Podcast Review

creative writing podcast

The 14 Best Writing Podcasts


I n 1959, Jack Kerouac sat down at his typewriter and compiled a haphazard list of thirty “guidelines” for writers. His nuggets of wisdom included such zingers as “blow as deep as you want to blow” and “struggle to sketch the flow that already exists intact in mind.”

Whether Kerouac would have done the podcast circuit to promote “ Belief and Technique for Modern Prose ” is a question lost to history, but the enduring fetishization of the writing process shows that sources of creativity have always been elusive. If these writing podcasts are anything to go by, writers’ secrets are coveted like truffles amongst hungry pigs.

We all know that talking about writing is easier than actually writing. Listening to the podcasts on this list won’t substitute sitting down and putting words on paper. But it is impossible to deny that whether you are a freelance journalist or a budding novelist, the process of looking for inspiration can be a lonely one. This is where writing podcasts can become a useful resource to support your creative practice.

If you’re going to procrastinate, at least do so by listening to one of the best podcasts for writers to inspire your work.


Prestigious graduate programs have been coveted by aspiring writers for decades. But times are changing. Having an MFA is not necessarily a prerequisite for success — or a financially accessible option.

Gabriela Pereira is not claiming that her podcast, DIY MFA Radio, is a complete replacement for a grad program. But her popular show provides a toolkit for writers seeking to diversify and strengthen their craft. The show delves into most questions about the publishing world you’ve always wanted to ask — if you can get past being referred to as a “word nerd” in the first thirty seconds.

Through interviews with award-winning writers like Jojo Moyes, Brenda Jackson, and Steve Berry, DIY MFA substitutes a seminar for soundwaves. It explores everything from the obvious (“How to Turn Characters Into People”) to the useful (‘An Inside Look at Tropes in Literature’) and the unexpected (‘Crafting an Amish Romance’). The best part: no student debt.

Longform Podcast

Many career journalists dedicate their lives to longform writing. Chronicling the development of such writers and storytellers is Longform , a weekly podcast that showcases the slow burn of creative nonfiction in an internet age that rewards clickbait.

A recent surplus of episodes featuring writers promoting books and novels isn’t necessarily a drawback. It’s perhaps symptomatic of the recent resurgence in book sales , hardly something to be disappointed about. With a broad scope and a diverse set of guests, Longform does a great job covering a changing industry — especially the way people previously excluded from magazine writing have broken onto the scene.

The Writer’s Voice

For nearly a century, The New Yorker has been publishing some of the best new fiction, from extracts of the latest Ben Lerner novel to short stories by Rachel Kushner and Tessa Hadley. But here’s a secret: you need neither a subscription nor much spare time to enjoy new prose. The Writer’s Voice is part of the magazine’s excellent podcast catalog, which includes shows dedicated to both fiction and poetry as well as The New Yorker Radio Hour .

What makes The Writer’s Voice different is suggested in its title. These writers are reading their own work, giving each an additional layer of intimacy. Sure, it’s no indie show. But the prestige attached to the magazine attracts some of the best writers working today. If you’re a contemporary writer interested in how “our moment” is represented on the page, this is the podcast you should be listening to.

The Underground Writing Podcast

Describing the aim of Underground Writing, the organization’s executive director, Matt Malyon, writes: “We use creative writing as a shovel. . . And the soil, prepared by the literature, is pliant.” An accomplished and poignant example of how writing can create a positive impact beyond bookshop shelves, Underground Writing is a creative writing program that serves migrant, incarcerated, and other at-risk groups in northern Washington. The long hours involved in completing a book can breed solipsism, even egotism.

Although sometimes necessary to finish a project, these feelings often make the process isolating. Listening to The Underground Writing Podcast reminds us that, at its core, writing can inspire hope. We don’t need fancy grad programs to create something with substance. Writing belongs to everyone — even, and perhaps especially, the disadvantaged. Created by Malyon alongside Alvin Shim, the project has continued to produce podcast content throughout the pandemic, giving a platform to voices often forgotten in the noise.

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The Writer Files

With episodes like “How to Write a Book in One Month” and “5 Things Only Serious Writers Do,” The Writer Files is a response to our obsession with productivity. The show features a combination of interviews with writers on the minutiae of their routines and analyses of the science behind creativity, tapping into behavioral techniques to make its listeners more efficient writers.

Some might argue that using neuroscience to deconstruct the magic behind writing risks turning artists into automatons, yet it is undeniable that The Writer Files fills a hole in the discourse around career writing. Occasionally, we must abandon the romanticization of the lonely writer scrawling longhand into a notebook, uninhibited by modern workloads. The episode “ Busting the Myth of the Starving Artist ” is an important conversation about writers having the right to live a healthy life. We do not have to die for our art, and The Writer Files is an important reminder.

Between the Covers

Between the Covers is a writing podcast with literary clout. Brought to us by the publisher and literary journal Tin House , the show is hosted by David Naimon, a softly-spoken modern sage who may or may not be the most knowledgeable person in the genre, though this fact has yet to be verified.

The show’s standing as a platform for diverse writers and sharp, reflective conversation makes it the perfect gateway drug for a first audio hit of high-brow literature. Even if you come for its reputation, you’ll stay for the show’s mini-series “Crafting with Ursula,” where writers discuss their craft alongside the work of science fiction writer Ursula Le Guin. Le Guin’s masterful world-building proves a perfect vessel for conversation on topics ranging from nature writing to the poetic form. Current and innovative, Between the Covers provides writers with an anchor to a world of its own making, an unapologetically literary world.

Sponsor Working Drafts: A Writing Podcast

Novelist/humorist/coffee enthusiast Ted Fox (SCHOOLED, DATE WEEK) talks with other writers about their work—not so much the books they’ve published (although those definitely come up) but more what they’re writing right now, aka their works in progress, their working drafts, their open Word documents making them want to throw their computers out a window. Covering the good, the bad, and the daunting word counts, these are conversations about the craft of writing meant to be both fun and helpful. New episodes released each month (okay, most months) on the 15th.

Writing Excuses

Writing Excuses is a punchy, fifteen-minute podcast that focuses on the craft behind creative writing. The success of the show is down to the dynamism of its presenters. Each one a working writer, the hosts represent a wide range of interests and genres, offering ideas on hundreds of writing topics.

Have you ever wondered how to use food as a creative device? Do you know how to write a character who is out of their depth? In many ways, Writing Excuses is delightfully old-school, yet it also reflects emerging and important trends in writing, such as gender, writing “the other,” and using sensitivity readers. Episode highlights include their recent live recorded shows, where the hosts’ cross-talk is funny and engaging; combined with the frequency of their episodes, Writing Excuses is a solid resource.

The Shit No One Tells You About Writing

Let’s talk about rejection. For the emerging writer, failure inevitably precedes publication. To continue writing is a feat of daily endurance not dissimilar to running a marathon wearing nothing but a loincloth that reads “desperate for industry acceptance” across one’s butt cheeks.

The answer, for those hungry for affirmation, might be a prestigious graduate program. But having a degree is by no means a guarantee for success. Plan B? Sorry to break the news, but the odds of winning a literary prize are very low. So what does a new writer do? This question, and plenty of others like it, are answered in The Shit No One Tells You About Writing , a podcast that provides a toolkit for writers seeking to understand a writing and publishing industry that is often impenetrable.

Host Bianca Marais knows exactly how to answer the tough questions; she’s a best-selling novelist herself. Alongside industry insiders, Marais never sugar coats the road to publication, instead offering useful and realistic advice that leaves writers with a better sense of the chaotic industry they’re determined to be a part of. The best part? Her co-hosts Carly Watters and CeCe Lyra critique two query letters in every episode, just in case you weren’t suffering enough.


A self-proclaimed “media autopsy,” this cult podcast by Christan Sager and Charlie Bennett was not overtly aimed at aspiring writers. The goal of Supercontext — which ran from 2016 to 2020 — was to understand why a book, television show, film or album was made, forgoing performing plot analysis or becoming a Cliffnotes hack-job to instead place media in its cultural context. Supercontext was a show that was hard to categorize, encompassing both mainstream and indie genres. Much like the podcast Philosophize This! (the similarity in tone and quality should also be noted), Supercontext relied almost exclusively on the support of its listeners who helped decide that topics became episodes. The podcast was a textbook example of how, as with writing, building a fanbase through authenticity is still achievable today. The show exemplified an important lesson for budding authors and screenwriters: how your writing is consumed will determine whether you can produce more.

The Critic and Her Publics

Critics are writers, too. In The Critic and Her Publics, a collaboration between The New York Review of Books and Literary Hub, Merve Emre speaks to the most prolific critics of our time. But there’s a twist: these guests must perform criticism on the spot about an object they’ve never seen before. It’s delightful, masochistic fun that most writers will enjoy.

There has been a recent resurgence in podcasts about criticism. The New Yorker recently launched Critics at Large , a weekly pop culutre podcast from the magazine’s most opinionated voices. While these shows will never match the trend towards big personalities espousing their thoughts as a personal branding exercise, it’s encouraging to see critics support each other in their powerful, yet often maligned profession.

The Plot Thickens

As the name suggests, The Plot Thickens is a writing podcast about craft. Specifically, it’s about the craft of writing crime fiction, possible the most complex of all genres. The show is hosted by bestselling author Elly Griffiths, a crime aficionado interested in everything from cozy crime to Scandi Noir. It helps that she has a voice straight out of an Agatha Christie novel.

In conversation with expert guests, Griffiths takes writers behind the scenes of writing a crime novel. If you want to challenge your plotting and develop your character writing, The Plot Thickens is has useful episodes like “ Writing Female Investigators “. Take this as a sign to finally write that murder mystery.

Start With This

For fans of cult podcast Welcome to Night Vale , anything that comes out of the brain of Jeffrey Cranor is gold dust. The success of his fiction podcast has made Cranor’s thoughts on writing useful for aspiring authors — especially those who are struggling with writer’s block. Start With This is a podcast that doubles as a creative playground. Cranor’s goal is to spark new ideas in this listeners by exploring topics like world building, opening lines — and what to do when you fail.

Each episodes includes two short assignments, one to consume and one to create. Cranor encourages listeners to begin gradually, making these habits a sustainable part of their routine. Trying to write as a “sprint” risks burn out (but it doesn’t stop us doing it). In a world full of flashy advice, Start With This offers pragmatism. Just get started.

“Crossing a threshold” is an ambiguous phrase. It reminds us of vampires and reaching targets and even smashing ceilings. But for Jordan Kisner, the author of Thin Places , a threshold can mark a moment of transformation. She interviews artists and writers about their transformative experiences, unraveling how these life-changing moments changed their work and inspired new ideas.

For those interested in how personal revelation can impact writing will enjoy Thresholds. It’s full of essayists and poets — the sort of writers who thrive in MFA workshops. Their stories of surprises, crisis, failures and breakthroughs are authentic and inspiring.

The Institute of Black Imagination.

The Institute of Black Imagination. is a podcast with a clear agenda. It aims to elevate black voices in the arts, calling itself a “collection of iconoclasts” offering alternative visions of the world. The podcast is hosted by writer and artist Dario Calmese, the first African American to photograph the cover of Vanity Fair .

Calmese is a curious mind with plenty of ambition for his audio project. It’s refreshing to hear someone take the interview genre into a space where provocative ideas blend easily with beguiling production. Unlike many other niche writing podcasts, which often sound like little more than unedited Zoom calls, TIBI has a clear artistic vision and the production quality to back this up.

While the show employs a lot of labels, its strength comes from its fluidity. With an emphasis on radical art and thought, Calmese amplifies the voices of marginalized writers and marginalized ideas, engaging with a diverse range of perspectives. Courageous and timely, let Calmese and his guests inspire you beyond established boundaries.

Alice   Florence   Orr  is a staff writer for  Podcast Review  and is based in Edinburgh . Her work has appeared in  Scottish Review ,  Like The Wind , and  Nomad Journal . You can connect with her on  Twitter  or  Instagram .

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The Podcasting

Top 20 Best Creative Writing Podcasts to Inspire and Educate Writers

In this writing world, inspiration can strike at any moment. Whether you’re a professional novelist or an aspiring poet, creative writing podcasts provide a treasured supply of motivation, guidance, and storytelling expertise. These audio gems collectively feature authors, poets, screenwriters, and literary professionals sharing their insights, discussing the craft, and granting a window into the creative process. In this article, we’ve curated 20 best creative writing podcasts that promise to ignite your creativity and improve your writing skills. 

Top 20 Best Creative Writing Podcasts

Writing Excuses

“Writing Excuses” is a treasure trove of writing hints and tricks hosted by bestselling authors Brandon Sanderson, Mary Robinette Kowal, and others. Each episode is a rapid master class in several writing factors, making it best for busy writers on the go.

The Creative Penn Podcast

Joanna Penn hosts “The Creative Penn Podcast,” exploring the intersection of creativity and commercial enterprise in the writing world. Her company delves into self-publishing, marketing, and the artwork of storytelling.

The Writers’ Co-op

Join hosts Jacqui Lipton and Samantha Wallen as they dissect the world of publishing, supplying insights on contracts, copyright, and the whole thing in between.

