Sorry Letter For A Teacher | 4 Examples

Sorry letter for a teacher #1 (not attending class or absence).

Dear Mrs./Mr. [Teacher's Last Name] ,

I wanted to reach out and apologize for missing your class recently. I understand the importance of attending class regularly, and I regret not being there.

On the day I missed, I faced some unexpected personal issues [Mention what they are if you feel that it is important] that prevented me from coming to school. I realize that it's my responsibility to manage my time and commitments better, and I am genuinely sorry for any disruption my absence may have caused.

I value your class and the knowledge you impart, and I understand that missing a lesson can hinder my progress. I promise to make every effort to catch up on the material and not let this happen again in the future. Please let me know if there are any specific resources or assignments I need to make up for the class I missed.

Once again, I'm truly sorry. I apologize for not attending class, and I will strive to be more responsible in the future. Thank you for your understanding.

[Your Name]

Sorry Letter For A Teacher #2 (Not doing homework or assignment)

I wanted to express my sincere apology for not completing the homework you assigned. I understand that homework is an essential part of our learning process, and I take full responsibility for not meeting the deadline.

I had every intention to complete the assignment, but unforeseen circumstances arose that made it impossible for me to do so on time. I should have informed you about my situation earlier, but I failed to do so, and I deeply regret it.

I appreciate the effort you put into teaching us, and I understand that completing homework is crucial for our understanding of the subject matter. I assure you that this will not be a recurring issue, and I will ensure that all future assignments are submitted on time.

If there are any consequences or additional work to make up for this lapse, please let me know, and I will gladly comply. Once again, I'm genuinely sorry for not doing my homework, and I will strive to be more responsible in the future.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Sorry Letter For A Teacher #3 (Misbehaving)

I hope this letter finds you well. I want to extend my heartfelt apology for my behavior in your class. My actions were disrespectful and disruptive, and I understand that they were inappropriate.

I regret my conduct and acknowledge that it not only disrupted the class but also disrespected your authority and the learning environment you strive to create. I should have been more considerate and mindful of the impact of my actions on you and the entire class.

I've given a lot of thought to my behavior and the consequences it had, and I'm committed to making amends. I will be more respectful and considerate in the future, not only towards you but also my fellow students.

If there are any specific actions I should take to rectify the situation or to demonstrate my commitment to improving my behavior, please let me know, and I will gladly follow your guidance.

I deeply regret my actions and promise to learn from this mistake. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Sorry Letter For A Teacher #4 (Talking & Disrupting Class)

I hope this message finds you in good spirits. I am writing to offer my sincere apologies for my behavior in your class, specifically for talking and disrupting the lesson. I understand that this behavior was disrespectful and interfered with the learning environment you work hard to maintain.

I regret my actions and understand the importance of maintaining a focused and respectful classroom atmosphere. My behavior not only affected the quality of education for myself but also for my fellow students.

I want you to know that I take this matter seriously and am committed to making amends. I will make a conscious effort to be more attentive and considerate during your class, and I promise to refrain from disrupting the learning process in the future.

If there are any additional steps or actions you would like me to take to demonstrate my sincerity in this apology, please let me know, and I will follow your guidance.

Once again, I apologize for my actions and will work diligently to improve my behavior in your class. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Want more? If you're looking for a sorry letter that you can personalize, we offer this apology letter to a teacher right here in the tool kit that provides placeholders for different types of infractions.

And...on our main site you'll find 2 more templates for letters of apology to a teacher or professor ⇗ —one from a student and the other from a parent. These templates come with notes and tips for each element needed for a sorry letter to a teacher so you can truly customize and tailor them to your own specific situation.

Or, go to the Full Directory of Apology Letters



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Apology Letter to Teacher for Not Doing Homework

Below are the templates of apology letters to teachers for not doing homework. We provide templates. Please let us know in the comments if you need any type of template. Here are five different templates of apology letters to a teacher for not doing homework for various classes:

Template 1: Apology Letter to Teacher for Not Doing Homework (Elementary School)

[Your Name] [Grade/Class] [Date]

[Teacher’s Name] [School Name] [School Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Apology for Not Completing Homework

Dear [Teacher’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I want to express my sincere apologies for not completing my homework assigned on [Date]. I understand the importance of completing my assignments and taking responsibility for my learning.

I take full responsibility for not fulfilling my homework obligation, and I understand that it reflects negatively on my commitment to my studies. I assure you that I have learned from this mistake and will make every effort to complete my assignments in a timely manner moving forward.

Thank you for your understanding and guidance.

[Your Name] [Grade/Class]

Template 2: Apology Letter to Teacher for Not Doing Homework (Middle School)

Subject: Apology for Incomplete Homework

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to apologize for not completing the assigned homework for [Subject] on [Date]. I understand the significance of completing my assignments and the impact it has on my academic progress.

I take full responsibility for not submitting the homework, and I acknowledge that it demonstrates a lack of dedication on my part. I assure you that I am committed to rectifying this situation and will ensure that my future assignments are completed diligently and on time.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Template 3: Apology Letter to Teacher for Not Doing Homework (High School)

Subject: Apology for Missing Homework Assignment

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to apologize for not completing the homework assignment for [Subject] that was due on [Date]. I understand the importance of meeting academic expectations and taking responsibility for my actions.

I realize that not completing the homework reflects poorly on my commitment to my studies and my respect for your efforts in teaching. I assure you that I am dedicated to improving and will ensure that my future assignments are completed promptly and to the best of my abilities.

Template 4: Apology Letter to Teacher for Not Doing Homework (College/University)

[Your Name] [Course/Subject] [Date]

[Teacher’s Name] [Department] [University Name] [University Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Apology for Unfinished Homework

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to apologize for not submitting the assigned homework for [Course/Subject] by the due date. I understand the academic expectations and the importance of demonstrating responsibility in my studies.

I take full responsibility for not meeting the deadline, and I acknowledge the impact it may have on my academic progress. I assure you that I am committed to managing my time better and ensuring that my future assignments are completed and submitted in a timely manner.

[Your Name] [Course/Subject]

Template 5: Apology Letter to Teacher for Not Doing Homework (Online Learning)

[Teacher’s Name] [Online School/Platform] [Platform Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Apology for Not Completing Online Homework

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to apologize for not completing the assigned online homework for [Subject] on [Date]. I understand the importance of active participation and staying on track in an online learning environment.

I acknowledge that not completing the homework assignment reflects negatively on my commitment to my studies and my engagement in the online course. I assure you that I am taking this matter seriously and will make the necessary adjustments to ensure that I complete my assignments as required.

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17+ Apology Letter Format to Teacher – Wording Ideas, Examples

  • Letter Format
  • January 24, 2024
  • Apology Letters , Formal Letters , School Letters

Apology Letter Format to Teacher: Teachers play an essential role in shaping the future of their students . They not only teach academic subjects but also instill values and morals that stay with students throughout their lives.

However, sometimes students may make mistakes that result in offending their teachers. In such cases, it is necessary to write an apology letter to the teacher to express remorse and seek forgiveness .

  • Apology Letter Format
  • Irregular Leaves Warning Letter Format
  • Formal Letter Format Class 8 

Writing an apology letter to a teacher may see m like a daunting task, but it can be an opportunity to show respect and appreciation for the teacher . In this article, we will discuss the format and essential components of an apology letter to a teacher.

  • Start with a formal salutation: The School letter should begin with a formal salutation, such as “Dear Mr./Ms. [Teacher’s Last Name].” This shows respect and acknowledges the teacher’s position.
  • Express sincere remorse: The first paragraph of the letter should express sincere remorse for the mistake. It is important to be specific about what happened and take responsibility for it. For example, “I am writing this letter to apologize for my behavior during class yesterday. I know that my actions were disrespectful and disruptive, and I am truly sorry for my behavior.”
  • Explain what happened: In the next paragraph, explain what happened and provide context for the mistake. This can help the teacher understand the situation better and may make it easier for them to forgive you. For example, “I was going through a tough time at home, and I let my emotions get the best of me. I understand that this is not an excuse for my behavior, but I wanted to provide context for what happened.”
  • Acknowledge the impact of your actions: The next paragraph should acknowledge the impact of your actions on the teacher and the class. This can help the teacher see that you understand the consequences of your behavior. For example, “I realize that my behavior was disruptive to the class and disrespectful to you. I am sorry for causing any disruption and for not showing you the respect that you deserve as a teacher.”
  • Make a commitment to change: In the next paragraph, make a commitment to change your behavior. This shows the teacher that you are taking responsibility for your actions and are willing to make things right. For example, “I want to assure you that this behavior is not typical of me, and I am committed to making sure it does not happen again. I will make an effort to control my emotions and show more respect in the future.”
  • Close the letter with a sincere apology: In the final paragraph, close the letter with a sincere apology. This shows the teacher that you are genuinely sorry for your mistake and are seeking forgiveness. For example, “Once again, I want to express my sincere apologies for my behavior. I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”
  • Sign off respectfully: The letter should end with a respectful sign off, such as “Sincerely,” or “Respectfully.” It is also a good idea to include your name and contact information, in case the teacher wants to follow up with you.

Apology Letter Format To Teacher – Sample Format

Content in this article

Below is a Sample format of an apology letter to a teacher:

[Your Full Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Date]

[Teacher’s Full Name] [School Name] [School Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Apology for [Specify the Reason for Apology]

Dear [Teacher’s Last Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to sincerely apologize for [briefly explain the situation or incident that requires an apology, e.g., my behavior during the last class, not submitting my homework, etc.].

I deeply regret my actions, and I understand the importance of maintaining a respectful and focused environment in the classroom. My behavior was unacceptable, and it does not reflect my true character. I understand the effort you put into creating a positive learning atmosphere, and I am sorry for disrupting that.

I take full responsibility for my actions, and I am committed to making amends. I assure you that such behavior will not be repeated, and I will strive to be more attentive, respectful, and engaged in your class.

I understand the impact my actions may have had on the class and on your ability to teach effectively. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience or disruption caused. I value your dedication to our education, and I am committed to being a more responsible and respectful student.

Thank you for your understanding and patience. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive my lapse in judgment. I am grateful for the knowledge and guidance you provide, and I am committed to improving my behavior.

Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience caused, and I appreciate your understanding in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Full Name]

Feel free to customize the letter based on the specific situation and reasons for the apology.

Email Format about Apology Letter to Teacher

Here’s an Email Format for Apology Letter Format to Teacher:

Subject: Apology Letter to Teacher

Dear [Teacher’s Name],

I am writing to apologize for my behavior during [class period] yesterday. I know that my actions were disrespectful and disruptive, and I am truly sorry for my behavior.

I wanted to take this opportunity to explain what happened and provide some context for my actions. I was going through a tough time at home, and I let my emotions get the best of me. While this is not an excuse for my behavior, I hope you can understand why I acted the way I did.

I realize that my behavior had a negative impact on the class, and I am sorry for causing any disruption. I also want to apologize for not showing you the respect that you deserve as a teacher.

Moving forward, I want to assure you that this behavior is not typical of me, and I am committed to making sure it does not happen again. I will make an effort to control my emotions and show more respect in the future.

Once again, I want to express my sincere apologies for my behavior. I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.

[Your Name]

Apology Letter Format to Teacher for Misbehavior

Here’s an Apology Letter Format to Teacher for misbehavior:

Subject: Apology for Misbehavior

I hope this letter reaches you in good health. I am writing to sincerely apologize for my recent misbehavior in your class.

I understand that my actions were disruptive and disrespectful to both you and my fellow students. I deeply regret my behavior and recognize the negative impact it had on the learning environment. I want to take full responsibility for my actions and express my sincere apologies.

I realize the importance of maintaining a positive and focused atmosphere in the classroom, and my actions were contrary to that goal. I understand the effort you put into creating an environment conducive to learning, and I am truly sorry for jeopardizing that with my misbehavior.

I want to assure you that I am committed to making amends. I have reflected on my actions, and I understand the gravity of the situation. I will take proactive steps to ensure that such behavior is not repeated.

I appreciate the hard work and dedication you put into teaching, and I want to express my gratitude for your understanding. I understand that misbehavior is not tolerated in your class, and I assure you that I have learned my lesson.

Once again, I am truly sorry for my actions, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I value your guidance and the knowledge you impart, and I am committed to being a more responsible and respectful student in the future.

Thank you for your understanding.

Feel free to modify the Apology Letter Format to Teacher based on your specific situation and reasons for the apology.

Apology Letter Format to Teacher for Late Submission

Here’s an Apology Letter Format to Teacher for late submission:

Subject: Apology for Late Submission

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my sincere apologies for the late submission of [Assignment/Project Name]. I understand the importance of adhering to deadlines, and I take full responsibility for not submitting the work on time.

Due to [explain the reason for the delay, if necessary, such as unexpected personal issues, technical difficulties, etc.], I faced challenges in completing the assignment within the given timeframe. I want to assure you that this is not a reflection of my commitment to the course, and I deeply regret any inconvenience my late submission may have caused.

I appreciate the effort you put into setting deadlines and maintaining a structured learning environment. I acknowledge that my actions may have disrupted the flow of the class, and I sincerely apologize for any disruption caused.

To rectify this, I am committed to ensuring that all future assignments will be submitted on time. I have implemented measures to better manage my time and workload to prevent similar incidents from occurring.

Thank you for your understanding, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive my lapse in meeting the deadline. I value your guidance and the education you provide, and I am dedicated to improving my punctuality in the future.

Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience caused by the late submission.

Feel free to customize the Apology Letter Format to Teacher based on your specific situation and reasons for the late submission.

Apology Letter Format to Teacher – Template

Here’s a Template of Apology Letter Format to Teacher:

Dear Mr./Ms. [Teacher’s Last Name],

I am writing this letter to apologize for my behavior during class yesterday. I know that my actions were disrespectful and disruptive, and I am truly sorry for my behavior.

What happened was out of line, and I take full responsibility for my actions. I know that you are committed to providing us with a positive learning environment, and my behavior did not contribute to that.

I realize that my behavior was disruptive to the class and disrespectful to you. I am sorry for causing any disruption and for not showing you the respect that you deserve as a teacher. Moving forward, I will make a conscious effort to be more respectful and considerate of others.

Once again, I want to express my sincere apologies for my behavior. I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Apology Letter for Not Doing Homework to Teacher

Here’s an apology letter to a teacher for not doing homework:

Subject: Apology for Not Completing Homework

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to sincerely apologize for not completing the assigned homework on [specific date]. I understand the importance of completing assignments promptly, and I take full responsibility for my failure to do so.

Due to [explain the reason for not completing the homework, if necessary, such as unforeseen personal issues, difficulties understanding the topic, etc.], I encountered challenges that hindered my ability to fulfill the assignment requirements. I recognize the impact this may have on my academic performance and the disruption it may cause to the class.

I want to assure you that this lapse in completing my homework does not reflect my overall commitment to the course. I am dedicated to learning and understand the value of completing assignments on time.

To rectify this, I am taking steps to ensure that all future assignments are completed diligently and submitted within the stipulated deadlines. I have sought additional help to improve my understanding of the subject matter and have devised a study plan to manage my time more effectively.

I appreciate the effort you put into guiding the class, and I apologize for any inconvenience my incomplete homework may have caused. I value your understanding and guidance, and I am committed to making improvements.

Thank you for your understanding, and I hope you can accept my sincere apologies for not completing the assigned homework.

Feel free to customize the letter based on your specific situation and reasons for not completing the homework.

Apology Letter to Teacher for Cheating

Writing an apology letter for cheating is an important step towards taking responsibility for one’s actions.

Subject: Apology for Academic Misconduct

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my sincere apologies for my recent act of academic dishonesty. I understand the gravity of my actions, and I want to take full responsibility for cheating on the [specific assignment or exam].

I deeply regret my lapse in judgment and the breach of trust it has caused. I understand that cheating undermines the principles of integrity and fairness that are crucial to the academic environment. I recognize the impact this may have on the class and the integrity of your teachings.

I want to assure you that this incident does not reflect my true character, and I am committed to learning from this mistake. I understand the importance of academic honesty and the role it plays in my personal growth and education.

To rectify this situation, I am willing to accept any consequences determined by the school’s policies and am committed to making amends. I understand the importance of integrity in my academic journey and am dedicated to rebuilding your trust and the trust of my fellow students.

