Personal Narrative Essay: My Hometown Is A Wonderful Country Kazakhstan

essay my country kazakhstan

Show More My hometown is a wonderful country Kazakhstan, which is well known for its eventful history, distinctive culture and unique nature. Kazakhstan is the world’s largest landlocked country and the ninth largest in the world. Kazakhstan is the country, which has never attacked or tried to conquer foreign lands, however, other khanates attempted to gain our lands several times. Thousands of people struggled for freedom of our motherland, and many people died for the homeland’s futurity. During tsarist, people saw the death and unfairness, sorrow and misery, and then they knew what the deprivation was. Moreover, people of Kazakhstan took part in the Great Patriotic War, as part of a single country. Tens of thousands of characters from Kazakhstan showed …show more content… All thanks to the harmony and solidarity of the people and the general belief in the bright future. We must remember those people and be proud of true patriots of our country. Every citizen is aware of a significant day, sixteenth of December of nineteen ninety-one, when Kazakhstan was declared as independent country. Nowadays, Kazakhstan is independent, sovereign, democratic state with a stable economy and win-win plans for future. With the achievement of independence, the economy, science, culture began to enhance and develop. Obviously, it was not easy to construct this country, to overcome unemployment, to go out of crisis, but we went through these difficulties. I am proud of my president, Nursultan Nazarbaev, who always puts the people first. He is a truly wise man, a true patriot, a stable politician and strategist, who fought for independence of my country and built the most contemporary city in the world, so-called Astana. People trust him and rely on this …show more content… Expo is a special event, where the participating countries represent the latest developments, advances in science and technologies, as well as prospects, features of culture of world’s countries. From June 10 to September 10, a huge event “Energy of the Future” will be hold in the centre of Kazakhstan’s capital. The place for the meeting was chosen during the pre-voting of participating countries, which were members of the International Exhibition Bureau. As a result, the amount of votes for Astana confidently left for behind his rival Liege. The exhibition of this magnitude has never been conducted in the territory of Central Asians region, but Kazakhstan has a great chance to represent itself on the world’s stage. Astana has already started to prepare to this long-expected event. Owing to this project, construction of global pavilions will be presented in Expo-town and Expo-village. The main object of the complex is a pavilion in the form of spheres, dedicated to Kazakhstan. Executives, investors from countries such as Canada, Turkey and China are interested in building their pavilions by investing money. It means that they support, respect and believe in our Kazakhstan, giving me the reason to be

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The day I returned home after being kidnapped by Islamic terrorists

Beth and Tommy in Portaledge in a tent on the side of a cliff

Beth Rodden is a professional rock climber who, along with three other climbers, was kidnapped and held hostage by Islamic militants in 2000 while on a climbing trip in Kyrgyzstan. The following is excerpted from her new memoir, “A Light Through the Cracks,” about the day she returned home to the U.S. 

Amsterdam, August 2000

By the time my boyfriend, Tommy Caldwell, and I made it to Amsterdam’s gleaming, sterile airport, we had been passed along a half dozen times, like an important but increasingly well-worn package. Military helicopters had brought us and our other two climbing partners from base to base. We’d endured a surreal ride on a private jet from the last military base to the capital, Bishkek, traveling alongside the tipsy and jovial president of Kyrgyzstan. He’d patted us on the shoulders like a grandfather and claimed us long enough for a photo op and a speech to local media in a language we couldn’t understand. Then he handed the four of us off to the American embassy, which scrambled to find us flights home. A few days later, Tommy and I drove across the Kazakhstan border, in a hired car with a diplomatic escort, to the international airport in Almaty, and finally a commercial jet took us from Central Asia to the edge of the Atlantic. Now we had just one more flight to go.

Our tickets were a last-minute mess, and we needed to check on our connection. As we crossed the terminal, I carried a brown paper gift bag from the airport candy shop — despite what we’d been through, I still wanted to bring my older brother a present from this trip. I watched the families clustered around the gates, the lone business travelers perched at the bars, scanning each face around me. I’d been on edge through practically every step of the journey: The embassy in Bishkek had felt almost safe, but at the hotel where they’d sent us to get some sleep, I’d felt vulnerable and stayed vigilant.


In the airport, I was hungry again. When we’d made it to the second army base, the one that felt like a cluster of portable classrooms set down on a vast brown plain, we’d stuffed ourselves with barley and warm buttered bread, but I could not stay full. I had just eaten two chocolate croissants. Still, my stomach felt like a cavern. My brother didn’t really need a present, did he?

