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The Love Hypothesis

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Ali Hazelwood

The Love Hypothesis Kindle Edition

  • Print length 383 pages
  • Language English
  • Sticky notes On Kindle Scribe
  • Publisher Berkley
  • Publication date September 14, 2021
  • File size 3306 KB
  • Page Flip Enabled
  • Word Wise Enabled
  • Enhanced typesetting Enabled
  • See all details

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Customer Reviews
Discover more books by Ali Hazelwood A forbidden, secret affair proves that all’s fair in love and science. Rival physicists collide in a vortex of academic feuds and fake dating shenanigans. A scientist is forced to work on a project with her nemesis—with explosive results. A collection of novellas featuring a trio of engineers and their loves in loathing. A dangerous alliance between a Vampyre bride and an Alpha Werewolf becomes a love deep enough to sink your teeth into.

Editorial Reviews

About the author, excerpt. © reprinted by permission. all rights reserved..

Chapter One

Hypothesis: When given a choice between A (a slightly inconveniencing situation) and B (a colossal shitshow with devastating consequences), I will inevitably end up selecting B.

In Olive's defense, the man didn't seem to mind the kiss too much.

It did take him a moment to adjust-perfectly understandable, given the sudden circumstances. It was an awkward, uncomfortable, somewhat painful minute, in which Olive was simultaneously smashing her lips against his and pushing herself as high as her toes would extend to keep her mouth at the same level as his face. Did he have to be so tall? The kiss must have looked like some clumsy headbutt, and she grew anxious that she was not going to be able to pull the whole thing off. Her friend Anh, whom Olive had spotted coming her way a few seconds ago, was going to take one look at this and know at once that Olive and Kiss Dude couldn't possibly be two people in the middle of a date.

Then that agonizingly slow moment went by, and the kiss became . . . different. The man inhaled sharply and inclined his head a tiny bit, making Olive feel less like a squirrel monkey climbing a baobab tree, and his hands-which were large and pleasantly warm in the AC of the hallway-closed around her waist. They slid up a few inches, coming to wrap around Olive's rib cage and holding her to himself. Not too close, and not too far.

It was more of a prolonged peck than anything, but it was quite nice, and for the life span of a few seconds Olive forgot a large number of things, including the fact that she was pressed against a random, unknown dude. That she'd barely had the time to whisper "Can I please kiss you?" before locking lips with him. That what had originally driven her to put on this entire show was the hope of fooling Anh, her best friend in the whole world.

But a good kiss will do that: make a girl forget herself for a while. Olive found herself melting into a broad, solid chest that showed absolutely no give. Her hands traveled from a defined jaw into surprisingly thick and soft hair, and then-then she heard herself sigh, as if already out of breath, and that's when it hit her like a brick on the head, the realization that- No. No.

Nope, nope, no.

She should not be enjoying this. Random dude, and all that.

Olive gasped and pushed herself away from him, frantically looking for Anh. In the 11:00 p.m. bluish glow of the biology labs' hallway, her friend was nowhere to be seen. Weird. Olive was sure she had spotted her a few seconds earlier.

Kiss Dude, on the other hand, was standing right in front of her, lips parted, chest rising and a weird light flickering in his eyes, which was exactly when it dawned on her, the enormity of what she had just done. Of who she had just-

Fuck her life.

Fuck. Her. Life.

Because Dr. Adam Carlsen was a known ass.

This fact was not remarkable in and of itself, as in academia every position above the graduate student level (Olive's level, sadly) required some degree of assness in order to be held for any length of time, with tenured faculty at the very peak of the ass pyramid. Dr. Carlsen, though-he was exceptional. At least if the rumors were anything to go by.

He was the reason Olive's roommate, Malcolm, had to completely scrap two research projects and would likely end up graduating a year late; the one who had made Jeremy throw up from anxiety before his qualifying exams; the sole culprit for half the students in the department being forced to postpone their thesis defenses. Joe, who used to be in Olive's cohort and would take her to watch out-of-focus European movies with microscopic subtitles every Thursday night, had been a research assistant in Carlsen's lab, but he'd decided to drop out six months into it for "reasons." It was probably for the best, since most of Carlsen's remaining graduate assistants had perennially shaky hands and often looked like they hadn't slept in a year.

Dr. Carlsen might have been a young academic rock star and biology's wunderkind, but he was also mean and hypercritical, and it was obvious in the way he spoke, in the way he carried himself, that he thought himself the only person doing decent science within the Stanford biology department. Within the entire world, probably. He was a notoriously moody, obnoxious, terrifying dick.

