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16 Drafting Your Ad Analysis

Dr. Karen Palmer

Now that you have a solid outline, it’s time to start writing your ad analysis paper! Here we will work through fleshing out each part of your outline–turning your outline into a full draft.


The first part of your paper is your introduction. You may remember from the Writing Formula chapter that an introduction consists of three main parts: the hook, the introduction to the topic, and the thesis. Let’s begin with the hook. A hook does two jobs–it connects the topic of your paper to your readers, and it attempts to capture their attention.

This video highlights some of the most common techniques for writing a good hook:

Now that you have a general idea of what a hook does, let’s focus in on the kind of hook that would be most useful for your ad analysis essay. Let’s say you are doing an analysis on that milk ad we discussed earlier in the text.

Strategy 1: Connect to the topic of the ad: milk. You could say something like, “Do you drink milk?” But…would that really draw in readers? Surely, there is a better way to grab the attention of our audience.

Strategy 2: Connect to the broader topic of advertising. Here you might say something like, “Advertisers are always trying to get our attention.” Sure, this is a broad opening to the paper, but is it really going to make anyone interested in the topic?

A good idea is to brainstorm some current events or topics that link to your ad. A brainstorming list for this milk ad could include lactose intolerance, the concept of looking at TV sitcom characters as role models, the changing role of mothers, and even the pressure placed on moms (and women in general)  to be perfect. Choose something that appeals to you and that illustrates a theme that runs through the ad. When brainstorming with my classes, we often land on the idea of perfection with this particular milk ad. It makes a compelling frame for the paper.

Introducing the topic is just that–letting readers know what the paper will be about. ie An ad for ________ located in _________ magazine illustrates this concept. Note that you need to include the specific product advertised in the ad, the name of the magazine in which the ad is located, and include a connection/transition to your hook.

Finally, the last sentence of your introduction is your thesis. Here you make your argument. While you already wrote a thesis for your outline, you want to double check that the thesis connects in some way to your hook. Our example thesis is: “The advertisers successfully persuade the consumer that milk will make them a great mom by using nostalgia, milk branding, and the image of ideal motherhood.” We might make a slight adjustment here to make the connection a bit more explicit: “The advertisers play on the desire of moms to fulfill an image of perfection by using nostalgia, milk branding, and the image of ideal motherhood.”

In the ad analysis, our background consists of two different sections: the description and the discussion of context.


Remember that your audience cannot see the ad you are discussing. If you were in a room presenting to your audience, you might project an image of the ad up on a screen. Since we can’t do that in an essay, we need to describe the ad for our readers. Essentially, you want your readers to be able to draw a basic picture of your ad–or at least visualize it accurately in their minds.

This video from James Rath discussing how people with visual impairments see images on social media gives an important life reason for learning how to write solid image descriptions:

Here are some good tips for writing a description of an image:

1. Start by giving readers a one sentence overview of the ad. For our milk ad, that might be, “In this ad, three mothers from iconic sitcoms sit side by side in a beauty parlor under old-fashioned hair dryers.”

2. Determine in advance how you want readers to see the image–do you want them to look at the image left to right? Foreground to background? Clockwise? Bottom line here–don’t make readers minds jump around from place to place as they try to visualize the image.

3. Choose the key elements. You don’t have to describe every single thing in this paragraph. Tell readers who the three moms are and what show they are from. Give enough basic details so that readers know the setting is old-fashioned. Remember, you’ll be able to bring forward more detail as you analyze the ad in the body of your paper. Readers don’t need to know what color a person’s eyes are unless it’s a key part of the ad.

4. Don’t forget the text! While you should not write every word in the ad in your description, especially if there are lengthy paragraphs, you should include a brief overview of the text. ie placement, basic overview Again, you’ll be able to give specific quotes that are relevant to your analysis in the body of your paper.

5. Write in present tense!

The context of an ad really focuses on the audience of the ad. Remember that advertisers very carefully consider the audience for their product and create their advertisements to best reach that target audience. Let’s look at this from the perspective of a company looking to place an ad:

So, if an advertiser goes to this much trouble to determine the demographics of their target audience, it’s obviously important! The ad (unless perhaps it was published by an inexperienced advertiser) is not “for everyone.” An ad in Newsweek , no matter how childlike it appears, was not created for children. It was created for the audience who will purchase and read this magazine. When we do an ad analysis, we want to share similar information with our readers. What magazine is the ad placed in? What is the general focus of that publication? What kinds of articles appear in the publication? What general types of ads appear? In short, who is the audience? Of course, you can look at a magazine and get some of this information. You can also do a quick online search for the demographics of the magazine or for their media kit, which is what advertisers look at prior to purchasing advertising space to ensure the magazine is a good fit for their ad.

Now that you have the background out of the way and your audiences thoroughly understand the topic, it’s time to begin your analysis. Your thesis should have given at least three advertising strategies used in the ad. Your paper should include a paragraph for each one of those strategies.

Topic Sentence

The topic sentence should echo the wording of the thesis and clearly introduce the topic. For example, “One way the advertisers use the concept of the perfect mother to convince readers to purchase milk is by using iconic mothers from television shows.” For your next paragraph, you’d want to be sure to include a transition. For example, “Another way” or “In addition to” are both phrases that can be used to show that you are building onto your previous paragraph.

In this part of the paragraph, you want to give specific examples from the ad to support your point.

First, you should introduce the example. “The three moms from iconic tv shows are the focus of this ad.”

Next, you should give specific examples from the ad–this could be pointing out particular details about the images in the ad or quoting from the text–or both! For example, for the milk ad, you might give the specific names of the characters and the shows they are from. You might point out that every detail of their outfits are perfect. That they are wearing makeup and jewelry. That they have their wedding rings prominently focused in the image. You might also quote text, like the line from the ad that says, “Another all-time great mom line.”

Finally, wrap up your examples with a clear explanation of how the example proves your point. For example, you might say that, especially in modern times, it is very difficult for mothers to live up to the standard of perfection set by these three television moms. You might explain how causing readers to feel “less than” sets the stage for them to accept the premise that giving their children milk will make them more like these TV moms.

The wrap up for your paragraph is similar to the wrap up for the evidence provided. Here you want to reiterate your thesis in a simple sentence. For example, you might say, “Using the images of these iconic moms convinces moms that, in order to be a good mom, they must buy milk for their children.”


The conclusion of your paper is essentially a mirror image of your introduction. Think of your paper as an Oreo cookie. The introduction and the conclusion are the cookies that surround the best part–the body of the paper. Like the cookie outsides of the Oreo, the introduction and conclusion should be mirror images of each other.

1. Start with re-stating the thesis.

2. Reiterate the topic.

3. Return to your hook and elaborate.

Unlike an Oreo, the conclusion should not simply copy your introduction word for word in a different order. Try to restate your sentences in a different way. Elaborate on your hook so that you leave readers with something to think about!

 Content written by Dr. Karen Palmer and is licensed CC BY NC.

The Worry Free Writer Copyright © 2020 by Dr. Karen Palmer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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How to Write an Advertisement Critique Essay

how to write an advertisement critique essay

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Writing an advertisement critique essay.

Advertising plays an important role in today’s world. There are people who depend on advertising for their livelihood while others have built multi-billion dollar companies from advertising. It is estimated that in a year, people spend up to $450 billion and for the U.S. accounts for a third of the above amount. Therefore, advertising is indeed an important sector.

What is an advertisement critique essay?

The above information is essential for an  essay writer  to develop their advertisement analysis. However, one should, first of all, understand what an advertising analysis is as well as its main features. An advertising critique essay can be described as a paper whose aim is to deeply examine an ad and provide a comprehensive analysis of the same. Its features are not different to that of other essays because it will have an introduction with a thesis statement, a body with several topic sentences, and finally a conclusion. However, you need to ensure your writing focuses solely on the ad and that you provide your verdict on the ad.

How to start an advertisement analysis: Tips on how to start

Every accomplished writer will tell you that starting an essay is the most difficult stage. The start will always present you with some challenges. However, as you keep writing, you grow as a writer and your increased experience will help handle and tackle any kind of paper.

To start an advertisement analysis, consider the following tips:

  • Choose an ad you understand and like to write on.
  • Ensure you are familiar with the product being advertised.
  • Vaguely describe the ad.
  • Look at the ad keenly and note everything you find interesting or that captures your attention.
  • Develop an argument you wish to express in your paper.
  • Develop an outline.

How to write an outline

An outline is simply a map or a prototype of your paper. It should encompass your main ideas as well as anything you wish to have in your paper. It should also be structured into an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. This is essential because it helps you define the information that goes into each segment. Make your outline brief but thorough. This will help to make your work easier because you will simply be filling up data or information. Separate your points and make sure each stands on its own.

How to write a thesis for an advertisement critique essay

As already stated, you cannot write about an ad you do not understand. Therefore, first know what a thesis statement is and what it does before you get to how to write it. A brief explanation is as follows: a thesis statement is a statement carrying your main argument or the point you wish to express to your audience.

The basic things you need to understand here include:

  • Make it brief and clear.
  • Ensure it is detailed enough to communicate your main point or argument.

How to write an introduction

An introduction is the most important part of your paper. It not only draws the attention of your readers but also ensures they are interested enough to read the entire article. You, therefore, need to ensure it is as interesting as possible. You should also make it brief but detailed enough to capture and communicate your main argument. The above simply means you need to include your thesis statement.

Tips on how to write an introduction and thesis

To better explain what the above section is communicating, consider the following tips:

  • Start with a hook. A hook’s aim is to capture the attention of your audience; it is always the first or second sentence.
  • Provide a general summary of the ad. This includes the company, the product, etc.
  • Include your thesis statement in your introduction.

How to write body paragraphs

Body paragraphs mainly build on your thesis statement. They help to expound your argument further by using other smaller arguments. While writing the body paragraphs, you need to ensure that each paragraph begins with a topic sentence. Topic sentences are then followed by supporting sentences which simply provide support or evidence to your topic sentences.

Tips on body writing

  • Use topic sentences to start your paragraphs.
  • Typically the body should be 3-5 paragraphs long unless stated otherwise.
  • Cite any information you include and that is not your original idea.
  • Mention or indicate the ad’s targeted audience.
  • Mention some of the strategies used in the ad to make it more appealing to the audience.
  • Provide the textual strategies used in the ad.

How to finish an advertisement critique essay

In the conclusion, you need to recap or provide a summary of your paper including the arguments used in your paper. You also need to have a restatement of your thesis statement. The finishing of a paper is indeed important. You need to make it memorable and in a way that will be difficult for your audience to forget.

