Water Conservation Essay

essay on water for class 3


Water is the most basic and important component of our lives. When we become thirsty, we drink water; we wash clothes, bathe and cook with water. Even though we are heavily dependent on water for many purposes, most of us do not face any hardship in obtaining it. But this is not the case with everyone. Certain sections of society face water scarcity, and they cannot meet their basic needs without water . This calls for an understanding of the significance of water and the ways to conserve it, which is discussed in this water conservation essay in English.

We need water to survive in this world. But this does not mean that we are conserving water for our needs alone. We must also be considerate of future generations by remembering that they have equal rights to resources in this world as we have. So, let us see the advantages and methods of conserving water in this essay.

Importance of Water Conservation

Although we claim that the majority of the Earth is covered in water, our selfish and careless use of it has led to the draining of water resources. The water conservation essay focuses on the importance of conserving water. Whether it be for domestic, industrial or agricultural purposes, we continue to depend on water for several tasks. Sometimes, we are not aware of how massively we use water and are negligent of the harm we do to water bodies. Moreover, water pollution is another contributing factor to water scarcity. Thus, this thoughtless use and pollution of water must be avoided, as it is our responsibility to take care of what is left and preserve them for future use.

Methods of Water Conservation

We say that we must conserve water, but you might be wondering how. In this importance of water conservation essay, we will see different methods and practices to conserve water. Every small effort should first begin from home, and if we try to conserve water through these measures, it will have a huge impact on the world as such. By closing the tap while brushing our teeth and teaching our children about this practice, we can save gallons of water every month. We must also look for leaks in pipes and taps and fix them regularly to prevent water wastage. Also, avoiding showers while taking a bath can save water .

In addition to these steps, remember to run machines and appliances, especially washing machines and dishwashers, on full load to conserve water. Apart from this, we can also look for other methods of conservation in this water conservation essay in English. Rainwater harvesting is the most popular method of conservation, where water is collected and filtered to use for agricultural purposes. We can also reuse and recycle water by pouring it into plants after washing the vegetables. More than anything, we must ensure not to pollute water by any means.

Water scarcity is a rising concern for us, and hence, we must pay attention to water-conserving methods. When we come together to fight for this cause, we will be able to create a significant change in conserving water. Check out our kids learning section to discover more amazing content for your children.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main reason for water scarcity.

Humans are the main reason for water scarcity. Even though we get water in abundance, we exploit water resources for our selfish needs. Due to the dumping of waste from houses, industries and factories into the water, it gets polluted and causes water scarcity.

How can we save water?

As responsible beings, we must be aware of the issue of water scarcity and teach our children to preserve water by fixing the leaks in pipes and taps, turning off the tap while not in use and taking shorter showers.

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Save Water Essay

The term “Save Water” urges us to save one of the mother earth’s most significant natural resources – water. Easy availability of water has made us careless, undermining its significance and resulting in its wastage. Today, a normal household wastes thousands of liters of water annually, without realizing that it would need years to reproduce the same quantity through natural processes. Water usage must be optimized to ensure its availability for future generations.

Long and Short Essay on Save Water in English

We have provided various essay on save water under different word limits to help students during their exam times, assignments or essay writing competitions in schools. You can select any of the save water essay given below according to your need and requirement.

By going through this essay you can have detail information about save water topic such as why should we save water, how can we save water, what are the causes of water contamination, what is the necessity to save water, what are effects of water scarcity, how can we save water, what are causes of fresh water scarcity, what are the prevention methods of water scarcity, how to save water, why we should save water, some facts about the importance of clean water, what are the ways to save water, etc.

Save Water Essay 1 (100 words)

Water is the most important natural resource made available by mother earth to the humans. It is essential for existence of life and maintaining ecological balance. Life on earth without water cannot be imagined and history is replete with wars fought between civilizations over water.

Although, earth constitutes 71% of water, only 2.5% of it is fresh water that we use, and we are wasting that too. The fresh water that we use today has probably been around since the beginning of life on earth. The amount of fresh water that the earth holds has remained constant, but the human pollution consuming it has increased manifolds; subsequently, leading to water scarcity. Adequate measure must be taken towards optimal usage of water and methods like rain water harvesting must be implemented in order to ensure future availability of one of the nature’s most valuable resources.

Save Water

Save Water Essay 2 (150 words)

Water is one of the most precious gifts given by nature to the humanity. Life on the earth is possible only because of water. Three-fourth surface of earth is covered by water, but even though people are suffering from water scarcity in many regions of the India and other countries. The difficulties faced by the people in various regions due to water scarcity teach us to conserve and save water in order to protect the environment, save life and save world.

Water is the most essential source of life on earth as we need water in every activity like drinking, cooking, bathing, washing, agriculture etc. We should save water and should not contaminate it so that it remains available for the future generations also. We should stop wasting water and use it properly also maintain the proper quality of water.

Save Water Essay 3 (200 words)


Water is a precious gift from Mother Nature to all the living beings on earth. We all understand the importance of water in our lives and could not imagine life without water. Everything on earth needs water like human beings, animals, trees, plants, insects, and other living things.

Why Should We Save Water

The balance of water on earth is maintained through the process of rain and evaporation. Three-fourth surface of the earth is covered by water; however it contains very less percentage of the clean water which is fit for human use. So, the problem is with the scarcity of clean water and if the quantity of clean water decreases then it might create major issues in future.

How Can We Save Water

We should join our hands together and take a pledge of using water according to the need without wasting it. We should also avoid the contamination of water by not throwing medicines or oils in water outlets. We should save water from being polluted and avoid the mixing of industrial wastes into the water. There should be proper waste management system which must be followed by everyone.

Clean water is very essential component of life, so we need to conserve water for the future safety. Clean water is not only a necessity of human beings but it is also important for the survival of other species. If we save water we will also be helping other species to survive on earth and help preserve the biodiversity of a place.

Save Water Essay 4 (250 words)

It is already clear to everyone that water is very much necessary for the existence of life on earth. Our each and every activity is dependent on the water. Though we are surrounded by huge water bodies (around three-fourth of the Earth’s surface) on earth, but fresh water available on the earth is only 2.5% in the form of glaciers out of which only 1% is fit for drinking. So it becomes important for us to save water and avoid its wastage.

Causes of Water Contamination

Water gets contaminated from the waste materials of industries, sewage, toxic chemicals and other waste products. The main reason of water scarcity and clean water contamination is the ever increasing population and rapid industrialization and urbanization. The improper waste disposable system is also majorly responsible for the contamination of water.

Necessity to Save Water

As we know that there is already a scarcity of water so it becomes important that whatever quantity is available on earth should be used properly without any wastage. We should also raise the awareness regarding the ‘Save Water’ initiative so that we can preserve water for the future generations and also for other species that are surviving on earth.