And Olive had just kissed him.

She wasn't sure how long the silence lasted-only that he was the one to break it. He stood in front of Olive, ridiculously intimidating with dark eyes and even darker hair, staring down from who knows how many inches above six feet-he must have been over half a foot taller than she was. He scowled, an expression that she recognized from seeing him attend the departmental seminar, a look that usually preceded him raising his hand to point out some perceived fatal flaw in the speaker's work.

Adam Carlsen. Destroyer of research careers , Olive had once overheard her adviser say.

It's okay. It's fine. Totally fine. She was just going to pretend nothing had happened, nod at him politely, and tiptoe her way out of here. Yes, solid plan.

"Did you . . . Did you just kiss me?" He sounded puzzled, and maybe a little out of breath. His lips were full and plump and . . . God. Kissed. There was simply no way Olive could get away with denying what she had just done.

Still, it was worth a try.

Surprisingly, it seemed to work.

"Ah. Okay, then." Carlsen nodded and turned around, looking vaguely disoriented. He took a couple of steps down the hallway, reached the water fountain-maybe where he'd been headed in the first place.

Olive was starting to believe that she might actually be off the hook when he halted and turned back with a skeptical expression.

"Are you sure?"

"I-" She buried her face in her hands. "It's not the way it looks."

"Okay. I . . . Okay," he repeated slowly. His voice was deep and low and sounded a lot like he was on his way to get ting mad. Like maybe he was already mad. "What's going on here?"

There was simply no way to explain this. Any normal person would have found Olive's situation odd, but Adam Carlsen, who obviously considered empathy a bug and not a feature of humanity, could never understand. She let her hands fall to her sides and took a deep breath.

"I . . . listen, I don't mean to be rude, but this is really none of your business."

He stared at her for a moment, and then he nodded. "Yes. Of course." He must be getting back into his usual groove, because his tone had lost some of its surprise and was back to normal-dry. Laconic. "I'll just go back to my office and begin to work on my Title IX complaint."

Olive exhaled in relief. "Yeah. That would be great, since- Wait. Your what?"

He cocked his head. "Title IX is a federal law that protects against sexual misconduct within academic settings-"

"I know what Title IX is."

"I see. So you willfully chose to disregard it."

"I- What? No. No, I didn't!"

He shrugged. "I must be mistaken, then. Someone else must have assaulted me."

"Assault-I didn't 'assault' you."

"You did kiss me."

"But not really ."

"Without first securing my consent."

"I asked if I could kiss you!"

"And then did so without waiting for my response."

"What? You said yes."

"Excuse me?"

She frowned. "I asked if I could kiss you, and you said yes."

"Incorrect. You asked if you could kiss me and I snorted."

"I'm pretty sure I heard you said yes."

He lifted one eyebrow, and for a minute Olive let herself daydream of drowning someone. Dr. Carlsen. Herself. Both sounded like great options.

"Listen, I'm really sorry. It was a weird situation. Can we just forget that this happened?"

He studied her for a long moment, his angular face serious and something else, something that she couldn't quite decipher because she was too busy noticing all over again how damn towering and broad he was. Just massive. Olive had always been slight, just this side of too slender, but girls who are five eight rarely felt diminutive. At least until they found themselves standing next to Adam Carlsen. She'd known that he was tall, of course, from seeing him around the department or walking across campus, from sharing the elevator with him, but they'd never interacted. Never been this close.

Except for a second ago, Olive. When you almost put your tongue in his-

"Is something wrong?" He sounded almost concerned.

"What? No. No, there isn't."

"Because," he continued calmly, "kissing a stranger at midnight in a science lab might be a sign that there is."

"There isn't."

Carlsen nodded, thoughtful. "Very well. Expect mail in the next few days, then." He began to walk past her, and she turned to yell after him.

"You didn't even ask my name!"

"I'm sure anyone could figure it out, since you must have swiped your badge to get in the labs area after hours. Have a good night."

"Wait!" She leaned forward and stopped him with a hand on his wrist. He paused immediately, even though it was obvious that it would take him no effort to free himself, and stared pointedly at the spot where her fingers had wrapped around his skin-right below a wristwatch that probably cost half her yearly graduate salary. Or all of it.

She let go of him at once and took one step back. "Sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"The kiss. Explain."

