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Essay on Female Foeticide

Female Foeticide is the termination of female fetuses in the wombs of their mothers, for the selfish greed of having a male child. It is a matter of deep shame and a cause of great concern. The evil of Female Foeticide is deeply entrenched in our society and pervades all classes and castes of society. It is very heart-wrenching when a family does not think twice before killing a girl-child, though they indulge themselves in praying religiously to Goddess Lakshmi, Kali, and Durga. 

Even though prenatal sex determination results in fines as it is against the law, the civilians somehow find a way or an alternative method to detect the gender of the child, leading to bizarre situations as people often terminate the fetus. Despite several laws passed by the government, Female Foeticide is still prevailing and is common in India. It still lies in the roots of the country, worsening the condition of those women who are getting entangled in this horrific web of discriminating society.

What is Female Foeticide?

Female Foeticide is a medical procedure where a female fetus is aborted in the womb of the pregnant woman after identifying the gender of the fetus through ultrasound. This act is illegal in India. It is a social issue that causes unfair treatment of different genders in society.

When women get married, they have many dreams and aspirations for the new phase of life. They dream of having a good family and children. In India, however, pregnancy is often followed by the question of whether the unborn child is a girl or a boy. In our country, many people have a major obsession with sons. They think that a son is a cause for joy and lifetime security, and celebration. They have the view that a girl child is a cause of an economic drain as her marriage and dowry will crush the family under a huge burden of debts. 

Besides, we live in a patriarchal society where sons will always be preferred over girls as they are seen as lesser prized objects and weaker than men. Moreover, the social custom of India to marry off their daughters into a family of higher status is also a root cause of this issue, and the kin of the groom demands huge dowry consisting of a certain amount. Especially in rural areas, men are believed to take care of the family heritage and pass on the family lineage while protecting the family name. This proves that even though women's empowerment is an important subject in this era, people still do not believe in equality, due to the backward thinking of certain people around the world.

While it is often believed that such ill practices are largely part of the lower strata of society, shockingly there have been many revelations recently that even wealthy Indian couples are flocking to neighboring countries to know the gender of the fetus as it is illegal here in India. 

Causes of Female Foeticide

Even though Female Foeticide has been in practice for several years due to preference of a male child over female, not just financial but several social, emotional, and religious causes are the reason behind this heinous crime. However, certain beliefs of some families cannot be changed, but it is high time we showcase their ongoing crisis to lead a better future.  It is interesting to learn the reasons that lead to such a biased mindset. 

Some believe that boys are an investment while girls are economic drainers. 

They also believe that boys would grow the family’s lineage and would secure their parents’ future.

The girls are considered a liability, as they need to be married off with enormous dowry. 

Some believe that in a male-dominated society, it is easy to bring up a boy since the safety of the females is a big issue, and raising girls involves trouble. 

Poverty, illiteracy, and insecurity play a major role in this. 

In a male-dominated society, females are still considered subordinate and inferior to males.

Some backward families believe that having a boy child is going to uplift the status of the family. 

They can demand dowry in marriage from the bride’s family for their son.

This illegal practice has affected the scale of the population. According to the statistics of the General Office for Population Family Planning, the number of newborn boys and girls is unequal because of the discrimination of genders. Unfortunately, this situation has been persisting for over a very long time. The impacts of it on the population are rather huge. As per the report of the Ministry of Public Health, it is estimated that, despite the attempts to reduce the fluctuation between the birth of boys and girls, in 2020 there will be 4.3 million more men than women which might have huge repercussions.

Measures to Control

A lot of measures have been taken to fight against this illegal practice.

The government of India has initiated education and media advertisements to reach hospitals and clinics and medical professionals to increase awareness. 

The Indian Medical Association has shouldered efforts to prevent prenatal sex determination by promoting ‘Beti-Bachao’ during its meeting and conferences. 

The campaign of Beti-Bachao is initiated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to raise awareness of the gender disparities created and resulting from sex-selective abortion.

Some policies initiated by many states in India attempt to address the assumed economic disadvantage of girls by offering aids to girls and their parents. 

The dowry system, one of the main causes of Female Foeticide, should be abolished from society. 

Some policies provide scholarships and cash credits only to girls. 

Medical licenses must be terminated with immediate effect for the practitioners who are conducting Female Foeticide. 

The families who are forcing this act on their daughters-in-law should be penalized. 

Young women and girls should be empowered to stand for their rights. They should be self-reliant and become capable of making their decisions. 

Through a lot of awareness, consideration, and understanding, we can bring a shift in our beliefs and perceptions of society to give equal space to the girl child. Besides, there is no past, present, or future without a woman and female infanticide or Female Foeticide should be considered as suicide. If we do not make a change and secure the future of these girls now, then the consequences would be dangerous and there would be no coming back from that curse. So, a little change in our mindset and attitude is all that is needed to welcome daughters in our hearts and this world.


FAQs on Female Foeticide Essay

1. What is Female Foeticide?

Female foeticide is a medical procedure where a female fetus is aborted in the womb of the pregnant woman after identifying the gender of the fetus through ultrasound.

2. What are the Causes that Lead to Female Foeticide?

The causes that lead to female foeticide are poverty, illiteracy, etc. The downtrodden thoughts of some people who think that having a boy child would give them a status in society is another major cause of female foeticide. Some people hold the views that girls are consumers and boys are producers. They also believe that boys will carry on the name of the family and the lineage. Some also think that girls are a burden for the family, as they have to give dowry to get her married. Many also want a boy child so that they can demand dowry from the bride’s family. 

3. What Campaign did Narendra Modi Start?

Our Prime Minister, Narendra Modi started the campaign of Beti-Bachao. The objective of this campaign was to raise awareness of the gender disparities creating and resulting from sex-selective abortion.

4. What Measures should the Government Take to Prevent Female Foeticide?

The government, with the help of the media, should create awareness of the disadvantages of this practice. Women and young girls should be empowered so that they become self-reliant and capable of making their own decisions. The families who force this evil act on their daughters-in-law and the medical practitioners should be penalized heavily. 

5. Is Female Foeticide a symptom of an underlying disease?

Yes, Female Foeticide is a malady and it is increasing, especially in rural areas, as families of these girls often perceive that having daughters is a liability and bearing them is economic stress on them. It further does not provide them with any social advantages, following which having a male child in the upcoming generation gives them a sense of advantage. Besides, this situation is quite clear from the declining sex ratio in several parts of the country, raising an alarm in the northern states.

6. Why are sons preferred in the country?

Sons are often looked up to as a type of insurance for the family and are expected to work and earn in the fields, look after their parents during times of distress, and have a good income to support the family. Sons are expected to have the responsibility of the family and preserve the family name. Moreover, in Hindu culture, for the salvation of the spirit, the son sets fire on the funeral pyre. Due to this strong preference for a male child, the life of daughters is getting endangered.

7. How to stop the cruel practice of Female Foeticide?

Keeping the Female Foeticide instances in mind, the government launched several campaigns to save the girl child while several NGOs are actively taking part in it to emphasize the seriousness of the issue. Moreover, the community leaders should also assure success in such campaigns as people need to believe that having a daughter is not a burden and killing them is punishable by the offense. Besides, it needs to be proven that women can achieve all the milestones a man does in every field.

8. How to curb easy access to ultrasonography?

The weak law enforcement in the country and easy access to people wanting to get ultrasonography to determine the gender of the child needs to halt while the government bodies need to a strict vision on all health care centres where sonography takes place and even the abortion clinic to avoid any mishap. Moreover, the doctors or healthcare employees should not promote the unethical way to help parents know the sex of the child as it is illegal and endangers the life of the child inside the womb.

