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  • v.19(9); 2023
  • PMC10625363

Hydroponics: current trends in sustainable crop production

Ganapathy rajaseger.

1 Centre for Research & Opportunities in Plant Science (CROPS), School of Applied Science, Temasek Polytechnic, 21 Tampines Ave 1, Singapore 529757

2 Centre Centre for Aquaculture and Veterinary Science (CAVS), School of Applied Science, Temasek Polytechnic, 21 Tampines Ave 1, Singapore 529757

Kit Lun Chan

Kay yee tan, shan ramasamy, mar cho khin, anburaj amaladoss, patel kadamb haribhai.

The combination of Hydroponics with smart technology in farming is novel and has promise as a method for effective and environmentally friendly crop production. This technology eliminates the need for soil and reduces water usage by providing nutrients straight to the plant's roots. The Internet of Things (IoT), sensors, and automation are all used in "smart farming," which allows for constant monitoring of soil conditions, nutrient levels, and plant vitality to facilitate fine-grained management and optimization. The technology-driven strategy improves crop output, quickens growth rates, and keeps conditions ideal all year round regardless of weather or other environmental circumstances. In addition, smart farming lessens the need for organic chemical inputs, promotes environmentally safe methods of pest management, and minimizes the amount of waste produced. This ground-breaking strategy may significantly alter the agricultural sector by encouraging regionalized food production, enhancing food security, and adding to more resilient farming practices. This comprehensive review delves into current trends in Hydroponics, highlighting recent advancements in smart farming systems, such as Domotics, Data Acquisition, Remote Cultivation, and automated AI systems. The review also underscores the various types and advantages of smart farming hydroponic technology, emphasizing the requirements for achieving efficiency in this innovative domain. Additionally, it explores future goals and potential developments, paving the way for further advancements in hydroponic smart farming.


Hydroponics is the practice of growing plants in a nutrient-rich water solution instead of soil [ 1 ]. The term "hydroponics" originated from the Greek- "hydro," which means water, and "ponos," which means labour [ 2 ]. Peat moss, charcoal, gravel, rock wool, perlite, coco peat, and coconut coir are only some of the inert media used in hydroponic systems to support plant roots [ 3 , 4 ]. The system may be engineered to give the plants the optimal quantity of water, nutrients, and oxygen for optimal development. Hydroponic systems are used commercially and in private homes to cultivate a wide variety of plant life, including vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers. While the concept of soilless growing has been around for millennia, the modern hydroponic system was developed in the middle of the 20th century as a solution to boost food production in locations with limited resources and space [ 5 ]. It is believed that the Hanging Gardens were created utilizing the first known application of hydroponic cultivation [ 6 ]. To prove that plants might grow successfully without soil, a Flemish botanist named Jan van Helmont undertook experiments in the 17th century. Later, in 1800, French scientists De Saussure and Boussingault proved that plants require carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen for proper growth. Subsequently, in 1860, German scientists Sachs and Knop added to De Saussure and Boussingault's list by cultivating plants in aqueous solutions including salts of phosphorus, sulphur, potassium, calcium, and magnesium [ 7 , 8 ]. William Frederick Gericke is often cited as an early proponent of growing plants without soil. Because he believed it would be more efficient and successful, Gericke focused on developing methods for cultivating plants without soil. Using lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers as examples, he conducted a slew of experiments demonstrating that plants could grow and flourish in nutrient-rich water so long as their fundamental nutritional demands were met. The concept of soilless agriculture owes a great deal to Gericke's research, which also laid the framework for modern Hydroponics [ 9 ]. Hydroponics is now widely utilized in commercial and domestic settings to cultivate various products, from leafy greens to tuber crops to tomatoes and herbs. Its promise to boost food production and sustainability, decrease water consumption, and raise crop yields has recently increased in popularity [ 10 ].

Importance and relevance of Hydroponics in urban farming:

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization's report in 2001, it is projected that the global population will reach 9.7 billion by 2050. This will require a 60% rise in the production of food worldwide. The current state of under nourishment has found to affect around 11% of the global population, and there has been an upward trend in this figure in recent times. As though, food security has emerged as a prominent concern in the current era, representing a critical challenge for the agricultural sector [Tilman, 2002] [ 11 - 12 , 13 ].

Furthermore, the number of malnourished individuals stands at approximately 690 million. According to research, livestock farming utilizes around 80% of the global agricultural land, necessitating significantly more land than plant-based food farming. According to research, approximately 30% of the global food supply is wasted annually [ 14 ]. According to recent data, most of the world's population resides in urban areas, surpassing the number of individuals living in rural regions. Specifically, in 2018, cities accommodated 55% of the global population [ 15 ]. According to another study, the percentage of the global population residing in urban areas was 30% in 1950 [ 16 ]. However, projections indicate that by 2050, this figure is expected to increase to 68% [ 17 ]. Even though, urban populations have been rapidly increasing, nevertheless, agriculture has been able to meet their growing demands by producing food that requires higher energy, land, water, and generates increased greenhouse gas emissions. The primary concern lies in whether agriculture can sustainably keep up with the changing demands of urban populations while also promoting agricultural prosperity and reducing poverty in both rural and urban regions [ 18 ]. When taking the perspective of urbanisation and limiting the poverty, focusing on smart farming is a far more effective way to reduce poverty than investing in other areas, as agriculture has given its pivotal role in a country's infrastructure and its potential impact on conflicts and wars which were driven by historical land-related food disputes [ 19 ]. Such that the expansion of urban areas creates competition for resources such as soil, water, and labour with agriculture. This could be attributed to the influx of people and the reclassification of land use [ 20 ]. The competition for limited resources has led to a situation where advanced agriculture is required to increase its productivity to addressing the issue on diminishing the burden of poverty chain and simultaneously combating demand of land and climate change concerns [ 21 ].

Hydroponics, however, is a crucial feature of contemporary farming, especially in the context of "smart farming." It offers some benefits and addresses serious problems with traditional agricultural methods. Hydroponics has several advantages over conventional agricultural techniques like using soil and greenhouses. Hydroponics allows for economical water consumption, typically using as much as 90% less water than conventional farming methods [ 22 ]. Hydroponics, with its carefully calibrated nutrient solutions, may produce far greater quantities of greens than conventional soil gardening [ 23 ]. Hydroponics also allows for greater crop output per unit area because of its vertical farming methodology, which makes the most efficient use of available space [ 24 ]. It was recorded that there was a significant decrease in photosynthetic photon flux density and shoot fresh weight in the Vertical Farming Systems [VFS] as the distance from the apex to the foundation increased. However, despite this reduction, the VFS generated a greater amount of crop per unit of cultivation space compared to the horizontal hydroponic system [ 25 ]. The study's findings indicate that VFS may be a viable substitute for horizontal hydroponic development mechanisms.

Additionally, the study suggests that integrating artificial lighting into the VFS may lead to even higher yields. Pests and illnesses are less likely to be a problem with hydroponic systems, lowering the demand for chemical pesticides [ 26 ]. Finally, Hydroponics allows for continuous production throughout the year independent of external weather conditions, guaranteeing a steady supply of fresh vegetables [ 27 ]. Hydroponics often provides a better Return On Investment [ROI] than conventional farming methods because of its greater productivity and quicker harvest times [ 28 ]. Research findings indicate that hydroponic lettuce production has the potential to generate significantly higher yields per acre in comparison to soil-based cultivation, with reported increases of up to 20 times. The enhanced productivity observed in hydroponic farming systems has been found to result in improved financial returns and a faster return on investment. Compared to conventional agricultural methods, hydroponic systems may increase lettuce yields by as much as 20 times per acre [ 29 ]. Brault et al., conducted a study on the year-round production of lettuce using the nutrient film technique in a greenhouse with artificial lighting to investigate the feasibility of using this technique to produce lettuce throughout the year, which involved the use of a greenhouse with artificial lighting to provide the necessary light and the nutrient film technique to provide the necessary nutrients to the plants. The study's findings indicated that hydroponic lettuce farming in a controlled environment enables uninterrupted and reliable year-round crop yield, thus surmounting any seasonal constraints [ 30 ].

By implementing a controlled environment and precise nutrient management, the authors demonstrated the feasibility of achieving uninterrupted tomato production regardless of external weather conditions, facilitating year-round market supply [ 31 ]. The researchers achieved continuous pepper production throughout the year by maintaining optimal environmental conditions, including temperature, light, and nutrient supply [ 32 ]. In another study, the research findings indicate that implementing hydroponic cultivation methods and regulated environmental factors enabled uniform strawberry yield, irrespective of seasonal constraints [ 33 ]. These benefits demonstrate the practicality and longevity of growing hydroponically-cultivated leafy greens.

