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Felix, Robert. "Finding God and gospel in the foundations of native American myths and beliefs." Online full text .pdf document, available to Fuller patrons only, 2002. http://www.tren.com.

Kendall, George Henry. "The healing power : mythology as medicine in contemporary American Indian literature." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 1998. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/20184.

Anderson, Vera. "Numerology as the base of the myth of creation, according to the Mayas, Aztecs, and some contemporary American Indians." Diss., The University of Arizona, 1993. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/186236.

Nagel, David. "The development of the faith life of children and adults in a residential school setting through the liturgical year and its celebrations." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1989. http://www.tren.com.

Dewey, Janice Laraine. "The myth of the Amazon woman in Latin American literatures and cultures." Diss., The University of Arizona, 1991. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/185579.

Sá, Lara Caldas Medeiros de. "O simbolismo da morte na mitologia indígena brasileira: uma abordagem Junguiana." Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2011. https://tede2.pucsp.br/handle/handle/15043.

Azevedo, Amandine d'. "Cinéma indien, mythes anciens, mythes modernes : résurgences, motifs esthétiques et mutations des mythes dans le film populaire hindi contemporain." Thesis, Paris 3, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA030126.

Vukovic, Kresimir. "The Roman festival of the Lupercalia : history, myth, ritual and its Indo-European heritage." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2015. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:2765ebe9-20ef-47c0-9d48-63c7e8a2fb34.

Losonczy, Anne Marie. "Les Saints et la forêt: système social et système rituel des Négro-Colombiens :échanges inter-ethniques avec les Emberã du Chocó (Colombie)." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 1992. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/212878.

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Balloy, Benjamin. "Procession, progression. Périodicité, mythes et hiérarchie dans l'organisation sociale des Muscogee (Creek) au 18e siècle (Alabama, Etats-Unis)." Thesis, Paris, EHESS, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019EHES0114.

Schwabenland, Christina. "Creation mythology in voluntary organisations in the UK and India." Thesis, University of East London, 2001. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.532483.

Estorniolo, Milena. "Manger (avec) l'ennemi : mythe, subsistance et alimentation chez les Baniwa et les Koripako (Amazonie, Brésil)." Thesis, Paris, EHESS, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020EHES0054.

Newport, Sarah. "Writing otherness : uses of history and mythology in constructing literary representations of India's hijras." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2018. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/writing-otherness-uses-of-history-and-mythology-in-constructing-literary-representations-of-indias-hijras(d884b37f-417b-478d-9f19-e00d2129c327).html.

Serna, Dimas Adrian. "Les hommes devenus tigres. Fait colonial, mythologie nationale et violence dans le bassin moyen du fleuve Magdalena, Colombie." Thesis, Paris, EHESS, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017EHES0132/document.

Guevara-Berger, Marcos. "Mythologie des Indiens Talamanca (Costa Rica)." Paris 10, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA100198.

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Hartle-Schutte, Maureen 1952. "Contemporary usage of the Blessingway ceremony for Navajo births." Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/291857.

Fortis, Paolo. "Carving wood and creating shamans /." Thesis, St Andrews, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10023/523.

Casalegno, Ugo. "Les Ayore du Grand Chaco par leurs mythes essai de classement et de lecture des mythes ayore." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1987. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37594548d.

Thom, Brian David. "Coast Salish senses of place : dwelling, meaning, power, property and territory in the Coast Salish world." Thesis, McGill University, 2005. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=85209.

Soneji, Davesh. "Performing Satyabhāmā : text, context, memory and mimesis in Telugu-speaking South India." Thesis, McGill University, 2004. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=85029.

Kapfhammer, Wolfgang. "Große Schlange und fliegender Jaguar : zur mythologischen Grundlage des rituellen Konsums halluzinogener Schnupfdrogen in Südamerika /." Bonn : Holos, 1997. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37186659x.

Gille, Baptiste. "Le chant des pleurs : ontologie, mythologie, et pratiques thérapeutiques chez les Salish de la côte." Paris, EHESS, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011EHES0480.