I sincerely apologize for the disruption my actions may have caused, and I appreciate your dedication to upholding academic standards. I am committed to learning from this experience and ensuring it does not happen again in the future.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

Please remember to customize the letter based on your specific situation, and be genuine in your commitment to learning from the mistake and improving your behavior.

Apology Letter to Teacher for Talking in Class

Here’s an apology letter to a teacher for talking in class:

Subject: Apology for Talking in Class

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to sincerely apologize for my behavior during your class on [specific date]. I understand the importance of maintaining a quiet and focused learning environment, and I want to take full responsibility for disrupting that atmosphere.

I realize that my talking in class was disrespectful not only to you but also to my fellow students who were trying to concentrate on the lesson. I deeply regret my actions and understand that it may have impacted the flow of the class and hindered the learning experience for everyone.

I want to assure you that this incident does not reflect my overall commitment to your class and my education. I understand the significance of paying attention and participating appropriately during lessons.

To rectify this, I am taking immediate steps to ensure that I am more attentive and respectful in your class. I will be more conscious of my behavior and the impact it can have on the learning environment.

I appreciate the effort you put into creating an engaging and effective learning experience, and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience my actions may have caused. I understand the importance of maintaining a positive and focused atmosphere in the classroom.

Thank you for your understanding and patience. I am committed to improving my behavior and ensuring that it aligns with the expectations you have for your students.

Feel free to customize the letter based on your specific situation and reasons for the apology.

Apology Letter Format to Teacher – Example

Here’s an Example of Apology Letter Format To Teacher:

I am writing this letter to apologize for my absence during class yesterday. I know that my absence caused an interruption in your lesson plan, and I am truly sorry for any inconvenience that I caused.

I understand the importance of being present and attentive in class, and I regret that my absence caused a disruption. In the future, I will make every effort to attend class and stay engaged in the lesson.

Once again, I want to express my sincere apologies for my absence. I hope that you can forgive me for any inconvenience that I caused.

Apology Letter for Rude Behavior to Teacher

Here’s an apology letter for rude behavior to a teacher:

Subject: Apology for Rude Behavior

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to express my sincere apologies for the rude behavior I exhibited towards you during [specify the date or class]. I recognize that my actions were disrespectful and completely inappropriate.

I deeply regret my behavior and want to take full responsibility for the impact it may have had on you and the class. I understand that as a teacher, you deserve respect, and my actions fell short of the standards expected in your class.

I want to assure you that this incident is not a reflection of my true character. I have reflected on my behavior, and I understand the importance of treating others with kindness and respect, especially those in positions of authority.

To rectify this, I am taking immediate steps to ensure that my behavior aligns with the values upheld in your classroom. I am committed to being more mindful of my actions and words, and I will strive to create a positive and respectful environment.

I appreciate the effort you put into teaching and maintaining a conducive learning atmosphere. My actions were not a reflection of your teaching or the environment you create in the class, and I sincerely apologize for any disruption caused.

Thank you for your understanding. I hope you can find it in your heart to accept my sincere apologies. I am dedicated to learning from this experience and ensuring that it does not happen again.

Feel free to adjust the letter to suit your specific situation and reasons for the apology.

Apology Letter for Not Following Instructions to Teacher

Here’s an apology letter for not following instructions to a teacher:

Subject: Apology for Not Following Instructions

I hope this letter reaches you in good health. I am writing to express my sincere apologies for my failure to follow instructions during [specify the assignment, class, or activity]. I understand the importance of adhering to guidelines, and I want to take full responsibility for my oversight.

I realize that my actions may have caused confusion and disruption, and I am deeply sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you and the class. I understand the significance of following instructions and the impact it has on the learning process.

I want to assure you that this lapse in following instructions does not reflect my overall commitment to your class and my education. I have reflected on my actions and understand the importance of being more attentive and diligent in the future.

To rectify this, I am taking immediate steps to ensure that I carefully read and follow instructions in all future assignments and activities. I am committed to learning from this experience and improving my behavior.

I appreciate the effort you put into providing clear instructions and maintaining a structured learning environment. I am grateful for your understanding and patience in this matter.

Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience caused, and I hope you can accept my sincere apologies. Thank you for your understanding.

Feel free to modify the letter based on your specific situation and reasons for the apology.

FAQS for Apology Letter Format to Teacher – Wording Ideas, Examples

How do i start an apology letter format to teacher.

Start your Apology Letter Format to Teacher by addressing your teacher respectfully with “Dear [Teacher’s Last Name],” or “Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. [Teacher’s Last Name],”.

What should I include in an Apology Letter Format to Teacher?

In your Apology Letter Format to Teacher, acknowledge your mistake, express genuine remorse, take responsibility for your actions, explain the circumstances (if necessary), and outline steps you will take to prevent a recurrence.

Should I apologize in person before writing an Apology Letter Format to Teacher?

It’s advisable to apologize in person if the situation allows. However, if you cannot meet your teacher in person, a well-written Apology Letter Format to Teacher can convey your sincerity effectively.

How long should an Apology Letter Format to Teacher be?

Your Apology Letter Format to Teacher should be concise yet comprehensive. Aim for about a page in length, focusing on expressing your apology sincerely and addressing the situation appropriately.

Can I use email to send my Apology Letter Format to Teacher?

Yes, email can be an appropriate medium for sending an Apology Letter Format to Teacher, especially if you cannot deliver it in person. Ensure that your email is professional, respectful, and well-formatted.

Should I proofread my Apology Letter Format to Teacher before sending?

Yes, it’s crucial to proofread your Apology Letter Format to Teacher carefully to ensure there are no grammatical errors, typos, or unclear expressions. A well-written and polished apology letter demonstrates your sincerity and respect.

Writing an Apology Letter Format to Teacher can be a difficult but important task . By following this format and including the essential components, you can show respect and appreciation for the teacher while also seeking forgiveness for your mistake. Remember, a sincere apology can go a long way in repairing a damaged relationship and building trust with your teacher .

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Best Apology Letter To Teacher For Misbehavior: How To Draft It Right!

In this guide, I will walk you through a step-by-step process to write a heartfelt apology letter to a teacher, including customizable templates to get you started.

Key Takeaways: Understand the Importance: Recognize the gravity of your misbehavior and the need for a sincere apology. Be Sincere: Express genuine remorse and acknowledge your mistake. Free Template :  Utilize the provided template to simplify the process. Offer Solutions: Suggest ways you will avoid repeating this behavior. Proofread: Ensure your letter is free from grammatical errors and is well-structured.

Step 1: Reflect on Your Actions

Before you begin writing, take a moment to reflect on what happened. Understand why your actions were wrong and how they might have affected your teacher. This will help you express genuine remorse in your letter.

Example: “I disrupted the class during the lesson, which was disrespectful to both you and my classmates.”

Step 2: Start with a Respectful Salutation

Address your teacher formally. This shows respect and sets a serious tone for your apology.

Example: “Dear Mr./Mrs. [Teacher’s Last Name],”

Step 3: Clearly State the Purpose of Your Letter

In the opening sentence, directly state that you are writing to apologize. This immediately clarifies your intent.

Example: “I am writing this letter to sincerely apologize for my behavior during [specific incident].”

Step 4: Acknowledge Your Mistake and Express Regret

Clearly admit your mistake and express your regret. Avoid making excuses or justifying your behavior.

Example: “I realize that my actions were inappropriate and disruptive. I am truly sorry for my behavior and the inconvenience it caused.”

Step 5: Explain, But Don’t Excuse

Briefly explain what led to your behavior, if relevant, but be careful not to use this as an excuse.

Example: “I was feeling overwhelmed that day, but I understand that it was no excuse for my behavior.”

Step 6: Offer Solutions or Remediation

Suggest how you intend to rectify the situation or prevent it from happening again.

Example: “To ensure this does not happen again, I plan to [solution].”

Step 7: Close with a Promise and Thanks

Reiterate your apology, make a commitment to better behavior, and thank your teacher for their understanding and patience.

Example: “I promise to uphold the class rules in the future. Thank you for your patience and understanding.”

Step 8: Proofread and Edit

Make sure your letter is free of grammatical errors and is clear and concise. This shows that you have put thought and effort into your apology.

Formatting Tips:

  • Use a Polite and Respectful Tone: Always maintain a respectful tone throughout your letter.
  • Be Specific: Clearly mention the incident you are apologizing for.
  • Keep it Brief and to the Point: Your letter should be concise and focused on your apology.
  • Handwrite Your Letter: If possible, a handwritten letter can add a personal touch.

Sample Apology Letter Template

Dear [Teacher’s Name],

I am writing to sincerely apologize for [specific misbehavior] in [class/subject] on [date]. I understand that my actions were inappropriate and disrupted the class. I regret any inconvenience or discomfort I caused you and my classmates.

I realize now that [brief explanation of circumstances]. However, I know that this does not excuse my behavior.

To ensure this does not happen again, I will [solution or remediation steps]. I am committed to behaving respectfully and maintaining a positive learning environment.

I appreciate your understanding and patience. Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our class.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Writing an apology letter to a teacher is a meaningful way to take responsibility for your actions. It demonstrates maturity and respect, helping to rebuild trust and understanding in your student-teacher relationship.

Tips for Success:

  • Timing is Important: Send the apology letter as soon as possible after the incident.
  • Personalize Your Letter: Tailor your apology to the specific situation and your relationship with the teacher.
  • Be Honest and Sincere: Insincerity can be easily detected and might worsen the situation.

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How to Write an Apology Letter to a Teacher: Samples Included


Apologies are magic words, no doubt. After having a misunderstanding with anyone, it is important to say sorry, especially when you are at fault. This could be a misunderstanding with your friend, parent, or guardian, but sometimes you have an argument with your teacher and you have no idea how to make a remedy for the situation.

When a student talks back to a teacher, calls a teacher an unfriendly name, or performs some other inappropriate action, an apology letter to the teacher that addresses the slip-up will be incredibly acknowledged. As a parent or guardian, having your child write an apology letter to their teacher will help teach respect and how to take responsibility for his or her actions. These are both practical life lessons that will remain with your child forever. It is also valuable to help him or her be a better student.

Apology letters make sure that the mistake is not committed again and that the decorum of the school is followed with obedience. Owning your mistakes and saying sorry to a teacher is a gracious act from a student or a parent; it shows respect and illustrates deep remorse for whatever regrettable incident or behavior had occurred earlier. It is more than an apology letter. It is more than saying sorry. It is about admitting you were wrong and learning from an unfortunate incident. The students need to express genuine remorse when they have gotten on the wrong side of the classroom laws and regulations.

An apology letter should be heartfelt, clear, and concise. A letter with these qualities would show your sincerity when you are expressing your true feelings. It is not a big deal to write an apology letter, but it’s not a piece of cake either. The following steps in this article will take you through the process of writing the most effective apology letter to your teacher.

Understanding the Purpose of an Apology Letter to a Teacher

Teachers are authority figures within the four walls of the classroom. In a way that goes beyond their job title and their monthly pay, they are human and they have feelings. Certain dynamics apply to the classroom, where the teacher is a figurehead who should be respected because he or she places impactful knowledge and life lessons on the student. The student is the recipient of the said knowledge and even though he or she is paying for that service, respect should be given because the respect was earned.

There are a lot of reasons why students need to apologize after they have wronged a teacher. It will teach them to be a little more responsible; it will teach them to be accountable for their actions; it will appease the teacher; and it will serve as a lesson to the other troublemakers in the class.

The parent should also note that a positive student-teacher relationship is a requirement when pursuing academic success for any student. A negative environment is not a thriving ground for education.

How to Write an Apology Letter to a Teacher

Composing an apology letter to your teacher is easy. To accomplish the purpose of your letter, you just need to think out your apology, draft it, format and edit it, and hand it to your teacher.

  • Start with a respectful salutation and address the teacher appropriately. The salutation is the first time you would address the teacher after your regrettable actions. Make sure to use a respectable address. Don’t use the first name of the teacher. Use the name that is generally accepted in the class.
  • Clearly express remorse and take responsibility for the wrongdoing. Acknowledge what you did wrong. It could be that you made a mistake, got into a fight, or forgot to do something you were assigned to do. Make a small statement about what you did and how you know it was wrong. Reflect on your wrongdoing before you write out your apology.
  • Provide specific details about the incident, including the impact on the teacher. Add details about the incident and how you understand the impact it made on your teacher. Don’t blame the teacher or make excuses. Take full responsibility for what went wrong.
  • Offer a genuine and sincere apology. Go ahead and say you are sorry. Your apology should be profound and sincere.
  • Explain any steps taken to prevent similar actions in the future. Apologies do not fix wounds like magic. Your teacher will be more pleased to know that such an action will not be repeated. Now that you have come to terms with your bad behavior, you have to plan for the future by making sure it doesn’t happen again.
  • Express gratitude for the teacher’s guidance and support. Thank your teacher for her or his unending love, support, and care.

Dos and Don’ts of Writing an Apology Letter

Some rules should be applied when drafting an apology letter. You should take note of the dos and don’ts. An apology letter does not follow the same format as every other kind of letter.

  • Be honest and genuine in your apology.
  • Use polite and respectful language throughout.
  • Keep the letter concise and focused on the apology.
  • Proofread and edit the letter for clarity and correctness.
  • Consider delivering the letter in person or through a trusted intermediary.
  • Avoid making excuses or blaming others.
  • Refrain from using sarcastic or insincere language.
  • Do not downplay the severity of the incident.
  • Avoid promising changes without a genuine intent to follow through.
  • Do not expect immediate forgiveness; allow the teacher time to process the apology.

The Impact of Apology Letters on Teacher-Student Relationships

There are a lot of benefits when a student takes responsibility for his or her actions and apologizes to a teacher. There is a percentage chance that when he or she wrongs someone else, his or her mate, or his or her parent or guardian, he or she will know how to react.

Trust is an important element of an educational environment. It makes up one of the pivotal aspects of the student-teacher relationship. Sending apology letters like this would build trust, which would alleviate the student’s ability to learn.

Sorry Letter to Teacher for Misbehaving

Sorry letter for teacher from student, apology letter to teacher from parents, apology letter to teacher for cheating, apology letter to teacher making noise in class, apology letter to teacher fighting in class, apology letter to teacher using phone in class.

It is very easy to navigate your way around an apology letter. You should remember that the most important aspect of writing an apology letter is showing that the person you wronged is worthy of an apology and you are also worthy of the forgiveness you ask for.

About The Author

apology letter to teacher for not doing assignment

Jim Blessed

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apology letter to teacher for not doing assignment

Apology Letter Template To Teacher/Principal – Sample & Example

Writing an apology letter to Teacher/Principal  is a crucial part of every individual’s student life. The reason for writing a letter of apology to teacher can be for multiple reasons. The aim of writing a letter to the teacher or principal means that you are apologizing sincerely for a mistake and won’t be repeating a similar incident in future.

How to write an apology letter to your teacher

Here are some of the most common tips to keep in mind while writing an apology letter to a teacher,

  • Sincerity- The first and foremost solution on being asked how to write an apology letter to a professor or teacher would be to showcase sincerity in your letter.
  • Assurance- While drafting an apology letter to teacher for cheating or misbehaving or causing any kind of nuisance, make sure to assure the teacher that it won’t happen again.
  • Respect- Make sure to mention that you respect your teacher and your studies.
  • Reference material- If you are writing a letter of apology to teacher for absence or missing a class, ensure to provide prescriptions or reports for the teacher to refer. 

Apology Letter to Principal/Professor

From, Anajli Singhal 29 Mill Lane Cockeysville, MD 21030 [email protected]

Date – 10/02/1988

To, Aditi Sharma Prof.  (Advanced Maths) Institute of Advanced Maths, United [email protected]

Dear Sir/Mam,

I am the student of (Your class) for the (Subject name) (Your section). I couldn’t attend your previous class and would like to apologize to you for my absence in the same. You were going to discuss some really important topics and give provide us notes, which I couldn’t be available to access. Due to (cause) my uncle was immediately admitted to the hospital. All the family members especially my cousins were extremely worried and we decided that it would be best to be with the family at such a crucial time. 

Owing to the situation we were in as a family, it wasn’t possible to attend classes for me. I hope you understand my reason for absence and forgive me for the same.  I will commence attending the classes regularly from today.