Tips on conclusion writing

For an advertisement critique essay, you need to consider the following tips as you write your conclusion:

  • Recap your article by providing a small summary of your writing.
  • Restate your thesis statement.
  • Provide recommendations on how the ad could be improved.
  • Discuss implications of the ad on the cultural, political, social aspects of the society.

Advertisement analysis revision: Tips on revision

Revising your articles should be an important and mandatory step as a writer. Revising means re-reading your article and  correcting any mistakes  you find in your essay.

While revising your paper consider the following tips:

  • Use online grammar checkers to help you correct some of the punctuation and grammatical errors.
  • Give a trusted friend or family member your article to read and to offer genuine feedback.
  • Cite any piece of information which is not original.

Advertisement critique essay sample

Coca-Cola is by far the most profitable soft drinks company. The company is not only adaptive but also keeps reinventing itself which makes it more adorable and gives the customers little chance of ignoring their products. Their new advert dubbed Taste the Feeling is indeed reminiscent of the company’s prowess in ensuring that clients keep buying their products. The ad is not only appealing but also prompts one to go get a Coca-Cola bottle. The Taste the Feeling ad not only and successfully unites all of the company’s products but also helps to showcase why the company is where it is.

First of all, the ad is simple and is also fitted with appropriate captions which seek to explain every moment that could be spent with an ice-cold Coke. The audience is obviously the young consumers or the millennials whose lifestyle could accommodate the taste of Coca-Cola. It is also fair to say that the ad does achieve its purpose and goes ahead and uses characters whose lifestyle is reminiscent of the target audience.

Secondly, the ad appeals to the emotions of everyone who is watching by including a series of emotionally charged moments. In all these moments, the ad shows a coke being enjoyed thus helping to calm the characters’ nerves down or to simply help them enjoy the moment more. Here, the company was trying to make secure its position as the leader in the soft drinks industry. Additionally, one can say that the company was also trying to endear itself to the customers even more.

Thirdly, the message was also clear and one could sense the pleasure of drinking Coca-Cola. The goal was trying to show how the drink makes moments special and more even more nostalgic. By using this mode or direction of advertising, it is possible to get or to grasp the attention of viewers. Everyone will simply be wishing for the specialness of having an ice-cold Coca-Cola bottle whenever they are having or thinking of special moments.

In conclusion, it is difficult to get a negative aspect of the ad. It not only captures one attention but also unites the products of the company. The theme which is simple and catchy is also something that is unforgettable and therefore, helps to make it more appealing. It is indeed difficult to beat this particular ad and other companies ought to be aware.

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How to Write a Critique in Five Paragraphs

Last Updated: January 20, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Diane Stubbs . Diane Stubbs is a Secondary English Teacher with over 22 years of experience teaching all high school grade levels and AP courses. She specializes in secondary education, classroom management, and educational technology. Diane earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Delaware and a Master of Education from Wesley College. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 973,045 times.

A critique is usually written in response to a creative work, such as a novel, a film, poetry, or a painting. However, critiques are also sometimes assigned for research articles and media items, such as news articles or features. A critique is slightly different than a traditional 5-paragraph theme, as it is usually focused on the overall effectiveness and usefulness of the work it is critiquing, rather than making a strictly analytical argument about it. Organizing your critique into 5 paragraphs can help you structure your thoughts.

Laying the Groundwork

Step 1 Examine the prompt or assignment.

  • Does the creator clearly state her/his main point or goal? If not, why do you think that is?
  • Who do you think is the creator’s intended audience? This can be crucial to determining the success of a work; for example, a movie intended for young children might work well for its intended audience but not for adult viewers.
  • What reactions do you have when reading or viewing this work? Does it provoke emotional responses? Do you feel confused?
  • What questions does the work make you think of? Does it suggest other avenues of exploration or observation to you?

Step 3 Do some research.

  • For example, if you're critiquing a research article about a new treatment for the flu, a little research about other flu treatments currently available could be helpful to you when situating the work in context.
  • As another example, if you're writing about a movie, you might want to briefly discuss the director's other films, or other important movies in this particular genre (indie, action, drama, etc.).
  • Your school or university library is usually a good place to start when conducting research, as their databases provide verified, expert sources. Google Scholar can also be a good source for research.

Writing the Introductory Paragraph

Step 1 Give the basic information about the work.

  • For a work of fiction or a published work of journalism or research, this information is usually available in the publication itself, such as on the copyright page for a novel.
  • For a film, you may wish to refer to a source such as IMDb to get the information you need. If you're critiquing a famous artwork, an encyclopedia of art would be a good place to find information on the creator, the title, and important dates (date of creation, date of exhibition, etc.).

Step 2 Provide a context for the work.

  • For example, if you’re assessing a research article in the sciences, a quick overview of its place in the academic discussion could be useful (e.g., “Professor X’s work on fruit flies is part of a long research tradition on Blah Blah Blah.”)
  • If you are evaluating a painting, giving some brief information on where it was first displayed, for whom it was painted, etc., would be useful.
  • If you are assessing a novel, it could be good to talk about what genre or literary tradition the novel is written within (e.g., fantasy, High Modernism, romance). You may also want to include details about the author’s biography that seem particularly relevant to your critique.
  • For a media item, such as a news article, consider the social and/or political context of the media outlet the item came from (e.g., Fox News, BBC, etc.) and of the issue it is dealing with (e.g., immigration, education, entertainment).

Step 3 Summarize the creator’s goal or purpose in creating the work.

  • The authors of research articles will often state very clearly in the abstract and in the introduction to their work what they are investigating, often with sentences that say something like this: "In this article we provide a new framework for analyzing X and argue that it is superior to previous methods because of reason A and reason B."
  • For creative works, you may not have an explicit statement from the author or creator about their purpose, but you can often infer one from the context the work occupies. For example, if you were examining the movie The Shining, you might argue that the filmmaker Stanley Kubrick's goal is to call attention to the poor treatment of Native Americans because of the strong Native American themes present in the movie. You could then present the reasons why you think that in the rest of the essay.

Step 4 Summarize the main points of the work.

  • For example, if you were writing about The Shining, you could summarize the main points this way: "Stanley Kubrick uses strong symbolism, such as the placement of the movie's hotel on an Indian burial ground, the naming of the hotel "Overlook," and the constant presence of Native American artwork and representation, to call viewers' attention to America's treatment of Native Americans in history."

Step 5 Present your initial assessment.

  • For a research article, you will probably want to focus your thesis on whether the research and discussion supported the authors' claims. You may also wish to critique the research methodology, if there are obvious flaws present.
  • For creative works, consider what you believe the author or creator's goal was in making the work, and then present your assessment of whether or not they achieved that goal.

Writing the 3 Body Paragraphs

Step 1 Organize your critical evaluations.

  • If you have three clear points about your work, you can organize each paragraph by point. For example, if you are analyzing a painting, you might critique the painter’s use of color, light, and composition, devoting a paragraph to each topic.
  • If you have more than three points about your work, you can organize each paragraph thematically. For example, if you are critiquing a movie and want to talk about its treatment of women, its screenwriting, its pacing, its use of color and framing, and its acting, you might think about the broader categories that these points fall into, such as “production” (pacing, color and framing, screenwriting), “social commentary” (treatment of women), and “performance” (acting).
  • Alternatively, you could organize your critique by “strengths” and “weaknesses.” The aim of a critique is not merely to criticize, but to point out what the creator or author has done well and what s/he has not.

Step 2 Discuss the techniques or styles used in the work.

  • For example, if you are critiquing a song, you could consider how the beat or tone of the music supports or detracts from the lyrics.
  • For a research article or a media item, you may want to consider questions such as how the data was gathered in an experiment, or what method a journalist used to discover information.

Step 3 Explain what types of evidence or argument are used.

  • Does the author use primary sources (e.g., historical documents, interviews, etc.)? Secondary sources? Quantitative data? Qualitative data? Are these sources appropriate for the argument?
  • Has evidence been presented fairly, without distortion or selectivity?
  • Does the argument proceed logically from the evidence used?

Step 4 Determine what the work adds to the understanding of its topic.

  • If the work is a creative work, consider whether it presents its ideas in an original or interesting way. You can also consider whether it engages with key concepts or ideas in popular culture or society.
  • If the work is a research article, you can consider whether the work enhances your understanding of a particular theory or idea in its discipline. Research articles often include a section on “further research” where they discuss the contributions their research has made and what future contributions they hope to make.

Step 5 Use examples for each point.

Writing the Conclusion Paragraph and References

Step 1 State your overall assessment of the work.

Sample Critiques

advertisement critique essay example

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Before you begin writing, take notes while you are watching or reading the subject of your critique. Keep to mind certain aspects such as how it made you feel. What was your first impression? With deeper examination, what is your overall opinion? How did you come to this opinion? Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • While the 5-paragraph form can work very well to help you organize your ideas, some instructors do not allow this type of essay. Be sure that you understand the assignment. If you’re not sure whether a 5-paragraph format is acceptable to your teacher, ask! Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

advertisement critique essay example

  • Avoid using first and second person pronouns such as, “you”, “your”, “I”, “my”, or “mine.” State your opinion objectively for a more credible approach. Thanks Helpful 39 Not Helpful 14

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About This Article

Diane Stubbs

To write a 5-paragraph critique, provide the basic information about the work you're critiquing in the first paragraph, including the author, when it was published, and what its key themes are. Then, conclude this paragraph with a statement of your opinion of the work. Next, identify 3 central positive or negative issues in the work and write a paragraph about each one. For example, you could focus on the color, light, and composition of a painting. In the final paragraph, state your overall assessment of the work, and give reasons to back it up. For tips on how to take notes on the piece your critiquing, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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advertisement critique essay example

Home » Writers-House Blog » Writing a Great Advertisement Critique Essay

Writing a Great Advertisement Critique Essay

Advertising is a very important thing for modern society. We see advertisements on TV and hear them on the radio. On the internet, advertisements are everywhere — there are simple links, pictures, videos, emails, pop-up windows, etc. Companies spend more than $450 billion a year on advertising. Thus, the importance of advertising is hard to overestimate. In this article, we gathered some tips from writers-house.com service that will help you write and nice advertisement critique essay.

Advertisement Critique Essays

The purpose of an advertisement critique essay is to examine a certain advertisement and to analyze it. Advertisement critique essays are somewhat similar to other essays because they should have an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion. You should also make sure that your essay focuses on the advertisement and state your opinion.

Advertising is a very dynamic topic because this industry changes and evolves all the time. Advertisement critique essays are a popular type of assignment in college because it requires students to consider their topic from different viewpoints. To create an interesting essay that will impress your readers, we recommend that you follow a few simple rules.

Thesis and Introduction

We recommend that you don’t start your essay with a thesis statement. You need to lead your readers to the main point of your essay that will serve as the basis for the entire paper. Make sure that your thesis statement is focused, concise, and detailed.

