What Is Competency Development? A Detailed Guide

What Is Competency Development? A Detailed Guide

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In the ever-evolving world of work, staying ahead of the curve requires a workforce equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge. This is where competency development comes in.

Competency development is helping your team or employees acquire and enhance the skills, knowledge, and behaviours necessary to perform a particular role or task effectively. It is an ongoing process involving formal and informal training and learning experiences. It's like upgrading your business software to the latest version, ensuring your team is equipped to tackle any challenge that comes their way.

Competency development boosts confidence, enhances problem-solving abilities, and opens new opportunities. It's the key to unlocking the hidden potential and reaching new heights in the personal and professional lives.

Let’s get a detailed understanding of competency development and why it is important for team managers and business owners.

Understanding Competency Development

To completely understand the concept of competency development, first, you need to know what competencies are.

Competence is a Latin word which means to be capable of something. Thus, competencies include the skills, knowledge, and attributes a person possesses that enable him/her to perform tasks effectively. They are more than just the ability to do a job; they also involve the ability to complete it per the organization's values and goals.

Here is one thing that you need to note: competencies are different from skills . Skills are the specific abilities an individual has to perform a particular task. Skills can be acquired through training or experience.

Skills are the foundation of competencies but not the whole story. For example, someone may have the skill of using a spreadsheet program but not the competency to analyze data effectively.

Now, what is competency development, and why does it matter? Competency development is the process of enhancing and honing an individual's knowledge, skills, and abilities to improve performance and achieve desired objectives. It is a never-ending process of learning, practicing, and applying new skills and information. This not only helps the people you have hired to reflect upon their merits and shortcomings but also opens doors to a multi-pronged approach to learning. 

For several reasons, it is important to understand that competency development is important for individuals and organizations.

Importance of competency development for employees:

  • It enhances career prospects
  • Improves job performance and productivity
  • Increases ability to adapt to change
  • Promotes personal and professional growth

Importance of competency development for organizational success:

  • Improved employee engagement and retention
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction
  • Encouraged organizational versatility and creativity

The Key Competencies of Competency Development

Acquiring soft skills is crucial for maximizing hard skills and technical expertise. By effectively helping your teams apply core and hard skills, you as a manager or business owner can enhance overall performance, improve the outcomes and make a stronger impression on supervisors, management or clients. 

In the business world, competency development depends on four core competencies:

The Key Competencies of Competency Development

Via Edstellar

Self Competence:

‍ Self-competency empowers the employees to navigate life's challenges. It encompasses a set of essential characteristics that enable individuals to take charge of their lives and shape their own destinies.

Key qualities of self-competence include:

  • Reflectiveness: Self-reflection allows professionals to examine their thoughts, behaviours, and experiences with an open mind. By analyzing their actions and outcomes, they can gain valuable insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. 
  • Critical Faculties: Strong critical thinking skills will enable your team to evaluate information objectively, identify biases, and form well-reasoned judgments. It helps them make informed decisions, solve problems effectively, and navigate complex situations.
  • Self-Confidence: Self-competency creates strong self-confidence, allowing professionals to have faith in their abilities and confidently achieve their goals. This certainty gives them the confidence to go outside their comfort zone, take measured risks, and grab new opportunities.
  • Flexibility: Self-competency includes adaptation and flexibility, allowing professionals to manage uncertainty and change. If you are helping your team, be flexible, open to new ideas, and prepared to change the plans if required, you make them competent in adjusting to changing circumstances.

Social Competence :

Social competence is the ability to interact effectively and positively with others in various social settings. It includes multiple skills, like empathy, communication, cooperation, and conflict resolution. These skills are essential for success in the workplace, as they enable individuals to work effectively in teams, build strong relationships, and navigate challenging situations.

Here are the key aspects of social competence in the work environment:

  • Empathy: It allows professionals to understand and respond to the perspectives and feelings of others. This ability is crucial for building trust and connection with colleagues, clients, and customers.
  • Teamwork Skills: These skills include collaborating effectively with others, sharing ideas, and compromising. Strong teamwork skills are essential for achieving common goals productively and harmoniously.
  • Soft Skills: Soft skills, such as empathy and communication, are also critical for social competence in the workplace. These skills enable individuals to interact with others professionally and respectfully, even in difficult or stressful situations. Socially competency brings several benefits to the workplace, including increased productivity, improved communication, reduced conflict, and a more positive and supportive work culture.

Professional Competence :

Professional competence is more than just a set of skills and knowledge; it also includes the capacity to use these characteristics successfully in actual-life situations and adapt to changing demands. It is the foundation upon which success is built, enabling individuals to perform their duties effectively, adapt to changing circumstances, and contribute meaningfully to their organizations.

The key characteristics of professional competency development may include:

  • Knowledge: Possessing a deep understanding of the profession's theoretical concepts and principles will help the professionals to perform tasks effectively.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Professional competence empowers your people to tackle complex challenges and find effective solutions.
  • Adaptability: Staying current on trends, innovations, and emerging technology in a particular work area and adapting procedures accordingly.

Professional competence is not a static state but rather an ongoing process of development and refinement. It requires a blend of formal education, hands-on experience, and self-directed learning.

Methodological Competence :

Methodological competency development is not just about having a wide range of knowledge and skills; it's also about applying that knowledge and those skills effectively to solve real-world problems. 

This involves a variety of abilities, including:

  • Research and Data Collection: Methodologically competent individuals know how to find, evaluate, and use information from various sources. They can also synthesize information from different sources to understand a problem or issue comprehensively.
  • Analysis and Problem-Solving : Methodological competence can help you to break big issues into smaller, more manageable sections. If your employees are equipped in this manner, they can also discover the underlying causes of problems and devise innovative remedies.
  • Decision-making : Teams competent enough with this can make sound decisions based on evidence and sound reasoning. Also, consider multiple perspectives and make decisions that are in the best interests of all stakeholders and the business. 

Overall, methodological competence is a valuable skill that empowers professionals/teams/employees to navigate complex tasks, solve problems effectively, and adapt to changing demands. It is a key ingredient for success in various fields and positions and is crucial to your organizational growth.

The Competency Development Process

To stay ahead in the business landscape, you need to follow a structured approach to identifying, developing, and enhancing the skills and abilities of individuals or groups. 

Here are the steps that you need to follow to make an effective competency development framework within the organization:

The Competency Development Process

Step 1: Identify Competencies: Start by establishing clear goals and objectives that you aim to accomplish through its implementation. First and foremost, identify the competencies that your ideal workforce should possess. Gather feedback from your team members, as they are the ones directly involved in the work. Consider sharing your plans to construct a competency development plan with the company to eliminate all concerns.

Step 2: Assess Current Competencies: Once you have identified the essential competencies required for your team members, the next step is to assess their current competencies. This can be achieved by directly observing their work, engaging in conversations about their professional experiences and goals, and administering questionnaires to gather their self-perceptions. By employing these strategies, you can gain valuable insights into your team's capabilities and identify areas where skill development is needed.

Step 3: Develop a Plan: Based on the assessment results, design a competency development program or intervention to address the identified competency gaps. This plan should include specific learning objectives, activities, and timelines.

Step 4: Implement the Plan: You have prepared the plan. Now, what’s next? It’s the time to plan into action. Focus on specific roles within the company, or opt for broader company-wide development initiatives. Implementing your plan extends beyond simply providing a single training program; it marks the initiation of a documented process that can be replicated for future use. As your competency development program expands, you can tailor it to address more specific competencies or roles within the organization.

Step 5: Evaluate Progress: Competence development is an ongoing process; therefore, you should regularly monitor the effectiveness of the training and development activities. Regular assessment can help you measure progress toward the established goals. This will provide valuable feedback for continuous improvement of the competency development process.

