Assignments: why you need to serve a notice of assignment

It's the day of completion; security is taken, assignments are completed and funds move. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief. At this point, no-one wants to create unnecessary paperwork - not even the lawyers! Notices of assignment are, in some circumstances, optional. However, in other transactions they could be crucial to a lender's enforcement strategy. In the article below, we have given you the facts you need to consider when deciding whether or not you need to serve notice of assignment.

notice of assignment perfection

What issues are there with serving notice of assignment?

Assignments are useful tools for adding flexibility to banking transactions. They enable the transfer of one party's rights under a contract to a new party (for example, the right to receive an income stream or a debt) and allow security to be taken over intangible assets which might be unsuitable targets for a fixed charge. A lender's security net will often include assignments over contracts (such as insurance or material contracts), intellectual property rights, investments or receivables.

An assignment can be a legal assignment or an equitable assignment. If a legal assignment is required, the assignment must comply with a set of formalities set out in s136 of the Law of Property Act 1925, which include the requirement to give notice to the contract counterparty.

The main difference between legal and equitable assignments (other than the formalities required to create them) is that with a legal assignment, the assignee can usually bring an action against the contract counterparty in its own name following assignment. However, with an equitable assignment, the assignee will usually be required to join in proceedings with the assignor (unless the assignee has been granted specific powers to circumvent that). That may be problematic if the assignor is no longer available or interested in participating.

Why should we serve a notice of assignment?

The legal status of the assignment may affect the credit scoring that can be given to a particular class of assets. It may also affect a lender's ability to effect part of its exit strategy if that strategy requires the lender to be able to deal directly with the contract counterparty.

The case of General Nutrition Investment Company (GNIC) v Holland and Barrett International Ltd and another (H&B) provides an example of an equitable assignee being unable to deal directly with a contract counterparty as a result of a failure to provide a notice of assignment.

The case concerned the assignment of a trade mark licence to GNIC . The other party to the licence agreement was H&B. H&B had not received notice of the assignment. GNIC tried to terminate the licence agreement for breach by serving a notice of termination. H&B disputed the termination. By this point in time the original licensor had been dissolved and so was unable to assist.

At a hearing of preliminary issues, the High Court held that the notices of termination served by GNIC , as an equitable assignee, were invalid, because no notice of the assignment had been given to the licensee. Although only a High Court decision, this follows a Court of Appeal decision in the Warner Bros Records Inc v Rollgreen Ltd case, which was decided in the context of the attempt to exercise an option.

In both cases, an equitable assignee attempted to exercise a contractual right that would change the contractual relationship between the parties (i.e. by terminating the contractual relationship or exercising an option to extend the term of a licence). The judge in GNIC felt that "in each case, the counterparty (the recipient of the relevant notice) is entitled to see that the potential change in his contractual position is brought about by a person who is entitled, and whom he can see to be entitled, to bring about that change".

In a security context, this could hamper the ability of a lender to maximise the value of the secured assets but yet is a constraint that, in most transactions, could be easily avoided.

Why not serve notice?

Sometimes it's just not necessary or desirable. For example:

  • If security is being taken over a large number of low value receivables or contracts, the time and cost involved in giving notice may be disproportionate to the additional value gained by obtaining a legal rather than an equitable assignment.
  • If enforcement action were required, the equitable assignee typically has the option to join in the assignor to any proceedings (if it could not be waived by the court) and provision could be made in the assignment deed for the assignor to assist in such situations. Powers of attorney are also typically granted so that a lender can bring an action in the assignor's name.
  • Enforcement is often not considered to be a significant issue given that the vast majority of assignees will never need to bring claims against the contract counterparty.

Care should however, be taken in all circumstances where the underlying contract contains a ban on assignment, as the contract counterparty would not have to recognise an assignment that is made in contravention of that ban. Furthermore, that contravention in itself may trigger termination and/or other rights in the assigned contract, that could affect the value of any underlying security.

What about acknowledgements of notices?

A simple acknowledgement of service of notice is simply evidence of the notice having been received. However, these documents often contain commitments or assurances by the contract counterparty which increase their value to the assignee.

