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Cover Letters for Legal Interns: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you are a law student aspiring for the position of a legal intern, it is important to craft an effective cover letter. A cover letter allows you to highlight your professionalism, skills, and genuine interest in the legal field. This is why your cover letter should accurately showcase your qualifications, academic achievements, and relevant experiences that align with the internship requirements. To help you draft the perfect cover letter for a legal intern position we have developed this detailed guide.

Table of Contents

Essential Sections to Include in a Cover Letter for a Law Internship

A cover letter for a law internship is essential to introduce yourself as a candidate to a law firm or legal department and express your interest in the internship position. It highlights your relevant skills, experiences, and academic achievements to show the recruiters that you are a good fit for the role. Overall it serves as a personalized introduction, demonstrating your enthusiasm and qualifications for the law internship opportunity. You must include relevant sections in the cover letter for a legal internship.

1. A Letter Header

It is important to start with a professional letterhead to create a cover letter for a legal intern position. This should include your full name, phone number, and email address. Besides these basic contact details, include the name of your city and the postcode of the state you reside in.

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2. Salutation

The salutation section of your cover letter for a law internship should maintain a professional tone and not be too informal. To maintain a professional tone, it is advisable, to begin with a greeting and follow it with the recruiter’s name, for instance, “ Dear Arjun”. However, if you can’t find the name of the recruiter, it is okay to address the recruiter as “Dear Hiring Manager”.

3. Introductory Paragraph

When writing your introductory paragraph, it is important to include personal details about yourself to give the reader a clear understanding of who you are. Begin by introducing yourself with your name and stating which position you are applying for.  It is also beneficial to mention if you are currently enrolled in law school or have recently graduated from one. Additionally, use this opportunity to showcase any notable accomplishments or experience that demonstrate why you would be an excellent fit for the role at hand. It is crucial to tailor your cover letter for a law firm internship to make a genuine connection with the hiring manager and demonstrate your enthusiasm for their organization.

4. Body Paragraphs

When writing the body for the cover letter for an internship at a law firm, focus on showcasing your achievements and abilities while also connecting them to the goals of the organization you are applying to.  If you have limited experience in law, it may be helpful to mention relevant coursework, volunteer work, or skills that can transfer over from other jobs. For instance, if you are seeking an internship at a public defender’s office, highlighting your top score in criminal law class could be beneficial.

5. Closing Paragraph

The closing paragraph of your cover letter for legal internship is a chance to make a lasting impression. It is crucial to show appreciation for the recipient’s time and consideration. Furthermore, include your contact information, such as a telephone number or email address for further discussion.

6. Conclusion and Signature

It is important to maintain a professional tone when concluding your legal intern cover letter. It is also important to avoid sounding overly familiar. Ending phrases such as “Sincerely,” “Kind regards,” or “Yours truly” are all appropriate ways to sign off on a cover letter for a law firm internship.

Also Read:   How to Write Cover Letter for Internship

Legal Intern Cover Letter Template

Take a look at this template for a cover letter for legal interns to get an idea of what your cover letter should look like.

Explore our comprehensive guide on  cover letter formats  and craft a winning application today!”

Cover Letter Sample for Law Internship

Here is a professional cover letter sample for a legal internship to help you create your personalized letter. Make sure to follow the tone and style of writing mentioned here:

Tips For Crafting a Compelling Cover Letter for a Law Internship

Here are some practical tips to help you create a professional cover letter for internship at law firm.

1. Be Concise

It is essential to only include relevant and well-written details. A lengthy and unfocused application letter for a law internship will not be engaging or effective, so it is best to keep the content concise yet informative.

2. Use Professional Tone

Maintaining a professional tone throughout your legal internship cover letter is paramount. The legal field demands a high level of professionalism, and your cover letter should reflect your ability to communicate in a formal, polished manner. Avoid casual language, slang, or overly colloquial phrasing that could detract from the seriousness of your application.

3. Customize Cover Letter

Avoid using the same cover letter for every legal internship you apply to. Personalize your cover letter by including relevant information about the specific role or company. A generic cover letter shows little enthusiasm for the position at hand.

4. Use Proper Formatting

Cover letters are typically limited to one page, so it is important to express yourself succinctly. Make sure your margins are set at a minimum of a three-quarters inch on the left, right, and topsides, and half an inch on the bottom. Choose a clear and easy-to-read font such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Helvetica that matches the font used in your resume.

5. Review and Proofread

Ensure your legal intern cover letter is error-free and well-written. Proofreading is essential before submission. Additionally, it’s recommended to seek feedback from others on your cover letter for a legal internship as they may catch mistakes or offer valuable insights that you might have overlooked.

Crafting an effective cover letter for a legal intern requires careful consideration and attention to detail. It is important to showcase your relevant skills and experience while also conveying your enthusiasm and passion for the field of law. By tailoring your cover letter utilizing proper formatting, and evaluating and reading your cover letter, you can increase your chances of standing out from other applicants and securing a valuable internship opportunity in the legal industry. If this has been helpful to you, let us know your thoughts and suggestions in the comment section below. Also, check out our blog on the top 10 highest-paying law jobs in India .

Answer: You can compose a cover letter for a legal internship using the following format, “Dear [hiring manager’s name], Based on my [relevant education and experience], I believe that I possess the qualities necessary to excel in the role of an intern at [company name]. My proficiency in [two, or three skills] makes me well-suited for this opportunity.”

Answer: Typically, a cover letter for a legal internship should range from half a page to one full page. Ideally, it should contain 250-400 words and consist of three to six paragraphs.

Answer: Avoid starting the cover letter with, “My name is (),” phrase as the recipient already knows your name and it may make you appear inexperienced.

Answer: Begin by stating your purpose for writing and specify the job or field you are seeking employment in. Also, mention where you learned about this opportunity.

Answer: A cover letter is typically one page and submitted with your job application, along with your CV or resume. Its main function is to introduce yourself and provide a brief overview of your work experience.

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Harshita is an English Literature graduate from the University of Delhi with 3 years of experience in Content Writing and Editing. Dedicated to her craft, she loves creating magic with words. She is a big fan of hoarding cute planners and journals and can be seen watching FRIENDS (almost EVERYTIME) in her spare time. Her meticulous attention to detail makes her stand out from the crowd. A typo epidemic is her worst nightmare!

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Law student cover letter: what you need to know + samples.

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Reviewed by:

David Merson

Former Head of Pre-Law Office, Northeastern University, & Admissions Officer, Brown University

Reviewed: 4/12/24

Need to write a law student cover letter? We’ve got you covered! Below, we discuss the dos and don’ts of writing a cover letter for law school. 

A cover letter is often an overlooked aspect of any application, but it is the first thing potential employers read. If your cover letter doesn’t impress the reader, your entire application risks being passed over. 

If you are unsure of how to write a strong cover letter, look no further. We’ll outline key tips, review examples of cover letters, and answer some frequently asked questions. Let’s get started!

What Is a Law Student Cover Letter? 

A law student cover letter is a document a law student submits with their resume to potential employers for internships or employment opportunities within their field of study.

It serves as a personalized introduction and persuasive pitch to potential employers. This letter connects the applicant's qualifications and experiences listed in their resume to the specific position they're applying for, highlighting their suitability for the role. 

It concludes with a call to action, expressing interest in an interview. Moreover, a cover letter is a tool for law students to demonstrate their qualifications and enthusiasm, aiming to secure an interview and the desired role.

Why Do You Need a Cover Letter as a Law Student?

Cover letters are a key part of any job application, whether you are in law school or not. It is important to include a cover letter unless specified otherwise, especially if you’re applying to multiple law schools . They allow you to demonstrate professionalism and show off your communication and writing skills. 

Cover letters are important for law students; they allow you to discuss important qualifications and experiences that aren’t always included within your resume, such as extracurricular activities . Here’s the information you should include in your cover letter: 

  • Research experience and activities 
  • Coursework 
  • Other valuable skills 

A cover letter for law students is a great opportunity to share your accomplishments and skills outside of your work experience. 

What to Include in Your Law Student Cover Letter

sample cover letter law school internship

Your cover letter is the first thing an employer will read, so be positive and enthusiastic! While your resume outlines your relevant work experience and education, it doesn’t show off your personality. 

A cover letter can be a great opportunity to humanize yourself to the employer and make them want you to be a part of their team. 

Berkeley Law outlines the precise content you should include in your cover letter : 

  • First Paragraph : Introduce yourself and why you are interested in applying for the position. 
  • Body Paragraphs : This is where you show off all your work experience, research, achievements, qualifications, and other skills that are related to the position you are applying to. Be persuasive but not too showy. Remember to be honest and genuine. 
  • Final Paragraph : To conclude, thank the employer for taking the time to read and consider your application, and leave contact information for a prospective interview. Remain positive and confident that you will get an interview!

While these are just suggestions to help you get started and structure your cover letter, you should try to follow this format as closely as you can. 

What NOT to Include in Your Law Student Cover Letter

sample cover letter law school internship

It is tempting to highlight all of your experiences, but that is not the purpose of a cover letter. Cover letters should be concise and to the point. You should only mention experiences that are relevant to the position you are applying for. 

When deciding which experiences to include, focus on those that you have completed recently. You only have a few short paragraphs to sell yourself to employers, so be sure to avoid accomplishments from over three years ago. 

You also want to avoid being negative, doubtful, or coming across as insecure in your cover letter. 

Formatting Tips for Law Students Cover Letter

Understanding the structure of a cover letter for a law student is essential to creating an impressive and effective application for legal internships or job opportunities. Here are some easy to follow tips to help you format your cover letter. 

1. Include a Header

Prior to writing the main sections of your cover letter, review and update your personal information. Make it easily accessible by positioning your contact details in the header section at the top of the letter. 

This includes your full name, email address, phone number, city, state, and date. This ensures the hiring manager can quickly locate your information for interview scheduling.

2. Address the Hiring Manager

Begin your letter with a professional and personalized greeting by addressing the hiring manager by name, incorporating their appropriate title (e.g., Mr. or Ms.). If you don't have their name, conduct online research, as law firms often provide employee information on their websites. 

In cases where you can't find a name, you can use the standard "Dear Hiring Manager" as your greeting.

3. Page Format and Length

When crafting your cover letter, remember to keep it concise, fitting all content onto a single page. Structure it with an introductory paragraph, followed by one to three skill-highlighting paragraphs, and wrap it up with a concluding paragraph. This format ensures that your message is clear and impactful while respecting the reader's time.