The Bestseller Experiment

Mark Stay and Mark Desvaux are on a mission to write and market a bestseller. This podcast files their trip while offering interviews with famed authors.

For storytelling enthusiasts, “The Moth” is a must-listen. It elements actual humans sharing their private memories in front of a stay audience, showcasing narrative electricity.

The New Yorker

Fiction Dive into the world of literature with this podcast, where modern-day authors study and discuss short stories from The New Yorker’s archives.

The Horror Writers Podcast

If you are a fan of horror writing, this podcast provides insights, interviews, and discussions on the craft of scaring your readers 

The Writers Panel

Ben Blacker invitations enterprise authorities to talk about the commercial enterprise of writing for TV, film, comics, and more. Gain precious insights into the world of visible storytelling.

The Manuscript Academy

A valuable resource for aspiring authors, The Manuscript Academy offers guidance on querying, writing, and navigating the complex publishing world.

The Dead Robots’ Society

This podcast is devoted to supporting aspiring authors in navigating the challenges of writing, publishing, and advertising their work, with a focus on science fiction and fantasy genres.

Helping Writers Become Authors

Host K.M. Weiland affords realistic writing advice, exploring the artwork of storytelling, persona development, and plot structure.

The Write Practice

From prompts to writing exercises, “The Write Practice” targets to sharpen your writing capabilities through realistic instruction and inspiration.

First Draft

A Dialogue on Writing: Sarah Enni interviews distinguished authors about their writing journeys, providing an intimate glimpse into their innovative processes.


Hosted by way of Gabriela Pereira, “DIY MFA Radio” is a writing workshop in podcast form, protecting a variety of factors of writing, from personality improvement to world-building.

The Guardian Books Podcast

Stay up to date on the modern day in the literary world with discussions, e-book recommendations, and creator interviews from The Guardian.

The Literary Disco

Join three pals as they dissect books, share their studying experiences, and discover the world of literature actively and enticingly.

The History of Literature

Delve into the world of primary literature with host Jacke Wilson as he explores the testimonies and authors that have formed our literary history.

Story Grid Podcast

Shawn Coyne and Tim Grahl discuss the art of storytelling and the use of the Story Grid technique to analyze books, movies, and more.

The Poetry Foundation Podcast

For poetry enthusiasts, this podcast presents a deep dive into the world of verse, providing readings, discussions, and interviews with modern-day poets.

The Well-Storied Podcast

Kristen Kieffer shares actionable recommendations on the writing process, publishing, and marketing, supporting writers to flip their thoughts into well-crafted stories.

Whether you are searching for writing advice, writer interviews, or inspiration, these 20 innovative writing podcasts have you covered. From dissecting the artwork of storytelling to exploring the publishing industry, there is something for writers of all genres and levels. So, plug in your earbuds, hit play, and let these podcasts be your companions on your writing journey, assisting you in sharpening your skills, finding new perspectives, and igniting your innovative spark. Happy listening, and may additionally your writing endeavors be ever extra inspired! 

About Author

Aloysia Pramodh is part of our The Podcasting Research Team which is a dynamic and passionate group of young researchers who are dedicated to exploring the world of podcasting. Whether you’re a podcast creator, a marketer, or simply a curious listener, the work of The Podcasting Research Team can provide valuable insights into the trends and best practices in the podcasting world.

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The Best Writing Podcasts for All Aspiring Authors

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The Best Writing Podcasts for All Aspiring Authors

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The Writers Panel

The Writers Panel

If your writing goals and dreams tend to focus on film and television projects, then The Writers Panel is essential listening. Hosted by Ben Blacker, this podcast offers a mix of panel discussions and intimate interviews with the writers, producers, and showrunners behind some of the best known, most acclaimed movies and shows. Writing for film and TV is a collaborative and unique process, and insiders from Jordan Peele ( Get Out ) to Amy Sherman-Palladino ( The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel ), from Vince Gilligan ( Breaking Bad ) to Natalie Chaidez ( The Flight Attendant ) talk about the business, the craft, the challenges, and what keeps them inspired and motivated.

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If you're an aspiring author, publishing may seem like big, overwhelming, mysterious world. On Deadline City , hosts Dhonielle Clayton and Zoraida Córdova, New York City-based authors with 40 books published or under contract between them, pull back the curtain and simply talk about all things publishing—defining your genre, the editing process, reading reviews, the pros and cons of pen names, and industry trends and news, including the unsettling surge in book banning. They also let listeners in on lots of insightful, funny, and honest conversations about their own publishing journey.

This Creative Life with Sara Zarr

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Sara Zarr is the author of 10 books, including both works of fiction and nonfiction. Her debut novel, Story of a Girl was a National Book Award finalist. On her podcast This Creative Life , Zarr talks with writers of all kinds about writing and what it means to be a writer juggling a full-time job, relationships, kids, and other obligations. Their wide-ranging conversations touch on everything from the creative process and the psychology of writing to the business side, alternatives to traditional publishing, finding and connecting with an audience, and taking advantage of social media. Guests include authors such as Faith Gardner , Laurel Snyder , Mike Jung , and Preeti Chhibber .

Write-minded: Weekly Inspiration for Writers

Write-minded: Weekly Inspiration for Writers

Hosted by Brooke Warner of She Writes, the world's largest online community for women writers, and Grant Faulkner of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), this weekly podcast offers a helpful blend of writing and craft-focused advice as well as industry insight. Each episode features an interview with a writer or publishing industry professional, followed by mini feature exploring a trend in the publishing world. Whether you're an aspiring author or a working writer, Write-minded offers a great mix of creative inspiration and business insight. Recent guests include Stephanie Foo on the challenges of writing about trauma and A.M. Homes on the craft of characterization.

Writer's Routine

Writer's Routine

Looking for inspiration both practical and creative from real working writers? Writer's Routine is a podcast specifically designed to glean perspective from the lives and habits of successful writers. In each episode, host Dan Simpson interviews a writer about their daily routines, their writing process, and the lifestyle choices that support their literary lives. Everyone from novelists to journalists to poets have been interviewed, and past guests include Dervla McTiernan , Sara Blaedel , Ken Follett , and Zen Cho . With more than 200 episodes to explore, there's no shortage of thoughtful advice housed in this podcast.

Helping Writers Become Authors

Helping Writers Become Authors

With more than 500 episodes, Helping Writers Become Authors is one of the most comprehensive writing podcasts out there. Host K.M. Weiland is passionate about giving writers the tools they need to take their career from aspiring to published author. Each episode looks at a micro-element of the craft, from opening a story to creating cohesive structure to developing believable characters. This podcast tends to focus on a topic for three to six episodes, allowing Weiland to break it down in depth and then talk about how to leverage those elements to market your novel. This is the perfect listen for writers looking to sharpen their skills to craft a story that an agent will buy and the right audience will love.

The Creative Penn Podcast For Writers

The Creative Penn Podcast For Writers

Honing your craft skills as a writer is important—but so is understanding the wider literary market and your place in it. Joanna Penn is the bestselling author of fantasy, thriller, and nonfiction books, and in this long-running podcast, she dives into the nuances of the publishing industry. The Creative Penn covers everything from how to find your niche in the book world to how to build and sustain a long-term career, along with looking at publishing trends and hot-button topics, including auto-narration of audiobooks. With insights from special guests like physician turned internationally bestselling medical thriller author Tess Gerritsen , this podcast is critical listening for anyone determined to make a comfortable living off their creative writing.

The First Draft Club

The First Draft Club

Created and hosted by author and writing coach Mary Adkins, The First Draft Club aims to help you overcome whatever creative blocks you might be facing and write with more clarity, more confidence, and less stress. It's meant for anyone working on a novel or memoir, even if your last written work was an essay for English class. Filled with pep talks, helpful hacks, mini workshops, and writing assignments, this weekly podcast gives you the tools and know-how you need to complete your first draft and troubleshoot any problems that might come up along the way—because, as Adkins believes, writing should be a source of joy, not agony.

The Self Publishing Show

The Self Publishing Show

Eager to dive into the wide world of self-publishing? Hosted by Mark Dawson, a successful self-published author, and James Blatch, a former reporter who recently self-published his debut thriller, this podcast is not only an invaluable resource for emerging authors but also a fun exploration of the exciting innovations and opportunities in the self-publishing sphere. With more than 300 episodes to explore, you can pick and choose which topics will be most helpful to you or immerse yourself in the knowledge found in the archives. Episodes range from 40 to 60 minutes and oftentimes feature guest authors, both self- and traditionally published. The Self Publishing Show also offers some great craft resources, plus brand- and wealth-building pointers.

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Kobo Writing Life Podcast

From Kobo, one of the world's biggest Ebook platforms, this podcast offers invaluable insights into self-publishing and the Ebook market. The Kobo team has curated a collection of resources, from the latest information about how to create a Kobo best seller, based on Kobo's sales metrics and platform affordances, to interviews with successful bestselling indie authors about everything from writing your way across mediums to word-of-mouth marketing. Kobo Writing Life has an archive of 300-plus episodes, ranging in length from 45 to 60 minutes, and many conversations are adapted from Kobo's Facebook community, which listeners are welcome to participate in.

Between The Covers : Conversations with Writers in Fiction, Nonfiction & Poetry

Between The Covers : Conversations with Writers in Fiction, Nonfiction & Poetry

Hosted by David Naimon of Tin House Books, a prominent independent publisher, Between the Covers offers probing long-form conversations with writers on the craft of writing. Along with plenty of nuts and bolts craft talk to satisfy any writer looking to build their toolbox, the conversations often turn philosophical as the writers dig into the whys of writing. With more than 200 episodes featuring bestselling authors such as William Alexander and Becky Chambers , there's so much here for writers of all experience levels and styles to explore. As a bonus, this podcast has a recurring feature of special interest to science fiction and fantasy writers called Crafting with Ursula, exploring the influence of the great Ursula K. LeGuin on the genre and its particular craft elements.

88 Cups of Tea

88 Cups of Tea

88 Cups of Tea is more than a writing podcast. Rather, it aims to be a community for writers looking for connections and encouragement. While episodes offer craft and publishing advice, the main focus is on the emotional life of the writer—how to find ideas, cultivate a creative life, and stay motivated to keep writing and publishing in the face of rejection. Host Yin Chang often interviews prominent figures in the children's and YA literary sectors, from authors like Stacey Lee , Kelly Yang , and Sara Zarr to industry professionals like agents and editors.

Michelle Obama: The Light Podcast

Michelle Obama: The Light Podcast

In one of the year’s most anticipated new podcasts, Michelle Obama brings listeners deeper into the world of her bestselling memoir, The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times . Where the audiobook initiated a dialogue with listeners on some of life’s biggest challenges—from building lasting relationships and meaningful success to overcoming obstacles and navigating identity—the podcast will explore these themes and more with an esteemed selection of friends and luminaries. In intimate recordings from her star-studded book tour, the former First Lady draws on her trademark humor, warmth, and compassion to elicit moments of startling insight and vulnerability from guests including Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Tyler Perry, and Conan O’Brien. The result is a series of searching conversations that will leave you feeling smarter, inspired, and, yes, lighter.

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Posted on Apr 26, 2019

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The Creative Penn

creative writing podcast

As one of the leading voices of independent publishing, Joanna Penn is as close as you can get to an apostle in the self-publishing world. She’s racked up over 400 episodes and played host to countless guests including Reedsy’s Emmanuel Nataf who talks about the role blockchain will play in the future of publishing. Yawn. (Just kidding, Emmanuel!)

The Self Publishing Show

creative writing podcast

This one’s a master-and-apprentice-style podcast from Mark Dawson , the author of the John Milton novels (a popular series of self-published thrillers). He and co-host James Blatch bring on some of the heaviest hitters in independent publishing — and on occasion, Dawson will take a deep dive into the complex parts of digital book marketing like  Amazon ads for authors .

Kobo Writing Life Podcast

creative writing podcast

From the team behind Kobo’s author platform, the KWL podcast gives you access to some of the brightest minds in indie publishing, while also providing a first look at new developments on Kobo.

The Bestseller Experiment

creative writing podcast

What started off as an attempt to reverse-engineering a bestselling novel (with the advice of big-name guests like Ian Rankin, Michael Connolly and Joanne Harris) has since outgrown its one-year mission. Approaching its 200th episode at the time of writing, the Bestseller Experiments continues to attract some of the most insightful guests in publishing.

Sell More Books Show

creative writing podcast

Author (and friend of Reedsy ) Bryan Cohen co-hosts this show with veteran online marketer Jim Kukral that’s focused on just one thing. You guessed it: selling more books! If you’re looking for tips on getting the most out of your Amazon listing or managing your mailing list, you don’t need to look any further.

The Book Marketing Show

creative writing podcast

Writer and book marketing guru Dave Chesson (also a friend of Reedsy ) is one of the most enthusiastic personalities and focused minds in indie publishing. In his show, he and his guests offer up marketing strategies and practical hacks that could help you go from being a starving artist to a publishing success story.


creative writing podcast

The hugely prolific author of the Dan Kolter archeological thrillers also happens to be a podcast host whose mission is to inform, inspire, educate, and entertain. He also has a real knack for booking interesting guests… such as this episode with Reedsy co-founder Ricardo Fayet where they talk about the tricky issue of discoverability.

