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“Redeeming Love” — A Review

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It’s hard not to have high expectations going into this book (especially seeing the 760+ 5 star reviews at Amazon) and, try as I might, I couldn’t disentangle this praise from my reading. More than once I had to stop and ask myself, What do people see in this book? I’ll conclude my review with, what I believe, is the enduring strength of the tale and, perhaps, its primary redemptive quality.

(Note: There are spoilers throughout this review.) In a nutshell, the story is about a prostitute named Angel who is relentlessly wooed by a god-fearing man named Michael. Touted as a retelling of the biblical story of Hosea and Gomer, it’s pretty obvious from the outset where this is headed. I felt that knowing this took some punch out of the story. However, employing a prostitute as the vehicle to demonstrate God’s boundless, tenacious love, is very effective. Who has not, upon realization of the Bridegroom’s great grace and mercy, felt like a used up whore? But I’m getting ahead of myself.

I struggled through this book for two main reasons: Mediocre prose and redundancy.

Yes, Rivers shows flashes of poetry. But for the most part, I found her prose clunky to the point of distraction. There are few complex sentences, which for me, gave the reading an endless staccato feel. Here’s some samples of what I mean. Notice the employment (I’d say, overuse ) of short, clipped sentences.

Angel hated her life. She hated the Duchess. She hated Magowan. She hated her own wretched helplessness. Most of all she hated the men for their relentless quest for pleasure. She gave them her body but not a particle more. Maybe there wasn’t any more. She didn’t know. And that didn’t seem to matter to any of the men. All they saw was her beauty, a flawless veil wrapped around a frozen heart, and they were enthralled. They looked into her angel eyes and were lost. (Kindle, location 810)
She didn’t want him bothering her anymore. He wanted her. She felt it radiating from his body, but he never did anything about it. He talked. He asked questions. He waited, for what she didn’t know. She was tired of trying to think up lies to make him happy. He just asked the same question again in a different way. He wouldn’t give up. Each time he came, he was more determined. (1238)

There are many more examples of this stylistic tendency.

Short sentences are important to a story and can provide necessary punch. Too many of them, however, has the exact opposite effect. I labored through Redeeming Love, in part, because of this.

Another bent of the author, one you will notice in the above quotes, is starting sentences with a pronoun.

  • She didn’t know
  • They looked
  • She was tired
  • He wouldn’t give up

I can’t recall reading a book where this bad habit is so predominant. It’s one I’d encourage every aspiring author to break themselves of. Which is probably why Redeeming Love is not a book I would use as an example of great Christian writing.

My second problem with the book was its redundancy. The story seemed to be covering the same ground. Angel sins. Michael takes her back. Angel falls. Michael takes her back. Angel leaves. Michael comes looking for her. Angel’s finally coming around. Michael is there when she does. By the middle of the book, I was tiring. It could be argued that this is the moral of Redeeming Love. We fall, again and again, and God’s “redeeming love” finds us. While this works existentially (I can attest to it!), it’s a difficult go for a reader. I felt like I was watching Peter Jackson drag out Kong’s death to the point of absurdity. After Angel’s third defection and restoration, I wanted to stand up and shout, “I get it already!”

I also want to take this opportunity to discuss edginess in Christian fiction. This is a topic I talk a lot about on my website and, frankly, is one of the reasons I decided to read Redeeming Love. You see, many Christians cite Redeeming Love as an example that Christian fiction can be edgy. However, after actually reading the book, I personally see the claim as lacking foundation.

I do not seek out books and films on the basis of their “family friendliness.” So this book really didn’t push any of my envelopes. There is no cursing and all the references are by implication. Yes, much of the story takes place among prostitutes and in brothels. However, if that alone is meant to be edgy, I’m missing something.

In fact, this G-rated axiom leads to some rather awkward moments. Like this one where the protags finally have, um, sexual relations:

When he kissed her, Angel was lost in a wilderness of new sensations. It had never felt like this, warm and wonderful, exciting and right. None of the old rules applied. She forgot everything she had ever learned from other masters. She was dry ground soaking in a spring rain, a flower bud opening to the sun. Michael knew and gently coaxed her with tender words flowing over her like the sweet balm of Gilead healing her wounds. And she flew, Michael with her, into the heavens. (5223)

“She was dry ground soaking in a spring rain”? She was “lost in a wilderness of new sensations”? She “flew” with her husband “into the heavens”? I’m sorry, but this is corny.

I also find it extremely interesting that Redeeming Love was first published in the general market. From the Wikipedia article :

The book was first published in the mainstream market by Bantam books in 1991. Because it was released by general market publisher, the book did not hold completely explicit Christian content, such as the baptismal scene in the book and Angel’s Christian conversion; however, when the book went out of print several years later, Rivers got the rights back to her book and made the additions to the novel. The novel was re-released by Multnomah Publishers in 1997.

Think about this: The book that is considered by many as the “gold standard” for Christian Romance was not first published as Christian Romance.

I find that fascinating. Don’t you?

The question I would pose to fans of CBA fiction, particularly CBA Romance, is what this fact says about the book and about the CBA, if anything? Could a book like Redeeming Love be published today in the CBA by a first-time author? Was the book’s ABA success necessary for its CBA acquisition? These are just a few questions that went through my mind.

But back to the book.

The strength of the story, in my opinion, is its redemptive arc and its parabolic whimsy. At times I felt like this was less a romance novel and more of a contemporary fable. The author has captured, however crudely, the essence of the Gospel of Grace. Angel, the orphaned girl turned prostitute, exemplifies the sinful wreckage of humanity, our wanderlust, our hardness of heart. And Michael, however one-dimensional he appears, reminds us of the Eternal God who will not rest in drawing us to Himself. It is a powerful, powerful theme. After spending time with this book, and mulling its popularity, I can reach no other conclusion but that its enduring quality lies in its alignment with this profound biblical reality: God loves sinners. Amen and amen.

I’ve taken a risk in reviewing this book, and I’m sure I’ll incur some wrath for it. I would probably give Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers three out of five stars. While I sincerely hope this isn’t “the best Christian Romance novel” out there, I believe Ms. Rivers captures something that is essential to good Christian fiction — a portrayal of the hellish depths of human depravity and the vast, unrelenting scope of God’s love. And for this, I applaud her.

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Instead of dwelling on all of Francine Rivers “bad habits” and corny sex scenes try thinking about it from my perspective.

There are many people like Angel/Sarah out there and this book, even with all of its flaws, was an incredible tool to bring healing to them.

Iam one of them. I thank God that the author wrote word for word how she did in this book. I took a step in healing and this literally saved my marriage and my life.

Also, you might want to read this. Might change your views a little on the book. Clearly this book didn’t get your votes. But the author didn’t write it for kicks in giggles. She wrote it for them. &(me)


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I just finished this book and loved it. That doesn’t mean I think it was great writing. Just take things for what they are, I’d say, and stop bemoaning and worrying about ‘corny’ language and ‘purple prose.’ Who cares? It seems like everyone wants any one book to be all things to them, but that simply isn’t possible. I think people need to get over their fear of corniness and the feeling of intimidation they obviously feel when they aren’t reading ‘literature.’ There’s room for all sorts of books.

Frankly, there was a simplicity in the writing of this book that made it exceedingly readable. The short sentences work in those graphs you cite because they are apropos to the seething the girl feels in one scene (exactly how often do you spew streams multi-clause sentences when you’re livid- unless you’re on Designing Women?). Staccato and repetitive was appropriate at that point. And it seemed like normal thought in both graphs. As far as pronouns are concerned, the big mistake would have been if Rivers felt she needed to use proper nouns all the time.

I agree there was overwrought language here, but instead of comparing this book with conventional ideals of ‘good writing’, I choose to see it as its own beauty. In the same way a person needn’t be conventional to be beautiful, neither does a book, and it’s silly for any reader or writer – me included – to assign those standards when judging. To me, it smacks of discomfort with natural, unguarded relaxed language – the true kind that people can relate too when they don’t let their inner editor sneer at them like the meanies in the in-group during high school).

Just let it roll and appreciate it for what it is, and that’s a beautiful story that – as my mum so rightly said is like a “gentle wave”. Let’s just get over our precious selves.

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It’s obvious from the way you write Mike, that you’re more than an ‘average reader’ as you have a great way with words and an impressive command of English. I suppose that enables you to see loopholes in Francine Rivers’ writing – the short sentences etc – which simply wouldn’t bother the lay reader like me. I actually couldn’t put the book down when I first read it and it remains one of the best novels I’ve ever read. However, when it comes to what you consider the over simplicity and repetitiveness of the story in terms of Angel leaving, Michael taking her back etc, I think there’s so much more to it than that. At each stage when Angel leaves, there are completely different issues involved, and I think it’s a beautiful picture of the stages of our growth in the Lord until we are able to leave our old selves behind and fully accept His love… I thought it was skillfully portrayed that we have layers and layers which we keep having to take off in order to receive more of Him. And that the ultimate comes when there are no more layers, no more hiding – Angel’s state when she went back to Michael the last time, never to leave again. As for the sex scene, or lack thereof, I thought she got round the issue very well… we knew what they did, without the detail that so debases mainstream romance novels – at least for me. I wouldn’t refer to the book as edgy, though the author definitely doesn’t skirt around issues, but I hardly think her aim was to be edgy… Just my thoughts on the issue

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when was this review written exactly?

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I disagree with your review. it should be 5/5 stars. this book captured the essence of what it is like to be a sinner and saved by Gods grace. I am only 15 but this was an amazing novel and it is my favorite book. Michael wasnt an idiot he was a christian who believed in gods unfailing love and that anythings possible through Him, and we are all sinners like angel no matter how good we think we are we are nothing better than angel

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I have just read Redeeming Love – the first Christian romance I have read, and it will be my last. My biggest problem with the book is that Angel, having been severely abused, would not have been in touch with any good feelings at all. I am speaking from experience. I was numb for a long time after I left my abusive ‘Christian’ husband. It took me a long time to know that good feelings are relevant to me. It has taken me YEARS with a lot of Christian support, learning about human behaviour, and God’s inner healing to be in touch with them. Another problem I had with the book is the 16 year old moving in with the bitter widower: how ridiculous! The Bible account of Ruth was totally different. Why didn’t the 16 year old ask her parents to arrange the marriage, if she was so desperate?!!

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Maybe the author os this article needs to study the book of Hosea in the bible. And obviously it is well written enough yo sell quite a few books. I personally thought it is a wonderfully riveting book. Could not put it down till I was finished.

Maybe the author os this article needs to study the book of Hosea in the bible. And obviously it is well written enough yo sell quite a few books. I personally thought it is a wonderfully riveting book. Could not put it down till I was finished. Wonderful book

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You are clearly a self-gratifying contemporary woman. You should not seek out “family friendly” and/or Christian romance novels to read. Their simplistic themes are beyond your elite intellectualism.

