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  • Children’s Nursing Personal Statement Examples

If you are preparing your nursing application for university and need a good personal statement for the Children’s nursing course , below you can find two amazing examples.

Both Child Nursing personal statement examples are free to use as an inspiration to write your own. 

Children’s Nursing Personal Statement Example

As a prospective children’s nurse, I am driven by the passion to make a difference in the lives of young patients and their families. The vital role children’s nurses play in maintaining the smooth operation of wards and clinics, promoting public health, and offering compassionate care to each child, resonates deeply with me. I am confident that I possess the dedication and commitment essential to excel in Children’s Nursing and am eager to develop these qualities further throughout my nursing career.

My work experience in a local primary school has allowed me to hone my organization and communication skills. Collaborating with class teachers, I witnessed firsthand the significance of planning and organization in preparing daily lesson plans. This experience parallels the importance of devising care plans and ensuring seamless handovers in nursing. Additionally, my ability to mediate and resolve conflicts among children demonstrates my strong interpersonal skills.

My A-level studies have provided a unique perspective on my chosen career path. Sociology has enlightened me on the importance of treating individuals with respect, regardless of their background. Meanwhile, photography has heightened my awareness of how colour and arrangement can influence one’s mood and well-being. The innovative incorporation of colour, space, and light in contemporary hospital designs has piqued my curiosity and further solidified my interest in nursing.

Participating in the Cardiff Half Marathon, I discovered my ability to thrive in challenging circumstances. Volunteering with St John’s Ambulance has not only boosted my confidence but also cultivated my ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds. These experiences have prepared me for the demanding yet fulfilling nature of a children’s nursing career.

Through my involvement in the Duke of Edinburgh Award programme, I have successfully earned a bronze medal and plan to pursue the silver award while attending university. This accomplishment demonstrates my dedication to personal growth and my readiness to embrace new challenges. As a model school Prefect, I have developed a strong sense of teamwork and leadership, which are vital qualities in the nursing profession.

In conclusion, my work experience, academic background, and extracurricular activities have equipped me with the skills and determination necessary to excel as a children’s nurse. I am excited to embark on this noble and rewarding journey, making a meaningful impact on the lives of young patients and their families, while continuously striving to better myself as a professional in nursing.

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Child Nursing Personal Statement

I have taken on the responsibility of caring for young family members, which has instilled in me a sense of commitment and understanding that I believe is essential for a career in Child Nursing. My inspiration to pursue this career path was sparked by a personal experience when my sibling experienced an allergic reaction to peanuts. In response, I immediately administered the correct dosage of antihistamines medication. This experience motivated me to research the field of Child Nursing and solidified my desire to pursue a career in this area.

During my A-Level studies in Psychology and English Language, I gained a deeper understanding of the functions of the brain and the stages of child development. A fundamental principle that I learned in Psychology is the importance of forming attachments. I understand that establishing a secure relationship with a child is essential in Nursing , as the Nurse must create a rapport with the patient. My study of Psychology has also allowed me to recognize the different biological, social and behavioural explanations of human functioning, which motivated me to enhance my knowledge on this topic.

My study of Sociology has enabled me to acknowledge the importance of avoiding labelling patients due to their illness or background, as this can demoralize them. I understand that the NHS strives to provide high-quality care in a safe and secure environment and that respect and dignity should be shown to improve patients’ experiences.

My work experience at Gytha Primary School has given me the skills necessary to understand the needs of young children and be responsible for their well-being. This experience has also taught me the importance of advanced planning to ensure the effective running of an organization. I understand that as a Nurse, it will be essential to plan and prepare for the different duties carried out within the Nursing departments, such as taking types of blood, managing patient health, and providing physical and emotional support to patients and their families.

Volunteering for Action on Hearing Loss has allowed me to interact with people who suffer from hearing impairment, and I have learned to communicate with hearing-impaired patients through gestures. I have also completed First Aid training with St John’s Ambulance, which allowed me to carry out CPR on another individual. These skills will be invaluable when examining patients who find it hard to breathe.

Completing the National Citizen Service has allowed me to acquire several skills that will be useful in my future career as a nurse. Throughout the programme, I built my confidence by creating, planning, and delivering a Dragons’ Den pitch to a large audience. I learned the importance of team dynamics and how to work effectively with people who hold different values. The course also taught me how to tackle challenges successfully, which is a skill that can be transferred to the role of a Nurse.

