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Analyzing Cleopatra: An In-Depth Essay Sample


One of the most famous women in ancient history, Cleopatra is associated with Egypt and considered its best-known monarch. Cleopatra was the one whom the gods chose. At least, that is exactly what she thought of herself: she was meant to be above people with their petty abominations and joys. She belonged to the goddess Isis. Cleopatra was her eyes and body on the earth. However, the gods do not have the right to weakness; their destiny is to rule and punish. Cleopatra was taught the whole story of her family of Ptolemies, Greeks from Macedonia, who won the crown of the pharaohs by chance. The glory of Cleopatra VII not only surpassed her father’s but also all the other Ptolemies’. When the Egyptian crown went to Cleopatra, the Ptolemies had lost almost all the conquered lands. Cleopatra managed to bring everything back, not by force of arms. The beloved Roman dictator Anthony presented lost lands with a broad gesture. Thanks to the efforts of Cleopatra, Egypt remained independent longer than all the Greek kingdoms in the north of Africa. However, ultimately, she lost everything, including Egypt and her own life. The death of Cleopatra, the fall of Egypt, the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire coincided. This can be considered a historical pattern.

Table of content

Although there are very few records of Cleopatra’s youth, there are some assumptions. “It was January in the year 69 B.C. when the third daughter of Ptolemy XII Auletes, king of Egypt, was born”. Every queen in the Ptolemaic dynasty was called Cleopatra, which meant ‘glorious by the father’. This was rather not a name but a title. Each Cleopatra was married to her brother and ruled together with him. The goddess Isis herself was married to her brother, the god Osiris. She blessed the incestuous kings. Although the former queens were glorious, they did not enter history because their actions were too common in those desperate times.

The young queen was disliked. It is believed that Cleopatra was too selfish and independent. She was not considered to be beautiful. “She is, by the way, a beauty in no way, shape, manner, or form”. In addition, she was versatile and gravitated toward European culture, which made her rather bored in Egypt. Roller said she was well-educated, which was unusual even for a royal woman of that time. She became a skilled orator, succeeding in public speaking. In addition, she knew many languages. She also possessed a talent for diplomacy.

Becoming a Queen

The main glory of Cleopatra was brought by three lovers – all the powerful politicians of Rome: Gnaeus Pompey, his rival in the power struggle; Gaius Julius Caesar, and Caesar’s successor at the top of power, Mark Antony. However, Cleopatra did not choose lovers. Fate did not give her any choice except between life and death. After the magnificent burial of King Avleth, according to his will, Cleopatra became the wife of a young brother, Dionysus, who was declared King Ptolemy XII. She became the princess of Egypt, Cleopatra VII. She had no intimate relationship with him as he was a ten-year-old boy. Nevertheless, Cleopatra considered him a perfect king since she wanted to rule Egypt herself.

Cleopatra was in her eighteenth year when the whole world lay at her feet and was against her. Before she could try on a crown with a snake, death in the humiliating guise of a eunuch fell behind her. Eunuch Potin, Dionysus’s tutor and the palace opposition’s leader, ruled the country on behalf of the boy. He was supported by the commander of the Egyptian army, Achilles. In the arsenal of Cleopatra, there was only one powerful mean – her female seduction skills, but it did not work for the eunuchs.

She turned to Pompey the Great for help. Thanks to the Roman patronage, she survived. If the conspirators killed her, they would give Pompey an excuse to introduce his legions, turning Egypt into a Roman province. The Ptolemaic palace had an exhausting, tense, three-year waiting between Potin and Cleopatra. They waited for the chance to destroy their rival. Cleopatra managed to outplay Potin, though.

Relationship with Julius Caesar

The powerful Roman conqueror Julius Caesar came to Egypt and demanded a return of huge debts. Just as Ptolemy XIII, Cleopatra did not want to pay the debts. She dressed in the most attractive outfits and ordered her servants to roll her up on a carpet and carry her to Caesar as a gift. The queen decided to seduce the Roman commander, and the next morning, after she did so, she celebrated the victory. Caesar fell in love with the young queen and promised he would not only forget about her debts but also make her brother reconcile with her. Julius Caesar returned the throne to his mistress. During the war, the young king drowned, trying to flee Egypt, when he escaped from Caesar’s troops. Since that time, Cleopatra has become the sole ruler of the state.

