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Newton’s second law of motion – problems and solutions

Solved problems in Newton’s laws of motion – Newton’s second law of motion 

1. A 1 kg object accelerated at a constant 5 m/s 2 . Estimate the net force needed to accelerate the object.

Mass (m) = 1 kg

Acceleration (a) = 5 m/s 2

Wanted : net force (∑F)

We use Newton’s second law to get the net force.

∑ F = (1 kg)(5 m/s 2 ) = 5 kg m/s 2 = 5 Newton

2. Mass of an object = 1 kg, net force ∑F = 2 Newton. Determine the magnitude and direction of the object’s acceleration….

Newton's second law of motion – problems and solutions 1

Net force (∑F) = 2 Newton

Wanted : The magnitude and direction of the acceleration (a)

a = 2 m/s 2

The direction of the acceleration = the direction of the net force (∑F)

3. Object’s mass = 2 kg, F 1 = 5 Newton, F 2 = 3 Newton. The magnitude and direction of the acceleration is…

Newton's second law of motion – problems and solutions 2

Mass (m) = 2 kg

F 1 = 5 Newton

F 2 = 3 Newton

net force :

∑ F = F 1 – F 2 = 5 – 3 = 2 Newton

The magnitude of the acceleration :

a = 1 m/s 2

Direction of the acceleration = direction of the net force = direction of F 1

4. Object’s mass = 2 kg, F 1 = 10 Newton, F 2 = 1 Newton. The magnitude and direction of the acceleration is…

Newton's second law of motion – problems and solutions 3

F 2 = 1 Newton

F 1 = 10 Newton

F 1x = F 1 cos 60 o = (10)(0.5) = 5 Newton

Net force :

∑ F = F 1x – F 2 = 5 – 1 = 4 Newton

Direction of the acceleration = direction of the net force = direction of F 1x

5. F 1 = 10 Newton, F 2 = 1 Newton, m 1 = 1 kg, m 2 = 2 kg. The magnitude and direction of the acceleration is…

Newton's second law of motion – problems and solutions 5

Mass 1 (m 1 ) = 1 kg

Mass 2 (m 2 ) = 2 kg

The net force :

∑ F = F 1 – F 2 = 10 – 1 = 9 Newton

a = ∑F / (m 1 + m 2 )

a = 9 / (1 + 2)

a = 3 m/s 2

The direction of the acceleration = the direction of the net force = direction of F 1

A 40-kg block accelerated by a force of 200 N. Acceleration of the block is 3 m/ s 2 . Determine the magnitude of friction force experienced by the block.

Newton's second law of motion – problems and solutions 7

Mass (m) = 40 kg

Force (F) = 200 N

Acceleration (a) = 3 m/s 2

Wanted: Friction force (F g )

The equation of Newton’s second law of motion

∑ F = net force, m = mass, a = acceleration

The direction of force F rightward, the direction of friction force leftward (the direction of friction force is opposite with the direction of object’s motion).

Choose rightward as positive and leftward as negative.

F – F g = m a

200 – F g = (40)(3)

200 – F g = 120

F g = 200 – 120

F g = 80 Newton

The correct answer is D.

7. Block A with a mass of 100-gram place above block B with a mass of 300 gram, and then block b pushed with a force of 5 N vertically upward. Determine the normal force exerted by block B on block A.

Newton's second law of motion – problems and solutions 2

Force (F) = 5 Newton

Mass of block A (m A ) = 100 gram = 0.1 kg

Mass of block B (m B ) = 300 gram = 0.3 kg

Acceleration of gravity (g) = 10 m/s 2

Weight of block A (w A ) = (0.1 kg)(10 m/s 2 ) = 1 kg m/s 2 = 1 Newton

Weight of block B (w B ) = (0.3 kg)(10 m/s 2 ) = 3 kg m/s 2 = 3 Newton

Wanted : Normal force exerted by block B to block A

Newton's second law of motion – problems and solutions 3

F = push force (act on block B)

w A = weight of block A (act on block A)

w B = weight of block B (act on block B)

N A = normal force exerted by block B on block A (Act on block A)

N A ’ = normal force exerted by block A on block B (Act on block B)

Apply Newton’s second law of motion on both blocks :

F – w A – w B + N A – N A ’ = (m A + m B ) a

N A and N A ’ are action-reaction forces that have the same magnitude but opposite in direction so eliminated from the equation.

F – w A – w B = (m A + m B ) a

5 – 1 – 3 = (0.1 + 0.3) a

5 – 4 = (0.4) a

1 = (0.4) a

a = 1 / 0.4

a = 2.5 m/s 2

Apply Newton’s second law of motion on block A :

N A – w A = m A a

N A – 1 = (0.1)(2.5)

N A – 1 = 0.25

N A = 1 + 0.25

N A = 1.25 Newton

The correct answer is B.

8. An object with weight of 4 N supported by a cord and pulley. A force of 2 N acts on the block and one end of the cord pulled by a force of 9 N. Determine the net force acts on object X.

Newton's second law of motion – problems and solutions 4

B. 4 N downward

C. 9 N upward

D. 9 N downward

Weight of X (w X ) = 4 Newton

Pull force (F x ) = 2 Newton

Tension force (F T ) = 9 Newton

Wanted: Net force acts on object X

Vertically upward forces that act on object X :

The tension force has the same magnitude in all part of the cord. So the tension force is 9 N.

Vertically downward forces that act on object X :

There are two forces that act on object X and both forces are vertically downward, the horizontal component of weight w x and the horizontal component of force F x .

Net force act on the object X :

F T – w X – F x = 9 – 4 – 2 = 9 – 6 = 3

The net force act on the object X is 3 Newton, vertically upward.

The correct answer is A.

9. An object initially at rest on a smooth horizontal surface. A force of 16 N acts on the object so the object accelerated at 2 m/s 2 . If the same object at rest on a rough horizontal surface so the friction force acts on the object is 2 N, then determine the acceleration of the object if the same force of 16 N acts on the object.

A. 1.75 m/s 2

B. 1.50 m/s 2

C. 1.00 m/s 2

D. 0.88 m/s 2

Force (F) = 16 Newton = 16 kg m/s 2

Acceleration (a) = 2 m/s 2

Friction force (F fric ) = 2 Newton = 2 kg m/s 2

Wanted : Object’s acceleration ?

Smooth horizontal surface (no friction force) :

Newton's second law of motion – problems and solutions 5

Mass of object is 8 kilogram.

Rough horizontal surface (there is a friction force) :

Newton's second law of motion – problems and solutions 6

F – F fric = m a

16 – 2 = 8 a

a = 1.75 m/s 2

Object’s acceleration is 1.75 m/s 2 .

10. Tom and Andrew push an object on the smooth floor. Tom push the object with a force of 5.70 N. If the mass of the object is 2.00 kg and acceleration experienced by the object is 2.00 ms -2 , then determine the magnitude and direction of force act by Tom.

A. 1.70 N and its direction is opposite with force acted by Andre.w

B. 1.70 N and its direction same as force acted by Andrew

C. 2.30 N and its direction is opposite with force acted by Andrew.

D. 2.30 N and its direction same as force acted by Andrew.

Push force acted by Andrew (F 1 ) = 5.70 Newton

Mass of object (m) = 2.00 kg

Acceleration (a) = 2.00 m/s 2

Wanted : Magnitude and direction of force acted by Tom (F 2 ) ?

Apply Newton’s second law of motion :

F 1 + F 2 = m a

5.70 + F 2 = (2)(2)

5.70 + F 2 = 4

F 2 = 4 – 5.70

F 2 = – 1.7 Newton

Minus sign indicated that (F 2 ) is opposite with push force act by Andrew (F 1 ).

11. If the mass of the block is the same, which figure shows the smallest acceleration?

Newton's first law and Newton's second law 2

Net force A :

ΣF = 4 N + 2 N – 3 N = 6 N – 3 N = 3 Newton, leftward

Net force B :

ΣF = 2 N + 3 N – 4 N = 5 N – 4 N = 1 Newton, rightward

Net force C :

ΣF = 4 N + 3 N – 2 N = 7 N – 2 N = 5 Newton, rightward

Net force D :

ΣF = 3 N + 4 N + 2 N = 9 Newton, rightward

The equation of Newton’s second law :

a = acceleration, ΣF = net force, m = mass

Based on the above formula, the acceleration (a) is directly proportional to the net force (ΣF) and inversely proportional to mass (m). If the mass of an object is the same, the greater the resultant force, the greater the acceleration or the smaller the resultant force, the smaller the acceleration. Based on the above calculation, the smallest net force is 1 Newton so the acceleration is also smallest.

12. Some forces act on an object with a mass of 20 kg, as shown in the figure below.

Newton's first law and Newton's second law 3

Determine the object’s acceleration.

Mass of object (m) = 20 kg

Net force (ΣF) = 25 N + 30 N – 15 N = 40 N

Wanted: Acceleration of an object

Object’s acceleration calculated using the equation of Newton’s second law :

a = ΣF / m = 40 N / 20 kg = 2 N/kg = 2 m/s 2

13. Which statements below describes Newton’s third law?

(1) Passengers pushed forward when the bus braked suddenly

(2) B ooks on paper are not falling when the paper is pulled quickly

(3) When playing skateboard when the foot pushes the ground back then the skateboard will slide forward

(4) O ars pushed backward, boats moving forward

(1) Newton’s first law

(2) Newton’s first law

(3) Newton’s third law

(4) Newton’s third law

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  • Mass and weight
  • Normal force
  • Newton’s second law of motion
  • Friction force
  • Motion on the horizontal surface without friction force
  • The motion of two bodies with the same acceleration on the rough horizontal surface with the friction force
  • Motion on the inclined plane without friction force
  • Motion on the rough inclined plane with the friction force
  • Motion in an elevator
  • The motion of bodies connected by cord and pulley
  • Two bodies with the same magnitude of accelerations
  • Rounding a flat curve – dynamics of circular motion
  • Rounding a banked curve – dynamics of circular motion
  • Uniform motion in a horizontal circle
  • Centripetal force in uniform circular motion

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example of problem solving in newton's second law of motion

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6 Applications of Newton’s Laws

6.1 Solving Problems with Newton’s Laws

Learning objectives.

By the end of the section, you will be able to:

  • Apply problem-solving techniques to solve for quantities in more complex systems of forces
  • Use concepts from kinematics to solve problems using Newton’s laws of motion
  • Solve more complex equilibrium problems
  • Solve more complex acceleration problems
  • Apply calculus to more advanced dynamics problems

Success in problem solving is necessary to understand and apply physical principles. We developed a pattern of analyzing and setting up the solutions to problems involving Newton’s laws in Newton’s Laws of Motion ; in this chapter, we continue to discuss these strategies and apply a step-by-step process.

Problem-Solving Strategies

We follow here the basics of problem solving presented earlier in this text, but we emphasize specific strategies that are useful in applying Newton’s laws of motion . Once you identify the physical principles involved in the problem and determine that they include Newton’s laws of motion, you can apply these steps to find a solution. These techniques also reinforce concepts that are useful in many other areas of physics. Many problem-solving strategies are stated outright in the worked examples, so the following techniques should reinforce skills you have already begun to develop.

