
The Energy Bus Summary | All 10 Rules Explained

“The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy” by Jon Gordon is a motivational book that uses a fictional story to impart lessons on the power of positivity, leadership , and teamwork. 

The narrative follows George, a dispirited employee facing challenges both at work and in his personal life. 

After his car breaks down, George reluctantly begins to commute to work via the city bus, where he meets Joy, the bus driver, and an eclectic group of passengers who end up teaching him ten rules for a happier, more fulfilled life.

Summary of the Ten Rules:

  • You’re the Driver of Your Bus – Emphasizes personal responsibility for your life and career . It encourages taking control and not letting others drive your bus.
  • Desire, Vision, and Focus Move Your Bus in the Right Direction – Stresses the importance of having a clear vision and focus for your life and work, and the drive to pursue it.
  • Fuel Your Ride with Positive Energy – Highlights the necessity of positivity to propel oneself forward and influence others positively as well.
  • Invite People on Your Bus and Share Your Vision for the Road Ahead – Discusses the significance of teamwork and sharing your vision with others to foster a collaborative and supportive environment .
  • Don’t Waste Your Energy on Those Who Don’t Get on Your Bus – Advises not to spend effort on trying to win over the skeptics or the disinterested, but rather to focus on those who are supportive and engaged.
  • Post a Sign That Says No Energy Vampires Allowed on Your Bus – Encourages setting boundaries to protect your positive space from negativity and energy drains.
  • Enthusiasm Attracts More Passengers and Energizes Them During the Ride – Underlines the power of enthusiasm to attract like-minded individuals and energize your team or community.
  • Love Your Passengers – Teaches the importance of showing appreciation, respect, and love for those around you, enhancing the mutual respect and affection within a group.
  • Drive with Purpose – Highlights the necessity of having a purpose that fuels your drive and gives your journey meaning.
  • Have Fun and Enjoy the Ride – Reminds readers to enjoy the journey, not just the destination, and to find joy in the everyday.

Through George’s transformation, Gordon illustrates how adopting a positive outlook can dramatically alter one’s personal and professional life. 

The Energy Bus 10 rules

The 10 Rules

1. you’re the driver of your bus.

This rule serves as a foundational concept of personal accountability and empowerment. 

It emphasizes that you are in control of your own life and career path, not external circumstances or other people. Accepting that you are the driver means understanding that you have the power to choose your attitude, responses, and actions.

It encourages a shift from a passive to an active role in your life, urging you to take charge and steer your life in the direction you want it to go. It’s about not blaming others or external factors for your situation but instead, looking inward and deciding to make positive changes. 

This rule is a call to action to seize the wheel of your life with both hands and to navigate through challenges with determination and self-responsibility.

2. Desire, Vision, and Focus Move Your Bus in the Right Direction

This rule underscores the importance of knowing what you want (Desire), having a clear picture of where you want to go (Vision), and concentrating your efforts to get there (Focus). 

Desire is the inner drive that propels you forward, motivating you to make changes and pursue your goals. 

Vision is about having a clear and compelling picture of what you want to achieve; it’s the destination you’re driving towards. Without a vision, it’s easy to veer off course or become stagnant. 

Focus is the ability to direct your energy and efforts towards your vision, avoiding distractions and staying on track.

Together, these elements act as the internal compass and fuel for your journey, ensuring that your bus moves in the right direction towards your desired future.

3. Fuel Your Ride with Positive Energy

Positive energy is depicted as the fuel that powers your bus. 

This rule is about cultivating and maintaining a positive attitude that propels you and, by extension, those around you, toward success. 

Positive energy encompasses optimism, enthusiasm, gratitude, and resilience. It’s about choosing to focus on solutions rather than problems, seeing opportunities in challenges, and maintaining hope and enthusiasm in the face of adversity. 

This rule also highlights the contagious nature of energy—positive or negative—and how your personal energy can influence your environment, relationships , and outcomes. 

By fueling your ride with positive energy, you not only enhance your own journey but also inspire and uplift others along the way, creating a more supportive and energized atmosphere for everyone involved.

4. Invite People on Your Bus and Share Your Vision for the Road Ahead

This rule emphasizes the power of inclusivity and communication in achieving your goals. It’s about building a team or community around you that supports your vision and journey. 

By inviting others onto your bus, you’re not just seeking passengers; you’re enlisting co-drivers and supporters who share your enthusiasm and direction. Sharing your vision is crucial here—it’s about clearly articulating where you’re going and why it matters, in a way that resonates with others. 

This creates a shared sense of purpose and commitment. A collaborative environment is fostered when everyone on the bus understands the destination and their role in getting there. 

This rule underscores the idea that success is not a solo endeavor but a collective journey, where the combined effort and shared commitment lead to achieving common goals.

5. Don’t Waste Your Energy on Those Who Don’t Get on Your Bus

This principle teaches the importance of focusing your time and energy on positive and productive relationships. 

Not everyone will understand or support your vision, and that’s okay. This rule advises against expending energy on trying to convince or accommodate the skeptics and naysayers. 

Instead, concentrate on those who are on board with your vision, those who share your enthusiasm and commitment. It’s about recognizing where your energy is best spent and not letting the doubts and negativity of others derail you. 

By surrounding yourself with supportive and engaged individuals, you can maintain a positive momentum toward your goals. This doesn’t mean ignoring feedback or criticism but rather distinguishing between constructive input and mere skepticism or negativity.

6. Post a Sign That Says No Energy Vampires Allowed on Your Bus

Energy vampires are those individuals who drain your energy through negativity, pessimism, and constant complaining. 

This rule is about setting boundaries and protecting your positive space from such influences. It’s an acknowledgment that negativity can be contagious and detrimental to your journey. 

By metaphorically posting a “No Energy Vampires Allowed” sign, you’re taking a stand to safeguard your bus’s positive environment. This involves being mindful of the people you allow into your life and work, and sometimes making difficult decisions to limit interactions with those who consistently sap your energy and enthusiasm. 

Creating and maintaining a positive environment is crucial for your wellbeing and success, and this rule highlights the importance of being proactive in protecting that space.

7. Enthusiasm Attracts More Passengers and Energizes Them During the Ride

This rule highlights the magnetic quality of enthusiasm. When you approach your life, work, and goals with genuine enthusiasm, you naturally attract others who share your passion and energy. 

Enthusiasm acts as a beacon, drawing in like-minded individuals who can contribute to and amplify your vision. Moreover, enthusiasm is infectious; it has the power to energize and motivate those around you, creating a positive and dynamic environment. 

This principle suggests that by maintaining a high level of enthusiasm, you not only sustain your own momentum but also inspire and elevate those on the journey with you.

The collective energy and optimism of an enthusiastic group can overcome obstacles more easily and drive forward towards shared goals with greater joy and satisfaction.

8. Love Your Passengers

This rule delves into the importance of building strong, positive relationships with those who join you on your journey. It’s about more than just acknowledging your passengers; it’s about actively showing appreciation, respect, and care for them. 

This principle underscores the idea that people thrive in environments where they feel valued and loved. 

By cultivating a culture of mutual respect and affection, you create a supportive community that uplifts everyone involved. Loving your passengers involves listening to their ideas, valuing their contributions, and recognizing their efforts. 

This approach not only enhances the individual and collective experience but also fosters loyalty, cooperation, and a strong sense of belonging among all members of the team or community.

9. Drive with Purpose

Having a purpose is what gives your journey direction and meaning. This rule emphasizes the importance of knowing why you’re doing what you’re doing and allowing that understanding to guide your actions and decisions. 