Caesar was preparing to seize Dacia and Parthia, thus expanding the eastern borders of the Roman Empire. He intended to take charge of such a giant empire. After the war, he called a mistress with a little son whom Cleopatra named Ptolemy Caesarion in Rome. However, the Romans’ hatred for the stranger grew stronger and stronger. It was said that she was so attached to her Caesar that he supposedly seriously decided to become a pharaoh and move the capital of the Roman Empire to Alexandria. The dictator did not deny such rumors, which he paid with his life. Close associates killed Julius Caesar during the senate’s meeting. Caesar did not leave direct heirs. When his will was revealed, he was found to have appointed his nephew Octavian as successor, and no mention was made of Ptolemy Caesarion. The frightened Egyptian queen gathered and sailed to her homeland.

Relationship with Marc Anthony

After the death of Caesar, troubled times came to Egypt. To somehow save the country from the Roman troops that were quickly approaching, Cleopatra entered into a love affair with another Roman commander, Mark Antony, who competed with Octavian for domination over the Roman state. Simple and rude, yet handsome and passionate to female charms, Antony fell madly in love with the charming Egyptian and, forgetting about his lawful wife, spent all the time with his new mistress. Anthony’s wife fell ill from grief and suddenly died. The widower wished to make a new marriage with the Egyptian queen. Octavian was against it. He offered his sister – the intelligent, educated and kind Octavia. Mark Anthony soberly assessed his political interest and agreed. However, immediately after the wedding, the commander sailed to Syria, where a brilliant Cleopatra was. She did not like that the lover linked his life with another. To console her beloved, Anthony married her. As a wedding gift, Anthony presented Cyprus, Phenicia and Cilicia. Cleopatra was given the title of Queen of Kings. She gave birth to a son and a daughter from Anthony. Cicero states, “Anthony has become Osiris to Cleopatra’s Isis”. Three years passed, and Octavian decided to put an end to the dual power in the country. He went to war with Anthony. The fleet and the army of the rival were defeated. Anthony himself committed suicide by rushing to the sword.

Death and Defeat

Octavian wanted to imprison Cleopatra and “parade her through the streets of Rome in chains”. The Egyptian queen could not endure such disgrace and humiliation. She secretly made her way to her tomb, ordered the servant to bring a poisonous snake and wrapped it around her neck. A few hours later, Octavian received a message from Cleopatra. In it, the last queen of the Ptolemaic dynasty asked to be buried next to her last husband – Mark Anthony, not far from the royal palace.

Cleopatra’s death from a snake bite has a deep symbolic meaning. Since immemorial, the crown of pharaohs was adorned with the image of an aspid snake. The snake was the emblem of royal power. In the Egyptian cults, the reptile was also associated with the sun-god Ra. The snake’s bite was believed to have given immortality and attached man to the gods.

Role in History

Cleopatra played a crucial role in the history of Egypt. “She was a key player in events which shaped Western civilization, and even her death was a turning point in Europe’s history”. Cleopatra managed to rebuild the power and wealth of Egypt. The treasury was empty at the end of her father’s rule. Cleopatra restored and grew the wealth of her country. This achievement is sufficient to rank Cleopatra among history’s top rulers. Graham-Yooll emphasizes that Cleopatra was “a brilliant, vibrant and talented leader who could compete with men without an army”.

Cleopatra was the last queen of the Ancient Egypt. She came to power when the star of Egypt had already sunk. Realizing this, she struggled for the throne and independence of her state. She proved to be a very wise and subtle politician, betting on two of the greatest people of her time – Guy Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony. Cleopatra stands in line with the most famous politicians of her time. She led a ‘big game’, the rate at which the Egyptian throne and the freedom of her state were. Although she lost, the fact that she managed to keep Egypt’s independence from Rome for 20 years meant a lot.

📎 References:

1. Cicero, Tullius. Letter to J. W. Worthy. n.d. 2. Fletcher, Joann. Cleopatra the Great: The Woman behind the Legend. Harper Collins, 2011. 3. Graham-Yooll, Fred. Cleopatra’s Lost Treasure. Page Publishing, 2015. 4. Miller, Ron, and Sommer Browning. Cleopatra. Infobase Publishing, 2008. 5. Roller, Duane. Cleopatra: A Biography. Oxford University Press, 2010.

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  • Ancient History

The tragic reality of Cleopatra's life

Tragic life of Cleopatra

Cleopatra VII, the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, is one of the most enduring figures from ancient history.

Her life and reign have been the subject of countless works of art, literature, and film, yet the true story of her rise to power is often overshadowed by the myths and legends that surround her.