Problem-Solving Strategy: Applying Newton’s Laws of Motion

  • Identify the physical principles involved by listing the givens and the quantities to be calculated.
  • Sketch the situation, using arrows to represent all forces.
  • Determine the system of interest. The result is a free-body diagram that is essential to solving the problem.
  • Apply Newton’s second law to solve the problem. If necessary, apply appropriate kinematic equations from the chapter on motion along a straight line.
  • Check the solution to see whether it is reasonable.

Let’s apply this problem-solving strategy to the challenge of lifting a grand piano into a second-story apartment. Once we have determined that Newton’s laws of motion are involved (if the problem involves forces), it is particularly important to draw a careful sketch of the situation. Such a sketch is shown in Figure (a). Then, as in Figure (b), we can represent all forces with arrows. Whenever sufficient information exists, it is best to label these arrows carefully and make the length and direction of each correspond to the represented force.

This figure shows the development of the free body diagram of a piano being lifted and passed through a window. Figure a is a sketch showing the piano hanging from a crane and part way through a window. Figure b identifies the forces. It shows the same sketch with the addition of the forces, represented as labeled vector arrows. Vector T points up, vector F sub T points down, vector w points down. Figure c defines the system of interest. The sketch is shown again with the piano circled and identified as the system of interest. Only vectors T up and w down are included in this diagram. The downward force F sub T is not a force on the system of interest since it is exerted on the outside world. It must be omitted from the free body diagram. The free body diagram is shown as well. It consists of a dot, representing the system of interest, and the vectors T pointing up and w pointing down, with their tails at the dot. Figure d shows the addition of the forces. Vectors T and w are shown. We are told that these forces must be equal and opposite since the net external force is zero. Thus T is equal to minus w.

As with most problems, we next need to identify what needs to be determined and what is known or can be inferred from the problem as stated, that is, make a list of knowns and unknowns. It is particularly crucial to identify the system of interest, since Newton’s second law involves only external forces. We can then determine which forces are external and which are internal, a necessary step to employ Newton’s second law. (See Figure (c).) Newton’s third law may be used to identify whether forces are exerted between components of a system (internal) or between the system and something outside (external). As illustrated in Newton’s Laws of Motion , the system of interest depends on the question we need to answer. Only forces are shown in free-body diagrams, not acceleration or velocity. We have drawn several free-body diagrams in previous worked examples. Figure (c) shows a free-body diagram for the system of interest. Note that no internal forces are shown in a free-body diagram.

Once a free-body diagram is drawn, we apply Newton’s second law. This is done in Figure (d) for a particular situation. In general, once external forces are clearly identified in free-body diagrams, it should be a straightforward task to put them into equation form and solve for the unknown, as done in all previous examples. If the problem is one-dimensional—that is, if all forces are parallel—then the forces can be handled algebraically. If the problem is two-dimensional, then it must be broken down into a pair of one-dimensional problems. We do this by projecting the force vectors onto a set of axes chosen for convenience. As seen in previous examples, the choice of axes can simplify the problem. For example, when an incline is involved, a set of axes with one axis parallel to the incline and one perpendicular to it is most convenient. It is almost always convenient to make one axis parallel to the direction of motion, if this is known. Generally, just write Newton’s second law in components along the different directions. Then, you have the following equations:

(If, for example, the system is accelerating horizontally, then you can then set [latex]{a}_{y}=0.[/latex]) We need this information to determine unknown forces acting on a system.

As always, we must check the solution. In some cases, it is easy to tell whether the solution is reasonable. For example, it is reasonable to find that friction causes an object to slide down an incline more slowly than when no friction exists. In practice, intuition develops gradually through problem solving; with experience, it becomes progressively easier to judge whether an answer is reasonable. Another way to check a solution is to check the units. If we are solving for force and end up with units of millimeters per second, then we have made a mistake.

There are many interesting applications of Newton’s laws of motion, a few more of which are presented in this section. These serve also to illustrate some further subtleties of physics and to help build problem-solving skills. We look first at problems involving particle equilibrium, which make use of Newton’s first law, and then consider particle acceleration, which involves Newton’s second law.

Particle Equilibrium

Recall that a particle in equilibrium is one for which the external forces are balanced. Static equilibrium involves objects at rest, and dynamic equilibrium involves objects in motion without acceleration, but it is important to remember that these conditions are relative. For example, an object may be at rest when viewed from our frame of reference, but the same object would appear to be in motion when viewed by someone moving at a constant velocity. We now make use of the knowledge attained in Newton’s Laws of Motion , regarding the different types of forces and the use of free-body diagrams, to solve additional problems in particle equilibrium .

Different Tensions at Different Angles

Consider the traffic light (mass of 15.0 kg) suspended from two wires as shown in Figure . Find the tension in each wire, neglecting the masses of the wires.

A sketch of a traffic light suspended from two wires supported by two poles is shown. (b) Some forces are shown in this system. Tension T sub one pulling the top of the left-hand pole is shown by the vector arrow along the left wire from the top of the pole, and an equal but opposite tension T sub one is shown by the arrow pointing up along the left-hand wire where it is attached to the light; the left-hand wire makes a thirty-degree angle with the horizontal. Tension T sub two is shown by a vector arrow pointing downward from the top of the right-hand pole along the right-hand wire, and an equal but opposite tension T sub two is shown by the arrow pointing up along the right-hand wire, which makes a forty-five degree angle with the horizontal. The traffic light is suspended at the lower end of the wires, and its weight W is shown by a vector arrow acting downward. (c) The traffic light is the system of interest, indicated by circling the traffic light. Tension T sub one starting from the traffic light is shown by an arrow along the wire making an angle of thirty degrees with the horizontal. Tension T sub two starting from the traffic light is shown by an arrow along the wire making an angle of forty-five degrees with the horizontal. The weight W is shown by a vector arrow pointing downward from the traffic light. A free-body diagram is shown with three forces acting on a point. Weight W acts downward; T sub one and T sub two act at an angle with the vertical. A coordinate system is shown, with positive x to the right and positive y upward. (d) Forces are shown with their components. T sub one is decomposed into T sub one y pointing vertically upward and T sub one x pointing along the negative x direction. The angle between T sub one and T sub one x is thirty degrees. T sub two is decomposed into T sub two y pointing vertically upward and T sub two x pointing along the positive x direction. The angle between T sub two and T sub two x is forty five degrees. Weight W is shown by a vector arrow acting downward. (e) The net vertical force is zero, so the vector equation is T sub one y plus T sub two y equals W. T sub one y and T sub two y are shown on a free body diagram as equal length arrows pointing up. W is shown as a downward pointing arrow whose length is twice as long as each of the T sub one y and T sub two y arrows. The net horizontal force is zero, so vector T sub one x is equal to minus vector T sub two x. T sub two x is shown by an arrow pointing toward the right, and T sub one x is shown by an arrow pointing toward the left.

The system of interest is the traffic light, and its free-body diagram is shown in Figure (c). The three forces involved are not parallel, and so they must be projected onto a coordinate system. The most convenient coordinate system has one axis vertical and one horizontal, and the vector projections on it are shown in Figure (d). There are two unknowns in this problem ([latex]{T}_{1}[/latex] and [latex]{T}_{2}[/latex]), so two equations are needed to find them. These two equations come from applying Newton’s second law along the vertical and horizontal axes, noting that the net external force is zero along each axis because acceleration is zero.

First consider the horizontal or x -axis:

Thus, as you might expect,

This gives us the following relationship:

Note that [latex]{T}_{1}[/latex] and [latex]{T}_{2}[/latex] are not equal in this case because the angles on either side are not equal. It is reasonable that [latex]{T}_{2}[/latex] ends up being greater than [latex]{T}_{1}[/latex] because it is exerted more vertically than [latex]{T}_{1}.[/latex]

Now consider the force components along the vertical or y -axis:

This implies

Substituting the expressions for the vertical components gives

There are two unknowns in this equation, but substituting the expression for [latex]{T}_{2}[/latex] in terms of [latex]{T}_{1}[/latex] reduces this to one equation with one unknown:

which yields

Solving this last equation gives the magnitude of [latex]{T}_{1}[/latex] to be

Finally, we find the magnitude of [latex]{T}_{2}[/latex] by using the relationship between them, [latex]{T}_{2}=1.225{T}_{1}[/latex], found above. Thus we obtain


Both tensions would be larger if both wires were more horizontal, and they will be equal if and only if the angles on either side are the same (as they were in the earlier example of a tightrope walker in Newton’s Laws of Motion .

Particle Acceleration

We have given a variety of examples of particles in equilibrium. We now turn our attention to particle acceleration problems, which are the result of a nonzero net force. Refer again to the steps given at the beginning of this section, and notice how they are applied to the following examples.

Drag Force on a Barge

Two tugboats push on a barge at different angles ( Figure ). The first tugboat exerts a force of [latex]2.7\times {10}^{5}\,\text{N}[/latex] in the x -direction, and the second tugboat exerts a force of [latex]3.6\times {10}^{5}\,\text{N}[/latex] in the y -direction. The mass of the barge is [latex]5.0\times {10}^{6}\,\text{kg}[/latex] and its acceleration is observed to be [latex]7.5\times {10}^{-2}\,{\text{m/s}}^{2}[/latex] in the direction shown. What is the drag force of the water on the barge resisting the motion? ( Note: Drag force is a frictional force exerted by fluids, such as air or water. The drag force opposes the motion of the object. Since the barge is flat bottomed, we can assume that the drag force is in the direction opposite of motion of the barge.)

(a) A view from above of two tugboats pushing on a barge. One tugboat is pushing with the force F sub 1 equal to two point seven times by ten to the five newtons, shown by a vector arrow acting toward the right in the x direction. Another tugboat is pushing with a force F sub 2 equal to three point six times by ten to the five newtons acting upward in the positive y direction. Acceleration of the barge, a, is shown by a vector arrow directed fifty-three point one degree angle above the x axis. In the free-body diagram, the mass is represented by a point, F sub 2 is acting upward on the point, F sub 1 is acting toward the right, and F sub D is acting approximately southwest. (b) The vectors F sub 1 and F sub 2 are the sides of a right triangle. The resultant is the hypotenuse of this triangle, vector F sub app, making a fifty-three point one degree angle from the base vector F sub 1. The vector F sub app plus the vector force F sub D, pointing down the incline, is equal to the force vector F sub net, which points up the incline.

