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The Bank Robbery (creative writing)

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Bob sat motionlessly, scanning the street from the car he had stolen two days ago, a nineteen eighties green Mercedes that no one would notice. He’d been parked in front of a grocery store lot for about 2 hours tracking everyone who went in and out of the Springfield Bank. Nobody really paid attention to the cars in the grocery store lot.

Bob hadn’t always been so careful. He’d spent a few years in prison because he was a bit stupid to think his plans through. But by now he had worked out some pretty good rules to follow. He figured out that it was best to pick on small town’s with small bank’s, just like the Springfield Bank, which didn’t usually keep a large amounts of money on hand. Bob didn’t need too much for his purposes anyway; he never liked the way of rich. He just wanted to lead a nice simple life away from the big cities.

Springfield didn’t have much of a police force just a few cops here and there sorting out minor offences, which was their most serious duty.

The Interstate Highway, ideal for a quick getaway, was only half a mile away from the bank. Bob also decided to switch cars half way with another car he had stolen, so the police wouldn’t stop him.

Last night, he went to sleep in his Mercedes, which was parked in a deserted part of town so no one would get suspicious. But just in case he kept on moving his car through the streets. He’d decided to skip breakfast because he didn’t want anyone realising that he was from out of town. But this morning he had to wait a bit longer than he wanted to, he was hoping just if a few more customers went in the bank he could take there possessions in addition to the bank money. But almost no one had gone in, he thought to himself that everyone was dead or something today.

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Bob stretched in his car, tired from the uncomfortable sleep he got last night. He kept nodding off. His stomach kept growling. He finally decided to quickly go get a nice cup of tea. Enough customers were in the restaurant by now so he shouldn’t attract much attention.

A young, good-looking woman came over to his table to take his order. “I’m Julie what can I get for you today sir?” “You look like you could do with a nice cup of tea today.”

“Yes please” Bob answered, “with two sugars please.”

“Anything else?”

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“Nope that’s all thanks.”

“So you don’t look around from here, you passing through?”

“Yes” he said. “Going down to Boston.”

“Interesting, kind of a long drive.”

“I’ve got plenty of time.”

She moved off to take another order, and he watched her go. Friendly Lady, but probably dumb because she works taking orders of customers. She served him his tea in no time. They were really good.

Julie had sorted out all her orders for the time being so she came to Bob’s table.

“So how long you have been travelling for.”

“About three days now” he said.

“So why you going Boston for.”

“Meet my relatives and try to find some work.”

Julie’s friendliness dissipated. She leaned over closely and said if you think your going to rob this place you’ve got another thing coming I’ve got the best shot than any officer around here. You’d be best forgetting any thoughts you have about robbing my employers and me.

“Ha no, no” he shouted. “Its just for protection when I’m on the road, you can never be to careful out on these roads”.

“Well just to know where I stand.”

“Is there only one officer in the town?”

“Yep,” she said. “But I keep an eye out for things too. I’m not as dumb as you may think I am.”

“I’ll bet you are.”

“Excuse me I find that very offensive and if you don’t mind I hope you will make your way now.”

“Yep I should be off bye.”

After that, he decided there was not another second to waste. He unlocked his car at the grocery parking lot for an easy getaway, and then he walked across the street to the bank. There weren’t many people inside the bank, but he decided it would have to do.

He shouted, “This is a Bank robbery people! Don’t anyone move, and you wont get hurt.”

With his pistol, he lined up three customers against the wall and warned the workers if they pressed the alarm of one of their customers will be shot. He ordered the customers to put all there possessions in a moneybag.

There were two workers behind the counters. He handed them each a money sack. “Put all the god damn money from the drawers in there” he demanded. “Oh and don’t bother with the change” he laughed his brains out.

He stood quietly, watchful, alert, waving the gun around between the customers and the workers. He felt very calm and confident. He could remember the only officer in the town driving the complete opposite way to him when he was coming to the bank.

So he was pretty sure that no police would bother him.

When the two workers, both female had filled up the sacks and handed it over. He ordered them to the floor and opened the sacks and all he could see was the colour green. He was pretty sure the dough wasn’t fake and so made his way out. He took his time to get to his car, not to draw attention.

He reached the car and chucked the bags inside, revved the engine, and he was off and away. He got onto the motorway and not one technical glitch to his plan, all was well.

He had made it to his mid-point and was about to get into his other car when all of a sudden a car came and stopped beside his.

“Hands up” a woman shouted as she jumped out of her car. “I guess you didn’t believe me when I said id keep an eye on things.”

Bob gave her a dirty look and started swearing at her violently.

“Bob I can’t believe you really thought you could rob another bank again let me think six time running now?”

“How do you know you fish.”?

“The Police hired out me as a undercover agent to track all your movements so you couldn’t attempt or at least get a away with a bank robbery.”

“Well you can’t blame me for trying.”

“Just keep those hands above your head. One false move and your dead.”

She reached over and removed his gun from his pocket. Then handcuffed him and put him into her car. She transmitted a backup call for more police to come and search the scene of the crime.

Bob asked, “ Why didn’t you stop me earlier then.”

“So you could do the crime and so now I can get you behind bars for quite some time.”

He didn’t say any more, but relaxed and grinned. At least I wont be going hungry, stealing for a living and wearing dirty clothes. Jail provided three meals a day, a place to sleep, some books to read, and the odd mental people to talk to. He closed his eyes and concluded that today he really had done a good days work.

The Bank Robbery (creative writing)

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Report Writing: Bank Robbery

Writing a report on a bank robbery involves careful compilation of facts, detailed analysis, and clear communication to convey the sequence of events and implications accurately. This type of report is crucial for law enforcement, security analysis, and media purposes. Here’s how to construct an effective and informative report on a bank robbery.

