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Ban Smoking in Public Places Essay

This is a  ban smoking in public places  essay. It is an example of an essay where you have to give your opinion as to whether you agree or disagree.

The sample answer shows you how you can present the opposing argument first, that is not your opinion, and then present your opinion in the following paragraph.

Ban Smoking Essay

It is always a good idea to present a balanced essay which presents both sides of the argument, but you must always make it very clear what your opinion is and which side of the argument you support.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Smoking not only harms the smoker, but also those who are nearby. Therefore, smoking should be banned in public places.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer:

Medical studies have shown that smoking not only leads to health problems for the smoker, but also for people close by. As a result of this, many believe that smoking should not be allowed in public places. Although there are arguments on both sides, I strongly agree that a ban is the most appropriate course of action.

Opponents of such a ban argue against it for several reasons. Firstly, they say that passive smokers make the choice to breathe in other people’s smoke by going to places where it is allowed. If they would prefer not to smoke passively, then they do not need to visit places where smoking is permitted. In addition, they believe a ban would possibly drive many bars and pubs out of business as smokers would not go there anymore. They also argue it is a matter of freedom of choice. Smoking is not against the law, so individuals should have the freedom to smoke where they wish.

However, there are more convincing arguments in favour of a ban. First and foremost, it has been proven that tobacco consists of carcinogenic compounds which cause serious harm to a person’s health, not only the smoker. Anyone around them can develop cancers of the lungs, mouth and throat, and other sites in the body. It is simply not fair to impose this upon another person. It is also the case that people’s health is more important than businesses. In any case, pubs and restaurants could adapt to a ban by, for example, allowing smoking areas.

In conclusion, it is clear that it should be made illegal to smoke in public places. This would improve the health of thousands of people, and that is most definitely a positive development.

(290 words)

This essay is well organized and presented.

The introduction is clear - note how it follows the ban smoking in public places essay question - it paraphrases the information in order to introduce the topic and the argument.

The argument against a ban on smoking in public places is presented first. It is made clear that it is not the authors opinion by the topic sentence:

  • "Opponents of such a ban argue against it for several reasons".

And also by the use of the word 'they' to refer to the opponents.

The writer then clearly shows they are moving on to the other argument which is their own (and it has clearly been stated in the thesis that this is their argument):

  • "However, there are more convincing arguments in favour of a ban".

In this paragraph, 'they' is dropped because it is now the writers opinion.

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Should Smoking Be Banned In Public Places Essay - Samples and Tips for IELTS

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Updated on 30 May, 2024

Anupriya Mukherjee

Anupriya Mukherjee

Sr. content writer.

Anupriya Mukherjee

If studying abroad is next on your list, then knowing about popular English proficiency tests would be prudent. IELTS, or the International English Language Language Testing System, is one of the most popular and standardized tests for measuring non-native English speakers' English language proficiency.  The IELTS writing section has two tasks, and Task 2 is an essay writing question

Here, an essay topic will be given and you need to write an essay in response. So, you should know about the popular essays that have come in the past. Should smoking be banned in public places? An essay has been asked multiple times in the IELTS writing test over the years.

Banning smoking in public places is an issue that must be taken up with the utmost urgency. With the increasing risks of passive smoking, the prohibition of smoking with regard to public health benefits is the need of the hour. Thus, you should practice common topics related to general and controversial issues. The relevant essay questions may change, but the main topic often remains the same. 

You must develop ideas and provide relevant examples to write a winning essay on whether smoking should be banned in public places. The essay writing module is a challenging task and needs thorough preparation. Let us take a look at some of the ways smoking should be banned in public places: IELTS essay samples and some tips to ace the task.

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  • Tips to Write a Winning IELTS Essay on 'Should Smoking be Banned in Public Places'

Health Implications

Banning of smoking in public places, learn more about study abroad, popular study abroad destinations, sample 1 on should smoking be banned in public places essay.

Some say 'smoking in public areas should be banned' while others go against the ban. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. 

Tip : It is an opinion-based topic. Here, both sides need to be discussed, and finally, the opinion of the test-taker should be discussed. 

Smoking is quite common among the younger generations today. But it has detrimental health impacts on both the smoker and any other person who inhales the smoke. The idea that 'smoking in public should be banned, is supported as well as opposed by many people. I believe smoking in public cannot be completely banned, but there can be a middle path. 

There are convincing arguments in favor of the ban because smoking ultimately leads to serious health crises. Supporters of the ban have various reasons to state. 

Firstly, smoking is injurious to health. The main cause of lung cancer is smoking tobacco. Active smokers also suffer from other diseases like tuberculosis and heart problems. The symptoms may take time to show up, but it eventually leads to a major crisis. It does not affect only the smoker but also the people around the smoker. Both active and passive smokers can fall ill, and this calls for huge support for a blanket ban on smoking in public places. 

Secondly, smoking is an addiction that influences non-smokers, too. Anything that becomes an addiction is not at all safe, and it tends to spread quickly. Peer and colleague group influences are very common in forming smoking habits. It is very easy to pick up smoking when one stays among smokers for long. People spend plenty of time in public areas. Hence, smoking should be banned in public areas to avoid such negative influences. 

Lastly, non-smokers feel very stressed when among smokers. It becomes difficult for pregnant women, senior citizens, and children, to adjust to an environment that is filled with cigarette smoke. It irritates non-smokers of various age groups. Smoking in public should be banned as it leads to annoyance to a large extent.  

Nevertheless, some people oppose this ban too.

Firstly, they are unhappy about giving away their rights to smoke. They believe that such a ban would make them feel deprived of their individual rights. 

Secondly, people against the ban on smoking in public areas say that cigarettes are sold and advertised publicly, and banning them will not make any difference. “Why can’t the government ban cigarettes completely if smoking in public is not allowed?”

Thirdly, they argue on terms like it becomes difficult to give up due to addiction. There are many incidents where severe health conditions are reported by active smokers, due to nicotine withdrawal. It is not easy to give up on smoking if someone does it regularly. 

Fourthly, it will be an expensive affair to ban public smoking and impose new rules. Hence, they feel that the best solution is to keep active smokers separated from the general public. 

Considering both sides of the argument, I feel there should be designated smoking zones in public areas. The bus stands, shopping malls, restaurants, and offices must have separate smoking zones so that addicted smokers are not affected or deprived. 

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Sample 2 on  ‘Smoking Should be Banned in Public Places IELTS Essay’

Some businesses restrict smoking inside office spaces. Do you agree or disagree with this step taken by the businesses? Give reasons for your opinion.

Tip: It is an opinion-based topic. Here, both sides need to be discussed, and finally, the opinion of the test-taker should be discussed. 

Sample essay: 

Corporate offices often see groups of individuals discussing issues while smoking. Is it a habit, or does smoking help you brainstorm? Well, for non-smokers, it should be banned, and for smokers, it is almost office culture.

Many companies, firms, and government offices have restricted smoking inside office spaces. I feel it can be addressed with some other effective measures. 

There are certain seemingly positive sides to smoking during work hours. It is believed that smoking improves concentration and helps employees relax after long meetings or completion of projects. There is constant stress regarding deadlines, appraisal, and targets at work. In such a scenario, smoking is supposed to reduce stress.

Nicotine is a stimulant and smoking during office hours might keep employees in an active and elevated mood. Some projects may demand employees to stay awake late at night and work. In such a situation, employees don't feel drowsy and sleepy due to the nicotine boost. 

Despite all these positive sides, there are alarming negative aspects too. 