The directions and magnitudes of acceleration and the applied forces are given in Figure (a). We define the total force of the tugboats on the barge as [latex]{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{\text{app}}[/latex] so that

The drag of the water [latex]{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{\text{D}}[/latex] is in the direction opposite to the direction of motion of the boat; this force thus works against [latex]{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{\text{app}},[/latex] as shown in the free-body diagram in Figure (b). The system of interest here is the barge, since the forces on it are given as well as its acceleration. Because the applied forces are perpendicular, the x – and y -axes are in the same direction as [latex]{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{1}[/latex] and [latex]{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{2}.[/latex] The problem quickly becomes a one-dimensional problem along the direction of [latex]{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{\text{app}}[/latex], since friction is in the direction opposite to [latex]{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{\text{app}}.[/latex] Our strategy is to find the magnitude and direction of the net applied force [latex]{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{\text{app}}[/latex] and then apply Newton’s second law to solve for the drag force [latex]{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{\text{D}}.[/latex]

Since [latex]{F}_{x}[/latex] and [latex]{F}_{y}[/latex] are perpendicular, we can find the magnitude and direction of [latex]{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{\text{app}}[/latex] directly. First, the resultant magnitude is given by the Pythagorean theorem:

The angle is given by

From Newton’s first law, we know this is the same direction as the acceleration. We also know that [latex]{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{\text{D}}[/latex] is in the opposite direction of [latex]{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{\text{app}},[/latex] since it acts to slow down the acceleration. Therefore, the net external force is in the same direction as [latex]{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{\text{app}},[/latex] but its magnitude is slightly less than [latex]{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{\text{app}}.[/latex] The problem is now one-dimensional. From the free-body diagram, we can see that

However, Newton’s second law states that

This can be solved for the magnitude of the drag force of the water [latex]{F}_{\text{D}}[/latex] in terms of known quantities:

Substituting known values gives

The direction of [latex]{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{\text{D}}[/latex] has already been determined to be in the direction opposite to [latex]{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{\text{app}},[/latex] or at an angle of [latex]53^\circ[/latex] south of west.

The numbers used in this example are reasonable for a moderately large barge. It is certainly difficult to obtain larger accelerations with tugboats, and small speeds are desirable to avoid running the barge into the docks. Drag is relatively small for a well-designed hull at low speeds, consistent with the answer to this example, where [latex]{F}_{\text{D}}[/latex] is less than 1/600th of the weight of the ship.

In Newton’s Laws of Motion , we discussed the normal force , which is a contact force that acts normal to the surface so that an object does not have an acceleration perpendicular to the surface. The bathroom scale is an excellent example of a normal force acting on a body. It provides a quantitative reading of how much it must push upward to support the weight of an object. But can you predict what you would see on the dial of a bathroom scale if you stood on it during an elevator ride? Will you see a value greater than your weight when the elevator starts up? What about when the elevator moves upward at a constant speed? Take a guess before reading the next example.

What Does the Bathroom Scale Read in an Elevator?

Figure shows a 75.0-kg man (weight of about 165 lb.) standing on a bathroom scale in an elevator. Calculate the scale reading: (a) if the elevator accelerates upward at a rate of [latex]1.20\,{\text{m/s}}^{2},[/latex] and (b) if the elevator moves upward at a constant speed of 1 m/s.

A person is standing on a bathroom scale in an elevator. His weight w is shown by an arrow near his chest, pointing downward. F sub s is the force of the scale on the person, shown by a vector starting from his feet pointing vertically upward. W sub s is the weight of the scale, shown by a vector starting at the scale pointing pointing vertically downward. W sub e is the weight of the elevator, shown by a broken arrow starting at the bottom of the elevator pointing vertically downward. F sub p is the force of the person on the scale, drawn starting at the scale and pointing vertically downward. F sub t is the force of the scale on the floor of the elevator, pointing vertically downward, and N is the normal force of the floor on the scale, starting on the elevator near the scale pointing upward. (b) The same person is shown on the scale in the elevator, but only a few forces are shown acting on the person, which is our system of interest. W is shown by an arrow acting downward, and F sub s is the force of the scale on the person, shown by a vector starting from his feet pointing vertically upward. The free-body diagram is also shown, with two forces acting on a point. F sub s acts vertically upward, and w acts vertically downward. An x y coordinate system is shown, with positive x to the right and positive y upward.

If the scale at rest is accurate, its reading equals [latex]{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{\text{p}}[/latex], the magnitude of the force the person exerts downward on it. Figure (a) shows the numerous forces acting on the elevator, scale, and person. It makes this one-dimensional problem look much more formidable than if the person is chosen to be the system of interest and a free-body diagram is drawn, as in Figure (b). Analysis of the free-body diagram using Newton’s laws can produce answers to both Figure (a) and (b) of this example, as well as some other questions that might arise. The only forces acting on the person are his weight [latex]\mathbf{\overset{\to }{w}}[/latex] and the upward force of the scale [latex]{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{\text{s}}.[/latex] According to Newton’s third law, [latex]{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{\text{p}}[/latex] and [latex]{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{\text{s}}[/latex] are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, so that we need to find [latex]{F}_{\text{s}}[/latex] in order to find what the scale reads. We can do this, as usual, by applying Newton’s second law,

From the free-body diagram, we see that [latex]{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{\text{net}}={\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{s}-\mathbf{\overset{\to }{w}},[/latex] so we have

Solving for [latex]{F}_{s}[/latex] gives us an equation with only one unknown:

or, because [latex]w=mg,[/latex] simply

No assumptions were made about the acceleration, so this solution should be valid for a variety of accelerations in addition to those in this situation. ( Note: We are considering the case when the elevator is accelerating upward. If the elevator is accelerating downward, Newton’s second law becomes [latex]{F}_{s}-w=\text{−}ma.[/latex])

which gives

The scale reading in Figure (a) is about 185 lb. What would the scale have read if he were stationary? Since his acceleration would be zero, the force of the scale would be equal to his weight:

Thus, the scale reading in the elevator is greater than his 735-N (165-lb.) weight. This means that the scale is pushing up on the person with a force greater than his weight, as it must in order to accelerate him upward. Clearly, the greater the acceleration of the elevator, the greater the scale reading, consistent with what you feel in rapidly accelerating versus slowly accelerating elevators. In Figure (b), the scale reading is 735 N, which equals the person’s weight. This is the case whenever the elevator has a constant velocity—moving up, moving down, or stationary.

Check Your Understanding

Now calculate the scale reading when the elevator accelerates downward at a rate of [latex]1.20\,{\text{m/s}}^{2}.[/latex]


The solution to the previous example also applies to an elevator accelerating downward, as mentioned. When an elevator accelerates downward, a is negative, and the scale reading is less than the weight of the person. If a constant downward velocity is reached, the scale reading again becomes equal to the person’s weight. If the elevator is in free fall and accelerating downward at g , then the scale reading is zero and the person appears to be weightless.

Two Attached Blocks

Figure shows a block of mass [latex]{m}_{1}[/latex] on a frictionless, horizontal surface. It is pulled by a light string that passes over a frictionless and massless pulley. The other end of the string is connected to a block of mass [latex]{m}_{2}.[/latex] Find the acceleration of the blocks and the tension in the string in terms of [latex]{m}_{1},{m}_{2},\,\text{and}\,g.[/latex]

(a) Block m sub 1 is on a horizontal surface. It is connected to a string that passes over a pulley then hangs straight down and connects to block m sub 2. Block m sub 1 has acceleration a sub 1 directed to the right. Block m sub 2 has acceleration a sub 2 directed downward. (b) Free body diagrams of each block. Block m sub 1 has force w sub 1 directed vertically down, N directed vertically up, and T directed horizontally to the right. Block m sub 2 has force w sub 2 directed vertically down, and T directed vertically up. The x y coordinate system has positive x to the right and positive y up.

We draw a free-body diagram for each mass separately, as shown in Figure . Then we analyze each one to find the required unknowns. The forces on block 1 are the gravitational force, the contact force of the surface, and the tension in the string. Block 2 is subjected to the gravitational force and the string tension. Newton’s second law applies to each, so we write two vector equations:

For block 1: [latex]\mathbf{\overset{\to }{T}}+{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{w}}}_{1}+\mathbf{\overset{\to }{N}}={m}_{1}{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{a}}}_{1}[/latex]

For block 2: [latex]\mathbf{\overset{\to }{T}}+{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{w}}}_{2}={m}_{2}{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{a}}}_{2}.[/latex]

Notice that [latex]\mathbf{\overset{\to }{T}}[/latex] is the same for both blocks. Since the string and the pulley have negligible mass, and since there is no friction in the pulley, the tension is the same throughout the string. We can now write component equations for each block. All forces are either horizontal or vertical, so we can use the same horizontal/vertical coordinate system for both objects

The component equations follow from the vector equations above. We see that block 1 has the vertical forces balanced, so we ignore them and write an equation relating the x -components. There are no horizontal forces on block 2, so only the y -equation is written. We obtain these results:

When block 1 moves to the right, block 2 travels an equal distance downward; thus, [latex]{a}_{1x}=\text{−}{a}_{2y}.[/latex] Writing the common acceleration of the blocks as [latex]a={a}_{1x}=\text{−}{a}_{2y},[/latex] we now have

From these two equations, we can express a and T in terms of the masses [latex]{m}_{1}\,\text{and}\,{m}_{2},\,\text{and}\,g:[/latex]

Notice that the tension in the string is less than the weight of the block hanging from the end of it. A common error in problems like this is to set [latex]T={m}_{2}g.[/latex] You can see from the free-body diagram of block 2 that cannot be correct if the block is accelerating.

Calculate the acceleration of the system, and the tension in the string, when the masses are [latex]{m}_{1}=5.00\,\text{kg}[/latex] and [latex]{m}_{2}=3.00\,\text{kg}.[/latex]

[latex]a=3.68\,{\text{m/s}}^{2},[/latex] [latex]T=18.4\,\text{N}[/latex]

Atwood Machine

A classic problem in physics, similar to the one we just solved, is that of the Atwood machine , which consists of a rope running over a pulley, with two objects of different mass attached. It is particularly useful in understanding the connection between force and motion. In Figure , [latex]{m}_{1}=2.00\,\text{kg}[/latex] and [latex]{m}_{2}=4.00\,\text{kg}\text{.}[/latex] Consider the pulley to be frictionless. (a) If [latex]{m}_{2}[/latex] is released, what will its acceleration be? (b) What is the tension in the string?

An Atwood machine consists of masses suspended on either side of a pulley by a string passing over the pulley. In the figure, mass m sub 1 is on the left and mass m sub 2 is on the right. The free body diagram of block one shows mass one with force vector T pointing vertically up and force vector w sub one pointing vertically down. The free body diagram of block two shows mass two with force vector T pointing vertically up and force vector w sub two pointing vertically down.