A purpose-driven journey is more fulfilling and resilient in the face of challenges. When you drive with purpose, you have a clear sense of your destination and the reasons why it’s important to get there. This clarity helps to maintain focus and motivation, even when obstacles arise. 

It also serves as a guiding star for others who have joined you on your bus, providing them with motivation and a deeper sense of contribution towards a common goal. 

Purpose fuels persistence and provides the emotional energy needed to overcome setbacks and continue moving forward.

10. Have Fun and Enjoy the Ride

The final rule serves as a reminder to appreciate the journey itself, not just the end goal. It’s about finding joy in the process and embracing the experiences, learning opportunities, and connections made along the way. 

This principle suggests that success and fulfillment come not just from achieving your objectives but from the richness of the journey itself. Enjoying the ride means taking the time to celebrate small victories, acknowledging the growth in yourself and others, and maintaining a sense of humor even in challenging times. 

By prioritizing enjoyment and fun, you create a more positive and engaging environment for yourself and your passengers, which can lead to increased creativity, productivity, and overall satisfaction. 

This rule reminds us that life and work should be enjoyed, not just endured, and that happiness is found in the journey, not just the destination.

Final Thoughts

The Energy Bus is essentially a guide for overcoming adversity, fostering teamwork, leading effectively, and increasing employee engagement and performance through the power of positive energy. 

The book is popular among leaders, managers, and individuals looking to inject positivity into their lives and workplaces.

A must-read, from my side. 

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the energy bus essay

Book Summary: The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon

The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon Book Cover

The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon is a book that teaches readers how to overcome negativity and challenges in life by adopting a positive mindset. The book uses the metaphor of a bus to represent our journey through life, and the energy we bring to that journey. The book is divided into 10 chapters, each focusing on a different aspect of positive thinking and mindset.

The first chapter of the book introduces the concept of positive thinking and how it can impact our lives. The author explains that positive thinking is not just a feel-good concept, but a powerful tool that can help us overcome obstacles and achieve our goals. The chapter also introduces the idea of the “Energy Bus,” which represents the mindset we bring to our daily lives.

Chapter 2: The 10 Rules for Creating a Positive Workplace

The second chapter of the book outlines 10 rules for creating a positive workplace. These rules include:

  • Rule 1: Choose to be positive
  • Rule 2: Fuel your mind with positive thoughts
  • Rule 3: Embrace the power of gratitude
  • Rule 4: Use affirmations to create a positive mindset
  • Rule 5: Create a positive environment
  • Rule 6: Build positive relationships
  • Rule 7: Celebrate successes
  • Rule 8: Learn from failures
  • Rule 9: Take care of yourself
  • Rule 10: Lead by example

Chapter 3: The Power of Vision

The third chapter of the book focuses on the power of vision and how it can help us achieve our goals. The author explains that a clear vision of what we want to achieve can help us stay focused and motivated, and provides examples of how successful people use vision to achieve their goals.

Chapter 4: The Power of Influence

The fourth chapter of the book discusses the power of influence and how it can impact our lives. The author explains that we all have the power to influence others, and provides examples of how positive influence can help us achieve our goals.

Chapter 5: The Power of Resilience

The fifth chapter of the book focuses on the power of resilience and how it can help us overcome challenges and setbacks. The author explains that resilience is not just about bouncing back from setbacks, but about learning from them and using them to become stronger and more successful.

Chapter 6: The Power of Significance

The sixth chapter of the book discusses the power of significance and how it can help us find meaning and purpose in our lives. The author explains that significance is not just about achieving success, but about making a positive impact on others and the world around us.

Chapter 7: The Power of Service

The seventh chapter of the book focuses on the power of service and how it can help us achieve success and fulfillment in our lives. The author explains that service is not just about helping others, but about finding purpose and meaning in our work and our lives.

Chapter 8: The Power of Leadership

The eighth chapter of the book discusses the power of leadership and how it can help us achieve our goals and make a positive impact on the world. The author explains that leadership is not just about being in charge, but about inspiring and motivating others to achieve their full potential.

Chapter 9: The Power of Teamwork

The ninth chapter of the book focuses on the power of teamwork and how it can help us achieve success and fulfillment in our lives. The author explains that teamwork is not just about working together, but about creating a positive and supportive environment where everyone can thrive.

Chapter 10: The Power of Change

The tenth and final chapter of the book discusses the power of change and how it can help us overcome obstacles and achieve our goals. The author explains that change is inevitable, and provides strategies for embracing change and using it to create a positive future.

The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon is a powerful and inspiring book that teaches readers how to overcome negativity and challenges in life by adopting a positive mindset. The book uses the metaphor of a bus to represent our journey through life, and the energy we bring to that journey. The book is filled with practical advice and strategies for creating a positive mindset, building positive relationships, and achieving success and fulfillment in our lives. Whether you are looking to improve your personal life or your professional life, The Energy Bus is a must-read book that will inspire and motivate you to create a positive future.

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The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

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“It’s Monday morning and George walks out the front door to his car and a flat tire. But this is the least of his problems. His home life is in shambles and his team at work is in disarray. With a big new product launch coming up in 2 weeks for the NRG-2000 he has to find a way to get it together or risk losing his marriage and job. Forced to take the bus to work, George meets a unique kind of bus driver and an interesting set of characters (passengers) that over the course of 2 weeks share the 10 rules for the ride of his life… and attempt to help him turn around his work and team and save his job and marriage from an almost inevitable destruction.”

In the mode of other best selling business fables The Energy Bus , by Jon Gordon, takes readers on an enlightening and inspiring ride that reveals 10 secrets for approaching life and work with the kind of positive, forward thinking that leads to true accomplishment - at work and at home. Everyone faces challenges. And every person, organization, company and team will have to overcome negativity and adversity to define themselves and create their success. No one goes through life untested and the answer to these tests is positive energy—the kind of positive energy consisting of vision, trust, optimism, enthusiasm, purpose, and spirit that defines great leaders and their teams. Drawing upon his experience and work with thousands of leaders, sales professionals, teams, non-profit organizations, schools, and athletes, Gordon infuses this engaging story with keen insights, actionable strategies and a big dose of positive infectious energy. For managers and team leaders or anyone looking to turn negative energy into positive achievement The Energy Bus provides a powerful roadmap to overcome common life and work obstacles and bring out the best in yourself and your team. When you get on The Energy Bus you’ll enjoy the ride of your life!

Praise for The Energy Bus

"If you want to fuel your family, your career, your team, and your organization with spirit, read this book. Jon’s energy and advice will leap off the page and help you cultivate positive energy in everything you do—and you will make the world a better place for your having been here. Thanks, Jon, for pumping us up and making sure we get on the right bus." - Ken Blanchard, Co-author of The One Minute Manager ® and Leading at a Higher Level

"I have never enjoyed reading a book more than The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon. It should be required reading in this country. In a time and world where we deal with so many negative things and people, Jon beautifully articulates the power of positive energy and attitude. This book will change your life and teach you how to be the driver of your bus. Buckle Up and enJOY the ride!!" - Dabo Swinney, Head Coach, Clemson University Football Team

" The Energy Bus serves as a force field to ward off any negativity that tries to infiltrate or enter your team or business. It made a big impact on our team. I recommend it highly!" - Mark Richt, Head Coach, University of Georgia Football Team

"Jon's book, The Energy Bus , and talk to our team have been very useful tools in helping us build a positive team and culture where our players overcome negativity and challenges to perform at their highest potential." - Mike Smith, Head Coach, The Atlanta Falcons

