
The 10-Step Guide for a Successful Strategy Presentation

Discover essential steps and best practices in 'How to Write a Strategy Presentation.' Elevate your approach and effectively communicate your strategic vision with our comprehensive guide.



The 10-Step Guide for a Successful Strategy Presentation


Have you ever been trapped in the quicksand of a never-ending strategy presentation?

We've all been there, nodding off while someone drones on.

Now, picture this: a room hanging onto your every word, eyes lit with interest.


Think again. Plunge into our fresh guide, and you'll transform from a presenter to a storyteller.

It’s time for your audience to listen and be utterly captivated.

How to Write a Strategy Presentation: 10 Steps

1. set the stage right.

You wouldn’t host a grand ball without knowing who’s attending, right?

In the same way, before you even think of diving into your content, please know your audience.

Are they tech wizards or old-school board members? Millennials or Baby Boomers?

Customize your talk to resonate with them. Understand their needs, their pain points, and their aspirations.

Connect on a personal level, and half your battle is already won. 🎯

2. Define Your Mission

Imagine embarking on a road trip without a map.

A strategy presentation without a clear mission is almost the same – directionless and meandering.

So, ask yourself: Why are you here? What's the core message?

Once you have that clarity, your path becomes straightforward. Trust me, your audience will thank you for it.

3. Craft an Unforgettable Opening

First impressions?

They’re everything. You have 60 seconds to grab your audience's attention, so make those seconds count.

A quirky quote, a compelling statistic, or even a personal anecdote – choose a relevant and riveting opener. It’s the appetizer to your main course.

Make sure it's tantalizing!

4. Break Down the Core

a. Highlight the Issue:

Every story needs a conflict.

In your strategy presentation, this is the issue or challenge at hand.

Paint a vivid picture. Make them see what’s going awry.

But remember, no doom and gloom—just honest, relatable content.

b. Showcase Your Solution:

Now, for the hero of our story – your solution. Get straight to the point.

How will your idea transform the current scenario?

Make your key the shining beacon. Sell not just the picture but the dream.

c. Unveil the Game Plan:

So, you’ve hooked them with the problem and dazzled them with your solution.

The roadmap: Walk them through the how. Detail the journey, step by step, action by action. Make it tangible. Make it achievable.

5. Elevate with Design

Yes, content is king. But design?

It’s the crown. Incorporate visuals that speak. Charts, infographics, images – let them do the heavy lifting. Remember, a picture's worth a thousand words, but a relevant picture?

That’s gold. And hey, always lean into simplicity. Less is more, especially on slides. 🖼️

6. Weave in Stories

Facts need to be remembered. Stories? They stick.

Weave in anecdotes that resonate. Personal tales, success stories, or even fictional scenarios – a narrative touch can bring your presentation alive. Make it relatable.

Could you make it memorable? After all, who doesn't love a good story?

7. Get Them Talking

No one enjoys a monologue. You can turn your presentation into a dialogue.

Ask questions. Seek opinions. Maybe even throw in a mini poll or quiz. Engage them.

The more involved they are, the more invested they become. It's the difference between passive listeners and active participants.

8. Wrap it Up with Pizzazz

You're nearing the end. This is where you cement all you've shared.

Highlight the key points and end with a zinger. It could be a call to action, a memorable quote, or a challenge.

Leave them thinking, reflecting, and wanting more.

9. Rehearse to Perfection

You've crafted this masterpiece. Now, could you give it the respect it deserves?

Know each slide, each transition, and each pause. Familiarize yourself with the flow. The more comfortable you are with the material, the more confidently you'll deliver.

And nothing, absolutely nothing, captivates an audience more than genuine confidence.

10. After the Applause: Your Next Moves

The applause fades—the room empties.

But your job? It still needs to be done. Show gratitude. A simple thank you can work wonders. Would you be willing to share your presentation or additional resources?

And always, always be open to feedback. It’s the breakfast of champions, after all.

Crafting a killer strategy presentation isn’t about big words or fancy jargon. It’s about connection, clarity, and confidence. You’ve got the palette, brush, and canvas.

Now, could you paint your masterpiece? 🎨

Remember, strategy presentations are not just about informing. It’s about transforming.

So, go ahead and inspire change—illuminate minds. And make a lasting impact.🚀

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Bonus: Your Strategy Presentation Success Checklist

Please ensure that your strategy presentation is top-notch with our concise Success Checklist.

This list will guide you through each crucial step for impactful delivery, from understanding your audience to gathering feedback post-presentation.

Your trusty companion for every presentation!
  • Audience insights in place.
  • Is the Mission crystal clear? ✔️
  • Powerful start rehearsed.
  • Core content organized.
  • Engaging visuals ready.
  • Personal story integrated.
  • Interactive segment prepped.
  • Strong conclusion framed.
  • Feedback channels open.

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Building Strategy Consulting Slide Decks: The Complete Guide

Table of contents.

There’s something different about slide decks from strategy consulting firms like McKinsey, Bain or BCG . For some reason, they just seem more convincing. But it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly what makes those presentations good.

As a strategy consultant, you very quickly realize there are two important components of a compelling strategy presentation:

  • The ‘thinking’. This is the rigorous problem definition, analysis, synthesis, and insight that happens before you open up PowerPoint. Without this, even the most well-crafted strategy presentation lacks impact.
  • The presentation.  This is the distinctive, structured, and clear way that strategy consultants build their slide decks. Without this, even the most powerful insights lose their force.

In this guide, we show you how to do both those things. In chapters 1-3, we discuss how to structure your slide deck, define your objective, and craft a compelling argument and storyline.

Then in chapters 4-6, we show you best practices for building your slides and reviewing your slide deck.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have the ability to craft a compelling strategy slide deck with a clear and compelling storyline that leads your audience to your desired conclusion.

Structure your slide deck

Before we get into the detail of building your slide deck, it’s important to understand how to structure your presentation.

There is a common structure that is used for almost all strategy presentations. It’s based on a concept known as the Pyramid Principle , which was popularized by Barbara Minto at McKinsey & Co.

According to Minto, there are three components to a well-constructed slide deck:

  • The executive summary: Provides the reader a full summary of the argument and recommendations within your slide deck for readers that are more interested in the ‘so what’ than the detailed analysis.
  • The body slides: Illustrates the analysis that supports each claim you make in your slide deck’s argument and thus slide objective.
  • Next steps or recommendations slides:  Clearly outlines the key implications or ‘so what’ of your slide deck, as well as any next steps required.

In this guide, we will walk you through how to tackle each of these sections one by one. But first, we start by setting the objective of your slide deck, and crafting your argument and storyline.

Define the objective of your deck

Let’s start at the beginning. The purpose of your slide deck isn’t to show off all the things you know… or how great you are at analysis… or how beautiful your slides are.

Instead, the purpose of your slide deck is to persuade your audience and lead them to an objective. And, as the author of the slide deck, you need to set the objective before you start building your slide deck.

Having a clear objective for your slide deck is important for a number of reasons:

  • It helps you focus your research and analysis on things that are relevant to your objective.
  • You can quickly test the quality of your content by testing whether it is sufficient to achieve your objective.
  • It helps inform the tone and positioning of the messages in your slides.

Your objective can take many forms. For example, it could be simply to inform your audience, to gain endorsement for a decision, or to achieve a specific action or next step.

As the author of the slide deck, you must ensure that the objective is clear and agreed upon. All the work that you’re about to do to build your slide deck is guided by your objective.

Craft the argument and storyline

Now that you’ve determined the objective of your slide deck, you need to craft an argument and storyline that leads to your objective.

To some extent, your slide deck’s argument will naturally appear from insights gathered through research and analysis. As you conduct research, you’ll slowly uncover the “real state of affairs”, which will be supported by data.

It’s your job to translate this argument into a compelling story; one that grabs the attention of your reader and communicates your argument in a clear and easy-to-understand way.

To do this, you should use a situation-complication-resolution storyline .

This is a universal structure; it’s used in books, plays, films, advertising, religion, politics, and more. It looks something like this:

  • The scene is set and the characters are introduced (situation)
  • Something goes wrong (complication)
  • They fix the problem and live happily ever after (resolution)

When storytelling in PowerPoint, you should use the same structure. But in the context of your slide deck, your storyline will look something like:

  • This thing is important  (situation)
  • There is a problem with this thing  (complication)
  • Therefore, we need to respond — and here is how  (resolution)

The dot-dash structure

Writing a storyline for your presentation doesn’t happen in PowerPoint. In fact, you don’t open up PowerPoint until you’re completely satisfied with your storyline.

Instead of jumping into PowerPoint, you start by writing out your storyline in a text document using the dot-dash structure .

By writing your slide deck’s storyline in a text document, you can easily identify any faulty or missing logic in your story and ensure that you have the data required to support each claim you make.

And when you’re completely satisfied with your storyline, you can move it into PowerPoint. Your storyline should be communicated in the slide lead-ins, like so:

And once you’ve built the skeleton of your slide deck with the storyline communicated “horizontally” across the leads-ins, you’re ready to start building individual slides and the “vertical flow”.

Build body slides

Before you jump into building individual slides, there are two main components of slides that you need to understand:

  • The lead-in:  The text at the top of your slide. This should be written as an action title that communicates the implication or ‘so what’ of the slide, not describes the content of the slide.
  • The slide body:  The content of your slide. You should only communicate one insight per slide and choose the simplest method possible.

Components a PowerPoint slide: slide lead-in and slide body

There is a close relationship between the slide lead-in and slide body. And this relationship is best explained by the Golden Rule of slide building.

The Golden Rule of slide building is:

“One slide, one insight, fully articulated in the lead-in, and supported by the body”

In other words, each slide should only communicate one insight. That insight should be fully explained in words in the lead-in, and fully supported by data in the slide body.

In addition, there should be nothing in the lead-in that’s not in the body, and nothing in the body that’s not in the lead-in.

Data, charts, and other quantitative slides

Claims that are supported by data are naturally more compelling than claims supported by ‘expert’ opinions, focus groups, and other qualitative evidence.

Therefore, where possible, you should always prioritize quantitative slides over qualitative slides.

But don’t go overboard with your data visualization. Sometimes it can be tempting to show off our technical skills by choosing the most complex visualization available. This is bad practice.

Instead, you should always choose the simplest chart to demonstrate your insight. But it can be tricky to determine which chart to use. So we’ve put together a simple decision tree to ensure that you always choose the most appropriate chart for your data .

Text, conceptual, and other qualitative slides

There are some insights that simply cannot be communicated with charts or data. In these cases, you need to find the most appropriate conceptual chart.

Unlike qualitative slides, there are no simple guides for text and conceptual slides. And because of this, the ability to craft well-structured conceptual slides is the mark of a skilled consultant.

It’s surprisingly tricky to be able to communicate a qualitative insight in a clear and structured visual manner. The best way to build the skill is to practice. But you can also learn by exploring common qualitative slides used by strategy consultants .

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Download 120+ strategy consulting presentations for free

Looking for slide inspiration? Download 120+ consulting slide decks from top strategy consulting firms, such as McKinsey, BCG and Bain!

Write the executive summary

An executive summary slide is the first slide in your presentation but the last slide you build.

The executive summary slide fully summarizes the argument, storyline, and supporting evidence of the body slides. Because we already need to have finished every other part of the slide deck, we write it last.

Executive summary slides help the reader “follow along” with your slide deck. There are a few main benefits:

  • They provide context to help the reader understand why the topic of the slide deck is important.
  • They communicate the high-level argument before the reader gets into the body of the slide deck. This helps the reader understand your more detailed body slides.
  • They are a “map” that the reader can reference back to if they start losing the line of argument in the body of the deck.

A typical executive summary looks something like the following slides, which are from a BCG report on “Melbourne as a Global Cultural Destination” and can be downloaded here .

best company strategy presentations

Good executive summaries follow three best practices:

  • They are structured with bolded text for summary sentences and bullet points for supporting data. This ensures that every claim is clearly supported by data.
  • The bolded summary sentences can be read alone to tell the slide’s storyline (i.e. you don’t need to read the supporting data in the bullet points).
  • The bolded summary sentences reflect the SCR storyline structure of the slide deck

One other good practice (that you don’t see in the BCG example) is to reference the associated body slide throughout the executive summary. This helps direct a reader to the detailed analysis behind every claim in the executive summary.

Review your slide deck

Now that you’ve finished building all your slides and writing your executive summary, it’s time to review and finalize your slide deck.

There are three things that you need to check as you review your slide deck:

  • Chart completeness : Check that your charts are comprehensively labeled, including chart titles, axis labels, units, time periods, etc.
  • Text brevity : Review your slide text, including your lead-ins, and ensure that you make your points with the minimum number of words possible.
  • Slide consistency : Review your slides and ensure that there is consistent formatting across the slides.

Reviewing your charts and visualizations

There’s a surprising amount of detail contained in charts and it’s quite easy to forget to key include key information.

Some examples of common charting mistakes include missing chart titles, labels, axes, units, dates, and legends. You should also consider how you highlights the implication of your charts.

To make this easier, you should use a charting checklist to methodically cross-reference your chart with best practice.

Refining your slide text

There’s an important place for text in slides. Not only can your use text to provide important context to support your visualizations, but also to communicate insights without data.

Most people use too many words in their slides. They tend to use fancy “consulting speak” or long, verbose explanations that actually obsure their message.

As you review your slide deck, you should review all of the text in your slides and savagely sharpen your text by removing unnecessary words .

Ensuring consistency across slides

Finally, you should use your last review to check for consistency across slides.

Start by ensuring that the formatting is consistent. For example, your slide format, spacing, fonts and slide numbers should all be consistent across the slides.

And then finish your review by ensuring all concepts are communicated consistently across slides. For example, if you’ve numbered or colored concepts a certain way, then ensure that they remain consistent throughout your slide deck.

best company strategy presentations

Strategy presentation templates

Document your strategy and get buy-in from stakeholders with these free, professionally designed, fully customizable templates.

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Strategy Presentation Template

Present the key points of your strategy using a Strategy Presentation Template. Ensure that your team understands the direction to take and how to execute plans.

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About the Strategy Presentation Template

This Strategy Presentation Template helps transform strategic ideas and thinking into actionable plans. With a clear template, you can present a strategy to your team to ensure that everyone is on the same page about where your business is heading. 

Visual learning is a great way to engage employees and get them on board with never-before-seen ideas. The Miro Strategy Presentation Template will ensure that everyone listening understands the strategy presented and has a clear idea of the role they’ll play.

What’s a strategy presentation?

Strategies are the ideas and approaches business leaders map out to secure the future of a company. A strategy isn’t a plan. Rather, it’s a list of methods your team will use to achieve the company goals. These tactics refer to the what, how, and why of certain ideas to get everyone on board with the moves your team will make. 

Presenting your strategies is the best way to allow people to understand what the business will focus on in the future. Strategies are often more abstract than concrete plans. 

So, being able to discuss and present them to an audience can be challenging. A well-structured presentation is a great way to get employees to understand their roles and responsibilities in applying future strategies. 

What should be in a strategy presentation? 

The success of a presentation depends on the content included in it. It must be holistic, easy to understand, and flow well to keep listeners engaged. Your strategy presentation should: 

Discuss the big picture. The big picture should be your starting point for your strategy presentation. The overall goals and aims of your business should guide your strategies and provide an overview of the end goal. It’s important that listeners learn about this overarching approach to understand the rationale behind certain strategies.

Focus on the “why” of each strategy. It’s important that the team members involved in the strategy execution understand the “why” behind the business strategy. This will motivate and direct them as they complete their specific tasks within the overall strategy.

Benefits of a strategy presentation 

The following are the biggest advantages of a strategy presentation:

It establishes a sense of direction. The main benefit of a strategy presentation is to bring everyone in the business on board with the company’s direction and goals. It’s important that everyone understands this direction to work collaboratively and effectively to achieve the strategic goals. 