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In the book she was ALSO numb for years and years and severely calluses from any feeling that was depicted beautifully in the book.

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I have checked your page and i have found some duplicate content, that’s why you don’t rank high in google, but there is a tool that can help you to create 100% unique articles, search for; boorfe’s tips unlimited content

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Just read this book for a book club, and I have to say that I was disappointed for many of the same reasons given in this review. Regardless of how much you agree or disagree with the plot of a story, if the writing is weak or the story becomes tedious, it has the potential to turn off a lot of readers. I was “warned” to have tissues handy and was told by numerous people that it was a fabulous book, but the jumpy POV, and unclear timelines made for such frustrating reading, I never had any connection with the characters sufficient enough to warrant even a single tear, and the only emotion I had was when I was finally finished the book.

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I am currently writing an academic comparison of this book and the book of Hosea. Shame is a theme that has stood out very clearly! I of course can say that this book is very sentimental and cheesy however I think that they success of this book and the heart behind it is something to think about before writing it off completely.

If anyone has any thoughts on the ‘shame’ element I would be grateful of you comments.

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The Sunflower BookShelf 

A Review of "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers


"Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers is a powerful and emotionally charged novel that transcends the boundaries of traditional romance. Set against the backdrop of the California Gold Rush in the 1850s, Rivers weaves a narrative inspired by the biblical story of Hosea and Gomer. This review aims to explore the depth and impact of Rivers' storytelling, delving into the themes, characters, and the transformative journey of love and redemption.

The novel introduces readers to Angel, a young woman sold into prostitution at a tender age and forced to navigate a world filled with pain, exploitation, and shattered dreams. Michael Hosea, a farmer and man of unwavering faith, receives a divine call to marry Angel and love her unconditionally, mirroring the biblical narrative of the prophet Hosea marrying the unfaithful Gomer.

As the story unfolds, Michael Hosea's persistent love and Angel's resistance create a tension that forms the core of the narrative. Angel, scarred by a traumatic past, struggles to accept the genuine love offered to her. The novel takes readers on a journey through Angel's pain, Michael's steadfast devotion, and the transformative power of unconditional love as they confront the demons of their pasts.

Themes and Characters:

"Redeeming Love" explores themes of unconditional love, redemption, and the healing power of faith. The characters are richly developed, each embodying a facet of the human experience. Angel, with her hardened exterior and deep emotional wounds, serves as a symbol of brokenness and the universal yearning for acceptance and love.

Michael Hosea emerges as a beacon of unwavering faith and compassion. His character embodies the redemptive love that transcends human flaws and imperfections. The supporting characters, including those within the community and Angel's fellow prostitutes, contribute to the narrative's exploration of grace, forgiveness, and the potential for transformation.

The novel also delves into the themes of identity and the search for self-worth. Angel's journey from a place of darkness and self-loathing to a path of self-discovery and acceptance serves as a poignant metaphor for the universal quest for redemption and meaning.

Writing Style:

Francine Rivers' writing style in "Redeeming Love" is both evocative and lyrical. The prose is imbued with emotional depth, capturing the complexities of the characters' inner lives and the historical landscape of 19th-century California. Rivers seamlessly integrates biblical themes and narratives, creating a narrative tapestry that resonates with readers regardless of their religious backgrounds.

The author's ability to navigate sensitive themes with grace and empathy is evident throughout the novel. Rivers tackles issues of trauma, abuse, and the search for identity with a sensitivity that fosters connection and understanding. The narrative unfolds with a compelling rhythm, drawing readers into the lives of the characters and immersing them in the redemptive journey at the heart of the story.

Impact and Reflection:

"Redeeming Love" has left an indelible mark on readers since its publication, prompting reflection on the nature of love, forgiveness, and the capacity for transformation. The novel's impact lies in its ability to resonate with readers on a profound emotional level, inviting them to consider the transformative power of unconditional love in their own lives.

The themes of redemption and forgiveness are particularly resonant, offering a message of hope to those who have experienced brokenness and pain. Rivers' narrative emphasizes the possibility of healing and renewal, encouraging readers to confront their own struggles and embrace the transformative potential of love and faith.

"Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers stands as a timeless testament to the enduring power of love and redemption. Through its richly drawn characters and emotionally charged narrative, the novel invites readers to explore the depths of the human spirit, the capacity for transformation, and the unyielding nature of unconditional love.

The novel's exploration of faith, forgiveness, and the search for identity transcends the boundaries of genre, appealing to a diverse readership. "Redeeming Love" is more than a romance; it is a profound exploration of the human condition, an affirmation of the possibility of healing, and a celebration of the redemptive force inherent in love that knows no bounds. Francine Rivers' masterpiece continues to touch hearts, inviting readers to contemplate the enduring and transformative power of love in all its complexities.

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Book Review: Redeeming Love

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redeeming love francine rivers book review

You and and I know the answers to those questions. However, it is intriguing to read the musings of strong characters as they ponder the hand of God in situations that most readers can relate to on some level.

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About Kellie Renfroe

Kellie and her husband Greg have been married 32 years and have four children ranging in age from 17 to 28. She co-founded Mentoring Moments for Christian Women in 2005. Kellie is a homeschooling mom who enjoys reading, studying the Bible, writing, photography, and learning how to cook.

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Kellie Renfroe

Kellie and her husband Greg have been married 32 years and have four children ranging in age from 18 to 28. She co-founded Mentoring Moments for Christian Women in 2005. Kellie is a homeschooling mom who enjoys reading, studying the Bible, writing, photography, and learning how to cook.

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“Redeeming Love” Book Review

redeeming love francine rivers book review

Here is a book review of “Redeeming Love” by Francine Rivers. This is absolutely my favorite book of all time! I have read this book two different times. Each time I devoured it and finished it within a couple days. Even the second time around I could not put it down, and I’m sure I will be reading it again in the future.

Not only is Francine Rivers’ writing amazing, descriptive, and intellectual; she has a way of transporting the reader into the story and building relationships with the characters.

Set in California’s gold country in 1850 when the gold rush was just beginning, the times and men were rough and women were a commodity since there were so few. After being sold into prostitution as a child and having no other way to survive, Angel was forced to continue being used.

Although she had hopes of a new future, her experiences taught her not to rely on God or anyone else to help her as they never had before. Her hatred was the main thing keeping her alive.

It starts off right at the beginning drawing the reader in by shedding some light onto the horrors and trauma Angel faced which ultimately led to understanding her as a character.

When she met Michael Hosea, a God fearing and obedient man, she had no idea he would be part of changing her life. Michael, set out to fulfill God’s calling to him. He would marry Angel and love her unconditionally, no matter how difficult she made it.

Going through the story is a roller coaster of emotions every time Angel tries to outrun her past. Her husband and God refuse to give up on her, no matter how hard she fought back.

Christian Connection

“It is a powerful retelling of the book of Hosea, and is a life-changing story of God’s unconditional, redemptive, all-consuming love.” A true test of the human spirit as the reader sees how Angel changes with the love of God and her husband.


5 stars! I recommend this book to everyone! It is an amazing story and you will not be disappointed after reading it. However, you may need a box of tissues to get through it, but it will be worth it!

Another Book by Francine Rivers

“The Scarlet Thread” is another amazing book by this author and definitely worth a read. To see a book review on it, click here .

redeeming love francine rivers book review

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[…] Rivers was the second book of hers I read. After reading, and falling in love with her book “Redeeming Love” I was excited to read another book of hers. I was not […]

[…] Check out more information and a book review on Redeeming Love here: https://liveandlearnjourney.com/redeeming-love-book-review/ […]

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Redeeming Love

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redeeming love francine rivers book review

Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

Redeeming Love by the reigning Queen of Christian Romance, Francine River, is a retelling of the story of Hosea and his wife Gomer. Ms. Rivers has turned beautiful scripture into a hauntingly beautiful Christian Romance. The setting is the mid eighteen hundreds in California. When Hosea asked God to send him a wife, he wasn’t expecting to find her in a brothel. Obeying God , Hosea asked the beautiful Angel to be his wife. Angel’s heart was hardened; men had used her since she was eight years old. All she really wanted was a father that would love her; her father reject her, and a caregiver sold her to a pedophile. Her whole life had been one of bondage. Hosea rescued her and slowly chipped away at the walls she had built around herself for protection. Twice she ran away from him, and twice he lovingly brought her back. He loved her, cherished her, and lived a Godly life in front of her. He came to realize that she must give her heart to God before she could give it to him. Make sure you have plenty of tissues, a glass of tea, and a little snack on hand before you start reading. Because once you start, you will not want to get up along enough to fetch any of the above. Redeeming Love is one of the most beautiful love stories ever written. I was already familiar with the story of Hosea and Gomer. I have always found it a beautiful love story. Ms. Rivers brings the scripture to life. She brings out the emotions and the gripping lessons that might be over looked. Redeeming Love demonstrates forgiveness, unconditional love of the Lord, the sanctity of marriage, and the understanding that we are to have no other gods before Him. This book reveals that Jesus Christ changes lives. There are oodles of Biblical truths in this book. The plot was filled with twists and turns that keep me turning the pages. I could not put this book down. The characters are easy to relate to them. I saw myself at more than one moment. While I was caught up in each character, I think Paul stood out the most. He was angry and judgmental; aren’t we all at one time or another? I eagerly await Ms. River’s next book. Anyone that enjoys reading romance will benefit from this book.


The first day I bought this book, I sat on my desk and told myself I'd just read a chapter before I go to bed. That was 9pm. No matter how hard I tried, I could not put the book down. I found myself teary eyed, reading the ending, at 5am the next morning. Intending to read just the first few pages, I ended up reading the entire book in one sitting (with one bathroom break!). Everytime Angel would run away from Michael's love, I would say, "you stupid, ungrateful woman!" But as I was reading, God reminded me of all the times when I myself would backslide from my faith, thinking that I could make it on my own without Him - and of how unconditional His love is (like Michael's) when I come to my senses and ask for His forgiveness. After I finished the novel, I couldn't help but thank God for His forgiving, faithful, redeeming love. I definitely recommend this book. But don't read it like I did - Don't read it in one sitting until 5am when you need to be at work at 7am.!!

Bonnie McKinzie

I have read very widely, and rarely if ever, has a fiction book held my attention and deep emotions as this book did. Francine Rivers shows the life of children sold into prostitution and the traps they seem to stay in forever. She shows what real married love looks like and the contrasts between good and bad, sweet and bitter, happiness and sadness, truth and lies, all are a major part of this very, very excellent Christian fiction book! It should be required reading in all high schools, private or public and I will recommend this books to all the homeschooling groups I can find. Congratulations Francine, you have done to my heart, mind and emotions what few if any authors have managed to do!