The introduction is a crucial part of your essay. It must immediately grab attention and ensure that your readers will be interested in reading your essay. In this section, you should also provide your main argument, along with the necessary details.

When writing the introduction, start with a hook. The purpose of the hook is to capture your audience’s attention. This is the very first sentence of the paper. After this, provide a quick summary of the advertisement so that your readers will know the name of the brand, the product, etc. At the end of the introduction, write your thesis statement.

Body Paragraphs

Body paragraphs should elaborate on your thesis statement. You need to develop your argument using smaller arguments. The structure of your body paragraphs is especially important. Start with a topic sentence, followed by pieces of supporting evidence.

Always begin your body paragraphs with topic sentences and make sure that the whole paragraph focuses on one aspect of the topic. If you don’t have any other instructions, we recommend that you write three to five body paragraphs. When using information from other sources, always provide citations. Don’t forget to mention the targeted audience of the advertisement and point out the key strategies used in it.

In the concluding section, summarize your main points and rephrase your thesis statement. The conclusion is almost as important as the introduction, so make sure that you don’t just repeat your thesis statement. Consider it from a new angle and make it memorable.

Make the summary of your paper concise but don’t forget to mention the most important details. Explain what you think about the advertisement in general and provide your recommendations on how it could be improved. Consider the ad in a cultural, political, or social context.

Never submit your essay as soon as you finish writing it. Make sure to revise it and correct any mistakes. Experts from Writers-house.com recommend that you use various grammar checkers to detect the most obvious grammar mistakes. However, don’t rely solely on such programs. The best solution is to order professional proofreading on our website.

Writing Tips

  • Choose an advertisement that you understand. It will be much easier for you to analyze the ad if you are perfectly familiar with the context.
  • We also recommend that you choose familiar products.
  • Describe the elements that captured your attention.
  • Develop an interesting argument.
  • Before writing an essay itself, write an outline.

It’s good to write about advertisements that have complex ideas, symbolism, and creative images. You won’t be able to write a lot about a generic, simple ad. Look for ads that are based on creative strategies.

You may likely write an advertisement critique essay at some point in your college career. Consider ads from different viewpoints and analyze marketing techniques. Use our tips and create a successful essay that will bring you good grades!

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Advertisement Analysis – How to Write & Ad Analysis Essay Examples

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In this day and age, advertising is everywhere, from billboards and TV commercials to social media feeds and mobile apps. It’s an essential tool many companies use to draw customers’ attention and showcase their products and services. However, creating a compelling and distinctive advertisement is more challenging than it seems, and professionals often rely on ad analysis to achieve this goal. Advertisement analysis is a form of research that examines advertisements’ effectiveness and impact on society. Below, we will discuss how advertisement analysis can help businesses develop successful ad campaigns while ensuring their ads are ethical and socially responsible.

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Ad analysis is a type of research that experts use to develop compelling and eye-catching advertisements . It addresses each step of the ad’s creation process. Such an approach has become increasingly common because it shows marketing techniques’ impact on human consciousness. Experts evaluate the effectiveness of an ad using qualitative and quantitative methods , which help them create better advertisements. Language, imagery, and music used in a successful marketing campaign are just a few examples of what makes up effective ad messaging.

How to analyze the advertisement? While every company and its marketing team may have their own approach to ad analysis, the framework usually includes these 5 major steps:

Gather information. Before starting a project, looking up information about the product is vital. Make a SWOT analysis of the company for which you are conducting an ad analysis. This method will help you identify potential market opportunities and internal weaknesses.

Find target-audience preferences. To choose the perfect media tools for your marketing campaign, you must know your ad’s target audience . Knowing your audience will also assist you in learning how to convince the customers to get interested and purchase the product you are advertising.

Start questioning. You have to create a list of detailed inquiries regarding the advertisement. These questions will aid in finding information about the message or context of the ad . Also, it will help you understand which areas require more research and improvement.

Examine the strategic and tactical components. During this step, you first need to identify the objective. Make sure the message is conveyed clearly so the advertisement can serve its intended purpose. Then, you need to identify the target message. It’ll help to create a brief messaging framework.

Onlook the results. You have to watch whether your advertisement analysis works or not. Analyze how many new customers you receive after publication and your product’s popularity level. That way, you will both improve your research and gain experience for your next project.

Here you can find 2 incredible examples of advertisement analysis essays! The primary focus of each report is to examine how the created advertisement will affect potential customers.

Essay sample #1 – Pepsi advertisement

Target Audience: Pepsi targets consumers in their teens, early 20s, and early middle age. Pepsi print is of bright color , and that instantly attracts customers’ attention. In the commercial, many young people with happy smiles enjoy life, skating on the board and drinking Pepsi.

Implicit messages: The appearance of joyful teens in the Pepsi ad makes you want to buy this drink. The advertisement suggests that after consuming the product, you’ll feel like you’re living your best life.

Essay sample #2 – YSL perfume advertisement

Target Audience: YSL perfume advertisement targets women of early middle age. In the ad, the women are confident, independent, and successful. The advertisement connects the sensation of freedom and high status in society to the perfume itself.

Implicit messages: The advertisement appeals to those who want to make their own rules. YSL customers are women, so the company creates an image of powerful yet feminine females. The commercial suggests that after buying the perfume, you will embrace freedom and will be able to set old bridges on fire.

