How to create an online resume

An online resume is a digital version of a resume.

It is an overview of your experience, skills, education, and achievements.

It can be used to apply for a job, freelancer gig, consultancy engagement, or apply to a school.

The value of having it online as a website is that people from all over the world can access it easily.

What is a resume

The resume is an overview of your experience, competence, and skills.

It is most known for being a document, used to apply for jobs.

Companies and hiring managers use the resume to get an understanding of who you are as a professional and what you are capable of doing.

Your online resume can be shared by its link to companies, hiring managers, and recruiters, so that they can notice you.

Why create an online resume

A resume is relevant for every professional.

Your resume as a website makes it easy for others to access and view your resume.

It can be used to E.G. get a job, freelancing gig, consultancy engagement, or apply to a school.

Having it online makes it possible for people from all over the world to find you.

The design of the resume gives the reader an impression of who you are. Make sure that it appears in a good and presentable way!

What do I need to know to create my resume as a website?

HTML, CSS and JavaScript are the basic languages to create a website.

You can come a long way just using these three!

  • Create the structure with HTML. The first thing you have to learn, is HTML, which is the standard markup language for creating web pages.
  • Style with CSS. The next step is to learn CSS, to set the layout of your web page with beautiful colors, fonts, and much more.
  • Make it interactive with JavaScript. After studying HTML and CSS, you should learn JavaScript to create dynamic and interactive web pages for your users.

How to create a resume step-by-step

Follow the steps to create your online resume from the ground up.


Decide which code editor to use and set up your environment.

W3Schools has created an easy to use code editor called W3Schools Spaces . Sign up and get started in a few clicks.

Create your index.html file. So that you are ready to enter the code.

All set up. Lets go!


Step One: Add a Website Layout

Create a responsive website from scratch.

Read here for how to create a website layout: How to create a Website Layout

A resume can be created in different ways.

There is not a one-size fits all .

Keep in mind why, how, and what , you are building it for.

Build the resume that is right for you.

Step Two: Plan your content

Think about how you want to design your resume.

  • What information do you want to include?
  • What impression do you want to give the reader?
  • How do you as a professional want to be presented?

Step Three: Add content

Include the essential sections:

  • Contact Information section
  • Key Summary section
  • Education section
  • Work Experience section

Check out our How To library for more code snippets: How To Library

1. Contact Information section.

Add your name and contact information.

The contact information section lets the reader know how to get in touch with you.

key summart section

2. Key Summary section.

Write a short summary that highlights your experience, competence, and skills.

Personalizing the text can make you stand out.

The key summary helps the reader to get an understanding of who you are as a professional.

Keep it short and simple.

key summart section

3. Education section.

Give an overview of your educational background.

Include details such as the institution, degree, and year.

Professional courses and certifications can also be listed as education.

education section

4. Work Experience section.

List the jobs that you have had.

Add details to each job, which includes what year, your role, and your responsibilities.

Other experiences such as projects and freelancing gigs can also be a part of this list.

work experience section

We have made you a template that you can use and build with.

You can load the CV template in W3Schools Spaces . Get started with publishing your online resume in a few clicks.

* no credit card required

CV Template

CV Template

W3Schools Spaces

Build and publish your online resume with w3schools spaces..

create a resume using html



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Top Tutorials

Top references, top examples, get certified.

30+ Perfect HTML Resume Templates (Free Code + Demos)

This huge 100% free and open source collection of html and css resume templates is sure to impress recruiters and help you land your dream job. enjoy, 1. html and css resume, 2. sample resume idea, 3. responsive resume template.

Responsive resume template, you just need to fill out the content with your own.

4. HTML Resume

5. resume concept.

Draco is a free PSD & HTML resume template.

7. Simple HTML Resume

8. minimal css resume, 9. codepen resume header background.

I made this header in a resume format that lists my development & design skills. The thought process was that potential clients and employers would be visiting my CodePen account so make it pop. I thought it would be nice to have a creative, organized way to display my relevant skill set... Read More

10. Dark Theme HTML Resume

11. responsive css resume.

Responsive Resume built in Sass

12. Interactive CSS Resume

Played a little bit of hide and seek with my resume. Used the code for the flashlight effect from here:

13. CSS3 Creative Resume

I thought this would be a perfect project to use LESS mixins in. Designed by: Pixeden: Librarian Image is from Dribbble: by talented "Artua"

14. Live Resume Concept

15. html/css resume template, 16. my cv - made using html and css.

This is my first implementation. I learnt CSS on 15 Jun 2013 at and as a final project titled "Build your resume!" I took it seriously and decided to go on creating my own Resume using my CSS / HTML knowledge so far (whatever gained from

17. Dark HTML Resume

Inspired from the design made by 'Teodora': Dark-wall pattern: Lato Font: Read More

18. Printable Diner Menu Resume

Live at

19. Pure CSS Resume

A pure CSS resume to showcase your interactive resume!

20. RWD Resume

Thanks to xichen. This artwork is based on I add some animation on skill section and make it more responsive.
Задание по вёрстке для первой ступени Школы редакторов Бюро Горбунова

22. Personal Resume With Bootstrap4

This is my Personal Resume developed by using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and Font-Awesome.

23. Thiago Braga | English Resume

Updated at 20/04/2020 - 22:24 (Brazilian time)

24. Personal Portfolio

Resume Portfolio

25. Profile Template

HackerRank Profile Template For Resumé.

26. Responsive Education Timeline

Fully responsive education timeline built with HTML, SCSS, Bootstrap 4 and font awesome for icons.

Modified June 14, 2023 | 8 minute read

  • How To Create A Resume Using HTML

Mobile-responsive, printable, ATS-friendly, and matches your theme

In this article, I'll show you how to create an awesome web resume that can also be printed and used how you would expect a resume to be used. If you'd like to spare yourself from reading the whole thing, you can get code for the templete on GitHub . ( Here's a preview of the template.)

You can also check out my resume to see a finished product. Here are some screenshots from the time of writing:

create a resume using html

After creating this website , I realized my resume was a bit outdated, so I wanted to make a new one that matched my website's theme.

I didn't want to use a document editor like Word because that's way too restricive, I didn't want to use Latex (like I did for my last resume) because that's too annoying and time consuming, and I didn't want to use Kickresume (even though all the LinkedIn influencers rave about it) because it still isn't flexible enough (especially the free version).

So I thought; if only I could create a resume using HTML, then I could make it however I want...

  • How To Do It

I use Tailwind CSS , but the concepts can be applied to other frameworks too.

The key to this is the existence of print-specific options. In Tailwind CSS, there's a super convenient print modifier ( docs link ). This way, we can make two column layouts collapse down on mobile, use cool styles (such as rounded edges), and have other things on the screen (such as buttons), then use the modifier to make the page the right size and hide those extra buttons when we print it.

There's an issue, though. No matter how hard you try to use print modifiers, there are still margins around the outside with these stamps when you try to print the page:

create a resume using html

Luckily, there are two ways to solve this. When you are printing the page, you can open the "More settings" option and select "None" for "Margins".

create a resume using html

The other solution works by default without messing with any settings. You can use the @page CSS rule to remove the margins:

That should get you started on creating your own resume, but you can also keep reading and I'll walk you through how I created the template I linked at the beginning!

You can check out the code for this website if you want to see exactly how I created my resume , but my project structure and all the code specific to my resume might make it harder to adapt my code for your own purposes. So, I've created a template for a static site using Tailwind CSS which you can use! You can find it on GitHub , or follow along with my explanations here.

For this tutorial, I'm assuming knowledge of Tailwind CSS.

