
65 Samples Of Positive Training Feedback Comments  To Organizers And Facilitators

After a training session, it is a sine qua non to send feedback to the organizers and trainers, telling them your perspective of the training, and how it benefited you. It helps in letting the organizers know if the training meets your expectations, and it assists them in proper decision-making for future preparation.

If you are an organizer of training, how will you feel when you receive positive training feedback comments from trainees , after a just-concluded program? It’s awesome, right? Yes, it is. It eases the stress of contemplating whether the participants enjoyed the program or not.

By conveying positive training feedback comments, it will spur the person or persons to whom it is been directed, and gives a feeling of accomplishment. Therefore, endeavor to normalize sending positive training feedback comments.

For saving you the energy and time you will use up in composing it, you have me here to do your dealings. Below are different well-constructed samples of positive training feedback comments, just for you.

How To Give Feedback On Training Session Examples

Positive training feedback comments, training feedback comments examples, examples of feedback about trainer, online training feedback samples, good feedback comments for training to organizers and facilitators.

Here are how to give feedback on training session examples that are specially prepared for your use.

I guess you know it is of no good to not give positive training feedback comments, your feedback to the training organizers will go a long way in helping improve the training. With your comments, they will know how effective or less their performances were.

You can explore and choose from these well-composed lists below on how to give feedback on training session examples.

It was an awesome experience attending this new innovative program. I learned a lot from the anchor’s words of introduction to the presentation and closing remark. Thank you.

Am just speechless. What I acquired from the training was more than what I expected. I enjoyed everything about the training. Kudos to the organizers.

The speakers for all the training sessions spoke eloquently, and how pragmatic they made each session was awesome. I understood all that was taught in all the sessions.

What an interactive training it was. I can’t wait to incorporate what I learned for a productive result. Thank you.

Mr. Duke’s training session was superb and stylish as he backed it up with some of his real-life experiences which made it more relatable.

I am anticipating seeing more of this training coming up, because of its impact on people’s life. If it continues, sooner or later mindset will continue to change for the better.

The training was so innovative, informative, and instructive; linking our minds to ideas, possibilities, and unforeseen circumstances.

As bulky as the training materials were, the trainers presented them so simple and practicably. I learned a lot. Thank you to all the speakers and team.

I enjoyed the questions and answers session of the training. It was such an interactive session. Answers from the speakers were detailed and straightforward.

Positive thoughts and ideas kept flowing as the session went on with the trainers. We are all elated that we attended the training. Gracias.

Related Post: Samples Of Appreciation For Facilitator

When sending positive training feedback comments, you have to be sincere to the organizers telling them how it benefited you and also commending their effort.

The trainers and organizers went through lots of stress to see the program end successful and impact the participants positively. You see, they have done their part, yours is to send them positive training feedback comments after the training, as a form of encouragement.

Below are very nice positive training feedback comments, prepared for you. Choose from the list to convey your thoughts on that training or course you just completed. I guess you already know how they will feel if they receive these positive feedback comments from you.

This training has equipped me positively with problem-solving skills. It has helped me to see different ways to think and leverage challenges in my career.

It’s such an awesome experience participating in the just-concluded training. The quality of the contents is superb.

Incorporating all I have learned into the diverse circumstances I am facing at the moment will assist me in passing the huge hurdle.

This training has equipped me with lots of tangible and professional tools to leverage on and use in achieving excellent desired results.

Now I feel extraordinary energy to deal with some issues am going through, as a result of the so much value I gained from the training.

The training was full of fun. Speakers of every session spoke from a different perspective and impacted wholesome understanding. It was such a great training session.

I am so confident to apply what I now know from the training to my daily life dealings. I am happy I attended the training. It exceeded my expectations.

With all the teachings from the training and the additional materials given, which will go a long way for further references and re-reading, it was worth the invested time and resources.

Many participants commented on how interesting the training was. The trainers gave their speeches with so many facts, figures, and humor. It was a value-pack training session.

This training was so overwhelming, is one of its kind. The new diverse expertise I acquire from the training will surely be pragmatically used.

Related Post: Thank You For The Training

Writing feedback doesn’t require you to write plenty of words or less but it should at least contain how you benefited from the training and a word of appreciation in some cases.

In the section below, are well-written and straightforward training feedback comments examples which you can copy and send to the organizers r facilitators of the training you attended.

All the topics that were taught during the training were useful and relevant to our course of study. Kudos to the organizers.

The training was awesome! With the help of the practical session during the training, now I know how to utilize available resources to tackle, even unpredictable issues that may arise.

During the cause of the training I gained vast experience and knowledge in the psychology of human nature. I am now familiar with some human traits and behaviors which will help me to cope with the different temperaments of people.

You have done an enormous service to us, the participants, for organizing this training. Now we are fully ready to make an impact with what we have learned so far. Thank you.

All the intriguing teachings at the training have broadened my horizons and my professional skills. Not forgetting the lots of fun too. Thank you for your service to humanity.

We appreciate you for a great opportunity like this. It was a wonderful experience meeting great people and learning from them and acquiring skills from experts. I will greatly put what I learned into good use.

I was so elated from the beginning to the end of the training. I was just busy assimilating the intensive teachings from the trainers. The examples were so real. I appreciate your effort.

I want to use this opportunity to thank the organizers of the training and also the mentors who taught and simplified the difficult topics.

The method you used in the training was easy to understand. I am happy I participated in this training. I was able to have unrestricted access to mentors, connect and ask questions. I enjoyed every bit of response I got from them.

I like how illustrations were made clear in all the materials given at the training. It was after the training the issues taught became clearer to me. Thank you for all you put into the success of this training.

Here are examples of feedback you could provide about a trainer:

The trainer was incredibly knowledgeable about the subject matter and was able to answer all of my questions thoroughly.

The trainer was engaging and kept the training session interesting and interactive, which made it easier for me to stay focused and learn.

The trainer was patient and took the time to explain concepts in a way that was easy to understand, even for those who were new to the subject.

The trainer was approachable and encouraged questions and discussion, which made the training feel like a collaborative learning experience.

The trainer provided plenty of real-world examples and case studies that helped to contextualize the material and made it more relevant to my job.

The trainer was well-organized and kept the training on track, while also being flexible enough to adjust the pace and content to meet the needs of the group.

The trainer provided useful feedback and constructive criticism on our work, which helped me to improve my skills and gain confidence in my abilities.

The trainer was supportive and encouraging, which made me feel comfortable asking for help and trying new things.

The trainer had a positive attitude and brought a lot of energy to the training, which made it more enjoyable and engaging for everyone involved.

The trainer was professional and knowledgeable, but also had a sense of humor that made the training more enjoyable and relaxed.

Trainings are done online to ease the burden of mobility, paving the opportunity for you to attend from the comfort of your home or office.

I believe you are here to get online training feedback samples to send to the facilitators r organizers of the training you attended. Yes, that’s commendable.

Below are different online training feedback samples which will encourage the training organizers.

Although it was an online training every session seems like a physical one. All of the sessions that were taught are just exceptional.

I enjoyed this online training more than some physical training I’ve attended. This one is so lively and the interaction with others makes it unique.

I hope to participate next time in an online training like this. I learned a lot from it and I thank everyone that was involved to make it a successful one.

For organizing such a powerful and inspiring online training, you deserve an award, sincerely. I promise to maximally utilize the knowledge gained. Gracias.

I love the content of this course training, it was so interesting. The questions and answers segment that was initiated enhances the online learning process. Kudos to the organizers and facilitators.

I seldom complete online training. This is my first time completing online training due to the structure and the dispensation of knowledge. I was able to participate to the end.

This online training is no different from physical training, it was such a wonderful one. The trainers gave us value for our time and even more than expected.

Firstly, I want to thank the organizers of this awesome online training and then the instructors for their intellectual teachings. This training will pave a way for many in the understanding of digital skills.

This online training was very beneficial to me and relevant in my career field. It will help me enormously. I enjoyed all the sessions of the training.

Composing good feedback comments for training organizers or facilitators after training will go a long way in serving as appreciation for the benefit of the training and it gives them the impression of a good work done.

Below are examples of good feedback comments for training you would like and if sent will deliver your deep words of appreciation.

I am thrilled by how the training exercises were done. Thank you for imparting this wealth of knowledge to people. Thank you for the opportunity to learn.

This mind-blowing training on leadership is a way of teaching people to know more about being a leader and the vital prerequisite of a leader in the 21st century. Thank you.

I now get to understand and view the world from a different perspective. It is helpful training. This training has changed my perspective on the subject discussed. I appreciate your effort.

Within a short period of the training course, I have been able to get lots of knowledge on leadership, which I can now practice and teach others the rudiments of leadership. Thank you so much.

This training is so captivating. It has equipped me with writing skills to leverage on and the use of words when writing. Surely I have gained much during the training course. I can see the evidence in my writing these days. I appreciate it a lot.

Wow…what a super productive training it was. Thank you so much for the knowledge gained. If the training will continue I can never have enough of it. Kudos to you.

Bravo!! I appreciate your tireless effort in seeing people have the digital skill to help cope with the 21st century. Now I am a certified social media marketer. Thank you.

I was motivated hearing from the mentors telling us of their journey to the top, the strive, the pain etcetera. But determination, persistence, and focus sustain them to the top. Thank you for challenging me at the training.

At first I was not willing to attend but I just said to myself, I should attend the first session and see how it goes, but fortunately the training superseded my expectations, and it intrigued me to attend all sessions. Thank you.

I sincerely appreciate you for the training. This is the best training I attend so far. I can’t wait to explore the skills I have learned. Thank you so much.

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speech on training experience

10 Tips for Improving Your Public Speaking Skills

Few are immune to the fear of public speaking. Marjorie North offers 10 tips for speakers to calm the nerves and deliverable memorable orations.

Marjorie North

Snakes? Fine. Flying? No problem. Public speaking? Yikes! Just thinking about public speaking — routinely described as one of the greatest (and most common) fears — can make your palms sweat. But there are many ways to tackle this anxiety and learn to deliver a memorable speech.

