99 Inspiring Cybersecurity Quotes

cybersecurity quotes

Today, the internet has become an important part of our lives. Almost everything we do requires internet. Let’s face it. Everything from instant messaging, banking, emailing, shopping and even traveling – none of these things can be done without the internet. Moreover, with the growing need of the internet, protecting our information and data have also become a necessity. Whether you own a company, business or if you’re simply a habitual user of the internet, you should be aware of how to minimize threats, risks, and cybercrime as well as be cautious, proactive and stay informed of Cyber-Criminals.

Here are 99 quotes by security leaders and advocates that you can apply to your online habits.

Arguing that you don’t care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say . Edward Snowden
Security used to be an inconvenience sometimes, but now it’s a necessity all the time. Martina Navratilova
I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We’ve created life in our own image. Stephen Hawking
We’re all going to have to change how we think about data protection. Elizabeth Denham
Privacy – like eating and breathing – is one of life’s basic requirements. Katherine Neville
You know something is wrong when the government declares opening someone else’s mail is a felony but your internet activity is fair game for data collecting. E.A. Bucchianeri
Security leaders are under a lot of pressure to show quick wins while knowing full well that everything they do will be heavily scrutinized and challenged, and ultimately, they will pay the price for things that are not under their control. Yaron Levi
As cybersecurity leaders, we have to create our message of influence because security is a culture and you need the business to take place and be part of that security culture. Britney Hommertzheim
If you put a key under the mat for the cops, a burglar can find it, too. Criminals are using every technology tool at their disposal to hack into people’s accounts. If they know there’s a key hidden somewhere, they won’t stop until they find it. Tim Cook
As we’ve come to realize, the idea that security starts and ends with the purchase of a prepackaged firewall is simply misguided. Art Wittmann
Cybercrime is the greatest threat to every company in the world. Ginni Rommety
Information is the oxygen of the modern age. It seeps through the walls topped by barbed wire, it wafts across the electrified borders. Ronald Reagan
It’s funny to us as we’re so used to worms and viruses being bad news rather than making the world a better place. Graham Cluley
At the end of the day, the goals are simple: safety and security. Jodi Rell
Social engineering scams are a particular concern. With these scams, attackers present a post intended to get the target user to click on a link. That link usually leads to the user downloading some malicious code that has the potential to steal information on the user’s computer or mobile device. These scams are sometimes also called phishing and baiting, as well as click-jacking. Whatever they’re called, just know that not every post on social media is safe to click on. You should take special care to treat every link with suspicion, especially those that look like click bait. Rick Delgado
Let’s face it: the future is now. We are already living in a cyber society, so we need to stop ignoring it or pretending that is not affecting us. Marco Ciapelli
Finally, we’re seeing that nearly everyone understands security is a business risk issue at the end of the day. I joke with my clients, ‘the board gets it, so they want to do something about cybersecurity, that’s the good news.’ But the bad news is, ‘the board gets it and they want to do something about cybersecurity.’ But of course it really is good news. Bruno Haring
In digital era, privacy must be a priority. Is it just me, or is secret blanket surveillance obscenely outrageous? Al Gore
The only crime that has been proven is the hack. That is the story. Ramon Fonseca
We shouldn’t ask our customers to make a tradeoff between privacy and security. We need to offer them the best of both. Ultimately, protecting someone else’s data protects all of us. Tim Cook
If security were all that mattered, computers would never be turned on, let alone hooked into a network with literally millions of potential intruders. Dan Farmer
Every time you indulge into any sort of online activity, your data can be easily monitored and checked. The websites you visit receive your IP address, location, browser and operating system, screen resolution, ISP and more. You can check on what information you give away at stayinvisible.com. I have nothing against sharing this data when I do simple browsing. I am like Dutch windows without curtains — doing nothing wrong, peep in whenever you want, I have nothing to hide. Victoria Ivey
We are giving away too much biometric data. If a bad guy wants your biometric data, remember this: he doesn’t need your actual fingerprint, just the data that represents your fingerprint. That will be unique, one of a kind. Mike Muscatel, Sr.
Privacy is not for the passive. Jeffrey Rosen
Privacy snafus are to social networks as violence is to football. The whole point of social networks is to share stuff about people that’s interesting, just as the whole point of football is to upend the guy with the ball. Every so often, someone gets paralyzed, which prompts us to add padding to the helmets or set new rules about tackling. Then we move on. Nicholas Thompson
I’ve come to the conclusion that if you give a data point to a company, they will eventually sell it, leak it, lose it or get hacked and relieved of it. There really don’t seem to be any exceptions, and it gets depressing. Brian Krebs
Cyber criminals can use personal details, such as your favorite color, the last four digits of your credit card and your email addresses, to make educated guesses about your sign-in credentials. Larry Alton
When it comes to data protection, small businesses tend to be less well prepared. They have less to invest in getting it right. They don’t have compliance teams or data protection officers. But small organizations often process a lot of personal data, and the reputation and liability risks are just as real. Elizabeth Denham
A good programmer is someone who always looks both ways before crossing a one-way street. Doug Linder
Companies spend millions of dollars on firewalls, encryption and secure access devices, and it’s money wasted; none of these measures address the weakest link in the security chain. Kevin Mitnick
When you say, ‘I have nothing to hide,’ you’re saying, ‘I don’t care about this right Edward Snowden
In the very near future, cybersecurity exercises are going to be absolutely expected of all companies by regulators. Michael Vatis
Privacy is not an option, and it shouldn’t be the price we accept for just getting on the Internet. Gary Kovacs
Corporate America should get ready. Cybersecurity regulations will soon be coming to the United States — and that’s actually a good thing… I firmly believe that the US will pass similar regulations (like GDPR) over the next two years. Robert Herjavec
Hoaxes use weaknesses in human behavior to ensure they are replicated and distributed. In other words, hoaxes prey on the Human Operating System. Stewart Kirkpatrick
Only people with dull lives can afford to forego privacy. Jan Chipchase
Amateurs hack systems, professionals hack people. Bruce Schneier
We demand privacy, yet we glorify those that break into computers. Bill McCollum
We discovered in our research that insider threats are not viewed as seriously as external threats, like a cyberattack. But when companies had an insider threat, in general, they were much more costly than external incidents. This was largely because the insider that is smart has the skills to hide the crime, for months, for years, sometimes forever. Dr. Larry Ponemon
Ransomware is unique among cybercrime because, in order for the attack to be successful, it requires the victim to become a willing accomplice after the fact . James Scott
As a Global CISO, the best advice I can give is don’t try to do something different for every part of the world. Pick and choose what you’re going to use from a policy and procedure standpoint. Generally, pick from a global perspective the most onerous and strict regulations you have to comply with and implement them globally. James Waters
Just as drivers who share the road must also share responsibility for safety, we all now share the same global network, and thus must regard computer security as a necessary social responsibility. To me, anyone unwilling to take simple security precautions is a major, active part of the problem. Fred Langa
A secure system is one that does what it is supposed to. Eugene Spafford
A breach alone is not a disaster, but mishandling it is. Serene Davis
Most people are starting to realize that there are only two different types of companies in the world: those that have been breached and know it and those that have been breached and don’t know it. Therefore, prevention is not sufficient and you’re going to have to invest in detection because you’re going to want to know what system has been breached as fast as humanly possible so that you can contain and remediate. Ted Schlein
We need a cybersecurity renaissance in this Country that promotes cyber hygiene and a security-centric corporate culture applied and continuously reinforced by peer pressure . James Scott
One person’s “paranoia” is another person’s “engineering redundancy. Marcus J. Ranum
Privacy is dead, and social media holds the smoking gun. Pete Cashmore
What happens in Vegas ends up on YouTube. Tim Leberecht
There’s no silver bullet solution with cybersecurity, a layered defense is the only viable defense. James Scott
How many IoT devices exist, with how many computing devices do they share data? How many others have access to that data and what decisions are being made with this data? No one really knows. We just don’t know. Rebecca Herold
You might think that your government is vigilant when it comes to securing your personal information, or that of your children. You would be wrong. Hackers have discovered one of the biggest potential security holes of the modern era, one that can leave data exposed to any hacker willing to find it. And in at least one instance, that vulnerability has resulted in a data breach impacting almost three dozen children and their families. Jake Tapper
Cyber-Security is much more than a matter of IT. Stephane Nappo
Encryption works. Properly implemented strong crypto systems are one of the few things that you can rely on. Unfortunately, endpoint security is so terrifically weak that NSA can frequently find ways around it. Edward Snowden
I really think that if we change our own approach and thinking about what we have available to us, that is what will unlock our ability to truly excel in security. It’s a perspectives exercise. What would it look like if abundance were the reality and not resource constraint? Greg York
Being able to break security doesn’t make you a hacker any more than being able to hotwire cars makes you an automotive engineer. Eric Raymond
As our country increasingly relies on electronic information storage and communication, it is imperative that our Government amend our information security laws accordingly. Jo Ann Davis
It used to be expensive to make things public and cheap to make them private. Now it’s expensive to make things private and cheap to make them public. Clay Shirky
Investors see data breaches as a threat to a company’s material value and feel discouraged in investing in a business that has had its sensitive information compromised. Malcolm Marshal
From cyberbullying to sexting to prowling predators, the Information Age has brought with it a new spectrum of risks and threats for parents to guard their children against, and now that spectrum of threats has expanded to include child identity theft. Richard Power
I believe we will all be responsible for our own security – no vendor, service provider, or even government entity will save us. Sean Martin
IoT without security = internet of threats Stepahne Nappo
Any type of operating system that I wanted to be able to hack, I basically compromised the source code, copied it over to the university because I didn’t have enough space on my 200-megabyte hard drive. Kevin Mitnick
In an ICS environment, typical enterprise IT doesn’t work. Small maintenance windows are part of the problem. When things must run around the clock, sometimes there is just once a year where there’s enough downtime to do a security upgrade. Tauseef Ghazi
If you spend more on coffee than on IT security, you will be hacked. What’s more, you deserve to be hacked. Richard Clarke
Whether it’s Facebook or Google or the other companies, that basic principle that users should be able to see and control information about them that they themselves have revealed to the companies is not baked into how the companies work. But it’s bigger than privacy. Privacy is about what you’re willing to reveal about yourself. Eli Pariser
Security culture can achieve more than prohibition posture. Stephane Nappo
The knock-on effect of a data breach can be devastating for a company. When customers start taking their business—and their money—elsewhere, that can be a real body blow. Christopher Graham
There are no secrets better kept than the secrets that everybody guesses. George Bernard Shaw
When you know that you’re capable of dealing with whatever comes, you have the only security the world has to offer. Harry Browne
Secure web browsing is a game of changing tactics. Just when you think you’ve made your computer as safe to use as possible, the landscape changes. Cybercriminals are constantly developing new methods to hijack your system, and unless you stay ahead of the game you could find yourself with a very large problem. Pat Heck
We will bankrupt ourselves in the vain search for absolute security. Dwight D.
We should treat personal electronic data with the same care and respect as weapons-grade plutonium – it is dangerous, long-lasting and once it has leaked there’s no getting it back. Cory Doctorow
Security is a public good. You don’t get as much of it if you try to only protect yourself as you do if you work to protect the whole #community and others do the same . Tarah M. Wheeler
A modern cybersecurity program must have Board and Executive level visibility, funding, and support. The modern cybersecurity program also includes reporting on multiple topics: understanding how threats impact revenues and the company brand, sales enablement, brand protection, IP protection, and understanding cyber risk. – Demitrios ‘Laz’ Lazarikos
Passwords are like underwear: you don’t let people see it, you should change it very often, and you shouldn’t share it with strangers. Chris Pirillo
The methods that will most effectively minimize the ability of intruders to compromise information security are comprehensive user training and education. Enacting policies and procedures simply won’t suffice. Even with oversight the policies and procedures may not be effective: my access to Motorola, Nokia, ATT, Sun depended upon the willingness of people to bypass policies and procedures that were in place for years before I compromised them successfully. Kevin Mitnick
A business will have good security if its corporate culture is correct. That depends on one thing: tone at the top. There will be no grassroots effort to overwhelm corporate neglect. William Malik
Relying on the government to protect your privacy is like asking a peeping tom to install your window blinds. John Perry Barlow
What we should actually be doing is thinking about what are our key controls that will mitigate the risks. How do we have those funneled and controlled through the team that we have, how do we work through that in a well formatted, formulated process and pay attention to those controls we have chosen? Not a continual, add more, add more, add more. Dr. Chris Pierson
Be a little suspicious. A very large number of attacks rely on simple social engineering. Ask yourself next time you receive an e-mail claiming you have won an iPad or received a FedEx package — is this probably real? Would it happen to me walking down the street? Scams today aren’t all identifiable by poor grammar and spelling mistakes, as they once were. James Lyne
We’re concerned that people are trading security for convenience…People are doing things on free Wi-Fi that are really alarming. Doug Shadel
Understand what data you hold, how you are using it, and make sure that you are practicing good data hygiene. David Mount
The emerging nature of cyber risk is that it’s becoming systemic – as were the risks that led to the credit crisis. John Scott
If we are safe online, we can all enjoy the internet’s abundant resources of information, entertainment, and social connection – while guarding against dangers and risks which can turn our internet experience from good to bad. Paul Fletcher
In theory, one can build provably secure systems. In theory, theory can be applied to practice but in practice, it can’t. M. Dacier
When it comes to privacy and accountability, people always demand the former for themselves and the latter for everyone else. David Brin
No system of mass surveillance has existed in any society, that we know of to this point, that has not been abused. Edward Snowden
My message to companies that think they haven’t been attacked is: ‘You’re not looking hard enough. James Snook
Data. We love it. And we also know just how important it is to keep it safe. These days we’re plugged in anywhere and all the time. Sometimes, we may not even realize how plugged in we actually are while our apps, web searches, and credit card purchases are constantly storing our actions in the background. Katie Atkinson
Disruptive technologies are fundamentally expanding the ‘Art of the Possible’; reshaping the solution provider ecosystem with a new hierarchy of winners and losers and discombobulating expectations of how and by whom risk and security should be managed and led. Thornton May
A security system with several layers is difficult to hack. So, even if your data is targeted, getting through the many tiers of security will be a hassle. The simplest of programs, such as free online email accounts, have multi-layered security, too. Even if accessing your accounts takes a few extra steps, it is still worth the effort, certainly better than losing your data. Using a firewall, making sure your antivirus software is updated, running antivirus checks frequently and updating your programs regularly are all part of maintaining your personal data security. Doug Theis
Security in IT is like locking your house or car – it doesn’t stop the bad guys, but if it’s good enough they may move on to an easier target. Paul Herbka
Strengthening U.S. cybersecurity is common sense, like locking your door at night. But it’s one thing to turn the lock — and another to spend the night hunched in your living room with a shotgun. Douglas Birch
All computer users should treat any unsolicited email attachments with extreme caution, or they run the risk of being ripped off. Anyone unfortunate enough to run malicious software could potentially be allowing hackers to gain access to their computer to spy, steal and cause havoc. Users need to savvy-up to reduce the risk of being taken in by greedy, money-grabbing internet criminals. Graham Cluley
While it’s illegal to use Brad Pitt’s image to sell a watch without his permission, Facebook is free to use your name to sell one to your friends. Eli Pariser
The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete and sealed in a lead-lined room with armed guards. Gene Spafford
Information security’s response to bitter failure, in any area of endeavour, is to try the same thing that didn’t work — only harder. Marcus Ranum
Torture the data, and it will confess to anything. Ronald Coase