Advantages of hydroponic farming System:

Resource Efficiency: The optimization of resources like water, nutrients, and space is a key benefit of Hydroponics. Hydroponic farming techniques have been found to reduce water usage by up to 90% compared to conventional soil-based farming. Additionally, this method allows for the recycling and reutilization of nutrient solutions, promoting sustainability and minimizing waste. The implementation of vertical farming techniques has been found to optimize space utilization, resulting in the ability to achieve high-density crop production [ 34 ].

Year-Round Crop Production:

Hydroponics allows for cultivation throughout the year without being affected by seasonal or climatic constraints. Growers can utilize controlled environments to establish the ideal conditions for plant growth, encompassing temperature, humidity, light intensity, and nutrient concentrations. Maintaining a consistent and dependable food supply, decreasing reliance on imported goods, and improving food security are all important factors to consider [ 35 ].

Increased Crop Yields:

Research has shown that hydroponic systems accurately regulate growth conditions, leading to increased plant growth rates and greater crop yields than traditional farming techniques. Research has shown that customizing nutrient delivery and optimizing the root zone environment can improve plant health and productivity. [ 36 ].

Environmental Sustainability:

The utilization of Hydroponics has been found to reduce the adverse effects of agriculture. The elimination of soil dependency results in a reduction of soil erosion, loss of nutrients, and spoilage. Integrating Hydroponics with sustainable practices, such as organic pest control, water recycling, and renewable energy sources, can contribute to a more environmentally friendly approach to farming [ 37 ].

Nutritional Quality and Flavour:

The precise control of nutrient levels and growing conditions in hydroponic cultivation can improve crop quality and flavour. Hydroponic cultivation can be particularly noteworthy for speciality crops, herbs, and medicinal plants due to the potential to optimize specific compounds and active ingredients. [ 38 ].

Pest and Disease Control:

Hydroponics provides a soil-less environment, reducing the risk of soil-borne pests and diseases. Integrated Pest Management [IPM] techniques can be implemented more effectively in Hydroponics, utilizing biological controls and minimizing the need for chemical pesticides. This leads to healthier plants and safer produce [ 39 ]. Urban Agriculture and Local Food Production: Research suggests that Hydroponics is a suitable method for urban agriculture as it allows food production in confined spaces such as rooftops, vertical farms, or indoor facilities. Promoting local food production has been found to positively reduce transportation distances and improve access to fresh, regionally produced crops. Strengthening local involvement and knowledge about sustainable food systems is also observed [ 14 ]. Scientific Research and Innovation: Hydroponics is a platform for scientific research and innovation in agriculture. Researchers can explore new techniques, develop improved cultivars, and test novel approaches for sustainable food production. Integrating smart technologies, automation, and data analytics further advances the field and facilitates continuous improvements in hydroponic farming practices. Hydroponics is a game-changer in modern agriculture, offering increased efficiency, sustainability, and productivity. Its ability to overcome the limitations of traditional farming methods makes it a valuable tool for meeting the challenges of food security, environmental conservation, and the growing demand for nutritious and high-quality produce.

Types of Hydroponic Systems:

Hydroponic systems can be classified mainly into two based on the substrate used soilless-solution culture and granular-substrate culture Hydroponics [ 40 ]. Types of hydroponic systems that are in use today and their specification with the list of plants that grow best in them are tabulated ( Table 1 ).

Overview on Recent developments in Hydroponics:

Innovative technologies, including smart home technology (domotics), IoT automated growing techniques, and AI-based systems, have increasingly entered the mainstream recently and, to add to that, have relevant applications in indoor hydroponic productions [ 46 , 47 ]. The amount and accessibility of knowledge on the web means that increasing numbers of individuals are starting to explore these growth strategies for various motives, and both hydroponic and indoor cultures are growing in popularity with farmers [ 48 ].

Domotics for indoor cultivation- control tools:

It is important to consider the concept carefully while establishing a facility for indoor production and hydroponic planting. Specifically, the spot, dimension, targeted plant species, and tools required for the particular task must be considered. A hydroponic farming system and an indoor conservatory must operate with various specialized gadgets. To provide the optimal climate for the growth of plants, we will consequently need lights with specialized ranges for horticulture, aspirators for the movement of air, humidifiers, fans, heat producers, etc. Thermo-hygrometers for determining both humidity and temperature, heating systems that regulate aspirators or cooling systems, and hygrostats to regulate humidifiers or dehumidifiers are a few control devices employed nowadays for improved and controlled production. However, advanced Software-based controls with programs that can handle information collected by sensors and regulate the operation of lights, aspirators, humidifiers, etc., through in-built applications to maintain stable every environmental condition are inadequate now.

Data Acquisition for Cultivation:

The effectiveness or lack thereof of the yield might be influenced by a wide range of internal and external elements, including conventional methods of manual monitoring and measurements, which tend to be ineffective and insufficient in various ways. In this time when information is easily accessible, sustaining the authenticity of the agricultural system depends on reliable information gathering and dissemination. These numbers and facts are statistics compiled to provide backed-up, empirical results that might greatly enhance yield quality [ 49 ]. As a result, farming will become increasingly data-driven and data-enabled. Even though machines do a sizable portion of processing work, individuals will still be engaged. Innovative agriculture combines various automated technologies with big data availability to optimize and increase the production of crops to eliminate the need for human intervention and labour [ 50 ]. The technical developments brought about by globalization now include innovative agriculture. More automation and machine learning in farming are anticipated to result from new technologies like the Internet of things (IoT) and cloud computing that could implement data and communication processes, increasing production [ 51 ]. Large firms and companies are anticipating that massive Data in Peta and Zeta bytes has an enormous opportunity to generate revenue in various manners [ 52 ]. The term "Internet of Things" (IoT) describes an interconnected system of objects, tools, automobiles, constructions, and other technological sensing devices, like software enabling the exchanging of data. This primarily includes Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), and sensors. The fusion of the natural environment with computing devices and online resources offers valuable data and functionality for improved production [ 53 ]. In a study in 2017 to validate the effect of Internet of the Things on Smart Hydroponic Farming Ecosystem (HFE)" sensors and relays were exploited efficiently. The authors incorporated the monitoring and regulating characteristics into their prototype design to validate variables for 27 days: temperature of air and water, moisture, pH level, electrical conductivity (EC), water height, flow rate and nutrient concentration. The Arduino 2560-based information recorder was developed to gather data from five sensors on six distinct variables and store it on an SD card to show system efficiency instantaneously [ 54 ]. Kyaw et al. designed a prototype utilizing sensors to collect data and actuators to regulate settings to validate aquaponics (growing fish with Hydroponics). They employed smartphone apps for quick systems management and cloud-based storage for their regression data assessment of fish and plant growth [ 55 ].

Remote cultivation:

Typically, a remote monitoring system comprises two overarching classifications of components, namely the remote telemetry units (RTUs) and the master stations. In broad terms, the Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) acquire data, while the master units analyze and execute commands based on the acquired information. Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) operate by being configured to collect exact categories of data. Every device is designed to oversee particular elements of the agricultural land and transmit a notification to the central system in case of any deviation from the predetermined parameters [ 56 ].

Integration of IoT in Vertical Farming:

Vertical farming is a popular trend in Hydroponics that involves stacking multiple layers of plants in a vertical arrangement. This farming method saves space, reduces water usage, and increases yields per square foot of growing area. In response to increased demand for agricultural productivity, vertical farming is a new technology that aims to boost crop yield per unit of land. VF is a technically challenging and pricey crop production method that uses protected horticulture systems like glasshouses and controlled environment facilities along with numerous layers of growth surfaces and/or inclined production surfaces. As a result, VF requires a scientific approach that considers various elements, including lighting, crop nutrition, growing systems, energy efficiency, construction, and site selection [ 9 ]. The Internet of Things (IoT)is used in vertical farming to monitor environmental conditions and collect data on individual plants. IoT systems use this information to formulate accurate recommendations for the amounts of light, water, and nutrients that should be provided to each plant. An IoT device prototype for smart vertical farming with LED lights, sensors, a wooden board, and a battery is presented in the International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology. The prototype is equipped with sensors such as a light-detection resistor (LDR), soil moisture sensor (SMS), and LM35 temperature sensor (TMS), which together gather data on plant development and then analyze and show that data in a web application for optimal efficiency [ 57 ]. Recently, there have been reports of a smartphone app developed in Android Studio that allows users to regulate and track plant development in hydroponic vertical farming systems. Using Internet of Things technology, sensors are used to monitor environmental and dietary factors including temperature, humidity, TDS, pH, and water level. The Thing-Speak cloud platform was then used to send the data. The Tashi Home Pindfresh system and Arduino and Raspberry Pi have been utilized as control centres [ 58 ].

