How to Pass CIMA Case Study Exams: Detailed Guide to Success

This CIMA case study article shows you how to write an answer that puts you ahead of 90% of candidates, offers expert preparation tips, and increases your chances of obtaining your qualification.

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1. How to Pass CIMA Case Study Exams: An Introduction to Our CIMA Exam Experience

In the last five years, we’ve helped over 10,000 CIMA students from 94 countries prepare for and pass their CIMA exams. In that time, VIVA’s tutors have seen every kind of exam answer you can imagine.

As an official CIMA tuition provider, we've seen everything; the good, the bad, and the downright baffling! But more importantly, we’ve also seen what works, and what definitely does not work.

In this article, we’ve compiled all of the key DOs and DON’Ts our CIMA tutors have gleaned from their years marking VIVA students’ CIMA mock exam answers. We see the same kinds of mistakes made over and over again. And the great news for you is — these mistakes can be very quickly rectified to help you pass your CIMA exams the first time around.

The Starting Point: What to Be Aware of before Learning More about CIMA Exam Strategies

The first step is being aware of what to avoid in CIMA exams.

This sets the foundation for you to go on refining and perfecting your approach. As in any other walk of life, perhaps the most important thing is to avoid doing foolish things rather than seeking perfection.

In the words of the very wise Charlie Munger: “It is remarkable how much long-term advantage people like us have gotten by trying to be consistently not stupid, instead of trying to be very intelligent.”

All the advice below comes directly from our CIMA case study professional tutors, who mark thousands of student scripts throughout the year.

If you wish to get your VIVA mock exam answers corrected, check out our CIMA course pages , where you can obtain professional marking services as part of the Elite Course.

2. What to Expect on Exam Day

Before we get into the meat of the matter, let’s just review what exactly you can expect to be presented with on exam day. (Feel free to skip on to the next section if you are already well acquainted with the Case Study exam format):

  • You will be faced with 1 of 3 CIMA exam variants during any specific exam window (that's a total of 6 variants per pre-seen document under the 2019 CIMA syllabus)
  • Each variant is broken down into timed sections (maximum of 5, minimum of 3)
  • Each section will include either emails, records of conversations, schedules of information or combinations of all 3
  • These give new information that leads on from the pre-seen document information
  • Within each section, there will be a task or tasks for the candidate to complete (e.g. write a report, write sections of a report, write an email)
  • These tasks might be embedded in the body of the email or conversation
  • The task or tasks might include several different elements that pull from different pillars and competencies
  • Candidates are NOT expected to perform any detailed calculations
  • Each section will move through time (you cannot go back to a previous section once you move on to a subsequent section)

Of course, the best way to familiarise yourself with the real-life experience of a CIMA case study exam is to practice as many different mock exams as possible.

VIVA's OCS, MCS and SCS courses come with up to 5 different professionally prepared CIMA mock exams based on the current pre-seen, which you can practice online under timed exam conditions.

You’ll also want to review past CIMA exam variants to familiarise yourself with the different question styles that can come up.

However, there’s no substitute for timed practice based on the current pre-seen material – and that’s what you’ll get with us.

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Source: Pexels

3. Reading the Question: Establishing the Case Study Exam Tasks and Requirements

One common error that our tutors' report is that students do not answer all the requirements included in the task.

In some cases, of course, this is simply down to the student not knowing how to answer the particular requirement. However, we have seen many scenarios in which students have simply missed the requirement due to not having read the question carefully enough!

Consider the sample below taken from a case study exam:

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Here we have examples of what is sometimes called “triggers”. These are the places in the question where the requirements are explicitly stated.

Triggers are sometimes in the form of questions, sometimes not. Look out for phrases like “I need you to”, “I would welcome your suggestions for”, “Please draft”, and “Can you please include in your report”.

These are the sections that you really need to pay close attention to because it is there that you will be presented with the requirements.

As you can see in the screenshot above, there is one “task”, i.e., the report that you must draft. But the task has two requirements.

One is a comparison of financial performance and the other deals with the introduction of the balanced scorecard.

However, notice that each requirement contains several sub-requirements.

In the case of the first requirement, notice the “and.” You have to both “compare” and “analyse the implications.” Too many students will simply read the “Compare” part and completely pass over the analysis of the implications:

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Likewise, in the case of the second requirement. There’s even more going on here, so you must pay close attention as you read through these “triggers.”

Not only do you have to offer your “suggestions for the other three quadrants,” but you also have to “explain why we have chosen the measures for each quadrant” and “ how they will influence behaviours in the company.”

All of these elements must be addressed to gain full marks.

But too often, students only pay attention to the first one or two. It is not necessarily the case that the first thing asked is the most important or even carries the most weight in terms of marks!

So, it’s essential that you carefully read these trigger sections thoroughly, making a note of each requirement as you go.

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Another crucial point: answer the questions that have been asked!

This might seem obvious, but you'd be surprised how many students fail to do this. There are two main reasons students fail to answer the question asked:

(i) because they answer a question they wish they had been asked instead;

(ii) They don't read the trigger verbs carefully enough and misinterpret what is being asked.

