Climate Action: It’s time to make peace with nature, UN chief urges

The Earth, an image created  from photographs taken by the Suomi NPP satellite.

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The UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, has described the fight against the climate crisis as the top priority for the 21st Century, in a passionate, uncompromising speech delivered on Wednesday at Columbia University in New York.

The landmark address marks the beginning of a month of UN-led climate action, which includes the release of major reports on the global climate and fossil fuel production, culminating in a climate summit on 12 December, the fifth anniversary of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement.

Nature always strikes back

Mr. Guterres began with a litany of the many ways in which nature is reacting, with “growing force and fury”, to humanity’s mishandling of the environment, which has seen a collapse in biodiversity, spreading deserts, and oceans reaching record temperatures.

The link between COVID-19 and man-made climate change was also made plain by the UN chief, who noted that the continued encroachment of people and livestock into animal habitats, risks exposing us to more deadly diseases.

And, whilst the economic slowdown resulting from the pandemic has temporarily slowed emissions of harmful greenhouse gases, levels of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane are still rising, with the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere at a record high. Despite this worrying trend, fossil fuel production – responsible for a significant proportion of greenhouse gases – is predicted to continue on an upward path.

Secretary-General António Guterres (left) discusses the State of the Planet with Professor Maureen Raymo at Columbia University in New York City.

‘Time to flick the green switch’

The appropriate global response, said the Secretary-General, is a transformation of the world economy, flicking the “green switch” and building a sustainable system driven by renewable energy, green jobs and a resilient future.

One way to achieve this vision, is by achieving net zero emissions (read our feature story on net zero for a full explanation, and why it is so important). There are encouraging signs on this front, with several developed countries, including the UK, Japan and China, committing to the goal over the next few decades.

Mr. Guterres called on all countries, cities and businesses to target 2050 as the date by which they achieve carbon neutrality – to at least halt national increases in emissions - and for all individuals to do their part.

With the cost of renewable energy continuing to fall, this transition makes economic sense, and will lead to a net creation of 18 million jobs over the next 10 years. Nevertheless, the UN chief pointed out, the G20, the world’s largest economies, are planning to spend 50 per cent more on sectors linked to fossil fuel production and consumption, than on low-carbon energy.

Put a price on carbon

Food and drinking supplies are delivered by raft to a village in Banke District, Nepal, when the village road was cut off  due to heavy rainfall.

For years, many climate experts and activists have called for the cost of carbon-based pollution to be factored into the price of fossil fuels, a step that Mr. Guterres said would provide certainty and confidence for the private and financial sectors.

Companies, he declared, need to adjust their business models, ensuring that finance is directed to the green economy, and pension funds, which manage some $32 trillion in assets, need to step and invest in carbon-free portfolios.

Lake Chad has lost up to ninety per cent of its surface in the last fifty years.

Far more money, continued the Secretary-General, needs to be invested in adapting to the changing climate, which is hindering the UN’s work on disaster risk reduction. The international community, he said, has “both a moral imperative and a clear economic case, for supporting developing countries to adapt and build resilience to current and future climate impacts”.

Everything is interlinked

The COVID-19 pandemic put paid to many plans, including the UN’s ambitious plan to make 2020 the “super year” for buttressing the natural world. That ambition has now been shifted to 2021, and will involve a number of major climate-related international commitments.

These include the development of a plan to halt the biodiversity crisis; an Oceans Conference to protect marine environments; a global sustainable transport conference; and the first Food Systems Summit, aimed at transforming global food production and consumption.

Mr. Guterres ended his speech on a note of hope, amid the prospect of a new, more sustainable world in which mindsets are shifting, to take into account the importance of reducing each individual’s carbon footprint.

Far from looking to return to “normal”, a world of inequality, injustice and “heedless dominion over the Earth”, the next step, said the Secretary-General, should be towards a safer, more sustainable and equitable path, and for mankind to rethink our relationship with the natural world – and with each other.

You can read the full speech here .

Our planet is in a state of climate emergency.But I also see hope.There is momentum toward carbon neutrality. Many cities are becoming greener. The circular economy is reducing waste. Environmental laws have growing reach. And many people are taking #ClimateAction. António Guterres, UN Secretary-General antonioguterres December 2, 2020
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Greta Thunberg: Are We Running Out Of Time To Save Our Planet?


Part 1 of the TED Radio Hour episode Climate Crisis .

About Greta Thunberg's TED Talk

In 2018, teenager Greta Thunberg began protesting to demand action on climate change. She has inspired protests worldwide. Greta says it's time to panic: we're running out of time to save our planet.

About Greta Thunberg

At age 15, Greta Thunberg began protesting to demand action on climate change. She walked out of school and sat outside the Swedish parliament every day for three weeks. Since then, she has inspired students around the world to protest and she has become a globally recognized climate activist.

In 2018, Thunberg attended the United Nations COP24 in Katowice, Poland, where she made a plenary speech that went viral. In January 2019 she was invited to the World Economic Forum in Davos where her speeches again made a worldwide impact. Thunberg has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize and was named one of the world's 100 most influential people by TIME magazine.

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10 things you can do to help save our planet

The scale of the challenges facing our planet can seem daunting, but we can all do something. Here are 10 simple ways you can help reduce your impact, and help in the fight against climate change. 

Forest burning

We are the first generation to know we’re destroying the world, and we could be the last that can do anything about it. Speaking up is one of the most powerful things you can do especially if it’s to the right people.

We’ve been promised a better world – but our leaders are not on track to deliver. We need decisive action now. We’ll use your support to hold the UK Government to account on its promises. Your voice is powerful. Together, we can show we need urgent action on climate and nature.

It’s not just about speaking to the people in charge. Talk to your friends, neighbours and colleagues and get them to make positive changes too. Speak up, speak to everyone, and make your voice heard.

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One of the best things you can do is to keep yourself informed – the more you know the better. It leaves you better equipped to have those conversations with your friends and family and the people you want to influence. Get yourself clued up on the facts, stay up to date with recent news on the state of our natural world and work out what you can do. 

We have the world at our fingertips, so learn from influential people, keep up with the news and research organisations that are working to make our planet a better place. 

speech on save our planet

Everyone in the UK over the age of 18 can vote for their MP. This is an opportunity to vote for someone who is representative of you and your views and will make the environment a top priority.

Being politically engaged is not limited to voting and it certainly isn’t limited by how young you are. Every year more and more young people are working together to show our political leaders that they want change.

We need to ensure we hold our politicians accountable. You can do that by contacting your local MP or attending constituency meetings where you will have an opportunity to make your voice heard. Find out who your MP is and how you can contact them .

speech on save our planet

One of the most efficient ways of lowering your environmental impact is by travelling responsibly. This means, whenever you can, choosing a more sustainable way to get from A to B - walk or cycle when you can. 

Transport is one of the most polluting sectors in the UK. But holidaying closer to home can make a big impact on your carbon footprint. One short haul return flight can account for 10% of your yearly carbon emissions, and long-haul flights can completely determine your carbon impact.

If you have the time you can usually get trains to European destinations to cut your carbon footprint. Get creative and try to find alternate ways to travel.

If you do choose to go abroad and are looking to see the local wildlife, keep in mind how to go about it ethically. Attractions that involve you being able to pet, hold or feed animals for money are generally a no-go. Be wary of attractions involving any unnatural interactions with animals. As a rule: observe animals from afar in their natural habitat and look to support local conservation projects. 

speech on save our planet

Food production is a major driver of wildlife extinction. What we eat contributes around a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions and is responsible for almost 60% of global biodiversity loss.

Farming animals for meat and dairy requires space and huge inputs of water and feed. Today, one of the biggest causes of forest loss is the expansion of agricultural land for animal feed production, such as soy. And producing meat creates vastly more carbon dioxide than plants such as vegetables, grains and legumes. 