Casalegno, Ugo. "Les Ayore du Grand Chaco par leurs mythes : essai de classement et de lecture des mythes ayore." Paris 7, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985PA070026.

Vásquez, Garrido Sonia. "Valores educacionales del pueblo Mapuche /." [Villarrica : Chile] : Pontificia Universidad católica, 1993. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37115742s.

Faure-Foellmi, Josette. "Spiritualité amérindienne dans les mythes, les légendes et l'art de la Côte Nord-Ouest : une interprétation des cultures hai͏̈da et coast salish." Bordeaux 3, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003BOR30040.

Fuelling, Christopher J. "The Ariadne project : a companion paper to the creative thesis 698 composition and performance of the opera/installation, Ariadne." Virtual Press, 1993. http://liblink.bsu.edu/uhtbin/catkey/845926.

Christie, Angela. "Cultural Biography : The Ethnic Identity of Cherokee Women of North America and the Symbolism of the Sacred, Consonant Circle, 1540-Present." Paris 3, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA030174.

Weig, Berthold. "Indianische Weisheit des Volkes in den Hochanden Lateinamerikas /." Regensburg : S. Roderer, 1991. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb36677626q.

Mesquita, Fábio Luiz de Almeida. "Schopenhauer e a Índia: apropriações e influências da Asiatisches Magazin, Mythologie des lndous e Asiatick Researches no período de gênese da filosofia schopenhaueriana." Universidade de São Paulo, 2018. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8133/tde-04092018-095517/.

Pérez, Patrick. "Le monde au-delà du bambou : analyse et interprétation de quelques représentations de l'espace chez les Hopi d'Arizona, Etats-Unis." Paris, EHESS, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998EHES0106.

Raby, Dominique León Portilla Miguel. "L'épreuve fleurie : symboliques du genre dans la littérature des Nahua du Mexique préhispanique /." Paris ; Budapest ; Torino : l'Harmattan, 2003. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb39117845v.

Butler, Daron. "A culturally relevant proclamation of the gospel to the Navajo people based upon the Navajo concept of Hozho and the biblical concept of shalom." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1992. http://www.tren.com.

Bellier, Irène. "El temblor y la luna : ensayo sobre las relaciones entre las mujeres y los hombres Mai huna /." Quito : Lima : Ed. Abya-Yala ; IFEA, 1991. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb35706537f.

Dolley, Daniel. "Manifestations of the dead : investigating ghost encounters among the Tsachila of western Ecuador." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2013. https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:ba33665f-01f3-4a9f-90fb-892f4aa576ab.

Yvinec, Cédric. "Les monuments lyriques des Surui du Rondônia (Amazonie méridionale) : chants, événements et savoirs." Paris, EHESS, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011EHES0444.

Rojas, Zolezzi Enrique Carlos. "Mythes de la création du monde, représentations du gibier et des plantes cultivées et définition de l'ordre social traditionnel chez les Campa Ashaninka de l'orient péruvien." Paris, EHESS, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004EHES0181.

Saintenoy, Thibault. "Choqek'iraw et la vallée de l'Apurimac : paysages et sociétés préhispaniques tardives." Paris 1, 2011. https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01492378.

Muller, Kathryn V. "The Two Row Wampum : historic fiction, modern reality." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/17832.

Otaegui, Alfonso. "Les chants de nostalgie et de tristesse des Ayoreo du Chaco Boréal Paraguayen : une ethnographie des liens coupés." Paris, EHESS, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014EHES0588.

Martinez, Rosalía. "Musique du désordre, musique de l'ordre : le calendrier musical chez les Jalq'a (Bolivie)." Paris 10, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA100054.

Takatuzi, Tatiana. "Aguas batismais e santos oleos : uma trajetoria historica do aldeamento de Atalaia." [s.n.], 2005. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/281412.

Rodd, Robin. "The biocultural ecology of Piaroa shamanic practice." University of Western Australia. School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2005. http://theses.library.uwa.edu.au/adt-WU2005.0084.