I ate half the chocolate in the bag before we got to our gate.

The line at the KLM Royal Dutch Airlines counter felt so orderly. The whole airport did. Just existing there felt like getting a big, soothing hug. When we’d boarded the flight in Kazakhstan, the passengers had formed no line. Everybody just pushed in a scrum toward the plane. Tommy and I stood frozen, like the good, shocked scouts that we were, and got lost in the flood. I felt so fragile, so extremely fragile, and so resigned to that fragile state.

We weren’t safe. That was obvious to me. No line, no order, no rule of law. I loved rules. People smoked openly on that first plane.

“Next,” the flight attendant said as we arrived at the counter. Her voice was as professionally cheerful as her uniform: light blue skirt, light blue jacket, white blouse underneath.

“We’re here to check in for our flight,” I said.

“Wonderful. May I please have your boarding passes?”

I mumbled something apologetic and handed her a few crumpled, dirty sheets of paper. “I think we have to get our seats and stuff from you.”

She pinched her brow as she read our mess of documents. She typed vigorously. I was sure this meant we weren’t going to make it home.

“Can you wait one second?” she asked, flashing a strained smile. She disappeared behind a wall.

Beth Rodden climbing a boulder

I looked at Tommy. He stared into the blank space where the woman had just been. I couldn’t tell if he was as scared as I was, if he was also monitoring the people pooling and flowing around us for any threat. I felt like I had grown an invisible antenna that vibrated continually, never at rest. Never letting me rest. A memory tried to surface inside me: a body in silhouette, sailing off a dark cliff. A crunch, and an exhale. I forced it back down.

Two blond attendants now appeared where there had been one.

“Can you tell me: Was it something KLM did?” the new flight attendant asked.

I looked back at Tommy. Did he know what she was talking about? Did she know what had happened? Tommy shrugged.

“Wait, what?” I said. “What was something . . . ?”

“Well, um, how to say this,” the flight attendant said. “It says on your tickets, ‘Emotionally distressed passengers, please take care.’ So, we are just wondering if it’s something KLM did.” She looked concerned and defensive in her caring, like a hospital billing manager. She didn’t want to know the answer, but she had to ask.

I didn’t want a stranger to try to comfort me, but I did feel the need to comfort her. So I said, “Oh no, definitely not. We were just kidnapped and we want to go home.”

I couldn’t believe how easily the sentence came out. We were just kidnapped . . . I’d never said it so plainly before.

The flight attendant exhaled all her breath at once, stunned and relieved. “Well, good,” she said.

Well, good?

“KLM does our best. How about business-class seats for you two?” She printed our fresh, flat boarding passes. Tommy and I boarded the plane.

We ate every meal and every snack that was offered to us on the long ride home. My hunger was like a portal opened into a galaxy — infinite, absolute. When I was in middle school, I used to watch my older brother, David, eat, stunned by the mountain of food he could consume. Now, it felt strangely freeing to eat with that type of abandon. I hadn’t done that since ninth grade, when I became obsessed with climbing.

I could eat, but I still couldn’t sleep. My anxiety kept me wide awake, and my wakefulness in turn meant I had nothing but space and time for the anxiety to spin itself tighter in my body. I kept wondering if the plane would crash. That seemed possible, maybe even probable, given how the rest of our trip had gone. An appropriate ending, in a way. I wondered if I’d be scared. What would Tommy say to me before impact? Would it hurt? Our backpack, stuffed at our feet, was filled with souvenirs purchased in a blur during our strange interlude in Bishkek, between our flight with the president and our diplomatic drive across the border. I had stuffed the paltry remains of the airport chocolate into our bag alongside the rest of the things we’d acquired: a hand-carved wooden chess set, a wool hanging. Proof that we’d done something major and been somewhere cool. What were we thinking?

Beth Rodden

The backpack that sat at our feet had been lost in transit when we’d first landed in Kyrgyzstan, full of hope for our climbing adventure, and was waiting for us, perversely intact, at the hotel in Bishkek after our escape. We’d left San Francisco with 20 expedition duffels, and all I had left was this backpack filled with trinkets from a country to which I’d never return. Maybe that was why we’d bought them, with the money Tommy had wadded up in his sock just before we were marched away from our camp at gunpoint. Maybe it was some attempt to fabricate a decent memory of the place.

