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The life-changing power of the freedom writer essay – overcoming adversity and inspiring hope for a better future.

Freedom writer essay

Have you ever felt a burning desire to express yourself? To let your ideas soar freely onto paper, unencumbered by the constraints of society? The Freedom Writer Essay invites you to tap into the boundless potential of your creative mind and unleash the power of your thoughts. In this captivating journey of self-discovery, you’ll embark on a profound exploration of the written word, discovering new depths of emotion, intellect, and personal insight.

Beneath the surface of every individual lies a unique voice, waiting to be discovered and nurtured. The Freedom Writer Essay acts as a catalyst for this discovery, igniting the flames of self-expression and empowering individuals to embrace the power of their own ideas. Far from a mere exercise in writing, this transformative experience serves as a tool for personal growth and liberation. It encourages each writer to fearlessly embrace the art of self-reflection, to delve into their deepest thoughts and emotions, and to fearlessly expose their innermost vulnerabilities to the page.

Through the medium of the written word, individuals are endowed with the extraordinary ability to captivate minds, evoke emotions, and challenge conventional thinking. The Freedom Writer Essay celebrates this power, harnessing it as a force for positive change in both the writer and the reader. By articulating their thoughts and experiences with conviction and authenticity, writers become agents of truth and catalysts for empathy. In this way, the essay transcends its own boundaries, morphing from a simple collection of words into a powerful instrument of connection, understanding, and change.

Exploring the Power of Writing

Exploring the Power of Writing

Unleashing the potential of language and expression, writing possesses an unmatched ability to captivate hearts, challenge norms, and inspire change. Through the artful arrangement of words, writers have the power to evoke emotions, challenge ideas, and shape perspectives. In a world where communication is essential, the written word becomes a key that unlocks the doors of understanding and empathy.

Writing grants individuals the remarkable ability to communicate their thoughts, experiences, and dreams. Whether it be through personal narratives, persuasive essays, or creative fiction, writers can convey their unique perspectives, inviting readers into their world. Writing has the power to transcend time and space, allowing writers to connect with people they have never met and share experiences they have never encountered.

The words written on a page have the potential to spark revolutions, challenge deeply ingrained beliefs, and ignite movements for change. Writers possess a certain level of autonomy to address social issues, push boundaries, and expose injustices. With their words, they have the capacity to inspire and motivate individuals to take action and fight for a better world. Writing becomes an agent of social change, a tool for advocating justice, equality, and freedom.

Furthermore, writing serves as a form of catharsis, allowing individuals to release their inner thoughts and emotions onto the page. It serves as a refuge for the voices often silenced by society, a safe space where one can be authentically themselves. Through writing, individuals can explore their own identity, challenge societal norms, and find solace in the beauty of self-expression.

In conclusion, writing is a powerful tool that has the potential to shape minds, challenge the status quo, and bring about societal transformation. Through its ability to connect, inspire, and empower, writing serves as a catalyst for change, giving a voice to the voiceless and bringing light to the darkest corners of society.

Discover how writing can unleash your inner thoughts and emotions.

Explore the power of putting pen to paper and uncovering the depths of your mind and soul. Through the act of writing, you have the ability to tap into the hidden recesses of your thoughts and emotions, giving them a voice and allowing them to be heard.

Writing offers a unique medium of expression, allowing you to convey your innermost desires, fears, and dreams. It is a way to break free from the constraints of daily life and societal expectations, enabling you to explore the full range of your thoughts and emotions without judgment or inhibition.

With each stroke of the pen, you release a part of yourself onto the page, allowing your thoughts and emotions to come alive. As you give form and structure to your ideas, you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Through writing, you can dive into the complexities of your mind, unraveling the webs of thoughts and emotions that often go unnoticed. It is a journey of self-discovery, a process of peeling back the layers and revealing the true essence of who you are.

Writing provides a sense of liberation and empowerment. It allows you to confront your fears, confront your past, and confront your truths. It gives you the courage to be vulnerable, to express yourself authentically, and to connect with others on a deeper level.

So pick up a pen or sit at a keyboard, and let the words flow. Allow yourself the freedom to express your innermost thoughts and emotions, and see how writing can unleash a transformative power within you.

Overcoming Societal Constraints

Breaking free from the confines imposed by society is a fundamental aspect of personal and intellectual growth. Society often imposes limitations and expectations on individuals, hindering their ability to express themselves and explore their own unique perspectives. Overcoming these constraints requires courage and a willingness to challenge societal norms.