Moving away from a meat-dominated diet towards a more plant-based diet can lower your impact on the environment. Vegetarian and vegan foods are massively on the rise and becoming far more common in restaurants, cafes and supermarkets, so you’ll rarely struggle. 

Not only that, but cutting down on meat and dairy products can reduce your weekly food bills. 

speech on save our planet

We need to make wasting our resources unacceptable in all aspects of our life.  Every product we buy has an environmental footprint and could end up in landfill. The impact of plastic pollution on our oceans is becoming increasingly clear, having drastic impacts on marine life.

Recycling what we can reduces the amount of new materials we are making, and upcycling is a creative way to make old items into something more valuable. This could be reusing a jam jar as a candle holder, or using old tins as plant pots – the possibilities are endless!

It’s not just the products we buy. It’s estimated that a third of all food produced in the world is lost or wasted. Do your bit by eating up leftovers and use any ingredients you have spare to make interesting meals. Try to waste as little food as possible, and compost the organic waste you can’t eat.

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We can all do more to be more conscious about what we buy, and where we buy it from. Buying less will save you money, reduce waste and improve your environmental footprint. Living a less consumerist lifestyle can benefit you and our planet.

Use your purchasing power and make sure your money is going towards positive change. By supporting eco-friendly products which are less damaging to the environment, you’re encouraging companies to source and produce their products in a sustainable way.

speech on save our planet

Our amazing supporters are helping us to restore nature and tackle the main causes of nature’s decline, particularly the food system and climate change. We rely on generous donations to carry out our projects all around the world.

There are lots of ways to give. Become a member of WWF, adopt an animal, take on a challenge for Team Panda or encourage your family and friends to donate by setting up a Facebook birthday fundraiser.

Baby Gorilla

WWF’s most comprehensive study to date, the Living Planet Report 2022, shows global wildlife populations have plummeted by 69% on average since 1970. This means that nature loss is not being halted, let along reversed.

The solutions exist, but time is running out to act. We're now in a race to bring our world back to life - and we know it's a race we can win. 

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Volunteering can be daunting, and expensive if you don’t know where to look. But it doesn’t need to be this hard to do good.

Often local nature reserves or parks are looking for regular volunteers, which can give you practical conservation experience as well as helping to restore nature your local area.

We want everyone to have the opportunity to help and kickstart a career in conservation. We have a network of youth internship schemes across the world where you can work on a placement with a WWF team or with one of our projects in the field. It’s an exciting opportunity to be able to work in the front line of nature conservation.


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A Long Term Strategy for People and the Planet

The Earth is at a tipping point. Here are 3 actions global leaders must take now.

Last updated January 10, 2024

Aerial view of timber cutting in Brazil showing clear cut land next to a forest.

Our planet faces the interconnected crises of rapid climate change and biodiversity loss. We have years, not decades, to address these existential threats.

Global Insights Newsletter

We explore the top sustainability issues and their solutions—in a 5-minute read or less.

In 2023, a new word was born to describe interacting current and future risks with potentially catastrophic consequences: polycrisis.

Another word is about to enter our collective dictionaries: permacrisis. Will this be our fate, or will 2024 be a time for resolution, resilience and recovery? This is a pivotal moment for global leaders attending the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos, where they will develop a long-term strategy to prepare for and respond to these risks.

What we do between now and 2030 will determine whether we slow warming to 1.5° Celsius while also conserving enough land and water to fix biodiversity loss. The good news is there is much that global leaders can do now to keep the polycrisis from becoming a permacrisis.

Two people walk on a trail in the direction of steep mountains with a forest at the base.

3 Things We Must Do To Save The Planet

Solutions to climate change and biodiversity loss won't come from any one sector: they'll come from governments, finance, business and civil society. We can achieve a nature-positive world by 2050 while providing affordable, secure and inclusive access to energy, food and water.

Here are three ways we need to up-end “business as usual” and act boldly to advance conservation.

1. Produce more food on less land.

Today’s version of large-scale agriculture is the biggest source of land conversion, drives deforestation that worsens climate change, uses 70% of the world’s freshwater supply and relies on fertilizer practices that pollute our waters. As the need to feed a billion more people increases, agricultural expansion could devastate habitats, release even more carbon into the atmosphere, and dry up rivers.

Transitioning to Regenerative Food Systems

Our global food system can help us achieve our climate and biodiversity goals.

How to fix it:

Produce food where it’s most likely to thrive, which will use less water and less land.

How we’re taking action right now:

We’re analyzing satellite images and local yield potential to pinpoint where soy farming and cattle ranching can expand without destroying nature. This approach is especially vital in Brazil’s Cerrado region, where half of all natural habitat has already been converted to cropland and pasture. Cooperating with farmers on sustainable practices can help save what’s left of the Cerrado’s rich savanna.

2. Increase clean energy.

Climate change is the single most serious threat facing our planet today. We must reduce carbon emissions to, or below, levels agreed to in the Paris Climate Agreement to prevent catastrophic harm. And with global energy demand expected to increase 56% over the next couple decades, it will be impossible to meet those emissions targets if we stick primarily with traditional fossil fuels.

Benefits of Solar Energy on Former Mine Sites

An affordable path to repurposing former mines into clean energy hubs.

Shift 85% of the world’s energy supply to non-fossil fuel sources and invest in strategies like reforestation that capture carbon dioxide.

We’re championing regulations that allow former mining lands to be repurposed for solar and wind energy. Tens of thousands of acres of degraded mine sites in Nevada’s Great Basin are now available for renewable energy development. By targeting already-disturbed land, new turbines and solar panels won’t need to destroy more natural habitat.

There is much that global leaders can do right now to build a better future for people and the planet. Our newsletter explores potential solutions to our top challenges, all in a five-minute read or less.

Aerial view of a winding river lined with green bushes and surrounded by rocky areas.

3. Get $700 billion to finance nature.

Our economies depend on healthy, supportive natural systems. In fact, around half of the gross world product is dependent on nature. Globally, we're already spending up to $143 billion USD each year on activities that benefit nature, but we need more. A lot more. We need to spend at least $722 billion (and as much as $967 billion) USD every year, putting the nature finance gap at $579-824 billion USD.

A Finance Plan for the Planet

Here's how we get $700 billion each year to reverse the biodiversity crisis.

We need to close the funding gap—and spend at least $700 billion USD on nature every year—to reverse the decline in biodiversity by 2030. Fortunately, this number is only 1% of annual gross global product, or about what the world spends on soft drinks.

Through our Nature Bonds program, we’re taking a holistic approach to leverage debt refinancing for effective, durable conservation and climate action. We work with governments to help them refinance debt and generate new funding to invest in conservation, and in climate mitigation and adaptation measures. Like in Barbados, where we worked with the government, partners from the financial and conservation sectors, and local communities to develop a set of commitments for durable conservation that is tailored to meet the country’s specific needs.

We truly do have the power to build a future in which nature and people can thrive together.

A more sustainable path is possible. But we need to rally individuals, governments, companies and communities around the world to take action with us over the next decade. When we’re at the table with leaders around the world, it gives us great strength to show how many people are with us.

Solutions with Impact

Workers clear undergrowth with machetes in shade-grown coffee crops in Guatemala.

Regenerative Food Systems

Together we can turn one of today’s biggest challenges into our greatest opportunity—a food system that goes beyond sustainable and creates positive growth for communities, economies and the planet.

In this view from under and above water, two people in wet suits harvest seaweed from the waters of Belize.

Nature Bonds Program: Unlocking Funds for Conservation and Climate Action

TNC’s Nature Bonds Program combines debt refinancing, science, planning and policy to help countries protect ecosystems and support communities.