Best practice for serving notice of assignment

Each transaction is different and the weighting given to each element of the security package will depend upon the nature of the debt and the borrower's business. The service of a notice of assignment may be a necessity or an optional extra. In each case, the question of whether to serve notice is best considered with your advisers at the start of a transaction to allow time for the lender's priorities to be highlighted to the borrowers and captured within the documents.

For further advice on serving notice of assignment please contact Kirsty Barnes or Catherine Phillips  from our Banking & Finance team.

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Allen J. Heffner Nov 20, 2023

The Notice of Assignment is probably the single most important document for a Factor. Understanding what needs to be included in the Notice of Assignment, how to send it, and who to send it to can mean the difference between getting paid and not. Despite the fact that every Factor is (or should be) familiar with legal requirements relating to Notices of Assignment, we still find that many of our factoring clients who end up in litigation make basic mistakes relating to their Notices of Assignment. The article focuses on what information needs to be included in the Notice, who the Notice should be sent to, and how the Notice should be delivered.

What needs to be included in the Notice of Assignment?

To be effective, there is certain information that must be included in the Notice of Assignment. The Uniform Commercial Code (“UCC”) requires that the notice must:

  • Notify the Account Debtor that the amount due or to become due has been assigned;
  • Notify the Account Debtor that payment is to be made to the Factor;
  • Reasonably identify the rights assigned; and
  • Be signed by the Factor or its client.

The Notice of Assignment should also include a remittance address so the Account Debtor is informed how and in what manner the Factor should be paid.

Additionally, while not explicitly required under the current version of the UCC, Factors should include language in their Notice of Assignment that: (i) the Client has assigned all of its present and future accounts receivable to Factor; (ii) the Factor holds a first priority security interest in all of the client’s accounts receivable; and (iii) all payments owing to the client must be paid to the Factor.

Who should the Notice of Assignment be sent to?

Notices of Assignment should not be sent directly to individuals with an Account Debtor. Sending the Notice to a specific individual may lead to issues relating to the authority of that individual to receive documents on behalf of the Account Debtor. Moreover, Factors that direct Notices of Assignment directly to individuals open themselves up to arguments that the Notices of Assignment was not properly delivered. For instance, our clients that have sent Notices of Assignment to individuals have ended up in situations where the individual to whom the Notice of Assignment was addressed no longer worked with the Account Debtor or the individual was located at a different office and the Notice of Assignment was not sent to the proper location. To be safe and to avoid unnecessary issues, Factors should send the Notice of Assignment to the Account Debtor’s accounts payable department.

Additionally, some states have specialized definitions for what constitutes “notice” on behalf of a company. If there is any question as to where a Notice of Assignment should be sent, Factors should check with their attorney to determine where these should be sent.

How should the Notice of Assignment be delivered?

The crucial issue for the enforceability of a Notice of Assignment is proof of receipt by the Account Debtor, not proof of delivery. Therefore, it is good business practice to send the Notice of Assignment either certified mail or other method that provides for proof of delivery.

Many of our clients have asked about whether it is proper to deliver the Notice of Assignment via e-mail asking the Account Debtor to confirm receipt or with “read receipts” turned on. Some Factors prefer this method because it is more cost efficient.

While sending Notices of Assignment via e-mail is enforceable, we would not recommend it as a general business practice. Sending the Notice in this manner requires delivering the Notice to a specific individual, which we have discussed above can be problematic. Sometimes officers and directors of companies have assistants or other personnel manage their e-mail accounts, raising the possibility that the individual to whom the Notice was sent, never saw the e-mail, even though the e-mail was “read.”

Last, there is no requirement that the Notice be signed by the Account Debtor and returned to the Factor. Often, we see our client’s Notice include a “confirmation of receipt” line for the Account Debtor to sign and return. Sometimes, the Factor will have proof of delivery to the Account Debtor but the Notice was not signed and returned by the Account Debtor. This adds unnecessary ambiguity as to whether the Notice was actually received by the Account Debtor. Therefore, we instruct our clients not to include such requests for proof of receipt.

Who should send the Notice of Assignment?

Some of our clients that have had bad experiences with Account Debtors after delivering a Notice of Assignment have chosen to have their Client be the one to deliver the Notice of Assignment. There is no legal requirement as to whether the Factor or the Client is the correct party to deliver the Notice of Assignment. However, we recommend the Factor be the one to deliver the Notice of Assignment. This way, the Factor is in complete control of the contents of the Notice of Assignment, how it is delivered, and receives confirmation of its delivery. We have been in situations in which the Factor allowed the Client to deliver the Notice of Assignment, but the Client did not deliver the Notice of Assignment in accordance with the law, leading to avoidable litigation.