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Cyber Crime Essay

The unlawful act of gaining unauthorised access to computer systems or digital devices is known as cybercrime. A detailed grasp of how to stop or recover from cyberattacks is provided by cyber security. Online courses offer guidance on how to avoid, safeguard against, and recover from cybercrime risks. Here are a few sample essays on the topic ‘Cyber Crime’.

100 Words Essay on Cyber Crime

200 words essay on cyber crime, 500 words essay on cyber crime.

Cyber Crime Essay

Cybercrime is the most discussed problem in the twenty-first century. The usage of cellphones and the internet is increasing dramatically over the world, which is generating questions about consumers' security and privacy. Because of this, it is crucial for all users to understand cybercrime and security. Cybercrime is defined as organised criminal conduct carried out by attackers online. Cybercrime comes in numerous forms, such as fraud, computer viruses, cyberstalking, and others. Due to these, businesses and government organisations are spending more on maintaining and employing professionals in cybercrime.

There are millions and billions of users and websites in the vast community known as cyberspace. People utilise it for a variety of activities including e-commerce, transactions, shopping, movies, music, and video games. Anyone can simply access anything online in the current technological era owing to accessible internet connection. As a result, crime in general and cybercrime in particular have surged dramatically. Additionally, the faster internet connection has greatly boosted the rate of data circulation. All of these problems are responsible as to why cyber security has grown to be a significant issue for society.

The government has created a number of cybercrime-related laws in an effort to curb the spread of the crime and to protect people's interests. These laws also provide defence against cybercrime. Aside from that, the government has established cyber cells in police stations to combat cybercrime as quickly as possible.

Cybercrime is an attack that can be harmful to both an individual and a business. There have been several instances where a cyber attack led to a data leak that caused a significant loss for a business or a person. These cyber-attacks could have negative effects on the country and the business. The countless instances of cyberattacks that have taken place in India and other nations have necessitated increased security measures. There are four main categories of cybercrime, according to a popular definition—hacking, money, privacy, and cyber terrorism.

Cybercrime is a type of crime in which illegal activities are carried out online or using computers. Cybercrime comes in a variety of forms which involves harassing online users. Cybercrime is the most serious and rapidly expanding type of crime in this day and age. Any person's life may be negatively impacted for a very long time by becoming a cyber victim. Cybercrimes have a wide range of repercussions on financial and investment activity in digital organisations.

