prezi presentation analytics

Small Business Trends

What is prezi and is it right for your business.

What is Prezi and Is it Right for Your Business?

They might be nerve-wracking and tensely-awaited but presentations are a vital and often unavoidable part of the business world. Quality, successful presentations can be the key to winning new clients, promoting brand appeal and ultimately growing a business. But how do businesses get crucial presentations right?

Enter  Prezi , a presentation tool that can be used as an alternative to traditional presentation programs, such as PowerPoint, which focuses predominantly on slides.

What is Prezi?

Rather than using slides, Prezi utilizes a large canvas on which users can zoom in and out to specific parts to emphasize text, visual content and ideas. As well as supporting text and images, the Prezi platform supports the use of video.

For businesses that are new to Prezi, the program provides a collection of templates for users to choose from, so they can navigate the system with ease and get familiarized with the interface.

With Prezi’s drag and drop interface, it is easy to create timelines to show historical references and chronological data. The canvas-based presentation tool makes it easy to create diagrams to show and highlight specific information and data.

What is Prezi and Is it Right for Your Business?

Nurturing Collaboration

With co-editing and collaborative features, the Prezi platform supports real-time collaboration, enabling different members of your team to communicate with each other directly from their prezis, regardless of where they are located.

With presentations stored in the cloud, different team members, employees and clients can have access to the presentations and open, edit or link to them from a single, shareable location.

You can even integrate Prezi with Slack to enhance collaboration with the presentations and build a community channel designed to improve business productivity.

Remote Presenting

With more and more small business teams working from remote locations and communicating with colleagues, customers and clients via telecommunication methods, having a presentation platform that enables you to host remote presentations makes shrewd business sense.

With the Prezi tool, you can hold remote presentations seamlessly, which can be presented and viewed in HD without having to use screen sharing software.

Prezi Analytics

One challenge of delivering business presentations is knowing how the performances have been received by their audience, in other words gauging an understanding of how effective a presentation is.

Such challenges can be overcome with Prezi and the tool provides real-time analytics which provide businesses with feedback designed to put organizations in a better position to determine which topics and parts of the presentation resonated with their audience and what needs to be improved on. This feedback can be particularly beneficial to small businesses in helping them fine-tune their presentation delivery.

What is Prezi and Is it Right for Your Business?

Which Businesses Is Prezi Right For?

There are of course certain industries and professionals that have a particularly high use of presentations in order to sell their products or services and grow their brand. Such industries and professions include:

  • Training and leadership
  • Marketing and advertising
  • Thought leadership
  • Teaching and academics
  • Executive level

That said, if your small business regularly conducts presentations, then the Prezi platform could prove a pivotal asset in improving the performance and success of your presentations.

PowerPoint may have made presenting easier and more efficient, but company PowerPoint presentations can be all too routine and even mundane.

With Prezi you can inject some color, life and individuality into your presentations and reap the business benefits such informative, successful and collaborative presentations bring to small businesses wanting to nurture growth.

What is Prezi and Is it Right for Your Business?

Mastering the Art of Prezi Presentations

Now that we’ve introduced the power of Prezi, let’s delve deeper into strategies for creating impactful presentations with this innovative tool. Here’s how to master the art of Prezi presentations:

  • Embrace Nonlinear Storytelling : Prezi’s canvas offers the freedom to break away from linear narratives. Use this to your advantage by crafting presentations that allow your audience to explore content organically. Guide them through a journey that keeps them engaged and curious.
  • Visual Consistency : Maintain visual consistency throughout your Prezi presentation. Choose a color palette, fonts, and design elements that align with your brand’s identity. Consistency enhances professionalism and reinforces brand recognition.
  • Engage with Zooming : One of Prezi’s distinctive features is zooming. Use it strategically to zoom in on key points, emphasizing details and data. Zooming out can provide context or reveal the bigger picture. Keep your audience visually engaged with well-timed zooms.
  • Storyboard Your Prezi : Before diving into the canvas, create a storyboard or outline. Define the main points, transitions, and the order in which you’ll present them. This planning stage helps ensure your Prezi flows smoothly and logically.
  • Use Images and Visuals Effectively : Prezi’s canvas allows for rich visual content. Incorporate high-quality images, graphics, and videos that support your narrative. Visuals should enhance understanding and evoke emotions.
  • Keep It Concise : While Prezi offers flexibility, avoid overwhelming your audience with too much content on a single canvas. Maintain clarity and conciseness. Each canvas or zoomed-in section should focus on one key idea.
  • Test Your Prezi : Before presenting to your target audience, test your Prezi with a smaller group or colleagues. Ensure that all zooms, transitions, and embedded content work seamlessly. Address any technical issues in advance.
  • Engage with Audience Interaction : Leverage Prezi’s interactive features. Use clickable paths or buttons to allow your audience to navigate the presentation at their pace or answer polls and quizzes to boost engagement.
  • Storytelling is Key : Just like in traditional presentations, storytelling remains essential. Craft a compelling narrative that captures your audience’s attention, holds their interest, and conveys your message effectively.
  • Practice and Rehearse : Rehearse your Prezi presentation multiple times to become comfortable with the flow and transitions. Practice helps you deliver a confident and engaging presentation.
  • Gather Feedback : After each presentation, gather feedback from your audience. Understand what resonated with them and what could be improved. Continuously refine your Prezi skills based on insights.
  • Explore Advanced Features : As you become proficient with Prezi, explore advanced features such as custom animations, 3D backgrounds, and more. These can add layers of depth and creativity to your presentations.

