Leading to Learning | Resources for Parents

What makes a good learner?

As a teacher of students who were struggling to learn I had one question.

Why do some children learn more easily than others?

I knew that it had nothing to do with a child’s intelligence because some of the slow learners I worked with were very bright –  just not ‘school bright’.  By ‘school bright’ I mean able to learn the way schools wanted them to.

It took training, research and asked endless questions and eventually I found my answer.

Children who learn more easily than others have the skills that lead to learning.  They know how to learn!

The students who were struggling to learn did not have all the skills they needed.  They did not have the vital foundational skills that make learning possible.

So what are these skills?  And how can we make sure children develop them?

When you look up ‘learning skills’ you get a host of different ideas and few of them relate to how children learn in school.  I took all these ideas as well as those I had been taught to diagnose in class and regrouped them into a more manageable system – one based on over 35 years as a classroom teacher, my diagnostic training and experiences and the latest research into how children learn.

Here is the result!

A good learner has developed every one of the following skills and knows how to use them.  It is a simple list but it is effective.  I have used this knowledge and skill categorization to help hundreds of parents unlock their child’s genius and children overcome learning hurdles.

Don’t be confused by how simple they are.  They are the basis of all learning and when you know what they are you can look at your child’s learning issues in a new way, a way that leads to learning.

The Porter Skills List©

These foundational learning skills come in three categories.

There are –

  • physical learning skills – the skills that enable student learning –they are pretty obvious when you think about it but they can get overlooked with disastrous results.
  • emotional learning skills – these are attitudes children need that get them ready to learn. Without the right attitude to learning children never even try to do their work
  • cognitive learning skills – these are the skills children need to get their work done. They are school based skills, specific to learning in class.

Let’s take a closer look

Physical skills – The ABLE to learn skills

There are four physical attributes children need. These attributes give children the physical ability they need to learn.  They seem obvious but they are often overlooked and can cause learning difficulties.  Fortunately, once discovered they are easy to correct.  A visit to a professional or small changes in lifestyle are often all that is needed.

Children need to be able to see clearly.  Any disturbance in their visual ability becomes a learning hurdle.  These ‘disturbances’ may be caused by astigmatism, myopia, long sightedness or dry eyes.

Yearly checks by an optometrist are recommended.

This is a tricky issue and has been the cause of many learning issues.  Lack of hearing is a ‘hidden’ disability.  The child with a hearing issue may not know this is the cause of their problems.

There are two kinds of hearing loss.  One is a general hearing loss that can be corrected using hearing aids.  The other is intermittent hearing loss which is much more insidious.  When children have colds their ears get blocked and they cannot hear well.  They miss much of what is being said in class.  When the cold goes away their hearing is back to normal but they may never catch up with the learning they have missed.

Yearly check-ups from a hearing specialist are advised.

There are two kinds of movement – gross movement that uses the big muscles of the body and allows a child to walk run and jump and fine movement that uses smaller muscles and allows a child to hold a pencil and do a puzzle.

These skills of movement are developmental but if their development is delayed children are often labelled as clumsy or uncoordinated and their work can be affected.  Children with major movement issues – such as those in wheelchairs- – have extra limitations on their ability to learn.  Children with minor movement issues may not produce work that looks good or get chosen for the class sports team!

Learning takes energy!  The brain needs energy to function well.  Children get energy in two ways – food and sleep.

When a child is hungry his or her brain reverts to using their ‘primal brain’, the part of the brain that works on getting basic human needs met.  There is no energy left for the ‘thinking’ part of their brain.

Please make sure your child has a nutritious breakfast.  Cereal and milk is fine.  It may be a good idea to get the food out the night before as mornings can be rushed.  Teenagers may skip breakfast because they are still sleepy (teenagers never really wake up till later in the morning.  We shouldn’t be asking them to go to school before 10 a.m.). Having cereal and milk at the ready helps them avoid doing this.

Your child’s brain needs sleep. When your child is asleep his or her brain is busy.  It is sorting out the events of the day and putting useless information in the garbage.  Useful information gets sent to memory for use later!

How long does this process take?  A minimum of eight hours.  Younger children need more sleep to help regulate their brain and renew their energy.

How much seep does your child get each night?  Is he or she getting enough sleep to be ready to learn the next day?

The emotional learning skills – The READY to learn skills

Children may be able to learn, they may have the physical skills they need, but re they ready to learn?  Do they have the right attitudes and ways of thinking that make them open to learning?  Or does their attitude to learning get in the way of their success? Here are the four attitudes children need to be ready to learn.

Good feelings about themselves and their ability to learn.

Children need to know that they can learn.  They need self-confidence in their learning abilities.   When a child struggles to learn or undergoes repeated failure in school their confidence in their abilities gets smaller and smaller until the think they cannot learn and don’t even try.

Without confidence in their abilities, the confidence to keep trying despite failures, children very quickly give up and stop learning.  About half of my time teaching children was spent boosting their self-confidence.  Until they felt good about themselves there was no point trying to teach them.

Parents know when their child starts to lose confidence in their abilities.  Talk to your child about what is happening and why.  Then take steps to change the situation.

Good feelings about others and sharing knowledge

Going to school is a social activity.  Social activities require sharing and taking responsibility for your actions.  A child who is open to sharing what he has learned and who is responsible for getting work done is much more able to benefit from classroom teaching than a child who does not have these skills.

Children often learn in groups and they certainly learn from each other.  A child who is not social, who does not feel like sharing and taking responsibility for their own actions misses out on these learning opportunities.

You want your child to be sociable, to have friends, to enjoy the company of others.  If your child is having difficulty with this, you need to know why.

Your child may be shy and unwilling to share with others or aggressive and unwilling to take responsibility for his or her actions.

Whatever the situation you need to help your child have a good attitude about working and learning within the classroom situation.

Good feelings about their work and what they are learning

Children have little control over what they are taught in school.  Much of what they are expected to learn seems to have little or no relevance to their lives.  They wonder why they have to learn all the things they are taught and why they should put effort into seemingly irrelevant topics.

Children need to know that their efforts are going to yield results.  Often the result they want is a good report card or a good mark on an exam but sometimes that is not enough to make them feel happy about their work.  Then learning becomes a slog and the child is unhappy and possibly resentful.

Children need to know why they have to do the work they are given.  Many young students have no idea why they go to school.   Make sure your child understands why school is important and that learning sometimes seemingly irrelevant facts and subjects leads to a better outcome in life.

Good feelings about the future and what they can achieve in life

No one knows what the future will look like.  Children need to be optimistic.  They need to know that their future could include a family, a job they love, and enough money to cover their needs.  Without hope for the future there is no point in trying to get there.  There is no point in doing school work because it won’t make any difference what the child does if he or she thinks the future is out of their control.

Student who are sad or depressed do not have good feelings about the future.  They are too wrapped up with their own concerns to look forward.

Curiosity is a good approach to thinking about the future.  A child who is curious and asks questions is imagining what the future might look like and knowing what opportunities await gives a child some sense of control and optimism.

The best way to help your child feel good about the future is to model optimism and curiosity.  If your child sees you being optimistic and curious, he will want to follow your lead.

  • The cognitive learning skills – the PREPARED to learn skills

When a child has the physical and emotional learning skills he or she is almost prepared to learn in class.    Learning is a process and children need to be able to follow the process to get to a result.  In order to follow the process of learning children need the following four skills.

Attention – the ability to focus on what matters for the amount of time it matters

Children who cannot pay attention or who have a short attention span never even get to first base!  Attention is a skill that needs developing and using wisely.  There are several types of attention; selective, sustained, alternating, divided, and children need to be able to use them all.

One way of helping your child learn this skill is by redirecting his or her attention when you notice it straying.

Understanding – the ability to understand what they have paid attention to

Then comes the skill of understanding.  Children need to use visual and aural perception skills to make sense of what they have seen.

You can help your child makes sense of what he or she sees and hears by asking him or her to describe the experience.  What did you see? What did you hear?  This is also a way of helping your child develop the skill of attention.

Processing – the ability to process the information and make it their own

When your child has paid attention and understood what he or she has seen and heard the next step in the learning process is to process that information.  This is normally called ‘thinking’.  This thinking process takes place when new information is added and compared to what a child already knows.  It is a way to push knowledge forward.

For this to happen children need to have access to their memories. You can help by asking your child if they remember another situation like this and how they handled it.  Asking any of the five ‘W’ questions is also a good way of promoting thinking skills.

Production – the ability to show others what they have learned

This skill is often overlooked in school.  Teachers are not good at letting students know what a finished piece of work should look like.  If a student does not produce work that looks good, that answer the right questions, that is well organized and easy to understand their marks will be low.

This level of production takes time and effort. Don’t expect your child to produce perfectly produced work all the time.   Decide which work needs this effort and concentrate on that.