4. Margins and Alignment 

Ensure you follow the standard margins , typically one inch on all sides. If you opt for smaller margins, such as around 0.7 inches, make sure to maintain consistency across all sides of the page. 

Additionally, align all paragraphs to the left for a clean and conventional presentation, although some choose to use an indentation for the first line of each paragraph, although this is less common in modern formatting.

5. Use a Suitable Sign-Off

Conclude your cover letter with a professional and balanced tone. It shows your professionalism, which law firms often value in candidates. Consider sign-offs like "Regards," "Sincerely," or "Best Regards." Allow some space after this closing for your name.

Law Student Cover Letter Example

We have some sample legal cover letters from law students below to give you an idea of tone, style, and length. 

Here is an example of a strong cover letter for a first-year law student at Yale University: 

Dear [Employer’s Name]: 
I am a first-year student at Yale Law School seeking a position with Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle for Summer 20XX. I am a native New Yorker and hope to work in New York City this coming summer. 
I am interested in your firm because of its international law practice generally and, more particularly, because of your firm’s presence in France and numerous French clients. Your Paris office’s focus in the areas of international commercial arbitration, as well as corporate, banking, and finance work, aligns with my long-term interests in a practice serving international corporations. Having lived and studied in Paris for one year during college and having served as a teaching assistant for French language and literature courses, I am fluent in French and knowledgeable about French culture. My undergraduate majors in International Relations and in Economics provided me with an understanding of many of the complex issues facing businesses with the increase in globalization. I plan to further my understanding of these issues as a member of the Yale Journal of International Law. 
To your firm I will bring proven legal research, writing, and analytical skills that will support your firm and its clients. During my undergraduate education, I served as a member of the University Judiciary Committee, and as a student judge I heard cases, interpreted university codes, and wrote rulings summarizing the Committee’s conclusions. I also drafted a thesis in which I drew from archived primary sources and first-person interviews to write a fifty-page document over the course of a year. Here at Yale, through our first-year writing course this fall, I have streamlined my skills and adapted them to the legal environment. Next semester, I will enroll in YLS’s Advanced Legal Writing course to deepen my understanding and experience. 
Attached please find my resume. If you would like me to provide you with additional materials, I would be more than happy to do so. I am confident that my background and skills will enable me to make a positive contribution to your clients. Thank you for considering my candidacy. I look forward to hearing from you soon. 
Sincerely, [Your Name]

This is a successful cover letter because the individual outlines specific academic skills and experience that make them a qualified candidate. Remember, being specific is key to writing a strong cover letter. 

Employers want to read about a couple of examples rather than a general (and usually vague) overview of all your qualifications and experiences. 

For first year law students, you can highlight where you completed your undergrad and your major, as you will have most likely just completed this degree. You can also include why you are interested in pursuing a law career. 

For those who are in their second year of law school, here is another excellent sample legal cover letter :

I am a second-year student at Yale Law School seeking employment with the Food Research and Action Center for the summer. If funding is not available for summer interns, Yale could fund my summer employment. 
FRAC’s mandate to eradicate poverty-related hunger and undernutrition in the United States is compelling to me. I understand that through a combination of research, advocacy, program monitoring, training, collaboration, and public-information campaigns you seek to address the root causes of hunger. As a former nurse who has worked on issues of nutrition and health policy, I am very interested in the work of the Center in the areas of health law and nutrition in maternal and child health. I would greatly value the opportunity to work with and learn from your attorneys, policy analysts, and advocates. 
I have practical work experience in these fields that would be of service to you and your clients. My work as an assistant ombudsperson at a major hospital helped me to understand the importance of nutrition for health and the need for advocacy on behalf of those who cannot effectively advocate for themselves. My experience with the National Health Law program exposed me to the legislative and policy side of health law and the value of legal training in public service. After my first year of law school, I was able to combine my nursing degree and health care experience with my new legal research and writing skills at the Center for Reproductive Law and Policy. This experience has strengthened my interest in grassroots organizing and advocacy of nutrition issues for low income Americans.
I would welcome the opportunity to speak with you or someone in your office about a position as a summer intern at the Center. I will call your office in the next few weeks to see whether it might be possible to arrange an interview and look forward to speaking with you then. 
I have enclosed my resume, law school transcript, a writing sample, and a reference list. Should you require additional application materials, please let me know, and I will forward them to you immediately. 
Thank you for your consideration. 

Like the first example, this cover letter works so well because it clearly outlines and describes the specific experience of the candidate. 

As a second year law student, the individual speaks about how their experience relates to the areas of law the student is interested in pursuing, demonstrating that the position the candidate is applying for will help them achieve their career goals.    

These examples are a good starting point to structure your own letter off of, but remember to make your cover letter your own.

Cover Letter Template for a Law Student 

Here is a cover letter template for law students provided by the University of Notre Dame. 

Your City, State Zip

Your Phone Number 

Your Email Address

Name of Contact Person 

Title of Contact Person 

Employer Name 

Address City, State Zip     

Dear Mr. (Ms.) last name of contact person:   

First Paragraph: Tell why you are writing – name the position for which you are applying. If you have a personal referral or connection, mention it here. Identify your career goals and indicate why you are interested in working for this employer. If you have ties to or have lived in the area, mention it. Specify your interests in the type of work the employer does. Describe what is particularly appealing to you about the employer.    

Second Paragraph: Show how your background qualifies you for the position. Point out the experience and coursework you have that relate to the employer's field or type of work. Focus on what skills or experiences you would bring to the employer. Emphasize pertinent items on your resume and supplement it with other details. Tie experience to tangible, transferable skills. Convince the employer that you would be an asset.   

Third Paragraph: Restate your interest in working for the employer. Have an appropriate closing to pave the way for an interview. Indicate your willingness to interview personally by stating when you will be in the area or by offering to make yourself available at the employer's convenience. Thank the employer for his/her consideration.   


(leave 4 blank lines for signature)     

Your full typed name 

There are many law school application mistakes to avoid . If you’re having trouble writing your cover letter, this help template will aid you in writing a stellar one! 

FAQs: Law Student Cover Letter

Still have questions about writing a cover letter for law school? We answer some of your frequently asked questions below. 

1. How Do I Write a Cover Letter for a Law Student?

Before you begin writing any cover letter, familiarize yourself with the job posting, the company/organization you are applying to, and use words and phrases found in the job posting. 

This will demonstrate that you are genuinely interested in the specific job, and will also show off your attention to detail (a skill employers always look for). After you have written the cover letter, proofread and edit for grammar and spelling errors before you submit your application. 

2. What Should Be Included in a Cover Letter for Law?

Your cover letter should include: 

  • Your Address and Contact Information 
  • Your Full Name and Location 
  • The Date of Your Application 
  • A Brief Introduction to Yourself 
  • Concise Outline of Professional and Academic Experience 
  • Highlights of Why You Are Qualified for the Position 
  • A Professional and Polite Closing 

Highlight the school you’re attending, as law firms may prefer students from certain colleges. 

Take your time when writing your cover letter; it takes quite a bit of work to craft an impactful one. However, a strong cover letter will maximize your chances of getting the job or internship you want, so it will be well worth it. 

3. How Long Should a Law School Cover Letter Be?

A cover letter should only be one page long and broken up into a few short paragraphs for ease of reading. Make sure that you follow typical business correspondence formatting. 

4. How Do You Address a Law School Cover Letter?

Normally, people have addressed cover letters with Mr. or Mrs. [Last name] . However, this may not always be appropriate because you do not know how the individual would like to be addressed. 

Nowadays, people typically address employers with a simple Dear [First and last name] . This is still a personal and respectful way to address someone, and avoids assuming someone’s gender identity and offending them. 

Yale Law School suggests addressing your cover letter to a specific individual rather than a vague ‘Sir’ or ‘Madam.’

5. ​​Can I Use The Same Cover Letter For Multiple Law Schools?

Yes, you can use the same cover letter for multiple law schools . However, you may only reuse parts of it. It’s important that you personalize every cover letter you write and tailor it to the school you’re sending it to. 

6. Do I Need Multiple Cover Letters?

Yes, you need multiple cover letters. You’ll need to personalize each cover letter you write. However, you can reuse parts of your cover letter that are generic. 

Final Thoughts

Writing a cover letter is not as easy as many people may think. You need to pay close attention to detail, flex your communication and writing skills, and professionally brag about your accomplishments and capabilities in a way that compliments your resume. 

If you would like help with your resume, we also have tips on building a great resume to go along with your cover letter. Good luck!

sample cover letter law school internship

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Include your name, address, phone number and email address at the top of the letter. Consider using the same format as your resume. Your name and contact information can be placed at the left margin, the center or the right margin. A NOTE ABOUT YOUR ADDRESS: If you are applying in St. Louis, use your school address. If you are applying in your hometown, include both your school and home address to show the connection.

The address block should be left justified and include a contact name, if possible.

Do not use first names. Do not use Miss or Mrs. The salutation should be followed by a colon, not a comma.

In this paragraph: \(1\) identify your class year and school; \(2\) mention any geographic ties to the area; and \(3\) include information about why you are interested in the specific employer. If you are applying to multiple offices, indicate that here. For example: "In addition to your Washington, D.C. office, I am also applying to your Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York offices."

The second paragraph \(and if applicable, the third\) is an opportunity for you to market yourself. Do not regurgitate your resume. Talk about the skills and abilities you possess and back it up with examples from your prior work experience and academic studies. If you do not have prior work experience, look to your extracurricular activities to convey your skills. The skills you reference can be legal in nature and/or general \(e.g., research and writing, attention to detail, communication, diligence, work ethic\). If you are a 2L, you should lead with your legal experience - both your 1L summer position and your law school performance.

The last paragraph should thank the employer and provide for future contact. For example, if you are direct applying in a city where you are not located for the summer, if possible, offer a date you will be in town for a potential meeting. Alternatively, simply state "Please feel free to contact me at the phone number listed above." If you are direct applying and applying through OCI, state that here or in the first paragraph.

Use standard business closings, such as Sincerely, Truly, Regards, and Respectfully. The signature block can be centered, left justified or closer to the right margin.

If you are enclosing only your resume, use "Encl." If you are enclosing more than one other document \(e.g., resume and transcript\), use "Encls."

The date can be centered or left justified and should be placed above the employer's address block.

Legal Intern Cover Letter Example

Cover letter examples, cover letter guidelines, how to format an legal intern cover letter, cover letter header, cover letter header examples for legal intern, how to make your cover letter header stand out:, cover letter greeting, cover letter greeting examples for legal intern, best cover letter greetings:, cover letter introduction, cover letter intro examples for legal intern, how to make your cover letter intro stand out:, cover letter body, cover letter body examples for legal intern, how to make your cover letter body stand out:, cover letter closing, cover letter closing paragraph examples for legal intern, how to close your cover letter in a memorable way:, pair your cover letter with a foundational resume, key cover letter faqs for legal intern.