Strategies for Effective Competency Development

  • Effective competency development is essential for organizational success, enabling businesses to align individual skills and expertise with their strategic objectives. To achieve this alignment, you can implement the following effective competency development strategies to enhance the effectiveness of your competency development initiatives.
  • Align Competencies with Business Goals: Ensure competency development functions align with the organization's strategic goals and objectives. This will assist in guaranteeing that employee growth efforts directly contribute to the organization's performance.
  • Leverage Technology: Utilize technology to improve the delivery of competency development programs. This might include e-learning platforms, virtual classrooms, and performance management tools.
  • Encourage Employee Engagement: Actively engage employees in the competency development process. Involve them in identifying their development needs, setting goals, and selecting appropriate learning opportunities. Empower employees to take ownership of their professional growth.

Competency Development Challenges and Overcoming Them

In the world of work and personal growth, when you are on a journey to enhance your team’s skills, you may encounter challenges that can make you feel trapped. So, let’s see what are the challenges in competency development program and how you could tackle them:

  • Challenge 1: Identifying Competency Gaps: Sometimes, it can be difficult to identify specific areas where you need to improve the skills or knowledge of your workforce. This can be due to a lack of clarity about your goals.
  • Solution: Take a step back and assess your employees' skills and goals. What are their strengths and weaknesses? What skills do you need to improve in current or future roles? Once you have a clear picture of your competency development program, you can start narrowing down your options.
  • Challenge 2: Lack of Engagement and Motivation: Employees may not see the value or relevance of the program to their daily work. Also, traditional training methods may fail to capture the interest and attention of participants. 
  • Solution: Link the program to career development opportunities and promotions. Use interactive and engaging training methods like gamification and simulations. Even small, celebrate successes and recognize the achievements of the employees. 
  • Challenge 3: Finding the Right Learning Resources: With the internet overflowing with learning resources, finding the right ones can be a daunting task. You might feel like you're constantly bombarded with options, each promising to solve the skill-building problems.
  • Solution: To navigate this problem, start by evaluating the learning styles of your employees. Do they prefer hands-on experiences, interactive online courses, or traditional textbooks? Once you know their style, you can seek resources catering to their preferences.

Measuring Competency Development

You have created a competency development plan to achieve your goals and are following it. But are your objectives achieved? Is your team growing in the competency area? To know this, you need to track how they are learning and developing the skills they need to be successful in the tasks at hand and be successful in their job. 

Also, measuring the effectiveness of competency development helps to:

  • Find areas of improvement
  • Track the progress
  • Make informed decisions

How to Measure Competency Development?

Different ways to measure competency development for professional development are available. Some common methods include

  • Self-Assessment: Rating the team members’ skills individually and comparing them to a defined competency framework. This assessment can identify areas where you need to enhance the frameworks and set goals for your team’s development.
  • 360-Degree Feedback: This involves gathering feedback from coworkers, managers, and even customers. 360-degree feedback can identify the team’s strengths and weaknesses and track their progress over time.
  • Performance Appraisals: These formal performance evaluations typically include a section on competency development.

Integrating Competency Development in Career Growth for Employees

Competency development isn't just an HR initiative; it's a cornerstone of success in today's dynamic business landscape. By strategically integrating it into the career journey, businesses can empower their employees, helping them to take a step forward in career growth. Let’s see how you can achieve this as a business owner or a team leader. 

Integrating Competency Development in Career Growth for Employees

  • Identify Individual Needs and Aspirations: Regularly discuss career goals and aspirations with your team/employees to identify skills gaps and development areas. Based on this assessment, develop plans to address individual needs and align them with their career aspirations. 
  • Link Competency Development to Career Paths: Clearly define the competencies required for different career stages and design individual learning paths based on career goals and skill gaps. Provide opportunities for employees to apply newly acquired skills through stretch assignments, projects, and leadership roles.
  • Utilize Performance Management: Evaluate your employee performance based on defined competencies. Provide regular feedback and coaching to help employees improve their skills and competencies. Acknowledge and reward employees for their commitment to learning and development.
  • Foster a Culture of Learning and Development: Provide your employees access to resources, training programs, and development opportunities to encourage continuous learning. Facilitate peer-to-peer learning through mentoring programs, internal workshops, and communities of practice.
  • Utilize Technology and Tools: Utilize technology platforms to deliver online training modules, track progress, and provide access to learning resources. Use online assessments and simulations to measure competency development and identify areas for improvement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why competency development is so important for teams?

In today's dynamic and competitive business environment, high-performing teams are essential for organizational success. However, simply assembling individuals with diverse skill sets isn't enough. To help organizations climb the success graph, teams on the ground need a dedicated focus on competency development.

How can I identify the competency development needs in my team?

Here are key methods to identify competency development needs in your team:

  • Analyze your team member’s job roles and responsibilities
  • Conduct employee assessment
  • Encourage open communication

What are some resources for competency development?

Many resources are available for competency development, including formal training courses, online learning platforms, workshops, mentorship or guidance from experienced professionals, and networking with peers. 


Competency development is an important part of professional growth and development. 

By understanding the importance of competency development, identifying the competency development needs of your teams, and taking steps to address those needs through effective training management programs , you can enhance the overall performance of your workforce and achieve greater organizational success.

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Pete Ford is a corporate training specialist with over 15 years of experience. His expertise lies in training methodologies, employee engagement, and performance improvement. Pete has a proven track record of developing and implementing effective training programs that enhance employee skills and productivity. His writings provide valuable insights into the world of corporate training, offering readers practical advice on how to design and deliver impactful training programs. His deep understanding of training dynamics makes him a trusted voice in the field.

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How to design a competency-based assessment.

How might a focus on skills instead of content change the way we design assessments?

The promise of competency-based learning is a learning environment that better reflects the world our students are preparing to enter. Designing competency-based assessments is about creating opportunities for demonstration of important skills in authentic contexts. The purpose of these assessments is to focus less on collecting data for the teacher and more on empowering students to demonstrate what they’ve learned, reflect on how they’re doing, and plan what they’ll learn next.

Before I outline a four-step process for designing these assessments, I’ll emphasize a core principle of competency-based learning: student ownership. It’s important to recognize that at every stage of the process below, you can involve students as co-designers.

Step One: Articulate Competencies

What do we want students to know and be able to do? This question, which drives Wiggins and McTighe’s Understanding by Design Framework , also underlies the first step in competency-based assessment design.

The essential skills students need to succeed in the world beyond school — what I’ll call “competencies” here — should drive the philosophy and purpose of assessments. They should be transferable , observable, transdisciplinary, and accessible to students. As Chris Sturgis of CompetencyWorks writes , a well-articulated competency “will be valuable ten years from now even if the content knowledge has changed.”

As an example, below are the six core competencies that drive learning in GOA student courses.

No matter which GOA course our students take — Arabic, Philosophy, Multivariable Calculus, Neuropsychology — their work is geared towards developing these skills. This is how to think about the relationship between competencies and content: competencies provide the framework for how we want students to learn and what we want to assess them on, and excellent content provides depth and deeper meaning to those assessments.

How to engage students in this work: Ask them what success in learning looks like. Ask them to share their goals and visions for their futures. Collaborate with them to translate their answers into competencies they can develop in school.

Step Two: Develop Evidence of Competencies

Evidence of skill development — what we call “learning outcomes” at GOA — are the criteria teachers and students use to assess student work. As Ron Berger argues in Leaders of Their Own Learning , these outcomes must focus on learning targets , not tasks. A competency-based assessment doesn’t aim to measure how quickly/completely a student can finish tasks or comply with instructions; rather, it aims to articulate clearly what the student should be able to do as a result of completing the assessment. For this reason, learning outcomes are often framed as “I can…” statements to reinforce the idea that the target is met only when the knowledge is successfully applied in a demonstrable way. For detailed examples, see Asia Society’s Global Competence Performance Outcomes .