(Anajli Singhal)

Apology Letter to Teacher for Misbehavior

From, Ajay Singh 7935 NW. 10th St. Halethorpe, MD 21227 [email protected]

Date – 10/02/1990

To, Anjani Sharma Assistant Prof.  (Advanced Maths) Institute of Advanced Maths, USA [email protected]

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am writing this letter with deepest regrets; I am extremely sorry for being rude to you during your class. My behavior was definitely very disappointing as you have only always done what is right for us students. Misbehaving with you when I was at fault for not paying attention and causing a ruckus deserves you asking me to leave the classroom. My back answers and attitude might have offended you a lot but I promise to behave well from now onwards. Please accept my apology as I assure you that this kind of behavior will not be repeated. 

Yours faithfully,

(Ajay Singh)

Apology Letter to Teacher for Absence

From, Anand Singh 41 South Court Herndon, VA 20170 [email protected]

Date – 10/01/1990

To, Anjali Shukla Assistant Prof.  (Advanced Biology) Institute of Advanced Biology, USA [email protected]

I (Your name), am a student of (your class), (section). I am writing this letter to apologize for my absence for a period of 5 days from school which also led to my absence for the (your subject) test. Due to the viral flu, I was advised by the doctor to stay at home and rest. 

Coming to school could have led to my flu spreading to others surrounding me as well caused severe discomfort to my health. Thus, the only way to handle this situation was by being absent for the few days. I have already taken notes from my friends and will be up to date when I commence the classes. Attached along with this letter are my medical reports and prescriptions for your reference. Hope you allow me to appear for the test as you had said before that these marks are really important for every student.

Looking forward to your humble response.

Yours obediently,

(Anand Singh)

Apology Letter to Teacher for Not Doing Homework

From, Anand Sharma 343 Leatherwood Street Endicott, NY 13760 [email protected]

Date – 11/01/1990

To, Anjali Sharma Assistant Prof.  (Advanced Chemistry) Institute of Advanced Chemistry, USA [email protected]

Subject: -------

Dear Mam/Sir,

I am writing this letter with most sincere feelings to apologize for not doing my (your subject name/topic name) homework. The day you assigned the homework was the day my grandma was flying down/coming to visit me. Since, I hadn’t seen and met her for quite some time, my excitement knew no bounds. Amidst this I forgot about everything else and could only think of spending as much time with her as possible. You are well aware that I have never skipped my homework or lessons in the past and take my studies seriously. I assure you that this won’t happen again and my pending homework will be completed by tomorrow. 

Genuinely apologizing once again, hoping for your forgiveness.

Yours sincerely,

(Anand Sharma)

Apology Letter to Professor/Teacher for Cheating

From, Vicky Sharma 343 Leatherwood Street Endicott, NY 13760 [email protected]

To, vivek Assistant Teacher (Advanced Physics) Institute of Advanced Physics, Columbia [email protected]

I am writing this letter with disappointment, regrets and shame. I want to sincerely apologize for cheating on the test you conducted last week (date & time). My intention to cheat wasn’t preplanned or something I am proud of; this was a one-time thing that I promise to never repeat again no matter what are the circumstances. Due to some issues at home, I couldn’t muster up the energy to study, though I did try very hard but failed to memorize anything. As a last resort, I thought of cheating and now I realize how grave mistake it was.

I am extremely ashamed of my actions and ask for forgiveness for the same. I hope you will keep my past records in mind while taking any action as I hold you in very high regards. 

(Vicky Sharma)

Apology Letter to Professor for Missing Class

From, Romi Singh 78 Leatherwood Ave. Ottawa, IL 61350 [email protected]

Date – 12/01/1990

To, Vicky Teacher (Advanced Physics) Institute of Physics, Columbia [email protected]

I am writing this letter to apologize for my absence in (your class) on (date and time). The day prior to my absence you had mentioned that attending the class on the consecutive day is necessary as you were going to discuss about the yearly project as well as were going to divide groups for the same. Since the beginning of the day, I was feeling uneasy, in the second class I vomited and that is when the (name of the teacher) suggested I take a leave and go home. The school nurse said that I had a stomach infection and resting would help. I also went to the doctor later and have attached my prescriptions for your reference.

I hope you would understand my situation and assign me a group in the next class. Once again sorry for causing you added trouble.

(Romi Singh)

Apology Letter to Teacher for Talking in Class

From, Amit Misra 305 Euclid Dr. Fairfield, CT 06824 [email protected]

Date – 12/01/1991

To, Anjali Teacher (Physics) School of Physics, Meghan [email protected]

I am writing this letter to express my apology for my extremely uncivilized behavior in class. I am sorry for talking and ruining the decorum of the class while you were teaching us about an important topic. 

My intention wasn’t to disrupt the tranquility of the class. I got engaged in a conversation without realizing that the class was still going on. I have understood that my actions were very rude and improper and thus would like to sincerely apologize for the same. I promise you to never repeat this behavior again. Please accept my genuine apology.

(Amit Misra) 

Apology Letter to Professor for Late Submission

From, Ananya Singh 98 Young Dr. Rosemount, MN 55068 [email protected]

Date – 12/1/1993

To, Anni Singh Teacher (Physics) School of Physics, Malaysia [email protected]

I am writing this letter to apologize for the delay in submission of my (name of subject) project. My sister gave birth to a baby girl on (date and time), since I live closest to her house, I was responsible for taking care of any formalities and other extra work. 

I realize that I should have divided my time appropriately and ensured to submit on my time but the circumstances were not in my favor. I hope you understand that my reason for the delay is genuine and my apology sincere. The attached folder consists my assignment that I have worked really hard on and will continue to work hard on my studies and future assignments irrespective of any situation. 

Please accept my assignment as well as my heartfelt apology.

(Ananya Singh)

Apology Letter to Teacher from Parent

From, Amit Singh 233 Race Road Adrian, MI 49221 [email protected]

Date – 12/11/1993

To, Amit Sharma Teacher (Bio) School of Biology, Indiana [email protected]

This letter is to inform you that my son (your name), of (your class) will be unable to attend school for (number of days, from and to date). He is suffering from pneumonia and has been admitted to hospital for the same. The doctor has advised him to rest after getting discharged thus the higher number of leaves. 

His class work and notes will be up to date once he commences class.  Also, attaching his reports from the doctor for your reference.

Thanking you.

(Parent’s signature)

(Amit Singh)

Apology Letter to Teacher for Misbehaving in Class

From, Shivam Singh Parent A-122, Dalas [email protected]

Date – 12/12/1992

To, Shiv Kumar Teacher (Maths) School of Business, Indiana [email protected]

I am writing this letter in regards to my unpleasant and rude behavior in (your class) on (date and time). Being a teacher is not an easy job, especially when you are sick. You weren’t feeling well, yet I kept on creating nuisance in the class. You were forced to shout at the top of your voice with a sore throat which has caused you a lot of discomfort. I would like to sincerely apologize as I didn’t intend on upsetting you and making you feel worse than you already were. I am very ashamed of my behavior and realize that saying sorry won’t change the past. I would like to promise to you that I wouldn’t showcase this type of misbehavior ever again. 

Please try to forgive me as only then will I be able to face you and overcome my guilt.

Shivam Singh

Apology Letter Template To Teacher/Principal in PDF and Word Format

apology letter to teacher for not doing homework

Apology Letter Template To Teacher/Principal in PDF Format

  • PDF Template 1
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Apology Letter Template To Teacher/Principal in Word (Docs) Format

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  • Word Template 4

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How To Write An Apology Letter To A Teacher

Writing an apology letter to a teacher is an important step in taking responsibility for your actions and showing that you understand the impact of your behaviour. Here are some components you can follow to write an effective apology letter:

Start with a formal greeting | Begin your letter with a proper salutation such as "Dear [teacher's name]," or "Dear Professor [last name],"

Acknowledge your mistake | State clearly what you did wrong and why you are apologising. This shows that you are taking responsibility for your actions and are sincere in your apology.

Express remorse | Let your teacher know that you are truly sorry for what you did and that you understand the impact it had. Use phrases like "I deeply regret," "I am truly sorry," or "I apologise sincerely."

Explain your actions (if necessary) | This section of the letter is crucial for both you and the teacher, as it involves explaining the details of the situation that led to the apology. It's important to be honest and straightforward without making excuses or being evasive. Remember that the teacher is likely already aware of what happened, so it's best to keep it genuine and to the point. If there were any extenuating circumstances that led to your behaviour, you can briefly explain them. However, be careful not to make excuses or deflect responsibility.

Make a commitment to change | Let your teacher know that you are committed to improving your behaviour and that you will take steps to prevent the same mistake from happening again. This can include specific actions you plan to take, such as attending tutoring or seeking help from a counsellor.

Close with gratitude | End your letter with a note of gratitude for your teacher's understanding and for the opportunity to learn from this experience. You can also offer to make amends in some way, such as by completing extra work or volunteering for a project.

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Sample 1: Apology For Wrong Behaviour

Dear [teacher's name],

I am writing to apologise for my behaviour in class last week. I know that my actions were disruptive and disrespectful, and I am truly sorry for the trouble I caused.

I realise that my behaviour not only affected my own learning, but also that of my classmates and you as my teacher. I deeply regret my actions and understand the impact they had.

I was feeling overwhelmed and stressed at the time, but I know that is no excuse for my behaviour. I take full responsibility for my actions and promise to do better in the future.

To prevent this from happening again, I will make sure to complete all of my assignments on time and to seek help from a tutor or counsellor if I am feeling overwhelmed. I am committed to improving my behaviour and earning back your trust.

Thank you for your understanding and for giving me the opportunity to learn from my mistake.

[Your Name]

Sample 2: Apology For Creating Nuisance In Class

Dear [Teacher's Name],

I am writing this letter to apologise for my behaviour in your class. I'm aware that my behaviour was rude and disruptive, and I want to sincerely apologise for causing a nuisance in your classroom.

I understand that as a teacher, you work hard to create a productive and positive learning environment for your students, and my behaviour was a hindrance to that.

I sincerely apologise for any problem I may have caused and accept full responsibility for my actions. I assure you that it was never my intention to create a nuisance in your class, and I will make every effort to ensure that it never happens again.

I have reflected on my behaviour, and I realise that it was unacceptable. I promise to show you the respect that you deserve as a teacher, and to do my part to make sure that your classroom is a place where learning can take place without distraction.

Thank you for taking the time to read my apology. I hope that you can accept my apology and that we can move forward in a positive way.

Sample 3: Apology For Consistently Not Submitting Homework On Time

I am writing this letter to apologise for consistently not submitting my homework on time. I understand that my actions have caused a disruption in your class and have made it difficult for you to teach effectively.

I realise that submitting homework on time is an essential part of the learning process, and I regret that I have not been able to fulfil this responsibility. My lack of discipline has not only affected my grades but has also put an additional burden on you as my teacher.

I want to assure you that I am taking responsibility for my actions and am committed to improving my behaviour. I understand that submitting homework on time is crucial to my academic success, and I will make every effort to ensure that I meet the deadlines going forward.

I appreciate the time and effort that you have put into teaching me, and I am sorry for not showing the respect that you deserve as a teacher. I hope that you can accept my sincere apology and that we can work together to create a positive learning environment.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

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How to Apologize to a Teacher

Last Updated: March 19, 2024 Approved

This article was co-authored by Ashley Pritchard, MA . Ashley Pritchard is an Academic and School Counselor at Delaware Valley Regional High School in Frenchtown, New Jersey. Ashley has over 3 years of high school, college, and career counseling experience. She has an MA in School Counseling with a specialization in Mental Health from Caldwell University and is certified as an Independent Education Consultant through the University of California, Irvine. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article has 23 testimonials from our readers, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 296,114 times.

Sometimes we make mistakes. Nobody's perfect. But if you did something that hurt your teacher, it's important to apologize and make amends for what you did. Apologizing can take a lot of courage, but it will heal your relationship and improve your interactions in the future.

Apologizing to a Teacher for Misbehavior

  • Reflect on your bad behavior and practice your apology in advance.
  • Ask your teacher for a minute to speak privately, preferably during their lunch or free period.
  • Say that you’re sorry, explain why you're apologizing, and take responsibility for your actions.
  • Promise your teacher that you will not repeat your behavior, then ask them for forgiveness.

Establishing a Plan

Step 1 Reflect on what you did wrong.

  • For example, you'd say one thing when apologizing for being rowdy in class, and you'd say a different thing when apologizing for forgetting your homework.

Step 2 Practice ahead of time.

  • Start with something simple, such as: "I am sorry for disrupting class." When you feel more comfortable, add: "I promise not to do it again."

Step 3 Find a good time to talk to them.

  • Ask for a minute of their time: "Mr. Smith, may I please speak with you for a moment?”
  • Most teachers will write their office hours on the class green sheet. Office hours are a great time to visit your teacher and apologize.

Being Sincere

Step 1 Say you are sorry.

  • Speaking clearly and making eye contact will help you appear more genuine. You don't want to appear insincere.

Step 2 Explain why you are apologizing.

  • Say something like, “Mrs. Peters, I am very sorry for how I behaved yesterday. It was not okay for me to talk loudly to Steve. I should have been paying attention to you teaching.” [7] X Research source
  • You could also say, "I'm sorry for forgetting my homework Mrs. Stevens. I would still like to turn it in. I understand if I don't get credit."

Step 3 Take responsibility.

  • Don’t say “I am sorry for talking loudly with Steve, but it was his fault for talking to me.” Instead, say "I am sorry for talking to Steve. I should have been listening to you."
  • Don’t say “if” in your apology: “I am sorry if I was being disrespectful.” Instead say “I am sorry that I was being disrespectful.” [9] X Research source

Step 4 Don’t make excuses.

  • Don’t say: “I am sorry for not doing my homework but I didn’t do it because I had a soccer game yesterday.”
  • Instead say: “I am sorry for not doing my homework. It was my responsibly to find time to get it done.”

Strengthening Your Apology

Step 1 Promise it won’t happen again and act upon it.

  • If you are apologizing for not doing your homework, start making sure to do your homework.
  • If you were talking loudly during class, make sure to correct this behavior. Don't talk loudly in class. If you must say something, raise your hand.

Step 2 Have appropriate body language.

  • Don’t put your hands on your hips or cross your arms. It will look as though you don’t care about the apology or are trying to challenge your teacher.
  • Be relaxed and make eye contact with your teacher. Keep your arms at your sides, and your back straight. This will make you appear more serious and genuine.

Step 3 Write your teacher an apology note.

  • Use the same language in the note as you would when giving a verbal apology. This means no making excuses or putting the blame on someone else.
  • Use proper spelling and grammar. Don't write "Sorry I made U mad. =( " Instead, write "I apologize for disrupting class. It won't happen again."

Step 4 Ask for forgiveness.

  • Keep it simple, but sincere. Say something like, “I hope that you can forgive me.”
  • Don't worry if your teacher doesn't forgive you. They might need time to think about your apology.

Expert Q&A

Ashley Pritchard, MA

  • Don't apologize in a note or email. Always apologize in person because it is much more sincere and meaningful. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 1
  • It is okay if you cry, but don’t fake cry. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 1
  • Acknowledge your mistakes to let your teacher know that you know what you did wrong. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0

apology letter to teacher for not doing assignment

  • Understand that if you have hurt their feelings bad enough, some teachers will not forgive you immediately. Thanks Helpful 90 Not Helpful 10
  • Depending on the severity of your actions, you may or may not get in trouble with the administration, but always be ready to accept the consequences of your actions. Thanks Helpful 81 Not Helpful 8

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  • ↑ Ashley Pritchard, MA. School Counselor. Expert Interview. 4 November 2019.
  • ↑ Ashley Pritchard, MA. School Counselor. Expert Interview. 3 January 2020.
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  • ↑ Ashley Pritchard, MA. School Counselor. Expert Interview. 12 December 2019.