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  • Microsoft Corporation' Marketing Mix Business essay sample: This paper describes how product, place, price, and promotion affects the development of the Microsoft marketing strategy and tactics.
  • Marketing Strategy of Adidas in the UAE Business essay sample: This paper aims to analyze a worldwide corporation Adidas on its marketing components, specifically in the United Arabic Emirates.
  • Gucci Brand and Target Market Analysis Business essay sample: Gucci is a very strong well-established brand with few weaknesses, but it exists in an environment that offers multiple threats.
  • Marketing Effects on Consumer Behavior and Decision-Making Business essay sample: The essay explores the impact of advertising on the customers' decision-making processes and the key areas of marketing study on improving the efficiency of this influence.
  • Digital Marketing Trends: Technological and Social Changes Business essay sample: This paper reviews how technological and social changes will influence digital marketing in the next 5 years. It also discusses the implications for marketers.
  • "Fair & Lovely" Advert and Its Business Ethics Business essay sample: The advert of Fair & Lovely seems over-exaggerated and at the same time, demeans the gender of women in terms of their socioeconomic prowess and social class.
  • Retail Sector of the Financial Service Industry Business essay sample: The retail finance services have provided a healthy platform for revenue generation in several corporations due to its stability.
  • The 4p’s Marketing Strategies Analysis Business essay sample: This research enables the 4p's company management to reduce uncertainties that might arise after the business decision has been implemented.
  • Marketing Strategy of Coca-Cola Business essay sample: Business can attain profit through the ultimate turn over and adequate investments. Coca Cola’s marketing strategy is to satisfy their everlasting customers and creating new customers.
  • Functions of Branding Business essay sample: One of the main functions of branding, other than being just an identifier of a product, is that branding has become a medium of communication for the company with the customer.
  • Retail Marketing Effects on Global Events Business essay sample: Retail marketing has over the past few years increase significantly as firms fight for survival and growth within there respective industries.
  • Procter and Gamble Company: Strategic Business Analysis Business essay sample: This paper provides information about Procter and Gamble Company, engaged in the production of various consumer goods; provides company's SWOT-analysis and management features.
  • E-Commerce for Small Business Business essay sample: This paper explores the possibility of becoming more competitive and at the same time providing convenience and accessibility to its clients.
  • The Role of Integrated Marketing Communication in Business Business essay sample: IMC’s most fundamental and perhaps most challenging task is trying to reach people who can conceivably purchase a client's product.
  • The Sales Promotions Concept Business essay sample: Promotion relies on five main strategies of marketing communication, which businesses use in different proportions for maximum coverage.
  • Expedia: A Marketing Plan Business essay sample: A marketing plan for Expedia: business objectives, marketing goals, industry analysis, marketing opportunities and threats, market targeting and segmentation, expected results.
  • Netflix Communication Strategy in the UAE Business essay sample: Analyzing Netflix communication strategy? 📺 In this paper, we seek to investigate how Netflix achieves success in the United Arab Emirates. ☀️ Read the text to learn what is Netflix communication strategy in the UAE. ✅
  • The Importance of Internet Marketing Business essay sample: Internet is seen to be one of the major innovations when it comes to marketing and it has brought a lot of advantages in the filed.
  • Samsung Growth Strategy Business essay sample: Samsung has used various growth strategies throughout decades. It has entered many markets, which ensured a significant coverage and sales across the globe.
  • Marketing Research in Companies. Business essay sample: Marketing research is important tool of every company to examine and investigate market situation, competition and consumer demands.
  • Marketing in the UK Clothing Industry Business essay sample: This study is aimed at analyzing the consumer behavior towards the clothing industry especially in consideration men and women in UK. Fair trade is concerned with the production of endorsed clothing in the UK.
  • Clark Faucet Company: Project Management Methodology Business essay sample: Researching Clark Faucet company? 🛁 The methodology manual plan in this paper will provide a good stand for the Clark Faucet Company to increase the benefit. 📈
  • Kingsford Company's Charcoal Marketing Plan Business essay sample: Kingsford business plays an important economic role as part of the Clorox portfolio in its periodic revenue total generation. This study analyzes Kingsford charcoal marketing.
  • Marketing Communications in Building Strong Brand Names Business essay sample: The paper investigates the views of different authors in assessing the role played by marketing communication in creating/building and sustaining a strong brand name.
  • SunTrust Bank and Bank of America: Marketing Concepts Business essay sample: The marketing strategies that are chosen should ensure that the customers are given the best services so as to maintain them and to improve on their well being and that of the society’s at large.
  • Promotion Opportunity Analysis for Coke-Cola Product Business essay sample: This is one of the major processes when carrying out the promotional opportunity analysis; for coke-cola communication is a key factor in carrying out promotional objectives.
  • Dove Evolution of a Brand Business essay sample: Dove brand was perceived by women as way of beauty and this for any brand is very important aspect because women want to associate themselves with things that will turn them on sexually or the product that relates to fertility.
  • Multinational Relationship Marketing: Chinese Experiences Business essay sample: The main themes of the article concern the very cultural and religious peculiarities of the Chinese nation and the effect those peculiarities have upon marketing, advertising, and pricing.
  • J. D. Wetherspoon Marketing Communication Business essay sample: This report seeks to explain the marketing communications process, the different elements of the communications mix available to J D Wetherspoon.
  • Masiya Company's Quality Management Issues Business essay sample: The aim of this paper includes discussing current issues in the Masiya company which have been collected by interviewing different company members.
  • Statistical Methods in Marketing Business essay sample: In marketing statistical methods are used particularly to establish customer and staff trends for instance where issues of customer turnover are of huge concern.
  • Marketing Strategy for Asda Business essay sample: Asda is a retailing store which is a subsidiary of Wal-Mart. The retail store is based in the United Kingdom and is among the largest retail store in the United Kingdom.
  • The Aspects of International Marketing Business essay sample: Starting with market research as the basis for entering into an international market, companies need to make proper decisions on whether to go abroad, how to enter markets, etc.
  • Disney Consumer Products: Marketing Nutrition to Children Business essay sample: In developing products that meet requirements of the market, DCP positions itself as the leader in the production of healthy foods, which has chances to sustain business model.
  • Marketing Plan: Triwa Incorporation Business essay sample: The objective of the research was to determine the best pricing strategy to adopt in setting the price of the new soft drink product.
  • The Cheesecake Factory Restaurant: Overview Business essay sample: The Cheesecake Factory, Inc proposes unique products reflecting the national traditions and food preferences of the American nation.
  • Poland: International Buyer Behavior Business essay sample: The paper analyzes the potential customer base in Poland before launching the new product by the marketing team.
  • A Tourism Product's Marketing Plan Business essay sample: The paper aims to illustrate how the firm can effectively launch the product in the market and attain a competitive advantage both in the domestic and foreign markets.
  • Consumer Attitude & Behavior in Marketing Campaign Business essay sample: This study provides information on how consumer motivation and decision-making strategies differ between different products depending on their level of importance.
  • Social Media Role in Business-to-Business Business essay sample: Social media is mainly a combination of internet tools that combine information technology with social interaction.
  • Coca-Cola: Marketing Policies and Processes Business essay sample: This essay shall discuss the importance of marketing orientation of an organization, study the key elements of a marketing plan and how successfully these are being used by Coca Cola.
  • Australian Wine: Media Buying and Planning Business essay sample: Australian Vineyards have been in the market since 1889, this is an indication that they have a vast wealth of experience in wine production.
  • Honey Monster Cereal Products: Brand Extension Business essay sample: Brand extension is one facet of brand positioning. Honey Monster has evolved from a product promoting mascot into a company banner due to its acceptability and popularity.
  • The Carbon Trust Standard Company Business essay sample: Carbon Trust is a society-friendly organization. Emission of carbon leads to changes in the climate and problems to human health.
  • Total Quality Management: Value Chain Management Definition Business essay sample: We can argue that quality management plays an important role for each business process because all of them can shape the price of the commodities.
  • Strategic Management by Example IKEA Business essay sample: In order to succeed on the global scale, giant retailer like IKEA needs effective marketing strategies and philosophies, unique corporate vision and outstanding product management.
  • ‘Ansoff Matrix’ Application in Enterprises Business essay sample: This matrix is used by marketers who have objectives for growth. And it offers strategic choices to achieve growth objectives for a company.
  • We Simplify the Internet: Internet Accessability for SMEs Business essay sample: The mission statement of WSI Internet Consulting is increasing the growth and profitability of SMEs businesses through an enhanced and efficient provision of internet solutions.
  • Distribution Strategies of the Nike Company Business essay sample: Discussing the drivers of Nike's widespread growth, and examining the role of word of ‘word-of-mouth’ and television in advertising products in expanding production and outreach.
  • Pinkberry Product: Strategy and Launch to Taiwan Business essay sample: This paper takes a comprehensive and critical analysis of the marketing strategies and promotion of Pinkberry product and launch to Taiwan market.
  • Dominos Pizza Enterprises: Marketing Business essay sample: This paper discusses a marketing plan for Dominos Pizza Enterprises: new product strategy, key target market, pricing strategy, placement and distribution, product promotion.
  • "Pure Business" Company Business Plan Business essay sample: Pure Business is a proposed company to be established in Syria which will be responsible for marketing, advertising and research.
  • Academic Enhancement Services to Students Business essay sample: Introducing a new product of academic enhancement services to students in the market requires a well-designed marketing plan and unique branding that are describing in this paper.
  • Travel Magazine Executive Summary: Outsourcing Business essay sample: This paper analyzes the processes that an organization that plans to be producing travel magazines will outsource and those that it will keep in-house to enhance the magazine business.
  • The Agent Provocateur Company Business essay sample: The main purpose of the paper is to dwell upon the Agent Provocateur Company that specializes in lingerie; we will focus our attention on the company itself and its main direction.
  • The Concept of Recruitment and Selection on Job Business essay sample: Job description entails a description of the purpose of the post, the job title, where the job will be based, the type of person that is required which is the selection criteria.
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  • Marketing Point for Marline Insurance Company
  • Cadbury and Coca-Cola Supply Chain Management
  • Management Techniques Analysis
  • Aloha Airlines: Marketing Strategy
  • Marketing Analysis of Frito Lays Dips
  • The Role and All Aspects of Branding in Companies
  • Branding in Apple Incorporation
  • Truck Safety Company's Marketing Strategy
  • Integrated Marketing Communication & Planning Campaign
  • Coca-Cola Company's New Product Marketing Plan
  • Consumer Behavior Audit: Anoush Soap
  • Boutique: Starting Your Own Business
  • Abercrombie & Fitch: Brand Revitalization and Extension Strategies
  • Johnson-Venter Report on Recruitment and Selection Procedures
  • Ford Sales Dealer and Services
  • Marketing Communication Used By Apple
  • Massage Therapy Business Plan
  • Ritz-Carlton's Corporate Marketing Strategy in China
  • Marketing Research About “Packaging”
  • Pinkberry Franchise in Saudi Market
  • Customer Relationship Management and Its Elements
  • Sony PlayStation Gaming Company's Value Chain Analysis
  • Pursuing an Online MBA Program Over an Onsite Program
  • Internet Marketing Strategy for a Company
  • Downfall: An Overview of British Motorcycle Industry
  • Nokia's Integrated Marketing Communication & Brand Building
  • GM Holden Company's Integrated Marketing Communication
  • Procter & Gamble Co.'s Marketing Plan
  • Managing People, Finance and Marketing
  • HR Policy in Blue Gum in Australia
  • Marketing Plan for the FlaBlaster Product
  • Examples of Right and Wrong Decisions in Marketing
  • Authentic Japanese Cheese Tarts in UK: Business Plan
  • Strategic Planning at the Chronicle Gazette
  • Business Model Canvas Application
  • PepsiCo: Business Strategies
  • Consumer Behavior in Capitalism
  • Promotional Ad Campaign for Product Line Extension of the Coca-Cola Company
  • Starbucks’ Management and Operations: Starbucks Delivery
  • Mont Blanc Creative Brief
  • Kudler Fine Foods' Strategic Plan and Risk Management
  • Coca-Cola Company: Difficulties of Global Organization
  • Healthcare Marketing and Strategy
  • Energy24: Drink Marketing Plan
  • The Effectiveness of the Pepsi Advertisement in Influencing Customer Behavior
  • Coca-Cola's Marketing Principles and Practices: News Analysis
  • Organizational Ethical Dilemmas
  • Pepsi: Consumer Behaviour Report
  • The Importance of Development Digital Economy for Organizations
  • Belmond’s Marketing Strategy
  • Coop Cold Milk Marketing
  • James Bond in Starbucks
  • Amazon Inc.: Company Analysis
  • E-Marketing Plan for Emirates Airline
  • Marketing Communication Analysis: The Case of IKEA
  • The Coca-Cola Company's Marketing Mix
  • “The Moss Village” Social Enterprise: The Business Plan
  • An Integrated Marketing Strategy for Colgate
  • Tesla, Inc.: Electric Vehicles Manufacturing
  • About the Process of Hiring Employees at Apple, Inc.
  • Analysis of Nivea's Advertisement Image
  • The Importance of Consumer Behavior Study
  • The Effect of Online Marketing on Consumer Buying Behaviour in Malaysia
  • Analysis of Johnson & Johnson’s Case
  • Walmart: Commercials’ Role in Affirming a Significant Brand
  • Zillow Group Inc.: Company Analysis
  • Tayto Snacks and Marketing Techniques
  • Promotional Mix for Nike
  • Slick Jim’s Used Cars: Analysis of Business Performance
  • The World Wide Web and its Benefits to Real Estate Agents
  • The Google Inc. Company Analysis
  • Bookkeeping Business Plan For Bendigo
  • Best Cost Managerial Accounting Approach for Web Ad
  • Segmentation and Positioning for the Packaged Cookie Market
  • Business and Economics Report: Barr
  • Traditional Media Elements of Opening Ceremon
  • Apple’s Success: Consumer Electronics Industry
  • Accounting: Costing in a Manufacturing Environment
  • Forecast/Budget/Control in Health Care Marketing
  • Tesco Plc's Financial Statement Analysis
  • Yearly Management Report of the Hotel
  • Auditing Construction Companies
  • Holiday Inn’s Social Media Sales Strategy for the Food and Beverage Department
  • Advertising Campaign for Online Sports Nutrition Store
  • Westlaw.com: Developing B2B Relationships
  • The Coca-Cola Company: Products Liability Research
  • Market Metrics in Measuring Performance
  • Recent Changes Occurring in Direct Marketing Area
  • Nike Promotion and Distribution Strategy
  • Analysis of the Manchester United E-commerce Operations
  • Business Strategy for the Apple Inc.
  • International Marketing Consultancy Company
  • Eden Foods Company's Marketing Plan in the US
  • PR and Integrated Marketing Communications
  • The Contemporary Issues in Marketing
  • Digital Marketing Strategy: Under Armour
  • Different Elements Of The Promotional Mix
  • Optical Advertising for the Esports Industry
  • Sports Marketing Affected by Internet of Things
  • A Usage-Based Insurance Company's Marketing Strategy
  • Coca Cola: Marketing, Strategy Analysis
  • Business Plan For a Proposed Company Key Business
  • Arabic Coffee or Arabic Restaurant in United State
  • Monsoon PLC Analytical Report
  • Kellogg Company's Environmental Analysis
  • Organizational Analysis of Nike
  • Marketing Analysis: Shell Advertisement Campaign
  • The Marketing Case: Presenting the Company to the Public and Building Brand Awareness
  • Analysis Leonard v PepsiCo Case
  • Data Analysis of Employment Market Using Text Mining & Job Finder System
  • Marketing Analysis of Ford Motor Company
  • A Corporate Marketing Perspective
  • Integrated Marketing Communications by Nike Inc.
  • The UK Oral Hygiene Market
  • Ample Meeting Point: Marketing Planning
  • Surpass Freight Transport, Packaging and Logistics Company Analysis
  • Quality Alloy, Inc (QA) Company: Web Analytics in Business Promotion
  • Wirksworth Heritage Centre's Digital Marketing
  • Starbucks Company's Marketing Stage Analysis
  • Decorative Cosmetics Market's Practical Research
  • The Coca-Cola Company's Environmental Analysis
  • The Subway Fast-Food Outlets in Australia
  • FlowEsScents Candlestick Company's Marketing Strategy
  • Coca-Cola’s Strategic Technology Plan
  • Relation of Advertising and Marketing
  • Case Study on Google Strategy
  • Spectacle Hut’s Traditional Marketing Transformation in a Digital World
  • Marketing ROI: Challenge of ROI, the Problem of ROI Assessment
  • Facebook Company's Business Policy and Strategy
  • Starbucks Coffee Company Planning and Promoting New Service
  • Stella McCartney Fashion Brand's Sustainability
  • Nike Inc.'s Marketing and Corporate & Business Strategies
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Essays on Advertisement

Choosing a compelling advertisement essay topic.