In part one of this series,  Mastering the Basics of Communication , I shared strategies to improve how you communicate. In part two, How to Communicate More Effectively in the Workplace , I examined how to apply these techniques as you interact with colleagues and supervisors in the workplace. For the third and final part of this series, I’m providing you with public speaking tips that will help reduce your anxiety, dispel myths, and improve your performance.

Here Are My 10 Tips for Public Speaking:

1. nervousness is normal. practice and prepare.

All people feel some physiological reactions like pounding hearts and trembling hands. Do not associate these feelings with the sense that you will perform poorly or make a fool of yourself. Some nerves are good. The adrenaline rush that makes you sweat also makes you more alert and ready to give your best performance.

The best way to overcome anxiety is to prepare, prepare, and prepare some more. Take the time to go over your notes several times. Once you have become comfortable with the material, practice — a lot. Videotape yourself, or get a friend to critique your performance.

Communication Strategies: Presenting with Impact

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2. Know Your Audience. Your Speech Is About Them, Not You.

Before you begin to craft your message, consider who the message is intended for. Learn as much about your listeners as you can. This will help you determine your choice of words, level of information, organization pattern, and motivational statement.

3. Organize Your Material in the Most Effective Manner to Attain Your Purpose.

Create the framework for your speech. Write down the topic, general purpose, specific purpose, central idea, and main points. Make sure to grab the audience’s attention in the first 30 seconds.

4. Watch for Feedback and Adapt to It.

Keep the focus on the audience. Gauge their reactions, adjust your message, and stay flexible. Delivering a canned speech will guarantee that you lose the attention of or confuse even the most devoted listeners.

5. Let Your Personality Come Through.

Be yourself, don’t become a talking head — in any type of communication. You will establish better credibility if your personality shines through, and your audience will trust what you have to say if they can see you as a real person.

6. Use Humor, Tell Stories, and Use Effective Language.

Inject a funny anecdote in your presentation, and you will certainly grab your audience’s attention. Audiences generally like a personal touch in a speech. A story can provide that.

7. Don’t Read Unless You Have to. Work from an Outline.

Reading from a script or slide fractures the interpersonal connection. By maintaining eye contact with the audience, you keep the focus on yourself and your message. A brief outline can serve to jog your memory and keep you on task.

8. Use Your Voice and Hands Effectively. Omit Nervous Gestures.

Nonverbal communication carries most of the message. Good delivery does not call attention to itself, but instead conveys the speaker’s ideas clearly and without distraction.

9. Grab Attention at the Beginning, and Close with a Dynamic End.

Do you enjoy hearing a speech start with “Today I’m going to talk to you about X”? Most people don’t. Instead, use a startling statistic, an interesting anecdote, or concise quotation. Conclude your speech with a summary and a strong statement that your audience is sure to remember.

10. Use Audiovisual Aids Wisely.

Too many can break the direct connection to the audience, so use them sparingly. They should enhance or clarify your content, or capture and maintain your audience’s attention.

Practice Does Not Make Perfect

Good communication is never perfect, and nobody expects you to be perfect. However, putting in the requisite time to prepare will help you deliver a better speech. You may not be able to shake your nerves entirely, but you can learn to minimize them.

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About the Author

North is a consultant for political candidates, physicians, and lawyers, and runs a private practice specializing in public speaking, and executive communication skills. Previously, she was the clinical director in the department of speech and language pathology and audiology at Northeastern University.

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  • Public Speaking Business , Public Speaking Resources

Public Speaking Training – The Essential Guide

  • July 8, 2020

Why invest in public speaking training?

The ability to speak well in public and share a message that is clear, compelling and that moves people to take action is a critical business skill.

Companies like Microsoft, LinkedIn, Fast Company and others have conducted surveys in which they asked heads of companies and organizations the question: What are the skills you look for in potential future leaders of your company or organization? Consistently at, or near, the top is the ability to communicate well.

Public speaking training

Lee Iacocca , the former Head of Chrysler, said that you can have great ideas, but if you can’t get them across, your ideas won’t get you anywhere. I have met hundreds of people throughout my career who were smart and motivated. However, when it came to getting their ideas across, they floundered. Not because they didn’t care and not because they didn’t make an effort. It was because they had never had any training in public speaking. And it was limiting their potential.

Business leaders who offer public speaking training to their employees are making a great investment. When your employees give a presentation – to clients, at a conference, wherever – they are the face of the company. The audience will form an impression of your organization based on the experience they have with the person on stage. The success of the presentation has a direct impact on the success of the company.

In this post, I set out a guide for those who are considering public speaking training for themselves, their teams or their employees.

Being able to speak well in public is a skill that is within reach for anyone who is willing to make an effort. Those who develop this skill will see opportunities open up, for themselves and their organizations.

Objectives of public speaking training

A good public speaking course helps people become better speakers. This means giving them grounding in some fundamental principles and skills. Participants should learn the theory behind good public speaking and, importantly, know how to apply that theory in order to achieve success in their presentations.

Public speaking training

I always have three objectives for the participants in my public speaking training courses .

The first objective is to demystify the whole concept of public speaking. Participants should come away understanding that good public speaking is a skill like any other skill. It can be learned and developed. This objective is critical, especially for those who have a fear of public speaking.

The second objective is to equip people with the information and insights that are necessary to design and deliver and speech or presentation that makes an impact. Below, I discuss the topics that I cover in my trainings.

The third objective of a public speaking training course is to motivate the participants to continue to improve their skills after the training. No training, no matter how effective, will turn someone into a world-class orator after only one or two days. It is a lifelong endeavour that requires effort and practice. But a good training can start someone down that road.

What to look for in a public speaking trainer?

When choosing a public speaking trainer, there are few things you should consider.

speech on training experience

(a) Training Experience

You want someone with sufficient experience in public speaking training. In this regard, you will want to check out the trainer’s website and bio. Here are some questions to consider:

  • How much training experience does the trainer have?
  • What type of clients has the trainer worked with?
  • Has the trainer worked with clients in your business sector or field?
  • Are there testimonials from the trainer’s clients?

(b) Work experience

Here I am speaking of the experience that the trainer might have in fields other than public speaking. Trainers with experience in addition to public speaking usually bring additional perspectives to their trainings. And, a public speaking trainer with experience in your industry is likely in a better position to offer insights into the skills necessary to make a good presentation to people working in the same industry.

For example, I do a lot of work with both companies and international organizations. My years of experience as a lawyer in the private sector afforded me the opportunity to work with companies in all kinds of sectors. My years of experience as a lawyer in the United Nations and World Health Organization have given me insights into the world of international organizations. These experiences gives me a better understanding of the needs and concerns of my current clients.

(c) The right questions

Before hiring a public speaking trainer, you should speak with him or her to get a sense of what they have to offer. Just as important as the questions that you ask the trainer are the questions that the trainer asks you. Trainers should approach every initial contact as an opportunity to understand the prospective client better.

Here are some of the things I want to understand about my clients:

  • The nature of their business
  • How many people will attend the training
  • Their positions in the company / organization
  • The type of presentations / speeches they give
  • Their strengths as speakers
  • The areas of public speaking they want to improve
  • Their biggest challenges in business and in speaking
  • Their objectives for the training
  • The state of the business environment at the moment

As the client, you should ask the trainer to set out in a proposal what the training will look like. You can even ask for an agenda.

(d) A willingness to refuse the contract

Public speaking trainers with integrity should refuse a contract in a few situations.

First, if it becomes clear that the client is asking for something that I cannot provide, I will decline the work. I have been approached by companies who asked for coaching on legal issues with which I did not have much experience. I turned down those opportunities because I did not feel that I could properly provide the requested service and I referred them to someone else.

Second, if my schedule is so full that I cannot devote sufficient time to the client, I will refuse the work. Of course, I will first explore whether the training could be moved to another, more convenient time. However, I don’t cut corners when it comes to my clients. Each one deserves my full attention and energy.

Third, if I have a fundamental disagreement with the client’s business, I will not take the work. I have turned down lucrative contracts with tobacco companies because I am fundamentally opposed to smoking. We had open and positive discussions, but in the end I told them that it would not be fair for them if I took the work because I would not be 100% invested.

As a client, if you get the sense that the trainer is either not qualified, does not have sufficient time or does not agree with your business, that is a red flag. You should share your concern and, if necessary, look for another trainer.

Format of the public speaking training

Designing a public speaking training course is a bit like playing with Lego. You can build it different ways with different blocks and it will work. But it is important to understand the trade-offs.

speech on training experience

There are a few variables to consider.

(a) The number of participants

The number of participants is a key factor in any public speaking training. It can range from one to, in theory, as many people as you like. 

With a large number of participants, you can share knowledge widely and everyone will receive the same training, which can be a solid basis for a common understanding of the approach to take regarding future presentations. However, the greater the number of participants, the less opportunity for each individual to practice and get concrete feedback.

With a small number of participants, you do not reach as wide an audience. However, you can go much deeper with each participant, giving them a chance to practice and receive detailed, personalized feedback. This kind of experience can be a life-changing revelation for the participants. And I am not exaggerating when I say that.

(b) The length of the training

Public speaking courses can range in length from a few hours to several days. Each has its pros and cons.

A course that lasts a day or less is not as expensive as a longer training. You can cover some key points and teach people skills that will help them make an impact the next time they deliver a presentation. However, it is not possible to cover every public speaking topic in a meaningful way and there is usually little or no time for practice.

A course that lasts two days or more will be more expensive, but the extra time allows for topics to be covered thoroughly and there is time for practice. The ability to combine theory and practice is powerful.

(c) The relationship of the participants to each other

I do a lot of work with large companies. Often I run public speaking training courses where the participants work in different departments and do not know each other. This is perfectly fine and it gives people a chance to meet others and network within their own company. I have found, however, that it can take people a bit of time to warm up when they do not know their fellow participants. (Of course, the trainer is responsible for creating a good atmosphere from the start.)

I have also worked with entire teams and I love that dynamic. People come to the public speaking training already knowing each other well. The energy is usually high from the start and the training has the extra bonus of being a team-building event. Furthermore – and this is significant – people return to work with the same knowledge and having learned the same skills. It is thus more likely that they will implement what they have learned. And, they can continue to give each other feedback on their presentations and boost each other’s confidence.