What is Prezi and Is it Right for Your Business?

Creating Impactful Prezi Presentations

Crafting impactful Prezi presentations involves a strategic approach to content creation, design, and delivery. Here’s a focused guide to help you create presentations that leave a lasting impression:

  • Audience-Centric Content : Understand your audience’s needs, expectations, and interests. Tailor your Prezi presentation to address their pain points and deliver valuable insights.
  • Clear Storyline : Develop a clear and compelling storyline that flows seamlessly from one point to the next. Ensure that each element contributes to the overall narrative.
  • Visual Hierarchy : Use visual hierarchy techniques to guide the viewer’s attention. Employ size, color, and positioning to emphasize key points and maintain a cohesive visual flow.
  • Interactive Elements : Leverage Prezi’s interactive features like clickable paths, embedded surveys, and audience polls to engage your viewers actively.
  • Relevant Multimedia : Incorporate multimedia elements judiciously. Use videos, images, and graphics that enhance understanding and support your message.
  • Practice and Timing : Rehearse your presentation to ensure a smooth and well-paced delivery. Practice zooming in and out to create a dynamic experience without disruptions.
  • Feedback Loop : Seek feedback from colleagues or mentors to refine your Prezi. Fresh perspectives can help identify areas for improvement.
  • Simplicity is Key : Avoid overcrowding your canvas with too much information. Keep it clean and focused, allowing your audience to digest the content easily.
  • Transitions with Purpose : Use transitions sparingly and with purpose. Avoid overly flashy effects that can distract from the message.
  • Engage with Narration : If presenting remotely, consider adding a voiceover or live narration to guide viewers through your Prezi.
  • Accessibility Considerations : Ensure that your Prezi is accessible to all viewers, including those with disabilities. Use alt text for images and ensure proper contrast for readability.
  • Mobile Optimization : As many viewers may access your Prezi on mobile devices, optimize your presentation for mobile-friendly viewing.
  • Continual Improvement : After each presentation, assess the impact and gather feedback. Use these insights to refine future Prezi creations.

In the ever-evolving landscape of business presentations, Prezi emerges as a dynamic ally, offering the potential to transform your presentations from routine to remarkable. Its canvas-based approach, multimedia integration, and interactive features provide a platform for creativity and engagement.

With the ability to craft nonlinear narratives, maintain visual consistency, and foster real-time collaboration, Prezi empowers you to deliver presentations that resonate with your audience. It’s a tool for not just conveying information but for telling compelling stories, sparking discussions, and leaving a lasting impact.

As remote presentations become the norm, Prezi’s seamless remote presenting capabilities ensure that your message transcends physical boundaries, reaching and captivating a global audience.

The real-time analytics offered by Prezi grant you invaluable insights into audience reception, allowing you to continually refine and enhance your presentation skills.

In a world where presentations are an essential part of various industries and professions, Prezi proves itself to be an asset, not just for enhancing your presentations but for nurturing business growth and success.

So, whether you’re in sales, marketing, education, or any field that demands effective communication, Prezi offers the means to inject color, life, and individuality into your presentations. Embrace Prezi, master its art, and watch as your presentations evolve into engaging, impactful, and memorable experiences.

Image: Prezi

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prezi presentation analytics

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Overcome presentation deadlines with Prezi AI: User success stories

Get your team on prezi – watch this on demand video.