One typical tactic used by criminals is to lure online users in by creating attractive websites and sending phoney emails purporting to be from banks or other organisations and asking for personal information. It makes it easier for criminals to access a person's bank account and personal data. Due to viruses, mail fraud, account hacking, and software piracy, people have been victims of cybercrimes. They also run into problems with unauthorised access mailing, threats from pornographic emails, and video transmission.

Types of Cyber Crime

Cyberstalking | It is the use of electronic communication to track down a person or to make repeated attempts to get in touch with them in order to foster personal interaction despite their blatant lack of interest. Anyone who monitors the internet, email, or any other form of electronic communication is guilty of stalking.

Phishing | It is a sort of fraud that includes collecting personal data from recipients of emails that seem to be coming from a reliable source, including Customer ID, IPIN, Credit/Debit Card number, Card expiration date, CVV number, etc.

Vishing | It is an attempt when criminals attempt to obtain personal information over the phone, such as Customer ID, Net Banking password, ATM PIN, OTP, Card expiration date, CVV, etc.

Smishing | It is a sort of fraud that employs text messages sent to mobile devices to entice victims into dialling a fake phone number, going to a fake website, or downloading harmful software.

Impersonation And Identity Theft | This includes the dishonest or fraudulent use of another person's electronic signature, password, or other distinctive identification trait.

Virus, Worms, Trojan | A computer virus is a programme designed to infiltrate your computer, corrupt your files and data, and spread itself. Worms are malicious software applications that repeatedly duplicate themselves on local drives, network shares, etc. Trojan is a malicious programme that mimics a legitimate application. Trojans offer unauthorised people and applications access to your computer through a backdoor entry, allowing them to steal sensitive data.

How to Prevent Cyber Crime

Backup every piece of information—data, systems, and considerations—to make it easier for businesses to recover from unforeseen events with the help of prior data.

Pick a firewall that offers protection from viruses, malware, and dishonest hackers.

Never divulge private information to a stranger since they might exploit it for fraud.

To avoid cybercrime, check your security settings—in order to determine if someone has logged into your computer, a cyber firewall analyses your network settings.

Antivirus software aids in identifying potential threats and malware before they infect a computer system. Never use software that has been cracked since it poses a serious risk of data loss or malware attack.

Keep your information protected when accessing untrusted websites—information can readily bypass the data through phishing websites.

Explore Career Options (By Industry)

  • Construction
  • Entertainment
  • Manufacturing
  • Information Technology

Bio Medical Engineer

The field of biomedical engineering opens up a universe of expert chances. An Individual in the biomedical engineering career path work in the field of engineering as well as medicine, in order to find out solutions to common problems of the two fields. The biomedical engineering job opportunities are to collaborate with doctors and researchers to develop medical systems, equipment, or devices that can solve clinical problems. Here we will be discussing jobs after biomedical engineering, how to get a job in biomedical engineering, biomedical engineering scope, and salary. 

Data Administrator

Database professionals use software to store and organise data such as financial information, and customer shipping records. Individuals who opt for a career as data administrators ensure that data is available for users and secured from unauthorised sales. DB administrators may work in various types of industries. It may involve computer systems design, service firms, insurance companies, banks and hospitals.

Ethical Hacker

A career as ethical hacker involves various challenges and provides lucrative opportunities in the digital era where every giant business and startup owns its cyberspace on the world wide web. Individuals in the ethical hacker career path try to find the vulnerabilities in the cyber system to get its authority. If he or she succeeds in it then he or she gets its illegal authority. Individuals in the ethical hacker career path then steal information or delete the file that could affect the business, functioning, or services of the organization.

Data Analyst

The invention of the database has given fresh breath to the people involved in the data analytics career path. Analysis refers to splitting up a whole into its individual components for individual analysis. Data analysis is a method through which raw data are processed and transformed into information that would be beneficial for user strategic thinking.

Data are collected and examined to respond to questions, evaluate hypotheses or contradict theories. It is a tool for analyzing, transforming, modeling, and arranging data with useful knowledge, to assist in decision-making and methods, encompassing various strategies, and is used in different fields of business, research, and social science.

Geothermal Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as geothermal engineers are the professionals involved in the processing of geothermal energy. The responsibilities of geothermal engineers may vary depending on the workplace location. Those who work in fields design facilities to process and distribute geothermal energy. They oversee the functioning of machinery used in the field.

Remote Sensing Technician

Individuals who opt for a career as a remote sensing technician possess unique personalities. Remote sensing analysts seem to be rational human beings, they are strong, independent, persistent, sincere, realistic and resourceful. Some of them are analytical as well, which means they are intelligent, introspective and inquisitive. 

Remote sensing scientists use remote sensing technology to support scientists in fields such as community planning, flight planning or the management of natural resources. Analysing data collected from aircraft, satellites or ground-based platforms using statistical analysis software, image analysis software or Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a significant part of their work. Do you want to learn how to become remote sensing technician? There's no need to be concerned; we've devised a simple remote sensing technician career path for you. Scroll through the pages and read.

Geotechnical engineer

The role of geotechnical engineer starts with reviewing the projects needed to define the required material properties. The work responsibilities are followed by a site investigation of rock, soil, fault distribution and bedrock properties on and below an area of interest. The investigation is aimed to improve the ground engineering design and determine their engineering properties that include how they will interact with, on or in a proposed construction. 

The role of geotechnical engineer in mining includes designing and determining the type of foundations, earthworks, and or pavement subgrades required for the intended man-made structures to be made. Geotechnical engineering jobs are involved in earthen and concrete dam construction projects, working under a range of normal and extreme loading conditions. 


How fascinating it is to represent the whole world on just a piece of paper or a sphere. With the help of maps, we are able to represent the real world on a much smaller scale. Individuals who opt for a career as a cartographer are those who make maps. But, cartography is not just limited to maps, it is about a mixture of art , science , and technology. As a cartographer, not only you will create maps but use various geodetic surveys and remote sensing systems to measure, analyse, and create different maps for political, cultural or educational purposes.

Budget Analyst

Budget analysis, in a nutshell, entails thoroughly analyzing the details of a financial budget. The budget analysis aims to better understand and manage revenue. Budget analysts assist in the achievement of financial targets, the preservation of profitability, and the pursuit of long-term growth for a business. Budget analysts generally have a bachelor's degree in accounting, finance, economics, or a closely related field. Knowledge of Financial Management is of prime importance in this career.

Product Manager

A Product Manager is a professional responsible for product planning and marketing. He or she manages the product throughout the Product Life Cycle, gathering and prioritising the product. A product manager job description includes defining the product vision and working closely with team members of other departments to deliver winning products.  


An underwriter is a person who assesses and evaluates the risk of insurance in his or her field like mortgage, loan, health policy, investment, and so on and so forth. The underwriter career path does involve risks as analysing the risks means finding out if there is a way for the insurance underwriter jobs to recover the money from its clients. If the risk turns out to be too much for the company then in the future it is an underwriter who will be held accountable for it. Therefore, one must carry out his or her job with a lot of attention and diligence.

Finance Executive

Operations manager.

Individuals in the operations manager jobs are responsible for ensuring the efficiency of each department to acquire its optimal goal. They plan the use of resources and distribution of materials. The operations manager's job description includes managing budgets, negotiating contracts, and performing administrative tasks.

Bank Probationary Officer (PO)

Investment director.

An investment director is a person who helps corporations and individuals manage their finances. They can help them develop a strategy to achieve their goals, including paying off debts and investing in the future. In addition, he or she can help individuals make informed decisions.

Welding Engineer

Welding Engineer Job Description: A Welding Engineer work involves managing welding projects and supervising welding teams. He or she is responsible for reviewing welding procedures, processes and documentation. A career as Welding Engineer involves conducting failure analyses and causes on welding issues. 

Transportation Planner

A career as Transportation Planner requires technical application of science and technology in engineering, particularly the concepts, equipment and technologies involved in the production of products and services. In fields like land use, infrastructure review, ecological standards and street design, he or she considers issues of health, environment and performance. A Transportation Planner assigns resources for implementing and designing programmes. He or she is responsible for assessing needs, preparing plans and forecasts and compliance with regulations.

An expert in plumbing is aware of building regulations and safety standards and works to make sure these standards are upheld. Testing pipes for leakage using air pressure and other gauges, and also the ability to construct new pipe systems by cutting, fitting, measuring and threading pipes are some of the other more involved aspects of plumbing. Individuals in the plumber career path are self-employed or work for a small business employing less than ten people, though some might find working for larger entities or the government more desirable.

Construction Manager

Individuals who opt for a career as construction managers have a senior-level management role offered in construction firms. Responsibilities in the construction management career path are assigning tasks to workers, inspecting their work, and coordinating with other professionals including architects, subcontractors, and building services engineers.

Urban Planner

Urban Planning careers revolve around the idea of developing a plan to use the land optimally, without affecting the environment. Urban planning jobs are offered to those candidates who are skilled in making the right use of land to distribute the growing population, to create various communities. 

