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Grade, Return, and Delete Assignments

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How to Grade, Return, and Delete Assignments in Google Classroom

Grade, Return, and Delete Assignments

After you create assignments, they show up for students on the Classwork page. It's their responsibility to complete and turn them in by the due date. You can check the progress of an assignment on the Classwork page by clicking the assignment. This gives you an at-a-glance view of how many students have turned it in and how many additional students it's assigned to. When it’s time to review and grade assignments, you’ll do that from the Grades page.

Grade and Return Assignments

Here you see a table with each assignment listed at the top and separate cells to add a grade for every student in the class. If the assignment is past the due date, it displays as Missing for any students who didn't turn it in.

  • Click the More button in the cell where you want to enter a grade.

Create Assignments

The completed assignment opens in a new browser tab. You can add a comment to the file using the icon on the left side of the Files pane. Or, view the file in a new browser tab without any of the grading options by clicking the icon to the right of the file name in the Files pane.

  • Add a grade for the assignment.
  • (Optional) Add a comment and click Post .

Create Assignments

The dialog box notifies you that the student will now be able to view their grade.

Create Assignments

Once the assignment is graded, you can close the tab with the assignment to return to the gradebook.

Delete Assignments

If an assignment is no longer needed, simply delete it. Deleting an assignment removes it, along with any associated grades or comments, from Classroom. However, any files or attachments created in Google Drive will still remain. You’ll need to manually delete those in Drive if you don’t want to retain copies.

Be aware that deleting an assignment is permanent. There is no way to undo the deletion.

  • On the Grades page, click the More button for an assignment.

Create Assignments

The dialog box notifies you that any grades and comments associated with the assignment will also be deleted.

Create Assignments

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End-Of-Year Google Classroom Clean-up Tips

Even something as useful as Google Classroom can become cluttered and less efficient if we fail to manage it well.

how to get back deleted assignment in google classroom

As the school year winds down, most teachers go through some sort of check-out procedure for their physical classrooms, making sure everything is properly organized or put away for the summer. In much the same way, you may want to do some clean-up and close-out steps for your digital classroom ... Google Classroom .

Google Classroom is a powerful tool to help you and your students collaborate and communicate, but when used year after year, it can start to become a bit of a mess and a management challenge. To help with this, there are several suggestions to consider for Classroom when wrapping up the school year.

See below for six steps that may help you clean up your Classroom as you transition from one school year to the next. However, keep in mind these are all just suggestions and each is optional. While some may not apply to your situation, hopefully several will assist you in keeping your Classroom organized, clutter-free, and efficient for a new year. 

Tip #1 - Return all student work

One of the great features of Google Classroom is how it streamlines the process for turning in work. When a student turns in an assignment, Google automatically changes the sharing permissions on the file (or files), making you the owner and reducing the student's rights to view-only. This is helpful for grading, but you don't want to leave it this way.

When done grading an assignment you want to make sure to return the files to your students, so the ownership of the files will revert back to the students. This is especially critical if later you decide to clean up your Drive and delete old files. If you are still the owner of the students' work, when you delete it, you are really deleting the file. However, if you have returned the files, you are no longer the owner, so if you delete them, all it does is remove them from your Drive.

So, one of the first tips to consider is to make sure you have properly returned all the Classroom assignments to your students. One way to do this would be:

  • Click the menu button in the top left corner of Classroom
  • Choose "To-do" from the drop-down menu.
  • This will show you all of the assignments from all of your classes.
  • You can narrow it down to just one class at a time if needed by choosing a class from the "All classes" drop-down menu at the top.
  • For each assignment you can click on the "Turned in" link to view the student submissions.

how to get back deleted assignment in google classroom

  • You can now look for any student work that is marked as "Turned in" rather than "Graded".

how to get back deleted assignment in google classroom

  • Select those students, add a grade if still needed, and click the "Return" button at the top to return them to the students.
  • When done checking an assignment you can go back to the "To-do" page and move it into the "Reviewed" section by clicking the three-dots menu and choosing "Mark as reviewed".
  • Repeat as needed.