Helping Writers Become Authors

creative writing podcast

Another prominent voice in the online writing community, author K.M. Weiland guides writers through the creative process of writing a book. Now in its tenth year, her podcast shows no sign of slowing down, with new episodes dropping each week.

Bestseller , Season 2 Episode 2: The People v. Cozy Mysteries

If you’re into writing, there’s a good chance you love to read, right? Here are a few shows that can help you find better books (and read them more mindfully).

What Should I Read Next?

creative writing podcast

In each episode, host Anne Bogel invites a new guest to chat about books: what they love, what they hate, and what you, gentle listener, should be reading next. Bogel has since recorded over 180 episodes as of this article.

Between the Covers

creative writing podcast

This Portland-based production is created in association with Tin House , one of America’s leading literary magazines . Leveraging the prestige of this association, host David Naimon converses with acclaimed authors like Marlon James and provides a platform for a diverse set of newer voices.

Literary Friction

creative writing podcast

Literary Friction is both a) a superb pun and b) one of the most innovative and culturally on-the-nose podcasts out there today. Hosts Carrie Plitt and Octavia Bright have a splendid rapport and razor-sharp instincts for conversational topics — though they’re helped by their range of diverse and fascinating guests.

Harry Potter and the Sacred Text

creative writing podcast

Or, to be more accurate — it’s an English class where the only books on the syllabus happened to be written by J.K. Rowling . In each episode, hosts Vanessa Zoltan and Casper ter Kuile focus on a different scene from the canon and discuss it through the prism of a chosen theme.

Dead Author’s Podcast

creative writing podcast

Though now on permanent hiatus, this comedy podcast sees H.G. Wells, science fiction icon, using his time machine to interview authors from the past (played by comedians the likes of Maya Rudolph and Ben Schwartz). Most of the time, the guests know very little about the authors they’re playing, but the episode featuring L. Ron Hubbard (Andy Daly) is as weird and funny as it is meticulously researched.

Bestseller Addendum 1: Choice Words for First Drafts (with Brett Putter)

Now let’s take a look at a few shows that concentrate on the craft of writing — writing podcasts that examine the artistic side of being an author.

Write Now with Sarah Werner

creative writing podcast

A show with a greater focus on self-care than most of the other entries here, Write Now with book coach Sarah Werner is a healthy mix of practical advice, interviews with authors, and positive creative affirmations.

Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing

creative writing podcast

The Internet’s #1 authority on whether it’s who or whom , Mignon Fogarty (aka Grammar Girl) also has a podcast aimed squarely at anyone with a fascination for words — which, surely, is all of us.

88 Cups of Tea

creative writing podcast

Hosted by actor Yin Chang (from TV’s Gossip Girl ), 88 Cups of Tea is a writing podcast with a slight YA bent (that occasionally takes a diversion in the world of TV). The eclectic guests range from bestselling authors like Meg Cabot, to top literary agents and the man who translates Murakami’s works into English!

Writers Who Don’t Write

creative writing podcast

Have you ever struggled with writer’s block? Well you’re not alone. Hosts Jeff Umbro and Kyle Craner started this podcast as a way to get over their writing fears, only for it to evolve into something much more ambitious. Their most recent episode was in late 2018, but there’s still a mountain of archived episodes featuring guests like Andy Weir ( The Martian ) and Lev Grossman ( The Magicians ).


creative writing podcast

Host Gabriela Pereira guides listeners through deep conversations, homing in on practical steps to help writers develop their skills. With her signature upbeat style and deep well of literary knowledge, Pereira offers listeners an immersive MFA-style experience (without the accompanying student debt). Recent guests have included Sara Dessen, Jojo Moyes, Eoin Colfer, and Orson Scott Card.

The Creative Writer’s Toolbelt

creative writing podcast

Writer and creative coach Andrew J. Chamberlain is the host of this writing podcast. He’s ghostwritten award-winning biographies and published a number of titles under his own name as well. He has since adapted this long-running show into a book titled The Creative Writer’s Toolbelt Handbook (a little wordy if you ask us).

Writing Excuses

creative writing podcast

If you’re tired of too many hour-plus podcasts filling up your feed, you need to check out Writing Excuses . Now in its eleventh year, the show’s evolving panel of hosts (which has included fantasy bestseller Brandon Sanderson) takes the listener through a new topic each season and drills into specifics in bite-size chunks.

The Am Writing Fantasy podcast

creative writing podcast

Hosted by two bestselling authors, who have published more than twenty books between them, this great podcast releases new episodes every single Monday. It’s chock-full of good practical information on writing, publishing, and marketing of books. With a pitch of humor sprinkled on top, it’s even entertaining (or tries to be 😊).

The Drunken Odyssey with John King

creative writing podcast

Each episode, writer John King welcomes a new guest for a lively, uncensored literary discussion. Don’t know where to start? We recommend the episodes with novelist Elliot Ackerman ,  poet Denise Duhamel ,  or publishing superstar  David Sedaris .

I Should Be Writing

creative writing podcast

The road to publishing success is often long and winding, something that Mur Lafferty knows better than most. Her podcast is a semi-confessional and highly personal account of her career as a genre author — which recently reached new heights with multiple nominations for her novel Six Wakes , and a commission to write the novelization of Solo: A Star Wars Story .

Beautiful Writers Podcast

writing podcasts Beautiful Writers

If you want a bit of star power in your audio content, check out Linda Sivertsen’s show. Her celebrity guests have included the likes of Tom Hanks, Candice Bergen, Abby Wambach, and Anne Lamott.

First Draft: A Dialogue on Writing

creative writing podcast

This weekly interview show from host Mitzi Rapkin largely focuses on authors, with the occasional poet, screenwriter, playwright, or musician joining her on the mic for an insightful chat on the art of storytelling.

creative writing podcast

Shawn Coyne’s Story Grid is one of those writing books that most new novelists own — and on which almost all writers have a strong opinion, one way or another. In his podcast, the veteran editor is joined by ‘struggling author’ Tim Grahl to discuss the finer points of the craft. If you can't get enough of The Grid ,  there's a spin-off program called Editor Roundtable   where five editors analyze stories according to Shawn's methods.

Writing Class Radio

creative writing podcast

Now in its seventh season, Writing Class Radio is the brainchild of writers Andrea Askowitz and  Allison Langer. They read stories, talk to editors, and encourage listeners to submit their own stories — much like a real writing class!

The Secret Library Podcast

creative writing podcast

Prolific book podcaster ( bookcaster ?) Caroline Donahue interviews authors and figures from the publishing world and gets deep into the nitty-gritty of creating the books that we all love. Recent guests include Jasper Fforde, Susan Orlean, and Diana Gabaldon.

So You Want to Be a Writer

creative writing podcast

If you like your podcasts to a little more antipodean, the Australian Writers' Centre official podcast might be your cup of tea (or dollop of Vegemite).

The Writers Panel

creative writing podcast

Ben Blacker of The Thrilling Adventure Hour lets his listeners eavesdrop into conversation with some of the biggest names in television writing. If you dream of writing TV drama, or are just a Netflix addict, you’ll want to tune in for his talks with the likes of Vince Gilligan ( Breaking Bad ), Amy Sherman-Palladino ( Gilmore Girls and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel ) and Damon Lindelof ( Lost ).

Have we missed out your favorite podcast? Drop a message in the comments below and let us know!

3 responses

Peter B Dudley says:

14/05/2019 – 18:32

I listen to most episodes of the Taylor Stevens Show. She's a thriller writer and she shares her struggles with being a writer and gives advice on writing better stories.

Zack Urlocker says:

24/05/2019 – 18:54

I've listened to several of these shows but for my money, The Bestseller Experiment is a cut above. It's got the right mix of practical advice, good interviews, inspiration and humor.

Frank D says:

08/10/2019 – 14:07

A Writer’s Life Podcast is the most honest podcast on writing. And the funniest.

Comments are currently closed.

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Ten of the best podcasts for writers

There are so many podcasts about writing now, covering the craft, the business, the pleasures – and the pain. Here are ten of the best.

podcasts for writers

So let’s talk about writing.

It’s a process that is interesting to virtually no one except other writers. Luckily, there are a lot of us. And podcasts talking about writing seem to increase by the week now. So you know, I also often recommend specific episodes or mention new podcasts in my bi-weekly newsletter for creative professionals .

But these are some of my favourites, covering the craft and the business of writing, the pleasures and the pain. What are yours? 

1. In Writing with Hattie Crisell

Each episode sees British journalist Hattie Crisell go deep with a writer over 60 minutes. She’s an excellent interviewer who does her research, so she asks great questions and gets a good rapport with each guest. There are gems, new ways of thinking about writing, in every episode. I loved novelist Maggie O’Farrell talking about why she has two desks – each for a different project; Lucy Prebble on how the  Succession  writing room works; and Charlie Booker and James Acaster just being their brilliant comedic selves. 

2. Write Now with Sarah Werner

creative writing podcast

If you’re feeling lonely on your writing journey, this is the place to go. Most of these short (around 15-minute) podcasts are monologues about the writing life, filled with wisdom, vulnerability and discussing the kind of blocks and insecurities that will be familiar to most writers. There are occasional guest interviews, and these are wonderful too. But mainly it’s Sarah Werner , talking with warmth, humour and searing honesty about her own struggles and those of the writers she knows and works with. Whatever your challenge is right now, she’ll have an episode that can help.

3. The Shit No One Tells You About Writing

The format here is the star. The first segment is Books With Hooks, and involves author and creative writing teacher Bianca Marais and literary agents Carly Watters and CeCe Lyra critiquing query letters and the opening pages of works submitted by authors hoping to get representation. If you’re interested in getting an agent or submitting your work for publication, this is a treasure trove of information, insight and intelligent criticism gently focussed on making each author better. It’s followed by more conventional interview with a writer or someone involved in the publishing business. While this is always interesting, the first section is pure gold.

4. The Offcuts Drawer

creative writing podcast

Host Laura Shavin is a British actor, comedian and also a voiceover artist. She interviews writers about the scripts that never got made, the work that was rejected, rewritten or otherwise never published: then gets fellow actors to read excerpts. It’s comforting to know how many top writers have work that never found an audience. Lisa Jewell’s episode offers down-to-earth insights into the novel-writing and editing processes; Val McDermid showcases her usual dry, self-effacing wit (I want to see her unmade minimalist TV cop drama); the scriptwriters leave you awestruck that anything ever gets made for the screen at all, when so many obstacles lie in wait.

5. The Creative Penn

Joanna Penn is a successful independent author of both fantasy thrillers and non-fiction books about writing and self-publishing. Her long-running podcast sees her discussing new developments in the world of publishing and what they might mean for independent authors especially in the first part of the show, then often chatting with another author about the business and process of writing.

If you like this, you might also enjoy The Self-Publishing Show , hosted by successful indie thriller writer Mark Dawson.

6. Writing Excuses

creative writing podcast

Long-running podcast offering short but information-packed 15-minute episodes in which a guest writer or the rotating list of writer/hosts discuss the business but mainly the mechanics of writing fiction. Is it acceptable to change the geography of a real city to suit your plotline? And you do you build believable worlds? How do you name a non-existent plant or animal? Do side-characters need their own story arc? And how do you make non-human characters convincing? Worth looking at for the titles alone: a recent episode was called  The Gun On The Mantel is Actually a Fish .

7. Writer’s Routine

Dan Simpson is a children’s TV presenter and he brings that somewhat breathless, bumptious style to his interviews with authors. He doesn’t seem to read a great deal – his 2020 target was 20 books, which doesn’t seem a lot if you’re talking to writers regularly. But with over 200 episodes so far he’s managed to secure interviews with big names like Ian Rankin, Ken Follett. Kate Mosse and Joanne Harris, all talking about how, where and when they write; the tools they use; and even what fonts they choose to write in.

8. The Writer Files

creative writing podcast

Host Kelton Reid has an odd habit of sighing when he’s thinking, which sometimes gives the impression he’s bored with the whole thing. Which can’t be true, because he has kept this going for seven years now, interviewing hundreds of interesting writers. I’ve discovered lots of new (to me) books via these 30-minute episodes, most recently crime writer Tana French. Stand-out episodes include  Always Sunny co-creator/star Rob McElhenney giving great advice to anyone wanting to break into TV comedy, but also writers in general; and the brilliant Walter Moseley’s thoughts on writing Los Angeles.

9. Literary Friction

This one is a happy new find for me, as there are 120 episodes to catch up on. It’s as much about intelligent reading as writing. Literary agent Carrie Plitt and her friend, the academic and writer Octavia Bright, interview a writer about their latest book. They then have a more general discussion about the genre/theme (they are fearsomely well-read), before they and the guest each recommend a book. I’ve only listened to a handful of episodes so far, but each led me to order at least one new book (Maggie Nelson’s  On Freedom  was the latest). I usually binge on a new podcast, but I might have to ration these out! 

If you like authors (and other creators) talking about books they love, there’s also Daisy Buchanan ’s entertaining podcast  You’re Booked . Daisy examines her guest’s bookshelves, and asks about the books that inspire and entertain them – happily including popular fiction as well as more high-brow literature.