Table of Contents

Introduction and Incident Description

Start your report by providing basic details about the bank robbery, including the date, time, and location, along with the specific branch affected. Outline the sequence of events, describing how the robbers entered the bank, their interaction with staff and customers, and the methods they employed. Include detailed descriptions of the perpetrators from surveillance and eyewitness accounts, and note the immediate response of the bank’s staff and customers during the event.

Impact Assessment

Detail the consequences of the robbery, including any injuries, casualties, and the psychological impact on those present. Provide an estimation of financial losses and any property damages. Explain the immediate actions taken by law enforcement upon notification of the robbery, including their arrival time and initial measures. Also, offer an update on the ongoing investigation, mentioning any leads, arrests, or collaborations with other agencies.

Analysis and Recommendations

Analyze the effectiveness of the security measures in place at the time of the robbery and identify any security lapses that the robbers exploited. Evaluate the response from both bank security and law enforcement. Based on this analysis, recommend improvements such as enhanced security infrastructure, better emergency response training for staff, and advanced surveillance technology. Conclude by emphasizing the importance of these measures in preventing future incidents and maintaining the safety and security of banking institutions.

Bank Robbery Report Example #1

On a sunny afternoon, a bank robbery took place in the heart of the city. It was a shocking incident that left many people in the area frightened and shaken. In this report, I will describe the robbers, the bank, and the robbery itself.

The robbers were three men, all of them in their mid-20s. The first one was about 6 feet tall and had a muscular build. He was wearing a black hoodie, black pants, and a black mask. The second one was shorter, about 5’8″ and had a slim build. He was wearing a green jacket, blue jeans, and a black mask. The third one was about 5’10” and had a medium build. He was wearing a brown jacket, brown pants, and a black mask. All three of them were carrying guns, and their facial features were not visible due to the masks.

The bank was a large, modern building, with several floors and a spacious lobby. There were about 15 customers and 5 employees present during the robbery. The bank had several security measures, including CCTV cameras, alarms, and security personnel. However, the robbers managed to bypass them and enter the bank easily. They quickly took control of the situation, and the customers and employees were forced to lie on the floor while the robbers emptied the cash registers and vaults.

The robbery lasted for about 10 minutes, and fortunately, there were no injuries or fatalities. The robbers managed to escape with a large amount of money, estimated to be around $200,000. The police arrived at the scene shortly after the robbers left, and they are currently investigating the incident. The bank has offered a reward for any information leading to the arrest of the robbers.

In conclusion, the bank robbery was a terrifying incident that highlights the need for increased security measures in public places. The robbers managed to get away with a significant amount of money, and it is imperative that they are brought to justice. The police are doing everything in their power to apprehend the robbers, and with the public’s help, they hope to solve the case soon.

Bank Robbery Report Example #2

On a sunny afternoon last week, the city of Los Angeles was shaken by a bank robbery that took place in the heart of downtown. The incident has left many residents feeling uneasy, as it serves as a reminder that no place is entirely safe from crime. In this essay, I will provide a detailed report of the events that occurred during the bank robbery, including the bank’s layout and security measures, the robbers’ actions and weapons used, and the police response and investigation of the crime scene.

The bank in question was a large, modern building with multiple floors and a spacious lobby. The entrance was guarded by a security officer who was armed with a handgun and trained to respond to emergencies. Inside the bank, there were several teller stations and a row of private offices where customers could meet with bank employees. The bank also had a sophisticated security system that included cameras, alarms, and motion sensors.

According to eyewitnesses, the robbers were three men who entered the bank wearing masks and carrying firearms. They immediately ordered everyone to get on the ground and demanded that the tellers empty their cash drawers. The robbers were armed with semi-automatic weapons and appeared to be experienced criminals. They moved quickly and efficiently, keeping their faces covered and communicating with each other in low voices.

The police response was swift and decisive. Within minutes of receiving the call, officers arrived at the scene and established a perimeter around the bank. They evacuated nearby buildings and began negotiating with the robbers, who had taken several hostages. After a tense standoff that lasted several hours, the police were able to apprehend the robbers and free the hostages. The investigation of the crime scene revealed that the robbers had used a stolen vehicle and had left several pieces of evidence behind.

Overall, the bank robbery was a frightening and traumatic event for everyone involved. It serves as a reminder that even the most secure locations can be vulnerable to criminal activity. However, the response of the police and the cooperation of the community were crucial in bringing the situation to a peaceful resolution. The investigation of the crime scene is ongoing, and we can only hope that the perpetrators will be brought to justice.

Bank Robbery Report Example #3

On a quiet afternoon, a bank robbery took place in our town that shocked the entire community. The incident left everyone in shock and fear. In this essay, I will describe the details of this bank robbery, including the appearance and behavior of the robbers, the layout and security measures of the bank, and the account of the robbery itself and the aftermath.

The robbers were two men who appeared to be in their mid-twenties. They were both tall and muscular, wearing dark clothing and ski masks that covered their faces. They entered the bank calmly and confidently, brandishing guns and demanding that the tellers empty their cash drawers. They spoke in low, menacing voices, and their behavior was extremely threatening. They seemed to be well-prepared for the robbery, as they quickly and efficiently collected the money and left the bank without causing any harm to the employees or customers.

The bank was a large, modern building with a spacious lobby and several teller windows. There were security cameras positioned throughout the lobby and a security guard stationed at the front entrance. However, the robbers managed to bypass these security measures by entering through a back door that was left unlocked. This raised questions about the bank’s security protocols and how they could be improved to prevent similar incidents in the future.

The robbery itself lasted only a few minutes, but the aftermath was chaotic. The police were called immediately, and they arrived on the scene within minutes. The bank was surrounded by law enforcement officers, and a search for the robbers began. The bank employees and customers were all shaken by the incident, and many of them required counseling to deal with the trauma. The investigation led to the arrest of the two robbers, who were later convicted and sentenced to long prison terms.

