Culture of Assam - Celebrating Assam's Dress, Art, Food, Festivals and More

Traditional dress of assam.

Mekhela Chador, Culture of Assam

Folk Music of Assam

a great man of assam essay

It is not a surprise that Assam is rich in folk music. From the time of the Kamarupa Kingdom followed by Ahom Dynasty, Assamese culture has been influenced by each of its rulers except the British rule which ended the Ahom Dynasty. The indigenous folk music has influenced the folk music of artists like Bhupen Hazarika, Parvati Prasad Baruva, Jayanta Hazarika, Utpalendu Choudhury, Nirmalendu Choudhury and many others. Classical Assamese music is divided into Borgeet and Ojapali which combines narrative singing with dancing. The music of Oja-pali has a raga system of clear traditional orientation.

Traditional Crafts of Assam

Festivals of assam.

Bihu Festival, Culture of Assam

Traditional Dances of Assam

Assam traditional dance, Culture of Assam

Cuisine of Assam

Cuisine of Assam, Culture of Assam

Traditional Jewellery of Assam

Assamese traditional jewellery and dress, Culture of Assam

Customs of Assam

  • The Assamese use bamboo to welcome guests because of their attachment to the bamboo culture. Known as Jaapi, this is basically known as the sunshade of Assam. It is made of bamboo strips and dried palm leaves locally known as Tokow Pat. There are many types of Jaapi like the Halua Jaapi, Pitha Jaapi, Sorudoiya Jaapi, Bordoiya Jaapi, Cap etc. These Jaapis were also used as headwear back in the olden days, mostly by rich and noble families. They are also used by farmers and peasants as umbrellas in the paddy fields.
  • People of Assam always believed in the joint family system and it is still prevalent among both tribal and non-tribal communities. The rule that was followed for inheritance was called Dayabhaga. This system holds strong even today. The custom is that a child cannot claim his share in the property of the father as long as the father lives.
  • Some of the tribes follow customs like the matriarchal system, which asserts that the mother is the center of the clan and that her property will be given to her daughters. If there are no daughters, it will be passed to the youngest daughter of her sister. The prevalent custom among the Dimasa-Kacharis is that the sons inherit the father's property while the daughters inherit the mother's property.

Major Occupation in Assam

Tea Plantation in Assam, Culture of Assam

This post was published by Diya Biswas

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এই website ৰ জৰিয়তে সমাজৰ দুখীয়া শ্ৰেণীৰ শিক্ষাৰ্থী সকলোলৈ কিঞ্চিৎ মান সহায় আগবঢ়োৱাই হৈছে আমাৰ website ৰ মূল উদ্দ্যেশ্য।

মোহনদাস কৰমচান্দ গান্ধী || Life of a Great Man – Mahatma Gandhi Essay in Assamese

March 20, 2023 by Souvik Leave a Comment

Life of a Great Man – Mahatma Gandhi Essay in Assamese || মোহনদাস কৰমচান্দ গান্ধী

নাম আৰু প্ৰাথমিক জীৱনঃ

সমগ্ৰ বিশ্বতে জনপ্ৰিয়ভাৱে মহাত্মা গান্ধী নামেৰে পৰিচিত মোহনদাস কৰমচান্দ গান্ধী জন্ম হৈছিল গুজৰাটৰ পোৰবন্দৰত, ১৮৬৯ চনৰ ২ অক্টোবৰত। তেওঁৰ পিতৃৰ নাম আছিল কৰমচান্দ গান্ধী আৰু মাতৃ পুতলীবাই, এগৰাকী সাধু আৰু কোমল স্বভাৱৰ নাৰী আছিল।


মোহনদাস পোৰবন্দৰৰ প্ৰাথমিক বিদ্যালয় এখনত পঢ়িছিল। সাত বছৰ বয়সত তেওঁৰ পৰিয়াল ৰাজকোটলৈ গুচি যায়। তাতেই তেওঁ প্ৰাথমিক বিদ্যালয়ত পঢ়িছিল আৰু পিছলৈ হাইস্কুলত যোগদান কৰিছিল। ছাত্ৰ হিচাপে তেওঁ মধ্যমীয়া শ্ৰেণীৰ অন্তৰ্গত আছিল। স্বভাৱতে তেওঁ বৰ লাজুক আৰু ভীৰু আছিল। মাত্ৰ তেৰ বছৰ বয়সত তেওঁ কস্তুৰীবাইক বিয়া কৰাইছিল। মেট্ৰিক পৰীক্ষাত উত্তীৰ্ণ হোৱাৰ পিছত গান্ধীয়ে আইন অধ্যয়ন কৰিবলৈ ইংলেণ্ডলৈ যোৱাৰ সিদ্ধান্ত ল’লে।Life of a Great Man – Mahatma Gandhi || মোহনদাস কৰমচান্দ গান্ধী

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তেওঁৰ কাৰ্যকলাপ আৰু সেৱাঃ

আইন বিষয়ত গান্ধীৰ শিক্ষা সমাপ্ত কৰাৰ পিছত ১৮৯১ চনত তেওঁ ভাৰতলৈ উভতি আহে।তেওঁ বম্বেত থাকিবলৈ সিদ্ধান্ত লয় আৰু তাতেই আইনী প্ৰেকটিছ আৰম্ভ কৰে। কিন্তু বম্বেত নিজকে প্ৰতিষ্ঠা কৰাত ব্যৰ্থ হৈ পুনৰ ৰাজকোটলৈ যায়। ১৮৯৩ চনত গান্ধীয়ে সৌভাগ্যৰ সন্ধানত দক্ষিণ আফ্ৰিকালৈ যায়। তাৰ পিছত ১৯১৫ চনত অৱশেষত তেওঁৰ লগত ভাৰতলৈ উভতি আহিল নিজৰ লোকসকলৰ সেৱা কৰিবলৈ । তেওঁ সাবৰমতী নদীৰ পাৰত নিজৰ সত্যগ্ৰহ আশ্ৰম স্থাপন কৰে, তাৰ পিছত ১৯১৯ চনত ভাৰতীয় ৰাজনীতিত যোগদান কৰে। ১৯২০ চনত তেওঁ ব্ৰিটিছৰ বিৰুদ্ধে অহিংসা আৰু অসহযোগ আন্দোলন আৰম্ভ কৰে।Life of a Great Man – Mahatma Gandhi || মোহনদাস কৰমচান্দ গান্ধী

এজন যাদুকৰৰ দৰে গান্ধীয়ে অসহযোগৰ আহ্বানেৰে দেশত এক উৎসাহৰ ধুমুহা জগাই তুলিছিল। ভাৰতৰ স্বাধীনতাৰ সংগ্ৰামৰ সময়ত তেওঁক কেইবাবাৰো বৃটিছে গ্ৰেপ্তাৰ কৰি জেলত ভৰাইছিল। কিন্তু তেওঁৰ অক্লান্ত শৰীৰ আৰু উচ্চ মনোভাৱে ইংৰাজৰ পৰা স্বাধীনতা লাভৰ বাবে জনসাধাৰণক পথ প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰিবলৈ সক্ষম হৈছিল। এনেদৰে ১৯৪৭ চনৰ ১৫ আগষ্টত ভাৰতীয়সকলে তেওঁলোকৰ বহুদিনীয়া স্বাধীনতা লাভ কৰে

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মই তেওঁক কিয় প্ৰশংসা কৰো:

কেৱল মই নহয়, ভাৰতীয় সকলোৱে বাপু অৰ্থাৎ জাতিৰ পিতৃ হিচাপে পৰিচিত গান্ধীক ভাল পাওঁ আৰু প্ৰশংসা কৰো। গান্ধীৰ প্ৰকৃত নেতৃত্ব আৰু পথ প্ৰদৰ্শনৰ বাবেই আমি আমাৰ স্বাধীনতা পাইছো। তেওঁ সত্যতা আৰু সততাৰ প্ৰতীক হিচাপে বিশ্ববাসীক দেখুৱাইছে যে অহিংসা তৰোৱাল বা ধ্বংসাত্মক অস্ত্ৰতকৈও অধিক শক্তিশালী। গতিকে, এই মহান আত্মাক মই প্ৰশংসা কৰো।