Start your Legal Intern cover letter with a professional greeting addressed directly to the hiring manager, if their name is available. If not, use a general salutation like "Dear Hiring Manager." Then, introduce yourself and state the position you're applying for. Mention where you found the job posting and express your interest in the role. For example, "I am a third-year law student at XYZ University and I am writing to apply for the Legal Intern position posted on your website." Make sure to convey enthusiasm for the opportunity and briefly mention why you are a good fit for the role. This could be based on your academic achievements, relevant coursework, or previous internships.

The best way for Legal Interns to end a cover letter is by expressing gratitude and showing enthusiasm for the potential opportunity. You should reiterate your interest in the position and the firm, and express your eagerness to contribute and learn. For example, you could say, "Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the possibility of contributing to your team and learning from the wealth of experience at your firm." Also, make sure to include a professional closing, such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your full name. Remember, the ending of your cover letter is your final chance to make a strong impression, so make it count.

Legal Interns should include the following elements in their cover letter: 1. Contact Information: At the top of the letter, include your name, address, phone number, and email address. If applicable, also include your LinkedIn profile or professional website. 2. Professional Greeting: Address the hiring manager by name if possible. If you can't find the name, use a professional greeting such as "Dear Hiring Manager." 3. Introduction: In the first paragraph, introduce yourself and state the position you're applying for. Mention where you found the job posting. 4. Body of the Letter: This is where you sell yourself. Highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements. As a legal intern, you should focus on your legal research skills, analytical abilities, knowledge of legal terminology, and any relevant coursework or previous internships. Make sure to provide specific examples. For instance, you might discuss a research project you completed in law school or a case you worked on during a previous internship. 5. Explanation of Interest: Explain why you're interested in this particular internship. This could be because of the firm's reputation, the opportunity to gain experience in a particular area of law, or the chance to work with a specific attorney you admire. 6. Closing Paragraph: Reiterate your interest in the position and thank the hiring manager for considering your application. Mention that you're looking forward to the possibility of discussing the internship further in an interview. 7. Professional Closing: Close the letter with a professional sign-off such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your full name. 8. Enclosure Notation: Finally, if you're sending additional documents with the cover letter (like a resume or transcripts), include an "Enclosures" or "Attachments" notation at the bottom. Remember, a cover letter is your chance to make a strong first impression. Be sure to proofread carefully for any errors, and consider having a mentor, career counselor, or trusted peer review it as

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Writing a Cover Letter for a Law Internship Application

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Penny Loretto is the Associate Director in the Career Development Center at a Skidmore College, a small liberal arts college. She has her own career counseling practice, Career Choice, where she works with adults in career transition. She conducts career planning workshops including researching career options, job search strategies, and resume development.

Internships go hand-in-hand with law school . If you're currently pursuing your law degree, you’ve probably heard countless times how important it is to complete an internship before you graduate. Many experts recommend that you do several internships to give yourself the best chance of getting a full-time job.

Setting Yourself Apart From the Crowd

But it can be difficult to set yourself apart from other candidates when you’re a student with limited work experience. This is where a well-written, thoughtful cover letter comes in. It can be a powerful tool for securing a law internship, an opportunity to demonstrate your expertise, work ethic, knowledge, and passion for the subject. 

Don’t just repeat and retell your resume. Tailoring your cover letter to a particular firm's specialties and needs can help you stand out as a polished and professional applicant. Your cover letter should show your personality and give specific examples—either from your work your education or in a previous internship—of how you can fulfill the internship's responsibilities.

Some Tips and Some Things to Keep in Mind 

You’ll notice from this sample cover letter that the student wastes no time explaining who she is and what she’s accomplished so far. It’s right there in the first sentence, and that's good. This is important information. Don’t make your reader hunt for it.

The third paragraph in this sample letter demonstrates the writer’s knowledge and understanding of the law firm she's applying to. She understands the types of cases it takes on and what it seems to want to achieve. The writer uses this to mention why she would be a good match for this firm given these considerations. 

Close by expressing your gratitude for the opportunity and for the time this individual has already invested in reading your letter and your resume because the words “thank you” can go a long way.

It’s always better to offer more contact information than less. Consider if you only provided your cell number, then you lose your phone. The law firm can't reach you and might decide to just move on to the next candidate. You want to be reachable 24/7.

You might also pave the road for follow-up. Mention that you’ll be in touch by phone within a certain period of time if you don’t hear anything back.

Sample Cover Letter for a Law Internship

This is a law internship cover letter example. Download the law internship cover letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples.

Sample Cover Letter for a Law Internship (Text Version)

Helen Marie Jenkins 4 Birch Court Los Angeles, CA 43212 902-777–3333 hjenkins@brandeis21.edu

September 1, 2018

Ms. Kerry Ann Monroe Vice President of Human Resources l Jones, Mills, and Peters, LLC 566 Treeway Avenue Newport Beach, CA 89079

Dear Ms. Monroe:

As a current law student and previous intern with the prestigious law firm of Jenks, Jenks, and Jenks, LLC, it is with great enthusiasm that I am writing to apply for the summer internship position as a legal intern for Jones, Mills, and Pets, LLC. My knowledge, skills, and experience are a perfect match for this summer internship, and I think you’ll agree that I meet all of the qualifications as stipulated in the LA Gazette.

As president of the Student Government Association at UCLA, I participated in numerous clubs on campus and assisted in identifying and working on many causes for the betterment of the community. Our environmental club initiated a project that cleaned and restored safe drinking water in a local stream bed that had become polluted over time, and our Community Action Club worked with the local domestic violence and homeless shelters to offer assistance and compensation for clients to get back on their feet after experiencing hard times and social isolation. I worked with each of the club presidents to develop a financial plan that not only increased revenue but also permitted donations to stream into these local charitable organizations.

I am a community-minded citizen who wants to make a positive change in the world. I believe my talents and motivation would be an asset to Jones, Mills, and Peters, LLC, in the work they do for the local community and their commitment to making the city a safer and better place to live. The mission of Jones, Mills, and Peters, LLC, is exactly the type of environment in which I hope to work upon graduation next year.

I am excited about the possibility of speaking with you further about this outstanding opportunity with your firm. I will call next week to discuss my candidacy in hopes of securing an interview in the near future. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Helen Marie Jenkins

You're Not Finished Yet 

Write your letter, proofread it, then proofread it again. You must avoid any grammatical errors or typos. Both can indicate that you just don’t care about your work. Consider asking someone else to read your letter, too. A cold eye can add a layer of insurance even when it comes to your delivery—if your reader doesn't understand a certain point you're trying to make, odds are that the law firm won't either.

Above all, double-check to make sure you have the name of the firm and its hiring personnel correct. Can you spot the error in the sample letter here? You can bet Ms. Monroe will. 

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Cover Letter For Law Internship: Example And Tips

Discover how to write a standout cover letter for a law internship. This guide includes writing tips, common mistakes to avoid, and sample letters.

Sanjoy Khan Choudhury

Sanjoy Khan Choudhury

Read more posts by this author.

Landing a coveted law internship requires more than an impressive resume; it demands a captivating cover letter showcasing your unique abilities and fervor for the legal profession.

This blog is your personal guide to unlocking the secrets of a standout cover letter tailored specifically for your dream law internship.

We provide you with examples of cover letters, accompanied by invaluable tips, to help you craft a compelling narrative that resonates with potential employers.

We will cover:

  • Understanding the role of a legal intern
  • Sample cover letters for law internship
  • Writing a tailored cover letter
  • Avoiding common mistakes
  • Adding those final touches

With these tips and tricks, you'll be well on your way to catching that hiring manager's attention. Let's dive in!

Understanding the Role of a Legal Intern

Getting a legal internship is a big step. It's a great chance for you to get a feel for the law world. But first, you need to know what a legal intern does.

  • A legal intern helps with tasks like:
  • Legal research
  • Preparing legal documents
  • Assisting in court

By understanding these tasks, you can write a cover letter that shows you're ready for the job. You'll know what skills to highlight and how you can help the team.

So, before you start writing, do your homework about the internship. It'll make a big difference!

Now, let us review some sample law internship cover letters to get better clarity.

Cover Letter for Law Internship Example 1


Dear Hiring Manager,

I am Jane Doe, currently in my second year of Law School at XYZ University, applying for the summer legal internship program advertised on your firm's website.

While pursuing my law degree, I developed a keen interest in environmental law. I was particularly attracted by the case of Doe vs. Company, where your firm achieved a significant win for the environment.

During my studies, I specialized in environmental legislation and contributed to successfully implementing a campus-wide recycling initiative.

My passion for law goes beyond academic interest. I've been active in our university's mock trial team, which has honed my skills in legal research, document preparation, and case presentation. I am eager to bring these skills to your firm and learn from the experienced attorneys there.

The mentorship and practical experience offered by your internship program are unparalleled. I am excited about working in such a dynamic environment and contributing to your ongoing cases.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing my application further.

Sincerely, Jane Doe (Contact information)

Cover Letter for Law Internship Example 2


I am John Smith, a final-year law student at ABC Law School. I am writing to express my interest in your firm's summer legal internship program. During my time at law school, I have developed a strong interest in criminal law. I was particularly impressed by your firm's commitment to justice in the recent case of People vs. XYZ.

In preparation for my career in criminal law, I have taken courses such as Criminal Procedure and Constitutional Law, earning top grades. My coursework has prepared me for many tasks listed in your internship description.

Outside of class, I serve as a member of our school's Moot Court Honors Board, where I have honed my legal research and litigation skills. I am eager to apply these skills to real-world cases at your firm.

I am drawn to your firm's broad range of cases and the opportunity to learn from attorneys with diverse specialties. I am eager to contribute my energy, dedication, and legal competencies to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to further discussing the potential of my contributions.

Best regards, John Smith (Contact information)

Cover Letter for Law Internship Example 3


I'm Lisa White, a law student in my final year at LMN University, applying for your summer legal internship program.

I specialize in corporate law, where your firm has been making strides. The legal battle you recently won in Company vs. Corporation was impressive and inspiring.

During my academic journey, I've consistently been on the dean's list and successfully led the Legal Aid Society at LMN University. These experiences have taught me a strong understanding of legal research and document preparation.

Your firm's commitment to ethical business practices and continuous professional development greatly appeals to me. I am enthusiastic about contributing my understanding of corporate law, dedication, and perseverance to your team.