It improves focus within the team. A strategy presentation helps everyone understand the business objectives and key results , the actions they need to take to deliver the strategy, and their role in the business’s success. Based on this critical information, employees and workers will focus more on the tasks they need to complete.

It presents information visually. A strategy presentation is an effective way to visually communicate ideas to everyone on your team. Technical speeches with a lot of business jargon might be difficult for some to understand, but a strategy presentation template can help.

How to use the Strategy Presentation Template 

Here’s how to use this template to effectively communicate and present your strategy:

1. Fill in the frames with your strategy information

The Strategy Presentation Template has frames that act like editable slides for your presentation. Start by filling in each frame with the key information regarding your strategy. From the big picture and individual strategies to roles and jobs to be done, it’s important that you include all the ideas you want to discuss.

2. Customize the template

One of the main benefits of using this template is its flexibility. If certain frames don’t suit the message you want to convey, you can easily remove slides or edit them to suit your needs. You can move frames, arrange content on frames in a grid-like mode, and hide content on frames from your collaborators’ view. The frames are easy to manipulate, and the template is set up in a way that makes it easy to jump between slides to facilitate discussion and collaboration.

3. Use presentation mode

Once you’ve organized the information on each frame, it’s time to present. After entering full-screen presentation mode , use the arrow icons or arrow keys to navigate between frames as you showcase your strategy like a professional. 

4. Get feedback

Developing a strategy should be a collaborative process. It’s easy to share your strategy presentation with the rest of your team by creating a link or adding others as collaborators. Share your slides and get feedback anytime, anywhere.

How to pull off a great strategy presentation 

Presentations can be daunting, and getting your message across isn’t always an easy task. Keep the following tips in mind to help your strategy presentation communicate your strategic ideas effectively:

Make sure your insight is focused

Before you start thinking about presenting your company strategy, it’s important that your information is well researched and focused. It must not be scatterbrained, and claims must not be made without research to back them up. This is where you must collaborate with different people in your business to understand their opinions. You should also have a clear picture of the positions within the company and the role each person plays in carrying out the strategies.

Communicate the principles

The listeners of your presentation should understand the principles the strategy is based on. For example, if a strategy is focused on increasing productivity using a certain method, the principles of that method should be discussed. This brings it back to the “why.” The “why” must be explained and discussed throughout the presentation for your strategy to be properly received.

How do you start a business presentation strategy?

The best way to start a business presentation strategy is to discuss the job at hand. In other words, the presentation should start with the problem that needs to be solved. After this problem is understood and discussed, move on to the strategies that will be employed to solve it. After the introduction, this is the best way to engage the audience and make sure they understand the entire picture.

How do you structure a strategy presentation?

Having a well-structured strategy presentation is key to maintaining your audience’s attention and getting your point across. Begin by discussing the problem that needs solving. Secondly, discuss the principles that will underpin the strategies to be discussed later — the “why.” Lastly, after listeners begin thinking about solutions to the problem, present your ideas and tactics. This lends itself to a brainstorming and collaboration session.

When do you use a strategy presentation?

Strategy presentations can be used in any business sector that needs a revamp or has a problem that needs to be solved. For example, if your company wants to boost its online presence, it might be helpful to plan a social media strategy presentation. These strategic planning presentations can be used in all aspects of your business, from expansion to improving customer experience.

Get started with this template right now.

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Storyboard Presentation Template

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Use this Storyboard Presentation Template to visualize the structure, content, and flow of your presentation. Make sure that your presentation covers all the key points and hits the mark.

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Out with the old, in with the new! Showcase your brand’s newly revised strategy with this dynamic Rebranding Presentation Template.

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Simple Presentation Template


Designed to remove the clutter and communicate the most important information in a clear and visually appealing way, our Simple Presentation Template will keep your audience’s eyes glued to the screen and their ears tuned into your voice — without having to add any fancy bells or whistles.

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Portfolio Presentation Template

Display your work in an engaging and visually-appealing format with Miro’s Portfolio Presentation Template. Exhibit your best work and help your audience visualize your designs.

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UX Presentation Template

Create a stunning UX presentation with Miro’s memorable slide deck. Customize your slide deck to display your UX research in the perfect format for your audience. Add charts, images, and visuals to present your findings.

Strategy presentation: A comprehensive guide

In ths guide learn how to define your goals, design your slides, and deliver your ideas clearly and persuasively.

Raja Bothra

Building presentations

girl preparing strategy presentation

Welcome to the world of strategy presentations, where ideas take shape, plans are laid out, and visions become reality.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve deep into the art of crafting a compelling strategy presentation that not only captivates your audience but also ensures your message is crystal clear.

Whether you're a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the world of strategic communication, you'll find valuable insights here to elevate your strategy presentation game.

What is a strategy presentation?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of creating an effective strategy presentation, let's start with the basics. What exactly is a strategy presentation? In simple terms, it's a structured communication tool used to convey your strategic plans, business goals, and initiatives to a diverse audience, which could include stakeholders, executives, team members, or potential investors.

Types of strategy presentations

Strategy presentations come in various flavors, each tailored to a specific purpose and audience. Let's explore some common types:

1. Strategic plan presentation

  • Strategy : A comprehensive overview of your organization's overarching strategy.
  • Presentation : Delivering this strategy to stakeholders, often in the form of a roadmap.

2. Marketing strategy presentation

  • Strategy : Focused on marketing goals and tactics.
  • Presentation : Outlining marketing plans, target audiences, and value propositions.

3. Change management presentation

  • Strategy : Addressing organizational changes.
  • Presentation : Communicating the need for change and how it will be executed.

4. Business model presentation

  • Strategy : Explaining your company's business model.
  • Presentation : Outlining the company's objectives, target audience, and value proposition.

5. Product development presentation

  • Strategy : Discussing the creation or enhancement of products.
  • Presentation : Detailing the product roadmap, key success metrics, and execution plans.

These are just a few examples, but strategy presentations can be customized to suit various scenarios and industries.

How to structure an effective strategy presentation

Creating an effective strategy presentation is an art form. It requires meticulous planning, a clear structure, and an engaging delivery. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you structure your presentation for maximum impact:

1. Define your objective

  • Objective : What do you want to achieve with your presentation?
  • Slide : Start with a concise slide stating your objective.

2. Know your audience

  • Stakeholder : Understand your audience's interests and concerns.
  • Overview : Provide a brief audience overview.

3. Create a compelling opening

  • Presentation : Begin with a captivating story or fact.
  • PowerPoint template : Use an engaging PowerPoint template to set the tone.

4. Outline your strategy

  • Strategy : Present your strategic plan or initiative.
  • Diagram : Use visual diagrams to illustrate key points.
  • Icon : Incorporate icons to make information visually appealing.

5. Set business goals

  • Business goals : Define your business goals and objectives.
  • Update : Regularly update these goals to reflect progress.

6. SWOT analysis

  • SWOT analysis : Analyze your organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  • Executive : Create an executive summary of the analysis.

7. Effective strategy execution

  • Effective strategy : Discuss how you plan to execute the strategy.
  • Outline : Provide a step-by-step outline of the execution process.

8. Gain buy-in

  • Buy-in : Explain how you'll gain buy-in from team members and stakeholders.
  • Methodology : Detail the methodology you'll use.

9. Concrete plans

  • Concrete plans : Present concrete plans of action.
  • Team members : Highlight the roles of team members.

10. Emphasize key success metrics

  • Key success: Identify key success metrics.
  • Jargon: Avoid using jargon; make it easy for everyone to understand.

11. Articulate the big picture

  • Company strategy : Show how your strategy fits into the company's overall strategy
  • Plan of action : Outline your plan of action concisely.

12. Adapt to disruptions

  • Disruption: Be prepared to adapt to disruptions.
  • Metric: Monitor relevant metrics for any deviations.

13. Maintain a high-level view

  • High-level: Keep a high-level view throughout your presentation.
  • Goals and initiatives: Always tie back to your goals and initiatives.

Do’s and don'ts on a strategy presentation

Now that you have a structured framework for your strategy presentation, let's take a moment to discuss some do's and don'ts to ensure your presentation is a resounding success.

  • Create a clear narrative : Craft a compelling story that connects with your audience.
  • Use visual aids : Incorporate graphs and dashboards to illustrate data.
  • Practice : Rehearse your presentation multiple times for a smooth delivery.
  • Engage your audience : Encourage questions and discussions.
  • Stay concise : Keep your presentation concise and to the point.


  • Overload with information : Avoid overwhelming your audience with too much data.
  • Read slides verbatim : Your slides are a guide, not a script.
  • Lose focus : Stick to your main objectives; avoid going off on tangents.
  • Use complex jargon : Keep it simple and understandable.
  • Rush through : Take your time; don't rush through the presentation.

Summarizing key takeaways

Strategy Presentation Fundamentals :

  • A strategy presentation is a vital tool for sharing strategic plans and gaining support.
  • Different types cater to specific goals and audiences.

Structuring Success :

  • Start with a clear objective and audience understanding.
  • Craft a compelling opening, use visuals, and keep it concise.
  • Focus on high-level views and key success metrics.

Effective Do’s and Don'ts :

  • Do tell a compelling story and engage your audience.
  • Don't overwhelm with information or read slides verbatim.

Summary Strategies :

  • Execute strategies effectively and gain stakeholder buy-in.
  • Monitor key success metrics and adapt to disruptions.
  • Always maintain a big-picture perspective.

1. What is a strategy presentation, and why is it important?

  • A strategy presentation is one of the key tools business leaders use to present a strategy to their teams or stakeholders. But why do they need to create one?

A strategy presentation template can be an effective way to present a business strategy ppt using powerpoint or google slides. It helps present a strategy in a clear and organized manner, making it easier for the audience to understand the strategic goals and align with them. The presentation powerpoint slides also serve as an indicator of the company's competitive position and the importance of various aspects of the plan.

2. How do I create an effective strategy presentation?

  • To create a strategy presentation that gets buy-in from your team or stakeholders, you'll need to create a plan. But how do you go about it?

Start by using a strategy presentation template or a business strategy PowerPoint template. These editable templates provide a structured layout to help you lay out your business strategies effectively. Whenever possible, include case studies and visuals in your slide deck to support your points and illustrate the execution of plans. Identify new opportunities and highlight how your strategy aligns with the company's existing products or identifies new ones.

3. Can you provide tips on using powerpoint for strategy presentations?

  • PowerPoint is a popular tool for creating strategy presentations, but how can you make the most of it?

When using PowerPoint presentation slides, remember to keep the content concise and focused on the important aspects of your strategy. Use visuals to make the presentation more engaging and to help your audience understand complex concepts. Additionally, consider using the McKinsey 7S framework to align your strategy with various aspects of your organization, such as structure, systems, and skills.

4. Why is alignment in a strategy presentation critical?

  • Alignment is a crucial element in strategy presentations. Why is it so important?

Presenting a strategy that aligns with your company's strategic goals and existing products is essential to get buy-in from your team. An aligned strategy ensures that everyone is working toward the same objectives, helping the company execute its plans effectively and maintain its competitive position in the market.

5. How can strategy presentations impact recruitment and business growth?

  • Beyond the boardroom, how can a strategy presentation affect other aspects of a business, like recruitment or launching a new product?

A well-executed strategy presentation can serve as a powerful tool to attract top talent during recruitment. It showcases the company's vision and strategic goals, making it an appealing prospect for potential employees. Additionally, presenting a clear strategy can support business growth by identifying new opportunities, aligning resources, and guiding the development of new products or services. It's an essential tool for communicating the path forward to all stakeholders.

Create your strategy presentation with prezent

Prezent can significantly assist in creating your strategy presentation by leveraging its powerful features tailored for enterprise teams. Here's how Prezent can help you with your strategy presentation:

  • Audience-centric approach : Prezent enables you to tailor your strategy presentations to your specific audience's preferences and needs, ensuring better engagement and understanding.
  • Brand consistency : With access to brand-approved designs and templates, Prezent helps maintain brand consistency in your presentations, reinforcing your company's image.
  • Real-time collaboration : Collaborate seamlessly with team members in real-time, making it easier to create and refine strategy presentations together.
  • Time and cost savings : Prezent's efficiency features can save you up to 70% of the time spent on presentations and reduce communication costs by up to 60%, allowing you to allocate resources more effectively.
  • Extensive content library : Benefit from a vast library of over 35,000 slides and content elements to enhance the quality and visual appeal of your strategy presentations.

In conclusion, a strategy presentation is more than just a set of slides; it's a means to convey your strategic vision, gain buy-in, and drive success. By following the structure and guidelines outlined in this comprehensive guide, you'll be well-prepared to create strategy presentations.

Sign up for our free trial or book a demo ! Start creating your strategy presentation today and take your strategic communication to the next level.

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Strategy Templates for PowerPoint & Business Strategy Slides

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Strategic Goals PowerPoint Template

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Sales Enablement Battle Cards PowerPoint Template

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3-Item Management Levels Slide Template for PowerPoint

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Other than generic templates, we also have diagram templates related to specific types of strategic concepts like the Bowman’s Strategy Clock and Blue McKinsey 7S framework.

Choose a business strategy template most suitable for you, to create a plan that can help you stay ahead of the competition.

Our Business Strategy Presentations are compatible with PowerPoint and Google Slides and are 100% editable, so you can create an outstanding presentation in no time and with little effort. Whether you need to create a Bowman’s Strategy Clock PPT template , need a marketing strategy template, or wish to create a growth model; we have you covered with a visually appealing template that will suit well for your presentation.

What is a Strategy Template for Presentations?

A Strategy Template is a presentation that allows companies to create a roadmap to achieve their organizational objectives. Through the Strategy Template, it is possible to study these objectives through different methodologies and generate a complete picture of what you want to achieve and how.

What to include in a Strategy Template?

It is recommended to include some of these slides in a Business Strategy Template: Product definition, Market Problem Identification, Strategic Objectives, Market Segmentation, SWOT Analysis, Product Roadmap, among others. The Go-to-Market Strategy Template has specific content to create a Strategy Template.

How to use a Strategy Template to scale up your business?

The Strategy Template is a very comprehensive presentation that allows you to use many tools and methodologies to scale your business. Through the use of SWOT Analysis, Product Definition, Product Roadmap, and establishing SMART Goals you will have the ability to create and apply a strategic plan for your business and scale it over time.

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47 real mckinsey presentations, free to download.

Mats Stigzelius

Table of contents

Consulting firms like McKinsey, Bain, and BCG are notoriously secretive about both their clients and their slide decks.

Even so, there are a few publicly available McKinsey slides floating around the internet that can be fun to look at and get inspired by. For your convenience, we’ve rounded them up here and divided them into categories, along with short summaries of each deck.

But be warned: Many of the decks are older and for external purposes like presentations for industry conferences or extracts of McKinsey Global Institute reports. 

You can find similar lists of presentations for Bain here and BCG here .

If you want to see some recent real-life consulting slides used with corporate clients, go to our templates to get specific full-length case examples related to each topic.