The first reason has to do with the fact that sometimes, students will carefully prepare for particular kinds of questions during their exam preparation or practice. They will feel much more confident about some particular question types than others and will have prepared very effectively for those question types.

So strong is their hope that this kind of question will come up on exam day that when they read a question that is superficially similar, they will "shoehorn" their prepared answer into that question.

The result is an answer that is either only partly relevant or, in the worst case, utterly irrelevant to the question being asked!

So remember: don't let your hopes/preferences/strengths influence the kind of answer that you give. Allow the question to dictate what kind of answer you write.

The second reason students fail to answer the question asked is that they misinterpret a key term or phrase or forget what they were asked after they start writing. Consider the example below: ‍

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In this example, an incorrect interpretation of the question might be to think about identifying the "limitations" or "drawbacks" of TQM, instead of the "obstacles" that might be encountered when implementing TQM.

The second part of the requirement is about how to overcome those obstacles. An incorrect interpretation might be "what the benefits of TQM would be, after implementing."

You can see that these are "similar" kinds of questions, but strictly speaking, they are different. So be very careful when reading the requirements or trigger sections that you identify the key verbs and key terms so you are certain that you are answering what is being asked.

A final point: ensure that your answers are in alignment with the question asked.

This is essentially about ensuring that you do not go off task as you write your answer - that your answer tracks the requirement and corresponds to each part of the requirement.

Too often, students go off task, padding or filling out their answers with irrelevant information. While writing each new paragraph, the key is to briefly refer back to the question and quickly ask yourself: "Is this relevant and contributing to answering the question?".

This is a good "check" to ensure you align your answers with the question.

4. Good Structure and Planning Can Help You Pass Your CIMA Case Study Exam

We really can’t overemphasize the importance of proper structure for your answers when it comes to achieving the required CIMA pass rates.

There are three main reasons why structure and careful planning is essential for getting your CIMA certificate:

1. It helps to ensure you have enough points raised to obtain top marks

2. It helps to prevent the duplication of content

3. It makes life easier for the marker – more precisely, it makes it easier for the marker to see that you have indeed addressed each requirement adequately, where you have done so, and how much you have written for each requirement. Consider good structure as being key to a more positive examiner experience.

If you clearly signal where each task starts and ends with headings and sub-headings and give each relevant point a full, separate paragraph, you will be making the examiner’s life easier (a happy examiner is likely to be more generous with marks!).

The post-exam reports ALWAYS mention the importance of structure. An orderly answer indicates an orderly and clear thought process behind your answer and shows evidence of planning.

5. Our Top Tips for CIMA Case Study Exam Structure and Planning

Firstly, a common question from students is: how do I know how many paragraphs to write for each task?

Now sometimes, we get lucky and a task or requirement will say something like: "Identify five risks..." or "Give three benefits...". In such questions, it's obvious how many paragraphs there should be!

For five risks, we will write five paragraphs, one for each risk. For the three benefits, we will write three paragraphs, one for each benefit.

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Unfortunately, CIMA isn't always so generous! We are not always given the specific number of points explicitly. And so the question then becomes: how do we decide on the number of paragraphs to write?

The key is to look at the percentage of marks allocated for that particular task. CIMA now includes a percentage allocation for each task.

A good rule of thumb here is that for every 10% allocated to a particular task, you add one paragraph. So if a task is worth, say, 33%, you will write approximately three paragraphs. If a task is worth 60%, you will write about six paragraphs.

Note that this is a "rule of thumb." This, of course, isn't supposed to be a perfect formula, but rather a guideline to get you started.

There may be cases where four paragraphs are sufficient for a 60% task, if the paragraphs are long and substantial enough in terms of content . Nevertheless, this is a useful general guideline.

We recommend that you plan and structure your answers before you begin writing. 

However, many people lose valuable time at the beginning of each section planning their answers elaborately on the separate whiteboard provided on exam day. Instead, we recommend planning your answer within the answer box itself, not on the whiteboard or outside of the answer box.

A great way to plan on the fly is to work up a structure and fill in the gaps as you proceed. This forces you to get writing immediately, and by the time your structure is "filled out" the answer pretty much writes itself as you just go back and flesh out each heading and sub-heading:

Requirement A (this would correspond to the first requirement, so use an appropriate title, e.g., “Financial Performance”)

- Paragraph 1 (relates to first major point): idea 1, idea 2, idea 3 (If you have time, it’s worth emphasising the title of this key point by underlining it or putting it in bold, for example)

- Paragraph 2 (relates to second major point): idea 1, idea 2, idea 3

- Paragraph 3 (relates to third major point) etc etc: idea 1, idea 2, idea 3

Requirement B (this would correspond to the second requirement, e.g., "Balanced Scorecard")

…repeat as per above

TASK 2…repeat as per above

Remember, get straight to the point.

Write a 1-2 line introduction at the beginning of your answer, restating briefly what you were asked and the order in which you will address each point in the body of your answer.

Too many students waste time in their opening remarks repeating information we already know or rehearsing irrelevant information.

(You will see in VIVA’s model answers how short the introductions are -> you want to give yourself as much time and space as possible to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding! No marks are given for pleasantries).