View of several wind turbines on a West Virginia ridge.

Renewable Energy Transition

We no longer need to choose between abundant energy and a cleaner environment. A renewable energy revolution is happening across the globe.

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Our planet is on the brink. Here's how we save it

Inside a forest, looking upwards.

If we continue to consume the way we do then forests, oceans and weather systems will collapse. Image:  Kazuend/Unsplash

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A hand holding a looking glass by a lake

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Stay up to date:, future of the environment.

As world leaders gather in Davos this week to discuss how to better shape our future through strengthened cooperation, it’s imperative to also focus on how to prevent the health of our planet from failing. This is not “doom and gloom” – the risk is real.

A main theme this year’s World Economic Forum Annual Meeting is the role of technology in solving the world’s biggest problems. We are already embarking on a new phase of technological revolution that will fundamentally change the way we live, work, relate to one another and interact with the external world. The speed, breadth and depth of current breakthroughs has no historical precedent and is disrupting almost every sector in every country.

The challenge and opportunity before us today is to begin to think of development through the lens of environmental health. The environment as a primary concern, not an afterthought. The science has never been clearer. We know the impact, the consequences and the unsustainability of our development model. As we continue to connect in new ways, we must also reconnect to Earth. The undeniable truth is that we continue to do great damage to the planet, and that we haven’t learned how to grow our economy without harming nature. More than technology, doing so will take a fundamental shift in mindset – one that will redefine our relationship with the planet and its natural systems.

No human technology can fully replace “nature’s technology”, perfected over hundreds of millions of years in delivering key services to sustain life on Earth. A productive, diverse natural world and a stable climate have been the basic assets at the foundation of the success of our civilisation, and will continue to be so in future. A fundamental issue in the previous technological revolutions has been the lightness with which we have taken for granted the natural environment rather than valuing it as a condition necessary to development.

If we continue to produce, consume and power our lives the way we do right now, forests, oceans and weather systems will be overwhelmed and collapse. Unsustainable agriculture, fisheries, infrastructure projects, mining and energy are leading to unprecedented biodiversity loss and habitat degradation, overexploitation, pollution and climate change. While their impacts are increasingly evident in the natural world, the consequences on people and businesses are real too.

From food and water scarcity to the declining quality of the air we breathe, the evidence has never been clearer. We are, however, in many instances failing to make the link. We act as Homo technologicus, with the mindset of our hunter-gatherer ancestors. Alongside the technological revolution, we need an equally unprecedented cultural revolution in the way we connect with the planet.

Every day, new evidence of our unsustainable impact on the environment is emerging. A destabilized climate generates more frequent and deadly extreme weather. The last five years have been the warmest five-year period on record, while the Arctic warmed much faster than predicted and the UN estimates that, in the last 10 years, climate-related disasters have caused $1.4 trillion of damage worldwide.

In just over 40 years, the world has witnessed 60% decline in wildlife populations across land, sea and freshwater and is heading towards a shocking fall of two-thirds by 2020. This has happened in less than two generations.

Forests are under pressure like never before, through unabated deforestation. 170 million hectares of additional deforestation will occur by 2030 – the size of Mongolia – driven by large- and small-scale livestock farming and soy and palm oil production.

Our oceans are under great stress. We dump plastic and toxic chemicals into the sea, poisoning our own food. We catch fish wastefully and unsustainably, with 90% of the world’s fish stocks overfished. We’ve lost 50% of the world’s coral reefs in the last 30 years. In a generation, the world has lost nearly half of its marine species populations.

Why does this matter?

It matters because we can’t have a prosperous future on a depleted planet, and all signs are pointing to human activity driving the Earth to the edge.

Biodiversity – the complex web of life made by millions of species, plants, bacteria and fungi – underpins the natural systems that we take for granted; systems that provide us with the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink. It maintains the ecosystems that society needs to thrive, ensuring access to essential raw materials, commodities and services. The unprecedented loss of biodiversity we are seeing today is an existential threat to human life and economic development. If the biodiversity index were considered akin to the stock market, our planet would be heading for a spectacular crash.

There’s also an economic value to biodiversity loss. WWF assesses the value of key ocean assets at $24 trillion, and that’s a conservative estimate. If compared to the largest national economies, the ocean would rank seventh, with an annual value of goods and services of $2.5 trillion. Too big to fail, you could say. Regular access to quality freshwater is also vital for most businesses and industries – in manufacturing, heating, cooling, cleaning or as an ingredient. Having too little or too much, or water that’s too dirty or too expensive, will have an impact on bottom lines.

Have you read?

Climate change isn't just acidifying the oceans it's also poisoning our lakes, climate change is going to make the refugee crisis much worse.

Conserving forests, the ocean and wildlife is in everyone’s interest for sustainability and our own prosperity. That’s why now is the time for businesses, governments, institutions and civil society to work together to halt climate change and the devastation of nature.

Our civilisation finds itself at a crossroads. The equation is a simple one: we will not build a stable, prosperous and equitable future for humanity on a degraded planet.

Technology will no doubt change our lives and we are already seeing breakthroughs in conservation. The renewable energy revolution is probably the most impressive example of the positive impact of new technologies. Remote sensing technologies allow to monitor the state of the planet like never before. Blockchain is being used to establish systems of certification and traceability for agricultural commodities and fish so that consumers can be assured of their origin, legality and sustainability.

Hopetoun Falls in Beech Forest, Australia

Financial institutions have a huge role to play. The banking sector at large is failing to redirect financial flows away from environmentally and socially destructive business practices, and importantly not yet tapping into growth opportunities needed to finance the transition to a sustainable economy, whether they are renewable energy or sustainable water projects.

Business must also be at the forefront in halting climate change and biodiversity loss. The latest World Economic Forum Global Risks report lists climate instability, extreme weather events and water scarcity as major challenges faced by business today. As the effects of climate change worsen and our planet’s resources come under increasing strain, sustainability issues will increasingly hit companies’ bottom lines as well as their social license to operate. Protecting land, oceans, rivers, forests and communities not only helps mitigate risks in the supply chain, but makes perfect business sense.

How coming clean on environmental impact helps companies grow

The UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement , if fully and urgently implemented, are an opportunity to fundamentally shift the way we produce, consume and safeguard our natural wealth. We can still bring the planet back from the brink. We have made commitments, signed declarations, and started to make progress with implementation. But what we are doing is not enough. Business as usual has the planet at breaking point. We must see a quantum leap in the speed and depth of change. Companies can be both profitable and socially and environmentally sustainable by delivering triple bottom lines: planet, people and profit. The time to achieve this is now.

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speech on save our planet

How to save the planet: a kids’ guide!

Check out our top tips for becoming an eco-hero….

Here at National Geographic Kids, we know how much our readers want to make a positive difference to our world! So, read on to find out how to save the planet…

1. Be a habitat hero!

how to save the planet | a big view of pristine rainforest. a river runs through the middle and there are mountains in the background.

All over the world, wild places are in trouble . As the human population has increased , we’ve taken over more and more land for our homes, farms, factories and roads .

In the rainforest , around 80,000 acres of trees are cut down every day to make way for farming , or to provide wood for industry. In other countries, habitats like grasslands, underwater habitats, and wetlands are also at risk – and so are the animals and plants that live there.

Luckily, lots of people are working hard to protect these precious places, and you can be one of them!

  • – Stand up against deforestation , by avoiding foods that contain unsustainable palm oil .
  • – Keep your local habitats safe by sticking to the paths .
  • – Make your garden wildlife-friendly by setting aside space for nature! You could build a bee hotel , have a log pile , or even create a pond .
  • – If you own a cat that goes outdoors, put a bell on its collar so that vulnerable wildlife can hear it coming and make their escape!