Choosing a compelling advertisement essay topic can be a challenging task. To find the perfect topic that stands out and captures the reader's attention, consider the following recommendations:

- Brainstorm : Begin by brainstorming ideas related to advertisements that interest you. Think about recent commercials, marketing strategies, or advertising campaigns that have caught your attention.

- Research : Once you have a few potential topics, conduct thorough research to gather relevant information. Explore different advertising techniques, psychological aspects, or industry trends to help you narrow down your options.

- Relevance : Consider the relevance of the topic in today's society. Select a topic that is current and has the potential to engage readers. This could be related to the impact of social media advertising or the ethical considerations in advertising.

- Unique Perspective : Look for an angle that offers a unique perspective on the topic. Avoid rehashing common themes and strive to present fresh insights into the chosen subject.

- Controversy : Controversial topics tend to attract attention. Choose a topic that sparks debate or raises questions, but be sure to handle it sensitively and provide balanced arguments.

- Audience Appeal : Consider the interests and preferences of your target audience. Select a topic that resonates with them, whether it's about the influence of celebrity endorsements or the role of humor in advertising.

- Personal Connection : If you have personal experiences or anecdotes related to the topic, it can enhance the authenticity and engagement of your essay. Share your insights and connect with readers on a personal level.

Remember, a good advertisement essay topic should be thought-provoking, well-researched, and relevant to the current advertising landscape.

Unlocking the Best Advertisement Essay Topics

1. The Impact of Emotional Appeals in Advertising: Explore how emotions are used to influence consumer behavior and decision-making in advertising campaigns.

2. Gender Stereotypes in Advertisements: Breaking the Mold: Analyze the portrayal of gender roles and stereotypes in advertisements and discuss efforts to challenge and break these stereotypes.

3. The Power of Storytelling in Advertising Campaigns: Examine how storytelling techniques are utilized in advertising to create emotional connections and engage consumers.

4. Subliminal Messaging: Manipulation or Effective Marketing?: Investigate the controversial practice of subliminal messaging in advertising and its potential impact on consumer behavior.

5. The Role of Humor in Advertising: Making Consumers Laugh and Buy: Discuss the effectiveness of humor as a persuasive tool in advertising and its influence on consumer attitudes and purchasing decisions.

6. The Influence of Social Media Advertising on Consumer Behavior: Explore how social media platforms have transformed advertising and examine their impact on consumer behavior and brand perception.

7. Ethical Considerations in Advertising: Balancing Profit and Responsibility: Analyze the ethical challenges faced by advertisers and discuss strategies for maintaining ethical standards in advertising.

8. Celebrity Endorsements: Enhancing Brand Image or Exploitation?: Examine the use of celebrity endorsements in advertising and evaluate their impact on brand image and consumer perception.

9. The Evolution of Advertising: From Traditional to Digital: Trace the evolution of advertising from traditional mediums to digital platforms and discuss the advantages and challenges associated with this shift.

10. Greenwashing: The Deceptive Tactics of Eco-Friendly Advertising: Investigate the phenomenon of greenwashing in advertising, where companies falsely claim to be environmentally friendly, and discuss its implications.

Engaging Advertisement Essay Questions

1. How do emotional appeals in advertising influence consumer purchasing decisions? Provide examples and discuss the psychological mechanisms behind these appeals.

2. In what ways do gender stereotypes perpetuated in advertisements affect society? Analyze the impact of gender portrayals on individuals and broader cultural perceptions.

3. How does storytelling in advertising create a stronger emotional connection with consumers? Explore the elements of storytelling and its impact on consumer engagement.

4. To what extent does subliminal messaging impact consumer behavior? Discuss the concept of subliminal messaging and its effectiveness in influencing consumer choices.

5. What are the psychological mechanisms behind the effectiveness of humor in advertising? Analyze how humor influences consumer attitudes and purchasing decisions.

Advertisement Essay Prompts to Inspire Your Writing

1. Imagine you are an advertising executive tasked with creating an ad campaign to challenge gender stereotypes. Develop a compelling concept and explain how it would influence societal perceptions.

2. Write a persuasive essay arguing for or against the use of fear as a persuasive tactic in advertising. Provide examples and evidence to support your viewpoint.

3. You have been hired to analyze the impact of social media influencers on consumer behavior. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this marketing strategy, and provide recommendations for brands.

4. Create a fictitious advertisement for a controversial product or service. Explain the underlying message and discuss the potential ethical concerns associated with promoting such an item.

5. Investigate the use of nostalgia in advertising and its impact on consumer behavior. Analyze a specific nostalgic ad campaign and discuss its effectiveness in creating a connection with consumers.

Answers to Common Questions about Writing an Advertisement Essay

Q: What is the purpose of an advertisement essay?

A: An advertisement essay aims to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness, strategies, and impact of various advertising techniques on consumers and society.

Q: How do I choose a unique advertisement essay topic?

A: Look for current and controversial topics within the advertising industry, focusing on aspects such as ethics, psychology, or cultural influences. Consider personal experiences and perspectives to add a unique touch.

Q: Can I use personal anecdotes in an advertisement essay?

A: Yes, incorporating personal anecdotes can add authenticity and engage readers on a personal level. However, ensure they are relevant and support the main argument.

Q: What should I consider when brainstorming advertisement essay topics?

A: Consider recent advertisements, marketing strategies, or advertising campaigns that have caught your attention. Reflect on the impact, cultural significance, or ethical implications of these topics.

Q: How can I make my advertisement essay stand out?

A: Offer a unique perspective, present fresh insights, and explore controversial or thought-provoking angles. Engage the reader by connecting with their interests and emotions.

Q: Are there any industry-specific advertisement essay topics?

A: Yes, you can explore advertising topics related to specific industries, such as fashion, technology, or food. Analyze the unique strategies and challenges faced by advertisers in these sectors.

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Advertising Critique - Report Example

Advertising Critique

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Essay On Advertisement Critique

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Business , Marketing , Company , Customers , Logistics , Market , Services papers , Countries

Published: 03/11/2020


Source: Lamber,2012

FedEx is a logistics company. It is a large company and has global presence. FedEx serves different market segments such as large organizations, businesses, small firms, and individual customers. The above ad shows how FedEx provides logistics services to individual customers. It has made world very accessible through FedEx. Transferring goods and documents through FedEx to different countries is like transferring it through different windows. It has made transferring document, gifts and other goods among different countries very easy. Not only this, it has made transferring these goods, gifts and documents among different continents very easy as well. The ad above clearly shows the value and mission statement of FedEx. It is showing two different people from different continents exchanging goods as easy as they only apartments apart or just few homes away. (Kotler and Keller, 2012) The ad is very one dimensional it shows only the one market segment that the company is serving. It is not showing the other market segments being served by the company such as business consumers and b2b users of the company. The value is being promoted in the ad that transferring goods and services and logistics has become very easy through using FedEx, but it is only highlight in one of the many markets of the business. Only consumer market is being targeted through this ad. This is only a picture ad, the organization could do better with adding some text on the ad. It should highlight that it also provides service to business consumers. This will help the company target two segments with one ad and will save cost and unnecessary advertising expenditure for the company, if two different ads are given.

Works Cited:

Kotler, P. and Keller, K. (2012). Marketing management. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. Lambier, N. (2012). Epic Print Ads: November 2012. [online] Epicprintads.blogspot.com. Available at: http://epicprintads.blogspot.com/2012_11_01_archive.html [Accessed 25 Oct. 2014].


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Critique of Implicit Meaning in Advertising Essay (Critical Writing)

Introduction, creating an ads, marketers intent, the success of implied meaning in ads, works cited.

Advertisement as a component of marketing has over the years developed and attained a very dynamic status that currently marketers are faced with a very hard time marketing their products. Initially, the process of creating an ad was just to create awareness to the potential buyers, however today there are a lot of substitutes and mere awareness does not guarantee to sell anymore. Advertising has therefore gone a notch higher whereby the demands of the customers no longer define what kind of advert will be created.

Rather the customers are made to create a self-image that will be saleable. This will make them have an implied class or statuses that make them be associated with a certain way of life and so on. It is imperative to critique advertisement since it applies to many aspects of human life including entertainment, food, and housing, traveling, and dressing among as. This is because people buy everything!

When marketers create their adverts, they usually intend to make them in a way that would greatly appeal to their potential clients, this is with hopes that the more the ad appeals, the more it is likely to attract clients (Callow and Schiffman 259). To measure how much has been achieved, and then the sales data will be analyzed following the advertisement. If there is an increase then the ad worked well, but if there is no significant increase, then it can be concluded that the ad was not effective (Phillips 77).

To assess the implied meaning of an ad, it’s adequate for one to understand first the intended meaning that the creator of the ad had and assess any elements that could have shaped the ad. Second, one has to assess the average customers or group of consumers’ real understanding of the ad (Mooij 67). For instance how women perceive a certain perfume, how children react to toys or how men would respond to sports adverts, and so on (Phillips 77). The third and final is to explicate the way a critic would understand the ad in a manner that could be even new to the creator of the ad and the reader.

After an ad is created, the consumer is made to believe certain things that may be non-existence in the first place. This is where the advert creates a certain impression that is connected to the product being marketed to ensure that the customers feel satisfied. Some theories are behind the marketing tactic. They make a critical contribution (Mooij 68). These contributions draw from a wide base of disciplines and hence the vocabularies are quite numerous and so are the perspectives.

Some very important concepts have received the greatest attention and they include hyper-reality, change in consumption and production, fragmentation, decentering of themes, loss of dedication, and contradictory coincidence. Many of these beliefs are directly related to marketing consumption (Mooij 78). The hyper-real instances are based on the assumptions that the consumers experience for instance in simulations encountered by clients of the thriving tourism industry, universal studios, and virtual parks. When themes are constructed and then seriously believed by the producers and clients the same (Callow and Schiffman 259).

