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  • Environmental Protection Essay


Essay on Environmental Protection

Environmental protection is improving, defending, and maintaining the quality of the environment. The main methods of environmental protection are recycling, reusing, and reducing; however, some other methods such as Green Energy production, green transportation development, and eco-friendly industrialization also exist. Not only residents but also businesses and industries should play their basic roles to improve the environment.

The History of Environmental Protection  

Humankind has always been concerned about the environment. The ancient Greeks were the first to develop environmental philosophy, and they were followed by other major civilizations such as India and China. In more recent times, the concern for the environment has increased because of growing awareness of the ecological crisis. The Club of Rome, a think tank, was among the first to warn the world about the dangers of overpopulation and pollution in its report "The Limits to Growth" (1972).

In the early days of environmentalism, people thought that the best way to protect nature was to set aside areas where humans would not disturb the environment. This approach, which is known as preservation, was given a major boost in the United States with the establishment of the National Park Service in 1916.

The modern environmental movement began in the 1960s when concerns about the negative impact of humans on the environment began to increase. In response to these concerns, governments around the world began to pass legislation to protect the environment. In the United States, for example, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was established in 1970.

The Principles of Environmental Protection

There are three fundamental principles of environmental protection:

The precautionary principle: This principle states that if an activity has the potential to cause harm to the environment, then steps should be taken to prevent that harm even if there is no clear evidence that the activity is damaging.

The polluter pays principle: This states that the party responsible for causing pollution should be held responsible for cleaning it up.

The public right to know the principle: This principle states that the public has a right to know about any potential threats to the environment and what is being done to address them.

The goals of Environmental Protection

There are three main goals of environmental protection:

To protect human health: This is the most important goal of environmental protection because humans cannot survive without a healthy environment.

To protect ecosystems: Ecosystems are the foundation of life on Earth, and they provide many benefits to humans, such as clean air and water, food, and fiber.

To promote sustainable development: Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Environmental protection is a practice that aims to protect the natural environment from the hands of individuals, organizations, and governments. It is the need of the hour because the Earth's environment is deteriorating every day, and the reasons are human beings. They are mishandling the Earth's environment to fulfill their needs. If it goes like this, then it is difficult to say that the future generation will have a safer environment to live in. Through this essay, you will learn the importance of environmental protection.

A Long Essay on Environmental Protection

It is imperative to protect our natural environment from deteriorating, and the only way to do that is through environmental protection. This process should be adopted by every country as soon as possible before it is too late. The objective of this process is to conserve all the natural resources and try to repair some parts of the environment that are possible to get repaired. The biophysical environment is getting degraded permanently because of overconsumption, population growth, and the rapid development of technology. This can be stopped if the government plan strategies to restrict these activities to perform in a controlled way. This environmental protection essay can be a great help for the students to understand the environment they are living in.

Voluntary Environmental Agreements

Voluntary environmental agreements are getting popular in most industrial countries. Through this free essay on environmental protection, one will learn more about this type of agreement. These agreements provide the companies with a platform where they are recognized if they are moving beyond the minimum regulatory standards for protecting the environment. These agreements support the development of one of the best environmental practices. For example, the India Environment Improvement Trust (EIT) has been working in this environment field since the year 1998. Through this environmental protection essay, one is getting so much to learn.

Ecosystems Approach

An ecosystem approach to environmental protection aims to consider the complex interrelationships of the ecosystem as a whole to the process of decision making rather than just focusing on specific issues and challenges. The environmental protection essay writing will give a more precise overview of this approach. The ecosystems approach aims to support the better transferring of information, develop strategies that can resolve conflicts, and improve regional conservation. This approach has played a major role in protecting the environment. This approach also says that religions also play an important role in the conservation of the environment.

International Environmental Agreements

In the present scenario, many of the Earth's natural resources have become vulnerable because of humans and their carelessness towards the environment across different countries. As a result of this, many countries and their governments have come into different agreements to reduce the human impact on the natural environment and protect it from getting deterioration. Through this environmental protection essay in English, one will get a much clearer view on this matter particularly.

The agreements made between different governments of various countries are known as International Environmental Agreements. This agreement includes factors such as climate, oceans, rivers, and air pollution. These agreements are sometimes legally bound, and in case they are not followed, it may lead to some legal implications. These agreements have a long history with some multinational agreements that were made in the year 1910 in Europe, America, and Africa. Some of the most well-known international agreements are the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement. Through this environmental protection essay, it is clear that governments are taking steps to solve the environmental issue, but it is not enough.

A Short Paragraph on Environmental Protection in English

Earth is a beautiful place to live in, with the most favorable environmental conditions for living beings. But we humans are making it vulnerable and are destroying our own homes with activities that are causing pollution at an increased rate. In this protecting the environment essay, 200 words will be explained properly on how to save the environment.

Environmental protection has become the need of the hour as it is getting destroyed each day. So, governments are making policies and are coming into agreements with other countries to come up with strategies that can protect the environment. Some companies also have the same aim of protecting the environment from the activities of humans.

In this short article on environmental protection, it is clear that if sudden steps are not taken then, our future generation will have to live in a polluted environment that is conserved very conserve difficult. Environmental protection is the key to a safe and secure future with a beautiful environment to live in. 

With pollution increasing each year and causing deterioration of the natural environment, it has become necessary to take steps to protect the natural environment. As we know that the reason for all these problems is humans, governments should make policies to restrict their activities that are causing harm to the environment. If they are not stopped urgently, then the world might see some catastrophic destruction in the coming years. For example, climate change has been a huge problem, and this is one of the causes of increased pollution. A secured future depends on the environment as a whole.


FAQs on Environmental Protection Essay

1. What are International Environmental Agreements?

International environmental agreements are legal contracts between countries that discuss the protection of the environment to provide better living to present and future generations. These include issues such as climate, oceans, rivers, air pollution, etc. we should always consider that if we harm our environment, then it can affect us as well, and we will become more vulnerable. If we do not take action now, it might get a lot worse. We need to be the generation that starts taking care of our planet and future generations!

2. What is the Kyoto Protocol?

The Kyoto Protocol is one of the most well-known and successful international environmental agreements that has been made in the past to protect the environment. This agreement between countries was made to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases which are causing damage to the ozone layer and climate change. With the help of Kyoto, protocol countries have reduced emission rates by 8% and are planning to reduce them more so that future generations can live in a healthy environment in which they can flourish.

3. What is the Paris Agreement?

The Paris Agreement was made in 2015 to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and to stop climate change. This agreement is very important as it includes every country in the world, and all have agreed to work together to stop climate change. This is a huge step forward as it means that everyone is now working together to try to save our planet. If we try to solve these problems together, then we will have a chance to save our planet.

4. What is the Green Climate Fund?

The Green Climate Fund comes from an agreement made in 2010 to provide money for developing countries that are going through issues such as deforestation and air pollution by making them more sustainable. This fund has a goal of collecting 100 billion dollars by 2020 for supporting developing countries. If this can happen, then many lives can be saved, and we will be able to see a lot of positive changes in the coming years and decades so that we can see an improved environment.

5. What are some activities that harm the Environment?

Some activities that harm the environment include burning fossil fuels, deforestation, air pollution, and wastewater discharge. These activities harm not only the environment but also humans, and we must take action now to reduce the impact which we are causing. For example, the burning of fossil fuels is one of the main reasons for climate change and air pollution, which both have a huge impact on humans. If we stop these activities, then it will be a lot better for everyone!

6. How can we protect the Environment?

Environmental protection is very much required in today's time. Some of the ways to protect the environment are to reduce, reuse, recycle, conserve water, save electricity, clean up the community, educate people on pollution, conserve water, preserve soil, tree plantation, use long-lasting bulbs, and plant trees. Heaven these are the ways which help us to protect the environment from getting polluted.

7.  Why is Environmental Protection Important?

The ecosystem in which we live provides the natural services that are very much important to humans and other species for health, quality of life, and survival. So to protect that, environmental protection is very important. Hence, governments of various countries should make strategies to protect our natural environment from getting polluted.

