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by Colleen Hoover ‧ RELEASE DATE: July 17, 2018

Finding positivity in negative pregnancy-test results, this depiction of a marriage in crisis is nearly perfect.

Named for an imperfectly worded fortune cookie, Hoover's ( It Ends with Us , 2016, etc.) latest compares a woman’s relationship with her husband before and after she finds out she’s infertile.

Quinn meets her future husband, Graham, in front of her soon-to-be-ex-fiance’s apartment, where Graham is about to confront him for having an affair with his girlfriend. A few years later, they are happily married but struggling to conceive. The “then and now” format—with alternating chapters moving back and forth in time—allows a hopeful romance to blossom within a dark but relatable dilemma. Back then, Quinn’s bad breakup leads her to the love of her life. In the now, she’s exhausted a laundry list of fertility options, from IVF treatments to adoption, and the silver lining is harder to find. Quinn’s bad relationship with her wealthy mother also prevents her from asking for more money to throw at the problem. But just when Quinn’s narrative starts to sound like she’s writing a long Facebook rant about her struggles, she reveals the larger issue: Ever since she and Graham have been trying to have a baby, intimacy has become a chore, and she doesn’t know how to tell him. Instead, she hopes the contents of a mystery box she’s kept since their wedding day will help her decide their fate. With a few well-timed silences, Hoover turns the fairly common problem of infertility into the more universal problem of poor communication. Graham and Quinn may or may not become parents, but if they don’t talk about their feelings, they won’t remain a couple, either.

Pub Date: July 17, 2018

ISBN: 978-1-5011-7159-8

Page Count: 320

Publisher: Atria

Review Posted Online: April 30, 2018

Kirkus Reviews Issue: May 15, 2018


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by Colleen Hoover



by Claire Lombardo ‧ RELEASE DATE: June 25, 2019

Characters flip between bottomless self-regard and pitiless self-loathing while, as late as the second-to-last chapter, yet...

Four Chicago sisters anchor a sharp, sly family story of feminine guile and guilt.

Newcomer Lombardo brews all seven deadly sins into a fun and brimming tale of an unapologetically bougie couple and their unruly daughters. In the opening scene, Liza Sorenson, daughter No. 3, flirts with a groomsman at her sister’s wedding. “There’s four of you?” he asked. “What’s that like?” Her retort: “It’s a vast hormonal hellscape. A marathon of instability and hair products.” Thus begins a story bristling with a particular kind of female intel. When Wendy, the oldest, sets her sights on a mate, she “made sure she left her mark throughout his house—soy milk in the fridge, box of tampons under the sink, surreptitious spritzes of her Bulgari musk on the sheets.” Turbulent Wendy is the novel’s best character, exuding a delectable bratty-ness. The parents—Marilyn, all pluck and busy optimism, and David, a genial family doctor—strike their offspring as impossibly happy. Lombardo levels this vision by interspersing chapters of the Sorenson parents’ early lean times with chapters about their daughters’ wobbly forays into adulthood. The central story unfurls over a single event-choked year, begun by Wendy, who unlatches a closed adoption and springs on her family the boy her stuffy married sister, Violet, gave away 15 years earlier. (The sisters improbably kept David and Marilyn clueless with a phony study-abroad scheme.) Into this churn, Lombardo adds cancer, infidelity, a heart attack, another unplanned pregnancy, a stillbirth, and an office crush for David. Meanwhile, youngest daughter Grace perpetrates a whopper, and “every day the lie was growing like mold, furring her judgment.” The writing here is silky, if occasionally overwrought. Still, the deft touches—a neighborhood fundraiser for a Little Free Library, a Twilight character as erotic touchstone—delight. The class calibrations are divine even as the utter apolitical whiteness of the Sorenson world becomes hard to fathom.

Pub Date: June 25, 2019

ISBN: 978-0-385-54425-2

Page Count: 544

Publisher: Doubleday

Review Posted Online: March 3, 2019

Kirkus Reviews Issue: March 15, 2019


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by Lisa Jewell ‧ RELEASE DATE: April 24, 2018

Dark and unsettling, this novel’s end arrives abruptly even as readers are still moving at a breakneck speed.

Ten years after her teenage daughter went missing, a mother begins a new relationship only to discover she can't truly move on until she answers lingering questions about the past.

Laurel Mack’s life stopped in many ways the day her 15-year-old daughter, Ellie, left the house to study at the library and never returned. She drifted away from her other two children, Hanna and Jake, and eventually she and her husband, Paul, divorced. Ten years later, Ellie’s remains and her backpack are found, though the police are unable to determine the reasons for her disappearance and death. After Ellie’s funeral, Laurel begins a relationship with Floyd, a man she meets in a cafe. She's disarmed by Floyd’s charm, but when she meets his young daughter, Poppy, Laurel is startled by her resemblance to Ellie. As the novel progresses, Laurel becomes increasingly determined to learn what happened to Ellie, especially after discovering an odd connection between Poppy’s mother and her daughter even as her relationship with Floyd is becoming more serious. Jewell’s ( I Found You , 2017, etc.) latest thriller moves at a brisk pace even as she plays with narrative structure: The book is split into three sections, including a first one which alternates chapters between the time of Ellie’s disappearance and the present and a second section that begins as Laurel and Floyd meet. Both of these sections primarily focus on Laurel. In the third section, Jewell alternates narrators and moments in time: The narrator switches to alternating first-person points of view (told by Poppy’s mother and Floyd) interspersed with third-person narration of Ellie’s experiences and Laurel’s discoveries in the present. All of these devices serve to build palpable tension, but the structure also contributes to how deeply disturbing the story becomes. At times, the characters and the emotional core of the events are almost obscured by such quick maneuvering through the weighty plot.

Pub Date: April 24, 2018

ISBN: 978-1-5011-5464-5

Page Count: 368

Review Posted Online: Feb. 5, 2018

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Feb. 15, 2018


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by Lisa Jewell


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book review of all your perfects

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All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover Book Review

book review of all your perfects

“If you only shine light on your flaws, all your perfects will dim.” 

Author: Colleen Hoover (the queen of romance) 😊

Genre: New Adult Contemporary

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Colleen Hoover delivers a tour de force novel about a troubled marriage and the one old forgotten promise that might be able to save it.

Quinn and Graham’s perfect love is threatened by their imperfect marriage. The memories, mistakes, and secrets that they have built up over the years are now tearing them apart. The one thing that could save them might also be the very thing that pushes their marriage beyond the point of repair.

All Your Perfects is a profound novel about a damaged couple whose potential future hinges on promises made in the past. This is a heartbreaking page-turner that asks: Can a resounding love with a perfect beginning survive a lifetime between two imperfect people?

Spoilers Contained Below

Dear CoHo family,

Welcome to another book made by the queen herself. Do you ever just lie awake wondering how Colleen Hoover just writes books that you know will agonize you in the best way? I don’t but I should. At least then, I’ll be mentally prepared for what I’ll feel when I read her next novel.

I can thoroughly say that this is a book that all ages can read and appreciate. I think it’s such a profound story that woman and men can relate to or understand the topics it covers with infertility, first love, marriage, changes in yourself and your relationship, infertility, and depression. I feel like any married couple should read All Your Perfects because it really will impact your outlook on marriage or relationships in general. I know I want my future husband to read this book just for the sense of understanding that marriage and life has its challenges. Also, so if we have a category 5 storm, the love letters may help. Wouldn’t it be just cute if you had a love letter from your husband that he wrote to you a long time ago? I think that would be sweet.

I never read a book with the then and now perspectives before and I feel like writing it this way was very strategic and made the story stronger. I loved how we got to see how happy, young, and spontaneous Quinn and Graham were in the past, and then how dark, dreary, and complicated everything was seven years later. It kept making me wonder what happened or what changed in the span of seven years to make them the complicated couple they were today?

I also liked how Colleen described their avoidance as a dance where they would skirt around each others touches in private or how they would give one worded responses/clipped answers or how they avoided talking about that “something more.” They walked on eggshells around each other because some part of them still wanted to make their relationship work, but they were both starting to slowly lose hope about everything that the relationship used to be. It was no longer touches and long conversations, but not talking about their real feelings and feeling relieved when one person doesn’t touch the other. And it was kind of sad to see that distinct difference when in the past they could barely keep their hands off of each other, let alone their clothes.

But let’s talk about how Quinn and Graham met when they were both at Ethan’s door realizing that their partner at the time was cheating. Like what are the odds that that Quinn and Graham would fall in love with each other as they ere being cheated on? I thought it was comical but kind of cute that they were both at Ethan’s door listening and eating the Chinese food Ethan ordered. I was also surprised at how calm and collected Graham was in that moment. So many other guys would have ran into Ethan’s apartment in a blind rage, but he was so mature and cool about it, maybe even a bit expectant that Sasha would have cheated on him, which was kind of sad. Speaking of sad, throughout the book, Quinn always describes Graham as someone with sad eyes and frown/smile, and how that makes him beautiful, which made me wonder why he always seemed sad? But I think describing him as so was purposeful to emphasize that even though he wasn’t the most upbeat and open person, he was beautiful in other ways.

I really enjoyed the fortune cookies and the significance of their fortunes and the fate of the numbers 8/8 on the back of them to represent the day they reconnected. Graham’s fortune was “You will succeed in a great business endeavor today,” and Quinn’s was “If you only shine light on all your flaws, all your perfects will dim. ” At the time, Graham—like anyone else—believed that his fortune was dumb because he didn’t go to work that day. But when looking back on it, I like how he realized that his fortune was true because if he had been at work he wouldn’t have ever met Quinn. As the story goes on and the plot built, Quinn’s fortune didn’t seem as significant until it was brought up again at the end. Because she only focused on her infertility and all the things her life lacked, she didn’t see how perfect her life already was with a husband who loved her so much. I have come to respect and love this quote so much. I think if anyone only focuses on the negative—that we don’t have this or why don’t we have that—-we become blindsided to all our “flaws’ and faults in life and that’s when “all our perfects”—food, water, family, a home, friends, love—-gets dimmed, because we don’t see it as much, when we should realize just how lucky and perfect our life really is. Sure life can be perfect with more riches and other things, but we have to appreciate and love what we have now.

But back to the story . . .

I loved their past relationship and how seamless and loving it was. I loved when they had matching Halloween costumes or when they went to the beach house and talked night about religion and politics, and Graham really went in depth about his platform. It was just all around cute. Something I really love about any romance book or show is how the characters who fall in love are able to have an effortless conversation about nothing and everything and I truly believe those are the best conversations—the ones that are free flowing.

As they grow closer, they have more fun, but Quinn wasn’t ready for a relationship at the time . So that’s why Quinn never called Graham to be her rebound guy, but she kept his Post-it by her door like she was holding onto the hope or possibility of something more. I felt like she was just really scared to call him. They really started talking agin when supposedly she gave him the “look” on her date with another guy. So Graham went to her apartment and was like I ditched my date because you gave me the “look.” Must have been some look 😏

Graham’s character also evolved during this time from someone who was enigmatic to a guy who was straightforward, honest, and slightly funny. The first night when they reconnected, Quinn wanted to do something more with him, but Graham stopped her and was like let’s talk and get to know each other first. And they talked for hours . Any guy would have just done what Quinn wanted, but I had so much respect for Graham in wanting to take things slow and talk because he was so sure they were meant for each other. During that scene, I remembered he said he would tell Quinn “I told you so” if ten years later they were still together. Then at the end he tells her “I told you so.” It was such a cute full circle moment.

During the Halloween scene, I liked how Ava dressed up as the mother and Quinn thought she was being a prude and wondered what she was supposed to be. Then Reid tells her your mother. Honestly, such a good inside joke.

