#1 Best Guide On How To Write An Essay In Tagalog

Picture of Rachel Louise

  • , December 4, 2023

How To Write An Essay In Tagalog

Curious to learn how to write an essay in Tagalog? Well, you’re in luck because that’s exactly what we’re going to be talking about in this handy blog post!

As you read on, you will not only learn Tagalog but also realize just how easy it is to write essays in Tagalog. After this, your Tagalog writing and overall communication skills should improve a lot!

How To Write An Essay In Tagalog

If you want to know how to write a good essay ( sanaysay in Filipino), definitely remember that less is more! By writing less, you’re conveying to your reader that you’re organized and an expert on what you’re talking about. To learn more helpful tips, make sure to keep reading!

1. Do Your Research

Doing proper research ( pananaliksik ) before getting started is essential when it comes to the writing process. After all, how will you be able to write about a topic if you don’t know anything about it? When you’re conducting research, make sure to also fact-check and gather data from multiple sources. That way, your article has more authority.

Doing more research will also ensure that you know about a certain topic in-depth and can even lead to you gaining a new perspective along the way.

2. Draft Your Essay

After completing your research and answering the questions you have in your mind, you can now proceed to drafting ( pagbabalangkas ) your essay . This process is so important because it gives you time to organize your thoughts and ideas into a concise structure. If you skip this step, your essay is sure to come out disorganized, with different topics all jumbled up in each other.

Make sure that during this step, you outline your essay thoroughly. This will make the process of writing the actual essay go much smoother because you won’t have to go back and research information or search for notes. Keep all your notes in the same place when you’re writing an essay!

3. Start Writing

After conducting research ( pananaliksik ) and drafting your essay ( pagbabalangkas ), it’s time to start writing! Remember that when you write an essay, you should divide it into three parts: introduction, body, and conclusion.

The Introduction Of The Essay

The introduction ( panimula ) is where you will answer basic questions and tell your readers what the essay is going to be about. Make sure that you hook your readers in your introduction. Otherwise, they won’t keep reading.

The Body Of The Essay

Next is the body ( katawan ) of the essay. This is where you’ll talk in-depth about the topic. Make sure to include any research you did in this section and your analysis of the research. You can also include your opinion in this section if the topic permits.

The Conclusion Of The Essay

The last part of an essay is known as the conclusion ( konklusyon or wakas ) . This is where you can wrap up any major ideas in your essay. If you’re really good, you should be able to tie your conclusion somehow back to the introduction! It’s important to keep your conclusion insightful and avoid completely summarizing the essay. Readers want to feel enlightened after they finish reading an essay, not be given an entire synopsis!

4. Edit Your Work

Your essay isn’t finished until you’ve gone back and edited it. If time permits, we recommend sleeping on your essay and then coming back to it the following day.

Looking at an essay with a fresh set of eyes will allow you to notice errors that you might have missed if you had edited it on the same day you wrote it. The two main things to check for when it comes to editing are overall clarity and grammatical mistakes. Both of these can distract your reader from the actual content of the essay if you’re not careful.

How To Write An Essay In Tagalog Words To Standout - A photo of someone writing on a paper

Words To Make Your Tagalog Essay Standout

Writing an essay in Tagalog can be a challenge, especially if you are not yet fluent in the language. Remember not to stress too much! With all the resources available nowadays, from YouTube videos to online articles, there are a thousand ways to check if the Tagalog word you’re using is correct.

If you want to learn more Tagalog words or the language itself, the Ling app can help. It’s a gamified language learning app available on Google Play and the App Store that teaches you all about the Tagalog language and 60+ more languages. Now, let me share with you some words to get you started writing your Tagalog essay!

EssaySanaysay Play
On the contraryBagkus Play
That’s whyKaya Play


Which is whyKung kaya’t Play
All in allSa pangkalahatan Play

There are so many more Tagalog words you can learn to make your essay more compelling, but we just wanted to get you started on how to write an essay in Tagalog .

