book presentation the fault in our stars

The Fault in Our Stars

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Hazel Grace Lancaster is a seventeen-year-old living with cancer. At the request of her mother, who believes she is depressed, Hazel attends a cancer support group in the basement of a church. Hazel does not like the support group, but goes to make her mother happy. One day upon arriving at the support group, however, Hazel is delighted to see a handsome new boy in attendance. During the discussion, the attendees introduce themselves, and Hazel learns the boy’s name is Augustus Waters . Augustus has lost one of his legs to a form of cancer called osteosarcoma, but his cancer is now in remission. He is there to support his friend, Isaac who has lost an eye to a rare form of eye cancer and now must get the other eye removed.

After the meeting, August approaches Hazel and tells her she looks like Natalie Portman from V for Vendetta. Hazel does not believe him because she carries an oxygen tank and her cancer treatment has made her cheeks red and puffy, but they continue to flirt. Augustus asks her to come over to his house to watch the movie with him. Hazel agrees and after arriving at Augustus’ house, he introduces her to his parents. Their house is loaded with sayings embroidered on different objects. While hanging out, Hazel tells Augustus that she has thyroid cancer that has spread to her lungs, but she has been spared some time through a cutting edge treatment that has not been effective with many other people. Before leaving, Hazel tells him about a book she is obsessed with called An Imperial Affliction. She tells that the novel is about a young girl with cancer. She loves the book because of its honesty regarding the realities of dying. The novel ends midsentence, which Hazel thinks is genius, as it portrays the realities of death. She tells Augustus about her desire to contact the novels author, Peter Van Houten , to find out what happens after the book ends. Augustus agrees to read An Imperial Affliction if Hazel will read his favorite book The Price of Dawn . Hazel tells Augustus they can talk again after she has finished The Price of Dawn.

After reading, The Price of Dawn , which is particularly violent, but somehow enjoyable, Hazel calls Augustus. He is consoling Isaac who was recently dumped by his girlfriend, Monica . Hazel visits and watches them play video games until Isaac suddenly breaks down and begins punching pillows. Eventually, Augustus tells him to break his basketball trophies. After Hazel leaves, she does not talk to Augustus for a week. When Augustus finally calls, they discuss An Imperial Affliction, and Augustus nonchalantly says that he has contacted Van Houten through his assistant, Lidewij Vliegenthart . Hazel cannot believe he was able to contact the reclusive author. Augustus shares their conversation and tells Hazel his email address. Hazel begins developing a list of questions to ask Van Houten, mostly dealing with the novel's sudden ending. She desperately wants to know what happens to the main character’s family after she dies, as she believes it will provide some insight unto what will happen to her own family after she dies.

A few days after sending her email to Van Houten, he replies telling her that he can only answer her questions in person. His reply saddens Hazel, as she thinks she will never be able to make it to Amsterdam where Van Houten lives. Shortly after hearing from Van Houten, Augustus invites Hazel to join him for a picnic. As they venture out into the park and take a seat before a giant skeleton sculpture, Hazel begins to realize the picnic is strangely Dutch-themed, including the presence of the statue, which was created by a Dutch artist. During the picnic, August reveals that he wants to use his “wish”, a gift from the “Genie Foundation” (comparable to the Make a Wish Foundation), to take Hazel to Amsterdam. Hazel is ecstatic to hear this, but when Augustus reaches out to touch her face, she pulls away. She reveals that she is afraid to get close to people because she feels like a grenade —that her death will harm everyone close to her.

As Hazel contemplates what to do with Augustus’ offer, she grows ill and is forced to go to the hospital. She ends up in the ICU for a few days. She later learns that Augustus stayed in the hospital the whole time; even though she would not let him in the room for fear he would see her in such a state. After Augustus shows her another letter from Van Houten, Hazel becomes determined to go to Amsterdam. Unfortunately, Hazel’s parents and the team of doctors who care for her determine she is not able to travel such a long distance. Eventually, however, her favorite doctor, Dr. Maria , convinces her parents to let her go.