Naba Ahmed

Naba Ahmed May 21, 2024

In today’s fast-paced world, deadlines loom closer than ever. Whether it’s a presentation scheduled for later today or looming on the horizon later this week, the pressure can be overwhelming. That’s where Prezi steps in to alleviate the stress with our innovative AI-powered features, designed to empower you to create captivating presentations effortlessly.

The “tomorrow problem” encapsulates the urgency individuals feel as presentation deadlines approach rapidly. It demands swift action and resolution within tight timeframes. With Prezi AI , we offer a solution that ensures your message is clear and remembered long after the presentation ends.

Build a presentation with AI

Our latest feature update to Prezi AI allows you to generate a presentation with AI in a matter of minutes, simply from a few keywords or ideas. No more staring at a blank page, grappling with where to start. Prezi AI streamlines the process, guiding you through content creation effortlessly.

But don’t just take our word for it. Let’s hear from some of our users who have successfully tackled their tomorrow problem with Prezi AI.

A teacher’s guide to engaging presentations with Prezi AI 

Time is a huge commodity for teachers. 

For sixth-grade teacher Jamie Ewing , who was recently nominated as America’s Favorite Teacher , said it was a breath of fresh air when he discovered Prezi Video in 2019 because it transformed his ability to communicate in a great, fresh, modern way.

And in 2024, his life changed again…with Prezi AI . 

“Prezi AI is a game changer. As a teacher, I was initially skeptical about AI programs, but Prezi AI proved me wrong. It’s transformative. So much of the work that I used to labor over is now done for me in seconds. All I have to do is upload my directions, tweak a few details, and spend a little time putting my final touches into the presentation.”

For his recent farm trip, Jamie employed Prezi AI to create a Class Review for the first week of May, and shared his tutorial on how to do so.  

Jamie shares how he most effectively creates presentations using Prezi AI, and how using Prezi AI gives him time back to do what he likes to do most.

Here’s Jamie’s guide to using Prezi AI: 

1. Keep your theme simple. Don’t over-explain it; you’ll get better results.

2. Type up exactly what you want to include in your presentation.

3. Once you have your first template, play around with color themes, background

photos, making slides transparent, or moving items.

4. Test drive it to see what you might need to tweak.

5. Enjoy having more time for other things.

So follow Jamie’s advice and revolutionize your communication and engagement in the classroom with Prezi AI. 

How Prezi AI transforms ideas into professional presentations 

Ted Toussaint , a seasoned speaker and behavioral scientist based in France, attests to the transformative capabilities of Prezi AI. According to Ted, the latest feature update offers users the ability to generate visually stunning presentations with ease. By simply inputting a few keywords or ideas, Prezi AI provides a structured outline, allowing users to focus on refining their message rather than grappling with the initial blank canvas.

Storyboard Example – Water Cycle Project

“The professional look is easy to adjust to match your branding and still allows the outstanding freedom of creativity that Prezi is known for.”

Creating A-worthy class presentations 

Dani, a high school student in Hungary, echoes the sentiments above and has embraced the transformative power of Prezi AI. In Dani’s experience, Prezi AI has not only expedited his workflow but has also elevated the aesthetics of his presentation. 

“Prezi AI has not only made my work faster and easier, but it has also taken the beauty of my presentations to a new level. Thanks to the capabilities of Prezi AI, it was a great success in the class.”

A new, faster approach to creating presentations 

For presentation expert Fuji based out of Japan, Prezi AI revolutionizes the traditional approach to creating presentations. Instead of having users spend a lot of time laying out their content, they can focus more on crafting compelling narratives. 

A close-up of a female entrepreneur using laptop for business and finances to work with personal data. She is utilizing AI, A.I., and ML technologies in daily life to enhance her working routine. Embracing the futuristic union of human and technology and meeting presentation deadlines.

Prezi’s dynamic nature and zooming capabilities not only captivate the audience’s attention but also enhance the overall delivery of information, making presentations more memorable and impactful.

“Prezi AI creates a new frontier in presentations by automating both intuitive structuring and unique super-smooth motions.”

Conquering the blank page 

Another challenge with creating presentations is when you’re staring at the screen, not knowing where to start, which tech consultant Christian Gajda refers to as “blank paper anxiety.” He recommends using Prezi AI to tackle this common problem. 

With Prezi AI, you can start creating a beautiful, AI-generated foundation tailored to your preferences. This makes the presentation creation process more efficient and inspiring, providing you with a creative canvas to add your personal touch. 