Expanding Your Vocabulary For Tagalog Essays

To truly excel in writing essays in Tagalog, it’s essential to have a rich vocabulary. Here are some advanced words and phrases that can add depth and precision to your essays:

  • Pagpapalawig (Expansion) – Use this term when you’re elaborating or expanding on a point. It shows that you’re adding more details or going deeper into a topic.
  • Salungat na Pananaw (Contrary View) – When discussing a different or opposing perspective, this phrase is quite handy. It helps in introducing an alternative argument or viewpoint.
  • Mahalagang Punto (Important Point) – This phrase can be used to highlight key arguments or significant aspects of your essay.
  • Sa Madaling Salita (In Short) – This is a useful transition phrase for summarizing or concluding your thoughts succinctly.
  • Mabisang Argumento (Effective Argument) – Utilize this when emphasizing the strength of your argument or reasoning.
  • Pangunahing Tema (Main Theme) – Ideal for stating the main theme or central idea of your essay.
  • Kritikal na Pagsusuri (Critical Analysis) – This is an essential phrase for essays that require analyzing or evaluating concepts, situations, or literary works.
  • Pagkakatulad at Pagkakaiba (Similarities and Differences) – Use this when you are comparing and contrasting ideas or topics in your essay.
  • Panghuling Pahayag (Final Statement) – This is a powerful way to introduce your concluding remarks, ensuring a strong finish to your essay.
  • Susing Salita (Keyword) – Refers to the main terms or concepts central to your essay’s topic.

Incorporating these words and phrases into your Tagalog essays will not only improve the quality of your writing but also demonstrate a higher level of language proficiency. Remember, the key to effectively using advanced vocabulary is understanding the context in which each word or phrase is most appropriately used.

How To Write An Essay In Tagalog Do Your Research - A photo of a hand holding a pen

Common Pitfalls In Writing Essays In Tagalog

While learning how to write an essay in Tagalog , it’s just as important to know what to avoid as it is to know what to do. Here are some common pitfalls you should watch out for:

  • Overuse of Direct Translations : One of the most common mistakes is directly translating phrases or idioms from English to Tagalog. This can lead to awkward phrasing or even change the meaning entirely. As we know, languages have their unique expressions, so try to think in Tagalog rather than translating from English.
  • Ignoring Formal and Informal Tones : Tagalog, like many languages, has formal and informal tones. Be mindful of the tone you’re using in your essay. Academic and formal essays usually require a more formal tone, so avoid using colloquial or Tagalog slang terms .
  • Neglecting the Flow of Sentences : The flow and structure of sentences in Tagalog can be quite different from English. Pay attention to sentence construction to ensure your essay reads naturally. Long, convoluted sentences can confuse readers, so aim for clarity and conciseness.
  • Inconsistent Use of Tenses : Tagalog verbs can be tricky, especially with their various aspects (completed, ongoing, and contemplated). Make sure to keep your verb tenses consistent throughout your essay to maintain clarity and coherence.
  • Overlooking Local Context and Nuances : Tagalog has rich local contexts and nuances. Make sure to incorporate these appropriately in your writing. Understanding and using regional expressions or phrases can add authenticity to your essay, but be careful not to misuse them.
  • Insufficient Proofreading : Finally, don’t underestimate the importance of proofreading. Spelling and grammatical errors can significantly undermine the credibility of your essay. If possible, have a native speaker review your work to catch errors you might have missed.

By avoiding these common pitfalls, your journey to mastering essay writing in Tagalog will be smoother and more successful. Keep practicing, and don’t hesitate to seek feedback from native speakers or language-learning communities! Good luck on your Tagalog essay writing journey!

Updated by: Jefbeck

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thank you for helping me to make an essay, it’s actually helped me to do my essay so thank you saur muchh !!

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Band 4+: Some people say that when buying a product e.g. a mobile/cell phone or choosing a service eg medical treatment, price is the most important thing to consider

Nowadays, purchasing things is more challenging than it used to be in the past, because stiff competition between the sellers. Many individuals asserts that cost should be more dominant factor while getting any service. However, I do not concur with this notion, due to multifarious factors such as quality, features, reputation and customer support. I will discuss these reasons in forthcoming paragraphs.

The quality of the product is essentail aspect to consider which can lead to longer life span, more features of the product. A higher price often indicates better quality as well as reliability of the product. For instance China made phones and i phones have significant price difference, because i phones typically made from good quality materials as compared to China made phones. As a result, i phones provide more features, battery health, durability than China made phones.

Reputation and customer support is another crucial factor to take any decision. To clarify this, in medical treatment, opting cheapest option could deteriorate one s health, whereas choosing reputable healthcare provider could be more expensive but ensures high standard of care and better outcomes. so, before taking any service, masses should check reviews of the hospital, experience of doctors, and the effectiveness of treatment. Besides this, people should also evaluate the level of customer support offered by the company to issues.