I appreciate your time and consideration. I look forward to discussing my application further.

Best regards, Lisa White (Contact information)

These samples should guide you as you write your cover letter for a law internship.

Remember, it's important to personalize your cover letter. It will give you a chance to align your experiences and interests to the specific law firm you are applying to.

How to Write a Cover Letter for a Law Internship

We have listed some steps; following them will help you on your way to writing an impressive cover letter:

1. Start Strong: Begin with a formal hello. Say who you are and what you're applying for. Make it clear from the start.

For example, " Dear Hiring Manager, I am John Doe, a second-year law student at XYZ University, applying for the summer legal internship position. "

2. Show Your Law Degree: Please indicate if you have a law degree or are currently studying law. Share key courses or projects that connect to the internship.

For example, " I am pursuing a law degree with a concentration in corporate law. My coursework, including Mergers & Acquisitions and Contract Law, has prepared me for the responsibilities of this internship. "

3. Talk About Legal Skills: Mention skills you've learned that are useful for legal work. This might include:

  • Preparing documents, or
  • Helping in court

For example, " During a mock trial activity in school, I gained practical experience in preparing legal documents and presenting arguments, which honed my legal research and analytical skills. "

4. Share Your Love for Law: Talk about why you love law and why this legal internship interests you. Show your passion!

For example, " I have always been fascinated by the complex intricacies of corporate law. I am particularly interested in your internship because it allows me to work on corporate compliance and regulatory matters. "

5. Why This Law Firm?: Say why you want to intern there. It could be because of:

  • Their team, or
  • What you can learn there

For example, " I am drawn to XYZ Law Firm because of your reputation for mentorship and your innovative approach to corporate law. I am especially interested in your pro bono work with start-ups, which aligns with my desire to support emerging businesses. "

6. Thank the Manager: End by thanking the hiring manager for considering you. Show hope for further discussion about how your skills and passion fit the role.

For example, " Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the possibility of contributing my passion for corporate law and my academic learnings to your team. "

Sign Off: End with a professional goodbye. Then write your name and how to contact you.

For example, " I look forward to discussing my application further. Sincerely, John Doe. Contact: [email protected] , (123) 456-7890. "

Now you're ready to write your cover letter for a law internship!

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Cover Letter for Law Internship

Even the best of us can make mistakes when writing cover letters. Here are some common ones to watch out for:

Long-Winded: Keep your cover letter short and sweet. No more than one page. The hiring manager is busy. They'll thank you for being direct.

Too General: Be specific about why you want this internship. And why at this law firm. A cover letter that could be for any law firm won't impress.Remember to say why you want to work at this law firm. This shows that you've done your research.

Typos or Errors: Mistakes can make you seem careless. After writing, read your cover letter again. Then read it out loud. You can also ask a friend to look at it.

Wrong Tone: You're applying for a legal internship, not a friend's party. Keep the tone formal and professional.

Avoiding these common mistakes can help your cover letter shine. Now, let's get that internship!

Finally, increase your proficiency in cover letter crafting and broaden your outlook by navigating our vast selection of cover letters designed for various roles. Deepen your comprehension and gain key insights to refine your cover letter creation process.

Pharmacy Intern Cover Letter Pharmacy Intern Cover Letter
Marketing Internship Cover Letter
Human Resources Internship Cover Letter
Tea taster cover letter
Sales Advisor Cover Letter

Wrapping Up: The Final Touches

Now you have the nuts and bolts to write a standout cover letter for a law internship. Still, before you hit that "send" button, here are a few finishing touches to consider:

Tailor the Letter: Don’t just copy and paste the same letter for each internship application. Instead, tailor your letter to the role and the company you are applying to.

Proofread: Look over your letter one more time. Hunt for any typos or grammar goofs. A clean, mistake-free letter is a joy to read.

Formatting: Though the content is important, it's the presentation that will make your cover letter stand out. So don't forget to format your letter properly. Use simple fonts and a readable font size.

Contact Info: At the end, give your contact details. An email address and phone number will do. This makes it easy for the hiring manager to reach you.

Follow Up: If you don't hear back after a few weeks, send a polite follow-up email. This shows you're still interested.

Creating a strong cover letter for a law internship might feel hard at first. But with this guide, I hope you're feeling ready and confident. Your cover letter is your shot to shine, share your love for the law, and take a step toward your dream internship. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. how do i write a cover letter for law school.

Start with a formal greeting. Introduce yourself, mention your law degree, highlight relevant skills and experiences, express your interest in the law school, and conclude professionally.

2. How to fill an internship diary for law students?

Document daily tasks, reflect on what you've learned, note challenges faced, and how you've overcome them. Mention any memorable interactions or legal cases you've observed.

3. What should the tone of my cover letter for a law internship be?

Your cover letter's tone should be professional yet personable, showing both your seriousness and your passion for the field.

4. What skills should I highlight in my cover letter for a law internship?

Focus on skills like legal research, critical thinking, communication, problem-solving and any relevant legal coursework or experiences.

5. Is it necessary to mention my law degree in the cover letter?

Yes, mentioning your law degree highlights your relevant educational background.

Sanjoy Khan Choudhury

This article has been written by Sanjoy Khan Choudhury . He works as a Content Marketing Specialist at Vantage Lens . His areas of interest include music, marketing, cuisine, and anime. When he’s not writing, he’s usually singing to the tune of his guitar or finding some weird way to cook his meal.

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Cover Letters

E. common cover letter mistakes.

  • Vide o and Slides from the CDO program “ Cover Letters That Do The Job” and handouts: Job Postings & Tips and Sample PIPS Cover Letters .

Your cover letter is as important as your resume because it is often read first and plays a vital role in your quest for an interview. A cover letter is not a transmittal letter, and you may be surprised at how time-consuming it is to craft a good one. A cover letter has a purpose, which is to let an employer know why they should bother reading your resume and why they should meet you. It also serves as an example of your written work product; thus it should be clear, brief, and written in a business letter style, without any typographical errors.

1. Cover letters for unsolicited applications come in three main types:

  • Personal Letter. These are the most effective cover letters and are sent to people you have met or with whom you have a mutual acquaintance. These letters should all start with the sentence: “_______ recommended that I contact you.” As this type of letter is most likely to get a response, if you have any possibility of establishing this sort of connection to a prospective employer in advance of sending your letter, you should try your best to do so.
  • Targeted Letters. Next best thing. Targeted letters are based on research of the employer, and are individually tailored. Your letter should incorporate the information learned through your research to show the employer that you have skills they will be able to put to use.
  • Mass Mailers. Least desirable. These are generic except for the name and address of the employer, and have a very low success rate of getting interviews.

2. When you respond to a job listing, you will usually be requested to submit a cover letter as part of your application. In this case, use the job description and requested qualifications as a guide. While not simply imitating the language of the listing, your letter should demonstrate that you have what the employer is looking for.

3. A few employers at OCI request that students bring a cover letter to the initial interview. This is essentially to require students to think about why they want to work for this employer, but it makes for a letter which deviates from the usual “please consider me for an interview” approach. See below for suggestions on OCI cover letters.

Cover letters should follow standard business letter format, as to spacing, salutation, etc. If you are not sure of the fine points, consult a business correspondence reference source. Avoid abbreviations, contractions and shortcuts (such as a slash instead of “or”), although if there is an accepted short form of the name of the organization you are writing to (e.g., ACLU or Coblentz) it is acceptable to use it in the text of your letter. Your telephone number and email address should appear somewhere in the letter, either at the top with your address, or in the closing paragraph, when you ask them to contact you. Note that your resume is “enclosed,” not “attached” (which means clipped or stapled).

If you are not sure to whom you should send your letter, it is always acceptable to write to the executive director of a nonprofit, or the hiring partner or head of recruiting at a firm; they can forward your application to the appropriate person within the organization. If at all possible, write to an individual by name, not to “Director” or “Recruiting Coordinator.” Firm and organization web sites are very useful in finding this information (and for confirming correct spellings and the like); it may be more difficult to find the name of an individual addressee for government job opportunities. If you do not have the name of an individual, the salutation should be “Dear Sir or Madam” (not “To Whom It May Concern”). Of course if you are responding to a job posting, address your letter exactly as instructed.

As for the appropriate salutation, traditionally, it is “Dear [Mr./Ms.] [Last Name].  However, we understand that this prevailing business norm may not be inclusive of individuals who do not use either of those titles (for example, because they identify as gender nonconforming). One alternative, “Dear [First Name] [Last Name]”, avoids presuming how the recipient may identify, but it is not without some risk.  

If you use this approach, a recipient less attuned to thinking about gender inclusivity (and accustomed to seeing only “Dear [Mr./Ms] [Last Name]”) may wrongly conclude that you were unfamiliar with professional etiquette or that you used a mail merge template and did not bother to customize it.  While awareness around these issues is increasing, we believe that, unfortunately, it is still not a small number of recruiting representatives and attorneys who might draw the wrong conclusion.

One way to navigate this tricky situation might be to see if the recipient has an online presence (e.g., on the firm website or LinkedIn) that might give you a strong clue as to how they would like to be addressed.  Otherwise, you will need to make your own judgment as to whether recipients are more likely to recognize your inclusivity or to view the greeting as awkward or erroneous.

In our office, we are also working to help employers become familiar with gender-inclusive approaches like “Dear [First Name] [Last Name],” but like any process of education, this will take time. In the meantime, our primary goal is to make sure that all Berkeley Law students are fully informed as you navigate legal job markets. We are always available to discuss individually what approach would be the best fit for you.

First Paragraph. Begin your letter with a statement of who you are and why you are writing. Introduce yourself as a law student (including the year you are in) or a graduate of Berkeley Law and specify what it is you are seeking: a summer job, an associate position, a clerkship, part-time work during the school year, etc.

The goal of this paragraph is to give the reader a reason to want to finish reading the letter. If you don’t have a personal connection to cite, try to establish a nexus between yourself and the employer, such as knowledge of their practice, an established commitment to or interest in their work, a connection to their city, or something else which conveys that you are not just writing to them as part of a mass mailing for any job in any location. (If that in fact is what you are doing, try not to be too obvious about it. An employer wants to think that you sought him or her out purposely rather than randomly.)

Body Paragraph(s). This is the section in which you “sell” your experience and qualifications to the employer. Your goal here is to answer the question, “Why should the employer meet you?”