Life of a Great Man - Mahatma Gandhi Essay in Assamese

তেওঁৰ গুণ আৰু আইডেলঃ

গান্ধীৰ গুণ আৰু আদৰ্শবাদ সমগ্ৰ বিশ্বতে বিয়পি পৰিছে। গান্ধী পিতৃ-মাতৃৰ প্ৰতি এক নিষ্ঠাবান পুত্ৰ আছিল। স্কুল শেষ হোৱাৰ ঠিক পিছতেই তেওঁ দেউতাকক নাৰ্ছ হিচাপে সেৱা আগবঢ়াইছিল। Life of a Great Man – Mahatma Gandhi || মোহনদাস কৰমচান্দ গান্ধী আকৌ নিজৰ দোষবোৰৰ বাবে অনুতাপ অনুভৱ কৰিলে। তেওঁ নিজৰ দোষ স্বীকাৰ কৰি দেউতাকৰ আগত লিখিছিল আৰু সেই ভুলবোৰ আৰু কেতিয়াও নকৰোঁ বুলি প্ৰতিশ্ৰুতি দিছিল। ইংলেণ্ডলৈ যাব বিচৰাৰ বাবে মাক তেওঁৰ ইচ্ছাৰ বিৰুদ্ধে আছিল। তাৰ পিছতো, মাকক প্ৰতিশ্ৰুতি দিলে যে কেতিয়াও মিট, ৱাইন আৰু মহিলাক স্পৰ্শ নকৰিব। তেওঁ বৰ ভদ্ৰ আছিল; আৰু সহনশীল। তেওঁ আনকি কৰা নাছিল তেওঁৰ শত্ৰুক ঘৃণা কৰা।

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১৯৪৮ চনৰ ৩০ জানুৱাৰীত যেতিয়া গান্ধীয়ে খৰখেদাকৈ বিৰলা ঘৰৰ বৃহৎ উদ্যানখনৰ প্ৰাৰ্থনা ক্ষেত্ৰখনৰ কেইখোজমান ওপৰলৈ উঠি গ’ল, তেতিয়া এজন হিন্দু যুৱক। নামেৰে নাথুৰাম গডছেই হৃদপিণ্ডলৈ লক্ষ্য কৰি সৰু অটোমেটিক পিষ্টলৰ পৰা তিনিটা পইণ্ট ব্লেংক গুলী চলালে। গান্ধী পৰি গ’ল, তেওঁৰ ওঁঠে ভগৱানৰ নাম উচ্চাৰণ কৰিলে (হে ৰাম)। এইদৰে কেৱল মানৱতাৰ প্ৰেমত ধপধপাই থকা হৃদয়খন চিৰদিনৰ বাবে বন্ধ হৈ পৰিছিল।Life of a Great Man – Mahatma Gandhi || মোহনদাস কৰমচান্দ গান্ধী

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a great man of assam essay

Mahatma Gandhi Essay | Life of a Great Man

Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi Essay

Mahatma Gandhi Essay  

Life of a Great Man

A man is called great when he contributes something to the cause of human peace, unity, happiness, brotherhood or fellow-feeling. There is no dearth of great men who have contributed to the growth and prosperity of human civilization. But among them, I have chosen Mahatma Gandhi as my ideal great man.

Mahatma Gandhi’s original name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He was born in Rajkot in Gujarat on the 2nd October 1869. His father Karamchand Gandhi was the Prime Minister of Rajkot. His mother Putlibhai was a saintly lady.

He took his early education in Rajkot and after passing the Entrance Examination; he went to England and became a lawyer.  Gandhi practised law in the Bombay High Court. Then he went to South Africa and joined the bar. 

In 1915 he returned to India and took the leadership of the Indian National Congress and started several movements against the British. At last under his leadership, India got independence from the British on 15th August 1947. 

I admire him the most. It is because he sacrificed his life for the cause of our nation. Besides this, he tried his best to unite Hindus and Muslims.

He was a great social worker also. He tried to banish untouchability and communalism from India. He gave much importance to the development of the cottage industry in India. He introduced Basic Education in India. He was a writer also. His autobiography My Experience with Truth is praised by millions of readers. He was assassinated by a fanatic Hindu named Nathuram Godse on 30th January 1948. 

We should follow the great ideals of Mahatma Gandhi. 0 0 0

Note: This article ‘ Mahatma Gandhi | Life of a Great Man ‘ originally belongs to the book ‘ School Essays Part-I ‘ by Menonim Menonimus.

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a great man of assam essay

Table of Contents

Essay on Assam in English in 10 Lines

The Essay on Assam explores the cultural, historical, and geographical facets of the northeastern Indian state, providing a concise overview of its diverse ethnicities, unique biodiversity, historical contributions, and contemporary issues.

  • Assam, a northeastern Indian state, is renowned for its rich cultural diversity and unique geography.
  • The state is home to various ethnicities, contributing to its vibrant cultural tapestry.
  • Assam boasts a significant historical legacy, notably the rule of the Ahom dynasty.
  • The Brahmaputra River flows through Assam, influencing its landscapes and ecosystems.
  • The state is famed for its tea gardens, producing some of the finest tea in the world.
  • Assam’s biodiversity is remarkable, hosting diverse flora and fauna in its lush surroundings.
  • The traditional Assamese festivals and art forms reflect the region’s cultural richness.
  • Contemporary issues such as flood challenges and conservation efforts are crucial aspects of Assam’s narrative.
  • The Kaziranga National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a symbol of Assam’s commitment to wildlife preservation.
  • In essence, Assam’s essay encapsulates its multifaceted identity, blending history, culture, and environmental significance.

Short Essay on Assam in 100 Words

The “Essay on Assam” provides a concise exploration of the northeastern Indian state, encapsulating its cultural diversity, historical significance, unique geography, and contemporary challenges in a succinct 100-word overview.

Assam, nestled in India’s northeast, boasts cultural vibrancy and historical richness. Diverse ethnicities contribute to its unique tapestry, reflecting in traditional festivals like Bihu and art forms.

The mighty Brahmaputra River flows through, shaping landscapes. The Ahom dynasty’s historical legacy adds depth to Assam’s narrative. Renowned for tea gardens, it produces globally acclaimed tea.

Biodiversity thrives in its lush expanses, evident in places like Kaziranga National Park. However, contemporary challenges, including floods, underscore the need for sustainable solutions. The state’s unique blend of tradition and natural wonders makes it a captivating destination, offering a glimpse into the soul of northeastern India.

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Essay on Assam in 500 Words

The “Essay on Assam” in 500 words explores the state’s cultural richness, historical significance, geographical diversity, and contemporary challenges, offering a comprehensive overview of this northeastern Indian region.

Assam, nestled in the northeastern part of India, is a captivating state with a rich tapestry of culture, history, and geographical diversity. Historically, the Ahom dynasty played a pivotal role, leaving an enduring impact on Assam’s identity.

The cultural diversity is a hallmark, with various ethnic communities contributing to the vibrant mosaic of Assamese traditions. Bihu dances and traditional festivals echo the essence of this cultural richness passed down through generations.

Geographically, Assam is blessed with natural wonders. The mighty Brahmaputra River, a lifeline for the state, meanders through its landscapes, shaping fertile plains and sustaining a multitude of life. The sprawling tea gardens, carpeting the terrain, not only contribute significantly to the state’s economy but also produce some of the world’s finest teas, adding to Assam’s global acclaim.

Assam’s biodiversity is another jewel in its crown. The Kaziranga National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a sanctuary for diverse flora and fauna, including the iconic one-horned rhinoceros. The delicate balance between conservation efforts and developmental needs remains a contemporary challenge, emphasizing the importance of sustainable solutions for the state’s future.