For instance, comfort and satisfaction that people are promised if they put on branded jeans like denim jeans. If the society is promised that they would feel more attractive or sexy and they believe it, then the jeans would produce that feeling (Phillips 77). For such reasons, marketing and consumption are trending in post-modernity despite who is the discussant (theorists, sociologists, or artists).

This is the aspect that deals with the creator’s intent when making up the advert. It is described as the intended fallacy and this is the real meaning of the ad in the eyes of its creator. In the daily activities of most people, speaking or any other form of communication is essential means to pass across some message (Callow and Schiffman 263). There is usually a perception that the creator’s intent is the true meaning of the message in the ad (Phillips 79).

The success of putting across the message in the ad context can be assessed based on the degree of a match between what the author intended and actually how the consumer understood or interpreted the advert. Just like in normal conversations and other forms of communications that take place between two or more people on the daily basis, the receiver is usually attempting to reconstruct what the sender intended to out across (Phillips 82). This is why it is no surprise that most people will perceive the intent of the author as the correct meaning of a message like a text.

Understanding what the advert means is very critical in understanding an advert. The real meaning is hence what was intended by the creator. From these, then an ad can be concluded as sexist, obscene or anti-civilization, and so on. Nonetheless, it’s very hard to deconstruct what the author was trying to pass across if the message is not explicit (Mooij 78). This means that the implied meaning can be distorted during the deciphering of the information. The intent of the creator hence becomes just like the numerous possible justifiable meanings and there could be a possibility that that is not necessarily the correct one (Mooij 78).

Furthermore, customers can never know what was intended by the marketer. For instance, when an advert reads like “Our Pizzas have been voted to be the best by our clients” and the actual meaning was that “in a survey of 5,000 people, at least five liked their pizzas. Voting the best could have been used by the advertiser to sincerely mean that some of the customers liked their pizzas. Still, there can be an argument that said message is not actually what was meant. Such an advert chooses to exclude the ones that did not like the pizzas. Furthermore, having to state that the customers voted the pizzas as the best excludes the perception of the creator hence his/her intent cannot be used to define what the advert meant.

Language, sign, or any other form of communication is usually arbitrary and not entirely a way of directly bringing out the creator’s meaning but rather it is more of a polysemic message that contains several meanings and is consequently subject to different interpretations (Stewart and Shanker 2). Language usually gets the meaning through context rather than the meaning of the sender of the message.

For example, a word like liberal had a different meaning 200-100 years ago than it does today. One cannot decipher what the sender of a message meant since the context of making sense out of a message can never be completely distinct (Mooij 78). Furthermore, the contest of understanding a message is also subject to further interpretation and hence the message can only be understood by the understanding of the language (Shapiro and Krishnan 5; Callow and Schiffman 263).

Advertisements utilize the implied meaning concept to lure customers to buy their products believing that the elements that are suggested in the advert like satisfaction will be met (Reichert, Heckler and Jackson 14). Sex appeal has been very critical to the subject of implied meaning in making advertisements (Reichert & Lambiase, 76 ). Since sex appeal is the widely used ideal of implied meaning in ads, this paper focuses on this line of thinking.

The dissimilarities in male and female psychology cause varied approaches to and their sensitivity to sex. The relationship between sex and advertising becomes very complex (Reichert and Lambiase 76 ). Adverts intend to entice people to purchase the products in question in one way or another. Advertisers have to do their job faster without going into so much detail. Advert designers are usually able to find a sexual connection between many products. However, sexual association is achieved easily in men than women (Reichert and Lambiase 76 ). This could be the case because men have less complex criteria for desire; a woman beautiful enough, young, and healthy is enviable to any man.

For these reasons, adverts targeting male consumers effectively draw the attention of the men using women’s bodies and relate obtaining the product being advertised to getting the woman. The advert effectively exploits a man’s instincts rather than his intellectual understanding of things. Only the mere presence of a person is adequate to elicit the urge to buy. Men, therefore, tend to like products that involve ladies in their advertisements. Implied meaning effectively influences the act of buying in men unknowingly (Poels and Dewitte 71).

In women the story is different, because though they have a sexual response instinct; it’s sometimes strongly affected by their outstanding intelligence. Since the process of attracting a woman’s attention by sexual desire is complex, adverts targeting women rarely use sex appeal as their argument for the attraction (Reichert et al 16). Research has however found a solution to this, women like something concrete, and hence to lure a woman, an advert targeting women have themes like romance as their inducement. Romance perfectly matches a woman’s intellectual perception of love, courtship, the process by which men contest to be and women decide on mates (Phillips 45). This clearly shows that sex is the strongest appeal used in advertising, only that it’s highly gender connected.

In practice, sex appeal varies according to the target consumers and also because many products are projected to one gender of the other (Phillips 45). An example of an advert targeting women perfume went like this; a woman strolling down a street. A handsome man smells her perfume and begins to pursue her, stumbling and awkward. He hurriedly bought flowers which he gives the damsel with admiration. She smiles back contemptuously and walks away much satisfied with his response as he looks on. Such ads have been very effective in attracting women to buy the products. Women usually do the buying without explicitly understanding that the advert was talking about sex (Poels and Dewitte 73).

Examples show very little or no suggestion of real sex (are implicit) though they may propose it as a possibility but not unquestionably because of the product. Only one thing is certain and that is; for men targets, sex is blatantly suggested whereas for women it’s subtle and it works very effectively (Poels and Dewitte 73).

Marketing is not fixed to the certain procedure but it is dynamic constantly changing with the technology change. The relationship between marketing and consumption is described as complex in the modern world and the implications are far-reaching. This is the reason why the message put across by the marketer particularly the implied meaning is very important in influencing buying. There are a lot of things that can be customized to send an implied impression to target clients and get them to buy the advertised products. This includes the social status quo, quality, class, and self-perception (self-image).

Advertising on the other hand, therefore, does not rely on the advertiser’s actual meaning to attract customers. Nonetheless knowing the intent of the advertiser helps in the appropriate ethical decision in some cases.

Callow, Michael and Schiffman, Leon. Implicit Meaning in Visual Print Advertisements: A Cross-Cultural Examination of the Contextual Communication Effect. International Journal of Advertising, 21. 2(2002): 259-276.

Lindaman, Kammi. Sex appeal within advertising: examining the trends from past to present . Minnesota, St. Cloud State University, 2003. Print.

Mooij, Marieke. Consumer behavior and culture: consequences for global marketing and advertising . London: Sage Publishers. 2009. Print.

Phillips, Barbara. Thinking into It: Consumer Interpretation of Complex Advertising Images. Journal of Advertising , 26. 2(1997): 77-87.

Poels, Karolien and Dewitte, Siegfried. “Getting a Line on Print Ads: Pleasure and Arousal Reactions Reveal an Implicit Advertising Mechanism,” Journal of Advertising , 37. 4(2009): 63 – 74.

Reichert , Tom and Lambiase, Jacqueline (Eds.). Sex in Advertising : Perspectives on the Erotic Appeal . Mahwah, NJ and London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 2003. Print.

Reichert, Tom. Heckler, Susan and Jackson, Sally. The Effects of Sexual Social Marketing Appeals on Cognitive Processing and Persuasion. Journal of Advertising , 30. 1 (2001):13-27.

Shapiro, Stewart and Krishnan, Shanker. Memory-Based Measures for Assessing Advertising Effects: A Comparison of Explicit and Implicit Memory Effects. Journal of Advertising , 30. 3(2001): 1-13.

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 19). Critique of Implicit Meaning in Advertising. https://ivypanda.com/essays/critique-of-implicit-meaning-in-advertising/

"Critique of Implicit Meaning in Advertising." IvyPanda , 19 Dec. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/critique-of-implicit-meaning-in-advertising/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Critique of Implicit Meaning in Advertising'. 19 December.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Critique of Implicit Meaning in Advertising." December 19, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/critique-of-implicit-meaning-in-advertising/.

1. IvyPanda . "Critique of Implicit Meaning in Advertising." December 19, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/critique-of-implicit-meaning-in-advertising/.


IvyPanda . "Critique of Implicit Meaning in Advertising." December 19, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/critique-of-implicit-meaning-in-advertising/.

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45 Critique Examples

critique examples and definition, explained below

A critique is an in-depth analysis and evaluation of a work, idea, or event. Critical evaluation is considered a higher-order thinking skill necessary for logical reasoning and development of new ideas.

Critique not only includes critical evaluation of content, but also an assessment of the structure, style, and effectiveness of a work or idea in achieving its purpose.

The importance of critique lies in its capacity to challenge assumptions, illuminate underlying ideologies, and promote critical thinking.

We need critical thinking skills in order to make sound judgments, develop well-formed opinions, and enhance our understanding of our world.

As such, critique is a valuable tool for academic, artistic, and professional contexts, driving innovation, improvement, and progress.

Critique Examples

1. assessing relevance.

Relevance is all about whether the point being made is valuable for the broader discussion or debate.

For example, bringing up stars in an astrology discussion is relevant; discussing the price of fish at the supermarket, on the other hand, is completely irrelevant to an astrology discussion!

In a critique, it is essential to evaluate whether the presented arguments and statements are pertinent to the core theme or purpose.If the content is irrelevant, it detracts from the main message, undermining the overall credibility and effectiveness of the work.

Assessing Relevance Example : The lecture on marine biology seemed out of place at a conference primarily focused on space exploration and astrophysics.

2. Evaluating Accuracy

Evaluating accuracy involves scrutinizing the factual correctness and reliability of the information or arguments presented in a work or idea.

Meticulous fact-checking is central to this evaluation process, ensuring that the claims made are based on accurate information.

Inaccurate or misrepresented facts can compromise the integrity of the work, and undermine its value to its audience or stakeholders. So, evaluating accuracy is a fundamental task in critique, contributing to the credibility and trustworthiness of the work.

Evaluating Accuracy Example : During the review of a book on World War II history, discrepancies were found between the dates mentioned in the book and the accepted historical timeline, bringing into question the book’s accuracy.


3. Analyzing Structure

Analyzing structure refers to the process of examining the arrangement or plan of a work or idea. This is common, for example, in the critical analysis of art and fashion.

This process could involve looking at how the various elements are organized and interlinked to form a coherent whole.

There are different conventions about what a well-structured work or idea looks like, depending on the discipline. For example, in fashion, it may have to do with how the clothing accentuates body features, whereas in non-fiction, it might be able how well a text presents logically ordered elements that enable easier understanding and following of the topic.