About This Article

Ashley Pritchard, MA

If you acted up in class and you feel like you should apologize to your teacher, find a time when they aren’t busy, like after school or during lunch. Ask your teacher for a moment of their time, then tell them that you’re sorry for what you did wrong. Don’t make excuses, or your apology won’t seem sincere. For instance, you could say something like, “I should have stopped talking the first time you told me to. I’m sorry.” For other ways to apologize, such as writing an apology note, keep reading. Did this summary help you? Yes No

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  • Apology Letter to Teacher

Apology Letter To A Teacher / Professor

Writing an apology letter to a teacher or professor is quite common. Since students spend the majority of time at school, it's inevitable that at some point issues will arise.

The most frequent infractions in a school environment that warrant an apology from parents and students include: misbehavior (behavior in general), absence from class, poor performance, cheating or plagiarism, being late, or talking in class.

Red apple sitting on a book in front of a blackboard

Obviously, some infractions are more serious than others. For example cheating and plagiarism are certainly more consequential than misbehavior or being absent from class. Nevertheless, both could have serious implications on a student's success.

Regardless of the seriousness of the infraction, writing an apology letter to a teacher and taking the time to craft a sincere apology is an important first step on the road to making things right again.

How To Apologize to A Teacher

Although a verbal apology may be sufficient, an apology letter is always better. It conveys a level of respect and demonstrates that you are taking the matter seriously.

With that said, the length of your teacher apology letter will be determined by the seriousness of the infraction.

In other words, a shorter letter is fine for things like late work and missing class, presuming these weren't significant issues. However a longer letter is warranted for plagiarism, misbehaving, or missing major deadlines.

Sample Apology Letter to a Teacher From A Student

This first sample apology letter is from a student to a teacher and can be easily tailored to your own situation. The column labeled 'Notes' will help guide you through the process.

Sample Apology Letter to Teacher

Sample apology letter to a teacher from a parent.

This second sample apology letter is based on a letter from a parent to a headmaster. They titled it Sorry For Our Child's Behavior and posted the letter to our site. It's a great example of letter of apology to a teacher or principal and can be easily tailored to any situation by a parent or guardian.

As a parent, you want to acknowledge your child's unacceptable words or actions while still showing faith in their ability to behave differently and do well by the school in the future.

As before, we provide notes to help guide you.

Apology Letter to Teacher from Parent

Tailoring your own letter of apology to a teacher.

By breaking down both the student's and parent's sample letters and providing notes alongside each section, you can see how easily it can modified to any situation where an apology letter for a teacher or professor is needed.

Use the 'Notes' to guide you while writing your own letter and replace the specifics with your own situation

The order of the statements is not important. What is important is that the teacher understands that you sincerely regret what happened, are taking responsibility for your own, or your child's behavior and apologized. And finally, that you are determined that it will not happen again.

Next step to consider: Your apology letter format . It plays a role in how effective a letter can be and how open the recipient will be to accepting your apology.

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Sample apology Letter to Teacher for not Doing Homework

Apology Letter to Teacher

An apology letter to a teacher is a professional apology letter written by a student in which he addresses his teacher and seeks apology for his disrespectful or rude behavior. Occasionally, students become disrespectful toward their teachers and through this letter, they can show their regretful feelings about their wrong action and ask for forgiveness.

Teaching is a profession that demands respect and when a teacher is showering his knowledge onto a student, the student should respect him for this learning. However, students often indulge in unacceptable and unprofessional behavior and hence seeking an apology is important in maintaining a good relationship with the teacher as well as making the situation normal for a teacher who is upset due to the wrong behavior.

There are different circumstances when a student should write an apology letter for his/her wrong behavior. Some situations could be:

  • Hard to confront – sometimes, a student finds it difficult to apologize to his teacher, face to face, and this professional letter can solve the problem as well as it can be kept in the student record file.
  • Disrespectful and rude behavior – the student was rude or got engaged in an argument with the teacher or responded badly when a teacher tried to correct him as he did not want correction in front of the whole class. There could be many ways a student can exhibit unprofessional and rude behavior in class such as leaving the class when scolded by the teacher, talking in the class during lecture, coming late in the class, etc.
  • Cheating – sometimes, students cheat their teachers by copying other students’ assignments or quizzes.
  • Bunking class – if a student does not attend the class for any reason, the apology should be requested.
  • No homework – the student is expected to properly do his homework and in the opposite scenario, he should ask for forgiveness for not fulfilling his duty properly.

When writing an apology letter, a student should consider many things. Few of those are:

  • Form your apology properly.
  • The apology should be sincere.
  • No excuses should be provided.
  • The teacher should not be blamed.
  • The words used should be professional.
  • The letter should be concise and professional and should show regretful feelings clearly.
  • The apology should mean that bad behavior will not be repeated.

A letter of apology to the teacher often normalizes the situation and makes the learning environment cooperative and better.

Sample Apology Letter to Teacher for Misbehavior

I am writing this letter in regard to my misbehavior in your economics class on the 23 rd January 2018 at 3:00 p.m.

After I left the class, I realized that I was wrong in screaming at you when you were trying to correct me and then leaving the class while slamming the door. I felt so guilty that I did not have the guts to come to you for an apology which is why I am showing my regret in this letter for any distress caused to you in any way.

I really feel sorry for my disrespectful behavior and I assure you that such behavior will not be repeated. Kindly, forgive my stupidity and accept my apologies. If you want, I can apologize in front of the whole class as well.

Once again, I apologize to you with full regret and I hope you will forgive me and accept this letter.

Sample Apology Letter to Teacher for Rude Behavior in Class

I am writing this letter to communicate my sincere apology and seek your forgiveness for my rude behavior in Physics class on 20 th May 2018 at 12:30 p.m.

I always enjoy your lectures and I really want to apologize for one, for being engaged in talking during the lecture and secondly, for replying to you in a rude way when you tried to stop me from conversing. As soon as you asked me to leave the class, I realized how rude my comments and behavior were and how much they might have disturbed you.

I really apologize to you and I will make sure that such disrespectful behavior does not get repeated. I highly regret my behavior that day and I am really sorry about it. I would highly appreciate if you would accept my apology.

Sample Apology Letter to Teacher for Cheating

I am really sorry for cheating on the final Sociology exam held on 11 th August 2018 at 2:00 p.m.

I know that you have a zero-tolerance policy for dishonesty and cheating and no matter the reason behind such an unethical act, there is no justification.

I wanted to score a higher grade in this subject and rather than focusing on hard work, I chose the easy but wrong way. I highly regret and apologize for my immoral act.

I would be very grateful if you would accept my apology and would not punish me. Kindly, do not fail me in this course and grant me a re-take of the exam.

I am hoping to receive a positive reply to this apology letter.

Emily Jones

Sample Apology Letter to Teacher for Bunking Class

I am writing this apology letter in regard to my missing of your Chemistry class on 3 rd September 2018 at 1:00 p.m.

I know that you especially asked all the students to be present in the class as it was a very important lecture. I had no intentions of bunking or missing that lecture but on the same day due to a personal emergency, I had to leave the school and go to the hospital. My grandmother suddenly had a cardiac arrest without any prior heart problem. My family took her to the hospital and being the only male member available at that time, I had to be there.

I hope you understand my situation and accept my apologies. I will make certain that I cover all the topics of that lecture.

Again, I am really sorry.

Sample Apology Letter to Teacher for not Doing Homework

I want to apologize for not submitting my homework for two assignments which were due on 4 th August 2018.

I am doing a part-time job about which I have informed the school as well. My supervisor asked me to put in an extra three hours each day during the last week; I accepted that. That was the reason behind non-completion of my homework which I have realized that I should not have compromised on because of my job. I should have refused the extra hours and submitted the assignments on-time. I have completed my homework now, but I know it will not be graded due to late submission.

I highly regret my choice and want to convey my apologies to you for not doing and submitting homework. I will try to prioritize my responsibilities and manage my time properly in the future.

I am really sorry, and I hope that you would accept my sincere apologies.

Samantha David

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We all make mistakes from time to time. As students, there may be instances when we do or say something in school that upsets our teacher and requires an apology. Writing a sincere apology letter to the teacher is an opportunity to take responsibility for our actions, seek forgiveness, and restore the student-teacher relationship. This article provides step-by-step guidance on drafting an effective apology letter to a teacher.

Table of Content

Why Write an Apology Letter?

Elements of an effective apology letter, how to write an apology letter to a teacher, apology letter to teacher for misbehavior, apology letter to principal for mistake by teacher, apology letter to teacher from parents, additional tips to write letter to teacher.

An apology letter serves multiple important purposes. It allows you to:

  • Express regret and remorse for your actions that impacted the teacher negatively. Communicating your apology is the first step.
  • Take ownership of whatever went wrong instead of excuses. Admitting fault displays maturity.
  • Convey that you sincerely desire forgiveness from the teacher and aim to set things right.
  • Rebuild broken trust between the student and teacher through honest atonement.
  • Underscore that such incidents shall not repeat in the future based on learnings.
  • Composing a well-thought apology letter to your teacher can thus mend ties and pave the way for a fresh start.

1. Appropriate Greeting

Begin the letter with a formal greeting like “Dear Ms./Mr. [Teacher’s Name],”. Avoid casual openings like ‘Hi/Hello’ which seem insincere.

2. Remorseful Tone

Maintain a polite, regretful tone throughout the letter. Do not try justifying actions or sounding defensive.

3. Explain the Situation Briefly

Provide 1-2 sentence context on what happened to lead to this apology without dwelling on details.

4. Take Ownership of Mistake

Admit clearly how your specific words/actions were wrong and affected the teacher in a heartfelt sentence.

5. Apologize Sincerely

Include a specific earnest apology statement like “I sincerely/deeply apologize for [action].”

6. Assure It Won’t Be Repeated

Promise that you have learnt from this experience and will be more thoughtful going forward.

7. Ask for Forgiveness

Request the teacher to please forgive you as you are genuinely sorry and aim to improve.

8 . Words of Gratitude

Thank the teacher for their time and care. Express appreciation for their guidance.

9. Appropriate Closing

End with “Yours sincerely/Regards” and provide your full name and signature.

1. Start with a sincere apology: Begin your letter by clearly stating “I’m sorry” or “I apologize.” Be specific about what you are apologizing for, whether it’s a particular behavior, action, or incident.

2. Explain the situation: Provide context for the situation that led to the need for an apology. Explain what happened without making excuses or shifting blame.

3. Take responsibility: Acknowledge that your behavior or actions were inappropriate or disruptive, and take full responsibility for them. Avoid placing blame on others or making excuses.

4. Express remorse: Convey that you genuinely regret your actions and understand how they negatively impacted the teacher or the classroom environment. Show empathy and concern for the consequences of your behavior.

5. Provide assurance: Reassure the teacher that the behavior or incident will not be repeated. Commit to improving your conduct and being more respectful in the future.

6. Offer to make amends: If appropriate, offer to make amends or take corrective actions to address the situation. For example, you could offer to stay after class to catch up on missed work or help with classroom tasks.

7. Express appreciation: Thank the teacher for their understanding and for considering your apology. Recognize their commitment to maintaining a positive learning environment.

8. Use a respectful tone : Maintain a polite and respectful tone throughout the letter. Avoid sarcasm, defensiveness, or any language that could be perceived as disrespectful.

9. Proofread and format properly: Carefully proofread your letter for spelling, grammar, and clarity. Present it in a proper letter format, including the date, teacher’s name and title, and your name.

Dear [Teacher’s Name], I am writing to sincerely apologize for [describe the specific behavior or incident]. I understand that my actions were disruptive and disrespectful, and I take full responsibility for them. [Provide context for the situation, without making excuses.] I regret my behavior and the negative impact it had on the classroom environment. It was disrespectful to you and my classmates, and it will not happen again. [Offer to make amends, if appropriate.] Thank you for your understanding and for your commitment to maintaining a positive learning environment. I appreciate the opportunity to learn from this experience and will strive to be more respectful and focused in the future. Sincerely, [Your Name]
Use the following sample letter as a template while writing your own letter: Dear Ms. Dillon, I am writing regarding the incident that occurred yesterday when I spoke rudely in class after being corrected. I sincerely apologize for raising my voice and arguing with you over the correction. It was unacceptable behavior, and I truly regret it. You have always been supportive of me, and I should have gracefully accepted your feedback instead of responding disrespectfully. I promise it will not happen again. Thank you for your patience and for motivating me to be a better student. I greatly appreciate everything you do for our class. Please forgive me. Yours sincerely, [Your name]
Dear Mr./Mrs. [Teacher’s Name], I am writing to sincerely apologize for my unacceptable behavior in your class on [date]. I understand that my actions, including [describe specific misbehavior, e.g. talking out of turn, being disruptive, displaying a rude attitude], were highly disrespectful and inappropriate. There is no excuse for my conduct, and I take full responsibility for disrupting the class and negatively impacting the learning environment for my classmates. My behavior showed a lack of respect for you as the teacher and for my education. I feel terrible about letting you and myself down in this way. Please allow me to start fresh. I give you my word that such an incident will never happen again. I will remain focused, participatory, and respectful during all classroom activities going forward. You have my commitment to being a positive contributor and putting my full effort into your class. Thank you for your patience and for providing me with the opportunity to learn from this mistake. I appreciate you taking the time to read this letter, and I hope to regain your trust through my future actions and behavior. Sincerely, [Your name]

This apology letter aims to:

1) Clearly describe the misbehavior

2) Take full responsibility without making excuses

3) Acknowledge the negative impact on the teacher and classroom

4) Express remorse and regret

5) Commit to improved future behavior

6) Request an opportunity to regain trust

7) Use a sincere, respectful tone

The key is being direct yet tactful about the situation while demonstrating accountability, remorse and a plan to make positive changes going forward.

Dear Principal [Name], Please accept my sincere apologies for the mistake I made in [briefly describe the situation, e.g. administering the wrong test, losing students’ assignments, showing an inappropriate video clip, etc.]. This error is entirely my fault and responsibility. I understand the severity of this mistake and how it has negatively impacted [who it affected, e.g. students, parents, school protocol, etc.]. I am deeply remorseful for this lapse in judgment on my part. It was completely unprofessional and unacceptable conduct that goes against the high standards our school upholds. I want to assure you that I have learned from this experience, and I am taking the proper steps to ensure such a mistake never happens again under my watch. [Explain the concrete measures you are taking, e.g. being more diligent about double checking materials, implementing a new system for keeping track of documents, etc.] Moving forward, you have my word that I will adhere to all school policies and protocols with zero exceptions. I understand that I have compromised the trust placed in me as an educator, and I will work tirelessly to regain that trust through consistent professional conduct. Thank you for your time and understanding regarding this matter. I hope you can accept my apology, and I welcome any recommendations you have for me to improve. I am committed to upholding the values and reputation of our school. Sincerely, [Your name] [Grade/subject taught]

1) Take full accountability for the mistake

2) Acknowledge the negative impacts

3) Express sincere remorse and regret

4) Explain measures taken to prevent future errors

5) Commit to restoring trust through professionalism

6) Welcome feedback and recommendations

7) Use a sincere, professional tone

Dear Mr./Mrs. [Teacher’s Name], We are writing this letter to sincerely apologize on behalf of our child, [Child’s Name], for his/her unacceptable behavior in your class recently. We understand that [he/she] has been [describe issue, e.g. acting out, being disruptive, showing disrespect, not completing assignments, etc.]. As parents, we want you to know that this behavior is not condoned in our household and does not reflect the values we aim to instill in our child. We are incredibly disappointed in [him/her] for disrupting your classroom and affecting the learning environment you have worked hard to cultivate. We take full responsibility for [Child’s Name]’s actions, and you have our assurance that we are taking appropriate disciplinary measures at home. We have had a serious discussion with [him/her] about respecting authority figures like yourself and focusing on [his/her] education as the top priority. Please let us know if there are any other specific concerns you have that we need to address with [Child’s Name]. We appreciate all of the hard work and dedication you put into teaching, and we want to do everything in our power to get [him/her] back on track. Thank you for your patience, understanding, and commitment to providing our child with a quality education. We are grateful for your efforts, and we remain available to further discuss resolving this issue productively. Sincerely, [Parent’s Name(s)]

This letter aims to:

  • Apologize sincerely for the child’s misbehavior
  • Affirm it goes against the parents’ values
  • Take responsibility for disciplining the child
  • Commit to working with the teacher to resolve the issue
  • Express appreciation for the teacher’s efforts
  • Use a sincere, appreciative tone
  • Handwrite the letter for a more sincere touch.
  • Proofread closely and fix errors before giving it to the teacher.
  • Submit the apology letter to the teacher timely after the incident.
  • Follow up in-person after the teacher has read your letter.