The state’s economy is intricately tied to its tea industry. Vast tea plantations dot the landscape, providing employment and contributing substantially to Assam’s economic prosperity. The tea produced here, with its robust flavor, holds a special place in the global market.

Efforts to preserve Assam’s cultural identity are evident in initiatives aimed at promoting indigenous languages, celebrating traditional festivals, and fostering local art forms. These endeavors reflect a commitment to safeguarding Assam’s heritage amidst the evolving currents of change.

Assam’s tourism sector is burgeoning, drawing visitors with its enchanting landscapes and historical sites. The Kamakhya Temple’s spiritual aura and the architectural marvels of Sivasagar are among the many attractions that offer a glimpse into the state’s rich history and cultural heritage.

Despite its myriad strengths, Assam faces contemporary challenges. Floods, exacerbated by the monsoon-swollen Brahmaputra, pose recurrent threats to lives and infrastructure. Striking a balance between development and conservation remains a delicate task for policymakers.

In conclusion, Assam stands as a microcosm of India’s diversity and resilience. From the echoes of its historical legacy to the vibrant celebrations of its festivals, Assam weaves a tale that is both timeless and contemporary. As it grapples with the complexities of the present, Assam continues to evolve, showcasing a captivating blend of tradition, modernity, and a deep-rooted connection with its natural and cultural heritage.

Also See – Cultural Diversity Essay – 100, 500, 1000 Words, 10 Lines

1000 Words Essay on Assam in English

The 1000-word essay on Assam in English provides a detailed exploration of the state’s cultural richness, historical significance, geographical diversity, economic contributions, and contemporary challenges, offering a comprehensive understanding of this northeastern Indian region.

Exploring the Tapestry of Assam: Culture, History, and Challenges


Nestled in the northeastern part of India, Assam stands as a vibrant mosaic of cultural diversity, historical significance, and geographical marvels. This essay embarks on a comprehensive journey through the heart of Assam, unraveling its rich tapestry that includes its cultural heritage, historical legacy, geographical features, economic contributions, and contemporary challenges.

Historical Legacy: The Ahom Dynasty

Assam’s historical narrative is deeply rooted in the Ahom dynasty, which ruled the region for six centuries. This section explores the enduring impact of the Ahom rulers on Assam’s culture, administration, and societal structures. It sheds light on the legacy left behind by this formidable dynasty, contributing to Assam’s unique historical identity.

Cultural Diversity: Festivals, Dance, and Traditions

Assam’s cultural diversity is a defining feature that adds vibrancy to its identity. This section delves into the myriad festivals celebrated in Assam, such as Bihu, and the traditional dance forms that echo the essence of Assamese culture. The essay explores how these cultural elements are passed down through generations, contributing to the state’s rich and dynamic cultural heritage.

Geographical Marvels: Brahmaputra River and Tea Gardens

The geographical landscape of Assam is adorned with natural wonders, and the mighty Brahmaputra River is central to this narrative. This section explores the role of the Brahmaputra in shaping the fertile plains and sustaining diverse ecosystems. Additionally, it delves into the sprawling tea gardens, discussing their economic significance and global recognition in the production of high-quality teas.

Biodiversity and Conservation: Kaziranga National Park

Assam’s biodiversity is a jewel in its crown, and the Kaziranga National Park stands as a testament to the state’s commitment to wildlife conservation. This section explores the diverse flora and fauna of Assam, focusing on the conservation efforts in Kaziranga, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Economic Contributions: Tea Industry

The economy of Assam is intricately linked to its tea industry. Vast tea plantations not only contribute significantly to the state’s economic prosperity but also hold global acclaim. This section delves into the economic impact of the tea industry, its historical development, and the unique qualities of Assam tea.

Cultural Preservation: Language, Festivals, and Art

Efforts to preserve Assam’s cultural identity are evident in initiatives aimed at promoting indigenous languages, celebrating traditional festivals, and fostering local art forms. This section highlights the importance of these endeavors in safeguarding Assam’s heritage amidst the winds of change.

Tourism and Heritage Sites

Assam’s enchanting landscapes and historical sites make it a burgeoning tourist destination. This section explores the spiritual aura of the Kamakhya Temple and the architectural marvels of Sivasagar, showcasing the attractions that draw visitors to the state.

Contemporary Challenges: Floods and Conservation

Despite its myriad strengths, Assam faces contemporary challenges. Floods, exacerbated by the monsoon-swollen Brahmaputra, pose recurrent threats to lives and infrastructure. This section discusses the delicate balance between development and conservation, emphasizing the need for sustainable solutions for the state’s future.

Conclusion: Embracing Tradition in a Changing Landscape

In conclusion, Assam emerges as a microcosm of India’s diversity and resilience. From the echoes of its historical legacy to the vibrant celebrations of its festivals, Assam weaves a tale that is both timeless and contemporary. As it grapples with the complexities of the present, Assam continues to evolve, showcasing a captivating blend of tradition, modernity, and a deep-rooted connection with its natural and cultural heritage.

The essay unravels the captivating tapestry of Assam, showcasing its cultural richness, historical legacy, geographical wonders, economic contributions, and contemporary challenges.

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20 Most Important Essays For SEBA/AHSEC Exam 2024

Most Important Essays For SEBA/AHSEC Exam 2024: Essay writing is one of the most important and easy-to-score topics in your class 10th English syllabus writing skills with Grammar. You will be given two or three topics on which you have to write an essay on any one of the given topics. Essay writing contains usually 6 – 10 marks in class 10th English syllabus.

Here in this Blog post, we have shared some of the most important essay-writing topics you must be prepared for. These essay writing topics are more frequently asked topics on center and many state board HSLC exams.

Page Contents

Most Important Essays For SEBA/AHSEC Exam 2024

most important essays for seba

List of the most important essays for SEBA/AHSEC examination 2024:

  • Your Aim in Life
  • Your Daily Life
  • Life of A Great Man

Physical Exercise

  • Your Favorite Hobby
  • Your Favourite Game
  • Science in Everyday Life
  • Journey by Bus
  • Journey by Train
  • A Visit to Historic Place

Srimanta Sankardev

Flood in Assam

  • Prize Day At Your School
  • Bihu Festival of Assam

Essay Writing Format, Examples, Topics, Samples, Exercises for SEBA/AHSEC

Essay writing examples for class 10: Here are some important essay writing topic-wise question and answer examples that were previously asked in the many state Board HSLC exams.

Question 1: Write an essay on Your Aim in Life in about 250 words.

My Aim in Life

Every man should have an aim in life. A life without an aim is meaningless. It is like a ship without sails or oars. To do a certain thing, plans and programs are a pre-condition.

My aim: Now I am a student. I have already chosen my aim in life. My aim is to be a doctor.

Reason: I was born in a very backward village. There is no hospital, no high school, and no post office. The hospital is at a distance of ten kilometers. Road communication is very bad. Doctors do not come to the village if anybody falls ill. People die of disease and dirt. Most of the people of the village can not afford to pay the doctors. Many of them die without treatment. I, therefore, want to be of the poor and downtrodden. I shall start a clinic in my village. I shall advise the people how to keep good health. I will render all sorts of services to the sick and disabled.

Conclusion: I shall try my best to realize my aim. May God help me so that I may serve the people of my locality.

Question 2: Write an essay on Your Daily Life in about 250 words.

My Daily Life

My daily life starts quite early. I get up from bed at 5 o’clock in the morning. I brush my teeth and go out for a walk. After half an hour I came back with my body and mind refreshed. My mother makes my tea ready. Having taken a cup of tea with biscuits I sit to study. Usually, I read for two hours.

After the study, I take my bath. My mother gets my meal ready. I take meals and get ready for school. I always reach school on time.

There is a break for half an hour at 12 o’clock during the break I visit the school library and read newspapers.

After school hours I come home direct. At home, I take my tiffin and rest for some time. Then I go out to the Playground to play cricket with my friends.

