
Solved 2023 CSS English Essay Paper: Explanation and Outlines

Solved css english essay 2023 paper: explanation and outline.

CSS Paper English Essay (2023) was a crucial paper for the Civil Superior Services examination 2023 (CE-2023) in Pakistan. A strong command of the English language is essential for CSS aspirants to succeed in the examination and in their future careers as administrators. Understanding the format and requirements of the CSS Paper English Essay 2023, as well as preparing thoroughly with the help of study materials and writing practice, will increase the chances of success for CSS aspirants. The CSS Paper English Essay is an excellent opportunity for candidates to showcase their writing and comprehension skills, and to demonstrate their commitment to excellence in the competitive world of government administration.

The CSS 2023 aspirants saw a Paper of the CSS English Essay very analytic and out of the blue. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive explanation of the solved CSS English Essay Paper 2023, including outline for each of the essay questions that were asked. This information will be useful for current and future CSS aspirants who are looking to understand the structure and format of the English Essay Paper. As FPSC has changed the stereotyped questions in the Essay paper, therefore, here you will learn how you can tackle the questions asked in today’s (01/02/2023) paper.

NOTE: This page is under development, please visit again for improved outline and complete essays. And don’t rely on these if you are not agreed. You can do your own research:)

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CSS Paper English Essay 2023

  • Instruction In youth is like engaging in stone.
  • The one who uses force is of reasoning.
  • Not all recycling projects are cost effective.
  • The fool speaks, and the wise listens.
  • A friend walks in when everyone else walks out.
  • Online learning is not only convenient but often more effective than traditional classroom.
  • To encourage healthy eating, higher tax should be imposed on soft drink and junk food.
  • People have become overly dependent on technology.
  • Both parents should assume equal responsibility in raising a child.
  • Boys will be boys.

1. Instruction In youth is like engaging in stone.

Learning and being taught when you’re young is important and will benefit you for the rest of your life, like building a strong foundation for a building. For example, if a young person takes the time to learn a new skill, such as playing an instrument or speaking a new language, they will have that skill for the rest of their life, just like a stone building foundation lasts a long time.

Essay outline “Instruction In youth is like engaging in stone.”

I. Introduction A. Definition of the proverb “Instruction in youth is like engaging in stone.” B. Explanation of the meaning of the proverb C. Importance of education in the development of young people D. Thesis statement

A. Explanation of the proverb

1. Stone as a symbol of durability and permanence 2. Instruction as the process of educating young people 3. The relationship between instruction and durability

B. Importance of education in youth

4. Building foundation for future success 5. Developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills 6. Fostering creativity and innovation C. The impact of early education on future outcomes 7. Improved academic performance 8. Better employment opportunities 9. Enhanced personal and social development

III. Conclusion A. Restate thesis B. Summarize main points C. Emphasize the significance of education in youth D. Final thoughts and call to action.

2. The one who uses force is of reasoning.

People who rely on violence or force instead of reasoning and understanding are not making good decisions. If a parent constantly punishes their child for misbehaviour instead of trying to understand why the child is acting out, they are not using reasoning and may not find a long-term solution to the problem.

Essay outline “The one who uses force is of reasoning.”

I. Introduction A. Definition of the proverb “The one who uses force is of reasoning.” B. Explanation of the meaning of the proverb C. Importance of reasoning and the use of force D. Thesis statement

A. Explanation of the proverb 1. Force as a means of achieving a goal 2. Reasoning as a means of finding solutions 3. The relationship between force and reasoning

B. Importance of reasoning in decision-making 4. Improving critical thinking and problem-solving skills 5. Avoiding unintended consequences of using force 6. Building consensus and improving relationships

C. The impact of using force instead of reasoning

7. Escalation of conflicts and violence 8. Damage to reputation and relationships 9. Decreased effectiveness in achieving goals

III. Conclusion

3. Not all recycling projects are cost effective.

Not all recycling efforts save money, some can even be more expensive than just throwing things away. For example, recycling paper can save money and resources, but recycling certain types of plastic may cost more than just producing new plastic.