Olive bit into her lower lip. She had truly screwed herself over. She had to tell him, now. "Anh Pham." She looked around to make sure Anh was really gone. "The girl who was passing by. She's a graduate student in the biology department."

Carlsen gave no indication of knowing who Anh was.

"Anh has . . ." Olive pushed a strand of brown hair behind her ear. This was where the story became embarrassing. Complicated, and a little juvenile sounding. "I was seeing this guy in the department. Jeremy Langley, he has red hair and works with Dr. . . . Anyway, we went out just a couple of times, and then I brought him to Anh's birthday party, and they just sort of hit it off and-"

Olive shut her eyes. Which was probably a bad idea, because now she could see it painted on her lids, how her best friend and her date had bantered in that bowling alley, as if they'd known each other their whole lives; the never-exhausted topics of conversation, the laughter, and then, at the end of the night, Jeremy following Anh's every move with his gaze. It had been painfully clear who he was interested in. Olive waved a hand and tried for a smile.

"Long story short, after Jeremy and I ended things he asked Anh out. She said no because of . . . girl code and all that, but I can tell that she really likes him. She's afraid to hurt my feelings, and no matter how many times I told her it was fine she wouldn't believe me."

Not to mention that the other day I overheard her confess to our friend Malcolm that she thought Jeremy was awesome, but she could never betray me by going out with him, and she sounded so dejected. Disappointed and insecure, not at all like the spunky, larger-than-life Anh I am used to.

"So I just lied and told her that I was already dating someone else. Because she's one of my closest friends and I'd never seen her like a guy this much and I want her to have the good things she deserves and I'm positive that she would do the same for me and-" Olive realized that she was rambling and that Carlsen couldn't have cared less. She stopped and swallowed, even though her mouth felt dry. "Tonight. I told her I'd be on a date tonight ."

"Ah." His expression was unreadable.

"But I'm not. So I decided to come in to work on an experiment, but Anh showed up, too. She wasn't supposed to be here. But she was. Coming this way. And I panicked-well." Olive wiped a hand down her face. "I didn't really think."

Carlsen didn't say anything, but it was there in his eyes that he was thinking. Obviously.

"I just needed her to believe that I was on a date."

He nodded. "So you kissed the first person you saw in the hallway. Perfectly logical."

Olive winced. "When you put it like that, perhaps it wasn't my best moment."

"But it wasn't my worst, either! I'm pretty sure Anh saw us. Now she'll think that I was on a date with you and she'll hopefully feel free to go out with Jeremy and-" She shook her head. "Listen. I'm so, so sorry about the kiss."

"Please, don't report me. I really thought I heard you say yes. I promise I didn't mean to . . ."

Suddenly, the enormity of what she had just done fully dawned on her. She had just kissed a random guy, a guy who happened to be the most notoriously unpleasant faculty member in the biology department. She'd misunderstood a snort for consent, she'd basically attacked him in the hallway, and now he was staring at her in that odd, pensive way, so large and focused and close to her, and . . .

Maybe it was the late night. Maybe it was that her last coffee had been sixteen hours ago. Maybe it was Adam Carlsen looking down at her, like that. All of a sudden, this entire situation was just too much.

"Actually, you're absolutely right. And I am so sorry. If you felt in any way harassed by me, you really should report me, because it's only fair. It was a horrible thing to do, though I really didn't want to . . . Not that my intentions matter; it's more like your perception of . . ."

Crap, crap, crap.

"I'm going to leave now, okay? Thank you, and . . . I am so, so, so sorry." Olive spun around on her heels and ran away down the hallway.

"Olive," she heard him call after her. "Olive, wait-"

She didn't stop. She sprinted down the stairs to the first floor and then out the building and across the pathways of the sparsely lit Stanford campus, running past a girl walking her dog and a group of students laughing in front of the library. She continued until she was standing in front of her apartment's door, stopping only to unlock it, making a beeline for her room in the hope of avoiding her roommate and whoever he might have brought home tonight. It wasn’t until she slumped on her bed, staring at the glow‑in‑the- dark stars glued to her ceiling, that she realized that she had neglected to check on her lab mice. She had also left her laptop on her bench and her sweatshirt somewhere in the lab, and she had completely forgotten to stop at the store and buy the coffee she’d promised Malcolm she’d get for tomorrow morning. Shit. What a disaster of a day. It never occurred to Olive that Dr. Adam Carlsen— known ass— had called her by her name.