10. Longform

creative writing podcast

Each weekly episode of this long-running podcast sees a non-fiction writer talking in-depth about the story behind their stories. Having worked as a journalist for 30 years, I’m passionate about longform stories, and the need to give writers the space to stretch out and really tell the tale they researched. But this is about more than news reporting. Hosts Aaron Lammer. Max Linsky and Evan Ratcliff ask great questions and gently encourage discussion of craft, ethics, insecurities, career progression, and the challenges of telling the truth in a world addicted to lies.

And finally..

Neil Gaiman is one of my favourite authors. He also happens to be very wise about the creative process. So his appearance on The Tim Ferriss Show is well worth a listen. Every morning, from 8-9am I follow Gaiman’s advice and sit at my desk. For that hour, I can stare into space, or I can write. Nothing else. The writing usually wins…

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Reader Interactions

' src=

11th July 2022 at 5:18 pm

Rankin and Billingham big favourites in this house, Christopher, so looking forward to checking this out.

' src=

11th July 2022 at 4:31 pm

This list is great, although, it does lack a live streaming YouTube podcast! Made for the Writing Community, featuring over 200 episodes, LIVE every Thrusday. The likes of Iain Rankin, Sarah Pinborough, Mark Billingham, Julia Donaldson, Dom Joly, Adele Parks, John Kennedy, Max Brooks, and many more, have appeared and loved the show. Wink wink…. The Writing Community Chat Show!

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The Creative Penn

Writing, self-publishing, book marketing, making a living with your writing

The Creative Penn Podcast For Authors

Podcast episodes are posted  every Monday  and include  interviews, inspiration and information  on writing and the business of being an author.

Stats from  6 May 2024  [Blubrry] —  Over 9.7 million podcast downloads across 228 countries  (60% USA, 12% UK, 5% Australia, 5% Canada, 18% Rest of the World). 94% impactful plays (people listen to at least 75% of the episode).

The Creative Penn Podcast is in the top 1% of podcasts  with over 10,000 downloads in the first 7 days of publishing, and 10K-25K downloads per episode. [ Buzzsprout global stats  show the top 1% of podcasts have 4985 downloads in the first 7 days.]


All the backlist episodes are listed below. You can subscribe on your favorite podcast app including  Apple Podcasts ,  Spotify ,  Amazon Music ,  Android ,  Stitcher ,   YouTube , or  RSS .

Thanks to regular corporate sponsors: Kobo Writing Life ,  Draft2Digital ,  ProWritingAid .

Thanks to patrons of The Creative Penn Podcast


If you'd like to join my community and support the show every month, you'll get access to my growing list of Patron videos and audio on all aspects of the author business — for the price of a coffee (or two) a month. Join us at Patreon.com/thecreativepenn .

The music used on The Creative Penn Podcast from episode 750 is Upbeat Corporate Creative, commercially licensed from AudioJungle. In episodes prior to 750, the music is by Kevin MacLeod at Incompetech.com. Licensed under Creative Commons.

Podcast episodes with transcripts

#750 – How Writing Work for Hire Books Led To Becoming An Indie Author with Aubre Andrus

#749 – Using Tools to Automate Your Author Business with Chelle Honiker

#748 – Human-Centered Book Marketing with Dan Blank

#747 – The Midlist Indie Author Mindset with T. Thorn Coyle

#746 – Generative AI Impact on Creativity and Business in the Music Industry with Tristra Newyear Yeager

#745 – Facing Fears in Writing and in Life with Rachael Herron

#744 – Different Ways to Market Your Book with Joanna Penn

#743 – Tips for Selling and Marketing Direct Using Meta Ads With Matthew J Holmes

#742 – Insights on the Enneagram and Sustain Your Author Career with Claire Taylor

#741 – Dealing with Change and Building Resilience as an Author with Becca Syme

#740 – How to Create Beautiful Print Books And Sell Direct with Alex Smith from Bookvault

#739 – Tips on Writing Memoir with J.F. Penn

#738 – The ‘Hard Joy' of Writing with Sharon Fagan McDermott and M.C. Benner-Dixon

#737 – Writing and Producing a Micro-budget Film with Jeffrey Crane Graham

#736 – Your Author Brand with Isabelle Knight

#735 – How to be Successful on Kickstarter with Paddy Finn

#734 – A Creative Approach to Generative AI in Book Cover Design with James Helps

#733 – Direct sales and merchandising with Alex Kava

#732 – Facing Fears, and Writing Unique Characters with Barbara Nickless

#731 – The Next Strategic Step on your Author Journey, and Author Nation with Joe Solari

#730 – My 2024 Creative and Business Goals with Joanna Penn

#729 – Review of my 2023 Creative and Business Goals with Joanna Penn

#728 – The 15-Year Creative and Business Pivot with Joanna Penn

#727 – How Generative AI Search Will Impact Book Discoverability in the Next Decade with Joanna Penn

#726 – Self-Publishing a Cookery Photobook with Jane Dixon-Smith

#725 – Subscriptions and the Creator Economy with Michael Evans

#724 – Starting a Second Career as an Author and Networking Tips with Patrick O'Donnell

#723 – The Mindset and Business of Selling Books Direct with Russell Nohelty

#722 – Pinterest for Book Marketing with Trona Freeman

#721 – Managing Your Author Business for the Long Term with Tracy Cooper-Posey

#720 – Stop Trying To Do Everything with Patricia McLinn

#719 – Writing the Soul of Place with Linda Lappin

#718 – Let Your Dark Horse Run. Writing The Shadow With Joanna Penn

#717 – Writing Faster Without Burning Out with LA Witt

#716 – Adapting to Change with Jessie Kwak

#715 – Writing and Publishing a High Quality Photo Book with Jeremy Bassetti

#714 – Lessons Learned from 12 Years as an Author Entrepreneur

#713 – Writing and Producing Audio Drama with Joanne Phillips

#712 – Using AI Images In Your Book Cover Design Process with Damon Freeman

#711 – Producing Visual, High Quality Books, Thinking Differently and Kickstarter Tips with Holger Nils Pohl

#710 – Writing Poetry in the Dark with Stephanie M. Wytovich

#709 – Build a Successful Author Career for the Long Term with Joe Solari

#708 – Publishing Books for Children and Profitable School Visits with Tonya Duncan Ellis

#707 – How AI Tools Are Useful For Authors with Disabilities and Health Issues with S.J. Pajonas

#706 – The Marketing Mind Shift and the Power of Ad Stacking with Ricci Wolman

#705 – Writing Fast, Collaboration, and Author Mindset with Dan Willcocks

#704 – Writing From Your Shadow Side with Michaelbrent Collings

#703 – Your Publishing Options with Rachael Herron

#702 – Writing Tips from the Movies and TV with John Gaspard

#701 – 9 Ways That AI Will Disrupt Authors and the Publishing Industry in the Next Decade [2023 Update] with Joanna Penn and Nick Thacker

Backlist episodes

Episodes 601 – 700 (Feb 2022 – June 2023)

Episodes 501 – 600 (August 2020 – Jan 2022)

Episodes 401 – 500 (Nov 2018 – August 2020)

Episodes 301 – 400 (Dec 2016 – Oct 2018)

Episodes 201 – 300 (Nov 2014 – Dec 2016)

Episodes 101 – 200 (August 2011 – Nov 2014)

Episodes 1 – 100 (March 2009 – July 2011)

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The best writing podcasts to foster creativity in 2024 .

Senior Content Marketing Manager

February 16, 2024

In 1959, Jack Kerouac took to his typewriter and typed a spontaneous list of thirty ‘guidelines’ for writing, offering gems of advice such as “write what you want bottomless from the bottom of the mind” and “write in recollection and amazement for yourself.” 

We don’t know if Kerouac would have embraced the podcast circuit to share his Belief and Technique for Modern Prose .

But we know the writing process is endlessly fascinating and elusive, and writers’ secrets are sought after.

Talking about writing often seems more straightforward than actually writing. While listening to the podcasts recommended here won’t replace sitting down to write, it can help you overcome the isolation of seeking inspiration, whether you’re a creative writer or an aspiring novelist. 

That’s why writing podcasts are so valuable. They offer support, guidance, and encouragement for your creative efforts.

Writing podcasts are audio programs that explore the many aspects of writing, from the craft to the lifestyle. 

They are essential tools for anyone looking to enhance their creativity, refine their skills, or find community in the sometimes lonely writing endeavor. 

By tuning into these podcasts, you can learn from other writers’ experiences, learn new techniques, and stay motivated throughout your writing journey.

Different Types of Writing Podcasts

1. write-minded, 2. the creative penn podcast, 3. grammar girl quick and dirty tips for better writing, 4. the writers’ hangout, 5. self-publishing school, 6. the writer files, 7. london writers’ salon, 8. the power of storytelling, 9. writing around the kids, 10. creating happy writers, 11. beautiful writers podcast, 12. the drunken odyssey with john king, 13. the creative writer’s toolbelt, 14. the big gay fiction podcast, 15. writer’s routine , 16. well-read black girl, 17. helping writers become authors, how to use writing podcasts for inspiration and learning, grow your writing career with clickup, brush up your creative skills with writing podcasts, common faqs.

Avatar of person using AI

Writing podcasts come in various flavors, catering to the diverse needs and tastes of the writing community. 

Here are some of the main types of podcasts about writing and what they can offer you:

  • Instructional podcasts: These podcasts offer practical advice on improving writing skills, covering topics from grammar to story structure. They provide a wealth of knowledge accessible to beginners and experienced writers
  • Inspirational podcasts : These podcasts are designed to motivate you by sharing success stories and delivering pep talks. They serve as a source of encouragement, fostering the resilience and creativity needed to face the challenges inherent in your writing career
  • Genre-specific podcasts: If you wish to dive into the nuances of writing within particular literary categories such as mystery, romance, or science fiction, genre-specific podcasts are meant for you. They provide insights tailored to writers seeking to refine their craft within specific genres 
  • Author interviews: These podcasts offer an intimate look into the lives of bestselling authors, giving you a glimpse of the creative processes and experiences that shape their work. This gives you a behind-the-scenes perspective on the art and profession of writing
  • Community-oriented podcasts: These podcasts establish virtual spaces for writers to connect and share their diverse journeys and insights. They actively guide you on your path, serving as beacons for those seeking to master their craft and find creative fulfillment

Now that you know the different types of podcasts, you can choose the one that best suits your preferences. 

To help you further, we have compiled a list of the year’s best podcasts, providing valuable insights to refine your writing skills and spark inspiration. 

Top Ranking Writing Podcasts

No matter where you are in your writing journey, we’ve curated a list of the 17 best writing podcasts of this year to get the creative juices flowing:


Hosted by Brooke Warner from She Writes, the world’s largest online community for women writers, and Grant Faulkner from National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), Write-minded is a weekly podcast that offers a dynamic blend of writing advice, craft-focused discussions, and industry insights. 

In each episode, the hosts conduct engaging interviews with writers and publishing professionals, accompanied by a mini-feature exploring current trends in the publishing world. 

Whether you’re an aspiring author or an established writer, Write-minded delivers a compelling mix of creative inspiration and business insight. 

Recent episodes feature Stephanie Foo discussing the challenges of writing about trauma and A.M. Homes sharing insights on the craft of characterization, making it an invaluable resource for writers at all stages of their journey.

Must-listen episodes

  • How to Be Self-Revealing in Memoir When You’re Not In Real Life , featuring Dr. Brian H. Williams
  • The Future of the Book , featuring Maja Thomas
  • The Subtle Art of Attunement and Its Bearing on Our Writing , featuring Baron Wormser

What listeners say

I can’t stop listening. If you are a writer, you won’t be able to either.

The Creative Penn Podcast

Hosted by Joanna Penn , a successful indie author and entrepreneur, The Creative Penn Podcast provides insights into writing, self-publishing, book marketing, and also how to make a living with your writing. 

Each episode covers topics ranging from genre exploration to the technical aspects of publishing aimed at helping authors understand the book industry. 

Joanna often invites guests like Mark Dawson and Orna Ross, who share their expertise on specific subjects, offering listeners actionable advice to apply to their writing and publishing endeavors.

  • A Creative Approach to Generative AI in Book Cover Design with James Helps
  • Facing Fears, and Writing Unique Characters with Barbara Nickless
  • How Generative AI Search Will Impact Book Discoverability in the Next Decade with Joanna Penn
The mix of audience and the style of the podcast (monologue followed by interview) make it entertaining. Very highly recommended.

Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing

Mignon Fogarty , the voice behind Grammar Girl, offers short, friendly tips to improve your writing. Covering grammar, style, and usage, each episode dives into common writing errors and stylistic nuances that can make or break your work. 

The podcast helps writers of all levels clean up their prose and communicate more effectively, making it one of Writer’s Digest’s 101 best websites. 

Guests like linguists and authors discuss language evolution and writing best practices, making complex language rules accessible to everyone.

  • Technology changes how we write. Who was the first Goody Two Shoes?
  • The psychology (and language) of time. Commas are like people on the subway. Fox chores.
  • Why English has silent letters. Dayjamas
The Grammar Girl podcast is the best!!! I especially like the parts about how English has changed over time.

The Writers' Hangout

The Writers’ Hangout is a space for writers to share stories, challenges, and victories. 