How to engage students in this work: Have them select a competency or competencies and ask them, “What does success look like in this area? How will I know you’ve mastered this skill?”

Step 3: Build Student-Friendly Rubrics

In competency-based learning, a rubric is used for far more than scoring. Rubrics built on clearly articulated competencies and learning outcomes can be used to establish clarity with students about what they’re learning and why they’re learning it. They are also essential tools for teachers to calibrate understanding of quality performance: collaborative teacher review of student work using rubrics is a regular element of competency-based learning. Finally, they are tools for assessment: students and teachers can use the rubric to measure performance, reflect on learning, and plan next steps.

Because competency-based learning is not a time-based system, students frequently have the opportunity to revisit learning activities and be reassessed, supported by formative feedback and routine metacognitive reflection. Formats like the single-point rubric below allow a rubric to anchor an ongoing conversation about learning between student and teacher rather than merely deliver points.

How to engage students in this work: Have them build personalized rubrics using competencies and outcomes you (or you and they) have articulated. Let them choose the learning outcomes that matter the most to the work they want to do.

Step 4: Create the Learning Experience(s)

Only after the intentional process of articulating competencies and outcomes should we think about how students will demonstrate these skills via learning experiences. There are many ways to demonstrate these skills, so the products of the assessment — the students’ work — should be varied and interesting.

I’ve found it helpful to think about the apprenticeship model, where students, with the support of a mentor, learn the field through authentic practice (a blacksmith’s apprentice makes a horseshoe, or a carpenter’s apprentice makes a birdhouse). When it comes to more academic work, think about what Jal Mehta and Sarah Fine call “cognitive apprenticeships,” where the essential question is not “What is the content I need to cover?” and is instead “What does it mean to think in the domain?” This shift allows teachers to organize learning around purpose and meaning, culminating in student exhibitions of learning that might contribute to the domain.

What does this look like?

The best way to recognize a competency-based learning experience is to look at the work students produce and the learning environment in which they produce it.

  • You will find excellent content tied to a larger purpose, much like how these three teachers used computational thinking to help students pursue social justice .
  • You will find teachers taking more flexible, nonlinear approaches to curriculum to better suit students’ individual needs and interests.
  • You will find students designing their own assessments by selecting, in collaboration with their teachers, the outcomes against which their learning should be measured.
  • You will find teachers and students using the competencies and outcomes to engage in regular, open reflection on learning .

How to engage students in this work: Empower them to be learning designers and project managers. Let them use the rubric to design an experience where they can demonstrate the learning outcomes in an authentic way. Give them the responsibility of planning, executing, and presenting their work for assessment.

Ready to design for competency-based learning? Purchase our Competency-Based Learning Toolkit , the ideal tool for teams of educators looking to prioritize mastery and personalization.

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How to create competency and career development plans | steps + free template.

Bridge skill gaps and retain talent! Delve into creating an effective competency and career development plan with actionable steps and exclusive free template.

Companies want to keep reducing the skill gap, and employees love companies that help them polish their skills. 

Case in point: 76%  of employees are likelier to stay with companies offering continuous training.

A competency and career development plan is the best blend of expectations of both employees and employers. More than just HR jargon, these plans are the lighthouses guiding employees through the fog of professional uncertainty. They're not just about reaching the next role but genuinely understanding and mastering the journey .

This article will: 

  • Break down what a competency and career development plan is . 
  • The HR processes that can enable this type of plan in your organization (think mapping competencies and career paths).
  • How you can fill in competency and career development plans with your people ( from scratch or using our templates ).
  • If you stay till the end, you also get tips to motivate employees to follow through with their plans.


🔝 What is a competency and career development plan ?

A competency and career development plan is a structured approach that outlines an individual's skills, knowledge, and behaviors required for their current and future roles, combined with a roadmap for professional growth and progression within an organization. It emphasizes enhancing current competencies and acquiring new ones, ensuring alignment with career aspirations and organizational needs.

What Is a Competency and Career Development Plan?

A competency and career development plan is a blueprint that helps an employee grow in their careers by acquiring the required skills . This learning and development plan shows what skills employees need to excel in their current or future roles. It also helps companies as they constantly look for skilled employees. 

❗️3 Steps to complete before creating a competency and career development plan

3 Steps to Complete Before Creating a Competency and Career Development Plan

Define career maps

A career map shows various milestones for an individual's growth in an organization or department. 

For instance, the example below is a sample career path for an entry-level sales manager.

career paths crossengage

You can create career maps before talking to employees about their career goals. This way, they already know what growth in the organization looks like. It will help them set the right goals.

💡 Use our detailed guide to create career progression frameworks . It outlines ten simple steps for creating career maps, best practices from experts, and samples for reference.

Career framework example database

Complete competency mapping for each role

The next step is to define what competencies are needed for each role.

The advantage of competency maps is that when an employee says they are interested in a particular role, you already know the competencies they must develop. You can assign a development plan for those competencies.

💡 Check out our latest post to learn how to conduct competency mapping . Also, get a competency mapping template to get started.

Zavvy's competency mapping template

Conduct skill-gap analysis

The last step is to conduct a skill-gap analysis and find what skills your organization needs. This step will help you motivate employees in the right direction. 

For example, if your skill gap analysis shows you need more senior web developers experienced in Angular JS. Then, you can share this information with junior web developers and motivate them to learn Angular JS. As a result, junior web developers also get an opportunity to grow/upskill, and you can avoid a potential skill gap.  

💡 Discover steps, best practices, and a template to conduct skill-gap analysis .

✍️ How to fill in a competency and career development plan

By completing prerequisites, you have the base data to begin. Now, you can create a competency and career development plan in below 3 steps. 

Find employee aspirations

The first step is to find out what employees' career aspirations are. 

For this, you can conduct a career development survey. This survey helps employees to do a self-assessment of their strengths/weaknesses and also outline their goals.

Nihan Colak Erol, COO of Wingie , highlights the importance of this step. She says involving employees helps to create personalized and actionable plans.

Feel free to use the template below for the survey.

Career development survey template

1. What are your short-term career goals (1-3 years)?

The answer can be a multi-line text input.

2. What are your long-term career goals (3-5+ years)?

3. Do you feel the career paths for growth are clear within the organization?

The answer should be a single choice:Yes/No

3. Are you interested in exploring leadership roles?

The answer should be a single choice:Yes/No/I am not sure.

4. Are you interested in becoming a Subject Matter Expert?

The answer should be a single choice:Yes/No/I am not sure

5. What skills and competencies would you like to develop in the next 1-2 years?

6. How do you like to attend learning programs?

(Select all that apply.)

7. Do you feel supported by your manager in your career development?

The answer should be a single choice:Yes/No.

8. Do you have the required learning resources for your career development?

9. Can we do anything to better support your career development?

10. Is there anything else you want to share about your career development goals?

11. Is there anything you would like to share on the career development opportunities provided by the organization?

💡 Tip: Verify employees have access to career paths before sharing the survey. 

Completing competency profiling

The next step is to assess where the employees currently stand. Competency profiling is evaluating the competencies of an employee. It's more like getting a current status to plan further learning. 

You can do this exercise for the must-have competencies ( core and technical ) of the current role and the future role employees wish to pursue.

The list of competencies will be available in competency maps created for each position. 

💡 Tip : We have already written a comprehensive guide on how to complete competency profiling . You can use it to conduct competency profiling for your employees.

Zavvy's complete competency framework template

Creating a competency and career plan

Now, it's time to work on the plan. But what to write in competency and career development plan? 

The main components are:

  • employee's short-term and long-term goals;
  • competency profile showing where they are currently at and where they need to be;
  • action items for developing each competency;
  • check-in frequency to get status on action items
  • budget for any learning activities.

Have a one-on-one meeting with employees and mutually decide the action items. 

