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  • Graphic Design Personal Statement Examples

Read below Graphic Design Personal Statement Examples and use them as inspiration to writing your university application. 

Graphic Design Personal Statement

As a passionate and self-taught graphic designer, I am excited to apply to UK universities for graphic design courses. For me, design is a constantly evolving field that requires continuous expansion of one’s culture and creative processes.

I am particularly drawn to graphic design for its omnipresence and diversity, as it is present in nearly every aspect of our daily lives, from printed materials to web design, branding, packaging, and visual identity.

My journey in graphic design began with self-teaching, followed by completing a BEP (equivalent to NVQ Level 2) Graphic Industries course, which provided me with hands-on experience in prepress, on-press, and finishing work.

Currently, I am pursuing a Baccalaureate Professional (equivalent to a BTEC National Diploma) in Graphic Communication, which has further honed my skills in investigating and researching graphic projects, such as logotypes, visual identities, posters, leaflets, and illustrations, among others.

Additionally, I possess a solid understanding of the theoretical and practical components that are necessary for designing, including layout, composition, colour theory, sketch drawing, and CAD using Adobe Suite.

One of my main inspirations in graphic design is the Swiss style, with its emphasis on simplicity, minimalism, and typography.

I am particularly drawn to typography, as it is a core element of visual communication that allows for efficient message conveyance without being superfluous.

I have been fortunate to explore typography in detail, thanks to an enthusiastic teacher; it is a complementary skill that I would like to specialize in after graduation.

My work placements have given me practical experience in the business world. I have created websites, logos, and layouts for printed brochures, and helped staff with various projects.

These experiences have taught me to work with other designers and to be more autonomous and productive in a professional environment.

In addition to my design experience, I have held leadership positions that have honed my teamwork and project management skills. As vice-chairman of the School Life Council, I organized meetings and debates that improved school life for students.

As the communication head of a national student union, I managed important projects and information campaigns and became more aware of current affairs and issues.

I am eager to study in the UK, as I admire the country’s artistic culture and atmosphere. I believe that studying in the UK will provide me with an opportunity to further develop my skills and gain new perspectives.

I am currently preparing for the IELTS test, and I am working on improving my English skills daily.

I am excited to pursue graphic design as a career, as it is something that I am passionate about. I am constantly eager to learn new things and improve my design skills. My self-sufficiency, attention to detail, and versatility in creativity make me confident that I will succeed in higher education and the working world.

I believe that a UK university education in graphic design will provide me with the necessary tools and skills to pursue my passion and create meaningful designs.

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Graphic Design Personal Statement Example

In today’s world graphics and design are becoming progressively important disciplines that have the potential to play a crucial role in the success of businesses, individuals, and families.

As the world is going through economic turmoil, businesses must stand out from the crowd and employ modern communication techniques and new forms of advertising.

I believe that these fields have enormous potential to kick-start economic growth, and I am eager to be a part of this creative movement.

My passion for design was sparked by my recent visit to the Grand Canyon in Arizona, where I had an opportunity to experience the Skywalk.

The creators of the Skywalk managed to replicate the effect of hovering over the top of the Canyon, as though we were flying in a helicopter, through a combination of excellent design and great imagination.

Witnessing such a bold and cutting-edge design, which made the impossible possible, motivated me to pursue a career in design.

I am also inspired by graphic designers like Stefan Sagmeister, whose work continually breaks boundaries and challenges the norms.

My interest in design and technology began at a young age, and I have fully immersed myself in all opportunities to be involved in these areas while at school.

At GCSE, I designed and made a garden bench from sustainable wood, and recently, I have been designing a kitchen island unit with recycling and sustainability in mind.

I am also involved in designing a wheelchair that can climb stairs without electronic or other assistance.

I am motivated to use my design skills to make life easier for people with disabilities.

In my spare time and school holidays, I have been studying graphics and have furthered my design skills under my initiative through two different work placements.

These placements have allowed me to appreciate the different phases involved in a design project, from the planning and development stage to manufacture and final fitting.

I have learned how important it is to work closely with the customer to meet and exceed their expectations.

Apart from my design pursuits, I am also actively involved in sports and other extracurricular activities such as rugby, cricket, tennis, and squash.

I am the school squash captain and have completed my Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award. My involvement in these pursuits has helped improve my ability to work as part of a team, which is an essential skill for any designer.

I am excited to apply to UK universities for graphic design courses, as I believe that the UK has a rich and diverse artistic culture that will provide me with opportunities to further develop my skills and gain new perspectives. I am confident that my passion for design, sustainable approach, and teamwork skills will make me a valuable addition to any design program.

I am eager to contribute to the world of design and make a positive impact through my work. I believe that design has the power to change the world, and I am excited to be a part of this creative movement.

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Graphic Design Personal Statement: A Comprehensive Guide

In the competitive design world, your graphic design personal statement is the beacon that showcases your passion and skills. Let’s delve into crafting a standout statement that resonates with your journey and aspirations.

Understanding the Basics of a Graphic Design Personal Statement:

  • A personal statement isn’t just about qualifications but about showcasing your personality, passion, and unique perspective.
  • Organise your thoughts by structuring your statement with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Include relevant information in each section.

Key Elements of a Winning Graphic Design Personal Statement:

  • Passion Narration: Sharing your journey, milestones, and what fuels your enthusiasm for graphic design.
  • Educational and Professional Experience: Highlighting relevant experiences, internships, courses, and projects.
  • Influences and Inspirations: Discussing influential designers, artworks, or experiences that shaped your approach.
  • Skills and Techniques: Showcasing your technical skills, software proficiency, and creative processes.
  • Activities and characteristics: How hobbies, volunteering, or activities outside the design world enhance your skill set and character.

Top Tips and Tricks for Writing Your Personal Statement:

  • Highlighting the importance of originality, authenticity, and tailored content.
  • Providing actionable tips on language, tone, and structure.
  • Encouraging self-reflection and storytelling within the statement.

Graphic Design Personal Statement Example:

I love visual storytelling, which combines creativity and communication. Design has always fascinated me. It has the ability to tell stories using colours, shapes, and typography. It does not require words to convey its message.

My journey began with a fascination for creating impactful designs that resonate with audiences on a profound level. Studying innovative designers inspired me to create my own path in this exciting field.

I have learned a lot about design through immersive experiences. In college, I worked on different projects and realised how design can have a big impact on different platforms. Working with others helped me improve my skills and understand the important role design plays in effective communication.

I explored the combination of digital and graphic design during important internships. Learning about UX design and digital briefs changed the way I think creatively.

I wanted to grow beyond school, so I started doing my own projects. I challenged myself with real-life tasks and tried different ways of designing. These experiences made me think in new ways and helped me solve problems creatively.

My journey extends beyond pixels and canvases. Volunteering at community art initiatives and engaging in activities honed my teamwork, communication, and leadership skills. These facets, I believe, are as vital in design as technical proficiency.

With a profound passion for graphic design I am ready for university. Pursuing a higher degree signifies personal accomplishment and reflects commitment to evolving as a designer. This evolution encompasses the creation of engaging, communicative, and motivational experiences.

I want to create innovative experiences as a designer. These experiences should be meaningful and long-lasting. To achieve this, I will utilise creativity, empathy, and technical skills.


Crafting a compelling graphic design personal statement is your canvas to impress admissions or employers. Tailor your story, let your creativity shine, and watch your statement become a reflection of your passion and dedication.

Begin your graphic design journey with a powerful personal statement that reflects your uniqueness. Start today with our guide to crafting a compelling ‘Graphic Design Personal Statement’.

Read what UCAS has to say about personal statements.

How To Write A Personal Statement For A Graphic Designer

In this article, you'll learn how can you write a powerful personal statement for a graphic designer to describe your experience.

How To Write A Personal Statement For A Graphic Designer

If you have decided to pursue a career as a graphic designer, you should know that a personal statement would help you describe your experience and personality easier and help the employer assess your suitability for the job too. However, writing a personal statement comes with challenges and requirements that need to be followed. It is an essential document that can help you pass to the next recruitment step and be invited to an interview. But how can you write a powerful personal statement for a graphic designer?

Needs and Requirements To Write A Personal Statement For A Graphic Designer

Every company that is looking for graphic designers has some needs and requirements. If you feel you answer these needs, you should point this out in your personal statement. Even though graphic designers’ job is a more and more popular one, the requirements of every company are different. And sometimes, even the tasks are different. Therefore, it is important to read the description of the program or the job and identify the requirements you have the skills for. Point them out in your personal statement to help the company get an idea of meeting their needs.

Writing a personal statement for many people as something unnecessary or difficult. But it is exactly this set of skills and resources required to write the statement that companies are looking for. Graphic design students find themselves writing an application but not being sure about the format or information to include. There are professionally trained personal statement writers that have the knowledge and experience necessary to support every student in his pursuit. So, why not get their help?

Your Reasons To Write A Personal Statement For A Graphic Designer

One of the most popular interview questions is: why are you looking for this opportunity? Graphic design students want to pursue a professional career in this domain, so many are looking for jobs in the industry. But why do you like graphic design? Why is exactly this opportunity the one that caught your attention? Which are your reasons for applying to this opening?