  • 1. Embracing individuality: Society often pressures individuals to conform to certain standards and expectations. However, embracing one’s individuality is crucial for personal development and creative expression. By embracing their unique traits, individuals can break free from societal constraints and truly unleash their thoughts and ideas.
  • 2. Questioning societal norms: Societal norms can be restrictive and limit the potential for personal growth and exploration. By questioning these norms and critically analyzing them, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their own values and beliefs. This process of questioning allows individuals to challenge societal constraints and pave the way for new ideas and perspectives.
  • 3. Empowering marginalized voices: Society often silences and marginalizes certain groups, inhibiting their ability to freely express themselves. Overcoming societal constraints involves actively amplifying the voices of marginalized individuals and empowering them to share their stories and perspectives. By doing so, society can become more inclusive and diverse, allowing for a greater range of thoughts and ideas to emerge.
  • 4. Creating safe spaces for expression: Building safe spaces where individuals feel comfortable expressing themselves without fear of judgment or retribution is essential for overcoming societal constraints. By fostering an environment that encourages open dialogue and respects diverse opinions, individuals can freely share their thoughts and ideas, breaking free from the constraints imposed by society.

Overcoming societal constraints is not an easy task, but it is a necessary one for personal and intellectual growth. By embracing individuality, questioning societal norms, empowering marginalized voices, and creating safe spaces for expression, individuals can break free from the limitations imposed by society and truly unleash their thoughts in the Freedom Writer Essay.

Learn how the Freedom Writer essay empowers individuals to break free from societal norms.

In a world driven by societal norms and expectations, it can be challenging for individuals to find their own voice and express their unique thoughts and experiences. However, the Freedom Writer essay serves as a powerful tool to empower individuals to break free from these societal constraints and unleash their true potential.

The Freedom Writer essay encourages individuals to embrace their individuality and speak their minds, regardless of what society may deem acceptable. It allows individuals to challenge conventional wisdom and explore different perspectives, giving them the freedom to deviate from the norms that may hold them back.

By providing a platform for self-expression, the Freedom Writer essay empowers individuals to share their personal stories and experiences, promoting a sense of belonging and validation. It encourages people to speak up for what they believe in and advocate for change, fostering a more inclusive society where diverse voices are celebrated.

Moreover, the Freedom Writer essay encourages individuals to question the status quo and push boundaries. It prompts individuals to critically examine the world around them and identify areas for improvement. By challenging established norms, individuals can spark conversations and inspire others to think differently, ultimately leading to positive social change.

Through the power of storytelling, the Freedom Writer essay allows individuals to break free from the constraints of their past and rewrite their own narrative. It provides a safe space for individuals to explore their feelings, hopes, and dreams, offering a sense of liberation and self-discovery.

In conclusion, the Freedom Writer essay serves as a catalyst for personal growth and societal progress. By empowering individuals to break free from societal norms, it allows them to embrace their uniqueness and make a meaningful impact in their communities and the world at large.

Embracing Vulnerability through Writing

Opening up and revealing one’s vulnerabilities can be a daunting experience. However, through the art of writing, individuals have a unique platform to embrace vulnerability and express their innermost thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or rejection. Writing allows individuals to explore their emotions, confront their fears, and share their personal stories in a way that is both cathartic and empowering.

In conclusion, writing offers a powerful tool for embracing vulnerability. It provides a platform for individuals to explore and express their innermost thoughts and emotions, connect with others on a deeper level, and navigate through difficult and sensitive topics. By embracing vulnerability through writing, individuals not only empower themselves but also create a space for healing, understanding, and connection.

Explore the transformative effects of expressing vulnerability in the Freedom Writer essay.

Discover the profound impact of embracing and openly expressing vulnerability in the powerful and inspiring Freedom Writer essay. This section delves into the significance of vulnerability as a catalyst for personal growth, empathy, and connection.

In conclusion, the Freedom Writer essay showcases the transformative effects of expressing vulnerability. It demonstrates the power of vulnerability as a catalyst for personal growth, empathy, and connection. By embracing and celebrating vulnerability, the writers not only find their own strength but also inspire readers to embrace their own vulnerability and foster a sense of shared humanity.

Finding Healing in Words

In the realm of self-expression, there exists a profound and transformative power that resides within the written word. This power transcends borders and breaks down barriers, serving as a conduit for healing and personal growth. When individuals find solace in their thoughts and give them voice through their writing, they embark on a journey of self-discovery and introspection. In this pursuit, words become a sanctuary, a medium through which one can navigate the complexities of emotions, seek understanding, and ultimately find healing.