Essay outline on “Not all recycling projects are cost effective”

I. Introduction A. Definition of cost-effectiveness in recycling projects B. Explanation of the statement “Not all recycling projects are cost effective” C. Importance of cost-effectiveness in recycling projects D. Thesis statement

A. Explanation of cost-effectiveness in recycling projects

1. Definition of cost-effectiveness 2. Factors that impact cost-effectiveness of recycling projects 3. Importance of cost-effectiveness for sustainability

B. Examples of recycling projects that are not cost-effective

4. Collection and transportation of recyclables 5. Processing and manufacturing of recycled materials 6. Market conditions for recycled materials C. Reasons why some recycling projects are not cost-effective 7. High costs of collection and transportation 8. Limited market for recycled materials 9. Inefficient processing and manufacturing techniques

4. The fool speaks, and the wise listens.

It’s better to listen and learn from others, rather than talking and acting without thinking. For instance, a wise person will listen to advice from others before making a decision, while a fool may act impulsively without considering the consequences.

Essay outline on “The fool speaks, and the wise listen.”

I. Introduction A. Background information B. Thesis statement: “The fool speaks, and the wise listens” is a common phrase that highlights the importance of listening and learning from others.

II. Explanation of the phrase A. Definition of a fool B. Definition of a wise person C. Explanation of how a fool speaks and a wise person listens

III. Importance of listening A. Understanding different perspectives B. Making informed decisions C. Avoiding mistakes D. Improving relationships

IV. Importance of speaking wisely A. Consideration of others’ feelings B. Communication of clear and concise ideas C. Building trust and respect

V. Real-life examples A. Historical figures who exemplified the phrase B. Current leaders and role models C. Personal experiences

VI. Conclusion A. Recap of the main points B. Final thoughts on the importance of listening and speaking wisely C. Call to action for applying the phrase in daily life.

5. A friend walks in when everyone else walks out.

A true friend will be there for you, even when everyone else has left. For example, if someone is going through a tough time and all their other friends have abandoned them, a true friend will be there to support them.

Essay outline on “friend walks in when everyone else walks out.”

I. Introduction A. Background information B. Thesis statement: “A friend walks in when everyone else walks out” is a common phrase that emphasizes the true meaning of friendship and the importance of being there for someone in their time of need.

II. Explanation of the phrase A. Definition of friendship B. Explanation of the meaning of the phrase C. Importance of being a true friend

III. Qualities of a true friend A. Loyalty B. Support C. Empathy D. Trust

IV. Importance of having a true friend A. Mental and emotional support B. Someone to rely on in difficult times C. Opportunity for personal growth and development D. Building a strong support system

V. Real-life examples A. Historical figures who exemplified the phrase B. Personal experiences and anecdotes C. Friendships in popular culture and media

VI. Conclusion A. Recap of the main points B. Final thoughts on the meaning and importance of true friendship C. Call to action for being a true friend and valuing those relationships.

6. Online learning is not only convenient but often more effective than traditional classroom.

Online learning is not only convenient but often more effective than traditional classroom: For example, online classes allow a student to learn at their own pace and review material as many times as they need to, while traditional classrooms may have limited time for individualized instruction.

Essay outline on “Online learning is not only convenient but often more effective than traditional classroom.”

I. Introduction A. Background information on the rise of online learning B. Thesis statement: Despite the convenience of online learning, it can also be more effective than traditional classroom learning in many ways.

II. Advantages of online learning A. Convenience and flexibility B. Customization and personalization C. Access to a wider range of resources D. Opportunities for self-paced learning

III. Effectiveness of online learning A. Improved engagement and motivation B. Better access to technology and tools C. Increased collaboration and communication D. Effective assessment and feedback

IV. Comparison to traditional classroom learning A. Advantages and disadvantages of both methods B. Discussion of the effectiveness of each method in different contexts C. The role of technology in enhancing traditional classroom learning

V. Real-life examples A. Success stories of online learning programs B. Case studies of schools and institutions implementing online learning C. Personal experiences and anecdotes

7. To encourage healthy eating, higher tax should be imposed on soft drink and junk food.

To help people make healthier choices, the government could charge more taxes on sugary drinks and junk food. For example, if the government raised taxes on sugary drinks and junk food, people may be less likely to buy these unhealthy options and instead choose healthier alternatives.

Essay outline on “To encourage healthy eating, higher tax should be imposed on soft drink and junk food”

I. Introduction A. Background information on the problem of unhealthy eating habits B. Thesis statement: To encourage healthy eating, a higher tax should be imposed on soft drinks and junk food as a means of reducing consumption and promoting healthier choices.