I come back home just after sunset. I wash my body and set for study again. We have dinner at 10 o’clock. After half an hour I go to bed.

On Sunday I do a lot of household work in the morning. After lunch, I enjoy some television programs. On some Sundays, I visit the houses of my friends and relatives.

| Also Read:  Notice Writing Format & Exercises for Class 10

Question 3: Write an essay on the Life of a Great Man (Mahatma Gandhi) in about 250 words in English.

Life of a Great Man (Mahatma Gandhi)

All of the great men I do admire Mahatma Gandhi the most. In Mahatma Gandhi, I find many rare qualities for which every Indian owes him a lot. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in October 2, 1869 in Poarbandar. His father’s name was Karamchand Gandhi took his early education in a village school in Rajkot.

After passing the matriculation examination he went to London in 1887 for higher education. In 1893 he returned to India as a Barrister and joined the bar. After a short while, he went to South Africa on the legal advice of an Indian company.

He saw there that the Indian community suffered much from the white color public. He protested against it and succeeded. The government was forced to amend some anti-Indian laws.

In 1914 Mahatma Gandhi returned to India. He joined the Indian National Congress and resolved to fight against British rule. Through the Indian National Congress, he fought for the Independence of India. He asked the British to quit India.

Many times the British government imprisoned him. He was a fit leader as a result India became free in 1947.

Mahatma Gandhi led a very simple life. He was a lover of peace and truth. Gandhi is dead and gone but he lives forever in the hearts of millions of Indians.

Question 4: Write an essay on Friendship in about 250 words.

Humans is a social beings they can not live alone. In the battle of life, we need the help of others.

Friendship means a close relationship with other people in our circular society. Friendship is formed through sincere and mutual understanding, the love of one man towards another.

A true friend is a blessing. But nowadays it is difficult to find a true friend. True friends are those who stand by their friends in weal and woe. One can rely on a true friend.

The love of a true friend is always selfless. It is said that “a friend in need is a friend indeed”. A true friend is an asset.

False friends are compared to winds. They come in times of prosperity and leave in times of adversity. A false friend is not a friend. It is dangerous to believe a false friend. Such a friend should be trusted. He may lead you on the wrong path.

I have a faithful friend. He helped me one night when my mother fell ill. The night was dark my friend rushed to the hospital and brought the doctor. My mother was saved. She would have died if the doctor did not arrive in time.

We should be very careful in choosing a true friend. Remember a true friend is your biggest asset in life.

Question 5: Write an essay on your Favorite Hobby in about 250 words in English.

My Favorite Hobby

Hobby means favorite work done at leisure. I have a favorite hobby it is gardening.

I am a lover of trees and flowers so I make a garden of my own. Every morning and evening I work for certain fixed hours in the little garden. The soil is made level then I plant different flower plants in the garden.

Every morning I see a good number of flowers. Their colors fill me with joy. I think that if I would remain with them I collect flower plants from the government nursery. My father helped me by supplying some foreign flowers.

I am happy to see different butterflies playing merrily with the flowers. I plant some vegetables every morning I pluck some of the fresh vegetables.

I have chosen this hobby for many reasons. First, it is a source of pleasure, secondly, it is a good exercise to work in the garden which helps me maintain sound health. So my garden is a blessing to my body and mind.

Question 6: Write an essay on Television in about 250 words.

Television is one of the wonders of modern life it brings very distant objects near. We hear the news, live sports, songs, and Dramas, and at the same time see the people participating in these programs.

Television was first invented by John Logie Baird in England in the year in 1926.

In big cities, television centers are there. There are big transmitters in these centers.  Photos of any event or program are first taken. The transmitters can transform sound and photos into waves. These sounds and photos move in the ether. The receiving sets placed at distant places can receive these waves. The sound and photos are reproduced on the screen of the receiving set. We see these photos and hear these sounds on the television set.

Television has assumed the roles of both radio and cinema. It is a good medium of education and recreation. Some programs for children are educational cultural, informative, and scientific films.

Television helps us to know many things of great importance. We can see great cities, high mountains, political leaders, and storms on the screen of television.

Though television sets are costly yet. It is a blessing for mankind.

Question 7: Write an essay on a Newspaper in about 250 words.

The newspaper is of great importance to modern life. Newspaper gives us news for and near and information on political, social, and economic matters.

The newspaper was first introduced by 17th-century European publisher Johann Carolus. It was followed by other advanced countries.

In India too there was no newspaper before the British came. Now there are hundreds of newspapers in different languages regional and foreign.

The main function of a newspaper is to collect and cater to the news. We are able to know the happenings of the countries of the world through newspapers. The newspaper is the chief agency for expressing public opinion.

A newspaper publishes news on trade and commerce, industry, sports, and other allied subjects. It is a part of education. We may know about the recent and latest inventions of the world.

Newspapers are not only the bliss of humankind but are also a curse. They often encourage agitation and communal riots. They sometimes manipulate the news in favor of a party they support. This is dishonest journalism.

The editors of newspapers have a great responsibility. They must be conscious and sincere.

Question 8: Write an essay on the Flood in Assam in about 250 words in English.

The Brahmaputra is the biggest river in Assam. Floods in Assam every year are caused mainly by the Brahmaputra river. That is why it is now called “the Sorrow of Assam”. During the flood, there is water and water everywhere in the villages and towns shelters on high rods or on big buildings, schools, and colleges.

The misery of the people knows no bounds. The people of Assam lost their food and shelter. Some people lose their life. Many cattle and children have been swept away. Cornfields are merged underwater. Means of communication are totally cut off. Flood does not come alone, it carries different kinds of diseases.  Hundreds fall victim to epidemics after the flood.

Not only in Assam but in different parts of India floods are very common. Flood is a national waste of life and property.

Relief measures are generally taken by the government in times of flood. Food and clothes are distributed for free. Besides the government, social and cultural organizations also come forward to help the flood-affected people. However, relief measures can not solve the flood problem. It is impossible to control floods altogether. But it can be lessened and made to our use by scientific methods.

Question 9: Write an essay on Prize Day At Your School in about 250 words.

Prize Day At Our School

The prize-giving ceremony of our school was held on Tuesday 29 December 2020. Mr. Anil Das the cultural secretary of our school took care that the function was a success. Many attractive items were selected for the function. Bihugan, Modern song, Bihu dance, etc. The school inspector was invited as the chief guest. The venue of the meeting was the school auditorium.

On the appointed day we come to school at 9 o’clock in the morning. We decorated the stage nicely. We stood in rows at the gate with our teachers to receive the inspector. Our headmaster himself presided over the meeting. The annual report was read out by the cultural secretary. The inspector delivered a good speech and described the value of games and sports as well as education.

The president handed over the prizes to them. At last, the president delivered a good lecture and ended the meeting.

Question 10: Write an essay on your Favourite Game of Football in about 250 words.

My Favourite Game

My favorite game is football. Football is one of the most played outdoor games. The game was first played in Britain in the 19th century.

The game is played with a round leather ball. The field where it is played is 120 yards long and 80 yards wide. On each side of the field, there are two posts. There is a bar on the posts. It is played between two teams with eleven players on each side. There is one goalkeeper, two backs, three half-backs, and five forwards on each. Both teams try to kick the ball through the goal of the opposite side. The team which scores a greater number of goals in its favor wins the game.

The game is conducted by a referee. He is helped by a two-line referee.

The football game is played for ninety minutes. There is an interval of five to ten minutes. Sometimes it is played for seventy-five minutes. There are some established rules for football games.

I like football game mostly because it makes the players strong, active, prompt, and obedient.

Question 11: Write an essay on the Bihu Festival in about 500 words in English.

Bihu Festival

Introduction: The Bihu is the national festival of Assam state of India. The Assamese people observe three Bihus in a single year. The Bahag Bihu, the Magh Bihu, and the Kati Bihu are the three Bihus.