Cany, Jean-François. "Religions et servitudes. Theoria, éthique, salut : origines et structure dialectique des idéologies de la servitude autour d’une île de l’océan Indien." Thesis, La Réunion, 2020. https://elgebar.univ-reunion.fr/login?url=http://thesesenligne.univ.run/20_18_J_F_CANY.pdf.

Vienne, Emmanuel de. "Traditions en souffrance : maladie, chamanisme et rituel chez les Trumai du Mato Grosso." Paris, EHESS, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011EHES0449.

McNabb, Stephen Delaney. "Shouts of the Khori-Challwa: Andean Mythological and Cosmological Reconsiderations of the American Identity in Gamaliel Churata’s El pez de oro ." PDXScholar, 2017. https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/open_access_etds/4010.

Cebolla, Badie Marilyn. "Cosmología y naturaleza mbya-guaraní." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/110413.

Felippe, Guilherme Galhegos. "A cosmologia construída de fora: a relação com o outro como forma de produção social entre os grupos chaquenhos no século 18." Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2013. http://www.repositorio.jesuita.org.br/handle/UNISINOS/4087.

Barbosa, Pablo. "(En)quête de la "Terre sans Mal" : histoire et migration d'un mythe." Paris, EHESS, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014EHES0612.

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The Palgrave Handbook of Global Fantasy pp 191–204 Cite as

Re-imagining Hindu Mythology in the Twenty-First Century: Amish Tripathi and Indian Fantasy Fiction in English

  • Deimantas Valančiūnas 3  
  • First Online: 08 June 2023

The decade after economic liberalization in India (1991) has brought significant changes in country’s social and cultural life. It was especially evident in the rapidly growing middle classes and their developed new tastes in lifestyle, leisure, and entertainment. The predominant form of Indian popular culture—cinema—was supplemented with other forms of leisure and home entertainment, one of them—popular literature in English. The rise of literature in English also saw the development and popularization of new genres, such as romcom and chick-lit, but also Indian fantasy literature. Even though Indian fantasy literature in English draws its inspiration from general Heroic/Epic fantasy in narrative construction and in publication trend of serialization, its content is uniquely Indian, because the majority of Indian fantasy literature rely heavily on Indian mythology and usually interpret and even rewrite various Hindu scriptures and epic literature. By taking the Shiva Trilogy by the leading author of Indian fantasy fiction Amish Tripathi (and concentrating mostly on the first installment— The Immortals of Meluha ) as a case point, this chapter proposes to investigate the emergence of Indian fantasy fiction not only as a developing new form of modern religious experience but also in a broader context of socio-cultural transformations and political climate of contemporary India.

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Works Cited

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Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania

Deimantas Valančiūnas

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Tel Aviv University, Ramat-Aviv, Israel

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Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel

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Valančiūnas, D. (2023). Re-imagining Hindu Mythology in the Twenty-First Century: Amish Tripathi and Indian Fantasy Fiction in English. In: Gomel, E., Gurevitch, D. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Global Fantasy. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-26397-2_13

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-26397-2_13

Published : 08 June 2023

Publisher Name : Palgrave Macmillan, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-031-26396-5

Online ISBN : 978-3-031-26397-2

eBook Packages : Literature, Cultural and Media Studies Literature, Cultural and Media Studies (R0)

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The origin of heresy in Hindu mythology

Hinduism has always been noted for its ability to absorb potentially schismatic developments. The assimilation of heresies ( pākhaṇḍa- dharmas ) was made possible in part by the open-ended quality of the religion itself but also by the vagueness of the Hindu definition of heresy. The two primary, ostensible criteria of orthodoxy are the acceptance of the Vedas as the sacred canon and adherence to the basic law of society -- varṇāśrama dharma , the regulation of class and st...

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Mythology has been an inevitable source and subject of study in literature down the ages. The writers since many ages have tried to re-interpret the previous myths. The intent here is to provide a new perspective to the long-established myths of the centuries. Recently the new breed of writers like Amish Tripathi, Ashok Banker and Ashwin Sanghi are experimenting the mythology genre by blending it with the other modes of writing. These writers have started a new tradition by blending mythology with fantasy mode. With this kind of implementations, these writers are modernizing the Indian myths. The research paper explores Amish Tripathi " s stance in this age-old practice in a larger spectrum and his contribution to Indian Writing in English. Further, it comprises of close textual analysis of Shiva Trilogy with reference to the practice of retelling of Indian mythology.