We draw a free-body diagram for each mass separately, as shown in the figure. Then we analyze each diagram to find the required unknowns. This may involve the solution of simultaneous equations. It is also important to note the similarity with the previous example. As block 2 accelerates with acceleration [latex]{a}_{2}[/latex] in the downward direction, block 1 accelerates upward with acceleration [latex]{a}_{1}[/latex]. Thus, [latex]a={a}_{1}=\text{−}{a}_{2}.[/latex]

(The negative sign in front of [latex]{m}_{2}a[/latex] indicates that [latex]{m}_{2}[/latex] accelerates downward; both blocks accelerate at the same rate, but in opposite directions.) Solve the two equations simultaneously (subtract them) and the result is

Solving for a :

  • Observing the first block, we see that [latex]\begin{array}{c}T-{m}_{1}g={m}_{1}a\hfill \\ T={m}_{1}(g+a)=(2\,\text{kg})(9.8\,{\text{m/s}}^{2}+3.27\,{\text{m/s}}^{2})=26.1\,\text{N}\text{.}\hfill \end{array}[/latex]

The result for the acceleration given in the solution can be interpreted as the ratio of the unbalanced force on the system, [latex]({m}_{2}-{m}_{1})g[/latex], to the total mass of the system, [latex]{m}_{1}+{m}_{2}[/latex]. We can also use the Atwood machine to measure local gravitational field strength.

Determine a general formula in terms of [latex]{m}_{1},{m}_{2}[/latex] and g for calculating the tension in the string for the Atwood machine shown above.

[latex]T=\frac{2{m}_{1}{m}_{2}}{{m}_{1}+{m}_{2}}g[/latex] (This is found by substituting the equation for acceleration in Figure (a), into the equation for tension in Figure (b).)

Newton’s Laws of Motion and Kinematics

Physics is most interesting and most powerful when applied to general situations that involve more than a narrow set of physical principles. Newton’s laws of motion can also be integrated with other concepts that have been discussed previously in this text to solve problems of motion. For example, forces produce accelerations, a topic of kinematics , and hence the relevance of earlier chapters.

When approaching problems that involve various types of forces, acceleration, velocity, and/or position, listing the givens and the quantities to be calculated will allow you to identify the principles involved. Then, you can refer to the chapters that deal with a particular topic and solve the problem using strategies outlined in the text. The following worked example illustrates how the problem-solving strategy given earlier in this chapter, as well as strategies presented in other chapters, is applied to an integrated concept problem.

What Force Must a Soccer Player Exert to Reach Top Speed?

A soccer player starts at rest and accelerates forward, reaching a velocity of 8.00 m/s in 2.50 s. (a) What is her average acceleration? (b) What average force does the ground exert forward on the runner so that she achieves this acceleration? The player’s mass is 70.0 kg, and air resistance is negligible.

To find the answers to this problem, we use the problem-solving strategy given earlier in this chapter. The solutions to each part of the example illustrate how to apply specific problem-solving steps. In this case, we do not need to use all of the steps. We simply identify the physical principles, and thus the knowns and unknowns; apply Newton’s second law; and check to see whether the answer is reasonable.

Substituting the known values yields

Substituting the known values of m and a gives

This is a reasonable result: The acceleration is attainable for an athlete in good condition. The force is about 50 pounds, a reasonable average force.

This example illustrates how to apply problem-solving strategies to situations that include topics from different chapters. The first step is to identify the physical principles, the knowns, and the unknowns involved in the problem. The second step is to solve for the unknown, in this case using Newton’s second law. Finally, we check our answer to ensure it is reasonable. These techniques for integrated concept problems will be useful in applications of physics outside of a physics course, such as in your profession, in other science disciplines, and in everyday life.

The soccer player stops after completing the play described above, but now notices that the ball is in position to be stolen. If she now experiences a force of 126 N to attempt to steal the ball, which is 2.00 m away from her, how long will it take her to get to the ball?

What Force Acts on a Model Helicopter?

A 1.50-kg model helicopter has a velocity of [latex]5.00\mathbf{\hat{j}}\,\text{m/s}[/latex] at [latex]t=0.[/latex] It is accelerated at a constant rate for two seconds (2.00 s) after which it has a velocity of [latex](6.00\mathbf{\hat{i}}+12.00\mathbf{\hat{j}})\text{m/s}\text{.}[/latex] What is the magnitude of the resultant force acting on the helicopter during this time interval?

We can easily set up a coordinate system in which the x -axis [latex](\mathbf{\hat{i}}[/latex] direction) is horizontal, and the y -axis [latex](\mathbf{\hat{j}}[/latex] direction) is vertical. We know that [latex]\Delta t=2.00s[/latex] and [latex](6.00\mathbf{\hat{i}}+12.00\mathbf{\hat{j}}\,\text{m/s})-(5.00\mathbf{\hat{j}}\,\text{m/s}).[/latex] From this, we can calculate the acceleration by the definition; we can then apply Newton’s second law.

The magnitude of the force is now easily found:

The original problem was stated in terms of [latex]\mathbf{\hat{i}}-\mathbf{\hat{j}}[/latex] vector components, so we used vector methods. Compare this example with the previous example.

Find the direction of the resultant for the 1.50-kg model helicopter.

49.4 degrees

Baggage Tractor

Figure (a) shows a baggage tractor pulling luggage carts from an airplane. The tractor has mass 650.0 kg, while cart A has mass 250.0 kg and cart B has mass 150.0 kg. The driving force acting for a brief period of time accelerates the system from rest and acts for 3.00 s. (a) If this driving force is given by [latex]F=(820.0t)\,\text{N,}[/latex] find the speed after 3.00 seconds. (b) What is the horizontal force acting on the connecting cable between the tractor and cart A at this instant?

Figure (a) shows a baggage tractor driving to the left and pulling two luggage carts. The external forces on the system are shown. The forces on the tractor are F sub tractor, horizontally to the left, N sub tractor vertically up, and w sub tractor vertically down. The forces on the cart immediately behind the tractor, cart A, are N sub A vertically up, and w sub A vertically down. The forces on cart B, the one behind cart A, are N sub B vertically up, and w sub B vertically down. Figure (b) shows the free body diagram of the tractor, consisting of F sub tractor, horizontally to the left, N sub tractor vertically up, w sub tractor vertically down, and T horizontally to the right.

A free-body diagram shows the driving force of the tractor, which gives the system its acceleration. We only need to consider motion in the horizontal direction. The vertical forces balance each other and it is not necessary to consider them. For part b, we make use of a free-body diagram of the tractor alone to determine the force between it and cart A. This exposes the coupling force [latex]\mathbf{\overset{\to }{T}},[/latex] which is our objective.

Since acceleration is a function of time, we can determine the velocity of the tractor by using [latex]a=\frac{dv}{dt}[/latex] with the initial condition that [latex]{v}_{0}=0[/latex] at [latex]t=0.[/latex] We integrate from [latex]t=0[/latex] to [latex]t=3\text{:}[/latex]

  • Refer to the free-body diagram in Figure (b). [latex]\begin{array}{ccc}\hfill \sum {F}_{x}& =\hfill & {m}_{\text{tractor}}{a}_{x}\hfill \\ \hfill 820.0t-T& =\hfill & {m}_{\text{tractor}}(0.7805)t\hfill \\ \hfill (820.0)(3.00)-T& =\hfill & (650.0)(0.7805)(3.00)\hfill \\ \hfill T& =\hfill & 938\,\text{N}.\hfill \end{array}[/latex]

Since the force varies with time, we must use calculus to solve this problem. Notice how the total mass of the system was important in solving Figure (a), whereas only the mass of the truck (since it supplied the force) was of use in Figure (b).

Recall that [latex]v=\frac{ds}{dt}[/latex] and [latex]a=\frac{dv}{dt}[/latex]. If acceleration is a function of time, we can use the calculus forms developed in Motion Along a Straight Line , as shown in this example. However, sometimes acceleration is a function of displacement. In this case, we can derive an important result from these calculus relations. Solving for dt in each, we have [latex]dt=\frac{ds}{v}[/latex] and [latex]dt=\frac{dv}{a}.[/latex] Now, equating these expressions, we have [latex]\frac{ds}{v}=\frac{dv}{a}.[/latex] We can rearrange this to obtain [latex]{a}^{}ds={v}^{}dv.[/latex]

Motion of a Projectile Fired Vertically

A 10.0-kg mortar shell is fired vertically upward from the ground, with an initial velocity of 50.0 m/s (see Figure ). Determine the maximum height it will travel if atmospheric resistance is measured as [latex]{F}_{\text{D}}=(0.0100{v}^{2})\,\text{N,}[/latex] where v is the speed at any instant.

(a) A photograph of a soldier firing a mortar shell straight up. (b) A free body diagram of the mortar shell shows forces F sub D and w, both pointing vertically down. Force w is larger than force F sub D.

The known force on the mortar shell can be related to its acceleration using the equations of motion. Kinematics can then be used to relate the mortar shell’s acceleration to its position.

Initially, [latex]{y}_{0}=0[/latex] and [latex]{v}_{0}=50.0\,\text{m/s}\text{.}[/latex] At the maximum height [latex]y=h,v=0.[/latex] The free-body diagram shows [latex]{F}_{\text{D}}[/latex] to act downward, because it slows the upward motion of the mortar shell. Thus, we can write

The acceleration depends on v and is therefore variable. Since [latex]a=f(v)\text{,}[/latex] we can relate a to v using the rearrangement described above,

We replace ds with dy because we are dealing with the vertical direction,

We now separate the variables ( v ’s and dv ’s on one side; dy on the other):

Thus, [latex]h=114\,\text{m}\text{.}[/latex]

Notice the need to apply calculus since the force is not constant, which also means that acceleration is not constant. To make matters worse, the force depends on v (not t ), and so we must use the trick explained prior to the example. The answer for the height indicates a lower elevation if there were air resistance. We will deal with the effects of air resistance and other drag forces in greater detail in Drag Force and Terminal Speed .

If atmospheric resistance is neglected, find the maximum height for the mortar shell. Is calculus required for this solution?

Explore the forces at work in this simulation when you try to push a filing cabinet. Create an applied force and see the resulting frictional force and total force acting on the cabinet. Charts show the forces, position, velocity, and acceleration vs. time. View a free-body diagram of all the forces (including gravitational and normal forces).

  • Newton’s laws of motion can be applied in numerous situations to solve motion problems.
  • Some problems contain multiple force vectors acting in different directions on an object. Be sure to draw diagrams, resolve all force vectors into horizontal and vertical components, and draw a free-body diagram. Always analyze the direction in which an object accelerates so that you can determine whether [latex]{F}_{\text{net}}=ma[/latex] or [latex]{F}_{\text{net}}=0.[/latex]
  • The normal force on an object is not always equal in magnitude to the weight of the object. If an object is accelerating vertically, the normal force is less than or greater than the weight of the object. Also, if the object is on an inclined plane, the normal force is always less than the full weight of the object.
  • Some problems contain several physical quantities, such as forces, acceleration, velocity, or position. You can apply concepts from kinematics and dynamics to solve these problems.

Conceptual Questions

To simulate the apparent weightlessness of space orbit, astronauts are trained in the hold of a cargo aircraft that is accelerating downward at g . Why do they appear to be weightless, as measured by standing on a bathroom scale, in this accelerated frame of reference? Is there any difference between their apparent weightlessness in orbit and in the aircraft?

The scale is in free fall along with the astronauts, so the reading on the scale would be 0. There is no difference in the apparent weightlessness; in the aircraft and in orbit, free fall is occurring.