Analyzing Structure Example: In a film critique, the reviewer noted how the narrative structure, with flashbacks interspersed at strategic points, amplified the emotional impact and depth of the story.

4. Considering Originality

Originality refers to the creativity, novelty, or freshness brought to a work or an idea.

For a critique, weighing originality involves exploring whether the work or idea offers new perspectives, unique themes, or innovative methods. Or, in contrast, does the work simply repeat tired old tropes ?

The level of originality can greatly enhance the value of a work or idea by stimulating thought, provoking discussion, or advancing knowledge.

In many fields, such as art, literature, and academia, originality is a highly sought characteristic since it identifies works or ideas that break from convention and inspire progress.

Originality Example: In a critique of a music album, it was noted that the artiste successfully incorporated a blend of traditional folk and modern electronic music in their compositions, enhancing the album’s originality.

5. Questioning Sources

Questioning sources involves scrutinizing the origin and credibility of the evidence supporting a work or an idea.

Sources provide the foundation for arguments and assertions in a work, and their reliability and relevance are crucial for validity.

In a critique, evaluating sources helps ascertain the accuracy and integrity of the work, ensuring the information is well-founded and correctly attributed.

This is particularly important in academic and journalistic works wherein the veracity and reliability of sources significantly affect the overall validity and strength of the work.

Questioning Sources Example: During the peer-review of a scientific paper, one reviewer questioned the credibility of a non-peer reviewed website that the author had used extensively to support their arguments.

6. Examining Clarity

Examining clarity refers to checking the transparency, simplicity, and comprehensibility of a work or an idea.

Clarity ensures that the message or argument is effectively communicated to and understood by the audience. It helps avoid misunderstandings and misinterpretations.

In a critique, clarity examination entails assessing the work’s language, terminology, and style, evaluating whether these elements facilitate understanding.

A work displaying a high degree of clarity allows its audience to comprehend and engage with its content with relative ease.

Examining Clarity Example: The reviewer of a mystery novel observed that the author’s clear and concise writing style made the complex plot twists and clues easy to follow throughout the story.

7. Appraising Depth

Appraising depth is the examination of how profound a work or an idea is. In other words, has this person said something of meaning, or only scraped the surface of the concept?

A deep and thorough treatment of the subject matter suggests nuanced understanding, and often adds value to the work or idea.

I often tell my students that to achieve depth in essays, they need to consider the level of detail, context, compare-and-contrast, and insight they have provided. Furthermore, they might want to consider various perspectives related to the topic, not just one.

Appraising Depth Example: Upon analyzing an analysis of economic policy, it was recognized that the author’s in-depth exploration of varying socioeconomic impacts showed their deep understanding and research into the subject matter.

8. Reviewing Consistency

Reviewing consistency entails checking for the uniformity and reliability of the arguments, facts, and tone within a work or an idea.

Consistency is important because it lends credibility and cohesiveness to a work or idea. It shows that the author has a clear understanding and thoughtful execution of their topic or theme.

In a critique, consistency is assessed by observing the steadiness of the work’s arguments, use of evidence, and tone. Any inconsistencies detract from the overall quality and reliability of the work.

Reviewing Consistency Example : In a politician’s speech critique, it was noted that their stance concerning environmental policies remained consistent, maintaining the same core arguments throughout each policy discussion, lending strength to their overall position.

9. Assessing Feasibility

When we assess feasibility, we’re assessing whether something is really practical or viable. Quite simply, we’re asking: “will this actually work?”

Assessing feasibility can include exploring aspects such as financial considerations, available resources, and time factors.

This method is particularly useful for the critique of a proposal, business plan, or research project. A feasible work or idea has a much higher chance of achieving its intended outcome, making it more reliable and, in the case of business, attractive to stakeholders such as investors.

Exploring Feasibility Example: The critique of an ambitious development plan included an assessment of its feasibility. Given the budget constraints and tight timeframe, the plan was determined to be unrealistic in its current form.

10. Scrutinizing Aesthetic Appeal

Scrutinizing aesthetic appeal involves assessing the visual or sensory attractiveness of a work or idea.

This is significant especially in fields such as art, design, and literature where aesthetic attractiveness can greatly enhance the appeal and appreciation of the work.

In a critique, this might involve reviewing elements such as color, composition, style, form, and intricacy to determine how well they harmonize to create an appealing visual or sensory output.

Scrutinizing Aesthetic Appeal Example: In a review of a new architectural structure, the critic lauded the creative blending of traditional and modern design elements, which added to the aesthetic appeal of the building.

11. Measuring Efficiency

Measuring efficiency relates to the examination of how optimally resources were utilized.

In a critique, efficiency measurement can relate to various elements including workflow, process design, time allocation, use of labor, or use of technology, among other things. A highly efficient operation minimizes waste, reduces costs, and maximizes results.

Measuring Efficiency Example : In a critique of a production process, it was observed that by adopting automation, the company significantly improved its efficiency, allowing it to produce more units in less time.

12. Gauging Effectiveness

Gauging effectiveness is about determining the success of a work or an idea in achieving its intended purpose or objective.

This requires an examination of the outcomes, results, or impact of the work or idea relative to its stated goals.

In a critique, this will often require a summative assessment of performance measures. An advertising campaign, for example, may require a poll or consumer survey to get the results of how effective it was in increasing brand awareness.

Gauging Effectiveness Example: A critique of an educational program looked at student test scores, classroom engagement, and teacher feedback to gauge how effectively the program was in improving student learning outcomes.

13. Investigating Methodology

Investigating methodology refers to the critical examination of the strategies, techniques, or procedures employed in the formulation of a work or an idea. This is particularly common in academic critique.

For example, this means examining the soundness and relevancy of the chosen methods in achieving the objective or producing the required results. Why did the person choose qualitative over quantitative methods? Was that a good idea, or did they miss an opportunity in this choice? Did they defend their choice sufficiently?

A well-chosen and properly executed methodology supports the conclusions and enhances the integrity and trustworthiness of a work or idea.

Investigating Methodology Example: In a critique of a psychological study, the peer-review process involved questioning the appropriateness of the chosen experimental design and statistical analysis techniques, thus investigating the research methodology.

14. Probing Author Bias

Probing author bias deals with uncovering and examining the unstated beliefs, values, or principles of the author which influence their claims.

Take, for example, a media critique, where you realize that the person writing a newspaper article has an underlying self-interest in what they’re saying. For example, someone who writes an article denying climate change may also have a lot of shares in a coal company, so they’ve got self-interest and bias inherent in their writing.

Probing Bias Example: In a critique of an economic policy proposal, the critic highlighted the underlying assumption that economic growth always leads to improved social welfare, provoking a deeper debate on the correlation between growth and welfare.

15. Judging Coherence

Judging coherence involves assessing how well the different parts of a work or an idea logically fit together to form a meaningful whole.

Coherence is vital in ensuring that a work or idea makes sense to the audience and that the overall message or argument is clear and consistent.

In a critique, examining coherence may include looking at how arguments are structured, how information is sequenced, and how concepts relate to each other.

A highly coherent work or idea effectively communicates its message or purpose, making it easy for its audience to understand and follow.

Judging Coherence Example : While critiquing an academic essay, the evaluator noted high coherence since the arguments were logically ordered, well connected, and systematically built up to support the overall thesis.

Other Techniques for Critique

Media Critique

  • Evaluating cultural sensitivity.
  • Analyzing representation and inclusivity.
  • Examining bias and objectivity.
  • Considering emotional resonance.
  • Assessing narrative flow.
  • Investigating technical proficiency (e.g., in films: cinematography, editing).
  • Evaluating character development and depth.
  • Probing thematic depth and complexity.
  • Gauging audience reception and feedback.
  • Analyzing historical context and accuracy.

Academic Critique

  • Evaluating research methodology .
  • Assessing the adequacy of literature review.
  • Analyzing the validity of conclusions.
  • Inspecting the rigor of data analysis.
  • Questioning the reliability of the instruments used.
  • Investigating potential conflicts of interest.
  • Examining the relevance and recency of cited sources.
  • Gauging the scope and limitations of the study.
  • Evaluating the theoretical framework and its application.
  • Assessing the generalizability of the findings to broader populations.

Business Critique

  • Analyzing financial viability and profitability.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of marketing strategies.
  • Assessing organizational structure and hierarchy.
  • Investigating ethical business practices.
  • Gauging scalability and growth potential.
  • Reviewing talent acquisition and retention strategies.
  • Examining stakeholder and shareholder relations.
  • Scrutinizing supply chain and operational efficiencies.
  • Evaluating product or service innovation and differentiation.
  • Analyzing competitive positioning and market share.

The Difference Between Critique and Criticism

Critique is a good-faith evaluation of a range of factors, positive and negative, to provide constructive feedback on a topic. Criticism is a fully negative evaluation that’s often interpreted as an attack in bad faith.

  • Critique is generally viewed as a detailed, analytical assessment aimed at understanding and improving a work or idea. This process usually involves constructive feedback, evaluating the strengths and the weaknesses while offering enlightening perspectives for enhancement. Sometimes, we call it ‘ constructive criticism ‘.
  • Criticism often bears a negative connotation, focusing mainly on pointing out faults and shortcomings, often without providing considerable insight for improvement or recognizing the positive aspects of the work or idea.

The act of critique is a powerful tool that adds depth to our understanding and interpretation of works or ideas. The multilayered aspects of critique, ranging from analyzing the structure to questioning underlying assumptions, work together to provide a holistic evaluation. It allows us to identify strengths, expose weaknesses, and ultimately discover ways to improve. Therefore, honing critique skills is critical for intellectual growth, creativity, and progression in numerous fields of study and professional arenas.


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd/ 5 Top Tips for Succeeding at University
  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd/ 50 Durable Goods Examples
  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd/ 100 Consumer Goods Examples
  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd/ 30 Globalization Pros and Cons

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Advertisement Review

15 April 2024

last updated

For this advertisement review example, I evaluated the advertisement that includes the theme of the particular food. In this case, my criteria of the evaluation include finding the advertisement influences on the food choices, audience, emphasized attributes, ways of the attention, factual information, trust for the consumers, second floor, and its effectiveness. In order to complete this task, I took the McDonald’s menu of the meal with a side salad and cola or McCombo (Pic. 1).

Advertisement review example

The Purpose of Buying The Food in This Advertisement Review Example

Firstly, the McDonald’s menu in this advertisement review example attempts customers to buy the salad when they order the hamburger with the cola. In fact, it is obvious that the advertisement has two sides in the picture where the salad is the key theme of choice. As a result, customers have to buy the salad and taste it because of the propaganda of natural products by considering this bright picture. Moreover, the design of the poster emphasizes making the right choice to buy the McCombo.