Aeroponics Technology:

Aeroponics is an indoor horticulture technique that suspends plant roots in a nutrient-rich mist, allowing maximum oxygenation and nutrient uptake. This highly efficient farming method can result in faster plant growth and higher yields. According to Martin-Laurent et al. (1999) [ 10 ], aeroponics technology is modern, relevant, and novel. For reforestation of damaged land in humid climates, it can cultivate plants in huge quantities and tree seedlings linked to soil microorganisms, such as AM fungi.

Aquaponics: A sustainable hydroponics approach to the circular economy:

It is the method of cultivating plants and animals [often fish] close to one another. Bacteria convert noxious fish wastes like ammonia into plant-friendly nitrates and nitrites. Aquaponics relies on fish waste as its primary food supply; thus, understanding this concept is essential. In turn, the plants filter the water, making it safe for the fish. This approach is beneficial since it helps save money and biological resources by reducing waste [ 59 , 60 ].

AI-Driven Hydroponics:

Glenn Dbritto et al. have researched land and water conservation using an artificial intelligence system in the hydroponic cultivation of Tomato F1 hybrid Suhyana seed. The system provides a controlled environment where a combination of water, nutrient solution, and light is autonomously supplied to the plant roots. This approach aims to optimize plant growth while minimizing water usage and promoting sustainable land use practices [ 61 ]. A Deep neural network (DNN) was implemented in a study by Mehra et al., to regulate the hydroponic system's efficacy parameters (environmental conditions) [ 62 ]. Sensors linked to both an Arduino and a Raspberry Pi 4 have been integrated into a prototype indoor IoT-based hydroponic control system for the nutrient film technique; to automatically adjust and manage the nutrient and pH levels in the study system [ 63 ]. A recent study conducted by Sun Park involved the development and implementation of an integrated system that utilizes IoT-Edge-AI-Cloud to track environmental data in strawberry hydroponics to identify optimal harvest times. The monitoring system is suggested to gather, organize, and visualize data related to the circumstances in which strawberries are grown. Additionally, a deep learning algorithm was utilized to classify the maturity level of strawberries in images. An integrated interface was employed to visualize the monitoring and analysis results, offering fundamental data for strawberry cultivation. Authors demand that even if the area used for strawberry farming grows, the suggested system, which is based on a virtualized container and the IoT-Edge-AI-Cloud idea, may be readily scaled and flexible. The hydroponic strawberry atmosphere was monitored for 4 months to verify the effectiveness of the monitoring system. Furthermore, the verification of the harvesting was decided by utilizing strawberry images obtained from Smart Berry Farm [ 64 ].

Factors involved in an effective hydroponic system:

Factors affecting seed germination and seedling establishment for hydroponics system:.

Regulated farming, specifically greenhouse food crop production, has been identified as a highly intensive form of cultivation that can effectively tackle the challenges of climate change, freshwater scarcity, and the increasing demand for food. The primary concern in the context of seedlings pertains to the challenge of insufficient germination and emergence. Controlling the factors that influence seed germination can improve crop development and reduce production costs by enhancing seed germination and emergence [ 65 ]. Factors influencing seed germination are tabulated in Table 2

Effect of support system for plant growth in a hydroponic system:

Rockwool: Rockwool has been identified as a commonly used growing medium in hydroponic systems. The material under consideration is produced by melting rock and spinning it into fibres. Its notable properties include high water retention capacity and adequate aeration. The use of Rockwool has been found to provide a stable structure for root development, which in turn promotes efficient nutrient uptake. The versatility and accessibility of this substance make it suitable for various plant species [ 72 ]. Coco coir: Using coco coir as a growing medium is a sustainable and eco-friendly practice, given that it is derived from coconut husks. The material under investigation exhibits favourable water retention characteristics and facilitates adequate aeration. The use of coco coir has been found to have a positive impact on root growth, as well as creating a favourable habitat for beneficial microbial activity. The capacity to buffer nutrient solutions is a recognized characteristic of the subject, which guarantees the appropriate nutrient supply to the plants [ 72 ]. Peat moss: Peat moss is a frequently utilized growth substrate in hydroponic systems. The material exhibits exceptional water-holding properties and demonstrates a high capacity for moisture retention. Improper soil management can lead to compaction, which can impede the growth of roots. The acidity of peat moss necessitates careful monitoring and adjustment of the nutrient solution's pH. Adding perlite or vermiculite is a common practice to enhance aeration in the medium [ 72 ]. Expanded clay pellets: The lightweight and aerating properties of expanded clay pellets, also referred to as hydroton or clay pebbles, are making them highly interested in the hydroponics field now. Additionally, these pellets have been noted to provide effective drainage. They exhibit a pH value of 7, indicating a neutral nature. Furthermore, it displays a notable resistance to degradation and does not undergo breakdown over extended periods. Using clay pellets is prevalent in hydroponic systems that operate through flood and drain (ebb and flow) mechanisms. Plant roots require stability and efficient oxygen exchange, which specific structures can facilitate. The water-holding capacity of these materials is limited, which may necessitate more frequent irrigation [ 72 ]. Sponge: Sponges and foam cubes have been identified as common support systems utilized in aeroponic or nutrient film technique (NFT) hydroponic systems. Providing a stable structure for seed germination and root development is crucial to plant growth and development. According to studies, sponges exhibit notable water retention capabilities and can retain nutrient solutions near roots. They also facilitate adequate aeration and prevention of waterlogging. The maintenance of sponges may necessitate meticulous observation to avoid desiccation or excessive saturation. Biochar: Biochar production involves subjecting organic matter to high temperatures in an oxygen-free environment, producing carbon-rich material with a porous structure. The material exhibits outstanding characteristics of water retention and aeration. Research has shown that applying biochar can enhance the capacity of the root zone to retain nutrients and promote microbial activity. Moisture regulation is one of the benefits of this technique, which also mitigates the risk of overwatering. The low nutrient-holding capacity of the soil may necessitate supplementary fertilization [ 73 , 74 ]. Classification of Hydroponics based on the usage of substrates in the medium is listed in Table 3 .

Effect of Nutrients in Hydroponics and its Importance:

Plant growth primarily depends on the availability of 17 essential nutrients. Which in turn can be broadly classified into macronutrients and micronutrients? The importance of both for the nourishment and growth of plants cannot be overstated. This includes macro-nutrients like carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, calcium, and magnesium and micro-nutrients like iron, manganese, zinc, boron, molybdenum, chlorine, copper, and nickel. Plants acquire carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen through natural means, specifically from the air and water they consume, with the remainder obtained from the soil. The roots obtain nutrients from nutrient solutions or aggregate media in hydroponic systems. Research has shown that hydroponic systems are comparatively less tolerant than soil-based systems, and any issues related to nutrients can rapidly manifest plant symptoms. The criticality of the nutrient solution composition and regular monitoring of the nutrient solution and plant nutrient status is a significant aspect to consider. The major salt deficiencies that a hydroponic system may encounter include nitrogen, calcium, iron, magnesium, and boron deficiencies. The detrimental effects of soluble salts have been attributed to various factors, including but not limited to over-fertilization, suboptimal water quality, gradual accumulation of salts in the aggregate media, and inadequate drainage. Insufficient leaching during the process of fertigation in Hydroponics can lead to the accumulation of soluble salts in the medium due to water evaporation [ 75 ]. Nutrient antagonism and interaction is a crucial parameter that warrants serious consideration in the context of hydroponic systems. Research suggests that plants tend to absorb nutrients proportionally to their presence in the nutrient solution. The phenomenon of nutrient uptake in excess leading to a higher uptake of one nutrient at the cost of yet another has been observed and is classified as nutrient antagonism. The nutrient levels in the nutrient solution may not necessarily guarantee optimal plant growth and development. Despite sufficient nutrient supply, plant nutrient deficiency may still occur [ 75 , 76 ]. Some major nutrients significance has been discussed below.

Nitrogen deficiency:

In instances of nitrogen deficiency, the colour of leaves may change to a lighter shade of green or, in severe cases, a yellow hue. Observations can be made from stunted development and discolouration, specifically a slight purple tint, on the stems and undersides of leaves. Whereas if the feeding solution includes excessive nitrogen, roots become stunted, causing blossoming to be delayed [ 77 ].