In my free time, I enjoy reading books to improve my reading and writing skills, which will be beneficial in the Nursing environment when filling out patient profiles and keeping records of their medical needs. I also enjoy walking regularly, which allows me to think and relieve stress on a challenging day.

As an individual, I am hardworking and organized, which will enable me to plan and prepare for the work I will be carrying out throughout my Nursing career. I am dedicated and capable of being industrious in a work environment. I believe that I will be an asset to the Nursing course at your esteemed institution and look forward to the opportunity to pursue my passion for Child Nursing.

To write a strong personal statement about children’s nursing, begin by explaining your interest in child nursing and develop your story with experiences that have cultivated your knowledge. Organise your experiences in a clear timeline, and conclude by discussing your programme and future goals.

Choosing a career in children’s nursing offers a multitude of benefits. As a children’s nurse, you have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of young patients and their families. It offers a high degree of flexibility, allowing you to work in a variety of settings and take on a range of responsibilities. With excellent employment prospects, a career in children’s nursing can provide a stable and rewarding career path.

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With this in mind, your personal statement should demonstrate a clear understanding of what the role involves, the challenges you’ll face, and the kind of skills, qualities, and values required.

We've asked admissions tutors to share their top dos and don'ts for nursing personal statements, and asked a careers adviser to create an example of how to write about your work experience – here's what they told us.  

Nursing personal statement basics – what to include

To structure it, try to write clearly and reflectively about:

  • how you arrived at your decision to go into nursing
  • why, specifically, you want to be an adult, child, mental health, or learning disabilities nurse
  • how your experience and research has contributed to your understanding of the realities and challenges you'll face
  • what it is about your skills, attitudes, values, and character that make the profession right for you
  • anything you feel is especially relevant about your academic studies, or maybe a project you've undertaken

Some universities will score your personal statement against their specific selection criteria. Make sure you take a look at individual university websites, as these criteria may be listed for you to refer to. Look for nursing courses in our search tool .

Writing about relevant experience

Try to build up as much experience or observation as you can. Ideally this should be in a care environment, such as a hospital, clinic, GP practice, school, residential care or the voluntary sector. Any other experience of working with people is helpful too.

Back up these experiences by carrying out some relevant background reading or research –  Health Careers is a good starting point . Just talking to nurses about their work will also be valuable.  Nurse Ewout talks about his route into nursing . If possible, get to some university open days , as they’re great for picking up new insights and asking questions.

Then, when you write about all this in your statement, try to explain and reflect on:

  • what you’ve learned about some of the realities of nursing, the challenges, constraints, and frustrations you’ll face (rather than the rewards), and the skills, qualities, and values you’ll need
  • how you’ve demonstrated some of those skills, qualities, and values yourself through your experience, extracurricular activities, personal interests or achievements

The latter could include the responsibility and commitment you’ve shown through:  

  • voluntary work
  • the teamwork and interpersonal skills you’ve developed in your part-time job
  • the empathy you’ve shown as a student mentor
  • the leadership you’ve displayed as a guide or scout
  • something specific that happened on a Duke of Edinburgh’s Award expedition, and so on

Tip:  Don’t waste space in your statement explaining what a nurse does – they know that! But if you’ve found out for yourself how nurses manage, prescribe, evaluate or critically review evidence when making decisions, do reflect on that.  

Focus on the field of nursing you're interested in

Most nursing admissions tutors expect you to apply for one specific field only, such as adult or child.

They'll expect you to choose between nursing and midwifery courses rather than apply to both at the same time. However, one university told us that you wouldn’t automatically be rejected if you are genuinely interested in the crossover between two different fields (same for nursing and midwifery), so do check first. Some universities also offer dual-field courses but you'll need to demonstrate a realistic understanding of the field(s) you’ve chosen.

For example, if you’re applying specifically for mental health nursing, you might want to reflect on your ability to understand other people’s perspectives or to advocate on their behalf. Or if you feel it’s appropriate to reflect on your own experience of mental health then, as one admissions tutor told us, the key is to explain how this has motivated you to become a nurse yourself.

For child nursing, you might wish to demonstrate your awareness of the diverse range of children you will nurse and the kind of challenges you expect to face. Similarly, for adult or learning disability, you could reflect on what you’ve learned from your interactions with elderly people, or how you’ve supported someone with a learning disability yourself.