Writing an apology letter to a teacher requires honesty, humility and politeness. Clearly admit your mistake, apologize sincerely, promise improved behavior and express gratitude. Handwritten short letters submitted promptly convey remorse effectively. Use the guidelines and sample provided to craft your own letter. A well-written apology can heal wounds and remind teachers why nurturing students’ growth remains noble.

Apology Letter to Teacher- FAQs

Q: should the apology letter be handwritten or typed.

A: A handwritten letter is more personal and is recommended, but a typed letter is also acceptable. The important thing is the content and tone.

Q: How long should the apology letter be?

A: Keep it short, ideally around 3-4 paragraphs or 150-200 words. Avoid lengthy letters. Convey your key points sincerely and briefly.

Q: What if I don’t know exactly what to apologize for?

A: Briefly explain the situation as you understand it, and apologize for whatever part you played in it. Take responsibility without assumptions.

Q: Should I sign the letter or add my name in the end?

A: Yes, finish off with your full name handwritten below ‘Yours sincerely’. This adds a human touch.

Q: Is emailing or messaging my apology acceptable?

A: A handwritten or typed formal letter is better. Email as a last resort if unable to submit a letter.

Q: What if the teacher doesn’t forgive me?

A: You can only sincerely apologize and promise improvement. The decision to forgive is their own. Respect it and focus on redeeming yourself through conduct.

Q: Should I follow up after giving the letter?

A: Yes, politely follow up after a day or two when the teacher has read your letter, to check if they received it. Offer apologies again if needed.

Q: Is apologizing to the teacher in front of classmates recommended?

A: A personal, private apology is best recommended in most cases to maintain mutual dignity.

Q: Can teachers guide me on writing the apology letter?

A: Teachers can provide general tips, but the letter should come from your sincerity. Take ownership.

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Application to Apologize to Teacher (with Samples & PDFs)

I have listed sample templates to help you craft an effective and professional application to apologize to teacher.

Also, I would like to point out that you can also download a PDF containing all the samples at the end of this post.

Application for Apologizing to Teacher

First, find the sample template for application to apologize to teacher below.

To, [Teacher’s Name], [School Name], [School Address]

Subject: Apology for Misbehaving

Dear [Teacher’s Name],

I am writing this letter to apologize for my behavior in class yesterday. I know I was not respectful and I am truly sorry for my actions. I understand that it is important to behave well in class and I promise to do better in the future.

I realize that my behavior disrupted the class and I regret my actions. I value your guidance and I am sorry for not showing you the respect you deserve. I will try my best to improve my behavior and be a better student.

I hope you can forgive me for my mistake. Thank you for your understanding.

[Your Name] [Class and Roll Number]

Below I have listed 5 different sample applications for “application to apologize to teacher” that you will certainly find useful for specific scenarios:

Application for Apologizing for Missing Homework

Application for Apologizing for Missing Homework

The Principal, [School Name], [School Address].

Subject: Application for Apologizing for Missing Homework

Respected Principal,

I am writing this letter to apologize for not completing my homework on time. I, [Your Name], a student of [Your Class and Section], sincerely regret my oversight in not submitting the assigned tasks.

Due to unforeseen circumstances at home, I was unable to finish my homework as expected. I understand the importance of completing assignments on time and take full responsibility for my mistake.

I assure you that this incident will not be repeated, and I am committed to being more diligent in the future. I will make every effort to catch up on the missed work and submit it promptly.

I humbly request your understanding and forgiveness in this matter. I value my education and strive to improve my academic performance.

Thank you for your attention and consideration.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name] [Class and Section]

Application Seeking Forgiveness for Disrupting Class

Application Seeking Forgiveness for Disrupting Class

To, The Principal, [School Name], [School Address]

Subject: Application Seeking Forgiveness for Disrupting Class

I am [Your Name], a student of [Your Class and Section] at your school. I am writing this letter to express my sincere apologies for disrupting the class yesterday. I understand that my behavior was not acceptable, and I deeply regret my actions.

I realize that disrupting the class not only affects my own learning but also disturbs the other students who are trying to focus and study. I am truly sorry for causing any inconvenience and I assure you that it will not happen again.

I will make sure to be more attentive and respectful in the future, and I will strive to create a positive learning environment for everyone in the class. I value the opportunity to learn and grow in your school, and I am committed to making amends for my mistake.

I hope you can forgive me for my actions and I promise to work harder to be a better student. Thank you for your understanding and guidance.

Application to Regret Being Disrespectful

Application to Regret Being Disrespectful

Subject: Application to Regret Being Disrespectful

I am writing this letter to express my sincere regret for being disrespectful towards my teacher, [Teacher’s Name], in the classroom yesterday. I understand that my behavior was not appropriate, and I deeply regret my actions.

I realize now that being disrespectful not only hurts the feelings of others but also creates a negative environment in the classroom. I am truly sorry for my behavior and I promise to show more respect towards my teachers and classmates in the future.

I understand the importance of showing respect and kindness to everyone around me, and I am committed to improving my behavior. I will make sure to think before I speak or act, and to always treat others with kindness and courtesy.

I hope you can forgive me for my actions and give me a chance to make amends. I assure you that I will strive to be a better student and a better person from now on.

Thank you for your understanding.

Application Expressing Sorrow for Talking Back to Teacher

Application Expressing Sorrow for Talking Back to Teacher

To, The Principal, [School Name], [City, State]

Subject: Application Expressing Sorrow for Talking Back to Teacher

I am writing this letter to express my deep sorrow for talking back to my teacher during class. I am truly sorry for my behavior and I understand that it was disrespectful and wrong.

I realize now that talking back to a teacher is not only disrespectful but also disrupts the learning environment for everyone in the class. I deeply regret my actions and I promise that it will not happen again in the future.

I understand the importance of showing respect to my teachers and I am committed to improving my behavior. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience or upset I may have caused.

I kindly request your forgiveness and assure you that I will strive to show better behavior and respect towards my teachers and classmates.

Application to Say Sorry for Not Paying Attention

Application to Say Sorry for Not Paying Attention

To, Teacher’s Name, School Name, City, State.

Subject: Apology for Not Paying Attention in Class

Dear Teacher,

I am writing this letter to say sorry for not paying attention in the class yesterday. I know it is important to listen carefully during the lessons, but I got distracted and couldn’t focus properly. I understand that it is my responsibility to pay attention and I will try my best to do better in the future.

I am sorry for any trouble or disruption I may have caused in the class. I will make sure to be more attentive and participate actively during the lessons. I value your teachings and guidance, and I promise to improve my behavior.

Thank you for understanding.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

How to Write Application to Apologize to Teacher

Some writing tips to help you craft a better application:

  • Begin with a polite greeting to the teacher.
  • Clearly state why you are writing the apology.
  • Take responsibility for your actions and express genuine remorse.
  • Explain what you have learned from the situation and how you plan to avoid similar mistakes in the future.
  • Acknowledge any inconvenience or trouble caused by your actions.
  • Ask for forgiveness directly and sincerely.
  • End the letter with a respectful closing.

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I am sure you will get some insights from here on how to write “application to apologize to teacher”. And to help further, you can also download all the above application samples as PDFs by clicking here .

And if you have any related queries, kindly feel free to let me know in the comments below.

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apology letter to teacher for not doing assignment

  • Apology Letter To Teacher For Missing Test

I hope this message finds you in good health. I am writing to extend my sincere apologies for my recent absence during the test on [Date]. I understand the importance of assessments in measuring my understanding of the subject matter and my academic progress. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances beyond my control, I was unable to be present for the test.I deeply regret the impact of my absence on the class and on your teaching schedule. I am fully aware of my responsibility in this matter and would like to express my commitment to resolving the situation in the best way possible. I value the educational opportunities you provide and understand the significance of maintaining a consistent academic record.I kindly request your understanding and guidance on how I can make amends for the missed test. I am open to any options you may suggest, whether it's a makeup test, an alternative assignment, or any other appropriate measure. Your insights on how to best catch up with the missed content would also be highly appreciated.Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience my absence may have caused. I genuinely value your understanding and support as I work to rectify this situation and ensure that my academic journey remains on track.

Dear [Teacher's Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to sincerely apologize for my absence during the recent test on [Date]. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, I was unable to attend the test and take part in the evaluation.

I understand the importance of assessments in gauging my understanding of the subject matter, and I deeply regret not being present for this test. I acknowledge my responsibility for my studies and the consequences of missing the test. I assure you that this was an exceptional situation, and I am committed to making up for the missed test.

If there is a possibility of rescheduling the test or any alternative method to demonstrate my understanding of the material covered, I would be grateful for the opportunity. I am eager to learn and showcase my knowledge on the subject matter.

Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience my absence may have caused, and I am willing to work closely with you to find a suitable solution. Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

[Your Name] [Your Class/Section] [Contact Information]

I hope this letter reaches you well. I am writing with a heavy heart to express my sincere apologies for missing the test on [Date]. I understand the importance of assessments in measuring my progress and demonstrating my understanding of the course material.

Unfortunately, I faced an unexpected situation that prevented me from being present for the test. I take full responsibility for my absence and the impact it has on the class and your teaching schedule. I deeply regret not being able to fulfill my academic commitments.

I kindly request your understanding and guidance on how I can make amends for the missed test. If there is an opportunity for a makeup test or an alternative assignment, I am more than willing to put in the effort required. Your advice on how to catch up with the missed content would also be greatly appreciated.

I am dedicated to maintaining my academic performance and will take extra measures to prevent such situations in the future. Thank you for your patience and consideration.


I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to extend my sincerest apologies for my absence during the test on [Date]. I am aware of the importance of assessments in evaluating my progress, and I deeply regret not being present to take the test as scheduled.

The reason for my absence was [briefly explain the reason, if comfortable]. I understand that this does not excuse my absence, and I take full responsibility for missing the test. I value the educational opportunities you provide and assure you that this will not be a recurring issue.

I kindly request your guidance on how I can address this situation. If there is an option for a makeup test or an alternative assignment, I am committed to putting in the effort required to demonstrate my understanding of the material.

Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience my absence may have caused. Thank you for your understanding and consideration. I look forward to working closely with you to rectify this situation.

I hope you are well. I am writing this letter to express my heartfelt apologies for missing the test on [Date]. I understand the significance of assessments in the learning process, and I deeply regret not being present to participate in the evaluation.

Due to [explain the reason for your absence, if comfortable], I was unable to attend the test as scheduled. This was not a decision made lightly, and I take full responsibility for the consequences of my absence.

I understand that my absence affects the overall class dynamic and your teaching plans. I am eager to rectify this situation and request your guidance on how I can make up for the missed test. If there is an option for a makeup test or an alternative assignment, please let me know, and I will make every effort to excel.

I appreciate your understanding and patience as I work to resolve this matter. Thank you for your dedication to our education.

Warm regards,

We are delighted to extend our professional proofreading and writing services to cater to all your business and professional requirements, absolutely free of charge at . Should you need any email, letter, or application templates, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at Kindly leave a comment stating your request, and we will ensure to provide the necessary template at the earliest.

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Native American children endured years of sexual abuse at boarding schools

‘In the name of God’

apology letter to teacher for not doing assignment

For decades, Catholic priests, brothers and sisters raped or molested Native American children who were taken from their homes by the U.S. government and forced to live at remote boarding schools, a Post investigation found.

Clarita Vargas was 8 when she was forced to live at St. Mary’s Mission, a Catholic-run Indian boarding school in Omak, Wash., that was created under a U.S. government policy to strip Native American children of their identities. A priest took her and other girls to his office to watch a TV movie, then groped and fondled her as she sat on his lap — the beginning of three years of sexual abuse, she said.

“It haunted me my entire life,” said Vargas, now 64.

Jay, a 70-year-old member of the Assiniboine and Gros Ventre tribes whose surname is not being used to protect his privacy, was sent to St. Paul Mission and Boarding School in Hays, Mont. When he was 11, Jay said, a Jesuit brother raped him in a shack next to the pine grove where the priests cut down Christmas trees.

“He said if I ever told anybody that I would go to hell,” Jay recalled.

Geraldine Charbonneau Dubourt was one of nine sisters who said they were sexually or physically abused by priests at an Indian boarding school in Marty, S.D. She said that she was 16 when a Catholic priest repeatedly raped her in a church basement and that a doctor and several Catholic sisters later forced her to undergo an abortion.

“If somebody says you get over the abuse, trust me, you don’t get over it, ” said Dubourt, 75.

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These firsthand accounts and other evidence documented by The Washington Post reveal the brutality and sexual abuse inflicted upon children who were taken from their families under a systematic effort by the federal government to destroy Native American culture, assimilate children into White society and seize tribal lands.

From 1819 to 1969, tens of thousands of children were sent to more than 500 boarding schools across the country, the majority run or funded by the U.S. government . Children were stripped of their names, their long hair was cut, and they were beaten for speaking their languages, leaving deep emotional scars on Native American families and communities. By 1900, 1 out of 5 Native American school-age children attended a boarding school. At least 80 of the schools were operated by the Catholic Church or its religious affiliates.

The Post investigation reveals a portrait of pervasive sexual abuse endured by Native American children at Catholic-run schools in remote regions of the Midwest and Pacific Northwest, including Alaska.

At least 122 priests, sisters and brothers assigned to 22 boarding schools since the 1890s were later accused of sexually abusing Native American children under their care, The Post found. Most of the documented abuse occurred in the 1950s and 1960s and involved more than 1,000 children.

“A national crime scene” is how Deborah Parker, a citizen of the Tulalip Tribes and the chief executive of the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition, described the network of church-run Indian boarding schools.

“They committed crimes under the cloak,” said Parker, whose grandmother and other family members were sent to boarding schools. “They did it in the name of God.”

To investigate, The Post examined the work histories of priests named on lists, disclosed by Catholic entities, as having faced a “credible claim of sexual abuse.” Using those lists from dioceses and religious orders, The Post then identified which abusers worked at Indian boarding schools. Reporters also reviewed lawsuits, sworn affidavits, oral histories and thousands of boarding school records, and conducted interviews with former students.

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The Post’s findings come at a time when the country’s first Native American cabinet secretary, Deb Haaland — whose own relatives were sent to boarding schools — is scrutinizing the history of the schools that were operated or supported by the U.S. Interior Department, the agency she now leads.

As with past government inquiries into the boarding schools, Haaland’s investigation has not delved into the sexual abuse of Native American children at church-run schools. A 2022 report by her department blamed the U.S. government for the boarding school system and cited the “rampant physical, sexual, and emotional abuse” of the children. But the report did not detail the schools where sexual abuse happened, the number of children raped or molested, or the names of priests and other religious members who abused them.

“We care deeply about this issue, but it’s outside the scope of what we sought to do with the investigative reports,” said an Interior Department official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because she was not authorized to speak publicly. The official said the department did not seek records from the Catholic Church because its investigation was focused solely on the U.S. government’s role and reviewed only federal government documents.

Experts say The Post’s findings are a window into the widespread sexual abuse at Indian boarding schools. But the extent of the abuse was probably far worse, because the lists of accused priests are inconsistent and incomplete, and many survivors have not come forward. Others are aging and in poor health, or, like their abusers, have died.

The chances to document their testimonies are disappearing.

“I’ve been waiting 67 years to tell this story,” said Jim LaBelle, 77, an Iñupiaq from Fairbanks, Alaska, who spent six years at the Wrangell Institute, a government-run school in the state, 700 miles from his home. He was forbidden to use his Alaska Native name. From the time he was 8, he was instead identified by number, a new one assigned each year.

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The abuse of Native American children predated by decades the revelations that priests at Catholic churches had sexually abused thousands of minors in the United States and other countries. Those scandals of the early 2000s gave Native Americans the courage to come forward with their own stories of abuse and seek accountability through lawsuits.

“It showed that people could stand up against a powerful entity like the church and that people could be held accountable,” said Vito de la Cruz, a Native American and Chicano lawyer who has represented boarding school survivors.

An attempt to sue the federal government failed, but some survivors of sexual abuse have successfully sued Catholic dioceses and religious orders and received settlements.