Should a Factor respond to an Account Debtors questions regarding a Notice of Assignment?

Absolutely, yes. If requested by an Account Debtor, pursuant to the UCC, a Factor must furnish reasonable proof of the assignment for the Notice of Assignment to be valid. Too often we see situations in which requests are made or questions are posed by Account Debtors that the Factor ignores, thinking that because the Account Debtor received the Notice of Assignment, nothing else needs to be done. The Factor should respond to the Account Debtor and provide reasonable proof of the assignment. These communications can also provide invaluable insight as to the relationship between the client and the Account Debtor, how and when payments will be made, and can provide the Account Debtor a sense of trust with the Factor.

A Notice of Assignment is crucial for Factors because it provides legal protection, establishes priority of interest, prevents confusion, facilitates legal recourse, and enables effective communication with Account Debtors. Without this notice, Factors may encounter difficulties in asserting their rights and collecting payments from Account Debtors, potentially jeopardizing the financial transaction.

Bruce Loren and Allen Heffner of the Loren & Kean Law Firm are based in Palm Beach Gardens and Fort Lauderdale. For over 25 years, Mr. Loren has focused his practice on construction law and factoring law.  Mr. Loren has achieved the title of “Certified in Construction Law” by the Florida Bar. The Firm represents factoring companies in a wide range of industries, including construction, regarding all aspects of litigation and dispute resolution. Mr. Loren and Mr. Heffner can be reached at [email protected] or [email protected] or 561-615-5701

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What is a notice of assignment?

An assignment takes place when one party is holding a right to property, claims, bills, lease, etc., of another party and wishes to pass it along (or sell it) to a third party. As complicated as that sounds, it really isn’t. Strangely enough, many assignments can be made under the law without immediately informing, or obtaining the permission, of the personal obligated to perform under the contract. An example of this is when your mortgage is sold to another mortgage company. The original mortgage company may not inform you for several weeks, and they certainly aren’t going to ask your permission to make the sale.

If a person obligated to perform has received notice of the assignment and still insists on paying the initial assignor, the person will still be obligated to pay the new assignee according to the agreement. If the obligated party has not yet been informed of the assignment and pays the original note holder (assignor), the assignor is obligated to turn those funds over to the new assignee. But, what are the remedies if this doesn’t take place? Actually, the new assignee may find themselves in a difficult position if the assignor simply takes off with their funds or payment. They are limited to taking action against the person they bought the note from (assignor) and cannot hold the obligator liable. Therefore, it is important to remember that if any note or obligation is assigned to another party, each party should be well aware of their responsibilities in the transaction and uphold them according to the laws of their state. Assignment forms should be well thought out and written in a manner which prevents the failure of one party against another.

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What is an Assignment of Debt?

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By Vanessa Swain Senior Lawyer

Updated on February 22, 2023 Reading time: 5 minutes

This article meets our strict editorial principles. Our lawyers, experienced writers and legally trained editorial team put every effort into ensuring the information published on our website is accurate. We encourage you to seek independent legal advice. Learn more .

Perfecting Assignment

  • Enforcing an Assigned Debt 

Recovery of an Assigned Debt

  • Other Considerations 

Key Takeaways

Frequently asked questions.

I t is common for creditors, such as banks and other financiers, to assign their debt to a third party. Usually, an assig nment of debt is done in an effort to minimise the costs of recovery where a debtor has been delinquent for some time. This article looks at:

  • what it means to ‘assign a debt’;
  • the legal requirements to perfecting an assignment; and
  • common problems with enforcing an assigned debt. 

Front page of publication

Whether you’re a small business owner or the Chief Financial Officer of an ASX-listed company, one fact remains: your customers need to pay you.

This manual aims to help business owners, financial controllers and credit managers best manage and recover their debt.

An assignment of debt, in simple terms, is an agreement that transfers a debt owed to one entity, to another. A creditor does not need the consent of the debtor to assign a debt.

