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167 coding exercises for C# on Exercism. From Booking up for Beauty to Resistor Color Trio.

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Booking up for Beauty

Learn about the DateTime class by working on an appointment scheduler for a beauty salon.

Face ID 2.0

Learn about equality by adding face recognition to a login process.

Resistor Color Trio

Convert color codes, as used on resistors, to a human-readable label.

c# problem solving website

Key Features of C#

C# is a modern, fast-evolving language.


C# runs on almost any platform and chipset.


C# is primarily an object-oriented language, but also has lots of functional features.

General purpose

C# can be used for a wide variety of workloads, like websites, console applications, and even games.

C# has excellent tooling, with linting and advanced refactoring options built-in.


Documentation is excellent and exhaustive, making it easy to get started with C#.

A taste of the concepts you'll cover

Get mentored the c# way.

Every language has its own way of doing things. C# is no different. Our mentors will help you learn to think like a C# developer and how to write idiomatic code in C#. Once you've solved an exercise, submit it to our volunteer team, and they'll give you hints, ideas, and feedback on how to make it feel more like what you'd normally see in C# - they'll help you discover the things you don't know that you don't know.

Community-sourced C# exercises

The C# track on Exercism has 62 concepts and 167 exercises to help you write better code. Discover new exercises as you progress and get engrossed in learning new concepts and improving the way you currently write.

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The best part, it’s 100% free for everyone.

The 10 Most Popular Coding Challenge Websites [Updated for 2021]

Daniel Borowski

A great way to improve your skills when learning to code is by solving coding challenges. Solving different types of challenges and puzzles can help you become a better problem solver, learn the intricacies of a programming language, prepare for job interviews, learn new algorithms, and more.

Below is a list of some popular coding challenge websites with a short description of what each one offers.

1. TopCoder


TopCoder is one of the original platforms for competitive programming online. It provides a list of algorithmic challenges from the past that you can complete on your own directly online using their code editor. Their popular Single Round Matches are offered a few times per month at a specific time where you compete against others to solve challenges the fastest with the best score.

The top ranked users on TopCoder are very good competitive programmers and regularly compete in programming competitions. The top ranked user maintains his own blog titled Algorithms weekly by Petr Mitrichev where he writes about coding competitions, algorithms, math, and more.

2. Coderbyte


Coderbyte provides 200+ coding challenges you can solve directly online in one of 10 programming languages (check out this example ). The challenges range from easy (finding the largest word in a string) to hard (print the maximum cardinality matching of a graph).

They also provide a collection of algorithm tutorials , introductory videos, and interview preparation courses . Unlike HackerRank and other similar websites, you are able to view the solutions other users provide for any challenge aside from the official solutions posted by Coderbyte.

3. Project Euler


Project Euler provides a large collection of challenges in the domain of computer science and mathematics. The challenges typically involve writing a small program to figure out the solution to a clever mathematical formula or equation, such as finding the sum of digits of all numbers preceding each number in a series.

You cannot directly code on the website in an editor, so you would need to write a solution on your own computer and then provide the solution on their website.

4. HackerRank


HackerRank provides challenges for several different domains such as Algorithms, Mathematics, SQL, Functional Programming, AI, and more. You can solve all the challenge directly online (check out this example ).

They provide a discussion and leaderboard for every challenge, and most challenges come with an editorial that explains more about the challenge and how to approach it to come up with a solution.

Currently, if you don't solve the problem, then you can't see the solution of others. If you also try to check the editorial before solving the problem, then you won't get the point for solving the problem at all.

As an example, here I haven't solved the problem, and I am trying to check others' submissions:


And here, I haven't solved the problem, and I am trying to check the editorial:


HackerRank also provides the ability for users to submit applications and apply to jobs by solving company-sponsored coding challenges.

5. CodeChef


CodeChef is an Indian-based competitive programming website that provides hundreds of challenges. You are able to write code in their online editor and view a collections of challenges that are separated into different categories depending on your skill level (check out this example ). They have a large community of coders that contribute to the forums, write tutorials , and take part in CodeChef’s coding competitions .

6. Exercism.io


Exercism is a coding challenge website that offers 3100+ challenges spanning 52 different programming languages. After picking a language that you'd like to master, you tackle the coding challenges right on your machine (Exercism has their own command line interface that you can download from GitHub).

It is a bit different from other challenge websites, however, because you work with a mentor after completing each challenge. The mentor reviews your answers online and helps you improve them if needed. Once your answers have been approved and submitted, you unlock more challenges.

