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Essay On Cat In Urdu

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بلی پر ایک مضمون

بلی خدا کی ایک بہت ہی خوبصورت تخلیق ہے اور ایک پالتو جانور کی طرح گھر میں رکھی جاتی ہے۔ بلیوں کو انسانوں کے ساتھ گھل مل کر زندگی گزارنا پسند ہوتا ہے۔ بلی عام طور پر ہر ایک ملک میں پائی جاتی ہے اور اس کو گھر میں پالتو جانور کی طرح پالا جاتا ہے۔ بلی آرام کرنا پسند کرتی ہے۔ بلی کو نیند بہت زیادہ آتی ہے لیکن اس کا مطلب یہ نہیں کہ یہ سست ہے۔ اس کا جسم بہت لچکدار اور توانائی سے بھرا ہوا ہوتا ہے۔ یورپ اور شمالی امریکہ میں بلیوں کو بڑی مقدار میں پالا جاتا ہے۔

بلی کی اناٹومی

بلی کا جسم چھوٹے چھوٹے ریشمی بالوں سے ڈھکا ہوتا ہے اور یہ ایک چھوٹے شیر کے بچے کی طرح دیکھائی دیتی ہے۔ بلی کے جسم کے پٹھوں میں بہت لچک ہوتی ہے جس کی وجہ سے وہ لمبی چھلانگ لگا سکتی ہے اور اونچائی سے گرنے پر بھی اسے تکلیف نہیں ہوتی۔

بلی کی چار ٹانگیں ہوتی ہیں اور اس کے پنجے اور ناخن بہت زیادہ تیز ہوتے ہیں جن کی مدد سے اس کو شکار کرنے میں کافی کامیابی حاصل ہوتی ہے اور اس کے پنجوں کی گرفت بہت مضبوط ہوتی ہے جس کی وجہ سے وہ چوہوں کا شکار آسانی سے کرسکتی ہے۔ اس کے پاؤں کے نیچے والا حصہ بہت ہی ملائم ہوتا ہے اسی وجہ سے جب بھی یہ شکار کے لئے جاتی ہے تو اس کے پاؤں کی آواز نہیں آتی ہے۔

بلیوں کے مختلف رنگ ہوتے ہیں جیسے سفید ، بھوری ، سیاہ رنگ۔ اس کی دو روشن آنکھیں ہوتی ہیں جن کی مدد سے وہ اندھیرے میں بھی واضح طور پر دیکھ سکتی ہے۔ اس کی آنکھیں سبز ، نیلی ، بھوری ، پیلی اور سیاہ ہوتی ہیں۔ اس کی ناک اور دو کان ہوتے ہیں۔ جن کی مدد سے اس کی سننے اور سونگھنے کی طاقت بہت مضبوط ہوتی ہے۔اور بلی کی ایک لمبی دم ہوتی ہے جو اچھلتے وقت اسے توازن برقرار رکھنے میں مدد کرتی ہے۔

ایک بلی کے چھوٹے بچے کے منہ میں 26 دانت ہوتے ہیں جبکہ ایک بالغ بلی کے منہ میں 30 دانت ہوتے ہیں۔ ایک بالغ بلی کا وزن 5 سے 8 کلو تک ہوتا ہے۔ یہ ایک وقت میں 1 سے 10 بچوں کو جنم دے سکتی ہے۔

بلی کی طرز زندگی

بلی کی طرز زندگی دوسرے جانوروں کی طرح نارمل ہے اور بلیوں کو پالتو جانوروں کی شکل میں پالا جاتا ہے۔ پالتو بلیاں ہی سمجھدار اور اچھی ہوتی ہے اور وہ انسانوں کے اشاروں کو کافی آسانی سے سمجھ سکتی ہے۔ لیکن جنگلی بلی قدرے ناراض نوعیت کی ہوتی ہے۔ وہ انسانوں سے گھل مل جانا پسند نہیں کرتی ہے۔ بلی کے شکار کرنے کا طریقہ شیر کی طرح ہوتا ہے اور یہ میاؤں میاؤں کی آواز کو ختم کرکے اپنے رد عمل کا اظہار کرتی ہے۔