As writers, we are endowed with the ability to convey our deepest thoughts and emotions through language. Whether we choose to pen poems, stories, or personal reflections, each word carries with it a profound weight and significance. It is through these carefully crafted expressions that we allow ourselves to confront and examine our innermost struggles, fears, and joys. In doing so, we create a space for self-reflection and growth, enabling us to heal and move forward in our journeys.

The act of writing itself is a therapeutic process. When we put pen to paper or fingertips to keyboard, we surrender ourselves to a realm of uninterrupted exploration. In this realm, we are free to delve into the depths of our psyche, unearthing buried memories, untangling complex emotions, and making sense of our experiences. It is through this introspective expedition that we find solace, catharsis, and ultimately, the healing we seek.

Furthermore, writing allows us to connect with others who may be on similar paths or facing similar challenges. The written word transcends time, space, and circumstances. It serves as a bridge between individual experiences, weaving together stories and experiences that resonate with one another. In sharing our journeys through the power of words, we form connections and find solace in knowing that we are not alone. These connections, forged through writing, contribute to our healing process, reminding us that we are part of a larger community of individuals striving for growth and self-discovery.

In conclusion, the act of writing offers a sanctuary for individuals seeking healing. Through the power of words, we can confront our innermost struggles, explore our emotions, and connect with others on a profound level. Writing provides us with a means of self-expression, self-reflection, and connection, enabling us to find solace and healing in our journeys towards self-discovery.

Discover the therapeutic power of writing and its ability to mend emotional wounds.

Writing has long been regarded as a profound form of self-expression, offering solace and healing to those who embrace its cathartic nature. This powerful tool provides a pathway for individuals to delve into their deepest emotions, allowing them to make sense of their experiences, and ultimately find solace and healing.

The act of writing can be likened to a journey of self-discovery, as it allows individuals to explore their innermost thoughts and feelings. By putting pen to paper, they can release pent-up emotions that may have been locked away, and experience a sense of liberation. In the process, writing can serve as a means of release, releasing burdens and enabling individuals to move forward with a newfound sense of clarity and joy.

Writing is a gateway to personal growth and healing. Through the act of writing, individuals are able to gain a better understanding of themselves, reflect on their experiences, and gain valuable insights into their own psyche. It enables individuals to confront their emotional wounds head-on, providing an opportunity for healing and growth.

Furthermore, writing can be a source of validation and empowerment. By putting their thoughts and feelings into words, individuals can find validation in their own experiences, realizing that they are not alone in their struggles. It can also be a tool for empowerment, as individuals can use their words to reclaim their narrative and redefine their own identity.

In conclusion, writing is an incredibly powerful tool that has the ability to heal emotional wounds and promote personal growth. Its cathartic nature allows individuals to navigate through their innermost thoughts and emotions, offering a sense of relief and liberation. Through writing, individuals can gain valuable insights, find validation, and empower themselves on their journey towards healing.

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Home > Freedom Writers Ending Explained

  • Freedom Writers Ending Explained
  • UPDATED: September 19, 2023

Table of Contents

The ending of the movie “Freedom Writers” is a powerful and emotional conclusion to an inspiring story. Directed by Richard LaGravenese, the film is based on the true story of Erin Gruwell and her students, known as the Freedom Writers, who overcome adversity and find hope through writing.

In the final scenes of the movie, we see how far the students have come since the beginning of their journey. They started as a group of troubled teenagers from different backgrounds, dealing with issues such as gang violence, racism, and poverty. However, under Erin’s guidance and encouragement, they begin to believe in themselves and their abilities.

One of the most significant moments in the ending is when each student receives a diary from Erin. These diaries symbolize the power of writing and self-expression. Through their writing, the students are able to confront their past traumas, express their emotions, and ultimately find healing. The diaries also serve as a reminder that their stories matter and deserve to be heard.

As the students continue to write in their diaries, we witness their growth and transformation. They become more confident in expressing themselves and develop a sense of identity beyond their troubled pasts. This is evident in a powerful scene where one student reads her poem about her father’s death in front of an audience for the first time. It is a moment of vulnerability but also strength as she shares her pain with others.

The ending also highlights the impact that Erin has had on her students’ lives. She becomes not just a teacher but a mentor and friend who believes in them when no one else does. The bond between Erin and her students is evident throughout the film but becomes even more apparent in these final moments. They have formed a community where they support each other’s dreams and aspirations.

