i introduce myself.

Introducing oneself is the most common question asked in an interview. When an interviewer asks about yourself, they seek information about how your qualities and characteristics that align with the skills they need. That you are passionate about your work and you are ambitious and driven. 

How can I introduce myself in an interview?

The first impression happens quite fast . You introduce yourself  to an audience or the owner through a PowerPoint presentation. The audience likes something that shocks and shakes them hard enough to get their attention .Try to make them so intrigued that the desire makes them want to  know who you are. Show the audience what makes you unique. Connect with the audience . This is difficult, but we crack it with confidence. T Body language is a vital part of communication. For example:-

“I am John Smith. I will be here at noon for a job interview for a graphic designer. I have over five years of experience specializing in creating beautiful, unique website experiences that makes the users' time with a brand more enjoyable. I am looking forward to growing my management skills and  develop and inspire a team.”

Always end the interview on a positive note. 

“ It was a pleasure meeting with you. I appreciate the opportunity. .”

How will you describe yourself? 

In any interview, you must make the interviewer think, “Wow! This person would be perfect for position !” The first thing to describe yourself as is  a self-motivated person. You are comfortable taking the initiative and doing things independently. You will explain your experiences and qualifications. For example:

Suppose you have an English literature degree and want to work as a writer for a tech business. Be professional when you speak.

  • Communicate well
  • Be knowledgeable  in your field of expertise
  • Be inquisitive 
  • Be a leader , not a boss
  • Ask for help when you need 
  • Don’t be afraid of failure

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5+ Best Slides for Team Introduction in a PowerPoint Presentation

Last updated on January 8th, 2024

Best Slides for Team Introduction in a PowerPoint Presentation, compatible with PowerPoint and Google Slides

Are you making a pitch deck or applying for a project? Have you considered adding a slide to introduce your team? Your team is not only a part of your company but also your final product or project outcome! Their skills and experience reflect the arsenal you possess for delivering the outcome you are pitching to an audience. This is why you must spend some time introducing your team as a part of your pitch.

What is a Team Introduction Slide?

A team introduction slide introduces a team before the audience. Team introduction slides are used by organizations to provide the audience an overview of the skills and expertise of their team members. This can be helpful during pitch decks, when bidding for projects, introducing a company before an audience, etc. The reason for introducing your team during a presentation is to showcase the capability of your organization. Since your team is truly the quality of outcome you can provide to your clients.

Why Should You Introduce Your Team?

To introduce your organization.

One of the basic reasons for adding a company profile in your presentation is to discuss your organization during an introductory session. Regardless of whether you are presenting a presentation before potential clients, a bunch of students at a college event, or industry experts, introducing your team is a part of introducing your organization before the audience.

To Pitch Your Organization for a Contract or Investment

A team introduction slide is like showcasing a part of your portfolio or company profile. Many professionally designed PowerPoint templates provide such a sample intro slide by default, as this can be a key part of an important presentation where you are trying to pitch your organization as the best candidate to acquire a contract or attract investment. Another reason for providing such a slide can be to create a positive organizational image by showing off how good your team is and why they are the best team to get the job done.

To Prove Your Team can Deliver Desired Results

You don’t necessarily need to have a very experienced team to make a case for your organization to be good at your job. Even startups with an experienced, yet qualified team can emphasize how young, innovative, and academically qualified the team is. Similarly, a team with a vast experience in the industry can be a good selling point for your services.

To Create a Positive Image

Many businesses take pride in their teams and try to use their capabilities as a highlight to build a positive image for their business. For example, a startup might want to emphasize that their team contains people who have worked for other reputable organizations in the past and have the requisite experience to propel their company forward. This type of image building can be good for attracting potential clients and to get recognized in the industry.

Key Elements of a Team Introduction Slide

A team introduction slide can contain basic information about your team. Some of the key elements that your slide should have are mentioned below.

Inclusion of Key Members

The most basic team introduction slides contain a name and designation for each of the key team members highlighted in the slide. This might include the organizational head, vice president, director, project manager, etc. Since medium-sized or large organizations can have a lor of employees, you don’t need to include everyone in your team introduction slide. Usually, you can include the top tier and the most qualified individuals. If you are creating a pitch deck, you might want to focus on your core team, along with a few senior officials in the slide.

Professional Summary

While it can be hard to cram in a professional summary for each individual, especially if you have more than 5 people listed in your intro slide, a few words to highlight the qualifications of each individual can be quite useful. For the purpose of brevity, you can add the names and designations of your employees, along with their key qualifications below their names to show what expertise they possess.

A Face to the Name

While some people might prefer not to add pictures for their team, this can be a useful addition to a team introduction slide, since adding a face to a name can make the team look more realistic and can also have a positive impact on your presentation.

Examples of Slides for Team Introduction

We have compiled a list of slides that can help you create a team introduction for your next presentation. The below-mentioned PowerPoint templates not only serve as an example for making team introduction slides but can also help you create comprehensive pitch decks, and other types of presentations meant to highlight your organization.

1. Introduce Company Profile PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template has been designed to enable presenters to create comprehensive company introductions. You can create entire company profiles and also introduce your team with their names, designation, and a brief summary about them. What makes this template quite comprehensive for team introductions is that it also provides additional slides for emphasizing certain team members to highlight their qualifications and achievements. The template also provides an organizational chart with some team members highlighted.

Creative Our Team Slide for presentations, compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides.

