Lisa Kujofsa talks about the reasons for leaving 'Klanifornia'

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13 Janar 2021

Lisa Kujofsa talks about the reasons for leaving 'Klanifornia'

At the end of September, actress Lisa Kujofsa announced her departure from the TV show Klan, "Klanifornia". Her departure was surprising, but referring to the Instagram post, it seemed a friendly departure and no quarrel between the parties. In an interview with "ABC Morning", Lisa said that the desire to leave began with the lack of audience in the show, following the rules set as a measure to prevent Covid.

"'Klanifornia', like all public spectacles, is no longer public and that here began a shortcoming, a coldness. Shows that are in public, want immediate reaction, especially when it makes humor [and when reaction is lacking] is murderous, it is very difficult. I feel very difficult if I did not have the reaction. Always ponder 'obobo, what am I doing this? What do I want here? ' That could be one of the reasons [for leaving Clanford]. ”

She further added that the main reason is related to the desire to stay in her home and respect the anti-Covid measures.

"The main reason was that I wanted to be at home and I wanted to be away from a massive Albanian irresponsibility towards the situation we are in. I am neither afraid nor ashamed to say it. I'm sorry about this situation. You may believe me or you may not believe me, but since the new year has come I have only gone out once to shop. I did not go out because I have a kind of responsibility. "A lot of things came together and I decided to leave."

Self-isolation at home did not keep the actress away from the public, who recently opened a YouTube channel where she posts various imitations and sketches.

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Lisa Kujofsa: Zgjodha Italinë sepse është më mirë se

Aktorja, Lisa Kujofsa në një intervistë për emisionin Ditë e Re në Rtv Ora ka treguar se është larguar nga Shqipëria duke lënë karrierën e saj dhe ka zgjedhur dashurinë.

Ajo tregoi se nuk planifikon që të kthehet në Shqipëri, sepse vendi ku po jeton tani, Italia është më i mirë se Shqipëria.

" Nuk bëj plane afatgjata, por për të thënë se kurrë nuk do të vij apo do të vij një ditë, unë në Shqipëri do të vij gjithmonë sepse kam familjen. Për momentin jo, kemi ndërtuar jetën këtu ," tha ajo.

E pyetur se çfarë i ka dhënë Italia, që nuk ja jep Shqipëria Kujofsa thotë se Italia i ka dhënë familjen.

" Italia më ka dhënë familjen time, ishte zgjedhja që bëra si fillim pasi bashkëshorti im jetonte këtu, kishte ndërtuar një jetë të vetën.

Midis dy mundësive që kisha zgjodha Italinë për shumë arsye. E zgjodha për shumë gjëra që më kanë munguar në Shqipëri, sepse njeriu bën një background të jetës së vet dhe e kupton se çfarë i mungon dhe çfarë i pëlqen. Italia është pak më mirë se Shqipëria. "

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Lisa Kujofsa

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The actress loses her sister at a young age: The light of my eyes flew in the

Actress Lisa Kujofsa has lost her sister at a young age. The news about this loss in the Kujofsa family was given by the actress herself through a post on social networks.

"The light of my eyes, of my mother and brother, flew in the sky today. Our ani, our heart, our star. Take our breath my son, leave us without light. How are we going to do without you? I still do not believe… My Aninu who left me half, today and forever! "- writes Kujofsa.

The latter announces that the funeral ceremony will take place in the conditions of the pandemic. Recall that Lisa Kujofsa is the daughter of famous actor Fadil Kujofsa. Lisa's brother, Erin Kujofsa, also started acting.

The actress loses her sister at a young age: The light of my eyes flew in the

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Grimierja komentoi për situatën e ngacmimit të pretenduar nga Egla në TAR prej Saimir Kodrës. Mosha e saj në ato kohë ngre dyshime.

21 Mars, 2024 | 8:43 pm

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Pak ditë më parë, kryefjalë e medias ka qenë deklarata e pretenduar e Egla Cenos, ndaj Saimir Kodrës për ngacmim seksual. Sipas Eglës kjo ndodhi daton rreth 25 vite më parë.