7. Codewars


Codewars provides a large collection of coding challenges submitted and edited by their own community. You can solve the challenges directly online in their editor in one of several languages. You can view a discussion for each challenges as well as user solutions.

8. LeetCode


LeetCode is a popular Online Judge that provides a list of 190+ challenges that can help you prepare for technical job interviews. You can solve the challenges directly online in one of 9 programming languages. You are not able to view other users' solutions, but you are provided statistics for your own solutions such as how fast your code ran when compared to other users' code.

They also have a Mock Interview section that is specifically for job interview preparation, they host their own coding contests , and they have a section for articles to help you better understand certain problems.


Sphere Online Judge (SPOJ) is an online judge that provides over 20k coding challenges. You are able to submit your code in an online editor . SPOJ also hosts their own contests and has an area for users to discuss coding challenges. They do not currently provide any official solutions or editorials like some other websites do, though.

10. CodinGame


CodinGame is a bit different from the other websites, because instead of simply solving coding challenges in an editor, you actually take part in writing the code for games that you play directly online. You can see a list of games currently offered here and an example of one here . The game comes with a problem description, test cases, and an editor where you can write your code in one of 20+ programming languages.

Although this website is different than typical competitive programming websites such as the ones mentioned above, it is still popular amongst programmers who enjoy solving challenges and taking part in contests.

This list was based on a few things: my own experiences using the websites, some Google searches , Quora posts , and articles such as this one and this one . I also frequented some forums and subreddits such as r/learnprogramming to see what websites were usually recommended by the users there. Disclaimer: I work at Coderbyte which is one of the websites mentioned above.

CEO & Founder at Coderbyte.

If this article was helpful, share it .

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c# practice challenges

Autor: Codenga 19.02.2024

C# - Four Coding Challenges For Beginners

Here are four C# coding challenges for you to practice. They are a great way to hone your coding skills. Each challenges starts with a task description and excepeted results. Your task is to implement a C# functions that will return expected results. The challenges are meant for beginners. If you have mastered the basic C# concepts like functions, loops, artithmetical operations, you should have no problems dealing with those tasks. Practice your skills to become a Junior C# Developer . Good luck!

1. Sum the odd numbers

Implement an algorithm to sum together all the odd numbers in a collection. Here are the tests that your solution should pass:

  • new App().SumOdds(new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}) -> 9
  • new App().SumOdds(new int[]{1, 2, 3}) -> 4
  • new App().SumOdds(new int[]{2, 2}) -> 0
  • new App().SumOdds(new int[]{1, 1}) -> 2

That one should be fairly easy. You just need to check each number in the collection, to see whether it is odd or even. If it is odd, then add its value to the sum.

Here is the initial code to give you a headstart:

2. Factorial

Here is the classic programming challenge. What is a factorial?

A factorial is a mathematical operation that is applied to a non-negative integer. The factorial of a non-negative integer "n," denoted as "n!," is the product of all positive integers from 1 to "n." In other words:

n! = n × (n - 1) × (n - 2) × ... × 2 × 1

For example:

5! = 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 120 0! is defined to be 1

Take a look at the tests of the Factorial() function. The expected results:

  • new App().Factorial(0) -> 1
  • new App().Factorial(1) -> 1
  • new App().Factorial(2) -> 2
  • new App().Factorial(3) -> 6

And here is the initial code. you just need to finish the implementation of the Factorial() function:

3. Convert hours to days

Your job for now: convert hours into days. Here is the basic formula: days = h / 24.

Here are the tests that your function should pass:

  • new App().ToDays(24) -> 1
  • new App().ToDays(6) -> 0,25
  • new App().ToDays(12) -> 0,5
  • new App().ToDays(48) -> 2

And, as always, we are giving you an initial code:

That one should be very easy!

4. Count words in text string

And the last one - counting words in a given text string. Let’s start with tests:

  • new App().CountWords(null) -> 0
  • new App().CountWords("Hello") -> 1
  • new App().CountWords("Hello Codenga") -> 2
  • new App().CountWords("Hello Codenga !!!") -> 3

And the initial code:

Some hints: split the string ( message ) into separate words, count the number of words, return the result. And that’s it!

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📓  Lessons contents:

  • First class and method ToString()
  • Constructors and destructors
  • Class person, student and teacher
  • Photo book class
  • Inheritance of objects
  • Shapes - Class diagram
  • Abstract classes

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  • Trending Now
  • Foundational Courses
  • Data Science
  • Practice Problem
  • Machine Learning
  • System Design
  • DevOps Tutorial


C# tutorial.