2. Team PowerPoint Infographic Layout

The Team Infographic PowerPoint Layout is a slide to introduce your team which is a part of a PowerPoint template with comprehensive slides for making business presentations. This slide provides a basic collage-like layout for presenting your team with a name, designation, and a picture for each team member. The default layout allows introducing up to five team members, with scope for duplicating the placeholders to add more individuals. You can also add additional placeholders to add a description for each team member.

Our Team Slide template for PowerPoint with photo placeholders. Example of PowerPoint Intro Slide

3. Multi-Purpose Business PowerPoint Template with Slide for Team Introduction

The Multi-Purpose Business PowerPoint Template comes with a slide for a team introduction where you can highlight your key team members with their pictures, name, designation, and qualification. The slide is meant to introduce a handful of team members, where you can also duplicate slide elements to increase the number of team members you intend to showcase. Other than teams, this is a comprehensive PowerPoint template for introducing your company, services, projects, etc.

Multi-purpose slide template for presentations, showing Our team slide

4. Team Discussion PowerPoint Template

This presentation deck contains slides for creating effective business plans, team-oriented and brainstorming slides, pitch decks, and the like. You can use this multi-purpose template to create a variety of business-themed slides and also introduce our team using a simple team introduction slide. This template is an example of how to create a crisp team introduction, business plan, and other types of business presentations. You can pick and choose the slides relevant to your presentation topic and make something that is easy to create and present with simple, flat design layouts.

Our team slide with 4 photo placeholders for presentations, compatible with PowerPoint and Google Slides.

5. Free Team Building PowerPoint Template

The Free Team Building PowerPoint Template is a minimalist team-oriented template with a title slide and a few basic slides to help you create slides about your team. the lively title slide depicts a team holding speech bubbles and a placeholder for a title. This is followed by slides with default layouts for making lists, comparisons, and other types of slides.

Free Our Team slide template for presentation, to introduce your team.

Final Words

Introducing your team in a slide is as important as other aspects of your business. Showing that you have a reliable team can help you build a positive image for your company and brand, as well as enable you to create a convincing pitch deck. Introducing your team also shows that your organization values and trusts its team members to reach desired goals.

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Self Introduction

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A self introduction explains who you are, what you do, and what others need to know about you. You should provide a self introduction any time you meet someone new and do not have a third party to introduce you. You may need to introduce yourself when looking for a job. In this case, you must, first of all, indicate your name, your specialty, professional skills, and work experience. You can also represent yourself when taking on a new position.

 Self Introduction template consists of four slides, each with its own unique design and tools for preparing a presentation about yourself. The first slide gives you the opportunity to post your photo and briefly describe yourself. You can also post contact information such as your residential address, phone number, email address. On the timeline, you can describe your experience with the companies listed. The slide will be useful to everyone who is looking for a job or wants to introduce himself to his clients before the meeting. The second slide provides an opportunity to indicate your education and work experience. You can also indicate your skills through a pie chart. The slide can be used by HR managers when preparing information about a successful employee. They can indicate an employee’s career path in the company and their strong skills. The next slide differs from the previous ones in the arrangement of blocks and the presence of a horizontal diagram. On this chart, you can indicate your skills as a percentage. There is also a field for contact information, education, and work experience. This slide can be used by business coaches and university professors in their courses. The last slide contains a lot of infographics and allows you to add information about your achievements in previous projects. This slide will also allow you to add information about hobbies and interests. This information will help the employer understand what your hobbies are in your free time. The slide can be useful when preparing information about the participants in the competitions that the company holds between its employees.

Self Introduction template is sure to help in your job search. The slide you sent will surely attract the attention of the HR manager and he will get to know your resume in more detail. HR managers can use this template when preparing information about employees who are retiring or transferred to other branches of the company. Also, this template can be useful when preparing a commercial proposal. You can specify the key specialists of your company working on the client’s project. Team leaders can use the slides to introduce new team members in advance. This will help each of the professionals understand the strengths and weaknesses of their partner. You can use ready-made slides or some individual elements to give a modern look to your old presentations. By using the Self Introduction template to build your presentation, your audience will immediately rate your work as a professional.

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It’s important to know how to introduce yourself professionally, as a solid introduction leads to further connection. Whether you’re preparing for a career fair, interview, or sales call, it’s important to practice your self-introduction.

In this article, we’ll cover how to introduce yourself professionally, and we’ll give examples of introductions. We’ll also explain why it’s essential to have a professional introduction ready to go.

Key Takeaways:

Whether you’re sitting down for an interview, meeting a new coworker, or giving a presentation, your self-introduction is the first glimpse into the kind of person that you are.

When introducing yourself, you need to consider the context of the meeting.

Make sure you are using positive body language such as eye contact and smiling and are being an active listener.

When introducing yourself, make sure you are confident because confidence draws people into what you have to say.

How to Introduce Yourself Professionally (In an Email, In an Interview, To a New Team, and More)

How to introduce yourself professionally

How to introduce yourself examples, why are professional introductions important, tips for introducing yourself, job interview self-introduction tips, introducing yourself professionally faqs, expert opinion on introducing yourself professionally.

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To introduce yourself professionally, you need to consider the situation you’re in, use positive body language, and briefly provide information about who you are. If appropriate, ask questions of the person or people you’re introducing yourself to as well.

Consider the context of the introduction. Adapting your self-introduction to the situation you’re in is imperative. An introduction that is professional at a presentation will seem strange at a job interview .

Additionally, speaking as casually as you might on a first date is inappropriate when interviewing for an open position.

Before speaking, the first step is to understand the context of the scenario you’ll be introducing yourself in and adjust your approach accordingly.