Unlike children abused by priests at churches in Boston and other big cities while they were living at home, Native American children were put into the care of alleged abusers at remote boarding schools, sometimes hundreds of miles from home.

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At some boarding schools, generations of Native American children were continuously under the care of Catholic priests, brothers or sisters who were later accused of sexual abuse.

The Post analysis of records disclosed by Catholic dioceses and religious orders revealed 122 individuals who were accused of sexual abuse and had worked at Indian boarding schools. Each rectangle represents one assignment.

One or more individuals accused of abuse were consistently assigned to St. Ignatius over 66 years.


St. Ignatius Mission and School (Mont.)*

St. Paul Mission and Boarding School (Mont.) **

St. Francis Indian Mission School (S.D.)

St. Mary Mission School - Andreafsky (Alaska)

St. Mary's Mission School (Wash.)

Holy Cross Boarding School (Alaska)

St. Labre Indian Mission Boarding School (Mont.) **

St. Xavier Mission School (Mont.) **

St. Andrew's Industrial Boarding (Ore.)

St. Mary Mission and School (Kan.)

St. Regis Seminary (Mo.)

Red Cloud Indian School (S.D.)

Copper Valley Boarding School (Alaska)

St. Catherine Indian School (N.M.)

St. Charles Mission School (Mont.)

St. Stephen’s Mission Industrial School (Wyo.)

St. Joseph’s Mission School (Idaho)

Holy Family Mission and School (Mont.)

*20 sisters accused of abusing children worked at St. Ignatius between 1940 and 1975, records show. They are not included because records do not show exact dates of assignments or abuse.

**Includes two brothers and two sisters at St. Paul, one brother at St. Labre and one brother at St. Xavier. All were accused of abuse during specific years, but full assignment dates are unknown.

Note: Others accused of abuse worked at four additional schools. Those schools are not included because records do not list dates of their assignments or when the abuse occurred.

Sources: “Credibly accused” lists from dioceses and Jesuit provinces, ProPublica’s “credibly accused” dataset, and lawsuits.

apology letter to teacher for not doing assignment

Eighteen of the 22 schools examined by The Post employed at least one credibly accused priest, sister or brother for 91 consecutive years. At these schools, successive generations of students continuously lived among predators.

“They can scream for help, but no one’s going to hear them or believe them. It’s a perpetrator’s wonderland,” said Patrick J. Wall, a former Catholic priest who once worked for the church as a self-described “fixer” settling child sexual abuse cases. He has since worked with lawyers representing Native American boarding school survivors.

The U.S. government’s efforts to address its legacy of boarding schools lag far behind those of Canada, where survivors were paid billions in compensation and a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in 2015 declared the schools a form of “cultural genocide.”

Pope Francis traveled to Canada in 2022 to apologize for the church’s role in the “cultural destruction and forced assimilation promoted by the governments of that time.” But the pope has remained silent about the abuse at Catholic-run Indian boarding schools in the United States, which had received little scrutiny until the Interior Department’s report.

Cardinal Christophe Pierre, the Vatican’s ambassador to the United States, known as the apostolic nuncio, did not respond to an email or call for comment.

The church has addressed abuse by priests in U.S. parishes, but has said little about the molestation of children in Indian boarding schools. And although the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has grappled in recent years with the legacy of the church-run schools, it has not issued a formal apology.

apology letter to teacher for not doing assignment

Asked by The Post if the group was considering one, spokesperson Chieko Noguchi said it is “committed to fostering dialogue and engaging in other efforts to reconcile involvement in the boarding school period in the United States.”

“The Catholic Church recognizes and acknowledges that the history that is brought to light regarding the boarding school period of American history may cause deep sorrow in the Native and Indigenous communities, but we also prayerfully hope it may bring real and honest dialogue and lead towards a path of healing and reconciliation with the impacted communities,” Noguchi said.

The Rev. Mike Carson, assistant director for the subcommittee on Native American affairs with the bishops conference, addressed the church’s role in boarding schools last year in a webinar .

“Once abuse surfaced, the schools need[ed] to be closed and investigated. That did not happen for the most part,” Carson said. “Once the federal government required only English to be taught in the Catholic boarding schools, the answer should be no, because it violates our faith and should be a line that should not be crossed.”

Carson acknowledged the sexual and physical abuse of children in the Catholic-run schools and called for more scrutiny of what occurred, but also noted a likely dearth of records.

The Post reached out to Carson, who referred inquiries to the bishops conference.

apology letter to teacher for not doing assignment

The Interior Department’s report did not explore the role of the Catholic Church in the schools, except to say the U.S. government paid the church and other religious institutions to run many of the schools.

“I don’t look at it as we’re out to criticize the Catholic Church as much as bring this period of history into the consciousness of the American people,” Haaland told The Post in an interview. “It happened to Native Americans, but the history belongs to everyone who’s an American.”

Boarding school survivors have praised Haaland’s efforts, but say they still want apologies from the president and the pope.

How we reported this series

Reporters Sari Horwitz, Dana Hedgpeth and Scott Higham and photojournalist Salwan Georges spent a year traveling to eight states. They spent time on reservations and interviewed more than two dozen Indian boarding school survivors who were sexually and physically abused as children.

Reporters attended one of Interior Secretary Deb Haaland’s “The Road to Healing” events on the Tulalip Tribes’ reservation in Washington state, where they met with and listened to survivors. Reporters also visited the American Indian Records Repository, located about 100 feet underground in limestone caves in Lenexa, Kan.

Reporters reviewed oral histories and read thousands of boarding school documents in National Archives files.

They also reviewed thousands of pages of court documents, sworn depositions, lawsuits, diaries of priests and sisters, correspondence between priests, and sexual abuse claim forms.

Investigative data reporter Emmanuel Martinez collected lists of Catholic priests who had been credibly accused of sexual abuse and conducted analysis to determine who had worked at Indian boarding schools.

Our investigation into the sexual abuse of children in America’s network of Indian boarding schools found that:

  • At least 122 priests, sisters and brothers assigned to 22 Indian boarding schools since 1893 were later accused of sexually abusing Native American children under their care.
  • Eighteen of these schools employed at least one credibly accused priest, sister or brother for 91 consecutive years
  • The documented abuse involved more than 1,000 children and mostly occurred in the 1950s and 1960s.

Two years ago, the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), the oldest and largest organization of Native Americans and Alaska Natives, asked for an apology from the pope — and for the church to disclose internal records on abusers.

“The Catholic Church holds important records about Federal Indian boarding schools that can help bring the truth to light. We cannot hold abusers accountable, seek redress for harm, or reconcile with the Church, government institutions, and, in some cases, our own communities and families, until we know the full, unadulterated truth — truth the Catholic Church is actively withholding,” wrote Fawn Sharp, a citizen of the Quinault Nation and the NCAI’s president at the time.

In March, Parker, of the boarding school healing coalition, met at the White House with Tom Perez, a senior adviser and assistant to President Biden, and asked for a presidential apology for the widespread mistreatment and abuse that Native American children suffered at boarding schools.

The White House did not respond to requests for comment.

Advocates have not pushed for reparations from the U.S. government. Parker said doing so now is a “non-starter” because they first want Congress to create a truth and healing commission to uncover the horrors of the schools and the country’s assimilation policy.

“Unfortunately, many, many leaders in this country don’t even know what a U.S. Indian boarding school was,” Parker said. “And that’s the first step.”

St. Mary’s Mission

Colville reservation, wash..

apology letter to teacher for not doing assignment

‘Movie nights’

Near the cliffs overlooking the Okanogan River, not far from a sprawling apple orchard in north-central Washington, the Catholic Church established St. Mary’s Mission School in 1886.

St. Mary’s, on the Colville Reservation, was created by federal policy that tasked people of “good moral character” with introducing Native American children to the “habits and arts of civilization” under the Civilization Fund Act of 1819. For Catholic missionaries and other religious groups, the schools were an opportunity to profit from contracts with the federal government and transform children the church saw as heathens into God-fearing disciples of Christianity.

Generations of children attended St. Mary’s before it was turned over to local tribes in 1973. Decades later, one former student’s stories of predatory behavior by a priest set off an avalanche of similar claims about priests at St. Mary’s — and at many other schools.

The account of Katherine Mendez, who was sent to the school in 1966, didn’t become public until 2007, when her nephew, Ken Bear Chief, a paralegal, told his boss that his Aunt Kathy had been molested as a child at St. Mary’s.

Blaine Tamaki, a trial lawyer in Washington state who knew little about Indian boarding schools, interviewed Mendez, then in her early 50s. Mendez, who was from the Cowlitz Indian Tribe, told him that shortly after she arrived at the school at age 11, one of the senior Jesuit priests — John J. Morse — began to prey upon her.

Mendez said Morse often ordered her to his office, sometimes to be disciplined. She said he insisted she sit on his lap, spanked her bare bottom and penetrated her with his fingers. He told her not to say a word about it if she ever wanted to go home again and see her mother, she said.

Mendez thought she was the only one. She wasn’t.

The abuse of children at St. Mary’s spanned more than two decades: Starting in 1948 and for 26 consecutive years, priests or brothers molested children at the school, according to The Post’s analysis. This was the longest uninterrupted stretch of abuse documented at any of the 22 schools. It is unclear whether church officials were aware of the abuse at St. Mary’s at the time.

Other survivors began to share their stories with Bear Chief — who was from the Nez Perce, Nooksack and Gros Ventre tribes — and the lawyers. One of those survivors was Clarita Vargas. She, too, had kept her secret about Morse for decades.

“The church wounded my spirit, took away my soul and robbed me of my childhood,” said Vargas, of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation in Washington. “It was the federal government that promoted the boarding school policy and the church was its arm. I blame them both.”

apology letter to teacher for not doing assignment

Vargas said Morse began to abuse her at St. Mary’s Mission in 1968. He told her that if she refused, she would not go to heaven. Sometimes, she said, Morse locked her in a rat-infested cellar.

Morse invited her and several girls to his office most Sunday nights, she said. He gave them hot cocoa, chocolate chip cookies or chocolate bars, and let them watch television. He would lean back in his recliner and place the girls one at a time on his lap, rubbing their backs until he ejaculated, Vargas said.

Tamaki and his lawyers heard repeatedly from other survivors about the “movie nights” that Morse hosted in his office. At Christmas, he gave the children candy canes. “They related the same exact story,” he said.

Some of the survivors said that as children they had tried to tell adults but were rebuffed or not believed. “It was almost like you were accusing God of abusing you if you reported it, because these priests were held up in such high esteem by everyone, second only to God,” said Bryan Smith, Tamaki’s law partner.

Tamaki’s investigation gathered evidence that Morse had molested 60 boys and girls, ages 5 to 15. The lawyers also identified about a dozen more priests at St. Mary’s who abused children from the 1940s into the 1970s.

The case grew to include about 500 former students at a dozen schools in remote Alaskan villages and on Northwest tribal lands in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. The 500 survivors sued the Society of Jesus, Oregon Province, formerly known as the Northwest Jesuits.

“There was a pattern and practice at these schools that were basically unsupervised, isolated outposts,” Tamaki said.

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(Salwan Georges/The Washington Post)

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The Northwest Jesuits initially denied the allegations. In a 2007 deposition, Morse denied sexually abusing children.

“You’re aware that women now say they feel they were sexually molested by you by sitting on your lap?” a lawyer asked Morse.

“Yeah, and that did not happen,” Morse replied. “There was no molesting while they were sitting there.” Morse died in Spokane in 2015 at age 85.

In February 2009, the Northwest Jesuits filed for bankruptcy. The legal move stopped depositions and some disclosure of church records about individual priests, and prevented a trial, a tactic experts said the church has used many times.

The Jesuits agreed to pay $166 million in 2011 to about 500 survivors as part of a bankruptcy settlement. It is the fourth-largest sexual abuse settlement by Catholic entities to date, according to Terence McKiernan, founder of , a watchdog group that tracks sexual abuse by members of the Catholic Church. Survivors received on average $332,000 each, depending on the severity of abuse, said their lawyers.

As part of the settlement, the Jesuits agreed to make public a list of priests who had been accused of sexually assaulting children.

Two researchers, Jack Downey of the University of Rochester and Kathleen Holscher of the University of New Mexico, later used that list and other Jesuit lists to map the priests’ assignments . They found 47 priests accused of abuse who had been assigned to Catholic missions in Native American communities. The Post’s investigation, which reviewed their data and other records, identified the boarding schools where those priests worked and found 75 additional abusers.

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The settlement also required the Jesuits to issue written apologies to the survivors.

“On behalf of the Oregon Province, I want to express our most sincere sorrow for the pain and hurt caused by the actions of a few men who did not live up to their vows,” the Very Rev. Patrick Lee, the senior official of the Oregon Province, wrote of the 64 credibly accused men on the list. “We will continue to pray for all those who are hurting and hope that today’s announcement brings all involved one-step closer to the lasting healing they so richly deserve.”

For many of the survivors, it wasn’t about the money. “It was the acknowledgment they were wronged,” said de la Cruz, the lawyer who represented many of the survivors and is Yaqui. “Finally somebody said, ‘Yes, you’re right. The things that you buried deep inside your psyche and your soul were more our fault.’”

After the settlement, Mendez spoke to reporters.

“When I came forward and saw that others did too, it was as if the blanket that had hidden our secret was pulled off and we could move into the light again,” she said. Mendez died last year.

Vargas now lives about 40 minutes from her old boarding school. For a long time, she blocked out the abuse. But she had difficulty trusting anyone and found it hard to build relationships. As an adult, she never wanted to eat chocolate because that is what the abusive priest used to give the children.

When Vargas eventually told her story to one of the lawyers, she said she felt embarrassed and guilty.

“I shouldn’t have felt ashamed by it, but I was,” Vargas told The Post.

St. Paul Mission and Boarding School

Fort belknap indian reservation, mont..

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‘We were little kids’

The allegations of sexual abuse that started with Mendez in Omak led lawyers to discover long-hidden abuse at another school, St. Paul Mission and Boarding School, on the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation, 40 miles from the Canadian border in Hays, Mont.

“It was a dumping ground for predatory priests,” said de la Cruz.

St. Paul, surrounded by grassy plains at the foot of the Little Rocky Mountains, was established in 1889 and was among the first schools funded by the federal government. Both the Jesuits and the Ursuline Sisters, a Catholic order of women, worked there. St. Paul was troubled from the early days, according to descendants of survivors and a collection of about 10,000 pages of letters, diaries, memos, government reports and oral histories reviewed by The Post. Conditions at the overcrowded school were deplorable: poor plumbing, little heat, and horsemeat for food. Abuse was rampant.

The stories of the abuse that children endured at St. Paul and other schools were often passed down orally in Native American families.

George Chandler, a Gros Ventre man born in 1922, said in an oral history about his time as a student at St. Paul that “they would stuff flashlight batteries” in the children’s mouths to punish them. “They would jam it there and hit them like that and make their mouth bleed,” Chandler recounted. “If you cried, they would hit you all the harder. If one didn’t hurt you enough, they would stuff two in there.”

Warren Morin, 60, a member of the Gros Ventre tribe, told The Post that his grandfather told him harrowing stories about St. Paul and said he and the other boys and girls there “lived in hell.” But Morin said his grandfather never said anything to him about sexual abuse.

“If something like that happened to them, they’d take it to the grave,” Morin said.

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Survivors of sexual abuse at St. Paul began to share their painful stories as lawyers came to their reservation to investigate.

One of the survivors, the 70-year-old man named Jay, recounted in an interview with The Post how two priests, a brother and a sister sexually abused him at St. Paul. He was 6 when the abuse began in 1959, and it continued until he was 12.

Jay said Sister Sigfrieda Hettinger would tell him to stand before a statue of the Virgin Mary. She would order him to take down his pants and then would perform oral sex. He said she repeated the act with other children.

“We were little kids,” said Jay, a tall, slender man with closely cropped dark hair who still finds it hard to talk about what happened to him so many years ago.

“We didn’t know what to think,” he said. “She would touch us all over and put our face to her breasts. Before she would do these things, she’d make a sign of the cross.”

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Hettinger, who worked at St. Paul from 1958 to 1966, denied in a 2015 deposition that she or anyone else at the school sexually abused children.