It’s hosted by various members of the writing community, including PAGE Social Media Director Sandy Adomaitis and co-host Terry Sampson . Each episode dives into different aspects of the writing life, from overcoming writer’s block to exploring creative processes. 

The podcast offers community and practical advice, helping writers feel less isolated.

One of the notable guests featured on the show is the screenwriter Matias Caruso, whose inclusion holds particular significance. As a self-taught screenwriter from Argentina, Caruso brings a unique perspective and journey to the podcast. 

His story of mastering English and screenwriting skills independently amidst cultural and linguistic challenges is inspiring and relatable for aspiring writers globally. 

By featuring Caruso’s insights, the podcast not only enriches its content with diverse experiences but also highlights the inclusivity and encouragement it aims to foster within the creative community.

  • How Writers Find Their Agents And Managers
  • 7 Quick Tips for Creating Memorable Character Names
  • Billy Wilder’s 10 Crucial Tips To Write A Great Screenplay
Podcasts like these are exactly what I need when I’m taking a writing break. It feels like you’re in the space with them and enjoying the conversation.

Self-Publishing School

Chandler Bolt hosts the Self-Publishing School podcast, which focuses on how to write, publish, and market your books effectively. 

Each episode provides step-by-step guidance on self-publishing, making it a valuable resource for authors at any career stage. 

Chandler and his guests, including successful self-published authors such as Joanna Penn and Derek Murphy, discuss strategies for book launches, marketing, and building an author brand, offering listeners a blueprint for self-publishing success.

  • Mastering Marketing and Book Promotion with Dr. Joe Vitale
  • Portable Stories, Great Case Studies, And Writing Books People Share with Joey Coleman
  • The Story Blender: How I Sold 1 Million Copies Of My Novels with Steven James
This is a good podcast for anyone who wants to write a book, no matter what their situation in life is.

The Writer Files

Kelton Reid studies the habits, habitats, and brains of famous writers to understand what makes them tick. 

The Writer Files covers everything from productivity hacks to the psychological challenges of writing, offering insights into how successful writers overcome common obstacles. 

Guests have included bestselling authors such as David Sedaris and Gretchen Rubin, who share their routines, writing techniques, inspirations, and tips for maintaining creativity and productivity.

  • How to Land a Book Deal with Agent & Author Lucinda Halpern
  • How #1 NY Times Bestselling Author Jim Butcher Writes
  • The Art and Craft of TV Drama with Aaron Tracy
If you’re a writer (and even if you’re not), you’ll find listening to The Writer Files to be time well spent

London Writers' Salon

Hosted by writers and co-founders of the London Writers’ Salon , Matthew Trinetti and Parul Bavishi , this podcast invites listeners into the world of writing workshops and literary discussions. 

Each episode explores the craft of writing through conversations with authors, editors, and literary agents, offering practical advice and inspiration. 

The London Writers’ Salon supports writers in honing their craft and finding their community, with guests discussing topics relevant to both new and experienced authors.

  • Writing Love Stories, Building Strong Characters, Mastering Young Adult Novels, From Musician to Writer with David Arnold
  • Navigating & Succeeding in Self-Publishing, Pros and Cons of Traditional Publishing, Writing Sales Copy, Amazon Categories, Building an Audience, Handling Rights, Hiring Help with Gwyn Bennett
  • Writing & Reading as Tools for a Meaningful Life, Writing Big Idea Nonfiction, Learning from Literary Greats with Benjamin Hutchinson
It’s very thought-provoking. I loved it!

The Power of Storytelling

The Power of Storytelling , hosted by former journalist and PR expert Nicola J. Rowley , explores the art and impact of storytelling across various mediums. 

The different episodes cover how stories are crafted, shared, and received, offering insights into narrative techniques that captivate audiences. 

The podcast explores the question, “How can my story impact my life and other people’s lives?”

Guests, including renowned journalists, authors, and speakers, share their experiences and tips for creating compelling stories, making it a valuable resource for writers looking to enhance their narrative skills. 

  • Onto your next Chapter with Sarah Walker
  • Create a Legacy: Write your Story with Abigail Horne
  • Unlock the Power of Storytelling , Nicola J. Rowley’s Journey
Inspiring conversations about the power of storytelling. Nicola is a great interviewer drawing out the stories of her guests.

Writing Around the Kids

Writing Around the Kids is a podcast designed by Anna Jefferson and Sam Johnson for writers navigating the complexities of parenting alongside their creative endeavors. 

Each episode offers strategies for effective time management, establishing clear boundaries, and enhancing creativity even amid family chaos. 

A highlight of the series is the participation of Elizabeth Haynes, a former police intelligence analyst residing in Norfolk with her husband and son. 

On the podcast, Elizabeth shared her insights on the liberating experience of writing across genres and the creative freedom of drafting without a predefined plan, particularly highlighting her participation in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). 

Her journey from drafting her first novel in the month-long writing challenge (NaNoWriMo) to becoming a published author in 37 countries is not only motivational but also filled with practical tips for listeners who are striving to balance their passion for writing with their responsibilities as parents.

  • Writing/Life Balance November with Nicola Williams, Jacqueline Roy, and Annie Garthwaite
  • Writing & Motherhood panel discussion with Jo Clegg, Rosie Walker & Nicola Gill
Loved it so much, great ideas.

Creating Happy Writers

Creating Happy Writers focuses on the joy and fulfillment writing can bring. The podcast is for writers of non-fiction and business books. 

Hosted by Steph Caswell , each episode explores ways to maintain the passion for writing, overcome self-doubt, and embrace the creative process. It also aims to educate, inspire, and empower writers with the necessary tools.

Guests, including authors, psychologists, and creativity coaches, offer insights into staying motivated and happy in your writing practice, making it a source of inspiration for writers seeking to reignite their passion.

  • How to Make Time to Write Your Business Book in 2024
  • 10 Lessons I’ve Learned From 10 Years of Writing
  • Irresistible Introductions: Hooking Your Reader From Page On e
Steph Caswell eloquently shares phenomenal value in these bite-sized podcasts. Well, worth a listen if you run your own business, and want to stand out within your niche. Or if you have any other reason to be writing a non-fiction book.

Beautiful Writers Podcast

Linda Sivertsen hosts Beautiful Writers Podcast , featuring intimate conversations with some of the most beloved authors and creative minds. 

Each episode dives into the writing process, publishing industry insights, and the personal journeys of guests like Elizabeth Gilbert and Brené Brown. 

The podcast offers a behind-the-scenes look at the challenges and triumphs of writing, providing listeners with inspiration and practical advice from those who have found significant success in their writing careers.

  • How to Write a Book (& Actually Finish It!) with Marie Forleo
  • Answering the Biggest Questions that Stump Writers with Cheryl Strayed & Nia Vardalos
  • A Top Lit Agent & Writer on Togetherness with Jennifer Rudolph Walsh & Dani Shapiro
Great advice, inspiration, and lessons here. A treasure!!!

The Drunken Odyssey with John King

The Drunken Odyssey , hosted by John King , is a podcast about writing that combines literary discussion, interviews, and the occasional writing workshop. 

John and his guests, including poets, novelists, and essayists, discuss the nuances of writing, the importance of literature, and the joys and struggles of the creative process. 

The podcast stands out for its eclectic mix of content, from in-depth literary analysis to lighthearted conversations about the writer’s journey.

  • A Discussion of Kathleen Alcott’s Emergency , with Samantha Nickerson
  • A Discussion of Myhouse.wad for Doom , with Michael Merriam
The Drunken Odyssey is a brilliant podcast! I love that we get sneak peeks into the minds of authors and what it’s like to live that life.

The Creative Writer's Toolbelt

Andrew J. Chamberlain hosts The Creative Writer’s Toolbelt , offering practical, tangible advice to writers looking to hone their craft. Although he hasn’t released a new episode since October 2022, the nearly 200 earlier episodes are full of helpful knowledge and tips for writers.

Each episode focuses on specific aspects of writing, such as character development, setting, or plot, providing listeners with tools and techniques to enhance their storytelling. 

Guests include authors, editors, and literary agents who share their expertise and experiences, making complex writing concepts accessible and actionable.

  • Getting the marketing basics right with Written Word Media’s Clayton Noblit
  • Trust the process that gives you joy! with Jessie Kwak
  • Make your reader feel smart with Jessica Brody
This is my favorite podcast on creative writing and I’ve listened to every episode. Andrew’s method of explaining concepts and techniques is straightforward and easy to understand.

The Big Gay Fiction Podcast

Hosted by Jeff Adams and Will Knauss , The Big Gay Fiction Podcast celebrates gay romance fiction and offers insights into the writing and publishing of LGBTQ+ stories. 

Each episode features interviews with authors, reviews of recent works, and discussions on trends within the genre. 

Guests, including popular authors like TJ Klune and Gregory Ashe, share their writing experiences, providing inspiration and advice for authors in or supportive of the LGBTQ+ community.

  • Empowering Readers and Storytellers with Subscriptions
  • Timothy Janovsky’s Time Traveling Rom-Com
  • Tales of “Vices” and “Restless Rogues” with Jess Everlee
I have found some wonderful authors & books thanks to these two. Highly recommended!

Writer's Routine

Dan Simpson hosts Writer’s Routine , a podcast that explores the daily routines of successful writers to uncover how they achieve their goals. 

Each episode offers a glimpse into the writing habits that foster productivity and creativity, with guests discussing their schedules, workspaces, and methods for overcoming writer’s block. 

Authors like Ian Rankin and Lisa Jewell have shared their routines, offering useful insights for listeners looking to optimize their writing practices.

  • How to plan and write historical fiction with D.V. Bishop
  • Why the biggest barriers to writing are your own excuses with Denzil Meyrick
  • How to write around a day job with Alex Hay
I love this podcast. Great tips and insights from varying writers that really help inspire and empower.

Well-Read Black Girl

Well-Read Black Girl , hosted by Glory Edim , features conversations with Black women writers, highlighting their work and exploring themes of representation, diversity, and identity in literature. 

Each episode celebrates the contributions of Black female authors to the literary world, with guests discussing their writing processes, inspirations, and the importance of Black voices in storytelling. 

Guests have included luminaries like Jesmyn Ward and Tayari Jones, making it an empowering listen for writers and readers alike.

  • Brit Bennett on Writing Confidently
  • Gabrielle Union on Writing Her Truth
  • Zeba Blay Brings Healing to the Page
This is an inviting space for listeners to hear from influential authors and public figures, but in a way that’s welcoming.

Helping Writers Become Authors

K.M. Weiland hosts Helping Writers Become Authors, a podcast that offers advice on crafting compelling stories. 

Focusing on story structure, character arcs, and themes, Weiland provides listeners with the tools they need to improve their writing. 

Through solo episodes and conversations with guests, the podcast dives into the technical aspects of writing, offering clear, actionable tips that writers can apply to their work to create more engaging and compelling stories.

  • Writing Multiple Plotlines: Everything You Need to Know
  • How to Market a Book: 6 Steps from a Full-Time Author
  • Do’s and Don’ts of Time Management for Writers
Although I work in a completely different writing genre, Helping Writers Become Authors has become my most valued writing guide

Want to listen to podcasts for writers but unable to find the time? Start by scheduling podcast-listening time into your daily routine. 

Starting the day on an inspirational note with a writing podcast during breakfast or your morning routine can set a positive tone for a productive day of writing. 

Your daily commute, whether driving, walking, or using public transport, is a perfect opportunity to absorb new writing ideas and information, turning travel time into a learning session. 

Scheduled breaks are also a prime time to engage with a podcast, providing a relaxing escape that keeps your mind actively involved with writing. 

Besides, you can combine podcast listening with exercise or household chores and transform these routine tasks into enjoyable and educational moments. 

Wind down at the end of your day with a few minutes spent listening to a writing podcast. Select episodes that inspire or relax you and prepare your mind for the next day’s writing tasks. For episodes that strike a particular chord, dedicating time to active listening and note-taking can also help you reflect on and apply the insights gained to your writing. 

This structured approach to integrating podcasts into your daily activities keeps you connected to the broader writing community and ensures a continuous stream of motivation and learning.

Jotting down key points, interesting phrases, or writing prompts mentioned in the podcast is a great way to consolidate your learnings. Also, try to incorporate new techniques or vocabulary you learned into your writing.

To boost your writing career, you need more than talent and dedication. The right tools can help streamline your creative process and make you more productive. That’s where ClickUp comes in.

ClickUp is a comprehensive platform that caters to writers who want to refine their workflows and step up their creativity. 

With ClickUp Docs and ClickUp Brain , you can access advanced features to optimize your writing tasks and skills.

Create beautiful docs, wikis, and more

ClickUp Docs 3.0

ClickUp Docs is an all-in-one workspace where writers can draft, edit, and organize their documents. 

If you engage in heavy research and note-taking, consolidate your material in these documents and organize them well. You can also create wikis while working on larger writing projects.

Connect your tasks, docs, people, and all your company’s knowledge with AI  

ClickUp Brain’s AI capabilities act as a writing assistant , offering an innovative solution to overcome writer’s block. It can generate outlines, summaries, or prompts, kickstarting the writing process for any task. 

This feature also functions as an outline generator , helping you structure your ideas and develop a coherent flow for your pieces. 

