Harley Davidson Marketing Strategy 2024: A Case Study

Harley Davidson, a legendary brand in the motorcycle industry, has implemented a robust marketing strategy to solidify its position as a leader. Through careful brand positioning, innovative marketing tactics, and engaging promotional activities, Harley Davidson has successfully captured the hearts of its loyal customer base.

One key aspect of Harley Davidson’s marketing strategy is its focus on building strong customer relationships. The company understands the importance of cultivating a community and has implemented various initiatives to connect with its customers on a deeper level.

Furthermore, Harley Davidson has strategically positioned its brand to appeal to motorcycle enthusiasts looking for both quality and a symbol of status. By offering premium motorcycles with superior craftsmanship, they have carved out a niche market segment that values authenticity and power.

Harley Davidson’s marketing mix also includes a range of promotional activities. From strategic brand placements in movies and TV shows to organizing rallies and events, they leave no stone unturned in creating awareness and engagement among their target audience.

Key Takeaways

  • Harley Davidson’s marketing strategy prioritizes building strong customer relationships.
  • The brand’s positioning as a premium motorcycle manufacturer reinforces its appeal to status-conscious consumers.
  • Harley Davidson employs various promotional activities to create brand awareness and engagement.
  • The company’s marketing mix is strategically designed to cater to the specific needs and desires of its target audience.
  • Harley Davidson’s success can be attributed to its ability to connect with customers on an emotional level.

Price Mix of Harley Davidson

Harley Davidson, renowned for its superior quality and status symbol, strategically positions itself as a premium brand in the motorcycle industry. This positioning allows the company to employ a pricing strategy that reflects the value they provide to customers. Despite fluctuations in profits, Harley Davidson has remained steadfast in its premium pricing strategy, attracting customers who appreciate the craftsmanship and power of their bikes.

The Harley Davidson pricing strategy is underpinned by the consistent delivery of exceptional product quality. This commitment to excellence has solidified the brand’s reputation and justified their premium pricing. By investing in product development and continuously improving their offerings, Harley Davidson ensures that customers receive motorcycles that meet their expectations in terms of performance, durability, and overall riding experience.

Furthermore, the allure of owning a Harley Davidson motorcycle extends beyond its functional attributes. The brand has successfully created a sense of exclusivity and desirability, positioning itself as a symbol of status and individuality. This perception allows Harley Davidson to maintain its premium pricing, as customers are willing to pay a higher price for the prestige and lifestyle associated with owning a Harley Davidson motorcycle.

It is worth noting that the premium pricing strategy pursued by Harley Davidson is not without its challenges. Economic factors, market trends , and competitive pressures necessitate periodic evaluations of pricing strategies. However, the brand’s commitment to delivering an exceptional product and maintaining its premium status has enabled them to navigate these challenges and continue to thrive in the motorcycle market.

Key Points:

  • Harley Davidson positions itself as a premium brand in the motorcycle industry.
  • Superior product quality justifies the brand’s premium pricing.
  • Harley Davidson motorcycles represent a status symbol and lifestyle choice.
  • The brand’s premium pricing strategy faces ongoing challenges and requires periodic evaluation.

Product Mix of Harley Davidson

When it comes to product offerings, Harley Davidson is renowned for its lineup of heavyweight motorcycles that embody power, performance, and style. Each Harley Davidson motorcycle is meticulously designed and engineered to provide an exceptional riding experience for enthusiasts and riders alike.

The heart and soul of Harley Davidson motorcycles lie in their powerful engines. The company is dedicated to developing high-performance engines that deliver robust power, allowing riders to conquer the open roads with ease. Whether it’s cruising along the highway or embarking on adventurous off-road journeys, Harley Davidson motorcycles are equipped with engines that provide the necessary torque and horsepower to tackle any terrain.

What sets Harley Davidson apart is their commitment to customization. The brand offers a wide range of customization options, allowing customers to personalize their bikes to reflect their individuality. From paint colors and graphics to handlebars and exhaust systems, riders have the freedom to create a unique motorcycle that suits their preferences and style.

Harley Davidson’s attention to detail extends beyond the motorcycles themselves. The company offers an extensive selection of motorcycle parts and accessories, providing riders with the tools they need to enhance the performance and aesthetics of their bikes. Additionally, Harley Davidson also offers a range of branded clothing under the MotorClothes brand, allowing enthusiasts to showcase their love for the brand through stylish apparel.

In summary, Harley Davidson’s product mix encompasses more than just motorcycles. The brand’s commitment to producing motorcycles with powerful engines, offering customization options, and providing a comprehensive range of parts, accessories, and clothing solidifies its position as a leader in the motorcycle industry.

Promotion Mix of Harley Davidson

Harley Davidson employs a comprehensive promotion mix to create awareness and effectively reach its target audience. By utilizing various promotional strategies, the company maximizes its brand exposure and establishes a strong market presence.

Brand Placement in Movies and Television Shows

One of Harley Davidson’s promotional strategies involves strategically placing their motorcycles in movies and television shows. By associating their brand with popular media, Harley Davidson enhances its visibility and portrays its motorcycles as iconic symbols of power and freedom.

Engaging Events and Community Building

Harley Davidson understands the importance of fostering a sense of community amongst its customers. The company organizes a wide range of events, including rallies, bike rides, and gatherings, which enable enthusiasts to come together and connect with one another. These events not only strengthen customer loyalty but also serve as platforms for Harley Davidson to showcase its latest models and engage with its target audience.

Modern Marketing Campaigns

Harley Davidson employs modern promotional techniques to stay relevant in an ever-changing digital landscape. The company leverages social media platforms, online advertising, and influencer collaborations to effectively reach its target market . By staying abreast of current marketing trends, Harley Davidson ensures that its promotional campaigns remain impactful and resonate with its audience.