Career development conversation meeting template

💡 Tip#1 : Jo Taylor, MD of HR Consultancy Let's Talk Talent , suggests keeping a healthy mix of action items : networking, mentoring, stretch assignments, coaching, and formal training.
💡 Tip#2 : Give employees a fair idea of organizational priorities based on the skill-gap analysis you did. 

For instance, your organization is looking for subject matter experts in a particular technology. Then, employees can aim to acquire that skill. 

Or suppose a specific technology is becoming obsolete. In that case, your people deserve to know the complete picture to plan to upskill . 

Now, that's a lot of theory to begin with. You can quickly head to the next section to see how to put all this theory into action.  

📝 Competency and career development plan examples and template

We researched and compiled three templates for you: Basic to advanced. So, you can simply plug and play.

🛠 Basic employee development plan template (LinkedIn)

This development template by LinkedIn is an excellent template to get started if you are preparing your first career and competency development plan.

It is a basic template and gives a quick summary of: 

  • career goals of an employee;
  • existing skills; 
  • action items to meet career goals;
  • feedback pointers. 

Career development plan template by LinkedIn

🛠 Competency-based development plan template (Coursera)

The competency-based development plan by Coursera is one step ahead of the professional development plan by LinkedIn. It focuses more on competencies and covers:
  • Career goals of an employee
  • Skill audit
  • Action plan to develop skills
  • Necessary resources.

Career development plan template by Coursera

🛠 Competency and Career development plan template (Zavvy)

Based on our research, we found a few gaps in existing templates. Most templates were prepared only from the employee's point of view. So, they lacked the employer side of budget, approvals, and more.

We compiled employee and employer requirements and prepared this competency and career development plan template. 

Competency and career development plan template by Zavvy

Our template covers:

  • career goals
  • skills audits
  • development tasks
  • necessary approvals
  • check-in frequency and feedback.

You can use this template to give employees a complete picture and track the logistics.

🤩 7 Strategies to motivate employees to take ownership of their career development plans

How can you ensure these development plans are not just another task staying last on an employee's task list? These 7 tips will help. 

7 Strategies to Motivate Employees to Take Ownership of Their Career Development Plans

Regular check-ins

One way to motivate employees is to check in with them regularly. Trevor Ewen, COO at QBench , says this works especially well for ambitious employees with high intrinsic motivation. This meeting helps them provide a platform to discuss their progress. Also, managers can guide them on how to proceed next and help them if they are stuck anywhere.

 ➡️ Discover 11 coaching skills that help managers conduct career discussions better. 

Allocate time for professional growth

Another great way to motivate employees to work on development plans is to give them dedicated time for learning. For instance, LinkedIn gives InDay to employees to have reserved time for learning and skill enhancement.

excel template development plan Zavvy

Offer continuous learning and development opportunities

A good tip to promote learning is to empower employees with resources. 

For example, Accenture provides a portal with courses from internal experts, external providers, and universities. 

These resources/opportunities need not be limited to formal training. It can also be social learning by coaching programs or networking events. 

Offer rewards for learning

Giving rewards or recognition for learning creates a sense of achievement in employees. Some of the best companies adopt this strategy. 

At Zappos , employees receive rewards for having a hunger for growth and development.

Integrate career development into performance reviews

Merging performance reviews and development programs ensures employees work towards more strategic goals. It promotes learning and fast-track the growth of employees. Companies like Spotify and Cisco have strategically made career development planning integral to performance reviews. 

➡️ Conduct 1:1 meetings easily by using templates . Get templates for conducting performance reviews, goal setting, coaching calls, and more.

1:1 Meeting Agenda Template

Offer concrete benefits  

Lastly, reward points and bonuses are motivating up to a point. Ultimately, employees seek something substantial like pay raises, promotions, and exciting assignments. 

When skill development is integrated into promotions and appraisals, employees know the long-term benefit of working on their development plan. It not only helps employees but also companies in numerous ways. 

Deloitte's study found companies adapting to skill-based models observed a positive effect on retention, engagement, and efficiency. 

Cultivate a culture of ongoing learning 

Building a learning culture inspires employees to invest in learning and innovation. 

Let's take Microsoft as an example. Microsoft tries to instill a growth mindset in employees. It motivates employees to aspire higher.

➡️ Drive competency and career development with Zavvy

Hard truth: Building a competency and career development plan is a huge process. It comes with prerequisites, multiple steps, and follow-ups. 

At Zavvy, we are building an end-to-end solution for companies to build an entire competency management system .

Using Zavvy, you can:

1. Define career maps across roles so employees have transparency in their growth.

Bonus : There are also inbuilt templates that you can reuse to build these maps.

Snippet of Zavvy's career progression framework template for 50-200 employees

2. Describe competencies for every role for better clarity on expectations.

Role levels and detailed competency model at Taktile via Zavvy

3. Conduct a career development survey .
4. Build a skill matrix with the employee's current and expected skill set.

Skills matrix on Zavvy highlighting team strenghts and weaknesses

5. Create a competency and career development plan for their growth.

You don't have to start from a blank page. Our AI-enabled growth plan feature will give you a base plan to get started.

Zavvy AI - Growth plan recommendations based on role level and competency model

6. Keep a tab on employee development with performance evaluations . 

Employees can get feedback from managers and peers on skills with Zavvy's 360 feedback feature.

Muti-rater performance reviews on Zavvy - linking performance appraisals to role-specific competency models

📅 Help your employees to grow strategically and reduce skill gaps. Book a demo with one of our experts today.  

Zavvy 360 degree growtth system

What tools can help in mapping competencies to career paths?

Zavvy has a huge library of competencies. You can map which competencies are required for which role by referencing the list. Further, you can also define what each competency means for the role.

For example, the communication competency could mean communicating with diverse team groups for a project manager. On the other hand, for a junior marketer, the communication competency could mean clear messaging in marketing campaigns.

Zavvy also has an in-built AI functionality that generated competency-based career paths with just a few clicks. Input the role name, decide between an individual contributor or leadership paths, add the number of seniority levels, and the AI will do the mapping for you.

Bonus: You can even select from several languages for your competency frameworks.

What are the 5 components of a career development plan?

The 5-key components of a career development plan are:

  • employee's long-term and short-term goals;
  • current and expected skill set;
  • action items for growth;
  • check-in frequency and feedback;
  • additional contributors (e.g., mentors, supervisors).

Can the same competency framework be applied to all roles and levels in an organization? 

No, every role demands a different set of skills and behavior traits.

So, competency mapping has to be done for every role. It outlines what core or functional competencies an employee needs to perform that role. 

What's the role of managers and mentors in a competency and career development plan?

A manager or a mentor keeps track of all action items in an employee's competency and career development plan. They provide any necessary guidance and help them prioritize the action items. In some cases, they also help get the required resources and budgets. 

For example, the manager can help facilitate a task requiring shadowing another team member. If a course needs budget approval, the manager can affirm the need so the employee gets the required reimbursement. 

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Lorelei is Zavvy's Content Marketing Manager. She is always on the hunt for the latest HR trends, fresh statistics, and academic and real-life best practices to spread the word about creating better employee experiences.

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content competency development plan assignment

How to Create a Competency Development Plan

Competency development is essential for increasing your workforce’s skills and helping you make better strategic decisions. Learn more about the benefits of a competency development plan and how to create one.

[Featured image] Marketing team working on a competency development plan

Implementing a competency development plan can help your employees develop their competencies to become more productive and effective in your workforce. This essential tool can help you make better strategic decisions and improve recruitment and retention.

Also known as professional development plans , these strategies are not static, unchanging documents but rather living processes that you fine-tune and develop along with your workforce. In this article, you’ll learn how to create and continuously refine your competency development plan in five steps.

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content competency development plan assignment

What is competency development?