In conclusion, the bank robbery was a frightening experience for everyone involved. It highlighted the importance of security measures in public places such as banks and raised questions about how they can be improved. The incident also demonstrated the bravery and professionalism of law enforcement officers who worked tirelessly to bring the perpetrators to justice. Overall, the robbery was a reminder of the need for constant vigilance and preparedness in today’s world.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

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Armed Robbery, a Bank Teller, and Trauma, Essay Example

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Imagine for a moment that you are a bank teller in the downtown branch of a national bank. It’s a bright and warm morning as you enter the bank and take your position behind the teller’s window. A few minutes later, a man walks in the bank, goes up to your window, smiles, and draws back his jacket to reveal a .45 caliber Smith & Wesson handgun. He then reaches inside of his jacket, takes out a note, and hands it to you. In so many words, the note says “I have a gun. Give me all of your cash in fifty dollar bills or I’ll blow your head off.”

You instantly freeze up, scared out of your wits, and as your shaky hand reaches inside the cash drawer, you sense that this might be your last day alive. You then take the money, put it in an envelope, and hand it to the robber. He smiles again, turns, and walks out of the bank. Moments later, the bank alarm goes off, and before you know it, the bank is filled with police officers with guns drawn. Your boss then comes up to you with some comforting remarks and tells you to go home for the rest of the day.

Once you get home, you sit down and think about what happened at the bank only a few hours ago. You then begin to ponder a very important question–is this event going to drastically change my life? The answer, although you do not want to admit it, is definitely yes. After making yourself some coffee, you think back about what the bank manager once told you about how to respond to an armed robbery attempt or hold-up at the bank–always remain calm and do whatever the robber tells you to do. Do not show any fear. Always let the robber see your hands. Don’t ever try to talk him out of it and say nothing unless he asks you. And most importantly, always meet his demands without question (Armed Robbery, 2005). If you fail to follow these simple directions, then, as the bank manager explained it, you might be taken out of the bank in a body bag.

Even while knowing that there are going to be some major new challenges in your life following the bank robbery at gunpoint, you also know that it is not your fault that you reacted as you did during the robbery which as noted by your boss at the bank was level-headed and cool. It has long been known that human beings have a sort of inborn “primitive biochemical response for dealing with dangerous situations,” such as being approached by a stranger in a dark alley or having your home broken into by thugs while you sleep soundly in bed. Medically, this response is automatic, meaning that it cannot be controlled merely by thinking about it. It also “prepares the body to fight or flee from a real or perceived threat” like the robber at your bank. Physically, your brain begins to release chemicals that “cause a racing heart, fast breathing, energized muscles” and some other types of normal reactions (Holland, 2005, p. 1).

Shortly after the bank robbery and while sitting at home all alone, you begin to feel some of those challenges coming on. Besides being afraid to return to work and go about your job as if nothing had happened on that bright and warm morning, a flood of new hard emotions takes over like disbelief, a feeling that it was all but a dream, anxiety, personal guilt, anger, and of course, fear. But these are only temporary challenges to your emotional state of mind.

Then you suddenly realize that the biggest challenge ahead of you as a victim of a violent crime is living with what will result, both physically and mentally, from being traumatized at the bank hold-up. This is perhaps one of the longest-lasting and most damaging of all human experiences. As Holland points out, traumatic events can “layer on the psyche” or build up through repeated thoughts about the incident layers made up of denial, a sense of unfairness, helplessness, and vulnerability (2005, p. 3). And when you least expect it, memories come flooding back and you relive the traumatic experience all over again, even though years have passed since it occurred. It is also not your fault that you could not think straight during the robbery because “the part of the brain that controls rational thought was bypassed” (Holland, 2005, p. 3).

Since you will or might already be suffering from acute trauma as a result of the bank robbery, some of the “minor” physical and mental challenges that go along with being traumatized or when experiencing PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) includes an inability to focus at work which for a bank teller is fatal when counting money; not being able to sleep as before and waking up at all hours of the night with thoughts about the robbery still lingering in your mind; feeling tired all of the time and unable to deal with simple family matters at home; not enjoying food, even when you are starving; frequent headaches that interrupt your daily routine to the point where you are disabled and cannot even vacuum the carpet; and in some cases, weight gain which for most women is probably the most serious after-effect of being traumatized (Glanze, 2005, p. 834).

A few other “side effects” includes changes in your sexual habits and your ability to enjoy having sex, and of course nightmares about the incident. For some victims, flashbacks may occur, much like a soldier who experiences flashbacks of fighting in Vietnam, or someone who has recently experienced a devastating earthquake and has lost some of his family members.

But please do not be alarmed. As the old saying goes, “Time heals all wounds.” As time passes in your life, the trauma associated with the bank robbery will fade and you will then be able to live a fairly normal life. But bad memories sometimes die hard and can last an entire lifetime. In the end, perhaps the greatest challenge you will face as a victim will simply be living with the memories and the feelings that came about on that bright morning at the bank so very long ago.

Armed robbery. (2005). Prevention of Theft and Frauds for Business People. Retrieved from

Glanze, W.D. (2005). Mosby’s Encyclopedia of Human Physiology . St. Louis, MO: C.V. Mosby Company.

Holland, D. (2005). Recovery after robbery: A guide to help owners and managers support their employees. Retrieved from

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bank robbery narrative essay

  • Report On Bank Robbery

Report Writing on Bank Robbery

You must have come across multiple reports on bank robberies taking place around the country. Have you paid attention to the kind of details that have been added in such a report? These are some basic questions that bother students a lot. Well, in this article, you will get to know about everything you need to know when writing a report on bank robbery.

While reporting about a bank robbery, the first and foremost thing to keep in mind is to report when and where the bank robbery took place. Knowing how the bank robbery took place can help decide the course of action after the robbery. The report on bank robbery should also include the amount of money/things looted from the bank and also the number of people who were injured during the event. You can also talk about whether the police were able to get hold of the robbers or not.