Table: Examples of Harley Davidson’s Promotional Strategies

Through a combination of brand placement, engaging events, and modern marketing campaigns, Harley Davidson effectively promotes its motorcycles and strengthens its brand image. By constantly adapting its promotional strategies to align with evolving consumer preferences, Harley Davidson maintains its position as a leader in the motorcycle industry.

Place Mix of Harley Davidson

In the place mix of Harley Davidson, the company utilizes a well-established network of authorized dealers and an online store to ensure the availability and accessibility of their products to customers.

Harley Davidson recognizes the importance of authorized dealers in the distribution of their motorcycles. These dealers play a crucial role in enhancing the brand image, providing excellent customer service, and creating a personalized buying experience. With a strong focus on customer satisfaction, Harley Davidson authorizes dealers who meet its strict standards of product knowledge, customer support, and after-sales service. This ensures that customers receive expert guidance and support throughout their buying journey.

Harley Davidson’s online store provides another avenue for customers to purchase merchandise and accessories. Through their user-friendly website, customers can easily browse and select from a wide range of products that complement their motorcycles. The online store offers convenience and flexibility, allowing customers to shop at their own pace and from the comfort of their homes.

To further expand its presence and reach a global audience, Harley Davidson has strategically located showrooms in premium locations. These showrooms serve as flagship stores, showcasing the brand’s heritage, motorcycles, and accessories. The premium locations not only attract potential customers but also enhance the exclusivity and desirability of the brand.

Here is a comparison table of Harley Davidson’s distribution channels:

Strengths of Harley Davidson

Harley Davidson has established itself as a cult brand with a strong and loyal customer base. The company’s reputation is built on its rich heritage, iconic motorcycles, and the passionate community it has cultivated over the years. One of the key strengths of Harley Davidson is the Harley Owners Group (HOG) rallies and activities, which provide a platform for Harley enthusiasts to connect, share experiences, and celebrate the brand. These events not only foster customer loyalty but also act as an avenue for Harley Davidson to generate valuable insights and feedback from its dedicated fan base.

In addition to its strong community, Harley Davidson offers unique customization options that allow riders to personalize their motorcycles according to their preferences. This customization feature sets Harley Davidson apart from its competitors and enhances the overall ownership experience for its customers. The ability to create a one-of-a-kind bike that reflects their individual style and personality is a strong selling point for Harley Davidson.

Harley Owners Group (HOG) Rallies

Harley Davidson’s HOG rallies are an integral part of the brand experience and contribute significantly to its strengths. These rallies bring together thousands of Harley enthusiasts from around the world to participate in exciting events, bike rides, and social gatherings. They create a sense of camaraderie and belonging among the Harley Davidson community, reinforcing brand loyalty and fostering lifelong relationships.

Here is a table showcasing the key highlights of the Harley Owners Group (HOG) rallies:

The HOG rallies strengthen the emotional connection between Harley Davidson and its customers, fostering a sense of belonging and pride. This engagement plays a crucial role in maintaining the loyalty of the customer base and further solidifying Harley Davidson’s position as a cult brand.

Overall, the cult status of the Harley Davidson brand, the dedicated customer base, and the engaging HOG rallies add tremendous strength and uniqueness to the company’s marketing strategy, helping it to maintain a strong market presence and stay ahead of the competition.

Opportunities and Threats for Harley Davidson

Harley Davidson, the renowned motorcycle manufacturer, has several opportunities for growth and expansion in the market. By capitalizing on these opportunities, the company can increase its customer base and secure its position as a market leader. Additionally, to maintain its success, Harley Davidson must also address potential threats and adapt to evolving market trends.

Market Opportunities

Harley Davidson has the potential to tap into emerging markets and reach new customer segments. One such opportunity lies in targeting young and women riders, who represent a growing market for motorcycles. By introducing models that cater to their preferences and lifestyle, Harley Davidson can attract a wider customer base. Moreover, as the global demand for motorcycles continues to rise, the company can focus on expanding its presence in key markets, particularly in Asia and Europe.

Market Threats

While Harley Davidson enjoys a strong market position, it faces competition from other motorcycle manufacturers, both domestic and international. Rival companies may adopt similar strategies or introduce innovative products that could sway customers away from Harley Davidson. To counter these threats, the company must continuously monitor the competitive landscape, stay ahead of industry trends, and deliver products and experiences that outshine its competitors.

Overall, by leveraging market opportunities and effectively addressing market threats, Harley Davidson can solidify its position in the motorcycle industry. The company’s ability to expand into new markets and stay ahead of the competition will be integral to its future success.

Lessons from Harley Davidson’s Marketing Strategy

Harley Davidson, a renowned motorcycle manufacturer, has implemented a compelling marketing strategy that offers valuable lessons for businesses in various industries. By focusing on cultivating a core audience, conducting real-time marketing research , and developing relationship-building strategies, Harley Davidson has successfully built a strong brand and a loyal customer base. Let’s delve into these key lessons and explore how they contribute to the company’s marketing success .

Cultivating a Core Audience

One crucial lesson from Harley Davidson’s marketing strategy is the importance of identifying and nurturing a core audience. Harley Davidson has effectively tapped into the desires and aspirations of their target market, creating a sense of belonging and community among motorcycle enthusiasts.

To cultivate their core audience, Harley Davidson has implemented various initiatives, such as the Harley Owners Group (HOG). This program allows customers to engage with the brand beyond the products themselves, connecting with like-minded riders and participating in exclusive events and activities. By fostering a strong community, Harley Davidson has solidified its relationship with customers, leading to increased brand loyalty and advocacy.

Real-Time Marketing Research

Harley Davidson understands the significance of staying attuned to customer preferences and market trends in real-time. The company continuously conducts marketing research to gain insights into evolving customer needs and expectations.

Real-time marketing research enables Harley Davidson to make data-driven decisions, adapt their marketing strategies, and develop products and services that resonate with their target audience. Whether it’s monitoring social media conversations, collecting customer feedback, or analyzing market trends, Harley Davidson leverages real-time data to stay ahead of the competition and remain relevant in the ever-changing motorcycle industry.

