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Boost your persuasive writing skills with these powerful essay strategies.

Persuasive writing essays

Writing persuasive essays is a skill that can have a profound impact on one’s ability to influence others. Whether you are trying to sway an audience to adopt a certain point of view or persuade someone to take a particular action, the power of persuasive writing is undeniable. By mastering the art of persuasive writing, you can change minds, inspire action, and drive change.

But what exactly makes a persuasive essay successful? It’s not just about presenting a compelling argument or marshaling evidence to support your claims. Effective persuasive writing also involves understanding your audience, anticipating their objections, and crafting a message that resonates with them on a deep level. It’s about using language, structure, and rhetorical devices to create a persuasive narrative that compels readers to see things from your perspective.

The Power of Persuasion

The power of persuasion is a skill that can be learned and mastered through practice. It is the art of convincing others to agree with your point of view, take a specific action, or see things from your perspective. Persuasion is all about using language and communication effectively to influence and persuade others.

Whether you are writing a persuasive essay, delivering a speech, or engaging in a debate, understanding the principles of persuasion is essential. By mastering the techniques of persuasion, you can effectively convey your ideas, inspire action, and persuade others to see things from your point of view.

By harnessing the power of persuasion, you can become a more effective communicator, a successful advocate for your ideas, and a persuasive writer.

Understanding the Basics

Writing a persuasive essay is a skill that requires a deep understanding of the basics. Before diving into the art of persuasion, it’s important to grasp the fundamental concepts that form the foundation of a persuasive piece of writing.

First and foremost, persuasive writing is all about convincing your audience to adopt your point of view or take a specific action. To achieve this, you need to understand your audience and tailor your arguments to appeal to their values, beliefs, and emotions.

The key elements of persuasive writing include a clear thesis statement that presents your argument, strong supporting evidence to back up your claims, and a logical structure that guides the reader through your reasoning. Additionally, the tone and language you use in your essay play a crucial role in persuading your audience. Showcasing confidence, credibility, and empathy in your writing can significantly enhance your persuasive power.

By mastering the basics of persuasive writing, you can effectively communicate your ideas, influence opinions, and inspire action.

Crafting Compelling Arguments

When it comes to writing persuasive essays, one of the key elements is crafting compelling arguments that will sway your readers to your point of view. Here are some tips to help you create strong, convincing arguments:

  • Research: Before you start writing, make sure you have done thorough research on your topic. This will help you gather evidence and examples to support your arguments.
  • Logical reasoning: Your arguments should be grounded in logic and reason. Make sure your points are clear and well-supported with facts.
  • Use of evidence: Back up your claims with strong evidence, such as statistics, research studies, or expert opinions. This will make your arguments more convincing.
  • Consider the opposing view: Acknowledge and address counterarguments to your thesis. By doing so, you demonstrate a thorough understanding of the topic and strengthen your own arguments.
  • Emotional appeal: Don’t forget the power of emotional appeal in persuasion. Use storytelling, anecdotes, or personal experiences to connect with your readers on a deeper level.
  • Structure: Organize your arguments in a logical and coherent manner. Have a clear introduction, body paragraphs that present your arguments, and a strong conclusion that reinforces your main points.

By mastering the art of crafting compelling arguments, you will be well-equipped to write persuasive essays that resonate with your audience and make a lasting impact.

Using Emotional Appeal

One powerful way to persuade your audience in a persuasive essay is to appeal to their emotions. By evoking strong feelings such as empathy, fear, or joy, you can make your argument more impactful and memorable. When crafting your essay, consider using vivid language and storytelling techniques to engage your readers on an emotional level.

Remember to choose emotional appeals that resonate with your target audience and support your main argument effectively. Be careful not to manipulate emotions or rely solely on emotional appeal without backing it up with logical reasoning and evidence. Balance is key in using emotional appeal to strengthen your persuasive essay.

Establishing Credibility

Establishing Credibility

When writing a persuasive essay, it is essential to establish your credibility with your audience. Your readers need to trust that you are knowledgeable and well-informed on the topic you are discussing. One way to establish credibility is by citing reputable sources and experts in the field. By including evidence from respected sources, you show that your argument is well-researched and grounded in facts.

Another way to build credibility is to address potential counterarguments and acknowledge differing viewpoints. By demonstrating that you have considered opposing ideas and are prepared to respond to them, you show that you are open-minded and willing to engage in thoughtful debate. This can help you gain the trust of your readers and make them more receptive to your persuasive arguments.

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Apr 14, 2023

Powerful Persuasive Essay Examples That Will Spark Your Creativity

Are you looking to make a difference with your writing? Discover the power of persuasion with these inspiring essay examples and expert tips. Learn how to craft compelling arguments that will capture your reader's attention and inspire them to take action. Unlock your potential and start making a difference today!

Are you looking to improve your persuasive essay writing skills? Whether you're a student writing for an assignment, a professional looking to make a compelling argument, or simply someone who wants to make a difference, this blog post is for you.

Persuasive essays require you to take a position on a particular issue and use evidence and persuasive language to convince your readers to see things from your perspective. While they can be challenging, writing persuasive essays is an opportunity to develop critical thinking skills and improve your writing abilities.

In this blog post, we'll provide you with expert tips on how to create persuasive essays that captivate and convince your audience. We'll also share some inspiring examples that demonstrate effective persuasive writing techniques. From the importance of vaccination to the need for gun control, our examples cover a range of topics and show how to structure your essay and use persuasive language to sway your readers.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced writer, this blog post will equip you with the tools and knowledge to create compelling and persuasive essays that will leave a lasting impact.

What is a Persuasive Essay?

Persuasive writing, often referred to as argumentative essay writing, employs reasoning and logical arguments to demonstrate that one concept holds more validity than another. Its goal is to convince the reader to embrace a specific perspective or engage in a certain action. This style of writing is common in both academic and personal contexts. Typically, such essays start with a query which the author then addresses throughout the piece, arguing for or against it. The argument is built on robust evidence and sound logic, incorporating factual statements, rational explanations, illustrative examples, and expert quotations.

How to Create Persuasive Essays

Crafting a persuasive essay requires a combination of solid research, careful planning, and effective writing techniques. Here are some tips to help you create a persuasive essay that will make a lasting impact:

1. Understand Your Audience

Before you begin writing, it's important to know your target audience. Who are you writing for? What are their interests, beliefs, and values? Understanding your audience will help you tailor your arguments to resonate with them and increase your chances of persuading them.

2. Conduct Thorough Research

To write a persuasive essay, you need to have a deep understanding of your topic. Conducting thorough research will help you gather the necessary evidence to support your arguments. Make use of reputable sources such as academic journals, government reports, and expert opinions to ensure that your essay is grounded in facts.

3. Develop a Clear Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement is the backbone of your essay. It should be a clear and concise statement that sums up your argument and sets the tone for the rest of your essay. Make sure to include it in your introduction and refer to it throughout the essay.

4. Use Persuasive Language

In a persuasive essay, it's important to use language that is compelling and convincing. Use rhetorical devices such as repetition, metaphors, and analogies to drive your point home. Avoid using overly emotional language, as it can detract from your credibility.

5. Address Counterarguments

Acknowledge and address potential counterarguments in your essay. This shows that you have considered all sides of the issue and strengthens your argument. Be sure to refute counterarguments with solid evidence and reasoning.

6. Conclude with a Call to Action

End your essay with a strong call to action. Encourage your reader to take action based on your arguments. This can include signing a petition, contacting a representative, or making a donation to a relevant cause.

By following these tips, you can create a persuasive essay that effectively communicates your message and inspires action.

Here are our Top Persuasive Essay Examples to Inspire You

The Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet: A Persuasive Essay Sample

As people become more health conscious and environmentally aware, plant-based diets have gained popularity in recent years. A plant-based diet consists mainly of plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, with little or no animal products. There are many reasons why people choose a plant-based diet, ranging from ethical concerns to health benefits.

In this persuasive essay sample, we'll examine the many benefits of a plant-based diet and why it's a smart choice for your health and the environment. We'll explore the evidence behind plant-based diets, including studies that show how they can help prevent chronic diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes, as well as the environmental impact of animal agriculture.

Plant-Based Diets and Chronic Diseases: How They're Linked

Eating a plant-based diet has been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. There are many reasons why a plant-based diet may be beneficial for preventing and managing chronic diseases.

One reason is that plant-based diets are typically high in fibre, which can help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Additionally, many plant-based foods are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation in the body and protect against chronic diseases.

Another reason is that plant-based diets are often lower in saturated fat and cholesterol than those that include meat and dairy products. High intake of saturated fat and cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease, and consuming a plant-based diet can help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

The Environmental Impact of Animal Agriculture: Why Plant-Based Diets Are More Sustainable

Animal agriculture significantly impacts the environment, contributing to issues such as deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, and water pollution. Individuals can reduce their environmental footprint and promote sustainability by choosing a plant-based diet.

One reason is that animal agriculture significantly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, with livestock production accounting for around 14.5% of all human-induced greenhouse gas emissions. In contrast, plant-based diets have been shown to have a lower carbon footprint, with some studies suggesting that a vegan diet can reduce carbon emissions by up to 73%.

Animal agriculture also requires significant land, water, and other resources. For example, producing one kilogram of beef requires approximately 15,000 litres of water, while producing one kilogram of wheat requires only 1,250 litres. By choosing plant-based options, individuals can reduce their water footprint and promote sustainable use of resources.

Debunking the Myths: Addressing Common Misconceptions About Plant-Based Diets

Sure, here's an explanation of the subheading "Debunking the Myths: Addressing Common Misconceptions About Plant-Based Diets," along with some potential points and subheadings you could use:

Many misconceptions surround plant-based diets, including concerns about protein intake, nutritional deficiencies, and tasteless meals. By debunking these myths and providing accurate information, individuals can make informed decisions about adopting a plant-based lifestyle and enjoy its numerous health benefits.

One common misconception is that plant-based diets need more protein. However, many plant-based foods are protein-rich, including beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. You can quickly meet your daily protein needs by including various foods.

Plant-Based Protein Sources: What to Eat to Meet Your Nutritional Needs

Sure, here's an explanation of the subheading "Plant-Based Protein Sources: What to Eat to Meet Your Nutritional Needs," along with some potential points and subheadings you could use:

Plant-based diets are often criticized for lacking protein, but plenty of plant-based sources of protein can help individuals meet their nutritional needs. By incorporating various protein sources into their diet, individuals can ensure they get all the nutrients they need to support their health and well-being.

One of the best plant-based protein sources is legumes, which include beans, lentils, and chickpeas. Legumes are not only high in protein but also rich in fiber and other essential nutrients. Other plant-based protein sources include nuts and seeds, whole grains, and certain vegetables like broccoli and spinach.

Plant-Based Diets and Weight Loss: Can They Help You Shed Pounds?

One of the potential benefits of a plant-based diet is weight loss. Many studies have shown that individuals who follow a plant-based diet tend to have lower body weight, body mass index (BMI), and body fat percentage than those who consume a meat-based diet. There are several reasons why a plant-based diet may be effective for weight loss.

Making the Transition to a Plant-Based Diet: Tips and Resources for Getting Started

Sure, here's an explanation of the subheading "Making the Transition to a Plant-Based Diet: Tips and Resources for Getting Started," along with some potential points and subheadings you could use:

Transitioning to a plant-based diet can seem daunting, especially if you're used to consuming many meat and dairy products. However, switching to a plant-based diet can be a manageable and enjoyable process with the right resources and strategies.

In conclusion, a plant-based diet has numerous benefits for our health, the environment, and animal welfare. The examples and evidence presented in this article show that a diet focused on whole, plant-based foods can help prevent chronic diseases, reduce our carbon footprint, and improve animal welfare. 

Body Image: A Persuasive Essay Exploring the Dangers of Unrealistic Beauty Standards

Body image is a complex and multifaceted issue affecting many people, particularly women, worldwide. In today's society, unrealistic beauty standards set by the media, advertising, and popular culture are becoming increasingly prevalent, leading to negative consequences for individuals' physical and mental health. In this persuasive essay, I will explore the dangers of these unrealistic beauty standards and argue that they must be challenged and changed.

Introduction: Understanding the Issue of Body Image

Body image refers to an individual's perception and feelings about their physical appearance. It is a complex issue that affects people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. In today's society, there is increasing pressure to conform to narrow and unrealistic beauty standards in the media, advertising, and popular culture.

The issue of body image mainly concerns women, who are often subjected to unrealistic beauty standards that prioritize thinness and youthfulness. However, men and individuals of all genders can also experience negative body image and feel pressure to conform to societal expectations.

The Impact of Unrealistic Beauty Standards on Individuals

Unrealistic beauty standards can have a range of negative impacts on individuals' physical and mental health. The pressure to conform to narrow beauty ideals can lead to feelings of inadequacy, low self-worth, and even depression and anxiety.

One of the most concerning effects of unrealistic beauty standards is the link to disordered eating behaviors. Studies have shown that individuals who feel pressure to conform to societal beauty ideals are at a higher risk of developing eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating disorder. These conditions can have severe physical and psychological consequences and require specialized treatment.

In addition to eating disorders, unrealistic beauty standards can lead to harmful practices such as excessive exercise and cosmetic surgeries. These behaviors can negatively impact individuals' physical health, including injury, scarring, and chronic pain.

It is crucial to recognize the impact of unrealistic beauty standards on individuals' well-being and work towards promoting a more inclusive and diverse representation of beauty. By challenging harmful beauty norms and promoting body positivity, we can empower individuals to feel confident and comfortable in their skin and prioritize their mental and physical health.

The Link Between Unrealistic Beauty Standards and Eating Disorders

Unrealistic beauty standards can significantly impact an individual's risk of developing eating disorders. The pressure to conform to narrow beauty ideals can create a sense of inadequacy and low self-worth, leading to a distorted perception of one's body and unhealthy eating behaviors.

Studies have shown that individuals who feel pressure to conform to societal beauty standards are at a higher risk of developing eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating disorder. These conditions are characterized by extreme behaviors surrounding food and eating and can have severe physical and psychological consequences.

The Need for Body Positivity and Acceptance in Society

The need for body positivity and acceptance in society is more critical now than ever. With the prevalence of unrealistic beauty standards and the negative impacts on individuals' mental and physical health, creating a more inclusive and accepting environment that celebrates diversity in all forms is crucial.

Body positivity is a movement that encourages individuals to embrace their unique qualities and characteristics, including their physical appearance. This movement challenges harmful beauty norms and promotes a more accepting and inclusive society.

Strategies for Challenging and Changing Unrealistic Beauty Standards

Challenging and changing unrealistic beauty standards is crucial for promoting a more inclusive and accepting society. Here are some strategies for challenging and changing these harmful norms:

Promote diverse representations of beauty: Encourage media outlets, advertisers, and fashion brands to include various expressions of beauty, including individuals of different sizes, shapes, ages, and backgrounds.

Support body positivity movements: Support and participate in body positivity movements that promote self-love, self-acceptance, and diversity.

Educate others about the negative impacts of unrealistic beauty standards on individuals' mental and physical health and the importance of promoting body positivity and acceptance.

Challenge harmful language: Challenge harmful language and stereotypes surrounding beauty, including derogatory comments about individuals' weight, size, or appearance.

Encourage self-care: Encourage individuals to prioritize their mental and physical health, including engaging in self-care activities that promote self-love and self-acceptance.

In conclusion, the impact of unrealistic beauty standards on individuals' mental and physical health is significant, and it is crucial to promote body positivity and acceptance in society. By challenging and changing these harmful norms and promoting diversity and inclusivity, we can create a more accepting and supportive environment for all individuals.

The Importance of Mental Health Care: A Persuasive Essay Example

Mental health is critical to overall well-being, yet it is often overlooked and stigmatized. The importance of mental health care cannot be overstated, as it impacts individuals' ability to function and thrive in their daily lives. This essay will explore the significance of mental health care and why individuals need to prioritize their mental health.

Mental health refers to an individual's psychological and emotional well-being. It encompasses many factors, including thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Mental health impacts every aspect of our lives, from our ability to form and maintain relationships to our productivity and overall quality of life.

However, despite its critical role in our lives, mental health is often stigmatized and dismissed as a personal weakness or something to be ashamed of. This stigma can prevent individuals from seeking the care and support they need, leading to adverse mental and physical health consequences. Therefore, it is essential to understand the importance of mental health care and work to reduce the stigma surrounding it.

The prevalence of mental health disorders:

The prevalence of mental health disorders is a significant issue affecting millions worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in four people will experience a mental health disorder at some point. Mental health disorders can range from anxiety and depression to more severe conditions like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

Mental health disorders do not discriminate and can affect individuals of any age, gender, or cultural background. They can also significantly impact an individual's daily life, relationships, and overall well-being. Left untreated, mental health disorders can become debilitating and have long-term consequences.

While mental health disorders are prevalent, they are often underdiagnosed and undertreated. This may be due to mental health stigma, a lack of understanding or awareness of the symptoms, or a lack of access to mental health resources.

It is essential to raise awareness about the prevalence of mental health disorders and reduce the stigma surrounding them. By doing so, individuals can be encouraged to seek help and receive the support they need to manage their mental health. Mental health care should be a priority for everyone, and individuals should be encouraged to seek help early on to prevent the progression of their symptoms.

The consequences of untreated mental health issues: 

Untreated mental health issues can severely affect an individual's daily life and well-being. If left untreated, mental health disorders can lead to declining quality of life, relationship problems, and decreased productivity.

One of the most significant consequences of untreated mental health issues is a decline in quality of life. Mental health disorders can make it challenging to perform everyday tasks, maintain relationships, and participate in activities that bring joy and fulfillment. Over time, this can lead to hopelessness, isolation, and a decreased sense of purpose.

Untreated mental health issues can also significantly impact an individual's relationships. Mental health disorders can cause mood swings, irritability, and a lack of interest in social activities, which can strain relationships with family, friends, and coworkers.

The benefits of seeking mental health care:

Seeking mental health care is essential to improving one's overall well-being. Mental health care can provide individuals with the tools and support to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

One of the most significant benefits of seeking mental health care is improved coping skills. Mental health care professionals can teach individuals coping strategies that help them manage their symptoms, reduce stress, and improve their overall mental health.