Competency development is a process of improving your team’s skills, behaviors, knowledge, and attitudes—the vital elements that help them find professional success. Competencies are sometimes misunderstood, with many believing the term is interchangeable with skills. However, competencies represent a broader range of attributes. A skill refers to one specific ability, while a competency may refer to several skills, specific knowledge, and experience or personality traits, such as a tendency to enjoy collaborating with others. Competency development offers a process for determining the competencies your team could improve and how you can approach professional development for the best results.

Read more: What Is Competency-Based Training?

Examples of competencies

The competencies critical to your work depend on your industry, the type of work you do, and the values of your company culture. You can break competencies into smaller categories, such as core, leadership, and technical competencies. Within each category, you can include subcompetencies as well.

For example, a company that values innovation and quick thinking might list core competencies such as adaptability, collaboration, and critical thinking. A company that values strong customer relationships may list core competencies such as customer service, communication, conflict management, and cultural awareness.

Other examples of competencies may include: 

Ownership of work 



Why is a competency development plan important?

Competency development is essential to stay competitive and offers you the ability to make better development decisions, improve the competencies of your workforce, plan for the future, and retain top talent. Let’s take a closer look at these benefits.

Better decision-making with limited development resources

Competency development plans help you gain a better understanding of what your team is capable of and identify the areas where they could use improvement. Doing so provides insight into the effectiveness of professional development programs, helping you focus your limited time and money on only the programs that will help your team the most.

Improved skills and competencies company-wide

Implementing competency development allows your team to develop new competencies and improve performance. A more skilled workforce is more likely to accomplish its goals on individual, team, and organizational levels.

Better recruitment and retention

Competency development helps you retain your skilled workforce and makes recruiting even easier. By giving you a roadmap for the skills required to succeed, you have a more targeted idea of the candidate you’re looking for. As your employees develop more and better competencies, your employees will mirror the engagement and investment you make in them by staying longer with the company.

Plan your workforce for the future.

Competency development helps you look toward the future and prepare your team for changes. You can prepare your staff to take on increased responsibility in the future by sharpening their skills and competencies now. When your senior staff retires, you’ll have natural successors ready to take their place.

Make talent your competitive advantage

See what it could look like to train your team.

How to create a competency development plan.

If you want to create a competency development plan but aren’t sure where to start, these five steps can help you create and fine-tune your competency development plan.

Step 1: Identify the competencies important for your workforce.

Before you begin a competency development plan, it’s critical to think about the goals and objectives you hope to achieve by implementing the plan. Then, start by identifying the competencies your ideal workforce would have. You can reach out to HR to help define competencies, but make sure you seek feedback from your team. After all, they are the experts completing the work. You may also want to communicate with your company about your intentions to create a competency development plan to ease concerns.

Step 2: Collect data about current competencies.

After you understand the breadth of competencies your staff needs, you’ll need to measure the competencies your employees currently have. You can observe your employees, talk with people about their work and careers, or ask people to fill out questionnaires. These strategies can help you gain a better understanding of what your team is capable of and where skills gaps may exist.

Step 3: Determine development objectives and select materials.

After you understand what skill gaps exist in your team, you can determine the competencies to prioritize, who should be a part of development, and which materials or methods will be best to help your team learn. In some cases, you will encounter competencies that are helpful company-wide, while in other cases, you will develop specific profiles for different roles. For example, you’ll need different competencies from your accounting team than you will from your marketing team.

It is also helpful to create profiles of your employees outlining their competencies. You can use this information to offer personalized career development and set performance goals.

Step 4: Implement a competency development plan.

Next, it will be time to implement your competency development plan. Your first initiatives may target specific employees or roles in the company, or you may offer broader company-wide development first. Implementing your plan goes beyond simply providing one training program, but rather the beginning of a documented process you can replicate. As you build and grow your competency development, your plan can address more specific competencies or roles in the company.

Step 5: Evaluate progress and determine the next steps.

Competency development is a process that you can continuously improve by evaluating the results of development initiatives and what the next steps should be. You can look at how overall development programs worked, how well staff responded to them, and individual progress on competencies. You can also set new goals for your workforce. With all that you’ve learned, you can return to step one and reexamine your goals and the values most important to your company, assess your team’s current competencies, and begin planning the next phase of your competency development plan.

Learn more with Coursera.

If you’d like to learn more about competency development and team leadership, consider taking a course on Coursera. Personal Leadership Development Planning and Leading High Performing Teams , offered by Rice University, covers topics like leadership development plans, performance improvement, goal setting, creating a motivating team environment, and more. This course takes about 22 hours and is part of Rice University's Leadership Development for Engineers Specialization .

Develop leaders from within your workforce

Let's work together to build lasting leadership skills for your organization.

This content has been made available for informational purposes only. Learners are advised to conduct additional research to ensure that courses and other credentials pursued meet their personal, professional, and financial goals.

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Current Issues in Content Areas – EDLC 539

CG • Section 8WK • 07/01/2018 to 12/31/2199 • Modified 02/01/2024

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Course Description

An examination of current content standards in a subject area. Research in the subject area will enhance content knowledge in preparation for content assessment required for teachers.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the  Academic Course Catalog .

Each of the content competencies represents an area that is part of best practice in instructional delivery. Demonstration of skill of each of the content competencies is necessary to prove growth in both the program and as a professional. In addition, the models and theories are translated into a working document that affords the best opportunity for implementation in a school setting. This course is designed to provide learners an opportunity to strengthen demonstration of content competencies in order to demonstrate competence and scholarship in a respective area of instruction. Students will review and complete tasks necessary for successful completion of their respective program. Students will also review research in their respective content area.

Course Assignment

Assigned readings and presentations

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations , the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions (8)

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. The candidate will produce discussions and generate interaction among candidates with regard to relevant current course topics. The candidate is required to post 1 thread of at least 300 words. The candidate must also post 2 replies to other candidates of at least 150 words. For each thread and reply, the candidate must support assertions with at least 1 citation in current APA format. Acceptable sources include peer-reviewed articles, web resources, books, interviews, and observations. (CLO: A, C, E)

Content Competency Development Plan Assignment

The candidate will review content competencies in his/her field and identify a competency for which he/she feels least prepared. The candidate will create a plan for improving in the area (competency) identified, discuss what resources are needed for improving in the targeted competency area, and identify search topics to be used for finding scholarly articles for review of the targeted competency area identified as needing improvement. (CLO: A, B, C, E)

Artifacts and Activities Paper Assignments (6)

For each content norm the candidate identified as needing development in the Content Competency Development Plan, a 1–2-page paper discussion will be presented of what artifacts, activities, etc. have been completed to demonstrate mastery of the respective competency. (CLO: A, B, C, E)

Content Competency Chart Assignment

The candidate will complete a content competency chart. (CLO: D)

Content Competency Paper Assignment

The candidate will create a 7–10-page paper that discusses the competency norms identified as weak areas in completing program requirements. The paper will include a description of each competency, a discussion of how the plan for competency improvement was followed, and a discussion of the outcome of efforts to follow the plan. Also included must be a discussion of findings within the literature on each identified competency and how the information contained in the resources did or did not serve to assist the candidate in completing the plan. (CLO: A, B, C, E)

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You have to have a lot of self-motivation and self-discipline when you are going to school online, but the amazing thing is at Liberty you do not need to do it by yourself. You really do have resources like someone who is going to school on campus.

– Janae Fleming ’15, B.S. in Education

Competency Development Plan – All You Need To Know

A competency development plan enhances workforce skills, reduces frustration in employees and strengthens the teams for higher performance.

A competency development plan enhances your workforce skills, reduces frustration in employees, and strengthens the team for higher performance. It is also an effective way of providing the right learning and training for building a highly responsive workforce for sustainable profitability.

Why Does Your Company Need a Competency Development Plan?