  • Introduction to .NET Framework
  • C# | .NET Framework (Basic Architecture and Component Stack)
  • Hello World in C#
  • Common Language Runtime (CLR) in C#


  • C# | Identifiers
  • C# | Data Types
  • C# | Variables
  • C# | Literals
  • C# | Operators
  • C# | Keywords

Control Statements

  • C# Decision Making (if, if-else, if-else-if ladder, nested if, switch, nested switch)
  • Switch Statement in C#
  • Loops in C#
  • C# | Jump Statements (Break, Continue, Goto, Return and Throw)

OOP Concepts

  • C# | Class and Object
  • C# | Constructors
  • C# | Inheritance
  • C# | Encapsulation
  • C# | Abstraction
  • C# | Methods
  • C# | Method Overloading
  • C# | Method Parameters
  • C# | Method Overriding
  • Anonymous Method in C#
  • C# | Arrays
  • C# | Jagged Arrays
  • C# | Array Class
  • How to sort an Array in C# | Array.Sort() Method Set - 1
  • How to find the rank of an array in C#
  • ArrayList in C#
  • C# | ArrayList Class
  • C# | Array vs ArrayList
  • C# | String
  • C# | Verbatim String Literal - @
  • C# | String class
  • StringBuilder in C#
  • C# | String vs StringBuilder
  • C# | Tuple Class
  • ValueTuple in C#
  • ValueTuple Struct in C#
  • C# | Indexers
  • C# | Multidimensional Indexers
  • C# | Overloading of Indexers
  • C# | Properties
  • C# | Restrictions on Properties

Collections & Generics

  • Collections in C#
  • C# | Collection Class
  • C# | Generics - Introduction
  • List Implementation in C#
  • C# SortedList with Examples
  • HashSet in C# with Examples
  • SortedSet in C# with Examples
  • C# Dictionary with examples
  • SortedDictionary Implementation in C#
  • C# Hashtable with Examples
  • C# Stack with Examples
  • C# Queue with Examples
  • Linked List Implementation in C#

In this C# (C Sharp) tutorial, whether you’re beginner or have experience with other programming languages, our free C# tutorials covers the basic and advanced concepts of C# including fundamentals of C#, including syntax, data types, control structures, classes, and objects.

You will also dive into more advanced topics like exception handling, and multithreading. So, whether you are looking to start a career in software development or simply want to expand your programming skills, our C# tutorial is the perfect place to start.


What is C# (C Sharp)

C# is the most common programming language used to develop multiple applications in the.NET framework, and it was introduced by Microsoft in 2000. It was designed to be a simple, object-oriented programming language that can be used to create a wide range of applications and software.

It features a clear syntax, an object-oriented nature, and platform independence, which makes it simpler for developers to organise their code and makes it more legible and manageable.

It is platform-independent in the sense that it may be used to create programmes that operate on different platforms such as Windows, macOS, Linux, and mobile devices. This makes C# a versatile language.

Prerequisite to Learn C#

While there are no strict prerequisites to learning C#, it is a high-level language. So, if you have experience in any programming language like C or C++, then it will significantly enhance your learning experience.

C# Features

C# is a user-friendly language that offers a structured approach to problem-solving. it provides a wide range of library functions and data types to work.

Modern Programming Language

C# programming is a popular and powerful language that is for creating scalable, interoperable, and robust applications.

Object Oriented

C# is an object-oriented programming language, which makes development and maintenance easier. In contrast, with procedure-oriented programming languages, managing code becomes difficult as project size grows.

The code is type safe can only access memory locations that it has permission to execute. This feature significantly enhances program security.


The interoperability process allows C# programs to perform all the tasks that a native C++ application.

Scalable and Updateable

C# is a programming language that is scalable and can be updated automatically. To update our application, we remove the old files and replace them with new ones.

Component Oriented

It is widely used as a software development methodology to create applications that are more strong and can easily scale.

Structured Programming Language

C# is a structured programming language that allows us to divide programs into parts using functions, making it easy to understand and modify.

The compilation and execution time of C# language is fast.

Recent Articles on C# !