Cleopatra's story is one of political intrigue, strategic alliances, and a relentless pursuit of power. It is a story that takes place against the backdrop of a rapidly changing world, where the old order of the Hellenistic kingdoms was giving way to the rising power of Rome.

Through a combination of her intelligence, charisma, and political acumen, Cleopatra was able to navigate these turbulent times and secure her place as one of the most influential figures of her era.

Early Life and Ascension to the Throne

Cleopatra VII was born in 69 BC into the Ptolemaic dynasty, a Hellenistic royal family that ruled Egypt after the death of Alexander the Great.

The Ptolemies, of Macedonian-Greek origin, maintained their power in Egypt for nearly three centuries, despite the political instability and family infighting that often characterized their rule.

Cleopatra was the daughter of Ptolemy XII Auletes, and she was educated in royal tradition to prepare for her future role.

She was highly intelligent and was one of the few Ptolemies to learn the Egyptian language, in addition to Greek, which was spoken by the ruling elite.

She also studied various subjects such as philosophy, mathematics, and astronomy, and was known for her sharp intellect and persuasive charm.

Young Cleopatra

Upon the death of her father in 51 BC, the 18-year-old Cleopatra and her 10-year-old brother, Ptolemy XIII, were co-regents as per the tradition of the time.

However, it was a tumultuous co-rule, with Cleopatra striving for sole control. Her brother's advisors, sensing her ambition, turned Ptolemy XIII against her, leading to Cleopatra's brief exile.

Cleopatra, however, was not one to be easily defeated. She gathered an army and returned to Egypt, coinciding with the arrival of Julius Caesar in pursuit of his rival Pompey.

Recognizing an opportunity, Cleopatra allied herself with Caesar, which resulted in Ptolemy XIII's defeat in the ensuing civil war.

With her brother's death, Cleopatra reclaimed the throne, this time alongside another younger brother, Ptolemy XIV, whom she also outlived.

Cleopatra's Dramatic Reign

Cleopatra's reign, which spanned from 51 BC to 30 BC, was marked by political maneuvering, strategic alliances, and a deep understanding of the needs and traditions of her people.

As a ruler, she was known for her intelligence, charisma, and political savvy, which she used to maintain her power and protect Egypt's interests.

One of the key aspects of Cleopatra's rule was her ability to navigate the complex political landscape of the time.

She lived in an era when Rome was expanding its power, and she understood the importance of aligning herself with Rome to ensure Egypt's independence.

This led to her alliances with Julius Caesar and later with Mark Antony, which not only helped her maintain her power but also brought significant benefits to Egypt.

Cleopatra beauty

Under Cleopatra's rule, Egypt experienced a period of stability and prosperity. She undertook major economic reforms, improved trade, and commissioned several building projects, including the construction of temples and other public works.

She also promoted the Egyptian religion and presented herself as the reincarnation of the goddess Isis, which helped her gain the support of her subjects.

Cleopatra's reign was also marked by her efforts to preserve Egypt's culture and traditions in the face of increasing Roman influence.

She was the first of the Ptolemaic rulers to learn the Egyptian language, and she often dressed in traditional Egyptian attire, even when she was in Rome.

Her Relationships with Caesar and Mark Antony

Cleopatra's relationship with Julius Caesar began when she was trying to regain her throne from her brother, Ptolemy XIII.

She famously had herself smuggled into Caesar's presence, wrapped in a carpet, to ask for his support.

Caesar was captivated by her intelligence and charm, and he agreed to help her. Their alliance was solidified both politically and personally, resulting in a son, Caesarion.

With Caesar's support, Cleopatra regained her throne. She then visited Rome as a recognized ally, where she was given a golden statue in the temple of Venus Genetrix, a sign of her unique status.

Caesar's assassination in 44 BC, however, put Cleopatra and her son in a precarious position.

Mark Antony

After Caesar's death, Cleopatra aligned herself with Mark Antony, one of the members of the Second Triumvirate that ruled Rome.

Antony, like Caesar, was captivated by Cleopatra. Their alliance was also both political and personal, resulting in three children.

Antony spent the winter of 41-40 BC in Alexandria, a period known as "the Alexandrian Winter," where he was said to have been seduced by Cleopatra's lifestyle.

He granted her much of the eastern part of the Roman Empire, and she in turn supported his campaigns.

Cleopatra's Downfall and Death

The final years of Cleopatra's life were marked by political turmoil and personal tragedy.

Her alliance with Mark Antony, while initially beneficial, ultimately led to her downfall.

The Battle of Actium in 31 BC was a decisive moment in Cleopatra's reign. Antony and Cleopatra faced off against Octavian, Antony's rival in Rome.