Call attention to something which substantiates your interest in this particular employer. It could be coursework in their specialty, the recommendation of a professor in their area of practice, undergraduate residency in their city, or any other indication of your interest. Try also to show how your experiences will translate into skills which will be useful to this particular employer. Highlight relevant qualifications which are not on your resume, such as coursework, research, or a prior connection to the organization or the issues they work on. If you have general legal skills such as negotiation, litigation, client counseling, interviewing, mock trials, etc., you may want to include them. As much as possible, try to convey understanding of, and enthusiasm for, the aims of the organization.

Employers do not expect first-year students to have highly-developed legal skills to offer. Therefore, for first-year students writing to private firms, this section can be a single, short paragraph, unless you have a strong background in a relevant area. However, even inexperienced first-year students writing to public interest/sector organizations should make an effort to describe skills and interests that are relevant to the employer.

It is appropriate and not uncommon for a public interest cover letter to be somewhat more detailed or personal than a private sector cover letter. Of course, it is still very important to be concise, but it is acceptable for the letter to be a full page if your experience dictates. In a public interest cover letter, it is important both to highlight your demonstrated commitment to the mission/work/client base of the organization through your own relevant work or life experience, and to illustrate your relevant skills. Take another look at your resume for items that show your interest, commitment and skills. Even if you do not have experience in the specific area in which an organization works, it is still important to emphasize your demonstrated commitment to the public interest, and to draw connections between that general commitment and the specific work of the organization. As it is important not to merely regurgitate your resume, consider including a story that illustrates you are interested or qualified in the position.

If your application raises questions that are readily answered, such as availability after the Bar exam, judicial clerkship plans, etc., the letter can address those; other issues may be better deferred to the interview stage. Consult a CDO attorney-counselor if you’re not sure whether to include something in your cover letter.

Final Paragraph. In your last paragraph, thank them for their consideration, and say you hope to hear from them soon. For out-of-town employers, indicate when you plan to be in their geographic area and state your availability for an interview. Be sure to include your phone number and email in this paragraph unless you use a letterhead style that includes them at the top of the page. If you state that you will call the employer to follow up on your application, be sure you do so.

If you are bringing a cover letter to an on-campus interview (which you should do only if the employer requests you to), the content will be a bit different. You don’t need to introduce yourself, as you will be there in person, and you won’t request an interview at the closing. But you can thank the employer for interviewing you and say that you welcome the opportunity to learn more about the employer and to discuss the possibility of working for them. The important thing is to show why you are interested in this particular employer, and how you think your background makes you a good match for them.

The mistakes most commonly found in student cover letters are:

  • Restating your resume. “ I graduated from the University of Oregon in 2005, with a B.A., cum laude, in Political Science, then worked as a substitute teacher in an urban high school before starting law school in the fall of 2008 .” Don’t waste space with facts that are readily gleaned from your resume! Instead, you could say (briefly) how your work experience led you to pursue a legal career in an area practiced by the employer.
  • Focusing on what you stand to gain from the job . “ I am particularly interested in your firm’s excellent training program for summer associates, and in gaining exposure to a variety of different practice areas.” Remember, employers only grant interviews to candidates who offer something of potential use to the employer. Try to say how your skills and enthusiasm will help the employer serve its clients, or otherwise further its aims.
  • Being too informal or familiar. “I’m thrilled by the possibility of working with you this summer, and would love to meet with you in person/by phone to chat about what the options might be.” Enthusiasm is good, but it must be presented professionally.

Other cover letter mistakes include: being defensive or apologetic; appearing arrogant or entitled, and being too long and wordy. Unsupported statements of your qualities (“I am highly motivated and a quick study”) do not help your case. Generic reasons for your interest in the employer (e.g., its “excellent reputation”) tend to demonstrate your lack of specific knowledge. Of course typos and inaccuracies, such as misspelled names, or (please!) stating an interest in a practice area that the firm doesn’t have, are automatic application-killers.

Our cover letter template  provides suggestions only; please do not feel excessively constrained by its approach. Your letter should, of course, be original work that reflects your unique background and the job you are aiming at.

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8 Cover Letter Tips and a Sample Cover Letter For Your Law Firm Internship

  • Sep 14, 2012

IIHS - Urban Fellows


The cover letter is a small email you write while applying to a law firm. It is really your pitch which says “Take me as an intern” Draft it carefully and do note the following points.

1. The body of the email should itself contain the cover letter . Don’t attach a 300 word cover letter because it won’t be opened in ten cases out of nine. Ten out of nine? It might seem an exaggeration or a misprint but it is none.

Instead of sending your cover letter as an attachment, write it in the body of the email itself.

2. Subject of the email which is the subject of your cover letter should be detailed and educated, a bit like this: Internship Application: 1 st May- 30 th June: Mumbai Office.

These are the three things (subject + duration + location) should make the subject of your internship cover letter; nothing more and nothing less.

3. Focus and customise. Don’t send an email to dozens of law firms at one go. Identify 5-6 law firms which interest you and send applications tailor-made for them.

For example if you are applying to an IP boutique law firm, include a section in your CV (right at the top, mind you) which reads ‘Achievements in the field of IP’. Also in your cover letter mention these achievements precisely.

4. Art of the start. Start with naming the person you want this to read; the recruitment head, the managing partner or the internship coordinator. Do your research.

Assuming the name of the person is Ram Kumar and the email id for internships is [email protected] and you start with “Respected Mr. Ram Kumar” you catch his attention.

If you begin with Respected Sir/Madam you don’t get anyone’s attention.

upGrad - Jindal Global School

5. Write English . Please don’t show of your legal writing skills here. Write simple, plain, correct, readable English. Reserve legalese for later, when you actually get the internship.

Do a spelling and grammar check on Word on your cover letter.

6. Attach your CV. If you are not careful with this little thing (of attaching files), the law firm will be unwilling to hand you bigger things like internship.

7. Ask. Ask if you should be sending your writing samples or if the firm will want to take a telephonic interview. Leave your contact number in the footer.

8. A little quote. Emails can have a quote at the end. If it relates to law, is a smart one and is something you identify with, you can include it in every email you send including the internship application. This might be a little controversial but it can tell the recruiter a lot about you.

It adds a human touch and might bring a smile on the recruiters face. A smiling man/woman is a person more likely to give you the internship. So choose the quote carefully.

Here is a sample cover letter for a law firm internship:

Dear Mr. Ram Kumar

This section is: Art of start: Who you are, what you do and where are you going.

I am Rahul Sharma, a 4 th year law student from Gujarat National Law University (GNLU), Gandhinagar and am very keen to intern at ABC Law Offices (Delhi) from 1 st May- 30 th June.

This is called: Why Me. The Best Things I Have Done. Why Your Firm Alone is the Perfect Professional Habitat For Me.

I have previously interned at XYZ’s Delhi office where I was a part of the Capital Markets team. During my internship under Mr. Mukul Romani, senior counsel, Supreme Court of India I learnt the basics of legal drafting under his tutelage. I have also completed the Mergers and Acquisitions course offered by the Bombay Stock Exchange. Moreover, I was a part of the ANLU team (oralist) which won the NUKS corporate law moot competition in 2010.

I am sure interning at a prestigious law firm like SRGR Law Offices will help me further improve upon my skills. Given my prior experience and interest in corporate law I am sure that Ill be able to contribute immensely towards your practice. I have learnt from LegallyIndia.com about your firm’s growth plans and it will be exciting to be a part of a young and growing team of lawyers.

The Section: I am humble, eager and good.

I am attaching my CV for your kind perusal and will be grateful if I am given an opportunity to intern at your firm. Please let me know if you require anything else as a part of the internship application. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Rahul Sharma

4 th year student, BA.LLB (Hons) course

GNLU, Gandhinagar.

Contact: 999999999 (M)

P.S. Just a bonus for you: I have found a nice resource with cover letter info – academichelp.net with a useful “how to write” guide and a lot of free samples [Sponsored].

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25 Responses

Hi Everyone, I’ve need your help! My friend is seeking for a job in Delhi NCR. He has 5 years experience as an Executive Secretary/Stenographer and currently working with Luthra & Luthra Law Offices and he is looking a job change. If you have any good opportunity for him please do let us know or you can directly reach him up 8510015604/[email protected] or inform me at *[email protected]* We will be thankful to you.

Hi Everyone, I’ve need your help! My friend is seeking for a job in Delhi NCR. He has 5 years experience as an Executive Secretary/Stenographer and currently working with Luthra & Luthra Law Offices and he is looking a job change. If you have any good opportunity for him please do let us know or you can directly reach him up 8510015604/[email protected] or inform me at *[email protected]* We will be thankful to you.

Excellent details once and for all, you simply attained a symbol brand new audience. Exactly . translation welsh to norwegianwhat can you suggest regarding your placed for you to developed a week in the past? Every confident?

I’m still learning from you, but I’m making my way to the top as well. I certainly liked reading all that is posted on your site.Keep the posts coming. I loved it!

for the first time I am seeing such a helpful site for the law students and professionals in a single platform, you are doing great job. Thank you so much admin.

can i get the sample of cover letter for applying for an internship under the supreme court advocate.

Can we address a cover letter to a firm directly without mentioning the name of any specific person?

” you didn’t find a cover letter more “crisp” than this?” I feel sorry for the firm who hired you with such lovely vocabulary.

Very well written cover letter format. Unfortunately many people who are unable to think for themselves don’t realise it is only for help to applicants and is not to be copied verbatim.

Some time back I noticed that applications for jobs/internships from people all over India to my law firm had same/similar sentences in it (because they all used this letter as a base). Now almost all the letters I receive for internship have about two to five sentences copied verbatim. Most popular sentences are “I learnt the basics of legal drafting under his tutelage”, “I am sure interning at a prestigious law firm like — will help me further improve upon my skills.”, “Given my prior experience and interest in corporate law I am sure that I’ll be able to contribute immensely towards your practice”.

Just by a brief look I can tell if the person has seen the sample letter on this site. Some bright persons also copy the line saying the applicant learnt about the firm’s growth plans from legallyindia.com, even though it never was discussed on that site. Some people also copy the line “it will be exciting to be a part of a young and growing team of lawyers” without knowing whether our team is young, old, middle-aged, growing or not etc.

Thanks for rectifying all of us and showing the path for own creativity which will definitely help us in the future. Sir but we do have a check on various websites like RSG consulting.com, legal500.com etc. before applying and after doing all this things we are upset due to very late replies from the respected law firms (Most of them need a continuous follow up and sum even don’t after that ) and many of them have a stringent norm of taking only National Law school Students(Strange.. its like “Grave injustice in the LAW Factory itself). However a reply of NO can surely help out all the students to shape their planned schedule. Hoping for Future Co-operation.