Mental health care can also help individuals enhance their communication skills. Poor communication can cause misunderstandings and conflict, worsening mental health symptoms. Mental health professionals can help individuals improve their communication skills, leading to better relationships with family, friends, and coworkers.

Barriers to accessing mental health care:

Despite the many benefits of seeking mental health care, many barriers can prevent individuals from accessing the care they need. These internal and external barriers prevent individuals from receiving the support and treatment they need to manage their mental health.

One of the most significant barriers to accessing mental health care is the stigma surrounding mental health. Many individuals are reluctant to seek help for mental health issues due to the fear of being judged or misunderstood. This stigma can also prevent individuals from receiving support from family, friends, and coworkers, making it even harder to access care.

Another significant barrier is the cost of mental health care. Many mental health care services can be expensive, making it difficult for individuals without insurance or limited financial resources to access the care they need. This can lead to delayed or inadequate treatment, further exacerbating mental health issues.

Solutions for improving access to mental health care:

Improving access to mental health care is crucial to ensure that individuals receive the support and treatment they need to manage their mental health. While there are many barriers to accessing mental health care, several solutions can also help improve access and reduce these barriers.

One solution is to increase awareness and education about mental health issues. By reducing stigma and raising awareness, individuals may be more likely to seek help for mental health issues. This can also help improve support from family, friends, and coworkers, making it easier for individuals to access care.

Another solution is to improve the affordability of mental health care. This can be achieved by increasing insurance coverage for mental health care services or providing financial assistance to individuals who cannot afford mental health care services. Telehealth services can also offer remote mental health care, reducing costs and increasing accessibility for individuals in rural or underserved areas.

It is also essential to increase the availability of mental health care services. This can be achieved by increasing the number of mental health care providers, particularly in underserved areas. Providing mental health care services in schools, workplaces, and community centers can also improve accessibility for individuals.

In conclusion, mental health care is essential to ensuring individuals can manage their mental health and well-being. The prevalence of mental health disorders and the consequences of untreated mental health issues demonstrate the need for individuals to seek the support and treatment they need. However, stigma, cost, availability, and logistics can prevent individuals from accessing the necessary care.

Final Thoughts:

In conclusion, persuasive essays are a powerful tool for inspiring change and encouraging action. Effective writing techniques and compelling arguments can inspire others to adopt your perspective and act toward a better future.

If you're looking for support in writing your persuasive essays, Jenni AI is here to help. As an AI language model, Jenni AI can provide personalized suggestions and citations to help you improve your writing and make your essays more persuasive.

By signing up for Jenni AI , you can access a powerful writing tool that can help you hone your writing skills and craft more effective persuasive essays. So what are you waiting for? Sign up for Jenni AI today and write articles that inspire change and make a difference.

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How to Write a Persuasive Essay: Tips and Tricks

Allison Bressmer

Allison Bressmer

How to write a persuasive essay

Most composition classes you’ll take will teach the art of persuasive writing. That’s a good thing.

Knowing where you stand on issues and knowing how to argue for or against something is a skill that will serve you well both inside and outside of the classroom.

Persuasion is the art of using logic to prompt audiences to change their mind or take action , and is generally seen as accomplishing that goal by appealing to emotions and feelings.

A persuasive essay is one that attempts to get a reader to agree with your perspective.

What is a persuasive essay?

Ready for some tips on how to produce a well-written, well-rounded, well-structured persuasive essay? Just say yes. I don’t want to have to write another essay to convince you!

How Do I Write a Persuasive Essay?

What are some good topics for a persuasive essay, how do i identify an audience for my persuasive essay, how do you create an effective persuasive essay, how should i edit my persuasive essay.

Your persuasive essay needs to have the three components required of any essay: the introduction , body , and conclusion .

That is essay structure. However, there is flexibility in that structure.

There is no rule (unless the assignment has specific rules) for how many paragraphs any of those sections need.

Although the components should be proportional; the body paragraphs will comprise most of your persuasive essay.

What should every essay include?

How Do I Start a Persuasive Essay?

As with any essay introduction, this paragraph is where you grab your audience’s attention, provide context for the topic of discussion, and present your thesis statement.

TIP 1: Some writers find it easier to write their introductions last. As long as you have your working thesis, this is a perfectly acceptable approach. From that thesis, you can plan your body paragraphs and then go back and write your introduction.

TIP 2: Avoid “announcing” your thesis. Don’t include statements like this:

  • “In my essay I will show why extinct animals should (not) be regenerated.”
  • “The purpose of my essay is to argue that extinct animals should (not) be regenerated.”

Announcements take away from the originality, authority, and sophistication of your writing.

Instead, write a convincing thesis statement that answers the question "so what?" Why is the topic important, what do you think about it, and why do you think that? Be specific.

How Many Paragraphs Should a Persuasive Essay Have?

This body of your persuasive essay is the section in which you develop the arguments that support your thesis. Consider these questions as you plan this section of your essay:

  • What arguments support your thesis?
  • What is the best order for your arguments?
  • What evidence do you have?
  • Will you address the opposing argument to your own?
  • How can you conclude convincingly?

The body of a persuasive essay

TIP: Brainstorm and do your research before you decide which arguments you’ll focus on in your discussion. Make a list of possibilities and go with the ones that are strongest, that you can discuss with the most confidence, and that help you balance your rhetorical triangle .

What Should I Put in the Conclusion of a Persuasive Essay?

The conclusion is your “mic-drop” moment. Think about how you can leave your audience with a strong final comment.

And while a conclusion often re-emphasizes the main points of a discussion, it shouldn’t simply repeat them.

TIP 1: Be careful not to introduce a new argument in the conclusion—there’s no time to develop it now that you’ve reached the end of your discussion!

TIP 2 : As with your thesis, avoid announcing your conclusion. Don’t start your conclusion with “in conclusion” or “to conclude” or “to end my essay” type statements. Your audience should be able to see that you are bringing the discussion to a close without those overused, less sophisticated signals.

The conclusion of a persuasive essay

If your instructor has assigned you a topic, then you’ve already got your issue; you’ll just have to determine where you stand on the issue. Where you stand on your topic is your position on that topic.

Your position will ultimately become the thesis of your persuasive essay: the statement the rest of the essay argues for and supports, intending to convince your audience to consider your point of view.

If you have to choose your own topic, use these guidelines to help you make your selection:

  • Choose an issue you truly care about
  • Choose an issue that is actually debatable

Simple “tastes” (likes and dislikes) can’t really be argued. No matter how many ways someone tries to convince me that milk chocolate rules, I just won’t agree.

It’s dark chocolate or nothing as far as my tastes are concerned.

Similarly, you can’t convince a person to “like” one film more than another in an essay.

You could argue that one movie has superior qualities than another: cinematography, acting, directing, etc. but you can’t convince a person that the film really appeals to them.

Debatable and non-debatable concepts

Once you’ve selected your issue, determine your position just as you would for an assigned topic. That position will ultimately become your thesis.

Until you’ve finalized your work, consider your thesis a “working thesis.”

This means that your statement represents your position, but you might change its phrasing or structure for that final version.

When you’re writing an essay for a class, it can seem strange to identify an audience—isn’t the audience the instructor?

Your instructor will read and evaluate your essay, and may be part of your greater audience, but you shouldn’t just write for your teacher.

Think about who your intended audience is.

For an argument essay, think of your audience as the people who disagree with you—the people who need convincing.

That population could be quite broad, for example, if you’re arguing a political issue, or narrow, if you’re trying to convince your parents to extend your curfew.

Once you’ve got a sense of your audience, it’s time to consult with Aristotle. Aristotle’s teaching on persuasion has shaped communication since about 330 BC. Apparently, it works.

Ethos, pathos and logos

Aristotle taught that in order to convince an audience of something, the communicator needs to balance the three elements of the rhetorical triangle to achieve the best results.

Those three elements are ethos , logos , and pathos .

Ethos relates to credibility and trustworthiness. How can you, as the writer, demonstrate your credibility as a source of information to your audience?

How will you show them you are worthy of their trust?

How to make your essay credible

  • You show you’ve done your research: you understand the issue, both sides
  • You show respect for the opposing side: if you disrespect your audience, they won’t respect you or your ideas

Logos relates to logic. How will you convince your audience that your arguments and ideas are reasonable?

How to use logic in essays

You provide facts or other supporting evidence to support your claims.

That evidence may take the form of studies or expert input or reasonable examples or a combination of all of those things, depending on the specific requirements of your assignment.

Remember: if you use someone else’s ideas or words in your essay, you need to give them credit.

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Pathos relates to emotion. Audiences are people and people are emotional beings. We respond to emotional prompts. How will you engage your audience with your arguments on an emotional level?

How to use emotion in essays

  • You make strategic word choices : words have denotations (dictionary meanings) and also connotations, or emotional values. Use words whose connotations will help prompt the feelings you want your audience to experience.
  • You use emotionally engaging examples to support your claims or make a point, prompting your audience to be moved by your discussion.

Be mindful as you lean into elements of the triangle. Too much pathos and your audience might end up feeling manipulated, roll their eyes and move on.

An “all logos” approach will leave your essay dry and without a sense of voice; it will probably bore your audience rather than make them care.

Once you’ve got your essay planned, start writing! Don’t worry about perfection, just get your ideas out of your head and off your list and into a rough essay format.

After you’ve written your draft, evaluate your work. What works and what doesn’t? For help with evaluating and revising your work, check out this ProWritingAid post on manuscript revision .

After you’ve evaluated your draft, revise it. Repeat that process as many times as you need to make your work the best it can be.

When you’re satisfied with the content and structure of the essay, take it through the editing process .

Grammatical or sentence-level errors can distract your audience or even detract from the ethos—the authority—of your work.

You don’t have to edit alone! ProWritingAid’s Realtime Report will find errors and make suggestions for improvements.

You can even use it on emails to your professors:

ProWritingAid's Realtime Report

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How Can I Improve My Persuasion Skills?

You can develop your powers of persuasion every day just by observing what’s around you.

  • How is that advertisement working to convince you to buy a product?
  • How is a political candidate arguing for you to vote for them?
  • How do you “argue” with friends about what to do over the weekend, or convince your boss to give you a raise?
  • How are your parents working to convince you to follow a certain academic or career path?

As you observe these arguments in action, evaluate them. Why are they effective or why do they fail?

How could an argument be strengthened with more (or less) emphasis on ethos, logos, and pathos?

Every argument is an opportunity to learn! Observe them, evaluate them, and use them to perfect your own powers of persuasion.

powerful persuasive essay

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Allison Bressmer is a professor of freshman composition and critical reading at a community college and a freelance writer. If she isn’t writing or teaching, you’ll likely find her reading a book or listening to a podcast while happily sipping a semi-sweet iced tea or happy-houring with friends. She lives in New York with her family. Connect at

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How to Write a Persuasive Essay (This Convinced My Professor!)

How to Write a Persuasive Essay (This Convinced My Professor!)

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powerful persuasive essay

Meredith Sell

You can make your essay more persuasive by getting straight to the point.

In fact, that's exactly what we did here, and that's just the first tip of this guide. Throughout this guide, we share the steps needed to prove an argument and create a persuasive essay.

This AI tool helps you improve your essay > This AI tool helps you improve your essay >

persuasive essay

Key takeaways: - Proven process to make any argument persuasive - 5-step process to structure arguments - How to use AI to formulate and optimize your essay

Why is being persuasive so difficult?

"Write an essay that persuades the reader of your opinion on a topic of your choice."

You might be staring at an assignment description just like this 👆from your professor. Your computer is open to a blank document, the cursor blinking impatiently. Do I even have opinions?

The persuasive essay can be one of the most intimidating academic papers to write: not only do you need to identify a narrow topic and research it, but you also have to come up with a position on that topic that you can back up with research while simultaneously addressing different viewpoints.

That’s a big ask. And let’s be real: most opinion pieces in major news publications don’t fulfill these requirements.

The upside? By researching and writing your own opinion, you can learn how to better formulate not only an argument but the actual positions you decide to hold. 

Here, we break down exactly how to write a persuasive essay. We’ll start by taking a step that’s key for every piece of writing—defining the terms.

What Is a Persuasive Essay?

A persuasive essay is exactly what it sounds like: an essay that persuades . Over the course of several paragraphs or pages, you’ll use researched facts and logic to convince the reader of your opinion on a particular topic and discredit opposing opinions.

While you’ll spend some time explaining the topic or issue in question, most of your essay will flesh out your viewpoint and the evidence that supports it.

The 5 Must-Have Steps of a Persuasive Essay

If you’re intimidated by the idea of writing an argument, use this list to break your process into manageable chunks. Tackle researching and writing one element at a time, and then revise your essay so that it flows smoothly and coherently with every component in the optimal place.

1. A topic or issue to argue

This is probably the hardest step. You need to identify a topic or issue that is narrow enough to cover in the length of your piece—and is also arguable from more than one position. Your topic must call for an opinion , and not be a simple fact .

It might be helpful to walk through this process:

  • Identify a random topic
  • Ask a question about the topic that involves a value claim or analysis to answer
  • Answer the question

That answer is your opinion.

Let’s consider some examples, from silly to serious:

Topic: Dolphins and mermaids

Question: In a mythical match, who would win: a dolphin or a mermaid?

Answer/Opinion: The mermaid would win in a match against a dolphin.

Topic: Autumn

Question: Which has a better fall: New England or Colorado?

Answer/Opinion: Fall is better in New England than Colorado.

Topic: Electric transportation options

Question: Would it be better for an urban dweller to buy an electric bike or an electric car?

Answer/Opinion: An electric bike is a better investment than an electric car.

Your turn: Walk through the three-step process described above to identify your topic and your tentative opinion. You may want to start by brainstorming a list of topics you find interesting and then going use the three-step process to find the opinion that would make the best essay topic.

2. An unequivocal thesis statement

If you walked through our three-step process above, you already have some semblance of a thesis—but don’t get attached too soon! 

A solid essay thesis is best developed through the research process. You shouldn’t land on an opinion before you know the facts. So press pause. Take a step back. And dive into your research.

You’ll want to learn:

  • The basic facts of your topic. How long does fall last in New England vs. Colorado? What trees do they have? What colors do those trees turn?
  • The facts specifically relevant to your question. Is there any science on how the varying colors of fall influence human brains and moods?
  • What experts or other noteworthy and valid sources say about the question you’re considering. Has a well-known arborist waxed eloquent on the beauty of New England falls?

As you learn the different viewpoints people have on your topic, pay attention to the strengths and weaknesses of existing arguments. Is anyone arguing the perspective you’re leaning toward? Do you find their arguments convincing? What do you find unsatisfying about the various arguments? 

Allow the research process to change your mind and/or refine your thinking on the topic. Your opinion may change entirely or become more specific based on what you learn.

Once you’ve done enough research to feel confident in your understanding of the topic and your opinion on it, craft your thesis. 

Your thesis statement should be clear and concise. It should directly state your viewpoint on the topic, as well as the basic case for your thesis.

Thesis 1: In a mythical match, the mermaid would overcome the dolphin due to one distinct advantage: her ability to breathe underwater.

Thesis 2: The full spectrum of color displayed on New England hillsides is just one reason why fall in the northeast is better than in Colorado.

Thesis 3: In addition to not adding to vehicle traffic, electric bikes are a better investment than electric cars because they’re cheaper and require less energy to accomplish the same function of getting the rider from point A to point B.

Your turn: Dive into the research process with a radar up for the arguments your sources are making about your topic. What are the most convincing cases? Should you stick with your initial opinion or change it up? Write your fleshed-out thesis statement.

3. Evidence to back up your thesis

This is a typical place for everyone from undergrads to politicians to get stuck, but the good news is, if you developed your thesis from research, you already have a good bit of evidence to make your case.

Go back through your research notes and compile a list of every …

… or other piece of information that supports your thesis. 

This info can come from research studies you found in scholarly journals, government publications, news sources, encyclopedias, or other credible sources (as long as they fit your professor’s standards).

As you put this list together, watch for any gaps or weak points. Are you missing information on how electric cars versus electric bicycles charge or how long their batteries last? Did you verify that dolphins are, in fact, mammals and can’t breathe underwater like totally-real-and-not-at-all-fake 😉mermaids can? Track down that information.

Next, organize your list. Group the entries so that similar or closely related information is together, and as you do that, start thinking through how to articulate the individual arguments to support your case. 

Depending on the length of your essay, each argument may get only a paragraph or two of space. As you think through those specific arguments, consider what order to put them in. You’ll probably want to start with the simplest argument and work up to more complicated ones so that the arguments can build on each other. 

Your turn: Organize your evidence and write a rough draft of your arguments. Play around with the order to find the most compelling way to argue your case.

4. Rebuttals to disprove opposing theses

You can’t just present the evidence to support your case and totally ignore other viewpoints. To persuade your readers, you’ll need to address any opposing ideas they may hold about your topic. 

You probably found some holes in the opposing views during your research process. Now’s your chance to expose those holes. 

Take some time (and space) to: describe the opposing views and show why those views don’t hold up. You can accomplish this using both logic and facts.

Is a perspective based on a faulty assumption or misconception of the truth? Shoot it down by providing the facts that disprove the opinion.

Is another opinion drawn from bad or unsound reasoning? Show how that argument falls apart.

Some cases may truly be only a matter of opinion, but you still need to articulate why you don’t find the opposing perspective convincing.

Yes, a dolphin might be stronger than a mermaid, but as a mammal, the dolphin must continually return to the surface for air. A mermaid can breathe both underwater and above water, which gives her a distinct advantage in this mythical battle.

While the Rocky Mountain views are stunning, their limited colors—yellow from aspen trees and green from various evergreens—leaves the autumn-lover less than thrilled. The rich reds and oranges and yellows of the New England fall are more satisfying and awe-inspiring.

But what about longer trips that go beyond the city center into the suburbs and beyond? An electric bike wouldn’t be great for those excursions. Wouldn’t an electric car be the better choice then? 

Certainly, an electric car would be better in these cases than a gas-powered car, but if most of a person’s trips are in their hyper-local area, the electric bicycle is a more environmentally friendly option for those day-to-day outings. That person could then participate in a carshare or use public transit, a ride-sharing app, or even a gas-powered car for longer trips—and still use less energy overall than if they drove an electric car for hyper-local and longer area trips.

Your turn: Organize your rebuttal research and write a draft of each one.