Environmental Protection Essay

The environmental protection essay is a great way to assist the little ones in understanding how to protect the environment. Environmental protection has emerged as one of the major challenges in the world for centuries and has always been important to humans. As of late, it has seen a dramatic change in environmental policy, primarily through the use of the law. One way that law is used to protect the environment is by enacting government regulations on pollution and preventing environmental degradation.

Environmental protection is an integral part of today’s society, but many people lack even basic knowledge on what they can do to help protect our environment. The destruction of the environment and the depletion of natural resources are significant issues that are ever-present. In this essay, there will be a list of ideas for participating in the fight against these problems. This essay on environmental protection describes the meaning and importance of environmental protection and also teaches the right method to preserve the environment.

Environmental Protection Essay

How to Protect the Environment Essay

Environmental protection is the practice of protecting the natural environment against various human activities that degrade, destroy, or otherwise reduce its quality for future generations. Environmental protection has become a widespread issue in recent decades as human pressures on the environment have increased exponentially.

There are many ways to protect the environment. One way to protect the environment is by recycling – a way to reduce the carbon footprint and conserve natural resources. It also decreases the amount of waste that goes into landfills, which causes less pollution to water bodies. Another way is to use eco-friendly products in your life. This can contribute to a healthier environment by reducing the number of harmful chemicals and toxins in the air, ground, and water.

To protect the environment, we should be conscious of what we consume and how we consume it. Many factors affect the quality of our air, water, and land, but it is best to start small by always considering its impact on the environment.

Afforestation and tree plantation help protect our environment by reducing global warming, soil erosion, etc. We can reduce our carbon footprint through carpooling instead of driving, which is cheaper and reduces our energy usage and emissions.

For more essays similar to the environmental protection essay, visit BYJU’S website. You can also find more exciting kids’ learning resources, such as poems, stories, worksheets, etc., on the website.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is environmental protection.

Environmental protection is the practice of protecting the natural environment by maintaining the quality of air, water, land or ecosystem. The effects that humans have on their environment create issues for the natural environment. This can include air pollution, water pollution, and degradation of land. Governments and people are involved with environmental protection through policies and regulations.

How to protect the environment?

Environmental protection has seen a dramatic change, especially through environmental laws. These laws call for reducing pollution and environmental degradation.

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Environmental Protection Essay | Essay on Save Environment for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Environmental Protection: Environment is the basis of our survival and the earth’s existence. The environment is the total of the natural surroundings around us. Environmental protection thus refers to the protection and saving of the environment from the dire impact of human and human-made activities.

Environmental protection is an important issue because the environment is on its way to degradation. It is also treated as a suitable topic for composition among school students. A set of long and short essays and a set of ten lines on environmental protection has been compiled below. The students can refer to these samples while writing their own essays.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on Environmental Protection for Students and Kids in English

Environmental Protection Essay is of 100-150 words long and is useful for students in standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Environmental Protection Essay is 450-500 words long and is required by students of 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Long Essay on Environmental Protection in English 500 words

Environment Protection Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

The matter of environmental protection is of utmost urgency because of the maximum danger that the environment is in right now. Owing to various human-made activities, the situation is under a dire threat. The damage is tremendous and has reached a point of no return. However much we try, we cannot undo the destruction that has already been inflicted. Thus, we need to lessen the human impact on the environment as much as possible.

The environment contains under it the lithosphere, the atmosphere, the biosphere, and the hydrosphere. The lithosphere refers to the land surrounding us; hydrosphere contains all the water bodies surrounding us; the atmosphere contains all the gaseous fluids around us. Land, water and air pollution is the main reason behind the degradation of the environment.

Environmental protection implies taking care of and rescuing the environment. First, awareness about environmental protection should be spread; the familiar people should know about the need and requirements of environmental protection.

Environmental degradation can be kept under check in some ways. People should be encouraged to plant trees. Forests and vegetations are being cleared extensively for farming and construction purposes. It has led to the depletion of forest resources by and large. The number of trees has diminished to a great extent. Trees are our only source of oxygen in the earth; clearing trees and plants results in depletion and a decrease in the amount of oxygen available in the air. This puts the entire humanity at risk. By facilitating the growth of trees, the greenery can be restored. The loss made can be compensated.

To protect the environment, the pollution rates should be decreased. Air, land, and water pollution needs to be kept under check. Utmost care should be taken while disposing of wastes on water prices; reduced use of vehicles and transportation can help reduce air pollution; careless dumping of solid wastes on the ground can be decreased to regulate land pollution.

Saving water is yet another effective measure for environmental protection. Water is a vital resource, and it is essential for survival. The amount of fresh drinkable water on the earth is very less when compared to the enormous population. Water should thus be saved. The demand for water increases leaps and bounds, while its supply keeps decreasing. Hence wastage and excessive use of water should be curtailed.

Waste management is yet another tenet. Management of waste implies proper disposal of trash. Practices such as dumping of untreated wastes on water bodies and land should be stopped. Appropriate waste bins, sewer systems, and garbage dumps should be [present, where people can get rid of the waste. The municipality should adequately treat it.

Thus the number of ways in which to bring about environmental management is numerous. People need to be more aware and responsible. They should understand the urgent need to be careful in their day-to-day dealings with nature and the environment. They should be more cautious.

Short Essay on Environmental Protection in English 150 Words

Environment Protection Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Protecting the environment to save it from the damage done by humans and other factors is known as environmental protection. The atmosphere is in a very adverse condition right now due to the various unchecked and extreme activities being carried out regularly by humans. The situation has come to such a pass, that the matter to conserve the environment needs to be addressed immediately without any further delay. The government should make it obligatory for people to cater to a few urgent environmental needs. Moreover, various effective policies and programs should be implemented for the successful exercise of ecological protection.

10 Lines on Environmental Protection Essay in English

  • The environment plays the most significant role in the preservation and survival of every lifeform on the face of the earth.
  • It is from the environment itself that we get the benefits of various natural resources such as land, water, and air.
  • The environment needs to be protected and saved at all costs.
  • Due to various harmful human and human-made activities, the environment has been subjected to irreparable damage.
  • The environmental damage leads to other crises of global warming, floods, droughts, etc.
  • If we do not take immediate measures to preserve and rescue the environment, it will have a reverse and negative impact upon us.
  • There can be many ways to bring about environmental protection.
  • Decreasing the exploitation of plants, trees, and forest cover. Events such as Van Mahotsav and planting of trees should be facilitated.
  • The number of power plants, fume-based gasses, and vehicles should decrease, especially in the metro cities. This will reduce air pollution.
  •  The protection of the environment should be the primary concern.

FAQ’s on Environmental Protection Essay

Question 1. Is environmental protection essential?

Answer: Yes. Environmental protection is essential and requires immediate attention.

Question 2. How to save the environment?

Answer: The environment can be saved by reducing pollution, decreasing exploitation of forests and by being more careful and aware.

Question 3. What causes environmental degradation?

Answer: Human activities, when performed to an extreme extent, cause environmental degradation.