It's also a good idea to have a "time plan" for each section of the exam. Now some students worry when they hear this: "ANOTHER PLAN!? Isn't that just going to waste even more of my time!?" 

But there is no need to worry here because a time plan is really very simple - but also crucially important! You need to know roughly how much time you can spend on each task so you don't run out of time!

The first thing to do is, note the length of time allocated per section. In the case of the OCS and MCS, that will typically be 45 minutes per section (with 4 sections in total).

In the case of the SCS, it will typically be 60 minutes per section (with 3 sections in total). The next thing to note is that not all of that time will be or can be spent literally answering the question.

Because, of course, some of that time will be needed for reading the question! So it's a good idea to deduct a short amount of time from the total allocated to a section and consider this your "reading time."

A good target is around 5 or 6 minutes maximum for reading the question. The amount left over after you deduct the reading time is the amount that you can allocate to actually writing your answer.

Now, remember: writing your answer should include the planning process. So you don't need to allocate a separate portion of time to the "planning." Consider planning and writing part of the whole answering process.

So after you deduct the reading time, you now need to decide how to allocate the "answer time."

And this is a relatively simple process. Note the percentages allocated to each task/subtask. Then use that to calculate that percentage of the answer time.

So, for example, let's say you have a section of 45 minutes. You deduct 5 minutes for reading time, which leaves 40 minutes.

Let's say there are two tasks: the first one is worth 60%, and the second one is worth 40%.

60% of 40 minutes is 24 minutes. 40% of 40 minutes is 16 minutes.

And there you have it! You would have 24 minutes to write your answer for the first task, and 16 minutes to write your answer for the second task.

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7. A Quick Word on CIMA Case Study Answer Length

I'm sure you've all heard the cliche, "it's about quality, not quantity"!

Of course, there's a kernel of truth to that. But let's be realistic: you're not going to pass your exam if you write 2 lines of text, even if they're the best lines ever written by a CIMA student!

So the cliche only gets us so far. The reality is that markers consistently report that longer answers do tend to score higher marks. And that shouldn't be surprising. 

Other things being equal, the longer an answer is, the more likely it will contain more points - or more detailed points.

When it comes to the OCS and MCS exams, you should be aiming for a minimum of 2 pages, but ideally, 3 pages in a typical 45-minute section would be best if you want to score well.

Each relevant point you make should get a separate paragraph and be supported by examples, reference to the pre-seen and perhaps the real-life industry if applicable, and relevant theories from the Enterprise, Performance and Financial pillars.

In the case of the SCS exam , you should aim for a minimum of 2.5 pages, but ideally, 3.5 pages + in a typical 60-minute section if you want to score well.

8. What about the Content of Your CIMA Exam Answers?

Of course, we can’t tell you exactly what to write – that depends on the questions asked on the day! But there are some fundamental rules of thumb and principles that you should bear in mind.

(i) Justify and Explain

One very simple but crucial point is the following: you have to justify all your arguments and should explain technical terms.

Now that might appear obvious. But you’d be surprised how frequently students fail to do these basic things. And our tutors believe they know why.

This is the error of assuming that the marker will already know what you are talking about. The thing is, they probably will! But that’s not the point.

The point of the exam is to demonstrate your understanding!

So even if you think your marker will probably know what you mean, you should act as if they might not. Show them that you understand, and leave no room for doubt.

A good tip here is to try to really adopt the role that you have been assigned - and correspondingly, speak to the character whom you are addressing in the scenario as if they really are that person!

That way, you are more likely to consider terms they may not fully understand and give more comprehensive explanations of your arguments and conclusions.

Consider the following passage, which is taken verbatim from a past student’s mock exam answer for the Strategic Case Study of May 2018:

“Mr. Winston, however, may not understand the online streaming industry, where consumers just want to watch movies and tv series without interruptions of advertisements in between. His presence may also de-motivate other employees looking to grow within the business. The cultures may be different and it will take him a long time to get used to the streaming business.”

The student left it at that and then moved on to the following requirement. You should be able to see clearly what is wrong here, even without knowing what question was asked.

Each of the three sentences above could (and should have) been explained. Take the first. The obvious question is: why may Mr. Winston not understand the streaming industry?

Consider then the second sentence. The obvious question here is, why might his presence de-motivate other employees?

There’s a hint when he mentions other employees have been willing to “grow within the business,” but the student still fails to make his argument explicit.

What he might be trying to say is that, given that existing employees have grown with the business and have been loyal to the company for a long time, they might feel some resentment towards an external person being given a high-ranking position – instead of hiring from within the company.

But this is not what the student wrote. And so, he lost potential marks by not spelling it out. In the case of the final sentence, there are two more key points left undeveloped: in what way exactly may the cultures be different? And why might it take Mr. Winston a long time to get used to the business?

It’s clear that these points seemed obvious to the student, but he ultimately lost marks because he did not demonstrate understanding.

What you’ll often find is that, once you begin to explain something that seems to “go without saying,” you actually think of interesting points that you hadn’t considered before or that you had forgotten. You want to give yourself as much opportunity to make as many points as possible in support of your answer.

