Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Words?

A picture can be worth a thousand words or even more but, as I will argue, that depends on who looks at it, why they look at it, and in what circumstances. In other words, a picture’s meaning is relative to the viewer, and changes as the viewer changes.

Once upon a time pictures had a significance greater than themselves but that was when only the most skilled artists working in a difficult medium were able to produce them. Now pictures are everywhere we look and their significance has diminished as a result.

We take them for granted, we no longer study them but give them a quick, practiced glance and move on to the next picture. Some pictures will hold our attention for a little longer because the subject is unusual or amusing but mostly we see pictures as we see cars, people, traffic lights, and buildings. They’re part of our environment and hardly register in our consciousness. In the public sphere, then, pictures are mostly background colors consisting of advertisements, posters and billboards. These pictures are not meant to do more than direct our attention to the brand name.

In some countries, public pictures include portraits of dictators that are designed to unify people or make them accept the dictator as their rightful leader or make them more obedient to the leader. Propaganda posters may also brighten those streets, along with social realist depictions of model citizens. Such pictures are easily recognized as having a message and are thus negated, canceled out by people who have been bombarded with too many pictures like them.

Private pictures, such as a drawing made by a child or photos of our loved ones fascinate us because they bring back memories or mark an occasion or may even fill us with the love and tenderness we feel for those persons. However, that is a highly subjective response, one that certainly does not hold true everywhere and at all times. In these pictures, only the subject speaks to us, and if we know the subject well, if we are emotionally involved with him or her, then that is what we think about or why we feel the way we do. In those pictures, it is the subject that communicates, not the picture itself.

We go to a museum to look at paintings but there it is the making of the picture that most interests the viewer. A painter does not just point and click. He or she must first learn the techniques required to paint a picture, and after that must make a thousand different decisions about the picture to be painted. The pose, the angle from which the subject is viewed, the lighting, the composition, and much more are worked out in quick sketches.

The end product is a human artifact, something created mostly by the artist’s hands with a little help from the industry. We look at the picture but also at the other aspects of the work. Students spend years copying masterpieces in order to learn the techniques employed by these artists, and as part of their studies, they interpret the paintings in the context of the artist’s time and his other works until by the end the picture speaks volumes to them. For most viewers, however, the experience of looking at Rembrandt or Vermeer is one of wonder; but are they more interested in the image or the draftsmanship?

Where photos and paintings are equal, however, is that the more the viewer brings to them, the more they will get out of them. That is not just true of pictures but also of visiting the places we have only seen in pictures. Perhaps so many tourists take pictures of the places they visit to look at them later when they are back in the comfort and safety of their own homes.

There, relaxed and with far more knowledge of those places, they can look at the pictures and get a new story from them made up equally of the subject and their experience of it; or to put it another way, they can see how their travels have changed them by looking at the pictures, and what the picture tells them will reflect those changes.

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essay on a picture is worth a thousand words

'A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words': Definition, Meaning, Examples

essay on a picture is worth a thousand words

Have you ever tried to explain something to someone, and they just weren't getting it? Then the idiom 'A picture is worth a thousand words' might come in handy! In this article, you'll learn what it means, its origins, and how to use it.

The short version is:

  • 'A picture is worth a thousand words' is a way of saying that showing someone a picture can be a more effective way of explaining something than using words. 

What Does 'A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words' Mean?

Many people are visual learners, but even those who aren't can benefit from an illustrated version of a complex idea. Take, for example, instruction manuals; they usually come with a picture or diagram or some sort of visual support to help you figure out how to use or build the item.

That's the idea that the idiom 'A picture is worth a thousand words' conveys. It means you can tell an entire story with just one picture and impart a concept or idea much more effectively.

The dictionary defines it as follows:

used to say that it is often easier to show something in a picture than to describe it with words

Imagine, for instance, that you were putting together a presentation for your team about the organization's  progress over the last quarter.

Your colleague might say to you:

You should add in some graphs and charts. A picture is worth a thousand words.

Some variants of the expression include:

  • A picture is worth ten thousand words.
  • One picture is worth ten thousand words.
  • One picture is worth a thousand words.

Where Does 'A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words' Come From?

This expression has been around for a long time and is used in many countries worldwide. But where does it originate from? Here's what we know.

An Advertising Tool

The idiom in this specific form is attributed to Arthur Brisbane during a Syracuse Advertising Men's Club banquet in 1911. Rumor has it they got together to discuss the best marketing techniques, and Brisbane is known to have said:

Use a picture. It's worth a thousand words.

The event and this quote were documented in the Post-Standard newspaper and advertising trade journal Printers' Ink.

Later, Fred R. Barnard used the phrase ' One picture is worth ten thousand words. ' in a Printers' Ink 1921 issue to promote the use of pictures on advertisements on streetcars (old school trams).

A Chinese Proverb

It was commonly believed for some time (and probably still is by some now) that this idiom is actually a Chinese proverb and was attributed to the famous philosopher Confucius. But there's actually a straightforward explanation.

Remember Barnard, the guy who promoted the use of pictures in ads on streetcars? Yeah, that guy. He also put out another ad in the Printer's Ink six years later, where he wrote 'One Picture Worth Ten Thousand Words' and labeled it a Chinese proverb.