Ok, I know you read the reviews, and it's always " oh this is a great book," or " you just have to read it," " its the best book in the whole wide world" and you think, "yep, heard that line said before..." well, I don't want you to think that I'm just writing this review and coming up with those lines. BUT I'm serious, this is the best book I have ever read. I have a read a ton of books in my day, and Francine Rivers is by far the best author I have come across. I also recommend the Mark of the Lion series by her. Those were excellent also. Francine Rivers has wonderfuly portrayed the book of Hosea through this story. It shows God's unconditional love for us, no matter what we've done in the past. He loves for who we are. Its wonderful, isn't it? I highly recommend these books and I hope all of you who read them enjoy them as much as I did.

I've read every book for Francine Rivers that I could get my hands on and this one is by far her best. A gripping story demonstrating God's love, I couldn't put down Redeeming Love once I started. I read until three in the morning. I laughed, I cried, I rediscovered precious truths that I had forgotten about God's love. I would recommend this book to any one. I was sorry when I read the last page. I wish I could have read more about Michael and Sarah's life.

R. C. Luther

W-O-W!!! This book is just amazing. A retelling of the story of Hosea in an 1850s California setting. I felt so deeply for Michael all throughout, and I had such a hard time even putting the book down! (I even got scared by the waiter at a drive-in restaurant today, because I got so engrossed!) I just hope that I can have that much faith in God, and follow His will no matter what, even when it hurts or seems wrong to the worldly point of view.

Marnee Downing

When Redeeming Love was first released, as an admirer of Francine's story telling skills I rushed out to buy a copy. After reading it I returned to clear out the shelves of three different book stores, buying 4-5 copies at a shot. When it was released in hardback through a book club, I bought another 5 copies. Why so many books? Because it is the BEST witness of the Father's love that I can give to someone who will not listen to "God talk" or read traditional Christian fiction. What is a well written romance on the surface, is so much more at its core. This story gets inside of the readers heart and mind, it creates a hunger to be loved unconditionally. To be loved in a manner the world via Hollywood tells us is possible, but life experince tells us is not. This is God's love at work in Michael's life and Angel's, and for those readers who allow it, in our lives as well. We all sin and fall short of the mark, Angel did so in a very public manner. We all need to be redeemed, to know that we are loved beyond measure. Francine's retelling of the book of Hosea allows a glimpse of the depth and breadth of the Father's love for each of us.

I absolutely loved this book. Angel can't believe that Michael Hosea really loves her. Even though he knows she was a prostitute, he still loves her. It's inconceivable to her that anyone could love her without having ulterior motives. Michael lovingly and tenderly persists in showing Angel that his love is unconditional and that there are no strings attached. This isn't just a wonderful love story. It shows each of us how much our Heavenly Father loves us. Yes, we are sinful. We're not perfect. Yet He persists in loving us. My favorite authors are Francine Rivers, Lorie Wick, and Robin Jones Gunn. They have worked hard to take Christian fiction to new heights.

Before reading this book, I had no clue what it was. I just found it on a bookshelf and began reading it. This is the best, most moving novel I have ever read. Based on the book of the Bible, Hosea, Francine Rivers clearly portrays the meaning of TRUE love and how we should live by love and forgive others as God has done for us. This book is not only outstanding and addicting, but it teaches lessons about life and TRUE Christianity that can change you forever.

Nadyne G. Morgan

I LOVED this book! Ordinarily, I do not recommend religious books to anyone, because what works for me will not usually work for other people. In times past, I would simply say that I enjoyed the book, but would be very noncommittal when asked if I would recommend it. This time, however, I highly recommend this book! It was an excellent retelling of the story of Gomer and Hosea. It moved me from anger to love, from tears of sorrow to tears of joy. It was a great example of how God's love, expressed through man, can heal another person's heart. It showed how no matter how far we try to run, God is always there for us and with us, and He will take as much time as we need to teach us of Him and His love. Redeeming Love is, at its heart, a story of restoration and forgiveness -- the kind that has to take place not only on a spiritual level, but also on an intrapersonal level and within one's self. It's also a lesson on judgement. So many people had so quickly passed judgement on Angel that she internalized their negativity, and they missed out on the opportunity to heal her wounded spirit. Even Micheal almost missed his chance, until he allowed the Lord completely bend his will to the divine purpose the Lord had intended. This book will make you fully appreciate the goodness of the Lord. I will awaken in your spirit a renewed desire to be drawn into His fold. If you are not moved by this story, check your pulse, you may be dead.

I am an avid fan of Francine Rivers; have been for a long time. I had read the Mark of the Lion series, as well as Atonement Child and Sin Eater prior to reading this- Redeeming Love. I saved it till last, I believe, because it was her first, and I wanted to read her later works to be able to compare the first book to. I was proven wrong. This book is a masterful expression of the Christian mind- and of the mind polluted by sins kept as baggage...by the mind that believes that no one loves them...by the mind that is resistent to any love and affection in their lives! What a powerful book, and powerful stories. You will love Angel- a hurt, lost former prostitute- and her husband, Michael, a devout Christian farmer willing to go to hell and back (pardon the pun) for his wife. Read this book- you won't be disappointed. WARNING: YOUR LIFE MAY BE CHANGED.

I think the book is a great book. I could see myself in Angel; always trying to run away from GOD'S love to other unprofitable things. However, I believe the book was, sometimes, unnecessarily graphic. Even though bad words weren't used, some descriptions of some characters sexual engagement was too vivid, and, in my opinion, disturbing.


Whole Bible Believer

  • Jan 20, 2022

Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers, a Book Review

Updated: Oct 2, 2022

redeeming love francine rivers book review

Not one to visit movie theatres with regularity, I happened to be sitting in the local mega theatre to watch West Side Story with my wife. It being a fifteen-year-married date, we arrived early and were the second and third person in the theatre of this highly anticipated remake. Then, the twenty-five minutes of previews came on, and that's when I took off my glasses (what I usually do because R-rated movie producers usually only trim a trailer enough to make it less specifically offensive to me). The third trailer in this long lineup was Redeeming Love , which opened with multiple scenes suggesting prostitution and the line of a boy stating that he absolutely must meet a pretty girl prostitute, the girl being Angel. This clip is followed closely by Angel's provocative introduction in her brothel room. Here, my wife reacted out loud, "Nope, find a better one, Mister," Mister being the actor that felt compelled enough to go woo a harlot. I, on the other hand, immediately thought of Hosea and Gomer in the Bible and was intrigued. Furthering my intrigue was the mid-trailer credit. The mid-trailer screen had splashed "Based on the Best Selling Novel by Francine Rivers" across a picturesque hillside in white semi-transparent font. I had a faint recollection of Francine Rivers as an author and associated her with Christianity somehow, but then with the following smash-bang-walloping preview upon me, I returned to watching. My curiosity returned later that day, after the clinch of our date, and after looking up the details online, I discovered that my inkling was correct. Mister Michael Hosea and Angel were meant to be a modern-day recreation of the book of Hosea’s famous characters, only set in the 1800s California gold-rush era. This was much more interesting to me than a culturally-pushy musical about fringe friends of sob-story criminals inconveniently falling in love like I watched in West Side Story . Long paragraph short, I bought Francine's book and read it through and through, and it is safe to say after having done so that when figuratively comparing it to the recent West Side Story, Francine’s remake is better.

Michael Hosea, a relatable, idealistic farmer having moved from east to west coast with his brother-in-law Paul and his little sister Tessie, takes to providing vegetables and grain for the area's many gold seekers. He grows his produce out on his isolated property and transports his surplus harvest by wagon into Pair-a-Dice, the nearest town with its ironic name, to sell to Joseph, the small city merchandizer. Having escaped the influence of his slave-owning father, he has brought his Bible and his moral convictions to a place that is slowly being overrun by greed, poverty, and human depravity. This is where, while delivering his most recent crop surplus to Joseph, he sees Angel walking stoically down the street, advertising her services as the town's most highly sought-after prostitute.

Compared to Michael, Angel has a more cringeworthy past that frames her negativity and outlook, but it’s a past to which many people can sadly relate in some embarrassing shade of color. Hers is one of neglect and sexual abuse. Her father, her mother, her Uncle Rab, and Duke are the culprits of her abuse and the cause of her present circumstances that leave her with no working options but to submit to the darkening nights of the Pair-a-Dice brothel and its exploitive owner, Duchess.

Michael's determination to have this prostitute for a wife is met with predictable and sometimes comical resistance, like when Angel replies to Michael that he was only the third customer to propose...that day, but that she is flattered—sarcastically. The narrative continues in this manner, highlighting all the frailties found in the notion that a Christian marriage will erase any scarred or suffering past simply because it’s legitimate and well intended. I think this same frailty is what my wife immediately identified during the preview, being the mother of a boy that could soon face the entangling ramifications of a similar relationship.

Francine Rivers is forward when it comes to her paralleling the Bible's story, even weaving references to it into the dialogue. Yet, while knowing the book of Hosea inside and out, I was kept on the edge of my seat, fingers ready to turn the page, throughout her spiraling adventure. Michael and Angel's relationship is anything but predictable, and there are many aspects of their relationship that reflect typical marital troubles, troubles I, myself, have faced. Troubles of trying to reform your spouse, feelings of unworthiness, and experiencing neglect amongst others. The most surprising element of the story and impactful takeaway from my vantage point is from Michael realizing that he can't heal Angel's spiritual wounds, despite the amount of gold and sweat he dispenses attempting to do so. This aspect of the story and how Michael eventually proceeds is the windfall nugget that Francine has placed in her exciting Rivers-tale that I will leave for you to find.

While you go searching, here is one of my favorite musical groups, NeedToBreathe, with their song “Who Am I” that bears the same raw question as Redeeming Love .


As to how this novel converts to the screen play that is set to be released tomorrow, January 21st of 2022, does make me cringe a little. Mostly because to read of certain atrocities is one thing—reading is rather censorable—but to watch them is considerably less of a controllable experience that more quickly veers toward obscene. However, with Francine aiding Director D.J. Caruso as Executive Producer for the film, I'm about as confident as Michael Hosea is in marrying Angel that the moral of the film will shine like the sunrise over the hillside did when Angel saw it for the first time from Michael's arms.

Movie Update — Please check out this Plugged-In movie review by the talented writers Kennedy Unthank and Adam R. Holz before buying your movie tickets. As I suspected, it appears that the redemptive moral shines through well enough, but the sexual content is displayed to such a degree that it would be inappropriate for me to watch. So, I’ll pass. (Ironically, according to Kennedy and Adam, the obscene parts of the story that I was originally concerned about did happen off-scene.)

Keep keeping an eye out for good literature,

Purchase a copy of Francine Rivers' book, Redeeming Love , from WalterBrookMultnomah.com

(this is not an affiliate link)

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Francine Rivers

Redeeming Love

The classic love story that has captured the hearts of millions of readers worldwide.