A 30.0-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force [latex]\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}[/latex] so that the swing ropes are [latex]30.0^\circ[/latex] with respect to the vertical. (a) Calculate the tension in each of the two ropes supporting the swing under these conditions. (b) Calculate the magnitude of [latex]\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}.[/latex]

a. 170 N; b. 170 N

Find the tension in each of the three cables supporting the traffic light if it weighs 2.00 × 10 2 N.

A sketch of a traffic light suspended by a cable that is in turn suspended from two other cables is shown. Tension T sub 3 is the tension in the cable connecting the traffic light to the upper cables. Tension T sub one is the tension in the upper cable pulling up and to the left, making a 41 degree angle with the horizontal. Tension T sub two is the tension pulling up and to the right, making a 63 degree angle with the horizontal. Force vector w equal to 200 Newtons pulls vertically downward on the traffic light.

Three forces act on an object, considered to be a particle, which moves with constant velocity [latex]v=(3\mathbf{\hat{i}}-2\mathbf{\hat{j}})\,\text{m/s}\text{.}[/latex] Two of the forces are [latex]{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{1}=(3\mathbf{\hat{i}}+5\mathbf{\hat{j}}-6\mathbf{\hat{k}})\,\text{N}[/latex] and [latex]{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{2}=(4\mathbf{\hat{i}}-7\mathbf{\hat{j}}+2\mathbf{\hat{k}})\,\text{N}\text{.}[/latex] Find the third force.

[latex]{\mathbf{\overset{\to }{F}}}_{3}=(-7\mathbf{\hat{i}}+2\mathbf{\hat{j}}+4\mathbf{\hat{k}})\,\text{N}[/latex]

A flea jumps by exerting a force of [latex]1.20\times {10}^{-5}\,\text{N}[/latex] straight down on the ground. A breeze blowing on the flea parallel to the ground exerts a force of [latex]0.500\times {10}^{-6}\,\text{N}[/latex] on the flea while the flea is still in contact with the ground. Find the direction and magnitude of the acceleration of the flea if its mass is [latex]6.00\times {10}^{-7}\,\text{kg}[/latex]. Do not neglect the gravitational force.

Two muscles in the back of the leg pull upward on the Achilles tendon, as shown below. (These muscles are called the medial and lateral heads of the gastrocnemius muscle.) Find the magnitude and direction of the total force on the Achilles tendon. What type of movement could be caused by this force?

An Achilles tendon is shown in the figure with two forces exerted on it by the lateral and medial heads of the gastrocnemius muscle. F sub one, equal to two hundred Newtons, is shown as a vector making an angle twenty degrees to the right of vertical, and F sub two, equal to two hundred Newtons, is shown making an angle of twenty degrees left of vertical.

After a mishap, a 76.0-kg circus performer clings to a trapeze, which is being pulled to the side by another circus artist, as shown here. Calculate the tension in the two ropes if the person is momentarily motionless. Include a free-body diagram in your solution.

A circus performer hanging from a trapeze is being pulled to the right by another performer using a rope. Her weight is shown by a vector w acting vertically downward. The trapeze rope exerts a tension, T sub one, up and to the left, making an angle of fifteen degrees with the vertical. The second performer pulls with tension T sub two, making an angle of ten degrees above the positive x direction.

A 35.0-kg dolphin decelerates from 12.0 to 7.50 m/s in 2.30 s to join another dolphin in play. What average force was exerted to slow the first dolphin if it was moving horizontally? (The gravitational force is balanced by the buoyant force of the water.)

When starting a foot race, a 70.0-kg sprinter exerts an average force of 650 N backward on the ground for 0.800 s. (a) What is his final speed? (b) How far does he travel?

A large rocket has a mass of [latex]2.00\times {10}^{6}\,\text{kg}[/latex] at takeoff, and its engines produce a thrust of [latex]3.50\times {10}^{7}\,\text{N}.[/latex] (a) Find its initial acceleration if it takes off vertically. (b) How long does it take to reach a velocity of 120 km/h straight up, assuming constant mass and thrust?

a. [latex]7.70\,{\text{m/s}}^{2}[/latex]; b. 4.33 s

A basketball player jumps straight up for a ball. To do this, he lowers his body 0.300 m and then accelerates through this distance by forcefully straightening his legs. This player leaves the floor with a vertical velocity sufficient to carry him 0.900 m above the floor. (a) Calculate his velocity when he leaves the floor. (b) Calculate his acceleration while he is straightening his legs. He goes from zero to the velocity found in (a) in a distance of 0.300 m. (c) Calculate the force he exerts on the floor to do this, given that his mass is 110.0 kg.

A 2.50-kg fireworks shell is fired straight up from a mortar and reaches a height of 110.0 m. (a) Neglecting air resistance (a poor assumption, but we will make it for this example), calculate the shell’s velocity when it leaves the mortar. (b) The mortar itself is a tube 0.450 m long. Calculate the average acceleration of the shell in the tube as it goes from zero to the velocity found in (a). (c) What is the average force on the shell in the mortar? Express your answer in newtons and as a ratio to the weight of the shell.

a. 46.4 m/s; b. [latex]2.40\times {10}^{3}\,{\text{m/s}}^{2}\text{;}[/latex] c. 5.99 × 10 3 N; ratio of 245

A 0.500-kg potato is fired at an angle of [latex]80.0^\circ[/latex] above the horizontal from a PVC pipe used as a “potato gun” and reaches a height of 110.0 m. (a) Neglecting air resistance, calculate the potato’s velocity when it leaves the gun. (b) The gun itself is a tube 0.450 m long. Calculate the average acceleration of the potato in the tube as it goes from zero to the velocity found in (a). (c) What is the average force on the potato in the gun? Express your answer in newtons and as a ratio to the weight of the potato.

An elevator filled with passengers has a mass of [latex]1.70\times {10}^{3}\,\text{kg}[/latex]. (a) The elevator accelerates upward from rest at a rate of [latex]1.20\,{\text{m/s}}^{2}[/latex] for 1.50 s. Calculate the tension in the cable supporting the elevator. (b) The elevator continues upward at constant velocity for 8.50 s. What is the tension in the cable during this time? (c) The elevator decelerates at a rate of [latex]0.600\,{\text{m/s}}^{2}[/latex] for 3.00 s. What is the tension in the cable during deceleration? (d) How high has the elevator moved above its original starting point, and what is its final velocity?

a. [latex]1.87\times {10}^{4}\,\text{N;}[/latex] b. [latex]1.67\times {10}^{4}\,\text{N;}[/latex] c. [latex]1.56\times {10}^{4}\,\text{N;}[/latex] d. 19.4 m, 0 m/s

A 20.0-g ball hangs from the roof of a freight car by a string. When the freight car begins to move, the string makes an angle of [latex]35.0^\circ[/latex] with the vertical. (a) What is the acceleration of the freight car? (b) What is the tension in the string?

A student’s backpack, full of textbooks, is hung from a spring scale attached to the ceiling of an elevator. When the elevator is accelerating downward at [latex]3.8\,{\text{m/s}}^{2}[/latex], the scale reads 60 N. (a) What is the mass of the backpack? (b) What does the scale read if the elevator moves upward while slowing down at a rate [latex]3.8\,{\text{m/s}}^{2}[/latex]? (c) What does the scale read if the elevator moves upward at constant velocity? (d) If the elevator had no brakes and the cable supporting it were to break loose so that the elevator could fall freely, what would the spring scale read?

a. 10 kg; b. 90 N; c. 98 N; d. 0

A service elevator takes a load of garbage, mass 10.0 kg, from a floor of a skyscraper under construction, down to ground level, accelerating downward at a rate of [latex]1.2\,{\text{m/s}}^{2}[/latex]. Find the magnitude of the force the garbage exerts on the floor of the service elevator?

A roller coaster car starts from rest at the top of a track 30.0 m long and inclined at [latex]20.0^\circ[/latex] to the horizontal. Assume that friction can be ignored. (a) What is the acceleration of the car? (b) How much time elapses before it reaches the bottom of the track?

a. [latex]3.35\,{\text{m/s}}^{2}[/latex]; b. 4.2 s

The device shown below is the Atwood’s machine considered in Figure . Assuming that the masses of the string and the frictionless pulley are negligible, (a) find an equation for the acceleration of the two blocks; (b) find an equation for the tension in the string; and (c) find both the acceleration and tension when block 1 has mass 2.00 kg and block 2 has mass 4.00 kg.

An Atwood machine consisting of masses suspended on either side of a pulley by a string passing over the pulley is shown. Mass m sub 1 is on the left and mass m sub 2 is on the right.

Two blocks are connected by a massless rope as shown below. The mass of the block on the table is 4.0 kg and the hanging mass is 1.0 kg. The table and the pulley are frictionless. (a) Find the acceleration of the system. (b) Find the tension in the rope. (c) Find the speed with which the hanging mass hits the floor if it starts from rest and is initially located 1.0 m from the floor.

Block m sub 1 is on a horizontal table. It is connected to a string that passes over a pulley at the edge of the table. The string then hangs straight down and connects to block m sub 2, which is not in contact with the table. Block m sub 1 has acceleration a sub 1 directed to the right. Block m sub 2 has acceleration a sub 2 directed downward.

Shown below are two carts connected by a cord that passes over a small frictionless pulley. Each cart rolls freely with negligible friction. Calculate the acceleration of the carts and the tension in the cord.

Two carts connected by a string passing over a pulley are on either side of a double inclined plane. The string passes over a pulley attached to the top of the double incline. On the left, the incline makes an angle of 37 degrees with the horizontal and the cart on that side has mass 10 kilograms. On the right, the incline makes an angle of 53 degrees with the horizontal and the cart on that side has mass 15 kilograms.

A 2.00 kg block (mass 1) and a 4.00 kg block (mass 2) are connected by a light string as shown; the inclination of the ramp is [latex]40.0^\circ[/latex]. Friction is negligible. What is (a) the acceleration of each block and (b) the tension in the string?

Block 1 is on a ramp inclined up and to the right at an angle of 40 degrees above the horizontal. It is connected to a string that passes over a pulley at the top of the ramp, then hangs straight down and connects to block 2. Block 2 is not in contact with the ramp.

6.1 Solving Problems with Newton’s Laws Copyright © 2016 by OpenStax. All Rights Reserved.

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Newton Second Law of Motion Example Problems with Answers

Newton's 2nd law of motion involves force, mass and acceleration of an object. It is the acceleration of an object produced by an action or force which is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force in the same direction and inversely proportional to the object mass. Calculate net force, mass and acceleration of an object by referring the below Newton second law of motion example problems with answers.

Newton 2nd Law of Motion Problems with Solutions

Let us consider the problem: A 15 kg object moving to the west with an acceleration of 10m/s 2 . What is the net force acting on an object?

We can calculate Force, Mass and Acceleration using the given formula.

Newton's Second Law of Motion Formulae:

Substituting the values in the above given formula,

Net Force (F net )= 15 x 10 = 150 N Therefore, the value of Net force = 150 N

Refer the newton 2nd law of motion problems with solutions: A softball has a mass of 1.5 kg and hits the catcher's glove with a force of 30 N? What is the acceleration of the softball?