Full list of available presentations:

Client projects:

  • McKinsey - Helping Global Health Partnerships to increase their impact: Stop TB Partnership (2009)
  • McKinsey - USPS Future Business Model (2010)
  • McKinsey - Capturing the full electricity efficiency potential of the U.K. (2012)
  • McKinsey - Modelling the potential of digitally-enabled processes, transparency and participation in the NHS (2014)
  • McKinsey - Refueling the innovation engine in vaccines (2016)
  • McKinsey - Lebanon Economic Vision - Full Report (2018)

Industry reports/market overviews:

  • McKinsey - The changed agenda in the global sourcing industry: perspectives and developments (2009)
  • McKinsey - What Makes Private Sector Partnership Works: some learnings from the field (2011)
  • McKinsey - The Internet of Things and Big Data: Opportunities for Value Creation (2013)
  • McKinsey - Laying the foundations for a financially sound industry (2013)
  • McKinsey - Manufacturing the Future: The Next Era of Global Growth and Innovation (2013)
  • McKinsey - Insurance trends and growth opportunities for Poland (2015)
  • McKinsey - Challenges in Mining: Scarcity or Opportunity? (2015)
  • McKinsey - Restoring Economic Health to the North Sea (2015)
  • McKinsey - How will Internet of Things, mobile internet, data analytics and cloud transform public services by 2030? (2015)
  • McKinsey - Overview of M&A, 2016 (2016)
  • McKinsey - Five keys to unlocking growth in marketing’s “new golden age” (2017)
  • McKinsey - Using Artificial Intelligence to prevent healthcare errors from occurring (2017)
  • McKinsey - Digital Luxury Experience (2017)
  • McKinsey - Technology’s role in mineral criticality (2017)
  • McKinsey - The future energy landscape: Global trends and a closer look at the Netherlands (2017)
  • McKinsey - European Banking Summit 2018 (2018)
  • McKinsey - Current perspectives on Medical Affairs in Japan (2018)
  • McKinsey - Investment and Industrial Policy: A Perspective on the Future (2018)
  • McKinsey - Moving Laggards to Early Adopters (Maybe even innovators) (2018)
  • McKinsey - Digital and Innovation Strategies for the Infrastructure Industry (2018)
  • McKinsey - The Future of the Finance Function –Experiences from the U.S. public sector (2019)
  • McKinsey - New horizons in transportation: mobility, innovation, economic development and funding implications (2020)
  • McKinsey - Accelerating hybrid cloud adoption in banking and securities (2020)
  • McKinsey - COVID-19 - Auto & Mobility Consumer Insights (2020)
  • McKinsey - Race in the workplace: The Black experience in the U.S. private sector (2021)
  • McKinsey - The top trends in tech - executive summary download (2021)
  • McKinsey - Women in the Workplace (2022)
  • McKinsey - Global Hydrogen Flows: Hydrogen trade as a key enabler for efficient decarbonization (2022)
  • McKinsey - McKinsey Technology Trends Outlook 2022 (2022)
  • McKinsey - Global Economics Intelligence; Global Summary Report (2023)
  • McKinsey - Fab automation - Artificial Intelligence (date unknown)

McKinsey Global Institute reports (McKinsey’s business and economics research arm):

  • McKinsey - Context for Global Growth and Development (2014)
  • McKinsey - Perspectives on manufacturing, disruptive technologies, and Industry 4.0 (2014)
  • McKinsey - From poverty to empowerment: India’s imperative for jobs, growth and effective basic services (2014)
  • McKinsey - Attracting Responsible Mining Investment in Fragile and Conflict Affected Settings (2014)
  • McKinsey - A blueprint for addressing the global affordable housing challenge (2015)
  • McKinsey - Jobs lost, jobs gained: Workforce transitions in a time of automation (2017)
  • McKinsey - Reinventing Construction: A Route To Higher Productivity (2017)
  • McKinsey - Outperformers: High-growth emerging economies and the companies that propel them (2018)

Miscellaneous projects:

  • McKinsey - How companies can capture the veteran opportunity (2012)
  • McKinsey - The Five Frames – A Guide to Transformational Change (date unknown)

Helping Global Health Partnerships to increase their impact: McKinsey (2009)

54 page pre-read deck for a board meeting during a longer project. Describes project overview, key findings from current phase, as well as next steps. Detailed and systematic walk-through. Good inspiration for : How to divide a project into relevant phases. Presenting detailed findings for different areas and summarizing these in suggested next steps for each area.

Download the presentation here.

McKinsey strategy presentation example pdf oil and gas market

USPS Future Business Model (2010)

39 page deck describing the recent context and base case going forward for USPS, as well as potential change levers and what is required to change course short term. Good inspiration for: Structuring a coherent strategy document with a clear storyline.

Download McKinsey strategy USPS Future Business Model presentation

Capturing the full electricity efficiency potential of the U.K. (2012)

61 page main deck + 68 page appendix covering a full analysis and recommendations for becoming more energy efficient. Appears to have been prepared for the UK government. Excellent deck with many good slide designs and the full end-to-end storyline from baseline calculation to potential efficiency measures to barriers to prioritization and recommendations of measures to take. Good inspiration for : Creating a full report of a project analysis and recommendations based on that analysis. Presenting data in clear slides. Presenting and analyzing potential measures systematically.

Mckinsey presentation - Capturing the full electricity efficiency potential of the U.K.

Modelling the potential of digitally-enabled processes, transparency and participation in the NHS (2014)

3 page deck + 13 page appendix describing the context, methodology, and outcome of a quantitative model to analyze the net benefits of various technology interventions for the NHS. Also includes an analysis of the net opportunities against the ease of implementation, and ends with a recommendation of the four most impactful actions to take. Good inspiration for: Structuring and explaining a quantitative model including drivers and expected impact.

McKinsey pdf presentation - Digitally-enabled processes in the NHS

Refueling the innovation engine in vaccines (2016)

40 page discussion document for NVAC as part of a longer project. The deck goes over the state of the industry, challenges to innovation and potential solutions, as well as what role NVAC can play. Good inspiration for: Creating a clear and structured storyline that balances data-heavy slides with verbal/abstract slides.

Refueling the innovation engine in vaccines presentation

Industry reports & market overviews:

The changed agenda in the global sourcing industry: perspectives and developments (2009) 35 page dense deck presented at a Global ICT services sourcing conference. Covers the development of the onshore-offshore industry, what it is expected to look like going forward, and the imperatives for management to successfully navigate the future. Good inspiration for: Creating a complete and comprehensive market picture, as well as framing recommendations.

global sourcing industry- perspectives and developments - slide deck

​​What Makes Private Sector Partnership Works: some learnings from the field (2011) 12 page deck describing public-private partnerships around agriculture in Africa. The deck identifies where in the value chain there could be partnership possibilities, as well as examples of successful partnerships and what is needed to succeed. Good inspiration for: Presenting a value chain. Visually representing different partnership models (or other types of models).

Mckinsey deck pdf - What Makes Private Sector Partnership Works

The Internet of Things and Big Data: Opportunities for Value Creation (2013) 18 page picture-heavy deck used in an oral presentation around the topic of IoT and big data. The deck first describes IoT’s growth in recent years before moving into how IoT works on a high level and what the possibilities and challenges are.

Good inspiration for: Using quotes to enhance a storyline.

IOT and and Big Data McKinsey pdf

Laying the foundations for a financially sound industry (2013) 17 page deck going over the current financial situation of the global steel industry before briefly touching on the outlook and then discussing possible measures to become more financially stable. Contains a fairly detailed and interesting EBITDA model with different drivers of EBITDA laid out. Presented at a Steel Committee meeting. Good inspiration for: Creating clear graph slides. Visually representing a quantitative model.

McKinsey global steel industry powerpoint

Manufacturing the Future: The Next Era of Global Growth and Innovation (2013) 38 page deck covering the current state of US manufacturing and five disruptive trends that are reshaping the industry. Good inspiration for: Summarizing trends and relating them to a specific value chain. Many good graphs and ways of presenting data (both quantitative and qualitative) visually.

McKinsey Global Growth and Innovation Powerpoint

Insurance trends and growth opportunities for Poland (2015) 25 page deck covering the status of the Polish insurance market and five main trends shaping the market, as well as a case of a different market and how that has changed. Presented in connection with the Polish Insurance Association. Good inspiration for: Systematically presenting various trends and their expected impact without becoming too monotonous visually.

Insurance trends and growth opportunities for Poland

Challenges in Mining: Scarcity or Opportunity? (2015) 10 page main deck + 30 page appendix describing the current status of mining and how the value chain will potentially change due to new innovations. Presented during World Materials Forum. Good inspiration for: Presenting a value chain in different ways, as well as which areas of the value chain will change/can be innovated.

Challenges in Mining- Scarcity or Opportunity - Mckinsey

Restoring Economic Health to the North Sea (2015) 28 page deck used for an oral presentation about the cost increases in the UK oil industry and potential ways to mitigate these. Good inspiration for: Creating a simple and clear storyline with a strong narrative arc that works well for a live presentation.

Restoring Economic Health to the North Sea

How will Internet of Things, mobile internet, data analytics and cloud transform public services by 2030? (2015) 15 page fairly high-level deck describing IoT and other digital trends and how they will potentially impact various industries and current ways of doing things. Good inspiration for: Presenting a trend and following with a good example/case study.

How will Internet of Things, mobile internet, data analytics and cloud transform public services by 2030

Five keys to unlocking growth in marketing’s “new golden age” (2017) 26 page deck going over five main levers to pull in marketing; science, substance, story, speed, and simplicity. Describes each lever in a few slides using mainly images, icons, and other graphics. Good inspiration for: Creating light, image-based slides that still tell a story and get the message across.

Five keys to unlocking growth in marketing’s “new golden age”

Using Artificial Intelligence to prevent healthcare errors from occurring (2017) 25 page dense deck describing how AI/ML (machine learning) is changing industries, the possible use cases in healthcare, and what barriers exists/which key things need to be in place to enable an advanced analytics implementation. Good inspiration for: Showing quantitative potentials for different use cases/levers and summarizing these in a visually clear way. Creating one-pagers on specific use cases.

Presentation - Using Artificial Intelligence to prevent healthcare errors from occurring

Digital Luxury Experience 2017 (2017) 24-page support deck for an oral presentation going over three areas of change for the luxury industry, hosted by a luxury goods umbrella organization. Good inspiration for: Using simple graphs and numbers to illustrate a point.

McKinsey slide deck - Digital Luxury Experience 2017

Technology’s role in mineral criticality (2017) 28 page deck first describing some overall technology trends and how they may impact the minerals industry including potential opportunities. Then going into productivity issues in mining and potential fixes, as well as a deep dive into two commodities. Presented at the World Materials Forum. Good inspiration for: Presenting complex data on relatively simple slides and making the message visually clear.

Technology’s role in mineral criticality

The future energy landscape: Global trends and a closer look at the Netherlands (2017) 38 page graph-heavy deck describing the current energy landscape and three major trends expected to impact it going forward, as well as how it specifically applies to the Netherlands. Presentation to the Dutch financial sector. Good inspiration for: Different ways of presenting numbers and graphs in clear, compelling visuals.

The future energy landscape - slide deck pdf

European Banking Summit 2018 (2018) 10-page deck going over the status of European capital markets, particularly concerning the US. Mainly focused on current numbers, not a lot on the path forward. Good inspiration for: Making classic consulting-style graph slides.

European Banking Summit 2018

Current perspectives on Medical Affairs in Japan (2018) 20 page deck covering the current status and trends impacting Medical Affairs in Japan, as well as four priorities for leadership going forward. Good inspiration for: Creating divider slides that also function as executive summaries.

Current perspectives on Medical Affairs in Japan

Investment and Industrial Policy: A Perspective on the Future (2018) 16-page main deck + 7-page appendix describing the rise of globalization, its impact on economic growth, and recommendations for policy-makers. Fairly high-level, although with some good data slides. Presented as part of a panel discussion at the UNCTAD Trade And Development Board. Good inspiration for: Creating visually clear data-heavy slides. Condensing a potentially long storyline into a few key slides.

Investment and Industrial Policy- A Perspective on the Future

Moving Laggards to Early Adopters (Maybe even innovators) (2018) 18 page word-heavy deck used in an oral presentation on the topic of digitalization in manufacturing. Covers the challenges of digital manufacturing, then goes over survey output from the industry, before ending with three recommendations for businesses. Good inspiration for: Presenting verbal findings and recommendations in simple slides with icons.

Moving Laggards to Early Adopters

The Future of the Finance Function –Experiences from the U.S. public sector (2019) 14 page deck used in an oral presentation for a government finance function conference. The deck goes over what challenges CFOs etc. face in the current environment and five ways to move from transaction to value management going forward. Good inspiration for: Presenting different levels of maturity of a given function and supporting this with data.

The Future of the Finance Function –Experiences from the U.S. public sector

Fab automation - Artificial Intelligence (date unknown) 17 page deck discussing the potential for AI in the semiconductor industry by first describing what AI is, then how it applies to fab, and finally what is required to unlock that potential. Good inspiration for: Creating different types of slide designs that balance text and numbers to avoid a monotonous or boring storyline.

Fab automation - Artificial Intelligence

McKinsey Global Institute reports:

Context for Global Growth and Development (2014) Sub-title: Extracts from McKinsey Global Institute research for UN Session on “Financing for global sustainable development”. 11-page deck focusing mainly on key findings from a longer research report put out by McKinsey Global Institute. Good inspiration for: Creating different slide designs for graphs and numbers.

Context for Global Growth and Development

Perspectives on manufacturing, disruptive technologies, and Industry 4.0 (2014) 17-page slightly ad hoc deck with extracts of a longer report put out by the McKinsey Global Institute on manufacturing. Goes over why manufacturing is important, how the boundaries of industry and services are blurring, how digital manufacturing is growing, and finally where governments can support from a policy perspective. Good inspiration for: Different slide designs and presenting data in a visually appealing and clear way.

Perspectives on manufacturing, disruptive technologies, and Industry 4.0

From poverty to empowerment: India’s imperative for jobs, growth and effective basic services (2014) 13-page deck + 8-page appendix going over India’s poverty issues and potential change levers. Extract of a longer report put out by the McKinsey Global Institute. Good inspiration for: Creating clear and compelling quantitative slides in different formats.

From poverty to empowerment- India’s imperative for jobs, growth and effective basic services

Attracting Responsible Mining Investment in Fragile and Conflict Affected Settings (2014) 8 page deck describing the development of resource-driven countries and six dimensions for governments to focus on to realize the full potential going forward. Extract from a longer report put out by the McKinsey Global Institute. Good inspiration for: Creating a short and to-the-point storyline following the SCQA framework (situation-complication-question-answer), although the “Q” is implied.

Attracting Responsible Mining Investment in Fragile and Conflict Affected Settings

A blueprint for addressing the global affordable housing challenge (2015) 49 page deck going into first what the affordable housing challenge looks like in numbers, followed by levers to narrow the affordability gap. The deck is a summation of a longer report put out by the McKinsey Global Institute. Good inspiration for: Illustrating change levers and their quantitative impact, both collectively and separately.

A blueprint for addressing the global affordable housing challenge

Jobs lost, jobs gained: Workforce transitions in a time of automation (2017) 16-page deck going over how automation and computers have historically affected jobs, and what potential impact it will have in the future. Summary of a longer report put out by the McKinsey Global Institute. Good inspiration for: Creating data-heavy slides. Keeping the storyline simple and to-the-point.

Jobs lost, jobs gained- Workforce transitions in a time of automation

​​Reinventing Construction: A Route To Higher Productivity (2017) 14-page deck describing the current state of construction, in particular productivity, before briefly going over seven potential improvement areas and how government intervention might help. Very high-level deck summarizing a longer report by the McKinsey Global Institute. Good inspiration for: Using an agenda or divider slide actively to both summarize and outline the storyline.

Reinventing Construction - McKinsey

Outperformers: High-growth emerging economies and the companies that propel them (2018) 16-page deck describing the main highlights of a research report by McKinsey Global Institute on high-growth emerging economies. The deck first goes over the data on how these economies are performing, followed by the proposed reasons why, and the outlook going forward. Good inspiration for: Creating different graph-heavy slide designs.

Outperformers- High-growth emerging economies and the companies that propel them

How companies can capture the veteran opportunity (2012)

34-page main deck + 12 page appendix going into how employers can leverage veteran talent. The document is divided into three main sections; 1) what is the business case for hiring veterans, 2) what are the best practices are for finding, hiring, onboarding, and retaining veterans, 3) what resources are available to assist employers’ veteran recruiting efforts. Good inspiration for: Systematically presenting an opportunity and how to best leverage that opportunity. Creating slides to show processes and decision trees.