5. A convincing conclusion

You have your arguments and rebuttals. You’ve proven your thesis is rock-solid. Now all you have to do is sum up your overall case and give your final word on the subject. 

Don’t repeat everything you’ve already said. Instead, your conclusion should logically draw from the arguments you’ve made to show how they coherently prove your thesis. You’re pulling everything together and zooming back out with a better understanding of the what and why of your thesis. 

A dolphin may never encounter a mermaid in the wild, but if it were to happen, we know how we’d place our bets. Long hair and fish tail, for the win.

For those of us who relish 50-degree days, sharp air, and the vibrant colors of fall, New England offers a season that’s cozier, longer-lasting, and more aesthetically pleasing than “colorful” Colorado. A leaf-peeper’s paradise.

When most of your trips from day to day are within five miles, the more energy-efficient—and yes, cost-efficient—choice is undoubtedly the electric bike. So strap on your helmet, fire up your pedals, and two-wheel away to your next destination with full confidence that you made the right decision for your wallet and the environment.

3 Quick Tips for Writing a Strong Argument

Once you have a draft to work with, use these tips to refine your argument and make sure you’re not losing readers for avoidable reasons.

1. Choose your words thoughtfully.

If you want to win people over to your side, don’t write in a way that shuts your opponents down. Avoid making abrasive or offensive statements. Instead, use a measured, reasonable tone. Appeal to shared values, and let your facts and logic do the hard work of changing people’s minds.

Choose words with AI

powerful persuasive essay

You can use AI to turn your general point into a readable argument. Then, you can paraphrase each sentence and choose between competing arguments generated by the AI, until your argument is well-articulated and concise.

2. Prioritize accuracy (and avoid fallacies).

Make sure the facts you use are actually factual. You don’t want to build your argument on false or disproven information. Use the most recent, respected research. Make sure you don’t misconstrue study findings. And when you’re building your case, avoid logical fallacies that undercut your argument.

A few common fallacies to watch out for:

  • Strawman: Misrepresenting or oversimplifying an opposing argument to make it easier to refute.
  • Appeal to ignorance: Arguing that a certain claim must be true because it hasn’t been proven false.
  • Bandwagon: Assumes that if a group of people, experts, etc., agree with a claim, it must be true.
  • Hasty generalization: Using a few examples, rather than substantial evidence, to make a sweeping claim.
  • Appeal to authority: Overly relying on opinions of people who have authority of some kind.

The strongest arguments rely on trustworthy information and sound logic.

Research and add citations with AI

powerful persuasive essay

We recently wrote a three part piece on researching using AI, so be sure to check it out . Going through an organized process of researching and noting your sources correctly will make sure your written text is more accurate.

3. Persuasive essay structure

Persuasive essay structure

If you’re building a house, you start with the foundation and go from there. It’s the same with an argument. You want to build from the ground up: provide necessary background information, then your thesis. Then, start with the simplest part of your argument and build up in terms of complexity and the aspect of your thesis that the argument is tackling.

A consistent, internal logic will make it easier for the reader to follow your argument. Plus, you’ll avoid confusing your reader and you won’t be unnecessarily redundant.

The essay structure usually includes the following parts:

  • Intro - Hook, Background information, Thesis statement
  • Topic sentence #1 , with supporting facts or stats
  • Concluding sentence
  • Topic sentence #2 , with supporting facts or stats
  • Concluding sentence Topic sentence #3 , with supporting facts or stats
  • Conclusion - Thesis and main points restated, call to action, thought provoking ending

Are You Ready to Write?

Persuasive essays are a great way to hone your research, writing, and critical thinking skills. Approach this assignment well, and you’ll learn how to form opinions based on information (not just ideas) and make arguments that—if they don’t change minds—at least win readers’ respect. ‍

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powerful persuasive essay

Persuasive Essay: A Guide for Writing

powerful persuasive essay

Ever found yourself wrestling with the challenge of convincing others through your writing? Look no further – our guide is your go-to roadmap for mastering the art of persuasion. In a world where effective communication is key, this article unveils practical tips and techniques to help you produce compelling arguments that captivate your audience. Say goodbye to the struggles of conveying your message – let's learn how to make your persuasive essay informative and truly convincing.

What Is a Persuasive Essay

Persuasive essays are a form of writing that aims to sway the reader's viewpoint or prompt them to take a specific action. In this genre, the author employs logical reasoning and compelling arguments to convince the audience of a particular perspective or stance on a given topic. The persuasive essay typically presents a clear thesis statement, followed by well-structured paragraphs that provide evidence and examples supporting the author's position. The ultimate goal is to inform and influence the reader's beliefs or behavior by appealing to their emotions, logic, and sense of reason. If you need urgent help with this assignment, use our persuasive essay writing service without hesitation.

Which Three Strategies Are Elements of a Persuasive Essay

Working on a persuasive essay is like building a solid argument with three friends: ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos is about trustworthiness, like when someone vouches for your credibility before making a point. Picture it as your introduction, earning trust from the get-go. Then comes pathos, your emotional storyteller. It's all about making your readers feel something, turning your essay into an experience rather than just a bunch of words. Lastly, logos is your logical thinker, using facts and solid reasoning to beef up your argument. These three work together to engage both the heart and mind of your audience. So, let's see how this trio can take your arguments from so-so to memorable.

In a persuasive essay, ethos functions much like introducing your friend as the go-to expert in their field before they share their insights with a new group. It's about showcasing the writer's credibility, expertise, and trustworthiness through a mix of personal experience, professional background, and perhaps even endorsements. Readers are more likely to buy into an argument when they believe the person presenting it knows their stuff and has a solid ethical standing, creating a foundation of trust. Does this information seem a bit confusing? Then simply type, ‘ write my paper ,’ and our writers will help you immediately.

Now, let's consider pathos – the emotional connection element. Imagine a movie that entertains and makes you laugh, cry, or feel a rush of excitement. Pathos in a persuasive essay aims to tap into your emotions to make you feel something. It's the storyteller in the essay weaving narratives that resonate personally. By sharing relatable anecdotes, vivid imagery, or emotionally charged language, writers can create a powerful connection with readers, turning a dry argument into a compelling human experience that leaves a lasting impression.

Lastly, logos is the cool-headed, logical friend who always has the facts straight. In a persuasive essay, logos presents a strong, well-reasoned argument supported by evidence, data, and solid reasoning. The backbone holds the essay together, appealing to the reader's sense of logic and reason. This might include citing research studies, providing statistical evidence, or employing deductive reasoning to build a solid case. So, think of ethos as your trustworthy friend, pathos as the emotional storyteller, and logos as the rational thinker – together, they create a persuasive essay that speaks to the heart and stands up to critical scrutiny. Choose the persuasive essay format accordingly, depending on how you’d like to approach your readers.

persuasive methods

Persuasive Essay Outline

Creating an outline for persuasive essay is like sketching a plan for your argument, which is the GPS to help your readers follow along smoothly. Start with an engaging intro that grabs attention and states your main point. Then, organize your body paragraphs, each focusing on one important aspect or evidence backing up your main idea. Mix in ethos (credibility), pathos (emotion), and logos (logic) throughout to make your argument strong. Don't forget to address opposing views and show why your stance is the way to go. Finally, wrap things up with a strong conclusion that reinforces your main points. Here’s a general outline for a persuasive essay:

How to start a persuasive essay? Introduction. 

  • Hook. Start with a captivating anecdote, surprising fact, or thought-provoking question to grab the reader's attention.
  • Background. Provide context for the issue or topic you're addressing.
  • Thesis Statement. Clearly state your main argument or position.

Body Paragraphs

Paragraph 1

  • Topic Sentence. Introduce the first key point supporting your thesis.
  • Supporting Evidence. Include facts, statistics, or examples that back up your point.
  • Ethos, Pathos, Logos. Incorporate elements of persuasion to strengthen your argument.

Paragraph 2

  • Topic Sentence. Introduce the second key point supporting your thesis.
  • Supporting Evidence. Provide relevant information or examples to bolster your argument.
  • Ethos, Pathos, Logos. Continue integrating persuasive elements for a well-rounded appeal.

Paragraph 3

  • Topic Sentence. Introduce the third key point supporting your thesis.
  • Supporting Evidence. Present compelling evidence or examples.
  • Ethos, Pathos, Logos. Ensure a balanced use of persuasive strategies.


  • Address opposing views. Acknowledge and counter opposing arguments.
  • Refutation. Explain why the counterargument is invalid or less convincing.
  • Summarize main points. Recap the key arguments from the body paragraphs.
  • Call to Action. Encourage readers to take a specific stance, consider your perspective, or engage in further discussion.

Closing Statement

  • Leave a lasting impression. End with a powerful statement that reinforces your thesis and strongly impacts the reader.

We recommend you study our guide on how to write an argumentative essay as well, as these two types of assignments are the most common in school and college.

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How to WritHow to Write a Persuasive Essay

Writing a persuasive essay typically follows a structured format that begins with a compelling introduction, where the writer captures the reader's attention with a hook, provides background information on the topic, and presents a clear thesis statement outlining the main argument. The body paragraphs delve into supporting evidence and key points, each focusing on a specific aspect of the argument and incorporating persuasive elements such as ethos, pathos, and logos. Counterarguments are addressed and refuted to strengthen the overall stance. The conclusion briefly summarizes the main points, reiterates the thesis, and often includes a call to action or a thought-provoking statement to leave a lasting impression on the reader. Follow these tips if you want to learn how to write a good persuasive essay up to the mark: 

Choose a Strong Topic

Selecting a compelling topic is crucial for a persuasive essay. Consider issues that matter to your audience and elicit strong emotions. A well-chosen topic captures your readers' interest and provides a solid foundation for building a persuasive argument. If you’re low on ideas, check out a collection of persuasive essay topics from our experts.

Research Thoroughly

Thorough research is the backbone of a persuasive essay. Dive into various sources, including academic journals, reputable websites, and books. Ensure that your information is current and reliable. Understanding the counterarguments will help you anticipate objections and strengthen your position.

Brainstorm a Solid Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement serves as the central point of your essay. It should be clear, concise, and specific, outlining your stance. Consider it a guideline for your readers, guiding them through your argument. A strong thesis statement sets the tone for the entire essay and helps maintain focus.

Organize Your Thoughts

A rigid persuasive essay structure is key to creating a desired effect on readers. Begin with an engaging introduction that introduces your topic, provides context, and ends with a clear thesis statement. The body paragraphs should each focus on a single point that supports your thesis, providing evidence and examples. Transition smoothly between paragraphs to ensure a cohesive flow. Conclude with a powerful summary that reinforces your main points and leaves a lasting impression.

Develop Compelling Arguments

Each body paragraph should present a persuasive argument supported by evidence. Clearly articulate your main points and use examples, statistics, or expert opinions to strengthen your claims. Make sure to address potential counterarguments and refute them, demonstrating the robustness of your position.

  • Use Persuasive Language

Employ language that is strong, clear, and persuasive. Be mindful of your tone, avoiding overly aggressive or confrontational language. Appeal to your audience's emotions, logic, and credibility. Use rhetorical devices like anecdotes or powerful metaphors to make your writing more engaging and memorable.

Revise and Edit

The final step is revising and editing your essay. Take the time to review your work for clarity, coherence, and grammar. Ensure that your arguments flow logically and eliminate any unnecessary repetition. Consider seeking feedback from peers or mentors to gain valuable perspectives on the strength of your persuasive essay. You should also explore the guide on how to write a synthesis essay , as you’ll be dealing with it quite often as a student.

Tips for Writing a Persuasive Essay

The most important aspect of writing a persuasive essay is constructing a compelling and well-supported argument. A persuasive essay's strength hinges on the clarity and persuasiveness of the main argument, encapsulated in a robust thesis statement. This central claim should be clearly articulated and supported by compelling evidence, logical reasoning, and an understanding of the target audience. Here are more tips for you to consider:

  • Write a Compelling Hook

Begin your essay with a captivating hook that grabs the reader's attention. This could be a surprising fact, a thought-provoking question, a relevant quote, or a compelling anecdote. A strong opening sets the tone for the rest of the essay.

  • Establish Credibility

Build your credibility by demonstrating your expertise on the topic. Incorporate well-researched facts, statistics, or expert opinions that support your argument. Establishing credibility enhances the persuasiveness of your essay.

  • Clearly Articulate Your Thesis

Craft a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines your main argument. This statement should convey your position on the issue and provide a path for the reader to follow throughout the essay. Note that if you use custom essay writing services , a thesis is automatically included in the assignment.

  • Organize Your Arguments Effectively

Structure your essay with a logical flow. Each paragraph should focus on a single point that supports your thesis. Use transitional phrases to guide the reader smoothly from one idea to the next. This organizational clarity enhances the persuasive impact of your essay.

  • Address Counterarguments

Anticipate and address potential counterarguments to strengthen your position. Acknowledge opposing viewpoints and provide compelling reasons why your stance is more valid. This demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic and reinforces the credibility of your argument.

Choose words and phrases that evoke emotion and engage your reader. Employ rhetorical devices, such as metaphors, similes, or vivid language, to make your argument more compelling. Pay attention to tone, maintaining a respectful and persuasive demeanor.

  • Appeal to Emotions and Logic

Strike a balance between emotional appeal and logical reasoning. Use real-life examples, personal stories, or emotional anecdotes to connect with your audience. Simultaneously, support your arguments with logical reasoning and evidence to build a robust case.

  • Create a Strong Conclusion

Summarize your main points in the conclusion and restate the significance of your thesis. End with a powerful call to action or a thought-provoking statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader. A strong conclusion reinforces the persuasive impact of your essay.

Persuasive Essay Examples

Explore the persuasive essay examples provided below to gain a deeper comprehension of crafting this type of document.

Persuasive Essay Example: Are Women Weaker Than Men Today?

Students should explore persuasive essay examples as they provide valuable insights into effective argumentation, organizational structure, and the art of persuasion. Examining well-crafted samples allows students to grasp various writing techniques, understand how to present compelling evidence, and observe the nuanced ways in which authors address counterarguments. Additionally, exposure to diverse examples helps students refine their own writing style and encourages critical thinking by showcasing the diversity of perspectives and strategies. Here are two excellent persuasive essay examples pdf for your inspiration. If you enjoy the work of our writers, buy essay paper from them and receive an equally quality document prepared individually for you.

Example 1: “The Importance of Incorporating Financial Literacy Education in High School Curriculum”

This essay advocates for the imperative inclusion of financial literacy education in the high school curriculum. It emphasizes the critical role that early exposure to financial concepts plays in empowering students for lifelong success, preventing cycles of debt, fostering responsible citizenship, adapting to technological advancements, and building a more inclusive society. By arguing that financial literacy is a practical necessity and a crucial step towards developing informed and responsible citizens, the essay underscores the long-term societal benefits of equipping high school students with essential financial knowledge and skills.

Example 2: “Renewable Energy: A Call to Action for a Sustainable Future”

This persuasive essay argues for the urgent adoption of renewable energy sources as a moral imperative and a strategic move towards mitigating climate change, fostering economic growth, achieving energy independence, and driving technological innovation. The essay emphasizes the environmental, economic, and societal benefits of transitioning from conventional energy to renewable alternatives, asserting that such a shift is not just an environmentally conscious choice but a responsible investment in the sustainability and well-being of the planet for current and future generations.

Knowing how to write a persuasive essay is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it cultivates critical thinking and analytical skills, requiring students to evaluate and organize information effectively to support their arguments. This process enhances their ability to assess different perspectives and make informed decisions. The persuasive essay format also equips students with valuable communication skills, teaching them to articulate ideas clearly and convincingly. As effective communicators, students can advocate for their viewpoints, contributing to a more engaged and informed society. This proficiency extends beyond academic settings, proving crucial in various professional and personal scenarios. If you’d like to expedite the process, consider using our essay service , which saves time and brings positive grades.

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How to Write a Persuasive Essay

The entire point of a persuasive essay is to persuade or convince the reader to agree with your perspective on the topic. In this type of essay, you’re not limited to facts. It’s completely acceptable to include your opinions and back them up with facts, where necessary.

Guide Overview

  • Be assertive
  • Use words that evoke emotion
  • Make it personal
  • Topic selection hints

Tricks for Writing a Persuasive Essay

In this type of writing, you’ll find it is particularly helpful to focus on the emotional side of things. Make your reader feel what you feel and bring them into your way of thinking. There are a few ways to do that.

Be Assertive

A persuasive essay doesn’t have to be gentle in how it presents your opinion. You really want people to agree with you, so focus on making that happen, even if it means pushing the envelope a little. You’ll tend to get higher grades for this, because the essay is more likely to convince the reader to agree. Consider using an Persuasive Essay Template to understand the key elements of the essay.

Use Words that Evoke Emotion

It’s easier to get people to see things your way when they feel an emotional connection. As you describe your topic, make sure to incorporate words that cause people to feel an emotion. For example, instead of saying, “children are taken from their parents” you might say, “children are torn from the loving arms of their parents, kicking and screaming.” Dramatic? Yes, but it gets the point across and helps your reader experience the

Make it Personal

By using first person, you make the reader feel like they know you. Talking about the reader in second person can help them feel included and begin to imagine themselves in your shoes. Telling someone “many people are affected by this” and telling them “you are affected by this every day” will have very different results.

While each of these tips can help improve your essay, there’s no rule that you have to actually persuade for your own point of view. If you feel the essay would be more interesting if you take the opposite stance, why not write it that way? This will require more research and thinking, but you could end up with a very unique essay that will catch the teacher’s eye.

Topic Selection Hints

A persuasive essay requires a topic that has multiple points of view. In most cases, topics like the moon being made of rock would be difficult to argue, since this is a solid fact. This means you’ll need to choose something that has more than one reasonable opinion related to it.

A good topic for a persuasive essay would be something that you could persuade for or against.

Some examples include:

  • Should children be required to use booster seats until age 12?
  • Should schools allow the sale of sugary desserts and candy?
  • Should marijuana use be legal?
  • Should high school students be confined to school grounds during school hours?
  • Should GMO food be labeled by law?
  • Should police be required to undergo sensitivity training?
  • Should the United States withdraw troops from overseas?

Some topics are more controversial than others, but any of these could be argued from either point of view . . . some even allow for multiple points of view.