Quinn’s mom was kind of hard to like because she’s very judgmental and an obvious gold digger. I don’t like how she made it such an obvious fact to her daughters that she never wanted kids. Quinn’s been trying for years to have kids and genuinely wants them, and then there’s her mother who was able to have two girls and says she never wanted kids. Quinn and Ava deserved better. The mom also packed up Quinn’s room to make it into a closet when she could have turned any other room in her big luxurious house into a closet. Turning your daughters room into your closet extension really screams volumes on how much you love her. Graham’s parents kept Grahams’ room the same all these years with his science trophies and the periodic table. Like if you love your child, you would keep their essence alive in your home in hopes they came to stay again one day. Quinn’s mom shoved out her kids and made their rooms a closet. What love.

I also just felt so bad for Quinn too because she wanted to talk to someone when Graham cheated on her, but it was hard for her to open up to her mom. I understood why. It’s hard to talk to someone who never cared much about you, but themselves more. I wanted to give Quinn a hug when she sat on the front steps of her mom’s house, too scared to go in because she would feel trapped. If that’s not heartbreaking, I don’t know what is 😿 But past Graham was so sweet about meeting the mom because he knew how nervous Quinn was. He eased her mind by saying she could blame wedding things on him because the mom’s going to hate him anyway, so might as we’ll give her a reason. Like how sweet. But the absolute best thing was when he told her how he was inspired or amazed by her in how she turned out despite growing up in a very harsh environment. That was the moment they said I love you to each other, and it was just the best moment for them to do that when they saw each other for their strengths and not their weaknesses. Get you a man or woman who can see you as you are: strong.

Something I also highly appreciated was how the past really coincided with the present in how she questioned their love and how it talked about the first time they said I love you.

The getting married at the beach part was also a good scene in how they created the category five box with their love notes that they would read on their 25th anniversary or in case of an emergency. I thought the box had a prenup at first because of how much the mom kept pushing it! Then I thought wedding photos? Vows? The string in the box from Spongebob ? 😂

No love notes! That was soooo much better!

Before I get to the part that literally broke me, let’s back track to how their relationship was now difficult, aka, the present day Quinn and Graham.

I could understand Quinn in her feelings. She felt alone and like she’s a failure as a human and a wife. She felt like Graham would make a great father because they talked about having kids, but yet here she was so many years later unable to make that happen for him. And she felt like it’s her fault because Graham was healthy. Quinn just sounded so despondent in the beginning, crying in the shower and not wanting Graham’s touch. And it’s because she wanted to have kids to make Graham happy and to fix everything between them, but I kept saying to myself,” Quinn having a baby is not going to fix your relationship!” Adding a baby will make things worse because if you still have relationship problems, the baby will grow up with parents who will maybe fight all the time and things like that. That’s only going to be a tie in the relationship. Not a mend.

But the time when Quinn and Graham tried to “do it” in the beginning was so heart shattering because gosh the utter pain I felt for both of them was surreal. I could understand how Graham would be angry because he just wanted to love his wife, but then Quinn thought of “doing it” as a way to have babies. So Graham tested her and didn’t “do it” and she cries in full on tears because he didn’t give her what she wanted—a chance to try to be pregnant again. And to Graham it made him feel like she didn’t love him for love or for him, but for what he could make happen (babies) and it was just so hard to sit there and read that knowing how they were both feeling. And it’s just all messy because of all the things that were left unsaid and just UGH! The miscommunication!

If only they talked to each other about how they felt and what they were going though, it would have saved them heartbreak and me emotional turmoil. Graham really, honestly, truly loved her and waned to be there for her. He wanted her to talk to him rather than hide in the shower and cry. The fact that he knew that was just so sad because what was he supposed to do? Knock on the shower door and be like open up? He gave her space and that was nice, but there has to come a point when you have to open up to someone.

Then there was that part where he screamed in anger that he loved her—–I got literal chills. Graham was just so angry at her for not seeing that he does love her and for even questioning it.

“I love you,” he said quietly, shaking his head. “I always have. No matter how much you wish I didn’t.” (pg 190)

Coleen Hoover, rip our my heart why don’t you?

The big shock was the when he cheated on her. You literally met Quinn when she got cheated on and here you were cheating on her with some girl in your office?!!! The disappointment set in. And what a typical guy thing to do to turn it around on her and make it her fault that he missed her and that this Andrea chick remind him of her. And it’s like, don’t try to ethically define your cheating!!!! 😤 He said he didn’t think him capable of such a thing. I guess you were. I couldn’t ever with Graham and how broken and sad Quinn was. Graham was there for her when she got cheated on and now she was alone.

When I thought things couldn’t get ANY WORSE. They got IMMENSELY WORSE.

She had a hysterectomy. Que the tears 😭 Quinn was pregnant but had a miscarriage and all she could focus on was how if she known, she could have given Graham the hope of being a father even if it was a short amount of time—she could have made him happy.

Then after this, she goes to Europe to see Ava. She hasn’t talked to Graham in three weeks and he goes to visit her where they finally open up that darn box and the dance ends.

I was literally screaming!

Then they read the letters. Graham, my heart, never read his because he didn’t need to—he was that sure of his love for her. Gosh, my heart.

What made everything so special was that not only was there the initial love letters they wrote before they got married, but the love letters Graham added whenever he felt like their love wasn’t going to survive. And in those letters he explained why he stopped asking her what did he miss while she was sleeping because he asked her once and cried. So he never wanted to ask her again until they were parents. And he kept emphasizing his love for her after each and ever one. I swear, my heart couldn’t take it! But my favorite letter was this part of the last letter:

“We haven’t lost yet, Quinn. And no mater what has happened since we closed this box or what will happen after we open it, I promise to love you through it all. I promise to love you more when you’re hurting than when you’re happy. I promise to love you more when you’re poor than when we’re swimming in riches. I promise to love you more when you’re crying than when you’re laughing. I promise to love you more when you’re sick than when you’re health. I promise to love you more when you hate me than when you love me. I promise to love you more as a childless woman than I would love you as a mother. And I promise. . . . I swear . . . that if you choose to end things between us, I will love you mores as you’re walking out the door than on the day you walked down the aisle. I hope you choose the road that will make you the happiest. Even its it’s not a choice I’ll love. I will still always love you. Whether I’m a part of your life or not. You deserve happiness more than anyone I know. I love you forever. Graham (pg 277)

Colleen Hoover literally just wrote my future vows!

I mean, everyone needs a man like Graham who can write how much they love you until the point it hurts. In his most recent letter, he mentioned how he knew Quinn was there when he held his nephew and that she must have heard him say he was devastated to not be a father yet. What he meant was he was devastated for Quinn.

Those notes were their saving grace and was everything. I was in a puddle of tears by the end of it because they haven’t lost were going to keep trying.

I loved how the next day, he asked her about her dream and she told him about the memory she had of the time she told Graham she would be happy if their future didn’t entail a big house, a nice car, or lots of kids. It was such a defining moment for their relationship knowing that kids may not be their future, but they had each other.

Quinn was now able to joke about it whenever people ask her if she had kids. I liked how it became a game between her and Graham to make up the most ridiculous story. They had all girls named after spices like Parsley, Cumin, Basil, and Rosemary 😂 Rosemary’s cute, Cumin? Not so much. I also liked how once Quinn got past realizing things would be okay without kids, she became more passionate about her dreams. She wrote a book and her and Graham spontaneously moved to Europe to be close to Ava and farther from the mom.

When Quinn finally smiled, I felt like she was finally living again. I could see how happy she was, focusing on the love in her life than the sorrow.

The epilogue was adorable in how Graham kept cheering her on like the proud husband he was when Quinn changed the tire. Or how they got a dog and named it August after the month they reconnected. And to think that that was the month they reconnected all those years ago and that it was maybe the month that they reconnected again after their hardships. Full circle moment, my friends, full circle moment.

One of my favorite quotes was how marriage isn’t perfect, but the secret s to not give up at the same time. They were going to give up, but they loved each other so much to make it work.

This book filled me with so much love, pain, and insight as to marriage. If you’re married, in a relationship, or still looking for that perfect one, I hope you never give up on each other at the same time. I hope you make it work. And if fate has it that it doesn’t work out, I hope there’s someone like Graham waiting on the other side of that closed door in your life, who can be your new door and person who will love you completely even in the storms of life.

If you read this book what was your favorite part of the book? Least favorite part? Did you have to bring out the box of tissues anywhere? What was your favorite quote. Let me know below in the comments as I love hearing from you 💕

As always, with love,

book review of all your perfects

5 Full Bloom Flowers

Characters: In the beginning, it’s very hard to openly like Quinn because she’s very reserved and she’s going through a rough time. But as the book goes on, you begin to develop a deeper understanding of Quinn and see how she just has a different perspective of things. There’s also that one time I TOTALLY disliked Graham, but I learned to forgive him because he made up for it in the end. He truly came through.

Plot: Incomparable < 3

Writing: Just perfect

Romance: Utterly heart-wrenching in the best way possible

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All Your Perfects : Book summary and reviews of All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

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All Your Perfects

A Novel (4) (Hopeless)

by Colleen Hoover

All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

Readers' rating:

Published Jul 2018 320 pages Genre: Romance Paperback Original. Publication Information

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About this book

Book summary.

The #1 New York Times bestselling author of It Starts with Us and It Ends with Us —whose writing is "emotionally wrenching and utterly original" (Sara Shepard, New York Times bestselling author of the Pretty Little Liars series)—delivers a tour de force novel about a troubled marriage and the one old forgotten promise that might be able to save it.

Quinn and Graham's perfect love is threatened by their imperfect marriage. The memories, mistakes, and secrets that they have built up over the years are now tearing them apart. The one thing that could save them might also be the very thing that pushes their marriage beyond the point of repair. All Your Perfects is a profound novel about a damaged couple whose potential future hinges on promises made in the past. This is a heartbreaking page-turner that asks: Can a resounding love with a perfect beginning survive a lifetime between two imperfect people?

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Reader reviews.

"Half-adorable, half gut-wrenching—and wholly a great read. Hoover captures the amazing side of a happy marriage, while at the same time connecting with the struggles of having one's expectation of 'the perfect life' not being met." ― Library Journal (starred review) "This depiction of a marriage in crisis is nearly perfect." ― Kirkus Reviews "A poignant love story…With Hoover's evocative style, readers will experience the emotion of this story while sympathizing with both Quinn and Graham." ― Booklist "Intimate and raw." ― USA Today "Heart-wrenching...another fantastic read." ― Bustle "With a deft hand, Colleen Hoover crafts the unraveling of a marriage with brutal, unflinching honesty. The genius is in how she stitches together the perfect ending. This is one beautiful story." ―Tracey Garvis Graves, New York Times bestselling author of The Girl He Used to Know

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More Information

Colleen Hoover is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than twenty-three novels, including It Starts with Us, It Ends with Us, All Your Perfects, Ugly Love , and Verity. Colleen lives in Texas with her husband and their three boys. For more information, please visit

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All Your Perfects Summary, Review, Themes, Quotes and Characters

There are a lot of real-life stories surrounding infertility and infidelity but one that stands out among them, has to be “All Your Perfects” by Colleen Hoover. 

Published in 2018, this book is a poignant tale of Quinn and Graham’s love, marred by infertility and secrets. Alternating between past joys and present struggles, it explores deep emotional scars, leading to a heart-wrenching climax and a hopeful resolution as they rediscover love and start anew at a different place.

All Your Perfects Summary [Contains Spoilers]

The story opens with a flashback to seven years ago, where Quinn discovers her fiancé, Ethan, cheating on her. 

This revelation comes from Graham, who is dealing with his own partner’s infidelity. Despite an immediate connection, Quinn and Graham’s initial attempt at a rebound relationship is thwarted by their emotional turmoil.

As the narrative oscillates between the past (“Then”) and the present (“Now”), we see the stark contrast in Quinn and Graham’s relationship. 