The key words are ‘demonstrate’ and ‘reflect’. It’s not enough just to say you understand something – you need to show what it was that led to your understanding. Then, as Moira Davies, nursing admissions tutor at University of South Wales, advises, ‘highlight the skills you have that are transferable to the field of nursing you have chosen’.

If you’re interested in learning more about midwifery, read our guide .

Accuracy is vital

Nhs constitution.

For all degree courses that involve training within an NHS setting, there is likely to be some emphasis on values based selection, and how applicants' own values and behaviours align with the seven core values of the NHS Constitution . Familiarise yourself with this while writing your personal statement.

For more personal statement advice and examples, check out all our personal statement advice including how to write a personal statement and how to start yours .

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A Guide to Writing Personal Statement for Child Nursing

Table of Contents

When writing a personal statement for child nursing , it is important to keep in mind the unique perspective of your audience.

Nurses who work with children must be able to empathize with their patients and their families. They must understand the developmental stages of childhood. It is also essential to communicate why you are interested in this field and what qualities you feel make you suited for it.

A strong personal statement can help set you apart from other applicants and show admissions officers that you are passionate about working with children. This article will guide you through writing an effective personal statement for pediatric nurses, along with an example.

What Is a Personal Statement for Child Nursing?

A personal statement for child nursing is a required document to be submitted in order to apply for a program in pediatric nursing. It helps admission committees assess an applicant’s qualifications and interests. It also determines whether the candidate would be a good fit for their specific program .

How to Write a Personal Statement for Children Nursing?

As you begin to write your personal statement for child nursing , consider the following:

Start With a Strong Introduction

Your opening paragraph should be engaging and interesting so that readers will want to continue reading. Consider using an anecdote or specific example to illustrate why you are interested in pursuing a career in children’s nursing. Explain what attracted you to this field and how it has influenced your decision to pursue further education in this area.

Make Sure Your Statement Is Well Organized

A clear and concise personal statement will help demonstrate your writing skills and your ability for critical thinking . Be sure to break down each point into separate paragraphs, making sure each one flows smoothly into the next. Stay on topic throughout the entire statement, and avoid rambling off-topic.

Use Concrete Examples

When discussing why you are passionate about working with children, use relatable stories or examples from past experiences that support your points. Provide specific details about what interests you about pediatric nursing. Explain how it aligns with both your personal values and future goals. This shows admissions officers that you have given careful thought toward pursuing a career in child health care.

End on a Positive Note

A nursing personal statement for children should end on a positive note. This is because you want the reader to feel good about your application and have a favorable opinion of you. You want to leave them with a sense of hope that you will become an excellent nurse for children.

A pediatric nurse pushing an injection on a child's arm.

Children Nursing Personal Statement Example

Below is a personal statement example for child nursing that you can use as inspiration for writing your own:

Personal Statement Example:

Nursing has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. When I was just four years old, my grandmother became ill, and I spent every day with her in the hospital. Watching nurses care for my grandmother and other patients inspired me to pursue a career in nursing.

Since then, I have dedicated myself to helping others. My experiences working with children have affirmed my decision to become a nurse; caring for young people is both challenging and rewarding. In addition, pediatric nursing offers opportunities to develop close relationships with families and make a real difference in their lives.

I am excited about the opportunity to study at [university name] and expand my knowledge of pediatric nursing. The faculty are experienced professionals who share their expertise generously, which will allow me to grow as an individual and practitioner. Furthermore, the university’s strong focus on research will give me access to the latest developments in this field.

If you’re unsure how to get started with writing a personal statement for a pediatric nursing program, this article can help! We have listed some valuable tips and a well-crafted example to inspire you to write one on your own. Hope you find this article helpful!

A Guide to Writing Personal Statement for Child Nursing

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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How to Write a Nursing School Personal Statement: What to Include, Examples, and Mistakes to Avoid


So, you have decided to go to nursing school, or advance your nursing career by furthering your education. Now is the time to become familiar with the application process, get your transcripts and letters of recommendation in order and compose the, in some cases dreaded personal statement. Writing a personal statement is a common part of the application process when working to advance your education. However, the term "Personal Statement" is a bit of a misnomer. The universities and colleges asking for this essay are not looking for your life story. Instead, they want you to demonstrate what makes you uniquely qualified as a candidate for their program. In this post you will find the information necessary to make you stand out among hundreds of other applicants, create a personal statement tailored to your personal goals as well as to your potential institutions, and find out what common mistakes are made and how to avoid them.