Product details

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B08T6XN4FP
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Berkley (September 14, 2021)
  • Publication date ‏ : ‎ September 14, 2021
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • File size ‏ : ‎ 3306 KB
  • Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
  • Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
  • Print length ‏ : ‎ 383 pages
  • Page numbers source ISBN ‏ : ‎ 1408725762
  • #126 in Workplace Romance eBooks
  • #147 in Workplace Romance
  • #527 in Romantic Comedy (Kindle Store)

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About the author

Ali hazelwood.

Ali Hazelwood is a multi-published author—alas, of peer-reviewed articles about brain science, in which no one makes out and the ever after is not always happy. Originally from Italy, she lived in Germany and Japan before moving to the U.S. to pursue a Ph.D. in neuroscience. She recently became a professor, which absolutely terrifies her. When Ali is not at work, she can be found running, crocheting, eating cake pops, or watching sci-fi movies with her two feline overlords (and her slightly-less-feline husband).

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Customers say

Customers find the book easy to read and fresh. They also describe the characters as lovable, charming, and heartwarming. Readers describe the plot as compelling, captivating, and realistic. They appreciate the content as wholesome, risk-adverse, and risk-taking. Customers find it to be a great rom-com with a chemistry class. However, some customers feel the sexual content is cheesy and gross. Opinions are mixed on the pacing, with some finding it quick paced and others finding it slow.

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Customers find the book funny, charming, and heartwarming. They also appreciate the clever writing and the cheesy humour. Readers say the book is well thought out and has a young and fresh vibe.

"...She did a great job. The vibe feels young and fresh , with a voice that actually sounds like a 26-year-old...." Read more

"...This is cute and sweet. It’s cheesy , but it knows that it is, and I think that makes it all the better.Olive is adorable...." Read more

"...I liked the friend group and the amount of humor and nuance in the writing . And let's speak a moment about the cover...." Read more

"I loved this book! It was sooooo good ! This was my first time reading something by this author, and I am totally in love...." Read more

Customers find the plot compelling, captivating, and easy to read. They also say the characters are lovable and the conflicts realistic. Readers also mention that the pacing of the romance is perfect. They find the book charming, quirky, and fresh with a modern twist. Overall, they say it's a realistic representation of how people in college interact.

"...And it is definitely a love story. The romance is central throughout , with a light, fresh feel that gets richer and deeper as the story progresses...." Read more

" probably not going to be everyone’s favorite FMC but she’s dorky and believable ...." Read more

"...So yeah, calling all geek-girls, this is a great romance book and I will definitely be reading more of the author's work in the future." Read more

"...This is a great story , and I definitely recommend giving it a try." Read more

Customers find the characters loveable, witty, and cute. They also say the illustrator is amazing and the book has a vivid, distinct voice.

"...Well, it's all pretty great, actually. This has such a vivid , distinct voice that I am very much looking forward to whatever's next from..." Read more

"... Adam is cute . I really wish this was dual POV. I would LOVE to experience the pining and brooding that I know was going on in his head. But alas...." Read more

"...And let's speak a moment about the cover. The Illustrator is amazing and honestly, her cover is what sold me to take the leap and buy the book...." Read more

"...I really love her writing style. The characters were super smart but not so smart that everything went over my head.I just loved Olive...." Read more

Customers find the book has a nice bit of spice, is wholesome, and sweet. They also say it's funny and light, like cotton candy.

"...This is cute and sweet . It’s cheesy, but it knows that it is, and I think that makes it all the better.Olive is adorable...." Read more

"FINAL DECISION: This book is fun and light, like cotton candy . Even the "serious" storyline is really fluff because it lacks complexity...." Read more

"...Tall, academic, and sweet … he’s what dreams are made of..." Read more

"...This book does contain spice . I would say 2.5 spicy peppers out of 5 spicy peppers...." Read more

Customers find the academic setting and nerdy references to science and research interesting and captivating. They also describe the book as a good science rom com with an accurate representation of academia. Readers also mention that the book flows smoothly and there isn't a boring part in any chapter.

"...Tall, academic , and sweet… he’s what dreams are made of..." Read more

"...I felt the world of academia was well established as it was shown, not told...." Read more

"Please read because the chemistry is undeniable !!" Read more

"..." is a delightful and charming romance novel that combines scientific curiosity with matters of the heart...." Read more

Customers find the book heartwarming, sweet, and slightly depressing. They also say the attraction is almost tangible, and the book has an incredibly intimate and dynamic love scene. Customers also mention the book is brooding, commanding, and loveable.