II. The problem of unhealthy eating habits A. The rise of obesity and related health problems B. The role of soft drinks and junk food in unhealthy diets C. The impact of unhealthy eating on society and the economy

III. The concept of taxing unhealthy food and drinks A. Explanation of the tax and how it would work B. Discussion of similar taxes in other countries C. Potential benefits and drawbacks of the tax

IV. The impact of the tax on healthy eating A. Reduction in consumption of unhealthy food and drinks B. Increase in consumption of healthier alternatives C. Potential positive impact on public health D. Role of the tax in promoting healthy eating habits

V. Arguments against the tax A. Concerns about government intervention in personal choices B. Potential negative impact on low-income communities C. Criticisms of the effectiveness of the tax

VI. Conclusion A. Recap of the main points B. Final thoughts on the importance of promoting healthy eating habits C. Call to action for considering and implementing a higher tax on unhealthy food and drinks.

8. People have become overly dependent on technology.

The over-dependence on technology has resulted in negative consequences for individuals and society, including decreased face-to-face communication skills, increased stress and anxiety, and decreased attention span and cognitive abilities, highlighting the importance of finding a balance between technology use and personal well-being.  People are too reliant on technology and need to find a balance between technology and other activities. Sadly, for instance, instead of having face-to-face conversations with friends, people rely on social media and messaging apps to communicate in the contemporary run only.

Essay outline on “People have become overly dependent on technology.”

I. Introduction A. Explanation of the rise of technology in society B. Definition of the statement “People have become overly dependent on technology” C. Importance of examining the impact of technology on society D. Thesis statement

II. Body A. Explanation of the concept of over-dependence on technology

  • Definition of over-dependence on technology
  • Examples of technology dependence in daily life
  • Consequences of over-dependence on technology

B. Factors contributing to over-dependence on technology

  • The convenience and accessibility of technology
  • The pressure to stay connected and informed
  • The influence of advertising and marketing

C. Negative impacts of over-dependence on technology

  • Decreased face-to-face communication skills
  • Decreased physical activity and increased sedentary behavior
  • Increased stress and anxiety
  • Decreased attention span and cognitive abilities

9. Both parents should assume equal responsibility in raising a child.

Both the mother and father have a role in raising a child and should work together to do so. both the mother and father should be involved in helping the child with homework, taking them to extracurricular activities, and setting boundaries and rules.

English Essay outline on “Both parents should assume equal responsibility in raising a child”

I. Introduction A. Explanation of the importance of parenting in a child’s development B. Definition of the statement “Both parents should assume equal responsibility in raising a child” C. Importance of equal responsibility in parenting D. Thesis statement

II. Body A. Explanation of equal responsibility in parenting

  • Definition of equal responsibility
  • Importance of cooperation between parents
  • Benefits of equal responsibility in parenting

B. Roles and responsibilities of both parents

  • Providing emotional support
  • Providing financial support
  • Providing physical care
  • Providing educational support

C. Importance of equal responsibility in promoting child well-being

  • Improving child-parent relationships
  • Encouraging healthy development
  • Promoting gender equality
  • Decreasing the risk of family conflict

III. Conclusion A. Restate thesis B. Summarize main points C. Emphasize the benefits of equal responsibility in parenting D. Final thoughts and call to action.

10. Boys will be boys.

This saying means that it’s normal for young boys to be mischievous and adventurous, they just need time to grow up. For instance, if a young boy is energetic and playful, this phrase suggests that this behavior is normal and just a part of growing up, rather than a problem to be solved. “Boys will be boys” is a phrase that has been used for generations to excuse or dismiss the problematic behavior of young boys and men. Despite its widespread use, the idea that boys are inherently prone to misbehavior and that this behavior should be excused is deeply flawed and reinforces negative gender stereotypes. The phrase “boys will be boys” often serves as an excuse for boys to engage in aggressive, violent, or disrespectful behavior. This can include physical altercations, bullying, sexual harassment, and other forms of violence. By implying that boys cannot help but act in these ways, the phrase reinforces the notion that boys are naturally aggressive and cannot be held responsible for their actions. This reinforces harmful gender stereotypes and undermines the idea that everyone, regardless of gender, should be held accountable for their behavior.

English Essay outline on “Boys will be boys.”