These twelve skills will lead your child to learning, will help him or her reach their full potential and succeed in school.  If children are missing, or not using, one or more of these skills they will struggle to be all that they can be.

The reason your bright child underachieves may be that he or she lacks one or more of these skills and all that is required for him or her to flourish and grow is to discover which skill needs developing and provide the support that helps your child develop it!

Do you agree with this list?  Do you have any skills to add?  I’d love to hear from you.

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What Is Learning? Essay about Learning Importance

What Is learning? 👨‍🎓️ Why is learning important? Find the answers here! 🔤 This essay on learning describes its outcomes and importance in one’s life.


  • The Key Concepts

Learning is a continuous process that involves the transformation of information and experience into abilities and knowledge. Learning, according to me, is a two way process that involves the learner and the educator leading to knowledge acquisition as well as capability.

It informs my educational sector by making sure that both the students and the teacher participate during the learning process to make it more real and enjoyable so that the learners can clearly understand. There are many and different learning concepts held by students and ways in which the different views affect teaching and learning.

What Is Learning? The Key Concepts

One of the learning concept held by students is, presentation of learning material that is precise. This means that any material that is meant for learning should be very clear put in a language that the learners comprehend (Blackman & Benson 2003). The material should also be detailed with many examples that are relevant to the prior knowledge of the learner.

This means that the learner must have pertinent prior knowledge. This can be obtained by the teacher explaining new ideas and words that are to be encountered in a certain field or topic that might take more consecutive lessons. Different examples assist the students in approaching ideas in many perspectives.

The learner is able to get similarities from the many examples given thus leading to a better understanding of a concept since the ideas are related and linked.

Secondly, new meanings should be incorporated into the students’ prior knowledge, instead of remembering only the definitions or procedures. Therefore, to promote expressive learning, instructional methods that relate new information to the learner’s prior knowledge should be used.

Moreover, significant learning involves the use of evaluation methods that inspire learners to relate their existing knowledge with new ideas. For the students to comprehend complex ideas, they must be combined with the simple ideas they know.

Teaching becomes very easy when a lesson starts with simple concepts that the students are familiar with. The students should start by understanding what they know so that they can use the ideas in comprehending complex concepts. This makes learning smooth and easy for both the learner and the educator (Chermak& Weiss 1999).

Thirdly, acquisition of the basic concepts is very essential for the student to understand the threshold concepts. This is because; the basic concepts act as a foundation in learning a certain topic or procedure. So, the basic concepts must be comprehended first before proceeding to the incorporation of the threshold concepts.

This makes the student to have a clear understanding of each stage due to the possession of initial knowledge (Felder &Brent 1996). A deeper foundation of the study may also be achieved through getting the differences between various concepts clearly and by knowing the necessary as well as the unnecessary aspects. Basic concepts are normally taught in the lower classes of each level.

They include defining terms in each discipline. These terms aid in teaching in all the levels because they act as a foundation. The stage of acquiring the basics determines the students’ success in the rest of their studies.

This is because lack of basics leads to failure since the students can not understand the rest of the context in that discipline, which depends mostly on the basics. For learning to become effective to the students, the basics must be well understood as well as their applications.

Learning by use of models to explain certain procedures or ideas in a certain discipline is also another learning concept held by students. Models are helpful in explaining complex procedures and they assist the students in understanding better (Blackman & Benson 2003).

For instance, in economics, there are many models that are used by the students so that they can comprehend the essential interrelationships in that discipline. A model known as comparative static is used by the students who do economics to understand how equilibrium is used in economic reason as well as the forces that bring back equilibrium after it has been moved.

The students must know the importance of using such kind of models, the main aspect in the model and its relationship with the visual representation. A model is one of the important devices that must be used by a learner to acquire knowledge. They are mainly presented in a diagram form using symbols or arrows.

It simplifies teaching especially to the slow learners who get the concept slowly but clearly. It is the easiest and most effective method of learning complex procedures or directions. Most models are in form of flowcharts.

Learners should get used to learning incomplete ideas so that they can make more complete ideas available to them and enjoy going ahead. This is because, in the process of acquiring the threshold concepts, the prior knowledge acquired previously might be transformed.

So, the students must be ready to admit that every stage in the learning process they get an understanding that is temporary. This problem intensifies when the understanding of an idea acquired currently changes the understanding of an idea that had been taught previously.

This leads to confusion that can make the weak students lose hope. That is why the teacher should always state clear similarities as well as differences of various concepts. On the other hand, the student should be able to compare different concepts and stating their similarities as well as differences (Watkins & Regmy 1992).

The student should also be careful when dealing with concepts that seem similar and must always be attentive to get the first hand information from the teacher. Teaching and learning becomes very hard when learners do not concentrate by paying attention to what the teacher is explaining. For the serious students, learning becomes enjoyable and they do not get confused.

According to Chemkar and Weiss (1999), learners must not just sit down and listen, but they must involve themselves in some other activities such as reading, writing, discussing or solving problems. Basically, they must be very active and concentrate on what they are doing. These techniques are very essential because they have a great impact to the learners.

Students always support learning that is active than the traditional lecture methods because they master the content well and aids in the development of most skills such as writing and reading. So methods that enhance active learning motivate the learners since they also get more information from their fellow learners through discussions.

Students engage themselves in discussion groups or class presentations to break the monotony of lecture method of learning. Learning is a two way process and so both the teacher and the student must be involved.

Active learning removes boredom in the class and the students get so much involved thus improving understanding. This arouses the mind of the student leading to more concentration. During a lecture, the student should write down some of the important points that can later be expounded on.

Involvement in challenging tasks by the learners is so much important. The task should not be very difficult but rather it should just be slightly above the learner’s level of mastery. This makes the learner to get motivated and instills confidence. It leads to success of the learner due to the self confidence that aids in problem solving.

For instance, when a learner tackles a question that deemed hard and gets the answer correct, it becomes the best kind of encouragement ever. The learner gets the confidence that he can make it and this motivates him to achieve even more.

This kind of encouragement mostly occurs to the quick learners because the slow learners fail in most cases. This makes the slow learners fear tackling many problems. So, the concept might not apply to all the learners but for the slow learners who are determined, they can always seek for help incase of such a problem.

Moreover, another concept held by students is repetition because, the most essential factor in learning is efficient time in a task. For a student to study well he or she should consider repetition, that is, looking at the same material over and over again.

For instance, before a teacher comes for the lesson, the student can review notes and then review the same notes after the teacher gets out of class. So, the student reviews the notes many times thus improving the understanding level (Felder & Brent 1996). This simplifies revising for an exam because the student does not need to cram for it.

Reviewing the same material makes teaching very easy since the teacher does not need to go back to the previous material and start explaining again. It becomes very hard for those students who do not review their work at all because they do not understand the teacher well and are faced by a hard time when preparing for examinations.

Basically, learning requires quite enough time so that it can be effective. It also becomes a very big problem for those who do not sacrifice their time in reviews.

Acquisition of the main points improves understanding of the material to the student. Everything that is learnt or taught may not be of importance. Therefore, the student must be very keen to identify the main points when learning. These points should be written down or underlined because they become useful when reviewing notes before doing an exam. It helps in saving time and leads to success.

For those students who do not pay attention, it becomes very difficult for them to highlight the main points. They read for the sake of it and make the teacher undergo a very hard time during teaching. To overcome this problem, the students must be taught how to study so that learning can be effective.

Cooperative learning is also another concept held by the students. It is more detailed than a group work because when used properly, it leads to remarkable results. This is very encouraging in teaching and the learning environment as well.

The students should not work with their friends so that learning can be productive, instead every group should have at least one top level student who can assist the weak students. The groups assist them in achieving academic as well as social abilities due to the interaction. This learning concept benefits the students more because, a fellow student can explain a concept in a better way than how the teacher can explain in class.

Assignments are then given to these groups through a selected group leader (Felder& Brent 1996). Every member must be active in contributing ideas and respect of one’s ideas is necessary. It becomes very easy for the teacher to mark such kind of assignments since they are fewer than marking for each individual.

Learning becomes enjoyable because every student is given a chance to express his or her ideas freely and in a constructive manner. Teaching is also easier because the students encounter very many new ideas during the discussions. Some students deem it as time wastage but it is necessary in every discipline.

Every group member should be given a chance to become the group’s facilitator whose work is to distribute and collect assignments. Dormant students are forced to become active because every group member must contribute his or her points. Cooperative learning is a concept that requires proper planning and organization.

Completion of assignments is another student held learning concept. Its main aim is to assist the student in knowing whether the main concepts in a certain topic were understood. This acts as a kind of self evaluation to the student and also assists the teacher to know whether the students understood a certain topic. The assignments must be submitted to the respective teacher for marking.