It was later revealed that he lied about this so that people would take it seriously. So it's confirmed this is definitely not a Chinese proverb.

Earlier Variants

While this specific adaptation of the phrase was popularized in modern times, other versions meaning the same thing were used long before that. It's such a popular message that there are too many to list here, but I'll show you some poignant examples.

As far back as the 15th or 16th century, Leonardo also expressed this idea in one of his notebooks—possibly in his "Codex Atlanticus," a collection of his writings and drawings. The specific date of when he wrote this quote may not be available, as his notebooks were filled with various ideas, sketches, and observations over a long period. However, Leonardo da Vinci lived from 1452 to 1519, and his notebooks contain writings from throughout his life. He said something along the lines of:

A poet would be overcome by sleep and hunger before being able to describe with words what a painter is able to depict in an instant."

In 1861, Russian writer Ivan Turgenev wrote:

The drawing shows me at one glance what might be spread over ten pages in a book.

At one point, even Napoleon Bonaparte had a go at it and said (translated from French):

A good sketch is better than a long speech.

In Ivan S. Turgenev's 1862 novel Fathers and Sons, one of his characters says:

Examples in Sentences

Now we've covered the meaning and origin of the phrase, let's check out some examples where this idiom is used in sentences :

While on vacation , we saw such amazing sunsets; it really made me realize that a picture is worth a thousand words. The documentary used striking images of the wildlife to convey its message, proving that a picture is worth a thousand words. You use a lot of smart words but a picture is worth a thousand words. Her facial expression, captured in that photograph, told a story that words could never fully convey—a true example of how a picture is worth a thousand words. The artist's painting of a field of flowers was so evocative that it demonstrated the age-old adage that a picture is worth a thousand words. Instead of describing the scene in detail, I showed them the picture, as I knew a picture is worth a thousand words. You can tell many tales with words but a picture is worth a thousand words. The infographic in the presentation summarized the data beautifully, proving that sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. The marketing team decided to proceed with using a captivating image in their ad campaign, knowing that a picture is worth a thousand words in grabbing people's attention. As a travel blogger, she always relied on stunning photos to illustrate her adventures, believing that a picture is worth a thousand words. 

Other Ways to Say 'A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words'

There are other ways to express the fact that a picture explains something better than words.

Here are some of them :

  • A picture paints a thousand words.
  • Every picture tells a story.
  • It's better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times.
  • Seeing once is better than hearing twice.
  • Show, don't tell.

Concluding Thoughts

That concludes this article about this famous saying. To summarize, to say that a picture is worth a thousand words is to say that a picture is often a more effective way of conveying a message than using words.

Are you ready to learn more English phrases and expand your vocabulary? Check out our idioms blog for idioms, expressions, sayings, and more!   

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essay on a picture is worth a thousand words

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words - Meaning, Origin and Usage

Are you looking for a way to tell someone to send you a picture of what they are trying to explain? You could always use the phrase, " a picture is worth a thousand words ." This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this saying.

" A picture is worth a thousand words " means that images tell a better story than words. By using images, you can convey your message in a visual representation that impacts others.

Example Usage

"Sandra spent an hour telling me about her vacation. I didn't realize how beautiful the place was until I saw her pictures. It's true what they say; a picture is worth a thousand words."

" A picture is worth a thousand words , and that picture has nothing good to say for itself."

"Don't you know that a picture is worth a thousand words ? There's no way you can deny involvement after they caught you on camera like that."

essay on a picture is worth a thousand words

The origin of the proverbial saying " a picture is worth a thousand words " comes from a reinterpretation of previous expressions in the early 1800s. The Works of Mr. James Thomson, published in 1802 has the earliest rendition of the phrase as the following.

" One timely deed is worth ten thousand words "

The phrase also appears in the play, " The Trust: A Comedy, in Five Acts," published in 1808, where it reads.

" That tear, good girl, is worth ten thousand words ."

The American Journal of Education also published an earlier rendition of the saying in 1858.

" One fact well understood by observation and well-guided development is worth a thousand times more than a thousand words ."

However, the saying gained prominence in its modern form in America in the early 20th century.

Frederick R. Barnard published a column titled "One look is worth a thousand words" in the industry magazine " Printer's Ink " in December 1921. Barnard claims the saying has Japanese origins, and Printers ink would later publish the phrase as the following.

" Chinese proverb. One picture is worth ten thousand words ."

Phrases Similar to A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

  • Stop talking and send me a picture.
  • Pics, or it didn't happen.

Phrases Opposite to A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

  • Words mean nothing.
  • Images are easy to falsify.

What is the Correct Saying?

  • A picture is worth a thousand words.
  • A picture says a thousand words.

Ways People May Say It Incorrectly

The phrase " a picture is worth a thousand words " doesn't mean that a picture contains a thousand words of information. It means that images are more valuable than words when explaining concepts of events. So, you wouldn't use the phrase when you're referring to the video or other media formats, only images.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase It

You can use " a picture is worth a thousand words " in several social and professional situations. For instance, you could request someone to send you a picture of an item you're thinking about buying. You can also use the phrase to tell someone that a lot is going on in a specific image.

The phrase suits social and professional use. You could use it at work when you're telling a supplier to stop talking about a product and send you a picture so you can get a visual image. You could use it at home to tell someone to send you a picture of their vacation so you can get an idea of their trip.