How companies can capture the veteran opportunity

The Five Frames – A Guide to Transformational Change (date unknown)

33-page deck discussing organizational “health” and diving into a five-step approach to transformation. The deck is structured as a kind of simple playbook to use when undertaking e.g. a digital transformation. Good inspiration for: Directly applicable high-level playbook when embarking on a small or large transformation. Structuring a process.

The Five Frames

Download our most popular templates

High-end PowerPoint templates and toolkits created by ex-McKinsey, BCG, and Bain consultants

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Consulting toolkit and template

A comprehensive library of slide layouts, templates, and typically consulting tools and frameworks.

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  • Business Strategy

This template, created by ex-McKinsey and BCG consultants, includes everything you need to create a complete strategy.

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Create a full business case incl. strategy, roadmap, financials and more.

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My favorite strategy presentation template

  • March 16, 2023

How much time do you waste building and rebuilding PowerPoint slides?

How much time does your team waste?

If you’re anything like I used to be, the answer is, “waaaaaay too much”.

For years now, I’ve sat back and watched while everyone around me wasted countless hours designing and redesigning slides for business strategy presentations and updates. And here I was, Mr. Template (self proclaimed …) watching it all go down. Well those days are over. We need to stop wasting our time and energy building strategy presentation slides so we can focus on being creative and strategic.

I locked myself in a room for the past two weeks and assembled a collection of more than 40 of my favorite business slides in a comprehensive strategy presentation template . These are the slides I use over and over again. They are battle tested over two decades. They work.

What is in the Strategy Presentation Template?

In the package, you’ll find over 40 slide templates and a fully baked example strategy presentation to show you exactly how I use these slides in practice.

I built the slides to be visually attractive but simple to edit. I designed most slides using well-constructed PowerPoint tables instead of shapes to make it easier for you to format and change. They look great but they don’t break when you try to change a word or add a section. I created multiple versions of every slide – image versions, plain versions, versions of varying lengths. Whatever I could think of to make your life easier, I’ve done it. Instead of spending 3 hours building a presentation for your boss next week, you can spend 15 minutes by using my slide templates.

Buy the strategy presentation template

If I already had you at “strategic slide templates” and you just want to buy them now and get on with it, click here . In the package you’ll get 40 strategic slide templates and a fully baked example version to show how I would use them in practice.

If you want to learn a bit more about what’s inside the template, I’ll outline below.

I’ve probably built hundreds of strategy and business presentations over the years. I have evaluated hundreds more. And during that time, I’ve developed a set of slides I always use because they make sense and they work.

Mission Slides (2 slide templates)

It’s good to start every strategic presentation or plan with a reminder of the highest level mission. It provides an anchor point for all plans and strategies. In the strategic planning template, I’ve given a simple template and a visual template to communicate your mission.

Situational Analysis Slides (7 slide templates)

I start every strategy presentation with a review of the current situation. This can include analysis of internal factors like your team or budget as well as external factors like competitors and markets. Situational analysis slides are critical to setting proper context. You can’t build an effective plan or presentation without at least one. In the strategy presentation template, I’ve provided several slides to use when analyzing the current situation.

Goals Slides (3 slide templates)

Once you have assessed the situation, you need to communicate your goals in a way that is specific and measurable. Goals are ultimately tied to your mission but should reflect the situational analysis you’ve just done. I’ve given you a few templates for communicating your goals.

Transformation Slides (4 slide templates)

Every company is transforming in some way. Every team is transforming. I find it very useful to use transformation slides in my business presentations. I’ve built a few of my favorites for you to use in the strategy presentation template.

Strategic Initiatives Slides (3 slide templates)

In my experiences this is the most important section of a strategic plan or presentation. Once you’ve identified your goals and desired transformation, you need initiatives to get it done. In this section I’ve given you a few templates to communicate and describe your strategic initiatives in a compelling way.

Comparative Analysis Slides (4 slide templates)

In many business and strategy presentations you will need to compare markets, competitors, features and other attributes. I do it all the time. I’ve designed four of my favorite slides for comparisons and included in this template.

KPIs and Dashboard Slides (2 slide templates)

You can’t have a strategic plan without some sort of measurement dashboard. I use the same basic dashboards in every plan I do and I’ve included two versions of it for you in this package.

Budget and Resources Slides (2 slide templates)

Most strategic plans need to contemplate resources and budget requirements. I created a couple of simple slide designs that embed excel sheets into them. This makes it way easier for you to edit and adjust based on your specific needs.

Execution Plan Slides (4 slide templates)

Once you’ve aligned everyone to your strategic and the key initiatives, you need to present a project plan and timeline. Most people spend too much time building these or they try to copy and past something from excel that is not legible. I’ve included 4 slide designs I use all the time when presenting my execution plans.

Decision Framework Slides (2 slide templates)

How often do you need to decide between two options? All the time, right? I’ve included a couple of slides I use when I need to get executive alignment or a key decision made between two reasonable options.

Risks and Request Slides (4 slide templates)

Most good presentations end with a statement of risks and some requests for support or help. I’ve included 4 of my favorite templates for doing that. They should help you save time in future plans and presentations.

I hope this package is helpful for you and saves you a ton of time. Send me an email and let me know how it goes!

Get the template .

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7 Visual Frameworks for Strategy Analysis Presentation

Last Updated on March 4, 2024 by Rosemary

There are dozens of frameworks you can use for strategy analysis, from the classical SWOT model to the BCG matrix. The question is which one to choose and how to illustrate the strategy engagingly and understandably for your audience. As usual, the simplest way is the best 🙂

Transform your business presentations with our expert resources. Discover more on our business performance presentations webpage.

Frameworks for Strategy Analysis and Planning

Below is the list of key tools used for strategic management. Starting with techniques for analyzing the current business situation and market opportunities and finishing with methods for planning the next company moves:

  • SWOT analysis
  • Porter’s Five Forces
  • Business Review
  • PEST and PESTEL analysis
  • SMART goals
  • Roadmaps for strategy planning

Choose the strategy model that fits your market and situation. We used those models in our business, however, we are not management consultants ourselves. But as presentation designers, we can advise you on how to present the selected model using simple diagrams .

Check out those books for entrepreneurs and managers , they will help you define the strategy you need and the tools to use.

In this article, you will find various ways to show and illustrate these strategy frameworks.

1. Business Review – visual summarizing KPIs and results

annual review slide KPI sales numbers presentation

Have you ever thought that financial data can be interesting and not boring? 🙂 There is a way to make financial results more interesting, show sales, production, accounting data, and other KPIs in eye-catching visual form. What is more, the solution is simple: just add a few simple shapes and change plain numbers to colorful, simple infographics. Example of  business review visual slides

If you want to find more inspiration on making similar diagrams, check this blog article “ How to Make Attractive Annual Company Review “.

2. SWOT Analysis – diagrams for understanding strong and weak points


A SWOT analysis is a useful tool for brainstorming and strategic planning. You’ll get more value from a SWOT analysis if you conduct it with a specific objective or question in mind. The crucial step is to move away from usually busy SWOT findings notes to clean and eye-catchy slides presenting all SWOT areas. Illustration of  SWOT one-pager 

Do you need to add more details to your SWOT presentation? Reuse the same graphics. A slide costs you nothing so don’t be afraid to split busy slides into several ones. You can assign a color and symbol to each of the 4 SWOT areas to identify them in your presentation.

For more inspiration on using SWOT check this article with examples of how to grab attention to all issues of SWOT presentation.  If you prefer conducting your SWOT analysis online, there are also a bunch of mobile and cloud apps for personal or company SWOT as well.

3. PEST Analysis – testing your external environment

strategy analysis PEST diagram slide powerpoint factors example

PEST analysis is commonly used in strategic and marketing planning or product development. If you are looking for more PEST visualizations, read our article on How to create a great PEST slide or presentation.

4. Porter’s Five Forces – a framework for identifying a company’s environment

Porter’s Five Forces is a simple but powerful tool for understanding where power lies in a business situation. This model helps you understand both the strength of your current competitive position and the strength of a position you’re considering moving into.

infographics porter forces strategy analysis powerpoint chart

Here are some ideas on how to present Porter’s 5 forces creatively . You may also search for a more detailed explanation of how to analyze the competitive environment in this  article.

5. BCG Matrix – identifying customer segments

BCG matrix is designed to help a business consider growth opportunities by reviewing its portfolio of products to decide where to invest, discontinue, or develop products. More ideas on how to present the BCG matrix.

bcg diagrams puzzle ppt slide

6. SMART Goals – ensuring  your objectives are clear and reachable

smart goals checklist ppt icons

To set effective goals, use the S.M.A.R.T. method of defining them. If you present the goals in nice eye-catching ways, you can reach better engagement by your audience. Design templates of  SMART goals  benchmark tables

If you write your plans and targets in text only, people will not be eager to read and remind them often. On the other side, if you present them in a clear aesthetic way, people will remember them longer (we wrote more about it in this blog How to make SMART goals visually engaging).

7. Roadmaps – presenting a long-term vision

A well-designed strategic roadmap is like a GPS for your business . It’s one of the best tools to lift the fog and make your vision clear for everyone on the team.

5 year strategy road map landmarks, project steps sand footprint roadmap picture, quarter milestones

Roadmap slide deck illustration for project planning

I recommend using those five steps  (Forbes article) to create an effective long-term or short-term strategy:

  • Check where you are
  • Prioritize what’s important
  • What to achieve
  • Who will do it, who’s accountable

Once you have it, it’s time to pack it into a nice engaging presentation design. See the blog  Three Creative Ways to Do a Roadmap slide .

Whatever your planning level and context are, the visual roadmap can be one of the best weapons in your communication arsenal.

Those are seven essential tools for strategic planning and implementation. Check specific framework graphics in the infoDiagram business diagrams collection to find what you need.

You may want to create your own slides and use more models than we suggested. For this purpose, we recently created an infographics do-it-yourself collection:  Flat Infographic Presentation Templates.

For more inspiration, subscribe to our YouTube channel:

Explore our blog to get ideas for Strategic Planning Presentations.

Conclusion – Make Your Strategy Visual

As you can see, all those strategy tools can be pretty easily visualized. Even if using plain simple PowerPoint shapes – 4 colorful rectangles for the matrix or a wide arrow for roadmaps.

Here’s what a professional management consultancy principal told us about using such visual frameworks in her work:

“As a management consultant, it is important for me to visually display my slides in a way that not only appeals to my clients, but also sets the quality of my work apart and gives more life to my message.”

Astrid Malval-Beharry from StratMaven Operations Consulting Firm

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Get new presentation ideas and updates sent directly to you! Plus, if you sign up for our free newsletter now, you’ll receive a  Creative slide design guide  for free, as well as hand-drawn shapes you can start using right now.

What tool do you use the most in the strategic analysis? Drop us a line in the comments 🙂

Analyst Academy

100+ Real Consulting Presentations from McKinsey, BCG, Bain, and More

profile picture of Analyst Academy founder Paul Moss

By Paul Moss

We’ve gathered presentations from top consulting firms that you can use to inspire your own slide making.

For this post we’ve gathered 100+ real presentations from top consulting firms around the internet for you to review, analyze, and learn from. Each has its strengths and weaknesses, and each provides a different look into how top quality consulting presentations get created and delivered to clients. 

After finishing this article, make sure you check out our advanced courses to see how you can learn to build your own high-quality, consulting-style slides from scratch.

The Internet's Best Slides

Search through our curated library of REAL slides to find inspiration for your next presentation

  • Reshaping NYCHA support functions   (BCG)
  •   Loose dogs in Dallas: Strategic Recommendations to Improve Public Safety and Animal Welfare   (BCG)
  •   Melbourne as a Global Cultural Destination   (BCG)
  •   The Open Education Resources ecosystem   (BCG)
  •   The True-Luxury Global Consumer Insight (7th Edition) (BCG)
  •   Evaluating NYC media sector development and setting the stage for future growth   (BCG)
  •   The Electric Car Tipping Point   (BCG)
  •   Projecting US Mail volumes to 2020   (BCG)
  •   Next Generation Manufacturing (2016)   (BCG)
  •   Corporate Ventures in Sweden (2016)   (BCG)
  •   Port of Los Angeles Clean Truck Program – March 2008   (BCG)
  •   USPS Future Business Model   (McKinsey)
  •   Investment and Industrial Policy: A Perspective on the Future   (McKinsey)
  •   Outperformers: High-growth emerging economies and the companies that propel them   (McKinsey)
  •   Technology’s role in mineral criticality (World Materials Forum)   (McKinsey)
  •   Challenges in Mining: Scarcity or Opportunity?   (McKinsey)
  •   Modelling the potential of digitally-enabled processes, transparency and participation in the NHS   (McKinsey)
  •   Addressing the Global Affordable Housing Challenge (2016)   (McKinsey)
  •   Capturing the Full Electrical Efficiency Potential of the UK (2012)   (McKinsey)
  •   Digital Luxury Experience (2017)   (McKinsey)
  •   Digitally-Enabled Processes in the NHS (2014)   (McKinsey)
  •   How Companies can Capture the Veteran Opportunity (2012)   (McKinsey)
  •   Insurance Trends and Growth Opportunities for Poland (2015)   (McKinsey)
  •   Laying the Foundations for a Financially Sound Industry (2013)   (McKinsey)
  •   From Poverty to Empowerment (2014)   (McKinsey)
  •   Consumer privacy in retail   (Deloitte)
  •   TMT Outlook 2017: A new wave of advances offer opportunities and challenges   (Deloitte)
  • Deloitte SEA CFO Forum Southeast Asia Business Outlook   (Deloitte)
  • Deloitte Kenya Budget 2022/23 Webinar   (Deloitte)
  • The Shopping Centre Handbook 4.0   (Deloitte)

Bain & Co.