In the early days, their romance blossoms rapidly. Quinn, despite her reservations, falls deeply for Graham, finding solace in his close-knit family compared to her own strained familial ties. 

They navigate the excitement and uncertainties of a new relationship, with Graham viewing their love as destiny and Quinn cautiously embracing it.

However, in the present, their marriage is strained under the weight of infertility. 

Quinn’s endometriosis and a past criminal conviction for Graham make conception and adoption challenging. Their struggles with multiple failed IVF attempts and adoption rejections take a toll, particularly on Quinn, who feels a profound sense of guilt and shame. 

This emotional burden leads her to withdraw from Graham, creating a divide in their once passionate relationship.

The novel masterfully contrasts the couple’s early sexual chemistry with their current struggles. 

Their younger selves confidently discuss overcoming “Category 5” moments in marriage, but their older selves find themselves drifting apart, unable to communicate and connect as they once did. The tension reaches a peak when Quinn suspects Graham of having an affair, leading to a confrontation that reveals deeper layers of their pain and misunderstanding.

In a dramatic turn of events, Quinn suffers a rare cervical ectopic pregnancy, resulting in a miscarriage and an emergency hysterectomy. This tragic development removes any hope of the couple conceiving naturally, plunging them further into grief. 

In her despair, Quinn seeks refuge with her sister Ava in Europe, leaving Graham behind.

The climax of the story arrives when Graham, desperate to save their marriage, presents Quinn with a wooden box filled with love letters they wrote to each other in happier times. 

This heartfelt gesture, combined with additional letters Graham wrote over the years, touches Quinn deeply, rekindling their love and leading to a decision to stay together and start anew in Italy, close to Ava.

The epilogue, set two years later, finds Quinn and Graham in a more peaceful place, having adopted a puppy named August. They playfully deflect intrusive questions about children with imaginative stories, a coping mechanism that symbolizes their resilience and enduring love.

All Your Perfects Summary, Review, Themes, Quotes and Characters

My Review [No Spoilers]

Alright, fasten your seatbelts, because I’m about to take you on a rollercoaster of emotions with this review, and let me tell you, this book is more intense than accidentally opening the front camera!

Lol. That was bad. 

This book isn’t just a story; it’s an emotional whirlwind that Hoover seems to have custom-designed to shatter hearts and then piece them back together. 

It’s like she thought, “Hmm, how can I turn my readers into emotional puddles?” 

And voila, “All Your Perfects” was born.

First things first, I’ve gotta say, Hoover’s talent for storytelling is like finding an extra fry at the bottom of your McDonald’s bag – it just keeps getting better! 

Her ability to craft a narrative that is as heart-wrenching as it is beautiful is nothing short of sorcery.

“Love is not about how many days, months, or years you have been together. Love is about how much you love each other every single day.”

Now, let’s dive into the heart of this emotional tsunami. “All Your Perfects” takes us on a journey through the highs and lows of Quinn and Graham’s relationship, from the butterflies of their early romance to the gut-wrenching struggles they face later. 

And Hoover doesn’t just tell a story – she grabs you by the feels and doesn’t let go.

The novel alternates between “Then” and “Now,” a storytelling device that’s like a time machine for your heart. 

You’re zipping back and forth, watching love blossom and then watching it struggle to survive. It’s like being on a seesaw of emotions – one minute you’re up in the clouds of their past happiness, the next you’re plummeting into the depths of their present pain.

Now let’s talk characters. 

Quinn and Graham are so real, they could be your neighbors, your friends, or even you. Hoover doesn’t just create characters; she breathes life into them. Their pain, their joy, their love – it all feels so real, you’ll find yourself wanting to jump into the book to give them a hug or maybe a friendly shake.

And the writing ? 

It’s like Hoover is painting with words, and each sentence is a stroke of genius. The way she handles heavy topics like infertility and relationship struggles is as delicate as it is powerful. It’s like she’s whispering the story directly into your heart.

And the ending? 

No spoilers here, but let’s just say Hoover doesn’t just drop the mic – she throws it. 

You’ll close this book feeling like you’ve been through a battle, but in the best possible way.

In short, “All Your Perfects” is a masterpiece of emotional storytelling. 

It’s a reminder that love isn’t always perfect, but it’s always worth it. So, grab your tissues, find a comfy spot, and get ready to ride the Hoover rollercoaster – it’s one heck of a journey!

And with that, I’m off to emotionally recover in a blanket fort with some chocolate and maybe a puppy. If you need me, I’ll be there, probably still thinking about Quinn and Graham. 

Happy reading!

Quinn is one of the novel’s protagonists. At the start of the story, she is reeling from discovering her fiancé’s infidelity, which leads her to meet Graham. 

She is a character marked by emotional depth and vulnerability. Her struggle with infertility deeply affects her sense of self-worth and puts a strain on her marriage with Graham. 

Quinn’s character is nuanced, depicting a woman grappling with profound personal pain and the societal pressures surrounding motherhood.

Graham, the other protagonist, is initially introduced as the boyfriend of the woman Quinn’s fiancé cheated with. He quickly becomes a central figure in Quinn’s life. 

Graham is portrayed as a loving and devoted partner, although he carries his own burdens, including a criminal conviction from his youth which complicates the couple’s attempts to adopt. 

His character illustrates the emotional impact of infertility on men, often a less-explored perspective in such narratives. He is supportive yet equally affected by the couple’s struggles.

Ethan is Quinn’s fiancé at the beginning of the novel. His infidelity sets the stage for Quinn and Graham’s meeting. While not a central character, his actions have significant repercussions throughout the story.

Ava is Quinn’s sister, offering a contrast to Quinn’s life. Her relationship with Quinn is supportive, and she becomes a confidante for Quinn’s struggles. 

Ava’s own journey, including moving to Europe and getting pregnant, highlights the differences in experiences between the sisters and adds to Quinn’s emotional journey.

Avril is Quinn and Ava’s mother. 

She is portrayed as a cold and somewhat judgmental figure, adding to the complexity of Quinn’s familial relationships. Her interactions with Quinn provide insight into Quinn’s character and her emotional background.

1. The Importance of Communication in Relationships

“All Your Perfects” vividly illustrates the consequences of poor communication in a relationship. 

Quinn and Graham’s journey underscores how lack of open dialogue, especially about sensitive issues like infertility and personal insecurities, can create a significant emotional divide between partners. Their struggle highlights the necessity of honest, transparent communication as a cornerstone for a healthy relationship. 

The book teaches that sharing fears, disappointments, and vulnerabilities can not only prevent misunderstandings but also strengthen the bond between partners.

2. Coping with Life’s Unpredictable Challenges

The novel delves deeply into the theme of dealing with unforeseen hardships, particularly around the sensitive issue of infertility. 

Quinn and Graham’s experience serves as a poignant lesson on how external challenges, like health issues or past mistakes, can impact one’s life and relationships. The story teaches that resilience, adaptability, and the ability to find strength in each other are crucial when facing such trials. 

It also shows the value of finding alternative paths to fulfillment and happiness, as seen in their decision to move to Italy and their adoption of a puppy, symbolizing new beginnings and the acceptance of life’s unpredictability.

3. The Healing Power of Empathy and Forgiveness

Throughout their tumultuous journey, both Quinn and Graham make mistakes and harbor resentments, which contribute to the strain on their marriage. 

However, the turning point in their relationship comes when they start to empathize with each other’s pain and forgive past transgressions. Graham’s gesture of sharing the love letters opens a pathway for understanding and forgiveness. This aspect of the novel teaches the importance of empathy in understanding a partner’s perspective and experiences. 

It also illustrates how forgiveness, both of oneself and of one’s partner, is essential for healing and moving forward in a relationship. 

The story conveys that in a loving relationship, empathy and forgiveness can reignite lost intimacy and trust, paving the way for a renewed and stronger bond.

Famous Quotes 

  • “Sometimes people meet and none of the surface-level stuffs matters because they see past all that.”
  • “That’s one of my favorite things about him working later than me. I get to watch him take his tie off every day.”
  • “Some mornings I would wake up and catch him staring at me. He would smile and whisper, ‘What did I miss while you were sleeping?’”
  • “Why keep fighting for someone who is no longer fighting for you.”
  • “I don’t want to go back home yet. I also don’t want to be here. I kind of wish I didn’t have to be anywhere at all.”
  • “You’re forgetting about all our sleepless nights with Coriander, Paprika, Cinnamon, Saffron, Juniper, and Parsley.”
  • “When your presence somehow brought me to the brink of smiling during the worst moment of my life – that I knew everything would be fine.”
  • “I’m not sure anyone has ever made me feel as beautiful as he makes me feel when he looks at me.”
  • “Sometimes I look at him and feel such an overwhelming appreciation for him, I almost want to write thank-you notes to our exes. It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

Final Thoughts

“All Your Perfects” is a deeply emotional story that offers a raw and honest look at the complexities of love and marriage. 

It skillfully portrays the challenges of dealing with infertility, the impact of past experiences on present relationships, and the importance of communication and understanding in overcoming life’s obstacles. 

The conclusion, however, brings a sense of hope and renewal, suggesting that even in the face of profound challenges, love can find a way to heal and grow.

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Book Review: All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

All your perfects: synopsis .

Colleen Hoover delivers a tour de force novel about a troubled marriage and the one old forgotten promise that might be able to save it.

Quinn and Graham’s perfect love is threatened by their imperfect marriage. The memories, mistakes, and secrets that they have built up over the years are now tearing them apart. The one thing that could save them might also be the very thing that pushes their marriage beyond the point of repair.

All Your Perfects is a profound novel about a damaged couple whose potential future hinges on promises made in the past. This is a heartbreaking page-turner that asks: Can a resounding love with a perfect beginning survive a lifetime between two imperfect people?

All Your Perfects: First Sentence

The doorman didn’t smile at me.

All Your Perfects: My Opinion

book review of all your perfects

All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover has probably been my most anticipated read of 2018. Well okay, not just probably, it WAS my most anticipated read.

And let me tell you, I didn’t get disappointed.

After Without Merit was rather a flop in my opinion, I was a scared that All Your Perfects will be the same. But let me tell you, it wasn’t. Colleen Hoover didn’t disappoint me at all.

I started reading the story complete blind headed and didn’t know what the book would be about. Honestly, the best thing that could have happened. No judgement, just experiencing the story and the characters as they are. I definitely got surprised and wrecked by it at the same time and didn’t expect all the emotions.

All Your Perfects is about two love stories. One Then and one Now . I loved that the love story was so different from other Colleen Hoover books, like November 9 or Confess . It surprised me with all its emotions and I never expected it to be so hurtful and heart wrecking. Hoover definitely dealt with this sensitive topic (which I will not spoil now) in a very careful and respectful way. All Your Perfects was the perfect mixture of love, sadness, pain, passion and healing. The right amount of everything that makes a good love story.

I loved the two main characters Quinn and Graham right from the beginning on. I cried and laughed with them, wanted to hug and shake them at the same time. Sometimes their actions were so hurtful, not only for them but also for the reader. Nevertheless, I was always able to understand them and their actions. I was very moved by their incredible strength and love for each other.

All Your Perfects: Summary

I can’t describe how much I loved this book. It has been amazing and so heart wrecking and I am more than grateful that Colleen Hoover wrote it. All Your Perfects is so important, eye opening and a must read for everyone.

All Your Perfects Rating: 4.5/5 ★

Find all details about All Your Perfects  on  Goodreads .

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book review of all your perfects

I have been meaning to pick up a Colleen Hoover book for the longest time. Her books sound so good! I loved your review of this one 🙂 So glad to see you enjoyed it.