Augustus, Hazel, and Hazel’s mother, Mrs. Lancaster , fly to Amsterdam. After checking into their hotel, Hazel learns that Lidewij has made a reservation for Augustus and her at a fancy restaurant called Oranjee. During dinner, they talk about life and death and Augustus shares that he fears he will die without having done anything extraordinary. Hazel is offended by the idea that only extraordinary lives are meaningful. Augustus then tells Hazel about his ex-girlfriend who died of cancer. He laments the fact that people idealize kids who die of cancer, and explains that his ex’s personality changed due to her brain cancer, making her progressively more vicious toward Augustus until she died.

The next day they visit Van Houten. Hazel is elated to finally get the answers she has been waiting for about the end of An Imperial Affliction. Her dreams are shattered, however, after they find out that Van Houten is a miserable, mean spirited alcoholic. He claims he cannot give Hazel the answers she seeks, and rants about his nihilistic views of life and death. Eventually he insults Hazel, telling her she is dependent upon pity and that she, as a cancer survivor, is a side effect of evolution. Hazel slaps a glass of scotch out of Van Houten’s hand and leaves with Augustus. Lidewij accompanies them out, feeling sorry for the way Van Houten acted. Together, they visit the Anne Frank house. In the attic space of the Anne Frank house, August and Hazel kiss, and to Hazel’s surprise the other visitors applaud the young couple. After leaving the Ann Frank house, they head back to the hotel. In Augustus’ hotel room, Hazel tells Augustus that she loves him and they make love. The next day, Augustus confesses to Hazel that his cancer has returned and has spread throughout his body.

Upon returning to the United States, Augustus’ condition continues to worsen. Hazel watches as Augustus changes from a confident, humorous, beautiful young man to a vulnerable, frightened, and decimated shell of his former self. Despite his condition, Hazel continues to love him, and begins calling him Gus instead of Augustus, as his parents do. Through the process of Augustus’ decline, Hazel realizes that Augustus has become the grenade she feared she would be. In the final days before his passing, Augustus arranges a pre-funeral in the church basement where they met. Isaac and Hazel attend, and both deliver eulogies for Augustus. Hazel uses a line from An Imperial Affliction, which states that there are infinite numbers between zero and one, and an even larger infinity between zero and two. She follows this thought by stating that she is grateful for each little infinity she was able to spend with Augustus.

Eight days after the pre-funeral, Augustus dies. Augustus’ mother contacts Hazel late one night to tell her the news, and her parents stay by her side that night. His funeral happens a few days later in the same church where the support group is held. Hazel is frustrated when the pastor's talk about Augustus uses cancer clichés, saying how brave he was and what an inspiration he was to everyone. Just then she is startled by a voice that whispers the pastors message is a bunch of “horse crap”. She realizes it is Van Houten sitting behind her. The funeral continues and Hazel reads her eulogy, which is different than the one she read at his pre-funeral. She begins with a quote that hangs in Augustus’ house: “Without pain, we couldn't know joy.”

After the funeral, Van Houten asks Hazel and her parents for a ride. He explains that Augustus stayed in contact with him, and that he demanded Van Houten make up for ruining their trip. He attempts to reveal the fate of Anna’s mother, but Hazel is uninterested—she has her answers to what happens after death, as she is living through it with Augustus’ passing. A few days after the funeral, Hazel finds out from Isaac that Augustus was writing a sequel to An Imperial Affliction for her. As Hazel attempts to go to Augustus’ house to find the writing, Van Houten, who is sitting in the back seat of the car, once again startles her. He claims he wants to apologize, and tell Hazel she reminds him of his daughter, Anna, who died of cancer when she was eight. Hazel tells Van Houten to get sober and continue writing.

Eventually, Hazel finds out that Augustus had torn the written pages out of his notebook and mailed them to Van Houten so he could use them to compose a eulogy about Hazel. Van Houten sends the pages back to Hazel. The novel concludes with Augustus’ words. Hazel reads the letter, which states that getting hurt is inevitable, but we have a choice in who we allow to hurt us. His letter concludes by stating that he was happy with his choice, and he hopes Hazel likes her choice too. In the final line of the story, Hazel says she does.