Those students who are focused follow the teacher after the assignments have been marked for clarification purposes. This enhances learning and the student understands better. Many students differ with this idea because they do not like relating with the teacher (Marton &Beaty 1993). This leads to very poor grades since communication is a very essential factor in learning.

Teaching becomes easier and enjoyable when there is a student- teacher relationship. Assignment corrections are necessary to both the student and the teacher since the student comprehends the right method of solving a certain problem that he or she could not before.

Lazy students who do not do corrections make teaching hard for the teacher because they make the other students to lag behind. Learning may also become ineffective for them due to low levels of understanding.

Acquisition of facts is still another student held concept that aims at understanding reality. Students capture the essential facts so that they can understand how they suit in another context. Many students fail to obtain the facts because they think that they can get everything taught in class or read from books.

When studying, the student must clearly understand the topic so that he or she can develop a theme. This helps in making short notes by eliminating unnecessary information. So, the facts must always be identified and well understood in order to apply them where necessary. Teaching becomes easier when the facts are well comprehended by the students because it enhances effective learning.

Effective learning occurs when a student possesses strong emotions. A strong memory that lasts for long is linked with the emotional condition of the learner. This means that the learners will always remember well when learning is incorporated with strong emotions. Emotions develop when the students have a positive attitude towards learning (Marton& Beaty 1993).

This is because they will find learning enjoyable and exciting unlike those with a negative attitude who will find learning boring and of no use to them. Emotions affect teaching since a teacher will like to teach those students with a positive attitude towards what he is teaching rather than those with a negative attitude.

The positive attitude leads to effective learning because the students get interested in what they are learning and eventually leads to success. Learning does not become effective where students portray a negative attitude since they are not interested thus leading to failure.

Furthermore, learning through hearing is another student held concept. This concept enables them to understand what they hear thus calling for more attention and concentration. They prefer instructions that are given orally and are very keen but they also participate by speaking. Teaching becomes very enjoyable since the students contribute a lot through talking and interviewing.

Learning occurs effectively because the students involve themselves in oral reading as well as listening to recorded information. In this concept, learning is mostly enhanced by debating, presenting reports orally and interviewing people. Those students who do not prefer this concept as a method of learning do not involve themselves in debates or oral discussions but use other learning concepts.

Learners may also use the concept of seeing to understand better. This makes them remember what they saw and most of them prefer using written materials (Van Rosum & Schenk 1984). Unlike the auditory learners who grasp the concept through hearing, visual learners understand better by seeing.

They use their sight to learn and do it quietly. They prefer watching things like videos and learn from what they see. Learning occurs effectively since the memory is usually connected with visual images. Teaching becomes very easy when visual images are incorporated. They include such things like pictures, objects, graphs.

A teacher can use charts during instruction thus improving the students’ understanding level or present a demonstration for the students to see. Diagrams are also necessary because most students learn through seeing.

Use of visual images makes learning to look real and the student gets the concept better than those who learn through imaginations. This concept makes the students to use text that has got many pictures, diagrams, graphics, maps and graphs.

In learning students may also use the tactile concept whereby they gain knowledge and skills through touching. They gain knowledge mostly through manipulative. Teaching becomes more effective when students are left to handle equipments for themselves for instance in a laboratory practical. Students tend to understand better because they are able to follow instructions (Watkins & Regmy 1992).

After applying this concept, the students are able to engage themselves in making perfect drawings, making models and following procedures to make something. Learning may not take place effectively to those students who do not like manipulating because it arouses the memory and the students comprehends the concept in a better way.

Learning through analysis is also another concept held by students because they are able to plan their work in an organized manner which is based on logic ideas only. It requires individual learning and effective learning occurs when information is given in steps. This makes the teacher to structure the lessons properly and the goals should be clear.

This method of organizing ideas makes learning to become effective thus leading to success and achievement of the objectives. Analysis improves understanding of concepts to the learners (Watkins & Regmy 1992). They also understand certain procedures used in various topics because they are sequential.

Teaching and learning becomes very hard for those students who do not know how to analyze their work. Such students learn in a haphazard way thus leading to failure.

If all the learning concepts held by students are incorporated, then remarkable results can be obtained. A lot information and knowledge can be obtained through learning as long as the learner uses the best concepts for learning. Learners are also different because there are those who understand better by seeing while others understand through listening or touching.

So, it is necessary for each learner to understand the best concept to use in order to improve the understanding level. For the slow learners, extra time should be taken while studying and explanations must be clear to avoid confusion. There are also those who follow written instructions better than those instructions that are given orally. Basically, learners are not the same and so require different techniques.

Reference List

Benson, A., & Blackman, D., 2003. Can research methods ever be interesting? Active Learning in Higher Education, Vol. 4, No. 1, 39-55.

Chermak, S., & Weiss, A., 1999. Activity-based learning of statistics: Using practical applications to improve students’ learning. Journal of Criminal Justice Education , Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 361-371.

Felder, R., & Brent, R., 1996. Navigating the bumpy road to student-centered instruction. College Teaching , Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 43-47.

Marton, F. & Beaty, E., 1993. Conceptions of learning. International Journal of Educational Research , Vol. 19, pp. 277-300.

Van Rossum, E., & Schenk, S., 1984. The relationship between learning conception, study strategy and learning outcome. British Journal of Educational Psychology , Vol. 54, No.1, pp. 73-85.

Watkins, D., & Regmy, M., 1992. How universal are student conceptions of learning? A Nepalese investigation. Psychologia , Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 101-110.

What Is Learning? FAQ

  • Why Is Learning Important? Learning means gaining new knowledge, skills, and values, both in a group or on one’s own. It helps a person to develop, maintain their interest in life, and adapt to changes.
  • Why Is Online Learning Good? Online learning has a number of advantages over traditional learning. First, it allows you to collaborate with top experts in your area of interest, no matter where you are located geographically. Secondly, it encourages independence and helps you develop time management skills. Last but not least, it saves time on transport.
  • How to Overcome Challenges in Online Learning? The most challenging aspects of distant learning are the lack of face-to-face communication and the lack of feedback. The key to overcoming these challenges is effective communication with teachers and classmates through videoconferencing, email, and chats.
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2022, July 31). What Is Learning? Essay about Learning Importance. https://ivypanda.com/essays/what-is-learning-essay/

"What Is Learning? Essay about Learning Importance." IvyPanda , 31 July 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/what-is-learning-essay/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'What Is Learning? Essay about Learning Importance'. 31 July.

IvyPanda . 2022. "What Is Learning? Essay about Learning Importance." July 31, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/what-is-learning-essay/.

1. IvyPanda . "What Is Learning? Essay about Learning Importance." July 31, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/what-is-learning-essay/.


IvyPanda . "What Is Learning? Essay about Learning Importance." July 31, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/what-is-learning-essay/.

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Undercover Classroom

Teaching the 6 Qualities of a Good Learner

qualities of a good learner

One of the biggest mistakes we can make as teachers is making assumptions about what our students know and/or don’t know. 

Sometimes we dumb things down for a group of students who could complete the task at a higher level, or we assume that a text is too hard for a student only to hear from their parents that they are reading that same text aloud to their siblings every night.

We also often assume that students have certain soft skills. That they understand what ‘being good’ looks like or what being ‘respectful’ sounds like. Unfortunately, not all kids are aware of  these qualities and skills we take for granted.

Often, our students are not trying to be bad students; they just have no idea what a good student is.

Teaching the qualities of a good learner

I realized that my students didn’t really know what a good learner looked like, so I finally decided to start explicitly teaching it. In fact, the 6 qualities of good learners took on a special role in my classroom.

The six key qualities I focused on in my lessons …

  • Positive Attitude
  • Citizenship
  • Responsibility
  • Cooperation
  • Perseverance

Teach Qualities of a Good Student

Teaching kids about the qualities of good students and learners was at times like teaching a foreign language. Students were not familiar with the term perseverance, but they knew what ‘trying again’ was or they had heard people talk about ‘not giving up.’

The term citizenship often stumped them completely, and it was hard to get them to understand that cooperation was now about an end product, rather it was about the process a group worked through to arrive at a product/decision.

After teaching on these topics for a few years, I started to identify that good instruction on these qualities included a few key components.

First, explicit instruction.

Qualities of a Student Flip Book

Students needed explicit instruction on each quality. We didn’t just brainstorm a list of qualities and move on. I spent time really discussing each quality on the list with my students.

Reading about the qualities and diving into what it means to possess each quality was key for my students, and once they could ‘talk the talk,’ they were able to start ‘walking the walk.’

Second, we assessed. 

I felt it was important for students to really consider where they stood on each quality. We know that it is great to be a ‘10’ in all of these qualities, but if you didn’t notice…perfection is not one of the qualities of a good learner. Having a good work ethic is.