"...It's a slow burn romance with one incredibly intimate and dynamic love scene - the intimacy and emotional connection are the shining stars here...." Read more

"...The sex scene felt both hot and yet in some moments awkward , tender, and exposing (making it feel all the more real)...." Read more

"...Olive had was so real that Ali makes it relatable and shows the real emotions and struggles that comes with it. Definitely a good read! 💯..." Read more

"...I was enchanted, humored, encouraged and enlightened by this novel!..." Read more

Customers have mixed opinions about the pacing of the book. Some find it very quick paced, while others say it feels kinda slow. They also mention that the sex feels rushed and that it feels like lazy narration and plot.

"...A perfect summer romcom. This was easy to read and I finished it very quickly ...." Read more

"...The runtime is a bit longer than I'd like (11 hours), and I found it difficult to listen to the narrator's voice at a faster speed...." Read more

"’s a super fast read , b) it’s highly addicting, and c) Adam and Olive’s relationship/banter is the best...." Read more

"I love this book. It was a bit slow and I feel like the book could have been a bit shorter but the story was worth it...." Read more

Customers find the sexual content in the book cheesy, gross, and annoying. They also say the main character is immature and annoying, and the book is ridiculous and offensive.

"...Content Warnings: There is one scene with explicit sexual content (or two if you count the bonus chapter), and characters discuss sex at other times...." Read more

"...It's weird and gross . Ok, tangent over...." Read more

"...So much second hand embarrassment in this book . I was literally cringing on behalf of Olive...." Read more

"...Smut score: 3.5/5 (slow burn, explicit but not super kinky other than *one* thing that had me going "ohhhh" 🥵🌶)..." Read more

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love hypothesis book preview

'The Love Hypothesis' won Amazon's best romance book of 2021, has a near-perfect rating on Goodreads, and is all over TikTok. Here's why it's such a unique love story.

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  • " The Love Hypothesis " grabbed the attention of romance readers everywhere in 2021.
  • It was named Amazon's Best Romance Novel of 2021 and was nominated for a Goodreads Choice Award.
  • This book checks off all my boxes for a great romance read and is definitely worth the hype.

Insider Today

This year, Amazon named " The Love Hypothesis " by Ali Hazelwood the best romance book of the year. Even though it was only recently published in September 2021, "The Love Hypothesis" has quickly become a fan-favorite, with 88% of Goodreads reviewers giving it four- or five-star-level praise .

It was also nominated for a Goodreads Choice Award and is hugely popular amongst Book of the Month members , with only 1% of readers giving it a "disliked" rating.

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"The Love Hypothesis" is about Olive Smith, a third-year Ph.D. candidate studying pancreatic cancer at Stanford. In an attempt to convince one of her best friends that she's moved on from an old crush, she impulsively kisses Dr. Adam Carlsen, the department's notoriously brutal (but undeniably attractive) professor. After the kiss, Adam and Olive agree to fake a relationship so she can prove to her friend that she's happily dating and he can convince their department that he isn't planning to leave anytime soon.

I'm a little picky about my romance novels , so giving this read every bit of a five-star review didn't come lightly. My standards are high because the best romance novels have the potential to expose readers to authentic and imperfect relationships and offer new topics of discussion without making us feel like it's a story we've already read. 

With all the hype surrounding this new romance read, I couldn't resist picking it up.

Here's why "The Love Hypothesis" is one of my favorite recent romance books:

1. the story focuses a lot on olive and adam's lives outside their romance, making their love story more believable and interesting..

Romance novels tend to fall into a few popular tropes such as " enemies-to-lovers " or "forbidden love." "The Love Hypothesis" combines two of the most popular tropes right now, "Fake dating" and "grumpy/sunshine," really well — I loved the contrast between Adam's serious attitude to Olive's bright and sugary one. 

But despite following these tropes, the story feels fresh because it's also largely about Olive's work and its meaning to her. The only other romance book I've read featuring a STEM heroine is "The Kiss Quotient" , so I loved seeing that representation and learning about something new. 

The story honestly reflected the challenges Ph.D. candidates face in academia and that authenticity — deepened by the author's personal experiences — brought the characters, the settings, and the romance to life even more as Olive and Adam faced challenges with funding, time-consuming research, and questioning their sense of purpose.