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The Fault In Our Stars

Peter Van Houten

Peter Van Houten (p. 111)

"Were she better or you sicker, then the stars would not be so terribly crossed, but it is the nature of stars to cross, and never was Shakespeare more wrong than when he had Cassius note, ´The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves´"

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The Fault in Our Stars

By john green, the fault in our stars study guide.

The Fault in Our Stars is John Green 's sixth novel. Green drew inspiration from his time working as a chaplain at a children's hospital and from his friendship with Esther Earl, a friend of Green's to whom the book is dedicated.

The book was released in January 2012, but it had already reached #1 on Amazon and Barnes & Noble's bestseller lists 6 months before, in June 2011, due to Green's (largely online) following. Green promised to sign every pre-ordered book, and did so in different colors of Sharpie proportional to votes on Sharpie colors sent in online. Once published, The Fault in Our Stars held the #1 spot on the New York Times Best Seller List for Children's Chapter Books for seven weeks as well as placing first or within the top ten on a variety of other bestseller lists, including The Wall Street Journal , Time , and The Guardian . There are over 1 million copies of the book in print in at least 10 languages.

Critics received The Fault in Our Stars very well, touting its humor, language, and perspective. Many other YA fiction authors, including Jodi Picoult, Markus Zuzak, and E. Lockhart, also applauded Green’s novel. However, one notably negative review from the Daily Mail describes The Fault in Our Stars as exploiting the stories of ill young adults, though Green responded to this claim in a later interview by saying the idea that young adults can't read critically is condescending.

A film adaptation of the book, also called The Fault in Our Stars , was released on June 6, 2014, directed by Josh Boone and starring Shailene Woodley (Hazel), Ansel Elgort (Augustus), and Nat Wolff (Isaac). The film too was popularly and critically successful, becoming number one at the box office during its opening weekend and receiving a 80% critic vote and 85% popular vote on Differences between the book include the elimination of the characters Caroline (Augustus's former girlfriend) and Kaitlyn (Hazel's school friend), increased rapidity in Gus's illness, and a scene in which Gus shows up to Hazel's house in a limousine.

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The Fault in Our Stars Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for The Fault in Our Stars is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

what is the answer for 6 conflicts in the novel?

The fault in our stars

Augustus uses his wish from The Genie Foundation, an organization that grants one wish to cancer kids , to get Hazel, him, and Hazel's mother a trip to Amsterdam.

can u tell me more about the book call the fault in our star

Check this out, I'ts a good introduction to the book:

Study Guide for The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault in Our Stars study guide contains a biography of John Green, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

  • About The Fault in Our Stars
  • The Fault in Our Stars Summary
  • Character List

Essays for The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault in Our Stars essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.

  • Agape, Philia, and Eros: Greek Love in "The Fault In Our Stars"

Lesson Plan for The Fault in Our Stars

  • About the Author
  • Study Objectives
  • Common Core Standards
  • Introduction to The Fault in Our Stars
  • Relationship to Other Books
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  • Notes to the Teacher
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  • The Fault in Our Stars Bibliography

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book presentation the fault in our stars

The Fault in Our Stars

By john green.

From interestingly relatable characters to a captivating storyline, ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ stands out as one of the best realistic fiction romance novels in literature.

Joshua Ehiosun

Article written by Joshua Ehiosun

C2 certified writer.

‘The Fault in Our Stars’  by John Green eloquently disseminated a heart-wrenching story to the audience and showed them the emotional vulnerability of its characters. The story dived into the ideology of its primary character, Hazel, and showed how her perception of life, cancer, and death affected her relationships.

‘The Fault in Our Stars’   presented a story where its primary character got thrown into a crisis she could never escape. Though her ailment was incurable, Hazel’s story changed for good as she met Augustus. The novel’s inculcation of love into Hazel’s life makes the story dynamic as the reader gets thrown into a state of euphoric agitation. However, the story brings its reader back to reality by revealing that Augustus would inevitably die. 