I. Introduction A. Explanation of the phrase “Boys will be boys” B. History of the use of the phrase C. Importance of examining the use and meaning of the phrase D. Thesis statement

II. Body A. Explanation of the implications of the phrase “Boys will be boys”

  • Excusing harmful behavior in boys and men
  • Reinforcing negative gender stereotypes
  • Undermining the idea of accountability for behavior

B. The impact of the phrase on society

  • Perpetuating violence and aggression
  • Undermining the development of healthy relationships and behaviors
  • Reinforcing the notion of gender inequality

C. Alternatives to the phrase “Boys will be boys”

  • Holding boys and men accountable for their actions
  • Encouraging healthy behaviors and relationships
  • Promoting gender equality and respect

III. Conclusion A. Restate thesis B. Summarize main points C. Emphasize the importance of rejecting the phrase “Boys will be boys” D. Final thoughts and call to action.

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A test of thinking, not rote learning

Dr Qaisar Rashid

On February 1, the Federal Public Service Commission held the yearly country-wide examination of Central Superior Services (CSS) for the recruitment of officers (BPS-17). The first paper was English Essay, the topics of which invited attention.

The essay paper was meant for exploring the CSS candidates’ whole gamut of abilities and skills such as exploring an issue, analyzing it critically in a coordinated organized way, and reaching a plausible conclusion. Critical analysis is a guarantee of success. Conversely, descriptive or narrative essays are unlikely to let a candidate pass the paper.

The paper astounded not only CSS candidates but it also flabbergasted CSS coaching academies which had dispensed guesses and conducted mock tests to beguile the candidates. The paper discouraged the regurgitation of parroted knowledge that CSS candidates were holding to express. The paper presented a fair chance to the candidates who had cultivated original understanding, creative exploration and critical analysis.

The paper circumvented all guess-able topics such as globalization, economy, climate change, democracy, energy crisis, human rights, terrorism, and so on. In the paper, whereas the topics given were easy, the compulsion was that an essay had to be developed then and there in the examination hall. Only those candidates who had practised writing original essays, could perform. The paper also obliterated any room for bespoke essays– to the disappointment of essay gurus and pundits. As a throwback to the thinking essays of 2017, the paper decides the viability of a CSS candidate, whether he or she should carry on or lose heart.

The first essay topic was this: “Instruction in youth is like engraving in stone.” Many candidates, who had memorized multiple themes on education eagerly mistook the word “youth” for “childhood”, and considered it a veiled topic on “early education”. In fact, it was not. The essay topic means that, at a young age, the youth are most amenable. Their personality can be moulded to affect the trajectory of the rest of their lives. Youth is the age when second nature is built such as discipline, punctuality, attitude, and so on. The second nature, whether positive or negative, can be superimposed on the primary nature to portend the youth’s success or failure in life. Environment plays a crucial role in constructing second nature. To make the essay analytical, discussion could be drifted to the debate between nature (inherited) and nurture (environment). Sources of nurture could be family, school, religion, and social and political groups.

The paper also obliterated any room for bespoke essays– to the disappointment of essay gurus and pundits. As a throwback to the thinking essays of 2017, the paper decides the viability of a CSS candidate, whether he or she should carry on or lose heart.

The next stirring topic was this: “One who uses force is afraid of reasoning.” The topic means that any person who is incapable of reasoning tends to use force to get heard. That is, any person with the power of reasoning prefers (or needs) not to fight. Here, reasoning means a sound argument that weighs both sides (pros and cons) to express one’s stance. Generally, politicians are disinclined to waging a war compared to generals running a country: war is too serious a matter to be left to generals.

Even after a conflict, the warring parties have to sit on a table to give reasons for truce and the way forward. The forum such as the United Nations is destined for reasoning, and condemning the use of force. For reasoning, a refined and educated brain is required, whereas force personifies a beast, which may still be hiding inside man. Reasoning is an expression of modern age, whereas force is an expression of the primitive age. For analysis, a comparison can be drawn between two ages and areas.

The next interesting topic was this: “The fool speaks and the wise listen.” The topic means that wise people grow the habit of listening to garner more information and then ruminate on it. That is, by not listening patiently, the listener may miss new propitious ideas. Moreover, an avid listener is less prone to committing mistakes than a habitual chatterer does. For instance, Einstein was a known keen listener. Similar examples are required to be argumentative.

The next absorbing topic was this: “Both parents should assume equal responsibility for raising a child.” The topic means that both parents are shirking equal responsibility for raising a child. To qualify the statement, a CSS candidate had to mention causes, effects and the way forward.

The next topic was this: “A friend walks in when everyone else walks out.” The topic means that a friend in need is a friend indeed. This could be a descriptive essay.