Teksa Olti Curri me kolegët e tij Fatma Haxhialiu, Isli Islami dhe Lisa Kujofsa kanë dalë Live në Instagram në natën e Prime ku diskutonin mbi ndodhitë e BB VIP, ka komentuar Eni Lena, një grimiere e cila ka qenë në Top Channel

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Por duket se disa llogari nuk përkojnë. Sipas Wikipedia Eni Lena, rreth viteve 2000 që Egla pretendon se është ngacmuar nga Saimiri, Eni  ka qenë 16 vjeç. ka kontaktuar me Eni Lenën për të mësuar se në çfarë rrethanash, e në çfarë pozite ajo ka djeni për ngjarjen, por ende nuk ka një përgjigje.

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    lisa kujofsa biography

  6. Ka imituar shumë personazhe të njohur/ Rrëfehet Lisa Kujofsa: Disa më

    lisa kujofsa biography


  1. Lisa Sthalekar Biography #cricket #womancricket #t20worldcup2024

  2. Lisa Olivia Munn Biography, Age, Weight, Relationships

  3. Do shkriheni duke qesh 😂 Lisa Kujofsa imiton Ilnisa Agollin 😂😂😂

  4. Louisa Krause: A Versatile Acting Sensation

  5. Familja Kuqezi

  6. Familja Kuqezi


  1. Lisa Kujofsa

    Lisa Kujofsa was born on 19 August 1985 in Tirana, Albania. She is an actress, known for Alive (2009). Menu. Movies. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. TV Shows.

  2. Lisa Kujofsa

    Lisa Kujofsa, diplomuar në Akademinë e Arteve 2008, ka qenë pjesë e disa shfaqjeve teatrale dhe filmave me metrazh të shkurtër. Bëhet e njohur për publikun me spektaklin televiziv ...

  3. Lisa Kujofsa talks about the reasons for leaving 'Klanifornia'

    Lisa Kujofsa talks about the reasons for leaving 'Klanifornia'. At the end of September, actress Lisa Kujofsa announced her departure from the TV show Klan, "Klanifornia". Her departure was surprising, but referring to the Instagram post, it seemed a friendly departure and no quarrel between the parties. In an interview with "ABC Morning", Lisa ...

  4. Lisa Kujofsa

    Lisa Kujofsa Active - 2009 - 2009 | Birth - Aug 19, 1985 | Genres - Action-Adventure , Drama , Science Fiction , Thriller Filmography ↓

  5. Lisa Kujofsa (@lisakujofsa) • Instagram photos and videos

    40K Followers, 589 Following, 369 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Lisa Kujofsa (@lisakujofsa)

  6. Lisa Kujofsa

    Lisa Kujofsa - Awards - IMDb - Awards, nominations, and wins. Menu. Movies. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. TV Shows.

  7. Lisa Kujofsa

    Lisa Kujofsa. 5,548 likes · 1 talking about this. Aktore, diplomuar në Akademinë e Arteve 2008. "Apartamenti 2XL", "Sketch Show" e "Klanifornia"

  8. Lisa Kujofsa on IMDb: Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...

    Lisa Kujofsa photos, including production stills, premiere photos and other event photos, publicity photos, behind-the-scenes, and more. Menu. Movies. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight.

  9. Lisa Kujofsa: Zgjodha Italinë sepse është më mirë se Shqipëria

    Aktorja, Lisa Kujofsa në një intervistë për emisionin Ditë e Re në Rtv Ora ka treguar se është larguar nga Shqipëria duke lënë karrierën e saj dhe ka zgjedhur dashurinë

  10. Lisa Kujofsa

    Lisa Kujofsa . Overview; Filmography; Filmography. Read More Gjallë (2009) Biography. Filmography . Cast (Feature Film) Gjallë (2009) Life Events ...