Once a debt is properly assigned, all rights and responsibilities of the original creditor (the assignor ) transfer to the new owner (the assignee ). Once an assignment of debt has been perfected, the assignee can collect the full amount of the debt owed . This includes interest recoverable under the original contract, as if they were the original creditor. A debtor is still responsible for paying the outstanding debt after an assignment. However, now, the debt or must pay the debt to the assignee rather than the original creditor.

Purchasing debt can be a lucrative business. Creditors will generally sell debt at a loss, for example, 20c for each dollar owed. Although, the amount paid will vary depending on factors such as the age of the debt and the likelihood of recovery. This can be a tax write off for the assignor, while the assignee can take steps to recover 100% of the debt owed. 

In New South Wales, the requirements for a legally binding assignment of debt are set out in the Conveyancing Act :

  • the assignment must be in writing. You do this in the form of a deed (deed of assignment) and both the assignor and assignee sign it; and
  • the assignor must provide notice to the debtor. The requirement for notice must be express and must be in writing. The assignor must notify the debtor advising them of the debt’ s assign ment and to who it has been assigned. The assignee will send a separate notice to the debtor, putting them on notice that the debt is due and payable. They will also provide them with the necessary information to make payment. 

The assignor must send the notices to the debtor’s last known address.  

Debtor as a Joined Party

In some circumstances, a debtor will be joined as a party to the deed of assignment . There can be a great benefit in this approach . This is because the debtor can provide warranties that the debt is owed and has clear notice of the assignment. However, it is not always practical to do so for a few reasons:

  • a debtor may not be on speaking terms with the assignor; 
  • a debtor may not be prepared to co-operate or provide appropriate warranties; and
  • the assignor or the assignee may not want the debtor to be made aware of the sale price . This occurs particularly where the sale price is at a significant discount.

If the debtor is not a party to the deed of assignment, proper notice of the assignment must be provided.  

An assignment of debt that has not been properly perfected will not constitute a legal debt owing to the assignee. Rather, the legal right to recover the debt will remain with the assignor. Only an equitable interest in the debt will transfer to the assignee.  

Enforcing an Assigned Debt 

After validly assigning a debt (in writing and notice has been provided to the debtor’s last known place of residence), the assignee is entitled to take any legal steps available to them to recover the outstanding debt. These recovery options include:

  • commencing court proceedings;
  • obtaining a judgment; and 
  • enforcement of that judgment.

Suppose court proceedings have been commenced or judgment already entered in favour of the assignor. In that case, the assignee must take steps to have the proceedings or judgment formally changed into the assignee’s name.  

In our experience, recovery of an assigned debt can be problematic because:  

  • debtors often do not understand the concept of debt assignment and may not be aware that their credit contract contains an assignment of debt clause;
  • disputes can arise as to whether a lawful assignment of debt has arisen. A debtor may claim that the assignor did not provide them with the requisite notice of the assignment, or in some cases, a contract will specifically exclude the creditor from legally assigning a debt;
  • proper records of the notice of assignment provided to the debtor must be maintained. If proper records have not been kept, it may be difficult to prove that notice has been properly given, which may invalidate the legal assignment; and
  • the debtor has the right to make an offsetting claim in defence to any recovery action taken by the assignee. A debtor may raise an offsetting claim which has arisen out of a previous arrangement with the assignor (which the assignee may not be aware of). For example, the debtor may have entered into an agreement with the assignor whereby the assignor agreed to accept a lesser amount of the debt owed by way of settlement. Because the assignee acquires the same rights and obligations of the assignor, the terms of that previous settlement agreement will bind the assignee. The court may find that there is no debt owing by the debtor. In this case, the assignee will have been assigned nothing of value. 

Other Considerations 

When assigning a debt, it is essential that the assignee, in particular, considers relevant statutory limitation periods for commencing proceedings or enforcing a judgment debt . In New South Wales, the time limit:

  • to file legal proceedings to recover debts is six years from the date of last payment or when the debtor admitted in writing that they owed the debt; and
  • for enforcing a judgment debt is 12 years from the date of judgment.

An assignment of a debt does not extend these limitation periods.  

While there can be benefits to both the assignor and the assignee, an assignment of debt will be unenforceable if done incorrectly. Therefore, if you are considering assigning or being assigned a debt, it is important to seek legal advice. If you need help with drafting or reviewing a deed of assignment or wish to recover a debt that has been assigned to you, contact LegalVision’s debt recovery lawyers on 1300 544 755 or fill out the form on this page.  