9. What are the strategies to eliminate Female Foeticide?

Some of the strategies to eliminate Female Foeticide include empowerment and education of women while both the electronic and print media can play a significant role in curbing the crisis. Media can help in promoting the positive image of a girl child and remove the gender bias situations in the country. However, bringing such a change is not possible overnight, and changing people’s attitude towards women needs to be adopted by several. Besides, the elimination of gender disparities should be monitored by the high-level authorities. For more information and answers, check Vedantu for free study materials available on its app and website.

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Essay on Female Foeticide for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Female foeticide refers to the illegal abortion of female foetus. Despite strictly banned by law, female foeticide in India is still in practice. The crime stems from the want of not having a girl child, by the society which considers girls as an additional liability on her parents. Female foeticide is a blot on nation’s aspirations of gender equality and women empowerment; which are mere words unless female foeticide is successfully eliminated. It also has far reaching consequences on the society, like a higher male to female sex ratio. Lesser number of females than males in any particular region leads to illegal trafficking of females from other locations to that region, technically called flesh trade.

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Long and Short Essay on Female Foeticide in English

Following are some essay on female foeticide in India.

All the Female Foeticide essay are very simple and easy, written for students use.

Female foeticide is very important topic which students may be assigned to write complete essay or only paragraph during their exam or essay writing competition.

Students can select any of the essays on Female Foeticide according to their need and requirement.

Female Foeticide Essay 1 (100 words)

Female foeticide is in practice in India from the time of advent of technological advancements in medical field like prenatal sex determination in the 1990s. However, earlier to this, female childs were killing after their birth in many regions of the country. In the Indian society, female childs are considered as the social and economic burden to their parents so they understand that it is better to kill them before birth. No one understands its negative aspect in the future. The female sex ratio in comparison to the males has been reduced to a great extent (8 males per one female). It is not easy to compensate the sex ratio even if we stop female foeticide completely in the next few years.

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Female Foeticide Essay 2 (150 words)

Female foeticide is the removal of healthy female foetus after 18 weeks of gestation from the mother uterus just because the child is female. Parents and society consider a girl child burden over them and understand that girls are consumers whereas boys are producers. There are lots of myths in the Indian society about girls from the ancient time that girls always take and boys always give. This wrong practice of female foeticide is coming from years because of many reasons. However, can be removed by regular practice of following points:

  • There should be strong ethical code for the doctors.
  • Everyone should be in the favor of removal of sex discrimination and away from the traditional teachings against girls in the society.
  • Women should be empowered to deal with discriminatory practices in the society like dowry system, etc.
  • There should be immediate complaint registration system for all women.
  • Female foeticide awareness program should be run to aware common public.
  • Assessment of the status of women (regarding female mortality, sex ratio, literacy and economic participation) should be done on regular interval of time.

Female Foeticide Essay 3 (200 words)

Since the ancient time, women in the Indian society are considered as a curse for their family and society. Due to these reasons, female foeticide has been in practice for many years in the India from the time of technological advancement. According to the census of 2001, female and male ratio has been 927 to 1000. Few years ago, almost all the couple was used of the sex determination tests to know the sex of the infant before birth. And abortion was sure in case of girl baby.

Development of ultrasound technique was the origin of sex determination tests in the early 1990’s. People in the Indian society are used to of giving birth to the child continuously until they get boy baby by killing all the girl baby earlier to the boy. In order to control the population and stop female foeticide, Government of India made various rules and regulations against female foeticide and trend of abortions after sex determination tests. Killing of a baby girl through abortion has been an offence all through the country. Doctors found performing sex determination tests and abortions especially for killing girl baby would be guilty and lose their license. Awareness about the importance of girl child in the society is major weapon to get relief from the female foeticide.

Female Foeticide Essay 4 (250 words)

What is Female Foeticide

Female foeticide is the process of abortion to terminate female foetus from the womb of mother before birth after the sex determination tests like ultrasound scan. Female foeticide and even any sex determination test is illegal in India. It is the shame for the parents who are desperate for a baby boy as well as doctors carrying out abortions especially for this.

Causes of Female Foeticide

Female foeticide have been in practice for centuries especially for the families who prefer only male child. Various religious, social, financial and emotional reasons are also there. Time has been changed now to a great extent however, various reasons and beliefs are continuing in some families. Some key reasons of female foeticide are:

  • Generally parents avoid girl baby because they have to pay a big amount (more than their strength) as a dowry at daughter’s marriage.
  • There is a believe that girls are always consumer and boys are producer. Parents understand that son earn money for them whole life and care their parents however girls will get married a day and go away.
  • There is a myth that son will carry name of family in future whereas girl have to carry husband’s family.
  • Parents and grandparents understand their honor while having boy baby in the family whereas shame having daughter.
  • There is a pressure on new bride of the family to give birth to a male child thus she is forced to go for sex determination and abortion if girl baby.
  • Illiteracy, insecurity and poverty of people in society are main reasons of girl baby burden.
  • Technological advancement in the science and utilities has made this very easy for parents.

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Female Foeticide Essay 5 (300 words)


Female foeticide is the termination of a girl foetus in the womb before its complete term just because it is female. According to the statistics, it is found that male to female sex ratio is 102.4 males/100 females in 1961, 104.1 males/100 females in 1981, 107.8 males/100 females in 2001, and 108.8 males/100 females in 2011. It shows that number of male per female is increasing regularly. Female foeticide was almost started in the early 1990s on the coming of affordable ultrasound technology in India.

The advancement of ultrasound technology in India came in 1979 however its spread was slow. But became widespread in 2000s. It is estimated that since 1990s, more than 10 million of female foetuses have been aborted because of being girl. We can see that female foeticide has been practiced through the history and cultural background. Earlier, people believed that male babies are superior as they would provide manual labor as well as lead the family lineage in future. Son is considered as family asset however a daughter is a liability.

Daughters are given less respect and priority than sons in Indian society from the ancient time. They did not have same access like boys in the areas of education, healthcare, nutrition, play, etc. In order to combat with sex-selective abortions, there should be high level awareness among common public. Satyamev Jayate, a most famous programme run by the Aamir Khan on TV has done great to raise awareness among common public through its first episode of “Daughters Are Precious”. Cultural interventions regarding this issue are need to be addressed through awareness programmes. Recent awareness programmes like Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, or Save girls campaign, etc have been made regarding girl’s rights.

Female Foeticide Essay 6 (400 words)

Female foeticide is the elimination of girl child after sex determination test from the womb. Girl child is killed before birth just to fulfill the wishes of old members in the family of getting boy baby first. All the process gone under familial pressure especially by husband or in-laws. General reason behind abortion becomes unplanned pregnancy however female foeticide becomes planned by the families. It is the age old practice to kill ever unwanted girl child in the Indian society.

People believe that boys are the key to continue their family lineage however they do not understand the most simple thing that girls are reasons to give birth to new entity in the world not boys.

Reasons of Female Foeticide

Female foeticide is an unethical act has been practiced from old age due to some cultural norms and socio-economic policies. Following are the reasons of female foeticide in the Indian society:

  • The important reason of female foeticide is the preference of male child over girl child because son is the main source of income however girls are consumer. There is a misconception in the society that boys are always look after their parents however girls are to left them away.
  • Old custom of dowry system in India has put a big challenge before parents which is the main reason to avoid girl child by the parents.
  • Low status of women in the male dominated Indian society.
  • Parents consider that boys would carry their name ahead in the society however girls are only to handle households.
  • Legalization of abortion in India is another big reason for the illegal sex determination and termination of girl baby.
  • Technological advancement in the health sector has given fire to the female foeticide.