Tip #2 - Un-enroll students from old classes

Another possible clean-up step is to remove students from the old classes . This may be an option for you if you prefer not to have students accessing content from your class in the future.

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For example, this could be for academic integrity issues if you do not want students showing certain course content to new classes in future years. Of course, no cheating-prevention solution is guaranteed, as students can always find many ways around preventative measures. Still though, it is an option that may help.

If you decide you would like to unenroll students from old courses , you can do the following: 

  • Open the course and go to the "People" tab.
  • Check the box at the top of the "Students" section to select all the students in the class.
  • Click the "Actions" button.
  • Choose "Remove" from the drop-down menu.

how to get back deleted assignment in google classroom

Tip #3 - Archive old classes

When you are done with a class, a good way to clean up Classroom is to archive the old classes . Archiving is a process that: 

  • Removes the class from your main Classroom home page (making your page cleaner and easier to navigate).
  • Freezes the class so no new changes can be made to it (especially helpful if you choose not to remove students from the old classes).
  • Still allows you to copy and reuse old posts and assignments from the archived class in your new classes.

how to get back deleted assignment in google classroom

To archive an old class, do the following:

  • Go to the home page of Classroom
  • Click the three-dots menu in the top right corner of the "card" for the class you wish to archive.
  • Then click "Archive" from the drop-down menu.
  • You will now get a pop-up window asking you to verify that you want to archive the class. Click "Archive" again to verify.

how to get back deleted assignment in google classroom

If you ever need to un-archive a class, you can do so as follows:

  • From the home page of Classroom, click the menu button in the top left.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the drop-down menu and choose "Archived Classes".
  • Click the three-dots menu in the top right corner of the "card" for the class you wish to un-archive.
  • Then click "Restore" from the drop-down menu.
  • You will now get a pop-up window asking you to verify that you want to restore the class. Click "Restore" again to verify.

Not only will archiving old classes help keep your Classroom screen clean, but it will also help your students. As the students start back for a new school year, they will not get distracted by classes from the previous year, but instead can easily jump right into this year's content.

Tip #4 - Remove old class calendars

When you create a class in Google Classroom, and then make assignments with due dates, this automatically creates a Google Calendar for the class. This is a convenient way for your and your students to go to Google Calendar and see upcoming due dates for classwork and projects throughout the course of the school year.

However, when the year is over and the class is done, you don't really need that calendar showing up anymore. If you have a number of classes, they can quickly clutter up your calendar list. Thankfully there are a couple of easy options for removing the calendars for old classes.

how to get back deleted assignment in google classroom

  • Go to Google Calendar.
  • You should see the names of your classes in the list under "My calendars" on the left side of the screen.
  • To remove an old class calendar you will need to access that calendar's settings.
  • Click the three-dots button to the right of the class name in the "My calendars" list.
  • If you just want to hide the class calendar from your list, simply click "Hide from list".
  • If instead you want to delete the calendar, click "Settings and sharing".
  • You can now scroll down to the bottom of the calendar details screen and in the "Remove calendar" section click "Delete".
  • This will open a pop-up window asking you to confirm the deletion.

Tip #5 - Move old class folders in Drive

Because Google Classroom automates the sharing and collaborating process, it is easy to forget what is actually going on behind the scenes in Google Drive. For each class you create in Google Classroom, a folder gets created in your Google Drive where all of the assignment documents and other files are stored.

Now you may never open that Classroom folder in Drive, so this tip may not apply to you at all. However, you may choose to browse that folder as another option for easy access to all your students' submitted work. If that is the case, the "Classroom" folder in your Drive can get pretty crowded over the years.