Although some institutions will give you a specific prompt to discuss when applying to the program, many will request a general personal statement (aka a statement of purpose). There are some commonalities among all of these essays for which you will find appropriate advice here, to different degrees, depending on the program application requirements. Each of these essays should be written for the specific program you are applying to, so be wary of differences not only in essay type or topic but also appropriate formatting and length. Above all, be aware that you are writing to present yourself as a professional capable of caring for the lives of others; following their provided guidelines and avoiding familiar language (such as contractions and common word abbreviations) will allow you to present yourself in the best possible light.

General guidelines

The personal statement.

Although you want to refrain from telling the story of your life, you still want to make it personal. Be sure to illustrate with specific and unique examples why you are cut out for this career and the specific program you are applying to. There are many things that can be included in this category, not all of them will be right for each applicant to discuss or appropriate for the prompts that each individual provides. However, this list should give you an idea of what the evaluators are looking for in a strong candidate:

Educational background

  • Did you take advanced biology classes in high school? If so, you may want to highlight this background and how it demonstrates your devotion to health care.
  • Have you gone out of your way to learn relevant skills? Perhaps you can discuss your CPR certification training.
  • Have you been administering insulin to a diabetic cat for years? This demonstrates a devotion to health care and the ability to learn transferable skills. In fact, my long history of doing this has come up in highly successful interviews in the past, which was the inspiration for this particular example. Although I was medicating a different species than I would be working with, this history demonstrates the ability to regulate insulin levels, properly store medication, fill a syringe safely, and correctly administer a subcutaneous injection.

Volunteer work

  • Volunteer work at a hospital is likely a common point of discussion for aspiring nurses. e sure to tell a story about a situation that makes you stand out which solidified your certainty that this is the right field for you.
  • Assisted living facilities, caring for special needs children, working at animal shelters, or volunteering at homeless shelters (among other things) may also be sources of inspiration that allow you to highlight why you should be accepted into the program.
  • Supervisors in these types of positions may also be great resources for recommendation letters or potential proofreaders for the initial draft of your personal statement.

Work experience

  • If you have worked in a related field in a paid position, this should definitely be not only included in your essay, but considered a potential source of a particularly persuasive letter of recommendation.
  • Your employer may also be an excellent resource to ask for feedback regarding rough drafts of your personal statement.

Personal motivation

  • Do you have a unique story that has compelled you to want to pursue the field of nursing; perhaps you helped care for a family member? These personal motivations are also excellent ways to set yourself apart.

Relevant acquired skills

  • Have you acquired a particular skill set relevant to nursing outside of traditional means? This is the time to highlight that achievement. Perhaps you have experience working in a pharmacy or have proven yourself in high-stress situations; these characteristics translate well into the field of nursing.
  • Another asset that you might find to be in your favor is fluency in a foreign language, or ASL. This unique skill set might make you a valuable candidate as well as a more highly sought after employee once you graduate.

Unique traits that make you stand out

  • Thousands of applicants to nursing programs write that they have "always wanted to go into nursing", sometimes even in their opening line. Find a way to stand out.
  • For example, in my personal statement, I wrote about how I actually did not have a traditional story that culminated in my pursuit of higher education. I found my way from grill cook and karate instructor to medical research science. Embrace the fact that you may not be conventional. Letting your personality, background and voice come through in your personal statement will help the admissions committee determine if you are a great fit for their program.

Embrace the fact that you may not be conventional.

The right fit

As with any educational program, fit is important when looking into pursuing a nursing degree. Demonstrating that you have researched the program, and illustrating in your essay why it is the place for you, will set you apart from other applicants. Additionally, if your long term goal is to be an ER nurse, for example, and you are applying to a program known for a different type of nursing, application reviewers will see this in a negative light.

Essay topics

In some cases, colleges and universities will give you a specific prompt for this essay or ask for a series of short essays addressing particular questions. In these cases, be sure to answer their questions thoroughly and be aware of formatting guidelines and word count limitations. Equally important, be sure to demonstrate ways in which you are a good fit for not only the program, but also the nursing profession. This is a position that is both incredibly personal and physically demanding, but also a situation where you need to be cool under fire and fastidious with your work. Use any opportunity you can to demonstrate that you possess these characteristics in a way that makes you a highly competitive candidate and a potential star in your chosen field.