Due to the clean water scarcity, people cannot fulfill their basic needs in many areas. According to the recent study, it has been found that around 19% of Indian population does not have access to fresh water. We need to join hands together to deal with the clean water scarcity through various best and most suitable methods with the motto “Save water, Save Life, Save World”.

Save Water Essay 5 (300 words)

Save water or conservation of water has been very essential to maintain the existence of life on earth because no life is possible without water. Water helps in the continuity of life cycle on earth as earth is the only known planet having water and life. Water is the necessity throughout our life and it becomes our responsibility to save it. According to a report, girls in Rajasthan do not attend schools since they have to go long distances to bring water. Hence it becomes our duty to save water and avoid its wastage.

Effects of Water Scarcity

According to the survey by the National Crime Records Bureau, it was recorded that around 14.4% suicide cases in India were due to drought. Farmers commit suicide when they suffer severe loss due to lack of rains and scarcity of ground water. So, water scarcity also leads to poverty, suicides, migration and other social issues. Also the children in these areas are not able to achieve their basic right of education due to these issues.

How Can We Help To Save Water

We do not need to make extra efforts for water conservation; we only need to bring some positive changes in our daily activities. Ensure tight closing of the tap after every use, use bucket and mug for washing or bathing instead of using shower, close the running tap wherever you find one etc are little efforts which can bring a big change. A little effort from the end of millions of people can give a big positive result towards the save water campaign.

As a responsible citizen of India, we all should join hands for the cause and save water without wasting a drop of it. There is a true saying that a small effort of everyone can give a big result just like many drops of water form a huge water body like pond, river and sea. So let’s save every drop of water without wasting it because every drop counts.

Save Water Essay 6 (400 words)

Save water is the water conservation through various means in order to maintain the supply of fresh and clean water. As the availability of fresh water sources are diminishing, water conservation or save water campaigns are very important so that fresh and clean water is made available to all the people across the world as well as for the future generations.

Causes of Fresh Water Scarcity

Large water bodies are getting polluted on daily basis by the industrial waste materials. The improper waste management has added to the issue. Pesticides and fertilizers have also contaminated water bodies and ground water. Irresponsible use of water and too much of water wastage have also reduced the availability of clean water.

Prevention of Water Scarcity

Proper water management systems should be implemented in all the industries, buildings, apartments, school, hospitals etc to make the efficient use of water without wasting a drop of it.

Awareness programmes should be run to let common people know about the importance of water and how it should be used in a limited quantity without wasting it. The young generation should also work to spread the awareness on saving water.

Rainwater harvesting should be initiated in all areas. It helps to replenish ground water and can also be used in various purposes.

How to Save Water

I have mentioned below some better ways to save water on daily basis:

  • People should water their lawns and gardens only when they need water.
  • Sprinkling is better than watering with pipe which can save many gallons of water per month.
  • Planting drought resistant plants is a better way to save water.
  • Leaky faucets and plumbing joints should be fixed immediately to save water and it may save around 20 gallons of water per day.
  • Use of bucket and mug is good to wash car instead of using pipe which may save up to 150 gallons of water each time.
  • Use of flow restrictions to the showers also saves water.
  • Use of fully loaded washing machines and dishwashers saves water around 300 to 800 gallons per month.
  • Using less water per toilet helps in saving more water per day.
  • Washing fruits and vegetables in a water filled pot instead of washing under the running water saves water.
  • Rain water harvesting  is a good idea by which the rain water can be stored and used in various purposes.

Water scarcity has become a major issue in many parts of world and demand for water has increased six times past few decades. It is important that we start taking crucial steps in saving water available on earth. It is the responsibility and duty of every citizen of our country to use water in a responsible way and avoid the wastage of water because every drop of water we save will help others in their survival.

Long Essay on Save Water – Essay 7 (1000 words)

As we all know that water gives life to us and other living things on the earth. It is very essential for the survival of human race and other species on earth. Without water, we cannot imagine the existence of life on any planet. Earth is the only known planet till date which has water and life, hence it becomes essential for us to conserve this resource which is the base of life.

The earth is covered with around 71% of water however only 1% is fit for drinking. The normal cycle of water balance runs naturally like evaporation and rain. However, the problem is with the availability of safe drinking water on the earth which is available in a very less amount and here is what the conservation of water comes in the picture.

Why we should Save Water

In order to know the answer of why we should save water, first we should know the importance of water and how water is valuable to us in our lives. Life is not possible without air, water and food. But most importantly, after air, water is the second most precious in all the three necessities for survival of life.

Now the question is how much pure water we have on earth. According to the statistics, it has been estimated that less than 1% of water on earth is suitable for drinking. If we estimate the ratio of drinking water and total population of the world, it would be, more than a billion of people all across the world are surviving on 1 gallon of water per day. It has also been estimated that more than 3 billion people would suffer water shortages by the year 2025.

Though people have started understanding the value of clean water, but they have still not started to save water. Saving water is a good habit and every one of us should try their best to save water for the continuation of life on this planet. Few years back no one imagined that water would be sold on shops but today it has become a common scenario. We can clearly imagine that, in the near future there would be shortage of clean water all over the world so water conservation is the only solution if we want to avoid this situation.

Some Facts about the Importance of Clean Water

Below are some facts which will help you to know how valuable the clean water is:

  • Around 3.4 million people in the world die every year due to water related diseases.
  • Developing countries are more prone to water borne diseases.
  • Printing of newspaper for a single day consumes around 300 litres of water.
  • Every 15 seconds a child dies due to water born disease in the world.
  • The packaged drinking water business is expected to reach $216 billion by 2025 globally.
  • People in the rural villages of India, Africa and Asia have to go long distances in order to get drinking water.
  • People in India highly suffer from various water born diseases which costs the economy to a great extent.

Ways to Save Water

There are few easy ways which helps to save water without changing your lifestyle. Single person in a home consumes around 60-100 litres of water per day in the household activities. Only 2.5% of the total water consumption is used for drinking and cooking on daily basis and rest of the water is used in other activities like watering plants, toilet use, bathing, laundry, showering etc and if we slightly reduce our consumption in these activities then we can definitely save a good amount of water.

Some of the water saving tips are as follows:

  • Everyone should understand their individual responsibility and try to save water as much as they can in their daily activities.
  • Rainwater Harvesting is one of the best way by which we can use rain water in various purposes and also help to replenish ground water.
  • Always use washing machines and dishwashers with full capacity as this cuts unnecessary washes in between.
  • Use bucket instead of shower to take bath, it saves around 100-150 liters of water every day.
  • Water the plants in the evening so that it doesn’t get evaporated and is used by the plant.
  • Turn off taps tightly wherever you see it running and immediately report water leakage to the concerned department.
  • Celebrate ‘Dry Holi’ with ‘gulals’ by avoiding water colors and save a huge amount of water.
  • Spread the ‘Save Water’ initiative in your neighborhood, localities and schools.
  • We should encourage our family members, children, friends, neighbors and co-workers to do the same from their end to get the positive result.