Firstly, smoking is harmful to health. It is one of the main reasons behind the increasing number of lung cancer cases globally. Diseases like tuberculosis and various cardiovascular health issues are caused by prolonged smoking habits. It does not only affect the smoker but also the people who spend time around smokers. Passive smokers face detrimental impacts too when they come in contact with smokers. 

Secondly, the non-smokers feel uncomfortable in public spaces filled with cigarette smoke. It causes them stress. It is also very annoying, particularly for pregnant women and senior citizens in the office areas.

The debate between smokers and non-smokers can stop only when the authorities plan something fruitful. A strict ban on smoking will do no good. It will instill a sense of anger and disappointment among smokers if their rights are taken away suddenly. Similarly, the health impact of passive smokers cannot be ignored. In my opinion, office spaces and public areas should have separate smoking zones. This way, non-smokers will not have any problems and smokers can also relax.

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Tips to Write a Winning IELTS Essay on 'Should Smoking be Banned in Public Places'

  • The time allotted for the task 2 essay is 40 minutes and no extra time is allowed.
  • The minimum word limit for an essay is 250 words but there is no upper word limit. It is recommended to write a little more than the prescribed limit. 
  • Organize the entire essay in 3 parts, introduction, body, and conclusion. In the introduction is a clear overview of the entire topic. The body analyzes facts, and the conclusion should contain opinions and sum up points.
  • Paraphrasing is important. It increases the readability of the essay.
  • Write short, crisp, and to-the-point sentences. Refrain from writing complicated and lengthy sentences.
  • Answer all the parts of the questions. Refer to the first sample below, which has three parts - 

1. Agree in favor of why smoking should be banned 

2. Disagree in context to why smoking should not be banned 

3. Your own opinion.

  • If you are using any facts or statistical data, you need to be sure about them.
  • Idioms make your write-up colorful and accurate. You need to know them well before you use them.
  • Use collocations wherever needed. Use connectors and linking words but do not stuff them unnecessarily. 
  • Be careful about the punctuation.
  • Present all your ideas in the right flow. The ideas, concepts, and experiences should be relevant to the topic.
  • Maintain a semi-formal tone. Do not use any informal and personal phrases.
  • Proofread your essay once you are done with the writing. This will help you scan mistakes in your essay.
  • When you practice a particular topic, you must focus on learning all the vocabulary related to it.
  • Check spellings, you should not make spelling errors. Use only those words that you are 100% sure of. 
  • Practice all kinds of essays. You can get pattern questions like advantages, disadvantages, opinions, causes and effects, causes and solutions, and direct questions. 
  • The conclusion is very important. The way you sum up your opinion will matter in boosting your IELTS band. 
  • Get your practice essays checked by an expert or any IELTS experienced professional you might know.

Bonus Essay Topic

Smoking has been a primary source of dopamine release for humans for a very long time. As the decades passed, the harmful effects of smoking became a concern for people. A major issue that arose was related to the health of passive smokers.

This became a reason for stirring debates on public health, individual rights, and societal welfare. Hence, “should smoking be banned in public places” - raises a great question mark among groups of smokers and non-smokers. This essay delves deep into finding the solutions behind this question, concluding what might be best for mankind.

Firstly, it cannot be denied that smoking poses a great risk to human life. Creating serious health issues and leading to major illnesses like cancer is not at all beneficial. Despite knowing its drawbacks, people prefer smoking for various reasons. However, smoking in public places often affects the health of those who do not indulge in it.

Passive smoking is a process through which non-smokers are exposed to serious health risks when they inhale smoke unknowingly from a person smoking nearby. This raises concerns regarding their individual rights and health issues.

The unwanted inhalation of harmful smoke by non-smokers due to individuals smoking in public areas raises various concerns. However, various proponents of personal freedom argue against the banning of smoking in public places. The concern raised is whether people are not free enough to make their own choices and decisions related to smoking.

This makes banning smoking in public places a more complex issue. However, if closely looked at, putting a ban on smoking in public places has a lot of advantages. Smoke-free environments promote social cohesion and make a space accessible to all. Moreover, it can also reduce the normalization of smoking in various sectors.

The ban on smoking in public places will also discourage youth from indulging in such harmful habits. Therefore, banning smoking in public places comes with a lot of advantages.

However, opponents believe that banning smoking will ultimately affect the economy of the country. Since tobacco consumption generates a major chunk of revenue in various countries, discouraging it might lead to less revenue.

Despite the multiple views of people regarding the banning of smoking, various countries have already started implementing smoking bans in public places. In countries like Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom, smoke-free legislation has been established to control tobacco consumption in the country.

Therefore, banning smoking can be a major consideration on a global level for various countries. It will not only reduce health risks but also encourage individuals to quit smoking.

It is important to practice and prepare for a winning IELTS essay. The IELTS writing task is very important as it measures the writing skills of non-native English speakers. Go through all the samples and tips on  should smoking be banned in public places essay to write well. For any assistance regarding the IELTS essays, applicants can get in touch with academic counselors of upGrad Abroad.

Also Reads:

Frequently Asked Questions

How does smoking in public places affect the environment.

Smoking cigarettes or other tobacco products in public has an adverse effect upon the environment. It leads to pollution and releases toxic air and polluting agents into the atmosphere. The cigarette butts also pile up, littering several areas and the chemicals contained in the same are toxic. When they leach into water and soil, they end up contaminating the entire ecosystem, leading to pollution of the water and soil alike. Smoking is also an irritant for others if done in public.

How does smoking affect the society & community?

Smoking has a widespread impact on the community and society at large. Smoking in public releases toxic and harmful air into the atmosphere while also contributing towards increasing the pollutant counts in the air. It also leads to contamination of the soil and water through the littering of cigarette butts.

Exposure to second-hand smoke is also physically harmful for others in public. Smoking contributes towards respiratory disorders and air pollution as well. It also enhances the risks of various ailments and fatalities in society at large.

What are the arguments for and against banning smoking in all public places?

The arguments for banning smoking in public places are the following:

  • Smoking leads to air pollution and releases toxic air into the atmosphere. 
  • Littering of cigarette butts leads to widespread soil and water contamination. 
  • Smoking leads to serious diseases and respiratory illnesses for others owing to their exposure to second-hand smoke. 
  • Smoking leads to a higher incidence of heart attacks, lung cancer and other disease which de-stabilize major chunks of communities, leading to higher healthcare costs for Governments and more strain on healthcare resources.

The arguments against banning smoking in public places are the following:

  • Smoking bans do not usually have the intended effect, i.e. getting people to cut down or give up smoking.
  •  It may be perceived as an infringement of the freedom and rights of citizens. 
  • It will lead to lower tax revenues for Governments, limiting their public spending as a result. 
  • It will not be good for several businesses either, especially in the food and beverage sector.  

Why smoking should be banned in public places ielts essay?

Smoking is a social evil that is greatly impacting the society and community at large. At the individual and organizational levels, much more needs to be done to combat the harmful incidence of rising smoking levels amongst people in multiple age groups. Smoking causes innumerable ailments and diseases, while exposing people to harmful passive smoke and pollutes the air considerably. It also contributes towards soil and air pollution. I feel that smoking should be banned in public places owing to its negative effects on entire communities.

Smoking should be banned in public places because of the pollution it creates. Firstly, it leads to the release of toxic smoke and other pollutants into the atmosphere. Secondly, littering of cigarette butts leads to soil and water contamination alike. Thirdly, people who are non-smokers, are exposed to passive smoke for no fault of theirs and contract respiratory ailments in turn. Fourthly, banning public smoking will lower the incidence of fatalities and serious disease, lowering the strain on Governmental healthcare resources and costs of the same.