If it helps, you are allowed to move class folders to a new location in your Drive , so only the current class folders are easily visible. Here's how: 

  • Go to Google Drive and select the "Classroom" folder.
  • If you do not already have a place to move the old class folders, create a new folder by clicking "New" and "Folder".
  • Name it something like "Archive" or "Old Classes" or such.
  • You can now simply drag and drop the old class folders into the new folder you have created. 

how to get back deleted assignment in google classroom

Moving class folders does not interfere with their use in Google Classroom in any way. It simply cleans up your "Classroom" folder to make it easier for you to find current classes, if so desired.

Tip #6 - Remove old class files from "Shared with me" in Drive

When files get shared as part of a Classroom assignment, sometimes the files will also show up in the " Shared with me " area of your Google Drive. If you have a lots of students and lot of assignments, this can cause quite a mess in "Shared with me".

Now I am of the philosophy that it is not really worth the fight to try to keep "Shared with me" clean or organized in any way. I tend to think of it as Grand Central Station and just accept the fact that it will always be a mess.

However, if you really want to clean up "Shared with me" you are allowed to remove files from there. So you may want to consider getting rid of old files from this year's classes.

First though, two quick but important notes : 

  • Make sure you have returned all the assignments to your students first before you delete anything out of "Shared with me" (see Tip #1 above). Remember that you actually become the owner of a file when a student turns it into you. If you have not returned the file yet, then you are technically the owner of the file, and if you delete the file, it really gets deleted.
  • On the other hand, if you are not the owner of a file, and you delete it from "Shared with me" it does not really delete the file. It simply removes it from the "Shared with me" list. The file will still show up in your "Classroom" folders, even when you remove it from "Shared with me".

To remove a file from "Shared with me" do the following: 

  • Go to Google Drive.
  • Click "Shared with me" on the left.
  • Select the file (or files) you wish to remove.
  • Now you can click on the "Remove" icon in the top toolbar (looks like a trashcan).
  • Or right-click on the file(s) and choose "Remove".
  • The file(s) will now be removed from "Shared with me".

how to get back deleted assignment in google classroom

BONUS: Delete Old Classroom Bookmarks

Here is an extra bonus piece of advice I got from a good friend. Sometimes we try to make navigation easier for our students my having them add a bookmark directly to our Classroom page, rather than the Classroom site in general. That can certainly help save a click or two on a day to day basis, but can become confusing the next year when that class is no longer active.

If you have a practice of having your students add bookmarks for you Classroom page, also be sure to have an end-of-year practice of reminding your students to delete those old bookmarks. Again, this will help for a much smoother launch in the new school year. 

Google Classroom is a wonderful tool to help you and your students share documents, have discussions, access resources, and more. However, even something as useful as Classroom can become cluttered and less efficient if we fail to manage it well. Hopefully some of the tips shared above will be useful for you, and will help keep your Classroom running smoothly. 

cross posted at www.controlaltachieve.com

Eric Curts is an education trainer and consultant with over 20 years' experience throughout the U.S. He is an authorized Google Education Trainer and a Google Certified Innovator. Read his blog at www.controlaltachieve.com and follow him on Google+ and @ericcurts on Twitter.

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how to get back deleted assignment in google classroom

Amplified IT

Google Classroom Cleanup: Archiving and Deleting Classes and Users

how to get back deleted assignment in google classroom

2020 has been a remarkable year for education. Moving from in-person instruction to remote learning is a huge change. You’ve taken amazing steps to ensure your students and teachers have uninterrupted learning. Congratulations on a job well done. 