(d) My preferred mix

I am happy to work within the constraints requested by the client (number of participants, length of training, etc.). Each training is a unique challenge and a unique opportunity.

However, given a choice, my preferred training scenario is two days with 6 to 8 people who work with each other regularly. Such a scenario allows for a dynamic environment with ample time to “go deep” with each participant and practice the skills being taught.

Location of the public speaking training

Public speaking training room

It is always a bonus if the training can be held offsite. When people are out of the office, their focus and participation is much greater. Of course, they will have their cell phones and will check their email during the breaks. But having a public speaking training offsite tends to put people in a better frame of mind for the duration of the training.

I understand that cost is always a business consideration. And, if a company has in-house training facilities, it makes sense that the company would want to use them. In such cases, the participants should commit to being 100% present. They should leave a message on their phone and email that they are indisposed for the duration of the training.

Before the public speaking training

The trainer should learn as much as possible about the participants before the training. This will help him or her to design the training in a way that is most helpful for the participants.

Public speaking training survey

As already noted, I speak with the organizer before the training to learn as much as I can. But I also want to hear from the participants. Accordingly, I prepare a short survey for each participant to complete. The survey is focused and only takes a few minutes to complete. 

Here are the typical questions I ask:

  • Name and position in the company?
  • How much public speaking experience do you have?
  • Describe your typical audience(s) (colleagues, clients, other stakeholders, conferences)?
  • What do you believe are your strengths as a public speaker?
  • What areas of public speaking would you like to improve?

The last two questions are important because they reveal a person’s self-assessment. Keep in mind that the assessment may or may not be accurate. But it does gives an insight into what that person is thinking.

In addition, if most of the participants respond that they would like to improve a specific area of speaking, then I know I should spend more time on that area because that will yield the greatest benefit for the group.

There are many online survey tools. I use Survey Monkey as it has a clean and easy-to-use layout.

Content of the public speaking training

Public speaking training content

As mentioned above, the amount of content that a presentation skills trainer can cover is limited by the amount of time that the trainer has. Having said that, below is the range of topics that I always take into consideration when designing a public speaking training:

(a) Foundational considerations

  • Understanding the speaking situation
  • Defining the objective(s) for the speech
  • Developing the message
  • Thinking about the audience

(b) Content

  • Creating a compelling opening that hooks the audience’s attention and let’s them know where the presentation is going
  • Choosing which topics to include and which to leave out
  • Arranging the topics into a proper structure for the presentation
  • Enhancing the presentation with stories
  • Using Aristotle’s pillars of rhetoric
  • Creating a powerful conclusion

(c) Delivery

  • How to handle nerves , overcome fear and boost confidence
  • Voice (rate, pitch, volume, pausing)
  • Body language (movement, eyes, gestures)
  • Audience interaction
  • Charisma and authenticity
  • How to create and use an effective slide presentation
  • Rhetorical devices that make an impact
  • Handling questions from the audience
  • Impromptu speaking
  • Speaking with notes or a teleprompter
  • As requested by the client

All of these topics are important and all of them contribute to the success of a speech or presentation. However, clients might decide that they do not need training is a specific area. For example, some of my clients have in-house slide presentation experts and do not want training on that topic. That is helpful because it is one less thing for me to cover and it allows me to spend more time on other areas.

Theory and practice

There’s an old saying: “In theory, there’s no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.” A good public speaking training course combines theory and practice.

Public speaking training - speaker with microphone

People need to understand the principles of good public speaking. But they also need an opportunity to practice those principles. They need to be pushed out of their comfort zone and made to stand up and speak in front of their peers. Only then can they get a true sense of speaking in public and only then can they receive meaningful feedback.

Thus, I break my public speaking training courses into modules. There is a constant “ebb and flow” between me teaching theory and the participants doing an exercise or discussing an issue.

It’s important to make the training as interactive as possible to maintain a consistent level of interest and engagement. Participants should be encouraged at the outset to ask questions or share their own perspective at any time during the training.

When people speak in a public speaking training course, it is important that they get immediate, concrete feedback. A good feedback session will focus on two things: what worked and what can be improved.

speech on training experience

People need to be told what they did well and why. It is important that people understand what is working so that they can continue to do it. And, it boosts their confidence to know that they already have some skills upon which they can continue to build.

People also need to understand the areas on which they need to work. In this regard, feedback is critical to help them recognize their weakness. Just as importantly, people should receive suggestions on how to work on the their weaknesses and be given an opportunity to try to correct them during the training.

I firmly believe that the feedback should not just come from the trainer; it should also come from the other participants. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, the trainer, while a professional, does not have a monopoly on good ideas. Anyone who has listened to a speech or presentation has the right to offer feedback. It is good to get different perspectives.

Second, I have found that when people give feedback to others about their public speaking, it has an impact on their own public speaking skills. It gets them thinking about the ways in which they can improve.

Follow-up after the training

I provide the participants with some materials after the training to help them as they continue their public speaking journey. These materials can include a PDF of the slides that I used in the training, documents on specific issues and links to resources on the Internet. I also encourage the participants to reach out if they have any specific questions.

Are public speaking classes worth it?

A good public speaking training course can cost several thousand dollars per day. However, it is important to distinguish the value from the cost. It reminds me of Oscar Wilde who said that a cynic is someone who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.

Public speaking training value

If business leaders give public speaking training for a group of their employees and just one of them ends up delivering a presentation that results in a new client or contract, the training will have paid for itself several times over. But the long-term value is much greater.

I have received emails from participants in my training sessions—often months after the training—in which they tell me about an important presentation that went well because they had applied the skills that we worked on together. For me, it’s a great feeling because it means that I have made an impact and because it confirms the value of public speaking training. The power of the ripple effect never fails to inspire me.

When people are trained and motivated to give presentations that make an impact, the value is immeasurable. It leads to a better public image for your company, new clients and new contracts, increased self-confidence for those who are trained, increased career opportunities and a more positive work experience for all involved.

Without question, having your employees become better public speakers is one of the best investments that you can make.

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Thanks so much for this, John. Very timely for me as I will be delivering presentation and public speaking training next week, and although my own formula is, happily, similar to yours I’ve gained some useful insights from the article that will help me to keep improving. Cheers, Martin

Thanks for the comment, Martin. Good luck with your training session. I have one next week as well. Let’s make an impact!

Outstanding! Very enlightening while being real! Thank you! Would you be so kind to e-mail the article to me? [email protected]

Glad that you liked the article. You can easily save it yourself.

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John delivered a keynote address about the importance of public speaking to 80 senior members of Gore’s Medical Device Europe team at an important sales event. He was informative, engaging and inspirational. Everyone was motivated to improve their public speaking skills. Following his keynote, John has led public speaking workshops for Gore in Barcelona and Munich. He is an outstanding speaker who thinks carefully about the needs of his audience well before he steps on stage.

Karsta Goetze

TA Leader, Gore and Associates

speech on training experience

I first got in touch with John while preparing to speak at TED Global about my work on ProtonMail. John helped me to sharpen the presentation and get on point faster, making the talk more focused and impactful. My speech was very well received, has since reached almost 1.8 million people and was successful in explaining a complex subject (email encryption) to a general audience.

CEO, Proton Technologies

speech on training experience

John gave the opening keynote on the second day of our unit’s recent offsite in Geneva, addressing an audience of 100+ attendees with a wealth of tips and techniques to deliver powerful, memorable presentations. I applied some of these techniques the very next week in an internal presentation, and I’ve been asked to give that presentation again to senior management, which has NEVER happened before. John is one of the greatest speakers I know and I can recommend his services without reservation.

David Lindelöf

Senior Data Scientist, Expedia Group

speech on training experience

After a morning of team building activities using improvisation as the conduit, John came on stage to close the staff event which was organised in Chamonix, France. His energy and presence were immediately felt by all the members of staff. The work put into the preparation of his speech was evident and by sharing some his own stories, he was able to conduct a closing inspirational speech which was relevant, powerful and impactful for all at IRU. The whole team left feeling engaged and motivated to tackle the 2019 objectives ahead. Thank you, John.

Umberto de Pretto

Secretary General, World Road Transport Organization

speech on training experience

I was expecting a few speaking tips and tricks and a few fun exercises, but you went above and beyond – and sideways. You taught me to stand tall. You taught me to anchor myself. You taught me to breathe. You taught me to open up. You taught me to look people in the eye. You taught me to tell the truth. You taught me to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes. I got more than I bargained for in the best possible way.

Thuy Khoc-Bilon

World Cancer Day Campaign Manager, Union for International Cancer Control

speech on training experience

John gave a brilliant presentation on public speaking during the UN EMERGE programme in Geneva (a two days workshop on leadership development for a group of female staff members working in the UN organizations in Geneva). His talk was inspirational and practical, thanks to the many techniques and tips he shared with the audience. His teaching can dramatically change our public speaking performance and enable us as presenters to have a real and powerful impact. Thank you, John, for your great contribution!

HR Specialist, World Health Organization

speech on training experience

John is a genuine communication innovator. His seminars on gamification of public speaking learning and his interactive Rhetoric game at our conference set the tone for change and improvement in our organisation. The quality of his input, the impact he made with his audience and his effortlessly engaging style made it easy to get on board with his core messages and won over some delegates who were extremely skeptical as to the efficacy of games for learning. I simply cannot recommend him highly enough.

Thomas Scott

National Education Director, Association of Speakers Clubs UK

speech on training experience

John joined our Global Sales Meeting in Segovia, Spain and we all participated in his "Improv(e) your Work!" session. I say “all” because it really was all interactive, participatory, learning and enjoyable. The session surprised everybody and was a fresh-air activity that brought a lot of self-reflection and insights to improve trust and confidence in each other inside our team. It´s all about communication and a good manner of speaking!"

General Manager Europe, Hayward Industries

speech on training experience

Thank you very much for the excellent presentation skills session. The feedback I received was very positive. Everyone enjoyed the good mix of listening to your speech, co-developing a concrete take-away and the personal learning experience. We all feel more devoted to the task ahead, more able to succeed and an elevated team spirit. Delivering this in a short time, both in session and in preparation, is outstanding!