Effective Measures to Control:

As we all know that female foeticide is a crime and social disaster for the future of women. We should notice the reasons for female foeticide in the Indian society and try to solve one by one on regular basis. Female infanticide or female feticide is mainly because of the sex determination. There should be legal stoppage to get control over it. All the laws should be strictly followed by the every citizens of India. And one should be surely punished if found guilty for this cruel practice. Permanent termination of license should be done if found practicing this. Marketing of medical equipments especially for illegal sex determination and abortion should be stopped. Parents should be penalized who want to kill their girl baby. Campaigns and seminars should be regularly organized to aware young couples. Women should be empowered so that they can be more attentive to their rights.

Varieties of essay on female foeticide given above are written for the range of students studying in classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc. Students of any class can select and use any female foeticide essay according to their need and requirement. Apart from this, you can also get other related essays and related information on various topics such as:

Article on Female Foeticide

Slogans on Female Foeticide

Essay on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

Speech on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

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Speech on Save Girl Child

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Essay on Female Foeticide for Students and Children

500+ words essay on female foeticide.

Female foeticide is the aborting of a girl fetus in the womb before its complete growth. Why? This is because that it is female? Female foeticide has become a disgraceful and shocking truth of our nation. In India a strong fondness for sons over daughter. People desire smaller families with comparatively greater sons by abuse medical technologies. It is one of the main motives for declining sex ratio.

essay on female foeticide

What is Female Foeticide?

Female foeticide is the procedure of abortion to terminate female fetus from the womb of the mother before taking birth after the sex recognition tests like an ultrasound scan. Female foeticide and even any sex recognition test is illegal in India. It is the shame for the parents who are despairing for a baby boy as well as doctors doing abortions especially for this.

Causes of Female Foeticide:

Female foeticide has been in practice for periods especially for the families who have a preference only male child. Several religious, social, financial and emotional are the reason for female foeticide. Therefore the time has been changed now much however, many reasons and beliefs are ongoing in some families. Some main reasons for female foeticide are:

  • Generally, parents don’t want a girl baby because they have to give a big amount as a dowry at daughter’s marriage.
  • There is a faith that girls are always consumer and boys are the only producer. Thus Parents understand that son will earn money for the whole life and care their parents however girls will get married a day and will have a separate family.
  • There is a belief that the son will carry the name of the family in future however the girl has to carry the husband’s family.
  • This is a prestige issue in society for parent and grandparent to have a boy baby in the family besides having a daughter.
  • There is a stress on the new bride of the family to give birth to a male child so she is enforced to go for sex recognition and abort if girl baby.
  • Illiteracy, insecurity, and poverty of people in society are also major reasons for girl baby burden.
  • Science and Technological advancement and utilities have made this very easy task for parents.

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Impact of female foeticide on the sex ratio:

Sex ratio denotes the ratio of females to males in a specific region. Many practices like female foeticide and female infanticide (killing a baby girl after her birth) have had a contrary influence on the sex ratio. Thus it rises and promotes many social evils.

As per the decennial Indian census, Sex Ratio of India is 107.48. It means 107.48 males per 100 females in 2019. Therefore India has 930 females per 1000 males. So, India has 48.20% female population compare to 51.80% male population.

Effective Measures to Control:

As we all know that female foeticide is a crime and social evil for the future of women. Hence we should notice the causes for female foeticide in Indian society. Female infanticide or female feticide is primarily because of sex determination. Some measures are:

  • Law must be implemented and one should be surely punished if found guilty for this unkind exercise.
  • Permanent cancellation of license should be done if it is going on in medical practice.
  • Marketing of medical tools specifically for illegal sex determination and abortion should be a bane.
  • Parents must be fined who want to kill their girl baby.
  • Campaigns and seminars should be regularly held to aware of young couples.
  • Women should be aware so that they can be more attentive to their rights.


Forthcoming is the name of your girl child, past is the name of your mother. This is the reality that NO PRESENT, NO PAST, NO FUTURE WITHOUT GIRL CHILD. Female foeticide is suicide. So, save the girl child and secure the future. There will be the dangerous results of the female feticide. Demography reports warn India that in the next twenty years there will be a scarcity of brides in the marriage market mostly because of the adverse sex ratio.

400 Words Essay on Female Foeticide

Female foeticide refers to a practice which removes the female fetus after 18 weeks of growth in the uterus . This practice happens due to the child’s sex being female. In other words, it is a very regressive and shameful practice which still takes place in many parts of the world.

Female Foeticide Essay

Moreover, this practice just goes to show the importance of women in society. People do not consider girls to be equal and only inferior to boys, which is why they kill a girl before being born. Furthermore, there are various causes of this practice which needs to be identified and resolved.

Causes of Female Foeticide

Female foeticide is completely unethical and illegal. This practice has roots in ancient history which people are following till date. There are various cultural and socio-economic reasons behind it. Most importantly, the sexism prevalent in the world is one of the main reasons for this practice. People prefer a boy over a girl even today. The reason behind this is the regressive thinking that the son will earn while the girls will only consume.

Moreover, another social evil of dowry makes people commit this crime. The old-age custom of dowry burdens the parents from the day a girl is born. This poses a big challenge for the parents who have to stress about her marriage and dowry all their lives. Furthermore, the low status given to women in this male-dominated world is another cause of female foeticide.

Above all, we see how parents only consider their children to carry forward their legacy. This totally neglects the girl’s importance and forces her to only handle the household work. Similarly, the technological advancements in today’s world have made it easier for anyone to get an abortion done and determine the sex of the child.

Ways to Prevent Female Foeticide

It is very clear by now that female foeticide is a crime and a great social disaster. After identifying the reasons behind this unethical practice, we must strive to eradicate it completely. Firstly, sex determination is a great cause for this crime. Thus, the determination of the sex of the fetus must be made illegal. Moreover, stringent measures must be taken to ensure they are followed correctly.

Furthermore, the government must ban the easy availability of the medical equipment one needs for sex determination and abortion. They must jail those found guilty of practicing this crime must and government must terminate their license. Moreover, the parents who aim to do it must be penalized heavily. Above all, people must be made aware of this unethical practice at all levels. We must empower our young women and girls to practice their right diligently.

In conclusion, we must respect the daughters of our country. Also, they must be given the same priority as their sons. Girls do not have access to education, healthcare and more as the boys do. This is why parents consider them a burden. Therefore, all these facilities must be made accessible to them for the same. This will help them create an identity of their own.

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Essay on Female Foeticide

Essay on Female Foeticide for Students and Children in 1500+ Words

In this article, you will read an Essay on Female Foeticide for Students and Children in 1500 words. Also about its history, causes, cultural significance, and law for this.

Table of Contents

Introduction (Essay on Female Foeticide)

Female foeticide in India is the abortion of a female foetus outside of legal means. The frequency of female foeticide killing in India is increasing day by day. The natural sex ratio is between 103 and 107, and a higher number shows female foeticide. 

According to the Census of India, the sex ratio of 0 to 6-year-olds in India increased to 102.4 per 100 women in 1961, 104.2 in 1980, 104.5 in 2001 and 108.5 in 2011.