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106 Environmental Protection Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Environmental protection is a crucial issue that affects every living being on this planet. From climate change to pollution, our environment is facing numerous challenges that require immediate attention and action. Writing essays on environmental protection can help raise awareness and inspire others to take action to protect our planet. If you are struggling to come up with a topic for your essay, here are 106 environmental protection essay topic ideas and examples to get you started:

  • The impact of plastic pollution on marine life
  • The importance of recycling and reducing waste
  • The role of government policies in environmental protection
  • The effects of deforestation on biodiversity
  • The link between air pollution and respiratory health
  • The benefits of renewable energy sources
  • The impact of climate change on agriculture
  • The importance of protecting endangered species
  • The role of individuals in environmental protection
  • The effects of water pollution on human health
  • The impact of urbanization on the environment
  • The importance of sustainable living practices
  • The role of technology in environmental protection
  • The effects of overfishing on marine ecosystems
  • The link between deforestation and climate change
  • The benefits of organic farming
  • The impact of industrial pollution on local communities
  • The importance of biodiversity conservation
  • The role of education in promoting environmental awareness
  • The effects of noise pollution on wildlife
  • The impact of plastic pollution on food chains
  • The benefits of wildlife conservation programs
  • The role of indigenous communities in environmental protection
  • The effects of soil erosion on agriculture
  • The importance of protecting natural habitats
  • The link between environmental degradation and poverty
  • The benefits of eco-friendly transportation options
  • The impact of oil spills on marine ecosystems
  • The role of international agreements in environmental protection
  • The effects of climate change on vulnerable populations
  • The importance of protecting water sources
  • The role of corporations in promoting sustainability
  • The benefits of green building practices
  • The impact of deforestation on indigenous communities
  • The link between environmental pollution and public health
  • The effects of ocean acidification on marine life
  • The importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • The role of activism in environmental protection
  • The benefits of community gardens
  • The impact of electronic waste on the environment
  • The importance of protecting natural landmarks
  • The effects of pesticide use on ecosystems
  • The link between environmental protection and economic development
  • The benefits of composting
  • The impact of mining on local ecosystems
  • The role of youth in promoting environmental sustainability
  • The effects of light pollution on wildlife behavior
  • The importance of protecting coral reefs
  • The benefits of reforestation projects
  • The impact of climate change on wildlife migration patterns
  • The role of art in raising awareness about environmental issues
  • The effects of deforestation on indigenous cultures
  • The importance of reducing water waste
  • The link between environmental protection and social justice
  • The benefits of sustainable tourism practices
  • The impact of climate change on global food security
  • The role of scientists in monitoring environmental changes
  • The effects of air pollution on urban populations
  • The importance of protecting pollinators
  • The benefits of using renewable energy in developing countries
  • The impact of urban sprawl on natural habitats
  • The role of the media in shaping public attitudes towards the environment
  • The effects of climate change on coastal communities
  • The importance of protecting wetlands
  • The link between environmental protection and mental health
  • The benefits of wildlife rehabilitation programs
  • The impact of fracking on water quality
  • The role of community activism in environmental protection
  • The effects of noise pollution on human health
  • The importance of protecting old-growth forests
  • The benefits of green spaces in urban areas
  • The impact of climate change on global biodiversity
  • The role of faith communities in promoting environmental stewardship
  • The effects of agricultural runoff on water quality
  • The importance of protecting migratory bird habitats
  • The link between environmental protection and disaster preparedness
  • The benefits of sustainable fishing practices
  • The impact of climate change on indigenous communities
  • The role of women in environmental protection
  • The effects of deforestation on climate regulation
  • The importance of protecting natural resources for future generations
  • The benefits of using native plants in landscaping
  • The impact of climate change on global weather patterns
  • The role of businesses in promoting sustainability
  • The effects of water scarcity on agriculture
  • The importance of protecting the ozone layer
  • The link between environmental protection and human rights

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Essay on Environment Protection

Students are often asked to write an essay on Environment Protection in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Environment Protection

Importance of environment protection.

Environment protection is essential for our survival. The environment includes natural resources like water, air, and land, which are vital for all living beings. Protecting the environment means preserving these resources.

Threats to the Environment

Our environment is under threat from pollution, deforestation, and climate change. These are mainly due to human activities. Pollution harms the air and water, while deforestation leads to loss of habitats.

Our Role in Environment Protection

As individuals, we can help protect the environment. Simple actions like recycling, planting trees, and reducing waste can make a difference. Let’s pledge to protect our environment for a healthier future.

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250 Words Essay on Environment Protection


Environment protection is a global concern that transcends cultural, social, and economic boundaries. It is the safeguarding of our natural resources from degradation and depletion, a responsibility that lies with every individual and institution.

The Role of Legislation

Legislation plays a crucial role in environment protection. Laws such as the Clean Air Act and the Endangered Species Act in the United States, or the European Union’s Habitats Directive, serve to regulate human activities that pose a threat to the environment. They enforce sustainable practices, penalize non-compliance, and promote conservation.

Individual Responsibility

However, legislation alone is insufficient. The onus also falls on individuals to adopt sustainable behaviors. This includes reducing waste, recycling, and opting for renewable energy sources. Education is vital in promoting these practices, as it fosters an understanding of the environmental consequences of our actions.

Technological Advancements

Technological advancements also offer promising solutions. Innovations in renewable energy, waste management, and carbon capture can significantly reduce our environmental impact. Yet, these technologies must be implemented responsibly to avoid creating new environmental problems.

In conclusion, environment protection is a multifaceted issue that requires collective action. Through legislation, individual responsibility, and technological innovation, we can mitigate environmental degradation and ensure the sustainability of our planet for future generations.

500 Words Essay on Environment Protection

Introduction to environment protection.

Environment protection is the practice of protecting the natural environment at individual, organizational, or governmental levels, for the benefit of both the environment and humans. With the rapid growth of population and industrialization, environmental issues have become increasingly prominent, necessitating immediate attention and action.

The Need for Environment Protection

The need for environment protection is underscored by the increasing depletion of natural resources, extinction of wildlife, and the threat of global warming. It is our responsibility to ensure that future generations inherit a healthy planet.

The Role of Individuals in Environment Protection

Every individual has a significant role in environment protection. Simple actions like reducing energy consumption, recycling, and minimizing waste can have a profound impact. For instance, by choosing to walk or cycle instead of driving, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. By recycling, we minimize the amount of waste that goes to landfill, thereby reducing our carbon footprint.

Government and Organizational Roles

Challenges in environment protection.

Despite the urgency, environment protection faces numerous challenges. These include a lack of political will, insufficient funding, and resistance from industries that profit from environmental degradation. Moreover, the global nature of many environmental issues necessitates international cooperation, which can be difficult to achieve.

In conclusion, environment protection is not a choice but a necessity. It requires the concerted efforts of individuals, organizations, and governments worldwide. Despite the challenges, every step taken towards environment protection is a step towards a sustainable and prosperous future for all. As the renowned naturalist, Sir David Attenborough said, “The future of humanity, and indeed all life on Earth, now depends on us.”

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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Writing an A+ Environmental Protection Essay

By: Henrique Bertulino

Writing an A+ Environmental Protection Essay

Many exams would require you to write a piece about the environment. It aims to assess the candidates' understanding of different environmental problems and their consequences. Here is an example essay to get you started. Students must, however, hold the discussed points in mind before beginning their essays. If they incorporate these points into their work, they will get higher grades on their tests or examinations.

Essay Example - Importance of Environmental Protection

Absence of statistics, usage of "i", absence of clear sections and bullet points, no clear solution, sources to use in the essay, important points to remember.

We are not prepared for climate change, which is escalating at an alarming pace. Because of the greatest threat that the world's ecosystems face right now, natural environment conservation is of the highest importance. The damage is massive, and it's beyond the point of no return. We can't erase the damage that has already been done due to global warming, no matter how hard we try. As a result, we must make every effort to reduce the effects of human activities on the environment.

The lithosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere are all part of the ecosystem. The lithosphere is the ground that surrounds us. The hydrosphere is all of the water bodies that surround us. And the atmosphere is all of the gaseous fluids that surround us. The key cause of environmental degradation is land pollution, air pollution, and water pollution.

Taking note of and rescuing the natural resources is what environmental conservation entails. First, environmental sustainability should be made more well known; everyone should be mindful of the importance and standards of environmental protection. In certain cases, environmental pollution and deterioration can be slowed.

Changes to biophysical environments, wildlife, biodiversity, and natural capital are all examples of human impact on the environment, also known as the anthropogenic impact on the environment - caused by humans, either directly or indirectly, such as global warming, environmental destruction, mass extinction, and biodiversity depletion, ecological catastrophe and ecological degradation, etc.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the United States is in charge of safeguarding public health and the environment. Another cornerstone is waste management. Waste management entails adequate garbage treatment.