A strategically drafted competency development plan helps in bridging the gap between workforce skills as well as organizational goals.

Besides that, it improves the abilities of employees to fulfil their job responsibilities through training. It also provides them with the necessary certifications and compliance endorsements.

Having a competency plan also helps employees to have a sound retirement or succession plan.

How to Create a Competency Development Plan

1. decide your existing core competencies.

Identify your current combination of skills and resources that act as your competitive advantage in the industry. If you do not have one, then decide on what type of core competency you need to have .

2. Decide Your Competency Needs

Identify the gap between your employee skills as well as business objectives. List down these improvement goals as the required competency needs.

3. Match Your Development Plan with Organizational Goals

Make sure to include only those competency development initiatives in your plan which are in line with the company’s future goals and objectives.

4. Decide on the Management Systems

Every competency development program needs a system that can ensure effective implementation, accountability, as well as employee participation.

5. Initiate the Skill Development Processes

After identifying skill development techniques and activities, you need to implement them with effectiveness to ensure employee development , career progression, and alignment of business goals with these initiatives.

6. Employee Related Plans & Individual Development Plans

Apart from building new skills and improving existing ones, your competency development plan should also cater to individual career development, retirement, and succession planning.

Final Words

An employee development plan is essential for every organization looking to achieve a resource-backed competitive advantage powered by employee skills and talent.

Furthermore, on going feedback and evaluation are necessary to ensure that your plan is effective and adding the optimum value to your company.

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Create/Edit Development Plan

Employees can collaborate online with their managers to create objective-based development plans and can also design a career path by determining proactive developmental activities and tracking and measuring targeted improvements that coincide with an employee's development plan.

Permission Note: The "Snapshot - Development Plans" permission enables users to access the Development Plans page and view the Create New Plan button. However, users must also have the "Development Plans - Manage" permission to create a development plan.

Navigation Warning Message: When creating or editing a development plan or development plan template, if you navigate away from the page without saving your changes, a confirmation pop-up opens to notify you that any unsaved changes will be lost. The pop-up gives you the option to leave the page and lose your unsaved changes, or stay on the page to avoid losing your unsaved changes.

  • To create a development plan, go to Performance > Development Plans , and click the Create New Plan button.

content competency development plan assignment

General Information

Begin defining the development plan by entering the following basic information about the plan:

  • Plan Title - Title for the development plan. This title appears on your Snapshot: Development Plans page as well as anywhere else your plan is visible. The character limit for this field is 3,000 characters. This field is required.
  • Category - Category for the development plan, which is intended to help organize development plans. Selecting a development plan category is optional. If no categories are available, then this field is hidden.
  • Description - Overview of the development plan, including its purpose or focus. This field can be formatted using the text formatting options. The character limit for this field is 3,000 characters.

Additional Information

An Additional Information section may appear containing additional questions that must be answered.

Add Development Objective

Development plans are creating by adding development objectives to outline what you are trying to achieve in your development plan. Objectives are the target areas of the plan. For example, if you are creating a development plan to improve your communication skills, you may create an objective to improve your writing skills. This objective should contain all of the training and actions you need to complete in order to achieve the objective, such as completing writing classes or shadowing a writer at your organization.

To add an objective to the development plan:

  • Select the Add Objective button. This opens the Add Development Objective page to define the objective. Complete the following fields:
  • Objective Title - Title for the development plan. This title appears on your Snapshot: Development Plans page as well as anywhere else your plan is visible. The character limit for this field is 3,000 characters. For portals with multiple languages enabled, use the Translate icon to localize the title. This field is required.
  • Category - Category for the objective, which is intended to help organize development plan objectives. Selecting an objective category is optional. If there no categories available, then this drop-down is hidden.
  • Search for Learning - Select this option to search for learning opportunities that may support your development objective. See the Add Objective - Search for Learning section below for additional information.
  • Browse Recommended - Select this option to browse all recommended learning and development actions that may support your development objective. See the Add Objective - Browse Recommended section below for additional information.
  • Add Development Action - Select this option to add an action step that is required to achieve the development objective. See the Add Objective - Add Development Action section below for additional information.
  • Select one of the following options:
  • Save and Return to Plan - Save the objective and return to the Create a Plan page.
  • Save and Add Another - Save the objective and begin adding another objective to the plan.

The Search for Learning option is only available to organizations using the Learning functionality. Select this option to search for learning opportunities that may support your development objective. For example, if you are creating an objective to improve your writing skills, you may search for online classes related to writing. The following learning types cannot be added to a development plan: Certification, Cohort, and Playlist.

To search for learning items:

  • In the Learning and Development section, select the Search for Learning button.
  • From the Add Learning page, select the Add to Objective link for each item you want to add. If a learning item is already in the plan, then "Included in Plan" is displayed.
  • Select the Return to Objective button to add the selected items to your development plan.
  • Note: The overall due date for a development plan is the latest due date for any objective within the development plan. The due date for an objective is the latest due date for any learning item or action step within the objective.

The Browse Recommended option is only available if administrators enabled recommendations in Development Plan Preferences. Select this option to browse all recommended learning and development actions that may support your development objective. Recommendations may be based on competency assessments or machine learning. For example, if you have already completed learning items related to business writing, then the system may recommend similar learning items.

To browse recommended learning and development actions:

  • In the Learning and Development section, select the Browse Recommended button. On the Recommended Learning & Development Actions page, various carousels of recommendations may be displayed. When editing another user's development plan, the editor can only view recommended learning for another user if they have the appropriate permission.
  • Select the Add to Objective link for each item you want to add. If a learning item is already in the plan, then "Included in Plan" is displayed.
  • At the top of the page, review the Display Recommendations from option displays all potential sources for recommended training and development actions.
  • To select a different competency model, select the Choose Model link below the Competency Model checkbox. This opens the Competency Model flyout, in which you can select a different competency model. The flyout displays all competency models. You can filter the available competency models by category using the Category drop-down menu. Note: If you change competency models, all selections from the original competency model are lost unless they were added to the objective.
  • Competency Assessments - When this option is selected, the page displays a carousel of recommended training based on the results of the user's completed competency assessments. Note: When the Competency Models or Competency Assessment checkboxes are checked, the related carousels will populate with learning objects associated to the Competency Model/Assessment, even if the user is not within the availability of the learning object.
  • Development plans support the following carousel types, if enabled: Saved for Later, Top Picks for User, Trending for Your Position, Inspired by Your Subjects, Most Popular.
  • The functionality of these carousels mirror the functionality that is available in Learner Home. See Learner Home - Training and Banner Carousels.
  • Competency Assessments - When this option is selected, the page displays a carousel of recommended training based on the results of the user's completed competency assessments.

Select this option to add an action step that is required to achieve the development objective. For example, if you are creating an objective to improve your writing skills, you may add a development action to shadow the Technical Writer in your organization for one hour to learn some of their best practices.

To add a development action:

  • In the Learning and Development section, select the Add Development Action button.
  • Description - Enter a description of an action that must be completed to achieve the objective. The character limit is 3,000.
  • Activity Type - From the drop-down menu, select the activity type that corresponds with the action you are adding.
  • Progress - If there is already progress made on the action step at the time it is added to the plan, you may update the percentage complete at that time. If the step has not been started, enter 0, and if the step is complete, enter 100.
  • Select the Done button to save the development action.

Depending on your role in the organization and your security permissions, you may be able to assign a development plan to other users. This section enables you to determine who is assigned the development plan.

Note: You can only edit this section when editing the plan in Draft status.

Note: When creating a development plan from a talent pool, the Assignment information is automatically set to the users in the talent pool. With this enhancement, the Assignment information cannot be edited, including the Include Subordinates option. This helps ensure the assignment matches the users within the talent pool.