2. Reduce, reuse, recycle!

how to save the planet | three big bins sit alongside eachother. one green one is for compost, one red one for waste, and a yellow one for recycling

We live in a ‘ throwaway culture ‘, where many of our things aren’t built to last. Each year, every house in the UK produces about 1 tonne of waste – that’s about the same weight as a great white shark !

What’s worse, is that 60% of what we throw away, is actually recyclable ! That’s why it’s super important to check the label on every piece of rubbish, to make sure you’re putting it in the right bin.

Check out our article on the circular economy to find out more about this wasteful culture…

Even better, you can avoid throwing things away altogether , by buying fewer things, taking better care of the things you have, and finding ways to repair or reuse things that are old or broken.

  • – Before you throw something away, stop and think about what else it could be used for! For example, rather than using disposable paper towels to clean up in the kitchen, why not turn old clothes or bedsheets into cloths ? Then, you can use them over and over again!
  • – Ask a grown-up if they can teach you to mend small rips in your clothes, so that they last longer! And if you really have to get rid of something, see if you can give it to charity instead.
  • – Fight plastic pollution by using reusable water bottles , bringing reusable bags with you to the shops, and always taking your rubbish home with you.
  • – Take your plastic prevention one step further by checking out our ten top tips , learning how to make plastic-free gifts , and reducing plastic waste in school too!

3. Be a green eater!

dead fish lie in barrels of ice waiting to be sold

In the past, people thought that we could take whatever we wanted from the planet, without any consequences! Now, we know that’s not true. If we keep taking as much as we want, whenever we want, our planet’s resources could one day run out .

That’s why it’s important that we try to live sustainably. Issues like overfishing , water scarcity (when there’s not enough clean water to go around), and climate change are all affected by our lifestyle choices. Thankfully, there’s lots we can do to help.

Around the world, we eat a whopping total of 360 million tonnes of meat and 156 million tonnes of fish every year. That’s an astonishing amount!

If we could all cut down, just a little bit, it would take the pressure off natural ecosystems, and ensure that these animals – and their habitats – have a healthy future .

  • – Talk to your family, and ask if you could all try some vegetarian or vegan meals . There are loads of meat-free and plant-based recipes available online, or you can try our veggie pasta bake !
  • – Know where your food comes from! When you’re in the supermarket, ask a grown-up to help check things like tins of tuna for signs that they’ve been sustainably fished , like the blue MSC label . These will have been sourced responsibly , in a way that helps protect fish populations .

4. Keep an eye on what you use!

Two young girls play in clean water that spills down from a tap

Our daily lives require an amazing amount of water and energy . In countries like the UK, Australia , or the USA , these things are available at the push of a button or turn of a tap – but sadly, that’s not the case for everyone…

Around the world, 2.5 billion people have no (or unreliable) access to electricity. Plus, 4.2 billion struggle to access clean water every day, which they need for drinking , bathing , washing , growing crops and rearing animals . That’s why those of us that have access to these precious resources should be careful not to waste them.

  • – Go on a vampire hunt! Household appliances that are unnecessarily left on standby are known as ‘ vampire devices ‘ as they sneakily suck up lots of electricity! Make sure they’re all turned off at the wall , to stop them wasting power.
  • – On a sunny day, hang things outside to dry ! This saves energy that would have been used on the dryer.
  • – If you can, try cycling, walking, or using public transport to get out and about, rather than using the car.
  • – Turn off any dripping taps , and make sure you don’t run them for longer than necessary. Turn the taps off while brushing your teeth, and take short showers of four minutes or less!

5. Be a planet advocate!

two blond children, a boy and a girl, sit together. they are filling in a clipboard and clearly working together.

The real secret of how to save the planet? Sharing your knowledge with others, and helping them to become eco-heroes too! Whether it’s spectacular habitats, cool creatures, or eco-friendly living, don’t be afraid to speak up and tell others about your planet passions! It takes lots of people working together to make change happen – so share, share, share!

How to save the planet | Young girl plants tree

Now, get out there and save the world – you can do it!

Thanks to Markus Spiske; Sabine van Erp; Surfing Croyde Bay; Louis Reed; Eutah Mizushima; Boudewijn Huysmans; Nareeta Martin and Abigail Keenan for the images used in this article.

What’s your top tip for other kids learning how to save the planet let us know in the comments below, leave a comment.

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help save the earth

lets go save earth!

Lets take care of the planet!

lets take care of all the planet! And take care wherever we go!

nice good job

amazing lets take care of the planet

Grow your own fruit and vegetables. Gooo Greeeeen

A big thanks to Greta!!! I ❤️ her personality, confidence and attitude. Age 11

I like water but it doesn't taste like anything

We really have to keep the water clean for the rest of the month, I’ve been worried about that big oil spill. We must do our part!

let take action and recycle :}

We can go to grocery shopping with clothe bags which we can reuse every time we go grocery shopping. Let's not throw trash , recyclable things, and biodegradable things anywhere . WE should put things in recycle bins , trash bins, and biodegradable bins.

lets take care of the planet

let's take care of the environment

It is highly recommended because it will be our planet in the future and it helps you reflect and raise awareness of the change that we are all going to make in the future on the planet and it will be disastrous that is why national geographical helps people echo tips to save the planet.

I think they are good ideas to take care of the environment, reuse, not deforest, not waste water, plant trees, do not pollute, are very easy things that we can do in our daily lives.

I like that they want to include children in the care of the world



it is so Cool Kids will like it

I love it so cool


The only way to save our planet is if we all do our part, because some people are thinking that it is not their problem, but we’re all in this together!

If we want to save the planet for future generations for them to enjoy then we should start saving our planet through all the ways we kids can! Let’s take part!

Yeah people should step up and at least try to save our world. I worry about climate change every single day. This article is almost reading my mind and saying my views publicly. So please, everyone do something in here to help save the world!!!

I love nat geo doing all this stuff, it's a pity people just are too lazy to get moving and start seeing how the things we humans do are going to destroy the world someday.

save the planet be kind to it if you dont the planet wont be kind to you think about it.

Grow your own fruit and vegetables .

As well as being good for the environment, eating less meat improves your health and saves lives. Why wouldn't you go vegan or vegetarian?

Donate to people who help animals!

Do not litter we want a plastic free world when we are older from a 5th Grader

Kids should not litter . They should say no when they see anybody cutting trees

Pollution is harmful..very harmful. It can take lives of people with breathing problems if it’s not taken care of. I’d rather spend my time planting trees than watching television. Help me take care of my earth please. P.S from a 4th grader child.

love the eirth it is my and your home and we need to take care of itttttt ps. Emma from 2 grade

take care of the eirth isabel and cat

Plloution is lame would love to plant trees

Tillie i agree i have never used palm oil before but I'm agreeing

I love the Eirth take care of it

Pollution is bad for...well Anything. it hurts Creachers, pets,and us. Thats why we need to stop people doing it.almost the whole earth is hurt from pollution! PLEASE HELP ME SAVE THE EARTH PLEASSSEEE! P.S Catherine from 2 grade

I’m never using palm oil again!

Pollution is lame.... I would rather spend time cleaning the air and environment!

Fight back against pollution and rescue the earth HELP THE EARTH AND STOP POLLUTION!!!!!

I will care for the planet and be an eco warrior! LETS TAKE ACTION!!!

I 'll be an eco warrior

I love surfing, skateboarding and swimming .I care so much for the environment and ecosystem I want everyone to try to be eco friendly. This website is awesome btw


We can do this!

we need to save the planet NOW!

I am really passionate about saving the earth

Save the earth it is beautiful and is worth saving

That is amazing man.

Not eating meat is easier than you think....