The ones who will read your personal statement will want to get to know you better, and by stating your reasons for applying, you can help them do this. This personal statement is like a recommendation letter, where you emphasize your strengths and suitability for the job.

Relevant Experience

Many employers are looking for graphic designers that have work experience in this field. However, graphic designer students might find themselves defeated by the complex requirements many employers have. But it would help if you did not lose hope. If you have relevant experience in the field, you should emphasize it in your personal statement essay.

It is a nice way to tell a little bit about your experience as a graphic designer and the different roles you may have had. Many students think that they should hire. But freelancing or voluntary experience as a graphic designer counts too. If you also have a portfolio with your designs, it would be helpful to share it, along with your personal statement. Maybe some employers are already asking you to submit some samples of your work, so it is an opportunity to show your value. A personal statement is your opportunity to sell your abilities, and you need to do it well.

Proofreading and Editing

One of the details you should care about the most is the way your personal statement looks. The first impression is significant, and you should not exceed one page. Arrange the text so that it is read easily. More importantly, check for any typos, grammar, or spelling mistakes. Your personal statement for a graphic designer is your business card. Make sure you build it carefully. Take time to write your personal statement and work on it ahead of the deadline. Like this, you can edit and rephrase some sentences or introduce relevant information. Keep it short and simple.

Writing a personal statement for a graphic designer can be challenging and come with difficulties, especially for graphic designer students entering the work market. Make sure you build your personal statement essay to have an introduction, body, and conclusion. Briefly state your reasons for applying, mention any relevant experience in the field, and present your personality and skills. Please read the requirements and make sure you meet them. Every graphic designer job might have different tasks, but also requirements. Meeting them as well as possible is essential.

Author Bio: Judy Nelson is an essay writer who has specialized in personal statement essays. Judy’s hobby is graphic design, and she knows how difficult it may be for fresh graduates or students to land themselves a job in this field. Her goal is to support students in pursuing a career in this field by writing their personal statements.

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Graphic Design Personal Statement Examples

  • 1 Personal Statement Example Links
  • 2 UK Admission Requirements
  • 3 UK Earnings Potential For Graphic Designers
  • 4 Similar Courses in UK
  • 5 UK Curriculum
  • 6 Alumni Network

Personal Statement Example Links

  • Personal Statement Example 1
  • Personal Statement Example 2
  • Personal Statement Example 3
  • Personal Statement Example 4
  • Personal Statement Example 5
  • Personal Statement Example 6

Are you interested in pursuing a degree in graphic design?

A career as a graphic design artist offers a creative and dynamic pathway for those interested in visual communication, branding, and design.

As a graphic designer, you will use your artistic skills and design software to create visual solutions for a wide range of clients, from corporate brands to non-profit organizations. You may work on projects such as website design, logo design, advertising campaigns, or packaging design.

To become a graphic designer, you may complete a Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design or a related field, such as Visual Communications or Digital Arts.

During your studies, you will gain knowledge and practical experience in areas such as typography, colour theory, digital media, and design principles. You may also have the opportunity to work on industry projects or internships to gain real-world experience.

A career in graphic design offers many exciting opportunities, including working for design agencies, freelance work, or in-house design teams.

With the growth of digital media and increasing demand for innovative and creative design solutions, the need for skilled graphic designers is on the rise.

👍 When writing a personal statement : Highlight your passion for the course, demonstrating your understanding of it. Use relevant personal experiences, coursework, or work history to showcase how these have fostered your interest and readiness for the course.

UK Admission Requirements

In order to be accepted into a graphic design course at a UK university, applicants must have achieved a minimum of five GCSEs at grades A*-C, including English Language and Mathematics. Additionally, applicants must have achieved a minimum of two A-Levels, with at least one of them being in an art or design-related subject.

This entry criteria is similar to other courses in the UK, with the exception of the A-Level requirement in an art or design-related subject.

This requirement is unique to graphic design courses, as it helps to ensure that applicants have the necessary knowledge and skills to be successful in the course.

UK Earnings Potential For Graphic Designers

The average earnings for someone with a degree in graphic design will vary depending on the individual’s experience and the industry they are employed in. Generally speaking, the median salary for a graphic designer in the UK is £30,000 per year.

In terms of trends in the job market, the demand for graphic designers has been steadily increasing over the past few years. This is due to the increasing use of digital media, which has created a need for more skilled graphic designers.

Additionally, the increasing popularity of e-commerce has created a need for graphic design skills in order to create attractive and effective websites and marketing materials.

Similar Courses in UK

Other related courses to Graphic Design in the UK include:

  • Interactive Media Design : This course focuses on the use of digital media to create interactive experiences. It explores the use of digital tools to create engaging user experiences, and covers topics such as user experience design, user interface design, and interactive visual design.
  • Animation : This course focuses on the use of animation techniques to create digital art and stories. It covers topics such as character design, storyboarding, animation principles, and the use of software tools.
  • Game Design : This course focuses on the design and development of video games. It covers topics such as game mechanics, game design principles, and the use of software tools.
  • Digital Art : This course focuses on the use of digital tools to create artwork. It covers topics such as digital painting, 3D modeling, and the use of software tools.

The key differences between these courses and Graphic Design are that they focus on specific areas of digital design, such as interactive media, animation, game design, and digital art, rather than the broader range of topics covered in Graphic Design.

Additionally, these courses focus more on the technical aspects of design, such as software tools and techniques, rather than the conceptual and creative aspects of design.

UK Curriculum

The key topics and modules covered in a university course in graphic design typically include:

  • Introduction to Graphic Design: This module introduces students to the fundamentals of graphic design, including the principles of design, typography, colour theory, and composition.
  • Digital Imaging: This module covers the use of digital imaging software such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, which are essential for creating and manipulating digital images.
  • Web Design: This module covers the fundamentals of web design, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Students will learn how to create websites from scratch and use web design software such as Adobe Dreamweaver.
  • Animation: This module covers the fundamentals of animation, including the principles of motion graphics and the use of animation software such as Adobe After Effects.
  • Print Design: This module covers the fundamentals of print design, including the use of layout software such as Adobe InDesign. Students will learn how to create print materials such as brochures, flyers, and posters.
  • Branding: This module covers the fundamentals of branding, including the principles of logo design and the use of branding software such as Adobe Illustrator.

In addition to the theoretical aspects of the course, there is usually a strong emphasis on hands-on experience and practical work. Students are typically required to complete a number of projects throughout the course, which involve creating and manipulating digital images, designing websites, creating animations, designing print materials, and creating logos.

Alumni Network

Notable alumni from the Graphic Design course include graphic designer and artist, David Carson, who is renowned for his experimental typography and his use of unconventional layouts and typefaces. He has worked on various projects for high-profile clients such as Microsoft, Nike, and Pepsi. He is also a professor at the University of Arizona, where he teaches courses in graphic design and typography.

The Graphic Design course also has a number of other notable alumni, including graphic designer and illustrator, Paula Scher, who has worked on projects for the New York City Ballet and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. She is also the author of several books on graphic design, including “Make It Bigger” and “Graphic Design: The New Basics.”

The Graphic Design course also offers alumni events and networking opportunities, such as the annual Graphic Design Alumni Reunion. This event is held every year at the University of Arizona, and it provides alumni with the opportunity to network with other alumni and faculty members, as well as to learn about the latest developments in the field of graphic design.

Additionally, the Graphic Design Alumni Network hosts an online forum where alumni can connect with one another and discuss their experiences in the field.

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Creative Graphic Design Statements to Promote Yours

Table of Contents

Graphic design is a process of visual communication and problem-solving through illustration, typography, and photography.

When used effectively, graphic design can capture an audience’s attention, convey messages, persuade people to buy products or services and create lasting impressions. As a graphic designer, it is important that you are able to market your skills and talent to people. A  graphic designer personal statement  is meant to help you do that.

This article contains some great personal statements and how to craft a good one.

How to Create a Graphic Designer Personal Statement

If you’re looking to become a successful graphic designer, it’s important that you have a strong portfolio showcasing your best work. In addition to your portfolio, submitting a well-written personal statement can be beneficial in helping you stand out from the competition. Your personal statement should highlight your skills and why you chose to pursue a career as a graphic designer . 

The process of creating a  graphic designer personal statement  can be broken down into three steps: brainstorming, drafting, and editing.


Brainstorming entails coming up with creative ideas. To come up with awesome ideas for your personal statement, you’ll need to think about your experiences as a graphic designer.

Think of what makes you unique and why you want to pursue a career in graphic design. Once you have a list of topics to discuss, it’s time to start writing. You can check the personal statements of other graphic designers for inspiration during brainstorming.

The next step in creating your personal statement is drafting it. The draft should be around 100-500 words long and include all the information mentioned above. Make sure you proofread it carefully before submitting it; mistakes will only reflect poorly on your application. 

At the editing stage, you should read through the statement to make sure you cover the basics of good writing. Editing is an important stage in the creation of any document, including personal statements.