Bahag Bihu: The Bahag Bihu comes on the last day of the month of Chaitra (Assamese month) and is observed for the following seven days. The Spring season occurs during this period. Nature wears a lovely dress of green leaves and flowers of various colors.  The foodstuffs in houses do not run short. It presents a pleasant moment. So everybody enjoys this period of the year in Assam.

The young boys and girls during this Bihu used to sing Bihu songs to express cheerfulness. The women and girls offer ‘Gamochas’ to the elders as well as to the younger ones to show their respect and love. They weave these Gamochas themselves in the month of Chitra.

The cows are taken for a bath at the nearest river, pool, or lake on the first day of this Bihu. In the evening cows are presented with new tethers for Bihu. The next day is the Bihu for men on which Gamochas are presented. This Bihu is also called Rangali Bihu as it is observed cheerfully and pleasurably.

Magh Bihu: The Magh Bihu is observed on the last day of the month of Puha (Assamese month). Everywhere in Assam state, especially in the villages, the young boys built Mezi Ghars (houses) before the Bihu. The previous day of the Magh Bihu is called Uruka. The young boys arrange feasts in the Mezi Gharas that night and spend the night there.

Early in the morning they take a bath and put fire to the Mazi Gharas. After burning the Mazi Gharas, people return home and take pitha, doi, cira, and different items of food as arranged. The Magh Bihu comes immediately after the harvesting. So there are at least some amount of foodstuffs in every house to prepare various food.  This Bihu is also called Bhogali Bihu.

Kati Bihu: The Kati Bihu falls on the last day of the month of Ahina (Assamese month). People face a lot of troubles in living during this part of the year. So there is no cheerfulness during this Bihu. In the paddy field, earthen open lamps are lighted so as to welcome the goddess Lakshmi. Black basil plants are planted on the day of this Bihu. There is no abundance of food and cheerfulness in this Bihu. So, this Bihu is also called Kangali Bihu.

Conclusion: Bihu is the culture of the Assamese people. We should always try to keep the beautiful culture alive.

Question 12: Write an essay on Physical Exercise in about 250 words.

Physical exercise means the movement of various limbs of the body. There are different kinds of physical exercise. Physical exercise helps us to prevent different diseases of the body. To take physical exercise regularly is one of the best means of preserving health.

Riding, swimming, walking, football, cricket, hockey, gymnastics, and dancing are some of the common physical exercises. This exercise should be taken regularly in the open air. Over-exercise is sometimes harmful to health.

There is a close relationship between the body and the mind. Physical exercise makes the main sound. A man with an unsound mind can not enjoy life.

There are certain rules for physical exercise. These rules should be strictly followed. Many students read much but refuse to do any physical exercise. As a result limbs of their bodies become weak.

Nowadays physical exercise has been made a subject of the school curriculum. We think physical exercise should be made compulsory in our school.

Question 13: Write an essay on Srimanta Sankardev in about 250 words in English.

Srimanta Sankardev was born in the year 1449 in the village of Alipukhuri in the district of Nagaon. His father was Kusumbar Bhuyan and Satyasandhya was his mother. His mother died soon after his birth. So, his grandmother Khersuti brought him up.

In his childhood, Srimanta Sankardev was a dull boy. He could not apprehend anything. His grandmother took him to school at the age of 12 years. He was admitted to the school of Pandit Mahendra Kandali. After admitting to the school he began to study with great attention and learned many Sastras and Vyakaranas within a short period.

Srimanta Sankardev was a descendant of the noble Bara Bhuyan dynasty of Assam. After the death of his father, he was made Bhuyan to look after his landed properties. But he did not like to remain as Bhuyan. He handed over his properties to the care of his uncle and went on a pilgrimage.

Sankardev was a devotee and preacher of Vaishnavism in Assam. He traveled from East to West of Assam with his disciples to spread Vaishnavism and set up Satras and Namgharas in different places of Assam.

He composed songs, drams, and holy books based on the greatness of Lord Srikrishna. Kirtana, Dasama, and the Uttara Kanda of the Ramayana are the holy books of Sankardev. Besides these books, he wrote six Ankiya Natas. Srimanta Sankardev was the father of Assamese prose and dramas.

Sankardev is regarded as the founder of the Assamese nation. His contribution to the Assamese nation, literature, culture, and religion can not be measured. He lived for 119 years and died in Koch Bihar during the reign of Naranarayan, the famous Koch king of Assam.

These are the most important essays for SEBA/AHSEC examination 2024. For more SEBA /AHSEC exam info students are requested to visit the official site of SEBA @ and the official site of AHSEC @

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Flood in Assam essay | Detailed Essay

Flood in Assam essay : Amidst the serene landscapes and rich cultural tapestry of India’s northeastern state, Assam, lies a recurring tragedy that has tested the resilience of its people for decades – the annual floods. Beyond the vibrant festivals and picturesque vistas, these floods bring a wave of devastation that leaves communities grappling with loss and displacement. In this essay, we embark on a journey to understand the multifaceted dimensions of the Assam floods, examining the underlying causes, the far-reaching consequences, and the valiant efforts to mitigate their impact. As we delve into the heart of this calamity, we shed light on the intricate interplay between nature’s forces and human determination, and how this juxtaposition shapes the narrative of a region’s struggle for survival.

So here is the detailed essay on Assam Floods:

Table of Contents

Flood in assam essay, introduction:.

Assam, a northeastern state of India, is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, rich biodiversity, and diverse cultures. However, it also faces a recurring natural challenge – annual floods . These floods are primarily caused by the overflow of the Brahmaputra River and its tributaries, affecting millions of lives and causing extensive damage to property, infrastructure, and the environment.

Causes of Flooding :

The Brahmaputra River, one of the largest rivers in the world, originates in Tibet and flows through Assam. During the monsoon season, heavy rainfall in the region and in the upstream areas of the river basin leads to a massive inflow of water. The combination of heavy rainfall, the river’s considerable width, and the inadequate drainage infrastructure in many areas results in overflowing riverbanks and widespread inundation. Additionally, the region’s hilly terrain exacerbates the problem as water rushes downhill, overwhelming settlements and agricultural fields.

Impact on People:

The annual floods in Assam have a profound impact on the lives of the people. Thousands are displaced from their homes, forced to seek refuge in temporary relief camps. These camps often lack basic amenities, leading to health issues and a general decline in the quality of life. Loss of livelihoods is another significant concern, as farmlands are submerged, livestock is lost, and transportation and communication networks are disrupted. Furthermore, the floodwaters contaminate drinking water sources, leading to the outbreak of waterborne diseases.

flood in Assam essay

Environmental Consequences:

The floods not only affect human lives but also the rich biodiversity of the region. Assam is home to several endangered species like the one-horned rhinoceros, and their habitats are at risk due to the inundation caused by floods. The floodwaters erode soil and deposit sediment, which can alter the composition of the soil and impact agricultural productivity in the long term. Wetlands and forests also suffer from degradation, disrupting ecological balance and affecting the overall environment.

Response and Mitigation:

The Assam government, along with central agencies, undertakes various measures to mitigate the impact of annual floods. These include constructing embankments and flood control structures, improving drainage systems, and creating elevated roads to maintain connectivity during floods. Early warning systems are also deployed to alert communities about impending floods. However, challenges such as the scale of the problem, resource limitations, and the need for constant maintenance pose obstacles to effective mitigation.

Sustainable Solutions:

To address the issue of annual floods sustainably, a multi-faceted approach is required. This includes:

  • Integrated River Management: Developing a comprehensive approach to managing rivers and their basins, which involves not only flood control but also considering ecological and social aspects.
  • Improved Infrastructure: Building robust embankments and drainage systems, along with consistent maintenance, to ensure efficient water management during floods.
  • Ecosystem Restoration: Preserving and restoring natural ecosystems like wetlands and floodplains that can act as buffers during floods and contribute to biodiversity conservation.
  • Community Preparedness: Educating and training communities to be better prepared for floods, including developing evacuation plans, raising awareness about sanitation and health, and promoting sustainable livelihood options.
  • Climate Change Adaptation: Recognizing the influence of climate change on the frequency and intensity of floods, and integrating climate adaptation strategies into flood management plans.