The next fascinating topic was this: “Online learning is not only convenient but often more effective than traditional classroom instruction.” The topic means that traditional teaching is less convenient and effective in conveying the message of education. A CSS candidate had to take a position and give arguments.

The next captivating topic was this: “People have become overly dependent on technology.” The topic means that, not dependence, but over-dependence, on technology invites certain hitches. Interestingly, the use of technology is unavoidable in the modern age. However, owing to technology’s indispensability, one may get addicted to it. A CSS candidate had to mention reasons for dependence, ooze effects (both favourable and unfavourable), and give ways to avoid overly dependence.

The next motivating topic was this: “To encourage healthy eating, higher taxes should be imposed on soft drinks and junk food.” The topic means that soft drinks and junk food be discarded for their being unhealthy eating. One of the ways to do so is by imposing taxes, though other ways to achieve the same objective are also available. A comparison can be drawn. The bottom line is that junk food does not replace main food. A critical analysis can entail that junk food may be required to attain instant energy in short times, especially in an industrial city on a busy day. Junk food also meets the need of taste and aroma to feel aesthetic about life.

The next exciting topic was this: “Boys will be boys.” The topic means that boys would remain boisterous and even rumbustious owing to their hormonal constitution. An implied point could be how to construct harmony with girls, whether or not feminization of boys in their attitude and behavior (by tempering them down) is possible and feasible.

Dr Qaisar Rashid


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By Abrar Ahmed

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4.Ideation (If Gold Rusts, What Shall the Iron do )

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FAQs Regarding English Essays

1. Managing Time in Essay

2. Ideal Essay Word Count

3. Exam Stress and Outline Length

4. Intro & Conclusion Difference and how to translate knowledge into Essay

5. How many themes to prepare

Course Description

Welcome to the CSS English Essay Course at Nearpeer! It's like a fun adventure where we'll learn all about writing awesome essays for the CSS Exam. Here's why our course rocks: 1. Let's Dive In: We'll explore everything about the CSS Essay Exam, like how to write different types of essays and cool tricks to make them great. We'll use examples from past exams to make learning super easy. 2. Complete Essay Practice: Get ready to write full essays with us! We'll cover all kinds of topics and show you exactly how to do it. Then, we'll break them down so you can learn from the best. 3. Keep Growing: Our course is like a journey where you'll keep getting smarter. We'll give you extra stuff to read and learn from, so you become an essay expert! 4. Fun Learning Tricks: We'll make learning fun! We'll help you learn new words by highlighting them in each paragraph of our lessons. Meet the Instructors: - Abrar Ahmed (CSS 2017 | PAS, 21st Position) - Daud Saleemi (CSS 2019 | PAS, 2nd Position) Join us on this amazing journey through the CSS Essay Exam. With us, acing the CSS English Essay Exam isn't just a dream—it's totally possible! Let's crush those essays together!

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  • Cover your core topics in great detail to build a solid conceptual foundation.
  • Learn effective strategies to tackle your exams with confidence.
  • Build a better foundation with in-depth concepts, illustrative examples, and practical questions.
  • Navigate the subject with confidence by understanding the essential dos and donts.
  • Explore the relevance of past papers and engage in detailed discussions of core topics.

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Abrar Ahmed Butt

Experience : 6 Years

Political Science Topper | Abrar Ahmed belongs to the prestigious Pakistan Administrative Service (PAS) - 46th Common. Currently, he's a graduate student at the distinguished Columbia University in New York. Apart from academics, he is a renowned competitive debater, avid reader, published author, a... Read More


Daud Saleemi

Experience : 5 Years

Muhammad Daud Saleemi secured 2nd Position in Pakistan in CSS 2019 and belongs to Pakistan Administrative Service (48th Common). Before joining the public sector, he was working as a Senior Data Engineer in Washington DC at Afiniti – an Artificial Intelligence company. During his student life, he wa... Read More

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English Essay Topics for CSS | Important Essay Topics for CSS 2023

Looking for the English Essay Topics For CSS that are most expected to come in this year’s CSS competitive examination then here is the list of all those important English Essay. Writing essays in the CSS exams is art what you need to do is just focus and learn that art then sees nothing will be difficult for you. The first thing to do is the CSS exams while Writing an English essay is that clear your mind about the Ideas and thoughts of the topic because the examiner expected a lot of knowledge from your side which is written in a mature writing style so your thoughts or ideas that you write should be based on some real facts so start expressing your thoughts in a proper way. The examiner is more consult of the general study of you on the topic, Your analysis and compare powers, your approach to various facts, and the way that you select to express those ideas.