It is important to encourage people to plant trees. For agricultural and building purposes, vast swaths of forest and woodland are being cleared. It has largely resulted in the loss of forest wealth. The number of trees has drastically decreased.

Clearing trees and plants results in deforestation and a decrease in the amount of oxygen available in the air; trees and plants are our main source of oxygen on the planet; clearing trees and plants results in depletion and a decrease in the amount of oxygen available in the air.

As a result of human activity, increased carbon dioxide emissions, and unplanned technological growth, numerous environmental issues have arisen in recent decades, interfering with habitats. As a result, a conflict has arisen around the world between the importance of biodiversity conservation and preservation in order to protect the environment and the necessity of satisfying human desires by sacrificing the environment.

Pollution, the greenhouse effect, global warming, and soil degradation are only a few of the negative impacts of human activity on the atmosphere that can endanger human health, wellbeing, economics, natural capital, and biodiversity gene pools. Environmentalists should advocate for a cleaner world, and deforestation caused by the combustion of fossil fuels causes serious environmental issues such as acid rain due to the development of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen monoxide (NO).

This leaves the whole human race in jeopardy. The greenery can be restored by encouraging tree growth. There is a way to make up for the deficit.

Through this short essay, I can say that it is evident if proper steps on sustainable development are taken, then our future generations may have a better air quality to maintain, fewer pollutants to reduce, and a healing ozone layer to witness. Steps may include adopting an effective environmental law, introducing environmental sciences into school studies, analyzing effective steps on the protection of the environment, practically educating human beings on small daily lifestyle changes that can help to save the environment, etc.

Essay Analysis

The above essay is a great piece that seems to include important aspects of essay writing. However, there are major sections and points that are still lacking. Following are the points that should have been included:

Always remember to include statistics. Statistical information aids in the collection of evidence, the application of correct analyses, and the successful presentation of findings. Statistics is an important part of how we make scientific discoveries, make data-driven decisions, and make forecasts.

For instance, the above essay can include the following point:

Air pollution is one of the greatest scourges of our day, not just because of its effect on climate change but also because of its impact on environmental and human health due to increased morbidity and mortality. Some toxins are significant contributors to human illness. Particulate Matter (PM), a kind of particle with a variable but very small diameter that enters the respiratory system by inhalation and causes respiratory and cardiovascular disorders, reproductive and central nervous system dysfunctions, and cancer, is one of them. Mexico City and Rio de Janeiro have the highest rate of emissions , followed by Milan, Ankara, Melbourne, Tokyo, and Moscow.

Also, to include a specific statistic, it would be best to write a related paragraph before or after it.

The above example essay contains a personal statement. Instead, the sentence can be framed as "Through this short essay, it can be said that if proper steps on sustainable development are taken then, our future generations may have a better air quality to maintain..."

The sample essay lacks a proper structure. There are no sections, sub-headings, numeric lists, or bullet points for a clear understanding of the essay's flow and outline.

Since conservation of the environment is a hot topic not only in debates but also in governments, several solutions have been proposed. The sample essay, however, lacks solid solutions to the environmental issues discussed.

The essay could have covered the following points:

  • Reusable objects should be included instead of disposable items.
  • Paper should be discouraged wherever possible.
  • Water and energy should be conserved.
  • Encourage environmentally sustainable conduct.
  • Conserve renewable resources by recycling liquid and solid waste.

Following are some good research papers you can include and cite to collect good marks:

  • Climate Change and Air Pollution: Exploring the Synergies and Potential for Mitigation in Industrializing Countries
  • Seasonal Fluctuation of Bacterial Indicators in Coastal Waters
  • The Greenhouse Effect: Science and Policy

Once you have written your essay , you should ensure the following points are covered:

  • Statistics from research papers or journals have been included.
  • Sub-headings, lists, and bullet points have been added.
  • Grammar and uniqueness have been checked and edited .

You can check out Studybay for professional essay help in writing your essay.

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Essay on Environmental Protection

Narayan Bista

Introduction to Environmental Protection

Environmental protection has become a pressing global issue as humanity grapples with the consequences of unsustainable practices. In a time characterized by global warming , the decline of biodiversity, and pollution, protecting the environment is essential for the welfare of both present and future generations. This essay explores various environmental protection facets, from governmental policies to individual actions and technological innovations. By understanding the challenges we face and the opportunities for positive change, we can pave the way for a more sustainable future. Through collective efforts and global cooperation, addressing these issues becomes a moral imperative and a practical necessity for preserving our planet’s natural resources and ensuring a harmonious coexistence with nature.

Essay on Environmental Protection

Understanding Environmental Issues

Environmental issues encompass various challenges threatening ecosystems, biodiversity, and human well-being. These issues arise from various anthropogenic activities and natural processes, impacting the planet globally. Key environmental concerns include:

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  • The rise in the Earth’s temperature, referred to as global warming, is caused by human activities like the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, which release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This phenomenon leads to rising temperatures, altered weather patterns, and accelerated sea-level rise.
  • The pollution of the air, water, and soil with harmful substances like industrial pollutants, plastics, and agricultural chemicals. Pollution adversely affects ecosystems, wildlife, and human health, contributing to respiratory diseases, waterborne illnesses, and ecological imbalances.
  • Forest clearing for agriculture, urbanization , and logging leads to habitat loss, biodiversity decline, and increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. Deforestation disrupts ecosystems and threatens the livelihoods of Indigenous communities reliant on forest resources.
  • The rapid extinction of species due to habitat destruction, overexploitation, pollution , and climate change. Biodiversity loss diminishes ecosystem resilience, disrupts food chains, and reduces natural resources essential for human survival and economic stability.
  • Unsustainable extraction and consumption of natural resources , including freshwater, minerals, and fossil fuels, deplete finite resources essential for human development and environmental stability.

Strategies for Environmental Protection

Adequate environmental protection requires a multifaceted approach integrating policies, technologies, and individual actions. Here are key strategies to safeguard the environment:

  • Enforcing strong environmental regulations and legislation to manage pollution, protect natural resources, and encourage sustainable growth. Governments play a pivotal role in enforcing these policies and collaborating internationally to address global environmental challenges.
  • Encouraging businesses, industries, and individuals to embrace sustainable practices, including waste reduction, energy conservation, and the use of renewable resources. This includes promoting eco-friendly technologies and practices in agriculture, transportation , and urban planning.
  • Protecting natural habitats, biodiversity hotspots, and ecosystems through conservation efforts and restoration projects. This includes establishing protected areas, wildlife reserves, and marine sanctuaries to preserve biodiversity and restore degraded environments.
  • Raising public awareness about environmental issues, their causes, and impacts. Empowering individuals through education enables them to make well-informed choices and embrace environmentally conscious habits in their daily lives, fostering a sustainable culture.
  • Investing in research and development of innovative technologies, green infrastructure, and renewable energy solutions. It is essential to prioritize advancements in science and technology to reduce environmental impact and encourage sustainable progress.
  • Fostering global cooperation and forming partnerships to tackle cross-border environmental issues such as climate change, ocean pollution , and biodiversity loss. International agreements and initiatives promote shared responsibility and collective action for global environmental protection.
  • Engaging local communities, indigenous peoples, and stakeholders in environmental decision-making processes. Community-based initiatives empower individuals to participate in conservation efforts, manage natural resources sustainably, and advocate for environmental justice.
  • Establishing monitoring programs and enforcing compliance with environmental regulations. Regular assessment of environmental indicators helps track progress, identify emerging threats, and adjust strategies to achieve environmental goals.