(ii) Give Specific Examples in Terms of the Pre-seen Company

It is not enough to simply define a theory or principle or even to explain a theory or principle in the abstract.

You have to apply it as well. What does that mean?

Basically, you have to be able to say why or how a particular theory/principle/method is relevant to the specifics of the unseen and pre-seen information.

Ask yourself: How can this theory be applied to the current case? What are some concrete examples of the abstract concepts I am using here in terms of the current company?

To follow my own advice, let’s look at another example from another real student’s answer. In this case, the student is asked to give examples for each category in a cost of quality report (OCS May 2018). The student’s answer to this requirement is as follows:

“A) Examples of costs to be included in each category of the report are as below:

1. Wastage of materials when errors are found.

2. Duplication of workload when errors are found

3. Damage to morale when work has to be repeated

1. Loss of consumer confidence

2. Damage to reputation

3. Cost of replacing the product

1. Invest in better-trained staff to ensure fewer errors in production.

2. Invest in higher quality materials to ensure the material doesn't fail.

3. investment in automating processes to reduce human error

1. Inspection of raw materials on arrival

2. Inspection of completed goods before they leave the factory

Notice that this segment of the answer is quite well-structured. The student uses headings and sub-headings and orders the answer logically.

However, the problem is that the student doesn’t actually give specific examples for each category that are derived from the company in question (a luxury bag manufacturer in this case).

Instead, she gives generic examples that could come from almost any company that manufactures any product. In this case, the student would need to provide specific examples.

So instead of simply saying “wastage of materials when errors are found,” the student should give concrete examples of errors that could occur in the context of this company, a luxury bag manufacturer. What kinds of materials are likely to be wasted? What kinds of errors might be found?

These are the kinds of questions you should be asking yourself when applying a particular theory or model to the current case. The marker needs to see that you can actually use the theories and models you have learned during your objective studies in a real-world scenario and in a realistic way.

This shows you’re ready for the real world as a management accountant! Simply giving generic examples that could equally well apply to any number of companies or scenarios is not sufficient to score full marks.

(iii) Avoid List-style Answers

Another common error is that students will give their answers in the form of bullet points.

Unfortunately, this is not what markers are looking for. It might seem neat and tidy and concise to you, but to a marker, it will simply give the impression of superficial engagement. Lists also give the impression that you are rushing through the answer.

Try to write your answers in prose style. It should be conversational but professional. You are trying to engage with and guide the fictional person who has asked for your assistance. Throwing a list of bullet points without elaboration will not be acceptable!

Now that’s not to say that you can’t use bullet points to structure your answers. But this is different from simply having a list of one-liners alongside bullet points.

You may organize your sub-headings in a bullet-point style, but what follows should be in prose style, with full sentences, explanations, examples and justifications.

9. Managing Technical CIMA Questions That Appear in Exams

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Many students mistakenly believe that when it comes to more technical questions involving financial statements and “the numbers,” a different approach is necessary.

Students feel they need to spend much of their time performing calculations and showing off their ability to use various formulae from their objective studies. 

However, this is not the case. In fact, you are not expected to perform lengthy calculations when it comes to technical components in the case study exam. Instead, the extent to which you will be expected to demonstrate your technical capacities corresponds to the following:

You will need to be able to:

- explain how the content of a schedule/table/financial statement has been prepared

- interpret the solution from a schedule/table/financial statement

- interpret the information within the schedule/table/financial statement

- explain the accounting treatment for a certain type of transaction and the impact on the financial statements

The occasional basic calculation can be made to illustrate a point or to support your interpretation, but that interpretation should be written in prose form.

Markers do not want to see long strings of calculations and formulae without any written explanation or justification. If you do include calculations, keep them short, and focus instead on demonstrating your understanding through written means.

When it comes to a general approach to technical components, we recommend that you follow the order of operations indicated in the diagram below:

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We've already dealt with structure above.

In terms of content, it's a good idea to start with the general theoretical and technical concepts/principles that you are going to be using in the requirement. You don't need to spend too long on this phase - you're not expected to give a complete, exhaustive abstract explanation of a model or theory.

Rather, give a short but jargon-free summary of the model or theory that you are making use of. You want to spend as much time on the application phase as possible. This is where you will demonstrate your deep theoretical understanding. 

Remember, markers want to see you applying your knowledge as if you were really working in this company, in the specified role, and charged with the tasks outlined in the exam .

Simply stating abstract principles would not be acceptable in the real world. Nor is it acceptable in the CIMA case study exam.

Finally, and ideally, you want to move beyond the narrow application of the relevant theory to the specifics of the case.

Markers like to see students adopt a wider perspective of the business and spell out some of the broader implications of your solution to the task/requirement.

It's a good idea here to stretch out your time horizon and consider second and third-order consequences of a particular action - positive or negative.  

Markers also like to see students derive conclusions and recommendations in questions where students are asked to consider advantages and disadvantages/risks and benefits of particular courses of action. This shows deeper engagement with the case and wider business awareness.