"Jon Gordon’s concept of the Chief Energy Officer teaches us that attitude alignment isn’t just little but a non-linear leap that makes the ultimate difference between abundance or lack of happiness, success, performance, motivation, ability to be team oriented, and our reality of achieving our personal goals in all parts of our lives." -Ken Fisher, CEO of Fisher Investments, Forbes columnist, author of The Only Three Questions That Count

" The Energy Bus is more than a book. It is a great tool for building a winning team. Every team or person, who wants to be a champion, will face adversity. There are "Energy Vampires" on every team. I use this book as a reference to assist me in turning a negative into a positive." - Doc Rivers, Head Coach, Boston Celtics

"Jon's book The Energy Bus and his presentation to my firm were both contagious and impactful. His challenging message was easy to understand and simple to implement. As a result of Jon's talk we went from a bus full of passengers to a fleet of of drivers!" - Matt T. Russo, Managing Partner Northwestern Mutual Financial Network, New York

" The Energy Bus is a game changer that I could not put down. It is so easy to get distracted by what everybody else is doing and saying that we forget who controls OUR journey. The Energy Bus reminds us that we drive our BUS and that we are responsible for the road that we are traveling on. Our main goal at Northwestern is to empower young women to make a positive difference in the world. The Energy Bus will either get you started or get you re-started on this mission." - Kelly Amonte Hiller, Head Coach Northwestern Women's Lacrosse

"The world would be a much better place if we all focused on being positive. Jon is 'the Pastor of Positive Energy" and I'm one of his believers." - Danny Gans, Las Vegas Entertainer of the Year

"The last book Presti read was The Energy Bus . His synopsis: a management book that shows readers how they can affect situations by how they frame them — an appropriate theme this season." - Quoted from NY Times article quoting Sam Presti, General Manager of the Seattle SuperSonics NBA team.

“Jon so inspired our sales professionals with his positive energy that they were asking for more. Now, here is his philosophy in a book we can read and quote – and we will!” - Linda H. Sherrer, President and CEO, Prudential Network Realty

“Jon Gordon is the "Rocky Balboa" of positive energy! No matter how uphill the battle may seem - Jon and The Energy Bus prepares you to tackle any task, making you feel you're ready to take on the heavyweight champion of the world! - Fran Charles, Announcer for HBO Sports and NFL Network

“Given the challenges and adversity we face in business and life today, Jon Gordon provides a clear roadmap to navigate the negativity and pit falls that too often sabotage individual and team success as he shines a light on the truths that define great leaders, great teams and great energy. I especially loved the part about leading with purpose. I consider this a valuable book for anyone looking to bring out the best in themselves and their team.” - Tom Gegax, founder of Tires Plus and author of The Big Book of Small Business

"Purpose, Vision, Enthusiasm, and Spirit... all critical elements for individual and team success. The Energy Bus does a masterful job of weaving together these principles to create a dynamic and entertaining read that will infuse you and your team with positive energy. Get on the bus and enjoy the ride." -Pat Williams, Senior Vice President of the NBA's Orlando Magic

"At Simple Truth's we believe that your core values will determine your success in business and in life. Having the right outlook, the right Energy, is a vital part of that core. The Energy Bus , by Jon Gordon, will take you on a journey through life... unlocking the essentials for effective leadership and service." - Mac Anderson, President of Simple Truth's and Founder of Successories

“If you want to build a positive, high performing organization then get on the bus and read this book.” -Jeffrey Fox, bestselling author of Secrets of Great Rainmakers

“Negative energy can cripple companies at worst and make them less productive at best. If you are not making energy a part of your business strategy you are missing the bus. Use Jon’s techniques to cultivate positive energy in yourself then in your team and watch your profits grow…” -Dwight Cooper, CEO, Professional Placement Resources Three times on Inc 500’s list of fastest growing private companies

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the energy bus essay

The Energy Bus: Summary Review

the energy bus essay

This is a summary review of The Energy Bus containing key details about The Energy Bus.

What is The Energy Bus About?

"The Energy Bus" by Jon Gordon is a motivational book that explores the idea of creating positive energy in one's life and work. The author argues that just as a bus can be fueled by positive energy, so too can individuals and organizations.

the energy bus essay

The Energy Bus can help you live your life in a positive, forward-thinking way. None of us can expect to get through life without any challenges. Life isn’t always a constant daydream of unbridled pleasure and happiness. But that doesn’t mean you can’t approach everything with some zing – a big dose of positive energy is what you need to feel great, be successful and love life.

Summary Points & Takeaways from The Energy Bus

Some key summary points and takeaways from the book include:

* The power of positive energy: The author emphasizes the importance of creating and maintaining positive energy in one's life and work. He argues that this energy can drive individuals and organizations to achieve their goals and overcome obstacles.

* The 10 Rules of the Energy Bus: The author introduces the 10 Rules of the Energy Bus, which are practical steps individuals can take to create positive energy in their lives. These rules include focusing on the positive, choosing to be happy, and embracing change.

* The importance of leadership: The author argues that leadership is key in creating positive energy in an organization. He emphasizes the importance of leaders setting the tone and creating a culture of positivity and optimism.

* The dangers of negativity: The author warns against the dangers of negativity, which can drain energy and hold individuals and organizations back from achieving their full potential. He argues that it's essential to identify and eliminate negativity in order to create a positive, energetic environment.

* The role of vision and purpose: The author argues that having a clear vision and purpose can help individuals and organizations to maintain positive energy. He emphasizes the importance of setting goals and working towards a greater purpose in order to create momentum and drive success.

* Overall, "The Energy Bus" is a motivational and inspiring book that emphasizes the importance of creating positive energy in one's life and work. The author provides practical steps and a roadmap for individuals to create and maintain a positive, energetic environment, and achieve their full potential.

Who is the author of The Energy Bus?

Jon O. Gordon is an American author and speaker on the topics of leadership, culture, sales, and teamwork.

The Energy Bus Summary Notes

Summary note: the energy bus: finding happiness through positive energy.

The main theme of The book is the power of positive energy in shaping our lives and finding happiness. The protagonist, George, appears to have a perfect life on the surface with a job, a family, and material possessions, but he is unhappy and feels out of control. He faces various challenges and setbacks that make him question the meaning of his life.

George's encounter with Joy, the bus driver of the Energy Bus, becomes a turning point for him. Joy exudes true optimism and enthusiasm, and she recognizes George's struggles. She invites him on a journey to a happier life, and George decides to take the opportunity.

The book highlights the importance of positive energy in our lives. It goes beyond superficial smiling and involves cultivating a mindset of trust, desire, and affection. George's experience illustrates how feeling out of control and burdened by stress and expectations can breed unhappiness. However, through Joy's guidance and the positive energy of the Energy Bus, George starts to shift his perspective and take control of his life.

the energy bus essay

The book also emphasizes the role of human connections in our well-being. Joy's kindness and understanding towards George, despite being a stranger, show the power of compassion and empathy. Her invitation to join her on the Energy Bus exemplifies the impact of supportive relationships in our lives.

Summary Note: Taking Control of Your Life: Lessons from The Energy Bus

The main theme in the story is about taking control of one's life and focusing on a clear vision. George, the protagonist, initially feels unhappy and out of control in his life despite having a seemingly perfect life on the surface. He is burdened by stress and expectations, and feels like he is just a passenger in his own life. However, when he meets Joy, the bus driver of the Energy Bus, he is offered an opportunity to turn his life around.

Joy teaches George the first two main ideas from The Energy Bus. The first main idea is that feeling out of control breeds unhappiness. Joy encourages George to become the driver of his own bus and take control of his life. This means making conscious choices and decisions about who he wants to be and how he wants to live his life. The idea here is about having a vision and focus in life. Joy asks George to write down a vision for his personal and professional life, and helps him understand the concept of the law of attraction - that thoughts are magnetic and what you think about will show up in your life.