To start, I created a project by following Tailwind's installation process . However, I changed a line in tailwind.congfig.js to content: ["./index.html"] , and used npx tailwindcss -i input.css -o output.css --watch to build the CSS file. You can check the GitHub repository if you're having issues.

create a resume using html

Now, we will create our resume inside index.html

In the body, the outer div is the background, and just adds some padding around the edges (but removes the padding when we print). The middle div is our actual page. I added some styles so that on big screens the page has an 8.5/11 aspect ratio which closely resembles how the page looks when it's actually printed, but on smaller screens the page is as long as it needs to be to fit all the content.

I also added rounding to the edges, a shadow, etc., but then removed those styles for printing.

A width of 52rem isn't particularly special, it was just a good size for me and worked well with some of the other things I had going on with my website. print:h-[100vh] ensures that the pdf is only one page (when you don't add that there's an empty second page).

The inner div adds padding around the edges and is a flex box to make sure our resume content fits inside the page how its supposed to.

This is what we have so far (I made the background red to visualize the padding):

create a resume using html

Now, let's add a header to the resume. Add the following where the "resume content goes here" comment was:

I put my name on the left and some social links on the right. You could add a headshot in the middle like the resume templates on Kickresume have, but I have heard recruiters say not to in order to avoid bias and for them to avoid bias accusations, so I removed the headshot from my resume. (Another idea is to have a version with a headshot and a version without, as it could add a nice touch if the person looking at your resume already knows who you are!)

create a resume using html

Underneath, add the following:

The reason I made a separate mobile header is because on small screens, there's too much content to fit it all in a row. On mobile the links won't be in the header area, and we'll instead add the links underneath with the rest of the content in the next step (you can obviously switch up these details however you want):

The outer div uses flex flex-col sm:flex-row so that on mobile screens it collapses down to one column.

I also put this between the header from earlier and the body from just now to add a gap:

Lastly, make sure input.css looks like the following:

And we're done! Here's the final product (I made the columns red for the picture so that you can visualize them):

create a resume using html

Now all you have to do is add some text bragging about yourself and (hopefully) get some interviews.

Here's the full code found on GitHub if you want to copy and paste (I also filled in the "content goes here" comments with some placeholder text):

create a resume using html

If you are interested in how I made other parts of my website , such as the sticky nav bar, turning markdown files into articles, links with cool underline animations, fade-in effects, etc., I would be happy to write articles explaining! Otherwise, let me know if you actually end up using my template. Also, message me on LinkedIn if you want me review your resume for free and tell you if I have any ideas on how to improve it!

Thanks for reading, I hope this was helpful!

Home » Blog » Web Development » Resume HTML CSS

How to create a resume using HTML CSS (template included)?

Resume built with HTML CSS

In this post, I will show you how to create a resume or CV (curriculum vitae) using HTML & CSS. Also, I will give you the downloadable template so you can edit the information and quickly get started.

The template I built for this post is completely mobile responsive .

I will also tell you why this digital resume is essential and how you can host your resume online for free & how you’ll get a shareable URL from GitHub Pages . Also, I will show you how you can create a JPG/PNG/PDF of your resume.

Let’s get started.

  • 1.1 Project structure
  • 1.4 Download the resume template and edit the information to match your requirements
  • 2 Why a digital resume is essential?
  • 3 How to host your resume online and get a shareable link?
  • 4 How to convert this resume into JPG/PNG & PDF?
  • 5 Build HTML CSS projects
  • 6 Conclusion

Create a resume in HTML & CSS

Online resume built with HTML & CSS and hosted on GitHub Pages

You can create any type of resume or any style using HTML & CSS. However, simple & easy-to-read layouts are the best for resumes. So I already built one and you can edit its info to match your requirements. You can see the live preview in the link below.

Project structure

In the root folder, I have a “ fontawesome ” folder for the icons, an “img” folder for storing your headshot, a favicon for the site/tab icon, an “index.html” file for the HTML, and “style.css” for writing CSS.

create a resume using html

That’s all.

Download the resume template and edit the information to match your requirements

You can download the entire project folder from my GitHub Repository. It contains everything that you saw in the project structure and even a SCSS file (would be helpful if you know SASS).

If this is your first time, see the picture that shows how to download a project from GitHub Repository.

How to download a GitHub repository

Why a digital resume is essential?

A digital (online) resume is essential because you can share it with anyone using a link. Most importantly, you can edit & update information anytime you like and without changing the URL.

Your resume is not a document of fixed information. Your skills, educational qualifications, and experience change over time. And you can include those updated information in your online resume very easily.

On the other hand, a printed resume is permanent if you send it to someone. It has different use cases and it’s also important when someone asks for it.

But when you send a printed copy of your resume to an office, you can’t change any of its information. Even if you see that you made a mistake or excluded important info. But on your online resume, you can always change it. And anytime people visit the URL, they will see the most recent and up-to-date information.

Last but not least, you can share your resume link with friends, families, coworkers, and professional networks like LinkedIn, Slack community, etc.

How to host your resume online and get a shareable link?

There are many free hosting services where you can host a website. But for your resume, GitHub Pages are the best option if you want a free option. It’s fast & reliable.

GitHub Pages may seem foreign to some of you. However, it’s not as complicated as you may think. It may seem intimidating for the first time but it’s actually very easy.

If you’re totally new to Git & GitHub, I have included a couple of sort articles that will help you to get started quickly.

  • What is Git and why it is used?
  • How to use Git and GitHub?
  • How to install Git on Windows & Mac?
  • How to create a Git repository on GitHub?
  • How to create GitHub Pages? (this will give you a shareable link to your resume)

How to convert this resume into JPG/PNG & PDF?

After you build your resume on GitHub Pages or anywhere online, visit this website screenshot generator tool to create a JPG/PNG/GIF of your resume. It’s totally free to use and works excellent.

To convert your resume into a PDF, there are numerous free converters out there. Google “URL to PDF converter online.” However, many of them don’t work well. Upon checking a few of them, I found this working well. Feel free to try it or others whichever works well for you.

Build HTML CSS projects

This is how you can create your resume using HTML & CSS. I also showed you how you can host your it to GitHub and get a shareable link.

I also explained why this digital or online resume is essential for anyone who wants to get a better opportunity.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

' src=

Shihab Ul Haque

You can call me Shihab. I am a web developer and have been working with PHP & WordPress a lot. I have a master's degree and left my regular job to fully engage with the field that I love working in. I live in Bangladesh and help business owners to create a stunning online presence.

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Click here to directly go to the complete HTML resume sample

Know how to tag your HTML resume!

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." -Walt Disney

And to create a job-winning resume, you need professional assistance which we are here to provide.

Resume writing is not rocket science.

Anyone can write a resume.

But writing a perfect HTML resume - that is where the devil lies.

As a front-end web developer who creates the visual appearance of websites with coding languages, you need to be able to reflect that potential in your html5 resume.

You need to have a professional approach to resume writing if you want to curate a job-winning resume. And in this blog, we have covered every tip for each section of your HTML resume.

Read on to learn the art of curating an impeccable HTML resume to effectively communicate your professional expertise to a potential employer.

Here is a summary of our HTML Resume Blog:

  • Provide the certifying authority, course name, time period, etc. in your HTML resume
  • Mention about the projects that you have participated in or singlehandedly led.
  • Communicate your work experience details in one-liners and list them in groups.
  • List all your details in reverse chronological resume format.
  • Give an overview of your resume by composing a suitable resume summary or an objective.

That's not all.

By the end of this blog, you will be able to put together a job-winning HTML resume. Additionally, you will also learn:

  • How to make your html resume ATS compliant and recruiters friendly.
  • What are the 3 stages of resume writing and what are the distinct section of an html resume?
  • How to describe your work experience in a professional manner on your HTML resume.
  • How to highlight html skills on a resume like a professional?
  • Whether to include education and certification details on an HTML resume.
  • Is it necessary to include a summary or objective for your html resume?

Our Online Resume Builder has a huge library of examples and an HTML resume sample that will blow your mind!