جب بھی بلی خوش ہوتی ہے وہ اپنی دم کو ہلا کر جواب دیتی ہے۔ بلیوں کو سونا بہت ہی زیادہ پسند ہے لہذا وہ 1 دن میں 8 سے 10 گھنٹے تک سو سکتی ہے۔

بلی کو گوشت ، مچھلی ، چوہے ، پرندے ، کبوتر ، دودھ اور روٹی کھانا بہت پسند ہوتا ہے۔ وہ ادھر ادھر پھلانگتی ہے اور اپنے کھانے کی تلاش میں گھومتی رہتی ہے۔

بلی کی قسمیں

بلی کی تقریباً 36 اقسام پوری دنیا میں پائی جاتی ہیں ، شیر ، جیگوار اور چیتا بلی کی ہی اقسام ہیں۔ بلی کی کچھ اقساموں کے نام حسب ذیل ہیں۔ پروفیلیس اورٹا ، فیلس نگریپس ، کاراکال ، کٹوپوما تیمینکی ، اوریلورس جیکبائٹا وغیرہ۔

بلیوں کے بارے میں دلچسپ حقائق

  • (1) بلیوں کی دنیا بھر میں 50 ملین سے زیادہ آبادی ہے۔
  • (2) تقریباً 24 بلیوں کی کھالوں سے ایک کوٹ بنایا جاسکتا ہے۔
  • (3) بلیوں کے گروپ کو “کلڈر” کہا جاتا ہے۔
  • (4) تحقیق کے مطابق امریکہ میں ہر سال تقریباً 40000 افراد کو بلیاں کاٹ لیتی ہیں۔
  • (5) بلی کتے سے بہتر سن سکتی ہے۔
  • (6) ایک بلی 30 سے ​​40 کلو میٹر فی گھنٹہ کے لئے کچھ وقت چل سکتی ہے۔
  • (7) اب تک ایک بلی نے ایک وقت میں 19 بچوں کو پیدا کیا ہے۔ ان میں سے صرف 15 بچے ہی بڑے ہوسکے تھے۔
  • (8) قدیم زمانے میں مصر کے لوگ بلیوں کی پوجا کرتے تھے۔
  • (9) 20 میٹر سے زیادہ اونچائی سے کودنے پر بھی بلیوں کو تکلیف نہیں ہوتی ہے۔
  • (10) ایک بلی اپنی بلندی سے 5 گنا لمبی لمبی چھلانگ لگا سکتی ہے۔
  • (11) بلی کی موچھوں پر عام طور پر 12 بال ہوتے ہیں۔
  • (12) بلی سے محبت کرنے والے کو آئیلوفیلیا کہا جاتا ہے۔
  • (13) عام طور پر بلی کے 130000 بال ہوتے ہیں۔

بلیاں طبعیت کے لحاظ سے بہت اچھی ہوتی ہیں ، ہمیں انہیں محبت سے رکھنا چاہئے بلکہ ہمیں ہر جانور سے پیار کرنا چاہئے کیونکہ یہ صرف آپ سے محبت کرنا چاہتا ہے اور کچھ نہیں بدلے میں یہ انسانیت کا احساس دلاتا ہے اور ہماری حفاظت بھی کرتا ہے۔

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Essay On The Cat For Kids – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay

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Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Cats For Lower Primary Classes

Cats & their appearance, 10 lines on ‘my pet cat’ in english, ‘my pet cat’ essay in 100 words for kids, short essay on cats for kids, fun facts about cats that kids should know, what your will child learn from the essay.

Cats are cute, furry, and adorable pets, loved by most people. Their serious expressions, carefree attitude, and absolutely silly antics make them a favourite among people who love cats. Having lived with human beings for thousands of years, it is still sometimes unclear if we domesticated them or if they have domesticated us! In this article, we will go over what makes cats a favourite and show you how to write essays on cats for classes 1, 2 and 3 in short and long forms.