George realizes that in order to achieve his goals and be happy, he needs to take control of his life and have a clear vision. He starts dedicating time every day to think about how to accomplish his goals and focuses on his vision for a happy family life and a successful career. He begins to take ownership of his choices and decisions, and starts making positive changes in his life.

The story emphasizes the importance of being in control of one's life and having a clear vision. It highlights the idea that feeling out of control and lacking focus can lead to unhappiness, and that taking control and having a vision can empower individuals to create the life they desire. It also introduces the concept of the law of attraction, suggesting that positive thoughts and visualization can influence outcomes in life.

Summary Note: You can control how you look at life and transform negative energy into positive.

One of the main themes in the book is the power of perception and positive energy in shaping our outcomes in life. The formula E + P = O, which stands for Events + Perception/Positive Energy = Outcome, highlights the idea that while we may not have control over certain events in life, we can control how we perceive them and the energy we bring to them. Choosing a positive outlook and maintaining positive energy can fuel our journey towards success.

The book emphasizes the importance of maintaining positive energy as fuel for our journey on the Energy Bus. It suggests that we can transform negative energy into positive by changing our perspective and focusing on gratitude. For example, when feeling overwhelmed at work, taking a moment to appreciate having a job can shift our perception and improve our mood.

The book also encourages readers to practice small acts of gratitude and positivity in their daily routine, just like George, the protagonist in the story, who took a walk around the office reflecting on things he was grateful for. This practice helped George feel a renewed sense of energy and readiness to face challenges.

Summary Note: Tell Others About Your Life's Vision and Invite Them with You on Your Journey

The main theme of this main idea is the importance of teamwork and communication in achieving happiness and success in both personal and professional life. George, the protagonist, learns that sharing his life's vision with others and inviting them to join him on his journey can greatly impact his ability to achieve his goals.

George realizes that he cannot achieve success alone and that he needs the support of others. Joy, a mentor, introduces him to the concept of telling others about his vision and inviting them to join him on his journey, which is represented by the metaphor of an "Energy Bus". George learns that the more people he has on his bus, the more positive energy he will have to fuel his ride and see results.

To put this idea into practice, George uses a user-friendly website called to create bus tickets that he can hand out to his wife and coworkers. However, he also understands that simply handing out tickets is not enough. He needs to personally discuss his vision with each potential passenger and make sure they understand where they are headed on the bus. This requires open communication and clarity of expectations.

George meets with each member of his team one-on-one, explaining his vision for the upcoming product launch and asking for their commitment to join him on this journey. He gives them time to consider and respond, hoping that they will be inspired to come along for the ride. George realizes that his vision needs to be compelling enough to energize others and make them want to be part of his team.

the energy bus essay

This main idea emphasizes the importance of teamwork, communication, and shared vision in achieving success. It highlights the need to involve others in our journey, share our goals and expectations, and inspire them to join us. It also underscores the significance of personal connections and genuine conversations in building a cohesive and motivated team. By telling others about our life's vision and inviting them to join us, we can create a positive and supportive environment that fuels our journey towards success.

Summary Note: Save Your Energy and Remove Negativity

In the journey towards realizing his life's vision, George learns an important lesson from Joy about saving his energy for those who share his vision and removing negativity from his bus. George realizes that not everyone will be willing to join him on his journey, and that's okay. He learns that it's important to not force others to come aboard the bus if they are not willing, as negative individuals can drain the positive energy and hinder progress.

George becomes aware of the negative impact of workers with negative attitudes on productivity, as studies show that around 22 million workers in the United States have negative views about their work, resulting in billions of dollars in lost productivity for companies. Joy shares rule number five with George: save your energy and don't try to persuade those who are unwilling to join the bus. He learns that it's crucial to surround himself with individuals who share his vision and positive energy to fuel his journey towards success.

George also realizes the importance of removing energy vampires from his bus. These are individuals who tend to complain and drain positivity from others. He learns that it's essential to address any negative attitudes within his team and try to understand their source. If possible, he seeks ways to work together and move forward. However, if individuals are unwilling to change, George understands the need to let go of them or inform his boss or supervisor to address the situation. He also learns that if he cannot remove negative people from his bus, he can still focus on boosting his own positive energy to outweigh the negativity they bring.

In summary, George understands that saving his energy for those who share his vision and removing negativity from his bus are crucial for his success. He learns that not everyone will be willing to join him on his journey, and it's important to not force or persuade them. He realizes the impact of negative attitudes on productivity and seeks to surround himself with positive individuals. He also learns to address and remove energy vampires from his team, or focus on boosting his own positive energy when necessary. By implementing these main ideas, George is better equipped to navigate his journey towards success with a more positive and energized outlook.

Summary Note: Others will feel your positive energy and become inspired by your enthusiasm.

The main theme of this passage is the power of positive energy and enthusiasm in influencing others. The passage highlights that human beings are sensitive to the emotions of those around them, and that positive emotions, such as enthusiasm, can be contagious and spread to others. The passage references a study from the Institute of HeartMath, which suggests that the heart can communicate emotions through its electromagnetic field, and that this field can be sensed by others up to ten feet away. This underscores the idea that our emotions and energy can have a real impact on those around us.

The passage introduces the concept of the "Chief Energy Officer" (CEO), which refers to individuals who radiate positive energy and enthusiasm in their interactions with others. These individuals can inspire and motivate their team members, colleagues, and even customers, creating a ripple effect of positivity. The passage emphasizes the importance of showing genuine excitement about one's work and projects, as this enthusiasm can attract more people to join in and contribute to the overall positive energy on the "bus" or team.

The passage also touches upon the idea of removing negativity from the bus, as negative energy can hinder progress and productivity. It suggests that if team members or colleagues are unwilling to change their negative attitudes, it may be necessary to move on from them or find ways to boost one's own positive energy in order to counterbalance the negativity.

In summary, the main theme of this passage is that positive energy and enthusiasm are powerful forces that can inspire and motivate others. By being a Chief Energy Officer and radiating genuine excitement about one's work, it is possible to create a positive environment that encourages others to join in and contribute to the collective energy and success of the team or project.

Summary Note: Let Your Passengers Feel Valued by Giving Them Your Time and Recognition.

One of the main themes in the book is the importance of valuing and recognizing the efforts of team members in order to motivate and inspire them. The book emphasizes that showing care, respect, and appreciation for others is essential in building strong relationships and creating a positive work environment.

The book introduces this from "The Energy Bus" which is to love the passengers on your bus. It emphasizes the need to invest time in building relationships with team members, just as one would in a romantic relationship. Taking the time to listen to others and having regular one-on-one meetings with team members is highlighted as a key practice to understand their desires and ideas, and to show that you care about their well-being.

The importance of recognizing team members as individuals and appreciating their work is also emphasized. Treating team members as human beings and not just as cogs in a machine is crucial in making them feel valued. The book provides an example of a manager, George, who started thanking his employee, José, for his hard work and promised him a raise. This gesture changed José's perception and motivated him to join George on his energy bus.

The book emphasizes the need for genuine gestures of appreciation, such as writing out real birthday cards and delivering them in person, to show that team members are valued beyond just electronic messages. Recognizing individual accomplishments and acknowledging them publicly is also highlighted as a way to boost morale and motivation among team members.