Overview , Fundamentals , Important Keywords , Control Statements , OOP Concepts , Methods , Delegates , Constructors , Arrays , ArrayList , String , Tuple , ValueTuple , Indexers , Inheritance , Interfaces , Multithreading , Exception Handling , Collections and Generics , Collections Namespace , Generic Namespace , System Namespace , Specialized Namespace , What’s New in C# 8.0 , Windows Forms

C# Tutorial- C# Index

  • .NET Framework (Basic Architecture and Component Stack)
  • Managed code and Unmanaged code in .NET
  • Managed vs Unmanaged Code
  • CIL or MSIL
  • .NET Framework Class Library (FCL)
  • Introduction to C#
  • Setting up the Environment in C#
  • How to Install and Setup Visual Studio for C#?
  • Evolution of C#
  • How to Execute C# Program on cmd (command-line)?
  • Main Method
  • Getting Familiar With Visual Studio
  • Common Language Runtime(CLR)
  • Architecture of Common Language Runtime (CLR)
  • JIT(Just-In-Time) Compiler
  • Garbage Collection
  • Windows Form Applications
  • Python vs C#
  • Interesting Facts about C#
  • Type System Unification in C# .NET
  • Identifiers
  • Types of Variables
  • Implicitly Typed Local Variables – var
  • Dynamic Type in C#
  • var vs dynamic
  • Binary Literals and Digit Separators
  • Scope of Variables
  • Access Modifiers
  • Constants or Literals
  • Command Line Arguments
  • Boxing and Unboxing
  • Boxing vs UnBoxing
  • Params in C#
  • Comments in C#
  • Type Casting or Type Conversion
  • Enumeration in C#
  • Properties in C#
  • Nullable Types

Important Keywords

  • Is vs As operator keyword
  • static keyword
  • typeof Keyword
  • Difference between readonly and const keyword
  • ref keyword
  • Decision-Making Statements
  • Switch Statement
  • Foreach Loop
  • Jump Statements(Break, Continue, Goto, Return and Throw)
  • Class and Object
  • Nested Classes
  • Difference between Class and Structure
  • Early and Late Binding
  • Overloading of Constructors
  • Inheritance in C#
  • Encapsulation in C#
  • Abstraction in C#
  • this keyword
  • Static Class
  • Partial Classes
  • Shallow Copy and Deep Copy
  • Different ways to create an Object
  • Object and Collection Initializer
  • Accessing structure’s elements using Pointers
  • Method Overloading
  • Method Returning an Object
  • Method Parameters
  • Runtime(Dynamic) Polymorphsim
  • Method Overriding
  • Method Hiding
  • Method Overriding vs Method Hiding
  • Optional Parameters
  • Different ways to make Method Parameter Optional
  • Out Parameters with examples
  • Difference between Ref and Out keywords
  • Anonymous Method
  • Partial Methods
  • Extension Method
  • Local Function
  • Predicate Delegate
  • Action Delegate
  • Func Delegate


  • Constructors in C#
  • Default Constructor
  • Copy Constructor
  • Private Constructor
  • Constructor Overloading
  • Static Constructors vs Non-Static Constructors
  • Invoking an overloaded constructor using this keyword
  • Destructors
  • Jagged Arrays
  • Arrays of Strings
  • Using foreach loop in arrays
  • Array Class
  • Sorting an Array
  • Length of an Array
  • Array.BinarySearch() Method
  • Check if two array objects are equal or not
  • Number of elements in a specified dimension of an Array
  • LongLength property of an Array
  • Rank of an Array
  • Passing Arrays as Arguments
  • Implicitly Typed Arrays
  • Object and Dynamic Arrays
  • Array IndexOutofRange Exception
  • Different ways to sort an array in descending order
  • What is ArrayList?
  • How to create the ArrayList?
  • ArrayList Class
  • Array vs ArrayList
  • Adding the elements to the end of the ArrayList
  • Removing all the elements from the ArrayList
  • Removing a range of elements from the ArrayList
  • ArrayList to Array Conversion
  • Copying the entire ArrayList to a 1-D Array
  • Copying the entire ArrayList to 1-D Array starting at the specified index
  • Check if two ArrayList objects are equal
  • Verbatim String Literal – @
  • String Class
  • String Class Properties
  • How to use strings in switch statement
  • String vs StringBuilder
  • Length of the StringBuilder
  • Remove all characters from StringBuilder
  • Check if two StringBuilder objects are Equal
  • Capacity of a StringBuilder
  • What is Tuple in C#?
  • Tuple Class
  • Tuple<T1> Class
  • Tuple<T1,T2> Class
  • Tuple<T1,T2,T3> Class
  • Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4> Class
  • Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> Class
  • Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> Class
  • Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7> Class
  • Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,TRest> Class
  • What is ValueTuple in C#?
  • ValueTuple Struct
  • ValueTuple <T1> Struct
  • ValueTuple <T1,T2> Struct
  • ValueTuple <T1,T2,T3> Struct
  • ValueTuple <T1,T2,T3,T4> Struct
  • ValueTuple <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> Struct
  • ValueTuple <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> Struct
  • ValueTuple <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7> Struct
  • ValueTuple <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,TRest> Struct