The sex ratio of children is within the natural range of all the eastern and southern states of India, but only slightly higher in some western and especially northwestern states of Maharashtra, Haryana and Jammu and Kashmir (118, 120 and 116, respectively).

According to the 2011 Western Census, the sex ratio of child sex in Maharashtra and Rajasthan is at 113, Gujarat at 112, and Uttar Pradesh at 111.

Census data of India shows that there is a positive relationship between the exceptional sex ratio and functional socio-economic status and literacy. It may be linked to the practice of dowry in India, where dowry kills when a girl lives under financial burden. 

According to 1991, 2001 and 2011 census, the sex ratio is higher in urban India, while female foeticide is higher in urban India. Similarly, the sex ratios of over 115 girls per 100 girls are found in areas where Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs or Christians are more likely.  

There is a “normal” child sex ratio of 104 to 106 boys per 100 girls in areas where Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs or Christians are more likely. These data refute any hypothesis that suggests that sexual selection is an ancient practice that occurs among the illiterate, poor, or particular religions of Indian society.

There is debate whether these high sex ratios are solely because of female foeticide or because natural causes explain some higher ratios. The Pre-Conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques Act (PCPNDT) was passed by the Government of India in 1994 to prohibit and punish preterm sex tests and female foetus. 

It is illegal for anyone to determine or disclose the sex of the foetus in India. However, there are concerns that the PCPNDT law authorities are not adequately enforcing it.

High gender ratio implications

The school of scholars suggests that the sex ratio of boys’ sex with girls outside the normal 105-107 range is essentially a sex-selective abortion. These scholars claim that the sex ratio at birth and the sex ratio at birth are very stable in the human population.

Significant deviations in the standard range-to-sex rate can only be explained by manipulation, i.e. sex-selective abortion. In a widely cited article, Amartya Sen compared the birth sex ratio in Europe (106) and the United States (105) with that of people in Asia (107+). 

It argued that East Asia, West Asia, and South Asia might have a higher sex ratio may be because of excessive female deaths. Sen’s research suggests that women and men have a better survival rate if men and women receive the same nutrition and medicine and good health care, and that genetically fragile men have sex. 

Census claims that the number of ‘missing women’ from extra women surviving in Asia was like men in Europe and the United States. According to Sen, the high birth-sex ratio for decades represents an 11% drop in females in Asia, or over 100 million women missing from India’s 3 billion populations.

Reasons for female foeticide

Various theories have been proposed as reasons for sex-selective abortions. Some researchers favour culture, and some parties dislike access to gender-biased resources. Natural causes may also explain some unusual sexual proportions. Klassen and Wink suggest that high sex ratios in India and China are mainly the result of sex-selective abortions.

Cultural significance

The school of scholars suggests that female foetus can be traced through history and cultural background. Generally, male babies are preferred because they provide humanitarian labour and success to the family lineage. 

The abortion of a female foetus is widespread in areas where cultural norms are emphasised on males for various social and economic reasons. They often prefer the son as an “asset” because he can earn and nurture a family. A daughter is a “liability” because she marries another family and therefore does not financially support her parents. 

Female foeticide is a different form of prevention or postpartum healthcare in some households. In some cultures, sons are expected to look after parents in their old age. These factors are complicated by the impact of diseases on the sex ratio of children, where infectious and non-infectious diseases affect men and women differently.

Dowry system:

Although the dowry system is legally abolished with the Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961, the prevalence of corruption and corruption in supervised families continues throughout India. Dowry means paying from the bride’s family to the groom’s family at the time of the wedding. 

Theoretically, selecting a partner increases the benefit of the marriage and has equal returns for both participants. It means that Pareto is correct and balanced when no one chooses to get along well with another partner or decide not to marry.

However, if both partners do not share the same returns, there must be a transfer of funds between them to reach efficiency. In Indian society, economic growth has allowed men to work and earn income in “productive” jobs, but most women do not tolerate these opportunities. 

Therefore, women and their families must compete for men and pay the dowry for the lack of productive inputs that bring them into marriage. The dowry trend in India has been growing over the past six decades. Between 1921 and 1981 there was an increase of 15 percent. This partnership is of great importance to women so they can reap the benefits so they can benefit. 

The power hierarchies and financial obligations created by this system help support actions such as female foeticide and high son preference. Technological advances leading to sex-selective abortions reduce the cost of discrimination, and many consider it better to pay “now 500 rupees (abortion)” instead of 50,000 (dowry).

Also, dowry costs are beyond marriage. The bride’s family will bear the burden of high prices for the groom.

India’s weak social security system:

Another reason for this male preference is the financial benefits of having a son and the cost of becoming a daughter. In India, there is a minimal social security system, so parents look to their sons to look after and care for their future in old age. Daughters are responsible because they have to move to another family after they are married and cannot look after their parents. 

Also, they do not finance family wealth and are expensive because of the dowry system. In India, people view men’s work as “productive” and contribute to the family, but this concept is lacking in the social perception of female labour. They also relate it to men getting high-paying jobs in India and financing their families. 

Women need to increase access to education and financial resources to reach lucrative employment levels and change public perception of daughters’ financial responsibilities. With this cost and benefit analysis, many families have concluded that women’s lives should be prioritised over the lives of male children to ensure their financial future.

The traditional social security system in India is family-centred, with three generations of joint families living together and looking after each other.

Law and Governance:

India passed its first abortion-related legislation, known as the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 1971, which legalised abortion in most states, but included legal reasons for abortion, medical risks, and rape for the mother. The law also established doctors who could legally provide preventive procedures and facilities, but females were not afraid of technological advances. 

With claims of the availability of sex screening technologies in India and its abuse in urban India in the 1980s, the Government of India passed the Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques Act (PNDT) in 1994. 

They revised this law in the earlier sense and Prevention and Prevention of Prenatal Sex Screening and Female Fetal Injury in the Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (Regulation and Prevention of Abuse) (PCPNDT) Act 2004. However, there are concerns that there has been no implementation of the PCPNDT law authorities.

The impact of Indian laws on female foeticide and its implementation is unclear. In 2009, the Government of India asked the United Nations Population Fund and the National Human Rights Commission of India to assess the impact of the law.

The Public Health Foundation of India, in its 2010 report, noted that in some parts of India there is a lack of awareness of the law, the inaccurate role of authorities, and the role of some clinics in prenatal care services. 

Some doctors disobeyed the law. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of India is targeting education and media advertising to reach out to clinics and medical professionals to raise awareness. At its meetings and conferences, the Indian Medical Association has made efforts to prevent prenatal gender selection by giving Beti Bachao (Save the Daughter) to its members. 

More recently, a study by Nandi and Deolikar (2013) stated that the 1994 PNDT Act might be. Stopping 106,000 female foetuses in a decade had minor effect.

According to a 2007 study by McPherson, the Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques Act (PCPNDT Act) is well-publicised by non-governmental organisations and the government. Many advertisements portray abortion as violent, and the fear of abortion taking place in the population. 

The ads focus on religious insults related to abortion. Macpherson said the media campaign was ineffective because some viewed it as an attack on his character, and many shut down rather than openly discuss the issue. This emphasis on morality, McPherson claims, increased the fear and shame associated with all abortions, leading to the rise of unsafe abortion in India.

The Government of India, in its 2011 report, welled educate all stakeholders about its MTP and PCPNDT laws. The government is supporting the implementation of programs and programs that seek to reduce gender selection, including a media campaign to address the social causes of sexual selection.

Given the country’s child sex ratio and the 2003 Supreme Court directive, the Ministry has established a National Inspection and Monitoring Committee (NIMC) to implement legislation prohibiting state governments from using gender confirmation technology. 