Boron Deficiency:

Boron deficits are rare and often accompany calcium shortages, mainly in the case of plant's deficit with water. Boron generally improves root uptake of potassium and phosphorus and keeps plant cell walls intact and functioning [ 78 ]. Xin Song and colleagues studied hydroponic sugar beetroot growth and yield to determine the impact of Boron (B) depletion. Sugar beetroot seedlings' SLW and root-shoot ratio increased after exposure to a Boron deficit for 14 days. Enzyme activities such as peroxidase, catalase, and superoxide dismutase have decreased due to this deficiency, whereas malonaldehyde and proline have increased. Oxidative stress was caused by the accumulation of ROS in plant cells and the subsequent loss of antioxidant enzyme performance. According to this research, a lack of boron can negatively impact a plant's development and structure [ 79 ].

Magnesium Deficiency:

Hydroponic production requires a full hydroponic nutrient solution, which includes Mg as one of the key ingredients. Mg insufficiency can be made worse by nutritional inconsistencies. Magnesium (Mg) uptake can be blocked by certain ions, such as Ca and K. Higher levels of either Ca or K can inhibit Mg uptake; therefore, the standard goal ratio is 2:1 for Ca:Mg and 4:1 for K:Mg. Mg deficiency can also be caused by a few other, less frequent factors, including a cool root zone or a stunted root system due to illness or waterlogging. As Mg is poorly accessible at low pH (e.g., pH less than 5), a low substrate pH can also lead to Mg insufficiency [ 80 ]. However, in their study on cormrbid conditions of Mg deficiency in mulberry plants, Rajesh Kumar Tewari et al., has implicated the induction of oxidative stress and antioxidant responses in these plants due to Mg deficiency in a hydroponic condition oxidative stress and antioxidant responses in mulberry plants. They have also reported a significant decrease in H2O2 production in Mg deficit plants.

Iron Deficiency:

An alkaline soil growing system similar to that found in sugar beet fields was created by buffering the hydroponic medium with sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) to characterize iron deficiency. The study claimed that the in vivo ability for Fe3+-chelate decrease boosted substantially in both Fe efficient genotypes (NB1 and NB1xNB4) but less than two times in the Fe inefficient genotype (NB4). It was found that the distribution and period of enhanced Fe3+-chelate decline capacity were contingent on the Fe efficiency integrity of individual genetic makeup [ 81 ]. In another study, Low Fe levels influence pigment and micronutrient contents of chile pepper ( Capsicum annuum L.) were studied through a hydroponic system. It was found that the total extractable pigments of red fruits and their surface colour remained unaffected by iron treatment. However, leaf Fe and Fe ++ were directly proportional to iron supplement, on the other hand, indirectly proportional to copper, phosphorus, and zinc concentrations in the leaf [ 82 ].

pH level of nutrient solution:

pH indicates the solution's acidity or alkalinity. 0-14, with 7 neutrals. Maintaining nutrition solution pH levels in the optimal range increases nutrient availability. Soilless culture nutrient solutions should have a pH between 5 and 7 (typically 5.5) as they are weakly neutralized and needs automated pH adjustment to keep the root environment between 6 and 6.5 [ 83 ]. Even though Phosphorous (H2PO4 to HPO4) buffers pH, pH between 1 to 10 mM, it is harmful to plants. A circulating solution with around 0.05 mM has substantially less buffering power than the new replenishment mixture that replaces transpiration losses because plants actively absorb phosphorus [ 84 ]. Nutrients commonly employed in nutrient solutions of hydroponic growing systems, their functions, and the diseases associated with their deficiency in plants are tabulated in Table 4 .

Effect of physical factors:

The significance of light in photosynthesis cannot be overstated, as it is the primary source of energy for plants to synthesize organic compounds. Through this process, plants convert light energy into chemical energy, which is then utilized to support their metabolic processes and promote growth. Artificial lighting systems such as LED lights can be utilized in smart Hydroponics to regulate light's intensity, spectrum, and duration meticulously. The optimization of light settings is a crucial factor in plant growth, as it enables growers to provide the appropriate amount and quality of light that is required for each growth stage. The light requirements of plants vary depending on the species, with some requiring specific amounts of red and blue light. Light regulation in smart Hydroponics is crucial for providing plants with adequate energy for photosynthesis, which leads to healthy growth, strong development, and enhanced yield [ 85 ].


Temperature plays a significant role in plant growth and metabolic processes. In smart Hydroponics, the temperature can be precisely regulated to create an ideal plant environment. Each plant species has an optimal temperature range for growth and development, including germination, root growth, and flowering. Maintaining the appropriate temperature range can enhance enzymatic activity, nutrient uptake, and overall plant performance. Smart hydroponics systems often use sensors and automated controls to monitor and adjust temperature levels, ensuring that plants are kept within their preferred temperature range [ 85 ].

The term humidity pertains to the quantity of water vapour in the atmosphere. The careful management of humidity in smart Hydroponics can lead to the creation of an optimal growing environment. The impact of high humidity levels on transpiration rates in plants has been studied, with findings suggesting potential benefits for certain plant species during the vegetative growth stage. Research has shown that high humidity levels can lead to the development of fungal diseases. Low humidity has been found to cause rapid moisture loss in plants, potentially resulting in water stress. Incorporating humidifiers, dehumidifiers, or ventilation systems in smart hydroponics systems enables the maintenance of accurate humidity levels. The manipulation of humidity levels by growers can facilitate an optimal environment for plants, fostering robust growth and mitigating the likelihood of pathogenic infections [ 86 ]. In smart Hydroponics, the ability to control and optimize physical factors gives growers greater precision and flexibility in creating an ideal growing environment. By fine-tuning light, temperature, and humidity, growers can mimic optimal conditions for specific plant species, growth stages, and environmental preferences. This level of control allows for more efficient resource utilization, improved plant health, and, ultimately higher yields in hydroponic cultivation.

Advantages of hydroponic smart farming:

Increased yield:.

Precise control over environmental factors promotes optimal plant growth. Nutrient-rich solutions lead to healthier and more vigorous plants and higher yields than traditional soil-based cultivation methods.

Water Efficiency:

Hydroponics uses up to 90% less water than soil-based farming. Recirculating systems minimize water wastage and evaporation. Water is efficiently delivered directly to plant roots, reducing water usage.

Space Efficiency:

Hydroponic systems are highly space-efficient and require less land. Vertical growing techniques maximize production in limited areas. Suitable for urban farming, rooftops, or areas with limited agricultural space.

Controlled Environment:

Precise control over light, temperature, humidity, and nutrient levels is needed. Ideal growing conditions tailored to specific plant requirements. Year-round cultivation regardless of seasonal limitations.

Reduced Environmental Impact:

Less land and water usage minimize the ecological footprint. Decreased need for pesticides and herbicides. Minimized soil erosion and nutrient runoff, preserving soil quality.

Superior Plant Quality:

Enhanced nutrient delivery promotes healthy plant growth. Higher concentrations of desired compounds in herbs and medicinal plants. Improved flavour, aroma, and nutritional value.

Rapid Growth and Harvest:

Plants grow faster in Hydroponics due to optimized growing conditions. Shorter crop cycles and faster harvest times. Quick turnaround and increased production capacity.

Disease and Pest Control:

Soil-free environment minimizes the risk of soil-borne diseases and pests. Easier monitoring and management of plant health. Reduced reliance on chemical treatments.


Efficient resource utilization reduces waste and promotes sustainability. Water and nutrient recycling systems minimize environmental impact. Lower carbon footprint compared to traditional farming methods.

Flexibility and Scalability:

Hydroponic systems can be scaled up or down to suit different needs. Versatile setups accommodate various plant species-adaptability to different growing environments and locations. By harnessing these advantages, Hydroponics could offer a highly efficient and sustainable method of cultivation, enabling growers to maximize yields, optimize plant quality, and minimize environmental impact.

Future Goal:

Achieving 30% food sustainability by 2030 with only 1% arable land requires careful planning, innovation, and the implementation of various strategies. Some key considerations for achieving this goal include:

Hydroponics in hospitals:

Integrating mobile hydroponic systems in hospitals is a potential future direction for Hydroponics. This approach is considered innovative and can improve nutrition and patient care. Culturing high-value plants rich in essential nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and therapeutic compounds can improve the quality of meals in hospitals. This targeted nourishment may support patients' recovery and overall well-being. Integrating a mobile hydroponic system with vertical farming techniques can optimize cultivation in a small area, allowing for efficient use of space in various settings such as roof-top gardens, balconies, or dedicated indoor spaces. Implementing this approach guarantees an uninterrupted provision of superior plant specimens such as herbs, leafy greens, or medicinal plants. Using these plants in cooking, teas, or extracts can serve as a natural source of remedies and supplements for patients, which may aid in fulfilling their dietary needs. Hydroponics provides a controlled environment that enables year-round cultivation, reducing reliance on seasonal produce and potential supply fluctuations.