Anil, it would be nice for applicants if law firms replied to every application. But please understand that law firms are under no real obligation to do so, especially for unsolicited applications.

Another reason they don’t is because of the volume. Even small law firms get several applications a month and the medium-sized or bigger ones must be getting hundreds a month. It is just not practical to reply to everyone. If you send an application and you don’t get a reply, it means that either the firm does not have a vacancy for you or your application did not impress them. Keep trying!

Thank you very much Sir for your valuable comment …. it will help us a lot…

Thanks a lot for providing such useful tips 🙂 but will you pls let me know how to take follow up after sending cover letter and CV for targeted firms.

i would join internship from your NGO which is a very impotant for me from june to july 2015 iam student of law collage dehradun

The sample CV and sample Cover Letter are very useful to my students as who hail from rural area of Maharashtra. lawctopus is contributing immensely in bridging the gap between urban and rural students of law and indirectly contributing in upgrading the professional standards also. So keep up the great work.

This was really helpful. Doing changes in my cover letter. And thank you for telling cover letter’s are NOT to be attached but should be a body of the mail. what a fail i have been doing till now!

Well it’s not a rule as such.

But if you put it in the body of the email, chances of it being read are more.

Ideally how long should a Cover Letter be?

Around 200-250 words.

i have gone through various websites for getting a sample for internship letter but didn’t get a more crisp letter than this… great work!!! really hepled a lot!!!

Very helpful

sick dude helped

While applying for judicial clerkship under a HC judge. How different will the covering letter be from this?

Its very helpful. Kindly give the email id where i should mail my cv and other requirement for internship

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Law Student Cover Letter Samples

Law Student Cover Letter Samples

If you’re studying law and looking to review some law student cover letter samples, then this blog is for you! Whether you’re applying to an internship, or hoping to obtain employment in your field, you’ll need a specific cover letter detailing your qualities and skills as a law student. A law student cover letter differs from a law school letter of recommendation , as you’ll write it yourself and you’ll only need it once you’re already admitted into your program. A well written cover letter can help you acquire great learning opportunities!

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Article Contents 11 min read

Law student cover letters are extremely important for students of law to know how to write and have on-hand, regardless of what year of study you’re currently in. A cover letter serves as your chance to show off your skills and to make sure that the motivation behind your career choice and your suitability for the role; this is especially important for things like summer job opportunities related to your program and internships. This blog will walk you through everything you need to know about writing a law student cover letter—from what information it should contain, how it should be formatted, and a few samples of law student cover letters so you’ll know how to prepare your letter with ease!

What is a Law Student Cover Letter?

You are now a law student! After completing dozens of application components, such as your law school personal statement, law school resume , and other law school optional essays , you have finally made it! But, if you think that you are done planning and working on application materials, you are wrong! Now that you’re a law student, you must work to gain relevant experience and knowledge by participating in internships, articling, and other law-related job opportunities. To succeed in your applications, you will need a stellar law student cover letter.

A law student cover letter is a document that you write to accompany your resume, which you send along with your application for various internships or employment opportunities that are related to your area of study. In your case, this is law, but it may be a specific sector of law that you have a special interest in, such as family law or environmental law. A cover letter is used to connect the dots between your experiences listed on your resume by providing your potential employer with a short, organized narrative that details why you’re an ideal candidate for the role.

As a law student, it's important for you to create effective marketing materials that stand out from the crowd of applicants. A well-written cover letter will help employers remember who sent them the application—and put it at the top of their pile when they're shortlisting candidates for an interview!

Simply put: you’ll want to stand out to potential employers, and having a well written cover letter can enhance your application!

Need help with your cover letter? Reach out to a law school advisor:

Without a cover letter, your application may only consist of a resume, and/or any other documentation that is required. Most, if not all, jobs recommend a cover letter. The same can be said for internships. Whether paid or unpaid, internship positions are often in high demand, and many law students will likely apply for the same position. Many students may have similar academic paths and accomplishments, so, having a stellar cover letter gives you an opportunity to stand out (in just a few short paragraphs) and works to enhance the valuable information and experiences on your resume.

You should prepare a law-specific cover letter when you want to apply for any professional role related to law. Commonly, law student cover letters are required/recommended to go along with internship applications.

Even if you’re not currently seeking an internship or employment, you may also want to have an established cover letter if you’re interested in alumni networking as a law student, or learning about opportunities without the immediate intent of applying to them.

Your cover letter is a professional extension of you, and should almost act as a narrative that encompasses your abilities as a law student as they relate to the role you’re hoping to obtain.

Every law student cover letter you create and submit should be completely unique. This doesn’t mean that your latest cover letter cannot follow the same format as another you’ve written, or include the same background information about your skills. Rather, you should ensure each cover letter is tailored to the specific company and position you’re applying for. Each role has different requirements and expectations, so it’s important you take the time to share why you feel you’d be a good fit for a specific role, and not submit the same, generalized cover letters to every role you apply for while you’re in law school.

If you're a law student, cover letters are an important part of your job search while you’re still in school, and can really come in handy if you’re planning on pursuing an internship, whether one is a mandatory component of your program or not.

Even if internships are required by your institution, it does not mean you’ll be automatically awarded an internship. You may need to apply yourself in order to stand out and be considered above other candidates for your desired position at the company you wish to intern with; especially if it’s competitive.

Cover letters give you the chance to explain why you would be a good fit for a position and show that you're serious about getting the job. Resumes are brief and often point-form, highlighting a few academic accomplishments and credentials, along with employment history and workplace skills. But sometimes, a job title and a brief description of your duties isn’t sufficient enough to look like the best candidate in the application pool!

The first thing most hiring managers look at when they get an application is the cover letter; this is true across many fields, but especially in law. It gives them a sense of who you are as a professional, and shows them whether or not you may be an ideal fit for their company. Each company has its own culture and set of values; they’re looking for specific talent and skills to add to their team, and the only way they’ll know if you have these is by reading your detailed cover letter.

If yours doesn't stand out from the rest, you may not hear from your dream company!

What Information Should I Include in my Law Student Cover Letter?

Your law student cover letter should include the following:

  • Your name, address and phone number.
  • The date of your application. If you are applying for multiple positions at once, it’s helpful to make sure that your cover letter goes with each job posting.
  • A short summary of your career history so far (including any relevant work experience). This could be a paragraph or two long, but shouldn't take up more than half the page.
  • Brief descriptions of the internship or role you are applying for and what makes you qualified for it. You should emphasize the knowledge and skills you possess, and experiences you’ve had, in order to demonstrate why you think you’re a perfect candidate.
  • A concise summary about why you want to work in law, and why you want to work for this employer in particular. You can include the steps you’ve taken towards achieving this goal so far—this would include some information about your years spent at university as well as activities outside of class, such as extracurriculars related specifically to legal studies or volunteer opportunities.

What Information Should I Refrain from Putting in my Cover Letter?

Yes, there is definitely information that should not be included in any cover letter, but especially a law student cover letter.

First, you should refrain from including overly personal information. This means you should not provide details about your personal life, irrelevant points about hobbies or interests unrelated to law, and any information about your age, race, gender, political opinion, or preferences, unless this was a requirement for the role! For example, some internship and job postings may be looking for students under 30 years of age, somebody who is bilingual, somebody who identities as female, or even a person with a specific area of interest that is relevant to the position.

When formatting your law student cover letter, consider the following:

Remember, no matter what position you\u2019re applying for, or what your experience is, your cover letter is to serve as an informative, concise piece\u2014a narrative\u2014explaining your professional qualifications! Your resume is the place to list your accomplishments and extensive history (usually in point-form of brief sentences), however, your cover letter should highlight skills and points that are specific to the role you\u2019re hoping to obtain. "}]">

November 1, 2020

Mr. John Smith

XYZ District Attorney’s Office

123 Anywhere Street

Newtown, NY

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am a second-year student at ZYX Law School and I’m elated to be writing to you in response to your posting for a spring intern at your downtown office. I have been a passionate advocate for many social justice movements in the downtown core, and feel working at the XYZ District Attorney’s Office would be an invaluable experience. I am also confident that I have several established skills that would make me a great addition to your office over the course of the fourth month position.

I attended ABC University for my undergraduate degree and received my honors degree in Justice, Political Policy and Law in 2017, with a minor focus in Labor Studies. Prior to beginning my current program, I accepted a part-time position as a youth program coordinator at Newtown’s Indigenous community center. I thoroughly enjoy drafting and organizing programs that will benefit the young minds in this city, and throughout my academic and professional endeavors, I’ve grown to be the passionate, dedicated law student I am today.

I am passionate about social justice and empowerment which is why a role interning at your office not only piqued my interest as somebody eager to learn more about district law, but somebody who is so excited about working in this city. I also firmly believe I am capable of demonstrating the intensive research skills and organizational abilities required for this role, as I exceeded in political research and research analytics during my undergraduate degree, specifically with my fourth-year thesis, where I presented my case on the relation of Generational Trauma, Systemic Racism and Social Welfare Crises. Last summer, I completed an internship at CDF Law Firm as a research assistant and thoroughly enjoyed my time there. I successfully compiled and drafted several documents during my two months at CDF, and, I learned how to best organize my findings in an approachable and concise manner.

Overall, I feel an internship at XYZ District Attorney’s Office would be phenomenal opportunity. I feel in this position, I’d be able to successfully enhance my skills as a law professional, and learn new research and leadership skills that will be imperative to my growth and will contribute to my journey toward one day becoming a District Attorney myself. I have a lot to learn, but I know I have a lot of value and skill to offer.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to review my cover letter. I look forward to connecting with you. I can be reached at (102)-304-1234, or by email, [email protected] .

Sample Law Student Cover Letter 2

ABC County Municipal Government Center

1999 Anytown Ave - 18

Anycity, NY

March 10, 2018

To Whom it may Concern,

I am a third year ABC Law student determined to pursue a career as a public defender, which is why I am excited to be formally applying for your internship at ABC Country Municipal Government Centre. I have an extensive background studying criminal law and public defence, both in my post secondary courses and internships, and volunteer endeavors. I feel my combination of experience and dedication to becoming a law professional allow me to demonstrate the skills necessary for this role, including knowledge of the criminal justice system, municipal law, and defence, as well as impeccable analytical and critical thinking abilities.