Banning public smoking will also set a more positive example for the younger generations who will be less likely to pick up the habit. Hence, I firmly believe that Governments should set examples by banning public smoking and setting the tone for a healthier tomorrow.

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Anupriya Mukherjee is a passion-driven professional working as a Content Marketer and earlier worked as a Digital Marketeer. With around 6 years of work experience, she has experience creating high-quality, engaging content for websites, blogs, news articles, video scripts, brochures, and ebooks.

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Smoking should be banned in public places IELTS Essay

no smoking in public places essay


Smoking should be banned in public places. Do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answer

Smoking should be banned by higher authorities in all public places, although this would restrict some other people’s freedom. I completely agree with this statement because, firstly, it affects other people’s health, and secondly, it sets a good precedent for society and communities.

To begin with, smoking in all public places should be banned by the government because it affects not only active smokers who are addicted to it but also others who do not smoke. Moreover, when a person smokes in a public place, the smoke contains different hazardous gases. It deteriorates the environment as well as the health of the people who stand behind him. Moreover, smoking is a veiled threat to the health of passive smokers. If the central focus of the government is a restriction of smoking in public places, that would help people improve their health, and their lives would lead towards an impressive growth trajectory . For example, a study has revealed that the number of smokers has declined due to proper restrictions on smoking.

Moreover, the government should go beyond the conventional domain to ban smoking in public places. Due to this, more people will be aware of the consequences of smoking, and they will avoid active smoking. Moreover, if the government organizes stringent rules and regulations , people will think twice before smoking. It also sets a good precedent for others, and when they avoid smoking, it will help them develop their holistic growth . For instance, in the United States, a paradigm shift was seen in the number of people aware of the consequences of smoking because they followed stringent rules and regulations set by the higher authorities.

 To conclude, smoking should be banned in public places, and I agree with this statement because it not only affects other people but also it is a prudent approach for society and communities.

no smoking in public places essay

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Banning Smoking in Public Places, Essay Example

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The topic of the Rogerian essay is the argument for banning smoking in public places. Bringing in scientific research results, the authors would like to address human rights and freedom issues and argue that everyone has the right for clear fresh air without 3000 different toxins. While smokers’ have the right to enjoy their habit if they choose to, the public’s interest is more important in this case than individual rights.

Background Knowledge. I have examined newspaper and academic publications regarding smoking ban in America. As a non-smoker, I understand that people with heart and respiratory conditions can be affected by cigarette smoke. With friends who are asthmatic I know that cigarette smoke can worsen several people’s condition. Indeed, if I go to a club or party where smoking is allowed, my clothes and hair immediately need to be washed, because of the smell.

Research Plan. In the first phase, I would like to review newspaper publications on the issue; argumentative articles on each side. The second phase would be to check the validity of the claims using peer-reviewed journals detailing research results on second-hand smoking and its effect on people’s health. I will use search terms “second-hand smoking” and “ban smoking in public”. Debate.org would be a good starting point, as it is a website that addresses both sides of the argument. The CDC website would provide facts and overview about the health risks of second-hand smoking on different population groups. It also provides references for future research including scientific study publications. The WHO report covering the statistics of 192 countries would also provide the author with a solid proof to back up the argument for banning smoking in public places.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (web) Smoking and Tobacco Use. <http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/secondhand_smoke/general_facts> [Accessed: 12/6/13]

Debate.org Website. History and Debate of Smoking Ban . Web. <http://www.debate.org/tobacco-  rights/> [Accessed: 12/6/13]

Oberg, M., Jaakkola, M., Woodward, A., Pergua, A., Pruss-Ustun, A. (2010) Worldwide burden of disease from exposure to second-hand smoke: a retrospective analysis of data from 192 countries . WHO. Web. <http://www.who.int/quantifying_ehimpacts/publications/smoking.pdf>  [Accessed: 12/6/13]

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Should smoking in outside public spaces be banned? Yes

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  • George Thomson , senior research fellow 1 ,
  • Nick Wilson , senior lecturer 1 ,
  • Richard Edwards , associate professor 1 ,
  • Alistair Woodward , professor 2
  • 1 University of Otago, Wellington, Box 7343, Wellington, New Zealand
  • 2 University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand
  • Correspondence to: G Thompson george.thomson{at}otago.ac.nz

After success in stopping smoking in public buildings, campaigns are turning outdoors. George Thomson and colleagues argue that a ban will help to stop children becoming smokers but Simon Chapman (doi: 10.1136/bmj.a2804 ) believes that it infringes personal freedom

Legislation to ban smoking indoors in public places is now commonplace, driven mainly by the need to protect non-smokers from exposure to secondhand smoke. A new domain for tobacco control policy is outdoor settings, where secondhand smoke is usually less of a problem. However, the ethical justification for outdoor smoking bans is compelling and is supported by international law. The central argument is that outdoor bans will reduce smoking being modelled to children as normal behaviour and thus cut the uptake of smoking. Outdoor smoke-free policies may in some circumstances (such as crowded locations like sports stadiums) reduce the health effects of secondhand smoke 1 ; will reduce fires and litter 2 ; and are likely to help smokers’ attempts at quitting.

Need to reduce modelling

There is no simple answer to the question of what causes children to take up smoking. 3 4 We know, however, that children tend to copy what they observe and are influenced by the normality and extent of smoking around them. 5 6 7 Many smokers recognise that their smoking affects children’s behaviour. 8

The primary strategy for tobacco control is reducing the prevalence of smoking, and such reduction will in itself mean that smoking is less visible in society. But the modelling of smoking can also be reduced by policies to restrict smoking in the presence of children. The entrenched nature of tobacco use in most societies, and its highly addictive qualities, require that such policies are far reaching. Smoking bans in many outdoor public areas are therefore an important additional approach to tobacco control.

The need for outdoor smoking restrictions is increasingly recognised. Finland, five Canadian provinces, two US states, and New Zealand use law to require smoke-free school grounds. Other jurisdictions (such as Australian states) use administrative policies. California has banned smoking within 25 feet (7.6 metres) of outdoor playgrounds. United Kingdom, Scottish, Australian, and New Zealand authorities have been explicit about the need to reduce the modelling of smoking to children as a justification for this type of outdoor smoking restrictions. 9 10 11 12 Policies encouraging or requiring other outdoor smoke-free areas have been introduced in the past 10 years in North America, Australasia, Hong Kong, Singapore, and elsewhere. 13 Reducing the modelling of smoking to children has often been given as a justification for introducing these restrictions.

Are outdoor smoke-free policies practical?

How best to reduce the visibility of smoking? Media campaigns can promote not smoking in the presence of children as a social norm. 14 Legislation and other uses of law can expand smoke-free policies to ensure the inclusion of all public areas where children predominate. These areas include schools, parks and playgrounds, swimming pool complexes, sports grounds, and parts of beaches. The success of outdoor bans depends on the size of the areas covered, the ways the policy is communicated (for example, signage), and the extent of public support. 15

Reports from Britain, New Zealand, and parts of Australia and the United States indicate majority support for restricting or banning smoking in outdoor areas where there are children. 15 16 17 18 19 20 We are aware of no evidence that outdoor smoke-free policies have resulted in a public backlash against other advances in tobacco control.