Let us now look at the following reports on bank robbery to get a clear idea about how to write one.

Report on Bank Robbery in Orissa

On the 3rd of March, a daring bank robbery took place in a nationalized bank in Bhubaneshwar. Bank authorities complained that ten lakh rupees and important valuable assets were stolen from the lockers. It was reported that four men arrived at the bank around 12:00 p.m. pretending to be customers and went to the Manager’s chambers to talk to him about some issues and, within a few minutes, held all the people in the bank hostage. The bank’s security guards were injured in an attempt to stop the robbers. The robbers had threatened the cashier, keeping her at gunpoint, to empty the cash box and hand them the entire cash. They also wanted the keys to the locker room from the Manager, and upon refusing, the robbers injured him and tore down the office to look for the locker room keys and, in the process, destroyed many valuable documents. The robbers succeeded in finding the locker keys and cleared the lockers within a few minutes, and ran out of the bank.

The police were informed, and when they arrived, the robbers had already left. The injured guards were taken to the nearest hospital and provided treatment. The police officials took statements from the witnesses and the bank’s manager. The CCTV footage of the bank and the nearby areas were collected for investigation. The police questioned the nearby shops to help them make sketches of the robbers. However, no arrests were made regarding the matter.

Report on Bank Robbery in West Bengal

On 2nd February 2021, a bank robbery took place in West Bengal’s Tajpur SBI branch. Three men armed with guns entered the bank and injured the security guards. More than 6 lakh rupees was plundered, and important documents were destroyed. According to local people, they had seen a Maruti 800 van parked outside the bank around 10:30 in the morning. The two robbers put the cashier at gunpoint and demanded money, according to the witnesses. When the cashier resisted, the robbers injured him badly, broke the cash box, and looted the money. The robbers then rummaged through the entire bank to get the keys to the lockers. After finding the keys, the robbers ransacked several lockers and took away many valuable assets.

Locals also reported hearing multiple gunshots being fired from the bank. When the police arrived, they found no one shot; instead, they found the security guards and the cashier injured. Both were taken to the nearest hospital and provided with the necessary treatment. The police collected statements from the customers who were present in the bank during the robbing incident. CCTV footage of the bank and the nearby areas were collected for investigation by the police. The police questioned the nearby shopkeepers to help them make a sketch of the robbers. However, no arrests have been made regarding the matter at the moment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Define report writing..

A formal way of writing detailed accounts about an event is known as report writing.

How to write a report on a bank robbery?

Students can easily write a report on bank robbery once they give details about how, when and where the robbery took place and what actions the concerned authorities took after the incident.

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Good Essay About Bank Robbery In A Small Town

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Social Issues , Family , Home , Crime , Banking , Evidence , DNA , Vehicles

Published: 03/13/2020


The Verdict

As a juror on this case, there is an abundance of information, testimony and evidence to take into account. I would like to begin this case analysis by first stating my verdict and then describing why. Based on the Prosecution’s testimony, I find the Defendant/suspect of the bank robbery of Small Town Bank guilty beyond reasonable doubt. My decision was formed based on the circumstances of the crime and pursuit, forensic findings, and what evidence was found useful when reaching the guilty verdict.

Circumstances of the Crime

I do believe that the suspect is the bank robber due to numerous and varying circumstances. To begin, the suspect travelled in the same direction (South) as witnesses reported when seeing him flee the bank. In addition, the suspect was also found in the same location (South) as witnesses reported him fleeing. As a juror, one of the main things I found to be puzzling in this case was the presence of the individual apprehended by Deputy Engle close to Home 1. Moreover, the fact that this individual is a relative to the suspect is ironic, yet somewhat bothersome. However, coincidences do happen, so this fact had no overall bearing on my final decision. Aside from being found in that location, there was also evidence suggesting that the suspect had abandoned the silver vehicle used to flee the scene of the crime at Small Town Bank. Since an attempt to determine who had stolen the vehicle is a separate crime, the fact that a car matching the same description as the getaway vehicle is further damaging evidence for the suspected bank robber. The most detrimental evidence I found against the suspect was the presence of clothing matching the description of the bank robber’s. The fact that this evidence was scattered along the same fence line that led investigators to the suspect in Home 2 from where the vehicle was found is nearly impossible to refute. Also, the suspect would have had ample time to hide the stolen money and his weapon since another individual had been apprehended by the closest officer on duty, causing a momentary distraction.

Forensic Findings and DNA Evidence

Regardless of circumstances, as a juror, scientific evidence speaks volumes. Unlike circumstantial evidence, forensic analysis is hard to disprove. The forensic findings and testimony presented in this case by the Prosecution aid in proving guilt in numerous ways. First, the snub-nose revolver, for example, found along the fence line of Home 2 was the same type of gun used in the robbery at Small Town Bank. This was determined through controlled testing and bullet fragment analysis. Secondly, DNA evidence is extremely reliable, and aided in provided one of the most convincing pieces of evidence in this entire case. It was disappointing that more DNA evidence was not found useful, but DNA testing demonstrated that the black gloves found along the fence line between Home 1 and Home 2 definitely proved that the suspected bank robber was not merely a homeless individual that had been squatting in the attic of Home 2. DNA testing ruled it a fact the same individual found at Home 2 had been wearing the gloves, and therefore, was most surely the person that also discarded them along the fence line. Moreover, this evidence ruled out the idea that the black gloves found near Home 2 could have been worn and discarded by the other individual apprehended at Home 1. I found this to be an important discovery because not only does this clear the first individual that was apprehended, but it serves as additional evidence suggesting the black gloves found near Home 2 were believed by scientific reason to have been worn by the suspected bank robber. Understandably, the shoeprint played an important factor in this case as well. As the Prosecution mentioned, a footprint is not the same a fingerprint, but it does aid in proving the likelihood that an individual was at the scene of the crime. Even though forensic analysis failed to determine an exact type and make of shoe from the shoeprint analysis, which is disappointing, the fact that the shoeprint left at the crime scene matched the same size and tread as the suspected bank robber is overwhelming evidence proving guilt. When we, the jury, combine all of the evidence based on the circumstances, forensic findings and DNA evidence surrounding the crime, we can collectively see that the suspect is guilty of this crime.