As you write your persuasive essay, remember that your goal is to get the reader to nod their head and agree with you. Each section of the essay should bring you closer to this goal. If you write the essay with this in mind, you’ll end up with a paper that will receive high grades.

Finally, if you’re ever facing writer’s block for your college paper, consider WriteWell’s template gallery to help you get started.

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Are you looking to improve your persuasive writing skills?

One of the best ways to do that is by reading persuasive essay examples. These examples can show you how to structure your arguments effectively.

But finding good examples can be a challenge. Don't worry, though – we've gathered some helpful persuasive essays for you right here!

So, if you're in search of persuasive essay examples to help you write your own, you're in the right place. 

Keep reading this blog to explore various examples

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  • 1. Persuasive Essay Examples For Students
  • 2. Persuasive Essay Examples for Different Formats
  • 3. Persuasive Essay Outline Examples
  • 4. Persuasive Essay Format Example
  • 5. How to Write A Persuasive Essay With Examples
  • 6. How to End a Persuasive Essay Examples
  • 7. Catchy Persuasive Essay Topics

Persuasive Essay Examples For Students

A persuasive essay aims to convince the reader of the author’s point of view. 

To find the right path for your essay, it's helpful to go through some examples. Similarly, good essay examples also help to avoid any potential pitfalls and offer clear information to the readers to adopt. 

Here are some persuasive essay examples pdf:

3rd-grade Persuasive Essay Example

4th-grade Persuasive Essay Example

Persuasive Essay Example 5th-grade pdf

Persuasive Essay Examples for 6th Grade pdf

7th-grade Persuasive Essay Example

8th-grade Persuasive Essay Example

Persuasive Essay Examples Grade 10

11th-grade Persuasive Essay Example

Persuasive Writing Example For Kids

Persuasive Essay Examples High School

The following are good persuasive essay examples for high school. Having a look at them will help you understand better.

High-school Persuasive Essay Example

Examples of Persuasive Essay in Everyday Life

Persuasive Essay Examples for Middle School

Check out these persuasive essay examples for middle school to get a comprehensive idea of the format structure. 

Persuasive Essay Examples Middle School

Short Persuasive Essay Example

Persuasive Essay Examples for College Students

Essay writing at the college level becomes more difficult and complicated. We have provided you with top-notch college persuasive and argumentative essay examples here.

Read them to understand the essay writing process easily. 

Persuasive Essay Examples College

Higher English Persuasive Essay Example

Persuasive Essay About Smoking

Argumentative and Persuasive Examples

Persuasive Essay Examples For University

It becomes even more challenging to draft a perfect essay at the university level. Have a look at the below examples of a persuasive essay to get an idea of writing one.

University Persuasive Essay Example

5 Paragraph Persuasive Essay Example

Persuasive Essay Examples for Different Formats

A persuasive essay can be written in several formats. For instance, you can write the usual 5-paragraph essay, or even something longer or shorter.

Below are a few sample essays in various common formats.

Persuasive Essay Examples 5 Paragraph

Persuasive Essay Examples 3 Paragraph

Short Persuasive Essay Examples

These examples tell you how to remain convincing and persuasive regardless of the essay format you use.

Persuasive Essay Outline Examples

Creating an impressive outline is the most important step for writing a persuasive essay. It helps to organize thoughts and make the writing process easier.

 A standard outline consists of the following sections.

  • Introduction
  • Body Paragraphs

Have a look at the following persuasive essay outline template examples.

Persuasive Essay Outline

Persuasive Essay Template

Persuasive Essay Format Example

A persuasive essay outline is bound to follow a specific format and structure. The main elements of a persuasive essay format are as follows.

  • Font: Times New Roman, Georgia, or Arial
  • Font Size: 16pt for the headlines and 12pt for the rest of the text
  • Alignment: Justified
  • Spacing: Double spacing
  • Word Count: It usually contains 500 to 2000 words

How to Write A Persuasive Essay With Examples

Planning an essay before starting writing is essential to produce an organized and structured writing piece. So, it is better to understand the concept beforehand to impress your instructor.  

The below example will show a good starting to an essay.

A Good Start for a Persuasive Essay - Short Example

How to Start a Persuasive Essay Examples

The introduction is the first part of an essay and your first chance to grab the reader's attention. It should clearly state the essay's purpose and give the reader a clear idea of what to expect.

A compelling persuasive essay introduction must have the following elements.

  • Hook statement + topic
  • A strong thesis statement
  • Your arguments

Here are some examples of persuasive essay introductions to help you make a compelling start:

Introduction Persuasive Essay Example

Persuasive Essay Thesis Statement Examples

Persuasive Essay Hook Examples

How to End a Persuasive Essay Examples

Just like the introduction, the conclusion of the persuasive essay is equally important. It is considered as the last impression of your writing piece to the audience.

A good conclusion paragraph must include the following aspects.

  • Restate the thesis statement or hypothesis
  • Summarize the key arguments
  • Avoid being obvious
  • Include a call to action

Have a look at the document to explore the sample conclusions of a persuasive essay.

Conclusion Persuasive Essay Examples

Catchy Persuasive Essay Topics

Now that you have read some good examples, it's time to write your own persuasive essay.

But what should you write about? You can write persuasive essays about any topic, from business and online education to controversial topics like abortion , gun control , and more.

Here is a list of ten persuasive essay topics that you can use to grab your reader's attention and make them think:

  • Should the government increase taxes to fund public health initiatives?
  • Is the current education system effective in preparing students for college and the workplace?
  • Should there be tighter gun control laws?
  • Should schools have uniforms or a dress code?
  • Are standardized tests an accurate measure of student performance?
  • Should students be required to take physical education courses?
  • Is undocumented immigration a legitimate cause for concern in the United States?
  • Is affirmative action still necessary in today’s society?
  • How much, if any, regulation should there be on technology companies?
  • Is the death penalty an appropriate form of punishment for serious crimes?

Check out two examples on similar topics:

Political Persuasive Essay Examples

Persuasive Essay Examples About Life

Need more topic ideas? Check out our extensive list of unique persuasive essay topics and get started!

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Persuasive Essay


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How to Write a Persuasive Essay

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A persuasive essay is a type of academic writing where the author presents an argument and tries to convince the reader to adopt their point of view or take a specific action. The goal of a persuasive essay is to persuade or sway the reader's opinion through logical reasoning, evidence, and compelling arguments.

The question of how to write a persuasive essay is often asked by high school or college students. But it is not a secret that the skill of creating a solid persuasive argument is vital not only for students. The ability to form your strong opinion is a very useful instrument to have in life. A person who masters the art of persuading people will be able to build a successful career in any field and build effective relationships. Our academic experts decided to assist you in understanding the importance of this type of academic writing by sharing effective tips on writing an effective persuasive essay, providing examples, general structure, and more. So keep reading and find out everything you should know about persuasive paper.

What Is a Persuasive Essay: Definition

"I think the power of persuasion will be the greatest superpower of all time.” Jenny Mollen  

It does not matter whether you know who Jenny Mollen is or not – she was right when saying it. It is time to provide a clear definition of what is a persuasive essay. It is an academic type of paper, which contains an explanation of a specific topic and tries to convince readers of an author’s truth presenting it as the most biased and competitive point of view. It contains a logical & valid perspective on the problem. Professional Tip:

“People often confuse persuasive writing with argumentative one. The main difference is that an author of an argumentative paper should take a certain position regarding chosen topic while an author of another type of paper should also persuade the target audience, his argument is the dogma. In both cases, authors should respect opposing views. No matter what selected topic/research problem is, a student should conduct extensive research outside of class to succeed.” Prof. Jeremy Walsh, college teacher of Religious Studies & online writer at StudyCrumb

Unlike a position paper , the primary purpose of a persuasive essay is to make people take the same point of view regarding a specific topic. Without credible, relevant evidence, author’s points will not sound strong enough to ensure an audience. Keep on reading to understand structure and explore exciting persuasive essay college examples!

Elements of a Persuasive Essay

Before we get to guidelines and structure of an essay , it is important to mention what are the three main elements of a persuasive essay. First of all, these are foundation of every effective argument, invented by philosopher Aristotle. The goal of these traditional modes of persuasion is building logical arguments and making your audience more likely to trust them. Let’s look at them in more detail.

  • Ethos It is an element that will help you “sell” your point of view. Through this element, a speaker or writer appeals to ethics. They use words and knowledge for building trustworthiness. They persuade their audience of their credibility, character or intelligence. In this way, the public is more likely to believe arguments made.
  • Pathos This element helps you evoke feelings of your readers. Through this element, a speaker or writer appeals to emotions. To make your argument more convincing, you should trigger compassion, joy, sadness, anger, or any other kind of emotion.
  • Logos Through this element, a speaker or writer appeals to logic. Logos will help your readers focus on rational and reasonable validity of your argument.

Persuasive Essay Structure

Do you want to understand how to structure a persuasive essay in detail? Then you should read the next information carefully. A successful writing of a persuasive essay requires a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of this type of paper. You should not only understand your topic and provide good arguments but also know how to structure your thoughts properly. We will help you with that. This guide will explain the fundamentals and major elements of this type of work. So follow the approach we presented below and your persuasive text will stand out from the crowd.

Persuasive Essay Structure

If it get's too challenging, submit your persuasive essay details and pay for professional essay writing at StudyCrumb. Our academic gurus will compose a wonderful essay based on your needs while you are spending time on more important things. 

How to Write a Persuasive Essay Introduction Paragraph

Persuasive Essay Introduction Paragraph

Wonder how to start a persuasive essay ? It is an example of an excellent introduction. An answer to question of how to be persuasive in writing starts with a good persuasive intro. An introduction to this type of academic writing has 2 primary purposes:

  • Attract reader’s attention from opening lines.
  • Present your topic and reveal goals of writing.

Stay subtle if you want to succeed in your persuasive writing. Identify the topic, purposes, main messages, sources, and target audience before developing an outline and start working on the introduction.

Writing a Persuasive Essay Thesis

Conclude an introduction paragraph with the powerful thesis for persuasive essay. It is a sentence or two that stresses the main idea of your whole paper, which is author’s primary argument to persuade the audience. Let’s look at the example:

“Darth Vader from famous George Lucas “Star Wars” was not a real antagonist as he had to survive death of close people, betrayal, and hard political times in his galaxy.”

With a good thesis statement your persuasive essay writing is more likely to impress your audience.

How to Create a Persuasive Essay Body Paragraph

Once you have stated your thesis, the final sentence of your introduction paragraph, do everything possible to defend your idea. Develop 3 strong persuasive arguments that will support your opinion. Every new body paragraph starts with primary idea. It is followed by in-text citations and evidence gathered from primary sources. Before writing each persuasive body paragraph, conduct in-depth research and select the most up-to-date, accurate, and credible facts from sources like books, magazines, newspapers, websites, documentaries, etc. Do not use Wikipedia or similar sources. Teachers do not grade them as anyone can edit those websites. Any website where answers provided to necessary questions are shared by some typical Internet users who are not field experts does not count. In general, structure of body paragraphs looks this way:  

  • Main claim/argument.
  • In-text citations & other evidence.
  • Transition to the following paragraph.

How to Write Persuasive Essay Conclusion Paragraph

Many students underestimate the power of conclusion. An introduction should grab reader’s attention, but a conclusion should leave a positive impression on your reader and make your writing successful. Here we will explain persuasive conclusion paragraph structure. We also advise our users to look at different  essay conclusion examples . Begin with the short overview of the arguments and corresponding evidence. Reword the thesis statement, which closes the opening paragraph to stress the importance of everything written in your persuasive paper. Do not make a conclusion of more than 5 sentences. Avoid inserting new arguments or evidence in the last paragraph. The only new thing the author can add is his forecast for the future/the way the researched problem may be implemented in the real world. To persuade the reader or encourage him in ongoing research, call him sign a petition/join a support group if you write a debatable speech on politics, for example. Quote all the cited sources properly after the conclusion. The list is called Bibliography or References/Works Cited.  

How to Write a Persuasive Essay: 8 Simple Steps

Step 1:  Choose one of the persuasive essay topics that interests you the most. If you have a strong opinion about something, feel free to talk about it in your persuasive essay. This will not only be interesting to you but also make your readers believe in what you say. Browse our topics for a position paper , they can help you with some fresh ideas. Step 2: Research the question from both sides. Obviously, you should know everything about the issue you are for, but not less important to know the side you are against. To make the reader believe you and take your side you should know the arguments you're trying to convince them against. Step 3: Look for some credible sources. Then read the information carefully and make notes in order to use them later in your paper. Step 4: After you have analyzed all sources, create an outline for your essay. A persuasive essay outline will help you put your thoughts in order and organize your arguments. Create logical connections between your evidence and arguments to make the writing process easier. Step 5: Create the attention-grabbing hook for your persuasive essay to intrigue the reader. Include your hook to your strong introduction paragraph. Capture your audience's attention by including the essential background information in your introduction. Step 6: Write your body paragraphs. Try to keep a logical sequence of your arguments by presenting your evidence consecutively, from the weakest reason to the strongest. Step 7: Write a conclusion. Summarize all the main points you talked about in your essay and restate your thesis. Include a call to action. Step 8: Proofread and edit your text. Read it out loud and correct all the grammar mistakes and typos. You can also give your essay to your friend, they can see it from a different angle. Check if the sentence structure is correct. Delete unnecessary words and parts of sentences. Here’s how a template of a persuasive essay on gun control will look. Take a glimpse to get a better idea or simply use StudyCrumb's college essay writing service at once.  

Template of a persuasive essay on gun control

>> Learn more: How to Write a Good Essay

Persuasive Essay Examples: Free Sample to Help on Your Way

To make you understand the topic even better, we have prepared one of the great persuasive essay examples that will give you an overall idea. Feel free to download the available materials or use a sample attached below as a source for inspiration. We hope that this reference will help you organize your thoughts and create an outstanding essay!

Persuasive Essay Format

Another thing you should keep in mind is persuasive paper format. It is important to check formatting once you are done. It includes both in-text citations (direct/indirect) & references. A student must check the way each type of source is cited and references before inserting a new entry in Bibliography . The format for persuasive essay will depend on teacher's guidelines. Review your assignment thoroughly. Pay attention to specifics like a word count, spacing, font and alignment. Anyway, if you don’t know proper formatting, here we provided the general guidelines for essay format:  

Word count:  around 500 words. Fonts: Times New Roman, 12-point. A 16-point font is suitable for the title for your essay, unless you specify otherwise. Arial as well as Georgia fonts are also appropriate in essay writing, too. Spacing: Double-spaced. 1.5 works as well. Alignment: justified.  

Persuasive Writing Tips: Main Points

The points listed below stress an important role of a proper persuasive essay writing.

  • Begin with a clear thesis/controlling point. Establish the focus of writing (place it in the last sentence of an introduction).
  • Introduce thesis after brief introduction with hook sentence coming first. Make sure you know how to write a hook in an essay .
  • Develop body paragraphs based on in-depth research. Provide either narrative/descriptive or argumentative points.
  • Do not forget to add persuasive transition words & phrases. Relate points and make the entire flow of your text smooth.
  • Insert counterarguments and present and reject opposing opinions.
  • A conclusion should enhance central idea. Do not make it repetitive!

Writing a Persuasive Essay: Bottom Line

We've created our concise guide that will help you with your persuasive essay writing. Hope with our tips, examples and a general structure you will know how to write a compelling persuasive essay and improve your skills of convincing your audience in written form. Buy a persuasive essay if you just need the result without any hassle. 


Hire proficient academic writers with the degrees from the top universities in the US and have your perrsuasive paper completed by an expert!  

How to Write a Persuasive Essay: Frequently Asked Questions

1. how long should a persuasive essay be.

Persuasive essays have no paragraph limits. However, a general word count will depend on whether you are middle school, high school or college student. Anyway, try not to exceed 500 word limit. Keep it shorter but emphasize your most relevant information.

2. How are a persuasive essay and an expository essay different?

The difference between persuasive and expository essays is in their purpose. Goal of expository writing is informing your reader or explaining something. It should shed light on some topic so readers understand what it is about. On the other hand, persuasive writing aims to persuade and convince others.

3. Which three strategies are elements of a persuasive essay?

A formal persuasive essay includes three strategies: issue, side, and argument.

  • Issue is what your essay is about. Include an issue in your title.
  • Side (Thesis) means which side of an issue (“for” or “against”) you believe in your essay.
  • Argument is where you are proving your side and convince readers using your arguments and evidence.


Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.


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40 Strong Persuasive Writing Examples (Essays, Speeches, Ads, and More)

Learn from the experts.

The American Crisis historical article, as an instance of persuasive essay examples

The more we read, the better writers we become. Teaching students to write strong persuasive essays should always start with reading some top-notch models. This round-up of persuasive writing examples includes famous speeches, influential ad campaigns, contemporary reviews of famous books, and more. Use them to inspire your students to write their own essays. (Need persuasive essay topics? Check out our list of interesting persuasive essay ideas here! )

  • Persuasive Essays
  • Persuasive Speeches
  • Advertising Campaigns

Persuasive Essay Writing Examples

First paragraph of Thomas Paine's The American Crisis

From the earliest days of print, authors have used persuasive essays to try to sway others to their own point of view. Check out these top persuasive essay writing examples.

Professions for Women by Virginia Woolf

Sample lines: “Outwardly, what is simpler than to write books? Outwardly, what obstacles are there for a woman rather than for a man? Inwardly, I think, the case is very different; she has still many ghosts to fight, many prejudices to overcome. Indeed it will be a long time still, I think, before a woman can sit down to write a book without finding a phantom to be slain, a rock to be dashed against. And if this is so in literature, the freest of all professions for women, how is it in the new professions which you are now for the first time entering?”

The Crisis by Thomas Paine

Sample lines: “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.”

Politics and the English Language by George Orwell

Sample lines: “As I have tried to show, modern writing at its worst does not consist in picking out words for the sake of their meaning and inventing images in order to make the meaning clearer. It consists in gumming together long strips of words which have already been set in order by someone else, and making the results presentable by sheer humbug.”