2. The steamier scenes are also awkward and realistic, which made them even better.

In romance books, there are a few different levels of how graphic a steamy scene can get , from little-to-no detail to explicitly outlined movements. (I personally prefer mine to "fade to black.")

There was only one chapter with adult content, and it was definitely graphic. While I made a ton of ridiculous faces while reading and tried to skim past the parts that made me audibly gasp, I loved that it wasn't a movie-made, perfect sex scene with graceful movements and smooth dialogue. The scene was a little awkward, imperfect, and full of consent and conversation, making it refreshingly real.

3. The book deals with other topics besides the main love story, making it a much deeper read.

While it's wonderful to get swept up in the magic of a romantic storyline, having a secondary plot that addresses real issues is what makes a romance novel truly great . 

Mild spoilers and content warnings ahead: While "The Love Hypothesis" is a fun romantic read, it also addresses the pain of familial death, power differentials, intimacy challenges, and, most prevalently, workplace sexual harassment. 

Love is beautiful, fun, and amazing, but "The Love Hypothesis" takes the opportunity to also include conversations about serious issues. While these topics may be tough for some readers, I think these plot points, hard conversations, and complicated emotions take "The Love Hypothesis" to the next level and make it a five-star read. 

The bottom line

"The Love Hypothesis" has everything I personally look for in a romance novel: A unique storyline, authentic characters, and an important message. If you're looking for a perfectly balanced romance read, "The Love Hypothesis" is worth the hype and definitely one of the best romance books to come out in the past year.

Katherine Fiorillo

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The Love Hypothesis – Book Review

Hope Sabina

  • April 10, 2024

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If you are a reader of romantic comedy, we’ve got you an extraordinary book for your next read. Join us today as we review “The Love Hypothesis” book, covering its storyline, characters, and where to get a copy. At the end of this book review, trust me you will have made up your mind to pick up this novel from the shelves.

What Genre is “The Love Hypothesis” book?

This book is a contemporary romance novel by Ali Hazelwood, published on September 14, 2021 by Berkley Books.. It falls under the broader umbrella of romance fiction, which typically focuses on romantic relationships and emotional development between characters. Within the romance genre, “The Love Hypothesis” might also be categorized as a romantic comedy or romantic drama, depending on its tone and themes.

A Glance into “The Love Hypothesis” Novel

“The Love Hypothesis” is an absolute page-turner that follows the story of a biology Ph.D. student, Olive Smith, and a professor at Stanford University, Dr. Adam Carlsen.

Fast forward nearly three years, and we catch Olive in a desperate act: she’s faking a kiss with a stranger, hoping her best friend would mistake it for a real relationship. In a bid to convince her friend, she locks lips with the first person she sees, only to realize it’s Adam Carlsen, her school professor—a total jerk.

Unexpectedly, Olive, usually quite perceptive, didn’t anticipate kissing not just any stranger, but a professor. What surprises her even more is when Adam Carlsen agrees to pretend to date her, but it becomes apparent he also has ulterior motives, realizing a genuine relationship could serve his own ends within the university community.

As Olive and Adam’s interactions fuel more speculation and gossip about their relationship, they find themselves slipping into a fake dating scenario, each with their own reasons for doing so. As the facade of their fake relationship begins to blur the lines of reality, Olive and Adam find themselves grappling with unexpected emotions. The gradual realization dawns on them both that what started as a charade has evolved into something genuine. The question looms: how long will it take for them to acknowledge their true feelings and abandon the pretense they’ve been upholding?

Did we love the overall storyline

From the very first chapter, I was hooked. The pull was undeniable, filled with glamour, sensuality, and an intoxicating charm! As a huge fan of the fake dating storyline, I found this book incredibly enjoyable. It offers not only lighthearted fun but also a depth of emotional vibrancy.

Featuring a brooding male lead, a quirky female protagonist, and a narrative blending science with contemporary romance. The story unfolded through witty banter over drinks, heated arguments via text and casual conversations in the lab break room. Through these encounters, Olive finds herself growing closer to Adam than she ever thought possible. The storyline is captivating, blending elements of romance and humor smoothly, making it impossible to put the book down.

Editor’s Remark

As an avid fan of romantic comedies, I found myself utterly captivated by this book. While immersed in its pages, I experienced a whirlwind of emotions, from hearty laughter to the occasional tear shed, as the characters’ personalities resonated deeply with me. Have you ever read a novel and wished it would never end? That was exactly how I felt about “The Love Hypothesis.” I found myself completely engrossed, wishing the story could continue indefinitely.