My hands trembled the whole 12 hours to San Francisco. I knew I needed sleep, but if the plane did crash, wasn’t I supposed to be awake for that? I had no idea how to act, what to do or say or who to be when we saw our parents. I’d left as a 20-year-old girl full of herself, ready for the world, sure I was doing something extraordinary. I was living out the dream I’d stared at in the posters I hung on my bedroom wall: climbing to incredible heights in far-off places. My mother had hardly traveled, certainly not by my age. I’d felt so awfully superior as I’d walked down the jetway when we left. I didn’t even turn back to wave.

My parents had given me everything — pride, freedom, confidence. They trusted me. They trusted my decisions. They trusted the world. Now I was returning home a broken mess. I’d spoken to them a few times from the embassy in Bishkek, the words mainly drowned in my tears. I wanted to be small again, so small I could crawl through the phone into their arms, where they’d hold me and shush me and stroke my head. I wanted my mother to say, “Mama’s here, Mama’s here,” just like she always did when I was a girl. I wanted to shrink back into that little-girl body and lay my head in her lap and cry.

How was I supposed to carry myself getting off the jetway? Was the idea to act strong, like I was fine? I was weirdly good at that. Or should I literally run into their arms?

Now — how to do this? How was I supposed to carry myself getting off the jetway? Was the idea to act strong, like I was fine? I was weirdly good at that. Or should I literally run into their arms, like I had been dreaming of doing for the past eight days? I’d never spoken easily with my parents about feelings. They were so kind, so present, and gently but firmly on my team. But inside, I always felt nervous, like there was a line I was afraid to cross, like I needed to be tougher, solid, unbreakable. And even if I could lay my head in my mother’s lap and have her say, “Mama’s here,” would that still work to soothe me? I was not the same person I had been when I left. My thoughts flapped like the loose end of a film in an old-fashioned movie projector, the front reel spinning empty.

I looked over at Tommy. Maybe he’d know what to do. His head was slumped at a 45-degree angle to his chest, his mouth dropped open, snoring. He was sick. His brain was more lucid and less spastic than mine, but his body was breaking down. He had a fever. I envied Tommy’s oblivion. I felt so alone.

We landed. My palms were sweating, but Tommy’s hands felt strong. That felt like a plan: I’d hold his strong hand and we’d present a united front, though I hadn’t told him about my looping, flapping mind. I was trying to stay composed — for him, for me, maybe for my parents too. We collected our bag of souvenirs from under the airplane seats. The souvenirs promised our trip was normal. We were normal. I grabbed a free chocolate bar and a package of cookies from the plane’s galley as we exited. I never did anything like that, but now instead of saying, “Don’t eat that, Rodden,” I thought, “Just in case we don’t have any other food.”

I didn’t race off the plane like I had seen people do in movies, straight into their loved ones’ arms. Instead I walked so slowly that other passengers started passing us. I was desperate to return home, to the narrow twin bed in my parents’ house, on our quiet block filled with minivans and white Honda sedans, to replant myself in the flat farmland around Davis, California, to recommit to the safe wide sidewalks. I just didn’t know how. I wondered if people could tell we’d changed: if we walked differently or stood slightly less straight, if we’d absorbed so much fear and terror that we now emitted it.

Excerpted from “A Light Through the Cracks: A Climber’s Story,” by Beth Rodden. © 2024 Published by Little A Books, May 1, 2024. All Rights Reserved.

Beth Rodden is the author of “A Light Through the Cracks: A Climber’s Story,” out May 2024. 

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Kyrgyz govt wants Malaysia to appoint adviser to the republic, says PM

Thursday, 16 May 2024

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Malaysia keen to work with kyrgyz republic in numerous areas, says anwar, anwar visit to enhance malaysia-uzbekistan ties.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim meeting his Krygyz counterpart, Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Akylbek Zhaparov, at a meeting at the Ala Archa State Residence here on Wednesday (May 15) afternoon.

BISHKEK: The Kyrgyz Republic expressed its desire for Malaysia to appoint an adviser to the country, says Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

The Prime Minister said this request was made by his Kyrgyz counterpart, Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Akylbek Zhaparov, at a meeting at the Ala Archa State Residence here on Wednesday (May 15) afternoon.

"He (Akylbek Zhaparov) requested that, if possible, we appoint someone who could serve as an adviser to the government (Kyrgyz Republic). This shows their level of respect and recognition for the Malaysian Government.

"... meaning, when they want to negotiate issues such as privatisation, hydro projects, highways, or gold mining, for example, they would ask us to give advice and share our experiences to assist," he said.