Government and Policy Initiatives

Governmental initiatives and policies are pivotal in shaping environmental protection efforts globally. Here are key areas where governments play a crucial role:

  • Governments enact laws and regulations to control pollution, manage natural resources sustainably, and mitigate the environmental impacts of industrial activities. These regulations set emission standards, waste disposal guidelines, and conservation measures to safeguard ecosystems and public health.
  • Participating in international agreements and treaties such as the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Convention on Biological Diversity. These agreements facilitate global cooperation, set targets for greenhouse gas reductions, and promote the conservation of biodiversity on a multinational scale.
  • Allocating financial resources and providing incentives to support environmental conservation projects, renewable energy development, and adoption of green technologies. Governments offer grants, subsidies, tax incentives, and low-interest loans to incentivize businesses and individuals to invest in sustainable practices.
  • Requiring developers to conduct EIAs before undertaking major projects to assess potential environmental impacts. EIAs evaluate project alternatives, identify mitigation measures, and ensure compliance with environmental standards to minimize adverse effects on ecosystems and communities.
  • Establishing national parks, wildlife reserves, and marine protected areas to preserve biodiversity and habitats. Governments designate protected areas, enforce regulations against poaching and illegal logging, and promote sustainable tourism to conserve natural landscapes and species diversity.
  • Promoting environmental education in schools, universities, and communities raises awareness about environmental issues, fosters a culture of sustainability, and empowers citizens to participate in conservation efforts. Governments collaborate with NGOs, businesses, and media outlets to disseminate information and mobilize public support for environmental protection.
  • Creating thorough plans and strategies to reduce the effects of climate change, adjust to evolving climate patterns, and bolster the resilience of at-risk communities. Governments set emission reduction targets, invest in climate-smart infrastructure, and support renewable energy deployment to transition towards a low-carbon economy.
  • Establish monitoring systems and conduct regular assessments of environmental indicators to track progress, evaluate policy effectiveness, and inform evidence-based decision-making. Governments publish environmental reports and transparency measures and engage stakeholders in dialogue to enhance accountability and transparency in environmental governance.

Individual and Community Actions

Collective actions and sustainable practices by individuals and communities are crucial for environmental protection. Here are key ways individuals and communities can contribute:

  • Adopting the 3Rs principle to minimize waste generation, conserve natural resources, and reduce landfill pressure. Individuals can recycle paper, glass, plastics, and electronics, choose reusable products, and support businesses that prioritize sustainable packaging.
  • Conserving energy at home and work by using energy-efficient appliances, LED lighting, and programmable thermostats. Individuals can decrease their electricity usage, reduce carbon emissions, and save on utility expenses by developing energy-saving practices like switching off lights and unplugging devices when they are not in use.
  • By practicing water-saving techniques such as fixing leaks, installing water-efficient fixtures, and using native plants in landscaping, individuals can reduce water consumption, conserve freshwater resources, support aquatic ecosystems, and promote sustainable water management practices in their communities.
  • Choosing sustainable transportation options like walking, cycling, carpooling, and taking public transit can help decrease both carbon emissions and traffic jams. They can also minimize their carbon footprint, improve air quality, and promote sustainable urban mobility solutions in their cities.
  • Selecting goods that are locally sourced, organic, and produced sustainably to minimize carbon emissions from transportation and endorse environmentally friendly practices. Individuals can prioritize eco-friendly brands, farmers markets, and fair trade products that promote ethical consumption and reduce environmental impact.
  • Engaging in advocacy efforts, participating in community clean-ups, and supporting environmental organizations and initiatives. Individuals can raise awareness about environmental issues, mobilize public support for conservation projects, and advocate for policy changes that promote environmental sustainability.
  • Sharing knowledge and promoting environmental education in schools, workplaces, and social networks to inspire others to take action. Individuals can organize workshops, host educational events, and use social media platforms to raise awareness, build environmental literacy, and empower communities to adopt sustainable behaviors.
  • Adopting eco-friendly habits such as composting organic waste, using non-toxic cleaning products, and reducing single-use plastics. Individuals can embrace a minimalist lifestyle, practice mindful consumption, and make environmentally conscious choices in their daily lives to minimize ecological footprint and promote a circular economy.

Global Cooperation and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Global cooperation plays a crucial role in addressing environmental challenges and achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Here’s how international collaboration contributes to sustainable development:

  • The United Nations provides a platform for nations to collaborate on global environmental issues through initiatives like the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Convention on Biological Diversity . These agreements set targets, promote shared responsibility  and facilitate cooperation in tackling transboundary environmental challenges.
  • The SDGs, adopted by all UN Member States in 2015, encompass 17 goals and 169 targets aimed at addressing poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation by 2030. Goal 13 focuses on climate action, while other goals like clean water and sanitation (Goal 6) and life on land (Goal 15) underscore the importance of environmental sustainability.
  • International cooperation is essential in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to climate impacts, and mobilizing climate finance for developing countries. Initiatives like the Green Climate Fund support climate-resilient infrastructure and clean energy projects in vulnerable regions.
  • Protecting biodiversity requires global efforts to preserve ecosystems, combat illegal wildlife trade, and promote sustainable land use practices. International conventions and partnerships enhance conservation efforts, promote wildlife protection, and safeguard endangered species.
  • Sustainable management of oceans and marine resources is critical for biodiversity, food security, and livelihoods. Global cooperation addresses marine pollution, overfishing, and ocean acidification through initiatives like the UN Ocean Conference and Sustainable Development Goal 14 (Life Below Water).
  • Developing countries benefit from capacity-building programs and technology transfer initiatives that promote sustainable agriculture , renewable energy, and resilient infrastructure. International partnerships foster knowledge exchange, innovation, and inclusive development.
  • Collaboration on disaster risk reduction enhances resilience to natural hazards and climate-related disasters. Global platforms like the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction facilitate coordination, early warning systems, and community preparedness to mitigate disaster impacts.
  • Engaging civil society, businesses, and academia in global environmental governance promotes public awareness, advocacy, and accountability. Campaigns, partnerships, and education initiatives mobilize stakeholders to support sustainable practices and advocate for policy action.

Case Studies

Here are some case studies that illustrate successful environmental protection efforts and their impact:

  • Established in 1987, the Montreal Protocol is a global agreement designed to eliminate the production and usage of ozone-depleting substances (ODS), including chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). The protocol’s implementation has led to the gradual recovery of the ozone layer, reducing UV radiation exposure and preventing adverse health effects. It serves as a model for international cooperation in addressing global environmental challenges.
  • Costa Rica has emerged as a prominent figure in sustainable tourism by emphasizing the importance of conservation while simultaneously fostering tourism growth. The country’s extensive network of national parks, protected areas, and sustainable tourism practices have preserved biodiversity, supported local communities, and promoted environmental education. This approach demonstrates how sustainable tourism can contribute to environmental protection and economic growth.
  • China has made significant advancements in transitioning to renewable energy sources like hydroelectric power, wind, and solar. The country’s investments in clean energy technologies and policies to reduce air pollution have improved air quality, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and supported global efforts to combat climate change. China’s commitment to renewable energy showcases the potential for large-scale environmental initiatives to drive sustainable development.
  • Norway has implemented stringent policies to protect its forests and promote sustainable forestry practices. The country’s Forest Act and certification schemes ensure responsible forest management, biodiversity conservation, and carbon sequestration. Norway’s efforts underscore the importance of forest conservation in mitigating climate change and preserving ecosystem services.
  • The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, a vast coral reef ecosystem, is a UNESCO World Heritage site managed by GBRMPA in Australia. GBRMPA’s integrated management approach includes zoning plans, pollution reduction strategies, and coral reef monitoring to manage tourism, fishing, and conservation efforts sustainably. The authority’s adaptive management practices aim to protect marine biodiversity and enhance reef resilience against climate impacts.