These tips will definitely help to save water but the most important thing is that it has to be followed strictly. Apart from these things we should also educate people and make them aware about the importance of water. We should also make them realize that water is scarce in nature and it has to be conserved and not wasted for a better tomorrow.

After air, water is the most vital resource which our Mother Nature has given to us. It is not only important to us but it is also essential for all the living species, plants and trees. It is also important for the sustenance of biodiversity of our planet and for food chain. The quantity of clean water is very limited and it is majorly available in lakes, rivers and ground water. Hence it becomes important for us that we conserve it so that it remains available in the future also.

The contamination and pollution of water is a common scenario nowadays which reduces the quality of water and makes it unfit for drinking. It is our prime responsibility that we should stop this and also spread the word of ‘SAVE WATER’ so that we can conserve one of the most valuable and vital resources not only for today but also for our future generations.

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Essay on Save Water for Students and Children

500+ words essay on save water.

In this essay on save water, we are going to discuss the problem of water and how we can save water and avoid its wastage. Also, water-saving is a universal responsibility of every person who lives on this earth. In order to save water, we have to adapt various means that can help in maintaining the level of fresh water on earth. As the accessibility of freshwater is depleting water conservation and saving initiatives are increasing to save water for future generations.

essay on save water

Reason for Freshwater Shortage

The first reason can be too much wastage of freshwater and careless use of water on daily uses. Second can be the pollution from industries that adds untreated water to the rivers and lakes on a daily basis. The third reason can be pesticides and chemical fertilizers are also polluting the freshwater. Apart from this, sewage waste is also dumped into rivers that pollute water.

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Avoidance of Water Shortage

There are many ways in which we can save water and minimize their pollution. Besides, these methods include proper treatment of industrial water before dumping them into rivers. Also, using only the required amount of water and avoiding wastage. Apart from that, we can make people aware about water problem by means of social campaigns and other ways.

Ways and Methods of Saving Water

Water covers 70% of the earth surface but freshwater for drinking and other uses are about only 2.5 %. Also, this makes water one of the scarce resources that the entire human race consumes. Apart from that, if we reduce the amount of water we daily use for various activities like bathing, laundry, watering plants, etc. then we can really be able to save water for our future generations. Besides, below we have listed down various tips that can save water.

essay on water for class 3

  • Make it your personal responsibility to save water daily.
  • Install canals on your rooftops so that rainwater can be reused for household purposes or can recharge groundwater .
  • Use the full capacity of your washing machine while washing clothes.
  • Water the plants in the evening to minimize evaporation .
  • Instead of shower use buckets because it saves a lot of water.
  • Don’t let the tap running while washing your face or hands.
  • Increase awareness about save water initiative in your locality, school, and neighborhood.
  • Educate children about water-saving from an early age so they can understand its value

After all, we have done till now to save water is not enough. Also, it is the most vital resource that we have received from Mother Nature. Apart from that, it is also very important for other forms of life on earth like plants, animals, and birds. The quantity of fresh water is only limited to groundwater, rivers, and lakes. Hence, it becomes our duty to safeguard what remains of this precious resource for our future.

Also, we require action plans to keep a check on the water pollution that is making it unfit for use.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why it is important to save water?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Water saving is important because only 2.5% of the total water available on the earth is freshwater. Also, we use this water for various purposes in our daily life. Above all, it is a scarce resource which it not checked will disappear from the earth also it does not have an alternative.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “When was the world water day celebrated and why?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”World water day is celebrated on 22nd March every year. Its celebration is important because it reminds us of the importance of water and how scarce it is.”} }] }

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Essay on Water for Children and Students

essay on water for class 3

Table of Contents

Water is a colourless and odourless substance that is essential for the survival of the living beings. It is derived from various sources including rivers, lakes, oceans and streams and has several uses.

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Target Exam ---

Water constitutes of almost 71% of the Earth’s surface. On earth, it moves constantly via water cycle. This is the cycle of evaporation and transpiration, precipitation, condensation and runoff. Water is used in numerous ways and is vital to all living beings. Here are essays on water of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any water essay according to your need.

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Long and Short Essay on Water in English

Essay on water 200 words.

Water, known to be the universal solvent, plays a key role in the survival of various forms of life on earth. It is used for various purposes such as drinking, cleaning, cooking, washing and bathing. Besides these domestic uses, major amount of water is used in the agricultural sector mainly for the purpose of irrigation. A substantial amount of this substance is also used in the industrial sector.

However, unfortunately despite being aware about the importance of water in our lives, people around the world are leaving no stone unturned in wasting water and deteriorating its quality. The techniques used for irrigation in many parts of the world including India are old and mundane and often cause immense loss of water. Several industries make use of a good amount of water however they end up throwing their waste in water bodies without realizing that the deterioration of water will ultimately lead to their own loss.

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Many areas around the world are facing water deficit and many more are likely to face this problem in the times to come. It is time the government must take effective measures to store and save water and channelize it properly for appropriate distribution. The general public must also be sensitized on efficient use of water.

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Essay on Water 300 Words

Water is one such substance without which we cannot imagine our life. Besides, quenching our thirst, this transparent chemical substance is used for several other purposes. It is used to accomplish several household tasks. Water is also used for agricultural purpose and is needed for industrial use. Here is a brief look at how it is used at different places.

Agricultural Use

It accounts for around 70% of the water used around the world. In agriculture, water is mainly used for the purpose of irrigation. In addition to this, it is also used for the raring of the livestock. Most of the water used for irrigation is extracted from rivers. Groundwater is also used for this purpose.

Rivers are thus said to be of great importance for the farmers. Not only do they provide water for irrigation but they also play a vital part in the water cycle.

Industrial Use

Industrial use of water includes water used for the purpose of washing, diluting, cooling, transporting, fabricating, manufacturing and processing of various products. Thermal power plants, engineering and pulp and paper industries are among the one that consume the maximum amount of water.

Domestic Use

At home water is used for many purposes. This mainly includes drinking, cooking, bathing, washing utensils, washing clothes, cleaning houses, cars and other vehicles, watering plants and for the purpose of sanitation.

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Each country has its own system of water supply to ensure water reaches every household so that the aforementioned basic needs of its citizens are met. While water is used as it is for cleaning, washing and bathing purpose, it needs to be purified before drinking as well as prior to using it for the purpose of cooking.

Water is vital for the survival of the mankind. However, unfortunately it is being wasted at a rapid speed around the world. Everyone should contribute his/her bit towards saving water.

Essay on Water 400 Words

Water is derived from various sources. Rivers, lakes, seas, oceans and rain are known to be some of the main sources of water. This free flowing and readily available colourless, odourless substance is needed for domestic, agricultural as well as industrial use.