Megan – Ginger Mom and the Kindle Quest

book review of all your perfects

That means a lot!! Thank you! And yes, her books are amazing!! 🙂

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All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover (2018) – The Power of Imperfection

  • Emma Thompson

All Your Perfects Colleen Hoover

Whether you’re seeking a book that evokes intense emotions or a story that will leave you reflecting long after you turn the last page, this review is your personal guide to deciding if ‘All Your Perfects’ deserves a cherished spot on your reading list. Get ready to be captivated by Hoover’s masterful storytelling that will leave you craving more.

This may be the first review ever with a lot of major spoilers, but I felt the material warranted it. For me, this is precipitated by my inability to have children. Warning: we’re going to get really intimate. In order to meet Colleen Hoover , I had to buy this book. It was fantastic, and she is fantastic. I am very grateful to have received an autographed copy.

How come I hadn’t read it sooner?

The cosmos had to know that I couldn’t take it. These days, I much rather dive headfirst into novels. CoHo is one of those authors whose books I always end up buying without even reading the synopsis. When this book came out, I was several cycles into trying to conceive. I was on the cusp of beginning my first IUI cycle. I could never have handled reading this back then.

After starting it late last night, I stayed up until early this morning to finish this book. I remained up late because I had to know the outcome. I’m having trouble organizing my thoughts, so bear with me if they seem scattered. Her writing is compelling, and before you realize it, you’re far too immersed in the story to consider putting the book down.

Poor Quinn. Hoover did a number of things, one of which was to understand the chaos that we live in. You can’t possibly understand it unless you’re there. You may believe this, but it’s only an illusion. Actually, I was in her shoes. I spent more than five years repeating the same actions and experiencing the same feelings.

Every time I heard a pregnancy announcement, had someone ask me when “we were going to have a baby,” or saw a woman complaining about parenting, a tiny part of me died. That’s probably seeming selfish and illogical to you right about now. It’s both true and false at the same time.

You put forth tremendous effort to not despise yourself due to your inability to perform the one task you feel you should be capable of. What did she say to her sister? I’m envious because I know I could have handled it better than she did. People were really careful around me.

My best friend, whom I adore, recently texted me a long message detailing her second pregnancy. Just thinking about it makes me emotional. That she had to break the news so gently (which I needed and adore her for) makes me angry that she couldn’t just shout, “I’M PREGNANT!!!” Quinn wasn’t being insane, so I could understand her. She was attempting to get through a devastating heartbreak.

The lengthy showers are a memory that I, too, cherish. Despite this, her approach to her husband was inappropriate. She stopped expressing herself and closed off. My husband and I grew closer to one another as a result of this. We comforted each other, wept together, and suffered through it together.

I can relate to her feelings of utter despair at the mere prospect of sex. This is getting too clinical and tedious. Month after month of disappointment can offer you new reason to believe. Because Graham was in the same boat, treating him that way was incredibly unfair.

Graham was fantastic in many ways but also made several mistakes. Because of their inability to communicate, he should have been willing to damage Gwen. It’s painful, it hurts a lot, but it’s necessary for development. You can’t act like nothing’s wrong and then be confused about what went wrong. Likewise, he and Quinn endured a great deal.

She treated him unfairly, and he stood firm for a long time. He and her both contributed to what transpired, so I can’t hold him solely responsible. Love letters, on the other hand, were fantastic.

Here’s my problem with that diagnosis, though. Her experience is not typical, yet ectopic pregnancies are common. Having a tube removed instead of the entire uterus is the most usual surgical procedure. Several of my friends and acquaintances have had this procedure done and have lost a tube but not their uterus.

But even I, who is no medical expert, thought that was excessive. The diagnosis of endometriosis just added to my initial confusion. My doctor removed it a year before I became pregnant. It wasn’t a major problem for me because it’s so minor, but it can often be surgically removed. It can be remedied, and I’m puzzled as to why all these treatments failed to alleviate her endo.

In sum, I adored this book and found it impossible to put down. I think it’s because it hits so close to home for me. As I would expect from Hoover, the writing is superb. Thank you, Hoover, for addressing this challenging issue. The topic requires more attention because it occurs more frequently than most people realize.

Feeling like you can’t open up about it makes the isolation even more trying. It’s something I’d like to alter. If being truthful would put others at ease, I wouldn’t care.

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all your perfects colleen hoover

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About the Author

book review of all your perfects

Emma Thompson is a passionate bookworm with a deep appreciation for literature across various genres. With a degree in English Literature, she has a keen eye for analyzing and dissecting the intricacies of a book’s themes and writing style.

Emma has been an active reviewer for over five years, sharing her insights and recommendations with fellow readers.

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Review: All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

Review: All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

All your perfects by colleen hoover, atria paperback, 2018.

*Trigger Warning: This book is largely about the emotional devastation of infertility. Heads up to anyone dealing with those raw emotions in their own life. If you’re not in the mood to have your wounds prodded or reopened, I won’t be offended.*

If you know me in real life then you already know that my husband and I went through three years of unexplained secondary infertility before we had our second daughter. So, to be completely honest with you, the truth is that there were a few times I wasn’t sure I could finish this book. But I’m glad that I did.

All Your Perfects  tells the love story of Quinn and Graham. With heartbreaking juxtaposition, Colleen jumps back and forth between their past and present. We get see Quinn and Graham basking in the glow of all the endless possibilities for their love and their future family and we also see them both nearly destroyed by the brutal reality of infertility and the toll it can take on a relationship.

book review of all your perfects

I don’t know if Colleen Hoover herself has ever lived through infertility. But, if not, her research is flawless. Certainly, no one infertility experience is the same. But the emotional maelstrom she describes is dead on the money. The most insidious thing about infertility is that it’s such a quiet, shame-filled affliction. No one seems to want to talk about it openly. So to see it brought into the light this way in Colleen’s book is wonderful.

“I feel weak for needing to grieve since no one has died. It doesn’t make sense that I grieve so much for those who never even existed.”

Ultimately All Your Perfects is a story about a marriage weathering the hard things. The unfair things. Real, ugly, unpredictable life. It’s about acceptance and true love. As you can see, I have marked this book to Hell and back. This one was rough.

But it’s worth reading.

book review of all your perfects

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Book review: all your perfects by colleen hoover.

Heart-breaking and absolutely inspiring. This book played at my heartstrings and then healed them completely. I was hooked from the get-go and by the time I reached the end, it seemed like I had completely flooded the house with my tears of catharsis. This is a must-read for couples in a serious relationship or those considering one in the future. The following is a spoiler-free review.

All your perfects book cover by Colleen Hoover for review

Book Blurb: Can a resounding love with a perfect beginning survive a lifetime between two imperfect people?

Then: The last thing Quinn expected was to meet the love of her life just outside her fiance’s front door. A year after leaving behind their cheating partners, Quinn and Graham are in a perfect relationship that seems designed by fate.

Now: Seven years later, Quinn and Graham’s perfect love is threatened by their imperfect marriage. The memories, mistakes, and secrets that they have built up over the years are now tearing them apart. The one thing that could save them might also be the very thing that pushes their marriage beyond the point of repair. All Your Perfects is powerfully moving story about a broken couple whose future hinges on promises made in the past, reminding us that the enduring power of love is the ultimate saviour.

Quinn and Graham are a couple with some major relationship issues. They’re not perfect people. In fact there were several moments where I felt quite peeved and wanted to shake them into seeing sense. I found the alternating ‘Now’ and ‘Then’ chapters to be particularly effective in gradually introducing the reader to the two characters and building a contrast which is immensely emotive. We are given a view into how they first met (where they humourously stole their cheating spouses’ Chinese takeaway and proceeded to eat it in front of them) and how their relationship blossomed into something extraordinary. This is in stark contrast to seven years later, where the couple has to deal with some heart-wrenching personal problems which appear set to ruin them forever.

However, the couple made a promise the day before they were married that should they ever want a divorce, they would open a wooden brown box with some secret contents. Whatever is inside could be their saving grace. Naturally, we don’t find out what’s inside the wooden box until near the end of the book.

Upon finishing this book I felt amazed at how poignant it was. Hoover has worked her magic once again by showing us the importance of communication, support, and most importantly never losing sight of why you made a promise to love someone in the first place. A stunning read.

My favourite quotes from the book:

‘ When you meet someone who is good for you, they won’t fill you with insecurities by focussing on your flaws. They’ll fill you with inspiration, because they’ll focus on all the best parts of you’

‘ If God didn’t believe in me, then I’d have to believe you were just a coincidence. And you being a coincidence in my life is a lot harder for me to fathom than the mere existence of a higher power’.

And of course… ‘If you only shine light on your flaws, all your perfects will dim’

Rating: 4.5/5  

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4 thoughts on “ book review: all your perfects by colleen hoover ”.

I shoul read this book

A very unique review! 😃

Can’t wait to read it!

Very interesting review, added to my long list of books to read, thanks for introducing me to this!

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  • December 13, 2023

Best All Your Perfects Review and Impact

‘All Your Perfects’, the poignant novel by Colleen Hoover, is not your run-of-the-mill love story. Instead, it’s a candid, pitiless nosedive into the arduous complexities of a marriage hanging by a thread—yet bound by the indomitable spirit of love. In this extensive review, we’ll unfurl the nuances of this touching narrative and dissect its unyielding influence on contemporary romance, literature, and the hearts of its readers.

Dissecting the Core of ‘All Your Perfects’: A Profound Analysis

Colleen Hoover has cemented her reputation as a heavyweight in the realm of contemporary romance with her knack for wrenching hearts and uplifting spirits. She cemented this legacy with the genesis of ‘All Your Perfects’, a tale spun from the threads of raw human feelings and a profound understanding of relationship dynamics.

At its heart, ‘All Your Perfects’ is a heartbreaking page-turner begging the question: Can a resounding love with a picture-perfect start endure a lifetime shared between two flawed individuals? This gritty exploration of love showcases not just a couple’s honeymoon phase but the inevitable storms weathered in true companionship’s trenches.

Quinn and Graham, our protagonists, steer the story through their tumultuous yet touchingly ordinary lives. The novel unfolds within the intimacies of their personal space—their home—which amplifies the intensity of their emotional spectrum. Here, we find the ingredients of a typical existence stirred together: joy, passion, disappointments, and the mundane.

The thematic core of the narrative delves into the very nature of marriage and the pursuit of perfection. Hoover challenges the picture-perfect portrayals of marriage we’ve been spoon-fed by the media. She unfolds before us a canvas smeared with the harsh reality that even the most enviable relationships aren’t immune to the trials and tribulations of life.

All Your Perfects

All Your Perfects

All Your Perfects is a heart-wrenching contemporary romance novel that explores the complexities of marriage and the enduring power of love through the lens of Quinn and Graham’s story. Penetrating and poignant, the book delves into the fragile nature of relationships, as the couple’s imperfect past and uncertain future threaten to tear apart the perfect love they once cherished. Each chapter oscillates between the blissful past and the tumultuous present, weaving a tapestry of emotions that captures the beauty and pain of enduring commitment.

Colleen Hoover, the mastermind behind this emotional rollercoaster, crafts characters with depth and realism that readers can’t help but connect with on a visceral level. The narrative is rich with raw authenticity, making it nearly impossible not to feel every ounce of the characters’ joy and heartache as if it were your own. The dialogue hums with sincerity, rendering All Your Perfects not just a novel, but a cathartic experience that speaks to anyone who has ever loved deeply.

Perfect for book clubs or solitary reflection, All Your Perfects is an unflinching look at the challenges of love that comes with no easy answers or neatly wrapped endings. It is an essential read for anyone who understands that love, like life, is a messy, complicated journey, sometimes fraught with imperfections but also filled with moments of sheer beauty. This novel serves as a reminder that even when broken things seem beyond repair, there may still be a way to find redemption and wholeness in the spaces between all our perfects.