Henning Dehler

CFO European Dairy Supply Chain & Operations, Danone

speech on training experience

Thanks to John’s excellent workshop, I have learned many important tips and techniques to become an effective public speaker. John is a fantastic speaker and teacher, with extensive knowledge of the field. His workshop was a great experience and has proven extremely useful for me in my professional and personal life.

Eric Thuillard

Senior Sales Manager, Sunrise Communications

speech on training experience

John’s presentation skills training was a terrific investment of my time. I increased my skills in this important area and feel more comfortable when speaking to an audience. John provided the right mix between theory and practice.

Diego Brait

Director of the Jura Region, BKW Energie AG

speech on training experience

Be BOLD. Those two words got stuck in my head and in the heads of all those ADP leaders and associates that had the privilege to see John on stage. He was our keynote speaker at our annual convention in Barcelona, and his message still remains! John puts his heart in every word. Few speakers are so credible, humble and yet super strong with large audiences!

Guadalupe Garcia

Senior Director and Talent Partner, ADP International

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Training in all 50 states and around the world..

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Build Lifelong Skills That Will Give You The Edge In Any Speaking Engagement.

Exceptional public speakers use similar techniques to be confident and personable in front of others. But there is something more important, unique to each of them, that truly makes them stand out—their personal style and charisma. A speech class or coaching will not only teach you how to improve your speaking skills, it will help you discover who you are and the strengths of your voice.

Our speech training and coaching has taught the art of public speaking to thousands of professionals like you who wanted to learn how to speak with confidence and give a speech or boardroom talk that made an impact. Speaking with confidence means you can captivate others no matter the situation and know you can make a difference. Get ready for a transformational experience!

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In our speech class & coaching.

Speaking With Impact:

  • Vocal executive presence
  • How to have a powerful voice
  • Articulation
  • Enunciation

Refining Your Message:

  • Showcase your authentic persona
  • Strategic real-time feedback
  • Learn from a master speech coach
  • Develop a unique approach
  • Tips on speech writing and outlines

Commanding the Space:

  • Presenting with poise and polish
  • Using body language to your advantage
  • Moving with conviction
  • Hand gestures
  • Eye contact

Tips for Engaging Audiences:

  • Powerful non-verbal communication
  • Audience psychology
  • Traits of successful leaders
  • Weaving storytelling into your talks
  • What inspires others to follow you

Overcoming Your Fear:

  • Transform nervousness into confidence
  • Fearless vs fear(less)
  • Diaphragmatic breathing to reduce anxiety
  • Visualization to reduce anxiety
  • Presentation warm ups

Rehearsal Techniques:

  • Layered rehearsal
  • How to memorize a talk
  • Phases of presentation preparation
  • Night before prep
  • Your rehearsal
  • DURATION: From a few speech training sessions to personalized coaching, you pick the schedule that works for you.
  • LOCATION: We can teach you in person or virtually—your choice!
  • WHO SHOULD ENROLL: Anyone looking for a certified expert to take their public speaking and communication skills to the next level.
  • PREPARATION: None. But having an upcoming talk or presentation gives you a goal to reach for!
  • COURSE FEE: The price to work with a speech coach varies depending on your timeline and goals—call us to get your custom plan put together!

* Note: All speech training content is tailored to you and delivered live. Virtual sessions can be recorded for future use. Reach out to discuss options. 


Jeremy new min 1

Jeremy is an avid learner. His humble manner coupled with an insatiable hunger to learn from anyone has resulted in a prolific array of experience and expert competencies. At 17 years of age he decided to devote himself to serving the needs of others in a voluntary ministry.

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Do you need slides? When Ro works with you on your presentation, keynote or speech, he’ll challenge you to find the core of your message, the soul of your story and handcraft it until it can stand on its own. Only then will the magic of enhancing your presentation with slide design.

karen 1

Karen is an Emmy award-winning broadcast journalist, corporate communications professional and executive coach working with CEO’s and C-level executives at leading companies around the world. Karen specializes in helping senior executives develop the leadership and communication skills.


Of public speaking classes.

You have blind spots. No matter your experience with public speaking, it is impossible to see past your own biases. Our speaker coaches get to the core of who you are and uncover what makes your unique message so powerful. You won’t just learn external techniques to look and sound your best, you’ll overcome your internal fears and limitations so that you can talk in front of thousands with complete confidence.

  • Uncover the art of public speaking from a master speaker coach
  • Learn how to speak with eloquence & power with speaking voice training
  • Discover audience engagement techniques that make you memorable
  • Face your fears and go beyond your comfort zone
  • Practice proven methods to lower anxiety and improve focus
  • Get tips and guidance on writing persuasive speeches
  • Learn how to prepare for a speech and get essential feedback

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Coaching & training exceptional, learn top-level performing arts techniques.

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Effective public speakers can inspire others whether in an office, on stage, or on camera. So we teach the same techniques used by award-winning actors to convey powerful emotions with poise and control. From vocal warm ups and breathing techniques to body language and power posing—you will foster an executive presence that will last a lifetime.


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Our speech training accelerates your learning while also explaining why the skills we teach are so effective. Your long-term success requires building new and effective habits. So we use adult learning theory and experiential learning to ensure what we teach sticks. And through proven neuroscience, you’ll discover exactly how to use your message to inspire and influence others.


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The best teachers lead by example and are skilled at identifying your unique growth areas. From high-stakes business to the spotlights of entertainment, our diverse pool of coaches are among the top in the country. We match you with the expert who has the proven experience and background to propel you to the next level.


Great speakers win hearts and minds—and get results. With our public speech class, we can give you the tools and techniques to ensure you make an impact in any speaking engagement. From how you come across at meetings to events, our public speaking skills training will reveal your narrative voice and boost your confidence. You’ll learn to no longer see any big presentation as an obstacle to overcome but an awesome opportunity to showcase your talent and expertise.

Through speaking voice training, you’ll learn to talk eloquently and with vocal executive presence, as all great leaders do. Our coaches will guide you through the entire presenting process, with tips for managing your anxiety on the big day as well as techniques to give your voice power. A public speech class will ensure you have the tools to become the best speaker you can be and give you skills that will last a lifetime.


For our methodologies and approach., “the audience was on their feet”.

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“Moxie, I am so grateful for our work together. And I can’t wait to work together on the next talk. My speech today was earth shattering! The audience was…” 


Founder & President, Booshoot Technology and #57 Lamborghini Race Driver

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“Moxie Institute is incredibly knowledgeable about public speaking and teaches from principals that are anchored in…” 


Diversity Specialist, Google Inc.

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“My keynote went extremely well, thanks to Fia and her team at Moxie Institute. I have never been so prepared and had such a tight, coherent…”


Jamaican Bobsleigh Team Member and inspiration for the movie “Cool Runnings”

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“I did it! A top distributor at Herbalife said that I did amazing and so many audience members came up to me afterwards to say…” 


Herbalife Founders Circle Member

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You Don’t HAVE To Be Great To Get Going. But, You Have To Get Going To Be Great!

Take the first step.

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Team training, 1:1 coaching, public workshop, online course, trusted by the world's best training in all 50 states and around the world..

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The world’s best public speakers use similar techniques to be confident and personable in front of others. But there is something more important, unique to each of them, that truly makes them stand out—their personal style and charisma. A speech class or coaching will not only teach you how to improve your speaking skills, it will help you discover who you are and the strengths of your voice.

Our speech training and coaching has taught the art of public speaking to thousands of individuals who wanted to overcome their fear, learn how to speak with confidence, and give a speech that made an impact. Speaking with confidence means you believe in yourself and your message. It means you believe in the authenticity and power of your voice. Get ready for a transformational experience!


Speaking with impact, refining your message, commanding the space, tips for engaging audiences, overcoming your fear, rehearsal techniques.

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Take the first step today have questions we can help, what makes our speech class coaching & training exceptional.

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Our speech training accelerates your learning while also explaining why the skills we teach are so effective. Your long-term success requires building new and effective habits. So we use adult learning theory and experiential learning to ensure what we teach sticks. And through proven neuroscience, you’ll discover exactly how to use your message to inspire and influence others.

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Public speaking skills training will make that happen, leading executives rely on us for methodologies and approach...

Executive Director at California Symphony

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“My keynote went extremely well, thanks to the team at Moxie. I have never been so prepared and had such a tight coherent…”

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Effective Presentations

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Gain Awareness, Confidence and Delivery Skills When Public Speaking

Public speaking training , classes , coaching and workshops.

In a world where effective communication is paramount, the ability to address an audience confidently and clearly is not just a mere skill—it serves as your pathway to success. We specialize in comprehensive public speaking training that turns apprehension into confidence, ideas into compelling speeches, and speakers into influential leaders. Our meticulously designed public speaking workshops enhance your speaking abilities and empower you to captivate any audience.

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Personal Coaching

We work with you to build on your strengths, correct your weaknesses, and give you tips and tricks to be an effective speaker. We can custom-design and deliver a public speaking class that addresses specific needs, interests, and objectives. Whether you’re addressing a room of 5 people or 500, it all starts with the proper preparation.

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Proven Results

Your public speaking class will produce the most reliable, responsive, and measurable results. We will show you how to confidently get through your following speech, presentation, or job interview. That’s a promise!

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Outstanding Feedback

Our participants have discovered the truth about public speaking skills and how to assess their personal style. They learn how to overcome the fear of public speaking using a variety of exercises, role-playing, and real-world examples. According to past speakers-in-training, it’s the best training they’ve ever had. Walk away feeling prepared for the following public speaking situation and looking forward to it.

Public Speaking Training for me

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Public Speaking Training for my team

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For Individuals: Improve Your Personal Public Speaking Skills

Are you an individual seeking to improve your delivery abilities? Mastering the art of effective comm can bring about new opportunities and help you advance in your career. Our comprehensive public speaking training program is designed to assist you in overcoming anxiety , crafting precise messages, and delivering them confidently. Whether you’re presenting a pitch, speaking at a conference, or leading a meeting, our training equips you with the clarity and conviction required to engage and captivate any audience.