Vertical Farming and Rooftop Gardens:

Vertical farming and rooftop gardens should be extensively explored due to the limited availability of land. Vertical farming involves growing crops in vertically stacked layers, enabling optimal utilization of space. Establishing rooftop gardens on buildings has been identified as a potential method for expanding areas available for food production. [ 87 ].

The practice of indoor agriculture:

It encompasses greenhouse systems, can facilitate crop production throughout the year while safeguarding crops from unfavourable weather conditions. The practice of Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) entails meticulously regulating environmental variables, including light, temperature, humidity, and CO2 concentrations, to facilitate the most favourable conditions for plant growth. Implementing CEA technologies has potentially improved productivity and resource efficiency [ 88 ].

High-Yield Crop Selection:

Hydroponic system studies emphasize the importance of prioritizing high-yield crops that can provide maximum output within a confined space. The prioritization of crops with shorter growth cycles, higher nutritional value, and greater demand is a crucial aspect of agricultural research. This study aims to investigate and determine appropriate crop cultivars that are well-suited for the climatic conditions of Singapore and can be cultivated effectively through hydroponic or other advanced agricultural methods.

Efficient Resource Utilization:

The optimization of resource utilization can be achieved by implementing smart irrigation systems, water recycling, and nutrient management strategies. Implementing techniques such as drip irrigation, fogging, or precision fertigation can reduce water and nutrient wastage. Research has shown that the implementation of recirculating hydroponic systems can result in a significant reduction in water consumption.

Agro-technology and Automation:

Implementing advanced agro-technology and automation can enhance productivity and decrease labour demands in the agricultural sector. The implementation of IoT-based systems, sensors, and data analytics are being researched to monitor and control environmental parameters, detect crop health issues, and optimize resource usage. Implementing automated processes, such as robotic seeding, harvesting, and maintenance, has the potential to address labour limitations [ 89 ]. Sustainable Energy Sources: The implementation of advanced agro-technology and automation has been shown to impact productivity and labour requirements in agriculture positively. Implementing IoT-based systems, sensors, and data analytics can be utilized to monitor and control environmental parameters, detect crop health issues, and optimize resource usage. Implementing automated processes, such as robotic seeding, harvesting, and maintenance, can potentially address labour limitations [ 90 , 91 ]. Collaboration and Partnerships: Promoting collaboration among government agencies, research institutions, industry stakeholders, and the community is essential. Promoting knowledge sharing, research collaborations, and public-private partnerships is essential in driving innovation, exchanging best practices, and collectively working towards achieving food sustainability goals [ 92 ]. Education and Awareness: This study aims to increase public awareness and knowledge regarding food sustainability and the advantages of locally cultivated produce. Research suggests that urban farming initiatives in schools, community centres, and residential areas can involve citizens in sustainable food production and create a sense of food security [ 93 ]. Policy Support and Incentives: Research suggests that implementing supportive policies and incentives can effectively promote urban farming initiatives. Research suggests that providing grants, subsidies, tax incentives, and streamlined regulatory processes can effectively encourage investment in urban agriculture. The study aims to investigate the impact of policies on fostering innovation, research, and the adoption of sustainable farming practices [ 94 ]. Food Waste Management: The effective management of food waste is a crucial area of research that requires attention. The promotion of composting, recycling, and utilising food waste as a valuable resource for bioenergy or fertilizers is recommended. The reduction of food waste has the potential to alleviate the burden on resources and foster a more sustainable food system [ 95 , 96 ]. By considering these factors and implementing a comprehensive approach that encompasses technology, innovation, collaboration, and sustainable practices, locals can work towards achieving their 30% food sustainability goal by 2030, despite limited arable land availability.


In conclusion, Hydroponics holds immense promise for the future of agriculture. This innovative cultivation method offers a range of advantages that address the challenges faced by traditional farming practices. With its ability to maximize resource efficiency, enable year-round crop production, and enhance yields, Hydroponics has the potential to revolutionize the way we grow food. By utilizing Hydroponics, we can optimize water, nutrients, and space, reducing waste and promoting sustainability. The controlled environments of hydroponic systems allow for precise control over growing conditions, resulting in accelerated growth rates and higher crop yields. This, in turn, contributes to food security, reduces dependence on imports, and increases the availability of fresh, locally-grown produce. Moreover, Hydroponics offers a pathway to environmental sustainability by reducing soil erosion, minimizing chemical inputs, and integrating with eco-friendly pest control methods. It also opens up possibilities for urban agriculture, allowing for food production in limited spaces and bringing farming closer to urban centres. As technology advances, integrating smart technologies, automation, and data analytics with Hydroponics further enhances its potential. This integration enables real-time monitoring, precise control, and automation of various processes, leading to greater efficiency, reduced labour requirements, and improve overall productivity.

Edited by P Kangueane

Citation: Rajaseger et al. Bioinformation 19(9):925-938(2023)

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Nutrients Recycling in Hydroponics: Opportunities and Challenges toward Sustainable Crop Production under Controlled Environment Agriculture, Volume II

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This Research Topic is part of the Nutrients Recycling in Hydroponics: Opportunities and Challenges toward Sustainable Crop Production under Controlled Environment Agriculture series. Hydroponics is a method of growing plants in water, or in an inert media, without soil and using mineral nutrient ...

Keywords : recycled hydroponics, nutrient solution composition, bioactive compound, LED, plant factory, vertical farming, autotoxicity, allelochemicals

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hydroponics research paper topics

Hydroponics: The power of water to grow food

by Valentina Lagomarsino figures by Rebecca Senft

In the year 600 B.C.E., the climate was arid and dry along the Euphrates River in Western Asia, but there were lush gardens climbing up the walls of the metropolis, Babylon. It is believed that the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were surviving through a pulley-system of water from the river, a technique of agricultural that today is known as hydroponics. More specifically, hydroponics is the method of farming where plants can be grown in nutrient-fortified water, instead of in soil. Given concerns of feeding a growing human population in a changing climate, scientists believe hydroponic technology may be able to mitigate impending food shortages. 

The need for innovative agriculture 

The United Nations (UN) has projected the global population to reach nearly 10 billion people by 2050, with “roughly 83 million people being added to the world’s population each year until then.” In 2019 alone, an estimated 124 million people faced acute food shortages from climate-related events such as flooding, irregular rains, droughts, and high temperatures. Given that hydroponics can grow food in a controlled environment, with less water and in higher yields , the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has been implementing hydroponic farming in areas of the world that suffer from food shortages. There are currently ongoing projects to establish large hydroponic farms in  Latin American and African countries . 

The technology used in hydroponic systems being implemented in developing countries around the world are largely based off hydroponic systems that were designed at NASA . In the late 20 th century, physicists and biologists got together to figure out a way to grow food in one of the starkest climate known to humans: space. Aerospace plant physiologists at NASA began experimenting with growing plants on the International Space Station using hydroponics technology because it requires less space and less resources than conventional farming. After extensive tests, astronauts ate the first space-grown leafy vegetables in 2015. How did NASA get the idea to use this technology in space? It was from a century of work by scientists who found that plants were surviving–and thriving–while being grown in water. 

Invention of modern day hydroponics

In the 19 th century, a German botanist at the University of Wurzburg, Julius Sachs , dedicated his career to understanding the essential elements that plants need to survive. By examining differences between plants grown in soil and those grown in water, Sachs found that plants did not need to grow in soil but only needed the nutrients that are derived from microorganisms that live in the soil. In 1860, Sachs published the “nutrient solution” formula for growing plants in water, which set the foundation for modern day hydroponic technology (Figure 1). 

hydroponics research paper topics

In 1937, an American scientist, Dr. W.E. Gericke described how this method of growing plants could be used for agricultural purposes to produce large amounts of crops. Gericke and others demonstrated that the fluid dynamics of water changed the architecture of plant roots , which allowed them to uptake nutrients more efficiently than plants grown in soil, causing them to grow larger in a shorter amount of time. Since then, scientists have optimized the nutrient solution, a total of 13 macronutrients and micronutrients , that are added to water for hydroponic farming (Figure 1).