Save the planet,We can do this together!

let's save the planet earth

If we save the planet we will regain the world and be able to live fun for a longer time of period

We can do this together!

lets try to save the world


Lets save our planet and take action, anyways this website is brilliant and super fantastic, i bet kids all around the world can understand once agian thank you for making this website natgeo. super good

we need to take action now

this is a great and fantastic website

Lets take action to help the world

Lets save the planet

Lets be eco friendly.

this text is very helpful :)

Lets save the world

I love this stuff it is good for educational kids

come on lets save the planet and us to do that tho we have got to make changes.

people say they will take action but they never do but they do need to start doing what they say

wow I did'nt realise I was making so much damage thanks National Geographic Kids

I eat my veggies to be vegan

This website is very useful to inform and spread information about our surroundings . Thanks for this wonder full tips! And I'll make sure to do these tips.

I want to share to people that we have to care about the environment, Because we are slowly killing it without even noticing.

This article is very good and it thought me to help the planet. and to help the animals.

Nice Website :)

I learned alot from this website and this is really helpful for kids like me thank you and don't forget to plant trees :]

Thank you so much for this very informative article. It is really informative and helps with promoting awareness about biodiversity conservation. <3

This is very cool! We should raise awareness and save earth.

Thank you for the amazing tips, thank you. I'll be vegan from now on.

I will give this 10/10 because its amazing by learning this for science class.

This is super cool and nice! We should always care about the environment.

This is an amazing tips, thank you. I'll make sure I do this- I feel super bad to some animals suffering. I'll be sure to be vegan now :>

i will really try all this stuff

A big thanks for this resource material! It will surely pave a great way in raising awareness about Biodiversity Conservation to our youth today.

I want to share these fruitful and meaningful resources to my students to promote awareness and concern to our environment.

I care about the earth and want to take part in saving it.

this was a great website and I hope to see more off it

Wow cool I care so much about the environment and I agree with every thing that is in the book :)

thanks for tips

I eat veggie foods all the time. I try and do my best to help the environment.

When I think of people being responsible and saving the world changes the world in lots of ways

This makes me feel bad for those creatures who are suffering

this was very useful thank you

this is cool

It's very interising

this is pretty cool

This is absolutely amazing. I am definetly telling my friends.

i love reading these

pretty cool

that was pretty easy to read and its pretty good might read more :D

That is amazing I will have a good go at it

thanks i will be vegan now :)

I feel very happy whenever someone talks about the planet and how to save it.

This is amazing. I’m stealing your idea to use in my presentation. Is there a club?

I love it. I am about to go out to do this thing to protect our plant! I will tell anyone I see to help me save earth.

Everyone should do it,it could change everything.

thanks that really helped out i hope this planet will change new when we tell everyone to do this

Great info got A+ from info Thanks

Save The Planet

this artical realy will bring a change

save the turtles

save the planet.

Everyone needs to do there part save our planet

lets help the planet!!!!!!!!!!!.........................



Save the planet

It's really good

Me to can’t wait

I feel really happy when someone talks about how you can change the world! If you have the guts to change the world, do it! I will also be eco friendly and help the world be back to it's wild beauty!

lets take action!!

lets save the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is really good advice.




Cool! Sign me up!


IM GONNA SAVE THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!123

People could also start a club to save the world and put up posters as well


Trees are the natural answer to climate control – they remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in the soil, which then helps to reduce climate change. Trees also provide a home for lots of different birds, insects and creatures. You can easily find tree seeds such as acorns, sweet chestnuts and conkers (horse chestnuts) wherever you find mature trees. However, learning how to identify and grow trees adds an entirely new level of appreciation and understanding of nature. Don’t worry if you have no space to plant trees, as indoor plants also do a great job of cleaning the air. By looking after plants, children can learn about the important conditions needed for plants to grow. There are lots of other ways to get involved in this step too; for example, you could help actually grow a forest by raising money for one of the many tree-planting organisations around the world! Even in the centre of a city, once you start looking you will be surprised at how many different creatures you can spot, such as squirrels, birds and foxes. Lots of wild animal species in the UK are under threat right now. One of the best things you can do to help them is to re-wild an area in your garden or school playground. Sprinkle some soil and dead leaves around and let the grass, daisies and dandelions grow. Wildflowers provide excellent food for bees, who are in turn very important for pollinating food crops. You can also invite wild animals such as endangered hedgehogs in by making piles of leaves and twigs for them to nest in. Make sure that you provide gateways for these creatures to move freely to the next garden.

I can do everything else but not vegan thing

Let’s take Action - We can make a difference!

Save the Planet

Cool I do almost all of them

I am alredy making a groop to help save our planet

I want to take care of this planet

We can make a difference.


Save the planet!

Guide our planet

This is really intresting and we need to save the planet!

Why is saving the planet important

Save the PLANET

Thank you Nat Geo Kids for all you do to spread animal information!!

Let's make a Difference!!

Thank you I had fun reading this and will follow your tips only because this is my favorite nature website.

When you finish brushing your teeth, to save water you shouldn’t turn the tap on when you spit the toothpaste out.

I liked the idea of saving the planet!!!!

Lets take care of the planet!!!!

Love reading

We could write letters to our local councils, and headteachers, and convince them to promote saving the planet to even more people!

planting trees and recicling matterale like plastic drink bottles.

I have a tip for saving the planet maybe plant some trees in your garden or plant wild flowers for bees. If you have any recyclable rubbish recycle it or make something out of it yourself like a fish or a bird.

I have a tip for saving the planet maybe plant some trees in your garden (if you have one) you could also plant some wild flowers in your garden for bees.

Amazing imformation thanks nat geo kids!

Thanks for the tips! Save the Earth!

If everyone in the world just plants one tree imagine how much that would help!

We don't realise it but we can do so much for the environment!

nice tips!!!!!!

nice tips for saving the environment

We must save our planet. Save the planet save lives.

it is relly good :)


Lets do this

Let’s do this!

Awesome! Thank you so much! Now I'm prepared to help my planet!

we can do this

Let's save the planet!

Hi this is cool

I am going to do all of that stuff

I hope we get to help and this is what I’d did - recycle - throw litter -

Cool! Lets Take action !! :))

this is amazing i will try these

Thanks for sharing this now I know how to save the earth

Be careful of wastage

I learnt we should be careful of wasteage

Let's take action! Save the planet! Plant trees! Make animal homes! Eat green! Anything! I'll do anything to save our world!

This is a great article with lots of fantastic information . Thanks . X

thanks a lot mother nature

I love earth.

so much fun

We should take action in putting rubbish in the right bin.

What I think is that we need to put rubbish in the right bin and eat healthy.

save the world

save our world

I love to save the planet and this has given me an idea

Take action

We can save the world!!!

the world is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to help keep trees and animals alive they are important

What is your favourite country of France

i want to save the world

i am lemonade

This is cool


awsome] great



I love this and save the world

I hope everyone can be kind enough to save a bunch of animals even if you see a hurt animal help them because 1 tiny thing can make a HUGE difrents

my avatar is so handsome

Save the world please.

I hope we can save giraffes they play a very important part in your ecosystem I hope we can save other animals too.

i am happy their are kids like me out there i really like animals.

hi I go by the name green girl you all have asome ideas i am not a member yet couse it dont work. i have adopted three animals. i love that i finally found kids like me or even younger

I am so happy their are other kids trying to help the wold. Every one has a saying in this wold and to keep it safe i am not a member yet couse it dont work so i try like every 5 mins # safe the earth.

Lets save the world by a few simple things

I am just happy we have the earth

OMG! Let's save the world!

It's very good that you are writing things like that ,because, every person on our planet earth needs to protect it. Because, if we don't do something now, our planet earth will die quicker then you think.