As the calendar year and semester are about to change, it’s time to look forward to next semester. your teachers will want to begin the semester without old classes cluttering google classroom. to cleanup classroom, you’ll archive their old classes and delete provisioned classes, if you have any. you’ll also delete user accounts of teachers who have left. here’s a reminder, once a class ends, you can archive it. deleting a class is a little different. you can’t revive deleted classes. you should only delete declined and provisioned classes. , archiving and deleting classes one-by-one isn’t the best way to go about it. we’ve outlined the most efficient way for you to archive and delete classes. you’ll do this in a bulk action., let’s get started making sure google classroom is clean and organized. first, let’s review the differences between an archived and deleted class., what happens to an archived class, archiving a class removes it from teachers’ and students’ classroom homepage. the class moves to a separate area to preserve class materials, student work, and posts.  , teachers and students can still view an archived class. to use the class again, the teacher can restore it., teachers and students can access class materials for an archived class within the  google drive folder., students can’t unenroll from an archived class., google calendar retains the class calendar for teachers and students. users can remove the calendar from view or permanently delete it., an archived class stays in google classroom unless the primary teacher deletes it. , what happens to a deleted class, deleting a class removes it from google classroom. you can’t restore a deleted class., teachers and students can no longer access class posts or comments. assignment grades are lost., timing your google classroom cleanup, because of what happens to classes, the timing of your archive is important. you don’t want to archive or delete classes that are still in session. the best time to archive classes is after teachers have finished submitting grades for the semester., archiving classes in google classroom, in google classroom, teachers can individually archive their classes from the classes page.  they can restore these classes at any time and re-use class content in future classes., archiving classes using little sis, in little sis’ classroom explorer, you can perform a bulk archive across your domain, or for selected teachers. you’ll find this in the bulk actions drop-down at the top of the page. this opens the bulk classroom cleanup wizard. the wizard helps you identify active classes by date, school, or teacher. once you run the wizard, selected classes move from the homepage in google classroom. the classes move to the archived classes section. you can opt to send the primary teacher an email when you run this action. it is your way to let them know they have an archived class., teachers can restore these classes and re-use class content in their new classes., archiving classes using gam, if you’re a google apps manager (gam) user, you can download a list of all your classes using the print courses command . then filter down to the list of classes you want to bulk archive. if you want to skip the filtering and return only active classes, use the print courses state active command. next, you’ll use gam to ingest this list. finally, you’ll run the update course action to change the status of these classes to archived. you can do this by course id or alias. you’ll want to reference the bulkoperations gam wiki page for instructions on running this as a bulk task via csv or text file., deleting provisioned classes, there is no way to undo deleting a class. be cautious when using this function. , as you create classes, with a synching solution or gam, you may end up with provisioned classes on your domain. these classes are not active. teachers never accepted them and there is no work assigned. also, students can’t see provisioned classes on their homepage in classroom. since the semester has ended, provisioned classes are no longer needed. you don’t want to confuse teachers next year by showing them old classes in google classroom the best course of action is to delete these classes., deleting provisioned classes using little sis, in little sis’ classroom explorer, you’ll run bulk delete classes. you’ll find this in the bulk actions drop-down at the top of the page. this opens the bulk classroom cleanup wizard. the wizard helps you identify active classes by date, school, or teacher. once you run the wizard, selected classes no longer appear on the teachers’ classroom home page., deleting provisioned classes using gam, if you’re a google apps manager (gam) user, you can download a list of all your classes using the print courses command . then filter down to the list of classes you want to bulk delete . if you want to skip the filtering and return only provisioned classes, use the print courses state active command. next, you’ll use gam to ingest this list. finally, you’ll run the delete course action to remove the provisioned classes from the domain by class id or alias. , transferring ownership before deleting users, as a part of your classroom cleanup, you may want to remove user accounts. if a teacher has left and you don’t want to keep their account, you can delete it. there are some steps to take before you delete a user so you don’t end up with orphaned classes. an orphaned class is one where a deleted user owns the class. once you have an orphaned class, it is difficult (if not impossible) to remedy the situation., let’s look at a problematic scenario. if you delete a teacher account and there are students in the class they can still interact with each other. if the class lets students post to the stream, they can continue to post after deleting the teacher. without a teacher, there is no one to supervise the interaction., there are some simple steps you can take to avoid orphaning a class. first, transfer ownership of the class before you delete the teacher account. you can transfer these classes to a service account or another user in the domain. this could be the teacher taking over for the one who has left the district. regardless, keep in mind that transferring ownership acts as an invitation. only once the new teacher accepts the invitation should you delete the primary owner’s account.  , another option is to suspend rather than delete teacher accounts. with a suspended account, you can still transfer the classes they own to another user. once transferred, the class retains the primary owner as a co-teacher in the classroom. the new owner can later remove them., transferring classes using little sis, in the little sis classroom explorer, you can filter by the primary teacher.  this is how you identify all active classes for the teacher account. once you’ve located the classes, select them and use the bulk actions wizard to change the primary teacher. with little sis, you can opt to send messages to the former and new owner of the class. this is your way of alerting the former primary teacher of a transferred class. the new owner’s message prompts them to log in to google classroom and accept ownership. when active class ownership changes, the new owner becomes a co-teacher. they are co-teacher until the new owner accepts the invitation to take ownership of the class., transferring classes using gam, if you’re a gam user, you can change ownership of classes using the update course command.  the same stipulations apply. the class must be active and currently owned by a non-deleted user on the domain., about little sis and gam, if you’re a newbie to gam, feel free to take a stab at using it on your domain. the getting started guide in github is a great resource for new users. this is also where all the referenced commands in this article are located. gam can do much more than classroom management. it’s a great tool to have if you do bulk operations in g suite. you must be a super admin to use gam. you must also have to enable google cloud platform to use the api commands., little sis for classroom is a paid tool from amplified it, but you can use it free for 30 days with a quote. you’ll have to be a super admin to get up and running with the tool. as a super admin, you can delegate the bulk actions to other users on your domain. head on over to the little sis website to get a quote for your domain and start your trial. take some time to visit our help center . it has the getting started guide and knowledge base articles on bulk actions and more, melanie long customer success lead, about the author:.