Director (PNDT) Dr Ratan Chand has been appointed as the convenor of NIMC. Dr NIMC has conducted raids in Maharashtra, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, and some districts of Gujarat under the guidance of Ratan Chand. 

In April, it attacked three clinics in Delhi. In its report to the Secretary-General of the respective States, the Committee found that the authority failed to monitor or oversee the registered clinics.

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female foeticide essay in 100 words

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Essay on Female Foeticide for Students in English [500 Words]

January 4, 2021 by Sandeep

Essay on Female Foeticide: Aborting or terminating female fetuses in the womb before its growth and development is called female foeticide. India has always been a male dominated society with greater affinity for sons and not daughters. This mindset, especially among the uneducated masses, has led to the killing of female fetuses. Detection of sex before birth by misusing medical technologies is considered illegal in India. Female foeticide is a significant factor for the declining sex ratio in our country.

Essay on Female Foeticide 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Female Foeticide Essay in English, suitable for class 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10.

It’s an irony that even in the world of the 21st century, homo sapiens are still keeping up with their gender biases and are practicing brutalities like female foeticide and infanticide. Ever wondered how the world would be like without girls and women? Do these murderers who do female foeticide even realize that there, in fact, won’t exist any world without women? What gives these insane people the right to take lives and kill innocent children even before they take birth just because of their gender? It’s high time to make these people learn the lessons of civilization and humanity. We need to protect the girl child and let them live a life of dignity, equal opportunities, and freedom.

What is Female Foeticide?

As a medical term, foeticide is the destruction of a fetus in the womb of the mother itself. Ultrasound technology is available using which sex of the child can be determined while the fetus is in the womb and parents who don’t want a girl child undergo this test and then kill the baby in the womb before it is born.

The sex-selective abortion is not at all supportable. ‘Historically, in the absence of genetic testing, infanticide was the only inhumane option for discarding the female child. This heinous practise continues even today in India’s southern parts, where families cannot afford an illegal ultrasound test.

According to a recent figure, A UN Report was recorded saying that at least 117 million girls worldwide demographically go “missing” due to sex-selective abortion. South Asian countries like India, Pakistan, China, and Tibet are the prominent recorders of high female foeticide incidents. Also, UNICEF estimates that the foeticide industry’s turnover has now reached 244 million dollars from 77 million dollars in 2006.

Factors Responsible for Female Foeticide

Economic Factors: Many parents who expect a girl child opt to have an abortion because of the economic factors involved. They believe that raising a girl child would not be economically viable as they will have to marry her off, and all the expenditure on her education and other things won’t do any good to them.

Socio-Ritual Factors: Daughters are also perceived as a disgrace in Indian society as the parents have to maintain a status in society. A typical traditional Indian family wishes that their family name continues, which, according to them, can be done only through a son.

Technical Factors: The technical factors responsible for the surging number of female foeticide cases are the viable availability of ultrasonic machines that can detect the gender of the fetus in the womb itself.

Effective Measures to Control

Government and individual institutions are trying their best to deal with this menace .Here are few prevalent laws implemented by the governments of India and China:-

  • Beijing, China has the Population and Family Planning Law of the People’s Republic of China of 2002 that prohibits sex identification of foetus and sex-selective abortions.
  • In India, the Pre-conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, 1994 (amended in 2003) prohibits sex-selection or disclosure of the sex of the foetus. It also prohibits sale of “any ultrasound machine or any other equipment capable of detecting sex of foetus” to persons, laboratories and clinics not registered under the Act .The government of India also recently launched the ‘BETI BACHAO ,BETI PADHAO’ Movement in order to promote girl education and demote the practice of female foeticide and infanticide.
  • Nepal, in 2002, amended the Country Code, Muluki Ain, to allow abortion on medical grounds and prohibit sex-selective abortions.
  • The Population Ordinance (2006) and Prime Minister Decree (2006) of Vietnam prohibits all practices of antenatal foetal sex diagnosis and sex selection.
  • The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of India has targeted education and media advertisements to reach clinics and medical professionals to increase awareness. The Indian Medical Association has undertaken efforts to prevent prenatal sex selection by giving its members Beti Bachao (save the daughter) badges during its meetings and conferences.

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What you need to know

    By Nita Bhalla

    NEW DELHI (TrustLaw) - Early results of India's 2011 census reveal that fewer girls have been born over the last decade compared with boys, suggesting that the illegal practice of female foeticide - the killing of unborn girls - continues unabated.

    While the overall female to male ratio has improved since the last census in 2001, the number of girls under six-years-old has declined for the fifth decade running -- there are now only 914 girls to every 1,000 boys, compared with 927 a decade ago.

    Here are  key questions and answers about the practice in India and its implications


    In parts of largely patriarchal India, there is a strong preference for male children. Sons are traditionally viewed as the main breadwinners who will take care of the family, continue the family name, and perform the last rites of the parents - an important ritual in many faiths.

    But daughters are often seen as a burden - not just because of the worry of having to pay a substantial dowry to marry them off  but also due to the need to protect their virginity, which, if lost before marriage, often brings disrepute to the family.


    According to latest census figures, the northwestern region of Haryana has the worst child sex ratio with 830 girls to every 1,000 boys -- with states like Punjab (846), Gujarat (886), Rajasthan (883) and even the capital New Delhi (866) following closely behind.

    Female foeticide cuts across all sections of Indian society – with no regard to caste, religion, or geography. It is practiced by the wealthy, the middle classes  and the poor, in urban areas and now spreading into rural regions.


    India introduced the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques or Prohibition of Sex Selection Act in 1994 to prevent doctors disclosing the gender of babies to expectant parents using techniques likes ultrasonography and amniocentesis.

    Signs in hospitals and clinics clearly state that gender testing is an offence and pregnant women who go for an ultrasound are required to file declarations they will not seek to know the gender of the baby.

    However, activists say, this has not been enforced by local authorities and law enforcement agencies, resulting a rise of underground private clinics and unlicensed doctors illegally offering sex selection testing and abortions for anyone willing to pay.

    Police say it is not easy to catch offenders -- the agents, parents and doctors -- as the tests and subsequent abortions take place in a very clandestine manner. There have been few convictions, and penalties such as fines are too lenient to act as a deterrent.


     Experts warn that increasing foeticide in India could spark a demographic crisis where fewer women in society will result in a rise in sexual violence, child-abuse and wife-sharing.

    They say that with fewer women in the population and more men of the same age group, the demand for women will surge in terms of marriage and sex and this pressure will increase violence against women.

    Practices such as polyandry -- where several men, often brothers, share the same wife-- are already emerging in areas where there are fewer women and brides are now being sold and trafficked by their parents to areas outside their own.

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female foeticide essay in 100 words

Vocation India

Female Foeticide Essay | Essay on Female Foeticide

Female Foeticide Essay: In Indian Society, male children are generally preferred over female children. Due to various old practices and taboos, a female child is considered a liability and a male child an asset in certain sections of society. This has, until recently, resulted in a considerable imbalance between the population of males and females in India. To prevent female infants from being born, Female Foeticide is the termination of the female fetus in the mother’s womb. It is committed by the family members who find a girl child a liability. 

female foeticide essay in 100 words

Female Foeticide is a disgrace to the nation and Indian Society. It also tarnishes the Image of India on the World Stage. Though female foeticide has been banned in the entire country since 1994, some people still practice this heinous crime. Hence, we provide a Female Foeticide Essay to help you write a Female Foeticide Essay by yourself.