Here are some essential tips on how to write an essay on cats:

  • If you plan to write about your own pet cat in the essay exclusively, start from their adoption and continue the essay writing about their behaviour.
  • When writing a generic essay about cats, talk about their habits, food preferences, instincts, and general nature.
  • Long-form essays should have introductory and concluding sentences/paragraphs.
  • A good essay can balance information about your cat’s behaviour and nature in general.

If your little one could use some help describing cats, this section about the appearance of cats will come in handy.

The common cat is a four-legged mammal with furry skin, soft paws, attentive ears, and a heightened sense of alertness. They are born with different colours such as black, white, grey, orange and sometimes a mix of all the three. The fur on cats is to protect them from cold. They have soft, padded paws that dampen noise when they are hunting or moving about. They also have long whiskers around their nose to sense the movement of prey and a rough tongue to scrape the flesh off of bones. Cats are carnivores that hunt little animals in the wild. An adult cat can weigh between 3.5 to 4.5 kilos.

10-line essays on a cat are easy for children in classes 1 and 2. Here is an example:

  • I have a pet cat, and his name is fluffy.
  • Fluffy is a male cat with a long furry tail.
  • He is white with orange stripes on different parts of his body.
  • Fluffy is a good boy and behaves well all the time.
  • He poops in his litter box and eats up all his food without making a mess.
  • Sometimes he becomes very playful and runs all around the house.
  • Fluffy follows me wherever I go and sleeps below my desk all the time.
  • He also loves to relax and laze around everywhere in the house.
  • Fluffy loves spending time cuddling with us and makes soft purring sounds.
  • I love my pet cat, Fluffy, and I know he loves me a lot, too.

Here is an example of a short paragraph on my pet cat:

My pet cat is an orange tabby named Lizzy. We raised Lizzy since she was a 12-week-old kitten. She is nine months old now and loves to play all the time. She likes to chase her toy ball around the house. She also chews on all my stuff and pulls the curtains and sheets. When she is not playing, she wants to eat and sleep. I always look for Lizzy the first thing in the morning when I wake up, and I pet her goodnight before going to sleep.

A short essay is a good exercise to learn how to establish flow and narrative. Here is an example of an essay on cats in 200 words:

We have a pet cat in the house called Momo. He is a stray we adopted from our street when he was three months old. Momo has been in our family for two years now. He stays inside the house and lazes around all day but is very energetic at night. That’s when he loves to run around and often topples things in the house.

Having a pet cat is a huge responsibility. Since letting them outside exposes them to diseases and other dangers, you need to provide them with everything inside the house. Cats need fresh and healthy food, a litterbox to poop in, and a good bed to sleep on. They also have to be vaccinated against a number of diseases to ensure their safety.

Cats are carnivores by nature. Momo loves to eat chicken, fish, dry cat food, and wet cat food. Sometimes he also brings the small animals that he hunts from the garden inside the house. Everybody in the family loves Momo, and he loves us back even more. Although they appear calm, cats have a different way of showing affection to their owners. I know Momo loves me when he slowly blinks his eyes when I call out for him or curls up next to my feet when I am studying.

Essay on Cats For Kids - 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay

A long descriptive essay on my pet cat requires children to plan for what they wish to include in the essay and build a good narrative. Here is an example of an essay for Class-3:

My pet cat, Rocket, is a Maine Coon cat. As a breed that is popular for its size and fury looks, Rocket is as impressive as any pet can get! He is white, black, and grey in colour and quite a graceful looking feline by his appearance. He sits majestically and walks majestically but sleeps in silly postures. He loves spending his time with me or outside looking at birds sitting in the backyard.

I’ve always wanted to have a pet cat as they are furry and cute animals. Maine Coon is my favourite cat breed as I think they are the most majestic looking cats in the world. These cats live in cold climates and higher latitudes where it snows and the temperature regularly falls below freezing levels. Because their natural habitat is freezing cold, they naturally have thick fur. Therefore, we have to take extra precautions to make sure Rocket doesn’t get too hot in the lower latitudes that we live in. He gets his own air-conditioned room where the temperature is always maintained cool. It has his bed and play area and a window that leads him to the backyard.