It enables content teams to deliver blog post ideas or product teams to create product documents and design user-testing studies in seconds!

Use writing and content calendar templates to stay organized and meet deadlines 

Gather leads and achieve your writing goals with ClickUp’s Content Writing Template

ClickUp also provides content writing templates that simplify the creation of various types of content, from blog posts to technical documentation . 

These templates are an excellent resource for writers looking for a structured start to their projects, ensuring consistency and quality across their work.

Additionally, ClickUp includes content calendar templates , making it easier for writers to plan and track their publishing schedules. This organizational tool is crucial for maintaining a consistent output and meeting deadlines.

For writers keen on continuous learning and improvement and time management, integrating productivity podcasts and ClickUp can provide support and inspiration for a flourishing writing career. 

Whether you’re seeking advice, inspiration, or simply the comfort of knowing you’re not alone in your writing challenges, there’s a writing podcast out there for you! Podcasts for writers are not just about information—they’re catalysts for creativity, connecting writers worldwide in a shared journey.  

One way to make the most out of your creativity today is using ClickUp. It’s your go-to platform for boosting productivity and simplifying workflows so you can focus on your craft. 

It offers a unified space to craft, save, and manage creative projects and documents. As one of the best writing tools and creative partners out there, ClickUp shines whether you’re collaborating with a team, sharing feedback, providing content writing services , or working independently on a project.

ClickUp is free to try, so why wait? Sign up today and discover how it can transform your writing process, dial up productivity, and enhance collaboration.

1. What are the best podcasts for writers?

This question has no definitive answer, as different podcasts may appeal to different writers depending on their preferences, goals, and interests. Depending on factors such as topic and genre, format and style, and the hosts and the guests invited, you can search for podcasts that suit your needs and tastes.

2. How do you use podcasts to inspire your writing?

Podcasts can be a great source of inspiration for your writing, as they can expose you to new ideas, perspectives, and stories. 

Listen to podcasts featuring writers you admire and want to learn the art of writing. You can listen to their stories, challenges, and successes and apply their tips and techniques to your work.

3. What’s the best podcast for professional writers?

This question depends on your personal preferences and goals as a professional writer. Some of the podcasts that can be helpful for professional writers include High-Income Business Writing Podcast , The Writers’ Co-op , and The Copywriter Club .

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creative writing podcast

The 10 Best Writing Podcasts for Storytellers and Aspiring Authors

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Alison Doherty

Alison Doherty is a writing teacher and part time assistant professor living in Brooklyn, New York. She has an MFA from The New School in writing for children and teenagers. She loves writing about books on the Internet, listening to audiobooks on the subway, and reading anything with a twisty plot or a happily ever after.

View All posts by Alison Doherty

Ready for a list of the ten best writing podcasts? Writing is often such a solitary endeavor. It’s you and the blank page or the white screen and…nobody else. This feels especially true when you’re unpublished (me raising my own hand and waving it around wildly). Writing podcasts offer so many helpful tips, bits of important information, and insight into both writing and publishing as professions.

They can also make you feel less alone on your writing journey.

After I graduated from my MFA program, I turned to podcasts to stay connected to the writing community. I’ve learned so many things from listening to these hosts and their many, many guests. From what a revise and resubmit means to advice about how to get unstuck when writer’s block hits. And really, the most important thing I’ve learned is that there is no one way to be a writer. Literally everyone’s pathway through the writing life has looked different. Through queries, rejections from editors, and countless new drafts, I’ve returned to podcasts when I feel alone or unmotivated. They’ve also inspired me when my writing is going well.

From interview shows to read-alongs to publishing advice, there is a best writing podcast that fits every stage of the writing process. Get creative! Feel inspired! And start listening to the writing podcast of your choice!

first draft podcast logo

First Draft with Sarah Enni

This began in 2014, when host Sarah Enni took a cross country road trip to interview her favorite YA writers. Since then, it’s expanded to interviews with writers in lots of mediums, genres, and categories. Sarah’s interviews go back to writers’ childhoods and cover every part of her guests’ creative and publishing journeys. As a writer herself, Sarah brings a lot of insight into how different everyone’s writing path can be. Her break off miniseries, Track Changes , is a must listen for writers looking to publish. It goes through all the nitty gritty details of the traditional publication process. She’s got it all covered, from agents to contracts and advances to marketing and publicity.

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Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips

Grammar Girl: Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing

If you love getting into the small details of writing or are looking to brush up on your grammar rules, this is the writing podcast for you. Episodes are usually short in the 10–20 minute zone and cover subjects ranging from semicolons to eliminating adverbs to the grammar of pirate lingo. Some episodes also feature short interviews with authors. And with over 700 episodes, this backlist will keep your ears busy for a long time.

Writers Routine Podcast Logo

Writer’s Routine

Get inspired by learning about the daily routines of working writers! Dan Simpson hosts this interview show, where he asks published authors to describe how they structure their daily routines to maximize their creativity. One thing that comes across is how different authors can be in terms of how often they write, what times, and many other factors. This writing podcast truly shows there is no one recipe for success. Instead, it’s about finding out what process works best for you as a writer.

Logo for #AmWriting Podcast

Hosts Jessica Lahey, KJ Dell’Antonia and Sarina Bowen all have amazing writing advice for writers and journalists. This podcast is a mix of interviews and advice episodes, with topics ranging from craft tips to publishing advice to discussions of how to build a writing community. They also explore a wide variety of writing categories instead of staying in just one lane. From memoir to fiction to food journalism to so many other types of writing. There is so much to learn from this writing podcast.

Deadline City Podcast Logo

Deadline City

Authors Dhonielle Clayton and Zoraida Córdova talk about writing, editing, publishing, and many different aspects of the writing life. They often bring on their friends and colleagues to discuss everything from the future of publishing to burnout to professional jealousy. Between them they have 40 books published or under contract, so these are two experienced authors that all writers should listen to!

DIY MFA Radio Podcast Logo


Gabriela Pereira wants to make the MFA experience more accessible through her weekly writing interview podcast. Her interviews with authors, agents, editors, and other publishing industry professionals are crafted to mirror an MFA speaking series. This podcast mixes discussions about writing as a craft with talk about publishing as a business, with some really impressive guests like Emma Straub , Sarah Dessen, and Jojo Moyes.

The Self Publishing Show Podcast Logo

The Self Publishing Show

Mark Dawson is a best-selling self published author. He’s created successful marketing, publicity, and sales strategies for his books that have let him quit his 9 to 5 job. Mark hosts this podcast with James Blatch, a newer author who represents the debut writing experience. With over six years, and 300 episodes, of tips and advice, this is one of the best writing podcasts to listen to for writers interested in self publishing.

Fated Mates Podcast Logo

Fated Mates

Romance writers should definitely check out the Fated Mates podcast. It is hosted by romance author Sarah MacLean and romance critic Jen Prokop. Their first season they did a read-along of Kresley Cole’s Immortals After Dark series . Since then they’ve covered pretty much everything in the romance world, from read-alongs on their favorite romance novels, book trope recommendations, and discussions of trends in romance publishing. As an added plus, Sarah and Jen are hilarious, fiercely feminist, and so much fun to listen to every week!

88 Cups of Tea Podcast Logo

88 Cups of Tea

This is one of my favorite writing podcasts. Host Yin Chang interviews creative storytellers in each episode. While the show began with a high concentration of YA authors as guests, the focus expanded to include authors from many categories along with screenwriters, filmmakers, poets, copy writers, literary agents, and more. Yin Chang is such an authentic host that it leads to really deep and nuanced conversations. The podcast is currently on a hiatus, while Yin Chang combats food insecurity among Asian American elders in NYC through Heart of Dinner. However, there are over 100 episodes in the podcast’s backlog to listen to while waiting for 88 Cups of Tea to return.

The Book Riot Podcast

Book Riot: The Podcast

Stay up to date with publishing trends and news with this weekly talkshow hosted by the editors of Book Riot. From pandemic reading habits to publishing house merges to changing sales numbers, this is a really good podcast for writers who want to stay in the know. For more information on weekly new book releases check out All the Books . Or if want to keep yourself up to date on specific genres, listen to Hey YA for young adult info, Read or Dead for mysteries and thrillers, When in Romance for romance writers, and finally SFF Yeah! for information about science fiction and fantasy.

I predict you will find a new favorite among this list of the best podcasts for writers. But if you are looking for more, I suggest perusing this list of bookish podcasts for more literary listening fun!

creative writing podcast

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20 Best Creative Writing Podcasts

creative writing podcast

  • The Creative Penn Podcast For Writers
  • Creative Writing Life
  • First Draft | A Dialogue on Writing
  • Write, Publish, and Shine
  • The Inner Loop Radio | A Creative Writing Podcast
  • Become a Writer Today
  • Creative Writing Club
  • Early Work with Rhys James
  • New Writing North
  • Selected Prose
  • The Creative Writer's Toolbelt
  • Passion for Creative Writing
  • English Literature Analysis for the HSC with Tim Macintyre
  • 88 Cups of Tea
  • Story Craft
  • Lana M. 'Rochel Author | Carol of the Wings, Vintage Folk Patchwork Tale
  • The Underground Writing Podcast

Creative Writing Podcasters

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Creative Writing Podcasts

Here are 20 Best Creative Writing Podcasts worth listening to in 2024

1. The Creative Penn Podcast For Writers

The Creative Penn Podcast For Writers

2. Creative Writing Life

Creative Writing Life

3. First Draft | A Dialogue on Writing

First Draft | A Dialogue on Writing

4. Write, Publish, and Shine

Write, Publish, and Shine

5. The Inner Loop Radio | A Creative Writing Podcast

The Inner Loop Radio | A Creative Writing Podcast

6. Become a Writer Today

Become a Writer Today

7. Creative Writing Club

Creative Writing Club

8. Early Work with Rhys James

Early Work with Rhys James

9. New Writing North

New Writing North

10. Selected Prose

Selected Prose

11. The Creative Writer's Toolbelt

The Creative Writer's Toolbelt

12. Passion for Creative Writing

Passion for Creative Writing

13. English Literature Analysis for the HSC with Tim Macintyre

English Literature Analysis for the HSC with Tim Macintyre

14. 88 Cups of Tea

88 Cups of Tea

15. Story Craft

Story Craft

16. Lana M. 'Rochel Author | Carol of the Wings, Vintage Folk Patchwork Tale

Lana M. 'Rochel Author | Carol of the Wings, Vintage Folk Patchwork Tale

17. The Underground Writing Podcast

The Underground Writing Podcast

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Writing Lessons with Silas House

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Writing Lessons with Silas House

Kentucky Poet Laureate Silas House presents: "Writing Lessons", a podcast that explores the foundations of creative writing.

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May 8, 2024, writing lessons episode 2: the deliciousness of words featuring george ella lyon.

May 8, 2024 • In this second episode of Writing Lessons, host Silas House chats with acclaimed writer George Ella Lyon about writing for children and "the deliciousness of words".

February 16, 2024

Writing lessons episode 1: characterization featuring david arnold.

February 16, 2024 • Kentucky Poet Laureate Silas House visits with bestselling writer David Arnold to talk about creating vivid characterizations in the premiere episode of "Writing Lessons", a podcast that explores the foundations of creative writing.

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Margaret Atwood reads Alice Munro on the New Yorker Fiction podcast.

The long and short-form of it: podcasts that will teach you how to write

Whether you are plotting, drafting, staring at a blank page, or keen to get tips from the pros … if you want to be an author, there’s a podcast for that

New Yorker Fiction

New Yorker Fiction podcast

In this monthly podcast , a celebrated writer selects a short story from the New Yorker’s archive to read and discuss with the magazine’s fiction editor, Deborah Treisman. The pleasure here lies as much in the pairings of authors with material as it does the stories themselves: Margaret Atwood reading Alice Munro, or Andrew Sean Greer reading Dorothy Parker, or Tessa Hadley reading John Updike. There is much to be learned about the craft and discipline of short fiction writing from the subsequent discussions, too. A recurring point: fewer words is always better. Also, check out The New Yorker: The Writer’s Voice , where writers read their own stories.

Longform podcast

Approaching its 10th anniversary, the Longform podcast is a weekly hour-long interview with a nonfiction writer about their work, practice and personal philosophies. When it was founded in 2012, as a co-production of Longform.org and the Atavist magazine, co-hosts Max Linsky, Evan Ratliff and Aaron Lammer drilled down into aspects of the craft such as note-taking and revising drafts. These days the scope of their warm, considered conversations has broadened to be as much about life as about writing. Dig into the archives to hear from greats such as Gay Talese, Renata Adler, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Ariel Levy, Ira Glass, Michael Lewis, George Saunders, Susan Orlean and Robert McKee.

Much of their advice applies to all writers, but for a podcast with a fiction slant, check out First Draft .

In Writing With Hattie Crisell

In Writing With Hattie Crisell podcast

Now in its fourth series , for this pod Hattie Crisell, a contributing editor of Grazia magazine, interviews writers of all kinds about “how they write, why they write, and what they can teach us about doing it better”. There are lessons for everyone who works with words and stories here, from bona fide publishing powerhouses Curtis Sittenfeld and David Nicholls to comedians, playwrights, critics and even songwriters. Crisell is an engaging interviewer who puts her subjects at ease so that they speak freely and frankly about the realities of life as a full-time writer – not least the horror of the blank page. Those just starting out might be heartened to hear that it never gets easier. Writer’s Routine and The National Writing Centre’s The Writing Life are two more UK interview podcasts focusing on the day-to-day.