Table of Contents

English Essay Topics for CSS

Professor Zahid Ashraf who right now working in the CSS field now issue some important topics for essays that are mentioned below. These topics are most important and these days the same situations now exist in Pakistan like Food Crises, Political Instability, the Situation of Democracy, and Global Warming.

Important Essay Topics for CSS 2023

  • Political Instability in Pakistan
  • True Democracy to ensure / Fair Election
  • Price Hike in Pakistan / Inflation
  • Floods in Pakistan: Causes, Effect, and Remedies
  • Global Warming and Pakistan. Flood Insecurity
  • Global and Pakistan Energy / Food Crisis / Insecurity
  • Energy and Water Crisis: Causes, effect, and Remedies
  • Muslim Ummah and Role of OIC 8. Population Explosion

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Lahore Board FSc Part 1 English Past Papers, Guess Papers

Which topic is best for an English essay?

  • Baluchistan Crisis
  • Future of Democracy in Pakistan
  • Talibanization
  • Women Empowerment
  • Terrorism And The Role Of Pakistan
  • Energy Crisis in Pakistan
  • Water Crisis
  • Failure of Democracy in Pakistan
  • Foreign Policy of Pakistan
  • Art critics and reviewers
  • Alleviation of poverty
  • Foreign direct investment (F.D.I) in Pakistan
  • Global warming
  • Personalization of Pakistani politics
  • Formal and casual dressing codes

  • Existentialism
  • Socio-economic challenges faced by Pakistan
  • Islam versus the west
  • International crisis in terrorism
  • Humor in Urdu literature
  • Higher science education in the developing countries
  • The search for the truth
  • Nuclear weapons are not only a great peril but great hope
  • Austerity, As a solution, go all our economic problems
  • The economic prosperity of a nation is directly proportional to the level of literacy in it
  • National Integration
  • Risk of “Soviet syndrome” for Pakistan
  • The higher economic problem in Pakistan and how to meet them
  • Devolution of power in Pakistan
  • Art and morality
  • Need for serious planning in technical education in Pakistan
  • Is the world ready for the Gene age?
  • Public office is a public trust
  • Piety at public expense
  • The greatest of evil and the worst of crime is poverty
  • The struggle to raise a nation’s living standard is fought first and foremost in the classroom
  • Pakistan is rich in natural resources but very poor in their management
  • Pleasure of idleness
  • What are the hurdles in our way to becoming a truly independent state?
  • A Critical Analysis of Education Systems in Pakistan
  • Democracy is a culture rather than a process
  • Role & Power of Media in the Modern World
  • Social Networking

If you also think that you have some English topics for the CSS exam that is really important then you can let us know by commenting down there in the comment section below.

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Most expected English essay topics for CSS 2023

english essay topics for css 2023

Do you want to know the anticipated English Essay topics for CSS 2023? Here is a list of anticipated essay topics for the CSS 2023 examination. Every year, the English Essay is the most difficult portion of the CSS Examination. Numerous factors prevented the majority of candidates from passing this exam. Not selecting the proper topic is one of the major causes of failure in the English Essay paper. Frequently, the topics for English essays are drawn from global and Pakistani contemporary events. Therefore, it is crucial for every CSS aspirant to devote sufficient time to prepare for such topics. Here are a few of the Most Anticipated Essay Topics for CSS 2023.

List of expected essays regarding current affairs

Following are the Expected Essay Topics for CSS 2023 regarding Current Affairs:

  • Foreign Policy of Pakistan in the contemporary era- Challenges and way forward.
  • The uncertain future of Afghanistan: Repercussions of Taliban Takeover for the global world, the South Asian region, Pakistan and Afghanistan itself.
  • United Nations/OIC- A success or failure?
  • Political Polarization in Pakistan and Pakistan’s democratic future.
  • Beggars cannot be choosers: Aid from International Financial Institutions/friendly countries is not the solution for the economic woes of Pakistan- Recommendations for a long-term solution.

List of expected essays about regional issues 

These are the expected essay topics for regional issues:

  • Following are the Expected Essay Topics regarding regional issues:
  • Strategic Power Play in the Indian Ocean.
  • Energy and Water Crisis in Pakistan: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
  • Energy infrastructure under CPEC.
  • Growing US-India Strategic Relations/US-China Strategic Rivalry and its implications for Pakistan and China.
  • China as an existential threat to the USA.