Letter From a Birmingham Jail by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Sample lines: “We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. Frankly, I have yet to engage in a direct action campaign that was ‘well timed’ in the view of those who have not suffered unduly from the disease of segregation. For years now I have heard the word ‘Wait!’ It rings in the ear of every Negro with piercing familiarity. This ‘Wait’ has almost always meant ‘Never.’ We must come to see, with one of our distinguished jurists, that ‘justice too long delayed is justice denied.'”

Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

Sample lines: “Even voting for the right is doing nothing for it. It is only expressing to men feebly your desire that it should prevail. A wise man will not leave the right to the mercy of chance, nor wish it to prevail through the power of the majority. There is but little virtue in the action of masses of men.”

Go Gentle Into That Good Night by Roger Ebert

Sample lines: “‘Kindness’ covers all of my political beliefs. No need to spell them out. I believe that if, at the end of it all, according to our abilities, we have done something to make others a little happier, and something to make ourselves a little happier, that is about the best we can do. To make others less happy is a crime.”

The Way to Wealth by Benjamin Franklin

Sample lines: “Methinks I hear some of you say, must a man afford himself no leisure? I will tell thee, my friend, what Poor Richard says, employ thy time well if thou meanest to gain leisure; and, since thou art not sure of a minute, throw not away an hour. Leisure is time for doing something useful; this leisure the diligent man will obtain, but the lazy man never; so that, as Poor Richard says, a life of leisure and a life of laziness are two things.”

The Crack-Up by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Sample lines: “Of course all life is a process of breaking down, but the blows that do the dramatic side of the work—the big sudden blows that come, or seem to come, from outside—the ones you remember and blame things on and, in moments of weakness, tell your friends about, don’t show their effect all at once.”

Open Letter to the Kansas School Board by Bobby Henderson

Sample lines: “I am writing you with much concern after having read of your hearing to decide whether the alternative theory of Intelligent Design should be taught along with the theory of Evolution. … Let us remember that there are multiple theories of Intelligent Design. I and many others around the world are of the strong belief that the universe was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster. … We feel strongly that the overwhelming scientific evidence pointing towards evolutionary processes is nothing but a coincidence, put in place by Him. It is for this reason that I’m writing you today, to formally request that this alternative theory be taught in your schools, along with the other two theories.”

Open Letter to the United Nations by Niels Bohr

Sample lines: “Humanity will, therefore, be confronted with dangers of unprecedented character unless, in due time, measures can be taken to forestall a disastrous competition in such formidable armaments and to establish an international control of the manufacture and use of the powerful materials.”

Persuasive Speech Writing Examples

Many persuasive speeches are political in nature, often addressing subjects like human rights. Here are some of history’s most well-known persuasive writing examples in the form of speeches.

I Have a Dream by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Sample lines: “And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”

Woodrow Wilson’s War Message to Congress, 1917

Sample lines: “There are, it may be, many months of fiery trial and sacrifice ahead of us. It is a fearful thing to lead this great peaceful people into war, into the most terrible and disastrous of all wars, civilization itself seeming to be in the balance. But the right is more precious than peace, and we shall fight for the things which we have always carried nearest our hearts—for democracy, for the right of those who submit to authority to have a voice in their own governments, for the rights and liberties of small nations, for a universal dominion of right by such a concert of free peoples as shall bring peace and safety to all nations and make the world itself at last free.”

Chief Seattle’s 1854 Oration

Sample lines: “I here and now make this condition that we will not be denied the privilege without molestation of visiting at any time the tombs of our ancestors, friends, and children. Every part of this soil is sacred in the estimation of my people. Every hillside, every valley, every plain and grove, has been hallowed by some sad or happy event in days long vanished. Even the rocks, which seem to be dumb and dead as they swelter in the sun along the silent shore, thrill with memories of stirring events connected with the lives of my people, and the very dust upon which you now stand responds more lovingly to their footsteps than yours, because it is rich with the blood of our ancestors, and our bare feet are conscious of the sympathetic touch.”

Women’s Rights Are Human Rights, Hillary Rodham Clinton

Sample lines: “What we are learning around the world is that if women are healthy and educated, their families will flourish. If women are free from violence, their families will flourish. If women have a chance to work and earn as full and equal partners in society, their families will flourish. And when families flourish, communities and nations do as well. … If there is one message that echoes forth from this conference, let it be that human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights once and for all.”

I Am Prepared to Die, Nelson Mandela

Sample lines: “Above all, My Lord, we want equal political rights, because without them our disabilities will be permanent. I know this sounds revolutionary to the whites in this country, because the majority of voters will be Africans. This makes the white man fear democracy. But this fear cannot be allowed to stand in the way of the only solution which will guarantee racial harmony and freedom for all. It is not true that the enfranchisement of all will result in racial domination. Political division, based on color, is entirely artificial and, when it disappears, so will the domination of one color group by another. … This then is what the ANC is fighting. Our struggle is a truly national one. It is a struggle of the African people, inspired by our own suffering and our own experience. It is a struggle for the right to live.”

The Struggle for Human Rights by Eleanor Roosevelt

Sample lines: “It is my belief, and I am sure it is also yours, that the struggle for democracy and freedom is a critical struggle, for their preservation is essential to the great objective of the United Nations to maintain international peace and security. Among free men the end cannot justify the means. We know the patterns of totalitarianism—the single political party, the control of schools, press, radio, the arts, the sciences, and the church to support autocratic authority; these are the age-old patterns against which men have struggled for 3,000 years. These are the signs of reaction, retreat, and retrogression. The United Nations must hold fast to the heritage of freedom won by the struggle of its people; it must help us to pass it on to generations to come.”

Freedom From Fear by Aung San Suu Kyi

Sample lines: “Saints, it has been said, are the sinners who go on trying. So free men are the oppressed who go on trying and who in the process make themselves fit to bear the responsibilities and to uphold the disciplines which will maintain a free society. Among the basic freedoms to which men aspire that their lives might be full and uncramped, freedom from fear stands out as both a means and an end. A people who would build a nation in which strong, democratic institutions are firmly established as a guarantee against state-induced power must first learn to liberate their own minds from apathy and fear.”

Harvey Milk’s “The Hope” Speech

Sample lines: “Some people are satisfied. And some people are not. You see there is a major difference—and it remains a vital difference—between a friend and a gay person, a friend in office and a gay person in office. Gay people have been slandered nationwide. We’ve been tarred and we’ve been brushed with the picture of pornography. In Dade County, we were accused of child molestation. It is not enough anymore just to have friends represent us, no matter how good that friend may be.”

The Union and the Strike, Cesar Chavez

Sample lines: “We are showing our unity in our strike. Our strike is stopping the work in the fields; our strike is stopping ships that would carry grapes; our strike is stopping the trucks that would carry the grapes. Our strike will stop every way the grower makes money until we have a union contract that guarantees us a fair share of the money he makes from our work! We are a union and we are strong and we are striking to force the growers to respect our strength!”

Nobel Lecture by Malala Yousafzai

Sample lines: “The world can no longer accept that basic education is enough. Why do leaders accept that for children in developing countries, only basic literacy is sufficient, when their own children do homework in algebra, mathematics, science, and physics? Leaders must seize this opportunity to guarantee a free, quality, primary and secondary education for every child. Some will say this is impractical, or too expensive, or too hard. Or maybe even impossible. But it is time the world thinks bigger.”   

Persuasive Writing Examples in Advertising Campaigns

Ads are prime persuasive writing examples. You can flip open any magazine or watch TV for an hour or two to see sample after sample of persuasive language. Here are some of the most popular ad campaigns of all time, with links to articles explaining why they were so successful.

Nike: Just Do It


The iconic swoosh with the simple tagline has persuaded millions to buy their kicks from Nike and Nike alone. Teamed with pro sports-star endorsements, this campaign is one for the ages. Blinkist offers an opinion on what made it work.

Dove: Real Beauty

Beauty brand Dove changed the game by choosing “real” women to tell their stories instead of models. They used relatable images and language to make connections, and inspired other brands to try the same concept. Learn why Global Brands considers this one a true success story.

Wendy’s: Where’s the Beef?

Today’s kids are too young to remember the cranky old woman demanding to know where the beef was on her fast-food hamburger. But in the 1980s, it was a catchphrase that sold millions of Wendy’s burgers. Learn from Better Marketing how this ad campaign even found its way into the 1984 presidential debate.

De Beers: A Diamond Is Forever

Diamond engagement ring on black velvet. Text reads "How do you make two months' salary last forever? The Diamond Engagement Ring."

A diamond engagement ring has become a standard these days, but the tradition isn’t as old as you might think. In fact, it was De Beers jewelry company’s 1948 campaign that created the modern engagement ring trend. The Drum has the whole story of this sparkling campaign.

Volkswagen: Think Small

Americans have always loved big cars. So in the 1960s, when Volkswagen wanted to introduce their small cars to a bigger market, they had a problem. The clever “Think Small” campaign gave buyers clever reasons to consider these models, like “If you run out of gas, it’s easy to push.” Learn how advertisers interested American buyers in little cars at Visual Rhetoric.

American Express: Don’t Leave Home Without It

AmEx was once better known for traveler’s checks than credit cards, and the original slogan was “Don’t leave home without them.” A simple word change convinced travelers that American Express was the credit card they needed when they headed out on adventures. Discover more about this persuasive campaign from Medium.

Skittles: Taste the Rainbow

Bag of Skittles candy against a blue background. Text reads

These candy ads are weird and intriguing and probably not for everyone. But they definitely get you thinking, and that often leads to buying. Learn more about why these wacky ads are successful from The Drum.

Maybelline: Maybe She’s Born With It

Smart wordplay made this ad campaign slogan an instant hit. The ads teased, “Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s Maybelline.” (So many literary devices all in one phrase!) Fashionista has more on this beauty campaign.

Coca-Cola: Share a Coke

Seeing their own name on a bottle made teens more likely to want to buy a Coke. What can that teach us about persuasive writing in general? It’s an interesting question to consider. Learn more about the “Share a Coke” campaign from Digital Vidya.

Always: #LikeaGirl

Always ad showing a young girl holding a softball. Text reads

Talk about the power of words! This Always campaign turned the derogatory phrase “like a girl” on its head, and the world embraced it. Storytelling is an important part of persuasive writing, and these ads really do it well. Medium has more on this stereotype-bashing campaign.   

Editorial Persuasive Writing Examples

Original newspaper editorial

Newspaper editors or publishers use editorials to share their personal opinions. Noted politicians, experts, or pundits may also offer their opinions on behalf of the editors or publishers. Here are a couple of older well-known editorials, along with a selection from current newspapers.

Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus (1897)

Sample lines: “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! How dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias.”

What’s the Matter With Kansas? (1896)

Sample lines: “Oh, this IS a state to be proud of! We are a people who can hold up our heads! What we need is not more money, but less capital, fewer white shirts and brains, fewer men with business judgment, and more of those fellows who boast that they are ‘just ordinary clodhoppers, but they know more in a minute about finance than John Sherman,’ we need more men … who hate prosperity, and who think, because a man believes in national honor, he is a tool of Wall Street.”

America Can Have Democracy or Political Violence. Not Both. (The New York Times)

Sample lines: “The nation is not powerless to stop a slide toward deadly chaos. If institutions and individuals do more to make it unacceptable in American public life, organized violence in the service of political objectives can still be pushed to the fringes. When a faction of one of the country’s two main political parties embraces extremism, that makes thwarting it both more difficult and more necessary. A well-functioning democracy demands it.”

The Booster Isn’t Perfect, But Still Can Help Against COVID (The Washington Post)

Sample lines: “The booster shots are still free, readily available and work better than the previous boosters even as the virus evolves. Much still needs to be done to build better vaccines that protect longer and against more variants, including those that might emerge in the future. But it is worth grabbing the booster that exists today, the jab being a small price for any measure that can help keep COVID at bay.”

If We Want Wildlife To Thrive in L.A., We Have To Share Our Neighborhoods With Them (Los Angeles Times)

Sample lines: “If there are no corridors for wildlife movement and if excessive excavation of dirt to build bigger, taller houses erodes the slope of a hillside, then we are slowly destroying wildlife habitat. For those people fretting about what this will do to their property values—isn’t open space, trees, and wildlife an amenity in these communities?”   

Persuasive Review Writing Examples

Image of first published New York Times Book Review

Book or movie reviews are more great persuasive writing examples. Look for those written by professionals for the strongest arguments and writing styles. Here are reviews of some popular books and movies by well-known critics to use as samples.

The Great Gatsby (The Chicago Tribune, 1925)

Sample lines: “What ails it, fundamentally, is the plain fact that it is simply a story—that Fitzgerald seems to be far more interested in maintaining its suspense than in getting under the skins of its people. It is not that they are false: It is that they are taken too much for granted. Only Gatsby himself genuinely lives and breathes. The rest are mere marionettes—often astonishingly lifelike, but nevertheless not quite alive.”

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (The Washington Post, 1999)

Sample lines: “Obviously, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone should make any modern 11-year-old a very happy reader. The novel moves quickly, packs in everything from a boa constrictor that winks to a melancholy Zen-spouting centaur to an owl postal system, and ends with a scary surprise. Yet it is, essentially, a light-hearted thriller, interrupted by occasional seriousness (the implications of Harry’s miserable childhood, a moral about the power of love).”

Twilight (The Telegraph, 2009)

Sample lines: “No secret, of course, at whom this book is aimed, and no doubt, either, that it has hit its mark. The four Twilight novels are not so much enjoyed, as devoured, by legions of young female fans worldwide. That’s not to say boys can’t enjoy these books; it’s just that the pages of heart-searching dialogue between Edward and Bella may prove too long on chat and too short on action for the average male reader.”

To Kill a Mockingbird (Time, 1960)

Sample lines: “Author Lee, 34, an Alabaman, has written her first novel with all of the tactile brilliance and none of the preciosity generally supposed to be standard swamp-warfare issue for Southern writers. The novel is an account of an awakening to good and evil, and a faint catechistic flavor may have been inevitable. But it is faint indeed; novelist Lee’s prose has an edge that cuts through cant, and she teaches the reader an astonishing number of useful truths about little girls and about Southern life.”

The Diary of Anne Frank (The New York Times, 1952)

Sample lines: “And this quality brings it home to any family in the world today. Just as the Franks lived in momentary fear of the Gestapo’s knock on their hidden door, so every family today lives in fear of the knock of war. Anne’s diary is a great affirmative answer to the life-question of today, for she shows how ordinary people, within this ordeal, consistently hold to the greater human values.”   

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Plus, the big list of essay topics for high school (120+ ideas) ..

Find strong persuasive writing examples to use for inspiration, including essays, speeches, advertisements, reviews, and more.

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50 Persuasive Essay Topics to Help You Ace Your Next Assignment

50 Persuasive Essay Topics to Help You Ace Your Next Assignment

5-minute read

  • 19th January 2023

Welcome to your ultimate guide to persuasive essay topics! 

In this post, we’ll provide a list of 50 persuasive essay topics to help you get started on your next assignment. 

We’ll also include some tips for writing a persuasive essay to help you craft a strong and effective argument. Whether you’re a student or a professional writer, these persuasive essay topics are sure to inspire and challenge you.

What Is a Persuasive Essay?

Persuasive essays are a type of argumentative essay that encourage the reader to accept a particular point of view or take a specific action.

They typically open with a question, followed by a series of arguments intended to persuade the reader to take the same side as the author.

In a persuasive essay, the author will usually appeal to the readers’ emotions in order to prove that their opinion is the correct one. But this doesn’t mean that persuasive essays ignore evidence , facts, and figures; an effective persuasive essay makes use of a combination of logical argument and emotive language to sway the audience.

A persuasive essay can cover just about anything from pop culture to politics. With that in mind, we’ve put together this list of 50 persuasive essay topics to inspire your next assignment!

Top 50 Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Should the government censor the internet?
  • Should the government regulate the sale of violent video games?
  • Should self-driving cars be banned?
  • Is facial recognition software unethical?
  • Should mental health apps collect users’ personal data?
  • Should children under 13 have cell phones?
  • Should internet access be treated as a human right?
  • Should all paperwork be digitized?

Science and the Environment

  • Should the use of plastic bags be banned?
  • Should genetically modified organisms be labeled?
  • Should we clone human beings?
  • Should animal testing be allowed?
  • Should the government fund space exploration?
  • Should the government regulate the use of pesticides in farming?
  • Should the government regulate the use of antibiotics in livestock?
  • Should the government fine people who drive gas-powered vehicles?
  • Should climate change be declared a national emergency?

Crime and Politics

  • Should the death penalty be abolished?
  • Should all American citizens have to serve a year of community service?
  • Should the US voting age be lowered to 16?
  • Should the government adopt a tougher immigration policy?
  • Should the government cut its military spending?
  • Should the government introduce a national living wage?
  • Should politicians be banned from social media?
  • Should the electoral college be abolished?

Health and Fitness

  • Should the government provide universal healthcare?
  • Should the government ban the use of certain chemicals in cosmetics?
  • Should parents be allowed to choose the gender of their unborn child?
  • Should physical exercise be mandatory at work?
  • Should employees have to disclose health conditions to their employers?
  • Should fast food commercials be banned?
  • Should herbal medicines be better regulated?
  • Should regular mental health checkups be mandatory?
  • Should schools offer fast food options like McDonald’s or Taco Bell?
  • Should students be required to wear uniforms?
  • Should the government provide free college education?
  • Should schools offer comprehensive sex education?
  • Are high school students given too much homework?
  • Should humanities and arts subjects receive more funding?
  • Should military recruiters be allowed on school grounds?
  • Is the school day too long?
  • Should every US citizen be required to learn another language?

Lifestyle and Culture

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  • Should the drinking age be lowered or raised?
  • Should the use of tobacco be banned?
  • Should marijuana be legalized?
  • Should all museums and art galleries be free?
  • Should kids be encouraged to read more?
  • Should public spaces provide unisex bathrooms?
  • Is pet ownership a human right?
  • Should extreme sports be banned?

Tips for Writing a Persuasive Essay

Once you’ve chosen your topic, it’s time to start writing your persuasive essay. Here are our tips:

Choose a Side

When you’ve picked the question you’re going to address in your essay, you also need to choose one side – or answer – that you’re going to write in favor of.

It helps if you’re passionate about the topic, as this will enable you to write from an emotional perspective.

Do Your Research

In order to write persuasively , you need to understand the topic you’re writing about. 

Make sure you know the details of your subject matter, and can provide facts and figures to back up your appeal to your readers’ emotions.