10. How to Pass CIMA: Key Takeaways for Upcoming Case Study Exams

When it comes to case study success, there are three really key components:  

1. Solid theoretical knowledge relating to objective subjects

2. Intimate knowledge of the pre-seen and some familiarity with industry trends

3. Excellent exam answer technique

Too many CIMA students get hung up on revising their objective test theory in the wrong way, i.e., committing theory to memory from their CIMA objective test textbook material. The result is less flexibility in producing answers to new problems.

A much better approach is to review key theories by applying each one to the specifics of the current pre-seen document.

In this way, you kill two birds with one stone, i.e., solid theoretical knowledge and intimate knowledge of the pre-seen.

Then it's all about honing your exam technique. The reality is, our markers report over and over again that the typical student's main problem often isn't so much their lack of theoretical knowledge (although that is sometimes definitely the case), as they cannot order their thoughts, apply their knowledge, and master their timing.

 When it comes to timing, there's no substitute for practice (all of VIVA's mocks can be taken in our online CIMA exam simulator under timed conditions).

If you combine practice with careful attention to the points listed above, you will likely write an exam answer that puts you ahead of 90% of CIMA students.

11. Get Ahead with VIVA Financial Tuition

It doesn't matter what kind of business career you're after, CIMA qualifications can unlock a brighter future.

Whether you aim to be a Chief Financial Officer or business owner, our CIMA exam tips and advice can get you where you want to go faster, and for a fraction of the cost of traditional tuition providers. Start your journey today and discover our range of CIMA courses .

Check out our market-leading Study Packs for the current Case Study. The packs include hours of high-quality video tuition by some of the world's leading CIMA experts, alongside mock exams modelled closely on the official CIMA exams and a whole range of support materials. You might also want to read: Working through your CIMA Case Study Course .

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Graduate SA

Tips to passing CIMA Case Study Exams

Apr 13, 2020 | CIMA news , Latest News | 1 comment

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The aim of the CIMA Strategic Case Study exam is to teach students how to apply the knowledge gained from the three objective test papers in the workplace. Each level within the CIMA Professional Qualification is tested by a three-hour case study exam. You must pass all three objective tests (or receive exemptions for them) within a level before you can take a case study exam. Once you have passed the case study exam you can start studying the next level. ( )

Why is the case study exam difficult – The exam format is different, the marking approach is unique, the learning difficulty is higher…and you have to complete each section if to have hope of passing. You need to demonstrate the required competences for each level.

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Its all about planning practicing and getting the right support!

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CIMA Case Study Exam – What’s the examiner looking for?

You’ve studied hard, completed all three Objective Test exams and are ready to wrap up with the CIMA Case Study Exam. But what exactly is the case study?

Join us as we look at what is the Case Study exam?, and what the examiner is looking for , so you can best prepare yourself for these key assessments.

CIMA Case Study Exam

  • 20 September 2021

About the exam

Essentially, the CIMA Case Study exam is there to synopsise everything you’ve learned so far and prove you can apply this to a real-life business scenario. Therefore, the Case Study exam is in a written format and is based around a pre-seen scenario. Your job is to take on a ‘persona’ in a simulated business role-play and provide solutions to the business scenario published by CIMA at the start of the exam sitting.

What’s the examiner looking for?

The examiner is looking to see that candidates can go on to apply everything they have learned in previous CIMA modules to their work. Crucially, there will be ‘core activities’ that the examiner would like to see demonstrated. These vary depending on the level. They can include skills such as the ability to measure performance or the ability to apply relevant financial reporting standards.

Areas the examiner wants you to demonstrate*:

*information taken from the CIMA Exam Blueprints

Therefore, the Case study is practical in nature. It requires excellent writing skills and the ability to work to a set amount of time. Naturally, question practice is one of the most important parts of any Case Study course.

More information on how each level is assessed can be found in CIMA’s useful exam blueprints below:

Operational | Management | Strategic

What does a good answer look like?

Sometimes, the best way to understand what makes a good answer is by comparing it to a low scoring one. Find an Exam Script Walk-through on the CIMA Study Planner . CIMA have annotated this with helpful hints and tips, so you can see exactly why the good answer is good.

How can I excel in my CIMA Case Study exam?

Hear from our highest achievers and Prizewinners about their approach to Case Study and their recommendations for current students. Also, find out exactly what happens on an FI CIMA Case Study course and how our expert tutors will fully prepare you for the exam: What happens on a CIMA Case Study course?


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Haven’t figured what to do after finishing your studies with AAT?

It can be hard to work out which organisation suits you and your career goals the best. As an AAT student or member, you can take the next step in your career and start studying for the globally recognised CIMA qualification at any time.

CIMA is the world’s largest professional body of management accountants. Studying with CIMA lets you delve deeper into the topics you covered with AAT, and gain new skills like financial analysis, project management, negotiation and leadership.

Here we explain the facts behind seven common myths held about CIMA , and show why studying with CIMA could be the right choice for you.

Myth #1: I want to work in small business, so CIMA isn’t for me

CIMA graduates work and are in-demand for businesses of all shapes and sizes; from big banks to small family run businesses – so the chances are, in any industry you can think of, there will be CIMA-qualified staff. The CIMA professional qualification doesn’t just teach you to crunch numbers but lets you develop the skills that you need to impress employers in all industries worldwide.