The novel propelled realism by turning Hazel’s romantic infatuation into sorrow. By losing Augustus, Hazel got thrown into the realization that her fate was ultimately inescapable. However, though she felt broken and torn, a letter from Augustus made her realize that though their love story was short, it was worth every second. The authenticity of the story made it an incredibly relatable tale. Its apt attention to intricate details about the lives of its characters made it a story worth reading.

The characters’ lives got limited to Hazel’s observation. Because the story occurred in the first-person perspective, Hazel’s relationship with the characters was the only way to give an insight into their lives. For one, Patrick got described as an over-optimistic middle-aged man who felt thankful for losing his fertility to cancer. Though some characters had a subtle and happy persona, Hazel still defined the majority as sad people waiting to die.

For the non-terminal characters in the novel, a shadow of sadness clouded them as each had a personal issue that made their life terrible. Peter Van Houten became a mean alcoholic because of the feeling of getting isolated from his family legacy. Both Hazel and Augustus’s parents never felt happy because they watched their children slowly lose to cancer. Some had a spark in their personality; one of them was Kaitlyn, Hazel’s friend from her life before cancer.

‘ The Fault in Our Stars’  dialogues was natural and progressive. The story’s fluidity made them intricately definitive. Though it got narrated from the first-person perspective, its dialogues were not dependent on the story’s narrator; this added to character authenticity. Though, for the most part, the tone had a melancholic affiliation, there were times when dialogues were happy and romantic. John Green’s use of short but precise sentences ensured the story never lost its emotional grip on the reader.

Writing Style and Conclusion

‘The Fault in Our Stars’  employed an excellent writing technique that disseminated story plots progressively. The use of compact sentences with a detailed description of events made the story leave an impression of realism on the mind of its reader. John Green’s use of simple wording made the story compact. 

The novel had a great ending because it expressed the essence of tragedy and love. It ended with Hazel stating that Augustus was the choice she never regretted. Though this proved her love for him, it did not dilute the fact that she was dying; this made the ending realistic. From the story, Hazel always admired abrupt endings, and her story’s ending was a perfect portrayal of an abrupt ending.

Is The Fault in Our Stars a good novel?

‘The Fault in Our Stars’   is a great novel. The characters, dialogues, and themes work perfectly in sync to create a story that draws out emotions from the reader. Because it pays attention to the lives of its characters intricately, the novel makes the reader relate to the story personally.

Who are the primary characters in The Fault in Our Stars ?

The primary characters in  ‘The Fault in Our Stars’   are Hazel and Augustus. Other characters that had an immense influence on the storyline are Peter Van Houten, Hazel’s hero; Fannie Lancaster, Hazel’s mom; Isaac, Augustus’s friend; Kaitlyn, Hazel’s friend; Lidewiji, Van Houten’s assistant and Dr. Maria, Hazel’s doctor.

What killed Augustus in The Fault in Our Stars ?

Augustus died from cancer. After he went for a checkup, it got discovered that his cancer had returned and spread throughout his body. On returning from Amsterdam, his health began to decline, and after some time, he gave in.

What is the last part of Augustus’s letter to Hazel?

“You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world, old man, but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. I hope she likes hers.”

The Fault in Our Stars Review

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green Digital Art

Book Title: The Fault in Our Stars

Book Description: In 'The Fault in Our Stars' Hazel's life transforms through love and pain after meeting Augustus.

Book Author: John Green

Book Edition: First Edition

Book Format: Hardcover

Publisher - Organization: Dutton Juvenile

Date published: January 10, 2012

ISBN: 978-0-525-47700-1

Number Of Pages: 313

  • Writing Style
  • Lasting Effect on Reader

‘The Fault in Our Stars’  is a novel that tells the story of a sixteen-year-old girl, Hazel, who meets Augustus Waters. Hazel begins a journey that leads her to meet her hero, fall in love, and experience intense pain.

  • Incredible story
  • The novel has great characters
  • Dialogues are fluid
  • The characters are relatable
  • The ending was inconclusive about Hazel

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Joshua Ehiosun

About Joshua Ehiosun

Joshua is an undying lover of literary works. With a keen sense of humor and passion for coining vague ideas into state-of-the-art worded content, he ensures he puts everything he's got into making his work stand out. With his expertise in writing, Joshua works to scrutinize pieces of literature.