Simply fill in with your details and your perfect resume is good to go.

What is HTML Resume & Why Do You Need It?

The best way to give an HTML resume definition is that it is the documentation of your professional experience and skills for the recruiters to recognize you as a suitable applicant for the targeted job profile.

And you must create a resume that highlights the most significant aspects of your potential.

  • Creating a job-winning resume is not a piece of cake especially if you want to stand out amongst hundreds and thousands of applicants. But it is not something that cannot be accomplished.
  • You need to curate a resume that can help you rank high on the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) which most recruiters use to filter through resumes and pick the most suitable ones.

Simply make sure that you use the keywords used by the recruiters in the job listing and are relevant to the job profile that you are applying for.

HTML is amongst the top programming languages and so the demand for html professionals would be high in the current job market.


Source: UC Berkley Extension

You can learn more about HTML resume definition by going through Hiration's do's and don'ts for your resume .

In the meanwhile, do get your existing resume professionally reviewed by Hiration’s Resume Review Service which is free.

How to Write Your HTML Resume

An effective way to write an impeccable resume is by following the three stages of resume writing that have been discussed below:

  • Stage 1: Master HTML Resume
  • Stage 2: First Draft of HTML Resume
  • Stage 3: Final Draft of HTML Resume


Master HTML Resume

Starting by drafting a master resume can help you throughout your resume writing and make it easier for you to curate a job-winning resume.

A master folder of your HTML fresher resume can be created to gather your details and information that is most likely to be required in every resume.

Simply list down every detail of your work experience, education, training, certifications, awards, recognitions, etc.

Some details may not seem important in your current resume but do not hesitate to store them in your folder because they may be required in the future update of your resumes.

First Draft of HTML Resume

Next, create the first draft of your html5 resume wherein you need to compose the following sections as per your requirement:

  • Personal Information
  • Profile Title
  • Professional Experience
  • Certifications (if any)
  • Awards & Recognition (if any)
  • Additional Information (if any)

Final Draft of HTML Resume

In the final stage, you need to compose two important sections that can help you highlight both your professional skill and work experience:

Key Skills : Create a separate section to highlight your skills which you need to pick from the professional experience section. Simply scan through your work experience statements, then pick the most significant skills and list them under the "Key Skills" section.

Summary/Objective : If you have more than 3 years of work experience, compose a suitable resume summary. But if you have less nor no work experience, compose a resume objective. You must compose this section as it gives an overview of your resume.

HTML Resume Sections

Every section in a resume plays an important role in highlighting different details and information about you to the recruiters.

Your html resume layout should consist of various sections.

The below-given sections are the standard resume sections that are ideally required to be framed in a resume:

  • Summary/Objective

To enhance the standard sections of a simple HTML resume, the below-given optional sections can be framed:

  • Awards & Recognitions (if any)


Also, do read more about resume sections on Hiration's Guide to sections in a resume .

Additionally, you can use Hiration’s Online Resume Builder to curate the perfect resume that can raise your chances of being shortlisted for your dream job.

HTML Resume: Header

Your resume header is the section that helps you label your resume with your name and give it a unique identity to stand out amongst any other resume.

It makes it easier for the recruiters to keep a track of your resume in a sea of resumes. Hence you should write your HTML development resume in the range of 16-20 font size at the topmost part of your section.

If you have a middle name write only the initial of your middle name followed by a period and place it between your first and last name.

Read Hiration’s Guide To Writing The Perfect Resume Header to learn how to curate the perfect header for your HTML developer resume.

We have given an HTML resume example for you to understand how an ideal resume header is framed:


Make the best use of Hiration's Online Resume Builder to frame the perfect resume that can help you land your dream job.

Describe Your Professional Experience in Your HTML Resume

Most people make the mistake of taking their resumes for granted and hence end up losing the chance of landing their dream jobs despite having all the required skills and credentials.

Here is your chance to avoid making such avoidable mistakes and get closer to your dream job.

The following factors can help you curate a flawless resume if followed and applied while framing your HTML fresher resume.

  • STAR Format
  • Frame Points
  • Grouping & Highlighting



Always write action-oriented points that help you describe your work experience and highlight your roles and responsibilities while also mentioning your achievements and contributions.

The STAR format can help you describe your professional experience in the most effective manner.

STAR stands for the following points:

  • S: The situation , backdrop, or context of work assigned to you.
  • T: The actual task assigned to you.
  • A: action or strategy you used to execute the assigned task.
  • R: The result or outcome of your action in the form of achievement figures.


To understand the importance of framing your HTML resume points, let us compare the two HTML resume examples that have been given below:


Resume Example 1: "As a professional HTML developer, I have written 100% efficient, well designed, and testable codes by making use of Photoshop and Dreamweaver. While working on the given project, I cooperated with 10 web designers to match the visual design intent for 20+ websites. As part of my roles and responsibilities, I successfully updated 20+ client websites while designing, building, and maintaining software applications. I also identified any existing problems and corrected them to ensure 100% customer satisfaction at all times."


Resume Example 2:

  • Wrote 100% efficient, well designed, and testable codes via Photoshop and Dreamweaver
  • Cooperated with 10 web designers to match visual design intent for 20+ websites
  • Updated 20+ client websites while designing, building, and maintaining software applications
  • Identified problems and corrected them to ensure 100% customer satisfaction

Framing Points: Analysis

By comparing the two HTML resume examples, we can observe that framed points (example 1) are clear to read and understand as compared to the paragraph (example 1).

There is a huge difference between the framed points and the lengthy paragraph despite both the examples describing the same HTML resume points.

And for a recruiter, it would be easier to go through the framed points as compared to the paragraph where all the information is clustered together in a bulk.

In conclusion, always make sure that you frame your points in one-liners and avoid writing bulky paragraphs to describe your professional experience.


Another important factor that can help you enhance your work experience section is by applying grouping and highlighting.

To understand its importance and how it can be implemented in your simple HTML resume, let us look at another set of HTML resume examples given below:


Resume Example 1:

  • Created the UI for 60+ websites through standard HTML and CSS practices
  • Maintained and updated 10+ HTML/CSS templates on a weekly basis
  • Collaborated with the back-end Web Developer team and created 27+ new websites
  • Drafted efficient codes via Dreamweaver & BootStrap to delivered high-quality codes
  • Integrated accurate data from 90+ back-end services and databases


UI Designing & Web Development

Data Integration

Grouping & Highlighting: Analysis

Now both the examples are clear to read but applying grouping and highlighting (example 2) effectively enhances your framed HTML resume points (example 1).

It is so because listing down all the similar points under the relevant group makes it look more organized and highlighting the main point in your statements.

The recruiters can easily make out your achievements and contributions as a professional and hence raise the chances of shortlisting you for the targeted job profile as the most suitable applicant.

Make sure that you make the best of grouping and highlighting to frame effective one-liner points that help you describe your professional experience.

Refer to the given resume HTML resume template showcasing what an ideal professional experience section looks like:


Create Separate Key Skills & Technical Skills Section in Your HTML Resume

The recruiters look for applicants who have the right set of html skills on resume to shoulder the responsibilities that come with the targeted job.

  • You need to highlight the most significant skills that you possess as a professional in your HTML resume.
  • Create a separate section under the heading "Key Skills" and align all the core skills that you have justified in your one-liners.
  • But make sure that you mention only those significant skills that are relevant to the job profile.

Doing so can help you rank high on the ATS because you can highlight your skills by using relevant keywords used by the recruiters in the job listing.

Read Hiration's Guide on what skills to put on a resume to get a better understanding of how to efficiently curate this section.

Here is an HTML resume sample showcasing the perfect html skills on resume. It illustrated what your HTML resume skills should look like when composed in this section:


Include HTML Resume Summary

Compose an html resume summary if you have more than 3 years of work experience to give an overview of your resume.