One particularly touching moment occurs when Eva, one of the students who initially resents Erin’s presence, stands up during a court hearing to defend her teacher. This act of loyalty and gratitude demonstrates the profound impact that Erin has had on her students’ lives.

In the closing scenes, we see the students graduating from high school and moving on to pursue higher education. This is a testament to their resilience and determination to break free from the cycle of violence and poverty that once defined their lives. The ending leaves us with a sense of hope and optimism for their future.

Overall, the ending of “Freedom Writers” is a celebration of the power of education, writing, and human connection. It shows us that even in the face of adversity, change is possible, and individuals have the ability to rewrite their own narratives. The film serves as a reminder that everyone deserves a chance to be heard and that through empathy and understanding, we can create a more inclusive and compassionate society.




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In Defense of the 'Freedom Writers'

The teacher who inspired the 2007 Hilary Swank film still believes memoir writing is the best way to reach struggling students.


In the early 1990s, a young schoolteacher named Erin Gruwell made a radical change in her curriculum. Frustrated by her efforts to inspire her low-achieving students, she handed out journals and asked the kids to write about their own lives. Their poignant personal essays were later published in The Freedom Writers Diary , a book that inspired the 2007 film Freedom Writers .

Today, Gruwell runs the Freedom Writers Foundation, which aims to help teachers "engage, enlighten, and empower at-risk students to reach their full potential." She spoke with Atlantic senior editor Jennie Rothenberg Gritz about the October magazine story "The Writing Revolution" and her conviction that personal writing still belongs in the classroom.

There's a scene in the movie Freedom Writers where Hillary Swank is standing helplessly in front of a blackboard, trying to teach essay writing while the students revolt. What happened in real life when you tried to teach those kinds of lessons?

When I first walked into that classroom, there were 150 kids who hated writing, hated me, hated everything. I had to learn how to make things relevant to them. Part of the challenge, for me, was to model great writing. In the beginning, when my syllabus kept coming back to me in the form of a paper airplane, the students kept asking, "Why do we have to read books by dead white guys in tights?"

Education Debate bug

What inspired you to focus on memoirs?

The question was, how do you engage a kid from who, from the get-go, doesn't want to read or write? So I thought, "I'm going to go out and find stories that matter to them -- stories by Alice Walker and Gary Soto and Amy Tan, people writing about things that are so relevant to these kids who can't see a future outside their own community." I love "a rose is a rose is a rose," but when you have your students sit down and deconstruct Tupac's "The Rose That Grew From Concrete," they think, "Wow, this teacher cares enough about us to find subject matters in our world."

Peg Tyre's Atlantic story is about New Dorp High School, a low-performing school that traded in journaling and creative writing for more a rigorous academic curriculum. How do you feel about that decision?

Students have to be able to think critically. But where I saw huge cause for alarm in that piece was the idea that we don't want to focus on memoirs. When I read that quote from David Coleman saying, "As you grow up in this world, you realize people really don't give a shit about what you feel or what you think" -- that's a very cavalier comment. It negates all of those kids who are marginalized.

At Freedom Writers, we do give a shit what those kids think and feel. We're training teachers who work with at-risk kids in some poorest schools in the country, kids who have been written off. So while I'm excited that New Dorp is trying a new direction, to throw the baby out with the bathwater is really unfortunate.

Were you able to teach your students the fundamentals of writing in the process of having them read and write memoirs?

Absolutely. When you're too robotic and scripted, the students tune you out. So I always tried to use different learning modalities -- kinesthetic, auditory, visual, whatever might bring learning to life. At one point, I brought in two sandwiches. One of them was a really simple sandwich: a piece of white bread, a piece of baloney, and another piece of white bread. The other one was a really fancy sandwich that had French bread, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, and heaps of turkey.

I used that as a metaphor to help my students deconstruct sentences. You can write a really simple sentence. Or you can use language to communicate all of these other things. I pulled sentences out of whatever we were reading and broke them down. And if one of my students wrote an incredible line, that also got thrown into the mix. The absolute best lines in the movie Freedom Writers directly came straight from my students' journal entries.

Do you see journaling as a means to an end -- a way to get students excited about writing so they'll go on to write academic papers? Or do you think memoir writing has its own value?