Once we honestly assessed where we were on each quality, we knew which qualities were strengths and which needed more attention and growth.

Lastly, we spent time reflecting.

After explicitly teaching about each quality and asking students to honestly assess themselves on each quality, I gave them time to reflect. They spent time thinking deeply about which areas they needed to put more focus and created action steps to work on improving that quality. I’m sure it’s no surprise that every student had something they needed to work on.

Constructing a positive culture of learning

Explicitly teaching, assessing, and reflecting on the qualities of a good learner put the whole class on an even playing field. We knew what our goals were, and we were making plans to accomplish them. The common vocabulary that my class could now share and use to discuss our strengths and weaknesses helped us build a positive culture and community where we all knew what was expected of us.

The Tab Book

I have since developed an entire resource based around the qualities of a good learner. My Qualities of a Student Tab Book provides all three of the pieces of instruction that I believe to be most valuable for students as they learn about the qualities of a good learner: explicit instruction, assessment, and reflection. 

Students are given reading passages focused on each quality, a scale to assess themselves, and space to reflect on their overall evaluation. 

If you are looking for a way to help your students be more successful learners, the Qualities of a Student Tab Book may be just what you need to get the conversation started!

what is a good learner essay

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Thank you for this post. Just hearing the words “Students needed explicit instruction on each quality” is a game changer. We do tend to forget that teaching these concepts is important. I have copied this post (with your credits) so that I can keep this reminder close by.

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How to be a lifelong learner, the instructor of the world’s most popular mooc explores how to change your life through the power of learning—and why you have more potential than you think..

People around the world are hungry to learn. Instructor Barbara Oakley discovered this when her online course “ Learning How to Learn ”—filmed in her basement in front of a green screen—attracted more than 1.5 million students.

Part of the goal of her course—and her new book, Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential —is to debunk some of the myths that get in the way of learning, like the belief that we’re bad at math or too old to change careers. These are just artificial obstacles, she argues. 

“People can often do more, change more, and learn more—often far more—than they’ve ever dreamed possible. Our potential is hidden in plain sight all around us,” Oakley writes.

what is a good learner essay

She should know: Throughout her early schooling, she flunked math and science classes and resisted family pressure to pursue a science degree. Today? She’s a professor of engineering at Oakland University, after many different jobs in between.

Her book aims to help readers discover their hidden potential, by offering them both the tools and the inspiration to transform themselves through learning. 

The benefits of lifelong learning

Besides being fun, Oakley explains, continued learning can serve us well in the workforce. Many professionals today are engaging in a practice called “second-skilling”: gaining a second area of expertise, whether it’s related to their work (like a marketer learning programming) or completely different (a fundraiser training to be a yoga instructor).

When we lose our job, or work just starts to feel unsatisfying, having other skills can give us more choice and flexibility. We can quit our job and find a new one, of course, but we can also choose to move horizontally within the same organization, taking on different responsibilities.

Mindshift tells the story of one Dutch university employee who enriched her career thanks to her passion for online video gaming. Though she didn’t necessarily think of that as a “second skill,” it ended up benefitting her (and her employer) greatly: She became community manager of the university’s online courses, devising strategies to keep digital interactions civil just as she had done in the gaming world. This goes to show, Oakley writes, that we can never tell where our expertise will lead us or where it will come in handy.

Keeping our brains active and engaged in new areas also has cognitive benefits down the line. According to one study , people who knit, sew, quilt, do plumbing or carpentry, play games, use computers, or read have greater cognitive abilities as they age. Other research found that the more education you have , or the more cognitively stimulating activity you engage in , the lower your risk of Alzheimer’s.

Learning could even extend your life. People who read books for more than 3.5 hours a week are 23 percent less likely to die over a 12-year period—a good reason to keep cracking books after college!

Learn how to learn

Whether you’re inspired to learn woodworking or web development, Mindshift offers many tips that can make your learning more efficient and enjoyable.

Focus (and don’t focus). In order to absorb information, our brains need periods of intense focus followed by periods of mind-wandering , or “diffuse attention,” Oakley explains. So, learners will actually retain more if they incorporate time for rest and relaxation to allow this processing to happen. Perhaps that’s why aficionados love the Pomodoro technique , which recommends 25-minute bursts of work followed by five-minute breaks. 

We should also experiment with different levels of background noise to achieve optimal focus, Oakley advises. Quiet promotes deeper focus, while minor distractions or background noise—like what you’d find at a cafe—may encourage more diffuse attention and creative insight . (While your favorite music could help you get in the zone, music that’s loud, lyrical , or displeasing might be a distraction.)

Practice efficiently. Neuroscience research is now exploring what learning looks like in the brain—and it’s bad news for those of us who loved to cram in college. Apparently the brain can only build so many neurons each night , so regular, repeated practice is crucial.

Oakley recommends learning in “chunks”—bite-sized bits of information or skills, such as a passage in a song, one karate move, or the code for a particular technical command. Practicing these regularly allows them to become second nature, freeing up space in our conscious mind and working memory so we can continue building new knowledge. (If this doesn’t happen, you may have to select a smaller chunk.)

It also helps to practice in a variety of ways, at a variety of times. To understand information more deeply, Oakley recommends actively engaging with it by teaching ourselves aloud or creating mindmaps —web-like drawings connecting different concepts and ideas. We can also try practicing in our downtime (in line at Starbucks or in the car commuting, for example), and quickly reviewing the day’s lessons before going to sleep.

Exercise. One of the most surprising—and easiest—ways to supercharge our learning is to exercise. Physical activity can actually help us grow new brain cells and neurotransmitters ; it’s also been shown to improve our long-term memory and reverse age-related declines in brain function. In fact, walking for just 11 minutes a day is enough to reap some benefits.

While clearly informed by neuroscience, Mindshift focuses more on telling stories than explaining research—which makes it a fast read. After hearing so many tales of curiosity and transformation, you yourself may be inspired to pick up that random hobby you’ve fantasized about, or take one of many college-level courses now available online for free (like our very own Science of Happiness course ). Me? The one I signed up for starts next week.

About the Author

Kira M. Newman

Kira M. Newman

Kira M. Newman is the managing editor of Greater Good . Her work has been published in outlets including the Washington Post , Mindful magazine, Social Media Monthly , and Tech.co, and she is the co-editor of The Gratitude Project . Follow her on Twitter!

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what is a good learner essay

How to Write Stanford’s “Excited About Learning” Essay

This article was written based on the information and opinions presented by Johnathan Patin-Sauls and Vinay Bhaskara in a CollegeVine livestream. You can watch the full livestream for more info.

What’s Covered:

Choosing an idea vs. an experience, learning for the sake of learning, learning as a means to other ends, be specific.

Stanford University’s first essay prompt asks you to respond to the following:

“ The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning. (100-250 words)”

For this short answer question, your response is limited to a maximum of 250 words. In this article, we will discuss considerations for choosing to write about an idea or experience, ways to demonstrate a love or enthusiasm for learning, and why you should be as specific. For more information and guidance on writing the application essays for Stanford University, check out our post on how to write the Stanford University essays .

Regardless of if you choose either an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning as a topic, there are a few considerations for each.  

Most people gravitate towards writing about an idea. One challenge that arises with an idea-focused essay is that applicants who are passionate about an idea often become hyper focused on explaining the idea but neglect to connect this idea to who they are as a person and why this idea excites them. 

When writing about an experience, it is important to strike a balance between describing the experience and analyzing the impact of the experience on you, your goals, and your commitment to learning.

This essay question allows you to expand on your joy for learning and your genuine curiosity. Stanford is searching for students who are naturally curious and enjoy the process of learning and educating themselves. For example, a compelling essay could begin with a riveting story of getting lost while hiking the Appalachian Trail and describing how this experience led to a lifelong passion for studying primitive forms of navigation. 

There is a strong tendency among applicants to write about formal academic coursework, however, the most compelling essays will subvert expectations by taking the concept of learning beyond the classroom and demonstrating how learning manifests itself in unique contexts in your life.

If you’re someone for whom learning is a means to other ends, it is important that you convey a sense of genuine enthusiasm and purpose beyond, “I want to go to X school because it will help me get Y job for Z purpose.” You may be motivated to attend college to obtain a certain position and make a comfortable income, however these answers are not necessarily what admissions officers are looking for. Instead, it can be helpful to relate an idea or experience to something more personal to you.

Academic & Professional Trajectory

Consider relating the idea or experience you choose to a major, degree program, research initiative, or professor that interests you at Stanford. Then go beyond the academic context to explain how the idea or experience ties into your future career. 

For instance, if you are interested in the concept of universal health care, then you might describe your interest in applying to public health programs with faculty that specialize in national health care systems. You might then describe your long term career aspirations to work in the United States Senate on crafting and passing health care policy.