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Oct 20, 2014

1.04k likes | 3.91k Views

THE FAULT IN OUR STARS. JOHN GREEN. “THE FAULT IN OUR STARS”. 16 year old cancer patient named Hazel Grace Mother sends her to a ‘support group’ Hazel meets Augustus Waters in the support group. Hazel introduces Augustus to “An Imperial Affliction , ” her favorite book.

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  • augustus catchphrase
  • peter van houten
  • contrast hazel grace lancaster


Presentation Transcript


“THE FAULT IN OUR STARS” 16 year old cancer patient named Hazel Grace Mother sends her to a ‘support group’ Hazel meets Augustus Waters in the support group. Hazel introduces Augustus to “An Imperial Affliction,” her favorite book.

Compare and Contrast Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters Hazel introduced Augustus to “An Imperial Affliction”. Gus introduced Hazel to “The Prince of Dawn”. Met at Support group Gus never let the Cancer get to him. Augustus stayed positive. Allowed the cancer to get to her. Hazel didn't have any hobbies or interests. HAZEL GRACE LANCASTER AUGUSTUS WATERS Hazel and Gus are fans of “An Imperial Affliction”. Gus wants to be remembered for a heroic act. Hazel is only surviving because she is on a miracle drug. Augustus and Hazel both understand death. Gus was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. Hazel is diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer in her lungs. Hazel and Augustus’ catchphrase was ‘Okay”. Where did you get this information? *Book *Lit circle discussions

“An Imperial Affliction” • “An Imperial Affliction” is Hazel’s favorite book.. • She introduced this book to Augustus, making it his favorite book as well. • Peter Van Houten is the author of “An Imperial Affliction”. • She emails him,discussing the ending of “An Imperial Affliction”. • Augustus uses his “wish” granted to him by “The Genies” to take them both to Amsterdam to meet the author.

THE BIG DISSAPOINTMENT • Peter Van Houten was not what they expected. • Peter Van Houten criticized Hazel and did not answer any of her questions regarding “An Imperial Affliction.

WHY WAS PETER VAN HOUTEN ACTING THIS WAY? • Peter Van Houten was okay with speaking to Hazel and Augustus, however, things changed. • He was acting this way because he had a daughter who died of cancer. • Hazel figured that after all, he is still the only person who understands her troubles.

THE EPILOGUE • Augustus was still determined to write an epilogue for Hazel. Unfortunately, Augustus did not win the battle. • Before his death,Augustus wrote a letter to Peter Van Houten. This letter was later found by Hazel • This book helps us to understand that whatever we do, we cannot escape truth of life.

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The Fault in Our Stars

By John Green

book presentation the fault in our stars


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    The Fault in Our Stars Before the date they've set to leave for Amsterdam, Hazel's lungs decided to betray her by filling with liquid making it nearly impossible for her to breathe. Hazel is immediately put in the ICU to drain the fluid from her lungs. The doctors wouldn't let

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    The Fault in our Stars - Download as a PDF or view online for free ... Fault in our stars Presentation by ZAIN UL AABDIN. ... The Fault In our stars is a magnificent book by John Green it is a New York Times Best seller. If you like tearjerkers and love stories this is the book for you. The fault in our stars .

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  4. The Fault in Our Stars Summary

    Article written by Joshua Ehiosun. C2 certified writer. 'The Fault in Our Stars' by John Green tells the story of Hazel, a young sixteen-year-old girl who struggles with thyroid cancer. She meets Augustus and falls for him. However, her life changes when she meets the writer she has always cherished and discovers he is far from the person ...

  5. The Fault in Our Stars

    Published in 2012 by John Green, The Fault in Our Stars is the story of Hazel Grace Lancaster, a 16-year-old girl living with terminal thyroid cancer. She meets another teen, August, at a support group for kids with cancer. Hazel and Augustus initially fight their attraction because of their illnesses, but they eventually decide to have a romantic relationship.