If you have applied for continued education in the past and have written this kind of essay before, you may have noticed that applying to nursing programs is a bit unique. Particularly, there is a more empathic slant to writing these essays. As personal statements go, writing one for a nursing program is much more 'personal' than preparing one for academic study. To put this all in context, below are some sample essay prompts used by nursing schools in the past. Following this, some advice from successful career nurses will lend an additional perspective from professionals directly working in the field you aspire to join.

Sample prompts

The Vanderbilt University website currently gives the following information regarding the personal statement portion of the application process:

Your Statement of Purpose should reflect your understanding of the role of the advanced practice nurse and your interest in a particular patient population. Before writing your statement of purpose, please carefully review information about the specialty on our web site so that you clearly indicate to the faculty that your career goals are a fit with the specialty. If you are applying to a dual specialty, be sure to address the scope of practice in each specialty area. Students are offered admission to their selected specialty; it is not possible to enter the program undecided about your specialty area. Vanderbilt University

As you can see, this program focuses on your understanding of what it takes to work in the nursing field and puts a particular emphasis on the patient population you want to work with and the reason behind this decision. They also focus on familiarity with the program, as discussed above. These are points that likely generalize to numerous programs and to personal statements for this field in general.

Yale University has the following requirements, according to a website which generates advice specific to nursing personal statements. This site offers the following advice, which echoes the focal points found here, and may offer further information as you pursue your continued education and refine your personal statement. As you can see, Yale differs in its requirements and constrains the length of the personal statement considerably.

Yale University nursing requires you to write a 250-word essay with free choice of your subject. In writing your essay, it is important that this provides you the advantage to stay ahead of your competition. You should be able to include intellectual development, skills, interests, potential contribution to the progress of National University nursing and among many others. It is important to note that Yale University school of nursing utilizes strict admission process so you should be able to comply with top-notch standards. Do not compromise your admission simply by sending out a poorly written personal statement. To improve your chances in Yale University school of nursing, your essay should be able to reflect your dedication, excellence, commitment, and genuine interest to belong to Yale. In your Yale University nursing personal statement, you should also be able to highlight components of your background from academic to personal that will provide the admissions committee an overview of who you are and what you can deliver. To guarantee your admission in National University Nursing, you should be able to provide your readers with information that is unique and interesting that is not shown in any part of your application. Yale University

The essay requested in this case is considerably short, however, it allows you to write about the topic of your choice. This gives you the opportunity to present yourself as a unique candidate. In this personal statement, it is still important to choose a topic that allows you to address all of their listed points of concern to the best of your ability within the constraints of the allotted space. This excerpt also stresses the focus on compliance to high standards necessary to successfully complete the nursing program. Although this is a very short essay, it is emphasized how important it is to ensure that this work is well composed. Writing a rushed essay will be obvious to those reviewing applications and reflects poorly on your ability to perform at a high level, both academically and as a potential future nurse. Additionally, it is re-emphasized in this piece that it is important to understand the program to which you are applying. As they state, it is important to demonstrate a "genuine interest in belonging to Yale"; this is true of all program applications. Always focus a portion of your essay on demonstrating why this particular program is right for you and what unique skills you bring to the table that other applicants do not. Finally, always remember not to simply reiterate information that already has been included elsewhere in your application; be sure to tell the committee something new and interesting that gives you a competitive edge.

This differs from Fairfield University's DNP program , which requires that the applicant:

  • Discuss a practice problem in your field that, in your experience, has a broad impact on patient care outcomes.
  • State professional goals for the next 5-10 years.
  • Explain how a DNP will help you reach your goals.

As you can see, depending on the institution and level of degree program that you are interested in, the requirements for application can vary greatly. In the case of the Doctor of Nursing Program offered at this university, the personal statement is more focused on the background of the applicant directly relating to their previous experience in their nursing careers. There is also a focus on the ability to think critically about the field, its shortcomings, and how they can be amended. This institution also has an interest in your long-term career development and plans for up to the next 10 years. Remember that reflecting on this in your personal statement allows you to demonstrate your potential to raise the reputation of the university in the long term, a topic that they have a demonstrated interest in learning about you as an applicant. Planning your long term career goals will also assist you in deciding which programs are the best fit for you and will allow you to gain the appropriate background to reach these goals over your career.