Urban planning careers come with the opportunity to make changes to the existing cities and towns. They identify various community needs and make short and long-term plans accordingly.

Highway Engineer

Highway Engineer Job Description:  A Highway Engineer is a civil engineer who specialises in planning and building thousands of miles of roads that support connectivity and allow transportation across the country. He or she ensures that traffic management schemes are effectively planned concerning economic sustainability and successful implementation.

Environmental Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as an environmental engineer are construction professionals who utilise the skills and knowledge of biology, soil science, chemistry and the concept of engineering to design and develop projects that serve as solutions to various environmental problems. 

Naval Architect

A Naval Architect is a professional who designs, produces and repairs safe and sea-worthy surfaces or underwater structures. A Naval Architect stays involved in creating and designing ships, ferries, submarines and yachts with implementation of various principles such as gravity, ideal hull form, buoyancy and stability. 

Orthotist and Prosthetist

Orthotists and Prosthetists are professionals who provide aid to patients with disabilities. They fix them to artificial limbs (prosthetics) and help them to regain stability. There are times when people lose their limbs in an accident. In some other occasions, they are born without a limb or orthopaedic impairment. Orthotists and prosthetists play a crucial role in their lives with fixing them to assistive devices and provide mobility.

Veterinary Doctor


A career in pathology in India is filled with several responsibilities as it is a medical branch and affects human lives. The demand for pathologists has been increasing over the past few years as people are getting more aware of different diseases. Not only that, but an increase in population and lifestyle changes have also contributed to the increase in a pathologist’s demand. The pathology careers provide an extremely huge number of opportunities and if you want to be a part of the medical field you can consider being a pathologist. If you want to know more about a career in pathology in India then continue reading this article.

Speech Therapist


Gynaecology can be defined as the study of the female body. The job outlook for gynaecology is excellent since there is evergreen demand for one because of their responsibility of dealing with not only women’s health but also fertility and pregnancy issues. Although most women prefer to have a women obstetrician gynaecologist as their doctor, men also explore a career as a gynaecologist and there are ample amounts of male doctors in the field who are gynaecologists and aid women during delivery and childbirth. 

An oncologist is a specialised doctor responsible for providing medical care to patients diagnosed with cancer. He or she uses several therapies to control the cancer and its effect on the human body such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy and biopsy. An oncologist designs a treatment plan based on a pathology report after diagnosing the type of cancer and where it is spreading inside the body.


The audiologist career involves audiology professionals who are responsible to treat hearing loss and proactively preventing the relevant damage. Individuals who opt for a career as an audiologist use various testing strategies with the aim to determine if someone has a normal sensitivity to sounds or not. After the identification of hearing loss, a hearing doctor is required to determine which sections of the hearing are affected, to what extent they are affected, and where the wound causing the hearing loss is found. As soon as the hearing loss is identified, the patients are provided with recommendations for interventions and rehabilitation such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, and appropriate medical referrals. While audiology is a branch of science that studies and researches hearing, balance, and related disorders.

Hospital Administrator

The hospital Administrator is in charge of organising and supervising the daily operations of medical services and facilities. This organising includes managing of organisation’s staff and its members in service, budgets, service reports, departmental reporting and taking reminders of patient care and services.

For an individual who opts for a career as an actor, the primary responsibility is to completely speak to the character he or she is playing and to persuade the crowd that the character is genuine by connecting with them and bringing them into the story. This applies to significant roles and littler parts, as all roles join to make an effective creation. Here in this article, we will discuss how to become an actor in India, actor exams, actor salary in India, and actor jobs. 

Individuals who opt for a career as acrobats create and direct original routines for themselves, in addition to developing interpretations of existing routines. The work of circus acrobats can be seen in a variety of performance settings, including circus, reality shows, sports events like the Olympics, movies and commercials. Individuals who opt for a career as acrobats must be prepared to face rejections and intermittent periods of work. The creativity of acrobats may extend to other aspects of the performance. For example, acrobats in the circus may work with gym trainers, celebrities or collaborate with other professionals to enhance such performance elements as costume and or maybe at the teaching end of the career.

Video Game Designer

Career as a video game designer is filled with excitement as well as responsibilities. A video game designer is someone who is involved in the process of creating a game from day one. He or she is responsible for fulfilling duties like designing the character of the game, the several levels involved, plot, art and similar other elements. Individuals who opt for a career as a video game designer may also write the codes for the game using different programming languages.

Depending on the video game designer job description and experience they may also have to lead a team and do the early testing of the game in order to suggest changes and find loopholes.

Radio Jockey

Radio Jockey is an exciting, promising career and a great challenge for music lovers. If you are really interested in a career as radio jockey, then it is very important for an RJ to have an automatic, fun, and friendly personality. If you want to get a job done in this field, a strong command of the language and a good voice are always good things. Apart from this, in order to be a good radio jockey, you will also listen to good radio jockeys so that you can understand their style and later make your own by practicing.

A career as radio jockey has a lot to offer to deserving candidates. If you want to know more about a career as radio jockey, and how to become a radio jockey then continue reading the article.


The word “choreography" actually comes from Greek words that mean “dance writing." Individuals who opt for a career as a choreographer create and direct original dances, in addition to developing interpretations of existing dances. A Choreographer dances and utilises his or her creativity in other aspects of dance performance. For example, he or she may work with the music director to select music or collaborate with other famous choreographers to enhance such performance elements as lighting, costume and set design.


Multimedia specialist.

A multimedia specialist is a media professional who creates, audio, videos, graphic image files, computer animations for multimedia applications. He or she is responsible for planning, producing, and maintaining websites and applications. 

Social Media Manager

A career as social media manager involves implementing the company’s or brand’s marketing plan across all social media channels. Social media managers help in building or improving a brand’s or a company’s website traffic, build brand awareness, create and implement marketing and brand strategy. Social media managers are key to important social communication as well.

Copy Writer

In a career as a copywriter, one has to consult with the client and understand the brief well. A career as a copywriter has a lot to offer to deserving candidates. Several new mediums of advertising are opening therefore making it a lucrative career choice. Students can pursue various copywriter courses such as Journalism , Advertising , Marketing Management . Here, we have discussed how to become a freelance copywriter, copywriter career path, how to become a copywriter in India, and copywriting career outlook. 

Careers in journalism are filled with excitement as well as responsibilities. One cannot afford to miss out on the details. As it is the small details that provide insights into a story. Depending on those insights a journalist goes about writing a news article. A journalism career can be stressful at times but if you are someone who is passionate about it then it is the right choice for you. If you want to know more about the media field and journalist career then continue reading this article.

For publishing books, newspapers, magazines and digital material, editorial and commercial strategies are set by publishers. Individuals in publishing career paths make choices about the markets their businesses will reach and the type of content that their audience will be served. Individuals in book publisher careers collaborate with editorial staff, designers, authors, and freelance contributors who develop and manage the creation of content.

In a career as a vlogger, one generally works for himself or herself. However, once an individual has gained viewership there are several brands and companies that approach them for paid collaboration. It is one of those fields where an individual can earn well while following his or her passion. 

Ever since internet costs got reduced the viewership for these types of content has increased on a large scale. Therefore, a career as a vlogger has a lot to offer. If you want to know more about the Vlogger eligibility, roles and responsibilities then continue reading the article. 

Individuals in the editor career path is an unsung hero of the news industry who polishes the language of the news stories provided by stringers, reporters, copywriters and content writers and also news agencies. Individuals who opt for a career as an editor make it more persuasive, concise and clear for readers. In this article, we will discuss the details of the editor's career path such as how to become an editor in India, editor salary in India and editor skills and qualities.

Linguistic meaning is related to language or Linguistics which is the study of languages. A career as a linguistic meaning, a profession that is based on the scientific study of language, and it's a very broad field with many specialities. Famous linguists work in academia, researching and teaching different areas of language, such as phonetics (sounds), syntax (word order) and semantics (meaning). 

Other researchers focus on specialities like computational linguistics, which seeks to better match human and computer language capacities, or applied linguistics, which is concerned with improving language education. Still, others work as language experts for the government, advertising companies, dictionary publishers and various other private enterprises. Some might work from home as freelance linguists. Philologist, phonologist, and dialectician are some of Linguist synonym. Linguists can study French , German , Italian . 

Public Relation Executive

Travel journalist.

The career of a travel journalist is full of passion, excitement and responsibility. Journalism as a career could be challenging at times, but if you're someone who has been genuinely enthusiastic about all this, then it is the best decision for you. Travel journalism jobs are all about insightful, artfully written, informative narratives designed to cover the travel industry. Travel Journalist is someone who explores, gathers and presents information as a news article.

Quality Controller

A quality controller plays a crucial role in an organisation. He or she is responsible for performing quality checks on manufactured products. He or she identifies the defects in a product and rejects the product. 

A quality controller records detailed information about products with defects and sends it to the supervisor or plant manager to take necessary actions to improve the production process.