A Female Foeticide Essay is as follows

India is a country with rich culture and history. It is a place where many social and scientific inventions have taken place which has then been adopted by various other countries. But there are some dark spots as well. Indian culture has treated men as superior to women. Male children are always preferred by family members, as it is considered that they will bring wealth and support parents in their old age. Female children are considered a liability and often a burden as dowry is required to be paid in order to marry them. This has resulted in many parents and family members committing female foeticide to prevent them from taking birth.

Female Foeticide is the termination of the female fetus inside the mother’s womb. It is a heinous and deplorable crime against females. The gender of the fetus is recognized by misusing medical technology. It is a regressive act that pulls back the progress we have made for hundreds of years. It is also a reflection of the age-old mentality where men are supposed to go and earn while women are supposed to stay at home and take care of the needs of the men. People committing such crimes are ignorant of the fact that women are as competitive and as capable as men in earning money and building the nation.

Female Foeticide Essay

Various cultural factors have resulted in people practising female foeticide. The major reason is that women are generally considered a liability and increased responsibility for the family. Women in India are stereotyped as being irrational and easily subjugated by men. Moreover, in India, to marry their daughter, a family needs to pay a dowry to the family of the groom consisting of expensive items such as jewellery, cars, bikes of electronic and electrical appliances. Often the cost incurred by dowry is extreme and moreover, the demand for dowry doesn’t end with the marriage. Hence many parents prefer sons over daughters. 

There are many reasons for that. Many cities and places around the country are unsafe for women. We often hear about the atrocious crimes committed against women around the country. This prevents parents from allowing their daughters to move to another city for jobs or studies. Sons, on the other hand, are considered as investments that will ripe fruits in the future, especially when it comes to getting dowry during marriages. 

Female Foeticide is an unethical, evil and horrible act. It is against women, and consequently, against the development of the nation and society. Despite being banned for decades, it is still practised in many parts of the country. To the core of the reason lies the cultural practices that heavily discriminate against women. Thus, in order to free our country from such evil and deplorable practices, the people need to change. Society needs to learn and understand the importance of women in our lives. 

To end the malpractice, the entire society needs to come together. The government and other Non-Governmental Organisations must strive to create awareness about the issue. A social boycott can be done of the people who commit such acts. Fines can be imposed on the families committing the crime. But it can end only if people and the social change themselves.

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Female Foeticide Essay

In Female Foeticide Essay , we had described awareness about female foeticide, causes of female foeticide & how to stop female foeticide.

Female foeticide is the termination of the female foeticide in the mother’s womb through illegal abortion.

In today’s time, it is becoming a big problem due to which many new issues such as deteriorating sex ratio, etc.

In this article  Essay on Female Foeticide , we had provided various essays in different word limits, which you can use as per your need:

Essay on Female Foeticide 100 words:

Female feticide has been practiced in India since the advent of technological advances in the medical field, such as prenatal sex determination in the 1990s.

However, earlier, female children were killed after their birth in many areas of the country.

In Indian society, female children are considered a social and economic burden for their parents, so they understand that it is better to kill them before birth.

Nobody understands its negative aspects in the future; the female sex ratio has decreased substantially compared to men (8 men per woman).

It is not easy to compensate for the sex ratio even if we stop entirely female feticide in the next few years.

Female Foeticide Essay 150 words:

After 18 weeks, miscarriage has to be done from the mother’s uterus, because having a daughter in the womb is confirmed.

Parents and society consider a girl child as a burden on them and understand that girls are burdens while boys are productive.

Since ancient times in Indian culture, there are many myths about girls that girls always adopt, and boys still believe.

This corrupt practice of female feticide has been going on for many reasons for years; however, the following points can be removed from regular exercise; there should be a robust moral code for doctors.

Everyone should be in favor of eliminating sexual discrimination and away from traditional teachings against girls in society.

Women should be empowered to deal with discriminatory practices like dowry, etc. in the community.

There should be an immediate complaint registration system for all women.

A female feticide awareness program should be launched to make the general public aware.

The status of women (about female mortality, sex ratio, literacy, and economic participation) should be assessed at regular intervals of time.

Essay on Female Foeticide 200 words:

Since ancient times, women are considered a curse in Indian society for their family and community.

Due to these reasons, female feticide has been in practice for many years from the time of technological progress in India.

According to the 2001 census, the female to male ratio has been 927 to 1000.

A few years ago, almost all couples were used in gender determination tests to find out the sex of the baby before birth, and in the case of the girl child, abortion was sure.

The development of ultrasound technology was the core of sex determination tests in the early 1990s.

To control the population and prevent female feticide, the Indian government enacted several rules and laws against the trend of female feticide and abortion after gender testing.

The murder of a child through abortion is a crime across the country.

Doctors appealed guilty to sex determination tests and abortions, particularly for the murder of the girl and lost her license.

Awareness about the importance of girls in society is the primary weapon to get relief from female feticide.

Female Foeticide Essay 250 words:

Female feticide is an abortion procedure to terminate the female fetus from the mother’s womb before birth after a sex determination test, such as an ultrasound scan.

The Female feticide or any sex determination test is illegal in India; it is a shame for parents who are desperate for a child as well as doctors who specifically abort for it.

Reason for female feticide:

Female feticide has been practiced for centuries, especially from families that prefer only male children.

There are various religious, social, financial, and emotional reasons, as well.

The times have now been drastically changed, although some families continue to have various causes and beliefs.

Causes of Female Infanticide:

Parents usually avoid the girl child because they have to pay a substantial amount (more than their strength) as a dowry in the daughter’s marriage.

There is a belief that girls are always consumers, and boys are producers.

The parents understand that the son earns money for them all his life and takes care of his parents, but the girls will get married one day and go away.

There is a myth that the son will keep the family name in the future while the girl has to carry on the husband’s family.

Parents and grandparents understand their respect for being a boy in the family while being ashamed of having a daughter.

To give birth to a male child, the new bride of the family is pressurized to force sex determination and miscarriage for the girl.

In society, illiteracy, insecurity, and poverty of the people are the main reason for the girl child burden.

Technological advances in science and utilities have made it very easy for parents.

Essay on Female Foeticide 300 words:

Female feticide is the culmination of a female fetus because it is a complete female.

According to the data, it has been found that the male-female ratio is 102.4 males / 100 females in 1961, 104.1 males / 100 females in 1981, 107.8 males / 100 females in 2001, and 108.8 males / 100 females in 2011.

This shows that the number of men per woman is regularly increasing.

Female feticide was started in the 1990s with the introduction of cheap ultrasound technology in India.

Ultrasound technology advanced in India in 1979, although its spread was slow, but became widespread in the 2000s.

It is estimated that since the 1990s, more than 10 million female fetuses have been miscarried due to being a girl.

We can see that female feticide has been prevalent throughout history and cultural background.

Earlier, people believed that male children are better because they will provide manual labor along with leading the family ancestry in the future.

The son is considered a family property, but the daughter is an obligation.

Since ancient times, daughters are given less respect and priority in Indian society than sons.

They did not have access to education, health, nutrition, sports, etc. like boys.

To deal with sex-selective abortions, there should be a high level of awareness among the general public.

Satyamev Jayate, one of the most popular programs run by Aamir Khan on TV, has done a great job of raising awareness in the general public through the first episode of “Beti Anmol Hai.”

Cultural interventions about this issue need to be addressed through awareness programs.