Conclusion : Flood in Assam Essay

The annual floods in Assam present a significant challenge that requires both immediate relief measures and long-term sustainable solutions. By combining government efforts, community involvement, and innovative strategies, it is possible to reduce the impact of these floods on both people’s lives and the environment. Through holistic and adaptive approaches, Assam can navigate its way towards a more resilient future in the face of this recurring natural disaster.

This is our “Flood in Assam essay” with 600 words. You can use this essay as reference to your study and write your own essay or you can just copy the essay.

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Short Essay: Flood In Assam

Three short essay examples on the flood in Assam.

Table of Contents

Flood In Assam Essay Example 1

Assam, one of the states in northeast India, is known for its lush green forests, tea gardens, and the mighty Brahmaputra river. However, every year, the state faces a devastating natural disaster – floods. The floods in Assam have become an annual phenomenon, causing immense damage to life and property. This essay will explore the causes and impact of floods in Assam.

Assam is located in the flood-prone Brahmaputra valley and receives heavy rainfall during the monsoon season. The state is also home to several rivers, including the Brahmaputra, which are prone to overflowing during the rainy season. The floods in Assam are characterized by the inundation of low-lying areas, damage to infrastructure, and displacement of people. The floods not only cause immediate damage but also have long-term effects on the economy and the environment.

The floods in Assam are caused by a combination of natural and man-made factors. Heavy rainfall during the monsoon season is the primary natural cause of floods in the state. The Brahmaputra river, which flows through the state, receives a significant amount of water from its tributaries during this period, leading to overflowing. Deforestation and soil erosion caused by human activities have also contributed to the worsening of floods in Assam. Poor drainage systems and urbanization have also exacerbated the situation, leading to waterlogging in cities and towns.

The floods in Assam have a severe impact on the lives of people in the state. The floods cause loss of lives, displacement of people, and damage to infrastructure, crops, and livestock. The floods also lead to the spread of water-borne diseases and health hazards. The economic impact of floods is significant, with damage to crops and infrastructure leading to a loss of livelihoods for many people. The floods also have long-term environmental effects, such as soil erosion and loss of biodiversity.

In conclusion, the floods in Assam are a significant natural disaster that has severe consequences for the state’s people, economy, and environment. The causes of floods in Assam are a combination of natural and man-made factors, and addressing them requires a multi-pronged approach. The government and civil society organizations must work together to improve drainage systems, prevent deforestation and soil erosion, and provide relief and rehabilitation to those affected by floods. Only then can the state of Assam be better prepared to face the annual floods and mitigate their impact on the people and the environment.

Flood In Assam Essay Example 2

Assam, located in the northeastern part of India, is a state that is highly susceptible to flooding. Every year, during the monsoon season, the state experiences severe floods that cause immense damage to the region. In this essay, we will explore the causes of flooding in Assam and the impact it has on the people and the environment.

The causes of flooding in Assam are multifaceted. Firstly, heavy monsoon rainfall is a primary reason for the floods. The state receives an average of 2,500mm of rainfall annually, with most of it occurring between June and September. The rainfall causes the Brahmaputra River, which flows through the state, to overflow its banks, leading to severe flooding. Secondly, deforestation and soil erosion have also contributed to flooding in the region. The state has seen a significant loss of forest cover over the years, leading to soil erosion and reduced water retention capacity. This, coupled with poor land-use practices, has made the region more vulnerable to flooding. Lastly, inadequate drainage systems and infrastructure have also contributed to the problem. The drainage systems in the state are poorly designed and maintained, leading to waterlogging and flooding in low-lying areas.

The impact of flooding in Assam is severe and far-reaching. Firstly, floods cause the loss of human lives and displacement of people. Every year, people lose their homes and belongings, and many are forced to flee to higher ground. Secondly, floods also lead to damage to agricultural land and crops. The state is known for its fertile agricultural land, and floods often destroy crops, leading to significant losses for farmers. Additionally, floods also cause significant damage to homes, buildings, and infrastructure, leading to economic losses for the state.

The impact of flooding in Assam is not just limited to the loss of human lives and property. It also has significant environmental consequences. Floods lead to soil erosion, which can cause long-term damage to the soil and reduce its fertility. The floods also lead to the loss of biodiversity, as many animals and plants are unable to survive the extreme conditions. Additionally, floods can also lead to the spread of water-borne diseases, which can have severe health consequences for the people in the region.

In conclusion, flooding in Assam is a severe problem that needs urgent attention. The causes of flooding are multifaceted and require a holistic approach to address them. The impact of flooding is far-reaching and affects not just the people but also the environment. It is essential to invest in better infrastructure, drainage systems, and land-use practices to mitigate the effects of flooding in the region.

Flood In Assam Essay Example 3

Assam, a state in northeastern India, is known for its natural beauty and diverse culture. However, every year, the state is hit by devastating floods that cause widespread destruction and loss of life. In this essay, we will explore the impact of floods in Assam and the causes behind them.

The floods in Assam have a significant impact on the lives of people and the state’s economy. The following are some of the effects of floods in Assam: – Destruction of homes, infrastructure, and crops: Floods cause severe damage to houses, roads, bridges, and other infrastructure. The floods also destroy crops, leading to food shortages and economic losses for farmers. – Loss of human and animal lives: Floods in Assam have claimed the lives of humans and animals alike. The floods displace people from their homes, and many lose their lives due to drowning or landslides. – Disruption of daily life and economic activities: The floods disrupt daily life and economic activities, leading to business closures and job losses. People are forced to evacuate their homes and move to relief camps, where they face several challenges.

Several factors contribute to the floods in Assam. The following are the primary causes of floods in the state: – Heavy rainfall and monsoon season: Assam receives heavy rainfall during the monsoon season, which causes the Brahmaputra and its tributaries to overflow. The excess water causes flooding in the state. – Deforestation and soil erosion lead to a decrease in forest cover and soil quality. The loss of vegetation cover reduces the soil’s ability to absorb water, leading to floods. – Poor drainage system and river management: The drainage system in Assam is inadequate, and the state’s rivers are poorly managed. The lack of proper river management leads to the rivers changing their course, leading to flooding in some areas.

In conclusion, floods in Assam have a significant impact on the state’s economy and the lives of people. The primary causes of floods in the state are heavy rainfall, deforestation, soil erosion, and poor river management. To mitigate the impact of floods, the government needs to invest in better drainage systems, river management, and reforestation. The people of Assam also need to be aware of the dangers of floods and take necessary precautions to protect themselves and their property.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

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a great man of assam essay

The Great Man I Admire Most Essay 300 Words

Introduction : Many Great men and women of our country and of foreign lands have become a great Inspiration for me. But I always reserve my admiration and appreciation for Dr.Bhupen Hazarika, one of the greatest lyricists, & great musician and singer of the world. that Assam has ever produced. This great poet and film-maker of Assan was born at Sadia on september- 8,1926. His father Nilakanta Hazartha was a Govt. official and his mother Santipriya Hazarika was a very religious lady.

Education and career : Bhupen Hazarika took his education at different places of Assam as his father had to work at different places. He got his early education at Dhuburi and Tezpur and passed the Matriculation Examination from Tezpur High School in 1940. He studied at Cotton College. Guwahati and got B.A. And M.A. Degree from Banaras Hindu University. Later he parsued for his great achivement at Colombia University and won Ph.D. Degree there. He met Priyambada Patel at Colombia University, whom he married in 1950. His only son Tez Hazarika is now a citizen of the U.S.A.