Personal Values & Experiences

Another way to tie the ideas in this essay back to a more personal topic is to discuss how the idea or experience informs who you are, how you treat others, or how you experience the world around you. 

You could also focus on an idea or experience that has challenged, frustrated, or even offended you, thereby reinforcing and further justifying the values you hold and your worldview.

Community Building & Social Connectedness

You may also explore how this idea or experience connects you to a particular community by helping you understand, build, and support members of the community. Stanford is looking to find students who will be engaged members of the student body and carry out the community’s core mission, values, and projects, so this essay can be an opportunity to highlight how you would contribute to Stanford. 

Be specific in your choice of idea or the way in which you describe an experience. For example, a response that focuses on the joys of learning philosophy is too broad to be particularly memorable or impactful. However, the mind-body problem looking at the debate concerning the relationship between thought and consciousness is a specific philosophical idea that lends itself to a rich discussion. 

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Good Leaders Are Good Learners

  • Lauren A. Keating,
  • Peter A. Heslin,
  • Susan (Sue) Ashford

what is a good learner essay

Set goals, experiment, and reflect.

When it comes to learning how to lead, experience has better rewards than leadership academies– if leaders are conscientious about how and what they are learning. Leaders can learn from their experiences by diligently working through each of the following three phases of the experiential learning cycle: setting learning goals, experimenting, and reflecting on experiments.

Although organizations spend more than $24 billion annually on leadership development, many leaders who have attended leadership programs struggle to implement what they’ve learned. It’s not because the programs are bad but because leadership is best learned from experience .

what is a good learner essay

  • Lauren A. Keating is a doctoral student at UNSW Sydney Business School, Australia. Her research focuses on the role of mindsets in a range of career and leadership development issues.
  • Peter A. Heslin is Associate Professor of Management at the UNSW Sydney Business School, Australia. Peter lives his passion for discovering and sharing useful ideas in the realms of employee engagement, leadership development, career success, and Agile software development.
  • Susan (Sue) Ashford is the Michael and Susan Jandernoa Professor of Management and Organizations at the University of Michigan, Stephen M. Ross School of Business. Sue is an award-winning scholar whose passion is using her teaching and research work to help people to be maximally effective in their work lives, with an emphasis on self-leadership, proactivity, change from below, and leadership and its development.

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10 Characteristics of a Good Student

Posted by Linda Stade | Aug 12, 2022 | Learning , Schools |

10 Characteristics of a Good Student

Inside: What are the characteristics of a good student? Here are 10 traits and habits that successful students usually share. The good news is, that most of these can be taught. 

Being a good student doesn’t just mean achieving high scores on tests. It means having:

  • a love of learning,
  • a passion for knowledge
  • a hunger to develop and grow academically.

So what are the traits and habits that shape a good student? The following is not an exhaustive list, however, it is a very good start and you can also download a useful poster at the bottom of the article.

10 characteristics of a good student

1. a good student has a growth mindset.

A growth mindset is a deeply held belief that a person can learn anything given enough time and effort. Carol Dweck is a Professor of Psychology at Stanford University. She is the world’s most recognised student of the mindset trait. In her 2014 Ted talk , Dweck spoke about growth mindset in terms of, ‘The power of yet’.

When your child says, “I can’t do this”, then you need to add, “Yet. I can’t do this yet”. Dweck’s research shows that even explaining this concept to a child will affect the way they view their learning. She points to evidence that says, an understanding of growth mindset changes neural pathways that allow for greater growth in learning.

growth mindset at school

2. A good student is brave

Brave kids are going to be the ones who take risks and amass experiences. They can use those experiences powerfully in their learning and growing. They quickly establish what they love and loathe and then they are more likely to create a life they love. They are also going to be the students who take learning risks that lead to lateral, out of the box thinking. The world needs that kind of thinker.

Bravery is about taking on daunting challenges; feeling the fear and doing it anyway. Bravery is not the absence of fear. Sometimes when we talk to our kids we say, “Don’t be afraid” or “Don’t be silly, it’s going to be fine”. This implies that fear is something to be ashamed of. It isn’t. Fear is human and to be expected, but it also needs to be overcome. That won’t just happen by magic. It comes with modelling, teaching and explaining.

3. A good student is organised

A high school student can study as many as nine different subjects with nine different teachers and nine different sets of expectations. It is impossible to thrive under those circumstances unless a child is highly organised. Fortunately, organisation is something we can teach. We can also employ aids like diaries, planners and study schedules.

What Makes A Good Student? 10 Characteristics of a Successful student

What are the qualities of a good student?

4. A good student is consistent and persistent

Learning happens slowly and consistently. Take for example the process we went through when we learned to read.  There were steps, from holding a book the right way up, to recognising letters to phonetics, years of practising and finally fluency.  It’s not actually that hard to learn to read for neurotypical kids, but you do have to develop building blocks and commit to regular practise. It is the willingness to practise that contributes to success as a student.

Consistency is becoming less common in adolescents . Some of the areas most affected by teens’ lack of consistency are mathematics, music and languages. In each of these areas, there needs to be a mastery of some basic skills that only comes with practise.

5. A good student is able to deal with failure

Failure is one of the greatest tools in the learning process. Unfortunately, too many people are simply overwhelmed by the feeling of failure rather than being able to stand back and look at the lessons it can teach us. Having the tenacity to stare down failure is an extraordinary skill.

Teach kids to look at failure in an analytical way. What is the size and gravity of the failure? What are its consequences? What can be learnt from the experience?

qualities of good student, traits of successful students

6. A good student sets goals

Goal setting focuses a student’s attention towards certain behaviours and information and away from distractions. Research tells us that incremental goals are far more effective than large goals.

If a student is able to break down a big goal, like solving a big problem, innovating or achieving a higher grade, into small bite-sized pieces they are more likely to be successful. If they can incorporate the feedback they receive on each occasion, the small wins eventually lead to big achievements.

7. A good student is able to connect learning to life

A successful student is able to see their studies in the context of the wider world. If a child has read, observed and discussed the world, issues and ideas on a regular basis, they will be able to place their learning in context. Without context, it is easy to understand why a child would think, “What’s the point?”

It is up to parents to ensure children are exposed to a multitude of ideas and rich resources and experiences. It is up to teachers to ensure that what happens in the classroom is linked to what exists in the wider world. That sense of relevance is vital for developing in kids a love of learning. It gives school relevance beyond just doing well in testing

What Makes A Good Student? 10 qualities of a successful student

8. A good student knows how to look after their mental health

One of the greatest obstacles to a child’s academic success can be their mental health. Anxiety, in particular, is a growing concern in Australian schools. A large-scale 2018 study, conducted by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) found that “nearly half of Australian students reported feeling “very stressed”, up from 28% in 2003 when the study began.

Students who reported feeling confident while doing difficult schoolwork fell from 76% to 59%.” It is very difficult to learn when in a state of stress. If a child hasn’t been taught the emotional regulation skills required to create calm and a sense of flow, it is very hard to achieve success.

9. A good student partners with teachers

A child’s relationship with their teacher is fundamental to their success at school . Effective students recognise that their teachers are their allies. The importance of this relationship was borne out in the ground-breaking research of Professor John Hattie.

We tend to see this relationship as being completely in the hands of the teacher. That isn’t the case. Effective learners contribute to the creation of this strong relationship. They recognise their teachers as valuable resources whom they need to work with, in partnership.

These students are easy to recognise, they participate in class, they stay after class and ask extra questions, and they make appointments with their teachers to get help if they need it.

characteristics of great students

10. A good student values education

Finally, if a child is to achieve success in education, they need to value education. In life, we very rarely persist or strive in an endeavour if we don’t think it is valuable. Studies show that children are more likely to embrace education and succeed in homes where education is valued , where there are books and where parents are engaged in learning.

Characteristics of a Good Student Download

Download for class, home or to stick in a workbook download poster here.

Linda would love to meet you on her Facebook page here

About The Author

Linda stade.

Linda Stade has worked in various teaching and management roles in education for thirty years. She has worked in government and private schools, country and city, single-sex and co-ed. Currently, she is a writer, speaker, and consultant in Western Australia.

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Linda Stade is an educator, writer, speaker, and consultant in Western Australia. She works with parents and teachers to help grow happy, healthy kids who thrive on learning.

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14 Essential Characteristics of a Good Language Learner

English-language learners are students who are unable to communicate fluently or learn effectively in English, who often come from non-English-speaking homes and backgrounds,

Do you have what it takes to study and learn a language successfully? What are some characteristics of a good language learner? What do teachers see in successful language learners?