Despite their combined forces, Antony and Cleopatra were defeated. This loss marked a significant turning point, as it shifted the balance of power in the Roman world and signaled the end of Cleopatra's influence.

After the defeat at Actium, Antony and Cleopatra retreated to Alexandria. Antony, believing a false report that Cleopatra had died, fell on his own sword. Cleopatra, upon hearing of Antony's death, was said to have been inconsolable.

Facing the prospect of being paraded in defeat through the streets of Rome, Cleopatra chose to end her own life.

The exact circumstances of her death remain a mystery, but the most widely accepted story is that she died by the bite of an asp or by poison on August 12, 30 BC.

The End of a Free Egypt

With Cleopatra's death, the Ptolemaic dynasty came to an end. Egypt became a province of the Roman Empire, and Octavian, later known as Augustus, became the first Roman Emperor.

Cleopatra's son by Julius Caesar, Caesarion, was executed by Octavian, extinguishing the last direct link to the Ptolemaic line.

Cleopatra's downfall and death marked the end of an era. Despite her tragic end, she is remembered as a powerful and influential queen who left a lasting impact on the world.

Her story continues to captivate and inspire, serving as a testament to her strength, intelligence, and determination.

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76 Cleopatra Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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IvyPanda. (2024, January 4). 76 Cleopatra Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"76 Cleopatra Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 4 Jan. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '76 Cleopatra Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 4 January.

IvyPanda . 2024. "76 Cleopatra Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." January 4, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "76 Cleopatra Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." January 4, 2024.


IvyPanda . "76 Cleopatra Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." January 4, 2024.

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Antony and Cleopatra

By william shakespeare, antony and cleopatra study guide.

Shakespeare lived in a time of great transformation for Western Europe. New advances in science were overturning ancient ideas about astronomy and physics. The discovery of the Americas had transformed the European conception of the world. Increasingly available translations of classical texts were a powerful influence on English literature and art. Christian and pagan world views interacted with each other in rich and often paradoxical ways, and signs of that complicated interaction are present in many of Shakespeare's works. England, having endured centuries of civil war, was in the middle of a long period of stability and peace.

Not least of the great changes of Shakespeare's time was England's dramatic rise to world power. When Queen Elizabeth came to power in 1558, six years before Shakespeare's birth, England was a weak and unstable nation. Torn by internal strife between Catholics and Protestants, an economy in tatters, and unstable leadership, England was vulnerable to invasion by her stronger rivals on the continent. By the time of Elizabeth's death in 1603, she had turned the weakling of Western Europe into a power of the first rank, poised to become the mightiest nation in the world. When the young Shakespeare came to London looking to make a life in the theatre, England's capitol was an important center of trade, learning, and art. In the few decades that he made his career there, the city's financial, intellectual, and artistic importance became still greater, as London continued its transformation from unremarkable center of a backwater nation to one of the world's most exciting metropolises. Drama was entering a golden age, and the young Shakespeare was to be that age's greatest writer.

Antony and Cleopatra was written in 1607, following the incredible period that gave us Hamlet, Othello, King Lear , and Macbeth. Although classified sometimes as a tragedy, the play is unique and difficult to categorize. Some put it with Julius Caesar and Corialanus, the Roman plays: all three use Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans as their primary source, and all three have concerns steeped in historical and political questions. In all three of these plays, Shakespeare shows an impressive (although sometimes overstated) ability to assimilate the classical world on its own terms. While Hamlet and Lear are basically Renaissance characters, far removed from the original settings of the source materials Shakespeare used, the characters of the Roman plays are, to a large extent, Romans moving in a Roman world. Partly, this phenomenon is a tribute to the strength and vitality of Plutarch's writing. Although Shakespeare alters Plutarch freely to match his own dramatic purposes, Plutarch's power to speak for his time and place shines through Shakespeare's adaptations. And while Shakespeare remains true to the essence of his source, he also deepens what he finds there.

Historically, the events of Antony and Cleopatra took place in the late first century BCE. Julius Caesar ends in victory for Octavius, Lepidus, and Antony, who defeat Caesar's assassins and divide the world between themselves. Antony and Cleopatra picks up the story years later. In the course of the play, the three-member alliance, called the triumvirate, will fall apart. The demands of history and power decree that Rome must be ruled by one man alone. Lepidus, the weakest of the three generals, is not a serious contender for ultimate power. The final contest will be between Antony and Octavius.