In conclusion, although money is considered to be most important thing but decision should be made by prioritizing others aspects like quality, features, reputation and customer support, which will helps to get good service.

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Essay on Mobile Phone: 100 Words, 300 Words, 500 Words


  • Updated on  
  • Feb 21, 2024

essay on my mobile phone

Mobile Phones are portable electronic devices used to make calls, browse the internet, click pictures, and do several other tasks. However, the mobile phones discovered in the early 1970s were quite different from the compact and slim devices we use today. Cell phones were invented by John F. Mitchell and Martin Cooper of Motorola in 1973.

cell phone essay tagalog

As modern humans, we all use mobile phones for our day-to-day functioning. At academic and higher education levels, students are given the task of writing an essay on mobile phones. An essay on mobile phones requires a comprehensive and detailed study of their history, major developments and the purposes it serve. In this article, we have provided essays on mobile phones for class 6,7,8.9, 10, and 12th standard students. Students can refer to these sample essays on mobile phones to write their own. Keep reading to find out essays on mobile phones and some fun facts about the device.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (100 Words)
  • 2 Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (300 words)
  • 3 Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (500 words)
  • 4 Essay on Mobile Phone: 5+ Facts About Smartphones

Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (100 Words)

Mobile phones are also known as cell phones or smartphones. It is a revolutionary technology that can connect people even from a distance. A smartphone can be used to call, text, click photos, send photos, manage calendars, calculate things, browse the internet, play music, watch movies, or simply use social media. Even banking activities can be done by using a smartphone. To this day and date, almost everyone is a mobile phone user. Although mobile phones are not recommended for children, it is a versatile tool that can be used by a student of any age.  Hence, it has become a significant part of everyday life.

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Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (300 words)

In the modern world, a smartphone is a necessity. Human beings have become dependent on devices to do their important work. The reason is, mobile phones have several applications that make the daily life of the user easier. It is no longer a luxury to own a mobile phone. The prices have gone down so much that an average middle-class person can afford it. It is the most important and affordable tool available in the market.

An average mobile phone can perform several tasks. Starting with connecting people at a distance through calls or texts to playing games. For example, a Nokia 1100 can have applications that can assist in calls, texting, listening to the radio, playing games, calendars, and more. A more advanced mobile phone such as an Android device or an iPhone can connect the device to the internet and open up plenty of possibilities. That is, on a smartphone along with the basic functions customers can send emails, and use social media applications like Facebook, Instagram, and X.  

Along with the advantages, a mobile phone comes with disadvantages too. However, the disadvantages of a smartphone are less based on the device. It is more related to how a user used the device. It can cause health problems such as poor eyesight, and sleep disruption. Aside from this, being excessively dependent on the phone can result in social isolation and less productivity.

Mobile Phone is an excellent device that can perform several functions for a user. Due to its advantages, it has become an indispensable tool in the modern world. However, with its benefits comes the cons. A user should not be too dependent on a smartphone. It can result in health problems, social isolation, and less productivity. 

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Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (500 words)

Mobile Phone is a portable telephone that performs a variety of functions for its users. The smartphone can be used to text, call, watch movies, listen to music, and even use social media applications. This cellular device has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, most of the disadvantages of a mobile phone circle around its overuse or misuse. The price of a mobile phone can vary between INR 2000 to $48.5 million based on the model and brand. 

Mobile phones have several advantages. For this reason, it has become a modern-day necessity. Some of the advantages of mobile phones are listed below:
The main reason why anyone would purchase a mobile phone is to make calls. Smartphones make it easy for a user to communicate with another user. Be it video calls, normal calls, or texting it can all be done on a mobile phone.
Browsing the Internet:
The Internet makes it easier to access information at your fingertips. A mobile phone user can use the internet to browse the internet, and even use applications that run on the internet. Thus, it can help a user to listen to music, watch movies, send emails, manage social accounts are more.  Furthermore, it also helps users to make online payments
Performing Business
Several established businesses use marketing strategies to promote their products and services. These are done with the help of the Internet. Mobile phone users can use social media accounts to promote their products and services. It also enables users to engage with other businesses.
Learning Applications
A variety of applications available on cellular devices help users to learn and grow. For example, educational materials such as online courses are available on these platforms/

There are several disadvantages to using mobile phones. Some of them are listed below:
Social Isolation
People are more interested in mobile phones than actually communicating with others face-to-face. Hence, mobile phones have created a time when people are connected and disconnected at the same time.
Lack of Productivity
Mobile phones have become so engrossing that it has resulted in smartphone addiction.  Being on the device for too long can make a person be in the virtual world more, and not in the real world. Thus, making a person unproductive.
Health Problems 
Smartphone addiction can result in disrupted sleep, poor eyesight, bad posture, depression, and other health ailments.  Hence, using mobile phones for a long duration is bad for a person’s health.
Lack of Privacy
Mobile phones can compromise the privacy of their users. Anyone can access information about any person. Moreover, viruses, phishing attacks, etc. can result in loss of data.