Start With This

Start With This

Start With This is like a look inside the engine room of the hit podcast Welcome to Night Vale, as co-creators Jeffrey Cranor and Joseph Fink aim to help you “put your ideas in motion”. Each episode discusses a challenge or an aspect of writing – from scene-setting to plotting, finding one’s voice to overcoming perfectionism – before setting the listeners two practical assignments relevant to the subject: “something to consume” and “something to create”. The series concluded last month but, with episodes totalling an entire day and a half, Start With This presents an accessible, supportive step towards starting and extending a regular writing practice. Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach is another podcast with practical exercises (with the added bonus of bitesize episodes as short as 15 minutes).

Between the Covers

Between the Covers: Conversations

With episodes often in excess of two hours, this fortnightly “literary radio show” is one to sink into rather than blitz on your commute. But when you have time to invest, Between the Covers will expand your horizons, in both the exceptional curation of the interviewees – spanning all literary forms, all over the world – and the depth of their conversation. Even if you are not familiar with the works being discussed, host David Naimon will pique your interest. He is patient, never presumptuous, curious and well-informed. This podcast is like the best writer’s festival talk you’ve ever been to, fitting in with your schedule and with no unedifying Q&A session at the end.

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The Best Podcasts of 2024 (So Far)

Portrait of Nicholas Quah

This list is updated monthly with new “best of the year” worthy titles.

2024 is a milestone year for the podcast world. It marks a decade since the Serial phenomenon , which sparked many of the frothy, speculative dynamics that forged the podcast business we know today — a business, of course, that’s currently undergoing a kind of rebuilding phase as the medium matures. The cycle of new releases has been off to a relatively quiet start, but it’s not without great pleasures: Here, you’ll find a few experts of the form with some tricks up their sleeves, excellent entries into well-established genres, and even a glorious rerelease. And this is just the start. Several intriguing projects are still on the horizon .

All titles are listed by premiere date, starting with the most recent releases.

The Curious History of Your Home (Noiser)

creative writing podcast

In Our Time , the great BBC radio show and podcast, should’ve spawned an entire genre of academia-core programming, and if the day ever arrives that we nerds get to formalize one, The Curious History of Your Home should fit in nicely. Hosted by the British social historian Ruth Goodman, the series offers listeners a fleet-footed romp through the many histories embedded in the everyday household objects we often glaze over: wallpapers, dishwashers, bathtubs, lighting fixtures … I can’t speak to the fidelity of Goodman’s scholarship, but the point here isn’t to provide a comprehensive history. Rather, The Curious History of Your Home is an accessible primer meant to help you take more delight in the world around you. There should be more podcasts like this: fun, light on its feet, something that would make for a great listen on a lark. Bookstores are filled with this kind of stuff. Why can’t podcast directories be stacked with the same?

The Lonely Island and Seth Meyers Podcast (Rabbit Grin Productions)

creative writing podcast

Yeah, it’s another rewatch show, but when the formula works, it really works, you know? As the admirably generic title indicates, this podcast features Seth Meyers, former head writer of Saturday Night Live (2006–14), anchoring a breezy retrospective of the collected works of the Lonely Island (a.k.a. the comedy trio Andy Samberg, Jorma Taccone, and Akiva Schaffer), whose digital shorts helped usher SNL into the internet age — and, in some ways, shaped the internet’s humor as well. Perhaps you can still hum some of the Lonely Island’s most enduring contributions : “Lazy Sunday,” “I’m on a Boat,” “Dick in a Box,” “Motherlover,” or “Great Day.” In some senses, the podcast can be viewed as a microhistory, much in the same way that Fly on the Wall With David Spade and Dana Carvey serves the same function for SNL and comedy culture around the late ’80s and early ’90s. Here, the period in question is the specific moment in time right before American culture began its descent into social-media hell. I don’t mean to oversell the historiographical value of this thing, but I also don’t don’t mean to do so. Nothing has brought me back to the fanciful days of the first Obama term as much as this podcast.

➽ Read more of Nick Quah on The Lonely Island and Seth Meyers Podcast .

You Must Remember This : “The Hard Hollywood Life of Kim Novak” Remaster (Independent)

creative writing podcast

Speaking of milestones, this year marks the tenth anniversary of You Must Remember This , Karina Longworth’s reliably excellent independent podcast that powers her scholarship in Hollywood history. To recognize the occasion, Longworth has released a remastered version of her very first episode, “The Hard Hollywood Life of Kim Novak,” which was initially distributed behind the show’s Patreon wall and later, as of early April, released through public feeds. The remaster is a lovely bit of media preservation: You can hear a window into podcasting circa 2014, which was still accommodating to independent narrative productions like this; the very early goings of Longworth’s particular aesthetic, which she would continue to refine; and the foundations of a more interesting way to think about Hollywood’s past that YMRT champions to this day. Be sure to check out this great piece of podcast history. More long-running pods should do remasters.

Truth Be Told Presents: She Has a Name (APM Studios and TMI Productions)

creative writing podcast

Nowadays, Tonya Mosley is routinely broadcasted to public radio stations around the country in her official capacity as the co-host of “Fresh Air” alongside Terry Gross, but she’s still keeping a healthy portfolio of creative ventures on the side. Among them: She Has a Name , which sees Mosley tackling a matter of personal history. The narrative picks up with the veteran radio broadcaster learning about the existence of a sister, named Anita, whom she never knew about during her Detroit childhood . The person bringing this information is Anita’s son, Antonio Wiley, who establishes contact with his newfound aunt after learning of a DNA test that determined the unidentified remains of a young woman who died 30 years earlier to be, in fact, his long-lost mother. United by this startling discovery, the two decide to team up to recover Anita’s story, which refracts into a parallel history of a city ravaged by the ’80s drug epidemic. What results is a fascinating and heartfelt work of memory and memorializing.

Serial : Season 4 (Serial Productions and New York Times)

creative writing podcast

Six years after its most recent outing , and nearly a decade after its explosive introduction, Serial returns with a fourth season that feels simultaneously incongruous with its legacy and perfectly in sync with what it’s always done — which is to do whatever its creators want. This time, Sarah Koenig partners up with Dana Chivvis to construct an inside-out look at Guantánamo Bay, still in operation despite years of presidential promises to close the facility. Like the previous season, this iteration eschews a serialized narrative structure in favor of short stories that draw direct testimony from a variety of individuals who experienced the place firsthand: detainees, guards, wardens, and so on. The composite picture that emerges offers yet another reflection of the boondoggle that is American justice. The United States might’ve pulled out of Afghanistan a few years ago, but the forever war persists.

Finally! A Show (iHeartMedia, Little Everywhere, Lea Pictures)

creative writing podcast

As much as the official shorthand name listed above is already a great title for a podcast, the complete version is even better: Finally! A Show About Women That Isn’t Just a Thinly Veiled Aspirational Nightmare. The production pretty much delivers on the promise: Each episode follows a different woman walking through a day in their life, which usually becomes a space where they describe and discuss their worldview on their own terms. The opening missives have included a Pike’s Fish Market worker who happens to be a folk singer, an Instagram-prominent octogenarian calendar girl, and, of course, a celebrity — in this case, the Grammy-nominated Valerie June. Created by Jane Marie, who makes The Dream , and Joanna Solotaroff, a seasoned producer who’s worked at Team Coco and on 2 Dope Queens , the series further strengthens its diaristic approach by cutting out the framing device of a host entirely. In doing this, Finally! A Show explicitly doubles down on its self-declared mission statement, which is to focus simply on the texture of the subjects’ lives — and quietly celebrating the very simple fact of their existence.

Beyond All Repair (WBUR and ZSP Media)

creative writing podcast

On paper, the Beyond Repair possesses all the trimmings of a solid, if not generic, entry in the true-crime genre. A grim family affair sits at the center of its concerns: a 58-year-old woman, Marlyne Johnson, was found bludgeoned to death in her Brush Prairie, Washington, home in 2002. Her daughter-in-law, Sophia Johnson, was briefly convicted for the killing on the potentially perjurious word of her brother, Sean Correia, who claimed to witness the murder, but the Washington court of appeals reversed the conviction a few years later after finding fault in the proceedings. The second trial cleared her name, though only on paper; Sophia Johnson was deported to her native Guyana, and she continues to be the focus of all suspicion in the cold case despite her protestations. This could’ve been fodder for any number of true-crime shows, but this podcast stands apart from the pack. The reporter Amory Sivertson steps into the story almost two decades later, having found the case through happenstance, and, unlike other genre entries, she reckons plainly and honestly with the fog of mystery surrounding Sophia Johnson and her family. There’s a real commitment to the first-person point of view in this piece, though it never loses a clear enforcement of journalistic integrity. How do you convey the sheer uncertainty felt by the investigator without oversensationalizing the case? Sivertson and her team walk that fine line, and the way they balance the tightrope is fascinating.

99% Invisible’s Power Broker Series (SiriusXM)

creative writing podcast

Some day, I’ll sit down and polish off The Power Broker , Robert Caro’s celebrated book about Robert Moses and his controversial machinations that built the modern New York City urban landscape. Or so I tell myself. Despite restarting the 1,300-plus-page tome multiple times over the years, I know the feat probably won’t happen unless I somehow find several months free of personal and professional responsibility. Thank goodness, then, for Roman Mars and 99% Invisible , which has come waltzing in with a special series on the book that provides hapless audiences like myself another way to get intimate with the text. It’s a book club for a certain Venn-diagram overlap that unites urban planning, architecture, podcast, public policy, and politics nerds with each installment covering several chapters of the biography while digging into the major threads and ideas embedded in Caro’s journalism. A parade of guest stars pop in to accompany Mars in each episode, including Caro himself, who appears in the first episode to bless the proceedings. I’ve been personally off the 99% Invisible train for a bit, and this has been a nice way to get back into the long-standing pod.

Ghost in the Machine (Stak)

creative writing podcast

In my estimation, the best scandal stories are the ones that make me obsess over something I previously couldn’t give two hoots about, and based on that rubric alone, Ghost in the Machine is an exemplary yarn. Set in the high-stakes world of professional cycling, and led by journalist Chris Marshall-Bell, this series revisits a big ol’ brouhaha that happened in 2016 when a rising Belgian star, Femke van den Driessche, was allegedly caught with a bike containing a motor hidden in its frame. The practice is called, incredibly, “mechanical doping,” and while allegations of this type of cheating have been kicking around since 2010, the van den Driessche incident marked the first time evidence of “technological fraud” was found during a race. A downward spiral ensued: The sport’s authorities levied penalties, van den Driessche claimed that the bike didn’t belong to her and was mistakenly brought into the pit, her career was ultimately ruined. But what actually happened here? And how widespread is the practice, really? Since dropping five episodes earlier this year, the podcast has been on a break after shifting gears and becoming a “live investigation” — indicating that there’s loads more on this story to come.

Things Fell Apart , Season 2 (BBC)

creative writing podcast

The odd Okja aside (which he co-wrote), Jon Ronson has spent the better part of his career cranking out nonfiction stories — ranging from The Psychopath Test to The Men Who Stare at Goats to So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed — on what, in hindsight, could be described as the rapid decline of our shared reality. In Things Fell Apart , which he produces for BBC Radio 4, Ronson focuses on stories of the COVID present, and they collectively make up an expansive study on how we arrived at our current warped society. After a strong first outing last year, the follow-up season, released in January, sees Ronson further rooted in his wheelhouse with an array of episodes that are often as equally provocative as they are unsettling. How does a best-selling book about trauma figure into the explosion of culture-war conflicts happening in colleges and workplaces? How did the mysterious death of Black sex workers in Florida in the ’80s connect to the killing of George Floyd and the movement against police brutality it sparked? Less an anthology of “hidden histories” and more an exercise in drawing attention to things that’ve been stewing out in the open for a long while, Things Fell Apart can be viewed as an excellent primer to today’s mass American psychosis.

  • best of 2024
  • you must remember this
  • 99% invisible
  • beyond all repair

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103 episodes

MFA Writers is the podcast where host Jared McCormack interviews creative writing MFA students about their program, their process, and a piece they’re working on.