Indexers & Properties

  • Multidimensional Indexers
  • Overloading of Indexers
  • Restrictions on Properties


  • Multilevel Inheritance
  • Multiple inheritance using interfaces
  • Inheritance in Constructors
  • Inheritance in Interfaces
  • Abstract Classes
  • Using sealed class to Prevent Inheritance
  • Object Class
  • Interface in C#
  • How to use Interface References
  • How to Implement Multiple Interfaces Having Same Method Name
  • Difference between Abstract Class and Interface
  • Delegates vs Interfaces
  • Explicit Interface Implementation


  • Introduction to Multithreading
  • Types of Threads
  • How to create Threads
  • Main Thread
  • Lifecycle and States of a Thread
  • Thread Class
  • Scheduling a thread for Execution
  • Check whether a Thread is Alive or not
  • Joining Threads
  • Terminating a Thread
  • Check whether a thread is a background thread or not
  • Naming a thread and fetching name of current thread
  • Thread Priority in Multithreading

Exception Handling

  • System Level Exception vs Application Level Exception
  • How to use Multiple Catch Clause
  • Nesting of try and catch blocks
  • Using finally

Collections & Generics

  • SortedList with Examples
  • Dictionary with Examples
  • SortedDictionary
  • Hashtable with Examples
  • Stack with Examples
  • Queue with Examples
  • Hashtable vs Dictionary
  • SortedList vs SortedDictionary

Collections Namespace

  • C# | Stack Class
  • C# | Queue Class
  • C# | Hashtable Class
  • C# | BitArray Class
  • C# | SortedList Class

Generic Namespace

  • C# | HashSet<T> Class
  • C# | LinkedList<T> Class
  • C# | List<T> Class
  • C# | SortedSet<T> Class
  • Dictionary Class
  • SortedDictionary Class

System Namespace

  • BitConverter Class
  • Console Class
  • Convert Class
  • Decimal Struct
  • Byte Struct
  • Char Struct
  • Int16 Struct
  • Int32 Struct
  • Int64 Struct
  • UInt16 Struct
  • UInt32 Struct
  • UInt64 Struct

Specialized Namespace

  • C# | ListDictionary Class
  • C# | StringCollection Class
  • C# | OrderedDictionary Class
  • C# | HybridDictionary Class
  • C# | StringDictionary Class

What’s New in C# 8.0

  • Static Local Function
  • Range and Indices
  • Range Structure
  • Index Struct

Windows Forms

  • What is Windows Forms(WF) in C#?
  • Button Control
  • Label Control
  • RadioButton Control
  • CheckBox Control
  • TextBox Control
  • ComboBox Control
  • ToolTip Class
  • RichTextBox Class
  • MaskedBox Class
  • NumericUpDown Class
  • DateTimePicker Class
  • ListBox Class
  • GroupBox Class
  • FlowLayoutPanel Class

Why use C#?

C# is a popular and simple-to-learn programming language with a large community and plain syntax. C# is an object-oriented programming language that makes code more structured, reusable, and interoperable with other languages. C# is a versatile programming language that can be used to create a broad variety of applications, including games, apps, websites, and advanced technologies such as AI and machine learning.

C# is used for:

  • Mobile applications
  • Desktop applications
  • Web applications
  • Web services
  • Database applications

Advantages of C#

  • Easy Syntax : C# is a simple syntax that is easy to learn for a beginner.
  • Object-oriented Programming language : It is an object-oriented programming language used to make classes and objects.
  • Versatile language : It is used to develop software, web applications, mobile apps, and games.
  • Platform Independent : C# can be used to make apps that work on Windows, macOS, and mobile devices.

In the above section, we have already said that this free C# programming tutorial is designed to help both beginners and experienced.

Q.1 What is C# programming language used for?

Answer : C# is a versatile programming language primarily used for developing Windows applications, web services, and games within the .NET framework.

Q.2 What is the advantage of ‘using’ statement in C#?

Answer : The ‘using’ statement provides resources for processing before automatically disposing of it when execution is completed.

Q.3 What is serialization?

Answer : To transport an object through a network, we need to convert it into a stream of bytes. It is called Serialization.

Q.4 What are the four steps involved in the C# code compilation?

Answer : Four steps of code compilation in C# include: Source code compilation in managed code. Newly created code is merged with assembly code. The Common Language Runtime (CLR) is loaded. Assembly execution is done through CLR.