Job interviews The first day of a college class Welcoming new co-workers Meeting people at a job fair or conference Giving a presentation to a large group Conducting a sales call

Use positive body language. People are strongly influenced by body language , even if they don’t realize it consciously. Using positive body language draws the other party into what you have to say and who you are.

Eye contact Shaking hands Smiling Nodding Standing upright Arms uncrossed

Give a little information about who you are. The thing about an effective introduction is that it’s a push-and-pull in exchange for information. Spend equal time speaking and listening .

In the case of a job interview, this means briefly explaining your professional background while highlighting your responsibilities and achievements . Explain what jobs you’ve worked in previously and what the responsibilities in those roles entailed.

When you’re introducing yourself in a social situation, it’s okay to include some career-related information, but try to extend the description past that to give a more well-rounded depiction of who you are.

Ask questions. It’s not an attractive quality to be self-absorbed, whether in a professional or social setting. One way to avoid this perception is by asking the other person questions about themselves, the position you’re applying for, or the company you hope to work for.

Questions demonstrate a genuine interest in the other person or professional role, and that makes them respond more positively.

Asking questions also helps the interaction flow naturally from an introduction to a relaxed conversation .

What do you like about working here? What are the biggest challenges I’d be facing in this position? What are you most looking forward to about this conference? What do you do?

Presenting yourself professionally and politely is important no matter the context. Here are some examples of how to do this in a wide variety of situations:

How to introduce yourself in an interview for a job

“Hello, it’s nice to finally meet you in person. Even though we spoke over email, I wanted to formally introduce myself. My name is Sally Jones, and I’m a passionate social media manager . “I’ve been a professional social media manager for the past five years after graduating with my bachelor’s degree in communications from New York University. I’ve led teams that handled high-profile clients and improved their sales margins by upwards of 4%. “I’ve always admired your organization’s mission, and I’d love to be able to use my leadership skills and industry knowledge to further it.”

How to introduce yourself to a new employee

“Hi, my name is Connor. What’s your name? Nice to meet you, _____. I understand that you’ve recently been hired for the job of administrative assistant , which means that we’ll be working together a lot. “I just wanted to introduce myself and extend a warm welcome to the team. “Please let me know if there’s anything I can help you with while you’re getting adjusted to the new role.”

How to introduce yourself in an email

Dear Mrs. Adams, How are you doing? I hope this email finds you well. My name is Jackson King, and I’m a school librarian . I have ten years of experience working as a librarian in the public schooling system, which has awarded me strengths in collaboration and patience. I’m emailing you today because I know that you are the hiring manager for Woodbridge City School District, and I wanted to pass my resume along in case any positions open up that fit my experience and skills. I’d love to have a further discussion about the education philosophies at Woodbridge City School District. I can be reached via [email protected] or (923-742-6336). Thank you for reading my email in full, and I hope to hear back soon. Sincerely, Jackson King [email protected]

How to introduce yourself at a hiring event

“Hi there, how are you? My name is Matthew Shelton. I’m a recent graduate from the University of Texas with a degree in engineering. While I haven’t had much paid professional experience, I participated in a competitive internship with Cisco Systems for six months. “I wanted to come over and introduce myself to you because I saw that you’re representing Flash Energy Solutions. I’ve heard incredible things about this company’s innovation, and I’m curious to find out more about their open positions. Are you available now to talk more about opportunities at Flash Energy Solutions?”

How to introduce yourself to a university professor

“Good afternoon, Professor Johnson. My name is Abigal Morris, and I’m a sophomore here at The University of Washington. I just wanted to formally introduce myself and say I’m looking forward to learning more in your course this semester.”

How to introduce yourself to your network

Hi, Samantha. How are you? I hope all is well. My name is Jessica Lane, and I’m a gallery director for Elegance Art Studios. I’m reaching out to you today because I recently came across some of your artwork online. Specifically, I saw a painting titled “Oblivion” that I thought was immaculate. I’d like to see your other work and speak further about the possibility of building a working relationship with Elegance Art Studios. If you’re interested, please email me at [email protected] or call me at (558)-292-6868. Thank you. Sincerely, Jessica Lane

How to introduce yourself on social media

Hello, Catherine, my name is Sadie Michaels, and I represent a clothing company called Free Air Designs as a marketing coordinator . I came across your Instagram profile while I was searching through my Top Posts page . I think you have a keen eye for social media development, and I enjoy your style. I was wondering if you’d be interested in collaborating on a few targeted posts involving Free Air Designs. Let me know if you’d be interested in talking more. Thanks! -Sadie

How to introduce yourself to a stranger on a plane

“Hello, I don’t mean to bother you, but since we’re going to be on this 12-hour flight, I figured I’d introduce myself. I’m Tom. What’s your name? It’s a pleasure, ____. What brings you on a flight to Milan?”

How to introduce yourself at an office party

“I don’t think we’ve met before. My name is Eric. I work in accounting. What’s your name? Awesome, it’s great to meet you, ____. How long have you been working here? Eight years? Wow, I’ve only been here for two. Have you been at this location all along?”

How to introduce yourself in class

“Hi everyone, my name’s Madeline Johnson. I’m a sophomore English major in the NEAG education program. I was interested in this class as a way of broadening my knowledge of teaching techniques for toddlers. When I’m not stuck in a book, I like to spend my time fishing at the Housatonic River.”

How to introduce yourself in a letter

Dear Mrs. Sels, “My name is John Buck and I’m a freelance writer with a background in e-commerce and the technical space. Naturally, I thought I’d be a good fit for XYZ Technica, an industry leader in technical e-commerce.”