During this stage, make sure that everything flows well together and that there are no grammar or spelling errors present. If necessary, get someone else to read over your statement, so they can provide feedback. After you’ve done your editing, you can submit the final version.

Examples of Personal Statements for Graphic Designers

We have some good examples of personal statements you can use when applying for jobs.

I’ve been a graphic designer for the past several years, and the sheer power of this medium continues to astound me. With my current ability, I am able to take ideas from concept to completion quickly and efficiently. I combine creative design elements with practical technology-driven solutions. 

My aptitude for learning new techniques has enabled me to stay abreast of rapidly evolving trends in graphic design. Ultimately, this enables me to create visually stunning results that deliver on both aesthetic and performance objectives. I am proud of the work I produce, continuously pushing myself to innovate and go beyond what is expected of me.

person holding brown pencil

I’ve worked as a graphic designer for the last decade. During that time, I gained expertise in creating eye-catching visuals. Throughout my career, I’ve worked with a variety of media outlets to create stunning designs that captivate audiences.

Through my studies at University and additional courses throughout my professional journey, I honed my craft and brought life to many projects. My ability to take complex concepts and translate them into compelling visual stories is one of my strong suits. It has allowed me to reach great heights in this field. Working with teams, both big and small, I am known for my collaborative spirit and willingness to explore new techniques. Additionally, I’m always eager to continue developing my skill set. For instance, recently, I have started experimenting with virtual reality graphics, which provide a truly unique experience.

Having worked as a graphic designer for the past several years, I’ve developed an in-depth understanding of the profession. In addition, I understand how to leverage art to communicate a message. My experience has taught me how to think strategically and creatively when it comes to marketing campaigns or branding initiatives. I can efficiently collaborate with clients from different industries. 

I also have extensive knowledge of tools such as Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator. With these tools, I can create visuals that are both aesthetically pleasing and effective. Additionally, my attention to detail ensures every design project is completed within budget and on time, making me an invaluable asset to any business. 

I’m a visionary with a passion for art, and I relish finding inventive solutions to complex design problems while never sacrificing quality. It is this commitment to excellence that has enabled me to become one of the leading professionals in the field. With a keen eye for aesthetics and a penchant for experimentation, I am confident that I will be a great addition to your team.

As an experienced graphic designer with over 15 years of experience, I have seen firsthand the power and potential of this creative art form. From designing websites to developing promotional materials, I’ve had the opportunity to use my skills to reach out to students and advertise for companies. My work has been marked by innovation and diligence. I am always looking for ways to push boundaries and create captivating designs that leave lasting impressions. Additionally, I take pride in mentoring aspiring graphic designers and helping them to develop their craft. 

I derive satisfaction from using my creativity to serve others, whether by assisting people in conveying their ideas visually or creating beautiful images. By combining elements such as typography, colors, shapes, textures and illustrations, I can produce eye-catching visuals that will engage viewers. Through careful attention to detail and aesthetic principles, I am able to give each project a distinct look and feel which encapsulates its purpose. 

My passion for graphic design is unyielding, and I thrive on staying ahead of current trends while also mastering traditional techniques. With every new project comes an opportunity to explore my capabilities further and bring concepts to life in fresh and inspiring ways. As someone who values efficiency and results, I strive to deliver quality service that exceeds expectations.

Graphic design is both an artistic and business discipline that involves the manipulation of symbols. Like any other professional, graphic designers need a personal statement to showcase their skills . The steps in this guide, as well as the examples, can guide you as you create yours.

Creative Graphic Design Statements to Promote Yours

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Graphic Design Personal Statement

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Graphic Design Personal Statement

I would like to study Graphic Communication Design at university as I would like to pursue a career in graphic arts. Graphic design is becoming ever more important as more and more people engage with companies via digital media as well as print media. I have enjoyed designing for a long time often without realising it myself. I have always had a keen interest in interior design and branding products often helping my dad make design decisions within his company. During college I have focused my work to focus on ethical, moral and social issues often those affecting the LGBT community. I want my work to challenge peoples preconceptions through art and educate them on issues.

In my graphics work I particularly enjoy the work of Paul Rand. The simplicity of his design appeals to me particularly as he is able to effectively communicate a message with a striking yet legible design structure. He also uses symbolism in addition to typography to create sometimes obscure yet legible communication, for example his work on the IBM poster. I have a particular interest in typography as a form of communication.

Outside of my college course I have developed my skills by completing design work for a number of different bodies. I am working alongside the NHS CCG in Bolton to design the branding and layout of a Mental Health and Wellbeing app. I led this project with a local charity, BAND. I was approached by the CCG at a public event that was seeking the opinion of young people. As the project developed over 12 months the opportunity for funding to build the app that I had imagined came up from the NHS and BAND asked me to remain onboard with the project and to see it through to its fruition. This experience has taught me the importance of sticking to a formal deadline in order to satisfy the client.

I also run an LGBT community group, Bolton LGBT+. We were set up at the request of the Department of Health in 2014. I was tasked with the design of the logo and the whole communication guideline. The aim of the branding was to create something inviting and easy to understand that members of the community could quickly identify and connect with. I now design all of our leaflets, posters, business cards and website ( These posters are displayed across Greater Manchester. On the back of this the Bolton LGBT Partnership asked me to work with their chair to create their brand and communication guideline. Work on this has allowed me the opportunity to increase my confidence as well as my communication skills which allows me to understand a brief better and feel comfortable to question and explore things I do not understand.

As part of my A Level coursework I am creating the Art & Design department publication 'The Collective' for 2017/18. The publication will showcase a range of content created by students, it will not only refer to art but it will also present pieces which explore topical, social and moral issues from diverse viewpoints. We plan on releasing The Collective in December and June and distributing copies around college as well as in the local area to highlight, and better understand the work that art & design students are doing. Myself and the other contributors will not only be involved in the creation of the content but we will participate in the design of the magazine, events managing, fundraising and marketing. It is a chance to work with a range of students on a group project. It will also give the me a chance to cross over into contrasting disciplines and diversify my interests and skill set.

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20 Graphic Designer Resume Examples That Work in 2024

Stephen Greet

Graphic Designer Resume

  • Graphic Designer Resumes by Experience
  • Graphic Designer Resumes by Role

Writing Your Graphic Designer Resume

You can whip up a new logo in a flash, your friends turn to you when they need help with Photoshop, and you’re always doodling on your notes. You’re a great graphic designer, and it shows.

But when it comes to writing great resumes to prove your skills (not to mention writing cover letters ), employers want more than just your portfolio pieces. Plus, discussing your design skills and experience on your resume can take a lot of effort.

Our graphic designer resume examples have  helped graphic designers land highly coveted jobs at companies like Stripe and Apple,  so they’re an excellent place to get inspired to create your great resume.

or download as PDF

Graphic designer resume example with 5 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • This can be tricky for some graphic design roles, so it’s okay if your work isn’t the sole reason for improvement. Simply highlight your overall impact as part of the graphic design, marketing, or sales team.
  • Portfolios are more or less a requirement for graphic design roles, so make sure to include a link to your own.
  • If you choose to add a  resume objective  to your graphic designer resume, you need to customize it for each job to which you apply. One way to do this is to include keywords from the job description. Don’t forget to mention the company by name! 

Beginner Graphic Designer Resume

Beginner graphic designer resume example with content curation experience

  • One thing that you can count on is a career objective that’s both inspiring and clear on what you intend to do once you’re hired.

Junior Graphic Designer Resume

Junior graphic designer resume example with internship experience

  • If you’re light on relevant work experience, include any relevant projects or internships. Just make sure to include metrics when you can, as any recruiter will treat an internship like a job and will thus expect a demonstration of your impact.
  • You don’t have to be an expert, but generally speaking, only include skills you can talk about in an interview.

Senior Graphic Designer Resume

Senior graphic designer resume example with 7 years of experience

  • Demonstrating your impact proves you’re a designer who thinks about your work within a broader context and does their best to help a company grow.
  • If you’re wondering what to include, start with metrics relating to time or people. How many hours did you help your team save? How many new customers did you gain? How many people viewed your designs?
  • The activities section isn’t always a good choice, but it can be a useful addition in some cases. If your  resume’s section of hobbies and interests  demonstrates leadership, persistence, or other useful skills, you can include this section to give you a boost over the competition. 

Graphic Design Student Resume

Graphic design student resume example with internship experience

  • Showcase projects where you’ve used Affinity Designer, Adobe Fresco, or Canva to create compelling visuals or your use of resources like Pixabay and Coolors for inspiration and project enhancement.
  • School work totally counts, too, so highlight available metrics from completed projects like grades or peer reviews.
  • This approach underscores your hands-on experience with design tools and ability to complete projects successfully, irrespective of traditional employment.

Self Taught Graphic Designer Resume

Self taught graphic designer resume example with 3 years of experience

  • In addition, line up one or two projects, which if adopted into real-world scenarios, would help transform marketing trends and outcomes for all-size businesses.