Q.5 How can I declare and initialize variables in C#?

Answer: Variables are named containers that store values of different types. To declare a variable in C#, you need to specify its type and name.

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50+ C# Programs, Exercises, Solutions for beginners to practice

Top C# Programs with solutions for beginners to practice. Fibonacci Series, Prime, Palindrome, Armstrong, loops, Swap, Pyramids , Triangles, and many more

C# Program to Check Whether a Number is Prime or Not

In this C# program, we will take input from the user and check whether the number is prime or not. A prime number is a positive integer that is divisible only by 1 and itself.

C# Program to Calculate Sum of first N natural numbers

In this C# program, we will take input from the user and generate the sum of first N natural Numbers. The sum of natural numbers up to 10 is: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10=55

C# Program to swap two numbers without using the third variable

In this C# program, we will swap two numbers without using the third variable. We will use two methods to swap numbers 1) By using Addition and Subtraction 2) By using Multiplication and Division

C# Program to print prime numbers from 1 to N

In this C# program, we will take input from the user and print prime numbers between 1 and the number input by the user. A prime number is a positive integer that is divisible only by 1 and itself.

C# Program to print perfect numbers from 1 to N

In this C# program, we will take input from the user and print perfect numbers between 1 and the number input by the user. A perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its positive divisors, excluding the number itself. For instance, 6 has divisors 1, 2 and 3, and 1 + 2 + 3 = 6, so 6 is a perfect number.

C# Program to print even numbers from 1 to N

In this C# program, we will take input from the user and print even numbers between 1 and the number input by the user. A even number is a positive integer that is exactly divisible by 2.

C# Program to print odd numbers from 1 to N

In this C# program, we will take input from the user and print odd numbers between 1 and the number input by the user. An odd number is a positive integer that is not divisible by 2.

C# Program to Check Whether a Number is Even or Odd

In this C# program, we will take input from the user and check whether a number is even or odd. An Even number is a positive integer that is divisible by 2 and An odd number is a positive integer that is not divisible by 2.

C# Program to Check Whether a Number is Positive or Negative

In this C# program, we will take input from the user and check whether a number is Positive or Negative. A Positive number is a number that is greater than 0 and a Negative number is a number that is lesser than 0.

C# Program to generate a sum of digits

In this C# program, we will take input from the user and generate a sum of digits. For example, if the user input 88 then result is 16.

C# Program to Generate a Multiplication Table of a given integer

In this C# program, we will take input from the user and generate a multiplication table.

C# Program to Calculate the Area of a Circle

In this C# program, we will take input (radius) from the user and calculate the area of a circle. Formula to calculate area of circle is A= π*r*r.

C# Program to Calculate the Area of a Square

In this C# program, we will take input (side) from the user and calculate the area of a square. Formula to calculate area of Square is A= (side of square*side of square).

C# Program to Calculate the Area of a Rectangle

In this C# program, we will take input (Length and Width) from the user and calculate the area of a Rectangle. Formula to calculate area of Rectangle is A= Length*Width.

C# Program to Calculate the Area of a Triangle

In this C# program, we will take input (Base and Height) from the user and calculate the area of a Triangle. Formula to calculate area of Triangle is A= (base*height/2).

C# Program to Check Whether a Number is Palindrome or Not

In this C# program, we will take input from the user and Check Whether a Number is Palindrome or Not. A number is a palindrome if the reverse of that number is equal to the original number.

C# Program to Check Whether a String is Palindrome or Not

In this C# program, we will take input from the user and Check Whether a String is Palindrome or Not. A String is a palindrome if the reverse of that String is equal to the original

C# Program to Print Fibonacci Series

The Fibonacci sequence is a sequence where the next number is the sum of the previous two numbers. The first two numbers of fibonacci series are 0 and 1.

C# Program to Find Factorial of a Number

In this C# program, we will take input from the user and Find the Factorial of a Number using 3 different ways using 1) For loop 2) Recursion 3) While loop. The factorial of a positive number n is given by n!. 5!=5*4*3*2*1=120

C# Program to print Alphabet Triangle

In this C# program, we will take input (Number of rows) from the user and print the alphabet triangle based on the number of rows input by the user.

C# Program to print Number Triangle

In this C# program, we will take input (Number of rows) from the user and print the Number triangle based on the number of rows input by the user.

C# Program to print Star Triangle

In this C# program, we will take input (Number of rows) from the user and print the Star (*) triangle based on the Number of rows input by the user.