A resume summary can help you highlight your most significant achievements and contributions to an organization through which the recruiters can easily recognize your potential.

You can compose an effective resume summary by following the given points:

  • Write your summary at the end because that way you can easily decide what to skip and add.
  • Scan through your work experience section and pick the highlights of your career.
  • Avoid over flooding your resume summary with unnecessary details and information.

Go through Hiration's Resume Summary Guide to learn how to write an effective summary for HTML resumes.

Look at the given HTML resume sample showcasing an ideal resume summary for your resume HTML templates:


HTML Resume Objective

An HTML fresher resume objective should be written if you do not have enough work experience or if you belong to any of the following categories:

  • You are a fresh graduate.
  • You are making a change of career.
  • You have less or no work experience.

The role of your HTML fresher resume objective is to convince the recruiters that you are the most suitable applicant for the targeted job profile.

Your HTML resume objective is an overview of your resume that needs to be composed if you are not eligible to curate an HTML resume summary.

Learn the art of curating effective HTML fresher resume objective with the help of Hiration's Guide on Resume Objectives .

HTML Resume: Personal Information

The personal information section is an important feature of your html5 resume because this is where you can list down your details of contact without which the recruiters cannot reach you for any likely shortlist.

Here is what an ideal personal information section should contain:

Contact Number

Email Address

Current Location

Additionally, you can also include the following sections when required:

  • LinkedIn profile link
  • Link to an online portfolio
Hiration Protip : In the Mideast, including details like gender, passport details, date of birth, etc. are required, but not in the US. So make sure to read through the hiring norms for the country you are targeting before you include (or don't include) such details.

It is also possible that some recruiters may want to interview you over the phone or confirm with you before scheduling any face-to-face interviews.

Hence you must provide only the correct details of your contact number which is active and functional.

The correct format for writing your mobile number is documented below:

  • Provide the ISD code of your country as a prefix before your phone number
  • Add a plus sign (+) right before the ISD code
  • Eg: +1 (623) 238 2151

One of the most convenient means for the recruiters to get in touch with you is via email.

Give out your official email IDs that have your real name and not the ones that have fancy or made-up names to maintain a professional approach in your html programmer resume.

The right way to frame your email address is: [email protected] or [email protected]

There are two important points you need to keep in mind while framing your current location in a resume:

  • Avoid giving out unnecessary details like the name of your locality, house or street number, etc.
  • Mention the city and state of your residence if you are looking for a job within your country. But if you are looking for a job outside your country then mention your city and country.

Read Hiration's Guide to composing your contact information to learn more about this section.

Take a look at the given resume HTML template sample:


Use our Online Resume Builder to curate a perfectly fashioned resume.

It comes with a pre-designed & pre-filled resume template that you can easily enhance as per your requirements.

HTML Resume: Profile Title

Whether you are an HTML developer or an HTML programmer, you need to let the recruiters identify your professional status through your profile title.

Mention an accurate profile title to make the recruiters recognize the level of your professional expertise.

Your profile title helps conveys the following:

  • Current designation
  • Functional industry
  • The level of seniority in your line of work

Ideally, your profile title should be written in the range of 14-16 font size.

Do not exaggerate your profile title because it may have a negative impact on your job application as it would be considered as lying to the recruiters.

Look at our HTML developer resume sample to get a better insight into how an ideal profile title is framed:


HTML Resume: Education

Provide the details of your educational qualification to make the recruiters recognize you as a suitable applicant for the targeted job profile.

The education section of your html css developer resume should ideally consist of:

  • Name of the school/university.
  • The courses you have pursued.
  • Location of your school/university.
  • Dates of enrollment and graduation in the month & year format.

Read an exhaustive guide on how to correctly curate the education section from Hiration's Guide on how to list education on your resume .

Here is an HTML resume sample showcasing the ideal education section of your HTML resume template:


HTML Resume: Certifications

Being a certified professional can give you more credits as a suitable applicant and hence you should make sure to mention any relevant certifications that you possess.

Mention the details of the following in your certifications section:

  • Certification course name.
  • Name of the institute of affiliation.
  • Location of the institute of affiliation.
  • Enrollment and completion date of the course in the month & year format.

Read Hiration's Guide on listing certifications on a resume and learn how to curate this section.

In the meanwhile, compose a job-winning resume with our professionally designed Online Resume Builder .

Resume Review & Free Resume Templates

Get your resume professionally reviewed by our resume experts at Hiration in compliance with the following parameters:

  • Global Compatibility
  • Compliance with industry norms
  • Design Compatibility
  • Recruiter Friendliness
  • Conversion Scope
  • ATS Compliance
  • Content Relevance
  • Performance Assessment
  • Resume Formatting (font, margins, the order of sections, etc.)

Online Resume Builder for HTML Resume

Here is a list of the resources that come with our Online Resume Builder :

  • 100+ resume templates
  • 25+ resume designs
  • Full rich-text editor
  • Unlimited PDF downloads
  • Live resume editor
  • 1-click design change
  • A sharable link
  • Option to save unlimited resumes

Visit our Online Resume Builder and utilize the pre-filled templates.

Hiration Cover Letters

Create an HTML cover letter for your html programmer resume to give a clearer picture of where you professionally stand to the hiring managers.

Go ahead and get professional cover letters built today!

Hiration's Cover Letter Builder provides:

  • 10+ ready to use templates
  • 15+ designs
  • Freedom to customize templates
  • Create multiple cover letters
  • Easy downloading

This is not all!

There are other amazing products and services of Hiration that can help you create a name in the professional world.

Make sure to check out the following features:

  • Digital Portfolio Builder
  • LinkedIn Review
  • Interview Prep

HTML Developer Resume Sample

To begin with, take a look at our html developer resume sample to know what an ideal resume should look like:

  • Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3
  • Software: Dreamweaver, BootStrap, Photoshop
  • Created the layout/user interface for 70+ websites via standard HTML/CSS practices
  • Maintained & updated 15+ HTML/CSS templates on a weekly basis
  • Collaborated with the back-end Web Developer team of 35 to create 27+ new websites and update 50+ existing ones
  • Drafted well designed, testable, efficient codes via Dreamweaver & BootStrap and delivered high-quality codes
  • Integrated data from 100+ back-end services & databases
  • Evaluated code to ensure it is valid & properly structured, and is compatible with browsers, devices, or operating systems
  • Tested background codes of 50 + websites & resolved issues like the inability to access the site or non-functioning links, etc
  • Wrote well designed, testable, and 100% efficient code via software such as Photoshop and Dreamweaver
  • Cooperated with a web designing team of 15 to match visual design intent for 25+ websites
  • Played a key role in designing, building & maintaining websites & software applications and updating 30+ client websites
  • Identified problems uncovered by customer feedback & testing, & corrected them to ensure 100% customer satisfaction
  • Developed new user-facing features for 15+ websites and ensured the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs
  • Optimized 7+ applications for maximum speed & scalability and built reusable code & libraries for future use
  • Collaborated with the back-end team of 20 & stakeholders to understand requirements & created 17 attractive websites

The given html resume design is one of the many template designs made available on our Online Resume Builder .

You can create and download two pager or one pager html template without any hassle.

Key Takeaways

  • Label your resume by writing your name as the resume header at the topmost part of your html css developer resume.
  • Mention only the accurate profile title to make the recruiters recognize the level of your professional status.
  • Frame your work experience in one-liner points and list them under different groups.
  • Provide the details of your education and certifications to enhance your simple HTML resume.

Now that we have reached the end of this blog, make use of all the examples of resume HTML templates and tips that we have provided in this blog as they can help you in writing a great resume.