How to introduce yourself to a group

“Hello everyone, my name’s Tim Thompson. I’ve been working in finance for 10 years, and what I specialize in is client support and education. Being able to bring some of this esoteric, but important, information from our field to more people is the most rewarding part of my job.”

How to introduce yourself in a meeting or presentation

“Hi everyone, my name is Riley Cooper and I’m the head of our content marketing team. What we excel at is making bespoke content calendars that match your brand’s voice, as well as monitoring the success of those campaigns.”

How to introduce yourself to a potential new client

Hello, my name is Chris Trager, and I’m a representative for Campbell Paper. I wanted to introduce myself and let you know about our 30% off sale happening throughout the month of August. We provide high-quality paper products and custom-printed materials to many schools like yours, and I’d love to discuss how we can meet your paper and printing needs. Is there anything in particular you’re looking for for an upcoming project? I really enjoy working with education-based clients like you, and I’d love to send you a sample book and help you find solutions at a price point that works for you. Please feel free to respond to this email or call or text me at 333-444-5555. I look forward to talking with you. Chris Traeger Sales Representative Campbell Paper

How to introduce yourself in a new company

Good morning, Ashley, We haven’t met yet, but I’m the new graphic designer working in the marketing department, and I was assigned your ESL class poster. Would you mind sending me the class times whenever you get the chance? Once I have those, I’ll be ready to send the poster to you to look over. I’m looking forward to working with you, and I hope to be able to meet you in person soon! Thanks, Caleb Olson Graphic Designer 222-333-4455

Professional introductions are important because how you demonstrate your character in the first moments of meeting another person dictates their perception of you moving forward, even if that doesn’t accurately describe who you are .

In situations where there is limited time to interact, such as a job interview, making a positive and professional first impression is crucial in achieving a desirable outcome. The confines of a 30-minute interview are all a candidate has to demonstrate themselves as the perfect choice for a job.

This is truly a test of first impressions as job-seekers are asked to perform well in a brief introduction before being hired.

Making a strong self-introduction is more complicated than simply stating your name and shaking hands. Consider the following tips for introducing yourself to leave a lasting positive impression on people you meet:

Dress well . Clothing is the first impression that a job interviewer or colleague has of you before you speak. Dressing well for a professional event ensures that you’re portraying yourself in a professional light.

Be confident. Refined confidence draws people into what you have to say. While sounding conceited repeals most people, a healthy dose of security in your ability to do a job establishes you as a dependable candidate.

Look for opportunities to further the conversation. An introduction that goes back and forth between two people only lasts a few minutes at most before it gets boring. To avoid a boring discussion, be on the lookout for opportunities to further the conversation.

Understand the culture. Before an interview or meeting, you should do research on the company to understand its culture. This will give you a better understanding of whether they are more straightforward or more casual.

If they are more casual, you can include some light humor in your introduction, just make sure it’s appropriate. If they are more straightforward and formal, keep a professional demeanor.

Prepare what you want to say. Practicing how you want to say something can help with stumbling over words and possibly saying something wrong. Try writing down what you want to say beforehand and practicing what you want to say. It may seem silly to be doing so at the time, but it could be helpful if you are nervous and have new meeting anxiety.

Introducing yourself at a job interview is a bit different than in most social contexts. You’ll want to pay special attention to the following in order to ensure the hiring manager likes you from the get-go:

Research the company. Before the interview, check out how the company presents itself to the public via social media. Are they casual and hip, or formal and serious? That’s your first clue for what sort of tone to strike.

Research the interviewer. Figure out whether the interviewer is an HR representative or someone who you’d be working under directly. You can also learn about their background to see what sort of information they’re most likely to appreciate in an introduction.

Plus, you might find an interesting connection that can be a nice segue out of your self-introduction into a shared, natural conversation.

Be hyper-relevant and brief. The job description is your ultimate cheat sheet for which qualifications to hype up as you introduce yourself at your job interview. Don’t go crazy trying to stuff the whole list into your intro, though.

Talk contributions. Introducing yourself shouldn’t be a laundry list of where you worked, when you graduated, etc. — that’s what your resume is for . Instead, get animated and share why you’re passionate about the field, interesting stories from your background, major milestones from your professional career, etc.

Don’t stop at your job title. When you simply give your name and job title, you’re basically saying, “There’s nothing more interesting about me than the function I can possibly fulfill” — not exactly a thrilling candidate.

Don’t try too hard to be funny. Humor is a great thing, but unless you’re a stand-up, you should wait until you’ve developed a bit of rapport before diving into too many jokes. No matter how much research you’ve done on your interviewer, you won’t know what they find funny or inappropriate, so it’s best to play it safe.

How do I introduce myself professionally?

Introduce yourself professionally with positive body language and relevant information about yourself. This relevant information about yourself should be related to the context of the situation. For example, if you are introducing yourself to someone once you have been referred, you may bring up your reference.

What is a unique way to introduce yourself?

To be unique, talk about your values in your introduction. Your values, even if they are common, define your personality. This helps you set the stage to talk about your goals and accomplishments, which should be tied to your values. Just make sure to keep them relevant and appropriate.

How do you introduce yourself in 3 lines?

To introduce yourself in 3 lines: state your name, why you are there, and ask an open-ended question about the other person. It is especially important to explain your purpose in a natural way, so tie it back to the context of the situation. Then, by using an open-ended question, you provide an opportunity for the other person to contribute to the conversation in a meaningful way.

What is a good introduction?