Melanie lives in Virginia and is based in Amplified IT’s home office located in Norfolk. One of the first members to join the Amplified IT team, Melanie has worn many hats at the company. She most enjoys interfacing with customers and helping them implement tools that solve common pain points and frustrations. Today she leads the onboarding and interfacing with Labs tool clients, making lives easier and breezier one implementation at a time.

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In this article

  • What happens when a Google Classroom is deleted?
  • What happens when a student is deleted from the Classroom?
  • Google Classroom data retention management

A Complete Guide to Google Classroom Data Retention

10 min read.

Google created Google Classroom – a free learning platform – to simplify the process of creating, distributing, and grading assignments. It allows teachers to create an online classroom where they can manage all the documents that their students need. As of 2021, around  150 million  students, educators, and school leaders around the world rely on Google Classroom. Widespread use of Google Classroom also means there is an increase in risk of data loss due to a wide variety of reasons. The absence of recycle bin in Google Classroom makes it tricky for IT administrators to retain Classroom data.  

1. What happens when a Google Classroom is deleted?

google classroom retention-user error

2. What happens when a student is deleted from the Classroom?

3. google classroom data retention management, 3.1 archiving.

Teachers and co-teachers can archive a class, but only the primary teacher can delete it.

3.1.1 What happens to an archived class?

The archived classroom disappears from your active classroom list.

The archived classroom will be placed under the ‘Archived Classes’ section.

The teachers and students will be able to view the archived class from the ‘Archived Classes’ section.

Archived classes cannot be modified by teachers or students unless they are restored.

If you want to use an archived classroom, you will have to restore it.

Teachers and students will be able to access any class materials in their respective Google Drive.

Students will not be able to unenroll from an archived class.

The class calendar will remain in the teacher’s and student’s Google Calendar. You will have to delete the calendar separately if you don’t need it anymore.

3.1.2 How can you archive a Google Classroom?

Step 1: Go to https://classroom.google.com/ .