  11. Lisa Eilbacher

    Early life. Lisa Marie Eilbacher was born in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, the daughter of an American oil company executive. She was raised in France. Her two siblings are also actors; sister Cindy Eilbacher is best known for portraying Jerry Van Dyke's daughter on the series My Mother the Car and played the character "Betty Wilkens" on Happy Days (episode "The Lemon"), and brother Bobby Eilbacher ...

  12. The actress loses her sister at a young age: The light of my eyes flew

    Recall that Lisa Kujofsa is the daughter of famous actor Fadil Kujofsa. Lisa's brother, Erin Kujofsa, also started acting. Latest news. From June 20, new 5 Lek metal coins will be in circulation 2024-06-05 20:37:45. In the investigation by SPAK for 4 criminal offenses, Ceno Klosi takes the position of deputy. the Minister of Infrastructure and ...

  13. Lisa Franchetti

    Lisa Marie Franchetti (/ f r æ n. k ˈ ɛ t i / fran-KEH-ti; born April 25, 1964) is a United States Navy admiral who has been the (33rd) chief of naval operations, and due to having that position, a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, since November 2, 2023. She is the first woman to be chief of naval operations, and the first woman to serve on the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

  14. Lisa Lockhart

    Lisa Lockhart (born November 11, 1965) is an American professional rodeo cowgirl who specializes in barrel racing. In December 2014 and 2016, she won the Average at the National Finals Rodeo (NFR) in Las Vegas, Nevada. Life. Lockhart was born on November 11, 1965, in Wolf Point, Montana.

  15. Lisa Kujofsa Profiles

    View the profiles of people named Lisa Kujofsa. Join Facebook to connect with Lisa Kujofsa and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to...

  16. Lisa Kujofsa

    Lisa Kujofsa was born on 19 August 1985 in Tirana, Albania. She is an actress, known for Alive (2009). Menu. Movies. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. TV Shows.

  17. Lisa Kujofsa

    Fiks siç futet Roza në detaje pa lidhje, dhe kjo lëvdomë me gojë se të shqyeva 😂, përfundimisht ti @lisakujofsa je e pa përsëritshme

  18. Lisa Kujofsa

    506 likes, 18 comments - lisakujofsa on June 10, 2022: "Foto e sponsorizuar: Varsja @erinkujofsa Flokët @kejsi.ujkashi Thonjtë @dasa_dass Pica dhe koka me lek't e mia #friday #venerdì #weekend #nofilter #cocacola #pizza #details".

  19. Lisa Kudrow

    Lisa Valerie Kudrow (/ ˈ k uː d r oʊ / KOO-droh; born July 30, 1963) is an American actress.She rose to international fame for her role as Phoebe Buffay in the American television sitcom Friends, which aired from 1994 to 2004.The series earned her Primetime Emmy, Screen Actors Guild, Satellite, American Comedy and TV Guide awards. Phoebe has since been named one of the greatest television ...

  20. Lisa Kujofsa

    884 likes, 8 comments - lisakujofsa on August 23, 2021: "☀️ #breakfast #oatmeal #orangejuice #cat #cats #whitecat #catlover #catlife #catlovers #catsofinstagram #morning #white #flowers #tuesday".

  21. Lisa Kujofsa

    Lisa Kujofsa was born on 19 August 1985 in Tirana, Albania. She is an actress, known for Gjallë (2009). Menu. Movies. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. TV Shows.

  22. Grimierja komentoi për situatën e ngacmimit të pretenduar nga Egla në

    Teksa Olti Curri me kolegët e tij Fatma Haxhialiu, Isli Islami dhe Lisa Kujofsa kanë dalë Live në Instagram në natën e Prime ku diskutonin mbi ndodhitë e BB VIP, ka komentuar Eni Lena, një grimiere e cila ka qenë në Top Channel "Unë i bashkohem Eglës si dëshmitare"- ka shkruajtur Eni Lena. Por duket se disa llogari nuk përkojnë.