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Napoleon Bonaparte: 'A picture is worth a thousand words.'

A picture is worth a thousand words.

"A picture is worth a thousand words." This famous quote by Napoleon Bonaparte encapsulates the idea that visual imagery has the power to convey a profound message or story more effectively than a mere description could ever achieve. It speaks to the inherent ability of images to evoke emotions, provoke thought, and inspire imagination. In a straightforward manner, this quote highlights the importance of visual communication and its impact on human understanding.When we encounter a picture, we are instantly drawn into a realm of visual storytelling. Our minds engage with the image, deciphering its composition, colors, and details to form our own narrative. This process of visual interpretation taps into our subconscious, where emotions and associations reside, enabling a deeper connection with the subject matter presented in the picture.The human brain possesses a remarkable ability to process visual information effortlessly. Research suggests that the brain can interpret and comprehend images 60,000 times faster than words. This astounding capability allows visual communication to transcend language barriers, making it a universal language that can be understood by individuals from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.Pictures have been used throughout history to preserve memories, document events, and convey messages across generations. Consider the iconic "Tank Man" photograph from the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989. This single image captured the bravery and resilience of an individual standing against a line of tanks, encapsulating a powerful message of resistance and defiance against oppression. The impact of this photograph is immeasurable, as it has become an enduring symbol of courage and the human quest for freedom.However, while the quote by Napoleon emphasizes the tremendous value of visual representation, it is interesting to explore the philosophical concept of the limitations of pictures. Despite their ability to convey powerful emotions, pictures often fall short in providing a comprehensive understanding of complex ideas or abstract concepts. They offer a snapshot of a moment frozen in time, unable to capture the multidimensionality and nuances that words can express.For instance, imagine trying to convey the intricacies of love, with all its joys and pains, solely through a picture. The richness of human emotions and the complexity of relationships require a more expansive medium for expression. Words have the unique power to delve into the depths of human experiences, unveil the subtleties of our emotions, and articulate the abstract in ways that visuals alone cannot.In essence, while there is undeniable truth in Napoleon's quote, it is important to recognize that the value of a picture extends beyond the surface level. Pictures possess the ability to spark curiosity, ignite imagination, and invoke emotions, but they should not be seen as a substitute for the richness and depth of language. Instead, they should be considered complementary tools in our quest for understanding and expressing the complexities of the human experience.In conclusion, Napoleon Bonaparte's quote "A picture is worth a thousand words" encapsulates the significance of visual imagery as a powerful means of communication. Pictures have the ability to convey messages, evoke emotions, and spark our imagination in ways that words alone often cannot. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that the limitations of pictures lie in their inability to fully capture the entirety of human experiences and complex ideas. For this reason, words remain an essential complement to visual communication, allowing us to explore the depths and intricacies of our world. Together, these mediums form a dynamic duo, enabling us to connect, learn, and express ourselves in a multifaceted manner.

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essay on a picture is worth a thousand words

What Does a Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words Mean?


Ever tried to describe a place you visited to someone, and gone on and on about how wonderful it was, only to end up saying something to the effect of, “I guess you’d have to see it to believe it”? It makes sense. After all, “a picture is worth a thousand words,” as they say. Let’s explore the meaning and history of this popular idiomatic and proverbial expression.

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As illustrated above, this phrase is used to express that it can be easier to show something in a picture than to describe it by speaking words or using the written word. More specifically, it’s saying that often one single picture can more effectively convey something, or can depict something more vividly and clearly, than a lot of words—and can certainly do so faster. That’s why you may also hear or see the phrase as one picture is worth a thousand words . (It is also often written with a conjunction as a picture’s worth a thousand words .)

For example, it’s often easier to understand how to put a piece of furniture together by looking at pictures or illustrations, or even watching a video, of the necessary steps than it is to read paragraphs of instructions in a manual. Likewise, it’s typically much simpler and quicker to figure out how to get from point A to point B by looking at a map than it is listening to someone tell you or reading about all the turns to make and landmarks to be on the lookout for on your drive. 

essay on a picture is worth a thousand words

The History of the Expression

Ironically, it’s going to take quite a few words to explain the etymology of the common phrase. As is often the case with both idioms and proverbs in general, the exact origin of this expression isn’t known. 

Similar expressions have been in use since at least the 1700s. In particular, it appears phrases using is worth a thousand words or is worth ten thousand words were common in the 18th and 19th century. For example, the similar phrase one timely deed is worth ten thousand words appeared in The Works of Mr. James Thomson , which is thought to have been originally published some time in the 1760s. (The playwright Henrick Ibsen is credited as saying something very similar in the late 19th century: “A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed.”) Other phrases that can be traced to the 1800s convey that a tear is worth ten thousand words and that a well-understood fact is worth more than a thousand words. The specific idea that a picture is worth a thousand, or ten thousand, words is thought by some researchers to have first appeared in print in 1862, in the novel Fathers and Sons by Ivan Turgenev. A character in the book says: “The drawing shows me at one glance what might be spread over ten pages in a book.” However, there’s evidence that others expressed this earlier, and even much earlier. Napoleon Bonaparte said, “A good sketch is better than a long speech,” while Leonardo da Vinci wrote that a poet would be “overcome by sleep and hunger before [being able to] describe with words what a painter is able to [depict] in an instant.”