Movie Tie-In Edition

redeeming love francine rivers book review

Paperback Edition

Redeeming Love

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Movie tie-in.

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About the Book

Soon to be a major motion picture! A Washington Post , Publishers Weekly, CBA, and ECPA bestseller.

California’s Gold Country in 1850 is a time when men sell their souls for a bag of gold and women sell their bodies for a place to sleep. Angel expects nothing from men but betrayal. Sold into prostitution as a child, she survives by keeping her hatred alive. And what she hates most are the men who use her, leaving her empty and dead inside. Then she meets Michael Hosea. A man who seeks his Father’s heart in everything, Michael Hosea obeys God’s call to marry Angel and to love her unconditionally. Slowly, day by day, he defies Angel’s every bitter expectation until, despite her resistance her frozen heart begins to thaw. But with her unexpected softening come overwhelming feelings of unworthiness and fear. And so Angel runs. Back to the darkness, away from her husband’s pursuing love, terrified of the truth she can no longer deny: Her final healing must come from the One who loves her even more than Michael Hosea does…the One who will never let her go.

“Writers like Rivers are why people buy Christian Fiction.” — Publishers Weekly

“A splendid piece of work exploring both physical love and a love of God…There is not one false note in this wonderful novel.” — Library Journal

“A masterful, unique writing achievement. This is a thought-provoking novel that you will not easily forget.” — RT Book Reviews

“The truth that ran through that book [ Redeeming Love ], absolutely brought me to my knees. I was a changed person after reading that book.” —Amy Grant, Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter

“Simply put,  Redeeming Love  is the most powerful work of fiction you will ever read.” —Liz Curtis Higgs,  New York Times  bestselling author

“My heart and soul were profoundly shaken as I realized anew the lessons portrayed through the stories of Hosea and Gomer, Michael and Angel. This may be the single most moving book you will read this year—or in your lifetime.” —Angela Hunt, New York Times bestselling author

“ Redeeming Love  is a literary masterpiece, reminding us that God’s love is unconditional. I read it twenty years ago and I knew then this book would be a classic and it is.” —Debbie Macomber, #1  New York Times  bestselling author

The prince of darkness is a gentleman. SHAKESPEARE


Alex Stafford was just like Mama said. He was tall and dark, and Sarah had never seen anyone so beautiful. Even dressed in dusty riding clothes, his hair damp with perspiration, he was like the princes in the stories Mama read. Sarah’s heart beat with wild joy and pride. None of the other fathers she saw at Mass compared to him.

He looked at her with his dark eyes, and her heart sang. She was wearing her best blue frock and white pinafore, and Mama had braided her hair with pink and blue ribbons. Did Papa like the way she looked? Mama said blue was his favorite color, but why didn’t he smile? Was she fidgeting? Mama said to stand straight and still and act like a lady. She said he would like that. But he didn’t look pleased at all.

“Isn’t she beautiful, Alex?” Mama said. Her voice sounded strange…tight, like she was choking. “Isn’t she the most beautiful little girl you’ve ever seen?”

Sarah watched Papa’s dark eyes frown. He didn’t look happy. He looked angry. Like Mama looked sometimes when Sarah talked too much or asked too many questions.

“Just a few minutes,” Mama said quickly. Too quickly. Was she afraid? But why? “That’s all I’m asking, Alex. Please. It would mean so much to her.” Alex Stafford stared down at Sarah. His mouth was pressed tight, and he studied her silently. Sarah stood as still as she could. She’d stared at herself in the mirror so long this morning, she knew what he would see. She had her father’s chin and nose, and her mother’s blonde hair and fair skin. Her eyes were like her mother’s, too, although they were even more blue. Sarah wanted Papa to think she was pretty, and she gazed up at him hopefully. But the look in his eyes was not a nice one.

“Did you pick blue on purpose, Mae?” Papa’s words startled Sarah. They were cold and angry. “Because it brings out the color of her eyes?”

Sarah couldn’t help it, she glanced at her mother—and her heart fell. Mama’s face was filled with hurt.

Alex glanced toward the foyer. “Cleo!”

“She’s not here,” Mama said quietly, keeping her head high. “I gave her the day off.”

Papa’s eyes seemed to get even darker. “Did you? Well, that leaves you in a fix, doesn’t it, darling?”

Mama stiffened, then bit her lip and glanced down at Sarah. What was wrong? Sarah wondered sadly. Wasn’t Papa happy to see her? She had been so excited that she was actually going to be with him at last, even for a little while.…

“What would you have me do?” Mama’s words were directed at Papa, so Sarah stayed silent, still hoping.

“Send her away. She knows how to find Cleo, I would imagine.”

Pink spots appeared on Mama’s cheeks. “Meaning what, Alex? That I entertain others in your absence?”

Sarah’s smile fell in confusion. They spoke so coldly to one another. Neither looked at her. Had they forgotten she was there? What was wrong? Mama was distraught. Why was Papa so angry about Cleo not being home? Chewing her lip, Sarah looked between them. Stepping closer, she tugged on her father’s coat. “Papa…”

“Don’t call me that.”

She blinked, frightened and confused by his manner. He was her papa. Mama said so. He even brought her presents every time he came. Mama gave them to her. Maybe he was angry that she had never thanked him. “I want to thank you for the presents you—”

“Hush, Sarah,” her mother said quickly. “Not now, darling.”

Papa flashed Mama a thunderous look. “Let her speak. It’s what you wanted, isn’t it? Why are you shushing her now, Mae?”

Mama stepped closer and put her hand on Sarah’s shoulder. Sarah could feel Mama’s fingers trembling, but Papa bent toward her now, smiling. “What presents?” he said.

He was so handsome, just like Mama said. She was proud to have a father like him.

“Tell me, little one.”

“I always like the candies you bring me,” Sarah said, feeling warm and proud beneath his attention. “They are very nice. But best of everything, I love the crystal swan.”

She smiled again, glowing with joy that Papa listened to her so carefully. He even smiled, though Sarah wasn’t sure she liked his smile. It was small and tight.

“Indeed,” he said and straightened. He looked at Mama. “I’m so pleased to know how much my gifts mean.”

Sarah looked up at her father, thrilled at his approval. “I put it on my windowsill. The sun shines through it and makes colors dance on the wall. Would you like to come and see?” She took his hand. When he jerked away, she blinked, hurt, not understanding.

Mama bit her lip and reached out a hand toward Papa, then stopped suddenly. She looked afraid again. Sarah looked from one parent to the other, struggling to understand. What had she done wrong? Wasn’t Papa pleased that she liked his presents?

“So you pass on my gifts to the child,” Papa said. “It’s good to know what they mean to you.”

Sarah bit her lip at the coldness in Papa’s voice, but before she could speak, Mama touched her shoulder gently. “Darling, be a good girl and go outside and play now.”

Sarah looked up, distressed. Had she done something wrong? “Can’t I stay? I’ll be very quiet.” Mama couldn’t seem to say more. Her eyes were moist and she looked at Papa.

Alex bent down to Sarah. “I want you to go outside and play,” he said quietly. “I want to talk to your mother alone.” He smiled and patted her cheek.

Sarah smiled, utterly enchanted. Papa had touched her; he wasn’t angry at all. He loved her! Just as Mama said. “Can I come back when you’re done talking?”

Papa straightened stiffly. “Your mother will come and get you when she’s ready. Now, run along as you’ve been told.”

“Yes, Papa.” Sarah wanted to stay, but she wanted to please her father more. She went out of the parlor, skipping through the kitchen to the back door. She picked a few daisies that grew in the garden patch by the door and then headed for the rose trellis. She plucked the petals. “He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not.…” She hushed as she came around the corner. She didn’t want to disturb Mama and Papa. She just wanted to be close to them.

Sarah dreamed contentedly. Maybe Papa would put her up on his shoulders. She wondered if he would take her for a ride on his big black horse.

She would have to change her dress, of course. He wouldn’t want her to soil it. She wished he had let her sit on his lap while he talked to Mama. She would have liked that very much, and she would have been no bother. The parlor window was open, and she could hear voices. Mama loved the smell of roses to fill the parlor. Sarah wanted to sit and listen to her parents. That way she would know just when Papa wanted her to come back again. If she was very quiet, she wouldn’t disturb them, and all Mama would have to do was lean out and call her name.

“What was I to do, Alex? You’ve never spent so much as a minute with her. What was I to tell her? That her father doesn’t care? That he wishes she had never even been born?”

Sarah’s lips parted. Deny it, Papa! Deny it!

“I brought that swan back from Europe for you, and you throw it away on a child who has no appreciation for its value. Did you give her the pearls as well? What about the music box? I suppose she got that, too!”

The daisies fluttered from Sarah’s hand. She sat down on the ground, careless of her pretty dress. Her heart slowed from its wild, happy beat. Everything inside her seemed to spiral downward with each word.

“Alex, please. I didn’t see any harm in it. It made it easier. She asked me this morning if she was old enough yet to meet you. She asks me every time she knows you’re coming. How could I say no to her again? I didn’t have the heart. She doesn’t understand your neglect, and neither do I.”

“You know how I feel about her.”

“How can you say how you feel? You don’t even know her. She’s a beautiful child, Alex. She’s quick and charming and she isn’t afraid of anything. She’s like you in so many ways. She’s someone , Alex. You can’t ignore her existence forever. She’s your daughter.…”

“I have enough children by my wife. Legitimate children. I told you I didn’t want another.”

“How can you say that? How can you not love your own flesh and blood?”

“I told you how I felt from the beginning, but you wouldn’t listen. She should never have been born, Mae, but you insisted on having your own way.”

“Do you think I wanted to get pregnant? Do you think I planned to have her?”

“I’ve often wondered. Especially when I arranged a way out of the situation for you and you refused. The doctor I sent you to would have taken care of the whole mess. He would’ve gotten rid—”

“I couldn’t do it. How could you expect me to kill my unborn child? Don’t you understand? It’s a mortal sin.”

“You’ve spent too much time in church,” he said derisively. “Have you ever thought that you wouldn’t have the problems you do now if you had gotten rid of her the way I told you. It would’ve been easy. But you ran out.”

“I wanted her!” Mama said brokenly. “She was part of you, Alex, and part of me. I wanted her even if you didn’t.…”

“Is that the real reason?”

“You’re hurting me, Alex!”

Sarah flinched as something shattered. “Is that the real reason, Mae? Or did you have her because you thought bearing my child would give you a hold over me you otherwise lacked?”

“You can’t believe that!” Mama was crying now. “You do, don’t you? You’re a fool, Alex. Oh, what have I done? I gave up everything for you! My family, my friends, my self-respect, everything I believed in, every hope I ever had.…”

“I bought you this cottage. I give you all the money you could possibly need.”