You should also read up about different points of view on the topic, so that you can bring them up in the form of counterarguments and rebuttals .

Keep Your Audience in Mind

When you’re writing your essay, think about who it is you’re trying to persuade. The way you speak to a student, for example, will be different to how you address a parent.

Consider what your potential audience will value, and how you can reach them on an emotional level. 

Outline Your Essay

Now you’ve got all the information you need, it’s time to plan and write your essay.

You should break it down into the follow sections:

  • An introduction, which sets up the question you’re going to answer and what side of the argument you are aiming to persuade the reader of.
  • The body of the essay, with a paragraph for each of the points you want to make.
  • A conclusion, where you summarize your points and main arguments.

Get It Proofread

As with any essay, your finished persuasive essay will need proofreading to make sure it’s the best it can be.

Our academic proofreading team here at Proofed can help with that. You can even get your first 500 words proofread for free !

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persuasive essay

What is persuasive essay definition, usage, and literary examples, persuasive essay definition.

A persuasive essay (purr-SWEY-siv ESS-ey) is a composition in which the essayist’s goal is to persuade the reader to agree with their personal views on a debatable topic. A persuasive essay generally follows a five-paragraph model with a thesis, body paragraphs, and conclusion, and it offers evidential support using research and other persuasive techniques.

Persuasive Essay Topic Criteria

To write an effective persuasive essay, the essayist needs to ensure that the topic they choose is polemical, or debatable. If it isn’t, there’s no point in trying to persuade the reader.

For example, a persuasive essayist wouldn’t write about how honeybees make honey; this is a well-known fact, and there’s no opposition to sway. The essayist might, however, write an essay on why the reader shouldn’t put pesticides on their lawn, as it threatens the bee population and environmental health.

A topic should also be concrete enough that the essayist can research and find evidence to support their argument. Using the honeybee example, the essayist could cite statistics showing a decline in the honeybee population since the use of pesticides became prevalent in lawncare. This concrete evidence supports the essayist’s opinion.

Persuasive Essay Structure

The persuasive essay generally follows this five-paragraph model.


The introduction includes the thesis, which is the main argument of the persuasive essay. A thesis for the essay on bees and pesticides might be: “Bees are essential to environmental health, and we should protect them by abstaining from the use of harmful lawn pesticides that dwindle the bee population.”

The introductory paragraph should also include some context and background info, like bees’ impact on crop pollination. This paragraph may also include common counterarguments, such as acknowledging how some people don’t believe pesticides harm bees.

Body Paragraphs

The body consists of two or more paragraphs and provides the main arguments. This is also where the essayist’s research and evidential support will appear. For example, the essayist might elaborate on the statistics they alluded to in the introductory paragraph to support their points. Many persuasive essays include a counterargument paragraph to refute conflicting opinions.

The final paragraph readdresses the thesis statement and reexamines the essayist’s main arguments.

Types of Persuasive Essays

Persuasive essays can take several forms. They can encourage the reader to change a habit or support a cause, ask the reader to oppose a certain practice, or compare two things and suggest that one is superior to the other. Here are thesis examples for each type, based on the bee example:

  • Call for Support, Action, or Change : “Stop using pesticides on your lawns to save the environmentally essential bees.”
  • Call for Opposition : “Oppose the big businesses that haven’t conducted environmental studies concerning bees and pesticides.”
  • Superior Subject : “Natural lawn care is far superior to using harmful pesticides.”

The Three Elements of Persuasion

Aristotle first suggested that there were three main elements to persuading an audience: ethos, pathos, and logos. Essayists implement these same tactics to persuade their readers.

Ethos refers to the essayist’s character or authority; this could mean the writer’s name or credibility. For example, a writer might seem more trustworthy if they’ve frequently written on a subject, have a degree related to the subject, or have extensive experience concerning a subject. A writer can also refer to the opinions of other experts, such as a beekeeper who believes pesticides are harming the bee population.

Pathos is an argument that uses the reader’s emotions and morality to persuade them. An argument that uses pathos might point to the number of bees that have died and what that suggests for food production: “If crop production decreases, it will be impoverished families that suffer, with perhaps more poor children having to go hungry.” This argument might make the reader empathetic to the plight of starving children and encourage them to take action against pesticide pollution.

The logos part of the essay uses logic and reason to persuade the reader. This includes the essayist’s research and whatever evidence they’ve collected to support their arguments, such as statistics.

Terms Related to Persuasive Essays

Argumentative Essays

While persuasive essays may use logic and research to support the essayist’s opinions, argumentative essays are more solely based on research and refrain from using emotional arguments. Argumentative essays are also more likely to include in-depth information on counterarguments.

Persuasive Speeches

Persuasive essays and persuasive speeches are similar in intent, but they differ in terms of format, delivery, emphasis, and tone .

In a speech, the speaker can use gestures and inflections to emphasize their points, so the delivery is almost as important as the information a speech provides. A speech requires less structure than an essay, though the repetition of ideas is often necessary to ensure that the audience is absorbing the material. Additionally, a speech relies more heavily on emotion, as the speaker must hold the reader’s attention and interest. In Queen Elizabeth I’s “Tilbury Speech,” for example, she addresses her audience in a personable and highly emotional way: “My loving people, We have been persuaded by some that are careful of our safety, to take heed how we commit our selves to armed multitudes for fear of treachery; but I assure you I do not desire to live to distrust my faithful and loving people. Let tyrants fear.”

Examples of Persuasive Essay

1. Martin Luther King, Jr., “Letter From Birmingham Jail”

Dr. King directs his essay at the Alabama clergymen who opposed his call for protests. The clergymen suggested that King had no business being in Alabama, that he shouldn’t oppose some of the more respectful segregationists, and that he has poor timing. However, here, King attempts to persuade the men that his actions are just:

I am in Birmingham because injustice is here. Just as the prophets of the eight century B.C. left their villages and carried their ‘thus saith the Lord’ far beyond the boundaries of their hometowns, and just as the Apostle Paul left his village of Tarsus and carried the gospel of Jesus Christ to the far corners of the Greco-Roman world, so am I compelled to carry the gospel of freedom beyond my hometown.

Here, King is invoking the ethos of Biblical figures who the clergymen would’ve respected. By comparing himself to Paul, he’s claiming to be a disciple spreading the “gospel of freedom” rather than an outsider butting into Alabama’s affairs.

2. Garrett Hardin, “The Tragedy of Commons”

Hardin argues that a society that shares resources is apt to overuse those resources as the population increases. He attempts to persuade readers that the human population’s growth should be regulated for the sake of preserving resources:

The National Parks present another instance of the working out of the tragedy of commons. At present, they are open to all, without limit. The parks themselves are limited in extent—there is only one Yosemite Valley—whereas population seems to grow without limit. The values that visitors seek in the parks are steadily eroded. Plainly, we must soon cease to treat the parks as commons, or they will be of no value to anyone.

In this excerpt, Harden uses an example that appeals to the reader’s logic. If the human population continues to rise, causing park visitors to increase, parks will continue to erode until there’s nothing left.

Further Resources on Persuasive Essays

We at SuperSummary offer excellent resources for penning your own essays .

Find a list of famous persuasive speeches at .

Read up on the elements of persuasion at the American Management Association website.

Related Terms

  • Argumentative Essay

powerful persuasive essay

Persuasive Essay Writing

Persuasive Essay Examples

Cathy A.

Ace Your Next Essay With These Persuasive Essay Examples!

Published on: Jan 5, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 29, 2024

persuasive essay examples

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Are you starting to feel overwhelmed with that persuasive essay assignment?

Relax! We're here to help. 

In this post, we've collected some persuasive essay examples for you to study. By looking at these examples, you'll better understand how to craft your persuasive essay .

Plus, who knows? You might even find some inspiration for your next writing project. 

So let's get started!

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Persuasive Essay Examples for Students

We've compiled a selection of persuasive essay examples to provide you with a starting point. These examples will serve as practical guides to help you understand how to write persuasively and effectively structure your essays.

Check them out below:

How to Start a Persuasive Essay Examples PDF

Persuasive Essay Examples Middle School PDF

Persuasive Essay Examples High School PDF

Persuasive Essay Examples Grade 10 PDF

Persuasive Essay Examples University PDF

Higher English Persuasive Essay Examples PDF

Political Persuasive Essay Examples PDF

Persuasive Essay Examples About Life PDF

Persuasive Essay Examples About Global Warming PDF

Now that you've seen these examples, you're all set to start writing!

Let's now shift our focus to different formats of persuasive essays, offering you even more versatility in your writing journey.

Persuasive Essay Examples for Different Formats

Looking to get an idea of how a persuasive essay should look according to various formats?  We will provide some persuasive essay examples PDF to show you the ideal persuasive essay format.

Persuasive Essay Examples 5 Paragraph PDF

Persuasive Essay Examples 3 Paragraph PDF

Short Persuasive Essay Examples PDF

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Tough Essay Due? Hire a Writer!

6 Tips to Write a Compelling Persuasive Essay

By now, you are familiar with the basic persuasive essay requirements, structure, and format. So, here are six basic tips that can help you write a high-scoring persuasive essay:

1. Know Your Audience

Consider who will be reading your essay and what their preconceived notions or beliefs would be. This will enable you to tailor your persuasive essay accordingly to ensure that it has a maximum persuasive impact. 

2. Research Thoroughly

Strong persuasive essays are rooted in solid research. When researching for your essay topic, get as much information as possible to make a persuasive case.

3. Analyze Persuasive Essay Examples

Examining persuasive essay examples such as those provided in this blog can help you better understand the persuasive writing style and structure. Look for persuasive essays written by others and use them as models to improve your writing.

4. Structure Your Persuasive Essay

When writing persuasive essays, it is important to have a logical structure that allows you to make your case in an organized manner and effectively support your thesis statement . 

Creating a persuasive essay outline before writing can help you structure your essay properly. Through a well-organized outline, proper transitions, and persuasive language, you can achieve a logical arrangement of arguments in your essay.

5. Support Your Argument

Make sure that any claims made in your persuasive essays are backed up through evidence . Be sure to include data, facts, and quotes that aim to convince the readers and support your point of view.

6. Know How To End Your Essay

Just as it's crucial to begin your persuasive essay on a high note, closing your essay effectively is equally important. Close strongly by summarizing the main points and encouraging readers to adopt a specific action.

Persuasive Essay Examples Topics

Selecting the right topic is an important aspect of crafting an effective persuasive essay. Your choice of topic defines the foundation of your argument and greatly influences your essay's overall impact.  

Here are some good examples of topics to get you started:

  • Should national healthcare be subsidized by the government?
  • Should college education be free for all students? 
  • Is it ethical to use animals in medical research? 
  • Should public schools incorporate prayer into daily activities? 
  • Should students be allowed to grade their teachers? 
  • Should drug testing for welfare recipients be mandatory? 
  • Should the voting age be lowered to 16? 
  • Should extreme sports be banned from public entertainment? 
  • Should recreational marijuana use be legalized? 
  • Is online education as effective as traditional learning?

Remember, the key is to be convincing by providing clear evidence and logically linking your points together. 

Check out some additional  persuasive essay topics  to get some inspiration to write your next essay.

So, there you have it. Ten persuasive essay examples and tips to help you write a successful paper. 

We hope these essays inspire you as you work on your writing.

And if you need a little extra help getting started or polishing off your masterpiece, our custom essay writing service  is here to assist. 

We offer help from expert writers who are sure to get the grades you deserve. Our persuasive essay writing service ensures that you always get the best essays. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some examples of persuasive essays.

Examples of persuasive essays include argumentative essays, opinion essays, and cause-and-effect essays that state a clear position and support it with relevant evidence. 

How can I make my persuasive essay more effective?

To make your persuasive essay more effective, you should include clear and concise arguments supported by evidence, provide logical explanations for why your position is valid, and address any opposing viewpoints.

How do I structure a persuasive essay?

A persuasive essay typically follows the standard 5-paragraph structure of an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

What are some common persuasive essay topics?

Common persuasive essay topics include gun control, global warming, animal rights, climate change, racial inequality, education reform, and health care reform. 

Additionally, current events and controversial topics can be effective persuasive essay topics.

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powerful persuasive essay

Top 257 Good Persuasive Essay Topics [Tips & Prompts]

powerful persuasive essay

What if your teacher assigned you to write an essay about anything you like? It would excite you at first. You’d consider endless opportunities to express yourself and show your writing skills…

…But then, you start looking for a good persuasive essay idea, and nothing seems to stand out.

Don’t worry:

We have a list of good persuasive essay topics for you! IvyPanda’s team compiled these great ideas that you can explore in detail. Use them for academic writing or public speaking—they would sound convincing either way. And don’t forget to check out our tips on composing a perfect persuasive essay.

Let’s get started and see if you like anything!

  • ✋ What Is a Good Topic?
  • 📌 Top-12 Topics
  • 🎉 Funny Essay Topics
  • 🎈 For Elementary Students
  • 👩‍🏫‍ For Middle & High School
  • 🎓 For College
  • 🦉 For Higher English
  • 🏈 Sports Topics
  • 🩺 Health Topics
  • 📲 Social Media Topics
  • 🎹 Music Topics
  • 💖 Love & Family Topics
  • ✔ 60 More Topics
  • ‍‍💁‍♀️ 6 Tips on Writing
  • 📜 5 Writing Prompts

✋ What is a Good Persuasive Topic?

We can start by understanding what some good persuasive topics ideas are. A lot of people think that persuasive writing is the same thing as the argumentative one. They cannot be more wrong.

Argumentative one is a type of writing that presents arguments without trying to convince anyone. Moreover, it shows both sides of a dispute. There are numerous beautiful essay examples that demonstrate it.

Persuasive writing is a piece of academic writing, which attempts to persuade that the presented viewpoint is more legitimate than any other. The word “persuade” derives from the Latin word “persuadere,” which means “to convince.” This type of essay doesn’t only describe a situation. It takes a stand and delivers a point.

A persuasive essay presents arguments about one aspect of the issue.

You can use a good persuasive essay topic for both writing and speech preparation. Public speaking can become a lot more engaging when you have a convincing title. Here you can find one that can serve as an exceptional speech idea.

A persuasive topic is good if:

  • It serves the purpose. You should be able to develop the topic. Check if there is room for discussion and analysis. For that, make sure there are plenty of primary and secondary sources available. It’s a good idea to check it out before picking your topic.
  • It’s engaging for you. Remember that it’s you who will have to write your essay. So, pick something that genuinely interests you. Make sure you will be able to write about it with ease.
  • It’s relevant to your readers. Always keep in mind the people who will read your paper. Who is your target audience? Pick a topic that resonates with your audience. Choose something that matters to them.
  • It’s unique. One of the best things you can do when coming up with ideas is to stay original and fresh. Of course, it’s quite challenging to find a completely unique topic. However, even if it is more or less common, attempt to find an unusual perspective on the issue.

The persuasive topic that was repeated over and over again cannot be convincing.

📌 Top-12 Good Persuasive Essay Ideas

  • Is the Internet safe for young kids?
  • Should we abolish zoos?
  • Can animal testing be ethical?
  • Is euthanasia a human right?
  • Do public libraries need more funding?
  • Is green energy reliable?
  • Can we remain anonymous online?
  • Is gender a social construct?
  • How can debt be relieved for college students?
  • Is there a point to political debates?
  • Did the 2020 pandemic change the world?
  • What is better – high school or middle school?

🎉 Funny Persuasive Essay Topics

Writing about something funny and entertaining is always more pleasant. Not only it puts you in a good mood, but also it helps you to train your sense of humor and stay creative. For your audience, it is even more exciting to read something fun.

This list of funny persuasive essay topics ideas will help you to start your essay. Or it can assist with brainstorming and generating your unique funny ideas.

  • Girls do not like gossiping more than boys do. It is a widespread belief, but do you think it depends on gender? Or is it a stereotype that we keep perpetuating? If you ask any man if he gossips, the answer will most probably be negative. However, it is not valid. Men gossip as well. The difference is that they don’t consider their conversations as gossiping.
  • Why should people eat less junk food? There are so many good reasons why people should eat less junk food. You can start with listing health benefits, the financial aspects of it. Add data about the inability to check sanitary norms and allergy restrictions. It is a straightforward and exciting topic to write about.
  • Everyone should know how to cook.
  • Why do smokers have more acquaintances?
  • Why parents should stop lying about Santa Claus .
  • People should live together before getting married.

Living together prior to getting hitched has increased since the 1960s in the USA.

  • The color of your hair does not affect your IQ. There is a common stereotype that your hair color can somehow determine your IQ. This stereotype has been reinforced by Hollywood movies, magazines, and even by some ordinary people. Can it be true? Find some good scientific explanation for the position you hold.
  • Why is social media great for you?
  • Regular exercise can help you be happy .
  • Netflix can help you grow as an individual.
  • Why should homework not be given to kids?
  • Overprotection can make your child fail in life . Every parent should allow kids to make mistakes. Unfortunately, that is how we learn. Without this valuable experience, we cannot succeed as adults. We will not be able to make crucial decisions because we will be so afraid of failure. Parents should be able to teach their kids that failure is normal because it is a part of life.
  • Physical attractiveness can help you succeed .

😊 Good Persuasive Essay Topics

When you are trying to find a persuasive essay topic, it may not work for you. The task is either too simple or way too hard. This list is arranged based on your academic level. Hopefully, it will help you to navigate and find the topic for a persuasive essay.

🎈 Persuasive Essay Topics for Elementary Students

Being able to persuade others is a vital skill. To do that, we need to learn how to express our thoughts and ideas logically and coherently. Your sentences and words should be straight to the point.

These skills should be trained even at elementary school. This list can help you to come up with the topic for the next elementary school essay.

By the age of eleven, kids should know how to explain their perspective and persuade.