Sources of Water

The sources of water are mainly divided into two categories – Surface Water and Ground Water. Rain water pours and collects on earth in the form of surface water as well as ground water. Here is a brief look at both these sources of water:

  • Surface Water : It is found in rivers, lakes, reservoirs, streams, seas and other such sources. The water in lakes and rivers comes from rain and the melting of snow. The river water flows into the sea.
  • Ground Water : It is found under the land. Water travels under the surface of the land by way of soil on the non-porous rocks and fills the opening in these rocks. The rocks that store and send out groundwater are known as aquifers. At times, the water stored in these rocks bursts in the form of springs due to high pressure. Ground water is also extracted by digging wells and tube wells.

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Water Available for Human Use

Our planet is rich in water with around three-fourth of its surface being covered with water. However, only a small part (just about 2.7%) of the total resources of water is available for the human use.

Around 97.3% of water on earth forms a part of the oceans. It is salty and cannot be used for the purpose of irrigation or any other agricultural use. It is not even good for industrial or domestic use. Out of the 2.7% fresh water available on earth, the inland surface water that is the water available from sources such as rivers, lakes and ponds accounts for just about 0.02%. This water is crucial for the growth and survival of all forms of terrestrial and freshwater aquatic beings.

It is thus important to use it wisely. This point is emphasized time and again. However, its criticality is not yet recognized by the people. It is essential to understand the importance of saving water else we will have to learn it the hard way.

Many areas around the world get sufficient water supply. However, several others, especially those that are a part of the developing countries, face water deficit. The government of such countries must ensure proper supply of water to various areas and the people must use water wisely and avoid any kind of wastage to ensure the flow.

Essay on Water 500 Words

Water (chemical formula H 2 O) is a transparent chemical substance. It is one of the basic necessities for every living being be it plants or animals. Just as air, sunlight and food, water is needed for the proper growth and development of life on earth. Besides quenching our thirst, water is used for numerous other activities such as cleaning, washing and cooking to name a few.

Properties of Water

Water is mainly known for five of its properties. Here is a brief about these properties:

  • Cohesion and Adhesion

Cohesion, also referred to as water’s attraction to other water molecules, is one of the main properties of water. It is the polarity of water by way of which it is attracted to other water molecules. The hydrogen bonds present in water hold the water molecules together.

Adhesion is basically water’s attraction between molecules of varied substances. This substance bonds with any molecule it can form hydrogen bonds with.

  • Lower Density of Ice

The hydrogen bonds of water turn into ice when cooled down. The hydrogen bonds are stable and maintain their crystal like shape. The solid form of water which is ice is comparatively less dense as its hydrogen bonds are spaced out.

  • Water’s High Polarity

Water has high level of polarity. It is known to be a polar molecule. It is attracted to other polar molecules and ions. It can make hydrogen bonds and is thus a powerful solvent.

  • Water’s High-Specific Heat

Water can moderate temperature owing to its high specific heat. It takes a long time when it comes to heating up. It holds its temperature for long when heat is not applied.

  • Water’s High Heat of Evaporation

This is another property of water that renders it the ability to moderate temperature. As the water evaporates off a surface it leaves a cooling effect on the same.

Avoid Wastage of Water

Water is required for most of the activities we indulge in our day-to-day life. It is necessary for us to conserve it else our planet will be devoid of fresh water in the years to come. Here are a few ways in which water can be conserved:

  • Fix leaking taps immediately to avoid wastage of water without any delay.
  • Avoid the use of shower while bathing.
  • Keep your tap off while brushing your teeth. Turn it on only when required.
  • Wash full loads of laundry instead of half. This will not only save water but save a substantial amount of electricity too.
  • Do not leave the water running while washing dishes.
  • Use rainwater harvesting system.
  • Avoid using water hose for cleaning gutters. You can use brooms or other techniques instead.
  • Use the right size of pans and other dishes while cooking and eating food. Avoid using those bigger than your requirement.
  • Try to water your plants by hand rather than using sprinklers.
  • Cover the pools so as to avoid water loss due to evaporation.

We must not waste water and contribute our bit towards its conservation. We must practice and promote activities and plans that help in conserving water and protecting its sources to meet the current and future demands of living beings.

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Essay on Water 600 Words

Water is the most common liquid found on our planet. It is vital for the survival of every living being. Around 71.4% of Earth is covered with water. However, while most part of our planet is covered with water, fresh water that can actually be used for drinking, cooking and other activities is quite less. It is thus important to use this substance wisely.

Different Forms of Water

Water is present in three different forms on Earth – Solid, Liquid and Gas. Here is a brief look at these forms:

Solid : Water freezes at 0 degree to form ice which is its solid state. As water freezes, its molecules move apart and this makes ice less dense compared to water in its liquid state. This means that ice is lighter than the same volume of water in its liquid state. It can thus float on water.

Liquid : This is the most common form of water. Water in its liquid state is used in several ways including drinking, washing, cleaning, cooking, irrigating fields and processing and preparing various products in industries.

Gas : As water boils, it changes from liquid to gas, often referred to as water vapour. Vapours are always present around us. When the water vapours cool, they form a cloud.

What is Water Cycle?

Water cycle is the term given to the circulation of water on, below or above the Earth’s surface. It is the process wherein water circulates between land, oceans and atmosphere. This involves precipitation, snowfall, drainage in rivers, lakes and streams and its return to atmosphere by way of evaporation and transpiration. Water cycle is also referred to as hydrological cycle.

Water Scarcity in India

Like most of the other developing countries, many parts of India also face scarcity of water. People in the country do not get clean water for drinking and there is water deficit for the purpose of sanitization as well. None of the cities in the country receives piped water 24/ 7. It is supplied for just a few hours each day mostly for a couple of hours in the morning and an hour or two in the evening. The quality of water has deteriorated in most of the water bodies in the country. This is because of the discharge of industrial and domestic waste in water.

The scarcity of fresh water in the country is often attributed to lack of proper planning at the government’s end, corruption, increased rate of corporate privatization and increasing amount of human and industrial waste that is discarded into water. The situation is expected to worsen in the times to come as the population of the country is likely to increase to 1.6 billion by 2050.

Here is a look at some of the other causes of water scarcity in India:

  • Traditional techniques of irrigation employed in our country cause a lot of water loss.
  • Lack of proper planning and distribution of water among domestic consumers, agricultural sector and industrial sector.
  • Decline in traditional water recharging areas.
  • Urban development has choked the ground water resources.
  • Increasing number of recreational activities associated with water.

While water is available on earth in abundance, it needs to be understood that the amount that can be put to use for various domestic, agricultural and industrial use is limited. It is essential to use it wisely so as to ensure it reaches every one and is also available in abundance for our coming generations. The government must employ effective techniques to save water and distribute it evenly in various areas across the country. The general public on the other hand must use it wisely to ensure that it is not wasted.

Related Topics to Save Water

Essay on Water FAQs

Why is water important.