Summary Note: Embrace Purpose and Fun for Success

One of the main themes in the book is the importance of purpose and fun in driving success in the workplace. The book emphasizes that having a higher purpose and a clear mission can make everyday tasks easier to complete and motivate team members to work towards a shared goal. It also highlights the importance of injecting fun into the work environment to boost productivity and overall performance.

The book uses examples, such as the story of the janitor at NASA who saw himself as contributing to putting a man on the moon, to illustrate the power of purpose in driving motivation and engagement. It also references a study with two teams designing an airplane, where the team with a clear mission outperformed the other team. These examples emphasize the importance of having a sense of purpose in the workplace.

Additionally, The book stresses the need for fun in the work environment. It suggests that success is easier to achieve when employees are enjoying their work rather than feeling stressed or overwhelmed. The book encourages leaders to create a positive and enjoyable work environment that fosters team camaraderie and encourages creativity and innovation.

Book details

  • Print length: 192 pages
  • Genre: Self Help, Nonfiction, Business

What are the chapters in The Energy Bus?

Chapter 1 Flat tire Chapter 2 Good news and bad news Chapter 3 The long walk home Chapter 4 George wakes up Chapter 5 No joy on the bus Chapter 6 The rules Chapter 7 You're the driver Chapter 8 It's all about energy Chapter 9 George shares his vision Chapter 10 Focus Chapter 11 The power of positive energy Chapter 12 George takes a walk Chapter 13 One great golf shot theory Chapter 14 Bus tickets Chapter 15 A very long weekend Chapter 16 Who's on the bus Chapter 17 The enemy is negativity Chapter 18 No energy vampires on the bus Chapter 19 The ultimate rule of positive energy Chapter 20 George takes control of his bus Chapter 21 George has a dream Chapter 22 Better today than yesterday Chapter 23 Feeling good Chapter 24 Lead with heart Chapter 25 Chief energy officer Chapter 26 Love your passengers Chapter 27 Love rules Chapter 28 Fear and trust Chapter 29 The next day Chapter 30 The team gets inspired Chapter 31 Game day Chapter 32 The presentation Chapter 33 Joy Chapter 34 It's more fun on the bus

What is a good quote from The Energy Bus?

Top Quote: “You haven't failed until you stop trying.” ( Meaning ) - The Energy Bus Quotes, Jon Gordon

* The editor of this summary review made every effort to maintain information accuracy, including any published quotes, chapters, or takeaways. If you're interested in furthering your personal growth, you may want to explore my list of favorite self-improvement books . These books, which have had a significant impact on my life, are carefully curated and come with summaries and key lessons.

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The Energy Bus Summary

10 rules to fuel your life, work, and team with positive energy, meet george, days four, five, and six, days seven and eight, the new george, in conclusion, continue your learning.

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The Energy Bus Summary

1-Sentence-Summary:   The Energy Bus is a fable that will help you create positive energy with ten simple rules and make it the center of your life, work, and relationships.

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Did you know that one of the most common times when people commit suicide is 9 AM on a Monday? Sadly, it seems like the start of yet another workweek is what drives some over the edge when they already feel like they can’t handle life anymore.

Luckily, circumstances aren’t quite so dire for most of us, but that doesn’t mean we don’t sometimes go through a serious rough patch. Jon Gordon once did. He struggled at work, his team was imploding, and, due to all the stress, his family life was falling apart too. After being fired from his job at a dot-com startup, his wife even asked him where the man was that she married!

But instead of throwing his hands up in despair, Jon then decided to sit with that question. He thought about his life, motivation, and purpose. And then it came to him that he wanted to write and speak. Having no time to lose, he immediately got to work.

Three inspired weeks later, he finished the manuscript for  The Energy Bus . And while it would be a long time before the book became the bestseller it is today, that was the real beginning of his journey.

Here are 3 lessons from the book to help you start yours:

  • You must reclaim the driver’s seat of your life. You can do so with the E + P = O formula.
  • To inspire others to support your journey, be enthusiastic. It’s contagious.
  • Always do your best to love people by listening to them, showing empathy, and commending their work.

Are you ready for a ride into positivity? Then here’s your one-way ticket for  The Energy Bus !

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Lesson 1: Take control of your life with the E + P = O formula.

The hero of this story is George. He works at a light bulb company and is in a similarly negative situation Jon was in several years ago. Worse, one Monday, his car breaks down and he finds out that, for the next two weeks, he’ll have to take the bus . What he doesn’t know is that from the moment he gets on, his life is about to change.

The bus driver, Joy, is committed to unleashing the positive energy in every single one of her passengers. To do so, she shares ten rules with everyone on the bus. The first few are about regaining control over your life if you feel you’ve lost it. Since positive energy is the only proper fuel for a good journey, which is the third rule, we should focus on the upside of everything, Joy says.

She shares the E + P = O formula with George, which means that energy plus perception equals outcome. And if your perception is positive, you’ll always have a positive outcome. This is similar to the Stoic idea of ‘amor fati,’ which means to love your fate, no matter what it brings. It’s the difference between thinking life happens to you and life happens for you .

You can’t control everything that happens, but you can control what you believe about what happens. If you focus on gratitude, solving problems, and learning new things, you’ll always come out on top.

Lesson 2: Humans can sense enthusiasm from a distance and it’s what gets people on your bus.

The seventh rule is that enthusiasm is what’ll get other people to join you on your ride on the bus and motivate them as you travel through life. The word is originally Greek – entheos – and means “to be filled with the divine.”

Joy tells George that he is the CEO of his bus and life – the Chief Energy Officer. It’s on him to spread his positive energy to as many people as possible. And when your good energy is sincere, that’s easier than you’d think. If you’ve ever heard a friend rave about some product, event, or person, you know how easy it is to get caught in the wave.

Enthusiasm is contagious. Over thousands of centuries, humans have evolved to understand emotions from afar. One example is our body language . Jon also quotes a study that showed our heart has its own electromagnetic field, and the waves it sends can be sensed by others, even if they’re up to ten feet away!

So don’t just look for the positive, share it with others. We don’t always have a great day, but whenever we do, it’s a chance to spread good vibes and inspire those around us.

Lesson 3: Love people. Make time to listen, recognize them as individuals, and appreciate their accomplishments.

Every day he takes the bus, George learns a little more about life and becomes slightly more positive. Near the end of his journey, he’s rallying his team to work together and deliver a great product launch presentation, hoping they’ll catch his renewed spirit.

The way he does this, and the way you should treat everyone who gets on your bus, is by loving them. As humans, we all have a deep-seated need for appreciation from other humans. Love fulfills this need, but it doesn’t always have to be the romantic, cheesy kind. Here are the three things Joy tells George to do for and with his team:

  • Meet people one-on-one , make time, and listen.
  • Practice empathy and show people you realize they, too, are just humans.
  • Recognize individual accomplishments and highlight people’s contributions.

These are things you can do with any person you meet, be it someone at work, a date, or your closest family. If you do, you’ll soon have plenty of great company on your bus ride of life!

The Energy Bus  is based on an idea that’s as old as language itself : stories move people. What I like about this one, in particular, is that it’s one continuous metaphor, not research sprinkled with the occasional example. The concepts are simple, but the way Jon presents them really makes me want to give them a try. He sure lives what he speaks!

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The 25 year old college student about to graduate, who feels lost in life, the 58 year old manager, who’s burned out and lost sight of his purpose at work, and anyone who’s currently going through a major slump.