A good introduction should gain attention and interest in a positive manner. You will have introduced yourself successfully because people will be curious to learn more about you. This creates a flow to whatever topic is at hand while keeping your presence relevant.

How do you start an introduction to introduce yourself?

To start an introduction when introducing yourself, greet the person, give your name, and share a little bit about yourself. This information will change depending on the context. In a job interview, for example, you’ll give a quick overview of your experience or skills, while at a professional conference, you’ll share your job title.

How To Introduce Yourself Professionally?

new leader introduction presentation

Amanda Halkiotis Owner and Chief Resume Writer

If you have a hard time thinking of ways to break the ice over email, you can always ask those close to you how you come across to others. Are you funny? Charming? Outgoing? Sincere? Good-natured and kind? Find a characteristic that resonates with you and use it to brand yourself. If you are looking for a financial services job at a fintech firm, for example, a great opening line might be something like, “I have been a math geek my whole life and I started building computers when I was in high school.”. The first line is key to getting the reader interested, so I cannot stress enough the importance of having a “hook” that makes you stand out as an individual.

When introducing yourself personally, manners and confidence matter. Make eye contact and stand up straight, but try to be relaxed and not too stiff. I also recommend being complimentary but a bit subtle about it, for example, saying, “Thank you so much for meeting with me today” followed by, “Your office is such a lovely building” or “I knew we would have a lot in common when we talked based on our email exchange”. A little flattery goes a long way! I like to have three to five points about myself memorized when meeting someone for the first time in an interview setting. Something biographical, something personal, and something professional. So, for me, if someone says, “ Tell me about yourself “, I can reply with, “I grew up in Connecticut and have been in New York City for 14 years, I’m a middle child, I love to travel, cooking, and hiking, I am not afraid of a challenge and I find that I do my best work when I get to work with clients and build relationships”. To sum it up, have an elevator pitch to go along with the brand you promoted over email!

For anyone who gets nervous meeting new people, I suggest practicing in front of a mirror or doing mock interviews with a friend or relative. For virtual interviews (so many are being done on Zoom these days), you can do a mock version by doing a video recording on your phone and looking it over. A few minutes before the actual interview, try a technique called box breathing to calm your nerves.

Lastly, one of my personal heroes who is a true master when it comes to this type of advice is Vanessa Van Edwards. She is a well-known human behaviorist who has been featured on the Today Show, has done a Ted Talk, and has a great YouTube channel. Trust me, you’ll love her.

Harvard Business Review – A Simple Way To Introduce Yourself

Western Michigan University – Introduce Yourself With A Personal Commercial

Yale University – Office of Career Strategy

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Chris Kolmar is a co-founder of Zippia and the editor-in-chief of the Zippia career advice blog. He has hired over 50 people in his career, been hired five times, and wants to help you land your next job. His research has been featured on the New York Times, Thrillist, VOX, The Atlantic, and a host of local news. More recently, he's been quoted on USA Today, BusinessInsider, and CNBC.

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Stanford GSB Corporations and Society Initiative

Engaging Minds: Introducing CASI’s 2024-2025 Student Leadership Group

Incoming '24-'25 CASI student leaders with the outgoing group and CASI faculty Director Anat Admati (top row, 4th person from right).

Incoming '24-'25 CASI student leaders with the outgoing group and CASI faculty Director Anat Admati (top row, 4th person from right).

The Corporations and Society (CASI) Initiative is excited to welcome the new student leaders joining us for the 2024-2025 academic year. This year’s group is a diverse mix of MBA students who bring energy and passion across a range of topics.

Kate Adams and Rachel Hersh will serve as CASI co-directors. Other CASI leaders include Richard Hamrick , Sandhya Jetty , Chanwoo Park , Jack Shumway , Hendrick Townley , and Tyler Walker . 

With fresh ideas and a renewed sense of purpose, the new CASI student leaders are prepared to help shape thought-provoking discussions and drive impactful events in the year ahead.

CASI staff Director Lisa Sanchez-Corea Simpson is looking forward to working with the students on the upcoming CASI speakers program.

“This year’s leaders are eager to deepen the dialogue on issues they feel deserve a more critical examination,” Simpson said. “It’s a great way to expand their interests and raise important questions with the GSB community.”

Some of the topics for discussion include capitalism and the rule of law, sportswashing, and big tech and anti-trust cases.

CASI’s outgoing student leaders say they’re grateful for the exposure to new perspectives during the ’23-’24 academic year and for the knowledge they’ve gained. The outgoing group includes CASI Director Claudia Alvarez-Pujol (MBA ’24) who served as moderator of an April 4th event titled, Is Democracy for Sale? with guest speakers   Patrick Alley of Global Witness, David Leonhardt , senior writer for the New York Times and Bethany McLean , Vanity Fair contributor and book author.

CASI student leader Rachel Keathley (MBA ’24) explored the pervasive disconnect between the billionaire class and the broader societal needs they claim to address at an April 23rd event with Peter Goodman , a New York Times reporter and author of the book, Davos Man: How the Billionaires Devoured the World.

CASI student leader Thomas Newcomb moderated two discussions this academic year; one on November 3rd with Bethany McLean that focused on her book, The Big Fail: What the Pandemic Revealed About Who America Protects and Who It Leaves Behind and another on February 2nd with short seller Fahmi Quadir in February.

Ryan Zepeda  (MBA ’24) welcomed David Barboza , former NY Times journalist and co-founder of The Wire China & WireScreen to a CASI-hosted event on January 18. Zepeda served as moderator for a discussion on the economic and technological changes that have redefined China and the global balance of power.