  • School uniform is a good idea . If you disagree with this statement, you can easily change it to be what you agree with. There are plenty of reasons why a school uniform is a great idea. First, it teaches kids to obey authority. They will wear uniforms for the rest of their life no matter what professional path they will use. Second of all, it helps to balance economic differences between kids. Some parents cannot afford expensive clothing, while others can.
  • School breaks should be longer.
  • Watching TV is good for you.
  • Why there should be no homework .
  • Eating vegetables is good for your health .
  • Why every child should be allowed to have a pet . Having a pet lets you experience what it is to be an adult. It teaches you responsibility. If you have a pet, you can share the lessons you have learned.
  • Summer and Winter are the best seasons.
  • Kids should be allowed to play computer games.
  • I should be able to go to bed when I want to.
  • Kids should be able to vote.
  • My parents should pay me for doing chores.
  • Why having a piggy bank can help you in life. Financial education should start at a very early age. Kids should be able to understand the value of money and what it means to save. If you have a piggy bank, you can share what benefits it has for you.
  • Students should be able to give grades to teachers.
  • Should we get paid for good grades?
  • Having a big family has more benefits than disadvantages.
  • Cats are better than dogs.
  • Students should be allowed to pick their teachers.
  • Using a cell phone at school should be allowed .
  • Why learning another language is good for you. Do you like traveling? Or watching movies and cartoons? Learning another language can help you to do so while using a foreign language. It also provides you with a competitive edge and an advantage in the future.
  • Everyone should have a hobby.

‍👩‍🏫 Persuasive Essay Topics for Middle & High School

Middle and high school is a place where you can learn and train the essential life skills. There is learning how to count, write, and communicate with others. Besides all of this, you can learn how to be convincing and persuasive. Essay writing is a great way to do that.

So, if you can choose your essay topic, try to go for a persuasive essay topic.

In the US, middle school often includes 6th grade, 7th, and 8th grade. High school usually starts in grade 9 and finishes on the 12th one.

  • Smoking is bad for you .
  • The school day should start later in the day.
  • Households should be obliged to recycle .
  • Books should be replaced with tablets. Books are the things of the past. Having to carry heavy books is not necessary anymore. A tablet can contain hundreds of books. It is also better for the environment and forest preservation. If you agree with this statement, choose this persuasive essay topic.
  • The Internet is the best invention of the 20th century . Pretty much everyone will agree with you. A modern world would be so much more difficult without the Internet. It elevates communication to another level and provides information. Some people disagree with these statements. They think that the Internet is not the best invention of the 20th century.
  • Smoking should be banned in all public spaces.
  • Why city life is better than country life.
  • The Internet should be free for everyone. It is a critical component of modern life. Such things as applying for taxes, looking for a job, working are impossible nowadays without access to the Internet. Even applying to university, or for scholarships to support your studies cannot be done without it. Consequently, it should be free.
  • Should tattoos be illegal?
  • Women should be allowed to breastfeed in public.
  • Eating chocolate is healthy .
  • Animal dissection is inhumane.
  • Cities should have a free bike-sharing.
  • Video games promote violence . Video games are sometimes connected to violent actions. Kids who play video games are more likely to engage in intense activity. Elaborate on this view or argue against it.
  • Social Media is bad for your self-image.
  • Who do you consider your hero, and why?
  • Texting while driving should be illegal.
  • Why zoos should be banned . Lots of individuals love going to zoos. However, look at it from an ethical perspective. You will see why zoos should be forbidden for a large number of reasons. In this essay, you can give your personal opinion. For example, tell your reader why keeping animals in cages is inhumane.

Zoos do not allow animals to demonstrate their natural behavior.

  • Gender divided schools are bad for kids.
  • The benefits of having younger siblings.

🎓 Persuasive Essay Ideas for College

Choosing a persuasive essay idea for the college level is a real challenge. We’ve already done the hardest part for you and created a list of interesting topics. See if anything looks persuasive enough for your next paper or a public talk.

  • How should Americans solve the gun violence issue in the United States?
  • One policy that should be implemented in the educational sector.
  • Why should public universities have free tuition?
  • The death penalty is an ineffective way to prosecute .
  • Hunting is not an ethical hobby. Many people believe that it is not a decent hobby because it makes animals suffer. Sometimes an animal can survive the shot but later on experience a prolonged and painful death. Find arguments that support this point of view. You can think that there is nothing wrong with hunting. Then highlight that love for animals and this hobby are not two mutually exclusive concepts.
  • Vegetarianism does not save animals.
  • Mcdonalds should not be an official sponsor of any sporting event.
  • The world should have free borders.
  • Abstract art is not art.
  • Online learning is best for students and teachers .
  • The importance of equal representation of genders and races in the police.
  • Capital punishment should be abolished .
  • Churches should be required to pay taxes. This debate continues for decades. A lot of people believe that churches should be stripped of their tax-exempt charity status. One of the reasons is that the Catholic Church is the wealthiest organization in the world.
  • Teachers should be paid more .
  • Americans should speak more languages.
  • Beauty contests are bad for teenage girls’ self-image. This type of competition degrades women to mere sexual objects. Those who are not able to participate in such contests end up being affected as well. They feel that they are not good enough. Explore some other arguments about why beauty contests are not good for teenagers.
  • Standardized tests should be banned.
  • Why should there be only one currency in the world?
  • Pets should be allowed to join children at school.
  • Why cyberbullying should become a crime .

🦉 Persuasive Essay Topics for Higher English

College students majoring in English can use one of these topics for their essays. Writing a persuasive speech or paper starts with picking the right idea.

Check out this great list of creative and unusual topics for essay writing. Our ideas can help you to deliver an outstanding result that will pleasantly surprise your readers.

  • The question of authority is the focus of The Giver by Lois Lowry.
  • Why abortions should be allowed.

The issue of abortions is a prevalent debate in the United States.

  • People should be charged for racial slurs.
  • Guns should not be allowed on College Campuses .
  • Elementary schools should focus on teaching how to type, not handwrite.
  • Security cameras at a workplace are an invasion of privacy .
  • College football should be banned. It is just too dangerous.
  • Parents should never lie to their kids. In this essay, you can explain what happens to kids when their parents lie to them. Later in life, it may create a colossal distrust. You can also talk about common lies parents tell their kids such as Santa, dead pet, or swallowing chewing gum.
  • Illegal immigration benefits the American economy .
  • Do we live in the society predicted by Ray Bradberry in Fahrenheit 451?
  • Should priests be allowed to get married?
  • Does the government have a right to choose what it censors?
  • How the current tax system overburdens middle-class citizens.
  • Religious beliefs do not define a person.
  • Being egoistic should be encouraged. Being selfish is usually seen as a negative trait. However, psychologists believe that being selfish can make you a better individual. Find arguments that support this point of view. You can claim that being selfish can help you stay healthy or even have better relationships. There are many good arguments you can make that will persuade your readers.
  • Sexual desire does not define human behavior.
  • Equal rights between men and women are impossible to attain. Elaborate on the topic expressing this or the opposing view. Provide both arguments and counterarguments, striving to convince your reader.
  • Women are better at collaborating and executing than men.
  • There is a danger in being neutral.
  • Should all residents receive free health care?

🎈 Great Persuasive Essay Topics according to Theme

We organized our topics thematically as well. It could help you to search for the right one as you may have to write a persuasive essay for a specific class.

Maybe you have a passion for music, or sports, or a healthy lifestyle. Then, you can go to a theme you like the most. Select a good persuasive essay topic that works.

🏈 Persuasive Essay Topics about Sports

Who does not like sports? Okay, maybe some individuals do not enjoy it. However, most students choose not to write essays about it.

Do you know why?

Mainly because it is hard to find the topic. It is especially problematic when you want to find a good one. This list will give you some fresh persuasive essay ideas.

  • Don’t generalize college athletes . There is a common belief that all college athletes are not very smart. In this essay, you should provide reasoning on why this statement is wrong.

Numerous athletes study hard and are very intelligent.

  • Cheerleading should also be regarded as a sport.
  • Only women should be allowed to train female teams.
  • Universities should stop spending so much money on sports programs . This essay topic is another debate in American society. A lot of people believe that spending this amount of money on sports does not make sense. We could redirect this money to academics and financial support for students in need. The best schools in the USA do not have large sports programs, explain why.
  • Not every sportsperson can be a good coach.
  • Every college athlete should get insurance .
  • Women should be allowed to compete against men.
  • An issue of homophobia in sports.
  • Cheerleaders should wear different costumes because the current ones are sexist.
  • Why parents should let their kids play extreme sports . Think about why parents should allow their children to participate in such activities. First, you can write about why kids want to do extreme sports. Second, you can elaborate on why parents do not want to let that. You will be surprised at what you might find.
  • Fame is the main factor in getting a sports-related career.
  • College athletes should get paid as much as the professional ones .
  • Chess should become an Olympic sport.
  • Sports help with managing depression and anxiety.
  • Michael Jordan is the most successful athlete of all time .

🩺 Persuasive Health Topics

This particular section has some ideas of the persuasive essay topics about health. Each section has about five titles.

Let’s see what health topics you can use:

Medical Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Everyone should have a right to euthanasia .
  • The importance of talking to kids about sex .
  • Healthcare should be free. First and foremost, free healthcare can save millions of lives. So, it creates a foundation for a right and just society. Some of the poorest people cannot afford to pay their medical bills. It creates even more inequality in society.
  • Talking about childhood cancer is essential to fight it.
  • Why marijuana should not be legalized . There is a popular belief that marijuana is not dangerous. However, some scientists disagree with this statement. In this essay, you can persuade your readers not to support the legalization of the drug. Or you can do the opposite. Convince them that it is not harmful and can be beneficial for your health.

Marijuana is less harmful than alcohol.

Persuasive Essay Topics on Healthy Lifestyle

  • Your eating habits affect your personality.
  • Seven harmful effects of junk food .
  • The vegetarian diet is the healthiest one.
  • Unhealthy foods taste so good because it’s a manipulation. This topic is a funny one, but many people probably had the same type of questions. Why do unhealthy foods taste so good? Not only it pleases our taste buds, but it also triggers brain chemicals to start reacting.
  • Poor nutrition and life expectancy connection.

Persuasive Essay Topics on Mental Health

  • Misuse of ADHD medication among college students.
  • Stigma and discrimination affect gay men’s mental health.
  • Does playing music during pregnancy increase a baby’s IQ?
  • Playing with Barbie dolls can later manifest in eating disorders . Girls who played with Barbie dolls are convinced that their bodies are not perfect. They feel as if they need to diet. An impossible ideal of Barbie creates a disturbance in body image. Society needs to see that playing with skinny dolls does not cause eating disorders. It increases the risks of having low self-esteem. This essay can provide a fresh look at something as innocent as playing with a doll.
  • The stigma associated with mental illness has to be eliminated.

Persuasive Essay Topics on Depression

  • The connection between perfectionism and anxiety.
  • Teenage Depression is more common than you think . Some individuals believe that teenagers nowadays have very unrealistic expectations. They claim the media and Social Media continuously promote a message about “feeling good.” Many people do not teach their kids vital skills on how to manage their lives under pressure. Find some data that can show how regular the issue is. Prove your point with facts and opinions from trustworthy sources.
  • Every school should have a mechanism to help students with mental health issues.
  • Recognizing the symptoms, signs, and risk factors of OCD is important .
  • The reasons why everyone should have a psychologist. There are plenty of reasons why everyone should see a therapist. An essay can discuss some of them and maybe convince people to start therapy.

A US study supports the view about the dual effects of social media in the workplace.

📲 Social Media Persuasive Essay Topics

Social Media has a considerable impact on the world we live in. Therefore, in the past years, essay topics about it became increasingly popular.

A Social Media persuasive topic should be intriguing, controversial, and relatable.

  • The negative effects of Social Media .
  • What makes a successful Social Media marketing plan. Some many different tricks and tips help to make a successful social media marketing plan. However, stick to the essential ones. What you are trying to do and what you want to achieve should be the focus. In the world of marketing, it is called S.M.A.R.T. goals.
  • The importance of attention getter in writing an Instagram post.
  • Don’t forget to live your life, not only to document it for Social Media.
  • Teenagers spend too much time on Social Media . In the modern world, almost everyone has a device. People spend a lot of time looking at the screen. Teenagers spend even more. Explain whether it is a problem or how it can be changed. What are the dangers of spending too much time on Social Media?
  • A specific purpose of Social Media.
  • The positive effects of Social Media.
  • Social Media addiction among older people . You might be surprised, but social media addiction exists even among older people. First, talk about what is considered social media addiction. Then talk about how it can be changed. Why should it be changed?
  • The reasons why Twitter is popular among celebrities.
  • Social Media opened new possibilities for business.
  • The world cannot survive without Social Media.
  • Social Media promotes cyberbullying.
  • Social Media strengthens relationships between people . Despite a lot of negative effects, one thing remains clear: social media helps people to stay in touch. The world we live in today became much smaller because of social media.
  • Social Media and Networking Sites are a great help in your professional development.
  • Social Media is a social problem.
  • Social Comparison caused by Social Media is something we cannot avoid.
  • Social Media Influencers are not celebrities.
  • The Internet heavily affects News .
  • Social Media should not be allowed in the workplace.

A US study supports the view about the dual effects of social media in the workplace.

🎹 Persuasive Topics on Music

Everyone loves music—both listening to it and reading about it. Imagine how pleasantly surprised your peers will be if you choose a persuasive essay topic on it. Choose an artist or a genre and get creative.

  • Hard Rock music is the music of violence.
  • Rap music is not music—it’s poetry. A lot of people believe that rap isn’t music but poetry. Do you agree? If you do, then this topic is excellent for you. Look at the history of rap music. You will find some great arguments that support this view. What was the purpose of the first songs?
  • Some people have an addiction to music.
  • Depressive songs can be triggering for people with mental issues. Sad music usually goes hand-in-hand with depression. If you aren’t feeling well, it is quite reasonable if you choose sad music. However, researchers say that sad music can worsen your condition, so you should be careful. There are a lot of great experiments that demonstrate this idea and prove this point. Your essay can be quite helpful for those battling with their emotions and feelings.
  • Music does not always have a positive effect.
  • Kids should not listen to death metal.
  • Hip hop dancing is a mainstream American culture now.
  • Why music talent shows are so popular in America .
  • Kids who listen to hip hop music are more rebellious than the rest. Rap music is heavily scrutinized. Kids who listen to rap and hip-hop may be more rebellious than others. It can happen since that such music often advocates violence and rebellion.
  • The Negative view of women in hip hop music videos is outdated.
  • The similarities between ballet and hip hop .
  • The music can influence our behavior .
  • The positive aspects of playing a musical instrument.
  • Classical music and intelligence.
  • The music reflects society and its authenticity.
  • The positive effects of Mozart’s music on babies. There are so many advantages when it comes to listening to classical music. That’s why many parents in the United States start playing classical music to kids at a very early age.

Mozart’s music won't make your children intelligent.

  • Blacks express themselves through music for centuries.
  • Even plants grow better with classical music.
  • Jazz is an extinct music genre.
  • Reasons why most people do not like country music.

💖 Persuasive Essay Topics about Love & Family

All we need is love. It is a very famous song, and it is so true. Here’s a list of topics about love and family for you to be able to get inspired.

  • Love is more than a set of chemical reactions. What is love? A lot of writers, scientists, philosophers, artists tried to answer this question. According to science, love is no more than a set of chemical reactions in the brain. Can it be true? You can argue that love is more sophisticated than any chemical reaction. Finding arguments that support this viewpoint should not be complicated. Or take the opposite stand.
  • Everyone needs love.
  • Why men do not understand women.
  • It is not a good idea to live together before marriage.
  • Hitting kids should be a crime. Children cannot make a connection between their actions and physical. Therefore, any form of aggression to children should become illegal. The only thing they feel is pain, so kids should not be physically punished. You can talk about the short-term and long-term effects of childhood traumas caused by caregivers.
  • Every parent should talk to kids about sex.
  • Why can people be happy only if they have love in their life?
  • Love is the only way we can fight racism.
  • Why parents should not drink and smoke in front of their children.
  • Are marriage bonds are more reliable than any other relationship?
  • The concept of love is different from culture to culture .
  • The love between Romeo and Juliet was not mature.
  • A love of a woman is different .
  • Looking beyond imperfections is essential for success in marriage.
  • Sacrifice is an element in family life. To build a happy family, we may need to learn the quality of sacrifice. In your essay, you can talk about why it may be necessary. What does it help to achieve? You can include your life examples and show the benefits of sacrifice.

There are plenty of negative effects of self-sacrifice in family life.

  • The changing landscape of love and marriage .
  • Love and marriage are incompatible .
  • Can parents leave their kids at home alone before 13 years old?
  • Teenagers should have more free time.

✔ 60 More Persuasive Essay Topics

In this section, you can find 60 more persuasive essay topics.

1. Persuasive Essay Topics: UK

Choosing a good persuasive essay topic can be difficult. For UK students and students interested in UK culture, finding this section can be such a relief. These ten topics were waiting for you:

  • Why Are UK Universities Better than the ones in the USA’s ones? It is a very subjective idea. Though it has a place to exist. If you think that UK universities are better, develop this idea into a persuasive essay.
  • Why are UK musicians so famous in America?
  • Brexit will help the UK to prosper.
  • Why some believe that Shakespeare didn’t write his plays . You have probably heard this point of view before. However, you do not have to agree with it. You could find good arguments to demonstrate this common belief. Explain your position and why people think this way.
  • Scotland’s version of UK history is different.
  • The UN and International Peace .
  • British and English are not synonyms.
  • The history of the Northern Ireland crisis.
  • Difficult relationships between the United Kingdom and the EU.

2. Persuasive Essay Topics: Philippines

  • The effects of globalization on poverty in The Philippines.
  • Death penalty laws in The Philippines are cruel.
  • Critical issues in the Philippines should be resolved immediately.
  • Benefits of a nationwide smoking ban in the Philippines.
  • The quality of education in the Philippines should be higher.

3. Persuasive Essay Topics: Canada

  • The impact of immigration on the geography of Canada is exceptional. Did you know that Canada receives more than 200.000 immigrants per year? Discuss how it affects economic geography in Canada. Where do most immigrants decide to reside? What happens to the job market?

The Canadian government decided to significantly increase the number of permanent residents to Canada.

  • Canadian immigration is marked with a history of discrimination.
  • Democratic racism in Canada is apparent.
  • Canada is in denial about the issue of gender inequality .
  • The most famous Canadian women and their achievements are underappreciated.