Last Updated on August 15, 2022

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Niklas Göke

Niklas Göke is an author and writer whose work has attracted tens of millions of readers to date. He is also the founder and CEO of Four Minute Books, a collection of over 1,000 free book summaries teaching readers 3 valuable lessons in just 4 minutes each. Born and raised in Germany, Nik also holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration & Engineering from KIT Karlsruhe and a Master’s Degree in Management & Technology from the Technical University of Munich. He lives in Munich and enjoys a great slice of salami pizza almost as much as reading — or writing — the next book — or book summary, of course!

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The Energy Bus , an international best seller by Jon Gordon, takes readers on an enlightening and inspiring ride that reveals 10 secrets for approaching life and work with the kind of positive, forward thinking that leads to true accomplishment – at work and at home. Jon infuses this engaging story with keen insights as he provides a powerful roadmap to overcome adversity and bring out the best in yourself and your team. When you get on  The Energy Bus  you’ll enjoy the ride of your life!

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"if you want to fuel your family, your career, your team, and your organization with spirit, read this book.".

Jon’s energy and advice will leap off the page and help you cultivate positive energy in everything you do—and you will make the world a better place for your having been here. Thanks, Jon, for pumping us up and making sure we get on the right bus.

Ken Blanchard

Co-author of The One Minute Manager® and Leading at a Higher Level

"I have never enjoyed reading a book more than The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon."

It should be required reading in this country. In a time and world where we deal with so many negative things and people, Jon beautifully articulates the power of positive energy and attitude. This book will change your life and teach you how to be the driver of your bus. Buckle Up and enJOY the ride!!

Dabo Swinney

Head Coach, Clemson University Football Team


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Study Guide: The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon (SuperSummary) Paperback – June 10, 2020

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Analyzing literature can be hard — we make it easy! This in-depth study guide offers summaries & analyses for all 34 chapters of The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon. Get more out of your reading experience and build confidence with study guides proven to: raise students’ grades, save teachers time, and spark dynamic book discussions. SuperSummary Study Guides are written by experienced educators and literary scholars with advanced degrees in relevant fields. Here's what's inside:

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  • Print length 65 pages
  • Language English
  • Publication date June 10, 2020
  • Dimensions 6 x 0.15 x 9 inches
  • ISBN-13 979-8653006654
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  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
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The Energy Bus

Emir Zecovic | Posted on March 10, 2018 |

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10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

Find the perfect balance before you embark on a new adventure!!

About Jon Gordon

Jon Gordon

Book Summary

“The Energy Bus” is a tale of negative George who got on the “energy” bus after his car tire went flat, and met the bus’s driver Joy.

Joy was upbeat, perceptive and smart and picked up on George’s negativity, so she decided to help him live his life better by educating him about the ten rules that would change his life.

Overcoming negativity, adversity and injecting your daily life with a dose of positive energy through a 10 step plan is what Jon Gordon attempts to deliver.

Drawing on his experience of interpersonal connections and encounters, Jon Gordon shares life altering insights and actionable tips on how anyone can transform negative outcomes into almost unimaginable longterm victories and get the best out of any situation.

#1 – You are the Driver of Your Bus

You have to comprehend that you are responsible for your own life. Define your vision, and do not get trapped in the notion that someone else has control over where you end up.

#2 – Desire, Vision and Focus Move Your Bus in the Right Direction

The focus is everything. After you define your vision, visualize that you have already achieved it, and plan a step-by-step approach to achieving it.

#3 – Fuel Your Ride with Positive Energy

The whole universe is made of energy. And people, as part of it, are made of energy as well. So, there are people who will expand your energy and people who will suck it up.

Surround yourself with those who make you feel more powerful and confident.

#4 – Invite People on Your Bus and Share Your Vision for the Road Ahead

Nothing in life can be accomplished individually. You always need to have someone by your side, or speaking in the language of this story, have someone on your bus.

Driving an empty bus has no point. When you form a team, make sure you are all on the energy bus.

#5 – Don’t Waste Your Energy on Those Who Do not Get on Your Bus

There will be times when people will not want to get on board. When that happens, do not waste your energy trying to understand them.

Instead, just focus on those who already climbed and on your journey ahead.

#6 – Post a Sign that Says ’No Energy Vampires Allowed’ on Your Bus

Not all people deserve to get on board on your bus.

As we already said, surround yourself with positive people , and do not allow energy vampires to drain the energy from your passengers. Protect yourself and those who ride with you.

#7 – Enthusiasm Attracts More Passengers and Energizes Them During the Ride

This point is pretty self-explanatory – people love other people who fill them up with energy and enthusiasm .

#8 – Love Your Passengers

Love is what everything is made of. So to succeed in every area of your life, show your love to everyone that surrounds you.

#9 – Drive With Purpose

Energy busses run on fuel as well. That fuel is the purpose.

The purpose will keep you from getting tired and will make sure that you drive in the right direction, filled with energy and enthusiasm at all times.

#10 – Have Fun and Enjoy the Ride

Do not forget that you only get one bus ride. So enjoy every bumpy minute of it.

Key Lessons from “The Energy Bus”

1.      The Ten Rules of the Energy Bus 2.      The Five Part Action Plan of Showing Love to Your Team Members 3.       The Energy Bus Action Plan

The Ten Rules of the Energy Bus

  • You are the Driver of Your Bus
  • Desire, Vision and Focus Move Your Bus in the Right Direction
  • Fuel Your Ride with Positive Energy
  • Invite People on Your Bus and Share Your Vision for the Road Ahead
  • Don’t Waste Your Energy on Those Who Do not Get on Your Bus.
  • Post a Sign that Says ’No Energy Vampires Allowed’ on Your Bus
  • Enthusiasm Attracts More Passengers and Energizes Them During the Ride
  • Love Your Passengers
  • Drive With Purpose
  • Have Fun and Enjoy the Ride

The Five Part Action Plan of Showing Love to Your Team Members

  • Make time for them.
  • Listen to them.
  • Recognize them.
  • Serve them.
  • Bring out the best in them.

“The Energy Bus Action Plan”

  • Create your vision
  • Fuel your vision with a purpose
  • Write down your vision/purpose statement
  • Focus on your vision
  • Get on the bus
  • Fuel the ride with positive energy and enthusiasm
  • Post a sign that says ’No Energy Vampires Allowed
  • Navigate adversity and potholes
  • Love your passengers
  • Have fun and enjoy the ride

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“The Energy Bus” Quotes

The Energy Bus Summary

Emir is the Head of Marketing  at 12min . In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.

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Investors tap into demand for electric buses with new funding model

A bus surrounded by bikes in central London at night

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Philip Georgiadis in London

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A group of investors has launched a £100mn fund to help finance the electrification of London’s iconic red buses.

Insurer Aviva and Rock Rail, a UK-based owner and asset manager of rolling stock, have teamed up with the UK’s state-owned infrastructure investment bank to come up with a new way of funding the costly decarbonisation of Britain’s fleet of more than 35,000 mostly diesel buses.

The partnership said it has committed an initial £100mn to fund up to 250 zero emission buses across the UK. The first 60 battery-powered buses will be leased to the Go-Ahead Group, one of Britain’s biggest transport operators, and run on routes throughout London.

The UK bus industry is at an inflection point as it faces the expensive task of switching its diesel buses to electric or hybrid vehicles. A double decker electric bus costs around £450,000, compared with £250,000 for a typical diesel vehicle.

Mark Swindell, the chief executive of Rock Rail, estimated that it would cost between £10bn to £15bn to transition to a zero emission fleet, as only 2,000 of the UK’s 36,500 buses are currently electric.

“If you are a bus operator, you do not have that kind of investment available . . . this is about finding a way to bring institutional money in,” he said.

The UK Infrastructure Bank is providing £50mn debt financing to the project, alongside lender HSBC. The buses will ultimately be owned by a joint venture controlled by Rock Rail and Aviva.