Delving Into the Heart-Wrenching Emotional Impact of ‘All Your Perfects’

When it comes to the emotional landscape of ‘All Your Perfects’, Colleen Hoover is a maestro, orchestrating a symphony that echoes within the depths of our own emotional wells. The characters of Quinn and Graham are drawn with such intricate detail that we become voyeurs of their lives, rooting for, hurting with, and ultimately learning from their journey.

Hoover’s mastery lies in her ability to tap into raw human emotion, constructing characters that mirror the reader’s internal monologues and turmoils. The portrayal of Quinn and Graham’s relationship dynamics is not just read but felt, an emotional resonance that clings to your soul long after the last page.

This tale isn’t merely a canvas for romance but also illuminates the stigmatized experiences of mental health and communication in relationships. Hoover paints a painfully accurate picture of the silent, unseen battles many face, highlighting the courage it takes to confront personal and shared demons to foster genuine understanding and healing.

Image 18467

‘All Your Perfects’ and the Ripple Effects in the Literary World

Since the novel’s release, ‘All Your Perfects’ has stirred the still waters of literary criticism and reader feedback. The critical reception is a mosaic: a vibrant collection of praise for Hoover’s raw storytelling and intense emotionality that resonates on a personal level for many readers.

The tide of modern contemporary romance noticeably sways in the wake of Hoover’s narrative style, revealing trends and shifts within the genre. Authors and industry experts have remarked upon the novel’s contributions, spotlighting its role as both a mirror and a mallet reshaping the form and content of contemporary romantic fiction.

The Philosophical Underpinnings Within ‘All Your Perfects’ and Their Societal Echo

Modern-day relationships find a reflection, nay, a magnification, in the pages of ‘All Your Perfects’. This story is more than an exploration of love between two; it’s a contemplation on the interplay of societal expectations and relationships. Hoover’s tale poses a question that is hard to ignore: should we saddle our quest for love with the burdensome yoke of perfection?

Through her narrative, Hoover beckons readers to reevaluate the conventional paradigms of perfection and success in love and life. Her prose serves not primarily for escapism but rather as a scalpel, dissecting the tissues of societal norms and exposing the raw nerves underneath.

Alpcour Bike Trainer Stand for Indoor Riding – Portable Stainless Steel Indoor Trainer wMagnetic Flywheel, Noise Reduction, Resistance Settings & Bag – Stationary Exercise for Road & Mountain Bikes

book review of all your perfects

The Alpcour Bike Trainer Stand for Indoor Riding is a robust solution for cyclists looking to maintain their training routine in the comfort of their own home. Crafted with high-grade stainless steel, this trainer stand promises unwavering stability and long-lasting durability, ensuring that your ride remains steady even during the most intense workouts. The magnetic flywheel at its core is engineered to provide a smooth and consistent resistance, mimicking the feel of the road and enhancing the authenticity of the indoor cycling experience. Additionally, the unit features a noise reduction technology, keeping the decibel levels low so as not to disturb the peace of your home environment.

Adaptability is a key feature of this indoor trainer, as it comes with multiple resistance settings that cater to different skill levels and training needs. Cyclists can effortlessly customize the intensity of their workout with a simple adjustment, allowing them to focus on endurance, strength, or high-intensity interval training. The stand’s design is compatible with most road and mountain bikes, offering a quick and easy setup process. The inclusion of a front wheel riser block stabilizes the bike and provides a more natural riding position, perfect for lengthy indoor training sessions or quick spins.

Portability is at the forefront of the Alpcour Bike Trainer Stand’s design, making it ideal for those with limited space or for athletes on the go. The trainer stand collapses into a compact form factor and fits comfortably within the included storage bag, providing convenience and ease of transport. Whether you need to tuck it away after use or take it with you to a training camp, this indoor trainer makes it possible without any hassle. With this combination of practicality, performance, and portability, the Alpcour Bike Trainer Stand is an excellent investment for cyclists who yearn to pedal regardless of the weather or time of year.

Beyond the Pages: ‘All Your Perfects’ in Different Media and Cultural Discourse

Venturing beyond the confines of its covers, ‘All Your Perfects’ has sown seeds in fertile grounds—potential adaptations within film, television, and even stage. The story’s exploration of deep-seated emotional issues makes it ripe for translation into various media forms, where its nuanced portrayal of love could reach an even broader audience.

‘All Your Perfects’ also finds its echoes in contemporary discussions about the nature of relationships and marriage. While navigating through the cacophony of pop culture, one might even stumble upon rumors like “ stirring a curiosity ( about how celebrity relationships are juxtaposed against real-life stories such as Quinn and Graham’s.

Moreover, Hoover’s narrative incites a burst of creativity within the fan base—merchandise, fan art, and community movements all inspired by this gripping tale. These provide tangible touchstones for readers eager to manifest their connection to the novel’s emotional resonance.

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The Psychological Labyrinth: The Deep Dive into ‘All Your Perfects’ Character Psyches

The psychological complexity of Quinn and Graham’s characters is a storyteller’s treasure trove. One could almost envision a professional psychologist providing a comprehensive profile for each, dissecting their fears, their unfulfilled desires, and the coping mechanisms that harbor their lingering traumas.

‘All Your Perfects’ navigates the labyrinth of trauma and its lingering shadows, creating a dialogue about how individuals and couples cope with the aftermath of life’s unforeseen challenges. Memory and perspective play pivotal roles in the character’s journeys, guiding readers through an introspective trail that questions the nature of truth and recollection in the narratives we tell ourselves.

‘All Your Perfects’ and the Literary Landscape: Where Does It Stand Today?

Fast forward to today, and ‘All Your Perfects’ stands as a testament to the enduring nature of deep, thematic works that resonate with readers. Its presence on bestseller lists, in book clubs, and through ongoing sales speaks volumes about the public’s unwavering connection to Quinn and Graham’s saga.

The themes woven through the pages of ‘All Your Perfects’ remain as relevant as ever. Does it continue to spark connections with new readers? Absolutely. Are educators incorporating it into their curricula? There’s an increasing trend to include such poignant works within literary study for their rich, introspective value.

Dad Jokes Over of the Best (Worst) Jokes Around and Perfect Christmas Gag Gift for All Ages! (World’s Best Dad Jokes Collection)

Dad Jokes Over of the Best (Worst) Jokes Around and Perfect Christmas Gag Gift for All Ages! (World's Best Dad Jokes Collection)

Unwrap a barrel of laughs this Christmas season with the ultimate ice-breaker: “Dad Jokes Over of the Best (Worst) Jokes Around – World’s Best Dad Jokes Collection.” This hilarious compilation perfectly captures the essence of those cringe-worthy punchlines that only a dad would proudly deliver. With pages brimming with good-natured puns and groan-inducing one-liners, it’s the perfect gag gift to keep the whole family chuckling—or rolling their eyes—around the holiday hearth. From classic quips to modern wit, this treasure trove guarantees a snicker from dads, kids, and dad joke aficionados of all ages.

Tailored for the comedian at heart or the brave soul who revels in eliciting playful groans from their audience, this anthology is crafted to amuse and entertain. As a delightful addition to any Christmas celebration, the “World’s Best Dad Jokes Collection” is not just a book—it’s a memory maker and conversation starter wrapped in one. It effortlessly turns any gathering into an uproariously fun event, ensuring that everyone from the youngest cousin to the eldest grandparent is included in the joy.

Imagine the gleeful eye rolls at the dinner table and the spirited camaraderie spurred by each masterfully mediocre joke. This is not merely a book; it’s the gift of laughter, connecting generations and making the holiday season bright with humor. Gift it to the family comedian or snag it for yourself to become the king or queen of Christmas levity. “Dad Jokes Over of the Best (Worst) Jokes Around” is the must-have stocking stuffer that will be remembered and revisited long after the decorations come down.

Nurturing the Narrative: How ‘All Your Perfects’ Influences Writing and Storytelling Techniques

The narrative structure of ‘All Your Perfects’ sets a bar for contemporary storytelling, offering a blueprint for aspiring writers. The depth with which Hoover approaches her characters is something that budding authors seek to emulate, aspiring to capture the raw authenticity that she weaves so effortlessly.

The literary devices and stylistic choices employed in ‘All Your Perfects’ have left indelible marks on the romance genre. Writers observe and absorb Hoover’s techniques, introducing shades of her influence into their intricate tapestries of storytelling.

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Engaging the Fandom: The Active Community Around ‘All Your Perfects’

Beneath the surface of the narrative lies a thriving community engaged in dissection, discussion, and mutual appreciation of ‘All Your Perfects’. From fan forums to book clubs, the engagement surrounding the novel is a testament to its impact.

Crucially, social media plays a significant role in intensifying the book’s reach, creating a feedback loop of reader engagement and shared experiences. Stories from real-life couples that resonate with the novel shed light on its relevance to everyday lives, proving that Hoover’s story extends far beyond mere fiction.

All Your Perfects A Novel

All Your Perfects A Novel

“All Your Perfects” is a poignant and emotionally charged novel by Colleen Hoover, a bestselling author known for her evocative storytelling and complex characters. The book delves into the intimate struggles of a married couple, Quinn and Graham, whose relationship is challenged by the burdens of their past and the fractures in their present. Through a non-linear narrative that alternates between the romantic bliss of their early relationship and the heart-wrenching realities of their later years, Hoover masterfully portrays the contrasts of love in its brightest and darkest moments.

With her signature blend of romance and realism, Hoover tackles the sensitive subjects of infertility and the pressures it places on marriage with empathy and honesty. “All Your Perfects” invites readers into the deep recesses of a partnership tested by unmet expectations and unyielding dreams, illuminating the strength and fragility of the bonds that hold people together. Each sentence is laced with the tension and tenderness that define the human experience, making it more than just a love story; it’s a journey through the complexities of commitment and the quest for happiness.

Beyond the love story, the novel is an exploration of self-acceptance and the power of forgiveness. Through Quinn’s introspection and Graham’s unyielding support, “All Your Perfects” reveals the beauty of enduring love, even when it seems irreparably damaged. Colleen Hoover’s artful narrative is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the relentless pursuit of perfect moments within the imperfections of real life. This emotionally resonant tale is sure to resonate with readers, offering a cathartic experience that will linger long after the final page.

Appraising the Everlasting Echo of ‘All Your Perfects’ in Romantic Fiction

Looking back and beyond, we see that ‘All Your Perfects’ has secured its place in the annals of romantic fiction. The long-term effects reverberate in the hearts of fans who return to its pages time and again, seeking solace and understanding in Hoover’s poignant portrayal of love.

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Its narrative has seeped into the fabric of storytelling and genre expectations, redirecting publishing trends and framing the types of stories readers crave. In our final thoughts, the enduring legacy of ‘All Your Perfects’ stands as a beacon of emotional authenticity in literature and culture—an unyielding echo that continues to resonate and inspire.

Trivia Time: Unwrapping ‘All Your Perfects’

Welcome to our trivia corner, where we dig into the delightful tidbits behind ‘All Your Perfects’! Sit tight, because we’re about to sprinkle some fun facts that are just like finding hidden treasures in your grandma’s attic – except they’re fresh and shimmer with relevance.

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The Casting “What Ifs?”

Ever wonder what it would be like if different actors played your favorite characters? Like imagine, just for a second, if the talented Rachel Bay jones had been cast in ‘All Your Perfects’. Wouldn’t that have been a showstopper? No disrespect to the actual cast – they’re phenomenal – but Rachel’s powerhouse talent could have added a whole new layer of intrigue. It’s crazy to think how one casting change can create a whole new vibe.

Trendsetters On and Off-Screen

Hold your horses! Did you catch that awesome makeup look on the lead character? We bet our bottom dollar that the on-screen trend could have been inspired by none other than makeup maven Mikayla Nogueira .( Her influence has been popping up everywhere, and we wouldn’t be shocked if the glam squad behind ‘All Your Perfects’ took a page out of Mikayla’s book. Glittering eyeshadow or the perfect pout, the behind-the-scenes makeup game is def worth a slow clap.