List of expected essays about Pakistan’s domestic issues

Following are the Expected Essay Topics for Pakistan’s Domestic Issues:

  • Economic Crisis and the Political Instability in Pakistan- Causes and Solutions.
  • Climate Change and Natural Disasters in Pakistan- What needs to be done.
  • Pakistan’s National Security Policy: Why it matters for internal, and external challenges and regional stability?
  • What’s wrong with the Government’s Economic Policies
  • Rising in Price: causes, effects, and way forward
  • Construction of Dams: To be or not to be. The solution to Pakistan’s water crisis
  • Corruption in Pakistan: Issues, Challenges, and way forward
  • Freedom of Speech and Assembly, has this led to the rise in religious extremism, intolerance, and hate speech in the country?

List of expected essays about International Relations

  • Development of Israel-Arab Close Relations: Intentions, prospects and future implications for the Middle East and the Islamic World.
  • Russia-Ukraine War: Global Economic Impacts; Implications for the world; the US and Russia‘s Diplomatic Standoff; Prospective Foreign Policy options for Pakistan.
  • Neutrality-cum Balancing: Analyzing Pakistan’s relations with the US, China, and Russia.
  • Quad, AUKUS, BRICS: Implications for Regional and Global Security.
  • Comparative Analysis of BIMSTEC, SAARC, SCO and the EU

List of expected essays regarding Technology 

Following are the Expected Essay Topics for CSS 2023 regarding Technology:

  • The breach of Cyber security in Pakistan: implications suggestions for improvement.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Boon or Bane? (PMS 2021)
  • Rise of Artificial Intelligence: the threat of a jobless future or better job opportunities through reskilling and upskilling
  • Digital economy: A leveler or a source of economic inequality
  • Science and Technology are the panaceas for the growth and development of Pakistan
  • Although the marvels of technology surround us every day, their arc moments when we all would give anything to be freed from that technology
  • it impacts democracy,
  • increasing polarization etc.

List of expected essays regarding Islamophobia 

Following are the Expected Essay Topics for CSS 2023 regarding Islamophobia:

  • Islamophobia – Causes, Effects, Consequences
  • Islamophobia within the West

List of expected essays regarding women’s issues in Pakistan

Following are the Expected Essay Topics for CSS 2023 regarding Women’s Issues in Pakistan:

  • Women Development in Pakistan – Need of the hour
  • Women’s violence is a significant issue in Pakistan
  • Women Abuse- Is Pakistan a safe country for women?
  • Gender discrimination is a myth?
  • Women’s empowerment and its future in Pakistan

So these are the most expected English essay topics for CSS 2023. We hope this will help aspirants for their next examination.

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english essay topics for css 2023

50 Years CSS English Essay Past Papers 1973 to 2023

Title: 50 Years CSS English Essay Papers Edition: 2023 Edition Papers: 1973 to 2023 Pages: 59 Publisher: The CSS Point Subject: CSS English Essay

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Introducing the ultimate css english essay past papers compilation.

50 Years CSS English Essay Past Papers 1973 to 2023. Discover the key to CSS examination success with the latest and most comprehensive CSS English Essay Past Papers booklet, spanning five decades of essential study materials. Compiled by the highly acclaimed Agha Zuhaib Khan at The CSS Point, this updated edition is a vital resource for CSS aspirants, meticulously covering the CSS Past Papers of the Compulsory Subject ESSAY from 1971 to 2023.

50 Years of Wisdom

For half a century, CSS English Essay Past Papers have been the beacon guiding aspiring civil servants towards excellence. This meticulously curated booklet offers an unprecedented opportunity to delve into the insights, trends, and changing dynamics of CSS essays. Besides, the decades of knowledge encapsulated in this resource empower candidates to anticipate question patterns, understand evolving trends, and tailor their preparation to perfection. 50 Years CSS English Essay Past Papers 1973 to 2023

50 Years CSS English Essay Past Papers 1973 to 2023

Agha Zuhaib Khan’s Expertise

Moreover, Agha Zuhaib Khan, a distinguished name in CSS exam preparation , has once again showcased his exceptional acumen. With his insightful analysis and expert curation, he has left no stone unturned in ensuring that aspirants are well-equipped with the finest content. His dedication and expertise are encapsulated within the pages of this booklet, making it the definitive resource for CSS essay preparation.