AAT graduate and CIMA member Ben works for Plymouth Argyle Football Club. Read Ben Rendle’s story.

Myth #2: CIMA is too hard

Although CIMA isn’t easy, it is certainly achievable, and AAT will set you up well to study for and pass your exams. You will be able to buy study resources such as revision cards, exam kits and the official CIMA study text. Read about how Rebecca balanced parenthood with her CIMA study to achieve joint first place (globally) in the August 2018 CIMA management case study exam.

You can access a full overview of exam pass rates on the CIMA website. The pass rates are high, with an overall exam pass rate of between 70-95% for objective test sittings and certificate level exams in the 12 months to 30 September 2018.

Myth #3: CIMA is too expensive

You can choose from a range of study options, depending on your budget. If you have a more modest budget, choosing the option to self-study could work for you. Alternatively, CIMA has more than 70 training providers for you to choose from in the UK alone.

Currently, all CIMA registered students receive 50% off AAT full membership fees while studying towards the Professional Qualification and according to CIMA’s 2018 salary insights, CIMA students see their salary increase at all stages of their study.

Students who have passed the Operational level of the CIMA qualification receive on average £30,000 per annum, rising to £63,000 as a CGMA. Create your own personalised salary report to find out where a CIMA qualification can take you.

Myth #4: I’ll have to finish AAT before starting CIMA

You can start studying CIMA at any time and if you have completed the AAT Professional Diploma in Accounting, you are exempt from the CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting, allowing you to jump straight into the professional qualification.

Myth #5: CIMA doesn’t have many networking opportunities

Made up of members and students who help plan events throughout the UK, CIMA’s nine different regional areas bring a wide range of events, social activities and training closer to you.

They offer you the opportunity to develop your skills with locally organised events, as well as providing networking opportunities with other like-minded peers.  In the past, we’ve held events on everything from soft skills training to future-proofing your career in finance.

Take a look at the opportunities to get involved near you.

Myth #6: Management accounting is boring

A career in management accounting is exciting as it will let you lead from the heart of the business, revealing insights and making the decisions that shape a business’s future. It’s about more than the numbers.

CIMA CEO Andrew Harding believes that it will no longer be sufficient for finance professionals to only produce accounts. “As business partners, finance professionals need to act as commercially-minded problem solvers to handle ambiguity and speak the language of the business fluently.”

Studying CIMA will let you build on the skills that you’ve acquired through your study with AAT. You’ll gain new skills like financial analysis, project management, negotiation and leadership. All of this will set you up for an exciting and varied career, regardless of whether you want to work in big business or a smaller organisation.

Myth #7: CIMA students have no work/life balance

Just like AAT, the beauty of studying CIMA is that you can take it at your own pace, with the option to study part-time or full-time. This makes it easier to manage your other commitments. You can also choose how you study – with a tuition provider, on your own at home, or using a combination of methods anywhere in the world.

To find out more about taking your next steps after AAT, contact CIMA today.

CIMA is the world's largest professional body of management accountants.

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CIMA Operational Case Study

Theory revision series

In our post-exam surveys after almost every operational case study exam, students tell us they wish they’d spent MORE time revising the theory from their E1, F1 and P1 exams.

For many students, it’s been months (if not years) between them passing their objective test exams and attempting the case study – a lot of time for their knowledge to slip!

And yet, to revise all three subjects in full is nigh on impossible when you also have to understand the pre-seen and master your case study technique too.

Our aim is to save you time and make your life easier!  We have examined the last 8 years of case studies to work out what theory tends to come up regularly and what rarely comes up at all, and summarised all the key examinable topics in a clear and simple way in our revision texts and videos.

Our OCS theory revision series: + Covers all the most important theory that you need to know for the case study exams + Converts the key content from over 1,100 pages of syllabus study texts into just 422 pages + Condenses the theory into manageable chunks, with around 22 hours of video to watch + Gives you the platform to successfully apply the syllabus theory to the pre-seen company and the un-seen exam scenarios

Find out exactly what’s covered and take a look at our samples from the theory revision series below.

“I couldn’t recommend Astranti enough. I used them throughout my case study preparations and found their materials prepared me so well for the exams, meaning I was confident in all aspects from exam technique to theory to case study analysis.”

CIMA Case Study Student , January 2024

“I have completed CIMA’s MCS and SCS with Astranti and have passed them both at first attempt. Great Customer Service, Course Structure is Excellent. Mocks and Theory Revision Kits are the best feature of the course.”

CIMA Qualified , April 2022

Learn what it takes to pass

Focus on the key topics you’re most likely to be tested on

Refresh your syllabus knowledge with help from our tutors

Clear and simple examples bring each topic to life

Reduce revision time

Avoid rereading the full E1, F1 and P1 study texts

Save yourself time and focus on the most important topics

Revise from one place, using our study texts or videos

Switch up your learning

Watch the videos, download the audio or print the study texts

Cement your knowledge in the way that suits you

Content is split into manageable chunks to make things easier

Take a look for yourself…

Part 1 – Key theory from CIMA E1

Part 1 - What's covered?