Future Outlook

Environmental protection’s future presents challenges and opportunities as global efforts intensify to address pressing environmental issues. Key trends and considerations include:

  • Let’s always focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and putting in place plans to address the impacts of climate change, including extreme weather, sea level rise, and loss of biodiversity.
  • In order to reduce environmental damage and improve resource efficiency, it’s essential to consider the significant impact of advancements in clean technologies, energy storage, and sustainable agricultural practices. Innovations in carbon capture and storage, electric vehicles, and smart infrastructure offer pathways to decarbonize economies and achieve climate targets.
  • Conservation efforts will increasingly emphasize habitat restoration, protected area expansion, and biodiversity monitoring to safeguard ecosystems and species diversity. Collaborative initiatives and partnerships will be essential in combating habitat loss, illegal wildlife trade, and invasive species.
  • Moving towards a circular economy model that encourages the recovery of resources, recycling, and the adoption of sustainable consumption practices. Policies and initiatives focusing on reducing plastic pollution, promoting eco-friendly packaging, and minimizing waste generation will gain momentum.
  • Strengthening environmental regulations, enforcing compliance, and enhancing transparency in environmental governance at local, national, and international levels. Multilateral agreements and commitments under frameworks like the Paris Agreement will guide global action on climate resilience and sustainable development.
  • Increasing public awareness, education, and community engagement to foster environmental stewardship and promote sustainable lifestyles. Grassroots movements, youth activism, and digital platforms will amplify calls for climate action and environmental justice.
  • Mobilizing private sector investment in sustainable infrastructure, green technologies, and nature-based solutions. Financial mechanisms such as green bonds, carbon pricing, and sustainable finance initiatives will incentivize businesses and investors to integrate environmental considerations into decision-making processes.
  • Strengthening international cooperation, knowledge sharing, and capacity-building to address cross-border environmental challenges. Collaborative frameworks and platforms will facilitate collective action on climate resilience, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable development goals.

Environmental protection is paramount for the well-being of both present and future generations. Focusing on mitigating climate change, preserving diverse ecosystems, and advocating for sustainable behaviors are essential actions for building a strong and flourishing planet. Through international cooperation, innovative technologies, and individual actions, we can mitigate environmental degradation and build a sustainable future. It requires collective responsibility, policy alignment, and continuous advocacy to preserve ecosystems, protect wildlife, and ensure equitable access to natural resources. By valuing and safeguarding our environment, we uphold our commitment to sustainability and pave the way for a healthier, greener, and more harmonious world.


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Essay on Environmental Protection

Environmental protection is a responsibility we all share to safeguard our planet’s beauty and balance. In this essay, we will explore the significance of environmental protection, the threats our environment faces, and the actions we can take to ensure a healthier and more sustainable future.

The Importance of Environmental Protection

Environmental protection is like a shield that defends our planet against harm. It encompasses efforts to preserve our air, water, land, and the diverse life forms that call our planet home. Experts agree that without environmental protection, our world’s ecosystems and natural beauty are at risk.

Threats to Our Environment

Our environment faces numerous threats, including pollution, deforestation, habitat destruction, and climate change. Pollution, such as air and water pollution, harms our health and the health of the planet. Deforestation disrupts ecosystems, leading to the loss of plant and animal species. Habitat destruction endangers wildlife, and climate change causes extreme weather events and rising temperatures.

The Role of Pollution

Pollution is a significant threat to our environment. According to statistics, air pollution contributes to respiratory diseases and global warming, while water pollution harms aquatic life. Reducing pollution through cleaner technologies and responsible waste disposal is a crucial aspect of environmental protection.

The Impact of Deforestation

Deforestation, the cutting down of trees on a large scale, has a severe impact on our environment. It leads to soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, and disruption of the carbon cycle, contributing to climate change. Conservation efforts, reforestation, and sustainable logging practices are essential to protecting our forests.

Protecting Wildlife Habitats

Habitat destruction threatens countless species. When we destroy natural habitats for urban development or agriculture, we push animals out of their homes. Experts suggest creating protected areas and wildlife corridors to ensure the survival of diverse species.

Climate Change and Global Warming

Climate change is one of the most pressing environmental issues. Rising temperatures, caused by the greenhouse gases we release into the atmosphere, lead to melting ice caps, sea-level rise, and extreme weather events. Mitigating climate change through reduced emissions and the use of clean energy sources is vital for environmental protection.

Actions for Environmental Protection

We all have a role to play in environmental protection. We can conserve resources by reducing, reusing, and recycling. Using public transportation or carpooling can help reduce air pollution. Planting trees and participating in clean-up events contribute to a healthier environment.

Education and Awareness

Educating ourselves and others about environmental issues is crucial. Experts believe that awareness and knowledge empower us to make informed decisions that benefit our planet. Schools, communities, and organizations can play a vital role in educating people about environmental protection.

Conclusion of Essay on Environmental Protection

In conclusion, environmental protection is not a choice but a responsibility that falls on each of our shoulders. We must recognize the significance of safeguarding our environment against pollution, deforestation, habitat destruction, and climate change. By taking action, supporting conservation efforts, and raising awareness, we can ensure a brighter, more sustainable future for ourselves and the generations to come. Let us remember that environmental protection is not just a duty; it is a commitment to preserving Earth’s beauty and balance for all living creatures.

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Essay on Environment for Students and Children

500+ words essay on environment.

Essay on Environment – All living things that live on this earth comes under the environment. Whether they live on land or water they are part of the environment. The environment also includes air, water, sunlight, plants, animals, etc.

Moreover, the earth is considered the only planet in the universe that supports life. The environment can be understood as a blanket that keeps life on the planet sage and sound.

Essay on Environment

Importance of Environment

We truly cannot understand the real worth of the environment. But we can estimate some of its importance that can help us understand its importance. It plays a vital role in keeping living things healthy in the environment.

Likewise, it maintains the ecological balance that will keep check of life on earth. It provides food, shelter, air, and fulfills all the human needs whether big or small.

Moreover, the entire life support of humans depends wholly on the environmental factors. In addition, it also helps in maintaining various life cycles on earth.

Most importantly, our environment is the source of natural beauty and is necessary for maintaining physical and mental health.

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Benefits of the Environment

The environment gives us countless benefits that we can’t repay our entire life. As they are connected with the forest, trees, animals, water, and air. The forest and trees filter the air and absorb harmful gases. Plants purify water, reduce the chances of flood maintain natural balance and many others.

Moreover, the environment keeps a close check on the environment and its functioning, It regulates the vital systems that are essential for the ecosystem. Besides, it maintains the culture and quality of life on earth.

The environment regulates various natural cycles that happen daily. These cycles help in maintaining the natural balance between living things and the environment. Disturbance of these things can ultimately affect the life cycle of humans and other living beings.

The environment has helped us and other living beings to flourish and grow from thousands of years. The environment provides us fertile land, water, air, livestock and many essential things for survival.

Cause of Environmental Degradation

Human activities are the major cause of environmental degradation because most of the activities humans do harm the environment in some way. The activities of humans that causes environmental degradation is pollution, defective environmental policies, chemicals, greenhouse gases, global warming, ozone depletion, etc.

All these affect the environment badly. Besides, these the overuse of natural resources will create a situation in the future there will be no resources for consumption. And the most basic necessity of living air will get so polluted that humans have to use bottled oxygen for breathing.

essay environmental protection

Above all, increasing human activity is exerting more pressure on the surface of the earth which is causing many disasters in an unnatural form. Also, we are using the natural resources at a pace that within a few years they will vanish from the earth. To conclude, we can say that it is the environment that is keeping us alive. Without the blanket of environment, we won’t be able to survive.

Moreover, the environment’s contribution to life cannot be repaid. Besides, still what the environment has done for us, in return we only have damaged and degraded it.

FAQs about Essay on Environment

Q.1 What is the true meaning of the environment?

A.1 The ecosystem that includes all the plants, animals, birds, reptiles, insects, water bodies, fishes, human beings, trees, microorganisms and many more are part of the environment. Besides, all these constitute the environment.

Q.2 What is the three types of the environment?

A.2 The three types of environment includes the physical, social, and cultural environment. Besides, various scientists have defined different types and numbers of environment.

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Essay on Environment Protection for Children, Students and Others

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Table of Contents

Our environment is getting deteriorated because of several reasons such as global warming, deforestation and rise in various kinds of pollution. Environment Protection has become a cause of concern.