In general, “The Love Hypothesis” delivers a delightful reading experience that will leave you smiling and feeling butterflies in your stomach. Hazelwood’s writing possesses a sharp humor, showcasing her talent in creating unforgettable jokes. The book is just so entertaining that I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a charming romantic escape! You can get yourself a copy of this amazing book from Amazon .

Frequently Asked Questions

The story centers on Olive, a graduate biology student, who finds herself entangled in a fabricated romance with her professor, Dr. Adam, while attempting to persuade her friend Anh about her dating experiences.

There’s an age gap of about 8 years between Olive and Adam, and because of that, Olive makes fun of Adam for being too old.

This book is ideal for those seeking a swift and effortless read without any lingering uncertainties.

In “The Love Hypothesis,” Olive’s age is 26.

Bisous Pictures, which secured the novel’s rights in 2022, is presently in the pre-production phase of the film adaptation.

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The Love Hypothesis

  • 4.5 • 7.8K Ratings

Publisher Description

The Instant New York Times Bestseller and TikTok Sensation! As seen on THE VIEW! A BuzzFeed Best Summer Read of 2021 When a fake relationship between scientists meets the irresistible force of attraction, it throws one woman's carefully calculated theories on love into chaos. As a third-year Ph.D. candidate, Olive Smith doesn't believe in lasting romantic relationships—but her best friend does, and that's what got her into this situation. Convincing Anh that Olive is dating and well on her way to a happily ever after was always going to take more than hand-wavy Jedi mind tricks: Scientists require proof. So, like any self-respecting biologist, Olive panics and kisses the first man she sees. That man is none other than Adam Carlsen, a young hotshot professor—and well-known ass. Which is why Olive is positively floored when Stanford's reigning lab tyrant agrees to keep her charade a secret and be her fake boyfriend. But when a big science conference goes haywire, putting Olive's career on the Bunsen burner, Adam surprises her again with his unyielding support and even more unyielding...six-pack abs. Suddenly their little experiment feels dangerously close to combustion. And Olive discovers that the only thing more complicated than a hypothesis on love is putting her own heart under the microscope.


This adorkable fake-dating romance set in the world of academia might just be one of our favorite reads of the year. Biologist Olive Smith is too busy with the third year of her PhD program to worry about romance, so she’s fine when her ex and her best friend hook up. They feel guilty about it, though, and determined to see her best friend happy, Olive enters into a fake relationship with campus grump Dr. Adam Carlsen to prove just how over her ex she is. Little does Olive know that the curmudgeonly Adam has been secretly pining for her. Ali Hazelwood’s book is full of delightful tropes and a great sense of humor. The opposites-attract chemistry between stoic Adam and sunshiny Olive left us grinning from ear to ear.


Hazelwood debuts with a charming, offbeat rom-com pairing a somewhat awkward doctoral candidate with a hotshot young professor. Olive Smith, a third-year PhD student in biology at Stanford University, doubts that happily ever after exists, while her bestie, Anh, is a hopeless romantic. But Olive briefly dated Anh's current crush, Jeremy, and now Anh's refusing to act on her feelings because of "girl code." In an attempt to prove she's over Jeremy and alleviate Anh's guilt, Olive impulsively kisses famously irascible professor Adam Carlsen and convinces him to "fake-date" her. But as attraction and chemistry grow, their relationship becomes more than pretense. Things further evolve after Olive is harassed and belittled at a professional conference and Adam provides a supportive shoulder. But can their relationship hold up in the real world? With whip-smart and endearing characters, snappy prose, and a quirky take on a favorite trope, Hazelwood convincingly navigates the fraught shoals of academia. The delightful supporting characters, especially Adam's colleague Holden Rodriquez and Olive's friends Malcolm and Anh, add flavor—and readers will love seeing the villain of the story dispatched in appropriate fashion. This smart, sexy contemporary should delight a wide swath of romance lovers.

Customer Reviews

Amazing read.

I absolutely love this book! It’s funny, romantic, angsty, sexy, and offers the public a look into the absolutely draining (yet partially rewarding) life as a STEM grad student. Love the diversity and the message about the hardships marginalized grad students face in the cis-white-male dominated world of academia!