Definitely both. I want to give credit to a Holocaust survivor named Renee Firestone. She was at Auschwitz when she was a teenager, so she missed out on high school, graduation, and college. When my students met her and asked, "Why do you continue to tell your story?" she told them, "Evil prevails when good people do nothing." It was a rallying cry to all of my students to do something.

And so we put together this little book -- a book that not only got published but went on to help so many kids around the world think, "Now is the time to write my own story." Our book is one of the most stolen books in every school library. It's the go-to book in juvenile halls. By telling their own stories, my students helped give a voice to the voiceless.

Writing is powerful. Whether it's a little girl hiding from the Nazis in an attic, or Amnesty International writing letters on behalf of political prisoners, the power of telling stories is usually what causes change.

Is that part of your goal, to encourage students to become activists by telling their own stories?

One of the teachers we trained this summer was from Rwanda. He lost his family in the 1994 genocide. Now he's an educator in a school made up entirely of refugees. Every single one of those kids is an orphan from that situation. How can this teacher inspire every single one of those kids to know that they have a story? For instance, there was one young girl writing about sex trafficking and the proliferation of AIDS in Rwanda today. Part of her conclusion is that she has a choice. No one has to continue living this lifestyle.

Phillips Academy Andover recently had us do a presentation there. Most of the kids were headed to Harvard, Yale, all the Ivy Leagues. But they loved The Freedom Writers Diary . It was really important for them to realize that not every kid has a parent who can pay for SAT prep. Some kids have to work 3 or 4 jobs just to pay the rent. Writing really evokes empathy in a way very few things can do.

What would you say to a school like New Dorp that's planning to shift away from memoir writing and take on a more academic approach?

To take an element of the writing process away from these kids does them a disservice. When it comes to teaching writing, I just don't think it can be black and white. The political timing of your article is fantastic. I was glued to the TV during the Chicago strike. I am a teacher born and bred, and I believe in the advocacy of teachers. It's a calling. We want our students to feel impassioned and empowered. For me, was about having that incredible mix of diverse and dynamic literature. But we all want our kids to be literate, to graduate and go to college -- by any means necessary.

Watch a scene from the movie Freedom Writers

The Liberation of Expression: a Reflection on “Freedom Writers”

This essay is about the film “Freedom Writers,” which explores the transformative power of writing and empathy in the lives of marginalized students. It delves into themes of freedom, agency, and resilience, highlighting how the act of expression becomes a form of resistance against oppression. Through the exchange of personal stories and the cultivation of empathy, the students bridge divides and foster reconciliation in their community. The film underscores the importance of education as a catalyst for social change, empowering individuals to challenge injustice and envision a more equitable society. Ultimately, “Freedom Writers” serves as a testament to the enduring dignity and resilience of the human spirit, inspiring viewers to embrace the transformative potential of empathy and expression in their own lives.

At PapersOwl, you’ll also come across free essay samples that pertain to Freedom Writers.

How it works

In the ever-evolving tapestry of human existence, there exist narratives that transcend the boundaries of time and space, resonating with the essence of our shared humanity. Among these narratives, the story of the “Freedom Writers” stands as a beacon of hope, illuminating the transformative power of words and the indomitable spirit of individuals striving for liberation. Through the lens of philosophy, we can unravel the intricate layers of this tale and discern its profound insights into the nature of freedom, resilience, and the pursuit of truth.

At its core, “Freedom Writers” embodies the fundamental quest for freedom – not merely the absence of constraints, but the emancipation of the mind and spirit. The protagonists, a group of marginalized students facing systemic oppression and societal indifference, embark on a journey of self-discovery through the transformative power of writing. In their struggle to navigate the complexities of their reality, they find solace and strength in the act of expression, transcending the limitations imposed upon them by circumstance.

Central to the narrative is the concept of agency – the inherent capacity of individuals to shape their destinies through conscious action. Despite facing adversity at every turn, the students refuse to succumb to despair, choosing instead to assert their autonomy through the written word. In doing so, they reclaim ownership of their narratives, defying the oppressive forces that seek to silence them. In essence, the act of writing becomes a form of resistance, a declaration of their humanity in the face of dehumanizing conditions.

Moreover, “Freedom Writers” underscores the transformative potential of empathy – the ability to transcend the boundaries of self and connect with the lived experiences of others. Through the exchange of personal stories and the cultivation of understanding, the students bridge the chasms of prejudice and bigotry that divide their community. In embracing empathy as a guiding principle, they dismantle the walls of ignorance and hatred, paving the way for reconciliation and collective healing.