“The One With The Plot Twist”

Phew, let’s talk about that plot twist, y’all! We’re not spilling the beans for those who haven’t seen it, but let’s just say we were more shocked than when we found out Is Kourtney kardashian pregnant . Our jaws hit the floor, and we were glued to the screen. A plot twist done right keeps ya hooked – and ‘All Your Perfects’? Nailed it.

Streaming Success Stories

Alright, so here’s the scoop – every now and then, a flick comes along that just does gangbusters on the streaming platforms. ‘All Your Perfects’ is cozying up on the must-watch lists faster than you can say “popcorn”. As part of the new streaming Movies , it’s like finding a cozy blanket on a chilly day. If you’re wanting to ride the wave of buzz, better watch it pronto before someone spoils the ending at your next Zoom party.

Finding “A Small Light”

Let’s get deep for a hot sec – ‘All Your Perfects’ ain’t just a tale of love and woe; there’s a lesson nestled in there like a pearl in an oyster. Sometimes, in the darkest of times, we gotta find a small light to guide us through. This flick shows us just that, sparking conversations about hope and resilience. Trust us, it’s a flick that sticks with you, like gum on a hot sidewalk, minus the mess.

So, there you have it – a potpourri of trivia that’s as diverse as the characters in ‘All Your Perfects’. These tidbits are perfect for sparking conversation, or simply upping your trivia game for the next night in with friends. Keep an eye out for the small details, because that’s where the magic of storytelling truly lies.

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What is All Your Perfects summary?

Colleen Hoover’s ‘All Your Perfects’ offers a raw look at the perfect imperfections of love through the story of Quinn and Graham, a couple struggling to sustain their marriage amidst personal and shared challenges. Amidst the highs and lows of their romance, we get an unvarnished glimpse into the pressures of maintaining ‘forever after’ when reality bites hard.

Does All Your Perfects have spicy scenes?

Hold your horses if you’re on the lookout for steamy romance scenes in ‘All Your Perfects’! While it dives deep into the emotional connection of a couple, it doesn’t turn up the heat with explicit spicy scenes, focusing more on the intense emotional rollercoaster of Quinn and Graham’s relationship.

Is Finding Perfect a sequel to All Your Perfects?

Well, heavens-to-Betsy, ‘Finding Perfect’ isn’t exactly a sequel—it’s more like a cherry on top! It’s a novella that gives fans a little extra frosting on Quinn and Graham’s story, providing a satisfying dollop of closure for those left craving more after ‘All Your Perfects.’

How is All Your Perfects connected to Finding Perfect?

The connection between ‘All Your Perfects’ and ‘Finding Perfect’ is like peanut butter and jelly – one’s good, but together, they’re just perfect. ‘Finding Perfect’ complements its predecessor by continuing the story and giving fans a sweet taste of Quinn and Graham’s life beyond the pages of the original novel.

What are the trigger warnings for All Your Perfects?

Before diving into ‘All Your Perfects’, it’s crucial to note that it comes with trigger warnings up the wazoo. The novel deals with heavy themes including infertility and marital issues, and isn’t shy about exploring the mental health struggles that can tag along with these challenges.

Do Quinn and Graham adopt a baby?

Quinn and Graham’s journey toward parenthood is a bumpy one, full of heartache and hope. And while it might seem like adopting a baby is their endgame, well—don’t put the cart before the horse! You’ve got to read it to find out, ’cause spoiling that part of the story would be more disappointing than a plot twist without any buildup.

Why does Graham cheat on Quinn?

Graham cheating on Quinn might knock your socks off in ‘All Your Perfects’, but don’t jump the gun; there’s a lot more to their story than infidelity. His reasons, buried deep in the novel’s heart-wrenching narrative, are a web of complexities and emotional turmoil which unfolds in a way that’s sure to tug on your heartstrings.

Do I need to read other books before All Your Perfects?

Nah, you don’t need to brush up on any other books before ‘All Your Perfects’—it’s a standalone that’s ready to rock your literary world all on its own. So, you can jump straight into Quinn and Graham’s story without flipping through a single page of something else.

Should I read Finding Perfect before All Your Perfects?

Whether ‘Finding Perfect’ should hit your reading list before or after ‘All Your Perfects’ isn’t a hill to die on; the latter stands alone just fine. But, take it from me, if you’re the type who likes the extras, reading ‘Finding Perfect’ afterward might just be the icing on the cake.

Why should I read All Your Perfects?

Why should you read ‘All Your Perfects’? Crikey, if a heart-tugging, ugly-cry inducing, beautifully flawed love story doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, what does? Colleen Hoover’s knack for creating relatable characters will grab you by the feels and not let go.

What do you read after All Your Perfects?

After closing the last heart-aching page of ‘All Your Perfects’, you might be wondering, ‘What next?’ Well, a logical step would be to snatch up ‘Finding Perfect’ to continue the ride. Otherwise, Hoover’s got a trove of emotional roller coasters—like ‘It Ends with Us’ or ‘Ugly Love’—that’ll keep the tears flowing.

How long will it take to read All Your Perfects?

Planning to tackle ‘All Your Perfects’? Well, clear your calendar, ’cause it’s the type of book you’ll want to gobble up faster than the last slice of pizza. On average, it’s a one-to-two-day read, but if you really get sucked in, bid farewell to your afternoon because you’ll be glued to the pages.

Is all my perfects part of a series?

‘All Your Perfects’ isn’t part of a series but waltzes around with ‘Finding Perfect,’ its novella dance partner. Alone, it’s a standalone story, but the novella adds on like a tasty little bonus track to a hit album.

What point of view is All Your Perfects?

Slip into Quinn’s shoes because ‘All Your Perfects’ is told from her point of view. You’ll ride shotgun through every twist and turn of her emotional journey, getting an up-close-and-personal look at her struggles, hopes, and heartaches.

What did Graham do in All Your Perfects?

In ‘All Your Perfects,’ Graham proves he’s human—flawed and struggling to navigate the rough waters of marriage. With problems sprouting like weeds in their relationship garden, his actions, including a colossal mistake, add fuel to the fire as he grapples with regret and redemption in the raw and rocky terrain of love.

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Maryse's Book Blog

Following my heart, one book at a time...

Book Review – All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

July 21, 2018 By Maryse 15 Comments

book review of all your perfects

Maryse: OMG I AM HOOKED ALREADY. This is going to be an AWESOME read. Amy: One chapter into All Your Perfects and now I have to take some Z-Quil or else I’ll stay up all night reading it. Especially after that first chapter. ESPECIALLY after the first few lines of the second chapter. *silently begs CH to do some healing after the bruising* Tasha: I’m at like 25% into AYP. I’m loving it. It’s scary how relatable it is. Maryse: Ohhhhh for crying out loud!!! I can’t stop highlighting EVERYTHING in “All Your Perfects”. This paper book will be loaded in little fluorescent flags. Amy: I already decided…I’m staying up tonight and reading AYP until I can’t keep my eyes open anymore. That’s how much I’m loving it. Gotta love a mid-week day off.  Leslie M: I am really scared now because I am only 34% in AYP and it’s already stressing me out!! If Amy is loving it, I need to be very afraid.   I almost wish it was just the “thens” and no “nows”. Jean: Leslie, I can’t believe you are reading AYP! Don’t you usually steer clear of tearjerkers? Leslie M: Jean, AYP made me cry…quite a few times actually…but its not the same sad as like Behind the Bars or even Full Tilt. (if that makes sense) I like marital problem type books and its CoHo so I had to try it. Although nothing will beat Slammed & It Ends With Us. Michele G: Girls I’m with you! I could have had a book full of “thens” with no “nows”…AYP is giving my poor heart an emotional workout. I’m a little over 70%…and holding my breath to see what comes next. I may be a bit too invested in these characters…but they are so relatable.

It was angsty, it was loving, it was beautiful and it was at times, so sad. Told via a past and present narrative, we lived through their crazy-in-love beginning, with all the hope in the world for their future together, to the present and the very essence of what was now tearing them apart.

I felt it through and through. Their elation. Their devastation, and there was a part… a reveal, that had my blood running cold.

Maryse: My blood just ran cold… Tasha: Uh oh, Maryse! bev: Why is Maryse’s blood running cold? Is it a scary book? Tasha: Yes, it’s a scary book. I’m scared to see where it goes. Because I love them in the ‘then’ and the ‘now’ is not marital bliss. It’s hard in any marriage, but they have a huge additional stress as a couple that is so painful, you know it’s tearing them apart in more ways than one. But Maybe!! I have hope. *bites nails* I’m just about to 40% R: It’s taking everything I have to keep from smashing my phone. How are you Amy? I’m hurting. And I’m mad that I’m hurting because I don’t understand why I’m hurting. Super annoying. Waving the white flag and walking away. At least for tonight. Amy: LOL!! That IS how I feel when I get to those parts! I’m doing good here, R…totally in my element. My heartache-enjoying element, but my element all the same.  Tasha: Well f@&$ me. I just hit the **% mark. Maryse: *evil grin* RIGHT?????? TASHA!!!!!!!!!!!??? Leslie M: *bites nails in anticipation of what awaits me @ **%* Cheryl: At **%. WTF!! Ok, I get that she’s not been a loving wife, BUT… *opening bottle of wine* Amy: Oh f&%k. I can’t, guys. I just can’t. I might be done.  R: I said that last night. Keep going just a little bit longer and then decide. Even so, I didn’t totally understand all the things until much closer to the end. …You can message or email me if you want to be sure. Cheryl: Amy, keep going just a little more. I stayed up late and finished. R. you’re right I didn’t understand everything until close to the end. I will say even though my tummy was in twisty knots, it’s the first book in a while that I didn’t want to put down and gave me the “good” feels. Also, read the book club questions at the end; number 12 is one whose significance I missed when I reading the epilogue. Overall, like I said I really liked the book, but maybe it was resolved too quickly. Leslie M: Seriously….this stupid book is making me a blubbering mess and I am only at 80% Amy: Okay, I finished it. Exquisite and emotion-filled writing as always but…well, you guys who have read it know what changed things for me. On the plus side, I loved the cameo and I finally feel some closure regarding THAT event, heartbreaking as it was. I would still recommend it to anyone who wants an emotional and relatable read. 

So what’s it about?

Quinn and Graham meet under very unusual circumstances (my jaw dropped during this whole scene!!) and forge a bond, on the spot.

He laughs and then I laugh and it’s the strangest thing. Laughing when I should be crying. Why am I not crying?

A deep connection ties them together, and they soon fall head-over-heels in love in no time. It’s insta-love, sure, but I believed it. The WAY it developed… THIS happens. And Graham is so sure of their future and their forever happiness, and he doesn’t play games. He knows what he wants, and they truly are the epitome of the perfect couple. Supportive, trusting, loving. In love. Everything we hope marriage will be.

But as they try and try to have children, Quinn begins to despair. Their inability to conceive is due to her own infertility which eventually leads her on a downward spiral.

But inside, I am not at all attractive. I am not eternally appealing by Mother Nature’s standards, because I do not have a working reproductive system. Reproduction is why we exist, after all. Reproduction is required to complete the circle of life. We are born, we reproduce, we raise our offspring, we die, our offspring reproduce, they raise their offspring, they die. Generation after generation of birth, life, and death. A beautiful circle not meant to be broken. Yet… I am the break. I was born. That’s all I am able to do until I die. I’m standing on the outside of the circle of life, watching the world spin while I am at a standstill. And because he is married to me… Graham is at a standstill.

Depression, despair each month when she realizes it still hasn’t happened, fertility treatments, anything and everything, until finally, she slowly begins shutting down, and shutting Graham out completely.