Anwar told the Malaysian media this at a press conference in conjunction with his two-day official visit to the Kyrgyz Republic. Anwar began his visit on Wednesday at the invitation of Kyrgyz President Sadyr Zhaparov.

Anwar, who is also the Finance Minister, said the Kyrgyz Republic's request would be discussed at the next Cabinet meeting.

The Prime Minister views the potential appointment of the adviser as part of conducting bilateral relations and as providing opportunities for investors from Malaysia, as there are numerous areas of cooperation for the two countries to explore.

Anwar said among the sectors in Malaysia that attracted attention are halal and Lembaga Tabung Haji, with the Kyrgyz Republic keen to learn in detail about haj management and the administrative management of Tabung Haji.

He said this also shows that the Kyrgyz Republic, a Muslim-majority country that was formerly part of the Soviet Union, highly respects Malaysia as an Islamic country and is interested in following some of the implementation methods and reforms undertaken by Malaysia.

Touching on tourism, the Prime Minister said this sector has great potential to be strengthened between Malaysia and the Kyrgyz Republic, as both countries have unique attractions of their own.

"The Kyrgyz Republic has mountainous areas, while its people are very interested in forest and beach areas in our country," he said.

In addition, Anwar said the Kyrgyz Republic has also asked for more opportunities for its students to study in Malaysia.

Asked about his official visit to Central Asian countries, including Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan after this, Anwar said the Central Asian region has great potential for cooperation to be explored.

"There is strategic importance here. Firstly, it enjoys the advantage of being close to Russia and China. Their (Central Asian countries) intelligence and perspectives help us as a developing country," he said.

Commenting on cooperation with the Kyrgyz Republic, which began in 1992, Anwar said it is time to strengthen this cooperation as it benefits the country.- Bernama

Tags / Keywords: Anwar Ibrahim , Kyrgyz Republic , adviser , tourism , halal , haj management

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Ukraine Strikes More Russian Oil Facilities in a Bid to Disrupt Military Logistics

Analysts say Ukraine is trying to disrupt the Russian military’s logistical routes and combat operations by targeting the facilities that supply fuel for its tanks, ships and fighter jets.

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A man with white hair and glasses, wearing a suit and tie, sits in an ornate chair.

By Constant Méheut

Reporting from Kyiv, Ukraine

Ukrainian drones struck two oil depots and a refinery across Russia in a 24-hour period, including one deep in Russian territory, officials on both sides said Thursday, as Kyiv presses a campaign aimed at hampering the country’s military operations and putting strain on its most important industry.

Radiy Khabirov, the head of Russia’s Bashkiria region, near Kazakhstan, said a drone hit the Neftekhim Salavat oil refinery , one of the country’s largest, around midday on Thursday, sending plumes of smoke into the sky. The facility is more than 700 miles from the Ukrainian border, in a sign that Ukraine is increasingly capable of striking further into Russia.

An official from Ukraine’s special services, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive military matters, said Ukraine was behind the assault. The official said Ukraine was also responsible for two other drone strikes overnight that hit oil depots in Russia’s Krasnodar region, southeast of Ukraine.

The strikes follow some 20 similar attacks since the beginning of the year. Military analysts say they are an attempt by Ukraine to disrupt the Russian military’s logistical routes and combat operations by targeting the facilities that supply fuel for its tanks, ships and planes.

Ukrainian officials also hope the strikes can undermine the Russian energy complex, which is at the core of the country’s economy and war effort — accounting for about a third of Russia’s federal budget revenue — although it is too early to say whether they can have any serious impact.

The United States government has publicly urged Kyiv to stop its attacks on Russian oil refineries out of concern that they could affect global oil markets.

But Ukraine has instead doubled down on its strategy. Last month, Ukraine struck Russia’s third-largest refinery , located about 800 miles from its border with Russia. The refinery hit on Thursday is also one of Russia’s biggest, with a capacity to process 10 million metric tons of oil a year, according to Gazprom , its owner.

Mr. Khabirov, the head of the of the Bashkiria region, said the attack did not disrupt the refinery’s operations. He described the strike as “an attempt to discredit our holiday,” in reference to Russia’s commemoration on Wednesday of the Soviet Union’s victory in World War II .

Kyiv’s rationale for these attacks appears to be that by disrupting Russian military logistics, it could buy time for Ukrainian troops on the battlefield, who are outnumbered, undergunned and steadily losing ground to Russian forces.