Fast forward to the early 20th century, to 1911 exactly, when the Syracuse Advertising Men’s Club held a journalism banquet. In an article in the Syracuse, New York, newspaper The Post-Standard about the event, the journalist quotes a speaker, Tess Flanders, as saying, “Use a picture. It’s worth a thousand words.” Others credit the quote to that event but to newspaper editor Arthur Brisbane. Whoever said it, their words were clearly very similar to the expression we know and use today, although not exactly the same. Shortly after, in 1913, an advertisement for the Piqua Auto Supply House of Piqua, Ohio, used the phrase one look is worth a thousand words .

It’s possible that the exact expression a picture is worth a thousand words first appeared in print in 1918: A newspaper advertisement for the San Antonio Light said:

“One of the Nation’s Greatest Editors Says:

One Picture is Worth a Thousand Words The San Antonio Light’s Pictorial Magazine of the War Exemplifies the truth of the above statement—judging from the warm reception it has received at the hands of the Sunday Light readers.”

Still, credit for modern use of the phrase is usually given to Frederick R. Barnard (or Fred R. Barnard), who wrote the phrase in the advertising trade journal Printers’ Ink (sometimes incorrectly written as Printer’s Ink ) to promote the use of images in advertisements on the sides of streetcars. In one ad, Barnard called the phrase a Chinese proverb (he later wrote that it was said by a Japanese philosopher), though he didn’t have proof of such an origin. Because of this, sometimes the expression is incorrectly attributed to Confucius. In the same publication, around the same time period, the phrase one look is worth a thousand words can be found.  

What Are Idioms and Proverbs?

A picture is worth a thousand words is considered both an idiom and a proverb. An idiom is an expression with an intended meaning that typically can’t fully be understood just by looking at the individual words that comprise it. Idioms have figurative rather than literal meanings. Even if you’ve never heard the term idiom , you have most likely heard many idiomatic expressions. Here are just a few of the most common idioms used today:

You’re in hot water. His boss gave him the ax. It’s time to face the music. You’ve hit the nail on the head. If you took the first example literally, you’d think it was describing a person standing in a bathtub full of hot water, perhaps. But the expression is actually used to describe a person who’s in trouble. Likewise, rather than literally being handed a tool for chopping wood, if you get the ax from your boss, it means you’re getting fired. It’s time to face the music means that it’s time to come to terms with the consequences of your actions. And when someone has hit the nail on the head, they’ve gotten an answer exactly right or done something exactly as it should have been done. Although you might be able to understand the expression a picture is worth a thousand words just by looking at the words that comprise it, if you were to take it purely literally, you’d understand it to mean that a picture is worth or is the same as/equivalent to exactly one thousand words. Of course, now you know that like other idioms, the phrase is used more figuratively, to convey the notion that an image can often more effectively and more succinctly say something than lots of words can (with lots not being defined as a specific number). Proverbs are short, common phrases or sayings that impart advice or share a universal truth. Interestingly, some people debate the truth of the above statement, with many arguing that the use of both images and words is the best way to get something across. Proverbs are also called adages, aphorisms, and maxims . Here are some additional examples of well-known proverbs: Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Blood is thicker than water . A picture is worth a thousand words. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder . Discover many more idioms and proverbs here . <H2>Summary<H2> The idiomatic and proverbial expression a picture is worth a thousand words is used to convey that a picture, or image, or graphic illustration may better convey or describe something than many written or spoken words—that it may be easier, and much faster, to just show someone something than to tell them about it. Although its exact origins are unknown, the phrase and the idea it conveys have been around, and remained popular, for quite some time.


Maggie Cramer

For the past 15 years, I've dedicated my career to words and language, as a writer, editor, and communications specialist and as a language arts educator. I'm excited to explore all things English with you and The Word Counter!

I currently reside in Asheville, North Carolina. I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Writing, Literature, and Publishing from Emerson College and a Master of Education (MEd) in Secondary English Education from the University of Florida.

You can find me on LinkedIn , or access my online portfolio here !

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Unlocking the Power of Visualization: ‘A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words’

by Danny Ballan | Dec 12, 2023 | Word Power

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Episode Audio

A picture is worth a thousand words, episode script, literal meaning (visual imagery over verbal description):, metaphorical meaning (effectiveness of visual communication):, expressive meaning (conveying complex ideas simply):, emotional impact (capturing emotions and atmosphere):, “a picture is worth a thousand words” in advertising:, “a picture is worth a thousand words” in journalism:, “a picture is worth a thousand words” in education:, “a picture is worth a thousand words” in presentations:, origin of “a picture is worth a thousand words”.

Join Danny on English Plus Express as we delve into the timeless expression, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” This episode explores the depth and versatility of this phrase, demonstrating the power of visual communication. Through engaging examples and real-life applications, we uncover the beauty of this expression and how it enhances our understanding of language and imagery. Whether you’re a language enthusiast or simply curious about the nuances of English expressions, this episode offers insights that will enrich your appreciation of language. Tune in and discover how a single picture can speak volumes!

Hey everyone! Welcome to English Plus Express. I’m Danny, your linguistic tour guide, ready to dive into the colorful world of expressions. Today’s journey takes us to a well-known saying that’s as vivid as it is profound: “A picture is worth a thousand words.”