Go to Hiration resume builder and create a professional resume for yourself. Additionally, reach out to us at [email protected] and you can get 24/7 professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.

create a resume using html

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create a resume using html

Development Soft Skills

8 minute read

19 Free HTML Resume Templates to Help You Land The Job

Nick Mertens

Nick Mertens

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Do you know a little HTML? Do you want to impress at your next job interview? Of course, you do! Well, you've come to the right place. Today we will be looking at a variety of free HTML resume templates (written in HTML and CSS).

They will range from your usual Word-doc-like collection of work experience and key skills to fully-fledged websites you can customize to your heart's content.

If you find you need a little refresher on your HTML knowledge, check out our  Introduction to HTML course , which shows you how to build your own professional resume website in two ways - with templates like we have below, or with the handy Bootstrap framework. And to take things further, we've also got courses on  CSS  and  JavaScript !

Take a sip of your coffee, and let's dive straight in.

Plain HTML templates

The following couple of templates are great for quickly getting a CV written up and sent out. They're written in HTML and CSS so you can host these on your website or send them in a ZIP file by email.

Get your free HTML resume templates

Ready to rock your resume game? Then download these free resume templates!

1. Responsive HTML & CSS CV Template

For a stylish but straightforward template, check out  this CV template by Thomas Hardy . It's written in plain HTML and CSS and has a subtle fade-in effect that's rather pleasing to the eye.


2. DIY HTML CV Template

That's a lot of acronyms in a row, but if you're looking for a one-pager that's sure to impress, have a look at this  DIY HTML CV Template by SRT . Just make sure you add a link to a PDF version or remove the button in the header. The simplest way to generate it is to print the page in Chrome and change the printer to "Save as PDF."


Website resume templates

If you have a little more time on your hands, we recommend checking out the following templates. They've been designed a little more, so they're quite lovely to read and navigate.

Built with Bootstrap 3, this is a robust theme for beginners and pros.  I AM X  also comes with documentation, so you'll know exactly how to use it.


4. Scribbler

For those developers with us: first of all, fist bump! Second of all, you might enjoy this  code-focused template . If you want to show off your portfolio in code, this is the one for you. If you're applying for a developer role, it'll likely go down well!


Great for a visual CV,  Miller  has a nice, smooth feel to it as you scroll down, and has space for a big image of you or your work on one side of the template.


This beautifully designed website template will make you stand out for sure.  Hola  has distinct sections for you to fill out and includes a contact form & download option.


7. Kelvin Resume Template

The big splash image in the  Kelvin Resume Template  will help grab their attention, so they scroll down and read all about your education, work experience, skills, and portfolio.


8. Creative CV Website Template

If you're after something a little more flashy, give this  Creative CV Website Template  a go, created by TemplateFlip. As the name reveals, it's a website template that shows off your creative side. It's a little more engaging than a simple static page, and it suits job applications related to creative industries or web developers.


Another template by the great people at Styleshout,  Kards  has timeline items, stats section, skill bars, working ajax form, frontend form validation, a portfolio section to showcase your works, and many more.

create a resume using html

This One  (see what we did there) is clean and dark - great for the minimalist in you. Easy on the eyes and easy to edit, give it a try!


11. Infinity

"To  Infinity  and beyond!"

Sure, it's not specifically a CV template, but just like Toy Story, with a little imagination, it could be! You can quickly transform it into a website that shows off  your  work instead of a company's.


If your portfolio is the main attraction,  check out Pixfly . If you have enough images to show off, this template can pop off the screen.


13. Responsive Resume

Sitting somewhere in between a plain CV template and a CV website, this  Responsive Resume Template by Philip Davis  could work for you. It has a bit more room for customization than some of the others listed above. It even includes it's own grid, letting you rearrange parts of the template easily.


14. Industrious

Industrious  is the only one on this list with a video background in the header, something you can use to grab their eye! As some of the templates before this one, it's not solely focused on CVs or resumes, but with a little elbow grease, we know you can make it work in your favor!


Far from gritty, cleaner and to the point,  Grit  will work well for a CV with your usual suspects, a portfolio and a blog.


WordPress CV Templates

For the most impressive online CV, create a free  WordPress  account and pick one of the many great CV and Resume templates. Fully customizable, they are fully hosted websites, so it will take a little longer to set up. It's worth it, however, for the impression you'll make.

This  beautiful dark theme  is responsive, fully customizable, and even has the option to display content in various languages!


17. Personal

With space for past experience, portfolio, and even a blog, this  Personal WordPress theme  could be your living, dynamic CV website. Keep it updated regularly, and you'll be sure to stand out.

create a resume using html

18. Proper Lite

As the title of the page suggests, this one is made for creatives. If you have a lot of visual work to show off - designs, photos, etc. - then  Proper Lite might be the theme for you .


While not a template that's necessarily pitched as a CV or resume template,  Argent  is very flexible and could easily be transformed into a resume and portfolio hybrid.


Thanks for reading

Whether you're new to the world of web or an experienced veteran, we hope you have found the template for your next CV. If you have any templates you like, be sure to leave a comment. For extra help in setting them up, check out our Intro to HTML course which shows you how to modify your template, step by step.

And with such a professional looking resume, you'll probably want to brush up on some common interview questions for your field. So check out our guides below, which will help you put your best foot forward:

13 Most Helpful HTML Interview Questions & Answers

20 Most Helpful CSS Interview Questions and Answers

Startup Interview Questions: 8 Things Founders Will Ask You

6 Most Helpful Soft Skills Interview Questions and Answers

11 Key Graphic Design Interview Questions and Answers

The Top 7 Project Management Interview Questions and Answers

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Nick Mertens

Nick is a web developer, focusing on front end development and UX, as well as dabbling in any new technologies or frameworks that catch his eye. In his free time, he enjoys playing video games, listening to metal, and being an all-round geek.

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DEV Community

DEV Community

Nathan Minchow

Posted on Feb 4, 2020

Creating a Resume in HTML and CSS

Standard word processors don't hold a candle to HTML and CSS when it comes to controlling the finer details of styling and layout. I've had difficulty fine-tuning my resume in a word processor, so I started using HTML and CSS to create and maintain my resume instead. I've found it to work a lot better overall, but there are a few helpful things to know before beginning the transition.

Getting Started

First, a disclaimer: this guide is not meant to provide resume templates or styling advice. Rather, I'm detailing a process for handling a resume print layout in HTML/CSS. This includes setup, print styling, and a final PDF export.

It's much easier to write HTML and CSS when working from a mockup or wireframe. I used an old resume from Word as my baseline, but you could just as easily mock something up in a free tool like Adobe XD or Figma (Figma even supports print sizes by default).

If you already have content from a past resume ready to go (like I did), you can break out your design into sections and add the details later:

Wireframe of resume built in Figma

We don't have to adhere to the exact styling of a template or mockup, but it can be useful for organizing the overall layout.

Setting up a "Canvas"

To better visualize your resume as you code, I'd recommend creating a "canvas" – an HTML container with the same proportions as your resume. By placing this container on an empty page, you'll get a view very similar to a typical word processor:

Canvas example

We can actually use physical measurement units in CSS (even though they end up mapping to pixels anyway ), so it was quite easy to set this canvas up:

Here's what that might look like on a barebones page (use 0.5x or 0.25x zoom for the best effect):

Use your canvas container to set default styles on your entire page, similar to defaults in a word processor. Other good properties to consider adding here are line-height and font properties like font-size and font-family .

Layout and Content

Using your wireframe for reference, map out how you will divide your canvas space into sections of content. This is where tools like Flexbox and Grid will come in handy if your layout is more complex.

My setup was fairly straightforward: each area of my resume was broken into a section element. Whenever I had content spanning two columns, I used a grid to split them up:

Here's what that looks like in practice:

In my resume, I only needed a multicolumn layout for two sections, Experience and Certifications / Skills . I hid the content, but here's how those grids are situated on my current layout:

HTML document container with grid lines

One added bonus of using something like grid is maintainability; I could very easily add another instance of work experience and have the grid automatically adjust without destroying the rest of my layout:

HTML document container with more grid lines

Apart from using grid in those two instances, everything else fit nicely into sections using normal flow . Feel free to use whatever works best for you.