Advertisement review

Advertisement Review on the Audience

Then, the audience of this menu is young people in the major sense by considering the advertisement review example. Basically, customers know about the stereotype that fast food is dangerous for nutrition, and experts recommend eating healthy dishes (Strom par. 10). In the case of the McCombo, the company offers organic food or salad. Young individuals are sure that they eat healthy food. Moreover, vegetarians can buy the salad even if they do not purchase the hamburger.

Further on, the salad is the main theme to emphasize it, covering the advertisement review example. On the right side of the picture, the salad takes the key role. Also, the right part is the screen that demonstrates the natural product. In this case, the color of the organic food is green, and this point is also emphasized in the picture. Besides, the red color of the tomatoes with water drop has another influence on the choice of consumers. It is a sign of ripe products.

Advertisement Review Example on The Mechanism of Taking Attention

Moreover, the advertisement uses an interesting mechanism to capture the attention of consumers. In this advertisement review example, when the person wants to buy a hamburger, then this individual seeks the desired food in the picture. However, this dish is in the background of the picture, and the salad takes the key position. After that, consumers focus on the salad and begin to seek information about it. At that moment, potential customers move their heads to the left side and find the delicious salad to buy it. As a result, this advertisement has a clear logic and way to get the attention of consumers.

Advertisement Review Example on Factual Information

Another feature of the advertisement is factual information. In this advertisement review example, any picture that demonstrates the choice cannot exist without the direct text. On the right side, there is the message to customers that this menu is a simple choice, while the right part demonstrates the increase of choice. Such a feature means that the consumer can taste it, and this individual will not hesitate to repurchase it. Furthermore, on the right corner, the person can find the link to check the additional information about this menu and its elements.

Credibility of Advertisement

On the other hand, the McCombo menu does not refer to any credible attitude. In other words, the McDonalds company does not refer to any sources, covering this advertisement review example. However, the advertisement is credible because of the popularity and rates in the food market. This evidence even supposes that people will get tasty food at McDonalds. Thus, the reputation of the McDonalds company is the source of the credibility for the McCombo menu with the main theme or salad.

However, the current advertisement does not guarantee that customers can buy a similar dish in reality. In fact, the images of the real dish and the advertisement are different. The picture in this advertisement review example does not represent the taste of the salad. It is because there are no images or mentions of the salt or other elements.

Effectiveness of Advertisement

Despite this, the effectiveness of the McCombo menu is high because consumers always prefer to buy something new for their nutrition. If the fast-food company constantly demonstrates the own products with the meat, then the implementation of organic food or salad into the menu is logical. The purposes covered in this advertisement review example are to increase rates of sales, satisfy the needs of modern nutrition, and get new consumers. On the other side, consumers have a new menu that they can taste and enjoy.

Summing Up on Advertisement Review Example

In this advertisement review example, the McCombo menu with the main theme of the salad is an effective way to get new customers and satisfy the needs of natural food. This advertisement has a deep sense. Also, it follows the logic of consumers when they begin to think and seek a new option to eat. The theme of the salad is brightly presented in this advertisement. Finally, if the person wants to eat organic food, then this picture will take his or her attention and show the direction to taste it. Also, check info on literary analysis .

Strom, Stephanie. “With Tastes Growing Healthier, McDonald’s Aims to Adapt Its Menu.” The New York Times , 2013, www.nytimes.com/2013/09/27/business/mcdonalds-moves-toward-a-healthier-menu.html?mcubz=3.

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Advertisement analysis assignment, apa annotated bibliography.

Marketing: Advertisement Critique


This paper discusses about the critiques involved in advertisement. Advertising is one of the important aspects to be kept in mind while marketing products and services. Without proper ad/campaign, marketing of products and services will be difficult. Advertising involves certain important aspects. Targeting the market is the most important aspect. Next important aspect is effectiveness of the ad/campaign and the last is adopting the most appropriate model for making the advertisement more effective. These aspects are discussed in the following sections.

Target Market

Effective marketing is essential to reach a particular product or service to the consumers. For this, a target market is to be set. The target may be a group of people or firms who use the product or service. “Target marketing involves breaking a market into segments and then concentrating your marketing efforts on one or a few key segments.” (Ward, 2009, Definition, para.1).

All the phases of effective marketing can be attained through target marketing. By knowing the target group to whom the product or service has to reach at the consuming end, effective steps can be taken which will increase the demand, sale and yield. Target marketing helps to determine the target groups which are to be concentrated while advertising. Accordingly, the advertisements can be planned.

Advertisements are planned based on various factors like demographical aspects, socio-economic surroundings and psychographic aspects. Demographical aspects include gender, age, income, occupation, home town etc of the target group. Social and economic surroundings of people in the target group influence the advertising method. The people want that the product should not affect their social status as well as their budget. “Psychographic segmentation groups the customers according to their lifestyle. Some psychographic variables include:

  • Values” (Gerba, 2006, In-store advertising: should psychographic studies play a role, para.3).

Effectiveness of Advertisements

The effectiveness of advertisements is a key factor to be taken into consideration in the marketing field. The demand and sale of the products and services are highly dependent on the effectiveness of advertisements. The method of approach in conveying the marketing techniques should be absorbable by the target groups.

Copying an advertisement mode, title and similar characters will adversely affect advertising. Headlines should be catchy quotes that attract the attention of the target groups. Entrusting the job of advertisement to a famous and efficient advertising organization adds to the positive results of advertisements. Experience matters and it adds to success.

The advertisements on products and services are to be made with a different approach. The services rendered will be used only by the people who are actually in need of those services. But, advertisements on products will influence the people to buy a product even if they are not in need of it. Another factor that influences the effects produced by advertisements is the mood of the advertisements. A pleasant and gaily disposition creates constructive results. A colourful but not extreme advertisement attracts the attention of the target group easily. Colour and mood are related to a certain extent. Animated advertisements can influence the people with more ease than stills. Music is a simple tool that can attract the attention of the people. Music adds to the mood of the advertisements and the target group.

Noticeable differences in the advertisement of an organisation from those who market similar goods and services increase the possibility of reaching the target groups. The contrast observed can result in more attraction due to its variety of presentations. Advertisement symbols also play a key role in adding to the effectiveness of the advertisement.

Shock value is the indicator that specifies the degree of depressing emotions produced by anything. Though it is a negative emotional approach, it produces an attention-grasping capability. “Internationally, United Colours of Benetton has become synonymous with shock advertising.” (Shock value advertising, 2007). Since the advertisement is given with a shock, the theme and name of the product or service are labelled firmly into the minds of the people which results in spreading the fame of those products or services.

Theoretical platform for the ad/campaign

The ad/campaign platform enables the advertisers to promote their products and make their products reach to the people by adopting various methods and strategies. The methods and strategies adopted by the marketing people vary depending on the nature of the products sold or the services rendered. It also depends on the market conditions, the geographical conditions, and the behaviour of the people towards the product or service. The agencies that are marketing the products can distribute their advertisements through different media, such as interactive TV, internet etc (Ad campaign platform, 2009).

Before going for advertising, one should be familiar with the basic steps to be followed in connection with advertising his product or service. The steps include marketing plan, creating a plan of action, defining the budget for advertisement, finding the opportunities, and targeting the audience (Duncan, 2009).

Marketing plan is an important step which one needs to keep in mind while advertising. One should know the basic needs, the competitors, and the goals of the company. Only after knowing these things, one should adopt the marketing plan. Once the marketing plan is decided, one should determine the plan of action which is another important step in marketing. Next is financial resource; one should have very clear idea about the allotted budget for advertisement expenses. Only then, one can determine how wide the advertisement should be. Opportunities mean finding the best method for placing the ads. Lastly, knowing the target audience means one must be having clear idea about the audience before starting the advertising; otherwise advertising won’t reach the target audience and there will be financial loss for the marketing people.

Background to the ad/campaign, basis for segmentation

The background of the advertisement has to be created with keen observation and care. This contributes much to the desired output. This depends on the segmentation process. “Market segmentation is the process of segmenting the market for the demand of a product or a service into different groups of customers on the basis of their similar characteristics and differences.” (Advertising & marketing, 2009).

The benefits of market segmentation are vast when the results from advertisements and marketing are considered. The real targets can be defined through this, enabling an effective approach to the consumers. Getting the actual situational aspects can result in efficient advertising of the products and services.

The positioning strategy

Once the target market is selected, the next step is to position in the market. “Positioning refers to ‘how organizations want their consumers to see their product’.” (Positioning, n.d., para.1). “Developing a positioning strategy depends much on how competitors position themselves.” (Positioning, n.d., Developing a positioning strategy, para.1). This is very important for the sellers to mark a place among the consumers. The positioning strategy also includes attracting the consumers by offering gifts, discounts, coupons etc. The market mix strategy, pricing strategy and promotion strategy are important factors that are to be kept in mind while developing the positioning strategy.

Consider a theory or model that can be used to support your critique of the ad/campaign

Building and following a proper model is one of the major techniques one should adopt while placing the ad/campaign. One such model used in the ad/campaign is Customer Based Brand Equity (CBBE). This model says is that there are certain steps to be followed to build a strong model. The steps included in this model are: first step is to establish the proper brand identity; second step is to create a proper brand meaning; third step is to consider the responses to the brand that are received from the consumers, and the last step is to have effective communication with the customers regarding the brand. The steps mentioned above are important and also there are six other building blocks, namely, brand salience, brand performance, brand imagery, brand judgments, brand feelings and brand resonance. (Keller, 2001). This model also facilitates brand building in the market. This is one of the important models in ad/campaign.

Overall comment on your evaluation of this ad

The whole section placed above comments about ad/campaign, i.e. the different strategies to be adopted with regard to ad/campaign to target the market. The last section describes the model or the platform used to make the ad more attractive among the consumers.

Reference List

Ad campaign platform . (2009). Online Education Guides about Interactive TV.

Advertising & marketing . (2009). Blurt It: Ask It, Answer It, Blurtit. Web.

Duncan, A. (2009). 10 ways to run your own advertising campaign . About.com: Advertising.

Gerba, B. (2006). The digital signage insider: In- store advertising: should psychographic studies play a role . Wire Spring: Hardware, software and expert advice for digital signage and Kiosks.

Keller, K L. (2001).  Building customer-based brand equity: A blueprint for creating strong brands . MSI: Marketing Science Institute. Web.

Positioning . (n.d.). Learn Marketing. net. Web.

Positioning: Developing a positioning strategy . (n.d.). Learn Marketing. net. Web.

Shock value advertising . (2007). Cutting the Chai. Web.

Ward, S. (2009). Target marketing: Definition . About.com: Small Business: Canada.


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