Mama’s voice rose strangely. “Do you know what it’s like for me to walk down the street in this town? You come and go when and as you please. And they know who you are, and they know what I am. No one looks at me. No one speaks to me. Sarah feels it, too. She asked me about it once, and I told her we were different from other people. I didn’t know what else to say.” Her voice broke. “I’ll probably go to hell for what I’ve become.”

“I’m sick of your guilt and I’m sick of hearing about that child. She’s ruining everything between us. Do you remember how happy we were? We never argued. I couldn’t wait to come to you, to be with you.”

“And how much time do I have left with you today? Enough? You’ve used it up on her. I told you what would happen, didn’t I? I wish she had never been born!”

Mama cried out a terrible name. There was a crash. Terrified, Sarah got up and ran. She raced through Mama’s flowers and across the lawn and onto the pathway to the springhouse. She ran until she couldn’t run anymore. Gasping, her sides burning, she dropped into the tall grass, her shoulders heaving with sobs, her face streaked with tears. She heard a horse galloping toward her. Scrambling for a better hiding place in the vines about the creek, she peered out and saw her father ride by on his great black horse. Ducking down, she huddled there, crying, and waited for Mama to come fetch her.

But Mama didn’t come and she didn’t call. After a while, Sarah wandered back to the springhouse and sat by the flowered vines and waited longer. By the time Mama came, Sarah had dried her tears and dusted off her pretty frock. She was still shaking from what she had heard.

Mama was very pale, her eyes dull and red rimmed. There was a blue mark on the side of her face. She had tried to cover it with powder. She smiled, but it wasn’t like her usual smile.

“Where have you been, darling? I’ve been looking and looking for you.” Sarah knew she hadn’t. She had been watching for her. Mama licked her lacy handkerchief and wiped a smudge from Sarah’s cheek. “Your father was called away suddenly on business.”

“Is he coming back?” Sarah was afraid. She never wanted to see him again. He had hurt Mama and made her cry.

“Maybe not for a long time. We’ll have to just wait and see. He’s a very busy and important man.” Sarah said nothing, and her Mama lifted her and hugged her close. “It’s all right, sweetheart. You know what we’re going to do? We’re going to go back to the cottage and change our dresses. Then we’ll pack a picnic and go down to the creek. Would you like that?”

Sarah nodded and put her arms around Mama’s neck. Her mouth trembled, and she tried not to cry. If she cried, Mama might guess she had been eavesdropping and then she would be angry too.

Mama held her tightly, her face buried in Sarah’s hair. “We’ll make it through this. You’ll see, sweetheart. We will. We will.”

Discussion Guide

Download an enhanced reader group guide.

“He [Jesus] was despised and rejected—a man of sorrows, acquainted with bitterest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way when he went by. He was despised, and we did not care.” ISAIAH 53:3
  • How was Sarah/Angel rejected and betrayed? What were her earliest experiences with God and/or the church?
  • What experience did Michael have with rejection or betrayal? Contrast Michael’s and Angel’s examples in coping with life’s circumstances.
  • Who else in the story suffered from rejection or betrayal, and how did they cope?
  • Which character do you identify with the most and why?
  • Describe a time when you were rejected or betrayed. To whom did you turn and why?


“You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are your thoughts about me, O God!” PSALM 139:15-17
  • Where was God when you were born? How does that make you feel? What else do you learn about God from these verses?
  • How would you relate these verses to Angel? Relate these same verses to yourself.
“God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” ROMANS 8:28
  • When Angel experienced rejection and betrayal, was God calling her? What good was He working in her life?
  • When you have faced rejection or betrayal, was God calling you? What good has He worked in your life in relation to those circumstances?


“Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many counselors bring success.” PROVERBS 15:22
“People may be pure in their own eyes, but the LORD examines their motives.” PROVERBS 16:2

Which scene do you feel best shows how Angel was resigned to relying on no one but herself? What events caused her to do so? Why do you think she never cried out to God?

  • Contrast Michael with Angel in regard to authority.
  • Describe Miriam’s relationship with God. Why were her attitudes and beliefs so different from Angel’s?
  • On whom do you rely and why?
“He [God] will rescue the poor when they cry to him; he will help the oppressed, who have no one to defend them. He feels pity for the weak and the needy, and he will rescue them. He will save them from oppression and from violence, for their lives are precious to him.” PSALM 72:12–14
  • What do you learn about God’s character from these verses?
  • What is our part in experiencing God’s help? What holds you back?
  • Discuss the characters in light of these verses.
  • In what ways was God calling Angel while she was relying only on herself? What good was He working?
  • In what ways has God been calling you, regardless of whom you rely on? How is He working good for you through that process?
“Though I am surrounded by troubles, you will preserve me against the anger of my enemies. You will clench your fist against my angry enemies! Your power will save me. The LORD will work out his plans for my life— for your faithful love, O LORD, endures forever. Don’t abandon me, for you made me.” PSALM 138:7–8
  • Who helped Michael escape his past? In what ways was he rescued?
  • Angel repeatedly tried to escape her circumstances. Describe the various plans.
  • Contrast Hosea, the slave who helped Michael, with the slave dealer Duke.
  • Discuss Michael’s rescue of Angel from the hand of Magowan.
  • Why do you think Angel returned to her former ways?
  • From what or whom are you trying to escape and why?
  • What causes you to return to old habits?
“For ‘Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?” ROMANS 10:13–14
  • How would you apply these verses to Angel? According to these verses, why had she never cried out to God? Who was responsible?
  • What keeps you from crying out to God? What can you do about it now?
  • List any ways in which God was calling Angel at this juncture in her life.
  • Can you see the good He was working around her? List it.
  • What about your life? How has God rescued you? How has He called you and worked good through that?
“He [Jesus] gave his life to free us from every kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to make us his very own people, totally committed to doing what is right.” TITUS 2:14
  • Angel was bought and sold on numerous occasions. What was different about Michael’s redeeming her? Discuss the role of trust (or lack of trust) in Angel.
  • When Michael and Angel helped the Altman family, what did Angel learn about Michael? Herself? God?
  • Describe the changes in actions and thinking that took place after Angel was rescued a second time by Michael. What do you think caused the changes?
  • What trust issues do you have? Who has God placed in your life as positive examples?
“God saved you by his special favor when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” EPHESIANS 2:8–10
  • List everything you learn about salvation from these verses.
  • What is God’s part? What is your part?
  • Apply this passage to Angel.
  • How is God creating you anew?
  • How do you see God’s call in Angel’s life by this point? What specifically does she discover for herself?
  • List some of the good that is happening in her life.
  • What specific discoveries have you made for yourself regarding God’s call?
  • List some of the good that is happening in your life.
“And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will accept. When you think of what he has done for you, is this too much to ask? Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” ROMANS 12:1–2
  • What caused Angel to leave yet again?
  • How is this different from before?
  • Why was it necessary for Paul to be the one to find Angel?
  • What did he learn about himself? How did this help him?
  • What did Angel learn through this experience?
  • What was Michael learning through this difficult time?
  • Is there someone who needs to be reconciled with you? Or, do you need to be the one who does the reconciling, like Paul did? Explain.
Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. 1 PETER 4:8
So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and in his good time he will honor you. Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about what happens to you. 1 PETER 5:6–7
  • What covers sin? To what extent?
  • What does God do for those who humble themselves before him? Why?
  • How would you apply these verses to the characters—which characters, and why?
  • How does pride hold you back from experiencing peace and forgiveness?
God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. ROMANS 8:28
  • How has God’s call affected Angel’s life now?
  • Describe the good that now flows from her life.
  • Is God’s calling having its full effect on your life? Why or why not?
  • What good are you sharing with others?


“In his kindness God called you to his eternal glory by means of Jesus Christ. After you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.” 1 PETER 5:10
  • What steps had Angel taken to restore her spirit?
  • What were the lasting effects of Angel’s soul search?
  • What steps did Angel take to restore her marriage? How did Michael respond?
  • In what ways did God reward Sarah and Michael?
  • What have you learned about the love of a man for a woman?
  • What have you learned about the love of God for all mankind–including you?
“And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts as you trust in him. May your roots go down deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love really is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great you will never fully understand it…. By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.” EPHESIANS 3:17–20
  • How would you describe God’s love from these verses? What does He offer us?
  • How did Sarah and Michael discover this to be true for their lives?
  • What does God want to do for you? What does He want from you?
  • How would you sum up God’s call in the life of Angel/Sarah? Describe the progress made in her life that was good from God’s hand.
  • Go back and look at your own progress. How would you sum up God’s call in your life?
  • What progress has been made that you can attribute to God working good in you?

May God continue to work good in your life as you continue to respond to His call.

Audio Excerpt

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Redeeming Love Books

Redeeming Love

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Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

  • Publication Date: May 9, 1997
  • Genres: Christian , Fiction , Historical Fiction
  • Paperback: 479 pages
  • Publisher: Multnomah Books
  • ISBN-10: 1590525132
  • ISBN-13: 9781590525135
  • About the Book
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All About Romance

Redeeming Love is a classic in the Christian market and straddles the genres of romance and Christian fiction. The story, first published in 1991, is based on selected chapters from Hosea, a biblical book from a minor prophet, in which God asks the prophet to marry a prostitute, a marriage that symbolizes God’s steadfast love for His people.  After the book’s first publication for the general romance market, Ms. Rivers edited the manuscript several years later to enhance its biblical connection, and Multnomah Press republished it in 2001. I read the original 1991 version of Redeeming Love and found it unsatisfying. However, with a motion picture release scheduled for 2022, Multnomah has re-issued the author’s 2001 edited version. Having read the re-issue, I can say that If you haven’t read the novel, now is a great time to dive in and experience a powerful story of faithful love.

The first time Michael Hosea sees the striking woman and her brawny escort on the streets of Pair-a-Dice, he is struck by her beauty and self-possession, but also hears God’s voice, clear and strong, telling him that she is the one, the one who must be his wife. As a man of God, Michael is agreeable, but questions the request when he learns that the woman is Angel, the most sought-after prostitute in the town. But God’s message is firm. Michael, a frugal and prosperous farmer, has enough gold dust saved to visit Angel every night for nearly a week, talking to her, trying to convince her to go away with him.

To Angel, Michael Hosea is a fool, and is no doubt using his words to entice her into some kind of sexual relationship. Sold into prostitution as a child, Angel has never known a man to want anything else from a woman than sex and to lie, deceive and use force to get it. She turns Michael down repeatedly, but when he finally runs out of gold dust and returns to his farm, Angel reviews her situation and concludes that her life is worthless. She taunts her bodyguard into brutally beating her and hopes that she will die. When she regains consciousness, it is Michael Hosea’s face she sees and through the haze of pain, agrees to become his wife. Now, on Michael’s farm, begins the long journey the man of God and the prostitute take together. He teaches, cares, and loves while she chafes, stubbornly resists, and runs – again and again.