Water is essential for life as it hydrates our body. It helps in digestion and regulates body temperature. Water supports cell function and blood circulation. It aids in nutrient transportation within the body. Water acts as a lubricant for joints and tissues. It helps remove waste and toxins from the body. Water is crucial for brain function and concentration. It supports healthy skin and prevents dehydration. Water is necessary for the growth of plants and crops. It plays a key role in various industries and daily activities.

How do you write a water essay?

Start with an introduction about the importance of water. Discuss the various uses and benefits of water. Explain its role in human health and ecosystem. Include facts, statistics, and real-life examples. Conclude by emphasizing the necessity of conserving water. What is water? A short paragraph: Water is a transparent, tasteless, and odorless substance that is essential for all forms of life. It covers about 71% of the Earth's surface and exists in three states: liquid, solid (ice), and gas (water vapor). Water plays a vital role in various natural processes, including weather patterns, nutrient cycles, and habitat maintenance.

What are the uses of water?

Water is used for drinking and quenching thirst. It is essential for cooking, cleaning, and personal hygiene. Water is used in agriculture for irrigation and crop production. It plays a key role in generating hydroelectric power. Water is used in industries for manufacturing and cooling purposes.

Why is water so important to our life?

Water is vital for our survival as it hydrates our body, supports cell functions, and regulates body temperature. It plays a key role in digestion, nutrient transportation, and waste removal. Additionally, water promotes overall health, supports brain function, and maintains healthy skin. Furthermore, water is essential for agriculture, industry, and energy production, making it indispensable for human civilization and ecosystem balance. In summary, water is a precious resource that is fundamental to life, health, and the sustainability of our planet.

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Essay On Water Pollution – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Children

Shaili Contractor

Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Water Pollution For Class 1, 2 and 3

10 lines on water pollution for kids, a paragraph on water pollution for kids, short essay on the topic ‘water pollution’ in english for kids, long essay on water pollution for children, interesting facts about water pollution for kids, what will your child learn from writing about water pollution.

Water is crucial for the sustainability of life on earth. An essay on water pollution for classes 1, 2 and 3 will teach kids about this important issue.

Almost all the essential physical and natural activities of all living beings are dependent on water in some ways. Moreover, our climate and global temperature depend on the availability of water on land. Our atmosphere controls its temperature because of its physical property to change states. We all how crucial water is for life on earth. Therefore, we must preserve water, prevent pollution and reduce its wastage. In this article, we will write a water pollution essay in English to emphasise its importance.

When writing an essay for lower classes, your goal should be to deliver the basic knowledge efficiently. Here are some key points for writing an essay on water pollution.

  • The introductory paragraph of the essay should talk about the importance of water.
  • Write the definition of pollution. Talk about other types of pollution too.
  • Dedicate a portion to the water cycle.
  • Explain the properties of water to help kids understand how contaminants are introduced into natural resources.
  • Dedicate a short paragraph to the causes of pollution.
  • Next, write a short paragraph on the adverse effects of water pollution.
  • Lastly, conclude by mentioning a few ways to reduce water pollution.

When writing an essay for classes 1 and 2, you should have a knack for keeping it plain and simple. It is better to engage kids in writing in points and simple sentences to understand the basics of pollution. Here are 10 lines on water pollution for kids:

  • Water is important for sustaining life on earth.
  • It is essential for humans, animals, plants and all living beings for life and survival.
  • 71% area of our planet is covered in water. However, only about 3% of that water is fit for use.
  • Pollution is defined as the adverse physical change in natural resources due to the introduction of contaminants
  • Water Pollution refers to the phenomenon where chemicals and other contaminants pollute freshwater.
  • It is difficult to treat severely polluted water, which leads to wastage, and this is the primary cause of water scarcity in most parts of India.
  • When sources of water like rivers, seas, and oceans get polluted, it makes survival difficult for fish and other marine lives.
  • The water cycle is the phenomenon by which nature regulates the supply of freshwater and controls the temperature of the surface.
  • The water cycle includes evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation, and infiltration.
  • Some common causes of water pollution include sewage, sediments, toxins, petroleum oil pollution, and thermal pollution.

When writing informative essays for lower classes, it is crucial to stick to the facts. Avoid too many technical details. Here is how to write a paragraph on water pollution for kids.

Water is crucial for the sustenance of life on earth. Living beings consume water to regulate their body temperature and facilitate digestion. Roughly 60% of our body is made of water, which is central to our survival. However, consuming polluted water can lead to severe health issues. Therefore, we must try to keep our freshwater sources clean. Pollution occurs when there are contaminants in natural sources that cause adverse physical changes. It also adversely affects the marine life. Some common causes of water pollution are industrial chemicals, sewages, thermal pollution, and petroleum oil pollution. We can reduce water pollution by bringing strict regulations and imposing hefty penalties on water-polluting industries.

A short essay on water pollution for kids should contain all the basic details like what is water pollution, the water cycle, the causes of water pollution, and the effects of water pollution. Here is an essay on water pollution in 150 words.

Water is one of the primary reasons that earth sustains life. Roughly 60% of the human body is made of water too. Moreover, 71% of our planet is also covered in water, but only about 3% of that is potable or fit to use. This limited supply of potable water is also known as freshwater, and it is crucial to preserve freshwater if we want to ensure sustainability. However, freshwater reserves have depleted due to the mass wastage of water and water pollution. This has led to critical problems in many parts of the world.

Water pollution means introducing contaminants in freshwater resources that cause adverse physical change. Primarily, water pollution is caused by sewage, plastic, toxins, industrial waste, and petroleum waste. When these contaminants seep into the freshwater sources, they cause health issues to people who consume them directly or indirectly. Water pollution affects the lives of fish and other marine animals. 

We can educate ourselves on preserving water resources by not throwing plastic waste in rivers during picnics and trips. Try to never drain fat and grease to avoid polluting sewers which ultimately land in the natural resources. 

Water is crucial for all the life forms on earth. Roughly 60% of our body has water, which means we can’t ignore the physiological importance of water for survival. Also, water is equally crucial for nature because that’s how nature controls the temperature and seasons and ensures livable conditions for us. Here is an example of how to write an essay for class 3.

Around 71% of the earth is covered in water, but we can’t consume all of the water available on the earth because approximately 97% of this water is saline and not fit for consumption. This makes it very important to save the limited freshwater resources. We use freshwater for important tasks such as cooking, agriculture, washing, drinking, etc.

What Is Water Pollution And The Water Cycle?

Water is said to be polluted when there are traces of dissolved toxins found in it, making it harmful to one’s health. Now, let’s look at the details of the water cycle to understand the adverse physical change caused by water pollution. It is pertinent to note that the physical property of water allows it to change states like solid, liquid and gas. Here are the processes involved in the water cycle:

  • Evaporation:  This is the first step in the water cycle. The water on the surface of large water bodies heats up due to the sun and rises to form vapours.
  • Transpiration:  Plants and trees also lose water in the atmosphere, in a process called transpiration. Transpiration is the main cause of rain in the Amazon rainforests.
  • Condensation: The water that rises in the form of vapour due to heat begins to cool down eventually to form clouds. This is known as condensation.
  • Precipitation:  When the winds blow profusely, the water-laden clouds collide, leading to rainfall. This phenomenon is called precipitation.
  • Infiltration:  When the rain falls on the earth, the water either flows back into the water bodies or gets absorbed by the soil. This phenomenon is known as infiltration.