The following assignment options may be available:

  • Self Only - Select this option to only assign the plan to you.
  • My Team - Select this option to assign the plan to members of your team, which may include you.
  • Custom Assignment - Select this option to assign the plan to any combination of users, organizational units (OUs), and groups.

Select this option to assign the plan to members of your team, which may include you. This option is only available if you are a manager with direct reports.

When this option is selected, a table displays all of your direct reports, alphabetized by last name.

  • Select the Include Self checkbox to include yourself in the assignment.
  • Select the My Team checkbox to automatically select all users on your team.
  • To select all direct reports, select the My Team checkbox. To deselect all direct reports, deselect this checkbox.
  • This option can only be selected for direct reports who are already selected. If a direct report is not selected, the Include Subordinates option for that direct report cannot be selected.
  • To include the subordinates for all selected direct reports, select the Include All checkbox.

Select this option to assign the plan to any combination of users, organizational units (OUs), and groups.

When this option is selected, a Select Users button is available. Select this button to open the Select Users flyout. From the drop-down menu, select the user criteria type, such as User, Group, and OU type. You can select any combination of criteria to create the assignment, and the selected criteria appear in the Selected tab. You must have permission to assign OU development plans to select an OU type as a criterion.

Designate this as the Primary Plan for Assignees

Select this option to automatically set this development plan as the primary plan for all users who are assigned the plan. This option is only available until the plan is submitted.

Submit Plan / Save as Draft / Discard Changes

When you are finished creating your plan, select the Submit Plan button to send your development plan to the appropriate approving user; the plan status is Pending Approval. If approval is not required, the plan is automatically approved.

If you are creating a plan, but are not ready to submit, select the Save as Draft button. This saves the plan in Draft status and you may continue editing it prior to submission.

To discard the plan or any unsaved changes, select the Discard Changes button.

Navigation Warning: When creating or editing a development plan or development plan template, if you navigate away from the page without saving your changes, a confirmation pop-up opens to notify you that any unsaved changes will be lost. The pop-up gives you the option to leave the page and lose your unsaved changes, or stay on the page to avoid losing your unsaved changes.

Frequently Asked Questions

When viewing training items within a development plan, the training status within the development plan matches the training status within the user's transcript. However, if the training item is completed within the development plan, then the status of that item remains Completed.

If a training item version is updated while the item is within a development plan, the newest version of the item is utilized in the development plan unless the item is completed. This will reset progress when a new version is created for a material, online course, or test.

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his is step one of the three steps involved in the Competency Development Plan assignment.

For this step;

  • Review the SHRM competency Model and
  • Complete the SHRM Competency Development Plan (At least three proficiency development activities must be identified for each competency) and upload it to D2L. I have provided a sample development plan for your reference but please do not blindly copy the same information to your own plan. I'm providing it to you so that you can see what a development plan looks like. NOTE: Step 3 of this assignment requires you to complete at least one activity for three competency areas so be sure include one activity for each competency that you can realistically complete during this class time-frame.

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content competency development plan assignment

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions. SHRM COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT PLAN Accelerate Your HR Career. shrm.org/careers SHRM Competency Development Plan The SHRM Competency Development Plan provides an opportunity for every HR professional to identify competency proficiency strengths and gaps, then work on activities to leverage strengths and develop in areas where the HR professional is not as strong. It is a learning action plan designed to improve immediate performance and foster readiness for long-term career goals. 1. Indicate whether you consider the competency a strength, an area for some improvement or an area in need of critical improvement for you. 2. Assign a priority level for developing the competency (i.e., how high of a priority is developing this competency in your current role). 3. Identify organizational and career goals that align with the competency. 4. Outline activities that align with your organization’s goals and your career goals to leverage strengths and build your proficiency. 5. Define how you will measure your success, what stakeholder support you will need, potential obstacles you might face and your target completion date. 6. Beginning with your highest priorities, begin engaging in the activities you identified to build your proficiency. Name: Vanae Solomon Career Level: Entry-Level Job Title: Human Resources Recruiter Date: 01/21/2021 SHRM Competency Development Plan | 1 | Ethical Practice The knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) needed to maintain high levels of personal and professional integrity, and to act as an ethical agent who promotes core values, integrity, and accountability throughout the organization. Is this Competency a Strength, an area for some improvement or an area in need of critical development? Strength ■ Need Some Development Need Critical Development Priority Level (select one) (A) Important and urgent ■ (B) Important but not urgent A B (C) Less important or optional C Aligned Organizational Goal(s) Organizational Goal 1: Create a ethical HR system Organizational Goal 2: Reinforce the organization's ethical work envorinment Organizational Goal 3: Create a strong work enivornment that can help protect against unethical employee behaviors. Aligned Career Goal(s) | 2 | Career Goal 1: Build a personal connection with others to build trust Career Goal 2: Make sure that all stakeholder's ideas and voices are heard Career Goal 3: Maintain a personal and professional atitude SHRM Competency Development Plan ACTIVITIES MEASURES OF SUCCESS STAKEHOLDER SUPPORT (E.G., COACHES, MENTORS OR SUPPORTERS) POTENTIAL OBSTACLES TARGET COMPLETION DATE OUTCOME/NOTES Activity #1: Shadow a HR expertise Activity #2: Interview someone in the Legal department Maintains a positive moral climate and identifies unethical practices. Manager The manager may be busy because of meetings 5/2/20 I learned how to maintain a positive moral climate Identifies ethical issues and dilemmas in Legal department. Colleagues in Legal Department The colleague may not have time 3/22/20 I understood ethical concerns related to litigation Identifies and evaluates ethical concerns and practices Myself only Challenges with network connection 1/3/20 Identifies ethical behaviors, and important values such as Integrity Manager Activity #3: Watch a TED talks describing ethical practices Activity #4: Interview a HR expertise Activity #5: An in-person interview may fail due to improper scheduling and Online interviews may be interrupted by poor network connection. 3/222/20 I now know ethical practices and behaviors expected at the workplace I now know ethical behaviors and concerned related to management of employees. Activity #6: SHRM Competency Development Plan | 3 | Leadership & Navigation The KSAs needed to navigate the organization and accomplish HR goals, to create a compelling vision and mission for HR that alignswith the strategic direction and culture of the organization, to lead and promote organizational change, to manage the implementation andexecution of HR initiatives, and to promote the role of HR as a key business partner. Is this Competency a Strength, an area for some improvement or an area in need of critical development? Strength ■ Need Some Development Need Critical Development Priority Level (select one) (A) Important and urgent (B) Important but not urgent ■A (C) Less important or optional B Aligned Organizational Goal(s) Organizational Goal 1: Sets the vision for HR leadership Organizational Goal 2: Create a work enivronament that causes job satisfaction and commitment Organizational Goal 3: Develop problem-solving to overcome different obstacles Aligned Career Goal(s) Career Goal 1: Career Goal 2: Have a Goal-oriented mindset Listen to identify challenges to provide solutions Career Goal 3: | 4 | SHRM Competency Development Plan C ACTIVITIES MEASURES OF SUCCESS STAKEHOLDER SUPPORT (E.G., COACHES, MENTORS OR SUPPORTERS) POTENTIAL OBSTACLES TARGET COMPLETION DATE OUTCOME/NOTES Activity #1: Network with top management members of our organization Identify and understand leadership approaches Executive Leaders at the office Lack of sufficient time to 4/10/20 network with executive eaders I gained substantial insights on effective traits of a leader Learn aspects of leadership and their relation to success Manager Cost(transport and tuition fees) 5/1/20 I learned how various aspects of leadership and its influence to HRM Identify practical leadership practices and their influence Manager Cost( purchase of Journals) 5/28/20 I learned various leadership approaches that can be beneficial and harmful to an organization. Enhances understanding of Leadership and political spectrum at the workplace. Initiative members Manage Lack of sufficient time to 6/9/20 attend workshops because of workload Activity #2: Enroll Online courses on Leadership and Politics Activity #3: Read Scholarly Journals on success and leadership Activity #4: Enroll in Workshops Activity #5: I gained substantial insights on practical approaches to leadership and politics Activity #6: SHRM Competency Development Plan | 5 | Business Acumen The KSAs needed to understand the organization’s operations, functions, and external environment, and to apply business tools and analyses that inform HR initiatives and operations consistent with the overall strategic direction of the organization. Is this Competency a Strength, an area for some improvement or an area in need of critical development? ■ Strength Need Some Development Need Critical Development Priority Level (select one) (A) Important and urgent (B) Important but not urgent A ■B (C) Less important or optional C Aligned Organizational Goal(s) Organizational Goal 1: Recongize the internal and external factors that influence the organization's operation Organizational Goal 2: Develop a strategy to different principles of the busniess Organizational Goal 3: Maintains a process for improvement intiatives Aligned Career Goal(s) Career Goal 1: Career Goal 2: Career Goal 3: | 6 | Understand the HR management core functions Create business metrics to make decisions Learn the basics of the business and their products and services SHRM Competency Development Plan ACTIVITIES MEASURES OF SUCCESS STAKEHOLDER SUPPORT (E.G., COACHES, MENTORS OR SUPPORTERS) POTENTIAL OBSTACLES TARGET COMPLETION DATE OUTCOME/NOTES Activity #1: Attending the organization's workshop Activity #2: Network with colleagues in the finance department Activity #3: Engage in mentoring and business acumen training Activity #4: Applies knowledge of the organizations business operations particularly in sales, finance, and marketing. Manager Colleagues Insufficient time for workshops Uses Finance analysis approaches such as cost-effectiveness analysis. Colleague in Finance department Insufficient time to network with colleagues in the finance department Instills knowledge of how to understand business situations such as finance, sales, technology and finance situations. Manager Members of various departments The mentor may be too pre-occupied and the training programs may be costly. 7/1/20 7/20/20 8/14/20 I gained knowledge on the organizations business operations and current situation. I gained knowledge on the organization's financial situation and how various financial situations influ...