“I loved them all,” Hettinger said. “I never hurt them at all. I never touched them at all.”

“During the entire period of time, did you ever observe any child being sexually abused by anyone?” a lawyer asked her.

“No, no,” she said.

She died the next year at age 87 in Milwaukee.

At least 19 priests, brothers and sisters were accused of sexually abusing 21 Native American children at St. Paul, primarily in the 1950s and 1960s, according to The Post’s analysis and court records.

One of the Jesuit priests who were accused of preying on children at St. Paul was the Rev. Edmund J. Robinson. From the 1950s through the early 1980s, church officials had moved him from boarding school to boarding school, according to church and court records, lawsuits and an article in the Great Falls Tribune.

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The work history of Edmund J. Robinson

From 1956 to 1993, Catholic officials relocated Robinson a dozen times, including repeated assignments at two Indian boarding schools.

Indian boarding school

Other school or church

Robinson was first appointed to St. Paul Mission after ordination. He was accused of sexually abusing multiple children at St. Paul in a 2011 lawsuit.

1956–58 St. Paul Mission (Hays, Mont.)


Manresa Hall

(Port Townsend, Wash.)

1959–62 St. Paul Mission (Hays, Mont.)

1962–64 St. Ignatius Mission (St. Ignatius, Mont.)

1964–66 St. Mary’s Mission (Omak, Wash.)

1966–68 St. Paul Mission (Hays, Mont.)

1968–81 St. Ignatius Mission (St. Ignatius, Mont.)

1981–85 Sacred Heart Mission (De Smet, Idaho)

1985–86 St. Luke’s Church (Woodburn, Ore.)

1986–87 St. Jude’s Church (Havre, Mont.)

1987–89 St. Thomas’ Church (Harlem, Mont.)

1989–93 St. Stanislaus’ Church (Lewiston, Idaho)

Note: According to church records, Robinson stayed at Servants of the Paraclete, a treatment center in Jemez Springs, N.M., in 1984 and 1985. The exact timing of his stay is unknown. In 1993, Robinson retired in Spokane, Wash. He died in 2014.

Source: Jesuits West list of “Credible Claims of Sexual Abuse of a Minor or Vulnerable Adult.”

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St. Thomas’ Church


St. Mary’s Mission

St. Jude’s Church

Port Townsend







St. Luke’s Church

St. Paul Mission

St. Ignatius Mission


St. Ignatius

St. Stanislaus’ Church


Sacred Heart Mission

That was the church’s pattern for many predatory priests, according to former church insiders and attorneys for the survivors. “It was remove, hide, shuffle,” said one of those lawyers, Dan Fasy.

Robinson, known as “Father Eddy,” started his career in the mid-1950s at St. Paul. Shortly after he arrived, he allegedly sexually abused a child. He then went to a Jesuit priests’ training college but returned to St. Paul, where he was later accused of sexually assaulting two more children. He was then moved to another boarding school, St. Ignatius Mission — 400 miles away in Montana — where he allegedly sexually abused a 5-year-old.

Robinson had been replaced at St. Paul by the Rev. Arnold Custer — who was also later accused of sexually abusing a child, according to court documents, local media reports, and watchdog groups that monitor predatory priests. Custer has since died.

In 1984, letters between church authorities showed that Robinson was being treated at the Servants of the Paraclete in Jemez Springs, N.M., a facility for troubled priests, according to church and court records.

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In New Mexico, Robinson said that he realized “something was wrong within him and that he must do something about it,” according to a November 1984 mental health evaluation obtained by The Post. One of the men involved in Robinson’s “spiritual direction” at Servants of the Paraclete was later accused of sexually abusing multiple children, records show. The center discharged Robinson the next year and he served at several other Catholic parishes until the early 1990s.

During his time as a priest, Robinson was accused of sexually abusing nine boys and girls at several boarding schools, records show. Robinson spent more than two decades working at Indian boarding schools, and served at St. Paul Mission on three separate occasions.

In 2018, the Jesuits West Province included Robinson’s name on a publicly released list of credibly accused priests.

Robinson had died in 2014 after spending the last years of his life at the Regis Community in Spokane, Wash. — like other Jesuits accused of sexually assaulting minors, according to the Jesuits West list of credibly accused priests, court documents, interviews with lawyers and local media reports.

In 2021, the Jesuit Conference released a statement about Indian boarding schools, saying, “We regret our participation in the separation of families and the suppression of Native languages, cultures and sacred ways of life.” Two years later, Jesuits West launched a website to address the role of the Jesuits in operating Indian boarding schools.

St. Paul’s and St. Francis Indian mission schools

Yankton sioux reservation and rosebud reservation in s.d..

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‘We are not going away’

One by one, starting in the 1950s, Geraldine Charbonneau Dubourt and her eight sisters from the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa were sent more than 400 miles away from their North Dakota home to St. Paul’s Indian Mission School in Marty, S.D., on the Yankton Sioux Reservation.

Dubourt, who attended St. Paul’s from 1955 to 1967, said that starting when she was 6, a priest fondled her on the playground, according to an affidavit. When she was a teenager, a different priest repeatedly raped her, she said. One of Dubourt’s sisters said that when she was 9, she was raped by a priest on a kitchen table. A third sister said that a priest “would take me down to the basement and have me perform oral sex on him.” He also showed her an area where coffins were stored. “One time he put me inside a coffin and I thought I would die,” she said in an affidavit.

In 2008, the nine siblings sued 12 priests, sisters and school workers over alleged abuse, in a case that became known as “The Nine Little Girls” and was covered by the Indian Country press, including by Native News Online . They also sued the Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls and three religious groups.

The Sioux Falls Diocese and the religious organizations denied wrongdoing and said they had no responsibility for the priests, sisters and school employees, who have all since died. The diocese did not respond to a request for comment.

In 2010, shortly before the case was set to go to trial, the South Dakota legislature passed a law that prohibits victims of alleged sexual abuse who are 40 or older from suing institutions.

While many states have extended deadlines for filing sexual abuse lawsuits, South Dakota — which had 35 Indian boarding schools — is one state that took action to make it nearly impossible for aging survivors to seek justice, according to Marci A. Hamilton, an expert on child sex abuse statutes of limitation and the founder and CEO of Child USA, a nonprofit group working to end child abuse.

“What’s unbelievable is that since 2002, we’ve had 293 laws passed in the United States that extend the statute of limitations” for sexual abuse victims, Hamilton said. But “this law rolls it back rather than making it more generous.”

Steve Smith, a South Dakota lawyer who represented a Catholic congregation that ran an Indian boarding school in the state, wrote the legislation that changed the statute of limitations. The boarding school that his client ran had faced numerous lawsuits filed by former students who said they were sexually abused there. Protecting the congregation from further litigation was a motivating factor, Smith told The Post.

A series of court rulings eventually led to the dismissal of the suit brought by the Charbonneau sisters, along with lawsuits by more than 100 other survivors.

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“The passage of the legislation was the catalyst for the sisters’ case and numerous other cases being shut down statewide,” said Gregory A. Yates, the lawyer who represented the South Dakota survivors. “The effect was to revictimize these survivors of childhood sexual abuse.”

Smith said in an interview that he “absolutely” believes that the nine sisters were molested at St. Paul’s.

“There is no doubt in my mind in just listening to them that they are sincere in their story,” Smith said. But he said that individual abusers should be held responsible — not churches or religious institutions.

Dubourt, with long gray hair, is now in poor health. She is still passionate about wanting accountability from the church and the state for what happened to her as a child. For nearly a decade, she and her sisters dressed in long Native American ribbon skirts and protested at the South Dakota Capitol, in Pierre, to try to get the law changed.

“If we die, we’ll go away,” Dubourt told The Post. “Other than that, we are not going away.” Three of her sisters have died.

Dubourt said she and her sisters still carry the abuse they suffered as children at St. Paul’s Indian Mission School.

“You just set it on the back burner for a minute so you can survive,” she said.

South Dakota’s law would have prevented the aging survivors of sexual abuse at another school, St. Francis Indian Mission School, from suing the church. But lawyers found “smoking gun” letters in church files that showed that church officials had “covered up” evidence of abuse, Yates said. The letters allowed the lawyers to successfully argue under a different statute that a Catholic order had fraudulently concealed evidence of sexual abuse, he said.

The lawyers discovered the letters in 2011 after two women who had attended St. Francis, on the Rosebud Reservation, said they were abused, Yates said. The letters revealed that priests knew that a colleague, Brother Francis Chapman, known as “Chappy,” was molesting children.

“Chappy had his problems — drinking to excess, fooling around with little girls — he had them down the basement of our building in the dark, where we found a pair of panties torn,” a priest named Richard T. Jones wrote to a fellow cleric in 1968.

Jones, who has since died, wrote that a person working at the mission didn’t want Chapman around children, but made no mention of action being taken.

Three years later, the Rev. Bernard D. Fagan, a superior at the St. Francis school, wrote to a church official that Chapman was involved in another incident “similar to those of the past.” Fagan said they decided to “counsel with him rather strongly in the hope that future incidents would be avoided.”

Fagan himself later admitted in a 1994 letter to a Diocese of Rapid City official that he sexually abused 12 Native American girls.

In 2015, the two former St. Francis students who sued received confidential settlements for abuse they suffered from Chapman, Yates said.

Both Chapman and Fagan have since died. In 2019, both were identified by the Rapid City Diocese as priests credibly accused of sexual abuse of a minor.

“Let us all pray for reparation for the sins and failings of those who abused their power and authority which led to the injury of others, especially our children,” the Most Rev. Robert D. Gruss, then the bishop of Rapid City, wrote in disclosing their names.

Chapman was one of 10 alleged abusers at the school, The Post’s analysis shows. Starting in 1942 with his employment and for the next 61 years, the school continuously employed at least one priest or brother accused of sexually assaulting or raping children.

The Road to Healing

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‘They were stolen’

On a recent afternoon at the Interior Department’s headquarters, Secretary Haaland pointed to framed photos of her parents and grandparents in her office, which is decorated with Native American paintings, pottery and blankets.

Haaland, a member of the Pueblo of Laguna tribe of New Mexico and a Catholic, said that when her grandmother was little, she and other children were rounded up by a priest in their village and put on a train to a boarding school in Santa Fe, about 100 miles from her home. Her great-grandfather was sent more than 1,000 miles to one of the nation’s first federal boarding schools, in Carlisle, Pa., where the founder’s philosophy was: “Kill the Indian in him, and save the man.”

“They were stolen,” she said.

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When Haaland was still a member of Congress in 2020, she introduced legislation to create the first commission in U.S. history to investigate and document America’s Indian boarding schools.

The legislation was reintroduced last year in the Senate and this year in the House — but has not reached the floor for a vote in either chamber. The commission would have subpoena power, which could be used to compel the Catholic Church and other religious institutions that ran the schools to disclose their internal documents about boarding schools, experts said.

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has not taken a position on the legislation, said Noguchi, the group’s spokesperson.

After the 2021 discovery of 215 unmarked graves at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School in Canada, Haaland, by this time Biden’s interior secretary, launched her investigation into U.S. Indian boarding schools.

Canada was a role model for such an effort, advocates said.

The Canadian government had created a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and the prime minister issued a formal apology in 2008 after settling a massive class-action suit brought by school survivors. Seven years later, the commission reported that about half of the 78,748 survivors who filed claims said they were sexually or seriously physically abused. Nearly half of the 146 schools were run by Catholic organizations, according to the National Center for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada.

But the U.S. government inquiry isn’t as far-reaching as that of Canada, which spent about $6 billion Canadian on its boarding school investigation, including compensation to survivors. The U.S. Congress has appropriated $21 million over the last three years for the Interior Department’s ongoing inquiry.

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During that time, Haaland’s team has been sifting through tens of millions of pages of U.S. government records to piece together the history of boarding schools for a series of reports. The records, many on fragile onion skin paper, include attendance reports, contracts and correspondence. Documents are scattered across the country at the National Archives, universities, tribal offices and local historical societies. Nearly 100 feet underground in limestone caves in Lenexa, Kan., thousands of boxes of additional records on Native Americans and their education are stored in a temperature-controlled federal repository.

A 1928 investigation commissioned by the federal government called the Meriam Report chastised the schools for the mistreatment and malnourishment of students. A 1969 congressional inquiry condemned the schools for trying to destroy Native American culture, laying the groundwork for ending the government’s assimilation policy in the boarding school system. But neither investigation mentioned sexual abuse, and archived documents from the 1969 report contain no evidence that the matter was ever examined.

The Interior Department’s 2022 report, written by Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Bryan Newland , a citizen of the Bay Mills Indian Community (Ojibwe), said Native American boys experienced more physical and sexual abuse in the schools than girls. But it does not go further, and Interior officials said the abuse was rarely — if ever — recorded in government files.

“I doubt that you could find a lot of Catholic records or federal government records about abuse and neglect toward the students,” Haaland said.

Interior’s report, instead, focused on the history of the boarding school era and how it targeted Native American, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian children. It was the first government effort to count the schools and list their locations. The report also revealed that at least 500 boys and girls died at the schools — and that the number could “be in the thousands or tens of thousands.” Many were buried in unmarked graves at schools, the report said.

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As part of her effort, Haaland traveled to 12 places across the country, from Oklahoma to Alaska, on what she called “The Road to Healing” tour. For up to eight hours a day, she listened to stories of physical and sexual abuse told by survivors and their descendants. Survivor stories are being compiled by the healing coalition and the Interior Department into an oral history project that may be displayed by the Smithsonian National Museum of American History.

For many, Haaland’s listening sessions were the first chance to confront the government and say out loud what happened to them.

One afternoon in April 2023, hundreds of survivors packed into a cavernous hall supported by giant cedar columns on the Tulalip Tribes’ reservation in Washington state. After an opening ceremony of Native American drumming and singing, Haaland and Newland took their seats at the front. One by one, elderly boarding school survivors stood to tell their stories.

Nancy Shippentower of the Puyallup Tribe said her husband had been sexually abused at a boarding school in Oregon when he was little. “He said that he was an altar boy and he was raped by the priests,” she said. “He was sexually abused by the nuns. And his hands were beat black and blue.”

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When Matthew War Bonnet, 78, of the Sicangu Lakota tribe, stood up and began to speak, a hush fell over the room.

At age 6, War Bonnet had been sent to the St. Francis Mission Indian School in Rosebud, S.D. War Bonnet said he and other children were beaten so badly that they were often sent to the infirmary for treatment.

War Bonnet held up replicas of a rope and a strap used to lash children as punishment. The rope was four strands tied together. They called it the “Jesus rope,” War Bonnet said.

The strap carried strands of razor-sharp metal strips.

“This strap taught me not to feel,” said War Bonnet, his voice cracking.

A year later, in her Washington office, Haaland singled out his testimony among the hundreds of accounts she had heard. Tears filled her eyes.

“It’s a terrible, horrific, devastating history,” Haaland said. “You name the worst thing that you could imagine happening to people and it happened to Indigenous people right here in this country.”

About this story

The Post is examining the legacy of America’s network of Indian boarding schools. Do you have a tip or story idea for our investigation? Email our team at [email protected] .

Reporting by Sari Horwitz , Dana Hedgpeth , Emmanuel Martinez and Scott Higham . Photography by Salwan Georges .

Additional reporting by Alice Crites, Riley Ceder and Ben Baker.

Graphics by Janice Kai Chen . Design and development by Natalie Vineberg . Additional development by Jake Crump .

Editing by David S. Fallis , Sarah Childress and Wendy Galietta . Additional editing by Jenna P iro g , Martha Murdock, Jay Wang and Courtney Kan .

Design editing by Madison Walls . Photo editing by Robert Miller . Photo research by Troy Witcher . Graphic editing by Emily M. Eng . Data editing by Meghan Hoyer .

Additional support from Cameron Barr, Kathy Baird, Matthew Callahan , Brandon Carter , Matt Clough , Maddie Driggers, Stephanie Hays , Jeff Leen, Jenna Lief, Jordan Melendrez, Sarah Murray, Amy Nakamura, Kyley Schultz , Erica Snow and Peter Wallsten .


The Post identified Catholic priests, sisters and brothers who were accused of sexual abuse and worked at Indian boarding schools by reviewing their employment histories.