Last summer, I worked for the Public Defender Service for the District of CBA as a part-time intern. There, I helped my designated attorney prepare for trial and conducted extensive research on cases specific to juveniles, as well as other crimes that impacted the community, like vandalism. I helped prepare court documents and by the end of my contract, I was preparing documents entirely on my own; they were then granted approval upon review and used in court. I also witnessed and participated in defence interviews as an observer and got a first-hand look at what it takes to not only question to convicted, but to see the big picture and understand, from a professional standpoint, what their true intent is/was. I always strive to hear everybody and ask the appropriate questions to ensure I have a thorough understanding of every case.

I have completed eight criminal law courses, with honors, in my current program, and exceeded in criminal law during my undergraduate career, too. Currently, I volunteer as a journalist for the law “paper”, that is a student-run and funded blog, at ABC University. I enjoy volunteering my time to not only to inform the law community of pertinent issues and stories in our community, but to ensure I have polished and pristine research and writing skills. I believe the only way to learn and improve, is by doing.

My training during workshops and mock trials has helped me to develop the strong oral advocacy skills critical in the courtroom, which I am looking to put to use, alongside my research, writing, and analytical skills, at an internship at your office. My academic career and professional goals, make me a strong candidate for this position. I would appreciate the chance to discuss my qualifications with you.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

As a law student, you’ll benefit tremendously from knowing how to draft a quality, concise law student cover letter for all of your future internships and employment opportunities. It’s essential that you mention relevant details and highlight your assets in your law student cover letter, as it’s your only opportunity to offer a narrative to support your resume/application, and speak to your own character and potential!

Be sure to review our samples above, and review the recommended structure so that you can format your law student cover letter well and attach it to all of your applications! Remember, for each job you apply for, you should create a custom cover letter.

A cover letter is a one-page document that you include with your resume when applying for jobs, internships and other positions. The cover letter’s purpose is to introduce yourself and explain why you are the best candidate for the job. It should also highlight why you would be an asset to the company or law firm in question.

A law student cover letter is different from a cover letter you’d send along to support your application for a job outside of law. As a law student, you’ll require a cover letter when you apply for internship opportunities, or for positions related to the field of law.

Yes, and no. While having a template and outline for your law student cover letter is generally a good idea, you should customize all of your cover letters so that they are tailored to each individual role you are applying for. Be sure to state the company’s name, and personalize what you say so it stands out to specific employers!

Mentioning specific skills you have that align with their ideal candidate (refer to job description),and supplying a brief, supportive narrative can strongly support your resume. Remember, your resume acts as an organized list to detail your experience, whereas a cover letter gives you the chance to speak to your character, experiences, and skills, and convince the employer that you’re right for the role!

Refrain from providing extensive information about past experiences (educational, employment or personal) that are not relevant to the position of which you’re applying! You only have one page, so be sure to only add details that matter and relate to law!

No, when you have not yet entered your law program, you are not yet a law student! You can use cover letters for any job you apply for, however, they should be tailored specifically to your program.

It’s important to remember that a law student cover letter is vastly different than a law school letter of recommendation. Your letter of recommendation supports your application to law school, and is written by a recommender. Your law student cover letter will be written by you, once you’re already admitted into your law program.

You need one cover letter for each job/internship you apply for, unless you are given instructions that state otherwise. Your cover letter should be no more than one page, and should be broken up into 3-5 short paragraphs to make it readable and professional.

BeMo Academic Consulting can help you! We offer academic support for students studying in a variety of fields, including law, and we’d be happy to help you write your law student cover letter.

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Home » 9+ Catchy Cover Letter For Law Internship Samples [Free]

9+ Catchy Cover Letter For Law Internship Samples [Free]

Cover Letter For Law Internship

Want to write a Cover Letter For Law Internship A cover letter is an important tool for any job seeker, but it’s especially critical when applying for an internship. After all, internships are designed to give students and recent graduates the opportunity to gain real-world experience in their chosen field. As such, your cover letter should highlight your eagerness to learn and grow while also showcasing the skills and qualities that make you a strong candidate.

To get started, take a look at our collection of internship cover letter samples. These samples can provide inspiration and guidance as you craft your own unique letter. Just remember to tailor your letter to fit your own qualifications and experiences. With a little effort, you can put together a strong cover letter that will help you secure the internship of your dreams!

Table of Contents

How To Write a Cover Letter For Law Internship?

Your cover letter is the first chance you have to make an impression on a potential employer. So it’s important to make sure that your letter is well-written and free of errors. Here are some tips for writing a great law internship cover letter:

  • Start by briefly introducing yourself and explaining why you’re interested in the internship.
  • Use specific examples to demonstrate your skills and qualifications.
  • Highlight your academic achievements, work experience, and extracurricular involvement.
  • Tailor your letter to the specific law firm or organization you’re applying to.
  • Keep your letter concise and free of grammar or spelling errors.

By following these tips, you can write a strong cover letter that will increase your chances of getting an interview for a law internship.

Related: How To Write a Cover Letter (And Get Hired in 2022!)

Legal Intern Cover Letter

Judicial Internship Cover Letter

To Whom It May Concern The writing to apply for the judicial internship position with the XYZ Court. It is a recent law school graduate and I have a strong interest in working in the legal field.

Have worked as a law clerk for the past year, and I have gained valuable experience in conducting legal research and writing legal documents. I am confident that I can be an asset to your team and I am eager to learn more about the judicial process.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Related: 5+ Attractive Prospects Cover Letter Samples

Legal Intern Cover Letter

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to apply for the legal intern position at ABC Corporation. I am a third-year law student at XYZ University and have a strong interest in corporate law.

Through my coursework and extracurricular activities, I have developed strong research and writing skills that I believe would be beneficial to your team. In addition, I have a keen eye for detail and am comfortable working on complex legal problems.

I would appreciate the opportunity to put my skills to use in a real-world setting. I am confident that I can contribute to the success of your organization, and I look forward to discussing my qualifications with you in further detail.

Related: 5+ Professional Law Student Cover Letter Samples

Sample Cover Letter For Law Firm Internship

I am writing to apply for the law firm internship position at XYZ Corporation. I am a third-year law student at ABC University and have a strong interest in XYZ Corporation’s practice areas.

Through my coursework and research, I have developed excellent legal research and writing skills that I believe would be beneficial to your firm. In addition, I have interned with the public defender’s office, where I gained valuable experience in litigation. I am confident that I can be a valuable asset to your firm and would appreciate the opportunity to put my skills to work.

Related: Cover Letter for Internship with no Experience: 09 Samples & Examples

Cover Letter Sample For Law Internship

I am writing to apply for the law internship position with Smith and Associates. I am a third-year law student at XYZ University and have a strong interest in pursuing a career in corporate law.

Through my coursework and research, I have gained a strong understanding of the legal process and the ability to think critically about complex issues. I am confident that I can be a valuable asset to your team and would appreciate the opportunity to learn and grow in this role.

Related: 145+ Creative Safety Officer Resume Objective ideas

Cover Letter Example For Law Internship

I am writing to apply for the law internship position with Smith & Associates. I am a third-year law student at ABC University and have a strong interest in pursuing a career in corporate law.

During my time at university, I have taken part in various extracurricular activities that have developed my research and writing skills, as well as my ability to think critically and analytically. I am confident that I have the skills and attributes required for this internship, and I believe that I would be a valuable asset to your team.

I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my application further with you at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Related: 149+ Catchy Career Objective for Law Students ideas Sample & Examples

3 Things To Include In a Cover Letter For Law Internship

While a resume gives an overview of your professional experiences and highlights your skills, a cover letter is your opportunity to introduce yourself to a potential employer and explain why you are the perfect candidate for the position. If you’re applying for a law internship, there are certain elements that should always be included in your cover letter.

First, it’s important to convey your interest in the specific legal field or practice area you are applying to. Be specific about why you are passionate about this area of law and what skills and experiences you have that make you well-suited for it. Secondly, your cover letter should highlight any relevant academic achievements or coursework, as well as any extracurricular activities or volunteer work that have helped to develop your interest in law.

Third, your cover letter should discuss any relevant work experience you have, even if it is not in the legal field. Employers will be looking for evidence of strong research, writing, and communication abilities, so be sure to discuss any kind of prior experience that has helped to develop these skills. Finally, it is important to express why you are interested in working with this particular law firm or organization. Conduct some research on the company beforehand and express what appeals to you about their work or corporate culture.

By following these tips, you can craft a strong cover letter that will help you stand out from the competition and increase your chances of being offered a law internship.

Related: What is Cover Letter? Complete Guide To Get any Job.

A cover letter is an essential part of any internship application, and a law internship is no exception. Your cover letter is your opportunity to sell yourself to the internship coordinator and convince them that you’re the right candidate for the position. To do this, you need to highlight your relevant skills and experience, as well as your passion for the law.

One way to make your cover letter stand out is to focus on your strengths as a legal researcher. If you’ve had experience conducting legal research, be sure to mention this in your cover letter. You should also emphasize any skills you have in analytical thinking and writing. These skills will be essential in assisting the lawyers you’ll be working with during your internship.

Finally, don’t forget to proofread your cover letter carefully before sending it in. A few typos or grammatical errors could give the impression that you’re not serious about the internship opportunity. Take the time to edit and revise your letter until it’s perfect. With a strong cover letter, you’ll be well on your way to landing a coveted spot in a top law firm or organization.

Sample Cover Letter For Law Firm Internship

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How to Write a Cover Letter for an Internship? (+5 Real Internship Cover Letter Examples)

  • Julia Mlcuchova , 
  • Updated March 20, 2024 8 min read

Trying to figure out how to write a cover letter for an internship ? Look no further!

POV: After weeks and weeks of searching for the right internship opportunity, you've finally found it. But, at the end of the posting, there's a single short sentence that takes you aback:  “Please, attach a cover letter to your application .”

Although some consider cover letter writing to be a relic of the past, it still holds its rightful place in the professional world. 

Because a well-written and persuasive cover letter can sometimes make up for the lack of work experience on your resume . And if you're trying to apply for an internship , this is probably your case, too. 

So, continue reading this article and learn: 

  • What is a cover letter for an internship;
  • Whether you need to attach a cover letter to your internship application;
  • How to write one in 7 steps;
  • 5 real-life internship cover letter examples .

Table of Contents

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What is a cover letter for an internship?

Do you need a cover letter for an internship, how to write a cover letter for an internship in 7 steps, 5 real-life internship cover letter examples, key takeaways: how to write a cover letter for an internship.

Generally speaking, an internship cover letter is a formal document that accompanies your resume when applying for an internship. 

When it comes to its content, a cover letter for an internship falls somewhere between a traditional cover letter and a motivational letter . 