Amira Hannon moderated an event on race and wealth in May with journalists and co-authors Louise Story and Ebony Reed on their groundbreaking new book, Fifteen Cents on the Dollar: How Americans Made the Black-White Wealth Gap.

In addition to the events, CASI student leaders held small group dinners to share ideas in a more informal atmosphere. Discussion topics ranged from universal basic income, and campaign finance reform, to executive compensation and how to address excessive short-term value prioritization.

These student-led dinners underscore the complexity of the issues at hand and the multifaceted solutions required to address them. They also demonstrate that change often begins with a question, a conversation, and the willingness to listen and learn.

According to Simpson, “A significant part of CASI’s success lies with the student’s participation. Their engagement and enthusiasm drive our mission forward.”

The transition to new leadership marks an exciting chapter for CASI, one where critical discussions can thrive, and meaningful engagements emerge within the GSB community.

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CNN announces additional details on June debate, including muted mics and podium position

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WASHINGTON — CNN announced additional details on the June 27 debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, setting the stage for what is expected to be a tumultuous stand off between the two front-runners ahead of the general election.

The 90-minute debate, held in Atlanta will be moderated by CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. Both campaign have already accepted the invitation to the debate and agreed to the rules set forth in the debate, according to CNN.

There will be two commercial breaks but campaign staff can’t interact with the candidates during that time. The debate won’t feature a live studio audience - as have other general election debates in the past – and candidates’ podium positions will be determined by a coin flip, according to a CNN news release.

And more notably, microphones will be muted throughout the debate except when it is a candidate’s turn to speak, according to CNN.

The candidates will be provided with a pen, pad of paper and a water bottle, but are prohibited from bringing props or prewritten notes.

CNN wrote in its release that the moderators will be allowed to “use all tools at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure a civilized discussion.”

Will Robert F. Kennedy Jr. join Trump and Biden at the debate?

It is not likely independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will join the upcoming debate. 

To qualify for the CNN debate, a candidate must “appear on a sufficient number of state ballots to reach the 270 electoral vote thresholds to win the presidency” and receive at least 15% in four qualifying national polls prior to the eligibility deadline, according to a news release.

CNN wrote in its press release that Kennedy has received at least 15% in three qualifying polls and is on the ballot in six states, making him eligible for 89 electoral college votes. 

However, his campaign previously told USA TODAY they are moving to expand his ballot access in other states.

Conservative media uses misleading camera angle of Biden to falsely claim that he was wandering aimlessly

Conservative media outlets selectively used a camera angle that left out important context to spread a claim Thursday and Friday that President Joe Biden wandered off from a meeting of world leaders, but the full video at another angle captured by NBC News tells a different story.

Instead of wandering off, Biden was walking toward a group of parachutists who had just landed in an Italian clearing and gave them two thumbs-up. 

The deceptive video began spreading online shortly after a photo opportunity at the G7 summit in Puglia, in southern Italy. Biden and other leaders from some of the world’s largest economies stood on a green lawn while people in military uniforms parachuted in carrying oversized flags of the different countries. 

Several cameras, including one from NBC News, were present to document the meeting, where Biden was expected to push for more support for Ukraine in its war against Russia. 

Image: President Joe Biden

But the cameras captured slightly different angles, and Biden’s critics seized on one of them to push their allegation that Biden, 81, is absent-minded and too old to be president. 

The video is one of many that have circulated widely online in recent weeks attempting to cast relatively normal moments as gaffes or evidence that Biden is suffering from a mental decline. Experts have warned that while advanced technology like generative artificial intelligence can spread misinformation, so-called cheapfakes that often use only minor or selective editing can be more effective at spreading false narratives.

The NBC News video contains nothing to suggest that Biden wandered, a word that often implies aimless walking. Instead, it shows he was walking toward a specific destination: a group of at least three kneeling parachutists. 

Many of the deceptive videos went viral on X, which under owner Elon Musk has transformed into an increasingly influential media outlet in conservative circles — one that’s hostile to the Biden administration and where false stories spread with few checks by the platform. 

The New York Post, controlled by the conservative Murdoch family, posted a video Thursday that appeared to be taken with a phone in the vertical position, meaning that it showed little of what was happening on either side of Biden. The video shows Biden walking about seven steps away from the other leaders, seemingly with no destination, and giving at least one thumb-up to whatever was off-camera. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni follows him, touches his arm and directs Biden’s attention in the opposite direction. 

The New York Post, in text superimposed on the video, said that Biden “appears to wander off” and “has to be pulled back.” Its post on X got 4.2 million videos , according to X’s tally Friday. 

Andrew Bates, the White House senior deputy press secretary, criticized the Post’s reporting. 

“The Murdoch outlets are so desperate to distract from @POTUS’s record that they just lie,” he wrote on X . 

“Here, they use an artificially narrow frame to hide from viewers that he just saw a skydiving demonstration,” he wrote. “He’s saying congratulations to one of the divers and giving a thumbs up.” His post received 2.4 million views. 

A spokesperson for the Post did not immediately respond to a request for comment Friday. 

But the claims continued from conservative and Republican accounts, which used the same video or other camera angles with limited context. A post from a Republican National Committee used a video that, although it had a wider angle, still did not show what Biden was walking toward. It received 2.9 million views on X. 

“WHAT IS BIDEN DOING?” the RNC post asked. The RNC did not immediately respond to a request for comment Friday. 

A post on X from Clay Travis, a conservative talk radio host, used the same video as the RNC. He wrote that Biden “just goes wandering off” and that other national leaders “are babysitting our president in Italy.” His post received 1.1 million views . In a follow-up post Friday, Travis said he stood by his view that Biden is not mentally fit to be president.