Activities : Bhupen Hazarika worked in different fields of art, culture, literature, politics and social works and emarged as a great figure. For a short period he became the professor of Gauhati University. But Bhupen Hazarika was a born artist and musician who devoted himself to work for the mass people of the world. His musical tone has a univershal appeal for “Manuhe Manuhor Baabe.” i.e. man for mankind. Bhupen Hazarika made a great number films in Assamese. He be came the Music Directors of films in different languages and won the award of best Music Directors. He became the President of Assam Sahitya Shabha of Sibsagar Season in 1993 Great Bhupen Hazarika adored the post of president of Sangeet Natak Academy of India. He was also an M.L.A. of Assam Bidhan Shabha. But all the time he was a great musician, “Shudha Kantha”. This man of great reput died on 5″ November,2011.

Conclusion : Bhupen Hazarika is really a living legend, a great lover of mankind, who went on singing for the good of all. He is an immortal soul winning the hearts of millions, from east to west. My best admiration is always for Bhupen Hazarika, who is my inspiration in life.

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BENTO4D : Rekomendasi Situs Toto Macau Resmi Terpercaya & Hadiah 4D Terunik Hari Ini 2024

Di BENTO4D Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk mendaftar sebagai bandar toto macau terpercaya dengan hadiah 4D terbesar hingga 10 juta. Kami mengundang Anda untuk menemukan keseruan permainan toto macau di situs kami yang menawarkan pengalaman bermain yang seru dan menguntungkan.

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Sebelum memulai permainan, sangat penting untuk memahami aturan dan cara bermain toto macau dengan baik. Teliti semua ketentuan yang berlaku dan pahami jenis taruhan yang tersedia. Dengan pemahaman yang baik, Anda dapat membuat keputusan yang lebih baik saat bermain.

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Essay on Assam: Exploring the Culture and Heritage of Assam

essay on assam

Essay on Assam in English

Assam, the northeastern state of India, is a land of lush green hills, meandering rivers, and an abundance of flora and fauna. The state is known for its rich cultural heritage, diverse ethnic groups, and unique traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation. Assam is also famous for its tea plantations, wildlife sanctuaries, and national parks. In this essay on Assam, we will explore the state's history, culture, and attractions that make it a fascinating destination for travelers.


The History of Assam

Assam has a long and complex history that dates back to ancient times. It was ruled by various dynasties and kingdoms such as the Kamarupa Kingdom, the Ahom Dynasty, and the British Empire. The Ahom Dynasty was the longest-ruling dynasty in Assam, and their influence is still visible in the state's culture and traditions. The state was also a center of Buddhism and Hinduism, and many temples and monasteries were built during this time.

During the British rule, Assam became a major tea-producing region, and the tea plantations are still a major attraction for tourists visiting the state. Assam was also an important center for the Indian independence movement, with many leaders such as Gopinath Bordoloi and Tarun Ram Phukan leading the movement in the region.

Today, Assam is a state that is proud of its rich history and heritage. It is a place where ancient traditions blend seamlessly with modern times, making it a unique and fascinating destination for visitors.


The Culture and Traditions of Assam

Assam is known for its diverse culture and traditions, which are a blend of various ethnic groups that reside in the state. The Bodos, Mishing, Karbis, and other tribes have their distinct cultures, languages, and customs that have been preserved for centuries.

The state is famous for its music, dance, and literature. Bihu is the most popular folk dance of Assam, and it is performed during the Bihu festival, which is celebrated three times a year. Other folk dances of Assam include Jhumur, Bagurumba, and Ali-ai Ligang. Assamese music is also rich in folk traditions, with the use of instruments such as the dhol, pepa, and taal. The state has produced many renowned writers, poets, and playwrights, such as Jyoti Prasad Agarwala, Birendra Kumar Bhattacharya, and Homen Borgohain.

Assamese cuisine is known for its unique flavors and ingredients. It is a blend of different cultures and communities, and the use of herbs and spices gives it a distinctive taste. The state is famous for its fish dishes, which are cooked with bamboo shoots and mustard oil. Other popular dishes include pitha (rice cakes), luchi (puffed bread), and khaar (a dish made with banana stem and pulses).

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The traditional attire of Assam is colorful and vibrant. The women wear the mekhela chadar, which is a two-piece garment consisting of a skirt and a shawl. The men wear dhoti and kurta or shirt.

The state also has a rich tradition of handloom weaving. The famous Assam silk is produced in the state, and it is known for its intricate designs and patterns.

Assam is also known for its festivals, which are celebrated with great enthusiasm and fervor. Bihu is the most important festival, and it is celebrated in three phases- Rongali Bihu (in April), Kongali Bihu (in October), and Bhogali Bihu (in January). Other festivals celebrated in the state include Durga Puja, Eid-ul-Fitr, and Christmas.

Overall, the culture and traditions of Assam are unique and diverse, reflecting the state's rich heritage and history.


The Cuisine of Assam

Assamese cuisine is known for its unique flavors and use of herbs and spices. The state is surrounded by hills and valleys, and its cuisine is influenced by the availability of local produce and ingredients. Assamese food is a blend of different cultures and communities, and the use of mustard oil gives it a distinctive taste.

The cuisine is dominated by non-vegetarian dishes, with fish being a staple food. The state is famous for its fish dishes, which are cooked with bamboo shoots, mustard oil, and a variety of herbs and spices. Some popular fish dishes include tenga, pitika, and masor jul. Tenga is a sour fish curry made with tomatoes, elephant apple, and lemon, while pitika is a mashed fish dish that is flavored with onions, coriander, and green chilies. Masor jul is a spicy fish curry that is made with cumin, coriander, turmeric, and ginger.

Assam is also known for its use of bamboo shoots in its cuisine. Bamboo shoots are used in a variety of dishes, including curries, pickles, and chutneys. Khar is another unique dish of Assam, which is made with banana stem and pulses. It is typically served as a side dish with rice.

Assamese cuisine also includes a variety of vegetarian dishes. Some popular vegetarian dishes include kharoli, xaak aru bhaji, and pitika. Kharoli is a lentil-based dish that is cooked with mustard greens and tomatoes, while xaak aru bhaji is a mixed vegetable dish that is flavored with ginger, garlic, and green chilies. Pitika is a mashed vegetable dish that is made with potatoes, eggplants, or pumpkin and is flavored with onions, coriander, and green chilies.

Assam is also famous for its desserts, which are made with rice flour and jaggery. Pitha is a popular dessert that is made with rice flour and stuffed with coconut or sesame seeds. Narikol Pitha is another popular dessert that is made with coconut and jaggery.

Assamese cuisine is a blend of different cultures and communities, reflecting the state's diverse and rich heritage. Its unique flavors and use of local produce make it a must-try for food lovers.


The Wildlife of Assam

Assam is known for its rich biodiversity and is home to a variety of wildlife species. The state is located in the northeastern part of India and is blessed with lush green forests, grasslands, and wetlands. The Brahmaputra River, which flows through the state, also adds to the ecological diversity of the region.

Kaziranga National Park, located in Assam, is one of the most famous wildlife sanctuaries in the world. It is home to the one-horned Indian rhinoceros, which is an endangered species. The park is also home to a variety of other animals, including tigers, elephants, wild buffaloes, and swamp deer. The park is also a bird watcher's paradise, with over 400 species of birds found in the region.

Manas National Park is another famous wildlife sanctuary in Assam. It is located in the western part of the state and is known for its rich flora and fauna. The park is home to the Bengal tiger, elephant, wild buffalo, and the one-horned rhinoceros. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage site and has been recognized for its outstanding natural beauty.

Nameri National Park, located in the northern part of Assam, is another wildlife sanctuary that is known for its diverse wildlife. The park is home to the clouded leopard, elephant, gaur, and several species of birds. The park is also famous for its trekking trails and river rafting facilities.

Apart from these national parks, Assam is also home to several wildlife reserves and sanctuaries, including Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary, Orang National Park, and Dibru-Saikhowa National Park. These sanctuaries are known for their unique flora and fauna and provide a natural habitat for a variety of animals and birds.

The wildlife of Assam is a unique and diverse treasure. The state's lush green forests and wetlands provide a perfect natural habitat for a variety of animals and birds. It is a must-visit destination for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers.