Most companies and recruiters won't accept an HTML page as a valid resume. Therefore, you'll want to export your page as a PDF. Browsers can do this readily via the Print command, but we'll need to do some adjustments to our CSS beforehand.

Print Styles

We'll be taking advantage of the print media query to style our exported page. It allows us to apply styles specifically when a browser attempts to print.

If you followed my advice of building everything inside a container, this should be a straightforward process. For simplicity, I made the entire html element's width and height match the print size of my container. You may also need to remove any margins (and box-shadows!) for elements between the body and your container, otherwise the added space might cause an extra page to render:

Generating a PDF

With browser styles in place, we can use the browser's Print dialog to save our page as a PDF.

While I love Firefox, Blink's Print functionality tends to do a much better job of accurately exporting a page. I used Chrome for my final export – as detailed in the following instructions.

After opening the print dialog, set your Destination to "Save as PDF". Additionally, you'll want to adjust a few settings before saving the final result. Expand the "More settings" option and check the following:

  • Color is enabled if you are using anything other than shades of gray
  • Paper size is set to your preferred size (I used Letter throughout this guide)
  • Margins should be set to None
  • Scale should be set to 100
  • Background Graphics are enabled

Chrome Print Dialog Settings

Go ahead and save the page. With that, you should have both an easily maintainable HTML resume and a PDF export to use for actual applications.

I hope this guide was a helpful starting point in how to create a resume in HTML and CSS.

If you're curious for what my final result was, the source code for my current implementation is available here .

If you've gone through this process or have any additional tips for handling a print layout in HTML/CSS, please let me know in the comments below.

This post originally appeared on my personal blog , with a few modifications here for brevity.

Top comments (3)


Templates let you quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use.

ustechplacement profile image

  • Location Louisville
  • Work Sr. Associate Recruiter at Russell Tobin
  • Joined Dec 11, 2019

Good stuff. Shared to LI.

jeremyjackson89 profile image

  • Location Kentucky
  • Work Full Stack Software Engineer
  • Joined Sep 12, 2019

Well done! This is more or less how I made my resume :D

moatazabdalmageed profile image

  • Joined Dec 28, 2019

Thanks I will create my own and share it ...

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DEV Community

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14 HTML Resume Templates

Collection of free HTML and CSS resume templates .

Demo image: HTML Resume

  • September 18, 2018
  • demo and code
  • HTML / CSS / JavaScript

About the code

Html resume.

Simple resume in HTML, CSS and JS.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Dependencies: -

Demo image: Resume

  • Naomi Weatherford
  • June 26, 2018
  • HTML / CSS (SCSS) / JavaScript

HTML resume with pretty design.

Dependencies: font-awesome.css, jquery.js

Demo image: Resume in HTML and CSS

  • Sonja Strieder
  • February 5, 2017

Resume in HTML and CSS

Strict resume template in HTML and CSS.

Demo image: Draco

  • Afnizar Nur Ghifari
  • May 13, 2017

A free PSD & HTML resume template.

Demo image: Resume Stuff

  • Kyle Shanks
  • June 21, 2016
  • HTML / CSS (Stylus)

Resume Stuff

Modern HTML resume.

Demo image: HTML Resume Template

  • Vishnu Padmanabhan
  • November 18, 2015

HTML Resume Template

Free simple HTML resume template.

Dependencies: devicon.css

Demo image: Codepen Resume Header Background

  • Peter Girnus
  • October 29, 2015

Codepen Resume Header Background

I made this header in a resume format that lists my development & design skills. The thought process was that potential clients and employers would be visiting my CodePen account so make it pop. I thought it would be nice to have a creative, organized way to display my relevant skill sets other than strictly digging through my pens. I then customized my CodePen Pro profile around this pen.

Dependencies: font-awesome.css, bootstrap.css, jquery.js

Demo image: Sample Resume

  • naman kalkhuria
  • October 9, 2015

Sample Resume

Inspired from

Demo image: Interactive Resume

  • Becca Barton
  • January 31, 2015

Interactive Resume

Played a little bit of hide and seek with my resume.

Dependencies: jquery.js

Demo image: Responsive Resume

  • Jeremy Hawes
  • November 1, 2014
  • HTML (Pug) / CSS (Sass) / JavaScript

Responsive Resume

Responsive Resume built in HTML, CSS and JS.

Demo image: Responsive Resume Template

  • mario s maselli
  • July 18, 2014

Responsive Resume Template

Responsive resume template , you just need to fill out the content with your own.

Dependencies: TweenMax.js

Demo image: Resume Concept

  • Anthony Adamski
  • October 15, 2013

Resume Concept

Elegant and simplistic resume concept.

Demo image: Resume Concept

  • Brian Phillips
  • July 10, 2013

Based on the dribbble by John Wilson

Demo image: CSS3 Creative Resume

  • Sara Soueidan
  • November 18, 2012
  • HTML / CSS (Less)

CSS3 Creative Resume

I thought this would be a perfect project to use LESS mixins in.

Collection of 16 Resume Templates Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Faraz Logo

By Faraz - April 26, 2024

Craft visually appealing resumes effortlessly with our collection of 16 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript templates. Stand out from the crowd and land your dream job today!

Collection of 16 Resume Templates Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.webp

In today's competitive job market, having a standout resume is crucial for landing your dream job. With the advancement of technology, traditional paper resumes are evolving into digital formats. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are powerful tools that can be leveraged to create visually appealing and interactive resumes. In this article, we'll explore a collection of 16 resume templates that utilize these technologies to help you craft an impressive resume that grabs the attention of recruiters.

Table of Contents

Introduction to resume templates.

  • Live Resume Concept
  • Draco the Dragon
  • Animated Resume Concept
  • Responsive Resume Template
  • Graphical Representation Resume
  • Simple Resume in HTML and CSS
  • Resume Stuff
  • Resume Protocal
  • Clean Resume
  • Dark Resume Template
  • CSS3 Creative Resume
  • Interactive Resume
  • Modern Responsive Resume Template
  • Resume Builder
  • Modern Resume Template
  • Resume Template 2024

Resume templates are pre-designed layouts that provide a framework for organizing your professional information. They streamline the resume creation process by offering ready-made designs that can be easily customized to suit your needs. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a recent graduate, using a resume template can save you time and ensure consistency in formatting.

1. Live Resume Concept

collection of resume template - live resume concept

Experience the future of resume presentation with the innovative 'Live Resume' concept by aadamski91. This cutting-edge technique utilizes HTML and CSS to create dynamic, interactive resumes that captivate employers' attention. From animated transitions to real-time updates, this approach showcases your skills and experiences in a visually engaging manner. With responsiveness built-in, your 'Live Resume' adapts seamlessly to various devices, ensuring a polished presentation every time. Explore the possibilities and elevate your resume game with this revolutionary concept.

2. Draco the Dragon

collection of resume template - draco psd resume template

Draco the Dragon is a unique resume template designed by Afnizar Nur Ghifari. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Draco offers a creative way to showcase your skills and experiences. It's not just a resume—it's an experience! With its responsive design, Draco looks great on any device, from desktops to smartphones.

3. Animated Resume Concept

collection of resume template - animated resume concept

Step into the future of resume design with Lindeun's Animated Resume Concept. Crafted using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this innovative approach breathes life into your traditional CV. Experience seamless transitions and eye-catching animations that captivate recruiters' attention. With responsiveness at its core, your animated resume shines on screens of all sizes.