Relationship-Building Strategies

Building strong relationships with customers is a vital aspect of Harley Davidson’s marketing strategy. The brand understands that fostering trust, loyalty, and emotional connections is key to long-term success.

Harley Davidson achieves this through various relationship-building strategies. In addition to programs like the Harley Owners Group (HOG), the brand also leverages emotional appeal by associating its motorcycles with freedom, adventure, and self-expression. This emotional branding creates a deep connection between the brand and its customers, enhancing brand loyalty and encouraging repeat purchases.

Furthermore, Harley Davidson uses price as a differentiating factor, positioning their motorcycles as premium products that embody quality and craftsmanship. By maintaining a unique and desirable brand image, the company reinforces its relationships with customers, who value the exclusivity and prestige associated with Harley Davidson motorcycles.

Overall, Harley Davidson’s marketing strategy provides valuable lessons for businesses looking to build a strong brand and establish lasting customer relationships. By cultivating a core audience, conducting real-time marketing research, and implementing relationship-building strategies, companies can enhance their marketing efforts and achieve long-term success in their respective industries.

Harley Davidson’s marketing success can be attributed to its resilient brand and effective marketing mix. By continuously adapting to the changing needs and preferences of its core audience, Harley Davidson has maintained its position as a leading motorcycle manufacturer.

The company’s emphasis on emotional branding has created a strong sense of loyalty and community among its customers. Through strategic promotion activities and the cultivation of a cult brand image, Harley Davidson has successfully connected with motorcycle enthusiasts on an emotional level.

Furthermore, Harley Davidson’s marketing mix, which includes premium pricing, high-quality products, and a strong distribution network, has established the company as a symbol of excellence and craftsmanship in the industry. This comprehensive approach has helped Harley Davidson effectively differentiate itself from competitors and attract a devoted customer base.

In conclusion, Harley Davidson’s marketing strategy showcases the importance of understanding and connecting with the core audience, leveraging emotional branding, and maintaining a well-balanced marketing mix. By consistently delivering superior products and experiences, Harley Davidson has secured its place as an iconic and enduring brand in the motorcycle industry.

What is Harley Davidson’s marketing strategy?

Harley Davidson’s marketing strategy focuses on building strong customer relationships and capturing value in return. The company has positioned itself as a premium brand and utilizes a combination of promotional activities, such as brand placement in movies and TV shows, organizing events and rallies, and leveraging their strong brand image through various marketing campaigns.

How does Harley Davidson price its motorcycles?

Harley Davidson follows a premium pricing strategy, charging higher prices for their motorcycles due to their superior quality and status symbol. Despite fluctuations in profits, they have maintained their premium pricing strategy to attract customers who value the craftsmanship and power of their bikes.

What products does Harley Davidson offer besides motorcycles?

In addition to motorcycles, Harley Davidson also offers engines, motorcycle parts and accessories, and clothing under the MotorClothes brand. They provide customization options for customers to create unique bikes that fit their preferences.

How does Harley Davidson promote its brand?

Harley Davidson promotes its brand through various strategies, such as strategically placing their bikes in movies and television shows, organizing rallies, bike rides, and events, and leveraging their strong brand image through marketing campaigns. They also utilize modern promotional techniques and leverage their strong brand reputation.

Where are Harley Davidson motorcycles sold?

Harley Davidson motorcycles are primarily sold through authorized dealers, who play a crucial role in the distribution of their motorcycles. They also have an online store for customers to purchase merchandise and accessories. Harley Davidson has expanded its presence globally, with showrooms located in premium locations and a strong distribution network.

What are the strengths of Harley Davidson’s marketing strategy?

Harley Davidson’s strengths lie in its brand reputation as a cult brand and a dedicated customer base. The company engages with its customers through the Harley Owners Group (HOG) rallies and activities. They also offer unique customization options and have a high customer pull.

What are the opportunities and threats for Harley Davidson?

Harley Davidson has opportunities to tap into emerging markets and increase their customer base, such as targeting young and women riders. They have steadily been establishing markets in Asia and Europe. However, they also face threats from competitors and the need to adapt to changing market trends.

What lessons can we learn from Harley Davidson’s marketing strategy?

Harley Davidson’s marketing strategy offers valuable lessons, including cultivating a core audience, conducting real-time marketing research to understand customer preferences, building relationships with customers through programs like the Harley Owners Group (HOG), leveraging emotional appeal, and using price as a differentiating factor to create brand loyalty.

How has Harley Davidson’s marketing strategy contributed to its success?

Harley Davidson’s marketing strategy has played a significant role in the success and resilience of the brand. By implementing a strong marketing mix, focusing on their core audience, and leveraging emotional appeal, the company has maintained its position as a leading motorcycle manufacturer. Their marketing efforts have helped build brand loyalty and create a sense of community among their customers.

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Harley-Davidson Branding Strategy and Marketing Case Study

Analysis and examples of harley-davidson’s identity, positioning, key messages, tone of voice, brand archetypes, customer benefits, competitors, and marketing content..

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Harley-Davidson brand logo

Brand Overview

  • Motorcycles

Business Type

Physical Products

Target Customer

Cruising and touring motorcycle riders

Primary Need ( Job To Be Done )

Drive a solid, partially American-made motorcycle that makes me feel like I’m part of a community

Brand Visual Identity & Content

Primary brand colors, brand typefaces, hero content.

Harley-Davidson hero image

Hero Content Type

Content features people, brand messaging, key messages, benefit or feature focus, tone of voice, brand archetypes.

( Learn More About Brand Archetypes )

Hero Brand Archetype


Everyperson Brand Archetype

Brand Positioning ( Elements of Value )

( Learn More About The Elements of Value )



Element of Value Affiliation-Belonging

Badge Value

Element of Value Badge Value

Reduces Risk

Element of Value Reduces Risk

Brand Benefits

Trusted quality from an American brand with over 100 years of history in the motorcycle industry

A specific feel and sound from a motorcycle that I connect to the experience of riding

Being part of a community of riders who all value and appreciate the story and feelings behind the brand


Key competitors.

Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Polaris, BMW

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Turnaround of Harley Davidson - cult brand or strategic fit approach?

  • School of Business Administration (Harrisburg)

Research output : Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review

Brand building has been studied from a marketing perspective for ages. Through this case study, we explain how Harley Davidson leveraged cult branding as a grand strategy and not a mere marketing strategy for its successful turnaround. Further, it is explained that it was fit amongst various human resources, operations, marketing, finance and distribution strategies with cult brand strategy, which made the turnaround of Harley Davidson successful. Our study hence throws light on the 'strategic fit' aspect between grand and functional strategies, an important criteria which is often overlooked, especially in turnaround management.

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Strategy and Management

Access to Document

  • 10.1080/0965254X.2013.768689

Other files and links

  • Link to publication in Scopus
  • Link to the citations in Scopus


  • Strategic Fit Business & Economics 100%
  • Turnaround Management Business & Economics 62%
  • Marketing Strategy Business & Economics 61%
  • Distribution Strategy Business & Economics 49%
  • Human Resources Business & Economics 47%
  • Brand Strategy Business & Economics 47%
  • Finance Business & Economics 37%
  • Branding Business & Economics 35%

T1 - Turnaround of Harley Davidson - cult brand or strategic fit approach?

AU - Agnihotri, Arpita

N2 - Brand building has been studied from a marketing perspective for ages. Through this case study, we explain how Harley Davidson leveraged cult branding as a grand strategy and not a mere marketing strategy for its successful turnaround. Further, it is explained that it was fit amongst various human resources, operations, marketing, finance and distribution strategies with cult brand strategy, which made the turnaround of Harley Davidson successful. Our study hence throws light on the 'strategic fit' aspect between grand and functional strategies, an important criteria which is often overlooked, especially in turnaround management.

AB - Brand building has been studied from a marketing perspective for ages. Through this case study, we explain how Harley Davidson leveraged cult branding as a grand strategy and not a mere marketing strategy for its successful turnaround. Further, it is explained that it was fit amongst various human resources, operations, marketing, finance and distribution strategies with cult brand strategy, which made the turnaround of Harley Davidson successful. Our study hence throws light on the 'strategic fit' aspect between grand and functional strategies, an important criteria which is often overlooked, especially in turnaround management.

UR -

UR -

U2 - 10.1080/0965254X.2013.768689

DO - 10.1080/0965254X.2013.768689

M3 - Article

AN - SCOPUS:84879661210

SN - 0965-254X

JO - Journal of Strategic Marketing

JF - Journal of Strategic Marketing

Harley Davidson Marketing & Strategic Management Case Study

The picture provides introductory information about Harley-Davidson.

Did you know that in less than 20 years, Harley-Davidson became the world’s biggest motorcycle maker? The company faced numerous challenges on its way to success, including the Great Depression. A student can take many business lessons from doing the Harley-Davidson case study. Get ready to learn more about this iconic brand!

  • 💭 Harley-Davidson Facts
  • 💡 Harley-Davidson Case Study – Best Ideas
  • 🗓️ Organizational Structure
  • 📈 Marketing Case Study
  • 🏢 Strategic Management
  • 🌳 Sustainability

❓ More Harley-Davidson Case Study Questions and Answers

  • 🤓 Harley-Davidson Case Study – 10 Best Examples
  • ✍️ More Case Study Ideas


💭 things you should know about harley-davidson.

  • Harley-Davidson was founded in 1903 by two friends, William Harley and Arthur Davidson. They got together and sold their first motorcycle in the backyard of the Davidson family home.
  • The theory is that the first Harley-Davidson carburetor was made from a tomato can. The first Harley-Davidson motorcycle had a single-cylinder engine with a top speed of 25 mph.
  • Harley-Davidson’s leather jackets, boots, and T-shirts are essential to the brand identity and the bikers’ community. However, clothing accounts only for 5% of Harley’s total sales.
  • Despite its reputation as an icon of American manufacturing, Harley-Davidson also has factories in India and Brazil. During the Great Depression, the company even made copies of its motorcycles in Japan.
  • Harley-Davidson motorcycles have appeared in countless movies. However, Harley’s first big-screen performance was the 1953 classic The Wild One with Marlon Brando.

💡 Harley-Davidson Case Study – Best Ideas

There are a lot of business units that build a well-known brand of Harley-Davidson. Here are some ideas for a top Harley-Davidson case study.

  • The history of Harley-Davidson company.
  • The origin of Harley’s “Hog” nickname.
  • Harley-Davidson’s owners.
  • The production of Harley’s motorcycle engines.
  • E-commerce and online presence.
  • Marketing strategies.
  • Harley-Davidson’s strategic planning.
  • HR practices in Harley-Davidson.
  • Labor practices in Harley-Davidson.
  • The brand culture of Harley-Davidson.
  • Environmental initiatives.
  • Company mission and values.
  • Harley-Davidson’s supply chain.
  • Key competitors of Harley-Davidson.
  • Innovations for motorcycles.
  • Leadership principles.
  • Crisis management strategy.

🗓️ Harley-Davidson Organizational Structure – Case Study Idea #1

  • Harley-Davidson’s organizational structure features The organizational structure of Harley-Davidson is based on the company’s current focus on the motorcycle markets. The two critical structural characteristics are centralization and global hierarchy. In simple words, Harley-Davidson’s headquarters are the main control base for the worldwide business.
  • The CEO’s office,
  • Human resources,
  • Financial services,
  • The motor company product & operations.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of Harley-Davidson’s organizational structure Harley-Davidson’s corporate system has the advantage of solid control of various business activities. The company can monitor changes in its business performance. However, there is the disadvantage of low flexibility in handling different markets.