Production Manager


A QA Lead is in charge of the QA Team. The role of QA Lead comes with the responsibility of assessing services and products in order to determine that he or she meets the quality standards. He or she develops, implements and manages test plans. 

Metallurgical Engineer

A metallurgical engineer is a professional who studies and produces materials that bring power to our world. He or she extracts metals from ores and rocks and transforms them into alloys, high-purity metals and other materials used in developing infrastructure, transportation and healthcare equipment. 

Azure Administrator

An Azure Administrator is a professional responsible for implementing, monitoring, and maintaining Azure Solutions. He or she manages cloud infrastructure service instances and various cloud servers as well as sets up public and private cloud systems. 

AWS Solution Architect

An AWS Solution Architect is someone who specializes in developing and implementing cloud computing systems. He or she has a good understanding of the various aspects of cloud computing and can confidently deploy and manage their systems. He or she troubleshoots the issues and evaluates the risk from the third party. 

Computer Programmer

Careers in computer programming primarily refer to the systematic act of writing code and moreover include wider computer science areas. The word 'programmer' or 'coder' has entered into practice with the growing number of newly self-taught tech enthusiasts. Computer programming careers involve the use of designs created by software developers and engineers and transforming them into commands that can be implemented by computers. These commands result in regular usage of social media sites, word-processing applications and browsers.

ITSM Manager

Information security manager.

Individuals in the information security manager career path involves in overseeing and controlling all aspects of computer security. The IT security manager job description includes planning and carrying out security measures to protect the business data and information from corruption, theft, unauthorised access, and deliberate attack 

Business Intelligence Developer

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Cyber Crime Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on cyber crime.

Cyber Crime Essay – Everybody thinks that only stealing someone’s private data is Cyber Crime. But in defining terms we can say that ‘Cyber Crime refers to the use of an electronic device (computer, laptop, etc.) for stealing someone’s data or trying to harm them using a computer.

Besides, it is an illegal activity that involves a series of issues ranging from theft to using your system or IP address as a tool for committing a crime.

Cyber Crime Essay

Types of Cyber Crime

Speaking in a broadway we can say that Cyber Crime are categorized into four major types. These are Financial, Privacy, Hacking, and Cyber Terrorism.

The financial crime they steal the money of user or account holders. Likewise, they also stole data of companies which can lead to financial crimes. Also, transactions are heavily risked because of them. Every year hackers stole lakhs and crores of rupees of businessmen and government.

Privacy crime includes stealing your private data which you do not want to share with the world. Moreover, due to it, the people suffer a lot and some even commit suicide because of their data’s misuse.

In, hacking they intentional deface a website to cause damage or loss to the public or owner. Apart from that, they destroy or make changes in the existing websites to diminish its value.

Modern-day terrorism has grown way beyond what it was 10-20 years ago. But cyber terrorism is not just related to terrorists or terrorist organizations. But to threat some person or property to the level of creating fear is also Cyber Terrorism.

Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas

Cyber Crime in India

Web world or cyberspace is a massive community of millions and billions of users and websites. Also, people access it for different uses like shopping, movies, music, video games, transactions, and e-commerce, etc.

cyber crime quotes for essay

In this Age of Technology and easy access to the internet, anyone can easily reach it. Because of this fast pace growth from the previous decade. Besides, the internet has opened a world of information on which anyone can connect.

Due to, this the rate of crime especially the rate of Cyber Crime has increased much fold. Moreover, the rate of circulation of data is also increased much fold due to the higher speed of internet. Above all, due to all these issues, the Cybersecurity has become a major concern for society.

Laws related to Cyber Crimes

To stop the spread of Cyber Crime and to safeguard the interest of people the government has made several laws related to Cyber Crimes. Also, these laws serve as protection against Cyber Crime. Apart from that, the government has also introduced cyber cells in police stations to counter the problem of Cyber Crime as fast as they can.

Ways of stopping Cyber Crime

Cyber Crime is not something which we cannot deal with our self. Likewise, with little use of our common sense and logic, we can stop Cyber Crimes from happening.

To conclude, we can say that Cyber Crime is a dangerous offense to someone’s privacy or any material. Also, we can avoid Cyber Crime by following some basic logical things and using our common sense. Above all, Cyber Crime is a violation of not only law but of human rights too.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What is the main cause of Cyber Crime?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “The greed for quick money and the desire to get famous quickly are the two main reasons of Cyber Crime. Also, most of the targets of Cyber Crime banks, businessman, financial firms, etc.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What is the punishment of Cyber Crime in India?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”If the person is found guilty then there are several punishments based on the level of crime. A simple crime can cost you a fine while a bigger crime can lead you to jail.”} }] }

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117 CyberCrime Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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117 Cybercrime Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

In today's digitally interconnected world, cybercrime has become a significant concern for individuals, businesses, and governments alike. The ever-evolving nature of cyber threats poses challenges to law enforcement agencies and cybersecurity professionals. If you are tasked with writing an essay on cybercrime, but struggling to come up with a topic, fret not! Here, we present 117 cybercrime essay topic ideas and examples to help inspire your writing.

  • The rise of ransomware attacks: Causes, consequences, and preventive measures.
  • Cyberbullying: Analyzing its psychological impact on victims and strategies for prevention.
  • Social engineering attacks: Understanding the methods and mitigating the risks.
  • The role of international cooperation in combating cybercrime.
  • The dark web: A haven for illegal activities.
  • Cyber warfare: Assessing the implications and international norms.
  • Online identity theft: Examining the financial and emotional consequences.
  • The use of artificial intelligence in cybercrime prevention.
  • Cyber espionage: Analyzing state-sponsored attacks and their impact on national security.
  • The role of cryptocurrencies in facilitating cybercrime.
  • Cyberstalking: Legal challenges and protective measures.
  • The impact of cybercrime on small businesses.
  • The ethics of hacking: White hat versus black hat.
  • Cyberterrorism: Assessing the risks and counterterrorism strategies.
  • The role of legislation in combating cybercrime.
  • The psychological profile of cybercriminals: Identifying common characteristics.
  • The influence of cybercrime on financial markets and economies.
  • Cyber fraud: Analyzing different types and methods.
  • The impact of cybercrime on critical infrastructure.
  • Cybersecurity awareness: Strategies for educating individuals and organizations.
  • The role of social media in facilitating cybercrime.
  • Cyberbullying among teenagers: Causes, consequences, and preventive measures.
  • The future of cybersecurity: Anticipating emerging threats.
  • The impact of cybercrime on healthcare organizations.
  • The role of machine learning in detecting and preventing cyber threats.
  • Cyberattacks on the electoral process: Safeguarding democratic systems.
  • The legal challenges of prosecuting cybercriminals.
  • The role of international organizations in addressing cybercrime.
  • Cyber insurance: Analyzing its effectiveness in mitigating financial losses.
  • The impact of cybercrime on intellectual property theft.
  • The vulnerabilities of IoT devices: Securing the interconnected world.
  • The role of education in raising cybercrime awareness.
  • The impact of cybercrime on national security.
  • The role of cloud computing in enhancing cybersecurity.
  • Cyberbullying in the workplace: Addressing its prevalence and impact.
  • The psychology behind cybercriminals: Understanding their motivations.
  • The impact of cybercrime on e-commerce and online transactions.
  • Cybersecurity regulations: Balancing privacy and protection.
  • The influence of state-sponsored hacking on international relations.
  • The role of cybersecurity certifications in professional development.
  • Cyberattacks on critical infrastructure: Analyzing vulnerabilities and protective measures.
  • The impact of cybercrime on human rights and privacy.
  • Cyber espionage: The blurred lines between nation-states and cybercriminals.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in cyber defense.
  • The psychology of phishing attacks: How do they manipulate human behavior?
  • The impact of cybercrime on the banking sector.
  • The role of information sharing in combating cyber threats.
  • The rise of cybercrime during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The legal challenges of extraditing cybercriminals across borders.
  • The impact of cybercrime on children and adolescents.
  • The role of cybersecurity in protecting personal data.
  • Cyberattacks on the transportation industry: Analyzing risks and vulnerabilities.
  • The impact of cybercrime on trust in digital systems.
  • Cyber insurance: Its role in incentivizing cybersecurity investments.
  • The ethical considerations of hacking for a cause: Hacktivism.
  • The impact of cybercrime on national economies.
  • Cybersecurity in the age of artificial intelligence: Challenges and opportunities.
  • The role of open-source intelligence in investigating cybercrimes.
  • Cyberattacks on critical infrastructure: Learning from historical incidents.
  • The impact of cybercrime on the reputation of organizations.
  • The psychology of online scams: Understanding victims' susceptibility.
  • The vulnerabilities of smart cities: Securing the urban future.
  • The impact of cybercrime on human trafficking and exploitation.
  • The role of cybersecurity in protecting intellectual property.
  • Cyber espionage: Analyzing the tactics and techniques of nation-state actors.
  • The impact of cybercrime on the tourism industry.
  • The role of cybersecurity in protecting elections and democratic processes.
  • Cybersecurity in the era of quantum computing: Preparing for the future.
  • The impact of cybercrime on the entertainment industry.
  • The psychology of online radicalization: Analyzing the role of the internet.
  • The vulnerabilities of supply chain networks: Safeguarding global trade.
  • The impact of cybercrime on national healthcare systems.
  • The role of cybersecurity in protecting critical research and development.
  • Cyber insurance: Challenges and opportunities for insurance providers.
  • The dark side of social media: Cyberbullying and harassment.
  • The impact of cybercrime on the aviation industry.
  • The role of cybersecurity in protecting autonomous vehicles.
  • Cyber espionage: Analyzing the economic and political motivations behind attacks.
  • The impact of cybercrime on the gaming industry.
  • The vulnerabilities of smart home devices: Protecting personal privacy.
  • The role of cybersecurity in protecting intellectual property in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Cyberattacks on the energy sector: Analyzing the risks and protective measures.
  • The impact of cybercrime on the media and journalism.
  • The psychology of online grooming: Protecting vulnerable individuals.
  • The vulnerabilities of e-voting systems: Safeguarding democratic processes.
  • The impact of cybercrime on the retail industry.
  • The role of cybersecurity in protecting autonomous drones.
  • Cyber espionage: Analyzing the impact on technological advancements.
  • The impact of cybercrime on the music industry.
  • The vulnerabilities of smart grid systems: Securing the future of energy.
  • The role of cybersecurity in protecting intellectual property in the film industry.
  • Cyberattacks on the water supply: Analyzing the risks and protective measures.
  • The impact of cybercrime on the sports industry.
  • The psychology of online addiction: Analyzing the impact on mental health.
  • The vulnerabilities of smart transportation systems: Ensuring passenger safety.
  • The impact of cybercrime on the fashion industry.
  • The role of cybersecurity in protecting smart city infrastructure.
  • Cyber espionage: Analyzing the impact on scientific advancements.
  • The impact of cybercrime on the food and beverage industry.
  • The vulnerabilities of wearable technology: Protecting personal health data.
  • The role of cybersecurity in protecting intellectual property in the automotive industry.
  • Cyberattacks on the telecommunications sector: Analyzing the risks and protective measures.
  • The impact of cybercrime on the art and design industry.
  • The psychology of online gaming addiction: Analyzing its effects on players.
  • The vulnerabilities of smart healthcare systems: Protecting patient data.
  • The impact of cybercrime on the hospitality industry.
  • The role of cybersecurity in protecting smart home infrastructure.
  • Cyber espionage: Analyzing the impact on military capabilities.
  • The impact of cybercrime on the beauty and cosmetics industry.
  • The vulnerabilities of augmented reality technology: Protecting user privacy.
  • The role of cybersecurity in protecting intellectual property in the aerospace industry.
  • Cyberattacks on the financial sector: Analyzing the risks and protective measures.
  • The impact of cybercrime on the real estate industry.
  • The psychology of online shopping addiction: Analyzing consumer behavior.
  • The vulnerabilities of blockchain technology: Ensuring secure transactions.
  • The impact of cybercrime on the agricultural industry.
  • The role of cybersecurity in protecting smart grid infrastructure.