As we know, in the realm of criminal law, “guilty beyond reasonable doubt” does not mean that no amount of doubt exists. Rather, it is a way for jurors to ask ourselves whether or not any other conclusion presented, other than the one suggested by the presented evidence, exemplifies rational sense. In the case of the bank robbery in a Small Town Bank robbery, the suspect robbed the bank at gunpoint, fled travelling South in a stolen vehicle, abandoned the stolen vehicle, attempted to hide and dispose of evidence after deserting the stolen vehicle, successfully broke into and entered a citizen’s home, and attempted to evade police officers by hiding in the attic of Home 2 where the suspect was later found and taken into custody. For me, there is no other rational explanation of the events that occurred surrounding the robbery of Small Town Bank.


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bank robbery narrative essay

This piece is part of our "I Did It!" series, a collection of first-person essays celebrating outlandish means and wild achievements. Submit your own story to "I Did It!" by emailing The Airship’s editor at [email protected] .

It was about 11:10 A.M. I was walking from a meeting with one of my supervisors to a seminar, strolling through Bloomsbury, the beating heart of literary London. I crossed over Upper Woburn Place and walked past the HSBC branch on the corner of Barnard Street. There’s a Bangladeshi man who sells Union Jack postcards and mugs from a large stall just outside the entrance. Dozens and dozens of people milled around. A security van was parked outside the branch entrance. A driver was walking from the van to the bank entrance, on my left, holding a grey-colored hard plastic money case. I barely noticed him.

bank robbery narrative essay

Corner where the robbery took place

As I drew level with the entrance, a barked shout snapped me from my reverie. (I still have no idea what was said.) I looked to my left and saw a man dressed in a grey Nike sweatsuit and silver motorbike helmet run up behind the delivery driver as he entered the bank lobby. He shoved the driver in the back, hard, and the driver fell forward. He dropped the money off to his right. The robber made a slightly ungainly shuffle-step and scooped up the case.

Everyone froze — well, apart from the thieves. It was disbelief rather than fear. It was, momentarily, a breakdown of society. Fairly basic tenets, things like property rights and the rule of law , showed themselves to be mutable and surprisingly fragile.

The robber spun around. For a second, I was in between him and the moped he was making for, driven by another helmeted guy in a black or navy tracksuit. Tackle him , I thought. Then I thought, GUN , KNIFE . He ran past me.

“Go go GO,” he shouted. His visor was up, and I saw that he was white. He jumped onto the back of the moped, and they zoomed down Barnard Street. I walked four or five steps after them, trying to memorize the licence plate: JVIII 9PH.

I turned back towards the bank. An East Asian woman had been standing opposite me during the robbery. She walked away. The guy tending his stall stood there for a second before rearranging some of his wares. There was something studied, deliberately unaware, in his movements. I’m not involved , his body language said. People continued to stream around me. I waited for the communal response, for the group answer the question those two men had posed: Was society more or less a lie? I was more shocked by the lack of response from anyone than the actual robbery.

Everyone who had seen the incident melted away. Central London on a weekday morning: Within seconds I was surrounded by people walking past who had no idea what had just happened.

I walked towards the branch, taking my phone out and dialing 999. I’m naturally inquisitive — or nosy — and I wanted to see what happened next.

“999, what service do you require?” a woman asked.

“There’s been a robbery, the HSBC on the corner of Upper Woburn Place and Barnard —”

“What service do you require?”

“There’s been a robbery —”

“Police,” I finally said. I went through to a male voice.

“What’s the emergency?” he asked.

“There’s been a robbery, the HSBC on the corner of Upper Woburn Place and Barnard Street.”

“When was this?”

I laughed slightly. It seemed strange to consider there were times and places where this wasn’t the most crucial thing currently happening. Mind you, it hadn’t seemed that crucial to most of the people who’d seen it.

“Like, a minute ago.”

“Any weapons?”

“I didn’t see any.”

I was now in the bank. The driver, a wiry black guy in his early 40s, was on his phone. He was describing what had happened too. Evidently, he hadn’t seen much. A young female bank employee handed him a small plastic cup of water. He was shaking slightly.

I was embroiled in a confusing three-way process: I was talking to the emergency operator while listening to the driver’s conversation while also being aware that he was listening to my conversation.

Operator: “Where is this?”

Driver: “I just got pushed from behind.”

Me: “The HSBC on the corner of Upper Woburn Place and Barnard Street.”

Driver: “They took the day case.”

Operator: “I don’t know it.” (Was he supposed to know every street in central London?)

Me: “It’s…” I felt helpless. London streets have the postcode under the street name; I looked out of the window of the bank. “WC1.” West Central 1.

Units were on the way. The driver was scratching something onto a pad he had, what looked like a pre-printed form. I finished the call.

“I’ve got the licence plate,” I said. “JVIII 9PH.” He scrawled down the number, barely, while he was still on the phone. He was holding the clipboard up with one hand and writing with his other so couldn't apply enough pressure to write firmly. His 9 looked like an o and the v was only two-thirds complete.

“The guy that pushed me was black, wasn’t he? Because he sounded Caucasian,” he said, half to me, half into his phone.

Two police cars arrived within about four minutes. I walked back out of the bank towards them. The officers — all men — went briefly into the bank before coming back out with the driver. He went through what had happened. I stood vaguely by the memorabilia stall, too far from the officers and the driver to be a part of their conversation or witness statement. I can’t lie: I felt slightly left out.