  •   2011 China Luxury Market Study   (Bain)
  •   Bain & UC Berkley Operational Excellence (2010)   (Bain)
  •   Fintech New York: Partnerships, Platforms and Open Innovation   (Accenture)
  •   Shaping the Sustainable Organization   (Accenture)
  •   The Decade to Deliver: A Call to Business Action   (Accenture)
  •   Fueling the Energy Future   (Accenture)
  •   Cracking the Code on Consumer Fraud   (Accenture)
  •   Right Cloud Mindset: Survey Results Hospitality   (Accenture)
  •   Unleashing Competitiveness on the Cloud Continuum   (Accenture)
  •   Whole Brain Leadership: New Rules of Engagement for the C-Suite   (Accenture)
  •   Federal Technology Vision 2021: Full U.S. Federal Survey Findings   (Accenture)
  •   Accenture Consumer Behavior Research: The value shake-up   (Accenture)
  •   Tech Adoption and Strategy for Innovation & Growth   (Accenture)
  •   Intelligent Operations for Future-Ready Businesses   (Accenture)
  •   When, Where & How AI Will Boost Federal Workforce Productivity   (Accenture)
  •   How fit is your allocation strategy?   (EY)
  •   European Banking Barometer (2015)   (EY)
  •   EY Price Point: global oil and gas market outlook, Q2 | April 2022   (EY)
  •   IBOR transition: Opportunities and challenges for the asset management industry (EY)
  •   Global Capital Confidence Barometer 21st edition   (EY)
  •   Power transactions and trends Q2 2019   (EY)
  •   MAPS2018 Keynote address on EY report: Life Sciences 4.0 – Securing value through data-driven platforms   (EY)
  •   EY Germany FinTech Landscape   (EY)

PwC / Strategy&

  •   Project Management: Improving performance, reducing risk   (PwC)
  •   World Economic Forum: The power of analytics for better and faster decisions by Dan DiFilippo   (PwC)
  •   Apache Hadoop Summit 2016: The Future of Apache Hadoop an Enterprise Architecture View   (PwC)
  •   Turning big data into big revenue   (PwC)
  •   Medical Cost Trend: Behind the Numbers 2017   (PwC)
  •   PwC’s new Golden Age Index – how well are countries harnessing the power of older workers?   (PwC)
  •   PwC’s Global Technology IPO Review — Q1 2015   (PwC)
  •   PwC Trends in the workforce   (PwC)
  •   18th Annual Global CEO Survey – Technology industry key findings   (PwC)
  •   The FDA and industry: A recipe for collaborating in the New Health Economy   (PwC)
  •   Making zero-emission trucking a reality   (Strategy&)
  •   Sustainability strategies for Oil and Gas   (Strategy&)
  •   Driving the sustainability agenda on C-level   (Strategy&)
  • The Diversity Imperative: 14th Annual Australian Chief Executive Study   (Strategy&)
  •   Creating a Winning Recipe for a Meal Kits Program   (LEK)
  •   The 4th Annual New Mobility Study 2019   (LEK)
  •   2019 APAC Hospital Priority Study Overview    (LEK)
  •   Rail industry cost and revenue sharing (2011)   (LEK)
  •   2019 Media and Entertainment Study   (LEK)
  •   Navigating a digital-first home furnishings market   (LEK)
  •   5 Opportunities in the Nutritional Supplements Industry   (LEK)
  •   Infrastructure Victoria – AZ/ZEV International Scan   (LEK)
  •   The Rapidly Evolving Landscape of Meal Kits and E-commerce in Food & Beverage   (LEK)
  •   Top 8 Insights From the 2018 Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey   (LEK)
  •   2018 Brand Owner Packaging Survey   (LEK)
  •   2016 Strategic Hospital Priorities Study   (LEK)
  •   The Merchandising Evolution (and why NDC Matters)   (LEK)
  •   Infrastructure beyond COVID-19   (LEK)
  •   China Exit or Co-Investment Opportunities for German PE Investors   (LEK)
  •   Strategy Study 2014   ( AT Kearney)
  •   Australia: Taking Bigger Steps   ( AT Kearney)
  •   Lifting the Barriers to Retail Innovation in ASEAN   ( AT Kearney)
  •   The Future of Commercial Vehicle Powertrains (2012)   ( AT Kearney)
  •   A.T. Kearney 2017 State of Logistics Report: Accelerating into Uncertainty   ( AT Kearney)
  •   Pursuing Customer Inspired Growth   ( AT Kearney)
  •   The Accelerating Growth of Frictionless Commerce   ( AT Kearney)
  •   Consolidation of the US Banking Industry   ( AT Kearney)
  • Covid-19 and Effects on Turkey   ( AT Kearney)

Booz Allen Hamilton, Alvarez & Marsal and others

  •   European Distressed Credit Watch List   (Alvarez & Marsal)
  •   Corporate Headquarters Study 2018   (Roland Berger)
  • The Lithium-Ion (EV) battery market and supply chain   (Roland Berger)
  •   IP Theft   (Booz Allen Hamilton)
  •   Booz Allen Hamilton and Market Connections: C4ISR Survey Report   (Booz Allen Hamilton)
  •   Joining Forces: Interagency Collaboration and “Smart Power”   (Booz Allen Hamilton)
  • Booz Allen at a glance   (Booz Allen Hamilton)
  • Investor Presentation Deck   (Booz Allen Hamilton)
  •   Responding to Covid-19 (2021)   (Oliver Wyman)
  •   C ovid-19 Special Primer (2020)   (Oliver Wyman)
  • Building Up Immunity of the Financial Sector   (Oliver Wyman)
  • Customer Experience: The 14BN Risk Noted for Discussion   (Oliver Wyman)

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Reshaping NYCHA support functions

Reshaping NYCHA support functions

Good:  Realistic client presentation, clear slide structure, complete storyline

Not Good:  Outdated, long and dense

Download this Presentation

Loose dogs in Dallas Strategic Recommendations to Improve Public Safety and Animal Welfare

Loose dogs in Dallas: Strategic Recommendations to Improve Public Safety and Animal Welfare

Good: Realistic client presentation, clear slide structure, insightful and clear charts

Not Good: Outdated, long and dense

Melbourne as a Global Cultural Destination 2

Melbourne as a Global Cultural Destination

Good: Realistic client presentation, good structure, slides “guide” audience to insights

Not Good: Outdated design

The Open Education Resources ecosystem

The Open Education Resources ecosystem

Good: Clearly structured slides, good visuals, good illustrative charts

Not Good: Relatively short, slightly older, incomplete storyline

The True Luxury Global Consumer Insight 7th Edition

The True-Luxury Global Consumer Insight (7th Edition)

Good: Recent presentation, nice looking visuals, clear charts

Not Good: Not a client presentation, too much focus on design

Evaluating NYC media sector development and setting the stage for future growth

Evaluating NYC media sector development and setting the stage for future growth

Good: Complete presentation (intro, exec. summary, etc.), good examples of subtitles

Not Good: Lacks clear recommendations

The Electric Car Tipping Point

The Electric Car Tipping Point

Good: Clear and insightful charts, clutter-free slides, good titles

Not Good: Relatively short, not a client presentation

Projecting US Mail volumes to 2020

Projecting US Mail volumes to 2020

Good: Easy to understand, good insights and analysis, contrasts with McKinsey presentation on the same topic

Not Good: Old presentation

Next Generation Manufacturing 2016

Next Generation Manufacturing (2016)

Good: Nice clean design, excellent visuals

Not Good: Not a client deliverable

Corporate Ventures in Sweden 2016

Corporate Ventures in Sweden (2016)

Good: Strong overall flow, good visualization s

Not Good: Relatively short

Port of Los Angeles Clean Truck Program March 2008

Port of Los Angeles Clean Truck Program – March 2008

Good: Realistic slides and presentation, good structure

Not Good: Short

USPS Future Business Model

USPS Future Business Model

Good:  Clear structure and analysis, insightful charts

Not Good:  Outdated, lackluster design

Investment and Industrial Policy A Perspective on the Future

Investment and Industrial Policy: A Perspective on the Future

Good: Variety of charts, good titles

Not Good: Over designed, not a client presentation

Outperformers High growth emerging economies and the companies that propel them

Outperformers: High-growth emerging economies and the companies that propel them

Good: Variety of charts, qualitative visuals, clear titles

Not Good: Poor use of color, minimal footnotes

Technologys role in mineral criticality World Materials Forum

Technology’s role in mineral criticality (World Materials Forum)

Good: Clear storyline, well-structured slides, good titles and subtitles

Not Good: Overuse of visuals, relatively short

Challenges in Mining Scarcity or Opportunity

Challenges in Mining: Scarcity or Opportunity?

Good: Complex explanations made simple, variety of visual types

Not Good: Inconsistent titles, some unprofessional visuals (clipart, etc.)

Modelling the potential of digitally enabled processes transparency and participation in the NHS

Modelling the potential of digitally-enabled processes, transparency and participation in the NHS

Good: Realistic client slides, data heavy

Not Good: Cluttered, incomplete storyline

Addressing the Global Affordable Housing Challenge 2016

Addressing the Global Affordable Housing Challenge (2016)

Good: Realistic slide structure, good charts, great slide titles

Not Good: Strange slide formatting, mediocre design

Capturing the Full Electrical Efficiency Potential of the UK 2012

Capturing the Full Electrical Efficiency Potential of the UK (2012)

Good: Realistic client deliverable (full deck, dense slides, proper deck structure)

Digital Luxury Experience 2017

Digital Luxury Experience (2017)

Good: Variety of charts, good use of icons

Not Good: Short presentation, light on content, not a client deliverable

How Companies can Capture the Veteran Opportunity

How Companies can Capture the Veteran Opportunity

Good: Examples of text-heavy slides, good action titles

Not Good: Minimal charts, unrealistic structure, repetitive slides

Insurance Trends and Growth Opportunities for Poland 1

Insurance Trends and Growth Opportunities for Poland

Good: Well organized presentation, clear takeaways

Not Good: Old formatting, short presentation

Laying the Foundations for a Financially Sound Industry

Laying the Foundations for a Financially Sound Industry

Good: Multiple chart examples (waterfall, line, dot, column)

Not Good: Short presentation, “conference-style” presentation

From Poverty to Empowerment 2014

From Poverty to Empowerment (2014)

Good: Good variety of data visualizations

Not Good: Unattractive formatting and style


Consumer privacy in retail

Good: Clear titles, good use of icons and color to show insights

Not Good: Short, not a client presentation

TMT Outlook 2017 A new wave of advances offer opportunities and challenges Deloitte 1

TMT Outlook 2017: A new wave of advances offer opportunities and challenges

Good: Survey insights highlighted well, good use of color, clear charts and visuals

Not Good: Not a client presentation, heavy focus on survey data

Deloitte SEA CFO Forum Southeast Asia Business Outlook Deloitte 1

Deloitte SEA CFO Forum Southeast Asia Business Outlook

Good: Line chart examples

Not Good: Poor titles, strange use of black

Deloitte Kenya Budget 2022 23 Webinar Deloitte 1

Deloitte Kenya Budget 2022/23 Webinar

Good: Consistent design, good colors

Not Good: Simple titles, meant for live presentation

The Shopping Centre Handbook 4.0 Deloitte

The Shopping Centre Handbook 4.0

Good: Some insights

Not Good: Too many graphics, strange design

2011 China Luxury Market Study Bain

2011 China Luxury Market Study

Good: Clear titles, good use of color to highlight insights

Not Good: Short presentation, marketing presentation

Bain UC Berkley Operational Excellence 2010 Bain

Bain & UC Berkley Operational Excellence (2010)

Good: Realistic presentation, lots of slides

Not Good: Outdated content, ugly design

Fintech New York Partnerships Platforms and Open Innovation Accenture

Fintech New York: Partnerships, Platforms and Open Innovation

Good: Simple and clear slide design, good structure, insightful charts

Not Good: Short presentation, only a few “consulting style” slides

Shaping the Sustainable Organization Accenture

Shaping the Sustainable Organization

Good: Well structured slides, clear takeaways

Not Good: Rounded chart bars

The Decade to Deliver A Call to Business Action Accenture

The Decade to Deliver: A Call to Business Action

Good: Variety of charts, good design

Not Good: Not a client presentation

Fueling the Energy Future Accenture

Fueling the Energy Future

Good: Illustrative charts and matrices

Not Good: Curved line charts

Cracking the Code on Consumer Fraud Accenture 1

Cracking the Code on Consumer Fraud

Good: Mix of charts and numbers

Right Cloud Mindset Survey Results Hospitality Accenture

Right Cloud Mindset: Survey Results Hospitality

Good: Nice slide titles and charts

Not Good: Text heavy sections

Unleashing Competitiveness on the Cloud Continuum Accenture

Unleashing Competitiveness on the Cloud Continuum

Good: Focus on takeaways, clear charts

Not Good: Ugly backgrounds, overuse of pictures

Whole Brain Leadership New Rules of Engagement for the C Suite Accenture

Whole Brain Leadership: New Rules of Engagement for the C-Suite

Good: Formatting, use of numbers

Not Good: Unnecessary graphics

Federal Technology Vision 2021 Full U.S. Federal Survey Findings Accenture

Federal Technology Vision 2021: Full U.S. Federal Survey Findings

Good: Clear survey results, nice bar charts

Accenture Consumer Behavior Research The value shake up Accenture

Accenture Consumer Behavior Research: The value shake-up

Good: Color design, focus on insights

Not Good: Marketing focused

Tech Adoption and Strategy for Innovation Growth Accenture

Tech Adoption and Strategy for Innovation & Growth

Good: Color contrast, text structure

Not Good: 3D charts

Intelligent Operations for Future Ready Businesses Accenture

Intelligent Operations for Future-Ready Businesses

Good: Sankey chart, tables, presentation structure

When Where How AI Will Boost Federal Workforce Productivity Accenture 1

When, Where & How AI Will Boost Federal Workforce Productivity

How fit is your allocation strategy EY

How fit is your allocation strategy?

Good: Some good charts, good use of color

Not Good: Light on content, short presentation, inconsistent slide structure

European Banking Barometer 2015 EY

European Banking Barometer (2015)

Good: Nice titles and takeaways, good variety of charts

Not Good: Survey-focused presentation (i.e. not client deliverable)

EY Price Point global oil and gas market outlook Q2 April 2022 EY

EY Price Point: global oil and gas market outlook, Q2 | April 2022

Good: Insightful charts and tables

Not Good: Report style, text heavy

IBOR transition Opportunities and challenges for the asset management industryEY

IBOR transition: Opportunities and challenges for the asset management industry

Good: Formatting

Not Good: Meant for live presentation

Global Capital Confidence Barometer 21st edition EY

Global Capital Confidence Barometer 21st edition

Good: Formatting and structure, interesting charts

Power transactions and trends Q2 2019 EY

Power transactions and trends Q2 2019

Good: Insightful charts

Not Good: Meant as appendix or “leave behind”

MAPS2018 Keynote address on EY report Life Sciences 4.0 – Securing value through data driven platforms EY

MAPS2018 Keynote address on EY report: Life Sciences 4.0 – Securing value through data-driven platforms

Good: Realistic slides, clear titles, good formatting

EY Germany FinTech Landscape EY

EY Germany FinTech Landscape

Good: Formatting and structure, insightful charts

Not Good: Data heavy, appendix style slides

Project Management Improving performance reducing risk

Project Management: Improving performance, reducing risk

Good: Variety of qualitative visuals, good use of icons, nice design

Not Good: B ad titles, light on content

World Economic Forum The power of analytics for better and faster decisions by Dan DiFilippo 1

World Economic Forum: The power of analytics for better and faster decisions by Dan DiFilippo

Good: Scatter plot examples

Apache Hadoop Summit 2016 The Future of Apache Hadoop an Enterprise Architecture View 1

Apache Hadoop Summit 2016: The Future of Apache Hadoop an Enterprise Architecture View

Good: Qualtative visuals

Not Good: Short and marketing focused

Turning big data into big revenue

Turning big data into big revenue

Good: Text heavy slide examples

Medical Cost Trend Behind the Numbers 2017

Medical Cost Trend: Behind the Numbers 2017

PwCs new Golden Age Index – how well are countries harnessing the power of older workers

PwC’s new Golden Age Index – how well are countries harnessing the power of older workers?