Hydroponic systems today are very sophisticated; there are systems that will monitor the level of nutrients pH, and temperature of the water, and even the amount of light the plants are receiving. There are three main types of hydroponic systems: a nutrient film technique, an Ebb and Flow System, and a Wick system (Figure 2). A nutrient film hydroponic technique involves plants being grown in a grow tray that it slightly angled and positioned above a reservoir filled with the water-nutrient mix. This allows a thin stream of water to flow across plant roots, allowing the plants to have sufficient water, nutrients and aeration, and then drained back into the reservoir. The nutrient film technique is the most common hydroponic system used today. Plenty and Bowery , two of the largest hydroponic farms in the US, use nutrient film techniques to grow lettuce, spinach and other leafy greens. The Ebb and Flow technique allows plants to be flooded with the nutrient-rich water, and after the plant roots uptake nutrients, water is actively drained back into a reservoir to be reused. Finally, a hydroponic wick system is the simplest of all, as nutrients are passively given to the plant from a wick or piece of string running up to the plant from the water reservoir. In this system, plants are grown in an inert growing medium such as sand, rock, wool or clay balls that help anchor the plant roots. These different systems are interchangeable, but some systems may be better for growing different types of plants.

hydroponics research paper topics

The advantages of using any of these hydroponic systems are manifold. First, since there is no soil, there is no need to worry about having a plot of land, weeds, pathogens living in dirt, or treating the crops with pesticides. Water is also greatly conserved due to the nutrient reservoir because the same water can be reused over and over. Moreover, as most of these hydroponics farms are indoors, food can be produced all year round and even in the middle of a large city, like New York City. Given all of these benefits, we may begin to see more hydroponic farms sprouting up   across the US and around the world because this method of farming holds much promise to revolutionize agriculture by using less water and other resources. 

Hydroponics for a sustainable future

Given the need for more sustainable agriculture, there has been a rise in eco-friendly start-up companies around the world that are using hydroponic technology to produce crops on a large scale with a technique known as  “Vertical Farming” (Figure 3). 

Vertical farms are buildings filled with countless levels of hydroponic systems (or nutrient film style planters), growing different crops in an indoor, controlled temperature environment (Figure 3). The largest vertical farm is being built in Dubai , covering 130,000 square feet of land and aiming to produce 6,000 pounds of food per day, “using 1/2500th the amount of water as an equivalent soil operation”. For a city that imports 85% of their food, this will greatly revolutionize the way the city eats. 

hydroponics research paper topics

While vertical farms hold a lot of promise, they are expensive to implement, technically difficult on a large scale, and the food produced from these systems is generally more expensive than equivalent soil grown food because of the high-energy costs of maintaining the systems. Even so, the Associated Press estimates that food produced by hydroponic technology in 2019 is worth $32 billion USD, and this is projected to grow at a rate of 5% per year until 2025.

While hydroponic technology may never replace conventional farming, it is breaking the paradigm of food production; we may see a new generation of modern farmers building green walls inside their houses or community centers to feed families with fresh produce grown all year round. 

Valentina Lagomarsino is a second-year PhD student in the Biological Biomedical Sciences program at Harvard University. 

Rebecca Senft is a fifth-year Program in Neuroscience PhD student at Harvard University who studies the circuitry and function of serotonin neurons in the mouse.

For More Information:

  • To learn more about the history of hydroponics, check out this Medium article . 
  • To learn more about how climate change is threatening the world’s food supply, check out this recent New York Times piece . 
  • To find out more about how NASA is growing food in space, check out this Verge article and video clips . 
  • To learn more about Julius Sach’s experiments to find a nutrient solution, check out this primary science article . 
  • To find out more about the different types of hydroponic systems, check out this garden blog . 
  • To read more on vertical farming, check out this New Yorker article . 

This article is part of our special edition on water. To read more, check out our special edition homepage ! 

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41 thoughts on “ Hydroponics: The power of water to grow food ”

This helped me with the argument of a new Mcdonald”s or a Hydroponic system. Thanks!

i love mcdonalds

This really helped me for the science fair, thanks a lot.

I am interested in this topic to research.

hydroponics business now a days trending

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Hydroponics in Agriculture Research Paper

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There have been changes in the climate of today that has seen reduction of the amount of rainfall we receive. Abu Dhabu, a city in the Emirates where the desert like conditions prevails, has been adversely affected by these changes. Therefore the amount of water used for irrigation has to be regulated.

Modern methods of irrigation such as use of hydroponics have been introduced to reduce the amount of water wasted in irrigation farms. The following is a case study of an experiment done in the University of Peradeniya Sri Lanka to illustrate how hydroponics saves water and energy.

The use of hydroponics gardening in growing of vegetables, fruits and other plants has been so common in the world today. Many farmers are going into this advanced technology of plant growing because they believe that plants grown hydroponically have better quality than the ones grown under the normal soil planting.

The extensive use of hydroponics systems is also attributed to the many reported problems related to soil. Scientists decided to come up with technology where the use of soil would be reduced or find an alternative for the soil in a bid to curb the many soil related problems (Tavakkoli, Fatehi, Rengasamy, & Mcdonald, 2012).

The human population of the world is also increasing and leading to a subsequent rise in challenges to plant growing and agriculture in general.

The land available for the people to conduct their cultivations has been reducing since more space is occupied by human settlement and construction of infrastructure. The hydroponics gardening system is capable of producing a large volumes of crops in a small portion of land.

With many parts of the earth experiencing a change in climatic conditions, the growing pattern of plants has also been interfered with since the amount of rain and seasons are also changing. This technology of hydroponics in plants growing can adopt the reduced rainfall amounts since it seeks to save water used by the growing plants.

Many scientists believe that this advancement in the technology of plant growing is too superior and reliable than the old methods of planting and irrigation. Despite this huge support for the hydroponics systems, there has been little research done on this field of plant growing to prove the reliability and superiority of this technology.

Due to lack of more research evidences to support the fact that hydroponically grown plants are superior, an experiment was done in the University of Peradeniya. The experiment was to illustrate the comparison of a hydroponically grown plant and a soil-grown plant.

The experiment was done on lettuce ( Lactuca sativa L.) in both the hydroponics system and soil growing conditions. The physiological measures used in this research included comparing the shoot and root ratios, rates of photosynthesis, and stomata conductance of the lettuce grown under the two different conditions.

Materials used in the experiment

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) was used as the experimental crop

Amount of Water

Amount of energy.

The annual difference of water intake between the two methods is 8400/7= 1200 m 3 . The pumping system used an average of 0.17 kW to pump 1m 3 of the hydroponic solution. Therefore, this requires 204kWh of energy for 1200m 3 (1200 x 0.17).

Amount of CO 2 Emissions

According to Bandara from University of Peradeniya, the experiment shows that an average of 1200 kg of natural gas would be needed annually for 1ha farm of hydroponics.

The following formula is used to calculate the total amount of CO 2 emissions.

Total amount of CO 2 emission=Total amount of natural gas X hydrogen to carbon ratio

X CO 2 to carbon ratio

= 1200 x 12/16 x 44/12

Coir dust was used in both soil and hydroponics culture in the following sizes:

Hydroponic culture- 50x33x9 cm 3

Soil culture- 45x30x5 cm 3

Amount of minerals

Hydroponics culture- 6.0mM KNO 3 , 4.0mM Ca (NO 3 ) 2 , 1.0mM NH 4 H 2 PO 4 , 2.0mM MgSO 4 .7H 2 0

Soil culture- 1.075g N, 1.175g P, 0.375g K

This experiment was conducted in two different methods and therefore the requirement of the process would also differ at some point. The first bit of the experiment used the conventional method and thus soil culture was considered here.

The other part of this research was the hydroponics systems where there was no use of soil. The following is a brief illustration of the stages followed in each of these two processes (Hanses, 2010; West Virginia University, 2014.

Soil Culture

In this experiment, the soil to be used was first grounded to have a fine texture, and this was done to enhance penetration and proper mixing of nutrients with the soil particles. After this, 10 kg of livestock manure was mixed properly with the fine soil with a view that each plant would acquire 250 g of the manure.

Before the next stage, the test was conducted to establish the concentration of the initial minerals on the soil. It is important to conduct this test before adding the inorganic fertilizers to the soil since the calculation of used mineral nutrients by the plants would be easier.

The seedlings were transferred two weeks after the planted seeds had germinated. They transplanted in seedling trays that measure 45* 30* 5 cm 3 where they are applied with nutrients.

Hydroponic Culture

In this case, polystyrene boxes were used to hold the medium which was coir dust. Each box measured 50cm by 33cm by 9 cm where four plants were expected from each of them.

The nutrient solution was then prepared as per the stated amount of mineral required in this experiment. This hydroponics solution was then passed through the grown plants to enable them absorb the nutrients.

Random measurements of the parameters stated in this experiment were done when the plants had reached 30, 37, and 45 years. Four plants were picked randomly from both the hydroponics and soil culture for these measurements to be taken. Also, the number of leaves in the plants taken for the study was recorded.