“It’s got a tracker and dye packs,” I heard the driver say. Was this privileged information? Should I have heard that? I wondered if the robbers would be apprehended straightaway. Somewhere closeby, sirens started up. Perhaps another unit had found them.

“They were watching you all morning,” one of the policemen said. It was weird how definite he was, like he’d known all along. The driver gestured to me.

“This gentleman assisted me,” he said. I thought that was pushing it. I had done only very slightly more than nothing whatsoever — but that was, admittedly, more than anyone else had done.

Another officer came over and took my details and statement. Giving my details in the street made me uneasy. What if a henchman had stayed behind to observe the follow-up? The chances of this were almost zero, I knew, but I had read more than a few books as a kid where a child witness to a crime found himself hunted by bandits. For an insane second I wondered if I’d be offered witness protection if anyone was caught.

“What did the offender look like?”

“He was white,” I said. Had he been white? I felt a jolt of commingled fear and exhilaration. It was down to me to set the narrative. For that one second, I was the unimpeachable authority on the robber’s description.

I had decided that the robber was white. I left out the detail of it having been a Nike tracksuit; it seemed somehow frivolous. I repeated what I’d seen of the incident and the number plate. I felt slightly wounded that my diligent repetition of the number plate hadn’t seemed to impress anyone. Presumably the moped was stolen, but still. The officer thanked me and said they might be in touch.

Once home, I googled for news of the robbery, in increasingly esoteric combinations, hoping to find a news report. Nothing. London’s a big city; these types of robberies are fairly common , apparently. There are one or two a week. I mulled over the day’s events, wondering what I could have done differently. Not much, really.

I’m still waiting to hear about witness protection.

Patrick Kilkelly writes about culture, travel and music. A Ph.D. candidate at London University’s School of Oriental and African Studies, he reads more about 19th century Korean grain tax reform than is healthy.

Have a first-person essay celebrating your own outlandish means and wild achievements? Submit it to our "I Did It!" series by emailing [email protected] .

(Image credit: JPK’s Adventures in Cinema )

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I Did It! I Became an Internet Meme!

From writing for Thought Catalog to being mercilessly ridiculed on Meme Generator, this was my sad, sad life.


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Free «Bank Robbery» Essay Sample

It was a bright sunny day, April 202010, a day that will remain unforgettable to all those who were in Los Angeles. I was with my father and mother when we entered Wilshire State Bank to deposit my school fees. Our School was scheduled to open in the coming week and so early payment meant that my processing details would be easier. As we entered the bank, we met a guard at the gate who greeted us with a smile with his face booming with good fellowship. I had all along enjoyed my stay at home, and the thought of going back to school sickened me. The idea that I would leave this beloved place called home brought tears to my eyes.

We went straight to the lift and I saw my father signaling to my mum that he will be back in a while. So we had to wait for some time for him to return. Another guard who was patrolling the premise told us to help ourselves by sitting at the nearby platform. I gazed at him and felt safe. He was as strong as an ox - an indication that nothing wrong could happen. As we sat waiting for my father, an old woman came and sat next to us. As I was to learn later, she was inquiring about the pension of her late son who had been killed by gangsters. She looked tired and I saw pain under the thin veil of her dry wrinkled skin.

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My mother was busy with the local daily, and I was gesturing to and from where we sat. There were rivers of people at the bank, some queuing to be attended to while others rushing out after accomplishing their mission. I always sense trouble, but on this particular day, my thoughts were lost to the magnificent decoration in the building. I remember one banner that was as bright as a button and which read ‘How to work smart with Wilshire State Bank,’ and I imagined that I workone day in such an environment. My mother sat at the couch, still as stone, not bothered with what was going on around the bank. I noticed she was still as stone and busy reading through the lines of the daily.

Suddenly, I noticed three people enter the bank, two of whom were wearing leather jackets and one a sweater. Though I did not sense anything fishy from these men, I noticed they were as happy as a rat with a gold tooth. It seemed this was going to be their day. One of them, who had a sweater on, went straight to the queuing line, another one to the nearby seats, while the third one was busy talking to another guard, maybe inquiring about the bank.

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The man in sweater looked at the positions of his friends, one of whom had already moved closer to the main entrance. Suddenly, in a click of time, I heard a gun shoot and the next thing I saw is that we were all lying on the floor. My heart started beating as fast as a race car. One of the three men talked in a low gravel voice stating that anyone who wanted to meet his death should dare stand up. As one of the thugs collected all the valuables people had in their pockets and handbags, the other at the gate was composed smiling in a what–a-lucky-day-it–was way.

All this happened within a fraction of a minute and we were all dead silent, hoping that we were not to meet our maker then. All the money we were to deposit was with my mum in her handbag while my dad had gone to fill some bank foams upstairs. One of the guards made a phone call in which I realized that some of them were outside. It was a terrifying moment for us all. As soon as they were done with their Sunday collection, they made their way out only to realize that the police were already on their way. As we remained lying on the floor, we had gunshots outside and one of them came running in.

He held a gun in his hand and as he stood there, waiting with anxious eyes, he pointed at the old woman and told her to come forward. They were going to use her as a hostage. The woman resisted but she was overwhelmed by anger of the man, who grabbed her by the hand and slapped her. It was terrible to watch an old woman being sandwiched like bread and butter. I noticed three of those who were outside come back in and headed to the door behind. The police had formed a mesh of security outside, and it was going to be hard for them to escape.

As they ran to the door behind, two of them were gunned down and fell down, silent as grave. The others managed to escape, having made the old woman come through a torturous experience. I have never witnessed a scene of shooting before. I wondered why such young men could misuse their life, which was as delicate as flower for robbery. The police came in handy and asked if anyone had been hurt. Only the old woman had bruises in her face while the rest of us were fine. My dad too had been trapped upstairs and was safe. We went back home having watched a terrifying scene, which remained engraved in my mind for quite a while.