Ethical and international treaty considerations

Children are a highly vulnerable population, susceptible to the influences of adult behaviours. Protection from addiction can be considered to enhance overall freedom, given that most smokers regret ever starting. 21

We may not yet be certain that outdoor smoke-free areas reduce smoking uptake; the necessary studies have not been carried out. However, where there is uncertainty in policy making, any assessment of the balance of benefit and harm should put the protection of children first. 22 This is because of the extent and severity of the hazard that taking up smoking poses to children and the theoretical and empirical evidence for a role modelling effect on smoking uptake. The principle of giving primacy to the protection of children is also underpinned by international treaty obligations. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child requires that in making policy, children’s rights must be put first, and governments “shall undertake all appropriate legislative, administrative, and other measures for the implementation of the rights.” 23

Adverse effects from outdoor smoke-free areas are largely restricted to the possible loss of amenities for some smokers.

We argue that society has an ethical duty to minimise the risk of children becoming nicotine dependent smokers. A reasonable step is banning smoking in selected outdoor areas frequented by children. Children need smoke-free outdoor places now, to help normalise a smoke-free society.

Cite this as: BMJ 2008;337:a2806

Competing interests: All authors have done contract work for health non-governmental organisations, the New Zealand Ministry of Health, or WHO on tobacco control research.

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no smoking in public places essay

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Band 9 essay sample: All governments should ban smoking in public places

by Manjusha Nambiar · Published October 12, 2015 · Updated April 21, 2024

Essay topic

no smoking in public places essay

Sample response

Smoking is injurious to health. It can even cause deadly diseases like cancer. Many countries have already banned smoking in public places. In my opinion, others too should follow suit and ban it.

There are several benefits to banning smoking in public places. Smoking ban will definitely improve the quality of air we breathe. Cigarette contains nicotine which is a cancerous substance. In addition to cancer, smoking causes several other health problems. In fact, statistics have shown tremendous rise in the occurrence of mouth cancer among people who smoke regularly. Some studies have also shown that people who smoke more than 3 cigarettes a day have increased chances of developing cancer. Smoking may also cause other problems like heart attack and respiratory illnesses.

The biggest problem with smoking is that in order to suffer from its ill effects, you don’t necessarily have to be a smoker. Passive smoking also kills. It is particularly harmful for young children and pregnant women. If people are allowed to smoke in crowded public places like railway stations or bus stands, its harmful effects will have to be borne by all people standing next to the smoker. Banning smoking in public places is the only way to solve this problem.

Pollution is one of the biggest problems that we face today. Smoking not only aggravates this problem but it also causes the depletion of the ozone layer which protects us from sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. It is evident that smoking plays a significant role in damaging our health and our environment.

In conclusion, I personally believe that all governments should ban smoking in public places. This might cause some inconvenience to chain smokers, but ultimately this ban will benefit them as well.

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no smoking in public places essay

Manjusha Nambiar

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Persuasive Essay Guide

Persuasive Essay About Smoking

Caleb S.

Persuasive Essay About Smoking - Making a Powerful Argument with Examples

Persuasive essay about smoking

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Are you wondering how to write your next persuasive essay about smoking?

Smoking has been one of the most controversial topics in our society for years. It is associated with many health risks and can be seen as a danger to both individuals and communities.

Writing an effective persuasive essay about smoking can help sway public opinion. It can also encourage people to make healthier choices and stop smoking. 

But where do you begin?

In this blog, we’ll provide some examples to get you started. So read on to get inspired!

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  • 1. What You Need To Know About Persuasive Essay
  • 2. Persuasive Essay Examples About Smoking
  • 3. Argumentative Essay About Smoking Examples
  • 4. Tips for Writing a Persuasive Essay About Smoking

What You Need To Know About Persuasive Essay

A persuasive essay is a type of writing that aims to convince its readers to take a certain stance or action. It often uses logical arguments and evidence to back up its argument in order to persuade readers.

It also utilizes rhetorical techniques such as ethos, pathos, and logos to make the argument more convincing. In other words, persuasive essays use facts and evidence as well as emotion to make their points.

A persuasive essay about smoking would use these techniques to convince its readers about any point about smoking. Check out an example below:

Simple persuasive essay about smoking

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Persuasive Essay Examples About Smoking

Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable death in the world. It leads to adverse health effects, including lung cancer, heart disease, and damage to the respiratory tract. However, the number of people who smoke cigarettes has been on the rise globally.

A lot has been written on topics related to the effects of smoking. Reading essays about it can help you get an idea of what makes a good persuasive essay.

Here are some sample persuasive essays about smoking that you can use as inspiration for your own writing:

Persuasive speech on smoking outline

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Persuasive essay about smoking in public places

Speech about smoking is dangerous

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Check out some more persuasive essay examples on various other topics.

Argumentative Essay About Smoking Examples

An argumentative essay is a type of essay that uses facts and logical arguments to back up a point. It is similar to a persuasive essay but differs in that it utilizes more evidence than emotion.

If you’re looking to write an argumentative essay about smoking, here are some examples to get you started on the arguments of why you should not smoke.

Argumentative essay about smoking pdf

Argumentative essay about smoking in public places

Argumentative essay about smoking introduction

Check out the video below to find useful arguments against smoking:

Tips for Writing a Persuasive Essay About Smoking

You have read some examples of persuasive and argumentative essays about smoking. Now here are some tips that will help you craft a powerful essay on this topic.

Choose a Specific Angle

Select a particular perspective on the issue that you can use to form your argument. When talking about smoking, you can focus on any aspect such as the health risks, economic costs, or environmental impact.

Think about how you want to approach the topic. For instance, you could write about why smoking should be banned. 

Check out the list of persuasive essay topics to help you while you are thinking of an angle to choose!

Research the Facts

Before writing your essay, make sure to research the facts about smoking. This will give you reliable information to use in your arguments and evidence for why people should avoid smoking.

You can find and use credible data and information from reputable sources such as government websites, health organizations, and scientific studies. 

For instance, you should gather facts about health issues and negative effects of tobacco if arguing against smoking. Moreover, you should use and cite sources carefully.

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Make an Outline

The next step is to create an outline for your essay. This will help you organize your thoughts and make sure that all the points in your essay flow together logically.

Your outline should include the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. This will help ensure that your essay has a clear structure and argument.

Use Persuasive Language

When writing your essay, make sure to use persuasive language such as “it is necessary” or “people must be aware”. This will help you convey your message more effectively and emphasize the importance of your point.

Also, don’t forget to use rhetorical devices such as ethos, pathos, and logos to make your arguments more convincing. That is, you should incorporate emotion, personal experience, and logic into your arguments.

Introduce Opposing Arguments

Another important tip when writing a persuasive essay on smoking is to introduce opposing arguments. It will show that you are aware of the counterarguments and can provide evidence to refute them. This will help you strengthen your argument.

By doing this, your essay will come off as more balanced and objective, making it more convincing.

Finish Strong

Finally, make sure to finish your essay with a powerful conclusion. This will help you leave a lasting impression on your readers and reinforce the main points of your argument. You can end by summarizing the key points or giving some advice to the reader.

A powerful conclusion could either include food for thought or a call to action. So be sure to use persuasive language and make your conclusion strong.

To conclude,

By following these tips, you can write an effective and persuasive essay on smoking. Remember to research the facts, make an outline, and use persuasive language.

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Caleb S. has been providing writing services for over five years and has a Masters degree from Oxford University. He is an expert in his craft and takes great pride in helping students achieve their academic goals. Caleb is a dedicated professional who always puts his clients first.