Because Shakespeare took no interest in the publication of his plays, his dramas got into print in uncertain and unreliable ways. Certain plays do not come to us straight from Shakespeare's manuscripts, and corrupt texts abound. Fortunately, Antony and Cleopatra seems free of these difficulties. The play was entered in the Stationer's Register in 1607, a step normally preceding publication, but in this case the play remained unpublished until 1623. In this year, it was included amongst the tragedies in the First Folio. The play's First Folio printing is the basis of all following editions. The evidence suggests that this printing comes to us directly from Shakespeare's own manuscript.

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Antony and Cleopatra Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for Antony and Cleopatra is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

What does Antony mean when he says that Romans never link their love to the deserving

What scene is this in?

What is dramatic significance and theatrical appeal in 'Antony and Cleopatra'?

Shakespeare is dealing with history, so he can make events seem fated, but the Soothsayer and his dire predictions are taken from Plutarch. The use of the soothsayer underscores the theme of destiny, which in a play based on historical events can...

Do Shakespeare, in your opinion value more the goals of octavius or antony and why ?

I think Shakespeare is more interested in Antony. Antony is a great general, beloved by his men. He is middle-aged. He is also a lover of pleasure, far less single-minded than Octavius. He is a complicated and fatally divided man, failing to rise...

Study Guide for Antony and Cleopatra

Antony and Cleopatra study guide contains a biography of William Shakespeare, literature essays, a complete e-text, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

  • About Antony and Cleopatra
  • Antony and Cleopatra Summary
  • Character List

Essays for Antony and Cleopatra

Antony and Cleopatra literature essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Antony and Cleopatra.

  • Infinite Virtue: A Close Reading of Antony and Cleopatra, IV.viii.12-18
  • Stoic Constancy in Antony and Cleopatra
  • The Power of True Loyalty
  • Witchy Women: Female Magic and Otherness in Western Literature
  • Pain, Power and Folly

Lesson Plan for Antony and Cleopatra

  • About the Author
  • Study Objectives
  • Common Core Standards
  • Introduction to Antony and Cleopatra
  • Relationship to Other Books
  • Bringing in Technology
  • Notes to the Teacher
  • Related Links
  • Antony and Cleopatra Bibliography

E-Text of Antony and Cleopatra

Antony and Cleopatra E-Text contains the full text of Antony and Cleopatra

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Wikipedia Entries for Antony and Cleopatra

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Cleopatra - Essay Examples And Topic Ideas For Free

Cleopatra VII, often known simply as Cleopatra, was the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. Essays on Cleopatra could explore her life, reign, and significant relationships such as those with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. Moreover, discussions might delve into her legacy and depictions in literature, film, and art throughout history. Examining Cleopatra’s leadership, her political acumen, and her enduring image as a figure of beauty and power can provide insight into the interplay of gender, power, and mythology in both ancient and modern contexts. A vast selection of complimentary essay illustrations pertaining to Cleopatra you can find in Papersowl database. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

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When people think of Cleopatra, the first thing that comes to mind is the beautiful and powerful Queen of Egypt. She is often associated with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony because of her romantic relationships with them however, there is much more to her than meets the eye. Cleopatra was an intelligent and multilingual woman who ended up becoming one of Egypt's most successful rulers, even though it was during a time controlled by men. Cleopatra used her beauty, intelligence, […]

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Book Review “Cleopatra: a Life”

In her book Cleopatra: A Life, Stacy Schiff describes in great detail the tense events taking place in ancient Egypt before and after Cleopatra's reign as Queen. Schiff is an acclaimed nonfiction author. She has won the coveted Pulitzer Prize and has written plenty of historical books, essays, and columns featuring historical women such as: Véra (Mrs. Vladimir Nabokov): Portrait of a Marriage, Indelible Portraits of Women's Lives, and The Witches: Salem, 1692. Schiff is nondiscriminatory as she presents her […]

Cleopatra the Seventh Queen of the Nile

Arguably one of the most famous Egyptian queens, Cleopatra was a femme-fatale and a powerful women. The Egyptian queen was a very influential political leader, she used her wit and ambition to achieve many goals for her country. Although lacking in external beauty, Cleopatra's mind was gorgeously fascinating and she became a woman known for her intelligence and appeal. She was a very influential woman, a great leader for Egypt and held a much stronger monarch than any of the […]

Julius Caesar Personality Biography

As a person who was cherished but also resented by many, Julius Caesar left a valuable impression on those during his lifetime, and even to this day. Although Caesar was a skillful leader who helped extend the Roman Republic, in reality, he was a greedy, immoral man who used the factors of manipulation in order to bring himself to success. Born on July 12, 100 BC, Julius Caesar’s birth was said to have “marked the start of a new era” […]