📈 Harley-Davidson Marketing – Case Study Idea #2

  • An overview of Harley-Davidson’s marketing strategy The company is the pioneer in motorcycle manufacturing. Harley offers various motorcycles ranging from the street to heavyweight touring motorcycles. The company’s marketing strategy primarily focuses on providing customers with a personalized experience to connect with the brand better.
  • Windshields
  • Harley’s extensive dealership network Currently, Harley-Davidson has in total of 1498 dealerships all over the globe. Most of these dealerships are located in the USA, Canada, and Europe. Recently the company has been focusing on expanding its influence on the Asia-Pacific market.
  • Harley-Davidson’s “Learn to Ride” program Harley-Davidson Riding Academy runs a “Learn to Ride” program. Under this program, the company offers various professional courses, expanding the community. These courses also provide new riders with expert guidance from Harley-Davidson coaches. Non-professional bikers can also join the Harley-Davidson Jumpstart program, where they can ride a real Harley-Davidson motorcycle with the help of a specially designed, stationary support stand.

The picture shows the percentage of sales in H-D clothes segment.

🏢 Harley-Davidson Case Study Strategic Management – Idea #3

  • Strategic management measures for long-term success in Harley-Davidson Harley’s significant strategic management area is maintaining its production of unique, innovative, and handcrafted designs. The company aims to meet all the expectations of the customers. Another strategic measure is to support Harley’s brand image by using all the available resources.
  • Underlying reasons for Harley-Davidson’s strategic moves The most notable characteristic of Harley’s strategic management is improved efficiency and product quality. For example, in 2019, the company claimed about 38.2% of the heavyweight motorcycle market worldwide. However, to expand its sales further, the firm has introduced new lightweight motorcycles for the young generation.
  • Specific tools used to improve Harley-Davidson’s strategic management Harley-Davidson uses political, economic, technological, and environmental analysis to assess the business’s internal and external factors. In addition, the managers regularly analyze various threats and opportunities for sustainable profitability. Finally, Harley-Davidson also applies SWOT analysis to boost its financial performance and long-term sustainability.
  • The main challenges of Harley-Davidson’s strategic management The complexity of Harley-Davidson’s management challenges cannot be addressed using a universal solution, such as a SWOT analysis. While this approach has many advantages, the quality of information used in SWOT represents the opinion of just a few respondents. As a result, some opportunities may be perceived as threats, resulting in the planning and executing of a wrong strategy.

🌳 Harley-Davidson Sustainability – Case Study Idea #4

  • Harley-Davidson’s environmental sustainability One of Harley-Davidson’s long-term strategic objectives is to form its business without growing its environmental impact. The company aims to reduce its environmental impact across all aspects of the business. For example, by 2027, Harley promises to reduce the energy intensity of its global manufacturing operations and deliver a portfolio of electric two-wheel vehicles.
  • Harley-Davidson’s social responsibility Harley-Davidson’s social impact is defined by how the company treats employees, customers, communities, and society. Harley-Davidson takes a holistic approach to employee well-being, including health and safety, workplace diversity, employee training, and development.
  • Harley-Davidson’s corporate governance The Harley-Davidson board of directors unites leaders from various industries who meet regularly to review company objectives. Harley’s board of directors believes that strong shareholder rights are essential. Harley-Davidson promotes fairness, financial transparency, and accountability to all shareholders.
  • How Harley-Davidson engages its staff to implement the sustainability plans The company’s employees are engaged in driving sustainability priorities through training and education. Harley gradually builds sustainability into the manufacturing operating system and focuses on safe energy consumption. The company is building a more sustainable mindset for both employees and customers.

The picture provides an example of one of Harley's sustainability goals.

How is Harley-Davidson socially responsible?

Harley-Davidson has a Safe Rider program, which helps drivers travel safely and avoid vehicle accidents or damage. This program covers braking, turning, and maneuvering. It allows the riders to become more skilled and increase road safety.

What is Harley-Davidson’s industry-level strategy?

Harley Davidson motorcycles stand for authenticity, independence, and passion for being on the open road. A distinct promotional strategy and branding have helped Harley Davidson create a strong customer pull.

What does Harley-Davidson sponsor?

Harley-Davidson has been providing sponsorship for the Formula 1 electric category before releasing its first electric motorcycle, the LiveWire. Harley Davidson has proven its efforts and support for innovation in the segment by sponsoring Formula E.

Is Harley-Davidson ethical?

Harley-Davidson has created an ethical business that follows a clear code. The company code consists of these significant points: tell the truth, keep your promises, respect the individual, and encourage intellectual curiosity.

🤓 Harley-Davidson Case Study – 10 Best Examples

  • The Harley-Davidson motors company. This sample provides all the necessary information about Harley-Davidson’s background, the nature of the company’s activities, size, and vision.
  • Internship in Harley-Davidson, Saudi Arabia. The study discusses the technical part, which reflects the actual nature of projects undertaken within the company during the internship.
  • Harley-Davidson: Preparing for the next century. This report examines how the company has coped with various challenges in the past and how it can continue to do so in the future.
  • Primary forces impacting the motorcycle industry in the US. The study focuses on five primary forces that influence the motorcycle industry in the US in general and individual producers like Harley.
  • Motorcycles organization: new product development process. This paper presents a case study of an organization transitioning its production from the middleweight motorcycle category to the larger touring class.
  • Downfall: an overview of the British motorcycle industry. This profound work follows the great downfall of the British motorcycle industry during the Great Depression.
  • Corporate finance: General Motors Company. General Motors Company is a primary competitor of Harley-Davidson. Learn more about the company’s financial performance from this essay.
  • Cooper Tire & Rubber: manufacturing company. Cooper Tire is a United States-based firm specializing in manufacturing and selling tires for motor vehicles. This study investigates intensified competition in the tire industry.
  • Honda company’s failed people management. One of the most common arguments among motorcycle enthusiasts is the competition between Honda and Harley Davidson. This sample contains a case analysis of Honda’s people management in India.
  • International corporate finance: BMW. BMW company produces motorcycles, automobiles, and aircraft engines. This essay has an overview of BMW’s financial performance over recent years.