The one question I’ve been waiting for him to ask me for awhile now. And what do I do? I shrug. The moments that follow my shrug are probably why it’s taken him so long to as the question in the first place. It’s the moment i felt his heart come to a halt, the moment he presses his lips into my hair and sighs a breath he’ll never get back, the moment he realizes he has both arms wrapped around me but he still isn’t holding me. He hasn’t been able to hold me for a while now. It’s hard to hold on to someone who has long since slipped away.

And this story is all of that, explored.

Cheryl: I can certainly relate to Quinn in AYP. Infertility takes over your brain. Have to say my hubby was a lot like Graham too- quietly supportive. At least like Graham so far at 30%. Not sure where this is going to end up. It’s an emotional train wreck.

You’ll be hurting with them as they struggle to find their ground again, mistakes made from both sides (the anger, the guilt, the self-blame… ohhhhhh but I could totally understand). Yet when it comes to true love… and Colleen Hoover’s gorgeous storytelling, you can trust that your heart will be soaring. Mine was.

I asked, “What’s the secret to such a perfect marriage?” The old man leaned forward and looked at me very seriously. “Our marriage hasn’t been perfect. No marriage is perfect. There were times when she gave up on us. There were even more times when I gave up on us. The secret to our longevity is that we never gave up at the same time.”

This love story is magical. I want it. 😉

P.S. Thank you to the publisher for sending me this review copy!!! I LOVED it!

book review of all your perfects

GIVEAWAY – 12-20-19!!!

I’m giving away a print copy (my review copy) of “ All Your Perfects: A Novel ”!!!! —>

Just comment below to enter (and better yet – let me know what your absolute favorite book of 2019 is, and why it’s your favorite) and by Sunday, December 22nd 2019 – I will randomly select one lucky commenter to win it!. 🙂  

I’ll contact the winner by email, and the winner will have 48hrs to get back to me with a mailing address (if not, I’ll choose another commenter to win it).

OPEN TO U.S. (although everyone is welcome to comment!!)

book review of all your perfects

Okay Maryse, I have to ask…have you read Finding Cinderella, the companion novella to Hopeless? If you haven’t, you’ll want to. Especially now. Trust me. 😉

Kathy P.

My copy is arriving today. I usually do ebooks but with all the rave reviews I decided to get a paperback. Just finished the Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang if you are looking for another great read. In my top 5 for sure this year!


Amy… I haven’t read it yet, but I DID recognize the cameo immediately. I wonder why? 😉

Thank you for the recommendation Kathy and YESSSS!! I want to read that one! 😀


I loved it and read it, it so very real on a personal side. My husband I have been married 16 years and I struggled with infertility, no being able to become pregnant, 3 rounds of IVF, thankful it happened on the 3rd try because we could not afford a 4th round. It touched so many sides that married couples do keep quiet about

Roberta, thank goodness it finally worked. I am so happy for you, but I can’t imagine the stress and toll it takes sticking with the treatments.

Oh Maryse, read it and you’ll see why it is so…poignant. 😉 And it’s a pretty quick read, two hours max if I remember correctly.


I read it. I really looooved. At 74% my heart was hurting aching actually. But it was such a beautiful Love Story. I think I will reread it, I liked it that much. I had 5 miscarriages and I have 3 children but the hurt came back. I nearly lost both my life and my first child while having my first baby so it felt very real.

Oh wow Melinda!! I’m so glad you’re okay and had three children despite the complications. I can imagine this one did hit you hard.


I really need to read this book but am afraid of all the feels!! It’s sounds amazing! One of my favorites this year was Wicked Lies Boys Tell! Loved it!


I think Perfect Strangers is my top 2019

Great review! My favorite book of 2019 is WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING! The hard copy is only $9.50. So I gave 5 copies away as gifts!

Megan Hansen

This book hit so close to home, I loved it!


I haven’t read this one yet, but it’s on my ever-growing list! My favorite book I did get to this year was Top Secret by Elle Kennedy and Sarina Bowen! It was the perfect combination of sweet, sexy, and funny!

Paige C

Perfect Strangers is my fave book of 2019. So unique!

All Your Perfects

Guide cover image

53 pages • 1 hour read

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapters 1-5

Chapters 6-10

Chapters 11-16

Chapters 17-22

Chapter 23-Epilogue

Character Analysis

Symbols & Motifs

Important Quotes

Essay Topics

Summary and Study Guide

Colleen Hoover’s 2018 novel All Your Perfects depicts a marriage in crisis as a result of infertility and infidelity. Hoover is known for her contemporary romance and young adult novels, as well as psychological thrillers. All Your Perfects appeared on both the New York Times Bestseller list and USA Today’s Best Selling Books list. The novel alternates between scenes set “Then” (when couple Quinn and Graham are just beginning their relationship) and “Now” (seven years later, when their marriage has been tested by infertility). The novel is a romance novel, but subverts many genre expectations by focusing on an established relationship in crisis.

Content Warning : All Your Perfects includes emotionally fraught discussion of infertility (i.e., how cultural biases about fertility affect a person’s self-esteem), an instance of self-harm, and a miscarriage.

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Plot Summary

All Your Perfects opens seven years in the past, when Quinn discovers her fiancé, Ethan, sleeping with another woman. She receives this news from the woman’s boyfriend, Graham, with whom she quickly hits it off. Quinn and Graham almost engage in rebound sex, but are too emotionally affected by their partners’ cheating. Graham leaves Quinn his phone number, but she never calls it. Six months later, they run into each other by chance and reconnect, quickly starting an intense romantic relationship.

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The novel alternates between scenes set “Then” (seven years ago, at the beginning of Quinn and Graham’s relationship) and “Now” (the present). In the present, Quinn and Graham have been experiencing infertility for years and have been profoundly changed by feelings of guilt and shame. Quinn cannot conceive because of her endometriosis, and the couple cannot adopt because of a criminal conviction in Graham’s youth. They try three unsuccessful rounds of IVF and are rejected by several adoption agencies. Quinn feels deep shame about her inability to conceive a child; this is accompanied by guilt over denying Graham the opportunity to be a father. She copes with these feelings by withdrawing from Graham—crying in the shower and avoiding physical intimacy when it’s not for conception—but also begins to view sex as traumatic.

“Then” flashbacks to the rapid progression of Quinn and Graham’s relationship. Graham views their relationship as fated, which unnerves the more cautious Quinn. However, Quinn’s hesitance is overcome by her deep love and appreciation for Graham. She meets and loves Graham’s close-knit family, as her own family situation is complicated. She’s close to her sister, Ava, but their mother, Avril, is cold and judgmental. In the present, Quinn confides in Ava about her feelings but doesn’t share them with Graham; this drives a wedge between the couple. One night during lovemaking, Graham becomes upset when he realizes Quinn is only interested in sex because she’s ovulating; he refuses to finish inside of her. Quinn reacts to this by weeping, which sparks a long period of the couple not having sex. Quinn’s sister Ava moves to Europe with her husband and soon becomes pregnant herself. Quinn mourns the ease with which other women are able to get pregnant, but is also genuinely happy for her sister.

The tension in the couple’s sex life “Now” is vastly different from their intense physical chemistry “Then.” Flashbacks show Quinn and Graham as sexually compatible and active. The novel draws an interesting parallel using this method, as “Then” Quinn and Graham discuss how to weather what they call “Category 5” moments in a marriage. Their younger selves are confident that they’ll be able to get through anything together, while their older selves struggle to connect and find the same closeness. In the past, Graham eventually meets Quinn’s mother, Avril. Quinn is worried that Graham will judge her based on her cold mother, but Graham says that seeing where she came from makes him admire her even more.

In the present, Quinn and Graham begin to lie to each other. Quinn sees Graham holding his newborn nephew and overhears him telling his sister that he’s devastated they haven’t had a child yet; grief-struck, Quinn leaves and pretends as though she never arrived in the first place, claiming traffic prevented her from visiting her sister-in-law. When he returns home, Graham lies and tells Quinn that he didn’t get to hold his baby nephew. Graham comes home drunk one evening and initiates sex. Quinn, who’d been oddly relieved by the removal of sex from their lives, belatedly counts the days of her cycle to see if she’s ovulating. Graham objects to her lack of sexual response, saying it feels like he’s “making love to a corpse” (139). Quinn begins to suspect that Graham is having an affair. She confronts him, and he confirms it. Quinn is devastated and angry, packing a bag and driving to her mother’s house, intending to stay there—but instead has a conversation with Avril. They discuss Avril’s lack of interest in having children. Avril says she didn’t originally want children but is grateful for Quinn and Ava. Quinn feels better and goes home.

Graham explains that his affair consisted only of kissing. He says he thinks he did it because the woman, Andrea, reminded him of Quinn. That night in bed, Quinn experiences intense stomach pain and begins bleeding. Graham takes her to the hospital, where they discover that Quinn had a rare type of nonviable pregnancy—a cervical ectopic pregnancy—and has miscarried. The hemorrhaging is so severe that the doctors perform a hysterectomy, removing any hope the couple has of conceiving naturally. Quinn grieves, but reassures Graham that he isn’t to blame for the situation. When Ava plans to fly back to the United States to be with Quinn, Quinn decides to fly to Europe instead. She stays with Ava for several weeks, relieved and happy to be away from her marital heartbreak; she doesn’t talk to Graham during this time. One day, Graham shows up unannounced at Ava’s door. He’s brought a wooden box with him and demands that Quinn make a decision about their marriage. Inside the box are love letters they wrote each other early in their marriage—they’d agreed to open these letters either on their 25th wedding anniversary or in case of a marital emergency. Quinn notices that Graham wrote her additional letters over the years; each one addresses the growing rift in their marriage and expresses understanding of Quinn’s pain. She is deeply moved by the letters and weeps; Graham holds her. Quinn tells Graham that she loves him and wants to stay together. The couple decides to move to Italy for a few years to be near Ava.

The Epilogue takes place two years in the future, when Quinn and Graham are shopping for their nephew’s second birthday. When asked if they’re shopping for their own child, they spin an elaborate lie about their six daughters; this is a game they started playing to cope with intrusive questions. In another store, Quinn finds a puppy. The couple adopt it and name it August, after the numbers on the back of their fortune cookies and the date of their anniversary.

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All Your Perfects: A Novel (4) (Hopeless) › Customer reviews

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All Your Perfects: A Novel (4) (Hopeless)

All Your Perfects: A Novel (4) (Hopeless)

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Book Review: All Your Perfects

All Your Perfects book jacket

"All Your Perfects" by Colleen Hoover is a deep, emotional novel that delves into the complexities of marriage and the impact it has on the physical and emotional well-being of its characters. The story primarily revolves around Quinn and Graham, a couple who were once so deeply in love but find their relationship strained by the challenges of infertility, putting their marriage to the test. Colleen Hoover's narrative represents a tale of love, loss, and resilience, exploring the ups and downs of this couple's journey. I give "All Your Perfects" a solid 4-star rating because the book shines in its depiction of the many struggles people face in maintaining a healthy, thriving marriage. I love how it addresses the issue of infertility, shedding light on how it can strain even the most loving relationships. This novel also doesn't shy away from the emotional toll this takes on the characters, which makes it a relatable and thought-provoking read for those who have faced similar challenges. Hoover's writing is very engaging, and she masterfully captures the depth of the emotional agitation that couples may tend to experience when dealing with such issues. This novel clearly excels in its portrayal of human vulnerability and the strength it takes to navigate the complexities of love and marriage, making it a compelling read.


Do You Know These Films Based on Great Biographies?

By J. D. Biersdorfer April 22, 2024

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A black-and-white illustration of a man's shadow on a movie screen.