Cleopatra and the Egyptian Kingdom

Cleopatra Many people think they know about Cleopatra, but do you really? Would it surprise you to learn that she was actually not Egyptian at all? Cleopatra has left a lasting impression on Egypt for various reasons, such as her importance and association with other empires. Cleopatra was very important to ancient Egypt for many reasons. She was the last queen who ruled Egypt of her dynasty and was the last queen before Rome conquered Egypt. She also caused a […]

The Last Pharaoh of Egypt, Cleopatra

It is very clear to see that the last pharaoh of Egypt, Cleopatra, was different from the other past pharaohs that ruled before her. Not in terms of her supposed beauty or the attractions she had on people, but her distinctive intelligence and accomplishments during her time as pharaoh. Her impact on society was big and strong enough for her to still be relevant today and remembered in present day. When people think of Cleopatra, most tend to lack on […]

An Iconic Female Ruler in History – Cleopatra

One of the most iconic female rulers in history, Cleopatra has made a name for herself by using her charm, wit, and cunning and rose to become the last active leader of the Ptolemaic Kingdom. She became known throughout history as a seductress who captured the hearts of two of the most powerful members of the Roman Empire, Julius Caesar, and Mark Anthony. Together with her brother, she was named as the successor of the Ptolemaic Kingdom in her teenage […]

Antony and Cleopatra

Drama has been described as a verse or prose composition that tends to present a story in form of dialogue. In a dramatic performance the actors must be convincing enough to bring about actual anxiety, sympathy, and feelings of struggle in the audience. Moreover, writing a drama can be characterized by using your imagination as a writer, to morph an ordinary situation or scene into something over the top. Drama has been categorized into comedy and tragedy. In addition, drama […]

Cleopatra and her Position in Society

Cleopatra's actions during her lifetime were influenced by her position as a royal woman ruler as well as her position in the Egyptian society. She accepted her position as "the Other" in ancient society to further embrace the role of the exotic Greco-Roman pharaoh using her beauty and seduction methods as a tool in order to stay in control of the throne. Cleopatra and the story of her early life mainly comes from the stories and poems of Greco-Roman scholars, […]

Cleopatra’s Persona

In Shakespeare play “Antony and Cleopatra,” it was written around the historical period of the Roman Empire. In the play, the ideas battles with gender roles and power. In this essay I will introduce Janet Adelman essay titled Tradition as Source in Antony and Cleopatra, and elaborate on the leadership of cleopatra has the embodiment of Egypt. In the scene presented will argue that this duality created by Cleopatra, make the readers over look her, capability has a leader. In […]

Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator

I didn't always rule in peace. My name is Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator and I was born into Egypt's royal family, the Ptolemies, during the reign of my father, Ptolemy XII Auletes, in Alexandria, Egypt. My father Ptolemy XII Auletes was the king of Egypt and my mother, Cleopatra V, was the queen of Egypt. I had four siblings, two brothers and two sisters, who I never got along with since we all wanted the throne to ourselves. My younger […]

Cleopatra: Rise and Ascension

First and foremost I discovered through my research, Cleopatra VII was born in 69 B.C.E in Alexandria, Egypt as the daughter of Ptolemy XII Auletes who was possibly his sister or wife. Historically, she has been depicted as someone who was superficial. She is known solely for her beauty and sexual prowess but not only is this far from the truth, it does not take into account her greatest asset, because her greatest asset rather than her beauty was her […]

Final: Cleopatra

In Act IV of William Shakespeare's tragedy Antony and Cleopatra, Cleopatra remarks, "All strange and terrible events are welcome, but comforts we despise" ("Cleopatra VII"). Herein lies the life of Cleopatra one fraught with tremendous challenges and marred by tragedy. Born in 69 B.C., Cleopatra VII was the daughter of King Ptolemy XII (Jones). At the age of eighteen, Cleopatra assumed the Egyptian throne (Jones). She would be the last Ptolemy and the last pharaoh to ever rule over Egypt. […]

Was Cleopatra Truly Egyptian? Exploring the Cultural and Ancestral Origins of Egypt’s Last Pharaoh