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Content Competency Development Plan Assignment

Content Competency Development Plan Assignment Instructions

Throughout this course, in six separate Artifacts and Activities Paper assignments, you will be identifying performances, essential knowledge, and critical dispositions within the InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards under Standard #4: Content Knowledge and Standard #5: Application of Content. You will identify areas in which you need further development. Use the link provided for more information on the InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards.


· Review the Performance, Essential Knowledge, and Critical Dispositions norms for InTASC Model Core Teaching Standard #4: Content Knowledge and Standard #5: Application of Content.

· For each of the two standards, identify any Performances, Essential Knowledge, or Critical Dispositions for which you feel least prepared and would like to strengthen. A total of six norms must be named.

Clearly identify the norms you wish to strengthen. Generate a plan for improving each identified norm and include a timeline of when each action in your plan will be carried out. a. Research and identify at least one artifact and at least one activity you will study or complete to develop competency in each norm. An artifact would include items such as a book, journal article, or scholarly work. An activity would be an interactive such as a website, blog, webinar, or interview.

Denote at least three search topics that will prove to be useful for finding relevant, reputable, and useful resources pertaining to the area identified as needing improvement. Identify at least one biblical reference that aligns directly with the norms identified. Each paragraph of this assignment is to be a minimum of five sentences, totaling to a body of work that is between 1 pages in length. Your title page, abstract, and reference list must properly cite according to current APA standards. Use t


Below Expectations


Thesis StatementRaises the strongest   objection to the thesis presented in the assignment. The objection is strongly grounded in research and logical reasoning.Raises a plausible objection to the thesis presented in the assignment. The objection is mostly grounded in research and logical reasoning.

Raises an objection to the thesis presented in the assignment. The objection is somewhat grounded in research and logical reasoning.Attempts to raise an objection to the thesis presented in the assignment. The objection is minimally grounded in research and logical reasoning.

The objection to the thesis is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions. Counter ArgumentProvides a strong, thorough rebuttal to the objection. The rebuttal effectively demonstrates that the thesis can withstand the objection and applies the principles of charity and accuracy.

Provides a rebuttal to the objection. The rebuttal mostly demonstrates that the thesis can withstand the objection and mostly applies the principles of charity and accuracy.

Provides a  limited rebuttal to the objection. The rebuttal somewhat demonstrates that the thesis can withstand the objection and somewhat applies the principles of charity and accuracy.

Attempts to provide a rebuttal to the objection; however, the rebuttal minimally demonstrates that the thesis can withstand the objection and does not apply the principles of charity and accuracy.

The rebuttal is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions. Conclusion– Provides clear and concise closing remarks that comprehensively summarize the essay. The remarks consider the broader controversy and/or further research that could offer additional insight into the moral solution of the business problem.

Provides closing remarks that summarize the essay. The remarks mostly consider the broader controversy and/or further research that could offer additional insight into the moral solution of the business problem. The closing remarks are somewhat unclear.

Provides closing remarks that minimally summarizes the essay. The remarks minimally consider the broader controversy and/or further research that could offer additional insight into the moral solution of the business problems. The closing remarks are unclear and/or vague.

Attempts to provide closing remarks that summarize the essay, however, the remarks do not consider the broader controversy and/or further research that could offer additional insight into the moral solution of the business problem. The closing remarks are unclear and vague.The closing remarks are either nonexistent or lack the components described in the assignment instructions.

Written Communication: Context of and Purpose for Writing

Demonstrates methodical application of organization and presentation of content. The purpose of the writing is evident and easy to understand. Summaries, quotes, and/or paraphrases fit naturally into the sentences and paragraphs. Paper flows smoothly.

Demonstrates sufficient application of organization and presentation of content. The purpose of the writing is, for the most part, clear and easy to understand. There are some problems with the blending of summaries, paraphrases, and quotes. Paper flows somewhat smoothly.Demonstrates a limited understanding of organization and presentation of content in written work. The purpose of the writing is somewhat evident but may not be integrated throughout the assignment. There are many problems with the blending of summaries, paraphrases, and quotes. Paper does not flow smoothly in all sections.

Organization and presentation of content are extremely limited. The purpose of the writing is unclear. There is little or no blending of summaries, paraphrases, and quotes. Paper does not flow smoothly when read.

The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.

Written Communication: Control of Syntax and Mechanics

– Displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains no errors and is very easy to understand.

Displays comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains only a few minor errors and is mostly easy to understandDisplays basic comprehension of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains a few errors which may slightly distract the reader.

Fails to display basic comprehension of syntax or mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains major errors which distract the reader.

Written Communication: Required Formatting

Accurately uses required formatting consistently throughout the paper, title page, and reference page.

Exhibits required formatting throughout the paper. However, layout contains a few minor errors.Exhibits limited knowledge of required formatting throughout the paper. However, layout does not meet all requirements.

Fails to exhibit basic knowledge of required formatting. There are frequent errors, making the layout difficult to distinguish as required style.

Written Communication: Word Requirement

The length of the paper is equivalent to the required number of words.The length of the paper is nearly equivalent to the required number of words.

The length of the paper is equivalent to at least three quarters of the required number of words.The length of the paper is equivalent to at least one half of the required number of words.

Written Communication: Resource RequirementUses more than the required number of scholarly sources, providing compelling evidence to support ideas. All sources on the reference page are used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.

Uses the required number of scholarly sources to support ideas. All sources on the reference page are used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.

Uses less than the required number of sources to support ideas. Some sources may not be scholarly. Most sources on the reference page are used within the body of the assignment. Citations may not be formatted correctly.Uses an inadequate number of sources that provide little or no support for ideas. Sources used may not be scholarly. Most sources on the reference page are not used within the body of the assignment. Citations are not formatted correctly.

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