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IELTS Essay, topic: Smoking in public places

  • IELTS Essays - Band 7

Some businesses prohibit smoking in any of their offices. Some governments have banned smoking in all public places. Do you agree or disagree that this is the right course of action? Give reasons for your opinion.

no smoking in public places essay

Allow me to present the three positive sides of smoking. Firstly, smoking certainly helps many people to relax. For some, it even improves concentration. If someone is upset or they have , to smoke to reduce the pressure or tension. people like to smoke when they are relaxing with friends. Secondly, governments throughout the world make huge profits from taxes on cigarettes. The income obtained through taxes provides funds which are used for building and public places such as parks, gardens, sports ground and foot paths. Thirdly, tobacco industry also employs tens of thousands of people all over the world, particularly in poorer countries such as Zimbabwe or the Philippines. Without cigarettes, these people would have no jobs.

Despite these positive are lots of negative effects to smoking too. Initially, smoking has been proven to be very dangerous for health. cigarette contains more than 4000 chemical substances, therefore, it dangerous diseases such as heart attacks, asthma, bronchitis or lung cancer. According to a recent report in Britain close to 3,500 people are killed each year in road accidents and 120,000 are killed by smoking. Furthermore, smoking costs governments millions of dollars because of the large number of people who need treatment in hospitals for smoking-related problems. Moreover, passive smoking is also a major concern today. Recent research shows that non-smokers can suffer from health problems if they spend long periods of time among people who do smoke. In the UK children whose parents are are three times as likely to start smoking themselves .

In short, I think the world would be a better place without cigarettes. However, the decision of whether smoke or not to smoke should be for each individual to make. I suggest that people should not smoke in a room or a place where there are non smokers, however they should be free to smoke elsewhere.

This is a very good essay, you have made your arguments well and set out the paragraphs as required. However, pay attention to your use of assertive statements e.g. ‘Without cigarettes, these people would have no jobs’. Perhaps they would gain employment in another industry – we cannot be sure. Over all, well done!

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12 thoughts on “IELTS Essay, topic: Smoking in public places”

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Is comparison important in IELTS essay? My former tutor said you had to have comparison between two things related to the topic in each body paragraph; otherwise, the essay will go below band 6. please advise.Thank you

Hi ccavute, my guess is that your tutor meant a balanced discussion. If the task asks whether you agree or disagree with a certain statement, you should discuss both sides of it – the one you do agree with and the one you don’t agree with. If you leave one of them out of your essay it won’t look objective and the task won’t be completely covered, which may affect the score.

I am surprised the test taker can remember the approximate number of people killed by cigarettes and road accident, how if the number we mentioned just a guess or just a random number, could it make the writing looks unreliable? is it ok?

Hi Yenni, you don’t have to mention any numbers at all for your essay to appear genuine and trustworthy. You can just say ‘hundreds’ or ‘thousands’ or ‘a large number’ and it will still be fine. Concentrate on your ideas and arguments, and how you express them. Numbers aren’t the only thing you can use to support your arguments – examples are good as well.

Hi, Please correct me if I am wrong in the following points. 1 ESSAY should not be personalised. Research or survey data should not mentioned. 2. Directing the content on UK parents might be targetting a particular set of people. 3 Aren’t we supposed to pick one side in suchlike questions? i.e. either agree or disagree.

Hi Neetu, in this essay the mentions of data explain or support the writer’s claims, which makes them appropriate. UK data is no exception, it is used for the same purpose of substantiating the writer’s claim. You can agree or disagree, but it doesn’t mean you don’t have to consider the opposite side of the argument – in fact, when you write about both sides, your essay looks more balanced.

Hello. In do you agree or disagree essay. We should write both of sides or not?.please explain.thank you

The most important thing is to make your position clear, you should say whether you agree or disagree. If the essay question is “To what extent do you agree or disagree”, you can say that you partially or fully agree (or disagree). If you only partially agree, then make sure you discuss both sides. If you agree with just one side, you can write only about that, but if you are running out of ideas then you can discuss both sides. The added benefit of this is that it will make your essay more balanced. I hope this helps.

But if we write on both sides sometimes we might contradict our own points like if we are writing more on positive side and then if we write less on negative we may contradict some of our positive points? Correct me if m wrong

You don’t have to contradict yourself, there are arguments for and against, you support only one side, but you still are aware why people might support the other side and you are pointing it out in your essay. It’s absolutely fine.

Smoking is banned in offices and public areas because it is harmful to the public. I agree with this on the ground that it is a really wise decision made by the authorities, I think it is because of reasons like an unhealthy environment for people and it can influence children to perform it. To begin, smoking is dangerous due to health issues it causes like lung cancer and asthma yet it is way more harmful to people who are near the smoking person. To explain, scientists have researched smoking and what problems it can cause to individuals who breathe the exhaled smoke of smokers. Research shows the person near the smoker has a higher chance of getting cancer than the performer itself and that is the reason governments banned smoking in public areas to keep citizens safe from its deadly consequences. Another reason for prohibiting smoking is its bad influence on children. To justify, children are always curiously seeing the world, to learn something new daily, and this is the nature of every juvenile. Therefore, if children see someone smoking, which mostly will be possible if people do it in public areas, that can influence them to try it and maybe get addicted to it if they do it multiple times. Hence, it will be better to not let them see this deed for their safety. To conclude, smoking is harmful and there is no denial to it so I believe it should stay banned and should performed in isolated places so no one can inhale the bad substances that get released while doing it, so everyone can be safe and children can also not get encouraged to do it.

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Smoking Should Be Banned In Public Areas Argumentative Essays Examples

Type of paper: Argumentative Essay

Topic: Smoking , Smoke , Smokers , People , Public , Public Areas , Health , Tobacco

Published: 03/08/2023


Today the problem of smoking is very actual. There is a great number of people, that smoke everywhere. That is why, non smokers are hostage of the situation. In this case, the non smokers cannot be a side of this global disaster of society. Also, people smoke in public areas, which is not acceptable, because there are a lot of people and children that do not smoke. It is dangerous for their health. They have to defend their own rights. The smoking is a bad habit and million of people suffer from this dependence, but nevertheless it is not justification. So, what can we do to decrease a number of smokers and how can we fight this disease? I think that we have to forbid smoking in public areas and it will be the first step in order to make our world healthier. Why should we do it? Firstly, we can persuade persons not to smoke. We can tell smokers that smoking is very bad habit and it is dangerous for their life. When we forbid the smoking is public areas, there will be less situations when a small child can see a man or woman that smoke. It is very important, because if you smoke in the public place, around you there can be children who can imitate adults. Children do not understand that smoking is a bad habit and smoke does harm to health, they only see the uncle or the aunty, who dashingly start up a smoke. Of course, almost each child will want to be influenced by this doubtful pleasure. Secondly, nowadays there are two types of smoking: direct smoking and passive smoking. There are many people, who cannot tolerate the smell of tobacco. Those people go to the park, to breath the fresh air, but it is already polluted with the smell of cigarettes. Non smokers can not go to restaurants or cafes, where other people smoke, because they inhale the smoke together with smokers. It is called passive smoking. After every meeting with smoker your hair, clothes are full of this terrible smell of tobacco. Moreover, the influence of passive smoking is the same like after direct smoking. It means that you get the same dose of the tobacco into your lungs. That`s why, it is unacceptable to allow smoking in public areas. A lot of smokers can say, that it is their choice to smoke, but I think, that they should remember, that their freedom of the choice ends where starts the freedom of another person. Thirdly, I think that the government should encourage the leading of a healthier way of life through making the smoking forbidden in public areas. The state should take care of the citizens, because without health there will be no prosperity of the nation in future. The government should promote electronic cigarette and psychological help for free. Thanks to these actions, the smokers will be able to smoke a simple steam, which does not contain nicotine and will be able to rehabilitate after cigarette addiction. The government also has to forbid the advertising of smoking on TV, in restaurants and cafes and also in public areas. It will decrease the number of smokers in public areas itself. The smoking in public areas should be banned, as it is one of the best ways to make people healthier and encourage a healthy way of life. The 31st of May is the international no tobacco day. In this day you can learn more about the bad influence of smoking, but we have to do ourselves some steps to decrease the number of smokers in our city, in our country and in our world, because due to this bad habit people die. Please, choose the long and healthy life without nicotine and cigarettes. It is better than suicide by tobacco.