During hot summer days, Rocket spends most of his time indoors, sleeping in my room. We also give him a haircut to make him feel more comfortable. When it is colder outside, he likes to venture out into the garden and hunt little animals. Even though we give him all the best foods, his hunting instincts remain the same as all other cats. He often hunts little birds, pigeons, chipmunks, and any other unfortunate critters that wander into the garden.

Rocket also loves to be pet and cuddled. He likes it when I scratch his back with a comb. When he is not the apex predator in the garden, he is a silly cat playing with random things in the house. I cannot wish for a better pet than Rocket!

Some cool facts about cats for children:

  • Cats are excellent jumpers – they can jump six times their height.
  • Cats always land on their feet when they fall.
  • Cats spend 13 to 16 hours sleeping during the day.
  • One year of a cat’s life is approximately equal to 15 years of human life.
  • Cats show affection to their owners by slowly opening and closing their eyes.

By studying the examples given above and writing an essay on ‘My Pet Animal’ or ‘My Pet Cat’, your child can learn how to express their observation and knowledge about cats in short and long essays. These examples will equip your little one with ideas on how to present information about their pet cat sequentially for their own composition.

1. Why Should You Get a Pet Cat?

Cats are incredibly adorable pets that are smart enough to take care of themselves. They are also loving and affectionate pets that are very clean and need little grooming or maintenance.

2. What Are Cats’ Eating Habits?

Cats are carnivores; hence they naturally eat meat. Domesticated cats will also eat packaged cat food, dairy products, meat, fish, and other non-vegetarian products.

3. What Are Some Regular Life Habits Of Cats

Domesticated cats spend most of their time sleeping or playing at home. They would also want to go outside the house to explore and even mate if they are not neutered.

Cats are amazing creatures that are adored all over the world. If you are writing an essay about your cat, include plenty of information about their behaviours that other people can relate to. Keep the essay as cute and fun as your own pet!

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Allama Iqbal Essay In Urdu | علامہ اقبال پر ایک مضمون

Today, we write Allama Iqbal essay in Urdu.Allama Muhammad Iqbal was a philosopher, mystic, poet, and politician in British India who inspired the Pakistan Movement. He is considered one of the most influential figures in Urdu literature. He is one of my favorite poet personality.

allama iqbal essay in urdu

Some people may think that Allama Iqbal was strictly a religious poet, but that is not. He was, in fact, a philosopher and thinker who used poetry as a medium to get his message across. In this essay on Allama Iqbal in Urdu, we explore some of his most famous quotes and see how they relate to life and religion.

He is one of the most famous and influential poets and philosophers of Urdu. His poetry has been translated into many languages all over the world. He is considered one of the most significant literary figures in south Asia. According to a variant account, Iqbal was born in Sialkot on 9 November 1877 in Allahabad in 1876.

He received his early education in Sialkot, and then he went to Lahore for higher studies. In his honor, a poetry festival is held every November, having seminars, speeches, and mushairas of national and international poets. Iqbal was well versed in Arabic, Urdu, and Persian languages.

He has composed several poems and is also known as shair e mashriq (poet of the east). His famous works include “Asrar-e-Khudi”, “rumuz-e-bekhudi”, “Payam-e-Mashriq”, “Zabur-e-Ajam”, “Bal-e-Jibreel”, “Pas Che Bayad Kard Ay Aqwam-e–Sharq

IQBAL Essay Poetry in Urdu – شاعری


200 words Mera pasandida shair essay in urdu

200 words allama iqbal essay in urdu

IQBAL 10 lines mazmoon in Urdu 100 words

allama iqbal 10 lines in urdu

This article provides an essay on Allama Iqbal in Urdu for class 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10, 12 and others with headings, poetry, and quotation, and it is an excellent resource for anyone looking to learn more about this legendary poet and philosopher. Please like and comment if you found this allama iqbl mazmoon helpful.