✍️ More Harley-Davidson Case Study Ideas

  • Harley-Davidson’s strategic analysis.
  • Harley-Davidson’s customer-focused supply chain.
  • Organizational culture of Harley-Davidson.
  • The influence of Harley-Davidson on the motorcycle industry.
  • Harley-Davidson’s way to success.
  • Harley-Davidson’s marketing strategy.
  • Harley-Davidson and social responsibility.
  • SWOT analysis of Harley-Davidson.
  • Harley-Davidson’s market outside the US.
  • Harley-Davidson vs. Honda: business strategies.
  • Financial analysis of Harley-Davidson.
  • Marketing strategies in Harley-Davidson.
  • Harley-Davidson’s company challenges.
  • Leadership styles on Harley-Davidson.
  • Global strategy at Harley-Davidson.
  • The importance of innovation at Harley-Davidson.
  • Harley-Davidson’s business evaluation.
  • Conspiracy theories around Harley-Davidson.
  • The importance of brand image for Harley-Davidson.
  • Harley-Davidson’s manufacturing and product costs.
  • The strengths and weaknesses of Harley-Davidson.
  • Harley-Davidson’s production processes.
  • Operations management at Harley-Davidson.
  • Harley-Davidson’s distribution channels.
  • Harley-Davidson’s key market competitors.
  • Employment and internships in Harley-Davidsons.
  • Consumers’ loyalty to Harley-Davidson.
  • The advertisements for Harley-Davidson’s motorcycles.
  • The analysis of the motorcycle industry in the US.
  • The evolution of Harley-Davidson over the years.
  • The Great Depression
  • What is the Meaning of Organizational Structure?
  • Strategic Management: Definition, Purpose, Example
  • SWOT Analysis
  • 2019 Harley-Davison Sustainability Report – investor.harley-davison

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Publication date: 20 January 2017

Teaching notes

In July 2007, Mark-Hans Richer became Harley-Davidson's first chief marketing officer. Its riders were aging, which the company saw as an existential threat. Although Harley-Davidson had a record sales year in 2006 and had maintained a commanding share of the heavyweight motorcycle market for the previous decade, it needed to take new action to sustain its growth.

Richer needed to deliver a new generation of riders and a more diverse customer base, all without losing current Harley-Davidson customers. He also knew that he could not relax: the average tenure of a CMO in 2007 was only 27 months and a complete new product development cycle would take a minimum of four years.

Recommend marketing decisions for a brand with extremely high loyalty in light of various consumer behavior indicators gleaned from market research

Understand the power of leveraging existing assets as opposed to innovating new products

Understand the psychological basis of customer loyalty, including drivers and metrics of loyalty

  • Consumer marketing
  • Global strategy
  • Market analysis
  • Market research
  • Marketing strategy

Roese, N.J. and Kompella, M. (2017), "Harley-Davidson: Chasing a New Generation of Customers", .

Kellogg School of Management

Copyright © 2013, The Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University

You do not currently have access to these teaching notes. Teaching notes are available for teaching faculty at subscribing institutions. Teaching notes accompany case studies with suggested learning objectives, classroom methods and potential assignment questions. They support dynamic classroom discussion to help develop student's analytical skills.

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16.13: Case Study - Harley-Davidson

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One-line summary

Harley-Davidson Australia used Instagram to successfully reach a younger audience in the 18−35 year old millennial market.

The challenge

Harley-Davidson is an iconic American motorcycle brand. The brand has come to symbolise freedom and individuality, but is associated with an older market. The brand wanted to raise brand awareness and engage a younger audience.

The solution

Harley Davidson decided to use Instagram ads, for the first time, to reach 18−to 35-year old men in Australia and New Zealand.

Harley-Davidson used a series of illustrations to fit in with the visual nature of Instagram. They wanted to appeal to young, adventurous people who appreciate the world through a more visual lens. The brand identified three themes they felt resonated with their intended audience, and tapped in to their own artistic heritage of seeing motorcycles as pieces of art. The brand commissioned local Australian artists to interpret these themes.

The illustrations were displayed as carousel ads for each theme. When swiped the images connected to form a storyline. The visual style was designed to mimic tattoo-like images and motifs that are popular in biking culture.


The results

Over a run of just over two weeks, the ads reached almost 1.4 million men, aged between 18 and 35.

The ad drove over 8 000 clicks through to the brand’s website.

Harley-Davidson achieved their objective of resonating with a younger audience, and ultimately expanding their demographic (Digital Training Academy, 2016).

  • Case Details
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  • Case Intro 2

Marketing Management Case Studies | Case Study in Management, Operations, Strategies, Marketing Management, Case Studies

» Understand the various marketing mix elements of H-D » Critically analyze H-D's move to license several of its products and whether this will lead to its brand dilution or not » Appreciate the importance of channel partners in maintaining good relationship with the customers

Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Marketing Mix, Product, Heavy-Weight Motorcycles, Pricing, Distribution, Dealership Evaluation Norms, Promotion, Advertising Strategy, Brand Image, Brand Dilution, Customer Relationship Management, Marketing Philosophy, Demographic Profile

Marketing Strategies of Harley-Davidson - Next Page>>

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Harley-Davidson’s Operations Management & Productivity

Harley-Davidson 10 strategic decisions of operations management, productivity, decision areas, motorcycle business analysis case study

Harley-Davidson’s operations management (OM) ensures that the company maintains effective and efficient business activities to support productivity, business resilience, and competitiveness against Ducati, Honda, Yamaha, and other firms. Harley-Davidson’s managers determine the best options for the 10 strategic decision areas of operations management. These 10 decisions cover the key business areas that involve operations management approaches. To optimize the productivity of its facilities, Harley-Davidson continues to develop its operations management practices to suit evolving business needs. Motorcycle designs are regularly tested to determine the satisfaction of customers’ expectations and regulatory requirements.