For Organizations: Elevate Your Team’s Public Speaking Effectiveness

Does your organization value strong public speaking skills? Your team’s proficiency in this area can greatly impact the success of your organization in the corporate world. Our tailored workshops and seminars are ideal for teams to enhance their abilities. We work closely with you to understand your organization’s specific needs, ensuring our training aligns perfectly with your goals. Empower your team with the skills they need to effectively represent your brand and communicate compellingly in any oratory scenario.

public speaking training & executive coaching

“I feel the public speaker training was the best professional training I have participated in to date. Breelyn did an amazing job, and I look forward to putting my new skills and techniques.”

— Tony Ramos; VP Construction Services, Bell Partners

Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

Overcoming the fear from public speaking is a common challenge many face, often even more intimidating than fears of heights or spiders. However, it’s not an impossible obstacle to conquer.

How Public Speaking Helps You

Our immersive workshops are carefully designed to equip you with the necessary tools to become a skilled and confident public speaker. These sessions go beyond simple learning; they offer a transformative experience. You’ll acquire long-lasting skills that will ensure you never feel insecure or unprepared when addressing an audience. Join our upcoming speaker program and unlock the secrets to communicating with unwavering confidence, regardless of audience size. Learn to deliver your message with energy and enthusiasm, utilizing proven professional and effective strategies and techniques. Bid farewell to fear and welcome a new era of self-assured and impactful communicators.

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If you have any questions, feel free to contact us today. We’re here to assist you in selecting the right workshop for your needs.


Improving public speaking skills.

How will public speaking boost your confidence? Our next workshop presents an opportunity for you to embark on this transformative journey. Whether you are a beginner or seeking to refine existing skills, our workshop provides the ideal setting for growth and learning.

Our highly interactive, small-group speaker workshops ensure each participant masters essential verbal and nonverbal communication skills. Find out how our tips and tricks will make speaking easy and fun through role-play exercises, stimulating activities, and recorded practice presentations.

These classes and workshops explore essential techniques for success and empower you to speak like a pro. Our coaching will position you to radiate confidence and deliver a powerful message whenever you speak!

Speak Boldly, Transform Today

Don’t miss out on any more opportunities or hesitate any longer. Take hold of the power of confident and impactful public speaking today. Our workshop goes beyond just being a training program; it’s an experience that will transform you, equipping you with lifelong skills and unwavering confidence.

Enroll in this workshop and enter a world where your voice matters, your ideas resonate, and your presence leaves a lasting impression. The time for changing your narrative is right now – join us and discover the powerful speaker within you.

You can also check out our public speaking tips in our Resource section for tips to help you be a better speaker.

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Speak with Confidence Presentation Skills

Speak with confidence.

Speak with one of our coaches for a free consultation. Our highly educated professional speech coaches will remotely train your company or provide individual coaching. For companies and individuals.

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Watch Our Recorded Webinars

Free recordings.

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Remote Coaching

Private coaching.

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Join Our Team!

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Remote Training

Speak with the confidence that you’ve been trained by the very best Custom REMOTE training and private executive coaching from the firm that started it all

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Leadership & Management

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Public Speaking

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Sales Communication

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Customer Service Communication

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Accent Modification

While presentation skills is our flagship offering, we offer training and coaching on all forms of speaking. You might need to learn to communicate better at meetings, conferences, town halls, TED talks, seminars, webinars, or more. Whether it’s presentation skills or leadership and management communication, speaking to thousands or having an important one-on-one conversation, our team will train and coach you to speak with confidence!

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us for a free 30-minute consultation with a seasoned speech coach. Contact Us

one of our 3 proven package options to hone your presentation skills and improve your confidence. Contact Us

your speech coaching sessions – you’re on the way to reaching your goals!! Contact Us

your progress with communication critique and discuss any additional coaching needs. Contact Us

What our clients are saying about us




Each time you open your mouth to speak, it’s a presentation of your thoughts. That’s why our coaches are formally educated in all areas related to communication. Our coaches have been on Oprah , TED talks, CNN , ABC , Bloomberg , FOX , and more! They are in high demand around the world and are often seen as the authority on all things related to communication. While our flag ship program is presentation skills, we do so much more. Our team has worked with Harvard University , MIT , Johns Hopkins University , the White House , the FBI , and thousands of companies, hospitals, design firms, doctors, executives, teachers, celebrities, politicians, and others who use talking in their job. Our team works with global leaders on presentation skills and many other areas in their communication. Each program we create is custom-designed to fit your needs and implemented by our highly trained, formally educated, internationally recognized speech coaches. Whether you’re delivering a formal presentation and need to polish your presentation skills, or you need individual communication skill building, our highly trained coaches will help you learn and develop the presentation skills you need to be both comfortable and effective

You can speak with confidence knowing that you have been vetted and helped by a Speech Improvement Company coach. In addition to the formal educations in areas related to speech communication, our team meets every month for an entire day of continued development. You might only imagine what it is like to be a fly on the wall during those meetings!


Private Coaching – Group Workshops – In-person or Remote

Our world-class communication coaches have decades of experience, across four continents, helping people communicate more effectively at large corporations, small companies, governments and universities. We teach productive communication to individuals such as Fortune 500 executives, board members, managers, politicians, professional athletes, doctors, teachers, administrators, salespeople, service agents, entrepreneurs, and even  professional speakers . They all attend our one-on-one coaching and group workshops to learn a diverse set of skills, from  speaking clearly  to persuasive public speaking to overcoming  fear of speaking,  handling challenging customers, and the importance of communication skills in selling.


Over 50 years of speech consultancy experience.


Training centers.

Boston, Massachusetts

60 State Street, Suite 700

Boston, MA 02109

Tell us what’s on your mind:

Select Country Afghanistan Aland Islands Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua And Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas The Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Congo Congo The Democratic Republic Of The Cook Islands Costa Rica Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) Croatia (Hrvatska) Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic East Timor Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Falkland Islands Faroe Islands Fiji Islands Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon Gambia The Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey and Alderney Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Heard and McDonald Islands Honduras Hong Kong S.A.R. Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea North Korea South Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macau S.A.R. Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Man (Isle of) Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands Antilles Netherlands The New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestinian Territory Occupied Panama Papua new Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Island Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Reunion Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Helena Saint Kitts And Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Vincent And The Grenadines Saint-Barthelemy Saint-Martin (French part) Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Georgia South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Svalbard And Jan Mayen Islands Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad And Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks And Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States United States Minor Outlying Islands Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vatican City State (Holy See) Venezuela Vietnam Virgin Islands (British) Virgin Islands (US) Wallis And Futuna Islands Western Sahara Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe

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50 Speen Street | Framingham, MA 01701 USA 

Phone:  + 1  (617) 739-3330   |  Email:  [email protected]

Visual aids can help or hurt a presentation. Whether you are using PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi, slides, video, a software interface, or other visual support, you need to make sure that the visuals won’t distract from the presentation. Many speakers have chosen abandon visual aids altogether and even proclaim that they are above using such tools. However, well-utilized visuals will significantly improve a presentation. This training will teach the best visual aid practices and offer the opportunity to practice techniques with individualized coaching feedback. Listeners will appreciate how the skillful use of visual aids truly enhances your presentations.

Speakers must prepare to answer real questions about their topic. Sometimes, listeners ask friendly, genuine questions, but often, you might be tasked with answering aggressive or set-up questions. In either case, the ability to handle even the most challenging question in a clear, comfortable, and competent manner is an important skill. Whether you have been called to answer questions at a congressional committee, in a sales meeting, or during a team presentation, this module will teach you how to hear and understand questions in order to respond with practical answers.

Have you ever wondered how some people always have the right thing to say at the right time? There is an art to handling yourself well in just about any setting—from dealing with an angry customer to holding a political debate or managing a contentious investor meeting.

Imagine yourself in front of the executive committee, the board of directors, the press, or a client, and someone requests that you speak on an unfamiliar topic. Perhaps you are asked a tough question that you hadn’t anticipated. What do you say? Thinking on your feet is a module that teaches you how to process and organize your thoughts quickly in a way that will help you communicate clearly and with confidence

What two words would you like people to say about you after you have left a meeting or a conversation? The answer defines your communication style. Style coaching is one of our most popular leadership and management offerings. It allows senior executives, managers, and emerging leaders to achieve their personal vision of how they wish to present themselves. Our coaches work with clients on their core communication skills, beginning with their two style words. The result is authentic, comfortable, and effective leadership or management capabilities.

Most crucial business communication occurs between leaders, managers, board members, and shareholders. Because Boards advise and direct management teams on key decisions, it is critical that leaders and managers clearly communicate the vision, metrics, and progress of the organization. Having worked with thousands of managers and board members, we have developed valuable insight into how relationships, presentations, handling questions, and more can affect your communication success. Whether you’re new to senior management or an old pro, this module will allow you to hone your Board and shareholder presentations and share your thoughts in a clear, concise manner. Our guidance will help you strengthen your relationships and effectiveness with your Board and shareholders.

Since the 1990s, coaching and mentoring have become widely used to develop employees in the business world and are important skills for anyone in a managerial or leadership role. Learn how to communicate in both coaching and mentoring styles while learning the differences between the two. Among other things, learn Socratic questioning, goal setting, skills in accountability, and ways to inspire that lead to complete development.

At times, speaking with coworkers, your staff, your boss, and, yes, your customers can be difficult. They may come to you with stories about their problems or your mistakes. They might even mistreat you. We need to remember that there are always two sides to every story. Learn how to diffuse difficult situations and become the difficult person’s advocate rather than the enemy.

When relationships are strong, you can communicate anything. When they are not strong, even the simplest feedback becomes difficult. This module provides an understanding of why and how strong relationships are created using our original research, which has unveiled the two most essential characteristics for building a solid working relationship. This module utilizes practice to strengthen the techniques and skills that foster trusting relationships.

Listening is not just about hearing—it involves the understanding and evaluation of what is heard. Whether you’re in a face-to-face meeting or talking on the phone, leaders and managers must exhibit comfort and proficiency in six specific areas of listening, or messages can be misunderstood. These qualities and techniques are the focus of this module. In addition, this module covers the top ten barriers to listening and how to overcome them. This is one of our most popular topics.