Cleopatra VII Philopator, universally known as Cleopatra, continues to captivate and mystify us from the depths of history. She represents a complex amalgamation of myth and reality, prompting the enduring question: Was Cleopatra truly Egyptian? To unravel this, we embark on a historical journey, delving into the depths where fact meets folklore. Positioned along the life-giving Nile, Egypt has historically been a melting pot of civilizations, its trajectory influenced by a series of invasions, migrations, and cultural fusions. Cleopatra reigned […]

The Final Chapter: Exploring the Age and Circumstances of Cleopatra’s Death

Within the vast chronicle of history, amid ancient times' echoes, stands a saga that transcends simple historical records—a story stitched with the fibers of aspiration, romance, and despair. Central to this narrative is Cleopatra VII, a figure synonymous with luxury and mystery, whose demise not only concluded her reign but also ended a significant period in human history. Born into an era of declining empires and changing loyalties, Cleopatra inherited a realm teetering on the edge of destruction. However, she […]

Birth of Cleopatra: Pinpointing the Date and Historical Context of Egypt’s Last Pharaoh

In the ancient corridors of time, Cleopatra VII shines as a symbol of enigma and authority, her mysterious allure extending through the pages of history. Despite the layers of myth that envelop her story, the details of her birth are still a captivating mystery, an unresolved puzzle from the past. Tracing Cleopatra's roots involves navigating through the depths of history, amid echoes of dynastic chaos and political scheming that resonate through ancient Egypt. Born as the Ptolemaic dynasty waned, Cleopatra […]

Theda’s Triumph: the Rise of Cleopatra on Stage

"Theda" who played Cleopatra. However, I can craft a fictional narrative about a character named Theda who portrays Cleopatra in a play or film. Here's a unique piece based on this premise: In the vibrant world of theater, Theda stood as an aspiring actress with dreams woven from the fabric of celluloid fantasies. Her name was a whispered melody among the theater's echelons, a budding starlet yearning for her moment in the limelight. It was the golden age of cinema, […]

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Home — Essay Samples — History — Cleopatra — An Introduction to the History of Cleopatra the Seventh, Queen of Egypt


An Introduction to The History of Cleopatra The Seventh, Queen of Egypt

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Words: 528 |

Published: Nov 20, 2018

Words: 528 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

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Introduction, ruler of egypt, inspiration.

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An Introduction to The History of Cleopatra The Seventh, Queen of Egypt Essay

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In conclusion, Cleopatra's journey to power was a remarkable one, filled with political intrigue, strategic alliances, and personal sacrifice. Despite the challenges she faced as a woman in a patriarchal society, Cleopatra's [...]

Although Cleopatra was successful in life, you must know that you shouldn’t do things how she did. What things did she do? What She Looked Like Historians don’t know for sure how Cleopatra really looked like. She is often [...]

This is a very clean and clear-cut timeline based around the life of Cleopatra VII. The page points out important events throughout Cleopatra’s history and includes photos depicting her likeness. The article even makes note to [...]

Once upon a time, there was a giant library in the ancient world. It was located in Alexandria, in northern Egypt, and contained great masterworks of great figures such as Plato, the father of history, that is to say, Homer, and [...]

As the centuries past by, the Egyptian trained themselves in art so that they could be employed at the temples or priestesses. At first it started with lower class women. While performing, the women would dance while the men [...]

Biography: Queen Hatshepsut One of the most well-known female rulers of Ancient Egypt is Queen Hatshepsut. Hatshepsut was born circa 1508 B.C.E. in Thebes, Egypt to King Thutmose I and his principal wife and queen, Ahmose. [...]

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cleopatra 5 paragraph essay


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    Queen Cleopatra's life and influence will remain permanently in the area of art history and women's leadership in Roman Empire and her influence as spread to some parts of the world (Harrella, 2011). Cleopatra possessed different royal and feminine influence all over the Ptolemaic era that embraced society, invasions, authority, women ...

  2. Cleopatra: a Fascinating Life in Ancient Egypt

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  3. Cleopatra: The Last Queen of Egypt

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    The essay should then provide evidence and analysis to support this thesis, drawing on the research and critical thinking skills of the writer. Overall, writing an essay on Cleopatra is a valuable opportunity to delve into the fascinating history of ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire, as well as to develop research and writing skills.

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    This is a very clean and clear-cut timeline based around the life of Cleopatra VII. The page points out important events throughout Cleopatra's history and includes photos depicting her likeness. The article even makes note to speak of other relevant historical figures in relation to Cleopatra, such as Ptolemy XII and Marc Antony.