This is great we can all save the planet together

I love our planet and I will use these ideas to help save the planet.

I find it very interesting

I Love This

we can save the planet!!!

Taking care of the environment is important since in part the plants are also living beings that feel so as not to harm them there to plant more plants and trees instead of cutting them


Thanks so much this was an amazing article to learn about thanks .

Cool thing, I like it

This is a cool article to learn about !

Doing it STRAIGHT away

every one should recycle

Plant one tree each month

Wow! that is amazing-I tried all of it myself. let's take action together!

How to save the planet

This is a good thing to save Are earth maybe I will try some.

Let's do this!

We need to save our planet before it's too late!

These are really good ideas! Everyone should recycle more

Pick up rubbish and take action.

have a great day

save the earth and help recycle so we can save this plait

save the earth

I didn't know how to save our planet earth before reading this. Thank you.

water more trees

Yes we need to start trying to recycling and not be lazy!

i love this

We should take action to save our world!

i like to help the world so this helps me tell me what to do


Plant trees!

This is cool!

Wow! That's awamazing!

That looks fun to recycle!

Recycle looks fun! I'm very good throwing stuff, During St Paul's High School


More like nature.

speech on save our planet

The Water Cycle!

speech on save our planet

Turn your lights out for Earth Hour!

speech on save our planet

The Frog Life Cycle!

speech on save our planet

COSTA RICA: Guardian of the Future!

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  • Speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth


Speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth in English for Students

32% of the earth’s surface is covered in green leafy flora. We are dependent on trees for so many reasons, especially for the air we breathe. It helps maintain the planet’s biodiversity. Yet we do not value this natural resource and destroy it by cutting trees and practicing deforestation for our selfish needs, in the name of civilization without realizing the harm we will face.

All of us know how valuable trees are for our survival and all the other living beings on this planet. They are the most valuable source of life present on this earth. Every living being is directly or indirectly dependent on it.

The tree nourishes and protects us and it also keeps the environment green which gives us many aesthetic values. So, we must do everything to protect trees and save them before they disappear completely. The trees capture carbon dioxide, water and also help keep the earth cool and balanced. It shelters us from extreme heat and sunlight. Most importantly, it helps us fight climate change which is the need of the hour. They filter the air present near us by filtering all the toxic substances and odors from the environment. They give us oxygen which is important for our survival. They provide flora and fauna diversity. Apart from all of these, trees give us food and medicines too. It protects us from soil erosion and also helps in controlling food. Thus, we must plant more forests and curb the practice of deforestation and habitat destruction.  All of us should do our part in saving trees and spread awareness about planting more trees as it will help all of us and future generations. Without trees, there won’t be a future at all and it is important to realize and take action before it is too late for us too.

The speech can be presented in different ways, such as a Long Speech On Save Trees And Save Planet Earth or a Short Speech On Save Trees And Save Planet Earth.

Speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth in English

Long speech on save trees and save planet earth.

This form of Speech On Save Trees And Save Planet Earth In English is useful for students in grades 8-12, as they can convey in detail about the topic using simple words.

Good morning everyone, thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak on such an important topic Save Trees and Save Planet Earth. When one thinks of the most important element to survive the answer that always comes to our mind is air. Air is important for all living beings be it animals or humans. The trees which occupy 32% of the earth’s surface provide us with this air.  

The trees of the planet act as the lungs in our body and purify the air we breathe. It is due to the existence of trees that we inhale fresh air. As trees inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen which serves as the important life source of all living beings. The more trees the planet has the fresher and purer the air we breathe. 

Man’s attempt to outlive nature is costing us an unfortunate price. This drive for civilization and modernization is harming the environment and therefore the planet to an irreversible extent. When man violates nature the planet suffers and we have to bear the harmful consequences. Let’s understand how.

The road to civilization is more often through the destruction of natural resources.

Man views trees as roadblocks in modernization, that is they see it as it comes in the way of building more buildings and roads. So they tend to deforestation, which is an act of cutting down trees. When trees are cut, they build more homes and offices on the land. 

Deforestation leads to many unnatural things that disrupt the balance of nature. Due to deforestation, air pollution increases, and global warming rises. Animals lose their home and shelter, the quality of the soil where deforestation is practiced deteriorates due to the untimely removal of roots of trees leading to soil erosion. 

As their population is only increasing, it is imperative to have more trees so that the next generation lives breathing fresh air. If deforestation continues the planet will not be able to inhabit future generations because of the imbalance it experiences.

The best way to solve this problem is by avoiding deforestation and moving towards afforestation that is planting trees. We should all strive to save our home, which is the planet. Even planting one tree can save so many lives. 

It is high time that we take action and save the natural beauty of the planet which nourishes all living and breathing creatures. When saving trees they save lives and inevitably save the planet. Saving trees and saving the planet is the motto we should all live by. Let’s leave behind a green planet for the next generation. Spread the word and take action to save trees and in that way, we can save the planet.

Short Speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth

This form of Speech On Save Trees And Save Planet Earth In English is useful for students in grades 4-7, as they can speak about the topic in a short time using simple words for everyone to understand.

Good morning everyone, I ABC (mention your name) feel very fortunate to get this opportunity on this prestigious platform to speak on an important topic: Save Trees And Save Planet Earth. This planet has seen so many inventions and modern technologies that it is taking over, but none of it can do the work of the natural resources.

Trees are one of the most important natural resources that give life to every living thing. We are so heavily dependent on this natural resource and in return, we are only destroying them by cutting them and harming the planet. The trees selflessly provide so many benefits to humans and humans selfishly repay this debt by cutting down trees. 

If this practice of deforestation continues and people don’t realize the need to give back to the planet by planting trees then there won’t be a planet to live on anymore. Trees protect the natural environment by balancing the pollution levels and purifying such harmful air that has been created due to manmade activities. It acts as a home and shelter to so many animals, helps in raising fertility of the soil naturally and we only cause harm to it. 

Let us all pledge to not continue this harmful activity and take the route of afforestation. Start by planting trees at home and in your neighborhood. Do it for the benefit of the environment and planet even if your efforts go unnoticed. Spread awareness about the importance of planting trees and start early. Save trees and save the planet.

10 Line Speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth

This form of Save Trees And Save Planet Earth is helpful for students in grades 1-3 as they can understand such a complex topic in a simpler and shorter format. 

Trees are the largest part of our planet where so many living beings build their homes and find shelter in.

Trees give us life, it gives us fresh air to breathe and live a healthy life.

We need nature and inhabit it and it is not dependent on us in any way.

Trees cover 32% of the earth’s surface and this green blanket contributes a great deal to the balance of the ecosystem.

When trees will no longer be present, there will be no life on planet earth.

And we are not far from that day where we will tend to breathe air from the machines because of the rapid pace of civilization we are harming nature in a big way.

Deforestation is the act of cutting down trees and it has irreversible consequences that show as climate change.

 Climate change is due to rising temperatures and rising air pollution.

This can be controlled when one learns the value and importance of natural resources and strives to plant more trees rather than building homes by cutting down trees.

Trees are also an important natural medicinal resource, so one must protect them and save planet earth. 


FAQs on Speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth

1.   Why is it important to save trees?

It is important to save trees as they provide oxygen to us. It helps improve air quality, manage climate change, soil preservation and it also gives food and shelter to humans as well as wildlife. Trees by the process of photosynthesis give us oxygen without which we won’t be able to survive and there will be a crisis. Urbanization has led to deforestation and habitat loss and new buildings and roads have been built. If there isn’t proper reforestation or plantation of trees done then it can be detrimental for human beings shortly.   