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Environment Protection is essential for the survival of human beings as well as other living beings. It is our duty to do whatever we can to protect our environment to ensure healthy living.

Long and Short Essay on Environment Protection in English

Here are various essays on Environment Protection of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. We have also given different essays on other aspects of Environmental Protection to help you with this vast topic. You can select any Environment Protection Essay according to your need and requirement:

Essay on Environment Protection – Essay 1 (200 Words)

From last several decades we humans have been degrading our mother earth & its resources on the name of development of technology. On the name of increasing our standards of living unknowingly we are on the way of hampering it further. Today we’ve come so far that it is no more a question of better living but it is just about living now.

Nature has an amazing quality of reviving itself against changes made in itself by natural and manmade factors, but there it has a saturation level too and maybe we have already crossed that. We have degraded it beyond repair. We have accounted to enough deforestation to imbalance the required ratio of carbon dioxide; we have impregnated the water resources with hazardous wastes enough that it cannot purify it further on its own. Soil has been degraded until the level it loses its cultivability. Problems are beyond the count and a perfect solution yet to be found.

We have gone too far and it is already too late. If we don’t start working now, we won’t have tomorrow to repent. It is no more a matter of protecting environment, but it’s about protecting us from getting into danger any further. It is the time to make amends with the nature so that it can grant us few more centuries of human existence in our home, Earth.

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Essay on Environment Protection and Conservation – Essay 2 (300 Words)

Protecting environment is the moral duty of every human being on this planet, rather it’s not only protecting the environment indirectly it is about protecting ourselves from major loss. How ignorant can we afford to be when it is the question of our survival?

How to Converse Our Environment/Tips for Environment Conservation

So here are some of the things which we can do to conserve our environment:

  • If you are painting your house, use latex paint, as oil-based paints release hydrocarbon fumes.
  • Instead of using your personal vehicle, go for bike or public transport. Vehicle traffic is a major contributor to noise pollution and also to smog.
  • Try to use less fertilizer or use organic fertilizers instead because when it rains, fertilizers drain into streams along with rain water.
  • Don’t trash the streams instead do volunteering with other groups in cleaning them on regular basis.
  • While using washing machines, try to load it full or adjust the water level according to the load. Washing machines use almost 40 gallons of water.
  • Use bucket for washing cars or other vehicles, instead of hose. Because the water running from hose while you are working wastes a lot of water.
  • Set the sprinkler in the lawn instead of watering it as that will be helpful in saving water.
  • Close the tap while brushing, washing or bathing when it is not in use. 5 gallons of water goes to drain every minute the water runs from faucet.
  • Try to conserve energy by switching off the lights, fans and other electrical appliances when not in use. This will also help in reducing your bill to a much greater extent.
  • If you have mercury thermometer, replace it with the digital one. Mercury is a major pollutant and is non-degradable which moves up to the food chain and causes serious health issues.
  • Thinking about taking a paper bag or plastic from shop? Better yet, take your own canvas bag to the grocery shop and reuse it each time you go for shopping.

These small things can go a long way in saving and protecting the environment.

Essay on Need and Importance of Environmental Protection – Essay 3 (400 Words)


Environment is degrading which means the chances for survival of living organisms on earth is decreasing. But there is still some stubborn mentality in some people that the environment is degrading naturally, so it will also recover or be back to normal naturally. This is a very wrong notion. If we don’t start protecting our environment now, then there is a huge possibility that we won’t be able to save our humanity in future.

To consider this problem seriously, let’s think about the possibilities which will arise due to environmental degradation.

  • Firstly, let’s imagine a life without clean air. Polluted air contains dust particles and other harmful particles, which maybe in solid or gaseous form. Haze, a combination of dust particle, smoke and other harmful gases, will occur. This will obscure the vision which will lead to accidents of vehicles, and in worst cases, deaths.
  • Due to high level of CO 2 and CFC, ozone layer will go on depleting, or there will come a time when it might extinct. In this case, harmful UV rays will enter the earth’s atmosphere and can cause skin cancer and other harmful diseases.
  • Carbon monoxide is also a very lethal pollutant. If it enters the human body, it mixes with haemoglobin and makes the circulation of oxygen through blood difficult, which will make us feel dizzy. If the amount of CO consumption through air is more, then this might even lead to death.
  • Due to increase of acids in air and other harmful gases, frequency of acid rain will increase. Acid rains are harmful for every living organism, from microbes to giant animals. It can cause many diseases as well as death. It can make the harmful elements enter the ecosystem through soil and water.
  • Soil having water of acid rain will degrade in its quality. This type of soil won’t possess the required mineral content and water holding capacity which will lead to decrease in the production of crops, or their quality. If the production or quality of crops decreases, then this will directly affect the humans which will lack the energy to perform because of lack of nutrient supply. This can stop the progress of the whole civilization.
  • If the acid rain or CO 2 enters the water bodies in excess quantity, then it will affect the marine life also which will eventually affect the whole ecosystem.

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Even after understanding the need and importance of protecting the environment and saving the planet if we don’t do our bit towards the same then it will be a big mistake on our part. We should take it as our responsibility to create awareness regarding this and do whatever we can to save the environment.

Essay on Importance of Protecting the Environment – Essay 4 (500 Words)

Good Environment is a pre-requisite for the survival of life on Earth. There are visible signs that it is getting degraded. Still, there are no visible changes in our lifestyles to stop the condition getting worse then what it is now. Things that are doing harm to the environment such as working in industries or factories, commuting via fuel-driven vehicles, using air conditioners, etc have become an essential part of our lives. The amount of energy that we are using is essential and there is no other alternative to it. Mentioned below is a reality check of how we are being the major contributors in environmental degradation despite being fully aware about the importance of protecting the environment:

  • Over Population : Many parts of our planet are being over populated by human population. Over population means more demands and less supply. This creates an imbalance and disturbs the ecosystem as for human survival, the shelter of birds and animals are getting destroyed. This also increases the fossil fuel consumption and the harmful impacts of it on the environment.
  • Pollution : Increased population leads to increased waste to make the supplies reach the required rate. This wastes level leads to air and water pollution. The condition of pollution is so bad that to date, 2.4 billion people do not have access to clean, drinkable water. Humanity is constantly polluting the irreplaceable resources like air, water and soil, which takes millions of years to replenish. Not only air, water and soil pollution, humanity is also responsible for noise, radiation and light pollution.
  • Global Warming : The major cause for this is the increased level of CO 2 , and that is because of the increased rate of burning of fossil fuels. Current measurements of CO 2 levels have exceeded above 400 ppm breaking every record dating back 400,000 years. And this has lead to increase in earth’s temperature, which leads to melting of glaciers and increase in ocean level to rise.
  • Non-Veg Diet : Human’s digestive tract is a long one like that of herbivores. But still most of the human population relies on non-vegetarian diet. To grow a hen of 1 kilo, many kilos of wheat is required, but 1 kilo of wheat can satisfy the hunger of 2 persons. Hence, this non-veg diet is really expensive to the environment.
  • Deforestation : Deforestation is required for creating land space for making roads and homes for humans. This leads to destruction of the habitat of wild animals and birds. It also leads to constant increase of level of COSince there are no trees to absorb this gas so it remains in the atmosphere leading to global warming.
  • Excess Usage of Useless Commodities : For the sake of vanity, we use commodities such as leather shoes, belts and jackets which are made from the skin of animals without thinking about the impact it has on the animals. Animals suffer because of this while we adorn such decorative items made from their nails and tusks.

So, we know how humans are the ones responsible for destroying the environment and killing the humanity. It’s time to acknowledge and understand the importance of protecting our environment and work in that direction.