The Tea Plantations of Assam

Assam is known worldwide for its tea plantations and is the largest tea producing state in India. The state is home to over 800 tea gardens that produce high-quality tea that is exported to different parts of the world. The tea gardens of Assam are a major attraction for tourists, and the scenic beauty of these gardens is breathtaking.

The history of tea production in Assam dates back to the early 19th century when the British introduced tea cultivation in the region. Today, tea cultivation is the primary occupation of the people living in the region. The tea gardens are spread over an area of over 200,000 hectares, and the state produces over 600 million kg of tea annually.

The tea grown in Assam has a distinct flavor and aroma and is known for its strong, full-bodied taste. The tea is grown in low-lying regions of the state, and the fertile soil and humid climate provide ideal conditions for tea cultivation. The tea gardens are situated amidst scenic locations, and the vast expanses of green tea bushes create a mesmerizing landscape.

The tea industry is a major contributor to the economy of Assam, providing employment to over a million people. The tea gardens also promote eco-tourism, and many tea estates offer tours of their facilities, including tea tasting sessions and visits to the tea processing factories.

Some of the most famous tea gardens in Assam include the Dibrugarh Tea Estate, the Margherita Tea Estate, and the Jorhat Tea Estate. These tea gardens produce high-quality tea that is exported to different parts of the world.

The tea plantations of Assam are a major attraction for tourists, and the state's tea industry is a significant contributor to the economy. The scenic beauty of these tea gardens and the unique flavor of the tea produced here make it a must-visit destination for tea lovers and nature enthusiasts.


The Festivals of Assam

Assam is known for its vibrant culture and rich traditions, which are reflected in the various festivals celebrated throughout the year. These festivals are an integral part of the state's social and cultural fabric and showcase the diversity and ethnicity of the people of Assam.

Bihu is the most famous festival in Assam and is celebrated three times a year - Rongali Bihu, Kati Bihu, and Bhogali Bihu. Rongali Bihu is celebrated in April, and it marks the beginning of the Assamese New Year. It is a seven-day festival, during which people perform traditional dance and music, and indulge in feasting and merrymaking. Kati Bihu is celebrated in October and is also known as the Kangali Bihu or the Poor Bihu. It is a simple festival where people pray for a good harvest and light lamps in their homes. Bhogali Bihu, also known as Magh Bihu, is celebrated in January and is a harvest festival where people indulge in feasting and bonfire.

Another famous festival in Assam is Durga Puja, which is celebrated in October and is dedicated to the Hindu goddess Durga. It is a ten-day festival, during which people worship the goddess and perform traditional dance and music. The festival culminates in Vijayadashami, where the idol of the goddess is immersed in water.

Ambubachi Mela is a unique festival that is celebrated in the Kamakhya Temple in Guwahati. It is a four-day festival that is dedicated to the Hindu goddess Kamakhya, and is celebrated during the monsoon season. The festival marks the annual menstruation cycle of the goddess, and during this time, the temple remains closed.

Other festivals celebrated in Assam include the Brahmaputra Beach Festival, Bwisagu Festival, Ali-Ai-Ligang Festival, and Baishagu Festival. These festivals celebrate the state's rich cultural heritage and traditions, and showcase the diversity of the people of Assam.

The festivals of Assam are a celebration of the state's rich cultural heritage and traditions. These festivals are a time for people to come together and indulge in feasting, music, and dance. The vibrant and colorful celebrations of these festivals make Assam a must-visit destination for travelers who want to experience the culture and traditions of the state.


Short Essay on Assam in English

Assam is a state located in northeastern India, known for its natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and diverse ethnic groups. It is surrounded by the foothills of the Himalayas to the north and the Brahmaputra River to the south.

Assam is famous for its tea plantations, and the state is one of the largest tea producers in the world. The lush green tea gardens spread across the state are a sight to behold. The Kaziranga National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is also located in Assam. It is home to the one-horned rhinoceros and several other endangered species.

The state is home to several tribes and communities, including the Assamese, Bodo, Karbi, and Mishing, among others. Each community has its unique traditions, cuisine, and festivals. The Bihu festival, celebrated in January, April, and October, is one of the most important festivals of Assam. The festival marks the onset of the harvest season and is celebrated with great enthusiasm across the state.

Assam's cuisine is a blend of various cultures, and the use of bamboo shoots and mustard oil is a common feature in many dishes. The traditional Assamese thali is a must-try for anyone visiting the state. Assam's handicrafts, such as bamboo and cane products, silk fabrics, and pottery, are also popular.

The state has a rich history, and several ancient monuments and temples can be found here. The Kamakhya Temple, located on a hill in Guwahati, is one of the most revered temples in the country. The temple is dedicated to Goddess Kamakhya and attracts thousands of devotees every year.

Assam has made significant progress in recent years in terms of infrastructure development, education, and healthcare. The state has several prestigious educational institutions, including the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati and the Assam Medical College. The government has also taken several initiatives to promote tourism in the state, and Assam is emerging as a popular destination for travelers from across the world.

Assam is a unique state that offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural diversity, and rich history. A visit to Assam is sure to leave you mesmerized and wanting to come back for more.


10 Lines Essay on Assam

  • Assam is a state located in the northeastern part of India.
  • It is known for its rich cultural heritage and diverse ethnic groups.
  • Assam is surrounded by the foothills of the Himalayas and the Brahmaputra River.
  • The state is one of the largest tea producers in the world and has lush green tea gardens.
  • Assam is home to several tribes and communities, each with its unique traditions and festivals.
  • The Bihu festival, celebrated in January, April, and October, is one of the most important festivals of Assam.
  • The state's cuisine is a blend of various cultures, and the use of bamboo shoots and mustard oil is common in many dishes.
  • Assam has several ancient monuments and temples, including the Kamakhya Temple in Guwahati.
  • The state has made significant progress in terms of infrastructure development, education, and healthcare.
  • Assam is emerging as a popular destination for travelers from across the world, thanks to its natural beauty and rich cultural heritage.

Q: Where is Assam located?

A: Assam is located in the northeastern part of India.

Q: What is Assam famous for?

A: Assam is famous for its tea plantations, natural beauty, diverse ethnic groups, and rich cultural heritage.

Q: What is the major river that flows through Assam?

A: The Brahmaputra River is the major river that flows through Assam.

Q: What is the traditional festival of Assam?

A: The Bihu festival is the traditional festival of Assam. It is celebrated in January, April, and October and marks the onset of the harvest season.

Q: What is the cuisine of Assam like?

A: The cuisine of Assam is a blend of various cultures and includes the use of bamboo shoots and mustard oil in many dishes. The traditional Assamese thali is a must-try for anyone visiting the state.

Q: What are some popular tourist attractions in Assam?

A: Some popular tourist attractions in Assam include the Kaziranga National Park, the Kamakhya Temple in Guwahati, and the tea gardens.

Q: What is the state of education and healthcare in Assam?

A: Assam has made significant progress in terms of infrastructure development, education, and healthcare. The state has several prestigious educational institutions and has taken initiatives to improve healthcare facilities.

Q: What is the future of tourism in Assam?

A: Assam is emerging as a popular destination for travelers from across the world, and the government is taking several initiatives to promote tourism in the state. The future of tourism in Assam looks promising.

Assam is a unique and beautiful state in northeastern India that offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, diverse cultures, and rich history. The state's tea plantations, lush green forests, and diverse ethnic groups make it a popular destination for travelers from across the world. Assam's progress in terms of infrastructure development, education, and healthcare is commendable.

The government's initiatives to promote tourism in the state are likely to further boost the state's economy and provide employment opportunities to the local population. A visit to Assam is a must for anyone looking for an unforgettable experience of India's diverse cultural and natural heritage.

We hope that you enjoyed reading essay on assam. If you have any queries or issues, please feel free to connect with us on our  Facebook page . We are always happy to help and would love to hear your feedback. Thank you for taking the time to read our essay, and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

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