New awareness programs like Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, or Save the Girls Campaign, etc. have been made about the rights of the girl child.

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Female Foeticide Essay 400 words:

Female feticide is the female eradication after sex determination test from the womb.

According to the wishes of the family, if a girl is born in a place of a boy, then the test is carried out, and her fetus is killed.

All procedures are performed exclusively by husband or in-laws under family pressure.

The common reason behind abortion is an unplanned pregnancy, but families plan female feticide, it is an old practice in Indian society never to kill an unwanted girl.

People believe that boys are the key to continuing their family lineage, although they do not understand the simplest thing that girls are the reason for giving birth to a new entity in the world, not boys.

Reasons for Female Feticide:

A female feticide is an immoral act from old age due to certain cultural norms and socio-economic policies.

Following are the reasons for female feticide in Indian society:

  • The important reason for female feticide is the preference of a male child over a girl child as a son is the primary source of income, but girls are consumers.
  • There is a misconception in society that boys always take care of their parents, but girls have to leave them.
  • The old custom of dowry in India has posed a significant challenge to parents, which is the main reason for parents to avoid girl child.
  • The low status of women in male-dominated Indian society.
  • Parents believe that boys will advance their name in society, but girls only have to take care of the house.
  • Legalizing abortion in India is another primary reason for the illegal sex determination and termination of the girl child.

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Female feticide is a crime and social disaster for the future of women; we should focus on the causes of female feticide in Indian society and try to solve it one by one regularly.

Female feticide is mainly due to sex determination; every citizen of India must strictly follow all laws, and those found guilty for this cruel practice must surely be punished.

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Female Foeticide Essay

Female foeticide refers to the illegal abortion of female foetus. Despite strictly banned by law, female foeticide in India is still in practice. The crime stems from the want of not having a girl child, by the society which considers girls as an additional liability on her parents. Female foeticide is a blot on nation’s aspirations of gender equality and women empowerment; which are mere words unless female foeticide is successfully eliminated. It also has far reaching consequences on the society, like a higher male to female sex ratio. Lesser number of females than males in any particular region leads to illegal trafficking of females from other locations to that region, technically called flesh trade.

Long and Short Essay on Female Foeticide in English

Following are some essay on female foeticide in India.

All the Female Foeticide essay are very simple and easy, written for students use.

Female foeticide is very important topic which students may be assigned to write complete essay or only paragraph during their exam or essay writing competition.

Students can select any of the essays on Female Foeticide according to their need and requirement.

Female Foeticide Essay 1 (100 words)

Female foeticide is in practice in India from the time of advent of technological advancements in medical field like prenatal sex determination in the 1990s. However, earlier to this, female childs were killing after their birth in many regions of the country. In the Indian society, female childs are considered as the social and economic burden to their parents so they understand that it is better to kill them before birth. No one understands its negative aspect in the future. The female sex ratio in comparison to the males has been reduced to a great extent (8 males per one female). It is not easy to compensate the sex ratio even if we stop female foeticide completely in the next few years.

Female Foeticide

Female Foeticide Essay 2 (150 words)

Female foeticide is the removal of healthy female foetus after 18 weeks of gestation from the mother uterus just because the child is female. Parents and society consider a girl child burden over them and understand that girls are consumers whereas boys are producers. There are lots of myths in the Indian society about girls from the ancient time that girls always take and boys always give. This wrong practice of female foeticide is coming from years because of many reasons. However, can be removed by regular practice of following points:

  • There should be strong ethical code for the doctors.
  • Everyone should be in the favor of removal of sex discrimination and away from the traditional teachings against girls in the society.
  • Women should be empowered to deal with discriminatory practices in the society like dowry system, etc.
  • There should be immediate complaint registration system for all women.
  • Female foeticide awareness program should be run to aware common public.
  • Assessment of the status of women (regarding female mortality, sex ratio, literacy and economic participation) should be done on regular interval of time.

Female Foeticide Essay 3 (200 words)

Since the ancient time, women in the Indian society are considered as a curse for their family and society. Due to these reasons, female foeticide has been in practice for many years in the India from the time of technological advancement. According to the census of 2001, female and male ratio has been 927 to 1000. Few years ago, almost all the couple was used of the sex determination tests to know the sex of the infant before birth. And abortion was sure in case of girl baby.

Development of ultrasound technique was the origin of sex determination tests in the early 1990’s. People in the Indian society are used to of giving birth to the child continuously until they get boy baby by killing all the girl baby earlier to the boy. In order to control the population and stop female foeticide, Government of India made various rules and regulations against female foeticide and trend of abortions after sex determination tests. Killing of a baby girl through abortion has been an offence all through the country. Doctors found performing sex determination tests and abortions especially for killing girl baby would be guilty and lose their license. Awareness about the importance of girl child in the society is major weapon to get relief from the female foeticide.

Female Foeticide Essay 4 (250 words)

What is Female Foeticide

Female foeticide is the process of abortion to terminate female foetus from the womb of mother before birth after the sex determination tests like ultrasound scan. Female foeticide and even any sex determination test is illegal in India. It is the shame for the parents who are desperate for a baby boy as well as doctors carrying out abortions especially for this.

Causes of Female Foeticide

Female foeticide have been in practice for centuries especially for the families who prefer only male child. Various religious, social, financial and emotional reasons are also there. Time has been changed now to a great extent however, various reasons and beliefs are continuing in some families. Some key reasons of female foeticide are:

  • Generally parents avoid girl baby because they have to pay a big amount (more than their strength) as a dowry at daughter’s marriage.
  • There is a believe that girls are always consumer and boys are producer. Parents understand that son earn money for them whole life and care their parents however girls will get married a day and go away.
  • There is a myth that son will carry name of family in future whereas girl have to carry husband’s family.
  • Parents and grandparents understand their honor while having boy baby in the family whereas shame having daughter.
  • There is a pressure on new bride of the family to give birth to a male child thus she is forced to go for sex determination and abortion if girl baby.
  • Illiteracy, insecurity and poverty of people in society are main reasons of girl baby burden.
  • Technological advancement in the science and utilities has made this very easy for parents.

Female Foeticide Essay 5 (300 words)


Female foeticide is the termination of a girl foetus in the womb before its complete term just because it is female. According to the statistics, it is found that male to female sex ratio is 102.4 males/100 females in 1961, 104.1 males/100 females in 1981, 107.8 males/100 females in 2001, and 108.8 males/100 females in 2011. It shows that number of male per female is increasing regularly. Female foeticide was almost started in the early 1990s on the coming of affordable ultrasound technology in India.

The advancement of ultrasound technology in India came in 1979 however its spread was slow. But became widespread in 2000s. It is estimated that since 1990s, more than 10 million of female foetuses have been aborted because of being girl. We can see that female foeticide has been practiced through the history and cultural background. Earlier, people believed that male babies are superior as they would provide manual labor as well as lead the family lineage in future. Son is considered as family asset however a daughter is a liability.

Daughters are given less respect and priority than sons in Indian society from the ancient time. They did not have same access like boys in the areas of education, healthcare, nutrition, play, etc. In order to combat with sex-selective abortions, there should be high level awareness among common public. Satyamev Jayate, a most famous programme run by the Aamir Khan on TV has done great to raise awareness among common public through its first episode of “Daughters Are Precious”. Cultural interventions regarding this issue are need to be addressed through awareness programmes. Recent awareness programmes like Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, or Save girls campaign, etc have been made regarding girl’s rights.