You can also read a science ke karishme essay in urdu

Allama Iqbal was a philosopher, poet, and politician in British India who is widely regarded as having inspired the Pakistan Movement. He is considered one of the most important figures in Urdu literature, with literary work in both the Urdu and Persian languages. Iqbal is known for his poems, which are written primarily in Persian, that discuss themes of spiritual awakening, the nature of God, and the role of Muslims in the world. He is also known for his political activism, particularly his support for the creation of a separate Muslim state in the northwest of British India. Iqbal was born in Sialkot, in the Punjab region of British India, in 1877, and studied at some of the most prestigious universities in British India and Europe. He was a member of the All India Muslim League, and his ideas and writings continue to influence political and religious thought in South Asia and beyond.

Allama Iqbal was never formally titled “Sir”. The title “Sir” is typically used as a honorific for knights in the British honours system, or for other individuals who have been knighted by the British monarch. As far as I know, Iqbal was never knighted and therefore never held the title of “Sir”. Iqbal was a philosopher, poet, and politician in British India, and he was known for his political activism and his poetry, but he was not a knight and did not hold the title of “Sir”.

It is not clear how many sisters Allama Iqbal had. Iqbal was born into a family of nine siblings, but the exact number and genders of his siblings is not known. Some sources indicate that Iqbal had four brothers and four sisters, while others suggest that he had three brothers and five sisters. Without more specific information, it is difficult to say for certain how many sisters Iqbal had.

Allama Iqbal was born in Sialkot, in the Punjab region of British India, in 1877. Sialkot is a city in the northeast of modern-day Pakistan, near the border with India. Iqbal’s family was part of the Kāshmirī Pundit community, a Hindu minority group that had converted to Islam several generations before Iqbal’s birth. Iqbal grew up in Sialkot and studied at some of the city’s most prestigious schools, before going on to study at universities in Lahore, Cambridge, and Munich. He returned to Sialkot after completing his studies and spent much of his life there, before moving to Lahore in the 1930s.

It is not clear on which day Allama Iqbal was born. Iqbal was born in 1877 in Sialkot, in the Punjab region of British India. While the exact date of his birth is not known, it is generally accepted that he was born in November of that year. Some sources indicate that he was born on November 9, while others suggest that he was born on November 11. Without more specific information, it is difficult to say for certain on which day Iqbal was born.

It is not clear whether Allama Iqbal drank alcohol or not. There is no mention of alcohol consumption in his biographies or personal writings, and it is not considered to be a part of his personal or religious beliefs. Iqbal was a devout Muslim, and as such, he would have been expected to follow the Islamic prohibition on the consumption of alcohol. However, without concrete evidence one way or the other, it is difficult to say for certain whether he drank alcohol or not.

If you are interested in learning more about the Urdu poetry of Allama Iqbal, there are several resources that you can use. One option is to look for books or articles that provide analysis and explanation of Iqbal’s poetry. You may be able to find these at a local library or bookstore, or you can search for them online. Another option is to look for websites or forums where people discuss and interpret Iqbal’s poetry. These can be a good source of information and can provide insight into the meaning and significance of his work. You may also be able to find recordings or videos of Iqbal’s poetry being recited, which can provide a deeper understanding of his work.

Allama Iqbal is revered in Pakistan as its national poet. So many schools, public institutions and even a province are named after him. But the information about his life is scarce. Few people are aware that allama iqbal was born in 1877 at Sialkot, in a house on a hill overlooking the city. The house is now a school called ‘Allama Iqbal Academy’ but the house holds very few memories of the poet.

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3 comments on “allama iqbal essay in urdu | علامہ اقبال پر ایک مضمون”.


Iqbal pe essay please jaldi ap k pas time 9:45 tak Hai date 8-11-2022

check kroo update kr dya hai

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  • As soon as the paper is done, you receive a notification. Now, you can read its preview version carefully in your account. If you are satisfied with our professional essay writing services, you confirm the order and download the final version of the document to your computer. If, however, you consider that any alterations are needed, you can always request a free revision. All our clients can use free revisions within 14 days after delivery. Please note that the author will revise your paper for free only if the initial requirements for the paper remain unchanged. If the revision is not applicable, we will unconditionally refund your account. However, our failure is very unlikely since almost all of our orders are completed issue-free and we have 98% satisfied clients.