Planning your long term career goals will also assist you in deciding which programs are the best fit for you.

What degree program is right for you?

It is important to know that there are a variety of nursing degrees that can be applied for, even within a single university. Each of these offers a different career path, and potential for further education or future job promotion. Before you decide which program you want to attend, you should research the many options available within the nursing field. An example of the options that should be considered can be found at the University of Rochester website :

  • Accelerated Programs for Non-Nurses (BS & MS) for students with a non-nursing bachelor's degree and want to become a nurse in just 12 months.
  • RN to BS program: for students who want to earn a bachelor's degree in as little as 16 months with part-time coursework.
  • Clinical Nurse Leader (MS) for licensed registered nurses who already hold a bachelor's degree in nursing.
  • Health Care Organization Management and Leadership (MS) for all applicants with a bachelor's degree.
  • Nursing Education (MS) for nurses who aspire to teach at either a college of nursing or within a clinical setting.
  • Nurse Practitioner program (MS) for nurses who want to provide another level of care for their patients.
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) for nurses entering at the post-baccalaureate or post-master's level.
  • PhD in Nursing & Health Practice program for all licensed health professionals who already hold a master's degree.
  • Legal Nurse Consultant Course for registered nurses or advanced practice nurses.
  • Care Manager Education program for nurses or other health professionals currently working in a care manager capacity, or entering this growing field.
  • RN First Assistant program for CNOR or APRN's.

This may not be a comprehensive list, but it gives you an idea of the level of diversity available to you. Become familiar with the programs at each institution you apply to and ensure that they will give you the appropriate foundation to achieve your long-term goals, both in your career and in potentially continuing your education further.

What do nurses say?

Discussions with successful nurses who have completed this process have revealed that, unlike personal statements for academic programs, this essay has a more personal bent. Revealing your altruism and desire to help people, as well as your motivation toward expanding your knowledge and personal growth are appropriate in these essays. You should also highlight how your increased knowledge and growth will allow you to help your patients and become a more effective practitioner. Emphasizing these things while telling an anecdotal story about volunteer work, an aid job, or other experiences will allow you the ability to express these things while demonstrating your unique skills and understanding of the field. Another point often made by individuals who have been successful in furthering their education, and therefore in writing these letters, is that it is sometimes appropriate to discuss your background disadvantages; perhaps you did not achieve top grades because you also had to work full time, for example. Communicating this to reviewers demonstrates that you can persevere in times of hardship and remained committed to your education.

Recapitulation of key points:

  • Emphasize what makes you a unique applicant.
  • Discuss why you want to be a nurse, and in what field, in a way that conveys your personality and sets you apart.
  • Remember that this is a professional document; use formal language, not contractions.
  • Do not start your personal statement essay with "I have always wanted to be a nurse." or "I have always wanted to help people." These, and similar sentiments, are common in these essays. An intriguing opening statement will get the attention of the application review committee and make you more memorable. Remember, the reviewers are reading hundreds of these a day, if not more.
  • Refrain from reiterating the information that can be found in your application. Not only is this redundant, but you will be forfeiting the opportunity to demonstrate to the review panel how you stand apart from the other applicants.
  • Research each program and write a letter that demonstrates why the program is a good fit for you.
  • Remember to showcase any skills you have developed that will make you a successful student as well as a long-term asset to the program.

These techniques will allow you to compose a more competitive personal statement for any program you choose. A well-researched and written essay will give you an edge during the application process. Make yourself stand out from the rather large crowd of applicants with a compelling introductory statement and remember to be your (professional) self. This will help to ensure that you get accepted into a program that is a good fit for you, your education, and your career goals. Apply to multiple programs at a variety of levels of competitiveness, you will not get admitted into every program you apply to, but hopefully you will get into the right one.

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Nursing Personal Statements

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Nursing Personal Statement Examples

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What is a nursing personal statement?

Your nursing personal statement should tell the universities you are applying to all about your strengths and where you see yourself in the future as a nurse.

It should give nursing admissions tutors a good picture of who you are and why you would make a valuable candidate for their course.