This evaluation of Harley-Davidson’s operations management in the 10 strategic decision areas highlights brand image and customers’ needs. This focus helps the company manufacture high-quality motorcycles with a strong brand image. The brand and high-quality products support goal fulfillment in relation to Harley-Davidson’s mission statement and vision statement .

Harley-Davidson’s Operations Management, 10 Decision Areas

1. Design of Goods and Services . Harley-Davidson motorcycles are known for their unique and handcrafted designs. In this strategic decision area of operations management, the company’s objective is to support its brand image based on available resources. The brand image emphasizes motorcycle quality and high-end chopper design, which support the objectives of Harley-Davidson’s generic competitive strategies and intensive growth strategies . Also, the design of goods and services considers the interests of stakeholders in the motorcycle business. For example, product features satisfy customers, and engine designs account for environmental concerns, in support of Harley-Davidson’s corporate social responsibility strategy .

2. Quality Management . The objective in this strategic decision area is to maintain operations management practices to maximize output quality that matches the Harley-Davidson brand image and customers’ expectations. The company has strict quality standards, as well as quality requirements for suppliers to ensure high-quality materials for motorcycles. Quality standards reinforce the competitive advantages shown in the SWOT analysis of Harley-Davidson .

3. Process and Capacity Design . Harley-Davidson’s operations management approach for this strategic decision area involves high quality and new technologies. Optimal production processes are an objective in this decision area. At Harley-Davidson, operations managers automate processes for maximum efficiency in producing motorcycles and related products. Also, the company’s production facilities address demand and cost considerations in the global market.

4. Location Strategy . Most of Harley-Davidson’s authorized dealers are located in city centers. Many of these dealers are involved in deciding the location of the dealerships. Thus, Harley-Davidson’s operations management addresses this strategic decision area through partially decentralized decision-making for dealership locations. In addition, the locations of the company’s warehouses are based on the locations of authorized dealers to optimize the transportation efficiency of Harley-Davidson motorcycles and related products. Decisions in this area of operations management affect the productivity and effectiveness of the distribution strategy in Harley-Davidson’s marketing mix (4P) .

5. Layout Design and Strategy . This strategic decision area of operations management is concerned with optimal efficiency in the movement of people, materials, and information. For company-owned facilities like motorcycle production buildings, Harley-Davidson’s operations management approach for this decision area involves traditional models adjusted to suit the facility’s purpose. Also, a standardized set of layout design requirements are implemented for authorized Harley-Davidson dealerships.

6. Job Design and Human Resources . Human resource adequacy and capability are the main concerns in this strategic decision area of operations management. Harley-Davidson uses training programs and a participatory approach that empowers employees. To maximize career opportunities and optimally utilize talent, the motorcycle company’s operations management implements a succession-planning policy where leaders share information about employees’ performance. Success in this area of operations management depends on organizational characteristics. For example, Harley-Davidson’s organizational structure (company structure) determines job descriptions in relation to other areas of the business. On the other hand, Harley-Davidson’s organizational culture (business culture) influences workplace productivity and issues in human resource management.

7. Supply Chain Management . Harley-Davidson maintains a Supplier Diversity policy for making decisions in this area of operations management. This decision area is concerned with optimizing the supply chain for the motorcycle manufacturer’s growth. The company’s policy ensures the optimal productivity and capacity of its supply chain based on the availability of a wide variety of suppliers. Success in this area of operations management depends on how policies and strategies address the bargaining power of suppliers described in the Five Forces analysis of Harley-Davidson . Also, decisions in supply chain management account for supply-related industry and market conditions, such as the trends shown in the PESTLE/PESTEL analysis of Harley-Davidson .

8. Inventory Management . In this strategic decision area, operations managers focus on inventory adequacy and timeliness. Harley-Davidson addresses these objectives through automated inventory monitoring in company-owned facilities. The company also has an online system for orders and requests involving authorized dealers.

9. Scheduling . Harley-Davidson has streamlined schedules for its business activities. In this strategic decision area, operations managers focus on maximizing capacity in short-term and intermediate schedules. The company addresses such a concern through automated schedules for the supply chain and orders involving authorized H-D motorcycle dealers. Traditional operations management approaches are also used for scheduling employees’ activities at Harley-Davidson’s offices.

10. Maintenance . Reliability of processes is the objective in this strategic decision area of operations management. Harley-Davidson’s motorcycle production processes are standardized with redundancy measures. For example, the company coordinates the activities of production facilities, which minimize stockouts by supporting each other during demand peaks. Harley-Davidson also has maintenance teams for buildings and equipment.

Productivity at Harley-Davidson

Harley-Davidson’s operations management approaches are partly aimed at maximizing productivity. Operations managers evaluate productivity levels based on a number of measures or criteria. Some of these productivity measures at Harley-Davidson are as follows:

  • Revenues per sales employee (H-D Dealership employee productivity)
  • Supply stockout rate (productivity of Harley-Davidson’s suppliers)
  • Motorcycles per day (productivity of H-D production facilities)
  • Harley-Davidson, Inc. – Form 10-K .
  • Harley-Davidson, Inc. – Motorcycle Retail Sales .
  • Harley-Davidson, Inc. – Motorcycle Shipments .
  • Jin, T. (2023). Bridging reliability and operations management for superior system availability: Challenges and opportunities. Frontiers of Engineering Management , 1-15.
  • Reid, R. D., & Sanders, N. R. (2023). Operations Management: An Integrated Approach . John Wiley & Sons.
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  • This article may not be reproduced, distributed, or mirrored without written permission from Panmore Institute and its author/s.
  • Educators, Researchers, and Students: You are permitted to quote or paraphrase parts of this article (not the entire article) for educational or research purposes, as long as the article is properly cited and referenced together with its URL/link.

I recently met up with Dr. Simon Moore , a respected business and consumer psychologist who specializes in brand experience.

He is a master of unearthing the reasons consumers behave the way they do, and using those insights to help brands improve engagement.