The UKIB was set up in 2021 to invest private sector finance into projects that help meet the government’s net zero climate targets, as well as tackling regional inequality.

“Replacing [diesel buses] with a cleaner, greener alternative will be key in decarbonising the transport sector and achieving UK net zero targets,” said UKIB chief executive John Flint. “This will require a massive scale up of investment”.

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Rock Rail’s Swindell said the deal marked the first time that the leasing model used to fund new trains in the UK had been used at scale in the bus sector.

Rolling-stock leasing companies, or Roscos — which are owned by financial investors — were set up to supply new trains to the UK railway following privatisation in the 1990s, and have proved highly profitable.

Roscos paid £409.7mn in dividends to shareholders in the financial year ending in March 2023, according to the rail industry regulator, at a time when the rest of the rail industry has struggled financially and been the recipient of significant government aid.

Buses in the UK have typically been bought outright by operators, leased from traditional banks or funded by local authorities in the past.

The UK government has also subsidised some electric vehicles for local transport authorities in England outside of London.

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Gautam Gowrisankaran, Ashley Langer, and Mar Reguant

Gautam Gowrisankaran , Professor of Economics, Columbia University

Ashley Langer , Associate Professor of Economics, University of Arizona

Mar Reguant , Professor of Economics and IPR Associate, Northwestern University

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When I Became a Birder, Almost Everything Else Fell Into Place

An illustration showing a birder standing quietly looking through binoculars in four scenes. In the third scene, he says, “Amazing.”

Mr. Yong is a science writer whose most recent book, “An Immense World,” investigates animal perception.

Last September, I drove to a protected wetland near my home in Oakland, Calif., walked to the end of a pier and started looking at birds. Throughout the summer, I was breaking in my first pair of binoculars, a Sibley field guide and the Merlin song-identification app, but always while hiking or walking the dog. On that pier, for the first time, I had gone somewhere solely to watch birds.

In some birding circles, people say that anyone who looks at birds is a birder — a kind, inclusive sentiment that overlooks the forces that create and shape subcultures. Anyone can dance, but not everyone would identify as a dancer, because the term suggests, if not skill, then at least effort and intent. Similarly, I’ve cared about birds and other animals for my entire life, and I’ve written about them throughout my two decades as a science writer, but I mark the moment when I specifically chose to devote time and energy to them as the moment I became a birder.

Since then, my birder derangement syndrome has progressed at an alarming pace. Seven months ago, I was still seeing very common birds for the first time. Since then, I’ve seen 452 species, including 337 in the United States, and 307 this year alone. I can reliably identify a few dozen species by ear. I can tell apart greater and lesser yellowlegs, house and purple finches, Cooper’s and sharp-shinned hawks. (Don’t talk to me about gulls; I’m working on the gulls.) I keep abreast of eBird’s rare bird alerts and have spent many days — some glorious, others frustrating — looking for said rare birds. I know what it means to dip, to twitch, to pish . I’ve gone owling.

I didn’t start from scratch. A career spent writing about nature gave me enough avian biology and taxonomy to roughly know the habitats and silhouettes of the major groups. Journalism taught me how to familiarize myself with unfamiliar territory very quickly. I crowdsourced tips on the social media platform Bluesky . I went out with experienced birders to learn how they move through a landscape and what cues they attend to.

I studied up on birds that are famously difficult to identify so that when I first saw them in the field, I had an inkling of what they were without having to check a field guide. I used the many tools now available to novices: EBird shows where other birders go and reveals how different species navigate space and time; Merlin is best known as an identification app but is secretly an incredible encyclopedia; Birding Quiz lets you practice identifying species based on fleeting glances at bad angles.

This all sounds rather extra, and birding is often defined by its excesses. At its worst, it becomes an empty process of collection that turns living things into abstract numbers on meaningless lists. But even that style of birding is harder without knowledge. To find the birds, you have to know them. And in the process of knowing them, much else falls into place.

Birding has tripled the time I spend outdoors. It has pushed me to explore Oakland in ways I never would have: Amazing hot spots lurk within industrial areas, sewage treatment plants and random residential parks. It has proved more meditative than meditation. While birding, I seem impervious to heat, cold, hunger and thirst. My senses focus resolutely on the present, and the usual hubbub in my head becomes quiet. When I spot a species for the first time — a lifer — I course with adrenaline while being utterly serene.

I also feel a much deeper connection to the natural world, which I have long written about but always remained slightly distant from. I knew that the loggerhead shrike — a small but ferocious songbird — impales the bodies of its prey on spikes. I’ve now seen one doing that with my own eyes. I know where to find the shrikes and what they sound like. Countless fragments of unrooted trivia that rattled around my brain are now grounded in place, time and experience.

When I step out my door in the morning, I take an aural census of the neighborhood, tuning in to the chatter of creatures that were always there and that I might have previously overlooked. The passing of the seasons feels more granular, marked by the arrival and disappearance of particular species instead of much slower changes in day length, temperature and greenery. I find myself noticing small shifts in the weather and small differences in habitat. I think about the tides.

So much more of the natural world feels close and accessible now. When I started birding, I remember thinking that I’d never see most of the species in my field guide. Sure, backyard birds like robins and western bluebirds would be easy, but not black skimmers or peregrine falcons or loggerhead shrikes. I had internalized the idea of nature as distant and remote — the province of nature documentaries and far-flung vacations. But in the past six months, I’ve seen soaring golden eagles, heard duetting great horned owls, watched dancing sandhill cranes and marveled at diving Pacific loons, all within an hour of my house. “I’ll never see that” has turned into “Where can I find that?”

Of course, having the time to bird is an immense privilege. As a freelancer, I have total control over my hours and my ability to get out in the field. “Are you a retiree?” a fellow birder recently asked me. “You’re birding like a retiree.” I laughed, but the comment spoke to the idea that things like birding are what you do when you’re not working, not being productive.

I reject that. These recent years have taught me that I’m less when I’m not actively looking after myself, that I have value to my world and my community beyond ceaseless production and that pursuits like birding that foster joy, wonder and connection to place are not sidebars to a fulfilled life but their essence.

It’s easy to think of birding as an escape from reality. Instead, I see it as immersion in the true reality. I don’t need to know who the main characters are on social media and what everyone is saying about them, when I can instead spend an hour trying to find a rare sparrow. It’s very clear to me which of those two activities is the more ridiculous. It’s not the one with the sparrow.

More of those sparrows are imminent. I’m about to witness my first spring migration as warblers and other delights pass through the Bay Area. Birds I’ve seen only in drab grays are about to don their spectacular breeding plumages. Familiar species are about to burst out in new tunes that I’ll have to learn. I have my first lazuli bunting to see, my first blue grosbeak to find, my first least terns to photograph. I can’t wait.

Ed Yong is a science writer whose most recent book, “An Immense World,” investigates animal perception.

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Office: Vehicle Technologies Office FOA number:  DE-FOA-0003248 Link to apply:  Apply on EERE Exchange FOA Amount: $45,800,000

Today, the Department of Energy (DOE) announced $45.8 million in new funding for projects that will advance research, development, demonstration, and deployment (RDD&D) critical to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector. The funding will drive innovation in equitable clean transportation and is aligned with strategies detailed in the U.S. National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization . 