Have you ever felt that your listeners were confused? Have listeners ever asked you to get to the point? Truly connecting with your listeners is fundamental to all communication and critical for a successful presentation. This module teaches you how to make your point and engage all of your listeners. It does not provide a one-size-fits-all methodology but instead covers a whole range of skills from which you may choose the best approach for specific groups.

Business speaking requires a mixture of information and persuasion. Both are critical, and you use both in different situations and for various reasons. The distinction between these two types of speaking is that informative speaking lists data and impartially clarifies and enlightens with no particular goal other than making information clear. Persuasive speaking urges a partisan decision, favors a position, and tries to garner acceptance for that position. In many presentations, the speaker will use both information and persuasion in order to convince the listeners.

This training will help you understand the difference between informative and persuasive presentation. It teaches how to implement these concepts in your content and delivery and the three ways of persuasion that are used in virtually all presentations we see today. You’ll learn how to choose the proper mode of persuasion and how to match your message to your listeners.

Do your listeners ask you to repeat keywords? The ability to speak clearly is an important skill, no matter who you are. There are several ways to lose your listeners, but poor articulation, mumbling, and lack of volume are the most preventable. Don’t force listeners to work harder to understand the words coming out of your mouth! This module on communication excellence will teach key sounds and practice techniques to ensure that you are speaking clearly.

Your customers will often pay attention to how you sound as much as what you are saying. A positive interaction can depend on your tone and inflection, speed, and projection.

Plus, words matter! Your choice of words, such as “customers,” “clients,” “guests,” or “patrons,” will shape their perception, and perception shapes service communication. Don’t let your choice of words become a distraction during a customer interaction. This teaches participants the various sounds of service and how to master their sounds to best communicate with customers.

How to Choose a Speech Coach

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National Speech & Debate Association

Professional Development

Free on-demand courses.

Visit NSDA Learn to enroll in free, on-demand professional development courses. Courses are open to all member coaches, regardless of whether the school is a member.

Nearly all coaches with speech and debate professional development requirements reported that our courses and certificates meet their needs. Check if you’re among them, and use these courses to satisfy your requirements!

Course content includes:

  • Introductions to coaching new events
  • Engaging and mentoring diverse groups of students
  • Team management and culture building

NSDA Learn logo

Professional Accreditation

Composed of three levels and two specialization tracks, this professional accreditation program demonstrates expertise to administrators and is a mark of your commitment to speech and debate. 

Level 1 – Speech and Debate Coaching Endorsement

Two illustrated people discussing things at a desk

The first level of the NSDA Accreditation program is the Speech and Debate Coaching Endorsement. This foundational endorsement is the perfect stepping stone to expand and illustrate your skills. The accreditation requires the completion of several NSDA Learn and NFHS Learn courses on coaching, protecting students, and team management. 

Requirements for Speech and Debate Coaching Endorsement:

  • Active NSDA coach membership
  • Successful completion of the Intro to NSDA Coaching Course on NSDA Learn (1 Hour)
  • Successful completion of the NFHS’ Level 1 Speech and Debate Credential

As part of the application process, you will be asked to upload the completion certificate you’ll receive for each course and pay a $25 fee. Processing takes approximately two weeks, and applicants will be notified of their approval status via email.

Upon completing the required courses, active coach members who have previously earned an NSDA accreditation may apply for this endorsement for free. Anyone interested in doing so should contact Lauren McCool at [email protected] before applying.

After completing Level 1, endorsed coaches may choose to continue and obtain one or both of the following tracks:

Coaching Track

The coaching track of the NSDA’s accreditation program is ideal for those who coach programs that compete beyond the school day. Coaching includes so much more than helping choose pieces or cut cards. Coaches also serve as mentors, care givers, and team administrators. The coaching track seeks to recognize the breadth of skills required of a speech and debate coach.

Level 2 – Professional Speech and Debate Coaching Endorsement Level 3 – Advanced Professional Speech and Debate Coaching Endorsement

Teaching Track

The teaching track of the NSDA’s accreditation program is ideal for those who teach speech and debate courses. 

While all coaches are educators, not all coaches are classroom speech and debate teachers. This accreditation track seeks to recognize the unique skills teaching speech and debate in the classroom setting requires.

Level 2 – Professional Speech and Debate Teaching Endorsement Level 3 – Advanced Professional Speech and Debate Teaching Endorsement

Level 2 – Professional Speech and Debate Coaching Endorsement

Two illustrated people discussing things at a desk

Requirements for Professional Speech and Debate Coaching Endorsement:

  • Speech and Debate Coaching Endorsement (Level 1) 
  • Three years of active NSDA coach membership
  • Administrator Endorsement Form signed by a school administrator or speech and debate program advisor/director. 
  • Tournament Attendance Form completed
  • Engaging and Mentoring LGBTQ+ Students
  • Engaging and Mentoring Students with Disabilities
  • Engaging and Mentoring Black/African American Student s
  • Building Supportive Cultures to Prevent Bullying and Harassment
  • Certificate of Completion for two additional courses found on NSDA Learn not already taken for this level or Level 1.

Level 3 – Advanced Professional Speech and Debate Coaching Endorsement

Illustrated person gathering information on a board

Requirements for Advanced Professional Speech and Debate Coaching Endorsement:

  • Advanced Professional Speech and Debate Coach Endorsement
  • Five years of active NSDA coach membership
  • Continued endorsement by administrator or program advisor
  • Earn 1,500 coaching merit points
  • Earn a Don Crabtree Distinguished Service Award – bronze plaque (70 citations) 
  • Successful completion of three additional NSDA Learn courses not selected in Level 1 or Level 2.
  • Pre-approved curricular/education support to the national office (course writing, curriculum writing, webinar, etc.) – must be arranged and completed in advance 
  • Serve as a mentor to a new speech and/or debate coach using an NSDA provided system  

If you intend to pursue the Advanced Professional Speech and Debate Coach endorsement please contact [email protected] to discuss the curricular/education support needed. 

Level 2 – Professional Speech and Debate Teaching Endorsement

Group of Illustrated people in front of a digital background

Requirements for Professional Speech and Debate Teaching Endorsement:

  • Active paid NSDA coach membership
  • Obtain Speech and Debate Coaching (Level 1) endorsement
  • Three years of speech and/or debate classroom teaching experience at an accredited institution 
  • Endorsement by administrator 
  • Educator Course
  • Evaluator Course

Level 3 – Advanced Professional Speech and Debate Teaching Endorsement

Two illustrated people standing together with notes in between them

Requirements for Advanced Speech and Debate Teaching Endorsement:

  • Obtain Professional Speech and Debate Teacher endorsement
  • Continued endorsement by administrator
  • A Reflection Guide for Speech and Debate: Coach
  • A Reflection Guide for Speech and Debate: Advocate
  • Serve as a mentor to a new speech and/or debate teacher to using and NSDA provided system

If you intend to pursue the Advanced Professional Speech and Debate Teaching endorsement please contact Lauren McCool  at [email protected] to discuss the curricular/education support needed. 

Two illustrated people standing together with notes in between them

Conference Video Archive

Explore videos from our past National Conferences to learn from experts in coaching, management, and equity.

The effect of speech training experiences on speechreading skills of Chinese children with hearing impairment


  • 1 Department of Special Education, Central China Normal University , Wuhan , China.
  • 2 Communication Sciences and Special Education, University of Georgia , Athens , Georgia , USA.
  • PMID: 31006281
  • DOI: 10.1080/02699206.2019.1604807

Speechreading contributes significantly to effective communication, and persons with hearing impairment (HI) may need to rely more on speechreading. However, whether they may benefit from training/practice to improve their speechreading performance remains unclear. In this study, we examine the effect of speech training on speechreading performance of children with HI in China, and how such effect, if any, may be influenced by age. Fifty-nine HI children with speech training experiences, and fifty-eight HI children without speech training experiences completed tasks measuring their ability to speechread Chinese at the linguistic levels of words, phrases, and sentences. The children ranged from 7 to 14 years old, and were divided into four age groups by two-year age intervals. Both accuracy rate and response time data were collected. Results revealed three findings: (1) HI children with speech training experiences speechread more accurately but more slowly than those without speech training experiences; (2) while speechreading performance generally improved with age, age didn't alter the relative performance between the two groups; and (3) speechreading performance was best for phrases, and worst for sentences. These findings suggest that HI children benefit from speech training to improve their speechreading performance, and their speechreading performance is influenced by age, linguistic level, and the specific measure used.

Keywords: Mandarin Chinese; Speechreading; hearing impairment; linguistic complexity; speech training.

Publication types

  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
  • Age Factors
  • Case-Control Studies
  • Hearing Loss*
  • Lipreading*
  • Reaction Time
  • Speech Perception / physiology*


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How VR can Improve your Public Speaking Skills

July 13, 2023 - Sophie Thompson

Millions of people around the world suffer with a  huge fear of public speaking  and it’s notoriously difficult to overcome. Whether you’re performing to a small group or delivering a speech in front of hundreds of people, both can be equally terrifying for someone gripped with speech anxiety. However, these situations are hard to avoid as public speaking is an essential life skill.

Great public speaking skills can be the difference between landing your dream job, winning a huge contract for your company, or delivering a moving  speech at a wedding .

The key to improving public speaking skills is to  practice as much as possible , yet most people don’t actively try to improve their speaking as they would another skill.

Current methods of practice are not satisfactory

  • Practice in front of a mirror  – this demands you focus on two separate activities, the presenting and you watching yourself. This can be very distracting.
  • Speak in front of friends  – this can be useful as you can get good feedback from a colleague. However, they may not be willing to give hours of their time which is required to give a confident speech.
  • Hiring a coach  – this can give you great results but it’s hard to find a suitable coach and they are usually expensive. In addition, you’ll probably have to travel to see them which takes up more time.

Using virtual reality to practice

What is virtual reality.

Virtual reality (VR) refers to immersive, computer-generated 3D environments that enable users to interact within a simulated world. By immersing users in these environments, VR creates a sense of presence and allows individuals to perform various actions, giving the illusion of being physically there. The applications of VR span across both entertainment and serious domains, offering diverse and meaningful experiences.