Root lengths, dry weights and root: shoot ratios

The root lengths of the plants grown in the hydroponics were slightly higher than the lengths of the soil grown plants. These plants also had their roots being more resistant to growth as the initial lengths of their roots were close to that after the experiment.

The hydroponically grown plants recorded higher shoot dry weights as compared to those from the soil which had high root dry weights. This is one of the best ways of determining the quality of the harvest one should expect after the plants have grown to maturity. The following is a set of data collected in this experiment.

Mean root lengths, root dry weights, shoot dry weights and shoot: root ratios of hydroponically grown plants and soil grown plants

Root length, dry weights and root: shoot ratios

Key; RL – mean root length, RDW – mean root dry weight, SDW – mean shoot dry weight, S: R ratio – mean shoot: root ratio, H – hydroponically grown plants, S – soil grown plant

Net Photosynthetic Rates

The hydroponically grown plants recorded higher net photosynthetic rates when compared to what the soil-grown plants had in this case. There are various factors associated with the rate of photosynthesis exemplified by the plants’ efficiency of using the solar energy and the leaves’ stomatal conductance of carbon (IV) oxide.

Therefore, studying the net photosynthetic rate is also very important when analyzing the solar-energy consumption.

Transpiration Rates

Furthermore, it is the plants grown in the hydroponics system that recorded a higher rate than those plants grown in the soil-based method. This shows that the plants on the hydroponics setup absorbed more moisture from the solution (Bandara, 2008).

Hydroponics in Agriculture

This is a technology of growing plants by using solutions of mineral nutrients without the necessity of using soil as a medium. This idea was brought up when scientists found out that soil is not mandatory for plant growth through their researches.

Over the years, soil has been used because it provides the growing plants with support. In this soil, most of the mineral nutrients are also stored.

Further studies also showed that water played a major role during the absorption of these minerals because the mineral nutrients are absorbed by the plants in the form of inorganic ions dissolved in water. The important minerals are diluted in water as the plants are grown in a medium containing the solution.

The medium is where the plant would be anchored while growing. The media used in hydroponics include coconut husks, gravel, mineral wool, and expanded clay pebbles.

This advanced technology in plant growing can be used by indoor gardeners and also those who prefer growing their fruits and vegetables in the outside environment. This is possible because hydroponics can use both the natural light and the artificial ones when growing.

There are various hydroponics system plans to be used in different parts of the world in growing of vegetables, fruits and other plants. These different setups have the same idea of hydroponics growing but the difference comes in the type of medium used in the growing and the state of the nutrient solution.

This technique is categorized into two main areas depending on the media used in the categorization. The 2 categories are the solution culture and the medium culture. The solution culture is that plan where there are no solid media used in the growing process of the plants under the hydroponics technology.

Examples of hydroponics solution culture are the static solution culture, the continuous flow solution culture and the aeroponics. On the other hand, the medium culture is a hydroponics technique in which there is a medium used in growing the plant.

The plants are supported by the media while the solution containing the mineral nutrients is passed through so that growing plants can absorb them. Names are attached to these type of setups according to the medium used like the sand culture and rock wood culture.

In terms of the state in which the nutrient solution is having, the hydroponics systems are also classified into two major areas. This is the Still Solution Hydroponics and the Re-circulating Solution Hydroponics.

The former method is one where the mineral nutrients solution is static while the latter has the hydroponics solution in constant circulation. Electronic pumping machines are used to maintain the circulation of the solution in cases where the system is operating at a larger scale.

The Working Mechanism

The way in which the hydroponics systems work is quite simple. It entails passing of mineral nutrients from the nutrient solution to the plant roots through capillary action. To elaborate on the working mechanism it’s preferable to discuss the media used in this technology and the different techniques used in hydroponics.

Hydroponic Media

The following is an illustration of each of the mostly used media in growing the hydroponics:

Expanded Clay

This medium is something close to marbles which is highly porous. Clay is made into round balls and then heated at high temperatures of around 1200 degrees Celsius. This is done to make the clay highly porous and also to avoid compacting after a period of time.

It is this quality that makes it the most preferred medium by the gardeners. Apart from that, expanded clay is widely used due to its low prices. This makes it more profitable for commercial gardening due to the reduced cost of operations.

The expanded clay has a neutral pH making the gardeners sure that the plants will acquire the exact nutrients from the hydroponics solution. This medium is re-usable since it can be cleaned after being used and sterilized making it economical.

Perlite and Vermiculate

This medium is also a mineral in its state. One unique factor about this type of media is that it is overheated and in extreme cases also expanded. This makes it adapt very well in dry conditions and desert like environments. Although perlite contains more air than vermiculite, it holds little water.

This is what we get from the leftover of the outer shell of a coconut after the fibers have been removed. The coir provides a very conducive environment for the growing of plant roots. This is so because of the ability of the coco peat to exchange cations at a high rate.

With this modification, this medium of hydroponics growth can store nutrients that are not used by the plant. This would mean that no mineral nutrients would be wasted since the excess would be used in the future since they are stored.

Coco peat also has a type of fungi called trichodema which dominates in it and it is useful to the plant roots. This fungus offers protection to the roots and also enhances the growth of the roots by boosting the speed of growth. Therefore, coir is one of the best media to use in this advanced technology of growing plants.

For this kind of medium, any size of gravel is applicable. Even the type of gravel used in aquariums can be used in this case. One important condition to maintain is the constant circulation of water all through the medium. This circulation can be made efficient by use of electric pumps in the system.

A lot of advantages come along with the use of this medium. For instance, this medium is relatively cheap thus giving commercial gardeners a better way to cut down on their cost of production.

This medium is also good when boosting the quality of the fruits or vegetables being planted because it maintains a good drainage system.

Therefore, the water will be saved while as the plants get adequate water for growth. One major precaution when using gravel as the medium is maintaining the water circulation since the plant roots are prone to dry with no constant water flowing.

Polystyrene Packing Peanuts

Though this medium may be cheap and economical to use, there are restrictions that come along with using it. For example, this medium of hydroponics growth is only used in enclosed systems such as closed tubes. It is also very light in weight that the types of plants grown on it are specific. Another major disadvantage of the polystyrene packing peanuts is that the plants might take in some styrene from the medium. Eventually, this is passed to the consumers of the plant and thus set a serious health risk to them.

Techniques of Hydroponic Systems

There is a variety of hydroponics systems used to grow different types of plants. The different techniques have unique specifications that make them suitable for the growth of specific vegetables or fruits.

Despite their classification, all the techniques used in hydroponics systems are aimed at providing nutrients, water, and adequate air to the plants. The following are some of the hydroponics setups used majorly in growing vegetables in different environments.

Still Solution Hydroponics (static)

This is one of the easiest hydroponics techniques to start and develop. In this case, a person would require a container or tank where the nutrient solution is placed. The plant is put into a pot or vessel which would be immersed in a container with the hydroponics solution.

It is important to note that it is only the bottom of the vessel that is immersed in the solution. From this point, the plant in the vessel will be able to absorb the mineral nutrients up through the process of capillary action. The amount of water used must also be taken care of as the plant would need good aeration.

Therefore, the water in the vessel should be at a lower level to allow space for aeration of the plant. When setting up this hydroponics system, good quality and adequate water must be in the container to avoid adding up of water which would alter the aeration of the plant.

When starting the process, the salt concentration of the water should also be low. This is necessary because after a short period of crop’s growth, the fertilizer salts would have been concentrated in the solution.

The still solution hydroponics system has the advantage of being economical in establishing and maintaining it. For example, the type of hydroponics technology does not require electricity or pumping machines.

The Re-Circulating Solution Hydroponics

This is a hydroponics system where the nutrient solution is kept flowing through the roots of the plant grown constantly. It is exactly the opposite of how the static solution hydroponics system operates.

This technology requires a lot of investment in terms of resources and the care that the plants would be offered when growing. This is performed by either developing a pumping mechanism or creating a sloping landscape to enhance the flow of water.

One advantage of this technology is that it allows adjustments on the process while it is in progress. For example, the temperature and concentration of nutrients can be varied according to the type of plant growing and the level that it has grown in this case.

The Substrate Culture

This is a type of hydroponics system where there is a medium used by the plant when growing. In these cases, the basic medium applied excludes soil and applies a substrate that does not contain nutrients. The most preferred substrates include coconut coir, rock wool, vermiculite, and expanded clay.

These materials are used to provide physical support but not for supplying nutrients components to the crop. The medium chosen should be able to last for a long time so as the growth duration of the plant can fit in the active period of the substrate.