Substituting the values in the above given formula, Acceleration = 30 / 1.5 = 20 m/s 2 Therefore, the value of Acceleration is 20 m/s 2

Refer the problem with solution: What is the mass of a truck if it produces a force of 15000 N while accelerating at a rate of 6 m/s 2 ?

Substituting the values in the above given formula, Mass = 15000 / 6 = 2500 kg Therefore, the value of Mass is 2500 kg

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example of problem solving in newton's second law of motion

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Mechanics: Newton's Laws of Motion

Calculator pad, version 2, newton's laws of motion: problem set.

An African elephant can reach heights of 13 feet and possess a mass of as much as 6000 kg. Determine the weight of an African elephant in Newtons and in pounds. (Given: 1.00 N = .225 pounds)

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About twenty percent of the National Football League weighs more than 300 pounds. At this weight, their Body Mass Index (BMI) places them at Grade 2 obesity, which is one step below morbid obesity. Determine the mass of a 300 pound (1330 N) football player.

With fuel prices for combustible engine automobiles increasing, researchers and manufacturers have given more attention to the concept of an ultralight car. Using carbon composites, lighter steels and plastics, a fuel-efficient car can be manufactured at 540 kg. How much less does an ultralight car weigh compared to a 1450-kg Honda Accord (2007)?

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the average mass of an adult American male is 86 kg. Determine the mass and the weight of an 86-kg man on the moon where the gravitational field is one-sixth that of the Earth.

The rising concern among athletic trainers and health advocates (and parents) regarding concussions and multiple concussions among high school football players has prompted numerous studies of the effectiveness of protective head gear and the forces and accelerations experienced by players. One study suggested that there is a 50% chance of concussions for impacts rated at 75 g's of acceleration (i.e., 75 multiplied by 9.8 m/s/s). (The average head impact results in 22 to 24 g's of acceleration.) If a player's head mass (with helmet) is 6.0 kg and considered to be a free body , then what net force would be required to produce an acceleration of 75 g's?

Captain John Stapp of the U.S. Air Force tested the human limits of acceleration by riding on a rocket sled of his own design, known as the Gee Whiz. What net force would be required to accelerate the 82-kg Stapp at 450 m/s/s (the highest acceleration tested by Stapp)?

Sophia, whose mass is 52 kg, experienced a net force of 1800 N at the bottom of a roller coaster loop during her school's physics field trip to the local amusement park. Determine Sophia's acceleration at this location.

The Top Thrill Dragster stratacoaster at Cedar Point Amusement Park in Ohio uses a hydraulic launching system to accelerate riders from 0 to 54 m/s (120 mi/hr) in 3.8 seconds before climbing a completely vertical 420-foot hill . Determine the net force required to accelerate an 86-kg man.

a. Determine the net force required to accelerate a 540-kg ultralight car from 0 to 27 m/s (60 mph) in 10.0 seconds. b. Determine the net force required to accelerate a 2160-kg Ford Expedition from 0 to 27 m/s (60 mph) in 10.0 seconds.

Problem 10:

Anna Litical and Noah Formula are experimenting with the effect of mass and net force upon the acceleration of a lab cart. They determine that a net force of F causes a cart with a mass of M to accelerate at 48 cm/s/s. What is the acceleration value of a cart with …

a. a mass of M when acted upon by a net force of 2F ? b. a mass of 2M when acted upon by a net force of F ? c. a mass of 2M when acted upon by a net force of 2F ? d. a mass of 4M when acted upon by a net force of 2F ? e. a mass of 2M when acted upon by a net force of 4F ?

Problem 11:

F grav = F norm = 60.5 N F app = 40.2 N F frict = 5.7 N.

Problem 12:

F grav = F norm = 207 N F tens = 182 N F frict = 166 N.

Problem 13:

F tens = 2340 N F grav = 2120 N F norm1 = F norm2 = 276 N.

Problem 14:

It's Friday night and Skyler has been assigned the noble task of baby-sitting Casey, his 2-year old brother. He puts a crash helmet on Casey, places him in the red wagon and takes him on a stroll through the neighborhood. As Skyler starts across the street, he exerts a 52 N forward force on the wagon. There is a 24 N resistance force and the wagon and Casey have a combined weight of 304 N. Construct a free body diagram depicting the types of forces acting upon the wagon. Then determine the net force, mass and acceleration of the wagon.

Problem 15:

After a lead-off single in the 8 th inning, Earl makes an effort to steal second base. As he hits the dirt on his head first dive, his 73.2 kg body encounters 249 N of friction force. Construct a free body diagram depicting the types of forces acting upon Earl. Then determine the net force and acceleration.

Problem 16:

Mira and Tariq are lab partners for the Pulley and Bricks Lab. They have determined that the 2.15-kg brick is experiencing a forward tension force of 9.54 N and a friction force of 8.69 N as it is accelerated across the table top. Construct a free body diagram depicting the types of forces acting upon the brick. Then determine the net force and acceleration of the brick.

Problem 17:

Moments after making the dreaded decision to jump out the door of the airplane, Darin's 82.5-kg body experiences 118 N of air resistance. Determine Darin's acceleration at this instant in time. HINT: begin by drawing a free body diagram and determine the net force.

Problem 18:

Kelli and Jarvis are members of the stage crew for the Variety Show. Between acts, they must quickly move a Baby Grand Piano onto stage. After the curtain closes, they exert a sudden forward force of 524 N to budge the piano from rest and get it up to speed. The 158-kg piano experiences 418 N of friction.

a. What is the piano's acceleration during this phase of its motion? b. If Kelli and Jarvis maintain this forward force for 1.44 seconds, then what speed will the piano have?

Problem 19:

Skydiving tunnels have become popular attractions, appealing in part to those who would like a taste of the skydiving experience but are too overwhelmed by the fear of jumping out of a plane at several thousand feet. Skydiving tunnels are vertical wind tunnels through which air is blown at high speeds, allowing visitors to experience bodyflight . On Natalya's first adventure inside the tunnel, she changes her orientation and for an instant, her 46.8-kg body momentarily experiences an upward force of air resistance of 521 N. Determine Natalya's acceleration during this moment in time.

Problem 20:

A rope is used to pull a 2.89-kg bucket of water out of a deep well.

a. What is the acceleration of the bucket when the tension in the rope is 30.2 N? b. If starting from rest, what speed will the bucket have after experiencing this force for 2.16 seconds?

Problem 21:

A 0.104-kg model rocket accelerates at 45.9 m/s/s on takeoff. Determine the upward thrust experienced by the rocket.

Problem 22:

Brandon is the catcher for the Varsity baseball team. He exerts a forward force on the 0.145-kg baseball to bring it to rest from a speed of 38.2 m/s. During the process, his hand recoils a distance of 0.135 m. Determine the acceleration of the ball and the force which is applied to it by Brandon.

Problem 23:

Alejandra is attempting to drag her 32.6-kg Golden Retriever across the wooden floor by applying a horizontal force. What force must she apply to move the dog with a constant speed of 0.95 m/s? The coefficient of friction between the dog and the floor is 0.72.

Problem 24:

The coefficient of friction between the wheels of Dawson's 1985 Ford Coupe and the dry pavement is 0.85. Determine the acceleration which the 1300-kg Coupe experiences while skidding to a stop.

Problem 25:

Nicholas, Brianna, Dylan and Chloe are practicing their hockey on frozen Bluebird Lake. As Dylan and Chloe chase after the 0.162 kg puck, it decelerates from 10.5 m/s to 8.8 m/s in 14 seconds.

a. Determine the acceleration of the puck. b. Determine the force of friction experienced by the puck. c. Determine the coefficient of friction between the ice and the puck.

Problem 26:

Unbeknownst to most students, every time the school floors are waxed, the physics teachers get together to have a barrel of phun doing friction experiments in their socks (uhm - they do have clothes on; its just that they don't have any shoes on their feet). On one occasion, Mr. London applies a horizontal force to accelerate Mr. Schneider (mass of 84 kg) rightward at a rate of 1.2 m/s/s. If the coefficient of friction between Mr. Schneider 's socks and the freshly waxed floors is 0.35, then with what force (in Newtons) must Mr. London be pulling?

Problem 27:

Dexter Eius is running through the cafeteria when he slips on some mashed potatoes and falls to the floor. (Let that be a lesson for Dexter.) Dexter lands in a puddle of milk and skids to a stop with an acceleration of -4.8 m/s/s. Dexter weighs 780 Newtons. Determine the coefficient of friction between Dexter and the milky floor.

Problem 28:

The Harrier Jump Jet is a fixed wing military jet designed for vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL). It is capable of rotating its jets from a horizontal to a vertical orientation in order to takeoff, land and conduct horizontal maneuvers. Determine the vertical thrust required to accelerate an 8600-kg Harrier upward at 0.40 m/s/s.

Problem 29:

While skydiving, Dee Selerate opens her parachute and her 53.4-kg body immediately accelerates upward for an instant at 8.66 m/s/s. Determine the upward force experienced by Dee during this instant.

Problem 30:

A 1370-kg car is skidding to a stop along a horizontal surface. The car decelerates from 27.6 m/s to a rest position in 3.15 seconds. Assuming negligible air resistance, determine the coefficient of friction between the car tires and the road surface.

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Introduction to Dynamics: Newton’s Laws of Motion

Chapter outline.

Motion draws our attention. Motion itself can be beautiful, causing us to marvel at the forces needed to achieve spectacular motion, such as that of a dolphin jumping out of the water, or a pole vaulter, or the flight of a bird, or the orbit of a satellite. The study of motion is kinematics, but kinematics only describes the way objects move—their velocity and their acceleration. Dynamics considers the forces that affect the motion of moving objects and systems. Newton’s laws of motion are the foundation of dynamics. These laws provide an example of the breadth and simplicity of principles under which nature functions. They are also universal laws in that they apply to similar situations on Earth as well as in space.

Isaac Newton’s (1642–1727) laws of motion were just one part of the monumental work that has made him legendary. The development of Newton’s laws marks the transition from the Renaissance into the modern era. This transition was characterized by a revolutionary change in the way people thought about the physical universe. For many centuries natural philosophers had debated the nature of the universe based largely on certain rules of logic with great weight given to the thoughts of earlier classical philosophers such as Aristotle (384–322 BC). Among the many great thinkers who contributed to this change were Newton and Galileo.

Galileo was instrumental in establishing observation as the absolute determinant of truth, rather than “logical” argument. Galileo’s use of the telescope was his most notable achievement in demonstrating the importance of observation. He discovered moons orbiting Jupiter and made other observations that were inconsistent with certain ancient ideas and religious dogma. For this reason, and because of the manner in which he dealt with those in authority, Galileo was tried by the Inquisition and punished. He spent the final years of his life under a form of house arrest. Because others before Galileo had also made discoveries by observing the nature of the universe, and because repeated observations verified those of Galileo, his work could not be suppressed or denied. After his death, his work was verified by others, and his ideas were eventually accepted by the church and scientific communities.