To establish school locations, The Post relied on data provided by the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition , or NABS, and the U.S. Interior Department, identifying 523 schools.

The Catholic Church ran or was affiliated with 82 boarding schools, according to NABS and other boarding school documents. Reporters identified the dioceses and religious orders for 72 schools based on information from Catholic Truth & Healing , a group of archivists and historians who conduct boarding school research.

While the Catholic Church operated the most schools of any religious group, some schools were run by Presbyterians, Quakers, Methodists and other groups. By the 1980s, most of the boarding schools had closed or been turned over to the tribes or successor organizations to run.

Reporters focused on schools operated by the Catholic Church because of the availability of records and lawsuits by former students alleging sexual abuse. These records include lists of priests and members of religious orders who have been publicly identified by their dioceses or orders as being accused of “credible" or “established” claims of sexual abuse.

There is no standard for inclusion on these lists. In some cases, the allegations have been investigated by dioceses or provinces and determined to have merit; in others, the claims could not be investigated because too much time had passed or the alleged abuser had died.

The Jesuits West Province, for example, say its list includes members “against whom a credible claim of sexual abuse of a minor (under the age of 18) or a vulnerable adult has been made.” It notes that inclusion “does not imply that the claims are true and correct or that the accused individual has been found guilty of a crime or liable for civil claims.” It says anyone named on a list has been removed from the ministry.

Experts caution that the lists are incomplete: Most disclose only clergy members and those who served after the 1950s. Some of the lists fail to include any information about where people worked, the dates of employment or the years of abuse.

The Post compiled more than a dozen lists of priests, brothers and sisters accused of sexual abuse and built a data set of the names of more than 5,000 churches, missions and schools to which they had been assigned. Reporters then searched the data set and identified Indian boarding schools based on their name and location.

From the diocesan lists, reporters identified 64 priests, 20 sisters and 11 brothers who worked at 17 schools, most of them in Montana, South Dakota and Alaska. Some had been assigned to a school as early as the 1890s, and one had worked as recently as 2003 at an institution that assumed control of a boarding school.

The Post also identified two priests, one brother and an additional school by reviewing ProPublica’s data set of members of the Catholic Church accused of sexual misconduct. Through lawsuits, reporters found 24 additional priests, brothers and sisters who worked at four other boarding schools.

To calculate consecutive years of employment and abuse reported at individual schools, The Post included only individuals for whom specific years of work and abuse were known.

The Post used data from to fill in missing assignment histories. For 20 people, there were no assignment dates. The Post was unable to identify when 13 individuals worked at four schools because of missing employment dates.

The reporting for the investigation also drew on information collected by journalist Mary Annette Pember and her work at Indian Country Today , as well as stories by Native News Online , Global Sisters Report , Reuters , Desolate Country , Huffington Post , South Dakota Public Radio and the Great Falls Tribune in Montana. Also reviewed was the U.S. Interior Department’s Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative Investigative Report . Other resources included “ Education for Extinction ,” by David Wallace Adams; “ American Indian Education: A History ,” by Jon Reyhner and Jeanne Eder; and “ Battlefield & Classroom ,” by Richard Henry Pratt.

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Why Is N.Y.U. Forcing Protesters to Write Apology Letters?

The university calls it a “restorative practice”; the students call it a coerced confession.

Young people sit in a bus, some masked, while others stand outside, raising their fists or taking cellphone photos.

By Ginia Bellafante

Ginia Bellafante writes the Big City column, a weekly commentary on the politics, culture and life of New York City.

At one point during the demonstrations at Columbia University in 1968, protesters took the acting dean of the liberal arts college hostage. Barricading his office door with furniture, they kept Henry Simmons Coleman, a former Navy man, locked up for 26 hours. When he was finally released, he seemed unfazed; there had been plenty to eat. Retaliation was not on his agenda. So little did it interest him, apparently, that he went on to write letters of recommendation on behalf of those captors who applied to law school.

Although elite-college officials have been spared kidnapping amid the current turmoil resulting from the war in Gaza, it is hard to imagine any administrator acting quite so forgivingly now. In the decades since the previous round of unrest, the modern university has become paradoxically more coddling and less conciliatory — caught between its subservience to the student consumer demanding an almost therapeutic comfort and a donor base insistent in its perceived authority, bending to no one.

Inevitably, questions around consequences for the student protests have become entangled in these contradictions. A few days after she and dozens of other students and faculty members were arrested at a demonstration at New York University on April 22, Ellis Garey, who had just completed a doctorate in history, got an email from the Office of the Dean of Students that she found perplexing.

“Living and processing this distressing experience evokes various emotions and complex feelings which may affect your ability to focus and feel safe,” it read. But the only “distressing experience,” to her mind, was N.Y.U.’s decision to call in the police to quiet the protests in the first place. The office went on to promise “guidance, encouragement and support” for the problem it had created.

While the university eventually moved to have the criminal charges against the students dropped, it initiated a disciplinary process against some of them (the university will not disclose how many) that seemed as if it had been conjured in the writers’ room of a dystopian sci-fi series . In order to return to the university, some students would be required to complete a 49-page set of readings and tasks — “modules” — known as the Ethos Integrity Series, geared at helping participants “make gains” in “moral reasoning” and “ethical decision making.” In a letter to the administration, Liam Murphy, a professor at the law school, called it “an intellectual embarrassment,” betraying the university’s mission as a training ground for independent thought and forcing students merely “to consume pages and pages of pablum.”

The Ethos Integrity Series was not the only command. Some students would be assigned a “reflection paper,” the details of which were laid out by the Office of Student Conduct. In it they would address several questions, among them: What are your values? Did the decision you made align with your personal values? What have you done or need still to do to make things right? Explicitly instructed not to “justify” their actions, the students were told to turn their papers in by May 29 in “12-point Times New Roman or similar font.”

In an email, John Beckman, a spokesman for N.Y.U., defended the protocols, explaining that these papers have been a common sanction at the university for at least eight years, part of an approach to discipline that relies on “restorative practices.” In this instance, though, the exercise cannibalizes the mission, favoring a will to dishonesty — inviting a charade of guilt. Anyone driven to protest is marching and chanting precisely as an expression of a certain set of fiercely held moral beliefs and values — not in deviation from them. Someone leaving her dorm room with a sign that says “Free Palestine” probably believes she is already doing what she needs to do “to make things right.”

As Ms. Garey put it, “I’m not going to apologize for opposing genocide.” The risk to her — someone who has finished her Ph.D. work — is the threat of a mark on her transcript, she said, for a failure to comply.

She and her cohort have had the support of various members of the faculty, who have condemned the approach as punitive and infantilizing, a capitulation to a corporate management style steeped in the art of reprisal and delivered in the name of personal growth. In a faculty listserv, this week, Robert Cohen , a professor of history and social studies at N.Y.U. whose scholarship focuses on 20th-century protest movements, said that he could think of no instance from the campus demonstrations in the ’60s in which a university had so “coerced” students to declare that their dissent was “wrong.”

Over the past two decades, N.Y.U. has seen its status and fortunes rise as a global brand. This, in the view of Paula Chakravartty, a professor of media and communications at N.Y.U., and many of her colleagues is exactly where the problem lies — because it cannot be both “the Starbucks of education” and “a serious university.”

An earlier version of this article misstated the surname of an N.Y.U. doctoral student. She is Ellis Garey, not Geary.

How we handle corrections

Ginia Bellafante has served as a reporter, critic and, since 2011, as the Big City columnist . She began her career at The Times as a fashion critic, and has also been a television critic. She previously worked at Time magazine. More about Ginia Bellafante

The Campus Protests Over the Gaza War

News and Analysis

​Harvard said that it will no longer take positions on matters outside of the university , accepting the recommendations of a faculty committee that urged the school to reduce its messages on issues of the day.

​Weeks after counterprotesters attacked a pro-Palestinian encampment at the University of California, Los Angeles, the university police have made the first arrest related to the attack .

​​A union for academic workers in the University of California system announced that an ongoing strike challenging the system’s handling of pro-Palestinian demonstrations would extend to two more campuses , U.C.L.A. and U.C. Davis.

The Battle Over College Speech:  ​University demonstrations over the war in Gaza have reignited the debate over campus speech, and have led to a rethinking of who sets the terms for language in academia .

Making Sense of the Protests:  In the weeks leading up to graduation, our reporter spoke with more than a dozen students at Columbia University and Barnard College about how the campus protests had shaped them .

A Complex Summer:  Many university leaders and officials may be confronting federal investigations, disputes over student discipline  — and the prospect that the protests start all over again in the fall.

A New Litmus Test:  Some Jewish students say their views on Zionism — which are sometimes assumed — have affected their social life on campus .

Home » Letters » School » Apology Letter By Student To Teacher For Misbehavior – Sample Apology Letter By School Student

Apology Letter By Student To Teacher For Misbehavior – Sample Apology Letter By School Student

apology letter to teacher for not doing assignment

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  • Sample Letter

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To, The Class Teacher, __________ (Department- Class He/She Teaches To), __________ (Name of the School), __________ (School Address)

Date: __/__/____

Subject: Apology for misbehaving

Respected Sir/Ma’am,

With all due respect, My name is __________ (Name of the Student), studying in class/department __________ (Name of the Class/Department), having roll number __________ (Roll Number Issued).

I am writing this letter to sincerely apologize you for __________ (bunking/ making fun of the teacher/ sleeping during lecture/ being arrogant to the teacher/ coming late for classes/ not wearing appropriate uniform) on__________ (Date). It was thoughtless of me while I was doing such an action. I am truly sorry for my mistake and I can assure you that it would not be repeated ever again.

I ask for forgiveness and please accept my sincerest apology.

Yours Truly/Faithfully/Sincerely, __________ (Name of the Student), __________ (Roll Number)

Live Preview

The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here’s how to use it:

  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

The letter writing editor allows you to start with predefined templates for drafting your letters:

  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

Click the "Download Letter" button after composing your letter. This triggers a download of a file containing the content of your letter.

Click the "Share via Email" button after composing your letter. Your default email client will open a new message window with the subject "Sharing My Draft Letter" and the content of your letter in the body.

Click the "Share via WhatsApp" button after you've composed your letter. Your default browser will open a new tab prompting you to send the letter as a message to a contact on WhatsApp.

If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • Begin with "Respected Sir/Ma’am" followed by a sincere apology.
  • Clearly mention the student's name, class/department, roll number, the specific misbehavior, and the date of the incident.
  • Express genuine remorse and assure the teacher that the actions will not be repeated.
  • Yes, it's important to ask for forgiveness and acceptance of the apology.
  • End with "Yours Truly/Faithfully/Sincerely" followed by the student's name and roll number.

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  1. Apology Letter to Teacher for Not Doing Assignment

    Your name, class, roll number, a sincere apology for not completing the assignment, a specific reason for not submitting it, the subject of the assignment, and the original submission date. How should I address the teacher in the apology letter for not doing the assignment? Address the teacher respectfully, using "Sir/Madam" or "Dear Sir/Madam."

  2. Apologizing Letter to Teacher

    Don't Shift the Blame. Part of accepting full blame for your mistake is not trying to place it on someone else. You may not directly blame your teacher for your actions, but passive-aggressive statements like, "I am sorry you felt offended by my actions" can have a similar effect. 5. Make Amends.

  3. Sorry Letter for a Teacher

    Sorry Letter For A Teacher #2 (Not doing homework or assignment) Dear Mrs./Mr. [Teacher's Last Name], I wanted to express my sincere apology for not completing the homework you assigned. I understand that homework is an essential part of our learning process, and I take full responsibility for not meeting the deadline.

  4. Apology Letter To Teacher For Not Doing Homework

    Template. Dear [Teacher's Name], I hope you are doing well. I am writing this letter to apologize for not completing the homework assigned for [mention the subject and date]. I understand the importance of being diligent with assignments, and I am truly sorry for not meeting this expectation. I want to be transparent and explain that I ...

  5. Apology Letter to Teacher for Not Doing Homework

    Dear [Teacher's Name], I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to apologize for not completing the assigned online homework for [Subject] on [Date]. I understand the importance of active participation and staying on track in an online learning environment. I acknowledge that not completing the homework assignment reflects negatively ...

  6. 17+ Apology Letter Format to Teacher

    Start with a formal salutation: The School letter should begin with a formal salutation, such as "Dear Mr./Ms. [Teacher's Last Name].". This shows respect and acknowledges the teacher's position. Express sincere remorse: The first paragraph of the letter should express sincere remorse for the mistake.

  7. How to Write an Apology Letter to a Teacher (with Pictures)

    Seal the envelope and write your teacher's name on the front. 3. Give the letter to your teacher. When you next see your teacher, hand them your letter. Try to do it before or after school or the class period when you have them. Avoid raising your hand and doing it during class, which will likely cause a disruption.

  8. Best Apology Letter To Teacher For Misbehavior: How To Draft It Right!

    Step 4: Acknowledge Your Mistake and Express Regret. Clearly admit your mistake and express your regret. Avoid making excuses or justifying your behavior. Example: "I realize that my actions were inappropriate and disruptive. I am truly sorry for my behavior and the inconvenience it caused.".

  9. How to Write an Apology Letter to a Teacher: Samples Included

    Offer a genuine and sincere apology. Go ahead and say you are sorry. Your apology should be profound and sincere. Explain any steps taken to prevent similar actions in the future. Apologies do not fix wounds like magic. Your teacher will be more pleased to know that such an action will not be repeated.

  10. Apology Letter Template To Teacher/Principal

    Apology Letter to Teacher for Not Doing Homework. From, Anand Sharma 343 Leatherwood Street Endicott, NY 13760 [email protected]. Date - 11/01/1990. To, ... Please accept my assignment as well as my heartfelt apology. Yours faithfully, (Ananya Singh) Apology Letter to Teacher from Parent. From, Amit Singh 233 Race Road

  11. How To Write An Apology Letter To A Teacher

    Thank you for taking the time to read my apology. I hope that you can accept my apology and that we can move forward in a positive way. Sincerely, [Your Name] Sample 3: Apology For Consistently Not Submitting Homework On Time. Dear [Teacher's Name], I am writing this letter to apologise for consistently not submitting my homework on time.

  12. How to Apologize to a Teacher: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

    Keep your arms at your sides, and your back straight. This will make you appear more serious and genuine. 3. Write your teacher an apology note. You can't replace an in-person apology, but you can add to your apology by giving your teacher a note or card to show you care.

  13. Apology Letter To A Teacher

    Sample Apology Letter to Teacher. Regardless if you're on a first name basis with your teacher or professor, it's always best to address them as Mr., Ms., or Professor. It shows your teacher respect and that you're taking the situation seriously. Apologize with a detailed account of the situation. Be specific.

  14. Apology Application to Teacher (with Samples & PDFs)

    Apology Application to Teacher for Unintended Misconduct. First, find the sample template for apology application to teacher below. Subject: Apology for Misbehavior in Class. Respected Sir/Madam, I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am [Your Name], a student of [Your Standard] in your esteemed school.

  15. Apology Letter to Teacher

    Sample Apology Letter to Teacher for not Doing Homework. Dear Mr. Smith, I want to apologize for not submitting my homework for two assignments which were due on 4 th August 2018. I am doing a part-time job about which I have informed the school as well. My supervisor asked me to put in an extra three hours each day during the last week; I ...

  16. Apology Letter to Teacher: Check Samples and Tips to Write

    2. Remorseful Tone. Maintain a polite, regretful tone throughout the letter. Do not try justifying actions or sounding defensive. 3. Explain the Situation Briefly. Provide 1-2 sentence context on what happened to lead to this apology without dwelling on details. 4. Take Ownership of Mistake.

  17. Apology Letter To Teacher For Not Doing Homework

    Writing an effective apology letter to the teacher for not doing homework requires clarity and politeness. It's important to address the teacher respectfully, state the student's identification details, and clearly mention the date when the homework was assigned and the expected submission date. Provide a genuine reason for not completing the ...

  18. Application to Apologize to Teacher (with Samples & PDFs)

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    Writing an effective apology letter from a student to a teacher for misbehavior requires clarity and politeness. It's important to address the teacher respectfully, state the student's identification details, and clearly mention the misbehavior along with the date. Express genuine remorse and assure the teacher that the behavior will not be ...