If you are applying for a job as a nurse , it's possible you’ll need to provide a nursing personal statement for this, too.

To show that you’ve met the minimum requirements for promotion, you may need to write a band 6 or 7 nursing personal statement.

This piece of writing tells an employer all about your hands-on patient contact experience and why you are a good fit for the job.

How do I become a nurse?

Most people become a nurse by applying to study for a degree at university.

However, there are alternative routes available, such as Nursing Degree Apprenticeships , and starting out as an Associate Nurse .

You will also need to hold the correct entry requirements to secure a place on a degree course, and will also be expected to have some level of work experience.

Take a look at our blog post for more in-depth information on how to become a nurse .

How do I write a nursing personal statement for university?

If you're applying for a nursing degree to set youself on a nursing career path, we always recommend starting your personal statement by brainstorming ideas. Your notes should cover the following:

  • achievements
  • academic results
  • part-time or Saturday jobs
  • volunteering
  • wider reading
  • extracurricular activities

as well as anything else you can think of.

Take a look through our nursing personal statement examples above to give yourself an idea of what a successful nursing statement looks like.

Once you have put together an initial draft, it's a good idea to ask for feedback from family, friends and tutors. They will be able to look at your statement objectively and suggest ways it could be improved.

Incorporate their comments, and ask for further feedback. Don't worry if you have to do this three or four times - it's important you get your statement as perfect as possible before sending it off on your UCAS form.

How do I structure my nursing personal statement?

Your nursing personal statement should be structured with a clear beginning, middle and end, with the opening telling an anecdote or explaining why you are passionate about nursing.

The middle should generally focus on your work experience and current/past academic studies, and how these have helped you to develop skills that are useful and relevant to a career in nursing.

For example, you might talk about how your experience working in a care home helped you build and offer empathy to elderly people.

You should then write a memorable conclusion that mentions your plans for the future, and how you hope your nursing degree will help you achieve these.

What should I include in my nursing personal statement?

  • Look at the content of the course and make sure your statement addresses the specific branch of nursing you are applying for, i.e. mental health , adult or child nursing . 
  • Demonstrate important skillls that are required for a nursing degree , e.g. patience, empathy, teamwork and communication. Talk about how you have developed these, either at school/college, at your job or during hobbies or other activities.
  • Most applicants spend the opening of their personal statement talking about why they want to study nursing , e.g. an unwell family member, or a friend who was in a car accident. Think carefully about whether there was one particular incident that sparked your interest in nursing.
  • Don’t include any over-used phrases or quotes in your statement that university admissions tutors will have seen and heard before.
  • Now is also not the time for jokes or humour - it often doesn't work well and admissions tutors might not be impressed!

For more help and advice on what to write in your nursing personal statement, please see:

  • Personal Statement Editing Services
  • Personal Statement Tips From A Teacher
  • Analysis Of A Personal Statement
  • The 15th January UCAS Deadline: 4 Ways To Avoid Missing It
  • Personal Statement FAQs
  • Personal Statement Timeline
  • 10 Top Personal Statement Writing Tips
  • What To Do If You Miss The 15th January UCAS Deadline.

How do I write an introduction to my nursing personal statement?

Like with any type of personal statement for university, we recommend you open with a paragraph on what you enjoy most about nursing, and why you want to study it at university. Again, an anecdote that inspired you to learn more about nursing will work well here, as long as you have a relevant story to tell.

For example, this applicant chose to talk about how their mother's illness inspired them to go into nursing:

"There has been many occasions during my life that I have spent hours sitting at a hospital bedside.

My mother battled a long term illness and as I sat with her trying to keep her spirits up, the Nurses who cared for her always drew my admiration. I feel there are a handful of truly inspirational professions and Nursing is without doubt one of them.

Along with doctors and other medical staff, nurses provide an invaluable service to society and to be part of that group has long been an ambition of mine."

Another applicant chose to talk about how their experience with mental health services as a teenager made them want to help others and make a difference in the world as an adult:

"I have wanted to work in Mental Health since I was 15 years old. When in crisis, I received a level of care which changed my life and I aspire to do the same for others. I also received care that was detrimental at times so I want to be a part of making a difference. I have seen a wide range of nursing approaches and I have learnt so much from my colleagues since working within the NHS, I now know what kind of nurse I want to be when I complete my training."