Common Causes Of Water Pollution

Some common causes of water pollution are:

  • Domestic Sewage Containing Pathogens  

Domestic sewage is full of harmful chemicals like phosphorus and mercury, and this sewage sometimes is released directly into a water source without any treatment.

  • Toxins From Industrial or Factory Waste  

Chemical waste from the industries is one of the common causes of water pollution. Such waste is produced in high volumes, which pollutes the nearby water source.

  • The Frequent Oil Spills in Seas and Oceans  

Petroleum and other related products are traded via sea routes. The ships carrying these products often fail the safety measures and spill the oil on the seas. The oil forms a thin layer on the surface and suffocates marine life.

Major Effects Of Water Pollution

  • Climate Change  

Water pollution leads to climate change and water scarcity. It is crucial to recycle water and reuse it if we want to ensure sustainability.

  • Causing Disease  

When people consume polluted freshwater, they become susceptible to terminal diseases. Diseases like cholera, typhoid, etc., are common among people living near a polluted freshwater source.

  • Endangering Marine Life  

Several marine species and fishes have been pushed to extinction due to water pollution. The most common example is the bleaching of corals in Australia.

Ways To Prevent Water Pollution

  • Legislative Measures

Government must bring laws to keep a check on industrial and agricultural waste. Stringent laws are the need of the hour, and hefty penalties can add a deterring effect and cause a behavioural change.

  • Agricultural Measures

Farmers must be encouraged to use organic fertilisers. Fertilisers have harmful chemicals that are washed down during irrigation, and these chemicals enter the lakes and rivers and cause water pollution. Hence, we must encourage farmers to use organic fertilisers.

There is no alternative to education. Therefore, we must raise awareness about this issue via modules and public seminars. 

Here are some interesting facts on the issue of water pollution for kids:

  • One out of three people globally doesn’t have access to safe drinking water.
  • Chlorination of water is the most common method of water purification.
  • The Yamuna is the most polluted river in India.
  • Several marine species have been pushed to extinction because of plastic waste dumping in water bodies.
  • BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) is the indicator of water pollution.

This essay highlights the definition of water pollution and articulates several facts related to it. Your child will learn how to structure an essay and include all the relevant points. This essay will teach your kid about the importance of water in our lives.

Which River Is The Most Highly Polluted in India?

River Yamuna is India’s most highly polluted river.

Why Is It Important For Us To Prevent Water Pollution?

Water is the most crucial for all life forms on earth. We use water to hydrate ourselves and carry out other routine tasks such as cooking, washing, etc. It is important to prevent water pollution because polluted water can lead to terminal diseases and adversely affect life on earth.

Our water bodies call for help, and we must come forward to take a step toward saving them. Dealing with water pollution has to be a group effort in which people from across the globe have to give their due contribution.

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  • Water Pollution Essay


Water Pollution and How it Harms the Environment

Global pollution is a problem. Pollution can spread to remote areas where no one lives, despite the fact that urban areas are typically more polluted than the countryside. Air pollution, water pollution, and land pollution are the three main categories of pollution. Some contaminated water has a terrible smell, a muddy appearance, and floating trash. Some contaminated water appears clean, but it contains dangerous substances that you can't see or smell.

Together, developed and developing nations must fight to conserve the environment for present and future generations. Today, we dig deep into the subject of Water Pollution. This article can be an introduction to water pollution for kids as we will read many things such as the causes of water pollution further in the article.

What is Water Pollution?

Water contamination occurs when pollutants pollute water sources and make the water unfit for use in drinking, cooking, cleaning, swimming, and other activities. Chemicals, garbage, bacteria, and parasites are examples of pollutants. Water is eventually damaged by all types of pollution. Lakes and oceans become contaminated by air pollution. Land contamination may contaminate an underground stream, a river, and ultimately the ocean. As a result, trash thrown on an empty lot can eventually contaminate a water source.

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Water Pollution

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The water cycle, called  the hydrological cycle, involves the following steps:

Evaporation- Because of the sun's heat, the water bodies such as oceans, lakes, seas etc., get heated up, and water evaporates in the air, forming water vapours.

Transpiration- Like evaporation, the plants and trees also lose water from them which goes to the atmosphere. This process is called transpiration.

Condensation- As the water evaporates, it starts to become cool because of the cold atmosphere in the air and because of this cooling down of water leads to the formation of clouds.

Precipitation- Because of the high movements of the wings, the clouds start to collide and then fall back to the earth’s surface in the form of rain. Sometimes they also fall back in the form of snow, hail, sleet etc., depending upon the temperature.

Runoff or Infiltration- After precipitation, the water either flows to the water bodies called runoff or is absorbed into the soil, called infiltration.

Causes of Water Pollution

There are many reasons for water pollution. Some of the reasons are directly affected by water pollution and some indirectly. Many factories and industries are dumping contaminated water, chemicals, and heavy metals into major waterways as a result of direct water pollution. 

One more reason for water pollution is the use of modern techniques in farms. Farmers apply nutrients such as phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium in the form of chemical fertilizers, manure, and sludge. It causes farms to discharge large quantities of agrochemicals, organic matter, and saline drainage into water bodies. It indirectly affects water pollution.

Pollutants can be of various types such as organic, inorganic, radioactive etc. Water pollutants are discharged either from one point from pipes, channels etc., which are called point sources or from various other sources. They can be agricultural areas, industries etc., called dispersed sources. 

Some of the major forms of water pollutants are as follows:

Sewage- Domestic sewage from homes contains various forms of pathogens that threaten the human body. Sewage treatment reduces the risk of pathogens, but this risk is not eliminated. 

Domestic sewage majorly contains nitrates and phosphates, and excess of these substances allows the algae to grow on the surface of water bodies. Due to this, the clean water bodies become nutrient-rich water body and then slowly, the oxygen level of water bodies reduces. This is called eutrophication or cultural eutrophication (if this step rapidly takes place by the activities of humans). This leads to the early death of water bodies.

Toxins- The industrial or factory wastes that are not disposed of properly and contain chemicals such as mercury and lead are disposed of in the water bodies making the bodies toxic, radioactive, explosive and cancerous.

Sediments- Sediments are the result of soil erosion that is formed in the water bodies. These sediments imbalances the water bodies ecologically. They also interfere in the reproductive cycle of various aquatic animals living in the water.

Thermal pollution- Water bodies get polluted because of heat, and excess heat reduces the oxygen level of the water bodies. Some of the species of fish cannot live in such water bodies with very low oxygen levels. The disposal of cold waters from the power plants leads to increased thermal pollution in the water bodies.