An assignment of debt is an agreement that transfers a debt owed to one entity, to another. A creditor does not need the consent of the debtor to assign a debt.

Once the assignee has validly assigned a debt, they are entitled to take any legal steps available to them to recover the outstanding debt. This includes commencing court proceedings, obtaining a judgment and enforcement of that judgment.

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(a) [Discharge of account debtor; effect of notification.]

Subject to subsections (b) through (i), an account debtor on an account , chattel paper , or a payment intangible may discharge its obligation by paying the assignor until, but not after, the account debtor receives a notification, authenticated by the assignor or the assignee, that the amount due or to become due has been assigned and that payment is to be made to the assignee. After receipt of the notification, the account debtor may discharge its obligation by paying the assignee and may not discharge the obligation by paying the assignor.

(b) [When notification ineffective.]

Subject to subsection (h), notification is ineffective under subsection (a):

(1) if it does not reasonably identify the rights assigned;

(2) to the extent that an agreement between an account debtor and a seller of a payment intangible limits the account debtor's duty to pay a person other than the seller and the limitation is effective under law other than this article; or

(3) at the option of an account debtor, if the notification notifies the account debtor to make less than the full amount of any installment or other periodic payment to the assignee, even if:

(A) only a portion of the account , chattel paper , or payment intangible has been assigned to that assignee;

(B) a portion has been assigned to another assignee; or

(C) the account debtor knows that the assignment to that assignee is limited.

(c) [Proof of assignment.]

Subject to subsection (h), if requested by the account debtor , an assignee shall seasonably furnish reasonable proof that the assignment has been made. Unless the assignee complies, the account debtor may discharge its obligation by paying the assignor, even if the account debtor has received a notification under subsection (a).

(d) [Term restricting assignment generally ineffective.]

Except as otherwise provided in subsection (e) and Sections 2A-303 and 9-407 , and subject to subsection (h), a term in an agreement between an account debtor and an assignor or in a promissory note is ineffective to the extent that it:

(1) prohibits, restricts, or requires the consent of the account debtor or person obligated on the promissory note to the assignment or transfer of, or the creation, attachment, perfection, or enforcement of a security interest in, the account , chattel paper , payment intangible , or promissory note; or

(2) provides that the assignment or transfer or the creation, attachment, perfection, or enforcement of the security interest may give rise to a default, breach, right of recoupment, claim, defense, termination, right of termination, or remedy under the account , chattel paper , payment intangible , or promissory note .

(e) [Inapplicability of subsection (d) to certain sales.]

Subsection (d) does not apply to the sale of a payment intangible or promissory note .

(f) [Legal restrictions on assignment generally ineffective.]

Except as otherwise provided in Sections 2A-303 and 9-407 and subject to subsections (h)and (i), a rule of law, statute, or regulation that prohibits, restricts, or requires the consent of a government, governmental body or official, or account debtor to the assignment or transfer of, or creation of a security interest in, an account or chattel paper is ineffective to the extent that the rule of law, statute, or regulation:

(1) prohibits, restricts, or requires the consent of the government, governmental body or official, or account debtor to the assignment or transfer of, or the creation, attachment, perfection, or enforcement of a security interest in the account or chattel paper ; or

(2) provides that the creation, attachment, perfection, or enforcement of the security interest may give rise to a default, breach, right of recoupment, claim, defense, termination, right of termination, or remedy under the account or chattel paper .

(g) [Subsection (b)(3) not waivable.]

Subject to subsection (h), an account debtor may not waive or vary its option under subsection (b)(3).

(h) [Rule for individual under other law.]

This section is subject to law other than this article which establishes a different rule for an account debtor who is an individual and who incurred the obligation primarily for personal, family, or household purposes.

(i) [Inapplicability to health-care-insurance receivable.]

This section does not apply to an assignment of a health-care-insurance receivable .

(j) [Section prevails over specified inconsistent law.]

This section prevails over any inconsistent provisions of the following statutes, rules, and regulations:

[List here any statutes, rules, and regulations containing provisions inconsistent with this section.]

Notice of Assignment (TX) | Practical Law

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Notice of Assignment (TX)

Practical law standard document w-016-2255  (approx. 11 pages).