Table of Contents

15 Essential Characteristics of a Good Language Learner

Take responsibility, be organized, be creative, create opportunities, find strategies, make mistakes, remember your roots, use context, guess intelligently, don’t worry about every detail, use hacks and tricks, use production techniques, learn different styles, motivation to communicate.

These are 14 essential characteristics that good language learners should have

Good language learners find their own way and take charge of their learning. They find the methods that are best for them as individual learners. They learn form others and experiment with different methods.

Good language learners organize their study of the language, and they organize information about the language they study.

Good language learners are creative. They understand that language is creative. They experiment with the language and play with grammar, words, and sounds.

Good language learners make their own opportunities for practicing the language inside and outside of the classroom.

You can do things like watching a movie in English or learning the lyrics of your favorite song.

Good language learners learn to live with uncertainty by focusing on the meaning of what they can understand, by not getting flustered, and by continuing to talk or listen without necessarily understanding every word.

Good language learners use mnemonics and other memory strategies to recall what they are learning.

Good language learners make errors work for them and not against them. You learn a second language by trial and error

Good language learners use linguistic knowledge, including knowledge of their first language, in learning a second language.

Understand that learning a language is a logical process.

Good language learners use contextual clues to aid their comprehension of the language. They maximize use of all potential contexts around the language attended to for enhancing comprehension.

Good language learners learn to make intelligent guesses.

Good language learners learn chunks of language as wholes and formalized routines to help them perform beyond their competence. For example, they may learn idioms, proverbs, or other phrases knowing what the whole phrase means without necessarily understanding each individual part.

Good language learners learn certain tricks that keep conversations going.

Good language learners learn certain production techniques that also fill in the gaps in their own competence.

Good language learners learn different styles of speech or writing to learn to vary their language according to the formality of the situation.

One of the most important characteristics of a good language learner is finding a motivation to communicate will make a huge difference in your learning efforts, as I reflect on my own experience, I can avoid thinking about how important it was for me to talk to my friends from the United States.

Manuel Campos, English Professor

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English

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The Importance of Being A Good Learner

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A good learner needs to have some sort of creativity sense, problem-solving methods, be able to learn new things and manage themselves all throughout life. Education should be intended to amplify the abilities of skillful individuals with leadership qualities and are committed to taking a stand in social issues in the world today. A well-educated individual does not just seek to work a dream job and be able to live a nice life but instead should always commit to doing hard work, dedicating oneself to duty and always strive for excellence all throughout life. A good learner has key qualities such as: being able to listen and hear, understanding and reading, being able to communicate with anyone, solve different problems, have tolerance and being able self-criticize oneself. Such an individual is always prepared to try something new, learn about different types of people and be able to step outside their comfort zone. A person must also learn new things and fill any gap they have in their learning . Being well-educated is more than just being prepared for the workforce or what is taught in schools such as opening up an algebra textbook and learning how to factor or learning chemical bonds in a chemistry class. A well-educated person needs to be able to admit any wrong-doings and learn from their mistakes. For an individual to be considered a good learner, one needs to have a thorough understanding of themselves and their fit in the outside world. The biggest element to consider for being a good learner is to be well-rounded. An individual should have knowledge in different fields and should be able to collaborate with diverse people. While in the process of becoming a good learner, one needs to be able to obser... ... middle of paper ... ...be carried on throughout generations and many people can understand the philosophies that was obtained. Being well-educated can seem to take forever and is one of the longest processes of human life. To be considered to be this type of person, being cautious and aware of happenings in the universe, absorbing and learning from these events then utilizing them to advance themselves are all things required. One must have an extensive understanding of themselves and others as well as their place in the universe to be considered a well-educated human being. Works Cited Bohm, David. “On Communication”. The Human Experience: Who Am I?. 8th ed. Winthrop University: Rock Hill SC, 2012. 12-14. Print. Mill, John Stuart. “Of the Liberty of Thought and Discussion”. The Human Experience: Who Am I?. 8th ed. Winthrop University: Rock Hill SC, 2012. 53-57. Print.

Analysis Of Becoming A Learner

Matthew L. Sanders discusses the necessity of taking responsibility for one’s own education in a section of his book Becoming a Learner: Realizing the Opportunity of Education. In this section, Sanders explains how he initially blamed an instructor for not teaching him sufficiently and then learned that “No matter what kind of teacher you have, no matter what kind of class you are taking, if you are a learner you will set out to understand the material and create opportunities for success.” This statement is true and the concept can be applied through many methods to create success for students if they are willing to put forth effort.

Utilitarianism and Morality in John Stuart Mill´s Essay

For more than two thousand years, the human race has struggled to effectively establish the basis of morality. Society has made little progress distinguishing between morally right and wrong. Even the most intellectual minds fail to distinguish the underlying principles of morality. A consensus on morality is far from being reached. The struggle to create a basis has created a vigorous warfare, bursting with disagreement and disputation. Despite the lack of understanding, John Stuart Mill confidently believes that truths can still have meaning even if society struggles to understand its principles. Mill does an outstanding job at depicting morality and for that the entire essay is a masterpiece. His claims throughout the essay could not be any closer to the truth.

Public Education Revealed In John Stuart Mill's On Liberty

In On Liberty, John Stuart Mill speaks on matters concerning the “struggle between authority and liberty” and determining how the government should be balanced with the will of the common people. To aid these balances, Mill lays out indisputable freedoms for everyone including freedoms of thought and speech. He stresses that these freedoms are justified as long as they abstain from harm onto other people, but words have been known to hurt or offend. Hateful and unpopular thoughts can be ignored by common people just as they can say and believe whatever they wish to, but in the creation of laws that do affect everyone, leaders cannot discriminate against hearing any sort of opinion because doing so would increase the possibility of tyranny against a minority of any kind Mill wants to prevent. Every single opinion, no matter how unpopular, deserves to be heard by people of power, for even a thought of the unpopular or the minority could provide a shred of truth when leaders make decisions to better a majority of lives.

The Market Revolution On American Society

Emerson, Ralph W. "The American Scholar." Give Me Liberty!: An American History. Brief Third ed. Vol. One. New York: W.W. Norton, 2012. 270. Print. Voices of Freedom excerpt

Stuart Mill and John Locke Conception of Freedom

Wright, John Samuel Fletcher. Liberty in Key Works of John Locke and John Stuart Mill. Thesis Deakin University, 1995.

Mary Anne Warren's On the Moral and Legal Status of Abortion

Mill, John S. The Basic Writings of John Stuart Mill. New York, New York: Modern Library, 2002. Print.

Transformational Leadership

As a Learner, I seek knowledge and to understand. I am continually questioning and have done so since a small child. I love learning from history. I spend time examining problems or glitches.

Stuart Mill Paternalism

One of the more severe charges against Mill's conception of liberty involves socio-cultural background of the author's politics. Mill advocates paternalism on moral grounds in several instances that suggest an intellectual bias and a level of intellectual superiority, embedded in the nineteenth century culture and the Western world. Under Mill's paradigm, freedom is limited to those who are capable of rationality, allowing despotism as a sufficient alternative to 'educating' in all other instances (Goldberg, 2000). Thus, one's incompetence allows for a coercive force and social control (Conly, 2013).

Kant vs. Mill: Human Rights and Utilitarianism

Fitzpatrick, J. R. (2006). John Stuart Mill's political philosophy: Balancing freedom and the collective good. London [u.a.: Continuum.

My College Scholarship

Education means a variety of things to any individual because it is the route to fulfilling dreams that one would not have otherwise been able to believe was possible. Just as food provides nourishment to the stomach, happiness satisfaction to the soul, education is the dietary supplement to the brain. Education endows one with the strength and motivation to have a dream, as a consequence one is able to lead a life filled with happiness. One is able to have contentment because with the attainment of an educated mind they are cognizant that they can achieve all of what they have ever imagined. As children we are taught to dream what we want to become and as an adolescent, we are able to live to become just as what we have imagined. The very essence of what we seek to become is educated in a sense because we can only become a step closer to making our reality come into existence without beginning with education.

John Stuart Mill's Harm Principle

John Stuart Mill discusses the concept of liberty in many ways. I’d like to focus on his ideas of the harm principle and touch a little on his thoughts about the freedom of action. The harm principle and freedom of action are just two subtopics of Mill’s extensive thoughts on the concept of liberty. Not only do I plan to discuss and explain each of these parts of the conception of liberty, but I also plan to discuss my thoughts and feelings. I have a few disagreements with Mill on the harm principle; they will be stated and explained.