Read the following for more information:

  • Complete guide to VR
  • Virtual reality definition

Video showing how you can  practice public speaking in virtual reality .

How can VR improve your public speaking?

VR gives you a realistic environment to practice your public speaking in. For example, when you put on a VR headset, you can present in front of hundreds of people in a huge conference room which provides a convenient way to recreate the nerves and excitement of giving a real speech, all from the safety of your own home.

Practice in safety with virtual reality

For those who have an intense  fear of public speaking , practicing in front of an audience is out of the question – they are simply too scared and avoid public speaking altogether.

Until recently, the only way to effectively  improve public speaking skills  was to practice in front of an audience, so how were people supposed to overcome their fear by doing the very thing they fear the most?

This is where VR makes a real difference and can be potentially life changing for millions of people. Virtual reality works by tricking the brain into thinking what we see in the virtual world is in fact real.

Therefore, if you practice in front of a photo-realistic audience or a reactive audience of  AI-powered avatars controlled by ChatGPT , it logically follows that our minds would be tricked into thinking they are real. It sounds unbelievable, I know, but VR has been proven to help people with mental health conditions such as  PTSD  and  anxiety .

Body language in VR

Virtual reality lets you practice public speaking skills and get feedback on your body language, speaking skills, and more.

Practice whenever you want

One of the wonderful things about practicing to a virtual audience is that you can literally practice your speaking skills any time you want – your audience is waiting for you in your pocket.

If you have a VR headset (see our  recommended list ), you can practice your public speaking skills as often as you want. This accelerates the learning process that is required to master the art of public speaking.

You’re less likely to avoid practicing in the virtual world than the real world because you know it’s a safe environment, away from real human judgement. However, despite the sense of safety, you are still under the spotlight and all eyes on you with an audience that can react to what you’re saying.

With ChatGPT powered audiences, you can get valuable insights on your performance, such as how well you did in an interview practice or suggestions on improving your performance review sessions. This feedback mechanism enhances your learning experience and helps you continuously refine your speaking abilities.

Practice answering  AI generated audience questions  after your speech.

Effective VR training for practicing public speaking:

  • Essential Public Speaking with VR
  • Leadership Communication with VR

First-hand experience

When I first put on a VR headset and tried the  VirtualSpeech VR app , I was surprised by how realistic the audience and environment looked. The audience moved as you would expect them to in real life and made distracting noises such as coughing. There were a variety of rooms to practice in, from a small meeting room of 10 people to a larger TED styled theatre of over 100 people. That one experience made me believe in this ‘VR’ I’d heard so much about.

Feedback on your speech

Receiving  feedback is essential  for improving public speaking skills and ensuring that each time you practice, you’re becoming a presenter. With the VirtualSpeech VR app, your  speech is analysed  with AI tools for hesitations, pace, pitch, etc. and you can even receive an insight of your personality based on how you came across in your speech.

Feedback and analysis on your speech in VR

With the VirtualSpeech app, your speech is analysed for hesitations, pace, pitch and more. Learn more in the  Essential Public Speaking  course

With AI feedback the results are instant and really useful for honing different public speaking skills involved with being a confident public speaker. These immersive environments offer diverse audience sizes, allowing individuals to gradually challenge themselves and step beyond their comfort zones, whether speaking to a single person or addressing a crowd of hundreds.

You can even practice for a press conference or an important  job interview  you have coming up! This progressive exposure is an effective approach for personal growth and skill development.

Track your progress within the app

All the feedback you receive from the speech analytics feature is stored on your mobile device and displayed in a section of the app. It’s really easy to measure progress and determine how you are progressing over time, including areas such as eye contact, hesitation words and pace of speaking.

Track your public speaking progress in virtual reality

Load in your own presentation slides

You can load your own presentation slides into the app and  practice with them  in the different virtual rooms. This really helps me prepare for any upcoming events, having the slides there with me to make sure I get my timing correct.

  • See all the  features in VR

Load in your presentation slides into the virtual environment with you to practice with

Load your own presentation slides into the virtual environment so that you can practice with them.

Training scenarios to suit your speech

Once you’ve put on your VR headset, such as the Meta Quest, you can start exploring the different training rooms and courses within the app.

The app offers a choice of both large and small conference rooms, interview rooms, mini courses, classrooms, TED styled rooms, charity speech room and more.

  • Explore all the  practice scenarios

Main menu in the VirtualSpeech VR app

Select an environment to present in, from large conference rooms to smaller meeting rooms. More environments and courses are being added frequently.

Enjoying public speaking

I firmly believe that VR is an effective method for improving speaking skills by giving someone a safe space to practice. With enough practice, in the virtual world or the real world, your fear of public speaking will decrease, and you’ll be able to master your public speaking skills.

  • Speech Search

Welcome to the United Nations Interpretation Service Speech Bank. This platform is aimed at interpreters, students, teachers and anyone who wishes to practice and/or prepare for interpretation tests and/or Competitive Exams for Language Positions  (CELP).

The Speech Bank contains speeches that have been delivered at the United Nations as well as speeches on subjects frequently discussed at the United Nations. Speeches are categorized by language, length, level of difficulty (beginner, intermediate, advanced) and year. You may also search speeches by keyword or topic (e.g : climate change, SDGs...). All sound files are paired with their transcripts.

The Speech Bank also contains sets of previous competitive exams – that is, complete language sets and also individual speeches – this will enable you to familiarise yourself with these types of examinations.

An interpreter at work

An interpreter at work during the high-level virtual event on Financing for Development in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond.

UN Photo | Evan Schneider

Disclaimer : The speeches featured under this category constitute samples extracted from past exams which were specifically designed to meet duty stations’ recruitment needs and/or the Human Resources policies of the organization at the time. The duration, level of difficulty and distinct characteristics of speeches may vary from one exam to the next. All exams are administered by the Office of Human Resources Management.

New speeches are regularly uploaded to the Speech Bank.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us:  [email protected]

speech on training experience

 Become a Confident, Comp elling Speaker and Presenter 


Public Speaking and Presentation Training 

Sign up for a Complimentary Consultation Today!

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Improve your ability and skills to present and

communicate  your ideas to any group! 

Your ability to give PRESENTATIONS is now 

the most important skill you bring to your company, 

business, and career! 

Whether in-person or remotely, Tom Otstot

will help you and your team learn the secrets to EFFECTIVE VISUAL PRESENTATION!

Present Authentically!


Tom Otstot is Executive Director of RISE Foundation Arizona, an organization dedicated to teaching young people the art of Public Speaking, Presentation and Leadership. Tom is an internationally acclaimed speaker, Speech Coach and Presentation Trainer with over 30 years experience building successful teams, brands, and companies. Twice reaching the international stage of the World Championship of Public Speaking, Tom is an engaging speaker who inspires, motivates and entertains audiences with a humorous, compassionate, and caring style that leaves audiences energized and excited about their potential. As a featured instructor for Toastmasters Leadership Institute, Tom teaches leadership to future organizational leaders and officers in his own unique and refreshing style. Tom coaches groups and individuals in the art of public speaking and presentation, helping people find their voice and become the very best version of their true, authentic selves. 

Tom 2022_edited.jpg

Excerpts from"Simple Leadership" Seminar

Thunderbird school of global management.


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Tom is an incredible speech coach 

who has helped my speaking skills 

Newt Gingrich, Speaker of the

US House of Representatives


Tom was hired to give my team - professional medical sales - coaching on public speaking and presentation skills. My overall review - one word - Fantastic!

Kathy Quellen

Medela, AG  

Tom 3Band W.jpg

Tom is one of our finest speakers... and a really great guy!

Toastmasters International Director  

Stanford University

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Melinda French Gates, a philanthropist, businesswoman, and global advocate for women and girls, will deliver the 2024 Commencement address at Stanford University.

French Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and founder of Pivotal Ventures, will address graduates and guests attending the university’s 133rd Commencement ceremony, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, June 16, in Stanford Stadium.

“As a businesswoman and philanthropist, Melinda French Gates has worked to increase access to opportunity, advance equity, and accelerate social progress. She is a champion for women and girls, and she has shown how empowering them can transform families, communities, and institutions,” said Stanford President Richard Saller. “Melinda’s unique insights will encourage our graduates to center human values as they leave Stanford to forge their own paths.”

French Gates, who oversees strategy and sets the direction for the one of the world’s most influential foundations, has dedicated her life to fighting disease and inequality, with a focus on putting more women in positions of power.

In her best-selling book, The Moment of Lift , she writes about the inspiring women around the globe whom she has met through her work and travel, and describes her path to becoming an advocate for women and girls. In 2015, she founded Pivotal Ventures, a company working to accelerate the pace of social progress in the United States.

“We are grateful and thrilled to have Melinda French Gates as Stanford’s 2024 Commencement speaker,” said senior class presidents Hannah Basali, Michael Chhay, Easha Nandyala, and Jack Scala, who worked with the Office of the President to select her as speaker. “Melinda personifies philanthropy through her humanitarian work as the co-founder and co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which works to enhance health care, expand educational opportunities, and reduce extreme poverty across the world. Her inspiring work as the founder of Pivotal Ventures expands opportunity and accelerates equality in the United States through impactful investment, partnerships, and advocacy. Each of Melinda French Gates’ ventures encourages us to approach issues through innovative solutions. We are excited to welcome Melinda French Gates to campus to provide our student body with valuable insight on how to give back to our communities through diverse courses of action.”

A native of Dallas, Texas, she holds two degrees from Duke University: a bachelor’s in computer science and economics, and a master’s in business administration. After spending the first decade of her career developing multimedia products at Microsoft, she left the company to focus on her family and philanthropy. She has three children, including a Stanford alum and a member of Stanford’s Class of 2024. Her father is also a Stanford graduate.

“Stanford University holds a special place in my family’s heart, and I am so honored to be invited to join the Class of 2024 in celebrating all they have learned and gained from their time at this incredible institution,” said French Gates. “This accomplished, conscientious, and courageous class has many wonderful things ahead of them, and I look forward to getting to be there with their families and loved ones as they prepare to close this chapter and set their intentions for the next one.”