Galileo also contributed to the formation of what is now called Newton’s first law of motion. Newton made use of the work of his predecessors, which enabled him to develop laws of motion, discover the law of gravity, invent calculus, and make great contributions to the theories of light and color. It is amazing that many of these developments were made with Newton working alone, without the benefit of the usual interactions that take place among scientists today.

It was not until the advent of modern physics early in the 20th century that it was discovered that Newton’s laws of motion produce a good approximation to motion only when the objects are moving at speeds much, much less than the speed of light and when those objects are larger than the size of most molecules (about 10 − 9 m 10 − 9 m in diameter). These constraints define the realm of classical mechanics, as discussed in Introduction to the Nature of Science and Physics . At the beginning of the 20 th century, Albert Einstein (1879–1955) developed the theory of relativity and, along with many other scientists, developed quantum theory. This theory does not have the constraints present in classical physics. All of the situations we consider in this chapter, and all those preceding the introduction of relativity in Special Relativity , are in the realm of classical physics.

Making Connections: Past and Present Philosophy

The importance of observation and the concept of cause and effect were not always so entrenched in human thinking. This realization was a part of the evolution of modern physics from natural philosophy. The achievements of Galileo, Newton, Einstein, and others were key milestones in the history of scientific thought. Most of the scientific theories that are described in this book descended from the work of these scientists.

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  • Publication date: Jul 13, 2022
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Newton’s Laws: Explanation, Review, and Examples

  • The Albert Team
  • Last Updated On: September 21, 2023

example of problem solving in newton's second law of motion

Isaac Newton studied the physics of forces – how they can be created, how they interact with one another, and how they create the world we experience every day. While Newton may not have perfectly defined how everything works at every scale in the universe, Newton’s Laws are still revered and studied today. Throughout this piece, you’ll learn what these laws are, see some examples of Newton’s Laws, and understand why they are still so important today.

There have been few times in history where a new scientific discovery shook our fundamental understanding of how the universe functions as a whole. The discovery of Newton’s Laws is one of them. Before Newton, scientists believed that objects had an inherent amount of energy to move and that things stopped moving when they ran out of energy. While this may make some sense at first glance, Newton looked beyond that. He dared to question what would happen to a ball that rolled without encountering friction without putting biological constraints on it.

What We Review

Newton’s First Law of Motion

You could also say that an object will maintain constant velocity unless affected by an outside force, as velocity accounts for both speed and direction. It’s worth noting that this includes a velocity of 0\text{ m/s} , as a stationary object will not begin moving unless an outside force causes it to do so.

If you’re not quite comfortable with the idea of an “outside force” it means that the force is coming from something outside of the object. For example, if you were to stand behind a car stuck on the ice and push on it, it would eventually begin moving if you were able to apply enough force. If, however, you were to sit inside the car and push on the dashboard, it wouldn’t move. The difference here is that the first time you are applying the force outside of the car while the second time you’re applying the force from inside the car. Outside forces may also sometimes be called external forces.

A net force means a non-zero force that is not balanced by other forces. Force is a vector with a magnitude and direction. When there is a 5\text{ N} force acting to the right and a 5\text{ N} acting to the left, these two forces cancel out and there is zero net force. The two forces are balanced.

You may have heard this paraphrased in a different way: “ a body in motion tends to stay in motion while a body at rest tends to stay at rest” . While that is a relatively accurate interpretation, it is also simplistic and does not explain how the body will continue moving as our original two statements do.

What is another name for Newton’s First Law of Motion?

Much like how we can restate Newton’s First Law in many ways, it can also be called different things. Another name for Newton’s First Law of Motion is the Law of Inertia . Inertia is a measure of how difficult it is to change an object’s motion. Newton’s First Law tells us that only an outside force can change how an object is moving. Calling it the Law of Inertia makes sense as both refer to an object needing effort from an outside source to change the velocity.

Examples of Newton’s Laws: Newton’s First Law of Motion

Let’s start to look at some examples of Newton’s Laws starting with Newton’s First Law of Motion. We’ll begin with familiar, everyday experiences and then move to less common ones.

example of problem solving in newton's second law of motion

Example 1: A Ball on a Playing Field

A player kicks a ball on a level playing field under normal, on-Earth conditions. Assuming the ball doesn’t bump into anything and no one else touches it, what will happen to the ball?

  • Stop and change direction.
  • Not stop but will change its direction.
  • Stop but will not change direction.
  • Neither stop nor change direction.

You may be tempted to say 4 because we just learned about Newton’s First Law. Remember, though, we said we were operating under normal, on-Earth conditions. On Earth, there’s always at least a little friction. After all, when was the last time you pushed something and it never came to rest?

On Earth, friction tends to act as the outside force that causes things to stop moving. The ball never bumps into anything and there are no other forces that will change the direction of motion. Taking all of this into account, the correct answer to this problem is 3 , the box will stop, but will not change direction.

You may be wondering how Isaac Newton figured out his first law seeing as how he lived on Earth. Excellent question! He considered what truly made things stop moving – whether they ran out of energy or were affected by something like friction. When he decided it must be an external force, he created a relatively frictionless experiment to test his hypothesis.

Example 2: A Ball on an Infinite, Frictionless Plane

Let’s consider another example of Newton’s First Law. Instead of kicking the ball onto a playing field, the player kicks it onto an infinitely long, frictionless plane. Assuming the ball doesn’t bump into anything and no one else touches it, what will happen to the ball?

There are no external forces acting on the ball so even if it attempted to stop itself, it couldn’t. It also can’t speed itself up. The ball will continue sliding over the infinite plane at the same velocity until the end of the universe itself. We again have no outside forces to change the ball’s direction. The correct answer here is 4 , the box will neither stop nor change direction.

Newton’s Second Law of Motion

This is probably the one that comes up the most obviously and frequently in life. It’s why larger vehicles need extra power to accelerate to the same speed. It explains why pushing a full dresser or bookcase is more difficult than pushing an empty one. It’s even why you want a heavy end to your side of the rope in a tug-of-war. The second law is also the only one with a corresponding equation.

What is the formula for Newton’s Second Law?

Like we said before, Newton’s Second Law says that the net force acting on an object is equal to mass times acceleration. Naturally, the equation shows the same information:

…where F is the net force, m is mass, and a is acceleration. You’ll see this equation come up a lot throughout your physics career in a few different forms, so it’s best to start getting a firm understanding of it now.

Examples of Newton’s Laws: Newton’s Second Law of Motion

Let’s look at some examples of Newton’s Second Law to demonstrate both the concept and the calculation.

Example 1: Applying the Concept

Which of the following situations will require the largest net force?

  • A small mass is given a small acceleration
  • A large mass is given a large acceleration
  • A large mass is given a small acceleration
  • A small mass is given a large acceleration

The correct answer here 2 . A large mass is given a large acceleration. If we look back at Newton’s Second Law, it’s easy to see why. If the net force is the product of mass and acceleration, then increasing either one will increase the overall force needed. Therefore, giving a large mass a large acceleration will require the most force.

Odds are that if you see conceptual questions like this in the future, they’ll use more concrete examples using specific objects and accelerations. Regardless, the point will be figuring out the combination that creates the greatest product of mass and acceleration. When you get these kinds of questions, it may be best to run the numbers just to make sure, especially if you’re looking at a standardized test.

Example 2: Solving for Force

Here is another example of Newton’s Second Law. A 1{,}000\text{ kg} spaceship begins accelerating on its journey out of the solar system at 6\text{ m/s}^2 . What is the net force being applied to the spaceship?

We discussed the steps for solving a Physics problem in a previous post. We’ll be following those same steps here. If you get a bit lost or just want a refresher on how to solve a complex problem, it may be worth reviewing that particular post.

Step 1: Identify What you Know

  • m=1{,}000\text{ kg}
  • a=6\text{ m/s}^2

Step 2: Identify the Goal

Step 3: gather your tools, step 4: put it all together, example 3: rearranging the equation.

In our last example of Newton’s Second Law, we will practice rearranging the equation. A rogue planet with a mass of 1.3\times 10^{22}\text{ kg} passes close enough to a star to feel a gravitational force of 100\text{ N} drawing it toward the star. What is the acceleration of the planet as it moves toward the star?

example of problem solving in newton's second law of motion

At this point, it hopefully isn’t too surprising that you can rearrange physics equations to solve for different values. We’ve seen it a lot before and we’re going to do it here again so we can use Newton’s Second Law to solve for acceleration.

  • m=1.3\times 10^{22}\text{ kg}
  • F=100\text{ N}

We’ll start by rearranging the equation.

Now we’ll plug in our values and solve.

Newton’s Third Law of Motion

You’ve probably heard this one in terms of things like karma, but in physics, it actually refers to force pairs. Generally, there are balanced forces (when the forces are equal and opposite and cancel each other out) and unbalanced forces (when one force is greater than the other). If you were looking closely, you may have guessed Newton’s Third Law deals mostly with balanced forces and balanced force pairs. The reason forces are always balanced when we talk about Newton’s Third Law is that we aren’t looking at forces acting on a single object, we’re looking at an action force and the corresponding reaction between two objects.

Action-Reaction Pairs

Action-reaction pairs occur when one object applies a force to another. Newton’s Third Law states that if you exert a force on a baseball to throw it, then the baseball exerts a force of equal magnitude back on you in the opposite direction. At first, it may seem a bit odd. After all, Newton’s Second Law just told us that applying a force creates an acceleration.

If instead, you think about how Earth’s gravity hasn’t pulled you down to its core yet, it may make a bit more sense. Your weight creates a force that pushes on the ground that would pull you to the Earth’s core if the ground didn’t apply an equal and opposite force back on your feet. The same thing happens when you lean against a wall. Your body puts a force on the wall, but the wall is able to exert the exact same force back because of Newton’s Third Law. In that case, you leaning against the wall would be the action and the wall supporting you would be the reaction. Together, they make an action-reaction pair.

Examples of Newton’s Laws: Newton’s Third Law of Motion

Newton’s Third Law is only asked about conceptually and usually in relation to the other two laws. Let’s look at some examples together.

Example 1: Discovering Your Own Power

On average, Earth exerts a force of about 700\text{ N} on each person strolling about its surface. What force do you exert on the Earth?

Well, let’s think about it. Newton’s Third Law tells that every action (the Earth exerting a force on you) has an equal and opposite reaction (you exerting a force on the Earth). By that logic, the force you exert on the Earth should be -700\text{ N} . You may see questions like this being answered with the absolute value of that force ( 700\text{ N} instead of -700\text{ N} ), but if the question doesn’t specifically ask for that, it’s best to include a positive or negative sign as needed.

Example 2: Extending Your Universal Influence

Sagittarius A is a supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. It has a mass of about 8.26\times 10^{36}\text{ kg} and the gravitational field it creates is what keeps our Sun in orbit through the galaxy. You exert a gravitational force on Sagittarius A of about 6.07\times 10^{-13}\text{ N} . What force does Sagittarius A exert on you?