As you can see, you can always turn to us with a request "Write essay for me" and we will do it. We will deliver a paper of top quality written by an expert in your field of study without delays. Furthermore, we will do it for an affordable price because we know that students are always looking for cheap services. Yes, you can write the paper yourself but your time and nerves are worth more!

Bennie Hawra

Getting an essay writing help in less than 60 seconds

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Can I pay someone to write my essay?

Time does not stand still and the service is being modernized at an incredible speed. Now the customer can delegate any service and it will be carried out in the best possible way.

Writing essays, abstracts and scientific papers also falls into this category and can be done by another person. In order to use this service, the client needs to ask the professor about the topic of the text, special design preferences, fonts and keywords. Then the person contacts the essay writing site, where the managers tell him about the details of cooperation. You agree on a certain amount that you are ready to give for the work of a professional writer.

A big bonus of such companies is that you don't have to pay money when ordering. You first receive a ready-made version of the essay, check it for errors, plagiarism and the accuracy of the information, and only then transfer funds to a bank card. This allows users not to worry about the site not fulfilling the agreements.

Go to the website and choose the option you need to get the ideal job, and in the future, the best mark and teacher's admiration.

Read what our clients have to say about our writing essay services!

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Gombos Zoran

Finished Papers

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We are inclined to write as per the instructions given to you along with our understanding and background research related to the given topic. The topic is well-researched first and then the draft is being written.

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Customer Reviews

Why choose us

Once i hire a writer to write my essay, is it possible for me to monitor their progress.

Absolutely! Make an order to write my essay for me, and we will get an experienced paper writer to take on your task. When you set a deadline, some people choose to simply wait until the task is complete, but others choose a more hands-on process, utilizing the encrypted chat to contact their writer and ask for a draft or a progress update. On some occasions, your writer will be in contact with you if a detail from your order needs to be clarified. Good communication and monitoring is the key to making sure your work is as you expected, so don't be afraid to use the chat when you get someone to write my essay!

Emery Evans

Finished Papers

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What is the best essay writer?

The team EssaysWriting has extensive experience working with highly qualified specialists, so we know who is ideal for the role of the author of essays and scientific papers:

  • Easy to communicate. Yes, this point may seem strange to you, but believe me, as a person communicates with people, he manifests himself in the texts. The best essay writer should convey the idea easily and smoothly, without overloading the text or making it messy.
  • Extensive work experience. To start making interesting writing, you need to write a lot every day. This practice is used by all popular authors for books, magazines and forum articles. When you read an essay, you immediately understand how long a person has been working in this area.
  • Education. The ideal writer should have a philological education or at least take language courses. Spelling and punctuation errors are not allowed in the text, and the meaning should fit the given topic.

Such essay writers work in our team, so you don't have to worry about your order. We make texts of the highest level and apply for the title of leaders in this complex business.

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Service Is a Study Guide

Our cheap essay writing service aims to help you achieve your desired academic excellence. We know the road to straight A's isn't always smooth, so contact us whenever you feel challenged by any kind of task and have an original assignment done according to your requirements.

Dr.Jeffrey (PhD)

Customer Reviews

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Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Our support team will be more than willing to assist you.

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Student Feedback on Our Paper Writers

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Is buying essays online safe?

Shopping through online platforms is a highly controversial issue. Naturally, you cannot be completely sure when placing an order through an unfamiliar site, with which you have never cooperated. That is why we recommend that people contact trusted companies that have hundreds of positive reviews.

As for buying essays through sites, then you need to be as careful as possible and carefully check every detail. Read company reviews on third-party sources or ask a question on the forum. Check out the guarantees given by the specialists and discuss cooperation with the company manager. Do not transfer money to someone else's account until they send you a document with an essay for review.

Good online platforms provide certificates and some personal data so that the client can have the necessary information about the service manual. Service employees should immediately calculate the cost of the order for you and in the process of work are not entitled to add a percentage to this amount, if you do not make additional edits and preferences.

Laura V. Svendsen

Finished Papers


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