The Commencement ceremony is part of a weekend-long celebration June 13-16 for graduates, family members, friends, and members of the Stanford community. The event is open to the public. For more information, visit the Commencement Weekend website .

NTRS - NASA Technical Reports Server

Available downloads, related records.

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Byron scott unsure jj redick good fit for lakers job, has no experience, byron scott unsure jj good fit for lakers job ... he has no experience.

JJ Redick is a legit candidate for the Lakers head -- despite never having spent a minute on the bench -- and Byron Scott isn't sold on the idea quite yet!

The 3x NBA champ and former longtime NBA head coach talked to TMZ Sports this week about Redick -- a 15 seasons NBA vet -- and the prospects of him landing one of the most coveted jobs in all of sports ... L.A. Lakers head coach.

"It's hard jumping in that seat as a first-time head coach," Scott said.

"I don't know if he has what it takes to be a great head coach in the NBA but again if he gets that opportunity, we'll find out real soon."

Scott even brings up the failed Steve Nash hiring in Brooklyn ... where the former NBA MVP, despite having Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving , couldn't win consistently.

He got the boot three seasons after he was hired.

"[Nash] never had any coaching experience and it didn't really work out well in Brooklyn for him," Scott said.

Scott does have a few candidates in mind ... Sam Cassell , who has been an NBA assistant coach since 2009, and Mark Jackson , who coached Steph Curry and the Golden Warriors before Steve Kerr .

Scott even offered his services ... remember, he coached the Nets, Hornets, Cavs, and Lakers after retiring from the league as a player.

He also won Coach of the Year in 2008.

Stay tuned for the open coaching spot in L.A.

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Libertarian convention crowd appears hostile to Trump ahead of Saturday speech

WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump is used to warm welcomes by loyal supporters at speaking events on the campaign trail .

This weekend might be different.

Trump is set to deliver a speech Saturday at the 2024 Libertarian National Convention, and if Friday night's program is any indication, he could be facing a hostile crowd.

Former GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, who quickly endorsed Trump after dropping out, was booed during his convention remarks Friday night when he mentioned Trump.

"I'm speaking to you as a libertarian at my own core. I have gotten to know Donald Trump over the course of the last several years and the last several months," Ramaswamy said as many in the crowd booed in response.

Ramaswamy continued, urging the audience of about 100 to ask themselves if they wanted to influence the next administration.

Separately, as Libertarian party members reviewed procedures and motions, a person at a microphone proposed that "we go tell Donald Trump to go f--- himself."

The audience cheered and roared with applause.

"That was my motion too!" another man yelled. "We are a Libertarian convention looking to nominate Libertarians. We do not need to give that time to non-Libertarians."

Behind the two men, a third chanted, "F--- Donald Trump."

A spokesperson for the Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the crowd's sentiments toward the presumptive Republican nominee for president.

Several voters watching speeches at the convention, where independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. spoke, said they were disillusioned with both major political parties.

Avi Rachlin, a 22-year-old Michigan voter, said he cast a ballot for Trump in 2020 but plans to vote for the Libertarian candidate in November.

"People say that a third party vote is a wasted vote. You’re voting for the other team," Rachlin said on Friday. "And I don’t see it that way. I think it sends a strong message of disapproval with the current contenders for both offices."

John Burke Stringfellow, a Virginia voter who said he backed Trump in 2016 and then President Joe Biden in 2020, said he thought a rematch between the two candidates is "terrible."

"I say ditch the rematch and go for a three match," he said.

speech on training experience

Megan Lebowitz is a politics reporter for NBC News.

Isabelle Schmeler is a researcher on the 2024 politics desk.

speech on training experience

Emma Barnett is a 2024 NBC News campaign embed.


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    DURATION: From a few speech training sessions to personalized coaching, you pick the schedule that works for you. LOCATION: We can teach you in person or virtually—your choice! WHO SHOULD ENROLL: Anyone looking for a certified expert to take their public speaking and communication skills to the next level. PREPARATION: None. But having an upcoming talk or presentation gives you a goal to ...

  10. Public Speaking Training

    Personal Coaching. We work with you to build on your strengths, correct your weaknesses, and give you tips and tricks to be an effective speaker. We can custom-design and deliver a public speaking class that addresses specific needs, interests, and objectives. Whether you're addressing a room of 5 people or 500, it all starts with the proper ...

  11. Public Speaking Skills for Professionals

    While presentation skills is our flagship offering, we offer training and coaching on all forms of speaking. You might need to learn to communicate better at meetings, conferences, town halls, TED talks, seminars, webinars, or more. Whether it's presentation skills or leadership and management communication, speaking to thousands or having an ...

  12. 11 Best Public Speaking Courses for 2024: Conquer Your Fear

    1. Quick Access: Free or Free-to-audit: Comprehensive, Also Great, Mini Course, Persuasive Speaking. Beginner Courses: Overcome Your Fear, With Spanish Subtitles, Communication and Speaking, Openings and Closures, Career Growth, Non-native English Speakers. For Advanced Speakers: Speaking Mastery. Public speaking comes naturally to some, while ...

  13. The effect of speech training experiences on speechreading skills of

    Fifty-nine HI children with speech training experiences, and fifty-eight HI children without speech training experiences completed tasks measuring their ability to speechread Chinese at the linguistic levels of words, phrases, and sentences. The children ranged from 7 to 14 years old, and were divided into four age groups by two-year age intervals.

  14. Speech Training, Coaching & Consulting for Executives

    Speech coaching and training conducted by a highly qualified and experienced coach who understands a client's business and goals, focuses on all aspects of the project, from speech development and messaging skills through executive presence and delivery technique. Ruth collaborates closely with the leader and/or the designated team to ...

  15. Professional Development

    Requirements for Professional Speech and Debate Coaching Endorsement: Speech and Debate Coaching Endorsement (Level 1) Three years of active NSDA coach membership. Administrator Endorsement Form signed by a school administrator or speech and debate program advisor/director. Tournament Attendance Form completed.

  16. WEEK 1: OJT Learning Experience (August 27

    WEEK 3: OJT Learning Experience (September 16-20, 2019) This third week of my OJT is so great experiences for me, many thing are happened, a lot of task that well done, thanks to Ma'am Loids ...

  17. Best Public Speaking Courses Online with Certificates [2024]

    Public speaking skills can be an asset to many professional careers. Whether you are an entrepreneur speaking to two venture capitalists, a manager presenting quarterly results to an audience of 20 employees, or a political leader addressing millions of people in a live televised speech, having confidence in this area will give you an edge.

  18. The effect of speech training experiences on speechreading ...

    Fifty-nine HI children with speech training experiences, and fifty-eight HI children without speech training experiences completed tasks measuring their ability to speechread Chinese at the linguistic levels of words, phrases, and sentences. The children ranged from 7 to 14 years old, and were divided into four age groups by two-year age ...

  19. How VR can Improve your Public Speaking Skills

    Practice answering AI generated audience questions after your speech. Effective VR training for practicing public speaking: Essential Public Speaking with VR; Leadership Communication with VR; First-hand experience. When I first put on a VR headset and tried the VirtualSpeech VR app, I was surprised by how realistic the audience and environment ...

  20. Home

    Welcome to the United Nations Interpretation Service Speech Bank. This platform is aimed at interpreters, students, teachers and anyone who wishes to practice and/or prepare for interpretation tests and/or Competitive Exams for Language Positions (CELP).. The Speech Bank contains speeches that have been delivered at the United Nations as well as speeches on subjects frequently discussed at the ...

  21. Speech Coaching and Presentation Training

    about. Tom Otstot is Executive Director of RISE Foundation Arizona, an organization dedicated to teaching young people the art of Public Speaking, Presentation and Leadership. Tom is an internationally acclaimed speaker, Speech Coach and Presentation Trainer with over 30 years experience building successful teams, brands, and companies.

  22. Melinda French Gates is the 2024 Commencement speaker at Stanford

    Melinda French Gates, a philanthropist, businesswoman, and global advocate for women and girls, will deliver the 2024 Commencement address at Stanford University. French Gates, co-chair of the ...

  23. Harrison Butker says he does not regret commencement speech that

    In his first public comments since a divisive commencement speech that sparked accusations of sexism and homophobia, Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker said he has no regrets about ...

  24. Biden thanks the military for protecting the country during

    President Joe Biden speaks to graduating cadets at the U.S. Military Academy commencement ceremony. CNN's Athena Jones reports.

  25. Training and Practicing in English Public Speaking

    Impromptu Speech Training ... "To be able to take courses at my own pace and rhythm has been an amazing experience. I can learn whenever it fits my schedule and mood." Jennifer J. Learner since 2020 "I directly applied the concepts and skills I learned from my courses to an exciting new project at work."

  26. Enhancing Air Traffic Control Planning with Automatic Speech

    The decisions made during the Federal Aviation Administration Air Traffic Control System Command Center's planning teleconferences hold significant sway over the National Airspace System. Held every two hours, these teleconferences convene air traffic managers and stakeholders from across the nation to discuss airspace conditions, weather, and constraints, leading to the formulation and ...

  27. Byron Scott Unsure JJ Redick Good Fit For Lakers Job, Has No Experience!

    Scott even offered his services ... remember, he coached the Nets, Hornets, Cavs, and Lakers after retiring from the league as a player. He also won Coach of the Year in 2008. Stay tuned for the ...

  28. Libertarian convention crowd appears hostile to Trump ahead speech

    Trump is set to deliver a speech Saturday at the 2024 Libertarian National Convention, and if Friday night's program is any indication, he could be facing a hostile crowd. Former GOP presidential ...

  29. Speaking to Inspire: Ceremonial and Motivational Speeches

    There are a few broad arrangement models that prove helpful in organizing the speech in a compelling and moving way. We'll look to some of the very specific concerns that emerge when dealing with speeches of introduction, eulogies, and award speeches. Having discussed invention and arrangement, we'll watch and evaluate a sample speech.

  30. What's behind row over quality of Hong Kong dental school training?

    The government, highlighting findings by the regulator, said the implementation of clinical training in the curriculum was "significantly inadequate", and experience in dental procedures ...