Female Foeticide Essay 6 (400 words)

Female foeticide is the elimination of girl child after sex determination test from the womb. Girl child is killed before birth just to fulfill the wishes of old members in the family of getting boy baby first. All the process gone under familial pressure especially by husband or in-laws. General reason behind abortion becomes unplanned pregnancy however female foeticide becomes planned by the families. It is the age old practice to kill ever unwanted girl child in the Indian society.

People believe that boys are the key to continue their family lineage however they do not understand the most simple thing that girls are reasons to give birth to new entity in the world not boys.

Reasons of Female Foeticide

Female foeticide is an unethical act has been practiced from old age due to some cultural norms and socio-economic policies. Following are the reasons of female foeticide in the Indian society:

  • The important reason of female foeticide is the preference of male child over girl child because son is the main source of income however girls are consumer. There is a misconception in the society that boys are always look after their parents however girls are to left them away.
  • Old custom of dowry system in India has put a big challenge before parents which is the main reason to avoid girl child by the parents.
  • Low status of women in the male dominated Indian society.
  • Parents consider that boys would carry their name ahead in the society however girls are only to handle households.
  • Legalization of abortion in India is another big reason for the illegal sex determination and termination of girl baby.
  • Technological advancement in the health sector has given fire to the female foeticide.

Effective Measures to Control:

As we all know that female foeticide is a crime and social disaster for the future of women. We should notice the reasons for female foeticide in the Indian society and try to solve one by one on regular basis. Female infanticide or female feticide is mainly because of the sex determination. There should be legal stoppage to get control over it. All the laws should be strictly followed by the every citizens of India. And one should be surely punished if found guilty for this cruel practice. Permanent termination of license should be done if found practicing this. Marketing of medical equipments especially for illegal sex determination and abortion should be stopped. Parents should be penalized who want to kill their girl baby. Campaigns and seminars should be regularly organized to aware young couples. Women should be empowered so that they can be more attentive to their rights.

Varieties of essay on female foeticide given above are written for the range of students studying in classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc. Students of any class can select and use any female foeticide essay according to their need and requirement. Apart from this, you can also get other related essays and related information on various topics such as:

Article on Female Foeticide

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Letter to Editor to take action against Female Foeticide

Letter to Editor for class 6-12. Here you will know the right format of a letter to editor, editorial letter format and examples of letters to the editor on current topics.

Attempt in 100-120 words. Recently, you have come across many articles on the topic, ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’. In spite of these articles, girls are not given due respect and female foeticide in society is rampant.

Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of The Times of India, expressing your concern over the problem. Give some suggestions on the role of the people and the government in curbing it. You are Vaibhavi/Vaibhav, 12 Vasant Kunj, New Delhi. Source: Educart sample paper 6, 2021

Ideas to score full marks in this letter- 1. Include why girls are not given due respect. 2. Suggest some innovative ways to curb it.

Formal Letter Format | Letter to Editor | Editorial Letter

Sample answer – letter to editor to take action against female foeticide.

12, Vasant Kunj New Delhi Oct 30, 2021 The Editor The Times of India New Delhi Subject: Take Serious Action to curb female foeticide Respected madam, Through the columns of your prestigious newspaper, I want to highlight the role of the government and people in curbing female foeticide. Girls are considered a burden in Indian families. This conservative thought provokes people to kill a female foetus in the womb itself. One main reason behind disliking a girl child could be a huge amount of dowry. Moreover, boys are expected to support and earn for their parents in their old age. In this context, government intervention at the central and state levels would help. Annual tax benefits could be given to the parents of a girl child, and dowry should be totally abolished. Girls’ parents can be offered more rate of interest on their savings. Although the government has banned the testing of gender during pregnancy. Still, female foeticide is rampant in society. The government should take actions to strictly implement this law so that our nation proceed towards gender equality. Yours Truly Vaibhav

Relevant Post: Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Essay Letter to Editor on Bad Impact of Social Networking Sites Letter to editor to change Education System

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12 Vasant Kunj New Delhi

20th January 20XX

The Editor The Times Of India New Delhi

Subject: Take some serious actions to curb female foeticide Sir/Mam Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the masses towards the increasing female foeticide cases and lack of respect towards girls despite numerous awakening articles on “Beti Bachao Beti Padhao” In our society, girls are not given due respect as they are considered as the weaker gender and it is assumed that to be a good housekeeper and mother is their only role. Moreover, parents prefer boy child over girl child as they believe that the boy would improve their family condition, continue their lineage and is an asset while a girl child would just increase the burden on the family as they will have to give dowry for her marriage and is thus only a liability. To change people’s thinking, some suggestions from my side are motivational speeches from now successful women, vocational training to future mothers so that they can financially support their girl’s education. Government should strictly implement laws against abortions based on gender discrimination, they should invest more in girl education and should also help them to set up small businesses or academies so that they can also employ and empower other women also. I hope my suggestions would make a difference in the society Thanking you Yours faithfully Vaibhavi

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Congratulations! Essayshout gives you 5 marks. but, you are exceeding the word limit. 100-120 words are allowed in exam. You have included all the required points, other students might learn from your answer, WELL DONE

Thank You ma’am I will make sure not to cross the word limit from now onwards😀

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12th March 2021

The Editor Times of India New Delhi

Subject – Awareness about female foeticide

Mam, Through the column of your esteemed newspaper I want to grab the attention of people and government for the awareness of female foeticide . In spite the government intervention policy , there is no improvement in the condition of women in the society . In the Indian families , girls are still considered as burden for the family because of the dowry system . Female feoticide are still rampant in the Indian society . The Indian government should take make some tough rules and should be considered as a serious crime . The government should provide some special facilities to the poor parents of the girl child because these crimes are very rampant in the poor families due to their economic condition . I therefore request you to give a suitable space in the newspaper for the awareness of the mentioned crimes .

yours sincerely Vaibhavi

Essayshout gives you 3 marks. Marks are deducted for not suggesting any practical ways to stop female foeticide.

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19th February 2021

Subject- Female foeticide and lack of respect for females in our society. Dear Sir/Madam Through the column of your newspaper, i would like to indicate that girls are not given due respect female fetocide in society is rampant.despite mentioning in the Indian constituation that education is necessary for girl child, so that she can fulfil her dreams and can open new doors in her life.the older generation are releculant to it.they believe that only boys should be provided with education so that they can move the country forward and can upbring their families.this leads to lack of education in girls and they get ready for the female fetocide because they do not have proper information of these acts.this can become brutall crime.the constituation of India has laid these laws but have to impement these laws more strongly, so that this brutall crime can be washed off from the country.

I think this one step can make the girls or their parents aware so that they can realize the importance of education for an individual.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely, Vaibhavi

Sample Answer will be uploaded soon.

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25th August 2020

Subject- Female foeticides and lack of respect for females in our society.

Dear Sir/Madam, Through the columns of your reputed newspaper, I wish to make people aware of Female foeticides and lack of respect for females in our society. As per the Indian constitution, every girl has the right to get an education and enroll in her choice of profession. These days girls are getting empowered by legal authorities to enroll in schools but this decision is not respected by society. The current number of female foeticides is very scary and depressing for society as a whole. This is due to illiteracy among families who commit such acts. This can only be eradicated if the government demonstrates the positive effects of education and the negative effects of female foeticide. I think this one step can make the girls or their parents aware so that they can realize the importance of education for an individual. Thanking you,

Error Analysis: 1. Essayshout gives you 3.5 out of 5 marks. 2. You need to add more relevant content in the body part. 3. Sample answer will be published soon for your reference.

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