4. Responsive Resume Template

collection of resume template - responsive resume template

Mario's Responsive Resume Template, meticulously crafted using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This versatile template adapts effortlessly to any screen size, ensuring your resume looks polished and professional on desktops, tablets, and smartphones. With a focus on responsiveness, your information remains easily accessible and visually appealing across devices. Elevate your online presence and impress recruiters with Mario's Responsive Resume Template.

5. Graphical Representation Resume

collection of resume template - graphical representation resume

Introducing Brian Phillips' Graphical Representation Resume, a groundbreaking approach to presenting your skills and experiences. Created with HTML, CSS, and jQuery, this visually stunning template transforms your resume into an interactive infographic. Dive into your accomplishments with dynamic charts, graphs, and visual elements that showcase your expertise in a compelling way. While not responsive, this template ensures a captivating experience on desktop screens.

6. Simple Resume in HTML and CSS

collection of resume template - simple resume in html and css

This Simple Resume template is all about making a strong impact with minimal fuss. Naman Kalkhuria has designed it using HTML and CSS to ensure it’s not only easy to use but also fully responsive. That means it looks sharp on any device, from desktops to smartphones. Part of a select collection of 16 resume templates, this one stands out for its straightforward elegance. Choose this template to present your skills clearly and make a professional impression instantly.

7. Resume Stuff

collection of resume template - resume stuff

Dive into the Resume Stuff template, a creation by Kyle Shanks that prioritizes content and structure. Built with HTML and CSS, this template is designed for those who prefer a non-responsive layout, offering a stable and consistent look across all desktop devices. It’s a part of our curated collection of 16 resume templates, distinguished by its focus on simplicity and ease of use.

8. Resume Protocal

collection of resume template - resume protocal

Resume Protocol is a versatile template crafted by Peter Girnus, utilizing the trio of web development: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This template not only showcases your professional details in a clear format but also adapts seamlessly to any device, thanks to its responsive design. It’s a standout piece in our collection of 16 resume templates, perfect for those who want a dynamic and interactive resume. With Resume Protocol, you can be confident that your resume will engage and impress on any platform.

9. Clean Resume

collection of resume template - clean resume

The Clean Resume template by Naomi Bastian Weatherford is a testament to clarity and precision. Developed with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it offers a straightforward approach to resume design. While it’s not responsive, its fixed-width layout ensures that your resume will look consistent and professional on desktop screens. As part of our exclusive collection of 16 resume templates, Clean Resume stands out for its focus on a neat and uncluttered presentation, making it an excellent choice for those who prioritize a clean aesthetic and easy-to-read format.

10. Dark Resume Template

collection of resume template - dark resume template

This template, designed by Vishnu Padmanabhan, offers a sleek and professional option for crafting your resume. Using HTML and CSS, it's easy to customize and personalize to showcase your skills and experience. Plus, it's responsive, meaning it looks great on any device, from desktop to mobile.

11. CSS3 Creative Resume

collection of resume template - css3 creative resume

Crafted by Sara Soueidan, this innovative resume template brings your personality to the forefront. Designed using HTML and CSS, it offers a visually captivating way to present your skills and achievements. While it's not responsive, its creative design is sure to make a lasting impression.

12. Interactive Resume

collection of resume template - interactive resume

Created by Becca Barton, this resume template takes engagement to the next level. Utilizing HTML, CSS, and jQuery, it offers an interactive experience for showcasing your talents and accomplishments. Whether you're showcasing your portfolio or highlighting your skills, this template is designed to impress. Plus, it's fully responsive, ensuring it looks great on any device.

13. Modern Responsive Resume Template

collection of resume template - modern responsive resume template

Introducing the Modern Responsive Resume Template by Jeremy Hawes, a sleek and contemporary take on the classic resume. This template is engineered with HTML, CSS, and the interactive capabilities of jQuery, ensuring that your resume not only looks modern but feels interactive. Its responsive design guarantees optimal viewing on all devices, making it a perfect choice for the tech-savvy professional. Featured in our collection of 16 innovative resume templates, this template is designed to make a bold statement and leave a lasting impression on potential employers.

14. Resume Builder

collection of resume template - resume builder

Developed by Faraz, this innovative tool empowers you to create a personalized resume effortlessly. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it provides a user-friendly platform for crafting your professional profile. While it's not responsive, its intuitive interface ensures a seamless experience as you input your information and customize your resume to reflect your skills and achievements.

15. Modern Resume Template

collection of resume template - modern resume template

The Modern Resume Template is a creation of XiChen, designed to bring a contemporary edge to your professional profile. Crafted with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it offers a clean and modern layout that focuses on content and readability. Although it is not responsive, its design ensures that your resume will display beautifully on standard desktop screens. Included in our handpicked selection of 16 resume templates, this template is ideal for those who appreciate a modern look without the need for cross-device compatibility.

16. Resume Template 2024

collection of resume template - resume template 2024

Designed by Ian Chen, this resume template offers a contemporary approach to showcasing your credentials. Developed with HTML and CSS, it provides a structured layout for presenting your skills and experiences. While it's not responsive, its clean design ensures readability and professionalism across various devices.

Creating a standout resume is crucial in today's competitive job market. With the collection of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript resume templates, you can impress employers with visually appealing and interactive resumes that showcase your skills and experience effectively.

Q1. Are these templates compatible with all devices?

Yes, these templates are responsive and compatible with various devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

Q2. Can I modify the templates to suit my preferences?

Absolutely! All templates are fully customizable, allowing you to adjust colors, fonts, layout, and content according to your needs.

Q3. Are there any restrictions on using these templates?

No, these templates are available for personal and commercial use. However, some premium templates may require a one-time purchase.

Q4. Do I need coding knowledge to use these templates?

Basic HTML and CSS knowledge is beneficial for customizing these templates. However, most templates come with clear instructions and documentation for easy customization.

Q5. Can I Use These Templates for Commercial Purposes?

Of course! Feel free to use these templates to impress potential employers or clients – just remember to give credit where credit is due!

how to create simple accordion using html css and javascript.png

That’s a wrap!

I hope you enjoyed this article

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Thanks! Faraz 😊

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Develop a single page HTML resume using Bootstrap 5


In this tutorial we’ll be building HTML resume using Bootstrap 5.

Here’s what the finished product will look like:

HTML resume built with Bootstrap CSS framework.

Let’s get started by loading Bootstrap into a HTML file as follows:

Next we’ll add markup for the <header> section that contains a profile picture and text overview in a two column layout:

  • bg-primary bg-gradient – Applies a background color with a gradient in the Bootstrap primary blue color. A list of all the color options in Bootstrap can be found here .
  • py-5 – Set’s the padding on the y-axis (top & bottom). Both padding and margin in Bootstrap can be applied to specific sides, axis, or all around. The size value can be between 0 for no padding/margin an a maximum of 5 which equates to 3rem .
  • container – The container class in Bootstrap restricts the width of the content. We’ve added the container inside the <header> so the background color will be full width whilst the content will be contained within the container.
  • col-md-3 & col-md-9 – Bootstrap uses a 12 column grid system, here we are dividing the grid into 2 columns. One spanning 3 columns and the other 9 columns on medium and larger devices (≥768px). On smaller devices each column will become full width and stack on top of each other.
  • text-left text-md-center – This align’s the profile image on the left hand side on devices smaller the medium breakpoint (768px) and centered on larger devices.
  • rounded-circle – Give’s the square profile photo a rounded appearance.

Underneath the header we’ll add a <nav> section with email, website, and phone number links.

Bootstrap now includes its own custom SVG icon library that can be found here . Click on an icon you would like to use and copy the code provided. By default the width and height of the icons is 1em but this has been increased to 1.5em so they appear slightly larger:

  • text-white-50 – Sets the opacity of the icons to 50%.
  • col-md – Previously we set the column width manually, as this row has three even columns a size isn’t required. If more columns were added the size will adjust accordingly.
  • pb-2 pb-md-0 – As the columns will stack on small devices we’ve added some padding to the bottom of each anchor tag and then removed this padding on medium and larger devices.
  • text-md-center text-md-right – We want the text to be left aligned when the columns are stacked on small devices and center/right align on larger devices.