These 117 cybercrime essay topic ideas and examples should provide ample inspiration for your writing. Whether you choose to focus on the psychological aspects, the technical challenges, or the societal impacts of cybercrime, remember to approach the topic with a critical mindset and back your arguments with reliable sources. Good luck with your essay!

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Essay on Cyber Crime | 500+ Words

Cybercrime is like a shadow lurking in the digital world, ready to harm us. In this essay, we will explore the world of cybercrime, its types, consequences, and how we can protect ourselves in the digital age.

Defining Cybercrime:

Cybercrime involves illegal activities conducted online. These crimes can harm individuals, organizations, and even entire nations.

The Digital Revolution

The rise of technology has brought convenience but also vulnerabilities. Cybercriminals exploit these vulnerabilities for personal gain.

Types of Cybercrime

Cybercrime takes many forms, including hacking, identity theft, online scams, and cyberbullying. Each poses unique risks and challenges.

Hacking and Data Breaches

Hackers gain unauthorized access to computer systems, stealing valuable data. These breaches can lead to financial loss and privacy violations.

Identity Theft

Identity theft involves stealing personal information for fraudulent purposes. Victims can face financial ruin and emotional distress.

Online Scams

Scammers trick people into giving away money or personal information. Awareness and skepticism are key defenses against these scams.


Cyberbullying involves using the internet to harass or harm others. It can have devastating effects on mental and emotional well-being.

The Impact of Cybercrime

Cybercrime has far-reaching consequences, affecting individuals, businesses, and governments. It erodes trust and security in the digital world.

Financial Loss

Victims of cybercrime often suffer financial losses. Recovering stolen funds can be challenging, and the impact can be long-lasting.

Emotional Toll

The emotional toll of cybercrime can be severe. Victims may experience fear, anxiety, and a loss of trust in online interactions.

Expert Opinions on Cybercrime

Experts in cybersecurity emphasize the importance of vigilance, education, and strong security measures in protecting against cyber threats.

Cybersecurity Measures

Protecting against cybercrime requires cybersecurity measures like strong passwords, antivirus software, and regular software updates.

The Role of Education

Education about online safety is vital. Schools and organizations should teach digital literacy and cybersecurity from an early age.

Online Privacy

Protecting online privacy means being cautious about sharing personal information and understanding the importance of data protection laws.

Reporting Cybercrime

Reporting cybercrime to law enforcement is crucial. It helps track down cybercriminals and prevent further harm.

International Cooperation

Cybercrime is a global issue. International cooperation and laws are essential to combating it effectively.

The Future of Cybersecurity

As technology evolves, so do cyber threats. Ongoing research and innovation in cybersecurity are essential to staying ahead of cybercriminals.

Conclusion of Essay on Cyber Crime

In conclusion, cybercrime is a digital menace that affects us all. Whether it’s hacking, scams, or cyberbullying, the consequences can be devastating. However, we can protect ourselves by staying informed, practicing good cybersecurity habits, and reporting cybercrime when it occurs.

The digital age has brought us incredible opportunities, but it has also brought risks. It is our responsibility to navigate this digital world with caution and vigilance. By doing so, we can reduce the impact of cybercrime and make the internet a safer place for everyone. Cybersecurity is not just a personal responsibility; it’s a collective effort to keep our digital world secure and trustworthy.

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  • Cyber Crime Essay


Essay on Cyber Crime

Cyber crime is the most discussed issue of the 21st century. The technology sector world wide is witnessing  a boom in the consumer of smartphones and the internet which is raising concerns with regard to the privacy and security of the users. Owing to this reason, it is highly essential for all the users to know about cyber crime  & security.  As a result, thi topic has become the most favorite topic of the examiner and can often be seen asked in the exams.  In this view, students must have information on cyber crime and stay prepared to tackle such topics in the essay question in the English paper.


Cybercrime is a dangerous attack a company or an individual may face. There are many cases where the cyber attack has brought massive loss to the company and individuals due to the data hack. We live in a technology-driven era, and every piece of information is now fed on computers. Cybercrime involves an attack on computers and digital devices. These cyber-attacks can prove hazardous not just for the organization, but also for the nation. To date, there are many digital attack cases in India and global, pushing for more security measures. These attacks are also affecting the economy of the country if not controlled in the initial stage.

What is Cybercrime?

Cybercrime or attack is defined as the systematic criminal activity occurring digitally

and done by attackers. There are many examples of cybercrime, including fraud,

malware viruses, cyberstalking and others. Due to these, government agencies and

companies are investing more in the maintenance and hiring of cybercrime experts. 

Earlier, cybercrime was committed only by individuals or by small groups. However, now a highly complex cybercriminals network work on attacking the system for data


Three groups of cybercrimes-

This is the form of cyberstalking, trafficking, and grooming. Over the years, this

This type of cybercrime has been taken seriously by law enforcement agencies. It is

now keeping a track over every such attack on an individual.

Similar to the real world where criminals steal the property, in the cyber world,

attackers steal data. Here, the attacker steals a person's bank details and

misuse the credit card for online purchase. By using malicious software, the

attacker attacks the property to disrupt the system of the organization.

These types of crimes are denoted as cyber terrorism. This can be a terror because

the attacker can get hold of essential documents related to government

projects. An enemy nation or terrorist usually makes such attacks. There are

many cases globally where a terrorist hacks government data.

Apart from these, there is a financial crime where the hacker steals the money of the

user account holder. Moreover, they steal company data and finance.

In this type, the computer system of the person is hacked to get personal

information. In many countries, including India, hacking is a punishable act.

It is quite different from ethical hacking. In normal hacking, illegal use

different types of software to enter the system of the target person. Hacker is

then able to monitor every activity done by the person.

This Cybercrime is about violating copyright and downloading music or movies. In

India, many movies before their releases are leaked on the movie download

sites. In other words , theft is also called privacy, which can bring a huge

loss to the organization.