However you choose to open your nursing personal statement, make sure it's engaging and explains why you want to pursue nursing at degree level. You can see more examples of introductions over at our nursing personal statements section.

How do I write a conclusion for my nursing personal statement?

Try to round off your nursing personal statement with something memorable. This often includes talking about your extracurricular activities, hobbies and/or your ambitions for the future. For example:

" I am confident in my ability to communicate with people from any cultural background and an example of this would be during my time volunteering in a dog sanctuary in Paraguay. This was difficult due to the language barrier, and a virus outbreak between the dogs. I had to organize my time efficiently, an important skill for a nurse, communicate with vets and host families, in often very distressing times.

I acted effectively, thinking on my feet, all whilst remaining calm and treating the animals with compassion. This was a very challenging time for me but it was also very rewarding. I feel a career as a nurse, whilst challenging at times would also be very rewarding, educational, and encourage personal growth."

This applicant demonstrates that as well as communicating what you do currently, or have done in the past, it's also a good idea to try to include how these experiences have helped to shape you as a person, and how they make you a better candidate for a nursing course.

For more inspiration on how to write your conclusion, please see our nursing personal statement examples section.

Further information

  • UCAS Nursing Advice
  • - How To Write A Nursing Personal Statement
  • Nursing Times - How To Write An Effective Personal Statement
  • University of Cumbria - How To Write A Good Nursing Personal Statement For University
  • - How To Write A Personal Statement For A Nursing Course
  • University of South Wales - How To Write A Personal Statement For Nursing & Midwifery

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    Child Nursing Personal Statement Example 4. Child nursing involves providing both physical and emotional care for a child. It is a challenging yet rewarding profession which I have the drive and commitment to be part of. My intention to study nursing stems from my immense desire to provide care and support for children undergoing severe ...

  15. Nursing Personal Statement Writing Guide (With Examples)

    So, the following format is suitable for writing your personal statement. Paragraph 1 - Explain in this section a reason or story as to why you want to be a nurse. This will help to create a connection. Paragraph 2 - At this point, you can explore your work experience as well as your education.

  16. Child nursing degree personal statement example (1b) Masters

    Child nursing degree personal statement example (1b) Masters. This is a real personal statement written by a student for their university application. It might help you decide what to include in your own. There are lots more examples in our collection of sample personal statements. As I lay in the maternity ward, the only mother without a baby ...

  17. Child Nursing Personal Statement Example 2

    enjoy working with people which is one of the reasons I have chosen to study child nursing and hopefully become a nurse. I believe I would be an addition to the course as I am enthusiastic, hardworking and passionate which will allow me to learn and enjoy my studies. There is no profile associated with this personal statement, as the writer has ...

  18. How to Write a Nursing School Personal Statement: What to Include

    So, you have decided to go to nursing school, or advance your nursing career by furthering your education. Now is the time to become familiar with the application process, get your transcripts and letters of recommendation in order and compose the, in some cases dreaded personal statement. Writing a personal statement is a common part of the application process when working to advance your ...

  19. Nursing Personal Statement Examples

    UCAS Clearing 2024: What to expect and how to prepare You can still apply to university! If... When is A-Level Results Day 2024? A-Level Results Day is 15th August 2024.... Recommended Clearing Universities. ... Child Nursing Personal Statement . Child Nursing requires responsibility, understanding and commitment t... Submitted by Ben.

  20. Nursing personal statements

    A. Adult nursing degree personal statement example (1a) Surrey offer. Adult nursing degree personal statement example (1b) Adult nursing degree personal statement example (1c) KCL offer. Adult nursing degree personal statement example (1d) C. Child nursing degree personal statement example (1a) work experience.

  21. Nursing Personal Statements

    Adult Nursing Personal Statement Example 10. Nursing is a profession I have always looked upon with respect. I believe that the role of a nurse can be very challenging and hectic at times, as well as rewarding and fulfilling. Adult Nursing Personal Statement Example 11. Nursing is a lifelong learning experience, a vocation and a profession that ...

  22. Children's nursing personal statement for 2021

    Nothing wrong with that I must say . as not many planning this far ahead for nursing . Your personal statement is approx 4500 characters and you got to put a good PS over to the university with pointing out things like - why you want to be a nurse, where can you see yourself in say next 5 years, the 6 C's of nursing, plus any experience.