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Smoking ban in public places also cuts smoking at home

A total ban on smoking in enclosed public places would lead to less smoking in the home and reduce the deadly effects of passive smoking, argued a comprehensive study of passive smoking published last week by the Royal College of Physicians. The study said that the estimated 12 200 deaths each year in the United Kingdom from passive smoking were entirely preventable. It recommended that preventing passive smoking at home was a “public health priority” and that helping smokers to stop by having a ban in enclosed public places would lead to less smoking in the home. A smoking ban in all workplaces could save the economy £4bn ($7.1bn; €5.8bn) a year, the report estimated.

Members of the Royal College of Physicians’ Tobacco Advisory Group said that the previous health secretary, John Reid, was wrong to have claimed that a total ban on smoking on public would increase smoking in the home. They noted that the number of smoking households that became smoke-free increased from 22% to 37% between 1996 and 2003. And they attributed this to increased restrictions on smoking in public places in that period.

Carol Black, president of the college, said at the launch of the report, “There is very clear evidence of the harm caused by passive smoking, yet, despite this, we feel that among politicians and the public there is confusion over the issue. Our previous health secretary, John Reid, claimed restrictions on smoking outside of the home would lead to more exposure in the home, but we know the evidence would be quite contrary to that. Our report aims to dispel those myths.”

John Britton, professor of epidemiology at the University of Nottingham, said that there was an “unanswerable moral case” to protect all people from passive smoking at work and added, “Smoke free legislation will save lives, reduce health inequalities, save money, and improve pubic health.”

Efforts to minimise the effects of passive smoking in bars, such as installing ventilation and having smoke-free zones were almost pointless, argued Richard Edwards, senior lecturer in public health at the University of Manchester. He said, “The evidence is that these approaches do not work and do not protect against passive smoking.”

The £4bn saving would comprise £832m from prevention of death and disease, £181m from prevention of fires and reduced cleaning costs, and £2.8bn from improved productivity of staff no longer taking smoking breaks.

The college called on the government to introduce comprehensive legislation to make all workplaces and other enclosed public places smoke-free as soon as possible.

Going Smoke-Free: the Medical Case for Clean Air in the Home, at Work and in Public Places is available, priced £16, from RCP Publications Department, tel 020 7935 1174 ext 358.

‏Smoking in Public Place.Please give your opinion.

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IELTS says that you should write a minimum of 250 words in writing task 2. If you go under word count you will lose marks in task response.

A very long essay will not give you a higher band score.

Aim for between 260 to 290 words in writing task 2. This will ensure a concise essay and will be realistic in terms of time management. You have only 40 minutes to write the essay and you need around 10 minutes of planning time, so you will not be able to write a long essay in 30 minutes.

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Conclusion of Smoking Should Be Banned on College Campuses Essay

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Arguments in favor of smoking in campus, arguments against smoking in campus, reconciliation of the two positions, campus smoking: conclusion of the essay, works cited.

The idea of smoking in colleges and campuses has developed a mixed reaction in the USA and in many other parts of the world such that it has posed a very hot and contentious universal debate.

Several campuses and colleges have tried to impose a total ban on smoking within their environs, some of them succeeding while others failing to do so. For instance, colleges like Santa Ana and Fullerton have managed to ban smoking completely within their environs, while others such as Huntington Beach and Golden West College still allow smoking in prescribed places such as in parking lots.

Fullerton College was the first to successfully impose a smoking ban in the year 2007 (Bates 57). Nevertheless, many colleges and campuses have not managed to follow suit because of some state laws which assert that smoking is only proscribed inside buildings and within 20 feet from entry points of buildings in all campuses. These laws continue to give students the right to smoke within certain areas of their campuses.

As aforementioned, section 7595 of the government code affirms that smoking is proscribed only in public buildings and within 20 feet from entry points of buildings in all campuses (Merrill 36).Therefore, the opponents of this subject believe that since it is the right of every citizen to do anything that is recognized as legal, it is very wrong to impose a total ban on smoking, especially in campuses.

The most important thing is to ensure that students follow the laid down rules and regulations such as the strict use of the recommended areas of smoking. In deed, it is very unfair to send students off campus to smoke.

In addition, the opponents of this argument believe that smoking should not be banned because it helps students to relax whenever they are in stressful situations. Concerning the health risks that are brought about by smoking, they assert that every mature citizen should be in a position to separate good behavior from wrong behavior.

They say that since there has been an integration of cigarette smoking topics in schools for several decades, by the time a student reaches campus, he/she must be in a position to understand the risks that cigarette smoking poses to their health and therefore they should be able to make informed decisions about smoking. They also argue that it is very unfair to impose an immediate ban on cigarette smoking in campus yet it is clearly understood that smoking is an additive activity which can not be stopped at once.

Even though campus students have the right to smoke within some prescribed areas whenever they wish to do so, as mandated by some state laws, they ought to realize the fact that cigarette smoking has got very serious and detrimental effects on human health. Smoking of cigarettes can bring about lung infections to both first-hand and second-hand smokers. Therefore, smokers need to recognize that their right to smoke may greatly infringe on the rights of their non-smoking counterparts.

It is obvious that students know the negative effects of smoking cigarettes. For instance, it is expensive for them and it may also reduce their lifetime. Generally speaking, cigarette smoking is just bad. Currently, at least forty three colleges in the USA have imposed a total ban on cigarette smoking in their campuses and this trend is increasing especially among commuter schools and community colleges (Merrill 40).

However, it is hard to impose such a ban in some colleges because of the mixed reactions that are held by different stakeholders about the issue of smoking, and the existing campus policies which give the smokers the right to smoke in prescribed areas. According to the research that was carried out by the U.S. Department of Health and Human services, 31% of college students smoke cigarettes. This figure exceeds the national general average of 25% (Longmire 15).

It is also worth to note that even though there has been an integration of cigarette smoking topics in schools for several decades, cigarette smoking has continued to attract many youths and this continues to raise a lot of alarm about their future. This is because cigarette smoking is the major contributor of the cases of lung cancer in the entire world.

Research indicates that close to eighty percent of men who die from lung cancer, and seventy five percent of women who die from the same disease do so because of smoking tobacco. Research also indicates that the risk of lung cancer increases when a person starts smoking at an early age, and with an increase in the number of cigarettes that a person smokes in a day (Robicsek 56).

Scientific research has proved that cigarette smoking is harmful to the body. The smoke that comes out of a burning cigarette is a compound mixture of several chemicals which are produced when tobacco is burned.

This smoke contains a deadly compound called tar, which consists of more than four thousand chemicals which are very poisonous, and a majority of them have been clearly identified to be the main cause of cancer. Most of these chemicals are also known to cause lung diseases and heart problems. Some of these chemicals include cyanide, benzene, methanol, ammonia, formaldehyde and acetylene (Merrill 45).

Other deadly substances that are found in cigarettes include carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide gases which are very poisonous. The most active component of a cigarette is nicotine. Nicotine is a very addictive compound. Cigarette smoking can cause several problems such as cancer, lung damage and heart infections among many other diseases.