Cyber Stalking

It is online harassment by an individual or a group of people. Normally, these

stalkers target an individual and harass online. There are many cases of

cyberstalking in India, resulting in the target person ending up taking

Malicious Software

These are computer-based cybercrimes where virus-based software is installed in the

target people or organization computers. This is to damage the system and

corrupt the data of the target.

Laws Related to Cybercrime

In India, there are many cybercrime laws enacted to stop this threat. Be it for

the individual or the organization; these laws help to either bring down the

number of cases or eliminate these digital crimes.

Apart from these laws, as an individual, you also need to take steps to stop these

crimes. Like, not providing your login details, installing trust anti-virus

software and keeping your online profile private can help to act against such

Cybercrime is a significant threat that can bring huge loss to the individual and the

organization. It is essential to follow basic online rules to ensure the safety

of self and the organization.

Benefits of Cyber Crime Essay in English provided by Vedantu

The essay on cybercrime provided by Vedantu is prepared by highly qualified teachers which makes it a reliable source of information. This information could be utilized for a variety of reasons. Being a reliable piece of information the essay will benefit everyone curious to know about the topic.

Following are the highlights of its benefits:

Reliable information 

Adaptive to the context 

Precise language

Fulfills the requirements of the students for english exam questions 

Comprehensive and analytical. The  article digs in the depth of the issue and analyzes it through a 360 degree perspective.

The essay could also be used by the students for preparing themselves for the essay question in the English paper. This essay is an excellent guide to understand what the examiner is looking for in the exam. Moreover, the topic of cybercrime is quite a recurrent one in the exam. So the students use this essay to deal with the same topic.

The Essay on Cyber Crime is an excellent guide on averting any possibilities of a cyber attack. On today's date, one is mostly on the internet for a variety of reasons. It becomes essential for one to know important tips that can keep one safe from cyberbullies, thieves, or blackmailers. It is also important for one to understand the right course of actions to be taken in an eventuality of such an incident.

Download the cybercrime essay for students in English on the Vedantu website.


FAQs on Cyber Crime Essay

1. How Does Cybercrime Work?

Group of people or an individual commits most of these cyber-crimes. These criminals use a systematic process to hack and commit these acts. These criminal communities share strategies and tools to launch attacks. Some of the cybercrime techniques

Fast Flux - In this method, the hacker moves data quickly among computers in a botnet, making it challenging to find the right source.

Social Engineering - This method includes using lies and manipulation to trick people into revealing their personal information.

Skimmers - This involves installing a skimming tool in an ATM and stealing the information. You may find such skimming devices in ATMs.

There are some digital criminals targeting organizations to steal personal information.

2. How Cybercrime Affects Society?

Cybercrime can hugely affect society. In 2018, the US faced a loss of $600 billion. As consumers are increasingly allowing technologies to get into their lives, cyber attackers are getting better access. Some of the essential information available are-

Personal health data, sleep schedules, and geo-locations Shopping history, account information, and passive conversations noticed voice-controlled devices, Private conversations on social media accounts.

Your entire life is now available on social media, making it vulnerable to hack or cyber-attack. Attackers use different techniques including- installing malware, virus, phishing, cyberstalking, etc. These can certainly bring loss of lives and data for individuals and organizations. For society, this is a significant loss in the long run.  One needs to be very careful when presenting himself socially.

3. How to stay secure in times of cybercrime?

Cybercrime is a real threat posing to society. It is the 21st-century version of theft and blackmailing. There are certain ways one should adopt to prevent any possibilities of cybercrime. Do not disclose the banking details to random people or fill the CVV of your debit or credit cards on an unknown and unverified website. Keep your passwords always discrete. The camera of the laptop should always be covered.

4. Where can I get a cybercrime essay?

One can find a good quality cyber crime essay on Vedantu's website. The essay which is prepared by the expert teachers describes everything that one needs to know about cybercrime. It is the one-stop solution for all your requirements on the topic. Their essay is available in PDF format on the website and could be downloaded on any device. One downloaded essay could be used in offline mode too. If one finds it feasible, the printout of the PDF could also be taken out.

Cyber Crime Essay

In this Cyber Crime Essay , we had discussed the classification of cybercrimes, how to prevent cybercrime & much more.

Cybercrime is a type of crime in which computer crime (hacking, spamming, etc.) is used as a tool to commit any crime.

Cybercriminals use computer and Internet technology to access personal information, trade secrets, etc.

In this article  Essay on Cyber Crime , we had provided the essays in different word limits, which you can use as per your need:

Essay on Cyber Crime 150 words:

Most cybercrime is usually done for money today, but some people are trying to steal someone’s data, harm another person, and destroy someone’s network or computer.

In the present time, Cyber Crime remains a headache for the people; it is a severe problem; to stop this activity, every country in the world developed laws.

Under it, a very similar court of U.S. Cyber Crime, it is divided into three parts.

The first one in which computer equipment is its target, such as controlling the network of another.

Second, using the computer as a weapon, such as a denial of service attack.

 Third, the computer is used as an accessory for crime, such as taking illegal data or stealing from the computer.

U.S. Court believes that Cyber Crime is a kind of dangerous malicious activity that means there is a conspiracy to spread from viruses.

In which much actionable data is taken and then entered into the systems of others, by doing this, copyrighted things are significantly damaged.

Other types of cybercrime include gaming, selling illegal items such as weapons, drugs, and children’s porn are some types of cybercrime.

Everyone thinks that merely stealing someone’s data is a cybercrime, but in defining the terms, we can say that cybercrime refers to the use of an electronic device (computer, laptop, etc.) to try to steal someone’s data or harm them using a computer.

Cybercrime is an illegal activity involving a range of issues ranging from theft using your system or I.P. Address as a tool for committing a crime.

It is an illegal act where a computer is used as a tool or target or both as follows:

These days cybercrime is a fast-growing area of crime, as technology is advancing, man is becoming dependent on the Internet for all his needs.

It makes shopping, gaming, online study, social networking, online jobs, and so on all available easily in one place.

Apart from other countries, India is not far from the place where the rate of cybercrime is increasing day by day.

Cybercrime is classified into four major types; these are financial, privacy, hacking, and cyber-terrorism.

The Generation in laptop is the age of processors.

Cyber Crime Essay 300 words:

Today many people all over the world are stealing personal information of people sitting at home through online Internet, which is called cybercrime.

First of all, let us tell you when a person can send ugly or rude messages to another person through email service. This Act hurts the mind of the person receiving the email.

Secondly, someone who has little knowledge of computers can develop Viruses on the Internet.

Email Services are commonly used or used to commit this misdeed. In every computer in which these email messages go, Virus ruins the computer after entry in the system, both the machine and its information can be badly destroyed.

In the hall itself, the Philippine police arrested the father of ‘I love you’ Virus. Individuals with wrong motives get information about access codes of Numbers to bank accounts.

They get these banks to transfer money to their accounts, and the banks do not even know. There is a need for a little cleverness, and these criminals are different.

Some individuals create a disturbance in the websites of private sector enterprises.

Friends, you will be surprised to know that they send Virus to those websites, get highly sensitive information from there, or try their best to spoil the image of any person or enterprise on a site by adopting propaganda.

Cybercrime in the States of India:

In 5 years, more than 5900 cases were reported in Maharashtra and made on top, with Uttar Pradesh nearly 5000 cases in second place and Karnataka in third place with over 3500 cases.

Cybercrime in India is registered under three main heads, I.T. Act, IPC (Indian Penal Code), and State Level Legislation (SLL). Also, read Cyber Crime Essay 400 words.

Cases of Cyber Laws under I.T.:

  • Tampering with computer source documents – Sec. 65
  • Computer Systems, Hacking with Data Transformation – Sec. 66
  • Publishing pornographic information – Sec. 67
  • Non-Authorized Access to Protected Systems – Sec. 70
  • Privacy and breach of confidentiality – Sec. 72
  • Publishing false digital signature certificate – Sec. 73

The web world or cyberspace is a vast community of millions and billions of users and websites.

Apart from this, people use it for various activities like shopping, movies, music, video games, transactions, and e-commerce, etc.

Due to this age of technology and easy access to the Internet, anyone can easily be reached; this has led to rapid growth since the last decade.

Moreover, the Internet has opened up an information world to which anyone can connect, due to this, the rate of crime, especially cybercrime, has increased very much.

Also, the rate of circulation of data increases significantly due to high internet speed, because of all these issues, cyber security has become a significant concern for society.

Essay on Cyber Crime 400 words:

Cybercrime has to become a significant problem all over the world, and due to which many cyber security agencies have been formed to take some action against this crime.

In many countries to stop this crime worldwide, many cybercrime agencies have been formed.

Like computers are used for hacking, but through cyber agents, these cyber agents get some evidence to catch hackers.

Several cases of hacking have been reported since opening cybercrime agencies, and cyber agents have caught several hackers.

Hackers are given many punishments, such as taking hefty fines from them or putting them in jail.

On the other hand, these cyber security people seek the help of many hackers to find other hackers who harass people.