  • Chapter 1: Key performance indicators
  • Chapter 2: The finance function and IT
  • Chapter 3: Data and the finance function

Total video running time: 3 hours

Part 2 – Key theory from CIMA F1

Part 2 - What's covered?

  • Chapter 1: IAS2 inventories
  • Chapter 2: Non-current assets
  • Chapter 3 : Other accounting standards
  • Chapter 4 : IFRS 16 leases
  • Chapter 5 : Corporate taxation
  • Chapter 6: Working capital management
  • Chapter 7: Managing receivables and payables
  • Chapter 8: Managing inventories and cash

Total video running time: 9 hours

Part 3 – Key theory from CIMA P1

Part 3 - What's covered?

  • Chapter 1: Activity based costing
  • Chapter 2: Costs and decisions
  • Chapter 3 : Break even analysis
  • Chapter 4 :  Linear programming
  • Chapter 5 : Budgeting
  • Chapter 6: Budgetary control
  • Chapter 7: Variance analysis
  • Chapter 8: Forecasting
  • Chapter 9: Uncertainty analysis

Total video running time: 10 hours

What our students have to say…

Please see our  testimonials page  for our latest student reviews. Here are a couple of examples:

“I have completed CIMA’s MCS and SCS with Astranti and have passed them both at first attempt.

Great Customer Service, Course Structure is Excellent. Mocks and Theory Revision Kits are the best feature of the course.”

“I have purchased the theory revision series for Management Case Study and now Strategic. Very informative and provides useful scenarios you can expect to see in the exams as well as gaining an understanding of how to build application marks in case studies.

I passed MCS first time with the help of this, so I’ve purchased in again for SCS. Fingers crossed! Would highly recommend this revision series. Thank you!”

Passed CIMA MCS , October 2021

Purchase the theory revision series

The Theory Revision Series is also part of our OCS Premium Course. Head to the course page to find out more.

OCS Theory Revision Series £165

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To access this resource you will need to purchase it, or join our complete course. Visit our quick purchase page to get the resources you need.

Exam timetable

View key dates to help you plan your studies. Plan your CIMA’s CGMA® exams. On-demand tests are available all year. There are four windows a year when you can sit the Case Study Exams (February, May, August, and November).

Every purchase you make from the AICPA & CIMA is safe and secure. We also guarantee 100% customer satisfaction on most of our products. If you’re not satisfied with your purchase, please contact us.

To start the return process, please contact us first. View all products eligible for refunds .

This site is brought to you by the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants, the global voice of the accounting and finance profession, founded by the American Institute of CPAs and The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants.

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Case Study Resources


  1. Essential CIMA Case Study Theory

    is cima case study hard

  2. How to Pass the CIMA Operational Case Study Exam

    is cima case study hard

  3. CIMA Case Study Exam

    is cima case study hard

  4. CIMA Strategic Level Integrated Case Study (SCS) Study text

    is cima case study hard

  5. cima case study techniques

    is cima case study hard

  6. Understanding CIMA

    is cima case study hard


  1. CIMA Case Study Examination Application skills

  2. CIMA Strategic Case Study August 2017


  4. CIMA CASE Study: How write an Answer

  5. CIMA Strategic Case Study (SCS) Feb 2024 (Robobryce)

  6. CIMA Strategic Case Study (SCS) May & Aug ’24


  1. How to Pass CIMA Case Study Exams: Detailed Guide to Success

    Check out our market-leading Study Packs for the current Case Study. The packs include hours of high-quality video tuition by some of the world's leading CIMA experts, alongside mock exams modelled closely on the official CIMA exams and a whole range of support materials. You might also want to read: Working through your CIMA Case Study Course.

  2. CIMA Case Study Exams: Your definitive guide

    Hold on! Unlike the objective test exams, which could be taken all year round, case study exams can only be taken at certain times. CIMA has 4 exam windows a year (February, May, August and November) where it is possible to sit a case study exam. In each of these months, exams are scheduled over a 3 day period.Each pre-seen will be available for 2 sittings, with new ones released for the May ...

  3. Case Study support 1

    The purpose of the case study exam. CIMA describes the case study exam as a "role simulation". It requires candidates to "respond to authentic work-based activities presented during the examination, drawing together learning from each of the three subjects to provide solutions to the issues and challenges presented".

  4. 7 Ways to Pass Your CIMA Case Study Exams

    Follow these 7 simple steps to avoid the panic and clear the path ahead to enjoy case study exam success. 1. Follow a Focused Study Plan. Starting your study is often the hardest step to take.In our experience, following a plan increases productivity, cuts time-wasting, tracks progress and allows for personal planning around the study to ...

  5. How Hard is it to Pass CIMA?

    According to CIMA, the certificate level can be completed at your own pace and involves 5 exams. 'On average, it takes students one year to complete this level.'. When it comes to the professional qualification, which involves OT and case study exams, students take approximately '4 years to complete'.