Indeed, the journey of the “Freedom Writers” serves as a testament to the enduring power of education as a catalyst for social change. By providing a platform for marginalized voices to be heard and validated, it empowers individuals to challenge the status quo and envision a more just and equitable society. In the classroom, the students transcend the confines of their circumstances, embarking on a voyage of self-discovery and intellectual growth. In this transformative space, they learn not only to articulate their truths but also to listen with open hearts and minds, fostering a community bound by mutual respect and understanding.

In conclusion, “Freedom Writers” offers a poignant reminder of the inherent dignity and resilience of the human spirit. Through the prism of philosophy, we can discern its profound insights into the nature of freedom, agency, and empathy. As we navigate the complexities of our own existence, let us draw inspiration from the courage and perseverance of the “Freedom Writers,” and strive to create a world where every voice is heard, and every soul is free to flourish.


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Freedom Writers: Promoting Good Moral Values Essay

Introduction, brief synopsis of the plot, synopsis of the moral issue, works cited.

“Freedom writers” is a Christian movie that presents strong moral teachings to young people. The movie portrays a strong and civilized view of the world; it encourages development and use of positive moral values by people in making the world a better place. The main values encouraged in the movie include doing right, being kind, polite, respecting other people, seeking the truth and applying it in life. Precisely, its main theme is centered on promoting good moral values.

The movie focuses on a young teacher (Hillary Swank) who teaches in a high school made up of students from different racial backgrounds (IMDb 2012). She promotes cohesion and peaceful existence among students by teaching them about the genocide against the Jews that took place during World War II (IMDb 2012).

She successfully transforms the rogue students into good people by instilling good moral values in them. In addition, she encourages them to do the right thing all the time, be kind to others and use the moral values learnt in class to improve their lives.

Doing right all the time is the main moral issue highlighted in the movie. Doing the right thing presupposes being polite, kind, respectful, seeking the truth and using it to transform lives. The students, who come from different racial backgrounds, form ethnic gangs that they use to perpetuate violence, racism and hatred among themselves.

The students carry their street gang activities and racism sentiments into class, giving the teacher a rough time in dealing with them. However, she teaches them of the importance of doing the right thing always. Gradually, the students change and become better people with positive and strong moral values.

According to the natural law theory, good moral behavior is part of human nature which is realized by observing the nature of humanity (Finnis 53).

The students were able to critically evaluate the evils of racism and violence in the society, and thus change. Learning about the Jews holocaust, they realize the dangers of racism and violence motivating them to change their morals. According to Kantianism, an act is more important than the outcome, thus everyone should be more concerned with the moral value of actions (Ward 47).

Doing right is more important than the outcome of doing right. It is expected that practicing good moral values generates positive outcomes. Therefore, it is more important to be kind, polite and respectful because by exercising these moral values, good outcomes are guaranteed. Utilitarianism teaches that the outcome of an action determines its moral value as evident from the students changed behavior.

The social contract theory holds that individuals willingly give up a portion of their freedom in exchange for protection of their rights (Rousseau and Cole 72). The students in the movie give up a portion of their freedom that allows them to perpetuate violence, racism and other evil deeds.

The best theory to operate under the given moral issue in the movie would be the natural law theory. The students would learn best by observing the actions and the consequences of humanity in the society they live. For example, by learning the consequences of racism and gang violence, the students would be highly motivated to change their behavior for their good and the good of the society.

If presented with the same moral issue, most students would fight back and thus perpetuate violence and racism. According to utilitarianism, the moral value of an action is determined by its outcome. Most students would argue that by fighting back, they protect themselves and discourage other students from bullying them into silence and submission.

The movie ‘freedom writers’ encourages people to develop and use positive values to make the world a better place. The main values encouraged in the movie include doing right, being kind, polite, respecting other people, seeking truth and applying it in life. Precisely, its theme is centered on promoting good moral values. It can be viewed from different philosophical perspectives based on the moral issue presented in the movie.

Finnis, John. Natural Law and Natural Rights . London: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print.

IMDb: Freedom Writers . n.d. Web.

Rousseau, Jean and Cole, G. The Social Contract. New York: Cosimo Inc, 2008. Print.

Ward, Ian. Kantianism, Postmodernism, and Critical Legal Thought . New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997. Print.

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IvyPanda . "Freedom Writers: Promoting Good Moral Values." October 30, 2023.

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"Freedom Writers": Summary of the Movie

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  • Topic: Freedom Writers , Mary Shelley , Movie Review

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