Good: Mix of charts and tables, clean formatting

Not Good: Inconsistent titles

PwCs Global Technology IPO Review — Q1 2015

PwC’s Global Technology IPO Review — Q1 2015

Good: Combination and column charts

Not Good: Report style presentation

18th Annual Global CEO Survey – Technology industry key findings

18th Annual Global CEO Survey – Technology industry key findings

Good: Visualized data

Not Good: Incomplete titles

The FDA and industry A recipe for collaborating in the New Health Economy

The FDA and industry: A recipe for collaborating in the New Health Economy

Good: Simple and clear titles

Not Good: Inconsistent structure

Making zero emission trucking a reality

Making zero-emission trucking a reality

Good: Very realistic slides, overall great presentation

Not Good: Text heavy transition slides

Driving the sustainability agenda on C level

Driving the sustainability agenda on C-level

Not Good: Short, some cluttered slides

The Diversity Imperative14th Annual Australian Chief Executive Study

The Diversity Imperative: 14th Annual Australian Chief Executive Study

Good: Chart heavy, realistic slides

Not Good: Short presentation

Creating a Winning Recipe for a Meal Kits Program

Creating a Winning Recipe for a Meal Kits Program

Good: Clear titles, good charts

Not Good: Dense, too many pictures/logos

The 4th Annual New Mobility Study 2019

The 4th Annual New Mobility Study 2019

Good: Variety of charts, good amount of content

Not Good: Lots of filler slides, inconsistent titles

2019 APAC Hospital Priority Study Overview

2019 APAC Hospital Priority Study Overview

Good: Very good (and realistic) design, clear slide takeaways

Not Good: Very short presentation

Rail industry cost and revenue sharing 2011

Rail industry cost and revenue sharing (2011)

Good: Good introduction and executive summary, realistic client presentation

Not Good: Outdated, boring design

2019 Media and Entertainment Study

2019 Media and Entertainment Study

Good: Clear charts, good titles

Not Good: Very short, too much text

Navigating a digital first home furnishings market

Navigating a digital-first home furnishings market

Good: Infographic style slides

5 Opportunities in the Nutritional Supplements Industry

5 Opportunities in the Nutritional Supplements Industry

Good: Great charts, good deck structure

Not Good: Not a client presentation, text heavy

Infrastructure Victoria – AZ ZEV International Scan

Infrastructure Victoria – AZ/ZEV International Scan

Good: Realistic client presentation, wide variety of slides

Not Good: Very long

The Rapidly Evolving Landscape of Meal Kits and E commerce in Food Beverage

The Rapidly Evolving Landscape of Meal Kits and E-commerce in Food & Beverage

Good: Variety of basic charts, realistic design

Top 8 Insights From the 2018 Beauty Health Wellness Survey

Top 8 Insights From the 2018 Beauty, Health & Wellness Survey

Good: Good column chart examples

Not Good: Report style

2018 Brand Owner Packaging Survey

2018 Brand Owner Packaging Survey

Good: Good visuals, multiple charts

2016 Strategic Hospital Priorities Study

2016 Strategic Hospital Priorities Study

Good: Multiple charts, good qualitative visuals

The Merchandising Evolution and why NDC Matters

The Merchandising Evolution (and why NDC Matters)

Good: Good storyline, clear charts

Not Good: Weak titles, outdated style

Infrastructure beyond COVID 19

Infrastructure beyond COVID-19

Good: Wide variety of slide types, realistic presentation

China Exit or Co Investment Opportunities for German PE Investors 1

China Exit or Co-Investment Opportunities for German PE Investors

Good: Multiple data heavy slides, good charts

Not Good: Slightly old

Strategy Study 2014

Strategy Study 2014

Good: Variety of charts

Not Good: Reads like an infographic, poor choice of color

Australia Taking Bigger Steps

Australia: Taking Bigger Steps

Good: Illustrative chart, use of icons

Not Good: D istracting backgrounds and colors

Lifting the Barriers to Retail Innovation in ASEAN

Lifting the Barriers to Retail Innovation in ASEAN

Good: Simple to follow

Not Good: Minimal analysis, questionable stacked column chart

The Future of Commercial Vehicle Powertrains 2012

The Future of Commercial Vehicle Powertrains (2012)

Good: Realistic slides, excellent takeaways, good overall structure

Not Good: Older presentation, simplistic design

Pursuing Customer Inspired Growth

Pursuing Customer Inspired Growth

Good:  Realistic client slides, multiple frameworks

Not Good: Short, outdated design

The Accelerating Growth of Frictionless Commerce

The Accelerating Growth of Frictionless Commerce

Good: Mix of charts, clear insights

Not Good: Distracting backgrounds, short presentation

Consolidation of the US Banking Industry

Consolidation of the US Banking Industry

Good: A couple good titles

Not Good: Large text, minimal charts, distracting colors

Covid 19 and Effects on Turkey 1

Covid-19 and Effects on Turkey

Good: Consistent color, focus on insights

Not Good: Strange layout, marketing focused

Booz Allen Hamilton, Alvarez & Marsal and others

European Distressed Credit Watch List Alvarez Marsal

European Distressed Credit Watch List

Good: Simple charts

Not Good: Boring template, appendix heavy

Corporate Headquarters Study 2018 Roland Berger

Corporate Headquarters Study 2018

Good: Clear and simple slides, good variety of charts and visuals, not overly produced

Not Good: Not a typical client presentation, average slide titles

The Lithium Ion EV battery market and supply chain Roland Berger

The Lithium-Ion (EV) battery market and supply chain

Good: Realistic titles and content-heavy slides

Not Good: Distracting background and colors

IP Theft Booz Allen Hamilton

Good: Story flow, titles

Not Good: T itle page, overall design rs

Booz Allen Hamilton and Market Connections C4ISR Survey Report Booz Allen Hamilton

Booz Allen Hamilton and Market Connections: C4ISR Survey Report

Good: Simple bar charts

Not Good: Titles, design

Joining Forces Interagency Collaboration and Smart Power Booz Allen Hamilton

Joining Forces: Interagency Collaboration and “Smart Power”

Good: Slide consistency

Not Good: Chart design, outdated

Booz Allen at a glance Booz Allen Hamilton

Booz Allen at a glance

Good: Easy-to-read charts

Not Good: Meant for live presentation, minimal content

Responding to Covid 19 2021 Oliver Wyman 1

Responding to Covid-19 (2021)

Good: Excellent use of color, good overall design and visualizations

Not Good: “White Paper” style presentation (i.e. not client deliverable)

Covid 19 Special Primer 2020 Oliver Wyman 1

Covid-19 Special Primer (2020)

Good: Variety of data visualizations, nice color usage, clear takeaways

Building Up Immunity of the Financial Sector Oliver Wyman 1

Building Up Immunity of the Financial Sector

Good: Clean design, interesting charts

Not Good: Some text heavy slides

Customer Experience The 14BN Risk Noted for Discussion Oliver Wyman

Customer Experience: The 14BN Risk Noted for Discussion

Good: Simple design, good overall structure

Not Good: Inconsistent colors

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[Updated 2023] 50 Best Company Presentation Templates To Ace The Corporate Ladder

[Updated 2023] 50 Best Company Presentation Templates To Ace The Corporate Ladder

Malvika Varma


Let’s face it! Company presentations are generally the same– unattractive and boring. 

Your company presentation is a crucial thing! It is often the primary stage of your business as it forms the ground for further discussions. Do it right and witness your company flourish! Do it wrong and lose a lot more — brand identity, productivity, and communication effectiveness. Whether you’re introducing your company to venture investors and potential clients or discussing the business with senior management, you need to make an amazing first impression . 

A well-crafted business presentation assists you in achieving significant goals like sealing deals or developing of partnerships. It is an important tool that evaluates the components of the company, like plans, progress, and specific goals. The secret ingredient of a successful business presentation is putting your heart and soul into it. The right presentation will help you in connecting with your audience and show them the value of your ideas and vision, thereby serving the purpose. 

Now the question is how can you make an engaging company presentation? Well, this is where we come into the picture. SlideTeam provides the 50 best company presentation template complete decks that are as unique as your organization, your products, and your services and make you stand out from a dozen others. 

Company Presentation Templates To Download

Template 1: company profile ppt template.

Company Profile PPT Template

Download this template

Our PPT Template is the perfect solution for anyone looking to create a comprehensive, engaging, and visually stunning overview of their company. With our Company Profile PPT Template, you can showcase your brand's vision and mission, introduce your founders and team members, and highlight your company's goals and objectives. Our template allows you to share your organization structure, workflow, and future projects with your audience, giving them a clear picture of where your company is headed. But that's not all - our PPT Template also provides a detailed comparison with your competitors, enabling you to showcase what sets your brand apart from others in your industry. By illustrating your company's unique selling points and core values, you can create a compelling brand narrative that resonates with your audience and sets you apart from the competition. Download now.

Template 2: Business Plan for New Company PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Business Plan for New Company PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Looking for a professional and comprehensive way to showcase your business to investors, stakeholders, or potential clients? Look no further than our Business Plan PPT Template!

Our template is designed to give you a head start in creating a visually appealing and informative company profile presentation. It includes all the key sections you need to highlight your brand, including your value proposition, product roadmap, business model, revenue model, go-to-market strategy, and financial projections. Our template helps to create a compelling story about your business that showcases its strengths and potential while providing key insights that will help stakeholders make informed decisions. Get it now.

Template 3: Business Model For Startup Companies PPT Template

Business Model For Startup Companies PPT Template

Introducing the ultimate PPT template for startup companies - the perfect tool to help you unlock the full potential of your business. Our Business Model PPT template is designed to provide you with the tools you need to effectively communicate your market insights, the company's unique selling proposition (USP), projected key financials, objectives, and strategic positioning to investors, partners, and stakeholders.

Crafted with the needs of startups in mind, this template is both creative and engaging, making it easy for you to capture your audience's attention and communicate your message effectively. 

With this template, you'll be able to showcase your startup's unique value proposition and market insights in a visually stunning way. You'll also be able to present your financial projections and key objectives with clarity and precision, helping you to secure the investment and support you need to take your business to the next level. Download now.

Template 4: Company Profiling PPT Template 

Company Profiling

Download Company Profiling PowerPoint Presentation Slides

As you know, a company presentation is your best tool to narrate your corporate story to the audience with clarity and simplicity. Highlight the strengths of your enterprise in an interesting manner using our complete PPT deck. The professional summary of your business and its activities presented here will keep the audience engaged and make it informative for the investors as well as management staff. Our company presentation templates are pre-designed to help you out with numerous ideas on how to illustrate the various facets of your organization. Reach new heights with this captivating enterprise PPT deck. This company profiling PowerPoint template can be employed for company introduction to new employees, pitch capitalists, and whatnot. 

Template 5: Company Summary Of Business Plan

Company Summary Of Business Plan

Break the stereotype of monotonous company presentations. Save yourself from the yawn-inducing corporate presentation by downloading our attention-grabbing company profiling PowerPoint template. All crucial elements to making an awesome business presentation are incorporated in this PowerPoint layout. Acquisition strategy plan, core values, company objectives, organizational structure, and other aspects which amplify the success of the firm can be presented effectively. It is also useful for project managers, HR, and other management meetings conducted to track corporate milestones.

Template 6: Corporate Profile PPT Slides

Corporate Profile

Do wnload Corporate Profile PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Deliver an in-depth blueprint of the organizational structure and leave a mark on the audience's mind by utilizing this corporate profiling PowerPoint theme. The complete deck is specially designed by keeping in mind all the essential elements that can help you reach the top of the corporate success ladder. Build a strong connection with your audience by using this corporate profile PPT presentation describing the agenda, vision and mission of the enterprise, achievements accomplished and lots more. Utilize our professionally designed company presentation template in meetings, where core values, solutions, and business strategies are to be discussed with co-workers and management staff.

Template 7: Vision, Mission, Goals, And Objectives

Vision Mission Goals And Objectives

Download Vision Mission Goals And Objectives PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Is achieving targets on your mind? Look no further. Incorporate our company goals PowerPoint template to state and achieve corporate goals within the deadline. Our business goals PPT presentation is interactive enough to communicate your ideas effectively. This attractively designed PowerPoint complete deck can also be used to foster teamwork and describe what your institution wants to accomplish.  

Template 8: Business Pitch

Business Pitch

Download Business Pitch PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Weave an interesting story for your startup fundraising meeting by introducing this awe-inspiring business pitch PowerPoint template. If you are new to the corporate world and looking to start your own business, then this content ready company PowerPoint template can be of great use to you. The format, design, and selection of slides make it very easy to explain the financial projections and growth strategy to the stakeholders. Impress your prospects by giving a framework to your business ideas and climb up the corporate ladder.

Template 9: Business Achievements PPT Template

Business Achievements

Download Business Achievements PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Business accomplishments give us the much-needed confidence to excel further. The company presentation template consisting of business achievements can be employed to illustrate the key milestones achieved. Project managers can present our pre-designed corporate achievements PowerPoint complete deck to acknowledge the teammates and encourage them to continue showing dedication. You can list the company achievements with the use of the timeline so that the viewer gets a clear idea about the progression of your firm. 

Template 10: Business Campaigning

Business Campaigning

Download Business Campaigning PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Campaigning is so important in the success of any business. Poor business campaigning can easily fade your presence from the market. Discuss the brand promotion channels and tools with the marketing team to outshine your competitors. Advertising techniques to boost the business in the online and offline market can be formulated by taking the aid of this company presentation template complete deck. This editable company promotion PowerPoint template can be incorporated to analyze the marketing strategies to target different sets of audiences.

Template 11: Business Operational Excellence Strategy

Business Operational Excellence Strategy

Download Business Operational Excellence Strategy PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Business Operational PowerPoint template can be used to showcase the operational excellence for your company to create value for customers and stakeholders. Discuss the agenda, operational and customer-related challenges with the senior managers and figure out ways to mitigate sales and marketing challenges using this PowerPoint template. The eye-appealing graphics with a thoroughly researched content of the company presentation template complete deck makes it a perfect fit for presenting the company stats across the table.

Template 12: Business Overview Module

Business Overview Module

Download Business Overview Module PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Portray all your success stories with our company overview module PowerPoint presentation. Amplify your core values, milestones achieved, and services offered to ace your business presentation. This business presentation template can be tailored to suit your needs as it is completely editable. You can also bring the spotlight on the press and media coverage of your institution with the assistance of our company presentation PowerPoint layout. Present this complete deck in front of your clients and get an overwhelming response converting it into a deal done right.

Template 13: Product Design And Development

Product Design And Development

Download Product Design And Development PowerPoint Presentation Slides

If you are looking for a powerful company presentation template to launch a new product in the market, you are just a few clicks away. This product design and development PowerPoint template can make your brand stand ahead of others. Comprising PowerPoint slides such as product idea screening, product lifecycle, market analysis, development plans, cost analysis, product roadmap, and other significant features, you can download our company presentation complete deck to ace your next product launch meeting.

Template 14: Market Growth Rate

Market Growth Rate

Download Market Growth Rate PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Demonstrate the market driving factors with the help of this professionally designed market growth rate PowerPoint layout. Discuss the market analysis with the marketing team to identify trends and driving forces to forecast the sales and mitigate risks beforehand. Incorporate our pre-designed company PowerPoint layout to boost the dominance in the field. Download this corporate presentation template to communicate right and build your brand image. Just add your organization's statistics and you are ready to go.

Template 15: Business Strategy Innovation

Business Strategy Innovation

Download Business Strategy Innovation PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Introducing business ideas is no piece of cake. The repercussions of a single decision can last for a long time. Download our innovative business strategy PowerPoint complete deck to bring business innovation in an organization for a positive impact on the overall growth of the company. This PPT deck includes topics such as business model innovation framework approaches to the business model, the strategy of innovation, business model innovation segments, and many more. Download this impactful company presentation template to give an engaging presentation to your seniors and colleagues to have a competitive edge over others.

Template 16: Quarterly Business Review

Quarterly Business Review

Download Quarterly Business Review PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Use this template to talk about quarterly highlights, financial summary, key developments, balance sheet, cash flow statement, key financial ratios, and other important information of your organization. Beneficial in showcasing the company results and suggesting methodologies for improvement, this company presentation template can be of great advantage to you. No need to prepare the presentation from scratch as this PowerPoint template is well-researched and the designing aspect makes it very appealing.

Template 17: Start-Up Business Proposal

Start Up Business Proposal

Download Start-Up Business Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Startups have to toil day and night to get an opportunity to make their business ideas come to reality and we want to give our best shot. Download our professionally designed startup company presentation template to showcase the executive summary, market insights, services offered, objectives, key financial highlights and other crucial elements to convince your investors. This start-up company PowerPoint complete deck is a must for your institution as it covers all the aspects of a great business pitch. 

Template 18: Organizational Success

Organizational Success

Download Organizational Success PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Organizational success is dependent on numerous factors and each element plays a crucial role in determining the corporate triumph. Discuss the tools and techniques your company adopts to increase the efficiency by employing our professionally designed company presentation template. This enterprise success PowerPoint complete deck can be used to illustrate the steps to achieve organizational effectiveness along with the dimension. Human resource management of your firm can utilize this business PPT theme. 