Graphic Designer Illustrator Resume

Graphic designer illustrator resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Capitalize on your graphic designer illustrator resume’s side columns to parade graphic design and illustration tools you’re well-versed in. Brandon, for instance, curates a list of tools (cue GIMP, Vectr, Prezi and more), and then weaves in evidence of him wielding these tools in the work history section.

Creative Designer Resume

Creative designer resume example with 7 years of experience

  • If you can back your creative designer resume with a fine arts degree in graphic design, you’ll be able to show your enthusiasm for the work and be on the hiring list for any employer.

Visual Designer Resume

Visual designer resume example with 8 years of experience

  • Mention tools like Adobe Photoshop, Inkscape, Figma, and InVision that speak volumes about your artwork. Adding such skills will convey that you’re well-versed with the latest design tools and can create modern designs with ease!

Logo Designer Resume

Logo graphic designer resume example with 7 years of experience

  • Borrow a script from how Ben weaves competencies in Blender, Figma, CorelDRAW, and so on to get things done and increase user engagement.

Motion Graphic Design Resume

Motion graphic design resume example with 10 years of experience

  • An experience at a junior level accompanied by what you learned and your input can be an effective anchor you can use to boost the chances of your motion graphic designer resume making it beyond the shortlisting stage.

Social Media Graphic Designer Resume

Social media graphic designer resume example with 3 years of experience

  • Put everything in its place and let the hiring teams find it easy to follow your career path. Most importantly, ensure there’s no clutter because that is a big turn-off.

Web and Graphic Designer Resume

Web and graphic designer resume example with 6 years of experience

  • Following the same tactic, achieving 97% customer satisfaction for several projects is a true testimony to your work ethic and client-focused approach.

Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

Freelance graphic designer resume example with 7+ years of experience

  • Highlight how you’ve leveraged Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, or CorelDRAW to deliver creative solutions to client projects, citing specific examples.
  • Discuss using project management tools like Asana to meet deadlines and coordinate with clients—all while delivering high-quality work.

Graphic Design Specialist Resume

Graphic design specialist resume example with 5 years of experience

  • For example, you mention how your work generated more traffic on social media or how you helped the marketing team create a campaign.
  • Including numbers that highlight your impact will drastically increase your chances of landing an interview. Companies often receive hundreds of applications for a single role, so as you  craft your resume , keep in mind how you can stand out.
  • Graphic designers are expected to be proficient with many different tools, especially the industry standard, Adobe Creative Suite. So make sure to let employers know if you’re skilled at Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.

Creative Graphic Designer Resume

Creative graphic designer resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Some of the most popular mediums we’ve seen are print media, video, website design, and logo design.
  • Make sure to add any experience you have with heading a project or leading a team.
  • Showing an increase in responsibility throughout your career is another great way to show your initiative.
  • For example, mentoring other graphic designers demonstrates positive growth as a leader.

Production Artist & Graphic Designer Resume

Production artist & graphic designer resume example with 2+ years of experience

  • You can improve your format by choosing two tastefully contrasting fonts, utilizing white space throughout your resume, and using bold (but not garish) colors in your header and titles.
  • Don’t get so caught up in formatting that you neglect your content—use a  resume template  to help speed up the formatting process.
  • Focus on picking relevant projects that have some link to the job description.

Marketing/Graphic Design Coordinator Resume

Marketing/graphic design coordinator resume example with 10+ years of experience

  •  If you choose to include a summary, you’ll need to ensure it’s unique and personalized for every application you submit. Otherwise, skip adding it and focus on your work experience instead.
  • Specialize your summary by mentioning the specific job title you’re seeking, the company’s name, and any examples of work you’ve done throughout your career that’s highly relevant for the job. Just be sure to keep it under three sentences. 

Senior Apparel & Graphic Designer Resume

Senior apparel & graphic designer resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Giving a two-to-three sentence rundown of your career can be a challenge, so break it down into three components: who you are, your biggest success, and what assets you bring to the company.
  • Think back on your career and list your biggest accomplishments that you can quantify/explain in a single sentence. Did you increase site engagement by 72 percent by incorporating a more modern, user-friendly layout and graphics? Did you design the company’s newsletter which was sent out to 2,000 customers? 
  • Adobe offers certification courses for many of their Creative Cloud products, and there are many courses offered through universities to give you a leg-up over the competition. 

Graphic Designer/Administrative Assistant Resume

Graphic designer/administrative assistant resume example with 4 years of experience

  • Since you’re in a creative field, you can include more kinds of projects than a technical role would allow, but try to limit your choices to activities/projects that require(d) taking initiative, additional research, or learning a completely new skill. 
  • If you choose to include one, you’ll need to ensure it’s unique and personalized for every application you submit. 
  • Though including a  resume objective  is optional, it gives you a chance to address the employer by name and establish what they will gain by hiring you. 

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  • Interior Design
  • Social Media Manager

Job seeker reviews qualifications and accomplishments to build job application for next role

Graphic design is one of the most profitable professions in the freelance industry, and the position is growing more popular. Graphic designers serve as visual communicators who craft concepts using a stroke of their pen or a click of their specialized graphic design software.

Their main aim is to convey ideas to inform, inspire, or capture customers through physical and virtual art forms like words, images, and abstract elements like colors and shapes. However, graphic designers aren’t just glued to their drawing tables—they spend a lot of their time communicating with clients, customers, and other creators to ensure that their designs replicate the intended message and hit the intended audiences.

Standing out in the graphic design field isn’t easy. There are about 266,000 graphic designers already in the competitive market, and the number continues to rise. Even if you’re working on your letter of resignation email and giving your job application your best shot, you don’t want to end up in the “reject pile” because of your resume.

The best way to increase your chances of getting hired is with an AI resume builder . You can showcase your skills, explain your experience, and quantify your impact in a way your portfolio can’t.

When it comes to your graphic designer resume,  we’ve got four critical tips for taking your resume from the trash bin to the top choice . When you understand the role of your skills section, resume formatting, metrics, and customization, you’ll be well on your way to landing your next job. 

Put the spotlight on your graphic design skills

Most recruiters don’t have time to go through the nitty-gritty details in your graphic designer resume. They have only seconds to spare, which they’ll likely use to examine your  resume’s list of skills  and determine whether or not they’re relevant to their needs.

Recruiters aren’t the only ones you have to impress; when recruiters have a stack of resumes to weed through, they depend on an applicant tracking system (ATS) to filter out resumes lacking keywords—skills relevant to the specific job. 

That’s why the skills section of your graphic designer resume is vital. Because graphic design jobs can differ greatly in duties and requirements, your skills section should reflect your knowledge and abilities in relation to the company or organization. If you properly showcase your various skills, you can easily beat the ATS.

Here’s how you can spotlight your skills in your graphic designer resume:

  • Write specific skill keywords in a bulleted list in your resume’s skills section
  • Use numbers and examples to quantify and demonstrate your skills in the work experience section
  • Emphasize your most relevant skills in the resume objective or summary

We don’t recommend adding more than 10 skill keywords to your skills section, but there’s still plenty of room to catch an employer’s eye. Here are some of the top hard (technical) and soft (general) skills you could include in your graphic designer resume: 

  • Adobe Illustrator 
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Gravit Designer 
  • Sketch 
  • Activating negative space
  • Color theory
  • Typography 
  • Visual hierarchy 
  • JavaScript 
  • Communication
  • Organization

graphic design job personal statement example

Formatting your graphic designer resume

Your resume is more than just your relevant experience, employment history, education, and skills; it also serves as a marketing tool. Recruiters only spend seconds looking at a given resume and tend to pass over the boring or generic ones. They want to see your unique accomplishments and the value you can provide to their company.

This is a direct ticket to an interview. That’s why you should ensure your resume reveals the best  you  possible. As such, you’ll want to choose the right  resume format  for your graphic designer resume. While many job seekers choose skills-based or hybrid-based formats, it’s almost always best to choose a reverse-chronological format. Employers can hone in on your most recent and relevant experience, letting your most relevant accomplishments and achievements shine. 

Consider these vital points when crafting your graphic designer resume:

1. Fixing up your resume’s appearance:

  • Consistency in layout, punctuation, font, and font size
  • Work experience is in bullet points for readability
  • Minimal color (headers and titles only)
  • Left-aligned text (your contact header is the exception)
  • Headers to distinguish sections

2. Meeting organization and technical requirements:

  • Only a page long
  • A recognized file format (such as PDF)
  • An objective/summary when necessary

Graphic designer resume objective

Speaking of an objective/summary, perhaps you’re wondering whether you need one in your graphic designer resume. First, let’s explain the difference between the two.

A  summary  is a two-to-three-sentence statement that summarizes your skills, work experience, and any specializations. It’s best used when someone has been in graphic design for 10+ years. 

On the other hand, an  objective  is a two-to-three sentence statement that introduces your interests, qualifications, and how you’ll add value to the role you’re seeking. A  resume objective  is best used for career changers or entry-level job candidates. 