4. Persuasive Essay Topics: Social Science

  • There is a connection between mental illness and aging.
  • There are effects of violent movies on psychology. Absolutely everything that people see and watch affects their psychology. It affects us in one way or the other. Unfortunately, nowadays, violence is one of the most common forms of entertainment. This essay can persuade people to watch less violent movies.
  • We have to deal with the social issues of families in poverty .
  • Technology positively impacts society.
  • There are negative consequences of individualism .

5. LGBT+ Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Social problems in relation to the LGBT population is still an issue.
  • LGBT labor and employment discrimination issues . Unfortunately, the LGBT community still faces discrimination. Besides showing the state of affairs, try to change your reader’s attitude. Make them see it as a social issue.
  • The effects of cyberbullying on the LGBT community are significant.
  • There is a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender discrimination in the Hispanic community.
  • The causes of homosexual discrimination in American society .

6. Emotional Persuasive Essay Topics

  • The importance of the use of ethos, pathos, logos in essay writing.
  • The reasons why we should protect the environment.
  • Should older people be allowed to drive?
  • Is access to the internet a human right?
  • The American dream is no longer attainable.

7. Deep Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Should graffiti be considered a form of art?
  • Stereotypes of American citizens .
  • Why the debate over free education for all students should be over.
  • Why is it important to teach Shakespeare in school?
  • Art and music therapy should be covered by health insurance.

8. Harry Potter: Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Does the sorting hat know more than humans?
  • Is there a deeper meaning in Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone?
  • A theme of love and betrayal in J.K.Rowling’s books is prominent. A lot of critics believe that Harry Potter is not about magic but love. It is a recurring theme in the whole series.

In Harry Potter, there is love between friends, parents, partners.

  • Hogwarts: a home away from home.
  • We should discuss the symbolism of deathly hallows more.

9. Fashion: Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Eco-friendly clothing is the next type of fashion.
  • Why is a style more important than fashion?
  • What does your choice of dress tell about you?
  • Fashion photography is a form of art, as well.
  • What are the concepts of beauty in the fashion industry?

10. Domestic Violence: Persuasive Essay Topics

  • We have to take into account a cross-cultural perspective on domestic abuse. Different cultures approach domestic violence with varying levels of tolerance. In multicultural families, it can be a challenging problem to address. In your essay, you should try to explain why, in some places, people tolerate domestic violence. Elaborate on why, in other areas, it is forbidden.
  • Domestic violence against women is a prominent problem.
  • Domestic abuse against men exists too. Not everyone understands, but domestic violence against men is an issue. However, people discuss it less commonly, and men do not like to share their experiences. Why? They prefer to maintain their sharp facade. However, domestic abuse is damaging to everyone.
  • There is significant emotional abuse in low-income families.
  • Child abuse is still a problem .

11. Persuasive Agriculture Topics

  • How urban agriculture affects the economy .
  • The agricultural effects on wild animals.
  • Should GMO organisms in farming be allowed?
  • The issue of agricultural modernization in third world countries .
  • Organic farming should be the only type of farming.

👩‍🏫 6 Tips on Writing a Persuasive Essay

A persuasive essay is one of the most common types of academic writing. You, as a student, will be required to master it. The goal is to present a distinct opinion on a topic and illustrate it with arguments and evidence. Hopefully, by the end of this section, you will be able to write a good persuasive essay.

To write a perfect persuasive essay, you have to practice.

As you already can guess from the name, in the essay, you have to is to persuade (convince) others. Attempts to make people feel and think a certain way. To be able to do that, you need to have a good grasp of logos, pathos, and ethos.

Even heard of it?

A Greek philosopher Aristotle discovered this theory. A good speech that can convince others depends on three elements, which are:

  • Logos refers to the part responsible for logical persuasion;
  • Pathos refers to the part responsible for emotional appeal;
  • Ethos refers to the extent readers are willing to trust the writer.

You need to be passionate about the persuasive topic.

So, you should determine and implement logos, pathos, and ethos in your essay. You might not be able to use the third one, though. It deals with your social status and reputation.

Now let’s understand what makes a persuasive essay so great:

  • Your distinctive position supported by both arguments and counterarguments.
  • A compelling style that influences your reader.
  • An adequate organization that ensures the natural progression of your argumentation.

📜 5 Persuasive Writing Prompts

In this section, we will give you some good ideas for using both logos and pathos. It is essential to remember about these components if you are writing a persuasive essay. These five persuasive writing prompts will help you to start:

  • Immigrants are not a threat to American society. This is such a familiar debate. Some politicians and regular people see immigrants as a threat to American society. Present several facts that argue against the idea. Elaborate on the increase in human capital, innovation, science. Appeal to the fact that America is a country that was built by immigrants.
  • The immoral aspect of eating animals. Have you ever heard about the Animal Rights movement? It exists, and it states that causing suffering to animals is immoral. You can argue for or against it. You can say that humans were created to eat meat. Or claim that the Bible says we should be vegetarians. There are many logos and pathos arguments that you can make if you decide to choose this topic.
  • Having a lot of friends is impossible. A lot of times, people confuse who is their friend and who is their acquaintance. In this essay, try to find a good definition of who you would call a friend. Friendship requires a lot of time and effort. Is it possible to maintain a lot of friendship relationships?
  • Sexual orientation is determined in childhood. A lot of people believe that sexual orientation is determined later in life. However, most LGBTQ+ persons state that it is not valid. They say that their sexual orientation became evident to them even when they were kids. You can develop this argument and include some personal stories of people you know.
  • Capital punishment is a crime. In this essay, you can give your opinion about capital punishment. Choose the position you genuinely believe in and support it with evidence. One thing is clear; capital punishment is a susceptible subject. No matter what view you have, you will most probably meet some opposition. Stick to logical arguments and try not to appeal too much to pathos.

Truman Capote argued against capital punishment.

Thank you for reading this article! Do not hesitate to share our persuasive essay topics with your friends and fellow students. And leave a comment below—we’d be happy to learn your opinion.

🔗 References

  • 100 Persuasive Essay Topics: Grace Fleming, ThoughtCo
  • Writing Resources: Writing Center Handouts, Hamilton College
  • Ten Timeless Persuasive Writing Techniques: Brian Clark, Copyblogger
  • How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay, Easy Step-by-Step Guide: Malcolm Gladwell, MasterClass
  • Persuasive Essay, Examples and Definition of Persuasive Essay: Literary Devices, Definition and Examples of literary Items
  • Persuasive Essay Outline: HCC Learning Web
  • How To Write A Persuasive Essay: Writing Guides, Ultius
  • Tips To Write An Effective Persuasive Essay: Melissa Burns, The College Puzzle
  • Tips for Organizing an Argumentative Essay: Judith L. Beumer Writing Center
  • Counterargument: Gordon Harvey (adapted from The Academic Essay: A Brief Anatomy), for the Writing Center at Harvard University
  • 60 Persuasive Essay and Speech Topics: K12 Reader
  • 434 Good Persuasive Topics for Speech or Essay: My Speech Class
  • How to Write Persuasive Essays: Matrix Education
  • 31 Powerful Persuasive Writing Techniques: Writtent
  • A CS Research Topic Generator or How To pick A Worthy Topic In 10 Seconds: Purdue University
  • Topic Ideas Generator: Online Research Library Questia
  • English Grammar, Grammar Rules and Tips: Grammarist, English Grammar, Usage, and Style Blog
  • How Do I Cite Sources:
  • Writing Essays: Learning Development, Plymouth University
  • Citation Style and Reference Formats: C. Rodkin, Association for Computing Machinery
  • Effective Writing Grammar Rules: Grammar Book
  • The Basics of Essay Writing: UNSW Current Students
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  • 40 Useful Words and Phrases for Top-Notch Essays

powerful persuasive essay

To be truly brilliant, an essay needs to utilise the right language. You could make a great point, but if it’s not intelligently articulated, you almost needn’t have bothered.

Developing the language skills to build an argument and to write persuasively is crucial if you’re to write outstanding essays every time. In this article, we’re going to equip you with the words and phrases you need to write a top-notch essay, along with examples of how to utilise them.

It’s by no means an exhaustive list, and there will often be other ways of using the words and phrases we describe that we won’t have room to include, but there should be more than enough below to help you make an instant improvement to your essay-writing skills.

If you’re interested in developing your language and persuasive skills, Oxford Royale offers summer courses at its Oxford Summer School , Cambridge Summer School , London Summer School , San Francisco Summer School and Yale Summer School . You can study courses to learn english , prepare for careers in law , medicine , business , engineering and leadership.

General explaining

Let’s start by looking at language for general explanations of complex points.

1. In order to

Usage: “In order to” can be used to introduce an explanation for the purpose of an argument. Example: “In order to understand X, we need first to understand Y.”

2. In other words

Usage: Use “in other words” when you want to express something in a different way (more simply), to make it easier to understand, or to emphasise or expand on a point. Example: “Frogs are amphibians. In other words, they live on the land and in the water.”

3. To put it another way

Usage: This phrase is another way of saying “in other words”, and can be used in particularly complex points, when you feel that an alternative way of wording a problem may help the reader achieve a better understanding of its significance. Example: “Plants rely on photosynthesis. To put it another way, they will die without the sun.”

4. That is to say

Usage: “That is” and “that is to say” can be used to add further detail to your explanation, or to be more precise. Example: “Whales are mammals. That is to say, they must breathe air.”

5. To that end

Usage: Use “to that end” or “to this end” in a similar way to “in order to” or “so”. Example: “Zoologists have long sought to understand how animals communicate with each other. To that end, a new study has been launched that looks at elephant sounds and their possible meanings.”

Adding additional information to support a point

Students often make the mistake of using synonyms of “and” each time they want to add further information in support of a point they’re making, or to build an argument . Here are some cleverer ways of doing this.

6. Moreover

Usage: Employ “moreover” at the start of a sentence to add extra information in support of a point you’re making. Example: “Moreover, the results of a recent piece of research provide compelling evidence in support of…”

7. Furthermore

Usage:This is also generally used at the start of a sentence, to add extra information. Example: “Furthermore, there is evidence to suggest that…”

8. What’s more

Usage: This is used in the same way as “moreover” and “furthermore”. Example: “What’s more, this isn’t the only evidence that supports this hypothesis.”

9. Likewise

Usage: Use “likewise” when you want to talk about something that agrees with what you’ve just mentioned. Example: “Scholar A believes X. Likewise, Scholar B argues compellingly in favour of this point of view.”

10. Similarly

Usage: Use “similarly” in the same way as “likewise”. Example: “Audiences at the time reacted with shock to Beethoven’s new work, because it was very different to what they were used to. Similarly, we have a tendency to react with surprise to the unfamiliar.”

11. Another key thing to remember

Usage: Use the phrase “another key point to remember” or “another key fact to remember” to introduce additional facts without using the word “also”. Example: “As a Romantic, Blake was a proponent of a closer relationship between humans and nature. Another key point to remember is that Blake was writing during the Industrial Revolution, which had a major impact on the world around him.”

12. As well as

Usage: Use “as well as” instead of “also” or “and”. Example: “Scholar A argued that this was due to X, as well as Y.”

13. Not only… but also

Usage: This wording is used to add an extra piece of information, often something that’s in some way more surprising or unexpected than the first piece of information. Example: “Not only did Edmund Hillary have the honour of being the first to reach the summit of Everest, but he was also appointed Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire.”

14. Coupled with

Usage: Used when considering two or more arguments at a time. Example: “Coupled with the literary evidence, the statistics paint a compelling view of…”

15. Firstly, secondly, thirdly…

Usage: This can be used to structure an argument, presenting facts clearly one after the other. Example: “There are many points in support of this view. Firstly, X. Secondly, Y. And thirdly, Z.

16. Not to mention/to say nothing of

Usage: “Not to mention” and “to say nothing of” can be used to add extra information with a bit of emphasis. Example: “The war caused unprecedented suffering to millions of people, not to mention its impact on the country’s economy.”

Words and phrases for demonstrating contrast

When you’re developing an argument, you will often need to present contrasting or opposing opinions or evidence – “it could show this, but it could also show this”, or “X says this, but Y disagrees”. This section covers words you can use instead of the “but” in these examples, to make your writing sound more intelligent and interesting.

17. However

Usage: Use “however” to introduce a point that disagrees with what you’ve just said. Example: “Scholar A thinks this. However, Scholar B reached a different conclusion.”

18. On the other hand

Usage: Usage of this phrase includes introducing a contrasting interpretation of the same piece of evidence, a different piece of evidence that suggests something else, or an opposing opinion. Example: “The historical evidence appears to suggest a clear-cut situation. On the other hand, the archaeological evidence presents a somewhat less straightforward picture of what happened that day.”

19. Having said that

Usage: Used in a similar manner to “on the other hand” or “but”. Example: “The historians are unanimous in telling us X, an agreement that suggests that this version of events must be an accurate account. Having said that, the archaeology tells a different story.”

20. By contrast/in comparison

Usage: Use “by contrast” or “in comparison” when you’re comparing and contrasting pieces of evidence. Example: “Scholar A’s opinion, then, is based on insufficient evidence. By contrast, Scholar B’s opinion seems more plausible.”

21. Then again

Usage: Use this to cast doubt on an assertion. Example: “Writer A asserts that this was the reason for what happened. Then again, it’s possible that he was being paid to say this.”

22. That said

Usage: This is used in the same way as “then again”. Example: “The evidence ostensibly appears to point to this conclusion. That said, much of the evidence is unreliable at best.”

Usage: Use this when you want to introduce a contrasting idea. Example: “Much of scholarship has focused on this evidence. Yet not everyone agrees that this is the most important aspect of the situation.”

Adding a proviso or acknowledging reservations

Sometimes, you may need to acknowledge a shortfalling in a piece of evidence, or add a proviso. Here are some ways of doing so.

24. Despite this

Usage: Use “despite this” or “in spite of this” when you want to outline a point that stands regardless of a shortfalling in the evidence. Example: “The sample size was small, but the results were important despite this.”

25. With this in mind

Usage: Use this when you want your reader to consider a point in the knowledge of something else. Example: “We’ve seen that the methods used in the 19th century study did not always live up to the rigorous standards expected in scientific research today, which makes it difficult to draw definite conclusions. With this in mind, let’s look at a more recent study to see how the results compare.”

26. Provided that

Usage: This means “on condition that”. You can also say “providing that” or just “providing” to mean the same thing. Example: “We may use this as evidence to support our argument, provided that we bear in mind the limitations of the methods used to obtain it.”

27. In view of/in light of

Usage: These phrases are used when something has shed light on something else. Example: “In light of the evidence from the 2013 study, we have a better understanding of…”

28. Nonetheless

Usage: This is similar to “despite this”. Example: “The study had its limitations, but it was nonetheless groundbreaking for its day.”

29. Nevertheless

Usage: This is the same as “nonetheless”. Example: “The study was flawed, but it was important nevertheless.”

30. Notwithstanding

Usage: This is another way of saying “nonetheless”. Example: “Notwithstanding the limitations of the methodology used, it was an important study in the development of how we view the workings of the human mind.”

Giving examples

Good essays always back up points with examples, but it’s going to get boring if you use the expression “for example” every time. Here are a couple of other ways of saying the same thing.

31. For instance

Example: “Some birds migrate to avoid harsher winter climates. Swallows, for instance, leave the UK in early winter and fly south…”

32. To give an illustration

Example: “To give an illustration of what I mean, let’s look at the case of…”

Signifying importance

When you want to demonstrate that a point is particularly important, there are several ways of highlighting it as such.

33. Significantly

Usage: Used to introduce a point that is loaded with meaning that might not be immediately apparent. Example: “Significantly, Tacitus omits to tell us the kind of gossip prevalent in Suetonius’ accounts of the same period.”

34. Notably

Usage: This can be used to mean “significantly” (as above), and it can also be used interchangeably with “in particular” (the example below demonstrates the first of these ways of using it). Example: “Actual figures are notably absent from Scholar A’s analysis.”

35. Importantly

Usage: Use “importantly” interchangeably with “significantly”. Example: “Importantly, Scholar A was being employed by X when he wrote this work, and was presumably therefore under pressure to portray the situation more favourably than he perhaps might otherwise have done.”


You’ve almost made it to the end of the essay, but your work isn’t over yet. You need to end by wrapping up everything you’ve talked about, showing that you’ve considered the arguments on both sides and reached the most likely conclusion. Here are some words and phrases to help you.

36. In conclusion

Usage: Typically used to introduce the concluding paragraph or sentence of an essay, summarising what you’ve discussed in a broad overview. Example: “In conclusion, the evidence points almost exclusively to Argument A.”

37. Above all

Usage: Used to signify what you believe to be the most significant point, and the main takeaway from the essay. Example: “Above all, it seems pertinent to remember that…”

38. Persuasive

Usage: This is a useful word to use when summarising which argument you find most convincing. Example: “Scholar A’s point – that Constanze Mozart was motivated by financial gain – seems to me to be the most persuasive argument for her actions following Mozart’s death.”

39. Compelling

Usage: Use in the same way as “persuasive” above. Example: “The most compelling argument is presented by Scholar A.”

40. All things considered

Usage: This means “taking everything into account”. Example: “All things considered, it seems reasonable to assume that…”

How many of these words and phrases will you get into your next essay? And are any of your favourite essay terms missing from our list? Let us know in the comments below, or get in touch here to find out more about courses that can help you with your essays.

At Oxford Royale Academy, we offer a number of  summer school courses for young people who are keen to improve their essay writing skills. Click here to apply for one of our courses today, including law , business , medicine  and engineering .

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Persuasive Speech About Bullying

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Words: 1210 |

Published: Mar 19, 2024

Words: 1210 | Pages: 3 | 7 min read

Table of contents

I. introduction, ii. types of bullying, iii. consequences of bullying, myths and misconceptions about bullying, strategies to address bullying, the role of persuasive speech in combating bullying, a. physical bullying, b. verbal bullying, c. cyberbullying, d. psychological bullying, a. bullying can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues that may persist long after the bullying has stopped., a. bullying is just a part of growing up:, b. only boys bully others:, c. victims of bullying are weak:, d. bullying only happens in school:, a. creating a supportive school environment:, b. implementing anti-bullying policies:, c. encouraging bystander intervention:, d. providing support for victims of bullying:, a. raising awareness about the issue of bullying:, b. empowering individuals to take action against bullying:, c. encouraging empathy and understanding towards victims of bullying:, d. inspiring positive change in attitudes and behaviors towards bullying:.

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