The RNC's and Travis' posts did not have community notes on them Friday, though X users had proposed some and were in the process of voting. 

The NBC News video angle clearly includes what the others did not: the group of kneeling parachutists who were only steps away from Biden. As they’re kneeling, Biden walks toward them, stops and gives them two thumbs-up. At least one of them appears to acknowledge Biden by standing at attention. 

Meloni does pull Biden back to the group as someone appears to begin speaking, but there’s no indication in the NBC News video that Biden was unaware of his surroundings. 

Deceptive videos of Biden have become a common tactic during the 2024 presidential campaign, which features Biden and 78-year-old former President Donald Trump. Last year, conservative pundits used low-quality video to spread a false claim that Biden fell asleep during a memorial for wildfire victims in Hawaii. 

David Ingram covers tech for NBC News.

  • A second Trump term: from unthinkable to probable

Introducing our 2024 American election forecast model

Biden and Trump portraits facing each other

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W HEN DONALD TRUMP left office in January 2021 his political career seemed over. It was not just Democrats who thought so. “We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights,” wrote Tucker Carlson privately when he was still the host of Fox News’s most popular evening show. “I truly can’t wait.” Mr Carlson did not get his wish. Our statistical forecast, which we launch this week , gives Mr Trump a two-in-three chance of winning in November. This is the same model, plus some refinements, that made Joe Biden a strong favourite to become president in 2020. Tested on election data from previous elections (with no knowledge of the outcome), the model gave Barack Obama about the same chance of winning in 2012 at this point in the race as it gives Mr Trump now. Like most pundits , it thought Hillary Clinton likelier to win in 2016—a reminder that models, though they offer a rigorous way to think about the world, are not crystal balls.

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How has Mr Trump gone from being cast out by his party to being likelier than not to win another term? Incumbent presidents and prime ministers are doing badly everywhere. The wave that soaked India’s Narendra Modi and will surely wash away Rishi Sunak in Britain can be spotted off the Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf coasts. Mr Biden’s approval ratings are among the worst for an American president at the end of his first term. The only thing that makes them respectable is comparing him with Mr Sunak, Justin Trudeau or Emmanuel Macron, whose numbers are even worse. Inflation may be the culprit. Mr Biden would like the election to be about preserving democracy. Swing voters seem to care more about the price of eggs.

Mr Trump may have 34 felony convictions, but Republican leaders are backing him anyway, and so giving rank-and-file Republicans permission to vote for him again. In February 2021 Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate minority leader, described Mr Trump as “morally responsible” for the violent invasion of the Capitol by a Trump-supporting mob a month earlier. Yet in March this year he endorsed Mr Trump. And rewriting history is not confined to Republican bigwigs. Ordinary voters are at it, too. When Mr Trump left office 41% of Americans rated his presidency a success. Now 55% do.

The war in Gaza, which splits Democrats and unites Republicans, has not helped Mr Biden. Layered on top of all this has been some political ineptitude from his campaign. Where his team has tried to bribe voters, for example by forgiving student loans, it has paid off the wrong ones. College-educated Democrats are the party’s most loyal constituency. Such bungs are more effective when offered to swing voters, a point Mr Trump understands better (witness his musings about making tips tax-free in Nevada). When Mr Biden has triangulated, for example on the border (where the administration’s policy is now notably tough), he has trod so quietly that voters have barely noticed.

A lot can change between now and November. The first debate, due to take place on June 27th, will be unusually important . But what is most striking about the polls this year is how little they have moved. Mr Trump is the first former president, and first front-line candidate, to have been convicted in a court. Yet rather than change their minds about him, Republican voters have changed their minds about the courts. The share who told YouGov, a pollster, that a convicted felon should be allowed to be president rose from 17% in April to 58% in June. Meanwhile, 46% of all registered voters seem sure that Mr Biden has done something illegal relating to his son Hunter (which he has not). The younger Mr Biden’s conviction on gun charges will probably reinforce the false impression of equivalence between the two candidates.

Most Americans have already decided who will get their vote. Given that Mr Biden has been behind in national polls all year, even if only by a bit, that is deeply worrying. The electoral college still favours Republicans, so the current president needs to be ahead to have an even chance of winning. His path to victory is scarily narrow. He must win Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania (plus Omaha’s single electoral-college vote) to get to 270. If he loses any of those, he will have to win one of Arizona, Georgia, Nevada or North Carolina—where he is currently several points down in the polls. In other words, there is no clear plan B .

Mr Biden’s political team knows this but is presenting a calm face to the outside world, hoping that, as the election draws closer, voters will remember why even Mr Carlson was sick of Mr Trump by the end. Mr Biden is running as if he were ahead in this race. He is not. ■ Read more of our coverage of America’s election year.

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This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline “From unthinkable to probable”

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Apple extends its privacy leadership with new updates across its platforms

A person holds an iPhone 15 Pro to their face.

Superior Privacy for AI Capabilities

More Privacy Features Designed to Empower Users

A locked app is shown on iPhone 15 Pro.

Additional Features Built with Privacy by Design

Categorization in Mail is shown on iPhone 15 Pro.

Text of this article

June 10, 2024


Private Cloud Compute sets a new standard for privacy in artificial intelligence

CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Apple today announced new updates across its platforms that help empower users and keep them in control of their data. Private Cloud Compute extends the industry-leading protections of iPhone to the cloud, so that users don’t have to choose between powerful intelligence grounded in their personal context and strong privacy protections. Apple also raised the bar for privacy with new features, such as locked and hidden apps, aimed at helping users protect sensitive areas of their phones. Apple introduced additional features designed with privacy and security in mind, including categorization in Mail, Messages via satellite, and presenter preview.