The Importance Of Being An Educated Person

Being educated is to be adaptable, willing to entertain new ideas, and pursue knowledge. Throughout the semester, my idea of an educated person has changed quite a lot, starting with the necessity of higher education, ending with a more substantial, personal motivation. I thought that the only way to be truly educated was to attend college, and get a degree, obtaining proof that you were a refined, cultured, person. However, I’ve come to believe that as long as you’ve come to understand that education is constantly evolving, that your level of knowledge about things can constantly be refined, then I believe that you are an educated person. Educated people know that there is always more to learn, and go find ways to introduce themselves to the new information, through either fantastic circumstances or by the sheer force of will.

Andragogy vs. Pedagogy

Learners need to know- Why am I learning this? What is it that I am learning? How will it help me? How is it important? In summary, if I need it, then I will learn it.

A Critical Analysis of John Stuart Mill’s "On Liberty"

middle of paper ... ... Philosophers, such as John Stuart Mill, have debated the role and the extension of government in the people’s lives for centuries. Mill presents a clear and insightful argument, claiming that the government should not be concerned with the free will of the people unless explicit harm has been done to an individual. However, such ideals do not build a strong and lasting community. It is the role of the government to act in the best interests at all times through the prevention of harm and the encouragement of free thought.

The Importance of Teaching

Education should be a part of everyone's life. A good education offers something for everyone, whether it be on the simple level or a more complex one. Education should provide provide an opportunity for students to develop a strong sense of creativity, a high self esteem, and a life long respect for learning. Education should help students establish a strong sense of confidence in themselves. A teacher will be one factor that helps a student learn and progress along their way through life. Teachers combine their own ideas with other people's to be able to give a good education to their students.

More about The Importance of Being A Good Learner

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The Most Important Qualities That Make a Good Teacher

July 30, 2023

Teachers significantly impact the lives of their learners. They challenge their students to confidently think outside the box and counter new challenges. 

A good teacher will also support their learners when they take in new challenges and fail. They build their confidence to try again, inspire creativity, and encourage exploration and competition. 

Teaching is not a job but a calling. It is, therefore, crucial to acquire and perfect the required skills to efficiently inspire and grow students in their classrooms. 

Good teachers model behaviors of patience, empathy, communication, and understanding. Qualities that they can help grow in their learners. 

In this article, we discuss ten qualities of good teachers that should serve as motivation if you hope to impact the lives of your learners positively. 

teacher teaching her class

The Value of a Teacher’s Role

A teacher’s role is essential not only in the education system but also later on in the lives of their students. 

You can make a difference in your student’s life by influencing everything, from educational goals to after-school success. 

Good teachers help their students reach more success, understand themselves better, and make well-thought decisions that will help them make the right choices to propel them to greater heights in life. 

To be good at your job as a teacher, you must love it. Passion is infectious; your students will feel passionate about the subject if you are passionate about it. 

Also, you can cultivate self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-worth in your learners in your daily interactions. 

Your interactions with your students also guide them into laying the foundation for meaningful relationships, understanding their feelings, and navigating challenging situations. 

10 Qualities of a Good Teacher

Outstanding teachers have certain qualities that make them rise above the rest of their student’s lives. Such teachers have a way of remaining in our memories no matter how far removed from our school years. 

Studies from the Economic Policy Institute show that good teachers contribute more to student achievement than learning facilities and school leadership. 

Here are our top ten qualities that make a good teacher:

1. Great communicators

When you possess excellent communication skills, you will know how to teach your subject in a learner-friendly and engaging way. 

This will, in turn, improve their understanding and achievement as it will bring you closer to them and help them present any concerns they may have regarding any learned content. 

For instance, a finance class will be easier to understand if the teacher uses everyday examples with which the students are familiar. 

2. Experts in their field

Your students will be motivated to learn if you are an expert in your field. If you love your teaching area, you will show that expertise in the classroom. 

Once you have mastered the content in your subject area, you can use different angles to explain the subject matter; hence be very resourceful when teaching. 

For instance, a math teacher can use the rows and columns in the class to enhance understanding of matrices. 

3. Collaboration

Collaboration in teaching creates a growth-based learning environment that increases student learning processes.

You should work closely with other teachers and your students if you aim for great results. 

Collaborating with other teachers helps you learn from each other, allowing you to brainstorm new ideas. This is significant in improving learner outcomes. 

A good teacher is also interested in learning from parents about their students. This equips you with an understanding of how to help your students better.

Empathy is how you understand your learner’s emotional, social, and intellectual situations. A good teacher can respond empathetically to a learner’s admirable and ugly emotions without losing focus on student learning. 

For instance, if your best student failed a test. Your first instinct might be to reprimand them and for an explanation for their poor performance. On the other hand, consider putting yourself in their situation, imagine how they are feeling, and empathize with them. 

Seek to understand how they feel about the dismal performance, what they think they did wrong, and then suggest ways to improve the result. Assure them that they have a chance to turn things around. 

When your learners feel physically, mentally, and emotionally safe, they will engage better in your subject as they feel loved and understood. 

You can grow your empathetic touch by reading books on such, taking courses on empathy, and attending seminars that build on this. 

5. Loving challenges

A great teacher loves challenges. A classroom environment is full of varied challenges; therefore, embracing them is a sure way to manage them. 

Once you love your challenges, you will teach your learners more effectively. This is because a teacher who loves challenges will grow to challenge students. Students love challenges, provided they are presented in a kind spirit. 

You can draw your students to love challenges by asking thought-provoking questions that get learners to think about sequencing and predictions. 

Challenging them will push them to work harder, improve, and achieve beyond their imagination. 

6. Creativity

Although not all subject areas promote creativity, they can all be taught creatively. 

For instance, a biology teacher teaching about different kinds of plants would take students to the natural habitat to exploit the topic practically. Also, a literature teacher would more creatively use film to enhance the mental correlation of a play the learners are reading as a literary text. 

A science teacher would use real solutions more creatively when teaching learners to test for bases and acids. Learners always appreciate the extra mile. 

When you creatively motivate your learners, they are motivated to do this in education and their lives after school. 

7. Constant growth 

Teachers need a growth mindset that prepares them for the classroom environment. Continuous learning will equip you with invaluable knowledge to progressively inspire your students. The growth mindset is essential because it will enable you to collaborate with your learners with the understanding that they can learn it to a higher level. 

A view that continuous growth is essential will create a love of learning and resilience in just one area. It empowers your learners to believe they can develop their abilities with brains and talents as starting points. 

The need for growth will motivate you to focus on creativity and intelligence, the two factors that result in success in both your academic and professional lives. 

8. Patience

When managing learners, your patience is constantly tested. You will also deal with learners, parents, and colleagues with differing perspectives, backgrounds, and characters. This requires patience. 

For instance, with your learners and their parents, you must be patient in repeatedly dealing with the same questions and issues.

Also, some of your learners will have difficulties understanding various concepts; it’s essential that you keep going but should continuously try out new ways of helping them succeed. 

9. Adaptability

Your environment as a teacher is constantly evolving. This demands that you continually adapt to the constant changes and adjust your teaching methods to suit the age and intellect of your learners. 

Also, with the continuously changing educational frameworks, being able to adopt those changes makes you a good teacher. 

Adaptability is also one of the essential skills that you will require if you are educating learners of varying grade levels or those with different learning styles. 

10. Respect

Many educators imply respect, but few understand how to use it in the classroom. 

As a good teacher, you must be mindful of any imbalance in respect and ensure that your students feel respected and heard. 

In stories from American Teacher Week , Maggie remembers her seventh-grade language teacher for the respect she fostered and reflected on her students. The feeling that her teacher valued and respected each of them taught her a valuable lesson about the significance of fostering the respect you demand.

students and teacher planning

Desired Classroom Skills

Besides the teaching and communication skills you should possess as a good teacher, excellent class management skills are critical.  

Some of the desired class management skills include:

  • Setting high but achievable expectations for your students – You can do this by teaching them about growth mindsets. They should believe that success is within their control. Reinforce in them daily that they can succeed if they put in the effort. 
  • Good planning skills – With good planning skills, you will help students identify their goals and guide them in deciding what their priority is. Teach them how to plan their learning by breaking their tasks into steps to make them more manageable. Teaching learners how to plan will also eliminate uncertainty in the mind, which in most learners results in procrastination. 
  • Creating a sense of community- A sense of community will create a social connection and a sense of belonging among your learners. You can establish this community within your students by consistently holding class meetings every morning to focus on building social and emotional skills and establishing relationships among them. 

Common Weaknesses of Teachers

Teachers, even the most experienced, are helpful with some weaknesses. Every teacher would like to see themselves as being perfect, but admitting that we are all flawed in different ways is the first step to becoming better teachers tomorrow. 

Here are some common weaknesses in teachers: 


Making mistakes is a normal part of human life. Perfectionism is a fear-based pattern whose short-term rewards are getting the job done and exceeding expectations. Its long-term effects, however, include burnout, compromised quality of work, and missed deadlines. 