Assignments by way of security

Published by a lexisnexis banking & finance expert.

Assignments by way of security can take different forms and it is important to understand how they are created and their effect. Security over choses in action such as debts and other contractual rights is often taken by way of an equitable or statutory assignment by way of security.

This Practice Note explains:

what assignments by way of security are

which types of assets they are used for

whether they take legal, statutory or equitable form and the advantages of the statutory form

why it is important to serve notice of an assignment by way of security

What is an assignment by way of security?

Assignments by way of security are a type of mortgage. They involve:

an assignment (ie transfer) of rights by the assignor to the assignee

subject to:

an obligation to reassign those rights back to the assignor upon the discharge of the obligations which have been secured

When the obligations that have been secured have been discharged,

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Coordinates of Elektrostal in decimal degrees

Coordinates of elektrostal in degrees and decimal minutes, utm coordinates of elektrostal, geographic coordinate systems.

WGS 84 coordinate reference system is the latest revision of the World Geodetic System, which is used in mapping and navigation, including GPS satellite navigation system (the Global Positioning System).

Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian ( IERS Reference Meridian for WGS 84) and varies from −180° to 180°. Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian (abbrev. E). Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian (abbrev. W).

UTM or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system divides the Earth’s surface into 60 longitudinal zones. The coordinates of a location within each zone are defined as a planar coordinate pair related to the intersection of the equator and the zone’s central meridian, and measured in meters.

Elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographic location’s height. We are using the global digital elevation model GTOPO30 .

Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia

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notice of assignment perfection

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  1. FREE 9+ Sample Assignment Letter Templates in PDF

    notice of assignment perfection

  2. Notice of Assignment

    notice of assignment perfection

  3. Notice of Assignment Template

    notice of assignment perfection

  4. FREE 11+ Notice of Assignment Samples in PDF

    notice of assignment perfection

  5. Assignment Assignee Form

    notice of assignment perfection

  6. Letter Of Assignment Template

    notice of assignment perfection


  1. Assignments: why you need to serve a notice of assignment

    An assignment can be a legal assignment or an equitable assignment. If a legal assignment is required, the assignment must comply with a set of formalities set out in s136 of the Law of Property Act 1925, which include the requirement to give notice to the contract counterparty.

  2. Is it necessary to acknowledge a notice of assignment to perfect the

    In most jurisdictions, notice is all that is required to make the assignment valid. However, what is not clear is the lender's position with the counterparty in respect of the confirmations if the counterparty refuses to execute the standard form acknowledgment with confirmations especially when said evidence is required as a conditions ...


    The Firm represents factoring companies in a wide range of industries, including construction, regarding all aspects of litigation and dispute resolution. Mr. Loren and Mr. Heffner can be reached at [email protected] or [email protected] or 561-615-5701. ← How to Keep Your Trade Secrets "Secret".

  4. Perfection (law)

    Concept. As a legal concept, perfection must be distinguished from: the grant or creation of the security interest, which creates its primary validity;; attachment, which are steps that link the security interest to the underlying asset; and,; priority, which is an ordering of competing security interests in same asset.; The same rule - the common law rule in Dearle v Hall, for instance ...

  5. Assignments: why you need to serve a notice of assignment

    An assignment can be a legal assignment or an equitable assignment. If a legal assignment is required, the assignment must comply with a set of formalities set out in s136 of the Law of Property ...

  6. To assign or not to assign that's a real question

    A sum becoming due under an existing contract is regarded in law as an existing asset, even though the right to payment has not yet matured. Under the Law of Property Act 1925 ("LPA"), a legal assignment must: ‒ be in writing; ‒ be absolute and, in the case of a debt, of the whole (and not part only) of the amount owed;

  7. What is a notice of assignment?

    An assignment takes place when one party is holding a right to property, claims, bills, lease, etc., of another party and wishes to pass it along (or sell it) to a third party. As complicated as that sounds, it really isn't. Strangely enough, many assignments can be made under the law without immediately informing, or obtaining the permission,… Read More »

  8. What is an Assignment of Debt?

    An assignment of debt, in simple terms, is an agreement that transfers a debt owed to one entity, to another. A creditor does not need the consent of the debtor to assign a debt. Once a debt is properly assigned, all rights and responsibilities of the original creditor (the assignor) transfer to the new owner (the assignee).