The novel begins with the series of events that bring Angel to her current profession. The basic romance arc is then ready to play out: two people meet, there are conflicts to  overcome, and there is the hope of a happily-ever-after. The problems this couple face move the story into the realm of Christian fiction. God stands in the center. His message is firm, His love unending, His presence undeniable. The plot is simple and circular. Michael loves, Angel runs, Michael finds her and brings her back to show her his continuing love.  Angel’s belief in her own unworthiness pushes her away from Michael and any thought of God, while the story reveals that only God’s love will be enough to bring her back to Michael permanently.

Although the retelling of Angel’s childhood provides the motivation for Angel’s resistance and is a good piece of writing, I felt that the retelling slowed the pacing and was not absolutely necessary for the story to work. In the writing, there are also some perspective shifts that are unclear and some places where a quick re-read is needed in order to work out who is speaking, but overall the author has a firm hand on the storytelling and the theme, never losing direction. The descriptions of  life in Gold Rush country from both Michael’s and Angel’s perspectives are heart wrenching as well as heartwarming with details that bring the scenes to life. Michael’s almost superhuman persistence is a beautiful analogy for God’s unfailing love. The spiritual and emotional struggles of the characters are expressed through a good choice of words and phrasing that keep the reader engaged. I’ve rated the sensuality as Subtle because of the emotional wording surrounding scenes in the marriage bed.

Redeeming Love is a book that resonates long after reading it, and the story is worth experiencing more than once for its visual, emotional, and spiritual impact. I can definitely recommend that you pick up a copy of Redeeming Love .

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Sensuality:  Subtle

Publication Date:  09/2009

Review Tags:  Historical Romance sex worker western/frontier historical romance

Recent Comments …

Hope you like it!

On the TBR it goes!

Because the acts they participate in are average to your usual historical romance. Anything above a Hot needs a little…

Like at this point we have the Bridgertonification of the historical market, I’ll take anything that gives me good characters…

Sounds great – but why is the sensuality rating “warm” if the central couple is “piping hot”?

Thank you! I’m a big fan girl for this one!

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Redeeming Love Movie Review (by a longtime fan of the book)

redeeming love francine rivers book review

Written by Michelle Watson

Book reviews | movie reviews, january 23, 2022.

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I live in a tiny town way up in the mountains. We have two small cinemas, and I wasn’t expecting either of them to show the Redeeming Love movie on opening weekend. So, when I saw that one of them WAS , well, I immediately fired off emoji-filled texts to my girlfriends. A whole gaggle of us rearranged our schedules so we could see it together on opening day. 

I read the Redeeming Love book when I was in my early twenties. It made a huge impression on me. My friends read it, and we discussed it, talking about Angel like she was a real person. Over the years, I’ve bought at least a dozen copies to give away to fellow readers.

So, when I heard that Redeeming Love was being made into a movie, I immediately thought, “Oh, I hope they don’t ruin it! Is Francine Rivers involved at all?” 

Did the movie ruin the book? Was it any good?

I’ve got crazy, opinionated ideas about it all. Let’s dive in, shall we?

What is Redeeming Love about?

redeeming love francine rivers book review

The Redeeming Love book is a Christian, historical romance novel. 

The story takes place in Pair-a-Dice, a fictional town in the California Gold Country in 1850. It’s a settlement full of men hoping for a lucky strike of gold— and to get lucky with Angel, the most expensive prostitute at the town brothel.

The horrific backstory that brought Angel to the brothel left her scarred, jaded, and ruthless. She’s also powerless. Although men fall at her feet, she’s essentially a prisoner of the Dutchess, the wicked-stepmother-y brothel owner.

Enter The Hunk. Michael Hosea is a devout young farmer who has a close relationship with Jesus Christ. God calls Michael to marry Angel. So he plunks down some gold dust to get into her bedroom, and he propose marriage—with his pants up the whole time. Angel, distrustful to the core, wants nothing to do with him. 

Then, things happen…I won’t spoil it. But, ultimately, Angel comes to understand redeeming love. Not romantic love, but heavenly love from God, the Father. 

There’s a tiny little Redeeming Love book summary for ya!

Who wrote Redeeming Love?

Francine Rivers is the author of Redeeming Love . She’s got an interesting backstory. She started out as a successful romance novelist. When she came to Christ, she stopped writing mainstream romance and transitioned to Christian romance instead. Redeeming Love was her “statement of faith.” The rest is history.

“I still consider myself a struggling Christian, fraught with faults and failures, but Jesus has given me the tool of writing to use in seeking answers from Him. God is patient with me, and through the study of His Word, I am learning what He wants to teach me. When I hear from a reader who is touched by one of my stories, it is God above, and He can use anything to reach and teach His children – even a work of fiction.” Francine Rivers

Is Redeeming Love well written?

This book is written in good, genre-level craft. It’s not literary. But, for a lot of readers, that’s good. It’s easy to comprehend everything at face value, and your eyes race across the page with no friction. But, it’s not language to linger over.

Rivers’s real gift is for storytelling. Redeeming Love is such a compelling story—and that’s what makes it unforgettable, not the writing. 

When was Redeeming Love first published? 

The novel was first published in 1991. You can view a handy list of all the various print and audio editions on the author’s website . I actually owned an old-school copy, you guys! The cover looked like this:

redeeming love francine rivers book review

I’m pretty sure I let someone borrow it and never got it back. (Wah-wah.) Anyhow, the book grew to become a bestseller, and now it stands as a classic that defines the genre.

Is Redeeming Love religious? (And what kind of religious?)

You betcha it’s religious. Redeeming Love doesn’t pay lip service to Christianity. There are many Christian books (songs, movies, etc.) that have the appearance of godliness, but they deny its power (2 Tim 3:15). Redeeming Love is NOT that. This book is all about the power of God speaking to people and accomplishing the impossible.

The faith expressed in this book felt deeply familiar to me when I first read it. It was like Rivers struck a chord that had been fashioned within me long ago, making new music I could’ve sworn I’d heard before.

I was raised in the Christian faith by parents who not only believed but acted on that belief and allowed it to shape our family. I was taught to believe in the miraculous. Hearing God’s voice, seeing His hand move in a situation, feeling His prompt (or shove), witnessing a healing of body, mind, or spirit…these are things that I grew up seeing in our small church congregation. I was accustomed to hearing church members share dreams they’d been given by God. Some had visions. Others were healed of physical sicknesses, even things like cancer.

Seeing this type of faith reflected in Redeeming Love was such a blessing to me. I felt like shouting, “I know these characters! I’ve known them all my life!”

What is Redeeming Love based on?

Francine Rivers loosely based Redeeming Love on the Book of Hosea in the Bible. That’s why Michael’s last name is Hosea—nod, nod. God called the prophet Hosea to marry a prostitute named Gomer. Like Angel, Gomer wasn’t faithful to Hosea, but God called him to be faithful to her and love her no matter what, reflecting the way God loves His people Israel, even though they whored after idols—the Bible’s language, not mine (Judges 2:17).

I could never relate to the biblical Gomer. Why did she keep running away from her husband who loved her? Having sex with randos. Abandoning her kids. What’s wrong with her? Well, the character of Angel helped me “see” Gomer. 

Rivers puts Angel through hell, and Angel makes decisions based on her horrible past, what life has taught her to do. Once I got sucked into the story, Angel’s actions (running, returning to sin) seemed logical from her worldly and wounded perspective. 

It’s Michael Hosea who is the unbelievable one, ha!

Redeeming Love movie review

I confess. Over the years, I’ve searched the internet for “Is Redeeming Love a movie?” This would make such a good movie , I’d pine to myself. So, when my sister-in-law broke the news that a film was really-n-truly in the works, we both marked the news as “important” and kept it on our radar. As I mentioned, we saw the movie opening weekend.

My verdict: GO SEE IT. 

Here’s the Redeeming Love movie trailer.

A few cautions: Anyone under the age of, gosh, I dunno, 16 should not watch it due to the sex stuff. People who haven’t read the book and aren’t prepared ahead of time for the subject matter may clutch their pearls and cry, “What is this smut?!” 

This movie is not perfect. Diehard fans of the novel may nitpick at some of the changes. But it’s a solid rendering of the novel, remaining true to the central theme of God’s redemptive love. It’s entertaining, visually beautiful, and the romance totally fogs glass. 

ALSO… There are some general spoilers head.

redeeming love francine rivers book review

Redeeming Love cast—yay or nay?

In terms of appearance, the actors are all spot-on in my opinion. 

I could not stop looking at Abigail Cowen when she was onscreen. She’s a breathtaking Angel. And she’s got just enough grit to her. Despite her beauty, you can easily imagine her being on the verge of committing some criminal act. 

Tom Lewis, who plays Michael, is the perfect mix of manliness and gentleness. And Eric Dane is chilling as the Duke—a suave gentleman on the outside and a devil on the inside. 

By far, the best acting came from Logan Marshall-Green, who plays Paul, troubled brother-in-law to Michael. This guy lit up the screen.

Did the Redeeming Love movie stay true to the book?

Yes! Francine Rivers was highly involved in the script, so I heard in an interview she did. Of course, they couldn’t squeeze in every last detail from the book, but they hit all the critical plot points. There were a few key scenes that they streamlined and remade, mostly for clarity’s sake, I think. 

The most significant alteration (for me) was the climactic scene when Duke forces Angel onstage at his burlesque theater, and she exposes his perverted preference for small girls. I was really looking forward to her singing Rock of Ages, which got cut. The escape is different, and the book version is much more satisfying.

The film didn’t convey as much of the supernatural element as I thought it might. It’s hard to portray the Holy Spirit’s nudges. In the book, Rivers puts the Holy Spirit in bold, so it’s very clear.

Just come out with it. Is Redeeming Love cheesy? 

Devoted Christian moviegoers know that cheesiness comes with the territory. We suffer it because we want good, clean movies that reflect our values.

Redeeming Love does have cheese. But not a lot. It’s a 5 out of 10 on the Cheese-O-Meter. It doesn’t ruin the movie by any means. 

The character of Michael tipped the scales of cheesiness for me. It felt like they were trying a little too hard to make him normal. Sometimes there’s an undertone in Christian movies that seems to beg, “Please, don’t think we’re weird! We belong at the cool kids’ table, we do.” I can’t quite put my finger on it. 

I would’ve liked Michael to have a slightly harder edge—even to come across as unlikeable sometimes. He needs the flint that comes with setting your face toward God.

redeeming love francine rivers book review

Have there been bad reviews of the Redeeming Love movie?

Predictably, yes. The Daily Beast called it patriarchal because Angel’s whole “problem” is that she won’t submit to Michael’s “ownership” of her as his wife. Many of the plot elements, including the overall theme, just don’t make sense outside of the allegory it’s trying to portray. When viewed through worldly eyes, it doesn’t make sense. 