A mobile phone has its pros and cons. Smartphones can perform several functions and have made life easier for humans. The limited use of mobile phones can be incredibly useful.  The importance of mobile phones can’t be denied in today’s world. However, using the devices for too long can result in several health ailments and social isolation. 

Essay on Mobile Phone: 5+ Facts About Smartphones

Here we have listed some of the interesting facts about smartphones. These facts can be added to the ‘essay on mobile phones’ to make it more interesting. Below are the 5 interesting facts about smartphones:

  • The most expensive smartphone in the world is the Falcon Supernova iPhone 6 Pink Diamond. It is worth  $48.5 million.
  • The cheapest mobile phone in the world is the Freedom 251. It just cost INR 251.
  • Apple is the world’s most popular smartphone
  • The first phone greeting was “Ahoy-hoy, who’s calling please?” 
  • The first smartphone was invented by IBM. It was released by IBM in 1994. The original screen name of the 1st smartphone was “Simon.” 
  • The first text message in the world was ‘Merry Christmas’

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A mobile phone system gets its name from diving the service into small cells. Each of these cells has a base station with a useful range in the order of a kilometre/mile.

Mobile phones have become extremely important due to the ease of communication it has brought about. Moreover, it can perform several major tasks easily and effectively. For example, a calculator. Aside from this mobile phones can help a user connect to the internet, and use social media applications, and other applications. Mobile phones can even assist in online payment. 

The full form or the meaning of a Moble is Modified, Operation, Byte, Integration, Limited, Energy”. John F. Mitchell and Martin Cooper of Motorola discovered the device in 1973. An essay on mobile phones can include the mobile phone full form.

Related Articles

Mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our lifestyle. There are several advantages and disadvantages of having a smartphone. However, the pros outweigh the cons. A mobile phone essay can be written by including both the advantages and disadvantages. To discover more articles like this one, consult the study abroad expert at Leverage Edu.

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Blessy George

Blessy George is a Content Marketing Associate at Leverage Edu, boasting over a year of experience in the industry. Her expertise lies in crafting compelling content tailored to online courses, making her a go-to source for those navigating the vast landscape of digital learning. In addition to online classes, she writes content related to study abroad, English test preparation and visas. She has completed her MA degree in Political Science and has gained valuable experience as an intern.She is known for her extensive writing on various aspects of international education, garnering recognition for her insights and contributions. Apart from her professional pursuits, Blessy is passionate about creative writing, particularly poetry and songwriting.

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114 Cell Phone Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Cell phones have become an integral part of our lives, affecting various aspects of society, culture, and personal interactions. With their widespread use, it is no surprise that cell phones have also become a popular topic for essays. Whether you are writing an essay for an academic assignment or simply want to explore the impact of cell phones on different areas, we have compiled a list of 114 cell phone essay topic ideas and examples to inspire your writing:

  • The evolution of cell phones: From bricks to smartphones.
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  • Cell phones and sleep disturbances: A growing concern.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of children owning cell phones.
  • Cell phones and cyberbullying: Addressing the dark side of connectivity.
  • The impact of cell phones on academic performance.
  • Cell phones as tools for empowerment in developing countries.
  • The portrayal of cell phones in popular culture and media.
  • The effects of cell phone addiction on personal relationships.
  • The influence of cell phones on the economy and business.
  • Cell phones and privacy: Balancing convenience with security.
  • The role of cell phones in disaster management and response.
  • The impact of cell phones on healthcare delivery and access.
  • Cell phones and cultural identity: How they shape our self-expression.
  • The effects of cell phone use on children's cognitive development.
  • Cell phones and environmental sustainability: E-waste and recycling.
  • The influence of cell phones on political participation and activism.
  • The ethics of using cell phones in educational settings.
  • The impact of cell phones on language and communication skills.
  • Cell phones and the decline of face-to-face interactions.
  • The effects of cell phone use on academic cheating and dishonesty.
  • Cell phones and the preservation of cultural heritage.
  • The role of cell phones in promoting access to information.
  • Cell phones and the decline of public phone booths.
  • The effects of cell phone use on memory and cognitive abilities.
  • Cell phones and democratization of media production and consumption.
  • The influence of cell phones on body image and self-esteem.
  • The impact of cell phones on the music industry.
  • Cell phones and the rise of digital nomads.
  • The effects of cell phone use on physical activity levels.
  • Cell phones and the gamification of everyday life.
  • The role of cell phones in fostering global connectivity.
  • The impact of cell phones on the tourism industry.
  • Cell phones and the transformation of news consumption.
  • The effects of cell phone use on driving skills and road safety.
  • Cell phones and the redefinition of public and private spaces.
  • The influence of cell phones on political campaigns and elections.
  • The future of cell phones: Trends and predictions.
  • Cell phones and the rise of online dating and relationships.
  • The effects of cell phone use on academic motivation and engagement.
  • Cell phones and the decline of traditional photography.
  • The role of cell phones in disaster preparedness and response.
  • The impact of cell phones on consumer behavior and purchasing decisions.
  • Cell phones and the transformation of news reporting and journalism.
  • The effects of cell phone use on creativity and imagination.
  • Cell phones and the accessibility of healthcare information.
  • The influence of cell phones on cultural assimilation and integration.
  • The ethical implications of cell phones in surveillance and law enforcement.
  • The impact of cell phones on urban planning and design.
  • Cell phones and the decline of landline telephones.
  • The effects of cell phone use on reading habits and literacy.
  • Cell phones and the empowerment of marginalized communities.
  • The role of cell phones in disaster recovery and rebuilding efforts.
  • The impact of cell phones on personal safety and security.
  • Cell phones and the transformation of the music industry.
  • The effects of cell phone use on concentration and focus.
  • Cell phones and the accessibility of government services and information.
  • The influence of cell phones on cultural preservation and heritage.
  • The future of cell phones: Innovations and technological advancements.
  • Cell phones and the rise of citizen journalism.
  • The effects of cell phone use on mental well-being and happiness.
  • Cell phones and the decline of traditional media consumption.
  • The role of cell phones in promoting financial inclusion.
  • The impact of cell phones on the dynamics of romantic relationships.
  • Cell phones and the transformation of the advertising industry.
  • The effects of cell phone use on academic performance in different age groups.
  • Cell phones and the accessibility of legal services and information.

These essay topic ideas provide a broad range of perspectives to explore the impact of cell phones on various areas of society, culture, and personal life. Whether you choose to focus on the positive aspects, the negative consequences, or the ethical implications, there are numerous angles to approach this subject. Use these examples as a starting point to develop your own unique and compelling essay on cell phones.

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Surgeon General Calls for Warning Labels on Social Media Platforms

Dr. Vivek Murthy said he would urge Congress to require a warning that social media use can harm teenagers’ mental health.

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Surgeon General Vivek Murthy speaking and holding a microphone. He is wearing a dark blue military jacket.

By Ellen Barry and Cecilia Kang

The U.S. surgeon general, Dr. Vivek Murthy, announced on Monday that he would push for a warning label on social media platforms advising parents that using the platforms might damage adolescents’ mental health.

Warning labels — like those that appear on tobacco and alcohol products — are one of the most powerful tools available to the nation’s top health official, but Dr. Murthy cannot unilaterally require them; the action requires approval by Congress.

The proposal builds on several years of escalating warnings from the surgeon general. In a May 2023 advisory, he recommended that parents immediately set limits on phone use, and urged Congress to swiftly develop health and safety standards for technology platforms.

He also called on tech companies to make changes: to share internal data on the health impact of their products; to allow independent safety audits; and restrict features like push notifications, autoplay and infinite scroll, which he says “prey on developing brains and contribute to excessive use.”

In an interview, Dr. Murthy said he had been deeply frustrated by the platforms’ reluctance to do so.

“I don’t think we can solely rely on the hope that the platforms can fix this problem on their own,” he said. “They’ve had 20 years.”

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    Dr. Vivek Murthy said he would urge Congress to require a warning that social media use can harm teenagers' mental health. By Ellen Barry and Cecilia Kang The U.S. surgeon general, Dr. Vivek ...