Petroleum oil pollution- The runoff of oil into the water bodies, either accidentally as happened in 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico, or intentionally, leads to an increase in water pollution.

As water is an important element of human health, polluted water directly affects the human body. Water pollution causes various diseases like typhoid, cholera, hepatitis, cancer, etc. Water pollution damages the plants and aquatic animals present in the river by reducing the oxygen content from the water. Polluted water washes the essential nutrients which plants need out of the soil and also leaves large amounts of aluminium in the soil, which can be harmful to plants. 

Wastewater and sewage are a by-product of daily life and thus produced by each household through various activities like using soap, toilets, and detergents. Such sewage contains chemicals and bacteria which are harmful to human life and environmental health. Water pollution also leads to an imbalance in our ecosystem. Lastly, it also affects the food chain as the toxins in the water bodies are consumed by aquatic animals like fish, crabs etc., and then humans consume those animals forming turmoil. 

Sometimes our tradition also becomes a cause for water pollution. Some people throw the statues of deities, flowers, pots, and ashes in rivers.

There are various standards to define water quality standards. Water meant for swimming may not be clean enough for drinking, or water meant for bathing may not be good for cooking. Therefore, there are different water standards for defined:

Stream standards- Standards that define streams, lakes, oceans or seas based on their maximum use.

Effluent standards- Define the specific standards for the level of contaminants or effluents allowed during the final discharge of those into the water bodies.

Drinking water standards- Define the level of contamination allowed in water that will be supplied for drinking or cooking in the domestic areas.

Different countries regulate their water quality standards through different acts and amendments.

While many of the solutions for water pollution need to be applied on a broader macro-level for that individual, companies, and communities can have a significant and responsible impact on the water quality. Companies, factories have to dispose of leftover chemicals and containers properly as per the product instructions. Farmers also have to reduce the use of nitrates and phosphates from fertilizers, pesticides, and contamination of groundwater. 

The Swachh Bharat Mission of the government had led to reduced groundwater contamination. Under the Namami Ganga program, the government has initiated several major projects to clean Ganga. Along with all these steps, conservation of water is the very basic and important step towards water conservation and should be followed globally, treatment of sewage before their disposal in the water bodies and using environment-friendly products that do not form toxins when dissolved in water. These are some small steps that have to be taken into consideration by every human being.

As we all know, “Water is life’s matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water.” We have to save water. We must keep the water clean. If everyone will follow their responsibility against water to protect it from getting polluted then it will be easy to get clean and healthy drinking water. Clean water is a must for us and our kids' present, future, and healthy environment. 

We cannot just live with contaminated waters filled with toxins and no oxygen. We cannot see our wildlife being destroyed and therefore, immediate steps have to be taken by groups of people to first clean the already contaminated water bodies and then keep a check on all the surrounding water bodies. Small steps by every individual can make a huge difference in controlling water pollution.

Water Pollution Prevention

Conserve Water 

Our first priority should be to conserve water. Water wasting could be a big problem for the entire world, but we are just now becoming aware of it.

Sewage Treatment 

Cleaning up waste materials before disposing of them in waterways reduces pollution on a large scale. By lowering its dangerous elements, this wastewater will be used in other sectors or in agriculture.

Usage of Eco-Friendly Materials

We will reduce the amount of pollution produced by choosing soluble products that do not alter to become pollutants.

Water contamination is the discharge of pollutants into the water body, where they dissolve, are suspended, are deposited on the bottom, and collect to the point where they hinder the aquatic ecosystem's ability to function. Water contamination is brought on by toxic compounds that easily dissolve and combine with it and come from factories, municipalities, and farms.

Healthy ecosystems depend on a complex network of organisms, including animals, plants, bacteria, and fungi, all of which interact with one another either directly or indirectly. In this article, we read about water pollution, its causes and prevention. With this, we have come to the end of our article, in case of any other doubts, feel free to ask in the comments.


FAQs on Water Pollution Essay

1. What are the effects of water pollution?

Water pollution has a great impact on human health. Water pollution kills. It's been recorded that in 2015 nearly 1.8 million people died because of water pollution. People with low income are exposed to contaminated water coming out from the industries. Presence of disease causing pathogens in drinking water are the major cause of illness which includes cholera, giardia, and typhoid. Water pollution not only affects human health but also our environment by causing algal bloom in a lake or marine environment. Water pollution also causes eutrophication which suffocates plants and animals and thus causes dead zones. Chemicals and heavy metals from industrial and municipal wastewater contaminate waterways and harm aquatic life.

2. What are the causes of Water pollution?

Water being a universal solvent is vulnerable to pollution as it dissolves more substances than any other liquid on earth. Therefore, water is easily polluted. Toxic substances from farms, towns, and factories readily dissolve into water and mix with it, resulting in water pollution. Agricultural pollution is one of the major causes of contamination in rivers and streams. The use of excessive fertilizers, pesticides, and animal waste from farms and livestock operations lets the rain wash the nutrients and pathogens—such as bacteria and viruses—into our waterways. The other major cause of water pollution is used water,  termed as wastewater which comes from our sinks, showers, toilets and from commercial, industrial, and agricultural activities. It's been reported that the world's 80% wastewater flows back into the environment without being treated or reused. Oil spills and radioactive waste also cause water pollution to a great extent.

3. How to prevent water pollution?

It is important to keep our water bodies clean so we can take the following preventive measures to prevent from water pollution:

Chemicals like bleach, paint, paint thinner, ammonia, and many chemicals are becoming a serious problem. Dumping toxic chemicals down the drain or flushing them down the toilet can cause water pollution. Thus, proper disposal is important. Also, household chemicals need to be recycled.

Avoid buying products that contain persistent and dangerous chemicals. Buying non-toxic cleaners and biodegradable cleaners and pesticides cut down on water pollution.

Prevent from pouring fats or greasy substances down the drain as it might clog the drain resulting in the dumping of waste into yards or basement which can contaminate the local water bodies.

4. What is the role of medical institutions in polluting the water?

Pharmaceutical pollution affects aquatic life and thus there is a need to take preventive measures. Consumers are responsible for winding up pharmaceutical and personal care products in lakes, rivers, and streams. There's a lot of unused and expired medication that can potentially get into the water if not disposed of properly.

5. What are the major kinds of pollution?

The three main types of pollution are air pollution, water pollution or soil pollution. Some artificial pollution is also there, such as noise pollution. Factors leading to such pollution include:

Air Pollution: Industrial emissions, fires, traffic and transportation, burning of chemical waste, etc.

Water Pollution: No proper sewage disposal, pesticides in farms leaking into water bodies, industrial waste dumped into water bodies, etc.

Soil Pollution:  Oil spills, acid rains, irresponsible disposal of trash, chemical waste, etc.

Noise Pollution: Honking of horns, construction activities, loud parties, etc.