The funding is through DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). Topic areas in the Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 R&D funding opportunity include:

  • Next-generation phosphate-based cathodes.
  • Advancing the state of the art for sodium-ion batteries.
  • Developing concepts for decreasing greenhouse gas emissions from off-road vehicles such as construction, agriculture, mining, and forestry vehicles.
  • Developing and deploying vehicle-to-everything technologies that can lead to meaningful savings at the vehicle and transportation system level.
  • Developing high-performance, domestically produced electrical steels (E-steels) for use in electrified powertrains.
  • Addressing critical cybersecurity needs for smart and secure electric vehicle charging.

As part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to ensuring the benefits of a clean transportation system are shared equally, the funding seeks the participation of underserved communities and underrepresented groups. Applicants are required to describe how diversity, equity, and inclusion objectives will be incorporated into their project. 

VTO provides a series of funding opportunity announcement (FOA) information session videos , which help applicants understand VTO’s FOA process and requirements. The recently released, Session 3: Tips for a Strong FOA Application, includes best practices for incorporating Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in a project.

Learn more about this and other funding opportunities on VTO’s funding webpage . 

Topic Areas

Topic Area 1: Next-Generation Phosphate-Based Cathodes

This topic area targets the development of phosphate-based cathode materials that surpass the performance of state-of-the-art lithium iron phosphate (LFP) cathode materials, which are currently gaining traction as an alternative low-cost solution. The primary objective of this area of interest is to develop high energy density battery cells containing phosphate-based cathodes at the material and cell level.

Topic Area 2: Na-ion Battery Seedling Projects for Electric Vehicle Applications

While shifting to alternative cathode materials like LFP can alleviate the impact of nickel and cobalt, the impact of lithium has not been adequately addressed. One alternative to lithium is sodium (Na). While there is much promise for Na-ion chemistries, key issues still limit their adoption. This objective of this topic area is to advance the state of the art for Na-ion batteries by solving key challenges for the cathode, anode, or electrolyte through the development of 1 Ah full cells utilizing cell chemistries that are significant advancements over current industry state-of-the-art Na-ion technology.

Topic Area 3: Low-GHG Concepts for Off-Road Vehicles

The objective of this topic area is to develop and validate technology concepts capable of significantly decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, energy use, harmful criteria emissions, and total cost of ownership across the entire off-road vehicle sector, including construction, agriculture, mining, forestry, ports, warehouses, etc. Concepts must demonstrate they can meet the unique requirements for off-road vehicles and gain customer acceptance.

Topic Area 4: Saving Energy with Connectivity

Research has shown that vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications can lead to meaningful energy savings at the vehicle and transportation system level by integrating interoperable vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), and vehicle-to-pedestrian (V2P) communications. The objective of this topic area is to develop and deploy V2X technologies with a focus on the efficiency and convenience of the mobility ecosystem, while reducing transportation’s environmental impacts. Examples could include but are not limited to eco-driving along connected corridors, transit or freight priority, integrated corridor management, or passenger or freight trip-chaining optimization.

Topic Area 5: Domestically Produced Electrical Steels (E-Steels)

The US transportation sector is in a technology revolution where light-duty vehicles are rapidly transitioning from internal combustion engines to electrified powertrains. Although most of the vehicles are produced in the US, many of the powertrain components rely on imports and foreign supply chains. Of particular interest are traction motors and their components. The objective of this topic are is to develop E-Steels meeting properties including frequency, thickness, ductility, cost, and manufacturability. 

Topic Area 6: Cybersecurity for Smart and Secure Electric Vehicle Charging

This topic area is addressing critical cybersecurity needs to address through two subtopics: 

  • Subtopic 6.a: Enabling Wide-scale, Cybersecure EV/EVSE Aggregation for Grid Services :  To support the integration of electric vehicles (EVs) and their charging requirements with the electric grid, both government and the private sector have made significant investments in the development of smart charge management (SCM) systems and technologies for EV charging infrastructure. The objective of this subtopic area is to research, develop, and demonstrate systems, technologies, and tools necessary for the cybersecure aggregation of EVs and charging infrastructure to provide widescale, cybersecure grid services.
  • Subtopic 6.b: Tools to Assess EV/EVSE/Charging System Cybersecurity Posture and Compliance with Standards and Protocols for Communications, Controls, and Monitoring :   Testing and evaluation of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) by DOE national laboratories has clearly indicated a lack of compliance by many vendors with certified and/or regulated EV charging standards and protocols. In addition to creating cybersecurity vulnerabilities, this non-compliance greatly inhibits interoperability, supplier-managed SCM, and right-to-repair. The objective of this subtopic is to research, develop, and validate a suite of tools and associated procedures to comprehensively assess EV/EVSE/charging system compliance with relevant standards and protocols and cybersecurity posture.

Additional Information

  • Download the full funding opportunity  on the EERE Exchange website.
  • For FOA-specific support, contact  [email protected]
  • Sign up for the  Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) funding email list  to get notified of new EERE funding opportunities. Also sign up for  VTO’s newsletter to stay current with the latest news.
  • Watch the VTO Funding Opportunity Announcement information series webinars.

The Energy Bus

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90 pages • 3 hours read

The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Introduction-Chapter 6

Chapters 7-11

Chapters 12-20

Chapters 21-30

Chapters 31-34 and “The Energy Bus Action Plan”

Key Figures

Index of Terms

Important Quotes

Essay Topics

Discussion Questions

Introduction-Chapter 6 Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Introduction summary.

The Energy Bus uses a story to teach how to use positive energy to meet life’s challenges. Positive energy is “the optimism, trust, enthusiasm, love, purpose, joy , passion, and spirit to live, work, and perform at a higher level” (xv), especially when working in teams. The author has seen the value of positivity in the thousands of people he has worked with. He has received many testimonials from clients who have overcome health problems, improved company outlooks, and won athletic competitions by using positive energy. The book presents 10 rules for developing a positive outlook to achieve success.

Chapter 1 Summary: “Flat Tire”

George’s car has a flat tire. It’s Monday morning, there’s an important meeting at work, and George can’t afford to be late. He runs back into the house, brushing aside his kids’ cheerful greetings, grouses to his wife, then begs her to give him a ride. Irritated, she answers that she has way too many errands and suggests he take the bus. Insulted, George demands, “Who takes the bus?” She says, “You do” (4).

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Journal of Materials Chemistry A

Energetic inversion of the singlet/triplet interfacial charge-transfer states for reduced energy loss in organic solar cells.

Compared to inorganic and perovskite counterparts, organic solar cells (OSCs) suffer from much severer nonradiative energy loss due to the nongeminate recombination via triplet states at the donor:acceptor interfaces. To suppress the triplet recombination in OSCs, how to optimize the interfacial energetic landscape is very crucial. Here, we find that the lowest spin-triplet interfacial charge transfer state ( T CT 1 ) can be simultaneously hybridized with multiple local-excitation (LE) triplet states below the photovoltaic gap in the state-of-the-art OSCs based on A-D-A acceptors. More importantly, when the T CT 1 state is close to the upper side of the LE triplet manifold, the hybridization will result in considerable energetic inversion between the singlet and triplet charge-transfer states. This is beneficial to destabilize the T CT 1 state at close donor:acceptor separation and suppress the back charge transfer to the LE triplet states. Our work sheds light on molecular design towards reducing the triplet recombination under low driving force for higher-efficiency OSCs.

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X. Miao, G. Han and Y. Yi, J. Mater. Chem. A , 2024, Accepted Manuscript , DOI: 10.1039/D4TA00648H

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    Compared to inorganic and perovskite counterparts, organic solar cells (OSCs) suffer from much severer nonradiative energy loss due to the nongeminate recombination via triplet states at the donor:acceptor interfaces. To suppress the triplet recombination in OSCs, how to optimize the interfacial energetic la Journal of Materials Chemistry A HOT Papers