An Invaluable Asset

Furthermore, this booklet is not just a collection of past papers; it’s an invaluable asset for CSS aspirants. Each year’s CSS English Essay Past Paper is a treasure trove of potential essay topics, writing styles, and critical thinking exercises. As you delve into the progression of essay questions over five decades, you’ll be able to identify recurring themes, contemporary issues, and evolving evaluation criteria. 50 Years CSS English Essay Past Papers 1973 to 2023

Efficiency and Preparation

In addition, optimize your preparation with a systematic and structured approach . This booklet enables you to break down your study sessions efficiently. In addition, focusing on specific timeframes or question patterns that require extra attention. By practicing with these past papers, you can fine-tune your writing skills. Moreover, time management, and content delivery, ultimately increasing your chances of success.

Lstly, in summary, the CSS English Essay Past Papers booklet, meticulously compiled by Agha Zuhaib Khan at The CSS Point. Next, it is a treasure trove of knowledge and insight, spanning half a century of CSS examinations. Equally important gain an edge over your peers by tapping into the wealth of past papers. Moreover,  ensure your success in the CSS examination with the latest, most comprehensive resource available. 50 Years CSS English Essay Past Papers 1973 to 2023.

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  • CSS Essay Special Exam 2023 Paper


  • October 12, 2023
  • CSS Past Papers 2023

Here you will find the CSS Essay past paper. This exam is a special exam held in 2023. This is called special competitive exam held by FPSC. Find below the past paper of Essay of CSS special exam 2023.

CSS Past Paper of Essay 2023

The following essay topics were given in the paper of special CSS exam 2023:

1. “It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be”.

2. Developing countries must be able to reap the benefits of international trade.

3. Artificial intelligence has overpowered its bounds.

4. No legacy is so rich as honesty.

5. Social media has destroyed real life communication.

6. Globalization: The end of austerity.

7. Children must be taught how to thin, not what to think.

8. Pakistani women have the same chances as men.

9. Unipolar, bipolar or multipolar: new direction of the world.

10. So, surely with hardship comes ease.

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  • 3.CSS English Essay and Precis Crash Course for 2023

CSS English Essay and Precis Crash Course for 2023

english essay topics for css 2023

Course Overview

Course Schedule

The extensive English essay and precis course for CSS and PMS exams start in the following months.

Important Note

Crash course for CSS 2023 is no longer available, kindly wait for the CSS English essay and precis course for 2024, which will be advertised in August 2023. Meanwhile, you can join 4-Month long Extensive English Essay and Precis Crash Course for CSS-2024 and PMS-2023.

Extensive English Essay and Precis Crash Course for CSS-24

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  11. 50 Years CSS Essay Papers From 1973

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    Important Essay Topics for CSS 2023. Political Instability in Pakistan. True Democracy to ensure / Fair Election. Price Hike in Pakistan / Inflation. Floods in Pakistan: Causes, Effect, and Remedies. Global Warming and Pakistan. Flood Insecurity. Global and Pakistan Energy / Food Crisis / Insecurity. Energy and Water Crisis: Causes, effect, and ...

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  18. 50 Years CSS English Essay Past Papers 1973 to 2023

    Each year's CSS English Essay Past Paper is a treasure trove of potential essay topics, writing styles, and critical thinking exercises. As you delve into the progression of essay questions over five decades, you'll be able to identify recurring themes, contemporary issues, and evolving evaluation criteria. 50 Years CSS English Essay Past ...

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    CSS Past Paper of Essay 2023. The following essay topics were given in the paper of special CSS exam 2023: 1. "It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be". 2. Developing countries must be able to reap the benefits of international trade. 3. Artificial intelligence has overpowered its bounds. 4.

  20. PDF CSS Past Papers

    CSS Past Papers Subject: Essay Year: 2023 For CSS Solved Past Papers, Date Sheet, Online Preparation, Toppers Notes and FPSC ... Make an outline and write a COMPREHENSIVE ESSAY (2500-3000 words) on any ONE of the given topics. Make sure you use different forms of discourses, e.g. exposition, argumentation, description and narration. Credit will ...

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  23. CSS English Essay and Precis Crash Course for 2023

    The extensive English essay and precis course for CSS and PMS exams start in the following months. September. November. Important Note. Crash course for CSS 2023 is no longer available, kindly wait for the CSS English essay and precis course for 2024, which will be advertised in August 2023. Meanwhile, you can join 4-Month long Extensive ...

  24. CSS Special 2023 English Essay Paper by SeekerGK

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