Research also indicates that more than thirty percent of the deaths that result in the United States occur due to the use of tobacco. Cigarette smoking also causes eighty seven percent of the deaths that result due to lung cancer. Other types of tobacco-related cancers include mouth cancer, cancer of the larynx, cancer of the throat and esophagus and cancer of the bladder. There is also a very close connection between cigarette smoking and the occurrence of the cancers of the kidney, pancreas, stomach and the cervix.

Cigarette smoking can also cause lung damage which begins at the early stages of smoking. Cigarette smokers encounter many problems with their lungs as compared to non-smokers and this situation gets worse when an individual increases his/her capacity to smoke. Smoking is linked to many dangerous lung infections which are just as perilous as lung cancer. These infections include emphysema and chronic bronchitis which cause difficulties in breathing and may even cause death.

Cigarette smoking also augments the risk of heart infections which stand out as the major causes of deaths in the U.S. Out of all the risk factors of heart infections, i.e. excess cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, cigarette smoking, physical lethargy and high blood pressure, cigarette smoking remains the leading risk factor for impulsive deaths that result from heart attacks (Bates 78).

In addition, low levels of cigarette smoking which may not be able to cause lung infections are capable of damaging the heart. Therefore, second-hand smokers also stand a very high chance of getting heart infections.

As stated earlier, Section 7595 of the government code affirms that smoking is proscribed in all public buildings and within 20 feet from entry points of buildings in all campuses (Merrill 36). Even though this ruling is good, it is not sufficient because it seems to discriminate the innocent second-hand smokers who continue to suffer from cigarette smoke which pollutes the air around them.

Cigarette smoking has also very detrimental effects to the real smokers and therefore they should be able to accept this ban because it is meant for their own good. Though it is very hard to ban citizens from doing something which is legally right, smoking should be gradually banned in campuses so as to protect the non-smokers. This is because campuses are public places which consist of both smokers and non-smokers.

My stand on this issue differs significantly from my opponents who believe that smoking should be allowed in some prescribed areas in campuses. My stand is that cigarette smoking should be banned in campuses because it impacts negatively on the non-smokers. Banning of cigarette smoking in campuses would enable the non-smoking citizens to enjoy the delight of breathing unpolluted air.

Nevertheless, my stand does not include cigarette smoking in private places such as in homes. At the same time, cigarette smokers should understand that the non-smokers are not trying to be intolerant when they keep on complaining about them. Rather, they are doing it for the sake of their own health.

In conclusion, smoking should be totally banned in campuses and colleges because of its severe health risks to both smokers and non-smokers. The health risks are much more to non-smokers because they may double up especially to those who already suffer from other ailments such as heart and lung problems.

In addition, a very short exposure by a non-smoker to secondhand smoke may have abrupt severe effects on his/her cardiovascular system thus escalating the risk for lung and heart infections. This makes the non-smoker to have a higher risk of catching infections from cigarette smoke than the real smoker yet he/she is very innocent. A more effective way of reducing smoking in campuses would be to provide tobacco termination counseling programs in the campuses.

Bates, Tim & Gordon Mangan. Smoking and Raven IQ. New York: Pocket Books, 2007.

Longmire, Wilkinson, & Torok Edgar. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.

Melo, Maurice. Cigarette Smoking and Reproductive Function. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.

Merrill, David. How Cigarettes are made. London: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Robicsek, Francis. Ritual Smoking in Central America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.

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IvyPanda. (2018, June 29). Conclusion of Smoking Should Be Banned on College Campuses Essay. https://ivypanda.com/essays/smoking-on-campus-should-be-banned/

"Conclusion of Smoking Should Be Banned on College Campuses Essay." IvyPanda , 29 June 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/smoking-on-campus-should-be-banned/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Conclusion of Smoking Should Be Banned on College Campuses Essay'. 29 June.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Conclusion of Smoking Should Be Banned on College Campuses Essay." June 29, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/smoking-on-campus-should-be-banned/.

1. IvyPanda . "Conclusion of Smoking Should Be Banned on College Campuses Essay." June 29, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/smoking-on-campus-should-be-banned/.


IvyPanda . "Conclusion of Smoking Should Be Banned on College Campuses Essay." June 29, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/smoking-on-campus-should-be-banned/.

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All persons in the U.S. deserve to live, work, study and play in smokefree environments. By implementing laws and policies to make our communities smokefree, we can:

  • Protect all workers and patrons from the dangers of secondhand smoke
  • Reduce death and diseases associated with secondhand smoke
  • Motivate smokers to quit
  • Reduce the number of people who start smoking

See how we are taking steps to make sure everyone in all 50 states can enjoy clean, smokefree air.

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Trump’s Smoking Gun Is a Dream That Will Never Die

Is there a tape of Trump saying a racial slur? If so, what would it actually reveal? What could it?

Donald Trump sits with his hands splayed and touching

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In 2018, Omarosa Manigault Newman turned a long-standing rumor into a piece of news: Donald Trump, she alleged, had used racist epithets on the set of The Apprentice . And the slurs, she claimed, had been caught on tape. Her claim led to a frenzy of speculation: Would the Apprentice recordings do what the Access Hollywood tapes had not? Would the show that had bolstered Trump’s rise in politics be, in the end, his undoing? What becomes of a public figure who has been caught, in such a literal way, saying the quiet part out loud?

The promised recordings never materialized, though, and so neither did the promised consequences. Without the evidence to back them up, Manigault Newman’s accusations languished in the space that divides the things that are known from the things that merely might be. Her claims took on the ironic distance of the genre that had bound her to Trump in the first place: Their dramas now came with asterisks. “Reality,” in their rendering, required scare quotes .

But lordy, many still hoped there’d be tapes. And this week—on the same day, as it happened, that a Manhattan jury turned Donald Trump, the alleged felon, into Donald Trump, the convicted one —the specter of recordings was raised again, this time as part of a Slate essay written by the former Apprentice producer Bill Pruitt. “The Donald Trump I Saw on The Apprentice ” is long, thoughtful, and detailed. It offers new stories to support the old idea that Trump’s most powerful enablers, as he launched his bid for the presidency, were not politicians but entertainers: the behind-the-scenes workers who took a failing businessman and edited him, frame by soft-lit frame, into competence. Pruitt is sharing those stories now, he writes, because he can: The nondisclosure agreement he signed to join the show—-a document whose restrictions lasted for 20 years—recently expired. The essay reflects his catharsis. But it is sober too—akin, in that way, to the many other essays written by former Trump aides who indulged his truthful hyperbole before realizing the depth of the lie. Pruitt’s essay is openly confessional. It is implicitly apologetic. Its revelations read, in moments, as pleas for forgiveness: journalism as an act of atonement.

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The tapes—or more specifically, the spectral versions of them—come several paragraphs into Pruitt’s story, as he relates a discussion Trump had with Apprentice producers about whether a high-performing Black contestant, Kwame Jackson, should be named the season’s victor: “‘Yeah,’ [Trump] says to no one in particular, ‘but, I mean, would America buy a n— winning?’”

Pruitt’s allegation echoes the one that Manigault Newman made in 2018. And it is similarly difficult to verify. (“Those tapes, I’ve come to believe, will never be found,” Pruitt writes.) Pruitt has effectively given readers Schrödinger’s slur: a word at once uttered and not, a piece of proof and a defiance of it—news that is, at this point, no news at all. Trump might have said it. Or Pruitt’s allegation might be, as a Trump-campaign spokesperson put it yesterday, “fabricated and bullshit.”