2.   What is reforestation?

Reforestation can be defined as the process of planting trees in an area that was previously deforested or destroyed. Here, new plants are planted again. The destruction or cutting of large forests can have bad impacts on all living beings as carbon dioxide levels will increase and this will contribute to climate change.  This, in turn, will lead to the disappearance of species and also cause the imbalance of many ecosystems. Thus, reforestation is very important to practice. There are two types of reforestation: urban and rural. Urban farming is the planting of trees in developed areas like cities which help improve air quality. Rural reforestation is when trees are planted in rural areas. 

3.   What is climate change?

Climate change is the change of the normal environmental state of the earth. It is caused by both external and internal factors. It is a global concern for the last few decades. Climate change if not controlled can be detrimental for all the living beings on this planet and also have negative impacts on the ecology and various ecosystems. Many species are endangered because of it and many have already perished. 

4.   What is conservation?

Conservation of nature means protecting nature and wildlife like forests, lands, water bodies etc. Conservation focuses on sustainable growth so that the products of nature do not become scarce as it will become impossible to survive without these. It won’t be possible to survive without air, water and sunlight and also all the resources provided by nature to us. 

5.   How can we help in the contribution of saving the planet?

We can help in saving the planet by doing the following things:

Proper Water Consumption: We shouldn't waste wastewater and use it properly. It can be done by making habits like turning the tap water while we are brushing and also reusing any leftover water to water plants.

Use electricity only when required and do not keep the lights or other electronic appliances on when it is not required. When you leave the room, it is best to switch off the light and fan to save energy.

Use sustainable agriculture methods like bio-fertilisers and manures which do not harm the soil quality and also the water bodies. Heavy fertilizers can cause groundwater pollution which can harm the humans who consume them. Proper disposal of fertilizers if used should be done as it can affect the health of the species that dwell in the water bodies.

Spread awareness about the threats of global warming, climate change and also tell people about sustainable practices. Making people aware can help everyone and motivate them towards practicing good conversational habits. 

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UN climate chief presses for faster action, says humans have 2 years left ‘to save the world’

FILE - United Nations Climate Chief Simon Stiell speaks during a plenary session at the COP28 U.N. Climate Summit, Dec. 1, 2023, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Stiell says humanity has only two years left “to save the world” by making dramatic changes in the way it spews heat-trapping emissions and it has even less time to act to get the finances behind such a massive shift. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong, File)

FILE - United Nations Climate Chief Simon Stiell speaks during a plenary session at the COP28 U.N. Climate Summit, Dec. 1, 2023, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Stiell says humanity has only two years left “to save the world” by making dramatic changes in the way it spews heat-trapping emissions and it has even less time to act to get the finances behind such a massive shift. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong, File)

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OXFORD, England (AP) — Humanity has only two years left “to save the world” by making dramatic changes in the way it spews heat-trapping emissions and it has even less time to act to get the finances behind such a massive shift, the head of the United Nations climate agency said.

With governments of the world facing a 2025 deadline for new and stronger plans to curb carbon pollution, nearly half of the world’s populations voting in elections this year , and crucial global finance meetings later this month in Washington, United Nations executive climate secretary Simon Stiell said Wednesday he knows his warning may sound melodramatic. But he said action over the next two years is “essential.”

“We still have a chance to make greenhouse gas emissions tumble, with a new generation of national climate plans. But we need these stronger plans, now,” Stiell said in a speech at the Chatham House think tank in London. He suggested that climate action is not just for powerful people to address — in a not-so-veiled reference to the electoral calendar this year.

“Who exactly has two years to save the world? The answer is every person on this planet,” Stiell said. “More and more people want climate action right across societies and political spectrums, in large part because they are feeling the impacts of the climate crisis in their everyday lives and their household budgets.”

File - Sudanese Children suffering from malnutrition are treated at an MSF clinic in Metche Camp, Chad, near the Sudanese border, Saturday, April 6, 2024. Sudan has been torn by war for a year now, torn by fighting between the military and the notorious paramilitary Rapid Support Forces. (AP Photo/Patricia Simon, File)

Crop-destroying droughts have increased the need for bolder action to curb emissions and help farmers adapt which could boost food security and lessen hunger, he said. “Cutting fossil fuel pollution will mean better health and huge savings for governments and households alike,” Stiell said.

Not everyone is convinced such warnings will be helpful.

“‘Two years to save the world’ is meaningless rhetoric — at best, it’s likely to be ignored, at worst, it will be counterproductive,” said Princeton University climate scientist Michael Oppenheimer, who is also a professor of international affairs.

Levels of carbon dioxide and methane in the air last year hit all-time highs , according to United States government calculations, while scientists calculate that the world’s carbon dioxide emissions jumped 1.1% . Last year was the hottest year on record by far, global temperature monitoring groups concluded.

If emissions of carbon dioxide and methane from burning of coal, oil and natural gas continue to rise or don’t start a sharp decline, Stiell said it “will further entrench the gross inequalities between the world’s richest and poorest countries and communities” that are being worsened by climate change.

And behind it all is money.

Stiell’s speech comes just ahead of meetings of The World Bank and other big multinational development institutions, where poorer nations, led by Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley and Kenyan President William Ruto, are pushing for major reforms in the systems that loan money to poor nations, especially those hit by climate-related disasters.

In conjunction with that push, Stiell called for “a quantum leap this year in climate finance.” He called for debt relief for the countries that need it the most, saying they are spending $400 billion on debt financing instead of preparing for and preventing future climate change.

He called for more financial aid, not just loans, and more money from different groups like banks, the International Maritime Organization, and the G20, the world’s 20 most powerful economies. Those countries are responsible for 80% of the world’s heat-trapping emissions, he said.

“G20 leadership must be at the core of the solution, as it was during the great financial crisis,” Stiell said.

“Every day, finance ministers, CEOs, investors, and development bankers direct trillions of dollars. It’s time to shift those dollars from the energy and infrastructure of the past, towards that of a cleaner, more resilient future,” Stiell said. “And to ensure that the poorest and most vulnerable countries benefit.”

Officials said the climate finance problem needs to be fixed by the end of the year with November’s climate negotiations in Baku, Azerbaijan, a crucial point.

Stiell is “absolutely right” that timing and finance are the heart of the matter, said longtime climate analyst Alden Meyer of European think tank E3G. The carbon action plans submitted by next year will “determine whether we can get on the trajectory of sharp emissions reductions needed to avoid much worse climate impacts than those we are already suffering today,” he said.

With so many elections and places where democracies on the brink, “climate finance related to carbon policy is on the line,” said Nancy Lindborg, president of the David and Lucille Packard Foundation, at the Skoll World Forum, an ideas conference in Oxford, England.

Climate Analytics CEO Bill Hare said Stiell was “listening to the science” — namely that global emissions must be halved by the end of the decade to meet the Paris climate accord’s ambition of capping global temperature increases to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit).

“Governments are nowhere near that, and disastrously many are still supporting new fossil fuel development,” Hare said. “We need to see a massive strengthening of action now - faster ramping up of renewables, electric vehicles and batteries - if we’re to get serious reductions by 2030. The longer we wait, the more it will cost.”

Keaten contributed from Geneva.

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Follow Seth Borenstein on X at @borenbears and Jamey Keaten at @jameykeaten .

The Associated Press’ climate and environmental coverage receives financial support from multiple private foundations. AP is solely responsible for all content. Find AP’s standards for working with philanthropies, a list of supporters and funded coverage areas at .


Humanity has just 2 years ‘to save the world,’ UN climate chief says

Simon Stiell

Humanity has only two years left “to save the world” by making dramatic changes in the way it spews  heat-trapping emissions  and it has even less time to act to get the finances behind such a massive shift, the head of the United Nations climate agency said.