The two are very similar, so it’s less important to understand the difference between them and more important that you pay attention to what you write for them. Vague statements and generalizations waste your and the recruiter’s time, so if you’re in doubt or are struggling to get it right, exclude it altogether. 

If you’re a graphic designer looking for an entry-level position, an objective can specifically emphasize personal qualities and skills. To get the recruiter’s attention, mention the company by name and share how you intend to contribute to your desired company: 

graphic designer career objective

How to measure your impact as a graphic designer

Clients and customers appreciate your designs, but it can be tricky to link graphic design to business growth. Don’t gloss over metrics, though; they’re worth the extra effort. 

Design can become a key contributor to success, but only if you demonstrate how design is related to growth. There are various ways you can measure your impact on your graphic designer resume:

  • Online success: if you’re dealing with digital design projects like a website or email marketing, it’s easy to trace metrics like engagement and conversions. A/B tests may also help you compare particular design details to determine which projects perform best.
  • Improved sales: your design project(s) may facilitate an increase in the number of customers or number of purchased goods, pointing to successful work on your end.
  • Increased customer retention: if your graphic design work piques a customer’s interest, they’re more likely to stick around and purchase something. Or, they can share your work and increase your company’s reach.
  • Customer reviews and comments: keep track of good client reviews to show companies that your work is loved and impactful. 

You may be thinking, “that’s great, but how do you translate that into a resume?” Our samples can provide some worthwhile inspiration, as seen here: 

Graphic designer work experience bullet points

Build a custom graphic designer resume

For every graphic design job you apply for, you need to tailor your resume accordingly. Customizing your graphic designer resume not only demonstrates competency but also care and attention towards the employer and the specific position. Trust us: there aren’t many job seekers taking the extra time to tailor their resumes accordingly, so make yours unique by tailoring your skills, work experience, and objective/summary sections for every job.

We also have customization tips for different  graphic designer job descriptions  and  graphic designer cover letters .

Graphic designer or graphic design specialist resume

  • As a graphic designer or graphic design specialist, you likely have solid experience under your belt already, so this might be the time to include a summary statement highlighting your best skills and achievements. 
  • Again, pay close attention to the skill keywords listed in the job description.

Creative graphic designer resume

  • For example, if you design ads for social media, reflect this in your skills and work experience. 
  • Leverage your job description bullet points to showcase your leadership and teamwork abilities. Include any work on various projects with co-workers or cross-functional teams. 

Senior graphic designer resume

  • Lead a team 
  • Communicate with cross-functional teams and internal management
  • Manage (and finish) projects
  • Additionally, with this level of experience, you may choose to include a career summary. Don’t forget to tailor it to the new role you’re seeking! 

Junior graphic designer resume

  • Nabbing that first real job can feel daunting when most employers want at least a year of experience, but all is not lost.
  • Include any internship experience, if you have it. If you don’t, consider getting an internship to gain useful skills and a new addition to your resume.
  • Projects can also be priceless. Have you designed a custom website for a friend? Did you create a logo for your aunt’s small business? These sorts of one-time projects may not pay well (or at all), but they can prove you have what it takes to do the job. 

graphic design job personal statement example

Key points for your graphic designer resume

By taking your graphic designer resume seriously, you’ll be far ahead of the average applicant and much closer to accepting a job offer. 

Now it’s time to put the pedal to the metal and actually write your resume. Upload an old resume or start from scratch with our  free resume maker . You can choose from our  best resume templates  for an attractive and ATS-friendly layout that’s sure to snag the attention of recruiters.

Your dream job is just around the corner, so get your resume in tip-top shape and land the job you’ve been waiting for!

Create my free resume now

Graphic Designer Resume Summary with Examples

If you’re looking for a new opportunity as a graphic designer, then you may need to make some updates to your resume so that it accurately reflects your current skills and experience. A great place to start when updating your resume is your resume summary, an overlooked element that can help get you noticed by a potential employer. In this article, you can explore why a summary is important to include in a graphic designer resume and review summary examples that you can use as inspiration when writing your own.

Related:  Writing a Resume Summary (With Examples)

Why is a graphic designer resume summary important?

Including a resume summary is especially important in the graphic design industry, as it highlights your unique skills and qualifications and can capture the attention of a hiring manager at the top of your resume. Like others working in creative industries, graphic designers tend to have a variety of skills, so it’s important to narrow down your list of skills to those most relevant to the position you are applying for. For example, when applying for a position that mostly entails the production of vector art or social media assets, then it would make more sense to focus on your graphic design skills rather than, say, your photography skills.

Related:  What to Include on a Resume

Graphic designer resume summary examples

Here are some examples of graphic designer resume summaries and why they’re effective:

Resume summary that highlights software experience

Example: ‘Creative and detail-oriented graphic designer with exceptional skill level and experience in various mediums, such as vector art, Lomography and collages. Highly adept with programs in Adobe suite, such as InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator. Extensive experience in executing digital marketing plans via digital ads and social media content.’

This resume summary adequately describes the applicant’s experience in specific software applications as well as relevant disciplines. It also showcases familiarity with more modern developments in the industry, such as digital marketing and social media.

Senior-level resume summary

Example: ‘Creative director with 15 years of experience in the graphic design industry. Extensive experience with conceptualizing and managing digital marketing campaigns over social media and other mediums. Specializes in rebranding projects, where vast knowledge of logo design, marketing and copywriting can be applied. Drafts own ideas using programs such as Photoshop and Illustrator.’

This resume summary is appropriate for a candidate applying for a senior-level position. It effectively communicates the applicant’s extensive industry experience and highlights expertise in areas that are relevant to a graphic designer position.

Resume summary that highlights logo design

Example: ‘Passionate and driven logo designer with over 10 years of experience with branding projects, with past clients that include a Fortune 500 company. Possesses a strong understanding of vector art and effective logo design language, which allows the prompt delivery of clean and memorable logo designs for clients.’

Describing experience as a logo designer with a focus on branding helps make this summary stand out to potential employers. This summary also manages to effectively communicate professionalism and essential graphic design skills, and it references a prominent past client to establish credibility.

Resume summary with skills in specific programs

Example: ‘Skilled and reliable illustrator with over 15 years of experience working professionally within the graphic design industry. Highly skilled with various programs such as Adobe Illustrator and CorelDRAW. Experienced with creating illustrations, possessing expert skill level in drafting storyboards, mock-ups and drafts. Specializes in creating assets for use by layout artists and web designers.’

This summary focuses primarily on skills that are relevant to graphic designer positions. It also demonstrates experience with programs widely used in the graphic design industry to produce digital art. For example, CorelDRAW is one of the most commonly used programs for producing digital art, and being familiar with it gives candidates an advantage. Having 15 years of experience is another qualification that immediately stands out to employers.

Resume summary highlighting a niche skill

Example: ‘Creative, team-oriented layout artist with over 10 years of experience working in the graphic design industry. Possesses expert knowledge of typography and the effective usage of positive and negative space when developing outputs.’

Specializing in typography gives this applicant an advantage over others. Describing 10 years of work experience as a layout artist also provides an employer with some insight into the applicant’s proven record of technical capabilities.

Resume summary with a focus on leadership

Example: ‘Efficient and detail-oriented art director with over 12 years of experience. Extensive experience in managing creative assets for digital marketing campaigns with expert level skills in most programs within the Adobe Creative Suite, particularly Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator. Excellent leadership and communication skills, able to effectively manage teams of up to 10 designers at once.’

This summary clearly illustrates the applicant’s technical skills and expertise using industry-specific programs. It also showcases soft skills and leadership traits.

Resume summary about a specific position

Example: ‘Versatile and creative visual image developer with over eight years of experience working in the graphic design industry. Highly skilled with various forms of photography, particularly film photography and digital photography. Possesses extensive knowledge of Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop.’

This resume summary highlights the applicant’s experience working in a specific role, as well as their versatility and specialized skills. Mentioning specialized skills in photography could help give this applicant an advantage over their competition.

Resume summary discussing several different abilities

Example: ‘Innovative and effective multimedia developer with extensive experience in animation and 3D modeling. An expert with AutoCAD and Maya, with over 10 years of experience using these programs. Excellent team player who thrives when working with others on large, long-term projects such as marketing campaigns and commercials.’

This summary showcases a broad range of capabilities, significant experience with using graphic design programs and a desire to work on a variety of long-term projects. It also highlights the applicant’s enthusiasm when working with others, demonstrating that they are a team player.

Resume summary concentrated on presentation skills

Example: ‘Creative and interdisciplinary package designer with five years of experience working in the graphic design industry. Possesses a high degree of competence using programs such as Adobe Photoshop and InDesign for creating package designs, as well as an expert skill level in using 3D modeling programs such as AutoCAD for creating 3D mockups of package designs for client use. An exceptional public speaker with excellent presentation skills.’

This summary demonstrates a variety of skills relevant to package design, showing a clear link between the applicant’s skills and specific experience. It also highlights the applicant’s public speaking abilities and presentation skills, which could stand out to employers.