C# Program to print Diamond Shape

In this C# program, we will take input (Number of rows) from the user and print the diamond shape based on the Number of rows input by the user.

C# program to change case of a string

In this C# program, we will take the input string from the user and change it to 1)Upper Case 2)Lower Case 3)Title Case.

C# program to add and subtract days from the date

In this C# program, we will add and subtract days from the date.

C# Program to Check Leap Year

In this C# program, we will take the input from the user and check whether the input year is a Leap Year or not. Leap year is a year which is divisible by 4.

C# program to compare two dates

In this C# program, we will compare two dates and print the result.

C# program to convert days into years, weeks and days

In this C# program, we will take the input (days) from the user and Convert days into years, weeks and days.

C# Program to Print Day Name of Week

In this C# program, we will take the input from the user and print day name of week.

C# Program to convert Celsius into Fahrenheit

In this C# program, we will take the input Celsius from the user and change it to Fahrenheit.

C# Program to Convert Number into Words

In this C# program, we will take the input number from the user and change it to Words. E.g. 1024 will be converted to One Thousand Twenty Four only.

C# Program to Convert Meters To Kilometers

In this C# program, we will take the input meters from the user and change it Kilometers.

C# program to calculate Simple Interest

In this C# program, we will take the input "Principal Amount", "Interest Rate" and "Time" from the user and calculate the simple interest.

C# program to calculate Compound Interest

In this C# program, we will take the input "Principal Amount", "Interest Rate", "Interest Compound Frequency" and "Time" from the user and calculate the simple interest.

C# Program to Find GCD of two Numbers

In this C# program, we will take the input from the user and find GCD of two numbers.

C# Program to Find LCM of two Numbers

In this C# program, we will take the input from the user and find LCM of two numbers.

C# Program to Find HCF of two Numbers

In this C# program, we will take the input from the user and find HCF of two numbers.

C# program to reverse an array elements

In this C# program, we will reverse an array without using Array.Revers() Method.

C# Program to concatenate two strings

In this C# program, we will take the input strings from the user and print the concatenated string.

C# Program to read the content of a file

In this C# program, we will read the content of the Text file and print the content of the file.

C# Program to Check Whether a Character is a Vowel or Consonant

In this C# program, we will take the input from the user and Check Whether a Character is a Vowel or Consonant.

C# switch example

In this C# program, we will learn how to implement a switch case in C#. We will use a switch statement to display the name of the day based on the input entered by the user.

C# For Loop with examples

In this C# program, we will see For Loop with examples.

C# While Loop with examples

In this C# program, we will see While Loop with examples.

C# Do While Loop with examples

In this C# program, we will see Do While Loop with examples.

C# Remove last specific character in a string

In this C# program, we will see how to Remove last specific character in a string. In this example we will remove last , from the string.

C# Program to Convert a List to a comma separated string

In this C# program, we will see how to Convert a List to a comma separated string.

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Wind energy can be unpredictable. AI can help

Headshot of Manoush Zomorodi

Manoush Zomorodi

Rachel Faulkner White

Sanaz Meshkinpour

Part 4 of the TED Radio Hour episode Our tech has a climate problem

Sims Witherspoon is a researcher using AI to fight climate change. She says AI can help solve the biggest problem with renewables like wind and solar: their unpredictable nature.

About Sims Witherspoon

A leader at the AI research lab DeepMind, Sims Witherspoon is focused on finding ways for artificial intelligence to both advance science and benefit humanity.

Sims spent the last decade building technologies for social good and was a founding member of Google's Crisis Response team, which develops and activates products like SOS Alerts that deliver timely, relevant information to people during natural and human-made crises. She is also the co-founder of the Centre for AI & Climate , an international organization connecting technology, policy and business to accelerate the world's transition to net zero.

This segment of TED Radio Hour was produced by Rachel Faulkner White and edited by Sanaz Meshkinpour. You can follow us on Facebook @TEDRadioHour and email us at [email protected] .

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Beijing can’t wish away China’s overcapacity problem

China's Xi Jinping and France's Emmanuel Macron at Tarbes-Lourdes Pyrenees airport in Tarbes, France, on May 7, 2024.

Good morning. Clay Chandler here, writing from Hong Kong. All year senior officials from the U.S. and Europe have sought—without success—to persuade counterparts in Beijing that China has an “overcapacity problem.”

In Beijing last month, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned that President Joe Biden could not allow U.S. manufacturers to be “decimated” by a “flood” of “ artificially cheap Chinese products .” China’s foreign ministry bristled .