Beat deadlines & create impactful presentations with Prezi AI

Our users highlight the diverse ways in which Prezi AI has revolutionized the presentation creation process. From educators to students to seasoned professionals, Prezi AI offers a seamless solution to the “tomorrow problem,” ensuring that your presentations are not only delivered on time but also leave a lasting impression.

Smiling african woman giving presentation at startup. Happy female professional standing in front of a large television screen with a graph.

So, the next time you’re faced with a looming deadline and the pressure is mounting, remember that Prezi AI is here to help you tackle the “tomorrow problem” with ease. Say goodbye to blank paper anxiety and hello to effortless, impactful presentations with Prezi AI .

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AI + Machine Learning , Announcements , Azure AI Content Safety , Azure AI Studio , Azure OpenAI Service , Partners

Introducing GPT-4o: OpenAI’s new flagship multimodal model now in preview on Azure

By Eric Boyd Corporate Vice President, Azure AI Platform, Microsoft

Posted on May 13, 2024 2 min read

  • Tag: Copilot
  • Tag: Generative AI

Microsoft is thrilled to announce the launch of GPT-4o, OpenAI’s new flagship model on Azure AI. This groundbreaking multimodal model integrates text, vision, and audio capabilities, setting a new standard for generative and conversational AI experiences. GPT-4o is available now in Azure OpenAI Service, to try in preview , with support for text and image.

Azure OpenAI Service

A person sitting at a table looking at a laptop.

A step forward in generative AI for Azure OpenAI Service

GPT-4o offers a shift in how AI models interact with multimodal inputs. By seamlessly combining text, images, and audio, GPT-4o provides a richer, more engaging user experience.

Launch highlights: Immediate access and what you can expect

Azure OpenAI Service customers can explore GPT-4o’s extensive capabilities through a preview playground in Azure OpenAI Studio starting today in two regions in the US. This initial release focuses on text and vision inputs to provide a glimpse into the model’s potential, paving the way for further capabilities like audio and video.

Efficiency and cost-effectiveness

GPT-4o is engineered for speed and efficiency. Its advanced ability to handle complex queries with minimal resources can translate into cost savings and performance.

Potential use cases to explore with GPT-4o

The introduction of GPT-4o opens numerous possibilities for businesses in various sectors: 

  • Enhanced customer service : By integrating diverse data inputs, GPT-4o enables more dynamic and comprehensive customer support interactions.
  • Advanced analytics : Leverage GPT-4o’s capability to process and analyze different types of data to enhance decision-making and uncover deeper insights.
  • Content innovation : Use GPT-4o’s generative capabilities to create engaging and diverse content formats, catering to a broad range of consumer preferences.

Exciting future developments: GPT-4o at Microsoft Build 2024 

We are eager to share more about GPT-4o and other Azure AI updates at Microsoft Build 2024 , to help developers further unlock the power of generative AI.

Get started with Azure OpenAI Service

Begin your journey with GPT-4o and Azure OpenAI Service by taking the following steps:

  • Try out GPT-4o in Azure OpenAI Service Chat Playground (in preview).
  • If you are not a current Azure OpenAI Service customer, apply for access by completing this form .
  • Learn more about  Azure OpenAI Service  and the  latest enhancements.  
  • Understand responsible AI tooling available in Azure with Azure AI Content Safety .
  • Review the OpenAI blog on GPT-4o.

Let us know what you think of Azure and what you would like to see in the future.

Provide feedback

Build your cloud computing and Azure skills with free courses by Microsoft Learn.

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  1. Getting started with Prezi Analytics

    To access your Prezi Design Analytics, go to your Prezi Design dashboard and select Prezi Design analytics from the left sidebar. You can also click here to go directly to Prezi Design Analytics. Using the Prezi Present desktop app. Click the arrow in the bottom right corner of the thumbnail of a presentation and select View Analytics from the ...

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  3. Unlock high-level information with Prezi Design Analytics

    Alongside Prezi Design Analytics, you can also use Prezi Present Analytics to get an overview of the presentations you've published or shared. With Prezi Present Analytics, you get an overview of views, view time, and more. You can go in-depth and review the performance of an individual presentation.

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    That is, unless you're utilizing presentation analytics. Check out Luke's webinar for a glimpse into what kind of insights you can get through Prezi analytics, and how you can use them to better your business. There's how an audience truly feels about the information you've delivered. That is, unless you're utilizing presentation analytics.

  5. View Prezi Analytics data

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  6. How To Improve Presentation Skills

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