Now, this isn’t just about photographs or paintings. It’s about the immense power of visualization. Ever tried explaining the sunset to someone? No matter how poetic your words, sometimes, only a picture can capture that fiery sky, right? That’s the essence of our expression today.

This saying dates back to the early 20th century, a time when advertising was just beginning to understand the impact of images. But let’s bring it to the present. Think about emojis. Yes, those tiny, colorful symbols. A single emoji can convey what might take a whole sentence. A smiling face with heart-eyes? That’s like saying, “I love this so much!” without typing a word. That’s our expression in action in the digital age.

But it’s not just about brevity. It’s about the depth of expression. Consider a photograph from a historical event, like the moon landing. That single image encapsulates excitement, achievement, and human endeavor, telling a story far beyond what words alone could.

Let’s turn to advertising. Ever seen a billboard with just a powerful image and a brand logo? That’s this expression at work. Advertisers know that an impactful image can convey a lifestyle, a feeling, or an aspiration more effectively than a paragraph of persuasive text.

Now, think about how you can use this in your life. Maybe you’re giving a presentation. Instead of crowding your slides with bullet points, why not use a striking image to make your point? It’s not only more effective but also more memorable.

In storytelling, too, this expression holds power. A good writer knows when to describe a scene in detail and when to let a metaphorical ‘picture’ do the talking. It’s about striking that perfect balance between words and imagery.

So, as you go about your day, think about how you can apply this expression. Maybe it’s in how you communicate with friends, in a creative project, or even in understanding the world around you.

Thank you for tuning into English Plus Express. If you’ve enjoyed exploring the vibrant world of expressions with me, don’t forget to follow, share, and maybe consider supporting us on Patreon for more enriching content. Your support helps us continue unraveling the fascinating aspects of language and communication. Until next time, keep appreciating the power of words and pictures in your everyday life!

Meanings of “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words”

Example: In a photography class, the instructor might say, “Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words,” emphasizing the importance of conveying a story or emotion through imagery rather than lengthy explanations.

Example: A marketing professional explaining the concept of brand logos might say, “A picture is worth a thousand words; our logo needs to instantly communicate our brand’s values and appeal.”

Example: An architect might use this expression when showing a 3D model of a building design, suggesting that the model explains the concept more effectively than a verbal description: “As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.”

Example: Viewing a powerful historical photograph, one might reflect, “This really proves that a picture is worth a thousand words,” acknowledging the deep emotional impact that the image holds.

Collocations with “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words”

Example: “In our latest campaign, we’ve focused on the principle that a picture is worth a thousand words, using impactful imagery to connect with our audience.”

Example: “In photojournalism, we often say a picture is worth a thousand words because a single photo can tell a story more powerfully than a written article.”

Example: “To help students understand complex concepts, I use visual aids because a picture is worth a thousand words.”

Example: “I’ve limited the text in my slides, adhering to the principle that a picture is worth a thousand words, to make the presentation more engaging.”

The origin of the phrase “A picture is worth a thousand words” is often attributed to Frederick R. Barnard, who used it in the advertising trade journal “Printers’ Ink” in 1921 to promote the effectiveness of graphics in advertising. However, the phrase was labeled as a Chinese proverb to give it more credibility. There is no direct evidence that it originated from a Chinese proverb. The essence of the phrase likely predates this attribution, as the idea that visual representation can communicate complex ideas effectively is a longstanding concept in many cultures. The exact etymological origin remains uncertain, but its widespread usage in the 20th century, particularly in advertising and journalism, solidified its place in the English language.

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. » Expansion of Ideas » A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Expansion of an Idea – “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words” for Students / Teachers / Parents

Explore the famous saying “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words”. We believe that this phrase highlights the power of visual communication and the impact it can have on conveying complex ideas. Through our insightful articles, we provide a deeper understanding of the idiom and offer practical tips on how to enhance writing skills. Join us on this journey to become better communicators and harness the power of imagery.

  • A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

The proverb “a picture is worth a thousand words” is a well-known saying that suggests that a single image can convey more information or meaning than a lengthy description or explanation. This proverb highlights the power of visual communication and the impact that an image can have on a viewer.

The expansion of this proverb could be that “a single image can convey a complex idea or emotion more effectively than a thousand words.” This proverb is applicable to various situations where words may fail to capture the full essence of a concept or emotion.

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The meaning and origin of the expression: A picture is worth a thousand words


A picture is worth a thousand words

  • American origin

What's the meaning of the phrase 'A picture is worth a thousand words'?

A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a lot of written words.

What's the origin of the phrase 'A picture is worth a thousand words'?

A picture is worth a thousand words

Printer's Ink printed another form of the phrase in March 1927, this time suggesting a Chinese origin:

"Chinese proverb. One picture is worth ten thousand words."

The arbitrary escalation from 'one thousand' to 'ten thousand' and the switching from Japan to China as the source leads us to smell a rat with this derivation. In fact, Barnard didn't introduce the phrase - his only contribution was the incorrect suggestion that the country of origin was Japan or China. This has led to another popular belief about the phrase, that is, that it was coined by Confucius. It might fit the Chinese-sounding 'Confucius he say' style, but the Chinese derivation was pure invention.