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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “Bank Robbery” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Bank Robbery

Bank Robbery is very common now-a-days. Some people do such crimes just for sake of money. It was March 03 , 2016 when my father had to go to the bank in order to encase one of his fixed deposits. He decided to take me along as my school was closed for summer vacation. 

      It took us bout twenty minutes to reach the bank. My father told to me seated on the sofa lying near the door and he proceeded to the “FIXED DEPOSIT” counter. People all around were busy in depositing and withdrawing money. Suddenly a car same and stopped near the entrance of the bank. In few seconds, four masked men with weapons entered the bank. They hit the security guard badly and after that took positions and warned the people of dire consequences if they tried to move. They told everyone to raise hands and turn their faces towards the wall. Everybody was filled with fear and terror.

     Two of than men went to the Manager’s office and demanded the kits to the strong room; they had snapped the connections of all the telephones. The robbers then entered the strong room and instructed the cashier to open the cash box. They took all the cash and filled it in the bags.

   Then, hurriedly all the robbers left the bank and warned everyone that it anyone tried to follow, they would kill him, they escaped from, there in a few minutes. The whole operation took not more than ten minutes. After their escape the Bank Manager sounded the siren and within a few minutes the police arrived the bank. All the people in bank were stunned.

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41. bank robbery.

It was 80 degrees in the shade. A man wearing a heavy army jacket, a pullover wool cap, and dark sunglasses walked into the First American Bank at the corner of Maple and Main streets in downtown Short Beach.

Everyone in the lobby screamed and started running, even the security guard. Nervously, the young female teller handed the man three big bags loaded with cash. He walked out the door. A second later, one of the money bags exploded, covering him with red dye. He yelled in pain and surprise, and started pacing around in circles because he couldn't see where he was going.

He couldn't see, but he could hear. He heard the police siren get closer. Then he heard the police tell him to get down on his stomach on the sidewalk and put his hands behind his back. They handcuffed him and placed him in the back of the police car.

Seeing the hand grenade on the sidewalk, the police told everyone to get back. They sealed off the whole block and called the bomb squad. The bomb squad came and examined the hand grenade. Then they laughed. They told the police it was a fake. The hand grenade was actually a harmless dummy, something a 12-year-old might play with.

The police chuckled. The bank employees returned to work. The bank customers returned to their lines. The bank robber, hopefully, would never return.

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150 Words Short Essay on a Bank Robbery

bank robbery narrative essay

Crimes in big cities like Delhi are increasing day by day Last Wednesday a burglary took place in the Punjab National Bank in Punjabi Bagh.

The bank was crowded with customers. Two robber having fire-arms entered the bank. They pushed customers to one corner. One of the robbers raised gun and asked the cashier to hand over the currency notes. All were scared. Two robbers were standing at t gate. One of the robbers put the currency notes in two big bags.

The cashier tried to snatch the bags but he coil one of the robbers fired in the air. The managers press the alarm bell. The robbers rushed out and got into the car which was already parked near the bank.

The Police arrived and chased the robbers but it too late. The car, used by the robbers, was found by t police later in a deserted place.

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Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian ( IERS Reference Meridian for WGS 84) and varies from −180° to 180°. Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian (abbrev. E). Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian (abbrev. W).

UTM or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system divides the Earth’s surface into 60 longitudinal zones. The coordinates of a location within each zone are defined as a planar coordinate pair related to the intersection of the equator and the zone’s central meridian, and measured in meters.

Elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographic location’s height. We are using the global digital elevation model GTOPO30 .

Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia


  1. Essay On Bank Robbery by Essay Writing Help Independence

    bank robbery narrative essay

  2. The Bank Robbery Crime Investigation

    bank robbery narrative essay

  3. Bank Robbery Essay

    bank robbery narrative essay

  4. Bank Robbery

    bank robbery narrative essay

  5. Narrative Essay On Bank Robbery

    bank robbery narrative essay

  6. The Story Of A Bank Robbery

    bank robbery narrative essay


  1. Bank Robbery Part 1 🥷🏾#therookie

  2. Seth Ne 100 Crore Chura Liye 😱

  3. Robbery Cassette: Season One

  4. 2 Crore Ki Bank Daketi Ka Ilzam Lagane Wali Khatoon Khud Several Cases Me Wanted Nikli

  5. Pizza Man Kidnapped and Forced into Bizarre Bank Robbery Against His Will

  6. Tum Ghareeb Ho Dafa Ho Jao


  1. The Bank Robbery (creative writing)

    GCSE English. THE BANK ROBBERY. Bob sat motionlessly, scanning the street from the car he had stolen two days ago, a nineteen eighties green Mercedes that no one would notice. He'd been parked in front of a grocery store lot for about 2 hours tracking everyone who went in and out of the Springfield Bank. Nobody really paid attention to the ...

  2. Report Writing: Bank Robbery

    On a sunny afternoon, a bank robbery took place in the heart of the city. It was a shocking incident that left many people in the area frightened and shaken. In this report, I will describe the robbers, the bank, and the robbery itself. The robbers were three men, all of them in their mid-20s. The first one was about 6 feet tall and had a ...

  3. PDF Title: Writing a Police Report Narrative

    Step 2 Distribute the Writing a Police Report Narrative handout. Student/s read the description of a police narrative, and the teacher answers questions as needed. Step 4 Using a word processing program (such as Microsoft Word), student/s write a police report narrative based upon the video of their choice.

  4. Armed Robbery, a Bank Teller, and Trauma, Essay Example

    Imagine for a moment that you are a bank teller in the downtown branch of a national bank. It's a bright and warm morning as you enter the bank and take your position behind the teller's window. A few minutes later, a man walks in the bank, goes up to your window, smiles, and draws back his jacket to reveal a .45 caliber Smith & Wesson handgun.