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The current paper focuses on studying the representation of myth in Amish Tripathi’s The Shiva Trilogy. Traditional myth is seen through an alternative perspective. The quest for eradication of evil in the texts turns into a quest for identity and the true nature of evil. Treatment of gender identities in the trilogy is also taken care of in the study. Colonisation dates back to 1900 B.C. where each nation becomes a representative of certain ideological system through its social hierarchy and governmental principle. The exclusion and inclusion of the marginal, eradication of social inequalities are studied too. The paper also talks about the recent phenomena of neo-mythic novels in Indian subcontinent, and the way it exceeds the limits of a text. The recent trends in publishing and marketing strategy opted for the genre is also discussed in the paper. Keywords: Myth, Gender, Other, Colonisation, Social inequalities, Power.

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If catering the celestial sublimity to the mundane plates is an art, Amish Tripathi is the master of it. It needs no saying that Amish Tripathi is one of the most renowned authors among the contemporary pop-mythologists. Most of his works are a revisionist exercise in the art of retelling the ancient Indian epics and divine phenomena. Though revisionist approaches tend to be the voice for the 'voiceless', they are not free from the felix culpa of humanizing the divinity. Limiting the limitless, defining the undefinable, and restraining the unrestrainable can unquestionably lead to a new dimension of alternatives, but the alternatives can also be confronted and questioned by the pre-existing order of the original works. Whereas questioning the reasonability of the original works is celebrated, questioning the validity of the questions must not go unchecked. It is an emphatic assertion that pop-mythology may endeavour to reshape the original mythological scriptures (if they can be termed as 'mythology' at all), but it can never subvert the original texts from which it itself has originated. Therefore, there remains the possibility of the lacunas for the felix culpa to come into action. No pop-mythologist is free from it, and so is not Amish Tripathi. Following the library method of research, this paper is going to explicitly analyze how the aforementioned speculation can actually be illustrated as a questioning enquiry, if not criticism. Some Indic words and names have been transliterated for the sake of convenience, following the IAST method of transliteration.

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Gaurang Patel

Myths are folklores, which introduce the ancient people's culture, lifestyle, and rituals along with their strong belief in particular deities. Every civilization has its mythology. India has a treasure of four Vedas, the Upanishads, the two epics, the eighteen main Puranas, plays, poetry, sculptures, dance, music, and folklore in our mythology. The paper focuses on the use of modern technology by Tripathi in The Shiva Trilogy. This research paper focuses on how Amish Tripathi elaborates "Lord Shiva" known as "Lord of the Lords" worshipped by the Hindus has been narrated as a 'human being' in The Shiva Trilogy. One can find theories of post-modern and post-truth in this Trilogy. Amish Tripathi also narrates the philosophical values in Trilogy. The Paper also tries to elaborate on how Tripathi elaborates a science through the Vedic rituals. The Paper also focuses on the Meluha tribe, how they use medicines and science for long life, using somras proves this example. Shiva Trilogy focuses on Indian history and culture and Amish presents it in a modern way.

Priyanka Bharali

Mythology is a set of mythological stories, especially one belonging to a particular religious or cultural tradition. In A Glossary of Literary Terms , the term ‘mythology’ is defined as “a system of hereditary stories of ancient origin which were once believed to be true by a particular cultural group, and which served to explain why the world is as it is and things happen as they do, to provide a rationale for social customs and observances, and to establish the sanctions for the rules by which people conduct their lives” (Abrams & Harpham 230). However, myth plays an important role as the foundation of many societies and cultures. It reflects the traditions, beliefs, customs, etc. of a society. Devdutt Pattanaik defines myth as “a cultural construct, a common understanding of the world that binds individuals and communities together…if the myth is an idea, mythology is the vehicle of that idea” (Pattanaik xvi). Myth and mythology are relevant for the development of a community. I...


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