For example, the Beast asserts that Michael plucks Angel out of her prison because her beauty catches his eye. That’s not exactly it. Michael never would’ve pursued her if God hadn’t prompted him to do so. He would’ve oogled her and went back to the farm. 

There’s also the opinion that Angel moves from one type of slavery (prostitution) to another type of slavery (marriage). But no, she finds freedom and healing in her marriage. It’s not the freedom to do whatever she wants, whenever she wants, however she wants. It’s freedom from the weight of sin and the price it demands.

The Beast also says that the narrative promotes the prosperity sex gospel, which the columnist defines like this: “The promise suggests that God has an erotic future with a hot spouse planned for those who devoutly follow His rules, primarily if they abstain from premarital copulating.” 

No. The novel doesn’t promise this, and anyone who thinks that God promises this is wrong. But there is great beauty in following God’s design for marriage. There are great rewards. Not glossy, glittery Hollywood rewards, but true blessings that you can hold on to, that won’t move when the world tilts sideways. (If the storyline toed the line of the prosperity sex gospel, then Angel never would’ve ended up with Michael, and Paul never would’ve married Miriam.)

The Washington Post said, “ Redeeming Love is an incident-rich saga populated by cardboard heroes and villains and outfitted with greeting-card sentiments and cartoon villainy.” And they said the Christian messaging is, uh, shall we say, heavy-handed.

Okay, that’s not completely off base, ha. But this is NOT your family-friendly, feel-good popcorn film. This movie is tough to watch at times. I wouldn’t unwind with it after a long day. I certainly wouldn’t equate it with a greeting card.

redeeming love francine rivers book review

What is Redeeming Love rated, and what are the content warnings?

This film is rated PG-13, and I must say, it’s a mature PG-13. 

There is sex all ova’ the place. It’s about a prostitute, people. What do you expect? I will say that the sex scenes do NOT depict the full and complete act. There is no below-the-belt nudity. But it does push beyond the boundary of “fade to black immediately after they start kissing.”

On the good side, it shows Angel and Michael making love and enjoying it. Honestly, I don’t think this is necessarily bad if the intent is to balance out all of the glorified bad sex that mainstream movies bring to the table. 

Angel also appears topless in several scenes, with only her long, blonde hair covering her secondary sex characteristics. 

Here’s my bottom line: If you’ve seen any of the raunchy Netflix/Amazon Originals, there’s nothing in this that you haven’t seen before.

Also, dudes throw punches, sometimes abusively. Characters die onscreen, sometimes in gristly ways. 

PluggedIn by Focus on the Family does a great job of spelling out the sex scenes, nudity, and violence. If you need to know ahead of time exactly what to expect, then read this review . 

What about trigger warnings for Redeeming Love?  

Um, it will probably trigger any type of traumatic experience you’ve ever had in your life. I’m not sure if there is a trauma it doesn’t include in some way. Even little ol’ me…I suffered from infertility for years, and there were scenes that played that note.

Is Redeeming Love mommy porn?

What’s mommy porn?!?! It’s Fifty Shades of Grey . It’s Game of Thrones . (At least, I think it is…I haven’t watched or read either myself, just rumors, lol!) It’s when a mainstream book or show—the kind you can read in public and discuss with your coworkers—displays explicit sex acts for the purpose of getting the average person all steamed up. It’s porn that’s “fine” for even a mom to watch on a Saturday night with other moms. 

No, Redeeming Love is not mommy porn. 

In fact, it’s a great romance to get back into reading , especially if you’ve been in a slump and need something inspiring.

Where can I watch Redeeming Love movie?

At the moment, it’s only available to watch in theaters, but it’ll be available to stream no doubt. Since it’s a Universal picture, I read that Peacock will likely be the first platform to offer streaming.

What about you?

What did you think of the Redeeming Love movie? Drop me a comment 👇👇 with your thoughts. I love to talk books (and screen adaptations). 

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redeeming love francine rivers book review

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"Redeeming Love" is based on a best-selling novel by Francine Rivers , set during the California Gold Rush and inspired by the Biblical story of Hosea, a prophet, who married Gomer, an unfaithful woman. Publisher’s Weekly said about the book, “Writers like Rivers are why people buy Christian fiction,” and, as with the film, for some people that will be a recommendation and for others a warning. The novel has a lot of passionate fans who will want the movie to be exactly what they imagined on the page, and that is what they will find. It is sincerely made, with exceptionally attractive actors who give heartfelt performances in some beautiful settings, in a story that fits comfortably and reassuringly into a particular spiritual world view. For those who do not share that view or the storytelling traditions of giving oral testimony about horrific challenges leading to a connection to God, the film will not be as satisfying.

The title makes it clear that there will be no ambiguity about where it is going. First there will be sin and then there will be redemption through prayer. As Shakespeare said, though, the heroine in this story is “more sinned against than sinning.” She is called Angel (the angelically lovely Abigail Cowen ) and the man who will help her find redemption is Michael Hosea ( Tom Lewis ). I already pointed out the lack of ambiguity, but just to be even clearer, in the spirit of a movie that really spells everything out, it begins with a bunch of people panning for gold in the muck, one jubilantly finding a shining nugget. 

Angel is the most sought-after prostitute in the town, so prized that there is a daily lottery to be with her. We first see her gazing dully out of the window as behind her a man puts money on the table before he leaves. One of the other young women from the brothel tells her, “You’ve got to hope for something more in this world.” Angel says she gets by because “I never look back and never look forward.” That is not exactly true as there are a bunch of flashbacks as she does look back, giving us several flashbacks to see the horrific abuse she has suffered. 

Michael is a farmer who prays for a wife. He is led to Angel. He goes to the brothel and pays for her time but just talks to her. She is so traumatized that she is incapable of responding to kindness or even simple decency. He does not give up, though he wryly admits, “The next time I pray for a woman to share my life I’m going to be much more specific.” Finally, he gets her to marry him. Though she goes with him to the farm, she tells him she will only “play along until I pay you what I owe you.” He is so gentle and respectful that she begins to trust him, and so she leaves because she cannot be the woman she thinks he deserves. There will be more abuse and more healing before, well, see the title.

The relentlessness of the litany of tragic pain and loss inflicted on Angel, including incest, suicide, theft, abortion, child molestation, abandonment, sex trafficking, arson, and much more, may come across as unsettling to those not schooled in this specific form of Christian storytelling. Those from more fundamentalist traditions will be more at home with the “ Hell House ”-style fascination with (and amplification of) the sins of the world and the eternal damnation that is the consequence. Whether innate or learned, there are narrative beats familiar from most mainstream stories that make “Redeeming Love” uncomfortably unbalanced for audiences who are from other faith traditions or secular.

Cowan and Lewis make a very appealing couple, warm and natural even with the most heavy-handed dialogue. It's impossible not to root for them, and Lewis somehow makes Michael’s near-saintly patience and gallantry seem human. But the other characters are barely sketched-in props, the storyline is wildly melodramatic, and the movie is at best casual and at worst an endorsement of lynching (guilty) people accused of crimes. The biggest problem is that the most touching moments are hammered so hard. "Redeeming Love" could have tried to reach a broader audience but settles for preaching to the choir.

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Nell Minow

Nell Minow is the Contributing Editor at RogerEbert.com.

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Film credits.

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Redeeming Love (2022)

Rated PG-13 for mature thematic content, sexual content, partial nudity, and strong violent content.

134 minutes

Abigail Cowen as Angel

Tom Lewis as Michael Hosea

Logan Marshall-Green as Paul

Nina Dobrev as Mae

Famke Janssen as Duchess

Eric Dane as Duke

Wu Ke-Xi as Mai Ling

  • D. J. Caruso

Writer (book)

  • Francine Rivers
  • D.J. Caruso


  • Rogier Stoffers
  • Brian Tyler
  • Breton Vivian

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Redeeming Love Book Review (2024)

Francine sandra rivers.

Francine Sandra Rivers was born on the 12th of May, 1947, in the United States of America. Francine Rivers is a prolific American writer, primarily of fiction novels involving inspirational Christian romance stories .

Before she found God in 1986, the author mostly wrote historical romances . The most beloved novel of hers is Redeeming Love, while The Last Sin Eater was her book which was adapted as a full-length movie.

Redeeming Love Book

Francine was the daughter of a nurse mother and a police officer father. Ever since she was a kid, Francine had desires to become a writer. Francine acquired her Bachelor of Arts degree in the subjects of English and Journalism from the University of Nevada, Reno. Upon graduation Francine began working as a reporter for a newspaper, primarily spending her time writing human interest stories and obituaries.

The thing that piqued Rivers’ interest and inspired her to become a romance novelist was a series of romance books that her mother-in-law sent her. The first manuscript of Francine’s was sold and published in the year of 1976, and for the following few years she wrote exclusively historical romance books .

Francine has received quite a few awards for her works. For instance, she is in the Hall of Fame of the Romance Writers of America. She has won the most prestigious award in romance writing four times, the RWA RITA Awards. Other awards include the Holt Medallion, the ECPA Gold Medallion, and the Christy Award. At the present moment, Francine and her spouse Rick Rivers live in northern California. They have three children of their own, and five grandchildren, as well. With that all said, let’s proceed with our book review.

One of the Best Ever

Francine Rivers’ nearly five-hundred-page novel is undoubtedly among the best inspirational romances ever written, let alone one of Rivers’ best novels. The standalone novel’s merits are divine and untold. This is a book with the power to change one’s life. It was published in the year of 1991, and republished in 1997 with slight edits concerning the intimate times that the characters enjoy. You can also find it in our selection of the best Christian romance books !

Our Honest Thoughts on the Novel

Without a doubt, Redeeming Love book is an extraordinary, engrossing novels, whose grip, once it has taken hold of you, never quite let you go. The superb novel is at once touching, compelling, heartrending, beautiful, tragic, and wonderful.

The way that the story envelops the reader completely is something that is scarcely ever achieved with a genre novel, but here we are, and here Francine holds complete and utter power over the reader and you can be sure that she is going to use it make the reader laugh and cry, often both at once.

Running Deep

The experience that one embarks on when he or she opens the book is a humbling one. The story scarcely concerns itself with any petty drama, any lecherous or licentious images, or even any overtly love scenes.

Its voice runs much deeper. It penetrates into the barrenness of despair and hopelessness. It broods on the need for believing and our innate desire for redeeming ourselves. The story shows how our love, our faith, and our faith in love can get us through even the most trying times.

Distrust Faced With Genuineness

One of the main characters is Sarah, or more frequently referred to as Angel. Angel is a woman whose life took a pivotal, damning turn when she was still a mere child. While still barely capable of taking care of herself, Angel was sold off into prostitution.