Step 2: On the respective class card, click on the three dotted lines and select ‘Archive’

google classroom retention- archive

3.1.3 How can you view an archived Classroom?

Step 2: Click on the menu at the top left corner.

Step 3: Click on ‘Archived Classes.’

google classroom retention - archived classes

Step 4: Select the class you want to view.

3.1.4 How can you restore an archived Classroom?

Step 2: Click on Menu at the top left corner.

Step 4: Click ‘More’ on the class card that you want to restore.

Step 5: Click 'Restore.'

google classroom retention-restore

3.2 Transfer ownership

3.2.1 for teachers.

If your primary teacher account is deleted before you transfer ownership of your classes, some of the class features won't work. Who can you transfer ownership to?

If you use Classroom with a Google Workspace or Google Workspace for Education account:  You can only transfer ownership to a co-teacher in your domain.  

If you use Classroom with a personal Google account:  You can only transfer ownership to a co-teacher who uses Classroom with a personal Google Account. Who owns class materials after the transfer?

The class Google Drive folder

Materials in the class templates folder

Turned-in student work How to transfer class ownership?

Step 2: Click the respective class and click on ‘People.’

Step 3: Next to the teacher's name, click ‘More ‘and click on ‘Make class owner.’

Step 4: Click 'Invite'.

3.2.2 For Google Workspace administrators Who can you transfer ownership to? 

As an administrator, you can transfer the ownership of a class to any teacher in your domain using the  Classroom API . Who owns class materials after the transfer? 

Before you delete a teacher's account, confirm that the teacher's classes are no longer in use by students or co-teachers. If not, all the classes associated with the teacher’s account gets deleted permanently.

Because of the absence of a recycle bin, Google Classroom data gets deleted permanently. Google Classroom does not provide any native features to recover Google Classroom data and hence, recovering deleted Google Classroom data can get tricky. Click here to check our in-depth article to recover permanently deleted Google Classroom data using Google Workspace native features and third-party tools.

3.3 Third-party Google Classroom backup tools

While the native features offered by Google are helpful in retaining your Google data to a large extent, they do not serve as a backup solution. Google is not responsible for backing up your data. Here is what Google says in their  Terms of Service : 

"When permitted by law, Google, & Google’s suppliers and distributors, will not be responsible for lost profits, revenues, or data, financial losses or indirect, special, consequential, exemplary, or punitive damages."  

3.3.1 Why should you have a third-party backup solution?

Limitations of native retention settings: The limited native data native retention capability offered by Google Classroom is a serious risk for educators and schools. Having a third-party backup solution for Google Classroom is critical.

Easy restoration: Third - party tools such as SysCloud, can restore Google Classroom data easily so students and teachers can continue without interruption.

Fast backups: Take faster backup even for large classrooms

Protection against ransomware And phishing: Third-party applications like SysCloud secures your data during ransomware and phishing attacks by automatically identifying a safe backup snapshot to restore the affected file(s).

3.3.2 How SysCloud offers advanced data retention and recovery options for Google Classroom

Restore assignments, questions, materials, announcements, calendar, people, and grades back to the user account in just a few clicks.

Directly restore data back to its previous location with all sharing permissions and folder structure still intact.

Restore data to another user’s account.

Permit teachers/staff to restore their own files to facilitate faster recovery.

Receive regular reports on the status of your backup, restore, and usage reports.

Define retention rules for an unlimited period of time.

Locate and recover Google Classroom data within the backup archives using advanced search options.

3.3.3 What does SysCloud restore?

3.3.4 syscloud vs native google classroom retention, recommended content.

23 Dec 2021

15 min read

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How To Delete An Assignment In Google Classroom

Due to the advancement of technology and the Covid-19 situation, classrooms are becoming paperless daily. Therefore, it becomes necessary for teachers to start finding out the solutions for assignments, communicating with the students, managing their Classrooms, and much more. 

Most teachers have found a solution to complete all these need through Google Classroom. It is a virtual classroom that focuses less on the tech and more on the teaching methods. Therefore, it is not necessary that one needs to be a technical professional to manage their Classroom on Google.