  7. Cleopatra's Reign Explored: An Enlightening Essay Sample

    Written by. Caroline F. November 6, 2023. One of the most famous women in ancient history, Cleopatra is associated with Egypt and considered its best-known monarch. Cleopatra was the one whom the gods chose. At least, that is exactly what she thought of herself: she was meant to be above people with their petty abominations and joys.

  8. Cleopatra Essays

    Cleopatra: The Most Powerful Woman in the Ancient World Cleopatra VII was one of the most powerful women in history whose reign brought Egypt nearly twenty-two years of stability and prosperity. Throughout history much of her success has been discredited and she has instead been depicted as a seductress who used copulation to obtain power.

  9. The tragic reality of Cleopatra's life

    Year 8 Classroom Teacher Subscription 2024. $35.00. Cleopatra VII, the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, is one of the most enduring figures from ancient history. Her life and reign have been the subject of countless works of art, literature, and film, yet the true story of her rise to power is often overshadowed by the myths ...

  10. Cleopatra's Life, From Her Ascension to the Throne to Solemn Death

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    The bond between Antony and Cleopatra continued to strengthen and resulted in the return of most of Egypt's empires that had been conquered by the Romans. "Antony and Cleopatra" and "Coriolanus" by Shakespeare. According to Aristotle, the tragedy of the hero is as a result of his weakness becoming superior hence, he shows frailness in ...

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  13. Cleopatra as a Significant Figure of Ancient Egypt

    In this essay I will examine the historical context, early life and achievements of Cleopatra VII, a significant figure from ancient Egypt. Cleopatra was born in Egypt in the year 69B.C. into the Ptolemy dynasty, who at the time were the rulers of Egypt and were founded by Ptolemy I, in 305 B.C. Cleopatra rose to power around the 1st century B ...

  14. Cleopatra

    Born around 69 BC in Alexandria, Egypt, Cleopatra VII Philopator was the last ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. She was the daughter of Ptolemy XII (also known as Auletes) and Cleopatra V Tryphaena. It is believed that Cleopatra V Tryphaena was the King's half-sister, making Cleopatra and her siblings a creation of incest.

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    Cleopatra and the Fall of Egypt. Cleopatra life started around 69 B.C. through to 30 B.C. And her reign started around 51 B.C. till the time of her death which was around 30 B.C. She was almost certainly the most unforgettable queen ever seen in the land of Egypt. She was felt as far as the oman Empire as she affected the Empire by bringing ...

  16. Antony and Cleopatra Study Guide

    Essays for Antony and Cleopatra. Antony and Cleopatra literature essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Antony and Cleopatra. Infinite Virtue: A Close Reading of Antony and Cleopatra, IV.viii.12-18; Stoic Constancy in Antony and Cleopatra; The Power of True Loyalty

  17. Antony and Cleopatra

    Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts.

  18. How Did Cleopatra Come To Power: [Essay Example], 740 words

    Caesar and Cleopatra formed a romantic and political alliance, with Cleopatra giving birth to their son, Caesarion, in 47 BCE. This union solidified Cleopatra's claim to the throne and ensured Roman support for her rule. With Caesar's backing, Cleopatra successfully ousted her brother from power and became the sole ruler of Egypt in 47 BCE.

  19. Cleopatra Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

    Herein lies the life of Cleopatra one fraught with tremendous challenges and marred by tragedy. Born in 69 B.C., Cleopatra VII was the daughter of King Ptolemy XII (Jones). At the age of eighteen, Cleopatra assumed the Egyptian throne (Jones). She would be the last Ptolemy and the last pharaoh to ever rule over Egypt.

  20. Cleopatra Essay

    Cleopatra VII is an important historical figure that ruled over Ancient Egypt as co-regent for decades with her younger brother Ptolemy XIII. Cleopatra was an utterly captivating woman who was able to attract men of high importance, including the famous Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. Although she was extremely beautiful, she was also ...

  21. 5 Paragraph Essay On Cleopatra

    5 Paragraph Essay On Cleopatra | Best Writing Service. Good things take time. But we'll deliver your paper by the time needed. No worries. Jalan Zamrud Raya Ruko Permata Puri 1 Blok L1 No. 10, Kecamatan Cimanggis, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16452. Follow me. Essay. Critical Thinking Essay on Nursing.

  22. An Introduction to the History of Cleopatra the Seventh ...

    Cleopatra was the daughter of Ptolemy XII (also known as Auletes) and Cleopatra V Tryphaena. She was born in 69 B.C. and had several siblings, including an older sister and a younger brother. Cleopatra's father sank Egypt into heavy debt with Rome, and was banished out of the country.