Resume summary for a management position

Example: ‘Senior graphic design specialist with more than 10 years of experience in managing graphic design projects from inception to execution. Highly creative with the ability to work well within a team. Extensive experience in managing other designers and coordinating with them to deliver a single product. Highly skilled with various programs within the Adobe Creative Suite, such as Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator.’

This resume summary is appropriate for a senior-level position. It highlights the applicant’s experience in managing graphic design projects and communicates competencies and soft skills that are often useful for higher-level positions. For employers looking for graphic designers who can assume leadership roles, this may encourage them to consider this particular applicant for a position.

Resume summary for soft skills

Example: ‘Imaginative and diligent graphic designer with five years of experience, exceptional attention to detail and a passion for delivering projects on time. Well-versed with most programs within the Adobe Creative Suite, particularly InDesign and Photoshop. Effective time-management and problem-solving skills, allowing the completion of projects with minimal supervision and maximum cooperation with other members within a team.’

This summary places a strong emphasis on soft skills. The ability to complete projects on time and effectively manage deadlines is an ideal quality of a graphic design candidate who may be required to manage several projects at a time and including these skills may give the applicant a significant advantage.

Resume summary describing experience with multiple mediums

Example: ‘Illustrator with seven years of experience in graphic design. Possesses a high degree of creativity and familiarity with a variety of print and digital mediums. Experienced with Adobe Creative Suite, particularly with Photoshop and Illustrator, and has a vast knowledge of typography.’

This summary highlights the applicant’s versatile skills using print and digital mediums while emphasizing their ability to perform contemporary design work. It also demonstrates specialized knowledge in typography, which may stand out to employers.

Resume summary highlighting interpersonal skills

Example: ‘Creative, independent and detail-oriented graphic designer with five years of experience in digital brand management, logo design and layout design. Highly skilled with Adobe Photoshop and InDesign. Coachable and passionate about collaborating with a team when working on projects.’

This summary showcases the applicant’s versatility and a diverse range of skills that are relevant to most graphic designer positions. It also emphasizes the applicant’s ability and willingness to work in a team setting.

Resume summary for general graphic design skills

Example: ‘Graphic designer with seven years of experience with an eye for detail whose work emphasizes creativity and innovation. Highly skilled in photo and video editing with a mastery of Adobe Creative Suite, particularly Photoshop, InDesign, Premiere and After Effects. Past projects range from video advertisements to social media content.’

This resume summary highlights the candidate’s diverse technical skills and creative abilities. Employers may be encouraged to give this resume a more thorough review because it mentions a mastery of graphic design software and includes several years of work experience in a graphic designer role.

Resume summary highlighting work ethic

Example: ‘Confident, passionate and creative graphic designer with extensive experience working with both print and digital media. Deadline-oriented individual with five years of experience in the graphic design industry working on a variety of projects from social media content to comprehensive rebranding projects.’

This summary communicates the applicant’s experience working with different media and describes their commitment to meeting project deadlines. It also highlights the candidate’s years of experience in the graphic design industry and specific projects they have worked on.

Related:  How to Write a Stellar Entry-Level Resume Summary

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  • Web Design Service

></center></p><h2>Personal Statement</h2><p>A guide to write graphic design personal statement.</p><ul><li>January 1, 2024</li></ul><h2>Writing Services</h2><ul><li>Academic Writing Service</li><li>SOP Writing Service</li><li>Admission Essay Writing Service</li><li>Personal Statement Writing Service</li><li>LOR Writing Service</li><li>Motivation Letter Writing Service</li><li>Proofreading Service</li><li>Coursework Help</li><li>Thesis Help</li><li>Dissertation Help</li><li>Homework Help</li><li>Term Paper Writing Services</li><li>Essay Writing Services</li></ul><h2>SOP Writing Services In India</h2><ul><li>SOP Writers Near Me</li><li>SOP Writing Service India</li><li>SOP Writing Service Hyderabad</li><li>SOP Writing Service Kerala</li><li>SOP Writing Service Bangalore</li><li>SOP Writing Service Delhi</li><li>SOP Writing Service Pune</li><li>SOP Writing Service Mumbai</li><li>SOP Writing Service Vijayawada</li></ul><h2>Table of Contents</h2><p>How do you prove that you have a knack for graphic design and that you can effortlessly communicate your thoughts through aesthetically rich visual content? A graphic design personal statement will do that. </p><p>Graphic designing is a fantastic career choice if you think you have a knack for visual content creation. If you want to get trained in this highly rewarding career path, a personal statement graphic design is the first step to getting started. </p><p>This blog puts together everything you need to know about this crucial document. It covers: </p><ul><li>What is a graphic design personal statement and how to write it? </li><li>What points should you cover in it? </li><li>Sample personal statement for graphic design</li></ul><h2>What should a Graphic Design Personal Statement Include?</h2><p>The key components of your graphic design personal statement are the following:</p><h2>Background of your interest in graphic designing:</h2><p>Experience:, personal qualities:, special interests:, communication skills:, your career goals:, how to write the most impressive personal statement graphic design.</p><p>Use the following step-by-step writing strategy to complete your personal statement for graphic design.</p><h2>Research graphic designing industry:</h2><p>Analyse writing instructions:, outline your personal statement:, develop your points:, validate your write-up:.</p><p>Pro Tip: Get ready with your personal statement at least a week in advance. This will give you enough time to review it and add any changes if needed. </p><h2>Graphic Design Personal Statement Example</h2><p>This sample personal statement for graphic design is for you to read and build your confidence before writing your own personalised version of it. Don’t copy or modify it but learn the basics such as the writing tone, paragraph structure and introduction and conclusion writing style. </p><p>Design elements are all around us. One only needs a degree of perception and consciousness to identify the most subtle or loud ones. My obsession with graphic designing stems from the fact that this field gives me the liberty to express my ideas after exploring all the possibilities. I believe that imagination is unrestricted. I would love to capitalize on the freedom to experiment and mature as an accomplished designer. After all, the success of a graphic designer largely pivots on the visual communication and designing skills. I am competent in expressing my ideas visually, love taking risks and am ready to experiment. Blending my originality, imagination and intelligence, I would like to embrace the career of a graphic designer.</p><p>Channelizing my technical skills and creativity, I love adopting a customer-oriented stance while thinking about design trends. During my experience at Myriad Designs, I gained valuable experience multitasking, besides adhering to deadlines. Besides, I believe that successful designers need to be flexible enough to react to the developments in popular culture, technological developments and concepts. I love staying engrossed with the concepts of ‘creating’ and ‘designing’. Although I hail from a technical background, I have been creative since my early years. I can recall spending my time in the computer lab in school, designing logos and taglines. These experiences translated them to develop my professional scope, as I love spending time with creative campaigns and packaging these days. Particularly, I love to explore the works of Paul Rand, Herb Lubalin and Milton Glaser during my leisure hours, which further spark the appetite to come up with my innovative ideas with an experimental mindset.</p><p>It has been seven years since I had set my hands on Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. After I graduated in 2016 with B.Sc. in Computer Science, I took up website designing and graphic designing as my freelancing career. Presently, I am well-versed with JavaScript, CSS and HTML. In the process, I mastered the art of developing compelling artwork for layouts and logos. Being a part of several digital marketing campaigns, I have also worked on social media, SEO, web hosting and content management systems. My computer background presently complements my efforts to capitalize on upcoming technologies.</p><p>My experience at Myriad Designs helped me to shape my approach to design. Previously, I used to explore design trends and ideas, backed by my instinct. It was after joining this company, that I got to know the value of research. A research-oriented approach to designing, along with professional skills and insights can generate marketable ideas. I have worked with more than 100 clients over the last couple of years, and love the entire journey right from being briefed about the designs to conceptualizing the same. From time to time, I underwent self-learning training at Coursera and other online platforms to stay abreast with the latest trends in the industry. After all, designers need to be tech-savvy to express their ideas in a marketable way.</p><p>Self-learning, I believe, serves as the most competent tool for aspiring professionals. Apart from drawing and photography, I love exploring new designing concepts for printed T-shirts. To live up with the trend holds the secret for a successful designing career. Particularly, I have realized that engaging in drawing has leveraged my skills in Flash animation. I have also ventured into film and documentary making. The conglomeration of all these creative fields helped me broaden my skill set.</p><p>Being a part of the graphic designing industry, I have realized the value of collaboration. Presently, I spend most of my productive hours in professional environments. However, I do put aside my core creative hours, when I lock myself away from the world and engage myself in conceptualizing ideas. Once I get the opportunity to study the advanced program at your university, I would like to grow my management skills. The ability to understand client’s expectations and allocating available creative resources accordingly defines the success of any agency.</p><p>Eyeing the stature of an accomplished graphic designer, I would like to tap what the industry in India brings to me. In a fast-digitizing environment, skilled and certified professionals do enjoy their slice of respect. I would like to integrate myself deeper into digital media, banking on my experience and expertise. The advanced program in graphic designing that your institution offers, would leverage my profile significantly. An exciting, dynamic and evolving career awaits me at the other end of this course.</p><h2>Tips for Writing your Graphic Design Personal Statement</h2><ul><li>Provide yourself with sufficient time to write your personal statement. </li><li>Use appropriate words and expressions. Don’t go for technical jargon</li><li>Make it a true expression of your personality, strength and attitude. Don’t fake</li><li>Read it several times, in silence and aloud. This will help you feel how it sounds. </li><li>Make sure your introduction can grab the attention of the reader</li><li>Read samples to enhance your perspective and trigger brainstorming</li></ul><h2>Highest Paying Career Paths for Graphic Designers</h2><p>Graphic designing is one of the most lucrative career paths out there today in the IT sector. You can choose a career line that looks more promising to your background and unique tastes. Here is a list of different designations in graphic design. Remember to mention which designation you aspire to become in your graphic design personal statement. </p><ul><li>Video Game Designer</li><li>Design Technologist</li><li>Creative Manager</li><li>Concept Artist</li><li>3d Designer</li><li>Industrial Designer</li><li>Visual Designer</li><li>Art Director</li><li>Product Designer</li></ul><h2>Top Countries and Universities to Study Graphic Designing</h2><p>Which country is the best for higher studies in graphic design? You will have to know the answer to this question when you write your personal statement. Here is a list of the top countries and the popular institutes there for pursuing higher education in graphic design. </p><p>We hope you had a great time reading and understanding about graphic design personal statement. </p><p>Are you ready to start working on your document now? Don’t procrastinate. Start today itself. </p><p>And if you find yourself confused or doubtful, we are here to walk you through it. Simply let us know where you need further assistance and we’ll get that corrected for you as early as possible. </p><p><center><img style=