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Essay on Pollution, Environment and Environment Protection Act – Essay 5 (600 Words)

Environment is the surrounding in which the living creatures live and interact. Everything that is needed by an organism to survive is provided by the environment. It includes physical, chemical and natural forces, which are required for the survival of the living beings. Environment has been serving mankind since the beginning of the time, and continues to do so. But since the last few decades, nature is suffering at the hands of mankind, and payback for this has already begun. Recent researches have proved that if this imbalance caused is not made right the reckoning will come. This doom can only be avoided with staunch and effective measures taken for its revival as soon as possible.

Pollution and Environment

Our entire human existence is dependent on the nature itself. We depend on the nature for a tiny pin to the most complex man made constructions. Environment has come to our aid in every way possible. Ayurveda, a practice of medicine since ancient India which is completely dependent on natural herbs, is facing crises due to depletion of various species of plants. Species of various animals and plants have become extinct or on the verge of extinction due to unnecessary interruption in the ecosystem by the humans.

Ozone layer which prevents ultraviolet rays from sun to enter our atmosphere is getting depleted due to the increase in harmful gases causing pollution in the environment. Because of the increasing demands of the increasing human population, the pollution is increasing. Man started polluting the environment since the first fire was produced. From then to now, man has been polluting the environment in the name of development. Due to cumulative effect of ozone depletion and greenhouse effect the temperature on earth is rising continuously resulting in global warming.

As a result of which glaciers at the poles are melting and contributing to rise in the sea level, many major cities inhabited by humans are predicted to submerge in water in next few decades. Post effects of this environmental degradation are beyond our imagination, need of the hour is to preserve our environment in the best way possible, not only because it is our moral duty to do that, but because it’s our only to way to survive from the harm.

Due to exponential growth of population along with industrialization, the quality of environment is degrading. There is a crucial need for conservation and preservation of the environment.

Environment Protection Act, 1986

Environmental Protection Act is an act passed by the Parliament of India in 1986 in an attempt to protect and conserve the environment. This was enacted by the government after the Bhopal Gas Tragedy. It was a gas leak incident in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, in December 1984. It was considered as the world’s worst industrial disaster as the official immediate death toll was 2,259 and over 500,000 people were exposed to Methyl Isocyanate (MIC) gas. The purpose of establishing this act was to make people implement the decisions of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. It was for the protection and improvement of the environment and the prevention of environmental hazards.

Environment Protection acts have been put in place to stop people from damaging environment in the race of becoming better than others. Individuals just think about themselves. These acts are a way to make them realize that we are standing at the verge of environmental degradation. However, all these efforts will go in vain until the individuals consider saving the environment as their very own responsibility. We all have to come together, individually, to save our planet by saving our environment.

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Environmental Protection Agency Essay

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How the epa came to exist, legal protections of the epa, reference list.

On the 2nd of December 1970, the USA Congress passed and established rules and regulations that were proposed by President Richard Nixon to ensure the nationals and the environment was safe from harm and health complications. These laws and regulations included protection from harmful contact with hazardous chemicals, noise-control act, marine protection, and air-pollution prevention. It is the work of the Environmental Protection Agency, Washington DC, to administer these laws on the citizens and institutions.

The EPA rules came as a result of previous incidents in the USA that threatened human life and destroyed plant life, causing deaths of plantation and people from toxic wastes from industries. Back in the early 1950s, an incident occurred at a city called Love Canal in the surroundings of Niagara Falls, where a chemical company called Hooker Chemical Company sold its damp site filled with waste and covered with clay to a desperate-for-land Love Canal.

The pollution saw its residents lose lives and experience multiple miscarriages during the session, lasting till 1970 after the purchase of the land. Other than these, there were birth defects and vegetation deaths with waste puddles coming up. The residents were helped and evacuated upon President Jimmy Carter’s administrative commands. The chemical reeks that came up from underneath in school compounds and crop fields were cleaned up.

Another incident at Times Beach around 1980 lead the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) to form Superfund to enhance EPA performance and enable population evacuations. Massive and rampant pollution caught the attention of environmentalists like Rachel Carson, who in 1962 exposed the harmful effects of DDT on wildlife, especially birds. Campaigns sprouted from this marking world revolution, when many activists started to look into the health of the environment, thus the term ‘ecology.’ She died prematurely in 1964, with followers behind her cause despite skeptical criticism.

EPA at first instituted programs to enact legislation like NEPA, whose primary objective was an improvement of the environment generally. By 1972, the Federal Environment Pesticide Control Act, the Clean Air Act, and the Clean Water Act were enacted by EPA (Stephenson, 2010). Now, more than hundreds of programs are managed by EPA to ensure careful attention is paid to cater to and preserve the natural environment.

There came a time in 1969 when the United Nations got concerned and alerted the general public requesting mankind to avert his ways to prevent a foreseen demise that would occur if he did not change his polluting and destructive habits over the environment. President Nixon appointed a Citizens Advisory Committee and a Cabinet-level Environmental Quality Council, which were both superseded by a White House Committee appointed to empower the first two.

A milestone achievement that has been set by the EPA is the introduction of Energy Star, which modifies electrical appliances used in homes reducing their energy consumption and thereby lowering the running costs. This, in turn, minimizes consumer spending and lowers greenhouse gas emissions. Energy Star is an initiative of the United States Department of Energy. A separate initiative of the EPA was set up in 1990, limiting the emission of nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide, dubbed the Acid Rain Program. EPA also came up with the Endangered Species Protection Program for protecting organisms and plants in their natural habitats.

This program limits the use of hazardous chemicals and pesticides that threaten the existence of other organisms. The Food Quality Protection Act also brought up by the EPA, required the use of national pesticides to be looked into to ensure their use does not contravene with the general good health of the environment. Asbestos Program was initiated by EPA to ensure people and industries recognize and limit the use of asbestos.

Before the EPA was formed, there was an unprecedented failure in the implementation of tasks of the ECQ. President Nixon merged a few federal programs into a federal government‘s pollution- control apparatus that would later lead to the birth of EPA. He appointed ahead and enforcer for EPA, William Ruckelshaus. William managed to subdue the Union Carbide in Ohio to bring down sulfur oxide emissions from the Marietta plant to 30 percent. This set a new milestone in proving GHG emissions could be brought down in compliance with the Clean Air Act. Some widely alarming air-pollution based incidences that occurred in Donora, Los Angeles, and London led to the deaths and suffocation of more than 4400 people.

The Federal Water Quality Administration was as well-formed due to the heightened levels of untreated sewerage and water pollution, not forgetting drying rivers and natural water reserves, back in 1948. The government got involved in legislation of the EPA regulations in a few major areas, ensuring clean and safe air for the whole planet, safe drinking water, and clean fish habitats, reduced water pollution laws were implemented, protecting endangered species of animals, and wildlife. Other aspects of legislation include the prevention of hazardous waste. These lead to the generation of new laws and regulations geared towards a unilateral effort at maintaining the balance between nature and man (Ahuja, 2009).

Up to date, the EPA has established measures that minimize human encroachment on natural habitats and reduces carbon emissions as well as fuel consumption. Alternative energy sources are being sought with the aim of eliminating fossil fuels. Fossil fuels combust to release energy and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and the result is the greenhouse effect, where carbon molecules in the stratosphere prevent penetration of reflected radiation from the earth’s surface. The surface warms up, leading to a situation known as global warming. The resulting rise in temperature breaks the water reservoirs at the north and south poles leading to climatic changes. Habitats are destroyed, and deaths arise due to rising sea levels, as well as rampant destructive storms and hurricanes.

Ahuja, S. (2009). Handbook of Water Purity and Quality. New York: Academic Press.

Stephenson, J. (2010). Environmental Health: High-Level Strategy and Leadership Needed to Continue Progress Toward Protecting Children from Environmental Threats. Washington DC: DIANE Publishing.

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IvyPanda. (2021, April 18). Environmental Protection Agency.

"Environmental Protection Agency." IvyPanda , 18 Apr. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Environmental Protection Agency'. 18 April.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Environmental Protection Agency." April 18, 2021.

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IvyPanda . "Environmental Protection Agency." April 18, 2021.


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