Such sass and much cuteness

Oh my god. I loved it. So much. Holy crap. The banter. The snark and the relationship dynamo between the main characters. Everything I could have hoped for. Get it. Get it. Get it. Devoured this book in a day.

STEM representation!!!

This book was every STEM girls dream 🤩 the man was smart and hot, supported the main lead, and the main lead was a strong independent woman but i lovedddd the progression and flow of this book. Also how it talked about such important aspects of STEM both good and bad. Definitely a good read!!! :)

The Love Hypothesis

When a fake relationship between scientists meets the irresistible force of attraction, it throws one woman’s carefully calculated theories on love into chaos.

As a third-year Ph.D. candidate, Olive Smith doesn’t believe in lasting romantic relationships–but her best friend does, and that’s what got her into this situation. Convincing Anh that Olive is dating and well on her way to a happily ever after was always going to take more than hand-wavy Jedi mind tricks: Scientists require proof. So, like any self-respecting biologist, Olive panics and kisses the first man she sees.

That man is none other than Adam Carlsen, a young hotshot professor–and well-known ass. Which is why Olive is positively floored when Stanford’s reigning lab tyrant agrees to keep her charade a secret and be her fake boyfriend. But when a big science conference goes haywire, putting Olive’s career on the Bunsen burner, Adam surprises her again with his unyielding support and even more unyielding…six-pack abs.

Suddenly their little experiment feels dangerously close to combustion. And Olive discovers that the only thing more complicated than a hypothesis on love is putting her own heart under the microscope.

If you would like to read a list of content warnings for The Love Hypothesis (warning for mild spoilers), please click here . 


Adventures of a Bookworm

Books, crafts & story time, book review: the love hypothesis by ali hazelwood, the love hypothesis by ali hazelwood.

love hypothesis book preview

Description: “As a third-year Ph.D. candidate, Olive Smith doesn’t believe in lasting romantic relationships–but her best friend does, and that’s what got her into this situation. Convincing Anh that Olive is dating and well on her way to a happily ever after was always going to take more than hand-wavy Jedi mind tricks: Scientists require proof. So, like any self-respecting biologist, Olive panics and kisses the first man she sees.

That man is none other than Adam Carlsen, a young hotshot professor–and well-known ass. Which is why Olive is positively floored when Stanford’s reigning lab tyrant agrees to keep her charade a secret and be her fake boyfriend. But when a big science conference goes haywire, putting Olive’s career on the Bunsen burner, Adam surprises her again with his unyielding support and even more unyielding… six-pack abs.

Suddenly their little experiment feels dangerously close to combustion. And Olive discovers that the only thing more complicated than a hypothesis on love is putting her own heart under the microscope.”

Review: I loved this book! Some romance books are too cheesy for me but I thought this book was the perfect balance of cheesiness. I found Olive to be a relatable character; she was smart, funny, pretty and yet she still wasn’t always sure of herself. The trope of fake boyfriend turned to actual crush is a little overused but I liked how the author was aware of that and even poked fun of it. The first half of the book was a little slow, we all knew where the story was heading and I wish it got there a faster. Once the half way point was reached the story started to pick up and even got a little steamy. Personally I would have liked some more hot and heavy parts!

Not only was the romantic part of it great but I loved seeing the friendships in the book. Olive and Adam were able to build a strong friendship throughout the book even if their relationship was originally built on a lie. Olive has two best friends, Anh and Malcom. Olive has a different type of relationship with each of them but they are such pure friendships. It was nice to see a group of friends that was truly looking out for one another. The characters of Olive and Adam seemed a little flat and stereotypical at times but I think their outside friendships gave the reader a better view of who they are.

I was able to binge this book in two days (a little hard when you have a husband and a 2 year old)! This book is the perfect summer beach read, I highly recommend it to anyone who likes fun, lighthearted romances.

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    What is the love hypothesis about? The story centers on Olive, a graduate biology student, who finds herself entangled in a fabricated romance with her professor, Dr. Adam, while attempting to persuade her friend Anh about her dating experiences.

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    When a fake relationship between scientists meets the irresistible force of attraction, it throws one woman's carefully calculated theories on love into chaos. As a third-year Ph.D. candidate, Olive Smith doesn't believe in lasting romantic relationships—but her best friend does, and that's what got her into this situation.

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    When a fake relationship between scientists meets the irresistible force of attraction, it throws one woman's carefully calculated theories on love into chaos. As a third-year Ph.D. candidate,...

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