Many things had been thought to be 'worth ten thousand words' well before pictures got in on the act; for example:

"One timely deed is worth ten thousand words" - The Works of Mr. James Thomson , 1802. "That tear, good girl, is worth, ten thousand words" - The Trust: A Comedy, in Five Acts , 1808. "One fact well understood by observation, and well guided development, is worth a thousand times more than a thousand words" - The American Journal of Education , 1858.

The idea that a picture can convey what might take many words to express was voiced by a character in Ivan S. Turgenev's novel Fathers and Sons, 1862:

"The drawing shows me at one glance what might be spread over ten pages in a book."

Neither of the above led directly to 'a picture is worth a thousand words'. Who it was that married 'worth ten thousand words' with 'picture' isn't known, but we do know that the phrase is American in origin. It began to be used quite frequently in the US press from around the 1920s onward. The earliest example I can find is from the text of an instructional talk given by the newspaper editor Arthur Brisbane to the Syracuse Advertising Men's Club , in March 1911:

"Use a picture. It's worth a thousand words."

This little essay clocks in at 471 words. Perhaps I should have drawn half a picture instead?

See also: the List of Proverbs .

Gary Martin - the author of the website.

By Gary Martin

Gary Martin is a writer and researcher on the origins of phrases and the creator of the Phrase Finder website. Over the past 26 years more than 700 million of his pages have been downloaded by readers. He is one of the most popular and trusted sources of information on phrases and idioms.

Gary Martin, author of the website.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Meaning of “a picture is worth a thousand words”.

The proverbial sentence “A picture is worth a thousand words” is one of the famous and common proverbs. It means an artwork or an image can convey meanings more effectively than descriptions. This phrase is usually used in newspaper advertisements. It shows that graphic illustrations are more useful to express the clear thoughts hidden behind a notion rather than words. Most artists, especially in the modern arts, share their message through their art piece. These artworks bring various interpretations and are also hard to get it right. However, an image can undoubtedly give an important message or tell a story using colors, designs , themes , and more.

Origin of “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words”

This proverb seems to have witnessed a long evolution before reaching its present shape and showing its current meanings. It is derived from the philosophy of a Chinese philosopher, Confucius. However, the modern use of this phrase is attributed to Frederick R. Barnard.

In the early 20th century, this current phrase emerged in the United States introduced by Frederick R. Barnard. He published an article on December 1921 under the title, “One Look is Worth a Thousand Words” in  Printer’s Ink . Barnard claims that the phrase has Japanese origin. He also has attributed it to a Japanese in his article.

Another version of this phrase was printed in Printer’s Ink in its March 1927 publication. This time the catalog suggested this phrase having Chinese origin as it says, “Chinese proverb. One picture is worth ten thousand words.”

The current version of this phrase has been traced from an advertisement of, the San Antonio Light , newspaper in one of its publications of 1918 which appears as: “One Picture is Worth a Thousand Words.”

Examples in Literature

If – written by Gates David Ashworth and sung by Bread

If a picture paints a thousand words, then why can’t I paint you? The words will never show, to you I’ve come to know. If a face could launch a thousand ships, then where am I to go? there’s no one home but you, You’re all that’s left me too. And when, my love, for life is running dry, you come, and pour, yourself, on me. If a man could be two places at one time, I’d be with you. tomorrow and today, beside you all the way. If the world should stop revolving spinning slowly down to die, I’d spend the end with you, and when the world was through, Then one, by one, the stars would all go out and you, and I, would simply fly away

The song is about the poet’s declaration of painting his beloved through his words. Using different literary devices , the poet has shown his love, which imaginarily paints his beloved’s face like a sea. The use of this saying in the very first line points to the dexterity of the poet and the effectiveness of this saying as compared to the words he used to paint the picture of his beloved.

Worth A Thousand Words by Stacy Hawkins Adams

A journalist and an award-winning author, Stacy Hawkins Adams, wrote a book series, Jubilant Soul . Worth a Thousand Words is a sequel, which has the second half of the proverb. In spite of using the proverb partially, the title means “a picture is worth a thousand words.” The story revolves around the significant character , Indigo, a passionate young girl who wants to peruse her career as a photographer, but she is stuck in several obstacles. The marriage proposal from her long-time beloved, Brayn, is a hindrance to success and career. The protagonist keeps on challenging her strength and emotions as she tries to fight with her love life and future dreams . This proverb has been used metaphorically in the story.

Thousand Words by Forrest Hiler

This phrasing goes as follows; “A picture is worth a thousand words.” What about words? Can they be forged into, A thousand pictures. People paint a visual, Long before we know them, Who’s to know what picture, Lurks behind the eye? Are we worth thousand visuals? For we have all their pictures, All their perfect words, All their protective hugs, All their loving kisses, And all their thoughtful idea.

The poem “Thousand Words” show the use of the pictures. A picture is a crucial element of the proverb. Therefore, the whole saying has been used to interpret the effectiveness of pictures to convey a message. The comparison of words and pictures raise a new controversy whether the picture is worth words or words are worth pictures. However, we can conclude that the use of the proverb in this poem is an excellent way of writing poetry.

Examples in Sentences

Example #1: “A picture is worth a thousand words, but sometimes a word is worth a thousand pictures.”