Template 19: Detailed Business Plan For Company

Detailed Business Plan For Company

Download Detailed Business Plan For Company PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Have a business plan but clueless about how to prepare an attention-grabbing PowerPoint presentation? The solution is just a click away. Download our business plan PowerPoint theme and illustrate the solutions to the problems and a detailed growth plan suggested to a strong market game. Including the contents, growth strategies, financial projections, details of shareholders, this company presentation template can also be employed by start-up companies to c onvince the investors to invest in your business idea. The shareholding pattern and milestones achieved can be highlighted in an effective manner using this visually attractive business plan PPT theme.

Template 20: Investor Relations Profile

Investor Relations Profile

Download Investor Relations Profile PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Investors' relations are directly linked to the brand image. Employ this company presentation template to discuss the business canvas model, investment deals and monthly run revenue to showcase the company achievements. This investor relations PowerPoint complete deck is particularly helpful in building trust with potential clients. Download this customer relations PPT template and convince your clients to work with you.  

Template 21: Business Performance Analysis And Planning

Business Performance Analysis And Planning

Download Business Performance Analysis And Planning PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Analyze the financial situation of your business by incorporating this detailed company presentation template. This business performance analysis and planning PowerPoint template can be utilized as the quarterly results of the company as it includes topics such as financial summary, key developments, balance sheets, cash flow statements, etc. to give a clear view of the financial status of the firm. Employ this corporate performance PPT theme to ace your business.

Template 22: Financial Assets Management KPI And Dashboard

Financial Assets Management KPI And Dashboard

Incorporate this company dashboard PPT template in providing an overview of setting up KPI reports for your enterprise. Summarize your business stats and figures in an impressive report of business performance to help your organization navigate the best strategy to adopt for boosting the sales and profitability of the company. This pre-designed company presentation template can be downloaded by finance analysts to present the company results in an interesting way to the viewers. 

Template 23: Brand Resonance

Brand Resonance

Download Brand Resonance PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Brand image plays a crucial role in determining the success of the company, which can be effectively communicated by introducing this company presentation template. The concepts like the brand loyalty pyramid, measurement framework, and brand measurement can be discussed with your employees with the assistance of our brand resonance PowerPoint template.

Template 24: Business Operational Challenges

Business Operational Challenges

Download Business Operational Challenges PowerPoint Presentation Slides

The general operational challenges faced by business houses can be described using this company presentation template. Illustrate ground realities of the market scenario to employees to showcase the company strategy, objectives, changes in the competitive market scenario, sources of revenue, etc., with this business challenges PowerPoint presentation. Download this PPT theme to highlight the key performance indicators of your firm and strategize the methodology to be followed accordingly. 

Template 25: Company Marketing Analysis Report

Company Marketing Analysis Report

Download Company Marketing Analysis Report PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Marketing analysis of an enterprise is of great importance as it is related to the generation of revenue of the company. Download this company presentation template to showcase the key highlights of your business. Discuss the factors that are responsible for company sales and marketing by utilizing our content-ready PowerPoint presentation.

Template 26: Entering a New Market

Entering A New Market

Enter the market with a bang by incorporating this powerful company presentation template. Identify your target market, have thorough market research, and a good marketing strategy like market assessment, business case development, implementation roadmap, etc., can be illustrated by employing this entering a new market PowerPoint theme. Download this business PPT complete deck and impress your prospects.

Template 27: Business Model Design

Business Model Design

Download Business Model Design PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Present your business model like a pro by introducing our professionally designed company presentation template. Essential for your business meetings, this business model PowerPoint complete deck covers all the topics which give an edge over other presenters. Discuss the enterprise roadmap, agenda, objectives, and goals by downloading this visually attractive PPT layout and excel at the business conferences. 

Template 28: HR Induction

HR Induction

Download Hr Induction PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Have an impressive HR induction by downloading this very handy company presentation template. Giving a detailed overview of the company success road map, milestones achieved, corporate hierarchy, office timings, office dress code, attendance portal, leaves and holidays, rules and regulations, our company briefing hr induction ppt is a must to give the information to the new employee in an interesting and engaging manner.

Template 29: Recruiting Process PPT Template

Recruiting Process

The HR department can download this company presentation template to illustrate the recruitment process and portray the transparency of the organization. Elaborate your hiring process using this eye-catching PowerPoint complete deck to strengthen the human resource process of your institution. Showcase the recruitment agencies, hiring process, job description, recruitment funnel, the budget allocated and other such important components of the employee recruitment process by downloading this company hiring PPT theme.

Template 30: New Product Analysis

New Product Analysis

Product analysis before launching in the market is a significant step as the company's reputation is at stake. Download this visually appealing company presentation template to highlight the key features to be analyzed before introducing a new product in the market. Illustrate the different parameters that must be met for performing well by utilizing this new product evaluation PowerPoint complete deck. 

Template 31: Business Operations Cycles

Business Operations Cycles

Download Business Operation Cycles PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Business operation cycles are essential for the smooth functioning of your organization. Incorporate this company presentation template for displaying the executive summary, company mission statement, strategy to excel in business, potential sources of revenue and other chief areas. Download this awe-inspiring business management PowerPoint complete deck to illustrate the key performance indicators, financial and operational summary of your organization. The designing element used here is definitely attention-grabbing.

Template 32: Business Strategic Planning Template For Organizations

Business Strategic Planning Template For Organizations

Business Strategic Planning Template For Organizations PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Accomplish the company goals by stating your mission and vision and lay a firm ground for your organization. Employ this business strategic planning PowerPoint complete deck highlight the purpose of the business plan, the SWOT analysis, brand promotion road map, company sales & performance dashboard effectively. Download this company presentation template to give an impressive enterprise overview for the board meetings.

Template 33: Project Management Concepts And Principles

Project Management Concepts And Principles

Download Project Management Concepts And Principles PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Gain a competitive edge in your company by illustrating this company presentation template to your employees. Precisely highlight your project management principles and concepts by downloading our content ready business PPT complete deck. Brief your colleagues about project management principles and techniques for precise control and monitoring.  Download this business management PowerPoint template about the constraints or roadblocks of your organization. 

Template 34: Company Overview

Company Overview

Give an impressive company overview by employing our aesthetically appealing organization profiling PowerPoint complete deck. This visually communicating company presentation template is perfect for highlighting your enterprise’s strength in front of your investors and potential clients. You can also demonstrate the risk management report to discuss ways of mitigating risks in business.  

Template 35: Customer Acquisition Business Process

Customer Acquisition Business Process

Download Customer Acquisition Business Process PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Showcase the procedure your company adopts for gaining new clients by stating the agenda, customer acquisition management, framework and target prospects in a very compelling manner. Download this pictorial company presentation template to highlight the efforts as well as tips required to turn a prospect into a loyal customer and hence boost the sales of your organization. 

Template 36: Introduce Company Profile

Introduce Company Profile

Download Introduce Company Profile PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Introduce your enterprise for pitching investors and leave a powerful impression by employing our company presentation template. Starting with the agenda of your company you can easily strike the viewers’ attention as this pre-designed organization briefing PowerPoint complete deck covers all the essential elements of portraying the strengths of your company. You can showcase the founders and your talented workforce in an effective way by introducing this organizational introduction PPT theme. 

Template 37: Business Profile PPT Template

Business Profile

Download Business Profile PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Incorporate our multi-purpose company presentation template to highlight the business framework and the core values of your organization. The color palette used in this business PPT complete deck caters to a wide variety of topics such as milestones achieved, company roadmap, organization structure, services offered and lots more which portray the efficiency and dominance of the company in the market. 

Template 38: Business Change Principles

Business Change Principles

Download Business Change Principles PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Engage your audience with this beautifully designed company presentation template and explain the concept and principles of business change management effectively. Discover opportunities and educate your employees to learn new skills with the help of this business transformation PowerPoint complete deck. Take the help of this content ready organization change strategy PPT layout to formulate a plan and provide effective training to your workforce. Download our professionally designed business PowerPoint template to manage time and prioritize different tasks in your enterprise.

Template 39: Strategic and Operational Planning

Strategic and Operational Planning

Download S And Op PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Document and establish the right direction of your business by incorporating this company presentation template. The progress of your business is directly linked to the strategic and operational plans you adopt to manage resources, risk and return across an organization and stand ahead of your competitors. Articulate the decisions made about the organization's goals by downloading this business plan PPT complete deck.

Template 40: Marketing And Sales Strategy Business Plan

Marketing And Sales Strategy Business Plan

Download Marketing And Sales Strategy Business Plan PowerPoint Presentation Slides

A strong marketing and sales strategy can make or break a company. Highlight the significance of a powerful business plan by downloading this company presentation template. Illustrate the challenges and the solutions proposed to meet the target with the assistance of this content ready business PPT complete deck. Explain the value proposition and acknowledge your team by downloading our marketing and sales strategy PowerPoint templates.

Template 41: Company Introduction

About Our Company Introduction Profile

Download About Our Company Introduction Profile PowerPoint Presentation With Slides

Cover the important aspects of your enterprise with this aesthetically appealing company presentation template. Introduce the founding members of your company and their vision and mission to showcase the core values and principles in a convincing manner. You can also showcase future projects and workflow in your organization. Influence your prospects by illustrating customer testimonials using this pre-designed business PPT theme.

Template 42: Business Continuity Audit Program And Checklist

Business Continuity Audit Program And Checklist

Download Business Continuity Audit Program And Checklist PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Auditing is a very crucial component for your firm as it helps your business in keeping track and achieving goals. Highlight the types and procedures of your enterprise audits by downloading this company presentation template. Finance analysts can download this business continuity PowerPoint complete deck to illustrate the audit conversion system and portray the company efficiency. 

Template 43: Company Representation

Company Representation

Download Company Representation PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Introduce your organization with a bang by downloading this graphically convincing company presentation template. Amplify your business goals, objectives, ideas and core values by employing our striking business profiling PowerPoint theme. Showcase your services and upcoming projects to establish a solid foundation for your enterprise in front of your stakeholders. 

Template 44: Performance Rating

Performance Rating

Download Performance Rating PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Discuss the performance rating system of your institution by giving an overview of the employee assessment criteria by utilizing this beneficial company presentation template. Discuss the evaluative methodologies and tools to access the overall work quality of your employees by downloading this human resource management PowerPoint complete deck. Workforce assessment on various parameters can be described with this graphically appealing HR PowerPoint template.

Template 45: Project Quality Management Plan Checklist

Project Quality Management Plan Checklist

Download Project Quality Management Plan Checklist PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Ensure getting your quality assurance and quality control methods conveyed effectively by employing this quality management PowerPoint template. You can discuss the evolution of quality management in your organization and its key principles by employing this company presentation template and suggest solutions to the problems faced in the process. 

Template 46: Financial Proposal PPT Template

Financial Proposal

Download Financial Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Finance experts of your organization can make optimum use of this pre-designed company presentation template to highlight the financial plan proposed to pitch in investors. The business highlights and financial summary can be discussed with your fellow teammates by using this visually appealing company budget PowerPoint presentation.

Template 47: Elevator Pitch PPT Presentation

Elevator Pitch

Download Elevator Pitch PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Leave no stone unturned by incorporating this professionally designed company presentation template to influence your potential investors. Present this awesome company presentation to impress your audience like never before. This content ready elevator pitch PowerPoint complete deck highlights all the essential elements to give you an edge over others. 

Template 48: New Employee Briefing

New Employee Briefing

Download New Employee Briefing PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Employ this HR induction company presentation template to give a briefing to your new employees. Mention the attendance portal, leaves and holidays, office timings, dress code, rules and regulations, employee compensation and benefits and salary package with the assistance of our company presentation template.

Template 49: Feedback and Performance Management PPT Template

Feedback And Performance Management

Download Feedback And Performance Management PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Feedback is so important to ensure continuous performance improvement in your business which can be highlighted using this company presentation template. Employee assessment and different criteria on which the capabilities are judged can be displayed to make the colleagues aware of the transparent rating system of your organization. Download this employee evaluation PowerPoint complete deck and portray the work efficiency of your enterprise.

Template 50: Company Results PPT Slides

Company Results

Download Company Results PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Get the spotlight on you by incorporating this attractively designed company presentation template. Show your institutions overwhelming performance in our pre-designed and get applauded by your seniors. 

A company presentation is not just a deck of well-designed slides! They reflect the future of the company. Catering to a variety of purposes, we have curated the best company presentation templates to ease the work for you. If you’re already feeling pumped about your next corporate meeting, then definitely download these 50 Best Company Presentation Templates and double your impact!

FAQs on Company Presentation

What is a company presentation.

A company presentation is a document or a set of materials, usually in a slide deck format, that provides an overview of a company, its products or services, and its overall performance. The purpose of a company presentation is to communicate the company's key information, objectives, strengths, and achievements to different stakeholders, including investors, customers, employees, partners, and the general public.

A typical company presentation may include information on the company's history, mission statement, leadership team, organizational structure, financial performance, and competitive landscape. It may also showcase the company's products or services, including their features, benefits, and value propositions, as well as highlight the company's achievements, awards, and recognition.

How to make an effective company presentation?

To make an effective company presentation, you should keep in mind the following tips:

  • Know your audience: Before creating your presentation, it's important to know your audience and their needs. This will help you tailor your content and messaging to their interests and priorities.
  • Define your key message: Identify the core message or takeaway that you want your audience to remember after your presentation. This will help you structure your content and focus on the most important points.
  • Keep it concise: Avoid overwhelming your audience with too much information. Stick to the key message and present information in a clear, concise, and easy-to-digest manner.
  • Use visuals: Visual aids such as images, infographics, and graphs can help to break up text and make information easier to understand. They also make your presentation more engaging and memorable.
  • Tell a story: Use storytelling techniques to create a narrative that connects with your audience and conveys your message in a compelling way. Use real-world examples and anecdotes to make your content relatable and memorable.
  • Practice and rehearse: Practice your presentation several times to ensure that you are comfortable with the material and can deliver it with confidence. Rehearse in front of friends or colleagues to get feedback and improve your delivery.

Be authentic and enthusiastic: Show your passion for your company and your message. Be authentic and enthusiastic, and use your own voice to connect with your audience and build rapport.

How to describe a company in a PPT presentation?

When describing a company in a PPT presentation, it's important to keep the following points in mind:

Company overview: Start with an overview of the company, including its history, mission statement, core values, and leadership team.

  • Products or services: Describe the products or services offered by the company, including their features, benefits, and value proposition. Use visuals and examples to illustrate how the company's products or services solve problems or meet customer needs.
  • Market and competition: Provide an overview of the market in which the company operates, including size, growth, and trends. Discuss the competitive landscape and how the company differentiates itself from its competitors.
  • Financial performance: Share the company's financial performance, including revenue, profit margins, and key metrics. Use charts and graphs to help visualize the data and provide context for your audience.
  • Future plans: Discuss the company's plans for growth and expansion, including new products or services, new markets, and strategic partnerships. Highlight any achievements, milestones, or awards that the company has earned.
  • Conclusion: End the presentation with a clear and compelling call to action, such as investing in the company or purchasing its products or services.

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Ditch the lofty purpose statements and lengthy slide decks.

For too long, communicating strategy has been an afterthought. Executives have shared long, bombastic documents or withheld critical information and expected people to just “get it.” And it hasn’t worked. Greater external uncertainty, collaboration, employee anxiety, and organizational openness demands a change of approach. The author presents five actions that will improve the clarity and quality of communication, enabling stakeholders to make a more substantive and meaningful contribution to the strategy.

Most people can’t recall the strategy of the organization they work for. Even the executives and managers responsible for strategy struggle, with one study reporting that only 28% of them could list three strategic priorities.

best company strategy presentations

  • David Lancefield is a  catalyst, strategist, and coach  for leaders. He’s advised more than 40 CEOs and hundreds of executives, was a senior partner at Strategy&, and is a guest lecturer at the London Business School. Find him on LinkedIn (@davidclancefield) or at , where you can sign up for his free “Mastering Big Moments”  workbook .