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StandOut CV

Graphic designer CV example

Andrew Fennell photo

When you are looking for jobs in graphic design, you need an impressive CV that stands out from the crowd.

But an attractive format alone will not be enough to attract recruiters… You also need compelling content that highlights how valuable you are to employers.

So, I’ve put together this detailed guide, including a graphic designer CV example, to support you in producing a CV that lands you plenty of interviews.

Guide contents

Graphic designer CV example

  • Structuring and formatting your CV
  • Writing your CV profile
  • Detailing work experience
  • Your education
  • Skills required for your graphic designer CV

CV templates 

Graphic Designer CV-1

Junior graphic designer CV example

Junior Graphic Designer CV-1

The  CV example  above shows you how to structure and format your CV, along with some inspiration for the information you should include.

Now, I will walk you through the steps needed to craft your own attention-grabbing and engaging graphic design CV.

Graphic designer CV structure & format

Structure is a crucial aspect to consider when you’re producing an interview winning CV, especially in the design field.

And as you know, design needs to be functional – not just pretty-looking.

By sticking to a clear, professional format, you will enable busy recruiters to easily navigate your experience and facilitate ease of reading.

The below infographic gives you the basics of how to write a CV , demonstrating what sections to incorporate.

CV structure

Formatting Tips

  • Don’t over-complicate your CV with a busy design, instead stick to a subdued colour pallet and simple to read font – Check out some of our CV design ideas for inspiration
  • Imagery distracts the readers’ attention, so avoid adding photo or company logos – these take up valuable space without adding any value to your application
  • Break up large blocks of text by using bullet points, bold headers and distinct sections, helping to facilitate ease of reading
  • An ideal CV length is two sides of A4, giving you space to sell yourself without it becoming tedious to read

Structuring your CV

Make it simple for recruiters to flow through your experience by breaking up your CV into defined sections.

Look to work to the below structure:

  • Contact details – make sure you are easily reachable by keeping your contact details to the top of the page
  • Profile – at the top of the page draw recruiters’ attention, with an opening paragraph that summarises your CV
  • Work experience / Career history – detail your career history in reverse chronological order
  • Education –  list your qualifications, featuring those qualifications required for graphic designer roles
  • Interests and hobbies – an additional section that enables you to further highlight your transferable skills

As this guide continues, I’ll walk you through how to put together each of these sections within your own CV.

CV Contact Details

Contact details

In your contact details section, look to only include vital information, keeping these to the top of your CV.

  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • If you have one, add a link to your LinkedIn profile or a portfolio of work.

Avoid adding extra information such as marital status, your date of birth and reserve space by only adding the city you reside.

Quick Tip:  Keep to a professional email address that is ideally your [email protected], and avoid any childish email addresses that might look embarrassing.

Graphic designer CV Profile

Your CV profile is an opening paragraph that gives recruiters an initial insight into your relevant skills , experience and industry specific qualifications.

You need to grab recruiters’ attention here, drawing them to delve deeper into your CV by summarising your graphic design skills and knowledge in your introduction.

CV profile

Use the below tips when creating your profile:

  • Your opening needs to be concise so stick to a paragraph length of 5-10 lines, you’ll be able to elaborate later in your CV
  • Be unique and tailored in your descriptions, and avoid cliche phrases such as “ I am a hardworking, dedicated individual ,” as these do not give any factual info about you
  • Research target jobs prior to producing your profile, then tailor your profile to reflect the most important candidate requirements

What to include in your graphic designer CV profile?

  • Graphic designer qualifications – degree or HND in graphic design? or alternative degrees in fine art? illustration? or visual art?
  • Design software expertise  – do you have experience with software such as InDesign , CAD or PhotoShop? have a creative ability? coding knowledge?
  • Types of design you produce  – whether you’ve experience with product design, point of sale design, web site or book production, or producing company logos
  • Companies worked for –  Have you worked for design agencies across multiple clients, or do you work directly within a particular industry, such as retail or banking?

Core skills section

Beneath your CV profile, look to include a core skills section which is made up of 2-3 columns of bullet points.

Tailor this section to target roles, making your marketable strengths jump off the page at recruiters instantly .

CV core skills

Work experience/Career history

In this section look to record all areas of your experience, whether freelancing, self-employment or full/part time employment, commencing with your most recent roles.

Work experience

Prioritise space in your CV by shortening your descriptions as you work backwards throughout your career history, or for those less relevant roles.

You can omit old and irrelevant roles as you become more experienced.

Structuring your roles

Support recruiters in identifying key elements of your experience by implementing a clear and simple structure within your role descriptions.

Look to break down your roles into the below three sections.

Role descriptions

Provide a brief summary of the role you assumed, the company you worked for or the department you were part of.

“Working as a graphic designer for a marketing agency, supporting clients with a range of website and application design projects.”

Key responsibilities

Use bullet points to document your key duties, including project involvement.

  • Managing client’s design projects such as design company logos and brochures
  • Producing design portfolios and presentations for potential client sales meetings

Key achievements

Showcase the value you had within an organisation, using figures to verify your key achievements .

  • Worked with a client to redesign their website, boosting conversions by 25%

Commence this section with any qualifications that are specific to the graphic design industry.

Include qualifications such as degrees in graphic design, illustration, fine art or photography or courses in CAD or in 3D design.

If you’ve room look to also include GCSEs, A Levels, further degrees or vocational training.

Interests and hobbies

Unlike other sections, hobbies and interests are optional and should only be used if your hobbies will boost your application.

For example, producing a blog, YouTube channel or designing graphics for social media in your spare time, showcase your creativity and can add to your portfolio.

Avoid unrelated hobbies such as socialising or watching TV – they are unlikely to wow anybody.

Essential skills for your graphic designer CV

Here are some common graphic design skills that employers are likely to be interested in

Knowledge of Adobe  – whether experience with illustrator, flash, InDesign or acrobat

Understanding of Typography  – consider the best style and appearance based on client requirements

Conceptualising – Providing initial design concepts based on client needs

Consultation  – being able to understand a client’s requirements and work on ideas that fulfil their requests

3D modelling  – bring designs to life with prototypes

Photography  – whether implementing professional photos into designs or using these for concept creation

Writing your graphic designer CV

You only have one chance to impress with your CV, so you need a CV that highlights exactly why you should be hired.

Spend time not only ensuring the content is relevant, but the format  you adopt emphasises your suitability for graphic design roles.

By using this guide, you’ll be able to create your own interview winning CV.

Good luck with your job search.

8 Graphic Design Resume Examples to Land Your Next Job

Erica Santiago

Published: May 15, 2024

If you're a graphic designer, I have to give you praise because, without your creativity and your keen eye for design, it would be a struggle for marketing to create campaigns that catch their audience's attention.

A woman designs her graphic design resume on her laptop.

And what better way to show my appreciation to graphic designers than to write a post with helpful graphic design resume examples and tips that can help you land your next job?

You've come to the right place if you're a graphic designer looking for your next gig or want to refine your resume. Let's dive in!

Graphic Design Resume Best Practices

Graphic design resume examples, graphic design student resume examples.

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Before I discuss the graphic design resume examples below, I'll outline some best practices for putting your resume together.

Use a clean layout.

Graphic design is a field that naturally attracts creative people like yourself, so you might be tempted to create a colorful, unique layout that shows off your eye for design.

However, your resume should have a clean layout that is easy to read and won't confuse any applicant tracking systems (ATS) your potential employers use.

graphic design job personal statement example

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In her YouTube video, "The Resume That Got Me Hired As A Designer," graphic designer Victoria Gillerlain says a clean layout is the way to go.