Example #2: “Solomon stared at Mona Lisa’s portrait, feeling mesmerized, he said to himself, ‘a picture is worth a thousand words. Her smile, her eyes says it all.”

Example #3: “The manager asked the team to add more graphics for the presentation because a picture is worth a thousand words.”

Example #4: “Johnny’s reaction to their neighbor’s portrait was so weird. It is true what they say; a picture is worth a thousand words.”

Example #5: “You better draw a proper map with the directions. Your instructions are too fast to register in my mind. You know, a picture is worth a thousand words.”

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A picture might actually be worth more than a thousand words

Dog vs dog UC San Diego

We’ve all heard that a picture is worth a thousand words. Is that true though? While new research from the University of California, San Diego makes no claims on quantifying just how many words a picture is really worth, it shows that a single picture has the power to sway people — changing how they behave — while a single word does not. Even a picture that’s barely seen, flashed on a screen for only 10 milliseconds, seems able to alter behavior.

Led by  Piotr Winkielman , professor of psychology in the UC San Diego Division of Social Sciences, the  study  is published in the open-access journal Frontiers in Psychology. Winkielman believes it is the first paper to compare the behavioral effects of pictures and words.

Winkielman has been studying the influence of emotion on behavior for more than a decade. In a related  previous study , Winkielman and colleagues reported that showing brief images of happy faces to thirsty people led them to drink more of a mystery beverage immediately afterwards, while images of scowling faces led them to drink less. Remarkably, the participants were not aware of a change in their emotional state. In this new study, the researchers expanded the scope of their tests beyond faces to other images and words.

"We wanted to compare two major kinds of emotional stimuli that people encounter in their daily lives: words and pictures, including those of emotional faces and evocative images of objects," Winkielman said. "We also tested if it matters whether these stimuli are presented very briefly or for a longer period of time."

Drinking the Kool-Aid (literally)

essay on a picture is worth a thousand words

In two different experiments, the researchers asked 50 undergraduate students to classify objects, faces or words on a computer screen. While showing a series of emotionally neutral images in quick succession, the researchers included brief flashes of faces, pictures or words that were either positive or negative. After the task, the researchers provided an unidentified beverage (really some lemon-lime Kool-Aid mixed with water and sugar) and allowed the participants to drink as much as they liked.

The first experiment compared the effect of words that were rated as emotionally positive, like “panda,” or emotionally negative, like “knife,” to the effect of happy and angry facial expressions. The second compared the effect of emotive words with images of emotionally charged objects, such as a gun or a cute dog.

As in previous studies, participants drank more after seeing happy faces than after seeing angry faces. Participants also drank more after seeing positive objects than after seeing negative objects. In contrast, positive words did not increase consumption.

"We found that emotive images of objects altered the amount that participants drank, with 'positive' objects increasing consumption and 'negative' objects decreasing it," says Winkielman. "But people were not swayed by emotional words, which were somehow powerless – even though the words were rated to be as emotive as the pictures."

Surprisingly, nearly invisible images – shown for only 10 milliseconds – had the same effect as clearly noticeable images shown for 200 milliseconds.

"In our experiment, the duration of the emotional cue did not matter for its ability to influence consumption," said Winkielman. "This echoes some previous studies, however we need stronger evidence to confidently claim that fleeting images work as well as more noticeable images in altering behavior."

Also, interestingly, people didn’t report feeling any different. They didn’t think their mood had changed, even while their behavior did.

Why images are stronger than words

Why are images more powerful than words? Further research is needed to figure that out. It’s possible, Winkielman said, that emotionally charged pictures speak more directly to us than words. Perhaps they work through an older more immediately reactive brain system, while words, which can be nuanced and ambiguous, might require more thought before they are able to affect us.

That is not to say that language doesn’t sway us. We all know it does, or we wouldn’t still be writing love letters or making political speeches.

"We know from experience and from our other research that words in sentences are emotionally impactful,” Winkielman said, “but why? Is it because they can conjure up images?"

As far as the old adage: For now, at least, it appears that a picture is worth more than a single word. More than a thousand words? That remains to be, um, seen.

Winkielman was supported by a grant from UC San Diego’s Academic Senate. Second author Yekaterina Gogolushko worked on this research as part of her undergraduate honor’s thesis at UC San Diego.  

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A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words Essay Example

The saying “A picture speaks a thousand words” is very true. Being able to look at a picture and breaking it down to see what it is saying is not something everyone can do, and this course made me realize that and taught me how to do that. It is exciting to write this paper because I will be able to utilize the different strategies all together for this image that I will be discussing about in this paper. 

The content of an image is one of the important factors we must keep in mind. For example, take a second and observe this picture. What do you see when you look at this picture? What comes to your mind? When I look at this image the first two things that come to my mind are how the picture shows different aspects of life and it symbolizes the trials and tribulations one must go through in life. All trees begin life in the same way, however as they grow older, they weather nature’s forces and develop in their own unique and beautiful ways. Another way the image represent life is by the idea of re-birth, positive energy, new beginnings, and individuality. As all the tree stands tall and powerful all throughout the world, trees are a global emblem of strength and growth. They ground and stabilize themselves by spreading their roots deep into the soil. 