  6. CIMA Strategic Case Study Exam : r/CIMA

    Without being trying to be negative, this is going to sound negative. For the case study you need to know the OT content for the level inside out, for the strategic level, CIMA recommend 6 months to complete before sitting the case study. On top of that you haven't sat any CIMA exams previously so are unfamiliar with the techniques and exam ...

  7. Tips to passing CIMA Case Study Exams

    How to succeed in the Case Study Exam. 1.Know your role, At each level of the CIMA qualification structure, the pre seen will assign you a role to play in a typical simulation of a workplace. You will be asked to provide recommendations or solutions that will help the business to solve its problems. 2.Follow a Focused Study Plan and start early.

  8. CIMA Case Study Exam

    The examiner is looking to see that candidates can go on to apply everything they have learned in previous CIMA modules to their work. Crucially, there will be 'core activities' that the examiner would like to see demonstrated. These vary depending on the level. They can include skills such as the ability to measure performance or the ...

  9. CIMA F2: The Ultimate Guide to Passing

    CIMA F2 is one of the hardest exams you'll study in your CIMA exams. The pass rate is just 57% and, more than that, it's on a subject that most management accountants don't use in their working life, so everything is probably new and hard to associate with.

  10. CIMA Exams

    CIMA case study questions take on a very different format! You'll be given a pre-seen document 6 roughly weeks before the exam, containing information about a fictional business. ... Are CIMA exams hard? This is a very common question amongst students, and one which is difficult to answer objectively, but they certainly aren't easy! After ...

  11. 7 common CIMA myths revealed

    Myth #2: CIMA is too hard. Although CIMA isn't easy, it is certainly achievable, and AAT will set you up well to study for and pass your exams. You will be able to buy study resources such as revision cards, exam kits and the official CIMA study text. ... in the August 2018 CIMA management case study exam. You can access a full overview of ...

  12. How to Pass CIMA Operational Case Study Exam

    2. Take care of how your answer looks. Whilst this examination is not a test of English, some answers are difficult to read because of poor spelling and grammar. It's important that answers are presented well so that markers can see that you have demonstrated a clear understanding of CIMA of the issues.

  13. Full Post Exam Materials May /August 2021 MCS and Gateway

    This document contains the full post exam supporting materials for the May and August 2021 management case study and CIMA gateway exam containing: pre-seen material. exam variants. suggested solutions. examiners report. marking guidance. Open PDF. Published 22/10/21. The CGMA Study Hub keeps you on track to achieve your personal study goals.

  14. Case Studies

    Learn the case study inside out. Spend more time reading the case study and digesting it then on theory. My advice would be to go through the past papers atleast 3-4 years worth of past papers and write as many mock exams as u can. I'm going to be sitting the same exam.

  15. CIMA Management Case Study Overview

    **This is the new re-make of our General Overview of Case Study video**Expert tutor Iryna McDonald will take you through the structure of the CIMA Management...

  16. Exam Difficulty. : r/CIMA

    The subreddit for qualified/part-qualified/aspiring CIMA members. (Note: this is NOT an official CIMA site and is not affiliated with the member organisation in an official capacity.) ... I'm on the strategic case study at the moment and I can safely say P1 still haunts me today! I passed but having not worked as a MA before I used up every ...

  17. How to pass the Operational Case Study

    As you may already know, Operational Case Study (OCS) is the first case study under CIMA's CGMA professional qualification and is designed to test your ability to apply the technical knowledge you've learnt from E1, P1 and F1. The CGMA Study Hub keeps you on track to achieve your personal study goals.

  18. How are CIMA Case Study Exams Marked?

    CIMA case study exams marking. The marking of case study exams is done manually. The results are then released 5 weeks after sitting the exam. You get a mark out of 150, where a score of 80 and above is a pass (53.333%). You also need to attain a minimum threshold score across all competencies.

  19. Astranti: CIMA Operational Case Study Theory Revision Series

    Our OCS theory revision series: + Covers all the most important theory that you need to know for the case study exams. + Converts the key content from over 1,100 pages of syllabus study texts into just 422 pages. + Condenses the theory into manageable chunks, with around 22 hours of video to watch. + Gives you the platform to successfully apply ...

  20. Tips for passing P1

    Tips for passing P1. CIMA P1 is consistently regarded as one of the toughest areas of the Operational level, and the qualification as a whole. We spoke to a couple of our learners who gave an insight into their experience of passing it. Tips for passing P1. The CGMA Study Hub keeps you on track to achieve your personal study goals.

  21. Exam timetable

    View key dates to help you plan your studies Plan your CIMA's CGMA® exams. On-demand tests are available all year. There are four windows a year when you can sit the Case Study Exams (February, May, August, and November). Within each window, exams will be available for three days, from Wednesday through Friday.

  22. How to pass the Management Case Study

    How to pass the Management Case Study. With the next set of exams coming up we thought it would be great to give you an overview of the management case study, also known as CGMA gateway. The aim of CIMA's CGMA Professional Management case study is to apply the knowledge you have learnt across the whole management level. The CGMA Study Hub keeps ...

  23. Case Study Resources

    The CGMA Study Hub keeps you on track to achieve your personal study goals.