So this cybercrime is a big problem in today’s world, and we should be aware of it and always be safe from these cybercriminals.

Cybercrime is the latest and perhaps most complicated problem in the cyber world. The term “cybercrime” is not defined anywhere in any law or Act passed or enacted by the Indian Parliament.

Any criminal activity that uses the computer either as a means to target or to eliminate further crimes comes under the cybercrime.

Cybercrime or computer oriented crime is a crime that involves a computer and a network.

Today the whole world is affected by cybercrime; it is involved in the illegal use of modern telecommunication networks (Internet, mobile phones) people makes committed crimes torture them, knowingly physical or mental damage, and damage to his reputation.

In today’s time, this is the work of many people, they steal people’s data and then start abusing them, and cybercrime can threaten the security and financial health of an individual or a nation.

Cybercrime is an illegal act where the computer is used as a means or target, or both ways.

Cybercrime is a broad term, which can also be defined as: “criminal activity where a computer or computer network is used as a means, target or place of criminal activity.”

Types of cybercrime:

Cybercrime is classified into four major types, financial, privacy, hacking, and cyber-terrorism.

Financial crimes mean stealing money from the account holders. Similarly, they also took the data of companies that could lead to financial crimes.

Also, they are at significant risk due to the transaction. Every year hackers steal the money from business people and government worth millions and crores of rupees.

Privacy crime involves stealing your data that you do not want to share with the world. Also, people suffer a lot, and some people even commit suicide due to the misuse of their data.

In hacking, they intentionally damage a website causing loss or damage to the public or the owner. Also, they destroy or modify existing sites to reduce their value.

This is a crime in which illegal control over a person’s website is done illegally. In this way, the owner of the website loses control and essential information on that website.

In modern-day terrorism has advanced 10-20 years ago. Still, cyber terrorism is not related only to terrorists or terrorist organizations, but threatening a person or property at the level of creating fear is also cyber terrorism. Also, read Cyber Crime Essay 600 words.

Measures to prevent cybercrime:

  • Computer users should use a firewall to protect their computers from hackers.
  • Computer users should install anti-virus software such as McAfee or Norton anti-virus.
  • Cyber experts have advised users to only access secure websites.
  • We should never give their credit card information to suspects or strangers.
  • Users should develop strong passwords on their accounts, i.e., include characters and numbers in the password, and continuously update the password and login details.
  • Monitor children and limit their use of the Internet.
  • Check the security settings of Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and be careful, protect information to avoid hacking, use encryption for most sensitive files or financial records.
  • For all vital information to create a back-up, and having it stored somewhere else, users should be cautious while using public Wi-Fi hotspots.
  • Avoid handling financial transactions on these networks; users should be careful while giving personal information such as name, address, phone number, or financial information on the Internet, make sure that the websites are secure.

Cyber Crime Essay 600 words:

Cybercrime is a crime that is an excellent crime in our society; cybercrime is a type of crime that is done through computers.

It is created by misusing the computer, and it is networked improperly.

This cybercrime is designed by some to intentionally harm other people by hacking or obtaining their private information, and this can be done quickly by modern internet technology through which these people create crime in society.

Hackers who hack other people’s private information or personal information, later blackmail them and harass them.

Most of the women in our society have to face this problem of harassment; they have become the most victim of these hackers.

This problem of cybercrime is not only in India, but this problem is spread all over the world by many hackers who hack and harass people across the globe, most of the hackers are from Russia.

These Russians hack the accounts of many people and later blackmail them, it has become a significant problem worldwide.

This hacking is started with computers, and this internet connection hackers easily hack people’s information through the machine.

Nowadays, it is also easy to hack from mobile phones; this hacking created a big problem in society.

These hackers are steading all the money from bank accounts or other personal accounts of people.

They send a virus on the other computer, and this Virus affects the equipment, and many unwanted things come into their network, which causes a big problem for the device.

After this Virus causes some psychological effects of the user, they put that unwanted thing in their computer through the illness.

Types of cybercrimes include pornography, cyber fraud, defamation, cyberstalking, harassment, IPR theft, data hostage, money laundering, phishing, email bombing, cyber warfare, illegal FTF.

Cybercrime is different and more terrible as cybercrime than a traditional crime; the offence is committed in an electronic medium, a general rule under the penal provisions of the Information Technology Act.

The Indian Parliament considered it necessary to give effect to the resolution by which U.N.

The General Assembly adopted the Model Law on Electronic Commerce adopted by the United Nations Commission on Trade Law, which resulted in the passage of the Information Technology Act, 2000, a welcome step at a time when there was no law on the sector.

However, the Act has proved inadequate during its application, and the Act has some shortcomings.

Cases of spam, hacking, stalking and email fraud are widespread, although cyber crime cells have been set up in major cities, the problem is that most of the cases are unavailable due to lack of awareness.

The capacity of the human mind is immeasurable, it is not possible to eliminate cybercrime from cyberspace, and however, it is quite possible to investigate them.

The home user segment is the biggest recipient of cyber-attacks as they are less likely to set up security measures in place and therefore require that people be made aware of their rights and duties.

Allowing users to access any electronic items on their computer should install anti-virus software, firewall, interruption detection system to make the application of laws more rigorous for further investigation of crime, etc.

Also, read 1. Essay on Internet 2. Digital India Essay 3. Cashless Economy Essay 4. Essay on Computer


Cybercrime is an act that is neither widespread nor exhaustive; the Information Technology Act has not distributed with cyber irritation, cyber robbery, and cyber defamation, and so on.

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    Students are often asked to write an essay on Cyber Crime in their schools and colleges. And if you're also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic. Let's take a look… 100 Words Essay on Cyber Crime Introduction to Cyber Crime. Cybercrime refers to illegal activities conducted through the ...

  14. Essay on Cyber Crime for Students in English [Easy Words]

    Essay on Cyber Crime: Computer related networks that involve the use of computers, networks and gadgets can be interconnected to a cybercrime. In such crimes, the security of networks, persons, institutions or a whole nation could be at risk and threat. Hackers steal confidential data in unethical ways and utilize this information and data for ...

  15. Cyber Crime Essay

    Essay on Cyber Crime. Cyber crime is the most discussed issue of the 21st century. The technology sector world wide is witnessing a boom in the consumer of smartphones and the internet which is raising concerns with regard to the privacy and security of the users. Owing to this reason, it is highly essential for all the users to know about ...

  16. Cyber Crime Essay

    Long and Short Essays on Cyber Crime for Students and Kids in English. We are providing students with essay samples on an extended essay of 500 words and a short piece of 150 words on the topic Cyber Crime for reference. Long Essay on Cyber Crime 500 Words in English. Long Essay on Cyber Crime is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

  17. Cyber Crime Essay for School Students in English in 500 Words

    The development of technology has led to an increase in cybercrime. It is a risky crime that involves computers and the internet. Find out 10 Points on Cyber Crime Essay and causes of cyber crime essay for kids to write an effective essay on this topic -

  18. Cyber Crime Essay Quotes, Quotations & Sayings 2024

    Crime quotes. It is a Federal crime to hijack an automobile; it is a Federal crime to possess cocaine. It ought to be a Federal crime to drag a man to his death because of his race or to hang a man because of his s..ual orientation. John Conyers. 5 Likes. No crime is vulgar, but all vulgarity is crime.

  19. 50 Latest Cyber crime IELTS Topics

    50 Latest Cyber crime IELTS Topics. Get a band score and detailed report instantly. Check your IELTS essays right now! Read more ». Problem and Solution. Many people today are worried about cybercrime such as hacking and identity theft . what problem does cyber crime cause, and what solution can you suggest for ordinary people and business to ...

  20. Cyber Crime Essay

    Cyber Crime Essay 600 words: Cybercrime is a crime that is an excellent crime in our society; cybercrime is a type of crime that is done through computers. It is created by misusing the computer, and it is networked improperly. This cybercrime is designed by some to intentionally harm other people by hacking or obtaining their private ...

  21. Cyber Crime

    What is Cyber Crime? About: Cybercrime is defined as a crime where a computer is the object of the crime or is used as a tool to commit an offense. Cybercrimes fall under State subjects as per the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India. It involves illegal or unauthorized activities that exploit technology to commit various forms of crimes.

  22. Essay on Cyber Crime

    Cyber Crime Essay 10 Lines (100 - 150 Words) 1) The crime done with the help of a computer network is termed as cybercrime. 2) Cybercrime can harm your privacy and security. 3) Cybercrime is an illegal act that tends to hack your private data. 4) Cybercriminals try to gain money through illegal methods. 5) Phishing, DoS attack, spoofing, etc ...

  23. Rising up to Cyber Security Challenges

    This editorial is based on "Cyberattacks are rising, but there is an ideal patch" which was published in the Hindu on 25/02/2023. It highlights the challenges posed by cyber threats while also envisaging greater role by India for consensus on Cyber security through G20 Presidency. For Prelims: Cyber security, Ransomware, Indian Cyber Crime ...