  9. Legal assignment

    Legal assignment. The usual way of assigning the benefit of any debt or other legal thing in action under section 136 of the Law of Property Act 1925. Under that section, the basic requirements for a legal assignment are as follows: Only the benefit of an agreement may be assigned. The assignment must be absolute. The rights to be assigned must ...

  10. Notice of Assignment

    Notice of Assignment | Practical Law A form letter that an assignee of contractual rights or delegatee of contractual duties uses to provide notice to the non-assigning or non-delegating party to the contract (also known as the obligor) of a transfer of contractual rights or duties. This Standard Document has integrated notes with important ...

  11. § 9-406. Discharge of Account Debtor; Notification of Assignment

    (2) provides that the assignment or transfer or the creation, attachment, perfection, or enforcement of the security interest may give rise to a default, breach, right of recoupment, claim, defense, termination, right of termination, or remedy under the account, chattel paper, payment intangible, or promissory note.

  12. Notice of Assignment

    81% of customers agree that Practical Law saves them time. End of Document. Resource ID 2-508-6945. A form letter that an assignee of an agreement uses to provide notice to the non-assigning party to the agreement of the assignment. This Standard Document has integrated notes with important explanations and drafting tips.

  13. §7.9 b. Notice of Assignment

    A failure to give notice of the assignment to the debtor or obligor (the nonassigning party) may have important consequences, however. ... §7.10 c. Perfection of Transfers of Nonnegotiable Instruments and Certain Payment Rights (CC §§955, 955.1) §7.11 d. Equitable Assignments. 6. Effect of Assignment

  14. Notes and Recent Decisions

    the perfection of the assignment of an "account" is subject to the specific statutory requirement that notice of the assignment be filed with the county recorder.2 A recent federal district court case, In re Richards,3 presented the problem of determining when a chose in action is an "account" as that term is used in the

  15. PDF Texas Decision Raises Issues on Assignment of Perfected Interests

    require action to continue perfection following the assignments. 'Clark Contracting' The Clark case18 highlights the impact state certificate of title laws can have on the perfection of security interests following an assignment. In Clark, a bankruptcy court in Texas held that for an assigned lien on a motor vehicle governed by the Texas

  16. Notice of Assignment (TX)

    by Practical Law Commercial Transactions. Maintained • Texas. A form letter under Texas law that an assignee of an agreement uses to provide notice to the non-assigning party to the agreement of the assignment. This Standard Document has integrated notes with important explanations and drafting tips.

  17. Perfection of Assignment Sample Clauses

    Perfection of Assignment. 41 The Settlor shall present written approval of the man Party Obligor bearing a certified date kakutei-hizuke in candle form. New commitment party.If any terms Interest Election Request does not wait an input Period, reinforce the Borrower shall be deemed to have selected an aggregate Period at one months duration. Once such Mortgages have been recorded in more ...

  18. Assignments by way of security

    Assignments by way of security are a type of mortgage. They involve: •. an assignment (ie transfer) of rights by the assignor to the assignee. subject to: •. an obligation to reassign those rights back to the assignor upon the discharge of the obligations which have been secured. When the obligations that have been secured have been discharged,

  19. Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography, geodesy, and navigation, including Global Positioning System (GPS). Latitude of Elektrostal, longitude of Elektrostal, elevation above sea level of Elektrostal.

  20. Perfection and priority of security

    Perfection and priority of security. by Practical Law Finance (based on an original version by Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer) This note looks at the different methods of perfecting security, the basic rules governing priority of security and some contractual ways in which those rules can be varied. For a global guide to finance (which includes ...

  21. Moscow Oblast

    Moscow Oblast (Russian: Московская область, romanized: Moskovskaya oblast, IPA: [mɐˈskofskəjə ˈobləsʲtʲ], informally known as Подмосковье, Podmoskovye, IPA: [pədmɐˈskovʲjə]) is a federal subject of Russia (an oblast).With a population of 8,524,665 (2021 Census) living in an area of 44,300 square kilometers (17,100 sq mi), it is one of the most densely ...


    Alliance, Zheleznodorozhny: See traveler reviews, candid photos, and great deals for Alliance, ranked #1 of 2 B&Bs / inns in Zheleznodorozhny and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

  23. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.