MFA Writers Jared McCormack

  • 4.9 • 57 Ratings
  • MAY 7, 2024

Max Delsohn — Syracuse University

Former stand-up comedian Max Delsohn sits down with Jared to talk about how humor and detailed line-level revision show up in his work for the stage and the page. Plus, he discusses a pleasure-forward writing process, switching MFA programs after the first year, and his experiences with big-name faculty like George Saunders and Mary Karr. Max Delsohn is a third-year MFA candidate in fiction at Syracuse University. His writing appears in McSweeney's Quarterly Concern, VICE, Joyland, The Rumpus, Passages North, Nat. Brut, and the essay anthology Critical Hits: Writers Playing Video Games, edited by J. Robert Lennon and Carmen Maria Machado, among other places. He has been awarded fellowships and residencies from the Saltonstall Foundation for The Arts, Mineral School, and Hugo House, and has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize three times. His debut short story collection, CRAWL, is forthcoming in fall 2025 from Graywolf Press. Find Max on social media @maxdelsohn, and sign up for alerts to pre-order his collection via his website, www.maxdelsohn.com. This episode was requested by Amy Peltz, Sarah Blood, and Frank Turner. Thank you all for listening! MFA Writers is hosted by Jared McCormack and produced by Jared McCormack and Hanamori Skoblow. New episodes are released every two weeks. You can find more MFA Writers at MFAwriters.com. BE PART OF THE SHOW — Donate to the show at Buy Me a Coffee. — Leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. — Submit an episode request. If there’s a program you’d like to learn more about, contact us and we’ll do our very best to find a guest who can speak to their experience. — Apply to be a guest on the show by filling out our application. STAY CONNECTED Twitter: @MFAwriterspod Instagram: @MFAwriterspodcast Facebook: MFA Writers Email: [email protected]

  • APR 23, 2024

Abhijit Sarmah — University of Georgia

What’s involved in an English PhD with a creative dissertation? Abhijit Sarmah tells Jared about how this path allows him to pursue his research on global indigenous literatures while continuing to craft poetry on identity and insurgency in Assam, India. Abhijit also discusses postmemory, or the memories we inherit from earlier generations, writing about your homeland when you live far from it, and the strong literary scene in Athens, Georgia. Abhijit Sarmah is a poet and a researcher of Indigenous literatures with particular focus on Native American women writers and writings from the Northeast of India. Currently, he is a second-year PhD student in the creative writing program at the University of Georgia where he is also an Arts Lab Graduate Fellow. He was a finalist for the 2023 Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowship and his work has appeared in magazines like Poetry, The Margins, The Lincoln Review, and elsewhere. Find him on Instagram @abhijitsarmahwritespoetry and on Twitter @abhijitsarmah_. MFA Writers is hosted by Jared McCormack and produced by Jared McCormack and Hanamori Skoblow. New episodes are released every two weeks. You can find more MFA Writers at MFAwriters.com. BE PART OF THE SHOW — Donate to the show at Buy Me a Coffee. — Leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. — Submit an episode request. If there’s a program you’d like to learn more about, contact us and we’ll do our very best to find a guest who can speak to their experience. — Apply to be a guest on the show by filling out our application. STAY CONNECTED Twitter: @MFAwriterspod Instagram: @MFAwriterspodcast Facebook: MFA Writers Email: [email protected]

  • APR 9, 2024

Sam Herschel Wein — University of Tennessee, Knoxville

On this episode, Sam Herschel Wein tells Jared about their path to finding poetry outside of academia, co-founding and editing Underblong, and their approach to collaboration and humor in their writing. Plus, they discuss the nuances of MFA program decisions (Two or three years? English or Art departments?) and whether creative writing should live within institutions of higher education at all. Sam Herschel Wein (he/they) is a lollygagging plum of a poet who specializes in perpetual frolicking. They have an MFA from the University of Tennessee (2021-2023) and were the recipient of a 2022 Pushcart Prize. They have published 3 chapbooks, most recently Butt Stuff Flower Bush from Porkbelly Press, and are the co-founder and editor of Underblong Journal. They have recent work in American Poetry Review, The Cincinnati Review, and Gulf Coast, among others. Find them on social media @samforbreakfast and at their website, samherschelwein.com. MFA Writers is hosted by Jared McCormack and produced by Jared McCormack and Hanamori Skoblow. New episodes are released every two weeks. You can find more MFA Writers at MFAwriters.com. BE PART OF THE SHOW — Donate to the show at Buy Me a Coffee. — Leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. — Submit an episode request. If there’s a program you’d like to learn more about, contact us and we’ll do our very best to find a guest who can speak to their experience. — Apply to be a guest on the show by filling out our application. STAY CONNECTED Twitter: @MFAwriterspod Instagram: @MFAwriterspodcast Facebook: MFA Writers Email: [email protected]

  • MAR 26, 2024

Rerelease: Gina Chung — Debut Author Series — Sea Change

The podcast team is on spring break, giving us (and you) the perfect opportunity to revisit an episode we love. In celebration of her new short story collection, GREEN FROG, we invite you into this conversation with Gina Chung who spoke to Jared last season about her debut novel, SEA CHANGE. Gina Chung, debut author of the speculative novel SEA CHANGE, tells Jared how the book began with a writing prompt in her MFA program and how her fellow students encouraged her to turn it into a novel. She and Jared discuss how her experience in publishing shaped her understanding of the business of writing and the importance of a trusted writing community. Plus, Gina offers advice for making the most of your MFA experience. Gina is a Korean American writer from New Jersey currently living in New York City. Her debut novel SEA CHANGE was a 2023 Barnes & Noble Discover Pick and a New York Times Most Anticipated Book. Gina has also written a forthcoming short story collection titled GREEN FROG. A recipient of the Pushcart Prize, she is a 2021-2022 Center for Fiction/Susan Kamil Emerging Writer Fellow and holds an MFA in fiction from the New School. Her work appears or is forthcoming in Kenyon Review, Literary Hub, Catapult, Electric Literature, Gulf Coast, Indiana Review, and Idaho Review, among others. Find her at gina-chung.com and on Twitter @ginathechung. MFA Writers is hosted by Jared McCormack and produced by Jared McCormack and Hanamori Skoblow. New episodes are released every two weeks. You can find more MFA Writers at MFAwriters.com. BE PART OF THE SHOW — Donate to the show at Buy Me a Coffee. — Leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. — Submit an episode request. If there’s a program you’d like to learn more about, contact us and we’ll do our very best to find a guest who can speak to their experience. — Apply to be a guest on the show by filling out our application. STAY CONNECTED Twitter: @MFAwriterspod Instagram: @MFAwriterspodcast Facebook: MFA Writers Email: [email protected]

  • MAR 12, 2024

Deborah Jackson Taffa — Faculty Series — Institute of American Indian Arts

Memoirist and director of the Institute of American Indian Arts MFA program Deborah Jackson Taffa talks to Jared about her new book, Whiskey Tender. Deborah shares how memoir writing is a form of familial and historical preservation, and offers advice on having difficult conversations with the real people who appear in our creative nonfiction. Plus, she discusses the value of the low-res IAIA program for both indigenous and non-indigenous writers, offers strategies for sustaining creative energy, and describes methods to avoid falling into a common misstep for MFA students: social comparison. A citizen of the Quechan (Yuma) Nation and Laguna Pueblo, Deborah Jackson Taffa is the director of the MFA in Creative Writing program at the Institute of American Indian Arts. She is the author of the memoir WHISKEY TENDER and holds an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Iowa. Her writing can be found at PBS, Salon, LARB, Brevity, A Public Space, The Boston Review, The Rumpus, and the Best American Nonrequired Reading. In late 2021, she was named a MacDowell Fellow, Kranzberg Arts Fellow, and Tin House Scholar. In 2022, she won a PEN American Grant for Oral History and was named a Hedgebrook Fellow. Find her at deborahtaffa.com and on social media @deborahtaffa. MFA Writers is hosted by Jared McCormack and produced by Jared McCormack and Hanamori Skoblow. New episodes are released every two weeks. You can find more MFA Writers at MFAwriters.com. BE PART OF THE SHOW — Donate to the show at Buy Me a Coffee. — Leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. — Submit an episode request. If there’s a program you’d like to learn more about, contact us and we’ll do our very best to find a guest who can speak to their experience. — Apply to be a guest on the show by filling out our application. STAY CONNECTED Twitter: @MFAwriterspod Instagram: @MFAwriterspodcast Facebook: MFA Writers Email: [email protected]

  • FEB 27, 2024

Jamie Li — Vermont College of Fine Arts

Drawing from her decade-long career in Silicon Valley, Jamie Li tells Jared about writing tech satire that struck her MFA colleagues as far-fetched and her tech friends as totally realistic. Plus, Jamie talks about how her background as a Chinese immigrant and the model minority myth shape her interest in writing about in-group/out-group behaviors, and her attraction to VCFA’s emphasis on experimental and cross-genre writing. Jamie Li is a Southern California-based fiction writer and product marketer. She holds a BA from Dartmouth College and is pursuing her MFA at the Vermont College of Fine Arts. Her writing has been recognized in the New York Times and published in Slant’d Magazine, Mangoprism, and elsewhere. She writes the Creative Juice newsletter and exists online on jamieli.co or IG @j.a.m.i.e.l.i. MFA Writers is hosted by Jared McCormack and produced by Jared McCormack and Hanamori Skoblow. New episodes are released every two weeks. You can find more MFA Writers at MFAwriters.com. BE PART OF THE SHOW — Donate to the show at Buy Me a Coffee. — Leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. — Submit an episode request. If there’s a program you’d like to learn more about, contact us and we’ll do our very best to find a guest who can speak to their experience. — Apply to be a guest on the show by filling out our application. STAY CONNECTED Twitter: @MFAwriterspod Instagram: @MFAwriterspodcast Facebook: MFA Writers Email: [email protected]

  • © Jared McCormack

Customer Reviews

Intelligent and well-produced.

First and foremost, this podcast is extremely well-produced. The sound quality is amazing and steady, the introduction is perfectly balanced with the rest of the podcast, and Jared talks with a steady pace and the most calming voice. Second, it’s extremely insightful and informative. Even if you’re already in a MFA program or just write casually and aren’t intending to start a program, it’s still worth a listen to get to know how other writers write and what makes them stand out. (Plus, sometimes it’s kinda funny!) This podcast is a true gem in the world of media that I absolutely cannot wait for every two weeks.

Fantastic resource

I just discovered this podcast last week and I have already learned so much about MFA programs and the writers’ experiences navigating the process. This is such a helpful resource for writers out there who want to learn about what it’s like to apply to programs, and what it’s like to be an MFA student in general. Thanks Jared!!!


Jared is the man. This podcast was a game changer for me during the research process for MFA programs. Thank you to J and to the team as well, keep up the incredible work!

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    This is one of my favorite writing podcasts. Host Yin Chang interviews creative storytellers in each episode. While the show began with a high concentration of YA authors as guests, the focus expanded to include authors from many categories along with screenwriters, filmmakers, poets, copy writers, literary agents, and more.

  16. AmericanWriters.com -- Creative Writing Podcast‪.‬

    The Creative Writing Podcast at AmericanWriters.com is designed to help writers of all levels. The focus is on characterization, narrative, plot development, dialogue, conflict, setting, literary archetypes, etc. Episodes are not centered around mindless, useless pep talks and recycled writing tips. Rather, the Podcast at AmericanWriters.com ...

  17. 20 Best Creative Writing Podcasts You Must Follow in 2024

    Here are 20 Best Creative Writing Podcasts worth listening to in 2024. 1. The Creative Penn Podcast For Writers. Writing Craft and Creative Business. thecreativepenn.com. Facebook Followers 36.7K Twitter Followers 84.8K Instagram Followers 10.5K Frequency 1 episode / week Avg Length 63 min Since Feb 2018 Play Get Email Contact. 2.

  18. Writing Lessons with Silas House : NPR

    Podcasts >; Arts >; Writing Lessons with Silas House From WUKY. Kentucky Poet Laureate Silas House presents: "Writing Lessons", a podcast that explores the foundations of creative writing.

  19. Inside Creative Writing

    Listen to Inside Creative Writing - A Podcast for Fiction and Creative Nonfiction Writers on Spotify. The weekly podcast on craft and techniques for writers of fiction and creative nonfiction.

  20. The long and short-form of it: podcasts that will teach you how to

    This podcast is like the best writer's festival talk you've ever been to, fitting in with your schedule and with no unedifying Q&A session at the end. Explore more on these topics Creative writing

  21. The Create If Writing Podcast

    Welcome to the Create If Writing Podcast! This is the place for you if you are a writer, blogger, or creative who wants to build an online platform without being smarmy. New to podcasts? Here are a few ways to listen. Subscribe via Apple Podcasts! The podcast player below. Just click play. You can even scroll to see past episodes!

  22. ‎The Writing Podcast: How to Develop a Creative Idea for Your

    If you want to write a book that influences the world, you need to start with a creative idea. Great ideas form the essence of great books. And yet idea development is one of the biggest struggles of writers. ... In this episode, Dave and Melissa talk about what an idea really is, how to sharpen your id… ‎Show The Writing Podcast, Ep How to ...

  23. The Best New Podcasts to Listen to in 2024 (So Far)

    The best podcasts of 2024, including new surprises from veteran podcasters, a revisitation of a not-so-distant 'SNL' era, and a brand-new season of 'Serial.'

  24. ‎The Creative Writing Podcast on Apple Podcasts

    The Creative Writing Podcast is here to aid in helping you to enhance your craft. There will be writing games, pep talks, challenges, writing resources to help you along. We'll also be showcasing the works of writers on our shows, allowing them to discuss it in a live forum. Published authors get a lot of attention for what they do, but some ...

  25. ‎MFA Writers on Apple Podcasts

    MFA Writers is the podcast where host Jared McCormack interviews creative writing MFA students about their program, their process, and a piece they're working on. ‎Arts · 2024. ... Currently, he is a second-year PhD student in the creative writing program at the University of Georgia where he is also an Arts Lab Graduate Fellow. He was a ...