Two weeks later, the ministry rebuked Secretary of State Antony Blinken for using the O-word on his Beijing visit and accused the U.S. of “ hyping up a false narrative .”

Chinese President Xi Jinping dismissed the idea entirely when he met with French President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen this week. There is “ no such thing as ‘China’s overcapacity problem,’” he said.

But the issue can’t be wished away.

Western leaders have focused their fears on solar panels, lithium batteries, and electric vehicles. China exported over $138 billion worth of such products last year, up 30% from 2022. Biden will reportedly impose additional tariffs on all three sectors next week.

In solar, China now accounts for 80% of global capacity . In 2023, China’s production capacity for finished solar modules soared to more than double what the world installed, forcing producers to slash prices. In Germany and the Netherlands, solar panels are so cheap they’re being used to build garden fences .

Similarly, China now makes 70% of the world’s lithium-ion batteries. Last year, Chinese exports jumped 28% to $65 billion.

But Western leaders are most worried about EVs. China exported 1.2 million “new energy” vehicles last year, making it the world’s largest exporter of cars . Hardly any of those vehicles were sold in the U.S. thanks to a 25% tariff. But in the EU, where the tariff is 10%, China’s EV market share tops 8% and could reach 20% by 2027. EU regulators may call for higher duties. The Rhodium Group, a research firm, estimates Chinese EVs would still be “highly attractive” to European buyers at a tariff of 30%.

Chinese officials maintain China’s green energy companies export so much because they’re so efficient. Sure, China has provided state support for clean energy companies—but the U.S. and Europe do that too. Besides, many argue, China’s clean energy expansion is helping the world meet critical sustainability goals and should be celebrated, not feared.

In Foreign Affairs , Rhodium’s Daniel Rosen and Logan Wright contend those arguments miss the larger point: China’s economy has stalled, and instead of prioritizing domestic demand, Beijing continues to prop up Chinese companies and encourage them to ship excess production overseas. The essay’s grim conclusion: China, Europe, and the U.S. are locked “on a dangerous course of trade confrontation in 2024, with a high probability of trade defense actions.”

More news below.

Clay Chandler [email protected]

More Boeing whistleblowers

The death of two Boeing whistleblowers is prompting more employees to come forward with concerns. “More than ten whistleblowers who are our clients from Boeing, Spirit and another supplier besides Spirit will speak up in the near future,” says Brian Knowles, the attorney who represented both John Barnett and Joshua Dean . This week, a new whistleblower from Spirit AeroSystems came forward , alleging that the Boeing supplier regularly shipped fuselages with defective parts. Fortune

Yapping at the office

Older employees and managers may grumble at younger workers’ tendency to talk incessantly at the office, but experts say they should get used to it. After years stuck at home, younger employees “haven’t had the chance to actually learn and have that give-and-take in work relationships,” says John Hackston, head of thought leadership at Myers-Brigg Company. And Gen Z’s penchant for yapping may be good for office culture, helping spark new ideas and foster a sense of belonging. Fortune

Why vets are getting more expensive

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  14. Best websites to practice C#? : r/csharp

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  20. 50+ C# Programs, Exercises, Solutions for beginners to practice

    You might also like: 1) C# program to convert days into years, weeks and days. 2) C# Program to Check Whether a String is Palindrome or Not. 3) C# Program to Check Leap Year. 4) C# Program to Check Whether a Number is Positive or Negative. 5) Generate a Random Number and Random String in C#.

  21. Coding challenges websites for intermediate-advanced programmer

    My intention is to have fun solving problems (using C#), so I would like a site that is engaging, not only "solve this 50 problems and that's it". ... You can register on hackerrank using Facebook, there is a lot of challenges, like problem solving, data structures, or even sql queries challenges. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . More posts ...

  22. 113+ Collection of C# Code Problems for Beginners

    Here are list 113+ code problems for the beginner; these code problems solved using C#. These code problem collections contain coding problems related to a string, array, binary tree, stack ...

  23. problem-solving · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    Add this topic to your repo. To associate your repository with the problem-solving topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics." GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.

  24. Wind energy can be unpredictable. AI can help

    Part 4 of the TED Radio Hour episode Our tech has a climate problem. Sims Witherspoon is a researcher using AI to fight climate change. She says AI can help solve the biggest problem with ...

  25. Beijing can't wish away China's overcapacity problem

    Matthieu Rondel—Bloomberg/Getty Images Good morning. Clay Chandler here, writing from Hong Kong. All year senior officials from the U.S. and Europe have sought—without success—to persuade ...