With governments of the world facing a 2025 deadline for new and stronger plans to curb carbon pollution,  nearly half of the world’s populations voting in elections this year , and crucial global finance meetings later this month in Washington, United Nations executive climate secretary Simon Stiell said Wednesday he knows his warning may sound melodramatic. But he said action over the next two years is “essential.”

“We still have a chance to make greenhouse gas emissions tumble, with a new generation of national climate plans. But we need these stronger plans, now,” Stiell said in a speech at the Chatham House think tank in London. He suggested that climate action is not just for powerful people to address — in a not-so-veiled reference to the electoral calendar this year.

“Who exactly has two years to save the world? The answer is every person on this planet,” Stiell said. “More and more people want climate action right across societies and political spectrums, in large part because they are feeling the impacts of the climate crisis in their everyday lives and their household budgets.”

Crop-destroying droughts have increased the need for bolder action to curb emissions and help farmers adapt which could boost food security and lessen hunger, he said. “Cutting fossil fuel pollution will mean better health and huge savings for governments and households alike,” Stiell said.

Not everyone is convinced such warnings will be helpful.

“‘Two years to save the world’ is meaningless rhetoric — at best, it’s likely to be ignored, at worst, it will be counterproductive,” said Princeton University climate scientist Michael Oppenheimer, who is also a professor of international affairs.

Levels of carbon dioxide and methane in the air last year  hit all-time highs , according to United States government calculations, while scientists calculate that  the world’s carbon dioxide emissions jumped 1.1% . Last year was the  hottest year on record by far,  global temperature monitoring groups concluded.

If emissions of carbon dioxide and methane from  burning of coal, oil and natural gas  continue to rise or don’t start a sharp decline, Stiell said it “will further entrench the gross inequalities between the world’s richest and poorest countries and communities” that are being worsened by climate change.

And behind it all is money.

Stiell’s speech comes just ahead of meetings of The World Bank and other big multinational development institutions, where poorer nations, led by Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley and Kenyan President William Ruto, are  pushing for major reforms in the systems that loan money  to poor nations, especially those hit by climate-related disasters.

In conjunction with that push, Stiell called for “a quantum leap this year in climate finance.” He called for debt relief for the countries that need it the most, saying they are spending $400 billion on debt financing instead of preparing for and preventing future climate change.

He called for more financial aid, not just loans, and more money from different groups like banks, the International Maritime Organization, and the G20, the world’s 20 most powerful economies. Those countries are responsible for 80% of the world’s heat-trapping emissions, he said.

“G20 leadership must be at the core of the solution, as it was during the great financial crisis,” Stiell said.

“Every day, finance ministers, CEOs, investors, and development bankers direct trillions of dollars. It’s time to shift those dollars from the energy and infrastructure of the past, towards that of a cleaner, more resilient future,” Stiell said. “And to ensure that the poorest and most vulnerable countries benefit.”

Officials said the climate finance problem needs to be fixed by the end of the year with November’s climate negotiations in Baku, Azerbaijan, a crucial point.

Stiell is “absolutely right” that timing and finance are the heart of the matter, said longtime climate analyst Alden Meyer of European think tank E3G. The carbon action plans submitted by next year will “determine whether we can get on the trajectory of sharp emissions reductions needed to avoid much worse climate impacts than those we are already suffering today,” he said.

With so many elections and places where democracies on the brink, “climate finance related to carbon policy is on the line,” said Nancy Lindborg, president of the David and Lucille Packard Foundation, at the Skoll World Forum, an ideas conference in Oxford, England.

Climate Analytics CEO Bill Hare said Stiell was “listening to the science” — namely that global emissions must be halved by the end of the decade to meet the Paris climate accord’s ambition of capping global temperature increases to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit).

“Governments are nowhere near that, and disastrously many are still supporting new fossil fuel development,” Hare said. “We need to see a massive strengthening of action now – faster ramping up of renewables, electric vehicles and batteries – if we’re to get serious reductions by 2030. The longer we wait, the more it will cost.”

Keaten contributed from Geneva.

The Associated Press’ climate and environmental coverage receives financial support from multiple private foundations. AP is solely responsible for all content. Find AP’s  standards  for working with philanthropies, a list of supporters and funded coverage areas at .

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Speech on Save the Planet Earth (818 Words)

March 4, 2018 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment

Good morning people. Today I wish to put forward a speech in front of you on the topic ‘save the planet ‘, and I wish your full co-operation throughout the time that I will be presenting.

Also, kindly pardon me for any mistake that I commit in this course.  

The planet in which we live in is the planet earth. It has been turned into a habitable planet due to the various changes that it has come across during the course of its creation.

All these factors have together contributed to make this place a survivable place.  

Our planet earth is unique. It is unique because it supports life. It has the capacity to create life. It is not harsh like other planets which are filled with harmful gases and rocks. Although earlier it was something very similar.  

We the humans are gifted with life from this planet. We are a part of it. It has created us. Hence, we owe our lives to this planet.

The moment we took birth on this planet we have become an integral part of this planet. Hence, it is our duty to save this planet from all the dangers that it faces.

Save Me

We are creating such poisons which are slowly putting the future of this planet at risk. Seems impossible?

Well I will be putting forward some of my views which will make it clear how we are endangering our lives and also of others residing on this planet by our activities.  

The first word that comes to my mind when talking about threats to this planet is ‘pollution’.

Pollution has affected this planet widely. Be it water pollution or air pollution, day by day it is increasing in exponential numbers.  

Air pollution – the vast number of factories and vehicles are slowly mixing harmful gases and carbon dioxide in the pure air that we breathe in.

The carbon dioxide levels have increased to a horrific level and this gives rise to global warming.  

Water pollution – all the wastes of the cities and factories are channelized and dumped into seas and rivers by sewers lines.

This damages the purity of water and makes it toxic. To make matters worse there are oil spills from vessels and mines. Oil spill cannot be reversed.

The oil keeps floating on top of water. This damages the valuable marine life. The fishes find it difficult to breathe. The oil sticks to the feathers of the birds thus making them unable to fly.  

Soil pollution – soil pollution is when the soil gets contaminated by harmful pollutants and chemicals. The most known element to create soil pollution is plastic.

Plastics mixed with soil are sometimes eaten up by grazing animals thus causing them to choke, where they ultimately die.

Soil erosion is another major devil to the problem of soil pollution. The loss of rich top layer of soil is known as soil erosion.  

Noise pollution – it is another form of pollution that effects ‘us’. Yes, sound pollution is caused by us and it effects us only in return.

Noise pollution is caused by the excessive use of horns in vehicles, use of high decibels of fire crackers, use to unnecessary blaring sound of loudspeakers and much more.

This problem is more serious in the metropolitan cities where the pressure on land is high.  

These are few of the headings that I took to explain how the planet’s life is at risk and how we are degrading its quality day by day.

There are still bigger names to deal with like -‘ozone layer depletion’, ‘ global warming ‘, ‘ depletion of natural resources ‘, ‘ nuclear energy ‘.  

Threats are many but how to counteract them? How should we save this planet from devastation?

Not only we should criticize, since we are a part of this planet, we have to learn how to work towards making this planet a better place. Our ultimate goal should be to save this planet.  

There are numerous ways to go about solving this issue. I will be suggesting some. Rest of them I would like to get suggestion from your end.

Since I strongly believe that the audience should actively participate with the person making the speech.  

  • Firstly, I would recommend the use of bicycles or walking to places that are easily within reach. It will keep you fit as well as produce less pollution.  
  • The sewer lines should be fitted with filters that will check the quality of waste before dumping it into rivers  
  • Use of lights and fans only when needed.  
  • Not using harmful fertilizers and pesticides during cultivation  
  • Not depending too much on underground water sources  

These are few methods which I have listed, which will help to save the planet.

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