  5. A Research Report on Robbery: [Essay Example], 1695 words

    One of the most famous bank robberies that occurred in the United States is the Dunbar Armed Robbery. According to the website, 11 of the biggest heists in history, in 1997 a regional safety inspector and his five friends overpowered the guards and loaded the money into their truck. Approximately $18.9 million was taken.

  6. Essay on The Bank Robbery

    The Bank Robbery - Original Writing. Bob sat motionless, scanning the street from the car he has stolen two days ago, a 1987 green s-class that no one would notice. He'd been parked in front of a grocery store lot for about 2 hours tracking everyone who went in and out of the Springfield Bank. Nobody really paid attention to the cars in the ...

  7. Report Writing on Bank Robbery

    On 2nd February 2021, a bank robbery took place in West Bengal's Tajpur SBI branch. Three men armed with guns entered the bank and injured the security guards. More than 6 lakh rupees was plundered, and important documents were destroyed. According to local people, they had seen a Maruti 800 van parked outside the bank around 10:30 in the ...

  8. Sample Essays On Bank Robbery In A Small Town

    First, the snub-nose revolver, for example, found along the fence line of Home 2 was the same type of gun used in the robbery at Small Town Bank. This was determined through controlled testing and bullet fragment analysis. Secondly, DNA evidence is extremely reliable, and aided in provided one of the most convincing pieces of evidence in this ...

  9. I Did It! I Witnessed a Bank Robbery!

    I Did It! I Witnessed a Bank Robbery! By Patrick Kilkelly. This piece is part of our "I Did It!" series, a collection of first-person essays celebrating outlandish means and wild achievements. Submit your own story to "I Did It!" by emailing The Airship's editor at [email protected]. It was about 11:10 A.M.

  10. Bank Robbery

    Free essays; Narrative; Custom «Bank Robbery» Essay Paper essay; Search. Your request should consist of 5 char min. Free of charge. FREE revision (within 2 days) FREE bibliography; FREE outline (on request) FREE e-mail delivery; FREE formatting; Save an additional. 10% off. 300 words/page instead of 275 words/page.

  11. Bank Robbery

    Bank robbery refers to the act of unlawfully and forcefully stealing money, assets or valuables from a financial institution such as a bank, credit union or a similar place. It is a serious criminal offense that can result in severe punishment, including imprisonment and hefty fines. Bank robbers often use various tactics such as threatening ...

  12. Continuous Writing (Narrative) Write A Story About A Bank Robbery and

    Bank Robbery - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The narrator goes to withdraw money from the bank on a fine morning. Upon entering, they hear a gunshot and see the security guard injured on the floor. Six armed robbers enter and force everyone to the ground, tying them up. One robber grabs the narrator and makes them collect ...

  13. Essay, Paragraph or Speech on "Bank Robbery ...

    Bank Robbery Bank Robbery is very common now-a-days. Some people do such crimes just for sake of money. It was March 03 , 2016 when my father had to go to the bank in order to encase one of his fixed deposits. He decided to take me along as my school was closed for summer vacation. It took us bout twenty minutes to reach the bank.

  14. 41. Bank Robbery

    41. Bank Robbery. Start Reading. WPM: It was 80 degrees in the shade. A man wearing a heavy army jacket, a pullover wool cap, and dark sunglasses walked into the First American Bank at the corner of Maple and Main streets in downtown Short Beach. The man walked up to the teller and held up a hand grenade for all to see.

  15. Robbery Essay Robbery Essay

    The Murder Of Los Angeles: A Bank Robbery Los Angeles- A bank robbery ended in a car crash on Tuesday evening. after a man entered the bank with a gun. He took the money, and then left the bank. ... Essay about Personal Narrative- Victim of Robbery Personal Narrative- Victim of Robbery My story started about a week ago. I was heading to bed ...

  16. An Attempted Robbery Report And Narrative Essay Example

    An Attempted Robbery. One evening when the sun was about to set, my mother asked me to go and buy some onions and salt from the nearby sundry shop. The shop is run by Samy, a jovial middle-age Indian man with a huge pot-belly. His wife and two young children, a boy and a girl, help him run the shop. It was almost completely dark when I reached ...

  17. Personal Narrative: Bank Robber Attack

    QUOTATION WORKSHEET: ORIGINAL: I have a gun and I am not afraid to use it if necessary! said the bank robber. REVISED: The bank robber, yelled, "I have a gun, and I am not afraid to use it if necessary.". ORIGINAL: Just a minute said Unit 17 I'm just around the corner. REVISED: Unit 17, responds with, "Just a minute, I'm just around ...

  18. A Bank Robbery

    A Bank Robbery. In general, the definition of a crime is an act punishable by law, usually considered an evil act. Crime refers to many types of misconduct forbidden by law. Crimes include such things as murder, stealing a car, resisting arrest, possession or dealing of illegal drugs, drunk driving, and bank robbery.

  19. 150 Words Short Essay on a Bank Robbery

    150 Words Short Essay on a Bank Robbery. Crimes in big cities like Delhi are increasing day by day Last Wednesday a burglary took place in the Punjab National Bank in Punjabi Bagh. The bank was crowded with customers. Two robber having fire-arms entered the bank. They pushed customers to one corner.

  20. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal , lit: Electric and Сталь , lit: Steel) is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Population: 155,196 ; 146,294 ...

  21. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  22. Real estate in Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    * calculated weighted mean of apartment cost per 1 square foot/meter in Elektrostal secondary housing market. Among prices in range from 30 to 200 thousand Rub/m² for Elektrostal.Among apartments with area in range: from 20 to 350 m², from 215 to 3767 ft².

  23. Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography, geodesy, and navigation, including Global Positioning System (GPS). Latitude of Elektrostal, longitude of Elektrostal, elevation above sea level of Elektrostal.