The main content section of resume will contain 2 evenly sized columns and 2 rows. Lets add the markup for this layout and then we can populate each of the individual sections:

The “Work Experience” section contains a simple unordered list. The only Bootstrap used is a margin on the primary heading and text color on the sub headings:

In the “Education” section we’ll use the same HTML markup as the “Work Experience” section. As these two sections sit within the same row the content below will remain on the same line and not shift into space left by us having less content in the “Education” column:

In the “Skills” section we’ll use Bootstrap’s progress bars to give a visual representation of the knowledge level for each particular skill:

By default text is centered aligned in progress bar elements which doesn’t look so great in this scenario. That’s why we’ve added text-left pl-2 to left align the text with some padding so it doesn’t sit hard against the edge.

In the “Recent Work” section we’ll display 4 website screenshots. The only new piece of Bootstrap used in this section is img-thumnail which slightly rounds the corners of the images, adds some padding, and a light gray border:

Let’s finish the page by adding a <footer> with some social links:

create a resume using html

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In today’s digital age, having an online presence is crucial, especially when it comes to professional endeavors. One effective way to showcase your skills, experiences, and accomplishments is by creating a compelling curriculum vitae (CV).  In this article, we are going to build a CV using HTML , and CSS . Later, we will host it on GitHub , a popular platform for version control and code hosting. So let’s dive in and unlock the power of HTML and GitHub to craft a standout CV that truly represents your capabilities and accomplishments.

  • Link CSS in the HTML head section, creating a structured layout for the resume using div blocks.
  • Utilize five div blocks within the left section for Image, Contact, Skills, Language & Hobbies, populating each with relevant data.
  • Incorporate five div blocks within the right section for Name, Summary, Experience, Education & Project, utilizing list and table elements.
  • Apply class names like (.left) and (.right) in the CSS file for background color and positioning, ensuring a cohesive design.
  • Implement the display flex property in the body and grid for the entire page layout, optimizing responsiveness and visual appeal.

Example: In this example code, we are using the above approach.

create a resume using html

Now, our CV-building part is finished and we will host it on GitHub . The step-by-step process to host is given below:

Step 1: Open your GitHub profile & click on + sign on the left side, then create a new repository.

create a resume using html

Step 2: Write a repository name, description & checkbox of add readme file then click on create a repository

create a resume using html

Step 3: Click on Add file & upload files.

create a resume using html

Step 4: Click on Choose your files & upload all files from your local device.

create a resume using html

Step 5: Click on commit changes.

create a resume using html

Step 6: Now your all codes are uploaded on Github now we create a link for this to access anywhere. Go to the setting icon and then just go to the pages section.

create a resume using html

  Step 7: A new page is opened and in this make source none to the main branch and save now your link is created and you can use it anywhere.

create a resume using html

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How will Donald Trump's guilty verdict hit his reelection bid? Is his political fallout here?

create a resume using html

NEW YORK – Former President Donald Trump's 2024 White House campaign now enters unknown territory: Voter reaction to the first major party nominee to be convicted of crimes .

Trump must now convince Americans he deserves a second term even after a New York jury found him guilty of all 34 felony counts tied to falsifying business records as part of a plan to influence the 2016 presidential election.

While the challenge is unprecedented, Trump’s approach is very familiar: Attack the legal system.

"This was a rigged decision, right from day one," Trump told reporters at the courthouse on Thursday less than an hour after being found guilty and echoing past comments the Republican has made designed to brace voters for the possibility of a guilty verdict .

Expect that effort to continue now that a jury has found the former president guilty, while supporters of President Joe Biden will likely argue that the unprecedented verdict proves Trump is unfit for another four-year term.

Prep for the polls: See who is running for president and compare where they stand on key issues in our Voter Guide

On point, the Trump campaign sent out a series of fundraising solicitations within minutes of the verdict. “I am a political prisoner!” he told potential donors.

More rallies, more fundraisers

So what comes after Trump's historic conviction?

Sentencing will come on July 11, just four days before the start of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee where Trump is set to accept the GOP presidential nomination.

Don't expect that looming decision to stop the former president and his campaign from holding rallies and fundraisers, giving him more chances to argue that the judge and prosecutors played politics in pursuing the hush money case against him.

Trump will also be preparing for a couple of important events. There's a June 27 debate with Biden hosted by CNN in Atlanta, as well as the decision on selecting a running mate . The former president has said he will probably announce his pick at the Republican convention, scheduled for July 15-18 in Milwaukee.

In the meantime, pollsters associated with Trump and Biden will pore over data to assess how voters react to the first-ever conviction of a former president and current presidential candidate.

One thing Trump likely won't have to worry about anytime soon: Prison. He plans to appeal the verdict, and that process could drag out for years.

Target: Independents

The coming campaign will be directed at a relatively small number of voters: Independents who are on the fence between Trump and Biden.

Campaign officials and independent pollsters have said for months that the verdict will have no impact on Trump partisans; nor will it affect solid Biden voters.

Everybody else? No one really knows how they will react to a convicted felon running for president. After all, it's never happened.

But even a small percentage turning away from Trump could make a difference in tightly contested battleground states like Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

At the same time, Trump has suggested that even a guilty verdict could help him because "the people of the country see this as a rigged deal."

It's a pitch that still has to play out, but the trial itself does not seem to have hurt Trump much. The former president is  leading Biden slightly  in many polls nationwide and in battleground states, although most of those leads are within margins of error.

During the six-week trial, Trump was able to campaign and do fundraisers on Wednesday, the court's off-day, and on weekends. Now look for him to work on the campaign just about every day of the week. That starts with a press conference Trump is planning for Friday at his namesake tower in midtown Manhattan.

The Biden campaign also enters a new phase

Trump will also have to contend with a more aggressive Biden campaign, which is relishing the idea of running against the former president following a conviction.

During the trial, Biden officials said they don't plan to focus exclusively on the guilty verdict, but the full panoply of allegations against Trump.

The former president has been indicted in three other criminal cases, including two accusing him of trying to steal the 2020 race for the White House. In civil court actions, Trump has been found liable for bank fraud and sexual abuse .

Michael Tyler, the Biden campaign's communications director, said the Trump guilty verdict proves that “no one is above the law,” but the election will be decided on issues like the former president's threat to be a “dictator on day one” and his willingness to promote authoritarianism and violence.

“There is still only one way to keep Donald Trump out of the Oval Office: at the ballot box,” Tyler said. “Convicted felon or not, Trump will be the Republican nominee for president. The threat Trump poses to our democracy has never been greater.”

One thing is clear: Trump and Biden's post-conviction playbooks will be put to the test this summer as the candidates both seek a second term.

Sarah Longwell, who as founder of the organization Republican Voters Against Trump has conducted many focus groups, predicted that the verdict “won’t be a public opinion earthquake.” But she said it could still be significant.

“In an election where inches will matter,” she said, “this just created a new barrier for undecided swing voters: voting for a convicted felon.”

More trials? Who knows?

Another unknown is whether Trump will face another trial before Election Day on Nov. 5.

The former president is facing federal criminal charges in Washington accusing him of trying to steal the 2020 election from Biden. But that trial was delayed when the Supreme Court agreed to hear Trump's claim that he should be immune from prosecution for presidential actions.

The court is expected to rule around the start of July, and a decision against Trump could mean a trial before Election Day – perhaps in the middle of the fall campaign season.

A favorable Trump ruling would almost certainly push the trial past Election Day.

There are also no trial dates scheduled for Trump in the South Florida federal case over allegations the former president mishandled classified information and obstructed justice and the one in Georgia over his attempts targeting the 2020 election results in the Peach State.


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