This blog will provide information about what Google Classroom is, what you can and don’t do with it, and how to delete an assignment in Google Classroom. So let’s first know what a Google Classroom is.

how to get back deleted assignment in google classroom

What is Google Classroom?

Table of Contents

It is an application that is accessible at zero cost, and it was designed by Google.. It helps the students and teachers to contact each other. Also, used for managing and organizing the assignments that are available as a paperless document. Besides this, Google Classroom is the collaboration between the teachers and students who are teaching and studying from a distance, and much more. One can easily compare it with other Classrooms, such as Showbie and other online learning management systems or learning platforms.

It is built at the top of Google Drive and Google Docs , which means one can use it easily and intuitively for teachers. But it does not imply that it would be boring. There are various surprises in Google Classroom that are encountered along the way of your work. Besides this, you can delete the assignments in Google Classroom, and below we have mentioned the steps for how to delete an assignment in Google Classroom.

Assignment help

Things that one can do in Google Classroom

This is one of the essential questions. What can one do with Google Classroom? Why would one use Google Classroom? The first reason to use it is absolutely free. One does not need to upgrade the pro version that might cost you some of the money. Yes, it is absolutely free. Nothing. At all. 

Once you set up the Classroom on Google Classroom, then one can easily start it. One can find out the ways to set up their Google Classroom account within a few minutes. First, let us go through with the list of things that you can do with your Google Classroom.

  • Add lesson material and announcements: Teachers can provide the announcements to their students about the lessons and add study materials in their announcements. These study materials and announcements can show up in the Google Classroom of students; in this away, the students can easily find the things everything in a single place. The study material can be added from the Google drive that involves images and files and connects them with Google Classroom lessons. Teachers can add any link or a Youtube video, that teachers want to be visited by their students. 
  • Add assignments: By adding the announcements, one can easily add their assignment to the courses. It works in a similar method, but here one has the choice to add their due dates and can grade it. It notifies the students when they need to do their assignments, and it also appears on the calendar. One can add a Book Widgets assignment within a few minutes. We have mentioned steps below for how to delete an assignment in Google Classroom. 
  • Grade the assignments: Afterwards, the teachers can check the students’ assignments and grade them accordingly. There is also room for the feedbacks and comment option for the teachers as well as students. Teachers can also return the assignment to their students. There is the “Marks” tab, which is used for grading the assignments.
  • Manage students: There is another facility of these Google Classroom; that is, it totally up to the teachers whether they let their students share the comments or not. The teacher can manage their permissions, give the students the facility to comment and post. Besides this, teachers can also e-mail their students individually.

Things that one cannot do in Google Classroom

There are some things that one needs to know before starting the Google Classroom with any other intensions. It is one of the online learning platforms, but these are the things, one can not do in the Classroom:

  • A chatbox: One can only comment on the announcements and assignments, but there is no function for chatting. So, if one wants to do this, they need to contact the other indirectly, one can send an e-mail to them, or use other Google apps for chatting with others. 
  • A quiz or test tool: Ther is minor possibilities when it relates to the making of the test series or quizzes in Google Classroom, but, it does not consider to be a test or quiz tool for the students. There are various other apps for this function, such as BookWidgets quizzes or Google Forms, Google Forms alternatives . There is another option for it, too, such as:
  • Option 1: One can easily add the assignments and tests from another education app within the Google Classrooms, such as an app called BookWidgets test, which is used for automatically grading.
  • Option 2: This is another thing one can do inside Google Classroom on their own that is adding a question. Then, select between the option for a multiple-choice question or an open answer. This might seem to be boring, but it is best to select the second option if one wishes to make their digital Classroom even more interactive.
  • A discussion forum: One can make announcements, and students can comment on the particular announcements, but this is not applicable to the announcements. One can use Padlet if they are looking for a simple but effective way; free Classroom tools can help to empower discussions and another cool thing.