Being afraid to make mistakes primes us for burnout and overwhelms us with fear, factors that distort our functioning as teachers. 

Dealing with others as a perfectionist is challenging since you will always want them to do things your way, allowing little room for the ideas and imperfections of others. 

Perfectionism also prevents you from taking constructive criticism from colleagues who may want to share relevant observations on your interaction. 

Though no one is perfect, some teachers seem to have it together, and this may be the basis for our comparison. Comparison can hinder your success as a teacher if you are constantly comparing yourself with colleagues you view as perfect. 

Learning helpful hints and new ideas from teachers with the strengths we would like to possess would help you overcome comparison.

For instance, if a colleague is better at relating with learners and they look up to her more for guidance, instead of getting all jealous and bitter at her, seek to know what she does differently to get the students to open up to her. 


If you are a spontaneous teacher, you act without planning but will rely on previous experience teaching diverse classes and using different approaches to teaching. 

Spontaneity in learning is not all bad, as it helps adjust the power imbalances in a typical classroom. Spontaneous teaching, however, can have some adverse effects on learning. This can result in a lack of structure to your lesson and poor lesson organization. It may also limit your degree of learner assessment of learner progress and achievement. 

To avoid the adverse effects of spontaneity, find a balance between flexibility and structure in the lesson. Consider the individual learner’s needs and learning abilities when deciding on the instructional method. 

Becoming a Good Teacher

A chosen path can guide you into becoming a better teacher. Many specialties are available, so knowing what grade you want to teach and what subject area you are passionate about is essential. 

Here are some steps to take toward becoming a good teacher. 

Bachelor’s Degree 

A bachelor’s degree is crucial to becoming a good teacher. Though most states will require a bachelor’s degree in education, alternative routes to licensure are also available. 

 It will allow you to learn essential skills that will help you become a better teacher. Such include:

  • Cognitive skills : A degree program grows your ability to recall, integrate, and analyze information. You will be able to foster critical and creative thinking skills that guide fluency, originality, flexibility, and adaptability in developing and adjusting to learner programs. 
  • Communication skills: Acquiring communication skills enables you to interact and collaborate effectively with your learners in delivering and assessing knowledge acquisition. Efficient communication is necessary when also engaging with students’ families and colleagues. 
  • Research skills: The skills to initiate and complete data collection concerning learner performance and curricula are essential in effective instruction. A bachelor’s degree program will guide you into effectively demonstrating, considering consequences, information presentation, and record keeping. 
  • Social skills: A good teacher is sensitive to ethical and integral processes of establishing functional relationships with all the school community members. The program will develop compassion, empathy, interpersonal skills, and internal motivation, skills you will require to impact your learners and effectively relate with your colleagues positively. 

Here is a list of some bachelor’s degrees that would guide you into initial certification as a teacher:

  • Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education
  • Bachelor of Special Ed. and Elementary Education
  • Bachelor of Special Education (mild to moderate)
  • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Education (middle grades)
  • Bachelor of Science in Science Education (Secondary Biological Science)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Music Education
  • Bachelor of Science in STEM Education

Master’s Degree

Besides attaining a bachelor’s degree, aspiring teachers should also think about acquiring a master’s degree. A master’s degree will upgrade your knowledge and help you learn more about your subject area. You will also acquire more effective ways of curriculum instruction. 

Teaching Certification

To get hired after completing your degree program, getting certified to teach in the state where you are interested in teaching is essential. 

Getting certified gives you credibility as a teacher and is one of the states’ quality measures for hiring teachers. 

Most states will therefore require teachers to have certificates to teach. 

Teachers are crucial in changing lives, inspiring dreams, and pushing individuals to realize their potential. Teachers educate the next generation, promoting positive attitudes that shape society. 

Middle School Teacher Salary in Texas in 2023

July 30, 2023 by bryan

what is a good learner essay

Texas Teachers Certification Areas

Texas teachers currently offers 50+ certification areas:.

  • Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources 6–12 (272)
  • American Sign Language (ASL) (184)
  • Art EC–12 (178)
  • Bilingual Education Supplemental (164)
  • Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test (BTLPT) Spanish (190)
  • Business and Finance 6–12 (276)
  • Chemistry 7–12 (240)
  • Computer Science 8–12 (241)
  • Core Subjects EC-6 (291)
  • Core Subjects 4–8 (211)
  • Dance 6–12 (279)
  • English as a Second Language Supplemental (154)
  • English Language Arts and Reading 4–8 (117)
  • English Language Arts and Reading 7–12 (231)
  • English Language Arts and Reading/Social Studies 4–8 (113)
  • Family and Consumer Sciences EC-12 (200)
  • Health EC–12 (157)
  • Health Science 6–12 (273)
  • History 7–12 (233)
  • Journalism 7–12 (256)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Arabic EC–12 (600 & 605)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) French EC–12 (610)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) German EC–12 (611)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Latin EC–12 (612)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Japanese EC–12 (602 & 607)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Mandarin Chinese EC–12 (601 & 606)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Russian EC–12 (603 & 608)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Spanish EC–12 (613)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Vietnamese EC–12 (604 & 609)
  • Life Science 7–12 (238)
  • Marketing 6–12 (275)
  • Mathematics 4–8 (115)
  • Mathematics 7–12 (235)
  • Mathematics/Physical Science/Engineering 6–12 (274)
  • Mathematics/Science 4–8 (114)
  • Music EC–12 (177)
  • Physical Education EC–12 (158)
  • Physical Science 6–12 (237)
  • Physics/Mathematics 7–12 (243)
  • Science 4–8 (116)
  • Science 7–12 (236)
  • Social Studies 4–8 (118)
  • Social Studies 7–12 (232)
  • Special Education EC–12 (161)
  • Speech 7–12 (129)
  • Technology Applications EC–12 (242)
  • Technology Education 6–12 (171)
  • Texas Assessment of Sign Communication–American Sign Language™ (TASC–ASL™) (073)
  • Theatre EC–12 (180)
  • Trade and Industrial (T&I)

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    The essay writing process consists of three main stages: Preparation: Decide on your topic, do your research, and create an essay outline. Writing: Set out your argument in the introduction, develop it with evidence in the main body, and wrap it up with a conclusion. Revision: Check your essay on the content, organization, grammar, spelling ...

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    10 characteristics of a good student. 1. A good student has a growth mindset. A growth mindset is a deeply held belief that a person can learn anything given enough time and effort. Carol Dweck is a Professor of Psychology at Stanford University. She is the world's most recognised student of the mindset trait.

  13. Personal Strengths and Weaknesses as a Student Learner

    To be a good reflective learner I will need to think carefully about the topic that was explained and to ensure I understand it fully. Everyone would like to become an effective learner. To become a good effective learner, you need to fulfill certain requirements, such as have a plan to study, set a place to study, a routine to study etc.

  14. What Makes a Successful Learner? Free Essay Example

    H. Howell (2007) suggests that learning barriers is a phrase used to indicate special attention which symbolize a medical or deficit approach to educational complications and finding difficulties within a learner. Howell further argues that learning complications may come from a number of factors, namely intrinsic and extrinsic.

  15. The Four Main Types of Essay

    An essay is a focused piece of writing designed to inform or persuade. There are many different types of essay, but they are often defined in four categories: argumentative, expository, narrative, and descriptive essays. Argumentative and expository essays are focused on conveying information and making clear points, while narrative and ...

  16. What Is Good Learner From The Bad Learner? Essay

    One idea that has always struck me as curious is the idea that some people are considered naturally good learners, while others are considered not. When a student takes a relatively long time at learning math concepts they are written off as "not a math person," incapable of learning math efficiently.

  17. 14 Essential Characteristics of a Good Language Learner

    Good language learners find their own way and take charge of their learning. They find the methods that are best for them as individual learners. They learn form others and experiment with different methods. Be Organized. Good language learners organize their study of the language, and they organize information about the language they study.

  18. The Importance of Being A Good Learner

    A good learner has key qualities such as: being able to listen and hear, understanding and reading, being able to communicate with anyone, solve different problems, have tolerance and being able self-criticize oneself. Such an individual is always prepared to try something new, learn about different types of people and be able to step outside ...

  19. The Most Important Qualities That Make a Good Teacher

    Collaborating with other teachers helps you learn from each other, allowing you to brainstorm new ideas. This is significant in improving learner outcomes. A good teacher is also interested in learning from parents about their students. This equips you with an understanding of how to help your students better. 4.

  20. Ten Characteristics of a Good Language Learner

    Practice makes perfect, and it's the same for learning languages. The more you practice, the more fluent you will become in a second language. 3. Uninhibited. The good language learner is uninhibited. He or she is not afraid to speak and initiate a conversation with a teacher or a stranger. Consequently, the learner will have more opportunities ...

  21. What Is A Good Learner Essay

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