But all of the things that the claim is not, at the moment, also highlight what it could be: an opportunity. The tapes, failing to give helpful answers, might instead offer helpful questions. Among them: What would such tapes, if they’re ever found, actually reveal? What could they, really? (Why would Trump be exempt from the truism that actions speak louder than words?) Trump has treated racism as a campaign message and a marketing ploy. He keeps finding new ways to insist that some Americans are more American than others. Epithets, for him, are a way of life. What could words convey that his actions haven’t? What, precisely, remains to be proved?

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In 2018, in response to Manigault Newman’s claim, the Atlantic writer Matt Thompson considered what would happen—and what wouldn’t—if the rumored tapes materialized. The answer, he suggested , would have very little to do with Trump, and very much to do with everyone else. Six years later, that insight looks ever more prescient—and ever more urgent. Trump himself is a smoking gun. He has been there all along, strutting on stages and slumping in courtrooms and making his plans to restore the country to his particular version of greatness. He has shown us who he is. Why is it so hard to believe him?


40 Facts About Elektrostal

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy , materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes , offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development .

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy , with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

Elektrostal's fascinating history, vibrant culture, and promising future make it a city worth exploring. For more captivating facts about cities around the world, discover the unique characteristics that define each city . Uncover the hidden gems of Moscow Oblast through our in-depth look at Kolomna. Lastly, dive into the rich industrial heritage of Teesside, a thriving industrial center with its own story to tell.

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Time in Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia now

  • Tokyo 04:02AM
  • Beijing 03:02AM
  • Kyiv 10:02PM
  • Paris 09:02PM
  • London 08:02PM
  • New York 03:02PM
  • Los Angeles 12:02PM

Time zone info for Elektrostal

  • The time in Elektrostal is 8 hours ahead of the time in New York when New York is on standard time, and 7 hours ahead of the time in New York when New York is on daylight saving time.
  • Elektrostal does not change between summer time and winter time.
  • The IANA time zone identifier for Elektrostal is Europe/Moscow.

Time difference from Elektrostal

Sunrise, sunset, day length and solar time for elektrostal.

  • Sunrise: 03:44AM
  • Sunset: 09:06PM
  • Day length: 17h 22m
  • Solar noon: 12:25PM
  • The current local time in Elektrostal is 25 minutes ahead of apparent solar time.

Elektrostal on the map

  • Location: Moscow Oblast, Russia
  • Latitude: 55.79. Longitude: 38.46
  • Population: 144,000

Best restaurants in Elektrostal

  • #1 Tolsty medved - Steakhouses food
  • #2 Ermitazh - European and japanese food
  • #3 Pechka - European and french food

Find best places to eat in Elektrostal

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  • Best business lunch restaurants in Elektrostal
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Guest Essay

Hunter Biden Should Take a Plea Deal. Quickly.

A photograph of Hunter Biden standing between two white columns, gesturing toward another man in a suit.

By Sarah Isgur

Ms. Isgur is a senior editor at The Dispatch and the host of the legal podcast “Advisory Opinions.” She served in the Department of Justice from 2017-2019 as the director of the Office of Public Affairs and senior counsel to the deputy attorney general during the Russia investigation.

Hunter Biden faces up to 25 years in prison if convicted on three felony gun charges in a trial that is set to begin in Wilmington, Del., on Monday. In the meantime, his father is behind in many polls, his financial benefactor is reportedly “tapped out” and his best legal arguments require gutting federal gun control laws. An embarrassing trial that he is likely to lose will only make things worse.

An early plea agreement — in which he agreed to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges and enter into a deferred prosecution agreement on the gun charges — fell apart last summer. But a criminal defendant can accept a plea deal from the prosecution anytime before the jury returns its verdict, which means that he might still have a chance to avoid a full trial.

If he can, he should.

To bring federal charges, the Department of Justice manual advises that a prosecutor should believe that the defendant is guilty, that the prosecutor believes he has evidence that will prove the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and that the prosecutor believes that a reasonable jury would convict the defendant. In practice, this means that once the Department of Justice has indicted you, they believe they will win. And they almost always do.

Over a 12-month period ending last fall, just 290 of the nearly 72,000 federal criminal defendants charged by the Justice Department were acquitted at trial. That’s less than one half of 1 percent. (Of course, only 1,379 were convicted at trial — a paltry 2 percent.) The vast majority facing a D.O.J. indictment decided either to plead guilty outright or accept a plea deal, believing that the prosecutors had correctly weighed their chances of winning in front of a jury before bringing the case in the first place.

Hunter Biden has argued that he was only charged because of his last name. And he has a point — there are far more gun crimes committed than can be handled by federal prosecutors. The main charge is that he had a gun while using cocaine, which is a rarely used part of the statute. But that’s usually because drug use is hard to prove compared to other gun charges, like being a felon with a gun. Here, though, prosecutors have noted that “investigators literally found drugs on the pouch where the defendant had kept his gun.” And when prosecutors do bring this charge, people who are found guilty are often sentenced to real prison time — over a year for someone in Hunter Biden’s shoes.

That would be enough of an incentive for most people to plead guilty to federal gun charges. Hunter Biden has even more.

First, there’s his father’s reputation to consider. Theodore Roosevelt is said to have remarked that he could be president or he could control his daughter, but he couldn’t do both. President Biden is faring no better at juggling the two roles. On several occasions he has invited his son to White House events alongside the attorney general who is responsible for prosecuting him. Despite the fact that it is inappropriate for the president to comment on current Justice Department investigations, President Biden was not able to resist publicly stating in May 2023, “ My son has done nothing wrong .”

Last week, President Biden visited Beau Biden’s widow, Hallie Biden, at her home near the anniversary of his older son’s death. The problem is that Ms. Biden is also expected to be a key witness against Hunter Biden — and President Biden’s visit raised allegations of witness tampering from the president’s critics. A White House spokesman said the president did not discuss the trial during the visit.

Of course, the trial itself will be embarrassing and painful for Hunter Biden and his family. On top of highlighting his past romantic involvement with his brother’s widow, the prosecution is expected to introduce evidence, including pictures, text messages, and his own statement that he was smoking crack cocaine “every 15 minutes, seven days a week,” despite affirming on a federal form that he was not using any illegal drugs when he purchased the gun.

Second, he is low on money. Since he met Kevin Morris, a Hollywood entertainment lawyer, at a campaign fund-raiser for his father in 2019, Mr. Morris has functioned as a financial lifeline for him, shelling out over $6.5 million to help cover costs related to things like back taxes and child support. He’s even agreed to pay nearly $900,000 for some of Hunter Biden’s artwork. Now on the brink of trial, Mr. Morris has run out of resources to help , according to an associate, and it is unclear how Hunter Biden’s legal team will pay for the expert witnesses they were hoping to have testify at trial. Abbe Lowell, his lead attorney for the trial, has reportedly sought fees of over $1,500 per hour in the past — and he doesn’t work alone.

And third, Hunter Biden’s best arguments aren’t even the ones he can make at trial. In his own memoir, he admitted that he regularly used drugs around the time he bought the gun. That means the outcome of the trial seems largely a foregone conclusion. On appeal, however, Hunter Biden is likely to argue that the law itself is an unconstitutional infringement on his Second Amendment rights to own a gun.

This is a politically tricky, but a legally reasonable argument. After all, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit already held that the law was invalid as applied to admitted marijuana users. But cocaine is different from marijuana, and then there’s the awkwardness of the president’s son trying to convince the Supreme Court to invalidate part of the most widely used gun control law in the country while his dad campaigns on passing stricter gun control laws.

In short, Hunter Biden should take whatever deal he is being offered. It doesn’t get easier from here.

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