“Private Cloud Compute allows Apple Intelligence to process complex user requests with groundbreaking privacy,” said Craig Federighi, Apple’s senior vice president of Software Engineering. “We’ve extended iPhone’s industry-leading security to the cloud, with what we believe is the most advanced security architecture ever deployed for cloud AI at scale. Private Cloud Compute uses your data only to fulfill your request, and never stores it, making sure it’s never accessible to anyone, including Apple. And we’ve designed the system so that independent experts can verify these protections.”

Apple Intelligence , the personal intelligence system that puts powerful generative models right at the core of iPhone, iPad, and Mac, makes a user’s most personal devices even more useful and delightful.

A cornerstone of Apple Intelligence is on-device processing, which delivers personal intelligence without collecting users’ data. In those times when a user needs models that are larger than what can fit in their pocket today,  Private Cloud Compute allows Apple Intelligence to flex and scale its computational capacity, drawing on larger, server-based models to handle more complex requests, all while protecting user privacy.

When a user makes a request, Apple Intelligence analyzes whether it can be processed on device. If it needs greater computational capacity, it can draw on Private Cloud Compute, which will send only the data that is relevant to the task to be processed on Apple silicon servers. When requests are routed to Private Cloud Compute, data is not stored or made accessible to Apple, and is only used to fulfill the user’s requests.

The Apple silicon servers that form the foundation of Private Cloud Compute provide unprecedented cloud security. This starts with the Secure Enclave, which protects critical encryption keys on the server just as it does on a user’s iPhone, while Secure Boot ensures the OS running on the server is signed and verified, just like in iOS. Trusted Execution Monitor makes sure only signed and verified code runs, and attestation enables a user’s device to securely verify the identity and configuration of a Private Cloud Compute cluster before sending a request. And to verify Apple’s privacy promise, independent experts can inspect the code that runs on Private Cloud Compute servers.

More details on Private Cloud Compute can be found at .

Locked and hidden apps give users peace of mind that others won’t inadvertently see something unintended when showing their screen to someone else, or handing them their device. Users can lock an app to protect its contents from view, or hide an app to help prevent others from seeing it. When a user locks an app, if someone tries to tap it, they will be required to authenticate using Face ID, Touch ID, or a passcode. For additional privacy, a user can also hide an app, moving it to a locked, hidden apps folder that requires Face ID, Touch ID, or a passcode to open.

“We relentlessly deliver on our commitment to give users the strongest and most innovative privacy protections,” said Erik Neuenschwander, Apple’s director of User Privacy. “This year is no exception, and the ability to lock and hide apps is just one example of Apple helping users remain in control of their information, even when they are sharing their devices with others.”

For years, Apple has worked to ensure that a user can share exactly what they want to, and with whom. In 2020, Apple introduced the Photos picker, which lets a user select photos and videos to use in an app, without requiring full Photo Library access. This year, Apple has two new features that expand on this protection. With Contacts permission improvements in iOS 18 , Apple is putting users in control by letting them choose which contacts to share with an app, rather than give an app access to all their contacts. Accessory Setup Kit also allows developers to provide an intuitive new way to pair a user’s accessories without letting an app see all the other devices on their network, keeping their devices private and making pairing seamless.

Other new updates across Apple’s platforms make it easier than ever for users to take advantage of privacy and security features.

Building on the foundation of Keychain, which Apple first introduced more than 25 years ago, the new Passwords app makes it easy for users to access account passwords, passkeys, Wi-Fi passwords, and two-factor authentication codes stored securely in Keychain. The app also includes alerts for users regarding common weaknesses, such as passwords that can be easily guessed, have been used multiple times, or have appeared in known data leaks.

Additionally, the refreshed Privacy & Security section in Settings surfaces glanceable information, so users can more easily understand the level of access each app has.

Apple has been building privacy and security protections into its apps and services for many years, and iOS 18, iPadOS 18 , and macOS Sequoia are no exception.

With iOS 18, categorization in Mail occurs entirely on a user’s iPhone, and automatically sorts messages into Primary, Promotions, Transactions, and Updates, letting users focus on the messages that matter to them most.

Messages via satellite in iOS 18 enables users to message their friends and family directly from their existing iMessage and SMS conversations when they are without access to cellular connectivity or Wi-Fi. 1 When going off the grid, users can message over satellite right from the Messages app, while maintaining end-to-end encryption for iMessage.

Presenter preview in macOS Sequoia helps ensure users no longer have to worry about oversharing when they’re video conferencing, using AirPlay, or plugging in with a cable. With apps like FaceTime and Zoom, users can share their whole screen, or just an app, and presenter preview appears automatically.


The developer betas of iOS 18, iPad OS 18, and macOS Sequoia are available to Apple Developer Program members at starting today, and public betas will be available next month at . New software features will be available this fall as a free software update. Features are subject to change. Some features may not be available in all regions, all languages, or on all devices. For more information about availability, visit .

Apple Intelligence will be available in beta on iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, and iPad and Mac with M1 and later, with Siri and device language set to U.S. English, as part of iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia this fall. For more information, visit .

  • Messages via satellite will be available in iOS 18 along with Apple’s existing satellite features in the U.S. on iPhone 14 and later. SMS availability will depend on carrier. Carrier fees may apply. Users should check with their carrier for details.

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