I wanted to understand what it was that made case studies so useful in sales and marketing, and suspected that the answers lay in psychology.

I wasn't disappointed.

It turns out that effective sales and marketing is all about understanding the underlying emotional drivers of buyer behavior. And, when applied, those insights can help supercharge content.

This is what I learned.

How to Craft a More Compelling Case Study

For children across the world, stories are an integral—and, more important—enjoyable part of their bedtime ritual. So, it's not surprising that we are conditioned to like stories.

Trained as we are from a very early age, our brains have learned to process information through the medium of stories and to remember them.

But it goes much deeper than that.

Simon Explains

"Stories are psychologically friendly because the way they're structured is very neat. They have a start, middle, and end, which is easy for the brain to process. This is essential because despite having a huge amount of untapped potential we don't have unlimited brain power."

It's also why you should never present someone with a list of facts. That's really hard on the brain. There's no way of ordering it.

But you want people to remember what you told them. And when you put information in the context of a story, their brain is already geared to remember it.

When committing your case studies to the page or video, concentrate on the narrative. Case studies already have a three-part story structure built in: the problem, the solution, and the result. Use that structure to tell a compelling story.

When you do, you make your case study eminently more enjoyable to read or watch, and easier to digest, process, and recall.

People will remember it, internalize it, and work out its relevance for them; and, just as important, they will also be able to pass it on.

How to Move From 'Me Too' to 'Perfect Partner'

In psychology, it's called empathetic intelligence , and it plays a major role in our enjoyment of stories.

It's our ability to listen to a story about somebody else—and put ourselves in their shoes.

As a result, you can experience events that you may never witness yourself, and you get a feel for what it would be like to be there. You can travel to various periods in history, experience life on far-flung planets, and encounter people you would likely never have the chance to meet.

More important for your sales and marketing, you give your market the opportunity to play out scenarios that they may be personally experiencing, and so also assess the (positive) outcome you promise.

"Stories allow you to safely test scenarios without the risks. You automatically play the action back to your own situation. You tweak what you are watching or reading or hearing to fit your own circumstance and play them out as if you were the one in the story."

Empathetic intelligence is the reason soap operas are so popular: When watching them, we are asking what we would do were we in that situation. You automatically put yourself in that situation—assessing both risk and potential gain or loss for you.

Tell your client's story. Outline the challenges they wanted you to fix and why those challenges were occurring. Explain how you helped to fix problems and describe what life/work was like for your client after the solution was implemented.

In a world where trust is hard to win, your client's story will not only help your prospect safely play out the resolution of their own challenges but also position you as the perfect option as a provider of the solution.

The more relatable the story, the more your prospects will connect with it.

How to Increase Urgency

In some ways, we are simple creatures. Despite having accomplished incredible things scientifically, we remain very close to the cave psychologically.

"Reward-and-punishment is still the thing that guides us. The way that we navigate the world is to avoid the things that make us feel anxious and scared, and seek out the things that make us feel good."

For the majority of us, fear is the greater force.

Though we like the idea of losing weight or saving money for a rainy day, there's nothing like a health scare to get you in the gym, or the knock of a bailiff to get you to cut up your credit cards.

In you case study, focus in on the problems that your client was struggling with. Make it personal. The more someone can see their own situation reflected in the story, the greater the emotional connection.

Think about how the story hooks into their own concerns: What are the things that keep them up at night? These are not questions about the business, per se; these are questions about the people you are looking to attract.

When you do, you will stimulate your prospect's empathetic intelligence. Seeing their own situation reflected back will increase their unease and make your solution and the results it delivers, all the more compelling.

How to Increase Desire

It's the question we ask ourselves before making any decision, big or small: What's in it for me?

No matter how generous, altruistic, or selfless a person is, that question is always there in the background, influencing his or her actions.

Because, ultimately, we all have the same drive in common: looking after number-one.

"When you tell people who you are and what you do, it rarely engages—because they can't see their ego in that. The ego is asking very different questions: Where am I in this scenario? What will I get out of it?"

Results are important. Vital, even. But what makes the results that much more compelling is the impact they've had on the person who hired you.

When outlining the results of the project, describe what they meant to your client—things like...

  • How you made them look to their team and higher ups
  • How you helped progress their career or save it
  • How you freed their time up to spend on the things they enjoy

Remember, saving money or time or increasing efficiency isn't what's at stake; it's what those things mean to a person that makes them meaningful. If saving money is going to save your job, then that's what's really important.

How to Boost the Feel-Good Factor

The way we perceive the world can be split in two: what we think about it; how we feel about it.

What we think is important. It's the logical side of who we are. We look at the world around us and assess each element to determine its appropriateness.

You view a pair of shoes and assess whether they are fitting for the activities you intend to use them for. You then put them on to ensure they're the right size for your feet.

However, ultimately, those logical reasons only contribute to the decision to buy. What seals the deal is how you feel about the shoes—your real reasons why you purchase.

"The Nobel Prize-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman demonstrated that we have two cognitive systems that impact our decisions: One is emotionally influenced, and one is more rational/pragmatic. His research proved that emotional drivers generally have greater influence on our decision-making and behavior than more rational and logical ones."

The shoes may be the right fit and they may be appropriate for the job at hand, but if they don't say what you want them to say about you and they don't reflect what you want others to think about the person you are, you likely won't buy them.

When telling your customer's story, don't concentrate on what they bought from you. Focus on why they bought it from you.

What was it that got them personally engaged? How did you make them feel good about their purchase? How did you help allay their concerns about you and your products?

Those factors are far-flung from the logic of features and benefits. They are the food of emotional need.

Unleash the Power of Your Case Studies

Keep in mind the above-outlined five ways of amping up the power of case studies, and you'll create high-impact, prospect-pulling, mean marketing machines.


image of Alex Moscow

Alex Moscow is the owner of 9mm Public Relations , a boutique communications consultancy that helps B2B businesses build profile, pipeline, and profit. Check out its case study audit tool .

LinkedIn: Alex Moscow


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