Angel is an irrevocably pretty, troubled lady whose demons encumber on her constantly. She was all alone, she was abused and hurt repeatedly, and her heart could barely bear the weight of the world as it came crashing down on her. The hapless lady only knew of letting her body be used for money, so when Michael comes into her life, she is at her wits’ end about what may be going on.

Honest and Genuine

For one, he conveys to Angel a life built upon honesty and genuineness, but this candidness is something that Angel has never felt in her life. She feels undeserving of what is being offered to her, but yearns for freedom and dominion over the damnable past she carries.

The power of Angel remains a nearly passive one, seldom on exhibit in an outright manner, but frequently as a silent one. The journey that she takes in order to liberate herself and to do good by Michael is one to applaud and one to weep for.

A Few Words on the Novel’s Scope

What can we say of the character of Michael other than that he is a genuine godsend? His very entrance into the crumbling depravity of a life that was Angel’s is nothing short of divine. The way in which he was so prepared to wait out for Angel to come around to becoming accepting of the things offered to her, and his endless love are just remarkable.

His belief in himself, something on which the novel concentrates heavily on, far outshines any religious faith, though the belief in God is a central point, as well. Angel and Michael work so well and their individual story delivers such a blow to the heart that it is only outweighed by the gentle caress once their relationship is kindled.

Absolutely Brilliant

Nothing short of absolutely brilliant can be said in hope of describing Francine’s work. Our book review of Redeeming Love can only go so far in conveying the novel’s power, but picking the book up will surely make you feel emotions wholly above anything earthlike.

The Atonement Child and A Voice in the Wind are two other superb novels from Francine Rivers that will surely interest readers.

redeeming love francine rivers book review

Alissa Wynn

Alissa is an avid reader, blogger, and wannabe writer. (She's a much better cook than a writer actually). Alissa is married, has one human, one feline, and two canine kids. She always looks a mess and never meets a deadline.

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Redeeming Love: A Novel

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Francine Rivers

Redeeming Love: A Novel Hardcover – Special Edition, October 13, 2020

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  • Print length 512 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Multnomah
  • Publication date October 13, 2020
  • Dimensions 6.2 x 1.5 x 9.25 inches
  • ISBN-10 0593193016
  • ISBN-13 978-0593193013
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  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Multnomah; Special - Revised edition (October 13, 2020)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 512 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0593193016
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0593193013
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.57 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6.2 x 1.5 x 9.25 inches
  • #506 in Christian Historical Fiction (Books)
  • #1,960 in Christian Romance (Books)
  • #9,096 in Historical Romances

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About the author

Francine rivers.

New York Times bestselling author Francine Rivers continues to win both industry acclaim and reader loyalty around the globe. Her numerous bestsellers include Redeeming Love, A Voice in the Wind, and Bridge to Haven, and her work has been translated into more than thirty different languages. She is a member of Romance Writers of America's coveted Hall of Fame as well as a recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW). Visit Francine online at www.francinerivers.com and connect with her on Facebook (www.facebook.com/FrancineRivers) and Twitter (@FrancineRivers).

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  1. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

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  2. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers Paperback Book Free Shipping

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  3. “Redeeming Love” book by Francine Rivers

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  4. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

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  5. Redeeming Love

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  6. Redeeming Love: Amazon.co.uk: Francine Rivers: Books

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  1. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

    Francine Rivers. 4.51. 322,602 ratings18,612 reviews. California's gold country, 1850. A time when men sold their souls for a bag of gold and women sold their bodies for a place to sleep. Angel expects nothing from men but betrayal. Sold into prostitution as a child, she survives by keeping her hatred alive. And what she hates most are the ...

  2. "Redeeming Love"

    Reviewing Francine Rivers' Redeeming Love was, for me, a lot like treading on holy ground. At least, that's how iconic the novel seems to have become in many Christian circles. So several weeks ago when I took the Romance Challenge and pledged to read one Christian Romance novel, Redeeming Love was, as I expected, one of the most oft ...

  3. A Review of "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers

    Introduction: "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers is a powerful and emotionally charged novel that transcends the boundaries of traditional romance. Set against the backdrop of the California Gold Rush in the 1850s, Rivers weaves a narrative inspired by the biblical story of Hosea and Gomer. This review aims to explore the depth and impact of ...

  4. Book Review: Redeeming Love

    Francine Rivers Redeeming Love is a retelling of the biblical book of Hosea set in 1850's gold rush California. Following the life of a beautiful 7-year old through to adulthood, readers are immediately drawn into a story of great loss, abuse, bitterness, unforgiveness and ultimate redemption. Redeeming Love does what most Christian fiction ...

  5. "Redeeming Love" Book Review

    Here is a book review of "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers. This is absolutely my favorite book of all time! I have read this book two different times. Each time I devoured it and finished it within a couple days. Even the second time around I could not put it down, and I'm sure I will be reading it again in the future.

  6. Book review of Redeeming Love

    Redeeming Love by the reigning Queen of Christian Romance, Francine River, is a retelling of the story of Hosea and his wife Gomer. Ms. Rivers has turned beautiful scripture into a hauntingly beautiful Christian Romance. The setting is the mid eighteen hundreds in California. When Hosea asked God to send him a wife, he wasn't expecting to find her in a brothel. Obeying God , Hosea asked the ...

  7. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers, a Book Review

    Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers, a Book Review. Not one to visit movie theatres with regularity, I happened to be sitting in the local mega theatre to watch West Side Story with my wife. It being a fifteen-year-married date, we arrived early and were the second and third person in the theatre of this highly anticipated remake.

  8. Amazon.com: Customer reviews: Redeeming Love

    Whether you're a longtime fan of Christian fiction or a newcomer to Rivers' work, "Redeeming Love" is a must-read, a journey of the heart that will leave you transformed and reaffirmed in the power of redemptive love. ... What is it about Francine Rivers' books? She doesn't get fancy with her words or sentences. Her stories aren't packed with ...

  9. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

    Redeeming Love book. Read 16,263 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. California's gold country, 1850. A time when men sold their soul... Redeeming Love book. Read 16,263 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. California's gold country, 1850. ... My Books; Browse ...

  10. Redeeming Love

    "The truth that ran through that book [Redeeming Love], absolutely brought me to my knees. I was a changed person after reading that book." —Amy Grant, Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter "Simply put, Redeeming Love is the most powerful work of fiction you will ever read." —Liz Curtis Higgs, New York Times bestselling author

  11. Amazon.com: Customer reviews: Redeeming Love: A Novel

    The other characters of the book are simply fascinating, and each has a personality. Again, this is brilliant writing. But it also adds significant sub-stories to the already great book. I also love how Francine uses the latter portions of the book to reveal unknowns in the beginning.

  12. Redeeming Love: The Companion Study by Francine Rivers

    A six week companion study perfect for fans of Redeeming Love. Written by Francine Rivers and Angela Hunt this study is 3 readings a week with scenes from the book, questions, reflections from Mrs. Rivers, and lessons that blend both the book and scripture. In the six weeks of these lessons I've found this enjoyable and insightful.

  13. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

    Redeeming Love. by Francine Rivers. Publication Date: May 9, 1997. Genres: Christian, Fiction, Historical Fiction. Paperback: 479 pages. Publisher: Multnomah Books. ISBN-10: 1590525132. ISBN-13: 9781590525135. A site dedicated to book lovers providing a forum to discover and share commentary about the books and authors they enjoy.

  14. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers : All About Romance

    By Francine Rivers. Redeeming Love is a classic in the Christian market and straddles the genres of romance and Christian fiction. The story, first published in 1991, is based on selected chapters from Hosea, a biblical book from a minor prophet, in which God asks the prophet to marry a prostitute, a marriage that symbolizes God's steadfast ...

  15. Redeeming Love: A Novel: Rivers, Francine: 9781601420619: Amazon.com: Books

    New York Times bestselling author Francine Rivers continues to win both industry acclaim and reader loyalty around the globe. Her numerous bestsellers include Redeeming Love, A Voice in the Wind, and Bridge to Haven, and her work has been translated into more than thirty different languages.

  16. Redeeming Love

    Francine Rivers. Lion Hudson PLC, Apr 17, 2020 - California - 368 pages. 4175 Reviews. Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified. ... Set in California's gold country in 1850, Redeeming love is a retelling of the story of Gomer and Hosea, a life-changing story of God's unconditional, redemptive ...

  17. Francine Rivers (Author of Redeeming Love)

    Francine Rivers. New York Times bestselling author Francine Rivers continues to win both industry acclaim and reader loyalty around the globe. Her numerous bestsellers include Redeeming Love, A Voice in the Wind, and Bridge to Haven, and her work has been translated into more than thirty different languages. She is a member of Romance Writers ...

  18. Redeeming Love Movie Review (by a longtime fan of the book)

    The Redeeming Love book is a Christian, historical romance novel. The story takes place in Pair-a-Dice, a fictional town in the California Gold Country in 1850. It's a settlement full of men hoping for a lucky strike of gold— and to get lucky with Angel, the most expensive prostitute at the town brothel. The horrific backstory that brought ...

  19. Redeeming Love movie review & film summary (2022)

    Redeeming Love. "Redeeming Love" is based on a best-selling novel by Francine Rivers, set during the California Gold Rush and inspired by the Biblical story of Hosea, a prophet, who married Gomer, an unfaithful woman. Publisher's Weekly said about the book, "Writers like Rivers are why people buy Christian fiction," and, as with the film ...

  20. Redeeming Love: Rivers, Francine: 9781590525135: Amazon.com: Books

    New York Times bestselling author Francine Rivers continues to win both industry acclaim and reader loyalty around the globe. Her numerous bestsellers include Redeeming Love, A Voice in the Wind, and Bridge to Haven, and her work has been translated into more than thirty different languages.

  21. Redeeming Love: A Novel

    New York Times bestselling author Francine Rivers continues to win both industry acclaim and reader loyalty around the globe. Her numerous bestsellers include Redeeming Love, A Voice in the Wind, and Bridge to Haven, and her work has been translated into more than thirty different languages.

  22. Redeeming Love Book Review (2024)

    Francine Sandra Rivers. Francine Sandra Rivers was born on the 12th of May, 1947, in the United States of America. Francine Rivers is a prolific American writer, primarily of fiction novels involving inspirational Christian romance stories.. Before she found God in 1986, the author mostly wrote historical romances.The most beloved novel of hers is Redeeming Love, while The Last Sin Eater was ...

  23. Redeeming Love: A Novel: Rivers, Francine: 9780593193013: Amazon.com: Books

    New York Times bestselling author Francine Rivers continues to win both industry acclaim and reader loyalty around the globe. Her numerous bestsellers include Redeeming Love, A Voice in the Wind, and Bridge to Haven, and her work has been translated into more than thirty different languages.