In recent months, Ukraine has increasingly been relying on asymmetrical tactics to disrupt Russian operations, including sabotage activities against railway infrastructure and ammunition depots.

“It’s no secret that a big army like Russia, with a lot of equipment, consumes a lot of fuel,” said Serhii Kuzan, the chairman of the Ukrainian Center for Security and Cooperation, an independent research group.

“So the strategy here is very simple: create fuel shortages,” he said, both in the long term by attacking refineries and in the short term by targeting oil depots.

The two oil depots that were hit on Thursday in the Krasnodar region are near Novorossiysk, a major Russian port that is home to part of the Black Sea Fleet. They are also close to the Russian-occupied Crimean Peninsula, where the Russian military has stockpiled fuel and ammunition that it funnels to the battlefields in southern Ukraine.

Russian local authorities confirmed that several drones had fallen on the oil depots, starting a fire and damaging several tanks.

The Russian state-run news agency TASS on Thursday blamed Ukraine for the recent attacks on oil facilities.

Russia has targeted Ukraine’s logistical lines and energy system on a much larger scale, with relentless assaults on power facilities and transportation infrastructure. On Wednesday, Russian missiles and drones damaged several power plants across Ukraine, officials said, part of a concerted effort to degrade Ukraine’s energy grid and deepen the hardship for civilians.

Ukrzaliznytsia, the Ukrainian state railway operator, has reported several attacks against its railways in recent weeks, including as recently as Wednesday against the Kherson railway station in the south.

Russia’s defense minister, Sergei Shoigu, said last month that his army would increase its attacks on Ukrainian logistical hubs in an effort to disrupt the arrival of American military aid.

On Thursday, Ukrenergo, Ukraine’s national electricity company, said that electricity consumption would be limited for industrial companies in the evening, for the second day in a row, as a result of the damage caused by the recent attacks.

The Ukrainian strikes against Russian oil refineries appear to have more than an immediate military objective. They are also seemingly aimed at putting pressure on the Russian economy, experts say.

Damien Ernst, an energy expert and professor at the University of Liege in Belgium, said the strikes have taken more than 10 percent of Russia’s oil-refining capacity off line, temporarily reducing the country’s ability to turn its crude oil into usable products like gasoline, diesel and petrol.

“There are shortages of diesel and petrol in some regions and prices are rising,” said Mr. Ernst. But he added that Russia’s prewar oil refining capacity covered about twice the amount consumed domestically, meaning that gasoline shortages at Russian pumps are a long way off.

Still, Russia increased gasoline imports from neighboring Belarus in March, according to Reuters , and imposed a six-month ban on gasoline exports in March.

Mr. Ernst added that the strikes have had no major effect on international crude oil prices — as the U.S. government feared — because Russia now exports more of its crude oil, including large amounts to India, to compensate for the loss in refining capacity, and because there is currently a surplus of crude oil on international markets.

Writing in Foreign Affairs , three energy and military analysts said on Wednesday that the strikes “can still inflict pain inside Russia” without affecting the economies of Kyiv’s Western partners.

Maria Varenikova contributed reporting.

Constant Méheut reports on the war in Ukraine, including battlefield developments, attacks on civilian centers and how the war is affecting its people. More about Constant Méheut

Our Coverage of the War in Ukraine

News and Analysis

The Biden administration is increasingly concerned that President Vladimir Putin of Russia is gathering enough momentum  to change the trajectory of the war.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken sought to reassure Ukrainians  that they could weather an ominous new Russian offensive and count on long-term support from the United States and its European allies.

Russian security agents detained a senior general , widening a purge of the country’s Defense Ministry amid Putin’s broader shake-up of his government .

Frozen Russian Assets: As much as $300 billion in frozen Russian assets is piling up profits and interest income by the day. Now, Ukraine’s allies are considering how to use those gains to aid Kyiv .

Rebuilding Ukrainian Villages: The people of the Kherson region have slowly rebuilt their livelihoods since Ukraine’s military forced out Russian troops. Now they are bracing for another Russian attack .

Ukraine’s Unidentified Dead: Families of some Ukrainian soldiers say they have spent months trying to get official confirmation of their loved ones’ deaths , adding to their anguish.

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Our team of visual journalists analyzes satellite images, photographs , videos and radio transmissions  to independently confirm troop movements and other details.

We monitor and authenticate reports on social media, corroborating these with eyewitness accounts and interviews. Read more about our reporting efforts .

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