Apart from this, the right medium should be able to hold an adequate amount of water. This ensures that the plant receives sufficient water required for maximum growth rate. This is also the same in the air capacity of the substrate as there must be good aeration conditions for the plant to thrive.

Some substrates such as saw dust and composted pine bark are not advisable to use in hydroponics gardening. In the first place, these media are not good to use because they are not consistent in the quality they provide.

This creates problems from the gardeners due to the type of quality that their vegetables or fruits can have after all the hydroponics processes.

These substrates are also not recommended because the rate at which they decompose is high. This makes such substrates not to stay for a long time in comparison to the duration that the plant would take to grow.

This technique helps in reducing the amount of water wasted while irrigating the crops. Also, it assists the plant to get proper aeration enhancing proper growth, few disease infection, and shorter period of growth.

Once a medium is used, it is vital to replace it when planting another time even though this is an optional measure. This is performed majorly to ensure that the vegetable or fruits grown are good quality.

Moreover, replacing the substrates helps in avoiding passage of diseases to the growing plants. This again proves that hydroponics gardening is bound to produce higher quality.

An irrigation scheme is created, and the hydroponics solution is pumped through the plants as the flowing solution is collected in tanks. From this point, the collected solution is pumped back to the dripping points.

Nutrition Film Technique (NFT)

In this type of hydroponics system, there are shallow gullies constructed in a sloping manner during the first step. The plants are then planted along the gullies, and nutrient solution is flown down across the plants.

Down the gullies, the nutrient solution is collected in the set collection tanks from where the solution is pumped back. The flowing of the hydroponics solution stream down the gully is also important in making sure the solution is always aerated.

For the collection tanks down the gullies, it is preferred that one has many smaller tanks instead of a huge tank. This is important because it ensures that the farm has some supplies of the solution, even if there is a breakdown in one of the tanks.

Another advantage of breaking the collection tank into smaller ones is that it avoids spread of diseases, in case there is an outbreak in the garden.

Analysis and Discussion

Comparing the conventional and the hydroponics systems of irrigation.

Over the years, the methods of irrigation have changed from the simple systems to advanced levels of irrigating plants. These advancements in the irrigation sector are connected to the changes we experience in the world’s climate and vegetation today.

Different parts of the world are getting drier due to climatic changes and thus the need to conserve the water for irrigation and also make maximum use of it by engaging efficient methods.

Sri Lanka and many countries in the Middle East are affected adversely by these changing conditions that explain their wide participation in hydroponics and other modern irrigation systems.

While illustrating the differences between the traditional methods of irrigation and the use of hydroponics, the following factors are looked at in relation to the two methods;

Harvest Quality

According to this experiment, the crops grown in hydroponics condition are expected to have bigger fruits and leaves while their roots are smaller. On the other hand, the plants irrigated in the conventional way are expected to exhibit smaller fruits and bigger roots.

This is according to the comparison done of the dried weights of the roots and shoots. Therefore, it is apparent that the harvest expected in hydroponics has higher quality than other systems.

The hydroponics systems of gardening do not require use chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides that are usually expensive. This method also ensures there is recycling of the nutrients, and thus it makes it economical.

For the traditional irrigation methods, one would need chemicals to maintain the plants, and the nutrients are also not recycled thus the harvest would not produce high profit as it is the case in these modern irrigation systems.

The growth of the hydroponics can be done all year round since they do not depend on the seasons of the climate. In most of the cases, the plants are grown within modified environments to benefit the farmer by increasing the harvests of a year.

The traditional ways of irrigation rely on the different seasons of the year and therefore will not be possible in some seasons.

Another importance attached to the use of hydroponics is that the rate of growth of plants grown hydroponically is two times faster than that of plants grown in the conventional ways. Amount of yield also multiplies by two in this method of irrigation.

This shows that given the same space, the hydroponics system produces double of what the soil based irrigation system provides.

Water Usage and Saving

In the conventional methods of irrigation, there were be no views of controlling the use of water and avoiding its wastage. It is in these traditional irrigation methods that the water would be directed to the plants in the field without considering the evaporation rates and sipping of water into the ground.

The hydroponics technology has ensured that the irrigation water is saved and used maximally in the growth of plant and thus ensuring highest produces.

For instance, the transpiration rate of the plants grown hydroponically was higher than that of plants reared on the soil in this experiment. This shows that the plants grown on soil did not absorb enough water which implies poor usage.

In the old irrigation systems, there were large operations for the scheme to provide enough water for irrigation. In the hydroponics system, the big structures are not necessary as it requires a tank of recyclable nutrient solution that is cheap and simple to operate as well as maintain. In the experiment, the average annual usage of water in the hydroponic irrigation is estimated to be 8400 cm 3 per hectare which is half the amount in traditional irrigation method.

Energy Consumption and CO2 Emission

The farms under irrigation in UAE require irrigation systems which require a lot of energy. In this experiment the method of hydroponic irrigation used was the static solution method.

In cases where the farm need big pumping machines to pump back the nutrition solution, slightly more energy might be needed to run the system.

In this experiment, this factor is noted by the net photosynthetic rates which are affected by the efficiency of the plant in using the solar energy. The plants grown in a hydroponics system had a higher net photosynthetic rate than the soil grown ones.

This is a clear illustration that the hydroponics system enhances the consumption of the natural solar energy.

CO 2 gas emission in farms using hydroponics is also quite low. The experiment shows that approximately 3300kg of CO 2 would be emitted within one year in farms having hydroponically grown plants.

Generally, the use hydroponics system has been important to the economy and the agricultural sector due to the income retrieved from exportations and other sales made locally. This modern technology of irrigation has indeed improved the quality of harvest got from the schemes.

With hydroponics, the plants are not affected by fungi since there is proper management of the water and thus the crop would not be water-logged. The harvest quality from plants grown hydroponically is also good as the size of fruits is bigger.

This advanced irrigation method has also been proven very useful in saving the water consumed by the plants. In this method of irrigation, the farmers recycle the water they use in the process rather than wasting it to leaching and dampness on the fields.

The energy consumption and emission of carbon (IV) oxide are also handled by this farming technology. The farmer will attain a reduced consumption of energy in the farm in case he/she has adopted any of the techniques of hydroponics systems that do not involve a lot of pumping activities.

In this light, the CO2 emission would also be reduced since the usage of machines in the farm would be limited. Therefore, the use of hydroponics saves water, energy and emission of CO2.

Recommendations and Concerns

Similar to many countries in the Middle East and the surroundings of Sub-Saharan deserts, UAE is experiencing a big challenge of managing the limited water available. This has forced the UAE government to adopt policies that would help to provide adequate water for the people and the irrigation scheme.

The economy is also one crucial factor that this government has to put into consideration as the prices of resources rise alongside the population size. When all these considerations put together, adopting the hydroponics technology is a good idea.

Therefore, this study recommends the implementation of this technology in irrigation projects aimed at being efficient and economical.

Future Work

In Abu Dhabi, the planting of palm trees is one activity that many stakeholders of the Emirates economy take seriously. In the Emirates of Abu Dhabi, the climatic condition that has many desert-like characteristics is good for palm tree planting.

Palm trees make up a big percentage of fruit plants in Abu Dhabi and therefore putting in place this economical irrigation method in its plantation would save the government in this business city a lot of resources in terms of water and energy.

Hydroponics has proven to be so efficient in irrigation and provision of quality agricultural products for national and international consumption. Moreover, the technology also saves water, energy, and the environment making it a good tool to be used in enhancing sustainable practices in agriculture.

Therefore, if investments are made on this area, there are high chances of developing the production of food through this modern technique. This will lead to adequate supply of food for people through cheap and qualified standards of growth.

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IvyPanda. (2019, June 27). Hydroponics in Agriculture. https://ivypanda.com/essays/hydroponics-in-agriculture/

"Hydroponics in Agriculture." IvyPanda , 27 June 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/hydroponics-in-agriculture/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Hydroponics in Agriculture'. 27 June.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Hydroponics in Agriculture." June 27, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/hydroponics-in-agriculture/.

1. IvyPanda . "Hydroponics in Agriculture." June 27, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/hydroponics-in-agriculture/.


IvyPanda . "Hydroponics in Agriculture." June 27, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/hydroponics-in-agriculture/.


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    We will write a custom essay on your topic a custom Research Paper on Hydroponics in Agriculture. 808 writers online . Learn More . Modern methods of irrigation such as use of hydroponics have been introduced to reduce the amount of water wasted in irrigation farms. The following is a case study of an experiment done in the University of ...


    Hydroponics is the technique of growing plants in soil-less. condition with their roots immersed in nutrient solution. [4] This system helps to face the challenges of climate cha nge and. also ...

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