Welcome to Great Adaptations, the Book Review’s regular multiple-choice quiz about literature that has gone on to find new life in the form of movies, television shows, theatrical productions and other formats. This week’s quiz highlights films that were adapted from the biographies or autobiographies of their notable subjects.

Just tap or click your answers to the five questions below. And scroll down after you finish the last question for links to the books and their screen adaptations.

“Oppenheimer,” a film about the man who was instrumental in developing the first nuclear weapons for the United States, won seven Academy Awards earlier this year. The film’s screenplay was adapted from a 2005 biography by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin. What was the main title of the book?

“American Prometheus”

“Burning the Sky”

“A Wing and a Prayer”

The 1972 film “Lady Sings the Blues” was loosely based on which singer’s 1956 autobiography?

Ella Fitzgerald

Bessie Smith

Billie Holiday

Mildred Bailey

“Alan Turing: The Enigma” is Andrew Hodges’ 1983 biography of the gay British mathematician who helped the Allies decipher encrypted Nazi messages during World War II, but was later punished for his sexuality. What was the name of the 2014 film based on the book?

“The Turing Test”

“The Code Breaker”

“The Imitation Game”

“Julie & Julia” is a 2009 film about the chef Julia Child and the blogger Julie Powell, who tried to make all the recipes from one of Child’s cookbooks years later. The screenplay was based on two different books, Powell’s 2005 memoir about the project (and source of the movie’s name) and Julia Child’s posthumously published 2006 autobiography. What was that book’s title?

“Blood, Bones and Butter”

“My Life in France”

“Kitchen Confidential”

“A Year in Provence”

After reading Louis Fischer’s 1950 biography of this global figure, the film director Richard Attenborough spent years trying to make a film about that person’s life. The picture was finally released in 1982 and won eight Academy Awards. Who was the subject of the movie?

Harriet Tubman

J. Edgar Hoover

Mahatma Gandhi

Frida Kahlo

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Amid a surge in book bans, the most challenged books in the United States in 2023 continued to focus on the experiences of L.G.B.T.Q. people or explore themes of race.

Each week, top authors and critics join the Book Review’s podcast to talk about the latest news in the literary world. Listen here .

Book Review: Emily Henry is still the modern-day rom-com queen with 'Funny Story'

“Funny Story” isn’t a funny story at all. But it is a good one.

Emily Henry's new romance novel starts with dueling breakups that have rocked the two main characters’ worlds — and forced them to bond over their shared broken hearts.

Daphne is a planner who is always on time. She’s a buttoned-up librarian who hosts a lively children’s reading hour and keeps her personal life closed off from her colleagues.

Miles is more subdued. He’s nice, thoughtful and able to win over anyone he’s talking to, especially the regulars he sees on his weekend trips to the farmers market. He doesn’t have much of a relationship with his parents, for myriad reasons, but he’s very close to his younger sister.

Daphne and Miles’ story starts as they navigate their newly single lives now that their exes are dating ... each other.

They go through the throes of grieving together, with a soundtrack of love songs accompanying each phase. It’s practically begging for a movie version, to go along with the several other Henry books already in various stages of production.

Early on, they decide to pretend they’re dating to make their exes jealous. But as time goes on, they discover that they see each other as more than friends, that they really are falling for each other.

“Funny Story” is Henry’s latest romance — and her steamiest one so far. It’s a mixture of will-they-won’t-they in a way that makes you really want them to. They’re the protagonists in separate love stories who are brought together by heartbreak. Daphne and Miles are characters you can empathize with and root for.

And “Funny Story” is classic Henry. It’s a meet-cute in a non-patronizing way. It’s a modern love story, and one that you won’t be mad is slightly predictable — because it makes you feel good and makes you believe in a thing called love.

“So many of the most beautiful things in life are unexpected,” Henry writes.

It’s funny how life and love are both that way.

AP book reviews:

book review of all your perfects


  1. Review: All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

    book review of all your perfects

  2. 9781398519732: All Your Perfects

    book review of all your perfects

  3. All your perfects Book Review:

    book review of all your perfects

  4. All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover (Book Review) 5 STARS

    book review of all your perfects

  5. Review: All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

    book review of all your perfects

  6. Book Review: All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

    book review of all your perfects




  1. All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

    Nominee for Best Romance (2018) Colleen Hoover delivers a tour de force novel about a troubled marriage and the one old forgotten promise that might be able to save it. Quinn and Graham's perfect love is threatened by their imperfect marriage. The memories, mistakes, and secrets that they have built up over the years are now tearing them apart.


    At times, the characters and the emotional core of the events are almost obscured by such quick maneuvering through the weighty plot. Dark and unsettling, this novel's end arrives abruptly even as readers are still moving at a breakneck speed. Share your opinion of this book. Named for an imperfectly worded fortune cookie, Hoover's (It Ends ...

  3. Review of All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

    All Your Perfects has been on my 'to-be-read' shelf for two years now. There have been a handful of times where I'd stare at the cover, read the blurb over a few times, take a screenshot of the cover, look at a few other books that I still probably haven't gotten to, take a screenshot of those books and…well, you get the idea.


    With this book, Colleen Hoover has truly reminded me why she is one of my all-time favorite authors whose books I recommend to nearly everyone I meet. "I have loved you every single second of every day since the moment I laid eyes on you.". This book really grabbed a hold of my heart from even just the first few pages.

  5. BOOK REVIEW: All Your Perfects

    The memories, mistakes, and secrets that they have built up over the years are now tearing them apart. The one thing that could save them might also be the very thing that pushes their marriage beyond the point of repair. All Your Perfects is a profound novel about a damaged couple whose potential future hinges on promises made in the past.

  6. All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover Book Review

    The memories, mistakes, and secrets that they have built up over the years are now tearing them apart. The one thing that could save them might also be the very thing that pushes their marriage beyond the point of repair. All Your Perfects is a profound novel about a damaged couple whose potential future hinges on promises made in the past.

  7. Review: All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

    The memories, mistakes, and secrets that they have built up over the years are now tearing them apart. The one thing that could save them might also be the very thing that pushes their marriage beyond the point of repair. All Your Perfects is a profound novel about a damaged couple whose potential future hinges on promises made in the past.

  8. Summary and reviews of All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

    This information about All Your Perfects was first featured in "The BookBrowse Review" - BookBrowse's membership magazine, and in our weekly "Publishing This Week" newsletter.Publication information is for the USA, and (unless stated otherwise) represents the first print edition. The reviews are necessarily limited to those that were available to us ahead of publication.

  9. All Your Perfects Summary, Review, Themes, Quotes and Characters

    All Your Perfects Summary, Review, Themes, Quotes and Characters. There are a lot of real-life stories surrounding infertility and infidelity but one that stands out among them, has to be "All Your Perfects" by Colleen Hoover. Published in 2018, this book is a poignant tale of Quinn and Graham's love, marred by infertility and secrets.

  10. Book Review: All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

    Hoover definitely dealt with this sensitive topic (which I will not spoil now) in a very careful and respectful way. All Your Perfects was the perfect mixture of love, sadness, pain, passion and healing. The right amount of everything that makes a good love story. I loved the two main characters Quinn and Graham right from the beginning on.

  11. All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover (2018)

    Home Book Reviews All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover (2018) - The Power of Imperfection. Emma Thompson; Whether you're seeking a book that evokes intense emotions or a story that will leave you reflecting long after you turn the last page, this review is your personal guide to deciding if 'All Your Perfects' deserves a cherished spot ...

  12. Review: All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

    All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover Atria Paperback, 2018 *Trigger Warning: This book is largely about the emotional devastation of infertility. Heads up to anyone dealing with those raw emotions in their own life. If you're not in the mood to have your wounds prodded or reopened, I won't be offended.* If you know me […]

  13. Book review: All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

    Heart-breaking and absolutely inspiring. This book played at my heartstrings and then healed them completely. I was hooked from the get-go and by the time I reached the end, it seemed like I had completely flooded the house with my tears of catharsis. This is a must-read for couples in a serious relationship or those considering one in the future.

  14. Customer reviews: All Your Perfects: A Novel (Hopeless Book 4)

    All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover 5 stars!!! "…it's hard to admit that a marriage might be over when the love is still there." This is a review that I needed to write as soon as I finished the book. Normally I like to sleep on it, let my thoughts and opinions roll around my head to come up with something interesting and relevant to say.

  15. Review: All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

    Colleen Hoover delivers a. tour de force novel about a troubled marriage and the one old forgotten. promise that might be able to save it. Quinn and Graham's. perfect love is threatened by their imperfect marriage. The memories, mistakes, and secrets that they have built up over the years are now. tearing them apart.

  16. Best All Your Perfects Review and Impact

    The novella ties together characters from "All Your Perfects" and the "Hopeless" series, culminating in a heartwarming conclusion. Critical Reception. Generally positive, with attention to in-depth portrayal of marriage. Warmly received for providing a satisfying conclusion and revisiting well-loved characters.

  17. Book Review

    Tasha: I'm at like 25% into AYP. I'm loving it. It's scary how relatable it is. Maryse: Ohhhhh for crying out loud!!! I can't stop highlighting EVERYTHING in "All Your Perfects". This paper book will be loaded in little fluorescent flags. Amy: I already decided…I'm staying up tonight and reading AYP until I can't keep my eyes ...

  18. All Your Perfects Summary and Study Guide

    Colleen Hoover's 2018 novel All Your Perfects depicts a marriage in crisis as a result of infertility and infidelity. Hoover is known for her contemporary romance and young adult novels, as well as psychological thrillers. All Your Perfects appeared on both the New York Times Bestseller list and USA Today's Best Selling Books list. The novel alternates between scenes set "Then" (when ...

  19. All Your Perfects: A Novel

    All Your Perfects: A Novel. Hardcover - July 17, 2018. The #1 New York Times bestselling author of It Ends with Us —whose writing is "emotionally wrenching and utterly original" (Sara Shepard, New York Times bestselling author of the Pretty Little Liars series)—delivers a tour de force novel about a troubled marriage and the one old ...

  20. All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover Book Review

    Publication Date July 17, 2018. Quinn and Graham's perfect love is threatened by their imperfect marriage. The memories, mistakes, and secrets that they have built up over the years are now tearing them apart. The one thing that could save them might also be the very thing that pushes their marriage beyond the point of repair.

  21. Book Review of "All Your Perfects" by Colleen Hoover

    "All Your Perfects" by Colleen Hoover is a poignant and emotionally charged contemporary romance novel that delves deep into the complexities of love, marriage, and the challenges that life ...

  22. Customer reviews: All Your Perfects: A Novel (4) (Hopeless)

    Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for All Your Perfects: A Novel (4) ... Focus on all your perfects. What an unforgettable book! 37 people found this helpful. Helpful. Report. Maria5131. 4.0 out of 5 stars It finally got good. Reviewed in the United States on September 7, 2023. Verified Purchase. It took a lot of chapters for the ...

  23. Book Review: All Your Perfects

    I give "All Your Perfects" a solid 4-star rating because the book shines in its depiction of the many struggles people face in maintaining a healthy, thriving marriage. I love how it addresses the issue of infertility, shedding light on how it can strain even the most loving relationships.

  24. Anime Convention Goes Viral For Being the "Worst" in the Land

    Anime is an absolute beast when it comes to pop culture. From television shows to feature films, the industry is living large these days. As you can imagine, the interest in anime is high, and ...

  25. How Many Biographies on the Page and Screen Do You ...

    Amid a surge in book bans, the most challenged books in the United States in 2023 continued to focus on the experiences of L.G.B.T.Q. people or explore themes of race.

  26. Book Review: Emily Henry is still the modern-day rom-com queen with

    "Funny Story" isn't a funny story at all. But it is a good one. Emily Henry's new romance novel starts with dueling breakups that have rocked the two main characters' worlds — and forced ...

  27. MSN