  • A traditional cover letter , used by job applicants with years of experience, is supposed to underline some of the candidate's most relevant and impressive skills, qualifications, and work achievements . 
  • A motivational letter , used mostly in academia, aims to communicate one's passion for the subject, their motivation, and personal goals . 

Hence, a cover letter for an internship combines the purpose of the traditional cover letter (convincing the recruiters that you're the right person for the job) with the tone and strategy of the motivational letter (writing about personal motivations and goals).

A truly successful internship cover letter should answer the following questions:

  • Who are you? 
  • Why are you interested in this particular internship?
  • Why are you the best fit for this internship?
  • What do you want to gain from this internship?


In fact, you should always attach a cover letter to your internship application , even if it isn't explicitly required from you.  

Why, you ask? 

Well, consider this: Internships are crucial stepping stones towards your dream career. And they're also incredibly competitive. A single internship opening can be answered by tens of applicants at a time. 

But how can you stand out from a crowd of equally inexperienced candidates? Certainly not by your non-existent professional accomplishments, right? 

When companies look for interns, they don't expect you to have a ton of real-life experience. They aren't looking for a “finished product,” but for someone with a genuine desire to learn and enthusiasm for the job. 

And these two are your weapons of choice!

How can a cover letter for an internship help you?

Apart from the reasons mentioned above, your internship cover letter is also responsible for: 

  • Conveying first impression. Usually, recruiters will read your cover letter before looking at your resume. So, it's the perfect opportunity to introduce yourself to them in a memorable way. 
  • Showing your efforts. Next, taking the time to craft a thoughtful cover letter shows that you're willing to put in that extra effort to stand out from the rest of the candidates. 
  • Highlighting your communication skills. Also, a well-written cover letter demonstrates your ability to articulate your thoughts clearly and professionally. 
  • Showing your professionalism. When you walk into a room, it's polite to introduce yourself and shake everybody's hand. This is exactly what a cover letter does! To attach one to your application is a common courtesy.

Now that you're familiar with the whats and whys , let's have a look at how to write a good cover letter for an internship step-by-step. 

For example : Application for [name of the internship] internship – Surname.

Then, place your contact information (your name; professional email address; phone number; link to your website / portfolio / social media accounts if relevant) directly into the header .

If you know the recipient's name, address them by “ Dear [full name] ,” or “ Dear Mrs/Mr [last name] ,”. If you don't know who to address the cover letter to , address it more generally to “Dear Hiring Manager,” .

In the first paragraph of your cover letter , start by stating your name and where you studied (including your current degree and year of study). Proceed by explaining how you came to know about the internship and what are your motivations for applying to it.

Since you don't have much work experience, you can talk about your academic achievements; relevant coursework; dissertation project; extracurricular activities; volunteering; membership in relevant societies, etc.

The closing paragraph of your cover letter should reiterate your desire to get the specific internship, express gratitude to the recipient for their time and consideration, and include a final call for action (i.e. "I look forward to discussing the next steps during an interview." )

Finally, based on how you greeted the recipient of your cover letter, you can sign off with either “ Yours sincerely ,” or “ Yours faithfully ,” . If you addressed the recruiter by their name, sign off with the former; if not, use the latter.

Don't feel like writing your internship cover letter by hand?

Let our AI cover letter writer create the first draft of your internship cover letter!

Undoubtedly, the best way to learn something is to look at specific examples . And that's exactly what we're going to do right now! 

Below, we've prepared 5 internship cover letters written by real people with the help of our cover letter templates .

And, each of them is accompanied by our internship cover letter writing tips that you can implement into your own cover letter! 

FYI, you can use each of these examples as the first draft for your very own internship cover letter – simply click on the red button and start personalising the text (or let AI handle it).

#1 Philips Marketing Intern Cover Letter Sample

Internship cover letter example:.

This cover letter sample was provided by a real person who got hired with Kickresume’s help.

What can you take away?

  • Eye-catching header.  Firstly, the header is visually clearly separated from the rest of the text. This makes the recruiters notice it immediately. Plus, the contact information of the company is also featured in the left-hand corner - just like it would be on an actual letter.
  • Research the company before applying. Notice sentences like: “ I really like and relate to what Philips stands for … ” and “ Furthermore, it is very appealing that Philips operates on an international level… ”.This shows that the candidate’s done a thorough research of the company's philosophy and structure.

#2 Warner Bros. Public Relations Intern Cover Letter Example

  • Share a personal story. This can help you establish a sentimental connection between you and the company. Show them that for you, working for their company means more than any old internship.
  • Name-drop a referral. Now, this is a little bit of a cheat code. But, if you happen to know about anyone who has worked/currently works for the company, slip their name into your cover letter.

#3 University of Massachusetts Boston Intern Cover Letter Example

What can you take away  .

  • Write about what you want to gain from the internship. It shows that you're not there just to have something to put on your resume; but that you’re motivated by the idea of gaining actual industry knowledge and skills.

#4 Audit/Tax Summer Internship at CohnReznick Cover Letter Sample

  • Mention any relevant academic activities. If you're wondering how to write a cover letter for an internship with no experience whatsoever, this is your way to go! For example, notice how this candidate noted all of his relevant courses, skills, association membership, and competition participation.
  • Focus on transferrable skills. Especially when your study programme doesn't necessarily fit the internship opening to a T. Instead, focus on any transferable skills you've picked up. 

#5 Intern at NBC Cover Letter Sample

  • Keep your opening and closing paragraphs short and sweet. As you can see in this example, it helps keep a certain visual harmony of the overall document. And, despite the length, both paragraphs do exactly what they're supposed to. Besides, recruiters might be discouraged to read the rest of your cover letter if your introductory paragraph is too long.

To sum it all up, an internship cover letter is a formal document that you submit together with your resume when applying for an internship. Its content should be something between a traditional cover letter and a motivational letter.

Its purpose is to introduce yourself to the recruiters in a more personal way than the resume allows. 

The main things you want your internship cover letter to communicate are:

  • who you are,
  • why you're interested in this opportunity,
  • what make you the best fit for the internship, 
  • your motivation (your long-term professional goals),
  • your desire to learn (what you want to gain from the experience).

To write a truly impactful and persuasive cover letter, we recommend following these 7 key steps: 

  • Specify which internship you're applying for in the subject line.
  • Include your contact information in a header.
  • Address the recipient appropriately.
  • Introduce yourself & your motivations in the opening paragraph.
  • Elaborate on why you're a good fit and what motivated you in body.
  • End your cover letter with a confident closing paragraph.
  • Finish off with a polite sign off. 

Finally, if you feel that the examples provided in this article aren't enough, you can always find more in our cover letter database . 

Julia has recently joined Kickresume as a career writer. From helping people with their English to get admitted to the uni of their dreams to advising them on how to succeed in the job market. It would seem that her career is on a steadfast trajectory. Julia holds a degree in Anglophone studies from Metropolitan University in Prague, where she also resides. Apart from creative writing and languages, she takes a keen interest in literature and theatre.

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The Exchange

Summer 2024 film acquisitions, finance, and development intern.

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The Exchange (Obvious Child, Dear White People, The Spectacular Now, 2 Guns, Blaze, We The Animals, Big Time Adolescence), a leading worldwide film sales, finance, and production company, seeks an intern to work for their Los Angeles office. The Exchange recently released Meet Cute staring Pete Davidson & Kaley Cuoco as well as The Independent starring Brian Cox, Jodie Turner-Smith, and John Cena. The Exchange is also currently in post-production on The Thicket starring Peter Dinklage and Juliette Lewis, as well as The Cut starring Orlando Bloom and John Turturro.

We are currently looking for interns for Summer 2024.

Candidates will be involved in challenging, time-sensitive assignments, and group projects and will be called upon to perform various administrative tasks while learning about the business of film finance, production, and distribution. Interns will perform script coverage on priority projects, providing notes and comments on viability for the company. Interns will also personally assist the executives of the company and get firsthand exposure to the facets of the company. Recommended skills are: script-reading, script coverage, and administrative organization.

Interns will be supervised by the Acquisitions Coordinator. Interns will have the opportunity to work alongside the acquisitions team and gain an understanding of the operation of a film sales company and how it analyzes feature film projects for potential acquisitions. Learning outcomes will also include a holistic understanding of the film industry operations and the process of finding an entry-level position in the industry.

Interns for acquisitions should be prepared to commit for 16 hours per week for the duration of the semester. This Internship is unpaid and hybrid (in-person or virtual depending on student’s comfortability). College credit or written school approval/sponsorship is required. Lunches are provided for in-person interns. Please send all resumes and cover letters to: [email protected]. As well, if you have experience in screenplay coverage, please include a sample.

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Public Health: Know Your Value...Then Add Tax! Salary Negotiation Strategies

  • Share This: Share Public Health: Know Your Value…Then Add Tax! Salary Negotiation Strategies on Facebook Share Public Health: Know Your Value…Then Add Tax! Salary Negotiation Strategies on LinkedIn Share Public Health: Know Your Value…Then Add Tax! Salary Negotiation Strategies on X

As a public health professional, your skills and experience are valuable in the world of work. However, understanding job offers, how to articulate your professional value, and negotiation etiquette can be confusing as well as intimidating. Knowing your worth before entering into any discussion about your salary and confidently promoting yourself are important strategies for ensuring your salary reflects your worth.In this workshop, students will leave with an understanding of the following:• typical salary ranges for public health industries• gender dynamics in salary negotiation• items that can be included in the negotiation process• sample scripts for negotiation scenarios• assessing and articulating one’s own strengths and value• online resources for researching salary and job offer evaluationJoin us for this lively, interactive workshop and catered dinner sponsored by the FSPH Career and Professional Development Office. Thursday, May 16th 20244-6pmLocation: CHS 23-105

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    I am a first-year student at Yale Law School and am seeking a position in the Attorney General's Office for Summer 20XX. My family resides in Arlington, and I plan to return to the area following my law school graduation. If funding is not available for summer interns in your office, Yale is able to fund my employment.

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  23. Summer 2024 Film Acquisitions, Finance, and Development Intern

    This Internship is unpaid and hybrid (in-person or virtual depending on student's comfortability). College credit or written school approval/sponsorship is required. Lunches are provided for in-person interns. Please send all resumes and cover letters to: [email protected].

  24. Public Health: Know Your Value…Then Add Tax! Salary Negotiation

    May 16. Public Health: Know Your Value...Then Add Tax! Salary Negotiation Strategies. Thursday, May 16, 2024. 4pm - 6pm. CHS 23-105. As a public health professional, your skills and experience are valuable in the world of work. However, understanding job offers, how to articulate your professional value, and negotiation etiquette can be ...