  6. The Fault in Our Stars Study Guide

    The Silver Screen. The Fault in Our Stars is set to hit the big screen in the U.S. on June 6th, 2014. John Green spent time on set making video blogs that chronicle his artistic journey in making the film adaption of his novel. The film's trailer gained over 3 million views in less than 24 hours after it was released.

  7. The Fault In Our Stars Oral Presentation by Jeffrey Lyons on Prezi

    The Fault In Our Stars Oral Presentation Interpretation The intended audience for this story are for young adults. The purpose of this story is to entertain Introduction The Fault in Our Stars is the sixth novel by author John Green, published in January 2012. The title is

  8. The Fault in Our Stars Themes and Analysis

    By John Green. 'The Fault in Our Stars' is a novel that brings themes about love, family, relationships, pain, and death to life. Article written by Joshua Ehiosun. C2 certified writer. 'The Fault in Our Stars' uses human-relatable themes to tell the story of its primary characters, Hazel and Augustus. Though the novel follows a tragic ...

  9. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green Plot Summary

    The Fault in Our Stars Summary. Hazel Grace Lancaster is a seventeen-year-old living with cancer. At the request of her mother, who believes she is depressed, Hazel attends a cancer support group in the basement of a church. Hazel does not like the support group, but goes to make her mother happy. One day upon arriving at the support group ...

  10. The Fault in Our Stars

    But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel's story is about to be completely rewritten. Insightful, bold, irreverent, and raw, The Fault in Our Stars is award-winning-author John Green's most ambitious and heartbreaking work yet, brilliantly exploring the funny, thrilling, and ...

  11. THE FAULT IN OUR STARS presentation

    The Fault In Our Stars. Characters. Hazel. Augustus. Isaac. Peter Van Houten. Plot. Peter Van Houten (p. 111) "Were she better or you sicker, then the stars would not be so terribly crossed, but it is the nature of stars to cross, and never was Shakespeare more wrong than when he had Cassius note, ´The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars ...

  12. The Fault in Our Stars

    The Fault in Our Stars is a novel by John Green.It is his fourth solo novel, and sixth novel overall. It was published on January 10, 2012. The title is inspired by Act 1, Scene 2 of Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, in which the nobleman Cassius says to Brutus: "Men at some time were masters of their fates, / The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, / But in ourselves, that we are ...

  13. The Fault in Our Stars Study Guide

    The Fault in Our Stars is John Green 's sixth novel. Green drew inspiration from his time working as a chaplain at a children's hospital and from his friendship with Esther Earl, a friend of Green's to whom the book is dedicated. The book was released in January 2012, but it had already reached #1 on Amazon and Barnes & Noble's bestseller lists ...

  14. The Fault in Our Stars Themes

    The Transience of Life. Perhaps the primary theme in The Fault in Our Stars is the transient nature of life itself. From the beginning of the story, the reader is aware that the narrator, Hazel ...

  15. The Fault in Our Stars Review by John Green

    The Fault in Our Stars Review. 'The Fault in Our Stars' is a novel that tells the story of a sixteen-year-old girl, Hazel, who meets Augustus Waters. Hazel begins a journey that leads her to meet her hero, fall in love, and experience intense pain. Pros. Incredible story. The novel has great characters. Dialogues are fluid.

  16. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. THE FAULT IN OUR STARS JOHN GREEN. "THE FAULT IN OUR STARS" 16 year old cancer patient named Hazel Grace Mother sends her to a 'support group' Hazel meets Augustus Waters in the support group. Hazel introduces Augustus to "An Imperial Affliction," her favorite book. Compare and Contrast Hazel Grace Lancaster ...

  17. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

    The beloved, #1 global bestseller by John Green, author of The Anthropocene Reviewed and Turtles All the Way Down "John Green is one of the best writers alive." -E. Lockhart, #1 bestselling author of We Were Liars "The greatest romance story of this decade.″Entertainment Weekly

  18. The fault in our stars movie power point

    The fault in our stars movie power point - Download as a PDF or view online for free ... Fault in our stars Presentation by ZAIN UL AABDIN. ... The Fault In our stars is a magnificent book by John Green it is a New York Times Best seller. If you like tearjerkers and love stories this is the book for you.