Assignment help

How to delete an assignment in Google Classroom

There are two different methods for deleting the assignments, but keep in mind that doing this can also delete the data of the students which s connected to the assignments, which might be lost permanently and can not recover later on. But if you are sure about deleting them, then follow these steps which are related to how to delete an assignment in Google Classroom:

Method 1: how to delete an assignment in Google Classroom

Click on the option “my classes”..

Steps to Delete An Assignment In Google Classroom

  • Search for the option with the assignments that you wish to delete.

Steps to Delete An Assignment In Google Classroom

2. Select the particular assignment that you want to delete.

3. Select “Delete assignment” from the given menu option on the right side.

Steps to Delete An Assignment In Google Classroom

4. You will find that there is a pop-up window, then click on the “Yes, Delete” option, and this is how one can delete their assignment.

Steps to Delete An Assignment In Google Classroom

NOTE: This only removes the particular assignment. The video can still be seen in the “My Content” tab.

Method 2: how to delete an assignment in Google Classroom

For this, one needs to have ownership of this. Here, you have two different methods to get the ownership if the due date has been expired.

1. If One Has Not Submitted The Assignment Till Now.

how to get back deleted assignment in google classroom

You just need to click on the cross “X” where the assignment has already attached.

2. If One Has Already Submitted The Particular Assignment.

how to get back deleted assignment in google classroom

Click on the unsubmit button.

If Your Teacher Has Returned The Assignment

how to get back deleted assignment in google classroom

It means that your teachers have already seen the submitted assignments, and now, you need to take the ownership again for deleting the assignment.

This is how to delete an assignment in Google Classroom.

Point To Remember

Can We Retrieve The Deleted Assignment In Google Classroom?

Sadly, that is not currently feasible in Google Classroom. Once an assignment is deleted from the Classwork tab, we cannot retrieve it. Though, students can still work in the Classroom folder on Drive.

Additional Information

How can you organize Google classroom?

Google classroom is the first choice of both teachers and students. Now everyone is using it. Many teachers have a question in mind: how can we organize google classroom. Don’t worry! Here, we mention some tips that help you in organizing the google classroom-

Return work after checking 

When students submit their work to you, then first check it and give grades to their work. After that, return all that work back to students.

Don’t delete the folder of the classroom 

Don’t remove the Google classroom folder because it’s really hard to get it back again.

Remove the record of previous students

If you want only those students will include those who are currently in the class, then removing the previous students is the better idea.

Create a folder for the student’s record

Create a folder related to the student’s work so that you can use it the next year as an example of excellent work done by the particular student.

Quick Links

  • How To Create Assignment In Google Classroom
  • How To Add An Assignment In Google Classroom
  • How To Upload Homework On Google Classroom
  • How To Attach Assignment In Google Classroom
  • How To Submit Assignments In Google 

Conclusion (how to delete an assignment in Google Classroom)

This blog has provided all the relevant information about how to delete an assignment in Google Classroom, along with the information about what is Google Classroom, and what one can do and do not with the Google Classroom. The Google Classrooms are used for the paperless study material, announcements, and assignments. Nowadays, it is gaining popularity because of its effective uses and facility of teaching methods.

If you have any issues related to the online assignment help and best assignment help , then you can take our experts’ help for it. We can provide you high-quality content along with the plagiarism reports. We can also provide instant help to you as we are accessible 24*7, and we also provide the assignments with well-formatted structures and deliver them within the slotted time. All these facilities are available at a reasonable price. 

How do I join a google classroom without a code?

If you don’t have the code then you can join the google classroom through the invitation link sent by your teacher.

Can the teacher see student work on google classroom?

Yes, teachers can see students work on google classroom if they share the document.

Is there any way to hide an assignment in Google Classroom?

No, you cannot hide an assignment from google classroom. If the assignment is submitted late, then it will be marked as late.

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