By the same logic we used last time, you exert a force on our host black hole (the action) and it exerts a force on you (the reaction). Therefore, Sagittarius A exerts a force of about -6.07\times 10^{-13}\text{ N} . 

This side effect of Newton’s Third Law, that you are as powerful as even the biggest, coolest, and most mysterious bodies in the universe and that they only have power because you exist, in some ways is one of the coolest (albeit least scientific) lessons we can pull from physics. 

Putting All of the Laws into Action

Believe it or not, you’ve been watching all three of these laws interacting and even relying on that interaction your entire life. The example we’ll use here is one you aren’t likely to end up in, but we’ll use it anyway because space makes it really easy to ignore air resistance and friction.

example of problem solving in newton's second law of motion

Examples of Newton’s Laws with a Space Explorer

Let’s consider an example to show how all of Newton’s Laws of Motion work together. An intrepid space explorer exits their ship to complete some necessary maintenance. They attach themselves to the ship with a safety cord but fail to notice that it has come undone from where they attached it to the ship. As they begin using it to pull themselves back toward the door, they realize that it has come undone. They are now floating just out of reach of their ship and moving farther away. How could they save themselves?

The Law of Inertia

Let’s start with Newton’s First Law. If no outside force is applied, they will continue on their path away from their ship for forever… or until they bump into a planet. Either way, it’s a journey they are unlikely to survive. That being said, there’s also nothing causing them to move away more quickly and they have plenty of oxygen left to think things through so this is a solvable problem. Seeing as there is no air or floor for them to push on, they can’t walk or swim back to the ship. They’ll need another way to generate a force outside of themselves.

Next, let’s jump to Newton’s Third Law. This one tells us that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. While they can’t do anything to themselves to generate an external force, they do still have their failed safety cord… perhaps it could still save them. If they were to throw the cord as hard as they could away from the ship, it would apply the same force back on our intrepid explorer pushing them toward the ship.

Generating Unbalanced Forces

Next up is Newton’s Second Law. The intrepid explorer puts all the force they can into sending the cord away from the ship. The relatively light cord moves quite quickly while they start heading back somewhat slowly as a larger mass with the same force will always get a smaller acceleration. Still, they are headed back to the safety of their ship.

An Object in Motion Stays in Motion

Lastly, Newton’s First Law again. There’s nothing standing (or floating) between our space adventurer and their ship. There’s nothing around that could apply an external force to either the adventurer or their ship. All that’s left is to gently collide with the ship and then crawl across its exterior to the door and to safety.

You’re likely to encounter examples of Newton’s laws like this throughout your physics career. You may see people floating through space, trapped on a frictionless lake, or rolling around on frictionless skateboards. If you have one person with an object or a pair of people stuck in such a perilous situation, Newton’s Laws can step in to save the day.

Why are Newton’s Laws Important?

You’ve learned Newton’s Laws of Motion and explored different examples of Newton’s Laws. From helping you figure out the force necessary to create a certain motion, to saving the lives of intrepid astronauts, these laws will come up in your daily life again and again. They also form the foundation of just about everything you learn from here to the end of your physics career. Isaac Newton revolutionized the way we think about how things move – large and small. Only a small update has been needed during the last century to account for the very, very small and the very, very large. The way we view the world we interact with was shaped by Newton’s Laws and hopefully, you’ll be able to start noticing them and putting them to good use making your own life just a little bit easier to navigate.

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Learning Objectives

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Understand and apply a problem-solving procedure to solve problems using Newton’s laws of motion.

Success in problem solving is obviously necessary to understand and apply physical principles, not to mention the more immediate need of passing exams. The basics of problem solving, presented earlier in this text, are followed here, but specific strategies useful in applying Newton’s laws of motion are emphasized. These techniques also reinforce concepts that are useful in many other areas of physics. Many problem-solving strategies are stated outright in the worked examples, and so the following techniques should reinforce skills you have already begun to develop.

Problem-Solving Strategy for Newton’s Laws of Motion

Step 1. As usual, it is first necessary to identify the physical principles involved. Once it is determined that Newton’s laws of motion are involved (if the problem involves forces), it is particularly important to draw a careful sketch of the situation . Such a sketch is shown in Figure (a). Then, as in Figure (b), use arrows to represent all forces, label them carefully, and make their lengths and directions correspond to the forces they represent (whenever sufficient information exists).

Step 2. Identify what needs to be determined and what is known or can be inferred from the problem as stated. That is, make a list of knowns and unknowns. Then carefully determine the system of interest . This decision is a crucial step, since Newton’s second law involves only external forces. Once the system of interest has been identified, it becomes possible to determine which forces are external and which are internal, a necessary step to employ Newton’s second law. (See Figure (c).) Newton’s third law may be used to identify whether forces are exerted between components of a system (internal) or between the system and something outside (external). As illustrated earlier in this chapter, the system of interest depends on what question we need to answer. This choice becomes easier with practice, eventually developing into an almost unconscious process. Skill in clearly defining systems will be beneficial in later chapters as well.

A diagram showing the system of interest and all of the external forces is called a free-body diagram . Only forces are shown on free-body diagrams, not acceleration or velocity. We have drawn several of these in worked examples. Figure (c) shows a free-body diagram for the system of interest. Note that no internal forces are shown in a free-body diagram.

Step 3. Once a free-body diagram is drawn, Newton’s second law can be applied to solve the problem . This is done in Figure (d) for a particular situation. In general, once external forces are clearly identified in free-body diagrams, it should be a straightforward task to put them into equation form and solve for the unknown, as done in all previous examples. If the problem is one-dimensional—that is, if all forces are parallel—then they add like scalars. If the problem is two-dimensional, then it must be broken down into a pair of one-dimensional problems. This is done by projecting the force vectors onto a set of axes chosen for convenience. As seen in previous examples, the choice of axes can simplify the problem. For example, when an incline is involved, a set of axes with one axis parallel to the incline and one perpendicular to it is most convenient. It is almost always convenient to make one axis parallel to the direction of motion, if this is known.


Before you write net force equations, it is critical to determine whether the system is accelerating in a particular direction. If the acceleration is zero in a particular direction, then the net force is zero in that direction. Similarly, if the acceleration is nonzero in a particular direction, then the net force is described by the equation: \(F_{net} = ma\)

For example, if the system is accelerating in the horizontal direction, but it is not accelerating in the vertical direction, then you will have the following conclusions: \[ F_{net \, x} = ma \]

\[ F_{net \, y} = 0 \]

You will need this information in order to determine unknown forces acting in a system.

Step 4. As always, check the solution to see whether it is reasonable . In some cases, this is obvious. For example, it is reasonable to find that friction causes an object to slide down an incline more slowly than when no friction exists. In practice, intuition develops gradually through problem solving, and with experience it becomes progressively easier to judge whether an answer is reasonable. Another way to check your solution is to check the units. If you are solving for force and end up with units of m/s, then you have made a mistake.

  • To solve problems involving Newton’s laws of motion, follow the procedure described:
  • Draw a sketch of the problem.
  • Identify known and unknown quantities, and identify the system of interest. Draw a free-body diagram, which is a sketch showing all of the forces acting on an object. The object is represented by a dot, and the forces are represented by vectors extending in different directions from the dot. If vectors act in directions that are not horizontal or vertical, resolve the vectors into horizontal and vertical components and draw them on the free-body diagram.
  • Write Newton’s second law in the horizontal and vertical directions and add the forces acting on the object. If the object does not accelerate in a particular direction (for example, the \(x\)-direction) then \(F_{net \, x} = 0 \). If the object does accelerate in that direction, \(F_{net \, x} = ma \).
  • Check your answer. Is the answer reasonable? Are the units correct?

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  • Breaking down forces for free body diagrams
  • Inclined plane force components
  • Newton's second law of motion

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  • Your answer should be
  • an integer, like 6 ‍  
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  • a mixed number, like 1   3 / 4 ‍  
  • an exact decimal, like 0.75 ‍  
  • a multiple of pi, like 12   pi ‍   or 2 / 3   pi ‍  

5.11: Newton's Third Law: Examples

Chapter 1: units, dimensions, and measurements, chapter 2: vectors and scalars, chapter 3: motion along a straight line, chapter 4: motion in two or three dimensions, chapter 5: newton's laws of motion, chapter 6: application of newton's laws of motion, chapter 7: work and kinetic energy, chapter 8: potential energy and energy conservation, chapter 9: linear momentum, impulse and collisions, chapter 10: rotation and rigid bodies, chapter 11: dynamics of rotational motions, chapter 12: equilibrium and elasticity, chapter 13: fluid mechanics, chapter 14: gravitation, chapter 15: oscillations, chapter 16: waves, chapter 17: sound, chapter 18: temperature and heat, chapter 19: the kinetic theory of gases, chapter 20: the first law of thermodynamics, chapter 21: the second law of thermodynamics, chapter 22: electric charges and fields, chapter 23: gauss's law, chapter 24: electric potential, chapter 25: capacitance, chapter 26: current and resistance, chapter 27: direct-current circuits, chapter 28: magnetic forces and fields, chapter 29: sources of magnetic fields, chapter 30: electromagnetic induction, chapter 31: inductance, chapter 32: alternating-current circuits, chapter 33: electromagnetic waves.

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example of problem solving in newton's second law of motion

Newton's third law states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This can be understood with examples.

If you hit a nail with a hammer, the nail goes deeper into the wood due to the action force. Consequently, the force due to the nail pushes the hammer backward.

Consider a man sitting on a recliner. A force due to gravity acts on him. The recliner exerts an equal and opposite normal force that keeps him stationary.

However, this is not an "action-reaction" pair as the forces are acting on the same body. The force of gravity exerted by the man on Earth is the reaction pair to Earth's pull on him.

Also, in reaction to the normal force by the recliner, the man exerts an equal force on the recliner. Therefore, not only contact forces but non-contact forces, such as the force due to gravity, also obey Newton's third law.

Newton's third law states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Consider a swimmer pushing off the side of a pool. They push against the wall of the pool with their feet and accelerate in the direction opposite to that of their push. This occurs because the wall exerts an equal and opposite force on the swimmer. Here, the forces do not cancel out each other as they are acting on different systems. In this case, there are two systems: the swimmer and the wall. If we select the swimmer to be the system of interest, the force of the wall on the feet is an external force on this system and affects its motion. Therefore, the swimmer moves in the direction of this force. In contrast, the force of the feet on the wall acts on the wall, not on our system of interest. Thus, the force of the feet on the wall does not directly affect the motion of the system and does not cancel out the force of the wall on the feet. The swimmer pushes in the opposite direction that they wish to move. The reaction to the push is thus in the desired direction.

Other examples of Newton's third law are:

  • • A professor pacing in front of a whiteboard exerts a force backward on the floor. The floor exerts a reaction force forward on the professor that causes them to accelerate forward.
  • • When a person pulls down on a vertical rope, the rope pulls up on the person.
  • • Helicopters create lift by pushing air down, experiencing an upward reaction force.

This text is adapted from Openstax, University Physics Volume 1, Section 5.5: Newton's Third Law .

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