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10 Best Business PowerPoint Templates for Presentations

The best Business Presentation templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides can be the real heart and soul of your business meeting. Creating a good presentation from scratch can be frustrating and time-consuming, especially if you wish to look professional. Thankfully, we have compiled the list of top business presentation templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides.

10 Best Business PowerPoint Templates for Presentations

Business PowerPoint Presentations have proven to be a backbone of the corporate industry. Their importance cannot be undermined in the business world. Along with communicating your ideas in a visual format, a presentation gives you the power to make a real time impact and have an influence in your professional settings. 

Compelling business presentations are essential for conveying crucial ideas, persuading your viewers, and introducing brand-new products to the public. So to help you stand out in your next business meeting, we have compiled a list of the best business PowerPoint templates for presentations. But first, let’s look at what a business PowerPoint presentation stands for and its importance.

What Is A Business PowerPoint Presentation?

Business PowerPoint Presentation is a formal purpose-driven summary of the important details of your company’s strategies, offerings, or business practices in a PowerPoint or Google Slides format. It is created for either internal or external assessments , planning and initiatives, training and development , highlighting HR policies, business pitch , showcasing key events, milestones, and project details, among others.

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Importance Of Business PowerPoint Presentations

Making the best professional PPT templates for corporate presentations is crucial for corporate communication, whether making a sales pitch , or proposing a business plan . The importance of business PowerPoint presentation can’t be undermined because of the following reasons:

  • Decision-Making Influence

Well-crafted business presentations can affect decision-making of your colleagues, and turn it in your favor. You can change opinions and persuade stakeholders to take desired actions using strong arguments with the best PowerPoint templates for business.

  • Enhance Sales and Marketing Efforts

Business presentations are effective instruments for sales and marketing . They can be used to improve sales and marketing efforts. You can emphasize essential benefits, features and use them to promote your goods or services. 

  • Activate and Engage Your Audience

Presentations provide a platform unlike any other to engage and fascinate your audience. A well-made business presentation can catch the audience’s attention and leave a lasting impression by fusing visual components. 

  • Clarity of Complex Information

Business concepts, data, and strategies can be complex; therefore, the best business PowerPoint templates are essential to express them clearly and succinctly. Business presentations can break up complex information into small chunks so your audience can quickly comprehend it.

  • Encourage Cooperation and Alignment

Business presentations are a unifying language that promotes collaboration between departments and teams. It fosters a common understanding of the organization’s direction by delivering goals , plans , and updates. 

Suggested Template Collection: Strategy Roadmap

Business presentations can be presented for a number of reasons in different settings, depending on the nature, scope and purpose of your business meeting. Let’s dive into the different types of Business presentations.

What are the Different Types of Business Presentations?

There are several types of business presentations as per the requirement of the professional setting you are in. Some of them are as follows:

  • Business Plan Presentation
  • 30-60-90 Day Plan Presentation
  • Quarterly Business Review Presentation
  • Business evaluation Presentation
  • Case Study Presentation 
  • Pitch Meetings Presentation

Now, let’s look at our best PPT templates for corporate presentation that we have listed for you. 

Top 10 Business PowerPoint Templates

Reach your audience with the help of some of our best business PowerPoint presentation templates and make an impact in any professional setting you are in. The following best PowerPoint templates for business presentations have been professionally picked to cater to your needs:

  • New Product Presentation Template

Company Strategy Roadmap PowerPoint Template

Company strategy ppt template, project charter brief presentation template, company strategy roadmap ppt template, animated 8 step business process powerpoint template, agenda templates collection for powerpoint & google slides.

  • Consumer Journey Roadmap PowerPoint Template
  • Case Study Templates Collection For PowerPoint & Google Slides

Action Plan Deck PowerPoint Template

We have chosen these templates from our extensive library on the basis of the unique features and compatibility options each of them offer. Let’s dive into it right away!

New Product Presentation

  • The New Product Presentation template provides a comprehensive overview of the new product. 
  • It includes essential aspects like product features, benefits, growth, performance metrics, etc. 
  • You can use the New Product Presentation template during investor meetings, marketing brainstorming sessions, product launches , etc.

Company Strategy Roadmap PowerPoint Template

  • Company Strategy Roadmap PowerPoint template is professionally made to visualize your business plan or challenges.
  •  It is one of the best business presentation templates that is divided into three boxes, and it lets you include three different timelines.
  • This template can be used in business meetings, timeline planning, marketing meetings to quickly summarize the business strategy and timeline.

Company Strategy PPT Template

  • Company Strategy PPT template covers all the important company-related projects and strategies to highlight the different stages of initiates. 
  • It draws attention to the strategies salient characteristics, distinctive selling components, and prospective advantages.
  • Business professionals, marketing heads, investors, consultants, HR professionals, among other leaders across all industries can use the template to organize engaging and make informative presentations.

Project Charter Brief Template

  • Project Charter Brief Presentation template contains key project details including starting date, milestones, goals, budget, team, etc. 
  • It helps the project leaders in presenting their findings and project details to clients or executives. 
  • This template can also be used during marketing, board and sales meetings by professionals to communicate their goals and visions.

ALSO READ: Best Project Management PowerPoint Templates

  • The Company Strategy Roadmap PPT template contains six customizable slides covering product, people, stages, customer, support and marketing.
  • It can be used to outline product details, marketing measures, customer response/feedback analysis and forecasting revenue.
  • The template helps communicate regular updates and progress reports to stakeholders, which makes it one of the best business PowerPoint presentation templates
  • The animated template covers 8 different factors for growth including productivity, sustainability, efficiency, employee engagement, risk reduction, safety, customer satisfaction, and security.  
  • The template is one of the best PPT templates for corporate presentations as it covers all the details regarding the elements that affect the growth.
  • It can be used for in-depth review, milestones, achievements, issues, project progress, etc.

YOU MIGHT LIKE: Strategy Roadmap Template

  • The Agenda Templates Collection makes your goal-setting and planning ten folds easier. 
  • It is ideal for thoroughly setting agendas in key pointers to develop healthy goals and tasks.
  • It can be used in the annual business meetings, review meetings, marketing meetings, conferences and lectures among others.

Recommended Collection: Roadmap PowerPoint Template

Animated Timeline PowerPoint Template

  • The animated timeline PowerPoint template enables businesses to set convenient deadlines and targets.  
  • This template outlines a multiple year timeline so that the team can streamline their projects accordingly. 
  • Sales experts, HR professionals, Analysts, web designers, managers and even executives can use it to set their target and analyze later.

ALSO READ: Best Marketing PowerPoint Templates

Case Study Template Collection For PowerPoint & Google Slides

  • The template collection includes slides regarding in-depth success stories, research, business and marketing strategies, competitive description, and customer testimonials.
  • This top business PowerPoint template collection enhances the credibility of the presenter and the overall company.
  • It can be used to present and showcase the promotional strategy and target new market territories in different professional settings.

ALSO READ: Best Free PowerPoint Templates

Action Plan Deck PowerPoint Template

  • The Action Plan Deck PowerPoint template offers a systematic framework to establish distribution, productivity and production in a professional manner while creating a business proposal, project roadmap, or strategic plan.
  • It includes important aspects of an action plan, including important metrics, deadlines, solutions, status. 
  • This PowerPoint deck can be used for strategic planning, tracking metrics, highlighting key objectives, and understanding strategies. This deck template can be used in various contexts, including team meetings, strategic planning sessions, company presentations, and project launches.

MUST READ: Best Websites for PowerPoint Templates

What Slides to add in Business Presentations?

The structure of your business presentation sets the tone for your meeting. You need to be very careful when it comes to the slides’ placements and what information you would want to present first. You can follow the format below for your business presentations

  • Title slide
  • Introductory slide 
  • Agenda slide
  • Problem statement slide
  • Main information slides
  • Proposed solutions and Analysis slides
  • Key Takeaways slides
  • Call-to-action slides
  • Next steps slides
  • Q&A Slide
  • Thank you slide

Presentation Tips For Business Presentations

Your business presentation must be top-notch to make a good impression on the viewers. Let’s check out a few tips to make an appealing business presentation:

  • You must convey your enthusiasm for the topic by keeping your body language straight, monitoring your speech, and making eye contact.
  • Begin your presentation by building credibility before providing them with information.
  • Include goal and objective of your presentation in the starting. Keep your attention on that objective and avoid deviating from the main objective.
  • Keep your slides and your speech minimalistic and simple. It helps you boost your confidence
  • Add Q&A Slides or end the presentation with a question to generate participation and interaction.

SlideUpLift offers the best business PowerPoint templates with comprehensive and visually appealing layouts. It caters to all your diverse business presentation needs. These PPT templates help you concisely express your ideas and produce successful results.

Be it business planning, project management, strategic analysis, or proposal presentations; we have everything you need! Discover our collection of the PowerPoint and Google Slides templates for business presentations and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

How do I use business PowerPoint templates effectively?

You can use business PowerPoint templates to:

  • Understand your audience and the goals of your presentation
  • Match the content to the interests and knowledge of the audience. 
  • Effectively support your main arguments
  • Use graphics rather than stuffing the slides with text.
  • Effectively convey your point, practice, and rehearse your presentation.

Why should I use business PowerPoint templates?

Business PowerPoint templates have several benefits:

  • Ability to present difficult information clearly.
  • Gives a professional look.
  • Provide consistency in design.
  • Saves time. 
  • Simplify the preparation and let presenters concentrate.

How can I pick the best PPT templates for corporate presentations for my requirements?

When choosing the best corporate PowerPoint template:

  • Consider your presentation’s subject.
  • Ask yourself who you are presenting for.
  • Go through the presentation requirements.
  • Look for other specialized features you require, like animations , charts , or infographics .

Can investor pitch presentations be made using corporate PowerPoint templates?

Without a doubt, SlideUpLift offers the best corporate PowerPoint templates for investor pitch  presentations . We provide polished template layouts for presenting business ideas, financial forecasts , goals and objectives, and other crucial details for investors to make wise choices.

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A 32-year-old who started selling T-shirts in college with $500 upfront shares the 4 strategies he used to build a seven-figure online business from scratch

  • Karthik Shanadi and Luke McGurrin started an apparel brand called Greek House with a $500 budget.
  • They've expanded to four brands, including Athlete's Thread, which did seven figures alone in 2023.
  • One strategy that helped in the early days was inspired by Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky.

Anyone can design apparel and start selling it online. Not everyone, however, can do seven figures in apparel sales.

Karthik Shanadi and Luke McGurrin did just that — and they started their brand, Greek House, out of their fraternity house with a slim $500 budget.

Since launching Greek House in 2013, the cofounders have added three more apparel brands . Their newest brand, Athlete's Thread , did seven figures in revenue in 2021, 2022, and 2023. Business Insider verified their revenue through the company's third-party accountant.

"When we started, we really competed on price," Shanadi told BI. "Over time, we realized you don't want to be the ones competing on price because I think everyone can do that, so we had to figure out other ways to drive value."

Here are four strategies they used to drive value.

1. Niche down

The apparel industry is massive and competitive. Rather than trying to do too much right away, Shanadi and McGurrin niched down, meaning they focused on a specific item (custom T-shirts) and were targeting a specific audience (fraternity and sorority houses).

Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky inspired the strategy: "He always says, 'Make the experience for 100 users perfect. And then see what happens after you do that,'" Shanadi said. "We really focused on making sure that 100 of the college Greek customers had the perfect experience. Homing in on those 100 customers, versus trying to go after everything, led into thousands."

It helped that Shanadi and McGurrin eventually expanded into what he considers a "high barrier niche": licensed merchandise. There are a lot of hurdles in the licensing space, which the co-founders learned the hard way. In 2016, about three years after starting Greek House, they received a notice from a licensing agency. They hadn't been paying royalties and were hit with a $33,000 bill.

They worked out a payment plan and the experience ended up being a valuable lesson.

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"It sucked at the time, but in the long term, that's been the backbone of our business: licensing as a whole," said Shanadi, who considers it an advantage to work in a high-barrier niche since it can slim the competition.

2. Test various marketing strategies

The brand's initial marketing strategy was simple and cheap: cold outreach.

"We just started brokering deals through text messages," said Shanadi. In 2018, they started building a campus rep program and found ambassadors to post content on social media and share discount codes. Sending out free products is an upfront investment, he noted, but the benefit is twofold: Ambassadors promote and sell your product while also creating content that you can repurpose to build your brand further.

"We were on top of every single new marketing strategy or tool or sales strategy or tool," said Shanadi, who also uses paid ads. "And that was a really big differentiator for us. We did all sorts of growth hacks."

3. Offer the best customer service

Another way Shanadi and McGurrin stood out in a competitive industry was by investing in a customer service team. If a customer reached out with a question or concern, they wanted to send a response within hours.

The co-founders hired offshore, since it was a fraction of the cost, said Shanadi: "By doing that, we could staff up our team a little bit more than we would have been able to in the US. And by staffing up, we were able to ensure that customers were getting responses in two, three hours and not waiting days like they do with other companies."

4. Build a global talent base

As of spring 2024, Shanadi and McGurrin have over 100 full-time employees — and many of them are based abroad.

"Building a global talent base and having engineers in Portugal and customer service reps in the Philippines and India lets us leverage a big talent pool," said Shanadi. Plus, looking outside of the US allows them to "hire that same talent for much cheaper."

He considers it a win-win.

"We're still paying above-market for a lot of these folks overseas, and they're able to work from home. So getting that time back to spend with their family is valuable, and they're able to make more money at the same time," said Shanadi. "It just became a no-brainer for a lot of our tenured folks to quit their jobs and come work for us."

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If you’re retired or about to retire, think carefully about your tax strategy

FILE - A couple sit along a trail overlooking White Rock Lake in Dallas on Feb. 24, 2024. Coming up with the best tax strategy in retirement can be much trickier than it seems, and tax pros agree that it is a time when people need to be especially careful. (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez-File)

FILE - A couple sit along a trail overlooking White Rock Lake in Dallas on Feb. 24, 2024. Coming up with the best tax strategy in retirement can be much trickier than it seems, and tax pros agree that it is a time when people need to be especially careful. (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez-File)

FILE - Visitors pass through the National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona on May 26, 2017, in Phoenix. Coming up with the best tax strategy in retirement can be much trickier than it seems, and tax pros agree that it is a time when people need to be especially careful. (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin, File)

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NEW YORK (AP) — Coming up with the best tax strategy in retirement can be much trickier than it seems, and tax pros agree it’s a time when people need to be especially careful to look at their entire financial picture before deciding on things like 401(k) withdrawal amounts and timing, or when to begin taking Social Security.

“It’s the biggest change in life other than death. Don’t be so quick about deciding when to take Social Security benefits or 401 benefits. Talk to a tax professional before you make these decisions to avoid surprises. It may save you a lot in tax dollars,” says Tom O’Saben, director of tax content and government relations at the National Association of Tax Professionals.

Withdrawing a large amount to do something like pay off a mortgage could result in a dramatic increase in what percentage of your Social Security benefits will be taxed, for example.

“A $20,000 capital gain might cause an equal amount of Social Security income to be taxable. Capital gains can also have impact on the other parts of your tax return,” O’Saben says.

“Some people take a large distribution from their 401(k) to pay off the house, for example. Well, now you’ve raised your income bracket and you’ll have 85% of your Social Security that’s taxable,” he points out.

Withdrawing from a retirement account too soon could also result in hefty penalties or a surprise in taxes owed.

And taking Social Security benefits earlier than needed could result in receiving a lot less every month than if you’d waited until the maximum age of 70.

On the upside, it’s not too late for taxpayers 50 and older to make catch-up contributions to their traditional or Roth IRA for tax year 2023. Catch-up contributions to an IRA are due by the due date of your tax return (return extensions are not included).

Taxpayers about to retire can still make this catch-up contribution, which may increase their retirement benefits and decrease their taxable income for 2023, said Kathy Pickering, chief tax officer at H&R Block.

Find more of AP’s tax season coverage here:

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