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Essay for Class 3 Students and Children | Creative Writing Topics For Grade 3

While Writing Essays most of you will feel difficult to express your ideas. In this article, you will find Essays for Class 3 belonging to different categories. We have listed the Short and Long Essay Topics for Grade 3 in an organised manner. Access the Essay Writing Topics for 3rd Standard all in one place through the quick links available and know how to write different essays.

List of Ideas & Essay Topics for Class 3

To help students of Class 3 we have listed the most common Essay Writing Topics. All of them are given in simple and easy to understand language. Just click on the concerned Essay Topic and learn how to write on the particular topic in a matter of seconds. You will find Short & Long Essays for 3rd Std provided here extremely helpful to inculcate creative writing ideas among your kid.

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FAQs on Essay for Class 3

1. How to get better at writing essays?

Make an outline and acquire a solid understanding of grammar, punctuation. Use the Right Vocabulary and write an introduction, body and conclusion supporting your ideas.

2. Where do I get different Essay Topics for Class 3?

You can get different Essay Topics for Class 3 on our page.

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  1. Essay on Water for Students and Children

    A.1 Water is of the utmost importance for human and animal life. It gives us water to drink. It also comes in great use for farmers and industries. Even common man requires water for various purposes like drinking, cleaning, bathing and more. Q.2 List the ways to avoid wastage of water.

  2. Essay On Importance of Water in English for Classes 1,2,3 Students: 10

    This essay on water for class 3 will help kids learn about the importance of water. ADVERTISEMENTS. Everyone, including humans and plants, requires water. People, creatures, and flora all need water. Life cannot exist without water; everyone and everything will perish if no water is available. Water helps in maintaining our body temperature and ...

  3. Essay on Save Water (in English) for Classes 1, 2 & 3: 10 Lines, Short

    The essay on 'save water' for classes 1, 2 and 3 is explained in detail. Clean water scarcity is a big problem in the country and affects the lives of many. Water is required for all humans, animals and plants to survive. Out of the 71 per cent covered with water, approximately 3.5 per cent is available for drinking purposes, known as ...

  4. Importance of Water Essay for Students in English

    Water is important for our body for the following reasons. Above 70% of our body contains water so it is pivotal for the human race to survive. Water helps in regulating our body temperature. Water helps in the digestion of solid food. It also keeps our skin healthy and hydrated.

  5. Save Water Save Life Essay for Class 3 Students

    Essay 1: Save Water Save Life. Every living being needs water and air to stay alive. Water is very necessary for the existence of life on our planet. The major part of our planet's surface is covered with water. Every animal or plant is dependent on the source of water nearby.

  6. Best Save Water Essay for Kids and Students

    July 5, 2021. Save water is an essential topic for the students to prepare for the examination and even to be taken on serious notes in real life. Save water essay is common for the children of age group 7 to 15 years. We have written 'Save Water Essay for Kids' in English. The students of class 3 to 8 can take help from this article to ...

  7. Water Essay in English

    The water essay in English will dive into the different uses of water in various fields, which will help kids know more about water problems due to inadequacy and their consequences. If you think that only humans require water, you are wrong, as plants and animals also depend on water for many purposes. Just like human beings and all other ...

  8. Save Water Save Life Essay

    After fresh air, water is the second most important natural resource for the survival of any living being. Water is necessary for the survival of each living creature on this planet, be it a small worm, plant, or full-grown tree. Animals and plants cannot survive without water. About 71% of Earth's surface is covered with water.

  9. Essay on Water

    10 Lines on Water Essay in English. Water is the reason why life exists and grows on earth. 70% of earth's surface is made of water out of which only 3% is freshwater is for human consumption. Water supports all forms of life on the planet. Human beings use water for drinking, bathing, washing, in agriculture, industries and factories.

  10. Water Conservation Essay

    The water conservation essay focuses on the importance of conserving water. Whether it be for domestic, industrial or agricultural purposes, we continue to depend on water for several tasks. Sometimes, we are not aware of how massively we use water and are negligent of the harm we do to water bodies. Moreover, water pollution is another ...

  11. Essay on Save Water for Children and Students

    Save Water Essay 1 (100 words) Water is the most important natural resource made available by mother earth to the humans. It is essential for existence of life and maintaining ecological balance. Life on earth without water cannot be imagined and history is replete with wars fought between civilizations over water.

  12. Water Pollution Essay for Kids From Class 3 to 6

    June 20, 2020. Water pollution essay for kids helps the students from class 3 to 6 to understand water pollution in detail. Here the student will get to know what are the main causes, effects and preventive measures to control water pollution. It will help them to write important points in essay writing or in their exams.

  13. Essay on Save Water for Students and Children

    Reason for Freshwater Shortage. The first reason can be too much wastage of freshwater and careless use of water on daily uses. Second can be the pollution from industries that adds untreated water to the rivers and lakes on a daily basis. The third reason can be pesticides and chemical fertilizers are also polluting the freshwater.

  14. Essay on Save Water for Students

    Essay on Save Water 150 words. Water is one of the most precious gifts given by nature to the humanity. Life on the earth is possible only because of water. Three-fourth surface of earth is covered by water, but even though people are suffering from water scarcity in many regions of the India and other countries.

  15. Water Scarcity Essay for Students in English

    Learn about Water Scarcity Essay Topic of English in detail explained by subject experts on vedantu.com. Register free for online tutoring session to clear your doubts. ... Grammar for Class 3 - Learn with Examples for Kids. Punctuation for Class 2 - Learn with Examples for Kids. English Grammar for Class 2 - English Reading is Fun Now!

  16. Essay on Water for Children and Students

    Also Check: Essay on Importance of Water. Water Available for Human Use. Our planet is rich in water with around three-fourth of its surface being covered with water. However, only a small part (just about 2.7%) of the total resources of water is available for the human use. Around 97.3% of water on earth forms a part of the oceans.

  17. Essay On Water Pollution in English for Classes 1-3: 10 Lines, Short

    Water pollution means introducing contaminants in freshwater sources, causing adverse physical changes. Water pollution essay for class 1, 2 and 3 is a good way to teach kids about the harmful effects of water pollution.

  18. Water Pollution Essay for Students in English

    Learn about the Water Pollution Essay topic of English in detail explained by subject experts on vedantu.com. register free for the online tutoring session to clear your doubts. ... Grammar for Class 3 - Learn with Examples for Kids. Punctuation for Class 2 - Learn with Examples for Kids. English Grammar for Class 2 - English Reading is Fun Now!

  19. Essay for Class 3 Students and Children

    Essay on Television for Class 3. Essay on National Flag for Class 3. Essay on Good Habits for Class 3. Republic Day Essay for Class 3. Essay on My Father for Class 3. Essay on Winter Season for Class 3. Essay on Earth Day for Class 3. My PET Dog Essay for Class 3. Independence Day Essay for Class 3.