Trees can withstand even the most severe storms, which is why they are such a powerful symbol of strength. When tree begins as a small, delicate seedling and grows into a massive, powerful tree over time. The tree grows upwards and outwards, symbolizing how a person develops strength and expands their knowledge and experiences throughout the course of their life but the roots play a part in that because if the roots are bad it causes to add obstacles in one’s life. Individuality comes from the fact that every tree is different, with branches emerging at different spots and in different directions. It represents a person's personal development into a unique human being because of many events shaping who they are. As branches break off, new one’s sprout, and the weather takes its toll, trees develop more distinct characteristics, but the tree stays strong and durable throughout. This shows how people develop and grow throughout their life from different experiences and lessons they have learned while growing. 

The appearance of the image is another thing that plays an important role while looking at a image. The roots embedded in the ground show stability because the roots hold the tree together as one. Also, the colors in the image say a lot as well. The colors are bright along with the liveliness and fullness of the tree. As you can see there is only one tree in the image which makes this stand out even more because it represents strength as well. A tree can symbolize many things nut when it is put into the image it the meaning can than vary based on the different characteristics in the image. 

Moreover, lets discuss the use in the picture. Use basically is the relevance is of things that you mention in terms of the various uses of the image. For example, in this image the image created makes me think about life and how we all build our own foundation from the time we are born till the end. This image also shows how the result all depends on the decisions we have made. For instance, the tree is so green and looks so alive because the roots are good. Now if the roots were not good the tree would look dead. 

The context of an image is also important because aside from interpreting the deeper meaning of what this picture means to me, the colors of the picture and the background makes me feel stronger about how I feel about the picture. For example, the picture looks alive its 

colorful and bright. That makes me look at the picture more in a positive perspective. It shows the good of inside and outside. This relates to the example I said earlier about “The tree is so green and looks so alive because the roots are good. Now if the roots were not good the tree would look dead”.  

Trees have a relaxing presence as they stand tall and still while their leaves flutter in the breeze and most importantly, they give us oxygen! Before moving on lets, talk about how this image has its own connection to everything. The tree connects to everything in the universe. It symbolizes togetherness and serves as a reminder that you are never alone or isolated, but rather that you are connected to the world. The roots of the tree dig deep and spread into the earth, thereby accepting food from Earth, and its branches reach up into the sky, accepting energy from the sun and moon. Just like some one trying to accomplish their goals towards success in what they want to go. The tree also connects to the natural recourses we get from them it is a home to animals, birds etc.

Overall, with keeping content, appearance, use and context in mind and observing a picture really does change the way you interpret the image itself. This course made me realize that just how you need background knowledge for other things the same goes for images, drawings, paintings. We are surrounded by pictures all the time. Whether it is a picture of a childhood memory, or a picture of an animal, or object. Every image has its own story and meaning and to help determine that you need to know what is content, appearance, use and context. These four things will help you break down a picture and you will find a deeper meaning about the image or even see all the different ways that one picture can connect. 

Lastly, I would like to talk about personal connection I made to the image. The very first time I saw the image it reminded me of the tree in my backyard. I only have one big tree in my backyard and its right in the middle. I never liked the tree there because when I was younger, I wanted a big swimming pool in my backyard, but the tree was in the way, but we never got rid of the tree. Even though, I did not like the tree at first later I started it to love it because my dad built me and my siblings a huge swing that we would always go on. I would always go to that swing if I needed to go away for a bit to think or if I were sad. Till this day I go there. It is still my safe place, and it also reminds of my great childhood memories as well. 

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KSNF Joplin

Spiva Center for the Arts hosts 1000 words

Posted: April 16, 2024 | Last updated: April 16, 2024

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words at Spiva Center for the Arts that statement rings true as writers are inspired by the images of the PhotoSpiva 2024 exhibit. Join us for Spiva`s annual 1000 Words event. Individuals are invited to pick one or two exhibition photos to use as springboards to create original poems or prose. The public is invited to attend the 1000 Words reading where participants will share their work. Readings will be recorded and linked to the corresponding exhibition photos via QR codes. SIGN UP 2nd floor gallery docent desk by April 13 READING Tuesday, April 16 | 6:00pm | Freeman Health System Main Gallery There is no cost to attend or participate. For questions, contact Shaun Conroy at [email protected] or 417-621-9814. Please note - poems and essays do not need to be a thousand words in length.

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    For questions, contact Shaun Conroy at [email protected] or 417-621-9814. Please note - poems and essays do not need to be a thousand words in length. USA TODAY 16h.

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  25. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. If that's the case, the

    453 likes, 17 comments - knicole_robinsonApril 16, 2024 on : "They say a picture is worth a thousand words. If that's the case, the smile makes it priceless ...

  26. A picture is worth a thousand words

    475 likes, 7 comments - simply_maria_hApril 14, 2024 on : "A picture is worth a thousand words ".

  27. A picture is worth a thousand words, but the memories are priceless

    Something went wrong. There's an issue and the page could not be loaded. Reload page. 0 likes, 0 comments - emily_jonathan.4February 9, 2024 on : "A picture is worth a thousand words, but the memories are priceless.".

  28. FantasyCastings

    7 likes, 2 comments - dreamfancastingsApril 17, 2024 on : "a picture is worth a thousand words #sydneysweeney".