"If your resume is hard to read, hard to look at, overly contrasted, or just makes people [wince] when they look at it because it's so overwhelming — that's not good," she explains. "[Recruiters] are probably not going to even bother to look into the content itself, and you want them to look at it!"

Gillerlain uses her own resume as an example of what to do, and she notes the absence of color in her document.

Victorial Gillerlain's resume; graphic design resume examples

Image Source

"The reason behind that is that your resume is a professional document, and although you're in a creative field, using this as a creative document—not everyone who is looking at your resume is going to necessarily be in a creative field," she says. "Lots of times, there are going to be HR managers or recruiters who are looking at your resume and have nothing to do with the creative field."

Gillerlain says those people may look at an overly colorful resume and think, "Why does it have so many colors and graphics?"

"On top of that, if you're going to be in an on-site role at all, a lot of times people will print out your resume … there's a chance that none of that is going to actually print, and they might just print it in black and white — so it might now look as you intended it," she says.

Include links to your portfolio.

Even the most well-put-together resume in the world can't replace a glowing portfolio.

So, make sure your resume includes links to your work. Graphic design is a creative and visual industry, and including links to your portfolio will allow recruiters to see your experience and qualifications in action.

Tailor your resume for every application.

This is golden advice for any industry. You should always tweak and tailor your resume for each job you're applying for. This means incorporating keywords from the job posting and highlighting relevant experiences and skills.

One graphic design job opportunity may require a skill that isn't as relevant in other opportunities in the industry, and you don't want your resume to leave out that key detail.

So, read the job description closely and tailor your resume so that it applies and sets you up for success.

Mention your education.

"If you have a degree, even if it's unrelated, list it," Gillerlain says. "Having a degree shows that you're credible and committed, and a lot of places like to see that you have one nowadays."

Gillerlain suggests listing your degree, your minor ("If you want," she says), where you got it, and when.

To learn more general resume best practices, regardless of industry, check you my colleague Martina Bretous's post about resume tips that will help you get hired.

1. Victoria Gillerlain's Graphic Design Resume

I mentioned this resume earlier, but I want to dig a little deeper. Notice how the resume is simple, easy to follow, and to the point.

It's not very colorful but still includes small, unique design elements (like the large V logo in the corner) that help it stand out without being distracting.

Gilerlain also includes a link to her website portfolio, so recruiters can find her work without having to do any additional digging.

Pro-Tip: It's okay to add unique elements to your resume to show your creativity, but keep those elements simple, like in the example above.

Cool-toned colors for headlines and a simple logo can be just enough to separate you from other applicants without overshading the contents of the document.

2. Anna Chen's Graphic Design Resume

Anna Chen's resume; graphic design resume examples

The above resume features a minimalist design that keeps the recruiter's focus squarely on the applicant's experience, qualifications, skills, and work history.

Pro Tip: While I like this resume for its simple design, I notice it doesn't include a space for Chen's education history, such as if she has a degree or is actively working toward one.

A simple design is excellent for resumes, but you should still include space for your education credentials.

Also, notice the most recent work experience is not bulleted. Applicants should include bullet points to make their resume more readable.

3. Charles Bloomberg's Graphic Design Resume

Charles Bloomberg's resume; graphic design resume examples

This resume is excellent because it's clean and includes all relevant information. I especially love how the applicant made sure to include his education and relevant certifications.

Pro Tip: Notice the small icons at the top symbolizing his location, email, phone number, and LinkedIn.

This information is a must-have, but icons and symbols can confuse applicant tracking systems and can harm the chances of your resume getting the attention of a recruiter.

So, avoid symbols and icons in your resume whenever possible.

4. Clara Thompson's Entry-Level Graphic Design Resume

Clara Thompson's resume; graphic design resume examples

This resume includes a pop of color that catches the eye without distracting from its contents. Thompson's contact information is listed neatly in the upper right corner of the page, leaving plenty of room for her work experience.

What I Love: The resume is an excellent example for individuals just starting their careers. I love how it highlights relevant projects the applicant completed before freelance work.

5. Samantha Angel's Senior Graphic Designer Resume Example

Samantha Angel's resume; graphic design resume examples

I'm biased because purple is my favorite color, but this is one of my favorite examples. Samantha's resume includes her work experience and a bulleted list of responsibilities. It also features her activities outside work and degree, adding more legitimacy to her application.

Pro Tip: Like Samantha, consider adding activities and certifications you've completed outside of your career to beef up your resume and show you're a well-rounded candidate.

If you're a student trying to break into the graphic design industry, here are some examples to get you going in the right direction.

1. Minimalist

Benjamin Matthews's resume; graphic design resume examples

The sample resume is an excellent example for graphic design students looking for entry-level opportunities. If you're new to the field but have internship or volunteer experience that applies to the role, include them as your work experience.

What I Love: The resume is simple and clean, with nearly all relevant information listed.

2. Black and White

Benjamin Matthews' black and white resume; graphic design resume examples

Like the previous example, this resume lacks color—that's okay! As I mentioned earlier, it's not essential to have color. A pop of color can show you creativity, but there's no guarantee a recruiter or hiring manager will see it or care.

What I Love: I can't emphasize enough the importance of having a clean, easy-to-read resume. This format will pass ATS without issues and neatly display your qualifications.

3. Traditional with a Pop of Color

Vanessa Ford's graphic design resum

If you want a pop of color in your resume, this example is an excellent template to emulate. It showcases the applicant's creative flair while highlighting all the essential information.

However, be mindful of adding odd symbols and icons. Again, they can pose a problem for ATS.

Pro Tip: If using color, use it sparingly and pick a color that isn't too jarring. Like the one in the example, a calming blue is a great choice.

Graphic design, like most creative fields, can be a harsh industry to break into. However, you have the best chance if you have a portfolio, skills, experience, and a clean resume to vouch for you. Good luck!

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Graphic communication design personal statement example.

Although growing up in a practical household full of businessmen, I’ve always been inclined towards art, and I recognise myself as a creative personality - being the first in my family to choose the creative arts as my future path. Art has always sparked as a simple interest, colouring books or presenting my imaginative world of anime onto paper. What made art so fascinating as a child was the unknown probability of reactions towards my artwork. I would see, perplexed, minds attempting to solve hidden puzzles in response to my artwork because I always hide a message inside every piece.

My interest in art never diminished as I continued my school years focusing on theoretical subjects but dring my AS and A level I took art as a subject which gradually improved my art and honestly it was the most enthralling subject among all of my other subjects. My interest in this field inflamed when I was introduced to the newly proposed subject- Graphic Communication through a course in Maya Academy that I took as a hobby during the lockdown. I learnt a few softwares there- Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, and Corel draw. My fascination for art continued to grow ever since.

Throughout my school years, I participated in several activities and one of my favourite activities was Duke of Edinburgh in my A levels and Odyssey of the Mind in my IGCSE 2, and both of them allowed me to explore more activities outside of school. I became my IT teacher's teaching assistant and taught my classmates on how to use Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Animate as it was there in our course. I played badminton and joined the music club in which I learned the keyboard.

Then, ‘The Odyssey of the Mind’ taught me problem-solving skills and leadership skills as I was the leader of my team and it was challenging for me because I have always preferred to work alone rather than with a group. However, through this competition, I learned that alone we can do so little, and together we can do so much. Volunteering at a home for underprivileged kids also helped me the most because it got me out of my comfort zone, speaking to people who come from completely different backgrounds, which has benefited me in every activity that includes communication with other people. My experience there has also enhanced my ability to communicate because we were all thrown in to talk to strangers.

During that time, I found a social skill I didn’t know I had, where I started to naturally make conversation with these people, being friendly. I also started an internship for a packaging company Epac Flexibles in which I gained a lot of experience in planning and decision-making.

My mind is constantly stimulated with inspiration no matter where I go. Living in the city of New Delhi, the capital of India, where there are massive amounts of tourists, brings up endless opportunities for me to explore and create. In an area of rich diversity, it is exciting to meet new people carrying their personalities and cultures. These people influence me with their adventures that open my perspective on the world which I enjoy recording in my art and would wish to share in college. In my belief, art is not only visual entertainment but a form of communication and storytelling and it is a path through which we can transfer emotions and change one's perspective whilst learning from others is what makes art relevant in history and I also depicted this message through a few of my art pieces.

I also feel that I am very much influenced by my environment. Those around me have always inspired me the most, being able to see how a person works and choosing to communicate their designs, motivates me to work creatively too. I think that this has been the biggest factor when I decided that I wanted to apply to this college.

I am looking to study this exciting course in Communication Design and to meet creative and motivated people in your college. I am a self-motivated and broad-minded person and, as a bird, I am ready to gather branches and create a nest, and I wish this small nest could be at your college, where I am eager to fly and begin a new journey. Finally, I am keen to meet like-minded people with the skills and enthusiasm to be successful at college and in becoming a professional graphic designer.

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this is my SOP for UAL

This personal statement is unrated

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